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t eanc 0 VOL. 36, NO. 39

Friday, October 2, 1992



$11 Per Year

IN ANTICIPATION of Respect Life Month, Bishop Sean O'Malley celebrates a pro-life Mass at Holy Family Church, East Taunton, last week, wearing vestments with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The parish was hosting a painting of Our Lady that is a replica of the image left on the tilma, or cloak, of Blessed' Juan Diego after she appeared to him four times in 1531 near Mexico City. Our Lady of Guadalupe is patroness of the unborn. In his homily, Bishop O'Malley called abortion a "scourge of humanity" comparable to slavery, apartheid, Nazi death camps and child abuse. At left, the bishop views the image replica; center, he stands with Holy. Family pastor Father George F. Almeida; right, he celebrates Mass with Father Almeida and Father Stephen A. Fernandes, diocesan pro-life director. Partially obscured is Msgr. John J. Oliveira, master of ceremonies. (Breen photos)

Diocese aids· hurricane victims Bishop Sean P. O'Malley has expressed gratitude to the thousands of individuals in the Fall River diocese who made generous donations to assist the victims of H.urricane· Andrew. ' .• Bishop O'Malley noted that the diocesan chancery office received not only proceedsfrom collections' taken at parishes but also individual donations. To date, said the bishop, slightly more than $200,000 has been contributed. He is sending the money to the dioceses where the hurricane struck, asking that it be ~sed for direct aid to victims. "I want to thank the people of

our beloved diocese for their generous response to their brothers and sisters iri need," said the bishop, noting that he is apportioning collection proceeds to the arch.di:o'~.ese of Miami and the dio: ceses' or: Baton Rouge, Houma: Thibodaux, Lafayette, La., and Nassau, Bahamas. "As one who experienced firsthand the ravages of a hurricane on the island of St. Croix when H urricane Hugo struck in 1989," he continued, ". know the pain and suffering that the victims are experiencing. These contributions will assist them greatly. The generosity of the pe'ople of the diocese of Fall

LIFE! 1992

Pages 8-16

River is well known and I am grateful to know that this tradition continues. "On behalf of those who will be 'aided with these donations, I want to thank all who contributed. This is a concrete and large-scale manifestation of sharing with our brothers and sisters in need."

Individuals who have not yet contribut,ed to the diocesan hurricane collection and wish to do so ,

Turn to Page Two

Peace Mass to end quincentennial year Bishop Sean O'Malley, will celebrate the annual diocesan procession and Mass for Peace on Monday, Oct. 12. The celebration will also mark conclusion of diocesan observance of the quincentennial of the arrival of the Gospel ·in the Americas. Parish groups participating in the procession should meet at St. Mary's Cathedral schoolyard in Fall River by 5:45 p. m. Oct. 12. Carrying of banners and flags is encouraged and participants should bring their own candles. Those in wheelchairs or otherwise disabled should proceed directly to St. Anne's Church at South Main and Middle Streets in Fall River, where a special area will be reserved for them at the Mass for Peace. All priests are invited to concelebrate the Mass for Peace, each providing his own vestments. Deacons are also encouraged to participate in the liturgy.

Dear Friends in Christ, The Diocese is in the process of developing sexual abuse policies. I have established a committee of three priests: Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, Msgr. Henry T. Munroe and Father Peter N. Graziano. The task ofthis committee has been to develop a first draft using the suggestions of the victims in the Porter Case as well as documents which have been published in various dioceses in the United . . States and €anada. This week's issue ofthe Anchor contains this first draft . that the committee has worked out. I am now asking the. victims' group and people throughout the Diocese to· react to this first draft with their suggestions so th~t we might develop a definitive policy'to be invoked in cases of sexual abuse by clergy. Once this policy has been promulgated, we will hold meetings in the various deaneries to explain the document and promote a greater understanding of pedophilia so as to afford the greatest protection of our children. I want to thank the victims and the committee for their continuing assistance in developing the very best policies possible. Please send any suggestions to the address found at the end of the draft. I am, Devotedly in Christ,

I-~Mt, ~c.rBishop of Fall River





Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Oct. 2, 1992

Diocese aids hurricane victims said she doesn't have much but IS to the Chancery Office, PO Box thankful she was spared the storm 2577, Fall River MA 02722. may transmit donations through to a 4-year-old who donated the On National Scene their parish or send them directly ~ont~nts ofhl(r piggy bank -$1.87 NationallY, note Catholic News Service reports, the generosity of m coms. The funds will go to local Caththe Fall River diocese has been olic Charities agencies in the duplicated in many areas, surprising even those used to magnanim- affected areas to meet short-term Est. 1962 needs and to finance long-term ous responses. assistance. . Religious In several U.S. dioceses, the Food for the Poor, a Floridatotal of local collections ap. Articles based international charity known proached or exceeded half a milfor its relief programs in Haiti and Books • Gifts lion dollars. A collection in the the Caribbean, joined local hurriarchdiocese of New Orleans cane relief efforts with thousands Church Supplies where many were themselves af" of pounds of food and nearly fected by Andrew -netted some $100,000 worth of supplies. 428 Main St:. Hyannis, MA 02601 $444,000, and an additional '''Thousands of pounds of rice $100,000 'gift by California busi508-775-4180 Mon.-Sat. 9-5 were being trucked down within nessman Ken Hofmann brought days of the storm," said Food for the archdiocesan total to $544,000. the Poor founder Ferdinand MahThe archdiocese of Boston colfood:"Much of this rice was being lected over $387,000 from parishes used by mobile kitchens or cooked and shipped another $200,000 , worth of supplies to Louisia'na and . by chutch groups who were then taking it to areas hardest hit by the 102 Shawomet Avenue Florida dioceses through its St. ': hurricane. Vincent de Paul affiliates. Somerset, Mass. Hurricanes Andrew and Inikiin Tel. 674-4881 Hawaii killed at least 58 people, 3V2 room Apartment left more than a quart.wmillion" .. 4% room Apartment Americans homeless and caused Includes heat, hot water, stove reo well over $20 billion worth o'f :·c·PITTSBURGH .. (C~S),~ A friprator and maintenince service. damage: " priest: fr,om the ~()ston.lj.rchdio1":';=;=;=;=;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;'1 Some diocesan funds collected ,cese h~s been named :executive .. have been sent to Catholic Chari_director of the National Associa. - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ties USA while others have gone tion of Catholic Chaplains. Fat~er Jos~p.h Driscoll, a directly to dioceses affected by the hurricanes. .' " ':'" supe.fvlso.r ?f cl.mlc~1.pastoral edlnareport. to the U:S: bishops~ , . u~a~l.on ~lt~thefr~n~l.s.~an. Health ~yst~~ of. I\st.o.n. :a., WIll take Administrative Board in WashingSales And Service ton, Father Thomas J. Harvey, over managem~nt of the. 3,~00president of Catholic Charities profess.lOna.1 orgamzatlon, Fall River's Largest USA, said his agency's Disaster member he~~quarter~d ~n Plttsb.u.rgh. Response Office processed 10,000 . e assoclat.lOn. certIfIes chapDisplay 01 TV s donations which totaled $1 millam~ under gUidelines set by t~e RCA· ZENITH. SYlVANIA lion. In addition, he said, several ~:'l~onal Conference of Catholic 1196 BEDFORD STREET s. . foundations are planning gifts. IS .. "This most generous response Fat er Dnscoll, o.rdamed. m .673-9721 will enable the Catholic commun-., ..1979, ~e~ve~. 11 years m a van~ty '-=~~~=====:~~~. it to continue to extend a,hand t~.,' .~f pa:lsties'm the 'BoStO~ arch.dlO,... - -,~. 'p~~'p'l~ "~ti;; '(c;s{ t;o'm'e~, Jobs";' cese--and:111te(..was'aS's~(j'cltl~dlrec"New England 11ll,'I'1l<I/' r)' churches, and other community tor of the pastoral. educat!on deWllh a Europcan Flair" resources to the hurricane," he p~rtm.ent at St. Elizabeth s. Hossaid. "Continued donations will pltali/~ Boston: before movmg to help us react to the immense longthe hiladelphIa area two years term needs in Florida and Louisiago. Bed C::>' Brealifast ana as well as respond to HurriBishop will spe.ak cane Iniki." He said donors included eveat First Friday Club ryone from an elderly woman who ' , , . . 495 Wesr f<llmourh "'ghway ' . . , :--:' , Area: men 'are ,II1vlted :tb attend " (HoUlt 28A) /'0 8m /ll)5 the monthly First Friday Club West Falmourh, M<I 0257~ Mass at 6 tonight at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. It will be folOpen year round St. Francis Xavier School, lowed by a supper in the parish 15081540· 7232 Acushnet, is planning a reunion of hall at which Bishop Sean O'Malall classes - 1926 to 1992 - to be , ley will be guest speaker. held Oct. 18 beginning with a 2 AWIDE CHOICE OF SAVINGS p.m. Mass at St. Francis Xavier EDICTAL CITATION & INVESTMENT PLANS Church. A reception will follow at ," '. 'DIOCESAN "TR'fSU NAl the school. . FAll RIVER,: MASSACHUSETTS For information' contact the Since the actual place of residence of SAL, school office at 995-~313. VATORE A. VICINO is unknown: ' Continued from Page One


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Ord'inaries of the p'lace Qr' other pastors 'havin'g the knowledge of the residence of the above person. Salvatore A, Vicino. must see to ,it.t~at he is prOPerly advised in regard to this edictal citation. ' , " ,. 'Ja'y T. Maddo'~k . , . judicial Vicar

