Bishop Sheen
,, I
. ,.,.,
In· Mission WASHINGTON (NC)-American priests, Brothers, scholastics, Sisters and laymen serving in the missions overseas number 6,124, an increase of 998 over the 1956 U. S. mis sionary force' of 5,126. : By contrast, according to a' survey of mission personnel puhH"l,"li l,"'''P h" t,he 'M;~f1;on \
Secretariat, there were 2,227 Americans in Catholic forAn Anchor of the Soul, Sure andfi'irm--ST: PAUL eign missions in 1940. The tot a I number of priests, scholastics, and Brothers from this country serving in the missions is 3,496, while 2,532 PRICE 10. Second Cia•• Mall Privilelrea Sisters are in the missions. There I 2, ...1"IIl1 O. 38 Authorized V O. at Fall River. Masa. $4.00 per Yea' are 96 lay missionaries overSeas. However, in an introduction to the statistical survey, Auxil iary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York pointed out that the total number of U. S. mission aries represents less than three Very Rev. William A. Donaghy, S.J., president of Holy per cent of the 225,082 American Cross College, offered a Mass of Requiem this morning in priests, Brothers and Sisters. Bishop Sheen is national di St. Joseph's Chapel at the college for Rev. Brendan C. rector of the Society for the McNally, S.J., a Fall River native who died unexpectedly in Propagation of the' Faith and his room at the college where direc~or of the Mission Secretar lte an associate profes iat. , The Bishop cited figures show sor of history. Chanting of ing that American priests, Broth the Office of the Dead pre ers and sCholastics serving in, eeded the Mass. Interment was in St. Joseph's Cemetery at the eollege. The entire senior class served • a guard of honor. Eight sen iors acted as pall bearers. A large dele:;ation of Fall :River Diocesan priests attended. Speaking in both' French Father McNally was well and English, His Excellency' known in his native DiOCese, the Most Reverend Bishop where he had assisted at various commended the accomplish
parishes during the Summer ments of the Sisters of Charity .easons.
of Quebec at ceremonies dedi Son of the late Patrick and cating 'the new wing of Sacred ftle late Ellen F. McNally, he re Heart Home, New Bedford. ceived his early education in Fan The Bishop blessed each room Rive~, graduating from B. M. C. of the four story structure which Durfee High School in 1926. He will accommodate 50 elderly was granted a Bachelor of Arts guests in addition to the 145 degree from Boston College in already in residence at ~he home. Turn to Pa~e Ten . FATHER McNALLY Speaking in the assembly hall of, the new wing His Excellency praised the quality of care given at Sacredlfeart Home, and ex pressed his satisfaction with the HONG KONG (NC)-The new encyclical of His Holi- appearance of the building addi Pope "Pius XII, "Ad Apostolorum Principis," has been tion. The wing will be open for in circulated among the bishops, priests and faithful of all spection Saturday afternoon and parts of China, it has been learned here. all day Sunday. Members of the clergy present CoPies of the letter, which government's ruthless use of Turn to Page Twelve urges the persecuted Catho- force and violence to make lics of China to be steadfast Catholics apostacize, has evoked in the Faith and denounces no official reaction from Peking, the illicit consecration of "patrithe communist press reports that .tic bishops," are known to have four more illicit consecrations been received in all major Chihave taken place in China. aese cities and provinces. Illicit Consecrations " Members of, all the 'Particular According to the communist While the encyclical, which news services, Bishop Francis Yi Councils of the S1. Vincent de .'1so condemn~ the Chinese Red Turn to Page Fifteen Paul Society of the Diocese will gather Sunday afternoon in St. Lawrence's Church, New Bed R.edempt~ris·t ford, at three o'clock for a Holy Hour. This Sunday, September 21, Rev. Francis J. Eagan, C.SS.R., of Taunton, will be a has been designated as Ozanam key figure in the Mission Secretariat meetings which open Sunday in honor of Frederick ill Washington next Monday. ' Ozanam" who founded the' So More than 700 missioners will meet to discuss their ciety of St. Vincent de Paul in eommon problems and to largest groups at the convention. Paris in 1857. Rt. Rev. James J.' Gerrard, pool ideas. This will prob- They are the men and women V.G., P.R., pastor of St. Law ably be the largest gathering 'responsible for getting supplies rence's Church will be the ef Catholic foreign mission- fo~ f~reign missions, and for preacher. ,The' service will be ers ever to be held in the United shipping personnel and materials concluded with Solemn Bene States. Turn to Page Eleven diction. Father Eagan is assistant ehairman of the procurators and llI"omoters sessions, one of the
Fall River, Mass. Thursday, Sept. 18, 1958
Requiem Mass in ColI~ge Chapel for Father McNally was
Bishop Blesses New Bedford, Home Wing
Encyclical To Strengthen Church Reaches Faithful in Red China
Ozanom Sunday To Be Ol?served By Vincentians
Taunton in Key Role At Student Secretariat Session
Alrica, which has been particu-' larly stressed in recent papal statements, is 381. At the same time" he said, 2,197 French priests' are serv;n~ in Afr':~ I 1,149 Ir.ish, 1,136 Dutch, 660 Italian and 451 German. . There are a total of 617 U. 'S.
Catllolic missionaries-including ,. . , _.. ~ ._., . ..• L __ . __ •.• c: said, compared with 5,930 U. s. Protestant missionaries. In Latin America there ar,e ? 1')'1 p ~, Catholic missioners, and 4,233 American Protestant ones. In Asia U. S. CatdU.,c; ...• ~J.J au"'s Turn to Page Twelve ..
Delegates From Diocese At Women's Convention Two delegates from the Fall River Diocese will attend the 29th biennial convention of the National Council of Catholic Women starting Saturday in St. Louis. They are Rev. Thomas iF. Walsh, Diocesan moderator; and Mrs. Emmett P. AI..; to discuss "Tomorrow's Worker." mond, president. They' will Fr. Stapleton Narrator join 10,000 members from Drama, music, painting and all parts of the nation in sculpture will be combined in considering 'the contribution of a program highlighting "The Catholic women to the growth Church and the Arts" Tuesday. of the Church, and the improve':" Mrs. Robert H. Mahoney, NCCW ment of communities in the 'president, has invited the Rev. United States. Gabriel Stapleton, S.D.S., presi- I Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter dent of the National Catholie of St. J;..ouis and Secretary of Theater Conference, to narrate Labor James P. Mitchell will the program. The evening has .speak at convention sessions been planned, Mrs. Mahoney Sunday. The Archbishop's topic said, to emphasize the necessity is "The Council Woman in Co~- for women to create a climate temporary Society." Mitchell is Turn to Page Eighteen
Dissatisfaction With Progressive Education Shows Church Wisdom SPRINGFIELD (NCr-Mounting dissatisfaction wi~h so-called progressive education and the lack of spiritual training in public schools highlights the' wisdom ~f the Church in insisting on a Christian education. Bishop Charles H. H~lm- ~f their children, or misled b:r sing said here present dis- material or social obligations, satisfaction with progressive lightly shirk this obligation. education is a commentary ,"All shoul~ re~ember that f th e Ch urc h'In the Church m thiS matter. of · on the rea 1Ism 0 . . :its 1 t· f th h'ld' educatIon, as m all her duec, eva ua Ion 0 eel. s tives, is a wise and loving nature. mother. The mounting dissatisThe Bishop of Springfield- faction with so-called progres Cape Girardeau asserted in, a sive education only highlights pastoral letter: the wisdom of the Church in its "Parents have the grave obli- true evaluation of the child'. gation to send their children nature. only to Catholic schools. Hap"Ev.ery child is a creature de pily most mothers and fathers prived by the fall of our first loyally fulfill these duties:-some parents of God's grace, emo even at the cost of herOiC self- tional balance, an...d clear mental enlightenment.· As such, he sacrifice. True Evaluation stands in need of our Lord's "There is, however, the dan- redeeming life of grace, and His ger that some parents, by ignor- complete revealed teachings ac ing the. true and eternal welfare cepted by faith," he said.
Designate Former Coyle Teacher To Supervise N'ew Y~rk School
, Brother Michel, C.S.C., a former instructor at Coyle High School in Taunton, ..has been named director of the newly-established Pius XII School for dependent and ne glecte,d boys in the Towns of Chester and Warwick, New York. school, which opens for the first Cardinal Spellman has an time this month, is located on nounced the opening of the a large farm donated to the New York Catholic Charities by Gene new school under' the spon Leone, prominent New Y'Ork sorship of the New York Cath olic Charities Bureau. ,The restauranteur. The school will be operated by the Brothers of the Congre Turn to Page Ten
Hospital'Service at St. flnne's
Under Guidopce of Church
By Patricia McGowan "You'd think every baby was the onfy one born here, the Sisters are so thrilled over it!" The speaker was a young mother, on e of the hundreds yearly whose babies greet life at St. Anne's hospital, Fall River. Her. exclamation mirrored the attitude of the Sisters at St. Anne's towards their patients. Each is an individ Previously patients had re cases and attractive drapes. All ual and, each is important. are made by the Sisters during ceived decorated invitations to For years the Sisters will their short time of recreation. participate' in the ceremony. As inquire after "our" baby Sister Agnes and Sister Beatrix, in every Catholic hospital, , whe)l they meet the mother; and affectionately known to hundreds there is the opportunity for daily they're no less concerned over of Fall Riverites as Sister "B". reception of Holy Communion, and there is the assurance that in older patients, even after their are in special charge of the em hospital stay. an emergency the Sisters' first broidery work. So far as possible, patients thought will be to summon a Uncounted pleasant touches make a sojourn at St. Anne's are invited to join in religious priest. This certainty alone is price observances. A recent feast of as enjoyable as a time of sick ness can be. Women patients Our Lady, for example, was less. but at St. 'Anne's there is much more. Maternity, patients marked by a candlelight pro especially appreciate the cheer ful rooms, with their beautifully cession and recitation of the enjoy the most up-to-date facilTurn $0 Page Five embroidered, sheet.i and· pillow- rosary. '
i\\gainst Drug Misuse Psychiatric Illnesses
CASTELGANDOLj,'O (NC) is in opposition and there ~ His Holiness Pope Pius XII has serious reason, they can even . \ warned 'against indiscriminate be given to the dying i~ they use of new drugs in treating consent. psychiatric and neurological ill"Euthanesia, which seeks to nesses. provoke death, is obviously con-
The Pontiff spoke to an autrary to moral law,'" he declared.
diEmce of more than 500 persons "But with the consent of the attending the first meetihg of dying person it is permitted. to the College of International use with moderation narcotics Neuro - Psychopharmacology, that can alleviate his suffering which was founded last year even if 'they will hasten his in' Gene~a.. . I;; death. ,. Speakmg m French, the Pope "In this case" he added "death reviewed recent advances in the is not desired· directly' but it ~ield of p~ychoph~rmacolog~a~d is inevitable, and proportion-. Its relatIons w1th psych1atrIC ate motives sanction measures therapy. The second portion of' capable of hastening the advent his speech ·was devoted to. a of death." d!scuss~on of th.e moral p~mNew Drugs c1ples mvolved m the apphca. tion of new data and drugs which Referrmg to many drugs now have come into use. on the market whose use is not He emphasized that psychiat- regulated by"law, the Pope said: ric therapy and neuro-psycho- "You know that the l!se without 70 YEARS A PRIEST: Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira, left, pharma,cology must cooperate in care. of ps.y~otropic and som.a pastor of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford, quietly cele rebuilding the entire person"- tro':llc ~med1cmes can lead to Slt ality of the sick person, to whom '.!latiOns that are regrettable and brated the 70th anniversary of his ordination to the priest- . must be restored "the instinc- morally inadmissible. hood. Shown congratulating him is Rev. John V. Resendes, tive balance indispensable, for "In many places," he add~d, a nephew, pastor of Espirito Santo Church, Fall-River.' the normal exercise of his '.'many of these medidnes are \ . liberty." . at the command of, the public Moral Application. without any medical control, and, In the section devoted to moral moreover this lack of control applications, the Pontiff referred fails .to take into account th~ to his previous statements on experIence of proven excesses. COLUMBUS (NC) - Catholic the s u b j e c t . ' . The Pontiff stated that· he was students attending college have lives· in the same sort of com mUI)ity in which most adult The Pope pointed out that he not calling o~ government been urged to lead a more Cath 'had already declared '''that in agencies but "on doctors. them olic life' at the 44th annual Na- Catholics will ultimately live.'" principle there is nothing op':' selves" to take action against . tional Newman Clubs Conven-. He explained that "there are posed to, the use of remedies various' abuses, in the medical . tion 'conducted at Ohio State those who sh.are his ,beliefs a.nd principles, there are those who destined to calm or suppress field. University. Father John T. McGinn, S.C.P., disagree with him and there are pain. . . . "The same principle." he said, editor of "Techniques for Con- even- a few who do their best to "can be applied to the pain - vert-Makers," discussing' the destroy every semblance of his Catholic Faith." killing' action of na·rcotics. If role of the Church in American Unique Opportunity no moral or relig.iou·s obligation society, said: Legion of Mary praesidia to "He has a unique oppor,tuni'ty, . "On the campus, as well as On be visited nexth month are Our the wider America scene, it' is then to learn to make a mean Lady of Nazareth and Morning essential that we achieve closer ingful statement of his beliefs" FRIDA Y~Ss. JanuaJ;ius, Bishop" 'Star, . it, was announced'. at a and the principles of his Chris:", and his companions, Martyrs. meeting of the Diocesan Curia communication with the plural ist society' in which providence tian heritage," Dr. Holsinger. Double, Red. Mass Proper; at St. Vincent's Home. . added. . has placed us." Gloria; Second Collect Ember Parishes to be visited on ex First Factor . Friday; Third Collect for tension during the same period Catholic students can do this, He noted that in any fruit he contiI)ued; "not by being Peace; Common Preface. are' St. Peter's Dighton; Holy SATURDAY-Ss. Eustachius and Cross, ·SS. Peter and Paul, and ful dialogue with non-Catholics pious prudes or holier-than two factors must be acknow Companions, Martyrs. Double. thous, but by becoming active St. Mary's, Fall River; and St. ledged: "the improved status campus citizens, particularly by Red. Mass Proper; GIQria; Mary's, Hebron~iIle., of American Catholics and * * • . participating in the work of the Second Collect Ember Satur Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, Dioc the increasing return to' religion". various mass media-the campus day; Third Collect for Peace;· esan 'moderator, led' the recita Catholics 'can be found on all newspaper, the ,magazine, per Common Preface: levels of society, Father McGinn haps even radio and tele~ision. SUNDAV-St. Matthew, Apostle tion of the Rosary and gave an allocution on, the Holy Eucharist: noted, arid although the church and Evangelist, and XVII Sun Mass Media , Praesidium repQrts s.ubmitted day after Pentcost. Double of is s~ill suspect in some corners "As ,Catholics we have 'been lI' class. Red. Mass Proper; for the meeting were from St. -being accused of divisiveness lax," Dr. 'Holsinger stated,' "in Gloria; Second Collect XVlI James and Our. Lady of Purga and censorship-"on a much our consideration of the' effect Sunday affer Pentecost; Third tory, . New Bedford; St. orohn of wider scale-she is the object ive use of the mass media. Many Collect for Peace; Cre~d; Pre God" Somerset; Our Lady of, of siI)cere and. thoughtful in- of us have been con'tent to, sit ~rest." • face 'of Apostles. Fatima, Our Lady of· Lourdes; on the sidelines and condemn T.aunton, and Morning Star. MONDAY-St. Thomas of Vill .... The advance has been not only them as channels of sin and im '. Council reports were read anova, Bishop and Confessor. in numbers, wealth, social posi.. proper 'attitudes • • • to say Double. White Mass Proper; from England, the Phiiippines, . lion," Father McGinn said, "but, openlY that nowhere in the whole Gloria; - Second Collect . Ss. Bolivia and Chile. Brother'Keat' much better, in the interest 'and area of mass communication is ing of Taunton gave a brief talk Maurice and'Companions, Mar esteem that our. fellow citizen8, there anything worthwhile to be tyrs; Third Collect for Peace; on his recent visit to Ireland and feel in u's, our Church and re fpund." Common Preface. the work of the Legion of Ma"--, ligion.'" "It is' this attitude," he con . TUESDAY-St. Linus, Pope and there. Second FlWltor . eluded,....thatI would hope that Martyr. ISimple. Red. Mass, The second factor in any dia the Catholic student would dis Ohio Catholic Plans logue Proper; Gloria; Second Collect with non-Catholics-the pel as he leaves the university St. Thecla, Virgiil and Martyr; . , Basilica Resto'ration return to religion-is also oper and becomes part ·of a larger Third Collect for Peace; Com ating on all levels of society, community. His campus' years LIMA (NC)-An Ohio Catho ,mon Preface. afford it marvelous opp'or~unity lic businessman hopes' to restore Father McGinn stated: WEDNESDAY - Our Lady of one of the grea"t shrines of an for him to learn what these . Dr. 'G, Robert Holsinger, Ransom. Greater D 0 ubi e . . cient' Christianity, the tomb and assistant dean of the college 'of media are, how they operate, White. Mass Proper; Gloria; basilica of St. John the Apostle arts and sciences at Ohio State and how great are their influ Second Collect for Peace; in Eph~~us, Turkey. . University, told the students ence."
Creed; Preface of Blessed,
they must not be content to George B. Quatman, 67,'pres Virgin. ident and general manager of withdraw into a shell of com THURSDAY-Mass of XVII Sun the Lima Telephone Compaiiy, placency by meeting, living and day after Pentecost. Simple. will leave 'for Ephesus shortly, talking only with ·those who be
Main,tenance Supplies Green. Mass Proper; No Glo- ' to complete arrangements· for lieve as they do, those who offer ria or Creed; Second Collect . the restoration, project, which DO argument or challenge.
SWEEPERS - SOAPS for ,Peace; Common .Preface. He asserted that·the "Catholic will cost an estimated one and DISINFECTANTS 8tudent in a Secular university a half million dollars. F!RE EXTINGUISHERS In addition to restoring the
Speakers at Newman Convention Urge More Active Catholic' Life
Legion of Ma.ry Schedules Visits
Sept. 21-St. Dominic, Swan sea , St. Joseph, Attleboro Sept. 28-5t. Anthony of Padua, New Bed ford. ,Sacred Heart, Taunton. Oct. S-Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Fall River.. Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Taun ton. Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford. Oct. 12-St. -Roch, Fall River. St. John of God; 8amer set. THE ANl;HOR Second..class ~aH privileges authorised at Fall River, Mas., Publi.hed evel'7 Thursda, at no Hilrbland Avenue. Fall River.. Ma••.• ~ the Catholie Press 01 the Dioeese of Fall River SubscriptioD price .. mail, postpaid ' ••00 per. Fear.
huge six-century basilica, the stones of which now lie scat tered about Ephesus, Mr. Quat-. man said he a.lso hopes to event ually restore an ancient building which, he believes is a home built by St. John for the Blessed Virgin and an ancient church dedicated to Mary.
Leg ion of Decency The following films are to be '
added to the lists in their re spective Classifications:
I Unobjectionable for General Patronage-Littlest Hobo 'Mon 'ey, Women and Guns, Night to Remember. Unobjectionable for Adults
and Adolescents-Accursed
Unobjectionable for Adults
She Gods of Shark Reef, Murder
by Contract.
Objectionable in Part for All
-Night of the BloodBeast. (The
suicide in the plot solution is , presented as an act of heroism.)
Memorial Bust
CHICAGO (NC)-A memorial, bust of the late Cardinal Samu el Stritch by an Italian sculptor will be presented to the Arch diocese of Chicago next year. Plans for the memorial valued at $25,000, have been announced by the Cicago Chapter of the American Committee on Italian Migration.
_. THE ANCHOR Thurs., Sept. 18, 1958
Franciscans List Chapel Changes In New Bedford With the Excellency, James L. Bis,hop of
approval of Ria 'the Most Re.v. Coimo)]y, D.D., Fall River,. the
'Very Rev. Celsus Wheeler, . O.F.M., Provincial of Holy Name' Province, New York, recently announced the following trans fers and appointments at Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford. Father Raymond Anthon,. Beane, O. F. M., has been trans ferred to the newly established Chapel of the Immaculate Con ception, Atlanta, Georgia. At the request of His Excellency, the Most Rev. Francis E. Hey land, D.D., the Franciscans of the New York Province assumed charge of the new down-town foundation in Atlanta, similar to Our Lady's Chapel in New Bedford. Before his assignment . to Our Lady's Chapel, Father ,Raymond served as a member of the faculty of Siena College, Albany, N. Y. During World War II he served with distinction 88 a member of the chaplaincy corps in the Asiatic theatre. Father Philip Andrew Lavere, O.F.M., a native of Oswego, N.Y., a member of the 'original com munity at Our Lady's Chapel since its opening in 1956, has b€ e n assigned to the faculty of ' St. ~a'phael's Noviate, Lafayette, . N. J. Before coming to New Bed ford, Father Philip Andrew was a member .of the faculty at Siena' College, Albany, N. Y., New Members Assigned to Our Lady's Chapel are the'following: Father Henry Vincent Lawler, . O.F.M. A native of Jessup, Penn sylvania, Father Henry Vincent was ordained il1 Buffalo, N. Y., in 1943. Following his ordina tion he was appointed secretary to the Minister Provincial of the Franciscans, a post he held for ten ·ye~rs. In 1954 he was as signed to the Provincial Mis sion Band and is presently en gaged in conducting missioD.l and novenas on the Eastern sea board.
As'signed to the staff of 'Lady's Chapel is Father Stephen Gregory McMahol1. O.F.M./ whO is Ii native of Philadelphia, Pen~ sylvania. Orained in June 1945, Father Stephen has held assign-' ments "at 'S~. Mary's Friary, Americus, Ga., St. Anthony'. Shrine, Boston, and as superior at St. Philip's ,Friary, Slaters ville, N. C. Also assigned to the Chapel is Father Brogan Padden, O.F.M. A 'native .of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Father ,was ordained to the priesthood in 1955. Prior to hit theological studies he served with the Army Intelligence Corps during the recent war.
Trinitarian Fathers BOYS WANTED for the Priesthood and Brotherhood. Lack of funds NO impedi ment. '
Write to:
P. O. Box 5742
Baltimore 8. Md.
