t eanc 0 VOl. 29, NO. 38
$8 Per Year
'Teachers gather at Bishop Stang
Joan Robinson conducts workshop
Story and photos.
By Joseph Motta
Opening his presentation with a request that his audience join him in p~aY{lr for victims of Mexico's disastrous earthquakes, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin told more than 550 catechists at a diocesan Religious Education Day held Sept. 21 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, that their ministries are {lssen tial to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. (Excerpts from the bishop's address appear on page 9.) Tum to Page Eight
Catechists .Paula and Michael !Early
Jenco family urges
Renewed efforts to free hostages
WASHINGTON (NC) - The family of kidnapped Servite Father Lawrence Martin Jenco called for ~enewed efforts to free six Americans held hostage in' Lebanon after the release of one of the men. The Rev. Benjamin Weir, a
Presbyterian minister who had been held by Shiite Moslem ex tremists since May 8, 1984, was released Sept. 14. At a Sept. 19 pr~ss conference he warned that the remaining six hostages could be executed if the demand made by their captors that Kuwait
free 17 prisoners was not met. At another press conference in Washington Sept. 19, John Jenco and Sue Franceschini, brother and sister of Father Jen co, asked for renewed efforts to free the remaining hostages. Fathet:: Jenco, 50, director- of
Catholic Relief Services in Leb anon and a native of Joliet, III., was kidnapped Jan. 8. John Jenco relayed informa tion f-rom Mr. Weir about Father Jenco's condition 'and said he was "cautiously optimistic" but "lots more can be done" to
free the hostages. • He said Father Jenco's health is good and that Mr. Weir had brought back letters from four of the hostages, including the priest. Mr. Weir met with Father Jencoand three other hostages Tum to Page Seven
Cardinals to meet before bishops' synod
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has called a meet ing of the world's cardinals at the Vatican Nov. 21-23, only the third such session in modem church history, the Vatican an nounced Sept. 19. A Vatican spokesman would not say what issues the cardinals would discuss, but past meetings have focused on curial reform and Vatican finances. Po~ John Paul initiated the plenary assem blies to obtain the advice of the cardinals on important church topics. Most of the church's 152 car dinals -are expected to attend the meeting, which will take place just before the start of the Nov. 25-Dec. 8 extraordinary Synod of Bishops called by the pope to discuss the results of the Second Vatican Council.
The news of the plenary ses sion was reported in the French newspaper Le Figaro the day be fore the Vatican -announcement. The newspaper said the meeting would focus on the ,long-awaited reform of the Roman Curia, the church's administrative organiza tion. A report in the newspaper, in dependently confirmed by Na tional Catholic, News Service, said a detailed questionnaire on proposed changes in the struc ture of the Curia has been sent , to the world's bishops. The news paper said the questionnaires were to be returned in October. In 1983 the pope appointed a special commission to draw up the changes. The commission's ch.lirman, Ca'rdinaI Aurelio Sab MANY OF these cardinals and bishops who participated in the recent Eucharistic attani, would not comment on Turn to Page Six Congress in Kenya will' be on hand in Rome. (NC photo)
, '.'
Church aid
.fo,r Mexico
THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of Fall River-Fri., -Sept., 27, 1985
No places; no dates, .
but we're preparing By Stephenie Overman
So far
-it isn't certain where Pope John Paul II will be going or when or
. even if he's definitely visiting the United States in 1987, but already U.S. officials are gear ing up to greet him. Although no itinerary has been set, Father Robert Lynch, Na tional. Conference of Catholic Bishops associate general secre tary, said in a Sept. 19 interview that the "educated guess" would be an 8-10 day visit in Septem ber or October 1987 to Western and S:outhern parts of the United States. Father Lynch, who was papal visit coordinator for the 1979 U.S. papal trip, hopes places
and dates can be announced next
Pope John Paul's trip to the United States in 1979 covered parts of the East and Midwest. and the National Conference of. Catholic Bishops announced Sept. 17 that he might visit the West and South in 1987. .. Father Bernard Yarrish, a. spcikesm'an for the Vatican Em bassy, said last year that bishops from Florid,a, Texas and the West Coast have invited the pope. Father Lynch's f.irst step is visiting those dioceses to find out "how their stop would fit into the theme" of the visit, a' theme. that also has not been set. He said he's been receiving calls from people who want the pope "to give the invocation at their convention banquets." Father Lynch already knows one major difference betw~n the 1979 trip and the promised 1987 visit - the amount of lead time.
"The last time: he had 11 weeks. Our backs were up . against the wall, there was no time for bickering," ·Father Lynch said. "Now we have two years lead time. The real t.rick will be to keep everybody working to gether." Only the staff of the NCCB's .general secretary and Father Lynch planned the -last trip, but Father Lynch expects NCCB president Bishop James W. Ma lone of Youngstown, Ohio, to name a steering committee of bishops to 'l'eport to the NCCB Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee would take part in the planning .and the Vatican, as usual, has final ap- . proval of the itinerary. One thing Father Lynch plans
t9 do while visiting diOCeses is warn them of the cost of host ing the pope. Four hours in Des Moines, Iowa, during the 1979 trip cost $1.3 million, he pointed out. Bishops from around the Midwest chipped in to help pay the costs. . . Another diff~rence between the 1979 trip and the proposed 1987 one is that transportation will be more time-consuming on""this trip because the distances between
cities visited will be greater. During the 1979 visit the pope flew from Boston to New YO'I'k and Philadelphia before heading for Des Moines ,and Chicago and then to Washington. Cities from Miami to New Or leans and San Antonio to Los A'ngeles and San F·rancisco have expressed interest in hosting the pope during his next visit.
AMONG THOSE at Bishop's Ball planning meeting were Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Ball director, and Mrs. Harry B. Loew, recording secretary of the Diocesan Coun cil of Catholic Women. (Gaudette photo)
Ball plans are made Each chairman selected com mittee members from those at tending the planning meeting. Area Ball directors are Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, and Rev. Roger·L. Gagne, Attleboro; Rev. John F. Andrews, Cape and Is lands; Rev. Richard L. Chretien, In attendance were some 100 Greater New Bedford; Very Rev. members of the diocesan Ball' Gerald T. Shovelton, Taunton; Committee and of the Diocesan Msgr. Gomes, Fall River. Ball booklet subscriber cards Council of Catholic Women and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. were distributed to area repre The two latter groups cosponsor sentatives and tickets went to all in attendance.
the Ball. The booklet is divided into Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, di seven categories: MemO'l'ials, rector of the midwinter social Very Special Friends, Guaran event, named the following as tors, Benefactors, Boosters, Spon subcommittee chairmen: Decor'll' sors and Patrons. Persons or or tionsand Theme: Mrs. Stanley ganizations wishing to be in the Janick, FalI River, assisted by booklet may contact area coin Isabelle MacDonald, Westport mittee members or call or write and' Robert Coggeshall, Fall the Bishop's Charity Ball Head River; Hospitality: Mrs. Michael quarters, 410 Highland Avenue, J. McMahon, Fall River, assisted Post Office Box 1470, Fall River, by Mrs. Richard Paulson, Taun MA 02722, tel. 676-8943 or 676 ton. 3200.
Tickets are distributed accord
Presentees: Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Fall River; Hall: Glen ing to the booklet category de Hathaway, Fall River, assisted by sired and may also be purchased at any diocesan rectory. John MacDonald, Westport. At an organizational meeting last Sunday plans were made for the 31st annual Bishop's Ball, to be held Jan. 10 at Lincoln .Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, and to benefit camps for exceptional and underprivileged children in Southeastern Massachusetts.
Also; "security concerns will "be even greater than' the last time," Father Lynch said, be cause the pope "has been the victim of an assailant and that was not true last time." Pope John Paul was shot and wounded The following advisory has in an assassination attempt at gone to diocesan schools from the Vatican in 1981. the Chancery Office: We have been .confronted with a very grave warning from the insurance underwriters after
having had some distressing ex
WASHINGTON (NC) Two leaders' letter. "We write to ex and West" and that religious periences with the .so-ealled py leading U.S. church officials have press our solidarity in faith and communities have been "an es ramid activities, a gymnastic sential' part of the meaning of pledged their support for a con love with you, with the Chris type cheerleading stunt. Gener tians of Lebanon and with all Lebanon." tinued U.S. commitment "to pre ally mats are not used In pet' serve the independence, integrity Lebanese who seek peace and . Because outside forces are so formances at games. Given the and identity of Lebanon." ~nity in your land." active in the country, the United strong recoJllmelldatioD of our States "cannot relinquish its Although "the 'Lebimese must The letter said that Lebanon ·underwriters, we are insisting concern" for the country, the save Lebanon," countries like has stood for "democratic govern · that pyramid stunts be once and letter' said. the United States "have a re ment, religious pluralism; free for all eliminated from cheet' sponsibility as weH," said a iet "The United States has' great dom of thought and speech, and leading repertoires. This direc ter to the bishops of Lebanon ,respect for 'the culture of East potential to bea constructive tive is effective at once. and to Cardinal Antoine Pierre force diplomatically, economic-' In a related development, we Khoraiche, patrian:h of the . ally and in humanitarian assi.s have been advised -that cover world's Maronite Catholics. tance," the letter said. ages can no longer be provided
The letter from Bishop James
"We pledge to you, our broth for' any use of trampolines. As W. Malone, president of the Na er bishops, that we will continue of this writing, we have no in to urge and support a substan surance for incidents related to tional Conference of Catholic Next week The Anchor tial and sustained commitment · trampolines. Consequently, use Bishops, and Cardinal John. J. O'Connor, president of th~ Cath will publish a special Re by the United States to preserve of such apparatus must forth olic Near East Welfare Associa the independence, integrfty and with discontinue in schools, play spect Life issue. Most of · grounds and institutions. We tion was released' in Washing identity of Lebanon in the Mid our usual features, includ dle East." suggest that you dismantle and ton Sept. 18. ing Steering Points, will . Lebanon, with about 1.3 mil "We write to you 'at a time of dispose of any such apparatus, not .appear. All will' re great tragedy and suffering in lion Catholics among its 3 mil· since there is no reasoDable likeli sume' the following week. lion residents, is the center of hood that future coverage can be your congr:egations and in your obtained. the Maronite Rite. .nation,:' said the V.S. church
Cheerleading advisory
Church 'heads
independent Lebanorn'
By NC News Service Pope John Paul II has ex pressed "profound sorrow" for victims of the severe earthquakes · which struck Mexico Sept. 20 and 21, while U.S. and Canadian Catholic agencies began dispatch ing aid to the country. In Los Angeles, Archbishop Roger Mahony scnt $100,000 in relief aid to Cardinal Ernesto Corripio AhuJ1\ada of Mexico City. The New York·based Catholic Relief Services announced it has provided $50,000 in emergency relief and sent a team to Mexico to determine what further assis tance is needed. In Toronto, Development and Peace, the Canadian Catholic overseas development organiza · tior~, sent $30,000 in emergency funds to Caritas Mexico, Mexi co's Catholic relief -agency. The aid followed an appeal from the 'Mexican bishops' conference, De velopmentand Peace officials said. Archbishop Mahony asked pas · tors to take up a special collec tion at Masses S~pt. 22 in the 282 parishes of the Los Angeles Archdiocese. to 'assist the earth quake victims. The' Mexican Embassy in Washington said tha.t cathedrals in the state of Jalisco, Michoa can and Guerrero had collapsed. Vatican Radio ,reported that in Ciudad Guzman, a collapsing cathedral killed 26 persons, who were attending early. morning Mass. The first quake struck at 9:18 a.m. EDT, registering 7.8 on the Richter scale, a gauge of 'released energy. The highest readings on record were 8.9 from quakes off the coast of Ecuador, in 1906, and off the coast of Japan, in 1933. The U.S. Geological Survey said that the Mexican quake was of the same magnitude as the one which struck Chile Man:h 3, ki!lingat least 177 people. It said the Mexican quake was centered about 250 miles south west of Mexico City. The eye center appeared to have been near the west coast beach resorts of Acapulco and Zihuantanejo. The deadliest earthquake in modern times struck northeast ern China in 1976. China said the quake killed 242,000 people. Other estimates said up to 750,000 died. Church officials said donations for Mexican earthquake relief be sent to Mexican Earthquake Fund, care of CRS, Box 2045, Church Street Station, New York, N.Y., 10008.
Want more say -BIRMINGHAM, England (NC) - British Catholic priests have supported their bishops' call to Rome for greater decision-mak- . ing responsibility for iocal churches and have expressed con cern over Northern Ireland vio lence. The issues were address ed, at a meeting of the National Conference of Priests of Eng -land and Wales.
sions mediating in labor prob lems. As rector of. St. Mary's Cathe dral from 1956 to, 1965, for several years he organized Labor Day Masses and communion breakfasts at the see church. Born in Fall River on Oct. 12, 1906, Msgr. Tansey'was the son of the Jate James and Ma,rgaret (Ormsby) Tansey. After studies 'at St. Charles College, Catons ville, Md., and S't.' Bernard's Seminairy, Rochester, NY, he was ordained June 10, 19,33 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy. , Following service as a paro-' chial vicar in parishes in every area of the diocese, he was named vicar and then rector at St. Mary's Cathedral, remaining there until 1965, when he was' appointed pastor of Immaculate Conception Church. During World War II Msgr. Tansey,was a U.S. Navy chap ,lain, serving in Astoria, Ore., and aboard an aircraft carrier. He was a chapla'in at Taunton 1934 to River 1941 I State Hospital from and former dean of the F:all deanery of the diocese. In 1964 he was named ,a domestic pre late and ·in 1983 he observed his golden jubilee of priestly ,ordina tion. Msgr. Tansey is survived by
four nephews and three nieces.