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We cite SALVATORE A, VICINO to appear personally before the.T ribu nal of ,the Diocese of Fall River'on'Tuesday, October 13, 1992 at , 10':30 a,m,' at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimony,to establish:



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o~ this 23rd d~yofS~ptember, ~992,

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII,III,II!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,IIII111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (\.JSPS,-545-020). Second 'Class' Postage Paid at' Fall' River. Mass. Pu bfished weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 High.land' ,Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press 'of the Diocese of Fall Riyer. SUbscription price by mail. postpaid $.11,00 per ,yea~, Postmasters send address changes to Toe Anchor. P:O', Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722. ' ,


PROCEDUR~STO BE FOLLOWED WHEN A CLERIC IN THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER IS ACCUSED OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT WITH A MINOR 1. Upon receipt of an allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor (under eighteen) by a cleric (priest or deacon), a person delegated by the bishop (or a substitute delegate) conducts a preliminary investigation. This initial review is expected to be completed within twenty-four hours of the receipt of the allegation or as soon thereafter as possible. If the cleric is a religious, his religious superior is to be notified and made part of subsequent steps in the process, with due regard for the requirements of canon law. The bishop appoints a delegate tO,represent hIm in these matters. This person may be a man or a woman, a cleric or a lay p~rso~. Since the delegate may not be available when an accusatIOn IS made, a substitute or alternate delegate may be named to assume the role. At times, a particular case may call for a certain type of person being named by the bishop, e.g. a woman rather t~an a man, a deacon instead of a priest; etc. In such cases the bishop . may wish to appoint an ad hoc substitute delegate. In any event, . the initial review is to take place as soon as possible - hence the twenty-four hour 'time frame. If the accused is a religious, his religious superior has ultimate responsibility. It may be that his religious order has policies and procedures governing the handling of such matters. 2. ':The initial review'is:to include an interview with the accused cleric, the personmaking the complaint and,anY.'wit~e,s'ses. The ~evie~, ~ay i.nelude interviews with members' of the victim's family and the "Icbm hlmself/ herst!lf'i'f permission is given to interview the child. The delegate is to talk to the' key people involved and as many others as he/ she feels warranted .. Theinten~ of the initi!11 review is " to' Clarify the natu're 'of the claim. Ordinarily, the intervie~s sb'6uld" ..bl(dOne' in'p~rson but: circumstances,-may warrant a "./: ,. telepho:~~'~on~e~sationwith some'individuals. '

5. The Review Team itself, or some other person(s) recommended by the Team, offers to meet with the victim and the family. The Review Team is to make sure that someone meets with the alleged victim and his/ her family at some appropriate time after the initial interview. This meeting reflects the ongoing care and concern the diocese has for them. The person who meets with the victim and family may be a member of the team or someone designated for this purpose. 6. Appropriate and confidtmtial counselling is to be offered to the victim and family. When necessary, the needs ofthe parish and wider community should be included in the response of the Review Team. Part of the care and concern of the diocese is the offer of counselling" This extends, of course, to the victim and the family. Depending on the nature ofthe case, appropriate pastoral care is extended to the parish community and others. The Department of Social Services of the diocese will be helpful in providing confidential counselling or identifying other possible sources for assistance. 7. All applicable civil reporting laws are to be followed. The bishop's delegate (or substitute delegate) is charged with reporting suspected child abuse by a cleric to the appropriate civil authority. Any suspected case of child abuse is to be reported by the delegate. This step recognizes the legitimate right of the state to be involved in these cases. It is also noted that the confidentiality of the confessional can never be ·violated. However, the seal of confession is ~ot ordinariiy ani'ssue in cases where an abuse is reported in the external or public forum. 8. The accused is to be advised of his right to retain independent legal and canonical counsel. The 'cleric's interest and the diocese's interest are not always 3. Upon receipt of an allegation, the REVIEW TEAM is activated. The identical. Consequently, in addition to consultation with the bishop's delegate (or substitute) named above serves as chair of the team. diocesan attorney, the cleric is advised to 'seek the advice of his Members include men and women, one of whom is a lay expert in child own counsel and that of a canon lawyer so that his rights may be sexual abuse, another a lay civil lawyer knowledgeable in the area of child protected. abuse and a cleric engaged in parish ministry. If none of these members 9. lethe alleged misconductisa matter of public record, the Diocesan was a victim of child abuse or a parent of a child abuse victim, such a Office of Communications will issue a statement and serve as the ongoing ,,)f!ofP.!ttMDt~~';~ ,~~~,I,I, ~~. ~:dded"to,·the.;;Rev.ie~1 'feam~;.Jf. none of the liaison with the media.·Thebishop.'s delegate and other members 'of the' 'Jq'.mernher:s.is'll:unonJaw,ye:r, such, a repr~s~?tabve.should b,e a~ded to t~e . , Review Team should not serve' as spokespersons. team or at least consulted by the team durmg the process. ThiS team will Beyond reporting the alleged abuse to the Department of Social oversee all the steps of the procedure dealing with the accusation. It.' will Services (cf no. 7 above), the diocese is not under an obligation to review the results of the initial investigation conducted by the bishop's make accusations a matter of public record. Indeed, at times the deiegate and advise the bishop regarding the need for additional action. victims request that they not be. If it is a matter of public record, The Revie'.V Team receives periodic reports and offers its advice until the the Review Team and others should refer all inquiries to the case is concluded. . Diocesan Office of Communications. This office will 'deal with As is the case with the delegate, the members of the Review Team the matter in a manner respectful, of the rights of all concerned. :,,' ,::.are·appointed by,th,e. bishop':t6"ser~e'o'n'an as needed 'oasis. This C,harity, candor and prudence are to be the characteristics of " :. :body will:serve,in an advi~<.?~¥ c,wa~.\t,y. (i~~lu~jn~,the devel.oppublic statements. , , ment of personnel po~icies) to~other dIOcesan agen:cle~'such a~ the 10. The victim and family will be kept informed of the response of the Departiilent of Education, the Department ,0f SOCial SerVices, diocese through regular reports from the Review Team or its repreetc. The'Review Team is composed of men and women, lay and sentative. c'lergy; who have (orgainYexp,ertis,e,inthe Cl:rea of child a.buse: This step is included in the procedures to help guarantee that the Suhs.titutes-and'additions tothe teammay be ml:lde by the bishop victim and the family are aware of what the diocese is doing to asnee~ed::Alt'h~ugh no sp.ecific number of members is noted, it is respond to the allegations. . ' : ;' e'nV'islone~r that' the team will be composed of five t6 seven 11. Upon completion of any treatment and before any return to public , "~~mbers'.lt isanticipated that the members ofthe Review Team ministry, the bishop is to consult with the Review Team ))efore a decision ~ill have staggered terms in order to assure continuity. Among is made concerning what, if any, future assignment the cleric is to receive. the first tasks the bishop will give to the Review Team is the issue No diagnosed pedophile will receive an assignment in the Diocese of Fall of assuring that app~opriate psychological s.creening is given to River. potential candidates for tHe diaconate or p~iesthood.as well as the • If the initial assessment by the treatment facility calls for addiscreening of clerical person~el from ,ou~slde the. diOcese, before tional residential treatment, the diocese makes such treatment they receive an assignment from t;he bishop. - , mandatory before any reassignment is considered. The reassign4. If the Review Team, after receiving the resDltsof the initial review, ment of a cleric who has sexually abused a minor is a very concludes that the charge cif sexual misconduct has credibility, the complex matter. Each case must be studied on its own with the bishop places the accused on immedia~e administrative.leave; pending benefit of the recommendation of the treatment center. No cleric the results of further investigation, including professional evaluation of is to be given an assignment which places children at risk. Canon the accused. Administrative leave does not carry with it any presumption law governs any laicization procedure or any other church proof guilt. If necessary, temporary residence is to be provided with no cess that may be invoked. contact with minors. The priest's faculties to preach and to hear confes12. These procedures are to be reviewed on a yearly basis. sions are removed and he is advised· to celebrate Mass privately. The This point asks that some appropriate body review these proceprofessional evaluation is to take place at a recognized treatment facility. dures each year to see that they respond in an adequate fashion to Administrative leave has no direct para,llel in canon law but it has the issue at hand. Two possible units to review the procedures are proven to be a useful instrument to, protect both the accused and the Diocesan Pastoral Council and the Priests' Council. the accuser. It should be clear that administrative leave does not imply guilt but rather a need for time to pursue a serious accus~­ tion. The priest's faculties are removed on a temporary b~sls. Comments on the draft may be sent to Bishop 0 'Malley before October 14, 1992 Finally, the evaluation ofthe cleric is totake place at a recogmzed Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap. treatment facility. Ordinarily this evaluation takes place over P.O. Box 2577, Fall River, MA 02722 several days.