3 handy ways to bring home the
. ~!." . ."._-~. • COCA~OLA.BOTTLING
1Mt ANCHOR Thurs., Sept. 18, 1958
Sociologists Challenge Beliefs Held Concerning' Catholics
Swansea Knights Plan ·Campaign The membership of the Bishop Cassidy Council, Knights of Co- , lumbus, is conducting a member IIhip drive on a parish level in the towns of Swansea, Somerset, Rehoboth and See~onk. The committee is asking every member of the Council to be a recruiter and to contact men in the area who are practical Cath olics. The council has a mem bership of over 400: The 'growth of the Council has been on.e of the most significant features of its existence. Since its founding" in 1953 its membership has in creased from 67 charter mem
bers. Installation of officers will be held at 7 o'clock Saturday night at the council home, Milford
Road, Swansea. District Deputy
James Sullivan and his staff
from S1. Johns Council, Attle boro, will' be in charge.
Officers to be installed are:
Grand Knight Lloyd Jarvis, Deputy Grand Knight Joseph Travers Jr., Chancellor Gilbert Lowney, Warden John C. Oli veira, Financial Secretary Alfred ' Bolduc Jr. Treasurer Michael Driscoll, Recorder Lawrence Rebello, Advocate Raymond Pettine, In side Guard Donald Grushey, Outside Guard Joseph Pine, Lecturer Raymond Bachand, Trustees 'Louis J. Heffernan,. John Desmond and Daniel Coogan. Dancing will follow the instal.,. lation. The committee headed by Fraternal Chairman James Rob erts has planned to have the wives of the members enter tained during the installation ceremonies.
ST. JOSEPH'S NOVITIATE: The new class of novices
of the Sisters of St. Joseph are,. left to right; Simoni Rod-. riques, New Bedford ; Marguerite Carrier, Biddeford,Maine; and Medeline Pellerin, Swansea.
Two Residents of Di,ocese Enter Sisters of St. Joseph. Novitiate Two postulants from the Dio cese have entered the novitiate of the Sisters of St. Joseph at 2501 South Main Street, Fall River. A third is from Bidde ford, Maine. Miss Simone M. Roderigues, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rodrigues, 54 Irvington Street, New Bedford, is a graduate of
Declare Parents Block Vocations'
st. Anthony's High School and a member of St. Joseph's parish in. that city. She completed the Confraternity of Christian Doc trine training course and will commence junior college work in St. Joseph's Teachers' Insti tute. . Miss Madeleine C, Pellerin ill from St. Louis of France par ish, Somerset. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor 'Pellerin,' 749 Wood Street, she graduated from St. Mathieu's school in June. She will complete high school in the novitiate. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lau rent Carrier, Miss Marguerite M. Carrier wa's a member .of St. Joseph's parish., Biddeford. Maine. The new entrants will complete their postulanc;y in August.
LOS ANGELES (NC)-"Soft hearted" parents can seriously hinder vocations to the p'riest,;, hood, Franciscan Fathers' Pacific Coast province vocational direc tors have concluded. The vocation directors believe soft-hearted parents impede vo cations by trying to delay their sons' entrance into the seminary CHICAGO (NC)-Ms·gr. John and something by coddling them. J. Twiss, Lowell has been named even after they have ent'ered. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Spy national chaplain ot the Ameri The Franciscan vocation heads ros Skouras, president. of 20th scored those ,who attack minor 'can Legion. The 59-year old Century Fox, and Mrs. Skouras Massachusetts a former seminaries on the grounds that have offered His Holiness Pope every boy should be exposed to. Navy chaplain. •
Pius XII <;omplete "cinemascope" the world before a p~rmanent
equipment for the movie audi
decision to enter the seminary." torium of the Pontifical Com
They recalled recent praise for mission for Movies, Radio and minor seminaries ;by His Holi Television.
The Pontiff instructed the ness Pope Pius XII, who referred to them as "useful and effective" president of the. commission, and declared that it is "rash to Bishop Martin J. O'Connor, rec expose the young boy to 'sup tor of the North American Col lege in Rome, to acc~pt the gift plementary' temptations." in his name.
The movie studio is the only one in Vatican City and was set
up in 1952 after the commission LONDON (NC) - A tablet was established. The auditorium commemorating George Calvert, enables church authorities ·to first Lord Baltimore and founder study the religious and moral aspects of modern films. . of Maryland, has been unveiled here in the old Church of St. Mr. Skouras, accompanied by DUnstan in the West, a Protest his wife, his daughter and her ant church in which he is buried. husband, are expected to visit Lord Baltimore was gr~nted the Pope soon. the charter of Maryland, first British colony in· America to gra;'t religious free'dom, but died before receiving the royal You've' trained your, seal. Ills sons carried out the family .to be pretty good project sailing with a mixed group of Catholic and Protestant judges of Baked Goods! emigrants from England in the But wh~n they've clean ships Ark and Dove. On their ed up every last crumb arrival in America one of the of that cake or pie you party, Jesuit Father Andrew b r 0 ugh t home from White, offered the first Mass in Stop & Shop they'll wh'at is now the Stkte of Mary think .you're a pretty land. smart cookie for having Eventually Protestants gained thou/:,ht of it For much legislative· power in Maryland as they like your borne when one of their first acts was baking' they like your to disfranchize the. Catholics. company much better So But it was a' Catholic, Gharles why not go out with Carroll, who signed the Declar them more often and ation of Independence for the pick up a fancy or 8 fav State. A cousin, Father Charles orite dessert at the Stop Carroll, was consecrated first & Shop Bal(ed Goods De Bishop of Baltimore at Lulworth partment on your way Castle in Dorsetshire, England, . home! The variety and became the Father of the and the low prices ef American Hierarchy. , these luscious· looking, luscious ; tasting treats ST. MATTHEW: This por will surprise you. trait of St. Matthew, Apos OTTAWA (NC)-A new Can
tle and Evangelist, is by the. adian service to provide pro
French, 19th century artist, gram aids for Catholic youth Ledoux. St. Matthew was a clubs has been organized. To be known as Catholic Youth 't.:1.X collector when he became Service, the new arrangement a follower of Christ. Vene.. provide 15 issues of "idea" rated as patron of govern material for bi-monthly meet ment workers his feast day ings running from October to May. is Sunday. NC photo.
Present Cinemascope Equipment to Pope
SEATTLE (NC) Several popular beliefs about Catholics' were challenged by evidence cited in papers presented here, during the 53rd annual meeting 1 of the. American Sociological Society. A study cendueted by a three-, man team of sociologists turned, up statistics contradicting the customary belief that Catholics generally study the humanities, in preference to scientific or business courses.' :Also, the old idea that women are markedly more "religious" than men' just isn't yerified. among American Catholics, ac-,' cording to the report of a priestsociologist. A paper presented at the meetlng held at the University of . Washington, by Helmut R. Wagner and Kathryn Doyle of Buck.. nell University and Victor Fish.. er o.f ~ennsylvai1ia State UfoIiversity sugge~ted.t?at Cath.oh~ may seek a SCIentifiC or busmess education more often than PrO'- 0 testants. Old Tradition Sociologists have traditionally believed that Catholics are proportionately less well represented in scientific and business fields than ·Protestants. However, the Wagner-DoyleFisher paper reported that, qf 159 Catholic Students at a secular eastern university replying to .• survey, 65 per cent wet;'e . studying for the bachelor Of science degree, and were enrolled iiI natural science, business administration or engineering ~urricula. .
'But of 207 non-Catholic stu dents who replied to the survey, 55.5 per cent were seeking the B. S. degree.' Other Findings Other findings included the following: -One-third of the Catholic
parents had gone to college,
compared with more than half
of the Protestant parents.
-On the' fathers' sides, 24.5
per cent of the Catholic and 12.5
per cent of the Protestant fami lies had lived in this country less than 50 years while 44 per cent of the Cathoiic and 31 per. cent of the Protestant families ,had lived here between 50 and 100 years, and 26 per cent of the Catholic and 45.5 per cent of the Protestant families had entered the coiIntry more than 100 years ago. -"While children of business men and professionals are heav By represented in both groups, aimost three-quarters of the Protestants and only slightly more than half of the Catholics belong to these strata." -Fifty-one per cent of the Protestant fathers had a report- . ed income of more than $10,000 a year, compared with 35 per cent of the Catholic fathers. Concluded the authors: "The study confirms the persistence of the .differential social pattern of Catholic-Protes~ant integra tion,in American society. It also indicates that some sectors of American Catholics are in the process of changing this pat tern, especially in' the areas 01. higher education."
Legion Chaplain
Protestants Honor'
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Mothers Group Starts Highway Sa·fety Drive
~urs., Sept. 18, 1958
Guild to Present ~ourdes .Story·
PITTSBURGH (NC)-The Archconfraternity of Christ ian Mothers has announced the opening of a nationwide
Commemorating the centennial year of Lourdes, Fall River Blackfriars Guild will present, Frani Werfel's "Song of Bern'a dette" Oct. 28 and 29 in Sacred Heart Auditorium, Fall River. Under the direction 'of Mrs. Daniel Kelly, a cast headed by Pauline Beauregarde as Berna dette and Robert Nagle as Dean Peyramale will enact the story of the Virgin's appearance at Lourdes. The presentation opens the third season of the Fa II River organization. It is affiliated with Bui'ckfriars groups throughout the country. Proceeds from local plays go to the Bishop's Fund. Productions of previous years were "City of King!!" and "Bar ter." This year members plan a season of two plays. The players will hold a buffet meeting Tuesday, to which pros pective members are invited. They may cOl)tact Mrs. Daniel Kelly, 133 Elsbree Street, Fall River, for further information.
Bafe driving campaign. "We believe that mothers with their special gift of giving life, sense more· than anyone else the need of care and alertness' in driving to save lives," said Mrs. Catherine Bulger, secretary of the archconfraternity which has ·more than 2,300 branches in the United States and other coun tries. The organization has designed II pledge printed on a red sticker. It sta'tes: "I will drive carefully, courteously and not endanger my life nor the life ot' others." Below is printed the Fifth Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill." Available to All The driver can seeure t'he sticker to. the dashboard by means of its adhesive backing. The red color stands' out and is • constant reminder to the driver of the safety pledge. Distribution of the stickers .will be handled b'y local ACM .affiliates throughout the United 'States. Thousands of the st'ickers have already been forwarded to local offices. . Safety pledges are available at the national office at a cost of two cents each. However, any one may have a pledge by send ing a. stamped self-addressed envelope and request to ,the Arch{:o'nfraternity of Christian Mothct-s, 220 37th Street, Pitts burg!ll, Pa.
Spark Stol1lehill Fund . In North ·Easton
Catholics Lack Alert .Minds COLUMBUS (NC)-Toomany Cat.holics have lost their. tradi tional "alertness of mind" and abandoned the, field of philos ophy to secular 'humantsts; dele to the 44th ann'ual,Newman Clubs. conv'ention were told here.. Aux-iliary Bishop Leonard Cowley or" St. Paul d'eclared that humanist philosoph.ers have "es-
tablished'an intellectual and cul tural climate which dulls. Catholic mind and makes it unfashionable." "Further," he' said, "t.hey have creat.ed a' sophistic din that muffles the call of fait.h and grace. The religion of humanoeingism is a do-it-yourself. kind." The speaker pointed 'out that the Church has great need of "alert Catholic minds." However, he added: "We cannot say that Catholic alertness is just brittle wit. Wit is not even a substitute." In los i n g their alertness, Bishop Cowley told the representatives of, Catholic student groups on non-Catholic college campuses, the faithful have come to subscribe to the' false philosophy of such '''human-beingist.s" as Kant, Hegel, Ticht.e, S<:hopenhauer; Niet.zs~he, Voltalre, Rousseau, Pame and Franklin. . The principal tenet of this philosophy, 't.he Bishop stated, is: "To follow niles isn't easy, so ridicule the rules long enough and soon they seem too silly to obey." .
Allocate More Funds ro Pay War Losse; WASHINGTON (NC)- Pres ident Eisenhower has signed in to law a bill providing' ail addi tional $3,750,000 for payment of . approved claims of religious or ganizations for losses sustained in World War II damage in t.he Philippines. The measure provides that 'the 'money colne· from funds held :by t.he government from the sale of enemy assets in this country confiscated at the outbreak of the ·war. Catholic health, welfare and educational institutions in the Philippines have already had $2,713,711 in claims for property damaged approved, and $94,898 for. relief. Potest.rant and JewiSh organizations have had app~oved claims for $383,813 i'1 damages and $lO,8~ ~or relief.
SITE OF NEW SCHOOL OF NURSING: The new St. Anne's,School of Nursing will be ereCted on this 47,220 square feet site. The lot measures 159 feet on Oliver Street, 325 feet on' Fore~t Street and '129 feet on Os,born Stre~t. StarAndicates building site. o
Insight. and Effort
assignments like, 'do the next are usually' taken as axiomatie. WASHINGTON (NC) -Prae Yet each is wrong by im,Pllcation. tice may make perfec~, put it is 2.5 questions in the .book.' " If anyone is."1ookin~ for an axiom, "Where 'such conditions pre intense effort that educates. . His that intense effort educates," That was the theme of a ser- . vail,". he asked,. "should we be he said. surprised that students. develop mon delivered by Father Fran distaste, if not contempt, for cis T. Hurley" assist.ant general scholarship?'" secretary of the National Cat h "These techniques bypass the olic Conference, at a Mass open sp.,iritual faculties of man," he .ing the school year in' the Wash contin.ued. "They infiltrate the. ingtoil archdiocese.. "Effect.ive learning-is se~f classroqm behind such 'cliches activity and this implies effort, and slogans 'as: practice makes perfect, repetition is t.he mother. effort on the part of the student of studies, experience is the best" and on the part of the teacher; teacher.
the enlisting, the arousing, the "These and.' ot.her expressions
inspiring of effort." Father Hurley said "t.he psy cology .of Catholic education af firms the principle that the two most important factors in human learr~ing are intellect and will, or insight and effort." ''Ye t , he asserted, in some Catholic classrooms students are burdened with mechanistic. methods of education which fail to develop intelligent, spiritual ly, vigorous, socially·. mfnded Catholics. '
"This weird psycological here
sy takes various forms: excess
ive drill lessons, long and weary
repetitions, automatic' resp<lnses in arithmetic, cramming for archdiocesan tests and pointless'
Post Office
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Park' Motors
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The Clubs and Societies Com mittee of the Easton campaign for the Stonehill College Fund was offically launcl}ed at the home of Louis A. Lyne of South ·Easton. , The Clubs and Societies Com mittee has a goal of $2,000 of the $100,000 quota assigned the East on phase of the campaign, and is part of the $5,000,000 develop ment program for the college. The committee will solicit grpups in North Easton for three Yf;ar pledges to the fund. Dr . ganization gift.s will be combined to underwrite' a memorial room in the 'new $325,000 student ~nter and cafeteria now under contruction. Robert J. Dray chairman, presided. Among those present were Rev. Richard Sullivan. C.S.C., president of St,onehill and Rev. James V. Lowery, C. S.C., Director of the develop
ment pro·gram. Easton is the first of 16 com munities in the immediate ser VIce area of the college to launch fund appeals for the develop ment program.
OF NEW BEDFORD MAIN OFFICE-Union and Pleasant Streets NORTH END-1200 Acushnet .Avenue
_,.. .....~.~:::.~~~~_~ ...~.~'_"' ,....-.-t: J: ..2~: -"'L~:: SISTERS STAFF ST. ANNE'S: Administration of St. Anne's Hospi tal, Fall River, is in the capable hands of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In left photo Sister M. William checks the condition of John Piekos of Fall River; second left Marie at work in the laundry; in second right photo shows Sister Beatr~x ,-
photo Sister Rita Marie (center) checks operating room instruments with Nurse Rosemarie Motta (left) and Nurbe Pauline Bonneau. All three are from New Bedford. In right photo Manuel C. Souza of Portsmouth, R.I., ia aided by Sister M. Ascension. THE ANCHOR Thurs., Sept. 18, 1958
Sisters -at St. Anne's Hospital
Convert Priest Award Winner
ConUnue.d from Pa~e 0 ... lUes in New England, including QUEENS VILLAGE (NC) air eonditioned labor and de Father John M. Oesterreicher, livery rooms. The babies' our,.. director of the Institute of Juda eries are also fully air eondl eo-Christian Studies at seton tioned, as are the hospital's five Hall University, South Orange, operating rooms. In line with the latest 'post_ has been chosen to receive the operative techniques, St. Anne'. 1958 Edith Stein Award. G The award is made by the was among the first area hos pital to· establish a recovery Edith Stein Guild foroutstand room where patients receive ing contribution to a better un derstanding between Jewi9b and special care and constant atten tion immediately following sur Christian peoples. gery. Father Oesterreicher, a eon One expects nursing and medi vert from Judaism in 1924, is cal care in a hospital, but seldom well known both in Europe and thinks of Hie work going on be in this country for his activities hind the scenes. An example of in the field of Judaeo-Christian this at St. Anne's is the enorm relations. Since coming to the ous laundry, employing 10 full:' United States in 1940 he has time wo-rkers. They are super gained further recognition as au vised by Sister Beatrix Marie, thor of "Walls Are Crumbling," who has stayed close to home a study of several Jewish philos in her religious life, since she ophers of modern times who was originally a member of St. were drawn toward the Christian Anne's parish,' across the lltreet Faith. He is a contributor to from the hospital. several publications and has lec Another big item is the end tured extensively. less repairing of linens., Still, He founded the Institute of another is the upkeep of the Sis_ .1udaeo-Christian Stu die s at ,tel's' own habits. The starching Seton Hall University iri 1952 of their attractive cornettes, or and has directed its work since. headpieces is an extremely painstaking job and is the
special province of Sister Imelda. Restoring Frescoes The 36 members of the com At Italian Shrine munity at St. Anne's are unus SUBIACO (NC) - The 11th ual in that they're never all to century f.·escoes of the churches gether at once. Someone must always be on duty. Probably; of the Holy Grotto, the cradle of 'the Benedictine Order, are being . too, their tasks are more varied than those of any other com restored, thanks in grea" ... ·t to the interest of a Norwegian ·pro 'munity in the diocese. Sister Madeleine Clemence, for fessor of medieval .art. The work, which will restore instance, finds her days and nights filled with the job of more than 1,000 feet of wall administering the School of paintings in the churches of St. Francis and of St. Scholastica, ill Nurinsg. Under her guidance it earned full accreditation last being done by Prof. Mario Tozzi. year from the National Nursing The original frescoes are being Accrediting Service. It now has cleaned. Later renovations are 92 students, but with the com being removed and the underly- . pletion of a new building for ing sections are being repainted. students, it will be able to ex Damage due to -humidity, cal pand. eium formations and dampness The new structure should aid is also being repaired. expansion in another way, far The' restorations owe their onCe the building which now beginning in part to the interest houses student nurses is avail of Peter I'Orango, a teacher of able, the Sister.s plan to open I
medieval art history at the Uni novitiate. At present candidates
yersity of Oslo. He visited this for the congregation must travel
.lIhrine of St. Benedict about 40 to France for training and vow
miles outside of Rome and taking and it's hoped that a
struck by the poor condition of local novitiate will'increase the
the frescoes. number of American applicants.
He returned to Norway and Another Sister with her hands
~gan promoting a fund to pay full is Sister Rita Mary, origin
for restoration. Also contributing ally of St. Ann's parish, New
to the fund were the Norwegian Bedford. She is operating room
and Swedish residents of Rome who underwrote the restoration R. A. WILCOX CO.
ef one complete chapel.
IlUpeI"Visor and her job involves teaching students operating room procedures, and scheduling and IlUpervising the operations them'selves. In charge of the whole' complex structure that is St. Anne'. and responsible for more than 10,000 patients a year, is Mother Pierre Marie, supervisor. Relaxed and calm in 'spite of her heavy duties, she finds time to visit patients and take a mother:' 1y interest in their welfare. Like all the Sisters, she is happiest when a patient either retur_ns to the Sacraments after long absence or is converted to the Church as a result· of his stay at St. Anne's for the community seeks to heal souls as well as bodies. It has been active in Fall River since 1906 and except for a . Washington house of studies, ~ the only North American found
ation of the Dominican Sisters
of the P.resentatio'n of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. The congregation
was founded in France in 1684 by
Mother Marie Possepin. Origin
ally located - in Sainville, its motherhouse was moved to ToUI'l in 1812. Operate Schools, Orphana&"elI o Because a hospital is the work
of the Sisters in this diocese, many think nurses are the o~l1' candidates eligible for member ship in the congregation. How ever, in other countries, the Si,.. ten operate schools, orphanage.. and homes for the aged in addi tion to hospitals..
WASHINGTON (NC) '- The address of Pope Pius XII to the Rome Congress of the Interna tiOJlal. Association of Applied Psychology is now available, in booklet form. "Applied Psychol ogy," can be obtained from the Publications Office" National Catholic Welfare Conference. 131Z Massachtisetis Ave., N, W .. Walihin"ton 5,D. C. for :IS cent&.
