Changes Affect Nine Priests Ordinary Appoints Adrrtinistrator, Transfers Three Diocesan Pastors
The ANCHOR Vol. 6,
Appointment of a new administrator, the transfer' of three pastors and the re-assignment of five curates in the Dio,cese is announced today by Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River. The, changes are effect.ive next Tuesday, Sept. 25. They are:
39 漏
1962 The Anchor
PRICE lOe $4.00 per Year
Fr., John J... Galvin Served . . -
for' Y;ears .as 'Professor 'l'he Most Reverend' Bishop' celebrated a Pontifical lRequiemMass last Saturday' morning in SS. Peter and . Paul Church, Fall River, for R.ev. John J. Galvin, S.T.D., , IAssistant ~pastor of the Church, who suffered a fatal heart ~ttack the previous Wednesprofessor of Dogm~tic Theology . illlay.The eulogis't, Re,v. AI- and a director of young men' lfred 'J. Gendreau, pastor of , studying for the. priesthood: . ,For almost 20 years, Father Blessed Sacrament ChurCh,
lF~1l River, signalled out Father Galvin's work ali a seminary
,Galvin taught in' seminaries on the West and East coast 'as a ,Sulpician Father, a member of a' group of diocesan priests al- . lowed by their bishops to devote themselves to the exclusive work of training young men for . the diocesan priesthood. Father Galvin, son of the late 'Michael P. and Elizabeth Riley . Galvin, was born in Fall River , in ,1907. He graduated from the Cathedral School, Durfee High School, and attended St. Charles College, CatoI].sville, Md. He studied Philosophy at the Basselin Foundation of the Catholic University of A,merica 'in Washington from which he received his M,A. degree. Father studied theology at the Sulpician Seminary of the Catholic' Turn to Page Eighteen
FA'mER F. A. , ,
Bishop Connolly At New England C,CD Session JFATHER CURRY
Never Min'd Heavenly ~ Mansion, ,These People A,re Heading Towards Celestial Igloo FA'fHER GALYIN
Some people are' pointing for heavenly mansions, but there's a group of Fall River area mission supporters who prefer celestial igloos. They're members ,of the Celestial Igloo Club and their purpose is to aid the Jesuit missions of Alaska. They're spurred on from time to time by a visit from Rev. Paul C. O'Connor, ~. J., Director of Alaskan' , Missions for the Jesuits. One 'such occasion took place last week, when the Iglooites foregathered at Holy Name
Head of 'New York Seminary Is Acushnet White 'Father '
Rev. Paul Sorelle, W.F., son of Mrs. Clara Sorelle, of 24 Slocum Street, Acushnet, has been named superior of St. Joseph's Seminary, conducted by the White Fathers near Onchiota, N.Y. Father Sorelle, who assumes his duties with the opening of the new S,J., is stationed in the Far East. term this month, will also Father Ernest left the States in supervise the other activi- August, 1961, for the language ties on the grounds, in- school at Taiwan, Formosa. cluding the retreats for priests 7 ---"""":"" and the family camping at Cape Lavigerie during the Summer.
For the past two years, Father Sorelle has been at the White Fathers' NovitIate in Franklin, Fa. Ordained in 1953, he was proiessor in the White Fathers' seriiimiry two yearS before going' to Rome to continue his studies in philosophy at Gregorian University. He received his licentiate in 1957 and left for the African missions, spending three years in Tanganyika and Ugan-
da. The new superior of seph's Seminary has a teaching in the foreign meld. Rev. Ernest A.
St. Jobrother Mission Sorellep
- 'Rev. Maurice Souza, adminIstrator: at, Our Lady of Health, Fall' River, 'to pastor- of St, Anthony's Church, Taunton. Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, pastor at St. Joseph's Church, North Dighton, to pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Somerset. Rev. Leo M. Curry, administrator at St. Augustine~s, Church, Vineyard Haven, to pastor at St. Joseph's 'Church, North Dighton. ,Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, assistant at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford to admin_ istrator at Our Lady of Health Church, Fall River. Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, from St. Patrick's Church, Somerset, to assistant at St. Patrick'a Church, Fall- River. Rev. Joseph Oliveira, a(lsistaM at St. Anthony's Church, Taunton, to assistant at, St. Michael'D Church, Fall River. Rev. Mantlel P. Ferreira, asistant at St. Elizabeth's Church, Fall Rver, to assistant at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. New Bedford. . Rev. Philip A. Davignon, assistant at St. Pius X Church, South Yarmouth, to assistant at Sa,cred Heart Church, Oak Bluffs. Rev. Ernesto R, Borges, from assistant ,at Our Lady of the Angels Church, Fall River, to assistant at St. Elizabeth's Church, Fall River. ,Turn to P;;tge Twenty
parish hall,' Fall River. They saw slides of "their mission" and heard an accompanying commentary from Father O'Connor., In Alaska for 29 years, Father O'Connor was' appoip.ted mission director three years ago. In his' new post he has headquarters in Portland, Ore., and goes to Alaska several times a year to chec~ on needs of the farflung Jesuit ou~posts at the Turn to Page' Eighteen
one of the sessions of the 16th New England Regional Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine held here. Bishop Connolly presided at the session on "Audio-Visual Training Tools," which took place in South Catholic High School. On the same afternoon, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D." Turn to Page Eighteen 0
Taunton Prelate to Observe Half-Century Labor for God Plans are nearing completion for a golden jubilee reception honoring Rt. Rev. Msgr. James Dolan, pastor' of St: Mary's Church in Taunton. The public reception will be held at 4 Sunday afternoon, Sept. 30 at Lincoln Park, Dartmouth. Ordained in 1912, Msgr. Dolan was first ass i g ned to Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. During
Orata@ Impera,ta 'The Chancery 'Office announced on Sept. 17: that a special prayer, the collect from the 12th Sunday路 after Pentecost, will be recited in every Mass in all Churches and Convents of , the Diocese. This "oratio imperata" is to be . recited on every ferial and ,feast day from day of notifica-' tion until the morning of Oct. 11,路 the day the Council opens. The c'ongregation is asked 'to' join the celebrant of the Mass in the recitation of this .prayer. :. ,This Pray~r to the Holy Spirit will continue to be recited at aU' pUblic services.- ,
HARTFORD - Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, pre,sided Saturday afternoon at
World War I Msgr. Dolan served with unusual distinction as a chaplain and, for many years afterwards, was chaplain of Taunton Post, American Legion. At the end of the war Father Dolan became chaplain of Bethlehem Home in Taunton, head of 'Diocesan charities in Taun~on, chaplain of Taunton State Hospital and, ori Sundays, assistant at St. Mary's Church" Taunton. In 1926 Father Dolan was made pastor of Holy Family Church, East Taunton, and in 1935 was appointed pastor of his native parish, St. Mary's. He was accorded the rank of ,Domestic Prelate in 1952, with the rank of Monsignor. Turn to Page Twenty
THE ANCHOo -I);ncese of F",II
Seot. 20.1962
Diocese of Fa II' River
September 18, 1962 Beloved in Christ: A little more than two weeks remains for the COJll.. OFFICIAL vening,in Rome, of the" Ecumenical Council. 'It will bap please God, a source of blessings in truth, faith and peaoo for the Church and the whole world. But to that end W4il must increase our prayers and ·our hopes..Pope John haG CLERGY TRANFERS 'constantly urged us to pray, and even make acts orsacria Rev. Maurice Souza,' Our Lady of Health Church, Fall fice with such thought in mind. . River, to become pastor of St. Anthony Church, Taunton.. · There is. mounting ~nterest throughout the Christiam world in this significant gathering. In token of our earnes~ . Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, St. Joseph Church, No. Dighconcern, we will continue'the daily recitation of our prayer: : ton, to become pastor of St. Patrick Church, Somerset. "0 Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, come into our hearts. Shed the brightness of:Thy light on all nations that they J 0 I N 8 HIERARCHY: Rev. Leo M. Curry, st Augustine' Church, Vineyard Bishop Lawrence T. Picachy, ·may be one in Faith and, pleasing to Thee. Through Christ Haven, to become pastor 'of St. Joseph Church, No. :pig~ton. 8.J., has been' consecrated Our Lord. Amen." . To This we add, from October l§t until the lith, Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, assistant at Our Lady of Mount Ordinary of the new Indian Carmel Church. New- Bedford, to become administrator of · when the Council convenes, a Novena of spiritual exercises I See of Jamshedpur in northOur Lady of Health Church, Fall River. eastern India. He was edu- in all parishes and convents of the Diocese. This will concated by the Jesuits in the sist of the customary October devotions, Rosai-y and BeneRev. Raymond W. McCarthy, St. Patrick Church, SomerU.S. Maryland.Province. Or-. diction of the Blessed Sacrament. Attendance at these exel\set, to assistant at St. Patrick Church, Fall River. dained in 1947, he served as cises should be a matter of strict duty. "More things a~ rector of Xavier College in wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." Rev. Joseph Oliveira, st. Anthony Church, Taunton, to Besides this, we' ask all the faithful to offer up their Calcutta.. . assistant at St. Michael Church, Fall' River. . works and sacrifices for .the success of the Council. The ailing and infirm can offer' tlieir sufferings, the workell' Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, St. Elizabeth/Church, Fall River, Me ryknoU his toil, the poor their privations. But even the hale and to assistant at Our Lady of' Mount Carmel Churc·h, New Bedford. . healthy should signify by their conduct the desire we aIR have for the peace .and prosperity of the Chur~h in thesG Rev. Philip A. Davigon, St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth, to trying times. . assistant at Sacred Heart Church, 'Oak Bluffs. Following the direction of the Holy Father, I haw NEW YORK -The quiet instructed all priests of the, Diocese to recite each day, at Rev. Ernesto R. Borges, Our Lady of the Angels, Fell heroism ofa man of God· in Mass, the Collect from the Mass for the 12th Sunday afteJ' River, to assistant at St. Elizabeth Church, Fall .River. thwarting unholy ambitions Pentecost. The faithful too are urged to recite, with ina of mighty Communist China sistence, these' words which Pope John says "seem to come Appointments eHective Tuesday, September 25, 1962. . wll be depicted coast-to-coast in "The Cross and the Dragon" on from heaven" as a light and' guide to our aspirations: "Almighty and merciful God, through Whose Grace . Armstrong Circle Theater over CBS-TV at 11 Wednesday night, Your faithful are able' to serve You with dignity and joy. Sept. 26. 'grant, we beseech You, that- we may run without any The story details events lead- hindrance towards the attainment of Your promises. We ing to the arrest in March, 1960 of Bishop James E. Walsh of from .all parts of the world thus implore You. Through JBishop of Fall River. Maryknoll, and to his sentencing the merits of Jesus Christ, Master and Savior of alI. at the age of 68, to 20 years im- Amen." prisonment ,by a Red court on Such then is the pattern of preparation that we all charges of American "espioshould make for the Ecumenical Council. Confident that nage." The script, by Bob Crean, one such prayers will never be in vain, I remain, of TV's top writers, will feature .. Dev.otedly yours in Christ • WASHINGTON (NC)-Arch- the birth of their third child James Daley as BislJop Walsh. . .
Storry To Be'Yeievised On Wednesday
Sterilization Backers Weaken Spiritual Aspects of, Society
bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington has .condemned from the pulpit of his cathe~af the extensive sterilization program of a hospital in nearby Warrenton, Va. ' He charged the program with being "absolutely immora~," supported by "misguided men anti women":.·anda 'potential disaster· for Ameiican society if · widely imitateq.·. ." · Archhishop;O'Boyie said Fa}1quier Hospital's program has the .. ~bvious and crudelyse~h" purpose of reducing tax-es by '., encouraging mothers of poor · families ·to be sterilized after
.. Legion of Decency . .The followiOg films are to-be , :~ added to the lists in their re· spective classifications: " .·Unobjectionable for. general .~patronage: Marco Polo (this 'classification' applicable only to , . prints shown in tnt) .We'll Bury You. . . .. Unobjectionable for adults and adolescents: Pirates :of, Blood ;.:River.· . ; Unobjectionable for adults: If :A. ManAnswe~s; Who's .Got.. the Action.
<I .. j 'I "
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FORTY _HOURS· DEVOTION Sept. 23-St. Roch, Fall River. . Sacred Heart, Taunton. Sept. 30-St. Louis de France, .. Swansea. St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford. Oct. 7-0ur Lady· of the Holy Rosary, Fall . River. Our Lady of tht> Holy Rosary, Taunton. q~t. I~St. . JohnQ~ ,God, '. Somerset. . . .. Our Lady of the immaclate Conception, ~aun-, ton.
a_..d 01... P.......
!'atll ., hU a,... II....· P....n._ 1'b~ at Hijrbla..ll 4 "aJl RI.e. ..... IOJ" tho OlOtlroll. " .... Otoe_ ., Pall RI... Suboerh.ttoll p..... -..-u. ",,"'Pili• •~.OO _
and thus avoid~..g increased public assistance for them. The prelate, speaking at a Ma~s in St.. Matthew;s Cathedral, noted a Washington newspaper's report that 50 mothers had been sterilized at the hospital. . Unable to Pay Each of the womeR had' more than thI'ee children. Each was · judged· by the hospital to be "medically indigent", which was: defined as unable to pay future medical bills. Each consented to · ste~ilizatiQn" af,!er "being !tp"' proached by physicians attached to 'the hospital. TJ:te'50' women were' among 176 ,patients '~eated by-the hOs~ pital's ma~etnity clinic. The '. clinic;.: accoz:ging . to .iUlspital doctors; administers a "comprehensive contraceptive program." .' .' .The hospitars program was drawn to public' attention when .a group of ·.20 sociologists· attending the convention of the · American Sociological. Assocl·ation here went on a tour of the · hospital's clinic. The tour' \Vas sponsored by' the Human Betterment Associatioh which promotes. voluntary sterilization. ". About two - thirds Of the ~womensterilized at the hospital were Negroes.
The one-hour live broadcast was produced by Bob Costello and directed' by William Corrigan. . Symbol 01 Dope' The 71-year-old Maryknoll bishop, a native of Cumberland, Md., has devoted 34 years of mission work to his beloved Chinese• As the last remaining foreign missioner in Red China, he re,. mains a symbol of hope and 'reassurance to millions of silent witnesses; who are undergoing what Church officials describe as "the worst· persecution Ul' 2',000 years of Christianity."
.Mass: Ordo
. Bishop: of Fall
Institute~fAdutt, Educe-tion 1962 fall Session " , ·C;.o~~ucational . Tues~ays-:-Sep~ember 25 through December 11 Registration by mail or September 25 and October 2-7:00 P.M.
FRIDAY-St. Matthew, Apostle to 9:30 P.M. in Holy Cross Hall ' and .Evangelist. II Class.' Red. Mass Proper;. Gloria; Second Minimum registration per class is 12. $20 payable" in full .at . . . registration. Collect Ember Friq,ay of ~ep tember; Creed; Preface of. Apostles. . .. SATURP~ Y - Ember 'Sat~rday INTERIORDECO:~~~Ststart ',.'eptember.. 25)...7:30-9:30 P.M. of September. II Class. VlOlet. . . . , . Mass Proper; No Gloria; 'Sec- '. "CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH I (Beginning); . ond Collect St. Thomas Villa- . "CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH I/.(I~termediate) I:lova, Bishop and Confessor; "REAL ESTATE ("HOW to stort, stoy, rwith and succeed in' Real .Estate") no. Creed; .Common . Preface. SPEED READING . . The Celebrant may omit the "THE LOGIC OF CHRISTIAN LOVE' ~nd, .3rd, 4th and· 5th lessons "CREATIVE 'WRITING FOR PLEASURE, FOR PROFIT, AND FOR' PUBLICATlO~". with ., their versicles and EFFECTIVE SPEAKING AND' THE CONDUCT OF MEETINGS prayers appointed filr this day. MANAGING YOUR MIND AND EMqTIONS' ,. T~e first lesson and the EpisPAINTING AND DRAWING tIe, however, must be said. CHARM AND POISE . SUNDAY-XV Sunday Aft er "A FOLLOW-UP TO"MASSACHU~ETTS CRIMINAL LAW FOR PEACE OFFICERS" . Pentecost. II Class. Green. INSURANCE (B~okers' and Agents' Refresher and license Examination Review ':N~wmg~ Mass Proper;. ~loria; Creed;' THE A ;~:s~F INVESTMENTS' · P~TT~BURGH(NC) Dr. Preface of TrInIty. 'MATHEMATICS REVIEW. Francis A. Roy, dean of the lib-. MONDAY - ~ass of·· previous REVIEW OF \RITHMETIC; RATIO; PROPORTION; SIMPLE INTEREST; eral arts col~ege at ,the Univer-" , Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA; LINEAR' EQUATONS IN ONE VARIABLE. · sity of Arizon ain Tucson, was Proper; No Gloria; Second (Course work may be adjusted to~needs. de,ire and background 'of students. No pre.requisites.) • honore(i here with the 1962 Fac- , Collect Our Lady of Ransom; no Creed; Common Preface.' HOW TO MAKE THE MASS YOUR OWN (Participation in ·the Moss for the overage .ulty .Award ')f the National TUESDAY"":'" Mass· of' previous Catholic) · Newman Alumni Association. Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass . NUTRITION (For. those' interested .in diets, home economics, hygiene) Proper; No Gloria or Creed; One .credit may be granted for each course marked ". C9mmon Preface.' . __ . . _. ---.;, _ _ . _ -- _ _ Necrology , : . .. '·SEPT•.. 21 ",.'~" . WEDNESDAY-North American Please register with: Marty'rs: •. SS.. Isaac Jogues, Rev. George o!oWdr, 1935; PasDIRECTOR' . tor, OUT Lady of PurgatOry, New John DeBrebeuf, and CompanINSTITUTE 'OF ADULT EDUCATION. ions, Martyrs. II Class. Red. . St",nehil/' College Bedford;:,:""~~~p:t~"~4 '" '" . MasS Proper; Gioria; Second North Easton, Massachusetts Rev. Joseph 'E: : C.Bourque, Collect SS. Cyprian and JusNAME .., _ tina, Virgin, Martyrs; no 1955, Pasto~; Blessed Sacrament, ADDRESS __ Fall River~ .,. . Creed; Common Preface. : '.:. Sept': 26· . · . THURSDAY - SS. Cosmas and' COURSE ; Rev. Jolin' J. Donahue, 1944, . Damian: Martyrs. III Class. TUESDAY (Please . Make Checl<~.Payable to Stonehill College) . Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Assistant Pastor, st. William, .Fall River. Creed; Common Preface. -
· .'.
THe. A ",r/-!I)[l--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. ,'n 1962
Author's Sister Recollects Hemingway fami~w l~fce By Rt. Rev. lWsgr. John S. KelIlnedy Authoritative accounts of the early years of ;famous men always intrigue us. In them we seek, and sometimes find, clues to the celebrities' later development. Thus, it is with considerable curiosity and expectation that one opens At the Hemingways (Atlan- sharply divergent paths. tic-Little, Brown. $4.95), in lEarly lLife Orderly which Marcelline HemingShe gives very little indicaway Sanford, sister of Ern- tion of the development of
nest Hemingway, recalls the Hemingway as the artist he was "years of innocence" in Oak to be. Of the personality with Park, Ill., of which he impressed the world, the family of there are some suggestions. The wh ich both rugged life he was introduced to were members. at l:\n early age, was given his The Hemingfirst gun when quite small, was ways' parents, tutored in fishi. _ and hunting. Clarence EdEven so, his was Ii relatively ward Hemingsheltered existence; at the least, way and Grace it can be said to have been orHall, Doth came derly, secure, and perhaps a from Mid dIe little stuffy. The discipline was Western famiclose and consistent, if never lies of so m e harsh, and revolt against it may substance; Mrs. have been inevitable. Hemingway's was the most It came after Ernest's experi- • prosperous and socially promi- ences in World War I. Because nent. From her earliest y,ears of eye trouble, he was rejected she had the advantage of travel for service in the American and cultural opportunities. Thus, forces. At 19, he joined the she was often taken to the opera Italian Red Cross, went at once as a very small child, and her to the Italian front, was badly mother once made this entry in wounded. her diary, "Baby Grace slept • Radically Changed through Aida again tonight." When he returned home to Promising Singer convalesce, he was radically Grace Hall became" a singer changed. "Ernest wasn't the of exceptional promise. She same old friend and playmate studied in New York with a I had known. Though much less coach who had Metropolitan than a year had passed since, he Opera singers among her clien- had gone to Europe - and only tele and it was thought that a year and a half since ,we had Gra~e would have a career in graduated from high school together - a' lifetime of new exopera herself. , She chose, however, to re- perience, war, death, agony, new turn home, and in and about people, a new language and love Chicago she made a sizable an- had crowded into Ernest's life." For 18 months he idled in Oak nual income from singing and teaching voice. In fact, almost Park, doing nothing, earning all through their life together nothing. His mother served an she earned more than her hus- ultimatum on him - either he got a job or he would have to band. He was a physician. Grace get out. He went off to Chicago Hall and he became close friends and became editorial assistant in 1894 when Grace's mother on the magazine Cooperative Commonwealth. was ill of cancer. The Hall famiA little later he was married, ly doctor had taken on young Hemingway, lately returned and shortly after that he and his wife were off to Paris, their stay from studies in Europe, as an assistant, and the assistant often there financed by a small trust made visits to the Fj:all house fund she had. This proved to be during Mrs. Hall's last days. The the beginning of a permanent b'reak with home. couple were married in 1896. First, Story Vulgar Treated as Twins Hemingway's first book, Three Marcelline was born in 1898, Ernest in 1899. Ther~ were three Stories and Ten Poems, was other children, but they were published in Paris in H123. Marcelline read the first story, Up much younger that the first two. in Michigan. Not only were Marcelline and "The two main characters of Ernest close in age and always the story, a man and a woman;, good friends; they were also b'eated as twins by their mother. had the same f~rst names as Mrs. Hemingway had wanted two of our close family friends, twins. Not having them did not a couple of whom we were par,revent her from acting as if ticularly fond. The descriptions of them in the tale, especially. her wish had been fulfilled. She tried to make twins out of of the man, fitted our friends so accurately that as I read on and a girl and a boy a year apart in age. "When we were little, realized' that Ernest had put Emest and I were dressed alike these kindly people into the in various outfits, in Oak Park vulgar, sordid tale he had inin gingham dresses and in little vented, my stomach turned over. "It was Ernest's apparent lack , fluffy lace-tucked dresses with picture hats . . . We wore our of any decent consideration for hair exactly alike in bangs, in the feelings of the people whose a square-cut Dutch bob." Mar- names and detailed descriptions celline was kept two years in he had used in the story that horrified me." ~dndergarten so that she and The mystery of the growth of Ernest might begin the grades the genius and the peculiarities together. of Hemingway is not explained Parents' Marriage Happy in Mrs. Sanford's absorbing reBiographers of Hemingway collections of a happy family in' '!ave spoken of conflict between a vanished era. But something of lis parents. They represent the the mystery of Hemingway's ioctor as a rugged, out doors connection with Catholicism is vpe 'of man, and his wife as decleared up. His sister says that icately artistic. But, by Mrs. when he married his second ";anford's account, this is not in wife, P a u 1 i n e Pfeiffer, he the least an exact picture. "joined Pauline's faith." Mrs. Sanford reports no such conflict between the two as Re-elect Provost 1ther commentators have supROCK HILL (NC) - Father losed they discerned. She inMaurice V. Shean, C.O., who }ists that her parents loved each served as Provost of the Oratory 'ther dearly, and were happily of 'St. Philip N~ri here in South 15 one until Dr. Hemingway's Carolina from 1948 to 1956, was .leath. re-elected to the post by memThere is here no support for bers of the Congregation of the ~he theory that Ernest HemingOratory, which was founded in ''1ay was torn between the two, 1935 and today has 36 members. 11' that the parents wel'e in'olved in a continuing contest It cares for eight Churches and three chapels in this area .0 lead the chiidren down
', 5':
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fHE ANCHOR-Diqcese of Fall River-:Thurs. Sept. 20, ,.196~
VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope John has appealed for' worldwide 'recitation of a i Mass prayer for the coming' , ecumenical council and indicated ,the assembly will dig deeply futo ,)cial questions. The Holy Father said preparations for the council indicate , ,tpl;ltRome will be the center of a new era in the history of the ;!,' world. He said 'the council's attraction to those interested in reunion with the Church causes him "serene .joy.~~ , . ' He' asked that this prayer be 1Iepeated daily until the opening of the council: "Almighty and merciful God, through whose grace your faithilll are able to serve you with dignity and joy, grant, we beseech you, that we may run without hindrance toward the attainment of your' promises, We, from all parts of the earth' - and from heaven, thus implore , you. Through the merits of Jesus Christ, Master and "Saviour of aU. Amen." He said it would not be possible ,to find "happier expressions more in accord with the individual and collective preparation for thesucc~ss of the ecumenical council." Social Teachings 0n social teachings, the Pon- ' tiff put great stress on what 'he called the need for the Church to point up the sense of responsibility Christians must 'show in their social life. It is this sense of duty and the good example it represents that draws non-Christians to the ehu'rch, he' said; He added that "the problems" of society today press upon the Church and he said the council "will be able to present, in clear language, solutions which are, demanded by the dignity of man and his vocation as a Christian," The council, he indicated, will explain the fundamental equality of all people "in the exer. eise of rights and duties I within the entire family of nations." It will also make a "strenuous defense" of the sacred character of ina'trimony he said. "
FiveoMount St.· Mary Graduates Enter Religious Life Five 1962 graduates of Mount ing her three years at the' acadSt. Mary Academy, Fall River, emy, Miss Camara was an active have entered novitiates of, the member of the orchestra. Religious Sisters of Mercy, four Karen Daley, niece of Mr. and at Cumberland, R I. ,and ,the Mrs. George ,Grecgory, 131 Warfifth at Manchester, N. H. ren Street, SS. Peter and Paul The four postulants at Mother Parish, Fall River. During her of Mercy Novitiate, Cumberland, four years at the academy Miss are as follows: Daley was'active in many extraRosemarie Alvarnas, daughter curriclular activities. She held of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Alvarmembership in the sodality, the nas, 39 Chace Ave." North Tiver: debate club, glee club, 'science, ton, R I. Miss Alvarnas was. a club and was assistant editor of member of Holy Ghost Parish. the' school yearbook. She held While at the academy she partidthe office of vice-president of pated in basketball, the French 'the sodality in her senior year. club and the sodality. She was, Dorothy ,Hathaway is the class president in her freshman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noryear and homeroom director' in ,'man Hathaway, 181 Foster her, senior year. She was also a, .. Street, SS, Peter and Paul par:" member of the Student Council. ish, Fall River..She was an active Joan Camara, also a Tiv~rton member of the orchestra during resident, daughter of Mr. and her four years at the academy. Mrs. Charles Camara of 31 During her freshman and sophTucker Ave. She was a member omore )'ears, she was a member of St. Christopher's parish. Dur':' of the, Junior Red Cross and
u. S.