" '<"




Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Oct. 2, 1992

the moorina-,

the living word

Speak Out: Choose Life As we continue the election process, it is important that believers are not led astray by campaign rhetoric. As candidates engage in verbal battles, the real issues are buried or ignored. No real mention of the quality of life has surfaced, with virtually no discussion of crime in our cities, our neglected schools, and the scandals of homelessness and unemployment. Much of this conspiracy of silence stems from the fact that the basic issue of life itself is being sidestepped for the sake of votes and power. As one follows the secular media, it becomes more and more obvious that pro-lifers are often categorized as barely intelligent and basically the morons of the Catholic Church. It's becoming more and more difficult for them to get a fair hearing and what is so sad about the situation is the attitude of politicians who want to have it both ways. The oft-used explanation of being privately pro-life but "forced" into being publicly pro-choice boggles the mind and is indeed a shining example of mental deceit. When baptized Catholic politicians try to play this pitiable game, the situation is beneath contempt. Votes and social acceptance do indeed have their price and presently the aborted are paying it. Life is not a political pawn and once we as a nation legalized the turning of our hospitals and clinics into killing fields, we opened a Pandora's box. As efforts continue to expand legalized murder into the world of the elderly, terminally ill and hopelessly handicapped, all life is placed more and more at risk. Crime, pollution and poverty offer further evidence of a social order that has lost not only heart but also soul. Every American has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and politicians who compromise these rights in any way whatsoever serve the nation poorly. It is shameful that in this election year we are wasting time and energy on draft records and National Guard status while millions are being denied the . right to birth itself. . ' 'r By Father Kevin Harrington ,: . Even if we become a church standing alone in the belieftha~ With all the discussion'of"fam~ God is the source of all human life and thus all human life must ily values" in the 1992 presidential be defended as sacred, let us not be intimidated by opposition; campaign, perhaps we shQuld look In faith and conscience, we cannot do otherwise than persist if more closely at what's really happening between parents and chilwe are believers in the Word and in the handing on of that dren in many homes. The sad realWord by the Church. Those Catholic politicians who try to play both ends of the itv of 25 million abortions in 20 v~ars is a testament of how chillife issue against the middle as a mere political ploy to gain dren are perceived in our world votes are surely betraying their Catholic constituency. Even today. Life becomes a commodity more appalling are those Catholic candidates who try to get when it is lauded as precious whe:n the "church vote" even if it means flouting that same church in wanted but discarded as worthless when considered a burden. the process. Let us consider the fate of chilOne simply cannot hold an office of trust in the church while dren wh'o are b"arn in our country today. In spite of the most sophisat the same time publicly upholding stands contrary to the ticated medical technology in the faith. This Respect Life issue of the Anchor may have little effect world, our nation ranks low in prenatal care and high in prenatal . on public policy, but we cannot and should not be intimidated abuse among the industrial counby those' who would have us remain silent on this fundamental tries of the world. We also have the ,-principle. Amid the vacillating pronouncements of our current dubious distinction of having a , candidates for the White House, may we hope that the voice of high rate of low birth weight infants and infant mortality . . Catholic conscience will be heard. The United States also has the For us'to remain silent would be murderous; to compromise record among industrial nations . would b.e to self-destruct. In a worlg of fragile loyalties, let us for ha vi ng both mother and fath:er r'choose life. The Editor .away from their households for

"Choose life!" Deut. 30:19

eNS photo

Children are best investment

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAx (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

PUBLISHER Most Rev. Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., PhD.



Rev. John F. Moore

Rosemary Dussault ~5


'> t




the most number of hours in Ii given day.' We've all heard the statement, "It's not the amount of time but the quality time that mat~ ters." What does reat time versus quality time mean to an infant or toddler? Real time matters in a real world where children need their parents present for the mundane things that make family life enjoyable. It is heartbreaking to consider the number of children who come home from school every day to an empty house. Relief often comes in the form of an older brother or sister who often resentfully assumes the role of babysitter. Others wait until a stressed-out parent returns from work. We have all heard the campaign rhetoric that asserts that we are a

c'ti'fld ~io'ne"n'ied": niHi <> h .Jii h'a,j~llia't

cliildte'f('are b'tir'(mbst"'preCioU\; asset. But is it true? . One of the most significant goals of the America 2000 education program is that all children will start school ready to learn. One of the best steps politically to achieve that goal is to provide tax credits for parents with income under $70.000 wlio are home with pre: schoQler~.:A)~0,.tuitiol} tax':Qredit~ . would .asf;ure ~~~p'e~itio.n,a.nd·,ex" 'cellence in public. private and par'ochial schools. With the burden of taxation lifted from parents with young children. a message can be sent that as a nation we .value parents who do st'ay-at home and rna ke a contrib.utioriof'thei:r:~ time and energy for their 'c'hild-' .! '.' ren's sake. .

praye~BOX . , ..

.Respect-jor Life Gr!\cious God and Gfver . • • of the SPirit, you bring us together in faith that, unk· ted in Christ, we may be your people. Increase our faith in Jesus the Lord and ,. . ff t inspire us anew In our e or s to reverence and protect every gift of human life. Give us new hope and fire every lagging spirit. Create · h f a new h ear t In eac 0 us that your name may be glorified in Christ-our Lord. Amen.

