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Head Up Attleboro

.. .Drive

.Most Reverend James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop, will preside tonight at a meeting to outline initial

stages of a fund raising campaign for' the Diocese's second regional high school, to be '. An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Pirm-Sr. PAUL . located in "Attleboro. All priests of the. area to be served by' the new school will attend, in addition to general "'"ond t.:1... Mall PrivileCeII PRICE lOe chairmen and their' associates. Authorized .t F.lIRioer. M.... $4.00 per Year The gathering will be held at St. John's School auditorium, Attleboro, at 8 o'clock. To be emphasized is the special gifts phase of the campaign, which will begin Sunday, Oct. 11 with" sermons in the 12 parishes which will send A telephone call from Rome has assured Mrs. Blanche students to the school,' and with Turn to Page Eighteen Bouchard, South Attleboro, of the safety of her son, Rev.

Fall River, Mass. Vol. 3, No. 39

Thursday, Sept. 24, 1959

Attleboro Missioner Reports From Laos

Lucien Bouchard, a.M.I., a missionary in Sam Neua, Laos, territory under. heavy attack by Communist forces. Very Rev. JoOhn Hannick, O.M.I., regardless of the consequences. also of Attleboro, and pro- We felt that they needed us more vincial of the missionary than ever during these troubled order telephoned from Rome times." to tell Mrs. Bouchard that her, son was in no danger. Ordained in 1955, Father Bouchard was assigned to the Laotion mission in September, 1956.. He is one of five priests who care for 5,000 Catholics in the war-torn area. Young Catholic men in Sam Neua, said Father Bouchard, "consider fighting against atheiistic communists not only a patriotic, but also a religious duty." " ."When Communists attacked about six weeks ago," said the missionary, "we missionaries decided to st<l楼 with our flock

A United Nations fact-fin'ding mission, appointed by the Security Council, is now in Laos to report on the situation. The Laotian government has accused communist north Viet Nam of aiding Laotian Pathet Lao rebels who revolted against the governn1ent in northeastern Laos. "Since the Communist invasion,". said Father Bouchard, the missionaries, Oblates, of Mary Immaculate, . "have continued missionary work as before." Father Bouchard said his work cOllsists of visiting six or seven mountain villages each 'rurn to :Pa~e Twenty

Bishop Gerra rd To'Attend Mass For Prelate'路, Most Rev. Jam~s J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G.,A~xiliary Bishop of' the Fall. River Diocese, will be in the sanctuary. with other members of the hierarchy at the Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem tom 0 r row morning in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Manchester, N. H. for the Most. Rev. Matthew Francis 'Brady, D.D., Bishop of Manchester, who. died Sunday night. . Bishop Brady was well known in the Fall River Diocese, his Turn to Page Twelve

Afternoon Moss At Cathedral



Dedicate Holy Cross Seminary on. Sunday

The first unit of the new Holy Cross Fathers Seminary in North Easton which has been under construction for the past year will be dedicated. in an official cornerstone laying ceremony on Sunday, Sept. 27 at 2 :30 P.M. it was announced by Very Rev. George S. De- seminary, a remodelled barn Prizio, C.S.C., Provincial for (St. Pius X Seminary), which the Holy Cross Fathers in has provided facilities for 30 the Eastern half of the seminarians each year for the United States. His Excellency the Most Rev. Albert F.. Cousineau, C.S.C., former Superior General of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, presently Bishop of Haiti, will dedicate the new seminary, assisted by the Very Rev. George S. DePrizio, C.S.C., and Rev. Roger P. Quilty, C.S.C., Rector at the seminary. Replaces Barn 'Designed by Mr. William Cram of Norwalk, Conn., the new unit replaces - the present

past 10 years. The new dormitory wi'1g. with 30 rooms will house 60. A bright cloister walk connects to the mod ern I "T equipped business offices, dining room, kitchen and recreation room-planned to accommodate 200 students.. Father DePrizio, C.S.C., has announced that the next step in. the proposed one million dollar project will be the construction of a large seminar)' chapel. Turn to Page Eighteen

Cite Fall River Missionary For Success in Guatemala HUEHUETENANGO (NC) - Sixteen years ago the first Maryknoll Missioners arrived in Guatemala, and they found here, as in the rest of Latin .America, a people suffering from the greatest of human tragedies: spiritual starvation. They confronted "At Saloma: Father John M. superstition, amorality and Breen, M.M., of Fall River, hatred-best symbolized by Ma'ss" had 47,155 Communions hundreds of empty, crum- and 10,433 Confessions in a ten bling colonial churches, stark evidence of a Faith that once burned intensely, but because of a lack of priests, was practicaHy dead. z The results of If) years of work by the Maryknollers sho:-v what can be done in other spiritually impoverished areas of. Latin America provided they get priests. An excerpt from a report prepared by the Very Rev. Hugo M. Gerbermann, M.M., ~e颅 gional Superior in Guatemala, is as follows:

month period. He has 62 catechists in his parish." Future Promising The future of the Church in the Maryknoll area looks promising. At present 27 young men are路 s'tudying in seminaries for the priesthood. Two young men are training to become Brothers and two girls are studying to be Sisters. An intensive catechetical project involving 2,000 volunteer lay-teachers, mostly Indians, ia Turn. to Page Eighteen

Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, announces that there will be a Sunday afternoon Mass every Sunday at 5 o'clock P.M. at St. Mary's Cathedral only. The Sunday afternoon Masses will begin in the Cathedral on Sunday, October 4.

Father Considine Warns Missions On Parochialism WASHINGTON (NC) "Parochialism" is one of the greatest threats to the success of Catholic missionary

GROUNDBREAKING: Most Rev. James J. Gerrard. D.D., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, breaks ground for the Holy Name School, Fall River, in the presence of, left to right, Fathers Donald A. Couza and James A. McCarthy,assistants, and Father William H; Harrington, pAstor. Work preliminary to the construction is under way~

activities, a veteran writer on mission affairs has stated. This point was made by Father John J. Considine, M.M., director of publications for the Maryknoll Fathers, in a statement issued from Hie Washingtqn headquarters of the Mission Secretariat. Father Considine, a native of New Bedford, is a brother. of Rev. Raymond T. Considine of Fall River and Rev.' Arthur G.' Turn to Page Eighteen

AT HOLY HOUR: St. Vincent de Paul Society.membe'J;'S from all parts of the Diocese participated in a Holy Hour at St. Mary's Church, Taunton. Left to right, James Blount, Tauilton; Rev. James F. Lyons,Taunton Particular Council Chaplain; and William J. Fagan, Particular Council pres. ident, are entering the church..



Tibetan Help By Catholics Wins Thanks

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ri~er-Thurs.,Sept.24, 1959

Impartial Board Declare$, Catholics $mearTarget

NEW YORK (NC) -The Dalai Lama has extended his personal thanks to the ove~ seas relief agency of the

NEW YORK (NC)-Catholics were the number one target of smear attacks during the 1958 elections, according to a report 'issued by the Fair Campaign Practices Committee. The non.:.denominational, nori-partisan organization ,stated, that eight Catholic number of unfair campaign tac- . candidates were objects of tics was up 100 per cent in 1958 attacks 'based on religious over the figures for - the 1956

U. S. Bishops and to the "Arne.. ic~n people for their aid to ~il:>etan refuge~ from Re4 Chinese oppression. . This was disclosed by Armando E.' Sonaggere, program director' 'in India for Catholic Relief Services National Catholie Welfare Conference. Mr. Sonaggere, of Fairview. _N. J., is in the United States a visit. With him is his wife., A;ngela, who serves ·as program director for CRS-NCWC medical projects in India. Dalai Lama The relief agency official sara he met with the Dalai Lama. exiled ruler of Tibet who fled his country after it was invaded by the Chinese communists, following a tour of Tibetan refugee camps in Missamari and Buxa, India. ." Mr. Sonaggere _ said he wae asked by the Tibetan ruler to "convey his thanks" to' CRSNCWC and the people of :Amel'ica "for all that was being done for his people." Distribution Catholic Relief Services recently estimated thai'it had distri!:>ut~d about $75,000 worth of 'clothing and bedding to Tibetan refugees in India. In addition, 'the agency has supplied about 50,000 pounds of Powdered milk 'ahd 120;000 pounds of wheat grain, ,which were distributed 'by the... Indian Red Cross.

elections. However, unfair practiceS in one state, California, accounted for nearly the entire ·increase. There were 64 episodes of unfair electioneering involving 35 candidates for national or state office in-21 states. In 1956, there were 32 such episodes in 19 s~tes. Nine states reported' smear tactics in both 1956 and FOUNDRESS CELEBRATES DECREE: Mother Anna 1958. Complain~s about' unfair Dengel, S.C.M.M., M.D., founder and superior general of the tactics were divided evenly beMedical Mission Sisters, examines the Society's Decree of tween Democrats and .Republicans. Praise, with Fath~r' Edward L. Heston, C.S.C., canonical Evenly Divided cons;tlto! to the G~neral Chapter that petitioned Rome for The most cQmmon means of Papal approval. NC Photo. ' spreading an unfair attack was special campaign literature, cited in _37 cases, the survey said. Also used were bogus organizations, newspaper advertisements 0, news releases and speeches: , PASSAIC (NC)-The executive director of a national anonymous telephone calls and ' organized w~ispering campaigns: Slovak gr~up has called on Gov. Robert B. Meyner to estab, . Half-TruthS . lish a "juvenile delip.quency combat 1,eague" in New jersey. Typical smear techniques, aeThe suggestion has been made by Joseph G. Prusa supreme FRIDAY-Mass of the previous cOrding to the committee, were secretary Of the Slovak Cath' " , Sunday. Simple. ,Green. Mass use of half-truths, charges of olic Sokol, in a letter to the for better health. Mr. Prusa al~ Proper; No Gloria; Common communism or "shallow patriot- Governor. He said th I suggested that pUb~ic school Preface. ' ism," suggested links with' crim. ' e eague teachers should be gIven, ,more SATURDAY _ North American inaIs and "sinister elements," ,would 'adVIse parents on how power to discipline and, punish Martyrs: SS.· Isaac Jogues, outright lies and false innuen... to. instill dignity, obedience and unruly children. John De Brebeuf, and 'Their dos. ! ' , . , ' 'integrity in their children, and' , .. ,.... Companions, Martyrs. D,ouble The survey cited two specific ho~ to'train them physically and He called Juvenile deliAquency of I~ Class. Red. Mass Proper; examples of appeals to religious moraUy in self-discipline and ~,"na~i~nal plague" which is Gloria; Second Collect Ss. prejudice in an effort to defeat ' destroymg our great country's , !, : " ' , Cyprian and Justina, Martyr's,' a ;candidate." prestigesympathy in the world," He ex" .' ,pressed for the citizens Common Preface.. "A west ern D emocra t (aR0' and officials of 'New York, but sept. 27--Sunday-SUNDAY _ XIX Sunday After man Catholic) running for g o v - . . added that "every state and c"ity , 2:0Q P.M. Our Lady of F~ Pentecost. Double. Green. ernor, was said to be under the HARRISBURG (NC)-A should take precautions" to '. 'ima, Swansea' Mass' Proper; Gloria; Second control of the Pope and likely bill to establish motion ~ pic- avoid similar situations. ' 4:00 P.M. St. Dominic, Swan. Collect Ss. Cosmas and Dato subject the welfare of his . . " sea , . M ' state to all'e'nand hostI'le con- ture control, machinery in 7:30' P.M. St. John of Goct. mlan, artyrs; Creed; Pref!lce ' of Trinity. cepts as a result. Pennsylvania has bee n Somerset "A Republican candidate for passed by the State Legislature 'AY S 'sept. 28-Monday- ' MOND t. Wenceslaus Duke' and' 'Martyr, " Sfmple~ -.' the. Senate- from a midwestern ,and sent to Gov. David Law.. ,7:30 P.M. 0 t.I r Lad y , 04 state, also a Roman Catholic', 'rence for his' "si'gnature.. DUBLIN (NC) - Miss Nora , Health, Fall River. R d M e , ass Proper; Gloria; Common J;>reface, was the target of anonymously, The bill. would sEtt up a State O'Mahony, Dublin-born film and Oct. 4---:-Sunday.... ". . ' ',distributed pamphlets containing Board of Motion' Picture Control stage actress, has enrolled as a - 2:00 'P.M. 'c 0 r pus Christl, TUESDAY -.- Dedication of St. diatribes against the eatholic empowered to review films and , member' 'of the Lay Mission Sandwich Michael the Archangel. Double· Church. Stickers affixed to the film advertising; All persons or Helpers' Associiition, directed by ! 4:00,-P.M. ' St. Margaret, B~ of I Class,. White. Mass leaflets identified him as a Cath-" firms which lease, lend, exhibit the Los; ,Angeles archdiocese. :"zards Bay , Proper; Gloria; Creed; Comolic and therefore ,adangeroUB -' or use films in 'this state' would , '1:30 P:M. St. Patrick, War&Miss O'Mlihony, who is presmon Preface. candidate for office." , 'be required to ,J;egister with the ham " ently on ,a hQliday' in Dublin,. " WEDNESDAY -.- St. Jerome , . board. .' . will spend three years in Kenya, Oct. 5-MondayPriest, Confessor arid Docto;' Registrants 'would be required 7:30 P.M. Holy Cross, Fa. where she will teach English in of the Church. Double. White. tonoiify the board at least 48 '." River' the missions theJ;'e. Later she Mass Prop~r;Gloria; Creed; hours in advance before ,the first Common Preface. ' showing of 'a film. in Pennsylva~ hopes to help ~n'producing docu-, ~URSDAY~Mass of the pre~' 51. 'Mic!lael's . parish,- Fall 'nia. After the first showing, the mentary films' on mission work. Comp/fi'te . Miss' .O'Mahony appeared fn vious Sunday.' Simple. Green.' Riv~r, will open a school of 'board wc;>uld rule on the film. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Sec~·feligipn ,for pupils 'attending ,', '.': Criminal Penalties ' the movie "Darby O'Gill and the ond Colle,ct, St. Remigius public sehools from first thro~gh' ,~:Ifit fO,llnd a fiim to be obscene Little 'People," a Walt Disney Bishop and Go~fessor; Com~ 12th grade at the end of October or ullsllH~ble for showing to, film, 'and in the film "Holiday' mon Preface... according . to ,.,announcement children or ,inciting to crime the for Lovers." " made by Rev. Artii~r C'-dos Reis, - bQ!lrd could.order, the film withpastor." , drawn from exhibition. If its Pri~cipal' 'will be Gerald A. order' were vioiated, the board The following films are to be Silvia, a graduate of St. An- . could seek ,a court order toreadded to the lists in their reselm's College and fac~Ilty mem- strain.shQwing:of the filin. Crim" spective classifications: . Unobjectionable for adults and ber 9f Morton Junior High '. inal penaiti~s are provided in School, Fall River. He attended - the .,bill 'for violators of its proadolescents: Bat. the New Engiand regional oon-' visions. .. Unobj~tionable for adults: ference of the Corifraternityof Supporters' of the bill contend Crimson Kimono. Christian Doctrlneheld last' that, by allowing the film control weekend in Burlington and 'watt "board to rule 'on 'a' film 'only after it has ,been shown once, the , TAUNTON, MASS. In 1846 the total value of all certified as, a principal. FUEL OIL AND With 16 others from the par- measure ',avoids so-called prior the Cath9lic school buildings iii of movies 'BOILER WATER New York State was ~robably ish he will attend the' Diocesan ceIisorship' . ,'" . THE BANK ON less than $50.000,!m~ New York, trai~_ing school to begin in Fall ,.TREATMENT ' TAUNTON GREEN ,MAILING at that time was a leader in River Saturday, Oct. 3. parish school developm~nt. Brokston ,Chem. Co. Member of Federal Deposit 37 Silver Road Insuranee Corporation , Brockton 19, Ma~s. prejudice d uri n g 1957. In addition, 10 of 20 instances of unfair' campaigning on a school tax issue in California involved anti-Catholic prejudice it said. Charles P. Taft, .chairman of the committee, warned that these findings are "cause for grave concern," especially in view of the possibility of Catholic presidential or vice presidential candidates in the 1960 national elections. Evaluation The report was based on evaluations of the 1958 campaign by state Republican and Democratic party chairmen, newspaper editors and political scientists. It covered 48 of the 49 states participating in the 1958· general elections, ' with only Rhode Island not reporting., '. According to the survey, the


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Sept. 27 - St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford. Sacred Heart, Taunton. Oct. 4--<?ur Lady of the Holy Rosary, Fall River. Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Taunton. , Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford. Oct.ll-St. Roch, Fall River. St. John of God, Somerset. Oct. 18-St. Hedwig, New Bedford. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Taunton. THE ANCHOR Second-cla.. mail privileges authorized at Fall River. Mass, Publi.hed every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue.' Fall River. Ma••.• by the Catholie pres. of the Diocese of Fall River. SubscriptiOIl pri.. Ilv mail. postpaid $4.00. per year. ,





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Commercialism Endangers Spirituality of Shrines



Sept. 24, 1959

Film Criticism Wins Support Of .Ministers

MONTREAL (NC)-Commercialism threatens to convert some of Christendom's shrines "from havens of prayer and penance into meccas for tourists," according to the pilgrimage director of one famous Canadian shrine. Father Henry Bernard, C.S.C., pil. , religious, motive and not for grimage director at St. Jo- financial profit, though some seph's Oratory, warned in a: reasonable dividends may accrue magazine article that "POP- from such apostolic operations."

LOS ANGELES (NC; An association representing 29 Protestant churches in the Hollywood area has pas-

ular fancy, travel agents and even some well meaning 'pilgrimage promoters" are bringing the change about. Minimize Spiritual

sed a resolution supporting criticism of objectionable film trends made by an arm of the Protestant National Council of Churches.

"By unduly and sometimeS exclusively playing up the tourist appeal of "the world's great shrines, they concurrently minimize or entirely overlook the spiritual impact of these hallowed spots," he declared in a publication. of the Oratory. To offset such a threat to St. Joseph's Oratory, he added, au,. thorities of the Oratory are, insisting on respectful behavior, disapproving undignified publicity and refusing cooperation to travel agencies which seek to exploit the shrine as a tourist attraction. Father Bernard emphasized that "by definition a pilgrimage should be conducted out of a

World Surgeons Honor Religious CHICAGO (NC) Mother Anna Marie Dengel, Superior .General of the Medical Mission Sisters, has been named an hon-:orary fellow of the International 'College of Surgeons. Mother Dengel is the first woman ever to receive the honor. Her appointment was one of lZ made at the annual congress of 'the college's North American Federation here. The Sister-physician founded the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries as a pious society 34 years ago. In 1932, Sisters of her society began to make private ,vows and wear religious dress. Papal approval of the society was granted by' His Holiness Pope'John XXIII this year, Mother Dengel, a membet: of the British Medical Association and the recipient of' many honorary titles and awards, makes her headquarters in the Medical Missionaries' mother house in Rome.

Guild for Blind Plans Fall River Meeting Fall River region of the Catholic Guild for the Blind will hold its first meeting of 'he season Sunday afternoon in Sacred Heart School. The business and social program will be preceded by recitation of· the Rosary and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Sacred Head Church at 2:15.

."But under no circumstances," he added, "may pilgrimages be organized, for profits. Running pilgrimages is an apostolate, not a business!" . .

The Hollywood Ministerial Association resolved that "since the motion picture is a part of American culture, we feel it should maintain the highest moral standards and should be on a high plane of entertainment with the family in mind."

Cardinal Still Gravely III ROME (NC) ~ The condition. of . His Eminence Frederico Cardinal Tedeschini, Prefect of the Sacred Congreg~ion of St. Peter's Basilica, continued gra~e following an intestinal operation. Prospects for improvement in ,the 85-year-old Cardinal's condition are reported not to be encouraging. H'Owever, fonowing an initial setback after the sl,ugery he began resting more comfortably and sleeping better at night. . One of. the six Cardinal Bishops, Cardinal Tedeschini suffered an attack of bronchitis before his operation. He underwent earlier intestinal sUI'gery in 1956. '

. Critical George Heimrich, director of the West Coast Broadcasting and Film Commission of the National Council of Churches, recently was critical of what he called Hollywood's overemphasis OD sex and violence.

CCD PANELIST: Miss Margaret M. Lahey of Fall River, a panelist at the Exceptional Children Discussion, is welcomed to the Burlington Regional CCD Convention by Monsignor ·Fontaine, Chancellor of the Burlington Diocese.

In the meantime, the Lo8 Angeles Examiner, daily newspaper, is standing pat on its policy of rejecting movie ada deemed objectionable, despite a sharp cut in the amount of advertising from the studio ·whose advertisements it altered.



"Weve Seen the Falcon and OH' BOY I"


GET READY .~ ; • for the nicest surprise of a'motoring lifetime. We haVe seen ~nd driven the New-size Ford-the Ford Falcon .-and we're really excited~ What's it like? Listen1•. An altogether "new look" "01' the American road. This New-size FOI'd will be the easiest car in the world to own. But is ' it "economy" looking? Stubby looking? Not on your life!

horns into «impossible" parking spots, 'cornel'S curves like a sportster. You don't need power brakes or. steering. But you can have th~ Falcon's own 2-speed Fordomatic D.·ive.

2. More head room, leg room and hip room than you can imagine! You get full-width, full-cushion seats. Texas-size people will be completely at ease, with hats on. And if six of' you want to go place~ with luggage, no one will be left standing on the corner. The rid~? Just plain wonderful!

6. Single-unit construction, Iik. the Thunderbird'•. Body and frame are one rock-solid unit; virtually immune to' rattles. The fmnt fenders are bolted on for inexpensive replacement. The grille is non-rusting aluminum. Large areas of the Falcon understructure are zinc-coated to prevent rust. Everything's 'designed to cut motoring costs. Your tin:s ••• insurance ••• evei·ything.

3. No jut-out as you enter. The "dogleg," that projecting windshield pillar in the dooL'way, is gone. Door openings arc generously wide in both 2- and 4-door· models. 4. The finest visibility you e~er had from an automobile. The Falcon lets you see the whole world up front, all the cal's behind you and the traflic light abo·ve. Yet you're out of the sun, fmnt seat and back.



9. The engine i. up front whn .... engine belong•• And what an engine it is! It's Ford's newest, short-stroke "6.Yet there is not one thing experimental or untried about it-and it's mounted up front for greater safety and stability. .Becau.'Ie it's water-cooled, you get safe, sure hot-water heating.that never "steala'.crom your ga.~ economy. 10. The p~rchase'pri~e is your Ant big saving! We can tell you this much nowthe' new Ford Falcon will be priced 10 low that .you'll always wonder how Ford ever packed so much car into so' few dollars! And, you get the benefit of service everywhere, from every Ford Dealer in the wqrld. We have ordered our Falcon stock to the limit, so we hope' to have enough to go around. And we're taking orders now. Come in! We will give you the latest facls about the FalcOll.


