
Page 1

Boston To· Receive· New Shepherd IBishops







re~resentatives of Boston and B~ownsville

priests and religious, will join the Apostolic Delegate ~. / 1 and Archbishop-elect Humberto S.! Medeiros as he concelebrates ~ his first Mass in Holy Cross Ckthedral as the Archbishop of Boston. AU$PfCB frl4ARIA I Concelebrating the Mass for V the installation of Archbishopel~ct Humberto S. Medeiros of Bbston, will be: ,Most Rev. Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate to the United Sfates; I Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeir6s, Archbishop-elect of Boston; An Anduw of the Soul. Sure and Firm - ST. PAUL IMost Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River; I Most Rev. Christopher J. WelFall River, Mass., Thursday, October 1, 1970 . don, Bishop of Springfield; I Most Rev. Bernard J. FlanaPRICE 10¢ Vol. 14, No. 40 © 1970 The Anchor gan, Bishop of Worcester; $4.00 per year I }

The CHOR l'!~ ~

.;.-• • • • • • + • .;. • .;

Bishop Medeiros Saw Brownsville Expand The following account of Brownsville under Bishop Medeiros is taken from the Valley Catholic Witness, official newspaper of that Texas See. The diocesan growth under Bishop Medeiros' firm, but loving hand", is reflected in today's stQtistics, which show 58 par.ishes, as compared with 40 in 1966; III priests today as compared with 81 in 1966; plus the construction of some 39 churches, CCD centers, rectories, parish halls and adjunct buildings. During his tenure as spiritual leader of Brownsville, Bishop


I Channel 5, WHDH-TV, Boston will televise live in color the Installation ceremonies of .Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros as A rchbishop of Boston starting at 4 o'clock on Wednesday 'after~oon, Oct. 7 and continuing to the conclusion of the rites.

Medeiros also emerged as a leading figure in the United States Catholic Conference and the National Conference' of Catholic I + ••••••••••••••••• Bishops, serving with distinction as Chairman of the NCCB Subcommittee on Allocations for Latin America, plus many months of labor on the Ad' Hoc I Committee on Labor Disputes spOllsored by the NCCB. A member of the AdministraI What can you do in four: tive Boards of both the NCCB years? It's the time it takes to and the USCC, Bishop Medeiros ~et a high school or college edualso holds such recognitions as' ¢ation. It's the time it took BishState Chaplain of the Texas' ~P Medeiros to "graduate" from being a freshman Bishop of one Turn to Page Twenty-three ,bf the newest dioceses in the ?ountry to being Archbishop of one of the oldest, to go from being shepherd of a quarter million souls to having respon~ibility for nearly two million. I His four years in Brownsville :-vere busy. When he arrived at wishes and prayers of Cardinals, soon-to-be fellow Archbishops, ~he Texas see in 1966, some Bishops, Monsignori, 'Priests, 28,000 children were under CathBrother,. Sisters, Laity and the plic instruction. Today there are pver 40,000. Aided by volunteers faithful of the Church. trom the Fall River Diocese, the But * * * there also.were warm Turn to Page Sixteen and humble greetings from Bishop Medeiros' former public schoolmates, seminarians, parishioners and those in prominent political life, including many in diplomatic posts. Turn to Page Six o



Four Years Of Growth

CCD Schedules: Courses Of Adult Education Rev. Ronald A. Tosti Beginning the week of Oct. 12 in all areas of the diocese, specially tailored programs of adult education will begin. The schedule of sessions in each area will appear in the Oct. 8 edition of The Anchor. Further copies. of the schedule will be available at all parishes throughout the Diocese. These courses are designed for the adult laity and religious of the Fall River Diocese. They are not intended to be teachertraining programs for CCD teachers. In these times of confusion and misunderstanding, it is

Most Rev. Timothy J. Harrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Worcester; Rev. Msgr. Alfred R. Julien, Diocesan Consultor for Boston; Rev. Msgr. Victor W. Ralpr. Vicar-General of Brownsville; Very Rev. Emanuel A. Ballard, O.M.L, Chancellor of Brownsville; Rev. Francis J. McGann, representing the Boston Priests' Senate; Turn to Page Three

II nstallat50n on TV

Friends Quick To Respond To News of Appointment Bill Rudd Valley Catholic Witness BROWNSVILLE - Telegrams, letters, telephone calls and personal visits by the hundreds deluged Archbishop-elect Humberto S. Medeiros when his appointment to the Archdiocese of Boston was announced. . The messages covered every strata of society and embraced • a complete spectrum of social status. There were the expected


Most Rev. Robert F. Joyce, Bishop of Burlington; Most Rev. Ernest J. Primeau, Bishop of Manchester; Most Rev. Peter L. Gerety, Bishop of Portland; Most Rev. Jeremiah F. Minihan, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston; Most. Rev. Thomas H. Riley, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston; Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston; Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River;

hoped that the adult .Catholic population of our diocese will take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about their faith in its various aspects. The courses will only be six weeks in length with a two hour session one night each week. The , timing was particularly chosen I so as to make these programs more convenient for all. The courses will end the week I of Nov. 16 thereby being comPhlel~edd before the begdinnhin g of the o I ay season an t e uncertainties of the Winter months. The courses vary in the different areas responding to both the Turn to Page Eighteen • I'

I, Cardinal Cushing

PARTICIPANTS: Among those participating in Archbishop Medeiros' Installation Mass at Boston's Holy Cross Cathedral next Wednesday as fourth Archbishop of Boston will be, left to right, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.O., Auxiliary of Fall River, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., Bishop of Fall River, Most Rev. Luigi Raimondi, D.O., Apostolic Delegate to the United States, and Archbishop Medeiros. Bishop Connolly was consecrator and Bishop Gerrard a co-consecrator at Archbishop Medeiros' Episcopal consecration four years ago when the former Chancellor of Fall River became a BishQ.p.

'High Scho'ol College Day On Stonehill Campus Stonehill College, North Easton, in cooperation with the Diocesan School Department will sponsor a College Day on its campus on Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 12. Junior and senior high school students, whether from diocesan, parochial, private or public high schools, who are interested in furthering their educatio'n are urged to attend this well-planned event. Brian P. Murphy, director of admissions announced that approximately 87 college representatives from the Mid-West to the Atlantic seaboard will be present for consultation and guidance and thus enable stu-

dents and their parenls to get a comPfehensive view of what the various colleges have to offer in order to comply with the student's aspirations and abilities. The success of past College Days has been certified by the annual, growth .in attendance for this event. This eighth annual College Day and open house will be held frpm 9:30 to 11 :30 in the morning and will consist of formal and informal sessions in classrooms and the cafeteria. There will also be an opportunity for free exchange between parent and representative and student and representative. Turn to Page Two


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Oct. 1, 1970

Brownsville's Growth

Bisho'p's Charity Ball Groulp To Meet Sunday Afternoon The annual meeting to plan the Bishop's Charity Ball is set for ~ on Sunday afternoon at th,e Venus de Milo·' Restaurant, Swansea. . Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Charity Ball, said: "The 16th Ball will be in honor of Most Rev. James L. Connolly, the originator of this outstanding social event." The Ball Committee will meet with all members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the affiliates of'the Council of Catholic Women. These two diocesan groups are co-sponsors of' this Winter social affair to be held on Friday evening, Jan. 8, 1971 at Lincoln Park Ballroom. Proceeds from this event help to provide for the promotion


and expansion of the facili~ies for the exceptional and underprivileged children. These facilities include the Summer camps of St. Vincent de Paul Society and Catholic Boys Day Camp in Westport for the. exceptional' and Mashpee Camp on the 'Cape for' St. Vincent's. Home chilltren.

Committee assignments' will be given to all members present at the meeting..

Marymount Manhattan College, Mercyhurst College, Merrimack College, Mount St. Agh~s .College, Mt. St.. Mary College, N. H. . Mt. St. Mary, College, N. Y., Mt. St. Mary's College,. Mundelein College, Nazareth College of Rochester. . Niagara University, Notre Dame College, N. H:, Ohio Dominican College, Providence College, Regis College, Colo. Regis College, Mass., Rivier College, Rosary Hill College, . Rosemont College, St. Anselm~s College. ' St. Bonaventure University, St. Elizabdh, St. Francis College, St. Gregory's Colle~e, St. John Fisher' College. St. Joseph College, Md., St. Joseph College, Conn., St. Louis University, St. Michael's College, St. Thomas Aquinas College. St. Vincent College, Salve Regina College, Seton Hall Unlversity, Siena College, Spaulding College. . Spring Hill College, Trinity College, University of Daytoq, . University pf Portland, Univer,sity of Scranton, Villa Maria College. Villanova University, Xavier University.



Priests: Retired, Sick or Absent Priests from other Dioceses Student~,

Religious TDtal· Seminarians

, _

High Schools, Private : Boys : Girls , Total Students Elementary Schools, Private' Boys : Girls : Totar' Students

Four schools are in operation for the education of the' exceptional children. These schools are: in Attleboro, the Nazareth School; in Hyannis, the Nazareth School, and two in Fall River, the Nazareth Hall School and the Pre-Vocational Training C~ntel'. . .

Stonehill to Host CoUege Continued from Page One Colleges to be represented are: Albertus Magnus College, AIphonsus College, Alvernia College, Anna Maria College for Women, Assumption College, N.D.' Annhurst College, Atchison Benedictine Colleges, Baret College, Biscayne College, Boston College. . ,. . Canisius College, Cardinal Cushing College, Cathlic University of America, College of Mt. St. Vincent; College of New Rochelle. College. of Notre. Dame .. of Maryland, College of Our Lady of the Elms, College of St. Rose, College of St. Thomas, College of Steubenville. Creighton University, Cullman College, Duquesne University, D'Youville College, Fairfield University. Georgetown University, Good Counsel College, Harriman College; Immaculata College, Pa., Immaculata College, D. C. John Carroll University, King's College, Ladycliff College,. La Salle College, Le Moyne College. Loretto Heights College, N. Y.,· Loretto Heights College, Colo., Loyola University, Ill., Manhattan College, Manhattanville College. Maria Regina College, Marist .College, Marquette University, Marymount College, N, Y., Marymount College of Virginia.

under Bishop Medeiros


.. ,


.. .. .. . . . .. ..

53 2 308



2'15 275

282 570 1 75 269 344

Total Students Under Catholic Instruction' , . 28,367


2 95

3 125



Homes for invalid and aged Guests : Infant Baptisms

READER: Reading the Second Lesson at Archbishop Medeiros' Installation Mass will be his nephew, Thomas A. Medeiros, son of Mr~ and Mrs. Manuel S. Medeiros of '42' Summerfield St., Fall River. Thomas, 18, is a graduate of Bishop Connolly Jesuit High School in Fall River and is a freshman studying biology at Columbia University.


590 1

.. .. ..

Converts Total Baptisms

.. ..

69 9,216

87 8,580

Marriages Catholic Mixed

. . ..

1,261 1,217 44 , 1,050

1,859 1,756 103



Question Sincerity

VIENNA (NC)-Rumors per· sist that the Communist regime of Czechoslovokia plans to renew negotiations with the Vatican to establish better relations, b'ut there is a serious question. Necrology as to how serious these negotiations will be. OCT. 2 According to sources close to' Rev. Joseph E. Sutula, 1961,' the Catholic Church in Cieclio-' .Pastor, . SI:. Casimir, New Bed~ slovakia, the present· gQvernment ford.


Of Communist Plan there will press for new stateChurch relations 'in Octo~er. However, a' number of Cath· olics in the country majntain that the government is only interested in creatnig a "smoke screen" to delude the West and! to divert attention from an everincreasing pressure that i~ being brought . on the' Church in Czechoslovakia.

OCT. 6 Rev. Stephen B. Magill, 1916" Assistant, Immaculate Conception, No. Easton

OCT. 7 Rev. Caesar Phares, 1951, Pas· tor, . St. Anthony of Desert, Fall. River·



- ';- ;"

Day of Prayer.

. Oct. I1-St. Hedwig, Bedford. St. Julie,. North mouth.

New Dart-

·Ad Multos Annos "

Mass Ordo FRIDAY -. The Holy Guardian Angels. Memorial. White. SATURDAY-St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Carmelite Nun. Memorial. White. . SUNDAY - Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost. Green. Mass Prop.er; Glory; Creed; Preface . of Sunday. MONDAY - Weekday. Mas s (Choice of Celebrant) TUESDAY - St. Bruno, Priest. Optional. White. WEDNESDAY - Blessed Virgin of the Rosary. Memorial. White. THURSDAY - St. Bridget of Sweden, Wife, Mother, Religious. Optional. White. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass., Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River; Mass. 02722 by the Cahtoljc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.'




s. T: D.

HUMBERTO :8. ME.DEIROS Archbishop of Boston

Archbishop of Boston



234 Secondl Street

Fall River

Special Lecture At CCD Center Oct. 8 and 9



Anyone interested in attending Father Modras' presentation is invited to call the CCD office: 676-3036. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, Oct. 7.


IRELAND COMES TO FALL RIVER: Archbishop Medeiros welcomes the Lord Mayor James Carroll of Dhblin and his wife to Fall River wpen the Irish couple visited the See City in 1958 for the observance of St. Patrick's Day. !

.Continued from Page One I Rev. Robert B. Lynch, O.F.M.,. representing the Religjous of . I ,SALINAS (NC) - Cesar Clla, Boston. .' . . I .P.r.esiding .over:. the Mass, ~ill vez, head of the United;. Farm· Workers' Organizing Committee, be His Eminence, Richard Cardi" called here for a national boy- nal Cushing, with Rev. Msgr:. Cornelius T. H. Sherlock and cott of non-union lettuce. Chavez said he plans to or- Rev. Msgr. Henry J. O'Connell I ganize laborers on lettuce farms as his chaplains. Also participating in the Mass "from here to Texas" and to seek growers' recognition for of installation are: Rev. Msg~. UFWOC as a collective bargain- Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr. (Notary); Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu (Dea!. ing agent. . con); Brother William J.. De~. Many California lettuce grow· nehy and Rev. Harold A. Flurbur ers have refused to deal with the (Acolytes). I Chavez unio.n,. claiming earlier Rev. Msgr. Paul V. Harrington recognition of the Teamsters' (Book Bearer); Rev. Msgr. Johrt Union as bargaining agent is. A. Broderick (Crozier Bearer still in force. Inter Harvest, this Archbishop Raimondi); Rev. John area's largest lettuce grower, has W. Roach (Crozier Bearer f6r already signed with Chavez and' Archbishop Medeiros); Rev. Msgt. other major growers are negoti- Francis J. Sexton (Holy Wat~r ating with the farm workers' Bearer); Rev. Msgr. William A~ committee. Granville (Incense Bearer). I


Hospital Workers Vote for Union

The employes voted 221-182 in favor of the union after an eight· month drive spearheaded by Father Frederick Klettner, hospital 'chaplain and Father James Meyers of St. Benedict's parish here.