.:' iA pr~idlJnlia! caoipallignlShould be more than an opportunil'y~o exchange empty promises and to expound rhetorically on critical issues. It should be a time for serious consideration of concrete proposals. Most studies that show that our nation's children are underperforming their counterparts in other

~~~~·~?t.P.~:tN~.i;~~~;~~~,~r~PIlo:rrt~,e neeu 0 CHange our SCIIOO s,:. 't'er-

tainly educational reform IS part of the solutiori;'but it is unfair to lay the blame solely on our schools. According to most studies. the first four years oflife are crucial to subsequent emotional and intel'!ec1Uii'loeveIop ment. .. :·Witt\.ar:unaway deficit. is it not prJden.t 'to ''invest money where it will h'ave the most impact? Considering that the'average life span . of an infant born today is about 80 years, is ah investment of four y,c'ar's t.oo much? Other industrial riatib·~s:()f:j:h~.i¥Qrld look upon . par~nting as..a valid career choice and. reward ,paren:ts.fof; staying at home. Raising children properly is ' . often· hard: ilrtd:deinanaing work . The reward:for the parents is the satisfa'ction of knowing that they did everything they could to help . their.-children face their future ' . withbutfear and with the confid~nce they need to make this a . 'oetter place to live. " Parents play such a crucial role in their children's development that 't Id b ea mlS . t a ke f orSOCle . ty t0 1 wou value only the work that parents do in the workplace and not their efforts in the home. Perhaps all this talk about family values will one day lead to a concrete pro. posal to help workmg parents spend more time at home. The immense value this could have on society would be impossible to overestimate.


Iteering pOintl O.L. HEALTH, FR SPANISH, MASS, Men of the Sacred Hearts of FR SO. YARMOUTH will bring the Pilgrim Virgin statue All Hispanics welcome at to the church for 4:30 p.m. Mass Spanish-language Mass 5:30 p.m. Oct. 10; it will remain until Oct. 18 each Sunday, St. Piux X Church, with prayers 7 to 7:30 each evening. Cape Cod. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN LEGION OF MARY, NB Bereavement support meeting 1:30 Pro-Life Sunday living rosary 3 p.m. Oct. 4, St. Joseph Church. New to 4:30 p.m. Oct. II, rectory. Those bereaved or seeking to aid a bereaved Bedford, followed by refreshments person are welcome. in parish hall. All welcome. LEGION OF MARY, NB CROP WALK, N. ATTLEBORO Pro-Life Sunday living rosary to Third annual 7-mile Crop Walk be held 3 p.m. Oct. 4, followed by 1:30p.m.Oct.18,fromSt. Martha's refreshments in church hall. All Church, Plainville, to Central Conwelcome. gregational, Attleboro Falls. All welcome;'proceeds benefit world and HOSPICE OUTREACH, FR local hunger projects. Training program for those interested in aiding terminal patients and VINCENTIANS, TAUNTON their families begins 10 a.m. OcL 6. Taunton District Vincentians will Information; 673-1589. attend 7:30 p.m. Mass Oct. 5 at ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR Immaculate Conception Church, High school students needed to North Easton. A meeting will follow aid in hospital programs. Informa- in parish hall. tion: 674-5741, ext. 2080. Free oneO.L. CAPE, BREWSTER minute prostate cancer screening Healing Mass 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7, offered to men 50 and 0Ider.5:30 to . with Father Dick Lavoie, MS, of the 8:30 p.m. Oct. 6 and 8 at Hudner Assn. of Christian Therapists as Oncology Center, Forest St. Call celebrant. All welcome. Sign-up 675-5688 for appointment. meeting for Loaves & Fishes meals DCCW, DISTRICTS III & IV program 9:30 a.m. Oct. 7, parish The annual corporate communcenter. Information: 896-5219. ion supper for Taunton and AttleDCCW DIST. IV boro districts of the Diocesan CounAttleboro District IV, Diocesan cil of Catholic Women will follow ,Council' of .Catholic, Women, will 6:30 p.m. Mass Ocqo ai St;:¥.~rY'$ Church, Mansfield, and wilfbe held "hold an opeilmeeting '7: 15 p.m. Oct. 13 at St. John's School, Attleboro. in the church hall. Bishop Sean Atty. Gerald D'Avolio, counsel for O'Malley will be principal Mass the Massachussetts Council of celebrant and will speak at the supper. Catholic Bishops, will speak on polInformation: 761-7547. itical issues confronting Catholic MARIE'S PLACE, FR voters. All area women welcome, Marie's Place, 355 E. Main St. VINCENTIANS, FR Fall River, a clothing resource for District meeting Oct. 7, beginning the needy, is in need of men's and with 7 p.m. Mass at St. Mary's children's clothing. Call 672-2641 fbroihfOl:lIInati.oo:.J tBl1toJfli0'tJ1lS ~t is ,C~t,hIH4al. .If Parish. p(esidents can'lJpenir\:lt:'oq''1o :It, fiflr{; ·l-;Illl :;0 ;n,qfi.~~td,~n~.,(a,..prpl'.y s~?:uld. b~; :ap,pomte : , CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Youth retreat for St. George parish, Westport, tonight through Sunday. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES HYANNIS The agency is in need of new baby clothes, blankets and layettes to assist needy pregnant W0!11eri.1 nformation: 771-6771. . .

Fri., Oct. 2, 1992

Diocese of Fall River -




October4·10, 1992 During Mental Illness Awareness Week, Oct. 4 to 10, the National Alliance for the Mentally III seeks to reach persons in need of information. The Alliance reports that one out of five families is touched by a major mental illness such as depression, manic depression or schizoph,renia. According to a 1990 Robert Woods Johnson Foundation survey of the American public: -89 percent describe mental illness as a serious societal problem. -76 percent describe newspapers as the most frequent source of information about mental illness. -60 percent say they should know more about mental illness. Americans feel better informed about alcoholism, cancer, drug abuse, heart disease and AI DS than about mental illness. Information about biologically-based mental disorders is available from the Alliance at 27-43 Wormwood St., Boston 02210, tel. (617) 439-3933.



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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri.;Oct. 2, 1992

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Yet as the remaining lines teach, faith isn't magic. It's best understood as a frame of mind expressing itself in the proclamation: "We have done no more than our duty." God's will becomes the point around which our lives revolve.

Habakkuk 1:2-3,2:2-4 II Timothy 1:6-8,13-14 Luke 17:5-10

347 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115


tard seed, you could say to this sycamore, 'Be uprooted and transplanted into the sea,' and it would obey you."

_ _

One of the reasons Scripture scholars regard the two letters to Timothy to be rather late Christian writings is based on the way St. Paul, their author, looks at faith; a way which earlier writers had not yet discovered. He refers to it in the "old, classic" way when he encourages Timothy, "Take as a model of sound teaching what you have heard me say, in faith and love in Christ Jesus." 'But he introduces a new element when he adds, "Guard the rich deposit of faith with the help of the Holy Spirit..." Like all revolutions, Christianity began not with a list, but with a frame of mind. Those who first followed Jesus realized that they were exCited and inspired because he showed them a new wa'y of looking at everything around them. They didn't have to change jobs, be married or unmarried, or even acquire a different set of children to be happy and fulfilled. They became new by altering the way they perceived people and situations. not by altering people and situations.

By FATHER ROGER KARBAN They could now experience the Lord's presence in good times and bad. They knew he was with them. working in their lives, when things were going well and when they were going lousy. This attitude the single most important gift Jesus imparted to his disciples '--':" was what the first Christian authors referred to as "faith." Like any mental outlook, it's hard to define. The earliest writers simply referred to it as "the way." , It was the way they looked at life, , the way they imitated Jesus,the way they related to God and to one another. It was the fa'itli which permeated everything they did and thought. Those who possessed it discovered very quickly that it gave them a power and strength which others lacked. No matter how little they acqired, its effects always outweighed its quantity. This insight seems to be behind the first part of today's Gospel pericope: "If you had faith the size of a mus-


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But,toward the end of the first century. A. D., Jesus~ followers began not only to believe in a certain way, ~hey. also' began to believe certain things. Along. with their frame of mind. later Christians set out, to. create a list. Gradually, a "deposit offaith" started to emerge. Within a few generations whole cre~ds,.llke the ',' Apostles" and the "Nicene," were drawn up. Soon, instead "ofta simple, "Christ has died! Christ has risen! Christ will come again!" they began memorizing and proclaiming long formulas of doctrine. One Christian group' now had grounds. to cut itself off from another Christian group. The "way", ~ad ~e.y~lpp,ed.~':It~ 11 "religion." True Christian evangelization is never a process of adding more material to what is already in our minds. Rather, it is the attempt to expand those minds in such a way that we are able to perceive reality in the way Jesus perceived it. Of course, if we identify with him that deeply, 'Y<fj'e .Liable to suffer as he ~id. But then again, i'IA r,hllp]. ~ ·\!.Hl~ ~~nl ·/r;.·f'fi we're also lIa lie to nse as ne rose.



c£elius; ~

Habakkuk saw it as the ability to stand in the middle of a demolished Jerusalem' and still experience life. Though "destruction and violence" are everywhere, the just person, "because of faith. shall live." The prophet was able to see a vision in the place where others saw only death ..

No Job Too Big Or Too Small Bus. 678-8224 Fully Insured Res. 673-9426

Oct. 5: Gal 1:6-12; Ps 111:1-2,7-10; Lk 10:25-37 Oct. 6: Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1-3,13-15; Lk 10:38-42 Oct. 7: Gal 2:1-2,7-i4; Ps 117:1-2; Lk 11:1-4 Oct. 8: Gal 3:1-5; Lk 1:6975; Lk 11:5-13 Oct. 9: Gal 3:7-14; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 11:15-26' Oct. 10: Gal 3:22-29; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 11:27-28 Oct. 11: 2 Kgs 5:14-17; Ps 98:1-4; 2 1m 2:8-13; Lk 17:11-19



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This Message Sponsore'd 'by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River FALL RIVER TRAVEL DURO FINISHING CORP. GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY GLOBE MFG. CO.. .





1991, Rev. Msgr. Arthur G . Considine, Retired Pastor. St. Mary, Sou~h Dartmouth



Oct. 3


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Oct.6 . , 1916, Rev. Stephen B. Magill. assistant, Immaculate Conception. North Easton 1987, Rev. Roland Brodeur, (jniondale, New York

Oct. 7 1951. Rev. Caesar Phares. Pastor,' St. 'Anthony of Desert. Fall River 1975, Rev. Msgr. Arthur G. Dupuis, Pastor Emeritus. St. Louis de France,Swansea .1988. Rev. Andrew Jahn, ,S'S.Cc.. Sacred Hearts Seminary. Wareham

I know I speak for the entire community at St. Stan's in saying "thanks" and I also thank you for the extra copies which were available to all. Pauline Pacheco Fall River

The Shepherd

A thankyou

• •

234 Second Street Fall River, MA 02721 Web Offset Newspapers Printing & Mailing

