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t eanco VOL. 35, NO. 37

Friday, September 20,1991



511 Per Year

Bishops condemn euthanasia moves WASHINGTON (CNS) - The parture from longstanding legal Administrative ~ommittee of the and medical traditions of our counNational Conference of Catholic try, posing a threat of unforeseeaBishops unanimously condemned . ble magnitude to vulnerable memlegalized euthanasia in a statement bers of our society." released Sept. 12. The statement said increased Legalized euthanasia violates di- public attention to euthanasia has vine law, human dignity and basic come from "new publications giv"American convictions about hu- ing advice on methods of suicide man rights and equality," the bish- and some highly publicized inops said. stances in which family members They urged Catholics and "all or physicians killed terminally ill persons of good will" to reject persons or helped them kill themeuthanasia proposals such as In- selves." itiative 119, a referendum facing Earlier this year Hemlock SoWashington state voters Nov. 5. ciety founder Derek Humphry, The initiative seeks to legalize who spearheaded the Washington "aid-in-dying" as a "medical serv- voter initiative and earlier camice" to be performed by a physi- paigns to legalize euthanasia in cian on request from patients suf- California and Oregon, published fering a terminal illness that will uFinal Exit," a mass-marketed result in death within six months. manual on ways to commit suicide. The Administrative Committee, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a retired a 50-bishop panel that includes the pathologist, made national headofficers ofthe NCCB and heads of lines last year when he helped a all NCCB and U.S. Catholic Con- woman kill herself with a suicide ference standing committees, voted machine he invented. on the statement during .its Sept. "Those who advocate euthanalO-l2 meeting in Washington. sia have capitalized on people's The committee is the top de- confusion, ambivalence and even cision-making body of the U.S. fear about the use of modern lifebishops short of their general as- prolonging technologies," the Adsembly, which does not convene ministrative Committee said. until mid-November, after the fall It made a sharp distinction, elections. however, between "a decision to ."Current efforts to legalize eu- take one's life or to allow a physithanasia place our society at a crit- cian to kill a suffering patient" and ical juncture," the bishops said. the "decision to refuse extraordiThey said euthanasia contradicts nary or disproportionately burdenthe Declaration of Independence, some treatment." which "proclaims our inalienable Spelling out Catholic teaching, rights.to 'life, liberty and the pur- the committee said, "we believe suit of happiness.' " that life is the most ba.sic gift of a "If our right to life itself is di- loving God - a gift over which we minished in value, ~ur other rights. have stewardship but not absolute will have no meaning," the com- dominion." The Catholic tradition declares mittee said. "To destroy the boundary be- "a moral obligation to care for our tween healing and killing," it own life and health and to seek added, "would mark a radical deTurn to Page 10

ST. JULIE BILLIART parish pastor Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill and parochial vicar Father Stephen J. Avila display plans for an expanded church and parish center.


Julie's to undertake expansion project

Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill, pastor of St. Julie Billiart ChUrch, North Dartmouth, has announced that the parish community will begin a major expansion of the church. The plans, which were approved by the parish finance arid pastoral councils, are the result of a four year study of the needs of the parish. In just over 20 years, St. Julie's parish has grown in size from a few hundred families to the present figure of 2,000 families. Membership has doubled in the past lO years alone. The main section of the present church provides seating for only 300 people. A dividing wall behind the altar must be opened to pro-

this project over the past five years. Msgr. O'Neill, Father Stephen J. Avila, parochial vicar, and the\ parish family are planning a threeyear pledge program beginning in October to raise $750,000. This would leave the parish with a $350,000 debt which would be paid off over the years. Msgr. O'Neill said he was pleased to announce that Mrs. Arlene McNamee and Walter R. Smith will serve as cochairpersons for the expansion program and that Lawrence A. Weaver will serve as general treasurer. The cochairpersons said that they have recruited 22 team captains who have begun recruitment Turn to Page 10

. Thomas concludes testimony .

JUDGE· CLARENCE THOMAS testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee during hearings on his nomination to the Supreme Court. (CNS/ Reuters photo)

vide additional seating. There is no space for small group meetings. The present church .will be expanded to double its capacity. In addition, other needs will be met by a new wing which will accommodate a kitchen, parish offices, and two meeting rooms. The proposed plan is the least expensive way to provide for the needs of the parish and still maintain all the special features of the present church. It is anticipated that groundbreaking will take place in. the spring of 1992. The best estimate of the total cost (architectural fees, construction, site work and furnishings) is $1,700,000. The parish has put aside $700,000 towards

WASHINGTON (CNS) - As the Senate Judiciary Committee concluded questioning of Judge Clarence Thomas Monday, the tone of the confirmation hearings softened somewhat, but the Supreme Court nominee still refused to say what he thinks of abortion rights. Several members of the committee persisted in trying to steer Thomas into disclosing how he might rule on abortion rights cases, but he continued to insist it would be wrong for a seated judge to do so. Thomas, 43, was appointed to the federal appeals court in early 1990 and also declined then to give an opinion about abortion at confirmation hearings. After -questioning of Thomas was concluded, outside witnesses


were scheduled to take the stand for most of the rest of the week. On the final day of questioning the issue ofthe death penalty came up, and Thomas in response to questions from Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said that "philosophically" nothing would keep him from upholding the death penalty but the nominee stressed he'd urge all possible appeals be offered. There was little doubt among Senate watchers that the committee would ultimately confirm Thomas's nomination. That outcome was hinted at by a softening of questions from one member who generally is considered a swing vote on judicial nominees. Sen. Howell Hefli~, D-Ala., Sept. 13 focused testimony for a While on Thomas' background,

giving the nominee an opportunity to discuss his days as a civil rights and war protester while attending Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass. Thomas explained how he had come to transfer to Jesuit-run Holy Cross from Conception Seminary in Missouri after encountering racism While studying for the priesthood there. In a candid discussion of his activities in his college years, Thomas recounted how in his first year of college at Conception he was climbing a staircase behind a classmate who didn't realize he was there when someone shouted from a lower level that Dr. King had been shot. He said the student ahead of Turn to Page 10


Diocese/of Fall River -

Fri., Sept. 20, 1991



superiors focus on contemplation

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (CNS) - Me,mbers of the, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, meeting in Albuquerque, elected a Hispanic nun to their top leadership post for the first time during their recent annual assembly, themed "Fostering a Contemplative Attitude Toward Life." Mexican-American Sister Anita DeLuna, general superior of -the Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence, in San Antonio, was elected vice president, placing her in line for automatic succession to the conference presidency in 1992. Sister Donna Markham, general councilor of the Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Mich., who was , elected vice president last year, was installed as president for the' coming year. She succeeds Providence Sister Kathleen Popko of Holyoke, president for the past year. About 900 U.S. sisters attended the meeting of the leadership conference, an organization of major superiors representing most of the 100,000 Catholic nuns in the Uni" ted States. Sister Markham, a clinical psychologist and specialist in helping religious orders deal with organizational change, said women religious have been engaged in an "ongoing self-critique," and their challenge in ~he 1990s "is to risk giving expression to the vision of a truly transformed religious life." Meeting speakers stressed the importance of a deep spirituality to sustain religious communities in times of difficulty and rapid change. ' Notre Dame de Namur Sister

Teresita Weind borrowed Jesuit theologian Father Walter Burghardt's description of contemplation as a "long, loving look at reality." She said it takes "conscious deliberation and courage" to get beyond one's own preoccupations and preconceptions and see reality "in a new perspective" in which "God is present in every experience." "Religious always need to keep returning regularly and repeatedly to the rituals and works, private and public, that promote and support a Gospel way of life," she said. "More and more we will find that the Gospel calls us away from the cultural ideals and values of our era." In her presidential address SisterPopko urged religious co~足 munities to look at the 1990s, the last ,decade of the second millennium, as "a decade of redesign" in which they would have to confront significant changes worldwide. As women religious, sHe said, it will be their challenge in the 1990s to "infuse this pervasive "hange with the spirit of the GospeL" , "Our very call to ministry as apostolic women religious compels , our continued involvement; it puts us in the marketplace, in the mainstream of change," she said. The outgoing president said that iIi order to use their individual and corporate energies effectively to redesign the world, women religious need to focus on four areas. "We must build a common vision, think systemically, witness to the Gospel and be women of hope," she said.

U.8. Jewish' and German Catholic leaders meet NEW YORK (CNS) - At a ness of this monstrous injustice landmark meeting of top German and of our responsibility for proCatholic and U.S. Jewish leaders, moting the protection of human the head of the German bishops' rights," he said. conference said that. his people Bishop Lehmann also denounced "cannot allow ourselves to cast off the long history 'of anti-Semitism the burden" of the World War II in Christianity and in the Catholic murder of millions- of Jews. Church and praised church efforts The atrocities under Hitler "re- since the Second Vatican Council main a thorn embedded in the soul, to rediscover Christianity'S "bond of our people," said Bishop "arl with Judaism" and to build posiLehmann of Mainz, president of tive Catholic-Jewish relations. the German bishops and head of a Co-sponsoring the meeting, 27-member delegation of German along with the presidents' conferchurch officials and scholars visit- ence, were the B'nai B'rith internaing the United States Sept. 8-18. tional and the American Jewish The delegation met in New York Committee. at the he'adquarters of the ConferThe German delegation, whose ence of Presidents of Major Jew- U.S. visit is sponsored by the KOnish Organizations, an umbrella or- rad Adenauer Foundation, traveled ganization for 46 national Jewish ' to Washington Sept. 12 for a con-, organizations in the United States. vocation at The Catholic UniverAbout 50 top Jewish leaders par- sity of America, at which Bishop' ticipated in the two-hour meeting. Lehmann received an honorary Bishop Lehmann said that with ,degree, followed by a two-day colthe reunification of Germany, Ger- loquium with representatives of mans "have an even greater duty" the National Conference ofCatho-, to remember the Holocaust. ' lic Bishops on Catholic social teach- . "The rulers of the former Ger- !ng. : man Democratic Republic [East Germany) ~ mistakenly convinced 1111II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 that communism has nothing to THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-Q20). Second do with such atrocious deeds Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. have completely ignored this bur-. Published weekly except the week of July 4 den of guilt in our people's recent and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by past," he said. Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall "We must therefore keep a watch- the River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid ful eye on isolated Nazi move- $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address ments on our side and on theirs; changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall we must also sharpen our aware- River, MA 02722.

Sister Konopienis

MARY MIKITA, right, president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Father James F. Lyons, DCCW moderator, and aetty Mazzucchelli, DCCW fifth vice president, are among organizers of a DCCW "Prayerful Thanks" holy hour for family members of-military personnel. The service, to be held at 2 p.m. Oct. 6 at St. Elizabeth Seton parish, North Falmouth, invites all women who have prayed for a loved one in the armed services to pay tribute to those serving our country. '

St. Anne's schedules prostate exams, seminar on health care proxy In conjunction with the national Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, Sept. 22 to 29, St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, will offer free prostate exams Sept. 24 and 26 in the Harold K. Hudner Oncology Center.' Prostate.cancer is the most common cancer of men and the second most fatal cancer. It can develop and spread with no war,!ing signs, but is curable if caught early, said Dr. Richard Hellwig, chief of oncology at St. Anne's. ' "Yet most men are unaware of the disease and the importance of an annual exam, "he said. "In fact, most men do not see their doctor for a regular examination and those who do usually do not have a prostate exam." More than 122,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1991, and 32,000 will die of the disease, making it the second leading cause of cancer death among men over age 55. One in II men will get prostate cancer in his lifetime; among black men the ratio is one in nine.

The Prostate Cancer Educational Council, which sponsors the awareness week, recommends that all men over 40 have a rectal exam annually to help detect cancer. For information or to schedule an appointment, contact the oncology center at 675-5688. Health Care Decisionmaking St. Anne's will host a conference on "Advance Directives" in health care decisionmaking from 4 to;7 t 24 . Karen M . Logoz2O, p.m. Sep. Esq., will facilitate the session. . The program aims. to inform health care professionals of the legal and ethical reasoning, rights and responsibilities which affect health care decisions in cases of patient infimity, disability or incapacity. Discussion topics will include refusal of treatment, death with dignity issues and documentation consideration. For information or to register conta,ct Diane Santos at St. Anne's, 674-5741 ext. 2480. I

A PARISH youngster slips into the picture as Bishop Daniel A. Cronin makes a pastoral visitation to 81. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis. From left, Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan chancellor; the bishop; and Very Rev. Edward C. Duffy, pastor of 81. Francis Xavier.

The Mass of Christian Burial was held Sept. 2 at St. Hedwig Church, New Bedford, for Sister Rose Konopienis, CR, 96, of the Sisters of the Resurrection Convent, New Bedford. She died Aug. 30. Born in Zajace, Poland, she was the daughter of the late Dominic and the late Malwa Konopienis. She entered religious life in 1913 and took first vows in Kety, Poland, in 1916. She left Poland in 1920 for Chicago, where she professed final vows in 1922. After nine years working in a child care center, she left Chicago for Amsterdam, NY, where she established, directed and was a superior at Children's Home. In 1962 she and five other sisters of her order came to New Bedford, where Sister Konopienis worked at St. Saviour's Day Nursery until 1979. She devoted her retirement years to prayer for the needs of the church and her community Sind for an increase in vocations to religious life and the priesthood.

Scout retreat planned A retreat for Boy Scouts of the diocese will be held Sept. 27 to 29 at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. Rev. Stephen B. Salvador, Catholic Scouting Program chaplain, will coordinate the event, themed "A Scout is CheerfuL" Paul Parente is lay chairman of the program. - Seminarian Charles Jodoin will coordinate a speaking program from 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 28. Topics will be Living the Commandments, Living the Beatitudes and A Call To Vocations/ Service. Rev. Dr. Leon Tavitian of the Congregational Armenian Church in Manhattan, NY, will participate in weekend events and lead services for Protestant Scou.ts.

Mass to honor St. Marguerite The Sisters of Charity of Quebec, who operate Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, invite friends of the community to attend a Mass of thanksgiving to be presided over by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at 10 a.m. Oct. 13 at Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford. The liturgy will commemorate the recent canonization of St. Marguerite D'Y ouville, Sisters of Charity foundress.

Sept. 21 1882, Rev. George Pager, Founder, Sacred Heart, New Bedford 1938, Rev. George Jowdy, Pastor, Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford 1988, Rev. William H. Crane, SM, superior at National Shrine of Our Lady of Victories, Boston Sept. 24 1955, Rev. Joseph E.C. Bourque, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River, Sept. 26 1944, Rev. John J. Donahue, Assistant, St. William, Fall River

Respect Life Walk se.t for Oct.' 6


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~ ST. ELIZABETH'S parish, Fall River, observed its 75th anniversary Sunday with a jubilee Mass celebrated by Bishop .Daniel A. Cronin, top photo, and concelebrated by St. Elizabeth's pastor Father Arthur T. de Mello, left; Father Maurice O. Gauvin, right, a native of the parish; and former pastors and parochial vicars. Below, Bishop Cronin and Father de Mello greet parishioners. (Gaudette photos)

U.S. bishops discuss Soviet, East Europe developments WASHINGTON (CNS) -.The U.S. bishops have expressed joy that "we are no longer prisoners of a Cold War" but warned against such "new threats to world peace" as the civil war in Yugoslavia. In a statement made public Sept. 16, the 50-memb~r U.S. Catholic Conference Administrative Board discussed recent developments in the Soviet Union and the conflict that has emerged in Yugoslavia since the Croatian republic declared its independence in June. "We rejoice that we are no longer p'risoners of a Cold War that has so aggravated the world's problems and diverted massive resources to the weapons of war rather than the construction of a stable peace, rooted in justice," the bishops said. "The violence in Yugoslavia, however, shows that, while the crisis of the Cold War is over, new threats to world peace are emerging," they added. The Administrative Board, which met in Washington Sept. 10-12, acts for the full U.S. bishops' conference between general meetings. The statementcited fo'ur"mo'ral and spiritual inspirations" behind the recent events in the Soviet Union - "a respect for human dignity, a sense of solidarity, a concern for non-violence and the power of religious beliefs." "The people of the United States can support these moral and spiritual forces by intensifying and expanding private and government-

al efforts to assist these.nations in ways appropriate to this extraordinary moment," the bishops said. They called for a"reordering of priorities" to affect "a substantial reduction in military spending commensurate with the removal of the threllt it was intended to conta'in." On the situation in Yugoslavia, the bishops said they supported a call from Cardinal Franjo Kuharic of Zagreb and Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Pavle "urging their politicalleaders and people to embark on a path o'f peace, reconciliation and truth as the only way to avoid the abyss of war."

