VOL. 32, NO". 37
Friday, September 16, 1988 .
Southeastern" Massachusetts' Largest Weekly. •
$10 Per Year
. Jay Hoyle rallies
for son By Joseph Motta .
Jay Hoyle's voice swells with pride when he speaks of his son Mark. He tells you that they shared some very special times together and that he's "cherished an the moments" with his son. Just a few years ago Hoyle, a member of St. Dominic's parish, Swansea, and a fifth grade teacher at Attleboro's St. John the Ev.angelist School, might never have giveria second thought to writing a bOOK. But in 1985, Mark Gardiner Hoyle, a hemophiliac, was diagnosed as having AIDS. The bright, popular and athletic boy had contracted the disease either through a blood transfusion or a factor VIII treatment for hemophilia. He died October 26, 1986, at age 14. And Jay Hoyle recently became a published author. His book , "Mark'" , puBlished earlier this month, is a testimonial to his son, to the boy's courage in facing the feared and always fatal syndrome and to Swansea'sloving response to the tragedy. An area store carrying his book, Hoyle said, sold out three shipments of 50 copies each Turn to Page Six
Diocese of Fall River -
Aborted tissue use ban proposed WASHINGTON (NC) - Aides The proposal seems to indicate in the Reagan administration h'ave . private institutions conducting fetal drafted an executive order that research would not be eligible for would ban the use of tissue from federal funds of any kind. More deliberately aborted fetuses in all than half of all research money federally financed experiments and used at medical schools is federal medical treatments. money. Copies of a Sept. 2 letter on the The advisory panel is meeting at proposed ban from Gary L. Bauer, the National Institutes of Health assistant to President Reagan on in Bethesda, Md., to examine the policy development, were leaked scientific, legal and ethical issues to the press Sept. 8. surrounding research use of fetal According to press reports, tissue obtained from induced aborBauer wrote to Health and Human tions. Services Secretary Otis R. Bowen Four professors from Catholicsaying the administration wanted run universities were appointed to to issue the directive "as soon as the committee, the Human Fetal possible." Tissue Transplantation Research The proposal was prepared prior Panel, in late August. . to a meeting scheduled for WedResearchers have been using fetal nesday through today of a 21- organs and tissues to seek cures for member federal advisory panel illnesses such as Parkinson's discharged with examining the matter. ease, diabetes and some blood The draft order would make it disorders. federal policy "that an unborn or Abortion opponents object to newborn child who has died as a use of deliberately aborted fetuses result of an induced abortion shall in such .research, some of them not be used for purposes of research characterizing it as "cannibalism." or transplantation." They are also concerned that need Bauer in the letter said a ban for fetal tissues soon after aborwould "protect unborn and new- tions could promote collaboration born children from experimenta- between researchers and doctors tion, research and organ tranS- performing abortions. plantation, except in cases where The Catholic Church opposes the unborn or newborn child would research on deliberately aborted itself directly benefit." fetuses but not on fetuses from miscarriages or stillbirths. However, it is almost never possible to use such a fetus because tissues die so quickly. The federal advisory panel's J. lESER, Prop. chairman for ethical and legal RESIDENTIAL issues is LeRoy Walters, director INDUSTRIAL of the Center for Bioethics at COMMERCIAL Jesuit-run Georgetown Universi253 Cedar St., New Bedford ty's Kennedy Institute of Ethics, 993·3222 Holy Cross Father James T. Burtchaell, professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, is another panelist. He is HALLETT the author of "Rachel Weeping, and Other Essays on Abortion." Funeral Home Inc. The panel also includes Patricia King, associate professor oflaw at 283 Station Avenue Georgetown University Law CenSouth Yarmouth, Mass. ter; and Daniel Robinson, chairman of Georgetown's psychology Tel. 398-2285 department.
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3-4 p.m. workshops: Jo Ann Mello and Father Robert Oliveira will repeat their workshops, and Sister Fleming will offer a second topic, "The Role of the Handicapped in the Christian Community." Other presenter·s and topics will be Jane Arsenault, coordinator, St. Ann parish, Cranston, R.I., "Prayer of the Imagination: A Vehicle Toward Christian Conversion"; Kathie Barboza and Margaret Travis, respectively religious education coordinators at St. John of God parish, Somerset, and St. Joseph parish, Taunton, "Kaleidoscope (classroom arts and crafts)"; Joanne Claussen, coordinator of youth services for the Office of Youth Ministry at Cathedral Camp, "The Teen/ Adult Connection: Tuning in to Talk." liturgy and Dr. Ford will speak at Betty Colgan, religious education coordinator, St. Pius X parish, South 10 a.m. Father James M. Krupa, SJ, Yarmouth, "Teaching a Traditional who taught at Fall River's Bishop Religion to Children of Nontradi- . Connolly High School from 1983 tional Families"; Sister Mary Duto 1985, will offer a workshop mond, OP, teacher at St. Anne's entitled "AIDS: A Ministry of School, Fall River, "Let the Little Presence" to all convention partici- Children Come to Me (children's literature)"; Jerry and Scottie Foley, pants. Office of Family Ministry program Father Krupa, a student at Wes- directors, "The Leaf Doesn't Fall ton School of Theology, is a mem- Far from the Tree (religious educaber of the Support Services Team tion and the family)"; Sister Roberta and the Pastoral Concerns unit of Gianpaoli, SND, pastoral assistant the AIDS Action Committee of at St. Raymond's parish, Providence, Massachusetts. R.I., "Catechesis and the Junior He will give basic information High Years"; Father Terence J. Keeon AIDS and on pastoral care of gan, OP, religious studies chairman patients and their families, said at Providence College, "FundamenSister Elaine Heffernan, RSM, of talism and Catholicism." Also Joan Robinson, religious edthe diocesan education department. Afternoon sessions will give ucation coordinator, St. Pius X parcatechists the opportunity to attend ish, South Yarmouth, "A Survival two of two dozen workshops on Guide for Beginners"; Elizabeth Sinwell, Sadlier consultant and teacher, religious education issues. Advance registration may be "Using the Bible in Religious Educamade at the Catholic Education tion Classes"; Sister Theresa SparCenter,423 Highland Avenue, Fall row; RSM, religious education coordinator, St. Julie Billiart parish, River 02722, tel. 678-2828. North Dartmouth, "Will You Make Those wishing to make luncheon a Difference?" (for beginning teachreservations should register in ad- ers and others). vance; others may register Oct. I. The "Sow Justice, Reap Peace" . Afternoon Workshops logo featured with this announceAfternoon workshops will be . ment was designed by artist David presented from I:45 to 2:45 and 3 L. Erwin, a member of St. John· to 4 p.m. A listing follows. the Evangelist parish, Attleboro. 1:45-2:45 workshops: Father Fred Babiczuk, parochial vicar, Espirito Santo parish, Fall River, "Ways to Teach Christ"; Michaela Burke, Sadlier Publishing representative, "Practical Methods of Teaching"; Maureen T. Curtin, consultant for religious education, Silver Burdett and Ginn, "First Things First," a workshop for kindergarten teachers; Father Richard Delisle, MS, LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, "What "Seems to· Work in Teaching Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Graders." Father Lawrence J, Donohoo, OP, Providence College instructor of philosophy and religious studies, "Teaching Catholic Morality: Avoiding the Traps and Adopting a Strategy"; Sister Norma Fleming, RSM, Massachusetts Hospital School director of guidance, "The Role of the Local Catechist in the Third World"; Sister Ann Miriam Gallagher, Bachrach photo MSBT, grades seven thr<;lUgh 12 director of religious education at St. DR, ELINOR FORD
Dr. Ford keynoter at education parley Elinor R. Ford, Ed.D., president of Sadlier Publishing Company, will be keynote speaker at the fourth annual diocesan Religious Education Day, to be held Oct. I at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. "Sow Justice, Reap Peace" will be the topic of the former university professor and New York archdiocesan school superintendent. It is also the theme for Catechetical Sunday, to be observed this Sunday. The day celebrates the catechetical ministry of the church. It is an occasion for formal commissioning of those who proclaim the Good News ofthe Gospel through the teaching ministry and for reminding all in the Christian community of their own mission to spread the Word. Many of those to be commissioned Sunday, including new and veteran catechists, will attend the Oct. I gathering at Stang, designed to assist them in preparing for their responsibilities. The program will begin at 8: 15 a.m. with coffee and registration. Father Richard W. Beaulieu, director of the Diocesan Department of Education, will celebrate a 9 a.in.
Patrick's parish, Wareham, "O.K., God, Let's Talk (practical prayer experiences for teens)"; Jo Ann Mello, music director, Holy Ghost parish, Tiverton, R.I., "Lifting . Voices in Prayer"; Msgr. John J. Oliveira, VE, "Confirmation: The Dream, the Reality, the Rite." Also Father Robert A. Oliveira, diocesan director of continuing formation of clergy and laity, "RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Turning Values Upside Down -,- The Call to Conversion"; Sister Christopher O'Rourke, RS M, family therapist; "Parenting: Doing What Comes Naturally?"; Laura D. Ver Gow, director of religious education at St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro, "Storytelling for Religious Educators."
Fri., Sept. 16, 1988
SECOND FRONT PAGE Man proposes, God disposes
Pope gets to South Africa after all JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (NC) - Bad weather forced Pope John Paul II's plane to land in South Africa, the country that had been deliberately ,excluded from his Sept. 10-19 trip to five southern African countries. The papal flight was diverted to Johannesburg Sept. 14 because of low clouds over the airport in Maseru, Lesotho, where the plane was scheduled to land in the morning. The detour occurred as a hostage drama unfolded in Maseru. Armed men disguised as nuns captured a busload of pilgrims on their way to see the pope. ' A spokesman for the South African Foreign Ministry said the government had provided the pope and his entourage with luxury
buses for the 360-mile trip from Johannesburg to Maseru. He estimated the trip would take six hours. The pope, informed of the diversion, remarked with a smile, "It wasn't on the schedule," and continued reading a book of philosophy. Upon the plane's arrival, arme<;l guards quickly surrounded the plane, which also carried the pope's entourage and 70 journalists. At the airport, Foreign Minister R.F. "Pik" Botha arrived and talked briefly with the pope in the airport's YIP lounge. It was the first time a papal flight had been diverted to a different country. Pilot Robert Cartwright said the plane took off late from Gabo-
U.8. moral concern praised by pope Bishop Cronin among prelates making ad limina visit CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (NC) - Pope John Paul II has praised the growth of"a new moral concern" among U.S. Catholics to help overcome world poverty and underdevelopment. "There is a growing consciousness that peace is indivisible and that' true development is either shared by all or it is not true development," he said Sept. 9 to a group of U.S. bishops from New England, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. They included Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who was accompanied by Msgr. John J. Oliveira, YE, chancellor and episcopal secretary. The bishops were making their "ad Iimina" visits, required every' five years to report on the status of their dioceses. The pope spoke at his summer villa in Castel Gandolfo, 15 miles south of Rome. The pope praised the U.S. bishops for their treatment of world peace and development issues in their war and peace and economic pastoral letters: "The Challenge of Peace" and "Economic Justice for All." "As pastors of God's people, you have asked them to reflect on the indivisibility of peace and on the consequences of economic interdependence," the pope said. "From this point of view we see how important economic and commercial relations are among the countries and people of the world, and how important it is that justice be observed in this sector," he added. "On the international level the underdevelopment of peoples is accompanied and aggravated by the immense problem of their countries' debts," the pope said.,
Human rights also must be promoted, he added. "Considering how important human rights are to the human person, it is clear that they must be vigorously defended in every program of development/' he said. Human solidarity is accomplished "without distinction of creed, sex, race, nationality or political affiliation," the pope said. Also receiving papal praise was Catholic Relief Services, the foreign aid and development agency of the U.S. bishops. "In the case of Catholic Relief Services, the American bishops conceived and constituted a whole ecclesial program on the basis of the principles of interdependence, solidarity and collaboration," he said. CRS programs are "carried out with keen human sensitivity and the full power of Christian charity," he added. ".;,,,.
In Zimbabwe In highlights of his trip thus far, the pope brought a message of reconciliation to southern Zimbabwe where lingering tribal and land disputes have marred the nation's eight-year effort at reconstructing since the end of a guer-
rilla war brought black majority government. At a Mass in Bulawayo Sept. 12, the pope expressed sorrow for the "many victims of violence" in the
region and for those "unjustly deprived of proper,tY'f~ndsavings." B'ut he praised a recent politica:I " breakthrough that will make Turn to Page 12
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rone, Botswana, because ofreports of storms in Maseru. When the plane made its landing approach in Maseru, the airport landing beacons were out. The airport is flanked by mountains and the cloud level was repor,ted at 800 feet. The pilot· had to make a hurried decision and decided on Johannesburg because of bad weather at other airports. Meanwhile, the South African government said it was sending in commandos to help resolve the hostage situation in Maseru. The hijacked bus was parked outside the British Embassy in Lesotho. ' Gervaise Chavasse, Brit,ish Deputy High Commissioner, told reporters in Maseru that a hostage Who escaped from the bus said the guerrillas claimed to be members fo the Lesotho Liberation Army. The guerrilla group is the military wing of the Lesotho Congress Party, exiled since 1970. Church officials said the guerrillas boarded the bus dressed as nuns. They said 71 people were on the bus, including 40 schoolgirls.
