VOL. 31, NO. 39
Friday, October 2, 1987
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
58 Per Year
New, old church movements seen top synod. issue
AT THE RELIGIOUS Education convention Mass, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin offers his homily, sign language interpreted by Kathleen Melanson. (Motta photo)
Religious education convention
Accepting the challenge By Joseph Motta Over 500 catechists gathered Saturday at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, to attend the annual diocesan religious education convention. Highlights of the gathering, coordinated by the Diocesan Department of Education, were a Mass celebrated by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, a keynote address by pastoral theologian Father Edward K. Braxton and 27 workshops showcasing catechetical ideas and resources. Mass concelebrants included Fathers Richard W. Beaulieu and Robert A. Oliveira, respectively diocesan director ofeducation and director of continuing formation of clergy and laity. . Music ministry was coordinated by Father David A. Costa, pa-
rochial vicar at St. Thomas More parish. Somerset; Joanne Mercier was cantor. The Mass and Father Braxton's address were signed by Kathleen Melanson of the diocesan Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities. During his homily, Bishop Cronin spoke on the theme of the recent papal visit to the United States Unity in the Work of Service, and on how convention participants exemplified that theme. "You have no idea how comforting it is to see su~h a large group of you here," the bish~p said. "You came here to realtze your faith in Jesus Christ, you'll share thoughts about the message of the Gospel." Bishop Cronin complimented the catechists for "accepting the challenge ~o make Jesus better known.
"We do it [meet that challenge] by the way we live each day," the bishop said. "You do it additionally by the way you instruct the young ones before you." By living the words one teaches, the bishop said, "the kids will know that the Jesus you speak of is the Jesus you love." The bishop urged the catechists not to be bothered by the many little distractions which can complicate teaching and evangelizing. "Go to the heart of the matter," he advised: "Jesus Christ." Father Braxton spoke on the vocation ofthe religious educator. A priest of the Chicago archdiocese, he holds doctorates in religious studies and systematic theology. Chancellor for theological affairs Turn to Page Two
Respect Life programs listed Pro-life activities on the state and diocesan level are numerous in October, Respect Life Month. In the New Bedford area, the St. James Pro-Life Committee is continuing sponsorship of a pro-life billboard, rotated from site to site at two-month intervals. Since the project began in 1986, billboards have appeared at sites in Dartmouth, New Bedford and Westport, bringing the pro-life message to hundreds of thousands of passersby. .
The billboard carries a full-color photograph of a 19-week-old unborn baby. "This powerful image of the beauty of an unborn child can do so much: it can speak for the unborn and save their lives and it can spare girls and women the trauma of what they are told is only a simple surgical procedure," says Steven Massoud, director of the pro-life committee, head ~f a drive for funds to ensure contInUance of the billboard message, which includes a hotline number for aid in problem pregnancies.
Contributions can be sent to the committee at St. James Church, 233 County St., New Bedford 02740. MCFL Activities Tomorrow the annual state convention of Massachusetts Citizens for 'Life will be held at Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Beginning with registration at 9 a.m., the· daylong meeting will include major addresses by the Rev. E. W. Jackson, a pastor, atTurn to Page Six
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The relationship of "new" lay Catholic movements with local churches, bishops and traditional Cath~lic associations is one of the major issues facing delegates to the 1987 synod on the laity, which began yesterday in Vatican City. Several of the movements' founders, officers and critics will be among the delegates, observers and "experts" at the synod. The so-called "new movements" have been particularly active and controversial in Europe. They have provided spiritual formatio~ f~r their members and enthusIastIc workers for local parish projects. Exact membership figures are hard to pin down, but hundreds of thousands of Catholics are said to be affiliated with the ~ove\1lents worldwide. Because of their international character, extensive lay leadership and dedication to specific charisms or ideals of their founders, some movements have clashed with local church authority. The synod's general secretary, Archbishop Jan Schotte, said there are two concerns about the movements likely to attract the attention of the synod fathers: the "new models of Catholic apostolic associations" vs. the "traditional Catholic Action model"; and the relationship between lay associations and organizations and their pastors. Groups identified as "new movements" include charismatic renewal, Focolare, Cursillo, neo-catechumenate, Schonstatt and Communion and Liberation. They have emerged in the past few. decades with international follOWIngs. Traditional lay associations such as Catholic Action, sodalities and confraternities have official status and longstanding institutional ties with the church. The new movements often have looser organization, less clerical supervision and more lay leadership than traditional groups. While many bishops welcome the movements in their dioceses, there have also been clashes between local church authorities a.nd the groups in several cou~tries. The friction has been over Issues ranging from episcopal authority to church teachings. The situation is one aspect of a ·Iarger debate that has been running through nearly three y~a~s of preparation for the synod: IS It to focus more on lay roles inside the church or on lay influence in the world at large? Vatican officials and synod documents emphasize the laity's "mission" in the world. What is most
needed, they say, is "enthusiasm for a new evangelization" that ch~l lenges society and connects faIth to daily life. Debate over lay ministries, they say could overshadow this essential'theme. They also defend the distinction between the priest's..sacramental ministry and the varIOUS lay ministries that have evolved. But much pre-synod discussion in the United States and elsewhere has centered on these "collaborative" ministries. Many local churches urge a greater role f~r women within the church, pOSSIbly including the permanent diaconate' more lay input into church docu~ents; and more lay decisionmakers at local and diocesan levels. In areas experiencing a chronic shortage of priests, the. debate focuses on ways of openmg sacramental ministry to lay people. Also in this discussion, a warning is raised over strictly segregating the functions .of cler~ .and laity, and of draWIng a spIrItual line between the church and the world. The differences ofemphasis were capsulized during Pope John Paul II's Sept. 18 meeting wit.h U.S. lay people in San FranCISco. ~ay speakers described th~ grOWIng importance of professIOnal and volunteer lay ministers in the church: from teaching catechism to creating small faith communities.. The pope called this a "great flowering of gifts," but w~rned against" 'clericalizing' the laIty or 'laicizing' the clergy." An example of this concern was the announcement by a Vatican canon law commission the following day that bishops cannot allow lay people to give homilies at Mass. Turn to Page Two
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Respect Life M• •
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
Chairmen named for Bishop's Ball
Accepting the challenge Continued from Page One to Washington Archbishop James A. HicJcey, Father Braxton frequently directs retreats for priests, nuns, students and other lay groups. His wiqely published works include articles on Black Catholics in America. He told his listeners that as catechists they are "primarily working out and living out our baptismal vocation," and that they have "a .responsibility to work in information, formation and transformation. "All the catechist's actions contribute to the formation" of the youngsters he or she is educating, he said, noting that an effective . catechist must be an informed Catholic. The priest suggested that young people, "at the earliest possible ages," must be offered information, tailored to age, intelligence and background that will help them grasp the foundations of Catholic belief. He said that the role of memory in catechesis should not be diminished. "We as Catholic educators have a tradition to keep alive" he said. "Memorizing helps us achieve that goal. A certain amount is essential if students are to have the tools needed for the foundation. "And we would do well to present the teachings of the Catholic Church as clearly as we can. "We must assure our young people that the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ is real," Father Braxton said, stressing that catechists should be aware of'the unique qualities which make them
Catholic and at the same time have "sensitivity and respect" for people of other religions. "We must help our young peopie to realize that morality is involved in every aspect of life," he continued. The morally transformed person does the good because it is good." Teaching a youngster to reject materialism, agism, racism and sexism is also essential, he said. Like Bishop Cronin, Father Braxton urged his hearers to overcome frustrations. "We must not be discouraged," he said, "because religious education is crucial for the future of the church." "You are making a singular contribution to the faith of the church to come," he concluded, earning a standing ovation. Coverage of convention workshops will appear in next week's Anchor.
DISCUSSING the 1988 Bishop's Ball with Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, its diocesan director, are committee members Mrs. James H. Quirk (left), St. Pius X parish, South Yarmouth, and Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, St. Patrick's, Falmouth.
Top synod issue
Continued from Page One There had been reports of such permission, a Vatican official exOct. 6 plained. 1916, Rev. Stephen B. Magill, Americans at Synod Assistant, Immaculate Conception, 22 Americans - three cardiNorth Easton nals, six archbishops, three bishops. Oct. 7 four priests, a nun and five lay 1951, Rev. Caesar Phares, Pas: peopJe - are synod participants. tor, St. Anthony of Desert, Fall They include IS voting delegates, River while seven Americans are either 1975, Rev. Msgr. Arthur G. auditors ortheological experts who Dupuis, Pastor Emeritus, St. Louis attend and contribute to the sesde France, Swansea - sions but have no vote. Four voting delegates were elect11II11I111II1I11II1I1II11Il1II1Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlll, ed by the National Conference of THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-020). Second Catholic Bishops: Chicago CarClass Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. dinal Joseph L. Bernardin; St. • Published weekly except the week of July 4 Louis Archbishop John L. May; and the week after Christmas at 410 HighMilwaukee Archbishop Rembert land Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by G. Weakland; and Baton Rouge the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Bishop Stanley J. Ott. River. Subscrilltion price by mail. postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address Three American voting delegates changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall were personally chosen by the pope: River, MA 02722. Los Angeles Archbishop Roger M. Mahony; Pittsburgh Bishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua; and Redemptorist Father Thomas Forrest, head of an international evangelization campaign. Two others are automatically synod members because of their curial.positions: Cardinal William W. Baum, head of the Congrega-
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tion for Catholic Education, and Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications. Two Americans, Franciscan Miilister General Father John Vaughn and Passionist Superior General Father Paul Boyle, were among 10 priests selected by the Union of Superiors General to represent male religious at the synod. Among non-voting members are three U.S. theological experts: Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio, theology professor at the University of San Francisco; William May, theology professor at the Catholic University of America; and Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary Sister Mary Milligan, biblical theologian and provost at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. The pope also named four American auditors: Albina Aspell, president of the Catholic Press Association; Virgil Dechant, head of the Knights oT Columbus, and his wife, Ann, members of the Vatican's Council for the Family; and Waiter Sweeney, a permanent deacon who works in the New York archdiocese's department of Christian and family development.
R CIA means change says archbishop DA YTON. Ohio (NC) - Reinstatement of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) provides the means for the church in the United States to make a "180 degree change ofdirection, a change from preservation and defensiveness to confident outreach and sharing," says Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk of Cincinnati. "The change I see ahead of us will put outreach evangelization right in the center of the church's life in every parish of our country," the prelate said. He spoke at a Dayton training conference for the rite; a liturgical process for initiating unbaptized adults into the church. Modified forms are also used for receiving baptized converts from other faiths
'MOST of our regular 'features do not appear this week, due to our special Respect Life section. All will return next week.
and baptized but uncatechized adults. Archbishop Pilarczyk said approval of the basic text of the rite for the United States is expected' soon from the Holy See, as is the plan for its national implementation. The plan was approved by the National Conference ofCathoIic Bishops in November 1986. The archbishop, now NCCB vice president, was chairman ofthe bishops' Committee on the Liturgy when the matter was under review. "In our history," the archbishop said, "we have generally been a church of maintenance, of evangelization within the church, but not outside it." He said the Catholic Church in this nation has up to now seen preservation of the faith of immigrants as its primary task. But the time for maintenance is over, he said. "Here comes an instrument which tells us how to go about this seemingly new task facing us." Four features of RCIA promote renewal of evangelization, the archbishop said.
Committee chairmen were named at a recent planning meeting for the 33rd annual Bishop's Ball. The social and charitable event, to be held Jan. IS at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, benefits diocesan camps for underprivileged and exceptional children and other diocesan charitable apostolates. It is cosponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, ball director, named as chairmen: decorations and theme, Mrs. Stanley Janick, assisted by Isabelle MacDonald and Sister Gertrude Gaudette, OP; hospitality, Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, assisted by Mrs. Richard Paulson; presentees, Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., hall, Glenn Hathaway, assisted by John MacDonald. Area ball directors are Father Thomas L. Rita, assisted by Father Ralph D. Tetrault, Attleboro; Father John F. Andrews, Cape and Islands; Father Richard L. Chretien, New Bedford; Very Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton, Taunton; Msgr. Gomes, Fall River. A ball commemorative booklet has seven categories: Memorial, Very Special Friend, Guarantor, Benefactor, Booster, Sponsor and Patron. Persons or organizations wishing to be listed may call or write ball headquarters at 410 Highland Avenue, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, 02722, tel. 676-8943 or 676-3200. Tickets for the event are available at all diocesan rectories. Committee members will meet again Jan. 10 to decorate the ballroom.
