theanc VOL. 48, NO.35 • Friday, September 17, 2004
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RENEW begins fifth and final season By LISA M. GULINO DIRECTOR OF ADULT EDUCATION AND EVANGELIZATION NEW BEDFORD - With the focus on living out Gospel values in our everyday lives, 30 parishes will begin the fifth and final season of the RENEW Program on the weekend of October 9 and 10. Father Thomas Lopes, diocesan director of RENEW states, "Catholic social teaching gives us the principles and the tools we need to accomplish this. By reflecting on the rich social teachings of the Church we will be encouraged to reach out to the marginalized in our society and to invite them to the banquet table of God's love." Those who have participated in the RENEW faith sharing groups have felt the call and have 'deepened their commitment to this living the Gospel values by
reaching out to those neighbors in need by sharing time, talent and treasure. I am pleased and inspired by the many stories I hear of RENEW groups who have whole-heartedly accepted the challenges to reach out to the larger community and serve those in need. The generosity and love that our RENEW groups have shown is truly inspiring and has already benefited many in our local communities. It is season five's topic, "Renewing for the 21 Sl Century," which will explore our cooperation with the work of the Holy Spirit in our Church and in our world. This season of RENEW will engage us in the work of restoring the world - our little part of this world - in Christ. This is the ministry proper to the laity. In preparation for this work of Turn to page 13 - RENEW
BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman blesses a statue of the Blessed Mother at Notre Dame de Lourdes'School in Fall River on the feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The statue, which has been recently refurbished,. was a gift from St. Mathieu's Parish in Fall River. Notre Dame students, faculty, family and friends processed with the statue from Immaculate Conception Church to the school. Following the ceremonies which included prayer and Marian hymns, each student received a blessed finger rosary. More photos on page 16. (AnchodJolivet photo)
Diocesan Health Facilities to host Pain ManageDlent Resource Fair Professionals and public invited for education, fun By KICKING OFF this season of RENEW at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, New Bedford, were, from left, Father Richard D. Wilson, pastor; Maria Pereira of Catholic Social Services, Guadalupan Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Sister Aida Sansor, Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity Sister Catherine Frances Lamb, and Jose Torres of the Hispanic Apostolate.
Annual Day of Recollection for religious is October 2 NORTH DARTMOUTH Members of communities of religious women and men of the Fall River diocese will be the guests of Bishop George W. Coleman at the Annual Day of Recollection on October 2, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at St. Julie Billiart Parish here. At the 11 :30 a.m. Mass, Bishop Coleman will recognize religious observing 70, 60, 50, and 25 jubilee years of service. Sacred Hearts Father David Reid will be the presenter and his
topic will be, "Strengthening the Bond of Communion Through Prayer," taken from John 26: 1720. Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan, diocesan episcopal representative for religious, is coordinator of the event. Born in Ireland, Father Reid was professed a Brother of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in 1960. He was ordained a priest in 1966. He studied at Queen of Peace Tum to page 13 - Religious
FALL RIVER - "Pain is the nation's hidden health epidemic," Anne 'Marie Kelly told The Anchor last week. Kelly, a registered nurse and a pain management educator and consultant with Diocesan Health Facilities said that fact played a large part in creating the upcoming Pain Management Resource Fair to be held at White's of Westport on September 29. The event is sponsored by Diocesan Health Facilities, accredited by the American Academy of Pain Management. "This is the first event of its kirid sponsored by the diocese," said Julie Cayer, DHF director of marketing and public relations. "The focus of this fair is to bring much needed pain management education to professionals and the public." Kelly indicated that in Massachusetts alqne, more than 59 percent of the public reports experiencing pain on a regular basis. "There is so much education that needs to take place in this area," she said. "What is so important is to dispel the myths and misconceptions about pain issues, especially medicines." She said one of the most frequent misconceptions is that pain medicine is addictive.
"Pain medications become addictive only when they are abused, misused or out of control," said Kelly. She cited instances of abuse as times when medicines are used for purposes other than those intended and usage other than prescribed by professionals. "Less than one percent of individuals on pain medicines become addicted," she added. "There are so many quality pain medicines out there that no one should live in pain," said Kelly. "We can't always take away all the pain, but we can make it much more bearable so the patients have a good quality of life." She indicated that proper pain management increases patients' functionality and their quality of life. ''They can eat better, sleep better, socialize more and be more active." Kelly, who lectures nationally on pain management and end-of-life issues, has seen the results first-hand in the Fall River diocese at the homes run by Diocesan Health Facilities. "We have made such great strides in pain management in the diocese over the last few years," she said. The format of the Pain Management Resource Fair is threefold: a session for nurses, a session for physicians and nurse practitioners, and a session for the general public. Pre-registration is required for Tum to page 13 - Pain Management
Attleboro parish will host Missionary Image .of Our Lady of Guadalupe ATTLEBORO FALLS - St. Mark's Church be host to a visit from the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a copy of the tihTla ofSt. Juan Diego, on October 4 froni 9 a.m:, '.. . .. to 3. p:in. AMass will be celebrated that day at 9 a.m., and. recitation, of the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will· ~ake place , during the day it was annou~ced by Evelyn Boler, a resident of South Attleboro,' who is cur-
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Sister Theresa .Sparrow .retires from ,St.. Julie Billiart
'rentiy the guardian of the Mis. sionary Image for this area. The Blessed Mother miracu-, 'Iously left her life-size painted image on the maIitleor tilma of .. Juan Diego after four appearan'ces to him, ,i.n 1531 on TepeyacHiil outside of~exlco City. . . . The Image is often"compa:r~d to the Holy Shroud of Turin',' because of its miraculo'us formation. The original image on the: tilma remains fresh and beautiful ev'en after 460, years enshrined in the Basilica of Mexico City. Juan Diego, an ,Aztec Indian aI!d convert to Christianity, was ,dec;lared a saint on July 30, 2002. Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast day is December 12, was designated the patron of South America by Pope PillS XII in 1945. . ':.
'. NORTH DARTMOUTH - Recently, a celebration was held at St. Julie Billiart Church to say fare, well to ·Mercy Sister Theresa Sparrow who has served the parish for :16 years and is retiring from, active. service within the diocese. She will.celebrate· 60 years as a Mercy Sister in 2005. In 1988 then Pastor. Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill in- . vited Sister Theresa to join the parish staff as director of Religious Education. Sister. Sparrow came with a great deal of experience; having taught for many years in parochial schools, and served in tnat pos.ition for 10 years. ' .. In 1998 Pastor Father Brian J. Harrington saw. the growing need for assistance in bringing Communion to the homebound and Sister Sparrow happily accepted the opportunity to continue' to serve the parish in thi,s new capacity. .. Parish secretary and long time friend Barbara Wenc wished Sister Sparrow the best and said "on behalf of the parish staff, and all the members of St . Julie's family who have been touched .by the life and service of Sister Ther~sa, we saycongratulations, and sincerest thanks to her." .
, MERCY SISTER Theresa Sparrow, right, shares a moment with parish secretary Barbara Wenc at St. Julie Billiart Church, North .Dartmouth.'
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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima).and spoke these words: "Announce in my
name that I promise to assist aUhe hour ofdeath, with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first ' Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the . .Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.'" In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
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Sisters ofNotrl! Dame de Namur to mark 200th anniversary'
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Friday, September 17,·2004
BOSTON - The Sisters of The Sisters of Notre Dame de dition of striving to empower the Notre Dame de Namur around the Namur have held a strong presence disaffected, abandoned 'and maworld are celebrating their 200th as educators throughout the New terially poor. As a global congreyear as a Congregation this year. England area for generations and 'gation, the Sisters of Notr~ Dame Sharing in the observances locally have many former students and de Namur have held local 200th will be Archbishop Sean Patrick friends throughout the region who anniversary celebrations around O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., who will are expected to share in the cel- the world during 2004. " be principal celebrant at a Mass of ebration. ' . All alumni and friends of the Thanksgiving on Sunday, SeIlte'm- , , The Congregation, which' Congregation are warmly invited ber 26 at 3:30 p.m. at Etnnlanuel founded' Emmanuel College, to share in the celebration. The SisCollege in Boston. traces its origin to a period of ters request that those planning to The celebration and reception political, soCial and religious attend notify the Congregation by will take place at the newly-opened strife-the' French Revolution calling 617.-735-9957 or E-mail: ' Yawkey Center at Enpnanuel, lo- when their foundress, St. Julie snd200@emmanuel.edu. cated at 400 The Fel1way, Boston. Billiart (1751 - 1816) estabThe Sisters of Notre Dame de lished a community of vowed Namur are an international comwomen dedicated to the instruc- munity of women religious with Daily Readings tion of poor children on Febru-. nearly 2,000 Sisters plus associary 2, 1804. ates ministering on five continents Sept 20 . Prv 3:27-34; Ps ,Throughout their 200~year his- and in 28 of the United States. 15:2-5; Lk8:16tory, the Sisters of Notre pame Th~y maintain a Website at: 18 de Namur have maintained a tra- www.sndden.org. Eph 4:1-7,11-13; Sept 21 Ps19:2-5; Mt 9:913 Pry 30:5-9; Ps 1.19: Sept 22 29;72,89,101, 104,1 €!3; Lk 9:1~6 Sept 23 Eccl 1:2-11; Ps Please pray for the following 90:3-6,12-14,17; . Lk 9:7-9 priests during the coming weeks Sept 24 EccI3:1-11; Ps . 'Stpt"20' 144:1-4;Lk 9:1822 1918, Rev., Simon A. O'Rou'r~e, Chaplain, ~S., Navy Sept 25 Eccl11 :9-12:8; 1958, Rev. Orner Valois, pastqr}~~,..New Bedford Ps 90:3-6,12--------:::~t.\21· , 14,17; Lk 9:43b1882, Rev. Geor~e--Pager,-FounrlfrLSacred Heart, New Bedford 45 1938, Rev. George-JOwdy, Pastor,wur Lady of Purgatory, New .Sept 26 Am 6: 1a,4-7; Ps Bedford ,\~ 146:7-10; 1 Tm 1988, Rev. William,H. Crane, SM, ~perior at National Shrine of 6:11-16; Lk Our Lady of Victories, Boston ~ 16:19~31 . Sept. 23 2001, Rev. Antoine Chares~, S~ 11111·11111111111111111111111111 '
In Your Prayers
THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.()20) Periodical Posmge Paid at Fall River. Mass.. Published . weekly except for ihe first two weeks in July . ami the week after Christmas at 887 Highland . :Avenue, Fall River, Mass. fJ2720 by the Catholic .. Press of the Diocese ofFall River. Subscription 'price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send addresS changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, FalIRiver, MA fJ2722.
Sept. 24 1955, Rev. Joseph E.C. Bourque, Pastor, BlesSed Sacrament, Fall River . Sept. 26 , 1944', Rev. :John 1. Donahue, Assistant, St. William, Fall River 1996, Rev. Flavius Gamache, SMM, Lourdes Shrine and Retreat' Center,Citchfield, Conn. . '
Friday, September 17, 2004
like Mexico to work - they're filling jobs that, frankly, others won't do. It seems like to me that we ought to have a policy that's open and honest about this phenomena."
