
Page 1

Bishop Plans $2,000,000 School for Greater New Bedford Area

DIOCESE READY TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION OF MOD~RN EDUCATION PLANT: The architect's sketch. of the first regional high school planned for the Diocese is shown above. It will provide secondary educatio~ for boys and girls \ who live in Greater New Bedford. Announcement of the new school was made today by the Most Reverend Bishop. . , -



Begin Work Soon on First Regional High School

Construction of a new $2,000,000 Regional Catholic High School In Dartmouth for the Greater New Bedford area will begin in the very near future, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, BiShop of Fall River, announced today. The new school is the first of sev­ ' " eral contemplated diocesan regional high schools. - . Designed by Chester F. Wright of Waltham, the new school will contain, 24 An Anchor 0/ the Soul, Sure and Firm - ST. PAUL classrooms in addition to science, laboratories and rooms By R~v. Edward J. Mitchell _--------------.;..-----~-~~., for, teaching art. the domestic The engine snorts one last clo.ud of black smoke into Thursday, Sept. 19, 1957 sciences and business practice. Fall River, Mass. The new schooi, which will be the chilly air and the express from Lyons grinds to a halt. S.cond Class Mail Privileges Authorized PRICE 10c co-educational. accommodating , This is as far as the train goes on the long pilgrimage to Vol. 1, No. 24 at Fall River, Mass, $4 00 pe~ y~ . 1,000 boys and girls, will occupy ..... ...;.. . - - - ' a 15-acre tract of land, including Our Lady of LaSalette. The station sign reads "Grenoble." .) " a spacious parking lot for auto- , Three American pilgrims The panorama is one to, tantalize the new school swing, their suitcases onto the scope of a Cinerama lens ­ plant will include a chapel which the platform, and then, or to shout praise forever to the creative hand of God. For, Gre­ ~'Radl·o S wHrbe fittingly named Our Lady stretching travel - weary noble sits on the brink of the TV

Papal Encycl'ical, Demands ',ora I Stan dord M

VATICAN CITY-His Holiness Pope Pius XII has is­ sued, an encyclical letter which has been called here the Quadragesimo Anno of the public entertainment media. The message declares' that motion pictures, radio and t~levision Sh?,uld. serve to films, radio and te.levision "wl11 giVe people a mOl e respect­ certainly restrict the people's ful understanding" of each true development and wea~en other and to bring them closer together. The Pope states that these in­ ventions, while products of men's ingenuity, are "nevertheiess the gifts of God, our Creator," and as such should have as their ~Irst c1im "to serve tmth and virtue." But at the core of his 13,000­ word encyclical, e~ltitled Miranda PI'orsus (Remarkable Inven­ tions), Pope Pius warns that

t.helr morals" unless controlled by set laws or moral safeguards. Four Parts As In Quadragesimo Anno. -Plus Xl's great encyclical of 1931 on reconstructing the social 01'­ del', Pius XII in Miranda Prorsus in clear terms outlines the prob­ lems, recommends solutions 'and gives a plan of action for Catho­

Nazareth Hall

Classes Start

Diocesan Women Enter Convent

Nazareth Hall, the new Diocesan School/or Excep­ tional,Children, was opened yesterday morning with an el1l'oliment of 21 pupils. BishOP Connolly will bless the school at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Open house for the public will be held Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, and for Sisters from 2 to 5 Saturday afternoon. The Board of Admissions, Is comprised of BishOp Connolly; Rev. Edward J. Gorman, A.M., . LL.D., superintendent of Dio­ cesan schools; Sister Maureen, RS.M., B.Ed.. principal; and Dr. John E. Manning, prominent Fall Rlvel' pediatrician and con­ sulting physician. The school will be operated Turn to Page IFoudeelll ,

Mary's LaSalette Message

First of Modern Times


of Lourdes in honor o~ the cen­ tennial of the Blessed Virgin's Apparitions at Lourdes. Other additional features will be a combination auditorium - gym­ nasium with a seating capacity of 1,000 which may be separated for boys' and girls' use simulta­ neously. Convent for Nuns A spacious cafeteria with a

limbs, sample the change of air. Here in the station, it is a strange mixture of coal dust, cigarette smoke, and crisp mountain air. But once outside, all,ls freshness.

mighty French Alps. . A meal, three color slides, and 45 minutes later. the tlll'ee young

Turn to Page Twelve

Publ'ic School Pupils Profit ByCCD Plan

Faith in Action Inspiring'Sight Says Chaplain

By Rev. Joseph L. Powers

A wealthy and important woman haa once asked Pope st. Pius X in private audi­ ence, "What can I do for

sc uls, Father John F. Denehy of Fall River is, spending a short furlough from the United states Air Forces with relatives and friends in the Diocese. Father Denehy, who served at Our Lady of the Isle Church, Nantucket and the Sacred Heart

the Church. Holy Father?" "Teach Catechism," answel'ed the .saintly Pontiff. This unex­ pected answer was not given for the sak~ of deflating pomposity, though the Pope was able to do Turn to Page Fourteen

Three graduates of Sacred Heart Elementary Scrrool, North Attleboro have en­ tered Holy Union Novitiate,

.'ll'~rlll to Page 'l'welvG

Happy to be home, but ever eager to return' to his Far East aSSignment for the saving and co~version of

Diocesan CCD Director

Turn to Page Thirteen

Sacred Heart Province, at Gro­ ton, Mass. The Postulants are Miss Yo­ lande Davignon, Miss CeCile Mer­ cure and Miss Lorraine Sirois. Miss Davignon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Davignon, 58 River Street, North Attleboro, is a graduate of S~. Jean-Baptiste Academy. Pawtucket, R I., con­ ductedby the Sisters of the Holy Union. Miss Mercure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mercure of 103 Holmes Road, North Attleboro, ,

Turn to Page NlDe

Turn to Page Fifteen

Let's Tell' the Whole Diocese \


What Your Group Is Doing

NAMED MODERATOR: Very Rev. Hugh A. Galla­ gher, Dean of Lower Bristol Courity and pastor of st. James Church, New Bed­ ford, has been designated as moderator of the first re­ gional high school c;:ommit­ tee by the Most Reverend Bishop,

The Anchor again invites each' and every Catholic organizatio,D in the Diocese-on the parish, local and diocesan level-to submit its news to us for publlootion. . We are interested in and, want to inform all the Diocese of the actiVities of all clubs and sodalities, groups like the parish Guilds. Knights of Columbus, Serrans. Catholic Nurses, Legion of Mary and the Daughters of Isabella, just to name a few. You have 'seen releases in past issues. They were submitted by alert and progressive publicity, chairmen. Your organization is en­ titled to recognition, too. We will assist in telling your story to all the peopie of the Diocese-from the Attleboros on the Rhode Island line to Provincetown on the tip of Cape Cod. Your group must cooperate. rv{Qke it your business to communicate this final invitation to your presidtmt, publicity chairman and organization membership. Because we publish weekly, it is necessary that your news re­ leases reach us by Saturday before the desired Thursday publication, d'il.te: Send your news to The Anchor. Box Seven, Fall River, or telephone message to the Social Department, OSborne 5-7151. -,


'1l'~! AN~HOR­

nun., 5'ept. 19, 1957

Actovities in Ful[ Bloom




pointed' M'·the aca.p'emY.st~ff, Is ST. MARY'S HIGH, Sept. 22-st. Dominic, Swan­ ,TAllJNTON., the. academy ,.,11bradan, and' sea ;'" OffIcers ,of, the school year, te~~herofrell~io~,' h'lstory,ad st. Joseph, Attleboro ':;, Qlleeted .at th~ first formal class -l:eadingcomprehension. A third Sept. 29-St. Anthony of Pa­ Jil~tings, ,at st. ~ary's, High,. additional miwly-appointed,fa­ , dua, New Bedford ,school,. Taun~on, folloW: " c u l t y member .. waiL then- intro­ Sacred Heart, Taunton ';:C,Seniors - Frances Corcoran, 'duced,. Sister' MarYGer~lyn;' ' Oct, 6-0ur Lady of the Hply Rosary, Fall River , president; 'PatdCia' Goggin, vice R.S.M., B. Sriience In' Nursing ." ',' ,:', , ' " , ~ . ',,"

presid,ent;;,Elaine O:Keefe, secreOur Lady of the Holy RoS­ tiny, and Irene'"Miller, treas1.!rer . "ho WIll ,t~a~h. ,a ~J?,ecJalprepara,­ ery, Taunton '.. Juniors :Rita Hutchins, tory course,:.ror th~ ,seniors who

Our Lady of the Assump-_ , , pr~~ident; .. Leona Morin, vIce are,int~iistedin the' nursing

tion, New Bedford pr~slderit; Bevei'ly;Oliveira, ,sec- . profession:. " ,

13-St. Roch, F'all River Oct. Members' of the student body' -" , "ret,!-ry and, Ir,ene:Dubois, treas~ St. John of God, Somerset , urer. " . ' participat'ed,exr)resslngthelr eri- ' ; Sophomores ~Carol piJarte, thusiastic welcome to the 106

. pre'sldent; Dian~ Brezinski, vice fres~men "

Mass Ordo llresident;Phyllis Kisinski, :sec­ ,At the 'R~nual mteting of the

FRIDAY - SS. Eustace and retary, and Alyce :Yelle, trea~urer, ,Superintendents and Supervisors Companions. Martyrs. Double. The freshman election wIll):>e of Catholic Schools in New Eng­ Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Sec­ held after the i~COlp.lng students land, held' recently at Boston ond Collect Ember Fl'id,ay; Third are .better acquamted. ',' College, Sister Mary Callista, Collect for Rain; Common Pre­ . SIster 1\:'I~ry .Chantel presl?ed, R:S.M., A.M., .and Sister Mar~ face. over t~e fll~t Glee Club n:eetmg. Verona, R.S.M." 'A.M., repre­ SATURDAY - St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist. Double . ::,emors dlscuss~d the fIrst ~c­ sented Mount Saint Ma.ry Acade-, of II Class. Red. Mass Proper; tlVlty, of th~ year at ameetmg my.' Emphasis at this meeting Gloria:; Second Collect for Ember held last. Fnday and announced was placed on modernmathema­ Saturday; Creed; Preface of for Friday, Sept',20the initiation tics: Apostles. of the Freshman class. ,". , SUNDAY - Fifteenth Sunday , ,'SACRED HE.~RTS '~CADEl\IY after Pentecost. Double. Green. SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY FAI"L RIVER ,_, Mass, Proper; GI01'ia; Second ']FALL RIVER, ' ' Collect St. Thomas of Villanova, Joan Sequin and Janice Faria. " "The SucordiUlfi' Club of t!)e achieved first and :second places' Bishop and Confessor; Third Col­ lect for Rain; Creed; Preface of Sacred Hearts Academy will hold In a series of summer sailboat Trinity,. , , its annual membership tea from races sponored by. the Coles MONDAY-St. Linus, Pope and 3, to 5 next Sunday afternoon in River Yacht Club. The Touisset Martyr. Simple. Red. Mass Prop­ the convent hall on, Prospect Club, presented Janice and Joan er; Gloria; Second Collect· St. street. ~ with gold. plaqueS. The two jun­ Thecla, Virgin and Martyr; Third Mrs. John F. Coyle, President, Iors have pal'ticipated in regattas" , Collect for Rain; Common Pre­ 'invites all mothers of past and In both Massach).lsetts and face. present Academy students to at­ TUESDAY-Our, Lady of Ran­ Rhode Island., ,, , 'som. Greater Double. Wllite. tend.' 'The Academy orchestra elected Mass Proper. Gloria; Second Col­ its new leaders this week. They lect for Rain; Creed; Preface oC JESUS MARY ,ACADEMY are: : Carbl Jerome 'Presid,.ent, Blessed Virgin. FALl" RIVER , Geneva Maxwell,. secretary­ WEDNESDAY-Mass of Pre­ treasurer;: Kathleen Stevens, li­ A schedule of schollistic activi­ vious Sunday. Simple. Green. ties for the years 1957-58 was brarian; and Mary Castro, PI'O­ Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; perty manager. Second Collect for Rain; Third oU,tuned at a meeting qf the Ma­ Collect for Peace; Common Pre­ 'donna Chapter of'the Honor So­ Of the 19 sophomores admitted 'face: . ciety, with Jeannine Babin and to the Journalism Club by· at­ THURSDAY-North American Catherine Goulet, both memberStaining, high scores on a com­ Martyrs, Ss Isaac Jogues. John 'cf ,the ,class of '57 ,directing. petitive journalism aptitude test, DeBrebeuf, and Their Compan­ The first; project planned, Patricia Drislan, Mary Galla­ ions. Martyrs. Double of II Class, whi@oh'is religious in nature, PUl:-' 'gher; Margaret Hogan, Eileen GRADUATION EXERCISES FOR NURSES: Bishop Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Sec­ ports to increase,'among Acade- Pilling, 'arid Susan Roy achieved - Connolly presided at the presen~ation of diplomas to 25 ond Collect SS. Cyprian and Jus­ , members of the graduating class at st. Anne's Hospital tina, Martyrs; Common Preface. my students, a love of'the Holy the higheSt rating. Sacrifice' of the Mass. Thirty Archery: an' added feature to s:udents from various classes,' S.H.A.':.; gym pi'ljgram this year, School of Nursing,'Fall River, Sunday. ~ere Miss Marion Now Available In Taunton voluntarily attend daily Mass to will be held on Thursdl\Y after~' Maloney of St. Mal'y's Parish, New Bedford kneels as she help fulfill the promise'to Our "'1\oons with' Mary Elizabeth Bol- kisses the Bishop's ring before receJving her diploma. and, a junior, as instructor. Lady of Fatima. At, the~upperclass prefect dec- • newly renovated ,auditorium­ An ambitious program aimed FAMOUS FOODS llt, fostering' ,pal.)sh deyotionah ,.,tions the'Juniors st. Margar-· gym, the seniors announce-a the. r.c~ivities '\iRS. started by Acade- '.. 'et·s' team chose F!hoebe Cham­ the'me~ of their '1958 yearbook: Mos~ C;omp1ttte Variety

my Socialists. It is an attempt to poux, Saf1dra Seneca, and Jean "It's American; it's Marian; it's ELECTRICAL

"No One Can Beat

!'(vive the Saturday night nove­ Callahan as their leaders, while n,. devotion to' Our Lady of Barbara Hacking, Nancy Lafleur, Dominican." Followillg a tradi­ CONTRACTORS,

S. S: Pierce forQu'~lity

L0urdes, whose centennary will and Joan Sequin were the choice tion in the school, this yem'book and' Value" at

. Residential Commercial

b::- ob:.;erved this year., , of st. Agnes Team juniors. Sen­ theme becomes the ,theme of the Industrial

The Jesus-Mary' Acad-emy '57' ior prefects include ,Pauline DU­ year for all classes. 633 Broadway, Fall River Hr:.Dual, "Echo" mas and Denise Jeunesse. for st. Claire ReIlly, school president, , . has been ' a\vard­ 'cd the "All Catholic award'" by, Margaret's, and Mariette Charest Taunton OS 3-1691 58-60 Main St. t],e Catholic School Press Asso­ and Helen Gannon for st. Agnes a·cted ,as chairman of the assem- ' bly. introducing members of the

. dation. Team. , A sp&.rkling program put on by yearbook"staff who announced

M'j('. ST. MARY ACADEMY' ' , the' seniors cIlmaxed the "Get the theme. Louise Levasseur ex...

B;"!}!~L RIVER Acquainted Week" at the acade­ plained ··!t·s American." showing

The principal and faculty of my. The, Freshmen were enter­ Mount Saint Mary Academy wel­ tained by their 'senior mothers how' Domini'can Academy gives, 880 SOUTH MAIN SJ. - FALL RIVER with a presentation of the "Five good training in civic virtues. eamed 303 students at the be­ g!n.n;ng, of the 1957-58 school Punks," "Art Shminkletter and Rochelle Olivier outlined the ymr. 'Father Paul F. McCarrick . the ,Kids,~' and. a. "Patience and Marian activity of the school, e~ive' 3.n inspirational addi'ess :to' Prudence" duet: Freshmen who the. asse'mbled student body 'In did not conlpiy '''ithall the rules while Geraldine Moss, told the

tJJe 'convent" chapel. Fathei;'s of "Get A'cquainted 'Week" were students that the true Dominican

Safefy-"'~stedUsed Cars

spirit of the academy is a heri­ enallcnging, message encouraged brought to trial befor~ the Kan­ 9,' the girls 'tomeasure 'up. to their garoo C o u r t . ' tage from St. Dominic and a long

Telephone OSborne 8-5236

'capabilities and talents" and to line of Dominicans. Stage back­ llppreciate, the great privilege ',DO~IINICt\.N ACAlml\lY grounds appropriate to each

tljey'liad in being a part of the FA:LI, R i v E R ' • phase of the ,theme enhanced dficiept CatholiG School system. The annual Ribbon Ceremony the solemnity of the occasion. Benediction of the~Most l;3lessed will be beldFriday, Sept. 20. At Hannah Sullivan and Pauline ,- Sacrament concluded this open- ' this assembly, all high school Letalien were stage managers. students l'eceive their class rib­ ,Concluding the assembly, Miss ing session. . Called For and Delivered At the first general assembly bons, of colors marking their Reilly expressed the h,ope tl1at in the academy auditorium. Sis­ year. Last year's school president through living the theme of the ter Mary 'Carmela, R.8.M., Pauline Lavoie; will. confer the y~ar,' students would become ,A.M., welcomed, In behalf of the blue ribbons on the seniors; sen­ more aware of the importance of faGulty, all the students. Sister lor "class presidents Elaine' Mal- ' 'these three 'phases of school 'life, Once-,A-Day in Somerset, and Swansea at 4:30 P.M. introduced the new' superiOr of tais and Claire Sinotte will' give so th~t at the end of th~ ~'ear, Mount Saint Mary's Convent, the red ribbons to juniors; junior when the yearbook' comes out, SPECBAIL .A1T7TlENTf60N GDVfEN

Sister Mary Olga, R.S.M., A.M., presidents Anne Marie Ouellette Dominican. 'Aca.demy, may,'., be. .TO EMERGfENlC.'y, PRES,CRDPTrlONS .

who expressed her pleasure at and SheBa DeMoura give: the more American';;' more Marian, : ' being at Mt. St:' Mary where she "sophomores the gold ribbons of and more bominican because' of; , , will teach .chemistry' to the stu­ their class,; sophomore presidents the theme of the year. ~'i~ , " "S~':gn~'c~ Applian~e <;:0.

(lents. , Judith pias and Sharon Ver­ ' , .AI PlhlarmciCu ". .

Officers: elected' by the Dom­ '. ~ , . .. .' U 1 1 , ," , Sister Mary Carmela then in­ ,mette will give the fresbman inican Debaters at -their first traduced Sister Mary Callista, green rlbbons W the incoming meeting are: 'President,' Elaine . .".. '. . ,' . lHI~cruDll9 Aud! Co. ," R,S.M., A.M.; from 'the PJ'ovlnce class. M<lJtalll; vice-president, Jeannine .' - .. ' ~rteull9lr .b. $1Jv~G:J, p~clP· of Omaha, Nebl'a~H~.a.' Sister Wili' "Class songs and'a sDort talk by :Barrette; secretary: C)aii'e' s1­ Mach religion,'." science'., and e~cb group will fill But the: pro­ notte. Weekly t,1eeti,ngs .are' held, In:J,tbcmatics. Sistl;)~' MaJ~ Mercy, gl:a.m. I i un~ll' the dirEction of Mr. paniel ' , • 7,(0)'2 «lIn1lcll 206 IRIOJ(:IK SlL: At the nist assembly W't.bt 'P. 'Gmce, l!lebn-Lccol1ch; ; • '. ',; ; :' " ,,; . ~~;;;:;;m;;a;;;;=iiiiiii:;;~~:i'-:;:;;;-;;;;;;W R.S.M., E.E:d., also newly ap­ j'~Uij~HYt~f.'f~,,~aH'~nillJ60'11fnnlll-fn6,an'nil'IlJlijil'" t6i~¥r~triH'fJ.UGllGi}Olllla(J1l0l!UfiliUfLllfill~iJ{l{l~Dlt~81 ~,."",': ,." '" " r , ,,01 \












gas". will .feature' . the October, .. \ meeting of the Catl1edralWom­ MSgT. Antonio P, Vieira; pastor. en's' Guild.- Ticke'ts m'ay be :ob­ Is expected to arrive in the .Uliited· tainedfrom' tl~e Pre~ident, Ml;s. States on Tue·sday·. Oct: 1 after:a. Fral'lk' E, . Duffy and' commitfee .. two - month vacation in .the ­ inembers: :, . '., AZOl'es He lI'ilI be -honore'd 'at a-: , Tile DH,c\lssion Club. will "Welcome FIome'Banquet'~ at 6 'duct'its 'meetii'igs 'ori the: first'-ari'li", : SundaY night.. Oct. 6 iii' the. ' 'thirlJ . 'hiesclay ;'iHgh'ts : ~f 'the .;' . Mount Carmel Auditorium: : ' , 'lhOilth: af.'7 ~45 ,'in the c~th~'~i:ar . " R~v. Manpel .And.radtl a,ssiste.d . -~ch~01. . . :.... :.' . '. , •. - . by Manuel GOnles. 'chairn'uln' a'n-' -, -: .-. ' -.. '.' ,', .' .. •. '",


con- .



