Mission- Work Confronts Basic Concerns of Life
Father Donald J. Bowen, 36, has been a priest of the Fall River Diocese since May 30, 1964. He has served in St. Patrick Parish, Somerset; St. Mary Parish, Norton and St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro. He joined the St. James the Apostle Missionary Society on Oct. 9, 1973, in a lend-lease program of sharing priests for missionary activity in South America..
An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Tl;ursday, Sept. 19, 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. 38 © 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year
Moving from Attleboro to Paria, bigh up in the Bolivian Andes of South America, becomes more than a journey of 6,000 miles. 'It is a passage into another world: from high fashions and techilology to quaint living and ancient traditions; from inex· haustible consumer choices to a simple choice of day to day sustenance; from a society constantly in flux to one of more enduring familial ties in its sociopolftical structures; from a people who live by the ticking of the clock to a land where time is hardly reckoned; from a lifestyle. with' primary emphasis on coolness and efficiency to the warm Spanish accent of intima. cy and affection. This journey into the life of another country' is sometimes confus'ing, sometimes frustrating, but always fascinating. About 55 miles from La Paz near the shores of Lake Titicaca stand the ancient stone ruins of Tiwanaku, the last remnants of a civiliza-
Church Difficulties Respond to Faith CASTELGANOOLFO (NC) Faith is the first requirement for overcoming the difficulties besetting the Church today, Pope Paul VI told his weekly general audience Sept. 11. lt would seem superfidallly that the Churoh "is destined to burn itself out and let itself be substituted by a more facile and experimental rational and scientific concept of the world," he observed. Such a substitute for the Church would be "without dogmas, without hierarchies, without limits to the possible enjoyment of existence and without the Cross of Christ," he said. 'Pope Paul asked: "Has there not pe~haps been created an abyss, seemingly bottomless, between modern thought and the old religious and churchly mentality?" Many today wonder "if it is still necessary for the Church to teach us to love the poor, to recognize the rights of slaves. and of men, to care for and help the suffering, or to invent alphabets for illiterate people."
Moving from the general difficulties which the Church finds itself faced with today to particular internal troubles, Pope Paul observed: "And now there are some sons who have sworn love and fidelity who are leaving. There are not a few almost-deserted seminaries and Religious families wh.o find new candidates only with difficulty. And there are the faithful who do not fear to be unfaithful. "The list of these evils which afflict the Church of God today, despite the (Second Vatican) Council, could be continued up to the point at which the great part of them do not assail the Church from without, but afflict, weaken and enfeeble it from within." Despite these difficulties, the Church will stand because it has the promise of Christ to be with it for a'll time, ,the Pope declared. "Faith is the first requirement to overcome the present difficulties," he said. . The Pope defined faith as "the adherence to the word of God," Turn to Page Two
Cardinal Medeiros Sets Guidelines For First Communion, Penance BOSTON (NC) Can:linal Humberto S. Medeiros of Boston issued guidelines here for parents, children and priests regard·
Set· Charity Ball Date The annual meeting to plan the Bishop's Charity Ball of the diocese of Fall River is set for !Jwo on Sunday aft.ernoon at White's Restaurant, North West· port. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Charity Ball, said: "The 20th annual Ball will be in honor of the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the diocese, now in his fifth year as Bishop of the diocese. The Bishop is very much interested in this charitable and social event. The proceeds help to maintain the facilities of fOUf schools for the exceptional children and four summer camps for Turn to Page Two
tion that began hl::rl:: nearly 1,600 years ago. It eventually yielded to the rising of the great Inca Empire of the 14th century. These two are the ancestral forebears of the Aymara and Quecha Indians who now live throughout the mountain and pampa of the Bolivian altiplano.· The archeological remains of Tiwanaku present a sharp contrast to the growing, crowded city of La Paz with all its claims on the 20th century in the form of modest skyscrapers, hotels, neon billboards and the usual urban mixture of elegance along with the blight of poverty. ALmost as if to conceal its roots
ing the reception of first Communion and first Penance. The guidelines summarize in briefer form more detailed guidelines issued by the archdiocese last year. They'stress the primary role of parents in l..'<!ucating children for the reception of the two sacraments, and they stress' . the freedom of the child to receive either sacrament first. According to the guidelines, preparation for the r.eception of first Communion should norma.)ly take place in the second grade. Preparation for Penance should begin in the first grade and continue through the fourth grade, with instruction geared to the child's ability to understand the concepts of sin, redemption, healing, love and penance. The primary .responsibiJi.ty for judging when' the child is ready for sacramental Penance belongs to the parent, in consultation wi~h the priest confessor and teachers, the guidelines say. They add: "Not every child must receivl:: Tum to Page Two
It is only when you begin the winding ascent to the heights beyond that you become more and more aware that there exists yet another Bolivia: a Bolivia of rural peasants trying to survive off the yield of the land; a people whose garb and looks clearly link them with a history stretching deep into the past; a people who today are sHII living on the fringes of social and economic development in Bolivia.
These are the campesinos (peasants) who make up the majority of Bolivia's population while inhabiting the vast 75 per cent of its territory that is nonurban. lt is into this Bolivia that one emerges upon leaving the city below and moving out into the great stretches of altiplano that exist at an altitude of nearly 13,000 feet above sea level. Quickly you sense that you have arrived in what might be called a middle-distance land between Tiwanaku and the 20th century.
Expert on Mar~iage, Family At Priests' Study Days Healing Ministry to Marriage and the Family is the theme for the Fall Study Days for priests working :in the Diocese of' Fall River. Two identical days are scheduled for Monday, September 30, at St. Mary's Parish Education Center, South Dartmouth, and for Tuesday, October 1, at St. Mary's Parish Education Center, Seekonk. Fat-her John L. Thomas, S.J. research professor at the Jesuit
with the past, La Paz 'is nestled apart from the rest of the country in a deep crescent carved out of the mountainous plateau wh.Jch surrounds it.
Center for Social Studies, Georgetown University, will conduct the program. Father Thomas, a former Guggenheim Fellow and former President of the American Catholic Sociological Society, is a highly respected priest-sociologist whose. long· standing interest in the American Catholic family places him among the experts in his field. ,.Father Thomas has' authored 10 books on marl'iage and the family, the most recent being "The American Catholic Family, A Sociological Perspective" published in 1974 by the F'amily Life Division of the U. S. Catholic Conference. He has contributed chapters in 25 other books, four articles in the Catholic Encyclopedia, and numerous· articles in various European and Amerkan journals.
It is agricultural and past!?r"I, and in every respect still quite primitive. Little adobe pueblos that dot the plains and hillsides along the. highway seem even now to breathe the secrets of their ancestry. Typically designed Franciscan or Augustini· an bell towers stand proudly by little chapels in each pueblo as lingering clues to the presence of the first Spanish missionaries
Turn to Page Three
Bishop Cronin Gives Support To Birthright In recognition of the accomplishments of the Birthright program throughout the Fall River diocese, Most Rev. Daniel' A. Cronin has made a grant to the organization through the Campaign for Human Development. Birthright is a positive antiabortion program that offers pregnant girls and women aid in hringing their babies to term. 'Centers are active in New Bedford, Fall River, Hyannis and Attleboro. Mr. John Clements, a member of the advisory committee of the diocesan Campaign for Human Development, will present the grant to Mrs. A. Roger Loranger, director of Birthright of New Bedford, at a public meeting set for 8 P.M. Tuesday, Sept. 24 at St. Mary's Church Hall, North Main St., Fairhaven.
Along with the conferences presented .by Father Thomas, four workshops have been planned for the afternoon dealing with Marriage preparation; Marriage Encounter; ministry to the family of the alcoholic; and FamFollowing the presentation ily Liturgies. Arranged through the auspices of the Department ,there will be a slide showing of of Adult Education of the Di- Birthright's activities and a preocese of Fall River under Rev. view of the organization's reMichel G. Methot, and the Chan- vised educational program, precery Office, the Fall Study Days ' sented by Mr. arnd Mrs. Gordon are an annual program of the L. Baker, who are available as Continuing Education of Clergy speakers for area schools, clubs and other groups. of the Diocese of Fall River.
Charity Ball .
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 19, 1974
Continued fcom Page One lhc underprivileged' and exceptional children of every race, color and creed in the southeastern area of Massachusetts,"
October to Mark Knight Activity Retreat posters and student book covers are now available through Council No. 86, Knights of Columibus, Fall River. Any boy and gir; who would like such book q>Vers need but conti\ct any counoil member. The retreat posters-ll "xI7" -ask: '''Have you made a retreat lately?" They are free from: Supreme Council Supply Dept., New Haven, Conn. 06520. One should ask for No. 1569. Rev. Maurice Jeffrey, Assistant Pastor at St. Patrick Parish and Religion Instructor at Bishop Gerrard High School in Fall River, will be the guest speaker at the Oct. 7 meeting. Steel has arrived for the new council home. Completion is still rarmarked for Nov. 16. Everyone is free to inspect the Meridian St. site. Plans are now complete for the Harvest Supper to be held at Blessed Sacrament Hall on Oct. 19. Tickets may be had by calling a council No. 86 member or by' calling 4-3361 or 3,OD56. A council No. ,86 mem3ership drive is to open on Oct. 21. Anyone interested in joiing' is asked to contact Paul White at 6793259.
The annual area Communion Mass is scheduled for Oct. 13. Norm Bowlin and A. Rogert Lafleur are in charge. A 'Columbus Dance should do honor to the Knights' patron on Oct. 26.
Humanitarianism Humanitarianism, left to itself, has a way of becoming disturbingly inhuman. ..,-Graham
The Ball committee will meet with members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul 'and the affiliates of the Council of Ca,tholic Women. These two diocesan groups are co-sponsors of this winter social affair to be held on Friday evening, January 10, 1975 at the Lincoln Park Ballroom in North Dartmouth.
AW~RD WINNING CERAMISTS: Following the exhibition of the ceramics made by fesidents of the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, awards were made to the follo'wing winnersl Mrs. Elizabeth Monroe, Mrs. Albertine Dufour, Mrs. Helen Norman and Mrs. Alexina "Paradise.
Fall River' HOlme Holds Ceramics Show ,
The se'cond annual ceramics show for guests at the Catholic Memorial 'Home, Fall River was held under the direction of Sr. Mary Colette, O. Carm., recreation coordinator and occupational therapists Mrs. Alice NeJmes an'd Mrs. Anita Cordeiro. Following the exhibition of the work of the residents of the home, ,awards were made 'in the various categories and divisions. Mrs. Helen Norman was given the best of exhibit award and Mrs. Alexirta Paradise was voted alternate. The best: in each division was conferred on Mrs. Helen Norman, advanced class; Mrs. Marie Kel路 ley, interrlJediate; Mrs. Anna Alexander, Iregular. [n addit,ion to the above awards, l'ibbons were given to leaders in 'the following categories: advanced staining in detail-Mrs. Belen Norman, first; Mrs. Elizabeth Monroe, second. Advanced', glaZing in an antiquing method to Mrs. Alexina Paradis, firSt; Mrs. Owen McDonald, sec6nd. Mrs. Antbinette 'Savoie and Mrs. Agnes McDonald shared the first pr.ize, ~hile Mrs. Margaret, Durkan was awarded second place in the ~dvanced special effects category. Mfs. Bella Howe and Miss 'Catherine Rdberts received first I and second "wards, respec~ively
WANTED: A nationwide alert for a "very well spok, en" homicidal robber who I has preyed on Catholic rec-. Ne,crology tories in at least five states S~PT.29 in recent weeks has been is-Rev. J.A. Payan, 1899, Foundsued here by the Federal er, St. Matth~w, , Fall River Bureau of Investigation. WilSJ;PT. 30 Rev. John J! Griffin, 1963, Pasliam Rowland Roberts-37, tor, St. Paul, ;Taunton blue eyes, six feet tall, OCT. 2 tatooed and well-dressedJosepll Eo: Sutula, 1961, ,Rev. has used 12 aliases and usuPastor, St. Cas'imir, New Bedford ally travels in a late model ,,_ auto. Roberts is alleged to ,_'"""10.""',,,.....,,',,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,),,,,,,,,,,,,.....,,"""""",,,,,,,.._ I JHE,lNCHOR have !tidnapped a priest anc,t Second Class Posjage Paid at F~'I'I Rivo.r, stolen 'automobiles and mon- Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 ey from rectories in states Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall from North Carolina to Mas- . by River. Subscription price by mail, p~stp~,d sachusetts. $5,00 per year. /
,in the intermediate division of staining in detail. W'inners in the intermediate glazing with the use of decals were: Mrs. Marie Kelley, first; M::-s. Alber.tine Dufour, second and Mrs. Nora Morris, third. Mrs. Josephine Pierce, Mrs. Mary Boulanger and Robert' Boyle finished one, two and three in the intermediate division of the category of glazing <in detail. Regular glazing awards were be~towed on Miss Kathryn Harrington,' first; Mrs. Louis Charette, second and Miss Marie Bellefuille and Mrs. Sarah Com,inski, tied for third. Awards in the category of detail using stain or glaze of the regular division were conferred on Mrs. Anna Alexander, first; Miss Annie Raiche, second and Mrs. Florolda Russell, third. Ralph Trombino, Michael Melvin and Matthew'" O'Br,ien received the three awards in regular art glazing. In the regular special effects class, firsJ pl'ize was given to
CE'lebrate Mass For Mother
Mrs. Marie Daly, second to Sr. Marie DaImage and third to Miss Mary Noon. Judges were: Mrs. 'Mildred Nowicki,' Mrs. Theresa O'Neil, Mrs. Nellie Kaczynski, Mrs. Jane Wenc and Mrs. Florence Gasior.
