t eanc 0 VOL. 26, NO.
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shal{es pope
. When Pope John Paul U met Yasser Arafat, cliairman of the' Palestine 'Liberation Organiza tion, he placed himself and the Vatican in the midst of the con troversy over the turbulent, vio lence-torn Middle East.
AT A DISCUSSION with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin prior to the national. 5t. Vincent de Paul meeting now in progress in Hyannis, diocesan Vincentians display scrapbook de tailing their role in Notre Dame fire relief ef forts. From left, Father Daniel L. Freitas, Vincentian director; the bishop; Ray Pelletier, council disaster chairman; Joseph Gromada, Fall River district council president. (Torchia Photo)
Vincentian parley here
Amin A. de Tarrazi, president general of the Society of St. Vin cent de Paul, headquartered in Paris, will be among speakers to address the 68th annual national meeting of the Society on Satur day. The gathering is now in pro gress in Hyannis. Also on the Vincentian pro· gram are Bishop Daniel A. Cro nin, honorary convention chair- . man as Ordinary of the host diocese, who will be main speak. er at a banquet tomorrow night; Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston, who will preside at a Mass, also tomorrow, at which Bishop Cronin will be principal celebrant; and Massachusetts Governor Edward J. King, key. note speaker at tomorrow's morning session; The meeting, which began yesterday and will conclude Sun day, has drawn some 800 Vin centians and their spouses to Dunfey's Hotel in Hyannis. With the theme "Family Values in the Eighties," delegates are participating in a wide range of seminars, workshops and recrea· tional activities.
Yesterday's schedule, directed towards leaders in the national organization, began with a con celebrated Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, the scene of all convention Masses. Sightseeing and the second an nual St. Vincent de Paul Nation· al Charity Golf Tournament fill· ed the day. Also scheduled was a council administration com mittee meeting at 2:30 p.m. and a 5 p.m. Mass. Regional and na· tional committee meetings and a gathering of regional spiritual advisors took place last night. , Today's opening sl!ssion of the national meeting WillS scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. with remarks by Vito V. Gerardi of New Bed· ford, convention chairman. Open ing prayers were by Bishop Thomas E. Murphy of Great Falls ,/Billings, Montana, episcopal advisor. A welcome was .~xtended by Charles Rozak, president of the Fall River Diocesan. Vincentian Council, and by Martin J. Flynn, a Hyannis selectman. The open ing address, setting the conven tion'theme, was by John R. S'im mons, president of the U.S. Vin·
centian Council. National committee meetings followed, with Raymond Pelle· tier of Westport among speakers at the Disaster Committee gather. ing. His topic was Vincentian response to the disastrous Notre Dame fire that took place in Fall River last May 13. Other committees holding meetings were Extension; Spirit ual Advisors; 'and Social Justice, which had among panel members discussing "What's in It for the Family" David Motta of Somer set. Also Public Affairs, Leadership Development, Stores and Work shops and Time and Place com mittees held workshops or panels. Today's luncheon had as guest speaker Mrs. Dolores Leckey, ex ecutive director of the Bishops' Committee on the Laity and' a frequent contributor to the Know Your Faith feature of The An chor. An afternoon discussion of the Birthright program as an alterna tive to abortion will have Mrs. Susan Anderson of Hyannis as Tum to Page Ten
20c, $6 Per Year
Even before the private, 20· minute meeting took place Sept. 15, <Israeli government officials and numerous Jewish organiza· tions had denounced the papal agreement :to meet the man who leads a terrorist organization that is pledged to the destruction of Israel. The Vatican insisted that the meeting was· not political, but part of the pope's broader con cern for all the peoples of the Middle East and for an end to the perennial violence in the re.. gion. It repudiated any inter· pretation of the meeting as an endorsement of the' ,PLO or its methods. The day before the pope and Arafat met, Lebanese President elect Bashir Gemaye<l was assas sinated and iIsrael responded by going :into West Beirut, adding to the tensions surrounding the meeting. A massacre Sept. 17-18 of hun dreds of Palestinian civilians in two refugee camps in West Bei rut, apparently by Lebanese Christian militiamen but without Israeli interference, caused Ara· fat to appeal to the pope and to superpower leaders to intervene. The PLO news agency, Wafa, said Arafat asked Pope John Paul to help "stop crimes committed against unarmed Palestinian and Lebanese civilians." Pope John Paul on Sept. 19 emotionally denounced :the "hor rendous massacre" and "ruthless
... excess of barbarism," saying his soul was "fiHed with bitter ness" at news' of the killings. On Sept. 15, just minutes after his meeting with Arafat, Pope John Paul at his'Wednesday gen eral audience mourned the assas sination the day before of Ge· mayel and issued a public plea
for peace with justice for all the peoples of the Middle East. He emphasized the rights of the Israelis, and Palestinians without, however,' mentioning ,the PLO. One official of the PLO, which only recently had its' organiza tional back severely bent when Israel forced its army and leader ship out of Lebanon, hailed the meeting as "a turning point in favor of ,the PLO." A statement by the Israeli Foreign Ministry expressed shock that the pope "did not recoil from" meeting Arafat and said his action "harms the peace pro cess" in the Middle East. By the time all the dust set tled on the controversy, it was clear that Israel and the PLO, in interpreting the meeting polftic ally, were operating on a differ ent track from the Vatican. A diplomatic communique sent out by !the papal Secretariat of State and released Sept. 14 by the Holy See's U.N. observer mission said that the meeting was "to be interpreted as a sign of the good will and concern of the supreme pontiff for the Pales tinian people without any polit ical significance, particularly as regards the character of repre sentation for these people as claimed by the PLO." The communique made no ref ernce to Arafat's position as head of the PLO, indicating that ,tht> pope was meeting him as an .individual and not as a repre sentative of the organization. Similarly, a brief Vatican communique after the meeting made no reference at all to the, PLO, referring to Arafat only as "Mr. Arafat."
The pope's public response to reports of the West Beirut mas sacre, in his Sunday Angelus talk Sept. 19, was one of the most emotion-laden statement of his pontificate. Visibly moved, the pope said, "One hears reports of hundreds and hundreds of victims-babies, Turn to Page Tvvo
Welcome Vincentians
THE ANCHOR> ' Friday, Sept. 24, 1982
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Continued from page one women, and elderly people . put to death in a ruthless' way." "There are no words adequate to condemn such crimes that dis gust ,the human and Christian conscience," he said. A spinoff from the controversy over the. pope's meeting with 'Arafat was a widely publicized charge by an unnamed high Israeli official, who reportedly was echoing comments made Sept. 12 at a closed cabinet meeting by Israeli Prime Minis· ter Menachim Begin. The church, the officia'ls said,' "did not say a word' about the massacre' the Je~s for six years in Europe and 'has not had much to say about the killing of Chl'istians for seven years in Lebanon." That-charge provoked an indig mant communique from the Vati•. can, which declared, "Such an outrage to the truth cannot go· unanswered." The public silence of Pope Pius XII about the Jewish holo· caust during World War II has ;long been a matter of debate' among historians,.but there is a substantial body of historical evi·, dence ~hat Pope Pius felt that a public condemnation. would have cal1sed Hitler:' to'" intensify his ~~termination: campaign and wou1d have hindered other church efforts to save Jews.
Refugees see pope
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CHANGES ARE IN STORE for, from left, Father Maurice R. Jeffrey, Father Rene R. Levesque apd Father Edward J. Byington. Effective Oct. 6, Fathers Jeffrey and Levesque will exchange positions. Each now: an administrator, Father Jeffrey of Blessed Sacrament parish," Fall River, Father Levesque of St. George _parish, Westport, they will become . p'astors of each other's present parishes. Father Byington will transfer from his associate pastorship' at St. 'Paul's parish, Taunton, to the same position at St. George's. '
Immigration bill
By Stephanie Ovenw
WASt-IINGTON:,.(NC) .- Msgr. Daniel·!,".' t-Ioye," general. secretary of the U.S.•CatholicConference, House Judiciary. Committee to modify the' Senate's version o~ an immigration'refQrm bill. The USCC expressed "grace concern" about many" of the .amendments to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982 which was passed by thE~ Senate Aug.17. Msgr. Hoye said he hopes for changes in the House version so that a compromise biill could be worked out. ", In a letter to House Judiciary Committee members, Msgr. Hoye said two areas should be modi fied: the legalization program and the allocation of v:isas for family. reunification~ The USCC is also concerned . that an amendment may put refugees under a strict numerical
CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) Some 100 African and Asian refugees, representing .the many refugees from various countries now. living in Italy visited Pope John Paul II recently. They shared pictures and stories with the pope~ telling him of difficul ties in their homelands and in finding shelter and work abroad. The group "was led by Arch bishop Raymond-Marie Ichidim bo of Conakry, Guinea himself in political exile. Said the pope about the visit, "I am living this evening an ex· ( perience of meeting Christ hl each one of you."
' R ENE W A L C E N TE R FATHER~ Run By The OBLATES OF MARY IMMACULATE Announces The Following Retre~ts For The Month of October
OCTOBER 8·'·10 A retreat preached by the Rev. Joseph Lange, noted author and lecturer. Father Lange was a keynote speaker at the 1980 Charismatic Conference in Providence. He has travelled ex· tensively helping prayer and covenant communities. The theme of the retreat will be "Simplicity: In Faith and Prayer." ...