Dear Editor: Dear Editor, • • I'm sending you this poem I Grateful greetings to Marcie have written. I hope you'll find it Hickey, the reporter and photo• worthy enough to print it: grapher in and the other staff • . (508)679~5262 The Shepherd members. I am very grateful to He arrived here one mornyou all for interviewing me and II Now! ing on a warm summer's running it in your paper The I I New Computerized Mailing Anchor (Aug. 21, 1992). A very day Second Class First Class Sent to us from o'er the sea, big thanks again. Carrier Route Coding First Class Presort so many miles away Father Antony Xavier ZIp Code Sorting Third Class Bulk Rate A Shepherd who would lead New Britain, CT Third Class Non Profit List Maintenance his flock back into the fold This humble man of God ALL TO USPS SPECIFICATIONS seems a miracle to behold Cheshire labeling on Kirk~Rudy 4·up Dear Editor: Garbed in a friar's robe; labeler. And Pressure Sensitive Labeling __ ~__ sandals on his feet. As a member of S1. Stanislaus -Holdmg a wooden -crosTer'~----Church,Tw!sht()expressmyspe-':'~ '~rnsMing, ccrftatirlg, frJtding, metering. sealing, sorting, addressing, his image was complete cial "thank you" on your recent sacking. completing USPS forms, You might catch a glimpse coverage honoring our church direct delivery to Post Office of him strolling through school. We at S1. Stan's hold our , .. Printing . .. We Do It AI/! the town kids and school very high and it was such a treat to see an entire A Bishop who'll walk among Call for Details (508) 679-5262 us; he'll never let us down issue dedicated to them. He radiates an aura which comes from deep within ,., A soul that has been touched by Christ, his love is genuine' This caring servant 'of the' . Churclhvill'sh'o\+ us-how'to ., live NOVEMBER 13-15 With prayers and guidance, he'll be there, to teach us to CATHEDRAL CAMP forgive For each and every'one of us RETREAT CENTER must endure our own life's goal East Freetown Bishop Sean O'Malley will give us strength to cleanse 'our soul ,'" •. + "';"'-" ~ ,~ ',. '~'"'~ayL'tlie 1in~ls ~:gtii(le' ~liis" footsteps on thi(journey he must take And let us all abide by him; Hospital Chaplain and Psychotherapist please, let us not forsake Cost: $70.00 (includes 2 overnights and 5 meals). A Anne Norton Blair Fall River $10.00 deposit required. Send to:


Thank you, two


.... ; "''0





......' , . . {


()nlhe move "," \. . -;. .. :'. " ,:..' ~~;


Dear Editor, , , A great job in the presentation of the pictorial essay of the move of S1. Stan's to St. Pat's! All comments that have reached me are very complimentary, especially as pertains tothecreative idea of cai"ryi'ngthe~torY throughout the • pages of the whole edition! . The nicest surprise for me came, however, from the fact that I had absolutely no idea that the story was being covered! I suppose it's usually better that way! The 300 extra complimentary copies of the Anchor were eagerly snapped up by parishioners and visitors to St. Stan's on our Backto-School Sunday weekend. It couldn't have come on a better weekend for us! Again, thanks so much for your wonderful coverage! We appreciate your talents and efforts very much, indeed! Please accept my personal best wishes and the gratitude of all at St. Stan's, especially our princi. pal, faculty and students! May God bless you always and may He prosper the work of your hands! . Father Robert S. Kaszynski Pastor, St. Stanislaus parish. Fall River


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Our Lady's Message In Medjugorje


September 25, 1992 Dear Children! Today also I wish to tell you: I am with you in these restless days in which Satan wishes to destroy everything Which' I and My Son, Jesus are building up. In a special way he wishes to destroy your souls. He wishes to guide you as far away as' possible from Christian life as well as from the cOfl]mandments, to which the Church is calling you, so you may live them. Satan wishes to destroy everything which is holy in you and around you. Therefore, little children pray, pray, pray in order to be able to comprehend all which God is giving you through my coming. Thankyou for having responded to my call.


t t


'A Burning Hate


"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat." - Harry E. Fosdick





SPANISH HEALING SERVICE Rev. Leo Maxfield, M.S. Sunday, Oct. 4 - 2:00 P.M.

t t t BIBL~

STUDY CLASS Rev. Joseph Ross, M.S. Thursday, Oct. 8 - 10:00 - 11 :45 A.M.




IT'S YOUR LIFE - ENJOY IT! A Workshop With Dr. Bary Fleet Saturday, Oct. 10 - 10:00 - 3:00 Call for registration info.

He came that we might have LIFE and have it more abundantly


..... ~.


All you who thirst come to the waters. •



In t~et,pa~m,:,,{IJis hand By Gail ~inn HTh~s sa,s the Lord,' wqo crtiated you. . ' oJ h.d~' caUedjou b, name: are mine. H (lsa~ah 43: t)


During 1,992 our nation's attention is drawn to the presk dential election that win take place inNovem~.As~ititehs, Catholic individuals are focused on thi$ rpajor event. Yet even as many become involved in part!, san politics, the bishops of the r-HnmPrl-St..rh>R~rve-....tlIterl-itra­

special way for the Catholic commupity to ep1barkona "Campaign for Children." QUI' concern for children !:regins well before their birth. X~t ,u~q$r ~9t:Furr:~n~. ppst~e of the hiw, the most vulnerable of our young remain at the highest risk. Almost 20 years ago, the Supreme COurt of the t;/nited States handed downit$' decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. In so doing it changed the face of a nation. Abortion rates increased until they reached over 1.6 million a year, 01' 4,400a day.~human beings were dismiS$~.>~fore birth, respect for hUman life suffered an overall decrease. Families are \lnder stress, young people are confused, and those whom others, consider burden~ the very young,the

some -

By Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua of all ahQrtions for reasohs of In words consolation to You are truly his eyes and mUlionsc>fwo an affli~ted Israel, the Lord ears and hands as you strive 'cope with the 0 says through the 'prophet untiringly to live what you .ilfter-effi ". ofa Isaiah: . believe and serve those least sttuggle'th the are less to Can a mother forget among us, confident that what people"theproble~o(aqused " own off'springj her infant, be without you do for them, you do for and ne~lected; chihl!.~!}k;~~e" ttainedti) heal, ar tenderness for the child the Lord. pr()bte ms of you~g ,l'r~na~.~ , trqy life,efore hi of her womb? . Indeed, you are the person women, scared Sfld~at<)~e. But,' kill patients at t Ev~n should she forget, of Christ Himself as you strive two decades of freely' available life. Incidences of abortion'nave no.t solved these and negl&t have to build a world where our I will never forget you. ()1' other problems: Jfanypiing, commol\place,and ,,i ',', preg~ See, upon the palms of young people will know that the problems have beene)Qlcer~ nancy rates continw'(o sky~, my hands we love them, because they bated and abm dOll ba~ biollgbt r~ket.,..•••.•..•. ' I have written your can see that we love the unborn with it its own weB of cortiplex In the' past two ~es, the., name.... and their mothers and their ptoblems. United States has ed tho",. Today, more than 90 percent rights ofindivid d various , Isaiah 49115~ 16 fathers. ,;t;'Iasses CIf people.theless>,' Through you, people dedicated Struggling to be Christ for today, unborn n remain unreservedly to preserving the others, especially the unborn, the only class of accorded dlignity of all human life, the you may feel the discourage~ absolutely no And, the, Lord is speaking these same ment that troubled Israel's right which the orn are words boldly and brightly people thousands of years ago. denied is the ke For if ,one lacks a right ist, all· today. Be consoled, comforted and other rights are re dmean", You are truly His voice as empowered to practice your ingless. We look tically you defend the 25 million faith and work for life each toward the day not thiS unborn children denied his day. year, then perhaps ~when tenderness and love of their Know that the Lord can ournation will reS ePl pro~ tection the lives nborn mothers and fathers through never forget you; He loves you children. the scourge called abortion. so much, He has carved you As God recogn' You are truly his feet as you on the palm of His hand. before we were bor tet~ walk and march in service of from Life Insight • CN~PII\'f& us by napte so too nman,vCl lJ_~I!'iPur vQU;¢J~$s bNtHersandsis~ .",.' ' G~~~~Q,\l'~6'id~i~e~ i Lt1Cignize die ~alueo£ ttve ,dlr;~tor JhC1,>'\r Fi' .'~ ",~liie and .ledge our ocon~be! . I :" "\!~rs, ttn'y'tholl'gh the'y1i'e; Secretanat for Pro~Llfe dnue to defend have no one but you to testify ueSp(~CL Activities. Ood1s greatest gift very bld"dul'verv' sitf1c - are incr;~asingly aband()ped,. ,". , " .,> ()nee': people.~hp . •t l!9at ab0tii0~would ~1v~many ~r~ sonal'llnd rodetal probletrts. Abortion was the answer, it was', ' said, to the problems of poof'


Isaiah 55: 1








to the truth that they exist.





783 SLADE ST. P.O. BOX M -


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HYANNIS 997-7337






The Diocesan Office








Family Ministry


Rev. Horace J. Travassos

Executive Director

Director eNS. Quinn und,Goudelie photos


A Catholic Campaign for Children By Nancy Wisdo One of the misguided criticisms of Catholics in the pro-life movement ......:. and by extension the U.S. bishops - is that they care about children only before they are born and not much afterward. Such criticism blatantly ignores the enormous contribution of the Catholic Church in providing education,

shelter, health care, social services, and advocacy on behalf of children and families in this country and around the world. In November, 1991, the U.S. Catholic Conference brought together the Church's long-standing tradition of pastoral care. and advocacy in a statement titled, "Putting Children and Families

First: A Challenge for Our church, Nation and World." This attempt to acknowledge the alarming facts about the economic, social and emotional poverty endured by many of our children and families proposes a "family-focused" legislative agenda that will challenge our nation's leadership, especially in this election year. Two months earlier, the bishops published another statement, "On Political Responsibility: RevitalizThe work of ing American Democracy," a call His hands for education and action on a broad range of issues. Three questions in this statement helped to focus the CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN: "While others are bishops' advocacy agenda on famcampaigning for office, let us campaign for children. Let us ily and children's issues: How can our nation respond to insist that the needs of our children, all children •..take first th~ ha.1,mtinL!leeds of vulnerplace in our dialogue over the yalues and vision that ought to able children in OUr midst?The guiOe our hanon. »-..;;.;;.t1S.imhops. Oeffrey High/lmage-Produc~ bishops' answer: Opposition to tions photo) to full participation abortion and federal funding of - - . . . . ; , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -If parents are to exercise their abortion; support for pregnant absent parents provide for childof persons with disabilities primary right and responsibility to women and children; support for ren's needs. These steps would in the church provide for the education of their legislation to eradicate hunger; and include minimum child-support children. they must have real choiawards based on the· number of support for strong child support SERVICES OFFERED: ces about how and where that educhildren and the absent parent's laws. A word about each of these: • RELIGIOUS SERVICES • EDUCATIONAL income, and automatic wage with- cation takes place. The bishops Signed monthly Mass and Sign Language Classes -Threats to our children begin . urge "education policies that respect holding. before they are born. Every year ~oci~1 ~ommunion and American Sign Language parental choice. such as vouchers How can our society support AnoJDtJDgs , stressing total communication .. 