Pope on Church Continued from Page One which is strengthened by grace and "the aid' of the Holy Spirit," and which comes to Christians "through the assistance of the ecclesiastical magisterium (teaching authority), as Jesus taught when He referred to the mission of the Apostles, saying: he who hears you, hears Me," Christians today must "convince themselves of the necessi" ty of a true faith, a faith which is authentic and active," the Pope added. He further explained: "Subjectively, it is not sufficient to have a vague faith, or one that is weak and uncertain. Nor is it sufficient to have a faith that is purely sentimental, .habitual composed of guesses, opinions, doubts or reservations.
"At the same time it is not Some twenty priests conceleenough, objectively, to have a brated a Mass of Christian Burifaith which accepts only what al for Mrs. Alvine R. Belanger, pleases it, or which seeks to mother of Rev. Donald E. Belanescape difficulties by refusing ger, pastor of St. Stephen Parish assent to mysteries and difficult in Attleboro. truths." , Mrs. Belanger, widow of ErThe Pope concluded that nest and Charles Belanger, died on Monday, September ~. Her Christians today must share funeral was held from St. Anne roles with tbe m~n in the Gospel Church, Fall River, on Thursday, who cried out: "I believe, Lord, help my unbelief." Sept. 12. Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. Gendreau, pastor of Notre Dame Parish and Episcopal Vicar for the Fall ' River-New Bedford Area, represented the Most Reverend Bishop and performed the Final Coni- .: J. 'TESE~, ,Prop. ~: 'mendation. ' , RESIDEN:rIAL , .', Survivors, 'besides Father 'Be- , , INDUSTRIAL , langer, include another son, J. :. '., COMMERCIAL: Maul'ice Belanger o'f Westmont, ,253 Cedar St., New'Bedford , N.J., a sister, two grandchildren , 993-3222 , and several nephews and nieces. ...... " , , , " , ,
Proceeds from this event help to provide for the promotion and expansion of the facilities for the exceptional and underprivileged children. These institutions include the St. Vincent de Paul Camp and Ca-tholic Boys' Day Camp for the underprivileged children; the ,Nazareth Camp for the exceptional children; and the Mashpee Camp on the Cape for the children of St. Vincent's Home of Fall River. Beneficiaries of the Ball also include ~he ,four schools in operation for the education of the exceptional children. These schools are: Nazareth Hall, Attlehoro; Nazareth Hall in Hyannis; and Nazareth Hall and the PreVocational Training Center in Fall R,iver. The various committee chairmen and members will be chosen and assignments made for all members present at the meeting this Sunday aHernoon.
Sacraments Continued from Page One first Penance before firs't Eucharish, but neither must any child be prevented from receiving the sacrament of Penance when the child' ,is judged ready to do so.... "Should the judgment be made that a child will receive the sacrament of Penance prior to the reception of the sacrament of Eucharist, a more intense preparation for "such a child (or such children) must be provided," The guidelines also urge that non-sacramental penitential services should be provided "to ac: quaint the children with the concepts of reconciliation, forgiveness, mercy, love and thanksgiving,"
Pity Now when a man suffers himself, it is ca\'led misery; when he suffers in the suffering of another, it is called pity. ----5t. Augustine ALUMINUM
MORRO'S ALUMINUM CO. Open Monday thru Thursday 5路7:30 p.m. Saturda'y from 9 to 3 p.m. 992路4036, 51 Crapo St., New Bedford
,rN~;;i~'H'.'T~ip'p路~, Michael C. Austin IN.C. ,:. SHEET METAL ,: ,
,, .
Funeral' Service Edward 'F. 'Ca,rney , " 54(' County. Street New Bedford 999-6222 Serving the area since 1921
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
NEW BEGINNERS: The New Beginnings musical group at St. Joseph parish, New Bedford, sing at weekly Masses at several churches in New Bedford and Fairhaven and also entertain at nursing homes and other institutions. Here they greet participants in a neighborhood get-together at Wilks Branch L'brary, New Bedford, sponsored' by the city YWCA. Shaking hands is Michelle Despres. Others, from left, are Jackie Racine, Leo Racine, Marie Racine, Denise Despres, Mary Buba. They are students of Bishop Stang and St. Anthony High Schools and St. Joseph's School. (Photo by Hank Seaman, courtesy of New Bedford Standard-Times)
Basic Concerns of Life of La Paz. This small pueblo of Continued frOm Page One who labored here in the 15th, about 40 families has its own S))ot in history as being the first 16th and 17th centuries. settlement established by the It is in this tradition, along with many other' contemporary Spanish here in Bolivia nearly missionary groups, that the So- 400 years ago. Situated where ciety of St. James arrived in the mountains melt into the flat Bolivia fifteen years ago as a pampa-land, Paria has the feavolunteer group of diocesan tures of all pueblos that exist in priests from throughout the the campo so far removed from world founded by the late Cardi- what we commonly accept as nal Cushing of Boston. Its mem- the marks of modern civilization. It is a land without paved bers are now working' in Peru and Ecuador as well as in Bo- roads, without electricity, heat, livia. And so it was that I myself or running water. Apart from a arrived in Bolivia this past MarcIl few small stores selling simple after spending four months at foodstuffs, the people live by farming, cUltivating what few language school in Lima. crops can be grown at this altiIt seems that all of us, from our first glimpses of a model tude - beans, potatoes, barley, ' globe in our early school years, onions, and quinoa, a high proinherit a prejudice about the tein grain-and by raising livesouthern hemisphere: it is the stock in the way of hogs, mules, underside of the world-or so -llama, and sheep which roam quite freely around and through it seems-and we are on top. the town. The evidence of the alSome Biases This prejudice, whether con- titude is marked also by the absciously or not, seems eventual- sence of trees. This might draw ly to embrace the presumption a barsh judgment on the land that whatever is from the north- as being a very barren, unattracern hemisphere, and especially tive territory, but in its rugged from the United States, must beauty of mountains, valleys and therefore be better. Or its oppo- ravines it manages to have a site, we come to judge with a special charm and allure all its characterisNcally American su~ own. 900 Mi. Parish periority complex that whatever is different than "our way" must In order to really understand somehow be less in quality and the life of this people you must value. get beyond Paria to,the more disThe first challenge on, enter- tant reaches of the campo. Our ing this new life and new world parish consists of a 900 square is to shed something of that mile area within which are Americanism' in order to begin some 50 or so small pueblos both to recognize and to accept scattered throughout the hills the values, styles, and customs and valleys. All are Aymara and of a new people, 'to see and cred- Quecba Indian folk whose comit them ,in their own right and mand of Spanish is somewhat not just for how they may differ limited. The first unmistakable from us, as if the United States impression one has of these were the only norm for the en· pueblos and their people-after tire world. surmounting the initial difficulty of even reaching many of Old Beauty Thus began my venture here them by way of rutted roadways in Paria about 150 miles south through mountains and riverbeds
-is the poverty in which they live. To spend a few nights or a week living with them is a lesson ,indeed. Their homes are nothing more than adobe huts with thatched roofs. For a floor they can boast only the bare earth. In a house, whose total space may not be much more than the size of a living room in an Attleboro home, a family of husband, wife and several children will often be living. One end of the little abode hut is used for cooking and the other end for sleeping. One Wardrobe The campesina himself bears his status in his clothing usually limited to a wardrobe of one set, well worn, sewn ,and patched. Children's clothing will often be pieced together from different remnants, not uncommonly from portions of flour or sugar sacks. The meals of a campesina family are a steady diet of potatoes, rice, sometimes a few green vegetables, and very infrequently a few scraps of meat. This sub-standard level of living carries over into the work life also where the whole family gets into the act. Plowing is still done by a team of bulls haul1ng a plowshare fashioned from a tree trunk and perhaps fitted with the leaf of a car spring honed into a blade. In this way' acres and acres of rugged terrain are plowed, one furrow at a time. Everyone Works Wh'ile the men are engaged at this the women and children of four years and older are out among the fields or hills tending flocks of sheep or llama. It is something to see a child of only five or six years old already assuming the responsibility of a shepherd, like a young David, skillfully handling the "honda," or s.1ing, used to control the flock. '
Mothers san be seen as a fa· miliar sight carrying their' in· fants on their backs peering out from within several folds of heavy wrappings. No ch~nce to stay at home or to hire babysitters. For many such infants this will be the only view they wiiJI ever have of the big world around them. High Deaths The infant mortality rate in the campo runs close to 60 per cent, a factor whioh also reflects the total lack of health facilties in the campo. Pain and sickness simply have become an accepted part of life. And in the harsh rhythm of nature seen all around, dying is resigned to as coming to ultimate terms with the bargain of being born. It is in this setting that we are seeking to carryon a missionary wor,k among these people both by the efforts of our catechetical center in Paria and by our time spent in the campo. Basically our work is aimed at trying to slowly bring the people to a fuller awareness of the possibilities that lie within their reach for growth and development as indio viduals and as communities. Such is the premise for our presentation of the Gospel. Lay Leaders Our approach is through the formation of lay leaders hopefully committed to the faith and capable of promoting it among their own pueblos. Such a task hegins with week long courses which we offer periodically during the year here in Paria. The follow-up effort then comes in our visits to the pueblos along with regu~ar meetings among the leaders. Already fruits of this work are beginning to show in several leaders who are assuming ever greater responsibilities both within, their own pueblos and in extended missionary efforts to other pueblos. Sacramental Life Our ministry in the sacraments at this stage is governed by the ,growth of faith from within the com·munity. We let this be the primary factor in determining 'both the need and desire of the people for the sacraments. This, we find, puts sacramental life in a much better perspective than that found where unrelenting insistence on weekly Mass and reo ception of the sacraments is _o~ten done at the expense of a real investment of faith by the persons themselves.
An extended catechetical effort beforehand tends to restore genuine belief and commitment as the solid basis of Christian community, rather than mere rate participation in 'liturgical ceremonies. It must also be reo membered that here the Mass by necess:ty remains an infre· quent occasion for these people since we ourselves are quite lim· ited in the number of visits to each publio during the course of, the year due to the size of the area. With the arrival of the rainy season from December through March many pueblos become completely inaccessible. All the more then, these leaders are entrusted with the task of continuing weekly Bible services and catechesis as the main thrust of our efforts. Cursillo Witness A cursillo here leaves no doubt about the desire which campesinos have for bringing the mis· sian to their communities. Many ,will walk sometimes for hours over the mountains in order to come in and, spend an entire week with us. Tired as they may be and unaccustomed as they are to classroom learning, they sit attentively through classes from morning to night. it is both humbling and heartening to be among a people who set themselves so passionately to the task of learning, realizing well that this is their first step in the struggle for a better future. . The chaHenge to ,us is one of patience as we try to teach in a way that is simple and comprehensible to them. Both in cursillos and in our work among the pueblos we find ourselves forced to contend in a new manner with the very basic meanings and is· sues of the Gospel as called for by the mode of the campesino's lives. This is as healthy for us as it is for them. It breathes a new spirit into our own understanding of the Gospel and into' our efforts at handing it on to others in such a way that it will effectively strike at the heart of their own lives and invite them into a new perception of faith imd ser· vice within their pueblos. There is with this the excitement of witnessing honest beginnings, of seeing how the Word of God moves and shapes a new people, Native Church Our ultimate goal here is to Turn to Page Four
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4 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Pilgrimage
In a five-hour car and helicopter: pilgrimage the other day to' places connected with the life and death of S1. Thomas Aquinas, Pope Paul pointed 'out that S1. Thomas gives answers to anxieties that troub)e modern man. The Pope. said that our time shouts loudly about the conflict between two forms of consciousness: in the mind of the believer-faith and knowledge. : St. Thomas resolves these, the Pope said, because "he started with the Word of God reveal~d and supported by reasonable motives of credibility, arid then applied the human mind-knowledge-to study it: with its own principles and methods in a way that th~ resulting theology . could rise, without presumption and s4perstition, to a true and wonderful level of the knowledge of God." The Pope indicated that the desire 'I of modern man for clarity and depth and truth is one that ,can be fulfilled and 51. Thomas showed the way; indeed, tll.ose in his own time yearned for the same assurances and tpe saint, taking the same powers of the human mind that men have today, and taking the same revealed Word of God that men have today, showed how the reconciliation can take place and the assurances be attained. : The pilgrimage itself of the Holy Father, from his summer residence by helicopter to the Basilica of St. Thomas in Fossanova, -showed a reconCiliation of the unchanging truths of religion with modetfn techniques. The action itself was an example of what Pppe Paul says and does. In himself he presents to the world the Church, ever old and ever new, ever living in the present while ever \ rooted in eternity.
The Contemporary Schodl I
As schools open throughout the nation, several communities in widely differing areas of the c06ntry are offering parents a different type of education for their children. They. I are holding out "alternative schools." One of these in Palo Alto, Californ,ia, typical of the others, and calling itself "the contemporary school," says in its prospectus that its goal and philosophy is to' emphasize "academic skills and subject matter and the establishment of good study habits ... in a quiet and orderly environment which many children need in order to learp. -. .. A majority of the school hours will be devoted to: the teaching of reading, writing, spelling, language and arithmetic...." Well, now, this is quite a switch from .'what many have considered "alternative ~chools." The "~lternative schools" of the last decade or so were largely unstructured schools. Some were successful because children learned under the sophisticated and low-keyed guidance of excellent teachers able'and,willing to work hard in the indivi~ual development of the child while not appearing to domin*te or to dictate. Some scl1.ools of the type be~ame places of chaos. . But now co~es "the contemporary sch9ol" which seems to have brought the matter full circle. More ~nd more people, and especially parents, are coming to demand that their children learn the basics, are coming to as1,{ that school be' presented not just as a fun place but as the setting in which the development of skills and the acquisition of knowldege have a priority. . , No one should advocate that schools b~come places of rigid and blind forcing of faCts upon children, with no regard for individual temp'eraments and.make-ups. : But too many of the "alternative schools" of the last decade have not done the job either. . Perhaps the "contemporary school" is the one that will blend the necessary learning setting and supject matter of the structured school with the innovation and creativity and individual concern of the "alternative school.~'
.: OR @The ..ANen\, . I
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF' FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press' of the Dioc~se of Fall River 4'10 Hig.hland Avenue " Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7:151 PUBLISHER '
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.