Kerry's immigration agenda calls for allowing undocumented workers who have been in the country at least five years and meet other Turn to page i 3 - immigration
Campaign '04: Immigration plans, unformed ideas set Kerry, Bush apart WASHINGTON (CNS) - As with many aspects of U.S. policy, the government's actions and 'public attitudes about immigration have . been through draJl1atic 'changes since the last presidential election. President George W. Bush and his Democratic rival for the White House, Sen. John F. Kerry, both recognize that the broad umbrella of immigration issues includes everything from border security to international development and keeping business interests happy. But there are distinct differences in how clear the two candidates have been about addressing what's under that umbrella. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' election-year document, "Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility," calls people to care for those in need whether or not they have legal documentation. . Angela Kelley, director of prognuns for the National Immigration Forum, whose member organizations include the USCCB. said Kerry would offer "a comprehensive immigration refonn bill within the first 100 days" in office; sign several pending bills he has supported
in the Senate; and work with neigh- became more difficult for everyone boring countries to address border from refugees to scholars. This January, Bush announced security and causes of migration. In the first eight months of the the framework of a plan under Bush administration, Kelley and which U.S" employers would be other immigrant advocates thought pennitted to bring in foreign workthey had an ally in efforts to create ers and their family members on a more welcoming U.S. immigration temporary basis to fill jobs not being taken by U.S. citizens or legal policies. In the summer of 200I Bush and residents. At least some of the more Mexican President Vicente Fox than eight million illegal immiheld talks aimed at making the grants already in the country would U.S.-Mexican border more open, be allowed to legalize their status. including the possibility of a proThe Agricultural Job Opportugram to legalize the status of some nity, Benefits and Security Act has of the millions of people living in languished in Congress, despite the United States without proper support in both parties as well as from unions, business interests, imvisas. Public polls showed. strong sup- migrant advocates and religious orport for reversing some of the re- ganizations. Kerry has said he would sign strictive changes in welfare and immigration law passed in the mid- . AgJOBS, as well as another pend1990s and Bush seemed willing to ing bill, the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors or follow through. But after the Sept. II, 200 I, ter- DREAM Act. It would pennit mirorist attacks, immigration refonn nors who are in the country illegally discussions ground to a halt. Leg- to attend college and legalize their islation that had seemed sure to pass status. Bush says he wants an il)1J11igtasat untouched through now nearly tion policy which recognizes that three years in Congress. Security concerns took priority "people who come from countries over easier border-crossing procedures. Entering the United States
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Catholics aim to inform voters by Websites, booklets, ads WASHINGTON (CNS) This year's election campaign, with religious issues frequently front and center, has prompted a variety of voter guides, booklets and advertisements which aim to inform Catholics on topics they should consider in the voting.booth. For starters, the U.S. Catholic bishops' document, "Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility," outlines th~ bishops' teachings on the role of Catholics in the public arena. The
bishops have also recently released bulletin inserts summarizing key issues of contemporary politics in the fonn of 10 questions forCatholics to consider during the campaign. Meanwhile, a lay group in San Diego called Catholic Answers published a lO-page booklet, "Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics." The booklet, which is also available online at www.catholic.com. identifies five
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Turn to page i 3 - Voters
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Friday, September 17, 2004
the living word .
How we are changing
We live in very different world. Three years after 9/11, life is changing for all of us. From New York to Madrid, Jakarta to Moscow, and now the horror of Beslan, tell us that the world once more is at war. September 11, 2001 was the beginning, and there is no real end in sight. It's a different kind of battle and we are having' a hard time figuring it out. No longer do we have the massive armies drawn up in rigid opposition; no longer are there the ceremonial onslaughts of traditional warfare; no longer are the military the , chief targets for elimination, , Those who are engulfing the planet in terror are difficult to identify. They move about in' an eh!sive darkness. The innocent are their targets. Civilians and children are the victims of their mad intent. We do not know where they are hiding. Yet, they have purpose. They are first and foremost united; something that cannot be said of the so-called free world. They have an ideology based on radiGal religious motivationalism that is their call to a "holy war," the jihad. The failure to accept this mind-set as real 'continues to add to the horror. From Iraq to the Sudan, from Russia to the Philippines, from our coast to'coast, they ring the world waiting to strike without a moment's notice. As the bodies of their deeds continue to mount, little has been done to truly see into the heart and soul of the assassins. Our response to all that has plunged us into this new darkness has been confused and disheveled. Armies are sent to foreign places to fight an almost invisible enemy. All the while they are forever changing focus. The terrorists of Chechnya, the al-Qaida of Afghanistan, and bombers ofIndonesia disappear into the crowd. All the sophisticated tools of modem science cannot find them. Their elusiveness is one of their most singular weapons of destruction. The report of the 9/11 Commission was a searing 'indictment of national incompetence. The in'atiility of our national counter-espionage forces to work together is a disgrace. We call now for a czar to pull these elements together, and for what real purpose? Somehow we think that by shuffling papers we can dispel the darkness. In this important year of political decision we hear no real solution of h9pe. Our candidates and media are too busy renewing Vietnam realities, thus dodging the very real dangers that we are facing. As a result, our country and all that it stands for is in greater danger than on the first 9/11. But not only us, the world family as well. Our leadership is fractured. Instead of coming together to combat the terror, everyone is doing his 9r her own thing. The leader of Russia failed the children of Beslan. The French are caught up in schoolgirls wearing scarves. Germany is trying to save its auto business and economy. Spain retreats into itself. The litany of ,nations trying to ignore the war on terror will inevitably tum upon them. It is time to face the real. world in which we live. The terror is not going to go away. Tnat must be a given, even for those who are burying their .heads in the sand. Recognizing this fact, then the world community must respond collectively and with a unity of action. On the home front, we have the oblig~tion to renew an effective civil defense. People have the right to feel that their government is honestly doing everything possible to protect them. Terrorists can get across our borders; enter our harbors and fly our planes. Three years into the journey we are wandering in a maze. We must recognize and admit to ourselves thaj: we are all in grave danger.
The Executive Editor
the ancho,s,
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER PUblished weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 FAX 508-675-7048 Telephone 508-675-7151 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address'
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Small is beautiful , By
When I asked my German friend about his impressions of Americans, he replied, "You have big appetites!" This remark turned our conversation toward the philosophy of E.F. Schumacker, who wrote "Small is Beautiful," a book that challenges the ideas that bigger is better, more is desired over less. It is very true that a great many people strive for the bigger, the better and more. How many, for example, have a love affair with big cars, SUVs and fast sports cars that. guzzle gas? To accommodate all this, we have the largest highways ever experienced by humankind. Our moderately sized homes that once housed large families are now becoming tear-downs and being replaced by luxury homes that house much smaller families. Shopping malls are glutted' with enormous inventories
that never are depleted. us that the quest for bigness is Most restaurant food is an integral part of human twice to three times what we nature that, like a new set of should eat. tires, needs to be balanced lest Sporting events are they vibrate and self-destruct. jammed by thousands of fans, The best way to maintain and each year's Super Bowl balance is to block the quest outdoes the past in.enormity. for bigness and more from TV screens are now wall . possessing us and governing size, and their sound systems our lives. This must not be the create noise louder than our primary factor giving meanears can endure. ing to our lives. If it is, we, The yearning for bigger, like so many before us, willbetter and more is not solely wake up and find that we have American. With the exception lived an empty life. of poor nations, most counTrue fulfillment and tries equal us in this category. meaning are gained primarily In light of ,this propensity, by taking less for ourselves so what would philosophers like that others less fortunate will Schumacker have us do? have more. We should first remember Philosophy would also that throughout history counsel us not to lose our civilizations never have been sense of true satisfaction. satisfied with the status quo. Constantly striving for what is They forever were expanding. bigger, seeking to acquire Even Christ spoke Of more, never leaves us time to expansion when he pointed us' be satisfied and enjoy what to the mustard seed that grows we have. to great size. As it did, so did Yes, small is beautiful the Church, its monasteries when seen through the eyes of and followers. philosophy and lived in' our Philosophy would counsel everyday lives.
s Gridiron gridlock I love watching football. I've always loved watching football. I can vividly recall watching on NBC-TV, in black and white, the Boston Patriots hookup against the Houston Oilers at the Astrodome in the old American Football League. Both teams were dreadful, but that didn't
My View From the Stands By Dave Jolivet
matter. It was football. In my sports writer days, I enjoyed most when I covered high school football, and occasional UMass-Dartmouth games. When I graduated to covering the New England Patriots, I was in seventh heaven - even in the Pete Carroll era. Why? Because it was football. Ask me why I find football one of the most, if not the most, intriguing of spectator sports, and I'd have to paraphrase one of the few New York Yankees I actually like, the great Yogi Berra: "Half of football is 90 percent mental." For a game that is so very physical, the cerebral element is as equally dominant. It's a chess game played out with helmets and pads. For me, it's very easy to understand how and why the pigskin has overtaken baseball as America's pastime. I still love watching baseball as well, but football really gets
the juices flowing for me, as it does millions of other Americans. Toughness and intelligence - the American way. But I fear with its overwhelming popularity, football is falling prey to overkill. Dollar signs and exploitation - another American way, is tainting this glorious game. There was a time when the hype was reserved for the Super Bowl. Not any more. Pre-season games now get national television coverage. Last week's opening night at Foxboro was more a made-for-TV special than gridiron glory. The medium that once brought the likes of Johnny Unitas and Gale Sayers into our living rooms, now confuses viewers with an array of sights and sounds more disruptive than the strobe-like cartoons that caused s~izures in scores of children in Japan. Maybe it's just me, but I'm finding it more and more difficult to actually watch the game unfold because of all the graphics appearing on the screen at the same time. And the worst of them all is Fox Sports. Viewers are forced to watch the action (which, by the way, is about 10 minutes of actual playing time in a threehour broadcast) between images displaying the score, the time left in the quarter, the time left on the play clock, the down, the yardage marker, game stats, scores of other games, and fantasy football updates. It's like
watching a screen at the New York Stock Exchange. Add to that the fact that you must listen to reports from TQny Siragusa prowling the sidelines, and you have the worst football coverage EVER! The best coverage so far seems to be ABC Monday Night Football, where you pretty much get just a small box in the upper right hand comer of the screen .. with the score, time and yardage. The other networks fall
somewhere in between. Football doesn't need all the bells and whistles. It stands up just fine by itself, thank you very much. I doesn't matter if you're watching the Pats and Colts duke it out toe-to-toe, or the Bears and the Saints trying to find themselves, football is a great game to watch. Leave it alone! If I want confusion and useless rhetoric, I'll watch coverage of the race to the White House. Dave Jolivet, editor of The
Anchor, is a former sports editor/writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective on the unique world of sports. Comments are welcome at davejolivet@a;zchornews.org.
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Steering Points !" ~
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ATTLEBORO - This weekend at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette will obselVe the anniversary of the appearance of Mary to two shepherd children at La Salette, France in 1846. Mass will be celebrated tonight at 6:30 p.m. Bishop George W. Coleman w.ill be principal celebrant for a 4:30 p.m. Mass tomorrow. An outdoor Mass will be celebrated Sunday at 2 p.m. For more information call 508-222-5410. A healing selVice will be held at the Shrine September 23 at 6:30 p.m.
