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VOL. 45, NO. 36 • Friday, September 21, 2001




Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly'· $14 Per Year

Diocese weeps, prays. io.wake of terrorism By



NORTH DARTMOUTH Parishioners across the diocese are in mourning after finding the names of some members and a priest who served them on lists of those killed in the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington D.C., and Pittsburgh. Many attended memorial Masses in their parishes this week and will attend further Masses as well as ecumenical services to not. only pray for the dead but for the

common good of our country. The initial reports of those dead included Holy Cross Father Francis Grogan, 76, former superior of the congregation's Mission House in North Dartmouth and well known in the diocese; and Peter Gay, 54, of Tewksbury, vice president and general manager of the Raytheon Company's Andover plant. Gay is the son of Atty. Peter B. Gay of Taunton, a member of St:. Joseph's Parish, and the late

Laura (Garda) Gay. He leaves a wife and three children and seven brothers and sisters. Even as the lists of those aboard the four planes hijacked

Many M$Ses for victims, "iJi~s and .

country, . 'j~rated

throughotit, diOcese • Pag~feight.

by suicidal terrorists and crashed into the World Trade Center towers in Manhattan and the Pentagon, or crashlanded in Pittsburgh became known, several parishes returned calls from The Anchor to report parishioners or members of their families among the victims. Among those confirmed were: - Bernthia Perkins, 53, of Our Lady of. Lourdes Parish, Wellfleet, husband of the late actor, Anthony Perkins. She was en route to California to visit an ac- .

tor son: - Lynn Catherine Goodchild, 25, a member of St. Mark's Church in Attleboro Falls, North Attleboro. She was aboard Flight 176 out of Boston. She was travelling with a friend, Shawn Nassanay of Pawtucket, R. I., who also died in the tragedy; - Nealie Casey, wife of Michael Casey, son of Dr. William and Mrs. MaryJane Casey of St. Mary's Parish, Taunton; , Turn to page 16 - Diocese

HOLY CROSS Father Francis Grogan, left, was a passenger aboard one of the two airliners that flew into the World Trade Center Towers. The towers, center, burn behind the Brooklyn Bridge September 11 in New York. Another hijacked plane slammed into the Pentagon. The trade center towers later collapsed. In a scene repeated throughout the diocese, the U.S. flag is displayed with red, white and blue candles in the sanctuary of Notre Dame Church in Fall River. (Father Grogan photo courtesy of John and Mary Kinnaine, towers photo by CNS, Notre Dame photo by Gene Thibault.)

Diocesan Vocation Committee planning outreach program SEEKONK - "Make a Difference with Your Life!", aimed at those seriously discerning the possibility of a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate or religious life, will be held September 30 beginning at 1 p.m., at St. Mary's Parish hall. Father Craig Pregana, diocesan director of vocations, said the program, an outreach of the Diocesan Vocation Committee, will close with a Mass at 5 p.m. The committee is comprised of diocesan priests involved with Father Pregana in outreach to potential seminarians, or representatives of religious congregations of women and men engaged in ministry in the diocese and of delegates from par-

ish vocation tearns and the Serra Club. The purpose of this gathering is two-fold: to afford men and women considering a call to a life ofservice in the Church an opportunity to meet with others of like mind and with priests, deacons, brothers and sisters living the life of dedicated service to the People of God in response to their call. Also, to encourage dialogue about the various aspects of call, spirituality, ministry and the daily life and demands of such dedication, between both inquirers and persons who are actively involved in Church ministry. Turn to page six - Vocation



'!W,' ! W ,. . . .

Bishop O'Malley has authorized a special collection to be taken up in parishes this weekend for victims of last week's disaster in New York. The proceeds will be sent to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, the DioceSe of Brooklyn and the Diocese of Rockville Center and, in memory of Father Mychal Judge, Chaplain of the New York l;'ire Department, to the Widow's and Children's Fund of the Uniformed Firefighters Association. . Donations may also be made to the Diocesan Disaster Fund, c/o Office of the Qishop, P.O. Box 2577, Fall:River, MA, 02722.


THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri", September 21, 2001

OSV releases stem-cell pamphlet Pamphlets are available HUNTINGTON, Ind. (CNS) - In the wake of President from Our Sunday Visitor at Bush's decisi;m to endorse the use 800-348-2440. More informaof federal funds for limited stem- tion is also available at cell research, Our Sunday Visi- . www.whatthechurchteaches.com. tor has produced a pamphlet out- . A Spanish-language translation lining the Catholic Church's of the pamphlet ·is available upon teachings on stem-'cell research. request.

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Fall River native is interiDl president of Walsh University FALL RIVER Richard Jusseaume, a former Fall Riverite, is serving as interim president of Walsh University, an independent, co-educational Catholic lIberal arts and sciences institution of higher . learning in North Canton, Ohio. Walsh has an enrollment ofabout 1,600. Jusseaume was raised in this city and graduated from the former Msgr. Prevost High School in 1963. He is the son of Mrs. Aurore Jusseaume of this city and the late Paul E. Jusseaume. . After Prevost, Jusseaume studied at Walsh, then a college. He eamed his bachelor's degree in 1967 and began a· career in education, based at Walsh. When named interim president in mid-June, he was serving as vice chairman of Walsh's board of trustees. The special· appointment was necessitated by the death on June 5 of Dr. Kenneth N. Hamilton, Jr., the first lay president of the university. The Brothers of Christian Instruction, which had staffed Prevost High, was the religious order invited by Bishop EmmetWalsh ofthe Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, to open the college in 1960. For their part, the brothers were looking for a more central location to which to move their own institution, Lamennais College, from its

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EAST FREETOWN - Members of religious communities of men and women from across the diocese will gather September 29 to celebrate and be ·recognized for various jubilees of service at a Day of Recollection at Cathedral Camp here.

Daily Readings




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opened under the sponsorship of the religious order. He was succeeded by Brother Robert Francoeur of this city and Brother Francis Blouin. Brother Robert was a Prevost student when he joined the religious congregation. Jusseaume's connection to the brothers became closer atWalsh. He pursued further studies at the University of Detroit where he eamed

his master's degree. He also studied at Cornell University and Kent State University. Afterwards, he worked for 17 years in education. He served two terms as dean of students at Walsh before taking on the duties of trustees vice chairman. Brother Marcel Sylvestre, who served at Prevost as Brother Ignatius in the late 1940s, most of the ' 50s and as principal in 1960-61, is chairman of the Walsh board of trustees. He says Jusseaume is "uniquely qualified" to be interim presidenta year's appointment - and "will insure continuity and momentum." Of his selection, Jusseaume says "I look to this appointment with both excitement and commitment." He has pledged to advance the uni- . versity mission on campus and in the Canton community. He is experienced in the corporate world as well and has been chief executive officer for the last 10 years of the North Canton based Graphic Enterprises, Inc. He holds leadership positions in a number of business, fraternal and Catholic organizations. Carlton residents, he and his wife, Teri (Frank) Jusseaume, are the parents of five childrell. Jusseaume has two sisters, Collette Turcotte Of this city and Annette Makstela of Jewett City, Conn.; and a brother, Roger Jusseaume of Paradise Valley, Ariz.

Religious jubilarians set to attend retreat



too-rural setting' in Alfred, Maine,· at the order's motherhouse for the American province. Bishop Walsh wanted to build such a school since there was no Catholic college in his diocese. Brother Thomas Farrell was founding president when Walsh

Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1-6; Lk8:1618 . Ezr 6:78, 12b,14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk8:1921 Ezr 9:5-9; (Ps) Tb 13:2-5,8; Lk 9:1-6 Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1-6a,9b; Lk 9:7-9 Hg 1:15b-2:9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9: 1822 On 7:9-10,13-14 orRv 12:7-12a, Ps 138:1-5; In 1:47-51 Am 6:1a,4-7; Ps 146:7-10;·1 Tm 6:11-16;Lk 16:19-31


THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.()2() Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Christmas at 887 Highlam Avenue. Fall River. Mass. fJl:11i) by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Su1l;cription price by mail. postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS sem address changes lD The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA CJ2712.

Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan, delity and service is truly remarkepiscopal representative to religious able." for the Diocese of Fall River, coorLight refreshments will be availdinator of the event, said that the able in the Villa from 9:30 a.rri., honorees include those mark1ng 75, and a conference with Bishop Sean 70, 60, 50,40 and 25 years of ser- P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., is schedvice. uled for IO a.m. "A jubilee is certainly a time for The bishop will celebrate Mass gratitude to God for the many at 11 :20 a.m., in the Villa Chapel blessings bestowed on these men at which time the jubilarians will and women and also a time to re- 'be recognized. joice in the achievements of the past A lunch will be served in the years which God has manifested dining room of the Villa at 12:30 through them." Sister Heffernan p.m., and there will be a dialogue .said. with Bishop O'Malley. "Their witness to the Church and Theretreat day will close with a to American' society of a life of fi- prayer servic~.

In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week Sept. 24 1955, Rev. Joseph E.C. Bourque, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River Sept.26 . 1944, Rev. John 1. Donahue, Assistant, St William, Fall River 1996, Rev. Flavius Gamache. SMM, Lourdes Shrine and Retreat Center, Litchfield, Conn. .. . Sept.rT·, 199 I, Rev. John W. Greene, S.1., fonner teacher at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River Sept. 29 1899, Rev. J.A. Payan, Founder, St Mathieu, Fall River Sept. 30 1963, Rev. John 1. Griffin, Pastor, S1. Paul, Taunton 1993, Rev. George Taraska, OFM Conv., Parochial Vicar, Holy Rosary, Taunton·

Knigh~s of Columbus

to provide 'Heroes Fund' grants

NEW HAVEN, Conn. - The I announce the establishment of a spirit of our priest-founder, FaKnights of Columbus has estab- $1 million 'Knights of Columbus ther Micha€?l J. McGivney, who lished a $1 million "Knights of Heroes Fund' for families of full- established the Knights of ColumColumbus Heroes Fund" for fami- time professional law-enforce- bus here in New Haven in 1882 lies of all full-time professional ment, firefighters and emergency to protect, preserve and promote law enforcement, firefighters and - medical personnel who have lost families, especially those affected emergency medical personnel their-lives or may yet lose their by the death of a breadwinner. who have lost their lives or may lives in the rescue and recovery The Knights of Columbus has yet lose their lives in the rescue efforts under way at the World long felt a special association with and recovery efforts under way Trade Center and the Pentagon. the members of the law enforceat the World Trade Center and Families of those brave men ment and firefighting fraternities. Pentagon. The -fund was an- and women will each receive In fact, James T. Mull en, our first nounced by Supreme supreme knight, was presiKnight Carl A. Anderson in· dent of the New Haven Fire a news conference SeptemCommission in the 1880s. "Our hearts go out to those who ber 13. Affected families "Through several existwill each receive $3,000 have lost loved ones. We know that ing programs the Knights of from the Knights ofColum- every American would like to reach Columbus will also help in bus in recognition of the ul- out to these families. This is our way a special way members of timate sacrifice made by our organization who may of offering a helping hand now." their loved ones. Families have been affected by the - Carl A. Anderson attacks. Through our Eduwho qualify should call the Supreme Knight cational Trust Fund, chilKnights of Columbus at 1800-380-9995. dren of Knights who were The supreme knight was in the military, full-time joined by telephone with the $3,000 from the Knights of Co- law enforcement officers or fullorganization's national chaplain, lumbus in recognition of the ulti- time firemen killed or permaBishop Thomas V. Daily of Brook- mate sacrifice made by their loved nently disabled in New York or lyn, N.Y. Bishop Daily offered his ones. This gift is being offered Washington as a result of this prayers for the victims of the along with our prayers. It is our criminal action will be given full bombing and read from the state- hope that this money will help scholarships to any Catholic colment Pope John Paul II released those families with immediate lege or university. Established in in the aftermath of the attacks. needs at this time. 1944, this fund has financed the The full text of Supreme The gift is being made on be- college educations of 263 children Knight Anderson's statement fol- half of the 1.6 million members of Knights; nearly 800 children lows: of the Knights of Columbus and of members have qualified for "Today in the midst of this their families throughout the this scholarship since its creation. time of national mourning on be- United States, Canada, the PhilFinally, in a special appeal sent half of the Knights of Columbus ippines and Mexico, and in the to each of our 70 state presidents

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., September 21, 2001 on Wednesday, I asked them to activate immediately their telephone/communications trees to urge our members and their families to volunteer as blood donors, for our local units to coordinate with local Red Cross chapters to sponsor blood drives and volunteer their facilities to host such

drives. In 2000, nearly 400,000 of our members reported donating blood. Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones. We know that every American wou Id like to reach out to these families. This is our way of offering a helping hand now."