Sister Santos A Mass of Christian Burial was held Monday for Sister Maria Santos, FMM, 89, who died Sept. 25 in North Providence. A native of St. Michael, Azores and the daughter of the late Joao and Maria (Madeiros) Santos, she entered the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in 1917. She served in Mozambique and England before coming to the United States in 1958, where she served at a convent of her community in Roslyn, NY. In retirement she lived in North Providence. She is survived by a sister, Hilda Barboza, and two brothers, Dennis Santos and Anthony Santos. All are Fall River residents.
Two are named Rev. John J. Steakem, pastor of Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton, has been appointed director of Taunton Catholic Ceme-. teries. , Rev. Ralph D. Tetrault, pastor of St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro, has been named an assistant coordinator ofthe Catholic Charities Appeal in the Attleboro area.
- It is an adult project suggesting that reception of adults is a fundamental part of church life. - It is a community project which suggests growth. - It is a liturgical project adding a strong emphasis on worship to the emphasis on instruction. - It is an ongoing project.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
Priests' meeting begins Monday A convocation of the diocesan presbyterate will begin Monday at the Sea Crest Hotel, North Falmouth, It will conclude Wednesday. The meeting of diocesan priests has been themed "Gifted and Sent as priests of the Diocese of Fall River." According to coordinator Father John A. Perry, pastor of Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville, the theme continues that of a highly successful 1983 convocation, "Called and Gifted as Priests of the Diocese of Fall River." On Monday, Father Richard Sullivan, CSC, former president of Stonehill College, North Easton, will address the priests on "The Gift of Pries'thood Freely Given and Shared." Archdiocese of Boston priest Father James Haddad will speak Tuesday on "Returning the Gift of Priesthood as Responsible Stewards."
POTENTIAL BOY SCOUT Matthew Bettencourt gets the inside word from Scouts Gregory Primo, Fall River Troop 15; Peter Cardoso, New Bedford Troop 24; and Wayne Turner, Westport Troop 63, during a break at last weekend's retreat. At right, Laura Hergenhan, RN, a program presenter. (Rosa photo)
Substance abuse topic of Scout retreat Over 300 Boy Scouts and adult Scouters, the majority from the Fall River diocese, attended the 18th annual Scout retreat held last weekend at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. With the theme, "A Scout Is Clean," the ecumenical program dealt with alcohol and substance abuse. It was sponsored by the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Moby Dick Council. Presenters included Laura Hergenhan and Anne Silveira, registered nurses from St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, while representatives of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous led discussion groups. The schedule also included Scouting skills and a campfire program. Mass was celebrated for Catholic Scouts by Rev. Stephen B. Salvador, Area I Boy Scout chaplain, and a Protestant service was conc\ucted by Rev. Leon Tavitian of the Swansea Congregational Church. ,
Patriarch asks help for poor BEIRUT, Lebanon (NC) - The Maronite patriarch of Lebanon recently asked wealthy Lebanese to assist the needy as inflation soars and the country's currency decreases in value. "Numerous are those without essential living resources while others can be seen spending and wasting as if there were no poor among them," said the patriarch, Bishop Nasrallah B. Sfeir. "Whafhave they done with Christian solidarity?" he asked. "What have they done with Lebanese solidarity which should make the citizen rush to help his 'fellow citizen so theY,bothstand up ... ?" Bishop Sfeir urged the wealthy to use only what they need and give the rest to help others.
Catholic Committee members were in charge of meal preparation and general retreat organization
was under direction of Father Salvador and lay chairman Paul J. Parente.
Hospital bills opposed Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and many members of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women have joined other concerned citizens in voicing opposition to proposed health care legislation that would cap Massachusetts hospital charges. An "action alert" distributed at a recent meeting of Fall River DCCW District I by council legislative chairman Gertrude O'Brien pointed out that legislation proposed by the Joint Health Care Committee Commission in House Bill 5968 and by Governor Michael S. Dukakis in House Bill 6000 would "make it extremely difficult" for low-cost hospitals such as St. Anne's, Fall River, to maintain present levels of service. The alert asked council members to contact Dukakis and senators and representatives ', - urging passage of House, Bill 4691, aimed at restoring some of the cost containment cuts made in the budgets of the 40 lowest-cost hospitals in the state, including St. Anne's, over the last five years; - demanding removal of the proposed cap on hospital expenses in House:Bill 5968. . A release from St. Anne's Hospital notes that the governor's legislation "designed 'to implement programs that will make affordable, comprehensive care available to every citizen of t~e Commonwealth', may actually jeopar~ize the health care industry's ability to care for anyone." " Saying that he does .not believe the governor's bill provides the financial strutture to enact the proposed programs, St. Anne's
Hospital president Alan Knight said the proposed cap would severely limit hospital charge increases. This would impact on ability to pay competitive salaries to nurses and other health care workers and would drastically cut funds for new equipment and capital projects. "Also proposed," he said, "is a $60 million reduction in funds for Medicaid, threatening access to hospital clinics and care for the elderly. House Bill 5968 fails to consider sizable cuts in federal Medicare income to hospitals which occurred Oct. I. Essentially, we're going to get hit three times: once by the proposed budget cap, secondly by restrictions in Medicaid, and'then again by the federal government's Medicare cuts."
Churches challenged WASHINGTON (NC) - New religious movements such as Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church "thallenge" mainline churches to examine their pastoral practices, says a member of Rome's Angelicum University faculty. The new groups prod Catholic and other long-established Christian churches to ask themselves whether they "preach Jesus" or try to impose Western culture' on non-Western church members, said Dominican Father Remi Hoeckman. Father Hoeckman;44, a Belgian, spoke at a first-time conference including the major U.S. Clitistian' churches and representatives from the Unification Church, the International Society of Krishna Consciousness ,and the Church of Scientology.
. On Wednesday Father Frank McNulty, a priest of the Newark archdiocese, who addressed Pope John Paul II during his recent visit to the United States on the joys and questions of U.S. priests, will speak on "Sustaining the Gift of Priesthood." Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principal celebrant of a Wednesday afternoon closing liturgy, Father Perry said. The bishop's homily is entitled "Sent as Priests of the Diocese." Father Perry expects ,that the convocation will, like its predecessor, be "a wonderful, wonderful experience.". ;'The 1983 meeting," he said, "was perhaps the greatest thing that ever happened to the diocese in the area of priestly morale. "Y ou could almost taste the Holy Spirit there."
Musicians plan programs The Fall River diocesan chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians has announced programs addressing the educational, prayer and recreati~nal needs of those involved in mijsic and liturgical ministry. The chapter provides opportunities for musicians and clergy to gather in mutual support and fosters improvements in liturgical mu~c., . ' A scripture enrichment seminar, led by Mr. Bruce Morrill, SJ, is scheduled to begin Oct. 18 at St. Thomas More parish, Somerset. A Halloween party' will be held at St..Mary's parish, South Dartmouth; planned are "pumpkin carols," refreshments and distribution ofan Advent/ Christmas music plan' ning guide. All musicians and liturgical ministers are welcome to attend events and join the chapter. For information on any event . and/ or to be placed on the chapter's mailing list, contact Joan Cuttle,24 Ailanthus Avenue, Somerset 02726, phone 673-3662.
Chapter officers are Glenn Giuttari, president; Ada Simpson, program coordinator; Bruce Morrill, SJ, education; Joanne Mercier, membership; Deborah Osuch, secretary; Dot Lortie and Sister John Michael, treasurers; and Joan Cuttle, newsletter. Area representatives are Barbara Biangarra, Attleboro; Madeleine Grace, Fall River; Joanna Alden, iaunton; Jackie Vardo, New Bedford; Judy L'Heureux, Cape Cod; and Denise Gannon, Divine Worship Commission.
Heads Holy Narne TRENTON, N.J. (NC) - Bishop John C. Reiss of Trenton has been named episcopal moderator of the National Association of the Holy Name Society, succeeding Bishop Joseph F. Maguire of Springfield, Mass. The national association joins parish and diocesan Holy Name organizations which promote reverence for the name of Jesus and sanctification of members through spiritual and social action programs.
Thursdays: Oct. I - Nov. 12
• SCRIPTURE COURSE 7:00- 9:00 P.M. Sr. Lucille Gauvin, D.P. Friday. Oct. 2
FIRST FRIDAY: INTERCESSORY PRAYER 10:00 - 12:00 & 7:00 • 9:00 Sr. Lucille Gauvin. D.P. Saturday. Oct. 3 - 10:00 - 5:00
• AGES & STAGES: A MID-LIFE SEMINAR , Dr. Bary Fleet Sunday. October 4
2:00 RECITATION OF ROSARY 3:00 BENEDICTION & BLESSING OF SICK Wednesday, Oct. 7 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
• DREAMS: A WAY OF LISTENING TO GOD Carol Bertrand, M.A. • Pre-registration required. Please contact Shrine for details.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
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Ask and You Shall Receive Whether you like Father Andrew Greeley or not, the comments in his new study, "Catholic Contributions: Sociology and Policy," cannot be ignored. Donations in Catholic churches are on the decline at a time when church attendance has stabilized. In an era, when the church needs funding on every level of its vast operations, donation dollars decline. Church giving has been slowly decreasing for the last 25 years and we haven't yet hit bottom. Greeley's study indicates some interesting facts. Catholics give 1.2 percent of their annual income to their church while Protestants give 2.2 percent. If Catholics in this country gave at the same level as Protestants, the Catholic church would realize some $12.7 billion, $6 billion more than at present. This would be enough to meet virtually every immediate financial need of the church. Some in the church explain financial decline with excuses such as a decline in Mass attendance or increased tuition for Catholic elementary and secondary schools. But the Greeley study indicates these are not influential factors. Statistics show that although for the most part, Sunday Mass attendance leveled in 1975, contributions have continued to decrease. And families with children in Catholic schools actually contribute more than the average churchgoer. In typical fashion, Greeley would lead us to believe that church teachings on birth control, premarital sex and abortion are the chief reasons for declining contributions. This is one of ,.. Greeley's less credible conclusions. Nevertheless, whatever the reasons, excuses or speculations, . the facts are clear. In a time of general affluence, when Catholics enjoy a larger piece ofthe proverbial pie, church contributions are on the decline. . Many solutions to the problem can be proposed. However, a few facts should be noted and Catholics should take a hard look at how they raise money. Bingo, raffles and bazaars remain major fundraising tools. Until recently, some parishes even employed the minor blackmail technique of printing names and donations. But the basics of good fundraising have to do with real people, not a flock of sheep. University research makes it clear that people primarily give for two reasons: they identify with the institution involved and they are asked. Catholics are very poor at "making the ask," as fundraisers call it. Much of this has to do with the fact that it is largely clergy who do the asking and experience has shown that they are exceptionally poorly qualified for such work. However, the new Code of Canon Law directs that parishes should have not only a parish council but a finance council. And as lay involvement grows, what better resource than qualified laity to assist in parish finances. Few priests are good bookkeepers, tax accountants, comptrollers or auditors. Yet every parish has such members, many more than willing to . share their talents with their church family. Churches must also be willing to report not only their needs but their receipts. A weekly financial statement in the bulletin is but one way to establish credibility. All in the church must learn that fundraising works only in the sunlight. Christian stewardship should include clergy and laity alike. The Lord told us that if we ask, we will receive. If we are truly anxious to do his will, we shall fear neither to ask nor to give. The Editor
'SPAPER 'Of:THE DIOCESE OF FA~L;'RIVER y by fhe Catholic: Pr~$S of the Diocese of FanRive~ 410 Highland Avenue. . River MoS$. 02722
. PUBLISHER Most R{lv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.
, .
