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. diocese of fall river

t eanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 38



20c, $6 Per Year

Marian Tribute Columbus Day

Cathedra I Rite To Install 14

Plans are almost finalized for the annual diocesan candlelight procession and outdoor Mass honoring Our Lady and seeking her intercession for the cause of world peace. To be held Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 8, the observance will include a procession from St. Mary's Cathedral to Kennedy Park in Fall River. Procession participants, who will recite the rosary and sing Marian hymns in their languages of ethnic origin, will gather at the cathedral at 5:30 p.m. Parishes will march as a body, with banners, flags and other insignia identifying many groups. .

Fourteen men from thoughout the diocese will be' installed Sunday as acolytes in rites at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, will be principal celebrant at the 10 a.m. Mass during which the installation rite will take place. .The men, candidates for ordination as the first class of permanent deacons to serve the Fall River diocese, are Francis J. Camacho, Our Lady of the Cape parish, Brewster; Manuel H. Camara, St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River. John W. Cwiekowski, Holy Family, Taunton; Oscar T. Drinkwater, Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; Albert L. Gallant, St. Mark, Attleboro Falls; Maurice Lavallee, St. Rita, Marion. James J. Meloni Jr., St. Mark; Paul G. Metilly,' St. Theresa, South Attleboro; Franciszek W. Mis, St. Stanislaus, Fall River; Benjamin A. Nogueira, Our Lady of Victory. Eugene L. Orosz, St. Dominic, Swansea; Leo W. Racine, St. Joseph, New Bedford; John H. Schondek, St. Paul, Taunton; Vincent P. Walsh, Holy Trinity, West Harwich. In this most teachable moment it should be noted that the acolyte is appointed to aid the deacon and minister to the priest. It is his duty to attend to the service of the altar and to ,assist the deacon and the priest in liturgical celebrations, especially in the celebration of Mass. He is also to distribute holy communion as an extraordinary minister when the ministers spoken of in canon 845 of the Code of Canon Law are not available or are prevented by ill healtli, age, or another pastoral ministry from performing this function, or when the number of those approaching the sacred table is ~o great that the celebration of Mass would be unduly prolonged. An Apostolic Letter issued in Motu Proporio form by Pope Paul VI and having to do with the ministry of the instituted acolyte also states that "the formally instituted acolyte may be entrusted with publicly exposing the Blessed Sacrament for adoration by the faithful and afterwards replacing it, but not with blessing the people. He may also, to the extent needed, take cat:e of instructing other faithful who, by temporary appointment, assist the priest ordeacon in liturgical celebrations by carrying the missal, cross, Turn to Page Seven

Each parish is asked to appoint 10 men as marshals to assist in crowd direction. Parishes may also designate four men each to participate in carrying the statue of Our Lady in the procession. Such bearers are asked to wear a special robe or ,other designation. As in previous years, space will be reserved near the Kennedy Park altar for those in Turn to Page Eleven

Chinese Leader May Meet Pope VATICAN CITY (Nq-ehairman Hua Guofeng (Hua Kuofeng) of China and Pope John' Paul II might meet during Hua's visit to Italy in November. Speculation over the possible encounter, which would be the first between a Chinese communist leader and the pope, followed a series of Vatican moves to open dialogue with leaders of the world's most populous nation. In August Pope John Paul declared publicly that the Vatican wanted to restore relations that existed before 1949. Before the communist takeover in 1949, there were more than 3 million Chinese Catholics. But in the 1950s the Communists jailed, killed or exiled' practically all foreign missionaries and many native church leaders.

THE FIRST YEAR in office of Pope John Paul II will be capped by his visit to the United States. He exhibits a variety of expressions in these Vatican photos. (NC Photos)

Joy Is the Keynote

With the rest of American Catholicism, the Fall River diocese is making joyous preparations for the forthcoming U.S. visit of Pope John Paul II. Well over 100 buses have been chartered so far by diocesan parishes to make an all-day trip to Boston Monday, Oct. 1. Distinctive banners will be carried by many parish representatives. Many diocesan priests will be present at the prayer service in For more than two decades, Holy Cross Cathedral 'which will only one public Mass a week precede the Boston Common was allowed in the whole coun- papal Mass scheduled for 5:30 try. This was a Sunday Mass p.m. Oct. 1. Others will be at the at the cathedral in Beijing Boston Common, where there (Peking), for the benefit of for- will also be special sections for eign diplomats stationed in the religious sisters and brothers. capital. Bishop Daniel A. Crouin will The only recognized Catholic be among concelebrants and organization in the country ha~ . Msgr. Thomas ;T. Hardngton, been the Catholic Patriotic Asso- diocesan chancellor, and Msgr. ciation, set up by communist au- John J. Oliveira, vice-chancellor, thorities in the 1950s and forced will be among ministers of the Eucharist at the Mass. Father Turn to Page Nine

Jon-Paul Gallant and Father Stephen A. Fernandes will be members of the choir for the occasion, together with several diocesan seminarians. "The occasion of :Pope John Paul's visit provides catechists and teachers with a significant teachable moment," said Father George W. Coleman, diocesan director of education, in a letter to classroom teachers and religious education personnel. He urged educators to. "offer young people a vision of Church which extends beyond the local parish. . . . Young people," he added, "through deepened understanding of these elements, can come to cherish their membership in a local Church whose Bishop is in communion with the Bishop of Rome." Diocesan officials also issued a note of warning in connection with the pilgfimage many will

make to Boston on Oct. 1. They reminded the faithful to be alert to their own personal safety, pointing out that pickpockets and others often take the opportunity of large gatherings to prey on the unwary.' Many parishes are suggesting that travelers bring lawn chairs and a brown :bag' lunch, bearing in mind that the waiting time before the Mass will be long and refreshment' facilities will be overtaxed. Plans call for Boston to be closed to automobiles at 12:01 a.m. Oct. 1. The Common will not be open to pilgrims until early morning. Despite such restrictions, it is expected that some 2 million will come to the city for the papal visit, with numbers swelled by anticipation that the day will be declared a half-holiday. On the national scene, the finTurn to Page Seven


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of, Fall River':'--Th~r. 'Sept. '20, j 979

ill People.Places路Events-NC News Briefs ill Power Struggle

Australian Power

ST. CLOUD, Minn. - "The time for SYDNEY Australia-"If the Catholic Christian reconciliation has come," said ,people of Australia were mobilized, we Bishop George Speltz of St. Cloud in an would have the resources - the homes, open letter to members of the diocese in- money, good will and expertise - to volved in a controversy over' a powerline. solve the refugee crisis," said Auxiliary The 400 kilowatt powerline built by the Bishop John Gerry of 路Brisbane. Bishop Cooperative Power Association of Edina Gerry, chairman of Australian Catholic and the United Power Association of Elk Relief, was interviewed in Sydney after River has been the subject of a dispute he had visited a refugee camp at Ubon, since construction began more than' three near the Laotian-Cambodian border. years ago.

Canterbury See LONDON - Anglican Bishop Robert Runcie of St. Albans, 57, has been named archbishop of Canterbury to succeed Archbishop Donald Coggan, who will formally retire in January. Bishop Runde, who has headed the St. Albans Diocese since 1970, will be the 102nd archbishop of Canterbury.

Cardinal Medoator

New Diocese' WASHfNGTON-Pope John Paul II has raised the apostolic vicariate of the 'Caroline and Marshall Islands in the western and central Pacific Ocean to the level of a diocese, the apostolic delegate in the Un,ited States announced. The pope named Bishop Martin J. Neylon, 59, a U.S. Jesuit who has been serving as vicar apostolic since 1971, as the first bishop of the new diocese, said the apostolic delegate, Archbishop Jean Jadot.

TORONTO-Cardinal G. Emmett Car.ter of Toronto has agreed to be a mediator between the Toronto police force and the city's blacks, angered by the death of a Jamaican immigrant shot by a policeman. The Toronto Board of Police Com: missioners appointed the cardinal a mediator in response to the black community's protests over the death of the immigrant, Albert Johnson, 35, who was shot in his own home.

NEW ..YOK-Bread for the World, an ecumenical Christian lobby on hunger issues, has called on Congress to launch a survey to locate and count hungry Americans. The organization said such a survey would help find the "hidden poor" and target U.S. food programs better. .

CETA Testimony

Victory Statement

MILWAUKEE - Federal Judge John Reynolds has agreed to accept testimony from persons directly involved in the Comprehensive Employment and Training program - CETA - in Milwaukee County Catholic schools in order to clarify their role in the government-funded project.

MANAGUA, Nicaragua - The 300 priests of Nicaragua have asked the Government of Rec,onstruction to heed the people's will which led to victory against the Somoza dynasty. The priests' statement's opening words gave thanks to God, "for the Lord fought alongside our 'people and led them to victory."

Hunger Survey

KNOCK SHRINE, County Mayo, Ireland, where Pope John Paul II will celE\brate Mass Sept. 30, the day before his arrival in Boston. At right is the new Basilica of Our Lady, Queen of Ireland, where invalids will receive a special blessing from the pope. At left is the village church of St. John the Baptist, where the Knock apparition of Mary, St. Joseph and

Sunshine Sunday READING, Pa.-A nationwide ecumenical organization which ministers to millions of shut-ins will observe the 10th anniversary of its founding Oct. 21. The National Shut-In Day Society, founded and directed by Msgr. Felix A. Losito, has been celebrating the third Sunday of October as Sunshine Sunday to renew concern for the sick, disabled, elderly and imprisoned.

free Heroin Opposed ROME-A writer in the Vatican daily newspaper opposed as "inadequate" an Italian plan to provide free governmentadministered heroin to known drug addicts and called instead for a strengthening of religious values. Franciscan Father Gino Concetti said in an editorial in L'Osservatore Romano that the values that give reason to life are religious values.

Winning Ways GLASGOW, Scotland - Archbishop Thomas J. Winning of Glasgow received assurances from Argentine authorities that several specific cases of missing political prisoners are being investigated. The archbishop had written to Argentine President Jorge Videla after discussions with Amnesty International, a Londonbased organization monitoring observance of human rights.

No Coverup PHILADELPHIA-Pope John Paul II did not "cover up" a scandal involving the U.S. branch of a Polish religious order, said a spokesman for the Philadelphia Archdiocese, where the order operates a Doylestown shrine honoring Our

Lady of Czestochowa. The spokesman, Msgr. Charles' B. Mynaugh, archdiocesan communications director, made public the provisions of a Vatican decree dated May 21 and ~.,sued with the approval of Pope John Paul.

Reporh Unfounded V.ATIOAN CITY - A Vatican spokes" man said reports that suspended Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre has come to an agreement with Pope John Paul II on issues that led to his suspension from the priestly ministry' in 1976 are "without foundation." "Regarding the press reports on the Lefebvre: case, it is noted that it is still under examination by the Vatican," said the spokesman, Father Romeo Panciroli.

Convergence Seen LONDON-There was "real convergence" on the highly divisive issues of papal primacy and infallibility at the latest meeting of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission held in Venice, Italy, said a communique. This convergence, though it fell short of complete agreement, encouraged hope that a final report m,ight be Qffered to the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches within two years, the communique said.

. Walking for Life DENV.ER - After trekking over 1,500 miles from San Diego to Denver, right-tolife walker 路Bill Smith is still enthusiastic about his 4,000 mile March for Life to Washington and is straightforward about why he's doing it. "I'm out here doing this because abortion represents the biggest outrage against civil and human rights."