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• • • • • •

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., September21, 2001














the living word








'. 'EXECUtivE EDITOR 'Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jollvet

.. ~




. NEWS EDITOR" James N. Duncar ','

OFFICE MANAGER, . Barbara M. Rel$ .

It was a clear, fall-like day when I awoke September II. Invigorated by the weather, I donned my running gear and jogged by the beaHtiful flower beds of the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Capitol, giving a thumbs-up to police friends along the way and uttering a prayer I often say on days like this: "Lord, it doesn't get any better than this." As I returned to the rectory, I saw many people hustling to work on Capitol Hill, holding briefcases with one hand, coffee cups with the other. The next thing I knew, our Spanish-speaking housekeeper was imploring. me to look at the television news. It was then that I saw one of the World Trade' Center' towers aflame and thought, at first, a bad fire had broken out inside. Then suddenly a plane crashed int9 the second tower. Next I heard a plane had crashedinto,the Pentagon in Washington. ' We were under a terrorist attack. Horrified by the TV images, I stepped outside only to feel chills rush through me upon seeing Capitol Hill employees evacuating the area. My heart sunk fur-

ther as military jets flew overhead, and I realized they weren't on maneuvers but were there to protect our nation's capital. Spotting the same officers I had saluted in the morning now armed with assault rifles, I wept. Despite the mass evacuation, people crowded into our 12: 10 Mass, which, overwhelmed by ,emotion, I had difficulty celebrating. In the evening I walked along the barricades that were erected to protect the U.S. Capitol and talked with', the officers. Flags were at half mast, red flares smoldered against a night sky, and 'police cars and armed officers blocked the streets to the Capitol. Dead quiet ~reated a surreal eeriness. . ,Looking down East Capitol Street toward the Capitol, I noticed that the light in its dome was lit, indicating Congress was in session. Suddenly' my spirits lifted when I also saw that the statue of ;. Freedom atop it was lit up, as was !. the Learning Torch on the Library of Congress., Although the trade buildings . symbolizing American economic might and our Pentagon symbol. izing military strength were assault~d, the greatest symbol of American freedom was brightly

shining, as was the symbol of learning upon which freedom depends. Not only this, but we had not been stopped or paralyzed; we were back to work. Given-the frightening chills we have experienced, the disheartening scenes we have witnessed and the tears we have shed, we will . never forget that day, nor will we ever be the same.again, The senseless loss of innocent lives and the loved ones left behind have lacerated our hearts. The desire for revenge wells up; as does a sense that we somehow have failed. But while we may be bewildered and tom, we are not down or out. Although we will never stop hurting, our mo'urning will subside. Even before it does, we Americans \,Yill ~eat work studying why this happened and what . is needed to prevent it, fro'm happeningagain., ., As Christians; we will seek to understand what God asks of us '1ow. ,1\1;19. beiJ:}g, people of faith we know God won't let.us down with his answer. . "., . c' . Profound lessons \.V'ili,'come out . of this~ What we seek' is God's wisdom, and ~hat we truly hope is that down the road a bit we will again be able to .say.. t:~.ord, it doesn't get any better than this."

In four blinks of an eye Thousands of innocent lives I awoke this morning and the watch on television. In fact, I apsun was shining. I lay there in that plauded the decisions of the Na- were· lost in New York, Washingsemi-conscious state. You know tional Football League and Ma- ton and Pennsylvania. Thousands the one, when your brain is jor League Baseball to suspend of innocent lives are lost everydrained of all thoughts after a play. day in the Middle East, Africa, good night's sleep. It felt good. I don't care that Terry Glenn, the Orient and everywhere in beThen, like every other tween. There are good day in my life, a flood of -~::--...,... people in those places, thoughts began to saturate and I care that we rememmy dried-sponge-like celeW ber that. There are evil rebrum, and that easy people as well,and I care that we remember that. feeling slipped away. Images of airliners I care that my sixplunging into skyscrapers, year-old is "spooked out" By Dave Jolivet by all that she sees on TV a young boy draped over his mother's coffin, dazed or hears people talking men, women and children about. In fact, in retrosearching for a loved one once the perpetual crybaby, will be able spect, I'd give anything to watch again sated my brain. As I lay to play football again this season; "Rugrats" and "Hey Arnold" 24 there I heard a flock of geese flap- I don't care that Carl Everett, the hours a day if it meant that the ping and honking their way to perpetual hothead, was fined for images of September 11 never wherever they go as they migrate arriving late for practice; I don't occurred. south for the season, I wished I care that the Red Sox are not goI know there will come a day were one of them - but only for ing to win the World Series this when I do care about sports again. a moment. I pondered the perils year; I don't care that the New But when I do, I'll refuse to conthey'll fac-e on their sojourn: the York Yankees probably will; I sider myself a sports "fan." In four fierce autumn and winter storms don't care that the baseball single- blinks of an eye, the meaning of that could blow them from the season home run record is injeop- that word changed forever, We've sky; the countless shotguns ardy of falling to a player, Barry seen what a fanatic really is, and pointed their way during hunting Bonds, who's not even liked by I want no part of it. I'll be a sports ,season; the predators always on his own teammates, instead of enthusiast, rooter or addict, but the lookout for a fresh goose din-' falling to a classy guy like Sammy nero This morning I realized the.re Sosa; I don't care that the new are no creatures on this good earth Patriots look like the old Patriimmune from physical dangers. ots. Last week, in four blinks of In four blinks of an eye all that an eye, the American psyche was changed. I don't know for how jolted into a new thought process. long ... and I don't care. What I do care about is that Priorities were rearranged. Life was different. I was different. we Americans remain united and Sports have always been an strong, even as the horrific im"out" for me - something to ages of September 11 fade. I care help take the edge off the daily that Hollywood has hopefully aggravations and frustrations of filmed its last "Die Hard" type life. Yet, following the events of movie, and that we pay more atSeptember 11, there was no "out." tention to the needy of this world At the time, I didn't care there than to well-off actors and athwas no baseball or football to letes.

r-----------. .. M' V·

THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., September21, 2001 not a fan. Things have changed. Some will return to normal, others won't. As a native New Englander, there's something I never thought I would be able to say, and mean it. Instead, I'll put it in print - "I love New York." God bless America. God bless


From' the Stands


Americans. God bless everyone. And all this rushed into my mind before I had the chance to even get out of bed this morning.

Dave Jolivet is a former sports writer/editor and the current editor of The Anchor. Comments are welcome at DaveJolivet@Anchornews.org.



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marks after issuing a retrospective pastoral letter thanking God for the rewards of nearly 22 years in Milan but saying he wished he had done more to help combat corruption, crime and social ills. Cardinal Ratzinger, speaking to reporters later in the day, said he understood Cardinal Martini's desire to devote his remaining years to meditation and study. "This is a very hard life," he said of his role at the Vatican. "I'm awaiting with impatience the moment when I can return to writing books." Cardinal Ratzinger turns 75 next April. In addition, this November he ends a fourth five-year tenn as head of the doctrinal congregation. But he said he would leave to the pope any decision about his future and expected Cardinal Martini would do the same. "Let's see what the Holy Father decides. Even though I think he will certainly respect tfte cardinal's desire, the Holy Father has the final say. For now, let's leave (Cardinal Martini) in Milan," Cardinal Ratzinger said with a smile. Pope John Paul, 81 , has routinely left leading cardinals and archbishops on the job well past the nonnal retirement age of 75.

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Prominent cardinals'announce desire to retire to life of study ROME (CNS) - Two prominent cardinals sometimes mentioned as possible successors to Pope John Paul II said they'd like to retire and dedicate their remaining years to study and to spiritual activities. Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini of Milan told reporters recently that he expects to step down soon from his pastoral post and spend the rest of his life praying and doing biblical research in Jerusalem. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said he'd like to retire, too,'so he can finally have time to write books. Next February Cardinal Martini turns 75, the age when Church law requires him to submit his resignation. The pope can accept it or decide to keep him in Milan. But Cardinal Martini, a biblicist. said he's made it clear to the pope that he wants to spend' his final years in Jerusalem. "I want to go to Jerusalem for a deeply spiritual reason, to dedicate myself to a life of prayer and study, but also ofintercession for those who ·suffer. This is even more important than simple political activity," he said. Cardinal Martini made the re-

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THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., September 21, 2001

Does God choose when we die?