7. Buih in the U.S. 'or U.S. r_'ds-the world'. most eKperienced new car. Tested for 3 years and 3 million miles, a whole fleet of new Falcons is now on a final Experience Run traveling every mile of numbered U.S. highway, to show you exactly what the F'alcon will do, what it will save, in your area!

8. Amazing new gas records! The new 5. Steers, parks, stops so effortlessly, no _ Falcons are averaging up to 30 miles a power assists necessary. This is the gallon of regular gas, with oil consumpnimblest car you ever drove. It shoetion ;;,ero.



FOr~ th. e••reet·c;ar in the world to own


NEW CHAPLAIN: Rev. Robert L. Stanton, above, of the Immaculate Conception Church, Fall River, has been appointed to succeed Rev. 'Cornelius J. Keliher as chaplain of the Fall River Council of Catholic Nurses. Fr;-,Keliher will remain as Diocesan Di.rector of Nurses.



THE ANCHOR.-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs.,Sept. 24,1959

School Prohibits Students Driving Cars to School

U-rges :Po-rents -to T e·a,c:h

Chiild're:n Value ofF,o!i,t:h By Father John L. Thomas,

FOSTORIA (NC) - St. Wendelin High School students have been forbidden to drive cars to school. The new


Assistant Professor of Sociology Saint ·Louis:University

When I was a y0ungster, all of my friends wer-e Catholics. . I went Catholic scho01s and most of my parents' neighbors and friends were Catholics. However; our four children are growing up in a religiously mixoed community. Many of their frlendsand ours are not " ,mind must obviously 'be for the 'Catholic. Our oldest girl is sake of entertainment. 11 and we're' starting to wonIf you, are responsible pal"ents, del' what . stand' to take this latter type of -dating will be


when she's old enough to date. permitted. only as a means of It will lbe difficult to avoid aspromoting social life in a ,group. .sociating with It will be supervised, limited in ·non- Catholics. frequency, and focused primar'7 !B: 0 w s t ric t ily on participation in a group. Should we :be~ Under tliesecoElditiGns, it ",ill Many, s e r " i o u s b e permissible toa11ow your Catholic par- ' ·ehildren to haV'e casual dates ents' are facing with non-Catholics since {jtherthis same probwise they might find it imposlem for the first sible to make their entrance .into time. The widenor.malsocial life. Spread shift in Once 1heyareold enough to urban populathink seriously about mar<I'iage, , tion, together such dating cannot -be justified. with th(;! upSignifica.nce of Sacrament ward. soc i a 1 However, no restrictions or ,'mobility of many Catholics,has ·distinctions will have any eff~ct ,taken them out ·of the .traditional unless you haV'e taught your :Catholic neighborhoods in w.hich children to treasure their faith they we:r.e born .and .placed them 'as the)r most valuable :posses..' in newll developed, religiously sion. mixed communities. As they grow older, you must Of ,course some Catholic fainhelp them understand and ap,Dies have always faoedthis ,p:r.eciate the significance of the problem, but up until re~E'nt sacrament· of marriage and ,their changes the bulk of American marital voc~tion. When they are Catnolics lived in relatively sufficiently, mature, point out to compact communities, located them that love can solve no primarily in the large urban problems based on differences in centers found east ,of the Missi- !belief. ssippi ' and' north' of the Ohio Family planning, in-laws, divalley. , vided loyalties, lack of spiritual ,As the centers of our large unity and shared family alms cities continue to, disintegrate ar-e 'bound to become ,painful .and and decay, move and more devisive issueS in interfaith . young Catholic couples move out marriages. to the suburbs or respond to the Mixed Marriages Unfair demands of rapidly growing ii'lIf you have adequately predustries in the South and Far pal"ed them in this manner, you West. wi'll find it less difficult to conSerious Implications vince them that serious dating Consequently, many Catholic must in all fairness be confined parents face your' problem" to Catholic partners. Stress the though nofa'll seem aware ,of point that since mixed marriages its implications. Catholic, Protare quite unfair to both partners, estant, and Jewish religious it is thoughtless and' selfish to leaders have recently expressed date across religious lines. concerll over the 'indifference of Catholic young people are fretheir members toward interfaith quently deceived by the apparmarriages. ent wea\qless of faith among Numerous public 0 pin ion their non-Catholic friends. Since polls indicate that the majority non-Catholics are not strictly of young people and ,their parrequired to attend,rel,igi-ous serents feel that "other things .beil~g vices frequently, this' apparent· equal" interfaith marriages hav-e weaikness;'may be quite superas much chance to succeed as ficial. any others. Young people may also InisinIt is clear fi'omyour letter ,bbat tocpret the ,tolerance and broadyou do not share this View. minded ness of, their ,non-'CathYour question is definitely to olicaoquaintances.There is little the point. Since .dating may difficulty in being tolerant when lead to friendship and love,"'" religious differences :-have no Bhould you allow your chUdren ,personal implications. to date non~Catholics? BeaJ. Challenge It would be simple,. t~ough In marriage, however, these perhaps not very realIstic, to differences' become personally answer. with a strong "No". meaningful because they touch However, as you indicate, mauy values and practIces' that .must of you~ childre~"~:friends'are~ot ,:be 'shared by both partners or Cathohc" and some of your close divide them. neighbors, as' well as your busYou face a real cmlllenge but band's ass~ciates at work•. re if you ·start preparing for 1t ~w, ~on-CatholIcs. Hencey-our .soc~al both you' and your children will life and. th?t of your chIldren .acquire an ever deepening apnecessarIly mvolves 'some excel- .preciation of the ,true .meaning of le?t friends who are not Cath- sacramental marriage, that is, olIcs. marriag~ in Christ. Functions of Dating What about dating? It seems to me that we have to make a distinction here based on the' character of modern dating patINSURAoNCEAGENCY terns. Dating in our society All ,Kinds Of ,Insu~ance , serves both as a preparation for , marriage and as a means of en96 WILL~ STREET tertainment. These two functions NEW REDFORD. MAS& 'are not always separated, but it should be evident that when 'DIAL 'WY8-:5153 young people are old. enough to . :PersonciIServ.ice marry, their dating necessarily must be regarded as essentially a step toward marriage. On the other hand, the more :E·lectrieal or less casual dating permitted' r~, 'Contractors i to teen agel's who can have no " ,lerious thought of marriage in



policy was announced by Father Donald S. Hunter, principal, in a letter to parents in the Ohio community. ';'The single greatest factor contributing to juvenile delinquency, to poor scholarship and to the improper attitude toward parents and school is the use of an automobile:' Father Hunter wrote. , "Once 'a student has free use of automobile, his parents cease to know and understand him; he is a changed person. An automobile can free younger persons from the supervision of superiors. They can go where 'they wish with whomever they , 'choose, and a simple evasion or FEAST DAY WEDNESDAY: St. Jerome, Confessor- lie can cover up everything." Doctor, was given the task of revising the Latin Bible, Father Hunter referred to sins which' was to constitute his noblest work. His feast day is of unchastity in secluded places. He wrote: "The truth is that the observed on Sept. 30. NC Photo. world in 'which teenagers live is so worldly, so seductive and so subtly wicked that it would can. stitute a grave threat even to a saint." , , PEORIA (NC)-The price of spot on the U. S. gymnastic team. Students who attempt to ,gold medals is high. Take the at.the 1960 Olympics in Rome. evade the ban by parking nearby case of 18-year-old Teresa MonAhead of her before the Olymface suspension, the principal tefusco of Peoria. pic team selections next May warned. Where "considerable She was the only girl on the are two national gymnastic distance" requires an exception be made, Father Hunter said U. S. gymnastic team to win a meets, a host of exhibitions, and gold medal in the recently coma sizeable stack of textbooks for, arrangement· must be made bepleted Pan American games in ,a college freshman. Her already tween the 'parents and the principal. ' Chicago. limited outside activities will That' singular. achievement be cut even. more. His letter also asked that parbrought a 12-hour visit with her. "She has sacrificed so much," ents see to it that their cbildren said her mother. "And she has study for two hours four nights ' family 'in Peoria. , faced a lot of hard decisions. She a week, with no radio nor TValways made the right· one." She ,may come home from her accompaniment. Michigan training headquarters for a Thanksgiving visit, re~ ported her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Michael Montefusco of St. Patrick'S' parish here. But then again she may not. The normal social activities of'a teenager are rare and brief when the teenager is an Olympic contender. GENUINE SPRING, TENDER, WHOLE i:.:And the pert, dark, limber miss is a ranking favorite for Ii


1~. Year.Old

Girl· Gymnast Finds Price ,of Gold Medals is High



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DUBUQUE (NC)-The FamilyLife' Bureau of ,the Dubuque ar,ehdiocese is m$ng plans for ~about 100Cana ,conferences. During the past four years between,300 and 400 Cana ·oonferenc'es 'have been hcld 'in 'the archdiocese.




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President Calls U. S. Principles Religious

ANCHOR5 T ower-like Shrine Prototype of Sacred Vessels THE Sept. 24, 1'959 Used. for' Exposition of Blessed Sacrament .Says Prosperity

chev, previously had welcomed the prayers for peace and guidance being offered by members of many of America's churches during the Soviet Premier's visit. The Chief Executive, several days before the Soviet Premier arrived had met a group of 100 national Protestant and Ortho- dox leaders who came (Sept. 9) flo tell him of their plans for prayers. . Mr. Eisenhower heartily approved of the program and in off-the-cuff remarks in the · White House told the Protestants that he recently had a "long talk" with His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman; Archbishop of New York, and had been assured of Catholic prayers for peace during Mr. Khrushchev's visit. Respect for God Mr. Eisenhower told' the clerIYmeo, representing the National Council of Churches and. 30 of its constituent Protestant and Orthodox bodies, that respect for · God is "the strongest link we have among all the countries of the West." He told the group, which had announced to him a year-long program of prayer and study for peace, that "what you are at. t~mpting to do is, to my mind, one of the finest things you can undertake." Religious Prineiples ·"We should never forget," the President said, "we are supporting principles which are, after all, religious in their derivation. "And I mean, politically speaking, as against·a godless atheism-and because this is an atheistic ideology, denying all human rights, any kind of human dignity - we have an enemy operating under a dictatorship that has us always at a disadvantage."

Hungary Victim Stonehill Student As the United States was welcoming Russian Pre m i e r Khrushchev, a victim of" the purge of Hungary was registering as a Stonehill College fresh-

man. Katalin Zsofka. 1"1, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zsofka, formerly of Budapest but now living in Dorchester, was, the young lady entering college. A little more than two yean ago, me,' her father, mother and younger brother, were stealing though Red lines into Vienna. Her father, a' Social-Democrat vice president of one of Hungary's four states, had been imprisoned by the Reds. During the revolution, he was released from prison and aided through Red lines to meet his family and escape. In Vienna, German friends helped the Zsofkas get into Germany and thence travel to the United States. Katalin will study science at StonehiU and will live with Mr. • and MrS. Mark Levine, Brockton. She was among over 200 freshmen greeted by Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, CSC, college president; Rev. James J. Doyle, CSC, dean, and Student Senate President Paul Reed.

mind of the faithfuL The congregation concentrated on the active role each had to play in the corporate worship of the entire' Church. . The Mass, in the early centuries of the Middle· Ages, acquires a new focal point in the devotion of the people. Many factors begin. to shift the emphasis of the faithful to the divinity of Christ and the Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. The externals of the liturgy become more elaborate. The simple strains of the congregational singing' give way to masterpieces 'executed by trained choirs to the accompaniment of a new church instrument, the organ. The colors- of ,the Mass - vestments assume an added' importance. ,Divine Presence The center' of all this pomp was the Blessed Sacrament. At this period the Church became vitally aware of the divine presence of Our Eucharistic Lord. People wanted to gaze. upon the outward-veil beneath which .our Lord lies hidden. In 1210, the bishop of Paris decreed that the celebrant should after consecration raise Ute Sacred Host and chalice so all might adore Our Lord. Ma·ny dioceses quickly adopted the elevation' of the Sacred Host. But the people were not. content with this momentary lifting of the Sacred Host. They longed for an actual showing of the . Blessed Sacrament so they could greet and worship Our Lord in . prayerful song. In 1246, the feast of Corpus Christi was established as a,· result of this: universal desire. At first the ciborilim was carried in solemn procession on this feast. Later specially constructed reliquaries were fashioned for this purpose. The custom of publicly exposing the Blessed Sacrament, however, started in Danzig, in East Germany, in the fourteenth century. A special tower-like shrine was so fashioned that the . Sacred Host was vis~ble to the faithful. This monsfrance became the prototype of all the subsequent sacred vessels used to expose" the Blessed Sacrament for the veneration of the faithful. Great Monstrance In the Renaissance period the monstrance often took monumental proportions,. especially in France and Spain.. The great monstrance of the cathedral of Toledo stood well over 12 feet high. Its construction, we are told, took over 50 years. Two hundred and sixty 'statuettes adorned its base and stem, made of gold brought by Columbus fI:om the New World. The monstrance by the seven-tee nth and eighteenth centuries became shaped like a miniature

sun sUl'roundedi by metallic rays. The Sacred Host itself was mounted within the' circle of the monstrance by means of a small crescent'-shaped clip called a lunette. Today the monstrance is still us'ually sun-shaped with outgoing rays raised on a rather wide base, although other forms are found at times. No rule governs the mefal out of which the monstrance is wrought. However, gold, ,silver or at least a gold surfaced metal is usually preferred. A very discernible cross always surmoundt5 the monstrance. Images ot Angels The very ornafe monstrances of the later Middle Ages are no longer acceptable. As a matter of fact, the onFy figures that can adorn this sacred vessel are images of angels. The Church wants nothing. to distract the attention of the faithful from the Sacred Host. A soft white veil covers the monstrance while it is on the altar of exposition before and after it. is used,. As a precaution against pos>sible accidents, -the modern lunette usually cons"ists in two circular bands of gold attached to two glass- discs. The lunette

containing a large Host is. inserted in the small cylindrical center of the monstrance so that it may be visible: Mter BenedictiOl~, the lunette rests in th~ tabernacle in a round metal con-. tainer called the custodial. In the Old Testament God manifested His presence in the form of fire. We can easily recall the burning bush from which God spoke to Moses or again the pillar of fire which guided the' chosen people in the desert. Our Eucharistic Lord is presented to us at Benediction in a monstrance shaped like the sun. Our Lord can indeed become the guiding light in our trials. (Next Week-The Sacristy)

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lack of spiritual progress during the same period," according to Brother Hilarion Walbroehl, F.M.M., Superior General of the Brothers of Mercy. Brother Walbroehl, who has headquarters in Montabaur, Germany, is in this country to visit his community's foundations in the Dioceses of Buffalo and Oklahoma City-Tulsa. The Brothers of Mercy are devoted to the care of aged and sick men. The German Superior General pointed out there has been vast improvement in the economic condition of West Germany since 1945. "In the face of this material progress," he said, the nation's young people "have mostly chosen the material end. resulting in a serious lack of religious vocations in Germany." Respect Eisenhower "And, when you consider that over one million young menthe flower of Germany's manhood-died during the- war, it is very easy to realize the handicap ,we have been under during the past 20 years," he added. Speaking of international tensions centered on Germany at the present time, Brother Walbroehl declared he does not believe there is "much .danger of war at the present time. The only pre&ent danger," he said, "is if someone, like another Hitler, lost his head and plunged the world into war." The Brother stated. the people of West Germany have great "respect" for President Eisenhower and feel great "love" for West German Chancellor Ko~ rad Adenauer.

THE MONSTRANCE. Saered Heart Church, North AttlebOl!'o


COVINGTON (NC)-Two of . the largest religious retreats on record for non-Catholics have been sponsored this year in the C:ovington diocese. A retreat for non-Catholic women at St. Joseph Heights, ICy.. drew 32 participants. It was sponsored by the Apostles of the Holy Spirit, a conyert seeking Ol'ga n ization. In April 35 non-Catholic men attended a retreat at Marydale Retreat House, Erlanger, Ky. five of the participants in that retreat have since been received the Catholic ChurclL. ' - ' - ' ,,1\

BUFFALO (NC) - West Germany's. material progress since the end of World War II is partly to blame for "the


Sponsors Retreats For Non-Catholics


Causes Spiritual Lag in Germany

By Rev. Roland Bousquet St. Jo~pb"s Church, New Bedford The devotion of.the faithful exercises a great influence on the liturgy, the official prayer of the Church. The evolution of the monstrance, the vessel in which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for the veneration of the f~lithful at Benediction, beautifully ex~mplifies this. Christ, the High Priest of the New Covenant estabJished by His death between God and the Christian community, remained up to the Middle Ages the central theme of the Mass in the

WASHINGTON (NC) I President Eise:p.hower, who hag three more talks scheduled with Nikita Khrush-


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Weekly ,Calendar Of Feast Days

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FI't1 River"'-'Th~rs., Sept. 24, 1959

Lessons From an Atheist


" The words of Khrushchev, are of co~rse, a propaganda play 'to the world., Not that the words themselves .indicate that. The grand suggestions; the live and let live protestations,. the sincere emphasis' would be quite impressive if one could forget such things as the cruel and brutal ciu~hing ,of the legi,timate des.ire of the Hungarian peopie'fpr freedo~ ". and self gOVernment. It· is a question of acts'speaking so , 'loudly that the words cannot be heard. . But there is one. rem,ark that the- Red leader made that should. bring blushes to the faces of decent Americans. '. :After viewing, p,art of th~"shooting of.a Hollywood movie, he ,said of a '. dance 'in it: ."It was immoral. .. Only people w,ho' are '~)Ver-satiatoo like such things and similar pornog"raphy ... We dop'f want to, see this kind of ira~.H " . \ " ,These .remarks will be 'Iost in the welter of political .eonsiderations that' Khrushchev hasaJid will throw, out. But it is a' rather sad commentary on American mores' and ,morals' ihat .an 'avowed ~t~eist from, a God-hating regimej , '.mu·st read a lesson in morality to aself-prOclaimed Christian ·Dation.·· " ,,' . .


Our, Lady" commemorating . the foundation of the Order of 0· Lady of Mt1rcy at Barcelona iii ·\223, .estabUshed for the relea. , 'of captives from the infidel: ~ , feast· 'was extended to the 11m)'ersal Church in i696. ' . Ra~som,



l?Mssi~ 7U!il!l

TOMORROW'- St. Cleopb~ 1\!Iarytyr, one of the two disciple. , .to whom Christ appeared on the · way to Emmaus 'on the 'fir. Easter Sunday... He . is said t. nave .'" been murdered for' h • .'.:Faiti:' ,in the l:J.ousewhere he e~ tertai,ried the risen ~hrist;


. , .. SATURDAY ...,;. The No" ',American 'Martyrs, commemorating the martyrdom of ...._ ",', .; . .Jes~it priests 'and' two 'Broth~ .. ' :~ ... "who were slain by the IriquoUt ,.&' ~,' " ,~;', , ~~nd.iaris dur.ihg'the17.th.ceht#. ';T , , ' ,.... while servmg as. mlsslonan~ ',' . , The' 'priests were Isaac Jog~ "John de Brebeuf, Gabriel ,~~ . , . . . .- mant, Anth"ony Daniel; Charl_ ' .. Garnier and Noel qhabanel. ~ , Brothers were Bene Goupil 8044 John de ,ill' ·Lande., They weN . - e~mo'niz~d" iri 1930. . '

:Leisure's' ~roble~s

Once ag~in .',·Pope- m~k~"the -world' aware of the wonderfui progress of'science' and recognizes that an 'im'portant product of technological advance is' more leisure for. ',more' persons. Pope John, in a letter written for a' Catholic social' week meeting in Italy, called \ipon Catholics to. rejoice in :the great achievements .of sCience" for these~are of' God'. ',Once agai~ he affirms the basic' principle' that, there can be no contradiction between God and science for the One 'flJESTIONS is the Creator and the other simply the unfolding of what and, 's:! , .I God has placed in nature andin things. . ANSWEaS But one of the results of, achievement is leisure and this creates' a whole series of problems in itself. Pope Pius XII was well aware of the dangers involved and one, of his By Rev. James A. McCarthy last addresses was to ask men to consider the use of leisure Holy Name Church-:-Fall River, brought on by the advance of automation. When one prays for a spirfeet away, you wili starve to And now Pope John poses the same consideration. Leittual favor, especially when . death. The same applies to sure can easily' induce dissipation and the weakening of it is necessary for the salvation spiritual food - God's grace. religious sentiment. Leisure, can be iooked upon by too many of the soul, and does not get ,Even though you have used the - as opportunity for pleasQre alone with the resulting neglect of the soul,and does not get telephone of prayer to contact an answer, is there something God,' you must be prepared to of spiritual values. And, as the Holy Father points out, if wro~g witl\ the manner in ,open the door when the order ·men neglect spiritual values' they risk decadence and perwhich he prays. or what is arrives. ' . haps "suicide with the very 'weapons of the much celewrong? One of the Saints stated a fine brated technical progres,s.H . rule to follow: "Pray as though Permit us to reiterate a state- ali depended on God; act as ,Progress enacts a price, and the price is all too' often ment that we made in this a greater delight in material things and :a forgetfulness eolumn on June 4 of this year: though all depended upon you." about invisible values. "Unfortunately," the Holy Father \ "Sincere prayers' are always • • • observes, "the weakening of religious' sentiment is the main 'answered; our prayerful, reHeoinplieations, arise duriD~ source of pleasure seeking and of glaring. contrast between 'quests, howeve'r, are not alwa'ys , -- pr'egJiancy 'and delivery, to' apparent con- . whOm ._ does the Cauiolie the technical progress' and spiritual poverty of our epoch answered."This tradiction is clarified by the Church &-ive prior right tor which may transform leisure into a grave danger of moral norm for prayer set forth by 'the Council of Trent: "The survival? Mother or Chiid!, . damage." standard which should regulate Thi~. query is arenewat of a" Leisure can be a problem or a chaUenge. It ,can b,e an all our wishes is that, above' all, .age":old 'question which crops up op~rt\l:nity ~or di~'sipation', for greate.r pleasure' seeking~ " else we desire God;the Supreme from time to tifue. It is based on for deeper trust in material things, for passive acceptance Good. After God, we should 'a misco'nception, of the'Cathoiic' most deside those things Which 'Church'~ stri,ct starid on medical of all-good or bad--:...that comes to the senses. , . Or it can be a challenge---a challenge 'for men to remain' .unite us more closely to Him.", . ~ither. 'Both mother and; child, have at the head' of God's ereatioit by upl10ldillg the"spiritual , Your ques!.i0ndoes not state 'an: ~u~l ·right to" life'; one ·is "falues which make him su<;h. It can be. a challenge to sub- whether you are pray,ing for not' preferred over ·the.· other.. yourself or for someone else. 'Nothing 'must be: .don~directly mit:' in the words of Jacques Maritain, "the lise of science' :But' if the request, concer:nlJ .to' bring about·:the, death 9l' and the Power 'of techniques to \visdom. H :it can be a- chal- 'eternal salvation, something is "either'.' . " , . ...... ' , lenge forman to be creative not only when he .works with :definitely wrong if no. answer . ';' Instances .'occasionally' '. ari~e things but to be creative in working with himself, iii bring- is .. forthcoming. First of.- all, 'wherein a certain treatment 01' bear in mind that eter,nity comes ,operation is', adviSable for 'th'e ing himself ~. the greatest degree of' developmen.t as a , 'atter death, so' if the individual .survival of' mother,I,Or :chiid child of God. , '" is still living,it cannot besaiiJ whIch 'may indirectly 'endat1ger


f' N' , . ' ',' . 0". 0' ,Mercy',·

SUNDAY --.:' SS. Cosmas • .,. · Damian, Martyrs. Cosmas aD41 ,Damian were brothers, native. : of Arabia, who became physi",chms and refused' to accept fee. for their services. They were 'arrested as Christians in Cilicie. · Asia Minor, during the persec~­ tion u'nder Diocletian in the 4th 'century. They miraculousl,. overcame many torments-fire, crucifixion, stoning, arrows aD41 'being cast into the sea - but· finally were beheaded. With . them died three brothers, A8thimus, L~ontius and Ellprepi~ MONDAY - St. Wencesla~ ·MartYr. He was the son of ~ Christian Duke of Bohemia, and a pagan mother. He was edu-· cated in the Faith by his gran~ mother. Ludmilla. His mothel' attempted to seize the government when his father died. She formed a combination with her second son" Boleslaus, Together ,they persecu~ed the Christiane and, fought 'against Wenceslaua. ·who had managed to retain po.. session of a large part o~ the t~ ritory. Wen.ceslaus was mu~ dered by his brother' a t t~e dow of a Church in 935. , 'TUESDAY-8t. Michael, . . 'Archangel, captain of ttte armies of ',God; champion fit every faithful soul in strife with ,the .pow~rs of evil.. He ·led· the -heavenly hosts in the confltd which resulted in the overthroW 'of LuCifer: Ever since the eo.... 'ing of Christ he has been venei-· ated by the Church as a specHII · patron' and protector. "