Foreign Missioners 'Now Total Over
Entering the Sisters of Mercy sodality for four years; she at Manchester was Patricia Anne belonged to the French and Murphy, daughter of Mrs. Irene science clubs and the liturgical Murphy, 679 Third Street, choir. She was secretary of the Cathedral parish, Fall River. She sodality in' her senior year and was an active participant in sevco-editor of'the yearbook. eral clubs during her four years Miss Murphy also merited a at the academy. Besides being a 'Certificate of Merit for outstandmember of ~he glee club and ing work in the National Educational Development Test in both . earned the organization's certificate. freshman and sophomore years.
EC$t ,Gtelflm@nS Jam [FCff C@!rO$e4:D"Qlfl'a<OlD1) BERLIN (NC) - Crowds filled the cathedral in the east German city of Erfurt to overflowing for the consecration of Auxiliary Bishop Hugo Aufderbeck of F u l d a . ' ' Archbishop Alfred Bengsch, Bishop of Berlin, consecrated the new Bishop. Auxiliary Bish op Friedrich Rintelen of Padetborn ,and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Freusberg of Fulda were co-consecrators. Bishops Aufderbeck and Freusberg, who reside in Erfurt, administer'the part of the i.Jiocese of Fulda that lies in East Ger-
of Bg~i\1(Q)lP> many. East Zone authorities did not allow Bishop Adolf llolte of Fulda· to attend the consecration. There were 400 priests iii the ~rowd. Tohe ceremony was broadcast in St. Severi church which was also filled. West German relatives of the new Bishop took part in the festivities.
Garden Party
Ten special prizes will be awarded at a garden party to be sponsored from 1 to 10 Saturday, Sept. 22 by the St. Cecelia Mission Club at St, Anthony's Convent of the Franciscan MissionWASHINGTON (NC)-U.S. mission-sending societies aries of Mary, 631 Second Street Fall River. ' ' sent more than 700 of their members to missions outside Proceeds, will benefit the SisCHICAq;O (NC) ~- The 534' the continental U.S. in the past y~ar, bringing to 7,146 the ters and features will include number of U.S. Catholic missionaries serving, overseas. schools in the Chicago archdio- refreshments and various booths. 'ce~e are expected to enroll' These figures' are 'contained 380,000 studel')ts, this September, in a'new report on U.S. Cath- from 2,070 to 2;185; in Middle an al~-time· high. The two,olic mi~sionary activity is-" America from 433 to 537; and in county archdiocese has the nasued by the Mission Secre- South America from 91h· to tion's largest. i>ri'~ate school , enrollment, , 'tariat,a,clearinghouse of mission 1,247:" ' A Solemn' High Mass' of Re-' ',information and s e r v i c e s . " ' "Largest Numbers , lluiem .will" be' sung 'tomorrow' The figures were made public Of the 7,36 mission as~ignments :ijlorning at 10 in St. Ma'ry's EVENING COURSES c . €athedral, ,Fall River, 'for' the , .in connection with the 13th an- 'in ti:le past year, 400 were acnual meeting of U,S. missioncO,unted for by men's communi_ 3 Credits Each ~epose of the lioui of Sister'1I4ary sending societies, ,which was at_ties, 312 by women's communiAngelita, RS.M. who' died Tues., tended by an estimated' 1,000 tes, and 24 ,by the ,three lay'mis'Mondciy and Wednesday Eveni':'9•• ~ay at Mt. St. Mary's, Convent; priests,., Religious and laymen." 'sionary groups covered in the Fall River. Between 6:30 and 9 P.M.' Statistics on mission work are report. ,,' " ", .' , ,. Born Abigail Sheehan in New October, 1 through January 23 contained in the new edtion of 'Among' the m~~',s communiB.edford, she was the daughter 4!f the'late Michael J.' and Alice" the booklet, '.tu.'S. Catholic'Over- ,ties" the ,largest ,number ,of 'asFRESHMAN' ENGLISH COMPOSITION seas Missionary Personnel." signments was. made by' the Riley' Sheehan.. TYPES Of ENGLISH LITERATURE Famous for', ou~ Prime . Includes 307 Laymen Maryknoll Missioners, who 'sent She entered religious life in 58 !TIen to foreign missions. They INTROQUCTlqN TO SOCIOLOGY 1929 and has served at St. Pat~ The report on mission assign- 'were follow'ed by the Jesults45' Aged Charcoal B~oiled rick's and St. Vincent's 'Conments. in the· past year covers 5 0 ' , , , . Registration:-W~dnesday. Sept. 26 . Franciscans, 28;· and. Divine vents, Fall River and the New Steaks '~ -also Roast com~unities of men, 45 of Word Missionaries, 20'7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Bedford Convents of Holy wo,nen, and thr~e lay,missionary AQMINISTRATION BUILDING· Name, Our Lady of Mercy and Beef .. Sea"Food groups. It shows a total of 736 Among womeh's cbm'~unities 51. 'John the Baptist. Registration Fee $5.00 mission assignments during the the Medical Mission Sisters mad~ She is survived by two sisters; past year, compared with a figure Tuition $25.00 per semester c,eClIt the largest ~umber of assignDancing Every' Saturday :Miss Grace ,Sheehan and MisS ,of 550 in a similar report issued ments, 29. They were, followed ~ite to the Music of Theresa Sheehan of New Bed-' at this time last year. Far further information contact: by theD()minican ,Sisters of ford, and three brothers, MiHenry Cottrell and his ThE! breakdown of the figure Blauvelt, N. y.., 27; and the .SisREV. ALOYSIUS E. CUSSEN, C.S.C, chael, Albert and Frank Shee- of 7,146 missionaries now serving ,ters of Charity of the. Blessed Orchestr,a . Vice-President and Dealt han of New Bedford. overseas shows that this figure : Virgin Mary and the Marist '. ~--------' includeS 3,203 priests,' 270 ,Missionary Sisters, who each Planning A Woddini:·shower. IanBrothers, 2;764 Sisters, 152 schosent 23 .nuns. I quot .. ' Mooting-Call our Banquet lastics and 307 laymen. Dopartment for dotail.. An Partl.. , . On ll, geographical basis, 'tile LOS ANGELES (NC) - Out- . number of U.S, missionaries ingiv.. our Export AHention-CaU North Easton, Mass. fielder Fra'nk Howard of the :NO JOB TOO BIG creased irt Africa during the past "l~.s Angeles oD 0 d g e r s was M~YFA!R 4-988~.,.,.4-997' Tel. CEdar 8·2052 or year from 78.1 to 901; in Asia , awarded a plaque as "the Most NONE TOO SMA'LL 91 Crandall Rd. Tiverton, R.I. OXford 6·9050 (Boston' Line) Popular Pro" of 1962 in a comEDICTAL CITATION petition conducted here by ,the '. Diocesan Tribunal ., Fall River, Mass. Catholic Youth Organization 1'!'uIlity of Marriage (Silvia-Parker) and the Tidings, archdiocesan Since the actual place of residence- of Mr. Fred Parker, the respondent in the, newspaper. ' case Silvia-Parker. is unknown We cite PRINTERS The 6-7, '250-pound Howard the above mentioned person to appear personally before the Sacred Tribunal of a convert to Catholicism, polled the Diocese" of Fall River, on October "13, Main Office and Plant Savings Bank Life Insurance 543 votes, topping pitcher-team_ 1962 at 9 :30 A.M. at 368 No. Main Street Fall River, Massa'chusetts; to give testi: Real Estate Loans mate Sandy Koufax. by 47 balLOWELL. MASS. mony to establish: lots. In third place came baseY'he~her ~he nullity of the marriage Telephone Lowell Christmas 'and Vacation Clubs exISts In thiS case? . stealing Dodger shortstop 'Maury . Ordina!ies of· the places or other ·pas.. GL 8·6333 and GL 7-7500 Wills with 471 votes, tors havmg knowledge of the residence Savings Accounts of the above person, Mr .. Fred Parker The trophy was presented to ~ust see to it that he is properly advised Auxiliary Plants Howard by Father John P, tn regard to this edictal citation. . 5 Convenient Locations S/Felix S, Childs Languille, CYO director, ahd Presiding Official BOSTON Given at the seat or'the ' Charles G. (Chuck) Johnson, Tribunal of Fall River OCEANPORT, N. J. Tidings sport editor, in a homeon this the 4th day of September 1962 S/Reginald M. Barrette ' .• plate ceremony before a night PAWTUCKET. R!:t Notary ,. • .• game in Dodger, Stadium here.
380,000 in Chicago
Requiem Mass ,For Sister
Frank Howard CYO Moo::t Popular Pro'·
~ ~h~ck These Banking Services
•• • • •
Canada Charity Aids Homeless In Hong Kong HONG KONG (N C ) Typhoon - ravaged H 0 n g Kong got a dramatic psychological boost with the ar-
THE AtK!-'OR5 Discussion Groups Throughout Diocese Learn Thurs., Sept. 20, 1962 Truths of Faith, ~njoy Themselves Too School Officials
'By Patricia McGowan Like to talk? Who doesn't-that's why discussion clubs are so popular and why, as cold weather approaches, Diocesan groups are limbering up for the "long Winter evenings." It's much better to talk, of course, when you have something to say and facts with which to back your statements. Discussion clubs aim to provide such ammunition. They range from informally organized groups of neighbors who take turns meeting in each other's
rival of 648,000 pounds of "canned pork from Canada. The SS Slilbura steamed into the harbor bearing the manna · from Montreal two days after · Typhoon Wanda's l60-mUe-an· hour winds ripped through this houses to parish clubs and units British possession and left an organized under auspices of the estimated 128 dead and' 47,000 Confraternity of Christian Docpersons homeless. trine. The Salbura bore the pork These Catholic groups have : donated by the Canadian gov- a common goal - to increase ernment through Catholic Re- members' knowledge of the lief Services-National Catholic Faith and, through them, to · Welfare Conference. The 27,000 spread knowledge to others. · cases-each containing 24 oneEcumenical Council ,pound tins of pork-had been Popular topic just now is the - earmarked for relief of the refugees who fled here from forthcoming Ecumenical Council. Groups are delving into · communist China last spring. The shipment arrived at a history of past Councils and the time when foodstuffs were proposed agenda for this one. , GCarce and marketing operations Of perennial interest is the study of Communism, and · had been disrupted. several groups have studied the Escape From Reds catechism as background for Most of the newly homeless future teaching of children's · thousands were among the 60- classes. to-70,000 persons who escaped Typical of informal groups is from Red China. They had been one organized by Dr. and Mrs. eking out an existence in jerry- Walter Conrad, Holy Name parbuilt squatters' huts or in sam- ish, Fall River. It includes mempans in the harbor--dwellings bers· from St. Joseph's and St. which were. ripped to match- Anne's, Fall River; Our Lady of sticks by Wanda. So a large Grace, North Westport; and St. .' share of the pork designated for George's, Westport. ' · ref u gee s' was distributed to To begin with, members made · them, a survey of Church history, The typhoon smashed through using "A Popular History of the · this colony and brought with it Catholic Church" by Philip III 10-foot tidal wave which 'Hughes. They are now studying wrecked the shantytowns across "Mater et Magistra," the papal · the harbor from' Hong Kong is- encyclical on social problems, 'land itself. and plan to' proceed to St. Augustine's "City of God." There are certain basic rules 0 for 'such discussion clubs, members have discovered. They ~MW MO~~®01l~um shouldn't be too large, or quiet LE PUY (NC) Close to people are apt to. find them80,000 people jam m e Ii this selves too shy to speak up; all French mountain town to cele- small groups promote better disbrate the' millenium of the cussion. Church of St. Michael, Romane_ Leadership should rotate, or · sque jewel built atop a needle- . if one person is naturally fitted like rock. for the role, he may be made Fernando Cardinal Quiroga y permanent leader. 'His job is to · Palacios. Archbishop of Santi- dl'aw out each member, make agQ de Compostela, Spain's foresure that all have a chance to most pilgrimage point, presided speak, and be prepared with at the rites at this center of de- leading questions ifodiscussion should flag. votion to the Blessed. Virgin. The famaus statue of the "'Black Virgin" df LePuy - the original of which "Was an ebany image given to the cathedral here by St. Louis IX in 1254 EMPANDENI (NC) - Southwas borne in pro-cession ern Rhodesia's Prime Minister, 'throughout the city. The procession terminated on the terrace Sir Edgar Whitehead, has. callfronting the Cathedral .of Notre ed for a full investigation of a Dame. where Benediction was shooting incident that took place here at this British .territory's Imparted. oldest Catholic mission. Stress Ties The shooting occurred when Earlier there had been simulabout 150 African students riottaneous services conducted by ed and threatened to attack various prelates in all the Sisters and girls at the mission churches of Le Puy. Among the school, shouting: "We will kill leaders w~s Archbishop Joseph 'you:" They had already thrown Marie Martin of Rouen, a former rocks at a priest and cut elecBishop of Le Puy. tric lines. . As the youths were about to Among the speakers during the ceremonies were Cardinal attack, a Brother shot at them. Quiroga, the Mayor of Le Puy, Three African students were hit but are not :n serious conand Charles PIchon, French dition. Fifty rioters are under author who is president of the arrest and the mission is being Franco-Spanish Committee. All guarded by police. stressed the ties that bind the ancient pilgrimage - sites of Le Puy and Compostela, and thus New the Catholics of France and Spain. NEW BEDFORD GUILD-I-14... New Bedford Catholic Guild Incre~se for the Blind will hold its first meeting of the season at 8 toAigell'o«ll night in K of C hall, Secretary LUCERNE (NC) - A comMary E. Kearney announces. mittee of the International ConPlans for the year were disference of Catholic Charities recussed at a pre-season meeting, solved at a meeting here in which included an address by Switzerland to increase social Father John Murphy, regional aid to Algeria. director, and reading of the The Extraordinary Committee treasurer's report by Wright for Aid to Algeria, formed last Walker. Mrs. Philip. Dupont, May, took the action because of president, op'ened the meeting. the present crisis in that counThe need for volunteer drivers try. Archbishop Leon-Etienne was stressed. Duval of Algiers attended the The telephone commttee nmeeting, where it was reported-' eludes Mrs. Lillian Hughes, Mrs. that Catholics have already Florence Doyle, Mrs. Mary Sulgiven $5.5 million in emergency livan and Mrs. Margaret Thornaid to the people of Algeria. WA.
.. 80 (0)00 C:~~®llD~~t~ · le
Rhodesia -Mission Is Scene of Shooting
Bedford Guild Meets Tonight
U.So Aid
CHICAGO (NC) - A majority of the U.S. public school board members who responded to a poll have opposed new Federal aid for public schools and by a great margin have rejected aid to parochial schools. The National School Boards Association said the final results of its poll of 20,000 board members are much the same as tentative results _issued at the association's convention in St. Louis in April. The NSBA said' 56.1 per cent of those questioned did not want any new Federal aid program for public schools. However, most favored continuance of existing programs, including the National Defense Education Act. On inclusion of parochial schools in future Federal aid programs, 78.2 per cent the members voted negatively. Only 13.9 per cent were in favor. The remaining 7.9 per cent were said to be undecided. .
Interracial Project DISCUSSION CLUB: Rita' Sasseville, Helen Conrad, Dr. Walter Conrad and Normand Sasseville use The Anchor to supply background material on encyclical "Mater' et Magistra." The discussion group, one of many in Diocese, meets bi-weekly, has 10 members. Some homework is needed f9r a successful discussion group. 'Members should have read the text before coming to the meeting, and sh~uld be prepared with questions, points of disagreement, and profitable sidelights · on the matter at hand. What to discuss? There are discuss!on aids available for all sorts of groups, ranging from teen-agel's through adults. Popular with. younger people are the Queen's Work series of discussion outlines. Information on them can be obtained from the Queen's Work at 3115 South Grand Boulevard, St. Louis 18, Mo. An adult series of pamphlets is issued by America Press, 329 W. 108 Street, New York, N.Y., and · a similar series is offered by · the Paulist Press, 18 E. 76 Street, New York 21, N.Y. Advanced groups can make their own reading lists and discussion outlines. with the aid of public and parish libraries, pamphlets and periodicals, it is pointed out. One last point. Nothing aids discussion like a refreshment · break. Over a bite md a sup, conversation flows like the coffee. Most discussion groups are eager to accept new members, so if you're interested, look around. There's probably a club near you. If not. start YOUr own
Because every year we've ordered more and we stiD sell out. Even the. factory's increasing production can't keep up w.ith the amazing demand, Snow Bird's popularity is no accident. It's the· most soundly engineered snow thrower available. It's the- only snow thrower that performs the three essentials of snow control. Feeds snow with a slow-speed rotary auger into a high speed blower that discharges the snow through an open-throated controllable chute that lets you aim the snow precisely. Ea~ily handles snow that's wet and heavy, dry and flaky, or crusted. Model 225 Snow Bird cuts a 22" swath in deep snow with a new 4 h.p. easy-start winterized engine. Model 262 cuts a 26" swath through the deepest snow with husky 6 h.p, easy-start engine.
&611 ~"; CHARLES F,
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CHICAGO (NC)-More than 300 Catholic college students visited the homes of Negro Cath. olic families here as part of a project to improve race relations. The home-visiting project was arranged by Friendship House, an interracial center here.
Avoid disappointment. EnjoY winter with
Aid for
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-Stresses Th'r.~at, Agains,t Priva'te Charity Agencie$'
THE ANr:HOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Sept. 20, 1962 .. .. . . '
- -,'
Ecumenism in Architecture At a Communion Breakfast of Protestant laymen held in Worcester, Dr. Arland A. Diriam, former President of the Church Architectural Guild 'of America, brought out an interesting point of much significance to Catholics' and non-Catholics alike. The church, architeCt, stating the principle that "religious architecture mirror~s and reflects' the' religious thinking of the people," remarked that the' "post-war churches of Europe, both Protestant and Catholic, are remarkably sim.ilar in architecture. The new church is 11. pro..; vocative structure. They are truly vehicles of communication. They reveal a return to the basic fundamentals of early Christianity.'~ The architect concluded that the growing ecumenical movement can be seen in this growing' achitectural ,similarity. ' In recent years, Protestants are looking into tl)e Scriptures and into the earIy Church and are trying to come to a knowledge of the basic truths of Christ. They are trying to move away from the position of "professional' protestants," reacting almost automatically against anything Catholic, 'and present themselves in a positive light. They are draining away some of the bitterness of Reformation days and are amazed to see in how much they agree with the Catholic Chur~h. Their positive thinking on religion is causing them to design churches that embody these beliefs-and they see how closely these houses of worship approach the Catholic church building. Catholic architects, for their 'part, are concentrating more on the essential elements in the wqrship of God, and 'are, putting aside the details and trimmings that, in many a Catholic church building, has obscured thepriniary purpose of the structure. No wonder that Protestants, in certain Catholic houses of God, are disturbed by overemphasis on shrines and devotions that overshadowed the altar and pulpit and baptistry. Buildings are external expressions of beliefs. It is a good sign that they are--in both Catholic and Protestant churches~b~ginning to express those, beliefs more truthfully and skillfully.
A Vote for Atheism
. ATLANTIC CI'IT' (NC)~ Archbishop JohnJ., Krol 'of , Philadelphia spoke 'out here against the threat of govern-
~ent encroachment on private' , charities. , ' , ; Archbishop Krol described the '''phenomenal'' growth of publie welfare programs iIi' the, u~s. as a "mixed blessiilg;'in an' ad:' dress to a general 'session of the annual meeting of the National Conference' of G:atholic' Chari-' ties, the St. ,Vincent 'de Paul 'Society and the Association of _ the Ladies of Charity. He said: "It is a joy and comfort to see such genuine concern for the needs of our neighbors. It is Q cause of urgent concern to see the increasing government intervention stifling' and suffocating the private initiative of voluntary agencies of charity. instead of encouraging and supporting it." The growth of public' programs at the expense of private charities was one of, several "disturbing trends" in the charities field noted by ,the Arch, bishop in his address.
C"fhnOlA.9h th& Week With theChWlch By REV. ROBERT W.
TODAY-Mass as on Sunday. "Seek first the kingdom of God and his justice," (Gospel) a justice, an approval we gain around the altar' by making a total offering of our lives, a crucifixion of our nature. In this singlehearted offering and "crucifixion" we find the kingdom of God and His approval. Not once fur all, for it is a kingdom which is' rediscovered every day and in every choice.'
The official newspape! of the Polish Atheist Societies, Argumenty, has called for a special campaign in rural TOMORROW - st. Matthew, areas to draw children away from religion classes. ' Apostote, Evangelist. Today's The newspaper article appeared as schools in Poland feast takes precedence over the Mass of Ember Friday. And inopened for the year. stead of the Apostle, perhaps , It seems that parentai demands for religious less.ons we think chiefly of that Gospel for children have not lessened, and so the ,atheistic paper in 'the New Testament which is urging the promotion of various outdoor events to at- ,bears his name, that written tract youngsters away from the lessons in religion given word which brings to us the good news"of Jesus and the salafter school hours by lay people and priests. vation He offers. As we honor The idea of deliberately setting out to turn children Matthew and invoke his prayers that we m'ight better understand from God strikes most people as unspeakably evil. The encouraging of a program to do this is seen as the Gospel message, we thank God for the precious gift of the an abomination. ;:, Bible and pledge ourselves to Catholic parents in America would - if asked their ,study and,toponder it. opinion --:- be unanimoul'l in condemning it. '. , And all- the time, many of them will ,hear announce- ' EMBER SATURDAY IN AUments" from their, pulpits about parish schools of religion TuMN. A traditional ordination set up' under the Confraternity' of Christian' Doctrine 'and day in the Church, today's Scrip, ture readings in most places '" will remain supre,mely indifferent to these.. 'may be simplified to include , They will not investigate ,the religious programs only' the first and the last, two planned for their sons and' daughters, will not insist on '(of the seven in the missal)., their attendance at ,them, will not supervise homework They teach us that the fact of the nature of'man's earthgiven in these schools of religion, will not dream of partici- 'time, ly life and its "dividedness," repating in the Confraternity work. ' " quire special days of prayer and And all the while, they will condemn what Polish fasting, designated days of reatheists are trying to do. At least the atheists are' open ligious feasting. Unless. man allows the liturgy to punctuatehis in their attempts to sabotage religion! ' ,life with such events, the Spirit The 'Confraternity of Christian Doctrine has as its goal is submerged and direction is to assist parents to fulfill their serious duty to bring up lost. their children in the knowledge and service and love of God. If priests and Sisters and, above all, zealous lay o people are giving their efforts and time to set up a SG'lTesses (6ÂŤlJIl'!hJoUO<eS , Confraternity program, it is h(e~rtbreaking to see the num- ~09lhlll'Si Olm rEd]lllJ<eÂŤlJIl'O<Ol1m ber of parents who, by their indifference and neglect, are ST. LOUIS, (NC) - Cathocasting a vote for atheism. lics should be aware of their rights in education even if they are not permitted" to exercise them fully in the U.S. 'at present, , a pri~st said here. Msgr. John J~ Kennedy said Catholics do not want 'state aid which' would put Cat hoi i c schools "under the State." But, he said, the present system of ,collecting taxes from all citizens and using them to aid only Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rlvor a -p 0 r t ion of the nation's children amounts to discrimi, 410 Hig!lland Avenue nation a'gainst Catholic children. Fall River, Moss. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER "As Cat hoi i c parents you should be aware of ,your rights Most Rev. James L. Connolly, 0.0., PhD. in' education, even if your are GENERAL MANAGER Assi. GENERAL MANAGER not permitted to ,exercise them Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll at the present time," he told MANAGING EDITOR congregations in the St. Louis Hugh J. Golden ' Cathedral here.