S1. John the Evangelist took place 100 years ago. The field in the foreground and the parking lot of the original church will be occupied by the thousands of pilgrims expected to attend the papal Mass. Shl1lbbery at the left will be removed to afford more space for worshipers. (Picture . courtesy of New York Office, ShrIne of Knock)

THE Al'iCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thur, Sept. 20, 1979

PRIESTS' COUNCIL members c::oncelebrate Eucharist with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin-to open their first meeting of the season. (Torchia Photo)

Msgr. John Tracy Ellis Says:

Authority,ls U.S. Need "As the American people continue to search for a road out of the confusion and bewilderment that have overtaken them of late, they would do well to ponder the national need for a stronger measure of authority and discipline," declared Msgr. John Tracy Ellis at a banquet honoring the sesquicentennial of The Pilot of Boston, the archdiocesan newspaper. "No one wishes to suggest a turn toward totalitarianism," continued the dean of American church historians, "but history' supports the view that a sustained period without strong and respected authority inevitably opens the way either to anarchy or to authoritarianism." Msgr. Ellis said that if the U.S. Catholic community is true t~ its tradition, it will first support that philosophy itself and "insofar as that is possible, will exert its influence among Americans of other faiths." His comments came during a "state of the American church" speech in which he listed five "signs of the times": -the cry for freedom -the urge to pluralism ....:....the call to prayer -the shadow of anti-Catholicism -the papacy renewed. Freedom, said the' historian, must be limited "by virtue of its link to moral responsibility" and must be associated with obedience to lawful authority. He described pluralism as "a surge of individualism" and said it has become a "force in human affairs that is almost without parallel" and that it is the development of democracy as a way of life, "a further manifestation of the enhanced position of the individual person." Msgr. ~ms called the current "hunger路 and thirst for prayer" one of the most !hopeful aspects of contemporary life and he noted that its practice is growing, especially among the young.

He added that "turning to God in prayer is one of the most eloquent ' testimonies to the . . . internal soundness, so to speak, of the human spirit." .That antiJCatholicism is real, said Msgr. Ellis, he is convinced: but that it is a grave threat to the church, he seriously doubts. He pointM to five previous major waves of anti-Catholicism in 'the !history of the American church and noted that "unpleasant though these surely were, to no serious degree did they impede the church's progress." The most "healing remedy" for such prejudice, said the historian, would be the steady adherence of Catholics to their faith, "confident of the validity of their premises, but confident as well that the intelligence and sense of fairness of the majority of their fellow citizens will in the end operate in their favor." A major sign of encouragement for the church, concluded Msgr. Ellis, is the person of Pope John Paul II, who "has alerted the entire world to the possibility of a fresh approach to human rights solidly based on the moral :law" and has "lilted the human spirit to a new plateau of hope." The Pilot banquet was attended by 1000 well-wishers, including a delegation from the Fall River diocese headed by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. Bishop Cronin's presentation of a painting of the bark "Gazelle" to Cardinal Humberto S. Medeiros was a highlight of the 'banquet program. The painting depicts the whaling ship that carried a former Pilot editor to Boston from penal servitude in Australia. Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic del~gate in the United States, represented Pope' John Paul II for the occasion. Mrs. Ethel Gintoft, president of the Catholic Press Association, and Richard W. Daw, director of the National Catholic News Service, represented their organizations.

From the moment of his election, Pope John Paull! has demonstrated a warmth, friendliness and flair for filling the television screen with stirring pictures that have turned his ministry into an exciting story for reporters and viewers alike. The new issue of TV GUIDE magazine takes a look at the Pope's awareness of, and respect for, the power of television. It's a story you won't want to miss.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979


the living word-

Shake Hands with the Devil There js an old Irish phrase often used with reference to a person or group willing to go to any extreme for the sake of its particular cause. It is employed not just with a sense of mere mischief making, but rather as a reflection of the machinations of the malicious. The expression is: "they would shake hands with the devil." It appropriately describes the antics of that very small but well-organized group of women that is preparing to picket the visit of Pope John Paul II to New England.

As reported on the front page of last Friday's Boston Globe, even the president of the Archdiocesan Sisters' Senate is planning to use another Irish ploy in an attempt to furtller the "boycoW' cause. As quoted, it seems that the "pe.rson" president feels that the papal visit is being- used as. another opportunity to discriminate against the role of women in the church.. "The corresponding fallout statements from similar sources also indicate that more demonstrative forms of ptotest will be planned for the Holy Father as he arrives for his historic but shQrt New England stay. This indeed is more than tragic. In the first order of reflection it clearly indicates not only a fundamental lack of good manners, but more profoundly an abiding ignorance. When people who claim to be serious and dedicated daughters of the church use this type of arena for their personal grievances, then all we have is sounding ~rass and tinkling cymbals. For example, in the matter of special ministers of the 'Vainly the guard keeps watch, if the city has not the Lord Eucharist, which is being employed as a platform for pro- test, anyone with common sense would know that they are for its guardian.' Ps. 126:1 just that. They are not the'ordinary ministers of the Eucharist, according to church teaching. Their use is based on need, not show. If there are suffJcient clergy present, then it is obvious For a variety of reasons, the fiture of the Polish government the Organizer, organ of the Hinthe need for special Eucharistic ministers just does not exist. travels of modern popes have over how to receive Pope John du political Peoples' League Yet this point of contention on their part is merely symptoPaul Ii was also evident. occasioned concern. Party, demanded cancellation of matic and goes far beyond the pale of merely not knowing. More substantial fears of po- the entire Eucharistic Congress. Many fears reflect anxiety for It truly is malignant and malevolent for any Catholic the safety of the pontiff. When litical implications over-shad- "India has no objection to to ignore or protest the person of the Holy Father and the a knife-wielding attacker made owed the niceties of protocol on Christ, but it has every objecan attempt on the life of Pope the Polish journey as on others. tion to 'Roman' Catholics," fundamental teaching of the Church. The announcement of Pope thundered the editorial. "India . Paul VI at the Manila airport in The anxious should reflect that it is. has been and 1970, the efficacy of security Paul's Holy Land Pilgrimage of will accept only 'Indian Cathalways will be Catholic belief that the dignity of the perSon measures throughout his entire 1963 touched off Arab 路fears. The olics. Anything else will be a Israeli ambassador to Italy, the menace to the securi.ty and inof the pope goes far beyond the simplistic view of him held Asian tour was questioned. Arab Catholic Archbishop Neo- tegrity of India." During the same trip, Ausby some who seemingly have set strange gods before themfito Ede~by, and finally Pope The paper warne~ of riots in tralian papers criticized schedselves. ulers for subjecting the frail- Paul himself emphasized that reaction to what it perceived as Let it be clearly stated, lest it be forgotten by those looking 73-year-old pontiff to an the journey was completely re- . an alien, Western religion; but in the event, the Pope's trip was who feel themselves among the slighted, that John Paul II agenda so grueling that he ap- ligious and- nonpolitical. Likewise, the Pope路 had to an ecumenical and diplomatic is the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter as the Vicar peared visisbly exhausted. Awkward diplomatic situa- stress that his 1970 Asian trip triumph. of Christ. His prerogatives are not merely those of honor The impending visit of Pope "exclusively apostolic, tions have sometimes complica- was and of presiding place. The pope, it should be recalled to ted papal travels. The President hence, religious, ecclesial, spirit- John Paul II has already aroused all who profess the one, holy and Catholic faith, is the head of officially anticlerical Mexico ual, and missionary." fears for his security in Ireland, of the church. The mission of Pope Paul to troubled for years with extremwelcomed Pope John Paul II ist sectarian violence. Already As such, it is to him that the keys of the kingdom have earlier this year as a "disting- the Eucharistic Congress in Bom- the Vatican has emphasized the uished visitor" to the country, bay in 1964 produced the apprebeen given. Moments when we are graced with his presence addressing him simply as "sir." hensions often raised by a papal purely "pastoral nature" of his should be a source of blessing for all Catholics, not a time Although U.S. Presidents Wil- visit. The very announcement visit to the United States. But to parade before him the Pharisees and Sadducees of our son, Eisenhower, and Kennedy that the Pope was. going to In- Pope John Paul's physical hardiday. had attended papal audiences in dia, which had seized that Portu- ness is evident and precedents

Problems and Perils of Papal Travel


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.


EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore,


leary Press-Fall River

the Vatican, the visit of' Pope Paul VI to New York in 1965 excited American squeamishness about church and state, along with traditional suspiciousness of Rome. President Johnson met the Pope privately and unofficially. The fear of setting a precedent also created a problem for the . United Nations. Secretary General U Thant accorded Pope Paul the status of a chief of state (Vatican City State), speaking to the General Assembly as his personal guest. The discom-

guese colony of Goa in 1961, was taken as a "gratuitous offence" by the Portuguese, whose government maintained a "hurt and dignified silEmce" about the trip. Two Catholic papers in that country even refrained from reporting the Indian mission. Pope Paul's 1967 pilgrimage to Fatima for the 50th anniversary of the Marian apparitions there may have worked incidentally to salve Portuguese feelings. India viewed the Pope's visit with another kind of apprehension. Fearing a "papal invasion,"

would seem to indicate that concern regarding politics or safety - beyond the caution appropriate whenever large crowds are assembled - is unwarranted. - u.s. Catholic Conference Office of Public Affairs



Second Class Postage Pai~ at Fall River, Mass. Published every Th~rsday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fill River. Subscription price by mall, postpaId $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addrell changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fill River, MA 02722


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979

Letters to the Editor

doors and the door of every Catholic home in the diocese. It would be a tremendous expression of our love and loyalty to our country and to the Holy See. I would like to take this opportunity to mention that a few weeks ago I' had the nice occasion of visiting the Mother Church of the Diocese, St. .Mary's Cathedral. The newly restored, redecorated and renovated Cathedral is truly a thing of beauty. I would urge all families of the Diocese to really

letters are welcomed, but sho~ld be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.

Feet Are Needed Dear Editor: In reply to ALC's criticism of Marilyn Roderick's column, I must state that without Marilyn and Joe I would feel that they left off the shoes of a welldressed page of columnists. The top - the head - good old Father Greeley. He teaches, he expounds and infuriates us but like our best-remembered teachers, we are all improved by the exercise. Sometimes you wonder whether he is for or against the Catholics, but you know he is what we need to improve our' Catholic consciousness. Below the shoulders- near the heart - dear Mary Carson, who is just so sensitive and sensible. I remember some past bitter criticism of her, which she survived because The Anchor realized that we needed her. For support we have Jim Castelli whose column bears out the practical and everyday facts of ' life for Catholics. But everyone needs two, feet. Joe and Marilyn make a fine ' I , pair. Between them they cover the bases in the game of Catholic living. Sincere and good parents who reflect the decent bringing up of the family in spite of the many problems concerning food, clothing; sickness which are the despair of many parents. I as well as my wife look for her recipes and I have suggested on occasions that we try them. Several proud accomplishments in cooking that my wife has enjoyed are a result of recipes from Marilyn's column. Lemon cream squares and French silk pie are just two of the excellent ones. And Joe is invaluable in his advice on seasonal care of home and garden. Why, it's almost impossible to skip past any person on this page. While this letter mentions o~e specific page, I am not ignoring the rest of the features, especially the excellent "Know Your ·Faith" and "The Mooring." I am the average praticing' Catholic - no zealot by any means - but I appreciate the fine layout of The Anchor. Nothing's perfect, so I believe, but I cannot feel dissatisfied with its content. Keep 'em all, especially that rascal Andrew. John F. Rogers Sr. Seekonk

Write On! Dear A.L.C. from Fall River: . I feel sorry for you, being disturbed by Marilyn Roderick's little column. I personally enjoy it as I'm sure many other people do. Do II detect shades of green between the lines of your letter? Why is our newspaper expected to limit its scope to moral and religious issues? The great and glorious A:uthor of life is concerned with every little as-

,1,'* ",,~~~

SISTER CECILE LEBEAU, CSC, left, new Sisters' Senate president, receives records from Sister Rosellen Gallogly, RSM, outgoing president. Sister Cecile is principal of St. Anthony'S School, New Bedford; Sister Rosellen is an attendance officer in the New Bedford public school system. life, laughter, peace and joy! Above all, give me my God who says "Hey, I know things are rough there on earth, but don't let it get you down. You know what I've got prepared for you after this little sojourn is over, right?" Peace my friend. God love you and bring you gentle easy times, and peace to warm your heart, that your love will overflow to everyone. Una Michaud Somerset

Marilyn's recipe for scones from maybe three years ago has brought many happy smiles and comments from my family. This is good! Our Lord Jesus loved a good meal with His friends. I'~ sure He'd love Marilyn's recipes also. Write on Marilyn!