' WEDNESDAY - St. :Jer~ . Confessor-Doctor. He'was bora in Dalmatia in 329 lmd was ~ : school at Rome. After di'" ' tinguishing . himself in 'hil ' studies,' he made a' vow of ce~ _bacy and fled from Rome to the . Syrian desert, where for 1mir : years he lived in' soliiude,.~ 'ance and prayer. He was ~ - called to Rome by the Pope, ~ ' given the task of ·revising the : Latin Bible, which was to coD.. ,·,stiiu~e l,1is n.oblest work. '


.the' othei'. 'In such' eases ~'it is 'permissible'to proceed with the . " . ' . . "operation:,or'treatinent, for tll'e' , . The ten-year-old son of a nuclear pyhsicist wrote of the eternal desthlY 'of coinparativelY:intention' is' 'to save if'life even ~tom bomb in these words·: "In White Sand~, New MexiCo, .. few is definitely known·to us. . though;'regrettably, it, is forewhere Hopi I~dians live in peace, was bOrn a pow~r of No Does your,request entail harm lieenthat'the other Jife is' placed Mercy. By the'power of No Mercy, I mean the atom bomb ~. to someone else? Is the prayer in'jeo'i1ardy:'. ' ,., carried' out with hurii'iiity arid 'Under no' circUmstances may ,The atom maybe the key to· the future· but, God' did not confidence' in God? What is the' '-either 'be' directly killed 01' make it ~o be the keY' of destruction. H ,dispositIon of the Person pray- 'attacked to assure survival of That is a good way to think of the ,atom 'bOm~as a ing-()f the person for whom the other,. 'Ev~n ,though th~ .power whose' use can open up,~ wonderlul future, to .the' the prayers are, being offered? mother ~e~'to request that he,r , either by t.aking up res.idence ill , , ,,' " , ,'The answers to these questions. 'life be fo~feited that the child , II place with the intention of r-.. world, b.ut whose abuse could well mean the destruction of might shed light, on what is. migpt 'live, s'~ch action is sti.ll , maining there, or by actual reaa great part of the world. The atom is Power without wrong. ' . 'morally wrong. Sentiment and · dence in a place for a period 0. · mercy if it is misused. " . . emotion ·are strong, factors "in at least ten years without .~ . . It is to 'be l!oped that the, pow.ers of the world '~se .' , Pray~r is a eonv~rsatIQ~ ~ . our lives, ,but they' cannot sub- specified intention. " .tween God and man.' Hence the stitute for, ·nor .supercede God's . '.. ." Quasi-domicile, which is sI..... - t h e atom not as a 1llackIriail to ,get their way but as' ~ key Divine and human' el~ment are ·law. ilar to domicile, is acquired br to, the peaceful future. . " . . present.·God 'will always answer " It is GOd alone, not man. Who actual residence in a place witb a sincere prayer for .·eternal sal- decides in His ·infinite wiSdom vation. We humans were crethat one shall live, or both shall 'the intention of remaining theN for' the greater part of the ye.... ,ated wfth 'a free will; therefore die. All that man can 'do is work or by actually remaining' the... "C' '·we can reject God's for the good - of' mother and · 101' more than six months 'wi~ Grace. We might make a com- : child. Sometimes his work'is in out any such intention. _ ,parison, with ·no disrespect va!n-forone or both. ':intended. You can telephone A person can have 'both ;• . , .. , " domicile and a quasi-domici" OFFICIAL 'NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER ' the grocer to place 'an order for, For example a Fall Riverite wIHt .1 know that a' domicile isa Published, weekly by The C~tholic Press of the O',ocese of Fall R't'ver' food. When' he a~rives, he finds the door locked and there is no ··owns '·a s,ummer' home on '¢aPe home, bot 'does it have so~e , .' ~. ' 410 Highland Avenue" \ ,. " response to his knock, so 'he Cod in which he resides foIo • special meaning in i Chur~h ;law'l fall River, Mass. . OSborne 5~7151 leaves the food on the doorstep. notable part, of the. year ,woulcl PUBLI,SHER . Tog~t, the-fo.od, you must open , In ',Ch~;ch.·,la~,:domicile 'does have a domicile in. the, Fall Ri~ parish and,'a quasi-domicile ... Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD. ""'. the door, bend down, pick up h'ave a 'specific meaning, It is a GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER the package and carry it in. If person~s legal residence,in ~irtue the 'Cape parish.. Wherel:ls _ Rev. Oc;miel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll you remain sitting in your chair ,of which he becomes ,subject. to ,right of domicile is usually JOe. __ M'ANA'GING 'E'OITOR ', -will not exert yourself to take ,ecclesiastic~ auttIo'rity: ,(Bish(ip, 'ferred to ill association .... t~e necessary· steps, even 'pastor) and is entitled ·to certain ,marriages, it, has' many, ~ Hugh J.' Golden' . thouJ[h the food is only a flY- .....hk. .noroicile Call be aCQuir,ed ramifications as well

· p'


that the prayer pas not. been .answered; even the pe'rson .i. deceased-remember that the if.


. .. , d;' ", : , '.', ,"h'.e' AN ./':@ ',''"8'0''R.









THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.,Sept. 24, 1959 l'

Our 'New

> ..

Pope •••




I 'Shull. Be" Called John


From POPE JOHN XXID: An Authoritative Biography By Zsolt , Aradi. Msgr. James' I. ,Tucek, and Jamel! C. ()'~eill~ Copyrigh&. 1959. bl' Farrar Straus and Cudahy; Inc. Publishers '

PART XIV The Dean of the Sacre<I College of Cardinals walked to frontof the throne,o{'Angelo Cardinal Roncalli onthe afternoon of Oct. 28, 1968. "Do you accept the election as _ Supreme Pontiff?" the bearded Cardinal Tisserartt ~ked in Latin. The 76-year-old Pa- household. Msgr. Nasalli Rocca 'triarch of Veriice was lost 'in di Corneliano, who' had',been the Bober. thought. He paused a late Pope's p1'ivate ,cham~rlain, moment and then responded: and cons~nt ,attendant, was' pro-'


'''1 tremble and am afraid. My poornes's and my littleness' fiu Die with confusiorl. . ' , "But iseein Ule votes 6fhiy eminent brother Cardi'nals" Hi.e 'sign' of the wili 6f God. ' Therefore, 1 accet>t the election. I bow 'iny head and 'bend my' back'to ,.the yoke of the cross." " '.' ~ .... Explains Name " From that momen.t .Angelo Roncalli was Pope: When l'fe utterl')d his "I accept" he had in tltat moment become the successor of St. Peter. , ,He looked up and saw" his fe,llow Cardinals of' the m~ment before pull a cord beside their thrones, lowering the canopies above their heads' as a sign th~t the~ were no longer his equa~. Fifty canopies dropped. One re~ mained raised, that of the Pop~. Cardinal Tisserant sp'oke ~gain. "By what name shall 'YO~ be called?" "I shall be called John.In choosing the name John, the new Pope explained, he honored the memory of his father whose name had been .John, the memory of the church where he had been baptized on the first day of his life, tlie memory of the patron saint of the ,ca thedral of the Bishop 'of Rome, St. John Lateran's. It also recalled that St. Mark, patron of Venice, had bee'n Jmown as John and' the'name invok~d the memory and vener;ition of the two 'Johns of the New Testament, St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evan:" ,~~is~~ ,', Honors Secretary , When he had finished, . tlle Pope rose and walked to the altar which had been raised -in front of Michelang~lo's great fresco depicting the Last Judge'ment. He knelt in prayer and "then seated himself on a throne prepared for the new Pope., 'Msgr. Alberto di Jorio, SeC'retary of the Conclave, knelt : before him and offered him the white skullcap of the Pope. The Pope removed his scarlet sk:ull,eap and place it on the head of the' surprised Monsignor." ' In that action, Pope John xXIiI indicated publicly hiS intentio'n of raising' Msgr. <;Ix jorio 'to the rank of a cardinlll at ,the next consistory:n w. '" gesture that haa not been dbscrveti for more than 50 years. -: To City and World ' , " "After he was vested iii' toe 'whit~ 'cassock of the'Pope, 'iie 'returned to the 'Sistine Cha~l to receive 'the homage of the Cardinals, the first of the three obediences prescribed by papal 'tradition. Then he went to· the main balcony above St. Peter's to show himself to the crowd 'and give his first blessing 'k) 'tile "City 'and the World." He did not stay on the balconY long., With chara,eteristiv, vigor ,he returned to the Aposto~~c Palace, and went directly ,t~ ,jln . apartment prepared for him in , the section of the Secretariate)of $~~


I lie received various well wishers, gave instructions for imn.t~, diate business and took time 'out to thank personally. the work'lru'in who were installing temporary telephones in the apai:\, ment. ' ,··,t Promotes ·Prelates ' .,'.} Arhonghi's first acts was the . rewarding of two of the late Pope's personal staff. He appointed Msgr. Federico Caudri di Vignale, Pius XU's Master Of Chambers, as Major-,domo Of the Vatican Palaces,' tile highest positiOIl 'witbill ' UM Pope'.


moted to the post :Q( 'MaSter of Chambers. ' ". From around uie~orld~,came.:' congratulations. ,;:', ' . ..' "I join W'lih other -Americ;:~ns:':; , : cabled ,President 'pWight D:, Eisenhower, "jp. extendirlg con- : gratulations oh your electi6nto ~ , this high office; 'My'best'Wishes' " for the' success .'of your endeav,6r '; are, I:a!" certain, shared 'by men.' of g9,6d wilt' everywhere." ", ",Warm Congratulations From the Queen' ot' England " came "my warm congratulations on your election..." And from ,Dr, Isaac - Herzog, , the 'Chief Rabbi of Israel, came the AFTER ~LECTION: message: "I trust your'noble and faithful belief in the highest, election, with Cardinal Leger human values, revealed in your tyre of Los Angeles is in the devotion during the days of the He stopped to talk with garNazi atrocities, will guide you in your new and important posi- deners, visited Vatican Radio's headquarters in the Vatican City tion..." gardens, prayed at the replica of ,Protestant leaders likewise the Grotto of Lourdes which had sent their congratulations and been built by Pope Leo XUI in best wishes and even the Pathe gardens. . ,triarch Alexius, head of the RusTo the surprise of almost lilian Orthodox Church, issued a everyone in the Vatican City, statement expressing the hope that the new Pope would bend the Pope decided to have ~is 'his efforts "toward pacification coronation on Nov. 4. Tradition dictated that this ~lemn of life and protest against the use 'of atomic energy for miliiary ceremony should take piace a Sunday or a holyday and at purposes." least two weeks after the 'elecWorld- Wide Broadcast The day after his el~cii~n, tion. Pope John decided otherwise Pope John named Msgr.' Dobecause he ,knew the, Cardinals menico Tardini as Pro-Secretary of State for the Holy See, thus , in Rome were anxious to return to th~ir di,oceses. It also ,hapgiving the Secretariate a full pened to be the feast day ,Clf chief 'for the' first time since St. Charles Borromeo, a lifelong 1944. Shortly after, he made him patron' of Angelo Roncalli's, ~ Secretary of State 'and in 'Nowell lUI a national hoHday., ' vember, elevated him to the'ColEven .the solemn p,ageantry p.f lege of Cardinals. ' On the same day he delivered the papal coronation received the personal touch of the new a world-'wide radio broadcast P.9pe. He, shushed, the clJ.,~~ring from the Sistine Chapel ;md the crowdsdpring the, ceremonial theme was, that of all the popes burning oftlie flax-althpugh of, 'recent times-peace. "Why are divisions and dis- one overjoyed Venetian couldn;t agreements still not settled on a resist yelling' ';Venezia!" when ,the rest of the thousands, in· 'the "fair, basis?" he aSked. ,"Why are the powers of human. Basilica had quieted. ingenuity and natural resources Seeks· Other Sheep 'turned, so often to the produc, But the one' surprise' of the tion of arms--destructive instru- -day, came when ,the new',Pope ments of death and, ruin-but delivered a speech from i his ,not t{) increase the prosperity of u,rone during the Mass. While iaU classes of citizens, especially those who live in great poverty?" Voice of People' , Speaking directly to the ,'" 'world's leaders, he said: "Look Excavating at the people entrusted tel' you 'and listen t6 their voices. What C~ntractorS do they seek? What do they implore of you? 'CROSS ST.,'· FAIRHAVEN, "Not these new monstrous iriWYman sttuments . ~f war which our .to:. . . ,'f times ha,ve produced and which "can' be the cause of fraternal 'slaughter and the annihilation of a1l-'-not Uiese, but peace." NEW ENGlAND . The' first days of the new ponC'L,AM, ·tificate were packed with work for Pope John. There were audiences, 'briefings, on all the ofEvery Sunday .- $2.95 fices and duties of the Holy See, projects, 'future plans' of the including - • A Live'lobster .' . ' . I major administrative arms of 'the THE . ·Church.' CASA BLANCA Universal Fatherhood' Ceggshall Bridg.e, Fair~aven It was not an easy, thing' to suddenly become' a Pope. Pope '1,''John himself joked about this, "'apologizing to several groups for lapsihg into the personal "I" instead of using the traditional papal "We". " He told ,an audience of 300 of the . world!s journalists that 'he ,COMPANY was still in his "novitiate of universal fatherhood." Complete Line , Despite the enormoUS amount of information, reports and 'ideas , Building, Materials' ,: which he was required to absorb . in the first 'days, Pope John'tOok :. SPRING ST., J=AIRHAVEN tilf!.e :out 'to'visit sections Of his WYman 3-26H' ., ' :.' lOS-acre Vatican Cit)';'.whii:h ,be 1\1.i.: '.";; "Clal1ed. "111¥ J)al'ish." ', '



, .1.-

new Pope shortly after his of' Montreal. Cardinal McInbackground. bis li~teners failed to realize the full import of his' text, Pope .lohn foreshadowed his call for an ecumenical council, when he quoted as his opening words the passage in Sl John which goes: "And other sheep I have that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring and they shaU hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." From the start Pope .John made it clear that his "novitiate" would not be spent in the quiet study' of how to be a Pope. He would learn as he went. He would observe established ritual meticulously; honored traditions would be preserved and lapsed traditions revi:ved; .but that which pertained' to h'imself a.t' a 'person would be his own.. 'Still in' Venice' Roncillli's valet, Guido Gusso, was called into the presence of ~he p,ope after his, election., The valet abruptly fell on hiS knees ' and did ndt want to get u'p. . ' . '''Forgive me," he: said to the, Pope, "but it (the force ,that pushes Il\e down) is s,tro,nger thaD. L" To whicli the PoPe replied: "If 'You :go on behaving









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this way, I'll have to look for "another valet. . . Let's pretend that we are still in Venice~· •.Names New Cardinals The Pope also gave instructions to the persons who surrounded him that they were to omit the practice of kneeling every time they came into his presence. Once in the morniJ;}g and once at night would suffice, he told his staff. , John' XXIII also soon gave evidence' ~b,at he ,did not plan to sit inside the Vatican and,let the worl<i come to him. After taking possession of his'cathedral of'St. ,John's; he made visits outside the Vatican walls to several of the major universities and on Christmas,Day he won the hearts of the Romans by going to two of , ~he city/s hospitals and the fol'lowing day . to' visit the city'. main jail. ' ' .. , . On Nov. II,' Pope John fur-: ther astonished ,the world by announcing his intention of creating' 23 new Cardinals. The new Cardinals brought the to~l number of members of the College of Cardinals up to 75; For 400 years the College membership had stood at a total of 70 at the most. Calls for Unity Among those selected for honors of the red hat were Their Eminences Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, and John Cardinal O'Hara. , Archbishop of Philadelphia. Newspapers of the world were quick to, poid out that Pope John was not a passive Pope, an old man of transition. But no one , was prepared for the bombshell which the new Pope dropped during his visit to the Basilica of Sl Paul's Ou.tside the Walls on Jan. 25, 1959, when he issued a call for Christian unity and announced his intention to summon the 21st general Council of the Catholic Church. (Next Weekconcluding installmen~ "One Fold and One Shepherd")

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DI~tates Essay

Planning,·Most, 'lmpo.rtan~- St~p',', I,n' Ma,king, :E~joyable~ome,

From Deathbed

B~,Alic~ Bough Cahin

Invariably, the most important advice one offers ab9ut · deco~ating is: start with a plan. You've heard,' I am sure, . · of the lady who started to paint floor from the'door in. By the time she'd finished she, was marooned' on a tiny, dry spot in a corner and had tricks of the trade and plan acto wait until the floor dried cordingly. Furniture' placed to make 'her escape. This against. walls creates .<l more lady had forgotten to PLAN. spacious room, Furniture placed


, The' woman who 'recognizes the potential outlets for creative

expression in ber home is not likely to beeome bore d' with the rou:., tine of managing a house· bold-she is the worn a n who plans just what


picture of decorating her home. Of course, the ideal way to begin is by making a floor plan on graph paper, putting in all windows, doors, closets and radiators. To decide upon the furniture arrangement best suited to your room, you can resort to paper planning, , which is both a time and money 'saver. This is how one, ,learns about furniture- grouping. . Paper Planning . f Paper planning is not Just or 'th h f' t' ' the beginner W1 er 1rs n ew , hit e borne; but it s a e p 0 anyon 'wanting to a;dd a few more · or pieces of furm't ure t 0 a room 'to re-arrange furniture already there. In these 'instances" paper plan. ff t Ding will show you what e ec s , you can retain or produce. You can see how to arrange all your pieces to achieve harmony and ' eomfort. There are certain things one bas to take into account in decid," mg' upon one's',decorative pur'pose. You must consider the physical structure of each room you intend to fl!rpj!lh: its si,ze and shape, the, height of Its ceiling, the. number and .place-


at right angl~s forms partitions, 1 t t t' 't he pS,to crea e separa, e ac IVI y areas. '

You might also like to keep these measurements in mind allow 36 inches in front of dressers and chests so you can get the drawers open: Allow a 30inch space between a desk, chair and your desk so you can sit comfortably without, being WHEELS FOR OUR LADY : Th'is pi'1' . b' wedged in. Allow at least 30 grim ,IS emg inches as "trafJ;ic lanes" so you assisted by member~ of "Wheels for Our Lady," an organcan walk around with ease. ization of New YorklCity policemen, firefighters, sanitation In pl~nning bedrooms, watch workers and laywomen which provides transportation .for where you place the bed. Don't the lame who stop in New Yori{ en route to a European cram it iightly into a corner, shrine., NC Photo. ' so that you can't get to it. Make sure it can be made easily. Don't block closet doors, and keep 0 windows accessible. The home that you create through your own planning and NEW YORK (NC)-A group service to them, As.it turns out, doing means more to you than 01 dedicated Catholic men and it is I who have been helped." a home you accept fully deco- 'women il!. this city are writing "We've aliIi1ited membership,· rated by someone elSe. BY'mak- 'a new chapter to an old story- 'he, observed. "We would prefer ing your planning a family proj- .' assistance of the sick while on to have people .come to us and ect you will 'find it a thrilling pilgrimage. ask to jpin rather than to recruit experience ~ the whole' family The new organization calls ith~lp. Howev~r, without publi-, . will enJ'oy the planni.ng and will t f k d h ·self "Wheels For Our' Lady,", ,CI y,o .any, III ,we re,delight in the home all have 1 t f 300 b ave .,a, th and: the name describes its pur- . ser~e IS ,0 mem ers In e created. vanous department who are pose. Transportation is provided ' s , I for the lame and the halt who desperate C· I t 3700 M' e d t h to join. hWe hope k 1 some 11 q,rnp e ,~s '. - I stop in N~~ York w~ile on their ' ay 0, :ye enoug wor or a ' Pilg' rimag'e to Shrine' way toOlirLady's many shrines of them. , in Europe., .. . ' C ' A 68 LaThe idea for "Wheels for Our ,PORTLAND (N ) Th . ti , . ' dy" grew out 01 the experi-' 'year-old widow who bJ devoted e o~ganIzao~ s dIrector i. ences of, one of the present to the Blessed ,Mother • back ' . 46-year-~ld In.shman, Capt; woman members'. hom~ in' Sf; PllUl, Min~., a1ter'aJos~h .Rellly, WIth ~l ,yea.rs How does;'''Wheels ,FOI' Our 3700-mile train trip here where servICe In New York CIty s FIre . Lady" operate! she visited ,the Sanctuary 01 Our Departmen~. A mem~er' of t~e "Any sick person who i8 a Sorrowful ·Mother. ' " . Hono~ Legl~n for savmg the ~Ife legitimate' pilgrim, '~aii contact Mrs. Catherine Twohey IBid another f1reman, Capt. ReIll,y us," Capt. Reilly said; He- exshe had planned, to, stay only 18 also head ,of. the department I plained that travel agents usuovernight in Portlal1d l;lUt 'she Bureau of CIvIl Defense. ally handle' these arrangements, was sO impressed with the, shrine '''Helping these sick people has but individuals can write the 01',that she remained six days, made' . been the greatest experience of ganization at his home adqress, 'a weekend retreat, and became. my life," he said. "At first" I ,811 Seaman AvenlJe, New York : member of the Sanctuary Conthought I was going to be' of 34, N. Y.