. '.' -


' ' .... ,"

l1OU\1ce the fClllowlng cOIP.nlltt~~: : FALL iUVER' .,.: ... '.,. l\' ,LeonaI' M. -Luiz, vice-cllair-' - ~ T'I" ': ~ .. ' . b ' . : ,:'; ',-­ _ '. . wee new mem ers wel'e ac­ man; Miss Elsie Sylvia, secretary . t'd 'b' ' cep ·e y 'th" e . S't' . '. Ej"'b Iza et"11 and . chairman in charge of en'W· '.', O· 'ld t tl' _, . '_ omen s· UI , a . len' I'list tertainmcllt; Manuel. Almeida, . 't' I Id '. . ." . ' catering set'vice'; Miss Eileen mee mg le m the 'pansl~ -hall, Florio, decorating. . under the direction of Miss Rose' The tic!;:ct committee includes': Ml'IChado.. Mrs. Albert Carreiro. Miss Elizia Mrs. Mary Faria was chosen to Dias, Mrs..Encarnacao· Angelo, head' the tea and - reception for' Antone Mathews, Antone Freitas. new members, scheduled for Sun­ Antone FelTeira, C h a I' Ie s F. day afternoon, .Oct. 6 from 2 to Judge, Edward Souza and Georg'e 5 in the church hal!. Mendonca. Plans are underway for a Hal­ Events for the next two months lowe'en Costi.lme Party to be held were announced and, completed on Saturqay night, Oct. 'Z6 with at a recent meeting of the Mount prizes to be awarded. Carmel Woman's Club. New Bed­ PRESIDENT MEETS NEW STONEHILL STUDENTS: Rev. James J. Sheehan, ford. Mrs. Mary Rego and Mrs. HOLY NAM"~. FAI,L RIVER Palmedlt Vasconcellos were se­ C.S.C. greets Freshmen (seated) Patricia Michael, 84 Oak Street, Middleboro, and The annual tea and' reception lected to head the cake sale, (standing) Carol~Ann Dugan, 162 McCloskey, Fall River, who is flanked by.Roger A. for new members of the parish slated next Sunday. A mystery Guild will be held in the parish Roy and his brothel', Albert I'ide is to be conducted on Satur­ ar., 65 Walker Street, Fall River, as.classes are resumed day, Oct. 26 with Miss Mary hall from 3 to' 5 Sunday after­ at the college in North Easton. Arruda and Mrs. Mary Rose in noon, Oct. 6. Miss Helen Crotty is chairman. charge. The Club will meet for its I~usi­ The committee includes Mrs. Thomas McGuire, Mrs. Walter ness meeting on the first Wed­ CLEVELAND mC) - He just And he is. still awaiting results nesday of the month and on the Pietruska and Mrs. Frank Plichta~ I Maintenance Supplie$

third Wednesday for club socials. can't stop winning prizes in the , of ,selection for the frozen food Mrs. Mary Rego is in charge of Offer Requiem Mass culinary arts. division competition. SWEEPERS - SOAPS

the membership drive. first prizes ,were given for His For Holy Union Nun That's what they're saying DISINFECTANTS

A discussion group is underway. excellence in baking crusty rolls, Rev. Wiiliam H. Harrington, about Marianist Brother Aloysius Swedish tea ring and kalache; Questionnaires have been distrib­ FIRE EXTINGUISHERS

uted to all members to ascertain pastor, was celebrant of a Solemn Hockendoner - of the Cathedral and in the cannIng division, for their preferences. High Mass of Requiem in Holy Latin School faculty here. And his red cherrIes, aspara,gus, pears I)ADII~I~ he . jllst can't resist entering The next meeting will be held . Name Church, Fall River, for contests-even though he may and/tomato' juice. 1186 Purchase Streeif

en Wenesday, Oct. 1. In the earlier Cuyahoga Coun­ Sister Margaret Joseph, S.U.S.C., be the oniy male contestant. NEW BEDFORD

ty Fair, Brother Hockendoner Who died at st. Martin's Convent ST. MARY'S CA'l'HlmRAL Brot'her Hockendoner came after a short illness. Rev. James home from the Ohio state Fair won 10 first and seven second }'ALL RIVElt WY 3-3786

F. McCarthy was deacon and with 18 ribbons. He competed prizes. A salad supper and a play en­ titled "Seven Nuns'From Las Ve- Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, subdea':' . against I,ZOO women culinary con. artists. Seven of hisoribbuns were Sister Margaret Joseph was first prizes, two second, six third born in County Clare, Ireland, prizes alld three fourth prizes. NEW HEATED the daughter of the htte Petei' and the late Brtgid Cleary. She entereQ the, congregation in ·Frp.nce· in 1890 and 'was sent to England after her profession in 189Z. She came to Sacred Hearts OPEN YEAR ROUND MAKES YOUR

Academy, Fall River, in 1896, where she spent the greater part CAR RUN BETTER

of her religious life .,' At New Car DeaDers She taught also at st. Mary's and Service Stations and Immaculate Conception, Eve:ywhere OSBORNE 2-726~ 11025 BLOSSOM RD., FALL RIVER Taunton. SlII'vivors include a sister, Mrs. Agnes O'Halloran, in Ireland; a -.--.--.---~-.-._mi niece, Sister Kevin, Daughter of D 8 Charity, and a nephew, Rev. An­ D thony Cleary. both of ltustralia. D D She was the sister of the late D nev, Anthony Cleary, O.F.M. and D D

the late Rev.' Gregory Cleary, D

The Only Catholic College in the Diocese oj Fall River O.F.M., both of Ireland. D


Just Can't Stop Winning Prizes

._.-------, BARD'AHL




• ANI!) 8




: Qi D D



n .. rnN

::2 .(INUS -


Normand's ~~~~~

2110 ANhlcy nih'''. 111 ~"hlcy nII,·a. -


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291 High St.-Fa Ii River ~ OSborne 9-6493 ~





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Rt. Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, pastor of St. An­ thony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, is Diocesan chap­ lain and director of the scholarship fund of,L'Uriion Saint Jean Baptiste d'Ame­ rique, a fraternal benefit so­ ciety for American Catholics of French or French-Cana­ dian ancestry. Msgr. Berube, Officialis of the Diocesan Tribunal, attended the re­ cent pilgr'im,age.to the Shrine. of Our Lady of La­ Salette at Attleboro with a large '.' group' . of " L'Union: memlJal's· fro'm the Diocese.








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Rev. lHOM~5 DUFFY, C.S.C· Director oj Building Fund Stonehfll College NORTH EASTON, MASSACHUSETTS . PHONE.. "CEdar 8·2221 Mewed t .,) iM'$"IiII••· ' "




At Our House

HyaCinth Circle New Bedford - Plans Activities fot'Season




Ch~ldhood ,Home'

Fascinating Experience By. Mary Tinley Daly . If your family is in your n~tive town ••• If you live within short driving dist~nce Of your child­

hood' home' ... If you have time and money for frequent all-family' trips ... the' family graves, soo\1e Then, you'll hardly un­ ing sunny afternoon we went to the derstand the experience we cemetery. There was the large had of visiting "back home" Tinley stone .and the various with 19 year old Markie and 11 headstones around it. The. quiet, year old Ginny, neither of whom grassy plot was so famlliar to had been there "", ,.,. , "., Margaret and me that we simply re-read the beloved names and since they were the dates that go back a century tots. The transi­ and more. "Hm-m," Markie whispered.

tion to the mid~ "There they are. Greatgrand­ we s t was an

father Mathew Tinley; spelled

eye-opener. The

with just one T like Uncle Mat's girls had antici­

lENTERS NOVITIATE: pated a TV pic­ and Bob's Mat and our brother Tommy's middle name . , . and Miss Simone Caron, daugh­ tured wild and Greatgrimdmother Rose, and the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ca­ complete with

the fathers and mothers of all woo!y west, ron, 29 Mlitdi.son Street, the cousins I know now ..." cowboys. Indi­ w'e knelt· and said a prayer. Somerset, a 1957 graduate ans, vast· prai­ Soon we left for. our own home of Jesus-Mary Academy, ries and brand­ ed cattle in the old corral. They' and once more became involved . Fall River, has entered the were not prepared for the Grant with the small doings of 1957 ­ provincial doings in a metropoli­ Wood scenery, scientifically tend­ Novitiate of the Religious of ed falms, the camaraderie of a tan atmosphere-where our chil­ JeSUS-Mary, Hyattsville, Md. town where everybody knows dren live' far, geographically, from the family roots. everybody else - and the multi­ If your family· is not in your tude of relatives! , . . "Yikes!" Markie sighed after native town, we'd' highly _re'com­ the 'first family gat her i n g • mend that you go back for visits "They're swell but I'll never live -even if you have to do it in long enough to get 'em all sorted "takes" as we say in the news­ -,The lOth annual acquaintance out. Bea, for instance, the I1ttle paper business-~ few of you at sweet voiced one? Yom' first a time. tea for' parents and friends of For a sense of family is a cousin and my second? Eliza­ Stonehill College students WQS beth's sister, and Pat's? And Pat's mighty precious thing. held Sunday' in the college adthe lawyer?" . ministration building. The ~tea Meet Relatives .' was sponsored by the Cl?lh!ge "Pat's the lawyer," we ex­ Guild with Mrs. W. Leo Welch of

plained, "and Bea's sis t e l' • Whitman, President as-chairman. They're the John Tinleys' daugh­ Participating in the reception Newly elected offfced; greeted ters, and Gertrude - the one were Rev. Jam,es J. Sheehan•• with the big brown eyes - is old and new membei's of Norton C.S,S.. president of the college; their other sister. Elizabeth," we Catholic Women's' Club 'Monday Rev. Thomas C. Duffy, C.S.C., went on. "is one of the George night in the Country Play School. . director of the college develop­ A pot luck supper wa:s followed Tinley's and she's the mother of ment fund and .Chaplain of the by Ii. business meeting, entertain­ Jane, Sue and Connie Coad." Guild. Rev. George S. DePrizio, ment, and a fOl'um on. "What Markie clasped her red head C.S.C.. North Dartmouth, provin­ in her two hands and rocked it You Should' Know':A:bout . the cial of the Congregation of Holy Law," conducted by Attys. John from side to side like a punch­ Pollis of Norton and Edward Lee Cross, was guest speake~·. drunk fighter. "I'll never un­ Assisting Mrs. Welch were the of Attleboro. scramble 'em," she muttered. following committee: Miss Mar­ Officers are Mrs. Gerald Ber­ Obviously, our years of talk garet Murphy, North Easton, first about family and showing of nier, p'resident; Mrs; Homer Sim­ mons, vice president; Mrs. Robert vice president·; Miss FranceS photographs had made littie im­ Dineen, North Easton, second pression. Until uncles, aunts and Charron, recording secretary; vice president; Mrs.. Daniel S.· Mrs. John Pollis, corresponding cousins of all ages and degrees of secretary, and Miss Dorothy Redgate, Brockton, treasurer; kinship "come alive" as real peo­ Mrs. Leonard M. Walsh, Tauntori, ple, they are lumped in children's Mondor, treasurer, Mrs." Harry recording secretary; Miss Grace minds as a misty conglomeration Borden is progra,hchairman. E. Dillon, Stoughton, financial of "Pop's people" or "Mom's secretary; Miss Marguerite Car­ folks." In th~s case, without any ter, co,:responding secretary. conscious effort, the "unscram­ Guild Directors include Miss bling" process took only a day Louise Connelly and Miss Eileen or so. HenchY, both of Taunton; Miss :'If you don't mind," Markie Most Rev. James L. Connolly. Josephine H. Dineen, Mrs. Ed­ said on our third d~Y, while my Bishop of Fall River, will be guest ward Tracy, North Easton, and sister Margaret and I sat on the speaker at the first Fall meeting Mrs. PaulJ. Fountain, Raynham porch, "I'd like to drive Aunt of the Catholic' Women's Club of Center. ,; Margaret's car to See Aunt Lu North A t tIe b 0 I' 0, scheduled _The reception committee in­ and Cousin Winifred, drop in on Thursday night, Oct. 10 at 7:30 cluded Mrs. Francis D. Mone of Aunt Aurelia and stop by to s.ee in the Lafayette House, Foxboro. Taunton, the Misses Mary and ·Jean and Emmet's children." President, Mrs. HelenMullen will Nora. Lyons, North Easton. Pour­ The days passed too quickly, preside. . ers included Mrs. Edward J. with Margaret spoiling the three On Thursday .afternoon, Oct. Tracy, North Easton; Mrs. A. J. of us completely. There were ex­ 17 at 2 in the Hotel Hixon, North Guilmette, Fall River and Mrs. cursions to points of interest in Attleboro, the club will be host to James B. Lanagan, Fairhaven. the nearby Dakotas and Nebras­ The Lincoln Circle of the Blind ka, a rodeo where the girls had 'a . with Mrs.Ruth Chabot directing. taste of the real west with the bronco busting, bareback riding Busy Fellow" and change for their money given' DURYEA (NC)- Father Jos­ in well-worn silver dollars. Every day, Margaret had a plan and eph R. Lucas. a native .of this then an altel'nate plan or two Pennsylvana tOwn, has passed the Ohio State bar examinat1on~ Fa­ for our pleasure. Somewhat to Margaret's and ther'Lucas found time to become my surprise, the girls wanted to an attorney':'at-Iaw in between teaching philosophy at Youngs­ see the school all of us had at­ tended as children and to meet town (Ohio) University and some of .the oldsters who had ethics at St. Elizabeth's Hospi.tal ~EW known us then. We had thought SChool of Nursing. and' acting as they might be bored but they advisor to the Catholic Daughters The, weren't. Frankly, the experience of America in Youngstown. was, for me, like stepping bac~ into half-forgotten personal his­ tory. I couldn't remember the de­ tails of that visit to Colorado the Ao.pRABSER _' of New Bedford Mass.

summer when I was eight. but ""'.. Main Office

the now elderly nurse who had IiEAR. ES1AU accompanied us giwe such a vivid 0 . lUlnioll1l <lind IPle<llsoDlli St5. account of it that the girls 81DINISIIJlIliANCIE /MortRo mnd Branch most re-livecf1t. 136 CORNELL SY. ~ 200 Acushne9 Ave. Villit Cemetery NEW BEDFORp Member lFedera) lIleposit

Certainly no "bac~ home" trip ~.57162 ][Jlfl~r,anee., c.,r.:P9r atl0R:l. .

Would t>e complete .WiOfub~~~D l"_l_i!i4,._~_~~~,_ *1HH~~-_......u '" '"

Stonehill C<?llege .Conducts Tea-'

Forum Highlights. Norton .Meet~ng

Ordinary; to Talk. At No. Attleboro

New members were accepted by the Daughters of Isabella, Hya­ cinth Circle, New Bedford,. at the -first monthly-meeting of the Fall season. Miss Alice Miller, Regent. presided. Miss Lydia Pacheco submitted the treasurer's quar­ terly report which was accepted. Miss JeAnne Raynard, 'direct­ ing the social slated for Tuesday. Sept, 24 at Moose Hall, will take members and guests on all ad­ venture trip to the Grand Can­ yon, Nava.jo County, and Mt. Rushmore. The program will feature a color slide entitled "This is My Country." . The annual cake sale will be' held on Saturday. Sept. 28 in the Star Store.

Mrs. Lydia' HemmingwAY an­ nounces that the Surgical Dress­ ing Group will. ~'esume in early October. An appeal is being made for blankets and materials, which can be used for -- this worthy project. Mrs. Minnie Quinn reported tpat the mission group has sent clothing to the Dalton, Ga. Mis­ sion. An appeal is made for used clothing.. A "Fashion-O-Rama," will be presented by Simmone Rousseau on 'Tuesday. Oct. 15 in the ball­ room of the New Bedford Hotel. under the direction of Miss Mary Burns. The Catholic Action Group will resume meetings i n October.

Fo'undress of Incurable Canc'er Hospital Marks l02nd Birthday NEW YORK (NC)-A woman who has devoted 57 years of her life to the service of incurable cancel' pa"tients will m~rk her 102nd birthday here in a hospital which she founded in 1915. She is Mrs. Catherine McPar­ lan, foundress and administrator of the House of Calvary home and hospital for cancerous poor. Mrs. McParlan's career In the welfare field began after the death of both her husband and. her only child, a five year old daughter in the same year. She gave herself and her world­ ly goods to the Women of Cal­ vary, a then newly launched as­ sociation of. Catholic widows es­ tablished in 1894· by Mrs. Anne Blount Storrs, a convert. Mrs. McParlan became one' of the first 12 Women of Calvary of the New, York Archdiocese. a' group which devoted their lives to the care of cancerous poor. She is the sole survivor of the . original 12 women. THe death of Mrs. Storrs in 1906 left Mrs. McParlan to real­ ize almost single-handed their long planned dream of a cancer hospital. She succeeded in estab­ lishing it at its present site In 1915. Under -Mrs. McParlan's 'ad­ ministration a new wing was added in 1924 and another in 1932. On her 98th birthday His Emi-

nence Francis 'Cardinal Spell­ man, Archbishop of .New York. announced that a new $500,000 wing to the institution would be named the Catherine McParlall Pavilion in her honor and Pope Pius XII bestowed on her the papal honor "Pro Ecclesia et . Pontiflce" (For the Church and the Pope) for her outstanding ,service to the Church. The House of Calvary is one of the 20 general and special hos­ pitals 111' the archdiocese coordi­ nated under New York Catholic Charities.

No. Attleboro. D of I To Hold Installation The Daughters of Isabella, Benedict Circle of North Attle­

boro will conduct a formal initia­ tion for members at 8 next Mon­ day night. in Sacred Heart Hall. Mrs. Gertrude Stanton. chair­ man, will be assisted by all the officers. Miss Corinne Riley. soloist, will entertain, accompanied by Mrs. Lena Mustillo as pianist. Both are members of the Alcazaba. Circle. Attleboro. Miss Catherine Thayer of New Haven, Co,~n.. will confer the third degree on the members. Following the ceremonies e. buffet luncheon will be served.





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~@~Dc, ..TV Ro!es $M[p'b}l)[r~~$

[QJ®[f[)D4U~$ ~(OJ~l S V~~~@~o~Dfry

By William H.


Now it is Dennis Day who yearns to play'an off-beat character. "Say a psychopathic murderer in a Hitchcock~" type mystery-di'ama," he' tQld me. "Perhaps he sings sweet Irish ballads while his victim drowns in the bathtub" , I mused, "then having- collected the insurance he Vegas whel'e a: performer of his charms and marries an­ ci.lliber can collect up to 50 grand other, until the police dis­ a week, makes only this differ­


ence. Dennis Day in his private capacity as Owen Patrick Mc­ Nulty has a nice home in Man. deville Canyon near the blue Pa­ cific. And he and his wife Peggy well know, six healthy, hungry children have come to live there since Dennis and Peggy were married at San Juan Capistrailo Mission, Jan. 29, 1940. There are Patrick ("Paddy"), Dennis.Mi'" chael, Mary Margaret, Eileen and Paul, say the beginnings of a nice, Catholic family. Poppa Dennis carries them "piggy­ back'~ with less decorum than he marshals them to Mass at theiL' parish church of Corpus Christl, or the nearer St. Martin de Tours. but they speak even more eloquently for his Catholicity than the modestly borne honors of Knight Commander of t'he Holy Sepulcher, Knight of Malta and honorary Doctory of Laws of HONORED FOR- MUSIC:, Portland University, which his ­ service to the F9,ith has brought Flori Peeters, noted Bel­ him. gian organist and composer, Trade Tricks ",kisses the dng of Archbish­ We all know about the stupid, double-baiting theater habit of ~P Gerald T. Bergan of playing together a good, family Omaha, as he receives the picture with a highly objection': sixth Boys Town Medal of able one. ' -St. Cecilia for'his contribu­ The latest theater dodge is to lump together two features of tions to the field of liturgi­ similar theme; for example, I cal music. A new Mass by "Band Clf Angels" or "Island In Mr. Peeters, in honor of St. the Sun" with "Something of John Baptist, was given its Value", all of on the color prob­ world premiere at a Pontifi­ lem.

"No Time to Be Young" and .cal Mass celebrated by the

"The Young Don't Cry," both Archbishop. NC Photo. juvenile behavior stories. form another current double bill. Some Executive Secretary and the people tell me after they get out amiable and able Father Paul of the show they cannot recount Hayes as its Assistl;l.llt Executive one film from the other. Secretary, has achieved much in A few theater managers ·in checking the moral down-grade­ family neighborhoods had' the of movies through post-war and good sense .to replay Disney's cold war exigencies, its "Forward "Bambi" with Johnny Tremain" Look" as a vital, national organ­ or "Gun Glory", all being family­ ization can but be sharpened in rated, Others stupidly showed the focus by the appointment of a deer picture with dear Elvis' Jesuit and Theologian of Fa­ "Loving-You," 'a B-rated "bust," thel' Sullivan's eminence and ·ex­ Anxious to get laughs with theil' perience. ads if not their programs, some theater managers are coupling features like "The Amazing Co­ lossal Man" and "The Incredible Shrinking Man". In one, H-bomb fall-out makes a man a giant; in the other he shrinks to ant-size! C~MPANY Advertised together for sheer comedy effect are "Love in the . Afternoon" and "Footsteps In the Dark"and, get· this one, "Tea­ house of bhe August Moon"­ "Off Limits"!

If, instead of playing games

~South e, Sea Sts. with the public, theater owners would pair up two well contrasted Hyannis Tel. HY 81 features..pf acceptable, family ap­

peal, they would build more en­

durable business, not only where

catholfcs are numel,'ous, but in NEW BEDFORD

almost every decent family com­ Storage Warehouse Co. munity in America. But just try to convince them! WY 3-1101 Legion. Gains a Jesuit WY 3-9951 The appointment of the Rev. Patrick J .. Sullivan, S,;].,. S:T.D.• as Assistant Executive Secretary of the National Legion of Decen~ cy, may not, as some people in . Hollywood construe, "indicate a shake-up' at the Legion's New York Heaciquarters." In .making this appointment, however, the Episcopal Commit-. tee on Motion Pictures, of which Bishop WilliamA. Scully of Al­ bany is Chairman, pays gracious and timely recognition to what ~;n theologians call "the non-rigor­ JlIJJED istic school of thought" regard­ I VU LINES, Inc. Likes Live Audience ing movie morals and how to go Dennis Day says he gets great­ about improving them. And now ~.I '" U.S. K~.~.I ilI~•.!!-' IoYtot~1b el' pleasure before a live audi­ TV? ' FURN·ITURE DEPT: ence. Whethel' this Is to aid While the Leg'ion, With, ,~sgr. " , ij9 lEAN ST.. . , 'NIEW IBEDFORD SOlll~ Catholic benefit Ot' at Las Thomas F. Little. S.T.D.. as, 4tll' I ~ , . · .. " .. z....... o,.. . . . .- . . . . . . n cover the POol' fellow is off his rocker. If he'd been grateful to God for his tal­ ents instead of falling prey to money - mad­ ness, he might have found con­ tentment in this life and happi­ n e s s In the next". Some call this sort of thing "writing straight with crooked lines". Others insi~t it is crook­ ed all right but has no other line. Our jest is on the grim side but I can see Dennis Day is seri­ ous enough if he can find a movie 01' TV producer to back him. Not, you understand, In anything sor­ did 01' sensational for the sheer sake of shocking people, but .something to take him along with the sharper realism in many of our bjgger movies and TV dramas. This trend threatens to leave in the backwash. performers who stick to purely escapist stories and characterizations. Good, con­ scientious Catholic entertainers are not exempt because, one way 01' another they prefer their shows to be exemplary. Nor, per­ haps, Is there anything patently' exemplary about plays that simp­ ly side-step the unpleasant facts of human experience. This was, Ann Blyth's point when she ac­ cepted "The Helen Morgan Story", which; incidentally, gets Legion of Decency approval for adults. Maybe, like flu, the idea is going around families. "Dumb Bunny" Ann's brother-in-law, Dennis Day, made his first big personal hit as Jack Benny's "dumb-bun­ ny" partner back in 1939. Ex­ cept for. a two-yea I' , "vacation" with Uncle Sam's navy, he has been more or less stuck with the cluck ever since, Even when ·he started his own weekly TV show, his sponsors urged him to keep alive the main traits of Benny's straight-faced funny-man. His versatility as comedian and mimic. like the charming Irish· tenor, must re­ main subservient. The same kind of carbon-copy thinking also forced his show in­ toa competitive slot opposite "I Love Lucy". This is the way TV nctworks make or break good programs and gifted people. The Dennis Day Show ran up a rat­ ing of 30 or over and, who knows, may have sold more product than some r·ating 40. But TV sponsors book playing time on estimates of the people watching the pro­ gram, not on those buying the product. So it was "beat Lucy or get lost". Dennis put his series on films and owns them. When, In the near future, these are syndicat­ ed for widespread, local replays, they may do him more good than they did while he was working himself dizzy on a weekly net­ work basis. Meanwhile he is not idling. He is shortly at the Shamrock, Hous­ ton, Texas, then goes to Blin­ strub's, Boston, Oct. 21 and ,San Francisco's Fairmont through November. On Sept. 22 he re­ joins Jack Benny fOI' his sea­ son's kick-off over CBS-TV; on Oct. 5 he guest-stars with Gisele McKenzie over NBC-TV and a long list of othel' TV spots and personal appearances is shaping.