Rell. John P. Driscoll
Schools Director To B·e Featured At Workshop
Ri~er-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
FINANCiAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan 1
Rev. , John R. Foister
Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, D.Ed., director of the Diocesan Department of Education, will be a featured speaker at a workshop for Catholic educators to he held Saturday, Oct. 5 at Aquin'as Junior College, Newton. Sponsored by the New England Association of Directors of Education of Women Religious, the program wHl have as its theme "Educational Leadership as an Apostolic Ministry." Also speaking will -be Rev. Henry C. Frascadore of the Hartford Archdiocese. Some 50 workshop groups will include participants from every New England diocese.
Pastoral, Prophetic, Practical Scheduled from 9:30 A.M. to 4:15 P.M., the sessions will conclude with a concelebrated Eucharistic liturgy at 3:30 P.M.
"Picking On The Wrong Guy"
Retreat's .Fraternal SpiritIs Strength for Parishes Rev. Timothy J. Goldrick Every year in September, priests from all over the Diocese make their way to _Cathedral Camp in East Freetown for the annual diocesan priests' retreat. Two sessions were held this fall, with Reverend Ricb:ud H. Sullivan, C.S.C., as retreatmaster. The retreat-a long-standing Diocesan tradition-affords each priest the opportunity to remove himself for a few days from the busy parochial schedule, to join his bishops and fellow priests for prayer, mediation, spiritual reflection, and a good bit of fraternal sharing. Old acquaintances are renewed and new ones formed. During the retreat, many members of the Presbyterate, as the the group of priests is called, can be seen strolHng through the wooded grounds of Cathedral Camp. Priests once assigned to the same parish catch up . on what has been happening, re.tired priests share their vaiuable experiences and insights with
P"roduction Begun On S;t. Martin Film UMA (NC)-An international film company has begun production here of a movie ·on the life and works of St. Martin de Porres, ril1e mulatto Dominican Lay Brother who gained celebrity even in his own lifetime in colonial Peru as a saint and wonde~· worker. Cameraman Ga'briel Figueroa, considered one of the best in the profession, and director· Tito Davison of World Class Films, are shooting scenes at historic sites where the saint lived from 1569 to 1639. St. Ma.rtin de Porres was the son of a Spanish soldier and a N f f P egro reewoman rom anama. He was canonized in 1962. St. Martin has a large following among Spanish-speaking communities throughout the Americas.
Emphasis for the day will be on the pastoral, prophetic, and practical aspects of Catholic education as an integral part of the. apostolic ministry of the Church, with particular attention to the leadership role of the Catholic educator.
Concerns of Life Continued from Page Three assist in establishing local Christian 'communities for what will one day become a native Baliv-ian church in the campo, a'\)Ile to continue on its own after we leave.
confreres recently ordained, priests informally discuss their parochial ministries with t:heir Bishop, the chief priest of the Diocese. The retreat schedule for each It is through sharing in' this priest included twelve spiritual process tha't we ourselves have conferences by Father Sullivan, come to discover and to apprerecitation. of the Prayer of Chris- ciate more profoundly what the tians three times daily, and Ben- Church is, should, and can be. edicNon of the Blessed Sacra- 'In this respect it is a relief from ment each evening. "Phe liturgi- Vne heaviness and laok of vitality cal high point of each day's that today affects so many Chrisactivities was the Concelebrated tian communities which, despite Mass held in the Camp -chapel. vast and complex organization, Bishop Cronin served as.principal seem to be going nowhere. The concelebrant during the first difference may well lie on the week's sessions, and Bishop Ger- one hand in being confronted rard undertook this role during with a more authentic v4ew of the second week of retreat. Spe- the Gospel that offers real hope cial Masses for the cause of vo- and vision to people, and, on the cations, for deceased bishops and other hand unimaginative efpriests of the Diocese, in honor forts at sustaining parochial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Di- structures t.hat no longer answer ocesan Patroness, and in honor to the true needs of the faithful. of Jesus Christ, the Eternal High 'Perhaps this is where we find Priest, were offered each week. ourselves ·with an advantage Many favorable comments . working here among a peopqe were heard from the one hundred who lack so much of this world's and eighteen priests who comgoods. Their spirit is certainly pleted the retreat about Father not impoverished. Their warmth, Sullivan's spiritual counsel and their simpliCity, their openess, gu'idance. Well known to many and their affability are their residents. of this area, Father greatest treasures. All of this Sullivan, formerly the President. seems to put them much closer of Stonehill College and presentto the Kingdom of God as it was ly associated with the Holy announced in the Gospel. With Cross Retreat House in North so little to own they have only Easton, seemed to thoroughly enthemselves to give, and in the joy the experience, not an easy end this seems to be the key one in the view of many clergy, to what is happening here both of providing points for meditafor them and for us. tion for the assembled priests. Arrangements at Cathedral Poli!;h Night Camp were made by Father Leonard M. Mullaney, Camp DiThe Adam Miekiewicz Society rector, ably assisted by a crew of the Polish Roman Catholic of ten Diocesan seminarians and Union of America will sponsor the Camp staff. its second annual Polish Night The priests have by' now re- from 6:30 t~ midnight Saturday, Sept. 28 at Miekiewicz Hall, 2031 turned to their various parish and institutional assignments, Purchase St., New Bedford. A buffet will be followed by dancbringing with them a renewed sense of, their mission as spiritual ing with music by the Merry Falleaders of God's, people. They cons of Providence. Proceeds will are ready now for another year benefit the organization's scholof labor in the Lord's Vineyard. arship fund.
Cardinal Wright Decries Gains In Knowledge Without Wisdom GREENSBURG (NC) - The world has experienced an explosion of knowledge without a corresponding advance in wisdom, Cardinal Wright said here in Pennsylvania. Cardinal Wright, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy, addressed a meeting of 150 diocesan priests after holding a news conference on the day of his arrival. While talking with reporter·s, lhe cardinal sa'id that society has come to place too much emphasis on "know hOW" and not enough on ,"know why." "We've had a great knowledge Wri.ght explosion," Cardinal pointed out, "with no corresponding wisdom explosion." The cardinal, a former bishop of Pittsburgh, recalled his own hackground of being taught in the home. Many parents, he said,' rely on the school to leach such basics as manners and decency. As a result, he added, teachers have less time to teach reading, writing, mathematics and the art of thinking. "They ex'pecl the school to do it ... There is not enough training at home," he said. The cardinal appealed to the public to begin what he called a trend away from excessive professionalism and toward compassion, . empathy, and love in teaching. He defined professionalism as a preoccupation with "know how" instead of "know why," and called it "a great American disease."
"We know how to bomb a city into rubble but not why we shouldn't do it," he said. "We know how to abort habies, but we don't know why we should protect human life. There are books and books on how to make love but few on why we love." Optimistically, the cardinal said there is a reaction setting in which means that people are asking why, and exploring philosophy and love, faith, music, poetry, literature and art in their search for answers.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
Priest Appointed To Housing Force NEWARK (NC) - The president of Seton Hall University in nearby South Orange, is one of 10 members named to a special task force established by Mayor Kenneth Gibson of Newark to de-
velop a tenant management plan for a public housing project here. The president, Msgr. Thomas G. Fahy, will work with representatives of tenants, the Newark Housng Authority (NHA)
and community groups to develop a management program at Stella Wright Homes, where the nation's longest rent strike was recently ended after almost four years. .
BEFORE This photo of a starving mother and son Votas taken following last year's heavy floods which destroyed crops in Bangladesh. Like many victims of famine in mission countries, this mother and child were .aided by a.relief team of missionaries helped by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
One Faith During his address to the diocesan priests' meeting, the cardinal asked what a priest should be. He answered his own question by saying that humanism is the most important trait for a priest. Using examples and stressing Church doctrine concerning unity, he urged the priests to strike a proper balance between their professional and spir·itual lives. "I rejoice that the vast majority of priests do not lOok upon their ca'lling as a profession," Cardinal Wright said. "They do their work for the love of it." At a Mass at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, the' cardinal said in his homily that even though 'there are many diHerences in the Church, unity is essential. "Office may differ from office," he noted, "but it is all one Church, one body of Christ, one faith, one L?rd, one Baptism."
Cardinal Says Bishops in Rome To K'eep Abreast of Theology VATICAN CITY (NC)~Cardi nal Terence Cooke of New York, trading views over Vatican Radio with three other participants in the North American bishops' Theological Consultation in Rome, said he and 68 fellow bishops were immersing themselves in theology because of its enormous developments. Archbishop John Whealon of Hartford, Conn., agreed that the bishops had come because theology had been developing as fast as society itself. There is no question of alteration ,in the Church's doctrine, they said. Auxiliary Bishop William McManus of Chicago asserted that the bishops, by their month-long
Holdup Man Gets School Receipts LITTLE ROCK (NC) A youthful gunman who pretended he wanted to transfer his younger brother from SI. Bartholomew's school to Our Lady of Good Counsel school here robbed the Good Counsel parish secretary of $827.55 in cash and $8,600 in checks. Betty Castle, the secretary, said .the gunman, wearing a redknitted cap pulled down to hide his hair, approached her desk in the school gymnasium where parents were registering their children and asked how to tronsfer his brdther. An hour later, as the registration period ended, he returned, pulled a small handgun from beneath his shirt, picked up the box containing registration receipts, and fled. The checks were not negotiable, having been stamped "For Deposit Only."
consultation with scholars in theology and Sacred Scripture, were endorsing "by example the growing trend toward continuing education." He said most bishops "felt we were sent here by the priests and people of our diocese who looked ,upon the trip not as a vacation 'but as a chance to return to school." Catholics expect bishops to be "teachers and preachers today rather than executives and administrators," he said. The consultation is being held at the North American College graduate house, 16th-century structure ·in downtown Rome where the bishops are living in students' quarter.s. So far the bishops have discussed the theology of tne resurrection, original sin and redemption. In addition to sessions in theology, Scripture and philosophy, the consultation includes two days of spiritual reflection, emphasizing authority in the Church as a service to the community. The final week's agenda includes an examination of moral principles. Bishop Louis Gelineau of Providence, R. I., said the consultation "enriches my Hfe personally, and I hope the experience will redound to the life of the people of my diocese." Cardinal Cooke said the consultation was not only an oppor,tunity for Amerkan bishops to support each other but also to "support the Holy Father and move ahead with him as collaborators in the leadership he has 'given since the (second Vatican) Council."
Five months later, they were restored to health. The missionary who took these photos did so "for generous donors who wonder if their money is well .used." .
It is for PEOPLE such as these and the missionaries serving them around the world that .we beg your continued prayers and sacrifices.
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For the world's suffering-poo'r, the dedicated missionaries bringing life and hope, and for the love of God, I enclose my special' mission sacrifice of
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Leave a legacy of love fo" the missions - remember the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in your Will.
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The Society lor the Propagation 01 the Faith Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C., 366 Fifth A venue New York, New York 10001
The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine .Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974 •
Indian H1eoqdress .Giv,en to Pope
Says Quality, Wo,rkmanship
ROME (NC) - "They say that God has something special prepared. for bumble people. Well, we Indians are humble people and this was certainly one of .those special things." That was Mrs. Alvina Ander· son's reaction after she and three . other Ottawa Indians posed for pictures with a beaming Pope Paul, who had exchanged his white skullcap for an Indian chief's headdress. The impromptu encounter with the Pope followed his Sept. 11 general aU9ience at his s~mmer home in Castelgandolfo.. In an interview later in their RoIne hotel, the Ottawas recounted: . "At first the Pope passed the headdress on to an assistant. But everyone motioned to him to put it on. So he told the bishops to move out of the way and then there was a blinding flash of bulbs and a huge roar from the crowd." People present said the Pope was reaIly enjoying himself as· he stood, arms extended and grinning broadly, with the Indi· ans who were robed in ceremo· nial dress of buckskin decorated with intricate beadwork which they fashioned themselves.
Hard to Find in Applianc'es' .