New Y'or k V Iunteers A Sk 'ssist ic E R Sh' E n oute to' , rines in. urope,


:ment 01 its light openings, of natural and the sunamount enter- fraternity.' "I hope' to be able to make a '" ing it.' yearly pilgrimage/'she told Sometimes a room has certain Father John M: O"Connell, prior defects which you may be able "and sanctuary directo'r. "I've to minimize and, by the same been wanting to come here' for token, it's up to you to t~ke ad- . a long time. I have many dear vantage 01 its good points and friends. who've been here and I embody them in your final plan. decided riot to put it off any In a recent horrie contest, one longer.'" of the deciding factors in awardMrs. Twoh~y, a nurse at a ing prizes .was the amount. of' home 'for" aged Sister. of St., "'privacy'" the home allowed.'We Joseph in St. Paul; h,as visit~ talk about. and plan for "openo: shrines of the Blessed Virgin at ness" today and often overlqok Fafima,LOurdes and Mexico in our planning the need for in- CitY. " ' dividual privacy.', NQne of U8 • wants a honie tha~is little more F,a,II.,R,fy:er,,'C,'luh ,lists" . thana busy,·thoroughfare wher.e .;, family and fr,~ends a~e const~ntlypr09r~T.fo[. ~ar ~ tl:aipging th1'ough one :are~ ~ ge.t F~rthc9mi~g ,act~'(iti~s.·for~e . . to another. ,Catholic Woman's Club. of Fall 'Make' Room Work 'River include a concert bY,., , M~ki~g ~ r.Po~' ~rk :101" ycMi roaie ~quart~t ,TuesdaYi ,; Oct. 13 , lis ,basically 'a matter of' how you and a. recepti~m and"tea·for., new expect to use it. Consider these members Sunday, pet.l8. , The November p,r 0 g ram .. , Plan. Cana Conference scheduled for Tuesday, the, loth, will' featui'e_ Beth Cary ill a For Attleboro Area ,presentation of characterizations. A. Cana Conference for mar- > Tuesday, Dec.- 8 will be Bishop's ried couples will be held at 8 Night, honoring Bishop Connolly. Sunday evening, Oct. 4 in St. The evening's program will be John's ,Council K, of C Hall, offered by the Peloquin Chora,le. Hodges Street, Attleboro under A harp 'and organ program 8ponsorship of Attleboro area will be offered in January and members of the Christian Family a musical trio in February. Movement. March 'will feature the Clancy Couples who attend~ will .be, Family and April a communion encouraged to put questions, breakfast and Lenten play by either written or oral, to the the Blackfriars Players. " priests who conduct the conferThe annual meeting will be ence. Refreshments will be proheld in May with entertainment,' , vided. by the Salve Regina College glee' The Cana Conference is intended for happily 'married club. couples who want to Ihake th~ir Hospital Auxiliary marriages even happier an'd bolier. It is esseniially an eveFriends of St, Anne's Hospital, ning of reflection· on ,marriage ,Fall River, will hold,a member,'as a vocation. It is -designed ')0 ship tea Wednesday, Nov. 'II. help strengt,hen marriages in Auxiliary, --iembers , will . assist _,: Christian. reality, by awakening, student nurses with a Christmas. -instruc~ing.. an~. inspiring,., ih~ ,sale Thursday, Friday' and,' sa~,' cOuples who' attend;" ' , !I.'~~.!>!:''l~,.!3and l~, . ,




COLOMBO (NC)-They' 'ar. telling the story here ofFelici~ Pereira,' a 17-year-old CaUiolic' girl who dictated a' prize-winning essay from her death-bed . Blind from her illness, almost . entirely paralyzed and in severe pain, Miss Pereira still wanted . to enter the national Cathoiie journalism coritest sponsoredi;>,. Ceylon's Catholic press. She dictated her entry to her mother.. who ,spent the days at her bedside.' The subject of her essay was a tribute to Our Lady, with personal references to her ow. , sufferings. The judges called it "a human , document written with a rare , insight and much poignant seDsitivity." , Jfour months aIter the award . to her was announced, Miss Pereira died in the same hospital ward where she had prepared her entry.



Holy Union Nuns PIa n F' e Id D I


The annual Holy Union Field Day and Bazaar for the benefit of the community's preparatory 'schoolwillbeheldontheschool grounds at Nanaquaket, Tiverton this Saturday, Sept. 26 1rom ,10 o'clock on> ' TlIe all-day event will open ',with, a parade, followed by games and races for children of schools conducted by 'the Religious of the Holy Union. ,A large committee is headed by Mrs. David W, Boland, general chairman,' Robert J. Nagle, , program chairman; Francis .1. Fanning, field' day' chairman. . Area chairmen include Mrs. Thomas DiNucci, Fall River 'and' T'Iver t on; M'ISS W'1Il1'f're d L augh . T to J G'bI' N . 1m, aun n; ames I In, ew Bedford. ' ' Special Feature. Special features will incliJd. - II shamrock tea room, Christma. 'table, Boys' Town booth, country store, parcel post booth, religioua articles, special games, Euro,pean gifts, cakes, aprons, grabl and dolls. " ,Also refreshments, used books, can d y, miscellaneous, pull-astring and penny, sale tables.

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~N~1:I0It~ ,,"f' . Sept. 24, 1959

Family Wd.t~~ fOJ ,Columnist,. Praises 'Many~Talenfe:d Mom

Worhenin.Worid October Th~me,

By·Mary Tirtley Da'ly Editor's 'Dote: The"following was written without the 'knowledge of Mary Tinley.,Daly, regular author of "At Our House." When she and ·the Head of the House were ready "tQ start on vacation it was a pleasant surprise to her.to find she - didn't have to write a Yummy! .eolumn "this week." But she Mommie is also an A-number would blush if she knew the one housekeeper, a seamstress-eontent the "guest she has made all sorts of girls'


clothes-a good publicity woman for educational institutions like Catholic University, Trinity College, Georgetown Visitation -a disciplinarian, helper with homework, a teacher of typing. She insists that each child take the typing machine to heart at , the age of 11. Also, this little lady is asupervisor, riding herd on the hired help, if any: and an editorial advisor par excellence. Best of all, though, she is the guardian of her family's health. Not long ago, meeting our fainily physician, the beloved Dr. Gilbert Rude, I said, "Let me h u' n d l' e d thank you, doctor, for taking words," Ginny piped up. such good care of our family." "Listen, ladies . . . ." He smiled, said: "D9n't thank Deal' Mary said, "Daddy, don't back away. Last y'ear you Wrote me, thank Gog-and !Mrs. Daly. She's the best doctor I know in • column - remember - about these parts." RECEIVES DIPLOMA: Jacqueline Patricia Gilmore, giving us this day our' Daly New Bedford) kneels to receive her diploma and kiss the ring Helping Hand bread?" True. Ever since h~r first That had been suggested' by of Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard at graduation' cerechild-there are seven-she has monies for St. Anne's School of Nursing, Fall River. The ·Iohnnie, our Number One boy. offered a helping hand to mothAs a little fellow he believed fiis institution graduated 26 ~urses at its 30th annual ceremony. father should have been a baker ers in the neighborhood; especially the novices. Mommie instead of a newspaperman, came by her medical knowledge bread wagons proclaiming the naturally. The Tinleys, her folks Daly product. Ins~ead, news articles appeared daily and Sun- out in Iowa, had two physicians in their midst-Dr. Mary and Dr. day. SAN FRANCISCO (NC) --knowledge into the bright ones Forty per cent of this year's first "Certainly your mother is Matt Tinley. They had a clinic. as fast as they can take it. And Their niece, Mary Tinley, got the graders in a Pennsylvania, diUred," I stalled. "Why shouldn't knack by watching experts.' So, the slow movers get the extra ocese will enter second grade .he be? Worn-out. Look at all attention they need." we have a doctor in the house. next March. abe 'does." We have more than that at our And, if they stick with the Pre-school tests, administered "She is many persons in one," house. We have a spiritual 'adin May, determine grouping said Eileen, coming through the visor, marriage counselor, healer pace, they'll complete eight years' elementary school in six. among the following Fall's first door from Bristol, Tennessee, of wounds, soother of hurt feelSo reported Msgr. John B. graders. They're checked on four bl'inging with her Mary Daly ings, comforter of the afflicted, McDowell, Pittsburgh diocesan points: 1) Reading and arithBrennan, 15 months, and Tony, mother, wife, sweetheart, comschool superintendent and guest metic readiness; 2) emotional Head of .the House down "thatpanion. In a word, we have the speaker at the archdiocesan readiness; 3) social readiness, _way." . , answer to the prayer of St. Fran- .teachers' institute here. The and 4) teacher observation "That's for sure," Pat said, folcis of Assisi-an instrument of program has' been underway two , (over-all evaluation by • lowing in Eileen's wake. "Our· peace. years in Pittsburgh. teacher). little mother is magnificent. No God bless Mary Tinley Daly, "What we're doing is making wOIlder she won the Magnificat author of At Our House, keeping Medal." Pat, too, had come t~the her as our source of inspiration it possible for our youngsters ,to move through school at their 'family reunion along with her fQl: years to come, so there need Many Folks do not know we own rate of speed," he said. husband;, Al Emmo,ns, our archibe no substitute columns, such have moved! I Our "Within each grade there's a tect. as,this. We want the original. class of fast learners, another of Children Helping ,'New Location average ability, and a third of Mommie was out touring the Mrs. Ross, Newman those who learn most slowly." IS 8Uper-markets in quest of gro"It's called 'homogeneous Club Award Winner, ceries. Her children,' without Pleasant & Union Streets grouping.' It means that a HALIFAX (NC)-Mrs. Frank knowing it, were helping write youngster is surrounded by New Bedford the substitute column-At Our Ross, wife of the LieutE:nant classmates of the same or simiHouse: the real author; Mary Governor of British Columbia, lar intellectual ability. We pour is the second winner of the CarTinley Daly. dinal Newman Award of the Batting ideas back and forth, Canadian Federation of New.lEATHER GOODS since 1877 ftte tribe - with the help of man Clubs. BOYHAVEN r..: Johnnie who came along with West Newbury, Mass. The announcement was made his troupe - endorsed these at the 18th annual convention of Conducted by thoughts about their mother. 1807. Brothers of Charity 1959 the federation, here. Th€' award • I She is, aside from that role, is given annually to a lay perPrivate Boarding School about as good a cook as the son who has made an outstanding for Boys Grades. 5-6-7-8, oulinary field ever developed, on contribution to the Catholic inWrite. Call or come for a par with the great Escoffier.o~ tellectual life of Canada. Information . Paris. Mention of th.is, ~lon!\. The first winner, in 1958, was Bowling & Skating. with some of her speCIal dIshes Dr. John F. Leddy, (Dean of Tel. ~HOmestead 2-4663 ',' . . made Ginny rub her tummy. Arts and Science at the Univer.. Million Dollar Ballroom sity of Saskatchewan. I. Bishop Foery Blesses AVAILABLE A~ D,.·'McMU:LLEN Purpose Is Clear """ ", New School for Girls Inc•. For Your " ~he ,purpose of educat~on Vn.,. SYRACUSE (NC) -~he 'new M'OYER 5 • TESTIMONIAL DINNERS der Catholic auspices has been $1,500,000 Convent School build.,. , " SERVING ,. BANQUETS, lng was blesse<. and de(licated :cleady; set down by" Pope' Pius FaU'River, New Bedford by Bishop Walter A. Foery of XI in his encyclical on the • FASHION SHOWS Christian Education of Youth: " Cape Cqd Area ' Syracuse. • ANNUAL DANCE PARTY The new structure with a; "to cooperate with divine grace .• CHRISTMAS PARTIES . Agent: three-story classroom wing is an" in forming Christ in those reAERO. MAYFLOWER generated by Baptism". For information can all-girls institution supervised TRANSIT CO. INC. by the Sisters of St. Franci~. Roland Gamache or Nation-wide Movers Included in the new building Frank Collinl LEMIEUX WYman 3-0904 til a homemaking department WYman 9-6984 PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 304 Kempton St. New Bedford with a kitchen and rooms for dressmaking and interior deco\ ~ for Domestic rating classes. There are also & Industrial biology, chemistry-physics lab~.~ _ Sales' ancl oratories, a connecting science ' Oil Burnears Service olassroom and dark room. AnWY 2-9447 Rt. 6 at The Narrows HI North Westport other feature is an auditorium 2283 ACUSHNET AVL Mating 800. NEW BEDFORD i 801umn.'' "Mommie's t~ed, Daddy. Needa • rest." So said Markie aft e l' a meeting of the junior board of directors, add'ing: "We've dec ide d you should write a substitute column for her." "W,ha t shall I write about?" "A b 0 u t six

Pittsburgh Diocesan Schools Adopt Eight-Grades-in-Six-Years Plan


NEW YORK (NC)' '- F 0 u r prominent' Catholic laywomen will dis<:uss the,role of women in the modern world on the "Chris" tian' in Action'" radio program on' the four Sundays of October. The program is produced by .the National Council of Catholic Men in cooperation with, the American Broadcasting Company. It is heard every Sunday from 11:30 to 11:55 A.M., EST (one )lour earlier in New York)., SpeaKers and their topics will include: Mary Reed Newland, author and iecturer, speaking Oct. 4 on "Woman in the Home," and Mrs. Nancy Rambusch, founder and director of the Whitby School, Greenwich, Conn., speaking Oct. 11 on "Spiritual Formation of Children." Also: Margaret Kelly, editor of Camp Fire Girls magazine, lipeaking Oct. 18 on "Woman in .the Community," and Adelaide Mackey of the social work department, New York Foundling Hospital, speaking Oct. 25 OIl' "The Caree-r Woman." _

Infant of Prague Guild To Hold Bean Supper A bean supper will be held Saturday, Oct. 24, by memb~rs of the Infant of Prague GuIld. auxiliary for St. Mary's Home" New Bedford. At the first Fall meeting committee chairmen for the coming ,.year were named and childrea were assigned to members, wbo will sponsor them. ' Sister Mary Auxilia, new superior, spoke to the group, • did Rev. John F. Hogan, directOll.


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New Bedford D. of L Miss Mary Manning, past relent of the junior circle, will speak on her trip to Mexico at the annual membership tea at. Hyacinth Circle 71, ~ew Bedford Daughters of Isabella;; at h clubhouse,' 11 Robe90I,l, Street. The event is scheduled , , ....om 2:30 to 5 Sunday afternoon, Sept. 27. Mra. .\Bnet B9telho. ~~maL '

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ri:ver-Thurs~,Sept.24, 1959 .. • ..




<'," ...... ...







, ,SCOUTERS MEET:'A~ults:in-Scouting from ,throughout the Diocese -:met at Immaculate Conception Church; Taunton, fot:""a spiritual evening. ;Left; area chairmen confer with'Scouter priests; left to right, -Rev.· Walter Sullivan,' 'moce~in: 'Direc.tor of"B,t?y Scolits; waiter Wiicox, Fall River; Anthony. Lima,' New ·Bedford; ,Rt. Rev. Msgr. George Dbwd,' National Director of .the Catholic Cominittee·on·Scouting.Center, Diocesan lay chairman of Scouting activities, Oweni'. P.· McGowan, discusses program with, left·to· right, Mr. and Mt:s.. N~poleon Ro~, and Mrs. Elizabeth Akin,






. -



. all of Fairhaven'. The Roys have six children active in Scouting. Mrs. Roy is a Cub:Den"Mother and Roy leads a Boy Scout troop~'At right, Rev. Jarr{es Lyons, chap~aiit for'faunt"on, Mansfield an;d Attleboro troops;: meets with, left to right, Frank' Sheehan, New Bedford co,.chairman ;··John Flanagan', Taunton; ,Joseph)\furphy, Mansfield and.Attleboro; and .A.·'A. Kirk,.ex,:, ecutive·sec.z:etary of the Catholic Gommittee' on Scouting, .and speaker of the evenin·g.. . .. . '. '.. . . . . . ' .' ." .. " .' .

·Predic.ts ~I.ow~own .. ' Diocesan .Scouters Hear National Executives Maryknoll- Superior Of Populatlon,Growth·. '. . . ' .', • . Tours Latin America .' SA~FRANCISCO (NC)"-A . Outltne Prdbl.ems In R.,eaching .Youth chemist asserted here that the world's population growth will Nearly 150 adults interested in youngsters took timeout last Sunday night t"o. trav~l slow down by itself, and any to Taunton and attend a spiritual meeting for Boy Scout, Cub Scout and Girl Scout lead-· gaps between food production ' and population can be filled byers They made the trip from the Attleboros, Mansfield, Norton, New Bedford, Fall Hiver 'better use of nature's resources. and all poiJi.tsbetween. Nearly 60 parishes were represented in the turnout at the meeting,Dr. Nicholas Dietz Jr., profes- first its kind held in the also available for adults, Father among program speakers, dislOr of biochemistry and nutrition Diocese. They heard Rt. Rev. Sullivan explained, a St, George cussing the problem of reaching at Creighton University's School .Msgr. George Dowd, pastor Award.. TRis, however, "seeks all Catholic· men and boys in of Medicine, said. that "it is not of 'St. Mary's Chu'rch,' Frank- after the recipient, it is not Scouting. axiomaticth~t the pop'l.I1ation explosion will long continue." lin, and National Director of the worked for in the same way as .Speakers brought out· that He .called it a "plain fact" that Catholic Committee on Scouting. the youngsters' citations. It's the. every Bishop .in the United Church's way of saying 'thank the present rate of ~opulation speak on ideals that should States has endorsed the Catholic growth . ~ilI be of. "relatively guide. adults in d~aling with' you' and 'well done' to adult Scouting program and appointed Scouters.'~ ·representatives to implement it. short duration by its very! na- youngsters; . ture." . They listened .to A. A. Kirk, . The St.· George Award will be. They ,forecast increased'. youth made for the first. time in the activity' in ,the . DIocese .;. as . a The profe~so~ said that recent executive secretary, who 'came' Diocese this .year in conjunction x:esult of the meeting. years hav~ seen a ri$e in the ·frolll. Ne~ .Jersey. to. attend,dis. with the Christ the King cere-: average survival rates of infants: cuss the .histoiy'-of the commit,. . . monies at . the cathedral, said and a lengthening of" the average tee.. They' were. p,roudto' learn. Father Sullivan. . . . . . . '. . life spans' of all persons: that Bishop Corlliolly ~as one Retreats are a part of Catholic . "QI\ceJ the. u\ti)nate .of'lifeex- of its' pioneer members,. and · pectancy will have been reached pleased, too, to' hear that Lord Scouting, said the speakers. In · by most of thehuIT1an race, how- Baden-Powell;' founder of the carrying out that part of the pro,;, COM~ANY / ever, there will be 'a marked Boy Scout m~vement,had sought gram, Taunton· boys. will partiCipate in a 'Boy Scout retreat. Blowing do~n of population ex- . aid from Benedictine 'monks in pansion, assuming present fer.til- formulating)ts oath and laws. this weekend at Camp Norse. Adult s.couters will attend a. reity rates," said Dr. Dietz, noting Future' .Scoutingactiv"uies in - treat at Cathedral Camp. the _ . tljat this is the argument 'of the. Diocese .were outlined by weekend o~ November 13. ' Father Anthony Zimmerman Rev.' Walter Sullivan, Diocesan" , ' BO$too'Meeeting South • . Sea Sts~ · S:V,D., a student of pOPulatio~ director" of Catholic Scouting" Nine from the piocese are matters. and Owen T. P. McGowan, lay Hyannis Tel. HY 81 .chairman. They ~include a mass attending a provincial meeting presentation of Ad Altare Dei of the 'Catholic Committee 'on Foresters to Skate Scouting being held today' in Our Lady of· Fatima Court of awards on the .Feast 'of Christ Boston. They include .four area Fall River, Massachusetts Cath- the King in st. Mary's Cathedral, chairmen, Father Sullivan,' Rev. . olic Order of Foresters,will hold Fall River..' Leo' Sullivan, Rev. William a skating party Friday, Oct. 9 at The~dAltare Dei is given to O'Connell, Rev. James· Lyons, Lincoln Park. Nex.t meeting-of boys for service to the Church. and McGowan. the unit is 'slated for Wednesday, Cub Scouts .are eligible for the Father Walter Sullivan will be Oct. 7.' ParvuIi' Dei .award: There is



MERIDA (NC)-Mother Mary Colman, Superior General of the Maryknoll Sisters, arrived here in Mexico on the first leg of a five-month visitation of her congregation's mission areas in Latin America.

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: How.Do·You Rate·.··


"'-'" ,.i>'rr' ·'on.facts·of Faith. t ,


1 1. ,~W~hRloEwma~sl.B!C·hr~ilsmtellllnMeDldM.,1'Ellulglllelnllio··pl,ail!lclellllli,I,:Il,1(l1-) a

--', 'f'

St. Eugene? (b) P!>pe ~ius XII? (c) Pope Eugene? (d) Pope Pascal? 2. - "In the' begimi.ing God created heaven and earth" are the . introductory words of:-(a) The Old' Testament? (b) The . Epistles? (c) The Gospels? (d) The Mass? 3.. ' Th¢ ~ac~ed.CoHege is another name for:-(a) An Italian seminary? (b) Vatican University? (c) The College' of .Cardinals? (d) The Catholic .University of America? .. 4. .The SoCiety 'of' Jesus,· commonly known as~he Jesuit Order, was found by:-(a) Jesus? (b) St. Ignatius of Loyola? (c) St. ..' · Peter? (d) St. Ignatius of Antioch? 5. That part· oLtheMass, from the beginning to the offertory, is referred to as the:-(a) Mass of the Faithful? (b) Canon?' (c) Introit? (d)' Mass of the Catechumens? . 6. The patron saint of greetings is:-(a) St. Paul? (b) St. Christo· pher? (c) St. VahfntiI\e? (d) St. Gabriel?' . "I. 'Complete the' eighth Beatituqe: "Blessed are they who .-suffer persecution for justice' 'sake for.. '.(a) .. :theirs is. the kingdom. .of heaven"? "(b) ... they shall be called the children of God"? • (c) ... they shall obtaiIi.mercy,"? (d) ... they shall be comforted"?, 8. Pope. Leo XIII is best remembered forhis:-(a) Social teachihgs? (b) Missionary zeal? (c) Rosary crusade? (d' Devotion to' Our Lady? . Giv.e yourself"10 marks for each correct· answer on page' 18. Rating::8Q-Excelienti 70-Very Goodi 6Q-Goodi50:-Fair.