, OCTOBER 15·16 .. 17 A Charismatic Businessman's Retreat to be given in conjunction 'with the University of Steubenville. A team of leaders from the University will come to Ephpheta House to provide input and lead participants in prayer and discussions. *Fqr more Information please call 401·769·390111 or write to: Ephpheta House, 10 Manville Hill Rd., Cumberland, R.I. 02864
Sr Bernadette" 0
Funeral services were -held Tuesday at the General House of the Sisters of Charity ~Of Que bec for Sister Bernadette Goulet SCQ, 81, formerly known as Sis· ter St. Jeanne d'Aza. In religious life for 60 years, she was a Fail River native, the daughter of the late Napoleon and Marie-Anne (Dion) Goulet, members of St. Mathieu's parish. She taught in Quebec and Low· ell and served at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, and the former St. Joseph's Orphallage in Fall River, where she seJ"ied un· til her retirement some eight years ago. She was noted for her literary, musical and artistic achievements.
She is survived by four sisters, including two' members' of the Little Sisters of the Poor and Mrs. Josephine Perrault of Fall , River; and by six brothers, in cluding Fernand Goulet of North Attleboro and Napoleolll and Joseph Goillet of Fall River. , A memorial Mass will be of fered for Sister Bernadett,~ at 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 10, at St.', Mathieu's Church, Fall River.
cap, he added. "The admission to "be eligible for the legalization the United States of refugees program," he said. The legalization program must not be so strictly constrain ed that this country ~annot make which has been accepted by the an immediate response to refugee Senate would have a cut-off date of Jan. I, 1977 for eligibility for situations as they occur. permanent' residence status. "I It "Nor should persons seeking also would establish a temporary asylum from persecution be 'residence status for those who placed in direct competition with arrived between Jan. 1,.1977 and family reunification and other Jan. I, 1980 and a three-year regular immigrants seeking ad. waiting period for those in tem mission to the United States,!' porary status to apply for per· Msgr. Hoye said in his letter. manent status. The immigration bill would set Msgr. Hoye also said the USCC a quota of 425,000 immigrants is "extremely disturbed" that a year; expand the "guest work· the bill would modify the family er" program which grants tem· reunification provisions of cur porary work permits for specific rent law. jobs; grant amnesty to illegal Msgr. Hoye said such changes aliens through the legalization "may lead to the breakup of program; impose' sanctions, in family units and erodes the con cluding fines and jail sentences, cept of family reunification as a on' employers who knowingly basic principle of our immigra hire illegal aliens after passage tion laws and policies. of' the bill: call a worker iden "We ask the House Judiciary tification papers and change Committee" expand the concept family reunification provisions. of 'accompanying' and 'follow· "The USCC's position is that ing to join' to include all un all undocumented aliens who married sons and daughters un- ' have continuously resided in the der the age of 28 who desire to United States since Jan. 1, 1982, accompany or join their parents in an unlawful status and who who have qualified to immigrate are otherwise admissable, must to the United States."
Diocese of Fall River
ASSIGNMENTS , Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey from Administrator, ·Blessed Sac· rament Parish, Fall RJiver, to Pastor, 5t. George Par.ish, West port. ( Rev. Rene R. Levesque from Administrator, 5t. George Pallish, Westport, to Pastor, Blessed. Sacrament Parish, FaH River. Rev. Edward J. Byington from Associate Pastor, St. Paul Parish, Taunton, to Associate Pastor, St. George Parish, West· port. All assignments effective Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1982.
MONTE CARLO, Monaco (NC) -Princess Grace of Monaco was a "humanly exceptional, re ligiously exceptional person," said Archbishop Charles Brand of Monaco at the Sept. 18 fun eral of the former American movie actress who abandoned Hollywood to Dlarry into Eu rope's oldest royal family 26 years ago. The former Grace Kelly, 52, daughter of a Philadelphia mil Iionaire,died Sept. 14, apparent ly of a second stroke while hos pitalized from a car crash caused by another apparent stroke the day before. Prince Rainier, 59, wept open ly during the stately funeral Mass in the Monaco cathedral where he and Princess Grace were married in 1956 and where their children were baptized. Two of their three children, Prince Albert and Princess Caro line, attended the funeral. The third, Princess Stephanie, was still hospitalized from the auto crash, which occurred near Nice, France. After the funeral the princess' dark wooden casket was placed in the Chapel of the Princes, awaiting interment in a later private ceremony in the family crypt below the main altar. Among the 800 mourners in the cathedral were representa tives of many governments and European royal and noble fami lies. Bishop Jasques Martin, head of the Pontifical Household, at tended as personal representative of Pope John Paul II. Nancy Rea gan represented U.S. President Ronald Reagan. In the tiny, ove~elmingly Catholic principality, Archbishop Brand Said that her sudden death "results in stupefaction and pro vides no answers to the questions of life, suffering, separation and death." In Princess Grace's native Philadelphia about 2,000 mourn ers headed by members of her family gathered in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral for a memorial Mass celebrated Sept. 17 by Car dinal John Krol of Philadelphia. In his homily Cardinal Krol recalled Princess Grace's elegant beauty and acting abilities but said she was most notable as "a woman of deep and living faith" and "wife and mother." He said he had invited Prince Rainier and Princess Grace to speak at the 1976 International Eucharistic Congress in Phila delphia "precisely because I witnessed the application of a living faith in her daily life; be cause I witnessed the love and devotion of a wife and mother toward her spouse a~d' children and witnessed their love and re ,spect for her." _11~11ft1_1I'
THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S.Q20). Second Class Postage Paid et Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changee to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fill River, Nl
Abortions higher
LONDON (NC) - According to official figures, 162,454 abor tions were performed in England and Wales in 1981, one percent more than the. year before. The total for women resident in England and Wales was 128, 555, representing the average during the 1970s of fewer than 110,000 a year. The largest number of foreign women coming to England and Wales for abortions were from Spain, which accounted for 20,454 abortions, or 60. percent of those performed on foreign women. France was the next highest registered country of origin, ac counting for 4,100 abortions. The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland followed, with 3,603 and 1,441 respectively. These totals, however, are as sumed to be understated because they do not include Irishwomen coming to England for abortions and giving addresses in England, BISHOP C:RONIN receives certificate of affiliation . t~1tlS being counted among resi from Father Leonard Perotti, OFM, provincial representa dents of England and Wales.
tive, as Father Raymond J. Lynch, OFM, rector of Our Lady's Chapel, looks on. (Rosa Photo) ,
Bishop 'gets rare honor
Climaxing a yealr's observance of the 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Francis of Assisi, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was af filiated to the Fr;anciscan order in ceremonies alt Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford, on Sept. 17, the feast of the. Stigmata of St. Francis. The rare honor, shared by very few merI\bers of the American hierarchy, was conferred upon retired Bishop James L. Con nolly Aug. 12, 19fi9. At that time Veiry Rev. Celsus Wheeler: OFM, F'ranciscan pro vincial noted that affiliation "is bestowed only on those whose love, benefactions and apprecia tion of things Franciscan are \veil known to us." , Affiliation makl!S one "a Fran ciscan by adoption." Bishop Cro nin now participa.tes in "all the merits and glories" of the order, may wear the Franciscan habit and may enter anid live in Fran ciscan friaries anywhere on earth. In his remarkll, Bishop Cro nin noted that as a young man he with his family regularly at tended services at the Boston shrine of the Franciscans and that the family shared a special devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. He added that news of his affiliation with the Francis cans brought particular delight to his mother. Representatives of the Friars Minor Conventual and of the di ocesan priesthood were present at the ceremony, in addition to many members· .,f the Francis cans of Holy Name Province, through whom affiliation .was ef fected. Music for the occasion was provided by novices of St. Fran cis Friary, Brookline. In further observance of the 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Francis, a. week of cele bration open to the public will begin Tuesday a1t St. Louis par ish, Fall River.
"Songs of Francis," a two~ hour program directed by Louis Raposa, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the parish hall, followed at the same time Wed nesday by a slide show and I nar ration on Assisi by Father John Bavaro, OFM, .St. Louis pastor. A prayer service is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. V{ednesday and ~ sunrise' service at 6:30 a.m. Sat~ urday, Oct. 2, in the churchyard. Also on Oct. 2, the Transitus Service, a solemn reenactment of the passing of Francis, will be held in the church at 6:30 p.m. The week will end on Sunday, Oct. 3, with a solemn Mass at 10:30 a.m., followed at n60n in the church yard by a blessing of animals. At LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, a play entitled "Transitus," also dealing with the final hours of St. Francis, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, in the People's Chapel by the Little Brothers and Sisters of 51. Fran cis of the Mission Church, Bos ton. All are welcome to attend.
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Although Scotland and North ern Ireland are part of the United Kingdom, the 1967 abortion law' in England 'and Wales does not apply to them.
The message went to Father John Vaughn, superior general of the Order of Friars Minor; . ' -
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Papal .LeUer
In Vatican City, Pope John Paul II declared in a letter to four Franciscan superiors that the Franciscan "values of joy, free dom, peace, concord and recon ciliation among men and with nature are always valid. The l6-page Latin-language letter praised St. Francis as "a forerunner of dialogue and ecu menism beyond all barriers be tween men" and said he exer cised a "freedom which was never in contrast with 'ecclesial obedience." Pope John Paul told the su periors general that he hoped St. Francis would guide the work of the next world Synod of Bishops, scheduled for .the fall of 1983 to discuss the topic of penance and reconciliation.
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Other countries from which 500 or, more women came to England and Wales for abortions in 1981 were Scotland, Italy, West Germany and South Africa.