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Weekly Calendar

Of Feast D~ys


Published Weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Ri'yer . 410 Hi/:hland Ayenue Fall Riyer, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 • PUBLISHER Most Rey. lames L., Connolly, D.D., Ph.D. CENERAL MANACER ASST. CENERAL MANACER Rey. Daniel Ll'. Shalloo, M.A. ' Rey. lohn P. Driscoll MANACINC EDITOR

Attorney HUllh ,. 'Colden

Decision in Arkansas The dispute now going on over mtegTatio~ in :the State of Arkansas has constitutional and -moral implica­ tions. From a constitutional point of view, it raises the ques­ tion of the dual nature of our government-state author­ ity and federal authority and the provinces of· both. The very progress inherent in ademocratic form of government ­ demands the constant application of principles to con­ crete situations to determine right courses of action. We are confident that in the calm atmosphere oUegality the issue wiWbe determined. The moral implication ,is less diffiCult. The answer to the problem is Obvious, however difficult it may be to follow out. 'Thou shalt love the Lord 'thy God wi,th thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, an~ with they whole strength, and with thy whole mind; And. thy neighbor as Sage and Sand thyself." -'l.

Latest Encyclical .

THI ANCHOR­ ,",urs., Sept. 19, 1957

Abstrot;t Freedom" Lacks Substance 'arid· Meaning

The Holy Father's latest encyclical, his fwenty-secpnd to be known as Miranda Prorsus (the remarkable'inven­ By l\iost Rev.' Robert J; Dwyer, D.D. tions), is a significant one and will be a controversial .Bishop oJ, Reno document. "An infallible way of conciliating a tiger is to allow It is significant in that it calls upon the Bishops of, oneself to be devoured.'.' the world "not only to exercise a w~tchful care but also It is an apothegm ascribed to Tom Kettle, that bril­ to use positive action and authority" to combat undesir­ liant if erratic Irish patriot 'Who died in the first World able films and radio and television prografhs. The Pope instructs the Bishops to create natio1)al offices in allcoun­ War fighting, Britain's bat­ ically unsure of what it wants to

tries where they do not already exist to exercise over mov­ "tle under the illusion that it defend.

had something to do with ing pictUl'es and radio and television programs the same Freedom is the most precious kind of supervision as the Legion of Decency in this coun­ the fr~edom 'of small na­ thing in llfe. ~t is God's supreme gift to mankind, the faCUlty try exercises over films. tions. If he could see the smile which, beyond all 'dispute. ·sets The Holy Father is aware of what is going on in the now wreathing the face of the man apart from the animal cre­ world of art an.d entertainme1)t. He knows, as do we all, tiger he might give thanks for his ation. But it is at the same time that there are many things given out through the media untimely death. the faCUlty which is most readily _ of entertainment that can introduce error and harm into It is just short of a year since and constantly abused. In the the practices of Christian life. He knows:that art and en­ one small nation, Hungary by tradition of the West, the tradi­ name, dared to defy the tiger; tion most deeply affected by tertainment can never exist by themselves, divorced from The Hungarian pati-iots, like the Christianity. freedom has been their moral implications and effects. To say that they Irish before them, were suffer­ exalted as nowhere else in the can exist by themselves and apart from their effects upon ing from a variety of illusions, experience of the race. And by the morals of men is to be 'quite unrealistic or downright one of them being that the entire the same token it is In the West free world would immediately that It has been most abomin; stupid or deliberately evil-minded. ably abused. rally to their cause. Theil' sur­ The 1957 findings of thet'l'ational Association for Bet­ vivors (we, suppose there must Too Much Oratory ter Radio and Television (55 cents, 882 Victoria Avenue, have been some) .have had the i For freedom is not an end in Los Angeles 5), in a sui'vey of every television program. leisure to reflect en the bitter itself. It serves man no purpose beamed to children during the first week 'of May, found a . truth they learned as a result of to be free if he has nO idea what 20 pel' cent drop in f~re ll;cceptable t<? chil<;iren. This non­ their dar,jng, The truth is 'that freedom means or what it is to be, the free world is so busy concili­ used fol". It Is an instrument of profit group has been making these surveys for several ating the tiger that it doesn't destruction quite as much as a years, So the situation is going from bad to worse. seem to mind a bit that it is be­ means of salvation. The root The Holy Father realizes this; other sensible people ing devoured in the process, heresy of Western man in this It'is edifying to note that the 20th century is that he has tend­ concerned with the wholesomeness of public morals know United Nations is about to in­ this. It is time something \vas done about it. That is what troduce the formal debate on the ed to regard freedom as a pure abstraction, a thing eminently the Pope proposes. 'subject of censuring Russia for , ,The controversies will start to rage at any time now. what, she has done to Hungary. desirable in itself but entailing no obligations, whether individ­ There will be the' same old tired cries of witch-hunting Let the .trumpet 'sound through ual or collective. ' It is perhaps the Valley of Jehosephat, and let and censorship. 'A few will be raised by the Church-haters a result of too much oratory on­ ,dry bones rejoice! There will the theme, not enough stUdy of who will object to anything Catholic. More will be raised the be speeches on the proposition by those who cannot see that art and entertainment have before the house, and if the vot­ its nature as related to the na­ of man himself. and must have moral implications, since .they are aimed ing is right, Russia will be ad­ ture As im abstl'action, freedom in at human beings and ,influence human thought and ac­ ,ministered a sharp blow on the the West has been permitted to knuckles. One can hear- her cries deny its very c-xistence. We some­ tion. It is up to our Catholics to, point out.-the reasonable­ of anguish even now, her pro­ ness of this to thQse who cannot'see. Still other objections testations of outraged innocence. times talk as though Marxism will be that the Church has no right to set up standards of And really, after all this time, were some foreign import, some oriental, notion foisted on us by one wonders whether,it is worth bearded agents with thick ac­ good and evil. Well, if not the Church, who? . The Church would welcome and does welcome any while to create such a: furore over cents. The reality of Karl Marx toiling day after day in the Brit­ sincere group of Pt:otestants or Jews or any noOn-sectarian last year's spilt milk. Fumbling on Defensive ish Museum'is somewhat·discon­ group that will set up a standard moral of good ~nd evil in It is a strange business" the certing. It has been remarked films and radio and television. Such a groJlp and such a shape of, history in our time: If' often enough that Communism is standard we will accept and encourage in every way. we were to subscribe to' Marxist in a very true sense a Christian The radio and movie and television industries talk determinism it might make some ,heresy, simply be,cause its calcu­ a great deal about standards. We are wil!ing to concede sense,:- but as an essay in the:in­ lated inversion of values would their sincerity. But to be realistic, it must be admitted that terplay, of human freedom it is have been impossible if the val­ themselves had not been es­ at times their attitude betrays them. So often it seems not utterly baffling. Call it failure ues tablished in a previous tradition of nerve or failure of conviction, so much a matter of what is good but how much evil can, the sum of it is that the West has of freedom. be gotten across without protest. The standard is one of ' thrown away whatever advantage Empty Symbol \ the minimum and not very much beyond that. accrued from her victory and But'the point is that men are If a.show must be-to say the,least-in questionable finds herself now, hardly more not willing to live or die for an taste to be entertaining, then that is to claim that enjoy­ than a decade later, fumbling on abstraction. There may be rare defensive. The worst of it, exceptions to the principle, but able' entertainment cannot be decent. Or it is an indict­ the however, is not the position to it holds for' the overwhelming ment of the tastes of the public. In neither case can or which we are reduced; the worst, majority. Freedom as Clllied to ilhould decent people ,concur or be silent. patriotism, or to economic seIs that the free world is so trag­

TODAY - st. Januarius and Companions, Martyrs, died in th& persecution under Diocletian. H& ,was Bishop' of Benevento. Be. c:ause he and others were activ& 1n Visiting Christians in prison , and making cOnverts, they were exposed to wild beastS but were preserved from harm. Finally they were beheaded. Preserved in the Cathedral of Naples, the blood of the Saint, congealed in two vials now liquefies when brought near the martyr's head. TOMORROW - St. Eustace' and' Companions, Martyrs. St. Eustace was an officer in the Roman al'my under Trajan. Losing his honors and wealth be. cause of his conversion to Chris· t1anlty, he was later sought out by,the Emperor, placed in com· mand of troops and sent against the barbarians who had invaded the empire. Returning victorious, he was reunited with his wife and children, but when he still refused to sacrifice to the heath­ en gods the Emperor condemned him and his family tQ> death, SATURDAY - st. Matthew. Apostle-Evangelist. Also ,known as Levi, he was serving as a tax collector at Capharnauin when he became a follower of Christ. Little is known of him after the As·cension .. Opinion of most Is' that he remained for several years in Judea where he wrote his Gospel and later 'beca!l1e the Apostal of EthiopIa, where ac· counts of his martyrdom are ex· tanto His shrine Is in Salerno, Italy, where his relics were trans. ferred in the'10th century. SUNDAY - St. Thomas of Villanova. Bishop-Confessor, was al'\ Augustinian Friar of the 16th century. He became Archbishop of Valencia, Spain, was distin­ quished for his learning and piety, highly regarded for his eloquence and beloved for his aid to the poor. He died in Valencia • in 1555. MONDAY - St. Linus, Pope. Martyr. First successor of St. Peter as Pope, he governed the Church for 12 years, suffered martyrdom and was buried on Vatican Hill near St. Peter. It hl said that it was St. Linus who Insisted that women should never enter a Church with uncovered heads. TUESDAY-Our Lady of Ran. som, commemorating the foun. dation of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy at Barcelona in 1223, established for the release of captives from the infidel. The feast was extended to the unlver· sal Church in 1696. WEDNESDAY - St. Cleophas. Martyr, one of the two disciples to whom Christ appeared on the way to Emmaus on the first Easter Sunday. He is said to have been murdered for his Faith in the house where he entertained the risen Christ. curity, or to the revolt of the masses, or to "a religious princi­ ple, has substance' and meaning, . but without them it is the emp­ tiest of symbols. And precisely. what is the freedom which the West is called upon to defend at this hour? If thei'e were one clear Clnswer to that question, an answer echoing the aspirations 'of the entire free world, it would matter not a particle whether our backs were up against the" \'iall. But there is no one answer. There is babble. The Church has her answer, which is, basically, freedo(Il under God, with all that entails, but it is not the answer of the philosophers or of the economists or, above all, of the politicians. It is instructive to remember that babble comes from" Babel. How much of this will come out on the floor of the UN during the debate on Hungary? Probab­ ly not much. It is safer to dooR In abstractions, especially a year after the event.


THI ANCHOR­ Thurs.• Sept. 19. 1957

Books of the Hour

Pessimistic Cozzens Novel Artistic but Wearisome By Rev. D. Bernard Theall,

Red Tito Regam~ To Renew Fa~~t Over Catholic


LOS ANGELES (NC) Aft­ er a five-year lapse, com­ munist Yugoslavia, aCGord­ ing' 'toadvi<;es from 'Bel­

James Gould Cozzens' novel, By Love Possessed (Hal'­ cQurt Brace, $5) , is the September Book of tl\e Month Club selection, and an odds-on choice f~r an early place on the best-seller list, It is a· book of nearly 600 pages, though the chronological per i 0 d is only a few days. A series of. valley that had to be taken if the flashbacks into the lives and -war was to be won by the Allies. their destruction was a mili­ actions of some of the prin­ that tary necessity..

cipal characters accounts for the book's length. In the main. this book is the­ story of Arthur Winner, Jr.. a successful Pen n sylvania. lawyer and one of the most sol­ idly successful

Actually, there were foul' sep--­ arate battles fought around tho mountain on which the abbey stood (and stands again, having been rebuilt on a magnificent scale through International do­ natlons)-and the book descrlbeli' them and the men In them bl:ll­ lIantly. About the Allied gener­ als, Mr. Majdalany has strong convictions. General Clark Is the villain of hIs piece, for many town.. Winner '..,.. ;,,;'? reasons. The New Zealand Gen­ is twice - mar- 'c.,;'::

erals Freyberg and Kippenbergel1 l' led once to' '.'-. !.

might be called the heroes-but Hope. a wife o f '

there were many heroes during only a few

the Cassino battles. All in all, years, who dies .

in childbirth, and then to Claris­ this Is a far-above-average pic­ sa, his partner· during the hectic ture of a neglected aspect of \yorld War II. hours of the novel.

Coldly ethlcal-,-an exemplary good pagan-Winner has yet Government GlI"ClIR1lt$ skeletons In his own closet, which loan t~ C@Uege are brought forth as the main BALTIMORE (NC) - A new action of the novel. his defense dormitory building will be erected of an alleged rapist, progresses. An adulterous affair with the here by the College of Notre wife of a crippled friend is that Dame of Maryland with the aid part of his past which Winner of a $1,040,000 loan from a U. S. finds most difficult to bear. It government agency. becomes almost frightening when SIster Margaret Mal'Y, college president, announced she' re­ he learns. toward the end of the book, that another close friend ceived word from Congressman . and legal associate has for long. George H. Fallon of Maryland known of the affair. At about that the U. S. Government Com­ the same time Winner makes the munity Facilities AdminIstration, discovery that the crippled hilS­ H 0 u sin g and Home Finance band of his companion In adult­ Agency, has approved the loan. ery has been an embezzler. The building will consist of a , Life, in short. for' Arthur Win­ student residence hall and dining ner, Jr.• is one long series of rev­ room. It will be erected In the elations of the baseness 'of man centel' of the college's 51-acre (and woman)-but as the book_ wooded campus. The structure ends, he Is determined to go on wll1 provide sleeping quarters for living exactly that kind. of life. 150 students and a dining room and the future offers him no and kitchen to serve 400. Con­ hope. struction will be started this fall. Additional funds for the project Bltterl,y Anti-Catholic will be raised through a subscrip­ Partly because of the inexor­ ably pessimistic view that the tion campaign. central character takes of life, where there Is no redemption nor Charities to Receive

hope thereof, and· partly because of a savage bitterness the author U.S.SurplusFoods

WASHINGTON (NC) - The manifests toward Catholicism (the least lIka.ble characters In donation of surplus property un­ the book are parodies of Cathol­ der control of the U. S. Armed icism. and one of them offers an­ other chai'acter the opportunity Forces In overseas areas is now for numerous diatribes against a available to.education and health Institutions. completely mis-conceived Cath­ It has been announced' that a ollclsm), this book cannot be recent policy decision of the De­ recommended, partment of Defense, implement­ While It Is often of high level ed by regulations of the three in artistic quality one finds about armed services, makes the sur­ 1t, as about the novels of O'Hara, plus propel·ty available to "any Steinbeck, and FaUlkner, a wea­ non-government, charitable and l'lness arising lal'gely from Its nonprofit organization . . . of great length. One thinks. for ex­ the United States .'. . which ample. of how neatly and briefly operates health or educational Graham Greene could dispose of activities In a foreign country." an Arthur Winner. Jr., In about Father Frederick A. McGuire. half the number of pages. As a C. M., executive secretary of the piece of fictional sociology. too. Mission Secretariat, said this the book has S0111e worth-but It would be of great benefit to over­ is only one side of life. seas hospitals and institutions Bombing of Cassino that would Ordinarily be unable A war book of more than un­ to purchase much-needed sup­ usual Interest to the Catholic plies for taking care of the 111. l'eadel' Is Fred Majdalany's "The homeless and hungry. Battle of Cassino" (Houghton Mifflin, $4>. Many will still re­ Qlember the heated arguments that arose on both sides of the Atlantic about the justification for the destructive bombing. raids on the monastery, led by American Ail' Force planes. One thing MI'. Majdalany's ~ boole does, I think, Is to make f ,. JlOIlnU1l B. clear once for all the Inevltabll­ city o.C the decision mad~ by the Allied generals to order the bombing. The question, he em­ phasizes (this author fought In the battles he writes of) was really not that of the presence ([II' absence of Gel'man soldiers tn OS'!I'lEIVOII.!L1E the monastery-it was simply "I tnArden ~-6509 H ~hat the buildings occupied such llo commanding position over a . aw':i¥~·;;;:""i!lB~.·~'·.i6l:0@.m&T;;;;;m:nit,mm~

~l~~ \e~e~t~~ I': -',:(-,

SISTERS OF ST. J.OSEPH POSTULANTS: Left to right, Miss Doris Houle, Miss Pauline Brisson, Miss Pauline Boulay and Miss Claire Saulnier.

. Siste~$. of St. J@seph Postulants

Commence Study Qt. Fan River




Two residents' of the Fall River Diocese have been receiv~d as Postulants by the Sisters of St. Joseph at the Novitiate, 2501 South Main Stre-et, Fall River. Miss Pauline Brisson of St. Jean Baptiste Parish, Fall River. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Brisson of Crandall' Road, Tiverton, R. 1. An alumna of Jesus-Mary Academy, Miss Bris­ son was bookkeeper at the New­ port Finishing Corporation. Miss Claire Saulnier of St. Jos­ eph's, New Bedford, is a former, student of St. Anthony's High School. During the summer, she was employed as a typist at the Municipal Building of New Bed­ ford. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs, Emile'Saulnier of 173 Query Street, New Bedford. Miss Doris Houle, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurent Houle of 11 Walker Street, West Warwick, R. 1., was a parishioner of St. Jean Baptiste Church in that town. A graduate of West War­ wick High School, Miss Houle was engaged in the manufacturing of jewelry at Anson's Inc., West Warwick.' . Miss Pauline Boulay, wbo at­ tended Case High School, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ trand Boulay of 241 Locust Street, Swansea. A parishioner of St. Dominic's, - Swansea, Miss Boulay is the cousin of Reverend Mother Marie Madeleine, Su­ perior at St. Roch's Convent, Fall River. and the. grandniece of Sister Pauline Marie,' a teacher at St. Joseph's School, New­ Bedford. After bidding farewell to their parents and friends, the Aspir­ ants were introduced to Postu­ laney with 'the singing of the traditional hymn of consecration to OUI' Blessed 'Mother. All. foul' of the Postulants intend to de-


Cleared by British

The doctor was defended by Fat her Stephen Lackovlc of Lackawanna. N. - Y.. one-time private secretary to His Eml­ n blo h B' h rU IS Ilograp y.

nence Aloysius Cardinal Stepanic, Archbishop of Zagreb. He said: Of Convert Prelate

TRIVANDRUM. India (NC)- "Tlto's move to extradite Artu­ A biography of Archbishop Mar kovlc Is part of a worldwide com­ Ivanlos of Trivandrum has been munlst conspiracy against free issued here on the fourth annl­ people." The priest. saId that versary of the prelate's death. during the war years. under in­ The volume was published by structlons from Cardinal Stepl­ St. Mary's press here, one of the nac, he Intervened with Croatian many institutions founded by the authorities and "I found Dr. Archbishop, who died at the age Artukovlc always ready to save of 70. people, regardless of their re11­ Called India's Cardinal- New­ glon or race, who were persecuted man, Archbishop Ivanios was a for political reasons." In 1952, Federal Judge Peirson bishop in the Jacobite schismatic M. Hall here rejected Yugosla­ church of Kerala before his con­ version to the Catholic Church via's request for extradition. He - said the extradition was sought In 1930. That event marked the start on a 1902 treaty with the King­ of a reunion movement which so dom of Serbia, but he found no -far has brought about 80,000 Ja­ continuity between that kingdom cobites into the Catholic Church. and the present Tlto-ruled YugO­ They are members of the Syro- slavla. . When the communists took MalankaraRite, a new rite in the Catholic Church. In most of Its, over CrQatia In 1945, Dr. Ortu­ services it uses Malaylam, the kovic fled to _British-occupied language of Ke~ala. terrltOl:y and was cleared by - Archbishop Ivanios was suc­ army Intelligence officers. ceeded in 1950 by his auxiliary Archbishop Benedict Mar Grego­ rios, also a Jacobite convert. vote themselves to teachIng in th~ St. Joseph's Congregation,


Plan Biography LON DON (NC) - -Evelyp Waugh, the novelist, revealed here that Msgr. Ronald A. Knox made him his literary executor and that he is planning to write e. biography of the late Bible translator and writer.





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grade, has decided to appeal·to -the U. S. Supreme' Ceurt from a lower Federal C.ourt decision in Yugoslavia's extradition action against Dr. A-ridrija Artukovic. 57, Catholic Croat political re- , fugee. . The World" War II Minister of Interior in the wartime state of Croatia has long been sought on "mass murder" and "war crimes" .charges by the Red regime of Marshal Tito. Dr. Artukovic was arrested here in August. 1951. on an ex­ tradition request from the Yugo­ slav government. Among the charges made against him was having "murdered or ..caused to - be murdered" 22 persons, Includ­ ing the schismatic Archbishop Peter Zimonic .of Sarajevo. while serving in the Croatian cabinet.





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'If'he Family Clnnic,

Engagement ~ut M~y ~e' J!ly

THE ANCHO'R­ Thurs., Sept. 19, 1957






Pre$s Support Urged By Archbsshop


Rev. John lL. Thoma~, S. J. St. Louis UJniversity

CAPE TOWN (NC)-The Catholic press is "an im· portant instrument in the formation of sound public

, Is there ali ideal length for the engagement period? Rose and I have been engaged for one year, and we're not sure when' we'll be able to get married, We've been told that the Church discourages long engagements. What is considered to be a long en.' , t and what does a . volve special problems for one gagemen , partner or the other. couple do ~f conditions do / You ask what is to be done!f not permit marriage for,the I ~arriage s~ill remains impostime being? Before answering your questions it might be well to point out t hat the term engagement is used rather loosely in our country, At' one time it rep'resented an external rite and a formal promise to marry pronounced before witnesses such as the relatives or a representative of the Church. The Church has a formal engagement, or betrothal ceremony although changing so, cial conditions cause it to be used rather, infrequently. At present the formal rite usually consists in the giving of the engagement ring, and its wearing signifies that the couple have exchanged promises to marry. Strictly, speaking, the external rite is not necessary and Is sometimes ig­ nored. The essential point is that the couple have come to a defi­ nite agreement that they are to be married. Conditions IDiffer The Church has' no explicit; general position on length of engagement. The conditions as­ sociated with courtship and the entrance into marriage differ widely in various cultures so that ·clear-cut norms of universal ap­ plicability cannot be devised. Whenever rules pertaining to length of engagement are ad­ vanced, therefore, they have spe­ cific soc,ial situations in mind and must be interpreted accordin~ly. In general, religious leaders have two concerns in mind when for­ mu!ating such roles. First, they Wish to assure the ostability of marriage. Second, they wish to . guard against violations of cha.s-

SIble? If thIs is really the case, and yoti should make sure that It is, you had best try to deter.­ JJV.ne precisely when lnarriage will be possjble. If this can't be done after two years of engage­ ment, why continue the affair? If the date must be postpon!ld to a fairlY definite' time In the

future, then yoti must regulate your .present relationships ac­ cordingly. This requires sincerity and honesty with yourselves for you will need to keep your. feel­ ings under constant watch. In general, avoid frequent and pro-

longed physical' displays of af­ fection. After all, you may as well learn at once that !hey are only one way of showin~ love.