"The Gluten-Free Diet." MASHPEE - The Third Order ofCarmelites will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in the chapel of St. Jude at Christ the King Church. It includes prayer, .rosary and study. For more information call Dottie Cawley at 508-4772798. MASHPEE - The fifth annual Cape Cod Catholic College and University Informational Fair will be held September 21 from 6-8 p.m. in the parish hall of Christ the King Church. More than 30 Catholic colleges and universities will b~ on hand to share information with students and parents. It is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council No. 13388. For more information call 508-833-8662.
BREWSTER - Beginning on September 26 the eight-week support program "Come Walk With Me," will be offered at Our Lady of the Cape Parish for anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. It will be held Sundays from 2-3:30 p.m. in the parish center. For more informaNEW BEDFORD-The Daughtion call Happy Whitman at 508-385- .ters of Isabella, Hyacinth Circle No. 71 will meet September 21 at 7 p.m. 3252. in the parish hall of Holy Name of the EAST FREETOWN - The an- Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. For nual Scouting retreat themed ''The more information call 508-990-7595. Spirit Moves," will be held September 24-26 at Cathedral Camp, 157 NEW BEDFORD-A six-week Middleboro Road. It is open to Boy Bible study focusing on the Gospel of Scouts and Girl Scouts 10 years and Luke will begin September 29 from older. Catholic Mass and Protestant 7-8:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Fatin1a selVices will be provided. For more Church. For more information call information call Father Stephen Sal- Lisa Gulino at 508-678-2828. vador at 508-676-8463. NORTH DARTMOUTH .:..... A FALL RIVER - Mass will be Divorced-Separated Support Group celebrated on September 23 at 6:30 will meet September 20 from 7-9 p.m. p.m. at St. Anne's Church, 818 Middle at the Diocesan Family Life Center, Street. A healing selVice will follow. 500 Slocum Road. Guest speaker It will include Benediction of the Patrick McCarthy will address the Blessed Sacrament. Rosary will be topic ''The Gender Difference.'" Rerecited at 6 p.m. freshments will be selVoo. FALMOUTH- The St. Patrick's Council of Catholic Women invite potential members to join them for its annual Membership Tea to be held Sunday' at 3 p.m. in the parish hall, 511 Main Street. Father John Harrington will be guest speaker. For more information calI508-548-1 065. MASHPEE - The Cape Cod Celiac Support Group will meet September 26 from I:30-3:30 p.m. in the parish hall of Christ the King Church. It will include a report on a recent conference and a talk entitled
SOMERSET - A holy hour for .vocations will be held September 23 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Thomas More Church, 386 LutherAvenue. Refreshments will follow. For more information call 508-673-7831.
My~oldest leap
of all
We are sitting around the dining-room table, It didn't look like a particularly high cliff, but later a Hawaiian told them the spot they were in my two daughters and I. The summer is waning, and the lonely cry of geese leaving the city and was not a safe place for such antics and that they were lucky they weren't seriously hurt by rocks heading south fills the evening air. The mournful, banshee-like wails of the geese hidden in the ocean. "Well, when I was in Italy ..." began the next remind me of the descriptions of the keening that went on in the thatched-roofed cottages of western story, this one from the elder daughter, who had spent an academic year in Florence. On a trip to Ireland as emigrants sailed off and left their griefItaly's Amalfi coast, she and her friends found a besotted families behind. It's an appropriate image, similar cliff, only much higher. Being the family's because fall is a farewell in so many ways. I think eldest, this daughter is less likely than some to parents are most deeply aware of this. jump off cliffs. Each fall we say But one girl who did goodbye to that child found the descent so who eagerly took his bike out of the shed and' swift and treacherous headed down the street in that her bikini bottom the spring. Whether he's actually tore into her heading to college or flesh, and later an even going nowhere Italian doctor who physically, we say spoke no English By Effie Caldarola goodbye to that little boy sewed painful stitches into a very delicate part because next summer he of her body. will emerge into the . spring a different child - older, taller, a little bit It is a mother's lot to ponder all this. What was more eager to fly out of the nest. • I doing, I wondered, as my daughters contemplated taking a leap off a slag of rock? I, who am One summer his bottom seems permanently affixed to the bike. The next summer his only filled with anxieties and worried constantly about . my daughter being sun-burned, fortunately did desire is to drive the family car. Where, during the long cold winter, did last not have the imagination to envision my child summer's boy go? Lost, somewhere, as the flinging herself into: a) the Mediterranean Sea, b) pansies died and the geese disappeared and the Pacific Ocean, or, in the case of my son, c) a parents realized to both their relief and sorrow 20-foot drop on a snowboard to a table at a that children grow up, oh, so quickly. snowboard camp. (He failed to land it properly, meaning he landed on his [helmeted] head instead Tonight the girls and I are chatting about of his board. Much, much later, he asked, "If you jumping off cliffs. One daughter went with her soccer team to Hawaii this summer. One advencan't remember anything for awhile, could that be ture was finding·a high wall of rock and jumping a concussion?") from there into the ocean. Some people were I am ~ot a person who ever would jump off resistant to this idea, but my daughter, being the cliffs. As a child, I was the. biggest wimp around. family's baby, is more likely than som~ to jump Now I realize I have taken the biggest, boldest off cliffs. leap of all, just by having children!
for the Journey
Competing in the temporal world
One danger for the Catholic Church in competing with the temporal world in things and with things and about things that belong most solidly in the WEST HARWICH - The ProLife Prayer Groups of Holy Trinity- temporal world is that it (the Church and Holy Redeemer Church Church, not the temporal world) will sponsor a holy hour September can seem to become just one 26 at 1:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity among many, and there is, thus, Church, Route 28. Rosary Will be fol- a danger it will be . lowed by Benediction of the Blessed perceived as an equal, a peer, an option, a niceSacrament. but-not-necessary alternative - even though we who are Catholic know better and this makes us open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., and uneasy, unless of course the artists will conduct tours at 7 we happen to win in the a.m., noo~ and 6 p.m. particular secular On Sunday, there will be, a endeavor (old-time Notre Dame Children's Hour, led by the artists, football and good hospitals starting at 9: 15 a.m. A special come to mind), and thus we can Mass will be celebrated by pastor, preen a little in a polite but Father Marcel H. Bouchard, at humble way, while totally doing 10:30 a.m. It will include reflec- what would be the cultural . tions on the windows. A brunch equivalent of spiking the ball in will be served at 11 :30 a.m., and the end zone followed by the windows will be blessed at a 1 exuberant celebration, although p.m. service. one must be careful because the ''The priests, deacons and pa- latter can lead to a taunting rishioners of Corpus Christi Parish penalty on the kickoff. look forward to greeting you at this Know what I mean? event and welcome you in advance I know what you think I am to future events. Come and visit us," thinking. And I think you might Father Bouchard said. be right. But on the other hand, The church is located on I really do not think that this is Quaker Meetinghouse Road, just the basic reason God took so south of the Mid Cape Highway long to become the second (Route 6) at Exit 3. person of the Trinity (aka a
Corpus Christi's 60 new stained glass windows to be blessed this weekend SANDWICH - Corpus Christi Parish will celebrate the completion of a unique faith-inspired permanent art collection - 60 stained glass windows - at its year-old church tomorrow and Sunday. The public is invited to view the win~ows - which comprise one of the largest permanent art installations in the region - and attend the Mass and ceremonies. The windows were created by artist Helen McLean of Wexford, Ireland. Her paintings were then fabricated into separate pieces of glass and assembled intt> windows under the direction of Barbara Derix of Derix Glasstudios of Germany. Both McLean and Derix will attend the weekend activities and be able to answer questions about the work. Tomorrow, the church will be
Friday, September 17, 2004
human person named Jesus)that is, for fear that Jesus would run the risk of being just another human being, just another teacher, just another charismatic bachelor who could quote the Torah like a rabbi (OK he might have been one), a Nazarene who was saying some pretty uppity
The offbeat world of Uncle Dan By Dan Morris
stuff for someone from down the street. As a matter of fact, most of us are pretty glad that God did, in fact, decide to compete in the temporal world like that, even though some wags might claim Mel Gibson should be really, really glad because he made about $400 million on a movie about the end of Jesus' life on earth. Of course, we know it was not the end because of Easter and what the Church teaches about Christ being " present right here and now most notably in the Eucharist at" Mass (often referred to as the Liturgy of the Eucharist).
In Mel's defense, his film might very well have breathed renewed fervor into the faith lives of millions. And when you can do this at same time you market popcorn at $4.50 for a medium tub that you could make at home for 23 cents, you have a winner. Besides, Mel is Catholic. No, I am not suggesting we consider anything along the lines o( popcorn stands for our parish churches. It would be unfair competition to the Knights of Columbus' breakfast in the church hall following Mass. You probably have guessed that I wanted to inquire what you astute readers think of the idea of the Church investing heavily in the religion-asfashion market. I read where a Hawaiian entrepreneur is doing well with an upscale dress shirt made of cloth that features images of Blessed Damien de Veuster, the famous Belgianborn priest who served sufferers of leprosy (Hansen's' disease) on Molokai. But let me check with Mel first and get" back to you. .
Comments are welcome. Email Uncle Dan at cnsuncleOl @yahoo~com.
etnChoiS) Terminal cancer treatments
Friday, September 17, 2004
Q. Can ·you tell me what are words, "benefit" and "burden." my obligations to accept or refuse What benefits will a particular treatment for cancer? What must therapy, whatever it be, bring to you, we do to prolong life, if anything? your family and perhaps others? At The doctor says my condition is not hopeful, and - - - - - - - - - - - he is uncertain about how effective chemotherapy will be. I am old and have no pressing family responsibilities. (New York)
Ques t ions and Answers
A. You obviously have By Father some hard and painful deJohn J. Dietzen cisions to make. [admire 1_ you for your courage and thoughtfulness in asking these ques- best, or worst, what are the reasontions. Please understand there are able expectations? 'What likelihood limits to how much can be said in a of success does your team of physibriefcolumn like this, but I believe I cians offer? What is the best medican point out some insights that cal probability of how results might should be helpful. tum out for you? We need to begin, of course, as These questions must be weighed you already have, by acknowledging along with the burdens involved. that, while life is a sacred and awe- Today, costs ofmedical care for catasome gift from God, death is for us strophic illnesses easily reach into not an absolute evil. We believe the hundreds of thousands of dollars. end of this earthly life is not the end What does this do financially to your of existence; thus we do not cling family or other loved ones when balfrantically to every additional mo- anced against the expectations' of ment, regardless ofthe cost or conse- success? Considering your age and responsibilities, is the sheer pain inquences to ourselves and others. Christian faith and the teachings volved reasonably worth the benefits we have, learned about how to live you might expect? Consider the a Christ-centered life say much other physical and psychological about the questions we must reflect burdens on yourself and those 'on at times like this. The concerns around you. How might your deci. you have, which are shared by ev- sion affect your chances for anything eryone in similar circumstances, like a reasonably normal human life? I recognize these are heavy, albasically revolve around two
most brutal questions. But we must deal with them when faced as.,you are with decisions about "extraordi~ nary" ways ofregaining or maintaining physical.health. You say you are older, your children are grown and you have no significant family responsibilities. Your answer to these questions will therefore differ from those of a younger mother or father with young children. In any case you don't need to be an expert in moral theology to arrive at good honest answers.