Catholic University
FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. God's gifts and our dependence on His gifts is 'the refrain of today's' Mass. This in no news to the Christian, nevertheless it is the basic Gospel truth which has to be recalled again and again - both for the humility of the virtuous and for the courage of the habit'ual sinner. "We live 'by the Spirit," the first reading tells us, and the Gospel shows Jesus giving life to a corpse. Life, whether it is the life of that' first creation which God mysteriously evolved or the new life of man-in-C,hrist, is God's gift. -And no matter what we produce, no matter what we "sow," it 'is this life in the Spirit that gives it 'ultimate significance. ' The liturgy provides us With an opportunity to touch' all of our dailJC1 deeds with Christ's saving deed, because it is around the altar that what we are and what we have done meet the Christ Who is and' Who does.
Ignore Spiritual Needs He said all these trends sliare' a common trait: "They focus all ' attention on the physical' arid material needs of the recipient, but ignore his spiritual needs as well as those of all the people who, contribute or al;e engaged in we!!are 'work." , He cautioned against ignoring "the essential fact that Christ's commandment of love was a twin commandment - the first and greatest of which was to love God-- without which there can be no true or enduring love of neighbor." I He also warned that unless developments which menace private charities are halted "th ere IS . a danger that, while, we denounce the evils of communism, we will drift into a communistic pattern of totalitarian management of the lives of individuals by government.'" Archbishop Krol urged Catholics engaged in charities work to examine whether they share some of the responsibility for unfavorable developments.
~hristli~e ~xample
Fosters Vocations
ST, LOUIS (Ne) - The p~i~ MONDAY - Mass as on Sun,day. So the entrance song of 'the 'kno~n as a "Good Joe!' seldom Mass asks, qQd not. only 'to' save attracts' a vocation, Bishop, Ful- , us (we have already spoken of to.n J. ,Sheel1 said here., . ". ' the life He gives) but also to ," 'Jyst'a good Joe' won't g~, gladden us, to ,give us joy a vocation/' he said. "But, if a ,t~is too is His gift. And in the priest is ,known as another' collect ,we pray that His care 'Christ, he will attract others to may always govern the Church, t,he religious life. And this is ,,"for without your assistance ,as' true of Sisters, and of the she cannot, be safe." And the laity, is of priests." 'offertory song reflects that even , He emphasized' the need of 'our hymns of praise He has put ,Christlike 'example, if vocainto' our mouths. , tions are to grow. "VocatioJ1L'!J don't co'me from promotion. TUESDAY - Mass as on SUJII- They come o'nly from God. BUt day. He gladdens us by giving you can help make a vocation, us the power to "do good" (first by the Christlike lives you live.~ reading), to overcome habits of sin, to emerge from that slavery into freedom. Partly b,:cause, JJesllDoll' Il'<o> ~eCe;Ye though sometimes slowly and haltingly, the life He gives us 1JihJe<o>~o~y A 'W(OHl'd1 (Gospel) overcomes death and ,NEW YORK (NC) - Father all that death carries in its Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., Wood_ wake. And partly because even stock College theologian, will be while the evidences of sin" and presented with the 1962 Cardinal death are present in our lives, Spellman Award for theology the evidences of divine life and by Francis Cardinal Spelman, "doing good" are present too. Archbishop of New York, on Wednesday, Sept. 19 at the CarWEDNESDAY , - SS. nSA\A\C dinal's residence here. .:uogues, .:uohn De ,Brebeuf & Father Burghardt was chosen Companions, Martyrs. It is hard to celebrate the Eucharist' in for the honor last June at the convention of the Catholic Theo:" honor of martyrs without recognizing how clearly human evil logical Society of America in Pittsburgh. is present, too, in this very act of our rejoicing, Not in the The award was instituted by martyrs themselves perhaps but the Cardinal in 1947 to honor a certainly 'in their pers'ecutors. member of the society annually "I ought to have been comfor outstanding achievement in mended by you," St. Paul tells .' the field of theology. The award us in the first reading, but in- ,consists of a scroll signed by' the stead he was misunderstood and Q Cardinal and the society presiattacked. Yet withal God draws dent, who n9w is Father Ferrer good' and promis'es the beati- Smith, O.P., a gold medal and a tudes of the Gospel. cash . award. ,
Laymen, _ Priests Diff®tr in Views
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Sept. 20, 1962
Sti''f~s~e~ ,Teae~~U1g fUmlction O§ ~0Sh@p$
Of C~®rgy Role
HELENA (NC)-'The teachi~g' function of a bishop was stressed at the consecration her,e of the Most Rev.. Raymond; G. Hunthausen as Bishop of lJ;elena. "There is no mistake as to the bishop's first function," said Archbishop Edward D. Howard
NEW ORLEANS (NC) Laymen and priests have sharply differing views on the work of the clergy, ac-
cording to a nationwide' study conducted by a priest-sociologist here. In general, Father Joseph H. Fichter, S.J., of Loyola University said, the priest has a more modest estimate of himself and his functions than that held by ibis parishioners. The Jesuit polled 2,216 paWINNER: Lorraine N.St. rishioners representing every Onge, June graduate of Mt. diocese in the U.S., and sent St. Mary Academy, Fall similar questionnaires to one out of every seven parish River, has received a scholarshop to Union Hospital priests, excluding monsignors. Father Fichter said his data School of Nursing, also Fall showed that "the people who River. She is the daughter of know the ,priest best are the Mr. and Mrs. R. Roland St. people who have the highest regard for the clergy. Yet they Onge, 401 Whipple Street, would still like to improve this Fall River. relationship." Laymen's View "When asked what single ehange they would suggest to Improve their own parish, most· mentioned a 'closer -working partnership' with the parish priest," he -said. Stonehill College opened He said his survey showed that the priest "does not think its' 15th academic year on he worries quite as much or Monday, Sept. 17th, with an o works quite as hard a's the lay e ri!r 0·1·1 men t of :960, the people believe he does. He is largest student body in the not so appreciative of his sermons Or of the way he relates history of the college. There are the liturgy to the laity, or· the 320' freshmen. The formal college year was encouragement he gives to seminaugurated with a Solemn High inary vocations." On the other hand, .laymen Mass in the college gymnasium Gee the priest mainly as the ad- on Monday at 9 A.M. Foreign students 'from Iran, ministrator of an organized enterprise, who must worry about Ecuador, Venezuela, Sweden, money problems, moderate lay Ireland, and Canada are repregroups and concern himself sented in the student body. T·M facilities of the campus about the elementary education of children, Father Fichter said. have been enhanced by the re: "The reason for this is that cent completion of the CushingMartin 120,000 volume liparish priests are spending a great deal of time on tasks that brary, which will be dedicated are essentially non-sacramen- today, and a greatly enlarged 'student union building with tal," he said. augmented dining space and Prefer Spiritual Duties "The priests themselves agree equipment, a larger bookstore, that the activities that use up and other fac.;ilities. most of their time are the ones in which they get the least personal satisfaction and for which they feel the least competent. Picrrni~ "They prefer and feel most competent for their spiritual BALTIMORE (NC) -Baltiduties: h ear in g confessions, more's Catholic Interracial counseling, liturgical functions, , Council" opposing strict segremaking sick calls and giving gation policies at' Gwynn Oak convert instructions." Amusement Park, demonstrated The sociologist· said that ex- against use of the facilities there cept. for counseling ·the priest is for .a' . Knights of Columbus largely serving his people in, charity ·picnic. tasks that are subsidiary to his For·45 minutes 13 members of priesthood. . the' prointegration group carried "These are parochial functions signs before the" entrance to" whIch can probably be per- Gwynn 'Oak's parking lot, as,' formed by other than an or- more than 1,000' people arrived dained minister of God," Father for the outing. .. Fichter said., "Laymen can cerA:bout' 40 pickets took part in tainly handle .financial management; they do in many places the demonstrations. Also demonoperate schools; and they are strating were ,four members of proliably competent' to direct the Fighting American Nationalists (FAN), a prosegregation their own parochial groups." group. The park was under heavy Educator Stresses police guard. And there was no violence. Precedent for Aid Contract Basis BOSTON (NC)-A specialist The K of C picnic, an annual in the history of education said here that there is ample prece- affair for members and their dent for state aid to church families throughout Maryland, has been under fire recently schools. Timothy L. Smith, professor from Catholic interracial counof the history of education at the cils and civic groups favoring University of Minnesota, said integration. that "in the 19th and through the A spokesman for the Knights first part of the 20th century, said the park had been engaged church and private schools were more than a year previously on supported by the state because a strict contractual basis which there were not enough public could not be canceled without a schools to educate the children." resulting lawsuit. Smith, speaking at the lOth The Catholic demonstrators annual meeting of the New Eng- dispersed when the spokesman land School Administrators' In- assured them that future K of C stitute, expressed the hope that outings would be held at intethe controversy over aid to edu- grated facilities. cation can be settled on the basis of what is best for the children.
Stonehill College Stude,nt Body
Now at 960
K' of C
School Enrollment NEW YORK (NC) - An enrollment of 367,555 students was recorded when the New York archdiocesan elementary and secondary schools opened Monday, Sept. 10. It represents an increase of 6,323 over last year.
Carmel In Congo
of Portland, Ore. in his sermon. "He is ,to teach. What men do depends upon what men believe. And men cannot belilive uptll they are taught." ; "While the Church adapts herself to the needs of every age, in her basic thinking she
·@t C(1Hro~e~O'at~@ffi)
cannot change," he stated. "The bishop is by virtue of his office the guardian of Church tradition. His ears must be sensitiVQ to novelty in doctrine. Were he to succumb to error his 'whole Church might. be led,astray." .1
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LEOPOLDVILLE (NC) - Six B~~S :~s CHICKEN, BEEF Carmelite Sisters will open a new convent here at the request OR TURKEY till.. Blrdo Eya If 90Z of Archbishop Felix Scalais, vim . ,Fronch Style 0; PKGS C.I.C.M. of Leopoldville. T~ ,,10" _ 10 ltll, el gunraatced Ulnl Ill:t••. 5ellt. ft I> effectlye at A,LL A&P Super Markott '0 till. comllluoll,J & ylolnllu. Sisters, from the Carmel of Zaza TohaUo prod.GIlI a:>d ItClllll prohibIted b:t ID\1I o.emllt fl'Olll Plold StamP Oller. in Rwanda, were welcomed at the airport by the Archbishop. • • • •D • • • • •III• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Sllmmll.lZlrt.~'• • •
'FHE.ANCHOR-DiQc;ese of .Fall. River..:...Thurs.,Sept. 2,0,'1962 . . . . ." . .' _ .. , . -. .'~'
Believe It or Not;, There'=Are Families .Without ' P'roblems By Mary Tinley Daly Letters of protest, letters of 'compiaint, of misery.'and .of 'problems - these we see every day. in newspapers until it seems as though people write 'only when they' are shocked, angry or depressed. This column gets its share of 0 such letters, but right now I 'should like to' share with lives. We feel immensely proud, others, excerpts from two or rather flatter~d, that 'He letters that seem to me quite cares so much about' us. Losing
this baby has made us want as many as we are privileged to have. I have only. recently Come to see hoW fortunate 'we are to have such blessings as each otlier, five ,active little characters, each with his own special self's ways to love, and a rather day-to-day life, bedraggled new four 'bedroom without smughome, near' the school and ness' but with church. With Donny in kinderfaith. Dear Mrs. Daly: garten, we are beginning to When I read learn that school days bring their abo u t your own special problemS and ~ wards. . . twin grandsons, Brendan and Matthew, I just I think the most. important bad to write because your son's thing I have found' about our :family is quite like mine. We growing famiiy is that our kids have no twins, but we have . are people. Sometimes I'm asked Cleven small children, the eldest . how we can possibly take care ten, the youngest six months. of all of them at once. I say it's FIRST TO JOIN: "The first South American post~lants I must say, we have little else. easy most of the time, because' are received into ·the· U.S. congregation of the Sisters of Our house is shabby in compari- they aren't just a bUnch of the Most Precious Blood of 'O'Fall(m~ Mo.,' who recently' lIOn with others. You can't have noisy, small "items" but small fancy furniture when' you're' people 'who happen to be ours opened a mi~sion in Lima;..i)~ru. b,oiores Pastor Argume, continually buying shoes. My while they 'are on earth,' arid' left, and Nancy Castro·Alvarado receive the blessing from· husband is a fireman. On his who' seem to be amazingly like Father Thomas F. Garrity, M.M., pastor of·St.. Rose parish' days off. he has painted the us. in Lima,' during ceremonies 'at· Our' LadY-of' Guadalupe Sucordiu"ni Club Slatei whole .house, inside, and out. I've f<lund the more of OUT- Church in .Lim~ NC Photo.:.. .: .. Annual T~ai Reception ': : This posed problems,as you selves we give, 'the happier we The Sucordium Club of Sacred .ean imagine, with tots in tur- become, and the children 'benel,Iearts Acad~my, Fall River, will pentine, and various shades of fit too: hold its annual tea' and reception paint on various people. .at, 3 ~unday. afternoon, Sept. 23 I had many Ideas beginning to This month, with four of them in the school's new auditorium" In school" and 'the' other three form when I sat doWn to write taking afternoon naps, there are to you, but my boys are growing . CLEVELAND' ('N~)<- "It's ' .. be more easily traced and seen, Prospect Street. .. Members ~f .elementary IlInd actually s t ret c h e sof quiet impatient a~d are beginning ,to what you don't; 'hear- the 'un:'-" : and' shot. 'She added: around,. here. The elder two, scuffle; It's getting a little hard earthly 'stillnessapd quie~that .' "On . the western side 'of the high school students are invited. Ellen and Jane, are of immense to concentrate. impresses you most ·a.bout East' . wall,,-the' wall of shame-:.l had Mrs. Raymond. CorlDors, presi~ help as I suppose is true. of Lu'" In reading back, I see. that Berlin," said Notre Dame Sister 'noticed someone had scrawled dent, . will. ~troduce faculty elder o n e s . , everything I have said is rather Mary Sean, instructor,"at :Notre the 'giant letters 'KZ," the Ger- members, club officers and ex'ecutive board members. ' I was an only child and re- trite, and my trememdous (to Dame College here. '.:.. i : man ,designation for concentraBegish:ars vrill' accept 'club member that I was still "baby" me) discoveries have been carSister Sean has returned here 'tion camp. And for' certain, -when at our Ellen's age. Mother would ried in all the leading magazines after studying at University of ,'you go :into the' eastern zone, duel! at the meeting. Mrs. Roger ask neighborhood children to as "The Secret of Being Happy" Muenster and had' made two you feel like you are in a huge G. Petit is chairman for the iea. assisted by . Mrs. Raymolld come in and play with me and type article. But, when it haptrips into East Berlin, the see- KZ. she would fix tea parties for us. ,pened to me,' and to Bill, my ond a private walking trip to "No one can trust anyone else. Fletcher. Mrs. Coni-lOi's announces ·tfutt Nice, but dull. How I.longed for husband, our lives became more some of the museums. Even the border guards do not the rough and tumble life of the enriched and we felt we are fulOn the first trip, she said, she trust each other. The same two Sister Barbara' Mary, S.u.S:C. b family next door where' there filling God's will" even though got the "red carpet tourist deal guards are never stationed to- new club moderator. was always something doing. we are doing the same things reserved for foreigners" who gether more than once. And no Cape ,DCCW Maybe that's why I appreciate each day that we complained . were· restricted to the middle' of guard serves too often at the my 'life, hectic as it is at times. about. before we realized all the city. ' s a m e spot;" Executive officers of the Cape There's something doing here, 'this. On the second, she was struck The stillness. of .East Berlin, and Islands district. of the Dio~ all right! by the "unearthly stillness" of Sister Sean concluded, is, in cesan Council of Catholic WoMrs. W.J.K. Well, it's three o'clock now the people and the city, the' sharp contrast to the friendliness men will meet at 8 Monday and you know what that means barbed wire fence, the police of the West sector where people night, Sept. 24 at the home of _ letter writing time is over. watchtowers, and sawdust trails on casual walks stop and chat Mrs. Bradley Parker, CenterWomen/~ Just wanted to say congrats and on which potential escapees can with everyone. they meet. ville. Miss Dorothy Fawcett win best to the babies, their parents be chairman. and grandparenJ;s. Mrs. J .L. McC. WASHINGTON (NC)-A cardinal . and an NCWC official in the forefront' of the Latin Dear, Mrs. Daly: I'm not even sure why I am America missionary. program BERLIN (NC) - Red autho- fort being made to determine if writing to you, except' to say have lauded the NationalCoun- rities in Poland must resort to ,the convent belongs to their S~m. J. LaGall~, Manager cil of Catholic Women's new that I enjoy your column. My various subterfuges in expelling little family c.ons~st!l of four study project, Focus: Latin , nuns 'from their convents to congregation, or if they will be . 1872 ,ACUSHNET AVE. boys and then a gi'rl: five, four, America. forestall the' Polish people from · able to be ,maintained there. near Brooklawn Park three, two and one "- each 13 The need for this type of a protesting violently, it, was "'''-.1''.1'-1'---'- A ~ ',' ---ymonths apart, which makes a program was cited by 'Richard' learned here. '\:, NEW BEDFORD, MASS• birthday a month. W',e have just Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of The information received here lost a baby. We are sure that the Boston, who said: "No Citizen of told of two ruses 'employed by Hand of God has had more than the United 'States can afford to . communist officials in ousting a little 'to do with shaping our remairi unconcerried about con';. nuns from their convents. ditions in Latin America today:" TABER STREET 'U Award Gives Missioner When police and military The Cardinal added: "I strong- units arrived with four buses Convalescent & Nursing U New Encouragement ly urge American Catholics to at the convent of the Felician MANILA (N C) _ -Mother participate in the study program, Sisters in Wawer to expel them NORTH FRONT Offering' a Concept In Teresa said that the 1962 ~amon Focus: Latin America, sponsored and seize the convent, they ~ ,.. Home Living Magsaysay . award she won by the National Council of 'found a throng of people; armed NEW BEDFORD .\ n RATES from $9.00 per day 6 would be "a' new source of' en'- '.Catholic Women; to learn of with sticks and stones gathered I · ~ . . .~ ,n WY 7-0791 or WY 7.0792 M· coura'gement" in serving the current conditions and problems, to defend the nuns. WYman 2·5534 1_19 T_ABER_ST.,NEW_BE_DFORD '. to study alternatives for the The commander' of the unit poor. fu, tur,e.." · " U --y The Yugoslav-born foundress told the people that the .police of the !1:issionaries of Charity, Ina lette~ to' NCCW head~ \ did. not intend to occupy the an Indian' congregation that quarters here, Father .John ,J. . convent, but had come to trans;, works among the country's poor~ Considine; M.M., director of the . fer the Sisters because a,n epi,. received a $10,000 award and a . Latin America Bureau, Nationlil demic of cholera had broken olit ..... ·lFa.mou·s.·Reading 'HARD COAL ~';i> c~ citation for the promotion of in:' ' Catholic· Welfare Conference, in the convent. ' " ternational understanding. in said: "The 'appearance of Focus: .,: In" a similar si t u t ion' at . .: NEW ENGLAND COK~ . ~V' Asia from the Ramon Magsaysay Latin America is a historic event. Pniewy, the crowd whicp had , I?ADSO.N OIL' BURNERS ~~:a Award Foundation here. . Never before in the English ·gathered was told 'that a dan. ; 24·Hour, ail Byrner: Service G~~,ii "This award which is given . languMe have we had sUch':a g~rous criminal was hiding 'in to me and through me to the fascinating series of illustrated the convent, and the police muSt Charcoal Briquehl ~ ~Jir:j~ , young congregation, to the drama studies of our 200 million "ente,r it. to capture him.. Once ~,~,~" countless benefactors and to our . Latin American neighbors, pre;.- inside, the police seized the nuns . ~9 Coal - Charcoal ~"",...." ,..,"~ , poor ip. India,'" she said, "will pared with authentic portray'al . and made them enter waiting be a new source of encourage- of the facts as the Latin-Ameri~ velJ.iclEis. . . ment for us to love and serve cans themselves know 'them'; Ii).. .' According to, the information . .; the poor." She will use t~e ways with sympathetic appreciii- ,received here,'the Sisters forced money to 'build a house for the' tion of the 'Catholib. roie!.in the ::to le'ave one convent are taken . ' 640 Pleasant, .t~t" ... ::rel. Wir 6-8271' . ·Bed'a.:d .~ poor, of, 'Agra, :she sai<J. :;events and situations presented." to· another .without slightest. ettypical of many young mothers. They come from two widely separated p!1rts' of the country but each tells o sincere story' of "How Ameriea Lives" in
Unearthly StillneS$.bf- East'18~r:lin Most·.:A:merk:cl'riNun·
'Lauds New Project .
Pol ish Reds Resort to Trickery To Oust Sisters Fr'lom Convent
\ '.'
co.··· \
~ Heating Oils 'I
'andB~rners ~.
r""""~I~ .
SHE,LL "Premium" "Heating Oils
0&. -, "
,THE ANCHOR... Thurs., Sept. 20, 1962
Says Dating' 'Divorced "Person'-, proximate OCCG~~@ll1 of Siro
Singie Women Plan NY Meet
By Father John lL.. Thomas, S.J. Af>St. Sociology Protl.-se. Louis University
"Is it wrong to keep company with a divorced person? A former classmate of mine is going steady. for several:. years already with a non-Catholic divorced man whose wife " ~ still living. When I talked to her about this, she says they don't intend to get married. Can she receive the probably hesitate to keep comBacraments - which she pany with a married man, they clioes - or does she live in seek to justify their similar cononortal sin?" I don't suppose any sincere <Catholic g i r I ever s tar t s dating a divorcec:J person with ~he serious Intention of marrying him, Ger": aldine. In· our society dating has com e to Berve a variety of purposes. AIfl h 0 ugh Its primary purpose is to provide suitableop't' f 't' g d portUnlleS or mee m '.ang · t aelecting Ivebecome marrlathee partners, itprospec has also major means through which the Unmarried can participate In Iiocial life. ted Datin:~~~~u~,?,c~:entertain-
duct with one who has' been, divorced.
Leads to Involvements Considering the current dating patterns, facile rationalizations and misconceptions mentioned above, we can anticipate continued 'heavy' losses to the Church stemming from this con_ duct.' According to reliable estimates, some 800,000 persons are 'divorced each year, the majority of these eventually remarry, and they do not necessarily remarry other divorced persons. Like your friend, many Catholic girls start out by insisting EXODUS FROM FEAR·. Carrying a scrawny chicken that they are dating divorced persons only for entertainment. I'n her hands and a fr'l'ghtened chl'ld on her back, a tired but Yet by its very nature such. determined Montagnard woman of central Vietnam is led dating readily leads to mutual by her young son away from her mountain home. Unwilling emotional or sexual Involvements, and once their relation- to 'be tools of the Red Viet Cong guerillas, mountain people ships reach this stage, they find have. begun a gerieral exodus to th~ lowlands. NC Photo.