- Diocesan participation in the annual Respect Life Walk is once again planned, with representatives of the diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate coordinating registration and transportation for the Oct. 6 event. Boston Cardinal Bernard Law is slated to speak at this fifth annual walk, which begins at the corner of Beacon and Charles streets on Boston Common. Proceeds benefit 41 pro-life organizations throughout the state, including for the first time the Fall River Diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate, headed by Father Stephen A. Fernandes. Massachusetts Citizens for Life sponsors the event. Parish groups, Catholic school students, families and individuals are encouraged to participate in the five kilometer (3.5 mile) walk, which provides a highly visible public statement of concern for the dignity and sacred character of human life, noted Father Fernandes. "We are so fortunate that the Respect Life Walk is geographically near to us, generating positive media coverage and providing solidarity among participants," he said in a statement. "Here is an opportunity for us to engage in a positive, peaceful Catholic action." Participants are,en-couraged, but not required, to obtain sponsors whose contributions will go to the pro-life organization specified by the walker. Registration for bus transportation to and from Boston will take place on the parish and deanery levels. Many diocesan parishes now have pro-life representatives who ,will speak and register participants after Masses this weekend. Other persons wishing to sign up may contact their deanery representative as follows: Attleboro: John Choberka, 6955556 Cape Cod: Karen Loura, 7603899 Fall River: Lucy Farrar, 3799618

New Bedford: Peter Zajac, 994016() Taunton: Doreen Bissonette, 823-5518 This registration method, employed for the first time last year, saw the number of buses transporting diocesan participants increase from three in 1989 to 21 in 1990, when about 2,000 diocesans joined a crowd of 20,000 to 25,000 walkers in Boston.


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"In accord with their appeal, we join fellow Christians in praying that mutual dialogue and reason will prevail over hatred and violence and that, with the support of the international community, political leaders in Yugoslavia will reject actions and policies that inflame ancient tensions, and instead will redouble efforts to con- . struct a new and more just relationship among their diverse peoples," the statement added. The Administrative Board urge9 U.S. Catholics - "especially those with ethnic, national and religious ties to the region" - to assist the victims of the war and to pray for resolution of the conflict. Assistance should also go to all the newly emerging nations of Central and Eastern Europe, the bishops said.

The Anchor Friday, September 20,1991

Affordable rates Bountiful breakfast and dinner included in rates Security Stella Maris ChapeljDaily Mass Heated pool Shopping on Worth Ave. within walking distance One mile to the Atlantic Ocean

THE PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENCE: Is Conducted By The Carmelite Sisters. For lD!ormation On Permanent Or Tourist Rates, Call Or Write: PRO-LIFE APOSTOLATE director Father Stephen A. Fernandes and sign-bearing diocesan participants gather at last year's Respect Life Walk. (Hickey photo)


ext. 3025

4 niE ANCHOR"":" Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Sept."20, 1991

the moorin&.-, A New Vision The words of Gilbert and Sullivan, "Here's a howdydo," well describe the Thomas affair. No matter what the'outcome of the Senate hearings with regard to the nomination of Judge Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, the black community can never again be seen in the same political light..The stereotype of blacks as liberal Democrats which has permeated American life and politics is completely belied by the Thomas profile.,路 . Shattering the Old Black Joe image, Thomas clearly demon. strates that one's color does not mean that one's individuality and personal freedom must be d~stroyed by predictable patterns of behavior and conduct. He has shown all Americans, reg~rdless of color, religion or ethnic origin, that true freedom recognizes personal choice and its importance in one's life. It is tragic that so many blacks in this country have failed to . learn the lesson Thomas has mastered: that being black does not mean that one may enjoy only a limited version of the American dream~ It is also obvious that those dissenting from the Thomas appointment cannot accept the fact that not all American blacks are liberals. The Thomas case has sparked debate among blacks themselves over their own politic~l destiny. However, the position taken by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people in this case has been narrow and monolithic. It's about time that all in this country, of whatever color, realize that such a biological fact does not determine an individual's freedom. It's about time that all who belong to an organization whose membership is based on color realize that that similarity need not indicate unanimity on other matters. The Thomas affair should indicate that freedom of choice is inherent in a person, not something imposed from outside by power politics. Many white liberals who might theoretically encourage the freedom of black路 Americans would not want them as next-door neighbors. They may very well talk a great story in the cities, then flee to their white suburban isolation. It would be well to remember that historically the black community is strongly conservative. Blacks are church people, the Bible is their book, they love life and children. They have a long history of enduring suffering. They are as often the victims as the perpetrators of such evils as drug use, other criminal actions and abortion. . Too many whites have molded blacks into a negative image; and it is sad to think, when one of their own has refused to be molded in such a fashion, that many blacks will not acknowledge that their own community can nurture valu~ble differences among its members. Judge Clarence Thomas may be shaking up the black community but he is also teaching all Americans a very important lesson in tolerance. The failure of liberal groups to see in him an example of true freedom of choice is a tragedy clearly indicating their own narrowness of mind and even prejudice of heart. American blacks should be proud that the Thomas case has taught the .nation that differences should be accepted and supported: a lesson too many of us have failed to learn because .of our own narroW vision. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 路Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P~O. BOX 7 Fall River; MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin; D.O., STD. EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault ~ Leary Press-Fall River




eNS photo


"Be not incredulous to the fear of the Lord; and come not to him with a double heart." Eccles 1;36

Love's countercultural nature By Father' Kevin J. Harrington heart set solely upon pleasing itself; One can scarcely drive the highIt never ceases to amaze me that but in practice there are very few way without reading an obscene young couples choosing readings marriages in which it is easy to bumper sticker or being on the for their nuptial Mass almost distinguish the villain and the receiving end of an obscene gesture. One can hardly attend a invariably select the famous 13th victim. Most people rightly believe that movie or watch television without chapter of St. Paul's First Letter to a relationship without friction is being assaulted by vulgarities the Corinthians. In it, Paul in his inimitable fiction. Some people may declare and/ or ribald humor. Likewise, down-to-earth fashion writes: that they never argue but some- sporting events have become less "Love is patient and kind: love is times I feel like quoting Shakespeare: than family entertainment because not jealous or boastful;' it is not "Methinks the lady [or the man] of'the behavior of fans. . It may seem picayune to point arrogant or rude. Love does not' both protest too much." Communication is what distin- out these shortcomings but socieinsist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not re- guishes human beings from the ties, like marriages, often rise and joice at wrong, but rejoices in the lower members of the animal king- fall on little things. The Italians right. Love bears all things, endures dom. True, animals can grunt or have a disarming phrase for purr, yip or moan in response to "please." They say "per cortesia." all things. Love never fails." No doubt this reading strikes a stimuli, but human beings alone Interstingly, "courtesy;' originally resonating chord in the life of have the gift oflanguage to express meant the kind of behavior one those ready to assume the duties of what they feel and think. Indeed, would expect of those connected Christian marriage; but unfortu- words can be gentle l~vers that with the royal court. It is still a nately, young love often does go move mountains o,r harsh sledge- royal quality, but at times these hammers that shatter )'oung days it seems as rare as royalty! awry in spite of good intentions. . It is ironic to consider that the When a marriage fails and peo- . dreams. When language becomes a bar- 'word "urbanity" was coined to disple take the time to analyze what went wrong, it is usually quite rier to communication, we have a tinguish the refined manner of city revealing. Resentment begins to situation similar to that of the folk from the supposed crudities raise its ugly head usually because Tower of Babel in which we use of country folk. "Boorish," after one party feels that he or she 路has our gifts to gain what we want for all, comes from the word for farmer. been taken advantage of or has ourselves without concern for the It really is a sign of c;>ur times that other. That is perhaps what Paul nowadays people feel they have to been taken for granted. Such feelings are often aroused meant when he said that love is not travel away from our cities into by acts so small that in themselves arrogant or rude. Meekness and our small towns and villages to they would appear insignificant. kindness work hand in hand to encounter polite, sincere and kind people. But when they seem to form a combat arr.ogance and rudeness. I know nothing more counter-' Marriages fail. Societies collapse. pattern of behavior, the wronged party begins to collect these minor cultural than to commit oneself to Perhaps that is why St. Paul's offenses and take them to heart. be meek and kind in face of a encouraging statement that love never fails strikes a universal chord Some marriages may die from an society that seems to reward the . of hope in our distressing times! indifference born from a callous . arrogant and rude.


fights for Brazn ,street children

Jesus' ,everyday psychology


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Sept. 20,1991


enough back home, the parents children], be they governmental or beat them and eventually abandon be they ecumenical, I'd say maybe them. less ..than one percent" are helped WASHINGTON (CNS) - FaStreet children sniff glue or nail in Sao Paulo, he said. ther John Drexel didn't get into polish to pass the time, and beg, Girls made up'lO percent of the the priesthood to help poor Brazi- borrow and steal to survive day to street child population 20 years Wisdom 2:12, 17-29 lian children left to fend for them- day, Father Drexel said. ago, and now make up about half. James 3:16, 4:3 selves. It just worked out that way. Governments and business con- Child prostitution is common l"ark 9:30-37 The 59-year-old Oblate of Mary sider street children a drag on the I among boys and girls as young as Immaculate priest, a native of tourist trade. Many street children 10 years old, Father Drexel said. A December 1989 Psychology Rochester, N.Y., had hoped to be are executed by off-duty. police Meanwhile, there are 36 million Today article summarized 40 years By FATHER ROGER assigned to Japan, Laos or the and security guards hired by busi- impoverished and abandoned chilof research on the link between KARBAN Arctic Circle. His superiors picked nessmen under the pretense of pre- dren in Brazil, the priest said, 7 morality and religion. "What can Brazil instead. That was in 1962. serving the city's image by erasing million of them abandoned to a we surmise," the' author asked, The condition of street children human blight. life on the streets. "about the likelihood of someone's rank first, he must remain the last Children are often put to death being caring and generous, loving one ,of all and the servant of all." he saw when he arrived is "what Why Not? and helpful, just from knowing Then, driving home his point, Jesus shocked me so much," Father for petty thievery. "The punish"Some men see things as they that he or she is a believer?" His takes the most insignificant human Drexel said. "I never saw misery in ' ment does not fit the crime," Faare and say 'why?' I dream of response was shocking: "Virtually being - a child - and "...put- the United States. I saw poverty, ther Drexel said. but I never saw misery." , At times it seems no headway is things that never were and say nothing!" ting his arms around him, said to Twenty-nine years later, he hasn't made with the problem. "All the 'why not?''' - George Bernard The article confirmed what many them, 'Whoever welcomes a child given up the fight. Rather, he's combined efforts [to help street Shaw f~ared: unbelievers frequently are such as this for my sake welcomes more charitable to and understand- me. And whoever welcomes me formalized it by establishing six ing of others than most church- welcomes, not me, but him who homes in Sao Paulo that have taken in·72 street children, and cogoing Christians. sent me.''' written two books about his expeThose who insist that we ChrisWe do not wish to die, so we riences with Brazil's street children. tians are faithful to the Lord's ignore the Lord's teaching. We "One discovers-the mission of a directives had better pass on today's would rather live in a competitive, priest is to b~ concerned about Gospel periscope. Their ability to self-serving, comfortable world deal with reality might be severely a world in conflict with the world people," Father Drexel said duro tested. It is embarrassingly evident Jesus envisions - than pay the ing a recent U.S. trip to visit his mother and promote his work. that while we might honestly beprice to chan~ it., "We not only have to be mislieve in Jesus, we rarely follow his Only small minority of the sionaries of the sacraments, we commands. Lord's followers will ever live lives have to be missionaries of friendWe stilljoinin competition with so committed to his call that their ship, hope, compassion," he said. others 2,000 years after Jesus told enemies, fitting into the pattern of Father Drexel said he has re- us not to compete. We continue to today's Wisdom Author, will have ceived much support in his work develop ways of determining who to declare, "Let us see whether his from Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns among us is the most important, words be true; let us find out what of Sao Paulo, but that his work knowing that the Lord commanded will happen to him. For if the just has also gotten him into trouble. us never to be concerned about one be a child of God, he will "If you work with street childsuch things. Why? Because we defend him and deliver him from ' ren in Brazil, you're going to receive simply refuse to listen to him. the hand of his foes." threats from the police," Father Mark did not have to subscribe We refuse to gamble away our Drexel said. to Psychology Today to anticipate security the way Jesus gambled The street children problem in the stodgy "religious systems" away his. Brazil is huge, according to the Jesus' followers would eventually So we must presume Christian priest. Father Drexel estimated substitute for the dynamic faith he communities will always experi- 600,000 street children live in Sao FOR THAt SOMEONE SPECIAL IN YOUR LIFE tried to pass on. He only had to ence the same problems James' Paulo alone. reflect on our human nature. GIVE A GIFT THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME The children have poor parents, Today's second passion, death community faced centuries befor~. ' Father Drexel said, many of who There will be "jealousy and and resurrection prediction brings migrated to the big cities from the same reaction as last week's strife.. .inconstancy and all kinds rural areas in search of the better of vile behavior." Rarely will we first prediction: someone says or life they saw on television after does something to show a total discover persons who are wealthy land interests pushed.them "...peaceable, lenient, docile, rich misunderstanding of what the Lord off their land. just announced. Last week Peter in sympathy.. .impartial and sinWhen families realize that life is cere." We will continue to wink at was the culprit; this week all the no better than before, they send our author's most important line: Twelve are guilty. their children to the streets to beg "What were you discussing... ?" "The harvest of justice is sown in for money. If they don't bring peace for those who cultivate Jesus asks. "...They fell silent, for SINGLE PREMIUM LIFE INSURANCE on the way they had been arguing. peace." Jesus asks us all to imitate his about who was the most imCatechist enrichment death. Our faith only kicks in portant." Sample Rates when we do so. But many of us still The clarification on death which program planned hold on to the idea that we are Age 1 comes next is completely against AgeS Age 15 Sister Maureen Fleming, SSND, our culture. "If anyone wishes to . doing everything the Lord wishes Amount of One-time Amount of One-time Amount of One-time just by believing he is God's Son. East Coast representative for FranInsurance payment Insurance payment Insurance payment Mark knew our human nature ciscan Communications, will pres$390.00 $5,000 $245.00 $5,000 $275.00 $5,000 would always fight against God's ent a workshop for religious edunature, even in Jesus' communi- cators 7 to 9:30 p.m. Sept. 26 at St. DAILY READINGS ties. Modern research has proven Thomas More parish, Somerset. Founded in 1879, the Catholic Association of Foresters is Sept. 23: Ezr 1:1-6: him correct. A video. series for catechist ena fraternal insurance association of Catholic families offering We often discover God's proph- richment will be featured. Ps 126:1-6: Lk 8:16-18 social and spiritual benefits, charitable programs, scholarship To register contact the Catholic ets in the most unlikely places. If awards and insurance plans for its members. Sept. 24: Ezr6:7-8,12, Education Center, 423. Highland we search hard enough we might Ave., Fall River 02720, tel. even find them hiding in the pages 14-20: Ps 122:1-5: Lk For more information and other rates on other ages 678-2828. of Psychology Today. 8:19-21