STOf!t.. and bank the .convenient way right in' one lo~by at The Fall River National Bank
A Delicious
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Booklet Available
Within St. Anne's itself, there is room for those 'interested in Vermont Bishop Plan clerical, technical, and domes tic work. Candidates should be Liturgical Program between 16 and 35, and have, BURLINGTON (NC)-Estab eompleted high school. Fu~ther lishment of a 'Diocesan Commis Information can be had from sion on the Liturgical Apostolate Mother Pierre Marie, St. A~ne's has been announced by Bishop hospital, 795 Middle Street,. Fall Robert F. Joyce of Burlington. River. Objectives are sanctification The atmosphere and spirit of of the diocese through better St. Anne's are well summed up understanding and observance of in the Catholic Hospital Associa the liturgy and active participa tion ~rtificate hanging 'within"its tion of the laity in the lit.urgy entrance: "(We are) motivated according to the norms set .corL) by the motto 'The love of Christ by Pope Pius XII. impels us'- and dedicated to the Film on TV eorporal works of mercy/ es NEW YORK (NC) - "The . pecially the personal care of the Story' of Juan Mateo," an award sick in this community, by' pro winning documentary film on viding hospital service of ac eeptable professional character Guatemala, will be nationally televised at 8 Monday night under the,f guidance of the Sept. 29. Church". --------------------------
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Members of Christ in China
6'Thurs.,- Sept. THE ANCHOR 18, 1958
..... "', ' The ,Pope's, ehcyclical urging, theCatholic$ o( ',Red China'to preserve the integrity of their Faith'is the third such papal pronouncement in ~he last six years. The, two other messages dwelt on the same subject 88 this one-the prospect of a schismatic church in China. TODAY-St. Joseph of Cuper In 1952 the Moly Fathe~ vQiced, in an apostolic letter, tino, Confessor: He was born in his concern at' communist efforts to divide Catholics in 1602 and with difficulty obtained 'China. The Pope declared at that time that the faithful admission as a Brother in the must stand firm in the Faith while "ceding to none in their Friars Conventional, but due to love' of the fatherland." , . his rare spiritual gifts he wall promoted to the priesthood. T,he papal message of 1954 warned the Chinese peo Through his intercession, many ple of an attempt under the guise of patriotism to lead miracles were wrought both them. to schism. The pretense used was the communist during his life and after his death principle of "three autonomies"~self-rule, self-support" at Osimo in 1672. ' . .self-propagation. . TOMORROW-St. Januariull Last year /the formation of the Patriotic Association and Companions, Martyrs, died of Chinese Catholics was the opening gun of a,highly organ in the persecution under Diocle ,ized program-against the Church. This, Association severed tian. He was Bishop of Beneven ties with the Vatican and set up a series of' indoctrination to. Because he and others were cOurses which many members of the clergy were! forced active in visiting Christians in prison and making converts, they to attend. were exposed to wild beasts but The pressures have increased with the "election" and were preserved from harm. consecration of ten schismatic bishops. Finally. they were beheaded. Preserved in the Cathedral of The Church is faced with the sad spectacle of a 'schis Naples, the blood of the Saint, matic church rising within. China..i corif~sing a~d tort~ring congealed . in two yials, now the consciences of the Chmese catholIcs, lullmg Chmese liquefies when brought near the and those outside China with the pretense ,of freedom of martyr's head. religion, serving as an instrument of the great unchanging, eommunist scheme. SATURDAY-St Eustace and Companions, 'Martyrs. St. Eus The first step in the'communist drive against God was Hollywood in" Focus tace was an officer in the Roman the expulsion of non-Chinese bishops and clergy· as ill army under Trajan. Losing hill intentioned foreigners. This second step aims at forcing honors and wealth because of elergy and iaity to submit their Gonsciences to professedly hi~ conversion of Christianity, he God-less authorities under the guise of patriotism. The pur wa~ later sought out by the Em peror, - placed in command of pos~ is an independent church within China, a schismatic By William H. Mooring , troops and sent against the bar church. , Seeing all the films as a dutiful critic should, I notice barians who had invaded the Those outSIde the Faith may wonder what -the harm theY' come less frequently in cycles these' days: Still quite a empir,e. Returning victorious he is in a schismatic church. They may think that it ,is only few recent movies introduce anJdentical "gimmick". Char was reunited with his wife and Vatican politics to insist upon close ties between the Holy acte'rs s,tarting out at deadly loggerheads with each other, 'children, but when he still re fused to -sacrifice to the heathen See and the hierarchy of a country. ' . gods, the Emperor condemned have to' work their way" eonversations run ,along remark The answer is in the nature of the Church. towards some kind of peace ably 'similar lines to those of the him and his family to death. The Church is not an ecclesiastical General Motors,. ful eo-existence in order to Je.w and the Pole. jealous of its supervisory tights and insisting that all survive.' No matter how' SUNDAY-St. Matthew, Apos In each of these films, when divisions look to the parent company for direction and much the actual characters and the time comes to face up to tle-Evangeli1;t. Also known sa circumstances differ, the same the fact that all men are brothers Levi, he was serving. as a tax policy.. aituation recurs. under the skin, the script collector at Chharl1aum when he , God's plan for men involves the formatiort of an extra- . In S ta n ley writers lean backwards to avoid became a follower of Christ. ordinary unity, an organization and an organism, a body Kramer's "The connecting. the brotherhood of Little is known_ of him after the man with the Fatherhood of Ascension. Most opinion 'is that which embraces Christ and all those who are incorporated ,Defiant Ones", he remained for, several yearll two e s ca p e d God. In "The Big Country" and into Christ by Baptism. " . in 'Judea where he wrote his eonvicts, '0 n e "The Defiant Ones", with op All those who are' baptised into Christ, throughout negro, the other posite effect, characters' who Gospel and later became the an space and, throughout all time, are, united WIth Him w hit e , are Apostle of Ethiopia, where ac mention God do so either de risively or hypocritically, as counts of his martyrdom are ex and each other as an organic vital,unity in such ,a' way chained togeth tant. His shrine is in Salerno, 'though religion had aHenated that they form on~ mystical person. This we, call the' ~. They are far from friendly but, each must them or aggravated their social Italy, where his relics were trans Mystical Bddy of Christ, the Church. , ferred in the 10th century. help the other or perish. problems. , A thousand miles o.r a thousand y~ars cannot separate In Danny Kaye's "Me and the On the other hand, characters or dissolye the intimate and vital union between Christ Colonel~, a, Jewish refugee and who appear dedicated to'morally MONDAY-St. Thomas of Vil and the-members of JI·is Mystical Body. Only the will ,of the, an ,anti-serpitic, Polish officer, rig1tt attitudes and actions 'are ,lanova, Bistlop-Confessor, wall hU,man "branch" can dissolve the union' with the Divine (Curt Jurgens), must ,share the mown resolving by rational' an Augustinian friar of the 16th Vine. And, this is done by an act of apostasy of heresy or only vehiCle that will get them process the injustice posed in the . centiJry. He became Archbishop of, Valencia, Spain, was distin ichism. " , ' away from Nazi forces, closing screenplay. in to shut them off from the The common thesis in 'these gUi'shed for his learning and ,The Holy ,Father is the visible head of the :~fy~tieal . coast' and esc~pe to ~ngla~d. and several other recent movies, , piety, highly regarded for'hi. Families LearD dearly advocates peaceful co eloquence and beloved for hi. Body of ChrisL'He cannot s4lnd by and watch the -rnembel'l existence through rational com 'aid to th~ poor. He died in Val of the Mystical' Body, in China be, forced 'or cajoled into In William Wyler's -the Big 'dissolving their, union with Christ. The Holy Father. eat\ 'Country", two, landed settlers promise: Whether pure'. coinci encia in, 1555. dence or something '~lse accounts ' not suffer the Body 'to be wounded in all its rnein~n by ,(Burl Iv-es and Charles Bickford) for 'TUESDAY-St. Linus, Pope so many Hollywood wilters carryon a murderous feud, but ,alighting on: the same theme at Martyr. First successor ,of S1. . the wrenching away of Chinese Catholics. survive 'they must, agree to the same time, is an interesting 'Peter as Pope, he governed the The'life/of the whole Church is affected by the fervor . to mare the same precious water question, I do not presume to Church' for 12 years, suffered of its'individual members. No single soul works indepen supply. They die; their, families martyrdom and was buried on answer. dently qf the other members of the Body. Incorporation learn~ Vatican Hill near St. Peter. It Cut-rate for Krushchev is said that it' was St. Linus who intoChri('Jt has made the m~mbers new creatures 'with a 'In "The Badlanders", Alan In Moscow, on Sept. 15: Turner insisted that women should ,new destiny and a new supernatural nat\lre, with new Ladd and Ernest Borgnine, at _powers and new' privileges, with new' strength and new each other's throats while serv Shelton of the U. S. Information never enter the Church with un covered heads. assistance, with a new' relation to God and to men. The ing time in an Arizona jail, be Agency and Eric Johnston of the come co-operative partners in Motion Picture Association, plan Holy Father cannot stand by and watch that new life crime' when they meet on the to resume the haggle, with WEDNESDAY-Our Lady f)f be torn out of the souls of Chinese Catholics. outside. The motives, as you will Krushchev's movie boys. A pro Ransom, commemorating the lee, are not always idealistic, posed "film exchange'" deal with foundation of the Order of Our Nor can we~ the Kremlin broke down last Lady of Mercy at Barcelona in The fellow members of the Mystical Body must be a~though most often'they are. 1223, established for the release In Jhe Kaye picture, taken April. aware of the harm that the whole Body is suffering. from Franz Wedel's "Jacobow Who on the U: S. Govern~"mt of captives from the infidel. , Christ is undergoing persecution in His members in sky and the Colonel", the Jew side is behind this attempt to The feast was extended to the universal Church in 1696. China. The members in China are suffering a crucifixion. does not hate the Pole. He mere pus~ it through? ly resents his agrressive preju May it lead not to a falling away from the Church but to Most of the -Hollywood pro-. until events prove he's the ducers have' expressed them the strengthening in Christ of many members. The prayers . dice, smarter 'of the two, when they selves against trading with bartering their own films as of all should be, with these members of Chrises' MystiCal begin to '~get alo,ng". Russia. They sense' the Kremlin exchange. All these friendly Body; plans ,to get Hollywood films at countries will be properly re
Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days
Co:'existence Without. God 'Theme of Recent Movies
Since most Poles who are not , Jewish are Catholic and this cut-rate prices, then slant them' 'sentful of having to pay more , particular Pole speaks often of to its "hate-America" campaign~' for' the same Hollywood fi~ than the Russians pay. ' "lighting a candle in'the cathed "In exchange Russia would send ral", it is easy to understand U. S., some of its pro-communist, Annie Aims High why the film's vociferous denun propaganda films, such as "Otar's ' Thirty-year-~ld Ann Blyth ciation of racial and religious Widow", just shown, and ex-' celebrated her 25th' year in show. prejudice makes it more than a posed by the critics at the' business (she started at five), by i!ifle lop-sided as well, as top Venice Film ,Festival. opening her cabilret 'show at OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE "DIOCESI; 'OF FAlt.RIVER heavy. 'I'urner Shelton admits' Russia Hollywood's world-farrious' CO Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River does all it can to jam our radio . coanut Grove, in the Ambassador Avoid God 410 Highland Avenue ' broadcasts and ban our news;.' Hotel. Annie' is sort of am bassa In "The Defiant Ones'" the Fall River, Moss. OSborne 5-7151 negro (Sidney Poitier) does not papers -arid magazines. On this dor herself. She aimed high and showing how can he expect the' scored a'tremendous success, jpst hate his. white, fellow-convict. PUBLISHER " Kremlin to giye American films as she had at the Sahara, Lu He merely resents his abusive Mo'stRev., James L, Connolly, D.O., 'PhD. ,a 'fair break? " 'Vegas, 8 year ago. , ,prejudice. Arid when, toward. GENERAL MANAGER ' ASST. GENERAL MANAGER' the end, ithey begin to look into For eyery dollar Hollywood ~Sw,eetness, wholsomeness and Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John ,P. Dri'scoU, reason~or the lack of them-' ,ets out of Russia it will lose 100 ' talent", said one critic, "proved , " ' 'MANAGING EDITOR '" ' , 'why .one man should hate an-' from friendly foreign .countries that Americans still prefer en- , .. ~ttorney Hugh J. Golden, _othetbecause of., his color, U>P w~ u-adeon our ter~ wi~oul ' ....*ert:ainment to exhibiti9nism".
.,. Class of 1958- St. Anne School of Nursing
Director of School
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Sept. 18,1958
Nun Lauds Work Of A Ichemists
Father McCormack S,ays
Five Yea'rs Spent in Red Chinese' Prison Like, Living in Pig Pen
Degradation is a tool of communism. The Reds try to destroy a man's dignity. This is particularly true in the CHICAGO (NC)-"It provokes communist prison. There they really degrade man to the me that people think 'alchemists level of an animal. were nothing but witch doctors, All men, even prisoners, wish to establish some pattern and workers of black magic," aaid Sister Virginia Heines. of order in their daily lives. a finger we could write notes to Sister Virginia, professor of We all try to set a simple each other on the dust-covered chemistry at Nazareth College routine for our, personal floor, Annoyed for months at the in Louisville, is a doctor of phil habits of washing, eating, ,weird looking shapes that seemed osophy, an author and one of. working, etc. But the commun to appear on the peeling white 500 women among 14,000 mem' ists delight in sowing disorder. washed walls we found that by bel'S attending the American - In prison we were never to turning them into· a game like Chemical Society's 134th meet . know the time of day. We would inkblots it helped pass the time ing here. eat breakfast (a handful of fifth away. "The alchemists actually were grade rice) one day at six in the We spent hours trying to iden the pioneers of chemistry," she morning, the next day at nine tify as many images as ,we could l18id. "And had they possessed the, and the next maybe at 11. The out of the uncanny forms on the cyclotron and others of our 20th other meal would follow the walls. A simple coat butto!) pro century instruments and meth same pattern. We would never vided us with weeks of amuse ods, they would have succeeded know at. what time they would ment before the Reds discovered as we have in creating gold out ieedus. They would change the our s port and hysterically of baser metals." , feeding, time ...e ach-ilay. trampled the button to pieces. It is true, she admitted, that, System Effective Bets made in' fun among the DIOCESAN CYO:MEETING: Mary Trond of Taunton, the ancestors of the modern We would wash at different prisoners on the button game chemist worked secretively in times-'-be taken to trials at dif reached astronomical figures. My' Diocesan President of CYO, Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, director of Kennedy Center and John R. Tarrant of Providence, deep, dark cellars, a habit which rerent times-sleep at different fellow prisoners jokingly re helped give rise to the legend times, and even for the simple ferred to me as, "the American Rhode Island, New England President of CYO were dis that still beclouds their contri calls of nature, the Reds couldn't capitalist" and we always bet in cussion leaders for 100 CYO members in the Kennedy Ce. butions. They hoped for great be human. They would call us American thousand dollar fig ter, New Be~ford. I ' wealth if they succeeded in cre out only once a day and each day ares. I • ting gold, she s a i d . ." a t ad'ff l e re n't t'lme. Never Any Good "They didn't realize, as we now ,Naturally, ·this system is very .know, that to change an element effective. We. were 'reduced to ' The ,only, papers I' saw d~ring MONTREAL (NC) - Father you must bombard its nucleus mere beggars who, when shown 'the five years in jail were com Edmond Lauzier, S.M.M., a na ; COLOMBO (NC)-The Su-, tive of Grand Isle, Me.; has been with powered atomic particles.". even the slightest favor such as' munist, propaganda sheets. The
P~radoxically, Sister Virgini~ a drink of water, would respond.. Chinese papers were bad enough, perintendent of Catholic schools', chosen to establish a new mi.. conFnued, mal)kind has been with grateful appreciation. This, but the most annoying to me waa in the Colombo. archdiocese hu sionof the Montfortian Fathen able to create gold out of base .is an ~ffective form of brain",: Uje New York 'Daily Worker. in Papua on the island of ,New metal through use of the cyclo washing. , Every week we were made to declared' that proposed: nation Guinea in the southwest Pacific:. alization. of Ceylon schools, ~ . , tron or atomic furnace. But the" Of course, simply describing read', the'::O~ilY Worker and my' ei>st is so high that it makes the the horrible conditions of life in . poor fellow Chinese prisoners "religious per~cution." Father Philip' Dissanayak;e, gold worthless by ~ompa:risOn. ,a R~ pri~on is not' enough. No were'outraged 'that America Gi'ber:t ,Oliveira Sister Virginia is eager to re ont' not e'ven when the' most would allow the comm'unists to O.M.I, has declared Catholics INSURANCE turn to Louisville to begin work-' vi~id imagination, could picture flaunt their big lies openly right , have'the right tt" have'tHeir chil dren educated in Church schools. ing on a project for which the' the wretched existence millions' . fto m New York. When', it had APPRAISER Any government move to thwart' National Institutes of Health haa' ,of Chin~se ar!:.undergoing in the. gone. out ,of business and sud REALTOR this right will result in the sup liven her a $4,000, grant. ~eoples"republic today.' de'nly stopped coming into " ,Garbage to Eat cells I asked the guard for'it and pression of the "denominational OS 2-2000 , To say the prison food was he said,' "We don't allow' that system" of 'running schools, the , mere garbage is simple. But to paPer in China anymore, it waa priest said. "This will be tanta 1320 No. Maio St.' mount to religious intolerance eat it for five years is something never any' good anyway.'; FALL RIVER UNITED' NATIONS (NC) 'else again. The Chinese prison . All in all I was in four prisons or persecution," he said. ers told me themselves that the during my first year's sentence. Six Catholic agencies contrib uted a total of $561,200 in as rice we were given was fifth One was as bad as the other. YOUR DOLLAR BUYS sistance to the Palestinerefu grade and poorly cooked at that. Late in' 1955 they moved me to gees during 1957,' according to Even the prison guards, who 'I'u~ to Page Sixteen • United Nations'report. , were iron men in most respects, The financial statement of the couldn't stand the stench of it. United Nations Relief and Works But I was hungry. And I ate it EVER BEFORE Agency' fOl' Palestine Refugees -at times with an appetite. , See us for the BEST DEAL in a
in the Near East-part of its In the cell we were not to talk ' Ford Car or Truck
report to the coming session of , or move our lips. We had to ask JOSEPH M. F, DONAGHY the U. N. General AssemblY- per"1ission of the guard who was lists some 56 voluntary agencies constantly in attendance for each owner/mgr. , which have contributed various move we made. And every new 142 Campbell St. FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS types of assistance equivalent movement required a new per New Bedford. Mass. to $2,180,428. The assistance was mission. .1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass. WYman 9-6792 in the form of food, clothing. But even in these depraved cash, snelter, medical care, re conditions where hunger, ,thirst, HEADQUARTERS FOR lief supplies and educational fatigue and ,misery walked hand (OLONIAL AND .ervices. in-hand with death, the Reds TRADITIONAL FURNITURE could not wipe out man's'innate
Says Ceylon School Scheme Intolerant
Heads New Missi<»n
Much Catholic Aid To Arab 'Refugees
Furniture Store
Boston College Gets Grant for Nursing
WASHINGTON, (NC) - Bolt College is among nine Catho lic colleges and universities w:hich will receive Federal grants totaling $111,207 this Fa~. to use in preparing registered nurses for positions in public bealth nursing. The Catholic institution$ a~.. among 47 public and p~ivate Colleges and universiti~s due to receive $981,617 from the De 'partment of Health, Education , and Welfare. The purpose of the program is to relieve' the "acute "''J)ersonnel shortage'" in'state and ·local health agencies.
sense of humor and ingenuity. Just Pass Time Not permitted to move or talk we soon learned that by wetting (
IlI _ _,
O __ • __ -• )•
,OIL ','
'••• then ioi,n the
John B.
"for Your ProtedioD Buy From,
'and Sons, Inc. OSTERVILLE'
132 Rockdale Ave. New Bedtord
WY 5-7947"
,4l._----u--.---..-. ---.-..--.
!. GArden,
8-6501 "
Sunbeam "
; .•'
:.;: .
.:-: ....r-
Classofol~58·~ .
At"Our House
()fN~.rsing. ~..
,For. Meetin·g· e Costo·IVl,rig";,., f Le e .:
. '. . . . ' . ' By Mary' Tinley . Daly . .' , _ .Some weeks ago, this eoluinn· asked lugge~tionfl. for · meeting the high cost of living. One of the first answeni · eontained a' sentence that practi<:ally jumP,edoUt· of the letter at us.' . , ' "I f d···· 10 '1 .. '.. ._ . am ee mg . peop e. .give up her automatiC washer . ' DOW .~n the same. amount of. for anything' in.. the 'material money I had ·five years ago' . world, . is .the. biggest treezerto feed seven," wrote Helen boost we've ever ·heard. Ed.) C. (Mrs.' L. J.) Myers of Oak:. To ·go· on with Mn:Myenl YiJIe, Ontario. . letter: "I refuse to buy anything 1953? Why, nearly every item above the standard ,price range.' .. the grocery For instance, if the fair price of • tor e", h a· s roast beef is' 69 or '70 cents a ehanged price pound, I won't touch tt at 75 8ince then,. and eents. We just eat something else. the only way Meat Hlnis prices seem to· '"When stew meat ia up .• 59 10 is up. Feed.. 69 cents, buy a pot roast Ing three more (probably at 49c),cut it in hall. people on the Cut up the first. half for your arne amount? .tew-refrigerate· the. rest. WI·th The sentence . our family, we find roastl was buried in cheaper-rib or· short-rib. These til , e. b 0 dM have the bone in. When aU the y 0'f M meat. is. go~e!:rou stiU have PIe, . r I. . yers. letter. l o w e , .bone. This, brought to boil with earefully reread the 'entire let- . enough water.U; eover and Iim-'
S~cordi"m Club Plan.'