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,~peakers Study . Great Thoughts Of Writers

THE ANCHORSept. 24, 1959

, Polish Commies. Slice Religious School Classes

, ,NEW YORK (NC)-Great thoughts of four famous ~piritual writers will be analyzed and applied to today's world on the "Catholic Hour" radio' program during October. The series, produced by the National Council of Catholic Men in cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company, is broadcast every Sunday from 2:30 to 3 P.M., ES.T. On the Oct. 4 program Father R. J. Gardner, O.P.;of Providence (R. I.) College will discuss the statement by St. Augustine: "Thou hast made us for Thyself, o Lord, and our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee." Analysis. The Oct. 11 program will be' an analysis by Father Joseph C. Hilbert, radio and television director for the Harrisburg, Pa., diocese of the statement, by Father Gerald Vann, O.P.:· "Every human; relationship is an eternal responsibility." , On Oct. 18 Father Alexander O. Sigur, editor of the South~est 'Louisiana' 'Register, Lafayette, ·La., Diocesan newspaper, will stu<Jy the statement by Paul' Claudel: "God ,writes straigh~ with crooked lines." , On the final program in the' series, Oct. 25, Msgr. Carroll Dozier, pastor of Christ the King church, Norfolk, Va., will discuss Leon Bloy's assertion: "There' is only one sadness and that is for us not to be saints."

WARSAW (NC)-Polish schools wit h 0 u t religion' classes will number abollt 1,000 during the 1959-69

POPE PRAISES AGENCY: During an audience with Pope Joh~ XXIII officials of the Am.erican Catholic Bishops' overseas relief agency heard words of praise for the United States and its people for aid to stricken 'countries. With the Pope are, left to right, Rev. Fabian Flynn, C.P., Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director, C.R.S.; Msgr. Andrew P. Landi, C.R.S..director in Italy, and Edward M. Kinney, director of purchasing ~nd shipping. NC Photo. '

Pontiff Asks Veterans to Forget Hatreds and Unite

LOURDES (NCji..-Pope' John veterans from France, Germany, XXIII, recalling that he himself Greece, Italy and Spain. A is a, veteran of World War'I, group of members of the Amerhas called on h~s QrotiJ,er" vetican'Legion took part, as did the erans of the whole world to forU. S. Consul General at Bor:" get old hatreds, and to' unite for deaux., . 'peace. A group of 120 Moslems who The Pope made his appeal in ,served in the' French ,army 'in a message to those, participating World War II took part, and were 'hi the international war veterthe first on such a pilgrimage to ans' pilgrimage to Lourdes which pray at the grotto' where the marked the 20th anniversary of Blessed Virgin appeared to St. the outbreak of World War II. Bernadette. While participating In the message, ,Pope John exin the general observances of the tended a special blessing to all pilgrimages, they also gathered the veterans. at the grotto as a group and The pilgrimage brought to- chanted Arabic canticles in gether numerous delegations of honor of Mary, who is mentioned in the Koran, the Moslem holy book. Pontifical Mass , ROME (NC) - The pilgrim The closing Pontifical Mass of statue of Our Lady of Fatima' OS 0 OY5' the pilgrimage was offered by arrived' in the Eternal City and An outing was held 'at CatheHis Eminence Paul Marie Carwas carried in torchlight pro- dral Camp for approximately dinal Richaud, Archbishop of cession from the Flaminian 250 altar boys from the Attle- Bordeaux, assisted by a German sports stadium to the new church boro area SPOIlsored by the and a Spanish priest. The sermon of the Immaculate Heart of Attleboro Serra ClUb, under' the was preached by Archbishop Mary. , chairmanship of John Antaya. "The statue, greeted by thou: The outings have become an Day of Recollection sands of faithful, Religious, and annual event, previoU{l outings high Church and government of- having been held at Cathedral 'For Knights of Altar ficials of Rome, was flown by Camp in· 1957 and 1958. Th~ The Serra Club of Fall River helicopter from Catania in Sicily outings are part of the altar will sponsor a day of recollecafter the closing of the National bQY program which is one of the, tion for the Knights of the Altar, Eucharistic Congress there. major proje<;ts of the Attleboro at St. :t\fichael's' Churc!}, Fall The statue was visited: Serra Club. River, ,Sunday afternpon from throughout the following day!, "About 35 members of Serra and 2 to '5. Altar boys from. 'six par':' without interruption until the: men from the Attleboro area ishes who have been invested as evening when' it was taken by' furnished transportation 'and Knights of the Altar have been helicopter to the square in front; silpervised the' boys during the' invited to attend. of Rome's cathedral, St. John: day. Lunch was prepared by the Following the exercises a Lateran. The 'statue was carried: Cathedral Camp staff.and served, buffet lunch will be served to into the great church where it I • by the Serrans during the noon all ~ remained on exhibition for 'three ' hour. ' . Five Fall River parishes have The boys participated in a, already had the investiture cere": days. On the final day the act of consecrating Rome to the busy schedule of sports includ- ' mony. They are St. Mary's' Immaculate Heart of Mary took; ing: softball, basketball, football, Cathedral, Santo Christo,. Holy place in St. John's. Sack races, foot races and a tug- Name, st. Anne's and Our Lady of-war. of Angels. Day of Prayer St. Michael's Parish Altar SACRAMENTO (NC)-Bishop Pensions for Priests' Boys will be invested tonight Joseph T. McGucken of Sacrathrough the sponsorship of. the mento has called upon his clergy Approved in Italy Serra Club. ' ROME (NC)-The Italian govand laity to support president ernment has approved a law Eisenhower's request for odservance of a National Day of Prayer gra'nting pensions to aged or in, firm priests. ' on Wednesday, Oct. 7. The law provides pensions for priests over 70, ranging from a yearly minimum of $228 to a ' maximum of $768, according to the payments made into the pension fund. Each priest is required to make 'a yearly contribution of about' $48. The Italian gover'nment will contribute $750 annu- ' ally for ,each priest who becomes Contractors a member of the plan.

Pilgrim Statue Visits Rome

Attleboro' Serra H t t B


:Frederic' E. C. Lamy of Sens, who served as an infantry sergeant in World War I. ,One 'of the highlights' of' the pilgrimage was ,placing before the. al,tar of the grotto, one of the dozen' "lamps ,of 'brother':' 'hood" that burn in' German cemeteries. 'The lamp was exposed for a time on the altar of Lourdes. West Berlin's Mayor Willy Brandt sent a message to the pilgrim veterans declaring that the people of Berlin remember their responsibility .in World War II, and stating their firm resolve now to stand in the first line of those who defend human dignity and liberty.

Mt. St. Mary's Seniors Welcome Freshmen Yearbook pictures will be taken today for the Corona. Tomorrow seniors will stage an assembly welcoming freshmen to the student body. Class officers for the year include, for the seniors: Lucille Demers, president; Carol Duarte, vice I,>resident; Alyce Yelle, secretary; Diane Brezinski, treas,:" urer. Juniors: Sandra Chiesa, president; 'Naidene McKenny, 'vice president; Shirley Gorcica, sec':' retary; Joyce Harnois, treasurer: Sophomores: Mary O'Hearne,' president; Marlene Grant" vice president;' Ann Dooley, secretary; 'Virginia Brennan, treas~ urer.


.Foresters' Retreat Members of Our Lady of Victory Court, Fall River, Massachusetts Catholic Order of FOJ;esters, will make a retr.eat, this weekend at 'Miramar, Duxbury. The court will' meet and' elect , officers Thursday, Oct. 8.

.Dorothy 'COX

464 Second St•.


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ROUTE 6 near

District Meeting Fall River district officers of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and 'presidents of affiliated guil" will meet tonight , at 7:45 in st. Louis' Church halL




school year, This is four times the total of religionless schools ,in existence during the 1958-5~ :scMol year. . Schools without religious in" struetion will be attended by over 400,000 students. This com':' ,pares' with the approxim1\tely 80,000 pupils who atten.ded 250 religionless schools last year. ' , The communist government ot Poland has aided the Secular School Society iI1 setting up the new schools' without religion classes and has given them spe':' cial privileges. The government has also encouraged the removal of children of government em':' ployees and Communist party members from schools with religious instrllction.. According to the Church-state agreement of December, 1956, religious instruction is to be given on a non-required basis in pUb.lie gramtna'r and high schooLS 'when requested by a majority of the students' parents.



LECTURER: Father Boland, O.F.M., is condlicting a series of lectures, on the Catholic, Faith, starting on Monday, Sept. 28th at 7 P. M. at Our Lady~s Chapel,. New Bedford. . ,



Like everyone else ,at 'Stop & Shop your Produce Man has been specially trained for his job. He knows his business from Apples to Zucchini ••• he's a, past master at judging just the right degree of ripeness for fullest ftavor! And to be sure you'll have nothing but the best in fruits and vegetables • • • he measures freshness in a matter of hours, not days. For he knows freshness is what matters most to you! Why not ask your friendly Stop & Shop Produce Man for some inside tips on how to treat 3'our vegetables so that they come to the table in tip-top shape?


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thun.,Sept.24,1959


Man Sent 'by" G~

··NeW La1bor":La'w'Ove'rrated A~ Curb on Racketee'.i.n.S:·' ';', V

God:, :Love You-


;"'." ,.' '.':,. By·'Msgr.:George,G.Jliggins. .



. .


Director NCWO 'SOcial, Action' Department


.... ,






By'MostIRe.~ Fulton J. 8heeR. i>,Jj~' .,.~.,. .,.",


' ..

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·':.'1,-,.1,'.1 ,:





.liecentl~, in .conversation: with a Russia~; Ortft!»,qox :blll.~~p,(iwe · . allked hilll his opinion, of, tlie, Supreme·,POntiff. He answered, quo.t'7 . .. ing in Greek, one of ,the first,lin~s of the Fourth 'Gospel: "A .... appeared,. sent from God, whose name was John". 'Wisdom comes · out of the mouths of 'babes and sucklings, but one of the highest tributes to be paid to, the successors:of Peter comes' from an Ortho.dox. This .uncommon man with the common' name of John is. • Pontiff in the truest sense of the .word, for a Pontiff is a bridgebuilder; and he, who is .so earthly, in l1is human relations, is also so heavenly in His.vicorate of the Divine Chri"-



Time alon~ willjeU'wheth,er t~e,ne~'labor refornt law "ftechnically known' as. 'lti~ Labor-Management Reporting· and Disclosure Act .of 1959) is as good .as its enthusiastic proponents say it 'is or as' bad as)ts disillusioned critics made it out to be. If I were a A weli-informed priest with' betting man, however" I years of experience in both would be'willing to give rea- .chancery work and Catholic sosonable odd!!, even now; that ci~l actio~, in' ~ recent lett~r, > •

it will ultimately prove to' have r~Ises an mt~restt1hng ~ort ~';les­ b t d' I t'on' to tlOn concernmg e Imp lca Ions een overra e as a. so u 1 oj these reports. . ~he problem of labor racketeerRaises Moral Question mg. I wo.uld If it is true, he writes, that the also pre d I C t new labor reform law, as widely t hat. the sUb~ predicted in the press, will seristance of l?bors ously' hamper small, sttuggJing i ~ ~ ~ s S 1oned unions and thus make it more - clr1tIc1~m.of the difficult ~to' organize the unor~ct wIll m due ganized, then "it seems to me time prove to that this would be a strong arguhave been~ at ment that legislation with such least, partIally an effect runs somewhat counter justified.' to our basic principles of social BISHOP BRADY T.~e best ethics."", . . avaIlable sum"As 1- understand it" he conRequi~m mary of cirgantinues "the Church te~ches. that Continued from Page' One ... ize~.l~bor's ~7 to the new union~ are morally necessary in most' recent visit being 'on' the me Ia e reac Ion r h d the present state of economic occasion of the consecration of labor ref?rm law w.as pub IS e organization. It would not follow Bishop Gerrard last' March 18. recently 10 the .ScrlPps-Howard that every worker has to be He was also one of the principal newspa.pers, whIch strongly faunionized, but when maJ'or ob- ' speakers at ,the New England d t t t vore 1 s enac men, stacles are put in the way which Conference of the Confraternity These, papers r~P?rted on Sept. keep unions ,from growing and 5 that, m the opmlOn of organ- deprive workers of the very of Christian Doctrine sponsored well - estab- . necessary' protection unionism by the Diocese of Fallb River in iz e d . Ia b or, Ift1 'ng 0, 1954 lisheq unions will be hurt very . can give the situation is not New Bedford in Octo 'er, .. 'f t II b th new l a w ' Bishop .Brady was born' in little, 1 . a a , y e, , .. , developing along the lines of Waterbury' on Jan. 15, 1893, the but that much tougher gom~ IS Catholic social teaching." in store for weaker, small unions son of John and Catherine and those trying to organize Bargaining Is Necessary (Caffrey) Brady. Upon complelarge groups of non-union work- - This is very sound ,reasoning lion of the preparatory seminary ers and that the principal result and merits much more attention course, he was sent to the Amerof the law will be to speed i~- than it has thus far received, ican College at Louvain. When dustl'Y's flight from ,~p.e Iil'orth even in the Catholic press: World War I broke out he was ., the largely unorg~nized Sout~. My correspondent does not recalled to the' United States At the present t1;n~ t~e~.1S saY,"':"'and neither do I-that the and finished his course at St. no 'way of determmmg SC1en- new labor reform law will in- 'Bernard's Seminary, Rochester. tifically, whether or not this ten- evitably hami'er the normal He was ordained on June 10, . tative analysis of the prqba,ble growth, ,. of .legitimate ,trade '1916 in St. Joseph's Cathedral, effects of the. new labor reform unionism. He merely says that Hartford. law is accurate. However, I if and to the extent that it does Named Bishop think it may well prove to be so it will be open to criticism . After serving as an army ltUbstantially so. fr~m the point of view of sound chaplain he was assigned to· .St. Press Comments social ethics.· Thomas Seminary in Har~ord, This opinion is based in part He bases this conclusion on • where he taught for 10 years en what conservative, liberal, the fact that from. the ethical until named pastor Of St; 'Rita's and' middle-of-the-road' newspoint of view colle~tive bargain- Church, Hamden. papers are saying about the ing (by way of bona fide unions) On July 30, 1938 Pope Pius probable effects of the law. The is not only 'legitimate, but de- XII named him Bish'op of· the Wall Street Journal predicted on sirable and necessary. Burlington Vt.Diocese. He· was Sept. 11 that it "w!.ll make union The new labOr reform law is consecrated in Immaculate Conorganizing more difficult." not completely objectionable. To c'eption Cathedral there on Oct. The Washington Post on Sept.. ' the' e'xtent'that it succeeds in its . 26 by Archbishop Amleto Gio': 1'3, in a round-up article by·, 'stated objective ·of eliminating vanni Cicognani; Apostolic Dele.:. • taff reporter Bernard Nossitel', labor_management racketeering, gate. . tentatively prophesi.ed that be- it will be a great boon to the While he was Bishop of Bureause of the new law, ."Organiz- country 'and to labor itself: lington one o~ his outstanding . tog of the unorganized, which But if in curbing labor-man-' . achievements was the establish-' bas not kept pace with the agemen,t racketeering, it inter- ment of the DiocesanConfragrowth of the labor force since feres with· the normal developternity of. Christian .Doctrine. Taft-Hartley, will be. slowed ment of legitimate unions it *ill' On' Nov. 11, 1944,Bishop Brady even further." do great disservice to the cause was appointed by Pope Pius XII He said this means "that the. . ,of organized. labor.and to the to be fifth Bishop of· Manchester, largely nonunion South and th~ economy as a whole. and installed the following Jan. great mass of unorganized' . 17 with·Archbishop Richard J. '-, White-collar workers will stay Cushing as officiating prelate. outside union ranks until 01'On the occasion of the Catholic ganized labor comes up With,~ Conference on Il'\du.strial P,robnew techniques and fresh aplems . held in his Diocese in peals." ' .. WIC,HITA (NC)~Bi~hqp Mark 1947, the'Bii;hop'was pr~ised by , K ..Carroll of Wichita has .dih' St t I The New York 'Times and New' Hamps Ire a e " n0' ther l'ndependent newspapers' "'redc'd' tIlat 'by r1i:!xtEaster con':' . the' dustrial Council f.or "hill hum~J,l-' and periodicals have published gregations give the simple· re-itarian i11terest in the welfare' -imilar reports in recent days. sponses at all parish low Masses hI" .. and s'ung MasSes throughout the of t e peop e, Wichita d'iocese. ~"';"""":":'Heads"Age:ncy: "',": j The prelate .told priests of the In November, 1950, he' was diocese in' a message that·"mere. appointed Episcopal Chairman ~encouragement' to participate no of the Department of Education, longer suffices. Every pastor National Catholic Welfare Con., and every ceiebrating priest is ference, agency 'of the U. S. now obligated· in conscience to· Bishops. Bishop Brady held this help the faithful to participate post for six years. ' actively, intelligently, vocally He lias frequently warned that and .sacramentally' in the' Holy 'the' nation faces a breakdown Sacrifice.". of morality because the educa;; Fulfillment of the program by tional system considers only the next April, Bishop 9arroll said,' . material and. ignores the reliis·a minimum requirement. With gious side of life. "The home and the simple responses the faithchurch are insufficient in themful may combine appropriate selves ·for the, burden .placed English prayers and hymns, he . upon them,'" he contended. He said. also stated' that "the lack of Meanwhile, . New' Orleans moral int'egrity in' public life Catholics have .been urged by is due. to purf:lly secularistic, their archbishop 'to reCite in materialistic training of youth." 'chorus the simple responses at On June 10, 1956, the Bishop all regularly scheduled Sunday' observed the 40th anniversary Masses and. to learn 'the re'7. of his ordination to the holy sponses of the altar boys "by priesthood. In October, 195~, he' , IRELAND NuNCIO: The Christmas. became Episcopal Chairman 01. new Papal Nuncio to Ireland, . Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel the Bishops' Committee ontbe, Most Rev. Antonio Riberi; of New~ Orleans advocated the '. Confraternity of Christian Doc-' . . . action in a pastoral letter· on trine, succeeding to the vacancy aboard an Irish Air Lines liturg~ and music. read. ill' ali' . caused by. the sudden death' 01. :flight fr~ Rome. NC Photo.· churches 01. the U'chdi~ ,Archbish~ Edwill V.. O'Hara.


It 'is to him we must look for guidance in world affairs. Whenever. you think of

· the Missions, thillk of him. I.·He alone sends missionaries into_ A!rica, . Asia, aI)d' other parts of the world. 2. The responsibil}tr to send causes to devol,ve upon him the resl?onsibility ,of aiding and assisting them. a. This he cannot do without our help. His arm for collecting sacrifices for all missions a'nd all societies is the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. His .Holiness is wiser than any of us as regards. the mission needs; he keeps none of your offeringS for' investments, so great are these needs; he has even asked that he '!be first and principally aided". (

In your will, therefore, in y:our daily sacrifices, make an act CYf faith in the Vicar of Christ by making him the object of your charity. If an Orthodox bishop sees Pope John as a man sent by God, then shall we be less seeing? Deny yourself .a pack of cigarettes, a cocktail, or a dessert, and send the equivalent to the Holy Father's Society for the Propagation of the Faith to help the Missions throughout the world.' . , GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs. J.R. for $1 "The fault is not in us. you say, but it most certainly is, as I cry to myself when I read. the "God Love You" Column to see liow little. we sacrifice. I am sending this dollar oui of love for God and will continue to send a dollar' a week for as long as I am able. I have eight children and my husband makes $76.00 per week, however, we never have to want for anything.. God is so generous to us" •... to K.B. for $30 "I am thirteen years old. About two weeks ago my Mommy underwent a serious operation successfully, and a nurse told Mommie i' was part of a miracle. The money I am .sending you is every cent I saved by myself..I wanted to get a very nice ring which . has my birth stone in it, but instead it is 'my way' of Sayinlt · 'Thank You' to Mary and Her Son" •.•. To D.M.M,' for $40 "It has taken me a little over a year to save it for an article which I 'really don't even need. I am offering up this sacrifice. also as a prayer for the conversion of Russia" ; •.. to A.F.S. for $20 "This money I received this summer for tutoring a, child. I am sending' it in' thanksgiving form,. progress toward recover,. of • hip broken last November•. 'Are you the "somebody" reading this who has never seen a .WORLDMISSION ROSARY? Wh.o does not ·know that each dec~de is' a .different 'color (red,' green, blue, white and ·yellow) to symbolize each of the five mission continents and to remind you to pray for the suffering world? Send us your $2 offering with the .request and we will send you the Rosary.. . 'Cut out this column, ,pin Your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most R~v. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The S9ciety for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE. 368 North Main Street; Fall River, Mass.


Attention Mechanics! Do You Work in a factory, Garage. Machine Shop or Gasoline Station? We pick up and deliver. clean and repair overalls. Also. we have a complete line ot Coveralls. Pants and Shirts for sale.

',Lait,Y' Must G. iv. e Responses


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We reclaim and wash any oily. qirty or' greasy rags. f

Why,; ,Buy When W. Supply




Meet The Catholic Church by attending lectures explai,:"in9. the Holy Roman Catholic Faith· and practice Beginning. Monday, Septembe.- ~8, 7 p.rn. ATTENDANCE INCURS NO. COST-NO OBLIGATIONS


FRANCISCAN FATHERS . · · · · W Y m C M 6-8274


AdrlCM DonacM., O.F."'.