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Sept. 25: Ezr 9:5-9: Tb 13:2-4,6-8: Lk 9:1-6 Sept. 26: Hg 1:1-8: Ps 149:1-6,9: Lk 9:7-9 Sept. 27: Hg.1:15-2:9, Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Sept. 28: lee 2:5-9, 4-15; Jer 31:10-13; Lk 9:43-45 Sept. 29: Nm 11:2529; Ps 19:8,10,12-14: Jas 5:1-6: Mk 9:38-43, 45,47-48

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The Anchor Friday, Sept. 20, 1991

6 By

Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY Dear Dr. Kenny: This is our second marriage. When I tell my stepchildren to do something, they come back: "We don't have to listen to you. You're not our real father." How can I handle this? (New York) Kids will say anything, make up

Fatherhood is the role of the' any excuse to get out of obeying or doing work. Divorce and stt:pparenting hand them one more possible argument to try. Don't listen to them. A stepfather is a father. You are, of course, not the sole father. Many children today have more than one father. However, to say that only birth fathers are "real" is absurd. All fathers are "real." Fatherhood is a role. It generally comprises bread winning, nurturing and discipline. Every family needs someone to fill that role. Whoever fills it is "real." Fatherhood is earned. The simple act of procreation, does not give anyone an exclusive "lock" on fatherhood. That's only the begin-

'man on the s'pot

ning. Much more real fathering remains to be done before the children can be turned loose on the world as young self-sufficient adults. -

ofanother adult can help to remedy this inequity. Perhaps you need some confidence in yourself filling the role of father. Ask for a'nd require your wife's support. As an available Tell yourself that you are the adult, you need to take an active father. You are there; you are the part in parenting. I know some one on the spot. If you don't take a remarriages where the parents agree hand, who will? Then the children beforehand only to discipline their are more likely to set their own ' "own" children from their first rules and pace. If they were truly marriages. I think this policy is a able to do this, if they didn't need mistake. parents, they would not be childDiscuss child care and discipline ren. with your wife. This is a task you Single parenting is very diffi- should share. As in any family, cult. As often as not, the children you should both agree on any outnumber the parent in one-parent house rules, enforce them consist" families. The children certainly ently and back each other up. possess more energy. The addition All fathers need to wake up and

fill their important roles. Foster fathers, stepfathers, adoptive fathers, fathers of exchange students, and birth fathers. We are all real people, fulfilling a vital role. If we are put off by headstrong children and fail to nurture them or to set reasonable limits, everyone loses. Divorce may change the players but it doesn't change the positions. Fatherhood is a real position that must be filled in every family. Whoever fills that position, even though he may not have started the game, is a real father. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited by the Kennys. 219 W. Harrison, Rensselaer,lnd. 47978.

Farmer's market brings memories of her father am never there alone. The spirit of my father is with me.


At it farmers' market recently I marveled at the rich tomatoes, corn, zucchini and so much more on sale. I suppose most people wouldn't look at clusters of farm produce and feel warm and happy at their very sight. I respond somewhat emotionally to this scene because I

He was a butcher by trade, but , virtually ever free minute he had during the warm weather months he spent on his "farm." It fed his soul. Just before the start of World War II, he had bought a home with a sizable yard. My mother didn't want a garden because she thought it was messy, but once the

Praying they wouldn't be discovered, they dug a hole, buried the food and covered the fresh dirt with twigs, stones and rubble. When the soldiers came for food, they took everything in the house, but thanks to the buried supplies, my father's family survived. It was then he decided to try to make it to America. For he learned that dreadful winter what the late statesman Adlai Stevenson said many years later: "A hungry man is not a free man." But my father's experience taught him something else: that the land has the power and goodness to nurture us. When he came to

America in 1918, he brought with him his farmer's soul. After World War II, my father gave up his victory garden for a fortuitous tradeoff. The city of Albany, N.Y.,. where we lived, offered city land to farm free if people so chose. My father was first in line, I think, and right up until a few years before he died he farmed that land each year. At the farmers' market, I heard someone exclaim, "Look at the size路of those tomatoes!" I. had just heard those same words inside my heart. I heard my father's voice saying, "Antoinette, look at the size of these tomatoes!"

Research means too I}lanyabsent professors


There was a time when American colleges held high the ideal 'of preparing young people for the future by instilling in them a respected body of knowledge. The professor was esteemed, available and honored. Numerous biographies pay,homage to a particular college teacher who .deeply influenced the subject. .

Regrettably, this is no longer true. The esteemed college professor is the one who does the research which attra~ts big money to the



From the time I was 13, we had our own farmer's market, the wonderful foods brought ho'me in brown paper bags by my father, picked from the land he farmed in the evenings and on Sundays.

war began my father convinced her they should have a "victory garden." Often I would work with him ,there. One day he told me a story about life with his parl<Jlts in an Italian village. Everyone was poor and during World War I, food became a prob-. lem as sons went to war and supplies didn't reach the villages. Moreso, the villagers were at the mercy of the military, for the soldiers had the authority to come into a home and take its food. My father told me how he and his father crawled into a field by night, dragging sacks of food and a shovel.

Q. I am a eucharistic minister and take holy communion to elderly and ill people in their homes. Often people are too ill to be able to take even a small piece of the host. Is the church giving any thought to allowing eucharistic ministers permission to give a sip of consecrated wine to these people on their deathbed? (California) A. Your concern is a good one, and what you suggest is already quite common. Many seriously ill patients, even

institution. Rarely does he teach and even then, it's the rarefied and gifted' graduate students wllo are allowed entrance to his holy office. Yet colleges make great publicity' hay out of their prize researchers, touting them in college brochures and catalogs designed to attract freshmen who believe they have a chance of actually meeting this famed person. I have a friend who teaches in a university school of education. She tells me that gifted college teachers are rarely ,valued if they don't sperid tlie majority of their time publishing research. "We claim college is for teaching," she said, "but it's primarily for 'research. Our best professors do not get the honors." I have other friends whose college-age children attending high

tuition universities have been taught primarily by graduate students, not tenured professors. One of them told me, "Tim says his high school teachers were better than hiscollege teachers." That makes sense if the graduate student in charge of the class has 'had no formal teacher training. A good teacher is far more than a repository of a subject. A good teacher develops techniques which challenge students to observe, think, and act. A good teacher actually reads the papers students write and comments upon them. A good teacher cares enough about her students to be available to them when路they need help and encouragement. But it's the colleges with the prize names that capture research monies which keep the colleges running, so competition is fierce.

A professor told me that his, college, in an effort to attract a particular expert, sweetened the pot with the promise, 'You won't have to teach for two years." Last year, a sobering report sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching pointed out'how prevalent this problem has become. Author Ernest Boyer, iri his report entitled "Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate," wrote, "In glossy brochures, [students are) assured that teaching is important, that a spirit of community pervades the campus, and that general education is the core of the undergraduate experience. . "But the reality is that on far too many campuses teaching is not well rewarded and faculty who spend too much time counseling,

and advising students may diminish their prospects fo.r tenure and promotion." He reported that while 70 percent of college faculty members say their interest lies primarily in teaching, most of their time is devoted to research. It's a sad situation that needs to be addressed by all of us. Students and their parents who are looking at colleges need to ask some serious questions. How many tenured teachers does the average student encounter? What is the percentage of teaching assistants per student? What are the chances, in other words, of a college student today actually being taught by a gifted teacher? , And, probably the most important question is, "What can we as a society that needs educated young people as much as research do . about this dismal trend?"

What if a' s_ck person cannot consume the host? some who are not terminal, are -unable to swallow even the smallest piece of anything solid. The church provides explicitly for these people in its instructions on care for the sick. According to the Ritual for Pastoral Care ofthe Sick, sick people who cannot receive communion under the form of bread may receive it under the form of wine alone. If the wine is consecrated at a Mass not celebrated in the presence of the sick person, it is kept in a suitable vessel and placed in the tabernacle after communion. The precious blood is carried to the sick in a vessel,is closed in such a way as to eliminate all danger of spilling; something like a small medicine bottle is generally used. If some of the precious blood remains after communion, it should be consumed by the minister, who

wedding ring custom began? (Texas) A. A ring given as a pledge of marriage goes back to old Roman days and spread from there, which is probably why the custom is It would be enlightening, I think, generally limited to places hea,vily for all ministers of the sick who at influenced by Roman culture. Christians picked up o,n this any time might administer the Euchsecular tradition and grad ually arist to have a copy of this ritual changed it from an engagement to and read carefully the general ina wedding ring. troduction and the introduction to Only relatively recently, by the the many forms that sacramental way, did there appear a two-ring care of the sick might take. Inexpensive paperback editions are. ceremony. Older Catholic Roman rituals provided only for a ring easily available. given by the groom to the bride. Q. Some relatives from Eastern Formal blessing and giving 'of Europe visited our family for a the rings as part of the marriage wedding. They commented on our ritual apparently goes back nearly exchange of wedding rings; said 1,000 years. they never heard of this before. A free brochure on confession We couldn't answer their ques- without serious sin and other tions. Can you tell us where our questions about the sacrament of should also see to it that the vessel, is properly washed (No. 74). I strongly suspect that many, perhaps even some deacons or priests, are not familiar with this provision.

penance is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to' Father John Dietzen, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to him at the same address.

Franciscans No.1 ROME (CNS) - A Jesuit survey of Italian attitudes on religious orders discovere,d that the Franciscans are considered No. I. When ,asked which religious order has had the most influence and importance in history, 47.6 pe'rcent cited the Franciscans. The Jesuits were second with 23 percent. Regarding the influence on Italian cultural, political and social life, 36.2 percent cited the Franciscans. The Jesuits, with 23.3 percent, edged out the Salesians for second place. The Salesians tallied 21.5 percent. '

THE ANC,-,OR - Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Sept. 20, 1991


St. Pat's tea party Faith Must Arise

Video pornography Dear Editor: The eight billion-dollar pornography industry continues to thrive as many video store owners are becoming willing or unwilling partners of organized crime which controls the industry. Recent news items in the secular press reveal that a large number of video store owners are renting and selling obscene videotapes and thus violating the obscenity laws. Excuses advanced by these video store owners for these sales and rentals border on the ridiculous! Their contentions that they are discreet in their sales and rentals, that the tapes are stored in an isolated room, and that the tapes are sold or rented to "consenting adults only", have no standing in the court. Readers should know that our state obscenity law bans the sale and rentals of obscene materials, whether io adults or minors. Any dissemination of pornographic or obscene material is a violation of our obscenity law! These store owners should be prosecuted by our law enforcement people, who for one reason or another, are "sitting on their hands" when these obscenity laws are violated, while they disregard the immeasurable damage done to our people, especially our priceless children. It is a well-established fact that youngsters get their pornography from adults, and adults only! Edmund Burke was right on target when he said that, "It is enough for the triumph of evil, that good men do nothing!" Thomas A. Walsh Secretary, Morality in Media of Massachusetts

Origins has index ,WASHINGTON (CNS) - Origins, the documentary service of Catholic News Service, has published a first-of-its-kind 20-year index that contains references to virtually all major church-related documents in the last two decades. The Origins Index marks the conclusion of 20 years of publication of Origins and contains more than 7,800 author and subject entries. , The subject guide' offers complete portfolios of research material on topics ranging from the consistent ethic of life to the roles of pariSh councils, on ministries, medical ethics, family life, education and court decisions that concern the church. The personalities that shaped the documents and the events of the last two decades - church leaders, theologians, politiciansand, other public figures - can be found among the more than 1,500 listings in the author's guide. The index should prove particularly valuable to those involved in research, the social sciences, edu. cation, church ministry at the diocesan or parish level and in communications-related fields. The Origins Index is available from: Origins Index, Catholic News Service, 3211, Fourth'St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1100; (202) 541-3290. .






It was a special opening meeting for the Women's Guild ofSt. Patrick's parish, Fall River. It began when members received formal bids to a tea party, illustrated with a sketch of two proper Victorian ladies attired in long skirts, one wearing a plumed hat. "Bring your favorite teacup and we'll be sure to fill it up," urged the rhymed invitation, which also urged recipients to wear hats and long dresses. When some 60 members and guests turned up for the party at St. Patrick's school hall, they found that an added attraction was the presence of Fall River Herald News columnist John McAvoy, who regaled them with stories of Fall River as it was 60 and '70 years ago. Responding to the invitation they had received, many members of his audience wore treasured dresses and hats of the period h~ was describing. Further carrying out the theme, the guild tea table and the hall's stage were set with antique teapots and the stage also featured vintage, dolls enjoying their own tea party. Guild member Jean Judge, who recently retired as Lifestyle editor of t~e Fall River Herald News, was honored with a bouquet and cake in recognition of her long service to the greater Fa/I River community and to St. Patrick's parish. In another look at the past, a tablecloth embroidered in 1958 with names of ' the parish priests and parishioners will be updated in the coming year, with present members adding their names. Looking to the future, guild president 9race Correia, who planned the tea party with the aid of officers and board members, announced that future activities will include a living rosary and communion breakfast Oct. 13, a Mass for deceased members at 7 p.m. Nov. 4, and the annual Christmas party Dec. 2.

"Religious faith, indeed relates to that which is above us, but it


Jesuit 'to reeeive Pax Christi a ,~rd

ERIE, Pa. (CNS) - JesUit Father Richard McSorley has been named the winner of the secb,nd annual Pax Christi Book Awar(l for his book "It's Sin to Build" Nuclear Weapon: The Collecte~ Writings on War and Christian Peacemaking of Richard McSorley." Stonehill College, North Easton, The book is an anthology of will hold its annual College Fair columns on current.events'written for high school students from 2 to by Father McSorley. Direc~or of 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29, in the, the Center for Peace Studies at Sally Blair Ames Sports Complex. Washington'ltGeorgetown UniverAdmissions officers from over sity since 1965, Father McSorley 225 public and private colleges also taught theology at Georgeacross the country will be present town from the 1960s through the to provide information on their 1980s. schools and on loans and scholarBishop Walter F. Sullivan of ships available. They will also give' Richmond, Va., president of Pax advice on how to choose a college Christi U.S.A., the U.S. branch of and discuss the importance of the the international Catholic peace Scholastic Aptitude Test. movement, will'present the award Among schools to be repres- and a $1,000 check to Father Mcented are Stonehill, Bentley, Sorley Oct. 3 at The Catholic UniDartmouth, Smith, Holy Cross versity' of America in Washington. and Hawaii Loa colleges, Notre The. award is presented to the Dame, Boston, Villanova, Drexel book that promotes Christ's peace; and Fordham universities and the' articulates the vision, ideals and Massachusetts College of Art. purpose of Pax Christi U.S.A., Further information is available based in Erie; and offers a valuable from the Stonehill admissions contribution to the Catholic peace office, tel. 230-1373. movement.