'.. FlNANCIAlADMIN1S,tJl:ATOR Rev. Msgr. )ohn 1. Regan
. . . . leary Press-Fail River
NC UPI photo
"You are of God, little children." 1 John 4:4
Bishops stay silent on Bork WASHINGTON (NC) - While Knights "ordinarily try to stay other groups take turns blasting clear" of appearing to take part in and backing the nomination of partisan politics. Robert H. Bork to the Supreme But in Bork's case, he said, "it's Court, the National Conference of a question of public morality and Catholic Bishops has remained dis- values. We do stand up for values, creetly silent. we do not consider that partisan The controversy over Bork began politics." in July, when President Reagan Jesuit Father Virgil C. Blum, nominated the federal appeals court Catholic League for Religious and judge to succeed Justice Lewis F. Civil Rights president, also has Powell Jr. The Senate Judiciary taken Bork's side in what he called Committee hearings, which began "a struggle for the soul of Amer.Sept. 15, fanned the flames. ica." The judge is a "defender of Abortion supporters and oppo- our most basic civil rights" includnent's immediately - and vocally ing the right to life, Father Blum - took sides over Bork, who has said. said he sees no constitutional basis Bork is supported by the Nafor the right to privacy that was tional Right to Life Committee, the basis of Roe vs. Wade, the and the American Life League has landmark 1973 decision which undertaken a grass-roots campaign struck down state abortion laws. on the judge's behalf. Civil rights and education orOne bishop, Bishop Thomas V. ganizations have opposed the judge, Daily of Palm Beach, Fla., has saying he is a conservative ideo- expressed support for Bork. In a logue bent on denying individual letter to his diocese' published in and minority rights. his diocesan newspaper, Bishop Even current and former Su- Daily said he sent letters backing preme Court justices have joined the nomination to key senators. Bishop Daily, supreme chaplain in the fray. Justice John Paul of the Knights of Columbus, said Stevens announced that he supports Bork's nomination and Jus- pro-life groups view confirmation tice Byron R. White said it "would of Bork as "a real opportunity to be OK" if Borkjoins the brethren. end abortion." But no statement has come from In Ii rare move, former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger testified the body of bishops. before the Senate Judiciary ComMsgr. Daniel F. Hoye, NCCB mittee in favor of the nominee. general sec~etary, said Sept. 24 In another rare move, the that the silence is in keeping with Knights of Columbus endorsed the "longstanding policy not to Bork. Elmer Von Feldt, director comment" on political appointof public informati'on, said the ments and elections.
That also was the NCCB's response - or lack of response - in 1986 when President Reagan nominated Antonin Scalia to be an associate justice. But six years ago, when Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor to the Supreme Court, the NCCB conducted "direct and lengthy approaches" to Reagan about her, Archbishop John R. Roach, then NCCB president, said at the time. He did not elaborate. Archbishop Thomas C. K~lly, then generafsecretary of the NCCB and its public policy arm, the U.S. Catholic Conference, issued a statement saying the USCC "is disturbed by reports concerning positions taken by Judge· Sandra D. O'Col1nor ... on such issues as abortion, aid to non-public education and capital punishment." "We have no wish to prejudge the nominee," said the statement. ''We are confident, however, that these matters will be closely examined and fully clarified during the Senate confirmation process. The country is fully entitled to expect as much." According to Russell Shaw, public affairs spokesman for the U.S. bishops, "the conference does not comment pro or con on nominees" and the 1981 statement on the O'Connor nomination "was consistent with that policy." In the midst of the 1987 controversy over Bork, the policy remains in effect and the bishops' conference remains silent.
Bishops concerned for all human life In the following message, the Pro-Life Activities Committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops expresses its concern for human life. In 1965 Pope Paul VI journeyed to United Nations headquarters in New York City to speak to the world about peace. Fourteen years later Pope John Paul II visited American cities and farms to proclaim the sanctity of life and to affirm those engaged in the promotion of human rights and dignity. These apostolic visits bless our land. Moreover, they enable the Holy Father to fulfill the mission Our Lord gave to Peter when he said: "You in your turn must strengthen your brothers" (Luke 22:32).
As bishops, we are united in collegiality with Pope John Paul II: "The order of bishops is the successor to the college ofthe apostles in their role as teachers and pastors.... Together with their head, the Supreme Pontiff, and never apart from him, they have supreme and full authority over the universal Church" (Lumen gentium, no. 22). Further on, Lumen gentium states: The bishops have the obligation of fostering and safeguarding the unity of the faith and of upholding the discipline which is common to the whole Church; of schooling the faithful in a love of the whole Mystical Body of Christ and, in a special way, ofthe poor, the suffering, and those who are undergoing persecution for the sake of justice; finally of promoting all that type of active apostolate which is com~ mon to the whole Church, especially in order that the faith may increase and the light of truth may rise in its fullness on all men and women" (no. 23). In 1987 Pope John Paul II returned to our country. As the theme for his visit he chose a passage from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians: "And to some, his gift was that they should be apostles; to some, prophets; to some evangelists; to some, pastors and teachers; so that the saints together make a unity in the work of service, building up the body ofChrist" (Eph 4: 12). As the Holy Father speaks out often and forcefully on behalf of human life and dignity, we hear again and again the recurring themes: life, "God's unique and unrepeatable gift," the human person, human dignity, the child. And he speaks to us of the need for structural changes, proclaiming "the priority of ethics over technology, the primacy of the person over things, and the superiority of spirit over matter" (Redemptor hominis, no. 16). As bishops in the United States we continue to exercise our authentic teaching ministry in community with the Holy Father. Through our episcopal conference we have spoken with one voice in defense of life, unborn as well as born. Under the aegis of the episcopal conference, the Respect Life Program was begun in 1972 to focus attention on the breakdown of moral, social and civil structures supporting human life in America. Today we and others struggle to make people understand that abor-
tion is a heinous crime which our nation cannot long tolerate. At the same time a major campaign must be launched to quell the rush toward euthanasia now gathering momentum in the United States. Since its inception the Respect Life program has addressed these and many other issues which threaten human life and dignity e.g., poverty, war, care of the aged and dying, immigration policies in order to focus attention on the common truths and tasks to which the Gospel calls us. Human problems that test the justice of our social policies merit careful analysis. Obviously, those problems that involve violations of fundamental human rights deserve priority attention - matters of life and death deserve comprehensive and sustained commitment. In reaffirming the Pastoral.Plan for Pro-Life Activities in 1985 the bishops of the United States made this point regarding a consistent ethic of life: "A consistent ethic, far from diminishing concern for abortion or equating all issues touching on the dignity of human life, recognizes the distinctive character of each issue while giving each its proper role within a coherent moral vision. "Within this vision, different issues are linked at the level of moral principle because they involve the instrinsic dignity of human life and our obligation to protect and nurture this great gift.
At the same time, each issue requires its own moral analysis and practical response.... We are fully committed to taking up the many issues touching on the dignity of human life and examining their interdependence.... But, in this Pastoral Plan, we are guided by a key insight regarding the linkage between abortion and these other important issues. "Precisely because all issues involving human life are interdependent, a society which destroys human life by abortion under the mantle of law unavoidably undermines respect for life in all other contexts. Likewise, protection in law and practice of unborn human life will benefit all life, not only the lives of the unborn." In order to implement the Respect Life Program most effectively we renew our call for school and parish pro-life committees to be initiated or expanded to best facilitate and coordinate program activities. Finally, we thank all - Catholics and non-Catholics alike who join us in the struggle to build a community ofconscience on behalf of human life. On October 4, 1987, the Catho'Iic community in the United States will celebrate anew Respect Life Sunday.
NCCD Committee for Pro-Life Activities • Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Chairman, Archbishop of Chicago
• John Cardinal O'Connor, lined principles that should guide sex education. Archbishop of New York "Despite difficulties, parents and • Most Rev. Walter W. Curtis, guardians must not neglect this Bishop of Bridgeport duty, but fulfill it well," Bishop • Most Rev. Thomas A. Don- Brzana wrote. "Because of their unique relationship, they are the nellan, Archbishop of Atlanta best teachers of children in this • Mo~t Rev. Francis J. Dunn, delicate area." Auxiliary Bishop of Dubuque Parents and guardians should • Most Rev. Edward D. Head, be helped by school and religious education programs, but parents Bishop of Buffalo also have the duty to make sure • Most Rev. WilliamJ. Levada, such programs follow Christian Archbishop of Portland in <?regon . principles, he said. • Most Rev. Edward J. O'DonHuman sexuality is a gift from nell, Auxiliary Bishop ofSt. Louis God, the bishop said. "Sex is good, honorable and even sacred" but is reserved for marriage, and sex outside marriage is "seriously wrong," the bishop said, adding that the best way for young people to prepare for marriage is to "preserve purity and virginity."
Sex education of children parental right, says bishop
OGDENSBURG, N.Y. (NC)Parents and guardians have the "primary right and responsibility" for instructing children in human sexuality, said Bishop Stanislaus J. Brzana of Ogdensburg. School programs and religious education programs may assist in such instruction but only with parents' "permission, involvement and cooperation," he said. In a Sept. 14 pastoral letter issued to parishes, the bishop out-
Sex education for children should be "respectful" and correlated with their age and comprehension level, becoming more advanced as they mature, and textbooks and other materials should be carefully chosen, the prelate pointed out. At the same time, children must be "trained in moral values" as expressed in the Ten Commandments and encouraged to practice modesty, chastity and purity, "virtues which safeguard sexuality," he said. Bishop Brzana also said young people must be cautioned that they are vulnerable to temptation but must fight peer pressure and avoid "unwholesome" movies, TV shows and literature that "entice one to sin." He said God "is always" with children and young people as they struggle to remain chaste, and they must "lead a vigorous Christian life," including regular prayer, frequent reception of the sacraments of penance and Communion, and a strong devotion to Mary, "the model of purity." He also warned that the only way to avoid AIDS and other social diseases "is to follow God's plan and abstain from unlawful sex." "If we neglect the proper upbringing and education of our children in all aspects of life, including sexuality, then the Lord Jesus, who loves children so much, will hold us strictly responsible and will punish us," he said.
A pledge renewed "In a society fast losing sight of the sacredness of human life, we, his people, must pledge ourselves anew to protect, defend and reverence life at every stage, from the unborn child in the womb to the frail and helpless elderly." - 'Metuchen, NJ Bishop Edward T. Hughes
Symptomatic "It is apparent that (teenage)
pregnancy itself is merely symptomatic of much deeper personal problems and! or family dist~ess. Demanding solutions must be sought to resolve the underlying problems." - Boston Archdiocesan Task Force Report
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
Euthanasia: the handwriting on the wall By Thomas J. Marzen, JD General Counsel, National-. Legal Center for Medically Dependent & Disabled On February 6. 1987, Hector Rodas died of malnutrition and dehydration in a Colorado rehabilitation center. An illegal immigrant from Guatemala, Rodas was paralyzed from the neck down as the result ofa drug-induced stroke. He decided he no longer wished to live and requested removal of the plastic tube through which he received food and fluids. Rodas took the matter to court and prevailed. He died 15 days later. The manner in which Mr. Rodas died is no longer unusual. Indeed, the courts have almost uniformly held that "artificial feeding" may be withheld or withdrawn. like respirators or chemotherapy. But what occured while Mr. Rodas was dying from his self-imposed fast is especially noteworthy. His lawyers, affiliated with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), again approached the court and requested that Rodas "be provided with a medication or medicinal agent that would cause his death, so that he would not be required to suffer a withdrawal of treatment including nutrition and hydration which would result in a prolonged and painful death." When Mr. Rodas told a reporter he did not really want a lethal drug overdose, an embarrassed ACLU dropped the suit.
The second Rodas suit represents the first formal attempt to legitimize death by direct lethal intervention-active euthanasia. It will not be the last. Acceptance of lethal injections and overdoses is the goal of the Hemlock Society, which openly advocates voluntary"aid in dying" for the terminally ill. In 1986, the Society formed a new political action group, Americans against Human Suffering, to press for enactment of a 1988 California ballot initiative to legalize assisted suicide in that state. The Hemlock Society is encouraged by opinion polls showing a 20 percent increase in acceptance of active euthanasia over the past 20 years. The spreading practice of with-
holding food and fluids from nonterminal patients is leading many to conclude that it would be more "humane" simply to provide a lethal injection. If the intent is to ensure death, they argue, then plainly a lethal injection is less expensive, less painful, less emotionally taxing, and arguably more compassionate than starvation and dehydration. Catholics should be especially sensitive to this issue. To feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty are, after all, among the literal directives to those who follow Christ. The Second Vatican Council urged individuals and governments to heed the saying of the church Fathers: "Feed the man dying of hunger, because if you
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Whitmer photo
L路 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1987 TIME: 2 p.m. (registration begins at 1:30 p.m.) PLACE: The State House, Beacon Street, Boston ROUTE: A 5 kilometer walk starting and ending.at the State House CAR POOLING AVAILABLE
Benefiting the Following Coalition Members Below ITS TIME TO HELP!