).H.+~,~~,I·"l.LI'·f! !' I' l"b'M.:





gJ>'ll'~I~" .~·:!r1':'!f..F'" ,,-I.; to· .})Ct;~'~~::'l 0 ·j;:~'-iI'!f.~'" rr:!~!Ff1!;'U :!":!hdi'I!"ii:in-;cil)\ ·fi'+i~t~'; \


~ Pr~ c~ ~and. O.~.M •. ..__



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Group' Has Answer 'For Mate. NEW YORK (NC) - If you can't find the perfect mate; you might be well advised to move to Great Brit-

ain. There you'd be eligible for the , services of the CIB-the Catholic Introductions Bureau ir.I. London, more than 500 of whose member-couples have progressed from "how-do-you-do" to "I do" at the altar. Information on the bureau is contained in an article written for the Catholic Digest magazine by the British author, D.D. W)'ndham Lewis. Not Lonely Hearts The CIB is "nota lonely hearts club," its sponsors emphasize. "It aims only .to introduce to each other applicants declaring a sincere intention of making a Catholic marriage." The bureau was begun 12 year. ago by a group of London Catholics. They believed that British cities and towns were filled with lonely men and women who would like to get married, but had little chance of meeting a suitable Catholic mate. No Easy Job But being accepted'as a CIB. member is no easy job, he adds. An applicant must fill out a detailed questionnaire telling all about his background, interests and ambitions. He must then sign a declaration that he is • practicing Catholic and free to marry in the eyes of the Church. If, after careful scrutiny, an applicant is accepted, he is introduced to a female member, chosen by the CIB for her similarity in background and tastes. If the two do not hit it off, they are eligible for further introductions arranged by the bureau. About one out of every 10 CIB ' introductions has ended in marriage.

THf ANCHOIl~Dfocese

fA fan ltiver-Thul'I.,Sept. 2.., 19,5" '13

Drive' 'to Re$tore Bombed Shrine of Reformation 'Martyrs LONDON (NC)-The bombed Blessed Thomas Maxwell and • Tyburn gallows-marked by an next door to await its rebun6. IIbrine 01. the English· martyrs, ,eorporal used by Blessed Edlng.· . iron cross in the street at the d~ to the Tyburn gallows. on , mund Campion.. 'busy Marble Arch corner of Actually, . thou'sands of petiwhich 106 RefOl'mation martyrs Tyburn Convent W8S founded Hyde Park-and its acquisition . tions for conversion and the' re:' died, ia to be ·rebuilt. iii 1903 by the Society of Ador- by the Sisters appeared to ful- turn of, lapsed Catholics are The Sacred Heart Sisters at· ers of the Sacred Heart, a Bene- . fill a prophecy by one of the placed in the Tyburn chapel durthe adjoining Tyburn Convent dictine group driven from . martyrs that one day an altar ing a special novena for the conhave announced that they intend France by anti-clerical law. would replace"the gallows. , version of England. Every spring to launch a national drive to Though they had no money, a The Sisters had to quit the thousands of Catholics walk iD raise $168,000 for the purpose. benefactress bought for them a 'convent in 1940 during the worst· pilgrimage across central LonThe new shrine will contain 40 house facing Hyde Park which air attacks on London, but' redon from the Tower of London relics, wme of which were reshad been the French embassy in turned two years later and in along the two-mile route taken eued. from the ruins of the chapel the reign of Napol~~n III. 1942 the house was hit and by the martyrs to Tyburn where wrecked ill • World War II air This was within a stone'. wrecked by a flying bomb. The Benediction is given from the reid. They include an arm of throw of the very site of the Sisters then took over the house convent balcony.




PLAu 11-1400









Organizes Catholic Paratrooper Society

Mr. M. Norman Zalkind, President, strand'Theatre, Fall River, Mass.

FORT BRAGG (NC)-A s0ciety for Catholic paratroopers has been organized at Fort Bragg through the efforts of Father (Capt.) Edward Cronin, chaplain. .Father Cronin, recently assigned here, organized a chaptel' of the Society of S1. Michael in the 82d Airborne Division unit. The society is international in scop~, Father Cronin explained. St. Michael is the patron of parachutists, he said. The "paras" of France, British "Red Devils," and Italian airborne soldiers have formed similar chapters in their units, the chaplain added.


Dear Mr. Zalkinda It has been brought to the attention of the' National Legio,n of Decency that you have adopted a policy of exhibiting in.. . your theatre, the strand, only those pictures Which have been rated in ,thiS office as A-l (Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage) and those in the A-2 (Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents) ,category. '.rhis Emde~vor on Your part to create a -family· theatre is worthy of the highest commendation. It is also a manifes~ation of your own personal interest in p~lia ·.and private morality. It i8 to be hoped that this singUlar action will act as an inspiration to many other- exhibitors throughout ,the country to a recOCJnition of their moral responsibility to the ~a~e­ '99in9 p~biiC of . their 'col1lDluni~Y•.

Pontifical Academy Head Is Consultor VATICAN CITY (NC)-P.ope Jol1n has named Archbishop Giacomo Testa, president of the Pontifical Academy, to be a consultor. of the Sacred Congrega-tion of Religious. ..t\rchbishop· Testa served .. the Pope's assisfant, in Turkey, Greece and France when' the .Holy Father labored in those nations as a representative of the Holy See. This year Archbishop Testa was named head of the Pontifical Academy, the Holy See's diplomat!c training schooL

I l


" I '


with 'best wispes, .I remaiD· ',Sincerely )'Ours ~

.. \



Very Rev •. Msgr. Thomas P. Little,"

Executive secretary.



STAMP OF FAITH: This . new West' German, 20 pfenPleasant Street. With Your To The Luxurious STRAND THEATRE; f363 ; : nig postage stamp marks the first exhibition in, 25 years of the "Holy Robe," . Wh~reYou:Can Be"SURE'YQu Will Never See Moyies That Are DISTASTEFUL, IMMORAL the 'seamless garment worn by Christ at His Crucifixioll . ,QR, ,OBJECTI9NAB~E •. . for. which ,the. soldiers ca8~;. lots. NC Photo. ~:..;. i.li-.<;1il7_IliI'iiII ..tllil;liI·_ _IiIiI' ';'_~ ~'·ii'-."IIIi'-----"'----"'--------~-







•.. ~,:~.,/.,




.. ,::.''''\:'~.,



Peor.ia :Papers: .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv'er-Thurs.,Sept. 24, 1959

Fi'nds No~el/. Mo~i~' 'MoN"

;See·Problem$ ',:


In M~~ie. AdS.'~~.·

··PEORIA (NC)~Thete"is a definite probl~ni 'of '''taste ' or morals")ri ~uirejifmotion . picture ~dvertising, a surv~y


. .' By ·ltt 'Rev. Msgr.~ohn S. Kennedy',., .:: •. This is being ,written during one of the hottest we~lri(Qf . the Stim:mer. I hope it will be r~a,d in ;weatfier more tem:p'~r:-' , ate. I have beEm trying to get ¢ooLWha.t' p'etter way than't<f read a thriller. :and go to' see anothe~ thriller' in. an air condit.ioned movie' theatre'? At . ..•. " 'Who is she and what does she least, so I -thought. But the 'want? "" . two experiences' have'been; ..'. J!l an effort to ,find out, 'Helen more annoying than divert- . ~k:es to."Stealirig through the ing. . . .' w~~ "'3.{ tWiiight and in th~:

ot' daily and weekly newspapers in the Peoria diocese indicates... Fifty newspapers replied to • questionnaire distributed by the Peoria Register, diocesan newspape.r. Thirty-five said. there was a pro,blem in regard to movie ads.: " All 50 of the . newspapers agreed .that they had a .rjght to screen movie advertisements and to reject those which 'they felt were unaccep-table. And' all but . one of Uie newSpapers felt there was' an "obligation" to do so.· .. ' .. "iIoweve'r, 'only 10 of the' news-. papers repOrted'that it' .had l:ieen necessary 'during; tlie' past· year . for"-them ,to' refuse' some' movie advertisements or'ask' that they .De' changed', ." . AC'ciirding "to' the'· Register, the survey also showed that "very seldom have readers bothered to object to even the worst movie advertising printed."Only- eight of·the newspapers said they had received any complaints about movie ads from readers.

The book is The StepfatheJ;.,by ra'irl;': :an~d.':aiso"to sneaking _ Charlotte' Jay (H8.rper. $2,95')' . around the' house in the dead of who is considthe night to have a look at docu, erM one of the ments~and scrapbooks belonging more ad r 0 i t to Maurice. Inevi.tably, during fashion~I'S '0(; these expeditions: she':has many ,, f' t' ,. a nasty· scare,..··, ..•. suspense' IC IOn. . She makes·a. horrifying dis." It h~s J;>een:wep'lh : oo'V~ry; and cii'scer'riii, rather;late, re,~,elved Ip.,'''· . Erigland, But', ".' that· Cl'orrie has'woven a 'web about her.' though 'literate; .' which holds her imit 'i.s a depress.;., prisoned and is likely to':piriion ner fbr'a delHh stroke. She turns ingly mecha1'liclil performto another man, whom she reaJ.1y. GREETS BISHOP:,'Pope 'Johit 'hears"'~ll about anee. There is' lo~es, for .help, then sets' about America's 49th state, the former Territory of " Alaska, nothing in it to rending the web. . from Irish-born Bishop Dermot O'Flanagan of Juneau in chill the blood, but 'quite a bit c ' ..<:hara~~er!, Z0m.bies - " to'stun the brain. Whether' or 'not she is successRome for his'ad limina visit with his newly. appointed chan, Its main character- is Helen luI, I shall not say. Whether or Father Hartley A,. Baker. right, ,.l)t Anchoz:age.. cellor, .., Graha~, a b~'~utiful' and penni- not she deserves to be suc~ssful, '1 shall say. No. She is'a nincom-' Photo. less widow who is reduced. to living, with her small s()n, in a poop. She has walked into a sit. London slum. They have a nasty, uation bound'to be at least near.;, vU,lgar, prying landlady, wretch- fatal, as anyone who reads the description of Crome and his ed: _quarters,and a precarious cohort when they drop in on ner, Is a description of the work done b)' the Medical Sisien·.. of st. existence on the earnings Helen can easily see. e Joseph in 'the diocese of Kothamangalam. In a few )'ears &hese gets from such j'obs as embroidThereafter, she ignores. one ~cen I t rJ,. devoted nuns, who are also sldllecl erlng mats. What is going to be- 'telltale sign after another, MauMANILA (NC) _ ""'-.... ~~. "J".. medical specialists, ~ave raised &he eome of thenlf .lU", rice takes her in completely, and Catholic Lawyers Guild of .c.. d' standard of bealth and lengthened the ~, ~. span of life of aU who come kt them. Tempting Offer that flittering woman's iden.tlty. the' Philippines has' pledged QI. 0 They have four bospitals thron«hoat Well, one bitter day in winter, is obvious from the first moment . to . . t . d ' .of her appearance-but not/to campalgTl ~gams m e.~ . ~ this "huge diocese. The)' seldom come their cold and cheerless room is: fA kt us for assistance. The,. appeal DOW fnyaded by a fat old man and .a ,. Helen. . . .cency in all its forms. + for a large hospital ia the' See' eitF . The author labon to create The lawyers plan to fight inthin young man. The former is . of the diocese. This great work wiD . 'decency by J·udiciaJ. and other Cedric Crome; uncle' of' Helen's suspense, but, for me ~t least, . , attract man)' kt the Churcb.Tbe C... .there.were.no icy tingles up and· means was adopted at the close late, improvident husband; the down " th ', The ch arac t ers of 'the guild's national mee.tin d tholics of the diocesebllve been more e spme, ' , latter is Crome's sinister secre' . & TIN Holy Fafhtr's M~AitI ,than generous in their contributions. are so many zombies, the action here..· The' lawyers also suptary. Crome, filthily. rich, has -& Ori -0-1 rL...L They ask 118 for but $5000. Can )'011 . '. " . ." . .. lumbering, and credibility or in-. ported' the present arrangement for. t . -en_ VJN1U1 . ' help? corne t~ st~lke'a bargam. . terest entirely lacking. I just got of religion instruction in pub.lie ~e ~lll give Helen a handsome hot under the collar over this, schools. ...-----------'---'"hO,me_m the country aniJ, a -con:-, one' - , . ." . . . THE HOLY FATHER IS THE CENTER TO WHOM ALL THIll TROUBLES AND SORROWS OF THE NEAR EAST FLOW. si~erable r~venu: if she will . Hitehcock Film Empty The Philippines Constitution CAN, YOU HELP HIM. .'. A STRINGLESS GIFT GIVES consen~ to hIS havmg the boy forThe movie was Alfred HltCh- permits the teaching of religion GREAT STRENGTH TO', ius EFFORTS. r:gular" visits. Helen' distru~ts ,...., ~ck's North by Nortwest.lts in phblic schools.' Guild memhlJll What does he want with bel'S came out in favor ofa conTHOMAS' AND JOSEPH Wish te. be as GuardiUl Angels the boy? '."'. '. " . " . ,.... t~chnical })r~IHan~e is !()rmida- stitutional' amendment to make (Feast 'OctOber 1) to tbeir "brothers" throughout ~dia..Tbq 'B t h' ff . t" , t' g n hIe, e.g" m color, settmgs, the l'g' t f th . 1 m ,'u IS. 0 ,er IS emp m ' . devising of incident. For. slick-., ~e I IOn a par, 0 ~ curncu u wish' ~ bri~g tllem &0: Chri8~ 1D ....~or4. t~~. w\l~ remohve the s,?eeter ofhdesttness the .film would be hard to 1ft schools ':if des.lred, by the boys wish to become priests. The,. give What tutlOn (s e.can gIve up t e em- b t' B t 't . 't ... 't is - parents or guardIans of tha~ b '. d ) d 'il t ea '. u I IS as. emp y as I '1 " ...' they b,a've..... W~M· ~h~y )a,:e, ,'~ot, we m~ give. 1':>1 ery , an -.WI guaran. ee a slick. Like a pieCe of fireworks; pUpl s. _ .E.acb !,Joy n.eeds •.sponsor \Vbo wiU pa)' his neesecure and health~ul enVlron't d I 't il b t <is The .lawyers agreed ·that the • rtf th b"" , She' I azz es momen ar y, u en ....ti.ssll.ry eXPenses af.- $100 'a year for the six year. . m~n or e oy s rearmg. in blankness.' .. slogan, '''separation of ·the accepts. d State,.'" IS-no t app I'Ieseminary course. Would. yoU Hke ~ b~ ,a "Guar~ '.: " ."", ",.:. ,,' ", The 'story- 'upon, the 'shg1ltest . Ch'" urC'Lan· Ian Angel" ~ ~he.tbr0ll:&'s l)t India! 1I'0u can h~lp, . Child Becomes .Cruel ' " analysis I>ro~es to be preposter:" a~le to ~ll respects f?f social life. )3utthe ~a~rang~ment :i~" n~' ous. The characters are not gen- smce the members of the church JUST A REMINDER., MASSES ARE NECESSARY' roR long in' operation when she'nas uine huinan beings. They have are also citizens of the State. YOU, .:; MASS . OFFERINGS ARE ESSENTIAL TO SUPPLY toi-turing misgivings: Regularly';: no depth; they ,do· not grow, .but. .-' Attorney Teodoro Padilla de~ THB: M~TERIAL. NEEDS OF YOUR MISSIO~AR;lES • • • ·Crome's Sumptuous 'car' cOmes' merely react. They'.are pupp~tS . clared at themeetfng: "There w CAN. -YOU HELP? for all that. . '.' '. , .. , . no constitutiOnal ~ requirement d;f th bo ' d h' • THE FEAST 'OF s1': MJ(jHAEL THE'ARCHANGEL.<Septembelr. ~~~led°t:~ff ~or ~" f:~ ho~~~~" And the aud.ience· is eraftil~ which: makes' .it necessary for 39) remhids ilsOf' our own 'obligation to belp protect aU·., stay with old Cedric. ' , ; <' ., .played. upon, with a -..:iew not to 'governmEmt to be h'ostile:to reli.:. GOd's chiidren. There are, man)' iD Leban_ .What goes' on .during these touching' the mind and the emo- . gion.' and to :'throw its we'igbt who 'need this protection, We !lAn belP, them sej;Sions, Helen does not know. tiona but to exciting the senses. ',againsf effotts to ·widen .tbe e£by :helping' SISTER LUCIENNE and SISTEK Bl,lt the ~h~ld; previously so open .- 'Wiziu·dllc~oax. fective Scope' of: religion." NICOLE become DUDS and devote their and wholesome, no.w.....·beeames. Much has . been made of.· the the . " The '1_ • ' 1 ,.... . d th ... · " ' . b t" . e' ...wyers a so vOIce e.... to tbe .proteetioD Oiboth the bocI7 ..... the t IC passages '. ret'IV, e g'IV e n t 0 cryp t'IC u tter- ero .' sec ~.. tar C G' t ed we EvanMarie be'l"lef t~at. prIests are not .pre.' lOW of, aU who come to theni.Eacb- girl Brice, and cruel. ".' .' . s . s, . ary ran..~n . vented from, trying to persuade 'H 1 h · t h' .' '''Samt ·and·these",mdeed·incltne·, ... ' . . . . . '. needs • sponsOI' whe will paJ' her necess.,. . e en" opeS ~escape er new' to the' .extreme. But' ~hatma:kes othe~s to. vo~e , for a partIeular cspenSes' (jf S150. ,ear f. the two te" pi,ight by marrying: a man she d d te t t te f period of no~itia&e' '''.inlng. WoUld :)'ou like· teo be aD "arellhlis just met in'Crome's house.' . them 'particularly offensive. ill ' can ! a or n~ 0 .vo .or. ...gel"!' At· least you' caD be • "protector" of .&he poor IlDd·the Thi's man is' a ,wld'owe'f'jlrid: 'the obvious fact that the,. h~ve ~r~lcular cand~d~te hen the,laelpless.'through 'the" work' Of )'oar "adopted .daUghter.-:'" se:eming!y ~'.'.most.: s.ympath~tie been introduced with _ cynical . ,~l~ev~ ~~ adm1J1~,strat,Lon o~ the '. ealculation: ., ... . . country WIll be VItally affectecL sOrt. ,'. . .... Y6U CAN' HELP SUP.P~RT,NOVICES~REPARE roil THtm Too late ,dOes'HeIen. realize They are not integral to .. the . .., .' th'at he has been "1:lii6wriin her plot, but cunr~ingly c~nstrq.c~ed French,,~ri'e$:ts' W,1ly by Crome with the .inten- ' and imposed in order to titillate L,aboring .Experiment , .. , DAY AND OOLLA,R'!,- MONTH' ARE THE DUES.'·~:·:.· , tion that she seize upon' mar-. ~e uilcritical and ,so' move ~he, riage to him 'as. a means of get-'- ",fIlm along for another fey.' mInPARIS. (NC)-The Holy See '"THE PROBLEM IS' STILL THE MOST PRESSING ONE I ~ FACE." Monsignor Ryo rece'otl)' wrote kt us in describinc ,&he. tittg away from· the evil olcfman.·· utes. . , has dir~cted the French Bishop. o' . . . ,. This picture, utterly unbeliev-' to wind tip the pI'iest'-worker ilcbool' situation. amoni the refugee children. '"These childres I. Mysterious Woman . ,., :able a'nd painiully superficial, ill· experiment;;';"Layinen>willtake .must be e'ciucated~" he ,continues, ,"Ii \Ve are kt, m~e an,. head-' ~ot only that, but a lJly~terious '," doing: big businesS !It '~he box~ver the job of qringing Christ toward a'solution 'of tlie refugee problem." Can ,.oa help . woman in 'grey begins peering in office. That faCt· is a melancholy 'to the factories arid homes of the Monsignor Ryan? $10 help suppor1 • child iii' schooL As .' •. pledge' of gratitude Monsignor Win :send you'. mar,. Of' the' " th'e windows of Helen's house in' commentary on taste and intel- . de-Christianized working class. Holy Land. . '.' ... the country. She even drops· in ,ligence in America' at present. The 'directi~e has been isSUed for tea, is seen. to .be ho,rribly For the film is a con -job, a wiz- by the Sacred Congregation of TIME. TO PAY YOUR,QUARTERLY DUES AT THE CLUB'" di;sfiguX:~d, Mld sho~s a pecu~iar . ardly hoa~ ...-" ..•. -. ..... " the Holy Office to"His Eminence •...belonging to various' organizations can help you in your interest -in the absent. Maurice. .' A'n' nou' nces Added,.. Maurice Cardinal Feltin, Arf:hrecre~tiol). :..' , your social.\.ife ' .. your business success. Membishop of Paris and;president of bership. ~D the. Catholic: Near East Missions will belp yo~' souil . ~ame Vicar General Regional Congr~ss~s' ~ the priestS . of the 'worker mis. INDIVIDUAL:ANNUAU MEMBERSHIP .••••• , .-1 Army 'in Fr~nc;, ..WASHINGTON :(NC) .,.,-The. sion., . FAMILY 'ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP' 5 )NDIANAP0LIS (NC) - ~ National Center of' the' Confra:' ' . ':The prit~~t .. worke~ e~periment INDIVIDUAL P~RPETUAL MEMBERSHIP •••• H Priest of the Indianapolis archternity 'of Christhm ~Doctrine" was started at the end of World PERPETUAL FAMILY MEM~ERSmp' 101' d~ocese has been appoin\~dVica~ ,'has announced the loc'ales fof" War II under the 'leadership of , ,: , GIVE TO,·WINTHE WORLD'·FOR CHRISTI General and Chief of Chaplains. three additional regional CCD ,the·' late Cardinal" Suhard of oi 1 the U, s. Ai-my: of Europ~' congresses this Fall; Four other .Paris~· Its airil' was to win the 5 1959. , 1.. were anlargely de~Christianized French e ff ec't'lve, 0 ct . " '. '.' ,,; ·meet"mgs ·prevlous.., , . 'Father James McMahon, who oounced. . working' class back to the .. holds the rank of Colonel, Will The center announCed. that .. ¢114 rch , _ - :: .: FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. P....IeI..... . Map. Peter'. TuohY,·Hat'l Secy, , have his tieadqliarters in He'ide~~~- congresses for the "Chicago prov- . Priest;.workers took jobs ha . . .' . .., .Senet all eOn""unicatf_ eo: - ." Q~rg, Germany. About 500 ,ince wil( be held, ~n Jolieti'Ill., factories, woieworkers' clothes .~tholic, Protestant and jewish . ,from Oct. 30 to.: Nov. 1; for and lived in working class dis, CATHOUCNEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIAnON chaplains will,serve. underhim.- ..l?hiladelphia province ili:P'itts-., ,tricts in. an. effort - to reach the 480 Lexington Ave. at:46th St. Ne~ York 17, N~:Y~" . ' . ." .• . :. .'" _. • './ .' co.: , .' ~ At ·.present he is head' .of the burgh· from Nov.;.;G .. to. 's;· 'and. for· .:Workers... and overcome 'their ..... .' ~. Army Chaplains' Board. at Fort the New York province: ill traditional distrust cal the ,.',:J:>- ", ",.,:'::., Meade, Md. . ,'. Rochester on Oct. 11 and. 11. -,': Church and priests. • .1



Lawyers' Guild Pledges F.eght 0 Ob ty n





End. .