=~r:~st~~u~~t ~~t;~~en';i~~::' ~~a~a:~e~~on~~~~~rc~a~~e:~~;~ 'Workers for' ChristL Fo~ndress , greater than their need :for' God, ' ~f~~~; a~ce;::~e'a::~g ~i~~: so they contract an invalid mar- R'ec.eives Worldmiss+on Award ,
groups today. . 'r i a g e . · WASHINGTON (NC)-A ConContinuing 'a trend started Typi~i Patterns' . .necticut grandmother who has after World War I, the focus of : .An .analysIs , of such affaIrs _ devoted the past 12 years of her ft'2creation and. entertainment reveals several typical patterns. ,life to work on behalf of lepers, among the unmarried has shifted First, a couple may start out has received the sixth anriual ADcreasingly from "he home. ~ with the clear undersbmding Worldmission Award for service fJaniily toone's', age grouP, lind that,they., cannot marry, ;but' to the missions. Clince their actlvitiesare mainly . since ,they continue to date, this Mrs. Adelaide Rickert of Riv_ eouple-centered, most participa- understa~ding serves merely as erside, Conn., founder of the tion in social life involves cross- a c?nvement rationalization en_ Pro Christo Laborantes (Work!!eX associations or dating. ab~mg them to avoid taking .an ers for Christ) organization, reIndeed, this pattern is so gen- obJective view of the situatIon cei~ the award from Auxiliary erally accepted that any other, until' they are too deeply inBishop John J; Boardman of !relationship tends to arouse con- volved to care about spiritual Brooklyn. '. ' Slderable suspicion.' consequenc~s. ' . 'The presentation of the award False Premise Second, smce divorce is wlde- followed an evening Mass offered These popular attitudes tow- ly accepted by non-Catholics, by-Bishop Boardman In the ard dating go far to explain the they may. proceed well' along in National Shrine of the Immacurea so n i n ,g or rationalizing the courtship process b~fore relat~ Conception at the start, of flhrough which your friend-and veaUng to the CatholIc party the 13th annual meeting of U. S. il distressingly large number of ,that the~ hav? been d~vorced.. mission-sending societies. other Cathollcs--try to justify ,At 'tbIS pomt, a smcere,. InMrs. Rickett widow of the their conduct when dating aformedCatbolic would discon- late Frederick 'Rickert 'of New , .' , tinue dating at once, or at least, Orleans, is 'the mother of three dAvorced person.' They usually begin by In- until presented with cl~ar proof daughte'rs and has 14 grandchil_ lSisting they are only seeking en- ,that the previous marrIage was drElD. Most of her married life tertainment, and inasmuch' as all invalid, yet s0n,teCatholics. con- 'was spent in New Orleans. parties concerned are quite tinue the affaIr while blIndly When her husband died there aware that there can be no clinging to some vague hope or in 1950, she determined to dethought of marriage, they con- rumored belief that the Church vote her energies for the retend that this form of dating of- may not recognize such marri- mainder of her life to' the servfers a legitimate means of parti- ages as valid. ice of victims of leprosy in misdpating In social life. Reprehenslb!e Conduct sion lands: Their self-deception is also Third, ,?ome dIvorced Cathom Four States IWpportea by another false pre- lics start dating on the pretext She organized a group of mise that conveniently remains that their marriage was invalid - women dedicated to the same implicit; namely, that' the di- and will shortly be declared incause and at the suggestion of vorced person Is somehow simi- valid or be annulled by the Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel Jar to an unmarried person, or, Church. of New Orleans the group was in other words, that the civil Unmarried Catholics should called Pro Christo Laborantes. divorce decree has freed him know that a marriage must be from the bonds of a valid marri_ regarded as valid until declared Rivier Alumnae Qge. otherwise by the proper, Church Officers of the Fall River-New As I say, this premise tends to authorities. " ~edford chapter of Rivler Colll'emain implicit, for every inThe mere fact that a marriage ~rmed Catholic knows very case is being' studied by a lege Alumnae are Mrs. Octave well' that' a civil court cannot Church court or' is ,believed to Pimental, New Bedford, 'presidissolve a valid marriage con- be invalid by the parfners means dent; Mrs. Arthur' Curry, Fall River.. vice-president; Miss tract,even though the civil nothing in teons of freedom to Irene Michaud, Fall River, sec~urts in this country erroneousengage in dating. Ju presume to do so. Is your friend doing wrong? retary; Mrs. George Cote, SomUnfortunately, some poorly If the situation is as you present erset, treasurer.' Mrs. Cote will Instructed Catholics apparently it, it Is clear that her conduct is entertain the unit for a meeting believe either that only Catholic seriously reprehensibie, for she Tuesday, Oct. 9. marriages are valid or that only is not only giving scandal but the marriage bond- between is maintaining herself and her Catholics cannot be dissolved by friend in the prox;imate occasion civil divorce. 0 of sin. Jvst Acrols The At any rate, whether many Coggeshall St. Bndge Jabor under this DUsconception 5e.Jed Nun Supervisor Gl' not, it is evident that far too Finest Variety of ~ lliany act "as if" a .divorced-perFor Argentina Mission aon were free from his marriage SEAFOOD' GREAT· FALLS .{NC)-8lster bonds, 'for though they wou1~ Se.rved A,nywhere ~ Also Monica Mary, supenr.isor of the snAKS-CHOPS--CHICKEN maternity department at' C0Catholic Nurses lumbus Hospital here InMonRev. Thomas ReadY, O.M.I. tana, Is one of seven Sisterssewtll be retreat master for the lected to establish the first misSERVING annual retreat of the Fall River sion in Argentina ,of the Sisters FINE 1TALIAN FOOD· Diocesan Council of Catholic of CharJty of Providence. One Sister was selected from Nurses. 'The weekend event will be held at Our Lady of Good each of the congregation's seven Counsel retreat house, Lakeville, provinces In the U.S. and CanRESTAURANT and .LOUNGE I"riday., Oct. 5 through SUl1daJ', ada. Sister Monica MlU'¥ ~ Oft 'Lake Sabbatia Oct. 7. Also In October, the coun- chosen from 290 Sisters of the ,1094 Bay Street cil will hold Its Fall plen&r7 St. Ignatius province, which bneludes Montana, Idaho, and eastmeeting at Marian Manor, TaunTAUNTONYA 4-8754 VIA WashingtolP' tloA.
A seminar on the problems of single women will be held from 10 to 4 Saturday, Oct. 6 at the Carnegie Peace Building, New York City. The session, said its originators, "will take a frank look at the' public image of the woman who is unmarried and evaluate its validity." Participating will be women from New England to Washington, D.C., representing business, the professions, the arts and communication fields, and the armed forces. A panel will feature Joan Paul, radio producer; Patricia Carbine, assistant editor of Look magazine; ,and Martha F. Allen, national, director of the Camp Fire Girls. Bethany Confei'ence The program is sponsored by the Bethany Conference, a 'new organization for single women, and by the New York Archdiocesan Family Life Bureau. It' is open to Catholics and nonCatholics. ,Reservations may be made with the Bethany Conference at 315 East 72 Street, New York 21, N.Y. A five dollar fee covers cost of sessions, luncheon and an afternoon coffee-hour. Dead-line is Sunday, Sept. 30.
'Mobile Clas'srooms Ease
'.. Members of the organIzation School Space S~o.rtage 'engage in such activities as fund raising, bandage, making and NEW O~LEANS (NC) ~ The prayer for lepers. With 'Mrs. New Orleans archdiocese hllll Rickert's encouragement,· some bought 16 .mobIle classrooms, 25 'new Pro Christo Laborantes each holding 'to to 45 pupils, to groups have been organized in be used in seven' parishes whose the past 12 years. Units average schools could,not otherwise keep 20 m?mbers each and exist in up with enrollment. LouiSIana, New York, Connect!_ , The parishes that will use the cut and Arkansas. units are in areas where there Each unit meets weekly and has been a rapid population arranges frequent benefits for growth in recent years. Even lepers. To date the .organization with 'extensive new facilities. has given more tha? $150,~00. to they could not accommodate all the Catholic MedIcal MISSIon the children. Once these parishes Board, New York, to buy drugs have adequate facilities, the for the treatment of ieprosy. It is . classrooms will be, shifted to believed that Pro Christo r.aboother areas short of school space., rante~ is the largest single Each classroom,' In two secprivate or!lanization in the world tions for ease in transportation, engaged In work on behalf of has built-In educational facililepers. ' ties chalkboards, bulletin boards, and storage space foi' Two Federal Grants supplies. The weather-tight but well-ventilated units have fluFor Nursing Work 9rescent lighting, drinking foun_ JAMAICA (NC)-The departtains and toilet facilities. Heatment of Nursing Education at ing is through a baseboard duct. St. John's University here In New York state has received two Federal grants totaling more than $200,000. A grant of $197,100 was given SINSUIRANCrE AGENCY, INC. by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to pro- , 96 Wn.UAM STREn vide traineeships for graduate NlEW BEDFORD, MASS. nurses and somp. undergraduate students. St. John's has been'reWV 7·9Y67 WV 8·5Y53 ceiving funds under the professional nurse traineeship program PERSONAl!. SItRVBCIE since 1956. A grant of $11,000 was awarded for traineeship programs for A.'D. McMULLEN stUdents interested ,in public Oli!lll. ' health nursing.
Fall River, New Bedford . Cape Cod Area
Near Fairhaven Drive-In
,Italian Dinner. Our SpeCialty
Nation-wide Move,. WY",an~
Sel'Yiae Oa P_tlo
so. 'ltemp*«m SL New BeclfOl'd
THEANCHOR~. . Thurs.; Sept.'· 20,1962' \
DedDcate Rosary Walk Sunday
At laSalette Dedication and bles.Slng of Oqr. Lady's Rosary Walk. 'at ·the La Salette Shrine, At:tleboro, . will be held this Sunday evening at 7 o'clock' with the Most Rev. James L: Connolly, D.D., Bishop 'of Fall River, presiding. Pilgrims with lighted candles will form a guard of honor for the prelate. The Seminary choir will sing during the Rosary Procession. , Bishop Connolly will also preside and give the sermon at the 3 o'clock devotions on Sunday, afternoon, commemorating the Feast of Our .Lady of· La Salette. The ',Rosary Walk project, 10-' cated aroundthe.spring-fed pond at the south side' of the Shrine, . was' begun last Fall. It was de':' signed by the' Fathers and Brothers: The Fathers, Brothers and 'employees at the slirine did the electrical and plumbing:
::J~~~~~li~c:t~~et'~:i~~~e:ra:~~f ·C.atholic F'armers' Favor M~utual Aid .Pope lauds Home th~::nd~eMral·.Pie'ce.of ..the. :·.ROME.(NC) ~ 'Catholic far- 'many-other delegates. ~but. an a~~Ietree. Not .~' bag. of' .;FQ... '.'.~e~.~ ~Y. Nu~~
Rosary .\Val~ is · ton Car-.':mers. and. their-' organizations' in . . Father' Carthage Power; C.P.. ,flour, but seed and a·.plo:w, :": . ,'. :' CALCUTTA. (N C) --;-Pope. rara marl;>l~.~t~tl,le. oJ Ol,lr Lady ·. . some·50 countries are ljetting up'. 'said that ·the secr~tariat can "It is Christian teaching;·Jo~n.senta.congratulatory cable ~,\. Salette.. mad~ in !tfl~y:..It .' a hands-across-the-sea program . help overcome a major obstacle right in the New. Testament, ·that.· ·.. for,the. tenth anniyersary. of the. ~,standl? .I,lpon a tripod ....o f rein" .. for:,mutual .:help·· in' tnen, rna:::', to efficient farming in his :·reno man can be.saved if he·:steels ·.fol.l,I;lding .. 9f :...Nirmal ... lJ;ri.da:r. force<;l . c9ncret~ .. At the base. o"/,·chines and money. :_ ....:~ ..... '. gion of the Bechuanaland pro- his heart against a :(pure. Heart) .Hoine for. the sick the .pedestal. i~ a fountain .with, . ' ,;' ....·t.'A·.··.'''.O· u,· ".', t'h..·."·": te.ctorateinSo.uth· Africa. ,'. need ".' he stated. "How c'an we and. dying here .in .. India. ", . .' . . .-' ". .. ThIS program .was among. e . '. .' '. " .. 16 Jets of water Illummated by "'. .. ·· ..;t·· "f"'''''' ..... "k"l" .. " "We hope' to' ·lease water-'" as a'Jnation·expect·God's blessing:·, '" The.. refuge. was.. ·founded . by .. 24300 tt l' h first frUI s. 0 'a wee ong con-. ,'. . . . . . M' th ,y; , . h ' d th , w.a. Ig.ts ot /.yarIed '" "::"'f' C···· h;'l""'· h' "d" .. 't' '.'. divining.'equipment through thIS" .if we steel· ourselves agamst·our . · .. 0 er..... eresa, w 0 receive e -lors ,; ,, , ,.ventIon . at (lICS.. w 0 eyo e . program,""he . '" .... d ' 'nelg ' ' hOOr·nalonS·ln··nee.. t" , d?"" a ard'for p r o.. .. ~ . '. . . , . . . : ... '., ....,... . '. ' 0.··.'.'-~·.·· i .."· 1 .... said. "I '1'earne,,'" ;~ ..... " 1962. M a g~aysa y ..w The rosary begm~ WIth a, I the.~selv~s. to. farm.. P!91? er::~:tha't"a n:ew American machirie , ' ; , '. " . . . '" .' " '." ~otm.g mte.~na~lOnaI .. unde~ foot cross. o~ .. ItalIan Istnan ;rhIS. seconq~n;t~I:n~tlOl},a1al,Mt-f' . eari'firid'watera 'mile beneath· 0'.',· ..... A'<'~"": ,.·standing, an.d IS. run. by the sarIr stone. 'A '12 foot wrought iron." mg of Catll,o}i~ ~~'. aI,lOrO"d'I1 e 'the 'earth"'" .~ .'. ommltt,ee . pproves, ,.garbed .Missionaries· of Charity, r h h.o.s Id th e me d aIono· I' f th' 3 e e,.. . . . . . 1" . ti ons h easo 1 a,c., e drew . ' to·. Rome . ,".some '0"'''' t···. Ii.. ·.t fro Elkton SD HOk" ° 'M'al°1:'R'a.t.e . ·· rosary. T.he· beads of the rosary . gates from .abo.ut ~ .. «:c>un rIes, _ ." pr~~,. . m.. . ' . ".. I e. In founded .. are made Qf natural. California' Th~r repr~sented ,:more.:t9~In 1~0 .saId.. thefsecrheta~Iat IC?~ldg" ~our~ .. WASHINGTON' '(N'C) . The ,The Yugoslav.-bQm ,nun saw , d d d national and internatlOna: or- means 0 . c a n·n e l n . "th d f h f h · x:e . ,woo . an o'!tline .the '~,a. i tions.···" . blessedabundancei' to needy na- .Senate Post Office Committee" e. nee ,or. t e re uge. w. ~n, .~nry ..:whlCh p!oJectsas an: IS- ... gap. za. . , " .tioris.· .. has. tentatively" approved a 100 ,after she .found a woman dymg Ia~.d . mtl? the pond..The. ~ys-·...!i.·at. tHeIr . . ". . .Parish Venture . per: cent increase in' the 'per" '. on ,a street here, ~he was .unable • terIel! ()f tl!e;rosary. aredepIct~d~:fin~l'sessl(m,::to·s~t. up .an.Inter. . piece second~class mail rate for . t~ have her admItted to a .hos. on . .1 5 . mosa!c pJaques:, made In ... national. ~cretarlat. WIth head- . Father Louis J. Miller said religious' and other non':profit' pItal. . . . . .:. .,lJ.o~~ ~aAd:J~~t~nd;.aH>ng ,,.the·S5.0. _. quarters, in Rome, to act .. as a . tha~ prosperC?us farmers of his .. organizations -and 'publicatiortir," .. - . ~~e ... asked Cafcutta Corp~ra-: '. fo~t ~Ircumf~r,en.ce:of,,the:-pond. clearing house'"for mutual help parIsh of Our Lady -of Good.· . . . .:.' ....-'.' .. , ' .. -~ ..... pop. s,Health. O~fIcer- for a bU11d~ ... '. The a.J!l0unt~ of rnateria1:used:.l among ·.Catholic ,farm. orga~iza- ~0!1nselhave beep searching .for _. .T~I.S.J~,,·~h~:o~~g.~~~l~en~~~y. ·ing to house people·found dying :. · ~ th,e ~ol)stru~~.~~,of.the:Rosar.y 'ti0!Is ' of ·the.; A .pro,:i-;· a m~ns of ~elping farmers in' .adl!!'Ims~r~t.I~n. . ?.ro~Qsa . "~" ,c;~, ... in:the str,eets.IJyitstenthanni:.·... ~ , W~l~ . IS. ~ather ;.mterestmgr.9Q sional. cQmmittee. of eight· WIll. other· coun,trIes who' ar~ strug- was· J;,~J~.cte.<'.HIn .. th. e '~0:t~~j, versary (Aug.. 22), the· home had to')!! of .gran..ite, .~,OOO. c.fEle~ ;of'~ lay the foundations for· the 'sec- '.. gling with. poor· soil ~or poor pa~ bI!!: ..( :.R., '(~2.7) .. '. ~f6" . rec:eived ," .13,8,10 dying men~. ah,unipum ,railing· 1 OOQ ,lineal' retariat. ::. ". :.. . .. ." equipment. .proposed Inc;rea~e,.. ~nd " oth,e.r~, . women. and. children. • .felit. of, r~'c;l wood,' 17,000, 'feet: of' '. A' Pa'ssio·D.l·s·t m'I'ssionary from '.' ,iIt will bea 'p'~rish venture," . brough~ protes.,ts .fr°l~;a.n !l~r~y' .. :..; .. .. ,.'. . ; .. . '". ' o .:. .. '1 t· 1 .'.... . .. "..... . " ~. . ' .. of spokesmen .Lor re IglOus pUb- . $5 000 S h' I . 'h e ec rIca wu:mg,. 475 feet of· Ireland welcomed the secretarIat he saId, "We hope. to gIve' them " 'Ii'" t' . d . t·,·· . '. ' , .' C· 0 a rs I p . water p'ipe 135 feet f' l' . . . '.' '.. ' . . th '. ca Ions an assoc\a lons, m". . · .. '. . o. a !Jm~num " as'.'~~e an~w~r ~. my ne:e<ls,'·':··~..means . of . helpmg··. em- . clu'diilg "the' c~thoiic Pr-ess' Ail.:·: . NEW' YORK (NC)'-America; . ~ , eh~md'8:.~<:>1?Sd'of.~t~e~rods, :.~15 .. and hls .wC?rds 'were' echoed by.'. sely:~s. N.:9.t a b\l$h~l of. apples, . socilition .in ·testim-ony "~J)eioie . -Catholic weekly magazine pub':'.: eu.. y • ,mlxe ·.concrete." •.'''-'J " •.. 1.· •. · , . '.' . . . . " . .' , . '. '. . •• , . . . 'U 'h d' -h h ' 1 d' d $5000 '5"; e' '.:'5;":0:;:+m:: 'R·' Office .' .' thle .:; " sf . b" . . .. ".•. •.•.. . ' . .n . ' . ",' S·po k'" "th'"re'1'IglOUS' .. .' .' \;.110 tarst Ip. . un, d" nc.,. w IC . . - ' ., . •... esmen"'fore" tr an ormer. ank. The sym- I pqony Of'ligh. ~ In the ·fou.·n~ilin ':'Parishes~ ~presshave C1~iIIied th~t. ~h.e:pro;.·. ':~:e.. ~h:a~~t~:~t~re:~men to and the water Jl;!ts. are all auto-·. .'.' .. ' .... . . ' . '. ... . posed per pIece .rate .·mcrease, '._'''''' ..... ... matically 'operated."··' . . , ;. CINCINNATI' (NC) - Some-' thereligfous . atmosphere' of the .' :would btl' . disastrous' ,to' many. Seventy. trees; .have' been . thing i~ "radically wrong" with . ho~e; in tli~ prayers .said there, publications, especially small planted around the walk to pro- . a parish wliere' religious· voca:-~ .. iJ(the "love manifested' there; in ones:" . . · vide· shade and· seclusion; :The tions .fail 'to flourilih~ Bishop - the dev'oted service which makes .. ENJOY Rev. Rene Sauve"·M.S.,· superior . 'John . King "Mussio of Steuben':' . ·th~ home a sanct4~ry of refuge . W·· P II' ° of the Shrine, has expressed the _ ville, OhiQ,' tOid.a nationaf co~_· and comfort.'" '. ate"r' 0 utlon FARM hope that the prayers offered·to·. ference. of: diocesan' vocation Instrumen~ of Slaughter WASHINGTON (NC) ' - The' God at Our Lady's Rosary Walk directors here., . ' "What chan~e have 'vocations" U.S. Public ·Health Service has ·FRESH will . be a sourc~. ~f. many Auxiliar.y.~isho~ PauI.F. Lie-. the Bishop asked,' "w~en the granted the civil engineering b~e~smgs to; the Illlgnms who: bol~ of C:mcmnatI,warlloo,. ~hat, motivating'forces oHheir,begindel!artinent of the .. Christian MILK VlSlt the Shrllle., .. . ' parIsh prIests. fo~.t~e .. ~ost.~:~~: ings are'dried up at the head-. Brothers'· Manhattan .College, . In' Your Own .The Rosary Walk wIll be ·Illu-:. neglec;tto. gI,:e vocatIonal re- i' ·sPfings?Tpe selfishneSs of abdi- -New .York, $40,'136 to' train 'pro":" . ..''Throw Away ~oj,tainer-i niI.nated eyery., ev~nillg until crui~e~t "the. pri~~~~.,i~.s~~~;d . ca~e<i pa~ents, the impersonal at-, "fes~ion,al' specialists in -water' or 10.00 P.M. begmmng Sunday. receIve In theIr· pa,stor.ab·mmIs-· mosphere' of a house which is 'pollution control. .' Gla'ss Bottle after the Solemn ~Iessing.· . try." " . but an occasional meeting place,~. Some 80 diocesan' dlrectors; and the 'every man for himself' and several bis~Ops took part in: attitude of the world are lethal the four-day conference held at· instruments in the slaughter of .Quality Controlled St. Gregory's Preparatory Sem- the·vocation-minde·d." inar~ here.a.nd a~ Sacred He~rt Bishop Mussio called it the COLOMBO (NC) - Ov~r 100 JeSUIt N.oVItIate m nearby. MIl- responsibility of parishioners to social workers in Ceylon's slums ford, OhIO. . "produce in the parish an atmosome Atmo.sphere gathered here for a study day phere favorable to vocations." on the theme: Make the Masses a Speakmg. of ~~e.Impo~tan.ce .of "They must at all times," he People." . .l the parochIal clImate, .BIShop said "show reverence. and re· Archbishop Thomas B. Cooray, l\,'Iussio decl;.tred::.. "Wh~r~.YOca-: 'spedt for. holy "persons, places, PRINTED· AND MAilED' O.M.I., of Colombo told' the ~Ions do not sprmg up III a par- . and'things. They 'must especially group that charity, which was a ·Ish, no matter.hQW .1p.uch onthe· show an . external ,reverence' for '. "OSborne' 2-1322 visible sign of the early Church, sU~face, a. s~rong parC?~hial spirit priests and Religious which indi- .. WYin'an 3-1431 . .... m~ght.. seem: to flOUrIsh, ,,~~m.ecates an interior"respect for ·the is especially necessary today. " . 'He welcomed the interest of . ~I~g IS .r~dICallY ~rOng;WI~~ ItS office they. hold and· for their .' specia1'dedicatil:)ll'to religion.'.' -. so many in slum work, not mere- . baSIC SpIr.It ~nd~rIentatIon. .He required emphasized.that the gener.. . ly in giving alms,:but in actually osity. of. someone called; 1Ii 'working . "to uplift 'the slum dwellers. .,. to th~ r~ligious life"i~ rooted iP:' The study day was o~ganized ~. !>Y the. women's·.section; of the Christian Workers' Mo~merit. ~. Most of the participants are ONE STOP···.··· .,' . actively engaged ,in slum work' .,' " . "." . . .Com;me;cial ••. ln~USh~ici·I.:·:'-- . , SHC:>~PI~~ .. ~I;NJER , .. '.', , · in Ceylon: They included priests, .. .: . ·.Institutional', " ." ·Religious and members ,. of the I .•. TelevisioD";·. 'Furniture: " . Painting ,and Decorating Ladies.o~ Charity, .the St.Vin~ '. ApPIi'ances."'. 'Grocerj'''~ cent de Paul Society, the·Legion : . . . . . '. '. . of MarY,the Students'Federa'- .. : . 10~ ·AlleD· ,st;. New, Bedford '.135 ,tion, the, . sodalities" and, the.' ..,' :., ·.~ID~D:,1-~I$( .. ' '. ';F~t1 .RiJer ··'O'Sbo~rie'2'-191.1 ' , , ' ..... ., '" ~. .;,: ~o~g.. Ch.ri~~ian Worker~ .: '...'
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"Lackilig',Vocations' ;.
Pra ises· CeylQn's Slum Worke'rs' .