_ _ _
I AM UNABLE TO ATTEND THE "RESPECT LIFE" COALITION WALK, BUT I WISH TO DESIGNATE SUPPORT FOR THE ORGANIZATION INDICATED BELOW. PLEASE CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE. Birthright of Massachusetts Catholic League Charismatic Healing Ministry - Fr, McDonough Concerned Women For America Democrats For life Doctors For life Feminists For life Knights of Columbus lifeline Action Committee of New Bedford
Catholics face this problem guided by a sophisticated moral tradition on euthanasia and the duty to preserve life. Traditionally one is permitted but not obliged to use "extraordinary" or "disproportionate" means-those which can effectively' preserve life without involving too grave a burden. and the church absolutely rejects euthanasia, defined as "an action or an omission 'which of itself or by intention causes death, in order that all suffering may in this way be eliminated" (Declaration on Euthanasia, 1980). The NCCB Committee for ProLife Activities has warned against "negative judgments about the 'quality of life' of unconscious or otherwise disabled patients" which "have led some in our society to propose withholding nourishment precisely in order to end these patients' lives." Euthanasia is first and foremost about the denial of the mystery of death. It is about avoidance of the experience of death's progressive conquest of physical life until, finally, death crowds out all else and one stands alone before it. Euthanasia makes an "if you can't beat 'em join 'em pact with death: Come quickly, so that I need not live too long with your reality. Christians too can be swallowed up in such attitudes, often colored by a religious romanticism that smacks of Manichaeism-an early Christian heresy which held that the soul, which sprang from the Kingdom of Light, seeks properly to escape from the body, which sprang from the Kingdpm of Darkness. This view regards the "good" soul to be "imprisoned" within a body corrupted by age or disease; death "releases" the soul so it might flutter off into the divine sunset like a bird released from its cage. In this way one risks distorting the doctrine of redemption into a rationale for foreshortening human life. The cost of caring for those who are dying or diabled is an often denied, but obviously important factor in decisions affecting con-
tinued life-a consideration that will be more and more important as our population ages and the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome epidemic proceeds unabated. Perhaps the most important factor in advancing the cause ofeuthanasia, however, is pervasive disbelief in any meaning for life that is not immediat~ly productive or "rich" an,d a related disbelief in the value of pain or suffering. While Christians should not pursue suffering as an end in itself, they have always believed that the mystery of the Cross imparts to all suffering a potential for serving a redemptive purpose. But suffering, unless it is perceived as a prerequisite to some worldly gratification, is unintelligible to many Americans today. Suffering is perceived as an evil worse than death, which at least may promise oblivion. So it is deemed imperative to relieve suffering, even if this means eliminating the sufferer. These factors contribute to pUDlie attitudes that drive us toward widespread euthanasia with increasing velocity. Each must be confronted for what it is and countered with arguments, alternative attitudes and supportive social policies. History Lesson The present public climate resembles closely the climate on a?ortion in the mid-1960s. Then, "respectable" advocates of abortion reform suggested "moderate" liberalization of abortion statutes in the interests of public health and population control. Radical abortion activists, who regarded abortion as an autonomous absolute right, simultaneously brought court cases, argued for complete repeal of abortion laws, provided counseling and referral services, and even flaunted the law openly by performing abortions. Sweden and England were offered as models for American emulation. Professional societies were co-opted; "hard case" abortion stories were grist for the media mill and for public debate. Today, "moderate" right-to-die organizations, such as the Society for the Right -to Die, eschew (for t~e present) advocating lethal injecContinued from Page II
Respect Life programs
have not fed him you have killed him" (Gaudium et spes, no. 69). Such obligations do not disappear, but their application can become more difficult, when we enter the realm of medical practice.
Massachusetts Citizens For life Morality in Media Nurses For life Por Cristo Pregnancy Help Project Rachel . St. Coletta's of Massachusetts WEBA (Women Exploited by Abortion) PLAN (Pro life Action Network)
Continued from Page One torney and organizer of a coalition of black ministers opposed to school-based sex clinics, and Lorijo Nerad, national director of Women Exploited by Abortion. Workshops will consider postab.,ortion syndrome, use of media, high school sex clinics and crisis pregnancy centers among other topics. Some 35 pro-life groups, including diocesan representatives, will participate in a five-kilometer Respect Life Walk sponsored by Massachusetts Citizens for Life. It will begin at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 25, in front of the Boston State House. Expected to be the greatest show of support for the pro-lif~ cause yet seen in the state, the walk aims to promote unity among partici-
pating groups and increase public awareness of the strength, diversity and positive approach of pro-lifers. Nellie Gray, president and founder of the annual national March for Life in Washington, D.C., will be among leaders of the Boston walk. Also among participants will be many students, vying to see which school can bring most marchers to the event. Marching groups will include members of Birthright, charismatic prayer groups, Knights of Columbus, New Bedford Lifeline Action Committee, Morality in Media, National Organization of Episcopalians for Life, Lutherans for Life, Nurses for Life, Doctors for Life and Por Cristo Local carpool information: 6364903.
These RESPECT LIFE Ministries Serve The People of God By Enhancing The Dignity And Quality of Their Lives.
] ADOPTION IS 'a positive and successful way to meet the needs of children, birth parents and adoptive families. (Whitmer photo)
M orality requires a consistent commitment to the good of human life in oneself and others
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â&#x20AC;˘ revIew
WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Conference of Catholic i Bishops has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Abortion Rights Mobilization case, in which the bishops' conference faces stiff fines for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Unless the high court steps in, the case could lead to "harassment" of religious organizations "by politically motivated opponents," according to a brief filed with the Supreme Court by the NCCB and U.S. Catholic Confe'rence, The brief was released by the NCCB Sept. 23. "It is our sincere hope that the court will grant the petition, hear the case and give the conferences the justice they have been denied throughout the course of this litigation," said Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, NCCB-USCC general secretary, in a statement. As part of a court case to force the Internal Revenue Service to revoke the Catholic Church's tax exemption, Abortion Rights Mobilization has tried to subpoena. NCCB-USCC records. AU. S. district court in 1986 levied $1 OO,OOO-a-day fines against the NCCB-USCC for failing to , comply with the subpoenas. A federal appeals court affirmed the district court ruling. Payment of the penalties has been postponed pending further legal action. Abortion Rights Mobilization has alleged that church pro-life activities violate U.S. tax code re-. strictions on political activity by . tax-exempt groups. According to the NCCB-USCC, the constitutional question raised by the case is "\Vorthy of review not only because the decision (by
SCIENTIFIC advances have increased knowledge of human life and the responsibility to safeguard it from beginning to end. (Whitmer photo) lower courts) is wrong but also fendants, the targets ofthe lawsuit because it creates an opening for are the religious organizations," the disruption of the orderly ad- and that Abortion Rights Mobiliministration of the tax laws and zation's legal demand "has to date the harassment of religious and . been directed almost exclusively at other exempt organizations by USCC-NCCB." politically motivated opponents The request for review also conusing the process of the federal tended that the appeals court had courts." reached the contradictory and im"lfleft unreviewed, the decisions proper conclusion "that USCC... not only will permit this case NCCB had an 'insufficient interto go forward challenging the tax est' in challenging subpoenas distatus of the entities comprising rected to attacking their tax-exempt the Catholic Church, but also will status - a subject about which no encourage other discontented op- one else could' possibly have a ponents of religious or other tax- greater interest." exempt organizations to press their If the lower' court opinion "is policy positions through lawsuits allowed to stand, it will condemn challenging the 1RS' administra- subpoenaed witnesses who are the tion of the tax code," the brief targets of lawsuits to watch from argued. the sidelines without ever having The case involves not only the the opportunity to challenge the NCCB-USCC but "more than constitutionality of the subpoenas," 28,000 separate Catholic organi- the brief said. zations" covere~ under a :group The brief also raised questions tax-exemption ruling granted of lower court jurisdiction in cases through the bishops' conference, brought by groups with apparently the brief stated. dubious legal standing to sue. It noted that "althougli the fedAbortion Rights Mobilization eral officials are the named de- initiated the case in October 1980.
Hearing With Christ"
Barbara A. Gauthier, R.N.
p'resident Rev. Edmund J. ,Fitzgerald
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
Attorney says moral theologians key in decisions on terminally ill NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic moral theologians are playing a key role in development of a consensus in secular courts on treatment of patients who are hopelessly ill, said an attorney who has argued the Quinlan and other precedent-setting cases. Paul W. Armstrong of Bridgewater, N.J., told a seminar for administrators of Catholic hospitals Sept. 23 that he approach~d his work as a Catholic. He also noted that the families of Karen Ann Quinlan and several others involved in court tests were Catholic and that he relied heavily on the testimony of Catholic ethicists. In 1976 the family of Miss Quinlan, who lasped into a coma the previous year, won a historic New Jersey Supreme Court battle to have "extraordinary means" of lifesupport disconnected. Against most medical predictions she continued to live for 10 more years and died June II, 1985. Armstrong, in an interview, also said that to clear up some confusion about the church's position on treatment, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops should make a "definitive pastoral statement" covering questions posed by contemporary technology "from the nursery to the nursing home." The seminar Sept. 20-25 was one of two held each year at Vincentian-run St. John's University, Queens, N.Y., with co-sponsorship by the Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens.
Participants included about 50 lay, religious and clergy adminis-. trators from 21 sta,tes and from Canada and Australia. In remarks to administrators and in the interview, Armstrong said court decisions were establishing a general consensus that patients, families and health care workers could make private decisions about withdrawing artificial support systems when there is no hope of recovery. With the right to private decisions now upheld, Armstrong said, institutions may now be sued if they refuse to agree unless they can show a "deeply rooted" religious policy forbidding acquiescence and have made that clear to patients or surrogates in advance. Armstrong, a graduate of the Marianist University of Dayton and the University of Notre Dame Law School, said that in court cases he had enlisted as witnesses such moral theologians as Jesuit Father John Paris of Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass.; Jesuit Father Richard A. McCormick of the University of Notre Dame; and Dominican Father Kevin O'Rourke of St. Louis University Medical Center. Secular courts in a pluralistic society have relied heavily on the theologians, Armstrong said, because of the "intellectual strength" of the Catholic tradition in this area and the lack of any "richer body of teachings" elsewhere. Armstrong said all courts deciding cases thus far had affirmed the
right to withdraw artificial support. He said the U.S. Supreme Court had not yet decided a case of this type, but indicated its approval of the emerging consensus last summer when it refused to accept for review a case involving Nancy Ellen Jobes, 32, whose husband was allowed by the New Jersey Supreme Court and federal courts to withdraw her life-sustaining feeding tube.
Mrs. Jobes, who died Aug. 7, went into a coma in 1980 during surgery to remove her dead fetus after a car accident. A disputed point in such cases is whether food and water, normally considered "ordinary" means of care, remain ordinary when a patient is unable to swallow and must be fed by tubes. Traditional Catholic teaching holds that "ordinary" care must always be provided, but that "extraordinary" means are not required to prolong life. The New Jersey bishops filed a
friend-of-the-court brief opposing the family's right to withdraw the nasogastric tube in such a case because the starvation that would result would be "as unnatural as denying one the air needed to breathe." The bishops, speaking as the New Jersey Catholic Conference, maintained that food and water should always be provided to a patient and that the Jobes case dealt with an individual's fundamental right to life and the "corresponding duty of society to protect that right."
To study care for poor
Whitmer photo
TO LIVE or die?
ST. LOUIS (NC) - The CathoThe pope said health-care prolic Health Association has named viders must extend their compas12 health care leaders to a new sion to include health care for the committee to study federallegisla- poor and for AIDS victims. He tive efforts for equal access to also said they must continue to medical care for the poor and uphold church prohibitions against needy. abortion, euthanasia and other bioFormation ofthe committee was ethical assaults on the dignity of announced Sept. 25 by the associ- human life. ation from its headquarters in St. The pope also cited a recent Louis. report prepared by the associaThe Catholic Health Association is the service organization of tion, called "No Room in the Marthe nation's Catholic-sponsored ketplace," about the poor and medhealth care facilities and 61 health ical care. It recommended a number of legislative proposals that could care systems. The association said formation improve access to health care for of the committee was a follow-up the nation's more than 34 million to the meeting it had with Pope uninsured people. The new committee is to meet John Paul II during the pope's Sept. 14 stop in Phoenix, Ariz. regularly to draw up recommenThe poor's right to equal care was dations for advocacy and to help a theme of his address to 2,200 stimulate, at a grass-roots level, Catholic health-eare leaders at the legislative objectives ofthe organization. meeting.