~A~E'~pO~~ ~iJ~~ ~::Y;~A:~~I~;I~~S PRAfi1<>: A:




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•• _ _






'THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa" River-Thurs.,Sept.24,1959

New Officers


The Parish Parade SAC'aED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO St. Anne's Sodality will hold installation of officers Tuesday, Nov. 3. They include Mrs. Rich- .. ard Deschenes, president; Mrs. Stanley Ryng, vice president; Mrs. Louis Desilets, secretary; Mrs. Henry 'Desautel, treasurer. . The group's next meeting is set tor Tuesday night, Oct. 13 and will be a Halloween party. Members will conduct a bean supper Thursday, Nov. 19 in connection with the an~ual Christmas sale in the church balL


ST. ANNE'S, FALL RIVER Boy Scout Troop 50 will hold court ,of honor Tuesday, Sept. 29, at which time its women's auxiliary will also' meet and accept applications for member.ship from Scout mothers. ST.' MARY'S, SOUTH DARTMOUTII Fall activities for St. Mary'. Guild will include a bean supper Monday, Oct. 19, and a rum_ mage sale and Christmas bazaar in November.

ST. MARY'S, . ST. MARY'S, " NORTH ATTLEBORO NEW BEDFORD The Parish . guild will ho~d Mrs. Herbert. Isherwood .will corporate Communion Sunday, lead . the 'parish guild for the Oct. is at II o'clock' Mass. Next coming year, aided by Mrs. John . meeting is schedu~ed tor TuesPisarczyk, vice president; Mrs. day, Oct. 20 in the school cafeManuel Amaral, secretary, and teria. Mrs. Norman Letourneau . Mrs. John Higham, treasurer. will arrange the program. .Plans for' the year indude a 1\. series of parti~s open to. the masquerade Saturday, Oct. 31; a public .will be held this Fall by fashion show, Monday, Nov. 16; the parish, including a card a ·.January bean supper; Februparty . at 8· Tuesday evening, ary Valentine dance, and' March Sept. 29 in the school han, a whist party. similar "liIfair Tuesday evening, Also a Communion· breakfast Oct. 27; and a turkey whist and musicale in April, ,a rumWednesday, Nov. IS. mage sale in May and the annual meeting and installation of ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, officers in June. FALL RIVER The C 0 u n c i I of Catholic ST. PATRICK'S, Women will hold a harvest . FALL RIVER dance Saturday, Oct. 3 from 8 The Women's Guild will hold to midnight. a rummage sale Saturday, Oct. 10, and a fashion show at 8 SANTO CHRISTO, Tuesday evening, Oct. 20, at FALL RIVER <> The C 0 u net I of Catholic White's Restaurant. The MonWomen will hold a harveilt dance day, Oct. 5,_meetiitg will feature Saturday, Oct. 3 from S to mid- a mother-daughter evening, with a program of dance numbers. night. Mrs. Agnes Rezendes will, be ST. MARGARET'S, . chairman. . BUZZARDS BAY ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, The SS. Margaret-Mary 'Guild FALL RIVER will assist a Mississippi mission The Co u n c i I of Catholie during the coming year. MemWomen announces its program bers will supply cakes and pies for the year as follows: Friday to Tobey Hospital, Wareham, the and Saturday, Oct. 23 and 24, a week of Oct. 1'bazaar to be held in the parish hall. Sunday, Oct. 25, a Com- ST. MARY'S, munion breakfast. ' MANSFIELD A supper will be held in JanMembers of the Catholic Womuary, a day of recollection dur- en's Club willspo~sor a food ing Lent and a fashion show sale tomorrow, and will attend during the Spring. A banquet ia a Cana Conference Sunday, .June will culminate the year'i Sept. 27. Representatives will program. be at the holy hour and installation of officers to be held at OUR LADY OF FATIMA, Barrowsville Sunday, Oct. 4, b7 SWANSEA The Women's Guild will hold the Diocesan Council of Catholic a rummage sale on East Main- Women. Street, Fall River, on Saturday, NOTRE DAME; Oct. 3. Mrs. William Andrews FALL RIVER ia general chairman. The Women!. Guild will hold A fashion show, with Mrs. Its first Fall lOeeting .t '7:45 Frederick J. Boudreau' and Mrs. Monday evening, Sept. 28 ill Frank A. Venturini as co-chair- .Jesus Mary Aca~emy audito., men, is set for Monday, Oct. 26. rium. New members are invited The bowling team will meet to attend. Mrs. Antonio LagasSe, at 7 tonight at Seekonk Aliey&, cb~irman and Mrs. Oscar BarRoute 6. Members needing trans- nabe, co-chairman will present. portation may meet at' the • calendar party. Cakes for church at 6:30. MrS. 'Roland each month of the year .and door Remy is chairman. prizes ""ill be awarded. ST. JAMES, ST, JOHN THE' BAPTIST. NEW BEDFORD Msgr. Noon Circle will bold NEW BEDFORD. The Ladies Guild will hold a its annual style show at Ken-' nedy C~nter at8 Tuesday night, bazaar and bean supper SaturSept. 29. The anuual cake sale day, Oct, 24 i.n the church hail. will be held at the Star Store' Mrs; Arthur Carreiro will head the bazaar . committee. .Mrs: Frh~ay, Oct. 9, with Mrs. Grace O'Brien . and Mrs. Esther 1'07 August Avila is supper c:hairlOan. co-chairmen. ST. ~YACINTII, IIT~ ANN'S, NEW BEDFORD NEW BEDFORD St. Anne's Sodality will hold The Ladies of ~t. ,_An~ ~'ill a rummage sale for five days hold 'a Communion breakfast. beginning Tuesday, Sept. 29. . following" .8:30" Mass Sunday Next meeting is set for 7 Tues- 100rning, Sept. 27. A' bean supday evening, Oct. 13 and will per open·to the public)s planned include a receptio~ for new from 5 to 8 Saturday evening, lOembers. ' Oct. 24 in the parish recreation hall.' .. Next. regular meeting is set for 7:30 Tuesday, evening, Oct. 13, and will be followed at 9 by The Catholic Theater Guild of a public penny sale. New Bedford will open its Winter season with a radio program HOLY ROSARY, from 6:30 to T Sunday night, TAUNTON Holy Rosary Sodality will Sept. 27, over New Bedford sponsor a whist at 8 Saturday radio. Rev. Jobn E. Boyd, Diocesan. night, Nov. T. The annual ComDirector 01. radio and tt~levision munion breakfast is planned for activities, will open the series 9 Sunday morning, Oct. 18. All . with prayer. The first drama parishioners will' join in celewill deal with the life 01. St. brating the church's golden jubilee' Thanksgiving day, Nov. ~ard MajaUa,' Reclemptoriat 26. lay brother. . .Thesodality;'s ~e~t meeting. The 'program will be dedicated to Gold Star Mothers. st. Gerard set for '7:30 Sunday evening. • lmowA .. tbe Kothers' SaiDt. Oct.. 11•

Mothers' Saint Topic Of Radio Drama

It's Dollar Days Again ~

•• • • • ••

the event ,you and your budget have been watling • for You'D saveitein by • item"n th~ total Avinqs. .•

Now Big Cash-Saving Days are Here! 'RICHMOND - Cling Halves or Sliced SOUPS - An' M.~at Va,leti';' OnIon - Cream 01 MU$hr~ MOTT'S' Big Fainily Si~

Peac-'es CCimpbell's. Apple Sailc• Niblels Corn B6MBeans Fruil CocklaiJ Hunls Tomato Sauce Keichup ~rape Jelly Lighl Tuna Sliced Cheese Finasl Tissue


4 6

L813or: CANS..


10'/1 ft CANS

JARS .'3 2L83or: 6 . CANS 120z 9 CANS ,3 'L8140z'l CANS .90&

laked California pea' FINAST - Fancy





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1 PT 4 oz



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-Arlllour C:=~D S .. ifl' 5 C:=~D ~~: 53.15 ~:: 53.15 Finalt Canned Chicken :~ ~1.09



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Prices 1ft AM S'or.. 1ft This Vidnity -

(We Res_ the Right ~ limit Quantities'

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BREAD: 2 u:a~e~' 29.c


Reg Price '17 c LOAF"; Special Sept, 21 - OCt. 3rd

A p'p L E 5 NATIVE - MciNTOSH - 2 It." and up U.S, No.1 firm, Crisp and. Very Juicy




S'QUASH __ luJternut, or Red Turban - ,ExceOent _quality with Ii delicate flavor



SWEET POTATOES A Treat for the Fam~y ...; Serve Them Candied




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~LUMES 2-2$

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MEAT PIES 6'~T~ $1.00 Chicken, Beef or Turkey

SAVE 47c



GIANT SIZE - 21" X 35"


3 TOWELs$I' .'

'$1.39 Value



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 24, 1959

12,000 Children Stage Program At Centenary

Stresses Basic Soundness Of Americals Structure

BRISBANE (NC)-More than 12..000 Australian children combined to present the greatest program staged by

By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, 0.0: ,

Bishop of Reno

How soft is America i In the immortal words of Hannibal ,Chollop, that excruciating caricature Charles Dickens drew of the American, vintage of 1850, "We are the intellect and, virtue of the airth, the the flower of moral force. Our backs is easy rise We must be cracked-up, or they: rises and we snarls. We



shows o\J.r teeth, I te~, you, fierce. You'd better crack us up, you had!" , Now a casual survey of America in 1959 reveals hardly a trace O.f Chollop and his ram-' bunctious breed. To the contrary, the word is m a kin g the ra u n d s that Arne ric a has gone soft. Better fed, better, clothed, better housed than any people under the sun, enjoying a wider distribution of material wealth than was dreamed of in Utopia, we are nevertheless supposed to have passed our zenith' already and to be in the sere and yellow leaf of our decline. According to the prophets of doom, we have wasted ,our intellectual substance in the search for physical ease and creature comforts, and our moral fibre has been so weakened' by sheer self-indulgence that' we can no longer command the respect of mankind. Win by Default Moreover, according to the same analysis, we have allowed the Communists to win the world by ,default, and in a last febrile effort to stave off the day of reckoning we have degraded ourselves'to the level of a tribute-paying nation. Is this true? Is it any truer than the travesty of the Amer-' iean frontiersman which the English nov~list- perpetrated a century ago? Dickens, and with him a host Gf foreign critics, visited our shores during the 19th century wearing impenetrable overcoats of prejudice. ,They saw and , heard what they wanted to see and hear, not what the evidence presented. America· was typed in thenminds as raw and crude; they could no more grasp the reality of America than they could divest themselyes of their insular ignorance. " Doubtless-there were Hannibal Chollops in America, and doubtless Dickens had the misfortune of meeting them, but the impact disclosed more of,the weakness of Dickens as a critic than of t~e ubiquity of the clown. Soft Spots America has soft spots, certainly. We have done our share, over a considerable stretch of time, of drawing attention tothem. Some we have dwelt on with unwearyin'g emphasis, even wit!} an unavoidable monotony. We have noted with concern and, viewed with alarm, as any writer will who has the interests of the country at heart. Divorce and racketeering, educational secularism, and religious indifferentism, moral relativism and the old perennial dollar diplomacy, all have been the burden of. our' discourse. These are soft spots. ,-

Rhode Island Deamer Recalls Paperbacks PROVIDENCE (NC)-A book and magazine distributor who had delivered over 15,000 paperback copies of "Lady Chatterly's Lover" to Rhode IsIand stores has announced' he is calling them' back. ' Martin M. Silverstein saia the decision has been made "noi because we think we are judges of what is or is not obscene, but because we don't want to be part of anything which the community might consider harmful to it.,..



NEW CLASS: Sister Mary Jamesibi, R.S.M., new faculty member at Nazareth Hall, Fall River, supervises activitiesin the classroom added this year to the Diocesan schoo~ ~or exceptional children. .

Many Archdiocesan H1igh School Graduates Enter Religi'ous Life LOS ANGELES (NC)~A total of 233 June graduates of archdiocesan high schools are entering religious life. The number constitutes nearly five per cent of last June's cfass. Reports from the archdiocese's 60 high schools show that 72 boys are entering seminaries, and· novitiates and that 161 girls are going into the convent. \ The survey made by The Tidings, archdiocesan newspaper, did not inclUde the number of young p~ple entering religious life from college, public high school, grammar school or other ,institutions. Nor did it include'

a."y young working people who may have ent~red convents or seminaries~

rhe paper d'eseribed the vocations as a quiet and unheralded return from the sacrifices made by Catholies for the Youth Education Fund which in the past -10 years has built 140 new school&.

Catholic schools in, Queensland , for the Catholic centenary eel.. ebrations .in the state. The children's presentat,ions, , ranging frOin physical culture to , dancing, was' their contribution to the centenary week celebrations in Brisbane as the looth , anniversary of the founding of Queensland coincided with the centennial of the establishment of the hierarchy in the state. Among prelates watching the program at Brisbane's exhibition grounds were Gregorio Pietro, XV Cardinal. Agagianian, ProPrefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, who represented Pope John XXIII; Norman Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of Sydney; and Archbishop James Duhig of Brisbane, who has been a member of the hierarchy for 54 years. A highlight of the children's presentation was their formation of a map of Queensland on the exhibition grounds while pupils from' All Hallows Convent, the oldest girls' school in Queensland, formed the lett!'lrs H-A-I-L from their seats in the stands. Some 20,000 people viewed the ceremonies, and hundred. swirled 'around Cardinal' Agagianian:s car as he lett the grounds. 0 Cardinal Gilroy said, in a sermon that few countries have been so enriched by God as the state of Queensland. He nOted that so man,. churches and schools are scattered throughout the state that a {unChriStian life is available to alL

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ComparisoM are convincing! Come in and get the figures



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 24, 1959 .

This Time'y Message Is Sponsored By The Fol'owing Public Spirited Individuals and Busi.ness Concerns Located in Greater Fall River



• Building Materials, Inc. Duro Finishing Corp. Enterprise Brewing Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. Fall River Trust Co•. GI~be

Manufacturing Co.

Kaplan Furniture Co. Kormon Water Co. MacKen~ie

& Winslow, Inc.

Mason Furniture Showrooms Meyer and Regan, Accountants


Mooney and Co., Inc. Newport Finishing Co. Plymouth Printing Co., I~c.


Sherry Corporation . Sobiloff Brothers Sterling Beverages, Inc. Strand Theatre Textile Workers Union of Am~rica, AR.~CIO

They're OFF to SCHOOL



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 24, 195~

,Chairmen of Attleboro School. Drive


Continued from Page One. Business Administration. He is distribution of an explanatory active in civic affairs in Norton brochure to parishioners. in addition to his many business Appoints Chairmen interests. Six men of the 12-parish area. . Also a committee chairman is · will. serve as chairmen~ of the Rgbert .V. McGowan, St. =.Iary's furidraising .c'ampaign, it is an:- parish, North Att~eboro.· He is Dounced by Rev. William D. married' to .the former Evelyn . ,Boardman and· the couple has · Thomson pastor of St. Mary s three sons and three daughters. Church 'Norton, and. episcopal , The eldest daughter, Claire, has .."hairman of the drive; just entered the. S·Isters. 0 f St. . They are headed by Judge Domiriic. _. CJEdward A~ Lee of the Fourth McGowan owns McG'owan District Court of Bristol. A Insurance Agency. His affiliamember of St. John's parish, tions include the Serra Club, of Attleboro, Judge Lee is a grad-, which he' is deputy district uate of Providence College. and governor; Knights 'of Columbus, Georgetown University School which he serves as a trustee; the of Law. He is married to the Elks and the Charitable Irish former Marie T. Fisher, and they Association of Boston. . have three daughters. ' " , Judge Lee is active in the He is president of the Old th Colony Insurance Agents AssoKnights of Columbus and e ciation and a director of the Serra Club in additiol}- to num-. United Fund in North Attleboro. erous professional associations. He is a member of the board of Publicity Chairman , gove~nors of Providence College Berllard Doyle, also a member Alumni Association. of St.Mary's, North Attleboro, Attorney Henri G...,Proulx wi.II will serve as publicity chairman. serve with Judge Lee as asso-' He is married to the former c:iate general chairman. He be- Mary Baldyga and they have longs to St. Theresa's parish, ,seven children, five !?oys and , South Attleboro and is married two girls. The eldest son is asto the former Leona Charledois. sociated with his father in the They have two daughters. . , Doyle Carpet Company. Doyle Attorney Proulx has practiced is a former president of the local law since 1929 and is a member chapter, Ancient Order of Hithe Massachusetts Bar Assobernians. ciaJion and' the Knights of Assisting Doyle will be EuCofumbus. He graduated from, gene Farrell, associate publicity Assumption College and Boston chairman, Married to the former ., University Scli.ool of Law. ' Mary Lithgoe, re is a graduate Special Gifts of Boston University School of ,I - .~. ,ernan F d es, St Joseph . ' Bu'sl'ness Administration. and Mary's parish, Norton,' is chalrvice' pr'esident, secretary and man of special gifts .for the cam- general manager of Mansfield paign. He is operator of a super Bleachery. . market chain in SOJ.1thl7rfl Mas~ Farrell is 'a member of' St. . sachussetts 'and heads Eernande~.· Mary's 'parish, Mansfield: His Realty CorJ>oratio,n, .N~rton, memberships include the Serra which is at present bUlldmg a . Club and T<nights of Columbus. million dollar shopping center He is a past president of the. on Route 27 in Brockton··Lions Club and past cOl'l?mander A native of Portugal, .Fernan- . of the American L.egion. . des is a special consultant ~ . .:.;, ' . . H' Rockefeller's International BaSIC New University as Economy Corporation~ ,,:hich oJ?"" FirstSenio-r Class . erates super mar~ets lD, Latm,: .... . American and Eu'rop~an "'COUil'-' " DALLAS (NC)-The Umver· tries. He' is' a ,founder and tre,aS-f sity, of Dallas, ha~ o~ened t.he ! urer' ·of Staff· Super Markets. sch!,o~ year With ItS first semor Associa tes, a' group represtmtinl;{ Class,:. . . . Some 85 stores. . . ' . ' Th~ mshtubon, conduc~ed by . Fernandes graduated from' the Dallas-Fort Worth diocese, .Boston,· University Schoo(' of . ope.n.ed. in SeptembftI-, 1955, with .' • " a: freshman class. Another class Facts Faith . ~'as' added annually. The uni~ ~ersity now has. an enrollinent of ANSWERS: 1 ('b); 2 (a); 3 (e); 700 students. Bishop Thomas I (b);. 5 (d); 6 (c);.7 (a); 8 (3) .. K. Gorman of Dallas-Fort Worth is its chancellor. . . An .honor .program open to 25 gifted'!J,"eshmen has "been inau:Continued from Page One gurated this year, Dr, Michael carrying on a successful prO:- .Duzy univJrsity administrator, · gram. A. catechetics committ~e anno~nced. . The prog'ram will has been formed which organizes. "aim to develop in students those eatechetical schools, keeps' the arts which are basic to a liberal . teachers informed on latest tech- al,'ts education, he said. niques and materials, tries to : establish uniformity in method . ! throughout the Province,' and helps younger priests establish catechetical programs. What' has been' achieved in , Guatemala-whic,h still has' the COMPLETE ::poorest ratio of Catholics per 'LAUNDRY SERV'CE. priest (li,290 to one) in Latin 64 HICKS STREET America - spotlights the only true and lasting solution for th~ NEW BEDFORD' Church in all of Latin Amerfca, 'WYman· 3-4777 'namely, the sending Of/mission· ary priests, immediately and in · great numbers. '







We give S & H Green Stamps Corner Rockdale Aven~e & North Street


. MISSIONS MEETING: Preparing for the Missions Conventionses~ions in Washington are, left to right": Rev. Frederick A. McGuire, C.M;, executive secretary; Sister M. Raph~el, S.C.M.M., and Miss Irene J. Simone of the Mission Secretariate office. NC Photo.

'Angel of Slovakia' Is Now Penn. Voter

PITTSBURGH (NC)-A nun who is known as the "Angel of Slovakia;' has registered as a voter in Pennsylvania's Alle-' gheny County. Sister Cecelia Barath of the Vincentian Sisters of Charity . sighed as she inscribed her name \ . on the rolls of the County Registhe parochial - must not force ,tration Commissioner. "Now I the purely local ways of his own have roots again. I feel that I country in another where he belong once more," she declared. labors," he said. "His success Sister Cecelia escaped from lies in the ability to interpret iruly in the langtiage a'nd life 'of 'behind the Iron Curtain in 1954, the new people -the exact content leaving behind a recor.d of herO-; of th'e Gospel. ism in the Slovak underground. . "This is a fine balance. As As an aide in a children's hospi~ Christ delivered the Gospel tal in Bratislava, Sister helped smuggle many of her countrymessage in the idiom and images men out of . her subjugated of the Jews of His day, so t!Je homeland. : present-day apostle must do in his modern clime." When the communist police, Father Considine declared that discovered her activities and· that a nation "must make the came to the hospital to arrest Faith thoroughly it!! own." . her Sister Cecelia slipped by Catholicism "must not repre- ~ the:n disguised as a charwoman sent something of a foreign in Ii houSe· dress and babushka. breed," he said. "Bu't it must She escaped' to Austria and then bind each people to God's uni-- . came to'the United States.. S~e , versal Church and to Catholics ·.became a' c~tizen a few monih~. in all other ·lands.;' ago.

Father C'onsidine Warns Missioners Continued from Page One Considine of South Dartmouth. ,Father Considine will be chairman' of a special panel on "The Parochial Versus the Universal Catholic Concept" in missionary work, to be held during the 10th annual meeting of mission sending societies, sponsored by the Mission ~ ~cretariat. Attend Meeting Some .700 missionaries repre-. senting 166 U. S. communities engaged in foreign mission work will attend the meeting, to be held here September 28 to 30. The general theme of the meeting is "The Universal Concept of Mission Work.'! Emphasizing that a narrow, prejudiced viewpoint is contrary to the universal scope of the Churs:h's·,.message, 'Father Considine asserted that the "seeming conflict bet~een parochialism. and uniyersalism is' most dramatically demonstrated .ill the missiomlry sphere.·.. \ . Avoid Parochial "The. missionary ,must avoid


Invi.. ,oung girk n 4-23) .. labor .. Christ·s vast vineyard as an Apostl. of the Editions: Press, Radio,. Movies and Tel.. ";sion. .With the.. modern means, th... Missionary Sisters bring Christ·, Doctrin. 10 all. r.gard".. of rae.; colo, or crMd. for information writ. to:. REV, MOTHER SUPERIOR SO ST. PAUl'S AVE. .80STON 30. MASS.·

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Fairhaven WYman 4-5058 REV•.JOHN BREEN, M.M..