All creation is like that. Cancer least not routinely. It would destroy Q. Do Catholics and other Christians maintain that Goerde- cells and the AIDS virus are disas- all predictability in nature, all postermines or merely knows when trous for us, but when they destroy sibility of knowledge and intelligent an individual will die? At funeral parts of our bodies they are only' use of the things around us on earth. Here especially, it seems to me, Masses the priest has said the acting according to their nature. Like ATTLEBORO - The annual and information will be available person's death at this time was gasoline molecules, they are doing we need a lot of humility. We acknowledge that, while great Portuguese Pilgrimage Day will be 'in the parish hall and all college God's will. It seems then personal tragedies and caheld September 23 at 1:30 p.m. at, bound students and parents are that God does determine lamities cause us terrible La Salette Shrine. The afternoon welcome. the time of death. On abortion, howpain, we come to accept and of prayer and celebration in honor NORTH DARTMOUTH-A ever, the Church seems to believe that God's ways of of Mary will include processions placing equilibrium and harand Mass. For more information Separated-Divorced Support Group say the opposite. The idea will meet September 24 from 7-9 that these children can in mony in our world are for call 508-222-5410. Singer musician John Polce will p.m. at the Diocesan Family Life fact be saved suggests our greatest good and hapBy Father lead an evening of song and prayer Center, 500 Slocum Road. piness while we are here and God does IlOtdecide when September 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the life will end. If he did, L-_ _ J_O_h_n_J_,_D_ie_tz_e_n_ _ after we leave. , NORTH DARTMOUTH Shrine. You ask about abortion. then would not the , Father Pat will celebrate a Mass An evening of reflection entitled aborted baby have died anyway, what their makeup says they What I have said points to the real and healing service,September 30 "Strengthened in the Spirit," will though perhaps in another man- should do. evil that lies beneath all killing. at 2 p.m. in the Shrine Church. It be presented by the office of RCIA ner? (New Jersey) Cancer research, in fact, is based Whether unborn infants, the old and will include the opportunity to be September 25 from 7-9 p.m. at St. A. ,God's will can work in dif- on the expectation and confidence sick or the convicted criminal, to deprayed over and anointed individu- Julie Billiart Parish. Guest speaker ferent ways. He could decide every- that specific molecules and cells will liberately, unnaturally and violently Father Robert S. Kaszynski will ally. thing on the spur of the moment. act in a certain way. Scientists look end a human life is a dreadful violatalk about the gifts of the Holy choosing whatever seems likely to to find the secret of exactly what tion of God's providential will for BREWSTER - Beginning Spirit. For more information call make someone happy. That might that way is and then introduce other each of us. of RCIA at 508-678the office October 5, Our Lady of the Cape That will is not capricious or make all creation rather haphazard substances whose makeup is such that ' Parish will host an eight-week sup- 2828. fickle. It penneates, and is disclosed they attack and, it is hoped, destroy and unpredictable, but I suppose it port seminar for bereaved persons by, the creation he has given us to the cancer. SEEKONK -:. The Fall River is possible. entitled "Come Walk With Me." We're not used to thinking about live in. In the real world that exists, howMembers of. the Lazarus Ministry Diocesan Vocation Committee is Voluntat:y evil human actions, Group will facilitate. For more in- sponsoring a Vocation Awareness ever, God's will is most manifest in the earth this way. But God's will, fonnation call Happy Whitman at Day entitled "Come and See," Sep- the way he created this universe, how for humans and for everything else, when human beings do inhuman, tember 30 from 1-7 p.m. at St. he makes it "work." Every move- is established by his creation of the wicked harm to each other, are an-' 508-385-3252. Mary's Parish center. It will in- ment ofevery galaxy and every sub- universe as he did. It may sound other question. As with the rest of FALL RIVER - A Mass and clude the opportunity for dialogue, atomic particle, and everything in unfeeling to put it this way, but when creation, when we act against what healing service will be held Sep- liturgy and light refreshments. For between, takes place within the a moving train hits a human being, human nature was created to be, bad tember 25 at 7 p.m. at Holy Name more information call Father Craig framework of God's creative order God does not step in at that moment things happen, not because God deChurch. The rosary will be recited Pregana at 508-675-1311. and harmony. to decide it's time to die. Whatever crees a punishment, but simply bebefore Mass. The healing service The inventor of the gasoline en- tragedy happens is just reality. It's cause sin, evil, is destructive. SOMERSET - TheYouth and gine created nothing new. He merely what naturally happens when two will give individuals the opportuHow God's knowledge and will nity to be prayed over individl,l- YoungAdult Ministry Office'con~ discovered (uncovered) something such bodies collide. mesh with human free will in all ally. For more information call tinues its Theology on Tap series As I said, 'God could, if he this is a mystery I don't think anySeptember 26 at Magoni's Restau- that was there all the time, but we 508-674-9877. wished, dido't know it. If you combine carinvolve himself directly in one has, or perhaps even can, satisrant. Young people will gather at bon atoms with atoms of other eleevery event f:hat takes place in cre-· factorily unravel. , FALL RIVER ---;- A ,hea.ling. :~:l5 p.~. for qinner'aqd a preSen-i~ service will be held Sunday il(2:30 ,,' tation entitled'''Ete"mify,'' will fol-< m.el}1f;put ~e result under pressur.e ation and riian~yei' cancercells,for , Questions for this column may p.m.' at St. Anne's Church. It will low at 7:30 p.m. For more infor- and-ignite Ji. the mixture will e~­ instance, so they don't destroy one's be sent to Father Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria IL 61651 or e-mail include recitation of the rosary and mation call Bud Miller at 508-675- pla'de;! aQd=expand to move an ovaries or liver. He doesn't do that, however, at iidietzen@aol.com. engine's piston. Benediction of the Blessed Sacra- 3847. ment. The Holy Name Healing TAUNTON - Saint Anthony Ministry Group will be present. of Lisbon Parish, 126 School FALL RIVER - The Youth Street, will celebrate the annual We get up each moming and begin our day, ex- was confusion, but it was the second explosion that and Young Adult Ministry Office feast of Our Lady of Fatima on peeting everything to go on as "nonnal." On Septem- blasted their innocence. Two planes could not have , announces that pickup basketball October 13 beginning with Mass' games will be held every Wednes- at 7 p.m. A candlelight procession ber II, that's how I greeted the morning, happy be- crashed into the World Trade Center by accident! When the towers fell, Mary saw this"a moment of day evening now through Octo- will follow. It will include Bene- cause it was my grandson Mikael's 13th birthday. I ber 31 for men of college age and diction of the Blessed Sacrament. was planning to surprise him with pizza and a nice hell on earth. "Mom, we all screamed, and we just gift. Then I turned on television to get the news, and ,held on, hugging one another," she said, expressing older at the Wheeler Field House, WESTPORT - Saint Anne's suddenly life changed. such a human, mutual caring for one another. It was Seekonk. Games are held from Chaos was all over the ,.. such proof that love and . 7:30-9 p.m. For more infonnation Hospital's School ofNursing A1umcall Steve Byers at 508-336-9022. nae Association will hold its annual screen as I saw the destrucconcern explode for good dinner meeting and election of of- tion'of the World Trade . just as surely as cruel, deMASHPEE -A Catholic Col- ficers at White's of Westport Sep- Center in New York, and structive fire explodes for lege Fair will be held September tember 26 beginning with a social then the blasting at the Penevil. 25 from· 6-8 p.m. at Christ the hour at 6 p.m. For more informa- tagon. Shock can mesmerMary sP9ke then of how King Parish. College brochures tion call 508-763-2609. ize, you, and I was transfor hours people, once fixed for several minutes By Antoinette Bosco strangers, became kin, until the reality of what helping one another deal Continued from page one was happening hit me. with the loss everyone in The keynote address will be given by Mercy 'Sister M. Rosellen Then my world came crashing down. that area knew had touched them. As time passed and Gallogly, a dynamic and entertaining speaker with varied experiences in I live in Connecticut, but I have three children who the terror escalated, many brought out food to share. religious life. live in lower Manhattan. I ran to the phone and couldn't She and herneighbors made hot tea and sandwiches, Sister Rosellen has engaged in community services as director of nov- reach any of them because all the circuits were busy. I trying to comfort the hardest hit. ices, a member of the Community Formation Program and a provincial panicked. All of us, watching the TV reporting well into the cou,ncilor. She has been a teacher and a social worker in ministry. Her I persisted in calling, and after dozens of tries I night, were suffering deeply because o( what hate had talk. will center on the meaning of a call, its signs and challenge. first reached Sue, my son Paul's wife, surprisingly at wrought. Now my prayers were continuous, as I begged The afternoon is especially geared to dialogue. It will include discus- home., She works for the federal government, a few the Lord to help our leaders not use that word "retalisions among the participants themselves as well as with diocesan and blocks away from the now destroyed twin towers. ate" so angrily. religious priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers. There will be - Miracles happen. She was off that day!' We have seen it so often in the world, how one 'ample time for comments, questions and the airing of individual views. Paul, on route to work, for several hours had been people kill, the other retaliates and the cycle of hate The afternoon will close with liturgy. unaccounted for. Sue had just finally made contact escalates, no end in sight. That cannot be God's way, A vocation to consecrated service in the Church is a response to a with him, and he was fine. I was on my knees in as our beloved pope insists. The Lord, who gives life, desire within oneselffor communion with God and commitment to God's gratitude to the Lord. begs us to love our enemies as we find ways to idenpeople, The Vocation Committee hopes that this opportunity will encourEventually I reached my son Frank. He and his tify them and stop their evil. age people who perhaps have put off following up on an inclination family were traumatized, but safe. My daughter Mary As I wondered if we can value life enough to work toward a Church vocation to at least investigate the signs of a true call and her husband Rick were the ones I couldn't reach. to end the hate and anger that lead to killing, I turned from God to life of dedicated service in the Church. Then in late afternoon, Mary got through to me. on the morning news. I saw where six men had been Registration forms are located in most parishes in the diocese or Mary had been in the vicinity of the disaster, stir- pulled out of the rubble, alive, and everyone was remay be obtained by contacting Father Pregana, P.O. Box 2577, Fall prised and shocked, as were others in the neighbor- joicing. River, MA, 02722, 508-675-1311, e-mail: vocations@dioc-fr.org. Clearly, we still value life. There is hope! hood when the first explosion was heard. Initially there

fteering pOint,

Q t ·Ions ues and Answer's created

When terror, hits,near home """'!"______

The Bo't',tom Line


Coverting the instinct for revenge

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., September 21,2001

Pray to end abort,ion

In light of the recent attack to do our best to raise our Are the twin towers of our on America, I will turn aside thoughts and actions from the lives what we drive and where from humor to look at the more kingdom of coins to the king- we live? Or are they who we serious questions before us. dom of heaven. He again ex- help and how we live? It is revealing that so many horted us to scale down our ecoIf we 'are faced with the dehave described the recent attacks nOlllic and social ambitions cision between working overon the World Trade Center and money, status, power - to time to upgrade our "entertainthe Pentagon as assaults on the make more room for holier ment center" or setting aside a symbols of the United weekend for a retreat, States. It is revealing that r---------....;,--r--::;;:':"-.....,I-I which do we choose? the assailants chose these Does this have any"symbols." thing to do with the reIt is revealing they cent catastrophe? did not choose the Statue Absolutely, if we of Liberty, or Arlington can try our best to unNational Cemetery, or derstand how our naother "symbols" that one By Dan Morris tion does at times carry might also hope speak to out policies and prothe character of the na- ....- - - - - - - - - -. .!..0111 grams - to serve our tion. materialism - that As we sort through the ones. crush other nations' abilities to myriad reactions and questions "The mentality of the world, survive. forced on us by this indescrib- in fact," he said September 2, Absolutely, if we can impleable tragedy, we cannot help but "pushes one to stand out, to ment the Holy Father's admoreflect on the fragility and pre- move ahead, perhaps with clin- nition to put Christ before conciousness of life as well as ning and without scruples, sumerism. questions such as: Who are we looking out for oneself and Absolutely, if we can turn as a nation? Who are we as in- one's interests. In the kingdom our grief into outreach, sustain dividllals and families? Who of God, modesty and humility the outpouring of charity and should we be? are rewarded. But on earth, so- concern, and convert the inIt is worth pondering this in cial climbing and arrogance stinct for revenge into a conlight of comments Pope John often wfn out. The conse- viction for seeking justice. Paul II made recently. In a nut- quences are before the eyes of Comments are welcome. Eshell, he pleaded with all of us everyone: rivalry, abuse of mail Uncle Dan at - for the umpteenth time power and frustration." cnsuncle@yahoo.com.




The offbeat world of Uncle Dan

Catholic couple receives Army chaplain award ,

FORT MCPHERSON, Ga. (CNS) - The Award of the Order ofAaron and Hur, the highest award of the chief of chaplains of the U.S. Army, was presented to Lt. Gen. Lawson Magruder ill and his wife, Gloria, upon his Army retirement this summer. The award, which is granted only in exceptional cases, is conferred upon those who have made a significant contribution through active support of the chaplaincy program Army-wide and to the Army's ongoing military religious support mission. The name comes from the Book of Exodus, where Aaron and Hur supported Moses' arms as he held up the staff of God during a battle. The award honors those who are exemplary in "supporting the arms" of the chaplaincy. The Magruders, who are Catholic, received the award at a Mass in the Cantonment Chapel of Fort McPherson. Father Paul Bolton, Catholic pastor of the garrison, presented the award to the Magruders on behalf of Chaplain Maj. Gen. Gaylord T. Gunhus, U.S. Army chief of chaplains and head of the Order of Aaron and Hur. The Magruders "have provided inspiri'ng leadership and served as faithful examples of the value and importance of free exercise of religion in the lives of soldiers, soldiers' families, Department of the Army civilians and retirees throughout the Army," the award citation read in part. '''They have supported chaplains and the entire unit ministry teams with their personal participation, leader-

ship, and volunteered services." The Magruders, the citation said, "have been influential in assisting in recruiting efforts with the archbishop of Panama and the archbishop of Atlanta to allow priests to serve in the Army." Gloria Magruder was cited for developing programs to provide for the welfare of single soldiers and young Army families. "General and Mrs. Magruder leave enduring personal legacies, throughout theArmy, by which they touched and shaped the lives of countless soldiers, family members, civilians, and retirees," the citation said. "All of this they have done as servant-leaders while supporting the highest traditions of the chaplaincy, 'for God and country.''' The Magruders are retiring to Austin, Texas, ,Father Bolton said. Lt. Gen. Magruder had served in the Army for 32 years. Father Bolton said he first met the Magructers in Panama when he and the couple were stationed ,there in the 1990s. . Father Bolton said Lt. Gen. Magruder was concerned about the number of Catholic priests serving as Army chaplains. He said Magruder "met with the archbishop of Atlanta at his own initiative to see if he could get a release ofa priest for the Army." When the U.S. Army was leaving Panama and military chapels were no longer going to be used, Magruder worked with the archbishop of Panama to donate vestments, altars, tabernacles and crucifixes to Catholic churches in need, Father Bolton said.