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan, Director Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino, Assoc. Director
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By Father Jim Farmer Member of Maryland Bar Association, chairman of Baltimore archdiocesan pro-life committee Thomas Jefferson once said: "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate goal of good government." There have been two notable examples in our country's history when we as a society have abandoned the wisdom contained within Mr. Jefferson's statement. The first was slavery and the second is abortion. The question of abortion is the most divisive issue in our country since slavery. Slavery divided the country into North versus South. Abortion has divided the country along moral and philosophical lines. The two issues are amazingly parallel in their legal development and in their moral turpitude. In each case the Supreme Court decided to legalize a horrendous practice. Pro-abortionists frequently allege that because abortion is legal, the debate over abortion is a moot point. A review of the history of the middle of the 19th century reveals the weakness of their argument. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 created a divided country by allowing slavery in half of the country and prohibiting it in the other half. This situation existed until 1857, when the infamous Dred Scott case was decided. In Dred Scott, the Supreme Court declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional and void. It
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THERE ARE more than a million teenage pregnancies in the U.S. each year, with over 400,000 ending in abortion. (Whitmer photo) further held that the Declaration of Independence does not include slaves as part of the people, and that the rights and privileges conferred by the Constitution upon citizens do not apply to the Negro race. Seven of the Justices voted for slavery, and two Justices dissented. The Dred Scott decision did not end the slavery debate. Although the Supreme Court legalized slavery, nothing could ever make it moral. We can only wonder how the majority of the Justices could arrive at such a terrible decision. Rather than deciding the issue finally, the Dred Scott case served to further exacerbate an already explosive situation. Three years later, in 1861, the Civil War began. The Dred Scott case paved the way for the Ciyil War in which a half million Americans lost their lives. Slavery had been legalized, but it was not accepted. .. In 1868, th~ Fourteenth Amend-' ment ended for all time the slavery question. The Fourteenth Amendment states: "no state shall abridge the privileges· or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person oflife, liberty or property, without due' process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law." In 1973, 116yearsafterthe Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court held that the unborn are not included within the definition of "person" as used in the Fourteenth , Amendment, and that the right to privacy encompasses a woman's decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. Seven of the Justices voted for abortion, and two Justices dissented. We can only wonder how seven men who were ostensibly legal scholars could arrive at such a bizarre decision. Strangely enough, nowhere in the Constitution of the United States does the word privacy exist. The court bases the decision on the issue of privacy. In effect, what the Supreme Court did was to establish abortion on demand. The Supreme Court has turned its head away from scientific evidence and away from common sense. If a human father and a
human mother conceive an offspring, the offspring must, by necessity, be human. It cannot be a fish, a coconut, or a tree'. But the majority of the members of the Court insist that this child is not a person. A course in biology should be a prerequisite before one is appointed to the Court. More than 20 million children have been aborted in the United States since 1973. At the present time, we are aborting 4000 children a day. One and a half million children each year are aborted in our country. One third of all the children conceived in our country are aborted. These are strange statistics for a country that guarantees equal protection under the law for all persons. Unfortunately, because of the Supreme Court's decision, abor. tion is legal. But as in slavery, it is not moral, and it never will be. The ,Dred Scott case did not end the uproar over slavery; 'neither will •Roe v. Wade end the uproar over abortion. The Supreme Court committed the same mistake in each case. They allowed false persuasions to abrogate the fundamental rights of entire classe.s of people. In the Dred Scott case: the Court allowed the interests of slave owners to dominate black people. In Roe v. Wade, the Court allowed the interests of abortionists to dominate pre-born people. The Dred Scott case allowed black people to be viewed as property and to be condemned to slavery. Roe v. Wade allowed pre-born people to be viewed as non-persons and to be condemned to death. The Court has made even a more serious mistake in these cases. It has failed to see that each human being is made in the image and likeness of Almighty God. This includes black people and white people. It includes preborn people and those already born. It includes all people. The words in the Book of Deuteronomy seem most appropriate: "I set before you life and death, a. blessing and a curse, choose life!" - Reprinted by permission from the Newsletter of the National Committee for a Human Life .Amendment
Euthanasia Continued from Page Six dom and overdOfles; itlstead they work to erode the inhibitioD.t that prevent society frOID Withholdins treatment ud care. But tbis grad· ualism will almost inevitably subsume and profit frtlM the radical· ism of orpnizations such as the Hemlock Socit)'. "Freedom of choice" in dying .iIl be the watchword. (But ulti· mately this freedom will Dot be denied those Who can't exercise it bccaUJC of age Of incapacity, any . more than abortion may now be dellied minors or incompetents.) - The Netherlands, where euthana· .i-. reform and 8,000 lethal iniections'a year (Which would be proportionatelyabout 130,000 in the Uni~ Statcs) arc taking place, is offered as the enlishtened and hu· mane modeJ for Ameritan pl'1letice. "Ilard cases" will continue to be trotted out. Just as botched abor· tions Were used tojustify lepJizins abortion, messy suicides and mercy killinp will provide a "back alley suicide! mercy killing" argument tbatul'JCS Ieplization ofphyricianaasisted aid in dying. Court cases proliferate, edging always closer to recognition of a perllon's "right of pri'l'acy- to secure active means to end life. Without the constant and determined relJiiStance of thOle who rew ,pect life, and who recogniu the seed ofdiscrimination against older peoplcand people wilt! di:uabilities at the heart of the modern trend toward cuthanasia, it will'be com~ mon practice in the United States by the beginning ofthe second mil· iennium after the birth of Christ. Clear and determined thinkins graced by compassion, but untar· nished by tbe sentimentality and denial that ao characterize pllblil; discour~e on "death with dignity" and the "right to die," is sorely needed. Reprkated by permhsion from !be 19" Re8ped Ufe Prop..
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service••v.I••bl. 10 h••rlng .nd hurlng ImpellWd, or anyone with • disability benefhlng from sign communication.
Diocesan Apostolate For Persons With Disabilities 243 Forest Street FaJIRiver, MA lO2721 Tel. 679·8373 (Voice or TTY) REV. JOSEPH VIVEIROS Diocesan Dlredor
NC ....... o
Pro-life police officer backed by Mother Teresa TORONTO(NC)-AToronIO police officer lacina dilCiplinary
action for refusing to guard an iIIc,alabortion clinic fram pro-life picketers has Mother Teresa of Calcutta on his side. Constable David Packer, 35, a IO-year veteran of the MetTOpoli·
tan Toronto police force, received
a letter of support in early SepIcmberrrom the renowned nUD.1t
described Packer as a hero for defending unborn childaD. The officer hQ,3 been l;harged with failing to obey a direct order and faccs"possibk firin" demolioR and reprimand if found guilty
by a police tribunal. His hearing has been adjourned until Nov. 19. Addressed to 'Packer and "'to whom it may concern," the fivepale handwritten letter referred to an incident two years agCl in which
the officer risked his life to save a 3-month·old child from a burning building. Packer ~ei\'ed a pollee decoration for his action. "J find it difficult to understand the lusic by wbich you would pUJr ish l man who is obviously h~ro.i.c in trying to save life," Motner Ten:,q wrote. '·Why was he a hero two 'yean ago, yet today he must be punished?"
Motbn Teresa, a Nobel Pea« Prize: winner a.d founder of the Missionaries of Charity, called on the ,overnmen! Rot to "destroy the best "nliments of nobility in your beautiful people by allowina heroes like David Packer to suffer' for hi, courasc toward the weakest of humankind. the unborn child - a gift of God." 10 April. Packer told his superiors that because of his views on abortion, he could oot auard an abortion clinic illegaDy operated by D. Henry Morgentaler, who has campaigned for expandi,ng abortion rigbta_ Toronto poliee maintain a 24-hour guard at the clinic to ptevent skirmishes between clime staff and pro-life pickets. Packer said that because abortion is".pinst Goo's higher order," he could not in good conscience take guard duty. The officer Wa& brought up as an Anglican but is takin, instruction to become It Catholic. AUhou,h Morgentaler's clime is ilIeaal, the Ontario attorney general refused to close it until the Canadian Supreme Court rules on the Ontario provincial jovern. ment's appeal of the doctOf'S mOlt recent acquittal on abortion~relatcd cbarses·
The church and its members, as part of society, must become involved in efforts to build a human society which respects the
dignity and promotes the welfare of all.
He came that we
might have LIFE and have it more abundantly
Diocesan Office
Family Ministry
Rev. Ronald A. Tosti Director
NORTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 TEL. 993-9935
±'ni 'Y. ;\:', ,', ,
Catholics should take stand on pro-life issues
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Fri.,.Oct. 2, 1987
MESA. Ariz. (NC) - It is the responsibility of all Catholics to ask. themselvel where they stand on pro-life issues each time tJiey vote. select a physician or seek the services ofa lawyer, cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York told diocesan prO-life directors at their recent national meeting. "We must ask ourselves, 'Where am rr, and we must ask where_ other Catholics are too," he said. "The issue is the sacredness of human life, so we should be comfortable asking about it, even of our priests." The cardinal's speech was the keynote addlns for the annual meeting of about 100 pro-life directors in Mesa. '" speak to you very bluntly about what I consider some of the failures within the church; some of those areas we must address much more meticulously, more couraseously," Cardinal O'Connor said. . Calling abortion and euthanasia symptoms of....he slippery slope" of life-and-death issues, the cardinal said pne blunt, unr>leasant reality to be faced is that too many Catholies don't care. Then: are some, he said, 路who hold the whole pro-life movement in contempt. "We talk so often about the courts, the press and politicians," he-said, "yet within our own ranks there are those who think the whole pro-life movement is filled with crazies. and they don't warit to be identified with it." The cardinal criticized those who put feminism first, saying. "There are those who advocate for the so--
called right to privacy, the right of a woman to her own body, as though feminism has transcended everyttting else; that the justiflltble approach to the liberation of, women is the only value, the only virtue." Within the church, the cardinal said, Catholics must ask religious educators and, administrators if pro-life teachins occurs in the classroom. "When you have pleaded for time in the curriculum orthe classroom, sometimes I think the slowwitted snail, the diaphra8ll1ed ed and the Hack:ensack: whale can set more ofa hearing than the unborn baby." The issue of capital punishment is on a different level from those of abortion-and cutbanasia, nie cardinal said. Capital punishment is "of a different kind and different quality, philosophicaJlyspeaking." "One at least can have the consolation that the individual has presumably had a fair trial and has been found guilty ofa major crime," he said. "Unborn babies have DeYer been convicted of major crimes."
One and the same "Pitting women against their own offspring is nol only morally offensive, it is psychologically a~d politically destructive. Women wdl never climb to equality and social empowerment over mounds ofdead fetuses, DOW in the millions.... Despite temporary conflicts of interest, feminine and fetal liberation are ultimately one and the same cause. - Sidney callahan
Moral principles Moral principles with regard to the terminally ill were the subject of a 1984 document issued by the NCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities: "Guidelines for Legislation on Life-Sustaining Treatment." Relevent excerpts follow: Our Judeo-Christian heritage celebrates life as the gift of a loving God, and respects the life of each human being because each is made in the image and likeness of God. As Christians, we also celebrate' the fact that we are redeemed by Christ and called to share eternal life with him. From these roots the Roman Catholic tradition has developed a distinctive approach to fostering and sustaining human life. Our tradition not only condemns direct attacks on innocent life, but also promotes a general view of life as a sacred trust over which we can claim stewardship but not absolute dominion. As conscientious stewards, we see a duty to preserve life while recognizing certain limits to that duty, as was reiterated in the Vatican "Declaration on Euthanasia." This md other documents have set forth :he following moral principles defin.ng a "stewardship of life" ethic. I. The Second Vatican Council :ondemned crimes against life, in:Iuding euthanasia or willful sui:ide. "Grounded as it is in respect for the dignity and fundamental rights of the human person, this leaching cannot be rejected on grounds of political pluralism or religious freedom. 2. As human life is the basis and necessary condition for all other human goods, it has a special value and significance; both murder and suicide are violations of human life. 3. "Euthanasia" is "an action or an omission which of itself or by intention causes death, in order that all suffering may in this way be eliminated" (Declaration on Euthanasia").1t is an attack on human life which no one has a right to make or request. Although individual guilt may be reduced or absent because of suffering or emotional factors which cloud the conscience, this does not change the objective wrong ofthe act. It should also be recognized that an apparent plea for death may really be a plea for help and love. 4. Suffering is a fact of human life and has special significance for the Christian as an opportunity to share in Christ's redemptive suffering. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong in trying to relieve someone's suffering as long as this does not interfere with other moral and religious duties. For example, it is permissible in the case of terminal illness to use painkillers which carry the risk of shortening life, so long as the intent is to relieve pain effectively rather than to cause death. . 5. Everyone has the duty to care for his or her own health and to seek necessary medical care from others, but this does not mean that all possible remedies must be used in all circumstances. One is not obliged to use "extraordinary" means - that is, means which offer no reasonable hope of benefit or which imvolve excessive hardship. Although these principles have grown out of a specific religious tradition, they appeal to a common respect for the dignity of the human person rather than to any specific denominational stance. We offer them without hesitation to
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
the consideration of men and women of good will, and commend them to the attention of legislators and other policy-makers. We see them as especially appropriate to a society which, whatever its moral and political pluralism, was founded on the belief that all human beings are created equal as bearers of the inalienable right to life. Recommendations
Pastoral care of the sick IJrings His life
The committee made thefollowing recommendations concerning legislation on life-sustaining treatment. • Presuppose the fundamental right to life of every human being, including the disabled, the elderly and the terminally ill. In general, phrases which seem to romanticize death, such as 'right to die' or 'death with dignity,' should be avoided. • Recognize that the right to refuse medical care is not an independent right, but is a corollary to the patient's right and moral responsibility to request reasonable treatment.
to hospitalized patients. nursing home residents and parish home hound .. , THROUGH HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS AND PARISH PASTORAL CARE
Serving Catholic patients in the following area hospitals.