Father Vitale Bommarco, super ior general of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual; Father Flavio Carraro, superior of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin; and Father Roland Faley, superior of the Third Order Regular of st. Francis.
THE ANCHOR Sept. 24, 1982
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, THE ANCHOR-Di~cese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 24, 1982
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In the ,Spirit of Vincent
This week the diocese hosts the national meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. We assure the delegates that they are most welcome and we hope not only that their deliberations will be fruitful but also that their. visit to Cape Cod will be enjoyable. Most of us are well acquainted with the, work of this society in our parishes and throughout the diocese. In a very quiet, firm and supportive manner, Vincentians have, over the' years, been outstanding witnesses to the church's ministry of charity and love. In countless ways they have ministered to the least of our brethren.. Their support of diocesan efforts may be seen in the outstanding work of our own St. Vincent de Paul camp. Collectively, the Society has been a tremendous source of comfort and succor to the entire community as reflected by its heroic work in the aftermath of the devastating Notre Dame church fire in Fall River earlier this year. The. church has indeed been well served here and everywhere ,by the faithful and meaningful labors of the Vincentlans. The tasks of the St. Vincent de Paul Society vary with the condition of the social order. To face the changing challenges of life, members have had to make many adjust ments. Often this has been no easy undertaking. In past years many parish conferences became like private clubs presided over by the pastor. In a few situa tions the spiritual and materiai·vision of a given conference was severely limited by the narrow horizons of the parish priest. It is indeed fortunate that this image is''Swiftly becom ing obsolete.' Caught up in a changing world and in a church acutely aware o(the .demands of social justice,. the St. Vincent de Paul Society is currently writing a dramatic and exciting chapter in its h,istory. . Once the sole bastion of males, women are more and' more becoming active in this spiritual work. From being little more than a distribution agency for holiday baskets, the Society is now eagerly searching out new undertakings, be they aid to immigrants or disaster relief. The response to need is expanding as that ,need has become more demanding. The result is a new vision of. the purpose of Vincentian charity. .If there IS one realization that surfaces amid the changes affecting Vincentians, 'it is the awareness that the St. Vincent de Paul Society, rather than a mere give-away program, is first and foremost an organization dedicated to the spiritual development and growth both of its mem bers and of those whom it assists. Members of St. Vincent de Paul conferences share a unique opportunity to develop a personal prayer life rooted in charity and love. United in such a spirit, they can better . meet-the needs. of those they serve. Vincentian service thus becomes not a burden but a ?1inistry. Freeing itself from the bonds of the merely routine, It becomes a true reflection of the charity of Christ. May we join in prayer that as they meet on Cape Cod the Vincentians will gain strength to rededicate themselves to the ideals of ministry and love reflected in the life of their h91y\ founder, Frederic Ozanam.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE .OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
410 Highland Avenue
Fall ,River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.
~DITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR !lev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan ~
t.eary Press-Fall River
''You are of God, little
1 John 4:4
'Local concerns: important
on lobbying congressional lead ers and influencing the Catholic Every autumn our bishops electorate to the neglect of many meet in the nation's capital to less controversial but no less im discuss issues of national im-' portant issues. The teaching min portance. In the past there has istry of the bishops must extend been a trend of focusing solely beyond the voting booth into the upon political is~ues. everyday life of the Catholic Tlie church's involvement in family. the political arena is, of course, Hopefully, following their legitimate; but there are many soul searching at the recent meet other concerns of eqUfll impor ing in Collegeville, our bishops tance. will turn away from trendy is The Second Vatican Council sues. Instead of addressing the and the recent World Sypod of usual concerns of their meetings. Bishops highlighted the family they should seek to create dioce as the basic church. This renew san programs impacting families ed interest in the family should on a parish level. be reflected in the topi<:s select The Fall River. diocese has al ed for discussion in Wa:;hington. ready provided many initiatives Perhaps family prayel' and the with a profound effect upon the reverent celebration ,of the Eu family. The newly formed Office charist are not topics that gen of Family .Ministry provides a erate secular press headlines, network of support, sponsoring but without such basks other among other services marriage things may crumble. preparation programs, support We live in an age where there groups for the divorced, separa exists a great chasm between ted and widowed, natural family what the culture exalts as good , planning instruction and an at and what the church teaches to home family prayer program be 'moral. Our laws should cer tainly be brought into conformity with the Judaeo~Christian prin ciples which inspired .-them; however, . the greatest c:hallenge facing the church is not chang ing laws but converting people. The success of the bishops' meetings cannot be judged by their impact upon congressional 'legislators or the Catholic elec- ' torate. The fourth century church was criticized for being more con cerned with converting Constan tine t~an the commqn people. The bishops can now be accused of focusing their time and energy By Father Kevin J. Harrington
published in this diocesan paper. Parishes should implement these initiatives, focusing atten tion on young families and de signing followup activities at· tractive to couples during critical early years of marriage. Local concerns of the clergy and laity may not be considered important by the "now-oriented" media, but accusations of irrele· vancy are a s~all price to pay for not confining oneself to media dictated issues. Let us hope that future issues discussed by the' bishops will coincide less with the political issues of the day and more with the eternal values that need to be stressed in every age. Unless the home is the center of life, love and religious prac tice, there is little that can be . done at the parish or diocesan level to compensate for the la mentable void which will result. Catholics need not jump on every relevant bandwagon. What they need to dq, is to return to the basic beliefs and practices that served their ancestors so nobly.
(necroloCiY) September 26 Rev. John J. Donahue, Assist ant, 1944, St. William, Fall River September 29 Rev. J. A. Payan, Founder, 1:899, St. Matthew, Fall River September 30 Rev. John J. Griffin, Pastor, 1963, St. Paul, Taunton
First papal visit
Friday, Sept. 2.4, 1982
SAN MARINO, San Marino (NC) - Making-the 15th foreign trip of his less than four year pontificate, Pope John Paul II told Catholics in tiny San Marino to retain the republic's ban on divorce and abortion. Some 50,000 people gathered in San Marino, which is about one-tenth the size of New York City, to welcome the pope for a recent four-hour combined state and pastoral visit. Completely sur rounded by Italy, the small country has about 14,000 resi dents and 7,000 non-resident citizens. Pope John Paul was the first pope ever to visit it.
Group disbands - MOSCOW (NC) - The Mos cow Helsinki Group, the leading human rights organization in the Soviet Union, said it has been forced to end its activities because of government pressure. A group statement said the de cision was taken after one of the organization's three mem bers still at liberty in the Soviet Union was indicted for_slander ing the government. "In this situation the group cannot ful-. fill its duties and is forced, un der pressure of the authorities, to end its work," said the state ment.
Withdrawal asked
• World conscIence VIENNA, Austria (NC) Msgr. Mario Peressin, perman ent representative of the Holy See for international organiza tions in Vienna, has called for formation of a "world consci ence" to prevent exclusion of poor nations from outer space . exploration. As head of a'four-man delega tion to the second United Na tions Conference on the Explora tion and Peaceful Vtilization of Extra-Atmospheric Space,' Msgr. Peressin said that "only in peace and mutual cooperation can the conquest of space be, after 'all, beneficial for 'humanity." He al so called for enforcement of a 1967 U.N. 'treaty prohibiting mili-' tary use of space.
Nazareth youngsters, parents and
Naz.areth Hall niarl(.s Bishop Cropin was celebrant of a Mass of thanksgiving offer ed Sunday at Saint Mary's Cathe dral on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Nazareth School in Fall River. Over 500 pupil,S, alumni, parents and faculty members of the Nazareth School joined in the Mass and in a festive brunch that followed. The Nazareth apostolate: one of the beneficiaries of the annual
gather' for anniversary Mass.
~~5th anniy~rsary
diocesan Catholic Charities Ap peal, provides special education. and vqcational training for ex ceptional youngsters. . Drawing upon the Gospel theme. of the day, that of our Lord's' affection for little child ren, Bishop Cronin spoke in his homily of the Christ-like dedica tion of all associated with the Nazareth apostolate. Recalling the founding of
Nazareth' by his predecessor, re tired Bishop Connolly, the Or dinary praised the Sisters of Mercy and other religious' and lay faculty members and friend's of the institution. He asked his hearers to . acknowledge the special contributions of Naza reth's founding principal, Sister Maureeen Hanley, and its pres ent administrator, Sister Mau reen'Mitchell.
SANTA ROSA, Calif. (NC) Bishop Edward Daly of Derby, Northern Ireland, has called on Britain to withdraw from North ern Ireland. "I do not advocafe an immediate, instant withdrawal by Britain," said Bishop Daly, "but the Westminster (British) government,' sooner or later, must understand that the best interest" of Ireland and all of Britain "can be best served by the coming together of the Irish people' as a whole in one inde pendent state." The bishop, however, asked Irish Americans not to supporf the Irish Republican Army, pointing out that the IRA, an outlawed guerrilla organization, is hostile to church authority in its continued use of violence to end British rule.
Our LadyCENTERVILLE of .Victory Parish and Serving D l '. . h.IeoP e 1}
t ru
I.arish -centered
if the Society if .. StoT7 Yincent
DeD" ..caul
Our Lady of Hope WEST BA.RNST ABLE Join in Welcoming l'he Members Of The
S.T. VIl'fCENT De PAUL SOCIETY To The I)jocese of Fall River For Their 68th NATIONAL ,MEETING Their Commitment To Compassion Is A Faith .Inspired Service
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...-- G~ting~ and ,Prayers For A Most .
. ,Successful. Convention' "',' I
"Restaurare iomnia in Christo" , ....