Continued from Page One Delegations representing Holy Cross foundations in the Eastern U. S. will attend the laying of the cornerstone from Bridgeport and West Haven, Conn.; Albany, Flushing, N. Y.; North Dartmouth; Bennington, Vt.; Washington, D. C., and WilkesBarre, Pa. Included among guests at the dedication will be members of the Diocesan clergy, distinguished members of various Religious Orders, members of the Associate Families of the Holy Cross Fathers, relative. and friends. The Holy. Cross Fathers, in addition to conducting Stonehill College in North Easton, Mass., also operate-- King's College, Wilkes-Barre, .Pa" Notre Dame High School, Bridgeport, Conn., preach missions and retreats. Father Patrick Peyton, C,S.C.. famous Family Rosary and Family Theater priest, is also a member of the order.

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Tttf ANCHORSept. 24, 1959

New Tri-County League Commences Saturday

Catholic Youth Receive Praise ,Of' President

By Jack Kineavy ,

\ I

Somerset High School Coach

The schoolboy football season is scheduled to get underway on Saturday with a number of fine games on tap, for this area. Ranking well up among the anticipated opening day thrillers is the Falmouth at Wareham clash which will officially launch the newly- mentor, who is starting his first formed Tri-County League. year at Voke. A couple of top flight indeOther members inc Iud, e Bourne and Barnstable on pendent contests find :frovi-

dence Central at New Bedford and Mansfield at Somerset. 'The latter contest has developed into one of the better opening day rivalries in the area. New Bedford, committed to an independ- ' ent schedule since severing connections with Bristol County two years ago, has a varied but tough row to hoe. Saugus, a perennial power north of Boston, is new' to the Crimson's schedule this year. Making the longest trip of the day will be Barnstable which travels across the state to engage Fitchburg. Football on the Cape has Bourne at Provincetown and Hanover at Dennis - Yarmouth Regional. Not scheduled, are Dighton~ Dartmouth and Nantucket. All will open a week hence. Coyle Opening Monsignor Coyle High, defending Bristol County champions, will launch the '59 season Sunday, Sept. '27, at Matignon in Cambridge. These two teams met last year' at Taunton and the result was a thriller for Coyle. Coach Jim' Burns has a fine . nucleus ret~rning' fro,m last year's eleven, but missirig from the scene will be backs of the calibre of Pete Bartek, Ed Boyle and Pete Gazzola. Least envied among the collegiate coaching gentry this Saturday is B.C.'s Mike Holovak who takes his once-beaten squad to the plains of West Point to do battle with highly-regarded Army. The Eagles put up a terrific effort against Navy but a couple of 'local, torpedoes, Dick Pariseau, former Attleboro star, and ,Joe Bellino' of Winchester, proved too much to handle; , How about that National League race!

the Cape and Case and Somerset, former mainstays ()f the now defunct Narry circuit. Both Fafmouth and Wareham showed to advantage 1a s t Saturday when they combined to overwhelm Bourne and Barnstable, 440, in the fourth annual Falmouth Jamboree at Gov. Fuller Field. The scoring was fairly evenly divided between the two clubs with Wareham enjoying a negligible advantag~. Cape Team Impressive Coach Mike Gaddis' veteran squad was particularlY impressive showing mid-season form to spring loose co-captain Wayne Van Ham and Art Rabesa On long scoring jaunts. For Wareham, its co-captain tandem, diminutive halfback Ben Hatch and king-size end Brian Atwood were outstanding. Coach Frank Almeida's club is young b\1t with good size. The sch~ule makers of the new loop, have come up with a gem for an opener. Coaches, game and league officials and newspapermen attended a buffet supper at 'the Nimrod Club in' Falmouth following the jamboree as guests of the Falmouth Boosters Club and the Cape Cod Standard Times, co-sponsors. On hand to size up their future opponents was the Somerset High coaching staff headed by Carlin Lynch and including assistants Sherm Kinney, Jim Sullivan and Bob Simpson, " , Sharing the experience 0(,. fielding their ,first high school grind units were Chet,Hanewich and Frank Almeida, h e a d coaches at Barnstableand Wareham,. Hanewich,former Boston ' College great, is being assisted by Dick Gleason and Dinny Dwyer, former Spillane aide"" at Wareham. Dinny will ·be Barnstable's head coach of basketball this season. A boon to officials and a positive means of identification for "Gus Phan" is Falmouth's' adherence to the uniform numbering system which is now standard in intercollegiate ball. Under this system the ends are numbered 80-89,' tackles 70-79, guards 60-69 and ,centers 50-59. Backs are numbered ~rom 10-49. Saturday's Schedule The Bristol County agenda for Saturday lists three games to be played. Attleboro is at home to Durfee; North Attleboro travels to Fairhaven and Taunton will host New Bedford Vocational at Hopewell Park. The Trade, after a couple of disappointing seasons, is expected to ,emerge with the new look under Coach Joe Bettencourt, former Dartmouth

Ex-Soccer Star' Celebrdtes M,ass " BERGAMO (NC) - One of Italy's top,athletes; sOccer ,player . Paride De Luca, has:. celebrated his first Mass in the presence ()f many leading sports figures. Father De Luca was a wellknown member of the Atlanta soccer squad of Bergamo-a first division team. During the Mass at the Jesuit church of St. George, Father De ,Luca told his former teammates of the beauty of' his spiritual mission. He praised the educational side of sports training of the will and of character "as long as sport remains true sport.~'

Crew Presents Pope Medal of Atomic Sub CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)Pope John XXIII has been presented a bronze medal bearing an image of the American nuclear - powered submarine, Skipjack, by members of the crew. In the course of the audience, Pope John urged those present to have devotion for Mary, who he said was given as the mother of all by Jesus as He was dying on the cross. The Pope expressed sadness over the fact that some who call themselves Christians have forgotten this supreme testament of the Redeemer and do not pay the honor they should to the exalted Mother 01. God and oW'mothea. .. ~

WASHINGTON (NC) The . role of young people in ' the progress of the United States and the world

MAY BE FIRST KACHIN PRIEST: Father'Lawrence McMahon, Columban missionary chats'with Paul Zinghtung Grawng, Kachin (Burma)' seminarian. The Columban missionary hopes that Paul will be the first priest from the Kachin people. NC Photo.

American Seminarians in Rome Combine Study and Recreation ROME '(NC) - Sun-browned seminarians of Rome's North American College have returned from tours throughout Europe for a month of preterm study at their Summer home near here. Father John F. Cronin, S.S., assi~tant- director of the S?cial ActIon. Department, NatIon~1 Catho.hc"Welfare C?nf~r~nce m Washmgton, D. C:. IS glvm.g t~e stude~ts a forma.l mtroductIon m tt~e flel~ of. SOCIOIogy'l som edof . e sem.marlans are a so s t u ymg Itahan. The study month is designed to prepare· the students for gruelling courses at the Gregotian University, while also giv~ ing them periods f~r recreation. There are ample facilities for' study and relaxalion at the seminarians 'Summer home, St. Catherine's Villa, on the Appian Way south of Rome.' The villa is


Pope 'John XXVI. , ",., Study days begin at 6 a. m. and end at 9:30 p. m. Mornbigs are spent in class and in .spiritual exerCises, and part of the afternoons at the villa's Bwimming, pool 9r at other


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Nun 86 Years

QUEBEC (NC)-Mother Marie de Ste. Colombe, who died at the motherhouse of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd here, was 106 years old and in her 87th year of religious life. She was the dean of the Sisters of Good Shepherd who number 1,40() nuns in Canada, the United States and Africa.



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sports. Two other projects will absorb ~he student's excess energies: construction of a nine-hole golf course, and some sleuthing, on the origins of Roman ruins Oft thev'nla grounds. The' ruins-bits of wall and some pavement-are believed to be the remains of the house of Clodius,Pulcher, a Roman politician who was killed in a skir': mish with his' enemy, Annius Milo. This brawl between minor politicial;ls was rendered immortal by an oration of Cice~o in defense ,of Milo. Cicero shelved this oration for fear of Clodius' enemies and gave a: weaJter one. The original,though never delivered; is regarded as Cicero's greatest speech. ~ ' .

was stressed by President'Eisenhower in a message issued ffW 'the forthcOming National Catb'olic 'Youth Week observance. Millions of Catholic girls and boys will take part in the observances, scheduled for the week of 'Oct. '25. The theme of the week is "Spiritualize Youth_ Vitalize Nations." President' Eisenhower's message was sent to Msgr. Joseph Eo Schieder, director of the Youth Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. :It stated: ~ "It is a pleasure to send greetings to those taking part in the ninth annual observance 0« National Catholic Youth Week. Nation's Vitality "In your theme this year YO'l emphasize the close relationship existing between the spirit Pi our young people and the vitality or" the nation. As our people are inspired to bear the full responsibilities of citizenship, they can assure the progress of our ,colIntry and advance the welfare of their neighbors around the world." Mr., Eisenhower's message II beil)g reproduced by the Na~ tional Council of Catholic Youth, ,spopsor of the observance. It will be distributed in a "message .kit" by the NCCY. " ,


Receives Prelate VATICAN CITY (NC)-Po~ John XXIII has received Bishop Vincen't S., Waters of Raleigh, N. C., and ,Baltimore-bona Bi!1hoP Thomas Manning, O.F.M.. Pr.elate .Nullius of Coroico ill :Bolivia, ,in private audienc~ here.


St"0'..ne , h-I-I' "I ,C-'-QII ege "Co-educational,

NEW INSTITUTE OF' ADULT EDUCATION COURSES Tuesday evenings, '7:30' to '9:30, 'Sept, 22 to Dec. 15 (omitting Dec. 8). Registration by mail or 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. Sept. 22 in Holy Cross Hall. No prerequisites. Fee $15 for 12 sessions. 1 credit if desired. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY REFRESHER COURSE-Personal Adjustment and Human Relations-Dr. Reuben J. Margolin, Ed. D. Columbia' University. Business Law For Secretaries--Mr. Abraham Brooks LL. B.' Boston University.' , " English Usage-'Mrs. Mary' Yosgandes" A.B. Emmanuel; M.A. Boston University. ' ' , GREAT B O O K S . , Read ,and discuss--Shakespeare's' "Hamlet"; Dante's "The Divine Comedy"; Miltons '~Paradise Lost", Melvilles "Billy Budd" ' REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT IN YOUR AREA Prominent speakers discuss "Orgimizing for Action or Master Plan"; "Functions of the Rf!alty Licensing Board"; "Advertis-' ing Our Wares"; "Multiple Listing Service'" "Research Is What We Need"; "Urban and' Suburban ~ansportation"; "Labor Mar~et"; "Banker To Builder"; "Zoning Laws"; "Taxes' and IndustrIal Progress"; FHA Appraisal Techniques'" "Public Utilities Look Ahead.", ' , THE BmLE: OLD TESTAMENT, NEW TESTAME1'!T, EPISTLES-8urvey the elements of Scripture study (Revelation Inspiration, Biblical Canon Texts and Versions, Geography and Sacred Antiquities): reading and class discussion. PUBLIC AFFAIRS 'WORKSHOP-8elected national and in- .. ternational problems analyzed.. Includes class participation. Audiorvisual' aids will supplement class discussion. HOW TO BOLSTER YOUR ENGLISH First 'hour: "English Grammar The Painless Way." Second hour: "Vocabulary Building for Writing and Speaking Success." BANK SEMINAR-Prominent bankers and business leaders' ,will cOllsider banking problems and investments, guided by American Banking Association practices.' , EFFECTIVE SPEAKING AND THE CONDUCT OF MEETINGS-Learn how easily you can gain a mastery of yours~lf , and be in control of all the situations which confront you. COMMUNISM-The t~eory and practice of Marxian Commu-' nism will be explored objectively.in class. Ideas will be examined. Lecture and discussion. REVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTS AND PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN PUBLIC SCHOOL-The background and actual case studies of salaries, curriculum changes, tax load, buildings, administrative headaches, PTA, and politics willI be treated in round-table discussions. TO: Director Of Adult Eduoa$k. Stonehill College North Easton, Mass. Please register me for UHl 'onow~ course« Name •__ _ •••.••__ _ __.•. •


Address __ _.., __..••__ _ _ _ __ _ (Please make checks payable to Stonehill College)






THE ANCHOR-Diocese.of Fall River-Thurs., Sept. 24, 1959

KIDS, KIDS, KIDS: 89 children are enrolled in nursery and preprimary classes at St. Vincent's and St: Joseph's homes, Fall River. Left, Mrs. 'Louis Branco sends. 4 year old Edward off in St. Vincent's schoolbus'. Left center, it's block~building time at· St. Vincent's; and only one

Priest in Laos


. . Continued fi-om Page One,. ,week. "I have to walk," he said, ."because the mountain trails are too steep for horses." . In noting that many young Catholic men have volunteered .to fight as guerillas agairist the 'communists, Father Bouchard said "for them it is not an ordinary war but' a crusade." He 'said- they had been under com'munist domination from 1952 to . 1958 and "do not want this to happen again." Hc said that "in spite of those six years of intensive indoctrination by the communists, they have remained steadfast in their Catholic :r.'aitn and we are con::' ·fident that they will remain so whatever the outcome of this recent 'invasion." ,_ Their steadfastness was attributed by Father Bouchard to . the martyrdom of Fat h c r ' Joseph Tien,' the province's only native priest. Father .Tjen was put to death by the Communists in April of 1954 after refusing. a chance to escape, prefcrringas Fa'ther Bouchard put it-"to stay with the prisoners to give them the sacraments before their death sentences." , . Father Bouchard, called for prayers to "our Blessed Mother asking her to bring back peace to. troubled Laos and to give our Catholic flock the strength and courage they need to remain faithful 'to Christ our Divine Saviour.;'


Children at St. /Joseph's, St. V~~cent's Enjoy Parishes. Buy' T-hemselvesij Parents' "Have -Peace' of Mind School Buses ,




If the reactions of "visiting firemen" are any indication, the 'new pre-pri~ary and nursing school units at St. Vincent',s and St. Joseph's Catholic Day Schools, Fall River, are a howling success. Howling was' just what went on when two little visitors were torn ~way, fro~ the groups of busy 'youngsters at both schools. "I want to stay with the Sisters," wept- a' three y e a rof,' .working parents. blocks, blackboards just 'waiting 'children old, while an 18. monther Already the SiSters of Mercy, to be drawn on, gay piCtures, just screawed and clung to in charge at;St. Vincent's, and and toys galore? brightly dressed nursery the' Grey Nuns, at S1. Joseph's And what parent wouldn't be


. school doll. · Both visitors were a little too young to participate in the newest Diocesan project, but 89 other children aren't. That's the number enrolled in the day ,schools, 33 at S1. Vincent's, 56 at St. Joseph's. Big Dollar's Worth 'F $1 d' h'ld or per ay, c 1 ren may attend either school from as early as 8 in the morning until 4 5 in ~he afternoon. The fee includes a hot lunch and recesstime snacks. At S1. Vincent's trimsportation is available at \ $1 a week additional charge. 'Once at "school" the children have a' full program; including 'several outdoor play periods, ,religign classes, a health program......(stressing clean hands!)" ~ames, table play, marching and a little memory work. The schools were opened this month to provide facilities for


have received many expressions of gratitude from mothers and fathers whom circumstances compel' them to seek day care for their children.' There is room- for a few more. children at each school, superiors said; Youngsters from Ocean Grove, Swansea and Assonet, as well as Fall River, are in attendance at S1. Vin-

glad to ,!tnow 'that' his child is being carefully SUPervised, that naps are a part of the ,daily schedule, as well as training in good health ha1;>its. Teaching 8ta.ff . At 81. Vincent'~ Miss Joan I:)ullivan is in charge of the youngsters, assisted by high school girls and the Sisters. Sister St. Paul of the Redeemer cent's, according to Rev. John ~s in charge of the nursery ,E. Boyd, director. schoolers at St.· Joseph's and . Both schools provide excellent Mrs, Rose D. Lapre is the prefacilities from the 'Ii hi I d's primary teacher. point' of view as' well as the They have their hands full parent's. W hat pre-schooler w~th the care of 89 lively wigwouldn't' revel in a roomful of' glers, but all share a sincere. love of their charges. No wonder ,the two pre-schoolers hated to leave the fun!

C01 Is f or M ora I T"hi..... R •" I eo 09Y eVlva

JEFFERSON CITY (NC) - A Catholic educator has called for a ·"revival of moral theology." Dr. John Fitzgibbon warned that today "the, meaning of 'moral theology~ and of morality itself has been lost, or worse, Delegat~ altered' or adulterated. The un, VATICAN CITY (NC) - The changing principles of moral Holy See has named Msgr. Mario theology need to be interpreted Brini to succeed ailing Archin contemporary terms." bishop John Dooley, S.S.C.,' as Dr. Fitzgibbon, a member of Apostolic Delegate to Indochina. the faculty at St., Ambrose Col'The appointment of the 51- lege, issued his call for a revival year'-old prelate-one of the 'fe'w' in the study of moral.theology papal diplomats who speaks Rusduring an address to tpe' local sian-came -a month after tlle unit, of. Te Deum· International, Apostolic Delegation to 'Indo- Catholic adult education organi' , ·china was forced -to close by the zation', communist regime in' northern "Today moral theology has beVietnam. come' far too. negative-a moralMsgr. Brini' probably will set ity of prohibitions," he said. up headquarters in Saigon, capDr. Fitzgibbon pointed out ital' of non-communist southern that "the notion of duty and Vietnam, rather tiJ.an attempt to law" is the basis of moral thereestablish the. delegation at ology today. However, he asHanoi. serted, "this is not the case with Msgr. B'rini goes to the IndoSt. Thomas Aquinas." china post fFom ~isbon, where "For him," Dr. Fitzgibbon dehe has served as, Counsellor of clared, "moral obligation, conthe Apostolic Nunciature' to sists in man's free return to God Portugal since 1956. ' 'by means-of human acts."


PITTSBURGH (NC) - The Archconfraternity' of' Christian' Mothers, devoted to' Catholic education 'of "Hie 'cliild"in the home, announced that it· has. added its 2,500th parish unit to its official register. . Unit No. 2,506 is St.' J~hn;~ , Church, Uniontown, J>a., the llrchconfraternity said in a state~ , '~ent., "


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PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Six suburban parishes have banded together 'to purchase 17 school transportation facilities for 'children attending their paro. chial. schools. . Last year a transportation arose and' the pastors of the six parishes met to decide a better means of transportation: They decided to purchase and run their own fleet of buses. :.Father Joseph M. Collins, pas-' tor of St.' Michael's parish in Levittown has 2,361 pupils enrolled this year. To accommodate this large number, the parish is building a 16-room addition to its school which will be ready in November. pro~m

Father Collins noted that· the Catholic parents in the parishes involved '!deserve a great deM of thanks, for they not only pay· for the support of their own schools, but are' paying for the' transportation of their children to scnool as well." He added: "You .now that the 'public school children. are transported, at public expense." , .; through word-of·mouth advertisinB. a modem: .' :bakery was built and sta.ffed liy the mona;'; ·themselves to meet 'the .growing ,demand. ::

What Started as 'a small,scal~, .pfoduct baked by haod in the kitchen of a Trappist monastery has blossomed into a high' .quality loaf produced with· the aa:uracj of modern 'scientific methods. '

·Nqme New Holy See Indochina


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little girl l.J.as any attention to spare .for th~ photographer. Right center,' pre-primary youngst~rs at St. Joseph's learn the mysteries of counting with a giant-size abacus~ Right, ,the nursery school department at St. Joseph's is busy wi~h l?ts of things. Don't 'disturb U!'l, say th~ kids.

requira of ill members vows of obedience and poverty. This 'leads to a life of simplicity, hard work, and' tranquility. Perpetual silence iJ observed. ,monks never converse with each other. Whell: .it is absolutely necessary to discuss some phase' . .of their work, they use a sign language invent~. by Cistercians a thowan<l years agn, Although Trappists spend much of their day in prayer .and contemplation, each monk cams hiJ daily bread by working for the whole. commun·ity.• An individual. monk own.' nothing;, even Ihe' . habit he wears belongs to the community. Hard., work is one of his chief penances; The Trappist, ,program is neatly summed up in their motto:: "To work is to pray," '

The Trappist Order


A ,whole :rie,il;1I . ,!i'tii: 'lIutrltious loo(! ' ~'" '" . ' ~ .. :

:~\ ~/' ~~1~' .":.) "", •. ~

Real Nutrition in a ~oafl

':rhe Monks'


consist of Monks' Bread:

.(al~ays in plentiful supply cJ:Cept durioS the

A loaf of Monks' Bread is rich enough in nutritive value to be a meal in itself. h has to be. for the Trappist monks who devel· oped this delicious loaf eat no mea·f, fish,.... or eggs. Bread is the backbone of their simple diet. Only the finest ingredients are used: unbleached flour for tbe white btead, vegetable shortening, viramin enrichment, rich ,milk S91ids. sugar, and salt. Trappists have been famous for their home-made bread for three hundred years.'



special (asu). soup. "cgdables, miUc. and cheese. 1bey sleep for seven hours each night on • bed of plaoks ",i(b~ only • St~w pallet for manress. At 2:00 A. N. they he.Bio the new day by siogins psalms and oc:hCl' diyiDe 'praises in (heir choir stalls. •

When You 00

place !h;, loaf of tall. sleDder sI.,.: your table, you arc sharioB the monks' bread widt~~

In 1961 a

small pioneer band of Trappist Cistercian monks of the Strict Observance from the Mother Abbey of Gethsemane in' KenNcky founded a new monastery in the Genesee Valley. Tilling the fields and raising new buildings with their own hands. these hard-workin. monks. are 'NminB their land intO a model farm. ,When the monastery was raised to an abbey :.-. which' meanr that it WoUld be compIcrely self.supporting - bread was cIiooen io be the 'chief source of income. The, small kitChen SlOve originally used to bake Moab' Bread. bad to be replaced with a: oven. Bill visitOrs spread reporrs Of thit'delicious ,loaf so, rapidly 'char within twO ,..... Moab' Bread was' beina sOld by mail .. &r


B 'd IO,ur D' a; II red •• .-

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Stays 'fI4IilrJl1 fresh looger . ENRICHED ,BREADS: -


..,....... WIIoIe W.~. ~1ftW"'"

, aw., ..,Hawaii. -AI cht loaf. ~·Sl'RI'I·.,;AT yOuR. GROCER'• . . . .. ........







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