"Sometimes the sick are not considered as persons, and their care can become a 'job'. . . . You are called to 'humanize' sickness; to treat the sick as a creature of God, as a Brother/ Sister in Christ. It is without doubt a difficult and demanding mission. "
• Place the patient's right to determine medical care within the context of other factors which limit the exercise of that right e.g., the state's interest in protecting innocent third parties, preventing homicide and suicide, and maintaining good ethical standards in the health-care profession. Policy statements which define the right to refuse treatment in terms of the patient's constitutional rights (e.g., a "right of privacy") tend to inhibit the careful balancing of all the interests that should be considered in such cases.
Pope John Paul II - ~ddress to the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God
Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care to the Sick Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, Diocesan Director
Christ Is Calling You
• Avoid granting unlimited power to a document (living will) or proxy decision-maker to make health-care decisions on a patient's behalf. The right to make such decisions on one's own behalf is itself not absolute and, in any event, cannot be fully exercised when a patient has had no opportunity to assess the burdens and' benefits of treatment in a s'pecific situation. Laws which allow a decision to be made on behalf of a mentally incompetent patient must include safeguards to ensure that the decision adequately represents the patient's wishes or best interests and is in accord with responsible medical practice. ' • Reaffirm public policies against homicide and assisted suicide. Medical-treatment legislation may clarify procedures for discontinuing treatment which only secures a precarious and burdensome prolongation of life for the terminally ill patient, but should not condone or authorize any deliberate act or omission designed to cause a patient's death. • Recognize the presumption that certain basic measures such as nursing care, hydration, nourishment and the like must be maintained out of respect for the human dignity of every patient. • Protect the interests of innocent parties who are not competent to make treatment decisions on their own behalf. Life-sustaining treatment should not be discriminatorily withheld or withdrawn from mentally incompetent or retarded patients. • Provide that life-sustaining treatment should not be withdrawn from a pregnant woman· if continued treatment may benefit her unborn child'.
P.O. Box C328, Westport, MA 02790
, ....~, ';
The Dominican Sisters ofHawthorne We have been called to love God above all else through a life ofprayer and work-caring for incurable cancer patients. Write or phone Sister Anne Marie, Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, New York 10532. (914) 769-4794 Please send me more information about your Order.
ANCH - 10-2
You Can Make a Difference Become Involved in Respect Life Activites. Since 1972 the Respect Life Program has focused on the breakdown of moral, social and civil structures supporting human life in America. Today we struggle to make people understand that abortion is a heinous crime which our nation cannot long tolerate. At the same time, a major effort must be launched to quell the rush toward euthanasia, now gathering momentum in the United States.
PRO-LIFE APOSTOLATE Rev. Thoma's L. Rita Diocesan Di rector 385 Central Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771
binding norms" regarding the family as well as "fundamental postulates and principles for legislation to be implemented and for the development of family policy." The Charter provides a distinctive standard for assessing our nation's commitment to strong families - a standard which is recognizably Catholic, but is ba'sed on the dignity of the human person and directed to all people of good will. It knows no partisan boundaries or limitations. This comprehensiveness compares well with analyses of family 'policy pursued by adherents ofthe two major political factions in the United States. Americans, whether liberal or conservative, agree that the family is important, that it deserves government support and protection, and that there is a place for something called "family policy." But the political Right is often thought to focus only on issues involving sexual ethics family planning, pornography, etc. The political Left is often seen as preoccupied with the morality of economic problems - e.g., job benefits, social spending for the poor.
iJ~:;\, FAMILY POLICY: The U.S. is the only developed nation in the world that does not guarantee the jobs of new parents and other workers who must take a leave of absence. (Whitmer photo)
u.s. family policy By Richard Doerflinger
In 1980, the World Synod of Bishops focused on the role of the Christian family in today's world. On October 22, 1983, in response
to a request by the Synod, the Holy See issued a Charter on the Rights ofthe Familv. As stated in its Introduction, ,the Charter is addressed "principally to governments," providing "juridically
Even in the secular political sphere, these stereotypes are often misleading. For example, one interesting phenomenon in contemporary liberalism is a growing feminist concern about the exploitation of women by pornography and some reproductive technologies. Conversely some of the most conservative members of Congress have co-sponsored new Infant Mortality Reduction Amendments to improve Medicaid's ability to ensure life-affirming services for lowincome pregnant women and their children. In the church's view, how-
Respect The Sanctity of Life!
Diocese of Fall River -
ever, such partisan divisions are particularly misleading and arbitrary. In the reaims of both sexuality and economics, "private" transactions can have corrosive effects on the stability of the family and hence on society as a whole. Materialism and selfish individualism are threats to the family in both spheres; and in both spheres government policy necessarily plays a significant role in helping or hurting families. How do we measure up, then, if judged by the twelve Articles of the Charter on the Rights of the Family? How consistent with these Articles are current government policies, and what are we, the church in the United States, doing to improve matters? Without pretending to treat every theme in the Charter, one can see each of its Articles as relevant to current debates on family policy. Article I Article I of the Charter states: "The institutional value of marriage should be upheld by the public authorities; the situation of non-married couples must not be placed on the same level as marriage duly contracted." This principle is decidedly unpopular with many Americans, who see special recognition of marriage as an unwarranted interference' with individual liberty. The principle has also been under attack in American law, most notably by the U.S. Supreme Court. A key factor in this legal trend was the Court's formulation of an individual "right of privacy" embracing matters of reproductive
Fri., Oct. 2, 198717
freedom. In 1965, the special privacy of married couples was invoked to invalidate a state law prohibiting the use of contraceptives. Enforcement of such a law, it was said, would require invading "the sacred precincts of the marital bedroom." But by 1972 the Court had turned this concept upside down to affirm "the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwauanted governmental intrusion" in begetting and bearing children. This case was later used as a precedent for finding a constitutional right to abortion for the married and unmarried, adult and dependent minor. In other contexts as well, Americans tend to chafe at a'ny recognition of the special role for monogamous marriage in society. Yet the breakdown of family life, and the corresponding rise of singleparent households, is commonly seen as one of the most socially devastating consequences of poverty in many urban areas. And the tragedy of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases has given Americans a reason to appreciate monogamy on public health grounds alone. Article 2 ln'Article 2, the Vatican Charter defends each persons's right to choose a spouse and affirms a "natural complementarity" between man and woman, who "enjoy the same dignity and equal rights" within marriage. Here the Charter touches on a central issue in American feminism - the tension between equality of rights and comTurn to page 19
Respect for Life is the essence of
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U.8. family policy Continued from page 17 plementarity of roles. While these principles are not contradictory, they have often been at war in the political realm. This was clear in January, when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a California law requiring employers to provide maternity leave for female employees. The employer claimed the law conflicted with a federal law requiring that pregnancy benefits be given the same status as other health benefits. Ironically the employer was joined in this claim by the National Organization for Women, which feared "special" benefits for women could become a pretext for hiring and promoting fewer females. The Supreme Court held that the federallaw in question had set only "a floor beneath which pregnancy disability benefits may not drop, not a ceiling above which they may not rise." The Court added that liberal leave benefits for pregnancy and maternity simply helped married women to enjoy the same right that married men have always had - the right to work and have a family. Thus, one must sometimes attend to the different and complementary needs of men and women in order truly to protect equality. On similar grounds American courts have upheld the constitutionality oflaws against statutory rape. The courts have observed that because only girls can become pregnant they pay the more severe costs of premarital sexual activity; so laws protecting young girls from the sexual attentions of adults are not based on invidious sex discrimination. In the 1960s and 70s American feminism often advanced a radical individualism that sought equality for women by ensuring the same freedom from certain responsibilities as men seemed to enjoy. High on the priority list was freedom from unwanted pregnancy, requiring an unlimited right to abortion. Marriage itself could be seen as a simple contract for personal fulfillment, regulated by premarital agreements and terminated as necessary by "no-fault" divorce. A growing number of American feminists now see this model as simplistic and counter-productive. In A Lesser Life: The Myth of Womens Liberation in America, Sylvia Ann Hewlett documents the ways in which the individualist model has undermined women's interests by contributing to the erosion of families. She notes that easy divorce, perhaps a boon for some irresponsible men, is often a social and economic tragedy for women, whose average income drops by 70 percent. Some states are now seeking to mitigate this tragedy by revising marital property law to improve protection for children, for parents who have custody, and for older women who have devoted themselves to their families in lieu of developing marketable job skills. By turning pregnancy and childbearing into a woman's "private choice," society has given men an excuse for not supporting the day care, maternity benefits and other policies many women need if they are to have fair access to career opportunities. Hopefully, the excesses of the 60s and 70s in this regard will be replaced by a more communitarian vision of human equality - one which rejects both the old sexism and the newer mistakes of radical individualism.
Article 3 In Article 3 the Holy See recognizes a married couple's "inalienable right to found a family and to decide on the spacing of births and the number of children to be born" within the context of sound moral principles. Here the Vatican rejects coercive population programs like that of the People's Republic of China, where a "one-child-perfamily" quota has been enforced by the use of involuntary abortion and sterilization. Such policies have moved the United States Congress since 1985 to withhold funds from organizations that support or help manage coercive programs. As of this writing the debate over whether to retain this policy for Fiscal year 1988-89 is well under way. Also of concern to Congress this year are allegations that some administrators in the Agency for International Development have been urging developing nations to accept population assistance as a condition for receiving development funds. This practice, also condemned in the Vatican Charter, is specifically prohibited in the proposed Foreign Assistance reauthorization bill approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Domestically one would think that Americans' commitment to "freedom of choice" in reproductive matters would form a bulwark against any form of government coercion. Yet as late as 1971, many supporters of "zero population growth" in the United States were calling for harsh measures to prevent what they saw as sky-rocketing population growth. Some actually proposed "putting something in the water" to reduce Americans' fertility; others proposed economic penalties such as denial of a tax deduction for more than two children per family. These proposals were dropped when the U.S. population growth rate began falling to its present level, a level at which we are barely replacing ourselves. . Article 4 Article 4 of the Vatican Charter addresses a number of issues relating to the respect which human life deserves "from the moment of conception." Abortion, which is condemned as "a direct violation of the fundamental right of the human being," was declared a constitutional right by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973. Today many observers see an opportunity for a policy shift due to recent and potential changes in the court's membership. Congress remains stalemated on the fundamental issue of abortion, and federal debates have focused in recent years on funding policies which threaten to encourage acceptance of abortion as a civil right or as a family planning method. This section of the Charter also calls for "special protection and assistance" for children "both before and after birth," as well as for their mothers "during pregnancy and for a reasonable period of time after childbirth." In recent months the U.S. Catholic Conference, the Catholic Health Association and Catholic Charities USA acted on this mandate by opposing cuts in Medicaid funding, and by supporting the Medicaid Infant Mortality Amendments of 1987 to improve prenatal and pediatric care. The amendments would permit states to provide Medicaid coverage for pregnant women, infants and children in families with
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
incomes less than 185 percent of the official "poverty line," and would speed implementation of Infant Mortality amendments enacted in 1985 and 1986 which assist children aged 2 to 4 in families below the poverty line. In many states, dioceses and state Catholic conferl(nces are leading efforts to persuade governors and legislatures to adopt the new options for expanded prenatal and pediatric care. Government support of foster care and adoption programs, called for in Article 4, received a jolt in early 1987. The chief federal program encouraging teenagers with problem pregnancies to consider adoption was declared unconstitutional by a federal district court because it provided federal grants to religious organizations for sexuality and pregnancy counseling. At this writing it is impossible to tell whether the court will see the provision involving religious groups as separable, so that other provisions ofthe law can remain in effect. Also, the tax reform package enacted in 1986, in its zeal to eliminate路 most tax deductions, wiped out a federal tax deduction for expenses incurred in adopting children with special needs. Congress has proposed a grant program to replace the tax deduction, . but its implementation is behind schedule. Article 5 Article 5 recognizes parents' "original, primary and inalienable right" to educate their children. This includes the right to educate their children in moraland religious convictions, the right to choose schools that can assist in this task "without incurring unjust burdens," and the right to ensure that their children are "not compelled to . attend classes which are not in agreement with their own moral and religious convictions." In par-
ticular, parents have a right to supervise sex education directed at their children, and to demand that "the means of social communication" should "reinforce the fundamental values of the family." The issues mentioned here are among the most hotly debated in the fields of educational and social
policy. Certainly the virtual absence of education on religion and morality in the public schools has only intensified Catholic parents' distress at the unfair burdens they must endure to send their children to Catholic schools. Despite frequent White House assurances of Turn to page 22
American Red Cross IN YOUR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River
THIS SATURDAY IS THE FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary Practice the devotion of the five First Saturdays
.. of
This devotion was requested by Our Lady of Fatima on_.Ju1y 13, 1917, when she said: "God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. "I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If people listen to my requests, RussiQ will be converted and there will be peace." Then again, on December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia, one of the children of Fatima, and told her the following: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who on the first Saturday of five con路 secutive months, shall
1. Go to confession and receive Holy Communion, 2. Recite the Rosary,. 3. And keep me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary 4. With the intention of making reparation to me." To practice this devotion, you must fulfill the requests of Our Lady,. doing so in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Confession may be made during eight days before or after the Communion. .