'By .Joseph and Marilyn R6derick '
This is the right time of year to ge~ the lawn ready for next spring. A good way to start is to giye the lawn a heavy raking to get up as much as the thatch ~s possible. This can be done with a steel rake and a bit of pressure. It is difficult, .: . but it does thin out the old I~! The Kitchen dead grass and weak plants. Once this is done it is a good It has Jv st been one. ~f those . ' years-we needed, and bought Idea to c~e~k for ·le.vel a~d a. new refrigerator, a new car, a slop~ and fill m depreSSIOns With a thm l.ayer of ,!oam ~o that the lawn Will be umfo~m m grad~: .T~e next step IS to" ~ertllize With a long-term fertilizer so lhat w~en. the young grass ~prouts It Will have some .nourIshment to grow on. ThiS, of ?o~rse, does no. harm t? the exIstmg lawn, ~?l~h p~ofIts great· Iy from fertllizmg m the late, fall when the weather turns cool and the grass is still in active o th gr w . Best Time
new dishwasher and presently qly garbage disposal is broken, . one of mY, ovens has the door falling Off,: the clothes dryer has to take a rest between loads or it doesn't l-un, and my washing machine is :quickly reaching mid.. die-age. This is a very common problem a~ter 16 years of marriage but Ihaving others also ,faced with, the same problems doesn't solve mine. N t I Id t f f d 0 on y! 0 mos 0 us In it impossible to buy all new applianc,es a'~ this stage of the At this juncture seeding can game but \\ie also find that qualhe done'. The best time to seed a ity and workmanship have all but disapp~ared.· , lawn is in the Fall when there I bought ~ side by side refrigare light rains and the grass is not overcome with heat. The erator last $eptember after much. young grass has ample oppor· scrimping, saving and searching World Religion, Peace tunity to take root, grow and only to find: that the refrigerator GREAT WHITE FATHER?: Pope Paul VI good.naturedConference in Belgium spread before winter dormancy part is so tiny that five quarts of milk cr~ates a hazard. Not ly dons an Indian headdress which was presented to him LOUV.MN (NC) - Delegates sets in. . Finally, there is the watering only is the size inconvenient at Castelgandolfo by this group of Indians from Gaylord, representing Christianity, Bud· which must be done in order to but the lini,ngs on both freezer Mich. The bishop with them is believed to be Bishop Edmund dhism, Hinduism and Islam are me'€ting here for the second keep tlhe seed mOist and germi· and refriger~tor doors have split Szoka of Gaylord. NC Photo.World Conference on Religion nating. I have found that the after six months of use, some· and Peace (WORP), at the Cathbest times for watering are early thing that lny former refrigerolic University of Louvain. morning and mid·afternoon. A ator had not; done in its 15 years There \'lre representations also good soaking with a light spray of service. I from Judaism, Shintoism, Sikh· Where are those companies -in the morning will last until ism and Zoroastrianism. well into the afternoon, when you could cOunt on? Where are Chu'rch-Related Colleges Must Be True The conference, Aug. 28-Sept. another watering is sufficient to the dealers I who stand behind 3, is discussing ways and means To Their Commitment keep the seed moist until the fol· their products?I'rn afraid that of relating religion to quality of lowing morning. they are few and far between. OINCINNATI (NC) - Church- gest two 'mothers' - Mother of life. A lawn treated in such a way ObsolescencJ is built into an Among the U. S. delega,tes to is 'bound to be healthy and' object befor~ it even leaves the related colleges ,can be effective Church and alma mater, this col· the WRCP are two nuns: Sister strong. Ideally, this procedure .factory, and where does the in· improving society, if they are lege or one like her?" Wolverton recaIled that prior Rosalie Murphy of the Sisters of . "true to their commitment," Dr. should be followed each 'year, consumer tu~n to complain? . Without a doubt the most Robert E. Wolverton; president to the Land Grant act of 1862 Notre Dame deNamur, a memo but unfortunately most of us do not have the time or energy for frustrating ~art' of reaching a of the College of Mt. St. Joseph, "virtually all the colleges" estab· bel' of the peace and' Justice , said here recently. Iished in the U.S. had been Committee of the Leadership . this. But doing it every three period in homemaking when new years or so should help to renew appliances an~ fur'niture are needHe spoke at an orientation brought into existence by church Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and Dominican Sister the lawn and keep it from reo ed is that u~-to.date isn't going program at the 54-year-old col· groups. quiring a major overhaul. He quoted from a 1905 cata· Marjorie Tuite, a member of the to mean better. . lege for women, conducted by [ . the Sisters of Charity of Cincin- logue of .Macalester College, a LCWR Social Welfare Ministry .If you likel rice pudding, then' nati. Minnesota Presbyterian institu- committee. Sister Murphy is the I know you'll love this creamy Catholic Conference tion, that set forth its priorities official delegate of the LCWR rich riCe des~ert that's based on Wolverton, first lay president as: "Tbe matter of first impor· and Sister Tuite is the official Directors Elect Phillips the Portugue~e dish Arroz Doce. of the college, noted the "aim- tance is charaoter; second, delegate of the National AssemST. PETERSBURG (NC) i lessness and apparent loss of a culture; third, knowledge." 'bly of Women Religious. Charles M. Phillips,' executive die s~eet Rice spiritual anchor for society" in rector of the Wisconsin Catholic modern American society but reConference, was elected presi· jected the notion that the counI % cups mHk dent of the National Association Y2 cup sug~r try is incapable of reestablishing 1 teaspoon! vanilIa a value-centered national purof State Catholic Conference Di· 6 pi'eces of Ilemon peel (yellow ,rectors (NASCCD) at th€ organ· Y2 inch by 2 pose. ization's recent annual meeting part only) atiout II He said that Church·related (optional) here. . . , Y2 teaspoon salt colleges still cultivate the valHe succeeds Theodore Staudt, Y2 cup s 9 t or long-grain ues, virtues and principles that r h executive director of the Catho· There's a lot to like about Fernandes Super Markets . • • lic Conference of Ohio, as head. white rice, cooked until. tender, have been disappearing from the American scene. of the association, whose mem- rinsed and dr~ined. Serviced Fish and Deli, Serviced In· store Bake Shops, People are capable of red is3 egg YOlks! beaten . bel'S represent 29 state Catholic 1 Tablespoon butter covering solid values by which Luncheonettes, Convenient Customer Rest Rooms. Try us .•• the Conferences throughout ground cina'mon to live and the ethical and moral country. You'll like us, tool I principles on which those values The NASCCD also presented 1) Combine Iin a saucepan-the rest," he said. And to help them special "Appreciation of Service" milk, sugar, lemon peel and salt. to do so there are institutions award to Father Michael Shee· ·Bring to a boil. Add rice. Grad·- like the College of Mt. St. JoI han, assistant general secretary ~ally bea't a lit;Ue of the hot milk seph, he added. of tbe National Conference of mto egg yolks; then gradually Catholic Bishops (NCCB), and beat egg mixt~re into rice. As for the rediscovery of "such the U.S. Catholic Conference things as' honor, truth, integrity, 2) Cook over low heat, stir· trust and love," Wolverton (USCC). Father Sheehan, who serves ring, just until: mixture thickens asked, "is it too simple to 'sug32 Stores in Southeastern Mauachusetts as· coordinator for the state Cath· slightly; do not let it boil. Add olic conference with the USCC, butter and stir I,to melt. Pour into . Labor OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. -9 p.m~ addressed the conference direc· a slhallow servihg platter or small He who labors as he prays tors on their convention theme, serving dishes;1 sprinkle or dec~ MONDAYthru SATURDAY "From Division to Unity Through orate top with I cinnamon. Allow lifts his heart· to God .with his hands; Evanl3elizaticin. " to cool. Makes:6 servings.
Solid .Values
Food is our product .•. Service is our pride!
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 19, 1974
'Everyday Ro·sary' H:onors Mary,' Mother .of Mothers
Holy Cross Has Nun Chaplain
Several times in the past I have written about my inability to say a complete rosary. If I start" one during the day it is always interrupted by one of my eight children who needs something "right away" or by a phone call from a neighbor or relative who has a problem to discuss. If I try to say a rosary. But someI think more about how start a rosary before going times I'm going to make a decent meal to sleep at night, I doze off out of the leftovers. I'd be willbefore the prayers are finished. Each time I've written about this I've gotten letters, most of them from other mothers who
By MARY CARSON sympathize with me because t'hey have the same experience. But tJhere have also been a few letters which accuse me of indifference, lazJness, lack of devotion, letting material things take precedence over the spiritual. Surely, they say, in 24 hours I ought to be able to take 10 minutes for the Blessed Mother. If I analyze why I don't have 10 minutes a day the fil'st answer is because I have eight k1ds, and my husband and I both work to support t'hem wit'h today's "luxuries"... food in their stomachs, shoes on their feet, and education in their heads. She Knows ,Frankly, I believe that most parents are in the ~ame boat today. And accusing them of their "weakness and lack of proper values" provides no help. So I ignore such acousations. I know I love the Blessed Mother. And I also' know that when there's 10 minutes I can make available, I'll say a formal Rosary. In the meantime, it just may be that a 10 minute rap Wlhen I try to say a Rosary is the Blessed Mother's answer. to my prayers. I believe she knows more about everyday problems in raising a family than we generally give her credit for. In the Lita,ny, we attach very "spiritualistic" titles to her: "Tower of Ivory," "House of Gold," "Ark of. the Covenant." For my own personal devotion I prefer to think of her as: "Mother of scraped knees," "Mother of runny noses and fevers," "Tower of laundry," "House of dirty dishes," "Ark of consolation," I don't relate to Mary arrayed in splendor, standing on a cloud. But I can try to imitate her on her hands and knees scrubbing a floor, trying to make grocery money reach, and bathing a grimy toddler w.ho's been playing in the mud. I believe that Jesus was a typical boy in many ways. I believe He got dirty, fell and bled, climbed trees, was late for dinner, and did all the little boy ,things. And I believe that Mary, ,in taking care of Him, was a very normal mqther. Everyday Rosaries So I say my own "everyday" kind of rosaries. While I fold 50 pieces of laundry I sometimes
ing to bet that's what Mary thought about when she did her laundry. Sometimes 50 dirty dishes aren't so objectionable when of· fered as a rosary. I seldom count accurately. I figure if the count is that important, Mary will keep track. But I think she's mcre concerned w'ith the i",~ent than the execution. I've put a paper clip on the 10th bill in a stack and meditated for a moment on the "Agony in the Checkbook," I've climbed stairs with a thought of the "Way of the Varicose' Veins," When I'm driving in :traffic and have the distinct feeling that the angry mob is out to kill me, I say one very long decade on the crucifixion." It may not be so spiritually ,beneficial as more formal prayer. ,But it 'beats bemoaning my state in life. And it sure _is better than doing nothing. "Mother of mo,tbers, pray for us."
Boston to Construct Housing Development 'BOSTON (NC) - A 98-unit townhouse development for low and moderate income families will be constructed by an -agency of the archdiocese of Boston which will later turn over control of the project to the residents. . The Planning Office for Urban Affairs, 'a non-proHt agency of the archdiocese, will construct the townhouse in the suburb of Beverly and oversee initial rentals. Later, the occupants will form a corporation, and the mortgage wili be given to the new organization. The housing is unique, the archdioces'an news bureau said, in the country to offer the benefits of home ownership to fam· mes of all income levels under 'a cooperative ownership pro· gram.
NUN CHAPLAIN INSTALLED: Josephite Sister Anna Marie Kane stands before the altar at Holy Cross College chapel, Worcester, during her installation as a chaplain at the Jesuit college. In the background, from left are Bishop Bernard Flanagan of Worcester and Jesuit Father John Brooks, college president. (Sister Kane is believed to be the first. nun to be given liturgical responsibilities on a U.S. Catholic campus). NC Photo.
WORCESTER (NC)-A nun was installed as an assistant chaplain at Holy Cross College. Sister Anna Marie Kane, a nativ~ of Worcester, was commis. sioned by Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester at a concelebrated Mass -in St. Joseph's Chapel. She was granted permission to distribute Communion at on-campus liturgies as an extra· ordinary minister of the Eucharist. . 'In May, she became one of the first women to receive a degree -a master's in chemistry-from the college, which became coeducational in 1971. Recognition of Equality Sister Kane has been serving as a chemistry instructor but will limit her time in class to 10 hours a week so that she can build a community of prayer groups, discussion groups, and witnessing to the student body and being a visible image of the Church. -Father John E. Brooks, col'lege president, said Sister Kane will not be a token image to the increasing number of women on campus, but will be fully concerned with the problems of the male community on campus. Sister Kane echoed that ideal as she spoke about her new duties which she sees as "counseling the coeducational students on religious, moral and psychological problems from a woman's point of view, not maternally, but from an older, trusted sister's point of view,"
Before the FaJI: rus·h start.s.•:.... 'CHANGE TO CLEAN
Biblical Association Aids Famine Stricken CHICAGO (NC)-The Catholic Biblical Association (GBA) decided at its annual meeting here to dQnate one-tenth of its annual membership dues for famine relief. . The tithe, agreed to by the_ CBA executive board, amounts to $1,130 from the budget of the organization of American Bible scholars. The executive board also pledged financial assistance to the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (Francicsan Biblical School) of Japan for a project of translating the' Bible into Japanese. It established a CBA episcopal liaison committee to further ·a dialogue between bishops and scholars that was initiated by a committee of the U. S. bishops in June.
Rent a: Gas Home H.eatinCJ· Conversion Burner and Pay Only,S"2.S0 Rental Charge a."Month Call us now!
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tHE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 19, 1974
Urge Candidates To Take Stand On Abortion DETROIT (NC)",:"","The Knights of Columbus opposed abo~tion and pornography and supported limited amnesty for draft resisters and aid for non public schools in resolutions approved at the 92nd annual meeting here of thc Catholic fraternal organization's supreme council. The knights resolved that political parties and candidates should be "forced to take a position" for or against a constitutional amendment reversing the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision barrfng most restrietions on abortion. The,eso!ution, passed by the 386 delegates to the meeting of the supreme ,council, declared that the Supreme Court's ruling "brought about a moral catastrophe more malignant than the scandal of Watergate or the ravages of inflation." The Supreme Council of the 1.2 million-making organization also stated that it "opposes the granting of wholesale unconditional amnesty or pardon of conviction for' deserters from the military, draft resisters or others who have chosen to become fugitives from their country to avoid military service, but it supports a policy of limited amnesty for truly conscientious objectors." School Aid The Knights' supreme council also called for "appropriate legislation and if necessary a constitutional amendment .. : to provide financial assistance to nonpublic school students" that will include "transportation, purchase of services, textbooks in secular subjects and tuition grants' or relief through income tax grants." The supreme council pointed out that rising costs have mad~ it increasingly more difficult to maintain religiously affiliated non public schools withaut tax subsidies "thereby denying to parents the freedom of choice essential to the exercise of their constitutional guarantees." Another resolution declared that "obscenity and immorality are detrimental to every community" and urged all units of the Knights of Columbus to "strengthen their fight against pornography" by vigorously pressing states and communities to adopt laws banning works that are patently offensive, predominantly prurient and have no serious' literary, artistic, political or scientific value and to enforce such laws stri,ctly.
'Proclaims Hispanic Heritage Week WASHINGTON (NC) - President Gerald Ford proclaimed Sept. 10-16 National Hispanic Heritage Week. , In citing the accomplishments of more than 10 million His::,anic Americans, President Ford called on "all the people of the United States, especially the education community and those organizations concerned with the protection of human rights," to observe the week w'ith appropriate ceremonies and activities. He also called on Americans "-to rededicate themselves to the principle of full and equal oppor-, tunity for 'all citizens."