Sister -Mary Mercy to Address Fall River Mothers Organization

Bishop Deplores Going Steady,

Sister" Mary Mercy, R.S.M., librarian and teacher at Mount St. Mary Academy, Fall River, \vill be the guest sP~aker at the Fall meeting of the Qhris­ tian Mothers' Org~nization at St. Louis parish on Suriday, Oct. 6. The topic to be discussed will

be the role of parents and teach­ ers wor,kiI;g harmoniously t~­ gether for the betterment of the child. Sister's talk is entitled: "Parent-Teacher Teamwork.'~ Sister' Mary Mercy has been teaching in Fall River for' the past 10 years, the greater part of them spent at St. Mary's Cathe­ dral School. A member of the Catholic Library Association and the Massachusetts Drama Guild, Sister has taken an active part , in the activities of both of these ' organizations'. In the interest of library ,>jork, Sister Mary Mercy has spoken at the Catholic Book Fair in New Bedford which was sponsored by the League o'f Catholic Women._ She has also been a speaker at regional meetings of the Catholic Library Association. ' / Sister Mary Mercy is a gradu­ B.~d.,

Fad, of Youth

NEW ORLEANS (NC)-The teen-agel's practice of "going steady" was deplored by Arch­ bishop Joseph F. Rummel of New Orleans, iii a pastoral letter read In ,churches' of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. "In recent years,' 'he wrote, "there' has developed especially in co-educational high schools and even in -the upper grammar grades .of elementary schools the 'practice known as 'going steady' which consists in the exclusive association, companionship or friendship between a particular boy and particular girl. "On the way to and from school, on the playground, at school parties and in, picture showings and other social events they are constantly in each oth­ er's company almost to the com­ plete exclusion of others. This is a form of particular friendship which neither the school nor the parents should tolerate. It has Inherent in it the dangers of ex­ cessive sentimentality, morbid ,~~. . . emotionalism and temptation to For example, in a .society such sinful intimacy. .­ as our own wh~re young people Parental Supervision are expected to select their "From such 'steady compan­ future mates through the dating ionship' there result not infre­ flnd' courtship process, religious 'quently hasty and prematUl~e en­ leaders oppose hasty marriages. gagements and marriages which Only if they have associated for all too often end disastrously In some ,time can, future partners broken, family ties" divorce and ONE STOP learn s 0 met h i n g about each homeless children. Hence; we beg SHOPPING CENTER other's character and personali­ parents' :thd" school authorities ty. Since the engagement period jointly and with the cooperation • Television • Furniture normally represents thIS intimate of our priests to discourage, pre­ • Appliances • Grocery learning experience for the cou- . vent and put an end to this form pIe, 'religious leaders are uni­ 104 Allen St., New Bedford of school friendships." formly in favor of an engagement WYman 7-9354 Another field in which parents period. should work hand in hand with On the other hand, since this the school, Archbishop' Rummel tl-._.. -+ engagement period in v 0 I v e s continued, is the use of after strong emotional attachment, to-, school hours, which must be' su­ gether ~Jith more or less frequent· pervised by parents either 'in the and prolonged displays of affec­ home or In the neighborhood tion, it presents considerable playgrounds or, streets. t moraI" danger for the cQuple if And after dark' '''there is no t marriage is postponed for a long , place like home and no occupa­ JENNEY GASOLINE ~me. Obviously, the danger wlll tion better for at least,a couple depend on the temperament of of hours than the preparation of 11 ' ,383 ROCKDALE AVE"j ,NEW BEDFORD, j the couple, the frequency 'with lessons for the next day," the . which they associate, and' the Archbish~p said. . ' a_III1-"_III_"_"---'+ self-restraint which they exercise in showing affection. , Suggests One Year Hence the ideal length of en- . gagement cannot be defined as a ' mattel: of months or years. It should be long enough for the ALL TYPES couple to become thoroughly ac­ "flnest since J 877" quainted. Under normal circum­ SALES & SERVICE stances, one year should suffice Same ~ay service for this. It should .not be unduly if desired!! '

prolonged since sexually mature' partners normally find it difficult . ·WY 3 m 5528. 44 Whitmall1l St.

to restrain their impulses under . 6 CAM'PSUL ST. New Bedford' conditions of continued intimacy. NEW BEDfORD WX 3-4136 Thus, an engagement of two years or more would normally in-. 11.._ _..,;, ...11 8Ui1iJCZlW.~rc:;De@~Gl


ate of Holy Family Higl} School, New Bedford. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Education degree from Catholic Teachers College, Providence, and matricu­ lated at Salve Regina' College, Newport. At present she is a candidat§ for a degree in Library Science. '

B~shop' 30 Years YOUNGSTOWN (NC) - More than 1,000 persons were. in, at­ tendance as Bishop Emmet M. Walsh of YOUngstown marked the 30th anniversary of his con­ secration by laying the corner­ stone of the new St. Columba Cathedral.


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•• -

. Second! Grant NIAGARA UNIVERSITY (NC) -Receipt of a $12,333. Federal grant to further psychiatric nurs­ ing in the Niagara University Collegt~ of Nursing, has been an:' nounced by Father Vincent T. Swords, C.M., university presj­ dent. , Awarded under provisions of the Mental Health Act, the grant is the second consecutive one for the college. Last year, a grant of $12.i 71 for the mental health and psychiatric nursing program was. received. '




opinion" and. deserves all the support the people can give it. In a special message for Cath· olic Press Month-observed in South Afi'ica in September­ Archbishop Owen McCann of Cape Town said that the Catho­ lic press provides a "valuable supplement to the preaching and hearing of the word of God." Archbishop McCann, who is, chairman of the Press Depart· ment of the South African Bish· oPs' Conference, stated:

"It also contributes greatly to the fosteJ:ing of a strong Catho­ lic life by the information it puts forth and by the stimulus its re­ porting of so mimy splendid achievements and examples of virtue proffers.

Press Guides . . "Further, the Catholic Press serves as an importimt· instru­ ment in the formation of sound public opinion, while at the same time it directs our people in a Christian approach, through the light of the p'rinciples of the Faith to the problems and ques­ tions of the day. "It' is to be noted with con­ cern that in the public press an unhealthy sensationalism is in many instances to be found; while literature that disregards Bnd undermines Christian moral­ ity has become more and more widespread in the country..

"Catholics know how to deal with' these dangers, but one of the chief means is the reading and support of. the Catholic press." . .







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Feast of La Saiette Today Continued From Pllge OM

Two hOUI'S passed. Suddenly they woke with a start. There in the ravine. only a few feet away. was a blazing circle of light. brighter than the sun. The chll­ dren were terribly frightened. "Hold onto that staff of yours," Maximin whispered to the girl, "and I will hold onto mine, and if that attempts to hurt us, I will give It a hard whack." How ' courageous we are at 11! Dazzling Light As the great light became even more dazzling, the children held their hands to their faces. Then there was a break in the shim­ mering globe, and the children could discern In It the figure of a woman. She was seated, bent forward. Her face was bowed In ller hands. Her elbows rested on her knees. She was weeping. Poor, simple Maximin guessed that this weeping mother must be a mother whose chi I d l' e n had struck her arid who had come to this lonely mountain to cry her heart out. The woman now arose. Her tear-stained face was the most beautiful that the chlldren had ever see·n. Her arms wer'e crossed upon her breast, upon which hung a crucifix suspended from a chain. The figure on the cross seemed afire. To the left of the crucifix was a hammer; to the right. a pail' of pliers, half-()pefl: the common tools that drove In and later removed the nails from the Saviour's frands on, Calvary. Then the woman spoke. "Come to me, my children," she said in a voice of sweet gentleness and

command. "Do not be afraid. I

am here to tell you something of

the greatest Importance."




19. 1951

Brooklyn B,ishcp

Americans are bouncing out of Grenoble on r»hat would havo passed for a 1929 Greyhound bus. Rec~pn~lJT)t Up and up it climbs into the WASHINGTON (NC)-Bisholil lofty Alps. White-haired giants . Bryan J. McEntegart of Brook­ are now springing up on every lyn, former rector of the CathoUo side. The tiny pass through the mountains winds, dips, climbs, ­ University of America, will re­ but above all, frightens. And ceive the 1957 Cardinal Gibbons when, three long hours later, the Medal given annually by the vintage bus finally chugs into the university's alumni association. town of Corps, some wag up for­ James F. Kenney of Bridgeport, ward gibes, "Fasten safety belts for a landing!" association president made the This tiny hamlet of Corps is announcement. Presentation of the last real contact with civiliza­ the medal will be made on Nov. 2. tion before reaching the moun­ The Cardinal Gibbons award has tain-top shrine. For, the village of LaSalette, a little above Corps, is been presented each year since nothing more thah a cluster of 1949 for "distinguished service to POOl' houses that one could easily the country, the Church or the Catholic University," overlook, even aboard a slow bus, between the opening and closing Bishop McEntegart was the WITH BROGUE AND FOUR R's: Four Irish Sisters. eighth rector of the university. of the mouth In a yawn. The shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette arriving in St. Louis, are welcomed by Auxiliary Bishop serving from November 19, 1953 to June 13. 1957. Under' hls ad­ is a half hour's ride above the Glennon P. Flavin, right, arid Father Robert J. Schwegel, ministration, a seven million dol:. town of LaSalette, and the steep, nuns will teach reading, writing,. 'rithmatic and left. The lar development program W88 l1arrow ascent is made on an relig'ion at Holy Infant padsh in Ballwin. At front are begun.

open-topped touring bus. . Sister Mary Xavier O'Donnell, Superior; Sister Mary Ber­

.'irst Apparition chams Digan, profil~; .and rear,. Sister ¥ary Gertrude Fr. Nacu Celebrate~

Then suddenly, the goal looms DUffy, and Sister Mary Bosco Daly. They are Sisters of Fint Si@~eml'il Ma5~

into view: a rugged stone church , .. a knot of weathered build­ Rev. Jose Riez Nacu, M,S" the

Mercy from Drogheda. Ireland, and have never been out­ ings . . . a mountain. And tho first Filipino to be ordained as III side of the Emerald Isle before. NC Photo. pilgrims remember with Q' thrill La Salette Father. has celebrated that this is the very spot whero his 'first solemn mass in Santiago, ,Medicine Examines Moderlrll Miracles Our Lady appeared to two ignor­ Philippines. NEW YORK (NC) Mode'rn The authors discuss the theory Father Nacu, one of 11 chil­ ant cowherders In the year 1846. medicine examines modern mira­ of miracles from the Cathollc dren, was ordained in St. Mary'lIl Seventy years before Fatima, 12 cles in a new volume written for point of view, and the attitude Cathedral by Bishop James L. before Lourdes, LaSalette was the the general reader by two distin­ first of Our Lady's three great the .Church assumea'with regard Connolly on Saturday, May 11 guished French physicians. last, modern apparitions. Intimately connected wit h to them in cases of canonization. The Missionaries of Our Lady During the past hundred years Case histories are presented and their subject. Dr. Francois Leu­ of LaSallette settled In the the Queen of Heaven has several ret, formerly of the..staff of the studied, and even some falso Philippine Islands In 1948. They times come to earth with a mes­ Medical Bureau at Lourdes, and cures are discussed. Various Eu­ now have charge of six parishes sage for us. But of all her appear­ Dr. Henri Bon, author of numer­ and four schools. all in the prov­ ances, three IHe outstanding: ropean shrines. are represented. Radiant Woman

ous medical works, present a F'atlma, Lourdes-and LaSalette. Their' fear melting like snow documented account of miracles They are, Our Lady of Lourdes, ince of Isabela. Of these, LaSalette alone is in the sunlight, the children scur­ and medicine in the 20th century. ;France; Our Lady of Fatima,

armor-clad m y s tel' y for most ried down the ravine to the beau­ under the title "Modern Miracu­ Portugal; Our Lady of Knock,

Catholics. tiful woman. She, in turn came lous Cures," Ireland; Our Lady of Pompeii,

All three of these apparitions forward to rneet them. Soon they

Italy; Our Lady of Loreto, Italy; have much in common. As a were enveloped In the globe of They bathed the eyes of a nearly Our Lady of Beauraing, Belgium, matter of fact, the message and llght. It was llke standing in the blind girl with the water from and some miracles associated warning communicated to the 'middle of the sun. The strarlge, this stream and she regained her with other holy persons.

world on each of these occasions radiant woman spoke again. "If sight instantly. Translated from the French.

NEW BEDFORD were practically identical. And in my people will not obey," she Miracles followed by the score. the 215-page book is pubIlshed each case Our Lady chose as her said, "I shall be compelled to and perhaps the greatest of these iii this country by Farrar, Straus Anthracite & Bitumilllll!!ltl.!Jo me sse n gel's individuals who loose my Son's arm. It is so was the complete repentance of and Cudahy, Inc., of New York. would seem, according to human heavy, so pressing that I can no the town of LaSalette. This was standards, to be the most ill­ longer restrain it. How long have a moral miracle. And so it came suited agents; boys and girls who, I suffered for you! If my Son 1s to pass that LaSalette believed; Automatic CoaB StlOlk<iilITO

if they lived next door to us, we not to cast you off, I am obllged the surrounding towns believed;

16lIg eoaB - We" would not send down the street to entreat Him without ceasing. the world believed. And this be­ Charcoal "Son, thy sins are with the groce,J.'y list, let alone But you take no least heed of lief the Church san c t ion e d

with God's, stern plan for the that. No matter how well you through the official pronounce­

forgiven thee." ~~, Ol~$ destruction of the world unless pray In the future. no rp.atter ment of the Bishop of Grenoble,

men repented. how well you act, 'You will never on Sept. 19, 1851, just five years

Mark 2:6 But God's ways are not our be able to make up to me what to the day of Our Lady's appari­ ways, And so it was that the I have endured in your behalf." tion. 'The concluding word s

Mother of God appeared to two . The children' then heard the of that pronouncement read,

uneducated, Impoverished chil­ . stern war n i n g of LaSalette, "Therefore, to demonstrate our

dren on this windswept, deserted "There wlll be great famine, chil­ JEWELED CROSS lively thanks to God and -to the

COMPANY outpost of humanity. The day dren under seven will be seized glorious Virgin Mary, we author­ 640 PlfEASAN'TI' ~'f 0 NO. ATTLEBORO, MA.SS. MANUfAcruuU Of was Sept. 19, 1846. The time was with palsy and die in the arms of ize the cult of Our Lady of LaWy ~m821TI~~$-® CRUCIFIXES ... ARTICLES 00 DEVOTION shortly after noon, those who nurse them. The rest Salette," ­ the will do penance because of JFl'aii and Untutored Mcssag'e JIs Simple

famine. The grownups will pay The message of LaSalette, like

The faint echoing of the angel­ us bell through the mountains for their sins by hunger .. ," And that of Fatima and Lourdes, is a

meant only one thing to'Maximin then a hope, a prophesy: "If the simple one: a sinful world has

Gil'll.ud and Melanie Calvat: it people are converted. the rocks run away from God. It has

was time to eat. The lI-year-old and stones will turn to heaps of dashed insanely into darkness.

boy knew as little about his Faith grain .. ," She asked the children Now at last it must come home

ATTLEBOROg MASS. as he did about reading, writing If they prayed . . . encouraged to the light of God's mercy. The

them ._ . again gave more threats hour is not too late to prevent

or even speaking the French

future scourges, future wars, 'fu­

language. Melanie, a frail. un­ If people did not obey.

A final command was given to ture destruction. It Is still not

tutored girl of 14, had been tend­

too late to win divine mercy by

ing cows since she W.L\S nine. the youngsters: "Well. my chil­ These two children had met five dren, you will make this known world-wide prayer and penance.

If the world will not listen to

davs before in the common proj­ to all my people," Then she was gone. And the poor: simple cow­ -its cancerous conscience, let it at ect of tending cows on the moun­ tain called LaSalette, But if the herders were once again alone least listen to the tears of its cows were contented. these two with the mountain, the dusk, the Mother. Mary. the Mediatrix of peasant children were not, They wind - and the sacred charge of , Grace, has been holding back the merely tolerated each other's "making this known to all my "chastising hand of God. How much longer can she do it?

company. And so, when they fin­ people," As Father John Kennedy wrote

River Flows, Freely ished their simple lunch and Thus. these two 1111 tel' ate so well in his excellent bopk about

stretched out for a nap in the hot mountain sun, Maximin was mountain children, living in one LaSallitte, "Light on the Moun­

tain :" "The mercifUl Mother of

thankful that this was his last of the most remote parts of Eu­ day of cowherding with this rope. were entrusted to pass 'on LaSalette wears on her breast the

strange, ,pensive Melanie. Tomol·· this message to the people. Me­ , image of Christ crucified'coTo one

row he· would go back to his" lanie and Maximin did their task side of it is a hammer. The ham­

mer, wielded by sin, drove in the

drm{ken father. Anything was 'as the Lady l·equired. They re­ lated accurately the complicated nails which fixed His hands and

better than this. And so the children, whlll had me'ssage both in the French they feet to the cross. To the other

been up before the sun. now lay did not understand and in their side of it is a pail' of pIlers. The

ofMo 17 <alit ~ u down, quite drowsy under its dialect. No threat, beating or pliers, wielded by contrite and

comforting l·ays. The spot they promise' could induce them to faithful love, can draw out the

nails. Let all whousel1 the ham­

chose for their nap was beside the restrict their message. The vil­ ]lDll'es.o.<&eQi ill>y bed of a dried-up stream. In an lagers at «Ince searched the high 'mer (and who is excepted?) now

instant they were dead to 'the, mountain top but there VIas not use the pliers,"

~ij§ E~(tE~~EN(Y JAM~$ (c(o~NO~~ 1O)j~o This Is the messrt,ge of LaSa­

world. At an altitude of 6.000 a bush that <could have affgrdeE1 it was given not only

lettc. And feet, sleep was at lil.lit "Imitting COIlCC!l:Jment, Instead. they dls­ lB~8/kt:pp @f !FuM ~if)err to[rether the ra,velcd sleeve oY. covcr.ed. that the river. jJed w:Jacre to tllC pcople of 'a maunta-ill vil­

$lE~M~l\( It\V' Ii'Hi$ [H~<CIEIi.£.EN«;V c@.).e" fol' two unh9,ppy ravelcd, , OUI: L9,ds' sat, always dry after lage in Francc-Jmt liG Lbe Vlllol,e

June, Vias now fl()w~ freely. world 'for eternIty. Uves'






19 .



S@lemnity @f the Feast @f . (())mlJr Lady of LaSaRette

§lUI!N[)AY SlEfllEMBIER 22





'New Bedford Priests Alert -.......

At Air

Cro~h ~@irc$tro!P'he By Rev. James ii. Clark St. Mary's Church, New Bedford

At five minutes past eleven on Sunday night, Father John Hayes and myself received a call to proceed imme­ diately to the scene of the airplane accident. ' Our arrival at the airport was considerably dell:lyed by the thousands of cars which blocked all access to dii·t road; 'Grad,ually the bodIes the area. The police finally of the deali 'were brought out and were able to guide us to the main building of the airport where we were directed to follow a State Police car to the end 'of the main runway. There we parked and, walked over a,dirt road for about a mile to the accident. There was a clearIng where, the rescue work­ ers were attempting to set up a center for operatIons. Lights had been brougHt in and the whole section ~vas illuminated all well as possible.

laid, by .the side of the, clearing to allow those who were still alive to get the first attention and evacuation. . All in Action

The police and fire departments of Nelv Bedford and surrounding towns, along with the Red Cross. Civil Defense. Civilian AIr Patrol, and the Salvation Army did ad· mirable worIs in organizing the movement of the injured from the plane to 'the ambulances. The' Ropes and Ladders Red Cross setup a' dispensary for We stoppeaat the beginning of . coffee for the men who had been the marsh where Father James' 'working at the scene.

It was necessary to chop a path Mendes of Immaculate Concep­ tion parish and' Father Edmond from the end of the road to the Francis of Our Lady of the As­ plane, and all hands available. sumption Parish were ready to including the clergy, were pressed anoint any bodies brought from into service, to break fences at'lli the plane. The rescuers found clear. the area. About 1: 36' it themselves waist-deep in the was reported that It wide sear«}l marsh and confronted bya wide was being made of the woods to stream separating them from the find the two bodies still unac­ plane. There were several caUs counted for. Several of those who for ropes and ladders which were' had been working for oyer three laid across the stream enabling hours now required medical at­ the firemen to get to the plane terition. The doctors at the scene itself. Shortly after midnight the were noteworthy for their cour· first bodies were brought out and' age and labors In attempting to they were given the last rites of ,reach and care. for the injured. the Chm:ch at the scene. Tpen Mayor Lawler was also thel;e to LAST RITES FOR AIR CRASH VICTIM: Rev. Edmund Francis, SS.CC., of Our they were put into, ambulances .heip direct the evacuation. 'Lady of Assumption Church, New Bedford, is shown at the upper left administering the Saved by Seats and laundry trucks which took last rites of the Catholic Church to one of the victims of Sunday night's New Bed· them to St. Luke's Hospital. The first ones brought from the plane To those of us there it seemed .ford air crash. A number of other diocesan clergy were at the scene to assist in ,the that the plane had cracked in rescue work as well as admjnister the last rites. seemed in remarkably good con­ dition with the exception that the center forming 'a "V." The .they were covered by blood and seats had rushed forward crush­ only now beginning to thin out; mud. Most of them were cOl}sci­ ing some and throwing others many stood by through the night· from the plane. The nose of the ous but dazed. plane was buried 1n the, ground to hear the latest reports. Priests on Scene and only those who saw 'the plane Fr. Leo Sullivan and Fr. Henry can begin to'imagine the impact Munroe fl:om Holy Name Church with which, it must have hit. Guard The Lives Of

A Delicious arrived at the scene an'd.managed Several of the 'bodies still had OIL BURNERS Our Children

- Treat to cross the marsh to get to those 'their safety belts on. a grues()me Also complete Boiler-Burner or who were still pinned under the witness to a ,terrible scene, Furnace Units. Efficient low cod DRIVE CAREFULLY plane. Several. other Fathers. When we arrived back at the heatin2. Burner and'fuel oil sales Father William Farland of' St. runway ·there was.a heavy con- , arid service. . Lawrence Churcil and Father centration of ambulimces and fire ~tan~ey (0., William McMahon of St. Kilian's engines prepared for any neces­ parish arrived and assisted in sity. As we drove from the airport . 480 Mt. PIll3sant Street .. Attleboro--South Attleboro comforting those who were being we noticed that the crowd was New Bedford I WY 3 -2667 takenf1'om the dIsaster. There were also sveral Franciscan alld Jesuit Fathers there. As each stretcher was lifted from the marsh, the bearers stopped long enough to allow the priest to g.iOMOGEN'ZED and

anoint them and. give them con­ PASTEURIZED

ditional absolution. The rescuers were seriously hindered by th'e ,

M&~k ~ (Cre<&M' remoteness of the spot and the fact that only one, ambulance at a time could proceed down the lnlual OUu<e~«:II 4.81] ~ .



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Fall River

Sayings Bank ~.~]

rNlO. MaulnJ

Next Door to flotel Mel/en

Mark Annive~sary

~f Consecration .

The late Most Rev. Daniel F.

Veehan. D.D., ·was consecrated

the second Bishop of the Diocese

(9)f FalI River, 50 years ago today.

Bishop Braven of Springfield

't\7as the consecrator. Bishop Har- _.

irlns of Providence and Bishop

Tierney were co - consecrators.

:Bishop Garrahan of Sioux City.

Iowa, a life-long friend of Bishop

Feehan, preached the sermon.

. Only two of the many diocesan

!priests who participated In the

«:eremony are living today. They

are the Rt. Rev. Timothy P.