College Fair set at Stonehill





OWEN J. MURPHY, editor emeritus of the Catholic Free Press, newspaper of the Worcester diocese, since 1978, is leav'ing the ne';spaper after a budgetary move which eliminated his position. Murphy,60,joined the Catholic Free Press in 1957. He also concurrently served as the paper's general manager from 1972 to 1985. As editor emeritus he continued to direct the paper's news operations. His alma mater, St. Michael's College in Winooski, Vt., gave Murphy a doctor of humane letters degree in 1990, calling him "a dean of journalisteditors of American Catholic newspapers." He has a master's degree from the Pulitzer School ofJournalism at Columbia University. Prior to jQining the Catholic Free Press; Murphy worked on. newspapers in Worcester and the U.S~ Army. He and his wife, Eleanor, have four children, one o( whom, Mary Ellen, is a staff member of the Tampa (Fla.) Tribune and a f6~mer Catholic Fr,ee Press reporter and syndicated Catholic columnist.

must arise from that which is within us."-Josian Royce

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Washington: secular capital also a likely pilgrifnage site \

WASHINGTON(CNS) - Most of the tourists in the nation's capital come with an itinerary of visits to museums, monuments and government buildings - .on pilgrimages to understand their country. But more than a million people a year make pilgrimages of a more traditional sort, spending a few hours in one of the dozens of religious centers scattered around a city where secularism is usually standard operating procedure. From the majestic Basilica of the National Shrine ofthe Immaculate' Conception to the tiny and hidden Sacred Heart Chapel in Bowie, Md., about 20 miles outside Washington, the capital area is home to beautiful and historic religious sites important to Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Muslims and others. Probably best known to Catholics is the Immaculate Conception shrine, one of the largest churches in the world. Started in 1920 as a tribute to the patroness ofthe United States, the main structure was completed in 1959 and work continues on mosaics and chapels, said Jane Palladino, interim director of tours and guides. Mrs. Palladino said about 100,000 people a year take formal tours, but as many as a half million visit, attend Masses and guide themselves around the 57 chapels dedicated to Mary. Thousands of people a year make pilgrimages to the Nationat Shrine arranged by companies like Franciscan Pilgrimages of New York. Franciscan Father Callistus Bamberg said the company schedules about 120 bus pilgrimages a year to Washington religious sites. A typical weekend trip features a three-hour stop at the National Shrine including Sunday Mass and a shorter visit to the nearby Fran-

ciscan Monastery ofthe Holy Land, said Father Bamberg. While the shrine and monastery are popular destinations, Father Bamberg said most people join the pilgrimages because they also include tours of the Capitol, the White House, the memorials and some Smithsonian museums. "We tried a two-day pilgrimage [to the shrine and monastery alone) but itdidn't go over," Father Bamberg said. "People want to see more." Even before the National Shrine was completed, thousands of people a year made pilgrimages to the Franciscan monastery, about 12 blocks from the shrine. Built in 1898 as aU .S. extension ofthe Franciscans' missionary work abroad, the monastery's grounds include models of the catacombs of Rome and various holy places in Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem, as well as elaborate, beautifully kept gardens. Today, about 20,000 people a year make pilgrimages there, far fewer than 20 or 30 years ago, according to Franciscan Father Kevin Treston. "That type of devotion is not as prominent as it used to be," Father Treston said. "Now it seems more like tourism instead of pilgrimages sometimes." And beyond the shrine and the monastery are all sorts of stops for people on a Catholic sites tour. The Brookland section of Northeast Washington, where both are found, has a concentration of church-related institutions. In an area about 15 blocks square are two colleges, nearly t~o dozen Catholic monasteries, seminaries or other bases for religious orders, a Catholic diocesan high school and the headquarters for the U.S. Catholic Conference. .

THOUGH WASHINGTON may be best-known to tourists for its government buildings and museums, many visitors travel to the city to see the area's religious centers, such as the regional temple of the ~hurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, impressive for its towering white spir~s and a golden statue.:-of the Mormon prophet Maroni. (eNS.photo)路路..,路

The two largest Catholic universities in Washington both offer tours. The Catholic University of America, adjacent to the National Shrine, conducts tours twice a week 'primarily for prospective students and their families. But others may tag along. Tours at Georgetown University are similarly geared toward prospective students, but tourists are more commonly included. There, 'visitors often make a point of stopping to admire the Healy Building, a 112-year-old flemish Romanesque Revival-style landmark included in the National Historic Register. The 98-year-old Dahlgren Chapel tucked behind Healy is a popular stop with its stained glass windows of various prominent Jesuits. . Throughout Washington, historic Catholic churches are abundant. Just four blocks from each other on Second Street east of the Capitol, St. Joseph's and St. Peter's are known as places to find Catholic members of Congress. St. Joseph's, built in 1868, is just east of the Senate office buildings; St. Peter's, a few blocks south, is around the corner from the three House of Representatives office buildings. Holy Trinity Church in Georgetown makes some people's itineraries as the parish where President John F.Kennedy and his family usually worshiped. Further outside the city, historic Catholic _churches include St. Mary's in Rockville, built in 1813, and Bowie's Sacred Heart Chapel, established in 1741 and one of the area's first Catholic missions. But Catholics aren't the only ones with religious points of interest in Washington: The soaring Gothic-style Washington National Cathedral is among the best-known churches in the District of Columbia. More than 500,000 people will visit the church this year, not counting the thousands who attend services regularly in the sixth-largest cathedral in the world. Although it is administered by the Episcopal Church, religious services are regularly held for other denominations and for national, civic and government organizations. President Woodrow Wilson is entombed there. David Dumter, administrative assistant at the cathedral, said in June alone, 62,000 people visited, including 465 busloads, with more than 40 buses each from California, Texas, Florida and Illinois. Although work is still being completed on some of the stained. glass windows, construction on the cathedral was finished inSeptember 1990, 83 years after the foundation stone was laid. Among highlights of a visit to the National Cathedral are its stained glass-including a window commemorating the flight of Apollo XI that contains a sliver of moon rock. Dominating the skyline at one point on the Capital Beltway north of the district is a regional temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although nonMormons are not allowed to enter the seven-story temple, a close-pp view of the towering white spires topped with a golden statue of the Mormon prophet Maroni is impres- . sive. A visitor's center at the edge of the temple's extensive gardens is staffed by young missionaries. Closer into the center of town, New York A~enue Presbyterian.

NATIONAL SHRINE of the Immaculate Conception, top, recently designated a basilica by Pope John Paul II (CNS/ National Shrine photo); and interior of the Episcopal Church-administered Washington National Cathedral, the sixth-largest cathedral in the world. (CNS photo) Church is famous as the home church of presidents Abraham Lincoln and John Quincy Adams. St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafayette Square has hosted each

B'nai B'rith Klutznick Museum features exhibits about Jewish life. And the Islamic Center, a mosque, includes examples of turkish tiles, Persian rugs and Egyptian stained

presiden.t.~~p'~.c;.JQtmM~di.~~m.;r.be '., gl~~!k



Diocese of Fall River -'Fri., Sept. 20, 1991


U.N. Africa program deemed a flop

PRIEST-PILOTS: Fathers Ray Lagesse, Frank Nemmers, Mel Hemann and Bob 'Kirsch, members of the National Association of Priest Pilots, display a Mooney 20 I single engine plane during the organization's recent meeting in Cahokia, Ill. (CNS/ UP) photo)

Planes launch priest into pastoral piloting WASHINGTON (CNS) - Hearing the motor ofa Centurion Cessna single-engine plane nearby, parishioners hurry out of a remote Catholic church in New Mexico to make sure the street out front is clear. Moments later, the plane touches ground, comes to a halt in front of the church and out jumps' the pilot, Father Bob Kirsch, ready to celebrate Mass for the day. Father Kirsch, 67, doesn't own a car. "Too many kamikaze drivers out there," he said. So,, Father Kirsch, a priest of . the archdiocese of Santa Fe, uses his plane to fly tq and from three' satellite churches of St. Rose of Lima Church in Santa Rosa where he is pastor. "Flying saves a lor-of time," he said. "I get to do a lot of things I couldn't do if I didn't fly." He also flies medical crews, supplies and youth groups to Mexico and Central America to help Catholic missions affiliated with the Santa Fe archdiocese in their work with the poor. Father Kirsch is one of a number of priests who have taken to the skies for both recreation and pastoral work. Many of them belong to the National Association of Priest Pilots, which held its annual meeting recently in Cahokia, Ill.,. at Jesuit-run Parks College, which is part of St. Louis University. The organization has about 150 members, including Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles and six bishops, said its president Father Frank Nemmers, 59, pastor of St. Mary Church in Larchwood, Iowa. The bishops are: Archbishop Francis T. Hurley of Anchorage, Alaska; Bishop MichaelJ. Kaniecki of Fairbanks, Alaska; Bishop James C. Timlin of Scranton, Pa.; Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger of Whitehorse, Yukon; Bishop Jose Alberto Llaguno Farias of the apostolic vicariate ofTarahu~ara, Mexico; and retired Archbishop Leo Arkfeld of Madang, Papua New Guinea. Father Ne.mmers, a pilot~~nce·

1961, said the organization, made up of both recreational and missionary pilots, tries to provide support to pilots who work with missions around the world. Every pilot has stories about the great times or the treacherous moments they've had in flying. For Father Nemmers, one of his most memorable moments as a pilot was when'he was able to fly a woman who needed a kidney transplant to a hospital where doctors had found a kidney for her. H is scariest moment was when his storm tracking equipment failed during a flight and he flew into a storm. "You see your life flashing before you," said Father Nemmers of the diocese of Sioux City. "I turned my plane around and got it out of there. I kissed the ground once I landed." Father Nemmers said the freedom a pilot feels when flying is so exhilarating that the emotion outweighs any fears. Father Melvin Hemann, director of family life for the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, said he was torn between joining the Air Force and becoming a priest and after he]olned the mlJitary, he was 'discharged for having a heart murmur.

He then turned toward the priesthood because he figured "it was the Lord's calling." But he has continued to fly. "Nothing ever replaces your first solo flight," he said. "You realize, you're all alone and you know you have got to do it or else." Jesuit Father Ray Lagesse, assistant dean of arts and sciences at Jesuit-run St. Louis University in St. Louis, said that in the 10 years he has been flying, he has gained a new respect for and better understanding of weather patterns. "You are a victim of the weather's movements," Father Lagesse said. "Piloting can look glamorous but it takes a lot'of technical discipline." Father Lagesse said he took up flying when he was director of campus ministry at Parks College, which specializes in aeronautics. "Not knowing how to fly at a campus. like that is like being a missionary to a foreign country and not knowing the language," Father Lagesse said. His favorite type of flying is at night because cities "take ona special magical quality." Father Lagesse said his dream, like that of many pilots, is to land a 747 plane "just to say you did it."

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MANCHESTER, England (CNS) - The United Nations fiveyear economic development program for Africa is a failure, Catholic and other privafe aid agencies said. The agencies, called Non-Governmental Organizations, or NGOs in international development parlance, said the program has "taken more money out of Africa [through debt repayments] than it has put in" but it "continues to have a major role in determining the economic policies that Africa adopts." It called on the wealthy nations to cancel the debt owed them by Africa for development loans.' A copy of the statement was made available to Catholic News Service by the aid agency of the bishops of England and Wales, the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development. In New York U.N. Secretary, General Javier Perez de Cuellar in effect also called the program a flop and also recommended cancelling the African debt. The NGO report said that in addition to the economic damage caused by the U.N. plan there is evidence that some development programs have a negative impact on the environment, because they push increased agricultural production beyond what was ecologically sound. . The organizations said that the wealthy lending countries, to be credible in their expressions of concern for the economically deteriorating continent, "must make

irrevocable commitments to cancel Africa's debt." .On June I, 1986, the U.N. General Assembly adopted a five-year program which was regarded as the most significant commitment of the wealthy nations to supplying development ail:! to the African continent. African countries, in return, agreed to restructure their economies, reduce government waste and use government funds more efficiently. . But the resources made available to the developing nations fell short of need and the African states' performance in economic reform was deemed half-hearted. Perez de Cuellar has called for a new initiative which would: - Double Africa's per capita income by the year 2015. - Raise development aid 4 percent annually until the year 2000, starting with a $30 billion infusion . in 1992. - Take "bold" measures of debt reduction, including cancelling debts owed to other governments. - Establish an African Diversification Fund for technical assistance in reducing the dependence of African economies on the sale of primary goods whose prices .fluctuate dramatically on the world . market. Julian ·Filochowski, director of the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, said he would like to see much less "pointless" spending on arms and more on development and social programs in Africa.

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10 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 20,1991

St. Julie's expansion Conti!1ued from Page One

also a recipient of the diocesan Marian Medal. He is married to the former Ruth Glennon. She is married to James McNamee and they have two children. Walter R. Smith graduated Dartmout~ College in 1967 and Boston College Law School in 1970. He is a partner in a general practice law firm, Burke and Smith, P.e., with offices in North Dartmouth. He has been a member of the Dartmouth School Committee since 1977 and is presently committee chairman. He is a member of the board of governors at 'New Bedford Country Club. He is also a member of St. Julie's Parish Council. He and his wife Jane have three children. Lawrence A. Weaver is a native and resident of New Bedford. He is a veteran of World War II, in which he served with the U.S. . Army Medical Corps Special Services. He is president-treasurer of Crowley-Weaver Insurance Agency, Inc., and owner of CVM, Property Management Company. He is a former director of First National Bank/ Shawmut BankNew Bedford. He has beena member of St. Julie's Parish since its establishment. He is a member of St. Julie's finance council and has been member-in-charge and treasurer of bingo operations for 19 years. He is a member of St. Julie's

of volunteer workers. The parish campaign will begin October 6. Everyone is optimistic that, , despite the present economic climate, the program will be successful and construction will proceed. Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill was appointed pastor of St. Julie Billiart parish on September 17, 1986. He was previously pastor of SS. Peter and Paul parish in Fall River for II years. Prior to that he served as diocesan director of education for 14 years. He was ordained a priest in 1957, and was named a monsignor in 1974. He holds an AB degree from St. John's Semin.ilry, Brighton, and a master's degree in guidance and a doctorate in educational administration from Boston College. , He has taught on,the highschool, college and graduate school levels, inciuding courses at the University of Notre Dame. He is past president of the Chief Administrators Department ofthe National Catholic Educational Association and chairman of the Independent Schools Commission of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Rev. StephenJ. Avila isa native of New Bedford. He graduated from New Bedford High School in 1973 and earned a BA in philosophy from Providence College. In 1977, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin assigned Father Avila to the Pontifical North American College in Rome. While there, Father Avila received a bachelo~'s degree in sacred theology from ,the Gregorian University and was ordained Continued from Page One to the diaconate on April 17, 1980. such care for others," while at the On July 18, 1981, Bishop Cronin same time it "recognizes that we ordained Father Avila to the priesthood at St. 楼ary's Cathedral in are not morally obligated to use all Fall River. His 'first assignment available medical procedures in was as parochial vicar at Our Lady every set of circumstances;" the of Mt. Carmel Church until July bishops said. "But that tradition clearly and 1984. He was then assigned as strongly affirms that as a responparochial" vicar to St. Mary's Church in Mansfield until 1988 sible steward of life one must never when he transferred to St. Julie directly intend to cause one's own death, or the death of an innocent Billiart as pl:l!..q~hial vicar. victim, by action or omission," Father Avila is chaplain at Bish- they added. op Stang High School and direcThey quoted the Second Vatitor ofthe diocesan Television Mass can Council's statement that euApostolate. He has served on var- thanasia and willfui' suicide are ious diocesan committees, includ- "offenses against life itself' which ing the Diocesan Worship Com- "poison civilization.". mission and the RCIA committee. The bishops also quoted from 'He is also a member of the Dioce- the Vatican Congregation for the' san Youth Ministry Council. Doctrine ofthe Faith's 1980 "DecArlene McNamee, a Licensed laration on Euthanasia," which Social Worker, graduated from called euthanasia "a violation of Bishop Stang High School in 1963 the divine law, an offense against and from Stonehill College in 1968. the dignity of the human person, a She has been a member of St. crime a~ainst life and an attack on Julie's parish since 1974 and has humanity." been a member of the finance council from 1989 to 1991. She was executive director of New Bedford Child and Family路 Service from 1979 to 1988. She is currently the President of Richards WASHINGTON (CNS) - Je& Davis Co., Tiverton, RI. Her suit Father Andrew J. Christiansen community service and affiliations has taken over as director of the include: board member of St. International Peace and Justice Luke's Hospital from 1988 to the Office of the U.S. Catholic ConpreseIlt; vice chair of St. Luke's ference's Department of Social Hospital, 1991; director, Baybank Development and World Peace. South 1985-1990; director BayIn June Father Christiansen and bank, Inc. 1990 to the present; a collaborator concluded a series member ofthe Massachusetts Child , of studies on the application of the Welfare League Executive's Group; just war theory to contemporary member United Way of New Bed- conflicts, and recently Father Christford Allocations Committee, 1991; iansen has served as a consultant and member of the Department of to the USCC on environmental Social Service Statewide Advisory issues and as superior to the Jesuit Committee 1989 to the p'resent. community at the University of St. Vincent de Paul Society. He is Notre Dame.