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nOn Th. Cape" ''WE InunFY OUTIOORS"
Your ParIsh CoaIerenee of the l8dety of St. Vincent de Paul -' '.lavltw you to jola It ill sU_ 'works of cbultr:
Flowerinl Shrubs, Trees Lawn Fertl1lzer - Loam -Annuals Landscape Design 958 MAIN ST. - RTE. 28 EAST FALMOUTH
a Vincentian?
267 MAIN STREn FALMOUTH - 548-1918
~ - arowlD8 ......y ~ a lift of. self to others.
The purpose of the ·Society of St. Vincent de Pa~' is the ~r 'sonal sanctification of Its mem; bets through acts ot charity. We , seek God's poor, both materially !lI:Jd spirituany, and help where ',ve can. No need is too great or · too small. Sometimes great reSOUt'Ces are needed - we have them - sometimes we can do : nb more than listen and comfort - we are very good at it. In coming closer to the poor, ,-you are coming closer to God! , OUtside the Society itself, no · 'one 'knows which fatDilies are "'being aided,. or what material , and spiritual help has been provided. Vincentians are dOctors, ,office workers, lawyers, factory' workers, housewives, students, · retirees - people just like you. Your next door neighbor could very well be- a Vincentian and you would never know itr We Jijce ~t' that way - it P'rotf;lCts "• .p90r and makes· our ,work mbte effective." • , Vlncentians are not prof~ion .ally trained ~ocial workers. Nor :is there any training program to .beCome a Vincentian. All that is necessary is a desire to serve as Jesus served. "All of us bave a great deal of .eJq)erj:ise in. various areas and ,by: working together we can ,I,-n.ove mountains. Many Vin~tians have raised families, run a household, built buildings, repaired autos or done j}lSt wb.t you do so very well. The poor ~ve need of your talents, ,your '"'lmo.how, your concen1, your
Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
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Package now available at
VlNCENTIANS AROUND THE DIOCESE: Top, George Mendonca and Msgr. "\11thony .M. ~mes discuss. Bishop's Ball. arrangements. The annual event is cosponson=d "
by the SocIety and ttteDiocesan Cpunctl of Catholic Women. Center, Bishop Cronin joqas 1981 celebration of 25th annive1'$ary of organization's foun.ding on Cape Cod; from Ieft, Edward Franco, Frank Miller, the bishop, Charles Rozak, Joseph Gromada. Bottom· CoPvention Chairman Vito Gerardi also served as diocesan lay chairman of the '1981 di~cesln . Catholic Charities Appeal. From left, withbishop~ Mrs. Gerardi, Gerardi, Msgr. Gam•.
reen Harbor Motor Lodge.
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_n-ll00 an Mas.) 1':::;~~~'~"~I;;,':~iW~" ::.;'.iil;;,,~,.:.' ~'~""iiI,·;,~~~~·,:~'~'~'::~:;"::""":i"':;"":~;';";.'...• ',.:i."..r_~,.;;.__"'Itii'.~",,~,:.~
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":', 'Conferen<:es. work with and ';through the pastor and the par-
..OPQ: 1IoIl- Sat;' - 5:30
ish cpuncil. Every. parish . bas some people in need either $pirit~ally or materially. Lay people, 1D many instances,· are better able to reach these people than Sulftvan's a priest.. \ Religious GoodS The Society is not just an "et.ne~ency food order giver" 428 MatA SI : HyannIS . 775-4180 - Vmcentians - are also concerned with the' needs of the John & Mary lees, Props. aged, lonely, handicapped,' permanently sick or housebound and of persons in convalescent After Mass Sunday ""nch' ,nursing homes and. hospital•• At Pe~ns to be ,aided are to be met "on an equal basis," 'at their level, never looked down on and always with the thought that they are our brothers and Lunches • Sandwiches • CocictaHs sisters in Jesus Christ. Tennis-Courts AVailable' Now When maKing calls, V~n tians determine first the immediCaunty Road, Po~"" . ate needs, which frequently are , 56~7171 food, clothing, shelter, or mediPrivate £UACtion Room cal care. Marital assistance is ............................. given on an em~gency basis. In subsequent 'follow-up calls. Vincentians attemp~ to eliminate the underlying causes of the distress. In this area, they.are able to call on a vast n.umber of people who are able to 9pen doors • FAeIA~S in the medical, legal and busi• nNTS ness fields. WE GET, PROBLEMS SOLVED! Followup visits con• ",-ICURES tinue., as long as the needs are • PEDICURES ' present. The 'Society was born in 1833 • MaI£UP in Paris, France -:' its founder_ OPEN DAILY was a layman, Frederic Qunam. ' BY APPTS. By 1845, the first Conference in the United States was fonned in 372 Majn Street St. Louis. Financing of a .conference is H-¥A~IS· seldom.problem. Pibceeds from 'fiH E '0 pOt)r bOxes plus support by honorary membersanc1 special col771'-7833 lections are the usual methods of support. In cases where no other funds are available, the PartiCular or Central Council can provide help. 555 -578 MAIN STRIET There are no dues charged to' - I Y'A N NIS''':' members although conferences are encouraged to take up a secret colJection at 'each meeting so ·members 'Can give of their own gopds as well as their time. ,. with fhis AD In conclusion, may we say that Christ has just knocked at 14K' GOLD and yoordoorl ' Sterli'ngSilv,r For f.urther information, with$old .by 'weight . out obligation, you can call GENUI'NE F~ther Daniel Freitas, 678-5513;' " 5 C·1t f M 5 H A.W , Vito Gerardi, ,993-5936;, Charles Ro~k, 761-6&46;, or Edward •Most I~"ry handmade
. A".tkJL (P''''~""TI8
,505 Main Street;
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Hel)ry Teixeira,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,' Sept. 24, 1982
lox It Dept A, SIIore Street, F. mouth, MA 02541 (81)> 540-3000
.. ,'Anyone who's willing to lend 'a bam' is welcome to join the Soc:iety. Ev:en a few' hours of .;'lolft 'time' are 'Very"precious .to -''the, 'need,- and' the distressed, "''YOU can be' an apostle right in your oWlfpUish. ' ;. "'~'l'he Soeietyis·:1onned into l*rlsh conferences consisting of 2to 10 persons. They ineet 'weeldy, pray together and ; dis:cuis ctment cases being handled. ., J\U., caUs .are· made in pairs to "avold SCandal anel-to belp the recipie~ts feel ~ore at ease. '''WHerever there is a need' the :vincentians go two by two' and /do what they can to ease the s~ffering, of their fellow human L
Hosts - Paul & Enen, Goulet
The Ultimate Value .
$3495 10 S'Jl 145
I1IPJ!Odb11i C8mpb1g pr0-
- aeeIdaI . . serViDc the
penonaI visits to homes,
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quietly, ,dlJcreetly aiding Deedy families.
.' .
.>(~., .--"-;" r:,-:,~~"'!I,I!~I.~~,~;,_~ .. _,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 24, 1982 -
Funeral Home 123 Broadway
MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director
C~lIE'S ·... IIA_
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. O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass.
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By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenuy: I have always wondered what it would be like to be riiagte. I tbiDk of the tele-. vision show ''Betwitehed.'' I woUld use the power for thiDgs likechangiDg Diy clothes faster - tbiDgs that won't tuum other people. I wouldn't wBDt to use it. for robbing a bank or anythiDg of that sort. I would be a good witch, maybe even help people. I read an ad that said. "Learn the .secrets of witebel'aft. Send $2 for a cop:Ip1ete witchcraft eataJog." I have always hated the devil and dreaded eviL My mother says. it is another religioa. I love being catholic and I bless myself with holy water every night. .I talk to the Lord and ask him for help when I need it. I hardly ever pray other. thaD that. I go to church every SUDday. Pm 13 aDd I truly love God, so please help me. - PeoasylvaDia You don't need to think twice about witches and "Bewitched" to feel magic. Look around you. There is magic in the air you breathe. Imagine that the air is not only filled with oxygen to fill your lungs and nourish your blood, but it is ,also filled with
God's love, for you. Look at the grass and flowers warmed by the sun and watered by the rain, groWing up to be beautiful. Watch the lightning split the dark night clouds, and listen to the rumble of thunder. Touch and pet your dog's head and feel his devotion. We all desire to be more than we seem. Human beings are so limited, so frail. Everyone wants to be able to control things, to change things, to make miracle,s and especially to arrange our own destiny. You have this kind of magic in you too. Put yourself in touch with forces that are greater than yoci are. This is a very special kind of prayer. God's power is everywhere. Shut your eyes and go inside your mind and get in touch with him.. Find him in the images of trees and lakes, in storms and rainbows, in' the deep blue sky and especially in the minds and hearts of those you love. Rejoice in the presence of his power and love in you. This is called grace. It . is the very special "magic" he hils given for .human beings. Finally, don't confuse evil with "the secrets of witchcraft for
$2." That sounds like a phony commercial trick to coHeet your money by appealing to your de. sire fOr weird experiences. I am like you. I hate the devil and dread evil. But evil is very real. Don't loolt for it in a $2 catalog. ~ook for evil 'in the sadness of diseaSe or in the pain of being poor. Call on God's grace in you to change these evils. Look' for evil in the mixed·up minds of men who steal what is not theirs, who harm their brothers and sisters, who pollute the water we drink and the air we breathe. Look for evil in the cold h~arts of those who would start and carry on a war that ends the lives of people who might have lived to give glory to God. Call on God's presence within you to straighten out these minds and warm these hearts. There is more magic in the air and more grace in you than you can Imagine. Develop the powers that you have. . Reader quesdons OIl familY. liviDg and cbild care to be answet:ed in priDt are invited. Address The Kennys, Box 872, Sf. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
Vincentian parley here
"fireside-glo"/ Perfection fLeaders in Hqters since .1888) - bas the gas heater to meet your specific requirements. whether it's capadty. styling or size. T", ~VRC radiant front circDlato.rs witb wa'nulvinyl trim «:Oft!lbine effi(:ienc)' with handsome stylinS.to ilve. total pusb.button «:omfort. The beautiful· i:abiuets fit. into :.ny home or office decur. The «:ozy. cheerful glowing warmth of a fireplace is created by . Perfection's Perfect·GI. ceramic radiants. You «:8. trust· Perfection for Quality and Engineering!