With the help of those dear to you, sentation of concerns to be consid, and maybe others whose wisdom . ered in similarsituations. It is "Mediyou trust, pray about it and think it cal Ethics: A Catholic Guide to through as best you can in the light Healthcare Decisions," by Jeremiah of faith and good sense. Then be . McCarthy and Judith Caron, pubpeaceful with your decisions, and . lished by Liguori Press (Liguori, place yourself in the merciful and Mo.). Many will find it helpful. loving hands of God. Questions may be sent to FaI hope all who read this recog- ther John Dietzen, Box 325, Peonize that it barely hints at the com- ria, IL 61651. plexity and thoroughness with which we might address such questions. Even should one wish to study C.C. NATIONAL the subject, however, most publications are beyond the tillJe and backMORTGAGE ground of many people. For those who wish to pursue it further, [ would recommend one recently published book as a particuLow, low rates starting at larly readable and morally solid pre-
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se join us as we bid farewell to OCl/I'll/'la
O. ~
and ,!ve thanks for the~markable gifts she has offered to her religious family, our hOspital family and our community. \
September 28, ~004 White's of Westport Westport, MA 5:30 PM Cocktails 6:30 PM Dinner 7:30 PM Program
Tickets: $35 each RSVP by September 22, 2004 to Saint Anne's Hospital, Office of Development 508-235-5055 Sister Joanna, who has served as Provincial Superior of the Dominican Sisters' USA Province and chairperson of SAH Board of Trustees since 1989, has been elected as one of the Order's six governing General Councilors. Sister will relocate to Rome, Italy where she will assume her new role in October 2004.
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Friday, September 17,2004
Faith helps New, England Patriot weather ups, dow~s of football By LISA SCHULTE CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Italian officials unveil solution to head coverings on photo ID cards By CAROL GLATZ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ROME - The central Italian city of L' Aquila unveiled its solution to a recent controversy over whether people applying for a picture identification card should be allowed to use a photo of themselves with their heads covered. The imbroglio occurred when two nuns went to the city's vital statistics office to apply for an Italian photo identification card, according to Italian media reports September 7. The clerk on duty turned them away when they presented passport-size photos of themselves in their habits, complete with wimple, a head covering that leaves only the face exposed. The clerk said they would have to return with pictures of their heads uncovered as required by Italian law. Just a few days earlier, newspapers said, the same clerk had required a Somalian Muslim woman applying for an Italian identification card to return to the office with a photo of herself without her hair covered by the "hijab" or Muslim woman's veil. A 1940 Italian law says pictures on official documents must show the person with "no hat" that hides the person's hair color or other "particular features" required to be listed.
While the Muslim woman returned later with a new picture of herself without the veil, the two nuns went to their superior, who contacted Archbishop Giuseppe Molinari of L' Aquila, who then contacted the city's magistrate. The religious' <;ontested the clerk's decision because they had been aware of an exception to the no-hat rule when the hat was, instead, a religious garment. In 1995, the federal government circulated a memo saying that, while the 1940 no-hat requir~ment still applied, "veils, turbans, and other religious headwear" were allowed in ID pictures "as long as facial features are completely visible." The Italian press reported that L' Aquila's city officials 'resolved the confusion in a final statement saying they \\::9uld follow the specifications spelled out'in the 1995 memo. . City officials said the huns and the Somalian woman could app~y for ID cards with pictures of themselves with their respective religious head coverings, according to reports. Meanwhile, L' Aquila's deputy mayor and the president of the Italian Union of Muslims, Adel Smith, praised the city clerk for at least having applied the no-hat law equally, regardless of religious affiliation.
happened and has been looking out for me." , When it comes to sharing his faith, the 6-foot-4OMAHA, Neb. - Just minutes before the big- inch, 300-pound Hochstein doesn't hold back. He gest game of his lify, New England Patriot Russ adrriits he's "pretty loud about being Catholic" and Hochstein said a prayer. He fumbled in his pocket said he enjoys talking about his faith, especially with for the little finger rosary, given to him as a gift his teammates. "I'm proud to say I'm Catholic ... but I never from a priest friend, and for a moment, turned to down-talk another person's faith," he said. his Catholic faith. Hochstein also shares his faith by example. As a "I put it around my finger right before the Super Husker, he regularly atBowl game ang prayed tended Mass at the a decade," the former Newman Center, the Nebraska offensive Catholic student parish lineman told The Cathoon the University ofNelic Voice, Omaha braska-Lincoln campus, archdiocesan newspaand worked as a counper, in a telephone interselor at a Catholic youth view. camp in Hartington durThe Patriots won that ing the summers. Super Bowl last FebruToday, he regularly ary over the Carolina attends Mass on SunPanthers by a score of days and holy days at St. 32-29. Mary Parish in North As he enters his Attleboro, Mass. fourth year in the Na"As an adult, there's tional Football League, no excuse. You have to Hochstein continues to do what you have to do rely on his Catholic to practice your faith," faith to help him deal he said.' with the instability of During those nearly professional athletics 20 weeks of the season and the temptations that when his team is on the come with "living the road, Hochstein said he fast Ijfe" of money and still manages to make it celebrity status. - "As a player it can be to Mass because a Catholic priest comes to very haid because you the team's hotel and ofget handed so many fers Mass the Saturday things .... Money is king," the 26-year-old night before each game. Father Jim Keiter, assaid. "So any situation RUSS HOCHSTEIN, a 6-foot-4-inch, 300- sociate pastor at Sacred that puts you in harm's way you want to avoid pound left guard for the New England Patriots, Heart Parish in Norfolk, he admires - as a player and as a continues to rely on his Catholic faith to help said Hochstein's common person." him deal with the instability of professional athBorn and raised in letics and the temptations that come with "liv- sense, honesty and inThe priest sees Hartington, Hochstein ing the fast life" of money and celebrity status. tegrity. Hochstein as a good attended Holy Trinity (CNS photo courtesy New England Patriots) role model for young School and Hartington people. Cedar Catholic, where ''They see he's living his faith," said Father he was a football standout. He was a member of the Nebraska Cornhuskers team that captured the na- Keiter, a classmate of Hochstein's older brother. tional championship in 1997. He went on to play "He's made smart choices, set goals and has worked for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2001, and was hard to achieve those goals." Hochstein credits his parents, Gayle and Barb, signed by the Patriots in 2002. "God has blessed me with the talents to play the his Catholic education and the community of sport I do and the work ethic to keep playing," said Hartington for laying the foundation of his faith, Hochstein, who plays left guard for the Patriots. and thanks his coaches and friends who have en"He's given me the strength to take on what has couraged him throughout the years.
Third federal judge overrules partial-birth abortion ban LINCOLN, Neb. (CNS) - A third federal judge has ruled the law prohibiting the procedure known as partial-birth abortion is unconstitutional. In a recent ruling, U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf said the 2003 law should have included an exception allowing the type of abortion to be used in cases where the woman's health is in danger. The only exception to the ban is when the mother's life is at risk. Kopf is the third federal judge this summer to declare the law unconstitutional. New York District Judge Richard C. Casey said in August that the Supreme Court has clearly called for health exceptions in such laws.
San Francisco federal Judge Phyllis Hamilton said in June that the law's lack of exceptions "poses an undue burden on a woman's right to choose an abortion." The cases are expected to be appealed eventually to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court typically declines to take appeals where lower courts are in agreement. Kopf's ruling said Congress should have taken into account the testimony of doctors who perform what the law calls partial-birth abortions but which others define as "intact dilation and extraction" or D&X. "According to responsible medical opinion, there are times when the banned procedure is medically
necessary to preserve the health of a woman and a respectful reading of the congressional record proves that point," he wrote. "No reasonable and unbiased person could come to a different conclusion." Kopf said Congress "arbitrarily relied upon the opinions of doctors who claimed to have no (or very little) recent and relevant experience with surgical abortions. It is unreasonable to ignore the voices ofthe most experienced doctors and pretend that they do not exist." He said he was not ruling on the constitutionality of the ban in cases where a fetus is able to survive outside the womb. One witness at the Nebraska trial said that could be as early as 23 weeks into a pregnancy.
Friday, September 17,2004
Italian shrine city is one ofmost visited by Pope John Paul II By CAROL GLATZ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
September 8, when the Church celebrates the birth of Mary, and on December 10, when the town celebrates the miraculous arrival of the Holy House, from Nazareth, Israel, in Loreto. According to tradition, the Holy House was carried by angels to this hillside town the night of December 9-10 in 1294 after making a three-year stop in Croatia. The small house, which is actually made of three stone walls, is considered to be the place where Mary was born, where she was visited by an angel and conceived Jesus through the H()ly Spirit, and where the Holy Family later lived. The shrine's caretakers say research has shown the brown and tan stones came from Palestine. The stones, now smooth from the touch of centuries of pious hands, were hand cut in the shape of bricks - a technique used by the Nabatei tribe which was then also present in Palestine. While the imagery of a cluster of angels carrying the venerated home is omnipresent in literature about the Holy House, the custodians say the stones were actually removed from the Holy Land and carried by ship by a member of the Angeli family. The family name is also the Italian word for "angels," thus being the probable reason for the more popular notion of winged angels flying the house to Italy. Despite the possibility that the house came by way of ship, Our Lady of Loreto is still the patron saint of aviation and air travel.