. {
rennla) summarYoftbeph.. sitions of the U.S. bishops and the Democratic and Republican parties on key problems facing the nation appears on pages 8 and 9. (:oncerned citizens should familiarize themselves with the issues and shouldma~e ~tJre they are regist~redt.p vote in November. Across the commonwealth, the reg.. istration deadline is Tues" day, Oct. 11.
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From Fall River, Taunton and West: On Interstate 195 get off at Exit 16 (Washburn Street). At Stop sign make an immediate right. At traffic lights take a left on Coggeshall Street Second street on Right make a right hand tum on North Front Street. The Church and Parish Hall are fifty feet from the comer. From Fairhaven, Wareham and East: On Interstate 195 get off at Exit 17 (Coggeshall Street) Ample Parking Available After Traffic lights continue for two blocks Second Street on Right make a. right hand tum on North Front Street. The Church and the Parish Hall are fifty feet from the comer.
Diocese of Fall River --.:... Fri., SepOt: 16, 1988
the moorina.-, Well-Being, Not Welfare O Once again we are hearing the old and tired campaign promises that the government will take care of everyone and put a chicken in every pot. The litany of federal benefactions pours fourth to entice minorities, the homeless and the socalled disenfranchised. Welfare becomes the all-encompassing bait to win votes while one gains power and we are assured a utopian state where everyone will eventually become someone. The truth is that we would end up with a situation wherein no one would be anyone. This indeed is the ultimate fallacy of government by Big Brother. When people are totally supported, they lose incentive, drive and dignity. Should the dream of utopia be fulfilled, we would be living a nightmare. The 'give-away philosophy advocated by many politicians leads only to indolence and good old-fashioned sloth. Such a political platform just does not work. A give-away government destroys rather than rehabilitates. Those in charge of such programs get rich and the poor keep getting poorer to the extent that despite all the help they may receive, they are for the most part psychologically incapable of casting aside the bonds that hold them generation after generation. What is truly needed is a new issue; a new dream, a new effort to make people understand that they and they alone must break the chains of whatever negative lifestyle enslaves. them. What's wrong with talking about values, work and personal effort? Why are we afraid to admit that welfare does not solve people's problems? There are many, of course, who do indeed need help and sustenance; but there are limits to government aid. There comes a point at which many have to learn that they must roll up their sleeves and go to work. Personal pride in' holding ajo,b should be encouraged. Too,many people have been written off as potential workers and we spend billions under the title of welfare just to keep them in that position. Could we not sponsor programs that will feed not only people's bodies but also their souls? Could we not help a person to build a home rather than give him or her a place in a slum? Could we not encourage the real energy of the human heart rather than continue a process whicl) only breaks hearts? Some might say this is too ideal. Others act as if too many people are too far gone and no matter what they get from government, it won't change them. This is simply giving up on people and we have done too much of that by way of welfare as it is current!y dispensed. What we need.in America is a good dose of the visionary. Too many supposedly fail-proof welfare programs have been miserable flops. The reason is simple. They have not been aimed at helping people help themselves. They have as much as said that people are incapable of change. To date, especially among liberals, there has been little effort to help the needy dream dreams that inspire hope. This ois disgraceful and debasing. If people are to have hope,they must have faith in themselves, no matter what their background, faith in their talents, no matter how limited, and faith in a political system that will help them instead of using them. . It boils down to well-being, not welfare, and it can be achieved. Isn't that what the American dream is all about? ./ The Editor
NC photo
"Whoever welcomes a child such as this for my sake welcomes me." Mk. 9:36
The joys of reading By Father Kevin J. Harrington
This summer afforded me the opportunity to engage in more 'hours of reading than do the other seasons of the year. In our society, too often leisure spells boredom, but I am grateful that as a youngster both an ability and an inclination to read were nurtured by my grade school teachers. Perhaps parochial school graduates remember the Pope Pius X Book' Club, which awarded students certificates according to the number of book reports submitted. I remember in fourth grade being eliminated from the contest because all my books were biographies. My intellectual curiosity now extends beyond biography, but I remain more interested in human nature than in any other area of human inquiry. This is probably why I am more engrossed by fiction than nonfiction. Truth is often stranger than fantasy but rarely as intriguing. My nonfiction reading is mostly路 in the area of scientific books that hardly qualify for the best seller lists. If friends ask me what I'm reading' they are often astounded by either its complexity or its simplicity. When I visit a library I'm as likely to be reading "Life" or "People" as "Scientific American.'~ I really do believe that boredom
.is the enemy and in my opinion best advice you can give a youngnothing is more boring than televi- ster is to read in whatever his or sion. I was recently randomly her present field of interest may selected to be a "Nielson family" be. Interests may change but vofor a week. Since two television cabulary, comprehension and consets were involved, I received two fidence can only increase with infresh $1 bills along with a viewer's creased absorption in the printed diary to be filled out and returned word. to the survey company. I wonder if It is true that videotapes have the IRS will audit me if I fail to had a positive impact on educareport this windfall! tion, but,they have already conAfter I filled out the diary I was ceded the battle to books. Even astonished to discover that I watch- though youngsters prefer video as ed the boob tube as long as I did. an educational instrument, when The only two shows I watched they are tested on comprehension were the McNeil-Lehrer report or after viewing a tape, they invariathe then red-hot Red Sox, butthey . bly score lower than if they had still consumed some 20 hO!Jrs of read just its audio portion. my week. A picture may be worth a thouOne of the more interesting nonfiction books I read this summer sand words, but a youngster's atwas "What Do Our 17-Year-Olds . tention span is, so short that he or Knowr' by Diane Ravitch and she cannot simultaneously assimiChester E. Finn Jr. It accurately late images and words. Twentieth-century educators assesses the pathetic state of high school seniors' knowledge of his- should use the technology of the tory and literature. It makes the videocassette recorder and the strongest case against television computer to supplement but never and for pleasure reading that I to replace the book as the educahave ever seen. Student test scores, tional instrument of preference. What a debt of gratitude lowe it pointed out, are inversely proportional to the hours they watch my teachers for instilling in me a television and directly proportional love of reading! Whenever I open to the hours they read for pleasure. a book I enter a new world. TeleviThe study showed that the sion, on the other hand, robs one youngsters most likely to neglect of the ability to imagine the sights homework were those who found and sounds conjured up so skillno time for pleasure reading but fully by authors to transport one plenty of time for television. The into another world.
Parental successes From time to time I hear from readers sharing their memorable successes in parenting. Some are funny, some' sad, but all are interesting and I thank those of you who take the time to tell us what you did right in parenting. Usually we focus on where we went wrong and how we mishandled situations instead of how we dealt with them successfully. Hindsight is valuable in discussing successeS because we're not sure we took the right direction until later, sometimes years later. In reading your letters, I am struck by one recurring theme. Most of your successes had to do with letting go - letting go of children, power, responsibility, and guilt. AOtypicalletter is from a mother who wrote, "My most memorable success came when I found a newlypacked suitcase in front of my daughter's closet. I knew it was ready to go. I tied a note on the handle reading, 'Just remember, Jane, we all love you.' The suitcase never left her room. Nothing was said for a long time. Now we laugh about it. She says she will remember this when her daughter tries something like that." Parents who are struggling with young adults resisting church will be happy to know that many par-
ents write that their greatest success came when they let up on their children, only to see them come back when parental pressure was lifted. I have about 20 such letters. One wrote, "Our five adult children range in age from 20-33 years of age. At one time or another all of them have 'taken a vacation' from the practice of their Catholic religion. Some have taken long vacations, others brief leaves of absence. (I don't believe any of them /lave ever taken a vacation from their faith in God - a most important distinction.) "A parish Sister assured me that we had raised our children as lovingly as possible and now we were to lead by example, say nothing, and rest secure in the faith and knojwledge that they would return to the Church in God's time, not ours." This mother went on to say that her adult children gradually returned to the church, one leading the other. And she ended with, "I continue to pray that my mouth does not get in the way of God's work." Letting go appears in many forms. One couple wrote that their three children had intense rivalry and nastiness.toward each other in early adolescence. "We made the mistake of getting into it, trying to arbitrate and reconcile, but it just made them
. THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Sept. 16, 1988 By DOLORES CURRAN
worse. Finally, we told them that getting along and loving each other was their responsibility and we butted out. Guess what? They started getting along and they're good friends today." Several parents have written about serious illness in the family and having to let go the notion of rearing perfect children. From diabetes and scoliosis to permanent scars and limps, they learned to let go the idea that life was abnormal and tragic for their children. Once they accepted adversity as a challenge rather than a curse, the child was also able to accept it. . A final letting go concerns family pride. A number of you have written about taking children back to the store where they shoplifted an item instead of rescuing them and of the profound effect this experience had on young children. "I was crying inside as I took him to the detective 10 years ago but he tells me he stays away from any teenagers who like to shoplift," a mother wrote. Thanks for all your letters. I
Losing Hispanics Over the past 15 years the Catholic Church in the United States has lost almost 1 million Hispanic trien and women to Protestant denominations, a' noted sociologist reports in .a recent edition of America magazine. The article then turns to the .church's leadership and says, "It lives on its p~st reputation; and despite its size and its strength it lacks the quickness and·the creativity to respond to the challenges - finances, vocations, Hispanic defections." No one will deny that the problem of Hispanic defections from the church deserves all the attention and energy the bishops can give to it. But anyone really familiar with the bishops' programs could not condemn them in this way. Let's look at their Campaign for Human Development as one example., This program funds projects aimed at .helping needy people to help themselves. This year 'alone campaign funding has directed more than $800,000 to 24 Hispanic projects.' The Valley Interfaith Project in the Rio Grande Valley of the Dioc~se of Brownsville, Texas, is one such project, funded this year'for the third year. This year it received $50,000, involving 34 parishes and 600,000 people. Funding was used to help an organization which then worked to obtain $125,000,000 for school programs and the upgrading of facilities within school districts populated primarily by poor Hispanics. Among its other credits, the Valley Interfaith Project worked for the implementation of legislation that provides funds enabling undocumented Hispanics to receive medical care. Behind the other 23 Hispanic
projects funded by the campaign are similar stories of creativity through wise funding. Of course there are other Catholic organizations, like the.Catholic Church Extension Society and Catholic Charities, that have a long list of successful projects.
Sept. 17 1983, Humberto Cardinal Medeiros of the Boston archdiocese 1970-1983 1954, Rev. Thomas F. McNulty, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford Sept. 18 1945, Rev. Luke Golla, SS.Cc., Seminary of Sacred Heart, Wareham 1964, Rt. Rev. EdmundJ. Ward, Pastor, St. Patrick's, Fall River . . Sept. 19 1859, Rev. Henry E. S. Henniss, Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedfor(J 1985, Msgr. Arthur W. Tansey, Retired Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River Sept. 20 1918, Rev. Simon A. O'Rourke, Chaplain, United States Navy ·1958, Rev. Orner Valois, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford Sept. 21 1882, Rev. George'Pager, Founder, Sacred Heart, New Bedford 1938, Rev. George Jowdy, Pastor, Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford I11I1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $10.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.1
Still it might be argued that the church is losing Hispanics despite all these efforts. Since the bishops are the church's leaders, the blame falls on them. Other denomina. tions are better organized when it comes to addressing Hispanic people, it is said. I don't think it is a question of being out-organized, however. No single other denomination comes close to making the full impact that the combined efforts of organizations like the campaign, Catholie Charities and the Catholic Church Extension Society make on the Hispanic population. So, you ask, "where do we put the blame?" If there is to be blame l place it on the critics' who look at only one side·of the equation, the negative side, trying in this way to foment action. Why not look' at the fullpicture - the positive and not-so positive - in order to build on hope. And why must the bishops always be blamed? Aren't some of the critics leaders themselves? Let's hear something better from them. The Valley Interfaith Project is an imaginative how-to-do-it plan. How about the critics offering a creative plan for reaching Hispanic Catholics and putting it before a group of peers to be tested. Who knows what might happen to Hispanic ministry with such cooperation?
The Measure "We pardon in the degree that we love,'; ~ La Rochefouoauld
Attending Saturday Masses Q. When attending a wedding Mass on Saturday afternoon at the hour one usually attends Mass (5:15 p.m. or later), is it still necessary to attend another Sunday Mass? (Missouri) A. The bishop of each diocese establishes the time when anticipatory Sunday Masses may begin. Usually this i~ 4:00 or 4:30 p.m., but you need to check with a priest in your diocese to be sure of the regulations for your area. If one attends Mass after that designated time, it may fulfill one's Sunday obligation. The Mass may be for a wedding, funeral or other special occasion. It need not be a Mass with the official readings and other prayers for that Sunday. Q. If baptism is so important a sacrament and gives us a new spiritual birth, why is it that the Catholic Church refuses to baptize children born to divorced and remarried Catholics? (California) A. There is no church law that automatically forbids baptism of a child born to a divorced and remarried Catholic. Both in canon law and in the .instructions for conferring the sacrament of baptism, the church insists that a priest cannot lawfully baptize a child unless he has a solidly founded hope the baby will be properly raised as a member of the 'Catholic faith. If evidence for this hope is lacking, the priest must delay the baptism, explain to the patents why this is being done and then help .them understand how they might change the situation. To establish this hope that the child will be raised as a believing and practicing member of the Catholic faith, it is normally necessary that at least one ofthe parents is here and now a practicing Catholie. Several times during the baptism ceremony, the parents (or at least one parent if the other is not Catholic) verbally express their own faith and at least implicitly promise to give an example of a good Catholic life to their child. Obviously this normally includes regular attendance at Mass and the sacraments. Any child baptized into the Catholic faith deserves this. Parents have no right to bring their children into the Catholic faith and then abandon tliem to find. their way inh' living that faith on their own. MllDY div9rced and refilarried Catholics, of course, find themselves in jiisfthat situation. They have all but abandoned practice of their faith. 'Many others, however, and I've worked with, many like this, do everything they can under theCircumstances to live a full Catholic life. For reasons which seem beyond their control, their marriage carinot be rectified in the church (validated) right now. Yet they go to Mass each week, pray, partici~ ( pate as much as possible in the life. . of the church and the parish, and hope someday to be able to return to the sacraments.. Confronted by such a parent, the parish priest could easily and rightly)udge that there is_ ~very
By FATHER JOHN DIETZEN hope that the child will be raised faithfully as a Catholic and that . the parent will take great pains when the time comes to explain the situation if necessary to the child, with .due respect both for the child's faith and for the faith ofthe Catholic community. Judgment in specific instances must be worked out, of course, between the priest and the parents. A free brochure outlining Catholic prayers, beliefs and precepts is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be addressed to Father Dietzen at the same address.