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Buy NOW and Avoid the Fall Rush!
Continued from page one speaker and Joseph A. Tinsley of Somerset as chairman. Other afternoon topics will in· clude Aging in America, the Spirituality of Frederic Ozanam and Advancement of His Cause for Canonization, Planning Effective Meetings, The Need for Twinning, Relationship of the Society with Clients and Setting Up a Vincentian Store. Today will close with Mass and a dinner cruise. Tomorrow's schedule in addition to participation by de Tar· razi, Bishop Cronin, Cardinal Medeiros and Governor King, will· include sightseeing and a business m~tJJ1g. Music at the 5:15 p.m. Mass with Bishop Cronin and Cardinal Medeiros will be by the joint - choirs of Inunaculate Conception .Church, N'ew Bedford, and St. A:nthony Church, Taunton, di· rectedby Father Henry S. Ar· ruda. The group will also be h.eard at the convention banquet following the Mass. Homillst for the Mass will be Bishop Murphy. Dinner presentations will be made by Gerardi and the Presi. dential Address will be delivered by Simmons. Bishop Cronin's main address will follow. A closing address 'aDd bene. diction will be. given by Cardinal Medeiros.
chairman; and Father Freitas, spiritual advisor; is headed by Gerardi as general chairman. Other members are Charles Rozak, diocesan president; George Mendonca, program; Joseph Tinsley, secretary and publicity; Edward Franco and Horace Costa, finances. Joseph Gromada, Russell April, Joseph Roderick, David Motta, arrangements; Antone Pacheco, Raymond Pelletier, presentations. Father Freitas and Very Rev. Edward C.' DUffy, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church, liturgy;
Frank Miller, ushers. Alice Gromada, Annette Rozak, Emily Pacheco, Janice Ar· ruda, Margaret Tinsley, hospital.: ity. Olivia E. Gerardi; Dagny Miller, Shirley Mendonca, tourS; Anne Franco, typist; Joseph Medeiros, Donald Chase, transportation. Vincentian district presid~nts are Joseph Gromada, Fall River; Edward Franco, Taunton; Russell April, Attleboro; George Mendonca, New Bedford; Frank Miller, Cape Cod.
Not Resigning OYSTER BAY COVE, N.Y. Dissident Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is not resigning as head of his traditionalist Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, the fraternity's U.S. superior said in a newsletter from his headquarters in Oyster Bay Cove. The superior, Father Clarence Kelly, also announced that the first three priesthood candidates to bE! ordained from the fratern· ity's U.S. seminary would be or. dained this Nov. 1. Countering press reports from Switzerland that said Archbishop Lefebvre planned to resign in September, Father Kelly quoted a communique". issued by the archbishop's headquarters in Switzerland. A general chapter of the fra· ternity is being held in Septem. ber, said the communique, and one of the matters it will discuss is the appointment of a vicar general to assist the archbishop. ".Archbishop Lefebvre will reo main the head of the Society of St. Pius X and will continue to ordain priests and administer the sacrament of confirmation," the communique said. "The ap(NC) -
pointment of a vicar general is being done with a view towards the future ••. However, this is by no means a retirement for Archbi.!hop Lefebvre." Arch~ishop Lefebvre 'and his followers, who make up the' largest and most prominent group ~f traditionalist catholics in the world, disagree with many reforms and conciliar teachings Cc-.undl, particularly liturgical reforms and conciliar teachings on ecumenism and religious liberty. Pope Paul VI suspended the archbishop from celebrating Mass and administering the sac· raments in 1976 after he con· ducted ordinations despite direct papal orders not to do so. Those ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre are considered validly but illicitly ordained and 'under church law are automatically excommllnicated and prohibited, from exercising their ministry. Father Kelly said. the first ~ oretinands from thetra. 'ternitYs U.S. seminary are ChristopherHunter, Thomas Zapp and Martin Skierka.
Music selections for the ban· ,quet will be _by the Ann Danis Quintet of Fall River. Sunday's closing convention session will include a plenary meeting for the planning of next year's 150th anniversary meet· ing of the Society, to be held in San Antonio. 155 NORTH MAIN ST. The committee responsible for the Hyannis convention, in addi· . . '. . _'. .'. .. '.' . . ., . . ..... tion tp Bishop Cronin, honorary \"Ii:.. ;.>~>;;';~';':"'~~lil·>I~yii,.Y";;''',J ..VN'''''~<£~.:o~ •.fi:(Ye~rn*A''tr t.·~:'{::'''~·I'!;,~,,''';il.~.·.·:~.··,·~·I.·~·,''L·;#;'''i';.'(# •• ~"'~'''-'.''.·:o·~>~·/'''~''-·;.t'''''·N.'';~,>·,·~~v.v~~:,;.v_V'.~ , '~·G:~·A·A~"••;;~4~~Y&".vl. ••Y,..~.,~..,.'V..'#~9N ~.v.~·'O'"l".·."'.'¥'"'4:"·ii· ..~rA"d'oi":.t~,,·y.·.~.....~..~",.Q--,~,....,.'l$'.:,.,..·,.,..<.··.v.~'N'a·A'f......V4...
To The
... -
'!S • .... ....... -jL~
St. Vincent De Paul
St. John the Eva:ngelist
Parish Commulnity
. Whose Members Are
Dedicated To Those
In Need of Help
Extends A Warm
.Enjoy CAPE COD!
To All
Of The
A Working Presence
In A Time of Need
.-~~"'-17 QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Mashpee"
THE ANCHOR-Dioces~ of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 24, 1982
With 27,000 Subscribers, It Pays To Advertise In The Anchor
<.:-------... Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. \.
Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall RIver 675-7496
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Tel. 673-4262 ~~~r.
Roger Dufour Piano & Organ <Studio YAMAHA, GRANDS, CONSOLES, STORY & CLARK
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Tel. 674-4881 3Vz room Apartment 4Vz room Apartment Includes heat, hot water, stoYe re, frigerator and maintenance service.
GARANT FLOOR COVERING 30 CRAWFORD ST. (Runs parallel to South Main behind Ray's Flowers) <
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON A scholarship in the principal amount of $10,000 'has been es tablished in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Complete Line parish by Muriel Kemher and Donald Gorey in memory of Building Materials -their parents, Walter and Eliz 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN abeth Gorey.