Msgr. Arthur Wo' Tansey Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal celebrant and 41 priests concelebratedat the Mass of Christian Burial offered Monday at St. Mary's Cathedral for Msgr. Arthur W. Tansey. Msgr. Tansey, 78, died Sept. 19. Since his retirement from the pastorate of Immaculate Concep tion parish, Fall River, on March 1, 1977 he had resided at first in his own ~ome a~d nlore re cently at the Catholic Memorial Home, also ,in Fall River. Brief ,remarks by Bishop Cro nin and the eulogy delivered by Father Francis 1. Mahoney
united in describing Msgr. Tan sey as a "quiet, gentle man" ,and a dedicated priest noteworthy for his devotion to the sick. His solicitude for the bereaved was also recalled, manifesting it self in attending wakes and cele brating funeral Masses whenever possible. Msgr. Tansey's father, Thomas Tansey, was well known in Fall River labor circles and his son carried on the family tradition, acting as Diocesan Director of Social Action during the episco pacy of retired Bishop James 1. Connolly and on several occa-
Aid fund honors cardinal BOSTON (NC) - A scholar ship fund for youth in Ire ,land has been established in memory of the ,late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of ,Boston. ,The fund' was announced Sept. 17, the second anniver sary of Car~inal Medeiros' death, by the present arch bishop of Boston, Cardinal . Bernard Law. The fund origin ated from $23,000 Cardinal Medeiros willed his successor ·andanother' $27,000 added
by Cardinal Law. Also on Sept. 17, Cardinal Law,accompanied by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin 'and Father William M. Helmick, secre, tary for both Cardinal Med eiros 'and Cal"dinal Law, visit ed the simple Medeiros family
grave, in St. Patrick's Ceme tery, Fall River. Cardinal Medeiros had I"equested burial with his parents rather than at Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston,
or some other location of special honor. The scholarship fund ·will aid I'rish young people, includ ing seminarians, who other wise would not be able to complete their education. The fund is being directed toward Irish youth because "the Irish held a special place in the !heart of the !late car dinal," Cardinal Law said in his announcement.
Two Irish immigrant teach ers to the United States taught English to Cardinal Medeiros, , his sister and two brothers, said Cardinal Law. Cardinal Medeiros, a native of St. Michael, Azores, emigrated to Fall River in 1931 at age 15. The fund is to be adminis
tered by Cardinal Law and in
Ireland by the Irish primate,
Cardinal Thomas O'Fiaich of ,
Armagh, Northern Ireland.
Sr. Marie Richard The Mass of Christian Buria.! was offered Tuesday in Blessed, Sacrament convent chapel, Fall River, for Sister Marie de r As somption Richard, SSJ, 79, who died Sept. 20. A New Bedfor4 native, the daughter of the late Philias and Emma (Bourgeois) Richard, she entered the Sisters of St. Jo seph in 1921, teaching at the former Blessed Sacrament School, Fall River, and in Vinton, La. She is survived by a: brother, Alfred Richard, and three sis ters, Dorothy 'Fredette, Beatrice McGuire and Je~nne Rheaume. All are New Bedford residents.
,Bishops' pix HUNTINGTON, Ind. (NC) Our Sunday Visitor, national weekly Catholic newspaper, is publishing 'a photo directory of the U.S. bishops, containing a photo and biography of each member of the hierarchy.
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Ft. Worth diocese gets own paper DALLAS (NC) - The Texas Catholic newspaper of the dio ceses of Dallas and Fort Worth, has' announced the creation of separate editions for each dio cese and the hiring of new edi tors for each edition: The' new Fort Worth paper will be called the North Texas, Catholic. It will be edited by Sharon H. Sutter, a former re porter and news editor for the Florida Catholic. Publisher is Bishop Joseph P. Delaney, a Fall River native who has been bishop of Fort Worth since 1981. The two newspapers will con tinue to publish some pages in common as an economy measure.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 27, 1985
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\'~ tOJ'J,~ '~I. ,,_ ~.·.. 'f"t." "t~l \ THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 27, 1985 .,.1
' ..
the living word
True Religious Liberty
1i1' 4,
At the word Muslim, everyone seems to panic. So many
Americans are so confused and confounded by the followers of
Islam that all they seem able to do is react to news about them'
'with distress and even embarrassment.
To be sure, the current infighting among various Mohammed
factions does little in the way of clarification. However, if we.
are to keep our perspective with regard to the troubled Near
East, we should support a sincere outreach that will help us not
only to clarify specific issues but als9 come to a better under
standing of the religious and sociological reality with which the
world must live.
There are indeed forces working against a better under
standing between Islam and the American people. There are
malefactors who thrive on dissent and destruction, whose
objectives.can best be achieved amid the darkness of deceit and
outright falsehood'. Events from Tehran to Tripoli have only.
confirmed this reality.
Our national media, however, are too often biased in their
reporting of the Moslem world and have not treated the fol
lowers of Islam fairly or honestly. So often only fanatics and
frenzied mobs make the headlines or news shows. The vast
majority of faithful followers of Islam are reduced to the status
of blind zealots.
In this connection, it was more than refreshing to note that
during his recent trip to Africa, the Holy Father made a daring
journey to the world of islam. As the first pope in history to do
so, he .paid an official state visit to the Muslim kingdom of
Morocco. '
Poorly cov~red by our media, the pope sought to challenge all peoples to change their· prejudices and practices. . One of the most moving moments of his visit came during an ' address to thousands of young Muslims gathered. in . Casablanca. . After saying it was the first time he. had met with such a
group, the pope shared with his audience many beliefs Chris
tians and Muslims hold in common. He empliasized such
matters as the one God, the great prophet Abraham, the holy
laws that govern life and the need of prayer. .
The pope also paid special attention to the attitude of the Church toward Islam as stated in the Vatican II declaration on the relationship of the Church to non-Christians. It is well for all of us to recall the words of this statement:
"Upon the Moslems too the Church looks with esteem. They
adore one God, loving, enduring Maker of Heaven and earth
and Speaker to all men'. They striv~ to submit wholeheartedly
to His decrees just as did Abraham. They do not acknowledge
Jesus as God, they revere Him as a prophet. They honor Mary,' His Virgin Mother." .. Then in a very. special call to all people the Council made the following bold, clear and direct statement: "Although in the course of centuries many quarrels and hostilities have arisen between Christians and Moslems, the most Sacred Synod urges all. to forget the past and to strive sincerely for mutual . · " un d ers t.an d mg. . 1 Indeed., the ijoly Father has grv.en us a persona example as he strives to implement the directions of the C.ouncil. His visit to Morocco was a stunning witness on behalf of all mankind. - His plea that Christians and Muslims make a, common cause of. safeguarding and fostering social justice, moral values, peace and freedom should not fallon deaf ears or hardened hearts. . If a truly lasting.peaceeffort is to b.e undertaken a.mid the conflicts of the Near East, all must begin to follow the lead of Pope John Paul II and act according to the belief that true The Editor religious liberty respects both God and man. _____~-------------_-.....- - - -,
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 Mosl EDI~OR
Rev., John F. Moore
PUBLISHER A, Cronin, '0.0" S.T.O.
R(~v, Oani~1
FlNANr.IAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . . . Leary Pre5s:-Fall River
'1> ,
NC/ UPI photo
'It is a land! of hills a~d valDeys that drinks in rain from the heavens~ a land which the Lord your God looks after.' - Deut. 11:11-12
The importance of the media
gram highlighting activities within of the secular media but-a truly Catholic alternative, spreading the the Providence diocese. Neverthe Church's use of communi less, it is a sad fact that one inust good news about people and pro cation is critically important in search high and low to find just a grams that deepen faith. ,our day. Although since the Second handful of programs sponsored by Our media fearlessly report the Vatican Council there has been the Catholic Church. truth, including news of dissent . renewed emphasis on the use of 'Hopefully, cable television and within the Church and deteriora the media to 'promote the Gospel, the influence of the Church in increased use of satellite transmis 'tion of religious practice. How sions will make more Catholic ever, such reports should be within comunications has not been pro a context wh,ere dissent and dete portionalto its membership in our programming available in predom rioration are not a trend to be nation. inately Catholic southern New applauded but a fact to be deplored. England. Pope John Paul II recently asked The Christian Broadcasting Com. -~ pany and the multitude of televiFather James Keller, founder of Catholic journalists to undertake sion evangelists appear to have far The Christophers, used as a theme investigative reporting revealing not greater influence upon Catholics of that organization the ancient only hidden sinners but hidden than does Catholic programming, Chinese proverb: "It is better to saints. Too many Catholics are Surveys show that one third of - light one can.dle than to curse the unaware of the uncounted men - the dollarsraise~ by TV evange- darkness." and women who unselfishly serve . lists come from Catholic viewers. There ·has been much confusion the handicapped, the abandoned i One need only page through a TV in the Catholic Church during the and 'the poor. Their stories not· program guide to see the discre- past 20 years. In reporting it, the only model the living of the Gospel pancy between Protestant-eoritrol- secular media have given promi in the world but can also streng led programming and that eman- nence to persons highly critical of then and encour~ge millions of ating from Catholic sources. Church leaders, Many such figpeople in their daily lives. In short, ures have played into the hands of the Catholic media ,can light the -Lamentations aside, manyCatho- secular media that have an ax to candle referred to in the Chinese ,lie programs are effective vehicles., grind with the Church. proverb. The secular media have F:or instance, daily and Sunday' Unfortunately, those who sow for far'too long cursed the dark television .Masses are available, as dis'se-nt and spread confusion have ness. Perhaps those working in the . are weekly programs such the Fran- an uncanny way of making head Catholic media could take as their' ciscans' Insight, a drama series lines. Such realities should reaf own the words attributed to St. highlighting moral problems; Con- -firm the need for a more active role Augustine: "In necessary things, fluence, an inte~faith discussion of for the Catholic media. They should unity; in doubtful things, liberty; con~emporary Issues; and a pro- _ 11 0t , howeyer, be .aJ~ale reflectio,n in all things charity. By Rev. Kevin J. Harrington
Fine educators
THE ANCHOR-:Diocese of ~a.ll River-rrL~ Sept. 27, 1985 By
What and
where is
I listened to a man address off the footb,all tea~ when they a large group on how he hap , lost their eligibility to play because DOLORES of refusal to do homework. That pened to become a poet. He did her in. Oh; how she spoke to explained that he went to col- me. She was the first to reveal to CURRAN
, lege on a basketball scholarship, and in one of life's ironies found himself in a poetry class which had such a profound impact on him that he gave up basketball and lost his scholarship, much to his par ents'dismay.
Like so many, his story has a
happy ending because he has become a successful publishing poet and teacher. But his statement is universal: "I ran into one of those rare teachers who made a differ ence in my life... " Many of us have had that expe rience. Somewhere along our edu
cationaljourney, we met a teacher who made a difference, who rec ognized in us a quality unnoticed by others, who encouraged us at an impressionable time, who saw us as a person instead of student, and who probably has no idea of his or her impact on our lives. I recall one such teacher who made literature live for me and gave me a lifelong love of reading. I am ashamed to admit I cannot recall her name. She lasted only one year in a school that didn't appreciate her value; teaching sen ior lit she inherited student resist ance and ridicule because she thought literature was important. She kept a couple of young men
me -the deeper meanings of life through literature. And she was demanding. She read every paper thoroughly and wrote comments which must have taken as much time as the paper itself took to write.
I wish I could meet her again and tell her the impact she had on me . ..Later, as a recovered adoles cent, I, too became a teacher of literature and never forgot that out there in the desks sat students who were trying to find meaning in ' their lives and that good writing rests on touching people's experien ces.