Dear Editor: For the momentous occasion of, Our Holy Father, John Paul, coming to our beloved country and to our own state, I would like to make a suggestion for all the, People of God in the Diocese of Fall River. As a manifestation of our great love for country and for the Vicar of Christ I would suggest on Monday, October I, that every parish and every home in the diocese tty the Stars and Stripes and the Yapal flag, or if the Papal flag is not available, then to post a picture of Pope John Paul on the church

The last' line of that letter really bears comment too. "apparently the worries of the world don't disturb the Roderick family lifestyle at all." Are we to go around wearing the gloom of the world on our faces? Heaven help us! Give me




.Fly the Flags

THE ANCHOR will publish a special issue on Thursday, Oct. 4 in honor of Pope John Paul II's visit to the United States and more especially to New England. We have already received many advertisementsof congratulations and felicitations on this historic occasion; If your business, organization or 'parish would like to be included in this souvenir issue, sure to be kept for many years, please contact: Rosemary Dussault, Advertising Manager THE P.O. Box 7

ANCHOR Fall River, Mass.


How can you get more for your mission dollars? In Mukkudam, India, only $5,000 will build a church and a house for Father Francis. Catholics there now worship in a flimsy thatched shed which they built th~mselves and is now collapsing. Although they are so poor that few can even afford three meals a day, they have 'raised almost half the total funds needed and will contribute their labor free of charge....The Franciscan Clarist Sisters in Chalakudy, India, maintain a hostel for the Christian education of children three to ten years old to counteract the Godless education they would receive in the government schools. They live and teach 'in a small house with a very high rent. They despera'tely need a more' spacious building of their own. They can build cine for as little as $3,000. Pope John Paul II asks your help in these worthy undertakings. Please send what you can-$500, $50, $5. We'll mount plaques in the native language asking prayers for all donors.


$20 will feed a family of Palestine refugees for one month. In thanks we'll send 'you an Olive Wood Rosary from the Holy Land.


To enable refugee boys to become self-supporting as carpenters (St. Joseph's trade), Salesian Father Giuseppe Giorgis in Bethlehem needs lumber (total cost: $750) for worktables, desks, stools, etc. $50 will buy the tools each boy must have.


Fadia's father was killed by gun fire. Her mother is dying of cancer. Her home was destroyed by a rocket. There are thousands of needy children like her in Lebanon alone. You can "adopt" one for only $14 a month. Well send you a picture and personal history and "your" child will write to you,

Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering THE CATHOLIC













MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary



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--- - -






Telephone 675-7151

The Evidence "A mistake is evidence that someone has tried to do something." - Andrew Mellon



**t: \.,

pect of it and rejoices with us when we are lighthearted and happy. Marilyn writes with joy and a zest for living. How can she be faulted for that? What's wrong with commenting on the beautiful, steady stream of average daily living which everyone engages in with hardly a thought? It's reassuring that someone else thinks this is worthwhile too. I enjoy the other articles too and find them informative and interesting, but there is room for Marilyn too. May I suggest that you just refrain from reading her column and let the rest of us enjoy it.

make a pilgrimage to the Cathedral. It would be for them a true spiritual experience, and give them the true realization of how their contributions to their Mother Church 'have given magnificent beauty to the House of God. Father Allan J. Foran, OFM Our Lady's Chapel New Bedford

1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826·1480


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979


I recently found myself in a discussion that seemed straight out of the 1950s. The issue: Why are there no great Catholic universities? The answer 20 years ago was , that the church was spreading its resources thin and that it should combine the best of its institutions of higher education into "one good university." I always thought that argument absurd. There is no centralized church authority that could achieve such a combination of resources.

• Notre Dame Best In Worl d? Why Not, Says Greeley But 20 years later the problem stitutions. instruction there is first rate. The remains, despite the educational My colleague and now boss, - success of its recent fund-raistransformation in the American' William McCready, was given a ing drive provides it with Catholic population and the choice by Chicago's Loyola Uni- enough endowments to recruit many exceilent younger Cath- ,versity to either leave Loyola high quality faculty. It is not or leave his research affiliation. clear to me, however, that the olic scholars. Religious orders must bear Dr. McCready, now an associate present faculty is capable of ,ussome of the blame. Although professor at the University of . ing the university's new retheir bright young people do Chicago, didn't have a difficult sources to make it a distinguishgraduate work in the best uni- time making the choice. ed university as well as a disversities, they do not seem to Mind you, many Catholic in- tinguished undergraduate col,live up to their training or stitutions provide superb under- lege. There are two routes it can promise, possibly because of graduate instruction. But you take: One, it can go for "big names" "rec room" pressures toward cannot have a real university mediocrity. without a scholarly arts and sci- spread out across the disciplines Bizarrely, the two most crea- ence .faculty. Despite the enor- without any regard to either tive of the younger generation mous pumber of brilliant young their field or religious orientaof Catholic theologians (I think Catholic scholars in the country, tion. Two, it can recruit the best everyone would agree) are di- there is not a single Catholic ocesan priests David Tracy and arts and science faculty that the scholars in certain specific areas John Shea, and the best young rest of the country takes seri- of Catholic interest and become the best possible university in empirical social scientists in the ously. Notre Da~e will be an inter- the world in those areas. country are almost all lay people, most not at Catholic in- esting test case. Undergraduate If the first strategy is pur-

sued, Notre Dame will, for the most part, get only those big names who are beyond their most productive years, have lost prestige and influence in their own institutions, and are not beil1g actively sought by places' like Harvard, Yale, Berkley or Michigan. If the second strategy is followed, Notre Dame will quickly become the best Catholic university in the world and an institution universally respected.

I probably should be having a mid-life crisis. But there isn't time. Certainly there were good things when the children were young. But there is just too much of the business of living today to fret about time that will never return.

children, little problems; big children, big problems." We were going through one of those "big children" anxieties with an inexperienced driver, away on too long a trip, who was due home hours earlier. My husband and I were doing busywork to try to allay fears. Finally I said to him, "Remember the good old days when all we had to worry about was my being pregnant, and two babies on bottles, and three in diapers, and one of them throwing up every night?" I'm anxious to go back.

is a teen-ager she's going to be a big girl . . . no more imaginary friends, like "Tough Guy" and MARY "Rich the Ronz." She is suddenly going to be transformed CARSON into a meticulous, cooperative, gracious young lady. All her less than desirable behavior, always doings of her ro_ughneck imMy youngest child is thir- the aginary friends, will be tucked teen today. She is retarded, 'away with the things of the so she is more like a seven or child. eight year old, but she is abAnd I don't believe a word of solutely bubbly about being it. "grownup." I probably should be depressFor the last month she has ed today. I probably should be been telling me that when she very conscious of growing older.



Public opinion polls show that while a majority of Americans favors nuclear energy, a similar majority opposes construction of nuclear power plants in their neighborhoods. , Most Americans are concerned about safety in nuclear plants, although at times there seems less concern about actual danger

When my own children were little I had a theory that the best way to raise a family was to start with the third child. By that time you had made most of the mistakes. Now I think you should start with grandchildren. Throughout life we tend ,to see the troubles of the moment and match them to the joys of the past. The comparison pushes the present problems out of proportion. And wherever there are strains with older children, someone reminds you, "little

Besides, the sting that often comes when there is no longer a little one around is forgotten when I talk with my young daughter-in-law. In two more months she'll have our first grandchild.

I am still an 'Irish Catholic. I still cheer for Dan and Digger. I still think Father ,Ted is the most influential priest in America. And I still want Notre Dame to be No.1. I hope somebody down there can make sure that the second strategy is followed.


Nuclear 'Power Has Cloudiest Crystal Ball of All than a feeling that no one knows representatives, "is that is is almost impossible for the citizen what the danger is. Two Catholics working from to get a clear picture. I might somewhat different perspectives add that it is open to question recently made some telling com- whether one can get a straight answer." ments on the subject. Ahearne cited conflicting opinOne is Bishop Joseph Daley of Harrisburg, who called for a ions in several reports on dangers moratorium on new nuclear from low-level radiation. "Scientists do not agree," he plant construction until safety said. "It is no wonder the genquestions can be resolved. The other is John Ahearne of eral publIC is confused and the the NUcl~ar Regulatory Com- ,residents of the Harrisburg area mission, an active layman who have no confidence they know once took part in a Georgetown what the future will bring." University seminar on ethics in Bishop Daley spoke of the government. ' "I believe one problem with information crisis from the persnuclear power," Ahearne said in pective of people in the Harrisa speech to, nuclear industry burg area.


From the time of the crisis at velopments in terms of evil inThree-Mile Island," he said, "we tent and confrontations, it does have been virtually overwhelmed ,not seem likely that the debate by conflicting and confusing in- will produce legitimate and morally acceptable long-term solu-, formation. "The people most directly af- tions." fected have found themselves But that doesn't mean the nuvictims not only of the emotion- clear industry should be imal and physical .effects of the mune from criticism and Ahearne accident, but of the lack of re- takes it to task without con-' liable information on which to demning it. "I recognize that those of you make personal decisions about their own lives and their fami- who have been in the industry for many years may feel entirely lies." Bishop Daley said it was in- justified in seeing yourself as evitable that, in such an atmos- under constant seige," he said. phere, people would look for "Nevertheless, unless you can rise above that, J don't really scapegoats." But, he said, "if we frame the see that you have much of a debate over nuclear energy de- hope as an industry."

Wood Stove: Hard Work, Dirty ~ But C1h!eap, Hot By JOSEPH


Our wood stove experiment is continuing. It would not be an exaggeration to say that we probably saved enough. money in our first sear to pay for it!

Stoves give tremendous heat. all the work. It's certainly better There, of course, are difficul~ woodstove is its economy. Wood ties in heating with wood. Cut- is available at reasonable prices, Sitting in front of the stove on than sitting next to a radiator! ting and splitting it, Stacking it, especially if one is willing to do a cold night can make up for keeping it dry, bringing it into a little work. 1\ friend of ours the house is a great deal of was doing a major renovation 'Wrong' Sex work. Th,en comes starting the job on his house this summer and fire, keeping it going and clean- gave us all his discarded lumber. WASHINGTON (NC) - The Post said while most doctors reing out ashes. It all takes time. We ended up with two, cords of Washington Post has reported fuse to perform amnocentesis Then there's the dirt. Unless kindling at no cost except the what some pro-life groups have simply to determine' the sex of one dusts constantly, signs of 'trouble of hauling and splitting been charging all along: that the unborn child, some doctors the wood stove are to be found it. Another friend took down a , fetuses are being aborted when are beginning to actvocate the in finger and footprints every- tree and gave )-Is that wood. You pregnant women learn through practice as part of a woman's never get oil or gas for the ask- amniocentesis that their child right to decide reproduction. where. will be the "wrong" sex. The The strongest plus for the ing!