To be known as ,the< Walter H. 993-2611 - and Elizabeth A. Gorey Scholar ship, it will be awarded annually to a parishioner entering .Coyle LaSALET'l'E SBRIN:E, and Cassidy High School, Taun- < ATTLEBORO ton. Requirements for the grant Sister Yvette Beford, SSA, will will be determined by the school. lead a day of centedng prayer from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m tomorrow. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL,. FR The children's choir is seeking Beginners and experienced par 5 CENTER STREET new members. Candidates will ,ticipants are welcome. Informa WAREHAM, MASS. meet at 4 p.m. Monday in ,the < tion: 222-5410. DIGNIFIED FUNERAL SERVICE school music room. The eighth annual Portuguese DuiECTORS . The "Cathedral Classic" gol! American Pilgrimage will be GEORGE E. CORNWELL held at 'the shrine b,~ginning at tournament will take place Sun EVEREn E. UHRMAN 1:30 p.m. Sunday, with pilgrims day afternoon at Hillcrest Coun 295·1810 from throughout New EngIand try Club. All welcome. joining in prayer, s<mg and lit COMPASSIOt-lATE FRmNDS urgy. The latter will be cele Compassionate Friends of brated at 3 p.m. by :Father Lu Grea,ter Fall River, a support ciano J. de M. Pereira, St. John group for parents who ihave lost the Baptist Church, New Bed will meet at 7:30 p.m. ford. HomiUst will be Father children, Monday oat St. Louis de France Jose Marie Souza, C.S.Sp., of Church Youth Center, Swansea. Cambridge and music will be by All welcome. Leo by the Immaculate Conception and Georgette Information: Le CO~ll'te, 676 parish choir, New B,edford, di 490 ROBESON 8458. rected by Fa<ther Henry Arruda . STREET Pilgrims may < bling law~ ST. MARY, NB chairs and Portugue~le refresh CCD 'classes resume Monday, FA~~~ER, ments will be availab:le. . and Wednesday. Infor • Among other forthcoming Tuesday mation: CCD office, 995-6168. stlrine activities are a, workshop Teachers will be commissioned from 9:30 a.m. to 4 <p.m. Satur 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. . day, Oct. 2, enti-tled "'I'bose Who at Parishioners planning wed Are Persecuted." Tim Ahrens < dings should r~erve ~ember F.T.D.A. their date . and Martha Eidmann; founders at least six months ahead and of American Christians for the plan to a<ttend a pre-Coana prepa Abolition of Torture, will dis ra<tion program. cuss prayer and nonviolent di 'rect action as means of seeking ST.ANNE,FR -human <rigbts.< Singers are needed for 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Information: SACRED HEART, FB Gingras, choirmaster. Confirmation candidates will Normand A parents' open house will be meet at 9 a.m. tomorr,ow. Other ,held the school at 7 p.m. Mon CCD classes meet according to a day. at The school is in need of a calendar distributed ~o <all stu usable refrigerator ,arid some dents. < ~rospective donors may The Women's Guild will hold <rugs. the school. . < an open ihouse at 7 p.m. Monday, call wishing to join the jun Oct. . 4, beginning with rosary iorGirls squad should con , and Benediction. ThE! program tact cheering pastor or Steve Mar will include "Fall River under ciszynthe as soon as possible. Glass: Series II," presented by Mrs. Florence Brigham, curator BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS of the Fall River Hist'orical So Father Richard Chretien of St. ciety. <New members are wel Joseph's Church, New Bedford, come. will lead a holy hour at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Sacred Hearts Savings? We have 'SS. PETER & PAUL, )~R Eucharistic minister, altar boy Church, Fail"hav:en. Also at high-interest plan for Sacred Hearts, exposition of ,the and lector schedules lire avail Blessed Sacrament will follow every savings need! able in the sacristy. The CYO will meet at 6 ,p.m. 8:30a.m. Mass Friday, Oct. 1~ Sunday. Any parishioner in continuing until a closing Bene grades 8 through 12 is eligible diction service at 8:45 p.m. for membership. A constitution PRIESTS' PRAY,ER for the adult council associa-ted Priests interested in informa with the organization will be 'tion about the Life in the Spirit New BedfOrd discussed. < charismatic seminar are invited InStItutIon fOr 5avlnQs to an explanatory session from MEMORIAL HOME, FIR 1 to 2:30 p.m. Monday at the Now 11 convenient offices A grand total of 28 residents including Seekonk &: Ta~ton. 'have celebrated September Family Life Center, North Dart mouth. ,birthdays. Among recentactivi ties was a luncheon trip to -the LEGION OF MARY, N'B . Venus de Milo restaurant. The Legion uni.t at St. Joseph's Church will sponsor a living ro D OF I, ATTLEBORO 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3. \ Alcazaba Circle 65, Daughters sary atprocession will include of Isabella, will meet at 7:30 The Knights of Columbus and Men p.m. Thursd~y, Oct. 7, ~It K of C of the Sacred Hearts carrying Hall, Hodges Street. Flower ar the Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our rangements will be demonstra Lady of Fatima. -Refreshments for every occasion . .. ted. will follow in the church hall. All welcome. ST. RITA, Ml\RION Baptisms Ninth grade confirmation can First Communions ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA< , didates will attend an aillternoon Preparations are under way Birthdays of recollection tomorrow. for a parish renewal program to Confirmations take place for five weekends, O.i.. GRACE, WESTPORT Weddings beginning Oct. 29 through 31 and The Bible -study program pre concluding Dec, 3 through 5. Anniversaries viously announced has had its Eaeh weekend offers three ses day and time changed ~o 8 p.m. sions and prospective partici Ordinations ,the second and 4th Tuesdays of pants ,are ,asked to register for OPEN DAILY each month. The next meeting their choice as soon as possible. 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. will be Tuesday~nd willlbe held ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET in the church basement. Partici La Salette Shrine pants are asked to bring their The Rosary Sodality will meet Bibles and be ,prepared, to dis Park Street - Route 118 at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the rec cuss Chapter 11 of the Gospel of -tory. Plans will be made< for Attleboro, Massachusetts Mark. All welcome. \':~ < Octo~er devotions.. • • • • •
• • • • •
• • •
ara asked to submit news' Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River.. 02722. Name of cltl or town should be Included as well as full dates of all actlvltlas. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralsing acti'lltles such as bingos, whlsts. dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry not:ices of spiritual programs, club meetings YOIJth pro/ects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundra sing pro Jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office . ' tele8hone 675·7151. n Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford.
Cornwell Memorial Chapel, Inc.
'," l
Tel. 678-5651
Religious Gifts & Books
(Rt. 85 South· AIrport hit)
O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Parishionersa.nd friends are invited to attend 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, w,hich will be concele brated by Father Rene Gelinas, MS, and Father Fernand Cassis ta, MS, both of whom have been reassigned ,to other parishes. A reception will be held for them from 2 to 4 Sunday afternoon in the church hall. BL. SACRAMENT, FR An 80th anniversary issue of the parish paper will be issued Oct. 24. Those with informa.tion about parish history or with old· <pictures are asked to place them in the vestibule newspaper box by Oct. 5.
The anniversary banquet will take ,place Sunday, Oot. 31; at White'srest!1urant, following 11 :30 'a.m. Mass. FAMILY LlFE-,CENTER, N.DARTMOUTH A Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) luncheon will take pl'ace tomorrow. A TEC weekend for boys aged 17 to 25 will be held Oct. 22 to 24. Reservations close Friday, Oct. 8. A.similar week end for girls will be held Nov. 26 to 28. Reservations and infor mation: 992-5630; 999-2489; 996 4576. A Marriage Encounter week end begins tonight and will con clude Sunday. ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA CCD classes for grades 1 ,through 6 begin tomorrow. Pre schoolers and grades 7 through 9 begin the week of Oct. 3. Swansea police department members will attend 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday I8S part of their 50th anniversary celebration. Coffee and dou~nuts will be served in the parish hall follow ing the Mass. HOLY TRINITY, W. HARWICH The <parish will mark its 50th anniversary at a dinner and ball \ beginning at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3, at Wychmere Harbor Club. Reservations may. be made with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donahue and Neal Holland is general chair man of-the event. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET PIans are underway for a Thanksgiv.Jng dinner to be served at no cost following noon Mass on the holiday for all who wish to attend. Those wishing to help in preparations are asked to meet at 7 p.m. Monday 'in the parish center. ST. STANISLAUS, Ji'R The parish ihas inaugurated a prayer ministry of 10 persons each of whom is praying 15 min~ utes a day, seven days a week, for the parish school and Chris tian living prograJDS. Parents of confimation candi dates will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sun day in the school. ST.JULm,N.DARTMOU~
CYO basketball tryouts for boys in 6th through 8th grades will be 'held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the church 'hall. Information: Joe Vargo, 996-4127. Choir rehearsals are held a-t 7 <p.m. each Wednesday in the church. New members are wel come. CCD classes< begin at 10 a.m. Sunday for grades 1 through 7 ,and for grades ·8 and up the week of Oct. 1. <Confirmation program teachers will meet at 7 ,p.m. Tuesday at the religious education office and parents and candidates will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Families are invited ,to aMend the monthly parish rosary and Benediction service at 7 p.m. Monda.y. CATHOLIC WOMEN, NB The Catholic Woman's Club will hold its opening tea from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at New Bed ford Country Club. AI~ welcome. SACRED HEART HOME, NB A one-d<ay seminar in dental care of nursing home residents will be offered at Sacred Heart home from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to day. Information: Judith Lar kins,.996-6751.
New hymnal
NEW ORLEANS (NC) ~ The Episcopal Church has approved the first hymn book revision in 42 years for the denomination's
three million members.
Delegates voted to include 262 new hymn texts find to retain 347 of 600 hymns in the old book. Dropped was "Once to Every Man and Nation," whose lyrics were written by 19th-century American writer, James Russell Lowell, because. it seems to deny people and gives them many chances to correct their ways.
They also voted out a hymn text by Rudyard Kipling, Eng land's first Nobel Prize winner in 1907, because of' its imperial istic character. The hymn is called "Recessional" or "God of Our Fathers, Known of Old." Other hymns deleted inclued: "The Battle Hymn of the Re public," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," "I Need Thee Every Hour," and "Turn Back, 0 Man." Among hymns included in the new hymnal was "He Is the Way," whose text was written by W. H. Auden, the Anglo American poet who> died in 1973.
SISTER EMMA GUEN ETTE, SSJ, will mark her golden jubilee as a Sister of St. Joseph of Springfield at a Mass of thanksgiving at 2 p.m. Sunday in Blessed Sac rament Church, Fall River. Father Paul Carrier, SJ, one of her former students, will be the. principal concele brant. Relatives, friends and for mer students are invited to Floor action by the bishops or attend the Mass and a fol lowing reception in the deputies restored several hymns recommended for deletion by a church hall. Beggary "All other plenty besides my God, is mere beggary unto me." -St. Augustine
hymn revision commission. These included: "Now the Day Is Over," "America," "I Sing a Song to the "Almighty Saints of God," Father Strong to Save," and "Stand Up, Stand Up. for Jesus."
FATHER WILUAM BY RON, SJ, the new president ,of Washingtonts Catholic University of America, feels the institution is strong and unique, but that to keep it that way will require "deep er financial foundations." Its uniqueness among Am erican colleges stems from its papal charter, Father By ron, 55, said in an interview. "The life of the institution is lived in the light of the Gospel. Everything we do here is' in light of the Gospel," he said. Financially, Catholic Uni versity is "not in a crisis situation." Father Byron said.