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Diocese of Fall River -
that if Swansea didn't allow Mark to go to school, he could attend St. John's," notes Hoyle in his book. Three concerned mothers started the "Friends of Mark" to support the Hoyles. Meals were left for the family and raffles, a dance and a dancing school show were held to benefit the youngster. Swansea's young people showed how giving they could be, too. Friends and schoolmates were important in seeing Mark through his struggle. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who visited Mark, the St. John the Evangelist School family and other representatives of the Catholic church were als'o of major comfort through the ordeal. Yes, "Mark" is a tearjerker at times. Knowing that this likable young man won't be with us by the time the final page is read is hard. The book details his pain, hope, anger and those of his father and other relatives, especially his mother, Dale, and only sibling, Scott, '13, also a hemophiliac. These tough-to-read pages fulfill Hoyle's third reason for writing. "I wanted to show what it's really like to live with AIDS," he said. Some segments of "Mark," though, find you laughing. Hoyle's transcripts of the taped messages Mark and Scott exchanged while Mark was hospitalized are as amusing as they are touching. The book, Hoyle said, has been cited by the National Hemophilia Foundation. A note from the mother of a St. John's student told Hoyle how much it moved her. God "enlightened and strengthened" him to write it after so much suffering, she said. Jay Hoyle said Mark considered him his best friend. His son, he said, had a favorite saying: "A winner never quits. A quitter never wins. It's never too late to rally!" With the publication of this strong and inspiring book, Jay Hoyle rallies.
Fri., Sept. 16, 1988
Food, water denial termed homicide BALTIMORE (NC) - Health and medical personnel cannot withhold food and water to hasten the death ofa comatose person, accordingto Archbishop William D. Borders of Baltimore. "The deliberate denial of water and food to such persons in order to bring about their deaths is homicide, involving a rational choice to kill by dehydration and starvation," the archbishop wrote in a letter to the Maryland attorney general's office. Maryland has no law or high court decision on the question, but the state attorney general, J. Joseph Curran Jr., was planning to issue an opinion. "In our view, the provision of fluids and foods to the perman-
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ently unconscious or seriously debilitated cannot be considered useless if it maintains life and prevents death by dehydration or malnutrition," Archbishop Borders wrote in his capacity as a member of the board of governors of the Maryland Catholic Conference. "The principal end of medicine, after all, is the sustenance of life, even in instances where health or the 'quality of life' cannot be restored fully. Abandonment of this purpose would amount to consigning to death a very large number of patients, including all those who have incurable physical or mental disabilities." Archbishop Border's letter reflected his views and those of the state's other Catholic prelates. Richard Dowling, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference, said Archbishop Borders and the other prelates commented because "the chief enforcement agencies of the state are looking at the issue and because at least four states New Jersey, Arizona, Washington and Maine - have affirmed decisions to withhold nourishment. We also know lower state and federal courts are considering whether hydration and nutrition should be withheld from patients not terminally ill."
: I I
New harassments WASHINGTON (NC) - The number of religious prisoners in Czechoslovakia has decreased, but the government has turned to other forms of harassment of religious believers, according to a report by a lay Catholic human rights group. Children who receive religious education are discriminated against, adult Christians are denied good jobs and the government interferes in the selection and training of clergy, said a report by the Washington-based Puebla Institute. In addition, it said, believers often are "charged with spurious criminal offenses," then are kept under a legal shadow for years as trials and appeals are postponed.
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.Jay Hoyle rallies for son
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JAY HOYLE with a copy of "Mark," top, and in the classroom at St. John's. (Motta photos)
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Continued from Page One the day they were received and told him it was theirbestsellerduring the first week of Septembe~. "There has been a lot of local support for it," the store's manager told The Anchor. . Hoyle, a youthful 41, began writing "Mark" during late winter 1987. "I'd get home from school and I'd go right to work on it," he ·said. "I'd take a few hours and do schoolwork and then go back to it until two or three o'clock in the morning. . . "I had to get it done as'a tribute ". to Mark." Hoyle finished the book last Dec. 18.' . During his Anchor interview at St. john the Evangelist School, Hoyle, who glanced at the· watch that used to be Mark's to be sure he ~a~n't too I~te in getting back to his students, explained his three reasons for writing the book. First, he said, "Mark wanted to be famous. He loved famous peopIe and collected autographs. Maybe I can make his wish come true." Although his neighbors knew his identity, Mark's name was not
Information on obtaining the book is available from Diamond Communications, P.O. Box 88, South Bend, Ind. 46624, .tel. (219) 287-5008.
Grace Davignon
Father Philip A. Davignon was principal celebrant Monday at the Mass of Christian Burial for his released by the media until after mother, Grace A. Davignon, 75, his death. "We just wanted to be who died Sept. 9. .: private," Hoyle said. "We're norThe Mass was offered at St. mal people:" John Evangelist parish, Attleboro, The famIly was hounded by re- with Msgr. Henry' T. Munroe , porters, though, sho~ly after the representing Bishop Daniel A. . news that some~ne m Swansea Cronin, in Rome for the quinhad AI~S broke m a local paper. quennial ad limina visit to the Vat. ~oyle s second purpose was that ican required of all diocesan orh.e wanted to show the com~~s dinaries. slon of the people of Swansea. Mrs. Davignon died at the recThe town ear~ed a gold star . tory of Our Lady of the Isle parish, spot on .the Amencan map when, Nantucket, where she was visiting after bemg educated abo.ut AIDS Father Davignon, its pastor. a~ a meeting witlt heal~h profes-. A native of Malay Falls, Nova slOnals and school offiCials, most Scotia, and a daughter of the late of its residents opened their arms Joseph H. and Nellie K. (Malay) . to Mark: Hoyle'.. ' Malay, she had lived in Attleboro At tliat meetmg, Hoyle said, '53" yeats and was a salesperson for "My emotions were on a roller London's Departqlent Store in the coaster." . city. Mark was the firstAIDS patient The widow of Philip A Davigin the United States knowingly non Sr., she is survived by Father Davignon, another son, Warren J. all0'Yed to attend public school. ' Not long before, 'Ryan White, Qavignon of Contoocook, N.H.; another hemophiliac AIDS victim, two daughters, Mary Lou Depot had been' barred from school in of Attleboro and Barbara Violette Kokomo, Ind., by order of the of Millers, Md.; two brothers, both local school superintendent. ' in Nova Scotia, Seymour Malay Sister Martha Mulligan, RSM, of Halifax County and Lloyd principal of St. John the Evange- Malay of Sheet Harbor; 10 grandlist School, "had said right along children and 3great-grandchildren.
Brother Francoeur marks 50 years
Brother Robert Francoeur, a Fall River native, a lawyer and a former president of Walsh College. Canton, 0., has marked 50 years as a Brother of Christian Instruction. Entering religious life in 1938, he taught in Maine elementary and high schools, then at La Mennais College. Alfred, Maine. When the institution was reestablished as Walsh College in Canton, 0 .. Brother Francoeur was academic dean and then for seven years was president. He returned to the classroom as a professor of philosophy and ethics in 1980, after earning a law degree at the University of Akron and passing the Ohio bar. The educator also holds a doctorate from the University ofNotre Dame,
Aneurysm "stroke of God's love" CINCINNATI (NC) - Medically, the attack that Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk of Cincinnati suffered July 23 was a ruptured aneurysm in his skull. Spiritually. however, according to the convalescing prelate, "it was a special act of God's concern for me and my life. It was a stroke of his love!' While on vacation with another pri~st, Archbishop Pilarczyk expenenced a headache and then blacked out. Undergoing head surgery July 25, he was hospitalized until Aug. II. "The operation was a complete success and I was told that I will suffer no permanent impairment of my faculties," he wrote. "My head still hurts. My energy is still diminished. I still have some convalescing to do," he wrote. "But I have experienced the mysterious power of God in my life one more time. God's love has struck me again. And forthllt I am grateful."
Christmaspresent Dear Editor: Have you ever thought ofgiving God a Christmas present7 Most of us plan for months to arrange gifts for friends and relatives. God is OUI best friend and closest relative. Why not give God a gift this year'! Last year I collected 115,000 prayers as a Christmas present for God. Theycamefrompeoplein 30 states and 3 provinces of Canada. Would you like to participate in my third Christmas PrelCnt for God? All I ask is two "Our Fathers" a day from now until Christmas, just for the purpose of expressiD8 love for God. Please send youl name and address and the date you begin to: Cbristmas Present for God lucille A. Zimnotch 60 lancaster Rd. Apt. 32 _Wethersfield, Ct. 06109
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THIS MILESTONE photo is of Bernard M. Balona, '52, the first graduate of Stonehill College, North Easton. and C}Jeryl R. Gardner, '88, the 10,OOOth. Balona, formerly of East Falmouth and now of Brandon, Fla., traveled to the commencement to meet his 10,OOOth follower, a resident of Rockland.
of New York" Cardinal O'Connor's statement began, "I have tried in every way I. know how to make cIearthe church's teaching on homosexuality. The chulch teaches that homosexual behavior is sinful. "As in every other situation, howevel," be continued, "the church never !':ondemns the sinner. only the sin. Some people seem to get tbis all mixed up. They take it upon themselves to condemn the sinner." Cardinal O'Connor said there had recently been several acts of violence in New York against "persons perceived to be homosexuals." "These actions were 50 blutal that they could bave resulted in murder," he said. "As it is, one victim is still hOipitalized in serious condition as a result of beatings with a baseball bat 'and a knife wound in the lung." The cardinal said he did not think the perpetrators of the yiolence had any motivation, but were acting "out of pure malice." "I say to you who perpetrate violence in any form against homo5ell:ual persons that you are doing violence against Christ himself," Cardinal O'Connol said. "You do an evil thing. Whatever you pIetend to be, do not pretend to be Chrilltians."
Charity Ball meeting set A plannini meeting for the 34th annual Bishop's Charity Ball will be held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 2:5, at White's restaurant, North Westport. The ball, which benefits diocesan summer camps for underprivileged and exceptional children and other charitable aposto)ates, will be beld Friday, Jan. 13, at LinColn Park Banroom, North Dartmouth. It will be cosponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. At the Sept. 2:5 meeting, com- ,
minees and chairmen will be appointed and ball decorations and theme will be discussed. The committees wiU meet again at White's at 6 p.m. Jan. 10 to decorate the ballroom. They will be joined at 7 p.m. by presentees and their escorts, who will rehearse the presentation ceremony.
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Cardinal condemns attacks on homosexuals NEW YORK(NC) - Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York said in a statement during his Sunday Mass Sept. II at St. Patlick's Cath~ral that violent attacln against homosexuals amou nt to violence against Christ. "I wish I had language strong enough to condemn this kind of cruelty," he said. "Anyone Who does such a thing thinking it is jus· tified by church teaching about homosexual behavior is grossly ignorant of what the church actually teaches." Cardinal O'Connor wascelebrating his first Sunday MaJs at St. Patrick's since an Aug. 22 incident in whicb several teenage boys shout_ ing antihomosexual epithets at~ tacked two men on a Manhattan street. Representatives of the homOSexual community, which has been sharply critical of the cardinal for his stance on a series of issues, had called on him to condemn the violence. The cardinal's Sept. I I statement was called "an important step forward" by Thomas B. Stoddard, director oftbe Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Who had written asking him to speak out. "Since I have been archbishop
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a master's degree from Boston College and two bachelor's degrees from the University of Montreal. Brother Francoeur taught jurisprudence at the University of Akron law school last year and ethics at an Elderhostel program in Alfred this summer. On sabbatical leave next spring, he plans to study abroad.
The Anchor Friday, Sept. 16, 1988
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Platform positions and Catholic stands Abridged from Ne News Service materia'
Issue Abortion
U.S. Bishops
Democratic Platform
Re ublican Platform
The 1973 Supreme Court decisions on abortion and subsequent d~i~ions which rely on them must be reversed and society's resources should be redirected to solving the problems for which abortion is mistakenly proposed as a solution.
We believe ... that the fundamental right of reproductive choice should be guaranteed regardless of ability to pay.
We believe ... that the unborn child has a fundamental right to jife. We therefore reafftrm our support for a hUfnanlife lunendment to the Constitution. We oppose use of public revenues for abortion and will eliminate funding for organillltions advocating or supporting it.
OUf pastoral letter on peace concluded that nuclear deterrence was morally acceptable only under strict conditions: that the components of the deterrent be limited and that the arms race be reversed through mutual, verifiable lHms control agrccments that make deep cuts in strategic weapon~. ban testinB of nuclear wea· pons, outlaw chemical weapons and reduce conventional forces.