1.6 million babies are victims of families in their irreplaceable and tax credits...policies that will abortion. There are also risks to (administered at home ifnecessary) skills moral role and social duties, improve p"oor quality schools, inunborn chi1dren and their parents Home Visitations Captioned films offering real choices and help crease parental ,and familJ infrom AIDS, substance abuse, and Cons~lt~tion In: . Services to persons with in finding and affording decent volvement,..and ~ncQ..rage teacher inadequate health care. The bishops Rehglous El;iucallon multiple disabilities educatidn, houBingancl h~th excellence in e~~n_" .• ;.:'also call for "expanded national care? The bishops' answer: sup(pre-school through adult) Resource and Referral Service How can w~ find f~ir wa"ys'to education and prevention, the port for refundable children's tax invest in human needs without Sac~amental Pre~afation: . In-Sendee Seminars provision of prenatal and other First Commumon . . credit; support for family and med- mortgaging the economic future health care, treatment and rehabiliOutreach & Awareness Sacrament of R~conciliation icalleave; and support for parental of our country? The bishops' tation of abusers of alcohol and Confirmation Workshops choice in education. answer: increases in federal supother drugs." (for Children & Adults) -The bishops support changes in port for Head Start, job corps, -An estimated 5.5 million chil- our nation's tax policies that will housing, health care. Diocesan ApoStolate For Persons dren under age 12 are hungry. "bring fairness to the treatment of Many families need a "social "New investments and improve- families, especially to those raising With Disabilities mentsare. necrge~in. bllsie n.utri- children on, modest incomes," A safety net" to be able to meet basic 243 Forest Street tioDlllprograms, such as (Clod .refundabfe "diildren,'~,Gt~jtl dedit physical and sociab~:kcbtkat grow and deVelop. Fall River, MA 02721 stamps...and the Women, Infant would allow middle-income fam- their children and Children (WIC) program, that ilies to keep more of what they Those needs include early childTel. 679,8373 Voice • 679,4277 TTY hood development, safe and afforstill does not reach all in need." earn andwould help lift low-income dable housing, basic health care, REV. JOSEPH VIVEIROS -At a time when almost half of families out of poverty. and job training for young people. all marriages end in divorce, the Diocesan Director -Families that must. juggle full The Catholic Campaign for bishops call for steps to ensure that and part-time jobs, child care Children is an opportunity to build arrangements and time off for famon our tradition of defending the ily crises, need "family-friendly" poor and vulnerable members of workplace policies. The bishops support national family andnied- SfX~~fY ""'T purcl).ijdJ-eq.~. . Exc;e.rp.tfd from . Respect Ufe ical leave policy that would allow 1992. Nancy Wisdo is direclor of parents to take unpaid time off 1:0 the usee Office of Domestic "welcome a new child, nurse a sick Social Development in Washingspouse, or comfort a dying par- ton, D.C. ent.'!





In His image By Bishop Basil H. Losten Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Stamford

HCaring With Christ" We Respect Life by Caring for the Young and the Old Joan Morin R.N. President

Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald Moderator

The sacred authors of Genesis tell us that the Lord said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." So, "God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them." (Gn 1:26-27). Saints of old have pondered the meaning of these words and contemporary scholars have reflected upon them. There is no doubt that the creation of human life begins with God for the new life in His image. From the womb to the tomb this being is in the likeness of God. The body comes in a variety of colors and shapes. Since God is infinite, His image can have an infinite diversity in expression while still being one. It may be a poor pregnant homeless woman or a rich diseased male. The image may be a life formed in the womb or a life at death's door. No matter, the outward expression, it is the image of God. If we truly love God, we must

love and p~otect all who are ct'@ted in His image.. Life is where the image ca,n be seen. We have to protect the child in the womb and defend his or her right to life with the same vigor and determination as we fight all the forces that oppose life. For their form can be many. They attack life in the womb through abortion, life at its diversity through discrimination, and life at its social,level through economic policies. All of us are called to be pro-life, but the banner that we carry may be different. We are one people with one cause. We must support .ellch other. We have to branch out in many directions so as to prevent the antilif~ forces from achieving success in anyone place from 'fhich to advance. We must each be active in at least one endeavor, whether it be J;'ost-abortion counseling or visiting the sick, or fighting for just wages. All of these causes are prolife and all Christians must be desirous of carrying out the Lord'~ ministry. For the Lord came that we might have life. from Life Insight





is also challenged by their own THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 2, 1992 yearnings for intimacy and passion. We owe it to them to keep our secular culture's values are . virtue. Chastity is a gift of personal them from the downward pull, for empty, lonely, and unfulfilled. and even interpersonal power they want to live richer and truer I am not advocating a return to which frees us from manipulative lives than those they see portrayed prudish views of sexuality, for I am sexual relations before marriage in films or music videos. Catholic in favor of redeeming sexuality from and which can help us focus on campus and youth ministers in the negative associations it had in God and the needs of our neighbor. homilies, on retreats, and even in Excerpted from Respect Life the past and rethinking it in posidaily conversations with young 1992. Mary Patricia (Barth) Fourtive ways. These positive reppeople expect too little from them, resentations include seeing chas- qurean is an undergraduate chanot too much. tity not as an impersonal duty plain at Georgetown University. We have reason to demand more Washington. DC. imposed from within - that is, as a from our young adults. We need to help them understand that one model of sexuality should be preferred over another. A common COUNTERCULTURAL VIRTUE: The bishops' model of sexuality today is that of report" Human Sexuality" stresses that providing young peo- repression/liberation. It likens ple with mere biological information is inadequate without young adults to pressure cookers waiting to burst, needing release moral and spiritual formation. (Jeffrey High/ Image Produc- before they can feel healthy. tions photo) . But a stronger model is that of a disciplined dancer or athlete. You would not say to an Olympic athlete, "Be free. Express yourself by elimipating all your demanding negative and restrictive picture of training and ha'rd work." The athBy Mary Patricia Fourqurean sexual dangers. But most younger lete would tell you, "My freedom, Chastity. adults and virtually all teens today self-expression, and joy come only Writing about it is a little like face a different battle: to carve out from discipline and hard work. I walking into::a minefield. To' me, some sense of sexual direction in a can't divorce the two." chastity means' love for God, the The Catholic Bishops' report peer and media culture which prestotal involvement of our lives with "Human Sexuality" stresses that ents sex as sophisticated recreaGod and the wo~ld. For married providing young people with mete tional activity for which the only couples it involves faithfulness to biological information is inadequate one's spouse from this love. For criterion is mutual consent. I can honestly say I have met if it is not combined with moral single and celibate men and women, it means expressing their love for many young adults who have found and spiritual formation. Campus positive moral direction despite ministry, parish, and other volunGod in faithfulness to friends, an the blatant sexual chaos around tary groups united by a noble moral enriching faithfulness free from . them in our culture. I will never vision can most effectively offer genital expression; forget an' encounter with a student that formation and assist young Sexuality is a fire which both two years ago. This young man people to act on their Go-d-given warms in a beautiful way and burns in a dangerous way. It is the mode . approached one of my campus desire for that which is good. ministry colleagues with a profound by which spouses unite themselves Something fundamental has to question. "Why is it," he asked, change in our culture's understandin love to one another and bring "that those of us. struggling to be ing of human sexuality. Likewise, new life into the world. chaste on a campus as loose as this something must change in the But it can also be the means by which people - especially young, have never - not once -heard Church's practical approach to -you encourage us to be chaste?" sexuality as expressed in our homiunmarried people - are broken ;aitchlis:tarded6boe bn,. II> ~iq till ~~t.~ J:,*~?.Js~tJ~k·1:?~!H·'of·th~·'st'u- lies, re.treats, and private conversil-.· 500 SLOCUM ROAD, 'During their college years, many dent's willingness to address the tions.Change can begin with the development of countercultural students become involved in sexNORTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 issues of chastity and his self-unual relationships and in so doing derstanding: as a, young. Catholic communities united by commitare often used, sometimes abused, man, he saw himself living in a ment to virtue. This is not meant to and - at least once - finally dismorally hostile environment and imply that our culture is evil. But carded. Yet "chastity" still seems he was eager for encouragement to many people who have adopted to many a prudish concept from an live the high standards he believed outdated past. Where do we begin? the Church expected from him. HIt of to While some students reject Perhaps qy noting that our chastity as a value, or are still world's view 'of sex has changed of to developing an understanding of drastically from the 1950s to the the gift of their sexuality, I assume 1990s, and that our answers to that those young adults who have sexual questions may be irrelevant to the concerns our young people chosen to maintain their virginity face. Professor Lisa Sowle Cahill of (temporarily or permanently) or who have chosen to "reclaim" their Boston College in a 1990 article chastity will find it difficult to do "Can We Get Real About Sex?" asked us to realize that "each', so without the Church's challenge and support. generation has its own questions." Young people's moral vision is Those of us who were teenagers before Vatican II still carryon a challenged by almost everything struggle of "liberation" from a they see in the American media. It An Emergency Pregnancy Service


The CO'untercultural Virtue





is the right every pregnant woman give birth• •• •and the right every child be born."


Pro-choice makes no sense The November 1991 issue of Mademoiselle magazine contained the article, "How to tell if you're pregnant (& what you can do about it)." Interestingly, the "How to tell" part of the article takes up only the first two paragraphs. The remainder - the "what you can do" part - is about getting an abortion; so much for the proabortion rhetoric about "choice" as the principled presentation of all options. Even more interesting is the description of the actual abortion experience: "All in all, although abortion is not on our list of recommended experiences, it won't be the worst thing that ever happens to you .... afterwards, most women say their strongest emotion is relief. So if the unthinkabfe happens, don't panic. Do what you have, to do and get on with your life." In