LORETO, Italy - Italy's most important and popular Marian shrine city is now one of the most visited by Pope John Paul II. His recent one-day visit to Loreto to beatify three 20th-century Catholics marked the pope's fifth trip to this eastern seaside town. The only other Marian shrine he has visited as often as pontiff is Poland's national shrine of Our Lady of Jasna Gora in Czestochowa. Though he did not set foot in Loreto's Holy House of Mary, the shrine's much venerated Our Lady of Loreto statue was carried three miles to the site of the BANNERS DEPICTING Blessed路 Pedro Tarres Claret, Blessed Alberto Marvelli and Blessed beatification Mass to be with the Pina Suriano hang on the right side of the altar as Pope John Paul II celebrates their beati- pope. "The Mother goes to the son fication Mass in Loreto, Italy, September 5. The pope was joined by 200,000 faithful as he if the son does not go to the advanced their sainthood causes. (CNS photo by Alessia Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo) Mother," the shrine's historian, Father Giuseppe Santarelli, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire. It was the first time the venerated wooden statue of the Madonna and Child left the ancient walls of the city, which attracts By CAROL GLATZ families who had lost every- sion to enter religious life. some four million路visitors a year. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Her dreams were dashed thing during the aerial bombing Hundreds of young people LORETO, Italy - An engi- campaigns. People who knew when she was turned down by took part in a late-night candleneer, a medical doctor-turned- him said his generosity was a religious order when it was light procession to carry the priest, and a young woman with coupled with such tenderness discovered she had a serious carving from the Holy House sanctuary to the stage in the vala dream became three new ex- that those who received his aid heart problem. Instead of falling into de- ley below, where the pope preamples of how holiness can be accepted it with joy. In his diary, Marvelli wrote, spair, she accepted it as God's sided over the beatification cerlived in everyday life. Pope John Paul II beatified "We must give others the gifts will and dedicated herself to emony the next day. The statue, carved in 1922 out Alberto Marvelli, Father Pedro we have been given freely with Jesus. In 1950, she died of a heart attack at age 35. of cedar trees from the Vatican Tarres Claret and Pina Suriano God's love." Pedro Tarres Claret was born Gardens, is a copy of a 14th-cenSeptember 5 in a special in Spain in 1905. He was tury figure destroyed in a fire. outdoor ceremony held in an active lay missionary It is only removed from its the eastern Italian coastal town of Loreto. By elDuring World War II, Marvelli ped- in, the Spanish region of place above the shrine's altar for evating these 20th-cen- aled his bicycle -loaded with food, Catalonia while studying brief processions in the square in front of the sanctuary each tury men and woman to clothing and other provisions - to to become a doctor. He wrote that "medijust one step shy of sainthood, the pope has given displaced families who had lost ev- cine is the best way to today's Christians ex- erything during the aerial bombing serve God in the bodies amples of what being campaigns. People who knew him and the souls of our fellow holy entails, especially said his generosity was coupled with men," and he earned much respect and admiration for for lay people. such tenderness that those who re- his concern for his paThe two Italians and ceived his aid accepted it with joy. tients' physical and emoone Spaniard were active tional well-being. members of the world-. When he路treated poor 'wide Catholic lay assopeople, he did not charge for Being caught up in the "falciation, Catholic Action. The group's emphasis on express- lacy of having" distracts one his services and would leave ing love of Christ through soli- from the "truth of being," he behind money so they could buy their prescriptions. darity with others and the fact also wrote. Father Tarres helped the After the war, Marvelli used it has produced five saints and has 30 members with active his engineering abilities to help wounded during Spain's civil canonization causes has led the rebuild Rimini, which had been war and, after witnessing the group to be called "a school of almost razed. In 1946, at age fierce religious persecution at 28, he was killed by a truck the time, he decided to become holiness." a priest when the conflict ended. One of those beatified, Ital- while on his bicycle. His colleagues were puzzled Italian lay woman Pina ian engineer Alberto Marvelli, was born in 1918 in the eastern Suriano was born in Sicily in at his decision, believing a person should abandon a career Italian city of Rimini. His fam- 1915. only when it was a failure. But Her parents were strongly ily was well-off, but they often POPE JOHN Paul II is surrounded by young people weargave away many of their own opposed to her spending so the doctor said he knew that as ing bright orange baseball caps as he arrives to celebrate much time in Church activities, a priest he could do even more basic necessities to the poor. Mass in Loreto, Italy, September 5. A crowd of more than saying it would hurt her good serving others. During World War II, 200,000 people gathered in Loreto for the beatification cerHe died of cancer in 1950 afchances of finding a husband. Marvelli pedaled his bicycle emony of two Italians and one Spaniard who lived exemjust eight years in the priestter loaded with food, clothing and She eventually won them over plary lives of holiness. (CNS photo from Reuters) hood. He was 45 years old. and even gained their permisother provisions - to displaced
Newly beatified are 20th-century exaDlples of everyday holiness
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Friday, September 17,2004
CNStilm· ratings , " '.NEWYORK (CNS) - Here is a list of recent films the Office for Film & Broadcasting'of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has rated on the baSis of moral suitability. The first symbol after each title is the USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification. The second symlxil is the rating of the Motion Picture Association of America. Office for Film & Broadcasting classifications: AI - general patronage; A-IT - adults and adolescents; A-III - adults; A-IV - adults, with reservations (this indicates films that, while not morally offensive in themselves, are not for, casual viewing because they require some analysis and explanation in order to avoid false impressions' and' interpretations); L -limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling (succeeded the A-IV 'classification as of Nov. I, 20'03); 0 - morally offensive.
Divorce the heartbreak of nation, says '7th Heaven' star By MARK PATTISON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
.~:i~;: .~:,
K Kill Bill - Vol. 2, 0 (R) King Arthur, L (PO-l3)
experiences some of the teen ;" angst originally assigned by WASHINGTON - It's good scriptwriters to Beverley that Americans ,can see a solid, Mitche1l 1 who plays elder sister functioning 'family on the WB Lucy. Inheriti!1g Ruthie's wideseries "7th Heaven," said, eyed innocence, in turn,' are Catherine Hicks, the Catholic ac- 'Lorenzo and Nikolas Brito, who tress who plays Annie' Camden, . play twins Sam and=David the mother of seven on the series. Camden; the twins were born dur", It plays in sharp contrast to the ing' the show's fourth season. prevalence of divorce in the "7th Heaven" doesn't.e:x.actly , ,United States. '''It's breaking the mirror 'present-day family'life, heart of the nation," she told according to Hicks. "I think mar- . CathoJic News Service in a tele- ried couples argue more than the' phone interview from the "7th Camdens," she said. On a perHeaven" set in Hollywood~ sonal level, she added, "I'm a "Divorce', divorce, divorce," working mom and I love my'one she added. "Ii's broken the hearts child," as opposed to stay-atof thousands of families. '7th home Annie, who's raised seven Heaven' is sort of an image of a kids. A member of St. Paul the functioning family'that's not going to break up." Apostle Parish in the Westwood Hicks, herself married with a section of Los Angeles, Hicks daughter, said she uses 'some of majored in both theology and ' 'Annie Camden's backbone off English literature at St. Mary's the set. "I apply Annie's environ- College in Notre Dame, Ind. She ment at home," she said. "She's then won an acting fellowship and helped me bark out' some como', earned a master's degree in fine mands I r,eally would shrink -,arts at Cornell University in from.'" Ithaca, N. Y. "7th Heave'n" is entering its Originally in TV soap operas ninth season on the WB network. as a professional actress, Hicks It's been the network's top-rated parlayed playing Marilyn Monroe series in five of the past six years. in a made-for-TV movie into a To refresh fans On how it all be- lead role in the short-lived series, gan, a DVD set of the series'·first "Tucker's Witch." For much of season has just been issued. the decade before her daughter, Since its inception, some of the Catie, was, born in 1992, she had child characters have,adopted the featured roles in several TV secharacter qualities of their older ries and movies. She took two siblings. David Gallagher, who years off after Catie's birth before played' earnest preteen Simon returning to the screen. Two years Camden, emerged as a teen after her return, Hicks landed the heartthrob in his own right" fol- role of Annie Camden, wife of lowing in the footsteps of Ba.rrY . minister Eric, on "7th Heaven.''Watson, who plays elder brother 'Hicks said fans tend not to con-' Matt. (Both' actors return to the fuse her with her character on the .': show this fall after hiatuses of one ,series. ''They'll say, 'There) the and two seasons, respectiveiy.) mom on "7th Heaven."'P~ople ".'/ / H Mackenzie Rosman in,the first come up to me and say, 'Thank /'/" .. Hard Word, 0 (R) , season was impish kindergartner, you. We love your show. It's Harold & Kumar Go To White ,Castle, 0 (R) Ruthie. "¥ackenzie, she's getting 'helped our family.,so much,"" she Harry Pott~r and the Prisoner,o-,Azkaban, A-IT (PO) pretty,;', HiCks' noted; a~d' .~o:.v;. 'said,., ' " ',,' ;'-', , , ,,'
. .~ .~:~;? :.~ .
J Jersey Oirl, A-III (PO-13) Johnson Family Vacation, A-II (PO-13)
L The Ladykillers, A-III (R) Th~ Adventures of Ociee Nash, A-I (G) . Little Black Book, A-III (PO-13) Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination'London, A-II (PG) Love Don't Cost a Thing, L (PG-13) . , The Alamo, A-III (PG-l3) , Luther, A-III (PO-l3) Alien vs. Predator, A-III (PG-l3) M Along Came Polly, L (PG-l3) . The Manchurian Candidate, A-III (R) 'Manna'From Heaven, A-II (PG) American Wedding, 0 (R) America's Heart and Soul, A-I, (PG) Man on Fire, 0 (PO-l3) Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid, A-III , Marci X, 0 (R) (PG-l3) Maria Full of Orace, A-III (R) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, A-III Mean Creek, A-III (R) (PG-l3) , Mean Oirls, A-III (PG-13) The Medallion, A-II (PO-l3)' And Now Ladies and Gentlemen, A-III (PG-l3) Anything, But Love, A-II (PG-l3) Miracle, A-II (PO) , Monster, L (R) , Around'the World in 80 Days, A-II (PG) " Autumn Spring, A-III (PG-l3) My Baby's Daddy, L (PG-l3) My Boss's Daughter, 0 (PO-l3) 'B The Barbarian Invasions, 0 (R) My Life,without Me, A-III (R) Benji Off the Leash! A-II (PG) N Big Eden, A-IV (PG-13) New York Minute, A-II (PO) The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi; L (R) The Notebook, A-III (PG-l3) , 0 Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius, A-II (PG) , Bollywood/Hollywood, AcIII (PG-l3), . Open Water, A-III (R) The Bourne SupreqIacy, A-III (PG-13) . ' The O,rper, 0 (R);:i "p Breakin' All the Rules, A-III (pG-O) Bright Young Things L(R) '::(":'.!< Paycheck, A-III (PG-13) The Butterfly Effect,'O (R) - ,";;i" ,Prey for Rock and Roll, 0 (R) C The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, A-I (G) The Punisher, 0 (R) R , Raising Helen, A-II (PG-l3) The Reckoning, A-III (R) Rugrats 00 Wild, A-I (PG) ,
ACTRESS CATHERINE Hicks, a lifelong 'Catholic, plays the wife of a Protestant ministeron the WB television series' "7th Heaven." In an interview with Catholic New Service, Hicks $aid "divorce is breaking the heart of the nation." (CNS photo from WB)
The Haunted Mansi9n, A-II (PG) The Heart of Me, A~IV (R) Hero, A-III (PG-13) A Home at the End of the World, 0 (R) Homeon the Range, A-II (PG) House of Fools, A~IIl (R) House of the Dead, 0 (R) I I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, L (R) I'm Not Scared, A-Ill (R) Intimate Strangers, L (R) I, Robot, A-II (PG-l3)
.. '.