'Flying Nun .Accompanies ·Tw~ Orphans ITo United States for Adoption i
LOUISVILLE (NC) - Sister of Loretto Da~n Dorsey "had had it" the tirrie she steppe'd off an airplane h~re at the end of a four-day six-stop trip from South Vietnam. I Perhaps the only one wearier than she was her flight compan· ion-a fivJ-month-old Vietnam· ese orphari1boy she had brought to Louisville for adoption by a local family. Another I companion on th~ trip had al~o got tired, but healso five months of age - had ibeen spared the final 300 miles from Chic~go to Louisvi}le. In Ohicago Sister Dorsey left this Vietnamese: infant with a family from Wisconsin who had adopted him. , Sister bdrsey by herself had brought the: two infants from an orphanage in Saigon to their new homes' in the United States. Despite the weariness of her long trip, she broke into a smile here as sheinanded the baby to his new parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trimmer. Loui~ville Arrival Mrs. Trimmer ran down to get her new son as Sister Dorsey came off the airplane and en· tered the tetminal. Right behind her was het husband who was carrying thei1rI other adopted son, . Steven, 3. \ ' "It was \lerY. long," the nun commented on the trip. "We had a day layover' in Manila (in the Philippines) I that was not expected." : She continued: "It was very hard on .the kids. They were very good, but thley had to go from places that.: weren't air con. ditioned into places that were air condition~d ... They can get dehydrated very fast." When she left Saigon, she had sufficient foqd and changes-of~ clothes for the babies, But she still had her ~ork cut out-making the formJla, feeding the two infants and Ichanging their diapers. ! The harde~:t part of the trip, she said, was :from Saigon to San Francis~o, wi~h stops in Manila, Guam .and Hpnolulti. From San Francisco sh~ had a non-stop flight to Chicago, and then a short flight to Louisville. Sister Dors~y, who during the year teaches I "developmentally disabled" children in a special.• I school in Lebanon, Ky., said "I had had it by: the time I got to San Franciscol" In San Francisco she was met by a represe~tative of Friends' for All Childr~n, an organi-.:ation which operate~ four orphanages in Vietnam. The representative took care of ithe infants while Sister Dorsey rested. Hospitals Overcrowded -I slept in San Francisco for about 20 hourk,'~ she said.
Strike i Averted BROOKLYN (NC)-The threat of a strike b~ lay teachers in eight Brooklyn diocesan high schools was ¢nded when the teachers' union and the diocese I reached agree~ent on a new contract. The one-year agreement provides a rais~ of $100 per year for each teacher and an educational grant of $300 for each teacher seeking additlomil creddegrees. its toward il,dvi\l1ced I
A MOTHER'S SMILE: Her happiness shows as Mrs. Edward Trimmer of LouisvifIe holds her' new son, a fivemonth-old Vietnamese orphan which her family has adopted. The, child was brought to Louisville from Saigon by Sister of Loretto Dawn Dorsey who said that children in prphanages she visited received loving care, but in many areas of Vietnam hospitals are so crowded that they have to put two patients in one ped. NC Photo. Sister Dorsey had been in . Vietnam since June working in one of' the orphanages sponsored by the Friends for All Children. The orphanages sponsored by the organization have about 400
Denies Big Losses In Bank Collapse VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican has denied press reports from Germany that the Catholic Church suffered a stunning finandal blow with the recent collapse of the German private bank H. Wolff. The reports' had said that the Vatican held a sizeable part of -the stock of the small Hamburg bank through its holdings in the Italian Banca Union. , In ,a rare comment of the financiaE operations of the Vatican's Institute for the Works of Religion, sometimes r,eferred to inexactly as the Vatican Bank, the 'vatican press office issued a -communique Aug. 27 on the German reports. The institute is a centralized financial agency set up by Pope Pius XI to handle economic and financial interests of a variety of Catholic religious institutions, including Religious orders.
children, from infants through 10 years of age. Ohildren in these nurseries "receive the best of care," Sister Dorsey said. "The staff is very loving:' But she .also saw another -side of Vietnam where people do not receive such good care. It's a different world," she said of Vietnam. "The poverty is ' beyond comprehension." She said -she "saw it. lot", of the country, including refugee camps and hospitals. "The hospitals affected me most," she said.' "There are two patients in one bed. Some (patients) are lying on the floors and in the h·alls."
Passes FutlJlres Markets BiU WASHINGTON (NC) - Th~ Senate has passed a bill creating a commission to police the $520 billion-a-year agricultural futures market. The National Catholic Rural Life Conference supported such a -commission in congressional testimony earlier this year. Futures markets are the arm of a commodities exchange which buys and sells agricultural products before they are delivered. The Senate votcd o.verwhelmingly by a vote, to establish an independent, full-time Commodity Futures Trading Commission to protect investors in fast-moving trading and to protect against speculation that may add to inflation for consumers. The Senate bill is tougher than a similar bill passed by the House. The two bills will be rec.onciled in a joint conference. The Senate bill would model the independent commission along ·the lines of the Securities and Exchange Commission, with five full-time members appointed by the president and cOilfirmed by the Senate. In testimony before the House Agriculture Committee and a letter to the Senate Agriculture Committee, Archbishop Ignatius Strecker of Kansas City, Kan., president of the rural life conference, called for stringent controls on the futures markets, including an independent commission. Archbishop Strecker said fu· tures markets were designed to protect the return a farmer could expect on his investment and assure a continuous supply of goods for consumers. But; he said, the futures have "fallen short of this hoped-for goal."
Archdnocese Plans Development D",ive CINCINNATI (NC)-The Cin· cinnati archdiocese will launch an annual development fund ~rive next spring that is expected to yield $1.5 million. A new development office will be established to conduct the drive. Final approval of, the plan came 'Aug. 15 in a vote by the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council. Details of the drive and the personnel of the new office have not been worked out. .
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Msgr. McHugh, Vatican Delegate, Analyzes World Population M'eet The World Population Conference-the first intergovernmental meeting on population in history -met in Rumania in the last two weeks of August to discuss patterns of population growth and distribution and to recommend policies to deal with population matters. The agenda for the' meeting was the World Populalion plan of Action, which delegates from 135 nations amended, rewrote and ultimately adopted by consensus at the closing meeting. The Holy See, participating fully in the World Population Conference, was part of the consensus that approved the meeting's main conclusion, that is, the strong emphasis on social justice and international development. Yet after the consensus was taken, the Vatican delegation withdrew from the consensus on the remainder of the document.
Thurs., Sept. 19, 1974
Cardinal Wright Predicts Secure Church Future
less there is a decline in population growth first. They came to Bucharest led by the United States and Great Britain, and joined by the Scandinavian countries, the northern European nations and Canada. Their intention was to write a World Plan of Action with specific goals an:1 targets, projected dates of accomplishment, and a new commitment to providing all means of family planning (induding sterilization and ahortion) to all who want them. Their specific • goal was to move all nations toward a stable population or "zero population growth" as soon as possible, primarily by eliminating what the call "unwanted fertility." ,Both groups would agree with the UN policy that parents have t'he basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of theirchildren, and that governments, as well as couples, have the right to make decisions free of outside pressure. The developmentalists interpret this as a safeguard fo[\ nationa,l sovereignty, while the family planners looked for ways to influence subtly and put some pressure on both governments and individuaI couples.
ST. LOUIS (NC) - The future of thz Catholic Church, despite increasing secular influence, is secure, Cardinal John Wright said here. Cardinal Wright, head of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy, and Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis were among the speakers at the Heart of Jesus Catholic Congress held here. "As Johnny Wright 1 may have fear, but as a Catholic I have no fears, none," Cardinal Wright said at a press conference, "no fear of anything-no fear of any politician; any scholar, any government of the' left or right, anything." Asked whether the influence of the Catholic Church, in comparison with the influence of civil authority, is diminishing, the cardinal replied by saying that "since the -taxing power is in the· hands of the civil authority worldwide, whether the government is of the left or of the right, the civil authority has increasing power. The only power the Church has is the 'power of appealing to' the conscience."
Although the program looks orderly and neat, there was a much more important. struggle ta'king place behind the scenes and many nations came prepared with something of a hidden agenda. This tug-of-war involved the developmentalists on the one hand, who were determined to The conference delegates Were inject into t,he Plan of Action a 'divided into subcommittes: on major emphasis on social and Population Change and Economic economic development, social and Social Development, on Popjustice, and the creation of new ulation, on Resources and the programs of international assis- Environment, and on the Family. tance that reflect the interdepen- A fourth subcommittee, called dence of the developed and de· the Working Group, took the veloping nations of the world. resolutions from the other three For the developmentalists, pop- and worked its way through ulation is seen as one factor of a every line, of the proposed Plan larger policy of social 'and human of Action. development at all levels. This The critical work was done by group included Argentina, Brazil, and most Latin American na- the Working Group, which retions, Ireland, China, the Holy wrote much of the proposed Plan See, and most of the developing of Action. Argentina suggested 68 amendments for the 93 parnations of the world. agraphs, and other nations-sinOn the other side was the gly or in groups - submitted "family planning first" group, other amendments. The Working who argued that development Group carried its session into the policies and strategies are gen- early hours of the morning on erally doomed to failure, espe- several occasions so as to comcially in developing nations, un- plete its task.
Senator Charges. U.S. Forfeits Leadership In War on Hunger WASHINGTON (NC) - The to provide food aid was limited U. S. is forfeiting its leadership as a back'ing away from the role in fighting world hunger be- goals of the conference. McGovcause of shrinking food a,id and ern acknowledged that American political use of food aid, accord- capacity was limited, but said ing to Sen. George McGovern . the American delegat,ion to be (D-N.D.), chairman of the Senate ,headed by Butz, cannot go to the Select Committee on Nutrition conference and say "sorry, we and Human Needs. can't even provide as much food McGovern made his comments this year as we did last." on the release of a committee "But that appears to be the staff report on nutrition and the direction in which our policy is international situation. The re- now headed," McGovern said. port was a follow-up to hearings "One thing is, clear," he said. held last June. Not,ing that the November "If the United States is not willUnited Nations World Food Con- ing to provide as much food aid ference in Rome, which was this year as last, then it will unoriginally suggested by U. S. Sec- doubtedly forfeit all _claim to retary of State Henry Kissinger, leadership at the World Food "represented an opportunity for Conference." the United States ... to set a The staff report said that for tone and climate that would en- the U. S. to provide the same able progress to be made not amount of food aid as last year, just on the food front but on the when it spent $900 minion, this critical inflation front as well," year it would have to spend $1.4 McGovern said, "I now fear this billion beca,use of increased costs opportunity is being lost." due to inflation. The administraMcGovern criticized ,Secretary tion is currently considering of Agriculture Earl Butz' recent whether to spend this much or comment that American cllpacity more, McGovern said.
At the homily of a Mass celebrated for the delegates to the congress, Cardinal Carberry not· ed that Jesus Christ had inspired St. Louis - King Louis IX of Fra,nce--and that the saint had responded with words, deeds, convictions and his entire life. Carldina,l Carberry -described the life of Louis IX from birth to death, stressing the piety and humility of the saint. "Louis IX can be an inspiration to each of us to have cour· , age in defense of our faith, piety and holiness in our lives and joy in the reality of the love of God," the cardinal said.
FAMILIAR SIGHT TO MOTORISTS: Motorists along the Capital Beltway see the spires of the new Mormon temple looming near exit 20. Althought its gold statue looks like the Angel Gabriel, it is a Mormon prophet, the Angel Moroni. Photos inside the building are not allowed but this picture shows a detail from the Second Coming of Jesus Christ mural which covers a foyer, wall. The picture was taken in the studio of artist John Scott, right, shown with a financial backer of the $15 million temple, hotelier J. Willard Marriott of Washington, D.C. NC Photo.