In a day when teachers are reviled for what they don't accomplish . and are blamed for illiteracy, it would be easy to believe that dedi cated teachers no longer exist, but ' they do and I suggest we become counter-culture and let them know they make a difference. Education is not affirmed today: Conversely, it is blamed for every thing from drugs to promiscuity. Yet, those good teachers go on meeting our children day after day, determined to open up new worlds for them in spite of a society that has buried education as a tried-and-Iost cause. Those of us who find ourselves in the critics corner don't always
Lessons'about life
"Indeed, my strength was dried up as by the summer's hea~. " During my years in the priesthood I must have read
as if it had dried up. The flowing juices that athletes speak of when performing at their peak had stopped flowing altogether.
that phrase in Psalm 32 thousands
Coordination became erratic and of times. It never meant much to a sinking panic gripped me. As the, me until I participated in the Chi fear of going into hypothermia cago triathlon this summer. flooded my mind I faced the deci My preparation for the event ~ion ~f calling for help and calling was my best ever. Running, cycling It qUIts. I"gave one last desparate and swimming practices were con look around for something to focus sistently strong. The diet was care on to gain composure. fully planned and adhered to; the Along the shore I spotted a line television was turned off early each of evenly spaced trees. They became evening. There was not only a feel my salvation. "If only I could ing of well-being, but there was the make it from the first to the added psychological advantage of second," I thought, "I might be feeling well-disciplined. able to hang in." When the going gets tough, know Like slowly goin~ up one rung ing you kept all the rules of train after the other of a ladder, I began ing is a tremendous source of to edge ahead. Before long I found fortification. myself cruising. I was given an Three days before the triathlon added push when the sun peeked my dad and I drove to Lake Mich out for the first time, showering igan to test the temperature of the warm rays that felt like shots of water. It could not have been more adrenalin. perfect. Riding home I thought, The rest of the swim, along with "Everything is in place to go for a the bicycling and ru'nning, turned personal best." out to bejoy ~ and a personal best The morning of the triathlon time.
was gray. There was a slight chill . I believe every h~rrowing exper in the air due to a brief sprinkle. Ience teaches us a lesson in life or Little did I know of the big chill I reminds us of one we may have was about to experience. When I forgotten. The sudden shock 'of jumped into the water it was freez cold water and loss of nerve ing. The unexpected shock un remind~d me that, no matter how nerved me. well we plan, often we don't pre- , "Why has the temperature pare for a turn of events. changed so drastically? Let's get We tell ourselves we want only going," I thought to myself, "and to think of the bright side. We generate some heat!" don't wantto think of what can go Never di~ the sound of the gun wrong. And yet how often can sound better. However, into the shock be softened if we realize it is first quarter mile I swallowed con possible and could hit us at the siderable amounts of cold water least expected moment. ' and felt even colder than when we I also was reminded that in
began. Suddenly my strength felt moments of trauma we ofte~ are
realize how discouraging this is to teachers who care and try. I spoke at length with a nun who has taught first grade for 28 years. The love she has in her face when she speaks of her students is extraordin ary. I asked her how many of her former students have thanked her for being who she is, for persever ing without appreciation, for giv ing them fundamentals and love. She replied, "About to or 12." "Does that discourage you?" I asked. She smiled. "No, because the children respond to me and I get great satisfaction from seeing their self-confidence and skills spring from zero when they come in. I just wish the parents were more supportive. I suspect just one letter or call from a former student would lift such a teacher to renewed dedica tion and heights as the school year starts and she encounters new faces. Is there a teacher or coach who made a difference in our life? If so, let him or her know.
reduced to a childlike state in which we must once again take baby steps to recover. As humiliat ing as this may seem it keeps us in the ball game .of life. ' The thought of hoping for sun shine never entered my mind. I was lucky to have it happen. If I am ever in a similar situation I will hope for it, knowing that one thing panic does is to shut down our mode of thinking hopefully.
THE ANCHOR' (USPS-545-020), Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass, Pub lished weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass, 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P,O, Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
Q. Could you please tell us what I think it may be helpfUl to heaven is? Describe it fully. Where remember two things. First, as a is it? When' people go there will parent you are at least somewhat they be able to communicate with aware of the many complicated family and friends? factors that might today lie behind Thank you for answering these a young person's neglect of his questions. I am sure they wilD religious faith and practices. enlighten'us very'much. (Ohio) I do not say, of course, that such A. I'm sure you would appre neglect is a good thing. By no ciate an answer to those questions! means, however, does it necessar So would I, and probably 90 per ily or even usually reflect rejection cent of the rest ofthe human race. of God. Each person's relationship The problem is that nobody with God is unique and extremely knows the answers, at least on this personal. It always exists under at side of eternity. St. Paul tells us in least some influence of the faithful one of his letters that eye has not love God has for each of us. seen and ear has not heard, nor has Second, we must never forget it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those, that in hearing and answering our who love him. That's just about prayers God is not bound by the limits of time, past or future. The where the matter stands. we offer, in addition to 'prayers Even Jesus did not disclose many details; he probably knew we whatever intercessory power they . couldn't grasp or understand the have in (whatever to us would seem like) the present moment, specifics if He gave them to us. can be "answered" by God long In St. John's Gospel, during his dialogue with the disciples at the before they are actually said. This may sound complicated Last Supper, Jesus speaks much of the future. He tells us that he is but it is an insight of faith that we going to prepare a place for us: Christians have always acted upon. The official prayers ofthe church that where he is we also will be: and that this joy will be full and no at Masses for the dead, for exam one will be able to·take it away ple, repeatedly imply (by praying for "forgiveness" and so on) an fl'om us. extension of that prayer back to Beyond that, Jesus' main mes sage is: ,"Have faith in God and that person's time on earth and his faith in me." In other words: Do as or her preparation for death. In other words, we pray for a I ask, and then trust me that it will , happy and holy death long after be well worthwhile: The basic truth is simply that the person has died, something our experience of life on this earth which logically and faithfully folis so limited, and our capacity for , lows from what we believe about understanding eternal things is so God. Thus, at least one of the things small, that we must do just that, trust in Christ's love for us and you are praying for at this time is believe that he knows what he is that God might grant the graces of essential faith, hope and love in his talking about. The traditional belief in "the life and as the time came for him to ,communion of saints" implies that die. This to me is one of the most there is a genuine, though myster consoling aspects of our faith. It is, ious and quite different, commun ication that is possible and in among other things, what we mean effect between people who have when we say' we believe in the supreme Lordship of God and in entered the next world and our selves still here on earth. Our belief the communion of saints. in the possibility of prayer, and the Q. My daughter was married at answering of prayers, between us the age of 17 when she was six and our Lord and the saints, is months pregnant. A Methodist min based on the possibility and reality ister performed the ceremony for of that communication. her and the baby's father. This marriage ended in divorce Q'. A year ago my son was killed three years later and my daughter instantly in a motorcycle accident. wants to get married again. Is Although he was raised a Catholic there any chance she could be he had neglected his religion, at married in ~he Catholic Church? least outwardly, for the past eight A. I assume your family is Catho lic. Ifso, your daughter's first mar years. Bey'ond the terrible blow of his riage would most likely not have death, I am more concerned with been a valid! marriage according to his spiritual welfare. Can my pray the law of the Catholic Church, ers, offerings of Masses and so since it did not take place before a forth bring him God's pardon? priest. What ofthe "punishment due to Thus, at least as it would con sin" that many ofthe older prayer cern her previous marriage, there would be no impediment to her books dwell upon? I so want to believe that I am marrying this second time in the , helping my son. I shall continue to Catholic Church. pray regardless, but I hope your A free brochure giving basic answer will be able to strengthen prayers, beliefs and precepts ofthe my belief in the hereafter. (New Catholic faith is available by send ing a stamped, self-addressed enve Je,rsey) A. I am sorry for your hurt. The lope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trin sudden death of a son or daughter ity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloom is always a terrible tragedy; yours ington, III. Questions for this is even more painful because ofthe column should be sent to him at spiritual concerns. the same address.
Sept. 29 Rev.J.A. Payan, Founder, 1899, St. Matthew, Fall River Sept. 30 Rev. John J. Griffin, Pastor, 1963, St. Paul, Taunton October 2 Rev. Joseph E. Sutula, Pastor, 1961, St. Casimir, New Bedford
,THE ANCHOR-Dio~ese ofFaIlRiver-Fri.>S~pt. 27,1~85
stamina due to prayer, says archbishop
We're 'Better
LQS ANGELES (NC) - The real,secret of Pope John Paul II's. physical.and intellectual stamina is his prayer me, according to a ·U.S. archbishop at ·the Vatican who 'has made eight journeys ..' with the pope. , National ~ .Attleboro~ Archbishop Justin Rigali, who was ordained a bishop Sept. 14 in the Italian town of Albano, M~m~r~ F~d~ral D~p~sit Insuranc~ , . . . ..Corporation',' . was interviewed ,while in Los Angeles in early' September for . . b .... _~~ the installation' of Archbishop 'Roger Mahony. .' A. priest of the. Los Angeles 'Archdioces~, Archbishop Rigali .. ~as named by the.' pope earlier ,this year to head the Pontifical ,~' Ecclesiastical Academy, the Vati .:. \.'. .' :.... can's training school for diplo " CLOSED SUNDAYS. .. mats. "He has an immense amount Daily 'Deliveries t~ Otis. Barnsl~ble;County HosjHta'l. of spiritual. energy," said Arch "}obey Hospital, fa,lm~uth'Hospital, . bish'opRig:lIi of the pope. "You 12 McARTHUR BLVD. - BOURNE . SO. .,ROTARy,,'IOURNE . . . " ,have to see the tot81 picture of Tel.,759-4211 and 759-2669 ' the man. His spiritual energy channels all his psychic energy." , Archbishop Rigali said ' t~e , pope's prayer' life "somehow or other: in some mysterious way" gives the pope physical stamina. "I don't know how it works it's mysterious. I know Lecause ,Boshc>pBt:.nks and, Bishop Cronin. '-a\ 1 the fad· is there and ,I'm con 'Designers'andManlDfatturers 'of,' ,,~ vinced that his real secret is in •Bishop'Cronin'a coconsecrator ,his prayer life, his spiritual com ~orld's Finest Reiigious" Master-. t : \ ',' ~ ' munion with God." pieces, Jewelry and Gifts.' "., n Arch~ishop Rigali said he al ~.' 'Ash for Creed at your favc;>rite Jeweler's, so .believes the pope's profound l_-- ~... Religious Shop or Gift ,Store. serenity" also plays a role. It With tho~sandsin attendance, ceded by a procession into the was mirrored in his first talk Bernard Cal'dlnal Law ordained cathed,ral ,of' caroinal~, ' bishops, when qe 'became ,pope. He said ".r, ' ... , Rev.' Rob.ert ,J. Banks, .Auxiliary ,priests, .Knights and, Ladies of that, the . Blessed Virgin would Bishop of Boston at 'aMass Sept. the Holy Sepulchre, Knights of · help him," Archbi$hop RigaIi. 19 -in Holy Cross C!ithedral, Malta 'and ,Knights of, Columbus. said. Archbishop Rigali added that Boston, Rev. 'Franci~ Strahan directed, Of , Bishop the Archdiocesan Papal Ch,oir, while, the pope's' serenity' helps Coconsecrators keep him going during his trips, Banks were Bishop Daniel A. accompanied by a brass en semble, flute, oboe, organ and it does not hamper his ability to ·Croninahd Bishop John A. Mar understand and cope with prob shall of Burlington, Vt., !both timpani. lems. fellow students of Father: Banks Bishop Banks, 57, has been 87 ·'STOWE ST., FALL' at the North American Coilege Vicar for Administration. of the "There's not a crisis that he in Rome. Archdiocese of Boston.. He will, doesn't remain, calm in. There's William Cardinal Baum, pre not a problem ,that he. doesn't continue to serve in ,this cap fect of the Sacred Congregation acity. face with equanimity. He never M. S. A G U I A R '& SON' . ,: for Catholic Education, was pres- , , Rector of St.John's Seminary Joses his peace. ~ ~ ent, as were 45 other. bishops: from 1971 to 1981, he was a pro · "It doesn't ,mean he's not in ,. from ,niany parts of the world. fessor 'of canon daw at the sem· volved, that he's unconcerned, Over 600 archdiocesan priests inary for 12 years. He, holds a that he doesn;t feei - except ·'were Mass co'ncelebrants. ' , ,doctorate in canon law from 'that the' whole thing is in pro 'Master ,of ceremonies. for the the Lateran University. in Rome portion," Archbishop Rigali con Mass was Rev. William ~ M. Hel and has served in' a ·number of tinued. "It enables him to face mick. The ceremony was' pre- archdiocesan parishes. all these crises and problems and bring to them this divine ele-, ment of God's peace, to see them . all within the context of the Gospel and the word of God." that began in 1957 'with Pope Archbishop, RigaUsaid the COntinued from page one the commission's work Sept. 19 Paul VI's apostolic constitution' 'pope is tired on occasion, "but 'and would not say whether: the , '''Regimin~ Ecclesiae' Universae." the.next morning ~ it hapPens reforms would be presented 'to Without spelling out possible 9uring the trips - .the next the College of Cardinals. changes, the pope said then that morning he'll be fresh as can be ' In the past, the: cal'dinals have· theCui-ia structures needed a and start out again."· , issued statement at the end of, "more pastoral" direction. The 'According to A'rchbishop Ri the 'meeting, reviewirtg topics Lei Fgaro ,article' said, the gali, the Vatican is 'currently represented by, its diplomatic discussed and conclusionsreach~ changes proposed !by the com ed. The pope has usually set the mission, involved the addition of corps in 128 nations. That figure general' agenda 'iIi talkS at"the two congregations to deal with has doubled during the pontifi beginning,of the meetings. 'foreign affairs lind the laity. The cates ,of Pope Paul VI and John PROVIDING FINANCIAL .GUIDANCE The first plenary ~ssembly of article reported nO other sub" .Paul II. The academy that Ai"C:hbishop cardinals dn,1'979 primarily dis stantial changes among the pro . ;' &' ,,',' Rigali will direct is a' community . cussed the finances of the Holy posals.
COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP , See, as well as 'Curiarefonn and .': The pope has described the. of 32 student· priests preparing IN SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS '" ·the relationship of the church cardinals' meetings as an Jllus for: entrance into ,the diplomatic SINCE,1.825. :to c u l t u r e . , ' tration of collegiality, as called service of the Holy See. In 1982, the pope told the' for by the Second Vatican 'Coun The archbishop expects to con ENGIAND~: second plenary assembly that he cil. In 1982 he told the cardinals' tinue,traveling with the pope, at wanted the cardinals to focus on that the sessions had helped, ,in- • ,least to 'English-speaking coun BRISTOL COUNTY Memb~r F.D.I.C. reform 'of the Curia, a process ject "new· vigor" ,into the college. tries.
