. The Most Reverend James
Pope John himself has given the purpose of the Seca ond Vatican Council which will open next Thursday in St. Peter's in Rome. He has' called together 2,500 cardinals, bishops and prelates of the Church to bring about what he has called, in Italian, an "aggiornamento" - a bring. that have been sweeping each ing up to date,of the Catho- century. The twentieth century lic .spiritual and moral pro-- is no exception.
L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, will leave on Monday afternoon' for the Second' Vatican Council convening' next Thursday in Rome. Accompanied by Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, S.T.D., Chancellor of the Diocese and pastor of St. Michael's Church, Fall River, the Bishop will travel, by- train from Providence to N_ew York. The two prelates will th~n leave by Pan American jet fr{)m Idlewild International AirPort for Rome on Monday eveIling. -Most Reverend James J. Gerli-ard, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese and pastor of' St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, will, in his capacity as Vicar General, administer the Diocese during Bishop ConDolly's stay in Rome. :The Most Reverend Bishop has received a communication from ,the dircctors of the 1800-church Massachusetts Co u n c i I 0 f Churches extending official gpod wishes as he leaves for the Sec- . ond Vatican Council in Rome. The message was sent to the Ordinaries of Boston, Springfield and W'lrcester also. Text of the message read: . "The board of directors of the Massachusetts Council of Churches extends its good wishes to Roman Catholic, bisho)J'S in Massachusetts on the eve of their departure for the Second Vatican Council. "We assure them of our earnest prayer that by God's grace their deliberations may effect the furtherance of the spirit of unity and brotherly IIffeetion among all Christians."
Youth'Week ~mphasizes
Reverence' WASHINGTON (NC) 'A group of national leaders Joined Francis Car din a I Spellman, Archbishop' of New York, in a salute to the 12th annual National Catholic Youth Week observance which will open Sunday, Oct. 28. The Cardinal, commenting on the week's theme, "·Reverent Youth -Loyal Leaders," declared: "It lis my em'nest hope and prayer that America's youth will develop reverence so that they will be loyal, God-loving citizens of our country." Tum to p'age Nineteen
gram for modern living. He is determined to renovate the Church. For while the Church is a divine institution founded by Christ, Christ still uses human instruments to carry out His will in the world. And men 'charged with tpe responsibility and the power to carry out the will of Christ must, from time to time, gather to' consider the new problems facing the Church and brought on by the social, economic, political, scientific and philosophical revolutions·
Legion Ratings Aid Wise Fi'lm Choice CHARLOTTE (NC)-The National Legion of Decency aids people in making a morally wise' choice of films and is definitely not a censorship group, the legion's 'executiv0 secretary said here. Those who thjnk of the legion as being composed of "blue' nosed censors who are, for "nor does it now nor has it ever the most part, 'superan. . endorsed, supported or otherwise nuated spinsters'" have a advocated censorship control of HIS HOLINESS POPE JOHN XXIII
The ANCHOR All AftOMr of ",. "owl, .... M4~1I1 IT. P...
Fall River, Mass'., Thursday, Oct. 4,.1962 Vol. 6, No. 41 ©
1962 The Anchor
PRICE lOe $4.00 pe; Year
Questio'ning, of Ed,ucators Starts'· 'NationwicJe :Study NOTRE DAME' (:NC) - The first nationwide study of Catholic' elementary and,secondary 'schools has entered its first major phase with the mailing of questionnaireli to 13,500 principals' and 160,000 teachers. William Conley, director of the project, also -oUc elementary and secondary announced plans for a pilot education in the United States. study as part of the coast- The survey is centered at the to-coast survey. The study U1!-iversity of ~otre Dame ",:,here a new computmg center WIll be used ,to precess data. . Ass<?ciated with the Cat?ohe schools study is ,a consultmg committee composed of Father Theodore M. Hesb~rgh, C.S.C.. N<:>tre . Dame preSident; Msgr. ~rederIck G. Hockwalt, e~ecu bve secretar~ of the NatIonal Turn to Page Seven
Maronites of Diocese Welco~e Antioch Patria rch to Po rishes
The 75th anniversary of the founding of Saint Mathieu's parish, Fall River will be obRerved this Sunday
The Most Reverend Bishop dispenses from the law of abstinence for Friday, Oct. 112. Columbus Da)'.