S' Saved! L (PO-l3) Scary Movie 3, 0 (PG-l3) Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, A-II (PG) The Sea Is Watching, A-III (R) She Hate Me, 0 (R) Shrek 2, A-II (PO) S,leepover, A-II (PO) Spartan, L (R) Spider-Man 2, A-Ill (PO-l3) Stander, L (R) The Statement, L (R), The Stepford Wives; A-Ill (PO-13) The Story of the }Veeping Camel, A-II (PG) Suspect,Zero, ,9(R) T The Terminal, A-II (PO-l3) Thunderbirds, A-II (PO) Torque, A-III (PO-l3) Troy, A-III (R) Two Brothers, A-I (PG) V Van ReIsing, A-III (PG-13) Vanity Fair, A-III (PO-l3) The Village, A-II (PO-l3)
Walking Tall, L (PG-l3) We Don't Live Here Anymore, L (R) White Chicks, A-Ill (PO-l3) Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! A-III (PO-l3) Without a Paddle, L (PO-I3)
You Oot Served, A-II (PG-l3) Young Adam, 0 (NC-I?) TheYoung Black Stallion, A-I (G) Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie, A-II (PG) ,
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Friday, September 17,2004
the anchcH(S)
11 ing at what triggers or contributes to terrorism. The new world tensions combine more than one motivation: historical tensions among peoples, "economic recriminations caused by great poverty," the search for new political assets, "the vindication of cultural diversity," or other factors, he said~ . The cardinal said people also cannot ignore the fact that the international arms trade makes it easy for disgruntled groups to get weapons, frequently using' them
against the country that provided them. Because the factors contributing to terrorism are so complex, he said, the response must be as well. Because the causes are complex, "they can be removed only with joint action by a number of local and international actors," he added. The Christian contribution, he said, must be a more concerted effort to teach and live the truth that God is love and demands that those who believe in him love all men and women.
ill/haler's .ave . /
LOCAL RESIDENTS walk past flowers and view the gym where heavily armed rebels held hostage hundreds of school children and adults in the town of Beslan in the Russian province of North Ossetia. At least 335 people were killed in the siege that ended September 3 in a firefight between the hostage-takers and police. The pope called the school take"over a ''vile and heartless act." (CNS photo from Reuters)
Vatican official says terrorisIn has unleashed 'fourth world war'
OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 9,2004 8:00 AM -1:00 PM
\ \
MILAN, Italy - Defining the Cold War as the "third world war," Cardinal Renato Martino said terrorism appears to have unleashed the "fourth world war" in a way that touches almost everyone in every part of the globe. Th~ cardinal, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, spoke recently at an interreligious meeting for peace sponsored by the Rome-baSed Community of Sant'Egidio. Terrorism on the scale seen since Sept. II, 200 I, has become a type of war outside the bounds of "all 'pf the political and juridical canons ~onsolidat~ by a very long tradi~on" for defiri"1g war and regulating combat, he s<id.
The reaction, the cardinal said, particularly in the "preventative war" oil Iraq proclaimed by the United States and its coalitibn partners, is also outside the bounds of traditionally accepted definitions of national self-defense. Cardinal Martino previously has said that the.war on Iraq was not" justified, but that once the coalition forces invaded they had an obligation to stay and to provide security while the new Iraqi government is formed and consolidated. The cardinal said two aspects of "the war of terrorism and the'war on terrorism" are completely new. The first regards the ability of terrorists to strike in one place, yet make an "interruption" into the daily lives of people around the globe, he said.
The immediacy of news coverage brings images of the attacks into everyone's homes, the cardinal said, and the unexpected and horrifying acts make people feel that they may not be safe anywhere, including their offices or their schools. "With terrorism, war is no longer a far-off event, but is terribly close," Cardinal Martino said. The cardinal also said that, while war always has been horrible and has "sinisterly shone light on the abyss" of human hearts, "the 'war we are living through at this mOr ment is particularly disturbing because these acts sometimes are committed in the name of God." Cardinal Martino said neither politicians nor people of faith could afford to be simplistic when look-
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ORPHANED CHILDREN cared for by the Missionaries O\Charity walk past a portrait of Blessed Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India, on the seventh an1iversary of her death. (CNS photo from Reuters)
Friday, September 17, 2004
Back to basics: Pope begins renewed focus on Eucharist VATICAN CITY (CNS) -M- . many parts of the world," said U.S. ter an intense quarter-century of FatherThomas D. Williams, a memteaching, writing and traveling, Pope ber of the Legionaries ofChrist who John Paul IT is going back to the teaches at Rome's Regina basics with a renewed focus on the Apostolorum University. Eucharist. After reading blogs - Webjour.He has convened a special eucha- nals - full of people slamming the ristic year that begins in October. Church on this issue; Father WillLast year 'he wrote ari encyclical iamssaid, ''There's a lot of ignorance extolling the Eucharist as the source out there, and I think this will be a and culmination of the Church's life. year of instruction." He has convened a Synod of BishOf course, the pope's focus will ops on the same topic for the fall of go beyond liturgical details. He is 2005. most concerned that Catholics unAnd more frequently he speaks derstand how the Eucharist embodof the importance of the Eucharist ies fundamental truths for the in the life of each Catholic. Church, including Jesus' redemptive The Eucharist has a "transform- sacrifice and his continued presence ing power" that provides the 'cour- in the world. age to live the faith and to spread Archbishop John J. Myers of the Gospel, the pope said in June Newark, N.J., said most of his parbefore leading a eucharistic proces- . ishes already have regularly schedsion through downtown Rome. uled eucharistic adoration, and some ''There's a very close connection have perpetual adoration. It's part of between the Eucharist and announc- a U.S. trend that owes something to ing Christ," he said. . the pope's consistent teaching on this In fact, said Cardinal Jozef issue, he said. Tomko; who heads the Vatican's The Eucharist in all its implicacommittee for international eucha-' tions seems a perfect theme for the ristic congresses, the pope is con- final years of this papacy, but it's vinced that unless Catholics have a been dear to the pope his whole life. fum understanding of the Eucharist As an archbishop in Poland, he 'the Church's many missionary and would complain loudly and publicly social activities lose meaning. every year that authorities had kept In the United States, most discus- the annual Corpus Christi procession sion of the Eucharist this year has out of Krakow's central square. And, revolved around the .controversy addressing a vast crowd at the pro- . over Catholic politicians who dis-' .cession'in 1978, he deftly linked the agree with Church teaching on abor- Eucharist with a call for recognition tion. Some bishops have said they of the Church's legal status. The would refuse to give Communion Church "is building itself on the Euto.such politicians. charist," he said, and the nation's auDespite the risk ofpoliticizing the thorities cannot deny that truth. Eucharist, many observers in Rome Father Williams predicted the and at the Vatican are not unhappy 2004-2005 year of the Eucharist the Communion issue has been would have a ripple effect throughraised. out the Church. He said it's very ''The whole question of being in much in keeping with the pastoral a proper disposition to receive the style ofthis pope, who has dedicated Eucharist is something that's been years to Mary, the rosary and the practically untouchedJor decades in family, among other things.
A MAN walks past a church destroyed by Hurricane Ivan in Lionel Town, Jamaica, last week. (CNS photo from Reuters)
Naming center at Catholic hospital .for Giuliani is raising questions By TRACY
ops' policy. In a recent telephone interview, he said naming a unit of a hospital for someone was clearly' an honor and that support for legal abortion was a basic violation of Catholic principles. He said, however, that the fo· .cus should not be on what bishops were allowing politicians to do, but "what politicians are allowing the abortionists to do." Michael Fagan, media direc-
iliary Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan of Brooklyn and Charity Sister NEW YORK - The naming Elizabeth A. Vermaelen, Fagan of a new center of a Catholic hossaid. Currently, Bishop Sullivan pital in New York for former and Sister Jane Iannucelli, a SisMayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has ter of Charity, are vice chairs, he raised questions in light of the said. U.S. bishops' policy of refusing Frank DeRosa, spokesman for honors to politicians who support the Brooklyn diocese, said legal abortion. . Bishop Nicholas A. DiMarzio reGround was broken this gretted Giuliani's support'for lemonth for the Rudolph W. gal abortion, but did not wish to Giuliani Trauma Center at St. comment on the naming decision Vincent's Hospital in Mansince it was made before he hattan, which is part of the came to Brooklyn last year. St. Vincent Catholic MediJoseph Zwilling, "The Catholic community and cal Centers of New York. spokesman for the New Catholic institutions -should not The medical centers York Archdiocese, said' complex was formed in honor those who act in defiance of Cardinal Edward M. Egar 2000 by a merger of the our fundamental moral principles." had not expressed ani Catholic Medical Centers view on wJx:ther namirg of Brooklyn and Queens the tra"ma center for with two agencies of the Sisters tor for the medical centers, said Giuli'ani vjolated the bishop;' of Charity - St. Vincent's Hos- the naming of the new trauJ.lla policy. A.lthough the trau,ma pital and Medical Center and Sis- center was considered appropri- center,S located in the archdioters of Charity Healthcare in ate because of the roles both the cesf\,Zwilling pointed out ·that Staten Island. The Diocese of hospital, located in lower Man- C,.tcdinal Egan has no control -Brooklyn and the Sisters of Char- hattan and Giuliani had in' re- .over the St. Vincent Catholic ity of St. Vincent de Paul, which. sponding to the Sept. n, 2001/'Medical Centers because of its has its motherhouse in the Bronx, terrorist attacks on the WOJ;d organizational separation from are sponsors of the complex. Trade Center. ,.; the archdiocese. He said the decision ab,(Iltthe In a statement adopted in June Jesuit Father Thomas J. at a special assembly in· naming was made in 2Q~2, long Reese, editor of the Jesuit maga. Englewood, Colo., the U.S. Con- before the bishops add'ted their zine America, based in Manhattan, said in a recent telephone inference of Catholic Bishops de- statement. clared, "The Catholic commuAt that time.' the former terview that .it would be objecnity and Catholic institutions· mayor, a Cathol/ and a Repub- tio~able .if th~ bi~hops. ~pplied should not honor those who act . lican who suprOrts legal abor- their polIcy to UnIversities and in defiance of our fundamental tion, was nall-¢'d executive hon- not to hospitals and other Cathomoral prInciples." . orary chairrF~ of a $100 mil~ion . lic institutions. "They should not be given · capital cavPaIgn for the medical In any case, their statement, awards, honors or platforms centers, dId, more recently, his "Catholics in Political Life," was which would suggest support for · wife, Jldith Giuliani, has been "fundamentally flawed," he said, their actions," the statement con- name!executive director of the because while it called for "more tin~ed. camlaig n . effective dialogue and engage.. When the decision to name ment with all public officials" it Father Frank Pavone, a priest AFTER AN intense quarter-century of teaching, writing of the New York archdiocese and trauma center for Giuliani imposed restrictions that would and traveling, Pope John Paul II is going back to the basics president-of Priests for Life, saw was announced at a press con- keep universities, a logiCal place with a renewed focus on the Eucharist. (CNS photo by Alessia the hospital's action as troublinr ference in 2002, the board of the for dialogue, from giving the ofand a clear violation of the bisl- centers was co-chaired by Aux- ficials a platform. Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo) CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Friday, September 17', !,Q04
POPE JOHN Paul II leaves a recent weekly general audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. The pope turned this audience into a prayer service for the Russian schoolchildren killed in Beslan, asking the estimated 7,500 people present to be mindful of "all the innocent children who, in every part of the world, are the victims of the violence of adults." (eNS photo . from Reuters)
Religions Mission Seminary in Jaffrey, N.H., and received his teaching degree in theology from The Catholic University ofAmerica in Washington, D.C. He received a degree in exegesis from the Biblical Institute in Rome. After some years teaching at the Washington Theological Union, he earned a doctorate in .biblical theology from the Gregorian University in Rome in 1983. Besides his teaching ministry, Father Reid has served as pastor at Our Lady of the Assumption
Continued from page one
in New Bedford, and SS. Peter and Paul in Rochester, N.Y. Currently he is leader of the USAEast Province of his Congregation. In his presentation, Father Reid will develop the theme of building community through prayer. Because he is a member of the same Congregation as was Blessed Damien De Veuster, famed for serving the lepers on Molokai, it is no surprised that his viewpoint' is shaped by Father Damien's ex-
Pain ManageDlent
perience. Father Damien's prayerful discovery of the presence of the risen Lord in the person of those afflicted with leprosy, was the foundation of his efforts to build a community of praise in the midst of struggle, abandonment and alienation. In addressing the issue of being a human community in our world today, Pope John Paul II, in the document, "Starting Afresh from Christ," calls upon religious to form such commun.ities of praise.