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Lay ministry traimng
teleconference topic
NEW YORK (NC) - Training of lay people for ministry should be carried out in close collabora tion with sectors of the church where they expect to serve, speakers emphasized during a recent teleconference on Lay Ministry and Staffing Today's Parish." Lay ministers, volunteer or paid, cannot move into pa.rish structures ·as "self-commission ed" workers, the participants said, but must ensure that the ministries they plan to offer will match the needs felt by parishes and dioceses. The teleconference was the fourth in a series of six on church issues being produced this year by the National Pastor '81 Life Center in New York. It was transmitted· Jive from the studios of the New York Arch diocese by the Catholic Telecom munications iNetwork of Ameri ca. A CINA spokesman said more than 40 diocesan affiliates had groups participating in the tele conference. Bishop James R. Hoffman of Toledo, Ohio, former chairman of the U.S. ibishops' Committee on the Laity, said that training for lay people who planned to work on a volunteer or, parttime basis in their own communities should be given close to where they will be serving, and not in a seminary setting. Institutions such as divinity schools in the Eastern part of the country that ·are preparing Jay people for fulltime careers 'in Catholic parish ministry, he said, should be developing their pro grams in close consultation with dioceses. "We can't let a person with an individUal call (to ministry) by pass the community," he said. Sister of Charity ,Barbara Gar Q
land, vicar for personnel for the Diocese of Syracuse, N.Y" said schools ·asked her diocese for lists of openings their graduates might fill, but did not ask the diocese in advance what its per sonnel needs would ;be. "People are being educated for positions that won't exist," said Sister \. Garyand, past president of the National A'ssociation of Church ·Personnel Administrators. The question of church fin ancial support for the education of lay people' also arose during DOLORES LECKEY, ex ·the teleconference. ·Leo Stan ecutive director of the U.S. ford.. director of the Institute of Bishops' Committee on the · Theological Studies at the Uni versity of Seattle, said most lay laity, will conduct a work people preparing for ministry shop on Women in the could not support themselves for Church from 10 a.m. to 5 the three-year program of his in p.m. tomorrow at LaSalette stitute, so the Seattle Archdio Shrine, Attleboro. · cese provides help. Focusing . on women's The panelists and those calling in questions agreed that the gifts, it will explore wom growing use of lay ministers was en's history" spirituality, valid and desirable, but they also ministry and service to took note of some possible dan church and society. gers. Mrs. Leckey, author of Father Philip Murnion, direc tor of the National Pastoral Life "The Ordinary Way: A Fam Center and moderator of the ily Spirituality," is currently panel discussion, asked whether working on "Prophetic current practice might :lead to Questions," a book on the "clericalization" of the -laity with role of the laity. development of a "professional Further information on caste." Sister Garland warned of tomorrow's program is avail-. creating-· a "new elite class" of lay people consisting of those in able at 222-5410. fuHtime professional ministry. Another danger discussed was that priests ma~ not get a sense ~Fourth of fulfillment in their minist,ry if their time is filled with going from parish to parish providing sacraments while lay people per CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy form many of the more humanly (NC) Pope John Paul II re satisfying ministries, such as cently told a European charity · home visitation. But Bishop Hoff organization that it should work man foresaw an increase in ap to help the "new poor" !in an preciation for the ,importance ~f emerging "Fourth World." sacramental ministries. The pope said that while Third World developing countries need constant attention, even "ad vanced economic countries ex Mrs. Franceschini said the perience the paradox of socially government, the church and the marginal' groups, often very poor and ignored by the greater pub media must do more to free the lic." hostages and to' keep their cause "Today, one discovers equally alive in the minds of Americans. the Fourth World, constituted by "From our church we need the new poor of our countries of petitions ,in every diocese," she old civilization," he told mem said, calling for denominations bers of the Council of Europe to join in a "unified prayer net Reestablishment Fund. work." The progress of poor people She called on the United is blocked by "indifference to the poor, the shameless squand States to use every means avail able to communicate with the ering of primary resources, and captors, including the Red Cross the 'aberration of the fabrication and selling of extremely danger and the United Nations. At an eariler meeting Jenco ous arms," the pope said. "Identitfy with the poor, and was asked if he supports the U.S. government's 'approach. He go to their aid," the pope urged said he has not been as critical the group, which aids political as some of the other relatives exiles and victims of natural who said they do not think that catasrophies. and epidemic dis the Reagan administration has eases. been aggressive enough. "I say 'let's give in' (to the de-· mands)," Jenco said. HALLETT
Mrs. Franceschini asked for Funeral Home Inc•.
.more efforts to make people aware of the situation, saying 283 Station Avenue that when members of her fam South Yarmouth, Mass. ily talk to people around the country about the hostages still Tel. 398·2285 in Lebanon they 'are 'asked "what hostages?"
Renewed efforts
Continued' from page one - Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent for the. Asso ciated Press; Thomas Suther :land of the American University in Beirut; and David Jacobsen, director of the Am,erican Uni versity Hospital - on numerous occasions, including the day of his release. Jenco said Mr. Weir told !!lim the priest has been visited by doctors and given medicine for high blood pressure. When Father Jenco was kidnapped it was reported that tests indica ted he !has a heart condition. Mrs. Franceschini said hearing Mr. Weir's description of the captives' conditions "gave me a lot more hope. He (Father Jenco) !has human contact with other hostages, he's not in chains . . . it means a great deal to us." Mr. Weir had said that after July.2 of this year five of :the seven hostages had been allowed to meet and pray together. How ever, he said he had not seen hostages William Buckley, a political officer at the U.S. J;:m bassy in Beirut, and Peter Kil burn, a librarian at the American UniversitY in Beirut.
World' concerns pope
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"YOU WILL SEE ME IN OTHERS" , I e'ntered 'Christ's Church, I kneeled in my pew. I prayed before mass, as I always do. The choir started to sing, I joined in. The mass progressed, full ~f holiness. I heard the priest pray as he lifted the host. "This Is my body" Looking into his hands, a glow of light ,appeared. It continued to glow, more and more, gradually, I saw Jesus, our brother; aj)pear. I wasn't blinded, this moment, was mine; I remembered Jesus saying, "You will see me in others" This time to see him, in his priest's hands. I saw him In another, as he said I would. , Now, I understood. Sunday, come to mass. Look up to the host, in the priest's hands. Listen, to every word, be patient. To you, his vision, will come. You will see, our brother"
Jesus. Our father's son.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 27, 1985
Good News
continued from page I The gathering, which had as its theme "Listen and Follow with an Open Heart," had Father James F. Hawker, director of religious education for the archdiocese of Boston, as its keynote speaker. His topic was "The Catechist: Called to Be 'and Become a Faith-Filled Disciple of Christ." The Diocesan Department of Education, Jed by Father Richard W. Beaulieu, director; Sister Doreen Donegan, siJsc, director of religious ¢ucation; and Sister Patricia Halliday, SND, assistant director of religious education, also arranged a choice of over 20 workshops'for attendees. Topics ranged firom moral theo-, ,logy to catechesis w-ith' the developmentally disabled. ," Preceding ,the bishop's I'emarks, the group was welcomed by ,Sister Donegan and accompanied in an opening hymn by Sister Lucille Gauvin, OP,' of Bishop Connolly High School; Fall River. Psalm 72 was prayed antiphonally under ieadership of Father Beaulieu. In his keynote address; Father Hawker admitted ,to having' a special place in his heart for the musical "1776.'" In it, he Said, the character of John Adams sings "Is anybody there?' Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see?" " , He told the g,roup that God is asking: the same question from a divine perspective. . The gathering was III commun-, 'ity of f~ith,he Said, people who are gifted and "striving to be and become friends and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ." "God has touched each one of us out of the context of our own experience," he S;lid, stressing that the chosen person must ac cept, beHeve'in and trust God. As these feelings become deeper, , he explained, one !is more will ing Illnd able to accept what Jesus has to teach.
"Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord," he said, "live in union with him, seek your roots in him, build your !fives on him and become even stronger in the faith." Father Hawker noted the 'im portance, of each individual rec ognizing his or her dependence , on God. "Share the memory," he urged, "share the tradition, share the message, share the meaning." Father John J.. Oliveira, paro, chial vicar at St. ,Michael's par ish, Fall River, presented a work ,
shop on the spirituality of the catechist. "You don't have tO,be a priest CATECHISTS TAKE NOTES AT A RELIGIOUS
or a nun to be interested in spirit. EDUCATION DAY WORKSHOP.
ual Hie," he told his hearers. "We're baptized people, the people who have been claimed lSy 'pressed pleasure at the Jarge at each class. '''If pl"ayer'is silent, sitions 'in lifestyle over the last Christ and have been made new tendance at the day. "I'm very, direct it," she 'advised; 50 years. creations." very pleased with the turnout;" ~ - "Reconciliation and Sin" Broken homes were rare in Father Oliveira said that reli-' Sister Donegan said. "It's 'an ex workshop was offered by Father .the 1930s, she said, while today, gious education'is' but' one aspect cellent day. People seem very Joseph R. Paquette of the Provi more than 25 Percent of young of the total life of the' catechist, happy." , dence diocese. ', and that it is one's whole iife that Among those enjoying the pro "Hatred is a real curse to us people come from such homes. Christ is asking to'!:>e involved gram were Mr. and Mrs: Michael, in oUi'lives and in our journeys," 1980s youth are better educated , with." Early of St. Patrick's parish, he explained. "What Jesus w~nts than their parents, and role Legacy of Memories us to do is to see others as he models for them are not so con Falmouth, who teach Confirma sistent as they once were, she Jerry and Scottie Foley of the tion I and II classes. "We stay saw them." continued. diocesan Office of Family' Minis with the same group for the two , Classroom Discipline try presented "Living With the years," Paula Early said. "It . The student of t~ay :is a Nancy Davis, religious educa Memories We Create," a look at helps us to develop, special rela tion coordinator at St. Anthony's product, of parents who have the legacy of memories which par tionships and a, family atmos parish, Mattapoisett, presented lived through Woodstock, Water ents leave their children. phere." . , Family traditions 'areimpor a workshop on dassroom discip. g·atl;l ,and Vietnam, she added, '. A workshop presented by cate tant, the husband-wife team said. also reminding workshop parti line. " cipanJs ' ~at. ,','W$o ilJ1portan~, .Qf Parents offour, they spoke of suc~ chist Joan RobinsoJ;l of St. Pius "Absolutely ,no learning can we'('e going to Ibe :teachers" to a~tivities as their annual "Candle~ X parish, So. Yarn;touth, wa~' en light Living-room Camp~out", an titled', "I Volunteered," ,Now take place in an environment remember how we were as kids." alternative New Year's Eve cele~ What?" Taking her class outside that has no. control," .'she said. Religious Education Day , bration which their children, aged on the warm Saturday, she ,told "Create an environment that closed with an afterrioon Mass 12to 19,haveenjoyedevenasthey the educators to "get to know Christ would have wanted for his at which music groups from S1. grew older. your group and Jet ,ithem know children," she urged. She told her Pius X parish, ·and Holy Trinity what you expect of ,them." listeners 'th!lt consistency, a sense -' parish, West Harwich, werl;l di. Mrs. Foley told the group that . "In many cases you are the of routine and a positive attitude religious education teachers child's connection to the Catholic rected by Mrs. Judy L'Heureux. help to establish such a good learn _"create lasting memories for the church," she said. "They watch ing climate. Homilist Father Beaulieu can~ child." How a teacher comes you. They try to be like you." ed the undertaking "an exciting Mary-Lou Mancini, Fall River across to .the child is very im 'She spoke of the importance, and informative day" and en portant, she said, noting that the of prayer: "There are as many area director 'for Catholic Social couraged catechists to pray for most obnoxious person may need ways to pray as .there are peo-. Services, spoke on the differ grace faithfuHy to carry out "the ences between the youth of to. the most -love and affirmation. pIe," she said, telling the cate mission entrusted to us as During the Juncheon break, chists that they should pray with day and yesteryear, pointing out bearers of God's word." Sis.ters Donegan and,Halliday ex- ',their stud~nts at the beginning of that there have been major rtran~
T'HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Sept. 27, 1985
Bishop's address at Ca,techetical Convention
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Father Beaulieu and Sister Doreen from the Diocesan Education office for their invitation to share a few reflections with you on the impor tant ministry of the cathechist. Your ministry as catechist is so' vital, because through it the Church's important task of being a living voice of the living Lord is fulfilled in a unique way through the witness and hope you share as bearers of the Good News. I would like to use as our start ing point a passage from the Gos pel of Saint Mark. In the Gospel of Mark (Mk 8:27-30) Jesus ad dresses an important question to his disciples: "Who do people say I am?" The disciples ,are quick to respond with the general impres sions ofthose around them. "Some say you are Elijah, others John the Baptist come' back from the dead." Yet the question of Jesus is more penetrating, because ulti mately the question of the Lord is so personal: "Who do YOU say I am?" For those called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, third person responses are not adequate. The message of the Good News demanded a personal response. To be a disciple means responding to and being entrusted with a lifegiv ing and saving message. the one entrusted with the Good News is one who dares to answer the ques tioniof Jesus personally and one who professes wholeheartedly the content and the person of the mes
sage they declare: "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Each one of you has come here today as an individual who has been entrusted with the special ministry of witnessing to the sav ing truth of Jesus Christ. You have responded to the questioQ that Jesus raises to his disciples. You have declared that Jesus is the Messiah and the living Lord. Through your witness as cathe chist, you are the bearers of the treasured gifts of the Christian of faith. There is an inherent logic to our profession of faith. The words of our declarations demand an equal ly bold affirmation of a life of faith. The gift of faith must be made known. Today we celebrate our ministry as gift bearers.