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Th,ur. Sept. 20, 1979


Message to Moslems . - VATICAN CITY (NC) - A Vatican official has asked the Moslem world to help Christians "maintain spiritual values" and secure peace and justice in the world. Cardinal Sergio Pignedoli, president of the Vatican Commission for Religious Rela-

tions with Islam, issued a "message to the Moslem world" ·on the occasion of the end of Ramadan the Islamic holy month.

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TWO STATUES of the Little Flower are focal points of a spirit of renewal sweeping St. Therese parish, New Bedford, says Father Joseph A. Martineau, pastor. The one shown, believed the only replica of a statue of the saint above her tomb in Lisieux, France, was crafted in 1929 by the late Alfred Gaudette, a parishioner. Over the years it has attracted thousands of pilgrims. The second statue, to be blessed Sunday, Sept. 30, at the close of a solemn novena honoring St. Therese, will travel from home to' home in the 900 family parish on a five-year schedule. Among stops will be St. John's Seminary, Brighton, "home" for seminarian Gary Belliv~au, who assists at St. Therese's. The novena, to begin Saturday, will include a special prayer to be said after each Mass in the church and daily in each parish home. The Sept. 30 program will begin with a solemn Mass at 11 a.m. at which a new organ will be blessed, continue from noon to 3 p.m. with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and conclude at 3 p.m. with the novena closing and blessing of the statue.. All members ·of the diocl~se are invited to attend. (Rosa Photo)

Full-length reading of the only English translation all'thorized by the Vatican. Recorded by special arrangement with Random House. publishers.

~~:g~~~;~~;, , ----------------------LA SALETTE of Center Harbor, N.H.


Joy Is the Keynote Continued from Page One al papal iti.nerary for the U.S. visit was released in Washington. It included at least two previously unannounced events. While in Iowa on Oct. 4, Pope John Paul "probably" will visit a small rural parish to pray with Catholic farmers before celebrating a previously-announced Mass at Living History Farms near 'Des Moines. And in Chicago, the pope will make a special stop Oct. 5 to greet diocesan directors of the Campaign for Human Develop~ ment, the U.S. bishops' major national anti-poverty project. Father Robert N. Lynch, papal visit coordinator for the U.S. bishops, announced that when the pope arrives in Des Moines he "will go immediately to a small parish church, yet to be finally determined but most likely St. Patrick's Church in Irish Settlement." Irish Settlement is a nO-yearold small country parish with 60 families. The stop in Chicago to greet diocesan CHD directors will be early in the morning of Oct. 5 at Providence of God Church, where the pope also will greet parishioners, Father Lynch said. The bishops' anti-poverty program is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, Father 'Lynch remarked.

Necrology September 29 Rev. J. A. Payan, 1899, Founder, St. Matthew, FalI River September 30 Rev. John J. Griffin, 1963, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton October 2 Rev. Joseph E. Sutula, 1961, Pastor, St. Casimir, New Bedford

The pope also made clear with The rest of the trip contains no major departures from pre- trip planners that he wants to viously-announced itineraries. meet the poor, and so a number While in the United States, of stops where the pope will the pope will celebrate nine have that opportunity have been Masses; at the Boston Common; included, Father Lynch said. at Yankee Stadium in New United Nations York; at Logan Circle in PhilaAt the UN, where 'the pope delphia; a special Mass for priests at the Philadelphia civic center; will speak on Oct. 2, media at Living History Farms in Des coverage is expected to estabMoines; at Five Holy Martyrs lish an all-time record. U.N. accreditation officials church, a Polish parish in Chicsaid they expect as many as ago; at Grant Park in Chicago, 2,000 media personnel to cover at St. Matthew'.s Cathedral in the event, with the entire pa'pal Washington and on the mall in visit to be transmitted live on Washington. television. The Mass at the Philadelphia . civic center will be concelebrated with priest-representatives of each U.S. diocese and with the officers of the Conference of Continued from Page One Religious Superiors of Men, ac- candles, etc., or by performing cording to the itinerary. Father other such duties. Timothy Goldrick, president of He will perform these func-the Fall River ,Priests' Council, tions the more worthily if he will represent the Fall River di- particpates in the holy eucharist ocese at this celebration. with increasingly fervent piety, At the news conference, receives nourishment from it and Father Lynch said Pope' John deepens his knowledge of it." Paul played a large part in the Advising the acolyte, the' selection of the cities on the Apostolic Letter continues: "Desfinal itinerary. tined as he is in a special way The pope, according to Father for the service of the altar, the Lynch, asked that Philadelphia acolyte. should learn all matters be included on the itinerary so concerning public divine worship that he could concelebrate a and strive to grasp their inner Mass with priests at the site of spiritual meaning; in that way the 41st International Eucharis- he will be able each day to tic 'Congress, which the pope offer himself entirely to God, attended in' 1976 as Cardinal be an example to all by his seriKarol Wojtyla of Cracow. ousness and reverence in -the saIt was also the pope's deciscred building, and have a sincere ion not to go to the West and love for the ,-Mystical Body of Southwest to avoid "spending Christ, the people of God, especitoo many daylight hours in an ally the weak and the sick. airplane," Father 'Lynch said. InAlso present at Sunday's stead, the pope plans to come ceremony will be the freshman back to the U.S. later. . candidates who have just begun their studies for the permanent Just Begin dioconate, their wives and fami"Always begin somewhere. lies. All members of the dioceYou can't build a reputation on san family are also invited to be what you intend to do." - The present for this notable event in Marianist the Jubilee Year of the diocese.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979

CHA~LIE'S "tIOMt 1111116 COUNCil. MEMlfR"

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2·WAY RADIO ST. MARY'S CAmEDRAL, FALL RlVER Boys in 6th through 10th grade interested in playing basketball with the parish CYO are asked to meet with Coach Dan Lynch at Griffin playground at 4 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, Sept. 25 and 27. CCD classes will begin Monday at St. Mary's school, with grades 1 through 6 meeting at 2:45 p.m. and grades 7 through 9 at 3 p.m.






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Legionaries will sponsor a holy hour of reparation at 3 p.m. tomorrow. To be conducted in French, it will be held at St. SERRA CLUB, Joseph's Church on Acushnet NEW BEDFORD , Avenue, New Bedford. The pubMsgr. Henri Hamel of Sacred lic is invited. K OF C COUNCIL 5876, Heart parish, New Bedford, will SOUTH ATTLEBORO . speak at the club meeting at ST. ANNE, The council has begun its an· 6:30 p.m. Monday at White's FALL RIVER nual recruitment campaign, with restaurant, North Westport. Cub Scouts will meet at 2:30 efforts directed towards policetoday in the school. A Fellow- men, firemen and servicemen. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER, ship Meeting is slated for 7:30 Among benefits of membership FALL RIVER DIOCESE tonight, also in the school. for such persons is the guaranAn Information Night and tee of Catholic college education film showing will be held at LA SALE'ITE SHRINE, for their children, should they 8:15 p.m. Sunday at St. Mary ATTLEBORO Ibe killed or disabled as the reo parish center, South Dartmouth. The fifth annual Luso-AmerAll married couples are invited ican- pilgrimage will be held at suit of criminal assault while on duty. to attend. the shrine at 1:30 p.m: Sunday, Further information is availSept. 23. Directed by Fathers able from Leo H. Dery, PO Box YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, Joseph Costa, Edward Correia 189, South Attleboro. NEW BEDFORD NORTH END and Henry Arruda, it will inA. youth fellowship group has clude a meditated rosary, a pro- CATHEDRAL CHOIR, been organized by several north of intercession and a FALL RIVER ' cession end parishes. Meetings will be closing Mass at which Father The choir has received the gift held from 7 to 9 p.m. every other Wednesday, 'with the next Arlando Amaro of Our Lady of of a grand piano from Normand one slated for Sept. 26. Infor- Mt. Carmel Church, New Bed- Gingras, organist and choir_ master for St. Anne's parish, mation is available from St. ford, will be homilist. Music will be choristers from Fall River. The instrument, built Joseph's rectory. Immaculate Conception, New by the Henry F. Miller Co. of Bedford, directed by Father Boston in 1900, has been reSS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Arruda. Flags and banners will stored by David Bourassa. It will A class for altar boys will be- be carried in the procession and be used as the main rehear:sal .gin Saturday morning at 11 in the shrine cafeteria will join the piano for the Cathedral Choir'in the church. All interested may festivities with a menu of tradi- their music room in the parish school building. register with Rev. Stephen 'A. tional Portuguese dishes.

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OUR LADY OF FATIMA, SWANSEA New. Women's Guild officers are Dorothy Sullivan, president; Pam Smith, vice-president; Hazel Grandfield, secretary; Jean Newbold, treasurer. eyO members will -sponsor a supper Saturday night, Sept. 29 and a day trip to New York City on the Columbus Day weekend. Meetings, to which all high school students are welcome, are held on alternate Sunday evenings.

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Fernandes. Confirmation classes for grades 9 and 10 will begin Monday at 6:30 p.m. for all, including Catholic -school students. Senior CYO will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. Nomination of officers will take place.

SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Camp Fire Girls, Bluebirds and Bluejays will meet Saturday at 1 p.m. in the parish center. Any child age 6 or older is eligible to join. The Women's Guild will hold an open house for new members on Monday, beginning at 7 p.m. in the church for a brief service and continuing in the school with refreshments and entertainment.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979


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The Last Poirier Ente rs Feehan By Christopher Servant

financed school "have not been . small "!by societal standards but When BI~hop Feehan HI?h, "that is all relative anyway. My School of Attleboro o~ened I~S wife and I have found that you doors for the 19th time thiS find the resources to secure those month, . it brought to a ha~py things that you consider most con~luslon ~~e lo?ge~t st~ndmg important in your life," family tradition In ItS history. Susanne like her 14 brothers Suzanne Poirier, daughte.r .of Mr. and sister~, will be encouraged and Mrs. Bernard Pomer of to help with tuition and exNorth Attleboro, became the 15th penses "when and where she and last member of her family can." to enroll at Feehan. In an age of rising inflation Suzanne's dad, a self-employ- and uncertain values, Poirier aped construction supervisor in the pears confident and relaxed. One Attleboro-Pawtucket area for 28 cannot help but feel that he and years, explains that the Feehan his wife are proud people, semovement actually started back cure in the knowledge that their in 1961. Residing at the time in love for their children is an inPawtucket, the Poiriers were vestment that has already paid forced to move when an adja- numerous dividends. cent grammar school ,opted to Paradoxically exclaiming that expand and take their land. "the children disciplined us as "I was driving toward Norton much by their needs as we did one day when I thought about them by our exp'ectations," stopping to look at a house that Poirier states that it has been we had heard about in North the quality of his family, not its Attleboro. At first it looked quite large but as Rolande (his wife) and I started to count off the children and the rooms, we sud,Continued from Page One denly thought otherwise." In 1963 their oldest child Ven- to "elect" a bishop without eta, entered Bishop Feehan as a Vatican consent. Since the new Chinese openfreshman, and from then on it ing to the West at the beginning was all "academic." Fervent Christians, who at- of this year, however, there have tend daily Mass and openly af- been signs that authorities are firm their strong religious be- willing to relax religious restricliefs, the Poiriers admit that they tions. At least two native priests sought a school whose environ- who have been out of the counment was an extension of their try for three decades have been allowed to return for visits. The home. Encouraged by teachers "who government recently put out cared" and the continual pres- feelers indicating interest in alence of the "Christian environ- lowing some Jesuits to enter the ment" they continued to send country. their children to Feehan. Veneta, LliSt year the only Chinese Elizabeth, Alice, Celeste, An- cardinal in the church, exiled drea, Bernard, Paul, Rosalie, Cardinal Paul Yupin of Nanjing Christopher and Francis have all (Nanking), died. When Pope graduated. Thomas and Marie John Paul named 14 new cardiwill be memebers of the senior nals last June, the lack of any class, while David enters his Chinese name on the list was sophomore, year. interpreted by observers as anPoirier is quick to comment other sign that the Vatican was that the sacrifices necessary to seeking new openings to mainsend the children to privately land China. .