Catholic College Fair,
. . ,Plans for a Catholic. College 'F~ir to' be held in Fall 'River" S4 nda y, Oct. 19 wel:e announced, by· Mrs. David W. Boland at·the arinual tea of the Sucordium . Club of the Saered Hear• . Academy. Mrs. Boland, club 'president, . . sa~d that representatives of m~jor Catholic women's collegea . wi~l meet students ·from .junior . and senior classes of high schoob . . in i the greater Fall River. area. Each college will'have exhibita and literature of interest to the prospective collegians, who' will . 'be'invited to discuss their future ' plans with the representatives. Other plans include a rum mage sale, Oct. 24 and 25; anc'Jual mother and daughter harvest .~ supper, Nov. 8; military whist, . January; spiritual meeting' Fe~ PAROCHIAL JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL LEAGUE:ruary; fashion show, March; an..' I started at Kennedy Center, New Bedford last week,. organ,. : nual business meeting and spring H . festi;val, April; banquet and in ized and 'directed by arry L. Kummer, extreme right, arid ... stallation of officers in May. . . assisted by Miss Leonor M. LUlZ, 2nd from right. Patricia Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hu~berto S., Varney', 12, of Holy Name Parish, Medeiros, club chaplain, ad- . . left, and Doreen Carney, 11, of Holy Name Parish are two of the a'pp'roxima:tely Sl"xty '. dre~ed the . grolH),congl,"atu1at- ,. mrls who ·:attended· the f;"st meetl'ng' of parochl'al J'unl'or ' . . 6' ~ , ing members on dedicating the high school pupils. '. club year to Our Lady Cit'
make~:a·de1ici~u';.~'tri- A'sse'r'ts, Empl·o.yme,..·.n.t.of M'other's'
mered, . tious,.soup: The"meat ye.u eould. ,ood management. Also, Mrs. . not· pre"iously lIel'ape off the Myers said, "!,>-t times-usually bone comes off easily and you IC , about three bmes a week-we just add onion carrots potatoetl SEATTLE (NC) - About 60 have more than our 10 for a or any left-ov~r v~gebbles;" . pere~nt of a. selected. group. of meal, ~lthough not always for As a slick Chick trick; Mn.workll~g mothers hav~ conslddinner. Myers recommends: "Simmer' ered dlv~rce at some time, com... .. Let's. look a~. ~elen M~ers' chicken' with salt and pepper .pared WIth about 46 'per c~nt "bargam huntlllg technique and chopped celery. Let cool imd ,who were not employed outside which she sa~s ~?e got from her scrape meat from bones, Mi~ the the home. who IS as spry as can meat with peas ·and carrots and These statistics have been rebe" and who .seems to have "cream sauce using some of the ported by Dr. F. Ivan Nye of the passed on her 'Zlp to her daugh- stock, for creamed ehicken or University of Washington folter... pot pies. Boil down the stock, lowing a survey on employment Wholesale Buying Ileal in jars and refrigerate for status of mothers and marital '. Mr. and Mrs. Myers have eight' . later- use in IOUPS, stew.. happiness. ebildren, rang'ing in age from 19 gravies." . He also reported that 51.6 per months to '11 years, so they can All has not been smooth-sail- cent of the working mothers, weU buy in wholesale lots-. ing for the My.ers' family. eompared with 45.8 per cent 'of which they do: margerine by the Within:one year, father~ mother the non-working, said they "arease ("We have used only six and .four of the children were. gued" with their husbands, pounds of ,butter since 1946.") hospi~lized"':"but not for mab:\u- ..while 13.4 per cent and 7.6 per Baby foods,' when' they were trition!',: last. . November. respectively, . . ThEm, . . . - cent of the mothers, . aeeded, ordereq by-the case and ... little Anne'::Marie had a "heart" _idth'ey "quarreled"'with their
lIhared with. another young' .operatiQn:' :'''The . doctOr" ....,and ..iapouses.' " .... : .. " . . . ...... , . ' . . th" 1 . ed' th ~othei, mearitanother saving. '·atSick Chil~ren'sH'ospi- .. Of. e. nonemp oy mo ers,. .. ' . "We buy 5Q'pounds of deter-,~.. :~~1::JI!··;''I'9ronto ,*er,:'ama:Eed:,it· "20~7per cent 'described them... ; ",ent at 12 1h 'cents a 'pound," Mrs:';',;'1ierjaprd recovery;" Mrs.·:M:yei'I···:·lIelves. as "unhappy" in,. their . ·.Myers . reportS;:· "keeping it· in" ::. said,:irhey:Kilew only ~hllt was marriages,. Compared with 2«1.8· a. large garbag4!·'can".bought· for"'goi~~.: on. in,side'~ ~i~.~, . per.~nt of ihe working m?th~rs. , the purpose beside ·the washing TheY did· nOt know'of'aU'tbe ',·Dr. Nye declared.that hIS da~ machine; arid 'a' four~pound ,maSse~, "prayersrand clevOUontl "8UPpoi~ the idea that employ empty marmalade :.tin . for. 'the .'offered." . ment of mothers . . . increa~ IlUpply in. ~¢ .. kitchen for . Busy as she·b, Mrs. Myers was . dishes." willing to ,."write for the firSt And eggs, at the rate of five ·time to.a columnist" saying, ";" . • dozen a week. ("Our. lO-year old you were trying to help others, G.000. FO'OD is starved if he can't have at I wanted to. share my ope least two and 'usually' four fQr riences." . .. :Pleasa,nt At!l1~.5phe... breakfast.")· . Mrll. Myers ended her 'letter . -ask anybOdy'" u She recommends' buying yes- with it grapHic picture: :"Please' Air Conditioned
tlerday's bread _ cheaper'- and excuse errors in typing I have 386 Acushnet Avenue
keeping the ,.extra in't'l.e refrig- company! The presence o~ three erator. .', under-four who are pushmg and New Bedford
As for milk: "When I started shoving around my knees makel asing skim' milk powder,., I it rather hard to concentrate." . mixed one' quart of standard Thank you,. Mrs. Myers, fr<>:m. with one quart of skim; then 'one those at our hou~and atmany with two qu~rts of skim: .. Now, others, we feel sure. . "SPECIAL MILK: I find if the children do' not see From Our Own .' me mix the milk, they ~ill drink JEFFREY . E. . Tested Herd" "'.: it by the gallon!" says' psychol- ~ ogist Myers. ' Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-445~ "I had longed for a· freezer," 1 ;,~' • Special Milk' Mrs. Myers' letter went on, "and recently invested in one--great: • Homogenized Vit.D Milk 550 L~uS\ St. • est bOon in my life. Rather than Fall ,River. Ma-.
• Buttermilk give it up, 1 would. relinquish my • Tropicano Orange Juice OS 2-2391 i
automatic washing'. mac.hine!'! . •. Coffee andChoc. Milk Rose E. Sullivan ("'he .very thought of a mother • .·Egg·s - Butter 'J~.fYreYE Sullivan · of eight-under-t\\:,elve 'willing to
Father Kelo,her Aw' ard I[lcreases· .. Con f',· t'"In ....M,'arnage . . '. ..; . . .
conflict in marital relationships.", . To: Elizabeth Ryd~r ..
M' KRestaurant
He. added:. "Logical~y, employ-.··. Miss Elizabeth J. Ryder, lon' .
~ent 'of. mothers ~!ght be ex:",,: John Street, Fall River, for.mer ",
~cted., to precipitate.,. SOme .:., sup~rintendent of DUI'ses at Fall
dl;,orces. . . . :,River Tuberculosis Hospital, hal
. If c.onfhct. related to the _e~- been ramed recipient of the ,~:
ployee role' IS added to famIly ,annual Father Keliher Award 01.
i~teraction already characterized' the Catholic Nurses Cuild
by ,conflict and dissatisfaction,.. ' . .
J. divorce or .. other dissolution., . TQe award, named for Rev... might. result in families .,.,Cornelius J. Kelihcr, guild chap- .': which. otherwise might continue ,lain, ,is:. ordinarily made· to' a a precarious' existence." : student nurse. According to Mrs. " Plan Supper ' Will~am J. ~aloncy, guild vice . . ,president, MISS Ryder, although A bean supper h~ads October a graduate" received it because ' ~a~~ f~t th~ rn~ank of Prague . of her' outstanding attribu~el .. UI, ' . ary some, New a nurse and Catholic. :edford. MIss. Mary ~urns p~e- 1!':<:::1''S-'~~~=~~=~=~~' the group s ~penIng meetmg,.Three new nuns at·the
Home were introduced by Sister ,
Grl!ce::,Pierre, Superior;', ... Hewl10 loves his
,.. I'
:.. neIghbor has ful G·E··, ..·.O· ...·R· G.·.·E ..·M .....'M··. O' N' T'.·.L·.'E·.· Law.
~ til'
PI~mbing. "-
,i: Over 35 Years
of Satisfied Service 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fa•.• River OS 5~74. 97
JEWELED CR.ass . COM.ANY . MO....nUIOlO•. MA$$. MANUf....crUIfIS 0'
With A Low: Cost'
Hom.e Improvement LOANI
'White's Farm Dairy
S.ULLIVAN "uner..
Housewife' Of.fe. rs .Sug'g'" ~s'·· hS··'.
tel'. Such an achievement could be the result ~)Oly of extremely
St.' Anne School
ED IC"I~'''aJ'InI::. North J8aDk ~.~
~di Bank. GJ,e~'
. .' . . ',"
Ii.....,. ,~ b....e' 1.rJ.'M. C~cahott
! .••• ,,'
Class of 1958 -:- St. Anne School of
Council of Women PlansNational 'Youth Week
Today's Fashions
New Infl uences" F"'eature F'IUIed ' an d J'ersey,s In 8Ien d"5 Crepes'
ish days of recollection for high Plans for 'Communion Sundation the cooperation given IIChool students, the observance day for the youth of the Diocese him by the women's groups and of Family Communion Sunday, on Oct. 26, National Youth Sun encouraged especially their ef the recitation of family prayers, e day, were announced at the forts in behalf of youth and the and the usc of religious ~ustoma board meeting of the Diocesan lay retreat movement. at Christmas and Easter. Rev. Council of the National Council Rev. William McMahon, dioc By EileR Kelley 'of Catholic Women, held at " tu al D e Raymond W. McCarth'y is dioc esan m od era t or f or SI?Irl , Here's a bird's eye view of, the Pads f ashion story in . "Cathedral Camp. velopment committees, express esan Moderator. The spiritual development fabrics for Fall and Winter! New fashion influences fe~ture Other plans for National ed satisfaction with response to fluid crepes, jerseys in blends, natural fibers and many with 'Youth' Week, Oct. 26 to Nov 1, the lay retreat movement.: He committee, headed by Misa Louise Finnell" New Bedford, rayon. Tweeds are heavily slubbed, and you'll see plenty of include a holy hour for youth of announced that the annual sup will emphasize frequent recep. , the New Bedford area and the per of the Diocesan Retreat flattened loops, rustic fab line. You'll note it in daytime presentation of Christ the King League for Men and _Women tion of the sacraments and ob rics with Kemp or reindeer and evening fashions, in hats and Immaculate Heart of Mary would be held Sunday, Oct..5 at 'servance of liturgical seasons by 'appropriate ceremonies. .They, bair. ,. that fl'ame the face, in rounded awards to the most outstanding, 'Cathedral Camp. ' Many of the looped fabrics shoulders, in curved skirt lines, boy and girl attending the Kel.l In. o~her reports, based on' 'the' will work towards'the holding of days of recollection by each combine mohair with 0 the r "Dior skirt .news is "longer nedy Youth Center. Council's theme for the year, the district council. fibers: Reversible fabrics are 'lengthf" Taunton affiliates of the Dioc': lay apostolate, Miss Mary Dwyer Membei's of the ·clergy present very important. You'll admire Cardin sponsors the Mushroom esan Council will sponsor a holy of Fall River, diocesan chairman included Rev. Thomas P. Walsh. tweed with smooth brushed ,silhouette, a slender sheath of hour and dialog Mass for' youth. for discussion groups, indicated diocesan moderator, Rt. ~ev. back, s'o m e with one' side stem-like beauty. The top of the In Fall River a holy hour and that a drive' would be made f<.'r Hugh A. Galagher, Rev: Joseph eheckcd, reverse plain. You'll mushroom silhouette forms new exhibit of handcraft are sched increased membership in parish L. Powers, and the committee • x c I aim over double-weave collar shapes. For late day, uled for the Catholic Community groups. Rev. Francis A. McCar moderators. Shetland!;, double-faced velours, there's the reversed mushroom, Center. A social hour will follow thy is moderator for the com and new flat and mat surfaces. bulk to bottom of skirt. Coats the exhibit. mittee. Plan Food Sale New fashion influences stress with mushroom stand-away col The Attleboro'district plans a Ii.. .even-point program was A food and 'apron sale will be wider shoulders, exemplified by lars promise to be ver-y popular. holy hour and social, while Cape presented by Mrs. Stanley Koc held Sept. 26 by the Catholie the Arch; a huge collar motif Many of. these mushroom '!'Oats affiliates will organize a day 01. zen, New Bedford, family and Women's Club of Mansfield un Introduced by Dior on coats and feature cartridge pleats, hand recOllection for area youth. education chairman. The com del' the direction of Mrs. Charles wits, plus the mushroom silhou done on collar, sleeves and the Miss Mary Cole, New Bedford, mittee will cooperate with' the C. Halbing, president. ette (by Cardin), the new high coat body. .. diocesan chairman ,of youth diocesan family life bureau, en Members heard a talk by waistlines, the belting of the Laroche sponsors the ruffle groups. Rev. Leo SullivaD" courage guild IpOnsorship of Kevin Bryne, Boston College midriff, new shapes in sleeves, tellingly., The high waistlines of moderator. yearly Cana conferences in 'each student, on "Teenagers and the and the' newly important short his gowns ar,e ,marked by draw Bishop Gratehll parish and continue' and extend Problems that Face Them." It jacket! ' strings, by slotted belts, by ,Mrs. Emmett P. Almond, dioe the work of the Lenten marriage was announced that. the annual Gowns Have Trams bolero effects. Laroche stresses, esan president, read a message . forums, held last year iDNew scholarship has been awarded for Mew silhouettes for late day 'too, the importance of the little fa:c- the Most Reverend Bishop Bedford and Fall River. the second time to Miss Irma ~d~~~are~~mUY~~ ~t~ilirumeed~~~~ :iD~~:h=k;h~h;e~e;x~p~r~e;s:s;~~h;i:s~a~p~p;r~e~_ _~T;h;e~y~w~il;l~a;l;so~e;n;c;o;u;r;a:g;e~::~~~~~G~I~e~a~so~n~,_so~p~h_o_m_o_r~e_a~t~·~S_to_'n_~_ill_.
like the new formal gowns with collar. The coat itself is a tiny
sleeves, you'll see everything tube, outlining collarless neck
from cap sleeves for late day to line, slotted belt. LarQChe's suit
Barrow ~'sleeves in short and costumes appear ruffled, witll
long evening' gowns. edging bolero-like little jacket,
Many of the new format gowns paisley lined, with little ,paisley
feature the "Recamier" neckline. blouse. Too, many of the new formal Ji'abrl~ Epaalet8 towns have trains, ruffled or Balericiago fashions vary IIi&
oval-shaped. Empire waistlines type and silhouette. There's new.
will' be seen just about every in the removable cape collar coat.
where. red-orange, with black lining k»
However, straight, relaxed cape collar and' black tie bow.
took gowns continue are very Beneath a cardigan neckline.
elegant. New fashion notes are the roat closes with three but
the voluminous matching capes tOM and is' softly gathered fr-.
~d, evening wraps. Day-length above the normal waistline.
. Add bright, fresh ftav~ to evening coats are in, -appear in Balenciago's reversible JOUI' favorite salada, dips or meals fabulous brocades (Cardin), and are delightfully flattering"fee in rayon satin fabrics for eve with the /ruJ.ttufJ ingrediem ture tube-like slot seaming, are .ing. tubu)ar and slim, often are ,HOod Cottal't Cheese. Make the Other exquisite formal fabrics :trimmed' with· wide bands "of ' happy 'cl\oiee, Hood Small Curd, . ~'Ud4( mqire, "v,elvet,~ti~, • .. contrast fabric. One lovely coat «eo:rg~tte" chi f f. «> J;t ',. brocades, ' ,has fabric 'epaulets. Many of i~,~g. ~~ 0(, Co~~ qh~sft ..tin orgapza (shffene~), faille,. '(Balenciaga'. new co at. are "M your,store OI',door. ' ' lace, taffeta, crepes.' Many, of 'straight ,an~collarleSs, have, <. , . foi;ma I fab!;iC;!i ar~" !,Iends, :: black mohair lining lor heavemy' tot ric~J::, color and luxurious ':'warm~~.:, .' .. .~;ture.,:: ,; , Giv~nchy's coats flare out at New-!;'eiison colors include: the bottom' with side suede black, alSo not quite black tones! belts. There is added news in White andofJ white 'ton~s! Neu wide and flat reversible collar trals appear with a greenish less emits. They're very very east! Beige-to-brown: tones are 1OOd! Dar'l, gray' and charcoal light ili. weight, oftentirrieshave low placed, big patch pockets, ~nes are news! Mohair colors cuff necklines. GivenchY'hats are appear in 'shocking pink and hfgh, sit on' top Of the head, and pastels! some are eye-level. Greens anpear in bronze and \, Last, and most important of off shades! Violets are very all - this wonderful, straight much to the fashion fore-will from -the-Paris - Fashion - Presa ' be seen in tOiles from pale, pale news is brought to you through violet-blue to the rich warmish the courtesy of "American Ray';', ' red-violet tones' of "Parma"! on Institute, Inc." Each season Blues are very popular, will ap I receive this wonderfully effi pear in every shading from sap cient, delightful-to-Iearn fashion phire blue to the lapis blues! news. It is just one of the many Reds are seen everywhere, are courtesies extended to the Fash lhaded by orange, magenta, ion World by this wonderful' _rape tones! Shocking Pink and American Rayon Institute, :me. ShOcking Rose are leading fav Lose 2 to 5 Ibs. in 2 DAYS! Indeed ..,- fabrics-in-general, orites in this groupl"Topaz tones "BliTZ" Diet details on every carton ~, owe their fashi~-impOrt-, ~ .infinitely lovely too, and 80 flattering! anee, their beauty of texture, .."" tbelr. blend with morer-than-bD Silhouette, deffntttOM: '!' b • ~'LinebYDi~"~~ poNQt~tbal\-ever~~YOW' . ,! L
Class 9f 195C - ~t.,.. f.Mn~ School of Nursing
Violence for Uncle?Tom
Jackson'sRhapsody' Lack~'" 18, 195,8. Harvest SUppers. . ' . " . . '. Father: Mc~ally ,The Pari~h':'p~r~de' Essential" .BvNote' of Justic"e : " Co~tinued ~ Donald' ','. . .
Thurs., Sept.
fr.. Page One ,IMMACULATE CONCEPTiON; . . ST. THERESA'S, M~Donald' ,1930, and spent a year at Boston NORTH EASTON... . ... SOUTH A'lTtEBORO . 'Catholic Messenger '. .. •. College Law School before. enThe Women's. Guild, plans Ii 'A fashio.n show and card part.. · Davenport· ~ tering . the ~ociety of Jesus~t:luck suppe~ .to follow novena will be held Sept. 26 'at 8 P.M. 'Y thought that David Lawrence, 'the; ~itor of U. S. Novitiate at Shadowbrook in . services Sept. 22 in Frothing- in 'the parish hall. Mrs. Melba News & World Report, had used up every possible argument Lenox, Mass. '. . ham Mem()rial Hall. Mrs. FranTiberi heads a large arrange in his long-running fight' to preserve race segregation in He made ascetical and classi cis McNamara is chairman of the ments committee. Refreshment. this country. . . ' . cal studies atShadowbrook until committee in charge. . , fni be served. His otherwise' fairly ob .. , .". .1934, when he undertook studies Mrs. R~9har~ Nagle and, Mr~·ST.. FRANCIS XAVIER, , its un~raIned, relaxed and easy,- '. of philosophy at Weston College' Francis .S:w~et form. the <;ake.. ,HYANNIS . jective "news"· pages have· going natur,e, upon the Negro s." until 1937,
sale ,committee for September.'. IVery Rev. Leonard J, Daley been turned into carriers of' "staying -in his place.~ ·And ·the .' He' alternated graduate studies The ,guild will hold a military installed officers of the Women'. racist propaganda. Negro's "place"-it seldom ~ad at St. Louis University~ where he. whist Sept. ~o; 11so in FrothingGI!-ild, including Miss M, Ursula Re has ferreted out, with to· be expressed, it was Just 'receivedhis Master's Degree in ham MemOrIal Hall, ~ing, president and Mrs, Val great and dogged diligence. "understood"-was beneath that history hi. 1938 and his Doctor ,ST. ·JOSEPH'S, ,more Guertin, vice, president. every statement
of the white person, of Philosophy, Degree in 1949, . FALL RIVER . ST. MARY'S made or writ So 'long as' the Negro 'did not . with teaching in the History De Committee chairmen were apNORTH FAiRHAVEN ten in' favor of
insist on" exercising his voting partment at Holy Cross. He also pointed at the first Fall meet'-;, , A Harvest Fiesta will be held r ace segrega . rights, so long as'he was carefui 'studied at St. Robert's' Hall, ing ~y Mrs. Br~dley Mc~ermott,' next Tuesday through Saturday. lion.