Sturtevant (, Hook Est. 1897

Builders Supplies 2343 Purchase Street N.ew Bedford 996-5661


. Cardinal Cu1shing to Speak at Installation

Chavez Announces Lettuc~ Boycott

PONTIAC (NC)-The 495 non· professional employes of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital here have banded into a union, a branch of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Union, AFL-CIO.



Thousands .of residents of the . Diocese • of Brownsville have started to say farewell to thldr Bishop, Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, in a series of four occasions. The first goodbye gathering was held on ·Sunday for an over· flowing crowd in the Jacob Brown Auditorium in Brownsville. Tonight at 8, a special Mass will be offered in St. John's Church and it will be followed by a reception at the Shrine of San Juan Cafeteria. This evening's affairs are reserved for clergy. Tomorrow night at 7, tlit! laity will attend a Mass at St. John's Church and Ihe reception will follow at the Shrine of San Juan Cafeteria. On Saturday afternoon at 4:30, the same program for sisters will be held at the above mentioned sites.

Father Modras, author of "Paths to Unity," is currently studying for his doctorate in theology under Rev. Hans Kung at the University of Tubingen in Germany. His doctoral dissertation, "Paul Ti1lich's Theology of the Church" will be published . in book form. Before being assigned to studies in Germany, Father Modras served as a parish priest and as Vice-Chairman of Ecumenical Affairs in the Michigan Archdiocese.


Plan Farewells For Bishop Medeiros

Rev. Ronald.E. Modras, a theologian from the Archdiocese of Detroit, will address religious educators at the CCD Office, 446' Highland Ave:, Fall River at 8 on Thursday evening, Oct. 8. A second presentation will be held at 10 on Friday morning, Oct. 9 for those unable to attend the previous evening. His topic, "The Idea of God in Contemporary Thought," will be the first in a series of enrichment and professsional sharing sessions for religio'us educators, under the sponsorship of the Diocesan CCD staff headed by Father Ronald A. Tosti.


'The bearers of gifts for the Offertory Procession will be two nieces and a nephew-Misses Deborah Souza and' Jean Medeiros; Paul Medeiros; Miss Am~lia Reyes, O.M.M.I., representmg the Secular Institutes of Texas; John Zarkauskas, representing the CYO of Boston; Miss A;nn Elise Ming, representing the Chinese center of Boston; Russell Dest, representing the Catholic High School students; Harold E. Killam, representing the Holy Name Societies; Mrs. Richard Monahan, representing the Women's Societies; Sister M. Helen Butler, S.B.S., representing the religious taken up with inner city' work; Sister Joan, D.S.P., representing publishing activity; Brother Benedict Doucette, O.H., representing all concerned with hospital work. Masters of Ceremonies for the historic Mass will be R;v. Msgr.

Harold P. Darcy; Rev. Msgr: Joseph F. Maguire; Rev. Msgr. Jo~n J. Mulcahy; Rev. John W. Cor.coran; Rev. Gilbert S. Phinn; Rev. Joseph P. Smyth; Rev. Timothy J. Shea; Rev. Joseph G. Lind. The singing will be by the St. John Seminary Choir and the St. Paul Archdiocesan Choir School ~ith Theodore Marier as director and Rev. Paul Rouse as leader of song. Rev. Francis V. Strahan will be music director. The Processional Cross bearer .will be Rev. Edmund J. Sviokla. Rev. Msgr. James J. Scally will Turn to Page Twenty-One

Lauds Pope's Stand On p'lane Hijackings WASHINGTON (NC) - Mrs. Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, said at a press conference here she appreciated Pope Paul VI's r~cent condemnation of hi· jackings, even though she felt the Pontiff could do little to dissuade Arab hijackers. The prime minister-in Wash: ington for talks with President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State William P.Rogers-added: "I thin'k that by this time almost everybody in the world has been shocked * .:..:. (but) I don't think everybody who -is against hijacking can do very much about it.

"There are countries that can do something about it. There are airlines that can do something about it, and there are pilots' organizations that can do something about it," she said, "and the time is overdue where action has to be taken."






Congratulations HIS EXCELLENCY





HUMBERTO So MED,EIROS Archbishop of Boston


-Ifrom , I

First Federal Savings and Loan I Assocation I

New .Bedford and Acushnet

27 Park Street, Attleboro I


278 Union Street, New Bedford j


Co-operative Banks

, THE 'A,NCHQR,-':'Diocese of ,Fali Ri~er路-Thu,:;" OCI. 1./ 1~70


Benedictine MonastE!ry Churches Incomparable' As we left Vienna one mornitlg, our hearts beal pridefully because of the evidences of Americali cultural' influ-' ence in that charming city; signs advertising Coca-Cola, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and an Andy Warhol movie. We were headed for Salzburg; along the autobahn. Besides astery museum, up a SerieS uf this road at certain points homely, worn wooden staircases. It is a marvelous melange, Here there are windsocks. These are local pottery and metal arti-

are carefully watched, specially by drivers of the prevalent compact cars, because the, wind, whether hard across the plains

By ,




facts from the centuries, as Jar back as 2,500 B.C.; paintings, woodcarvings, (,ivestments, costumes from periods much less remote, yet antique; old clocks still in hoarse working order.' A bonus is t,hat as one goes about the. museum rooms, one. comes repeatedly to small-panel, leaded windows from whkh are glimpsed meadows gay with blue and yellow flowers, and marching mountains. Joyful Church In the mountains of Bavaria FORMER CHANCELLORS MEEt: Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of we' came on still another monas- Fall Riyer and Diocesan Chancellor' from 1932 to 1941, and Most Rev. Humberto S. tery imd its distinctive chur~h. Medeiros, recently named head of the Archbishopric of Boston and chancellor of Fall We almost overlooked this one, River from 1954 to 1966. recaJI two eras in the chancery history of the Fall River'Dioso taken up ~ere we with the curious Moorish domes on the cese when they met at a Bishops' Meeting in November, 1966. country churches, large groups of bicycling children flying' a ,Chi Rho flag, the old posting inns, the houses painted with NEWARK (NC) - As part of , ishes to plan lectures and other. September as Right to Life images of Our Lady and the an educational campaign to activities to alert Catholics Month in the state. saints. The archbishop noted that realert Catholics about the abor- about this topic. This Benedictine third monascent easing of New York's aoortion issue, homilies were Archbishop Boland said he tery is at Ettal, set against the preached on the subject in all was asked to take this step by tion statute has placed "great mountains, and its church, is Newark archdiocese churches. the New Jersey Right to Life' pressure on New Jersey to co!'!styled the cathedra of Etta\. In a letter to pastors, Arch- Committee, a non-denominational form." He said a bill to make It has none of the magnifibishop Thomas A. Boland asked organization opposing abortion. .abortions easier to obtain in this cence of Melk, or the agreeable that such homilies be scheduled The committee then designated state is expected to be intI'/?hybrid 'quality of Mondsee. It. is duced in the legislature this Fal1. , Sept. 20. He also requested para ~right, elegant, joyful church, rococo under discriminating restraint.

capricious' through the mountains, can cause drivers serious trouble. We stopped at the abbey of Melk. Every amateur or student of the baroque should see it. It sits, as if enthroned, high on a rocky ridge along the Danube, gigantic yet sensitively propor' tioned. The Benedictines have been at Melk since the twelfth century uninterrruptedly, but not un interfered with. They have weathered assaults by Hussites, Hungarians, Turks, the attrition of the Reformation, and the unwanted presence (twice) of Napoleon, who fortified the premises. Contrasting Confessionals The extant abbey, with its stupeindous church, was built in There is strong contrast, for the eighteenth centupry. example, between the confesAlthough the abbey can boast sionals at Ettal and those in St. many fascinating features, the John's. The latter are of black church surpasses all else. Dom- wood, with a grimacing skull (in inant in it is the drum-dome, marble) over the door by which 200 feet above floor level and the penitent enters. Topping one painted with triumphant, float-" confessional is a sculpture deing figures in brilliant color. picting a corpse half in, half out aeneath the radiant ceiling of a coffin, and towering over .it frescoes, walls and sculptures a stern cassocked figure proare done in brown ochre, and a claiming, "The worst death. 'is subtle green, with a liberal but that of sinners." At Ettal, on the contrary, the judicious admixture Qf gold. The effect is rich, but not cloying, confessionals are immeasurably less grim and panicking. They lively rather than heavy. <> are of attractive wood, superbly' Lofty Altar carved, and are crowned with We encountered the Benedic- carvings in white and gold, sugtine presence elsewhere. Thus, gesting the merciful release and when we went out from Salz- happy uplifting of the sinner. burg to the lovely country of .Few Viewers mountains and lakes, we chanced PrObably the .most memorable upon the monastery church, at Mondsee, about which the guide- feature of Ettal's inspiriting monastery church' is the choir books are inexplicably silent. loft, with its exquisite 'stucco This foundation is four 路cen'The molding is delicate work. turies older than Melk, and the and airy, the coloring is limpid, church is Gothic, although one would not guess that from the and the loft looks, incredibly, like the finest china. baroque front. ~ncidentally, at both Melk and All down the Gothic nave are Ettal liqueurs made in these baroque altars, dark and stolid in fabric but ~laborately orna- monasteries were for sale. The mented and festooned with vivid, Ettal liqueur, we were told is energetic sculptures large and made by secret formula from small. The nave is climaxed by gentian root. We were cheerfully informep a lofty principal altar, the re-, redos of which is almost , but that there is a: Bavarian saying not quite, too crowded and busy. which runs like this: '~See the church from the outside, the Monastery Museum mountains from below, and the The calm of the Gothic and beehall from inside." Certainly the agitation of the 'baroque there were f~w people viewing somehow do not clash but have any of these incomparable monastery churches in Austria and reache'd pleasing accord. Not to be missed is the mon- Bavaria.


~ewark. :Ordinary' 'Urges Homilies On Abortion






Librarian· Plans Media Center. At Bishop Feehan High School Bishop Feehan High School announces a current enrollment of 755 students. Being planned at the Attleboro school is a media center and student council activities for the year will in, <:lude money-raising projects in its behalf. Looking towards wmpletion of the center, Sister Mary Faith, R.S.M., librarian, with 25 other school librarians, is participating in an institute on new concepts in media and education as ~hey affect the school library. The institute consists of four units: a two week preparatory session, held this Summer at Boston University; three twoand-a-half day observation in-, terpretation units to be held this Fall in selected schools; three two-and-a-half day applicationevaluation units scheduled for Spring; and a final review unit at the end of the academic year.

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 1,

Catholic Schools Have New Head

the camp sessions and certifij cates of excellence were merited by Richard Cash for creative lay: out; Martha Zito, creative use of cover color; and William Kac; zowka, work in developing ami printing. .



/jig Sister Day will be held toj day and tomorrow in the Fall River school on Park Street. Th4 juniors and seniors will have th~ freshmen and sophomores as lit· tIe sisters and the two-day af~ fair will be highlighted with an assembly and the selection of "Little Sister of the Year." I Feehan Students Commended i Jean M. Basile, Michael Dolan and Ann Ronhock have received letters of commendation fo~ their scholarship from the N~­ tional Merit S.cholarship Test Committee. , I I

New Faculty New Feehan faculty members include Sister Mary Noel, English and journalism; Sister Patricia, English; Sister Regina, guidance; Sister Elizabeth, religion; Kevin Dunn, social studies; Sister Veronica, art; Sister Josepha, science. Also John McDonald, English; Brother Joseph, religion; Sister J ulene, guidance; Sister Leona, mathematics; Miss Denise Perry, science; Sister Eileen, business. Among Summer activities was attendance by Sister Mary Enda and six yearbook staff members at a workshop held at Camp Kanuga, Hendersonville, N, C. Layouts for the 1971 Feehan yearbook were worked on during

All three are active in the life of their respective parishe~. Miss Basile is a member of thp CYO, choir and serves as teacher in the ,r'eligious educ~­ tion program of St. Mary's Parish, No. Attleboro. She plans olt entering some field of medicin¢.


Miss Ronhock also serves with teacher group in the CCD of StMary's Parish, No. Attlebor¢. Her fut~re is directed towards ,a care~r m elementary school e<,lucatlOn. ! Michael Dolan, an active pa~­ ish CYO member, is assistaJt scoutmaster of the Eagle Scouts Troop 23 of Attleboro. A college degree in engineering is the aqitbition of this Feehan senior. I

DEVOTION TO THE RETARDED: Archbishop Medeiros' love of the exceptional child is evidenced in his facial expression' as he assists Bishop Connolly at one of the many Masses when these children whom Cardinal Cushing called ~'special friends of God" received the Eucharistic Savior for the first time.

ot the Philade:lphfa archdiocesan schools, Msgr Edward T. Hughes, 4!:l, stressed the impol'tance of (Jbta'ining outside aid to keep the system's 'i.87 elementary and 31 high schools operating. His successor, Msgr. Francis B. Schulte, 42, who had been assistant superintendent of schools since 1960, readily agreed to accept the advice. The change in command of the school system was announced by Cardinal John J. Krol of Philadelphia, who disclosed that Msgr. Hughes was appointed last February as pastor of Our Lady .of Fatima church in nearby Secane. , "At the time of his appointment as pastor," the cardinal said, "Msgr. Hughes graciously offered at great personal sacrifice to continue as superintendent of schljols until plans for the opening of this school year were compIE·ted." 'lhe opening plaus involved negotiating a contract with the lay high school teachers union, the Ass()ciation of Catholic Teachers, AFL-CIO. The negotiations were completed shortly before the school term opened Sept. 9. One of Msgr. Hughes' last actions was acknowledgement of a $5,000 donation from the Phil· adelphia Dress Joint Board, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union AFL-CIO.


i i



\er "~


mg (Jut after nine years as head


Domiuican Academy

5 1970

! -I


Congratulations to His Excellency Most Reverend

HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS, Archbishop of Boston

WHITEiS· FAMILY RESTAURANT Route 6 at the Narrows in Westport I I

!Roland A. and Rita LaFrance



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 1, 1"970

,F~iend ~ . Re~pond

'/[eed- -My Mother'


The New Arc!Jbishop




Commenting on his appointment to Boston, 'Bishop Medeiros said, "All I know how tQ be is a pastor." And he was assured that this IS all that Boston would look for and desire and rejoice in. The ,faithful of the Diocese of Fall River rejuice, tuo, that one of their own is returning to New England and is returning to the great Se'e of Boston to serve its people as he served the people of Fall River as curate and pastor and chancellor, as he served the people of the Diocese of Brownsville in Texas as Bishop.