Chur.chless parish
THE ANCHOR Friday, Sept. 24, 1982
DENVER (NC) "';" The Spirit of Peace parish' community, an alternative, experimental parish in the Archdiocese .of Denver, celebrated a dedicatory Mass Aug. 1 without its own church building or its own pastor, and with no plans to get either. Spirit of Peace is being estab lished through a $76,600 grant from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops "to serve as a model for dioceses around the country" as a way to prepare for "an almost certain shortage of priests," said Father Daniel Flaherty, pastor of another par ish, will serve as "priest-enabler" for Spirit of Peace. The parish will use the facilities of Western
Presbyterian Church in Long
mont, Colo., under a long-term, low-rent agreement.
HON. ELIZABETH J. DOLAN, associate justice of the Massachusetts superior court, will speak at a sem VATICAN CITY (NC) inar on current legal issues Father Romeo Panciroli, a Vati in medicine, to be sponsored can spokesman, says he knows nothing of rumored plans by from '9 .a.m. to 1 p.m. Satur Pope John Paul II to attend an day, Oct: 2, at'St. Patrick's interreligious conference on parish center, Wareham, by" peace in Moscow in the spring. the Fall River Diocesan Reports of the trip began circu Council of- Catholic ·Nurses. lating after Alexei Arbatov of To be considered are patient Moscow's institute for interna rights with regard to treat· tional Relations said that if the preparatory commission for the ment and medical decisions conference wanted to invite the and the applicability of mal pope there would be no objec practice standards to nurses. tions. The meeting is being or Information i~ available from ganized by the Russian Ortho Barbara Gauthier, 41 Tre It will dox patriarch of Moscow. mont St., Taunton, tel. be open to the heads of all ma jor world religious. 823-4116.
Pope to Moscow?
Fr. Bruce Rit1ter
SEX AS ENTERTAINMENT Linda was 11, still a virgin, whell her pimp took her. Peter was dan cing naked on bars when he was 15. Martha was 14 when her pimp dyed her hair, got her a phony 10. and put her to work in amassage parlor. Tony was 16when he fled. in terror, the call boy service, Dial-A-Model. Annie was barely 15 when her pimp went to her mother's house in upstate New Yorl(, waited until her mother left for work, and dragged avery frighten ed Annie back to life on the street and a near death... There are many reasons why we have a sex industry all OVElr this country. It is one of the "growth industries" in the United States. The undeniable fact quite simply is that we want onl3. . There are literally millions of customers who patronize this multi billion dollar business. Millions of customers...who believe tile bizarre myth that prostitution is avictimless crime...who believe that prostitution is nothing more than a commer~ial transaction between someone who wants to buy something and someone who wants to sell...who choose to believe that sex is entertainment and that it's okay to pay the entertainers...who scoff at the notion that there is something sacred and deeply personal and intimate about sexual experience. The sex industry, dominated and controlled by organized crime, . has actually formed acontinuum with the entertainment industry. It has almost become impossible to distinguish between some aspects of legitimate theater and the sex industry. And the fact is we seem to want it that way. If you want to spend a sophisticated evening at the theater in Manhattan, and have twenty-five dollars to spend, you can buy a
front row seat at "Oh, Calcutta," the longest-running erotic musical in New York. For your twenty-five dollars, you can watch a dozen yOlJOg naked bodies sing and dance and tell you jokes while they simulate sodomy and intercourse on the stage. If YllU don't have twenty-five dollars, but you do have twenty-five cents, you can take your quarter to the peep show just down the street
from our UNDER 21 Center on Eighth Avenue. You can drop your quarter in a slot, and for 90 seconds a screen will flip up, and you can watch one naked young lady dance. She won't sing. She will, however, tell you some very filthy jokes and invite you to masturbate. . There is no ethical or moral or qualitative difference between spending twenty-five dollars to see "Oh, Calcutta'.' for YOlur Fr. Bruce Ritter. OFM Con V., is the founder and President of Covenant HouselUNDER21, which operates crisis centers for homeless and runaway youl/l.
sophisticated evening at the theater, or spending twenty-five cents at a peep' show owned by members of the Angelo Bruno crime family of Philadelphia, or watching the action at aWest side hangout on W. 45th St. run by Matty "the Horse" of the Genovese crime family, or enjoying the entertainment at the Pussycat, another sexual supermarket owned and operated by Micky Zaf farano, the top pornographer of them all, located right in Times Square. It's just sex as entertainment and a very big business that makes a lot of very unwholesome people very rich. There's no mystery why we have a sex industry. The reasons have always been the same: greed and lust. Their greed and our
lust, and our inability to care enough about what happens to the young people who, every year, become enslaved by the industry. Because we tolerate and patronize this very sick business that treats young people as merchandise, we have made places like UNDER 21 necessary! This year we expect at least another 10,000 kids to come through our doors. Most of them will have been involved, on some level, with the industry. I have never met ayoung prostitute, girl or boy-and I've met thousands-that wanted to be one. I've never
met a young prostitute, girl or boy, that did not start out as a runaway. They have very few options. One boy put it for me very directly: Bruce, he said, I've got two choices: I can go with ajohn (customer) and do what he wants; or Ican rip somebody off and go to jail. And, he said, I'm afraid to go to jail. I wouldn't make it through my first shower. I can'tgetajob,l have no skills, I have no place to live. The boy is 16.1 do not know what I would have done if I were 16 and faced with that impossible choice. That's why the Church must do this work. It has always been an unmistakeable duty and an inalienable right of the Church to provide sanctuilry for abused innocents-and maybe ~o~ so
innocents-when they could not protect themselves from VICIOUS
exploitation. We have almost lost the ability to protect our children, and God
help us, the will to do so. Until the citizens of this country decide
they don't want a sex industry, and that it is not O.K. to buy and sell children and young people, thelindas and Marthas and Tonys will continue to be placed in harm's way, their lives destroyed, their spirits damaged irrevocably. Who, after all, wants to take on organized crime? ur politicians and law enforcement groups cer
tainly don't. Our prosecutors and our jUdiciary tell us their hands are tied. Who wants to take on the well-financed pressure groups that worry more about the civil liberties of pimps and criminals
than those of their victims? And who wants to be held up to scorn
and ridicule as book burners and fanatics because they see por nography as a degredation of an entire gender, as aclassroom for rape and seduction? My kids are good kids; You shouldn't think they're bad kids. When you're 14 or 15 or 16, or for that matter, 17 or 18, and you have no place to live, and you're cold and hungry and scared, and you've gQt nothing to sell except yourself, you sell yourself. There are thousands of young people caught up in this dangerous, degrading lifestyle, from which many never escape...and that
ends up killing many of t~em.
My friends and I are convinced that the work we do is God's work, and a worthy work of the Church. But we know that without your h~lp, we could not survive. We are always very broke and trying very hard to care for the hundreds of desperate kids that come to us every week. So, thanks very much for whatever finan cial help you can give us. But more than anything else, thank you for your prayers.
r 1:;;a;;;;~;;;:~-;-;';C~7cha;d;;;e-'
homeless and runaway YOlJth from the horrors of life on the street. Enclosed is my contribution of: $
NAME: - - - - - - - - - - - -
STATE: _ _
F ( (9/82)
Please send this coupon with your donation to: COVENANT HOUSE Attn: Fr. Bruce Rttter
P.O. Box 2121 Times Squar~Station New York. N.Y. 10108
Because the street is NO PLACE FOR A CHILD
THE ~NCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. ~4, 1982
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Come let us worship the Lord in the company of his angels. God our father, 'in a ,wonderful way you guide the work of angels and humans. :VIay those who serve you constantly in heaven keep our lives safe from all harm on earth. We ask this through Christ your son, Amen.
All the World Needs a Creed . .. ,CREED Designers and Manufacturers of World's Finest Religious ~aster~ pieces, Jewelry and Gifts..
of my Father who is in heaven. Yes, angels are. wonderful beings!
Read aloud Acts 5:17-20, then Acts 12:7. Have everyone draw and color a picture. of an angel. Then read Luke 1:26-38.
Middle Years and Adult Familie~
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Angel food cake and a fruit drink.
Young Families
Three very important Arch· angels are mentioned in stories Read aloud Luke 1:26-38 and Ask for Creed at your favorite Jeweler's. 'in the Bible: Michael, Gabriel, Daniel 12:1. These passages men· Religious Shop or Gift Store. - and Raphael. Angels are super tion archangels by name. Do lb==::::::::;;::::::::::::::::;~=================:::'l natural beings that show forth you think angels are present in . .:::.._:::::_._-_. ..;;;;;;;..;-;,;,-;;;;;;.;~;;;;;;;;;;;;..---.~!. God's greatness and perfection. our world? Does e:nYone. know · · P s a l m 9:11 says, "He will give his angels charge 0:: you, to of a story about the possibility guard_ you in all y'>Ur ways. of angels at work in the world What a great comfort it is to today? know God's angels ale with us and can come to our aid when ·7 Perry we ask our Lord for help. In the • ·'Our Heating Gospel of Matthew Ia:lO JesWl Avenue ~ili~ ,Oils' says: '''See that you do not de AMERICAN Taunton M~ss. spise one of these littlr~ ones; for' W Q~~ F~iends' I tell you that in he:lven their 822-2282 angels always behold 'the face
ELECTRICITY HUNT Have all the family members but one sit in a circle and hold hands. Pass the current by squeezing hands around the circle. The person who is "it" has to try to guess who has the current. Take turns being "it."
SHARING - Each share it time he or she' was save~ from a potential danger. - Share a time'someone felt close to another family member. - Each share what.he or she likes best about the family.
CLOSING PRAYER God our father, in a wonderful way you guide .our work and the work of angels. May those who serve you constantly in heaven keep our lives safe from all harm on earth. Amen.