Peace and Justice director named

-- ...,

ciate the sacrifices o'thers made for 'liis betterment." After watching the first week of the' hearing on television and spending the better part of two days observing the proceedings in the Senate hearing room, Sister Reidy suggested the panel of senators look for clues to his character in a speech Thomas gave to the Missionary Franciscan Sisters for . a fundraising appeal. She quoted part of the 1986' speech in which he said, "What we had yesterday ... is precisely what we need now - as a bare min, imum - as an indispensable starting point, God, values, morality and of course, education. "[The sisters] accepted our equality without a civil rights act; they accepted equality of education without a Supreme Court decision; they lived in the inner city with us before we knew it was the inner city." Committee chairman Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., commended Sister Reidy for her loyalty to her former student and jokingly asked (' whether she'd still recommend him AN AGING elm in the front yard of Jose and Gertrude if he had some view of the ConstiSalas of Denver was transformed by this"seven-foot sculpture tution she didn't like. ' of Jesus, carved with a chainsaw by a Pennsylvania sculptor as "Sure would!" she said, with a smile. a wedding anniversary gift from the couple's children. (eNS "Thank God for loyalty," Biden photo) responded. "He's very fortunate to have had you." Father Brooks told the Senate Judiciary Committe that as a mem- _ to clarify whether he Pressed Continued from Page One ber of the board of trustees for him, without realizing Thomas was agreed with the author of the arti- Holy ,Cross College, Judge Thocle, Thomas sai'd "I do disagree nearby, said, "That's good. I hope with him to the extent he uses nat- mas has been a vigorous advocate the SOB dies." for minorities, including its affir"It was at that moment when I ural law to make a constitutional mative action program. adjudication." decided to leave the seminary," He said the college's board of The theory of natural law holds said Thomas. Soon after that he trustees has given administrators a that individuals have certain'basic . joined various civil rights protest marches and participated in other rights above those given by written mandate for "vigorous recruitment" of minority students. That manevents that clarified his decision to laws:"'- particularly that such rights date includes a selection process come from God. leave Conception, he explained. Among Thomas' supporters on under which a black or other miThomas was raised by his Catholic grandfather and attended segre- the committee were Sen. Orrin nority applicant would likely be Hatch, R-Utah, who noted toward accepted over an equally well-qualgated Catholic schools in Savannah, Ga., including a minor semi- the end of the first week of hear- ified white prospective student, he nary high school. He and his wife ings that the abortion issue had said under questioning. Thomas has been on the colnow attend an Episcopal church. , come up more than 7~ times. lege's board of trustees since 1978. Outside Witnesses F.arlier in the week, from a vaEven in childhood Clarence He graduated from Holy Cross in riety of angles, members of the Thomas was an independent think- 1971. Throughout his career, committee attempted to get Thomer who challenged the status quo, Thomas has publicly opposed as to voice some sort of opinion Franciscan Sister Mary 'Virgilius affirmative action programs as about a right to abortion. But Reidy said in testimony Sept. 17 unnecessary favoritism while supThomas continued to politely rebefore the Senate Judiciary Com- porting other civil rights efforts. peat that he had,made no personal mittee. decision about abortion and that But in the same panel of wit"Is it any wonder, then, that at a "to take a position would undernesses as Father Brooks, John mine my ability to be a fair judge.:' young age, he questioned the daily Gibbons, former vice chairman of recitation of the Pledge of AlleIn response to questions from the Holy Cross board of trusrees Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D-' giance, which ensures liberty and testified that an affirmative action Ohio, Thomas said the thought of justice for all, when neither liberty program is a part of the board's nor justice was available to black back-alley abortions pained him, directives, wliich Thomas has and that he would keep an open children," the retired nun said of strongly backed. . mind in any consideration of abor- her former student. Father Brooks said Thomas also "Do we pe'rhaps begin to see tion cases. an active interest in other takes , In the first day of testimony, here the early beginnings of ajudi- efforts of the college directed cial mind, so ably demoristrated at Thomas said he believes in a contoward minority students, such as , stitutional right to privacy - the these hearings?" their social organizations, grad uaThe nun spoke to the committee. basis of the Roe vs. Wade ruling and recruitment rates, suption -and said he does no~ agree with as part of a panel that included: port systems and scholarship opJesuit Father John Brooks, presithe conclusions drawn in an essay portunities. he once praised which said under dent of Holy Cross College, WorGibbons and Father Brooks both cester; former federal appeals court the theory of natural law the Consaid they' had no doubt Thomas stitution protects the life of the Judge John Gibbons, now a law professor at Seton Hall University would be an advocate for civil fetus. rights if appointed to the Supreme The nominee's 1987 speech, to in Newark" N.J.; and Niara SuCourt. darkasa, president of Lincoln Unithe Heritage Foundation on the "If Clarence Thomas were not essay has been cited-frequently by versityin Pennsylvania. Sister Reidy, now living in Tena- 'black, would he have been a stuthose who have tried to pin down how the 43-year-o}d federal judge fly, N.J., was among the nuns to dent there?" asked Sen. Hank would rule on abortion-related whom Thomas n,ferred with grati- . Brown, R-Colo. tude when he accepted the nomi"He probably would have been," cases. Thomas told the committee he nation for the Supreme Court seat said Father Brooks, who was vice did not agree with the conclusions being vacated by Justice Thurgood president and academic dean of dra wn by conservative business- MaI:shaJI. She was principal ofthe the college during Thomas' under- man Lewis Lehrman in the article, ' now-closed St. Benedict elemen- graduate days. He said the nomiand said he had mere'ly cited it as a tary school in Savannah, Ga., and nee's academic record from his way of striking a chord with his taught Thomas when he was in the first year of college at Conception audience. His reference was direct- eighth grade. Seminary in Missouri was very' She said he was a cooperative, good and would probably have ed at getting them to understand his philosophy about civil rights helpful and studious child who qualified him without any racial "seemed to recognize and appreand natural law, Thomas said. preference.

Thomas testimony

Chaplains find postwar~tress affecting military marriages

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 20,1991


FORT McCOY, Wis. (CNS)"Strong marriages survive" such Although few U.S. soldiers died in disruptions, he said, while "for the Persian Gulf War, the collat- fragile marriages, it may be the eral damage to marriages and fam- final straw." While Gulf war veterans and ilies continues today, according to a military chaplain and profes- their families suffering from postwar stress need ministry, Mr, Travsional counselor. "There's a toll this conflict has .is said, more attention must be taken where there are no tanks and paid to buildillg healthy marriages Army vehicl.es," said the Rev. before a crisis occurs. James Travis, director of pastoral "Achieving intimacy is a risky counseling at Duke University in business," he said. A truly intimate Durham, N.C. relationship - which takes time Mr. Travis, a Southern Baptist and patience to develop .:- includes minister, National Guard colonel characteristics of equality, inter,and chaplain, spoke on the effects dependency, respect for individual of postwar stress on marriages and difference, negotiation and comfamilies at a "Desert Storm Re- promise, he said. union Workshop," held recently at The sudden deployment of servFort McCoy. ice members to the Persian Gulf, Sponsored by the Fort McCoy and their subsequent return, tested Installation Chapel, the workshop many marriages, Mr. Travis said. attracted chaplains, clergy memIn order to help service members bers, other caregivers and family build healthy marriages, he said, and friends of Gulf War veterans. "Get them to look at their relaCiting the skyrocketing divorce tionships more t.hanjust on family rate~ at some military bases after weekend visits" to the base. "Identhe war, Mr. Travis said that ·al- tify local clergy and counseling though service in the Gulf war may resources, find a way to work with have triggered the domestic tur- them." Workshops, Bible studies and moil that sometimes occurs when service members return home, the retreats for soldiers can be offered, root causes go deeper. he said.

Reserve components of the armed forces "particularly need to attend to this future-looking approach," Mr.. Travis said, since their deployment in times of conflict is especially disruptive to the families involved. In another address to the workshop, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopfs staff chaplain said chaplains serving in the Gulf war provided the military's "most effective ministry ever," despite restrictions on them. The Rev. David Peterson, a Presbyterian minister and Army \ colonel, said the restrictions were imposed because of a sensitivity to religious sensibilities in the Gulf, .particula~ly i!!- Saudi Arabia. As command staff chaplain with the U.S. Central Command, Mr. THE REV. James Travis, left, VISitS with Father Joe Peterson served as the senior milHannon, a military chaplain, during a break at a postwar stress itary chaplain of all Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force chap- workshop at Fort MCCoy, Wis. (CNS photo) lains in the Persian Gulf. Among the restrictions Mr. available to those serving in the effective, but morale hit rock botPeterson criticized were instruc- Gulf. tom because the support of the tions not to wear religious insignia Some of the restrictions were nation was lacking, and so many such as a cross or Star of David, ignored, he said, and ministry im- [service members) broke their moral calling chaplains "morale officers" proved without any ill effects to code" while serving there, he said. and generally not informing the public relations. He contrasted that with the pubU.S. public of ministry services "It was a big mistake to even lic support during the Gulf war suggest we' take the [religious] and the conduct of service members insignia off," he said. "Taking the there. cross off hurt my ministry. I put it "There was a phenomenal reback on, and service members came . sponse from the church back up and said, 'I didn't know you . home" during the Gulf war, Mr. were a chaplain. I've been looking Peterson said. "The nation turned for a chaplain.' " primarily to'the Catholic Church. shioners' needs and advises people Mr. Peterson compared his to God like never before. It had an On June I sh~ began serving as with disabilities to state their needs Desert Storm.experience with his effect on the outcome of the war." executive director of the National and be patient. service as a squadron chaplain in Catholic Office for Persons with Although she does not know Vietnam in 1966-70. ALWAYS MONEY A\l\IIABLE Disabilities. what percentage of the nation's "The ministry in Vietnam was . The office, established in 1982, parishes have taken special steps FOR HOME PURCHASE OR provides resources and support to to be more accessible, she has seen . IMPROVEMENf parishes and diocesan staff progress. Her own parish, Holy Montie' Plumbing throughout the country working Trinity in the Georgetown section to implement the U.S. bishops' of Washington, recently put in a ": Heating Co. 1978 pastoral statement on people sound enhancement system and Over 35 Years with disabilities. installed a wheelchair lift in the of Satisfied Service Ms. Owen, who worked for pas- school's lower level. Reg. Master Plumber 7023 In a recent talk to the 1991 sage of the Americans with DisJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. abilities Act that was signed into Women and Disability Issues Conlaw last year, is a member of the ference in Salt Lake City, Ms. 432 JEFFERSON STREET -, WITH CON\'E."m:.\'T OFFICES Archdiocese of Washington's Com- Owen urged women to find new Fall River 675-7496 TIlROUGHOUfSOUfHEASrERN MA&Ii. mittee on Ministry with Persons ways to do' things. "Every rehabilitation is a rebirth, Disabled. She said she will miss the one- a reincarnation, a resurrection," on-one contact she has had with she said. "Do things differently, - "SHOREWAY ACRES IS A SURE THING" many people who have called at make do, reexamine, look careIt's 'What life On Cape Cod Is All About" her home, such as the man about fully for ways to do things better .. .:>10"'" EnKland GetAway, l\laKaline to be evicted. But she strongly feels and apply them to your everyday that the church needs to learn lives. Ms. Owen also addressed the about making everyone feel wel• Tho Porsonal atlOntion tound only at spiritual aspects of disabilities. come. a tamily-owned Rosort· Inn "God created us to live in . "Each person is unique and can . 8 SUPERB moals por couplo add to the rich tapestry of a reli- vulnerable bodies so that we could .Full Sorvice B.Y.a.B. Bar gious faith community," she said. discover that the spirit is more .\.i"o I\lusic-Dancinl\-Sinl\alonl\' But the disabled often 'feel that important than the wrapping paper . • Attractivo Accommodations· on our souls," she said. "If each of "church doors are closed to them," Indoor Pool-Saunas she added, because many churches us is complete unto ourselves, then ·per person, per night, dbl. ~llr rt"wr\'dt1(ln~. call TolI·trt.,tJ in ~ew Enl(lanJ do not have ramps, adequate light- s'ocieties, communities or parishes oeeup. 9/6/91 thru'II/27/91. 1-800-352-7100 or 508-540-3000 Holidays: 3 nights. Tax &: tips ing or sound enhancement systems. would never have developed. It is not included. . When Ms. Owen lost her sight through our 'normal' vulnerabiliOn Historic Shore Street. Box (j Dcpt. A. Fa·lmoulh. M~ss. 02541 in 1972, she had been working as a ties that we are guided toward college professor in California. She learning the lessons of interdesaid her blindness left her feeling pendencies." scared and unaware of, what she could accomplish. Then five years ago, as a result ofsurgery and a complication from injuries, Ms. Owen lost hearing in one ear and also lost her sense of balance. "By that time I knew people more disabled than I, and COMPLETE HEATING SYSTEMS there was no way I'd accept judgeSALES..& INSTALLATIONS ment tha~ I couldn't do something," PROMPT DELIVERIES she said. DIESEL OILS As she works for change, Ms. 24 Owen hopes to be "an advocate HOUR SERVICE who builds bridges" between per465 NOrnH FRONT ST sons with disabilities and their NEW BEDFORD pastors. She tells priests and church leaders to be sensitive to their pari-

Catholic advocate for handicapped aims to open church doors to disabled WASHINGTON (CNS) When Mary Jane Owen talks on the phone, her voice is strong and compassionate. "You're worth it - whatever you do, don't give up fighting," she tells a caller. After hanging up, she said the caller had threatened to kill him. self, fearing he would soon be evicted from his apartment. He spoke in frustration, she said, telling her that he was permanently disabled. "When I told him I was permanently disabled too, his tone changed completely," she said. For more than a decade, Ms.. Owen has not only been a listening ear for persons with disabilities, but she also has been their voice of advocacy. She knows many of their capabilities and frustrations firsthand, because she is blind, has partial hearing and uses a wheelchair. Her message - that persons with disabilities should be included in all aspects of life - has made its way across the country. She has spoken at conferences, written magazine articles and formed Disability Focus Inc., an organization to lobby, for change in social policies. Now she will direct her message


O~ Co.,






eNS photo





THE ANCHOR----:-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 20, 1991

CNS phOto


CNS photo


They'd love to get pope to '~open up"


LOS ANGELES (CNS) - ABC's Sam Donaldson has his questions lined up in the unlikely chance he ever interviews Pope John Paul II. As such, Donaldson stands as one of many reporters, an<i ABC as one of many news agencies, with long-standing requests for an indepth interview with one of the world's top newsmakers. There's no sign, however, that any reporter will sool1 sit down with the pope - but not for reporters' lack of interest. "Why you want to interview the pope is not so much to have him explain Catholic theology, the canons of the church," said Donaldson, who has screamed questions at presidents and grilled politicians. It's to learn the pope's "personal feelings about his job and his life, the assassination attempt, what it is like to be the vicar of Christ." His hope would be to get the pope to open up. It wouldn't be interesting if he just "sat there and read from the Bible - a parish priest could do that," said Donaldson. "But if he told us how it felt to be a poor Polish boy who rose to this position, how he felt about the assassination, how he felt about the waves that are beating against the church - he's trying to hold back the tides in my estimation, I'm a non-Catholic - on questions like abortion, priestly celibacy, all the rest. I think that would be fascinating." , ,Donaldson and David Brinkley, host of the ABC-TV Sunday morning interview program "This Week With David Brinkley," talked with Catholic News Service while in Los Angeles to promote the program, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this 'year. Landing an interview with Pope John Paul would be a coup in itself, said Donaldson, a regular on ~'This Week." But how well the interview went, he said, would depend on whether the pope would "open himself up." Unlike Donaldson, Brinkley found the concept of interviewing the pope awesome. "Frankly I wouldn't know what to ask him," said Brinkley, who like Donaldson has interviewed his share of world leaders. He said ABC has requested such an interview, but that he would be "astonished" if it came through. Pope John Paul could go on any ABC News program he wants to, the newsmen said. ABC has made "requests over the years at several points" for a papal interview, said David Glodt, executive producer of the Brinkley program. "We'd love it," he said. "The pope has so much influence on so many things that go on in the world."