We believe in maintaining a stable nuclear deterrent suffiCient to counter any Soviet threat, following up the INF treaty with mutual, verifiable and enforceable agreements that will reduce strategic weapon~, reduce conventional forces to lower and equi~ valent levels in Europe. entirely ban chemical and space weapons, initiate a mutual moratorium on mi~5ile flight testing and halt nuclear weapons testing.
We will redouble our commitment to correct a dangerous imbalance of conventional forces through negotiation and through force improvements. We must have a deterrenl capability; that requires modernization of our chemical weapons; but we must also strengthen our efforts to eliminate chemiclll and biological wea_ pons. We wiJJ fig! ncgfJfj",te in areas which jeopardizeour security [or] compromise plans for research, testing or rapid and certain deployment of SOl (Strateglc DefenSe Initiative.)
Civil Rights
Discrimination is a grave injustice and an affront to human dignity.
We believe that we honor our multicultural heritage byassuring equal access to government services, employment, housing, business enterprise and education to every citizen regardless of race, seJl:, national origin, religion, age, handicapping condition or sexual orientation. We believe that we must work for adoption of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
We denounce those (who] practice or promote racism, antiSemitism or religious.intolerance.. , . We will continue vigorous enforcement of statutes to prevent illega I discrimination on account of sex, race, creed or national origin. We renew our historic commitment to equal rights for women.
We support control and eventual elimination of handguns. We advocate community~basedcorrectional facilities, programs of education. rehabilitation and job training for offenders. and compensation of victims llnd crime. We oppose the death penalty.
We believe that the federal government should provide increased assistance to local criminal justiCe agencies, reinforce commitment to help crime victims, and assume a leadership tole in securing safety of neighborhoods and homes,
Republicans defend the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. When this right is abused, we caU for stiff, mandatory penalties.... [We] oppose furloughs for criminals convicted of first.-degree murder and others serving a life Sentence without possibility of parole. We will reestablish the federal death penalty.
Economy/ Foreign Relations
We support U.S. foreign assistance but not the heavy empha· sis on military assistance. We ~upport emergency food aid, but [warn against] lengthy emergency periods [Which] risk creating dependency on foreign import~ and disincentives to local food production. We are concerned about aspects of trade legislation thllt attempt to punish competitors and ignore social injustices caused by some economic decisions.
We believe that we must provide leadership. compassion and economic assi!tance to [struggling] nations and that we mu~t pro~ mote active agreements between developing and industrial coun· tries, and public and commercial lenders, to provide debt relief and [aid] economic growth and democracy in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
We will promote free market reforms: lower marginal tax rates, les\; regulation, reduced trade barriers_ We support facilitating repayment of loans, induding "debt for equit)·" swaps. We pledge to continue international food assistance.
We advocate policies to improve educational opportunities available to economically disadvantaged persons and minorities, inclUding bilingual education. Wc also suppo'rt public mellflS to enhance education of children in private schools. We support quality and affordable child-care services for the working poor.
We believe that education deserves our highest priority [and] pledge significantly increased federal funding for education, expllnded availability of preschool education and child care: in\'estment in teachers through training and enrichment; commitment to availability of college for all; and e"'panded support for bilingual education and anti-illiterllCY campaigns.
Quality neighborhood educatiQn should be available to all children. Federal policy should empower low·income families to demand quality and accountability in their children's schooling.... We will increase Hcad Staet funding, continue to ~uppOrt tuition tax credits, establish a public-private partnership to encour_ge youth to stay in school and graduate. [We] propose a toddler tax credit for child care available to all families of modest means and encourage employers to voluntarily address employees' child care needs,
Arms Control/ ·Disarmament
The best JOM program ... is lower taxes on people. We advocate a youth training wage to enable unskilled young people to enter the work foree. We will work to boost the incomes of the working poor through the Earned Income Tax Credit. We will reform welfare to encourage work. We affirm the right of all freely to j(lill or assist labor organization.. ta bargain collectively. We
Those unable to work or find a job, should receive a decent income. The federal minimum wage should be a livable wage.. :, We reaffirm church teaching regarding the responsibility of government to protect the right of workers 10 organize and bargain collectively. Mandatory workfare programs are an unacceptable alternative to training and real jobs with fair compensation.
We believe we can have a full-employment economy with an index.ed minimum wage, training and employment programs, port~ able pen!iom and an adequate Social Securily Syslem. with all workers guaranteed the right to organize and bargain collectively. We believe that we can rebuild America, creating good jobs at good wages ,thr<yf;8h a national reinvestment strateiJ to construct new _hl).l!~!~&,_~~~r ~\V~r~_, re~_1!i.!d.!!?adli_ ~~.!I~ r~p!ace .btid~s.: _. ~_.. ._
Food/ Agriculture
We call for a national policy ... making elimination o! hunger a national priority'- We support an agriculturai system based on small and moderate-sized family farms at home and abroad.
We believe [in] family farmers obtaining a fair price for their produclllnd thllt agriCUltural policy should include supply management, price supports, soil conservation and protection of water quality, credit and foreclosure relief and return of federaJly.held foreclo!led lands to minority. beginning and restarling farmers.
Republicans will aggresSively punue fair and free trade for all U.S. products and will not use food as a weapon offoreign polit:y. We pledge early action to renew and improve the successfi.1! farm programs set to expire in 1990. We will continue to support pro~ grams that enhance housing, business and industry opportunities for rural Americans,
Health Care
While our goal remains a c(Jlllprehell~ive national health insurance program, immediate attention must be given to the needs of the rural and urban poor.
We believe that a national health prop;ram with federal coor~ dination and leadership is necessary to restrain health costs while auuring quality care and medical researcl).; that home and health care should be available to all senior and disabled citizens; that every family should have basic health insurance; and lhat the HIV·AIDS epidemic is an emergency requiring increitsed ~upport for research, education, prevention and compassionate patient care.
We are committed to improving the quality and fmancing of long-term care. We will wvrk for access .to health care for all Americans through public and private initiatives. We endorse adequate care for expectant mothers. We will vigorously fight against AIDS.
Public policy should: preserve, maintain and improve existing private and public low-cost, Oecent housing; develop programs to increase the supply of quality low-income housing; encourage participation of tenants and community groups in housing l.!ecisions; support effectiv,e public and private initiatives to build and maintain affordable housing; and combat discrimination in housing.
We believe that homelessness should be ended in America; that the supply of affordable housing should be expanded: that employer-essisted and non~profit housing should be encouraged: th.at public and subsidized housing should be renovated and increased: that foreclosed government property should be restored to use; and that first-time homebuyers should be assisted.
We support programs allowing low~i ncome families to earn their homes through urban and rural homesteading, cooperative construction and reha bilitation, and other projects [calling on] the private sector and individual initiative. We [will continue our) long~rangeprogram of tenant management and move toward resi_ dent ownership of pUblic housing units.
Human Rights
The United States must strengthen and expand international mechanisms protecting buman rights and lake seriously the human rights dimensions of foreign policy.
We believe in an America that will promote human rights, human dignity and human opportanity in every country on earth; that win decry oppression in all nations; that will encourage resolu· lion of differences over Northern Ireland and Cyprus; that will encourage the forces ofdemocracy in Eastern Europe and support the struggle for human rights in Asia,
Republicanscall on the Soviet government to release political prisoners, allow freeemigralion for "'refuse niks" and introduce full religious tolerance. We find violation of human rights on the basis of religion or culture to be morally repuanant.
We ate troubled by the plight of undocumented aliens and fear they will become a ne~ underclass. The following principles should shape immigration legislation: family reunification; fair treatment of all nations and their emigrants: phasing out of temporary litbor programs; promotion of just immigration laws.
We believe that our immigration policy should be reformed to promote fairness, nondiscrimination and fllmily reunification and to reflect our constitutional freedoms of speech, association and travel.
We welcome those ftom other lands, their ideals and their industry; but we insi~t on our country's right to control its borders. We call upon our allies to join us in the responsibility shared by all democratic nations for resettlement of refugees, especially those fleeing Communism in Southeast Asia,
Regional Conflicts
The Central Americ~1D pea<,;e plan (Esquipulas II) requires every possible support. We favor reduction in U.S. military aid to Central America. Economic assistance should go to all Central American countries willing to comply with human rights criteria. In the Middle East, we believe U.N. Resolution 242 outli~es a peace which would prOVide for secure borders for Israel and a homeland for Palestinians, along with their panicipation in negotiations affecting their destiny. Lebanon should determine its own destiny without olnside intervention. In South Africa, we support more intensive econolllk safl<';~ tions 'as a nonviolent prenure for dismantling of apartheid.
We believe the Un.ited States must fully ~upport the Centtal American Arias peace plan, which calls for an end to fighting, guarantees of justice and democracy and commitment by area governments to prevent use of their territor)' to de$tabilize one another. lmtead of military solutions, we support negotiations and incentives to encoura8~ free elections and security for all. We hope' to focus on the sQcial and economic needs ofthe region. In the Middle East we hope to deliver the promise of peaceand security through negoliations held out to Israel and its neighbors by the Camp David Accords. We support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon. We believe the apartheid regime in South Africa to be uni· quely repressive and think it is time to declare South Africa a terrorist sute, to impose comprehensive san,tions upon its ~con omy and to determine a date by which U.S. corporations llIust leave South Africa. We further believe that we must press for Namibia's independence and must end our counterproductive Angolan policy.
Today, thousands of Nicaraguans are trying to free their homeland from totalitarianism. Republica.ns are committed to assist them with humanitarian and miliury aid and also pledge continued support to the peoples of the Americas who embrece demOCratic principles in their self~govemment. We will continue to solidify ·our strategic relationship with Israel and to oppose creation of an independent Palestinian state. Republicans will work for peace between Israel and her Ara.b neighbors througb direct negotiations, We believe the PLO should have no .role in the p~, process unless it recognizes Israel's riShl to exist and renounces terrorism. In Lebanon, the U.S. mus1 strengthen the hand of citizens committed to an indepelldent, peaceful and democratic Lebanon. Republican priorities in relations with Africa are ,to opp<lse the farces of Marxist imperiali~m; develop and sustain democra· cie, on the continent; and offer humanitarian assistance to need:y nations. Republicans deplore apartheid and support black eCQ· nomic progreSS. We also SUpplJrf withdrawal offoreign forces from Angola. independence for Namibia and free and fair elections in both places:
.1 0
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--.-Fri., Sept. 16, 1988
Tributes paid 2 sisters at Sacred Heart Home Changes have been taking place at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, where Sister Cora Asselin has retired to the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec and Sister Cecile Fortin has coneluded an eight-year term as superior of the sisters at the home. Both sisters received loving tributes in "Caring and Sharing," the home's newsletter. ·Written by Sister Rachel Lafrance, scq, they follow. Sister Cora "On Monday, June 27th, we said goodbye to our dear Sister Cora as she' left to retire to the 'motherhouse in Quebec City after 51 years of service in the Diocese of Fall River, 41 of which were spent here at Sacred Heart Nursing Home. "Sister Cora was born Lauretta Asselin in Quebec City and attended the local school of St. Sauveur, conducted by the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame. As the oldest daughter of 20 children, Lauretta learned. very young the art of housekeeping and raising children. So she was ready to enter the Community of the Sisters of Charity in 1930, and pronounce her vows in 1932. Her first' five years were spent in her native Canada caring for small boys. "Then in 1937 she was transferred to 81. Joseph Orphanag~ in Fall River where she took care of AmeriQla orphan boys for 10 years. It was in 1947 that Sister Cora came to New Bedford where she has lived and worked on 2 Center ever siDCilt{Xears went by and we at Sacred Ifeart did celebrate her 50th Golden Jubilee of religious professio.dn 1982. "In ~«hew Chapter 6, V-I, we read 'IW",ul not to parade your gOOd~."before men to attnct their no . : This passage of the Gospel' rates what Sister Cora has IDr the residents on 2 Cent~, heremployea and for her religious companions. Being self·eff:llced, industrious, efficient'lQu1 well-organized, she has al"",,*bad time to help someone in iieed without attracting attention. Plus, she holds the record for always being on time and never being absent from work! "Sister was a coordinator and supervisor of the storeroom for household provisions. She was in cbarge of the cafeteria for 20 years
and did mending and sewing for the residents. In her spare time, she kniued afghans and collected and prepared used stamps for the missions. Furthermore, she was always the right hand for each successive superior and a fervent religious." Home employees bade a special farewell to Sister Cora at a recep~ tion at which the centerpiece was a ship made by Sister Lafrance "to help keep her fond ..memories of New Bedford vivid in her mind." Sister Cecile
"Sister Cecile Fortin has termin· ated eight years as superior of the sisters' community at Sacred Heart Nursing Home. Sister arrived in New Bedford on August 8, 1980. and served as superior, sacristan, eucharistic minister and devoted visitor of residents. '''She now returns to the Maison Mere Mallet in Quebec City for a much~deserved rest. "A native Canadian, born inStRock-de~Aulnaies, L'Islet, Province of Quebec, Sister was a former student of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec. Having entered the novitiate in 1930, she pronounced her first religious vows in 1932, and celebrated her golden jubilee of religious life here at Sacred Heart with Sister Cora in 1982. "Sister had a long career in Canada as a teacher, school principal and local and provincial superior. Here in New Bedford, adapting very well to out American lifClltyle, Sister enjoyed our culture, holidays and people of every nationality. Because of a language barrier, Sister Cecile could hot hold a conversation witli everyone with whom she came in contact, but one of her smiles was worth a thousand words. "We are saddened by ber leav~ ing as this means the end of a relationship which has become meaningful and dear to us. We shall never forget her kind and gentle manner when dealing with the sisters, the residents or the employees."