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THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 20, 1962
Parish Forms. Bus Company; Pastor Drives
WarrJU~ ~~I},ools
FRONT ROYAL (NC) Parishioners of St. John's church 1n this· Virginia community have gone into the
The local Civil Liberties b",s transportation ,business. , The object is nothing so comUnion has warned public monplace as making money but school officials here it stands just getting children of the parready. "to use our forces" against ish to Sacred Heart School, in . pUblic schools which permit Winchester, some 25 miles away. religious exercise. Official name of the "bus comIn a statement to 500 public pany" is St. John's Familyschool officials and in a comSchool Association. The firm has ment to the local press, the "hired" the pastor, Father John union said it is opposed to Bible Cilinski, as bus driver, on a temreading, .recitation of prayers, porary basis. Plans have been observance of "religious festimade to secure a regular driver vals," sectarian instruction, renext month, then Father Cilinski leased time for religion classes will be demoted to substitute. and use of public' property to Makes 12 Stops display "religious symbols." The priest finishes Mass each Victor Gelb, a union spokesmorning in time to leave on his man, said that "if there are rounds at 7:25. From the rectory abuses reported to us,' we are the bus makes stops at eight ready to use our forces against pick-up points In the Front violations." , Royal parish area for 34 boys Quote Black and girls. Four more stops are The warning quoted from U.S. made in Stephens City and .Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Kernstown to take on 10 more pupils. Black's opinion for the court in Father Cilinski estimates that, upsetting recitation of an official prayer for public school counting all the stops, the trip . from St, John's Rectory to Sacred in ·New York state. GREETED AT SEMiNARY: Rev. Mr. John Dias, C.S,C. welcomes Father John J. pupils Black said the Constitution's Heart School is 35.1 miles. Th~ route, in 'reverse, is followed on Murphy, .C.S.C.,newly, appointed Superior, to Holy. ,Cross ,Fathers' Seminary in North First Amendent was to guaranEaston. Rev. Mr; Dias is a' member of St. Michael's Parish, Ocean ,Grove. ·the ,trip' home. tee "that neither the power nor , the prestige of the Federal gov- ' Three years ago the Front Royal 'parishioners, .having no ernment would be used to control; ,'support or· influence the seliool of Uieir own, began sending their children to the Win,. ' khids of prayer' the American· chester school. A·Winchester.buS'· ATLANTIC CITY,: ( N:C) ,our society that' would.strip . based on law ••. and yet there people can say - that the peo..; company. ·transported the young'; Groups favoring .• sterilizatio~ . from the PQI1rait pf a Chris~ian are" those' who literally jeer a,t , pIe's religions must 'hot be sub-' sters·at a"cost '-()f 50 cents per:'" represent one ,symptom. of·. an . ~emocra~y. the,Pll~terns '. and .. the'upholding of the 'law of God jected' to the presSures'of gov- . ,child per. day..•' . - < .;: ' ',infectious paganism,tba,t·is·seek~ . id~~tification ma,r!ts o~.God. , because it hampers their ease; , ernment." Raise $1,000' ' ,i ing. to. destroy the spiritual as':These people," he cQnUm,led,., their s~1f-iildulgenCe;'their ulteLillit· July 'the' full~time bus"" pects of society, the secretary of "can .have ab~Q1utely,:no concept ,rio1' purpose." ." " . . company gave notice that this:"· tl1e 'National' Conference of 'of·God nor the' slightest appl,'e..", ." Prelude to'Decadence . Quebec Enrollment .arrangement .was no longer pos- . Catholic. Charities warned here.' clation of, His 1?en e fi cent domin- , He theri'said thatiIi' view of ',To'ps On'e M.o'llo.o·n sible. Faced with the problem of Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher " ion over His children when they this "we may very well ask our_ renting, a, bull at the rate of $35. told delegates to the·, annual ,will put the knife to the bodies selves" the following questions: QUEBEC (·NC) - More thaill per day, the parishioners decided ,meeting of.the Conference and of' of. public beneficiaries rather "Are we about' to be the vic'; one miilion students will be atto"look for a more economical, the St. Vincent ~e Paul Society' ,than face the.challenge ofmeet_.·· tim. of the pagan beast, who te~ding elementary: and secondarrangement. . that "the malignancy of pagan-. lng' their responsibilities by ac- wIth one thrust seeks to destroy ary schools of the Catholic That's':whEln the Family~School· Ism~ is displaying its symptoQ1S cepting moral means. They'en- all vestiges of· godly. concern in . scho<ll boards in .Quebec this Association' was formed.. Com';" in more quarters of .ourlife than . courage people to maim their ,public life, who with another.~ab . school. term, according to early bining some parish funds onhann ever' before." . , bodies and ignore their responsidestroys the ,ideal· of, personal re:' ,registration figures. with $1',000 raised at a· lawn "With greater audacity and bilities while' ·preserving their ~ sponsibility· above all other conAttendance in the elementary party; the assocUltion purchas'ed . imprudence than' we have ever privileges' and ~eir·rights." siderations, who with an addi;. 'Catholic schools lias been estla 1962 model 54'-passengerbus' witnessed," he said, ~'we hear . Msgr. Gal~aghel' said ,that :"we tional thrust proposes·that we by ,mated at 852,000 and in the sec' .. of its own'.' ' .. the' c;roakin'gs or groups within" ar!J supposed, to be a, society law : .countenanCe·· sterilization ondary schools at 231,000. This They also'bought a 1959 model ", . ',." ' . and 'abol'tion:or maiming of. the makes' a' total of 1,083,000. This foreign make "economy" car· humanpersonwithoutlegitimate . is'an overall increase of 58,000 .' .. ·,.~ee .~ew,. and ,morally'acceptable ,reasonll.?·. ov~r the previous year. which, is used as a shuttle. The car is left 'in Wjnchester. After :"Is all of this a prelude to, the th~pupilS are discharged at.the ~ decadence of our democratic sO-, ,,;. . ' c i e tv " a decadence which ,de-"~.. Father..,CI'II'nski hops school . .,. ' . . ,':'~,I -NOTRE -DAME,(NC)-Only a - Citing the 'iihcreasing momen" th~,.a\,lto, '~eturns to lfront. Pentecostal spirit, like that of the tum and world-wide dimensions" stroyed 'the philosophies and 'the anli takes .care of' his parish,;, cultures of civilizations before d~ties. In the. afternoon he drives' first, apostles can cope' with, the·' of. human progress, Father Mcus?" MAKES VoUl bal;k to Wipch,ester in the, (:;1r" pr9!>~ems fa~ing. tl!e .Ghurch to- Guire, declared: "Our thinking CAR' ,RUN BElTER boards the bus' and returns with,. day, one. of the nation's t()p. ·mis- on .human problems, and more Resettle's .Exiles ' . siQn authoritjes' d~clared .per~. .:' particularly our missionarY. ,. NeW DeaMN t~e ,childi'e?- to F~ont'Royat ~ : Fatl).er Frederick A. McGuire, prQblems, has not kept pace with MIAMI (NC.) ....,., ..More. t,h;lft · told, t~e prIest drIves140:4 miles, .C.M.; executive ~ec:retaryof the the unbelievable' iechiIological 90,000 Cuban refugees are regis. . . Service $tati.... h .. , ...... ' a day. be~een his rect-Ory and . Mission Secretariat told' 'niore advances of the past 25' years." . tered on the rolls of the local the schooL than 4,0<;10 delegate~ to the 20th office of Catholic Relief Ser"There is growing disbelief in vices - National Catholic WelCatholic Students Mission CruPopulation of Manila' sade national convention: GOd," ,he said, "which chailenges fare Conference here which has cannot indulge oursel.ves. the Church in every sphere of alreadY resettled 22,000 of the 92 Per Cent Catholic in "We the luxury of inaction while action. The world-wide charac- exiles. Co~ . MANILA (NC) -'- Catholics' Christ suffers ~n 'a billion spir- ter of contemporary paganism constitute better than 92 per; itually underprivileged souls." Home made thus denies the universality of c~nt of this city's ,population," LE M lEU X )rather McGuire .'warn~d .the the Church in the sociological CANDIES according to newly released cen-, ' dei¢gat!'!s-high schOOl and col-" and, geographical, spheres. PLUMBING & HEATING. INC.' CHOCOLATES sos statistics. Out of a total pop- i' . for Domestic lege 'students, anq· seminarians "Here'at home we 'face a grow-. ulation of 1,138,611, they num-' from' 30 states-that time is not ing practical atl)eism 'which does '150 Varietiel & Industrial tier 1,056,653. : on the side of the Church" as not fight against' religion but Sales and . The survey results gave new; ROUTE 6 near Oil Burners Service perspective to political pressures: the world's population multi- simply Ignores it." WY 5-1631 Fairhaven Auto Theatre of a local sect, Iglesya ni Kristo plies. "In those lands which are pre2283 ACUSHNET AVE. (Church of Christ), because of FAIRHAVEN, MASS. Everyone at Church its supposedly large number of dominantly non-Christian," he NEW BEDFORD BERLIN .(NC)-The showing voters. The census tallies ad- said, "the population expands at herents of Iglesya ni Kristo in the rate of 40 Itlillion a year, of an antireligious' movie in while less than 200,000 are con- the Soviet village of Novo Selo THE "FRIENDLY" CAPE COD FIVE. the city at only 16,674. near Kiev to :"enlighten" the. The census reports the' fol- verted to Christianity." lowing figures for other' 'deMoreover, with an estimated people· about ,the "superstition" nominations: Protestants in the' 10,000 new priests needed each of· Christianity .had to be can~ · city number 24,268; Buddhists, year "simply to take care o~ celedj, according to reports here. " 22,035; Aglipayans (allied with present needs," only a little Ev.eryone . in ~ the village," inEpiscopalians), 9,873; and Mos- more than 5,000 -are being or- cluding .. the· secretary' 'Of the ii: lems, 551. dained each year, Father Mc- Young. Communjst League,was Q 0, Guire pointed' out. "We' are at, church, reports ~id. u. d' Suicide Study Center moving - but moving back- . wards," he added. "
:.Label. Sterilization
Ch urc. " h .... d"s· ..... M·· " . Issionary"" S ." " ,p.irit ·to S·, ·urmount:. Problem.s '.
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~ BA~R:DAH L' ear
At Catholic Aospita'i
, SEOUL (NC) - A 30-bed H A · penter to treat and study cases of : onor r.zona ~ttempted suicide .has been ,i:.O'S ANGELES (NC)-Lt>yola started at Korea's biggest CathoUniversity of Los Angeles will.. !lic hospital. commemorate Arizona',s 50th an,:" Psychiatrists, psy;¢hologists . "~iversary of statehoOd, during, 'and sociologists of st; Mary's its third annual 'CitizensllipDay hospital i here will study case dinner here Saturday. Gov. Paul' l).istories of people 'inclined .to . Fannin of Arizona. will deliver ,commit suicide. Suicide is. fair- the principal address. Hawaii's 'ly common in Korea in the Gov. WilliamF, Quinn and Loy-' Spring and Summer, and' 'is' olaRegent ·John McCone have usually blamed on financial been previously honored on Citi~ worri~.. .' ~ns.hip paY.,by ~yola: ' '
z· ..
,Comp'l~te. Lin~ ,.', . B.uilding Materials
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-Tl1E ANCHO~-o..iocE!~e of Fa!I,Ri;y,er-:- Th~r.~ . S.ept.•20, .
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'll'mS COLUMN 'lIS ADDRESSED 'll'0 PRmS'll'S ' In the Old Tes,tament and in all pagan reUgiorts, the priest was always separate fr{)m the victim, whether be offered a lamb, a goat or a bullock to Divinity. But. Our Blessed Lord united in Himself both priesthood and victimhood, for "He offered Himself." Inasmuch as we are priests of Jesus Christ, we are never to separate victimhood from p~iesth{)od. Yet, though' we always insist on the' dignity of our priestJ:1ood, we seldom insist upon the Indigni&7 of our victimhoo·d.
By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. "
Now that so many familiar liturgical landmarks have been obliterated in the recent reform of the CaJendar, it is comforting to the elderly that September 14. still marks · the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. To-be sure, it rests upon a solid histori. cal basis, even though there Out from the gate, in solemn are legends which have procession, marched Heraclius the Emperor and Zacharias the woven their strands into the Patriarch, clad in regal and pon-
fabric. Above all, it reminds us that the Holy Cross, exalted over this troubled . world, <is the sole sure sign of Our salvation. The feast recalls the trium- , phant return of the True Cross to its shrine in Jerusalem from which it had been filched by .th e invading -Persians. The incident dates back to the early' years of the 'rth century, when the Iranians, Illn.der their v i g 0 r 0 u's ,.king; Chosroes, had inflicted, defeat after defeat upon the Eastern Empire,' humbling the' pride of Byzantium in the dust, and pro-. riding a. dress-rehearsal, so to _say, for the more terrible Ar~~ bian conquests of the oncoming centuries. The symbolic', cli~acteric of We'stern defeat was the capture of Jerusaiem-and the loss of the relic of the True Cross. ." ,
By Most Rev. fulton' J. Shee~, D.D.
H(C1l$'~[{i)DV®tf$@~ Ap~~~e@~~@~ Bishop of Reno
H~r@~~o[lJJ~ .
It may be as~elll why m state of vlctlJimood 011' sacrifice .is so essential for our' priesthood. The reasons an as follows: 1) In the Mass we not only offer Our Lord to His Heavenly Father - we offer ourselves in Him. His death is mystically represented by the separate Consecration of the bread and the wine, which Sacra..: mentaily reveal the separation of' lI3Iis' Body and Blood, the manner. of His ·death. If all. we did was to offer Christ without ,dying with. HbD, wi!, would be parasites upon the Mystical Body of Christ. . Z) , Expressing our priestly lives' in sacrifice prevents piety from bec·om1D.g emotional. If all we had toward our' 'goreat lIIligh Priest was religious feeling, without any appropriate form ,of' sacrifice, our. feelings would eventuaUy clie. Nothing gives so much power to the words of the priest in the pulpit, the elassroom ot' tbe home as his self-denials.
tifical glory. Down in the dust they bent at the approach of the cavalcade, and when the horsemen pulled' up, the Emperor himself stood up to embrace the ' Cross. Like his Lord and Master before him, he would carry it over' his shoulder to the place of Calvary, now part of the great PATRIARCH:' Archbishbasilica of the Empress Helena. op Louis Batanian has been Patriarch's Solution He took the Cross, hoisted it named' Patriarch of the Arto his shoulder, and gave the menian Rite Catholics; sucsign for all to follow. But not a ceeding Gregorio Pietro XV step could he take. It was as Cardinal Agagianian, PreMay we now suggest some appropriate forms of victimhood though a' paralysis of will and purpose, no less than of physical 'feCt of. the Sacred Congre- or sacrifice: 1) Send your surplus Mass stipends to The Society for the gationfor the propagation strength, had come over him. The pause became noticeable, of the Faith. The Turkey na- Propagation of the Faith that we may send them to the Bishops. then embarrasSing. It was the tive become Patriarch Ig- They will, in turn, forwardUlem to priests in the Missions, many Patriarch Zacharias who solved DaCe Pierre XVI Batanian of of whom, have no. other livelihood than that of the- stipend. 2) taucate a ~min:arian in Asia, ,Africa or. anywhere else in the puzzle. ' ~e Missibwi for,. the priesthood. This will cost only $250 a year. !'See, 0 'Emperor, it is not in CiliCiaofthe Armenians. 3) Unless you are really "pinched," send ,the offerings which such triumphal vesture that thou you receive for,Mas~es to the Holy Father·throtigh·his Society,for canst imitate the poverty and -IIlL ' the' PrOpagation of' the Faith. , . humility of Jesus Christ', in ' oW'UrtlOm. I, es . Thus, whllt'is'myst~cl1-11y presented in the; morning ,Mass' will ~arrying the Cross!"." be, bo'dily: pre:sentedtl.u"0u$h. Ule rest of the day and the year.. . ,suiting action to advice, Heraclins threw, off his ro.bes ·andWASHINGTON(NC) - The GODLOVE YOU toV.L~M for.. $2 ''' I may be blessed his diadem. and clad his Fordham University communiwith a normal, .healthy: chiJd,;) offe~.dti~· the Missions.'" • ~. tunic. found strength to taite up cations arts, department ,has to M.B.A. for $5 "while reading your appealS to priests, to 'send ·Near-~ach~ the Cross and bear it up the hill. saluted. two deceased .pioneers M~sS stipends to the Missions, it' oc~'o~red to ine that I ~iglit To say that Chrilltendom was orte . hopes that, the Patriarch in . educational' television. bOrrow the Idea to make·some return io the priests who have mocked would be a poverty- gave his mitre to the altar' boy .Plaques . carrying citations been .particularly helpful' to me and mine. Accept this in their stricken _understateD:lent. There. and relieved the train-bears of were, presented 'to members of name." •.• to Mr: a.nd Mrs.' O.K. fOr, $300 "As we contino.eto may have been doubts .as to thE! the worst of their duties. ' the families of the late Frieda 'make money on stocks, we feel some of it should' go to the hungorl. lIluthenticity of the Wood of the When Cross Means Contempt ' ' B.' Hennock, only woman to , throughout the' mission' world." . ' Cross, but no doubt whatsoever Legend it may be, but how serve as a member of the FedIllS . to the meaning· of the relic. iversal . in its application. We eral Communications Commis'WORLDMISSION, a quarterly magazine of missionary activiIt was as though we today are always talking about the sion, and the late Franklin Dunwere to hear· that Russian arms imitation of Christ and about ham, who was chief of radio tieS edited by Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen, is the ideal gift had· conquered' Rome and rifled carrying the Cross, but we find and television of the U.S. Of- for priests, nuns, seminarians or laymen. Send $5' for a one-year subscription to WORLDMISSION, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York'l, the Tomb of the Apostle. it extremely difficult to get be- fice of Education. , New York. ., ,For the time,' however, the yond the talking stage. Father William K. Trivett, Empire was helpless. Only with So'mehow, ,when we, set foot S.J., presen1edtheplaques at a the succ~ssion of a new and en- on ,the path; our legs give out,' luncheon here. The citation Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the ergetic Emperor, Heraclius, - unaccountably. Like Heraclius, honoring Frieda Hennock' was Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for could an offensive against-the we are all for taking the Cross accepted by. her .husband, WHthe ·Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New· York 1, N. Y., Persians be thought of. The .un- in triumphal procession, but by Ham H. Simons. A second plaque or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, wieldy Empire had to be mobi- no means interested in carrying in her honor was accepted by 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. . lized, the army 'and- fleet re- it as a badge of shame: FCC commissioner Robert E. serviced,· revictualed, and the It is all well- and good, and Lee. I . YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVEI money 'f{)und. By 628 Heraclius. quite pleasant really, when' we NCCSDirectoll' had performed the near-miracle can wear the vesture of pomp .... life of II DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL Lon God Dunham's citation was acof setting the vast pageant in m_, and g,.... eo .oul. lUlowiedge and love of and circumstance, Or ,when we God by nrving Him in a MilliOft which ue. "'.. motion. are pitied for our heroism, or cepted by Mrs. Dunham. Mrs. Prea, lleidlo. Motion "'Ictu,.. OIld tv, to bring Return True Cross commended for our bravery. It Gertrude Broderick accepted a . . Word to Mule .verywhore. Zoalou. young As matters turned out the is another matter when the second plaque honoring Dunham eim. 14-2lJ '/80" Intore.tod ~ "'1. unique gesture of power proved suffi- Cross means contempt and ridi- on behalf of the U. S. Office 01 .ApoBtolato may writ. to, Education." " cient. Persia herself was in the. cule. '. .... REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR Dunham was the first executhroes of dissolution, premoniPoint Well:Taken DAUGHTERS OF S1. PAUL • tive ; director olthe National tory of that internal weakness 'That is why so many of us 50 ST.· PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON SO. MASS. which made the land and its an- _ give up trying. The story of the Catholic Community Service, a USO memberagency~ holding ~ient civilization fall like Ii Emperor's clothes is the story house of cards when the Arabian of half of humanity. When the that post in 1941 and 1942. Father Trivett said the citahordes swept out of their desert . going is good there are no better to preach their new evangel of catholics anywhere than our- . tions 'were given at· the close the Sword' and Cresent. selves. When the going gets of the first decade of developThe satraps, as a result, were tough, .surely God, does not ex- ment in' educational television only too glad to treat with Her- p~t such sacrifices from, His to. honor, two' individuals <who had d,one much to promote ETV. aclius and to buy, immunity at Elect! the cost of the Holy ·Cross. With It is to be supposed that the something of the relief, one Patriarch gilded the lily in his ,thinks, of. the "Philistines re- ·sermon which he undoubtedly MosNem.$. ' Give land · turning the Ark 'of the Covene- preached .when ~hey got to the To Catholic College : llant they sent back' the True · Basilica, though likely enough Washington Street, 'Fair'Iaven . JOLO (NC)-Moslem officials Cross, intact in its reliquary. · the Emperor' would have told here in the Philippines, will give The date was the 3rd of May : him that the point was suffiWYman 4-5058 of that year, but the feast was ciently well·taken. At any rate, '!lmd to a college founded 'by an celebrated on the traditional ,it is still. there in the liturgy American Catholic Bishop. The mayor of Jolo and the September 14, associated 'with for 'all of us to think ~bout. . , governor of the province of Sulu Be· Thrifty '- 'Be W ... 'ihe devotion to the, relic over '.have agreed to give the isnd to ,Afk your Meatman for a rhe previous two centuries. ' T · 0 11I... " rapplstspen .~ew Notre· Dame College, started' in . DAVIDSON'S Solemn Procession 1955 by Bishop Francis J. Mc, .(MacGregor Brand) . So much is history, soberly Monastery In Eire I . Sorley, O.M.I." Vicar Apostolic recorded. The rest is the delightDUBLIN (NC)-A Ilew Trap- ' of Jolo, a nati~ of Collingsw~, • SW£ETNIC • , ful - and pointed - legend of pisf monastery~-willbe opened N.J. Bake"in the BaiJ-No Boating The gift, which' will enable Heraclihs and the Cross. Great in County Kildare ai,the invi-Mac!' sayswas the rejoicing in the city; tation of Archbishop"John C. ·tbe;college to expand, is a .mark "'WINNING FAVOR 01 gratitUde for its contribu.'we read, when the emissaries of ..McQuaid; C.S.Sp., of Dublin. : the army brought back from the The fifth Cistercian house "to tions to Moslems,. who' make· up R.~I Scotch Ham FlavorU bontier the ·precious relic. be establishedm Ireland since 98 .per 'cent oof 'the province's' WITH, ITS FLAVOR" , the Trappists returned in 1833 population. , . , Will be at Bolton Castle near First Church Moone in County' Kildare. The Help Refugees J'YVAESKYAE (NC) - The 'other abbeYs,are at.Mount Mel:.·first Catholic church in central leraY, Roscrea, Mellifont and , LUCERNE (NC) - SwitzerMac Gregor I Finland was .opened here. Portglenone' -,- the only one in- land's Catholic charities organI1lJ .' OJ D It''l:Jishop William P. B. Cobbeo, Northern Ireland. iZation coUected $50,OOO.ast·year · S.C.J., consecrated St. Olav . Bolton Castle, built hi the 13th to help Care for ,the 10,749refuJUST at All Leading church, which has an annex with century and partially destroyed . gees from Hungary still in this ASK FOR Food Stor.. · a kindergarten, a convent and by Cromwell's troops, is 40 miles country, more than half of whom SWEETNICS in' Mallachuse... II~ depend: on relief. . , • a home for high school students! 'southwest: of Du~
F' C·t ETV .' 'P.ioneers·
24-Hour Wrecker' .Service
Says 'Farm' Products "Pri'ce"
THE ANCHORThurs.• Sept. 20. 1962
System .Economic Anarchy
Baptist Leader Lauds Catholic Racnal Record
By Msgr. George G. Higgillls Director, NCWC Sociai Action IDepariment
. One entire section of PQpe John XXIII's encyclical, Christianity and Social Progress (Mater et Magistra), is devoted to current problems and prospects in the field 'of agriculture.. In almost all countries, the encyclical says, . agriculture is "in a state of. depression, both as regards height of folly." labor productivity and the I hope that time will eventulevel of living of farm pop- ally demonstrate tbe very oppoulations." If this situation Is ever to be corrected farmers and rural workers must develop a greater sense of solidarity and set up mutual aid societies and professional associations. "All these· are necessary," the encyclical points ou·t, "either to keep rural workers aoreast of scientific and technical progress or to protect the prices of goods produced by their labor. "Besides, acting in this manner, farmers are put on the same footing as other classes of workers, who, for the most part, 'join together in such fellowships. "Finally, by acting thus, farm"; ers will. achieve an importance and influence in public affairs proportionate to their own role.. For today it is unquestionably true that the solitary voice speaks, aa they say,' to the winds." Growing Force This section of the encyclical has thus far received relatively little attention in the United States. Articles on the encyclical have usually concentrated on those sections of the document which pertain more directly to thE> industrial sector of our economy. We have recently witnessed however, a dramatic and highly significant example of closer solidarity and cooperation among farmers for the general purposes outlined in the encyclical and for the particular purpose of protecting the prices of goods produced by the labor of farmers and rural workers. I refer to the strike (or the "withholding action") voted by the members of the National Farmers Organization in an effort to secure .higher prices for cattle, hogs, sheep, corn and soybeans. As of mid-Septemt>er, this "withholding action" by the members of the NFO was still in effect. Whatever its immediate outcome, competent observers generally agree that NFO itself is a growing force to be reckoned with in th~ Midwest. Has Determination, Drive The NFO was organized in 1955 in Iowa at a time when hog prices were disastrously low. It sprang up almost spontaneously as a grass roots movement with little or no outside encouragement or support. By the end of 1958 its membership has soared to 50,000 and today is estimated to be in the neighborhood of 125,000. It would appear, however, that ",hat NFO lacks in numbers and financial strength it more than makes up for with dogged determination and drive and with the freshness and originality of its approach to the problem of deflated prices in agriculture. 'Height of FollY' More than one newspaper account of NFO's unprecedente'd withholding action .fo·!.' higher prices for farm products has in_ dicated that some of the other farm organizations are aghast at NFO's seemingly reckless program of direct action. To many of the leaders of the old line farm organizations, a reporter for the National Observer has pointed out, "NFO's idea that farmers can control a Imarket that has always been dependent upon··the laws of supply and demand (and Government price supports) seems the
site. There is nothing sacred about the so-called laws of supply and demand in agriculture or in any other sector of economic life. New Approach NFO is trying to bring the socalled laws of supply and demand under rational control by means of a form of collective bargaining. This is a brand new approach in the United States to the problem of farm prices. _. It will not be easy to put it across, but with patience and persistence it may eventually become the normal way of establishing prices in argriculture.