,qOSARY ~i

t 4; .'-






The people of Fall River and Browilsville know him as a pastor, as one whose total concern is God and the People of G~d. , His considerable intellectual and administrative talents were always/at the service of God. His paramount interest was to grow closer to God, to sanctify himself that he might proclaim God to the people not only in his words bJJt in' his life. This is the heart of a pastor that he brings to Archdiocese of Boston.


Knowing how-to' be kind without being weak, strong without being harsh, he brings a spiritual leadership that points always and in all things to God. Shunning the label of being in one camp or another, he is the priest, the ma~ for all people, the man of God who seeks to serve all that he might bring all to the' happiness of God that he himself experiences, to the presence of God that: he himself enjoys, to the strength of God that he himself relies upon. This, then, is the pastor. who prepares to go to Boston. His shepherding of the faithful of Boston will be a won~ drous spiritual advenfure for them and for him.

Women Doctors Enrolled among the Doctors of the Church on Sun~ day last was S1. Theresa of Avila, and S1. Catherine of . Siena will receive the same title this coming week. Thus these two women join the thirty male doctors of the Church who have been hailed for their eminent learning, heroic sanctity and unquestioned renown. o

Perhaps such recognition to women by the Church has been overdue. , But it is an acknowledgement that their role in the Church is by no means a subservient one.



mooQlnCj Rev. John F, Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River

The New Boston In the past decade, few cities and areas in this country have undergone 路such a physical renewal as Boston. Indeed, what we regarded as the once proud and staid Brahmin metropolis. has been transformed into a ceaseless dyna' . mo of architectural wonders and urban sophistication. In cellor, Bishop Medeiros, to the its new cosmopolitant at- Archbishopric is, indeed, an eyent of great personal rejoicing titudes, the new Boston is and satisfaction. For the many

in a very real way presenting an friends of the new Archbishop it image or' leadership not only to is seen .as a sign of greater rein the Church. And just because women are not chosen the citizens of this Common- newal not only for the Church of wealth but indeed to the entire Boston but indeed for the entire to be priests and bishops does not in any way imply an nation. It is in this setting of Church in this country, Howinferiority. civic renewal that the Church ever, we must view' this new is once again taking an impor.- ecclesiastical happening beyond The idea that the priesthood is synonymous with, tant step of its own in the se- this narrow scope. This choice of prestige and privilege has long since gone. It is a role and lection of its new Archbishop Bishop Medeiros by the Holy See function of service. But there are many roles and functions in Boston. ' as shepherd of the great see of For the many priests of this Boston is a moment of grea~ uniof service in the Church. And the prime role is to be holy. diocese who traveled to Brighton versal meaning and deep historHere there is room for all. The call of the Christian, for their seminary training, the ical significance. l . of every Christian, man and woman, boy and, girl,young, appointment of our former chan-

It is a recogriition that every person has a function

and old, is to use the grace of God that Christ might live within himself. .

Appointment Singular in Age of Renewal

Cotltinued from Page One an estimated l ,100 messages had been received both at the Chancery 'and the Bishop's residence, Bethany House. Respect for Archbishop-f:ltct Medeiros was evident in every message, ranging from the flowl~ry phraseology of the Church's hierarchy to the simple "Best Wishes" of a former neighbor in Fall River. The overwhdming flood of felicitations obviously fmbar-' rassed-but pleased-the Archbishop-flect. "My, my," he smiled, "It's very nice to hear from' so many friends." Several 'members of the Chancery Staff and additional lay . workers spent many hours soning the messages, tracing addresses, deciphering names and 路Iooking up Zip Codes. Each me~颅 sage will - or has been - answered by the man who four years ago came to a little-known and new Diocese, on the banks of an international river, but low on the totem pole of progress. Scope of the messages showed to the Nth Degree the importance of Archbishop-elect Medeiros' new duties. Massachusetts I Governor Francis Sargent was among the first to respond to th1e appointment. Then, in no particular order, came wires from Speaker of the House John McCormack; former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, who also served a stint as U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Texas Senators Ralph Yarborough and John Tower; Portuguese Ambassador to the U. S. Vasco Viera Garin and a former Portuguese Ambassador; U. S. Secretary of Trlms'portation. John Volpe;' Valley Congressman Kika de la Garza and assorted other U. S. Representatives from all over New England, plus uncountable Massachusetts state officials; Mayors, Aldermen, policemen and firemen. were heard from - also housewives, bank presidents and welfare cases. In Church-related organizations, there were several hundred messages alone, including Knights of Columbus, Better World Movement, Altar Societies, Legion of Mary, St. Vincent de Paul and you-name-it, it was there, , The ecumenical spirit was evident in lengthy congratulations from the Massachusetts Council of Churches and the Boston Lay / Caucus, plus the Greater Boston Ministerial ,Alliance.. Many poverty action groups were in the ever-increasing stack of mail, mostly urging the Archbishop-elect to "keep up the good work." Some offered aid and assistance to the new leader of 1,917,000 Catholics in the Boston area. At' presstime,

What makes this appointment of the complete Americanization so unique and singular is that it路 of the Church in this country. He is another step ,in the renewed " is a true sign of a broadening life .of an ever maturing Chi.'-reh. . vision and deeper concern of the It is the calling and the challenge to ever)' Christian.' This broadening of the hlader- . ,post-conciliar Church. He has ship of the American Church had to overcome his own pro"I will certainly need it," said could not have occurred a gen- vincialism and has learned in Archbishop-elect' Medeiros, who eration ago, be it in Boston or his own life to serve all the peo- leaves a Diocese of Brownsville Rome. It surely indicates that pIe, of God. He will do this in' the Church in these United Boston as he has done _it in Fall flock of some quarter-million. The departing Bishop -of States does not belong to any River and Brownsville. Brownsville said he would .take one ethnic group or social order Coming, as he does from our "many fond memories" with him , as is the case in Europe. We side of New. England and yet to his new tasks for the Church. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FA'LL RIVER have been called' the melting pot knowing it so very well, he will ..".."""'""""""""""""""""""..""",,,.,,"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".".",,,,, Published weekly by The Catholi,c Press of the Diocese of Fall River' of all nations and peoples. This bring to the gr~at see of Boston' future. However one thing will new choice for Boston, proves a new vision and a broadening certainly be true. He will bring , 410 Highland Avenue , this to be true. Each of us has our horizon ,within its own territory anew excitement to the Church 675-7151 Fall River, Mass. '02722 own ethnic pride and most of to the social needs of all the universal and a new challenge' PUBLISHER , us have begun to realize that Church. to the Church catholic. May Most. Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. first and, foremost - we are It is impossible to predict and .God give him the courage and Americans. foretell the outcome of the new strength he will need to accomGENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER In this respect I feel that Archbishop's. days in Boston. plish his mission in the vineRev. John P. Driscoll Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo,M.A. ~Leary Press-Fall River Archbishop Medeiros is a symbol This will be the task of th.e yard of Bo'ston.

To be Christ wherever one is, in whatever one does -this is' not the monopoly of any group or age or sex,


Scores Catholic Press Critics EDMONTON (NC)-The CaLh· olic Press Association's ex~cu· tive director said here prophets of uoom ~ forecast the death of the Catnolic press in North Atncrica should spend tht>ir time generating ideas, fashioning new Clpproaches and If"arning model'll techniques. rather than wastl' time on seUi-criticism. James A. Doyle assl::l'thl reli· gious journalism needs "Call' structive and creatiV<' thinkers" in the principal address at the fifth anniversary luncheon of the Western Catholic Reporter of the Edmondton archdiocese. Doyle said recent articles speculating about the future of the Catholic press in Time, Newsweek, America, The Toronto Globe and Mail and the New York Times reflect the voices of the prophets of doom. "I want to make it clear that I believe these forcasters of disaster are wasting their time, their taltmts and their energies in their verbal handwriting and inordinate self-criticism," Doyle said. "They would be far better spent generating some new ideas, fashioning new approachl::s, learning modern techniques, ml::thods of publication prodoclion and distribution and opening up untried channels of read· er contact and service," he· added. Doyle called for men and women filled with Christian hope and joy who believe in the. Catholic press of the future and are ready to contribute to new growth, i'nfluence and effectiveness for Catholic publications in Canada and the U. S.




THE ANCHORThurs., Ocl.. 1,

7 1'170

Missal in Braille And Large Type The Xavier Sflciety for tht! Hlind now has two special pub· Iications for individuals afflktt'd by poor vision or total blindness. In announcing this pruject, the NationCiI Catholic Press and Library fIJI' the Visually Handicapped has stated: "The New Rite of Huly Muss, spiral bound in large type (42 pages) and in Ijraille (20 pages) at one dollar t~acl\. Please specify large type or Braille when ordering from The Xavier Society for the Blind, 154 East 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. '10010."



Gasoline Fuel and Range

'0 I L S OIL BURNERS For Prompt Delivery & Day & Night Service




ASSISTING IN BLESSING OF NEW CHURCH: Archbishop Medeiros as chancellor of the Fall River Diocese assists Bishop Connolly in blessing the new Church of the Assumption, New Bedford. 'Ihis occasion was just one of many at which the new Archbjshop of Boston assisted the O~dinary of Fall River in blessing new churches, institutions, schools, convents and rectories.

Rural Bottled Gas Service

61 COHANNIET ST TAUNTON Attleboro - No. Attleboro Taunton



Most Reverend

HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston





1001 Kings Highway

39 North Sixth Street New Bedford

New Bedford




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-fhurs., Oct. 1, 1970 '


Mount 'Alumnae Set Style Show-

Let's Count Q,ur Bl1essi,ngs And Writ,e to CoJumnist

The Alumnae Association of Mt. Sr. Mary Academy, Fall River, will sponsor a buffet and fashion show f,\t) 7:30 Tuesday-night, Oct. 13'--at Venus de de Milo restaurant, Swansea. Professional models will be featured and television personality Bunny North will be commentator. Mrs. Mary Markland Falvey, president, announces that tickets· are available from Mrs. Ann Bagley Gagne, general chairman, ' who may be contacted at 6742727. Tickets are also on sale at area stores, and will be sold at ,the door. Door prizes will be awarded and a special drawing will be held for a gift certificate and f9r two wigs.

A multi-millionaire claims that no man is really rich ,if he can count all his money. Wit.h our house full of kids, no money stays .around long enough to be counted. Bl;1t "richness" comes from other things. We would say, ,"No one is really poor, unless he ' can't count his blessings." these people, I have learned that happiness is within aryone's Sometimes people complain, reach. But it must be recognized. "Everything' goes wrong." No matter what the difficulties, "Nothing, good ever happens to me," "Why do I have all these troubles?"

if I just remember to'iook, each day holds so many of its own little blessings * * * * * * to touch my husband's hand * * ':' to hear someone call * * '* to notice improvement in a sick child * * * to have encouraged someone * * * to laugh * * * to turn a child's tears to a smile * * * to know God loves mein spite of some of the ways He shows 'it '





These people are "poor"truly poor- because they have never seen their blessings, And to see them, they would have only to look. But they seem unable - or unwilling - to look. , These poverty-stricken' could find a wealth of happiness if they would just reach out for it. Others have. A friend of ours is one of the "richest" people we know. He is completely paralyzed from his neck dowry. He was stricken by polio while in college, 18 years ago, Yet, he considers himself lucky. Why? Because he isn't burdened with all the distractions of those who are occupied by the ordinary problem's of d~lily life. Confined to, bed, he can spend hours concentrating on a subject, exploring it completely. In these hours he has invented .many devices which now aid the paralyzed. Truly Happ~ He's "rich" 'and so are my parents. Not that they have a great deal of money; that isn't' : important. They have always had one, two or more aged and infirm members of the family in their care. They'lived alone for . only the first two years they were married. Now in' their seventies, they are still caring for several older, sick relatives. . Their own plans have been constantly put off. They are still designing the home they always wanted to build. They philosophize 45 years of delays without any regrets. By observing the strengths and weakn,esses in those they have cared for, they have learned how t.o be truly happy in their golden y·ears.1 Taught by my parents example, my brother faced the death . of his wife. He was left with seven young children. Several weeks later, I had a note from him, offering his prayers fQr OUl' daughter seriously ill at' that time. "I feel I have a little extra influence. I have my own' special saint.~' ' Within Reach Evidently his special saint was looking after him. He met a wonderful girl, a widow with two children of her own. Certainly, as with any marriage, there are problems. Yet, they always are optimistic, without a trace of self-pity. From the example set by all

. To Be Needed

* * * to

realize the satisfaction of having triumphed over someting most difficult * '* * to have regained safety after facing danger * * * to be trusted as, the ultimate authority by a small child, ,~ * * to be asked advice by ,a teenager * * * to be needed by my husband * * * to have completed the job I set out to do that day * * * to really believe that there is nothing lean experience from which I can not profit .' . * * * to have the Faith of in: fancy, th~ ,Hope' 'of adolescenc~, and the Love of age. I * * * to want to do the very best I can each day. * * * to feel that no problem is insurmountable >I< * * to be at peace with my conscience, . >I< * * to' have the 'whole family share a happiness together * '" '" to see in my childen compassion for each other ' Endless List -,

* .. * to

have said the right

, PREPARE FOR CANDLELIGHT BALL: Committee members of the Friends of St. Anne's ,Hospital, Fall River finalizing plans for·the October 24th social,.are: Mrs. Louis Magoni, Mrs. Carroll P. Gettings and Mrs. John F. Dunn.


Ask Court End Black Schools

Fund Raising Supper St. Catherine Fund Raising Committee will sponsor a spaghetti supper on Saturday night, Oct. 3 in the Dominican Hall, Fall. River. Servings will be at 5, 6 and 7; Charge will be $1.50 for adults and $1.25 for children.. Proceeds will benefit the Dominican Sisters.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Civil pected .to hear six major deseg,rights lawyers .fil~d briefs. be- regati()I1 cases Oct. 2. fore the Supreme, Court here asking an end to - all-black schools wherever they exist in the nation. ' WE EXTEND CONGRATULATIONS Attorneys for the National Association for the Advancement TO of Colored. People's legal defense fund urged that "every black His EXCELLENCY child, at every grade ·in hiseducational career, must be free of assignment to a 'black - a MOST REVEREND racially identified minorityschooL" . , .The NAACP brief also seeks . . ~ ;J~.'" , , ,.:., " - :J" an end to the. distinction be-t~een segregation by law and HIS INSTALLATION AS' segregation .by circumstance. Lawyers for the legal defense fund claim that de facto segregation has been as actively supported by laws and by state and local governments as de jure segregation. _ Opposing arguments by the state of Virginia and several Southern school boards asked Architects and Engineers, , the' court for a softening of de" segregation measures such· as' . Providence, R. I. GAspee 1-4274 busing. The high court is ex-




Archbishop of Boston



*** to have'remained quiet when it was better that nothing be said * * '* to have been moved to ~ears by pure joy,. * * * to delight in life· * * to be , My list is endleSS. How about yours? Stop and think of all your blessings and those you have. Tell me about them. Write to me in . care of this paper. You~ thoughts may inspire some of the "poor."