Chinese Leader

quantity, that has made it so satisfying. "As I said, wealth and security are relative. We've invested a great deal of time and love in our children." And Feehan is a principal beneficiary of that extraordinary Poirier investment.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979

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MOTHERING AN INFANT is a fulltime job, say the Kennys, but surprisingly often it can be combined with other activities, as coir director Therese Dougherty of Coronado, Calif. proves. (NC Photo)

Support for the- Fulltime Mother By Dr. James and :Mary Kenny

job appears much more attractive than housework.

like to stay with you, but now I must go to work," is incomprehensible. Of course, the child can adjust to mother's absence, but he still cannot understand it.

Dear Mary: For what it's worth, here is an experience I Perhaps mothers who stay would like to share. I have three home need to examine the adschool-age children and one pre- vantages of their choice. Here Forming relationships is one schooler, age two. With only are some of. the good reasons one child left at home I was • to .be a full-time mother to your of the most popular topics alive today. Groups, workshops and not that busy, so I decided to chIldren. go back to work. I lined up an I. Although a baby cannot say counseling all exist simply to office job and hired a sitter who it very well, baby needs its help people improve their relapromised to be excellent. She mother more than the rest of the tionships with others. A fullwas - for two days. Within world needs her. We know for time mother has the opportunity the first .week, an illness in the a fact that a baby can disting- to build, improve, develop and sitter's family forced her to give uish between people even in the grow in a most import~nt relaup working for 'me. The second first days and weeks of life. The tionship, that of mother and week I placed Jeffrey with a baby needs consistent, loving child. For choosing. such .work lady who cares for several care on a round-the-clock basis. she need not apologize. young children every day. He Unfortunately, while we may Reader questions on family was unhappy when I left him. nod assent to these facts, fre- living and child care are invited. He was unhappy when I re- quently we do not whole-heart- Address to The Kennysj c/o The turood. My feeling was that· he edly believe them. An employer Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, had been unhappy all day. I says, "Won't you come back to Mass. 02722. . continued with this arrangement work? You are such a terrific for one week, then decided the (teacher, nurse, supervisor) that job simply was not worth hav- we can't get along without you." Funny They Should ingan unhappy child. I quit the A baby, on the other hand, never job and again became a full- says, "You are a terrific mother." entcon urVlva time mother. I'll probably work The baby just cries. Obviously... The National Organization for when Jeffrey reaches school age, the needs of the employer seem W?men has begun a national but for me, working and mother- much more urgent and flatter- drIve to defeat opponents of ing a preschooler just didn't ing to us than the needs of the abortion and sex education in mix. (Ind.) infant. In actual fact they are the 1980 elections. .not. • Eleanor Smeal, president of the Thank you for your' letter. 2. Mothering an infant is a 100,000 member organization, Nowadays women who choose to fulltime job in itself which, while said that NOW will also raise stay home seem to feel they most demanding, can also be funds and campaign actively for must apologize for not working. the most deeply satisfying. In- members of Congress who have It is not fair to blame wom- fancy is a unique and brief peri- been' targeted by pro-life forces en's lib for the dramatic increase od which never comes again. for defeat in the upcoming elecof mothers who work outside When a mother recognizes that tions. the home. The real goal of lib- raising a 'baby is a full-time "It isn't choice," she declared. eration is to free both meil and task and the most important one "It's survival that's at stake," women so that they can spend she can perform at this time, their time doing the work which she can give herself to her inthey consider most important fant with enthusiasm and derive Bold Poles , and best suited to their talents. satisfaction from her role. Such WARSAW, Poland (NC) A' woman who chooses to stay mothers rate the satisfaction of With at least the tacit support home is truly liberated in the raising a baby ahead of any of Pope John Paul II, the Polish best sense of the word. other job. bishops in an unusually bold ac3. As our reader points out, tion called on Catholics to opTrue, some advocates of working women are overzealous. Ac- older children still need mother pose openly attempts by the cording to these crusaders, on a steady basis. A young country's communist governwomen at home face a stifling child's time sense develops slow- ment to violate religious rights. boring atmosphere, while the ly. The call came in a Pastoral letworking world is stimulating, . Their definition of love might ter read. in all Poli~h Catholic creative, energizing and modern. be the amount of "time spent churches, assuring that the vast In addition women at home face with." For the young child either majority of the countly's 35 mIlthe "grass is greener" phenom- mother is there or she is not lion citizens could be made aware . enon. On a bad day a paying there. A message such as, "I'd of it.







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979









Question (orner •






. ?•





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283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass. Tel. EXeter 8-2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett

548-4842 By Father John Dietzen

Q. Some weeks ago your column included a question on how the practice of shaking hands at the Sign of Peace can be avoided "by those who find it obnoxious." You didn't answer the question. Some people are crippled and cannot shake hands. But some of us do find it obnoxious to submit to that gesture. Our dislike bas nothing to do with understanding or not understanding the Eucharist. If the Sign of Peace is so deeply rooted in the liturgy, why did not the American church discover it before 1965? (lll.) The question did not concern people for whom shaking hands or another Sign of Peace is physically painful. Surely others in the Congregation realize such a condition may exist, and the individual can express the Sign of Peace with a smile or a word. As you say, the question explicitly asl<ed about those who find that part of the Mass "obnoxious." In this I can only strongly disagree with you. Dislike of that part of the Mass unquestionably has a good deal to do with understanding or not understanding the Eucharist. One may question, as many do, whether a handshake or' hug is the most appropriate sign of friendship and love in our country. (What would we put in its place?) But that some appropriate external expression of affection and unity is proper sometime during the Mass cannot be denied by anyone who understands that the Eucharist is the sign of the bond that unites us as followers of Christ. I don't presume to judge any one's conscience on this or any other subject. Many of us after all did grow up in a climate that saw the Mass solely as a prayer, totally personal between the individual and God. We do not easily move beyond such training. . The fact is, however, that such a view of the Mass is, at best, incomplete. It was precisely to help us broaden our understanding of the Eucharist in our Catholic lives that the church introduced (or reintroduced) many elements of our eucharistic liturgy which reminds us that the Eucharist is first and above all a community worship - the worship of people who are together precisely because they are brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ and therefore of each other. A handshake, an embrace or a kiss may not be the best possible Sign of Peace. Imperfect as they may be, however, they do carry a message that we badly need to hear if we are to celebrate the Eucharist together as


Christ intended it to be celebrated.

Norris H. Tripp

Q. I have heard it is not a sin to miss Mass on Sunday anymore. After all these years I cannot believe it. Has there been a change in church law about this? (Ohio)

WILUAM GUSHUE is the new principal of Holy Family High School.. New Bedford. The school will initiate a Hall of Fame at a banquet Saturday, saluting persons who have contributed significantly to its development since founding in 1883.

A. Under the laws of the Catholic Church all Catholics are seriously obligated to participate in the eucharistic sacrifice each Sunday; As with all such church laws, Catholics must observe them unless they are excused for a proportionately serious reason. 'I always feel that a question concerning the Sunday Mass ob~ ligation is only. half answered if . we do not point out that our "obligation" to share in the Eucharist each Sunday does not come primarily from church law. In the past week American From the early years of Chris- Catholics, through the Campaign tianity, Christian people real- for .Human Development and ized that the Sunday Eucharist Catholic Relief Services, have was their primary source of con- moved to aid a variety of U.S. tact and unity with Jesus, and self-help programs as well as to that it constituted one of their provide immediate emergency most serious obligations. help for victims .of Hurricane There were no church laws in David. our sense of the word at that CHD officials announced the time. The people simply knew awarding of $6 million in grants one could not be a faithful and and loans. Among projcts fundtrue follower of the church with- ed: out being there regularly unless - A California farm workers' there were a very serious reason housing prDgram. not to be. We Catholics believe -A Washington-based land that is still true. reform advocacy program workQuestions for this column should be sent to Father 'Diet- ing for change. in federal polizen c/o The Anchor1 P.O. Box 7, cies affecting the rural poor. - A. Louisiana out reach proFall River, Mass. 02722. gram working for rights for sugar cane laborers. - A utility rate reform project in Milwaukee. Meanwhile, Bishop Edwin Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will Broderick, CRS director, has anbe the principal celebrant of the nounced allocation of $50,000 annual Mass for members of the to open an emergency fund for diocesan conferences of the So- Caribbean victims of Hurricane ciety of St. Vincent de Paul. David. The liturgy, at 7:30 p.m. WednesCRS on-site agencies in affecday, Sept. 26 at St. Mary's Ca- ted countries have been prothedral, Fall River, will be for viding food and shelter since the the intention of the beatification hurrican struck. They will also of IFrederic Ozanam, founder of offer long-range help to the the society. needy. CRS has also released 3.7 . All priests wishing to concelebrate the Mass are asked to as- million pounds of food and 4800 semble in the cathedral chapel bales of clothing stored in the Dominican Republic. It disprior to 7:30. patched a mercy plane with 32,000 pounds of emergency supplies last week. Whereas allocation of CRS Continued from Page One wheelchairs or otherwise handi- grants is often on an emergency capped. Such persons, with their basis, CRD grants usually folescorts are asked to proceed di- low a standard application procedure. Officials said applicarectly to the park. tions for 1980 grants will be acAll priests of the diocese are cepted from Nov. 1 through Jan. invited to concelebrate the Mass 31, 1980. for peace with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. They will also be More Important asked to assist in distribution of Holy Communion. It is noted "In marriage reverence is more that if participants have attend- important even than love . . . ed an earlier Mass, the Euchar- a steady awareness in each that ist may be received again on the other has a kinship with this occasion. the eternaL" - F. J. Sheed

Poverty, Storm Victims Get Aid

Vincentians Set Annual Mass

Marian Tribute





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THE ANCHOR-Di.ocese of Fall River-Thur. Sept. 20, 1979



II The Pharisees II i



~;~ j



II , I j

I i !. ~

I j.