false image of it, said Msgr. films. Thomas F. Little. "The legion has never in its Speaking at the 50th anniverhistory supported government ,sary dinner of the Theatre Own- 'censorship; on the contrary, the ers of North and South Carolina, record shows an insistence by he asserted that the "Legion' of the legion upon the philosoph)' Decency is a film guidance serv. of 'mtnimal legal restraint' and II ice of the Catholic Church whose 'maximum of social responsibilc> principal purpose is to assist ity.' " , people in the making of a free :. ·Msgr. Little then pointed out but morally discriminating . that in their 1957 statement" choice of films." . : uThe Church and Censorship," "The' legion is neither a cen-' the U. S. Bishops urged the dou~ sorship group," li~ continued; Turn to Page Ten
will be carried out in the schools of the Diocese of Fort WayneSouth Bend, Ind. Other special studies will follow. The three-year study national project is financed by a $350,000 grant from' the Carnegie' Corporation of New York. It is. expected to provide for the first time an accurate profile of Cath-
Fall River Parish To Mark Jubilee Next Sunday
with a Solemn High Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Rev. Henri Charest, pastor. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henri Hamel, Lt. Col., U.S.A.F., a native of the parish, will deliver the sermon. Rev. Clement Dufour, curate llIt St. Theresa's parish, New Bedford, and Rev. Bernard Lavoie, curate at Notre Dame parish, Fall River, will be' deacon and subdeacon respectively. Both are natives of Saint Mathieu's. Turn to Page Thirteen
The early days of Christianity were a' spiritual revolution during which churchmen faced the problems of the age. These Apostles and their successors showed their Jewish brethren that Christianity was the fulfillment of the Jewish religion. They entered the pagan world, adopting and adapting what was true and good, and made Chris- . tianity such a moving experience through the sacraments and the liturgy and the freedom Turn to Page Ten
Paul Peter Meouchi, 68, who visited Maronite churches in New Bedford and Fall River last Saturday and Monday and Tuesday of this week, enjoys the exotic title of His Beatitude and the lofty rank of Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. Cilicia, and the Chaldean PatriAs Patriarch, he belongs on arch of Babylon. a. level of hierachical honor All are Catholics who give immediately below His Holi- their allegiance to the Roman 0
PRELATES MEET: The Most Reverend Bishop greets His Beatitude, Paul Peter Meouchi, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and the Whole East, on his return to the Fall River Diocese on a visit. The Patriarch served as pastor of Our Lady of Purgatory Church, New Bedford, from 1922 to 1925.
ness, Pope John XXIII, Patriarch of -Rome and of the West, a distinction Patriarch Meouchi shares with the Patriarch of but five other jurisdictions in the Catholic Church. PatriarCh .Meouchi is, in other words; a truly important personage in the church's hierarchy, being co-equal in dignity with the' Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria, . the Melkite, and Syrian Patriarchs of Antioch, the Ar.menian Patriarch of
Turn to Page Seventeen
Bells To Ring In accord with the request of His Holiness, Pope John, the Most Reverend Bishop orders that the bells of all the Churches in the Diocese shall be rung on Thursday morning', Oct. 11, at 11 o'c.ock to remind all the faithful to pm;, for the success of Ule Ecua meDical COUDcD. .