Everyone argues in favor of the virtue he practices easily, and exaggerates the difficulties of the virtues which are contrary to it. -St. Francis dE! Sales
ELECTRICAL Contractors
Vows Solidarity Wit~ Brazil Church WASHINGTON (NC) - Bish· have committed themselves to op James S. Rausch, secretary the Brazilian Church's "great general of the U.S. Catholic Con- mission," he added. ference (USCC), has praised the Brazilian hishops for their "courage and forthrightness" in defending human rights. He also , pledged "a common effort on behalf of the rights of all people" by the U.S. and Brazilian Churches on a recent visit there. at ,In an address to the Brazilian Bishops' Conference's administrative council, released here, Bishop Rausch said that he had been "genuinely inspired by the vitality and dedication" of the, 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW Brazilian Church as a whole. The bishops of the United States
The Parish Parade
,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
In a, niche on the facade of, CopenHagen's massive, red brick City Hall. stands a glinting cop~erll scu~ptu.re of Bishop Absalon; who m 1166 founded the City which is now Denmark's capital. He is arrayed in episcobal robes and holds a shepherd's staff. There ' " is another, quite different The bis\lops were magnates as much as Ilastors, and the former, sculpture of him elsewhere accidentall aspect often overshad. in the city, this one an eques- owed the l latter, essential one. trian statue, representing him in battle dress, .helmeted, mail-clad, and aggressive. His name resounds in Danish
About a third of all the la'nd in Denmark: was owned by the Church, and land has always been a chief source and symbol of wealth: in country excep.. tionally poor in natural re·· sources. I Strong, but Weak By Wbzn the Church seemed, materially speaking, at its strongest, IT. REV. it was actually at its weakest, MSGR. and it was;cast down with astol1' ishing speed and sweep. The JOHN S. words of: the Magnificat have repeatedly i g~:>ne unheeded by KENNEDY some who l have mouthed them daily. Does thi~ mean that the travhistory, for he was a statesman and warrior who, 800 years ago, eler thinki~g such thoughts finds gave King Valdemar the Great Denmark idepressing? By no unique and invaluable assistance means. Thel ups and down~ of the in unifying 'and civilizing the Church are comprehended and country. -Initially because of him, precisely evaluated by God. They the Church grew strong and rich fit into His providence and can and became a formidable tern- be underst60d only in that conporal power. A triumphant fig- text. The 'secular standard of ure, then, bringing triumph to success do~s not apply, as the the Church. Crucifixion I proclaimed long But were he to stand' today since, some,thing which we seem where his vested likeness stands, chronically' incapable .of graspabove the vast and swarming ing. Clean and Safe City Hall Square, he would see almost nothing of. the Catholic Copenhagen is a delightful Church which he knew and, ac- city, and this year an appallingly cording to his lights, served so expensive ~>ne. It is obviously splendidly.' prosperous,; wonderfully clean, Many Churches and uncommonly safe. by Am~riChurches he would see, in . can urban standards. The sum· plenty. Copenhagen's skyline mer days ~re beguilingly long, gets its principal thrust from the summef nights very short. church spires, various and inge· The sea is I right at hand, 'and niously wrought, beautiful in . gulls are seen almost everytheir green and gold. But they where. Th~re are canals and proclaim the presence of Luther- lakes withi~ the city, and the an places of ,worship. Nominally gleam and 'movement of water at least, 95'per cent of the Dan- reflecting the clear sky enliven ish people are Lutheran, and even the old~st, sta.idest sections. some put the figure as high as Flowers are in profusion, in 98 per cent. 'Iavish and nieticulously kept garCatholics are now a tiny mi- dens, in wi~dow boxes, in huge nority, fewer than 30,000 out of pots along the streets, even on a population of some 4,500,000. canal boats. 'Almost as frequent.The sole Catholic diocese covers Iy encounterbd as flowers is muthe entire country, and has a sic. mile more than 100 priests. ,In front of: an old church, some Catholic parishes number: under young Amer~cans, male and .fe40, and their church buildings male, in jeans (what else?) sat , are modest. under a wide-spreading tree as Catholicism, the religion of all the night came on, and sang softto' guitar accomDenmark from the days of King 'Iy and sweetly, I Harold Bluetooth, was proscribed paniment, (old-new) American for three centuries, from ,the' folksongs, -tvords and music time of the Reformation iri the which were: gentle, sad, yet sixteenth century until 1849, hopeful. Is this the true voice when freedom of religion was of America?, granted to all. In the past cenWi~ked City? tury and a quarter, the Catholic But isn't Copenhagen a wicked Church has made a small, creep- city, kind! of vice capital of ing recovery.' It can now be the Western I world? Naturally, called viable where once it flour- we did -notfuake a close study ished, later was uprooted. of this' subj~ct. We relied on This sequence causes the visi- casual obser~ation over a period 'tor to reflect on the fortunes of' of several d~ys. On that basis, the Church during its long his- the answer had to be "No." tory. The sixteenth century upThere was: less of public unheaval, in Denmark as in other dress or semi~nudity than in our countries, had its political side. own cities. Maybe the climate A king favored the new religion, .• has something to do with that. and his views counted heavily. Porno shops :exist, but even in But the worldly success of the 'their vicinity! there was no atChurch apparently counted mosphere of Idepravity such as against it with the people. fouls the Times Square area.
SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER Members of the' Council of Catholic Women will meet in the church hall at 8:30 Sunday mornOUR LADY OF ANGELS, ing, Oct. 13 to attend 9 o'clock FALL RIVER Mass and corporate Communion The Children of Mary will in a body..Breakfast will follow sponsor a fashion show at 7:30 in the hall with Mrs. Mary AfP.M. Tuesday, Oct. 1 in the par- fonso as chairman. ish hall. Refreshments will be The unit will sponsor a cake served. sale following all Masses the A pre-Advent ma'lasada sup- weekend of' Oct. 26 and 27. In per and penny sale are pJanned charge of arrangements are Mrs. for Saturday, Nov. 9. Palmira Aguiar, Mrs. Mary CabeThe Council of Catholic Women" ceiras and Mrs. Herculana Raannounces a cake sale for the posa. weekend of Oct. 5 and 6. A membership tea is scheduled A Mass, corporate Commufor November with Mrs. Affonso nion and meeting have been heading the planning committee. scheduled by the Holy Rosary The event will be finalized at the Sodality for Sunday, Oct. 13. next council meeting, set for Tuesday, Oct. 8. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, Publicity chairmen of parish oraanlzatlons Ire asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should b. Included, IS well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather thin past events.
Copenhagen Is, D~lightf~t, Wonderfully Clean' City
SHRINE: Father Richard J. Shmaruk of Boston has been appointed assistant director of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Ordained in 1965, among other duties he has been chaplain to the Harvard football team. NC Photo.
Urges Amn'esty For Prisoners LA PAZ· (NC)-The Bolivian Catholic Justice and Peace Commission has again asked the Bolivian military gtvernment to decree a general amnesty for political prisoners and exiles and to allow them to participate in next year's national elections. Among the hundreds of exiles and prisoners are members of rightist opposition parties as well as Communists and leftists belonging to the now defunct National Liber.ation Army, a guerrilla group. They have opposed the military government of President Hugo Banzer, who took power in 1971 after a bloody coup that overthrew the leftist regime of Gen. Jose Torres. . In a statement released here Aug. 30, the Justice and Peace Commission said the October 1975 parliamentary and presidential elections must be conducted with full participation of all political groups. "It is necessary to decree a' general and unlimited amnesty ... for all political prisoners and lahor leaders" as 'well as those who are exiled, and a return to .full freedom of action for labor unions and professional and st'udent groups," the commission said. "I1IU1I111UlIIIU"I""UWIIllIlIIII'"lll'lltlllll"Il"",'IllUIlUUIIIUII1,1111"U",'hUUlllUllill
Haunts of vice there surely must be, but they are neither blatant nor typical. The people impress one as decent, cheerful, friendly, and hardworking. English is commonly, and well, spoken. One feels welcome and honestly used. I had need of such treatment, since my traveling bag was lost by the airline, was "the subject (they told me) of a worldwide alert, was located in Prague, and was returned only after I had been without it for three days and had been reduced to a deplorable and offensive state of squalor. Getting it back, with its famil· iar possessions, made me think (I bope not improperly) of the resurrection.
ACUSHNET The par,ish school will benefit from a fashion show planned for 7:30 P.M. Monday, Sept. 23 at White's restaurant, North Westport. Styles for all ages will be presented by both professional models and members 'of the parish. Miss Vivian Langlais is chairman, aided by Mrs. Pauline Roy. Mrs. Norma Silvia is ticket chairman, and coordinator and commentator will be Miss Shirley Martin. Tickets will be available at the door. and will include refreshments and chances for gifts and door prizes.
The parish hall, just renovated, with improvements including a new floor, will be the scene of a parish-sponsored dance from 8 to midnight this Saturday. Open to the public, the affair will feature the music of the Jardinaires. Tickets will be available at the door and refreshments will be served. Advance reservations may be made with Mrs. Lorraine Lima, 676-0076, or Mrs. Raposa, 673-3264. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, WESTPORT The Ladies Guild will sponsor a chioken bar1becue from 5 to 7:30 P.M. Saturday, Sept. 21. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Loretta Potter or Mrs. Mildred Porter.
SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD A paper drive will be held Saturday, Sept. 28 in the church· ST. JOSEPH, yard. Proceeds will benefit Boy ATTLEBORO Scout Troop 5. For pickup serTeachers are needed for the vice donors may call 997-0201. religious education program for the seventh grade and volunteers HOLY NAME, are urged to come forward. FALL RIVER Confirmation dasses will begin ST. JOSEPH, in Octaber. Prospective candi- ATTLEBORO dates are asked to register at the Knights of the Altar will have rectory CeD office after any an all day trip Saturday, Sept. Mass on the weekends of Sept. . 21, lea,ving the parish yard at 21, 22, Sept. 28, 29 or Oct. 5, 6. 9:30 A.M. and returning about 8 Candidate~ must be at least in P.M. The program wiH include eighth grade. visits to the Basketball Hall of A fashion show is' planned for Fame and the Armory Museum. Wednesday, Oct. 23, with men The parish will sponsor a bus and women of the parish as models. Reservations are being trip to a Red Sox game tomormade for a parish bazaar and row, wit'h t'he bus leaving the those willing to volunteer assis- schoolyard at 6 P.M. tance may call Mrs. William H. Reed Jr., 672-3485, Mrs. Antonio ·CONRAD R. Luongo, 672-6279, or Mrs. James R. Charette, 678-4637.
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD The Men's League will sponsor a bus trip at 6:30 P.M. Saturday, Sept. 21 in the gym of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. Dancing will follow a seven-course Italian dinner, and reservations may be made by calling 994-8987 01' 993-6883.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
FOLK MASS: Left, students at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, lead classmates in song at folk Mass, under direction of John Martin, newly appointed chairman of school's music department. Right,
Cl'ergymen Urge Amnesty Ha It To Repression I
SANT.IAGO (NC) - Catholic, Protestant and Jewish leaders have appealed to Chile's military government for amnesty for political prisoners, a lifting of the "state of internal war" and a review by Civilian courts of the sentences imposed by military courts. Their appeal came almost a year after the overthrow of Marxist President Salvador AIleinde, Sept. II, 197:3. In a letter to Gen. Augusto Pinochet, the head of the military junta and Chile's chief of state, the leaders of four major church bodies in Chile also asked for a "mitigation of the consequences of political struggles we have known and suffered," an apparent reference to continuing repression. Need Decision Cardinal Raul Silva of Santiago and Bishop Carlos Camus of Copiapo, president and secreretary general, respectively, of the Chilean Bishops' Conference, signed the joint letter for the bishops' peJ;"manent commission. Lutheran Bishop Helmut Franz, Methodist Bishop Juan Vasquez and Rabbi Angel Kreiman also signed the petition as representatives of their religious communities. In a reply generally considered conciliatory here, Gen. Pinochet said that he could not respond)n precise terms until a decision ;s made by the government. The factors in such a decision are national security, the common good and a prudent judgment of the general situation, Gen. Pinochet said. "Any differe'nce between what you have proposed and the gov: ernment's decision must be -understood in the context of this reality," Pinochet added.
Life Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. -Mark Twain
Rev. John Steakem, chaplain, distributes communion. At rear is Rev. Callistus Bamberg, O.F.M., ~f Stang faculty.
Bishop Warns on Lifting Embargo CARACAS (NC) - Exiled Cu,ban Bishop Eduardo Boza Masvidal warned that lifting of sanctions against Marxist Cuba shouId not be granted at the price of justice. In a statement issued at his office here, Bishop Boza told the thousands of Cullan Exiles to whom he gives pastoral care in
Religious Orders Elect Leaders ROME (NC) - Father James W. Richardson, U-S.-born superior general of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians), was reelected by the congregation's general assembly, which has been meeting here since Aug. 16. Father Richardson, from Dallas, Tex., was elected for the first time in 1968 by an extraor· dinary general assembly. It was also announced here that the general chapter of the Holy Ghost Congregation, meeting in Paris, has elected the youngest superior general since the founder in the Congregation's 270-year-old history.
Father Francis Timmermans, a 39-year-old Dutchman who for the past six years has been regional director of the congregation's 90 missionaries in the Central African Republic, took over his post in Rome Sept. 17. The founder of the Holy Ghost Congregation was Father Claude ,Poullart DesPlaces, a Frenchman who died at the age of 30.
the Caribbean and the United States that it is nat enough that the Havana'regime stop "exporting revolution" to other countries. That is the main condition in a proposal before the Organization cf American States (O.A.S.) in Washington to lift the organization's 1964 sanctions against Cuba. Colombia, Costa Rica and Venezuela, in proposing that the sanctions be lifted, cited "profound changes;' in the international situation. They referred to the thawing of the cold war and . the establishment of economic relations between the socialist bloc and the West. . "But the economic factor is being overstressed," Bishop Boza objected. "The question of a whole na· tion being oppressed inside Cuba seems to matter little to most leaders." Bishop Boza was expelled from Cuba in 1962. He was then auxiliary bishop of Havana. He is now vicar general of the diocese of Los Teques in Venezue·' lao Spea-king of Fidel Castro's government, he said: "Cubans themselves did not
choose such regime. Witness the thousands in jail or in exile, and the powerful apparatus of vigilantes and repression the Havana regime has to keep." Bishop Boza said he recognizes that peace moves must be welcome by Christians everywhere both among great pawers and smaller nations. "But peace is the fruit of justice and the tranquility of order," he saW. "If we do not have both, there cannot be true peace." He also warned against the "climate of rapprochment between Marxists and Church members in which com'promise and opportunism seem to replace principles." It was guerrilla activity in Venezuela, attributed to Castro, which in the first place led the OAS to impose political and economic sanctions on Cuba in July 1964. Now the co-sponsors of the proposal claim the sanc· tions have not been very effective. Several members of the OAS have gone ahead and reestablished relations with Cuba in recent months. The Cu.ban bishops have asked for the 'lifting of the embargo on grounds that it brings suffering to the poor.