Ad Multos A .....os

His Excellency Most Reverend HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS




Archbishop of Boston


HYANNIS 775:·0684 South Yarmouth 398-2201 Harwich Port 432-0593

1320 North Main Street

Fall River


Job of R·eturning Clothes: U,npleasant for Ev,eryone :





Approves Guidelines




I took a deep breath, tried to draw up every ounce courage I could muster and entered the store with the same feelings that the early Christians must have experienced going into the arena. This is ridiculous, I kept telling myself, you're a grown woman ." . I, and you' e' th .. ht b t could be returned If It hadn t r m e ng u been to the cleaners. (This 'wbs nevertheless my stomach a new one on me and I'm sure was doing flip flops by the if I hadn't said that it had vis-

For First Communion MILWAUKEE (NC)-A S€l'i':'S of guidr:lines relative to rect'p-

tion of first Commnuion by children have been put Into etted in the Milwaukee archdiocese with the approval ot Archbishop William E. COllsins.

ited the cleaners she would ha~e The guiJdines approve I''''::e'''accused the cleaners of causi~g tion of first Communion by chilthe damage - it's very difficult dren before first confession; recfor the consumer to win.) , orl1mend first Communion for Only One Solution i first and second graders, and Finally, when I would not ~e­ give parents greater responsibillent in my demand (at this point ity in preparing children for first By I'm sure my blood pressure was reception of Holy Eucharist and hitting 200), and Joe asked to Penance. MARILYN see someone higher than sne, she A sacramental commission of did back off and say that she AS JUBILEE HOMILIST: On Sunday afternoon, May would do. everything possible to 24, 1970 Archbishop Medeiros preaches the homily at the' the archdiocese prepared the RODERICK guidelines after studying prosee that we got a refund. Only Mass of Thanksgiving commemorating Bishop Connolly's grams already in effect in nearly time will tell on this-at this a dozen archdioceses and diopoint a week has gone by ahd Silver Jubilee as member of the hierarchy. ceses of the country. The guide: '1 haven't heard a thing from the Let's stop a moment, though, lines have been distributed to all ' and take a f1ashbllck look at the store. priests, grade school principals I dislike intensely this sort ,of last time I was standing in this and religious education coordinit or as he thinks it is," he conRADNOR (NC)-An archbishconfrontation. When I buy an same spot two months ago-only ators. that time I was in a better hu- item of apparel I do so expectihg op counseled religious education tinued. mor. Then I was searching for a to keep it but I also expect t~at teachers against using unorthodressy pant-outfit to wear to it will last through more than -dox methods in striving to meet an evening wedding, and I found three wearings. In talking over complex 1970 challenges. And the director of adult eduexactly what I was looking for this situation with other wom~n (it was a red and white cotton who have ueen confronted with cation of the United States Cathprint, trimmed with chalk white the problem of shoddy goobs olic Conference observed those A'UIOS flooding the clothing market, we most in need of education "are beading). Everything would have been all agree that one should charge those for whom education has just perfect if said pant-outfit -at least for 30 days. Stores are ~een and is least geared to hadn't been put together quite more apt to see that somethihg serve." TO HIS EXCELLENCY Archbishop Francis J. Furey poorly. The first time I wore it is done if you still owe th~m one leg seam came unsewed, the money. We can't say buy qu~l­ of. San Antonio, Tex., and LawMOST REVEREND second time the other leg seam ity-because even quality isn't rence J. Losoncy, the USCC of,followed suit and the third (and that anymore. My, final solutil:m ficial, spoke at the second anfinal time) the zipper gave up is one that I have mentioned lin nual Congress of Religious Eduthe ship. Now I ask you, dear this column before,"""" take up cation, attended by. representa'. . tives of 172 parish Confraternity 'readers, this' from the "Better sewirig. of Christian Doctrine programs Dress" department - imagine here in Pennsylvania. what would have happened if I Asks Government Hel1p The archbishop, who formerly had done my shopping in the . served as auxiliary bishop of For Spain's Unemployed bargain section. Personal Delivery CORDOBA (NC)-The admin- Philadelphia, in the keynote adBy this time it was the latter istrator of the diocese of Cordo- dress, asserted: "How the teachpart of August and any chance ba asked the government to hJlp er imparts knowledge is one of returning to Boston (where solve the problems of low s~l­ thing. What knowledge he imthe store was located) was a aries and high unemployment' in parts is quite another. "We must make use of new few weeks. off. : his diocese. techniques, new approaches, new "Well, why don't you call," Msgr. Juan Jurado Ruiz, who Arthur C. Guimond, President said my husband, "and then you has been administering the dio- ways of telling the Good News. can send it back in the mail." cese since the death of Bishop But there remains the obligation This of course was easier said Manuel Fernandez Conde .in on the part of the CCD teacher than done and when I did finally 1969, said that literally thou- to' 'tell it as it is,' not as he sees reach someone in the depart- sands of workers in his diocJse ment she informed me in her alone are out of work. I haughtiest tones that I would He said the situation is also have to deliver my suit person- acute in the nearby dioceses iof ally if I wanted to have anything Granada, Jaen, and Seville. I done. "Unemployment and unjust Time marches on and by the salaries are assaults on the digtime I am able to go back up nity of man and his inalienable to Boston the leaves have al- right to work," Father Jur~do . ready begun to turn and Sep- declared in a pastoral letter that tember is upon us. Now that I was widely circulated. I Congratulations to His Excellency have you briefed on the background to this article I'll commence with my trying experiBEFORE YOU ence, an experience facing more Most Reverend BUY -TRY and more innocent consumers every day. Just once I would like to return an item and have someone I Archbishop of Boston in the store agree that it was a . OLDSMOBILE I defective item. This time I. ended Oldsmobile.Peugot-Renault lip' with the buyer who stated 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven ' that she'd be glad to have the OUR PRAYERS GO WITH YOU! zipper fixed (this I could have done myself) but when I firmly stated that I wanted no part of the outfit seeing that it had a strange habit of falling apart, then her tone changed complete· J. TESER, Prop. Iy. RESIDENTIAL Incorpora ted When I said that all this INDUSTRIAL ,"apartness" was taking place COMMERCIAL without the garment even having Fall River 363 Second Street 253 Cedar St., New Bedfo~d been to the cleaners once, she 993-3222 I gasped out that no garment time I had reached my destination; the better dress department.

Prelate Counsels CC'D Te'Ochers

Ad Multos

HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston


The Diocese of Fall River Has Been 'Honored!



Humberto S. Medeiros

Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL


,D & D Sales' and Service


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fail River-Thurs" Cd. 1, 1970

Asserts Dullness Causes Catholic Journals to Fail It is no secret that, Catholic. magazines are in deep trouble. The Extension has vanished from the scene; the Ave Maria died to be reborn as A.D. '70 only to expire almost at once. U.S. Catholic and The Sign continue to provide high quality articles, but one hears all sorts of rumors of circulation .prob.lems and, at this writing, there are reports that the' National Catholic Reporter (having cut itself down to tabloid size) is in' trouble and Commonweal



is thinking of becoming an every other week publication. Only the brisk, irreverent Critic , seems to be prospering and that journal's brisk, irreverent editor, Joel Wells, is the first to con, fess 'that he's, not sur.e' how, long thatwil1 last (as long;ls, the .Critic is able to I~ughaievery­ ,thing including itsel~ I suspect it wil\ propsper indefinitely). The journalists who find them,selves backed into a corner by . their fal1ing circulation have an explanation: "People are no' longer interested in the Church.'~ One ~onders. The Dutch cate,cnism sells almost 200,000 copies , the' jerusalem Bible is a fantastic success ,for Doubleday, the secular media continue to be fascinated with Catholic problems. It is 'not so much the Church that readership is no longer interested in, one suspects, as it is the view of the Church served up by many of the Catholic journals. Lived Off Ghetto In some sense, however, many of the journals may be suffering from their own success. They have argued for years that Catholics should break out of the ecclesiastical ghetto but now the journalists discover that they. ,lived off the ghetto. In urging' ~lheir readers to get' out of the ghetto they were in effect urging them to stop reading ghetto journals. Many of us, for example, much prefer to get our liberal left party line directly from the New Republic or the New York Review of Books instead of absorbing its pale and tardy reflection from the Commonweal and the feature stories from the National Catholic Reporter.. We also have a good deal more respect for. the intellectual competence of those who. write for the secular journals 'than we do for the intellectual midgets who have replac:ed the greats of formers years on the Commonweal. One would; for example. be far more inclined to shape' one's world view having read TRB than after reading John Deedy. One would be much. more impressed on what Hannah, Arendt has to say on violence than one would be by what· Peter Steinfels has to say and one would

GIFT BEARERS: Bearers of the offertory gifts at Archbishop Medeiros' Installation Mass will be the youngest' of each family of his two brothers and sister. Shown, left to right, are Miss Deborah Souza,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antone S. Souza of 42 Summerfield St., Fall River; Miss Jean Medeiros, daughter 9f Mr. and Mrs. Manuel S. Medei'ios of 42 Summerfield St. Fall River; and Paul Medeiros; son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonel S. Medeiros of 60 Thelma Ave.,' Somerset. ' ' lll'."UIl"mlllllll~llllunUU"""jll"Ii';lti;;,."WUIlUllil"lIhlllllU"U'''''''UUlIlIIIUlilII



1""WU'.... "'''..10ll1l11IWIll1lIlltIl1l11111t1Il''1II11Illll'lf,U,Il',iIUUIU"lltllnfiu'lilllll,IU'U"'....I,J',U.;.....;'ll'W..·.ll'..n,'".'''u'"''''h'''' ."".":U"'''''I,'''''"'U""...,;mll'"U''''''''''''II"n".

out conflicts wjth one's parents, and hope that is rooted in something more than the romantic rehash of Marxism. NUone of the'last three events are likely to happen. Catholic liberal journalists-like all members of the' intellectual ethnic group-live in a world of their own, a world in which what they and their friends think constitutes the whole of reality, a world in which everybody on· the outside can be dismissed as either ambitious ecclesiastics or hard hats.

for their problem was that', so .. explanation. It is simply' unmany .people: were leaving the : thinkable that his journal has Church. Yes" indeed, blame,' ~ecome insufferably dull,. ineverything oil the Church. There, :,deed: one of the best cures incouldn't pos~ibly be another vented for insomnia since sheep.

'Anlone $. Feno, Jr. DISPENSING OPTICIAN Complete Optical Service 197 Bank St. (Corner Purchase) Fall River Tel. 678-0412 Hours:' 9 - 5 ·Mon. - Fri. Sat. 9 - 2 Friday Eves by Appt. Closed Wed.

It is a strange world. An editor

of The Commonweal recently ob.served that part of the reason



Congratulations to a '. Distinguished Prelate


HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston "u"""m...........

ll""'"I1l11.. ""UlllllhlllltilillrlllllllllluIUU ... J"""""lIl""mUIll""'''''''lIlllllll!''"11''''''IIlIll'lIlllll'''.",,"mllUU'''

Fall _River Gas Company

Woman Stresses Housing Problem

THE ANCHOR-路 Thurs., Oct. 1, 1970

UNITED NATIONS (NC)-"If Women's Lib wants to make a real impact it should attack the housing problem," according to Sen. Hetfn Benitez of the Philippines. Sen. Bdntez made her observation following a news conference on the meeting of a group . of housing experts at the United Nations, which she attended. She is chairman of the Philippine Senate's Committee on Housing, Urban Development and Resettlement, and former chairman of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. The group met to discuss the social aspects of housing, a theme long neglected in the various UN bodies concerned with the subject. According to Eric Carlson, chief of the UN Housing Section, the two-week meeting of 11 experts from eight countries defined what is meant by the "social aspects of housing," and deAMBASSADOR GREE[fED IN FALL RIVER: Archbishop Medeiros and Bishop Conveloped a series of guidelines for housing policies that will "be of nolly greeted Dr. Theotonio Pereira, Ambassador from Portugal to the United States, interest to both developed and when he visited the Fall River Chancery Office in May, 1962. ._ I developing countries." Aspects considered were community organization, social inteDETROIT (NC)-"Skin flicks'.' services theaters and drive-ins lion-oriented films aren't good gration and housing as a means or sex films literally make people throughout Michigan. to promote development. eaters." Of all the crises on various lose their appetites according to He termed concession sales Best eating films, Levy thinks, "okay" at "Mash," wartime paUN agendas, housing is one of a man who judges movies from the most acute and the least the selling side of the conces'l~ are those G-rated or for general rody. "Woodstock," a film record auidiences with. "Mary Poppins" of a folk festival, produced "fair" sion stand. publicized. "When sex is the main thing probably all-time popcorn cham- sales, but adventure films such "The whole problem is now one of the most important ques- in the film," said Burt Levy of pion. King of popcorn sales is as "Patton" and' "Airport" are tions in the whole field of de- L & L Concession Co. here, John Wayne in Levy's es~imation. "good concession," Levy said. Rating films according to convelopment and urbanization," "people don't buy candy and Biggest eaters at shows, he said Adolf Ciborowski, deputy popcorn. And when a theater cession sales rather than box- added, are factory workers and director of research in the UN's shows nothing but .skin filcks, office turnout, Levy's figures- in- ethnic groups,. with Midwest Center for Housing, Building and you may as well close the con;- dicate "today's new youth rebel- viewers consuming the most popPlanning. cession stand." Levy's company corn in the country.

Sex F'ilms ~ffect Concession Popcorn Sales

Father Clements To Lecture October 5 Rev. George H. ClemelHs, Pastor of Holy Angels Church, Chicago, will be the next speakeI' in the Christian Culture Lecture Series at John Hancock Hall, Boston on Monday evening, Oct. 5. His topic will be "Are Black Catholics Dreaming an Impos7' sible I1ream?" Father Clements, founder of the Black Clergy Caucus, is a lecturer at Mundelein Seminary in Chicago. He is active in human rights in that city and serves on the Boards of many organizations, including the Better Boys Foundation, NAACP, Urban League, Operation Breadbasket,_ Black Panther Party and Malcolm X College. He is also Chaplain of Chicago's Afro-American Patrolmen's, Firemen's and Postal Worker's Leagues. Tickets and information available at the Paulist Center, 5 .Park Street, Boston 02108.






We Wish to Express OUR BES'T WISHES

To His Excellency, Most Rev.

HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston


'Gold Medal Baking Co. Bakers



Sea Streets Tel. 49路81


Bishops ReaHirm Church Teachings

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 1, 1970

Prelate Reject~ Racism C.harge BALTIMORE (NC) - Msgl'. William C. Newman, superintendent of the Baltimore archdiocese's department of Catholic education, rejected charges of racism leveled at" Catholic schools here by a black Catholic leader and a Baltimore judge. Answering radsm charges levelled by Lee B~rroughs and Judge Joseph C. Howard, who said that blacks were systematically excluded from Baltimore's Catholic schools, Msgr. Newman com!llented: . "I'd 'like to see them prove what they say. They should have done some .research. Anyone can make an accusation. "I'm not :>aying we're perfect. We're willing' to admit that the Church has not addressed itself to the black community as much as we would have liked to. . There is a great deal of work to be done and it is not just with the black community." . Burroughs had charged, "We're . fighting for black identity and black liturgy. We want black priests. If we can't get them, we want black trustees and the experience of running our own churches. We are also looking for white priests that can relate better to blacks." : The chairman of Baltimore's black Catholic lay caucus, Burroughs said that he 'was not interested in a head count of blacks in Baltimore's Catholic schools. Instead, he said, he is looking for a change in white attitudes that discourage blacks from going to Catholic schools.

WELLINGTON (NC)-ln the wake of criticism and contro, versy over a new religious in~truction program, the New Zealand bishops have published a "Directory of Doctrine" reaffirming Catholic doctrine on all major p'oints. The directory will serve as the doctrinal basis for the program.


CLASSROOM PRACTICE:·. A teacher in upper Volta, Africa practices his writing in on~ of. the many classrooms sponsored by UNICEF. in order to update education in that region. NC Photo. •

Priests' Senate Prepares Due Process Plan cese or any other individual, group or institution .exercising . administrativ~ authority in the diocese" may' be heard fully. Key factors in. the pro~edure include establishment of a conciliation "board, an arbitration If approved, it will establish board of review. It is expected for the first time a manner in ' ,that~as .many as 90 per cent of which any person in conflict conflicts couid be settled at the "with the Or.dinary of the diq-' conciliation level or before it CLEVELAND. (NC)-A procedure for due process in the Cleveland diocese was prepared by the Senate of Priests and given to Bishop ClarenceG. Issenmann for his consideration. i

gets that far. Conciliators would primarily "de-fuse a situation" and bring the conflicting parties together. Arbitrators would be appointed by the board to hear evidence and make a ruling. The board of review would be composed of three members of the panel of· arbitrators and would review certain cases and boar:d actions.·

Critics of the p.rugram, mainly "vnservatives and older persons who said they dislike the change from traditional teaching methods. claimed that the new program, called "The Living Ught," does not clearly affirm such doctrines as Christ's divinity and the mystery of the Incarnation and that it plays, down such things as the 'redemptive sacrifice of Christ and the teaching al:lthority of the Church. The bishops' directory, which had been in preparation for more than two years, is intended as the doctrinal basis for the new catechetical texts introduced at both. primary and secondary school levels. Critics of the texts claimed that the religious instruction given to young people is inadequate or a watered-down version of basic truths.

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His Excellency Most Reverend

HUMBERr!,O S. MEDEIROS . Archbishop of Boston ",;"",..""W"""'''''""I''''''';'li'''','h,''hllllillll'''""U",;",,,,,,,........."'''''''''''."'''''''"."'".....,,,....,.. ~ ..,,....,,',.

THE COACHMEN Junction of Rtes. 24 & 138 Tiverton At The Sakonnet River Bridge


Says Reasonable Unrest Healthy LINCOLN (NC)-Student dissent can be healthy, and positive, but not when led by those who use a Club or a bomb to profess goals, a priest-educator told the opening Lincoln College convocation here in Illinois. "I feel a vast majority of student behavioral excesses reflect a restless and legitimate striving for new definitions of justice and for meaning," said Jesuit Father Carl M. Reinert, former president and now vice president at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb. Such ex,cesses, he said. "reflect the agitated state of our world and a desire to improve it." Consequently, he said, "responsible campus unrest can be healthy for all concerned." Father Reinert related this to predicted campus unrest this Fall, saying, "if the dialogue is rational and the actions responsible, these stirrings can whisper hope for the emergence of a greater unity among men." He cautioned, however, that "in their zeal to secure instant solutions to historic problems, some students have fallen behind leaders whose professed goals of peace and love are too often delivered via a club or a torch or a bomb. "There also are those," he added, "who regard our constitutional freedoms as licenses to assault, affront and offend those with whom they clisagree." , He advised students to avoid these leaders "like the plague" and added that "the province of responsibility is the domain of every man."

HiE ANCHOP.路路 Thurs., Oct. 1, 1970



Advertisement Aids Foster Home Drive ,BALTIMORE (NC) - A ftlll page ad in a national magazine gave an added boost to the Associated Catholic Charities' foster home recruitment campaign, already off to a good start here. The ad was prepared as a public service by VanSant, Dugale and Co., Baltimore advertising agency, and will appear in Time magazine. Shelton Traule, Richard Haefner, Albert Shapiro and Edward Moore of the Baltimore agency were responsible for preparing the ad and arranging for its publication. The ad is part of a campaign which started I here in June to find more foster homes for children in the Baltimore archdiocese. Ralph Mirarchi, a Catholic Charities supervisor, said one goal is to find foster homes for 60 children now at Villa Marie and St. Vincent's Infant Home. Mirarchi said the campaign is the first here in six years. Since it was inaugurated, he said, his office has 'received about 70 inquiries, while 50 families have evidenced a continuing interest in foster homes.

OUTDOOR CLASS: A i teacher leads h is students during an outdoor class in nutrition in Uganda. NC Photio.

Michad C. Austin ,Inc.

Gives $41 Million to Aid Developing Nations LONDON (NC) - Nearly $41 relief to 80 countries. "Raising the funds and fostermillion in money and goods was: donated to Oxfam, the national ' ing a wider public awareness of coordinating' group for aid to the situation overseas have gone developing nations, in the past,l on side by side in Oxfam decade.. Oxfam distributed thel throughout the past 10 years," its 1

annual report said. "The local voluntary groups now established in 605 districts in the United Kingdom are the mainstay of both these operations." ;/

Funeral Service Edward F. Carney 549 County Street New Bedford 999路6222 Serving the or'eo since 1921

CON'GRA'fULATIONS and BEST WISHES To His Excellency Most Reverend

HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS, Archbishop of Boston II1111111III III11I111I1111111111111111111IIII III111111I1111111111111I1111III IIUIIIIIII111111IIII IIII1I11UII11111I11I11

F. L. COLLINS & SONS, Inc. , General Contractors and Academy Building Telephone 678路5695

Eng~neers 102 South Main Street Fall River, MassCDchuseHs


'(HE ANCHOR-Diuce~c of Fail Rivar--lhurs., Cd. 1, 1970

Melissa Suggests Maki"n·g Four O'Clock Cookies By Joseph and Marilyn R?derick It is a rare event when I stay up past the late news and watch one of the nightly TV shows, so I probably see . about five such shows a year. Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin, and Dick Cavett reign supreme for the late night set, but for the life of me, I can'~ imagine why anyone would cause you can't really taste it. sit in front of his set watch- In fact they taste more like sugar cookies, only they are ing any of them. They much taller.


strike me as gigantic bores interspersed with a multitude of com-' mercials. This week we have Jane Fonda , on another crusade, Truman Capote plugging a new book, George Jessel plugging Israel, a sprinkling of women's lib representatives, and occasionally, but rarely, a truly interesting personality with nQthing to sell but entertaining conversation, Desperate Networks From my limited perspectiye of five shows a year, several features standout: there are very few conversationalists avail: able. for a national viewing audience, most viewers do not mind being imposed upon to listen to sales pitches, and the networks are desperate to fill up dead time. Overexposure has made the whole thing a bore and the up· coming TV season gives us little reason for hope. The night shows are still with us, including a couple' of afternoon talk shows, the same old series are presented to us with minor variations and a few new faces, the specials will appear again but will most likely be sporadic and casually presented, the news wiII continue to be spotty and the commercials will remain with us.: ad nauseam. The only recourse is to return to reading for another Winter and hope the children do not get addicted to some outrageous prQgram that you will have to deprive them of before the season is over.

If you get hungry when you're making them, this is a good recipe because it only takes about 20 minutes to make them and they bake in about 2 minutes. So before you know it they're ready for you to eat. Yumm, yum.




'f l'



Take a Chance!


If you're older than I am ~ it

\ ',1 k' l< will probably' only take you ? 't~ -: about 10 minutes to make them. w'..., . Oh, I also forgot to mention that ",U·" \§ ,o~, 1, they go perfect with milk, r; "\,:. they're great for a party or for ;, .:),~t' just: having a few friends over. Most of my friends liked themDEDICATE SO. ,ATTLEBORO PARISH CENTER: Principals at the blessing and dediwell-Chrissie wasn't too ke~n cation of the new Parish Center of St. Theresa's Parish, So. Attleboro, held on Sunday on them-maybe she isn't used - afternoon were: Bishop Connolly, center, assisted by Rev. Msgr. Reginald M. Barrette, to tall cookies. Won't you take a chance and chancellor; Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot, administrator of St. Anthony's, New Bedford; Rev. try my favorite recipe then Cornelius J~ Kelih~r, pastor of St. Mary's, Hebronville; Rev. Msgr. Gerard, J. Chabot, maybe my parents will let me pastor of the So. Attleboro Parish. write another column. These are the cookies t1,at Melissa made, and quite well, I must admit. The recipe comes from a very tiny booklet that I bought many years ago at Stur· bridge Village and everyone of the cookie recipes is a delight. Melissa chose this particular one because it was three o'clock" when she started to make them and she figured it would be about four by the time she finished, therefore-her choice. ;'<.l

4 O'Clocks

1 Y2 cups flour

Y2 cup sugar Y2 cup butter or margarine

1 egg (beaten) 1 teaspoon baking soda

Y2 t~aspoon salt In the Kitchen 1 Tablespoon lemon juice . I'm Melissa, you must have 1 teaspoon grated lemon' peel heard of me in my mother and 1) Cream butter and sugar'in dad's column. I'm the one who's a large bowl until light and flufnine years old and I'm in the fy, middle, between my terror of a 2) Add the beaten egg and the brother Jason, who's almost five, lemon rind and mix well, , and my older sister Meryl. 3) Start-with one cup of the Because I enjoy food, I also flour, sifted with the $oda and enjoy cooking and I made th~se salt and add to the first mixture, cookies all by myself. My blend well. Add lemon juice. mother didn't help me one single . 4) Add the remaining half cup bit. of flour, beating well between They . came out just as I additions. planned, I put them in .the oven 5) Dip finger in the sugar and, at four o'clock on a Sunday so pinch off balls of dough rolling you can really see that'tlley are each ball in sugar and arrange four o'clock cookies. on a greased baking sheet about The recipe calls for grated two inches apart. lemon - but if you don't like 6) Bake in a 375· oven for lemon don't worry about it be- 12 to 15 minutes,



Sillcere Good Wishes To His Excellency Most Reverend





FIRST·MACHI'NISTS 'NATIONAL BANK' OF TAUNTON North Dighton • North Easton • Norton Raynham • . Taunton Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

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THE ANCHOR-DioCE:se of fall River-Thurs., Oct. I, 1970


Continues Attack Against Smut





• •

which is unequalled in the hisCASTELGANDOLFO (NC) Pope Paul VI has asked news tory of journalism." vendors of the world to help' Dahgerous Developmt:llt stamp out the"perverting drug" The Pope said this "phenomof pornography. enon is like a perverting drug The Pope told the seventh In- that infiltrates subtly, uncons,citernational Congress of News ously, deadening and ruining the Vendors at a special audience conscience, particularly of young that pornography is spreading people and of persons lacking with a speed "never equalled in wiII power," the history of journalism." He added that it is a ';most dangerous development, being The Pope's remarks were the used by people without scruples latest attack in a mounting cam- and basely enslaved to money, paign by him and publications of which threatens to deprive sothe Vatican over the past few ciety of its natural defenses, of months ag~inst the loosening of its pure ideals and of its spiritual restrictions on sex magazines resources." and outright pornography in In August, the Pope lashed out Europe and elsewhere. against sexual perversion, imThe spread, of pornography, morality and nudity in modern said the Pope, poses "a most life. A week later, in a front-page delicate and serious question in- editorial, the Vatican City daily, volving not only the spiritual and L'Osservatore Romano, said that moral dignity of your conscience neither censorship of the press before God," but also "the de- nor legislation can cure the "de fense of tpe most sacred values cadence and shamelessness of of man in the face of today's modern habits" so affected by spreading of' unchecked license pornography.

1- ---

BEST WISHES TO MOST REVEREND BROWNSVILLE OFFICIALS TO ATTEND INSTALtATlON: Among the Browns, I ville representatives accompanying Archbishop Medeiros ~o Boston for his installation as head of the Archdiocesan See of Boston on Oct. 7 will1?e Rev. Msgr. Victor W. Ralph, vicar general, left, and Very Rev. Emanuel A. Ballard, OlM.I., chancellor.


Requlres · Instruchon '.

LOUISVILLE (NC)-Louisville Archbishop Thomas J. McDonough has issued a new policy requiring "at least one instruction" for parents before an infant is baptized. The archbishop said that the instruction, which is also open to gOdparents, relatives and friends, will deal with faith, the meaning of Baptism and the actual rite of ,Baptism. He added that "pastoral solicitude will dictate that in certain circumstances Baptism will be


C U S H I N' G'S

f p'arentsl on Baphsm ·

postponed" until the necessary instruction has taken place. Initiated at the request of the archdiocesan liturgical commis-

I sion,

Humberto S. Medeiros Archbishop of Boston

the instructions are aimed at widening popular understanding and appreciation of the significance of the Baptisim rite.