(Courtesy of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Hedwig parish, New Bedford, Mass.)
we shirk our 'responsibility, there is no one to make it up for us, no one to contribute what we have to contribute.
ST. PIUS TENTH PARISH SOUTH YARMOUTH Rev. Msgr. Henry'T. Munroe, V.E. Pastor Rev. Edward J. Healy Parochial Vicar
Rev. Raymond H. Robillard Parochial vicar
CARE programs scheduled Father Robert A. Oliveira, director of continuing formation of cler-gy and laity for the Diocesan Department of Education, has announced the Fall 1987 schedule of Catholic Adult Religious Enrichment (CARE) programs. Each diocesan deanery will offer programs serving, in all, over 60 parishes. Program resource persons are Father Oliveira, Father Richard E. Degagne and Sisters Judith Brunell, OP, Joan Bellenoit, SSJ, and Eugenia Brady, CSJ. Attleboro Deanery Father Oliveira will be the resource person for "Called to Believe," an examination of basic Catholic beliefs. Meetings 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays, Oct. 14through Nov. 4, at SI. Mark's parish, Attleboro Falls. Also open to members of Holy Ghost, St. John the Evangelist, St. Joseph, St. Stephen, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Attleboro: St. Mary, Mansfield: Sacred Heart. St. Mary, No. Attleboro: St. Mary, Norton: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. St. Mary, Seekonk.
Anthony Padua, Our Lady of Fatima, St. Casimir. St. Joseph, St. Mary and St. Kilian parishes, New Bedford. 000
Sister Brunell will lead "Reading the Gospels as a 20th Century Christian" from 7 t09 p.m. Tuesdays. Oct. 13 through Nov. 3. at Holy Name parish center, New Bedford. Also open to members of Sacred Heart. St. Francis of Assisi, St. Hedwig and St. Lawrence parishes. New Bedford. Taunton "Called to Believe" with Father Oliveira meeting 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays, Nov. 2 through 23, Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton. Also open to members of Holy Family, Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Lourdes, Sacred Heart, SI. Anthony, St. Jacques, St. Joseph, SI. Mary, St. Paul's parishes, Taunton; St. Joseph, North Dighton: Immaculate Conception, North Easton; St. Ann, Ray.nham: Holy Cross, South Easton. Program registration forms are available at participating churches. During Advent, CAR E will offer a Marian theology program in Taunton and New Bedford locations as will as on Cape Cod and the Islands. Father Oliveir.a, Sister Brady and Sister Elaine Heffernan, RS M. will be resource persons.
Cape Cod "Called to Believe" with Father Oliveira will be offered 10 a.m. to noon and repeated 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 10 through Dec. I. at St. Anthony parish center. E. Falmouth. Also open to members of St. Margaret. Buzzards Bay; Christ the King. Cotuit/ Mashpee: S1. Patrick, Falmouth; S1. Elizabeth Seton, No. v A T1CAN CITY (NC) Falmouth; S1. John the Evangelist. Czechoslovakian Catholics have Pocasset; S1. Joseph, Wood Hole. published a 16-point "Charter for Fall River Believers" that calls on the counFather Oliveira will lead a protry's Communist government to gram on conscience formation from end religious discrimination, allow 7 to 9 p.m. Sundays. Oct. 4 through new churches and seminaries to be 25. at S1. Bernard parish. Assonet. built, and agree to the naming of Also open to members ofSt. John. bishops, Vatican Radio reported. Neumann parish. East Freetown. The document also demands the 000 right for Czechoslovakian CathoSister Bellenoit will lead a "Scriplics to form associations. On those ture Gift" program from 7 to 9 p.m. and other points, it challenges virtTuesdays. Oct. 13. 20 and 27 and ually every area of the governNov. 10, at SI. Elizabeth parish cenment's policy on religion, considter, Fall River. ered among the strictest in Eastern Also open to members of Blessed Europe. It calls on the world's Sacrament. Our Lady of Angels, Catholics to support the charter Our Lady of Health, St. Jean Bap- by pressuring Czechoslovakian tiste, S1. Patrick, S1. William's par- diplomats in their countries. ishes. Fall River.
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Believers' charter
"Ascending the Mountain of the Beatitudes with Matthew" will be presented by Sister Brady from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursdays Oct. IS through Nov. 5, at Holy Name School, Fall River. Also open to members of St. Mary's Cathedral, St. Joseph, St. Mathieu and St. Michael's parish, Fall River. New Bedford Father Degagne will lead a "Living the Sacraments" program from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays, Nov. 2 through 23, at St. Theresa parish center, New Bedford. Also open to members of St. Francis Xavier parish, Acushnet, and Immaculate Conception, St.
New program
NEW YORK (NC) - Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York has expanded his extensive involvement in interfaith relations by accepting chairmanship of a new program that will bring Moslem, Jewish and Christian health and social welfare professionals from the Middle East to study together in the United States. The Middle East Educational Fellowship Program will be based at Brandeis University, Waltham, which describes itself as "nonsectarian, Jewish-sponsored," and has what it says is the nation's largest Judaic studies program. As chairman of the program, Cardinal O'Connor will lead a $10 million enc.Jowment fund drive.
"Francis Song" tomorrow "Francis Song," a multimedia presentation on the life, death and -message of SI. Francis of Assisi, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at SI. Bernard's Church, 30 S. Main St., Assonet, by members of SI. Clare's Fraternity of Franciscan laity. All are welcome to attend. Fraternity members have performed "Francis Song" annually for the past five years at various
locations. It is an adaption of the traditional Franciscan "transitus" service which commemorates the last hours and death of St. Francis and is held on Oct. 3, the actual date of the' saint's passing. The modern version depicts the early life of the s<:.int and reflects his lasting infiuence within anC: without the church. The work of Louis Raposa !II. it includes secular and liturgic?1 music.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 2, 1987
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Continued from p'a~e 19 ' support for tui\ion tax cre4i~s, this proposal seems,a likely casualty of f~deral budget austerity for the foreseeable future. Insult was'added to injury in 1986 when the Supreme Court's Aguilar v. Felton ruling prohibited' conduct'ing federally funded re,medial education c1as~es in rel,igious schools. As, scho'ol boards hasten to find .makeshift 'sc;>lutions - e,g., locating classrooms in lJlo,bile homes -:-:- Congres's is considering a grant 'system fc;>r parents to restore some of thes'e essential programs witho~t ~unni~g afo.u'l of'the cc;>urt's inter,~ pretation ofthe First Amendment. " The situation with re~ard to sex education is more optimistic. Often parents with children in public schools have had to choose between no sex education at all, and a form of s~x education devoid of or even hQstile to sound morality. But due in part to the availability since 1981 offederal grants for curricula to promote sexual abstinence, several chastity-oriented programs have been adopted by public schools across the, country and have become popular with both students a~d parents. These programs generally are designed to keep parents closely informed of course content and to enlist them as pal'tners in the educational program.. The; gene.ral idea of having the Pllblic schools impart "values" to America's children is more popular than it has been in years, and enjoys the support of the U.S. Sei:retary.of Edu~~tioI). . But even as we may be moving towaFd a'more sane approach to sex education, our "mean~ ofsocial coilimunication" in!=reasinglyprojec~ aAistorte'd vision of s~x fro'":! whi.ch it is ,extremely difficult to shi~ld e'ye~ young childten~ The 'report recently:issued by the' At'torney General's Commission on Pornograp~y called' ,f~r . ~tricter epforcement of e~isting state and 'federallaws agains~ obscenity, ilOt~ ing that the Fi~s\ A~end.inent 40es ,not' prote~t ma~~rials ~h~t ar~,1egally ob'scene. It also' concluded that materia!s, falling short of. t~is ~egal 'staiitl'ard'maybeStbe discouraged l'Y the o'rganiz'ed protests of concerned citizens. While :net'work tel~vision's offerings are not, ob'scene in the legit sense, their:depl~ tions of sexual 'matters ha-ve long been criticized for their tendency to erode family values: Som'e networks have'decided to: air commercials for condoms to reduce the public health hazards Of the 'sexual lifestrle they helped pro-
mote. The prospect of the major medil\- becoming a support to the family is not promising: ,_ Article 6 Article 6 calls on public authorities to "respect and foster the dignity, lawful independence, privacy, integrity; and stability of every family," and 'to assi'st the "extended family system" to fulfill its role of "solidarity and mutual assistance." While many poliCies relate to this p'rinciple, one Of the most unaccountable violations of it by public authorities in the U.S. in recent years has been a policy in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) progranf which denies aid to two-parent families regardless of how poor they are. Noting in co'ngressional testimony in February 1987 that, this policy persists in half the states despite more than a decade of protests by the U.S. Catholic Conference and others, Father J. Bryan Hehir of the USCC Office of Social Development and World peace urged "that the current blatant discrimination against marriage be eliminated in the AFDC program" through congressional action. "Both our moral vision and our direct experience," he said, "tell us that government should not be in the busineSs of dividing families." Father Hehir also urged repeal of 1981 legislation that reduced or eliminated AFDC payments to families with a teen patent residing at home. "Why not create incentives for families," he asked, "rather than requirements that could endanger young'mothers :and their children'?" " ,
. The real question "Abortion is not a question of what ~ wOlll,an does. with her own body. It's a queStion 'of· what she and her d9ctor do to tile entirely separate; unique human being who is developing inside her body." Rev.' Canon John W. Howe, president'ofNational Organization of Episcopalians for Life ' '(
, Co'n.pelling Standard
, "The ~~i-e '~cie~tifically sophisticated we Recome, the ~ore compelJi,ng our standard sh~uld be to ,protect t~e SaJ;lct~ty of life." Kenne~h :V,anDerhot:f
, , .. Higli Price ..American children have already paid and go on paying ci'n exceptionally high price to siistain the family planners' faith in their own solutions." - Russell Shaw
Diocesans attend Vincentian convention OMAHA, Neb. (NC) - The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a "growing and dynamic force among the Catholic laity ofthis country," John Simmons, past president of the U.S. council, told some 600 Vincentians attending their national convention in Omaha in mid-September. Attending from the Fall River diocese were diocesan council president Frank Miller and the council's disaster committee president, Roland Ducharme; Fall River district council president David Motta; Taunton district council president, vice-president and treasurer Horace Costa, Paul Ouellette and Joseph Rodriques; and New Bedford district council members George Mendonca, a past diocesan council president, and Manuel Gomes.