Reagan kudos .'
WATCH OUT FOR THE LITTLE GALS AND GUYS! Children move fast, so go slow! Drive carefully on streets near schools c nd in all residential areas. Remember too, tllat some schools have double sessions cnd . shorter school days so be on the look-out for children on bikes and on foot throughout 1he . day. Give the little kids a c~ance to grow up big, like you!
. This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concernli In the Diocese of Fall River PAUL G. CLEARY & CO., INC. EDGAR'S FALL RIVER FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY
JEFFERSON CITY;- Mo. (NC) he said. "I just wonder if maybe - Benedictine Sister Ruth Hean-' God is waiting for us to do ey was cited by President Rea something." gan as an example of volunteerReferring to the parable of the ism at work. But the nun, who Good Samaritan, the president m~nages Agape House, a shelter said the Samaritan "didn't go for prisoners' families in Jeffer running into town looking for a son City, thinks the president caseworker to tell him there was was wrong for "using this case a fellow out there who needed of volunteerism to justify budget help." cuts that affect the poor." He added that he did not ex· Sister Heaney and a Baptist pect churches to compensate dol woman, Janice Webb, were lar for dollar for the cuts in praised by Reagan during a government spending, but said spring White House luncheon for - .that the potential for church ac religious leaders as exampl~s of tivity is unlimited. Sister Heaney, however, was what 'churches and the' private not ~)Verjoyed that the president sector can do for the nation's dis advantaged. had singled out Agape House as Agape House provides low an example of private initiatives. "This house is not a response cost housing for the families of to what the president is trying inmates of prisons in the Jeffer son City area. !twas opened by to do," she said. "We started Sister lieaney, -Mrs. Webb and this house long before President others through an ecumenical .Reagan was in the White House." program in November 1980., "I'm grateful we've been rec ."This is the kind of spirit we ognized but using this case of need to draw upon," Reagan 'volunteerism to justify budget' said in his speech, which en cuts that affect the poor, the couraged self-initiative as a solu disadvantaged, gives me a hal tion to economic woes and social low feeling," she said. "I'm hot problems. under the collar about being "Many people are praying and use~." wating for God to do something" Sister Heaney added that she . , felt compelled to speak out be cause she believes that contrary to what the president implied, programs such as Agape House cannot alone meet the needs of Funeral Dome
the poor and disadvantaged. 550 Locust Street
During his speech' the presi FaD River. Mass.
dent also cited the activities of 672-2391
Father George Clements, a Chic Rose E. SuUlvan
ago priest who has made national WUllam J. Sullivan
headlines by promoting adoption Margaret M. Sullivan
of minority children.
Whirlwind visit
to Padua
By Bill Morrissette
portswQtch Stang, Coyle-Cassidy Gridders ~'in The Spartans of -Bishop Stang In the closing minute of the High School and the Coyle- period Case's Brnd Laberge Cassidy Warriors posted con plunged from the one and then vincing victories last weekend in ran in for the conversion to nar footbaH season openers. row the gap to 9-8. Capitalizing Stang, a Division Three school on a Case fumble the Warriors hit pay dirt less th:an two min in the Sout!heasern'Mass. Confer ence, capitalized on fumbles by utes in the second stanza, Thom Durfee High gridders to pin a as going through from the three 26-13 setback on the Hitltoppers for the ro. Tom Leary rushed dn a non-'league encounter in for extra points andi a 17-8 ~ead Dartmouth Memorial Stadium for Coyle-Cassidy. Thomas scored Friday evening. again on a 72-yard run in the Gerry Lanagan scored two third perIod. IBrad Benoit scored touohdowns for Stang on a 40~ in the 'last period for Case. yard and a three-yard plunge, Also Saturday afternoon, the both in the second peJ1iod to give Bishop Feehan Shamrocks drop the Spartans a 14-6 'lead at half ped a 24-6 decision to North At time. John Green scored in the Ueboro in a non-league game. third period, Ted LariV'iereinthe Ted Barrett scored all four touch downs for the Rockets on runs fourth, both from within the five yard line. Lanagan ran in for the of eight, 27, 44 and five yard. two point conversion after this 'Paul Lindstrom scored on a 44 yard ,run for Feehan. second touchdown. , In games last weekend Somer Brad Kilby scored both Durfee touchdowns, from one-yard on set upset Canton" the defending 't'he first possession' of the game Division III Super !Bowl cham and on a 35-yard run in the sec pion, 14-6, ,Bourne d,efeated Digh ond canto. Bob Hargraves kicked ton-Rehoboth, 18-6. Other non the extra point. league results:, Attleboro 12, Sa~urday afternoon in Swan 'Seekonk 6; New Bedford Yoke· esa, Mike Thomas scored all the Tech 3, Dartmouth O. WarrIors' three touchdowns in Coyle-'Cassidy is at Attleboro pacing Coyle-Cassidy to a 23-14 at 7:30 tonight, S~nng is host to victory over the Case High Car Old Rochester at 7:30 tomorrow dinals in a CQnference Division night and Feehan entertains Three opener. A safety gave the Dartmouth tomorrc)'\V afternoon. The Hockomock schedule' to Warriors a 2-0 'lead in tlhe open ing minutes of the game and they morrow is King Philip at Canton, widened the lead to 9-0 on Stoughton at Mansfield, Oliver Thomas' first TO, from the 22, Ames at Foxboro lind Sharon at and Tom Leary's kick for the North Attleboro. conversion.
Connolly Yoke-Tech in Crucial 'roday
New -Bedford Yoke-Tech ds !host this afternoon to Bishop Connolly in a Division Two Southeastern Mass. Conference soccer game that ranks as an early season crucial encounter fol' both teams. In opening-week play !ast week Connolly defeated Diman Yoke 3-1, and !blanked Holy Fam ily 6-9, while Yoke nipped West port 2-1 and upended Stang 5-1. Entering this week Connolly an4 Yoke were tied for first place with two wins against no losses. Dartmouth and Old Rochester, each with one win and one tie, were tied for third place.
Other Division Two games to day have Westport at Old Roch ester, Dartmouth alt Diman Yoke and Stang at Holy Family. ,After games last Monday aft ernoon Dennis-Yarmouth was the undisputed leader in Div:islon One as a result of its stunnin,g 5-0 upset over New Bedford High, Which dropped to a second place tie with Somerset, a 1-0, winner over Attleboro Monday when Falmouth edged Barnstable, 2-1. Yesterday's games were Fal mouth at SOmerS(lt, Attleboro at New Bedford, Durfee at Bam.. stable.
New Bedford, Rocha Set Meet Jtecords New Bedford High School set a new team record and the trim son's Joe Rocha set a new dndi vidual record in the Somerset High School Invitational Cross Countiy Meet last Saturday. New Bedford's cumulative record time, 97 minutes 23 sec onds, gave the Crimsons an easy victory oyer runnerup Cathedral, 102:51, and third-place finisher Apponequet, 104:46. Rocha ran tlhe two-mBe course in 12:23 eclipsing the former rec
ord of 12:53 set by Troy Bickford
(If Middleboro in 1979. Rocha is New 'Bedford's no,. 1 runner. 'In this meet soeven individual races are run matching aH the schools' no. 1 runners, no. 2 run ners, etc., down to the no. 7 run ners. Total time of aU seven races determines the winning school.
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Law of the Sea UNITED NATIONS (NC) The Vatican has called for "a necessary compromise" in the crucial negotiations at the Law of the Sea Conference. In the Vatican plea, Archbishop Gio vanni Cheli, the Holy See's U.N.. observer, said tha~ "at this grave moment in international life we do, I)ot have the right to fail." After eight years of negotiations, the treaty process is coming to a head with major differences un· . resolved. Chief among these is a . First World-Third World conflict over control of seabed mining technology and mineral rights and the distribution of profits from seabed exploitation.
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PADUA, Italy (NC) , - Pope John Paul II told the' people of Padua Sept. 12 that he could not 'solve all the social problems of their region, but two themes God's fundamentality and man's centrality - could help them to deal with them. It was a day on which the city of the "whirlwind saint" wel comed the "whirlwind pope." Stt, Anthony, a native of Lis bon, Portugal, lived for less tJian two years in the city of Padua in northeastern Italy, but Pad uans became so enamored of his preaching and his charity that they claimed him as their own and still call the city's chief monument simply "the basilica of the saint." Paduans seemed to be asking that same sort of instant suc cess from Pope John Paul II dur ing his 12-hour visit there on a sunny late-summer Sunday. Local newspapers for days be. fore heralded the l'0pe's· coming and welcomed him as the har binger of reconciliation in an area rampant with problems ranging from 20 percent unem ployment to sharp political dis cord to notorious violence. A picturesque city which com bines the modem with the medi eval, Padua is a crossroads of culture. But its university popu lation of 60,000 among 250,000 residents helps to make it a hotbed of radicalism. It was in Padua earlier this year that American NATO Brig. Gen. James Dozier was sequestered for several weeks by young mem bers of the Red Brigades before, his stunning rescue by Italian police. Labor groups in an open letter to the pontiff said they hoped· that his visit would be a stimulus for reflection on what they call ed the contradictions of the city and that it would usher in a solidarity 'among industrialists, workers, intellectuals and those on the fringes of soci.ety. In his 12 hours in Padua, Pope John Paul - the first pope to visit the city since 1800 - gave nine separate talks to groups representing a cross-section of Paduan society, at sites ranging from a soccer stadium to the great hall of a 13th-century uni versity.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 24, 1982
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