·in selecting what restaurant he . Pomfret, Conn. presIdent. A whIst party IS sched- Rrogram includes an auction He has "in-·
would eatat,so long as he useiil '. He was ordained at· Weston uled for ~ext Thursd~y and' 8sl>aghetti and ham suppers, rides: terviewed race.
the "For Colored" toilets inirain .' June, 13; 1942, by the late Bishop membershIp tea for Sept. 28. The .music, gifts, and prizes. serrregatiohists.
depots anci:!rtayed in ,the back 'of .Thomas Ai" Eininett, S.J" and Sewing group resumed meetings OUR' LADY OF GRACE. He has par the' buses and had no "uppity" celebrated' his first solemn high last Tuesday. NORTH WESTPORT thoughts about securing as good mass in his , . 1aye d · "t s a t·IS,. native St. Joseph's . I The' Livi'ng Rosary will be · " I. n t 0 a
an education for his children as parish, ' t ICS Fall River, on Sunday, .held Sunday Oct. 5, to be foll "case" for. the
that given to whi.te children, June 21,.that year. owed ·by a coffee h.our, A parcel lIO-called nat-.
then there was peace and order . He pronounced his 'final vows Contino.ed from Page One post auction will be held at the . f erlOrI .. ·ty in the land .and little white· boys . in the : Soci ety of Jesus Feb. 2, ' .. -tl'on of Holy Cross who h a ve ura 1 m ~ October guild meeting. were ha'ppy to go fishing "in the had long expoerl'ence I'n con'-' of . the Negro .1945. ,Discussion group members will race lIycamoreshadow below the ducting ,schools for boys and ' . . . Jl'1eet Tuesday at the home of dam" and take' lessons in cbeck Father McNally leaves five. He has tried to obscure' the . brothers, Alfred, Gerald, Bar young' men. It is designed' to Mrs. Clinton Lawton, Sanford . " 1es' b e h'Ind a thoIC... '"' er-plliying, and' all 'the rest. mora I 'prmclp tholo.mew and Michael of Fall . meet .the need for addl'tl'onal'care .R,o,.ad and.. '.on Tuesday', Sept.: 30 underbrush of legalities and to 'But while there was "order" of boys between the ages of 11 .. t h ' . .. invert what is a'basicaJly human' 'was' there' ever'. i'peaCe"?' Call River and LeO of'Somerset Dnd' - d 17' G t N Y k' " .8.' t .e home' of Mrs." Ernestine · ' . • sister, ,Miss .Mary' ·McNally;·. .n .' In r~a er ew or.: ", M,()Mst oii 'Birch AV~nue.· , . th ere ever. be peace 'without problem. into one 'of almost an The educatJona)prograQl.,;wlll:."J,.... ,
.exclusively constitutionai nature. justiC;~?;!i;'. . I 'teacher ~~: t~J~:;J~~~e~':i!)Ch;e~< follow. the ".c~r~icull,lm·,of .t.h.e, [' "COUNCIL 'ME'ETS"
He has 'written many editorials God-Given Dill'Dit;r Priest"i~:';' 0\[, :Cathohc.School Board' .ot, the.; "F ., ". '. <.' .. :, :. dealing ",vitho the. peripheral .is~ . Ahithere, Mr. Jackson's ~p:". Archdiocese of, New York. Case- , ..... ".a~l RJV:~~, District ,CouQcil of. sues ariej skirting thecentralllOdy begins to ,clang. He has left work and.other.servic~s.. ,,·~~th<>lic ,W.ome,n will. meet at· issue of segregation. out.some of the essential notes in WASHING-TON (NC) ..... Re-., provided by staff superv.ired .. :.7:~0)0~ight sfSt. LC!,patish' In last week's edition of his his . 'great Wne-poem for Uncle ~rve chapl;;iiri. F~th~r, WiUiam E. by New York Catholic Charities, hall. MISS Rose Saulino, presi magazine, however, Mr. Law Tom. If to bring into it the note. Collins of Salisbury has been 'The new child-caring home dent,announces that presidents rence offers us a new "reason for of justice sounds to his ears like named a rearadmirai in the' Viill':'be located on 250 acres of of: affiliates and madera tors are continuing the enforced segrega a dissonant, jarring chord, I can- U.-S. Navy Ghaplain Corps. . . roiling fields, further bea~tifi~d requested to attend, An open tion of the Negro race in our not help it, nor can the Negroes. U, S. Navy Chaplain Corps. He .' ~y,'.' five-acre lake. It provides m~eting for all guild members society." It is" an' article by" help 'it, nor the Supreme Court' will fill the'oru~ biliet for flag "ilmagnificent, naturalsetting for w~ll. be announced at a later Joseph Hayes Jackson, a, justices. " o f f i c e r in the chaplain corps the'" growing '.' adolescent' boy:' date. professor in a South Carolina Th e flaw in Mr. Jackson's pic While a number of buildings are _. ,;.I .._ reserve. C/ '. college, now on the staff of a ture has' not bee.n exposed' and incl~'ded . 'iiI the property given . S an 'A native of. Brockton, Father u bl'IC. re I a t'IOns f'Irm In, wI'dened by the J'url'sts I'n Wash by . Mr. Leone, expansion of the •-_ '' • Collins" was commissioned a lieu ranClSCO, ington. It has been 'exposed by phy'sical' facilities is being' Every Th ursay d ',~, Jackson's piece is called, th tenant in the Navy chaplain planned. : "G e Negroes themselves who, corps in 1937, and' had attaIned F . ood-Bye, Uncle Tom!" It is like their long-sufferl'ng fellow 1000 ', 'tl d "A E f the rank of captain' at the time .: A.M. - 12: 10 b t " su - I e , n s say 0 victims of "empire" and "colon Lament." of his release from active duty 5·10 7 00 8 00 P M ._ ialisni." 'in'Asia and Africa, have in January, 1946. _ .': -: ,. : . Unrestrained Tie .awakened to the possibility of - OU _ The gist of Mr. Jackson'sargu a justice proportionate to their .:. " R LADY'S CHAPEL: . " .. ment is that those "nine 'old'men' God...given. 'dignity as human ... - , 572 Pleasant' Street , up in Washington-the Supreme beings, : ,.' New Bedford : :591 SUMMER ST~ Court justices - have ruptured I ~gree with Mr. Jackson. It is , , ... New Bedfo~d WY 3·1346 the rela1ionshlp between South "GOOd-Bye, Uncle Tom." But is ern whites arid Negroes so that it too much when the Negro now All Bundles Insured While never, again can there be that ·In . Our Possession asks for justice and equality of easy, informal, unstrained tie opportunity, in exchange for his between the two races. untroubled subser\fience .of the ~r, Jackson's rhapsody in . past? Mr. Jackson's rhapsody favor of the "good old days" is in the form of a letter to "Uncle somehow does not ring true, we begin to suspect the quality of CITIES SEPV'CE
Tom," the kindly, grayhaired old his affection for Uncle Tom. MILLION. DOLLAR
FUNERAL HOME Negro who showed him, as a H ow can we not suspect it when, DISTRIBUTORS
boy, how to play checkers, Jl0w instead of justice, Uncle Tom is / BALLROOM
986 Plymouth Ave. to treat rusty-nail wounds, how / now. receiving inmity, and, Fall River Gasol;ne
to "fight fair," and "how to bait instead of equality, yiolence. Available for
s hook," and "where to drop it Banquets, Testimonials, Etc.
OS 3-2272 Fuel and Range
in -the sycamore shadow 'below Perhaps Uncle Tom could not the dam," define "inferior" in the old days. For Full Information Contact
... It is an idyllic picture Mr. But he understands the dimen .ROLA~D GAMACHE
Jackson, paints. I don't doubt siong of "equality". today. OIL BURNERS that in great measure the picture The poignancy' in Mr. Jack . WYman ' 9-6~84
, - 'The Family That is realistic, that the Southern son's "lament" is misplaced. G~ E. 'BOILER BURNER UNITS Prays TogetherNeg'ro was' not continuously OIROURKE
conscious of his "inferiority," For prompt delivery
Stays. Together" But there was always a flaw Funeral Home
GUARANTEED in that pi-::ture and it is not the 1& Day & Night Service
571 Second St. Supreme Court of the United THE ,Rural Bottled Ga!; Service States that has eXDosed that flaw Fall River, Mass. SERVICE '- REPAIRS
FIRST'NATIO~AL' for, all the coui-Itry, and the 61 COHANNET ST.
9-6072 Member T. G.
world, to see. • TAUNTON'
:&tdebor~Soutb Attleboro' The flaw is that the white .·A,.leb~ro - No. Attleboro
Licensed Funeral D'irecto.. 46 Middle Road'
. . 'Seekonk . Negro re 1ation<;hip in the South Taunton. ~eq istered Embalmer -Acushnet' WY 5-7548
depenu€ d for its inforHl31HY, for, r
Coy'le Teacher
Bay" State Is Rear;Admiral'
St J u d' e N ovena '_
W.H.RllEY & SON, ~nc.
. .
Class of 1958 .~ Sto Anne Sc~ool of Nursing
Dawson Finally Gains EritryVi$a, To Commence Duties, at,Harvard
Redemptorist, Has ,Key Continued from ,PaKe One to other countries. Father Eagan has had practi cal experience in the missions. He'Served at Caguas, Puerto Rico for seven years. Since AugI,Jst, 1954, he has been Vocation Di- .
rector for the Redemptorists el WASIiINGTON (NC) -Brit-' Botn 0(;(:12, '1889,Mr: ~aw- Journalist to Head the Eastern Province. Ish Catholic historian Christo- son was educated at the Win-' SoclOal ActO °t At the ninth annual conven pher Dawson will be admitted che~t~r Sdhooi. ~ild TririitYCoi-· Ion nl tion, the Mission' Secretariat Will to the United States on an enlege;'Oxford, Vi~ere he received WASHINGTON (NC) -Don bring together representatives of try visa, the' State Department - 'jm' M.A. Raised an Anglican, he. aId J. Thorman of South "Bend, nearly . every . communit:9' of has announced. entered the Church in 1914;' . magazine Ave Maria, is the new either ~en or women, wJ1il;h The 68-year-old' scholar, a Mr. Dawson marrieet the form- president of the National Cath have placed personnel outside' Miracle Makes eonvert to Catholicism, will ar- er Valery Mills in. 19i6. They . olip Social Action Conference. continental United States. Pool-' rive in New 'York with his wife' have' one' son and two daughters, MrJ. Thorman, who is also edi This Possi~le in'g ideas and cementing rela Sept. 30. Dean Douglas Horton one 'of whom .is' a iTiissionary tor· of Act, publication of the tionships among them. these LECA DE PALMEIRA (NC) of the Harvard. University di- • nun in Tsri'ganyi!l:a,' Afr.ica. The Christian·F ami 1 y Movement, meetings in the short snace of vinity school has told the N.C. D'awsons' "resid.e in· Budleigh . 8uc~eds 'Louis Buckley, an offi-' A newly ordained-priest who was W.C. News Service. Salterton; ·Devonshire. . . cial of the New England office of miraculously cured of an in- I nine years have become of pnme 'Uphill FiO'ht . . . the Labor Department wit h .. fectious disease.' several years. importance in mission lexico~ ago offered his first Solemn Mass 1 raphy .of the Catholic Church in Mr. D8;~son, who has ne~er headquarters in Boston. . in the Church of Our Lady of America. before ViSIted North ' A m e n c a , · . The conference, organized last Fatima here. ,More than; a hundred Major will become, the f!rst pr~fess?r February, has just concluded its When he was a child, Father' Superiors, - that is SU'1eriors of Roman Cathohc studies In . first national meeting at' the Joaquim Antonio Monteiro Mar General or Provincials who di the history of Harvard's ProNEWTOWN (NC) - A r:.ev:~y University of Notre Dame. ues da Silva, .S.J., suffered, rect the activity of their respec testant-OJ;,iI;mted divinity school. formed group known. as . CIbfrom tuberculosis'that affected, tive orders in the United States Dean Horton said the historian zens. for .·the Connecbcut ConTrinity College Nuns . bones in. his legs. He was cured, will attend. Missioners home on will take up hi.s duties at Har- stitution",has announced it plans throughthl;!, 'intercession of St. .furlough from long years of vard "right away'" and added: to ch,alleflge the 1957 state law Cet' Grants "He'll leap' from the deck to a whi<;h permits publicly financed WASHINGTON (NC)- Sister John de Britto, Jesuit missioner' service on' foreign stra n::ls will classroom." scho~lbus ... ' tran~portation for. Marie Therese, h~adof Trinity who. was put to death in India he there. Those respons;ble for . The State Department's an- private school pupils. . College biology department, has in 1693. . keeping the missions supplied nouncement that Mr Dawson The state law authorizes com- received a three-year grant, av Father da Silva's cure was ac.. . with funds and personnel will will come to this cou~try clim- ~uni.ti~s .to. provide transporta- eraging, $5,000 a year, from the cepted as one of the official also gather. Out of the pooling axed an uphill fight by the his~lOn If It IS approved by a referNational Institute of. Arthritis miracles leading to the conon of ideas will come the inspira torian and his friends to con- endum. Newtown vo!ers have and' Metabolic 'Diseases of the ization of S1. John de Britto, tion for future work of Ameri vince U.· S. officials that' his supported transp~rtahon. by: a National Institutes .of Health for who was raised to the honors of can missioners on the world . wioe missions. health is good enough for him vote of 1,243 ·to,l,218. research, on gland changes due the altar' in 1947. to enter. the United States: Early . The committee said it hopes to' to· drugs. . .,. • • • Ii•••••. Ii • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in July the State Department de- . present its· 'case: . l;lgainst. the. Sister St. John Nepomucene, • . .• • nied him an entry v~sa', because schOOl' bus transportation law Trinity· chemistry depar.tment· . chest X-~ar.~ ;see';Jle~ to il1?Jcat~; .,~t tile. October.·;t~rmof. the state .. head; ha~~n awardeda'$2,300 ::. ,:,' ',~ ',:.~ th ~t he had pul~oT\~r~ ~uberc\h .. ~':1p,~por bcourit... ;' : : ·.1 '11 IraS:J':.~ttby,.theA.merican.,.cbemical" .... ,''',,, ".\."'.'.'" , ,,,.:. .' ". .;'. , . ',': • I OSIS. Transp·rta.t o.n.·.for ·nupl SWI ·.:ucle ..... · PAt...Ql.eum,....' "..De"';'arc" • . Catholi~ CQ~yert.not increase cosU;:for";taxpayerli FtlDd:.for a ~~e-year p;j;t 0:;:'. " " i n aU ,'" .•.
J "
: " .
Plan:toContest School Bus Law'
ha~riu~e~~~~~iS~e~~~~e::at:~~;' :~~~de~~~u~~:~?·~~~·~~:;e~~uJ~~"': peU:~leum
H . ,.,., . IG."H.·. ., ~. C.' H,. 0"'.':6. . l-S. U.:BJEC.TS.
= ..,
by-products." .' 5.' .'.' . asserted 'hisBritish doctO'rS'said' 'tetation 'of 'r~gularbu6:routes' Hormone :Research .,
he did not have the diseas~. . 'will "be 'necess~~~, :",. ~'ClilCAGO (NC)-':::Dr.:M~ry A..••" . : ' ,". '. i I! . :
' 'A . ". ., ',;McWhinn'fe,"'lisso~iate professor" • ,of:,biology at DePaul University, : . . H.: .. 'p' hl!s,received a two-year, $11,200 •• ' • .·grant from the' National Science Graduates now living in Mary'" . ,F.~\.lndation for 'reseatchon hor- •• ' M~,y since the':crass's' 'graduation ·In.: .. mo. control. ".' land and Connecticut were 1948.' ",:.:". . . . : . . . . . .. " . ," • 755 SECOND STREET _ FALL RIVER, MASS. •
among those present. at a m e - . . . .•• morial Mass, tour of the hospital Class members ..still .on, the • and informal dinner for n:tem- stliff of~t. Anne's include Ir~~ .. Michael C" Austin. REG 1ST ERN 0 W ! : bers of the class of 1948 of St. Brodeur, now, Sister I r e n e ; . Ii Anne's Hospital School of Nurs..: 'Frances'Cash; R. N., an instruc-· I nco . •• REA[)ING CLINIC for ELEMENTARY GRADES • ing at their reunion Sunday. tor in the school of nursing; an d • CLASSES IN ARITHMETIC and ENGLISH •
Marie Cordeiro, head nurse in . ' . •
Mass, celebrated in the hos pita I chapel, was for the repose the pediatrics ward. Also in re •. SATURDAY MORNINGS, beginning Se'ptember 20, 1958 •
FUNERAL SERVICE of the soul of a classmate, Anne ligion is the· former- Therese . I • • Mullins: It. was followed by Bergeron.. now Sister Ste. 549 COUNTY ST. . . . . , . . ,REGISTER NOW! : breakfast and an inspection of Therese~des-Lis of. Hospital du f I I h OSb 90 • facilities a:'ded to St. Anne's Sacre Coeur, Quebec. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. . . ::~For further in ormation' pease' te ep one orne .. ·.:·1 •
S h' ""1 148 G.raduates. of St.:A"' ~o '. sp.Otql . Mark ' An' n.overs·ary· -o'f
Mount; Saint'
.. ft
-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r·'::111 •• .
Our Lady Invites
YOU ••
to the
to commemorate the
APP~~~;I~~:~~~R~:::T~:'~::NCE ,SUNDAY,
"' ~o 7':00 P.M.
our: ,
THE VERY REV. ALPl-~ONSE J. M.S. Newly-elected Superior General of the La Salette FOlhers, presiding
TENTH ANNIVERSARY: Four of the members of the 1948 Class of St. Anne's School of Nursing are pictured at their Reunion. Left to right, Lorraine· W,eber, Fort Hnh'bird, Md.; Alice Spencer, New Bedford, Carolin~ Thil arui, New Bedford, Catherine Pender;'Wallingford, Conn.
. 3 P.M.
Sermon, Rosary, Procession, Benediction 3:45 p,M. "P.M. Blessing of Automobiles ------:-l---
Blessing of t'
Sage anr.' ~~'''d
I ~------------------..
SU:g9(~£i).~,~,.'M,qrj,er~~'tWri~~er.s ': . . ".'.:' .' :~.;._:T~,~rs"., se.~:., ~~:' 1.95~:,L<;"llndire.d Witne. 'ik;',~ ~;~'\~' Pond~r'Smith~s W.ittin'ess::( Mis~.iijb~.fntrease':· r Go..d~ . L·ov:e. ·Yo,U. .,' -:.'.' ' ~~~ifn:u~~Aom~a~e "By Mri~t·Rev. Fulf.on J. Sheen, D.O. 55
Oue '..' number 1,919, U. S. Protestant The Communist press released to the world the news that a Bishop of Reno missionaries 6,575: . Bishop had consecrated tw.o priests as bishops of the' "Patriotic wish I had said that,'~ sighed Oscar Wilde after Bishop Sheen listed three prin:" Church of China". The "Patriotic Church" is the'.one organized by savoring a particularly piquant J' est. "You will, Oscar, you' cipal reasons for sending mis the Communists consisting of priests and faithful v,rho I deny the sionaries 'overseas: will," replied James McNeil Whistler. .1) "As regards pagan coun Holy Father. . We ,all wish that we were gifted with the wit and tries,"their spiritual salvation is No other te'st is necessary-just the denial
~adiness to say the right His strong realism 'penetrated not to be left to their natural th;lt Pius XU is the Vicar of Christ. A priest
thing at the right time. Conphilosophy. There is only one who accepts this schism may keep his
the philosophical errors of his Saviour or Redeemer for all church, rectory and life; the faithful in like
versation in imaginative red ay WI'th . a qUlC . k ness th a t remankind. There is no other. manner, who receive sacraments from these
trospect is always much min d son e 0 f Chesterton: Name under heaven by which sc!,ismatic priests are immune from perse
• brighter than the actual article. . "Bishop Berkeley destroyed the man may- be saved except cution.
The cleverest.' rejoinders are world in one volume 9ctavo; Christ." .t h 0 S e which . and nothing remained, after his 2) "The supe~fluities of the The bishop who performed the illicit con:
were never time, but mind; which experi-rich are the necessities of the seeration of two other bishops or priests of
· made, or made enced a similar fate from the poor; even as 'regards personnel the "Patriotic Church" actually had refused
long after the hand of Mr. Hume in 1739." ... as the hand comes to the eye for ·several years .so: even under torture.
It c cas ion for Taxes on Everythin&" -that has a. speck in it, so a mem But after an intensified brai~-washing he
them has vanHe foresaw the servile state ber of the Mystical Body in the consented. All who took partin the ceremony
.illhed. : . more clearly. than ·most men ·of United States' goes to the aid of of consecration we~ excommuni~ated. .