II St.Symeon

By Father John J. Castelot

By Father Basil Pennington

The Gospels show Jesus in frequent controversy with the Pharisees and scribes. He launspecific and relatively .ches mild attack on their faults in one short passage in Mark (12, 38-40), while a whole chapter of Matthew is devoted to a denunciation of their attitudes and practices (23,1-39). This difference is not difficult to understand. Mark wrote for a predominantly Gentile Christian community, for whom the Pharisees would have held little interest. Matthew wrote for a JewishChristian community filled with tensions arising specifically from conflicts' with pharisaic Judaism. During Jesus' lifetime, leadership was in the hands of the temple clergy abetted by the wealthy laity, the Sadducees. The Pharisees I backed up by the scribes, experts in their own interpretation of the law, were pious layfolk. They exercised no real authority, but wielded considerable popular influence because of the high regard in which they were held. They were extraordinarily . devout people, whatever their erroneous notions of religion. It was the extremists among them who came in for criticism and scolding in the Gospels. When Jesrusalem fell in 70 A.D., the temple ceased to function and the clergy fell from power. Leadership of scattered Judaism passed into the hands of the Pharisees, and it was with the likes of these that Matthew's Jewish-Christians had to contend in the 80s. His denunciation of them is so strong as to occasion surprise, in view of Jesus' characteristic gentleness with people - even his executioners. Jesus was never angrily harsh with an individual, but here he is dealing With a group representative of a caricature of religion diametrically opposed to everything he taught. After giving several examples of their legalistic nit-picking, Jesus exclaims: "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees. You frauds! You pay tithes on mint and herbs and seeds while neglecting the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and good faith. It is these you should have practiced, without neglecting the others. Blind guides! You straiq out the gnat and swallow the camel . . . You cleanse the outside of cup and dish, and leave the inside filled with loot and lust . . . Thus you present to vie~ . a holy exterior while hypocrisy and evil fill you within." The language is exaggerated. Turn to Page ,Thirteen

St. Symeon, a 10th century monk of Constantinople, is a man full of the Holy Spirit. The Orthodox have paid him the highest tribute, giving him 'a title - New Theologian - that reflects that reserved for St. John the Evangelist and St. Basil's great friend, St. Gregory Mazianzus, the theologians. St. Symeon's life in some ways is quite spectacular, yet in many ways he is just like us. He reminds me of many charismatics I have known who have had to struggle to live up to the gifts they have received and have even fallen away for a time. Symeon received extraordinary manifestations of God's love when he was still very young, but he found it difficult to live up to these revelations of divine goodness. It was only when he accepted responsibility for others that he succeeded in being fully responsive to his own grace. Like many youth today, Symeon first heard the call to religious life when still quite young, only 14, but first he "had things to do." Even his first great spiritual experiences at age 20 did not deter him from his pursuit of worldly experience and pleasures. But through these years of confusion, search and inner struggle, ~e did regularly visit his spiritual father and confess his sins. Finally the inexhaustible Turn to Page Thirteen


What little girl has not d'reamed .of being Miss America?

Is It Wrong To Want To Be Beautiful? By Debbie Landregan

Young, rich, beautiful, she ended her life at the' age of 25. As one read the accounts of her family .and friends, a picture of a lonely, insecure girl emerged. Although her friends described her as popular, with an active social life, they -also noted that she seemed to .have no close friends. This girl, who looked so beautiful to others, also was apparently convinced she was not beautiful, which even led her to undergo a "face lift" at 22: This type of story is not uncommon, especially among people in the public limelight. The suicide death of actor, Freddie Prinze at the age of 22 shocked the public. Why would a' man who had youth, money

While growing up as a rather chubby youngster, I dreamed of being skinny and popular. Sometimes, as I lay in bed at night, I would fantasize that my fat was merely pillows or peelable layers which I could remove and say, "See world! And you thought I was fat! Now what do you think of me?" Throughout a large part of my life, my weight kept me from being the person I wanted to be. It seemed there was this unspoken rule that beautiful people could do anything they wanted but fat, ugly or imperfect people. could not. What would be termed "cute" for a beautiful, slender person would be called "foolish" or "disgusting" for an overweight or physically unattractive person. Inside of each person, there seems to be this perpetual longBy Janaan Manternach ing to be beautiful. What little On day Jesus was in the temgirl has not watched the Miss America Pageant with dreams ple at Jerusalem. There he praythat one day she, too, might be ed to his Father, talked to people judgec;l the most beautiful wOpl- an dtaught them about God. an in the country? It's not just On this particular day there th~ singling out of a person as were many people in the temple. ."most attractive," but the atten- A large crowd gathered around tion a~d popularity that go with Jesus, but not everyone was recognition. friendly to him. Cosmetics are a billion-dollar , A group of Pharisees feIt this industry. People are willing to was a perfect time to challenge spend thousands of dollars in Jesus. They feIt he was leading hope of becoming more physi- people away from true religion. Jesus watched them carefully. cally appealing. This quest can have tragic He knew they were going to try effects. Several months ago, a to trap him with clever quesfront-page stelry announced the . tions. All week they had been suicide of a local debutante. debat~ng with him.

and fame 'want to end his life? Reports indicated, however, that Prinze's fame and fortune could not replace a faltering home life. The longing to be beautiful seems deeply linked with the need for love and acceptance. Society has placed such emphasis on looks that people will go to great lengths to be beautiful. But more important than physical beauty is that which radiates from within and can transform anyone. People pursue' beauty because they feel that if they possess it, they will be accepted. But those who really are accepted are the ones who accept others as they are. They can make another person feel Turn to Page Thirteen

For Children As Jesus looked out at them, he realized that all Pharisees were not like these unsmiling men. He remembered Nicodemus, who came to him one night eager to learn about God. He remembered, too, many evenings he had spent with kind and generous Pharisees, and who generously helped people in need. In fact, the Pharisees as a group were very popular. They were looked up to as very holy people. But some Pharisees thought they alone were close to God. They made up hundreds of laws and told others to observe them. They put keeping the rules Turn to Page Thirteel1


Becoming Men II

By Father Joseph M. Champlin Outside the port city of East路 London, South Africa, lies a sprawling area called Mdantsane. For over 100,000 blacks, members of the Xhosa tribe, this is home. Each day, laborers leave the homestead and travel to work. They generally earn less than whites, although performing the same tasks. And they know their hope -of reaching a management role is slight. In the evening they return to Mdantpane, forbidden to live nearer their place of employment or reside side by side with the whites. Young boys must become strong men to cope with such obstacles and conquer the temptations which accompany poverty or injllstice. The Xhosa tribal traditions and ritual practices surounding circumcision - a sign of manhood - seek to instill that kind of personal strength and good principles within boys in their late teens. The several-months Turn to Page Thirteen



A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego A OPESSAO DO PECADO Apesar da proclama~~o bern expl{cita de todas as leis de cUlto, 0 que Deus exige cont!nuamente ao Seu Povo e que n~o 0prima 0 seu semelhante, especialmente 0 pobre. "Sabeis que jejurn quero eu?, diz 0 Jav~ o nosso Deus: que rompais as ataduras da iniqUidade, desfaiais os la~os opressores, deixeis livres os oprimidos e rompais todos os jugos ••. " so pedir. Deus ouve perfeitaE n~o mente 0 gemido do pobre. ."A ora~ao do pobre eleva-se de sua boca at~ aos ouvidos de Deus, e Deus se apressara" em the fazer justiga." (Ec1.2l:Q) No Novo Testamento encontramos a mesma contesta~~o de- Deus (Tiago 5:1-6). Aquele povo, talvez sem 0 pensar, julgava contentar a Deus, prestando-Lhe culto, o tributo de louvor, de ora~ao, de sacrif{cio de cordeiros e bois. Deus sentia-se defraudado e nlo queria ser cUmplice, aceitando 0 tributo que pertencia ab proximo. ~risto nto facilitou as coisas. E natural que nlo nos sintamos a vontade ao ouvirmos tais frases. Slro claras e duras. Se nos sentirmos molestados, e born sinal; se a incomodidade continuar, ~ facil que cheguemos a admitir 0 que de mau sentimos dentro de n6s. Se, porem, jUlgarmos que nada disto nos diz respeito;.que as nossas contas bancarias est~o segundo a lei, e os nossos registos de casas e propriedades,'que aurnentam de dia para dia, estlo na legalidade; que nos podemos divertir a vontade, entto escutemos 0 profeta IsaIas. s8:o precisas as "obras de Deus". A mera justi~a dos homens, a legalidade, n~o basta. Pode existir uma legalidade injusta, assim como uma injusti~a ilegal. Tern de haver uma justifa "superior" que se supere, que chegue ao campo da fe, ate dar ao prbximo 0 que da- _ r!amos a Deus, 0 que dar!amos a nos pr~prios. Se quisermos dar a cada urn 0 que e seu -(assim definem os juristas a justi~a), teremos de dar a todos os homens 0 que Deus deu para todos. Dar ou restituir. Ora, isto n~o facil. . Dar a cada urn 0 que e seu, para urn cr1St~o significa querer bern; ~ urna prova de "nro querer bem' e deixar 0 outro sem nada. O pecad 0 e .. Urna 0' sempre uma opressao. press~o sobre 0 indiv{duo e a communidade. Ja 0 primeiro pecado oprimiu os que 0 cometeram. Adlo e Eva sentem-se oprimidos pela vergonha, sentem-se obrigados a fugir, a esconder-se, a defender-see 0 primeiro sangue derramado ~ opress~o; oprime ate causar a morte de Abel; mas tambem 0 pr6prio Cairn se sente oprimido pela consci~ncia, pelo sangue do seu irm;o ate desejar que alguem 0 mate. Desde entao, a historia das opress~es a historia do pecado. o pecado em relafXo a Deus e aos homens desfaz a Alian~s com ~eus, e ao mesmo tempo anula 0 plano de Deus. Os profetas e 0 Evangelho apresentam-nos Cristo, n;6 so como 0 perdXo do pecado, mas como 0 libertador do pecado. E 0 socorro. Toda a miss~o de Cristo "anunciar aos cstivos a libertss~o, devolver a tiberdade sos oprimidos. 11 Cristo real{za plenamente 0 que Jave tinha come5ado com Israel; libertar 0 mundo. Cristo 0 "goel" do oprimido. "Goel" significa 0 que defende, protege 0 oprimido, 0 desampsrado; ~ quem 0 liberta, se caiu na escraVidlo, protege s viuva.







Becoming Men Continued from Page Twelve a sign of power and virility ceremony has a holy atmosphere symbolizing-a handing over of the about it and involves the entire anointers' values to these circumcised individuals. community. As a final mark of maturaA single boy or a group of five or six participate in the rite, tion, the community gives each which' begins with a festive one Ii new suit with official apmeal of freshly slaughtered meat probation to dress henceforth and Xhosa beer. Prior to the like a man. But this circumcision ritual feast, mothers of the candidates construct a grass hut in an area has some very obvious parallels with our Christian initiation away from the township. Early in the morning after the rites of baptism, confirmation feast, men of the village lead the and the £ucharst. young boys to the prepared location, singing in beautiful harmony as they make the journey. At the hut, a specially chosen Continued from Page Twelve man, respected for his goodness grace and mercy of God won out. and experienced in circumcision, In 966, when he was 27, he enperforms the surgery. tered the Stoudion, ConstantinThe boy must show no sign ople's most famous monastery. of fear, no crying out in pain It was the bastion of the great otherwise he loses all respect and will never become a proper monastic reforms of Theodore man. Swiftly excised, the fore- the Studite. And Symeon came skin is buried' in the ground, to it as to a new Pentecost. Symeon's emphasis on the thus assuring it will be seen by power of the Spirit and the im. a woman. portance of personal experience During the next weeks the boys live in the hut, receive in- disturbed the court theologians structions on how to be good in this theocratic state as well as the established leadership of men, have no women visitors, the Stoudion. Subtle persecution and are expected to hunt or fish. soon drove him and his spiritual A coming out ceremony con- father to take refuge in a small cudes the training session, then monastery on the outskirts' of the hut is burned, together with the city. There, too; his charisthe bandages and blankets - a matic leadership - he was elecreminder that the young men ted abbot after being there only have left childhood. . three years was found The most respected men then threatening. But for some years anoint the "graduates" with oil, he was free to pour forth the fruit of his rich experience of the divine Iife.in the catechetical instructions he gave each morning and -in hymns of unsurpassContinued from Page Twelve above caring for th-eir neighbor. ed beauty. In 1009 his enemies succeed~d It was just such a group of in having him deposed and sent Pharisees that pushed through into exile. An appeal to the pathe crowd to argue with Jesus. Jesus was angry at them. He triarch vindicated him and even pointed to them and told the brought him the offer of an archpeople, "Don't live like these bish. But Symeon preferred Pharisees. They lay heavy bur- to spend his last years in reladens on people, but won't lift tive solitude, enjoying a fuller freedom in the Spirit. a finger to help them." Even today his "Catechetical Then Jesus stared directly at Instructions" are read in Eastern them. "You phonies!" he said. Christian monosteries and his You are so unbending about hymns are sung. Charis~atic little laws yet break the most Christians could hardly find a important law: to care about better source to ground their others and treat people justly." spiritual experience in the auJesus looked them in the eye. thentic tradition of the church. They did not say a word; but Jesus could read the anger in their cold eyes. They met later to plot how they could kill Jesus. Continued from Page Twelve beautiful, even if he or she is physically unattractive. My great aunt was attractive, Continued from Page Twelve but by no means a beauty queen. It should alert one to the danger Nevertheless, she was a beautiof taking every expression literally. Surprisingly, people still ful person to those who knew find difficulty with, "Do not call her. -People were drawn to her as anyone on earth your' father. if she were a magnet, for she Only one is your father, the One could make a pauper feel like a in heaven" (23,9). How, then, can king. priests be addressed as "Father?" If a person feels loved and And how could anyone call his accepted, he feels beautiful. Isn't or her dad "Father?" In the same this what Jesus did? He looked passage Jesus "forbids the use beyond physical, accidental of "rabbi" and "teacher." It wrappings into people's souls, should be clear that he was and knew they were beautiful. lashing out at prideful wallowWanting to be physically ing in these titles of respect, not beautiful is not wrong, for at their legitimate use. beauty brings honor to the maker What stands out as supremely of that beauty, God. But jt is important is Jesus' attitude to- false to think that just because ward anything that substitutes one is beautiful, one will be acrules and regulations for the' cepted and loved. Acceptance radical demands of love. must be a two-way street.