Your Luggage and Leather Goods Headquarters :n 1 Union Street New Bedford


Complete BANKING


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Bristol County Trust Company




THE BANK ON TAUNTON GREEN Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 1i 1970

Need International Control Over Wealth of- Seabed For the time being, the United NatiOns' efforts to secure agreement on the internationalization of the seabed have been adjourned. Deadlock emerged over the allocation of the riches of the continental shelf. The United States sought to allocate to international- control the areas it is right that they should. As consumers, we should pay the lying beyond a depth of 200 full cl?st-economic and socialmeters. But developing na- of what we consume.

tions with adjacent continental shelves, primarily in Latin America, disliked the idea of losing .any part. of the shelf since they could hope to secure more resources for themselves as modern mining techniques go deeper into the ocean. Nor did the Soviet Union display any enthusiasm for a strong international authority·


The danger now is that all the continental shelf will be allocated on a restrictixe national basis; land-locked developing nations will gain no benefit; and only the ocean depths, which is still incredibly difficult to develop, will remain as an area of international control. International Action Christian citizens should, however, urge their governments to take up the task of international control of' the sea's resources again as soon as possible before final ailocations' are made and before the oceans' riches are divided on a purely nationalIst basis, a basis which, every day, as the world can see, grows more and more irrational. What can any national government do, for instance, to stamp out lawlessness in the air? The hi-ja~king piracy of recent years is becoming more widespread and violent. The implication is that every local dispute can be injected, overnight, into the life stream of world movement. Airports and aircraft are extensions of the .local battlefield. Yet without close, uniform agreements and regulations observed by all governments-in. other words, without consistent international action and cooperation-the hi-jacking menace is incurable. Expensive Technology' Or take the issue of the kind of pollution in lakes and oceans which is the result of industrial or mining operations. In this area, technology can already offset a good deal of the damage technology does. More and more is 'being learned about the recycling of wastes to insure that they are not dumped, in a raw and damaging state, into fields and rivers, as though nature were one limitless. trash can for the filthy habits of mankind. But in case after case, the technology of anti-pollution is ·expensive. It adds to industrial costs. No doubt these will be passed on to the consumer. and

There is no sense in securing cheap paper picnic napkins if making the napkins has polluted the river in which we have hoped to have a swim after the picnic. Steady Contamination Bu.t there is a snag here. If anti-pOllution measures add to the costs of mining or industry, it follows that any enterprise, public or private, which evades regulation can produce a cheaper product and lick competitors who abide by the rules. These firms may operate in any co.mmunity since their' products enter into the world-wide 'network of commerce and' ex e change; No government can insure that, say, cheap oil, produced . without safeguardS in Khazakstan, does not undercut Esso in Europe. Only if all gov• ernments accept and impose pollution standards and, in addition, permit international inspec,tion, can industry put a complete and speedy end to the worsening contamination of our planet. -


Or take a par~icular 'and growing cause of pollution. Oil tankers on the high seas, far from inspection or regulation, bfte~ let out crude oil-to lighten. car· go or to permit cleaning opera· tions or through simple carelessness. ' .Each offense may be small (though it may be vast, as it is when t!lnker!? break up). But the cumulative effect of all· these leaks and slicks is a steady contamination of the surface of the seas. Only Solutloll Thor Heyerdahl, crossing. the Atlantic in his papyrus boat, found wide patch,es of- pollu.tion from one side of the ocean to the other. Yet scientists are beginning' to 'understand that a large part of the breathable air on' QUI' planet depends uponl the work of micro-organims 'on: the top of the ocean. Swamp them in oil and man's whole indispensable reserve of oxygen may . be in danger.

QUICK WITH A. QUIP: Sr. M. Casperine, A.S.C., always has some humorous remark to those she meets and thus follows the guide that "to be humorous is to be-human". Sister is a member of the Motherhouse of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ in Pennsylvania. NC Photo.

Years of Growth Continued from Page One new Archbishop helped staff a hospital' (with Sisters from St. Anne;s Hospital in· Fall River), started a mini~Diocesan paper (four pages in the secular newspaper), and appointed Rev. ·Joseph P. Delaney of Fall River as his ·Diocesan superintendent of schools. Priests' Senate _Organizations of the Diocese of Brownsville number 37, including guilds for lawyers, nurses and doctors, the Christian Family Movement, the Cursillo movement, a family life bureau and family planning clinic, a unit of the Catholic Rural Life Conference, and an active public relations and information office, also responsible for television and radio activities ofUie Diocese. Many of the concerns and problems of Brownsville will be duplicated in Boston, on a much larger scale, and in Boston there will be situations and difficulties undreamed of in Texas. But the Archbishop is serene. "We will face problems as they come," he has said; and underlying his actions will be his constant effort to realize the dream expressed by his episcopal motto: "Thy Kingdom Come."

Many Methodists 'Disapprove: Plan

NEW YORK (NC)-The president of the World Methodist Council said here that the plan of union drafted by the Consultation on Church Union is too nationalist, vaguely structured and compromising on bishops' authority to meet approval of And yet, consider for one mo- many of the 12 million United ment how such oil leaks call be Methodist Church members in avoided. The nations need' not this country. only uniform regulation and penCharles C. Parlin, 72, a fqrmel' alties-otherwise a competitive member of the World (;ouncil edge is given to the non-com- of Churches' presidium, former pliers. In addition, they need secretary of COCU and noted regular inspection so that no New York lawyer, was interlarge irresponsible· shipowner viewed by NC News shortly may instruct his f1ee~ captains after being elected to the world simply to do his polluting' too post in Geneva, Switzerland. far out to sea to be noticed. The Despite his personal reservaonly real solution is in naval. tions about the' proposed Church patrol so· ubiquitous that' no of Christ Uniting, however, the tanker dare risk first discovery tall, broadshouldered veter~n of and then a horrendous conse- ecumenical ventures said· his q~ent fine. , own Methodist Church has a Yet who but an international very positive policy toward intermaritime authority could -suc- church unity negotiations. cessfully run such a naval pblice It is: "Keep talking." He preforce? Survival itself thrust~ us dicted U. S. Methodism would forward to functioning measures would maintain this stance of world government. ' toward COCU in the early 1970s.

"Uptight" Christians A recent editorial commelltator said the present genel'atloll will .go down in history as the "Uptight Generation." Being uptight can be the outcome of uncertainty about what is happening around us; it's an anxious mistrust of present conditions because of the constant flux and change in our family life, society, the arts, and the Church. . More essentially, could not uptightness be the resulL of too much self-concern" self-interest, and self-unceitainty? A healthy practice to I remedy uptightness in our ChrIstian lives is to focus ourselves on the essentials of "what it means to be a Christian" found in the simplicity of the gospels: "By this will all men know you are my followers: if you love one another . . • • When you do a kindness to the least person, you do it to me." /! To paraphrase St. Paul: nothing we are, nothing we have or do is worth anything unless we are, have, and do, in love, in giving to others. God. will not ask us what we have made of our life, but what we did to help others in their lives. God is not impressed by the image we make for ourselves (as individuals, families, or society) in the eyes of the world, but what we did for the least, . the poor and suffering of the world. Our merit is not measured .by what great accomplishments we have made for ourselves, but .what we have accomplishe9 in relieving the anguish of others. Our stewardship is held accountable, not for what 'we have, but what we do with it. Louis Evely puts it plainly: "You have the same relationship with God as yqu have with your .neighbor." We beg for the least of God's people. We beg for the suffering and poor of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. ~,e. beg for our "brothers" in need and for the 135,000 mlssionariesserving them. We beg for your money, your support, you~ ~acri­ flee-with one condition-we beg first for your love•. . Uptight? Begin cutting that binding tape by cutting out this . column and' sending your generous gift today for the love. of: 'God •••. for God is ·Iove. ,.....,-,>,. '" :, ( .lC'·"."·~ ,,- • .'J ;."",

.,-"""'---------------------------------------;, : , : : , : :

, ,, : ,,,, : :

SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of .The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and 'send 'your offering to Reverend Monsignor Edward, T. O'Meara National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720


: , : : , : , :

, ,, : ,, , ,,



CITY..................................................................... STATE.............................. ZIP............ 10-3-70

: ,

----_.... _--_ .... _--_ ....... __ ...... __ .. __ ....-.. __ .... -_ .. _-_ .. .... ~


HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston Siades Ferry Trust Company SOMERSET; MASS.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., 0(.1. I, 1970

of Archdiocese of Boston Map

Catholics Oppose Sex Education BUFFALO (NC)-A conservative organization of Catholic priests, nuns and laity renewfd its opposition to formal sex education in public schools. The organization, Credo. appealed to Catholic parents of children in public schools to oppose programs "that grossly interfere with the rights of parents to give sex instruction at their discretion and which violate the rights of parents who wish to keep sex tnstruction a personal, intimate and sacred matter strictly between parent and child in the moral and religious context provided by their church or ethical code." "In our judgement such programs directly affecting the spiritual, mental and emotional wei-

fare of both Catholic and HOl/Catholic childrpn represpnt a serious deviation from the proper moral and educational norms to be followed in the prudent sexual education of youth," the Credo statement said. "It is sadly evidf'nt that the Catholic and Christian understanding of sexuality IS being currently jeopardized by the alarming spread of aberrant sex education or fumily life education programs," the statement added, Credo suggested adoption of voluntary, after-school programs of parental education "which would affirm and reinforce parents in their rights and respon· sibilities in this dt'licate and sensitive area."