CHICAGO (NC) - A Negro Baptist leader praised the Catholic Church's stand on the racial integration
BISHOP NEUMANN, RECORDS FOUND: Father John Pertz, of Suffield, Ohio, looks over the well-preserved parish baptismal record of 1841 in the handwriting of Bishop John Nepomucene Neumann, C.SS.R., fourth Bishop of Philadelphia. The Bishop was then a 30~year-old horseback missionary. Bishop Neumann's cause for beatification is now being advanced. NC Photo.
The Parish Parade SACRED HEART, HOLY ROSARY, NO. ATTLEBORO FALL .RIVER St. Anne's Sodality will sponAnnual Women's Guild memsor a Sisters' tea in the hall on bership tea will be in charge of Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 , Mrs, Editli Burton and Mrs. o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Roy is' Frank Baccari. It· is set for 3 chairman for the affair. S",nday . afternoon, Sept. 30 in The following officers have the parish hall. been elected for the coming year ST. DOMINIC, and will take office in,Jan., 1963.. SWANSEA Mrs. Anna Plante, president; Mrs. ,-The Women's Guild will sponEmile Londrault, vice-president; sor a concert· by the Allegro Mrs. Louis Mayer, secretary. . . Glee Club, under direction of Dr. Mrs. Joseph Beauchaine, treas- Normand Paquin, a,t 8 Sunday urer; Mrs. 'Paul Laramee, pub- night, .Sept. 23 in' K of C Hall, licity chairm,m; Mrs." Lionel Swansea. Titled "A Touch of 'Lallier, flower,.fund•.. ' , Broadway," the show will feaIMMACULATE CONCEPTION, . turemusical comedy tunes. ReBREWSTER AND DENNIS " freshments will be served and . Officers and committee chair- ,tickets will be available at the men of the· Women's' Guild . door. or. may be obtained from . met at 8 Tuesday night, Sept. . Mrs. Robert Tschirch, OSborne 18 at the home of Mrs."William . 2-8106 or Miss Dolores Silva, Jones, president, to plan the : FRontier 9-9861. year's program.. First Fall meetThe guild was responsible. for ing is set for 8 Tuesday night, a well-attended parish tea, held Sept. 25 in Brewster Town HalL on the church lawn. Rev. Edward . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Burns addressed guests on rites FALL RIVER . in the Church. other than the The .Women's Guild will open Roman: A souvc:nir. history of its Fall season 'with an open the gUIld was distrIbuted. 'meeting at 8 Monday night, Oct. ST. PATRICK, 1. A coffee hour and entertain- IFALL RIVER ment will be featured. Other Cub Scouts will meet Thurs':' Fall plans include a communion day, Sept. 27 and display handibreakfast Sunday, Oct. 21; a crafts. Movies will also be food demonstration Monday, shown. Nov. 5; a harvest festival SaturST. GEORGE, day, Nov. 17; and a Christmas WESTPORT party in' December. The Women's Guild will open OUR lLADY OIF ANGElLS its Fall season at 6:30 Monday IFALL RnVER ' . night, Sept. 24 with a potluck The Council of Catholic supper to which members and Women will serve a potluck prospective members are invited. supper for members and guests The event will take place in the Wednesday night, Oct. 3. Mrs. parish hall. , Mary Matthews is chairman. OUR LADY OF VICTORY. Planned for Saturday, Nov. 24 CENTERVILLE is a Christmas fair. Mrs. Mary Fall activities for the Women's Silvia is in charge of arrange- Guild will include a parish social ments. , at 8 Saturday night, Sept. 29 and 'Parish CCD officers include a rummage sale from 10 to 2 George Pontes, president; Joseph Saturday, Oct. 27. Both will be Velozo, vice _ president; Miss held in the parish hall. A Patricia Medeiros, secretary. Christmas bazaar is set for SatHOLY GHOST, urday, Dec. 1. ATTLEBORO ST. JOSEPH, A card party, will be held at FALL RIVER 8 tonight in the PortugueseWomen's Guild activities will American Hall to benefit the include a Communion breakfast church building fund. in October, with Mrs. Vinceht OUR LADY OF IFATIMA Dowling in charge; a rummage SWANSEA. sale and turkey whist in Novem_ The Women's 'Guild is plan- ber; and a chicken patty supper ning a "Christmas Village" to be and bazaar in December. held from 5 to 10 Friday eve'- ST. MARY'S ning, Nov. 30 and from 1 to 9 NOR'J!;.ON· Saturday, Dec. 1. . The Catholic Women's Club Booths will include candies, will ~old weekly, whist parties pastries, green thumb, handmade at' '8 Friday night in the parish articles,aprons, foys, '(folls,,<!!Cr- center, Route 123: The public amics relig'Ious articles'!. and is invited. . . Christmas decorations. A Christ- $'1'. WILLIAM, .. mas Restaurant will feature hot 'IFALlL RnVER dishes, sandwiches and, pastries Sunday afternoon, Sept. 23 and will be staffed by teen-age from 2 to 4 has been c~osen by girls of the parish. ' the Women's Guild for its anST. MARY'S, nual membership tea. A musical NEW BEDFORD program will be presented, acThe Women's Guild has set cording to announcement. by a Halloween dance for Saturday,Mr~. John Malgieri, president. Oct. 27, with Mrs. 'Joseph BarThe guild's sewing group has bero as chairman. Also planned resumed T u e s day afternoon for next month is a' guest night. meetings in the parish a,ll-puiHal Peterson will speak. pose room.' .. ,..
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NORTH EASTON The Women's Guild wi~l meet Monday eveimg· at 8 o'clock in the new Parish Center.· Rev. , Martin L. Buote, assistant at the parish, will speak. ST. MATHIEU, FALL RIVER Monday, Sept. 24 is the date when new members will be received into the parish Council of Catholic Women. Benediction at 7:30 in the evening wll pre.cede the reception. The unit plans a rummage sale from 9 to 5 Friday, Sept. 28 at 308 East Main Street. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Women's Club will sponsor a whist at 8 Monday night, Sept. 24 in the church hall. Mrs. Rocco Postiglione and Mrs. Stan. ley M. Janick are chairman and co-chairman. ,Returns and prize donations for the parishola are now being accepted at the rectory. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO Lay Apostolate Sunday is llet for Oct. 7. This occasion will coordinate and publicize programs of parish societies, including youth groups, men's and women's organizations, the choir and the Home and School Organization. Norman LaCasse and Emile Morin are in charge of a banquet which will close the day's activities, while Edward Suprenant and Mrs. Richard Deschenes are general chairmen for the day. Ladies of St. Anne will sponsor a Sisters' Tea from 2 to 4 Sunday afternoon, Sept. 23 in the parish hall. Mothers of parochial school children are especially invited. Presentations will be made to the Holy Union Sistel'tl staffing the school;
question. "If, prizes were given to churches that did the most to beat down racial discrimination and segration this past yeai', first prize would go to the Roman Catholic Church," said Joseph Harrison Jackson, addressing the 82nd annual meeting here of the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc., at which he was elected to hiu tenth one-year term as president. He cited the attitudes of Popa John and the elevation of Martin de Porres, Peruvian Negro Dominican Brother, to sainthood last May. He also recallecll the excommunication by Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel ox New Orleans of three segregation° leaders for trying to im:pede racial integration in Catholis schools of New Orleans. Deepens Faith He recalled his private audlo ence with Pope John last Decem. ber at which they discussecll problems of world peace, h ~ .relations and plans for the Second Vatican Council, which convenes in Rome on October 11. "Some of his 'statemenic deepened my faith in the future of the Christian church as one of the .champions of freedom and human rights," he said; , The National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc., claims a membership of six million, tM largest Negro religious orgamzation in the world.
Safety Bel'ts I MustS : For Priests' Cars MUENSTER (NC) - PrieSi!!J in the Muenster diocese have 00 install and use safety belts iml their cars, according to the ~ ficial journal of the Muensterr diocese here in Germany. . Authorization for personllli cars will not be given from now on unless ,the safety measure io followed, the journal said. Priests are also required to recommend the use of safetybelto to all laymen employed by the Church.
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, Popees Retteat'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fd#~~i;~:er;;t~lir~;1S;'p(20;'I962": ':i::~'
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F~)[l'mYi1~!r C@!fll~teW H@~~ rra~@@j-~B~~t 191)'COm'mM~ityto MGO'~'JlUJlbi~tee, A'former, administrator of the Rose HawtHorne Lathrop Home in Fall River, Sister M. Stanislaus,' O.P., last Friday became the first member of her branch of the Dominican Order to reach the 5{)th anniversary of her religious ' profession. A Jubilee Mass was celebrated at the'Sacred Heart Home, Philadelphia; where she is presently assigned. Sister M. Stanislaus was in charge of, .the Fall River Home from 1942 to 1948. Her, niece, Sister M. ,Teresa, O.P., is presentiy on the staff ' of the same Home. Only 10 years had passed since Rose Hawthorne Lathrop had proIJ,punced vows as Mother M. Alphonsa to perpetuate her id,eal of providing free Homes for poor incurable cancer patients, regardless of race, creed or color, when, as a young Polish immigrant; Sister M. Stanislaus 'joined the handful of nuns operating the city Horne' and the country Home at Rosary Hill, .. ~,Hawthorne, N.Y. She recalls that most patients then knew they had cancer and applied for, themselves (sometimes arriving unexpectedly, with, all their belongings);'today referrals come from physicians 'or medical social, worker,s, and patients are, for the most part, unaware of their diagnosis. Conditions l!mprove Before the Harrison Narcotic Act in 1926, patients sometimes received bottles of morphine tablets from their visitors. Present day synthetic narcotics and "narcotic substitutes" have made possible a graduated scale of pain relief. In the early years 'the Sisters tended many cases of severe face cancer, requiring extensive dressings four Or five times a day; today, however, such cases of face cancer are rare in the Homes, due appare~tly to improved surgical techniques and successful radiation therapy. Among the guests, all of whom must be unable' to pay for their care, all classes of society have always been represented, as a long term illness such as cancer often, drains the resources of many. persons even, in higher income brackets.
Sets PattternJ'
'.,":", " Sister, mentions that today's ,plastics' '. anlf' 'disposable'items' ,haY,e ,'reduced':, 'the Volume of ,laundry, whil'e nylons and wash and wear fabrics have cut down on:',i!:cining, but' whim .asked , if that'meanstha't the work is now' ' a"~snap," she : quickly replie.d, ''No, 'it, is no snap yet, but more . ofa snap than it used to be." ~~ides .her ,Fall River assignment,:'Sister M. Stanislaus spent over 30 years in St. Rose's "Home, :New York 'City, and another six yearS in Our Lady of GoOd Counsel Home, 'St. Paul, Minn. '
In' School' '.
PROTEST BUS BAN:· Students at St. Paul's Catholic School in Florence, Ky., continuing ,a two-mile trek to their homes from school, march west on U.S. 42. Mothers ac'companying some of the students say they are protesting the ban against use of Boone county school bUses for parochial 'schoolstudents.. Last year, parochial school' students were carried on county school buses, but this year the county 'refused to allot funds .for their transportation. NC'Photo.
AMARILLO (NC) ~ Amarillo -public' ,s c h 0 0, I admin~strators stressed the impor.tance of religion in the schools in talks before the local Rot"ary Club. The speakers' were Robert Ashworth, superintendent of Amarillo public schools, and A.B. Martil,l, president of 'Amarillo Junior College. ( '~Ther:ight Of the pupil ,to learn is not served by attempting to isolate the school from the complunity and the world, and forbidding any men t ion of COVINGTON (NC) - Ken'things politi<;al or religious;" tucky's governor- has sid~d with: ,said ~shworth. " , the Florence, Ky., mothers who are protesting' the . failure of Continue, Observances Boone County school buses to He told the West Tei'as Regis,," ter, newspaper of the Amarillo 'to carry their children. Gov. Bert T. Combs said on a diocese, that 'public schools here will continue'daily religious ob- ' television interview that the situation is "ridiculous." He said: servances, including say i n g "I feel these children ought to grace before meals and prayers 'by students. be transported on buses." .Mothers almost each day are Martin in his address said that walking' about 75 pupils of .St. to -.ignore spiritual truths in Paul's school, Florence, along education "would be disastrous busy U. S. route 42 to dramatize to the value systems based upon the traffic 'hazards the children a belief in 'God." must face in getting to school "l'I"1IJI nwithout bus rides. The children's ~ ~..... route is about '1% miles along Rehe, «lit House the unpaved side of a major thoroughfare. ALLENTOWN (NC) - Father Boone County has refused this Francis J. Tucker, O.S.F.S., for- 'year to carry the parochial ,merly of, Monaco, has been school pupils on 'school buses named retreat master at the new unless $17.23 is paid for each Villa Maria Retreat House in child. The .children were' carried nearby Wernersville, Pa. without charge last year. " The' appointment was anPay Taxes . nounced by Father John J. Con.., . St. Paul's school has refused to , my, O.S.F.S., Pronvincial of the P~«!IU'il H, all'm.... n" Talk... ObI pay the price. The mothers have \WI I ", ates of St. Francis de Sales, . protes,ted that 'they' already have a .Jl who. will conduct the retreat, iii l"'llOli'n ern re anQl h . paid taJ!:es to provide the buses. BELFAST (NC) - In ~n atouse. ' " , Gov. Combs said on TV that tempt' to develop harmony beNationally known as a speaker' ""I feel tliese cilildrE!n ought to be' · d P t t t a n d retreat' master, Father transp'orte'd· .".. If "'thes'e"" 'C'hl'ldre"n t ween C a th 0 1ICS an ro es an s, Tucker con~inues a distinguished Orange Order leaders will meet priestly career. He returned this go to parochial schools, we' tax.:' with nationalists here in OctoSummer' froin l'iomico, where he payers, are getting a break in ber; . had served as chaplai'n to Prince that we' don't have to' pay for Senator J. Go' Lennon, leading Ranier' and Princess Grace. He educating them." ' " ~nationalist in the Northern Irewas ~,member of the General The governor said he thought land Senate, said he would like Curia of his 'order in Rome and 'it was silly to see'a·schoo1,bus to meet Sir George Clark, the at the same time was pastor of going along the road picking up Orange grand master, to try to St'-Charles Church, Monte Carlo ' certain children and not others. remove the "clouds. of, bitter-, : 'M6n'acd.~He' was a diodesan' con~ , ness,~" Ciarkaccepted the invi- 'suitor, 'canon of the 'cathedral tati~. "" ' . Nationalists support the idea . a n 4 chapla~n ,of the palace,' ' 0
WOlI'k Of CIhlMli'ch Aides VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John has praised parish church personnel for helping to make "the house of God a place of welcome to all." He spoke of their work during a general audience when 3,000 church personnel had gathered in Rome for an international meeting. The Pope told them that "wheth~r you serve in' a majestic cathedral or in a humble village __ chapel, it is always, the same .Church that you serve by assistiRg at sacred functions and', contributing ~ith your daily labo: <. '''ard maldng the house' of God a place' of welcome to all.','.
STRASBOURG (NC)-George Lindbeck, U.S. layman named by the Lutheran World Federation to attend the coming ecu'menical council 'as an observer, 'has left here for a month's tour Then' he added: "There are . of South America tO'study inter_ ' deep-seated implications, preju_ 'faith relations. dices and deep feelings'involved Lindbeck,' 39, is on leave from , in the matter and I may 'realize the Yale Divinity Schoo1 where ' ... that I should have 'been more "he teaches the history of theo· restrained." ' logy. He was appointed 'by the In the meantime, Msgr.John Lutheran federation as an ob, . S. Elsaesser, Covington diocesan 'server at the council alohg with school superintendent,' said' in 'Kristn-Ejnar Skydsgaard of Co':' ' a statement issued ~o the press :penhagen University. that "it continues to amaze Before leaving France, Lind, people'" that bus rides are re- . beck stressed that his South fused the childnin, even though American tour aims at fostering state laws grant permission for "mutual understanding and rethem. • spect." But, he added, "-there is ' Save $6 Million no part of the world where the Covington diocesan schools, he relations between the confessaid, save the taxpayers $6,649,- sions have been as' bad as in 850 a year, not including "the South America." 'possible construction cost which ·would be involved in housing ,these 24,178 pupils." That 'cost, ,he said, "wQuld run into untold mil.lions." • , YOU'fllt LOOKING ",I feel confident," he said, "that our elected offcials, who SWELL; ,iltI'l.'VOU MADE ,have the welfare responsibility A CllUICIil RECOVERY,.' , and the welfare' of county resi· dents at heart, will be able to ••• MY W1FE 'tOOK. offer school bus, transportation 6000 CAllE OF HI • SO services to 'all pupils.": 'I Olij> MV OOnOR. AND He' noted that unlike Boone TWa P~OP~E A.T · ,County, transportation is' pro"vided : illlschool children, re,gardless: of the,·' school' they choose to ,attend, in' 'Kenton, Campbell, and other counties: 'fOOt( CA~a OF' 'FlLL".O "
M@frhe~solP@~BifBO!rn on, Buses
, Fr'• At
e ", M"'sferr
Pc~<e Pr(tllDSeS
Lutheran to ·Study Interfaith Relations
Gove!I'[ffior _of K@;'ntucky Sup,port$.
coCa united ~eland independent of England. The Orange Order, a masonic organization named 'after William of Orange who drove out the last Catholic king, of England in 1688, favo'r the Ii res e n t partition with 'Northern Ireland united to England. Southern Ireland gained its independence in 1937.
VATICAN CITY (NG:)-Pope , ",·f ' ' John has .set a pattern for the 'spiritual preparation he has asked of all Catholics for the " COming' Vatican council. The Pope is making a private" retreat this week; seven days of .pr~yer and 'meditation· being broken only 'by his scheduled' radio message to the world Tuesday. The Pope has also ordered a triduum of spiritual prepara'tion for all Vatican personnel, both clerics and laymep, to run from Sept. 24 to '26. Families living in Vatican City as well as members' of the Noble Guard, Swiss Guard, Palatine Guard and Vatican Gendarmerie will join in the triduum. A similar triduum will be held for- personnel of the Vicariate of the diocese of Rome. Spiritual exercises of the triduum will be preached in various offices of the Vatican.
Husband, Wife' Join 'UniversittStaff ANTIGONISH (NC)- A husb aI", d.. and'rife ' . 'team, natives . of South Africa, have joined the faculty of St.' Francis Xavier University here in Nova Scotia. Donald D. Moerdijk and his. ~ife, Joan, received their master degrees from the University o,f P.reto!ia in South Africa. He also did post graduate studies there and at the University of Strasbourg. He joins the department of philosophy here. 'His wife was awarded a twoyear post-graduate scholarship to the Sorbonne by the French Government. She joins the de-' partment of economics and sociology here.
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Students at Diocesan High Schools Return to Routine of Homework.. Extra-Curricular Orgciizations By Clement
, Everybody's in the groove! Two whole weeks of school have gone by and, the excitement and surprises of opening day are history. At home Mother is now used to the strange quiet that settled around her. School is school again. Homework and studies are A new look has 'been introthe same even though evel1Y- duced at St. Anthony's in New body' looks a little older and Bedford. For the first time school uniforms are' being worn and a little taller. Some students are missing and some teachers though the original investment have been transferred. The new is stiff to some, both parents and crop of Freshmen look pretty students are happy with the inyoung to sophisticated uppernovation. classmen who have long gotten Student Richard Beaulieu reover' the strange and thrilling ports that a new pride has been , feeling of being in high school. added and nobody has to worry Brother Roland, Msgr. Pre- about what they will wear tovost High's principal warns, morrow. St. Anthony's has an "Anyone who tries to continue enrollment of 79 boys and 167 his vacation schedule while at- girls. tending school is bound to do a Novelty was the order of the poor job in his studies." And the day at Mt. St. Mary's opening 250 boys at the Fall River high day in Fall River. After the school, representing 22 parishes, initial greeting a panel of four appear to have taken his words Sodality officers, Mary Ann to heart. Ferreira, Maureen Harrington, Opening day at our 12 Dioc- Joanne Leandro, and Kathleen esan high schools included as- Cordeiro shared with the stusemblies at which the student dent body their experiences at bodies were briefed about new the Summer School of Catholic regulations and the routine 6f Action held at Fordham Univerthe comin8 school year. sity. New Teachers Additionally an informal welMany schools, like the Attlecome to 162 freshmen was proboro's Bishop Feehan High witl} vided by seniors who presented 200 boys and 230 girls found that a humorous fashion show, exthey had new teachers. This sit- hibiting what the well-dressed uation always evokes much com- "Mountie" will wear during the ment as students compare their year. Enrollment at the Mount' analyses of new instructors. has jumped to 545 girls. Before the school year is up, , Feehan with its new sophomore class has six new religious and St. Mary's High of Taunton will four new lay teachers. become Catholic Memorial High Bishop Stang High with its in the newest of the Diocesan first year of senior students has ohigh schools. Sister John Elizasix additional religious and three beth, S.U.S.C. is the new prinei_ new lay teachers on its staff. pal at the all-girl school, having The North Dartmouth students left a similar post at Sacred attended an opening day Votive Hearts Academy in Fall River. Mass of the Holy Spirit celeSt. Mary's now has a student brated by school chaplain Rev. body of 284 girls. Mary Morin, Joseph L. Powers to implore the Mary Yelle, Ann Foley, and aid and blessings of the Holy Christine Haggerty are its new Spirit on the works and activi- setHor class officers. ties of the coming year. A bee-hive of activity has Stang now has an enrollment been generated at Prevost High, of 525 boys and 336 girls, highest what with a tennis tourney in the Diocese. pending in addition to meetings Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, of the debating team and the auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, Science Club. offered the traditional opening More New Uniforms day Mass for Holy Family stuNewness is not to be denied at dents. The New Bedford school Jesus-Mary Academy either. 194 with 134 boys, 186 girls and girls are seen trooping to school Sister Charles Francis, R.S.M. as in Fall River's Flint section in the new principal, also has fac- 'new pleated blue-gray skirts ulty changes. with navy blue blazers adorned New Uniforms ,by a J.M.A. insignia. For those Former principal Sister Mary habitual last minute arrivals a Virginia has been transferred to new outside bell tones a warning Feehan High after serving H. F. 'of the impending start of classes. for 23 years, 16 as 'principal. The bell is a gift of the thoughtSister Mary Nolasco is studying ful senior class of '62. ' for her doctorate at Lava! UniThe curriculum and format of versity. Sisters of Mercy coming the new year's schoiastic and to H. F. are Sister Mary Diane athletic programs highlighted' and Sister Mary Laurita. the 30th opening day a'ssembly
COMPLETE TEACHING STAFF: Addedto the staff Stang as the No. Dartmouth High welcomes its first senior class are, left to right, Mr. Charles Connell, Sister Francia Veronica, and Sister Marie de Lourdes.