What is the gift you bear? As catechist you witness to Christ. By your teaching and by the witness of your life, you are the living answer to the question: "Who do you say I am?" Through the hope you share, whether in the class room or in the settings of your home and job, you announce to the world, and to the local com munity of faith,' that Jesus is truly the Messiah, t'he living Lord of your life. It is good to remind' ourselves of the response of Peter to the ques tion of the Lorcj in Mark's Gospel. Like Peter, w¢ too, can become selective in the type of portrait we paint of Jesus., Christian witness; however, demands faithfulness to the content of 'the Christian mes sage and a spirit of steadfastness to the person who is at the heart of our message-Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of Mark, Peter is tempted to proclaim a Mess~ah of his own choosing. Peter is willing to proclaim Jesus as Messiah, but on his own tenns. Suffer:ing; death, the tragedies of human life are, in Peter's visiori, realities to be shunned by one who claims lord ship. Yet Christ is quick to respond to Peter's initial denial. As those involved in the important task of Christian heralding, as cathechist, the content of our message is the demanding and saving Good News proclaimed so'vividly by Paul to the Corinthian community: "We proclaim a crucified Messiah" (I Cor. I:23). faithfulness to the boldness and demands'or' that message are n.Qt always easy. As ,living witnesses to Christ,
cathechists, by definition, are
those who "echo" and "resound"
by their teaching and their live~,· the lifegiving wonder and chal lenge of the, Good News, they declare. In many ways, you serve as a living "icon" in service to that Good News. For the Eastern community of faith, an icon serves as a vivid symbol and powerful representa tion of that which it signifies. By the quality of your witness as cate chist, and by your personal re sponse to the person of Christ, Christ invites those who hear his Good News to share in the pre cious gift of faith. By your sharing of the gift of faith, you invite stu dents and other members of your parish family to live actively the vision offaith. In the words of the - Second Vatican Council in its Decree on Bishops: "The goal of all catechetical activity is to make a person's faith' become living, conscious and active through the light of instruction." (Decree on Bishops, #14)
The catechiSt shares in the teaching mission of the Church. The disciples were called to go forth and baptize and proclaim the Good News of Jesus. As a cate chist, you share in the apostolic mission' of making the name and message of Jesus better known to those entrusted to your care in the, Fall River diocese. You share in my responibility as chief teacher in , the diocese. Together, we partici pate in the mission of announcing the Good News of the Lord both in season an_d out of seasof!." Sharing the Christian vision is BISHOP Daniel A. Cronin not always an easy task. At times , addresses catechists. we might feel more like John the
Baptist' heralding our message in In a recent letter addressed to of its richness. And finally, we the 'barrenness of the deserts of the 12th World Union of Catholic share the gift of our skills. As the nons'upport and apathy. Those Teachers, .meeting in August of National Catcchetical Directory who dare to "resound" the saving this year in Toronto, Canada, our so rightly points out: "... [we] truths of Jesus Christ oftentimes Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, need to take time to learn more find themselves competing with reminds those who are to be the about faith and share it [faith] per teachers of the Christian message sonally and effectively" (NCD disconcerting voices. that: "The new generation needs' #206). To proclaim Jesus as the Mes siah is a profession of faith that models, guides and witne~ses." Those who exercise the respon must take root in the matrix of You are called to be those models, sibility of catechist must have the human life in all its wonder and guides and witnesses to a contem ability to respond. The ca!echist complexity. However, our Chris-, porary generation which is invited must be properly trained. To each tian witness is oftentimes called , to open its heart to the Good News as Jesus did, you must prepare of Jesus Christ. into question by those whose tes yourselves to the best of your abili There should be no conflict ties. That means taking the time to timonies of life are far from Good News. Daily newsprint is filled between the content of our mes prepare your lessons and trying to sage and the experience of our life teach that lesson in an appropriate with so much bad news. Stories of human relationships of faith. Faith and action are mut- way to the studentli with whom gone wrong, threats to the pre I ually related components of the you share that message.
We so often spend so much time cious gift of life in all of its stages, Christian ,message. As those who
mistrust and violence, are all part "listen and follow" we bear the looking for that "magical" text of the drama. of human life that important responsibility of ongo and appropriate source that will ' ing personal growth and ongoing effectively aid us in our teaching confronts the modern day disciple of Christ. Still, the challenge of spiritual formation. As such, each task. However, a textbook is only' one of us must continue to update a tool. When pl!lced in the hands discipleship remains the same. In our knowledge and our under the words of St. Paul to the Corin of a teacher. the written text is standing of the message of Jesus so only as good as the skill of the thian community: '~We are the ser vants of Christ and stewards of the that we can more clearly convey person who utilizes it. The cate that message, not only in what we chist must take advantage oftbose mysteries of God" (I Cor. 4:1). . opportunities to acquire the skills The servant does not announce'his say, but also in'what we do. We.are a'people called to pro necessary to beCOme more effec own message but he heralds the fession. We profess our faith tive Communicators of our Iifegiv message of the one who sends. As faithful stewards, we bear through creed and through the ing message. Whether through the gifts of the master and herald celebration of rites and signs that study days, workshops, 'teacher the treasure of his Good News of unify and give meaning to our training,programs or days of spir ituality, each is an opportunity to life and faith. As Christ readily lives. The catechist today is chal , points out in Matthew.'s parallel lenged to develop a healthy sense develop those abilities necessary to respond more faithfully to the account of Peter's profession of of professionalism. Being a vohin faith: Blest are you, Simon, Son of teer means more thanjust a service person and message of Jesus.
Your presence here today indi John! No mere man has revealed of "goodwill. "
The personal qualities of a faith cates your willingness to become this to you, but my heavenly effective and responsible gift Father" (Matt 16:1.7). The gifts we filled catechist must be comple dare to share are 'not of our own mented by those skills necessary to bearers. I thank yqu for your making but have been freely given portray the Good News faithfully generosity. The demands of the to us through the generosity of a and clearly. The catechist oftoday mission we share are many. The must learn the art of becoming an , gifts we celebrate are precious, so loving father. ' effective witness. Our profession 1.00, are the responsibilities we of faith is a gift rooted in Christ assume as a people who continue Admittedly, our sha,red minis try is a mixture of both pain and and is sustai'ned by the Lord's to give witne,ss to the Good News pleasure. The pain of a lack of promise of his Iifegiving presence of Jesus Christ. and truth through his body, the response on the part of both stu Jesus asked: "Who do you say I dents and parents, the tensions of Church. am? Thank you for so boldly and increasing demands on our time, We share precious gifts. We faithfully responding to the Lord's disinterest on the part of those share the gift of ourselves and we question. Thank you for being who should be most interested, all testify that God's lifegiving Word such generous gift bearers and these create a host of external and has taken root in our lives. We such faith-filled disciples of Jesus intern~1 pressures. Faced with share the gift of our experience. As Christ. members of the Body of Christ, such frustrations, the task of shar As we continue our ministry as ing the G~od News may seem to be the joys and hopes of the ecclesial more of a burden than a joy. But' community are our joys and our bearers of God's Word, may this year's catechetical theme, "Listen hopes. We share the gift of knowl even tension can be a positive con edge.' We are the inheritors of and follow with ~n open heart," be dition for creative growth. Like our motto. May we take the time Christian tradition. the prophet of Old Testament times, we too face forces which seem .to The truth of that tradition must to listen and may we have the pull and distract us from our min never be underestimated or dil courage to open our hearts to fol isterial task. However, we must uted, but must be announced in all low what we have heard. heed the exhortation of The Letter of Pete'r:, "Give reason for your hope" (I Peter 3:15). Each one of us is called to bear witness to the authenticity of Christian life. We must be that constant and faithful voice crying out the saving mes Shoreway Acres has so many
sage of our hope in Jesus Christ. reasons to escape to Falmouth for'
Our mission and message are ,ongoing. The one who dares to teach must also become the active student. The theme of this year's catechetical convention is most appropriate: "Listen and follow with an open heart." Before one can speak, that person must first' listen intensely. The ministry of the catechist involves more 'than just having the right text, or know ing the appropriate methodology. Your students look to you as role models. You are both teacher of religious truth and a living symbol of what that truth means in your __ life.
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By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
is not impossible. There are. as many different kinds of marriages Dear Dr. Kenny: I tequest th~t as there are different people. Each you reconsider your support for has its own style and grace. the couple in their choice to have Nor is it my place to tell people jobs in different cities and come how to live their lives or how to together on weekends. How is it pattern their relationships. God in possible for a husband and wife to his wisdom trusts us to work out' the details. We must be equally' become "one flesh" only on week ends? It is impossible to count on non-judgmental and supportive of the weekends as automatically one another. being "quality ~ time. Although. not Our first correspondent asked consciously, this couple has prac whether a weekend marriage was tically decided that their jobs are possible, and if so, how to make it of higher priority than their marri work best. I responded within the limits set by the question. Of course ~ age. such a marriage is possible. Furthermore, it is a sound spir itual principle not to seek out Remember, marriages of long occasions for temptation, which ago survived much lengthier sepa this couple would be doing in liv rations. Before the automobile, ing apart. spouses were frequently separated 'Marriage is meant to be the by journeys that took days and avenue of mutual sanctification weeks. Wartime often meant absen for t~e couple. This is hardly to be ces of longer than a year. Even expected to take place on week . working in the fields often meant ends. It would be far better for one lo'ng periods when spouses had lit or the other job to be sacrificed. tle ~hance for personal communica -Illinois. tion. Qenerally, the separation of I agree with our correspondent that a weekend marriage after the loved ones is unfortunate. On the , children have been raised would 'other hand, too much together be difficult. The long separations ness can lead to boredom and les sened appreciation. There is some and the temptations for other rela tionshIps are problems that should truth to the proverb, "Absence be faced before such a choice is makes the heart grow fonder." Couples who choose or are forced made. While difficult, such a marriage to live apart would do well to plan
their togethers. "Quality time" does not happen automatically, but it is more .likely to occur if common interesting activities are planned. A dinner out may be an oppor tunity to catch up on each other's news. Potentially the spouses have a lot to share and tell each other. Temptation is the other danger. Both partners will be meeting attrac tive persons of the opposite sex. However, temptation admits of degrees. We qlust avoid situations where we usually give in. The spouses must face this issue openly. If either is vulnerable, then the "weekend marriage" may well turn out to be a disaster. After years together raising chil dren, our first correspondents should know something about their ability to withstand temptation. They should discuss it honestly and make a prudent decision. Weekend marriages are not for everyone. They are not the choice of most couples. But they are pos sible, and even have some positive points. What is difficult and dan gerous for many may be an oppor tunity for growth in love to some. Reader questions on family liv ing and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address the Kennys, Box. 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.'
.How· much worse can worse get? Haitians to decide whether buvalier should remain "president for life." . Recently three priests were expel led from Haiti, which some call the When this "offense" was com:. poorest land in this hemisphere.
pounded by reading a statement . Missionhurst Father Hugo by the bishops of Haiti critical of Triest was the director of Radio the referendum, the government Soleil, owned by the bishops of became, in Father Triest's words, Haiti and France. It is the only "very, very angry. " media outlet in Haiti not run by The station was accused of incitthe dictatorial government of Pres ing the people against the referenident Jean-Claude Duvalier. dum, and Father Triest was I had the privilege of speaking expelled from the country, along briefly with Father Triest, a Bel with two other Belgian missionargian missionary who lived and ies, Missionhurst Father's Jan worked with the poor in I:\aiti for Hutens and Yvan Poilefeyt. 20 years. He told me that 70 per cent ofthe people"haveonly one decent Voting on the referendum took meal a week. In the meantime they place and the whole exercise came eat what they can find," he said. across as some sort of joke. Haiti He added that in Haiti at least reported that at least 99.9 percent 85 percent of the people are illi of the voters cast a "yes" vote in tenite. . favor of maintaining th,e Duvalier Father Triest, after his expul for-life presidency. sion, spent a brieftime with Robert While the ruling power lives in and Barbara Mullen in Connecti splendor, the people live in squalor. cut, friends he met when Mullen, a A friend who works nearly full dentist, came to work at a child time to aid the Haitian people told ren's clinic in Port-au-Prince. of his correspondences with misFather Tr.iest said the radio sta- . tion was the only source ofenlighten ment for the people in their day to-day struggle to survive. "It is
the only radio that gave real objec B>: Hilda Young tivenews and airing of people's I am not good with children:s complaints," he said. birthday parties. I have friends The station had been tolerated who have thrown birthday parties ~ntil recently because of a concor for 3-year-olds that have made the dat between church and govern society page. ment signed more than 100 years I'm lucky mine don't make the ago. "If the radio had belonged to police blotter. Mine have. been a private institution, it would have compared to a cross between a tar been closed for a long time," he and feathering and a riot. explained. I have seen 5-year-olds flick .' The station had become the cake frosting with a plastic spoon "people's radio. Anyone could get so hard it raises welts. One year the on and talk about their problems," paper tablecloth caught on fire' he said. It had even become their when "birthday boy" blew flaming refuge. Father Triest told of peo candles right off the cake. Another ple coming by for a meal or a place time he blew the tiny sugar sprin to sleep. . kles into the eyes of two kids What led to his expulsion was across the table from him and we the government's reaction to a ser had to rush them off to the doctor. ies of programs pointing out the We learned hard, but have now uselessness of a referendum asking fallen into line with the mainstream . . By Antoinette Bosco
sionaries there. One told him this summer that he "buries four or five little children every day" in the
. slums of Port-au-Prince.