, 2 •
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 4,
Catholic Agency Resettles 25,483 Cuban Refugees
Loco! Drug' Guild .'He~ps Formation Of Nati~onal Unit
WASHINGTON (NC) The worldw.ide relief and rehabilitation agency of U.S. Catholics has resettled 60
Under the direction of St. James Catholic, Pharmacists' Guild of this Diocese, a National Catholic' Pharmacists' Guild has been organized at a session in New York City. Heading the new national organization as ,president is TimothyP.' Keating, New Bedford long active in the Diocesa~ guild. Spiritual director is Rev. Albert F. Shovelton, curate at St. James Church, New Bedford. He has filled the same office for the local unit. Other officers represent pharmacists' guilds in St. Louis, St. Paul, Baltimore and North Syracuse, N.Y. The national,.guild will 'operate under the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Membership will be open to all ~atholic registered and graduate pharmacists as well as area Diocesan guilds desiring to affiliate with the national group. Aims will include promotion organization and servicing of local units; upholding and fostering principles of Catholic faith and morality as related to the I practice and profession of pharmacy; and the encouragement of aid to Catholic mission- . ary groups, especially those engaged in care of the sick. National headquarters are 10, cated at 415 County Street, New Bedford. '
per cent of the 42,000 Cuball!l refugees from Miami, Fla.. given new homes in other parte of the nation during the last, 20 months. . , Bishop' Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of Catholie Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference, said the agency has resettled 25,483 of the Cuban refugees and hi processing cases at the rate of 500 a week. A goal of resettling 35,000 of the refugees who fled from Castro's communist Cuban r~ gime was fixed in April by Bishop Swanstrom for 1962. He said the agency likely will "fall a little short of this goal." 'Splendid Work' CRS-NCWC was one' of four voluntary agenCies saiuted by Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Anthony J. Celebrezze (Sept. 19), for "splendid work" In carrying out the major job of resettling the refugees from Miami in other parts of the country. The other agencies mentioned were Church World Service (Prostestant), Un i ted mAS Service (Jewish) and the International Rescue Committee. Following a conference' with officials of 'the four agencies, gelebrezze ,said ,the present rate of resettlements must be doubled to exceed, the number of new arrivals from Cuba and ,to cut down congestion in the Miami area. The Secretary said the four ,agencies had pledged support of the stepped-up program. ,
BISHOP'S WELCOME: The Most Reverend Bishop: along with Rev. John F. Hogan Director of St. Mary's Ho'me, New Bedford welcomes some of the 25 Cuban childre~ who have taken up residence in the New Bedford Home, refugees sent by their parents to escape Castro's plans for young people of Cuba. . . '
'New ,B'edford' Home;,HostsCuban Youth . ..
.. ..
~.:' ~
. Twenty-five ,Cuban refugee. ,of the Catholic V\Te~fare BUreau" Two Spanish speaking, Sist'e~s ,childrenhav.e come"to'the,Fall, in New Bedford",aIid'in charge have also been assigned'to;',th'e ,River Diocese at the invitation of. the ,Program, sa~d thechildr~n Home and will assist in teaching of Most Rev. Bishop James L; WIll llve and attend' school m the children English. ' Bec<;luse Connolly in response t'o a re- 'St. Mary~s' Home 'in :,that city. the ,formal education of the quest for, help" from Most Rev. The Home' is staffed by 10 Sis- children ,'ceased last yeat when . 