Scouts have role in building future, pope says, VATICAN CITY(CNS)~ Boy Scouts should generously fulfill their commitment, to serve God and neighbor, said a papal message to participants in the 17th World Scout Jamboree. Scouts from some 80 countries took part in the recent event at Soraksan National Park in South .Korea's Kangwon province. The message to the Scouts, made on behalf of Pope John Paul II, was sent in a letter to Cardinal Stephen Kim of Seoul, The pope "feels particularly close" to the Scouts "in their desire for'c1ose contact with nature, for personal development toward full human maturity and for openness toward every other person without

prejudice of race, creed or class," the letter said. The pope asked that at prayer services conducted by various religious groups during the Jamboree, the Scouts would "earnestly implore the gift of peace for the peoples of the world." The Scouts, like other young people, have a special role to play in building the future, the letter said. "The more conscious they are of the no.ble ideals of their movement, and the more united in friendship, the greater will be their contribution to breaking down' artificial barriers and to creating a new civilization of solidarity, service and love."

Lithuanians revive VATICAN CITY (CNS) - In the week that brought recognition of Baltic independence, a tiny religious colony from Lithuania planted its own flag of freedom in Rome. Five priests, six nuns and 15 seminarians piled into a bus Aug. 19 and started a four-day pilgrimage that would end at Rome's Lithuanian College, where - for the first time in some 40 years the halls would resound with the voices of students from the homeland. Their early morning departure from Lithuania was a moment of joy and anticipation. The group had just attended Mass and been blessed by Cardinal Vincentas Sladkevicius of Kaunas. But the voyage soon turned into a vigil, when reports of a Soviet coup attempt came over the radio. "We heard the news from Moscow jus't as we were crossing the Polish border," recalled 23-yearold Ramonas Hrvydas, one of the seminarians. There was immediate anxiety about relatives and friends left behind, with reports that Soviet troops were moving toward Lithuania. As the bus' moved slowly down the continent, they prayed the rosary for the Lithuanian nation. When they reached Rome, the group felt that a small miracle had occurred. The. Soviet coup had been undone, the Communist Party was dissolving and Lithuania was being recognized as independent by more and more countries around the world. On Sept. 6, the Soviet Union's newly formed interim State Council as its first act granted independence to the three Baltic states - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia - ending 50 years of Soviet rule. "When we left, the Iro'n Curtain was still standing, and now it is gone. We are happy, and we thank God for it. Now we have great hope that our land will truly .be free," Hrvydas said. Another young student, Renalds Reivytis, acknowledged that he missed out on what may be lithuania's happiest hour as a nation. '''But for my people, it's just as important that I be here right now," he said. The Lithuanian College was set up in 1945 as a kind of refuge for seminarians and priests who could not return to the homeland following Spviet annexation. But after , the first class of seminarians graduated out, the number of students dwindled to a handful from the United States, Canada and other places with Lithuanian communities, said the current rector, Msgr. Algimantas Bartkus. In recent decades the college was used primarily as a residence .for other Rome seminarians, but "we always hoped and prayed for


college in R'ome

the day when we could give this tem was recently put in. A World seminary as a gift to the church in War II-era phone system has been Lithuania," Msgr. Bartkus said. replaced, too. For many of the seminarians, That day finally arrived this year. Soviet President Mikhail the trip to Rome was the first time Gorbachev provided the reform outside Lithuania. None spoke policies allowing seminarians to I~alian (intensive language classes travel to Rome for study. An began in September) and few apagency of the U.S. bishops' con- peared prepared for the secular ference, the Office to Aid the Cath- side of the Eternal City. "I thought there wouldbe more olic Church in Central and Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R., pro- of a religious spirit here, but I see vided funds that are covering 70-80 there is a commercial spirit, even percent of the education expenses. in the churches," said Reivytis And Lithuania, which is enjoy- afteJ:.six days in Rome. On the other hand, all were ing somewhat of a religious revival, provided the'seminarians from impressed by their welcome at the a growing pool of priesthood . Vatican. At Vatican Radio's Lithuanian section - an information candidates. lifeline ba~k home - they attended The seminarians say they have a special Mass for Lithuanian brought "/i piece of Lithuania" to intentions. . Rome and are enthusiastic about Even after their arrival in the starting classes. college, they kept listening to VatThe well-worn college probably ican Radio for news of political .reminds them of home. There are developments on the home front. small shrines in some of the hall- But the highlight oftheirfirst week ways, and a large map of lithu- in Rome was not their president's ania covers one wall. declaration, "We are free," nor The smells of home cooking was it when European foreign minmake their way up to the residen- isters decided to officially recogtial floors. That's where the nuns nize Lithuania. come in: four of the sisters are Instead, the most emotional mo-, providing kitchen, laundry and ment came during a brief audience housekeeping services. Two nuns with Pope John Paul II, whQ told will be studying catechetics. them he thought their country had The seminary furniture was due "begun a new era, full of great . for delivery in early September; hope." "It was wonderful to see the arriving students found their rooms missing desks and chairs. At least pope. Our hearts are still moved the lights, worked - after many by it. This was our finest day iit blown fuses, a new electrical sys- Rome," said one.

Albanian Catholics lack everything but faith 'VATICAN CITY (CNS) Albanian Catholics, like their fellow citizens, are materially poor and were deprived of the basic teachings of their religion for 46 years, but they never lost their faith, an Albanian priest said. Father Francesco Ilia; the 74year-old pastor of a parish in Miloti, Albania, was interviewed recently by Vatican Radio, Despite the Albanian government's declaration in i967 that it was an officially atheistic country, Father Ilia said, "I solemnly say before the whole world that' the Albanian people have never been atheists." In fact, he said, the brutal repression of religion by the communist government strengthened people's faith. The government tried "every means to' discourage the clergy" and to force them to renounce the Catholic faith, said Father Ilia, who is one of about 30 Catholic priests left in the country. - "I can say that no bishop, priest 'or religious gave the minimum

sign of denying the faith. Rather, with heads held high they showed themselves to be inflexible even to the point of heroism, that is say, to death," he said. Mid-1990 statistics said that Catholics accounted for 5 percent of Albania's 3.3 million population, while "non-religious" made up 55 percent and "atheist" 19 percent. The remaining 21'percent are Muslim. ' While the people continue to, believe in God and to call themselves Catholic, Father Ilia said, especially among young people there is an almost total lack of knowledge about the faith. Parents could not teach even the sign of the cross to their children for fear they- would show or tell someone and the parents would lose their jobs, he said. "We must begin with the most elementary things,' and we need religious objects such as crucifixes, medals, rosaries and, above all, little catechisms and pamphlets with the most common and important prayers in, the Albanian language." Besides this, the people need' their daily bread, without which one cannot speak of anything," Father Ilia said. "The hungry are not able to listen to anything when they feel the pangs of hunger." The church in Albania also needs priests and other church personnel "armed with love for Jesus Christ and for souls, and ready to sacrifice in every sense," Father Ilia added. Father Ilia added that foreign missionari<;s would not have to worry about starving in Albania, "because the people are truly noble and hospitable, and share their morsel with guests, especially when it is guests arriving to preach the names of God."



•... . Cardinal Law hopeful after .Vletnam trip .

WASHINGTON (CNS) - An American Catholic delegation's warm welcome from the Vietnamese government leaves hope that more progress lies ahead in expanding religious freedom there, said' the delegation's leader, Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston. "The church is able to live more freely now, but there is stillsignificant ground to 'be covered in that area, especially in the area of fundamental human rights," Card~nal Law said in an interview last week in Washington. "With greater pastoral freedom, the church will be able to actively participate'in the development of Vietname~e refugees. Cardinal Law's delegation included Jesuit Father Richard Ryscavage, executive director of the U.S. bishops' Migration and Refugee Services. "There is an increasing vitality in the church both in the numbers of people and in the enthusiasm," Father Ryscavage said. Vietnamese Catholics make up about 10 percent of the country's 64 million people. . Vietnam has had a communist government since French colonial' rule ended in 1954. Unlike the Chinese communist government, the Vietnamese recognize Vatican authority over Catholics. Nevertheless, many Catholic priests remain imprisoned because oftheir religious beliefs, and Vietnam's government hinders church work by controlling the movement of priests and nuns and limiting the number of seminarians among other things. The delegation said Vietnamese officials need to: - Grant clear legal status for the Conference of Bishops of Vietnam. - Continue dialogue with the Vatican. - Grant freedom to church personnel to have international contacts and to travel abroad and within the country. .- Allow the church to select seminary and faculty candidates, recruit faculty members from abroad, and startseininarian classes each year, not every three years. - Allow the church to assign bishops and priests and engage in pastoral activities according to. church norms. About refugees, Cardinal L~w told Catholic News Service he opposed other countries' proposals to push Hanoi into accepting forced repatriation or creating holding centers for returned boat people. Vietnam is trying to boost the economy by allowing some private enterprise, which should slow the exodus of people, he added.

eNS photo


The delegation did not get to visit many repatriated families, but Cardinal Law s'aid they appeared not to be mistreated by the government. He added, however, that they did not seem too happy to be back in Vietnam. . Since 1975, when U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam, more than I million Vietnamese have been resettled in the West. An estimated 35 percent are said to be Catholic. Father Ryscavage said his office helps run three programs in Vietnam for.,refugees: - Orderly Departure Program funded by the United States and several other countries to reduce boat departures by Vietnamese refugees. About 7,000 Vietriamese. a month are leaving the countrY,this




-'-:- Amarasian program allowing children of American soldiers left in Vietnam after the war to come to the United States with their mother, spouses and children and half siblings under the age of 25, Father Ryscavage said. The families ~pend six months in orientation programs in the Philippines before coming to the United States. Church officials are trying to raise the age limit for half siblings.

~ Political prisoner program helping resettle so-called "re-education camp" detainees and their families in the West. Th'ese prisoners were incarcerated in hard-labor camps during the communist takeover of South Vietnam in 1975 and forced to undergo "re-education" ofthe communist doctrine. They were imprisoned for having served in military or government positions for the U$. ~backed South Vietnamese government prior to the communist takeover. ' Cardinal Law said the delegation urged the Vietnamese government to process the "re-education camp" detainees earlier .than others for' resettlement because "they had! already.suffered more than .enough and should be allowed to join their families abroad." . Others in the delegation were Dawn Calabia, the' U.S. bishops' director for refugees services; Msgr. 'William Murphy, secretary for Boston archdiocesan community relations; Msgr. Timothy Moran, rector of St. John Seminary in Boston; and, Jesuit Father Francisco Javier Urrutia, a professor from the Gregorian University in Rome who served as translator.

Book on heaven features varied commentators NEW YORK (CNS) - An English Atonement friar has gotten an assortment of famous people from Princess Anne to Mother Teresa, from Archbishop Desmond Tutu to evangelist Billy Graham - to contribute their thoughts for a book on heaven. Father Michael Seed, a chaplain at London's Westminster Cathedral and adviser on ecumenism to Cardinal George Basil Hume, said he was asked to write a book on heaven, but did not have enough ideas of his own. So he sent out letters explaining his project and found a great many prominent people were intrigued enough to respond. Interviewed duringa recent New York visit Father Seed said he, sought to include "someone for everyone," and secured responses from obscure people such as representatives of the homeless and children, as well as prominent figures of politics, sports and the arts. Movie star Sean Connery wrote that .he was too busy on his next movie to contribute, but closed by saying, "I will see you in heaven." Father Seed put that together with the contribution of an 8-year~ old and titled the book, "I Will See You in Heaven :. Where Animals Don't Bite." All the contributors, he said, have been invited to Westminster Cathedral Hall to help launch the book on its official publication . date, Oct. 2. He is now seeking permission to sell the letters they wrote at an auc:, . tion and will use the proceeds for sheltering the homeless. The book is being published by St. Paul Publications, an agency of the Pauline Fathers. Father Seed said they were featuring it at . the October book fair in Frankfurt, Germany, and he expected negotiations would be completed there for aU .S. publisher to bring out an American edition. Father Seed dedicated the book to Mother Teresa, who is represented both by a preface and' previously published quo~ations. He

THE ANCHOR~Dioceseof Fall River-Fri., Sept. 20, 1991


,'· I I :~



. + 'j



said the preface/was a composite he made from several letters she wrote him and telephone conversations they had. JOHN FISCHER~ a Wisconsin prison inmate, replaces a "Heaven for me will be, the joy window at St. Mary's School in'New Richmond, Wis., as part of being with JesuS and Mary and of a community service work program for prisoners convicted all the other saints and angels, and all Qur poor - all of us going of no.n-violent crimes. (eNS photo) home to God," she said. Fathe~ Seed said he kne'w royal protocol would not allow Q\leen Elizabeth to contribute, but that he wrote several other members of the royal family and got one· contribution. NEW RICHMOND, Wis. (CNS) the boot camp's six-month duraPrincess Anne wrote, "Sailing Some area churches are wel- tion isn't long in comparison to on a sunny day, with a fresh breeze blowing, with maybe somebody coming convicts in the midst of five years behind bars. "It beats sitting in prison," said, you really care for, is the nearest their prison terms with open arms, thing to heaven I will ever get on as well as with walls to paint, roofs. Jamie Goettl, 21. "We're outdoors. to repair and gardens to landscape.. You can wear. off some energy. It this .earth." A program. of the local correc- feels good to do work that gives Father Seed said his own thinktional institution gives inmates with something back to the community." ing was broadened when he got a a history of drug or alcohol abuse Work like that done fOf the contribution from Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South a chance to avoid prison terms by churches also is more rewarding doing community service work. than' ot,her work-release projects, Africa, suggesting that even Adolf Following a tough regimen that like clearing hrush along highways" Hitler and Idi Amin might be in stresses military-style discipline and accordin'g to Sgt. Arne Faaren, a heaven. . classroom work as well as hard cQrrections officer wh<,> supervises That led, Father Seed recalled, labor, the volunteers tackle a varthe work detail. . to an attempt to get a wider variety iety ofcommunity service projects. The boot camp also includes of contributors, people who were Participation is limited those class work, anger management unlikely to be found together on who have been convicted of noh'counseling" exercise, abstinenc~ earth but might all be present in violent crimes. from drug and alcohol use and heaven. Father Charles Murphy, pastor strict discipline, F.~aren said. Along with many Christian conof ImmaculateCon'ceDtion Par-' tributors, respondents included the 'Ish, where a boot camp' crew spent. Dalai Lama, Lord Immanuel Jak~ four weeks doing repairs, said part bovits and othenepresentatives of NEW YORK (CNS) - Thirnon-Christian and eyen non-reli- of rehabilitation is learning concern for others. . 'teen Catholic colleges and univergious traditions. "I'm glad they can see this is sities are among America's 100 Javier Perez de Cuellar, secrecontributing to people's lives,;' Fa- 'best college values, according to tarygeneral ofthe United Nations, ther Murphy said. . Money magazine's "Guide to the sent a one-sentence contribution: Work done for the parish by the Best College Buys in America." ·'It will indeed be heaven on earth prison group in less than a month ,The second annual guide lists 56 whe:n all nations can live together included sealing the parking lots; private and 44 public instit~tions . in peace and harmony, free from laying ornamental bark; replacing in its top 100. Rankings w.ere bued poverty and injustice in a healthy ceiling tiles in the church; painting on quality of students, faculty and environment." In addition to the royals who' the rectory and another house the facilities and tuition. The Catholic- parish owns; renovating the house; affiliated institution ranked highdid not respond, Father Seed and moving an underground oil est on the list - No. 42 - is the reported, he failed to get answers tank anda boiler system. College of Notre Dame of Mluyfrom U.S. first lady Barbara Bush, At St. Patrick Church in Hud- land. The school, run by the School Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf or son, Wis., a crew spent about two Sisters of Notre Dame in Baltiformer Presidents Ronald Reagan weeks doing various work, includ- more, has some 2,600 students. and Jimmy Carter. But hc~ said he was thinking about a second ediing moving furniture out of an old . Rice University in Houston was tiOll and hoping more contribuchurch that is due to be razed. top ranked among all colleges and tions would come in. One inmate in the program said universities.