Plans to Mark Annual God Day . NEW YORK (NC-Archbishop Francis J. Furey of San Antonio, Tex., will lead the Sept. 22 celebration here of the fifth an· nual God Day sponsored by the Concerned Citizens for God and Country. Thz archbishop will be the principal celebrant and homilist at a Mass to be held in St. Pat-trick's Cathedral. Bishop Philotheos will represent Archbishop Iakovos of the Greek Orthodox archdiocese of North and South America at the Mass. After Mass a parade will be held to Bryant Park where a flag ceremony will be held. The Concerned Citizens for God and County is an alliance of about 50 organizations whicl> gather once each year. Among the organizations which are affiliated with the concerned citizens group are the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the American Legion, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Blue Army, the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic War Veterans, the Jewish War Veterans, and the CatlIolic Daughters of America. '
PARK MOTORS OLDSMOBILE 67 Middle ,Street, Fairhaven
IHE.ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
Joe Beirne's Firsf; Interest' Was in O~di'na'ry: People I
(Joseph Beirne, president of the Communications Workers of America until a few months ago :when illness forced him to retire, died on Lllbor Day. The following tribute to Mr. Beirne, who was one of the natioJ)'s most influential '.. labor 'leaders, is excerpted yound the lcall of official dutyfrom the eulogy delivered to help peqple resolve their probat his funeral Mass in Wash- lems, what~ver they ftlight be. ington by Msgr. Higgins, a Both the New York Times and the Washihgton Post picked up his own d~finition of the union president's I role' in this regard. It's a maryelous statement and a great tribute to Joe's sense of decency ahd humanity, "When you'r.e head of a union," he said, "you've got to be a sociologist, By marriage counselor, father confessor, phychiatrist, economist, MSGR. legal expert, all wrapped into one. You must have the desire GEORGE G. to help peolPle help themselves." HIGGINS Joe had another personal qual· ity which Idid great credit ·to him as a h~man being and condam that "Length of days is not - tributed much to his extraordi.. what makes age honorable, nor nary effec~\reness as a trade unnumber of years the true meas- ion leader., He was a man of ure of life; understanding, this the future, 'not of the past, and is man's grey hairs, ..." I have was willing,' even eager, to listen to and to I learn from people chosen this Scriptural verse from the Book of Wisdom as the open- younger and less experienced ing text of this morning's hom- than himsel1f-a rare quality·. in ily for the reason that Joe Beirne, any man ",ho has achieved a by today's actuarial standards, position ofl national leadership died slightly before his time. in whatever walk of life. I He died in his early 60s, whereas Interested in Future ! the Psalmist tells us that "70 is the sum of our years, or 80 if He ,went qut of his way in one we are strong." of his books to disassociate himi But actuarial figures or projec- self from the orators of his own' tions of this kind-even biblical generation-~hether clergymen, projections-were rather mean- politicians, :01' labor leadersingless in Joe's· case. He was "who' bark backf to the abuses, .a hyperactivist if I ever met one. the deprivations, the outrages of I don't think he had a lazy bone 30 years ago as though their in his body. He moved at an in- eradiCation were reason enough credibly hectic pace and, by or- to enlist the I grateful support of dinary standards, managed to today's voters and workers. It crowd at least two lifetimes into isn't," he cohtinued. "Those old one" As the Washington Post battles are_ a glorious page in pointed out in its obituary no- history and we young 'old' codgtice, quoting some of his union ers who .had IiI part in them have associates, Joe wa,s .dynamiC, every right to be proud of what we did. But the young generation methodiCal, and restless. bas an equal Iright to ask, withThey might have added that he. out cyniCism, "What have you was also tireless-tireless physi- done for us lately?'" cally and mentally also in the The point lis well taken. Joe sense that he never stopped Beirne was correct when he said, thinking - and thinking very in deference~o today's younger imaginatively-about the role of militants, that it's the future that his own organization-the CWA; really matter~, not the past. He and the role of the labor move- was also correct when he went ment as a whole. The two books on to say th~t even "the most in whiCh he summarized his dediCated Iibe'ral can learn from hopes and aspirations for the the record of past rebellions" movement were very much to the and that "a ~odest appreciation point when they were first pub- of former struggles will reinlished several years ago and, force the faihthearted, for the even today, are still very timely odds were far longer and too and, well worth reading. perils far greater in the dim I past." Gift of Understanding long-time friend and collaborator in a variety of social action projects.) We read in the Book of Wis-
In any event, "Length of days is .not what makes age honor· able, nor number of years the true measure of life; understanding, this is man's grey hairs." All of us who knew Joe Beirne as a personal friend or trade' union associate can vouch for the fact that he had the gift of understanding to a remarkable degree. He had a profound understanding of human nature with all its strengths and weaknesses, a great tolerance for human foibles, a personal and compassionate interest in the everyday problems 'of ordinary people, and a willingness-which went far be-
Warml)' Personal Joe Beirne i helped to make some of yesterday's achievements pos.sibl~. But to place too much emphasis on his achievements in the ~ublic order would be inappropriate in the case of a union leader :who vi'as the least impersonal or,' if you will, the most warmly :personal' of men. It's important i to emphasize, I think, that it y.,as precisely this personal quality which made Joe Beirne so effective in the labor movement and so endeaFed him to his countless friends of every race and creed: In other words, it would not do justice to the
INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT: Cesar Chavez, president of th~ United Farm Workers of America (UFWA), speaks at a luncheon in his honor in Washington, D.C., where George .Meany, left, president of the AFL-CIO, announced that a boycott of table grapes and head lettuce will become international. Meany said that his federation has asked trade unions in other nations to support the boycott by th e UFWA. ~C Photo.
Spanish Seminary 'Enro"llment Drops SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (NC)--Archbishop Angel Suquia of Santiago de Compostela has' silid that the situation of Spanish major seminaries is critical because of a two-thirds decrease in vocations. In a report published in the a,rchdiocesan bulletin, Archbishop Suquia said that in the period 1963-64 there were 8,021 -seminarians in Spain, but that only 2,500 were enrolled in the country's major seminaries during 1973-74,
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man to think of him primarily as a public figure concerned impersonally with important public issues and involved, as a celebrated VIP in all sorts of public events. He was that, of course, but, first and foremost, he was interested in people - ordinary people, the so-called rank 'and file. For this we honor his memory, even as we mourn his passing. How appropriate, incidentally, that he should have died on Labor Day, the official holiday of the movement to which he dedicated the better part of his remarkably productive life. How appropriate, also, that his death should have coincided with the American observance of the feast of his patron, St. Joseph the Worker, through whose intercession we commend him 'to the God Who created him and endowed him with such extraor· dinaryqualities of mind and heart and soul. May he rest in peace.
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.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
KNOW YOUR FAITH History of Holy Year As the time approaches for the ·beginning of the Holy Year cer· emonies in Rome with the un· sealing of the Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas :Eve, Catholics are 'becoming more aware of the significance of the Holy Year celebration. '
It was a little over a year ago, May 9, 1973, that Pope Paul VI announced the first phase of the Holy Year observance, the year of preparation, would begin ,throughout the world on Pentecost Sunday 1973 and that thc second phase would be entered in Rome during 1974.
Tn his address the Holy Father stressed as the essential concept of the Holy Year "the interior renewal of man; of the man who thinks and who in his thoughts has lost the certainty of truth; of the man who works and 'who in his work has realized that he is so extroverted that he no longer fully possesses communication with himself; of the man who enjoys life' and so amuses himself and has so many exdting ways to gail) pleasurable experience that he soon feels bored and disillusioned." Thus the twin themes' of renewal and reconciliMion were
set by the Pontiff, who admitted that his action in calling the Holy Year not only can be consistently fitted in with the spiritual line adopted by the Second Vatican Council," but "can do much to meet the moral needs of our: time." Thc Holy Year of Jubilee is a period of time in which the .church inv,ites her people to participate in special practices and pilgrimages intended to revive their faith, to intensify their spiritual purification and to strengthen their Charity. Rooted in Old Testament The Christian Jubilee' Year finds its roots in the Old Testament when every 50th year was designated a Jubilee Year (Lev. 25:8-17; 29-31). The word Jubilee comes from the Hebrew word "yobel" meaning horn. The beginning of the Old Testament Jubilee. was marked by thc sounding of the' "shofar" or ram's horn. In the Old Testament tradition the Jubilee was marked by a time of festivity during which, among other' things, existing debts were cancelled, property was restored to original owners, and Hebrew slaves were freed. Catholic tradition of Jubilee Years began in the 13th Century when the Church was afflicted by heresies and moral decadence from within and the menace of Turkish power from' without. First Pope Boniface VlH declared the first Christian 'Jubilee Year in 1300 'and it consisted of mak.ing a penitential pilgrimage to Turn to Page Fourteen
experiences in our Holy Family parish at Fulton, New York and sketching successful liturgical developments in communities throughout the nation. In this new column I will folIowa similar approach, but push beyond the strictly worship area and touch upon other aspects of parish life. Thus, for example, future articles, while not exclud· ing liturgy matters, will also treat such issues as the qualities of a good leader" t.eam ministry, the permanent deaconate, death
By Rev. Joseph M. Champlin
On a Sunday afternoon soon after publication of the. new rite for anointing the sick, I stopped for a visit at the home of an ailing parishioner. He was seriously ill, but not critical at that point and certainly in no imminent danger of death. We had talked for 15 minutes or so when I inquired if he would like to be anointed. The sudden change in his expression really surprised me. Our conver· sation stopped, his jaw tightened and he looked with a quiet grimness off into the distance. 'His wife broke the silence and mentioned homilies we had given on previous Sundays a'bout the healing power of this sacrament. The children repeated similar thoughts, ideas they had absorbed at' the local Catholic schools. But to no avail. For the moment this notion of receiving' "last rites" overwhelmed him and I dropped the subject. I should not have been so stunned by his reaction. Head and Heart A few words from the pulpit, a paragraph or two in the bulletin, a magazine article may successfully explain some new change in the Church and gain our mental acceptance. But moving our hearts to accept the innovation is quite a different process, a much harder and longer one. Our sick parishioner knew all a1bout the revised approach to this sacrament; he had listened to those sermons, glanced at the bulletin, read the article. But a near half century of living and learning ahout the priest giving "last rites" leaves deep impressions within a person's being imd attitudes formed over so many years are not altered immediateand dying, a bas-ic beliefs course. ly. His heart, for the present, We begin, however, by consid- just wouldn't or couldn't go ering ,the revised rite for the a,long with this change. Too Well Trained sacrament of Penance which was In a way, Catholics have been released by the V'atican at the beginning of this year and should taught and trained too well. Our be available in English transla- . thorough earlier formation has tion within a few months. That placed some. obstacles in the restored ritual, specifically de- path of renewaL It often makes signed for the reconciliation of painfully difficult approval of a ourselves with one another and new development even when this . with God, obviously should have reform is highly desirable, carean important place in any pro- fully introduced and strongly gram of prepara1tion for the Holy supported by papal authority. We can cite several other ilYear. Here are a few noticeably new lustrations of this clash between features in the liturgy for recon· what the head grasps and the heart will accept. ciling indiV'idual sinners: Consider, for example, large, 'Prayer Shared By Priest and Penitent. Every liturgical book thick brown altar breads in place published since Vatican II has of tiny, thin, white Communion arranged workship services in wafers. There are several cogent dialogue form. Various persons, reasons why the former should in that concept, exercise distinct be used; but many Catholic Chrisroles, e.g., celebrant, lector, ser- tians r~el against their insertion ver, congregation. The priest is within Mass.. I feel guilty, some will say, not .t:he only one who speaks; it is expected that those present chewing those larger particles. participate, at least by a verbal We were told never to do so. Others will recall instruction response. The reformed rite for Penance which linked the holiness and purity of Jesus with the whitefoiIows a similar pattern. ness of the host.' Greeting They may nod in agreement At the beginning, the priest is directed to .greet the penitent in when tlhese points are explained; but in pracNce, at least for a Turn to Page Fourteen
The Sacrament of Reconciliation Regular readers of the Know Your Faith series will recall that for the past four years my articles under a Worship and the World heading had, as their central topic, the renewed liturgy. I covered that subject by alternately commenting on official documents, describing personal
The Mind, Yes, the Heart, No
RECONCIUATION: Reconciliation ... among blacks and whites, yellows and browns; reconciliation between social classes and nations. This reconciliation embraces values such as friendship, social justice and peace. Finally, reconciliation in our relationship with God ... long time, their hearts, their feelings will say no. Lay ministers of Holy Communion are another instance. After decades of reminders that only the sacred hands of a priest may touch the host, we should expect hesi,tant acceptance or even hostile rejection of a development in which relatives, friends and neighbors have suddenly been granted thi~ privilege. Once again, critics may acknowledge the validity of all historical and doctrinal arguments supporting this move. But their ENJOY - SING & DANCE - NOVELTIES Gus & Tony Rapp - Matt & Art Perry PARTY BANDS ON PARISH PARADE Sept. 13-5t. Kilian, New Bedford Oct. ll-St. George, Westport 13-5acred Heart, New Bedford 19-1nter·Church Council, N. B. 19-51. Mathieu, Fall River Nov. 2-51. Julie's, No. Dartmouth 9-MI. Carmel, New Bedford 16-SI. Theresa, Tiverton
feelings and their hearts will not follow what their heads dictate. A final example-applause in church. This activity runs sharp,ly counter to past instruction which identified reverence with silence. One may lecture in detail about celebration, spontaneity and clapping as a natural expression of inner joy or approval. The audience may intellectually assent to such a presentation. I doubt, however, if every listener would fee1 comfortahle applauding on the next occasion when it occurs during worship.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riven....Thur. Sept. 19, 197'4 , ,,
Scores Liberals' Criticism , I Of Republic of I~eland
All you liberal so-an-sos had better llay off the Republic of Ireland. I mean especially you charaqters who write for "The Christian Century" and "Christianity and Crisis" and who claim to give the inside story about IWhat's going on in ! Ulster. According to these guys, Ulster is mostly the to communion every morning and kills everyl evening. Personally, fault of the Republic, which I don't thi'nk either 'kind of a is a narrow, conservative, killer is a1 hero, but I wonder priest-ridden country: If only the Republic would mend its ways and become like the liberal Protestants who read the above men-