'Coleman F. Carr911, Bishop' of ters of St. Francis with Sister Castro closed all schools in Cuba Miami, Florida. Mary Auxilia, O.S.F. as the the' children will be enrolled ~ FRIDAY-Mass ,of previous SunRev. John F. Hogan, director Superior. . classes at their proper grade ,day. IV Class. Green. Mass " ' level soon after the intensive Proper; No Gloria; Second 'Collect SS. Placidus and Com_ Catho~gcS, Lo@~ fl'@ ~~;:~~ in English begins to take panions, Martyrs; No Creed' D • ~ff Rev. Bryan O. Walsh, director Common Preface. Two Votiv~ M ih of the Catholic Welfare 'Bureau Masses in honor of the Sacred N@~rology LONDON (NC)-The Catholic tian forces iIi the fight against in Miami, said that the program ,Heart of Jesus permitted. ToOCT. 6 Church in Britain looks to the modernism. was instituted to provide 'care .morrow is the First Saturday forthcoming Second Vatican EcWith these have gone insist- and protection for refugee , :dev. Stephen B. Magill 19lel. of the Month. I Assistant, Immaculate C~ncePumenical Council to strengthen from Cuba who are ' in ence that the preparations and chilqren h 115ATURDAV-St. Bruno, Confestion, No. Easton. ', its efforts to reconvert thIS' in-' t e United States without their much of the council's work itself ' sor. III Class. White'. Mass OCT. '7 creasingly nonreligious nation. must be secret and 'any forecasts parents. ' -'. .proper;' Gloria; no 'Creed; Rev. Caesa,r Phares, 1951, , All its hopes and prayers have Common Preface. about the results would be futile. , ~astor, St. Anthony of Desert, h,itiate: been concentrated on this aspect The Catholic laity has generSUNDAY-XVII Sunday After Fall R i v e r . , . ' ally followed this lead and while College Expansidn:' '.. ,Pentecost. II Class. Green.' . of the ~ouncil's work. OCT. 10 .Many Catholics believe a individuals' have made various Collect Blessed Virgin' Mary A $7 million 10 year expansion R~v. James C. J. ,Ryan, 1918, suggestions th~ big lay societies of the Rosary; Creed; Preface main, tool to rebuild, permanentprogram has, been announced, by ASSIstant, Immaculate Conceply the spiritu.allife of the country as a whole have made ,no official of Trinity. .St. Francis College, Biddeford, tion, No. Easton. out of the present friendship be-' public statements. MONDAY-:-St. Bridget, Wtdow. Me. The Franciscan Fathers of o.CT.'1l , tween the various major ChrisThe only published English III C:lass: White. Mass Proper; , Montr~al,' staffing the', college, Rev. James A.Downey, 1952, Glona; Second Collect SS. ',tian churches" would' be' a far ,Catholic petition to' the council plan an -enrollment expansion of Pastor, Holy Ghost; Attleboro. was made last yearby the VerSergius, Bacchus, Marcellus greater use of the vernacular in50, students per year until a total' stead of Latin throughout' thenacular So'cietY,an influential and Apuleius,' Martyrs; no enrollment of 800 In reached~" ~ , liturgy.' '~roup; which formally' asked , Creed; Common Preface. " Building plans envisage addlOther hopes are all conn~ted that the EngLish language should ,tion,of 14 new units to the'cam! 'l'UESDAY ..:..... St. John Leonard, with the uitimate' aim ,of convei'be generally used throughout Confessor: III Class. White. Funeral Home " pus. An academic zone' wiil inMass and for all seven sacra,Mass Proper;, Gloria; Second sion.They include the introducclude classrooms, library, and 571 Second St. tion into the Mass of the name of ments in this country. Collect SS. Denis, Bishop, studen.t center, .while a residence FalJ' River, Mass St. Joseph, a saint h'eld in parIt suggested, tnatthe' whole Busticus and Eleutherius, Mar_ zone ",ill, consist of nine 'resiticularaffection through EngMass in public' churches should ,tyrs; no Creedj Common Pref_ dence halls. ' 'OS 9-6072 land's history; .. the ,canonization be'in English apart from a few ace. MICHAEL J: McMAHON " WEDNESDAY-St.,Francis Bor_ of the 40 ly.