THE ANCHOR. Thurs., Sept. 20, 1962
incoming freshmen. This year's yearbook theme, "Live, Love and Light up the World," was presented to the assembly in a series of tableaux depicting such illustrious women as Helen Keller, such seld$>m ,commended women as the devoted nurse, and last of all, the woman who has played the most important role in history, Our Blessed Mother. The various characters were portrayed by Pamela Audet, Pauline Gagnon, Pauline Lepage, Charlotte Pelland, Linda PurdY, Donna Sears, and Joan Vezina. Narrator was Colette Janson, yearbook editor. Monday and Tuesday 'of last week were testing days for all, from freshman to senior. The Iowa Tests of Educational Development were given for the second consecutive year. The faculty plans once again to hold a parents' night with Mr. Robert E. Hoye, staff associate for Science Research Associates, who will discuss student develSTANG TEACHING ADDITIONS: Left to right, Sis- opment, as revealed by the test ter Michael Raymond, Sister Edwina, and Mr. Daniel Dela- results, with individual parents. ney. Class Officers Senior class presidents at To replace them have come Dominican are Rita Chouinard at Msgr. Coyle High in Taunton. Appropriately, activities in- Brother Raymond and Brother and Jeannette Laroche; juniors cluded Mass celebrated by Rev. Jerome of Plattsburgh and new are Irene Gagnon, Madeleine Brother Ronald of Wash College. Belanger; and Doris Breault. Joseph P. Delaney, senior religion teacher. Orientation exer- Welcomed back after a year of Sophomores chose Marie Paiva. cises were absorbed intently by military service at Fort Bragg is Bishop Stang High School exMr. Arthur Canuel, math teacher. the 570 boys. perienced the last of its "firsts" Getting into the swing of With the growing student in welcoming for the first time thrngs, a roving reporter finds body .and the enlarged faculty a full quota of four high school most schools already in high at Feehan High School, the pro- classes and a complete teaching gear. Seen at Stang High is a gram of co-curricular activities ' display set up by the guidance has also widened to include staff. Sister Magdalen Julie, fordepartment depicting colleges music appreciation, personality and careers which might be of growth, developmental reading, merly of Emmanuel College, has value. public speaking, journalism, li- joined the Stang Chemistry Department. Miss Carole Almeida, Also seen is Mr. L. Gene Adbrary club, and home-making. kins describing the Junior The year ahead is full of ac-' Emmanuel alumna and during Achievement movement in the tivity and accomplishment. Ri- the past year student of MiddleNew Bedford area and urging valr:' between the schools sharp- bury College in Madrid, is the students to view the Amer- ens the desire and brings out the teaching the audio-lingual apican economic system in action best in the students. Athletics, proach to the study of Spanish by visits to industrial and util- debating, math, science, lan- to Sophomore classes. Sister ity plants. guages,-all are fields in which Mary St. Michael, from St. GreOver at Mt. St. Mary's a spethe 12 Diocesan high schools gory High School, Dorchester, is cial Sunday get-together is held compete to develop greater in charge of the newly estabfor the freshmen. Talented sen- progress and achievement. The lished Physics Department a~ Bishop Stang. iors give the newcomers a pic- year 1963 promises much. Sister Edwina, formerly of St.' ture of life at the Mount by Sacred Hearts Academy in means of lively skits. Fairhaven now has 135 girl stu- John High School, PeabodY, dents and Sister Marie Claire as teaches Math and Biology to Dialogue Mass Ambitious Feehan High is out- its new principal, and Sacred Stang students. Mr. Daniel Delining plans for the Feehan Band Hearts Academy in Fall River laney, from Durfee High School, and Feehan Chorus while new with its new addition handles will serve this year in the athletic director, Mr. Harold 370 students. Fall River's Domin- capacity of Guidance Director. Hanewich primes the student ican Academy, with Sister Mary Sr. Michael Raymond, formerly body with news of the coming Gerald, O.P., as its new princi- of Notre Dame Academy, Roxbury, is teaching art and mepal, has 272 scholars., year's sports activities. In all, 1758 boys and 2714 chanical drawing. As usual, First Friday of the . Sister Marie de Lourdes, from month is celebrated by a Mass ,girls are' being educated in the high schools of the Fall River St. Mary High School, Law-' in the school hall, offered by Rev. Bernard Sulliyan,;area Cya Diocese. renee, teaches Math and Latin chaplain. 'StudentiJ and faculty classes. Mr. Charles Connell, Yearbook Theme join in ihe responses of the' diaThe beginning of a new school from Bridgewater State, conlogue Mass with soph Robert 'year at' Dominican Academy, ducts Gym classes for Freshman Lynch as lector. ' Fall River, was marked by the and Sop hom 0 r e boys. Sr. Assuming their important po- traditional for m a I assembly, Francis Veronica, from S1. Mary sitions as officers of the Holy open~d by school president Girls' High Scliool, Lynn, is Family graduating class of 1963 Cecile Levesque, who greeted teaching classes in French and are Peter Sullivan, Richard Per- students and especially welcomed Latin. ras, Elaine Matthews and Mary Tynan. Famed for its debating teams, F. F.'s new officers of the Student . Council are Brian Healy Russell Foley, Kathleen SCisce'nto and Margaret Ericson. 'Former Superior, Mother St. Jean Baptist~ has fin911y tasted the first change in her religious life after 33 years of service to the students of Jesus-Mary Academy. She has been assigned to Goffstown; N. H. while Mother Cleophas has left J.M.A. to become new superior and principal of Our' Lady of Lourdes in Providence. Mother Mediatrix' transfer is from J.M.A. to St. Clare's in Woonsocket, R. I. Mother Fidelis from the Bronx, Mother Claudia from Auburn, N. Y., Mother St. Antoinette and Mother St. Francis Regis of Notre Dame Grammar School have all joined the teaching staff of J.M.A. The new superior is Mother Mary of the Savior who has arrived from Hyattsville, Md. with enthusiasm and a spirit of dedication. Co-Curricular Activities Changes often mean new spirit and new ideas. Prevost High has unfortunately lost Brother EdNEW FACULTY MEMBERS: Sister Magdalen Julie, mund to Detroit and Brothers Roger and Andrew to Platts- seated, Miss Carole Almeida, left, and Sister Mary St. Michael, right, have joined the Bishop Stang High faculty. burgh, N. Y.
THE ANCHOR-;J),ieceseM 'fall River....:lihurs. Sept. 20, , 962
~~~.~9 ••••• ~OO.tGOOOOOOG.O.I•••••• I
41 •••••••••••• '.OOOOO~+~ ••••• ~
The Catholic Committee on .Scoutinq of "the -Diocese of :Fall River announces 'reqistrations" for" ~ Ad .Altare Dei- ,land Marian Awards I
NEW BEDfORD AREA: Registration: September 23, 1962 ''Examincrtio~: September 30, 1962 All Cape ·Cod .area "boy and gif'l scouts who· aN prepared for the examination-win follow the New Bedford sched,,1e TAUNTON AREA: Date: October 3, 1962 Place: CYO Building Time: 7:00 to 9:00 o'clock
ARt£BOROAREA: :Oate: October 2, 1962 Place: St ~ John's School Jeime: 3:30 o'clock fAILL RIVER AREA:
Registratiol'll: September 28, 1962 .Examination: October 1, 1962 (>
CYOHail, AnawClII'\l Street
1:00. to 9:00 o'clock'
A~~book work for boys and gir~s
C1pp lying for the Catholic awards must be turned in at registration time. Book work must be COMPLETE and NEAT.
This MessGge ;s Sponso/l'ed By The Fo~'owing'ndiv;duals Gtnd BMSOflj)eS$ C@flIcerns in Glfeaf:er !Fall R.iver:
IEIl'Il~eB'pIl"Dse ,18~~wDlnlg C@;,,-
IHIIUl~ChilnlSCllJn1©OO ~@. Drn~ell'lnllClfrDo'Il'llIClO Il.l/JIdie$ tGlClrme~it W@r~sl1'S UlnlOOI'll AAlClcKeml:8s ~ WO!I'Q$U@W, DlI1lce.
Go~d Mecll(QJ~
Mason flUlrnDlI'lUl&"s SIh@wll'o@m$
AIi'1lI1\l D(QJ~e frod/lUds, DlllJc. IFjr«:lldly lE~edll"nCSlUlpp~'t? 160. Cascadle lD)ll'lUlg Co•. ,
G~obe Mam.ll~adlUlril'Bg
fE.McNally, Contractor
Gs@rga R. M@nt~e, ~BllJlmbell' IP~WIl'\Tll@uth IPrinting Co., Illile. ~obi~oHBrothell'$
S~eU'~Dli'1lg Beverages, mnc. TextB~e Worken UnDon of AmeriCQ, AFl-CIO Y II C b Co
e ow
Pope Contributes To U.N. World Food Program
Sanctuary Rug In W ellile~t Chutch Recal~s Industry of First Pastor, Parishioners'
UNITED NATIONS (NC) -Pope John has contributed $1,000 to the World Food Program being conducted
By Mai"ion Ullllswortilt The history of the Catholic Church in Wellfleet on the lower Cape begins long before there existed a parish in that town. The Catholics in Wellfleet were few and Mass was celebrated at least as early as 1877 at' the homes of Joseph DeLory, Henry DeLory and Simon Berrior, Sr. Wellfleet at that time was a mission 'o:ll St. Peter the Apostle Church in Province- r--~--'-"-~~---"-'~~C"'-~0;";,"'Z'TIZ~m\1''''<''r:m;~pp:;:,,%'''' '_.. :'~\ town, as was Truro, and it 1 was not until 1900 that a chapel was erected by Rev.
jointly by the United Nations and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. The gift was announced at the Pledging Conference held at U.N. headquarters. Auxiliary Bishop James H. Griffiths of New York, who attended the Manuel C. Terra, pastor of St. conference as the representative Peter's, at Wellfleet. This chapel of the Holy See, stated he had was originally an abandoned been authorized in that capacity school house which Father Terra to present the gift as a token renovated for use as a church. of the Pope's "deep personal Even earlier, in 1895, FathelT solicitude for this noble cause'." Terra purchased an old skating rink and used the lumber to The World Food' Program, build Sacred Heart Chapel in which is the result of a 1960 Truro. General Assembly resolution, is Covered Large Area an expertmental program under Up to 1904, Wellfleet was unwhich $100 million in food and cash is to be expended through der the Providence Diocese, as U.N. channels over a three- were Provincetown and Truro, but when the Fall River Diocese year period. 'was created the two missions 'Generous Undertaking' were made part of the Harwich Contributions to the program parish, in which they had been are to be used to meet emer- many years previously. gency food situations, to build Seven years later Wellfleet national food reserves in order was established as a parish and to combat famines, to help governments, initiate land re- placed under the charge of the form without early crippling Sacred Heart Fathers, who then food shortages, and to ration- had Truro as a mission. The Sacred Heart Fathers in Fairalize livestock industries. haven had been helping out at In his statement to the con- Wellfleet for several years. Rev. ference, Bishop Griffiths re- Hilarian J 0 s e p h Eckerling, called the message of Pope John 5S.CC. who had been residing to the F AO when it inaugurated in HaI'wich, moved to Wellfleet its Freedom from Hunger Camin 1911. paign, of which the present proThe new Wellfleet parish at gram is a part. The Pope stressed his desire to renew his that time covered a large area "paternal . encouragement for of the lower Cape. Until five or this undertaking which is so six years ago Holy Redeemer generous, so compatible with the Church in Chatham was served true welfare of mankind, so by Wellfleet clergy. Our Lady well suited to inspire the in- of the Immaculate Conception terest and collaboration of all in Brewster, which had St. Joan of Arc Church in Orleans as a good-hearted men." mission, was once a mission of Wellfleet also and was taken, over by the LaSalette Fathers a Indiffere~ce. year ago. The Harwich parish, which had been a mission since 1911, was separated and estabGARRISON (NC) - Catholics lished as a separate parish in cautioned against becoming "my_ 1931. opic, complacent and so conFather Joseph scious of ourselves as a Church" Soon after Father Joseph, as as to forget their duty to work he was known, became the pasfor religious unity. tor at Wellfleet, the need of a Father qeoffrey Wood, S.A., new church was recognized since urged Catholics to reread the the small chapel, formerly a Gospel ot St. Matthew and schoolhouse, was no longer sufcatch the aggressive, apostolic ficient. In 1912 and 1913, Father forward look, broader Church- Joseph built Our Lady of like spirit of that inspired book." Lourdes Church and Rectory on Father Wood, professor 'of the main street of Wellflee't, Scripture at Atonement Semi- using the windows from the nary, Washington, D. C., said that chapel in the new edifice. spirit is required for successful In 1915, another mission was ecumenical activity. formed from the parish, Our He suggested that if, in work Lady of Perpetual Help in North for unity, Catholics "proclaimed Truro. During the Winter one the Church less, ceased spending Mass is held each Sunday in so much effort at proving its each of the chapels, and two rights, assel·ting its claims, and Masses'in Wellfleet to take proclaimed Christ and Christian care of the approximately 70 salvation more," they might be families in that town. During the busy Summer sea"perhaps more successful alld indeed more true to the Church son, two Masses' are necessary in Truro and four in North and its reason for existing... ·
Says Is Unity Obstacle'
Catholic Veterans Ask Am~ndment To Permit Prayer in Schools PffiLADELPHIA (NC) - A resolution favoring a constitutional .amend~en.t which would authOrIze recItation of prayers in the nation's public schools was adopted at the Catholic War Veterans national convention here. The resolution pointed out that such an amendment would offset the June 25 decision of the U. S. Supreme Court which deelared unconstitutional a prayer composed by the New York state Board of Regents and recited voluntarily by students in the state's public schools. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Keimedy in an address at the convention banquet called upon the CWV to participate more fully in the fight against communism in this country. He reminded the membel'S that a prime purpose for which the CWV was founded in 1935 was to oppose the spread of communism in the U. S. In another reSOlution, the 4,000
'delegates urged Congr~s to enact legislation which would provide increased compensat'ion' for .. . veter?fol s. With servIce-connected disabIlItIes. Oppose Admission The delegate,> voted in favor of continued opposition against the admission of communist China to the United Nations. Another resolutio', commended President Kennedy for his "courage and foresight" in resuming nuclear testing. The convention also went on record in favor of recognition by the United States of a "responsible" Cuban government-inexile and support of such a regime with arms and money. The delegates tabled a resolu_ tion which would have supported withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations and would have favored the ousting of the UN from U. S. territory.
THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 20, 1'962'
Priest ~ens Book for 'P~@[[macists The moral problems. of pharm acists are the subj,ect of "Norms of Conduct for Pharmacists" by Rev. William L.. WoIkovich, curate at Immaculate Conception Church, East Cambridge, Mass. The volume includes a general survey of moral principles, and their application to specific questions arising in the field of pharmac.y. Such subjects, as oral contraceptives,. abortion, rhythm, counterfeit drugs, relations with physicians and hospitals, prescription ownership, and professional secrecy 8J!'e covered. Appendixes, contain two papal addresses: to pharmacists, th<i! Bishops~ statement of 1959 on birth control and. excerpts from federal laws. Father Wolkovich has had wid~ experience in his field, havmg lectured to students of pharmacy and nursjng, written for the Boston Pilot, and addressed a convention of pharmacists. Previously he wrote a booklet, "Pharmacy, A Noble Profession," now in its second edition.
T~B~Il1l\'hed <C.~~'t?~~<mIl1l<dl fupils Sld~ Gf!'@QJ~
OUR LADY OF LOURDES-WELLFLEET Truro, while at the mother church in Well fie e t seven Masses, two in the basement and five in the upper church, are celebrated. Three Sacred Heart Fathers assist the pastor and his assistant during the tourist season. Honor Father Spykers Father' Joseph remained at Wellfleet until 1928, when he was succeeded by Rev. Arnold Derycke, SS.CC. who served as pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes for four or five years. Then Rev.~ Egbert Steenbeek, SS.CC. was named pastor until the arrival in 1935 of Rev. Dennis Spykers, SS.CC., who has remained pastor until the present. To assist him Father Spykers has Rev. Stephen Cordeire, who has been in Wellfleet only a few weeks.' Fa+~er C:~.rl<-"rs, .. ···')se pastorate has been the longest in
the history of Our Lady of Lourdes, has become acknowledged as a "Cape Codder" as is evidenced by a citation presented by town officials in 1952, an honor which those familiar with the distinction between Cape cod natives and visitors will recognize as singular. His pastorate has mushroomed in recent years because of the growing popularity of that se~ tion of the Cape. Our Lady of Lourdes Church also had a possession which visitors from all over the country have come to view, a sam:tuary rug of rich red and gold which was designed by Father Joseph in the early years of the parish, and hooked by the women of the Ladies Guild, a lasting monument to the industry of the first pastor and his parishioners.
-Deny 'Reports Pope Cl,anged Mind About Sending p'ieta To Fair . VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vatican officials have denied reports that Pope John has decided not to send the Pieta, Michelangelo's famed statue of the Mother of Sorrows holding her dead Son, to the 1964 New York World's Fair. Last March, Pope John told Francis C a I'd ina 1 Spellman, Archbishop of New York, during a private audience that he would send the statue for display, at the Holy See's pavilion at the fair. Later, some art critics and others expressed fears that the statue might be damaged by the move to the U.S. The Pieta will be on display in New York during the year
St. Francis Residence
that marks the fourth centenary of the death of its creator, the Renaissance master Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). It will be taken to the fair from the chapel in St. Peter's basilica where it. has stood since the 17th century. Also to be shown at the fair is one of the earliest examples of Christian art, a third'-century statue of the Good Shepherd by an unknown sculptor, which is being lent by the Vatican.
for Immediate Oollyol'J
196 Whipple St., Fall River Conducted by Franciscan Missionaries of Mery
22' BEDFORD ST. FAll RIVER' 5-7838
CLEVELAND (NC- - Msgl'. Clarence E. Elwell, superintendent of Cleveland diocesan schools, has directed principals to inaugurate a program of p,lanned acceleration of exceptIOnally talented children in elementary schools. The accelerated program 01' "skipping a grade," was i~tro duced in grade schools here on an experimental basis by MsgJr. Elwell in 194'2. It advances exceptional children in groups, usually from grade 3 to, 5 and 6 to a. Some schools have used it, the majority have not. In directing all principals to start the program" Msgr. Elwell said that scientific studies. have since been made on it and "noG a single study had negative findings."
Fall Ffl'olic The Catholic Youth Adult 011ganization of North Attleboro will sponsor a Fan Frolic danee from 8 ~o 12 Saturday night, Sept. 22 ill Sacred Heart Parish hall,. Church Street, North Attleboro. The Gene O'MaHy band will play. Tickets will be availab.le at the door, refreshments wIll be served and young adults 18 and over are welcome to attend.
............... :
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THE ANCHOR~Diocese ofFoIIRiver:-Thurs.
Asks ·Government, ·To Aid' School's":
Sept;: 20;.1962
.:.Loo·klr@rrw@r~f·t~·C~I~~ticl:'i'gio@ Continued from Pa:;c One top of the chilly state. There are two Dioceses in . A~aska, the energetic. missioner explained, Other orders share· th~ work in the. "banana belt" southern part of the sta~e, but the' Jesuits go alone in the arctic northern region. Illustrating the frigidity of the area, Father O'Connor showed a Whiter. scene of nuns going to Mass. The picture looked like arlY' group of Sisters' battling thr~lUgh the snow in this Diocese - until.Father 'addl:;-d theinformati'on that. at' the time it was 65 .degrees below zero. ~ . ."1 have taken Our Lord on skis, by dog teain, motor boat, plane, and whaleboat to the · sick,". said Father O'C6nnor. "Often i say to Him, 'Well, Lord, I'm taking you somewhere you've never ·been before.' " . He told of baptizing an Eski. . rno baby "who opened her big brown, eyes just as I baptized her, then closed them forever." He emphasized that in 'an age of ~ satellites and moonshots, it is easy to, get values mixed, but ~hat 'the soul of that baby, · praising forever, is of more · valu'e than all space explorations put together. She Got Her Doll On the lighter side, he told of visiting a family atdeath's door. If he had not come upon their· isolated igloo, they would have perished of diphtheria, He : was able to aid them 'to health, . ,however, and on leaving, he invited them to his mission. . ' The little girl of the family was clutching a stick with a rag wrapped around it: "If you · visi't me, I'll. give. you a real. doll," promised Father. . Some months later, battling against snowstorms and arctic temperatures, the family' did , come to the mission, a five day journey by dog sled. Alas, it was just after Christmas, and Father had no dolls lef( . "I went to our store room' and ~ld the Holy Ghost a~d Our . Lady, 'You'd better gel;' going because this little 'girl has never "had a doll in her life,' "r,ecounted Father. "Then I took one last look through the afterChristmas debris. In a box I found it"-the best doll I'd ever bad at the mi~sion. I'll never forget the. look in :that child's eyes as I gave it to her." . _Tlle.missionarY said that there n.ative Eskimo priest 'in .alr Alaska. There .are six' Eskimo , ,', >
Sisters, members of a native community founded ih 1954 by Father O'Connor with the aid of an Ursuline' Sister stationed at his mission. Appropriately, they are known as the Little' Sisters' of the Snow or, 'more formally, as the Oblates of Our Lady of the Snow. Pre-Historic Tidbit Father O'Connor related that in his territory many pre-historic rna s t 0 don s have .been found. In at least one case a carcass was 'so well' preserved through millenia of freezing temperatures'· that when it thawed Eskimo dogs ate its flesh with. relish. .How did the Fall River Diocese ~ome to .play a part in the mission endeavors in this faroff state? Miss Mary· Hart, originator of' the Celestial Igloo Club, relates. that some 20 years ago her sister, Miss Lillian Hart, wrote to the Alaskan missionaries requesting an Eskimo doli· for Mary's collection. . Father O'Connor responded with the doll and a lively correspondence ensued. It has continued through the years, and the missionary has by now become "just like a member of the fa.mily." Some 53 area residents have joined in helping Father O'Connor and "the igloo keeps . getting bigger," say the Misses . Hart. -
CELESTIAL IGLOO: They ,don't look chilly, but these people belong to the Celestial Igloo Club. Their contributions aid Jesuit missions in Alaska. From left, Miss Mary Hart, Miss' Lillian Hart, Bernie Sweeney, Rose Ann McAndrew, Rev. Paul C. O'Connor; S.J.
Superior General of, Pallottines Gen-man World WQr II Veteran
SYDNEY (NC) - Australia's cardinal has asked the government of New South Wales, the nation's most populous state, for financial assistance for Catholic and other private schools. Norman Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of .Sydney, 'present~d a five-point petition for such 'aid to state 'Premier Rober.t J. Heffron. The Premier said the state administration wi'll consider the petition, but added that any change in gover~ment policy will have to be' decided by a convention of the ruling Austra_ lian Labor party. At present,' Catholic . schools receive - no stat~ aid. . Cardinal Gilroy's pet it ion seems likely to touch off a major educational controversy. Protests against, it have already been made by Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian bodies as well as the New' South Wales Council of Churches, which includes Angli(;:ans, Presbyterians, .Methodists, Baptists, Congregationalists and the Salvation Army. But the chairman of the Headmasters' Conference of Independent· "'~hools of Australia, C. O. Healey, said the Cardinal's request for aid is fair.