Continued from page one
Hays' topics will include the \ the nurse and physician sessions. Deadline路for registration is Sep- medical and legal responsibilities of practitioners in treating pain, tember 22. There is no fee. The Prograin for Nurses will and the use of opioids in treating run from 10: 15 a.m. to 11: 15 a.m., persistent pain.. Credits include presented by Cathy Schutt, a reg- one CME for physicians and one istered nurse and president of Pain contact hour for nurse practitioResources Network in Melrose. ners. The third phase Of the fair is She is a registered in palliative and hospice care, has authored the public session to be held from several articles, and serves as a 2 to 2:30 p.m. Attendees will learn consultant in a variety of health 'how to talk with their physician care settings. Schutt will educate about pain; describe their pain; participants in the pathophysiol- and' manage different types of ogy of pain, and will discuss the pain. No registration is necessary appropriate use of analgesics. for the public session. In addition to the education sesParticipants will be eligible for sions, the fair will also house inone contact hour credit. The Program for Physicians formation booths for nearly 20 and Nurse Practitioners runs from vendors providing information and noon to I p.m., with lunch in- products related to pain managecluded. The scheduled presenter ment. Several booths will provide is Dr. Lewis S. Hays, medical di- education about non-pharmaceurector of Hospice of North Shore tical pain management such as and of long-term care facilities in message therapy, aroma therapy, Danvers and Marblehead. He is healing touch and many more. There will also be free prizes, board certified in hospice and palliative medicine and is a lec- refreshments and raffles. "We turer at Tufts University School want this day to be educatiohal and fun," said Kelly. of Medicine in Boston.
"There is so much that we can do to end the needless suffering experienced by so many people," said Kelly. "Under-treatment of pain can have dire consequences - physically, psychologically and socially." Kelly added that pain has many degrees; intermittent, persistent, chronic, and acute, and appears in many forms; physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and others. "When pain is treated properly, many people can resume their normal lives, and many can experience a better quality of life." With proper education and training, "all pains are treatable," said Kelly. The diocesan-sponsored Pain Management Resource Fair is a giant step in that direction. For more information about the fair, to register, or for information about pain management, contact Anne Marie Kelly at Diocesan Health Facilities, Catholic Memorial Home, 2446 Highland Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720; telephone 508-679-0011.
Continuedfrom page three
issues the group describes as nonnegotiable - abortion, euthanasia, fetal stem-cell research, human cloning and homosexual marriage. If a candidate supports any of these issues, according to the guide, that person should not be considered. A copy of the voter guide ran as a full-page advertisement in the August 31 issue of USA Today. In some races, the guide points out""each candida~e takes a wrong position on one or more of the five non-negotiables." When this occurs, the guide suggests that voters choose the candidate "who takes the fewest such positions or who seems least likely to be able to advance immoral legislation, or you may choose to vote for no one." Jimmy Akin, director of apologetics and evangelization for Catholic Answers, said the voter's guide has generated a lot of interest and has been purchased in bulk by parishes and a few dioceses. The guide has been criticized by some who say it does not comply with the Internal Revenue Service guidelines for voter materials that are provided by nonprofit groups. Akin told Catholic News Service last week that Catholic Answers had sought legal advice for this matter and had determined that the guide is "well within U.S. laws and regulations." He said the group had never produced a voters' guide before, but did so this year to help educate Catholics about the need to elect candidates who support "fundamental human rights and values." Another Catholic voter guide became available online at www. votingcatholic.org. The
guide, produced by the Catholic Voter Project, a nonpmtisan group of lay Catholics, shows how the presidential candidates match up with Catholic social teaching and public policy issues outlined by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The site includes a quiz to help users evaluate how their views compare with the candidates and the U.S. bishops on a wide range of issues including abortion, the death penalty,. war, global trade, nuclear weapons, health care, worker rights, immigration and poverty. It also has a forum to encourage discussion about the upcoming election. Religious views in politics have also been appearing in recent fullpage newspaper advertisements. The same day USA Today ran the full-page ad by Catholic Answers, The Washington Times published an advertisement sponsored by the American Life League that accused some Catholic politicians of "fraudulently claiming Catholic faith" while supporting laws favoring abortion. And a full-page ad with the headline "God is not a Republican or a Democrat" appeared in The New York Times. The advertisement was sponsored by Sojourners, a Christian organization based in Washington that publishes a monthly magazine and is dedicated to social justice issues. The advertisement stressed that Christians and people of other faiths were not single-issue voters, but instead were concerned about poverty, the environment, war, human rights, the response to terrorism and a consistent ethic of human life.
ImDligration. criteria to have a path to citizenship. He would eliminate backlogs in processing immigration applications, establish a temporary worker program that protects the rights of immigrants and negotiate accords with neighboring countries to improve security along the borders. The Republican and Democratic parties' platforms both address the topic in terms that recognize the contribution of immigrants to U.S. society. The Democratic platform says undocumented immigrants who pass a background check, work and
RENEW restoration and service, the RENEW Office in collaboration with the Spanish and Portuguese apostolates, Catholic Social Services, RENEW International, and the Office of Adult Education will sponsor a day of training and celebration on Saturday, September 25, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in New Bedford. The day will include a closer look at this season's theme, faith
Continuedfrom page three
pay taxes should have a path to "full participation in America," and that the party will hasten family reunification and work with neighboring countries to improve security. The Republican platform focuses on bringing in guest workers to fill labor needs and allowing participants to "come out of the shadows and to participate legally in America's economy." It opposes amnesty "because it would have the effect of encouraging illegal immigration and would give an unfair advantage to those who have broken our laws."
Continuedfrom page one
sharing, presentations by Catholic Social Services, and the celebration of the Mass thanking God for the strengthening offaith as experienced through RENEW. I invite all those who have participated in a small faith community to attend. Registrations must be filed by September 23 for proper planning in food and resources. . For more infonnation call Lisa M. Gulino at 508-678-2828.
Friday, September 17,2004
Eagle Scout project helps community WESTPORT - Ethan Duclos, a Boy Scout from Westport Troop 100 of Our Lady of Grace Church, recently organized a blood drive as part of his Eagle Scout advancement. It was held in the Our Lady of Grace parish center and more than 50 pints of blood were collected for the American Red Cross. "The drive was successful," said Duclos. "It helped a lot of .people in need of blood." More than 70 people turned out for the blood drive and an understaffed Red Cross had to call in more volunteers to help with the large number of donors. Duclos said that they got twice as many donors as were expected and that gave him a good feeling.
The Scout posted signs around town, organized radio spots and called previous donors to get people to the parish center. There was also a raffle for all participants which included Red Sox tickets and a $100 gas card. Ethan's father, John Duclos said he is "very proud of his son," and that it was a "terrific" blood drive. When asked what he likes most about Scouting, Duclos said it was being in the wilderness. "It's a lot of fun to go on camping excursions with the Scouts. I really enjoy that." He hopes to go to school for mechanical engineering after he graduates from Bishop Stang High School.
BISHOP CONNOLLY High School freshmen recently attended orientation at the Fall River school. The day included indoor and outdoor teambuilding activities as well as classroom in路struction. Left, two new students become fast friends.
BOY SCOUT Ethan Duclos displays a sign from a recent blood drive he organized with the Red Cross as part of his Eagle Scout advancement. Fifty-eight pints of blood were collected for the Westport community. Below, dono'rs con. tribute precious blood th.anks to Duclos' efforts
COYLE AND Cassidy High School Principal Mary Pat Tranter, left, and president Holy Cross Father Harold Hathaway, right, welcomed seniors Sarah Woods and Scott Balboni back to the Taunton school earlier this month. They were among many students trading activities. for textbooks as schools opened around the diocese.
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Campus ministers creatively tap stud(!nts', energy and spirituality .1
Raising up your friends By CHARLIE,.','MARTIN路
BROOKVILLE, N.Y. (CNS) - Father Ted Brown, the Catholic chaplain' at Long Island University's Brookville campus, faces the constant challenge of reaching out to a wiqe range of faith levels. At the university, where he said half the students are Catholic, he attempts to appeal to those who might neve~ have made first Communion or' been confirmed and those who attend weekly Mass. He does this by making sure he includes a little bit of everything, from Mass and retreats to ski trips and multicultural events. " . "Believe it or not, the ski trip is , one of our most spiritual trips: the beauty of the country; we're outdoors all day; we cook for each other," explained Father Brown. "We really settle into the basic stuff that is the goodness of being human." Then after a long day of skiing, perhaps at I a.m., when the students are yawning and sleepy-eyed, ''they start asking their questions" about the meaning of life and God. "Those are good things," he told The Long Island Catholic, diocesan newspaper of Rockville <;:entre. But the service programs are by far the most popular campus ministry events. "I think kids are in a heroic mind-set at this age," Father Brown said. ''They are always trying to figure out how to be heroes. They are very, very generous." Whether it is an annual service trip to Mexico or dishing out food at a local soup kitchen, the priest always has more student volunteers than he needs. About three
times a year, a handful of students pile into a van and. dri~e through the streets of New York City. All night, they ,hand out sandwiches and hot coffee hats and scarves. "One year, one of olJr students handed a sandwich to her own cousin," he said. "She just started crying. She hadn't expected to see him there." , "It gives these students a different perspective," he added. Providing a spiritual perspective in the potentially chaotic worl~ of college life 'is partly what campus ministry direc~ors are all about. ' Sara Bligh, 'campus minister at ' Dominican l!"nive~sity in River Forest, 111., said what keeps her going in her job is the students them-, selves al}d "joining them on their journey of faith." Bligh participated in a nine-day seminar for Catholic cam'pus ministry workers this summer at Trinity College in Washington. A similar program took place earlier, at the University of San Diego. The annual seminars - called the Frank J. Lewis institutes for campus ministry orientation - are' sponsored by the Department of Education of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and partially funded by the Frank J. Lewis Foundation, which promotes Catholic evangelization. During the Washington program,' participants shared ideas with each other and got some practical and spiritual advice for their, day-to-day work with college-age Catholics from nationally known speakers and those with years of experience.