other words, abortion is just not something to be all that concerned about; just do it and forget about it. This casual tone is remarkable - and revealing - given the usual rhetoric of abortion advocates that says abortion is always a "tragedy," an "agonizing decis~on," that causes great anguish for any woman who chooses to obtain one. But the fact is, this point only makes sense from a pro-life perspective. Employed by abortion advocates, it becomes mere rhetoric so self-serving and so self_contradictory as to be virtually meaningless. .' Abortion can be called tragic for the unborn only if one assumes the pro-life. position (supported by scientific evidence) that from the moment of conception there exists Turn to Page 14 •





Cape Cod


Fall River




New Bedfo.rd




Martha's Vineyard






12 . THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 2, 1992

The Church on' euthanasia By Gail Quinn The Vatican Declaration on Euthanasia defines euthanasia as "an act or an omission which of itself or by intention causes death, in order that all suffering may in this way be eliminated." Of critical importance is intentionality. While compassion for a sick, suffering or dying person is a worthy Christian response, the intent to end suffering by directly ending the patient's life is not permissible. As Christians we believe that we are ultimately responsible to God for the gift of life he has given us. Derek Humphry; founder of the Hemlock Society, says near the beginning of his suicide manual,

"If you consider God the master of your fate then read no further." Humphry sees organized religion as the most serious obstacle that right-to-die activists face. And he is basically right. . Our reverence for life, however, does not absolve us from all decision making, nor are we called to be completely passive in our stewardship. Even our obligation to preserve life has limits. A singleminded drive to sustain life can impose unreasonable burdens on the patient and on the caregivers. Life is our first and most basic gift, but it is not our highest value; our highest value is faithfulness to God. A course of treatment that would

"Pray for the Unborn Chil.dren Wal.k to Support Life, " October 4, I99 2

ttyote ." for Life" November 3, 1992 I




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THIS AD SPONSORED BY Atty. Edward M. Hodkinson 467 Milford Road .. Swansea, MA 02777 Tel. 677~9254

cause such pain as to interfere with .our moral or spiritual responsibilities cannot be required of us. The idea of spiritual responsibility raises the question of martyrdom and suicide. The early Christian martyrs were praised by many precisely because they willingly gave their lives in service to their faith. And some would use their example to provide a Christian justification for suicide in some cases. St. Augustine faced this question in The City of God. The barbarian invasions of Rome placed many Christian women at risk of sexual assault. The question arose whether they could justifiably kill themselves to avoid being raped or to avoid living in s.hame afterwards. Augustine's answer constitutes 'tIN OUR tradition, medical caregivers have understood one of the major turning points in this to be their calling: to cure when possible, to care always; the history of Christian moral never to kill." -the Ramsey Collo'quium, Always to Care, Never reflection. Without judging the consciences or guilt of those who to Kill, 1992. Oeffrey High/Image productions photo) had' taken this extreme step, he reaffirmed that it is never right to II . would justify suicide and assisted termina y 111 patient, it means we dire.cdy take the life of an innocent suicide.' . should be willing to suffer to make person. It is one thing to suffer Are Christians to be indifferent that patient's last days more comharm at the hands of another, he to pain and suffering? Traditional fortable and more meaningful. The Christian message about sufsaid, and quite another deliberately moralists have said we must relieve to do harm to oneself. pain because unrelenting pain can fering was never more needed, and Augustine's answer touches on a distract the person from fulfilling never more likely to be misunderbroader question: How should our important' moral and spiritual stood, than in today's pleasurebelief in an afterlife affect the way, duties and can even lead him or her seeking society. Oddly enough, in we treat this life? Certainly this to despair. other areas of life - athletics, dietbelief means that we need not fear Today, when popular medl'a and'109, career ad vancement " - we ta ke death as the ultimate evil - we political organizations are trying to for granted that we must endure know that death is not the last make assisted suicide seem a reasome sufferiflg to make real pro· word. A Christian may actually find sonable solution; we can add: We gress'. "No pairi;tio gain:" Bi.it'peoit easier to "let go" of life and die must relieve pain'becauseotherwise pie do not transfer this understandpeacefully when the time for death people will be led 'to think .that ing to the last stages of life itself, to has come. inducing death is their only relief. view the suffering of terminal illness But our belief also raises the Yet there 'is a sense in which as the final stage of personal growth. stakes in any decision about the Christians should be willing to conThat is a difficult message to comactive taking of life: It means we are front suffering. We should try to see' municate and an even more difficult destroying the gift of an eternal our' own sufferings as relatively one to live out. Giver and making a decision th~t unimportant compared to the joY, The Church has the intellectual has ete~n~l. consequenc~s. ThiS God has prepared ,for us. And we and spiritual resources of it's long.. e. ar. t.blr, e._:_ ... i,~ flIe!l'A,_. _)~_:.....,,"~~~,~';'~ ~?~:::l~*mrl:ti·:l:lig::limlml~:I .. !tt!:·~.~m=<~!m~ h bk!Hl.Q,t,-9.. 1 1 f ..1!.r"Q!lJ:y,. h ..•..-11',!!,.L, . ..bu.Lk ... .,0---<> ::;::Q. - - - =Q~:"--=~:===~ ;ui;tib..u.dg 11U2(4 Li 4Gill§(i Qi ggsP?9 It I~ t eon y. I. em w IC we rna e by voluntarily joining it with the for human life, a tradition that lis ultimate deCISIOns about our stance suffering of Christ out of love for moderate and reasonable. The nuantowards God, by making decisions others. ces of this tradition are sorely needed, apout h.o~ to tre.at ':'lod's creati~n. The k~y wo~d here, of course, is and the Church can be instrumental S? Chtlsttan beltef 10 an afterltfe love. We do not seek suffering for in making a special contribution to gives no support to those who its own sake, but, like Jesus himself, the ongoing debate in our society. we are willing to endure it out of love for others. If we are caring for a Excerptedfrom Respect L({e /992. :ea"

Total life care

Pastoral care of the sick IJrings His life

to hospitalized patients, nursing home residents and parish homelJound ... THROUGH HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS AND PARISH PASTORAL CARE



"Sometimes the sick are not considered as persons, and their care can You are called to 'humanize' sick1:zess; to treat the become a 'lob' sick as a creature of God, as a Brother/Sister in Christ. It is without doubt a difficult and demanding mission. " .J • • •

Pope John Paul II - Address to the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God

Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care to the Sick 160 Seabury St., Fall River, MA 02720


Rev. George C. Bellenoit, Diocesan Director Sr. Shirley Agnew, R.S.M., Assistant Director -~-

By Bernard Casserly Sister Jeanne Therese Condon, cSJ, never had to search for her identity. Concern about her image never kept her awake. Neither power nor authority were her goals in life - just service to others'The frail but tough Sister of St. Joseph of Medaille was long into her third career when a heart attack and stroke ended her life this summer at age 77. Like many senior citizen sisters today, she spent her first 25 years as a teacher. At age 50 she plunged headlong into missionary work with the Oblate order in Recife, Brazil. Five years later, in 1970, she returned to her St. Paul, MN, home to launch a career of fighting abortion by starting a chain of neighborhood walk-in centers for women with problem pregnancies. Sister Jeanne Therese didn't start out to build a string of Total LifeCare Centers, as she called them. Starting in 1973, they grew like Topsy, around one a year, from the Canadian border into rural towns. but mostly in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. She explained her philosophy when she was awarded the 1985 Extraordinary Life Service Award of the Minnesota Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. "Prospective mothers have the right to freedom from pressure,"

she said, and the clinics are designed so every woman can have her child at a cost she can afford with as much concern for the life of the mother as of the child. The centers live up to the "total" in their title. They aid life at all ages, from routine health care, to immunizations for children, to services fot the elderly like vision and hearing checks, blood pressure tests and flu shots - all at a nominal fee. In addition to launching her centers around the state, Sister Jeanne Therese was their executive director for many years. She fired up her coworkers as editor of the quarterly "TLC Life Support News.'; . A no-nonsense leader, she inspired support, both financial and volunteer, with her tenacious.ness and her prayer life. She usually wore a white blouse, a black suit a'nd a stark cross around her neck - a sign of her lifelong dedication to the Lord. When Sister had the time, she marched in protest at the Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul. Her most powerful cry against the slaughter of the unborn came in words she wrote in the Spring 1988 "Life Support News." Here they are: Turn to Page 14

The other 'victims of abortion: fathers Apart from permitting the destruction of unborn life, the legalization of abortion in 1973 introduced a reign of confusion in American society and family life. Few things illustr,ate this more clearly than the incoherent treatment afforded to men who father children.

interest in the life of his own offspring has to yield to a woman's "abortion right" as announced in Roe.

The rationale articulated by the Court reveals just how convoluted the thinking about fathers became in the wake of legalized abortion. In Danforth, the High Court explained Consider this. A woman who its rejection of the law requiring gives birth to her child and who the consent of a woman's spouse establishes the paternity of a man by saying that "since the State canmay, under the law, require him to not regulate or proscribe abortion provide financial support for their ...when the physician and his patient child. As policy, this readily make that decision, the State canunderstandable concept is strongly not delegate authority to any parsupported in our society. Comticular person, even the spouse, to mon sense and our culture's shared prevent abortion ..." (Planned Parvalue of the responsibility of par- enthood of Missouri \I. Danforth). In ents to their children mandate such other words, a child's father is involvement. treated like an outsider with no If, however, the woman chooses right to care for his child. Equally not to let her baby live, the child's flawed is the notion that parents' father has absolutely no rights or ' rights are privileges to be doled out recourse. Suddenly, the law strips from the bag of rights held in the him of any responsibility for his firm grasp of the state, rather than child; it does not even recognize a something with which a parent is naturally endowed. In short,' acfather's interest in merely knowing cording to the 'Danforth Court·, that' the' mother of his baby is fathers lose all rights when pitted undergoing an abortion. He is ccim~ against a woman's absolute "right" pletely cut out of the decisionto an abortion. making process unless the mother of the child chooses to involve What effect' on society has this him. Even ifhe knows, and offers a disenfranchisement of 'fathers commitment to support both moth- ~rought? An op-ed in the Seattle er and,child, the father must stand Post-Intelligencer last spring gave by powerlessly while his child dies voJceto th~ mal~ pe~spective. The once the ~othe~ ~ho~ses an abor'- author explained that abortion tion. breeds irresponsibility in men. "As This crazed posture is the legacy it stands now, men have relinquishof a 1976 Supreme Cou'rt decision, ed to women aspects of their lives Planned Parenthood \I. Danforth, that revolve around procreation. which held that a married woman All consideration is given to mothdoes not need to obtain the con- erhood, as if the paternal sensibilisent of her husband before having ties did not exist....A loss such as an abortion. Thus, e.v~n fathe.r~s this is tragic, not only for the man,