FIRST'STATE UNIVERSITY SHRINE: A shrine to Sweeney, pastor of the Holy Our Lady, which will also serve as a chapel for the more Name Church, New Bedford, and Rev. Joseph P. Lyons. pastor of than 2,000 Catholic students, is being planned at the Uni­ St. Joseph's Church. FalI River. versity' of Texas. It is believed the first such .shrine at a

State University. Texas Catholic women, who have con­ tributed toward the project,' are now conducting a naColumbus Day Ball ti~nal subscription campaign. . . The Massachusetts Knights of

State K of C Plans

{:olumbus will culminate Its

{:harity Fund-Raising Campaign with Its Annual Charity BalI at the Sheraton Plaza, Boston. on {:olumbus Day. Saturday. Octo­ ber 12. Frank McDonough 'of Bos­ ton is chairman and Archbishop Richara J. Cushing, Honorary {:halrman. Councils throughout the state are participating in the raising of furids as alI contributions re­ lI:eived will be alIocated to the " dioceses in which they are 10­ «lated. Grand Knight Earl Mason heads the Webster Council Com­ mittee.

Religious Canst·ruction Costs Up WASHINGTON (NC) - The Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor here re­ ported that new starts in non­ residential religious construction . during July had a total value of $75 million. This compares with $67 million for July, 1956. Private hospital and institt'J.­ tional construction for the two periods showed a rise from $26 million to $41 million, while pri­ vate educational construction de­ clined from $48 million t9 $42 million

Name Nun President At Nashua College NASHUA (NC)-Sister Clarice de St. Marie has been named president of Rivier College here to succeed Sister Adelard Marie. now provincial counselor of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary. Before coming to the Rivier College faculty in 1940, she had taught in high school in Central Falls and at St. Maurice College in St. Hyacinth. Canada.


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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., ~ept. 19. 1951


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Public hospital and Institution­ al construction went up from $26 million to $29 million, while pub­ lic educational construction rose from $231 million to $249 million. Private educational construc­ tion In the first, seven months of this year dec.lined three per cent , as compared with the first seven months of 1956. Public educa­ tional construction In the same comparative period rose 10 per cent.

"Women Who Know" cook the modern way. E]ectricaUy l!J)f cmllJr'se! Yes, good COl!J)!k:s become better cooks wlluen they rely l!J)!l\ ;. dePelluJlab]e Eledric range f@r aCCIlBIl"ate, exact heats which ill1ls1llIre you

11 [




Joy of 'Sacrifi~e

, 112

nl:lJVlI., Sept, 19. 1957

God 'Love You,



Contlnuecll !From Page One

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. Pius XI once said: "The sun illumines successively the five con­ Linents of the world: the grace of God often does the same, If this ;)eso, grace is now making e. tour of Africa," Eleven countries of .\frica are more than 10% Catholic. 'Uganda had martyrs In the last century and is now 26 % Catholic. Kenya ,recently had thirty-four :,nartyrs who were' bl:utally "dismembered by the Mau Maus because 1 hey refused to give up their Faith. One AfrIcan schoolteacher was . :Jeheaded 'because she refused to bring in the head of her ~ister: a "lUn, and -renounce the Faith. Since those martyrdoms the prieses of "~enya are today avenaging 100 converts eacli pei· year. In the ~Jnited States our convert average is less than three pe~' .priest,' per ;·ear. Recently some priests from East Germany told of :their pel'se­ ::ution under the Communists and added:' "But we' are prosperous 'pirituallY. It is only the suffering Church

',hat grows.'~ Herein lies the lesson for us'in

,\merica:' God has spared the Church here

'rom persecution. Our greatest trial'llasbeen

'ntermittent waves of bigotry. But there must

:,e the cross if we are to grow spiritually. This

.cross need not come from the outsideOas it does

:n China, or Northern Viet Nam; but it must

,;ome from the inside-from om self-denial

nd sacrifices, our ca lTying the bmdens of

Jthers. . ,



, Our'Holy Father asks us to help him and all

t hat, the Catholics of the U. S. gave last year to

:lelp all his missions throughout the world

'vas the equivalent of a jJackage of cigarettes.

:(3 there a cross or a spirit of sacrifice in this? St. Paul says: "Those 'vho belPng to Christ have crucified natme with all its passions and :mpulses." Last week we received a letter from a couple who saved ';2,500. to take an ocean voyage. Then they decided to sacrfiice It :lY giving the money to the Holy Father's Society for the Propaga­ );ion, 'of the Faith. For thQse who have crucified themselves with Christ, there will ;)e eternal glory with Christ., Learn to make a sacrifice daily. The ::-Ioly Father receives yom gift when ,you give it to the Society for :,he Propagatio'n of the Faith, and he then distributes It to the world :n need. . ' GOD LOVE YOU to"'J.S. "Here is a very small $1 sacrifice alld a :)!:omise to try to make it a habit to remember the missions." ... to ·).1.S. "I was going to use this $5 to get some material for a skirt, but ;:'11 do without it." . . . to M.M.C. "I have tried very hard to save , his money for the missions-last \\'eek I did without butter so this $1 " yours." . . . to J.M. "This $9.50 which I'received for doing so.me extra \vork. Now I would lik~ ,it to do some work-for the missions."

completely modern kitchen 'and a large fully equipped library aro 'also included in the plans. ,Facill.tles for a complete ath­ letic program are also included In the plans. Bordering on the New Bedford-

r!:~ ~:':t';';~1:~!~ ;:i:1i ~: ; 'i;'~ : .;!1 ';i !l~! ! : ;~[:;i;f:l):')ili:

Fall River will be 0. :4 stadium for highway athletic contests. A convent buildin'g will also bEl erected. It will have facilities for ENTER NOViTIATE: Three -North Attleboro resl­ dents are now Postulari,ts'in the Holy Union Novitiate at 35 Sisters of Notre Dame De Na­ mur and the Sister Principal. Groton. Left to dght they are Miss Yolande Davignon, under whose direction the school Miss Lorraine Sirois and Miss Cecile ,Mercure. 'will' be opemted: It is contemplated and hoped Til'lllJ"ee fNI@IJ"il'1h ~lJ'iJ'~elb@lJ"@ W@mell'll IEIl'llfl'elT' «::@Il'll~e~il' that the construction of the en- ­ Continued From Page One Since graduation in 1956 she has tire new unit will be commenced was graduated In June from been employed by the American simultaneously. North Attleboro High School.' Mutual Insurance Company of Miss Sirois, daughter of Mr. Providence. 1N<aJil'olCl/l'll(!l!oii]' ClhlolTllese and Mrs: Gerard Sirois, 157 Orne After one 'year ,of Postulancy Street.. North Attleboro, Is a and two of NOVitiate, they will 1HI~@r"Alr<chbg$lhl@p graduate of St. Charles High be assigned, to the various comSOUTH ORANGE (NC) - Na­ School, Providence, conducted by munitles of Sacred Heart Prov­ tionalist Chinese students were the Religious of Jesus and Mary. Ince. to~d It is a more difficult chal­ lenge to live for one's Faith and country than to die Jor them. Father John F. Davis.made this The' Hohl Father approves the mlsslonary'o observation in his address before plea for help to build St. Thomas tho Apostlo the an'nual convention of the Chapel for his 450 people in Elavanpadom, In­ Chinese Catholic Students' So­ ciety comprised of Nationalist-, dia. As it Is near II large, new dam project, ho ,Chinese studying at universities expects many more to come to work on it or to on the eastern seaboa1"d. farm the reclaimed lands, Hill people bougb(J The students, heard talks by' the la~d and aro ailll gatherln8' their mites. Dr. Hollington K. Tong, Nation­ We'll need $2000 from outside to enable them alist Chinese Ambassador to the to complete It. Won't you help? U. S., and Archbishop Paul Yu Pin of Nanking, China, now living , YOUR WILL IS GOD'S WILL IF HE IS IN IT•. in New York. The prelate told the students

BABY'S BANK ACCOUNT that the ancient Chinese virtues

One young 'couple enrolled their new infant, "This III the Baby'a

find their fulfll1ment in the

Christian virtues which Christ

first $1 given for a 'bank account'," They're startlna hell' banII

left as the heritage of the, East

account with God first. Such MEMBERSHIP OFFERINGS are pre·

as well as the West.

cious help to our Holy Father to meet mission emergencies, .

Khllescope «)f W'~/p>(lJl~ar

TV ~ero~s A"<CIOB(QlIM~

The pmpose of the WORLDMISSION ROSARY with'its mult!­ ~olored beads, each decade representing. a different continent, Is to ':eep us aw-ake to the fact that the Chmch must embrace the whole ·,vorld. We have been commanded to make disciples' of ail men." .\s you pray this rosary, for whic,;h you sent a sacrifice-offering' of ;2, you will think of the different contillents that are being won for :]11l'ist by the very missionaries whom you help to support by your ',rayers and s-acrifices. Send yom request and offering to: Society "01' the Propagation of tne Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, , .few York or your Diocesan Director. '.


scopic recordings of the televl-.

slon series "Family U.S.A." are

now available to Catholic schools

and organizations, the film, li­

brary of the National Council of

Catholic Men has announced.

The series give an anlysis of Catholic' famil~lIfe, inclUding humorollS scenes and frequent 'Cut out this column. pin your sacrifice to It and mail It to the' dral)latlc touches. Interested ~/Iost Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director ot\The Society for the Catholic organizations can ob­ ~,'ropagation 01' the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y:, or tain -further information froni ::our DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 the National Council of Catho­ ~rol'th M'3.ln Street, Fall Rlv:-r, Mass. lic Men Film LiDrary, 1312 Mass­ achusetts Avenue, N.W., Wash­ ington 5, D. C. ' • Martin H. Work, NCCM execu­ tive director, said the film lItirary has' available for distribution' 1,000, prints of 70 movies, of which the "We Believe" series is the most popular. The series comprises 13 shows in which Father James J. McQuade ex­ plains the basic beliefs of Catho-' lIcs. ",'


e SEGUIN. iruck Body IflIJufttdlers,


Qffen friends are still surprised- when wo assure

them MASS OFFERINGS are a help. We can't empha­

size enough the dire poverty of our missionaries. Many

have no other ~upport. Some also help their works be­

sides. Thus, YOUl' gifts help your loved oneil for

whom Masses are', said, these poor priests and, of

course, yourself.



NICHOLAS, at the Greek College in Rome. and two 'JOSEPHS 1m

Le'banon are youths e!lger to enll$t In Chrlst·s army of native mis­

sionaries. Their destitute families can't help the semlnarie,g with

the yearly hiltlon ($100) needed for their keep dtirlnll' the Dix yearlJ

training, Can you help one with this yearly Bum?

WIHIAT TO DO ABOUT GlFl'S? Do you often wonder what to give 8 loved one, re­ lative or friend, religious or lay person. A "splt'Hual gift" has lasting effects. Our GIFT CARDS will gay; (l) you had' Mass said for them; OR (2) you enrolled thenl in the rich spiritual benefits of this Association; OR (3) In their name you gave Q sacred article to Q mission chapel.

JPOOR DEAR SISTERS SISTER MARY PRESTIllEENA Just began two years training with tho Adoration Sistera and SISTERS REGIS and SOPHIA with tho Carmelites In nndla. These. and. SISTER GENEVIEVE In [,ebanon, , beg help for the $150 It coats to ma.lntaln and educate one each . year, Can you "adopt" one? His parentlJ cannot help. You may Ilend It In any convenient p!lYDlentll.

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• DESKS THREE MILLIONTH G~RL SC,OUT: Going over the code of laws by which she promised to be a good Girl Scout is 12-year old JaniCe Brewer ,of Troop 782, St. LoUis, Mo. Janice, a seventh.:grader at Our Lady of Guadalupe School, st, Louis; won the distinction orbecoming the 3,OOO,OOOUl member when her Jegistration form VlfJ-S recorded e,t"tia-' tional Girl Scout h.e.adq,uexters in New Yorlc. ~G .Photo.·



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Pope Speaks on ·Moral Standardls Continllecll . From Page One Dc bodies. The letter addressed to the hierarchy of the whole world is the 39th of the present pontificate. It Is organized into

four principal ·parts: a sectlon em general instruCtions and one each devoted to motion pictures, Jradlo and television. Television is particularly un­ derscored, as a new medium, for its marvelous powers for good as well as, its great powers for cor­ ruption. . "This special power which te­ levision enjoys, of giving pleasure withi.l the family circle," says the Pope, "is reckoned of very great importance, since it can contribute a great deal to the religious life, the intellectual de­ velopment and the habit& of those who make up the family." For this reason, the Pontiff exhorts Catholics; particularly the clergy, to turn their atten­ tion to "this new art," and to give their full and active cooper­ ntion to the development of Its advantages. . Review Offices The encyclical, one of the longest issued by Pope Pius XII. calls on the .bishops to establish without delay national offices for motion pictures, radio and television in every country where they ·do not already exist. Such (lffices, the Pope says are to be entrusted to "men skilled in the . use °bf these arts," with a priest appointed by the bishops assist­ ing them as advisor. In this, the Pope echoed the caJl of Pius XI, in his 1936 en­ cyclical Vigilanti Cum, for . Catholic review offices for mo­ tion pictures in every nation. In that letter, the work of the Le­ gion of Decency, organized by the American Bishops on a na­ tionwide basis more than two years earlier, was explicitly praised. In the current encyclical. Pope Pius XII states: "We urge that in each country. th,~e offices dealing with motion pictures or radio or television should depend on one and the same committee, or at least act in close cooperation. At the same time, we urge the faithful, parti­ cularly those who are vigorous members of Catholic Action, to be suitably instructed 50 that they may perceive the need to gi\'e willingly to these offices their united and effective sup­ port. Hierarchy Instruction "And since there are a number ,(If questions on this subject not capable of ea.sy explanation and .Eolution in individual countries, it will certainly be very useful if the. national offices of each' country unite into an interna­ tional association to which this Holy See, after due considera­ t:!lln, will be able to give approv­ al. "

The faithful themselves, the Pope writes, should "fulfill the grave obligations o. acquainting tl'Jemselves with the decisions is­ sued by ecclesiastical authority on matters connected with mo­ tion pictures and· of faithful 'ly obeying them." In order that this be done, Pope Pius advises two things·: That bishops, if they deem it appropriate, set aside a special day each year for instructing the faithful on their duty, particu­ larly with regard to movies, and urge them to 'pray for proper orc: in that field. . That the decisiQ,lls and direc­ tives of the bishops be publishtd anti widely distributed along with a short commentary. !Eternal Salvation In his inti'oduction to the en­ cy :lical, the Pope states the Pl'O­ priety ·of' the Church's concern in the fields Ilf motion pictures, radio and television. First of all, the encyclical says, it is because of the great influence these "new fl/rms of art" exert on the man­ ner of thinking and acting of in­ dividual:" and of all groups of men. But most of all it is be­ cause "hers is tlle duty, and for l. much stronger reason than all

others can claim, of announcing fl message to 6very man: This is the message of eternal salva­ tion."

It adds:

"Unless the mounting develop­ ment of technical skill, applied to the diffusion of pictures, sounds and ideas, is subjected to the sweet yoke of the law of Christ, It can be the source of countless evils, which appear ·to be all the more sel'ious, because not only material forces but also the mind are unhappily enslaved, and men's inventions are, to that extent, deprived of those ad­ vatages which in the design of God's providence, ought to be their primary purpose." In words paralleling Vigilanti Cura's exhortation to the film industry "to create at least the flavor of undestanding among nations, social classes and races," and to "champion the cause of justice," Miranda Prorsus sets out these aims for the' three en­ tertainment media: Aiins for Media "Let them be at the service of truth in such a way that the bonds between peoples may be­ come yet closer; that they may have a more respectful under­ standing of each other; that they may assist each other in any crisis; that, finally, there may be a real cooperative effort be­ tween the state officials and the individual citizens." Pope Pius points out that the basic problem in l~gard to mov­ Ies, radio and TV is the fact that they are directed to' an unse­ lected, general audience-one in­ cluding vast throngs of men and women differing in age, way of life and culture. Especially in- respect to the home, the Pope writes: "It is wrong to introduce risk in any form into the sanctity of home surroundings; tile Church, therefore, as per right and duty demand, has always striven with all her force to prevent these sac" - j portals from suffering violence under any' pretext . . ." Sound Morals In the section treating on mo­ tion pictures, the Pontiff coun­ sels movie critics, theatre man­ agers, actors, producers and dir­ ectors to remember their dignity as human beings. They are re­ minded that as responsible and eXp'edenced artists they should know that they are not permitted to lend their talents or to sup­ ,port in any way the production of plays that are contrary to sound morals. He goes on to say: "But the heaviest responsibility -though for a different rea­ son-fails on the directors and producers ... who are influen­ tial by reason of their money or natural talent in the production of films. . "We therefore give a fatherly warning to Catholic film direct­ ors and producers, not to permit 'films to be made which al'e op­ posed to the Faith or Christian mc.rals, But if-which God for~ bid-this should happen, it is to be the duty of the bishops to admonish them, and if necessal'y, to impose appropriate sanctions." Listener's Obligation "Ecclesiastics are not per­ mL:ld," the encyclical adds, "to offer their cooperation to film directors without express con­ sent of their superiors since, ob­ viously, to give sound advice in this matter, special excellence in· the art and a more than ordinary trr.ining are essential, and a de­ ci . ;n on these CD mot be left to the whim of idividuals." In the section on radio, the fOI:e states that the first duty of· the radio listener is that of choosinr, carefully and dellber­ B.tely among the programs of­ fer: j. Radio programs' should be admitted into the home indis­ ~riminately no more. than per­ sons are invited indiscriminate!. . lccording to the Pon·tiff. The enyclical suggests thatna­ :JOnal Catholic radio offices make the fullest use of Catholic newspapers and reviews oto in­ form the faithful beforehand on


Thurs., Sept. 19. 1951


Gotham Editor Wins Catholic AWCIlD"dI NEW YORK (NC) - Richard Reid, editor of the Catholic News, newspaper for the Archdiocese of New York, has been honored by the Catholic Institute of the Press. He was awarded a special <:itation in recognition of his out­ standing contribution to the journalism field in general and Catholic journalism in particular. Spokesmen for the institute said such a citation has been given only tQ three other people In the 13-year- history of the group. Mr. Reid 'las been editor of the New York Catholic news­ paper for the past 17 years. He holds honorary degrees from five colleges and has long been active In educational and journalistic activities.

Warns Against Red Control of IndiCIJ


Visiting at St. .Andrew's Mission, are Father John B. Ten-' nelly, S.S., Director, Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Washington, Louise Longhair, Eloise and Rosella Ship: pentower, Anita Paule, Bishop Francis P. Leipzig of Baker, Oregon and Father James P. Hurley, S.J., pastor, St. An­ drew's Mission, Pendleton,' Oregon. The Mission is one of the oldest in the Pacific Northwest, dating back to 1848. NC Photo. the nature and value of pro­ gn~ms. . It says parish. priests should warn their flocks that the~ are forbidden by divine 1aw to listen to radio' programs which nre dangerous to Faith or morals. Bishops, likeWise, should ask their faithful to refrain from listening to radio stations "which are known to broadcast a defense of matter formally op­ posed to the Catholic faith," Government Control In a reference to the fact that mdio and TV are government­ operated in many countries, the encyclical states: . "Let the bishops remind state officials that it is part of their dut~ to exercise appropriate di­ ligence in safeguarding trans­ mis~: I of programs relating to th: Catholic Church, and that special consideration should be given to holy days and to the daily spiritual needs of Christ­ tians." ,

But it says explicitlY that pub­

tiC administrators should "be watchful over these modern arts" not "from a political standpoint" but from that of public morals. It labels as .contrarY to Christian tea.:hing the intentions of those \\ho try "to use these inventions exclusively for the advancement and propagation of political measures or to achieve economic ends an who treat our noble aim as if it were a mere business transaction)'


Ordler Honor for 50 NEW YORK (NC)-More than 50 pathollc laymen and members of the clergy will be made mem­ bers of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher in St. Patrick's Cathe~ dral Sept. 14. Recipients will include Bishop Francis P. Leipzig"of Baker, Ore.• and Father Theodore M. Hes­ burgh, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame University.

The honor is generally given to people who have distinguished themselves in their service to the

Church, or in' the arts, sciences

and literature.

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CANDIES CHOCOLATES 150 Varieties ROUTE 6 Near Fairhaven Auto Theatre FAIRHAVEN, MASS .

BOMBAY (NC) - A leading Indian daily said that communist control of Kerala state might pave the way for domination of the whole of India and asked Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to proclaim boldly that democra­ cy can have no truck with com­ munism.

The Times of India, the COllll­

try's I a r g est secular paper, charged the government has been both upholding and d.enouncing the communist regime in Kerala.

The Times is edited by a Catho­

lic, Frank Moi·aes.



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THE ANCHOIlt­ Thul'l.• Sept. 19. 1957


Continued From .Page One

Wins Catholic Award Director A"nounce. PETWORTH (riC) - Jesuit Program for Year Father Cyril C. Martindale. wellknown English author, preacher and scholar, celebrated the' 60th anniversary of his entrance into the Society of Jesus on the Feast of Our Lady's Nativity. Now in poor health and living In retirement, the 78-year-old priest is still writing. His latest book, a novel, The Ring and the Castle, was published in the United States recently. Father Martindale became a Catholic, after leaving Harrow, the English private school, where.' he was Ii stude'nt at about'the same time as Sir Winston ChurchMl.

The Course of religious instruo­ tion' for Catholic children of tho Diocese in attendance at publio high schools has been announced by Rev. Joseph L. Powers. direc­ tor of the Confraternity of.ChrisUan Doctrine. • The .pro~~. approved by thQ Most R~fa-""d l3ishop, will be followed by' all students, of the

ninth. tenth, e 1 eve nth and twelfth grades..

that well, too, if the occasion demanded. Catechetical instruc- ' tion was a necessary Ilart of ,his plan to restore all things in Christ.