Third Age priests Sometimes they live alone in high rises or apartments, sometimes in private nursing homes or with the LiUle Sisters of the Poor or, if they are lucky and have planned well, in special clergy homes. These Third Agers, who have devoted their lives to serving God as diocesan priests, now 75 years old, Of youngerif they are in poor health, make up the fastest grow· ing segment ofthe Americanclergy. The Third Age label was officially applied to these servants of the people of God at the annual meeting of the U.S. hierarchy last November. It appears in "Norms for Priests and Their Third Age" adopted by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The nonns, drafted in compliance with the revised Code of Canon Law. are the first to be approved by Rome says Msgr. Colin MacDonald, himself retir· ing as executive director for the Bishops' Committee on Priestly Life and Ministry. Tbe Third Age label was not adopted without debate. Former Bishop William Mc Manus of Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN, 74, said he was probably a member of the fourth or fifth age. Former Bishop Francis Reh of Saginaw, MI, 77. said he preferred the title of "senior priests." Every U.S. bishop will get a copy of the norms, Msgr. MacDonald said, to inform him of the policies and practices outlined to meet the needs of the growing number of retired priests. "The diocese should provide various options for the housing of third age priests, according to diocesan policy," the norms say. "Normally, the retiring priest should be given a choice in regard to his retirement housing." On retirement funding, the norms are more specific: "Each diocese should guarantee that priests be given adequate support through a long~range, financially independent and professionally managed pension fund:'
bulletin board
Two retired priests raised ques· tions about the bishops' statement on retirement funding. Paragraph 10 says the "priest should bear in mind responsible stewardship of his own resources. "Participation in the Social Security system, as' well as IRAs or other forms of savings, is considered an essential element of this stewardship. He should also be mindful of the needs of the local church in his last will and testament." Rev. Charles Eggert, episcopal vicar for retired priests in the archdiocese ofSt. Paul and Minneapolis, said he suspected the norms "might be open to some question" on the matter of financial responsibility for retirees. The paper"indicates that a priest is expected to take care of himself - not completely - but he is expected to build up an estate for himself so that in old age he will have invested enough to take care of himself.... "Just suppose a priest does not lay up enough treasure for himself on earth," he asked, "does that mean tne bishop can be free ofany obligation to retired priests?" Rev. Edward Grzeskowiak, who served as the first vicar for retirees in the same see, agreed.. Salaries are better now, he said, but as a priest active for 45 years, he recalled when income was very low. However, both men liked the positive tonc of the norms, Father Grzeskowiak saying "all of these things should have been done long ago.... It's an attempt to deal with retired priests on the basis of fairness." The norms address other needs of Third Age priests, such as provisions for disability, a retirement committee, an index of senior priests, "efforts to provide sufficient medical insurance," and their inclusion in spiritual growth and other programs available to all priests.
THERE'S NOTHING quite like a hug from Grandpa, says Sean. His grandfather, Mike Fitzpatrick of Spokane. Wash., was a recipient of the DeSmet Medal. the highest honor of Spokane's Gonzaga University. He and his wife Yvonne raised 13 children and 27 loster children "with lots of hugging and caring." (Ne/Up} photo)
Dental hygiene tips Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs Secretary Paul J. Lanzikos reminds elders of the importance of good oral hcaltlt. "Often, older adults ignore an important part of health, oral health," said Secretary Lanzikos. "Part offeeJing good and enjoying an active lifestyle means being responsible for proper dental hygiene. The Massachusetts Dental Society recommends you foHow a program that includes daily oral care, nutritious meals and regular dental visits." The Massachusetts Dental Society can provide information and tips on good dental hygiene. The society's speaker's bureau has speakers who, free of charge, will speak to groups of elders. A slide show on good ora\ health and nutrition practices is also available. Modern dentistry can assist elden in maintaining bright, healthy smiles. The Massachusetts Dental Society offen the following tips to elders: - Although root surface decay is prevalent among older adults, fluoride products and new bonding techniques can protect teeth. - Artificial salivas are now available to alleviate dry mouth caused 'by medical conditions or certain medications. - Adaptive devices such as ex· tenders for toothbrush handles and speciaUydesigned floss holders can help individuals afflicted with arthritis, stroke or other medical conditions. - If conventional dentures do not function adequately, you may qualify for a dental implant that permanently attaches replacemePt teeth to the gums or jawbone. By practicing proper dental care, you help your digestive system, your comfort and your overall . health. Formore information, contact Peg Polla nd at the Massachusetts Dental Society between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., 651·7511 or 1-&00-342-8747.
Social Security estimates available The Social Security Administration (SSA) has launched a new service to prillvide a "Penooal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement" to the public upon request. The service will give the public a better understandingabout what they can expect from Social Security. The new-service is a dramatic improvement over the earlier system under which people request· ing a statement of earnings credited to their Social Security records received only a summary of their earnings from 1937 to present, with an annual breakout for the last 3 years. The new statement provides summary earnings for 1931-1950; annual earRings amounts from 1951 to present; benefit estimates for retirement benefits at and before full mit-ernent age, and at age 70; and estimates of family benefits should the worker die or become disabled. The estimates will be realiltic since they will include recent earnings and expected future eantinp inde2led to reflect increases in wage levels over the worker's career.
Children and church By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Mary: My daughter is 22 months old. When she was an infant, I would take her with me occasionally to Mass. As she got older, however, and more difficult to control, I have been leaving her at home. My wife, who is Lutheran, offered to go to church with me to set an example for our daughter, but has not followed through. I would like your advice on when to begin regular churchgoing with my daughter. I would like to give her the experiences of the Mass and learning about the Gos. pel. We do say grace at home, and she folds her hands for the prayer. Is it realistic to expect such a young child to understand the Mass? I've heard that one could wait until age 3. Also, how do I handle any discipline matters? People in church throw dirty looks in the direction of a crying or fidgety child. I've tried the "cry room," but the place is a zoo. - Indiana Families seem to follow one of two paths regarding church and young children. Some take children every Sunday from birth; some attend church separately or leave children in a church nursery until the child is approaching school age. Either approach can work.
Young children naturally tend talk at will, and you can leave toward spontaneous movement and when your daughter gets restless. talking. They express what they Since your daughter is apare thinking and feeling. This is proaching the age at which she will normal. love stories, look for some good Attending Mass requires move- \ religious books for children. Perment and talking according to a haps your parish has a library. prescribed ritual. This is fine for What about discipline when'you adults, who unClerstand what is attend church? First, do not be too happening. It is alien to young harsh on the persons who get irrichildren. tated. A cryi"ng child may make it You are anxious to introduce impossible for them to hear, and your child to the faith, yet the they miss out on an experience Mass is incomprehensible for a 2- they cherish. Consideration dicyear-old. What should you do? tates that the parent of a crying Begin to teach your child as chil- child remove the child immediately. dren have been taught for centurYou can certainly wait until ies, within the family. your child is 3 or older to bring her Saying grace is a simple and desirable custom. Such prayer is to church. When you bring a 3- or brief, it is accompanied by special 4-year-old, keep her close to you body posture and it can be ex- and talk softly to her. Do not pressed in simple. words. As you expect her to sit still while you observe, your daughter is already pray the entire Mass in silence learning the body posture of prayer. without so much as a glance diInvite your wife to offer grac;e rected her way. If you choose to take your sometimes, thus showing your daughter that prayeris an activity daughter to church when she is 2, expect her to be restless and be for all family members. Nature is another source of God's prepared to leave if she seriously revelation. When you observe distracts others. Meanwhile, begin something beautiful in nature, join her religious education where it is with your daughter in a prayer of meant'to begin, in the family. praise. Reader questions on family Iiv-, When you are out for a walk or ing and child care to be answered drive, take your daughter to church in print are invited. Address the for a visit. There is no one to dis- Kennys, Box 872, St. 'Joseph's turb, you can walk around and College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
"Important moments are surprises" By Antoinette Bosco Not long ago 1 interviewed actress Patricia Nealon the occasion of the publication of her autobiography, "As 1 Am" (Simon and Schuster). "I don't know why but my life didn't go the way 1 intended," she told me. "When 1 was young 1 thought life would be a miracle, so sensational. 1could hardly wait to live it. Then these horrendous tragedies happened," she said. She waved a hand at her book indicating the story was all in there. Her book tells of a life that reads like a novel, one not overly kind to the heroine. It tells of a woman who loves but is rejected by a married man, who buries a child, who nearly loses another child in a freak accident, who is afflicted by a debilitating stroke and who then faces devastating rejection by her husband, who leaves her for another woman. Ms. Neal discloses that she wrote the book at the suggestion of the abbess at the Benedictine Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Conn. Women 'who enter the convent wanting to be nuns are asked to write a journal in order "to begin to understand who they are and what they are called to be in this life," the abbess explained to Ms. Neal. At the time, the actress.said, "I was the most angry woman you'll ever see in your life:' But she listened to the ,abbess and wrote the book, a task tl1at took nearly five years. When it was' done, she dedicated it to the'abbess of Regina Laudis ,on her golden jubilee "for insisting tliat 1remember it all." , The actress, who won an Oscar for her role in "Hud,'" has now taken the first steps toward becoming a Roman Catholic. The biggest sensation caused by the Patricia Neal story is the detailed account of her love affair with Gary Cooper, a relationship
which led ,to a pregancy and an abortion. Cooper waited in the car - for her while the abortion was done and Ms. Neal writes, "After- ' ward, we wept together." She has regretted that decision every since. "For over 30 years, alone in the night, 1 cried. If 1 had only one thing to do over in my life, I would have that baby," Ms. Neal writes. To me the most remarkable thing in this book relates to the role Maria Cooper, the actor's daughter, played in Ms. Neal's life. She was the one person to have been hurt the most from Ms. Neal's' affair with her father. Yet when the news media reported the actress' stroke, Ms. Cooper wrote to her. , , "I cannot describe the feeling its generous greeting imparted and 1 . will never forget its three most important words: 1forgive you. It . was from Maria Cooper," Ms. Neal writes. Later Maria Cooper was to pop
into Ms. Neal's life again "like a miracle." Sensing the actress' "inner anguish" - her husltand had just left her - Ms. Cooper spoke to her of· God and told her of the abbey in Bethlehem. Going there led Ms. Neal toward a major turning point in her life. Referring to that unexpected encounter with Maria Cooper she writes, "For all the great plans we try to make in our lives, truly important moments are always surprises." Thinking of the years now gone by, Ms. Neal admits that "life gets tough and sometimes it's hard to believe there's a light at the end of the tunnel. but you've got to have faith that it must be there. And sometimes, the only thing to do is smile." Ms. Neal says that at this point she sees that the hand of God has _been at work in her life, weaving the pattern that would finally bring her to peace.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 16, 1988
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Get the giggles. Make weird sounds trying to muffle yourself. Stop when your father whispers something in your ear about making this a Requiem Mass if you don't shut up. Hit your head 'on the. missal rack. Cry loudly. , ' Drop the song book on' the floor. Drop the pew pencils on the floor. Drop envelopes on the floor. Try to pick them up. Hit your head again. Stand on the kneeler when your mom and dad want to go to communion. When they do, sit quietly until they are near the front of the church, then giggle loud enough for them to hear. When they get back, tell tnem you feel carsick. Send comments to Hilda Young, 25218 Meadow Way N.E., Arlington, Wash. 98223.
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Mass etiquette for kids By Hilda Young How to drive your parents crazy at Mass: Two minutes after Mass begins, ask them if it's almost over. Keep this up at 90-second intervals. Occasionally substitute, "Are we going to buy doughnuts after Mass?" See if you can say the entire Our Father one word behind everyone else. ' ' . Chew on your tongue until your mother notices and says, "I thought 1 told you not to chew gum in church!" . Show her you are, not chewing, gum. Open your mouth ;is wide as you can and say,."Ahhh.',' Fight with your brother over whose turn it is to put the envelope in the collection basket. Sneeze loudly. Make a face at your friend across the aisle.