HUMBERTO S.MEDEIROS Archishop of Boston f,om The Officers and Staff of

Square Miles-2,465. Counties of Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, ond Plymouth, in the Stote of Massachusetts, (the towns of Mattopoisett, Marion and Wareham excepted). CATHOLIC POPULATION, 1.895.794. Pd.,II, 1.442 Oio<o,on; 1.058 Religiou, Orders. Parishes: 401 latin; 9 EOltcrn Rites. Minions: 24. Sisten: 5,715. Religious Orders (Priests, Brothers, Sisten): 118. Colleges: 7. Parochial Elementary Schools' 204. Diocesan Elementary Schools: 7. Private Elementary Schools: 25. Parochioi Secondary Schools: 42. Diocesan Secondary Schools.; 18. Private Secondary Schools: 27. Institutional Schooh: 2. Special Schools: 6. Secretarial Schools: 3. Juniata'os: 3. Educational Clinics: 7. Schools of Nursing: 4. Montenori Schools: 6. Offices, Co tho lie Social Services: 14. Nursing and Health Services.; ·4. Community Centers: 9. Public Chopels and Shrines: 19. Guidance Centers: 6.· Hospitals: 11. Homes (Aged, Children, Conyalescent): 17. Rehabilitation Center: 1. Residences (Men, Women, Clergy): 7. Retreat Houses: 15. Retreat leagues: .2. Seminaries: 1 Diocesan Major; I Notional Mojor; 8 Religious Order Houses which grant Degrees. 1 TV Chapel.

~~~I $~

Fr. Mertz Marks '70th' Year as Jesuit CHICAGO (NC)-Father James J. Mertz, S.J., as beloved as fiction's famed "Mr. Chips" at Loyola University here, quietly will mark his 70th year as a Jesuit next Sunday. The 88-year-old priest has been at Loyola for 48 years, generally teaching Latin and Greek. He had two memorials on the campus .....;.. the $700,000 Italian Renaissance 'masterpiece, Madonna Della Strada Chapel built in the mid-1920s 'and the 19story men's residence, James J. Mertz Hall, erected in 1967. Fr. Mertz plans his anniversary celebration in the lakefront chapel. He inspired its construction and spearheaded the fundraising campaign for it. The venerable Jesuit has a dismal outlook on. college students of today. "There was a time when students listened to advice given by older, more experienced people," he said. "Now there's an unwill-

ingness to listen to others. They think they know it all." The biggest change in Catholicism during his lifetime, Father Mertz said is the new liturgy of the Mass in English. "Students seem to take it and are able to express tJ1emselves, what with guit,ars and all," he said. "But so many of them don't seem to respect God anymore, or the spirit of faith. And what seems to be the worst point is that so many of them have no confidence in themselves," he added. In contemporary education, Father. Mertz said, "there is too i much externalism; too much complacency, too ri1Uch satisfaction with the exterior of education without an attempt to get to the real cultural ideas:' Father Mertz said he had no I memorable setbacks in his career. If he could make one change ill society, Father Mertz said: "I'd like to change the objectives

people have in this life. I'd like to get people to try to understand each other better and to work more cooperatively."



Southeastern ·Bank & Trust Co.

Best Wishes to His Excellency Most 'Reverend

HUMBER1'O S. MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston-



The 'Officers, Directors and Personnel 01





312 Hillman Street 997-9162 New Bedford ................................................





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall

Rive~- Thurs.,

Oct. 1, 1970

CCD LEADERSHIP PROGRAM: View of general gathering of participants in CCD Leadership Program conducted for the 1.'aunton Area

in the auditorium of Our Lady of Lourdes School, Taunton.

CCD Schedules Courses of Adult -Education Within Diocese Father John J. Smith of St. Continued from Page One needs of the people in that area James Parish imd Father John as welI as the availability of per- J. Steakeqt of St. Kilian' Pat-ish. Personnel of the greater Taunsonnel as instructors. In FalI ,River, sessions will be held at ton area: Father Thomas C. MayBishop ConnolIy High School on hew of St. Joseph in North Tuesday evenings throughout the Dighton and' Father Barry, W. six weeks. In New Bedford, WalI of Immaculate Conception' Bishop Stang High School will ' Parish, Taunton. In Attleboro: Father Donald J. be the site of the adult education 'experiences on Tuesday evenings. Bowen of St. Mary's Paris/} in For the people of Taunton, Bish- Barrowsville or Father Robert op Cassidy High School will be Bfennan of Holy Cross Parish ' utilized on Tuesday evenings and in South Easton. On the Cape: Father Philip A. in Attleboro at Feehan on MonDavignon of St. Pius X Parish in days. , The locations on the Cape South Yarmouth and Father will vary according to the forth- Thomas C. Lopes of St. Anthony coming schedule, hopefulIy mul- Parish in East 'Falmouth. ~ tiplying the areas of accessibility. The Diocesan Office is" of AlI the courses have been co- ' course, available for any further ordinated through the Diocesan information, as is the Cape Cod Office with the Priest Area CCD Diocesan Office at St'. Margaret Directors plannIng the programs Parish in Buzzards Bay. It is sincerely hoped that the for their sections. For further information on specific courses, courses planned will meet :the the priest area directors should needs of the people of the diocese at this time. The majorobbe contacted. jective of adult education is to Area Directors , convince people of the imporFor the parishes of FalI River tance of learning in our modern and the Somerset-Swansea area, world. Too many voices go 'unFather' George W. Coleman of. heard in an apathetic and unconSt. Louis Parish and Father cerned society. Henry S. Arruda of St. John of God Parish in Somerset; for the greater New Bedford Area,

CORE Head Scores路 Guerrilla Hijackings NEW YORK (NC) - A black nationalist leader here urged American Negroes to reject recent Arab guerrilla hi-jackings and the guerrillas' kidnapping of Jewish airline passengers. Roy Innis, director of the Congress of Racial Equality, wrote in the Sept. 19 issue of the weekly Manhattan Tribune that "the Jews llJust not stand alone." ,"The taking of Jewish hos. tages, the holding' of innocent men, women and children merely because they worship in a synagogue, is a symbolic and frightening reminder of a disease which, too many people ignored in Germany and a reminder of the days when slave families were similarly separated." Innis added that for American blacks, "to ignore what happened, in Amman is to inaccurately acknowledge that injustice which does not touch the black man is not an injustice::

Continuous learning of many subjects and the application of what one knows can help men to learn to take a greater role in the community in, which they live. This is par~icularly true, when it comes to a matter of faith. For many, study of the faith ended with the Sacrament of Confirmation or graduation from a Catholic school or colIege. We are in-changing times * * * moving times ':' '-, * and the Church is no exception in the world in which it lives. The message of Christ is timeless and is unchanglng in its es-路 ~entiality but the message of





Best Wishes


to a

North Dartmouth, Massachusetts



His Excellency


Most Reverend






of mature Christians. The invitation to learn is I clearly represented. The response remains up to each individual.


SAVE MONEY ON WYman 3-6592 ,

Christ also takes on new forms, new methods of expression as it faces the world in whiCh it plays so great a part in the formation

Humberto S. Medeiros Archbishop of Boston


HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS. Archbishop of 'Boston

R. A. Wilcox CO. Inc.

fttfllick dl11WI1路路1


22 Bedford St.' Fall River

BONNER, FLOWERS 2082 Robeson Street

Fall River

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 1, 1970


CCD LEADERSHIP PROGRAM FOR TAUNTON AREA: Donald Sears, Our Lady of Lourdes; Sr. Della Ann Chartrand, OL\{M, Cape Cod Area Office in Buzzards Bay; and Rev. Thomas F. McMorrow, Sacred' Heart Parish, discuss steps considered in development of the program.


Sr. Martha Wordenian, OLVM, of the CCD Headquarters' in- Fall River outlines project's subject matter. Edward Ross of Sacred Herat Parish, Sr. Frances, RSM, of Our Lady of Lourdes and Mrs. Irene Moitoza of St. Joseph's, No. Dighton comment on the salient factors of the program.

Conference 'Elects Officers' WASHINGTON (NC)-Charles G, Tildon, 43, Baltimore hospital official, was elected to a oneyear team as chairman of the 50-member advisory council of

Taiwan Law TAIPEI (NC) - The government here is studying the draft of a law .on eugenics and health that also covers the problem of abortion'. Induced abortion, except when the health or life of the mother is endangered, is outlawed in Taiwan. However, tlle law has seldom if ever been enforced and illegal abortions are performed regularly at private clinics.

the United States Catholic Conference, national-level action agency of the Catholic Church in this country. Joseph B. Maguire Jr" 33, dean of students, Holy Cross I College, Worcester, Mass., was elected vice-chairman, and Mrs. Jerome Bechtold, 42, Collegeville, Minn" secretary. , Tildon, associate administrator of Baltimore's Provident Hospital and an activist in antipoverty work, succeeds Francis X. Kennelly, Red Bank, N. J" attorney. The council, established in 1969, serves in an advisory. capacity to the USCC administrative board of bishops.



Most Reverend




Many Happy Years in His Consecrated Office as


ARCHBISHOP of the Diocese of Boston

HUMBERTO S. ME.DEIROS Archbishop of Boston OUR BEST WISHES .mllllllllllllllllllll'llllUlilllIl'I"""IlIJ,Ujj!ll/I'lUllIl"II""U'1IIII,I"",'lllllll

SU LLIV AN'S 377 Second Street, Fall River

MOONEY & 'COMPANY, Inc. Wholesalers and Importers of Malt Beverages TAUNTON, MASS.



Bishops' to ..Discuss ,Variety. of' Topics

}HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct., 1, 1970

OITAWA (NC)-Topics ranging from the abortion reform and drug issues to problems of the priesthood and the liturgy are on the agenda for. the Oct. 5 to 9 semi-annu~1 general. as~mbly of the CanadIan CatholIc bIshops here. .. 'The session at the Canadian Catholic Conference headquar-

Proposes' Cathol ie. ,Center To StudyC.hureh's Future

I s~metimes think that' one. of the r~asons why some people get tired of the Churc~ these .days is. bec~use. it's all so serious. There is nothing more b9,ring th~n unrelieved seriousness and pompous' iiitrospectioh. Thef~ are, still so many of us who find our" selves regarding "the role" of Just perhaps a new:·~style Of the Church or Bishops or Church is evolving frorri·.the Icrulaity with the same anxiety

that we used to reserve for mor,tal sin or canon law. Instead of the Church being fraternal love and criticism; communal participation, effort and reflection, we Wii8WJ,lI:M@)ti':Mimmiim




find ourselves rushing in and out of Pope John's open windows like chipmunks storing nuts for the Winter. A month or' so ago I sat with the new Archbishop of Boston, Humberto Souza Medeiros, in his flower-surrounded house in Brownsville, Texas, Armed with tape recorder, sound man and photographer, I came to interview the Bishop about the work of the Church in the Rio Grande Valley. , Realistic Appraisal As we drove up we were surprised to see a horde of little kids with stringy hair and damp towels come squealing out the front door.of the Bishop's house. For a minute I was afraid we had the wroJlg address. Safely inside the cool house, the softspoken sister who greeted us pointed to the living room and we tramped right in and sat in the good chairs.. Our expected 20-minute interview with a busy Bishop turned into a "rap session" that moved from living room to garden to kitchen table and it continued Jong after the tape ran out. , My notes on the Bishop's remarks as I read them over afterward were full of straight-forward Biblical wisdom, anecdotes about farm workers and migrant camps that' sounded strangely authentic, and a realistic appraisal that supporting the poor and dispossessed would never cause contributions to flow into diocesan coffers. Pilgrim Churcli My purpose in sharing this is not to mythologize Bishop Medeiros-that would be more of , th.at oppressive ecclesiastical seriousness. We spent the afternoon talking ahout Jesus, how to help farm workers secure their rights, and preaching the Gospel. But there was no apparent anxiety abolJt "the Church"-it~ image, its structure, its administration, its reform, its right, center or left. The unstated but underlying assumption of the conversation seemed to be that if we do the working and living and the celebrating, God will probably be able to oversee whatever reform the Church needs.

cible of Vatican'II and everyday life. Boston-bound Bishop,Medeiros and the recent unobstrl.1sive but effective wo~k of. the ~ish­ op's Committee Qn Farm Labor in California may be good signs . that the Church ',tan get things done without talking itself quite so seriously. 'It may be that" ,some are' becoming accustomed to the idea . that Catholics share'the'life:giving Spirit with all men and so we can relax a bit. If we can continue to pare down the apparatus of post-Conciliar Christianity, we may find that a: pilgrim Church offers decreased bookkeeping and increased mobility. Center Needed It may be also that th{s more relaxed climate in the Church is right for serious collegial study. Somewhere, perhaps, in some little-used retreat hou,se or monastery, the U.S. Catholic Church should have' a Center For the Study of the Future of the ChurCh. Recently the renowned Center for the Study of Democratic' Institutions at Santa Barbara, Calif;, published in its maga~ine a draft of an update!i Constitution for the United States. The accompanying articles make it clear that this document is no journalistic meandering. The draft Constitution is the result of six years of study and' discussion under the direction, of. Rexford Guy Tugwell supported by the Center. Such a Center, many believe, is imperative for the Church in the United States. Our rapidly' d)mini~~ing crop of first-r:ate theolog'ians is overworked' with teaching load~ and jet-set. lecture tours. Books and maga'~ine articles often suffer from lacK of interdisciplinary dialogue and .quiet reflection., Rarely can' Bishops, theologians, pastoral 'experts, businessmen come together except on an ad hoc basis. Last May, a three-day session was held under the auspices of the Catholic Theologicai Society and the U.S. Catholic Conference's Urban Task Force. The sessions, lasting. far into the night, were exciting and helpful. Perhaps for the first time: in the United States, Cathqlic Church top theologians, urban activists, clergy and social scientists sat down to carefully 4isciplined reflection on the contemporary mission of the ChurFh. The results are tentative but hopeful. A report will soon: be available in .a paperback book . published by FIDES ("Metropolis: Christian Presence and Responsibility," $1.25). . The Church badly needs a focus for the future. It would be a comparatively easy task to set up such a theological Rand Corporation. Perhaps the Natiottal Conference of Bishops, the !':lational Federation of, Pries,ts' Councils, the Catholic Theologic::al Society of America and the Con-

ters'here will consist of plenary sessions in the mornings, 'workshops in the afternoon and information, sector and directors meetings in the evenings. Other topics slated to be COIlsidered include mixed marriages, the 1971 Synod of Bishops in Rome and CCC statements.

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NOW NUN: Dolores Hart, former Hollywood actress, has taken her final vows as a cloistered Benedictine Nun in Bethlehem, Pa. NC Photo.

Prisoner-of..War Relatives Meet WASHINGTON (NC)-Wives and relatives of more than 1,500 Americans among those missing or held as prisoners-of-war in Southeast Asia plan to meet here Oct. 2-5 to secure congressional promises for protection of imprisoned servicemen. Joining them at their first annual meeting of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, wUl be former prisoners ,released or' escaped from North Vietnam, Viet Cong or Pathet Lao prison camps. H. Ross Perot, financial head of a, mercy supply mission to war prisoners last Christmas is listed as principal speaker at the four-day meeting. Also address: ing the group will be astronaut Col. Frank Borman who plans to present a report on his first around-the-world presidential mission. A major event scheduled for the final day of the conclave is a mass march in Congress. Families plan to assemble on the steps of the U. S. Capitol for a press conference and disperse for meetings with individual Congressmen. According to a league official, attempts will be made to obtain pledges from individual congressmen, ,for an all-out effort to insure the protection of the Geneva Conventions for missing and imprisoned -military service personnel. In addition to attending briefings from the Department of Defense and other federal agencies, league members will also participate in a number of workshops designed to heip th'em meet specific problems which confront prisoners' families. . ;I"'IIII'llluHIUI,',,'I",'IIIIII',"II"lilllWWlllIIUlII,,;1""1""'''';'';''''''11'',1""",1''11.. ",

ferences of Major Religious Superiors could be interested in such a proposal. This just may be the acceptable time.

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Hyannis Osterville






As Archbishop of Boston 944 County S~. - New Bedford

The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.

chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, Fall River

02722. ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER The annual pot luck supper of the Council of Catholic Women will be held at 6:30 Monday night, Oct. 5 in the parish hall. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Mrs. W. Snyder, assisted by Mrs. L. 'Desrosiers, is chair. man for the event. The council will hold a public whist at 8 Thursday night, O~t. 22, also' in the hall. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER The CYO will sponsor a flea market from 10 to 4 on Sunday, Oct. 11 in the parish hall. Reservations for the one day trip to New York on Oct. 24 must be made by Saturday, Oct. 17. Contact Mary Gouveia at 3-4506. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Rosary and benediction will open the season for the Women's Guild at 7:30 Monday night, Oct. 5. A coffee hour and reception for new. members will follow in the school hall. A program of organ music will be provided by Joseph Di Biase. Cochairmen for the meeting are Mrs. Willard Piper and Mrs. John Burke.

ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild plans a combination fashions and. wig show for men and women at 7 Monday night, Oct. 5 at The Coachmen restaurant, Tiverton. . Mrs. Joseph Fazzina, chair-' man, announces that refresh, ments will be served and special awards and door prizes will ; be given. Tickets are available 'I from guild officers and executive board members and will also, be sold at the door. ' The parochial school board of , education will sponsor a spaghetti supper and penny sale Saturday night, Oct. 10 at the school. There will be servings at 6 and 8, with the penny sale' also scheduled at 8. Proceeds will benefit the school fund. . HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The Men's Society will sponsor a buffet-dance for adults, Saturday night, Nov. 7 at the parish school.