In keeping with this ardent'

desire for the proper instruction'

of Catholics, Pius X issued to the Bishops of the world an encycli­ £.rayers­ cal "On the' Teaching of Chris­ ~he following' prayers should tian :Ooctrine" on April 15, 1905., be reviewed during the course of Only two months after this the year: Sign of the Cross; Our memorable decree of Pius X, the Father; Hail Mary; Glory be to Most Reverend William Stang. the Father; Come, Holy Ghost; D.D.. first Bishop of Fall 'River, national level, giving guidance Morning Offering;' Apostles' issued a Pastoral Letter on "The Creed; Acts of Faith, Hope, Love. and help to the Diocesan Direc­ Teaching of Catechism" in which and Contrition; Form of Confes~ tors.. The Diocesan Office tries he stated. "To comply' with the sion; Angelus and Queen of to coordinate the work on a dio­ strict command of the supreme BECOME BROTHER: REV: JOSEPH L. POWERS cesan level, while - encouraging }leaven; Grace before and after authority of the Pope, is hereby Meals; Confiteor; Hall, Holy Edward Springer, son of of a parish to spread the knowl­ and assisting the parish units. ordained, decreed, and reenact­ Rosary­ Queen; Memorare; Christ and His Church edge of the Parish Director is However, ed ... In each parish the Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .C. fraternity of Christian Doctrine among those who do not have the immediately responsible for the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Springer, 607 Third Street, Mysteries. ' is-to be canonically instituted as opportunity of obtaining a com- parish unit. Doctrine' plete religious education. , Fall River, will enter . The CCD is fundamentally a' soon as possible." Its special aim is to reach the lay organization. It was estab­ , The Doctrine for the year will Mary's Novitiate, Burketts­ , Established in 1536 uninstructed and the uninformed lished to bu'ild up a lay aposto­ consist of the "Chief Truths of Even in the days of Pope St. in matters pertaining to their late. Consequently. Jaymen and Faith" as given in Part I of. A ville, Ohio Sunday to start Pius X and the late beloved Bish­ religious and moral life. Its ap­ layw:Qmen .should be given posi­ COURSE IN RELIGION FOR his studies as a Brother in op Stang, the Confraternity of peal is on the parish level. be­ tions of responsibility under tl)-e CATHOLIC H.I G H· SCHOOLS the Society of the Precious Christian Doctrine could claIm cause the parish is the estab­ Director. . AND ACADEMIES by Rev. John a history of almost 400 years. 'It lished unit of Catholic life and Parish 'rhe parish unit of the CCD is Laux, M.A. (Teacher's Manual Blood. was in the year 1536 that a zeal-. activity. The CCD is an ideal o canonically established when the Edition)', published by Benziger ous priest of Milan, Italy, Cas­ parish organization, for it serves Bishop, upon applicatio? by th~ Brothers, New York. The teacher tellina da Castello by name, es­ to coordinate the activities of all Pastor, forma..lly issues a Decree will need to adapt this material Continued From Page One tablished the first school of parishioners-the man, the wom­ Christian Doctrine to bring reli­ ·an. the youth, the child are al~, of Erection for that parish. The to his allotted time. Confraternity m'ay be established eight months of the year. open­ Church History gious teaching to unlettered per­ included in its program. for all only by a formal Decree of Erec- . The ChurcIl History will cover on the Wednesday nearest ing sons in his city. His efforts met are called to be "Doers of the 'tion. When canonically establish­ the period .of time from the "An~ Sept. 15 and closing on the Wed­ with great· success; and from Word." ed. the parish unit Qutomatical­ cient Church to the Beginning of these simple beginnings came ly - becomes aggregated to the the Pontificate of Gregory the' nesday nearest May' 1:': School Laity Must Cooperate forth the world-wide organiza­ Arch-confraternity in Rome and Great, A.D. 590" as treated in hours are 10 A.M. to 2:15 P~. tion now known as the Confra­ . The importance of lay mem­ members may begin to partici­ CHURCH HISTORY by Rev. Pupils are expected to bring their ternity of Christian Doctrine. bership has been stressed by our pate in the Confraternity's many John Laux, M.A., published by . own lunch. AUlcillary lunches. Pope Pius IV gave canonical ex­ present Holy Father, Pius XII: spiritual privileges. Benziger Brothers, New York.,' . including hot drinks and so'up istence to the Confraternity 26 "Priests will not suffice fOl; the in cold weather. wtll be served. On Dec. 18, 1936, the Most years after this first school was work! Sisters will not suffice; The tuition fee of $35 per Rev: James E. Cassidy, D.D., re­ Appoint Nuin to Head started; 'nad nine years 'later the laity must lend theil' valiant month includes books, ceramio the Confraternity in the vived Pope Pius V recommended to all 'cooperation," :All members of (ollege in Vermon'ii' and craft supplies, medical care. Fall River Diocese and appoint­ bishops the establishment of the the parish are eligible for en­ BURLINGTON (NC) - Sister auxiliary lunches and parties. ed Rev. Edward J. Gorman Dio­ Confraternity in every parish. rollment in the CCD: the learned, - Enrollment is limited to 24 pu­ Although the Popes had done the untrained;: the adult. the cesan Director. Several months Mary Clavin; has been appointed' pils, in two groups of 12 each. later Bishop Cassidy addressed a ' president of Trinity Colleg~ con­ much to approve and promote · child;' the well. the sick; the Present enrollment includes 16 the work of the Confraternity · rich, the poor: Even with this Pastoral Letter to his priests and ducted by the Sisters of Mercy. Fall River children, two from here.. during the first centuries of its all-inclusive membership, there people in which he said: "In ac­ - Sister received her Bachelor's ,Taunton, an.d one each from New .. existence, it was St. Pius X's en­ is no overlapping, for each one cOl'dance with the decree of the . Sacred Congregation of the Degree at Trinity CoDege and a Bedford, Westport and North· cyclical letter in' 1905 that· re­ · engages in'· the work of his.choice. master's degree in English at Dartmouth. Council, the prescription· of Can­ vived the Confraternity of Chris­ Moreover, there is enough wOl:k tian Doctrine in modern times.' for all; for the work of the CCD on Law, and the Encyclical of St. Michael's College. Winooski. our Holy Father, Pius XI, on She completed' her g r a d u ate At this time the Pope said: "Now is never completed. if it is vain to expect a harvest The Confraternity is made up education, I hereby direct, as a studies for a Doctorate of Philos­ • where no seed has been sown, of Active .and· Associate inembers. grave obligation, the parochial ophy at Fordham University.. COPIES

how can we hope to have better­ The first group consists of the establishment of the Confratern­ OF MORE EXPENSIVE

ity .of Christian Doctrine." living generations if they are not men, women and young people of

. SUMMER instructed in time in' the doc- . a parish who are willing to take . . 'STREETo In Fall River Diocese

H~NDBAGS trines of Jesus Christ?" an active part in the work of the

In conformity with thisdirec­ To bring forth a remedy for ceo, through a service of at religio'us ignorance and provide a least one hour each week, in one tive of the Bishop, the Diocesan Office of the CCD issued in Sep- . means of giving religious' in­ .or more' of the following divi.· tember 1937, ,in book form, a 591 SUMMER ST. ' struction to all Catholics, he di­ sions: . complete eight-grade rl;lligious. New Bedford W.Y 3-13~6 l'ected that the almost four-cen­ CUSHING~S a) TEACHERS, whose duty it instruction program for Catho­ turies-bld organization of the shall be to assist the priests lic' children in public elementary ~l\ Bundles Insured' While 586 Pleasant Street

Confraternity of Christian Doc­ and sisters in the religious ed­ in Our Possessioh schools, and has released annu-\ New Bedford

trine return to full operation. ucation work in the parish. ally since that date', a four-year ' This statement of the Holy Fath, b)' HOME VISITORS, who cycle course for Catholic pupils er gave rise to the decrees con­ shall be called upon to .make in public 'high schools. ' tained in the New Code of Canon surveys of the parish, and pro­ According to the latest tabu­ Law under which the 'Confra­ mote attend~nce at instruction lated reports of the Diocesan ternity must be established in classes or enroll in the discus­ CCD Office, ·there were 20,799 evei'y parish, thereby providing . sion or parent-teacher clubs. elementary school children at­ a program for the religIous edu­ - c) HELPERS, who fulfill the 46 'tending public schools and 3.898 - Taunton' .Green . cation of children, youth and title they bear by arranging public high school pupils under adults. for the transportati9n of the religious instruction. Seventeen children, assisting in the prep­ In Every Parish parishes conducted Adult Dis­ aration of the instructional . A few years after the prom.ul-· cussion Clubs. and five parishes and performing such materials, gation of the Code of Canon had Religious Vacation Schools., HOtty other duties as will promote Law, with 'its eight canons on A new and significant chDpter the work of the ceo. catechetical instruction, Pope Pi­ in the historY,of the Confratern-, d) LEADERS or MEMBERS., us XI, in his Motu Proprio of ity of Christian Doctrine in the who shall conduct or attend June 29, 1923, established the Diocese of Fall River was writ· clubs for the direction and dis­ Catechetical Office in the Sacred ten in October 1954. At that time cussion of some topic associ­ Congregation of the Council the very successful' Eighth New ated with the religious and with. authority to regulate the England Regional Congress of moral .life of the members. teaching of the ·Catechism CCD was held in New Bedford. PARENT,. EDUCATORS. e) throughout the world. On Janl The Most Rev. James L. Con­ who shall cooperate in the pro­ ~ 12, 1935, in a decree entitled."The nolly. D.O., Bishop of Fal! Hiver gram arranged for the parents, Better Care and Promotion of and host to the Congress, urged RICH IN FAMf to assist them in teaching re­ ) aii in the diocese to take' part in Catechetical Instruction," the RICH IN NAME . li ligion in the home.. Keep your Gold Bond handy for relief k Sacred Congregation of the the important work of the CCD The second group. known a$ Council directed: "In every par­ From the ~iscomforts of SUNBURN, (­ in a Pastoral Letter issurd on this ish .... there shall be instituted, the Associate membership. com­ occasion: . PRICKLV HEAT, POISON IVY, CHAFING, ~. prises those who cannot take and before all others. in accord­ " ... No one. be he theologian and ATHLETE'S FOOT. GOLD BOND is ~he an active part in the CCD pro­ ance with Canon. 711 :2, a' Con­ or saint, as well as simple unlet­ deal medicated powder for the. entire fraternity of Christian Doctrine gram,.but who are willing to sup-' tered person. could eveL' say he family. Take Gold Bond to the beach-on port that program by prayers embracing in its 'membershlp all knew all there was to know'about tour vacation-on week-end visits. V",u who are capable of teaching or and financial assistance,.. his Faith. There is a knowledge will enjoy itll soothing aid the year Parish Directors. promoting catechetical lristruc­ gained by experience and there round. tion." The Confraternity of Christian is a knowledge gained by study Just,what is the position of the Doctrine is' primarily a parish and discussion. All this is what Ii oz. Silt! . Confraternity of ChrLc;tian Doc­ organization. All the' framework we invite our faithful to share in trine in the Church of 1957? above the parish level is merely through the program of the Con- , What is its aim and purpose? to help the parish ~it. ~ func­ fraternity of Christian Doctrine How does it function? ,It is an tion more efficiently, The Na­ which we wish to see carried out ~~e l~r;~ S~le $$~ organization formed ·for the pur­ tional Office in Washington, D. 'in all its possibility in the parLc;h­ pose of using all the resources C.• coordinates the work on Bl es of the FaJI River ·Diocese."



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Mingled Views on latin ,

Faith in Action in Japan

Official. Prayers of Church,

Continued From Page One

Impressive in Vernacular

By ponald McDonald

Davenport, Catholic Messenger

By coincidence, the same week that Archbishop Am­ Ieto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United' States, was delivering an address on, behalf of maintain­ ing Latin as the officiai language in the Western Church, Father George W. Casey, a veteran priest of the Bosto.n bered that He did not deliver It Archdiocese, was devoting to us in Latin but In the tongue his weekly "Driftwood" col­ that was common to. Him and His umn in The Pilot to a consider­ ation of Latin as "the language barrier." I do not think this difference of opinion was either annoying to Archbishop 0 l' Clcognanl embarrassing to Father Casey. Expression 0 f different opin­ Ions within the Church. as the present Holy Father said'" a few years ago, "can surprise only those who do not know the ChUl'ch 01' know her only poorly. Because the Church is a living body, something would be want­ ing in hel' life If public opinion were lacking ... Enshrines Treasures In sum, the archbishop's argu­ ment In favor of Latin-and we must keep In mind that his ad­ dress was directly pointed to priests and the preisthood-Is ,that "great treasures" of the C,hurch. rubrlcll, dogmatic defi­ nitions, breviary, etc., are "en­ shrined in the Latin language," that the laity can "readily follow IIlnd understand the Mass and the administration of the Sacra­ ments" by using translations at these services; that seminarians can develop a "familiarity and love" for .Latin; that Latin has demonstrated Its h a l' din e S B through centuries of usage; and that "use of Latin unites priests all over the world In prayer, in culture, in friendship ... (and) forms a' universal ecclesiastical communion, a most pleasant and advantageous brotherhood." Father casey, on the other 'hand, asks some questions. "By the use of Latin for all, the handful that understand and the enormous majority of those who do not," he writes, "we get uniformity-as the mechanical recitation of prayers in our own' tongue gets unanimity-but do we reach God with them? "Do we have that meeting of minds which Is the very essence of prayer? That speaking of heart to heart of which the Scriptures speak, that inter­ communication between God and ourselves that Is so pien;ing, and such an experience of revela­ tion?" Father Casey adds that he is Gpeaking for no one but himself and says: "I feel, that I have lost incal­ culable Information, inspiration and communication that I might have gotten out of the hour that I have given to the sa~ing my breviary every day for nearly foUl' decades, because I must,say It in a lanp;uage that Is· lal'gely foreign to me." • Must Be Intelligible He quotes from St. Paul n. Cor. 14/b) the passage that In­ cludes this query: "Unless with the tOnque you utter intelligible speech how shall It be known what is said ... ? If then I do not know the meanig of the .lan­ guage, I shall be tp the one to whom I speak a foreigner; and he who speaks a foreigner to me -if I pray in a tongue, my spirit speaks but my understanding is unfruitful." "Uniformity in prayer," con­ cludes Father Casey, "is a mighty force Gnd it is dear to the heart of the Church. Our LOrd blessed the practice by giving us our llreatest common prayer, the Our Father. But it is to be remem­

listeners. If the full meaning of that great prayer oon come down to us unchanged through many translations, so can the full meaning' of all our prayer be communicated to us. In other lan­ guages than Latin, as It was through the long centuries be­ NIGERIA DELEGATE: fore, Latin came Into use." Miss Marian McReynolds, a I must say that my own views . Junior at Rosary, College, are mingled. While It Is true, as Arshbishop River Forest, IlL, is the only Clcognanl says, that onlY' the college girl among five rep­ priest;. celebrates the Mass. while resentatives of the National the laity merely "particlpate.and . . . accompany" and can do so Student Association attend­ with prayer-translations In hand. ing the Seventh Interna­ it is also true that such participa­ 'tional Student Congress at tion is hindered, not helped, by University of Ibadan, Lagos, the use of Ii strange tonque, and Nigeria. NC Photo. that one of the surest tests of the efficiency of a language Is its in­ telligibility. And while it is true, as Father Casey remarks, that the Our Father has come down intact to· Youth and education at a turn­ us through the centuries and ,numerous translations, does it Ing point In history Is the theme necessarily follow that the 'thou,. for the year's program of the 'sands of other prayers, docu~ Diocesan Council of Catholic ments, rites and codes, many of them fantastically complex, can Women, President Mrs. Emmett also be transmited with the same P. Almond of North Dartmouth degree of accuracy? told 60 representatives of the 123 Use of Vernacular affiliates within the Diocese at a Speaking as a layman, whose meeting Sunday night at Cathe­ last meaningful contact with dral Camp. Latin occurred 19 years ago, I To emphasize the theme, mem­ would welcome a continuation bel's, were requested to support and a broadening use of the the CYO directors and their vep.nacular In the official pray­ ers of the Church, a develop­ chairmen In their effort to ex­ ment that has been given decid­ pand the program for youth dur­ ed Impetus by recent decrees ing the week of the Feast of from the Vatican. I recently at­ tended a funeral Mass (attended Christ the King, Oct. 27-Nov. 3., also by a great many people who Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, ,Dioce­ were not Catholics). During the san moderator, opened the meet­ Mass, the celebrant used all the English allowable, and there was Ing in the hall with prayer to no doubt that the Church's rites Our Lady of Good Counsel fol­ were Immensely more meaningful lowing Ro~ary and Benediction and hence more impressive, and in the chapel with Rev. William even Instructive, than they would McMahon as celebrant. All present were urged to be­ . have been had they been carried come interested in the Retreats out entirely in Latin. for Women Sept. 20-22 and Oct. I wonder whether or, not a dis­ tinction can be made within the . 4-6. The Anchor was singled out Church between the use of Latin not only as an important vehicle for expanding the works of the on the one hand for such· techni­ cal, complex mattel:s as the code Mystical Body of Christ but also as';.. means of unifying the wom­ of canon law, dogmatic defini­ tions, the official decisions, or en of the Diocese. Representa­ Acta, of the. Holy Father, bulls" tives were encouraged to obtain more subscriptions among their rescripts, etc., and the cautious­ ly Increased use of the vernacular affiliates. On the other hand for the wor­ Besides Father Walsh, speak­ ship-life of the Church, particu­ ers included Very Rev. Leonard larly worship which involves the Daley, District V moderator; laity. Rev. Francis A. McCarthy. mo­ On one thing we may be cer­ derator of Discussion Clubs;. tain: Latin was adopted by'the Rev. Joseph Powers, Confraterni­ Church simply because It was­ ty of, Christian Doctrine modera­ considered vital for the common tor; Rev. Raymond McCarthy. good of the Church. Latin will be director of the Family"Life Bu­ . retained, or abandoned-in whole reau; Rev. Leo Sullivan, New or In part-for the same reason. Bedford CYO director, and Fa­ ther McMahon. If the day comes when the dis­ advantages of Latin bulk larger Fathe, Walsh closed the board than its advante,ges, I don't mee.ting with the Memm'are for think the Church will allow sen­ the speedy recovery of health for timent or nostaJgia to Influence Mrs. W. Harry Manning, first her decision. president of the Council.

Diocesan Women ?Prepare Program








Emily C. Perry, Prop..

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Church, Martha's Vineyard, is

the son of Mrs. Elizabeth A. De­

nehy of 697 Second Street, Fall

River. .

The diocesan priest, who holds the rank of captain In the Air Force, has the responsibility of caring for the spiritual needs at lhree submarine bases in addi­ tion to his Air Base work In Ja­ pan. Father Denehy expects to , be In Japan for another year. Visit by ~ishop . The Fall River Chaplain, who served in the States and Ger­ many, before his assignment to Japan, said the Tachikawe. All' Base, where he makes his h~ad­ quarters, is the largest supply and maintenance depot in that area. It comprises approximately 8,000 military personnel, 3,000 mem­ bers of military families and }'ATHER JOH\'i F. DENEHY 2,500 American civilians togeth­ tional catholic Welfare Confer­

er with 6,000 Japanese workers. Father Denehy reoolled when ence, with headquarters in Wash­

he was in Germany he was Ington, and the National Calho­

thrilled when Bishop Connolly lic Committee of Japan, with visited with him. Bishop Connol­ ly, who was on Ad Limina visit headquarters In Tokyo. Th!! in­ to Rome, .was accompanied ~y stitutions which benefit from the Most Rev. William O. Brady. the project' receive food, clothing a Fall River native who is now and other supplies and funds. Archbishop of St. Paul, Minn. Asks. Prayers The Catholic chaplain, said Father Denehy, tries to provide Many airmen participate In the spiritual and moral leader­ the program by working at the ship necessary to defeat the oc­ Institutions in their Off-duty casions of sin In the pagan so­ time. 'rhe intense interest man­ ciety of Japan. "We accent the ifested by the airmen has had a training which has been theirs in telling effect upon the Japanese the home, schools and churches." ' who have had only a pagan atti­ It is physically impossible to tude for centul'ies. Tokyo has maintain the desired contact had a tremendous increase in with each individual because of population to rank among the the numbers involved. most densely populated cities In the world, yet the entire country Communion Program of Japan has a Catholic popuFather De~~hY is rightfully o lation of roughly 200.000. This proud of the Family Communion . Catholic population is smaller Sunday program he has inaugu­ than the total Catholic popula­

rated for those in his charge. tion In the Fall River Diocese.

Married servicemen r e c e i v e Father Denehy observed. Because monthly with their families. The of the small number of Catholics, large turnouts at Holy Commun­ Japan presents a. tremendous ion have been most encouraging challenge to the missioners. to him In his work. Single per- Father Denehy asked for the . sonnel have not been neglected. prayers of all, not only to aid They have their own program. him in his own work. but also to They receive monthly and send aid the missioners who labor for home cards to their parents and the conversion of souls. friends, advising them of the The Fall River priest was or­ communion day. Those at home dained by" the late Bishop Cas­ 'receive on the same day. The sidy. He is a graduate of Holy influence of the home has been Cross College, St. Mary'S Semin­ a great inspiration to those par­ ary in Baltimore and Catholic ticipating In the program. University in Washington. The diocesan priest is working zealously, too, trying 'to coordi­ u nate the activittes of those under 1I I U his supervision in a great work II U of ch$\rity. This project is to pro­ I ~ 6 vide aid and assistance for homes II I for the aged, hospitals, orphan'­ I 0 n ages and day nurseries within a I: 10-mile area surrounding the Air Base. This activity is being conduct­

ed in conjunction with the Na­



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THE ANCHOR- ~ , Thurs.• Sept, 19, 1957J




Ta!k to Red Skelton

Bhlle Arrmy PI~rros Fatil1'ffi)@ ~(h~@1

C@ffQ$@~Q~Sj ~@ Tw@ M@fr[tn@v~

FATIMA, P01:tUgfll (NC) - In­ ternational headqual'ters of tha Blue Army of Our Lady of F.atima announced it will open an inter­ national training school here on Oct, 13, the 40th anniversary of the final Fatima apparition. The organization, founded by Msgr. Harold V. Colgan, of Plain­ field. N. J" said scholarships will be given to 20 Americal1s who have' been most active in the Blue Army, and that scholarships will also be offered in 56 other countries where the Blue Army is established. It said that the organization will pay all the ex­ penses of the students for the entire year. ' Purpose of the school will be to train apostles of the Fatima. 'message, to combat world com­ munism by means of prayer and sacrifice. One instructor will be Father Pavel Bliznetzov, former SovIet flyer who is now a Byzan­ tine Rite priest, the Blue Army said.

By Joseph A. Breig' Cleveland Universe Bulletin

I have received two letters which I treas)lre far more than any others that have ever come to me. Both are from sorrowing mothers. One mother lives in the state of Washingt,on. Her 10­ month-old son died the Danny and his mother will other day. The other woman only be laughing, but Christ and His is a Californian, whose son, Mathe I' will be laughing with aged 15, was killed in an them.