St. Symeon

For Children

Is it Wrong?


THE ANCHORThurs., -Sept. 20, 1979


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A-2 Approved for Adults and The American Game Beyond the Poseidon Adventure Breaking Away Buck Rogers' Capricorn One The Champ The China Syndrome' C.H.O.M.P.S.

Just You and Me, Kid The In·laws A Little Romance lord of the Rings Matilda 'Message from Space The Mouse and His Child Movie, Movie Operation Thunderbolt

Adolesce~ts The Prisoner of Zenda Sunburn Superman Take Down Tree of Wooden Clogs Uncle Joe Shannon Warlords of Atlantis The Wiz

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Agatha Alien The Amityville Horror Another Man, Another Chance The Big Fix The Battle of Chile Bobby Deerfield Born Again Brass Target The Buddy Holly Story Burnt Offerings Butch and Sundance: The Early Days By the Blood of Others California Suite Caravans Comes A Horseman Coup de Grace Crimebusters Days of Heaven Death On The Nile A Dream of Passion ,Dreamer Escape from· Alcatraz Escape to Athena Fast Break Fast Charlie Fedora The Fifth Musketeer F.I.S.T. FM Force 10 from Navarone Foul Play The Frisco Kid

Goin' South On the Yard Good Guys Wear Black Opening Night Go Tell The Spartans The Other Side of the Gray Eagle Mountain, Part II The Great Hoax Our Winning Season The Great Train Robbery The Outfit Harper Valley PTA Patrick Hot Stuff A Perfect Couple House Calls Picnic at Hanging Rock I Wanna Hold Your Hand The Promise Jaws Prophecy Jaws II Real Life Jennifer Remember My Name The Kids Are Alright Rich Kids laGrande Bourgeoise Rocky The last Waltz Rocky II The last Wave Renaldo Clara The late Great Planet Earth Roseland Lifeguard The Seduction of Joe Tynan A Little Night Music Seven·Per·Cent Solution lost and Found Sextette Madame Rosa The Shootist The Main Event Shout At The Devil Meatballs Somebody Killed T.he Medusa Touch Her Husband Moonraker Starship Invasions More American Graffiti . Stroszek Murder by Decree Telefon Newsfront The Villain Nightwing Voices Norma Rae Walk Proud The Norseman Wanda Nevada Obsession Who'll Stop The Rain Old Boyfriends Yanks Olivers Story

B - Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Americathon . Final Chapter· Walking Tall Network An Almost Perfect Affair 'firepower Nunzio Avalanche Girlfriends Once in Paris The Bell Jar Goldengirl Players Big Wednesday Grease Quintet Bloodbrothers Halloween Ruby Boulevard Nights Hanover Street Saint Jack The Boys in Company C Hooper \ Same Time, Next Year Circle of Iron Hurricane Scalpel The Class of Miss Ice Castles Soldier of Orange MacMichael Invasion of the Straight Time Coming Home Body Snatchers Sunnyside The Concorde It Lives Again Suspiria Airport '79 King of the Gypsies Think Dirty Convoy legacy Tracks Corvette Summer love at First Bite Two Minute Warning Damien·Omen II Marathon Man A Wedding The Deer Hunter Magic The Wanderers Dracula Max Havelaar The Wild Geese Every Which Way But looseNest of Vipers Youngblood

• • • focus

on youth • • •

By Cecilia Belanger Jesus never argued about the gravity within which planes fly The questions of youth are existence of God, but spent His and children fall down and get hurt, these laws are part of the real. Questions like, "What does life revealing God's nature. God works. To Jesus, God was given. Man does not create them. a Galilean peasant who lived 19 centuries ago have in common not ruling from some far-off He discovers them. throne, nor was He toying with We often repeat the 23rd with a ghetto resident today?" "Have not the changes all that He had created. God the 'Psalm but tend to miss the dywrought by science outdated -Father was, is, and will always namics of the shepherd boy who Him?" "Does the religion of Je- be involved in our life on earth. felt that he was cared for by There are those who argue God just as he cared for his sus have even a clue for suttle whether all this makes any dif- sheep. We who get our, water diplomacy?" "How does He instruct us in ference now. Some may concede from pipes and spigots can solving conflicts between mass- that such a religion was aU right hardly imagine the joy of the for Jesus, but that 20 century people who. heard the words, ive powers?" "Everyone that thirsteth, come "What do His revelations have life is not' the same. What about faith? The woman to the water, come and drink." to do with economic, political, sexual and moral revolutions who objected to the astronauts' God does, indeed, look after which are part and parcel of reference to God in a moon His own. Look at the institution broadcast? For her their rever- of the church. When it became one's daily living?" "Are not the powerful today ence was misplaced. "There is too pompous, St. Francis came along to restore it. When the too strong for Jesus and His no God," she said. But the world was not made church was cold God sent those elementary faith?" by her. Where was she, to quote with warm hearts and. refreshTough questions, right? What yoling truth-seekers the Scriptures, when "God cre- ing spirits. When needed, God sometimes forget is that Jesus ated the world?" sends someone who wil:1 comleft us a triumphant theme: God Only the Creator has the ,municate the Gospel with a cares. God tests. God works. world in His hands. The laws of fresh voice.

• In our diocesan sc'hools

Coyle-Cassidy Band meetings are held Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in Room 001. New on the C-C scene is an amateur radio club, for which students can sign up in the office. A senior-freshman breakfast was held yesterday at the Taunton school. A junior breakfast is planned for Wednesday, Sept. 26 and the sophomores will munch on Wednesday, Oct. 3.

Bishop Stang Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, has captured the national Division II Jogathon championship, according to word from Wheaties Sports Federation's central offices. We're extremely pleased," said George Milot, principal. I 'don't think people really believed us when we said that Stang was going for the na-

tional championship," Last year, 750 runners logged almost 1,850 miles and raised over $18,000 for their efforts. Proceeds benefited school projects. The school will receive an additional amount of money for the first place finish. This year Stang will defend its national title on Sunday, 'Sept. 30, on the school's track.

Holy Family The New Bedford school will sponsor a walk-a-thon Saturday, Oct. 6, dedicated to the six persons who will be installed Saturday in its new Half of Fame: Bishop James J. Gerrard, Sister Mary Virginia Quinlan, Rev. John F. Hogan, Sister Mary Rose Murray, Coach Jack Nobrega and Sister Charles Francis Dubuque. Supporters point out HF's unique qualities: it is the only small academic Catholic secondary school in Southeastern Massachusetts and one of the very

few high schools in the U.S. supported by a single parish. HF is also the only alternative to public or vocational education in New Bedford and is the most affordable area private high schoo~ also offering a generous student aid program. The walk-a-thon will see students and faculty walking through the New Bedford area, beginning in Buttonwood Park.

Secret Cardinal? ROME (NC) - Italian newspapers are speculating that the cardinal named "in pectore" (in the heart) by Pope John Paul II last May is Bishop Ignatius Kung Pin-mei of Shanghai, China. The 78-year-old bishop, who has been in a Chinese prison for 24 years, was reportedly released from jail at the end of July, a month after Pope John Paul created 14 new cardinals at a consistory in Vatican City.

A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Apocalypse Now Hair High Anxiety Interiors

The last Tycoon Manhattan The Onion Field

Saturday Night Fever The Serpent's Egg Summer Paradise

C .- Condemned Bloodline Blue Collar Blue Country The Choirboys Chosen Dawn of the Dead A Different Story ) Down and Dirty Fingers The First Time The Fury

The Gauntlet The Greek Tycoon Hardcore In Praise of Older Women In the Realm of the Senses last Chance Life of Brian Midnight Express Moment by Moment National lampoon's Animal House

The Passage Phantasm Satan's Brew Secrets The Silent Partner Up in Smoke The Warriors When You Comin' Back Red Ryder? Winter Kills Women in Ce.llblock 7



, FACULTY AT BISHOP STANG High School, North Dartmouth, began the academic (This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save 'year with a two day retreat in Centerville, arranged by Father John Perry, school chaplain. for reference. Further information about recent films is available From left, at back of picture, George Milot, Stang principal, Father Perry, Father Richard from The Anchor office, telephone 675-7151.) , Delisle, MS, retreat director. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)

THE ANCHORThurs., Sept. 20, 1979

Interschol astic Sports

¢GOD~S A~:::.~::~~




Andy Kravier to Mike Deluga. Feehan was less fortunate, however, dropping a 14-6 decision to North Attleboro. The Shamrock's lone touchdown resuited from a blocked kick. Tim Patch blocked a kick by North Attleboro's Marc Lizotte. Keith Roy recovered for Feehan on D-Y 12 and carried the pigskin over the line for the score. A two-yard run by John Sims in the first period and an 80yard pass from Jack Johnson to Brian Copley in the third stanza accounted for the North Attleboro touchdowns. Lizotte kicked both extra points. In other non-league games last weekend New Bedford blanked Scituate, 12-0, Fairhaven Topped Somerset, 20-7, Sharon nipped Cardinal Spellman, 14-7, Stoughton bested Randolph, 6-5, Taunton upended Boston Latin" 14-8, Dighton-Rehoboth dropped Bristol-Plymouth, 32-8.

Catholic Memorial in New Bedford An outstanding attraction is Canton at No. Attleboro, Foxon tap for Sargent Field, New boro at King Philip, Mansfield at Bedford, tomorrow night, when SJ1aron, Oliver Ames at StoughNew Bedford High's Crimson is ton: Franklin, which has the bye host to strong Catholic Memor- on this week's schedule will host ial in non-league play. In an- Milford in non-league play. other non-leaguer tomorrow The Mayflower and South night Dartmouth is host to Stang. Shore leagues also open their Both games are scheduled for schedules Saturday. Mayflower games are Apponequet at Nor7:30. Only two games are scheduled ton, Blue Hills at Martha's Vinefor Saturday-in the Southeastern yard, Manchester at Bristol- PlyMass. Conference - Taunton at mouth, W. Bridgewater at NanAttleboro in Division One, Case .tucket, and Southeastern at Old at Coyle-Cassidy in Division Colony. South Shore encounters Two. However, the Hockomock have Norwell at Abington, CoLeague gets into full swing with hasset at Hull, E. Bridgewater at a full- four-game card which has Hanover.