People die at:a young age1and the unemployment rate is 85 per cent. Those who do find work earn an average income of $280 'per year. "The carpenters of the city are kept busy making coffins," said the missionary. Father Triest noted that in spite of tens of millions of dollars com ing in from the United States and other countries, the country has gotten worse economically. "These people are starving. They're dying. How long can worse get worse?" he asked. Maybe some good is coming from Father Triest's expulsion. Maybe he's helping to raise our consciousness that the work of caring for the poor does, indeed, rest with the church - and that we must know about this and re member that we are that church.
Ha,ppyhirthday .
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of America who take their child
ren out of the house for birthdays.
However, outings should also be considered closely. One party idea to jettison is that of taking eight4-year-olds bowling. You have not lived I,1ntil you have seen a screaming 3Q-pound 4-year-old be ing dragged down a lane behind a 12-pound bowling ball. We know now that a paper cup
is not strong enough to hold a
bowling ball, that pushing the reset button in rapid succession drives the owner wild, and that the water fountain can be rigged to shoot a good 10 to 15 feet. Actually, I am considering mini
ature golf for the next birthday.
For one thing, it will be a lot less
painful if one of the kids drops the. ball on my foot.
CPA niembe"rs get update on plight of Lebanon Rev. John F. Moore, editor, Rosemary Dussault, business mana ger,and Pat McGowanandJos'eph Motta, staff writers, represented The Anchor at an Eastern regional meeting ofthe Catholic Press Asso ciation, held last week at Our Mother· of Sorrows retreat house, West Springfield: Among speakers was Msgr. Ed ward C. Foster, associate secre tary of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association. He told the journalists that Western news media have overlooked the plight of Lebanese Christians struggling against Moslem fundamentalism. The matter is more significant, he said, because the United States and other Western countries have left the Christian population to fend for itself. "See Lebanon as it is," Msgr. Foster told the 100 writers, editors and managers at the meeting. "Be understanding," he said. ' "Make your readers aware of the realities I've tried to present to you and champion the cause of Christianity fairly and impartially whenever and wherever you can." In an address opening the meeting, CPA president Father Owen F. Campion stressed th'at the CathoIic press must maintain a strong sense of acoyntability to Catholics,to the world and to the church leadership. That sense will be particularly important, he said, when Catholic publications cover the upcoming Synod of Bishops in Rome. He urged the journalists to inform readers about "the church's great tradition of authority, of moralityand of community" when
the synod begins Nov. 25. Among convention workshops was a teleconference on page,design featuring Robin Jareaux of the Christian Science Monitor on camera live from Boston. Arrangements for the session were made by the archdiocesan and diocesan com munications offices of Boston and
Other seminars were presented by William Miller, a Boston Globe writing coach, and Walter Brooks, . . a publisher and editor with MPG Communications, Plymout~. Mil ler discussed news and feature writ irig and Brooks spoke on news paper advertising, circulation, prom oti.on, writing and graphics...
A forthcoming National Catholic News Service system utilizing satel lite transmission of news was demon strated; and a panel discussion on women in the Church featured Anchor columnist Antoinette Bosco .and Sister of Providence Margaret McCleary., founder of a soup kit chen, a shelter for ·the homeless and a wake and burial service for the poor.
.423 Highland Avenue ~ Fall River
. MCCnames .: pro-lif.e .h~ad
Rev. Micha~l F. Groden, board chairman for the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, has an SPRINGFIELD; Ill. (NC) _. nounced appointment ofJeffrey J. . Catholic rural leaders have asked Dongvillo as Conference director the U.S: bishops to strengthen of pro-life education. their comments on food and agriDongvillo will coordinate such culture in their proposed pastoral Catholic pro-life activities in the letter on the U ;S. economy. The commonwealth as education,.pas Central Heartland Chapter of the toral care, media/communications, . National Catholic Rural,Life Con- and dialogue and will work prim ference has also reiterated support arily at the parish level. for the Farm Policy Reform Act of Establishment of the MCC pro 198.5, analterniltive to the Reagan life education office results from ad minis trat ion's prop osed the work of a' pro-life task force 198.5 farm bill. In a letter to the composed of representatives from bishops, the group said agriculture . the archdiocese of Boston and the is "primary and foundational" in dioceses of Fall River, Springfield the economy and cannot· be ad- and Worcester and subsequent ap dressed like other industries. . proval by the MCC board of a . pro-life education three-year plan.
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QuitsUnited .Way AMARILLO, Texas (NC)'
Catholic Family Service of the
Amarillo Diocese has withdrawn from the United Way after um brella group, repeatedly decided against funding it directly. CFS
director Larry Watson ]inked the
refusal to the anti-nuclear arms
.activities in ,the diocese;
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ANCHOR ST AFFERS Rosemary Dussault, Pat McGoW an and Rev. John F. Moore (front to. back) examine new NC News printer as it receives a story via satellite. (Motta photo)
_Sr. Anne Marie, The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, NY 10532
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Please send me more information about your order. Name: _ _
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,. 12 THE ANCHOR-:-Di,o,cese of Fall River-:-Fri., Sept: 27,,19~5
•••••" •
Stri~t liability
pIe, products liability' is one in stance of strict' liability being used to discourage unsafe products such as unsafe pharmaceuticals. The idea of strict liability is found in areas outside of products liability , and traces its origins to, a time before this century. Even so, strict liability has developed rapidly dur ing recent years.
Imagine Ii 16th century fair. It may have moved from village to village throughout the English countryside, pre~enting its wond ers at each stop. For example, it might have had ,wild animals on display. If one of the animals had escaped and injured someone, the ! injured personcould sue on a strict liability theory.
The pharmaceutical com pany counsel warned the research and development chief that the company could be held strictly liable if the com pany marketed an unsafe drug. Strict liability is something of a misnomer - there is no such thing as "loose" liability. Instead, strict liability could more accurately be described as liability \Yithout neg ligence., Indeed, many courts have imposed strict liability as a response to some demonstrated public need when the traditional legal theories have been inadequate. For exam
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Courts d~cided that a person who knowingly' keeps a vicious and dangerous animal becomes -liable to any person the animal inju~es. The keeper ?f the animal has no defense, even Ifhe used care in keeping and chaining'the animal. ,The rule has not been greatly altered over the years. So, if an animal escaped from a circus performance today, the circus would be strictly liable to anyone the animal might injure. Courts do not impose strict lia bility on an owner of a domestic animal unless the owner knows of the animal's dangerous propensi ties. Judges often refer to this as
the "one bite" rule'. This shorthand rule means, for example, that a dog can bite someone once, the owner then has notice of the dog's dangerous propensities and will be responsible for any other bites by the dog. '{he owner. would be responsible for any personal injury or property damage caused by the dog.
tain dangerous situations such as intentionally starting a fire. Owners or possessors of land may' be held strictly liable for injury that results from conduct ing ultra-hazardous activities on land. For example, a mad-scientist student type who blows up his dormitory while ,trying' to make nitroglycerine would be strictly liable for his conduct.
stream of comtnerce, the company will be strictly liable for injuries caused by the product; In general, the idea is that the buyer cannot readily inspect most modern pro ducts and relies on the manufac turer's claim that the product is safe for its ordinary use. The idea of caveat emptor - buyer beware -has yielded to the ide~ of strict liability.
The owner of a domestic animal is not liable if the person injured A product may also be unsafe if Many less dramatic examples directions for its preparation or was teasing, tormenting or abus ing the animal at the time of the , would also suffice for a strict lia . ' storage are inadequate or if it has a injury. In addition, the person bility claim, so long as the plaintiff design defect. The term product injured cannot be trespassing or proves injury or damage and a includes most items in commerce committing a tort at the time of the causal connection between the dam such as consumer household items, age and the defendant's activity. industrial equipment, machinery damage. The plaintiff does not have to' or other business office products. What happens if you have a prove negligence by the defendaht. In Massachusetts, the doctrine building o~ lot A which is struck of strict liability has not been However, the owner of land by lightning and burns. Unfortu might be excused even though he adopted for manufactured pro nately, the fire spreads to adjacen~ is carrying on an ultrahazardous ducts. ' property lots B to J. Can you be activity. For example, the owper However, courts have provided held strictly liable for the damage may be excused if an act of God or other remedies intended to be as caused by the fire? the acts of third persons which fully comprehensive as the strict could not be anticipated cause the liability theory of recovery. People The American courts, influenced injury. injured by an unsafe drug could, . by an English statute, have adopted sue the manufacturer using a strict the p'osition that, in the absence of There is no exemption for the liability theory. Thus, in Massa legislation, there is no liability for third persons even if their acts are chusetts, an injured party could the escape of fire unless the defen negligent or reckless. Also, thereis bring a similar lawsuit based on a dant was negligent. . no exemption for a person who warranty claim. The injured party would not have to show a breach carries on an abnormally danger There might be liability for fail ous activity even though the. harm ofduty or negligence by the manufac 'turer. '\ ing to take precautions or for not resultsf.rom a force of nature. controlling a fire after it has started. The Murphys practice law in Brain In most jurisdictions, if a com However, most statutes set out a pany puts an unsafe product in the tree. ' rule of strict liability only in cer
Msgr.Hoye urges publicity. on. Philippine abuses
WASHINGTON (NC) - The general secretary of the U. S Catholic Conference has encour aged the nation;s bishops to pub licize abuses of religious workers in the Philippines. Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, USCC general secretary, als9 said in a let ter to the Philippine ambassador to the .l,Jnited States that recent killings and kidnappings of Catholic and Protestant church workers "raise questions about the commitment of your government to religious freedom and the enforcement of human rights." .In a letter to the U.S. bishops released last week in Washington, Msgr. Hoye requested "prayers .for the victims of oppression in the Philippines." He urged the bishops to 'contact diocesan justice and peace groups to disseminate in formation on the situation.
Accompa~ying his letter was a packet of information relating to the situation of the church in the Phil\ppines, The packet included a letter from the Philippine regional superior of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME, for its Italian Initials) and a reply to the superior from Msgr.Hoye; a press release from the Washington based coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines, and the letter to Philippine ambassador Benjamin T. Romualdez. .
The letter from Father Sebasti ano D'Ambra, PIME regional superior, was to the USCC presi dent, Bishop ,James W. Malone of Youngstow~, Ohio. Italian PIME Father Tullio Favali was killed April I I on Min danao Island in the Philippines by members ofthe government-back ed Civilian Home Defense Force. In his letter,' Father D'Ambra said the intended victim of the attack was Father Peter Geremia, a priest from Detroit and member of the , order. "He, and many other foreig~' missionaries, Americans included, are, still subjected to direct and open death ·threats," Father D'Ambra'said. "The Filipino church is under going a real,persecution, which is a fact that does not seem to be known in the outside world," he added. The church coalition's press release listed six clergy killed and one missing within the last year. Included were Father Favali; 'Father Alberto Romero, killed May 17 by three unidentified ar~ed men, and Father Pepito
Bernardo, a human rights activist killed in June when the van he was driving was crushed between two cargo trucks. Redemptorist Father Rudy Romano has been missing since July I I, when he was forced into a car bearing government license pla~es, the release said. Since the coalition's release, Father Nilo Valerio, a former member of the Society of the Divine Word, who had joined the communist-led New People's Army, was killed and beheaded by Philippine soldiers in northern Luzon. The killing occurred A~g. 24. Msgr. Hoye wrote to Father D'Ambra that "given the tradi tionally close ties between the Phi lippines and the United States, and the dependence of the Philip pine government on the United 'St~tes for its supply of arms and military equipment, Catholics have the right as citizens to know that the government which is being assisted by. their tax dollars seems to ignore basic human rights and religious freedom;" To the Philippine Ambassador, Msgr. Hoye wrote that the reports of the abuse were "distressing" because the motive "seems to be the intention of the armed forces to put 'a stop to all efforts by church groups to defend the human rights of the poor. 'Kill a priest, nun or church workers and 'frighten thousands' are the words of a Philippines army officer reported at a gathering in North Cotabato in October 1984," Msgr. Hoye asked t.he ambas sador to "convey our serious con cerns" to Philippine government
leaders and "that measures be taken to put a stop at once to this established pattern of killings." "The pattern that has emerged seems to be one of brutal slayings or disappearances,'" Msgr. Hoye wrote to the bishops. "Typically, the response of the Philippine government is that the occurran ces are being investigated, but that the assailants cannot be located." A spokesman for the Philippine Embassy said that early'in Sep tember, Philippine President Fer dinand Marcos had ordered a "full-fledged investigation" into, the disappearance of Father Romano "and other alleged atro cities. "
'Bias is feared WASHINGTON(NC)- u.s. Education Secretary W~lliam J. Bennett said he fears the Supreme Court's July decisions ending pub lic school programs on parochial school grounds will make bias against religion acceptable. The high court rulings struck down New York City and Grand Rapids programs in which public school teach~rs taught remedial and other special classes in parochial schools. Benriett said the rulings may have boosted chances for a voucher sys tem providing such programs for all students, including those in parochial schools.
........... .