Jesus who died dreadfully on auto accident last year. I am deeply grateful that they the Cross, and Mary, who suf­ fered unthinkable, agonies watch­ took the trouble ing Him die-they know OUl' sor­ to write to me, rows bettel; than we know QUI' and I am touch­ own, and will replace them:. with ed by the simi­ tl),e joys that not even Christ larity of what· could describe to 'us because "It they said. hath not entered into the mind . They thanked of man what God has prepared me for my col­ for those who love Him. umn on "The I would rather have these let­ Pope and Red Skelton," in which I quoted Pius ters from these mothers than to win the Pulitzer prize, or'the No­ , XII's words to the famed comed­ bel prize, or any other literary ian whose son is gravely ill: "Death nevel' separates memo, honor on earth. ",. bel'S of a family. They will live together for eternity in Heaven.'" Medical Mission Nuns Then I spoke of the fact that Form New Pi"ovince two of our children died in in~ 'PHILADELPHiA (NC~, - The fancy. The memories of them, I said, are two sorrows which go Medical Mission Sisters have an­ through life with us, sometimes nounced the' formation of an receding, sometimes becoming American province and the ap­ ·vivid and bringing us close to pointment of the pro,:ince's first tears again. ' superior. But "death never separates Mother Anna Dengel, Superior members of a family; they will General of the community. dis­ live togethel' for eternity in "closed that Mother Mary Bene­ Heaven." Daily we communicate d'ict Young, who was superior of with our ,children In prayer, be­ Holy Family' Hospital, Dacca, cause they are saint,s, they are 'East Pakistan, has' been named with God, waiting for us. superior of the new administra­ Complete Fulfillment tive unit. \ They love us more-not less­ The American province will than our five living children.In­ include 'NOl~th America, 'South deed, they are more alive, be­ America, England and regions -in cause life reaches full intensity Ghana, Pakistan and India, and complete fulfillment only 'Mother Mary Benedict, a grad­ with God in eternity. Ulite of Woman's Medical College The two mothers. as I' said, here, has served on the staffs of • used strangely similar words in her society's hospitals in Pakistan writing to thank me. The woman for the past nine years. 'In '1955 in Washington said of her sor­ she was admitted as a Fellow of row: the International Colleg'e of Sur­ "M!!-ny tried to give words of geons. comfort, but that's 'ali they seemed to be, just words; they Catholic' Popu~ation never got through to me. Then I read your article, and you put' Increases in Africa into words ex{\ctl~' how it has FRANKFURT '(NC)-Had not been for me. the Christian missions gone into "But besides that, your words' Africa durii1g the,opast century, lifted' a fog from my mind, and the "dark continent" today proti­ eased the teri'ible ache in my ably would be all Moslem. , heart. From now on I will be able This was' stated by Father to think)of little Joe !is an angel Richard J. Quinn, a Maryknoll ,in Heaven, and not as flesh and. Father from difton, N,J" now blood buried in the earth, That on a visit here 'before returning Is what has hurt all these months, to his post in the Iramba Mis::;ion and the thought has been a ter­ among the Bangoreme tribe in rible thing ~o live with. ­ Tang'anyika. The only exception, Father "How can· I put into words what you 111lve done for me? It is Quinn" added, would be the Union of South Africa because the Pro­ .-:~ as if a great weight has been lifted from my heart, a weight I testant churches were well es­ thought I must carry for the rest tablished there before th; effects of Moslem missionary efforts of my life. I have, cut out the ar­ ticle and will C:1ITY it with me could be felt. Father Quinn has been sta­ . always," tioned in Iramba in the diocese The California mother wrote: "Your column on Red Skelton of Musoma, Tanganyika, East and the Pope was special for me. Africa, for the past three years, I lost my lovely 15-year-old son Of 286,000 natives, in the Musoma . diocese, about 25,000 are·Catho­ in a car accident. "People are good. They try to lics, most of them engaged in farming'. say many kind things, but most­ "It is a mistake," said Father ly their words are holiow in spite of all their efforts to help. One Quinn, "to assume that Chris- . reaches out for words of truth:' tlanity 'in Africa is fighting with its back against the wall. On the One has to have the truth," contrary, we are greatly encour­ Love Goes On ' She quoted two sentences from aged by the results of our the article-"How many years of ,efforts." honest love are enough?'" and "There cannot ever, be a moment When any true love can endure ceasing." She wrote: , "Those are true words. Thiii Bakery, and D~licatessen love that we have goes on ... -: "And mhat becomes of laugh­ 364 Main St. Fairhaven ~ ter? The good laughter that Dan­ I; ny and I had, will we have it • Fish and Chips Fridays Ii,. again?" Indeed, they' will ha've their 48 Baked Beans a~d Brown 'Bread Saturdays laughter again. Theh' merry laughter will shake the stars in • Pizza on order c,:., their courses, and enthrall' the angels. All the hosts of Heaven . WY 2-0946 . will pause to U~t!ln, \;)e~~l!s~~l1~.li,~~.:..--: '!. ~. ~ ~'~ f ~ "" ~ ~ '':: ~ , :


Holy Cross Alumnus In New Assignment LOS ANGELES (NC) - Msgr. Thomas J. McCa,rthy has been named to the faculty of an off­ campus adult edu<;,ation center established by Mount St: Mary's, College here. A native of Wor­ cester, Mass., and an alumnus of Holy Cross College, Msgr. Mc­ Carthy served as editor of The Tidings, Los Angeles 'archdiocese newspaper, fr'om 1942 to 1949; as director of the Bureau of InfOl"­ mation, National Catholic Wel­ fare Conference in Washingtoll. from 1949 to 1953, and as Vice Chancellor and Chancellor of the Military Ordinariate from 1953 to 1956.

MAKE PLIGRIMAGE TO AURIESVILLE: M' iss Elaine Cabeceiras (left) and Mrs. Inocencia Brilhante (center) were the young'est and oldest members of a group of 200 parishioners of St. John of God, Somerset, and Santo Christo, Fall River, who visited the famous Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs Saturday and Sunday under the direction' of Rev. Anthony M. Gomes (right) and Rev. Bent,on R. Frag~.

K of C to Sponsor Radio Broadcasts BALTIMORE (NC) - Gerard E, Sherry, p1anaging editor of the Catholic Review, newspaper of the Baltimore archdiocese, will begin ":'oadcasting Catholic news and commentary thre'e tim'es a week over radio station WITH here, starting on 'Oct. 8. >' The program has been signed initialiy for 26 weeks and will be transcribed for use on 12 other' Maryland stations. The State Council of the Knights of Colum­ bus will sponsor the venture. Late CathOlic news will be fea­ tured on the. first program, and the other two \\'eekly broadcasts will be devoted to commentaries. Statipn WITH will donate part of the expenses as a public serv­ '" ice.

Mithael C. Austin "



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THE ANCHOR-' Thurs.• $cpt. 19. 1957

Young Christian Workers Win Plaudits of Pope'

Plan Cold Shoulder For Red Deleg¢!lti~n BURLINGTON (NC)-A dele~ Ilation from the Russian Embassy in Washington will be received at three of Vermont's four largest colleges in October. But no reci carpet wlll be, spread out at St. Michael's College In Winooski. Father Gerald E. Dupont, aca­ demic dean at St. Michael's. said the Russians would not be greet­ ed on the Catholi~ college's campus "lor obvious reasons." "Any persons representing e. govel'llment so thoroughly op­ PQsed to what we stand for cer­ tainly wouldn't be welcome here," Father Dupont declared. The Russians will Visit the University of' Vermont, Middle­ bury College and Norwich Unl~ verslty. , Dr. Carl W. Borgmann. Uni­ versity of Vermont president, pointed out, howevel'. that the university's science research lab­ oratories marked "classlfied" would be closed to the visitors.

By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director NCWC Social Action Dept.

On August 25 the Holy Father delivered a major ad­ dress to the World Congress of Young Christian Workers. He praised the YCW as an apostolate which is eminently practical and necessary. at their jobs. to use this as their What is this organization mission field. Through their ac­ which merited such praise tions of bringing Christ int,o this life they become llving witnesses from His Holiness? Christ and His Mystical Body. The following explanation of Having begun In Belgium in

has been excerpted and adapted l!il2. the Young Christian Work­ from a publication entitled This ers was officially recognized as a Is the Young ,......,.-..,...,."....,., national organization In Belgium Chrlstla'n in 1925 by the Church. Today Workers the YCW exists in 37 countries (Young Chris­ and is in the process of formation tian Workers, in 25 others. Over one million 1 7 0 0 Chicago young workers throughout the Boulevard, Chi­ world make up its membership. cago. Ill. $1.50>Today the Young ChHstian The Young Workers has taken its place as Christian one of the important youth Workers Is a movements in the United States. movement ,of It has trained worker leaders the Ch u rch who have set their shoulders to which recruits, the wheel In economic and poll­ and trains tical llfe. It has produced over young working men and women. 50 vocations to the priesthood Its aim Is to educate young work- ~ and rellglous llfe and hundreds ers so as to enable them to re­ of Catholic marriages. The YCW Chrltlanlze theil' lives and sur­ In America looks to a bright roundings. , future which wlll see thousands' YCW Educates II)f young people carrying the The YCW Is a school in 1I1e. message of Christ into all the Through the Inquiry method, the phases of their llfe. Much has genius of the movement, young been done. But the task has Just workers discover the problems of begun. ' their work Ufe, of their neigh­

borhood and family. and of their Dominican Republic leisure life. Last, and most Im­

portant. a concrete action Is Is Anti-Communist

taken to bring their life close to WASHINGTON (NC) A Con~

the Ideal of Christ and His Bressman has made publlc a let-, Church. This Is the 'school through which pass thousands of ter from the ranking Cathollo young workers the world over. bishop In the Dominican Repub­ By meeting weekly with other llc stating that the countrY's young workers the Young Chri~­ government is "absolutelY anti­ tlan Workers develop character. communist" and upholds citizens' o. ' rights. The YCW school shows its mem­ Rep. Gardner Withrow of Wis­ !'Del's how 'unchristian their en­ vironment Is. Realizing gradually consin released the letter from that they themselves are affected Archbishop Ric a r d 0 Plttlnl. S,D,B.• of Ciudad Trujillo, capital by It, young workers are stimu­ lated to think and act personally II)f the Dominican Republlc and on Christian lines. It Is a school seat of the only archbishopric in the country. Which combines knowledge, spir­ Mr. Withrow said the letter itual formation. and action. was sent In response to one of his Concept of Love in which he asked Archbishop The spirit of service shows it­ £leU on the most simple occasions Pittlni whether the Dominican II)f the dally life of the Young government had "ever encour­ Christian Worker. The kinds of aged communism." Whether it Illervlce are as numerous as the oppressed citizens. and how it differed from governments in many needs created by the vari­ ous circumstances of everyday other Latin American countries. life. I.e.• making friends with new workers. visiting a sick fl'!end, Attends Congress belping a young worker to get a RIVER FOREST (NC) - Ma­ Job, passing out leaflets in a rian McReynolds, a junior at umlon campaign, and the like. Rosary College for women con­ All service in the YCW must rest ducted by the Dominican Sisters I2ntlrely on the Christian concep­ here in nIlnolS; is in Lagos, tion of love of others. This Is the Nigeria, for the seventh Inter­ Doul of the movement. national Student Congress at the Problem Response University of Ibadan. Miss Mc­ Through the actions and serv­ Reynolds Is the only college girl ~ces of Its members the Young among five representatives of the Christian Workers Is constantly National StUdents Association, in touch with the young worker's an organization of college stu­ dally life in factories and offices. dent bodies serving U.s. students. home and leisure; in short. with the needs and desires of working youth. The Young Christian Workers is a permanent response to the problems of all young workers. The Church gives us the doctrine of Christ and conununicates His Life to us. The YCW has been "It's a whale of III drInk" charged with the responsibility of helping to bring the Divine 17 DELICIOUS fll.A \f015 Life to all young workers and to BEST SINCE 1853 change those things which stand In the way of their living this WI! DnOVEl« new life. <CAlILL Amerlean Workers The Young Chl'istlan Workers WY ~-6264 had its first beginnings In Bel­ and 9-6265 gium about 30 years ago. The movement was started by a Belgian priest, Father Joseph Cardijn. After seeing the harm­ iul effect work was having on the Jives of his former school com­ lPRnions, he developed a method !f{}5) !)(HOOD.. ~T 0 of training young workers as Christinn leaders. His method? ~tl !i@. ri=fiB'!l1l Sft. X.eave the young workers in their NIEW BEOlFO~Q) ... : emh'ommmt; ow!t'h; illen:: Snenl$cQ ;;




Hiram Whell@n @nd ~Grtl~g ~m)~G


LEAVE FOR FRANCE NEXT WEEK: Miss' Claire M. Denault of,East Walpole (left) and Miss Phyllis J. Powell of Tiverton will enter the novitiate of the Dominican Sis­ ters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They are graduate nurses.

Nurses to, Enter Religious Life"

Planning New Nursery School

Two graduates of St. Anne's Plans are complete for the c,onHospltai School of Nursing, Fall structlon II)f a new School of River, one from the frovldence Nursing at st. Anne's Hospltal,ln DIoCese and the other froni the Fall River. Atty. J. Edward Lajoie Archdiocese of Boston, will enter of 'the Board of Governors has the, Novitiate of the Dominican announced. The new structure has long Sisters of Charity of the Presentatl6n of the Blessed Virgin Mary been an aim of the hospital In Sunday aftel'lloon. 'its ,drive to receive top recognlMiss Phyllls J. Powell. a mem- tlon in Southeastern New Eng­ 'ber of St. Madeline Sophie Par- land. ish, Tiverton, Is the daughter of ; The Most Reverend Bishop. In Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Powell, 952 'a talk to the nurses at last Sun­ :Crandall Road. After graduating' 'day's graduation exercises., ex­ In 1956, Miss Powell worked as a 'pressed his approval of the pro­ staff nurse In the Medical and posed project. Bishop ,Connolly Surgical Departments. She Is also :urged the graduates to llve ac­ Rn alumna, class of '56 of thGcordlng to the Ideals of Christ Sacred Hearts Academy. ,and suggested that some might Miss C I a I l' e M. Deneault,' -~ 0 n 's ide l' to practice perfect daughter of George H. Deneault . charity by dedicating themselves of 14 Sandra Road. East Walpole, to God. was originally a member of St. Mrs. Cecilia E. Morley, director Joseph's Parish, New Bedford of the District Nursing Associa­ and Is presently a member of St. tlon. In h;er talk noted that Mary's Parish, East Walpole. nursing not only gives satisfacAfter graduating in 1950. Miss tlon In helping others but com­ Deneault served as head nurse In forts one while helping their own. the Department of Obstetrics. District Three. Mass. State She is also an alumna, class of Nursing Association award was '47, of Mt. Alvernla Academy, presented Florence R. Michaud Chestnut Hill. by Mrs. Morley. The two nurses, who are sched- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; uled to leave on Thursday, Sept. 26 for the Mother House in Tours, France where they will I!tart their postulancy, will retul'l1 to Fall River In two and one half years after taking their first vows. I 0








legion of Decency The Anchol' presents in this Is~ sue the Class C-Col1d~mned sec­ tion of the National Legion of Decency ratings of motion pic­ tures. In subsequent issues the other three classes-Unobjection­ able for General Patronage, Un­ objectionable for Adults, and Ob­ Jectionable In Part lor All will be listed. Condemned Baby Doll. The Desperate Women, Devil in the Flesh. Ec­ stasy. The French Line, Garden of Eden, Year' Zero Germany, Glg1. Illicit Interlude. La Ronde, Modemolselle Striptease. Manon, Marie du Port, Mom and Dad, Moon Is Blue, Nana. No Orchids for Miss Blandish. One Summer of Happiness, ,Passionate Suminer. Seven Deaa­ ly Sins, Stella, SnOw Is Black. Soil. of Sinbad. o


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Ridicules Reds

Claim of First

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indlVldual objeGts.

NEW ORLEANS (NC) - An­ other Soviet R u s s I a n "first" claim was. relegated to the cate­ gory of things past by a Loyola University of the South professor here. . .­ . The Soviets claimed· one· .of . tl1eh: scientists has 'developed the first nicotine - ,free· tobacco re­ : ·cently:F'railcis·J.'Shubert', phar.:. . inacoiogy professor at Loi'ola, said- the' plant was developed' in . .. this COUl1tl:y iiI 1951'. " .: 'ProfShubert'saidthat the uni-' .verslty·s pharmacology. dejJart-. merit for several' years has been using a textb60kby Dr. Robert­ son Pratt of the University of California and Dr. Herbert W. Younkin Jr., of the Un'iversity of Washington, who reported on ex­ periments with nicotine-free to­ bacco plants. Nicotine comes from the roots of tobacco plants, th~ professor explained. and Is eliminated by grafting tobacco leaves and stems . to the roots of tomato plants.


.! There,· then,. stands, man. ,His saui, because" it. Is 's. . ':' $o~l,)iijmat~s 'ij)S,-1JO~y,:'~ii~~~Ul' of ·ido."y~r, ~nlmai' ani;'; . Pt!lte~. ~ts;~ ~:yt. b.eq~~~~:·zn.a1.?-:~ ~oyUs.~ .Sp,jl:~h 1~ pa'g ~1l': ':', !ac4ltH~s ot!ntel~e~t·jtI}d:.:..'\VlU· py:"-.whlch W'knO'Ys and, l~:r,!~~ ./.'. t ..,; :.\ ;. . , ..• 4':',' • -f.: I. .. ; : _..• ," ,._ " '.. asthe. am~al Ii. canJ1ot.::.To...p .t...... .. 5. ·"'/.S'-'::-.l:,;,,':;..i,· :&,:, o:i,i:!!:;;:.;;;'~': l-~ ... "'," '.;!'~ ,>"..,.:.. ~ ~: : ••"'....:.'"..:.; .~,~.<). - ment or bodies' 'and 'at last' wo :man s' ·mtellect· objects· are .. ---l'.·..,.·"....",·~·"'~·.·~,,··· •. :'( .-.~ .. : i "_ ..••..•. ,..... , "\, ... r. .L....;., . _. ·•.·;~.'·n-:: . ,can fly. in. the.upper . all'; ,W~.,,' ;~


THE ANCHOR-:-: Thurs.• S·ept. 19, 1957


as-what they fhelr 'eS'Sei1Ce', lii18]yse;'geherah'se: . ,'.t.... .: ~. M.~l!:'!1~lf!:'.<·' ' . reflect: build u'p"" ... , "'-' 'I" , . . : • ~~~t, ~.!lere ~~'t JlJ.w.s,~Il.PP'lY1Jl!'l ~1l: th'f' gre!'-t. . :t~ ~a~'~.so,!I,.p1or~~ ~a~!I"I~ just structlires :' 0 f .. as ~rve. Thf:l. s~me. q!>d 'Yho p1~d~ ~hOught, . CO~l~' .. ~he.Ia:w.of grayi~¥!. ~~p.e.the laws ~o' the ki1ow~ o~ justIce. ~n,~ p~nty.. P~¥s1c~1 ~edge 'of ~ spirit ,~"l~w~ do not af~ect 0I.lly th~se who ttri.d of the In:" ... accept ~hem .~ .th~ ne", born finite s p 11' 1 t " ba!>y: can. ~I,e: f~r : wa;nt.l?f. th~ g 1'0 w' 1Ii' t li e rl.gh~. -";it.amln~ C!r be kIlled. ~y domination' of : falliT!g, from. a. ~ight.· It Is the the' materiai .same with' the laws of morality. universe." W e , Because both sorts' are laws,. we DAY OF FUN FOR NUNS: Just about to hit the 'big­ ~re proud of our cannot break. them,' How could dip' on.the roller-coaster. at Pittsburgh's Kennywood Park Ci 0 g when he . we oreak the law.·of gravity? We . ~rings in the... could jump off a .cliff, but by area group of nuns who. p,ut their labors aside for a: few Presidential Kin )norning papei'; pleased with a' d<.>lng that, \V~ should not break hours of fun. Hu~dr~ds at .the park could hardly believe NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Fune­ chimpanzee which has been" the law ot gravity,' we should their eyes as they' spOtted the roller-coaster fill'ed with ral services. for Mrs, Lewis H. trained to smoke or drink from lllustrate it, Hardie, 73. a great-grandaughtel' nuns. NC Photo. ~ cup; but animal knowledge Is We cannot break the laws, but, of President Zachary Taylor were only a faint parody of human. if we ignore them, .they can bre.ak held at the Chapel of Our Lady 'and so, \i;ith all its pathos is .us., In this the laws of moralIty of Perpetual Help, conducted by ilnimal lave, . ar~ the same as physical laws. If WINOOSKI .(NC) - Love is a harsh and joyless .soclety, has the Redemptorists here. . This superiority of the spiritual we' disobey them; even in ignor­ Mrs. Hardie was· the former... the basis of religious ~aching, already betrayed them to the soul spreads downward-to the ance, our nature Is always dam-. Alice Stauffer. She 'is survived by enemy.~' border region between soul and aged, .for they are the .laws of 'Father Barry E. Fontaine, Chan­ Bishop Robert F, Joyce of a daughter, Marchesa de Campo­ body, to imagination :and sense reality. If' '!'e disobey them; celior of the Burlington diocese. Burlington, who presided, de­ lattaro of Rome and· one son, memory and the emotions, in knowing that God has command­ speaking' to religious and lay clared: . Walter S. Hardie of New Orleans. none of which has the animal ed us to obey them. then there id teachers at ,the seventh annual "The primary responsibility of ·more than hints' and suggestions sin, the worst damage of all. Catholic Teachers' Institute at Sisters and religious teachers is of .the human, It' spI'eads to the . st. Michael's College said. The to be ambassadors of good will. Mankind Has Edict!'

body itself. , 'to their children; to win their priest stated: . We have not space here to To fulfill Creation

"Any teacher who fails to give hearts as well as their minds. (ievelop the final point in the "We should not be finding students a deep realization of relation of soul and body as the NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Man­ love as the basis of their' religious fault with parents but should be philosopher would: but at least kind has what amounts' to, c. life, and who in puritanical ex­ .New Bedford, Mass. helping them meet their ·prob­ 1'emember that they are not two mandate from God to engage in cess of righteousness creates a lems. We could accomplish much DAILY MASSES

separate things, one of which technological pursuits, according distorted Image of the Church as of our work by helping parents 7, 8, 8:45, 10, 12:10 Noon

animates the' other; they are to 'Jesuit Father ClemeJ;lt J. Mc­ train themselves to guide their comoined in one being, man Wm~ 'Nagpy. . , youth." Confessions-Daily before self. By its substantial union with . "Against all fatallsms, divine Migration Official

Masses and 8:30 a.m. to it spiritual SOUl, man's body is _ .. re~elation. taught .us ~he funda­ 9 p.m. shall we say·spiritUallsed?:.....not mental goodness of'creation. Not Bound for Italy

NEW YORK (NC) - Father mere matter anyway, but en­ two gods, of good and evil, but Perpetual Novena to st. .110bled. If. by some Impossible .on~ God, Creator even of thingS Caesar Donanzan, national exe­ Anthony-Every Tues­ chance. one of the lower animals vis~ble. The '~arlY Church. had to cutive 'secretary of the Ameri­ day at 10 a.m., 12:10, 'were given a human body, he fight all sorts of heresies, but can Committee on Italian Mfgra-' ·3, 5:10 and 8 p.m. would not know what to do. with they were one in being ultra tlon, has sailed aboard the SS Constitution, bound for Assisl; spiritual, 'anti-material. it. For lFu'rther Information "Divine revelation tells us that ~Italy, where he will attend the , Two Other Truths .and Novena Booklets But even when we have seen GOd gave' man- dominion over third International Catholic MI­ man as a union of spirit and this creation. He was to subdue gration Congress starting Sun­ Please Write to: matter, we have not seen him . it, 'and cultivate it. God confided day. Father Donanzan will be In IFIIAINCDSCAN FATHERS whole and entire,' Two other the earth' to his care to put his New lIedford, Mass. truths about him must be seen, stamp upon it, give it a human Rome for 10 days after the con­ or we see him wrong. face, integrate It with his own gress and is scheduled to 'have leD. WY 6-8274 audiences with. Pope Pius XII and The first Is that man is essen­ life and so fulfill it. wtih Giovanni Gronchi, Presi­ tially a\social being. We should "If man is to imitate God as dent of Italy;' He plans to retui'n not come into existence unless He truly is. he must work, re­ ..other humans produced us; or . making, Improving, re-creatin~ to New York about Oct. 10. stay in existence unless they this universe that his Father'has maintained us in it. This depend~ : given into his hands in a rough­ ence on' others we do not out­ hewn and still plastic state," grow. We have all sorts of needs which we cannot supply for our­ . Un~vell'sity te Sta!l"1J'

selves; and all sorts of powers­ . TV ''''redo'a ". nnll'ses

to love. for example, to-teach, to '" U "" ... pl:ocreate - which can. never be MACKINAC ISLAND (NC) New l8edfonD's used save in relation to others. FavOl:able reaction to the a.n­ . . ASJlfi!hJ@l1'ozedl Without his fellow-man, no one nouncement of the University 'of would ever reach matiJrity; he Detroit credit course program on .. cehevJr@Uefi fI)eaUel1" per. annum would be a rough sketch for a TV starting this month has war­ 545 Mms~., man, no more. rented a complete second semes­ , TI~e second. is' the: ti'utQ :we tel' schedule on TV starting in Bedf@rcll have already seen as applying to February 1958; according to Fa": WV 7~9486 all things-whatever. Man is m'ade ther Celestin' J. Stelner,S.J., unl­ of nothillg, is held in existence vei'sity' president: L~test di"id~U1d 001 from moment to moment simply . "We' have l;eceived 475 appli­ by God's will to hold him' there', . cations for our aftel;noon and God's will is the reason for man's evening freshman' Arts College existence; so God's will must be program. on WTVS," he said. the law of his existence. To dis-: '~Ulilike many universities faced obey the law is sil1: to tIiink we ~ with swelling enrollments and can gain by disobeying IV is in- limited facilities we can take care sanity." .' . of all freshman who ap~y. There That there are laws' in the' .. is no limit to the capacity of our universe, no one doubts: the law' TV credit program," of gravity is one obvious. exam- .' The :Jesuit Fat,her also pointed OOlchael and Edward Nasser

pIe: the laws of dietetics are ali" out that the TV credit program, Proprietors

other. By learning these laws and which requires night school stu­ living according to them we gain dents. to .com.e to the campus [()lE iJIlJ!../E fR.~ Member Federal Deposit . , Member Federal freedom, Pause upon tliis, if· the only once a week, and day school thought is new to you, Freedom students 'two evenings a' week, Insurance Corp. Rt~serve System BINi ~1E1M1E~AlJ.. is always bound :uP. with obedi- has interested many stUdents in el1ce to the 'law of. God;: th~re ·is " ,neighboring cities, M~~C{H ~1M@n$£E no such thing for man 'as free-. .' Father Steiuel; explained that dom from these; laws,' there' is the plan'. has reCeived national U'3~ §o~ Mcsin 'Sireei only fl:eedom within:- them. Each' . attention, lilld that "rilliny edu-' . 'lJl«iun Ilfiver' new' law learneil by·u.s·Increases, cators, hope to find help in this our, freedom;. We . learn the laws'... plal.l:t.o.sQ!v:e'the'iY·own expansion @Sborne 4~2@4'1-3-~38 B . ". . .gravity, air-currents, inove':' problems." . . . . , .

love Is Relig.ioU5.Teaching Basis

Our Lady's







Savinlgs Accounts





.Bo MG Co Durfe:e

Trust Company

£Ifil@aiftl ClhJa&terr


~\O)~nt~ng for N]Q1rirY 1rit~e

<Case High GErid$ters By JJack ll{nHlleavy Somersd 18llgb' Schoo) Coaeh

Defending champion Case of Swansea and runner-up

Somerset figui'e to fight it out for the 1957 Narry League

~hampionship on the basis of past records and retul'I~ing

personnel. In 1955 aiid again last year, the title wasn't

oecided until the Thanks­ giving Day clash between fine starting nucleus returnIng

the' two traditional rivals, from the '56 squad that lost only

Taunton' aodCase. In CaptaIn

Case winning both times.' to Dennis Collins and Jim Rockliffe.