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.-Santa Susanna: American port of call in Rome
POPE JOHN PAUL II blesses water, carried in the traditional African manner, at the beginning of a Mass attended by approximately 200,000 people at Borrowdale Race Course in Harare, Zimbabwe. (NC/UPI-Reuter photo)
Pope gets to South' Africa after all Continued from Page Three southern Zimbabwe's Ndebele minoritya full partner in governme,nt - which has been dominated by the majority Shona tribe. "You are trying to bring about the fulfillment of the prophecy qf Isaiah, where he foretells that people 'will hammer their swords into plowshares, their spears into sickles,' "Pope John Paul told the crowd. Some 4.0,000 people, ma~y of them children taking advantage of a school holiday, greeted the pope at the dustblown race track at the edge of Bulawayo where the Mass was held. Servants of Mary nuns danced in swaying welcome as the pope 'mounted the altar platform ,and greeted the crowd in their native tongue. ': His sermon touched a sensitive n,erve in Matabeleland, which has a, long hi~tory ,of. tribal.warfare. Bulawayo, the capital, means "Place of Massacres," a reminger of the deep rivalries 'that until recently marked everyday life here. , Pope John Paul's remarks about property disputes underscored the resentment still felt by area farmers over government appropriation of some lands in the early 1980s. . The region's new political optimism was personified by Joshua Nkomo, the Ndebele leader who met the pope at Bulawayo's airport. A former political foe of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, Nkomo recently committed his opP,?sition party to join forces , ,.4,
with the government in the name of unity. In Botswana Arriving in Botswana Sept. 13, the pope gave strong support to. refugees from apartheid, saying the church must stand firm with victims of racism and avoid compromise with "any form of social injustice." The pope made his remarks to priests, religious and laity during a stop Sept. 13 in Botswana's capital, Gaborone, just six miles from the South African border. Earlier, at an-airport welcoming ceremony, he heard President Quett Masire denounce the racial policies of South Africa as "unChristian" and "evil." Many of apartheid's victims, ~he president told the'pope, "are here with,us today to see you and to ask fo'r your blessing." Church sources estimate that many thousand black South Africans 'have crossed :into Botswana to escape the forced segregationist policies of South Africa's white. m,inority government. MQ,st of the , refugees continue on to settlements' in other countries. At the meeting, the pope complimented church leaqers for showing solidarity with路 the po~r and oppressed. "You have witnessed the plight of those who are subjected by law to discrimination. And I gladly support you in your desire to be close to those who are unjustly deprived of their legitimate rights and lack decent living conditions," he said.
During the first half of his Sept. 10-19 trip, the pope several times referred to apartheid as a violation of basic human rights. He also addressed the practical regional problems it creates. ' In Botswana, the refugee issue has been aggravated by South African raids into the country against members of ihe African National Congress, the outlawed South African anti-apartheid organization. South Africa has claimed it is rooting out guerrillas who cross through Botswana on their operations. The pope arrived in Botswana after three days in Zimbabwe on a trip that took him to Lesotho yes- . terday and today and to SwazIland also .today. He is scheduled:to be in Moiambique;today through Monday, when he returns to Rome. In his airport ,speech in Botswana, he praised the landlocked democracy, saying it is an "island of peace in a troubled sea" and.'a "ray of hope" for all Africa. Before he spoke, however, he was surrounded by joyful w~lI颅 wishers who turned security to shambles in their welcoming excitement. Spectators, photographers, dancers and a group of Poles waving the Polish flag overwhelmed Bots~ wana officials and Vatican security, surging around the pope. rhe incident occu'rred after the official greetings, as the pontiff was walking across the tarmjic ,-with Bishop Boniface Setlalekgosi of Gaborone. Some who could: see .the pope
VATICAN CITY (NC) - When English, Irish, German or French Catholics come to Rome, they can find a local church that is a home away from home, staffed by fellow citizens and officially linked with their national churches. U.S. citizens have their own par,ish too - Santa Susanna. But Santa Susanna has never had any official status as "the American parish." Rather, in the best freeenterprise tradition, it is simply the fruit of a 66-year Paulist commitment to serving Americans in Rome. ' The pastor, Paulist Father ,Edward Pietrucha, does not have much time to worry about Santa Susanna's status, or lack thereof. He has his hands full taking care of 200 highly transient families, two churches and other pastoral duties. For most of its history, Santa Susanna parish has been based in a church of the same name. It formerly was connected to a convent of Cistercian nuns, but in 1922 Pope Benedict XV - at the request of President Warren G. Harding - gave it to the Paulists to serve the American community. Today the church is the titular see"of Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston. But it is also saddled with a decrepit roof and a potential repair bill of $1 million. If that were not bad enough news to greet Father Pietrucha during his first year on the job, the church is also the subject of a legal dispute regarding its ownership and its relationship' with the Cistercian convent. The church building now is closed for safety reasons. Daily Masses are celebrated in the sacristy, next to the parish office-. But Santa Susanna's main Sunday Mass takes place in the baroque Church of St. Agnes, in historic Piazza Navonna. The piazza was a stadium in the time of the Emperor Domhian, and St. Agnes was said to have been martyred there. Her skull is preserved in a reliquary in the church. Most of the members of Santa Susanna parish - including the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, Frank Shakespeare - now attend Mass at St. Agnes. Its Sunday morning liturgy attracts about 160 ofthe parish's 200 families, as well as numer'ous English-speaking 1111I11I111I11I11I111I11I11I11I11I11I111I11I11I111I11I11I11I1111I11111
said he looked concerned blit kept smiling. ' " , Security has been a major concer~ for Vatican bodyguards on this trip, be~ause the countries he is visiting are unused'to handling large crowds. The pope ended his talk with the national salute ofjoy, "pula," which literally means "letthere be rain." The call was echoed by the crowd of several thousand, many of whom had come from tht: drought-prone agricultural region nearby.
priests and Religious based in Rome. While Paulists often celebrate the Masses, guest celebrants include top U.S. officials at the Vatican: Cardinal William W. Baum and Archbishops Paul C. Marcinkus, John P. Foley and Justin F. Rigali. On any given Sunday the church also will contain a half dozen bemused Italians, whose own churches in the city center tend toward more sober and more sparsely attended Masses. Liturgies can be followed in imported missalettes, and an everchanging music group features guitars and an organ. The "home feel" includes a weekly bulletin and a coffee hour after the Mass. There are also a parish council and an active women's guild. "My idea of the parish is that it should be like a microcosm of the American church," said Father Pietrucha. "I'm convinced there's nothing like the American church for meeting the needs of the people." Unlike the average U.S. parish, Santa Susanna is characterized primarily by transience. Father Pietrucha said only five or six of the parish's families are long-term residents of Italy. The rest are most often embassy officials or employees of international firms and aid organizations on assignment for two or three years. The special situation of Americans abroad was noted a few years ago by what Father Pietrucha calls "the terrorist thing." Fearing attacks, many U.S. citizens chose not to congregate with other Americans, even for Sunday Mass. Because his parishioners are constantly moving on, and perhaps also because employees on overseas assignment often are screened first, they do not often require pastoral services of a deeply personal nature, Father Pietrucha said. Instead, pastoral needs run more toward friendship and catechetics. Religious education classes for children and inquiry and continued instruction classes for adults are, offered despite an absence of meeting halls or conference rooms. Father Pietrucha does not lack for volunteers. "People come here only for three years, yet get so involved," he marveled. The parish is also a source of passes to papal audiences, ji service which attraCts the bulk of its vacationing visitors. Having served at parishes in Austin, Texas, and Greeley, Colo.,' Father Pietrucha said Rome has given him "a feeling for the inter.:' nationality of the church." As .to whether Santa Susanna will ever become the official U.S. parish in Rome, he says it is up to the U.S. bishops. For now, he is just trying to keep a roof over everyone's heads:
_. Experimental group is discontinued
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 16, 1988
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (NC) Bishop Louis E. Gelineau has asked members of an experimental parish, the Genesis Community, to register and become involved in their local parishes. Community members have decided to spend 40 days praying 54 KANE ST., FALL RIVER, MA about and discussing their options, said Mercy Sister Irene M. Nerney, administrator of the G~nesis Community. "There exist erroneous attitudes M. S. AGUIAR. & SON and theological principles upon which the Genesis Community has been operating, and it is apparent . that there would be little possibilDENMARK'S Pharmacy REc,s~I~~Rr~ft~=clsTS ity of substantial change," the bishop wrote in a letter explaining his CESAR CllAVEZ and his wife Helen at the Mass where Invalid Equipment For Rent or Sale decision to discontinue the community. It was formed with Bishop he broke his 36-day water-only fast. (NC/ UPI photo) Sur"c.' Carments - Bird· IPPB M.chines - Jobst Gelineau's approval in 1975 after ~ • Holloster - Crutches - [1.stlC Stock in,s several families proposed it as an Sur,ic.1 & Orthoped,c Applo.nces alternative'to their parishes. b" • Trusses - Ol"en - Oly,en Masks, Tents & (H',., Ae,ul.tors • Approved For MedIcare Membership in the Genesis Community demanded a commitment By Msgr. George G. Higgins The book may be correct in sug~ .~ 24 HOUR OXYGEN SERVICE of time to religious education, comCesar Chavez, president of the gesting that church leaders were ;+...".,:~ 24 HOUR EMERCEIIC' 'RESCRIPTION SERVICE munity decisions, liturgy and social United Farm Workers of Amer- too slow to support the UFWA's 810\ r justice. ica, ended a 36-day fast at an out- courageous struggle. If so, the 673 Main St., Dennisport - 391·2219 Bishop Gelineau ·said his deci- door Mass in which I was a con- church - all the churches and the 550 McArthur BIYd., Rte. 21. POClsllt - 563·2203 sion to discontinue the experiment celebrant in Delano, Calif., Aug. synagogues as well - has long was based on findings by a special 21. He undertook the fast not only since made up for it. Few recent 30 Mlin St.. Orl.lns'- 255-0132 study committee after consultation to purify his own soul, but to social movements have had as much 509 Kempton St., Bedford - 993-0492 with the diocesan priests' council. dramatize the need to eliminate public support from churches and ~c"", ..oo,, (PARAMOUNT PHARMACY) The committee's report on the the use of poisonous, cancer-ind uc- church personnel. Genesis Community identified fun- ing pesticides in agriculture. The charge is sometimes made Despite his alarmingly weakened damental problems in three areas: that because of its suppo.rt' from condition, Chavez took part in the understanding of the Catholic the farm workers, the church is Church, the Eucharist and cateche- Mass wih full attention and deep prejudiced against the growers. It devotion. As I watched him from tics. is absolutely unfounded. "The study committee found that the altar, I recalled a happier day The involvement of church 15 years ago when Chavez some many members'ofthe Genesis Comgroups in the farm labor dispute munity have problems with under- and his wife, Helen, were received has only one purpose: helping farm standing and accepting the priest in private audience at the Vatican workers achieve the right to organas one who represents the hierar- by Pope Paul VI. ize into a union of their own The Chavezes were accompanchical church and the authentic choice, a right that has been legally Saturday, Sept. 17 - 2:00 P.M. teaching of that church," Bishop ied on that occasion by the late Bishop Joseph F. Donnelly, chairguaranteed workers of every other Gelineau's a_nnouncement said. HEALING SERVICE major industry for several decades. "Many would bind the priest in man of the Bishops' Committee on Farm Labor, by myself and two of it has been effectively granted, Once REV. EDWARD McDONOUGH, C.SS.R. the conscientious exercise of his the religious bodies will do everyrole by community consensus or the labor leader's aides. After chatOf Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Boston, MA thing they possibly can to proby majority opinion," he said. The ting very cordially with us, the (Rain Date: September 24) mote, in.a spirit of reconciliation, pope delivered a brief address of community _was committed to a a constructive working relationdemocratic model ofdecision-mak- welcome and support for the work ship between the union and the of the UFW A in which he praised ing. Sunday, Sept. 18 - 2:00 P.M. growers. Chavez for his "sustained effort to The study committee also found SOLEMNITY OF THE FEAST OF apply the principles of Christian The history of labor relations in "attitudes and assumptions" about social teaching" and for working the United States makes it clear, the Eucharist and liturgy that "were OUR LADY OF La SALETTE with the U.S. bishops and their however, that this kind of -relanot in harmony with the teachings farm labor committee. MOST REV. DANIEL A. CRONIN, S.T.D. tionship, so long overdue in the of the church," the bishop said. The pope closed by extending agricultural industry, cannot be Bishop of Fall River, MA "Anything that that would be his prayerful best wishes for the established until the workers are divisive too the life and unity of the success of Chavez' efforts. "In the THE HUBERT CHORALE granted the right to self-determinachurch, such as unauthorized sac- spirit of our predecessors in the tion and have acquired enough ramental inter-communion, is a See of Peter," he said, "we renew economic power to bargain as eserious liturgical abuse," the bish- the full measure of our solicitude quals with their employers. op's announcement said. for the human and Christian con"Anything that would trivialize dition of labor and for·the genuine the eucharistic sacrifice, anything good of all those who lend support that would promote a casual ap- to this lofty vocation." AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING/HEATING Two European journalists, in a proach to the celebration of the Eucharist, anything that would recent book about Chavez and the politicize the liturgy in any way or UFWA, treat Paul VI's statement employ it as a didactic forum for rather cynically, trying to create Working with Architects, Plant extraliturgical concerns is intoler- the impression that the pope creable," he said. dited the American bishops for Engineers, and C.ontractors to provide: Bishop Gelineau said the study having started the UFWA when in committee found that "the cumul- fact, they say. Chavez had to spend ative and perduring effect of the much time and effort getting the Process piping, St~am - Hot Water, HVAC attitudes of some members of the bishops to support the movement. To suggest this is ridiculous as Genesis Community concerning the Systems, Heating facilities, Plumbing, structure of the church will have 1l well as unfair to Pope Paul. He detrimental effect upon the overall knew that the UFWA - more' Refrigeration, Labor services catechetical experience ofthe young than almost any other social movement in recent U.S. history - has people of the community." FIRE PROTECTION BOILEAS In his announcement, Bishop always been and, please God, alGelineau said that on "many occa- ways will be, a movement of, by sions" he had expressed his con- and for the people it represents. Rank-and-file farm workers built cerns to community members and had "pleaded for conformity with the UFW A, not clergymen. the church's teaching and practice." Churches and many other outside groups have assisted the move"The study committee found that ment at critical moments, but it is the attitudes of ma_ny, and the now the farm workers' movement and rather ingrained practices, do not P.O. BOX 409 32 MILL STREET (ROUTE 79) ASSONET, MA 02702 they have every reason to be proud admit of any hope of substantial of it and of their leader, Cesar TEL. (508) 644-2221 change," he said. Chavez.