8:00 AM -



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FALL RIVER - As rescue workers in New York and Wash.ington D.C. continued to search for survivors and arn.id sites hit by . terrorists attacks, hundreds from throughout the diocese gathered for a 6 p.m. Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral September 13. Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., was principal celebrant and was joined by many priests. Young and old, mothers and fathers, and people from all backgrounds were among the overflow crowd that arrived early and prayed prior to Mass. Some children carried and waved 'flags, some people cried, others sat quietly in reflection. . The program read: "Mass in Time of Tragedy," and many people at the Mass expressed sadness about the attack on America and many said that it is important to tum to prayer in this time of need and healing. "It's unbelievable. I never thought this would happen to our country," said Theresa Curry of Fall River. When asked why she was at the cathedral she said, "I find comfort in praying and coming to Mass." Curry added that she's been attending daily Mass since the tragedy and said now is the time to put our "trust in God:" Julien Paul of Fall River agreed. "This attack on our country is tragic." He said it is important to tum to God and prayer in this time of need adding that with everything that happened he was reminded Of what Thomas Payne wrote in "The American Crisis" more than 200 years ago. Payne penned the line: "These m:e the times that try men's souls," and according to Paul they apply again now. Some, like Patricia Vacchi of Portsmouth, R.I., said the feelings around the country are like those felt when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. "I was stunned," said Vacchi. "I couldn't take my eyes off the television. I couldn't even wash a dish. I feared it would continue across the nation." "It's a terrible, terrible thing," said Somerset Fire Chief Stephen Rivard who attended the Mass with Fall River Fire Chief Edward Dawson. "It's worse than Pearl Harbor," stated Edward Sperduty. . Following the Gospel, the prayer of the faithful included petitions 'that all who lost loved ones may be comforted and strengthened by their faith, and that all whose lives were taken will be welcomed into God's eternal kingdom. So many lives have been affected by this commented Ann Marie Walker of Fall River as she

left the Cathedral following MaSs. "Farn.ilies are noW' without mothers and fathers. It's extremely important that we tum to prayer." Mass closed with "America the Beautiful" and people sang loudly as the bishop and priests processed out. Bishop O'Malley greeted and comforted people as they left the cathedral. Bishop O'Malley told the assembly that he was attending the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting in Washington when the terrorists struck. A telegram from Pope John Paul II assured the bishops of his prayers for the victims and our country.

the bishop said. tendani: from Westport ... a wife "When one is murdered ... it is and mother of two children, one hard to accept .:. and the pain is '. of them starting at Bishop Stang even greater and we say, 'This HighSchool." . should not have happened.'" . Bishop O'Malley said his own And if the perpetrator "has brother. Ted, who is a pilot for traveled lialfway across the world .United A.irlines was slated to fly and has plotted for a year to kill Tuesday out of Boston's Logan thousands of people, all strangers, Airport. we are overwhelmed by the evil . "But.he was gi~en a later flight, absurdity of such a crime. Terror- or he would have been dead too." ism is one of the ugliest features And the bishop noted that of modem life. It is the fruit of David Angell, the 54-year-old, globalization, of instant commu- brother of Bishop Kenneth Angell nications, and the devaluation of of Burlington, Vt., who spent human life in our contemporary many sUnuners on Cape Cod, was world:" also among the victims. Bishop He added that no matter what Angell drove them to the airport

"Our planet is growing smaller and smaller. We are no longer a group of isolated nations. We need to build a community of unity and solidarity. People are reaching out to us at this time:' . - Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.

SEVEN-YEAR-OLD Michael Barbosa of Fall River, waves a flag during a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral honoring victims of the terrorists attac!<s in New York and Washington, D.C. With him are sister Kayla, aged four and his mother Christine. At right, Somerset Fire Chief Stephen Rivard and Fall River Fire Chief Edward Dawson arrive at the cathedral. (AnchortGordon photos) . Bishop O'Malley and Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston spent the night driving back to their respective dioceses. At home here, there was message of condolence from bishops across the world assuring prayers of their people, ''The whole world has reacted to this (the attacks of terrorism) as a crime against hu~!1Pity," said Bishop O'Malley. "Our planet is growing smaller and smaller. We are no longer a group of isolated nations. We need to build a community of unity and solidarity. People are. reaching out to us at . this time." He said that "we come here today as a community of faith seeking solace and strength in the convictions that give' meaning to our lives and in the support of friends, neighbors and fellow Americans." The feeling that follow the attacks are much different from those of grieving when one dies in an accident of from an illness,

group from various troubles spots and said good-bye as they got on in the world that does the terror- the flight "that ended in a flamism, the reason is the same, "to ing holocaust." draw attention to a cause, an inHundreds doing their daily justice, a political ambition and routine "were cruelly cut down by to intimidate peoples and govern- someone who never so much as ments and the victims are expend- knew their name" as well as hunable props in the macabre public- dreds of firefighters, police and ity stunt." rescue workers, who made the In comparison, said Bishop supreme sacrifice by coming to O'Malley, "we .are here today to the ~d of others ... who, in the say that everyone of these victims words of Jesus "laid down their was precious human being and lives for their friends." our brother and sister. Our comThe bishop commented on the munity has been so touched by reading that told the story of the this," and he talked about Holy "unprovoked and premeditated, Cross Father Francis Grogan, cold-blooded murder" ofAbel by who was aboard one of the two his brother Cain. commercial jets piloted by terror"Cain killed Abel because he ists and crashed into the World . was better, because he was difTrad~ Center towers in New ferent ... and after the murder the York.. blood of the innocent Abel cried He was'''a wonderfu1.priest out from the soil and the earth that and religious who served the once sustained and nourished people of this di9cese in so many Cain now becomes a place of exways for· so many decades.'" ile where he wanders about ... to He also mentioned Diane roam aimlessly." Snyder of Westport, "a flight atBishop O'Malley said the


"words of the Lord to Cain we . address to the terrorists of this world: 'What have you done?' The blood of your brothers and sisters cries out to the soil." What causes people to act like that the bishop asked rhetorically. "It is the poison of sin, of hate, of envy or revenge." And he warned the congregation "that we must be vigilant or else this same poison will infect our hearts and make us capaole of evil deeds." While those behind Tuesday's deeds must be hunted down for their crimes, the bishop said, we must take care lest innocent people suffer. Citing the Gospel story of Jesus calming the storm, the bishop said we too fear the evils around us. "But we tum to our God, asking him to give us and our country the gift of faitb. Only faith came overcome hate and evil ... and give us solidarity against hate and violence ... and to live in harmony ... arId build a civilization of love." Those who have died in the disasters "have been born again - to eternal life. We don't believe they cease to exist or lose their personal identity and come back as someone else," the bishop' said. "We belief they live forever in God. We pray God in his mercy receive them into paradise and that one day they will be reunited with their loved ones in God's presence where every tear will be wiped away and where there is no pain and no sorrow, only the peace and joy of God's love." Many Masses and services were held throughout the Fall River diocese to remember victims and pray for those affected by this tragic series of events. Those included Masses in memory of Father Cross Father' Francis Grogan at Holy Cross Church, South Easton and at Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford, where he periodiCally said Mass to assist Father James F. Greene. Father Stephen Fernandes, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis, offered The Anchor a prayer he included in a homily at weekend Masses. It read: "We must resolve to be a people of prayer. Let not a day go by, until the towers are rebuilt and beyond that, when we do not pray ... for the innocent victims, for their mourning relatives, for those who do not yet know the fate of their beloved, for the heroic rescue workers, for the police an<t firefighters, for the municipal and state leaders, for the President, for the cities of New York and Washington, for safety in air travel, for prudence and restraint in the exercise of justice. And for the perpetrators, the enemy. It cannot be that way with you. Amen, I say to you, pray for your enemies, pray for those who persecute you."












THE ANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River- Fri., September 21,2001

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. Bush; his wife, Laura Bush; his father, former President George H.W. Bush; his mother, former first lady Barbara Bush; former President Bill Clinton; Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.; and daughter Chelsea Clinton bow their heads in prayer during a service at the Washington National Cathedral September 14 for the victims of the terrorist attacks. (CNS photo from Reuters)

Nation moves from terror to prayer WASHINGTON (CNS) Americans moved quickly from shock and terror to prayer after suicidal terrorists used hijacked passenger planes to demolish the twin towers of the World Tnide Center and a large section of the Pentagon. Across the nation churches held special services for the victims, some starting barely three hours after the first attack September 11. On September 16 worshippers packed St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington for special Masses. Throughout

the country churches reported overflow crowds at Sunday liturgies. Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washingtori Was' chiefcelebrant of that Mass. Joining him were Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien of the Military Archdiocese and Bishop Paul S. Loverde of Arlington, Va., where nearly 200 people died in the Pentagon crash. In New York, where the com.: bined toll of dead and missing climbed to more than 5,000, thousands unable to get into St. Patrick's lined Fifth Avenue and adjacent streets as Cardinal Edward M. Egan celebrated a Mass

of Supplication. When he expressed thanks to all the rescue workers at the end ?f his 110mily, the congr~ation rose to give ~hem a proli3nged standing ovation. Within the first hours Catholic bishops around the country began announcing special noon or evening services in their cathedrals. Many asked pastors to keep churches open so people could stop in for a moment of prayer or meditation. Many churches sponsored blood drives. Cardinal McCarrick set an example personally by going to Washington Hospital Center to donate blood.

Here are some resourteS that may be useful as people try to rome to tenns with the Sept. 11 terrorist otIadcs. Four airliners were hijacked and crashed - two into the WorldTrade Center il'! New York, one into •. .' . '.• the Puntugon andoneinto rural Pennsylvania..


Catholic OIorilies USA is acmpling c:DIlirIIotions to help Yidims and theirfumdies _.'., througb loml social senk:es agendes. CanIrihuhI online or find the addJ8SS of a i~ Ioml affilia18 at: www.talhOlitdICDiliesUSlLOl1I; or mil (800) 919-9338; or send checks10Catholic OIarilies USA,PO Bo125168,Alexaldria,VA.,22313-9788

,RAYER: Lilurgiml and prayer 11SOUrt8S aDd staIBIIenls by thunh leaders mn be found at theWeb siIe of the u.s. CathobcConfereml of Bishops: www.usab.ol1l

BLOOD DONAlIOHS:: People are encouraged fo continue 10 donate blood over the nm wee~ For lomtions and inronnotion mntad Amerita's Blood Centers at (888) BLOOD-88 or online at www.omerimsblood.org, or the Amerimn Red Cross at (800) GIVE UFE, oronhne of www.redaoss.ol1l C 2001 OIS 6rlIp/IIa

, . ,,



As the investigation into the hijackers' backgrounds uncovered growing evidence of links to the exiled Saudi Arabian terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, who operates out of Afghanistan, thousands of Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders made similar pleas to avoid violence against Muslims or Middle Easterners. In a joint statement September 14, top U.S. Catholic and Muslim leaders engaged in interreligious dialogue warned against "sinking to the mentality and immorality of the perpetrators of Tuesday's crimes." The pope returned to the theme September 16 at a Mass in Frosinone, 40 miles southeast of Rome. He offered special prayers for all Americans and asked "all not tv give in to the temptation of hate and violence, but to commit themselves to the service of justice and peace."