GOD" e
ROBERT BLAKE is Father Hardstep and Natalie Core is Mother Maggie in "Hell Town," an NBC-TV program which does not overly impress reviewer Michael Gallagher: (NC photo)
'Hell Town' no tribute to inner· city workers By Michael Gallagher The televison elite are not inNEW YORK (NC) - In the terested in the implications of pilot movie for "Hell Town," the the Christian faith. They're con new NBC-TV sel"ies in which cerned, rather, with using Cath Robert Blake plays Father Noah olidsm, the most photogenic and "Harostep" Rivers, our hero colorful form of Christianity, as breaks into the apartment of a an exotic background to tell mentally disturbed man whom stories simple enough to enter he has good reason to think is .. tain a mass audience. sexually abusing his own daugh I like Blake as an actor and I ter. He knocks the 'alleged per much prefer his Father Hard petrator out and makes off with step to that wimp chaplain of the little girl. "M.A.S.H." The latter's sole Earlier, Father Hardstep, a function was to make the secu tough ex-convict who is the pas lar humanism that permeated tor of an inner-city parish in' "M.A.S.H." all the more wise Los Angeles, uses the same andsophist,icated in contrast. brand of Catholic Action on a That, however, is my last good pusher. word for Father "H." . Then, in the first regular epi Contrast him with a real priest, sode of "Hell Town," Father "H" Conventual Franciscan Father and an elderly black man with Bruce Ritter, who 'actually does a double-entendre, n,ickname rescue the innocent from ex break into the apartment of two ploiters. Father Rit~r's 42nd pimps, beat them up and snatch Street environment in New York from their clutches a neighbor _ a morass of sleaze, brutality hood girl who has gone wrong. and viciousness ,with none of the But in the second episode, specious color favored ,in prime which aired Sept. 18, the crea time excursions into squalor _ tive spiTits behind the show makes "Hell Town" seem like a toned things down a bit. The real nice place to live. only rough ,thing Father "H" Nor are the kids Father Ritter does on camera is tackle a flee rescues quite, the angels with ingteen-ager. But don't think he's gone soft. dirty faces whom. we see on "Hell Town." The brutalization He threatens with physical as sault a burly dog catcher wh<? they suffer is not something to wants to take away a miracle be shucked off after' a bit of working goat with suffilient stern talk and Jov,ing care ora lick from a miracle goat in time charm to bring a brutalized 5 year-old out of his trauma. And, for the final commercials. I single out Father- Ritter be-. just as in the pilot and the first epis04e, another sexual ex cause I know him, but there are ploiter of the young bites the other priests and nuns, ministers dust, only this time off camera. ,and lay people throughout the The creative spirits behind the country who, for the love of God, show spare no effort to depict daliy confront the terrible prob priests and nuns in a favorable lems of our inner oities. light, but their desire to be kind . "Hell Town" is no tribute to out runs their capacity to do so. them. It exploits and vulgarizes The result is a condescension everything that they do and the much >like the unwitting racism sufferings of the victims as well. of the old travelogues that And for what? To fit everything showed us happy, contented na into the conventions of network tives with whom we would never television and sell lots of panty change places. hoses and detergent:
By NC News Service 'U.S. economic sanctions against Poland are "unjust," Po land's primate, Cardinal Jozef Glemp, said repeatedly during a Sept. 17 to 24 visit to Detroit, Philadelphia and Washington. Caminal Glemp said the "rup ture" of economic and scientific ties imposed by the sanctions caused "great damage to the Po lish people." Following imposition of mar tial law in Poland in 1981, Presi- ' dent Reagan suspended goverri ment-sponsored shipments of agricultural and dairy prodUcts to the Polish government; stop ped renewal of the Export-Im port Bank's credit insurance for Poland; suspended Polish air line operations ,in the United States; and stripped, Poland of tariff breaks for its exports to the United States. The tariff penalties remain in effect. At a Washington press con ference, the cardinal said he was convinced that "in the next few weeks" an agricultural furid for Polish farmers would become legally established. Under the proposed fund, the Polish church hopes to raise $L8 billion, mostly from the United States, and Western European countries, to aid Po land's milion private farmers.
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THE ANCHOR Friday; Sept. 27,
The' Difference
"S~ints are ,sinners ,who 'keep 'on trying," .' Robert Louis Stevenson
OO'UI on 'youth
'What's' on ,your mind?
of '. the
Like Concrete "Some niinds are Ukeconcrete - 'aU mixed up and permanenUy set." - Irish Digest
Q. E want very much' to leave, you can trust -a relative, your home. Tell me what .to do. (Ala pastor. or 'someone at school, bama) perhaps your favorite' teacher or A.' -Some recoverIng' alcoholics coach. Hke to remind each other that' l If there's asocial-service "There ain't nothin' so bad that agency or health clinic in your a drink won't make it wmse." ,area, walk in and ask to see a L~t's paraphrase, that bit of ad 'family therapist.. Yo~r conversa vice for the boy who wrote a tion will be kept confidential,' long letter 'about his ,painfUl fam and they'U help you work out jIy situa~ion: "Your life at home isn't so !bad that. running away . your problems' at home. Call a hot Hne. They don't won't make it worse." ' cost anything. Dial the National ~ather' Brtlce. Ritter, who helps homeless and runaway children Runaway Hot Line at SOO-621 BRIAN'TERRlEN· 'in several U.S. cities, can' tell . 4QOO, or Peace of Mind at SOO you story after story of tragic 23'1-6946. You can call Father he said, explaining that the trial letic abilities, and Terrien looks ' young people trying' Ito survive Ritter's Covenant House 24 hard. , ,. ' :. :'.' . : -A good student who le~ds a time~ would 'only improve the-' forw,ard to meeting, with them hours a day in New York City at on the street. ' peI'{ormance this also. hand to Qtber scIiool'adivities, Wal'rim's , When you run out of money, 21-2-354-4323. ' Coach Steve W,inslow speaks ,you may discover that you have ' ,No one is telling you Ito stay .Terrien 4,s .co-capta,in of' the season. A memo..able ~ay for 'Terr-ien, highly ·of. Terrien....He 'wmked :'Coyle-Cassidy Warriors team. He in a' situation that is ttopeless or only yourself to sell. . s~es as a corrterback'on de came' Jast 'faU during 'a· game 'very hard in th~ riff. season~ us Father Ritter and the p'eopie even dangerous. But, although fense and an. offense tailback. against Bristol"PlymOiJt~ 'Region-" ,ing copdition'ing' '!lrid. ~eight who help him offer yo'u these you may not think so'now, there " , .;' traIning to becom'e a good foot Bursting wih team ,pr~.de and al Technical'·School. are 'a lot of good, people-who suggestions: ' . respect for coaches Steve Win "\Ve had turnovers iUid ran-ball player. He isa good foot- Talk to your parents. They care 'about what happens to you. well',.. ' he .s~id. <"Our passing ball player.",," 'slow and Howard Waldron', Ter You can get help without run may not d'ealize how you, feel. rien looks forward to ai'great game wils veri good and 'we, held':.: Winsl,owrefers' to Terri~n as, a Even ,if you've been fighting and ningaway from your' problems. on defense." '. _:,.,". .. perfect. example of a young per- you're sure one understands, There ·really are good people year" for the C-C Warriors. "I think we've 'got' a great Terrien gotanintereeption-in son· making' the most: of their chances 'are your parents care a. who want to take the time to chance, J, really do," he said. that gainewhich he ran back 30 talents. help you. ~ot mme·than you think. "Personally, I think that if we yards. . , "At 5' S" and 160 pounds he . If you are -absolutely sure you ,Send questions to Tom Len playas a team we'U do well. "I managed to average on~ .in- isn'tAhe biggest player ,on the can't talk to' your parents or if ,non, 1312 Mass. Ave. N~W'r Our strong point -is our' very t~ception fm each of ,the, first te!lm, Wipslow said, "but he's you are in danger, find someone Washington:, D.C. 20005. sound defense." seven games l;1st yelU'.~: he said. one, of the hardest working, a , Terrien, who '~njoys all spOrts "That was my goal." student 'of the game. He plays and many ,outdoor act,ivities" Terrien hopes to attend ,the -like a six foot, lS5 pound guy." transferred asa junior to Coyle University of Maine at Orono When asked if he has any ad Cassidy from Apponequet' High' next year to, major in Fmest vice for an aspiring high, school S'chool in Lakeville. Engineering. He "would;40ve" to ,football player, Terrien answers By Cecilia Belanget Gethsemane models courage, "Last yeaT we had a tpugh play coilege football, «,lmphasiz- with' conviction. . fajthand' a reviving hope. The time; we were, a learning, ·team. ing tha~ ,Orono's. ,team" The "W~rk hard. Definitely hit I recently visited a very ill dread hours seem to pass, the Our. record' of. two :wins 'and Bears, is a good one. Another hard. And: Jet your opponent hospitalized firiend. But because bui'denEI aTe lifted. He is heavy eight losses wasn't spectacular," school is interested in hi~ sth-know you're there." she had two children to worry three to lift them, with arms al 'about, her mind was not so ways ready to Hghten OUT bur Grea~t much on her Il'ecovery as on !her dens. family. She is a believing per
"Happiness is our greatest son. More than once I heard her Gethsemane can be at home,
achievement." St. Thomas caU on."the Lord Jesus" for help. in a 'hospital or' on the highway.
Aquinas Are you a woman, age IS or" older? Have you ever felt ; My visit ,was one of Jistening. How many suffer tortures of the
called to' serve Christ in' others? 'She had much to" unload and mind,- body and spiritjn their
spiritual moments she wished to own homes, while members of The"Dominican .Sisters of Hawthorne :may have an answer recall. ' ' -their family are sleeping sound for you.·They wilii be sharing it at ,2 ,p.m. Sunday at the Rose' 'ly? What about the man of God '·She" rarely strayed from' the , Hawthorne"Hom~, 'WoodmaI} and BayStre,ets: FaU River.. who looks at all the woes of the subject of Gethseniane.-Shesaid : Catholic 'high s.chools .worldand feels helpless before They have one i apostolate: to nurse the cancer~afflicted' '. tilat for, several months she had Of the diocese' are invited , poor; and .Catholic women of all "backgrounds are ,invited 'to felt as' if she was "living <in the ,them? '. . to send news -of their' ac,. , join them. . . ' , garden" and watching the, bitte~
Gethsemane stands for the tivities ,to' The, _Anchor; ., ' cup, drop by' MOp, fill to the many things we can never und~ , "Not all o( our sisters are nurses," they explain, "but as Material should reach 'the brim. 'She: .knew:lthatsooner or stand. Us mystery .keeps us dig p '.. . part of their apostolate, all must ·directly .help 'in the care 1ater something had to happen. , 'ging '."'ith~!l: ourselves for an office. by Monday for Fri.: ofpa!i,ents. In addition, just as ,in any .nursing home there . "I had tod-rink the soup," swers. In that g~den, our Lord day publication:, : Clear ,are many roles to, fm~ The most impoJ'tant talent, highly
, 'she .said, "though I; too; prayed laid on himself the iniquity of all black and white or colot: prized by us, is the talent for sharing of yourself - your ,'com-
it pass from 'me. But' if I hadn't ages, not, only the sins of his passion,' your cheerfulnes~, your 'faith - with those who
snapshots are', welcome; had' Jesus' 'as' my example, I own.' The· guiltiest man alive have been made so vulnerable and dependent by this dreaded
including instant prints. don't think I, could have made it. could not have had greater earth disease."·, '
Send to.1lte Anchor, P.O. .Being drawn' c1os~ Ito Him in this ly' punishment than was endured , Interested? Check it out on Sunday. Box 7, Fall River 02722~ way I iI:legan to drayv' from his J>y him whO was called the Lamb strength." . , of God. . " By Joseph Motta, '
" How did Brian Terrien hurt'his hand? , The 17, year old v~rsity foot· 'ball 'player, a, senior', at Coyle "and Cassidy High School; Taun·,.. , ton, fractured his thumb during 'a ~ecent scrimmage game' with Dighton-Rehoboth' RegionalHi~h School., ' .. "I won't letan injury like this affect me," Terrien said. The 'young athlete, a member of ~. ' , 'Mary's parish, Taunton, will tape his thuII!b up for his next game, 7, ,p.m. tonight ·at, Attleboro High School~ jump in and hit
Come to" Rose Hawthorne
""; t.Io '\ ,
... " ' .
'- • •:
• . • • '"
' \ . '\
points in the verbal SAT test and four points in mathematics; Con nOlly's scores rose by 30 points in verbal and 34 points in math. The 'average combined score of Connolly's class of 1985, Father· .O'Brien announced, was 44 points higher than the national average ,for college-bound seniors.
Bishop Connolly' Four seniors at Bishop Con nolly High SChool, Fall iRver, have been awarded Letters of Commendation ,in the 1986 Na tional Merit Scholarship Pro gram. They are Mark J. Condon, Westport; Christine A. Dostou, Fall River; Peter F. O'Connell, Tiverton and Robert G. Ouellette, Westport. . Commended students are those scoring in the top five percent of an examination administered 1ast October to over onemiIlion col lege-bound students. In Massa chusetts, where scores tend to be much higher than the national average, over 40,000 students took the test; the four Connolly seniors all had scores within the top three percent statewide. In announcing the honor, Con nolly's principal, Fr. James C. O'Brien, SJ, noted that he was also pleased with the school's general results. 175 out of 177 seniors took the examination; the average Connolly senior scored as well as or better than two-thirds of college-bound seniors in the Commonwealth. College board scores for the nation's college-bound seniors 'l'ose in 1985 by an average of'5
New Films "After Hours" (Warners) A young computer programmer from Manhattan's Upper East Side ventures down into Soho to keep 'a date with a beautiful ;but nervous young woman he has met in a coffee shop, only to find himself beset with all sorts of fearful tribulations be fore he is able to .lI'egain his proper ·turf in the dawn's· early ,Ught. Black comedy with .no satiric bite, this· film attempts to wring laughs out of mental in stability aild bizarre sexual prac tices. Because of its sophomoric nihilism and some brief nudity, it is mature fare. A4, R "Plenty" (Fox) An' impression istic chronicle of the growing
J. TESER, Prop.
253 Cedar St., New Bedford
Bishop Stang
Thomas B. Donahue, principal of Bishop Stang High School,' North Dartmouth, has announced· that seniors Charles Medeiros, and Richard Wareing have been: designated as Commended Stu-; dents in the 1986 National Merit' Program. . The two young men will re-; ceive Letters of Commendation: noting of their outstanding acad-, ernie promise, demonstrated by! placing in the top five percent; of participants in the 31st annual: program.