Prison work crews help parishes spruce up'


Best buys


14 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Frr., Sep~. 20,1991

liy Charlie Martin



·"You're certainly' a person of your word," someone said to me recently in a voice 'tinged with, unmista~al;lle surprise. . "I try to be," I answen:d, feeling' as if I, ,should shuffle my feet and say ~'omething Hl\e, "Aw, shucks.... I bad promis~dihe p¢rsQn a guid~ to preparing a resu'me ~hat could help in his job search; and I brought it over as soon as I could. No big deal, I th'ought. But I realized he had not actually expected I would follow through. What about you? l,)oyou expect .. others to keep their word? Do you ,.,. keep yours~ K.eeping o'ne's word is a sort of old-fashioned concept. I'm reminded of sayings such as "Your word is your bond," "He's as good as his word" and "I gave my word." When my father said "I gave my . word," his voice would deepe,n, indicating the gravity, the sheer sacredness of what he meant. I knew that keeping his. word had something to do with honor, trust and self-respect. I knew it meant I . could count on him to do whatever it was he had promised.. Somehow hi~ word was even more than a promise..Like the biblical Word ("In the beginning was' the Word"), my father's word was intimately connected with'his idea of himself as a, person. . There were gradations: "I said I would do it," "I promised," "I gave my word." With my dad, all these were good currency, but unknown circumstanc~s could. change the timing or ,the possibilities of the first two statements. ' In the .c.ase of the third, however, only ,disaster could interfere. With such a standard, he did not


give his word lightly. You might ask what difference it really makes. Ask yourself instead what kind of person you are or want to be. I. When Sarah makes a date to ~eet a friend,'she tri~s to show up - unless she has forgotten that her favo.r~te TV program is on at ~he same. time. In that case she "forgets" to show up..: : 2. Tom 'told his teacher he would 'turn in extra credit work because he f1ubbed a big test:'But'he doesn't '. do the extra credit work. It doesn't matt(:r, he tells himself. . 3. Mat~hewprom,ised ~friend to help study for the social studies test. But he forgets to bring home, his book and notes...., . 4. When, Kathleen and Jane said .theywould proofread all the Year-. book copy .by Friday, they'had no ' idea it would ,take so long. They' have to stay up until midnight two nights in a row, .but they,get it done. ' ' ,5. John gave his word that everyone would get a chance to tryout for the school play. But he decides who will be given the lead long before the last person tries out for it. Who'll ever know? he thinks. . I've learned the hard way that: not all the world lives 'by my father's standard. On principle, I . give each person the benefit of the. doubt and a clean slate, but I no longer pretend someone can be trusted when his' or her actions ~ave shown otherwise. Renewed: faith has to be earned. , Honor, trust and self7 respect. It was even more important to me' than to my. friend that I bring over: that guide to preparing a resume. For I want to be 'a person of my. word, not just in the big things, \>ut the everyday things. ONLY FULL,L1NE RELIGIOUS' GIFT STORE ON THE CAPE • OPEN MON-SAT: 9-5:30 SUMMER SCHEDULE OPEN 7 DA

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. We used to talk forever, all the time Now that we live together, we never find the time We used to walk as lovers on the sand Now we are working fulltime on our lifetime plan We never stop to see the moon at night . We are just too busy leading complicated lives I remember love on a rooftop .Couldn't make th~ love stop We were giving it all that we got I remember holdi,.g you tight Love qn a rooftop Look at us now we are all grown up . We got it all together, we got it aU sewn up . .; But is this all, all that it is leading to .Or did· we just r,un out of dreams when all our dreams came true Whatever happened to those endless nights When we were happily living foolish lives Written I}y Desmond Child, Diane Warr,en, sung by Des- , mond Child, (c) 1991 by Elektra Entertain~ent JUST LISTENING once is ,enough for .some songs. You know that you like them. Such was my experience with Desmond Child's "Love on a R09ftop'." . . Perhaps my musical memory is failing, but I can't put his name with other chart hits. Whatever his recording history,· this hit will significantly enhance his reputation. .The person in.the song reflects on his romance; which has become dull and lifeless. He remembers when they "used to talk forever ... walk as lovers on the sand" and in general were '~happily living foolish lives."

.. NoW life has changed. He says, "We are working fUlltime on our lifetime plan ... just too busy leading complicated lives." Even if you are Ii long way from thinking a~out marriage, the song still has something important to say. Any relationship eventually can be takenfor granted. This includes,romance, but also friends~ips and especially family relationships. We get so caught up with life's details that we forget to take care of our relationships. ,The consequences rob our lives of enduring love and emotional closeness. For e'.'ample, consider some-

one who has-been a good friend, but who moves out of your school district. You no longer see that person daily. As the song suggests, your life gets complicated with responsibilities and fairly soon you have lost contact with this person. Sometimes this is inevitable, as we can't keep up with all our friends, particularly when circumstances change and we seldom see some of them. However, it is important to remember that we have choices. Each of us decides our life's priorities. Certainly, it takes both people's efforts to keep a friendship alive, and when both individuals do so, something of lifetime 'meaning and value is established. Obviously, we cannot do this with every friendship, but mimy lifelong bon.ds can be nurtured and established. . . ',Many people, 'and ,clearly those who marry, start off with good intentions. Yet the 'results are measured over time. Even if emotional distance does gradually· 'erode a relationship's closeness, we don't have to settleJor such loss.' If a relationship of importance' has grown stille' or emotionally empty, reach out to the other person. Find out if he or . 'she wants to renew the friendship. . Clarify the amount of time and energy each of you 'will bring to the renewed relationship. Determine if enough trust still exists so that each of you can believe in the promises made. If so, celebrate a new beginning, creating' n«w memories of . what it means to care for each 'other. . . Comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, R.R. 3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind. 47635.

Notre Da.me opens international center NOTRE DAME, Ind. (CNS)-' International scholars, politicians, diplomats and activists in j:cological and peace. issues. gathered at the University of Notre Dame Sept. 13-14 to dedicate' the Hesburgh Center for' International Studies. . The two-day' event also marked the beginning of the university's celebration of its 150th anniversary. The center is named for Holy Cross Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, who reti~ed in 1987 after 35 years as president of Notre Dame. .Some 300 people, including former first lady Rosalynn Carter, attended the various events sur-' rounding,the dedication. Dignitaries .from Brazil, Chile, Canada, Kenya, )apan and the United States received honorary degrees at a Sept. 14 convocation. Amt;lDg those h<mored was environmental activist Lester Brown, founding president of Worldwatch Institute, a Washington think-tank on global environmental issues. '''We a're now on the verge of either an environmental revolution or of degradation that will lead t~ basic economic collapse in nations worldwide,~ Brown said in a talk. He told administrators of the Hesburgh center that the building should have been designed with compact fluorescent lights which, he said, consume one-fourth the electricity of regular bulbs with the same amount of light. The U.N. High Commissioner

for Refugees, Sadako N. Ogata, also received an honorary degree and addressed the academic convocation. ~'The many stagnant pools of refugees and displaced peoples worldwide are not just a humanitarian issue; they mark a grave threat to a stable international order," Mrs. Ogata said. She expressed urgency because "this issue impac~s the nature of the emerging new world order.. The time for solutions is now." She also expressed optimism that the "increased stature of the U.N. to resolve global conflicts," combined with the spread ofdemocratic structures, make it possible that "the new world order will meet the needs and high aspirations of.many peoples." Other speakers echoed Mrs. Ogata's combination of urgency and optimism, citing in particular the rapid changes taking place among the Soviet republics. Randall Forsberg, a founder of the Nuclear,Weapons Freeze Campaign, said the changes "help to confirm the hope that most, if not all, nations will establish democratic structures:" , Mrs. Carter, who is on the advisory council of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies, honored Joan' B. Kroc at a Sept. 14 luncheon. Mrs. Kroc, who donated $1.2 million toward the center's pro-

grams a'nd construction, is the widow of Ray Kroc, founder of the McDonald's corporation. The Hesburgh Center includes th,e Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, the Kellogg institute and residence's for visiting scholars from ar-ound the world. Among the goals of the peace studies prognfm are pursuit of non-military conflict resolution and issues of human rights; scholarship and practical advocacy ofjustice and peace; and .encouraging graduate students to practice the global cooperation that their research proposes.

Youth federation leaders chosen WASHINGTON (CNS) Cheryl Tholcke of the Diocese of Sacramento, Calif., was chosen to chair the board of directors of the Washington-based National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry during the board's recent meeting in Rapid City. Four other officers were also elected.. While in Rapid City, the board .also refined a. five-year plan to focus its activities on public image, advocacy, collaboration, multicultural awareness and justice and peace issues.

., ..... THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 20, 1991

in our schools Bishop Connolly High School Elections have been the order of the day at Bishop Connolly High Sc~ool, Fall River. New National Honor Society officers are Christina Fasy, president; Sarah Provost, vice president; Dan McLaughlin, secretary; Sarah Rodgers, treasurer. Ms. Fasy, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Fasy, Portsmouth, RI,

Coyle-Cassidy James Burns and Joseph Scanlon will be the first members inducted into the new Coyle-Cassidy Warrior Sports Hall of Fame. The ceremony 'will' highlight Homecoming '91 activities scheduled for the Taunton high school on the weekend of Friday-Saturday, October 11-12. Burns was a coach at the former Msgr. Coyle High School from 1933 to 1964, coached the Warriors to numerous state championships in football, basketball and baseball, and was named to the Massachusetts Football and Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame. He died in 1988. .' . . Scanlon taught arid was athletic director at Coyle and Coyle-Cassidy for 27 years, until his untimely death in 1981. ' , The school is inviting all graduates of St. Mary's, Msgr. Coyle, Bishop Cassidy, and Coyle-Cassidy' to attend what will become an annual event.. . The Oct. 12 homecoming program will beginwith 8:45 a.m. registration,followed at 9:30 a.m. by Mass in the school auditorium and a breakfast. At II :45 a.m. a' pep rally will feature the Hall of Fame inductions and a Coyle-Cassidy senior girl will be named homecoming queen and will preside over the rally and a following football game between Coyle":Cassidy and Brockton's Cardinal Spellman High School. . Preceding the game, alumni will march to Hopewell Park for the 1:30 p.m. kickoff. Tickets for the day's events are limited. Information is available at Coyle-Cassidy, tel. 823-6164.

is active in sports, playing varsity been awarded at $500 MEOA/ Hersoccer and varsity winter and spring itage Bank scholarship, which he track. Will receive in October at Holy Ms. Provost, daughter of Mr. Cross College. .and Mrs. Doug Provost, Somerset, Fall driver education classes is active in the school drama society begin Sept. 23. and sailing club. The 199.1 edition of OPUS, Dan McLaughlin, son of Atty. yearbook of the Fall River high and Mrs. David McLaughlin, New school, is now available at the Bedford, is a cross-country runner school's main office. and a member of the junior varsity A week of events beginning Oct. basketball team and the varsity 13 will mark Bishop Connolly's spring track team. 25th anniversary. Planned are a , Ms. Rodgers, daughter of Mr. IO-kilometer road race Oct. 13, and Mrs. Thomas Rodgers, Tiver- and during the week a city cham- , ton, RI, is a varsity soccer player pionship cross-country 'race,a and a member of the ski and tennis varsity soccer match, a parentteams. student dance, a lecture on educaAll officers will attend a state tional issues by educator Dr. Ted honor society convention Nov. I Sizer and a concluding silver anniat Bentley College, Waltham. versary banquet for alumni, presSki Club officers are Greg ent,and former faculty members, Czarkowski, president; Joe Aleardi, parents, sludents and friends on vice preliident; Joe Oliveira, treas- ··Oct. 20 at White's on the Watuppa. urer.. .. Further details on the anniverOther school clubs, all eager to sary week are to be'released shortly.. welcome new members, include the choir,the drama society, Pawprints, the newspaper, and Opus, St~·J the yearbook. The Fairhaven grade school will ; In sports, tile Connolly Cougars have been active with boys' varsity host its second annuai alumni soccer tying Attleboro and Dart- , reunion Oct. 12, beginning with'an mouth and the JV team defeating alumni Mass' at 4 p.m. at St., both Attleboro 'and Dartmouth. Joseph's Church, to be followed Girls"'yarsity volleyball defeated by a social hour in,the school and a Attleboro in straight sets, while buffet dinner. Also on the proboys' cross-country lost to Bishop gram will be election of alumni FeehaJ.l28-29 and girls were victor- organization officers. Information: 996-1983. ious. ' Also' an annual event is St. Membe'rs of the EAC champion girls' spring track team received Joseph's fun run andlO-kilometer championship jackets and sweat- road race, Oct. 6, with the fun run' shirts in ceremonies Sept. 6. at 10:30 a.m. and the road race at Graduated seniors on the 'team noon. Information: 996-1983 or were Cara McDermott, Muffy Mer- John Negri, 996-2759. rick, Jen Amigone and Anne Conforti. _ 1991 graduate Paul Charette has

oseph's School

CYO basketball season to begin

Stang junipr founds business

Ed Pacheco, a junior at Bishop Stang High School, North,Dartmouth, participated this summer in a program sponsored by the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship and as a result has founded "Clown'n Around," a birthday party service for children. As Eddie the Clown, Pacheco In A~tleboro, Bishop Feehan supplies a party package for 15 High School began its 30th year youngsters for $40, giving each under a new principal, Brother child a helium balloon and a "goody Robert Wickqtan, FSC, who suc- , bag," presenting a special gift to ceeds Sister Mary Faith Harding, the birthday child and offering ,RSM, principal for the past 17 clown entertainment. years. . , The National Foundation, Brother Robert was previously founded in New York, has been administrator of academic affairs featured on the CBS Evening News, at Xaverian High School, West- in USA Today and in various wood, and before that was a faculty other periodicals. Beginning as a member at"peLaSalle Academy, university outreach program Providence. At a pre-school gath- designed to teach entrepreneurship ering, he was commissioned for his skills to inner-city students, the new post by Feehan faculty mem- foundation has increased its scope bers, with whom he had met dur- to take in other high schoolers. ing the summer; and on the first , Its course was, offered in New days of school he met with each of England for the first time this the incoming classes. summer, giving 28 students six Freshmen were al~o greeted by weeks of classroom training that big brothers or sisters and student included business basics and talks councilors. There are 20 I freshby community business people..At men, 171 sophomores, 181 juniors the close of the program, students and 159 seniors enrolled for the were provided with business cards '91-'92 academic year. New to the and business checking accounts faculty is Leonard Cambra of the and in the case of-Pacheco as well language department; and Mrs. as several other participants, were Marilyn Jackson will work in the launched on, their own business Feehan development office. ventures.

Bishop Feehan'

Albert Vaillancourt, associate dir,ector of the Fall River Area CYO, has announced that plans are underway for the upcoming CYO basketball season. The CYO Hall on Anawan Street, Fall River, will be open seven days a week beginning Sept. 30. Coaches wishing to arrange practice times for their teams are asked to call Vaillancourt at 6721666 or 672-9644. Coaches will meet to discuss rule changes for the new season at 7 p.m. Sept. 25 in the CYO Hall. All parishes planning to participate in the basketball ,program should be represented at the meeting. League divisions are as follows: Junior Girls A and B (grades 5-8); Junior Boys A, Band C (grades 5-8),-Prep Boys (grades 9 and 10), and Senior Boys A add B (grade II to age21).