Awards Banquet at St. Anne's St. A:nne's Junior Baseball League of Fall River will hold its annual awards banquet Sunday night in St. Anne's School cafeteria. A highlight will be a special presentation to the family of Ernest Lavoie, a volunteer worker for the league for 22 years, who recently passed away unexpectedly.

Awards will go to Michael Howard, who pitched a no-hit, no-run game and hit a grand slam homer, and to Claude Desrosiers a'nd Joe Wilson, who tied for the most home runs. Richard Charette, league president, will be master of ceremonies.

Conference Soccer Underway Southeastern Mass. Conference soccer got underway yesterday and seven games are on tap for tomorrow. In Division One it will be Dennis-Yarmouth at New Bedford, Attleboro at Somerset, Barnstable at Falmouth while Division Two contests list Di-

man Voke at Dartmouth, Bishop Stang at New Bedford VokeTech, Bishop Connolly at Old Rochester, Holy Family at Westport. Dennis-Yarmouth and New Bedford tied for the Division One championship last ye~r.

Bishops' P'arleys WASHINGTON (NC) - An ad hoc committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops has been formed to explore the feasibility of sponsoring a one-time or occasional "extraordinary meeting" to focus indepth on issues facing the

church. Archbishop John R. Ro~ch of St. Paul and Minneapolis, NCCB vice president, was named chair· man of the committee. Presently the bishops meet twice a year for three or four days at a time.



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Warriors Win, Spartans Tie Coyle - Cassidy's Warriors opened their football season with a 6-0 victory over Seekonk. The Bishop Stang Spartans played a tie game but the Bishop Feehan Shamrocks were defeated in non-league games launching the scholastic football season last Saturday. Ron Silvia's one-yard plunge enabled the Warriors to eke out a 6-0 decision over Seekonk. The touchdown capped an 89yard drive in the second quarter of the game. A blocked punt with only one minute remaining in the game set up the score that saved Stang from possible defeat. The punt gave the Spartans possession on' the Dennis-Yarmouth 10yard line. Four plays and 44 seconds later John Lacoste ran in from the one for the touchdown and a 6-6 tie. The Green Dol· phins had scored in the second quarter on a 41-yard pass from


. " •


Tel. ,678-5651 Member F.T.D.A.

THE EXILED Dalai Lama of Tibet and Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York grasp hands at an unprecedented f.cumenical service at St. Patrick's Cathedral. It was the start of a 7-week U.S. trip for the first Dalai Lama ever to visit this country. (NC Photo)

• tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parentaf guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or: younger teelJs. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification <given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); C-condemned.

New Films "Bugs Bunny - Road Runner" (Warners): Vintage Bugs Bunny cartoons, along with some new material. Fairly entertaining for children, though many parents might prefer not to have very young children exposed to this brand of cartoon violence. G,Al "Legacy" (Universal): This inferior film depicts the misadventures of a bright young California couple (unmarried) in a Gothic English Manor House. She is the reincarnation of a 16th-century witch. Several people are slaughtered messily enough to make this otherwise innocuous film extremely offensive. R,B "Patrick" (Vanguard-Monarch): A young man, "dead" except for his heart, sustained by a life-support system, develops a "seventh sense" enabling him to perform lethal stunts when he becomes jealously attached to a pretty nurse. Violence and graphic depiction of alleged medical techniques rule out this tacky movie for any but adults. PG,A3 "Soldier of Orange" (International Picture Show): Based on the best-selling autobiography of a Dutch Resistance hero, this film follows six university students confronted with the brutal German occupation, particularly one who escapes to England and returns to Holland as an intelligence agent. Well acted with a rather strong story line, the film

is marred by many bedroom scenes and exploitation of nudity. B On TV "Which Mother Is Mine" Wed, Sept. 26" 4:30-5:30 p.m., ABC Afterschool Special: This is the story of Alex, torn between her foster family who have cared for her for 10 years, and her natural mother, who has -reappeared in her life. Both offer loving homes and the film allows young people to see and feel the same situation from different points of view. "Connections," Sunday, Sept. 30, 8-9 p.m., PBS is the first of 10 episodes showing how technology has grown over the centuries and its consequences for people i,n the past and today. ,Emphasis is on the change process itself and whether we are wise enough to use it to enrich our lives.







Films on TV Saturday, Sept. 22, 9 pm. (CBS) - "Lucky Lady" (1975) - Gene Hackman, Liza Minnelli and Burt Reynolds star in this miserably failed comedy-adventure about a trio who try to strike it rich as bootleggeers in Prohibition days. Profanity and condonation of sexual'" immorality are offensive. PG,B Wednesday, Sept. 26, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "The Betsy" (1978) This drama about corporate intrigue and counter-intrigue stars Laurence Olivier as the patriarch of an auto manufacturing dynasty. The lack of any sort of moral perspective and the extravagant use of nudity make this a seriously offensive film. C

On Radio Sunday, Sept. 23 (NBC) "Guideline": Conclusion of a series on suffering by Passionist Father Flavian Dougherty of STAUROS, an organization that studies the Passion of Christ as it relates to human suffering.


(Rt. 15 South· Airport £lltJ

Bere's where Catholics over find oul_loo Iale...Ihallhey -need more than Medicare... Now you can have the Medicare Supplement Plan that pays all the In-Hospital Deductibles that Medicare doesn't pay. Don't wait until it's too late ... enroll today!



Underwritten and Administered by Union Fidelity Lile Insurance Company

• Pays from the very first day of covered hospitalization. • Pays every eligible deductible that the in-hospital portion of Medicare Part Adoes not pay and you have to pay. . , I • Pays Cash Benefits direct to you or anyone you choose. • All cash benef,its are paid regardless of any other hospital insurance coverage you have. • Guaranteed Acceptance regardless of your age, if you haven't been confined in a hospital or nursing home in the last 60 days. I


Can you afford to be hospitalized for sickness or accident? What will happen when you discoverthat Medicare just won't pay all your hospital bills? Will you have enough cash to pay the bills Medicare doesn't pay? CASH HELP is what this ~edicare Supplement is all about ... we will pay until you reach the $50,000.00 lifetime maximum.

CASH PAID DIRECT TO YOU OR ANYONE YOU CHOOSE, EVEN BEFORE MEDICARE .COVERAGE STARTS Coverage begins as soon as you're hospitalized ... we pay the initial $160.00 deductible that Medicare doesn't pay! All cash benefits are paid direct to you or anyone you choose. You are covered immediately for any new sickness or accident, even if you are hospitalized on the very day your coverage is effective.

ONE LOW GROUP RATE FOR ALL AGES ... $6.40 AMONTH PER PERSON I Your rate does not increase as you get older. Union Fidelity guarantees never to single you out for a rate ' increase ... no matter how your health Ghanges or how many benefits you collect. As long as you pay your premiums on time and remain a memberofthe Trust, you cannot be cancelled, until you collect $50,000.00 in maximum benefits per person. Premiums can be changed or renewal denied if the same action is taken on all Insureds nationwide under the Master Polley (A96860).•


ALL INSURANCE PLANS HAVE THEIR EXCLUSIONS · .. HERE ARE OURS: Hospitalization covered by Workmen's Compensation or Occupational Disease Law; acts of war; mental disorders; treatment or diagnosis not required for a sickness, accident or body malfunction; medical or s!Jrgical fees. Expenses com'pensated by State or Federal legislation, custodial confinement; convalescent, nursing or rest homes; extended care or rehabilitative facilities; drug, alcohol or mental institutions or sanitariums. Care in a D.C. or State-owned or operated institution primarily for treatment of tuberculosis or mental disorders. Intoxicants or narcotics unless administered 9n the advice of a doctor. Pre-existing conditions (those for which you were medically advised or treated prior to the effective date) are not covered for the first 6 months.



Send no money now. We'll mail your actuallnsurance Certificate to you fast. Take up to 21 full days to decide tf this is exactly what you want ... then put your coverage in force on the effective date by sending your first premium. If you decide not to take this coverage, you owe nothing, and you'll have no coverage. Even after.you've paid your premium, yqu still have 30 ~ays to return your Certificate and get a full refund of any money you have paid. Even if you've had a medical problem within the last 60 days ... mail your Enrollment Form today. Tell us when you were hospitalized, and 60 days after your discharge, if you are treatment-free, we will issue your coverage.

TWO GIFTS FOR YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE! It you enroll or mail your re'quest by October 1?, I~~~~~~~ 1979, the United Cathol~c L: Group Insuran.ce Trust will give you a beautiful, inspiring, metallic Pope John Paul I Commemorative Prayer Plaql;Je pIus our standard Medicare Reference Card giveaway.


WHAT IN-HOSPITAL MEDICARE PAYS •.• AND WHAT YOU MUST PAY MEDICARE PAYS all 'covered hospital expenses (room, board, operating room, etc.) except the $160:00 Initial Deductible and the first 3 pints of blood. YOU MUST PAYthe$160.00 Initial Deductible and for your first 3 pints of blood.



WE PAY YOU the $160.00 Initial Deductible. We also pay you for your first 3 pints of blood, up to $35.00 per pint. -

MEDICARE PAYS all but $40.00 a day of the hospital charges. YOU MUST PAY the $40.00 a day, totaling $1,200.00 for the entire 30-day period of hospitalization.


WE PAY YOU the $40.00 aday. We payyouthis amount for every covered day you're hospitalized during this entire 30-day period. atotal of $1,200.00.

MEDICARE COVERAGE ENDS unless you use your Lifetime Res'erve (a back-Up period of 60 days coverage you can use only once.) YOU MUST PAY $80.00 a day while using up your Lifetime Reserve ... totaling $4,800.00 for the entire 60-day period.


MEDICARE PAYS NOTHING - your hospital benefits run out. YOU MUST PAY your entire hospital bill yourself.


WE PAYYOUthe$80.00adaywhileyou useup your Lifetime Reserve. We pay you this amount every covered day you're hospitalized during the entire 60-day period - totaling $4,800.00.

WE PAY YOU 100%of all youreligiblehospital charges up to $160.00 per day. uptoalifetime maximum of $50,000.00 per person. We even pay for a private room if approved by Medicare and medically necessary.

This Plan supplements Medicare Part A only. It does not supplement Medicare Part B. "Medicare Supplement Benefit Period begins with the first day you are hospitalized and it continues for 60 days after you've been released. . ' This Medicare Supplement pays the above deductibles which Medicare doesn't. It is not connected with the U.S. Government or Federal Medicare Program. -------.,.-----------~----_


HERE'S HOW TO ENROLL: 1) Fill in the Enrollment Form. 2) S,end no money but mail today.



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Have either you or YO\lr spouse been hospitalized or in askilled nursing facility du(ing the last 60 days? Have you? 0 Yes. 0 No 0 Has your spouse? 0 Yes 0 No I understand that my coverage under Group Policy Form '·6860 will become effective when issue,d; and that any condition for which I or my 'spouse have received medical treatment or advice in the past will 110t be covered until my coverage has been in force six months. I CERTIFY THAT I AM A MEMBER OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH., , SIGNATURE ---" DATE 02275·50·1


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