936 So. Main St., Fall River
BRIDE'S MISSALS AND BIBLES 11:00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru saturday
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Coyle·'Cassidy Coyle and Cassidy High School: Taunton, welcomes nine new' faculty members this year: Sisterl Adrienne, Victor Augusto, Jo-I anne Beaupre, David Benton; David Cormier, Mary Lou Gian J nakouIis, Mark Karahalis, Dian~ Murphy and William Ventura.
BIsaOp: CONNOLLY High School principal Father James C. O'Brien, SJ, with Commended Students, from left, Mark J. Condon, Peter F. O'Connell, Christine A. Dostou and Robert ·G. Ouellette.,
Tel. 673-4262
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Dried & Silk Arrangements
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Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list· ings, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied to· The Andlor.
.' ,
Norris H. Tripp
Registered nurses who can volunteer !time to Connolly may call Father James C. O'Brjen, SJ, principal, 676-1071.
for every occasion . ..
disillusionment and mental stability of an English woman, ~ heroine of the French Resistanc~, over the course of the two de cades following World War II. Cold, tedious, unfocused, intel lectually muddled, the film is marred further by a hammy performance by Meryl Streep that has hardly a single authentic moment. Because of some fairly graphic bedroom scenes, it is mature fare. A4, R "Sudden Death" (Marvin) In this female "Death Wish," a young woman who has been raped buys a gun and· goes hunt ,ing without a license. A woe fully inept movie that attempts to get by by exploiting sex and violence. 0, R Religious TV Sunday, Sept. 29 (CBS) "For Our Times" - CBS reports on the Hebrew University of Jeru salem on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. Religious Radio Sunday, sept. 29 (NBC "Guide line" - Irving Berelson, ·presi dent of the !New York Leag,ue for the Hard of Hearing, is inter viewed.
THE ANCHOR !!:!..day, Sept. 27, 1985
. tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13: PG-parental guidance suggested: R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults: A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only: A4--separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation): O-morally offensive.
By Charlie Martin
In the swim Jane Feitelberg and Sheila' Malloy, both of Holy Name par-, ish, Fall River, 'are among this year's three cocaptains of the Boston College women's swim team. Both have been b'l'inging home swimming trophies apd ribbons almost since they could walk.
BILLY JOEL'S hit record "You're Only Human", of which the lY'l'ics appeared in last week's Anchor, deals with teen suicide. He speaks about how strong the desire for death can be, parti culM'ly when everything about life seems to be a mistake.. He thinks people can begin to move beyond feelings by experi encing a "second wind." But how does anyone deal with these feelings while awaiting that second wind? 1. Don't be 'ashamed of sui cidal feelings or thoughts. Many people experience such thoughts at some point. Denying such feelings only !leads 'to their com ing back with more. vigor, par ticularly if things continue to go ,badly. _ . Recognize suicidal thoughts as a sign of pain indicating that we need attention for our feelin,gs. Share them with someone you trust an dthey will ~ose some of their power. Remember, as the song says,. "you're only human." . And you aren't alone with your thoug~ts. . 2. Develop the ability to for give yourself. Throughout life there will be' ()ccasions when people need to forgive them selves again and again. I realize that when a person feels like a total fool, to say "I'm only hu
man; let's start over" is not easy. But it is a way to move be yond embarrassment and a sense of faHUTe. The future is not de fined by the past but rather by what we are willing to make it become. 3. Don't withdr,aw from life. Sometimes individuals' feel so isolated it can seem there is no one to listen. Friends are often doing their own thing and a family·may seem uncaring. It always helps to talk about things. Look in your phone book under counseling or ask your telephone operator about a ser vice where you can talk to some one. You can remain anonymous in making such calls. The biggest mistake is to think no one ca'res. Others may not see how much you are hurting. By taking the risk to share your pain, others will help. You may have to make more than one attempt to lI'each out for help. If one person doesn't understand 'how you feel, try again. If' you have suggestions on helping suicidal teens, send them to me so I can share them with others. Use this column to help other young people too. Address me at 1218 S. Rother wood Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714.
Baptisms First Communions ,Birthdays Confirmations Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations OPEN DAILY
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"'''16' THE ANCHOR:'::':":Di'ocesc'of'Flill Rivet-Fri.,Sept. 27,'1'985 .. ·SS...·PETER & PAUL;FR " .. _____________ . . Choir: rehearsals 7:30 p.m. Mon~
_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '_-;-
ST. JULIE, NO: DARTMOUTH . are aSked:'8~~:~~ ~::~R~t:'s for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall .Altar boys: schedules available in River, 02722.. Name at· city' or town should sacristy: be Included as well as full dates of all . . activities. Please send news of future rather First Euchanst parents: meetmg than past events. Note: We do not carry 7:30 p.m. Oct. '1, church ,hall: . news of fundralslng activities such as eyO 'b k b II f b as et a tryouts or oys bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual grades six through eight: 9:45 a.m. d 9 45 I'roRram~, club meetlnlls, youth projects and 0 5 similar nonprofit aellvlties. Fundralsing pro tomorrow, an : a.m. ct. , lects may be advertised at our regular rates, parking lot. Information: Joe Vargo, obtainable from The Anchor business office, 996-4127. telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR. Indicates . ST. T' HOMAS MORE,' Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford. . , SOMERSET DIOCESAN CHARISMATICS The rosary will be prayed daily Leadership Day open to all: 9:30 during October, beginning at 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 4, St. Stanislaus a.m., for increased vocations to the Church, Fall River; Sister of Charity \ priesthood and religious life and a Nancy Kellar of the National Cha greater respect for life throughout rismatic Service Committee will the world. speak on "Leadership in Prayer 'New parishioners are asked to fill Groups." Bring lunch; beverages avail out a registration card, available in able'. Further information: prayer the church foyer, and bring it to the group leaders or call 644-2375._ rectory. CHRISTIAN CITIZENS' ST. MARY, SEI~KONK COALITION, NB' Parent Enrichment Night: Grade Pro-lifers will conduct a March I, Sept. 29. for Life beginning at 9 a.m. Oct. 5, ST. ANNE, FR the eve of Respect Life Sunday; on Cub Scout pack meeting: 7 tonight, the Rockdale Avenue side of But school. ' tonwood Park. Families and indi Choir: rehearsal's after 10 a.m. viduals are invited to participate. Mass Sundays'. New members wel Balloons 'will be distributed to come. Information: Normand Gin children. gras, organist and choir director, SILENT SCREAM after Mass. A pro-life film, "The Sjlent St.' Anne School is in need of a Scream," will be shown on cable TV, refrigerator, gas stove and freezer. If Channel 13, covering the New Bed you have an item to donate call 678-. ford and Fall River viewing area's, at 2152 for pick-up arrangements. 9 p.m. Oct. 4'and 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7. Substitutes for schoollunchro'om supervision are needed. Information: SACRED HEART, FR 678-2152. Parish Council: meeting 7:45 p.m. The Parish Committee has donated Sept. 29, rectory.. $8000 to the parish general fund. Religious education students: pre 28 awards were presented to out school to grade eight classes will standing Little League players and meet at the 9 a.m. Mass Sundays. coaches at a recent awards. banquet. ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT Father Raphael Flammia, SS.Ce., ST. STANISLAUS, FR Feast of St. Vincent de Paul Mass: a former pastor of the parish, will celebrate 8 a.m. Mass Oct. 2. A 7 tonight. Bible study: begins 4:30 p.m. Oct. recepti{)n will follow. 6. The following four Sunday meet Grade 9 and 10 students and par ings will begin at 6:30 p.m. ents: meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday. Rosary will be prayed 20 minutes Grade 2 students are asked to before Masses during October. attend 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday to ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FR receive "Golden Books." . Altar boys needed. Informatiqn: ST. JAMES, NB . Father Stephen B. Salvador, 6'(3 CYO dance: 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, 2402. .parish h·all. "How God Speaks to His Peo New Ladies' Guild officers: pIe," a four-week introductry class Mildred O'Brien, president; Rachel on Scripture, will be held on Wed Jupin, vice-president; Dorothea May-' nesdays of October and begin with 7 all, recording secretary; Kathleen p.m. Mass. Information and regis Walden, financial secretary; Theresa ttation:' Father Salvador. . Lamoureux, treasurer. ST. JOAN'OF ARC, ORLEANS CHRIST THE KING, Choir: meets 7 p.m. Mondays, COTUIT/MASHPEE . church. New members welcome. Infor First Communion: II :30 a.m., . mation: Jackie Vardo, 995-2115. Sept. 30, Queen of All Saints Chapel, Girls' basketball tryouts Grade 5 Mashpee. through 8: 10 a.m. tomorrow, gym. Parish Council: meeting Oct. 10, Mass intentions may be booked Religious Education Center. any weekday morning. Information: Vincentians: meeting 8 p.m. Sept. rectory 995-3593. 30, Religious Education Center. Choir: rehearsals 7:30 p.m. Wed FAMILY LIFE CENTER, nesdays, St. Jude's Chapel, Cotuit. N. DARTMOUTH New members welcome. . A TEC retreat begins tonight; Bishop Connolly high school will hold NOTRE DAME, FR a retreat day Oct. I; Marriage Prep Memorial options now available aration program directors will meet. to parishioners include sanctuary , 6 p.m. Oct. I. candle and missalette offerings. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR The Food Pantry, a collaborative Breakfast with charismatic Maria effort on the part of Sandwich Rocha: 9 a.m. Oct. 19, McGoverns churches to assist the poor, needs Restaurant, Fall River. donations, which may be left in the Mass and healing service with vestibule. Maria Rocha: 2 p.m. Sunday. Announced Masses are now being' O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE accepted for 1986. Requests: rec Women's Guild: meeting 6:30 p.m. tory, 888-0209, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 Oct. 7. A potluck supper will be p.m. weekdays. held. , ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN CYO organizational meeting: 7 The parish choir will sing at the 4 p.m. Oct. 2, Kennedy Center. p.m. Mass Saturdays. Adult discussion group: meeting 7 Cub and Tiger Scout registration: p.m. selected Tuesdays, rectory meet 5:30 p.m. Sunday, church hall. All ing room. Video presentation and boys who have completed grade 1'01' discussion: Oct. 29, Nov. 5 and 19, are 7 years old may join. Dec. 3and 17. .
ST'.'ANTHONYOFTHEDESERT, ' ·p'.m: Sept 29, with Bishop Daniel A. FR _" Cronin main celebrant at a 3 p.m. Adoration of Blessed Sacrament liturgy and Father Luciano Gomes days. New members welcome. Paulo Guerra, rector ofthe shrine of Feast of St. Francis: school Mass at. St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 North Eastern Avenue: noon to 6 p.m. Oct. Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal as 1:15 p.m. Oct. 4. Parishioners weI , 6. Holy hour: 5 p.m. homilist. LaSalette prayer group will spon Communion parents: meet- BLUIE ARMY sor an 8-week Life in the Spirit ing after II a.m. Mass Oct. 6: Five Hour Vigil: begins with 6 seminar beginning 7 p.m. Oct. 4. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, p.m. Mass Oct. 4, Immaculate ConFurther information: 399-7735. ception Church, 136 Earle Street, SWANSEA Worship Committee: meeting 1:30 New Bedford. Information: Ann Le SECULAR FRANCISCANS, vasseur, 822-6866. . p.m. Oct. 6, rectory. POCASSET . VINCENTIANS, FR . St. Francis of the Cape Fraternity ST. PATRICK, FR , Meeting and Mass: 7 p.m. Oct. I, annual mini-retreat: 9:30 a.m. to 4 New officers Knights of Colum St. Mathieu's rectory chapel, 189 p.m. Oct. 6, Sacred Hearts Seminary bus Council 295: Francis R. Bucha Wellington Street, Fall River. - Retreat House, Wareham. Father nan, grand knight; Robert Regan, Robert Nee, OFM, retreat master. SACRED HEARTS SEMINARY deputy grand knight; Adrien Pelle Information: Dorothy F. Williams, WAREHAM tier, financial secretary; Maurice 394-4094. Charismatic retreat tonight Milot, recorder, Norman Perry, trea through Sunday, codirected by surer; James Medeiros, chancellor. DCCW DISTRICT 2 Sacred Hearts Fathers Rick La Open meeting New Bedford Dis Brecque and Raphael Flammia. Area ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB trict 'Council of Catholic Women: prayer groups invited to join prayer Religious education teachers even 7:30 p.m. Oct. 2, St. Mary's parish, meeting and healing, ineeting 7 p.m. ing of recollection and meeting: 7 South Dartmouth, with program Sept. 28 on the seminary grounds. p.m. Sept. 30. presented by Family Commission. .. St. Francis triduum: Eucharistic . LaSALETTE SHRINE, District dayof recollection: 9 a.m. Devotions Oct. I to 3. Franciscan ATTLEBORO to 4 p.m. Oct 12, also at St. Mary's. Father Raymond Lynch will teach. Portuguese pilgrimage day: 1:30 Information: 995-8691.
Continues to
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