YOU RAISE ME UP When I am down and, oh my . SOUl. so weary When troubles come and my , heart burdened be " Then I am still and wait here in the silence Until you come and sit awhile with me Chorus: You raise me up so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to walk on stormy seas , I am strong when I am on your shoulders You raise me up to more than I can be (Repeat chorus.) (Enter choir in the background.) There is no life - no life without its hunger. Each restless heart beats so imperfectly. ' But when you come and I am filled with wonder, ' Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity. (Repeat chorus twice.) Sung by Josh Groban Copyright (c) 2003 by Warner Brothers A reader asked me to review' one of Josh Groban's hits. Finding a song like "You Raise Me Up" in the Top 100 is a testament to how diverse this listing has become. Billboard's chart used to be pop and rock, with a smattering of metal. Now ,you can find lots of rap, a bunch of country and even hard to classify songs like Groban's. ','You Raise Me Up" is Groban's latest release and is off last year's "Closer" disc. The album features songs in Italian, French, Spanish and English.
in'green capes. The Turtles, named Leonardo, Raphael, We have rules in my house.' Donatello and Michelangelo, , Important rules. Things like "no roamed the sewers under New' Yankees baseball caps allowed."; Y()rk City fighting bad guys, ' If you ,show up wearing a ' eating pizza and shouting,路 "Cowabunga, dude!" If you're Yankees cap, you won't be wearing it for long. It's off with not familiar with Teenage the hat. Simple. Turtles, this explanation makes, Other rules are nearly as absolutely no sense. important. You're not allowed For several noisy years when to sing at the din,ner table. (Trust Skip was a preschooler, he was me, this rule is necessary.) transformed into a Ninja, racing Don't ask what's for dinner through tht; house shouting unless you want cleanup duty, "turtle power!" Skip's vocabuand don't say the word "stupid." lary of battle cries expanded as In my house, "stupid" is a swear' he :grew, and more than any word. other his favorite exclamation .The most forbidden word of was "banana squat head!" all, however, was invented years To be honest, I don't know. ago by my '19-year-old son exactly what a banana squat Skip. It all began with Teenage head is, but to Skip it was the Mutant Ninja Turtles. .ultimate insult. We insisted it Teenage Mutant Ninja wa~ garbage ciIk, but he loved it Turtles was the cartoon craze of anyway because it made him the 1980s and '90s, turning feel so powerful. Hey, I tender young boys into maniacs wouldn't mind shouting "baREGINA CRAM CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE,
Coming of Age
D rl" r .ft. OCA a
in polite convers;1tion about kindergarten and arithmetic and his baby siste!, Skip responded , in a singularly ungentlemanly manner. "You're a banana squat head!" he hollered with glee. ~'Cowabunga, dude!" The great-grandmother's gasp was overheard by the elderly great-aunt, who was also unfamiliar with Teenage Turtles ; I and Cowabunga dudes. In one dramatic swoop, Skip swung his imaginary sword at the greataunt and shouted; "You're a banana squat head, too. I'm great-grandmother. This silvergoing to chop your head off!" haired matriarch was not Almost immediately, Skip educated in the ways of Ninja was introduced to the pungent Turtles, nor did she care to be. flavor of Ivory soap in his She was, however, keenly mouth. It must have worked interested in gentlemanly because after that he was much manners by her eldest greatmore careful whom he called a grandchild. . banana squat head. , Skip, on the other hand, was . Eventually Skip's Teenage not at all interested in gentleTurtles were stashed away in a manly manners. In fact, when this proper woman engaged him box in the basement. He is now .
nana squat head" at my enemies. One day we attended a family gathering at the lovely home of Skip's distinguished
Groban is not identified as a You could reach out with help. You "Christian music",~rtist, but "You might suggest meeting with your Raise Me Up" easily could be a friend to review what has been pre"Christian music" song. .Its lyrics sented in the class. could apply to our relationship with - One of the most powerful God, who raises us up when we are ' ways to raise up others is by helpfeeling "down" or "so weary." It ing to expand their vision about could be God's love that raises "me what life offers. Sometimes this up to more than I can be." means inviting them to consider The song encourages us to con- more extensive goals. If they besider how we can raise each other come open to your view of their up. This ability is part of what it potential, you also need to stand with them when doubt surfaces. A valued friend understands doubt and does not automatically discount it. Instead, a friend is willing to discuss ways to overcome doubt's' sabotaging inner voice. - Ai; followers of Jesus, our efforts to raise up others are not focused solely on individuals. We also look to the needs of God's family on this planet. For ideas on how to respond to the world, take a look at the Website of Catholic Relief Services (www.catholicrelief.org). - Spend time each day praying for others. Unite the power of your own loving concern with God's healing power. Indeed, this is truly means to be a good 'friend. Here are to raise up those you know and, some suggestions for raising up. ' further, even to support the many in God's family whom you don't those you care about. - Some people are reticent to know. Pray for anyone who comes tell their friends what is difficult or to mind, whether locally or glohurtful in their lives. A friend who bally. Doing so is to be part of raises up others stays observant. God's transfo~ming presence on What do you see or feel is going on earth. These are just some beginning in your friends' lives? Follow up on your hunches and inquire about ideas on how you can raise up many others. Be as imaginative as postheir well-being. - Generosity is a common trait sible in deciding how you will raamong those who raise up others. diate such energy. Your comments are always Such generosity often is conveyed through action. For example, with welcome. 'Please write to me at: school now starting again, you chmartin@swindiana.net or at might see that some of your friends 7125W 200S, Rockport, IN are struggling in certain" classes. 47635.
House rules By M.
a student at a fine Catholic university, and according to official reports there has not been a single incident of class being interrupted with shouts of "banana squat head!" He didn't even bring his green cape to college. The kid has become downright gentlemanly.. I attribute this remarkable change to.two influences in Skip's life. First, he b~came Catholic a few years ago. Second, he discovered that girls are not yucky; sometimes they're,even cooler than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Perhaps, then, all young boys should become Catholic and learn to like girls. Who knows. It might transform them into remarkable gentlemen. The only stipulation is that they must promise not to call anyone a banana squat head. It is, after all, a swear word.
Friday, September 17,2004
Pope says as he gets weaker his beliefin prayer for peace increases By CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II said that as his physical strength decreases his conviction that prayer can bring peace increases. "ht a few days we will remember that terrible Sept. 11, 2001, which brought death to the heart of the United States," the pope said in an earlier message read at an interreligious meeting for peace. ' "Three years have passed and, unfortunately, from that day terrorism seems to have increased its threats of destruction," said the message released by the Vatican and read at the meeting in Milan, Italy, by Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The pope said there is no doubt that the threat of terrorism must ""be met with "firmness and decisiveness in combating the deathmakers," yet nations also must work to uproot anything that favors the growth of terrorism, particularly "poverty, desperation and hollowness of hearts." Even with terrorist activity increasing around the globe, the pope said, "we must not let ourselves be overcome by fear, which leads us to close in on ourselves and which reinforces the selfishness of individuals and groups."
Fear, he said, must give way to "the courage to globalize solidarity and peace," particularly in . Africa and in Iraq. The pope told the Milan meeting, which was sponsored by the Rome-based Community of Sant'Egidio, that he is as convinced as ever that religious leaders and believers can make huge contributions to stopping war and promoting reconciliation among " peoples. ~ "I was convinced of it in October 1986 -in Assisi (Italy) when I asked members of all religions to gather alongside each other to pray to God for peace," he said. "I am even more convinced today. While the strength of my body declines, I feel even more strongly the strength of prayer. "At the center of my worries, I have the beloved Iraqi people upon whom, everyday, I invo~e from God that peace that men do not know how to give," he said. Pope John Paul said that as anyone from a war-tom country knows "violence alwaysgenerates violence. War throws open the doors to the abyss of evil." In war the unthinkable becomes possible and rights are trampled, he said. -' "For this reason, war always is to be considered a defeat: a defeat of reason and of humanity," he said.
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STUDENTS FROM Notre Dame de Lourdes School in Fall River, process on County Street following a prayer service at Immaculate Conception Church honoring the feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin. The students processed with a newly refurbished statue of the Blessed Mother to the school where Bishop George W. Coleman greeted them and blessed the statue. Following the ceremonies which included prayer and Marian hymns, each student received a blessed finger rosary. (AnchoriJolivet photos)
Israeli chief rabbi urges permanent assembly of religious leaders By CINDY WOODEN
In the Middle East, the rabbi said, the Muslim proinise of "reward in MILAN, Italy - At a gathering the hereafter" is used "to provoke of hundreds of religious leaders acts of homicide. In this way, the from around the world, one of religious leadership encourages Israel's chief rabbis called for the people to sacrifice their lives in orformation of a permanent assembly der to kill." of religious leaders similar to the Muslim, Christian and Jewish religious leaders, he said, have an United Nations. Rabbi Yona Metzger, Israel's obligation to emphasize their faith's chief Ashkenazi rabbi, said the as- fundamental teaching about the sasembly, which should be based in credness of every human life. Jerusalem, "would make a great Jewish tradition teaches that the contribution in terms ofconcrete fra- animals were created in couples, but temity and cooperation among reli- that God created Adam before Eve, gions." . "to teach us that every human being The rabbi was one of the speak- is a whole world in himself and that ers atlast week's opening ceremony destroying a person is the same as of the annual interreligious meeting destroying the whole world, just as for peace sponsored by the Rome- it is true that to save even one perbased Community of Sant'Egidio. son means to save the whole world," The rabbi said that stories he has Rabbi Metzger said. heard from local rabbis about en"We religious leaders must transcounters with Catholics in the nine mit this value of the sacredness of months since he met Pope John Paul human life to ourcommunities at this II have convinced him that when time," he said. . Welcoming the religious leaders religious leaders meet and embrace their example inspires their faithful. to Milan, Andrea Riccardi, leader of "Today we find ourselves fac- ihe Sant'Egidio Community, said ing the most terrible threats hu- the annual interreligious gathering manity has ever faced: weapons seeks to continue the work begun of mass destruction, which have by Pope John Paul when he called become easily accessible, espe-' leaders from all the world's religions cially for extremist or terrorist el- to Assisi, Italy, in 1986 to pray and to make ajoint commitment to eduements," he said. " CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
cating their followers in the religious obligations of dialogue and peacemaking. 'The idea of Assisi was not so much dialogue among experts, but to demonstrate how good it is to live together," Riccardi said. Ibrahim Ezzeddin, a presidential counselor in the United Arab Emirates, shared a prayer many Muslims recite at the end of their obligatory prayers five times a day: "0 Allah, o God, you are peace and the source of peace. From you peace comes and to you peace returns. Grant us peace in this life and admit us to the abode ofeternal peace in the hereafter." "Believe me," Ezzeddin said, "a person who recites this five times a day cannot be a person of violence or aggression." He told his audience at a theater - where representatives of the Italian government, dozens ofcardinals and bishops, and thousands of Italian lay people joined the religious leaders - that "searching for peace is manifested in Islam and in its book, the Quran, as much as it's manifested in Christianity and the Bible and, indeed, in other religions and their books." Kidnapping, he said, is "shameful, inhumane and non-Islamic."