The advanhis day: "We inform Jona-a weak· member of the Mystical tage .of the histhan/' he said casting a cold ·eye Body in, another country." , Wbat the Commanlstlido '~ot' tell Is: 1) the .JUlmber' of priesta ..rical novel : at the United states, "what are 3) ·"The blessings of any home who after persecution Join the' "Patriotic Church" are 'insigoifieant
O¥er the painsthe inevitable consequences of nation or religious community r the same -is trUe of thelait;,-"S) the VAst majority of C'atholle
taking : .reconbeing .t~ fond of glory;-Taxes or diocese or parish are condi .a-uetion ,of his-· upon. every article which enters. . tionedupon aiding the Church \ people r.efuse ~ attend':."Pat~ioUc Church" t) twenb'-five Cath
olic ~hlnese BiShoPs are. suffering or have suffered the horrofll lorical accuracy the. mouth/or covers the back, 'in' other parts of the world. of hell in Communist' p"-illO~s . ratber tb_ join the HPatriotic ill that it can or is 'placed under the foot... Those ·whostore up aIms and Cburt:h". ' . '. " '.. . IUpply the missing charm' on everything on earth, personnel for themSelves, lose mediate retort. Wit Ul one of the and the waters under the earth." them through overripening." .The.Communists in China !have given to the world an 1Ildirect rarest 'of God's gifts, and it~ rar., In the same vein he continued: Many from Four Sees witness to t.he Primacy of Peter~Wiser in their'eollceits than 'many · lty is·increased by the cruel fact ''The schoolboy whips his taxed Bishop Sheen also declared Chri~tians, they know that .Q1~ toucl,1storie of Christ living in the that· it is· commonly 'more retop-the beardleSs youth manthat four American Sees supply world is belief in His Vicar.. It, is belief in the Holy Father as the IeIlted than appreciated. age!:' his taxed horse with a taxed almost one-third of the Ameri visible Head of Christ that 'Il}atters. . Churchill- Caustic bridle, on a taxed road;-and can missionary force, 1,933 per There is little doubt thatWjn-' the dying Englishmajl, pouring sOns. The' four Sees, and the We ·io. the Weste~n,:~~rlcl ~r~ trying to' convince Chri~tians lIton Churchill could have weath-. out his medicine, which has paid number of missionaries from who broke awa, from the Church tOO years ago that' Chri~t did ered his storms successfully had· . seven per cent, into Ii spoorithat each,- are: Boston, 707, Brooklyn, name Peter and his the Rock against which the gates be been able to restrain his quips pas paid 15' per' cent', flings bim '.480, New York, 410, and Phila about the opposition. He coilld' . self back' upon his chintz bed," delphia,' 336. Other Sees which. ., hell wCHIld not pr~vail.. , ',. . .-,-. be caustic, sometimes devastatwhch 'has paid 22 per cent-and. . have contributed more than 100 *ow the Communists come~along and say. to them: "Foolish big, though it' is hard to believe expires in the arrlli;' of an apoth . mi!:,sionaries are: Chicago,209, that he wa's often deliberately' . ecar)r who has paid a license of Pittsburgh, 197, Providence, 159, peop1e! If you deny that the :Church which is the Body of Christ has a Head, then you have, no Body. Cut off the Head and the ,body ankind. ' 100 ~unds for the privilege of St. Louis, 144, and Newark, 134. may squirm' for a short tiine. but eventually itwili die. We Com Perhaps' the keenest wit of . putting' him to death:" The figures, showed that. the , eur times was the late Monsignor' w.t H . t • .1esuits continue to lead the men'. munis~ believe in the Holy Fa~her; we believe ·he is the Vicar of I or ones Y. ml'ss'on send' g' . t· 'th Ronald Knox , whose genul'n'e Christ and head of the' Church; but We believe,. as the Q_mons in lie has stood almost alone I I?- . socle les, WI • holiness of life was at least partotal of 798 miSSIOners, compared' hell, not to venerate but to des~roy." Hally masked' by his delight in ~mong the cl~rgy o~ the Esta.b with 750 in ~956. The Maryknoll shocking' the staid susceptibil~Ishm~nt o~ h~s day m recogmz Fathers are second .with 532, fol My dear people blessed with the Faith, can you not see that ities of his contemporaries. PoPe mg ~he cr~mlllal folly of Eng lowed by the Franciscans (Order your "first aod principal duty"t is to prove your love to the Holy ,Plus 'IX, whose pontificate was land 5 polIcy toward Irel~nd. of Friars Minor), 209, Redemp Father by sacrificiD&' your luxuries as the Catholics in China are l)Oe 'of the saddest in modern "The m?ment ~he very name.of torists, 208, Divine Word Fathers, saerlfieing their lives! H~ mu,.t be loved: he must be aided: he history;' was not above lighten-' Ireland IS ":,entIO.ned, the EnglIsh 17<1, Oblates ·of Mary' Immacu must be supported. In less .turbulent Umes you may say: "I want Ing the shadows with his flashes ~ to bid, adieu to common late, 172, Marianista, 136, 'and' to deeide .what 1 will do with my money and where' 1 will send of. wit. "I believe, my Lord, .that . feelIng, common prudence, ~nd Capuchins, 1M. it.," But io theSe days, when. the .Holy Father is under attack send I must be one of your diocesans," common sense, and to act with Roughly one-third of the yoIII' sacrific. to him; first and foremost. He lIas a society for be remarked to the Angliciuf the barbarity of tyrants, and the American misionaries 2 127 are eolleeUng alms for his Mission "needs and that is the Propagation 'Bishop of Jerusalem who had fatuity of idiots." . . working in Latin ~erica.'The ., the Faith. All money-gifts, sacrifices, legacies, I'iveo to his · 80Ught an audience. It· was perhaps the sense of. largest· Dumber is fotind ill Society for the Propagation of the Faith is fOl'wnrded' ~ him. No "It' is only for my' livelihood hu'man stupidity that dr~v:e him' Puerto Riico . with 571 U. S. _Diocesao Directo.r,.. DO National Director, _ 'Bishop may. touch that'i am' the lively Hood." But ·to remark, -gloomily, "I never missioners," fullowed by Brazil that·,money. Y_r sacrifices are the Holy Fatber!l to distribute to it is not to be suspected th~t . could find 8)1Y ~an who could with 298:,: . , . . : ' , . the poor _d !Alllerinc of the world. . poor' Tom Hood was enjoying think for two minutes ·together.~ .'. There are 1,9111' Americ_" himself immensely at the very His wit, it has often been said 'missionaries in Asia-109 in the GOD LOVE YOU tOW.X.C .. for $100 ... to H.K. for $70 "Please moment he coined his doleful 01' him, was his undoing. That Near' East, 555 in South 'and pray for our special intentions.".! .. to "r.B. for $65 "This will be our pun. might be another way of saying Southeast Asia, including India, last donation . . . group." (You ,have been such faithful friends of , Wit may not be humor, If' that it was his honesty. "I never and 1,255 in the Far·East. the missi~ns that we know yo.u ~ill probably do so as individuals humor be taken to mean a sym-' read a book before reviewing it," In Oceania 951 Americaa.' good habits last.) ... to ·A.T. (11 years old) for $5 "I.found this on pathetic appreciation' of the fact he quipped, "it prejudices a man Catbolic missionaries are serv my paper route' and .. it isn't tiline, I thought I'd pass it along to that man is created a little le~' .o.'~ , ing. The remainder 01. the U. S. you"· . . than the angels, but unless it is 'The moral indignation be misionary force is found ill -;-tinctured with a strong sense 01. neath the fun might well be Alaska, the missionary west,and Cu~ out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mMl it to the pondered by modern journalists. far north of Canada, and ill fun it becomes merely bad tem Europe. " Most,Rev. ',Fulton J. SQ~en, Nat~onal Director of The Society for per. The wit-who cannot turn the Propagation of the Fajth, 366, Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y .. his gift upon himself as readily Great Strides Bishop Sheen declared in hill ,or 'OUl' DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, .. upon his neighbor runs the Cootinued from Page One' introduction. that "though milt 168' North..Main Street, Fall River, M a s s . ' ellinger of spoiling the fun. included Rt. Rev. Msgr. James sionaries, from the United States In Small Doses .1. Gerrard, V.G., Rt. Rev. Msgr. represent only • lIlIan propor Wit, n:toreover, should be taken . Albert Berube, Rt. Rev. Msgr. tion of. the total number of mi. enly in small doses. A collection Antonio P. Vieira~ Rt. Rev. sionaries; it is not to. be forgotten of witticisms read at a sitting is Hugh A. vallagher, Rev. .1()h~ F. that the United States ceased .. Uke a diet of pate de fois gras, Hogan. be • missionary country in-the which, it may be remembered . ·R~~. John iI. Hackett,Rev. A.I;.... cano!'!ical)MlDlie of the word eml, was the Reverend' Sydne; pboose E. Gauthier, Rev. Rene' . in 1908; : " . . , .... ', ... ,. . ...;. . . :" .. : Smith's idea of heaven with the . G. 9'aiIthi~r, Rev. H~mri'Ch~rest,'" 'iTh~"numbei'i;'are nOt .. un'-' ,. aeompaniihent of trumpets: ~. :;,' Rev:Arthur Dupuis; Rev. Lucien' 'portailt !'S the' growing mi'sSion2. , . WEDDINGS":"" ."" The truth of this' observation .1u8S'eQume;' Re~ .. .1ean~airance" ar~coiISciousness. Tbe'irierease "'. .' ':" .:;l~:n I • : '." .,\ ,": "',1 ... I..'; ,: was' emphasized for us the other O.P., Rev. Henri Laporte,: .:0/.' vOcations to 'missionarY sOCi-" day ~ wc pa~ed through an Also a delegation from St. etieli'and~' the' conteinplatlw' .. ~ .. '~ION BREAKFASTS ,I : . anthology of the same Sydney Francis Chapel, New Bedford. life'prove '.that American' eatt»-· • 1'. ~ .. ' , .• '.:-"': Smith, :one of the supreme wits Religious 'communities ,repre lie youth is desirous' Of • life 01.' of all time. How the bloom fades sented were Sisters of the 'Holy sacrifice and dedication." .In the bulk, and how the chat'in Cross. and the Seven Dolors, The Bishop added: ";" it OSborne 3-n80 is dimmed by mass consumption! Serval1ts of Our Lady, Queen of would be a violation of poverty Yet if wit be philosophy in the Clergy, Carmelite Sisters for to hoard money which could capsule form. there is still much . the Aged ane! Infirm, Siste'rs of Serve the 'poor; so it would be • to' be gainAd from testing.his . the Sacred Hearts, Sisters' of St. violation of. tti,e Catholic sPirit. ! sharpness. Smith was Dean of Jo.seph, Daughters of the Holy to hoard personnel at home St. Paul's, London, during the Ghost, Sisters of Charity of Que when they' are so sorely needed. early Vic1":.'i'ian period. By the bec from Lowell. in other part:; .of the worl~." ' , . ' . time the O~ford Movement hnd ,• Called Forand Delivered : gainea momentum he was too' old to be disturbed. He was aii"'" : 6 TI'MES', DAI,ty IN FALL R~VER : honest man, a sincere Christian, : Once-A-Day .. Somerset and Swa.nsea at .4:30 P.M.' • intolerant of humbug. He saw· .OIL ·CO., INC. too much of it around him to be "
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Thurs., Sept. 18, 1958
Deplores Rash Criticisms Of Labor Day Statement
Urges Combining Libercil Training With Science
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
Director NCWC Social Action Department
SYRACUSE (NC) - Sci entists must receive a liberal education and laymen must have an understanding· of
The 1958 Labor Day Statement of the Social Action Department has been severely eriticized by a number of prominent individuals, including Senator McClellan, and' by a number of metropolitan newspapers, including the Chi eago Daily News, the Cleve The Chicago Daily News and, land Press, and the Cincin some of the other newspapers nati Post and Times-Star. referred to above have raised an additional question with regard According to the Associa ted Press, Senator McClellan laid of the Statement, "I'm sure every hoodlum, gangster, rack eteer, and all other segments of the criminal element in this country w·i 11 h ear til y ap plaud it." Sim ilarly the Chi cago D ail y News captioned its editorial critici!Jn of' the S·t ate men t', "Plea to End Union Probe Serves to Help Racketeers."' Frankly I think Senator Mc Clellan spoke out of turn. It would appear that be based hil criticism of the Labor Day State ment on an incomplete press re lease or possibly on a garbled paraphrase of the Statement hurriedly read to 'bim over the telephone by a reporter anxious ly looking for a controversial ICOOp.
Senator's Statement I think it would have been much more prudent for the Sen ator to have refused to make any comment at all on the Labor Day Statement until l}e had an opportunity to read the complete text. In that event he would have discovered that the State ment is much more carefully guarded and much less specific than his own recent statement on the termination of bis Com mittee's investigation of labor racketeering. A few days after bis criticism of the Labor Day Statement was released to the' press, Senator McClellan . told newsmen, "I'm hoping that in January when we file our next report we can then plan to conclude oUr work by the end of that session." The Labor Day Statement"oD the other hand, didn't mention a specific date for the termination of .the McClellan Committee's investigation. It merely said that the investigation should not be allowed to dra( on interminably after it had served i~ purpose, which purpose was admitted to be legitimate. Moreover, the Statement ex plicitly noted that it was not for the Social Action Department to determine precisely' when the investigation would have aerved its original purpose. Senator Should Retraet I trust, then, that the Senator will look for an early ,opportun ity to revise, if not to retract, his criticism of the Labor Day Statement. That's the least be can be ex pected to do-unlesS" of course, he is prepared to admit that any statement, (including his own) on the advisability of termin ating his Committee's investiga tion of labor racketeering, ill calculated to give aid and com fort to "every hoodlum, gangster, racketeer, and all other segments. of the criminal element in this country." There is also reason to suspect that the editors of the Chicago Daily News and several other newspapers which echoed Sen ator ·McClellan's criticism of the Labor Day Statement didn't bother to read the complete text. Or pc• .laps they failed to read the complete text of the Sen ator's statement recommending that his Committee's investiga tion 'of labor racketeering be discontinued at the end of the next session of Congress. Otherwise they would bave directed their criticism primarily at the senator'. ltatement and only secondarily at the Labor Day Statement, wbicb, .. I bave' already noted,wu much Ie. lPecifie than tbe Senator'l ne ommeDdation.
science, Father Joseph F. Mulligan, S.J., has stressed at the 33rd ,annual meeting of the eastern division of the Ainerican Asso ciation of Jesuit Scientists. to the Labor Day Statement He declared: which calls for a brief comment. "We need speci{llists in science The Daily News, for example, who have intensive courses in said that "if union members and 'the major fields in science ill the public are to be freed from college, but we also need non tl).e tyranny now imposed upon scientists who through their them, the evils contim~e to lICience and mathematics coursel be sPread upon the record until in high school· and college are· no one can ignore them." made to realize, the !.,rue nature . A representative" of the New of the world in wh,ich they live." Y9 rk chapter of the ASSodatloil K of C DISTRICT MEETING: Gathered at the Swan-' Policy Decisions of the C:at~olic. T~a,d~.Uriion~sts, " sea K of 'G Headquarters are left to right front James.' Father'Mulligan, chairman fJI in a fnendly cnticlsm of the CI T Alb' D - h '" .' ' . . , the physics department at Ford Labor Day Statement made sub-' e~~ry, aunton; In. uc esenau, FaIrhaven; rear, Frank ham University, New York, ltantiallythe Same ~oint. ,J. Fraher, Jr., Wareham; Elmer R. Stafford, Fall River .pointed out that "m6re and more I take this to mean that he arid' and James H. Sullivan·, Attleboro. scientists will be' called on ill «he editor of the D~ily News are the next years ahead to help persuaded that the' McClellan make policy decisions of great Committee's investigation 'of la- . School Officers social and moral conseqlienc~ bor racketeering should continue· for this country and for the more or less indefinitely 01' at world. Hence the need for broad least until the Congress has en:..
ly trained scientists who are per acted what they rerard as ade- ST. MARY'S.
JESUS-MARY ACADEMY. ceptive of philosophical and re quate labor reform ·~cgislatic~. TAUNTON
FALL RIVER ligious values." , Insufficient Evidellce' Senior class 'officers are Jane . Faculty changes find Mother Likewise, he continued, '"the 'While I am not dispOsed to O'Hearne, president; Irene Du . M. Adalbert stationed at Hol:t· electorate will be called on .. argue the pros and cons of this' . bois vice president; Beverly .Family, WClonso<;ket; Mother M. vote on issues which depend in proposition in any detail, I Oiveira, secretary; Jean' Ricb ~ene, at Predous Blood, Woon: timately on some understandin« should like to point out, ill the ards, treasurer. locket; Mother M. Nathalie at of the facts and theories fill. words of a recent editorial in' New junior selections include Villa· Augustina, Goffstown,. science. Hence the need that ev The Commonweal, that "it would Joan Gamache, president; Cath N. H. Mother M. Visitation is at ery educated man' know what . icarcely be convincing to imply . erine .. Burgess, vice president, the head of the music depart science is, what it can and can that the' failure of the House to Barbara Sheehy, secretary, Di ment; Mother de Liesse is mod not qo, and what are the basic. pass the Ives-Kennedy· labor anaCourcy, treasurer. ·erator of the QConfraternity Qf facts and theories of the varioua reform bill.'.. was due to insuf:. Carol Sheehy is sophomore· Christian Doctrine in No~e scien~ific fields." ficient evidence on which to president, .assisted by Carolyn Dame parish. True Humanist legislate." Lima, vice president; Elizabeth Class officers are as follows: Father Mulligan assailed Gte -. On the contrary, there Is every Charbonneau, secretary; Judith Seniors-Pauline Gagnon, pre~- notion that science is not a reason to believe that the' failure Kiley, treasurer. Freshmen will dent; Jeannette Gamache, vice "humanistic" subject. HA true of the Congress to enact the Ives-· elect later in the year. president; Cecile Ducharme, sec humanist," he said, "is contem Kennedy bill was due almost en- . St~dents assisted in staging a retary; Colette Robert, treasurporary; he lives in the present, tirely to political considerations' fashion show for the benefit 01. er. For the juniors, officers in- and knbws the men and the" . of one kind or another and ·that. St. Mary's parish. elude Patricia Lafleur, president; things of the present. It had nothing whatsoever to do MOUNT ST. MARY ACADEMY. Pauline Beaulieu, vice-president;··"A man who does not apprecl-. with the lack of adequate. evi-. ~ Helen Martinville, secretary; 'ate the place of mathematics and dence or information ~ labor FALL RIVEit. . Pauline Roy, treasurer; Clajre science in today's world lIimp17 Students beard a lecture OIl . Durand, mistress' of ceremonies. does not know the world i. racketeering. telep usa g e 'tod' R P I ay. ev. au The Eucharistic committee' of which he' lives, and hence is far The best proof ~. thll. tbe·, F .. McGarrick, sodality director, «he' Sodality has initiated "1;heremoved' from the ideal ofbu fact .that the 'Senat.e· pas~d.'·the -0" ""'oke last night to parents . at a. . King's' Guard,"a·...means to pto- ".manisrp." . Ives-Kenedy ibill with only. one meeting sponsored by. Mother mote love of: the Holy Saeri dissenting vote. Did the House, McAuley Guild. H~ly .Union Bazaar which' failed to pasS· the "bill, Senior class officers are".jo;..·· ,.,!ice. The Juniorate, Nariaquak~., . have less 'information before. it, . anne . Medeitos, president;' :(>or':;'.... " " . Tiverton, will be the scene or than the Senate?: The, qU~~OD ""othy Overbury, vi~ pJ,'esident;. '.~atlona at 0 IC .' the annual Holy Union field day, answers itself; .".' " '., . Marguerite Williamson, se~re- '··Frate.. ~.itiesMe.rge and ba.zaar, to be held Sept. 27. • • ': . . . . " . > "tary·;.· Madeline Costa, treasurer. COLUMBUS (NC)-Two na The program will include a .Fordham to. Prepare. ,. Junior homeroom presidents tional Catholic fraternities ~ill penny sale, games, rides, and re " I Ab : "i.·.are . Patricia Medeiros, Carol M e d Ica stracts Storch, and Carol Adam. Soph_merge early rie"tyear. ' freshments. Mrs. David Boland is general chairman. NEW YORK. (NG),,,J:i'9rdham omore' presidents include Carol Representatives of Phi Kappa , University will embark this y,eBl:. ",Chrllpcala and' Diane Perry. 'o" and :Theta Kappa Phi have ap on the preparation of ~a-. proved the consoiidation. tions and abstracts of availa.ble :B~"ediCtine to Head. The combined fraternity, to You'll' • .Russian medical literature for . be known as Phi Kappa Theta, .. VE use by members of the medical "Biblical Association .will have more than 18,500 mem profession. The program is being ST BONAVENTURE (NC)-. bers from more than 50 Catho EVERYBODY DOES I financed by' a $75,000 Federal' Fa~her Brendan McGrath, O.S.B., . lie and non:"Catholic colleges and Bar-B-Q Chicke"s
grant. of St. Procopius Benedictine Ab- llniversities.· The project, believed be the, . ~y; Lisle, 111., has been elected Phl'Kappa, oldest national,col ~~~~
first United States attempt to;.' president 'of the Catholic Bibli- lege social fraternity of. Catholic; prepare digests of medical liter-: eal,AlisoCiation of America. He, men in America, was founded ill atute from. the f)oviet Unlon"will: .ucceeds Father Stephen Hart- ,188,9. It. now has more than. 11,ood . be' administered by Father .Wal-' d,egen, O.F ,M., professor at the memb~rsat.. 37 universiti~. FARMS . . . 's ,J;, director'i 'Franeiscan Theological' . '.. 145 Wash.ington , '. '. , St. Fa.irha"en ter C . J as'k'levlcz, .' " . Semin~ .' . .Th'ta . e.. K appa.Ph" I.h as 1000 , ; un. • of. the Fordham Russian StUdiN ary, Washington.' Mother Kath-der~raduateand more than 6,500 Just off'Route 6 Institute. . . i'yn 'Sullivan,' of Manhattanville" alumni members. . , . The areas to, be repo"'-'" on'. at ' Coll~ge. the" new vice president, -------.:..------'""'7""'""'7""---:..-.--------- • ...,.. 'is the' first woman Religiou. Fordham in coming montba i.... · ever' to bold an MIIOCiation elude basic protehi research, in- : office. fectious diseases, publie health,: neuropschology; . ' ,
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potlighting Our Schools
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American Charity. TAIPEI (NC) Sixty-million pounds of food, clothing and medicines. valued at $4,500,000 h'ave been disturbed to the needy on' Formosa this year by the Catholic Relief Services National Catholic' Welfare Con ference.
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BalanCing the Books
':' .,Maryknol:I',: Bishop
" '. "
.Psychiatrist, Lists Ten Atti·tudes
Needed 'to Assure Menta,1 H~alth.
,.-:;-THE ANCHOR Thur:s., Sept. 18, 1958'
Vigneftesof C,hinese Y_outh . By Rt. -Rev.·Msgr. John S. Kennedy . Bishop James Edward Walsh of Maryknoll'first went to China 40 years ago. He has spent all but 10 years of the iIiterval in that country, and still remains in Shanghai. He has written ~. book, just published, ealled The Young Ones' Farrar, Straus and Cudahy. These unprete.ntious stories, $3.50) . You might expect blandly told, have charm and that it would deal with life humor. They have pathos, too. under. the Commuitist dicta The author works wi~h no a~
PITTSBURG (:NC)-Childreit need discipline·and in fact ex pect rules to live by, a Pitts , burg psychiatrist told 500 Sis ters at the district's: annual meeting .of the Educational Asso.ciation of. the PittsJmrg, Sisters of Mercy, Dr. W. Glenn Strodes of Mercy' Hospital here said that ~'toO many adults have the idea. that children .should be allowed to express themselves without inhibitions." Speaking at the meeting's ''mental health day" at 'Mount Mercy College, Dr. Strodes said that' parents and . teachers should give children a firm "no" when necessary. A child can be spanked now and then; the doctor said, "with out hurting his psyche." He added: "As a matter of fact, 'children expect rules to live by." Overestimate Problems According to Dr, Strodes, modern Americans overestimate the extent of psychiatric prob lems. "Anxiety, stress and ten"sion have always existed," he ~id. "They become troJ,lblesome 'only when we become preoccu pied with them to the point of fear." "Don't feel sorry for yourself,-
was' Dr.. Strodes's prescriptioa for neurotic tendencies. Neu roses, he said, are caused by many factors, including hered ity, physical and emotional back 'ground',' 'childhodc{ frauma and rigid repressions. He listed ten rules to .live 1>7 in order to assure a healthy attitude toward life, They are: Ten Rules Learn to face reality; learn to make decisions; develop self dis cipline; be interested in others; avoid :hurry and worry; learn to accept disappointment; work. rest and play in the proper bal ance; have reasonable and com mon-sense goals in life; develop a sense of humor; and avoid amateur psychiatry and see • doctor when you need one. Father Vincent P. McCorry, S.J., second speaker in the sym posium, listed neurotic tenden cies as self-deception, unhealthy daydreaming, suspiciousness, self-pity, obsessive fear, sex ob session, and singularity. He said all these arise from self-love, "Every human being needs love,· he stated, "but love sliould be out-going-to God and to fellow men."