M.S.A., Inc.
Landscape Contractors
VFWA still struggles
® i
The Anchor
Bishop Connolly High School
Friday, Sept. 16, 1988
SMU lectures The Catholic Campus Ministry at Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth, has announced its 1988-89 Newman Lectl,lre Series schedule. The lectures on topics of current, and .historic interest will begin Mond~y' in, SMU's Student Center. All are welcome to the noon to I p.m. ga~herings. " Coffee and tea is provided to lecture anendees, who may bring a " bag luncll or purchase a cafeteria meal. Parking is available in SMU's lots 4 and 5, visitors' parking areas. Newman Association advisor Dona'ld j, 'Mulcare may be' contacted at 999-8224 for further information: ' Lecture dates, topics and presenters are as follows: Sept"19: Lumen Gentium: The First 25 Years, Fatqer Richard, Degagne; Sept., 26: Pro~pect~ for ' Christian Reunion, Anthony J. John; Oct. 3: Reflections from the Third Floor, Martin Butler; Oct. II: A Jewish Perspective on Catholicism, Robert Waxler; Oct. 17: Religious Revival and its Implications for the Second Half of the 20th Century, Shaukat Ali. Oct. 24: Christianity and Reason, John Fitzgerald; Oct. 31: talk by Rev. David Buehler; Nov. 7: A Transition from Campus Ministry to Parish Ministry, Father Richard Gendreau; Nov. 14: Another Christian View of Life after Death, David Filipek; Nov. 21: A Brief History of Anglo-Irish Relations and Current Developments within the Anglican' Communion, Rev. P. Jacobs. Nov. 28 through Dec. 19: Advent series; Jan. 23: Partners in the Mystery of Redemption: A Pastoral Response, Sister Madeleine Tacy, OP; Jan. 30: Universal Aspects of Hinduism, Madhusudan Jhaveri; Feb. 6: The Road to Emmaus: A Civil Engineer's View, Thomas Jackivitz; Feb. 14 through March 20: Lenten series. , ' March 27: The Sacred and the Secular, Victor Caliri; April 3: The Call to Mission in the 1990s, Father James Nickel, SS.CC. April 10: Mary: A Contemporary Model of Faithful Discipleship, Father Robert Oliveira; April 18: History of Church Architecture, Fred Wolock; April 24: Peru: The Land - God's Gift, The People's Right, Father Paul Canuel; May I: Our Shared Campus Ministry, Donald Mulcare.
Notre Dame School Maureen Curtin, religious education coordinator at Immaculate Conception parish, North Easton, and a religion consultant for the Fall River diocese for Silver-Burdett publishing addressed the school staff on the religion curriculum, This is Our Faith, being introduced this year.
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Students can earn a certificate and a free fast food meal in an incentive program rewarding perfect attendance and no tardiness each quarter.
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Parents who pick up students at 2:30 p.m. are asked to do so in the ,"hurch parking lot until further notice, due to construction at the former Mt. St. Joseph School site.
PRINCIPAL Sister Martha Mulligan and'teacher Mary Ellen Joyce with the'inorning kindergarten crowd. (Motta photo). " '
,'St. John Eva'ngelist
,brings back 'kindergarten After a lapse of more thana quarter of a century, St. John the Evangelist School, Attleboro, again lias a kindergarten. Sister Martha Mulligan, RSM, principal, has announced that 32, youngsters, who'll graduate high school in 200 I, are enrolled in the new program. A long waiting list exists, too, she said. The school decided to reopen the level, she said, after finding out through its recently completed self-study that both parents and teachers were in favor of the addition. St. John's began as a kindergarten/ first grade school in 1954. Part of the school's cafeteria was renovated to make the bright, cheerful classroom. The new room features carpeting and soundproof walls which contain the joyful noise made by students, who attend both morning and afternoon sessions. "Many of the parents," Sister Mulligan said, "donated furnishings and equipment. One of the school mothers, Pauline O'Keefe, is painting storybook characters on the walls, and one ofthe fathers, Anthony Piva, made cases with cubbyholes and storage units for students' jackets and lunchboxes. , "It's really through their efforts that we've been able to open' so quickly. It's, been a real group effort." , The walls went up in June, and most of the other work followed. Sister Mulligan said that the' opening is "exciting." , "It's gratifying to know," she c said, "that the parents are so supportive and involved in the educational process. It says a lot for Catholic education." The 18 girl and 14 boy kindef- , garteners are being taught by Mary Ellen Joyce, a graduate of St. ' Mary's School, North Attleboro4-' now part of St, Mary-Sacred Heart Consolidated School, Attleboro's Bishop Feehan High School and North Adams State College. Miss Joyce told The Anchor that this is her first year teaching fulltime and that teaching kindergarten has always been her goal. Also new to the school staff are grade eight teacher Caryn Stoller, a biochemistry' graduate of the University of California at San Diego, and four parttime teachers;
in our schools
Beth, Fitzsimmons; gym; Anne Marie Dubeau, art; Paul CinqMars, music; and Cynthia Nordquist, computers. Janitor Robert Easton also joins the school family. The school's opening Mass will be celebrated at 8:45 a.m. Sunday at St. John's Church. An open house will follow. The celebration coincides with the commissioning and open house of the parish religious education program. Volunteers are welcome at the school. Information is available from its office. The sports committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Anyone interested in coaching basketball or otl!er sports is invited to attend. Storyteller Len Cabral will visit the school Tuesday, entertaining students at 9 and 10: 15 a.m.
Stonehill College 595 new students have begun studies at Stonehill College, North Easton. 573 are freshmen chosen from 3,797 fall semester applicants. 22 transfer students were selected from 222 seeking admission. The average freshmen ranked in the top 22 percent of his/ her high school graduating class. 394 firstyear students chose liberal arts majors, I 17 business administration and 62 the sciences. Stonehill's class of 1992 has 323 women and 250 men representing 12 states, Spain and Paraguay. 72 percent cjf the students are from Massachusetts and Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York are also 'well represented.
Father Stephen F. Dawber, SJ, principal of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, has announced appointment of Father Paul M. Sullivan, SJ, as the school's public relations coordinator. Fall River native Father Sullivan, a graduate of Worcester's Holy Cross College, has.a!so stu-, died at Boston College, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash., and the Jesuit School oJ Theology, Berkeley, ,Calif. ,He was ordained in June' 1983 at Holy Cross by retired Worcester Bishop Bernard Flanagan. . From 1984 to earlier this year, Father Sullivan was social studies' depart,IJientchairman and sports information director at Cheverus High Sch,9ol, Portland, Maine. At. Connolly he will be.a member of the social studies faculty and student government moderator. ,'A member of the U.S. Catholic Historical Society, the 'Maine·Historical Society, the National Council for the Social Studies, and the Freetown Historical Society, Father Sullivan was named a Gov. John Hancock Fellow in 1987 and participated in the Great Debate of '88, a Maine-Massachusetts study project involving students and faculty and culminating in a reenactment of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. In June of this year his "History of St. Joseph's Parish, Eastport, Maine" was published in conjunction with the parish's 160th anniversary.
595 young men and women make up Connolly's student body this year. They represent 24 Massa-
chusetts and Rhode Island communities.
Joanne Beaupre has joined Connolly's guidance staff. She is a graduate of Annhurst College and St. Michael's College and has done graduate work at Providence College. Ms. Beaupre has taught at Taunton's Co.,Yle an~ Cas'sidy High ' School. Charles Dwyer will head the schogl's art department. He holds a degree in art from Boston University and has taught at the University of Michigan, Wesleyan University and the' Rhode Island School ofQesign. ' , The religion department gains two members, John Flynn, a graduate of Merrimack College and Worcester State College, and Father Robert Levens;' SJ, who holds degrees from Fairfield University and We~ton College and previously taught at Fairfield Prep in Connecticut, where he was also a chaplain. ' Norwich University alumnus and army veteran Richard Mcintosh begins science department teaching duties and Anthony Presto, who comes to Connolly from Springfield College and teaching in the Rockland school system, will teach physical education. Connolly religious education teacher John Dacey has been appointed campus ministry programs coordinator, and faculty member Cynthia DeCosta has·been named athletic director. Mrs. DeCosta has announced that girls' soccer and JV softball have been added at the school this year.
Retreat trick aids Olympian MADISON, N.J. (NC) - PaSearch is the name of a retreat trick Jeffrey, a member ofthe U.S. for young people conducted in Olympic diving team scheduled to some dioceses. compete in Seoul, South Korea, Although she hesitated to clasused a little trick he learned while sify her son as a religious person, on a youth retreat to psych himself Mrs. Jeffrey said, "He does believe up for a recent meet. deeply and is a very loving and His mother, Patricia Jeffrey, in ,warmhearted person." a telephone interview with The The retreat weekend "really Beacon, newspaper of the Diocese meant a lot to him," she said. "It of Paterson, N.J., said that before the meet her son stopped in his gave him more focus and insight room, looked at himself in ,the into things." The youngest of four children, mirror for two minutes and said, , 23-year-old Jeffrey began diving _"You can do it!" The strategy was something he at the age of 13 at the Madison learned from Father Joseph For- YMCA, said Mrs. Jeffrey. After tuna, who was associate pastor of about a year there, the mother of the family's parish, St. Vincent one of his fellow divers saw his Martyr parish in Madison, while potential and suggested taking him on a Search retreat weekend, said to Columbia University in New York City to be coached. Mrs. Jeffrey.
St. Joseph's School The Health and Safety Committee at St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven, is seeking recess and lunch supervision volunteers. They will be instructed in playground rules and fire drill procedures and learn the Heimlich Maneuver. An orientation breakfast will also be held. Additional help at the school, now celebrating its 80th anniversary, is needed. Information is available from principal Sister Muriel Ann Lebeau, SS.Ce., 9961983.
Little Way "My little way is the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute self-surrender." St. Therese of Lisieux
FACULTY members at Notre Dame School, Fall River, include, from left, Doreen Carberry, Lillian Taylor, Sister Pauline Joyal, RJM, Stephanie Perra and, Lisa Texeira.
Family Institute campus opens in 'Washington WASHINGTON (NC) - To understand modern threats to human life ~nd human dignity, "we must look at the very origins of human life itself in the mystery of the union between man and woman," said Cardinal William W. Baum, prefect ofthe Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. Cardinal Baum, presiding at a liturgy opening the North American campus of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, prayed that the institute would promote human dignity through its research and teaching. "Each and every human being, as a person, as 'someone' instead of 'something: is directly created by God," said the cardinal, a former archbishop of Washington. "All attempts to destroy the dignity of the human person," he said, begin with a refusal "to see the creation of a human being as a mystery of the creative powers of God's love: a mystery to be welcomed, to be respected, to be cared for as entrusted to us for care, not for manipulation." Establishment of the institute in Washington, Cardinal Baum said, will assist the church in the United States in "the proclamation of the liberating truth about the human person and respect for this truth by those responsible for culture and society." The Washington campus, located at the Dominican House of Studies near The Catholic University of America, began classes Sept. I with funding from the Knights of Columbus. It is the first branch campus of the Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Lateran University in Rome. The institute was established by PopeJohn Paul II in 1982. Its Washingtoncampus will offer studies leading to a licentiate in the theology of marriage and family. It will be headed by Carl A. Anderson, institute vicepresident and K of C vice-president for public policy.
tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Films Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or young teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; 4-separate classifi·· cation (given films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); a-morally offensive. Catholic ratings for television movies are those of the movie house versions of the films.
"Hot to Trot" (Warner Bros.) -A loony young man (Bob Goldthwait) inherits a talking horse named Don and half of his family's brokerage firm from his mother. The horse provides some stock tips and a winning racing form that get his dimwitted owner out of hot water. Knuckle-headed and unfunny. Much rough language laced with sexual vulgarities. A3, PG
"Stealing Home"(Warner Bros.) - Flashbacks detail a washed-up baseball player's (Mark Harmon) lifelong infatuation with an older family friend.(Jodie Foster) who served as his babysitter and life and love adviser. Upon her suicide, he returns home to bury her ~~·········'··'········1 ashes and ultimately put the pieces of his life back together with the NOTE . help of his boyhood friend (Harold Please check dates and Ramis) and mother (Blair Brown). times of television and radio Brief nudity and several incidents programs against local list· of explicit sexual promiscuity, one. ings, which may differ from including a minor and an adult. the New York network schedA3. PG 13. ules supplied to The Anchor. "The Year My Voice Broke" (Avenue Pictures) - An involving coming-of-age drama set in AusNew Films tralia in 1962 focuses on a 15-year"The Big Blue" (Columbia) old's (Noah Taylor) infatuation Beautifully photographed tale of a young Frenchman who learned from his sponge-fisherman father to dive deep. and long without benefit of oxygen. A poorly realized script, two intense drowning sequences, fleeting nudity in a brief, explicit sexualencounter and implications of unwed pregnancy. A3, PG
with his 16-year-old childhood friend (Loene Carmen). Sensitive, non-exploitive handling of puberty and a touching portrayal of boy-girl friendship and first love. Some rough language and the explicit suggestion of sex and pregnancy outside of marriage. A3, PO 13. Films on TV Thursday, Sept. 29, 9-11 p.m. EDT (CBS) - "Agnes of God" (1985) A psychiatrist (Jane Fonda) sent to a cloistered convent to evaluate the mental stability of a novice (Meg Tilly) accused of strangling her newborn baby provokes the determined opposition of the nun's superior (Anne Bancroft). Although this pretentious and shallow movie is not meant to be anti-religious, some may be offended by its use of religious setting. A4, PG 13. Saturday, Oct. 1.9-11 p.m. EDT (CBS) " Deal of the Century" (1983). Chevy Chase and Gregory Hines play traveling salesmen seIling bargain-basement weaponry to Third World governments and those who are trying to overthrow them. Disappointing, only sporadically funny, marred by some outrageous stereotyping of Hispanics. A3, PG Religious TV Sunday, Sept. 18 (CBS) - "For Our Times" - Douglas Edwards presents a retrospective report on religious beliefs and science com-
The Anchor Friday, Sept. 16, 1988
piled from programs produced over the last 40 years. Religious Radio Sunday, Sept. 18 (NBC) "Guideline" - Maryknoll Father Ronald Saucci, director of com.munication for Maryknoll and publisher of Maryknoll Magazine, discusses the communication and publication efforts of his missionary order.