ST. MARY'S, NO. FAIRHAVEN The parish will conduct an Antique Sale and Flea Market on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 3 and 4 in the church hall. Saturday's hours from noon to 9 in the evening and Sunday's schedule is from 9 to 6. Several dealers have tented' space and thus an assurance is ST. IPATRICK, being given that the variety of SOMERSET articles will be extensive. Also included in the tWO-day A committee headed by Edaffair will be a handwriting ward Tavares and Richard Novacek announces that a Fall social' analyst, a floral designer exemand smorgasbord will be held plifying his art .of artificial from 7 to midnight Sunday flower arrangements. night, Oct.; 11 at Roseland Snacks will be available on Ballroom, Taunton. Mike Me- both days, while the special on gan's band will play for dancing. Sunday will be a breakfast Reservations will 'close Sunday, served following the If.30 Mass.' There will be no admission Oct. 4 and tickets are available at the rectory and from commit- charge for the affair and it is tee members. open to the public. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will sponsor a pot luck supper on Monday night, Oct. 5 in the Cath. olic Community Center, Franklin Street. The supper will be followed by a period of entertainment. The affair is open to the public.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 1, 1970

Seeking Vocations TORONTO (NC)-Father Ray-, mond Durocher, O.M.I., editor of I The Canadian Register, told a I Serra Downtown Club meeting: '''We are used to thinking of, vocations in terms of young peo-' pie. There is a trend today for older people to be caned to the i priesthood. I


Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros

POPE PAUL GREETS PRESIDENT: Pope Paul VI welcomes President Richard M. Nixon on his arrival in the Holy City. NC Photo.

• Over 50 Bishops to Participate In Rites Continued from Page Three participate as Rector of the Cathedral. Mitre Bearers to the Bishop concelebrants will be: Rev. Msgr. Paul J. McManus (Archbishop Raimondi); Rev. Joseph A. Galante (Archbishop Medeiros); Rev. Harold J. Johnson (Bishop Connolly); Rev. Manuel J. Cascais, (Bishop Weldon); Rev. William F. Salmon (Bishop Flanagan); Rev. John J. Jennings (Bishop J'oyce); Rev. Francis P. Ready (Bishop Primeau); Rev. James M. Flaherty (Bishop Gerety); Rev. Ernest T. Serino (Bishop Minihan); Rev. Lawrence 'E. Pratt (Bishop Riley); Rev. J. Walter Stocklosa (Bishop Cronin); Rev. John F. Keane (Bishop Gerrard);

·Rev. Thomas J. Buckley (Bishop Harrington). Rev. James A. O'Donohoe will be the commentator while Sister M. Catalina, C.S.J. and Thomas A. Medeiros, a nephew of the Archbishop, will be lectors. The actual installation ceremony, during which the Archbishop-elect will in fact become the Ordinary of Boston, wil1 precede the Mass. The Cardinal wil1 then speak. The new Archbishop of Boston wil1 preach the homily- of the Mass. At the conclusion of the Mass, just before the recessional the Apostolic Delegate will speak to all assembled in the cathedral. Three Cardinals' Terrence

Cardinal Cook of New York. John Cardinal Carberry of St. Louis, and Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of Baltimore-and more than 50 members of the Hierarchy will join all the bishops of New England. Bishop Coleman Carroll of Miami wil1 represent the U.S. hierarchy's work in South Americay, as will representatives of the hierarchy in Texas. Attending the rites will be Governor Francis W. Sargent of Massachusetts and Mayor Kevin H. White of Boston. Representatives of the Boston priests, sisters, brothers and l!iity will come to the Archbishop during the installation and pledge him their devotion and dedication.

Congratulations to a Beloved Priest and Distinguished Prelate ~.

His Excellency MOST. REV. HUMBER'TO S. MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston ""U111lllllllll"lIlll"I"""""".....m""""""'II"""'UI'''....''''..h''U''lllllll'''''''''''III'IIIIIWI'''""""""1I"""""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',''''lIl''''''U''Uh\"U"','U'U"""UOlll",,"'II'III'"II1"'III't""""'IlIU"I,IUlllUlIllUlOUIII1l


Archbishop of Boston


LaFrance Jeweler


763 Purchase Street

New Bedford



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil Rive~-Thl!rs., Oct: I, 1.970

Courage Brings Youth Back to



By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach.


~ ... ,:~:j), :.;: ~ ,,.. ,,,,, ,~ ... ,,....... ':~, ,,.', ,... ~JI

Lawrence High of' Falmouth Places Wi~ Streak on Line

Perennial Capeway Conference powerhous Lawrence High of Falmouth will open defense of -its league championship against darkhorse contender Wareham, The Clippers will be out to extend their winning streak to II games, one of the longest in state' schoolboy competition, Coach Don Ruggeri's eleven downed Dracut 21,13 last Saturday and once again established themselves as the "team to beat." Wareham battled Fairhaven to a 15-15 tie in the circuit's curtain raiser a week ago. Both clubs performed well indicating to opponents that they have the potential to upend anyone in the loop. Alas, Coach Ruggeri will have to guard his Clippers against over optimism this week and each ensuing week throughout the campaign. Elsewhere in the Conference Bourne plays· at Barnstable, Fairhaven entertains DennisYarmo,uth and Dartmouth hosts


Accident Almost Ruins Career



Chuck Sousa- of

When Chuck Sousa eal'l1ed varsity letters in football and baseball at Bishop Stang High School, it was only natural to assume that.he would continue the trend in college. Sure enough, 'fOllowing his graduation from the North Dartmouth school in 1968, he enrolled in a small parochial college in St. Leo, Florida. {-laving no football program at St. Leo's, Sousa developed all of his time to the diamond sport. It was. important that he did well. ' Chuck had a "conditional scholarship" within his grasp * * * the condition promising financial assistance if he was able to make the grade. 'Following a fine freshman campaign, Sousa proved his worth with a banner sophomore addition to leading season. . -

Bishop Stang. I The Red Raiders from Barnstable will open their 1970 ~ea­ son this week hopeful of turning back a tough Bourne eleven. The Canalmen were edged 6-0 last week by Msgr. Coyle High: of Ta'unton. However, the strong showing- by Bourne against the Bristol County League contender is an indication that Coach Russ Burns' forces are a power to. be reckoned with. The loop contest should be a baromejer of both teams' fate in the conference race. Dennis-Yarmouth, a 36-20 Iqser to Dighton-Rehoboth on Saturday last, hopes' to iron out a few difficulties in practice ~his UDDINGTON (NC)-"Nobody week and be ready for F!\irhayen \ got drunk, nobody took his Saturday. Coach Ed Keyes" in clothes off, and nobody took his second year at the D-Y helm, drugs." Yet everybody had fun. is attempting to come up with This was the summary report, a winning formula for the Regionals similar to the one: he of a priest on a folk festival fostered at Medfield where ;his held on the grounds of the Capclub was annually the class' of uchin Fathers' Greyfriars monasteryhere. Nearly 1,000 young the Tri-Valley' Conference. I people attended the festival. The festival, organized by the Capuchins, featured Scottish folk Neither Feehan nor Durfee en- song groups and Scottish, Irish, tered this campaign 'with strong Polish and Lithuanian dancers. press notices, but based ,upon It raised $2,200, which the friars last week~s performances either turned over to Scottish charities. club could emerge as the Cinderella team of. the year. Taunton will tangle with New


EverY'body Has Fun, Scottish-Style

Dartmouth Seeks to Continue Trend Like~ise, Coach Kevin Cadieux is readying his Blue Devils knowing a victory is, esssential if they are to' stay in contention. The clubs fought to a 6-6 tie a year ago and are expected to engage in another close contest. this season. Coach Carlin Lynch's Dartmouth contingent has to be considered a serious contender in view of its impressive 20-0 open; ing day win over Somerset. The Indians have avenged last season's loss to the reigning Narry League champions and are hopeful of continuing the trend against Slocum Road rival Bishop ·Stang. Consecutive victories for Dartmouth may just give the Lynchmen enough momentum to go all the way. The eyes of all Bristol County League followers will be focused on the results of two important loop contests slated for Saturday. In the first contest Attleboro plays at New Bedford and in the second Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro wiILbe in Fall River to meet the Durfee High HIlltoppers. Both Attleboro and New Bedford have been rated as the circuit's foremost clubs. Saturday's contest will determine whose following will be able to continue boasting. Meanwhile, Coyl~ sits in the wings ready. to prove it deserves first place billing. Coach Jim Cassidy's Jewelers were idle last week while the Whalers were' being shocked 31-0 by Brockton. However, Coach Joe Bettencourt will have his Crimson and White ready for this all important contest. Coyle will have its chance a week from Saturday when its plays New Bedford.

Coach Paul O'Boy's Shamrocks who were impressive in' their 13-0 win over Taunton are out to prove that their share, of the loop title will have to' be taken away from them on the gridiron, not in the newspap~rs. Likewise, Coach Don Montie's Red and Black, rated as one of the league's weaker sisters in preseason polls, completely demolished Christopher Columbus' High 32-0 last week causing prognosticators to take another look at Durfee's future.

Bedford Vocational rounding out the County schedule. Vocational lost to Old Rochester of Matta-poisett 36-12 last Saturday. Only one league contest is scheduled in the Narry League Saturday, with Old Rochester meeting Dighton-Rehoboth. Both clubs have been named as threats to Somerset in the race for league honors. In non-league action Somerset is at Portsmouth, R. I., Seekonk at Sharon and Westboro will be in Swansea to take on Case.

CHUCK SOUSA his team in hitting with a .352 average, he led or shared the team leadership in doubles (7), triples (2), homeruns (I), runs batted in (20) and bases on balls (24) and was the leading defensive player with a .985 fielding percentage at first base. The credentials earned Sousa an honorable mention berth in the District 'III College Dh'ision or the NCAA. It was only natural that when the Somerset native returned home for the Summer vacation, he was . .in ,. a happy' frame of· mind. He was more plea!>ed when he learned of his appointment to a position in the sewer construction department of the Town of Somerset. . Chuck had been employed by the town the previous Summer but had tried, unsuccessfully, to land, a post ,with the' sewer department. But the glee turned to gloom in a short seven days. While repairing a gas leak !n

Di~mond one of the town's drainage sites, Sousa was knocked unconscious by the sudden explosion. When he came to, his eyelids were sealed tight, his face racked with pain, and his shirt was engulfed by flames. For nine days; Chuck remained a patient at Union Hospital in . Fail River. The once bright fu-' ture was suddenly clouded with uncertainties. Sousa received first and second degree burns above his neck and it was feared that he either would be disfigured or suffer permanent eye damage. But luck was with the Somerset athlete. There was no disfig· uration and upon the examination of an eye doctor it was revealed that the vision was normal. Chuck wasn't as optimistic,' however. Would he still be able to see well enough to hit a baseball? A brief· stint in the batting cage held the answer. "I saw the ball real well," said the physical education major after a few swings in the Florida sun. , St. Leo's begins training for the 1971 season in February and, with· renewed confidence, Sousa hopes to pick up right where he left off a year ago. , Chuck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sousa, 114 Banville Ave., Somerset and is'lil communicant of St. Thomas More Parish. • "r

,'t ...


.•• ~


944 County Street NEW BEDFORD, MASS.



Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros BEST WISHES TO I I



HUMBERTO S. MEDEIROS . Archbish~p of Boston

Kay Jetvelry Co. New Bedford



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Sees Expa nsion Conpnued from Pag~ One Knights of Columbus, BouI'J Member of the Texas Catholic Conference and na tion representation as a member of the Department of International Affairs of the USCCC, a member: of the USCC Department for Latin America and a member of the Commission on Doctrine, aisu sponsored by the NCCB. Within the Diocese of Brownsville, Bishop Medeiros founded and published The Valley Catholic Witness, a tabloid-sized, biweekly newspaper that refuses paid advertising and has an aud· dited circulation of some 55,000 copies. Bishop Medeiros subsi· dized the newspaper's circulation, with the only paid subscribers making free-will donations. In addition, he founded the now-nationally recognized Visitors for Christ Movement, Inc., a laity-geared organization that serves as a parish priest's constant contact with his parishioners, performing such valuable tasks as census-taking, CCD enrollme'nt, 'aged and ill visitation, financial commitment and general service to the Church through voluntary donations of time and ability. As the undisputed father of the Visitors for Christ, Bishop Medeiros has seen his movement gain national respect and attention, spreading the "loving-through-doing" message from home-to-home and neighbor-to-neighbor. Among Bishop Medeiros' initial tasks when he assumed leadership of the Diocese of Brownsville was a diocesan census which revealed more than 260,000 Catholics in the four-county area. He also has established the Parish-Diocesan Advisoty Assembly, which meets every two years and encompasses all lay activities of a parish nature into a cohesive diocesan program; incorported Catholic Charities along with the Social Action and Rural Life Development programs and consofidated the parochial schools. Another major development has been the growth of the CCD program, which had less than 12,000 students in 1966 and has more than 35,000 enrolled today, plus a full course of teacher training and executive board instruction. Retreats, Cursillos Bishop Medeir-os also has lent particular emphasis to the Retreat, Cursillo and Better World Movement, increasing annual at· tendance and participation by a~ much as 50 per cent. Erudite and multi-lingual, Bishop Medeiros is a much-asked public speaker and his ecumencal talks have been particularly popular in Texas. His annual Easter and Christmas messages in English and Spanish are broadcast, televised and reprinted with acclaim in the secular news media. Also, his annual "press party" is always a sell-out with lively exchanges between the Bishop and the news gatherers.

FUR STORAGE 34-44 Cohannet Street Taunton 1 822-6161





Of Illegal Entry WASHINGTON (NC) - Five abortion protestors, arrested dui'· ing a clash with police at the George Washington University , Student Clinic here, were con· \ victed of unlawful entry. But the gro~p, .including I.. Brent Bozell, editor of Triumph Magazine, conservative Catholic monthly, plans to appeal for a new trial and promised another anti-abortion demonstration. Arrests were made aHer a group of demonstrators at a June 6 "Rally in Defense of the Unborn" attempted to present a petition against abortions to doctors at the G.W. clinic, where prospective patients are examined. ~. But the door had been locked AT pINNER: At testimonial dinner honoring Sister Eleanor McNally, S.U.S.C. on and when some of the demon· eve of departure for African i mission assign ment are from left, H. Douglas Byington, strators ran around to a side entrance a skirmish with hospital Robert J. Griffin, Sister Elea~or, Thomas A. Cote, Rev. Edward J.Byington\ security guards began. Police officers on the scene then intervened. George Washington was one of five area hospitals which Action for Life-a temporary committee of Washington area CatholicsIt took 11 years, but Sister I thing she does know: she's going Heart parish, Fall River, and had written to protest abortion Eleanor McNally, S.U.S.C., is to find a great change in climate fellow graduates from her grampolicies. David Benfer, a GW adfinally getting to Africa. "I al- I from Ottawa, where she spent mar school class of 1946 honored ways wanted to go to Africa," last Winter, to equatorial Ndap. her last week at a testimonial' ministrator said abortions are she said, "and I entered the Holy Other changes will be in com- dinner attended by 85, including performed there only after appropriate medical and psychiatric Union community because of its forts taken for granted in the classmates from Sacred Hearts credentials are obtained. missions there." homeland: there'll be no elec- Academy, fellow religious, and Besides the unlawful entry It's true that the Holy Union tricity or running water, for in- members of her family. conviction, Bozell, 44, and three Sisters have worked in Africa stance. Sister Eleanor's parents now since 1935, but it's also true that Language shouldn't be a prob- live in Swansea and together other demonstrators were found guilty of destroying private their projects are on a small lem, said Sister Eleanor, noting with the rest of her family are scale, whereupon Sister Eleanor's that English is the 'commercial enjoying her last few days in property and assulting guards long wait for a missionary as- tongue, while a pidgin variety is the States. Her father, Barthol. and police. signment: Buf she is . going' to also widely used. There· are also omew McNally, is a project en- ooooooooooooooooooooooo her work with an excellent back- many tribal dialects. She said gineer for the city of Fall River., ground and she says she "can't that Ndap is a center for an area and her mother is kept busy as be grateful enough to my com- of about 60 square miles and that the proud grandmother of 15 munity for allowing me to pre- the Ndap tribe, from which the youngsters. pare myself so thoroughly." village takes its name, is largely The religious has three brothFor the past year she has Christian. Also numerically sigstudied theology, anthropology, nificant is the Fulani tribe, com- ers and a sister. They are Bartethnography and religious his- posed of strict Moslems. "They'd ley McNally, Cranston, William tory at the' Institute of Mission ' be the equivalent of our Puritans and Brian, both of Swansea, as 365 NORTH FRONT STREET Studies at the University of Ot- in their attitude towards reli- is her sister, Mrs. Charles Kin· nane. tawa, topping off her courses gion," she said. NEW BEDFORD with attendance at a Summer' Sister Eleanor will work in the The late Rev. Brendan C. Me992-5534 . leadership institute at St. Francis I field of adult education, but de" U· 't A t" "h Nally, S.J., was her uncle. X aYler mversl y, n IgOOlS , 'tails of her job are still to be Nova Scotia. Another Summer I worked out. Catechetical work was spent at a mission institute ' ,with children and the running of at the University of Dayton. a dispensary will be assignments On Oct. 5, off she goes to put handled by her companions, who her knowledge into practice. She: include Sister Blanche Agnes, for admits that despite her prepara- many years a teacher in TaunTO TO tion she will be feeling her waY'j' ton, and Sister Marie Irene, both for the West Cameroon village from the Immaculate Heart provof Ndap where she will be sta- ince of the Holy Union commutioned is a new territory for her nity.The fourth Sister is froni' community. the Sacred Fleart province, said Great Change Sister Eleanor. MOST REVEREND Three Holy Union Sisters are: She herself taught eighth already in Ndap, she said. They grade for a year at St. Michael's School, Fall River, and, has also will meet her plane in the town of Doula. From there she doesn't been assigned to schools in New S.T.D. know what sort of transporta-. Jersey, New York and Pennsyltion will be used to Ndap. One i vania. She is a native of Sacred -(yo



Holy Union S,ister Off to Africa October 5 ~4fter 1I.Year: Wait for .~issionary Career

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THE ANCHOR.- I Thurs., Oct. 1,



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