Muslims denounce acts, urge Americans to 'stand together' By MARIA LUISA TORRES CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

What can you do? COBJllBUJJ~

In Washington, as security officials evacuated the White House, Capitol, State Department and other federal buildings, five cardinals and 31 bishops attending the Administrative Committee meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops suspended business to join Cardinal McCarrick in a midday Mass at the National Shrine. In a statement mourning the victims of the tragedy, the gathering of bishops also prayed for "those whose hatred has become so great that they are willing to engage in crimes against our common humanity." The bishops also appealed to Americans "to tum away from the bitter fruits of the kind of hatred which is the source of this tragedy." "Especially," they added, "let us not engage in ethnic, religious or national stereotyping for what may be the acts of a few irrational terrorists."

.. ."1 .


blaming everyone of a certain background for these incidents," LOS ANGELES - Following said Father Alexei Smith, director the devastating acts of terrorism of the Los Angeles archdiocesan committed against the United office of ecumenical and interreliSt~.lslaroi(;...org~hi;ati.onsin gious affairs, adding that the perLos Angeles and elsewhere de- petra~ors in these particular incinounced the attacks and called for dents have yet to be positively all Americans to "stand together" identified. during this time of crisis.. According to Abdel-Baset, the Mahmoud Abdel-Baset, reli- terrorist attacks were more than gious coordinator for the Islamic merely tactical attacks against the Center of Southern California, ex- World Trade Center buildings and tended his the Pentagon "condolences or even against "I hope we would not de- the and sympathies United for all those generate to stereotyping States - but who were people and blaming every- rather were touched by the one of a certain back- "acts against all terrorist atof humanity." tacks." How- ground for these incidents." .Paraphrasing - Father Alexei Smith a verse from the ever, he noted, ''The agony the Koran, the Muswhole nation is going through is lim holy book, Abdel-Baset said beyond the pain of anyone indi- the Muslim faith teaches that if . "anyone (kills) a person ... it would vidual group." "We are pained, just like every- be as if he (kills) all of mankind. body else," Abdel-Baset told The And if anyone saves a life, it would TIdings, Los Angeles archdiocesan be as though he saves all of mannewspaper. "It's very, very sad." kind." In a statement, the Islamic CenWhile he finnly believes this to ter of Southern California said it be a universal truth, Abdel-Baset ''unequivocally condemns" the ter- nonetheless expressed concern that "because of fanaticism" by rorist attacks. "We call upon our fellow Islamic extremists, "Arab-AmeriAmericans to stand together to cans find themselves on the defenbring the perpetrators of this hei- sive." He said the Islamic Center renous act to justice," it said. "We call upon everyone to avoid generali- ceived several threatening phone zations that will incriminate the in- calls from unidentified individuals nocent and only aid the criminals shortly after the attacks. Father Smith, president of the who carried out these attacks." The Muslim Public Affairs Interreligious Council of Los AnCouncil in Washington made a geles, which is made up of local similar statement: "We feel that our religious leaders from Catholic, country, the United States, is under Muslim, Mormon, Jewish, Baha'i, attack. We offer our resources and Buddhist, Greek Orthodox and resolve to help the victims of these Hindu faiths, planned to help cointolerable acts, and we pray to God ordinate an interreligious service in the days ahead to allow people to protect and bless America." "I hope we would not degener- of all faiths to "come together" in ate to stereotyping people and this time of crisis.




































Bible edition to reflect study of Dead Sea ~crolls, says scholar, ROME (CNS) - Work on a second English edition was released third edition of the popular Jerusa- in 1985. Father Boschi said work has just lem Bible is under way and wili include changes based on informa- begun on the third French edition, tion culled from the Dead Sea and it probably will continue for ScrolIs, said a Dominican working three to five years. on the project. The priest, a leading Catholic But the changes wil1, be mainly expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls, said in the Jerusalem Bible's well- one of the myths about the scrolls known introductions and notes, not is that the Vatican has tried to keep in the scriptural texts, said Domini- them secret for fear they would undm Father Gianluigi Boschi, an dermine Christianity. The revised edition ofthe Jerusaexpert in archeology and a biblical scholar at Rome's Angelicum Uni- lem Bible and the scholarly debate versity. that will inform its work should After Father Boschi spoke of the show people that the Vatic.an is hid-' revision project at an early Septem- ing nothing and has nothing to fear, ber conference on myths and schol- he said. arship surrounding the Dead Sea Father Boschi said he believes" Scrolls, several newspapers reported the most important area of research' the Vatican had authorized changes regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls is to the Scriptures based on discov- not directly related to interpreting eries in'the scrolls, which were the Bible. Scholars need to focus found in caves near the Dead Sea more work on the Essenes, the rein 1947. ligious movementthatcollected the Father Boschi told Catholic scrolls at Qumran, and how they News Service the reports were mis- relate to Jesus' followers and the taken; the Vatican is not involved early Christians. in the project, and any changes to The Essenes' ascetics practices; the translation of the biblical texts rituals and predominantly spiritual vision of the Messiah's role seem" are expected to be minor. In fact, he said, "the most im- to mesh with the Gospel's underportant discovery from the Dead standing of faith and the practices , Sea Scrolls is that the texts (of the of the first Christians, he said. Scriptures) contain only minimal "Until now people thought of differences, which shows that the Q\unran almost.a1l anEssi;me_mon~j Bibie always has been treated as a asrery; an~isolated community, but sacred text which was reproduced, that.is changing," he said. "There but not changed. From the begin- is evidence now that the Ideas of ning, the texts were considered un- the movement were much more touchable." widespread." The Jerusalem Bible, a project The scrolls and similar texts discoordinated by the Dominican-run covered in far-flung parts of the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Middle East and North Africa inFrancaise in Jerusalem, was first dicate the presence of a whole published in French in 1956. movement like the Essenes within "It was at the vanguard of bibli- Judaism at the time of Christ, he cal translations 50 years ago because said. it used new archeological and his"Within this context," Father torical discoveries from in and ,Boschi said, "Jesus began his minaround Jerusalem, where the Bible istry with his disciples. Not that was first written," Father Boschi said. Jesus was an Essene, but undoubtWith its extensive introductions edly the group which gathered to each book, its notes and its cross around Jesus as the Messiah had references to other biblical passages, . breathed this alternative Jewish rethe Jerusalem Bible has been used ligious atmosphere." If the research supports the hywidely for Bible study and biblical theology classes. pothesis, he said, it will be reflected The first English translation was' in the introductions and notes of published in 1966. A revised French the third edition of the Jerusalem edition came out in 1973, and the Bible.

LAURA DERN, right, plays a nun who uses dogs in rehabilitating women prisoners in the Lifetime movie, "With~n These Walls." The movie will be rebroadcast Sunday. (eNS photo from Lifetime)

Made-for-TV movie hi911lights nun's work with canines . By MARK PATnSON CATliOUC News SERVICE

HOLLYWOOD - A Dominican sister's simultaneous work of training dogs for the disabled and rehabilitating prisoners has been made into a made-for-TV movie for the Lifetime cable channel starring Ellen Burstyn and Laura Dem" ., . The movie, "Within These Walls," which premiered in August, will have an encore showing noon-2 p.m. EDT on Sunday. Dem stars as Sister Pauline Quinn, and Burstyn, who is also the movie's executive producer, portrays an inmate. Under Sister Quinn's program, prison inmates are used to train guide dogs for the disabled. The dogs themselves are taken from animal shelters where they are days from being euthanized. Burstyn, in speaking to TV writers, was overjoyed when she first heard abou't the program. "This program not only saves the dogs from being put to sleep, as they say, and saves the handicapped people because it helps them' to have a dog," she said, "but the prisoners themselves very often experience unconditional

TV flInt fare -



NEW YORK '(CNS) - Here are capsule reviews of theatrical movies on network television the week of September 30: Sunday, Sept. 30, '-9 p.m. EDT (ABC) ''Dr. Dolittle" (1998). Comedy clunker about a San Francisco physician (Eddie Murphy) whose life becomes complicated when he starts talking to animals but no one else can hear what they say to him. Director Betty Thomas treats the thin proceedings with bogus sentimentality while pursuing laughs from sophomoric vulgarities and crude invective. Much bathroom humor, coarse language and several instances of profanity. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification of the theatrical version was A-llI - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating was PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be

'love for the first time in their assent. Her idea, known now as the lives." And it transforms' them, Prison Pet Partnership Program, she said. , "And they develop the skills so . was first implemented in 1981 at that when they get out of prison, a women's prison in Gig Harbor, they become dog groomers and Wash. She later took private vows as trainers. And it just seemed to me like the most amazing win-win- a Dominican Sister before Mexiwin situation," she added. "It's an can Bishop Raul Vera Lopez, who amazing and·wonderful'story and is a Dominican and now head of I'm proud to be a part of it." the Diocese of Saltillo, Mexico. Born Kathy Quinn 58 years Bishop Vera, named a bishop'in ago to a Mormon family in Los 1987, was coadjutor of the DioAngeles, Sister Quinn says on her cese of San Cristobal de Las Casas own Website that she had .a hard in Chiapas from 1995-99. childhood, which included reSister Quinn later instituted a peated institutionalization during second dog-training program for prisoners in Wisconsin, but dogs ·her teen years. A vagrant as a young adult, she have not been the only focus of became pregnant - the result, she her life. She's helped children in says, of a rape by a policeman. She was given shelter in a con- Bosnia-Herzegovina get through vent-run home for unwed.moth- the cruelties of the war in the ers; she and her new baby were Balkans in the early 1990s, an.d baptized into the Catholic faith the helped Rome-based Africans fleeday before she gave up the young- ing civil strife in their homelands. "She has a great capacity to care ster for adoption. Afterward, Quinn started ac- for the poor and marginal quiring German shepherds from people," said Franciscan Sister kennels and started training them. Mary Jo Kirt, representative for She floated the idea of a program women religious in the Diocese of involving prisoners in the dog of Green Bay, Wis., where Sister. training to a faculty member at Quinn lived while setting up the 'Washington State University's Wisconsin dog training program veterinary school, who gave his for prisoners.

week (j'f Septentber 30

inappropriate for children under 13. Sunday, Sept. 30, 9:40-11:38 p.m. EDT (Disney) ''Back to the Future Part 11I" (1990). Tame, tired sequel· finds Marty (Michael J. Fox) transported to the Old West of 1885 where his professor pal (Christopher Lloyd) has fallen in love but is about to take a bullet in the back. With little more to go on than cardboard characters, cartoon situations and special effects that have by now grown stale, the team of writer Bob Gale and director Robert Zemeckis can't quite triplicate the sense of fun and ingepuity that made the original so appealing. Minimal, street language and mild, cartoon-like violence. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification of the theatrical version was A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion PicnireAssociation ofAmerica rating was PG - parental gUidance suggested.

Friday, Oct. 5, 8-10 p.m. EDT'(UPN) "The Specialist" (1994). A former CIA explosives expert (Sylvester Stallone), hiding from a murderous colleague (James Woods), is lured into the open by an icy seductress (Sharon Stone) who persuades him to murder a trio who slaughtered her parents years earlier. Every character is despicable in director Luis Llosa's atrociously acted, totally trashy, soft-core revenge melodrama, in which brutal violence is seen as the immediate soluti9n to any conflict. Excessive violence, positive depiction of revenge murders, extended sex scene with nudity and much rough language'. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification of the theatrical version was 0 .:.... morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating was R restricted.

Senior issues In recent years there has been widespread belief that cross-generational family relationships have declined. A recentAARP survey fO!Jnd that grandparents today have a strong relationship with their grandchildren. Robert Cresto, AARP Massachusetts, associate state director, reports that the national survey of more than 800 grandparents over 50 years old found that most had regular contact with their grandchildren. The best grandparents view their role as a way to add to the love their grandchildren will experience. It is important to keep a close relationship as your grandchild grows up and moves through life. To be a good grandparent there are a few points to consider to help you achieve your goal: Do not try to be the parent. Let your grandchildren's parents raise them as they see fit (as long as the child~s health and safety are not threatened). Do not compare your adult children's childrearing techniques with yours. ¥ethods have changed since you raised children. Do not try to buy affection with gifts. You might think it is a grandparent's duty to spoil grandchildren. Remember, it is better for you to shower them with love and attention. '" If.you are awaiting the arrival of a first grandchild and want to ready your own home for the new arrival, think twice about using your child's old high chair or crib.