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679·6072 ALWAYS MONEY AVAIlABLE FOR HOME PURCHASE OR IMPROVEMENT
Can you ~pot the priest . In thiS picture?
"Eight Men Out" (Orion pictures) - An adaptatdn of Eliot Asinofs 1963 book chronicling the 1919 World Series scandal that saw the bribe-taking Chicago White Sox lose to the Cincinnati Reds. Bogs down. in too much detail and too many indistinguishable characters. Some locker-room language and threats of violent retribution.. A3, PG
Olympians' spiritual needs nof being overlooked SEOUL, South Korea (NC) Organizers have not overlooked the spiritual needs of the athletes . and officiiils who 'will participate in the 24th Olympic Games.: Olympic organizers have set up facilities and services for participants, including a school that will serve as'a center where each religious group has been given use of its own hall. - Of 13,674 'athletes and officials expected to join the Games, which begin in Seoul Sept. 17 and -run through Oct. 2, Catholics make up about· the largest single group 34 percent.. Official sources say 16 percent of participants are Protestant, II percent Buddhist, II percent Moslem, 6 percent Anglican, and I percent Hindu. Orthodox and Jewish believers are among the remaining 21 percent. . In a message for this year's Games, Pope John Paul II extended "cordial greetings and congratulations to the international and Korean organizers of this universal celebration of friendship and good will among people." -0--
-He also offered a prayer that the Games would- become "a- testimony of a world without discrimination, fear and hatred, where the human dignity of eve'ry person will . be defended and respected,and where individuals and nations will respond to t'he proble.:n~ of our times with a genuine sense of solidarity and commitment to peace." Cardinal Stephen Kim of Seoul' also has expressed hope that "the upcoming Seoul Olympics, a festivity for peace for mankind, be an opportunity for harmony and accord between North and South Korea.'" The Archdiocese of Seoul has assigned- nine Korean priests and six. foreign priests to minister to the needs of Catholic participants. 161 nations, the most in modern history, will compete in the Games, to take place for the first time on the Asian mainland. Of South Korea's estimated 42 million population, 2.3 million are Catholic, according to official 1987 church statistics. Seoul will also host the 44th International Eucharistic Congress next year.
. Considering the statistics, there probably is one.. In AfriCa, vocations to the priesthood are booming: Inthepast two years, some 15 seminaries were opened on the continent to ha:ndl~_ the in~rease. , But some young men are turned away for studies fOJ the .priesthood because of a lack of funds. Writes a rector from Nairobi, Kenya: 'The seminary has space for 156 young men, but we have 190; next year, we expect 208. We don't know what we are going to do:' YOU hold the answer to that rector's question. Your contribution -to the Society of St. Peter Apostle .can help the dream of a young boy to be a priest become a reality. Contribute to the education of a mission seminarian today. r-----------~-------------~--,
I , . The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
The Society of St. Peter Apostle for the support of mission seminarians.
I . Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. I 47 Underwood Street, P.O. Box 2577, Fall River MA 02722 I I I -.- - YES! I want to help educate a mission seminarian! Enclosed is my contribution of: I I - - $4,200 toward six years - - $1,400 toward two years I . I I - - $2,100 toward three years - - $ 700 toward one year I - - $-- toward room, board, books,c1othing ANCH. 9j16/88 No. 101, I II
Name Address
.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv~r-Fri., Sept. 16, 1988' 'ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Catechists will be commissioned at 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. A brunch and business meeting will follow. Catechist formation program 7 p.m. Sept. 20 with Sister Joanne Fernandes,OP. SACRED HEART, N. ATTLEBORO Catechists' installation 4 p.m. Mass PUBLICITY' CHAIRMEN LaSALETTE CENTER FOR tomorrow; workshop for teachers are asked to submit news Ilems lor this CHRISTIAN LIVING, column to The Anchor, P;O. Box, 7, Fall 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20. Father Marcel H. ATTLEBORO River, 02722. Name 01 city or town sliould Bouchard, pastor, will be installed at Retreat for adult children of alcobe Included, as·well aslull'dates 01 alfactlv10:30' a.m. Mass Sept. 25, by Msgr. IU... Please send news 01, luture rather holics Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 led by John J. OlIveira. A luncheon will than past events. Note: We do not normally Norene Dupre and· Father Richard follow in the church hall. carry news oflundralslng.actlvltles, We are Delisle, MS; information: Mrs. Duhappy to carry notlc;es 01 spiritual proCHRIST THE KING; pre, 222-8530. grams, club meetings, youth proJects. and COTUIT/MASHPEE. similar non'prollt a~t1vllles. Fundralslng ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, Cereals and fruit juices are needed proJects'nlay'be advertlsed'at our regular SWANSEA retes; obtainable Irom The Anchor busifor area needy families. Donations Ladies of St. Anne meeting 7 p.m. ness office, telephone 675-7151. may be left at the church' entra·nce. On steering Points Items FR Indicates Sept. 21, beginning with BenedicLegion of Mary meetings 6:30 p.m. Fall River, NB Indicates New'Bedlord. tion and reception of new members. each Friday, St. Jude's CCD'center. Parapsychology demonstration by CATHEDRAL CAMPS, ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM Father StephenA. Fernandes. ComE.FREETOWN Preschool program begins Sunmissioning and pinning of catechists Adult retreat, Holy Cross parish, day during 10 a.m. Mass for 4 and S. Easton, this weekend; youth min- 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. 5th graders' 5-year-olds. Installationof CYO ofwill be and Father Richard Beaulieu istry program for youth leaders and ficers and chairpersons 10 a.m. Mass religiouS education coordinators 9 seen on the TV Mass at II a.m. SunSunday. in observance of day on Channel6, a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow with Mike Catechetical Sunday. Vincentians DCCW, TAUNTON Carotta of Boys Town; diocesan District Council of Catholic Wopriests' RCIA dllYs 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 19. Choir rehearsals 7:30 p.m. each Monday. men meeting for officers, commisSept. 20, 22. sion chairmen and presidents and ST. MARY, SEEK'ONK ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH Women's Guild potluck supper past presidents of affiliated guilds Inquiry class for possible converts 7:30 p.m. Sept. 22. St. Mary's School. and meeting 6:30 p.m. Sept. 19. begins 7 p.m. Oct. 3, Family Life Returns may be made for corporate Youth ministry softball 2 p.m. SunCenter. communion supper to be held folday, North School; Adventure Group ST. ANNE, FR meeting for officers and adult lead- lowing 6:45 p.m. Mass Oct. 20 at O.L. Mt. Carmel Church. Seekonk. Parish'committee meeting, school, ers 7 p.m. Sept. 20; membership 7 p.m. Sept. 19; open house, school; meeting 7 p.m. Sept. 26. ST. MARY, NB' 7 p.m. Sept. 22; fellowship meeting, Youth group meeting for high ST. STANISLAUS, FR school cafeteria 7:30 p.m: Sept. 29. school and college students 7 p.m. Parents of parochial school chil- Sept. 27, school cafeteria; elections ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Driver needed to transporta priest dren wmmeet at 6:30 p'.m. Oct. 2. A and approval of planned activities. from Providence College for Sun- course in human sexuality offered in . St. Martha Society to aid in sacristy day Masses once or twice a month. all grades will be explained and the and Mass preparations is in preparaschool policies and curriculum will tion. Information from any of the Information at rectory. be ~viewed. priests. Reception honoring 'retiring LaSALETTE SHRINE, ST. WILLIAM, FR Sister Leocadia Millette, RS M, after . ATTLEBORO Women:s Guild meetings each 11:30 a.m. Mass Oct. 2. Triduum of prayer honoring· Our Lady of LaSalette now in progress; second Wednesday. All women wel- ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, all welcome at 12: 10 and 6: 30 p. m. come. Choir rehearsal 7 p.m. each POCASSET Women's Guild meeting 7 p·.m: Masses. Healing service 2 p.m. Thursday. Sept. 20. Little Rock Scripture study tomorrow with Rev. Edward Mc- O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Children's Mass has resumed at 9 program will begin in November; Donough, C.SS.R.; rain date 2 p.m. Sept. 24: 142nd anniversary of La- a.m. each Sunday. Parents of first those interested in helping may call Salette apparition will be observed communicants will meet tomorrow. the rectory. Father Rio ofthe XaverSunday with Bishop Daniel A. Evangelization workshop 9 a.m. to 3 ian Fathers will speak at weekend Cronin as principal celebrant and p.m. Oct. 22 with Chet Stokloza of Masses on the work of his comthe Catholic Evangelistic Center. munity. homilist at 3 p.m. outdoor Mass.
fteering pOintf
FA THER RAY Bourque of Lowell's The Truth Will Set You Free TV arid Radio Ministry will speak .on Our Lady of Guadalupe at 8 p'.m. Monday at St. Ann's Church, Raynham. Allare welcome to the talk and to the 7 p.m. Mass it follows. Information: Mary Leite,· 822-2219. ST. JAMES, NB Ladies' Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 21, church hall. Entertainment by Sing-Along for God group. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Mass of Anointing for elderly and sick parishioners 2 p.m. Sunday. FAMILY LIFE CENTER, N. DARTMOUTH Marriage Encounter weekend begins tonight; Pastoral Care program 7 p.m. Sept. 21. st. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Choir rehearsals each Monday 7:30 p.m., church. Adoration until 7:30 tonight; New Jerusalem prayer group' meeting follows at rectory; school advisory council meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 22, school. Adult education classes'7:30 p.m. each Tuesday, rectory. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FA'LL RIVER Magneticresonanc,e imaging services' will be available in late September. The technique provides a harmless and superior alternative to X-rays. New techniques in cancer therapy will be discussed 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 22 at White's of Westport. The program, for health professionals', will be presented byJames S. Sergi, RN, MSN, a clinical researcher and oncology nursing specialist. Information 674-5741, ext. 2480. NEWMAN LECTURE, SMU Newman Lecture Series·at Southeastern Massachusetts University begins tomorrow, with a noon to I p.m. talk, "Lumen Gentium: The First 25 Years," by SMU campus minister Father Richard Degagne; all welcome; information: 999-8224.
. ·O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Catholic nurses invited to 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, followed by refreshments in the parish center. Parish council meeting 8 p.m. Sept. 20, religious education center. O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE Adult choir resumes rehearsals 7:30 p.m. Sept. 29. All welcome. DCCW,NB Presidents' meeting, New Bedford District Council of Catholic Women 7:30 p.m. Sept. 22, Holy Name church hall, Pleasant St. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Catechists' commissioning 4:30 p.m. Mass tomorrow, 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. Ladies of St. Anne corporate communion 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday; potluck supper and meeting Sept. 20, rectory. Donations of clean used bedding welcomed by the parish cancer pad group. CATHEDRAL, FR In honor of the parish jubilee, a Catechetical Garden of flowering plants will be blessed following II :30 a.m. Mass Sunday. A social hour willfollow. ECHO RETREAT Girls' ECHO Oct. 7 to 9 at Briarwood Conference Center, Pocasset.
"New civilization" LOS ANGELES(NC)-About 2,000 participants in the first Los Angeles archdiocesan Hispanic Youth Congress were told that God has asked them to forge a ; "new civilization" to unite the best ~ of Latin America and the United' States. Father Virgil Elizondo, pastor of San Fernando Cathedral in. San Antonio, Texas, said God has; put Hispanic youth in "a new situation that has no past precedent to forge a new civilization that can unite the best of Latin America and the best of the United States, to form in every sense of . the word a new man and a new woman, a new humanity."
Primacy accepted WUHAN, China (NC) - Most bishops in China accept the primacy of the pope in the universal church, said the Chinese-appointed bishop of Hankow. Bishop Benedict Dong Guangqing, said most bishops "want ties and relations" with the Vatican. Bishop Dong, named in 1958" was the first mainland bishop elected and ordained without Vatican approval after the government-sanctioned National Association of Patriotic Catholics was established and Chinese-Vatican relations were severed in 1957.
New Jesuit superior at Connolly Very Rev. Robert E. Manning, SJ, New England provincial of the Society of Jesus, has appointed Father George P. Winchester,-SJ, rector of the Jesuit community at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. He succeeds Father James Benson, S1-. Originally from Osterville, Father Winchester was ordained in 1965. He holds degrees in philosophy, theology and English. Father Winchester has taught in Jamaica, worked in community mental health and spent a sabbatical year at Rome's Gregorian University. .Most recently he directed campus ministry at Loyola University of Chicago. The priest notes that he is "happy
to return home to New England and the Fall River diocese."