.. pearance of art, but hIS work n torshlp. It does not. It was com d ·th.· 11 l' ht . t' t' . d th t d' tat sh' ar IS IC, one ·WI sma, Ig posed un er a IC or Ip, tr k h' h d tell to be sure, but
~ 0 es, ~ IC are sure an. . · t rea t s of the
mg. He gives. us a book which 18 da s before the
unusua~ly enjoyable, an~at the · R' Yd t k
same bve deeply movmg and ; t'Ive to' h ea d an d h ~ar' t. e I t s · 00 over. tly mstruc , IS mos
Vin~e G. K. C. abou: y ~ u n Gilbert K. Chesterton died 22 peop e, r 0 A . be of h' books' drooling babies
years ago. num r IS.. ·10 worried teen have never gone out of prmt; others have been brought back a ghers. E.aclrtt of
~to print. But what of the mass NEW PRESIDENT: The t ~'h vlgnk~ es of Journalistic work which be new president of the Ameri" .w IC ma e up . .the book fo po'¥'ed out? Is any of It worth putting into book form at tb..ia ean Catholic Psychological or
e euses on on la·t d te' . Association in Washington more of these. ea. . is pr. Raymond J. McCall. Nothing sensational happens to . If tha~ quest~on ~ver occurred He is professor at Marquette them. The bishop does not go to you, I.n all hke~Iho~ you an ID f Ii ra rria much less !helo swered it by saymg, Probably University. NC Photo. or H . 'oncerned in each not:" Such an answer would be d rama. e IS c , Th' . db L IS IS prove y unaey . 'Instance, with drawing a picture wrong. d b ' g heart and Letters (Sheed and Ward. an arm a . $3), which comprises 38 .pieces Plenty of Color written for London's Daily New. . The picture m.ay se.em ~ be ~tween 1901 a~d 1907. Most of them .have to'do with, SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The . , lIimple, even statIC. It IS neither. a, • 'Character is conveyed. The ways or at least were occasioned by . National Federation of Catholic · l'f ti t as they books and authors before the, College Students "has contrib-. the pOOr people of Maiakaliu lKottayam, So. India) are forced \0 IlH .'~ Chinese Ie, a eas :were until recentl.y, shown.: public half-a-century ago. One uted more than five millioD their enern and time ~ walk throurb the underbrush \0 the chul'Ch . dollars '.in· charity and foreign it . of the next village If they wish aUend :,·;."he~e is an ove~b nmmmg pen y might, therefore, expect them to " ::,f .plqu?nt. det~Il and· color. be terribly dated. They are not. reiief to 'needy students abroad." , Mass or speak' \0 Our Lord In the Blessed By .mdlrectIO.n, the. author The that .Chesterton . it was stated here at the feder ,Sacrament, Energ,. and 'ame are most iJDo at~on's' 15th congress. portant who mus' earn their br~ad went right to th~ heart' of what .. ileems .t 0 b e ~aym g t h a t 1t w as a In \ tbe depths of the forest or who afe 'good hfe which the~e youngsters e~r question he was discussing, . In ·report ~n the achieve ,. - ..•.Id~as' , ' . c h" an~e .' ". very " litHe, ments forced to battle' a hard and unyieldinl · bild ". , . poor though"most . . ' . of them ·od.' "an~ ... o~ the NFCCS, Msgr. Jo lOil The men, 'he women and the chil were. One el.ement In..~~ go although' their' expression or seph E. Schieder, director of the .. dren of Malakallu are annous to ,ive of Dess/was Chmese traditIon a~dtheir advocates differ radically Youth . Department, National their skill and their strength ~ blind a eustom; another was the Chns from period to period. lience . ':Catholic Welfare Conference, ohurch of their own-:BlUT-thls Is not tianity to which they had been .there is nothing here without said' that "since 'the Holy Year . ·-euough. The, need $3.000 lor 'land, and won. '. .. contemporary point. . ,in 1950, some 6,000 studentS have He IS also suggestmg .that,. It' seems to me that these. traveled to Europe and --South· '1'Ir.~ PI1/hm MisJimI AitI lor some' materials. . Can yoO help the different- from us though they essays are Chesterton 01. the America under the wholesome '"1ht 0rimJ,J CJ»ni:j Kingdom 01 God &0 rrow In "this pan of &he (oreat." are in many respects, they are very' best ~~intage True when influence of the. NFCCS travel •.t one wjtli us in great essentials. they were writteri he had oot- program:." . :He makes us. feel. thoat our co'!' reached the fullness'of truth "Many ihousands aI. younc MANY REFUGEE CHILDREN CANNOT GO TO SCHOOL ••• THEY HAVB NEITHER THE CLOTHES NOR THE MONEY . • . WILL '." ~on h umam t y IS muc h n; which came with the. light of men' and women," he continued, YO Important thanth: superfl~Ia~. faith. But. his mind was natur-' ICJlave aCcepted the challenge 01. . . U CLOTHE A CHILD FOR SCHOOL ... FIVE DOLLARS WILL :... anlikeness, be' they m fa~ial cast,. ally acute. arid luminou~' And the . Confraternity aI. Christian' DO THE JOB QUITE NICELY. : ~diet~ d.ress.. etc. . his style seems to h8:ve'. beeD. . doctrine commission of the fed on 'LADY OF RANSO~ (September 241 Ia a title 01 Our LlUb which _brings hope and C4!urage ~ those aJI'Ilcted and made captive .; ..;.. DlstmctIvely Chmese char~c-, more direct and less" .:f.imciful eratioo,. teaching c"atechisril. and :' t¢ristics stud these easy-mqv:mg 'than i(became later, .;,.. religion to' youngsters in parisb..,.. Ibi·... ph,.slcal oppression. In honor of ...~rratives: These pages stir and. crackle',' es· all Over the country.. Fee:.' IhIa ~at feast ol.OUr Llid,. will,.ou adopt ,'. ,::. There IS, fo~ exa~p.e,. the with the kind of surprisirlg but quently ·this work is done' at great' Ilister CLARENCE or Sister· CHARLES! ,; 'deep, strong f~mI1y feelIng, Illu~ precise statement which·:was. personal sacrifice on the part Th_. J'oun, rtrls wflih ~aive .th·elr Uves te .·'\trated in a myriad ~iirttculars.· Chesterton speciality. Here are' of. these students, taking them Carmelite pril,.er In Ollur (So. India) io raD ,~·~::.There is t~especlal regard' for lOme samples. " ,:... into.crowded tenements and dw 8Om.oab enslaved' b,··!do andpqanism: "t.:~ildren; wh,en two: YOUngS~rs "The miser is .. madrPan.·be-' tric~ of cities and occupying Each m_havea spODsorwbe will dve $300 ~ :'. disrupt stre~~. traff~c, .no ~me .cause he prefers mone,.".to all·the~ onSatur~ays ~nd Sundays 'lei' her two year novltilite' ·tr-'nlng. Would :.". scolds them, for theIr Size. gave these things' because he Prefers' wblch·.otherwlse woud···have ,.- Uke'~ belp' "raniom' soul8"t.You ma, .... them .the right o~ way by ~eeply- the the reality:" been free tir:ne." . .. 1eD4' the mone,. In anJ" manner convenient :'c :~ra!ned unwrItten law. True Democrae:r.·~' :' Msgr. Schleder said that "the· 'while ""oar .daugbter IB' M"""prepares lor her YOCIatlon. " . . Fancy Titles' . "I wave away with wild ge9-' ,apostolic work- of the ,NFCCS ST~RVING PEOPLE.~;~··.--S-"~-'F-F-E-R-I-N-G-P-E";'OPLIC.•. ALSO MEANS .c..... : There is.' the proclivity . for tures, that .me;ely dingy and stands out as ~ beacon. 'in the' $TARYING PRIESTS. , . SUFFEIHNG PRIESTS ... MASS OFFER ~: high-sounding ;titles; a destitute spiteful democracy which' con-.. ·· work of ·the laIty of tha coun lNGS WILL HELP YOUR PRIESTS .OF THE MISSIONS .... ~ '.,: 'widow lives in a squali~ s~reet sists in declaring that: 'every try." . MEMBER THEM TODAY ... HELP YOURSELF TODAY. :.: .'Called Supreme Harmony Alley, throne is only a chair. true .." . . .; .~. There is the proverbial cour democracy consists in declaring A" IMPORTANT DECISI()N HAS "BEEN' &tADE.BY VALDIMIB : ·tesy: Eight Bowls Yang, propri that every chair is Ii" :ad J'UNCESCO! These ,.oun, men have chosen &0 devote their Uvee etor of The Great Advantage "Capable men are: praised ... . . ~ the' Service' 01 tbe altar and the care 01 the Car.P.,entry, Masonry, Iron Mon twice, first 'for the wrong rea ST. LEO (NC) -Benedictine M,.stlcal Bod,. 01 Christ. The,. ha-ve done weD rery, Polish Glass and Anyth~ng sons and then again,' .after. a' Brother' Richard Feeney ba8 In 'heir studies and have been Selected to conRepairing Work, Ltd., puts aSI~e cYcle of obloquy, for the right." been elected mayor of this Flor';' Unue their training at the Pontifical College Original, sin is~"that ultimate· ida"community which has a pop at Rome. God has riven them fine minds, I'ood · busine!?s f?r hours to ent,ertam · old Mr, Lm on the' latter s day lVlreasoning insolence which will ulation of about 300. St. Leo ill health, I'cnerous hearls-we pra,.. tbat He wiD ... off fr?m the Peaceful Old Age not accept even the kindest con 29 miles northeast of Tampa. DOW complete .Hls work and I'lve eacb a bene '. Home. . ditions' that profoundly inar factor who will donate $600 for ellcb ~ cover 'Th~re is the ritual atte~ding tistie ~narchy that objects. to a Brother Feeney was graduated the neCesase, expenses' 01 the sh ,.ear coarse. buying and selling: ¥r. LI,an linlit as such," from Chevrus High School.. . Are ,.u the answer ~ their pra,.er? You ma, send Ule mone,. 111 (; artist, desperately wants to sell . "I think" there is one' thing Portland, Maine, and went to' an)".manner convenient while J'our "SOD In Cbrlst.. prepares ~ desome pictures to Father Amiel, mo~ important than, the man work in the Portland post office. Yole hhI life ~ God. "'EN DOLLARS WILL STILL FEED A REFUGEE rAMILY FOB but begins his talk "at a point of genius-and that is the geniln He was·transferred to the Miami .five years previously when he of man." post ~ffice. He join~ the Bene A WEEK., had left his native place to come '. Truth of History dictineS in 1955, '-. to the city and make his living as 'How delightful it is to be pre St. ~; founded by the Bene: ALIVll: YET DEAD" the best descriptloD 01 the _urce of'le~ a commercial artist, explained sented with writings by G: K. C. dictines in 1888, is the oldest I'Os,.. Th_ DDfortunates have no 'hope . . . no lamll, . . . and but his early successes, his later re which are new to one; to hear incorporated town in Pasco Uttle life. A dollar-a-montb and a prayer a da, will make joou a t t e ,0 f b ' , Co u n . t y . The town's mayor and' member 01 our DAMIEN LEPER FUND which constantl, vies te verses, t"h e sa usmess 10 him discoursing. with 'wit and b I . e p thelle DCIt back ~ normal Ule. or a' leas' ~ rive tbem the bella general, the.' trials of artists in incompara'ble' insight of bores council are all Religioui. The parti.cular, the degree of culture and tile bored of the unrecog- . Benedictine monks conduct. vir possible oare until God releasell them from their UVlnl' death. obtaining ih th~ city and· the nized merits of the early 'Victortually .all . activities here. The,. . A STRINGLESS GIFT WILL STRENGTHEN THE HAND OF THlI future outlook for men of talent" ian age, ·of. 'unjustly neglected 0 per ate . large farms, eitTua " H . O L Y FATHER. -altogeth,~r, a half-hour's pe~writers, quarrels; 01.... groves,.. raise cattle and sell dairy formance!· the truth· of"history, of the vital products and surplus milk to IN MEMORY. OF A LOVED~'ONEORFOR'A SPECIAL INTEN .TlONf WID J'ou help ~ famlsb the Honae 01 God In tlIIe mtSsIOil Look into Hearts lack in the ,popular preacher (it neighboring commu,:,ities. Bishop Walsh lets us look into is sanctity), of the great act <if ... ." '.. landa 01 tbe Near East!. .' : . 8anctUlU'J lam. . $15 . Mass book the· hearts of his people: into faith implicit in going to sleep,.' $25 Clbortum .. that of-Mary Yen,' for example; ,and so on. ,. .. Mass ~ns .. 5 Altar ston•... ". 10 Cnaolfb .. who begins coveted piano lesChesterton the prophet is to CuIdIes (lor JTJ." Hau yaWen.'. ,50 Picture...... •• 1. sons, then give themup;:be met in these. articles, ThuS; ·'·DUBUQUE. (NC)-More' tbaB GIVE TO WIN THB WORLD FoR CHRIST. into that o'f Yang ~um~er Three, .... a '. few paragraphs ::written in $16 million has been 'spent 'oD baptized Aloysius, who is a rapHi06 more about the RuS""' sch06lconstrtictiou'since 1950 iD. ~'l1ea '111 • ~ scallioI1' .with the makings qf. a sian. peopl~;than' ";olui;nes wrjt...·the,.Dubuque archdiocese. Con;; magnifice~t priest; into· that of ; '·'ten by eX:p¢r~ today. And so' 'struction' of 11 elementary' and · a pagan girl na~ed. Cnei.'ry:~ Ctiesterton ttlE{. playful sage, a. eight secondary' schools has beea. , . FRANOS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, pr.'ldent~' .. getting her first ·acqoointance 'in his Observation that "see-saw: started since 1955, A 1956 study . . Mlgr. '.ter , •. Tuohy,. Nat'l Sec'y '. with Christianity while ill in a (besides being an excellent· . 'showed ·the. Dubuquearchdio:... '. .,Seftd aU comnlUnlccdlonl fOl. .• . hospital; into that of Ye~-ling, game) is a very good symbol aI.'·'··'cesanschoolsystemsaves·'Iow. .. 'CATHOUC' NEAR WELfA~. ASSOCIATION ~ puzzled by what is expected of the principle that he that ab-" ""taxpayers mOre :than $10Iiillliwa 480 an eldest son aseth himself shall be exalted.each year. . lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17, N. Y.'
College Students Send Aid Abroad
Benedictine ,Brother Florl'do .To·wn Ma'yor.
Parochial Schools Increase'in Iowa' '. .
··r.Fast'. OliSSIODS
tile Famify Cfinic
,·Husband's Sweari,ng ,Habit' Humiliat,es Wife, Children By Rev. John L. Thomas, S.J. Assistant Professor of Sociology St. Louis University
How can I cure my husband of the habit of swearing? ' He uses vile language in front of me and in the presence of the children. At first our two .boys started to imitate him, but now they are ashamed of the way he talks. I try to show him how embarrassing it is lem, ' Madge. When your husband and that he's giving scandal. tries to explain away his swearHe just laughs and claims ing as a mere habit, he's fooling it's only a meaningless habit. nobody. In our society men don't How can I get him to change? Well, Madge" according to opinion sur _ veys, a good ,many wi v e s , strongly dislike : the language , their husbands use. No doubt, one source of the problem is , the different worlds in which men and women spend much of their working lives. Am 0 n g lOme classes of men the habit of swearing is taken pretty much for granted. In their minds it bears the stamp of virility and maturity. This explains why young men and those who feel insecure frequently affect the habit. 'Shocking to Women Men in general pay little attention to swearing in others. They may think it crude, juven He, or even humorous at times, but they're not 'likely to be shocked. Most of them have heard it all before and tend to ahrug it off as unimportant. The' majority of modern women, on the other hand, find swearing both shocking and dis tasteful. ,This is not merely be cause they are not accustomed to hearing it; they rightly interpret jt as a mark of disrespect in their presence. Although most men may be quite indifferent to swearing, they all recognize that its use is considered quite ,improper In the presence of women whom they respect. ' I feel this latter point is im portant, Madge, husbands may explain away or lightly dismiss the moral implications of swea,r lng-it is not always easy to ascerta,in what formal sin is in volved-they cannot ignore its social impliclltions~'Whetherthey like it or not, itli:'use in' the presence of respec;table women implies. an insult.' Irritates, 'rives This explains why some hus- bands resort to it 'in a quarrel. They know aimost without thinking, that their wives ,will interpret it as a loss of respect and will be hurt by it. Even when it is used c'arelessly, hus bands recognize that this irri tates their partners - and for much the same reason. Now let's look at your prob-
have the "habit" of swearing in the presence of women whom they respect. . They may slip or forget ,themselves in anger once in awhile, but habitual swearing in the presence o:f. wife and children is quite another matter. As I h'~e pointed out, it is an implicit, insult and reveals a desire to hurt. Why should he want to do ,this? There are several possible reasons. First, some husbands think that their wives are trying to be "upper" class," and so forth. They resent this,' and use various means to put them in their place. Indirect Resentment Second, some husbands feel that their wives compare their family background to'their dis advantage. For example, ' , one wife I know used to compare her husband with her own father. "My father used to help with the dishes; my father didn't swear, etc." This was all her husband needed to prompt him to do just the opposite. Third, some' husbands may employ this means, or' various others, because they are dis pleased with their wives for some other reasons, such as affecta tion, prudery, unsatisfactory con jugal relations and so forth. Thi. is an indirect way of showing resentment o'r getting revenge. FourtV, $ome husbands ~ use swe;lring to cover up their own social insecurity. They react by being aggressively or spitefully crude, as if to show their con tempt for the "nice" people whom they think look down upon them and their kind. This is a common reaction among 'the socially insecure. . What can you do about Jt, Madge? Well, since your protests have failed, I suggest 'that you ask him what his real aim can, be in persisting in this habit. Why is he trying to humiliate you and the children? What sat isfaction does he gain from his erudeness? Of course, he will aga'in pro test that it's only a habit. Point out to him that you and every body else knows' better. He'. doing this because ,he wants to do it. Whom is he trying to hurt?
Finally, once you have made' your position clear, try to ignore the habit-don't nag. Your obv'i
ous irritation may only please him, and if you make a constant
issue of the habit, he may feel his pride is involved and will never stop.
BA'PTIZE ESCAPED KOREAN PILOT: Kenneth Rowe (Noh Kum Sok) former' North Korean pilot who made the headlines in 1953 when he made a dramatic flight to free dom, delivering his Russian-built MIG fighter' jet to UN forces near Seoul, has been baptized a Catholic. His Catholie mother, Mrs. Alma Happ, who escaped from Korea during the war, witnessed the ceremony. Father Peter Chyan~ W, at the ri~ht. NC Phote, ,
China Encyclical Continued from Page One Hsuan-hua of Siangyang conse crated Father Chen Wuen-tsai for the Kweiyang archdiocese and Father Tong Ling-tsong for the Kunming archdiocese. The consecrations took place June 15
in the Kweiyang cathedral.
The re~ort also mentions that
on June 18 Archbiship Ignatius Pi-shu-shih of Mukden conse crated Father Chao Yong-min for the Jehol diocese in the cathedral there and that a Father Wang, Ki-kwei was consecrated July 20 for the' Diocese ot Pao ting. No mention was mape of the consecrator or the place of consecration. ' These four consecrations bring the known number of schismatic bishops in China to 14 and cul minate a year-old drive by the communists to force the Catholic Church, in China into schism from the Holy See. Condemns Association In his new encyclical the Pope formally condemns the Patriotic Association of Chinese Catholics, which the Reds forced so-called '''National Conference of Catho lics" to found a year ago i~ Peking, Later reports on the Peking meeting clearly indicate that the patriotic association is nothing more than a move by the communists to subjugate the Church in China, prevent ·all contact between it and the Holy See and use the Church's organ ization to further communism. When it became evident to the communists that 'their plan to found a national Catholic Church at this conference failed to win the support of th~' Catholie clergy and laity, they began to organize regional. indoctrination courses for Catholics in all parts of China. These courses were conducted by the government controlled patriotic as'8ociation. The official communist new. agency has reported that III bishops and "acting bishops" and more than 1,300 priests in 26 provinces, cities and autonomous regions have "participated" in the courses 'during' the past year. Despite these intensive indoc trination courses, there was evi dence of continuous opposition on the part of the Catholie clergy and laity in the amount of space given in the Chinese com~unist pres§.. to denuncia tions of "nonpatribtic" Catholics. Staunch' Catholics Some of the "crimes" attrib uted to these staunch Catholics
were: -Proclaiming that Catholics must submit unconditionally to Rome. ' 1I ". ' -Sabotaging' the ' establish
ment of the patriotic association.
, -Saying that the' Legion 01.
Mary is not a reactionary organ
-Denying the sacraments' tG
professed "patriotic or progres Rve Catholics." '
The communists, however,
made it clear that only those priests and bishops would be allowed' to continue their minis try who conformed to their plan for a schismatic church. In their latest move to "cap ture" the Church in China the communists have' demanded the election .and consecration of priests who, as the Pontiff' pointed out in his evcyclical, "not resisting communist desires , and forms of political practice, have been accepted by the civil power." These s chi 5 mat i c bishops, consecrated without the consent or approval of the Holy See, have been appointed by the communists as heads of dioceses whose legitimate Ordinaries have been either imprisoned or ex peled from China. Reports received here indicate that the Reds have forced Arch bishop Pi-shu-shih of Mukden and Bishops Yi Hsuan-hua of Siangyang, Francis Xavier Chao Cheng-sheng of Sienshsien and Joseph Li Tao-nana of Puchi to consecrate a total of 14 bishops to date. The Pope referred to these con secrations' in his encyclical as ,"an ev.ent truly of great serious ness which fills Our soul ... with great grief beyond words." He further stated than an excom munication reser:ved in a most IIPt!cial inannerto the Apostol"
Bee has heen established which .. automatically incurred by anyonE: who received consecra tion irresponsibly eonferred lmd by the actual consecrator." The Pope concluded his ency clical with ail exhortation to I the hierarchy, clergy and laity in
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Sept. 18, 1958
China to "remain steadfast and without blemish in that Faith by which we are united and by which alone we shall obtaiJa salvation."
1 LB
"" :'
S9 C
Whole Hams
S3 C
,Center Slices
99 C
New Low Pricel A&P's OWN
6 01 JAR
Father M~Cormack Stays 'Red Jails Lik~ 'Pig Pens
dawn, place a piece of card the Chinese Red Cross. After I 16', - THE ANCHOR I ofboard the radiator, and on they told us of the conferences
Continued from Page Seven the Ward Road prison - the motherhouse of the pig pens' going on for our release I was icattcred around Shanghai. . allowed one opened food parcel I figured from the number of containing three cans-one of buildings, 13, and number' of peaches, one of apriCots and one prisoners in each, 2,500 'that of potatoes. . there were over 30,000 prisoners Cleric Toll Mounts Incarcerated at Ward Road. An ,A few mont)1s later, about the' other fact to substantiate my . estimate was .the number I was beginning of 1956, I asked for an ,interview with the prison offi given on entering-No. 28,198. This was what I was to answer cials. Then I explained to them that I was a sick stupid old man. to at all times-"Pri,soner 28,198." Which 'was pretty true. I was Plight Even~Worse actually very sick. My entire One point· I'd like to empha body was swollen and distended aze strongly is that despite the because of the prison ,diet. Lack Rvere treatment we foreigners of vitamins, I suppose. received in jail, the Chinese pri5 The judge took one look at my .ners are much worse off. While e~aciated,condition,and ordered we foreigners had some. hope me to the prison hospital imme that our governments' we r e d'ately. That meaQt I'd sleep in . working toward· our eventual a bed for the first time in three release, the Chinese prisoners. years. Of course, the 9ig reason have 'no one looking out for their for allowing 'me to go to the h05 welfare. Once arrested and im pital was obvious: ,Too many prisoned a Chinese either goes / priests had already died in the ever to communism o,r. remailUl jails and prisons oLChina. They to rot in a Red dungeon. didn't want that to' happen to me. . The Chinese Red Cross is The injections .andtreatment merely another agency of the at the' hospital improved iny .tate. Up until the time of the condition somewhat, but the Geneva Conference I didn't re- swelling of my body and limb. eeive a single package of cloth- still, contir:med. Even now, my tng or food sent to me by friends, stomach still expands about a l'elatives and Maryknoll through couple of inches every day.