Safety standards have changed; old equipment may no longer be considered safe. There are many new gadgets to help keep babies safe around the house. For instance, you prob-

dren", has been released by the Department of Elder Affairs. The resource guide provides grandparents with a roadmap of services available to assist them in raising their grandchildren. The guide helps ease the stress people face in finding information and locating services essential to provide a loving home headed by grandpaI:ents. . According to Sheila Donahue King, "Assuming the responsibility of raising a grandchild(ren) is often an unanticipated situation for grandparably didn't have soft faucet cov- ents. Identifying financial, social, ers to protect them in the bath- health and legal resources can be tub, or kitchen drawer and cabi- confusing, difficult and time connet catches to keep them away suming." from knives and cleaning prodThe growing number of granducts. parents raising grandchildren is a You alone should decide how social phenomenon not isolated to involved you want to be in your any particular ethnic group, geograndchild's life. Be clear from graphical location, or economic the start about what you will be circumstance. In many situations, able to do and not do as a new drugs and alcohol seriously affect grandparent. Set your own the parents' capability to care for. boundaries and convey them to_ their children. your children. Do not feel guilty The guide answers questions about your decisions. such as the following: For more information on the - What services and/or benrole of being a grandparent you efits are available to my grandcan contact AARP Grandparent children and me? Information Center (GIC). - What is my grandchild eligible for if there is no financial Write to: AARP Grandparent Infor- support from the parents? - How do I get clothing and mation Center, 601 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20049. shoes for my grandchild if I do Fax GIC at 2021434-6470 or call not have the money? In many situations, children GIC at 2021434-2296. ,. .' r . and -grandparents may benefit *** An updated guide, "A Resource from professional help in coping Guide for Massachusetts' Grand- with a variety of emotional and parents Raising their Grandchil- psychological issues. Services

Nancy Boland Johnson

Spokane nun sets another record at Canadian triathlon PENTICTON, British Columbia (CNS) - She is or participants are disqualified. a legend in the energetic community of world triathlon In July, Sister Buder was in Edmonton, where she and is known as Sister Madonna Buder to most. won another championship in her age group. Some call her Sister Mad Bud. Some simply refer Last year in Kona, Hawaii, during the world chamto her as Sister M. pionship event, Sister Buder literally became airEveryone knows the 71-year-old Catholic nun from borne as' her bike was lifted by a forceful wind. She Spokane, Wash., the current record holder of the required 20 stitches to her face, and she failed to ironman event in Hawaii and Canada finish. for her age group. A member of the Sisters for ChrisFor a nonathlete it is almost 'imtian Community in Spokane, she compossible to comprehend the extent of pleted her first triathlon 20 years ago Sister Buder's record-breaking success at age 51 and has devoted hercompetiwithin the highly competitive field of tion in triathlons to God. triathlon. It is also hard to believe the "Athletes draw strength from me: I extent of her influence as she touches can't understand it," she said iri an insouls with her vibrant smile, meloditerView several years ago. "But I give ous voice and powerful, deeply tanned them spiritual guidance and give help to those who need someone to talk to," stature. This year marked Sister 'Buder's she said. Indeed, she is routinely called upon 12th finish at Subaru Ironman Canada to give a blessing prior tq each race held August 26 in Penticton. She comand has been called the event's "spiripleted the course in 14 hours, 46 mintual consultant." utes, 21 seconds, a record in her age Sister Buder has worked as a guardgroup and 49 minutes better than her ian "ad litem" - an advocate for 2000 finish. troubled youth in the courts, although More than I ,900 participants from 39 different countries took part in the SEVENTY-ONE- her service now consists mainly of volpopular event. work. She admits she wonders YEAR-OLD Sister Ma- unteer how much longer she'll have the The title Ironman is bestowed on all who finish the demanding course, donna Buder races in stamina for triathlons. "But I keep saying to God, 'You'll comprised of a 2.4-mile swim, 112- . the Subaru Ironman mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run. Cut- Canada triathlon.'(CNS let me know when (to stop), won't you?''' off times along the course must be met photo by Cam Heryet)

THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., September 21, 2001 may be covered under an individual's insurance plan, or at a set fee. In addition, many agencies have sliding fee scales based upon the individual's ability to pay.

For a free copy of the guide, call Sheila Donahue King at EIder Affairs: 617-222-7421. .


The Massachusetts Public Health Association is sponsoring an informational breakfast series. Th~ four lectures will focus on elder health issues. The series is open to the general public, as well as to elder health and public health professionals. The October 17 lecture "Coping with Sensory Loss" will be given by Barbara Davis, of the Greater Boston Aid to the Blind, and Robert Gilmore of the Bos-


ton Guild for the Hard of Hearing. The series of lectures will run from 8:30-10:30 a.m. and include a continental breakfast. The cost is $44 for the series and $14 for an individual session with discounts for seniors. The lectures will be held at ABCD, 178 Tremont St., Boston. For a brochure or more information, call the MPHA at 617-524-6696.


Fall River, Mass.

Rose E. Sullivan WilliamJ. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan


. The Diocese of Crookston, Minn. PLANNED GIVING OFFICER The Diocese of Crookston, Minnesota is looking for an individual who has a deep understanding of and commitment to Christian stewardship, who has a basic understanding of current Catholic theology and who has a gift for working with people. Technical training will be provided where necessary. Contact George Noel for additional information: P.O. Box 610, Crookston, MN 56716; gnoel@crookston.org


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Cardinal says Church's governing functions could be decentralized By CINDY WOODEN

pope find time for the prayer which must inspire his ministry, Seewald asked. . "Many of the things y'ou listed can be'changed," ROME - While the papacy is an essential element of the Catholic Church, there are many pos- the cardinal responded. "Let's start with Vatican sible ways to decentralize governing functions in City State. The pope himself does not have any the Church, said Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head need of a state, but he needs liberty, a guarantee of independence, he cannot be at the service of any of the Vatican's doctrinal congregation. "Undoubtedly, regional forums which take on government." The number of letters the even some of the functions pope writes and the numuntil now carried out by ber of people he meets evRome are necessary," the Serving as bishop of the Diocese ery day can and have cardinal said in a booklength interview with jour- of Rome and head of Vatican City changed according to cirnalist Peter Seewald. State, being a global voice for peace cumstances and personaliThe book, "God and the and morality, writing encyclicals, ties, Cardinal Ratzinger World," was published in naming bishops throughout the said. "The number of contacts German in October 2000 world, how can the pope find time required by his responsibiland was set for a late-Sepfor the prayer which must inspire his ity for the universal tember release in Italy. ministry, Seewald asked. Church, the decisions he In its'September 13 must make, the need not to edition, the Italian Cathoovershadow contemplation lic magazine Famiglia Cristiana published the book's chapter on the pa- and to'root his mission in prayer all remain a big dilemma," he said. pacy.. "One could discuss the ways in which forms of The Church's structures, which can and may need to change to face' new situations, exist to as- decentralization could lighten papal functions," he sist the pope and to serve the Church, Cardinal said, adding that Pope John Paul II called in 1995 for an ecumenical discussion on the ex.ercise of Ratzinger said. The role of the pope is to guarantee "the obedi- the papal office. "Various voices already have been raised," the ence and conformity of the Church with the will cardinal'said. "Retired Archbishop (John R.) Quinn of God," he said. The importance of the papacy can be seen in its of San Francisco has vigorously argued for the continuing existence, despite "the wounds inflicted need for decentralization. Certainly, much could on it" throughout history by out,side forces and by , be done in this area." The cardinal said, however, that he would not some popes themselves, he said. want to see the elimination of the "ad limina" visDivine grace, strength and support are the only explanations for why the papacy continues, the car-, its bishops make to the Vatican every five years. "They favor contacts and encounters and are dinal said. necessary for reinforcing the internal unity of the Seewald asked CardinalRatzingerjfhe thought .. . St. Peter would recognize today's exercise of the Church," he s a i d . ' Regional and continental gatherings of bishops papal office as having anything to do with his own . exercise of authority over the infant Christian com- may be one of the most important and effective means of decentralizing the government of the munity. Serving as bishop of the Diocese of Rome and Church, he said, as long as they "maintain a dehead of Vatican City State, being a, global voice g'ree of informality and do not degenerate in a bufor peace and morality, writing encyclicals, nam- reaucratic way and do not op~n the' way to the , ing bishops throughout the world, how can the , domination of functionaries." CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE


SISTER KLARA Ritter of the Seryant Sisters of the Holy Eucharist leaves the church of St. Joseph in Karaganda, Kazakstan. Her family was deported to Kazakstan in 1957, after 14 years in a fishing brigade in northern Siberia. The pope plans to visit Kazakstan during a trip beginning tomorrow. (eNS photo by Frank Brown)

Pope says he hopes trip to Asia strengthens, religious ties By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

oppression. The former Soviet CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy republic became independent in - Pope John Paul II said he 1991. The pope made a brief referhoped his visit to Kazakstan and Armenia in late September would ence to the "tragic events of strengthen ecumenical dialogue 1915," when Turkish forces be~ gan a genocidal campaign that lef! and interreligious ties. The pope, welcoming new more than 1.5 million Armenians ambassadors from both countries, dead. Since then, Armenia has confirmed that he would make hiS trip as planned September 22-27. worked long and hard to gain its Vatican sources said no serious rightful place ,among the world's consideration was given to sus- nations, and the pope encouraged' pending the trip after the terror- all Armenians to keep building ist attacks in New York and Wash- , their society with "courage and ington. tenacity." . Accepting the credentials of the In a recent ceremony with the, Armenian ambassador, Edward new ambassador from Kazakstan, Nalbandian, the pope said he Nurlan Danenov, the pope empha-' looked forward with joy to his sized the rich ethnic, religious and first visit to Armenia, a country cultural diversity of the vast Asian celebrating 1,700 years of Chris. country and said this diversity tianity. represented "a challenge and an "This visit will help consoli- opportunity." date the way of dialogue and the. He praised Kazakstan's govroad "to unity that has been taken ernment for its attention to reli~ with the Armenian Apostolic gious pluralism and harmony beChurch," he said. , tween faiths, and especially for . The Armenian Apostolic the legal protections offered to all Church, an Oriental Orthodox religions, including the minority church that maintains good rela- Catholic community. tions with Catholics, will host the, ,Through the ambassador, he 81-year-old pontiff during his encouraged Catholics in three-day stay in Armenia. Kazakstan to keep lines of diaThe pope described Armenia logue open with Christians and as a country "forged by the Chris- , non-Christians. Muslims form the tian faith" and said its Christian majority in Kazakstan, which also roots had helped the nation en- has a sizable Orthodox Christian dure centuries of invasion and .population.





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Vatican Radio welcom,es study that shows no antennae-leukemia link, By JOHN NORTON

concluded that leukemia rates aroun9 the Santa Maria di VATICAN CITY - Vatican Galeria transmission center outRadio welcomed study results side Rome were no higher than from an international panel that in the' nation's capital: ·"On the basis of scientific found no connection between the broadcaster's antennae ra- knowledge. the report has found diation and child leukemia no evidence of a correlation between exposure to electromag-, rates. Jesuit Father Federico netic fields and the development Lombardi, the radio's program of leukemia," said Dr. Girolamo director, said September 15 he Sirchia, Italy's health minister. hoped the study finally would But Sircl:Jia said the panel give peace of mind to people liv- ' made up by experts from Italy, ing around the transmission cen- Britain and Germany - had recter, "confirming that there is no ommended a broader, national seriously founded reason to study because the number of think that our activity in the past cancer cases examined around has caused or causes harm to the Vatican Radio's antennae health." "was'relatively low to consider He said the radio would this study completely convincmaintain measures adopted in ing." recent months to lower radiation Inhabitants around the radio's levels in residential areas to transmission center had alleged strict limi.ts established by Ital- that the radiation levels had inian law, creased the risk of cancer in , The study, commissioned in children .. '. ,Earlier in the year, a study April by Italy's health ministry, CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE





, '

by a regional health agency had been widely misquoted in Italian media as concluding that children living near the radio's antennae were six times as likely to get leukemia as children in other parts of Rome. But the reports' authors said the evidence - one sick·child in a 13year period - was statistically insignificant. Vatican Radio moved some of its European broadcasts to a transmission center in France in hte August, a measure worked out with Italy in May to bring the radio's emissions in line with stringent Italian regulations. Meanwhile, Italian cr;imina,l charges still yvere pending against three radio directors for "dangerous showering of objects." Prosecutors in the trial, scheduled to begin December 20, allege a'link'between the electromagnetic pollution and damage 1(j the environmen.t.