BALTIMORE (NC) - r The late (Pallottine. Fathers) o~ Superior General of the farflung priests, Brothers and nuns in Pallottine Fathers' community .1835. He died on Jan. 22,.1850.' visited here during the conclusion of his officii:1.1 visitation of foundations' in the Pallottines' eastern U.S. province. German-born Father William Moehler, S.A.C., visited the D' . IOlJ tt'.r..n..r.; d 4'·A(,J.~:S'i·, .I.vv IU "Jv,&· _ H,a.;.".&:.IIS. eastern provincial headquarters COUNT THE COST. Iln INDIA, 1>1UTR£A, ETHIOPIA, here and will terminate his U.S. Continued from' Page One , .r.;UAlt'·j,', mAN, you'l1 live With University, and was .ordained by trip with inspections of founda. hatred," exhaustIOn, 10Dliness, dis.the late Bishop Cassidy on June tions in New Jersey and New ease. :You'd sacrifice yourself, in 011'York. 10, 1933. Iter to .administer the sacraments •.. Father Moehler was drafted For the next two years, Father U you were a Sister, you'd wash out into the German army during taught at St. Joseph's College, me sores of frightened lepers, waco Mountain View, California, and World War II and saw action on . Ule' catechism in fetid, bamboo huts, the Russian front, where he was then pursued graduate stUdies" care tor the blind, the 'ag'cd, orphans, wounded. at the Catholic University of me poor . . . :You'd be, iii other Louvain, . Belgium, from which woros, Ii missionary . • . :You'd live Heads 2,500 d h e recelve a Doctorate in in a hut not lit for dogs, sleep on Une Sacred Theology. The 51-year-old priest, serving ground, eat what the natives .eat. . In the .following years, Father his sec.ohd six-year term as .Tk Holy FaIhtr's Mission Aid :You'd wear yow'self ou~· and dne. .was a professor at St..Edward's Superior General, is the head of for 1& Orimtal Chmrh probably, before you reached liny .. Seminary, Kenmore, Washing- 2,500 P.allottine priests and This is the Near East mission world. It's peopled bi pagilD&ton, and St. Mary~s Seminary, Brothers stationed in 20 -counfor whom Christ died. It's peopled, too, by CatholicS like 01ll1l'Baltimore. tries.' He came to the U.S. two selves, Catholics. too poor to support' a priest or Sister . . . F@1l' Father Galvin then' did pa'rish months ago and has visited com27(1' a day (less than the price ofa pack of cigarettes) you llaD1l work in St. ,Mary's, T~unton, munity houses in Texas, Nevada, train a native priest ... For 33c a day you can' FEED A FAMILY! St. Pet~r's, Dighton; and SS. . North Dakota, Wisconsin and of Palestine Refugees.' .. Not much money, you say? . It isn'e Peter and Paul's, Fall River. Michigan. He also visited sever·much for.· us who have so much. In the Near East missiollD Father served as a pro-syno- .. al foundations in Canada. world, however, $1 is a fortune! .. . For each of our priesoo dal judge of the Diocesan MatFather' Moehler officiated aDd Sisters actually in mission .work, we need len "missionarieD" rimonial Tribunal. recently when 12 men were Uke you a~ home. We. need .people at home who pray evell'Y He leaves'a brother, Rev. Wil- . vested with the Pallottine habit day, for the success of what our priests and Sisters do. We neelll liam A. Galvin, J.C.D., chaplain and 13 others m~de their prohousewi'Ves,. mailmen, ste~ographe~, engineers,. who .will' "cllo . of .the Catholic Memorial Home fessions at the Pallottine noviwithout" and· "make do!'. in order. to send a monthly. sacrlfie2 : Fall .River; and a sister, Siste~ tiate' in Sag Harbor, N.Y. . : ~Is. $1, $5, $10,$50, every' ,month too much to askT Onlll7 ·J.VIaiy.Olga, H.S,M., professor of Since his return to the Palot'. VOD can 'say • • . What's .t worth to save a lioulT , se,ience at Salva' Regina College,' tine headquarters in Rome early N.ewport., and an, Mr. in September, Father Moehler WHA.... YOUR SACRIFI<.::E .WILL. DO P~tet Duffy"of Fall River. has directed preparations for the 'CJ$1 . A MqN,!,H - .. 'Food, clothing;' m e'd Ic a I attention Continued :Ciom Page One'. ,Deacon of the Pontifical Mass' canonization of Blessed Vincent . .' ,. . ' . was ReV." JohnE. Boyd with Pallotti, Scheduled for' Sunday, .lepers.. Send· us $1 now; and say you want' to join Auxiliary Bishop of the Dioc~se, Rev. William E. Collard as Sub- Jan. 20, 1963. pAMIEN LEPER. CLUB." . " . . presided in East Catholic' High' deacon.. Deacons of honor were Blessed' Vi'hcent Pallotti, born ~ ~MONTH - 'A'blanket, shoes; ~ye-gi~sses, for an orphan ~.' School· at a session ,for ."··Rt.·'Rev:;'Jaines'Dolan lind Rt. in Rome in 1795, was character-. boy at Father Poggi's home in CAIRO, EGYPT. - Mark yuur' ,School Students-Future ·ParIsh 'Rev:' Raymond T," Considine'. Rt.· ized by Pope Pius XI as the sacrifice, ~'Father Poggi." ~oard Members." . Rev.' Humberto S. Medeiros was "pioneer and forerunner" of . \ . ' .Rev, ~osepJ:1 L. ?~werii, DIO- .. Assistant Priest.· . Catholic Action. He founded the Q $5. A MONTH - Th'l! rent-money to house a family of Paleif-' c:s~n Dlrec~or of the ~CD, ~~s Minor' officers' of the Mas~ . Society of the Catholic Apostotine Refuges in BETHLEHEM. -' Write to us. . c alr'~Lan 0L adgenh~ra .sessltohn were Rev. John' F. Regan, -Rev. on. . ay ea ers Ip l!l" e Jame' E M h R N O:~8.32 'A- MONTH -' The cost'of traIning a native priest. The. Parish Executive Board".. in '. s.. urp y'. ev. orJ'!lan Provide Vacations entl1'e course of training lasts six years, costs $100 a year $600 S th C th i' H' h S h i ' · ,J, FerriS, Rev. Damel L. Freitas, alto~ether. - Write to u s , ' ' VIENNA (NC) - The Cathoo~ a O.IC 19, . c 00 on Rev. John F. M r h' R Fnday evemng. u p y, ev. lic .charities .organization of the F S· t f 0 L'd' f Donald E. Belanger and Rev · 0 $10 A MONTH - What 'it costs to feed a family of Palesti~e V' . ~ur f ~s er~H °i TU~ .ta . ~ o. James A. McCarthy. Masters of Vienna archdiocese provided Refugees - Arabs who lost everything as a result of the 1948 '. lC ory rom .0 y rim y ar- . Ceremonies were' Rev. John' H Arab4sraeli. War. - Write to us. . l~h, West Ha!wlch, were present Hackett and Rev. John P. Dris~ Summer vacations for 6,000 . children, more than 1,000 of. f9r the entre Congress. . . . . colI . 0. $12.5.0. A MONTH - The cost of feeding', clothing, housing, Sessions of the Congl'ess were . whom w~re sent on holiday to and training a· native Sister. - . We'll send you "your" Sister's attended by Re~. John' J·'C' t'h' , I·'· p' .~ name .and address. You may write to her. She. will write &0 Steakem, Parish CCD Director a 0 IC U Ic;ations Switzerland, the· Netherlands, you. .~"ll{ium and' ·Luxe~bourg.of Irrimacul'ate Conception Show Increase Church, North Easton; Mrs. · J $~O A MONTH .,-Mark your gift "Stringless" and we'll use Timothy Neville, CCD ChairNEW YORK (NC) - Circula- ~~I""'."""I' .., ..~ it where it's . needed most. It wiU buy ,medicIne for a clinic man of the Diocesan Council of tion of Canadian Catholic publi~ ~ b.ooks, for a ~i~sion school, buy a new ro~f for a mission chapel: Catholic Women, and' member' . cations has increased by 169,084; 0
The Missions~Whars Your Part?
. · . CC D C·ong.ress .'. >
of the Parish Exetutiv.e Board of Sf. Joseph's Church, Taunton; . and James Kellehar and Davi<i .' D.ris~oll, also of. ·.St. Joseph's Parish, Taunton. The Congress closed Sunday afternoon' with a Pontifical Mass sung in' th~ new St, Joseph's Cathedral, Hartford, by Most Rev: Henry J. O'Brien of Hartford•. Richard' Cardinal .Cushing was in attendance and preached.
nearly 12 per .cent, over the total listed I a year ago, according to the 1962-63 Catholic Press Directory. Total circulation of the 43 Canadian publications listed in the 1962-63 directory is 1,470,324. The heaviest percentage of increase was in the group of magazines which do not accept advertising. Circulation for 18' &Uch publications listed increases from 775,693 to 910506 an increase of more than 17 'per' Hea'ds Educators cent. ' Newspaper circulation climbed MONTREAL (NC) Msgr./ Irenee Lussier, rector of. the by about 35,000, while the total University of Montreal, 'l~' tfle circulation of magazines acnew president of the Canadian. cepting advertising remained· ··Association of French Language" virtually the same,' it was report!ld.· " ...:.... Educat.ors.
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480 Lexington Ave. at 46th --'.- -_.~-
New Yo~ 17"..., Y~:
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall'River-Thurs. Sept. 20,1962
Coyle-Stang Sunday Clash "Top'S Bristol County Slate
By Jaek KineaV)' To Taunton and New Bedford Vocational goes the honor of getting the 1962' schoolboy season· officially underway. The Artisans, in their first start under Coach Tony Abraham, will host a veteran-studded Herringtown eleven in an afternoon encounter tomorrow at Sargent future of the AFL itself was Field. The Friday date was weighed in the balance. The was televised nationallycontrived to avoid conflict game blacked out in N. E., though-
with the Mt. Pleasant-New Bedford game scheduled loll' Saturday at the same field. Defending co-championsof Bristol County, Attleboro and NorthAttleboro, have traditional opening day assignments. The Jewelers are down to face Durfee at Alumni Field, Fall River, in what has long been regarded as one of B.C.L.'s top grid contests. The Rocketeers who upset Attleboro to gain a share of the title in '61 are at home to Fairhaven. Coach Ed Marx is optimistic 'about his club's chances of staying up there again if only the injury jinx doesn't rear its head. Having the high school scene completely to themselves on Sunday will be Coyle and Stang wb.o wlll meet at Dartmouth's Memorial Stadium in the first Sabbath encounter in the history Il)£ the BCL. This shapes up as a ~tar. The schools played to a I::l:oll'eless 'tie last year in a rock 'em-sock 'em affair at Hopewell Park and those close to the scene look for this clash to follow the oame pattern. Coach Carlin Lynch's Spartans Ci'12 a veteran team, though last year marked their first full varsity schedule. The team has shaped up well in pre-season a::'?immages, showing to particUDOF advantage on defense. The ultimate success of the Dartmouth Parochials hinges on the effectiveness .o~ their signal collers who will attempt to' fill ilie shoes of the great Tom Giasson. Game Notes Assisting Lynch once again ore Chick Corniell of Fall River mull Peter Bartek of Somerset, botlil, former Coyle stars. New 00 the staff is Ray McDonald of Falli' River, ex-Durfee and U.' Mass.' operative. The Spartans' will'play a full Bristol County schedule in all sports 'this year, commencing with football, and the general consensus' seems to be ~nat the rest of the League has.::a healthy regard for the newcomers. Pre-season reports from Fr. Woodley Field, Taunton, indicate' that the Warriors have good size and a solid nucleus around wWch veteran coach Jim Burns and' his aSsistant Jim Lanagan have molded the '62 edition. One of the lettermen returning, Bill Asack, a 6-4; 270-pound, tackle;' comes from the famous Raynham football family. Brother Bob; , f9rmer 'Ta'unton HighColumbia University "great, currently is with the Providence' Steamrollers. With any kind of a break from the weatherman you may expect a record turnout for Sunday's game. It's a natural attraction in that it involves not only two of the areas better eleyens b'ut also' the' area's only two Catholic' high schools Which presently have varsity football. ' Sports Town Boston, a much maligned spor'ts town, showed its true mettle last Sunday when large crowds turned out for each of two headline athletic attractions which through some oversight were scheduled opposite one another. In the windUp of their threegame series in Fenway, the Yanks drew some 25,000, while down the river toward Cam.. bridge the Patriots had 33,000 in Harvard Stadium. This was a crucial game for the Pats~ Their future in Boston hinged on it and it, perhaps is not too far fetched to say the
and from all indications the Pats came over the tube quite well. The game was the first ever to be played by professional teams in historic Harvard Stadium. The site was obtained through the intercession of Boston's Mayor John Collins with University President Nathan Pusey and the Board of Overseers. The halftime show, accented a "New Boston" theme and this presumably was the selling point. Record Test ,The major league pennant races seem to be anything. but that at the moment. Despite the evident faltering course of the no longer vaunted Yankees, Minnesota and Los Angeles failed to close the gap appreciably. In fact, the bewitching hour is just abo'ut at hand for the Los Angeles club which under Bill Rigney's guidance made a stirring challenge for league honors. Minnesota still has a shot but the Twins need help. The National League focus presently is on Dodger shortstop Maury Wills and his attempt to erase Ty Cobb's base stealing record, a mark most people felt would withstand the test of time. It may yet, but Wills with 92 thefts has one week and a half to get another four to tie Cobb, five for a 'new record. Manager Walt Alston has given Wills the green light all year. Now with the pennant practically sewed up and the pressure lessening, Alston no doubt will give him, "carte blanche" the rest of the way. The element of surprise will be totally lacl~ing~. however. Opposing batterymen; only, too aware of Wills'speed and design, will be bearing down' extra hard to keep Maury honest~ We hope he mak,es it.,
Over'subscribe brive 17,0r Minor "Seminary WHEELING ',' (NC) - A $2 million campaign fur' construction of a minor seminary near Parkersburg, ;:W'. Va., was oversubscribed by more than 50 per cent. , , ., ' During the campaign some 31,000 'Catholic wage earners in the, diocese's 99 parishes subscribed $3,112,348 for the new St. Joseph' Preparatory Seminary bl.dlding, fun~.",
DODGERS' OUTFIELDER FAVORITE PLAYER: Frank Howard of the Los Ang~le8 Dodgers has been named "the Most Popular Pro" of 1962 in a competition conducted by the Catholic Youth Organization of Los Angeles and the Tidings, archdiocesan newspaper. Howard, a convert to Catholicism, ,received the award from Father John P. Languille, Cya director, and Charles 'Chuck" Johnson, Tidings sports, editor. Looking on are Johnson's sons Stephen, left, and, Kevin, both CYO members. NC Photo.
School Board Withdraws Objection To Seminary erty changed hands several times COWICHE-TIETON (NC) The Highland School Board has and was eventually acquired by . voted against attempting to the Yakima diocese. block establishment here of II Objections to the proposed minor seminary operated by the seminary were raised on the Yakima, Wash., diocese. 'grounds that the deed accomThe school' board took this panying the property contains a action after receiving clause forbidding use 'of the opinion suggesting that it would school building for a "day be on ,shaky grounds in seeking school." to block the new St. Peter the In June the Highland 'School Apostle Seminary. Board asked the Yakima county prosecutor's office for a legal In a statement on its action, the board said it has concluded opinion as to whether the semthat the seminary would not be inary would constitute a "day in direct competition with the Highland school sy~m. The dispute arose when Bishop Joseph P. Dougherty of Yakima announced plans for establish,TORONTO (NC) - A priest ment of the minor seminary in an old school building owned has been' picked to seleetand 'here 'by the dioCese. The , train a team of college all-stars 'cowiche-Tieton district is II to represent Canada in the 1964 farming area about 14 miles west hockey Olympics. The Canadian Amateur Hockof Yakima. ' ey Association at a meeting here 'Da.y School' turned the job over to Father The school building had for- Dave Bauer of the University of merly been owned by the High- British Columbia, who coached land School District and used as st. Michael's College of Toronto a public high school. It was sold ,to the Memorial Cup championseveral years ago when a new ship .last' year. high, school was built. The propFather Bauer said he will try to· attract outstanding stUdents as well as top hockey players to attend the University' of British COlumbia for two years under his coaching. '
school" and violate the c1?use. After stlldylng the county prosecutor's opinion, the board said it had dec~'Jed that the term "day school" would not apply to the seminary.
Priest to Train Olympics Team
~ Electrical v~~ Contractors
WY 2-0682 OS 9-6712 E. J. McGINN. Prop.
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New Engl~nd's Playgrou~d
BEST FIST FORWARD:, Heavyweight champ Floyd Patterson shows a mighty big right hand to Sister Mildred of St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin,o Ill., when she paid a visit to his training camp. Patterson is hopeful he can use the_ right hand to retain his heavyweight crown against challenger Sonny Liston in Chicago next Tues,day. NC Photo.
, ~4t
944 County St. New Bedford
%%%%%% .%%5££3: - - - - i03IlISlil:A
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sep,t. 20,1962
Chancf1ry Announces Assignments Affecti:ng Nine Diocesan: Priests I
ant at St. JohI', Baptist, New Following studies at St. Charles, Bedford; 'St. Anthony, East Fal- St. Mary's 'and the Sulpician' mouth; St. Anthony of Padua, Seminary; Washington, he 'was ordained June 10, 1929 by the Fall River; St. Anthony, Taunton; and as administrator of Our' late Most 'Rev. Thomas Shahan Lady of Health Parish,Fall at the Shrine of the Immaculate ,Conception, ,Washington. ' River. He has ,served as assistant at I<:atlier," A. McCarthy St. Paui's,' Taunton and St. Father Francis McCarthy, son Mary's Cathedral, Fall River; as administrator at St. Peter's of the late' Francis J. and Mary L.' (Carey) McCarthy, was born Dighton,' and has been pastor of Jan~ 11, 1904' at North Attleboro. < St. Joseph's North Dighton, since February, 1956. ' Father' Curry ,Father Curry was ordained by '.!Jishop Cassidy May 26, 1934· following'studies at St. Charles and St. Mary's. Son of the late Robert J.' Curry and Ann M. VATICAN CITY (NC)-All the facilities needed:br ,(Mullaney) Curry, he was bOrn' the world press to report adequately on the 'cQining ecumel1i- Oct. 31, ,1908. cal council are being provided by the officials, of the council's,' , Pr~vious assignments include press office. This was brought out 'J:1ere, ~n an' ~l!terV~ew ,assistant, at St. Patrick's Warewith Msgr. Fausto Vallainc, , " . h a m · ; ' St. Joseph's, Taunton, and , ~SLPati:ick~s, Fall River. He has' who for the past two years is authorized for ,release, by the served as administrator at St. has been, director of the 'secretary general of the .council; 'Augustirie's, Vineyard Haven press office. Msgr., Vallainc ,Telephone and radio commu- since April 6, 1960. said that "only those will be disnication facilities at council ' Father Mendonca press headquarters., : Father Mendonca was ordained apPl;linted, who either do not Press offl'ces for: seven sepa'' d' t d th' t f 'June 10, 1944' in Mount Carmel un ers an e na ure 0 an rate language groups; 'Chur'ch, New Bedford b'y BI'shop ecumenical council or do not ap_ preciate the limitations which Periodic conferences by exmust be imposed for the sake of perts in various fields on matters which are to be discussed at the good order." council; The council press office is already well along in readying An information office at the service of the bishops. '" the following facilities for members of the press and other comMsgr. Vallainc stated .that so WASHINGTON (NC) - The munications media: , far his office has issued press U.S. Catholic ~oreign relief' Credentials on request to pro- credentials to more than 500 peragency has urged a House for,fessional correspondents and' sons. He expects, he said, that eign aid subcommittee to con-, technicians of the communica- last-minute applicants may total sider earmarking some future tions media; another 300.,' ' foreign aid funds for adminisConference halls and working The credentials - a small ~tration thro~gh voiuntary agenspace for those accredited; leather folder called a tessera- cies. -:-J' A series of, brochures provid- are issued to persons of profes:" , Catholic Relief Services-Naing background material for use sional standing 'who make for- tional Catholic Welfare Conferin their reports on the council; mal application and append a ence called for "careful, longVerbal conferences and printed letter of authorization, from , term consideration", of, this idea communiques whenever material their editors or other superiors. in, a' statement to Chairman Otto E. Passman of Louisina and Jubil~e other members of the foreign Continued from Page One Bedford will be toastmaster. operations subcommittee of the Appropriations CommitMsgr. Dolan has spent many Speakers will include Richard House tee. ' " years as a distinguished and Bentley, parish trustee, Joseph The statement was submitted valued member of the Taunton Megan Sr., lay chairman; Rt. L,ibrary Board. , Rev. Bernard J. Fenton, Colonel by Msgr. John F. McCarthy, asOn Friday morning, Sept. 28, in the Chaplains' Corps and a sistant executive director of the children from the Elemen- native of St. Mary's Parish, CRS-NCWC, on behalf of AuxiI_ 'iary Bishop Edward E. Swantary School and lijgh School will Taunton. attend Mass at 8:30 and present , Most Rev. James L. Connolly, strom of New York, executive a spiritual bouquet to Monsignor Bishop of the Diocese, and Most director. CRS-NCWC had been Dolan. Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary invited to make its views known Sunday has been set aside as Bishop of the Diocese, will also in connection with hearing by the,lJouse unit on U.S" foreign parishioners day. Rt. Rev. Franaddress the gathering. aid ,appropriations. cis McKeon, pastor of the Sacred The evening will close with Maximum Use Heart Church, Taunton, will Monsignor Dolan's address and The CRS-NCWC 'statement preach at the 11 o'clock Mass benediction by his brother, Rev. that will be celebrated by the William H. Dolan, pastor of Holy noted that the 1961 foreign aid, jubilarian. Family Church, Taunton. A reception will be held SunA solemn High Mass will be day afternoon at 4 o'clock at. the celebrated Monday aft'ernoon, Lincoln Park Ballroom followed Oct 1, at 4 o'clock in St. Mary's by a dinner at 5:30. At press Church. Officers assisting Mon,time, it was announced that signor'Dolan, the celebrant, will more than 1150 tickets have been be Rev. Norman: Ferris, deacon, sold. and Rev. Gerald Shovelton; sub.,. 'The invocation at the banquet deacon. The Seminary Clioir will be delivered by Rev. Wil-, }t:0m St. Pius X Seminary, North Contraetors Ham F. Morris, assistant at Easton, will chant the Mass. Corpus Christi Church, SandA reception and dinner for wich and former, assistant at St. priests wiU he held immediately WYman 3;.0911. Mary's Church, ,Taunton, and follo~ing the Ma3s in the school general chairman of the affair. hall and the Sisters will have a ,Rt. ,Rev. Hugh 'A, Gallagher, dinner in tba Convent at the pastor' of St. James Church, New same time ' Continued from, Page One Father Souza Father Souza, son of Mrs. Leopoldina (Silva) Souza and, the late Manuel R. Souza, was born Sept. 24, 1912 in New Bedford. He studied at St. Charles College; Catonsville" Md., St. Mary's 'Seminary, B:ntimore, and Grana , Seminary, Montreal. ' Ordained' J~ne' 3, 1939 by the late Most Rev. Bishop James E. Ca~sidy; lie has served as assist-
. ' ." repar.,n,' 9 Press Office P For Council C.overag' e
Cassidy. Son of Mrs. Maria (AlFather Oliveira ,meida) Mendonea and the late Father Oliveira was born 'Luis G. Mendonca, he was born Sept. iI, 1924, son of Mr. and ',Sept; 26, 1919 in New Bedford. Mrs. Antonio Oliveira: He : 'Following' graduation from studied at ~t:AnthoJ;ly,in Angra, , Holy ,FamilY High, School he the Seminary ,of Angra, St. :completed" hiss'tudies for the Mary's ,Baltimore and at the priesthood' at the Seminary of' Catholic University ,Graduate , Angra" Terceira" Azores; He has, " Schoolo£ Arts and Sciences. served as, assistant at Santo ,Ordained' by Bishop Connolly ,Christo, Fall River; -Immaculate .. June 11, '1949" he 'has served as Concep~0!1 and Mourit Carmel, "assista.nt, 'at ,Santo Christo, Fall New 'Bedford.' ' .. ',River; M()unt, Carm~l, 'New ;Bed, 'Father." R., W; McCarthy . ~ ford and 'at, 5t. Anthony, Taun,'Father RkYR,Iond McCarthy, Jon., :", son of:~r.and Mrs. RaymondW.. ," , - Father Davignon : McCarthy,' '~as ,born Ma,rch'~, • 'Father 'Davignon was or'1919 in North Attleboro. He atdained ,May 11, 1962 by Bishop tended Providence College and 'Connolly and. assigned, to" St. St. Mary'sSerriin~ry, ane, was' Pius. X, South Yarmoutl). Son of ordained'Feb. 24, 1945 by Bishop Mrs. Alma G. '(Malay) Davignon Cassiily. He has served 'as a'ssistand the late Philip~. Dav.ignon, ant at Sacred Heart, Fall River. 'he was born Aug., 20, 1936 in At," F:atherFerreira," .tleboro. He' prepared for the Father, Ferreira is the son of priesthood at St. Thomas SemiMr. and Mrs. John P. Ferreira. "nary, Hartford, and St. ~ary's, , 'He was born Jan. 24; 1930 in Baltimore. . , ~Provincetown. F()llowing' ordi. Father Borges, nation by Bishop Connolly on Father Borges, son' of Mrs. ',April 2, 1960 he was assigned to Maria (daLuz) Borges and 'the St. Elizabeth's, Fall River. He late Manuel Borges, was born ,serves as notary on the Matrt- Sept. 9,1913 in Lomba da Fazeda, monial Tribunal. ·St. Michael. He studied at An'gra, Terceira,' Azores and· was ordained there' on June 20, 1937 by Most Rev., Bishop Wiliam A. 'Guimares. Following service in ,Angra he was named assistant at St. Michael's, Fall River and has Ag~ncies ,also served at Espii'ito Santo and act expressed it as !'thl! sense Our:Lady of Angels, both in Fall of Congress" that the President River. should make' "maximum'" use of the services and facilities of voluntary organizations regis,'''Hope keeps, us with '. ,tered with t~e 'Advisory Coma song in our heart." mittee on Voluntary Foreign Aid. ' The advisory 'committee is a branch of the U.S;' Agency for I n t ern a t ion a I Development (AID). The statement said efforts by AID administrators and staff members to carry out this congressional intention have been "heartening." 'Duty Conscience' The Catholic Relief Services statement, reaffirmed 'the 'organization's sup'port for the U.S. foreign aid program. It said U.S. aid to needy nations is "a requirement of world reality and a duty of conscience." "Weare convinced that such aid is a moral and humanitarian Save at The Bank that specializes duty deriving... from the in Savings. $1.00 open's your account' Judaeo-Christian heritage from which the people and purpose, ideas and ideals of our nation have sprung," it said. Current
Asks Funds, for Administration Through Voluntary
Monsignor Dolan
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Old Red 'Bank Fall River Savings Bank
,703: S. Water Street New' Bedford