why some. people canonize the Latin and I denounce the IRAman. I, And the~ lie about the Republic of Ireland. Ireland is a new nation, borh (again, if you like) just a half Icentury ago. Within a decade of'its bloody revolution and civil w*r it developed a sta·, ble, two-pa'rty democracy with I peaceful changes of power. It has complete religious freedom and a Prot~stant president. It has retently achieved are, markable level of economic growth, bedoming the first new nation of the twentieth century to solve its l economic problems. More than (that its remarkably
lioned worthy journals, the UIster majority wouldn't be afraid any more and there could be intelligent and adroit governm~nt peace. One reporter. even says, is pouring a Isubstan'tial chunk ,of the large numher of . additional Continued from Page Thirteen that the blood of the innocents its income iqto a foreign aid pro- the tombs of the Apostles Peter - pilgrims. The symbolic meaning killed in Ulster is on the hands gram to help other new nations. and Paul'. of the open doors is to signify of tbe Catholic hierarchy in the It bas partiCipated responsibly Dante was among those who God's mercy, open wide to all in UN actions all over 'the' world. , took part in, the first Holy Year who seek and ask for it with a Republic. Would you believe it? (Irish troop~ were the first UN and gave a' description of the sincere heart, or in the words of In fact, the Catholic hierarchy troops in Israel.) It plans to stay crowds thronging the city of the Holy Father, "to symbolize Anabaptists and the Irish parlia- ,in Europ'e ev~n if England leaves Rome in. his Inferno (Ch. 18:28- easier access to divine mercy ment (the Dail, to use the right. the Common, Market. 33). through the gaining of the jubiProtestant Mayor name) ,cou'ld proclaim Elizabeth In 1500, there was added the lee indulgence.'" H Pope, and the Ulster majority The' overw'helming majority of opening of the Holy Doors in Wlhen the Holy Year was inwouldn't change one bit:. They its people vi:gorously reject vio- the basilicas to be visited, The troduced in the'13th Century it ran one of the nastiest colonial lence in the north-as do most ceremony had a dual purpose, was planned to follow the Old regimes in the world for a cou- of the northern Catholics. The one practical, the other symbolic. Testament interval of 50 years, pIe of centuries, and they are not government bf the -Republic has The practical was simply that but the interval was later reabout to concede basic political leaned over backward in the ne- these seldom used doors needed duced to 25 years by Pope Paul and human rights to Catholics gotiations with England. It has to be opened to accommodate II in 1470 in order to give every even conced~d the right of the no matter what happens. ge'neration the opportunity of a 'spiritual' renewal through the Innocent Blood Ulster :protestants to stay out special graces, of the Jubilee. I am, baffled b'y the liberals. of a United ilreland as, long as Plall1 Press Briefing Only in 1800 and 1850, when We can't deal with South Africa, they want-something that no For Bishops' Synod we shed no tears for the French other new na'tion has ever yieldVATICAN CITY (NC) - For the Holy See found itself in great colonials who get thrown out ed to yolonials. the first time the Vatican plans .difficulties, . was the celebration of North Africa or the PortuIreland's hierarchy is a mixed to hold a press briefing and fa- omitted: guese coionhils who will get group, but -Ii doubt that many mmarization session for news.New Elements The 1975 Holy Year has two tossed out of of Angola or the Catholic hieflarchies have men men and -information officers Dutch who got heaved out of as intellectual as Dermot Ryan, who will cover the month-long new elements. First its unusual Java. .Terrorists are heroes' in the young ar<;hbishop of Dublin, 'world Synod of Bishops begin- duration, which covers a period Africa, Latin America, Vietnam. or as sociall)\ concerned as Ea- ning Sept. 27. of two-and-a-half years, and Revolutionary reg i m e s get mon Casey, ~he colorful bishop The Vatican press office an- second a reversal in the order of church money all over the world. of Kerry. : nounced that the special session celebra'tion. In former Jubilee Liberation is the' order of the Nor do the !liberal writers tell will be held Sept. 26 and will Years the celebration was first day. us that when Billy Craig and Ian I'ast about four hours. Invited to observed in Rome then extended -But not in 'Ireland. Irish terror- Paisley-and th~ir bully boys were attend the session will be all tJhroughout the world. This.Holy ists are not heroes but senseless destroying po}ver-sharing in UI- newSmen accredited to the Vat- Year the observances first .begin killers. Protestant colonials sud- ster, the town ;council of Derry- ican press office for the synod, at the local level, then will exdenly become people whose prob- overwhelmingly Catholic - kept diocesan or national ,information tend to Rome beginning with the lems must be understood sympa- its part of the power-sharing bar- officers sent by the Catholic opening of the Holy Door on thetically. Those who sup;Jort or ga,in and elect~d a militant Prot- bishops and the special language Christmas Eve. even fail to denounce strongly estant loyalistl Lord Mayor. Nor sectior. officers named by the ,These new elements were inthe Irish revolutionaries are do they tell us that there is a Vatican to act as spokesmen and troduced so that the local guilty for innocent blood shed. cease fire in D~rry brought about communications officers for the Churches may become more conAnd liberation is far less impor- by the new Gatholic Bishop, a press. scious of th~ir role and responsitant than peace and reconcilia- man who not ~o long ago braved A Vatican press spokesman bility as part of the universal tion once you cross the border the fire Of British paratroopers said the special session in the - Church, their unity with other from Donegal. to minister to: the dying. first of its kind and is planned ' Churches and with Rome, and in Well, I don't like terrorists of 'Terrible People' to provide newsmen and others' order -that the spiritual moveany sort, and I feel sorry for any Camillo Torres is a hero, in with a general history of the ment of the Holy Year may more trapped colonial group: I am pro- other words, but Bishpp Daily Synod of Bishops, its rules, pro- thoroughly, permeate the Church foundly skeptical of the revolu- is not. The peacemakers are not cedures and probable develop- and bring about the renewal and tionary ideologues, and I think only blessed it they are Irish ment. In the past newsmen had reconciliation it seeks. reconciliation is the only politi- Catholic bishops, but are ignored. little opportunity to, become accally sen$ible procedure. But I don't know' why the liberals quainted with these aspects bethose who want to apply such hate the Irish Iso much. In the fore a synod was underway. - humane and intemgent princi- U.S. they have even begun to pIes only in Ireland are phonies. 'patronize Italian and Latino New Nation Catholics on the grounds that Which is what the Danes If the former Catholic priest they are not If;ish. We must be thought before. they met up with, ... Cleansers • •. Camillo Torres is a great liberal a terrible, terrible. people to be Brian Borou and the boys at a hero for dying a terrorist death, hated U'.,e way ~e are. place called Clontarf. 94 TREMONT STREET And after that the Danes did then the same thing should be Ah, but we are a dying race. TAUNTON, MASS. said for the soft-spoken, peaked- There won't be Iany of us left in the sensible thing and became Tel. 822-0621 Irish themselves. ' cap Catholic layman who goe,s a few years.! .
History of Holy Year
Casey-Sexton, Inc.
Reconciliation Continued from Page Thirteen a kind manner and with understanding words. The ritual next suggests both ma'ke the sign of the cross, and then the celebrant prays for the sinner spontaneously or wHh ones of several supplied formulas. After the confession and absolution, there is likewise a brief, prayerfUl dialogue, a proclamation praising God whose limitless mercy will last forever. In addition, the flexible rite offers throughout the celebration opporturiities for' confessor an_d penitent to pray toge,ther in a quite personal way about the sinner's situation. Reading From Sacred Scripture. Before the confession of sins and the acceptance of ~ penance, the priest either by memory or from a printed text· reads to or with the penitent some section of the Bible. This passage announces God's great mercy and summons the sinner to a conversion or change of heart. That remains an optional step, but one highly desirable and certainly 'eJivisoned by the Church which lists in its ritual over 100 scriptural excerpts suitable for the punpose. An Act of Contrition. In recent years, penitents have been encouraged to make the traditional act of contrition either before or after confess-ion itself. With a vernacular absolution it seemed best for the sinner to listen and ~ear the pronouncement of forgiveness. The revised rite, however, now invites the penite'nt to verbalize !this inner repentance in his or her own words or according to one of t'he 10 formulas provided. The confessor delays proclaiming absolution until th\lt act of contrition has been completed. A New Absolution Formula. A simpler form brings out more explicitly the action of the Holy Spirit in the sacrament and the Church's part in this reconciliation process. Imposition of Hands. While spea'king the phrases of forgiveness, a confessor imposes his hands upon the head of the penitent or at least extends his right hand toward bhe sinner. The restoration of that ancient gesture recalls, of course, the way in which a bishop, during those first centuries, reconciled individual sinners who had removed themselves from the Christian c,ommunity. So too today, the confessor, representing the chief shepherd of a diocese, welcomes back a sinner cut off from or but weakly attilohed to the Body of Christ and the People of God.
. Wonder W'onder is especially proper to childhood, and it is the sense of wonder above all that keeps us young. --Gerald Vann
... THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 19, 1974
Dartmouth Opener
New Bedford and Dartmouth High Schools both have rich football traditions. The neighboring communities gained recognition for their success over the years while playing in the old Bristol County and Narragansett Leagues. However, the two have never met on the gridiron. With the ference, now rates as a South· eastern Mass. power. formation of the SoutheastThe Carlin Lynch coached Inern Massachusetts Confer- dians roll.ed to a 9-0 record last .
ence two years ago and the year to win the large school title. eventual admission of New Bed- Although hit hard by graduation, ford into the circuit, the two the Green and White is expected powers will collide for the first to be in the thick of the race time this Saturday. The contest again this Fall. is one of two qeague games Saturday's game could go a slated for the weekend. Virtually long way in determining the all Conference clubs will be in eventual div,isional champion. acNon this Saturday as the other Coach Bruce MacPherson's Whals'Chools open the campaign with ers who played an independent non-league games. schedule last year are looking 'In days gone by a New forward to competing for a league championship. There Bedford~Dartmouth confrontation would have been considered a would be no better way to begin lark. Such is not the case today. that quest than to defeat the New Bedford is still considered current tiille holder. among the best around. DartThe matchup is perfect-local mouth, once one of the weaker . schools, contenders, first. meetclubs in' the old Capeway Con- ing, league game.
North Attleboro and Feehan Renew Rivalry Durfee High of Fall River, also playing its first Southeastern Mass. Conference season, will travel across the Taunton R,iver to open league play Saturday with Somerset. Like the New Bedford·Dartmouth meeting, this will be the first time these neigh· boring sohools have competed agatinst each other on the gridiron. 'J1he Fall Riverites wiH be trying to rebound from their opening day loss to Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth last Friday 13-6. The game will be Somerset's first of the campaign. In Dartmouth Coach George Milot's Stang Spartans can enjoy the fruits of their hard earned victory for a week as they have the weekertd off and prep for next Saturday's meeting witl} r>ival Dartmouth. Attleboro, Falmouth, Barn· stable and Taunton will not open league competition until next Saturday. This weekend Fal-
mouth is at Canton, Barnstable hosts Plymouth-Carver and Attleboro is idile. Taunton entertains Cardinal Spellman High of Brockton. No Conference Division II or I'll games are on the docket for this weekend. But, most clubs will be in action. One of the key games matches Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro against .Hockomock League defending champion North Attleboro. Before the .formation of the Conference the two developed a strong rivalry that had to be curtailed because of schedule conflicts, However. the multi-team league has done away with inter-divisional games for this year freeing Feehan to renew its riva'lry with North. The Friday night contest will he played in North Attleboro. The home team will attempt to continue the winning way established last Fall when North cap· tured state Division II honors.
Dighton Falcons Favored in Division III Coach Jim Lanagan piloted Wareham to successive Conference DiViision III crowns the past two Falls and will try to put Fairhaven on the winning track in Division II this season. The veteran skipper will send his charges against old Rochester of Mattapoisett tomorrow. Fair· haven who is rated a contender for divistionai honors should provide plenty' of competition' for the Bull Dogs who try to recover from last week's 12-6 loss to Bourne. ,Di'yision II .titlW.. J3our'ne meets Dennis-Yarmouth Saturday. The CanalmeQ are hoping for another strong showing as they prep for their league opener a week hence. In another contest with that
local flavor Case High of Swansea will host Dighton-Rehoboth, while Msgr. Coyle·Bishop Cassidy of Taunron plays at Middleboro Friday. Dighton~Rehoboth and DennisYarmouth, competitors in Division II a year ago, should challenge for the smllll school Divi· sion III crown this Fall. Dighton, on the basis of last year's improvement . under Coaoh Bill Reynolds, is given a slight edge. With Wareham and Case moved up a division, the. small schoQl bracket appear.~;to be well balanced. The Falcons are rated favorites. Diman Regional of Faii River does not have the c1epth to contend. But, the remaining four clubs Norton, Old Rochester,
ESCORT AT TROUBLE SPOT: Two black students receive an escort from school officials and an unidentified Catholic priest as they arrive for class at predominantly white South Boston, Mass., High School. It was the first day of a court-ordered ~using program to integrate Boston public schools and various interracial clashes marred the event.
Sees Failure to Enforce Anti-Bias Laws WASHING'J1ON (NC)-:-"A pattern of faithlessness to legal duty on the part of government officials who have sworn to uphold the law" marks the record of the Department cif Health, Ed· ucation and Welfare in fighting school segregation in the North, according to the head of a law school center studying the depantment. WilHam Taylor, director of the Center for National Policy Review at the Catholic University of America Law School, said: "There are many reasons for' this sorry picture-political pressure, administrative bottlenecks, inadequate resources and a lack of imagination." "As a result, northern public schools today are far more seg· regated than those in the South," 'he said. "HEW has found substantial violations in northern districts but has failed either to aid the Viictims of discrimination or to cut off federal dollars." Taylor, 'a former staff director of the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights, said busing does not explain the department's "pervasive default" on civil· rights enforcement. "Transportation is irrelevant Dennis-Yarmouth and New Bedford Vocational all have the po· ten'mal to go all the way. New Bedford Voke rolled to an easy opening day 45-0 vic'tory over Bristol~Plymouth and should continue the habit Saturday at Whittier. Norton who dropped a 20·14 decision to Mansfield Saturday last wiU tangle with Tri-Valley .Conference contender l\1edfield this weekend on the latter's home field. Moses Brown will be at Diman as the Fall River>ites seek to come back from their opening loss to Southeast· ern Regional of Easton 44-0. ',. ,...
to eliminating such violations as within-school discrimination, teacher segregation and the unequal prov,ision of school facilities," the center's report says. "As for student assignment, in many cities much can be accomplished with little or no increase in transportation." The 117-page center report, entitled "Justice Delayed and
Denied," was based on HEW files on 84 districts in 33 north· ern states where the department reviewed compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The. files were obtained through suits agains former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson under the Freedom of Information Act. The study took three years.
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