Tapestries and telescopes: Taking stock of the Vatican.'s assets By JOHN THAVIS

The litany of objects is long and unique: Paintings, statues and frescoes; carriages, historic cars and popemobiles; antique manuscripts, rare autographs and papal diaries; inlaid marble floors, coins, medals and stamps; relics, vestments, chalices and taber-

Cardinal Edmund C. Szoka. It will be implementing the 24 arVATICAN CITY - The ticles of a new Vatican <;:ity law world's smallest state is embarkthat took effect September I. ing on what could be the world's "What we're trying to do for biggest inventory of artistic and the first time is conduct an inhistoric objects. ventory that uses the same criteThis month, the Vatican anria for all Vatican agencies. Asnounced it ~ould undertake a signing a value to each piece is two-year project one goal, but we to identify and also need to know catalog all of its' who made it, holdings, ranging where it came from ancient pafrom and when it pal carriages to was received," contemporary said Msgr. Giorgio mosaics. Corbellini, vice It's the first secretary-general such inventory in of the governor's modern times, office. and every Vatican The law reflects office is being overall church conasked to take cern about keeping stock of its assets closer track of the and their state of holdings of Church repair or disreinstitutions worldpair. The invenwide. Last year, the tory will cover Vatican issued a every corner of document stressing the 109-acre the urgency of conVatican City ducting inventories State, plus papal in local Churches. vi II as and other The Vatican's properties out'will be the mother side the Vatican of all inventories, walls. however. To give While some some idea of the number of things Vatican institutions - like the that will be cataVatican Museums loged, the Vatican or Library A TEMPERA painting of Pope Paul VI by Italian artist Museums hold than main~ain up-to- LUigi Filocamo is normally on view in the Vatican's collec- more 150,000 artistic date hsts of prop- tion of modern religious art. ( eNS photo courtesy Vatican and historical erty, other offices Museums) items, and the have acquired things over the years, including nacles; glass chandeliers and tap- Vatican archives has more than gifts and purchases that have estries; villas and gardens; tele- 60 miles of shelf storage space. never been cataloged. These two institutions, howscopes; halberds and helmets; Inside the finite world of the books and musical scores; an- ever, will be better prepared than Vatican exists an almost infinite cient tombs, inscriptions, graf- most Vatican departments to ofarray of items big and small, fiti and pottery. ' fer a detailed list of assets. In some priceless, some functional Overseeing the inventory pro- other offices, employees will and some that have been sitting cess will be the Vatican City have to start from scratch, listin closets for decades. governor's office, headed by U.S. ing everything from period-piece CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Father Pavone asked to leave as director of Priests for Life' By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE NEW YORK - Father Frank Pavone, a priest of the New York Archdiocese who is national director of Priests for Life, has been asked by Cardinal Edward M. Egan of New York to leave that position and resume full-time parish work. ' A marked need for parish priests in the New York Archdiocese' has been cited as the reason for reassigning Father Pavone, who was appointed to Priests for Life'in 1.993 by Cardinal Egan's predeoessor, Cardinal John J. O'Connor of NewYork. I '. "Weare shQ~ked at what has 'happened ~nd frankly. G~~'t make heads..pr tails of it," Anth.9.ny DeStefano, executive director of

Priests for Life, said in a recent statement. "Neither can other ProLife leaders worldwide. I know that F~ther' Frank has committed his entire life to ending the tragedy of abortion." Neither Father Pavone nor the spokesman for the New York Archdiocese, Joseph Zwilling, could be reached for comment. He added that until a riew priest director is named, Father Pavone officially transferred the leadership of the organization to DeStefano and .other close associates. "We have detailed. plans that were formulated by Father Pavone, which we will follow,to the ,letter," .DeStefano said. Priests for Life was founded I "


in California in 1991 "to train, motivate and encourage priests to effectively adva,:\ce the Gospel of life:" Since Cardinal O'Connor gave Father Pavone permission to head the 40,000-member Pro-Life organization in 1993, it has expanded to include five full-time priest staff members and 30 full-time lay staff members. It has offices in New York, California, Minnesota, Michigan, Rome and Washington, D.C. From 1996 to 1998 Father Pavone was an official with the Po~tifical Council for the Family and coordinated Pro-Life activities worldwide. He still collaborates with the council.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., September 21, 2001 furniture to the carved crucifix on the wall. Cardinal Szoka's office has the power to carry out on-the-spot inspections to check the existence of objects and the state of their preservation. The new law also gives the governor's office oversight over the loaning of items to other museums or institutions, specifying that the pieces must be insured and normally should not be loaned for a period exceeding 12


months. That's been a controversial issue at the Vatican ever since 1964, when Michelangelo's "Pieta" statue was flown to New York for display at the World's Fair. k made the journey safely - only to be damaged by a hammerwielding vandal eight years later at the Vatican.

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14 THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., September 21;2001



'Greaser' law professor lauds Oledia diversity


RACING NECK-AND-NECK are Father Stephen Salvador, pastor of SS. Peter & Paul Parish at Holy Cross Church, F.al! River, Kathleen Burt, principal of SS. Peter & Paul School and Monica Ventura, director of music for the parish. Together they headed for the,finish during a recent horse race, just one of the many activities held at the recent parish festival.

HUNDREDS GATHERED for a variety of food, music and activities at the SS. Peter & Paul Parish fund-raiser. '

.CYO Basketball readies for season -FALL RIVER - Albert "Val". should attend to receive an overVaillancourt, the associate direc- view of rules and practice time . tor of the Fall RiverArea C.yO, "schedules.' 'The' league' will have the fol~' announced thilt the first coaches' meeting .for the ~OOI ~2002 (:YQ . ']o\ving divisions this year: Senior Basketball League will be. held . Boys (A and B), born on/after 1/ September 27 at the Sullivan~ 1/80; Pre'p Boys and Girls, born McCarrick CYO Center. Parish on/after 1/1/86; Junior Boys .(A, representatives and ·coaGh~s" .~a!1d C),'bOff) on/after 1/1!88~


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Junior Girls (A and B), born on/ after 1/1/88. The CYO Center will openJor the season·on October 1 with the annual jamboree scheduled for . November 9. For more information call 508-672-9644 or 508-6721666.

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DAYTON,' Ohio (CNS) riety show. It also appeared in Dennis Greene, former Sha Na the 1979 movie "Grease" with Na singer turned law professor, John Travolta and Olivia Newsees evolving media technology ton-John, in which Greene sang and the Internet as empowering lead on "Tears on My Pillow." people. When the variety show ended, The era of media domination Greene left the group and reby three TV'networks is history, turned to school, earning a he said, and anyone who wants master's in education from' to write can find a worldwide Harvard in 1984 and a law deaudience on the Web, gree from Yale in 1987. He is a tenured professor of As a visiting professor at the Marianist-run University of law at the University of Oregon. Greene said he agreed to be a Dayto,n this year, Greene, a Catholic, is teaching courses' on visiting professor at the Univerjntellectual property in the digi- sity of Dayton because he was tal economy and entertainment impressed by its mission and law this fall. . drawn to its Catholic nature. In the spring he'll teach He sees a great need for the courses on business planning Church in today's society. "The Catholic, Church was and law, mass media and race. Teaching law may seem a far such a positive manifestation in cry from the greaser duds and my upbringing, with parochial gold-lame stage suits of Sha Na ,school and the CYO in the sumNa when it skyrocketed to in- _ mer," said Greene, who has a ternational fame at the 1969 brother who is a priest Woodstock Festival and Passionist Father Michael launched the rebirth of doo-wop Greene of Jamaica, N.Y. "If there ever was a time for in America. While Woodstock is associ- the Catholic mission, this is that ated more with hippies, flower time," he continued: "It's time power and the Age of Aquarius, for strategic thought and planit was the first big gig for Sha' ning for the Church to play a Na Na, which took the stage the role in the community, to conmorning of the fourth day, just tinue operations for socioeconomically challenged populabefore Jimi Hendrix. Greene, then 20, was a stu- tions." dent at Columbia University and He' said he is interested in the one of 12 founding members of evolution of media technology Sha Na Na. It had evolved when because of its potential to give' he and other members of the a voice to those who have hisuniversity glee club, The torically been denied equal ac: Kingsmen, began singing a rep- cess. "Many important decisions in ertoire of 1,950s oldies. With a background in dance, the media are being made by arhe helped choreograph Sha Na rogant, young, underexposed Na stage movements and sang writers and producers. Too oflead on songs such as "Tears on ten they fall back on stereotypes My Pillow," "Duke of Earl," for characters - the menacing "Up on the'Roof' and "Under African-American and the the Boardwalk." predatory priests of the rigid "It was a wonderful, once-in- Catholic Church," he said . . a-lifetime experience to be part "Well, they can pitch but we of Woodstock," he said. It was don't have to catch. Americans also a defining moment for Sha defamed by this type of media Na Na, which cut its first album defamation need to respond shortly afterward and soon was. loudly and in a coordinated fashon world tour. ion." The proliferation of cable "Remember, this was the era of 10-minute guitar solos programming lets consumers played with your back to the "vote with their remote," he audience," Greene said. "Oldies said. "The expanding Internet cawere by no means the trend, the rage. We created that market in pabilities provide another avthe hippie generation. It was a enue," he said. "If you write, you can deliver your project to parody of nostalgia." . From 1969 to 1977 Sha Na the world. It's very empowerNa logged more than 100 con- ing. "People who have been sicerts a year in America, Europe and Asia. "The travel gets old,'" . lenced du~ to economics or subGreene said. "It's broadening" . servient power positions can but it can get poring, exhaust- now publish on the Web and see ing and sometimes dangerous. their work distributed all over But the reward is the magic two the world," he added. "Their hours onstage." . • works can have life, and the auFrom 19,77 to 1981 Sha Na dience out there can be posiNa hosted a syndicated TV va~ tively impacted by it." .' ,.

THEANtHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri" September 21,200 I



an early death. We give evil power through our We live with our comfortable il- own choices. When we choose what lusions, imagining that most people we know is wrong because it gets us will play fair if you just give them a what we want, we add to the power chance. Perhaps we trust there are of evil. There's an old-fashioned some things nobody ever would do. word for that: "sin." In a few heartbreaking seconds, Here is the really hard part to along with the I===~~:understand. God World Trade Cen-1j<~1 left us able to deter towers, those "::-,"" I Coming cideforourselves. The freedom that illusions crashed to the ground. 0 f Christ gives us is LARRY WAHL collects and cleans lost golf balls and donates them to area schools. If people could simply this: We (eNS photo by Pat Hendrick, Catholic Universe Bulletin) be so filled with can choose good hate that they and we can choose rammed an airevil. plane into the side Without God ofbuilding filled with innocent men in our lives, the power of evil is too and women, what limits can there much for any of us, and we fall into be? If they flew to their own fiery its lure every time. God's intervendeath fulfilling this dread mission, tion in human history gave us back CLEVELAND (CNS) - If there is a patron saint lection, and many have donated golf balls already. in Cleveland for lost golf balls, it would have to' be Wahl is as meticulous with his record-keeping and what possible fear might have de- our ability to choose, How powerful is evil? Look at his displays as he was while president of Buckeye Bis- ter'red them? Larry Wahl. The record ofhistory is clear. The the rubble in New York City. That Since he began his golf ball collection 20 years ago, cuit, from which he retired in 1994. His charts indicate human capacity for evil appears to pile ofdeath and ashes was produced he has put more than 24,000 of them with various logos the number ofgolfballs he has found, cleaned, donated be boundless. by the anger and hatred of a few on display in his home. And that's not to mention the and otherwise organized. Oil a tragically common basis, people. The balls in his collection are organized in display thousands he's given away. And what can anyone do? You Wahl, a parishioner at St. Dominic Parish, puts many cases by their logos from automakers, gasoline service men and women involved in ancient hatreds and modern political cannot rebuild the buildings or of the golf balls he finds to good use - donating them stations, banks, colleges and high schools, pro sports struggles launch rockets into hospibreathe life back into the dead. You . to schools and programs for young golfers, especially teams, TV stations and many others. tals, break the bones of old women cannot heal the hate-filled minds that Of the more than 100 cases, only five were made in inner-city areas. and hack innocent children to pieces. caused this terror and destruction. In the past seven years, he has given more than 2,000 specifically to hold golf balls. The rest include redeThe problem ofevil is an old one. You can only look to your own life plain golfballs to two Catholic high schools in the Cleve- signed cases that were made for film, cigarette lighters The Church has long taught that evil and choose good. and wrist watches. To show off the balls he also uses land area Draw close to your brothers and Wahl would like others to join his crusade and also household items, such as cookie jars, outdoor light fix- is not the same as error. Evil isn't lr matterofgoodness making mistakes. sisters in prayer for the dead and for step up the collection. He thinks golfers should con- tures, egg trays, pitchers and bird feeders. A fundamental Christian beliefis that the living. Commit yourself to be a sider donating not only used balls, but clubs and other' "You've got to be nuts to do what I do. And I'd be equipment to local schools that may need it to start a the first to agree," Wahl said, showing the scratches on evil has a force of its own, and it peacemaker, building bridges instead his arms, legs and face from his expeditions to find lost looks for chances to make trouble. of bombs. Work for justice for all golf program or sustain it. The power ofevil hates the good, people, and do not let your heart be "We could create a lot of good with donated golf golf balls. hates God, and seeks to destroy peace hardened. Remember that the path He said the best time to find balls is on late Monday balls and other golf equipment to schools, particularly ofevil begins with anger and grows Catholic schools, in poorer neighborhoods," he told the afternoons, after most players' golf outings because he and harmony. Evil does not discriminate among into hatred, but it always ends with Catholic Universe Bulletin. diocesan newspaper of has found that golfers don't spend a lot of time looking kinds of men and women but will death and ashes. for balls that go into the woods or the water. Cleveland. Be sober, be watchful. Your ad'There are a lot of kids in these kinds of neighborEven on a bad day, Wahl said, he can find about 40 infect anyone it can with resentment, hoods and their knowledge ofgolf has increased thanks balls, compared to good days when he'has fourid up to hatred and lust for power. The crack versary the devilis prowling around dealer who sells drugs to the young like a roaring lion, seeking some15Q ' to Tiger Woods," he added. The secret is "knowing where to go and being very mother - knowing full well that one to devour. Resist him, firm in To help his collection, the country club where he is children will not be fed because the your faith (I Pt 5:8-9a), a member is going to give him the clubs that people left lucky," he said. Your comments are welcome. "I know the holes," he added. "And I walk around a grocery money goes to drugs - has behind at the end of the season. been infected with evil. So is the Please address: Christopher He said golfers have been very helpful with his col- lot in two,hours' time." well-off pharmacist who dilutes Carstens, c/o Catholic News Serlife-giving medicine, increasing vice, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washhis profits by sending patients to ington, D.C. 20017.




Cleveland man helps schools, community with golf ball colle,ction


Palestinian students pray for bomb victims By CAlliOl/C News SERVICE

tragedy involving thousands of inJERUSALEM - Some 20,000 nocent people who were just going Palestinian students in Catholic about their daily lives. And it is trauschools around Israel and the West matizing to think that a country as Bank observed a moment of silence powerful as the U.S. is so vulnerand held prayer services for those able. who perished in terrorist attacks in "Still, even if ~hat they do is evil, the United States. we must think of the reascns behind Catholic clergy denounced the it," he added. "We are against terscenes of Palestinian street celebra- rorism, we are against violence. But tions that had dominated the news we have to think why this is hapimmediately after the recent tragedy, pening. If someone feels pushed up saying that they represented a minor- to the wall, then your evil side lJ1ay ity of the Palestinian population. appear." "We are against terrorism, we are Father al-Siryani said that, if it against violence. If there are those turned out the perpetrators of the that celebrated, they don't represent , attacks were ofArab origins, he was the Palestinian people," said Father concerned that many innocent Arab Majdi al-Siryani, a legal adviser to Muslims and Christians living in the the Latin-rite Patriarchate ofJerusa- United States might suffer perseculem who lives in the Bethlehem sub- tion and harassment. urb of Beit Sahour. "I call on people not to throw "1 don't think anyone with hu- accusations. So many people are man feelings could condone such an going to be harassed, people that are attack," he added. "It's a horrifying American citizens, like my parents,

who live in Livonia, Mich. I hate to see them mistreated in any way," he told Catholic News Service. Appearing at an interreligious prayer for peace just as news of the attack was beginning to unfold, Abuna Rafik Khoury of the Latin patriarchate said people should not pray for a peace that only helps them. "We have to pray for peace, but what kind of peace?" said Khoury. "If we pray only for the peace of our interests, our stability, our security, then we are asking God to be • accomplices with us in a narrow visionof peace, to a peace achieved with military power and violence. ''A genuine quest for peace invites us to enlarge our vision ofpeace to truth and justice," he said. "Peace means to accept the rights of the other, the same rights we claim for ourselves. Peace is a political stance. Otherwise, we lie to ourselves and to God."





9tta~ it easierfor tMse you



lHEANCHOR- Diocese ofFallRiver- Fri., September 21 ,2001'


Continuedfrom page one

- Kenneth Waldie, brother of Grace McGroaty, who teaches religious education for the Island Parishes on Martha'~ Vineyard; - Dianne Snyder, 42 of Westport and Connecticut, whose son Leland Snyder is a freshman at Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth. According to Holy Cross Father James Lackenmeir, provincial steward of the Provincial Headquarters in Bridgeport, Conn., Father Grogan was aboard United Airlines Flight 175, one of two commercial airliners whose flights originated at Logan Airport in Boston and crashed into the World Trade Center in Manhattan. Gay was reported by his family as aboard American Airlines Flight II that also was crashed into one of the towers. ''This is such a terrible thing and it makes us wonder what the world is coming to" said Gay's distraught father Peter B. Gay. The elder Gay was the recipient of the diocese's St. Thomas More Award in 1997 given to members of the criminal justice system. Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, said his parish grieves the death of Father Grogan who was known and loved there because of the six months he served parishioners while Father Kaszynski was on sabbatical in 1999. "Father Grogan visite!i St. Stan's 'on September 6, just' five days before he was killed," Father Kaszynski reported, and had lunch with parish council members "and talked about his new assignment in Albany, N.Y. anq about his upcoming flight to

visit his sister in California." FatherGrogan had established strong ties with the local parish· and enjoyed his stay there very Inuch,Father Kaszynski said: A memorial Mass for Father Grogan and all those killed in the Septem~ ber II-acts of terrorism wascelebrated Wednesday at St: Stanislaus. "For our parish Father Grogan· represented not only'a welcomed'. changeof style of ministry, but. everyone told me what made him so endearing was his priestly simplicity, an obvious closeness to the Lord, a faith very much alive; and his homilies which were' earthy but apropos to how life is." "We lost a very beloved man and priest," said Father Jay T: Maddock, pastor of Holy Family Parish in Taunton. "Father Grogan celebrated Mass here every Friday morning, having done' so for the last time on September' 7. He became very beloved by our Friday morning people. He loved to join them for coffee afterwards." Father Maddock told The Anchor he spoke with· a seminarian from Holy Family, Parish, Greg Bettencourt, at the seminary in Steubenville, Ohio, after leaming of Father Grogan's death. "Greg and Father Grogan were very' close," said Father Maddock. "He's deeply saddened by the news. Father Grogan continually referred to Greg as Brian when they first met. Greg gently reminded the priest his name was Greg. Father Grogan eventually· told the young man that everyone should name their guardian angel so he should name his Brian." Father Marc Tremblay, pastorof St. Patrick's Parish, Somerset,


MILITARY MEMBERS salute as fire and rescue workers hang an American flag from the roof of the Pentagon September 12. (CNS photo from Reuters/U.S. Navy)

'" ..



SMOKE FROM the wreckage of the World Trade Center shrouds the New York skyline the day after two planes crashed into the towers, leading to thei~ collapse. (CNS photo from Reuters) remembered Father Grogan as "a very nice man," who always lent a hand when needed. Father Grogan enjoyed being a Holy Cross Father and especially the years he spent working closely in the Rosary Crusade with Father Patrick Peyton, the famed "Rosary Priest" whose cause for sainthood is being processed by the Fall River diocese, Father Kaszynski commented. "His work and his service in the U.S. Navy before entering the seminary made him very much a man in touch with the world," the local pastor said. "Yet he never lost his simplicity. He was a man of deep prayer and he wouid never miss his daily holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament, and had a tender devotion to Our Lady and the Divine Mercy." Father Grogan also had a wonderful sense Of humor that was remembered by the children at St. Stanislaus School when they were informed of Father Grogan's death. "Their first reaction was that heaven is filled with his jokes, which were sometimes corny but everybody loved him for them, all which emanated from a closeness with the Lord," Father Kaszynski said. At St. Thomas More Parishin Somerset, pastor Father Edward J. Byington said parishioners there were stunned by news of Father Grogan' death. The Holy Cross Father had qlled in there in recent years. ,'" , .,: "So Father Grogan' was well known in the Fall River diocese," Father Lackenmeir.said. A native of Pittsfield, the son of the late Francis and Loretta: (Fogarty) Grogan, he was professed as a Holy Cross Seminarian in 1948 after serving two years in the U.S. Navy. He was ordained in June 1955. He held degrees from Notre Dame and Fordham. His first assignment was to Stonehill College where he was registrar and teacher. From 1961 to 1965 he was with Father Peyton's Rosary Crusade and Family Theater in Hollywood California and Madrid, . Spain.

Following teaching assignments in New York, Connecticut and Texas, he served in parishes in Vermont. Returning to the Fall River diocese he was parochial vicar at Holy Cross Church in South Easton from 1991 to 1997. Father Grogan went into semiretir~ment in 1997 and assisted in several parishes on short-term assignments and two years ago became superior ofthe community in North Dartmouth. . ·~"Father. Grogan was flying out';fo~1s'ee his sister, Anile' Brown, in'Ramona, Calif., and was 60 -his way when this. terrible thing happened," Father Lackenmeir said. .'Mer that he was about to take

up a new assignment, as chaplain to St. Joseph's Center, the Holy Cross Brothers' retirement community in Valitie, N.Y." Funeral arrangements for Father Grogan are pending. Speaking for the Gay family 'was the late Raytheon executive's sister, Laurel. "Peter was a wonderful family man and real professional and he was loved by all his family and by so many people," she'said. As. aconsultant;' Gay did much tiav'el1ing:.~nd :made· regular fligh!s Oil" either Tue'sdays, or Wednesday't6 LOS Angeles, -Calif., his sister said. Last week he was aboard the ill fated Flight 11 out of Boston.

THOUSANDS OF people gather for an impromptu memorial at the U.S. Capitol the day after hijacked airplanes were crashed in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. (CNS photo from Reuters)

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