but for the' wholeness of society. We cannot expect men to be more responsibile as fathers without allowing them more consideration in the decision to become one" (Don Kruse, "Men Silent Partners in Abortion Debate," Seattle Post Intelligencer, 4/20/91). A recent Washington Post op-ed entitled "Life Without Father" explored why more and more fathers are "drifting away,leaving the kids in poverty and violence." Among the reasons mentioned - twice -as significantly contributing to the social pathology of fatherless families was the "widespread availability of abortion." "The legalization of abortion altered a man's calculus upon learning he has impregnated a woman out of wedlock. 1t shifted from one of moral obligation - she's having my kid; I must marry her - to one of utilitarian self interest - if she wants a kid, when she doesn't have to have it, then it's her problem." There was hope for change when the U.S, Supreme Court recently ruled on the Pennsylvania abortion law in Planned Parenthood \I. Casey. But Its spousal notification provision, requiring that a married women seeking abortion sign a statement that her husband has been notified of her, intent, was struck down by the court: Our nation's current abortion law fosters the notion that a man's responsibility in procreation ends at the moment of conception. Spousal notification laws, on the other hand, recognize that concep~ tion marks only the beginning of a man's responsibility as a father. Our nation thirsts for renewed cul-


UO LORD, thou art our father, and we are clay: and thou art our maker, and we are the work of thy hands." Is 64:8 tural appreciation of the vital role of fathers in family life. The laws should encourage such an appreci-

ation rather than dismiss fathers as our current abortion law does. from Life Insight


Diocesan Health Facilities 368 N.orth Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts






Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, Director Rev. Joseph M. Costa, Assistant to the Director •

.Cherishing.'life as a gift, that is precious. ,


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Catholic Memorial Home 2446 Highland Avenue Fall River, Massachusetts Telephone: 679·001 1

• •

Marian Manor 33 Summer Street Taunton, Massachusetts Telephone: 822-4885 Madonna Manor 85 North washington Street North Attleboro, Massachusetts Telephone: 699-2740

Our Lady'S Hauen 71 Center Street Fairhaven, Massachusetts Telephone: 999-4561

• •








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REV. MARK R. HESS.lON Pro-Life Coordinator

MR. & MRS. ANTHONY TRANFAGLIA Pro':'Life Chairpersons





• . ,,,.~.


. . ."





Abortion advocates cannot have it both ways. To simply dismiss abortion as "not on our list of recommended experiences," or even to celebrate it as "the very core and essence" of a woman's life, ignores the deep moral reservations Americans hold regarding abortion. To then change gears, and insist that abortion is the tragic option no woman would willingly choose, is self-contradictory and cynical.

By Ann Hodkinson Holy Name Parish, Fall River Little hands and little feet Her angelic, cherubic countenance is oh, so sweet. So perfect are the digits of fingers and toes. "I am living inside of my mom but she doesn't know. Oh, what a surprise I'll be. When Mommy finds out, she'll be so happy. I love the sound I hear when Mommy sings. 'It's true, I 19ve the sound of many things. I've heard my daddy's voice thrice before, But I never hear it anymore. , Perhaps he's 'being quiet so I .can sleep 'Or maybe he's listening to my rhythmic heartbeat. ,...' I wonder if they look like me. . . 'They must be big because I'm so tiny.... I long to walk by Mommy's side. When she sees me, she'll be so filled with pride. I wonder if she knows I came from above. I wonder if she knows, I long for her love. I can't wait to be born, to look in her eyes. When she sees I'm a girl, she'll be so surprised. I wonder where Daddy went after he slammed the door. I wonder why I don't hear him anymore. Mom and I are going to the doctor's today. When the doctor tells her I'm alive, I wonder,what she'll say. She'll be filled with joy and happiness, no doubt. What else could she possibly be happier aboJlt? Oh, here we go. We're off for the ride.. , ,And to think ~hat joy she'll feel when she knows I'm inside. 'Today lam twenty weeks old and so happy to be . Inside of my mom who so loves m~. .


, I



A Child's Voice




Continued from Page II as an unnatural option, an assault new human life, not merely some on a woman's physical and emo"product of conception." If the tional integrity. Despite Mademoiunborn is no more than a collec- selle's airy assurances to the contion of cells and tissue, then its trary, for many women having an removal should be no more tragic abortion has indeed proved to be than the removal of any tissue. among the worst experiences of Abortion can be called tragic for . their lives, both physically and women only if it is acknowledged menially.


11:30 A.M. 7


Pro-choice makes no sense





My heart bea~s ~o fast when' Ithi~k :0£ ply birth: . In 4 months' time I'll be outsid~ on the' earth. .... :, . _,.: . I wonder what Mommy \l(ilFi}ame me. .. .. ~~/ ;. ~, :;'""'.:':" I'll have bright yellow.l1airljke a bumblebee. :~: ' . We must be at the diiii~ because Mommy is w~lking nCiw. The doctor can tell if I'm a girl, even though I d'on't know how. Mommy is talking to a woman about her right to pro-choice. Oh, Mommy, I so love to hear your voice.' " My mommy is twenty years old, I just heard her say. I wonder when I'll have my first birthday. Mommy is hav~ng some test~ t9 find out if I'm inside. Wne'n she finds out, she'll he'so filled with pride. Oh, I love her so much, I could just bust. ,' ;\ (', I bet she loves me as much;she must, she.must! Mommy just got her test back and she knows'I'm inside. ' Only 4 more months and I won't have to hide!. :. The doctor just asked my mom if all the papers are signed. "a. K. then," he said, "hop on the table and we'll put this behind." ' . The doctor then injected a needle into my mom's belly. Oh, Mom, I hope he's not hurting you as h~ qra':\'s out this dear ' jelly. . . ..., . He's drawing out som.e of the clear liquid that surrounds me, And he's replacing the clear stuff with a liquid that's so salty. Ouch, that hurts, Mommy! What is he doing this for? Then Mommy said, "Thank God I don't have to deal with this anYl11 ore ." Tell him to'stop, Mommy. I'm writhing in pain. Oh, I can't die now! I don't even know my name! Mommy, tell him to stop! I'~'burning up insiqe! Don't you know I exist, Mommy? Aren'.t you filled with prider, Oh, ouch, my lungs are burning up completely! I love you, Mommy, even if you don't love me: I'm being born now into the world. With burns covering my body, into a cold steel pan I am hurled. I am kicking and screaming for my life! Oh, this pain cuts through my lungs like a knife! "Oh my Lord! What have I done," my mom scr:eams; "I never,would have thought you were a child in my wildest dreams. They said you were tissue, a clot of blood; not human at all. Now I see you are a perfect baby girl," my mommy cried, evidently appalled. . "Oh, I am so sorry! I didn't know you were a real living person! Forgive me! I love you; little Susan!" "I forgive you, Mom," I think to myself, As Mommy comes to me and lifts me up off the cold steel shelf. My mom kisses me then, and I know she loves me, But I never will understand how society could let a tragedy like this be. I breathe, my last breath as my mom's tear falls on my face. The liquid grief cools a bit of my burns as my soul flies up into heavenly' space. .

They say: Even those favoring the "right to choose" admit that abortion is a tragic option. We say: Why? - For abortion advocates, such an admission makes no sense. If the unborn are merely non-human "products of conception," why should the removal of these products be tragic? And if abortion does not produce any long-term physical or psychological damage to women, why should it be considered tragic for women? They say: We favo~ "choice," not abortion - no one justifies abortion as a good in itself. We say: Then why do "prochoicers" variously describe abortion as a woman's absolute right," the very "core and essence of everything in a woman's life" an~ a procedure whose chief effect is a "feeling of relief" for women? S~ch descriptions make no sense unless one do.es consider abortion a positive good.

from Life Insight

Total life care Continued from Page 12 Abortion Mill I pause before those bloodred doors appalled, in silent grief for all who enter-who have entered-there, to kill a little child. Th~y pass ,me by, defiant or . indifferent, cal~~>us ~o~ldlings or fright~ ~'~7 ened young ones " propelled by pushy mothers ·or harryi~g' boy friends.


I try to speak to them about 'their precious , .child,.the l'l;arl of great price, thai: lies" . beneath their hearts, living,' breathing, begging them to care. Some turn away, in anger or defiance; Some listen, then go in, des, pite my tearful plea; .. Some few assent, return to waiting cars, the pearl intact-thank God! Those others are returningempty now, to empty homes and empty cribs and empty lives, Replete with vacant smiles, and tinsel robes, all hid by running laughter. I stand befor~ those blood. stained doors. I grieve for all the slain potential of our race, the vast betrayal of our sacred trust to love all humankind, to nurture, not destroy. And then I kneel, and pray in silent grief:. . "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

"T his very Sunday marks the beginning of the annual Respect Life Program, through which the Church in the United States intends to reiterate its conviction regarding the inviolability of human life in all stages. Let us then, all together, renew our esteem for that value of human life, remembering also that through Christ, all hum':ln life has been redeemed." [Pope John Paul II, Washington, D.C.,. 1979] .

,The Natural Choice is Life. .







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'. '. ;. '(508) 997-~290


'REV; STEPHEN A., FERNANDES; Dioc~~an Director '.

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In recognition of the fact that each human life is a continuum from conception to natural death, the objective of MCFL is to foster respect for human life and to defend the right to life of aU .human beings, born and unborn, through educational, legislative, poUtical, and other forms of activity. For more information, call Massachusetts Citizens For Life ,PETER ZAJAC, Walk Chairman路 Telephone


LOUISE BOLTON, Chapter Chairperson Telephone


Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Inc. NEW BEDFORD CHAPTER

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