Bishop refuses Viet offer PARIS (NC) - A Vietnamese bishop has refused the Communist government's offer to make him archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City on condition he report to authorities on the activities of archdiocesan priests, according to a source. The offer to 60-year-old Bishop Nicholas Huynh Van NghiofPhan Thiet followed II days of interrogation by authorities who also attempted to have the churchman sign a confession of "mistakes," the source said. The report came from a prominent resident of Ho Chi Minh City - formerly Saigon - who sent it through connections in Paris on condition ofanonymity. The source said Bishop Nghi also told authorities that appointment of bishops is not the government's prerogative. The current archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City, 77-year-old Paul Nguyen Van Binh, is at retirement age but there is no indication he intends to step down. According to the source Bishop Nghi was accused of ordaining priests without government authorization in 1975; sending a priest abroad illegally; illegally authorizing nuns to leave Vietnam; encouraging establishment of secular institutes, and refusing to establish a diocesan branch of the government-backed Committee for the Unity of Patriotic Catholics. The source said that in addition to refusing to sign a confession, Bishop Nghi also refused to sign an account of the interrogation written by government officials.
Gabriel award to TV's Landon ARKON, Onio(NC) - Michael Landon, who portrays an angel in NBC-TV's "Highway to Heaven," is recipient of the 1987 Gabriel Personal Achievement Award. Landon is being honored by Unda-USA, a national association of Catholic broadcasters and communicators which sponsors the Gabriel Awards, for "a high standard of artistic excellence and a commitment to public service." 69 television and radio programs, chosen from over 600 entries, merited Gabriel Awards and Certificates of Merit. Additionally, Boston TV station ·WCVB and Nome, Alaska, radio station KNOM were named for outstanding programming efforts.
Nationally, Vincentian membership has nearly doubled since 1981, Simmons said, with more than 61,000 members now serving the country's poor. "The scope of the society's work has grown to the point where it now exceeds $75 million in services delivered annually," he said. "If the value ofVincentian hours is added, the total value of services exceeds $125 million." Simmons ended his six-year term as national president at the convention. He was succeeded by John Coppinger, a 33-year member from Brooklyn, N. V. "I want the Vincentian family to continue to grow," Coppinger said. "A reasonable target is 100,000 members by the end ofthe century." During his six-year term, Coppinger would like to see the society establish a national identity. "We need a national site so we can better publicize what we're doing," he said. "A lot of people don't know about us because we help people in a confidential way." In a keynote address, Father Joseph Dirvin, author of"Frederic Ozanam: A Life and Letters," stressed the importance of inviting· young people to join the society. Ozanam founded the society in 1833. • " Frederic Ozanam believed that the principal ends to pursue were the sanctification of Christian youth and the visitation of the poor in their homes," Father Dirvin said. He said Ozanam told his followers that "our first end must be to strengthen the faith and reanimate charity in Catholic youth." Father Patrick Marshall, spiritual adviser for society members in the Archdiocese in Chicago and a workshop presenter at the convention, said in Chicago "we're actively pursuing young members by working with young adult" groups in parishes and by contacting high schools and Newman clubs on college campuses." "It's a slow process, but we're seeing young people exhibiting more interest in the society," he said. "1 believe we'll be seeing a bigger influx of young people in the near future."
CYO basketball practice begins Al"Val" Vaillancourt, associate director of the Fall River area CVO, has announced that the basketball court at the Anawan Street CVO hall in Fall River will be available for team practice beginning Monday. Coaches should contact Vaillancourt at the hall, 672-9644, to reserve practice time. . A coach from each team should attend the first coaches' meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday. . 1987-88 will again see formation of a JuniorGirls' and Junior Boys' league for grades five through eight, a Boys' Prep league for grades nine and 10 and a Senior A and Senior B league for grades II through age 21. All teams must be sponsored by a Fall River area Catholic parish. Over 800 young people participated in Fall River area CVO basketball last year. The program runs from October through midApril.
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Immaculate Heart of Mary • 1. Denying Mary's Immaculate Conception 2. Denying Mary's Virginity 3. Denying Mary's Divine Motherhood (refusing at the same time to recognize her as Mother of men)
4. Teaching children a hatred and contempt of Mary and an indifference toward her. 5. Dishonoring Mary's holy images You can make reparation for these insults to Our Lady by practicing the devotion of the five first Satilrdays of the ·month.
THE ANCHOR:-Oiocese of Fall River-Frio,' Oct.' 2, 1987' .
sa·id. "Jesus makes it clear explicitly that while it, formerly said 'thou shalt not kill,' now we must not have a murderous heart" or hold another person in contempt.
Cardinal gives opinions on many topics· ROME (NC) - The Vatican's chief theological watchdog has warned ecumenists against reducing theology to a diplomatic function in the effort to establish good relations among Christian churches. In a new book, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger also said the world Synod of Bishops should not be given decision-making powers, and that democracy is rooted in Christianity but Christianity offers no earthly political Utopia. The book, "Church, Ecumenism and Politics," is a collection of essays, speeches and homilies reflecting personal opinions of the cardinal, who heads the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It was published in Italy in May and has also been published in German. Regarding ecumenism, the cardinal said he is "strongly against superficial and hasty reunification" of Christian churches without resolution of theological differences. But he added that "those who wish to see in these reflections an attack on the most recent ecumenical efforts, have not understood what is in my heart. The accords reached are precious and they should not become lost." "Many, after the successes of the early years after the council, have conceived ecumenism as a diplomatic function according to political categories," he said. The cardinal said this group views ecumenists as "good'intermediaries"whose task is to arrange Man accord acceptable to all." However, he said, the Catholic Church forms the "true church" willed by Christ although elements of Christianity exist in other churches.
"The true church is a reality, an existing reality even now, without negating that others are Christians or without questioning the ecdesial character oftheir community," he added. "The true and proper goal of every ecumenical effort should be, and naturally remains, that of changing the pluralism of confessional churches separated among themselves into a pluralism oflocal churches, which in their multiple forms are really one, unique church," he said. Regarding the world Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Ratzinger said it would be counterproductive for the synod to become a decisionmaking body because such a body already exists in the Roman Curia and because a bishop's primary responsibility is to head his own diocese. "Being a bishop means being a pastor of your own church, not a delegate to a central church," he said. "The synod advises the pope. It is neither a simplified council nor a collegial governing organ of the full church," he said. Regarding 'politics, Cardinal Ratzinger said democracy is based on "an ethic which belongs to the Socratic and Christian tradition." The modern concept of political freedom is based on Christian values and cannot be· properly . developed divorced from ·these values, he added. The cardinal complained that in modern politics "atheism is beginning to 'be the fundamental public dogma and faith becomes tolerated as a private opinion." He advocated active Christian participation in political life, but warned that the church offers no political Utopia.
Murdered nun's brother decries El Salvador policy CINCINNATI (NC) - The answer to problems facing Central American countries is not in Nicaragua or Guatemala but "in Washington, D.C., and the policies worked out there, "says the brother of a Maryknoll nun murdered in EI Salvador. Improvement in those countries "depends on how many Americans speak out, ask questions, raise an outcry," said Bill Ford, a Wall Street lawyer. His sister, Maryknoll Sister Ita Ford, and three other US. churchwomen were m·urdered near San Salvador Dec. 2, 1980.
tried and convicted for aRy of the 60,000 deaths" in its. seven-year civil way, he added. Absence of front-page news about the country does not mean democracy and peace reign, as the Reagan administration suggests, Ford said. The 40-50 people who die in EI Salvador each month are victims of a "low-intensity war" waged away from population centers and the press, he said. In addition, he said, the government regularly arrests jounalists who try to go into areas of fighting.
Ford, who visited EI Salvador "The terrible murder machine in December, said American influthat killed my sister and the three ence and power in the country is other U.S. missionaries, has killed unmistakable. Soldiers ~ear U.S. 10-15 priests and 100 other women uniforms, drive Chrysler trucks Religious . . . remains in place. And in fact [it] is still functioning," and carry weapons engraved Ford told more than 200 people "Property of the U.S.A.," he said. gathered recently for a daylong A spokesman for the State educational program on Central Department in Washington said America sponsored by the Intercommunity Justice and Peace that for the 1987 fiscal year, ConCenter St. Francis Center for Peace , gress has approved $479.1 million in foreign aid for EI Salvador. Renewal in Cincinnati. That included $116.5 million in The U.S. government has failed military assistance; $310 million in . to uncover the facts and the real economic aid, including developkillers in the murder, Ford said. ment; $50 million in earthquake Such is justice in EI Salvador, reconstruction; and $2.6 million in where "no officer has ever been disaster relief.
And while the Old Testament had talked of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," in the Sermon on the Mount "Jesus says forgive" and calls for "a whole new way of relating to people who are aggressive against us. "It's easy to love some people but Jesus said the option is gone -love them all," Bishop Untener said.
AS STUDENTSlook on, Theresa Dougall, new principal of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, is officially installed by Stang chaplain Father Marcel H. Bouchard, representing Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. Mrs. Dougall was presented with the school keys during ,the student-planned liturgy, during which all faculty members recommitted themselves as Catholic educators and freshmen were welcomed by Mrs. Dougall and student body represnetative David Gamache.
Sermon on Mount charter for future church he says
This new kingdom "hasn't happened," the bishop said. And, "if you live this way, don't expect a standing ovation" from others. "In the new kingdom, to live this way is to have God as your audience." In this kingdom the basic goal cannot be riches, the bishop said. "When you die all you take with you is the good you have done."
Catechists'society DAYTON, Ohio (NC) - A National Catholic Catechists Society has been formed to meet the spiritual, communal and educational'needs of volunteer catechists in religious education programs. Peter J. Li, publisher of Catechist magazine in Dayton, is the society's executive director and St. Louis Auxiliary Bishop J. Terry Steib will be episcopal adviser. Members will be eligible for catechetical training scholarships, advanced college study and other benefits. The society's address is 2451 E. River Road, Dayton, Ohio 45439.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The people to the new kingdom where Sermon on the Mount is the back"they move from the amateurs ... to-basics charter for the church of and turn pro," Bishop Dntener the future, Bishop Kenneth E. said. Untener of Saginaw, Mich., The Sermon on the Mount recently told religious educators. expands on the rules set out in the. Bishop Untener spoke at the Ten Commandments, the bishop East Coast Conference for Religious Education in Washington.. The theme of the conference was "The Liberating Light of All Nations." Bishop Untener told the religious educators that he sees "a dawning of the struggle of whether or not we live the Sermon on the Mount," a struggle that will not come without suffering. Bishop Dntener said the church ..~ ..... .. -'-'-~-------------of the future "will be forced back to basic," a change that will be difficult because "basic values no longer have cultural support." _
Do you remember?
It is the Sermon on the Mount that will be the charter for this new church, the bishop ,said. The Sermon on the Mount -:... found in chapters 5-7 of Matthew and chapter 6 of Luke - includes the Beatitudes and the call to".. .love Y0!1r enemies, do good to those who hate you." (Lk. 6:27) "Jesus sets it all before them two ways, two roads, two gates," Bishop Untener said, referring to the passage: "Enter through the narrow gate. The gate that leads to damnation is wide, the road is clear and many choose tolravel it. But how narrow the gate that leads to life, how rough the road and how few there are who find it." (Mt. 7:13-14) One gate is "pretending we're doing it, doing it partly, and [the other] doing it," the bishop said.
The two paths are not so far apart, not like the difference between being Christian and pagan, he said, adding a personal note: "Sometimes I feel a step away from, crossing a line I haven't crossed. " When people cross that line, he said, there is still sin but it is "a question of the whole· fundamental option of your life - something total" that changes. In this total change Jesus calls
OCTOBER 1957 'Ie and Yvonne Dionne, two of the four remaining .
graduated from a Catholic hospital's Quebec. Canada.
1962 Ib¢-$econd Vati~an Council opened in Rome; Bishop I<i;:-'.~alne·s· L, Connolly attended with Msgr. Humberto S. M¢dl:~fCiS.~lio(~eS~ln-(:halncenolr arId pastor of St. Michael's
1961 Anthcmy M. Gomes was welcomed as modera..,,;••. ,1i9rofIthe River District Council of Catholic Women.
1972 DlediJcatiionceremonies were held for the new St. Vin Home, Fall River. .
1977 Anchor announced plans to host an eastern .-.i),L.fegion:al meeting of the Catholic Press AssociatiOn in
Taunton's Coyle and Casa contest winner, went to " TIatil)nal 4-H ciQmpetltio,n in ChiCago, ,