~hurs., Sept. 18, 1958
They started pushing and shovinC and ·scr.eaming aU the louder. So we left, arid v,'ll!ked 15 blocks to another church, Christ the King. And the same thing was repeated with the same ring leaders. So we knew ,that these weren't .• p 0 n tan e 0 u s demonstra tions. Most of the people weren't even catholics and at least three of the women were party memo- . bt!rs, we found out later.
this,put a fragment of host and a thimble full of wine. With my left elbow resting on the radiator and my left hand against my forehead, I celebrated Mass. I usually put a cup of coffee on the.other' end of the cardboard and held 'a lighted cigarette ill my hand sO that it wou~d look as if I were eating breakfast in One of the priests there was ~ase a guard came in the room. Father C)ll'il Wagner, the Fran The. weeks rolled by pretty ciscan from Pittsburgh, who had quickly after that. We were over been fraJiIl~d on charges similar , the hU"1P, and we knew we were to mine. We were scheduled to due to be, released in June of be released together. One by one. 1958. all the other priests were re We were released on the 14th leased until only Father Wagner and myself,remained. ' I. ' of June and the first thing we did was to report tq. the Franci5 During t:his' period the food can church in Shanghai. But, was terrible. 'We would have all Father Wagtler and I had a sur died had if 'not beeil for the food prise waiting for us there. A parcels sent in to us by friends small crowd .of people who and relati~es. But it was' the communist 'relaxing of the ban claimed to be progressive Catho on food par~els that provided me lics-the name given to' those with the greatest consolation of who joined ,the communist-con trolled HIndependent Church',, my entire five-year sentence were waiting for us, and when ability to ~y Mass, secretly. we tried to go in to say Mass, Awalt Release, they blocked the doorway, The wine and hosts were screaming and shouting violent smuggled in but I can't say how invectives agains't us. , They obstructed, the way into because it would incriminate the Church and wouldn't- move. others. I would rise at the crack
In Juncof 1956 my health im proved co'nsiderably, so I was moved iIlto a small jail on the other;'::';'~of Shanghai, wh'ere I live~ with' 0 t h' e I' American priest-pris(;mers. It was my first contact with foreigners since my arrest.
Unusual Hoora,. So we hightailed it over to the British consulate then, and when I saw the British flag hanginr there over the entrance, I cheered, "Hooray!"-most 'lmulI ual for an Irishman! But it waa good to see the Union Jack flapping there in the mornini breeze. We rushed inside, like beggars, dumping all our rag!! and junk . from the prison right there on the clean floor 'of the consulate, but no one seemed to mind. They gave us • wonderful welcome, and we sat down with the vice consul, drinking coffee and talk ing, talking, talking, for what seemed hours. (Father McCormaek'. fifth
aad eoneladiPK article wiD deal with the tatun: OIl .... Church In China.)
Thank· You Mrs. Fernandes For YOllr Tribute To I . . . .
' I
, Dear Friend Z, ' and CU8tomer: . It is \lvith d . h usband I h eePest regret pendent''rn!l ave fOund it n that, due to th
~i:~ration, \kh:~~d~in~doperae;;:~~Zteto. disco~~~~~m:1Y dea~h
of in,. l.mond Farm ' ,eCI ed to me r a great d' ur small ind busmess in this s, Inc., a reputarbgle OUr ,milk bus~al of careful co e area for e milk mess with n .Guimond F . OVer thirty Yea ,~ncern whi h that ;ne m Littlel C arms OWns and rs., -/ C haa done . arms the h' Ompton R I oPerates two . C. GUimo Y ~ve over 200 h ., and two in farms in Tive also Presf:J~nrresident andea: of choice pu~~~ohdet, Mass.~:; tRh' I., assuri . and Tr reasurer f e cattle M ese at all ~~ Us of an anipl:a~rer of Winds: r GcUimond Fa~msr. trth~r . es. supply of eJtc . reamery I ' nc., ... My husb ' , ' eptlOnalIy hi nco . thereby .OVer 30 Y a.q.d and I h \ .. , g qualIty -1'11 . ears' d aVe bee ..... UI. We will be ~ a~ confid . n friendly 'lV'
ent the finest of q~~rtqUa1ified to that With o.Ur l~h M:· GUimond ~
, ' . 1 Y. dairy serve yO . Om bmed' . . ~or I Want to . ProdlJct..<l. . u. 'lVlth a 1a OPerationa, for YOUr Past s take this 0PPOr . rger variety of pmployees Will uPPO.z:t over the tUDlty 'to thank arms I ContInue th > Years At You most . COQBta~tlyn~ I ~J1 aSSure ;l!' servi~es y4880n, Donald and 8mCerely Jnerlt YOUr co t.o u 'lVe and, 0 ur,emplOYees of ~r. other n Inued 8UPPort_ d emplOYees lVillUIl!J~h~ , an Patronage. atrWe Sincerely . Yours.
. ~argaret A. ,. . Fernande.
Penn, Guimond Farn1s~-I~ A 'Dairy· Produ.cts Are ALWAYS Your Best Penny
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This, Timely Message Is Sponsored By The Fol lowing Public S"iritOO· Individuals and Busi ness Concerns Located in Greater Fall River
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THE ANCH()R Scientific Study of Church I:'fistory' \.1 8 Thurs.,- Sept. 18, 1958 Can Make Church, Bet,ter Known BOLOGNA (NC) - Scientific able in its constitution and Emphasizes Only '.udy of the Church's history structure which was given it by M- ercy 0 f G0 d' can do much to -make Catholi-' its Divine Founder, has become" , cism better known and 'loved. a part of time and is_ the object p W The letter was addressed- to of history, a study of its history, revents ar letter written in the name of made in a strictly scientific man His Holiness Pope Pius XII to ner, can do' much to make it members of a conference here 'better known and loved." _ en problems, of religious life in Among the principal speakers Italy in the 16th century. were Msgr. Pio Paschini, honor The leter was addressed to ary rector magnifieusof the Msgr. Michele Maccarrone, di Pontifical' La~,eran Uni~ersity, rector of' the "Review of the w: ho spoke on Convents In Italy History' of the Church in Italy," ,in the 1500s"; Prof, Hubert Jedin, which sponsored the conference. m~mber of the faculty o~ Ca~hProfessors and historians from ohc theology at· the UmversIty Italy and other European coun of, Bonn, and Dominican Father trie~ took part in the four-day GIl~s~G~rard Mee.rsseman of the meeting;' UnIVersIty of Frelburg. "'The Catholic Church is itself -A commemoratiye session was IIIl historical fact," the letter held to honor the memory of the declared. "Like a powerful late Cardinal Giovan!li Mercati, mountain range, it winds through who was librarian and archivist the history of the P;st 2000'years~ - of the Holy Roman Church~prior Because'the Church, unchangeto his death in August, 1957:
NEW YORK (NC)-lJnly '
"the mercy' of God"_ can pre vent, a third world war, Francis' Cardinal Spellman declared before leaving' on a 36-day pilgrimage to Lourdes'., "'Things have been deterior ating for many years," Cardinal Spellman asserted, "even though there have been_ one or two periods of calm. Th'e pri1'1 ci pal objective. in the minds of the pilgrims and myself should be 1'0 pray for the blessing and the miracle of peace." In addition to Lourdes, the 600 pilgrims accompanying the Car dinal are expectM to' visit the shrine of' Our' Lady of Fatima
Delegates at Women's Convention - ~::;.r~::~ r~~~r~h:O ;::~n~o~~ Continued from Page One
"The Mime of Bernadeite",
favorable to development and a pantomime interpretation of appreciation of fine arts in the the story of the Blessed Virgin's borne and in society:. ' ./ ' appearance to St.,... Bernadette, ./ will climax the evening. Under The Rev. Russell A. Woollen. the direction of Thelma Eape composer and assistant professor Hines, a faculty member of the 01. music, Catholic University Academy, of the Visitation in , ble of, America, and an ensem S,t. Louis, the prose-verse drama from the St. Louis symphony will, is being presented -for the first present the music segment of the time in the United States. it was program, Painting and sculpture written by Hugh Ross Williams, will be featured in an address an English playwright, and dedi by Andre Girard, an artist noted ,cated to the Sodalities of the for his religious subjects. Blessed Virgin in England. _ Slides of Girard's work will --in I d samp Ies 0 f recen tl y com Anne Fremantle, write,r and \ cue, " d one d'lrect Iy contributing editor of "Common pIe ted pamtmgs wea1," will speak at the con on 7O-mI'II'Ime t er f'l..!'..' 1 III In con ' , 'th t I " " vention's closing banquet on JunctIOn WI a e eVISlOn serIes, 'I f C th "Women's Role in Contempor ' I C of th e N a t IOna ounCI 0 a ary Society." I· - M en. o Ie -'
October 13.
Urges Man 'Respond .' To GoCl's, Goodness ASSlSI (NC)-The religion of the Bible is the only one in his- tory in which "it is not so much man 'Who seeks God but God who seeks man." This theme was developed by Msgr. Salvatore Garofalo, an official of the Sacred Congrega tion of the Holy Office, in his address to the 16th courSe of Christian studies. "The God of the Bible is not an abstraction as the God of philosophers is, but He is, a living, personal- God who shows Himself, not throug·h treatises br theories on diVinity, but by tak ing part, by 'compromising Him self' in the history of mankind," Msgr. Garofalo declared.' I . He said man must respond to this overflow of God's goodness, by "pledging himself to accept it so that the divine plan of eternal salvation will come abouf within him."
ST. AUGUSTINE(NC) -Bish op John F. Dearden of Pitts burgh will speak in Miami Tues day, October 7 at the installa tion of Bishop Coleman F. Car roll as 'the first Ordinary of the Miami diocese.
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N.C.C.W. OF DIOCESE MEETING: Mrs. Emmett P. Almond, President of the Fall River Dioces::tn Counv-il and Rev. Thomas Walsh, Diocesan moderator are welcomed to Cathedral Camp, East Freetown by Rev. Willi~m J. 'M~ Mahon. ,Diocesan Director of Lay ',Retrea ts. "
Installation Speaker
Tel_hone Lowell
, Auxiliary Plents _
(Dr'lllic/( delivery Df
HEATING OIL DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL Invite young \girls (14-23) to lobar .. Christ's vast vineyard as a .. Apostle of the Edifications: Press, Radio, Movies and Tel.. vision. With these modem means, the.. Missionary Sisters brin'g Christ's Doctrine to all, regardless of race, color or creed. For information write to: , REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR 50. ST. PAUL'S AVE. _BOST,ON 30, MASS.
:tports Chatter
THE AW""" - -
Strong Holy Cross Squad To Meet Pitt in Opener By Jack Kineavy
The Yanks are in, the Braves are almost there. Same story, second chapter. The batting titles are still up for grabs. The American League contest is about the only color that the circuit has generated all ye~r. At that the A. L. is far from the acme of futil- likely be sophomore John ' Mayn ity. That dubious distinction ihan who had a great year with would necessarily go to the the freshmen last Fall. John International Tuna Tour- from Lawrence Central
fandom can be was illustrated by the more than 2500 who turned out to view the team's initial workout. Admission is
Catholic where he was an out.; standing three sport performer. Top '57 reserve Ken Komodzin .ski and another promising soph": omore, Terry Byron, round out an excellent signal calling squad. At fullback letterman Joe Stagnone, a fine running back, and Johnny Esposito, ~rooklyn's
gift to the Cross, are waging a spirited battle for starting honaI's. Behind them is another good looking sopho.more prospect, Lou Pannella. All of which would seem to indicate that t.he bucking spot should give the Crusaders no trouble. Experienced Backs A quartet of returning halfback monogram winners pro vides a good nucleus for Co'ach
Anderson in the running department. Only one of the boys John Freitas, is a left half,however. free of charge. and the public is and this could prove serious if invited. the speedster suffers 'a recur There may not be much footrence of leg injuries. The right ball talent in the entering class half trio comprises Ed Hayes, at Holy Cross but from the way Ken Hohl, and Bob Defino. the Crusaders handled Brown in Sophomore, Alex Guyette will an intersquad scrimmage on spell ~reitas. Saturday there's little wrong And there you have a bird's with its varsity. Holy Cross' top eye view of the 1958 football candidate for All-American hon prospects at Holy Cross.' On ors, quarterback Tom Greene, paper the team looks good. was nothing short of terrific. He' 'Against Brown it was clearly. completed eight of twelve aerials' the superior team, but then how .attempted and his ball handling strong is Brown? The Crusaders was midseason in form. Tom is opener with Pittsburg looms as the Cover boy on the 1958 Offione of the toughest debuts in cial NCAA Football Guide, the history, followed by always first Eastern football player' to powerful Syracuse at home. be so honored. These two contests will unThe Crusaders' field captain doubtedly test the Cross' mettle Jim Healy. a 5"11"-210 pounder, and could prove to be the barom-. Jim has been a regular for the eter for a very fine Crusader past two seasons. Picked on five All 'Opponent teams as a junior year on the gridiron. There are no real soft spots on the 1958 and the only sophomore so hon- ·schedule,. however. After Pitt ored by S~'racuse iri '56. ;Jim is and Syracuse come Dartmouth, an outstanding linebacker and Penn State and Boston College. the team's top offensive blocker. The consensus:' a lot of ifs but He should prove an inspirational with Greene, Healy" Promuto . type leader. The ~trongest spot on the Holy and Stecchi leading the way, 1958 Cross squad is at the end positions could turn out to,·be a' truly fine season, for Holy Cross. where five of the top six ends in 1957 return. The sixth, leading pass catcher Dick Berardino, signed with the Yankees this
past Summer. Dave Stecchi, a two year regular and Charlie Pacuna's The Serra Club of Fall ~iver who broke into the starting line will be host to 175 altar boys up late las,t season figure to be from six parishes from Fall Dr. Anderson's. leading flank River. The boys from St. Mal"y's men. Cathedral, Our Lady of the Angels', Holy Name, St. Anne's, The tackle squad also has good St. Michael's .and Santo Christo depth and size. Veterans Joe will be transported from their Moore and Wally Bavaro head churches at 6:30 on Thursday the list which includes three fine sophomore prospects, Bernie \ night, September 25, to White's Leonard, Bob Tubman and . Restaurant for a banquet, the Charlie Kelley. Leonard, 6'5': showing of a film and a talk tly and 240 pounds is the biggest Father Frank E. Ga~·t1and, C.S.C. man on t!le roster. Juniors John The Serra Club's aim is the Car\lllo and Dave Allan are also fostering of vocations and this in contention. Altar Boys Night will serve ae; Teaming with Captain Healy at guard be the veteran Vin Promuto. "Finest pair of guards in the nation," beams Coach An derson. Promuto had a terrible day against Boston College last year when he perSonally recov ered eight Eagle fumbles on the rainsoaked quagmire that was Fitton Field. Behind Healy and Promuto come lettermen Dave Allan and Gordon Datka and up from a good freshman squad are Tom Cusick and Ken Desmarais. Center Trouble Spot Chief trouble spot on the team lor the second successive season appears to be the center position. Gene Mandarano, top reserve in 1957 returns but to fill the gap behind him may require. a good deal of position shifting. Charley Benoit, freshman pivot in '57, is a leading contender for the job. Veteran Iquad members Bill Kelleher and Joe Peattie are other possibilities. The quarterback position is In the very eapable hands of Tom FArnER GARTLAND Greene. His understudy wW
CINCINNATI (NC)-Cit izens for Decent Literature, Cincinnati-based Civic organ-' ization, has launched a pro i
~C.Y.o. WJNNERS: Members of Santp Christo Diocesqn Champs are, left to right, Ronnie Avilla, Roger Mello, Tony Avilla.
Delegaft'es Given Too Genial Care:;. At Lay Apostolate -Congress . ROME (NC)-Asian and African delegates to the Second World Congress .of the Lay Apostolate, held here last Octobel', found plenty of brotherhood and respect among their. Western colle~gu~rperhapstoo muc.h. ThIS comment was contall1ed in a report of the congress' documents pUbl~shed by the pe~manent CommIttee of InternatIOnal Congresses, of the Lay Apostolate. . . '1!he report CIted two arhcles wntten by Europeans. who attended the congress. One, by ~enyse, ~nyers of Brussels, ~elglUm, said: '
Former Marine Pilot To Become Priest NEWTON (NC)-A .former dive bomber pilot and New York stock broker will be or dained to the subdiaconate at the . Benedictine Fathers' St. Paul's Abbey here in New Jer sey next ·Saturday. . He is Frater Pius Robert Kier nan, O.S.B.,' 37. As a Marine div'e bomber pilot during World War II, he flew 60 combat mis sions against the Japanese In the Pacific and won two Air M"'tl:lls. Frater Pius left the Marine..
as a major and joined Thomson & McKinnon, the New York brokerage firm of his father, James A. Kiernan. However, in 1950, he said, he "began to think seriously of be coming a priest"; and in October 1951, he entered the seminary. He is studying theQlogy at St. Mary's Abbey, in Morristown. He will be ordained in another two years.
Fall River Serra Club to Ente'rtain Altar Boys FrQm Si.x Parishe,s
19 I
Prais:es C =c:aholic Press foC' ~ight On Obscenity
Somerset High School Coach
ney which recently concluded at Westport, Nova Scotia. The boys didn't even get a bite. It's football time again but there's an inter- loper up in Bos- t.on's North End Sports Palace. In fact there are two. The Bruins and the Reds are scheduled to train together at the Garden for the forthcoming ice wars which get underway the middle of next month. Just how rabid hock'ey
. __
Thurs., Sept. 18, 1~_5~
an incentive to encourage the youth who are interested in serving God in the priesthood. Father Gartland, C.S.C. has been editor of The Catholic Boy magazine for ten years. Born in Boston, he received his A.B. degree from Notre Dame in 1933 and was or4ained for the Holy Cross Fathers in 1937. Previous to his present assignment as editor of the Catholic Boy, he served as. Editor of the daily Religious Bulletin at Notre Dame, Associate Editor of Our Sunday Visitor, and was pUbli city director of the West Coast Office of the Family Theater in Hollywood.
AIME PEllETIER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential - Commercial lndu!ltrial
"Exhibitions of brotherhood
and respeCt were not lacking (toward African and Oriental delegates). However, this must not be exaggerated because it is almost as unpleasant to ;be freated as something out of the ordinary or as something spectacular...." I' J. P. Dubois-Dumee, presid~nt of the Conference of Interna tional Catholic organizations, who was a delegate, wrote: "In spite of the ,really international character of the gather
ing, the general tone of the dis <;ussions was very Westftn, which surprised the Africans Both were moved by the atten tion they received but some of them asked themselves if these too cordial attentions were' not another means 'of keeping t~em from being on the same lev~l as the others...." Both writers declared that contacts between European and American Catholics and their African and Asian brothers we're valuable and encouraging. General suggestions inclUded urging increased lise of small To Hold Retreat language groups as opposed to' Franco - American .. women'. general assemblies; and the groups from Fall River and adoption of a common prayer for
Attleboro will· join in a closed all members who,attend the next retreat at Cathedral Camp Sept. congress. 14-26. Reservations may be made . with organization officers. Rev. Luc Chabot, O.F.M. will be re treat master. A native of Nortb Attleboro, Father Chabot is sU TUBOD, (NC)-Few towlls'in Filipino provinces have p~blic perior of a New Hampshire retreat house. water systems. ' So when Columban' F~ther Richard Grimme of Altoona, Pa., ~ Electrical pastor of Tubod, put a water pump in his back yard to serve " Conl,acton the needs of the parish, oile of his parishioners came to watch the installation.
The ingenuity' of the pump
amazed him.
"What system do you find best for getting water?" Father Grimme asked him. This earned
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gram to promote worthwhile reading in addition to its cam paign against obscenity. Successful prosecutions 01. smut peddlers on the local level .and the enactment of new Fed eral legislation tightening re strictions on obscenity have 'en couraged the organization in its . work of promoting the reading of periodicals, Qooks and plays. . Charles H. Keating, founder and chairman of the fast-grow ing organization, praised the role of the Catholic press in fighting obscenity and declared that the local diocesan newspaper is an "indispensable ally" in the Church's apostolate. Diocesan Press "How are we going to know the mind of the Church if we don't read what the Church hall to say?" he asked. Mr. Keating added that a Catholic newspaper is "a means of adult Catholic
"Only in the Catholic press, he said, "do we find adequate 'reports of Catholic education, the needs of our schools and the strategy of those who are op posed to our schools. Only there do we find complete coverage of the Church's vast program of works of mercy in its hospitals, orphanages and other institu tion8-'-Of the Catholic missionll' at home and abroad-of the state of religious vocations-of the" programs of our own bishop, our own diocese, our own par ishes."
We pick up and deliver. clean and repair overalls. Also we have o complete line ot Coveralls. Pont. and Shirts tor sale. We reclaim and wash any oily. dirty or greasy rags. Why Buy When We Supply
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Worl{ Progressing on First Diocesan Regio"al tiigh ,School Building
Gr~ater' 'New' Bedford
i ...;
. i
'.' j
i ~ ~
t "
PROGRESS OF CONSTRUCTION AS SEEN FROM AI~: No.1" The Convent; No, 2, Academic Building; No.3, Administr ativ'e Building; No.4, Gym and Cafeteria; No.5, Slocum Road; No.6, Looking toward s Route Six. ," .
t "
~ ~
ACADEMIC BUILDING: Classroom building
as seen from Slocum Road. New Bedford is in 'the 'distance.
(Below) AIR VIEW: Interior structuz:e of the above building as seen from top of crane.
, ' CONSTRUCTION SUPER: Bill Olsfield dis cusses the progress with assistant.
POUWNG CEMENT: John Gomes completes the cement work on the second floor ,of the Academic Building.
" J;,OOKING TOW.L\ ~DS SLOCUM R.OJ\ 1): The Academic Building as sightseer looks towards Slocum Road. ' /
BLURPRlNTS: Gene Poitras 'and Eli Messier study' next, 'step.
SLOCUM ROAD ENTRANCE: The Convent construc tion work is, pictured on, the right, white the Chapel will occupy the' open squ~e.
ENTRANCE TO' GYM: Looking from Route , 6, th,e entrance to the gym and the completed gym' floor "are visible.