The '55 loss was keenly felt by the Raiders have two fine haif­ Somerset partisans Inasmuch as backs. Collins.is a devastating it knocKed the Raiders from atop blocker and an aggressive com­ the roost In the Class D stand­ petitor; Rockcliffe, fam11larly ings. . known as "the Jet," Is' the fastest Last year was a banner one man on the squad. for Case in all sports. In addItion The quarterback and fullback to annexing local small school positions remain to be filled. grid laurels, the CardInals were SenIor ;paul Chace; who under­ t1tI1sts 1n basketball and baseball studied the g l' a d'u at e d Mel as well. Coach Jim CassIdy's hoop Douthwright, will likely open the Ilquad further distingUished itself season under center, though by capturIng Class C honors in sophomore Bill Taber is making .... ,~. the Tech Tourney. The Cardinal .a spirited bid for the job. The ATTlLIEBORO SIERRAN'S lHfOlL]) '01Ul'JING: Two boys who won events at the first baseball team advanced to the fullback situation is athr'ee annual outing of the Attleboro Serra Club at Cathedral Camp in Lakeville are shown quarterfinals of the State Tour­ cornered affaIr with junior Jack nament before bowIng out. Carreiro currently out in front. receiving their awards. From left to right are Chairman John·D. Ahearn of the AttlelFive Team League Classmates Warren Hathaway bol'o Serrans Altar Boy Committee, Serran President Robert V. McGowan, Robert Taking first things first, Case and sophomore Joe DiGiammo' E. Sharlebois and Robert G. Sicard. Sharlebois was the victor in the free style swim­ will seek to defend Its football are vying for, second position.

ming contest and Sicard took top honors in the under-water race. title this Autumn against the Senior George A 1'1' U da, a

.. . challenges of aforementioned (fefensive specialist, Is being

New Bedford Circle Somerset, Dighton, Dartmouth groomed to fill In for' Captain

and Falmouth. Mansfield's with- . ,Collins at wingback. In the event 'To Install Officers'

drawal from league Tanks leaves that Dee, who underwent an ap­

A banquet and installation of INSURANCE Narry with but five gl"id mem­ pendectomy a month ago, Is un­ officers will be held by Monsignor ,1 bers. APPRAISER able to answer the starting Noon Circle of New Bedford at Coach Cassidy's most vexing whistle against Mansfield, Sept. 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25 in REALTOR problem In aligning his charges 28, Arruda will handle the weak­ New Bedford Hotel with Mrs. for the current campaign is the _ side chores. FlOl:ence Foster as chairman and 1320 No. Main St. backfield situation. Replacing The Raider forward wall is Mrs. Ann Ryan, co-chairman. FALL RIVER 314 Church.St. New Bedford boys of the calibre of quarterback healthy. On the flanks are Mike Officers for 1957-1958 are Mrs. W"! 4-0421 WY 3·7342 OS 2·2000 Bill Marr, halfback Bill Horner Salmon and Bill Gastall: Mike, Catherine Clark. president; Mrs. and fullback Frank Oliveira a 6-3, 190-pounder, was a starter Ryan. vice president; Mrs. Ruth won't be easy. In '56, while Gastall was a front Barry, recording secretary; Miss Marr, the wheelhorse of Case's line reserve. Jim Bridgeman, a Mary Boy!e, financial' secretary, championship elevens, leaves a· defensive linebacker last year, and Mrs. Ruth Wing, treasurer. particularlY large void. Heir ap­ will hold down the starting left

parent Is Charley Christopher tackle job and will be partnered

who filled in for Marr on occa­ by Tony Saraiva or Elmer Gagne.

~~. sion last year. Charley Is a junior Saralva, a 215-pound junior, is EVERV THURSDAY AT classman. stands six feet and the heftiest man on the squad. 10 A.M.-12:10 P.M.-5:10 P.M. weighs 150 pounds. He did a In scrappy Dennis Maggiacomo, 7 P.M.-S P.M. bang-up job for the Cardinals 'on Coach Simpson has one of the Broadcast WSAR-8:45 P.M. the diamond last Spring. Behind better interior linemen in the Dally Masses-7 A.M.-S A.M.­ iEVIERYTHBNG OPEN SAT. SUN. him Is Charley Malone, a 140­ . area. At this writing, senior Steve 8:45 A.M.-I0 A.M.-12:10 P.M. ROLLER SKATING:'" BOWLING EVERY DAY

pound junior. Leading candidate Durfee has the edge. In the other Confessions-Daily-8: 30 A.M. for Horner's vacated right half guard slot. Durfee, a 440 man In DANCING EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY

to 9 P.M. berth Is Harvey Mackie, 135 track, has Impressed the staff Contact Mr. Gamache, Tel. WYman. 9-6984

pound speed merchant. Hal'vey is with his ability to lead Interfera junior letterman who saw re­ ence, . Every 'J'uesday at 10 A.M.­ serve duty last year. He Is also Good Reserve Matel'ial 12:10 P.M.-3 P.M.-5:10 P.M.­ the place kicking specialist on Pete Kaszyk, a junior, and let­ 8 P.M.

the club. .terman Roger CaroD are very

Broadcast 'J'ues.-WNBII 10 much In contention. Caron's two A.M. & WALE 7:30 P.M.­ Letterman Back Wed. WSAR 7 P.M. . Norni Chretian, a converted week reserve - cruise from which he has just returned has retarded halfback, Is slated to open at full­ For Further Information back. Alan SpIcer,' the only re­ his development, but he's expect­ and Novena Booklets /-lOIN MANY turning backfield· regulal", will, ed to come. The snapper-back Please write to: SIGNERS WERE again hold down the left half job. duties rest very capablY' in the Alan Is expected to carry the hands of Merrill Chace, a three­ TI-IER£ TO TJ-IE brunt of the Cardinal attack. year veteran and de;ln of the DECLARATION FRANCISCAN FATHERS FrontI1ne backfield reserves, In offensive forward wall. Forrest OF 572 PLEASANT STREET addition to Malone, incluc\.e half­ Williams and Ron House will INDEPENDENCE spell him. .NEW BEDFORD, MASS. backs MerIe Mackie and DIck Coach Simpson, who employs a

o I i vel I' a, and fullback Gene two platoon system, lists half..

,. Emond. back Bob Oliveria, guard John

With five regular linemen re­ turning, Coach Cassidy has the Faria and Tackle Roy Ashton as

nucleus of a fine forward wall. starting members of the defensive.

The Travis brothers, Jim and platoon. Leading reserves who are

expected to see a g'ood deal of

Phil, are back at the end posi­ tions, as are guard Mike Howa­ action Include ends Steve Biello .// WYman yeck, tackle Gerry Furtado, and and Bob Sullivan, Colin Breerley . ~ ~~/I .3-6592 center Wayne Goss. Jim Travis and Chris WhItcomb. The latter o uu: sn':OIl.:AT£. , ... and Goss were All-Narry selec­ is only a ninth grader bl\t he CHARLES F. VARGAS tions In '56. It is likely that stands 6-3 and weighs 195. Just There were 56 signers to the Declaration of 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Howayeck, a 250-pound senior, a growing ladl At the tackle posi­ tions Simpson can call on Wayne NEW BEDFORD. MASS. Independence. will be shifted to a tackle posi­ tion ··to fiII the voId resulting Stone, Jim Bounakes, and Ed from the graduation of All-NaITY Ferreira. In the backfield, senior Dave Manchester and a host of Bob Quinlan. Moving into start­ ing guard positions wiII be Ed sophomores are competing for re­ lief duty. Among them are Dick Ferreira and Joe Quinlan. Leading line reserves at the Durfee. Barry Lees, Alex Martin moment are Billy Mitchell and and Al Morris. All show consider­ able promise. ' AleJI McCrae, ends, Manual Car­ valho, Ron Walker, and Bruce Demoranville, t a c k I e s. Ben' Adams and Dave .Greenman, guards, and centers Henry Ent­ wistle end Frank Hibbert. With ." 2J~"". ~1. v"" , fjua,lity and quantity up front, 1[»:lUr4mmoutlhl . . . . St.- t( the C&dinals need only to get In New llie~goD"d;1 the l:Jll£kfleld to give their ([)p­ .:' Il0nfmts all they can handle . .i. ;, S4lmmeli'se~ IP'Il'{ispects ,~ini5 A .• I 'I'l:1c pre - :;e~oYl . pilCtu,1~ at Eomell.;t't pl'e<;fnts I'. 'itrJklng par­ lo Moin ('11\."1. Coach Jobn Slmpso.n hatl ~ ,.­ . 'I' '.11 n I ,I " 1 1 : \ tl \ ,. ~ '(.\ ,~IJ I( '~I ~_<~t t '4 ,:' ~.. ? ~ '.1~11· ~' ~I,'l")' ( ~ f ~<.~! '.. I;-'.,-j .~,: . '. .... . , ':l 'I' 0" J . f"f.





GBibert C. Oliveira


Jll!lde ·Novena

St. Anthony Novena











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;"Father Considine Certain . Freedom to Win in Africg "

the bishops of French West Afri­ ca recently said frankly that the Church belongs to the llfe of Africa; that no Catholic is re­ strained by his religion. but rather is encouraged by it to help build the future Africa socially. economically, politically as well as spiritually. "Remember," the bishops said. "there is never, properly speaking. the French Church, the German Church, the Chinese Church. the' African Church, but only the Church of Jesus Christ, present in France. In Germany, in China. in Africa, now and always the same"

Modern Africa is a world. in ferment, that is moving steadily tow.f11.ds its goal 'of self-determination. Father lQhn I. Considine, a native of Nell' Bedford, .who has traveled ';videly throughout that gigantic cO~ltinent and who has writ'ie,i penetrating articles. and books on the subject, gives liS his impressions and' conclusions about 'present conditions and future developments. He is the brother of Rev. Raymond T. Considine, D.irector of the Propa­ gation of Faith and Pastor of St: William's Church, Fall River, · aild' Rev. Arthur G. Considine, Administrator: of St. Mary's Church, South Dwtn,lOuth. ."

na stems from il. 'boYish-looid~1r man in his forties-a man wIth modern Africa, what would it be? a resourceful brain and passable Q Can' we sum this interview UP. Father Consid,i1!e, so that our A There are different· view' sure judgment. Three years be­ readers can have definite conclu­ ·points for 'answering' that ques- fore my visit there. he was in sions to take with them? tion. However. I think that the' jail for sedition. Today lie is continent 'as a whole is charac- Prime Minister 'and the recog­ A There are three conclusions tcrized by its 'movement towards nized leader of, West Africa. I that are important to remember. self-government. am· speaking of Kwame NkruFirst, self-government is the ba­ Q What is the Church's attimah;- a progressive African Who sic objective for the great mass of • tude towards this new moveonce studied at our Lincoln Un1~ the 200 million Africans, just as ment? versity an'd the University of MISSION MEETING UNDERWAY: At tlle eighth it is the basic objective for the A It is not the Church's desire Pennsylvania. rest of the human race. to engage in politics. NevertheQ TlLere t1 no doubt of Nkru­ annual meeting. of mission-sending societies, sp0I}sored Q And tliis movement is one less, the Church recognizes its mah's nationalist capabilities, but by the MiSSion Secretariat, are Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, that cannot be.denied to Africans l'esponsibility for preparing the - is he\ equipped to p!'ovide inter­ Secretariat President; and Alioune Diop, expert in African much longer. Is that right? peoples of Africa to be ready to. national leadership? A. Yes. To deny it would be like accept the responsibllities and A Let me answer by way of affairs, and Editor-Director of Presence' Africaine, pub. trying to hold back a deluge with an example. Some months !!'go, . lished in Parts. NC Photo.' . ' obligations that will be theirs. . one's hands. The march to self­ Q Will you explain what you in New York. I attended a meet­ 1nean by this recognition of re­ ing with a group of practical­ Q Is any effort being made to Africa are headed 'by African government is one that can't be spcmsibility? businessmen who discussed at fight these' evils and train the bishops. The trend is steadily to- halted. And this leads me to the . wards a Catholic Church com- second conclusion I want to offer. A An interesting indication in length the Volta River Scheme. womeil? A Considerable effort is being posed of Africans, For some gene- The self-government that we this direction was contained in a That is a multipurpose project. rations to come, it will have to be speak of is not merely a superfi­ recent pastoral letter signed by to process a million tons of made by Africans and by Eu­ helped by foreign personnel, but cial. political institution. Self­ the' Cathollc prelates of Tan­ bauxite a year, and provide elec­ ropean cooperators.' In Leopold­ ganyika. The pastoral contained tric power for almost all of ville for instance I visited one of a Church native to Africa. is . govelnment is an outward sym­ bol of a profound cultural, social. doctrinal instruction and was not Ghana from the falls of a huge a number of large centers that, stea~ily being built. the Belgian Congo .administra­ ·at all political. Yet a section of dam that would create an artiij­ Q The picture you paint. Fatheconomic, religious, and political that document has to do precisely cia I lake 240 miles long. This tion has dedicated to forming' er Considine, is a bright one. But evolution that takes place within with self-government. If you, will project will take .eight years to good habits in modern women.. doesn't Africa have some sore a developin~ society. permit me, I'd like to read you build and will be 'financed jointly When I called a typical class of spots? Q. And your third conclusion? • one short section. by,the British Government, Gha_· a hundred mothers was training A Certainly. One cannot exA It follows from the other Q Please do. na and private bauxite interests in household skills. Another class' pect that the most tremendous two. Self-government, now a. A This is what the bishops in Western nations. Thus we of expectant mothers was makin'g social upheaval in all history symbol, is to become very soon said: "Africans have begun to see have the ·prospect or one of the clothes for their layettes. Later I should be· free from all tensions. the existing institution in many themselves and others' more greatest enterprises ever under-' went with the social workers into ·The marvel is that there is not quarters of Africa as well as in clearly in the light of Christian 'taken in Africa, launched in part homes. The workers were teach­ more trouble. the rest of the globe. In largG l'evelation, and they grow daily by a country govelned by Kwame· ing housewives to serve good Q What are the areas of trouportions of the' world, however. more aware of their dignity as Nkrumah and fellow Africans. nourishing meals. clothe' the ble? before genuine self-government men. Among those especially who Certainly if the large financial family decently, give propel' care can become a'l'eality, generations interests show confidence in .and love to their children, watch have enjoyed the beI!efitsof edu­ A Although the Mau Mau ter- and even centuries may be ex­ cation, there is. an increasing'ly Nkmmah, we can presume his the family health' and make the 1'01' in Kenya is said to be ended, pected to pass. False ideologies. strong demand to play an active ability. In the instance of Ghana. wisest use of family income. the resulting friction will last a of both the extreme right and the part in the development and di­ we are witnessing the people of Q Does the di;~ction for this long time.· In South Aflica. the extreme left. are due meanwhile come f'l'Om the Africct';ls them­ rection of their country .. ; For a former colony who are assum­ doctrine of apartheid, or racial .' to succeed temporarlly. Failures the goal desired by all is a self­ s.elves? . . ing a constructive role. in inter­ separation. has caused great bit- and evil conspiracies wlll cause national affairs in a maniler de­ A Under the Congo govern­ governing telTitory, and the pre­ tel'l1ess. An e'xplosion could take retrogression, colossal destmetion , paratory work in view of this is finitely beneficial to the rest of . ment much of the actual teaching place there at any tillie. and human bondage, to millionll b proceeding at a gradual but ever­ is done by 'hundreds of African mankind. Q Since Dutch Calvinists dom. of human beIngs who now dream Q Ghana.' fsactually a small I e a deI's. Wise administrators inate South Africa, I don't sup- of freedom.

quickening pace." Q What dCJ. the-' bishops mean country Where problems can be know that the' times call for pose that the Church is strong Q But in the long run, freedom

new thlna:ing that. provides 'Afri­ 'by "preparatory' work"? 'solved more easily than in a big 'will triumph?

there? can leadership, I saw this' all A They mean the' building up one. Isn't that so? A There are 850.000 Catholics A Yes. That is the lesson of A Ghana is made u-p of vari­ of an' entire and complete Afri­ over Africa and heard it from South Africa, of whom 730,000 history. In the long run, man's ·can society. In some areas, as fo'r' ous tribes. Ghana has the same leaders in government, education. in are non-whites. Almost 200,000 i b f . instance in West Africa,'substan­ problems from old customs and and most strongly of all from re­ African children were in Catholic asp ration to e ree ,WillS out. tial progress has been made. tribal differences that oth!,!r llgious ·leaders. schools when new legislation gave Q Can you give us an eXamlJle . countries have. If Ghana can • LlNGUICA of what you mean?. solve its problems, so can the Q Is thel'e a definite program them the choice of accepting an A I was deeply impress!'!d with ~thers. But you are right in say­ of putting the Africans in charge· inferior educational curriculum • ·CHOURICO or losing' state aid and being what I saw in Dakar, the capital ing that customs and tribal dif­ of religious matters? • MORCElAS forced to close down. It is re­ of French West ·Africa. I was ferences can constitute a block A Very definite. It is part of a At Grocers-Super Markets the .guest one morning at the to national. unity. Nigeria .18 a long-term procedure established markable tI1at' native Catholics wedding of Mark Monet and An­ case in point. With 30 million In- by the Holy See, for every part were able to gather hundreds of ~S thousands of dollars to continue gelique Mendy•. members of two IJabitants, Nigeria will soon poss­ of the world. ess a substantial degree of self­ outstanding families of the Wo­ Q What is the position of operating the schools. LISBON SAUSAGIE CO. Q Despite obstacles. then, the lof peoDle, the tribe that domi­ government. Yet the country suf­ .Christianity in Africa? 433 So. Second st. nates Dakar society. The best of fers. ,from lack of 'harmony A Out of 200 miliion people in Church grows steadily in Africa'! WY 3-7645 Africa, 37' million are Christian. A Yes. In .a joint statement, society filled the church.' After among its various peoples.' Ni­ They include 17 million 'Catho­ the ceremony, I attended the reo geria has some able leaders, but lics, '12 million Protestants and _----_._---------------_~._ ._------_~ ception and admired the smartly they are widely apart' in their 8 million Eastern Orthodox. We're' Proud to Be' Your EDSEL Dealer for g attired men and the women thinking. New Bedford and Surrounding Towns g Q To constder CUltural prob­ Q What propOl'tion of the' tastefully dressed in styles that .SEE AND DRIVE THIE g make Dakar the fashion capital lems briefly. will you tell us about Catholicclel'gy is African? of West Africa. There was a some of them? A Of 75.000 Catholic religious .~DSI~I g completely modern African so­ A The place of women in na­ workers 60% are African. Some 1.500 ordained Catholic pl:iests ciety, quite capable of taking tional life is one of the most im­ care of its own affairs. Angellque pOltant. Experts on' Africa list are Africans, and 6 dioc~ses in. Mendy's father was a former seven social plagues that beset it -.- 480 Union Street New Bedford WY 9-6241 ~ mayor of Dakar. women. They are: (1) the lure D B Q Do the people of French of town life, 'which destroys tra­ : MANUEL MONIZ JRo Salesmen g West Africa choose their own ditions of family and tribal life; D 11M CARNIf1f g (2) the growth of Ii class of Afr!­ g government? ARTHUR TAVIEIRA BERN·IE NISSON D A They not only choose t1leir can functionaries who are rela­ D JlLERS BEN BLACK' D DE own' local governmelJ,t but also tively wealthy, with the result g • .' ~ ARMAND TAVIEIRA g elect representatives to be sent that many use their riches to buy 0 __ ~~ to the parliament in Paris. In wives like cattle; (3) the evils ~ m~:::}i};~~:=:£r.:clk:~~K,~,I~~~~~, the last elections. three million of the' dowry system. now ag­ D out of a possible eight million gravated by heavy cash gifts in gD West African voters chose 17 place of former gifts in kind; (4) African deputies and 20 African the consequent enforced celibacy . go


senators to represent them In of many young men,'who have to Paris. . wait years for the means to ·ac-· 0 G ..

Q Where .else can you point out quire a Wife; (5) the lack of ~o =a Specializing in a progressive people? companionship ill marriage OWiDIl A We wouldn·t have time to to the unequal educational de- . 1:.,. V .'. H' d C . m. al advertised Dill Beading Newspapers & Magazones talk about all of them. The most velopment between the sexes; (6) D i,/I&. arnehes- an ut: ALSO AIR, STEAMSHIP CRUISES AND TOURS' .BUZZARDS SAY· t. advanced to date· in political the Ilrowing use of alcohol with g /Fall' free ./Fo'der:s WrIte or ColO maturity is the newly independ-: its consequent moral evils; (7) ~ OPP. B B Theatre : ent country of Ohana, formerly the jiestructlon of tribal morality . g . IDtENNISP.O~.T. .~ VAlJ'ldylke 4;.9691 Taunton Inn (lobby)' ~. the. British' colOnY of the Gold without a corresponding- develop• t d '. . 0 . Tb-e Old Post Office .' D Coas .- The evelopment of Gha­ ment of the Christian code. . !l aii.i;,;, • ..'.q· Q Father Considine, if youhad

to vick one 'tetm to characterize



Thurs., Sept. 19, 1957





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