Mount St. Mary's class reunion TheMount St. Mary's Academy; Fall River, Class of 1951 will hold its 40th year reunion at 7 'p.m. Oct. 4 at'the Quequechan Club, 'Fall River. Class members wishing to make reservations or persons who know the whereabouts of class members may call 673.-0141.


Teach at home 'about sex, nurse tells parents , ,

ST. LOUIS (CNS) - Parents teach children about traffic safety ("Look both ways before crossing"), water safety (" Always swim with another person") and responsibility ("Pick up your toys"). But what about educating children about sex? Mary Doerr, a nurse and mother of four, understands parents' reluctance to discuss the topic with their children but sees an everincreasing need for sex education in the home to ensure an understanding of family values. Mrs. Doerr is coordinator of a


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1991 QIS QapIics

, Srmbols" following reviews, indicate both .gener~1 and, Catholic Films Office ratings, which d~ not always·c·oiilcide. General ratings: G-suitable for g"eneral viewing; pG-13parental' guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-"parentalguidance ~u.gg~~ted; R~restricted, unsuitable for children· or young', teens. Catholic ratings: ·:At "";'approved for children and aciults;' A2-approved foradultsand .adolescents; A3-approv'ed 'for adults only; 4-separate classification (given films not morallyoffensive which, however, require some ~nalysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

workshop called "The Caring Parents Program: Sexuality Education at Home," sponsored by two St. Louis Catholic hospitals and two state agencies. The program, designed to help parents feel. comforta.ble and knowledgeable when talking to their children about sex, is given about three times a year at one of the hospitals and also is presented to church, school and neighborhood groups. Just as in other subjects, parents discussing sexuality with their children must teach them to be accountable and responsible for their actions, Mrs. Doerr said. When a teenager- goes to buy a car, she said, "you arm them with a lot of facts about insurance, repairs and car mileage to make a responsible decision. Why should sex be , " any different?" Many parents feel uncomfortable, Mrs'. Doerr said, in part because they never discussed sex with their own parents and because they feel they are not well informed about AIDS, homosexuality' or other questions children might ask about sexuality. "The first step is to admit to yourself and you,: children that it's OK to feel comfohable," she said. "If children ask a questio'n and you don't know the answer, say, 'Let's get a book and find out together,'''A child's knowledge about sex begins as soon as he 9r she begins to watch TV and starts to read, Mrs. Doerr said. ' "Everything and everyone is educating children in sex in some . form," she said. "If parents don't take a role, children don't get the parents' values and beliefs," The time to start talking a~out the subject is as soon as you start discussing body parts, Mrs. Doerr said. There is no need to make up name~ for sex organs, she said, adding, "You don't say sniff-sniff for your nose. Teach them the proper names," Parents n~ed not worry abo·ut giving children too.much informa'tion, she said, because if they are not ready for it they will turn their attention to another matter and not bring it up again until they are ready. The workshop Mrs. Doerr conducts also aims to help parents ~ake the emotion out ofthe subject of sex. For example, if a child uses Ii four~letter word, parents are advised to" respond calmly, explaining the term and why it is inappropri~te and not used by the parents. . The workshop is based on a four-point plan -:- .facts, values, responsibility and self-esteem,--': and includesinforin!ltion on puberty, homosexuality, sexualty transmitted diseases, child pot-nography, molestation and oller topics.

Good Bargain ~~Chastity is 100 percent effec-

tive against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, it doesn't cost 'anything and there are no harmful side effects." -Father John ~andyk,C.SS.R.







16 THE ANCHOR~Dioceseof Fan River--'-Fri., Sept. 20, 1991 .. N.ST.DARTMOUTH JULIE BILLIART,

SEPARATED/DIVORCED CATHOLICS Fall River area support group C:CD classes for grades I to 7 meeting 7 p.m. Sept. 25, Our Lady of begm 10:15 a.m. Sunday at Bishop Grace Church, Westport. New BedStang High School. Concurrently, parents are invited to a session in the ford area support group meeting 7 to Stang auditorium at which a speaker 9 p.m. Sept. 23, Family Life Center, will discuss ways of lessening stress 500 Slocum Rd., North Dartmouth; and promoting Christian values in topic: open discussion. Information: Louise Reinsch, 991-4019. families. Church expansion project Attleboro area meeting 7:30 p.m. chairpersons will meet 6:30 p.m. CATHEDRAL, FR BONE MARROW DONOR DRIVE Sunday, St. Mary's parish center, N. The Cathedral Choir will resume Free testing'for eligible volunteers Sunday, rectory; captains will meet Attleboro. its ministry at 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. between ages 18 and 55 to find a 7:30 p.m. in the hall. ST. ANNE, FR .New Women's Guild officers: Mrs. match for leukemia patient Anne ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Confirmation II candidates and Hadley Lackey, president; Mrs. Luizzi will be conducted from II Kindergarten open house program, parents will meet 7: 15 p.m. Sept. 30, Antone Machado, vice president; a.m. to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow and, CCD center, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 29. Miss Ruth Hurley, secretary; Mrs. Sunday at Brockton High School Parents or guardians should accom- school cafeteria. Organizations using school facilities must contact parish Michael McMahon, treasurer; Mrs. Gymnasium off Route 123 in Brock- pany ohildren. Parish Vincentians Philip Rocha, Mrs. Frederick Sulli-. ton. 'For more information call were awarded a grant from the Pro- office at 674-5651 and give informavan, directors. Friends for Anne, (617) 447-7372. ject Bread' program at ceremonies tion as to dates and times of meetings. IMMACULATE held Wednesday in Boston. The ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB ST. JOSEPH, NB CONCEPTION, FR Women's League meeting Sept. Opening school Mass II a.m. to- RCIA program for prospectiye conThe parish choir has resumed 26 begins with 7 p.m. Mass to be day. All welcome. Beginning Sun- verts invites interested persons to weekly Monday evening rehearsals offered by Father John Driscoll. day, two CCD teachers will attend come to the rectory following 10:30 following the Miraculous Medal Business meeting in church hall will ,8:30 a.m. Mass and will provide. a.m. Mass Sept. 29. Lectors will novena. CCD substitute teachers meet at 7 p.m. Sept. 24 in the recfo~low; new members welcome. Parsupervision for children. needed and may contact the rectory tory; eucharistic ministers Sept. 25, ish golf tournament Oct. 6, AllenNOTRE DAME, FR or the CCD coordinator, Mrs. Colsame time, same place. dale Country Club. CCD clas~es begin Sept. 30, with leen Laliberte. O.L. HEALTH, FR . D of I, ATTLEBORO all classes on Mondays. Junior Girl HOLY ROSARY,. TAUNTON CCD registration 4 to 6 p.m. Alcazaba Circle 65 will observe Scouts meet Sept. 24. The parish' Vincentians seek wheelchairs, its 75th anniversary Sept. 22 at St. thanks Alban Chouinard for the gift tomorrow,9 to II a.m. Sunday, walkers, bath benches and other church hall. Classes begin weekend Joseph's Church, Attleboro. Followof his painting, "The Last Supper," handicapped needs. Donors may call ing 10:30 a.m. Mass celebrated 'by mounted on the wall near the sacristy. of Oct. 5-6. the rectory. Also needed are canned Rev. Paul Canuel, chaplain, new This is the third painting he has SACRED HEART, NB officers will be installed and a banYouth Group officers will be in- and packaged foods, which will be donated. quet will be held in St. Joseph's Hall. stalled and members will participate collected the first and second SunST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS days in October. Sodality communThe circle's regular monthly meeting in 10 a.m. Mass Sept. 22. CCD registration 2 to 4 p.m., 7 to ion supper at Benjamin's restaurant will be 7 p.m. Oct. 3, K of C Hall, 8 p.m. Sept. 23; 2 to 4 p.m. Sept. 24. LEGION OF MARY follows 5 p.m. Mass Oct. I. Hodges St., Attleboro. Rosary and Mass 7:15 p.m. Sept. Visitation Church Women's Guild MARY, N. ATTLEBORO communion breakfast follows 9:30 25, St. Anthony's Church, Matta-' ST.Choir rehearsals 7 p.m. each Weda.m. Mass Sunday at Norma Jean's poisett, in commemoration of Edel nesday, parish center. New members . • 234 Second Street Quinn day. Edel Quinn brought the restaurant. Food pantry holiday do• • Fall River, MA 02721 needed; information 695-1877; 695nations now being collected by Vin- Legion of Mary to many areas of the 0029. The main altar crucifix has • • Web Offset centians: this weekend, peanut but- African continent before her early been goldplated in memory of FranNewspapers ter, jelly, canned tuna; Sept. 28-29 death. Her cause for beatification is cis Leary by his family. New pastoral Printing & Mailing in process. All welcome to service, to ~ereals, powdered.milk,juices. Those council will hold its first meeting . • (508) 679-5262 mterested in RCIA (Rite of Chris- be followed by refreshments. Infor7:30 p.m. Sept. 30, parish center. tian Initiation for Adults) may con- mation: Father Barry Wall, dioceYouth Group is considering baby tact the rectory or Deacon Don san Legion director, 758-3719; Rev. sitting each Sunday during 8:30 and Matthew Sullivan, SS.CC., curia Biron (896-7823.) . 10 a.m. Masses. Needed are toys, CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, NB dire\=tor, 993-2442. portacribsand playpens. Donors may First Class ' Second Class Executive board meeting 7:30 p.m. SACRED HEART, call 699-2430 or 699-4721. The Youth First Class Presort ' Carrier Route Coding Sept. 25, St. Lawrence rectory, New N.ATTLEBORO Group will meet 7 p.m. Sept. 22, Women's Guild potluck supper Bedford. President Jeanne P. Lang Third Class Bulk Rate Zip Code Sorting parish center; all 8th through 12th and meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 24. New grade students are invited. will preside. Third Class Non Profit list Maintenance members welcome. Dennis Dion has ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, ALL TO USPS SPECIFICATIONS been named pastoral council secre- SS. PETER & PAUL, FR SWANSEA Second grade parents' meeting 7 Ladies of St. Anne Sodality meet- tary. Youth group meets following 7 p.m. Sept. 24, Fr. Coady Center. Cheshire labeling on Kirk·Rudy 4·up p.m. Mass Sept. 23. Ages 13 to 18 ing Sept. 25, beginning with Mass labeler. And Pressure Sensitive Labeling '.. . ST. JOSEPH, WOODS HOLE and induction of new members and welcome to join. Inserting, collating, folding, Sister Mary Noel, RSM, will speak continuing in parish hall. HOLY NAME, NB metering, sealing, sorting, addressing, Monthly holy hour resumes at Parish council meeting 7 p.m. at a scholarship communion breaksacking, completing USPS forms, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20 and will continue Sept. 24; Crime Watch meeting 7 fast at the Dome Restaurant followdirect delivery to Post Office each third Friday. The parish Itas p.m. Sept. 26, both in parish center. ing 10 a.m. ~ass Sept. 29. The Epis. . . Printing . .. We Do It All! been presented with a new altar mis- Boy Scouts meet 7 p.m. each Wed- copal Vicar for Religious, her topic sal donated by the family of the late nesday at the center. New members, will be The Present and Future of Call for Details (508) 679-5262 Religious Sisters. Father William welcome; information 998-1590. Irene M. Canuel. W. Norton and members of an adult education planning group will meet with their counterparts from the Church of the Messiah at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 26 to plan future activities. HOLY NAME,FR Reception for Father Thomas Frechette follows II :30 a.m. Mass Sunday, at which he will be principal celebrant. It will be held at the school until 3 p.m. Women's Guild tea and reception for new members 3 "People we've never seen p.m. Sept. 29, school hall. Additional new members welcome. Sewbefore attended our event ing group resumes 12:30 p.m. Oct. 2, school hall. New members also welafter we advertised in the come in this group. HOLY CROSS, FR Anchor." The Polish Business and Professional Club will be celebrating Po~ lish Heritage Month with a concelebrated Mass at Holy Cross Church 5 p.m. Sept. 28, followed by a Polish dinner in the parish hall on Pulaski Street at 6 p.m. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Bible study program begins 7:15 p.m. Sept. 23 with concentration on the Letter of Paul to the Hebrews and the Epistle of St. James. The' Vincentian pantry needs peanut butter, jelly, beef stew and other canned meats, pancake mix and syrup. Donations may be brought to the church on Harvest Sunday, Oct. 6. ST.STEPHEN,ATTLEBORO Sunday will be observed as Cate-chetical Sunday. Parish council meeting Sept. 23 and meetings in church of parents and level 9 students and parents and level 10 students 7 p.m. Sept. 24 and 25 respectively. AA meets 7 p.m. each Sunday.

fteering pOint,




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DCCW DISTRICT 5 Cape and Islands District Council of Catholic Women meeting 2 p.m. Sept. 29, Corpus Christi Church, Sandwich. The topic will be Child Abuse: Perspective and Prevention. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Adult prayer and scripture discussion group meets 7 p.m. each Thurs~ day at home of Larry and Elaine Ferreira. The Pilgrim Virgin statue is at their home until tomorrow with prayer each evening at 7 p.m. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS CCD classes will begin as soon as the parish center hurricane damage is repaired; tentatively Sept. 30 for Hyannis East; Oct. I for Hyannis West; Oct. 3 for other areas. Parents' meeting for 6th and 7th grade CCD students: at Sacred Heart Chapel after 9 a.m. Mass Sunday; at St. Francis Xavier after 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. S1. Francis Xavier Guild meeting, church hall following 12: 10 p.m. Mass Sept. 26. Healing service with Father Alfred Fredette, MS, and music by River of Life 7:30 p.m. Sept. 24. All Welcome. O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE CCD classes begin Sunday. Food containers are at the church door each weekend for contributions to area food pantries. SPANISH, PORTUGUESE MASSES, CAPE COD Spanish Mass each Sunday at 3 p.m. at St. Pius X Church, So. Yarmouth; Portuguese Mass at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. ST. JAMES, NB Parish organizations wishing to use the parish hall or center should reserve their dates and times as soon as possible. New parish prayer ministers will be installed at 4 p.m. Mass tomorrow and will receive blessed prayer books. Cub SCQuts meet 6:45 p.m. each Monday, parish center. Boys in grades I through 5 are welcome. New choir members needed; information 990-0806. Parishioners are invited to an open house at New Bedford Jewish Convalescent Home 2 to 4 p.m. Sept. 29. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE High School Youth Ministry meeting 6p.m. Sept. 22, religious education center. Children's choir rehearsals begin 4 p.m. today in the center for children in grade I and up. The adult choir begins 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25, choir loft. OLVI OLH Men's Club meeting 7 p.m. Sept. 23, parish center. New members welcome. Volunteers needed to help clean CHAMP Youth Home for homeless young men. Information: 771~885. Nominations for parish council members close Sept. 30. Those elected will begin serving in October. SACRED HEART, FR Confirmation candidates will meet after II a.m. Mass Sept. 29 in parish hall. CCD teachers will meet after 9 a.m. Mass Sunday; classes begin after 9 a.m. Mass Sept. 29. Sewing group begins meetings at I p.m. Oct. I in the rectory to make bandages for the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home. Information: 672-6175. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO The feast of Our Lady of LaSalette will be observed at 3 p.m. Sunday at an outdoor Mass with Norwich, Conn. Bishop Daniel P. Reilly as principal celebrant and homilist. All welcome. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Sunday meetings: Vincentians at . noon; youth committee 6:30 p.m., rectory. Women's Guild 7 p.m. Sept. 23. CCD registration following 4 p.m. MassJomorrow, 9:30a.m. Sunday. RCIA inquiry session after II a.m. Mass Sunday. ST. MARY, NORTON Breast cancer support group meeting 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25, parish center. The parish hall is available after funerals for use by relatives and frieads. Redeemable bottles and cans may be brought to side of garage near rectory. Proceeds will help fund parish youth activities:

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