[artyx:s of England and' Latin phrases to preserve the Licensed Funeral Dlroctor Wales,' ,a papal honor which lirik with the language' of 'the '. gia, Confessor. III -- Class. Registered Embalm., Roman Church and the existing White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no apart, from anything else would please the ',national-ego; 'and a Greek and Hebrew, elements. Creed; Common Preface. ,.,uneral Bonae common approved English verAll the sacraments and other , THURSDAY":""'Maternity of the sion of the' Bible acceptable to . : 550 LOCuH 8&. non-Catholics. . . ntes, ceremonies and blessings Blessed Virgin MarY.' II Class. should be in English together , ,Fall alv~. Mus, White. MassProp'er; Gloria; 'Authentic' Church with any part of the HolY To Call on ,Catholic ; ' , 'Creed; Preface of Blessed Vir. The Chur~h h~re ,exists,along~ Office recited in public. The OS 2·2J91 gin.,", , ' " , " , Reetor'i~s side a w:ealthy' and influential society further asked that only ROBe E. SUllivan " state-supported 'Anglican hierone approved English text be Jeffrey B:,SulllvllD Experience and the FORTY HOURS archy, which claims it is still the allowed for all these 'services Following Preferred: authentic..,UCatholic .Church" in in both England ,and' Wales • Non·Conflicting Line -·this, Cj>uritry. Ir asSerts, it'1s diand in Scotland, which has a' Permissable Oct. 7-:-:0ur'Lad:y' of : the' r~ctly de!lcended froqlthe"Aposseparate hierarchy. • Good Commissions H?ly . ' Rosary, ' F. al f ties and uses liturgy ,similar to FUNERAL HOME, INC• and Solid Renewals . Jbvef. '"' ,' __ ' " '. that of fJ:IeChy.~ch. , ". IL lI.reel a~ - C. Lorraln. ao. Write fully to: , , Our ~ady' of, -thf,;Holy Laity Follows Lead Roan LaPranCll P. O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. ',Rosary;:Taluiton.. " The Church in 'Britain'has Oct: 1:4-;-51. :' John of' ,God;' bent over backwards to ,preserve "'NlRAi DIREctORS , .' ,Somerset. ,- ' existing goodwill and avoid fric_ 15 mVINGTON CT. . 'Ou-r LadY·of the Imm'-ac:' tion, speaking delicately in 'its ",.'en Aubertlne Braugh WY 7-7830 , , '__ -~ tate 'Coneeptiori,TauiJ.-' vario,:!s pronouncements regardOwner and Dlre'ctor NEW BEDFORD ' ton: : '.. ing the counci~.cMostpronounceSpacious Parking Area' OCi;17~~aSalette;''',E,'a: s:t: :ments "have ,been, 'generalized , ',Brewster., . -' :.-;, :,', ','calls for prayer for ,the Council 2-2957 Oct.~I:-.-:St. Peter, :Province~" : and exp'r~s~ions;of"'hope,that it Duplicating·. Methods 129 AileD 8&. New Bedford . town. ' . ' _ , $ ~j.llreuni~ the dwindlirig:Cl).risIIEveryth'i~g,'iit ' Dl,lpi"i,triting" ..' S~.'-Hedwig, 'New B.,e,q-_. ," , ..... " '. • ' I"·: ". 'ford. ' " : ' • Gestetner . • 'Pcfpers Oct.2a-:.st. 'Michael, F'a Ii DOANr;;:·8 E.AL-AMI;S • Heyer? ' • Md~tei's River. INCOR.POR.ATEO IfUNERAL 'HOME' •. Photocopy • Stencils St, Patrick, Somerset. . .. FUNERAL HOME St~ Ann, Raynham. 986 Plymouth Avenue Complete Fadory Service '469 LOCUST STREET Fall River, Mass. FALL RIVER, MASS. 'i'JIB aNCHOR : Tol. OS 3·2271
British T o A' °d lI'\.econvetrSsCtn
Ceunes8' 'orts
' 'I' . D,lV,QT ON ,':' -
',- AUBERTIH,E Funeral, Home
D. D. Sul~iv~n &"SOnS
Saeond Ola•• Pon !Oat. at' raU Rivu. lb... Pl1bllolled ~ I'In...._ at 110 BillblanO annu. lI'aJj Rt"., b~ til. CaUauIl. Pno. ,t tho 0 1 _ 01 Fall Rin, Sub.crh,i_ priM .... .uI, po.toald ".00 _~...~.
OS -2-3381 Wllfrede. James E. , ~riscoll Sullivan. Jr.
Duplicating Methods
DANiel ~ HARRINGTON Licen.e.. Funeral D1rectar and Register.d Embalmor
OS 2-1838
St. John's Honors
THE ANCHOR. Thurs., Oct. 4,
Father COtn$idfl~e With Docti'(o!f@~@
Fairhaven Nuns List Transfers
The Sisters of the Sacred Hearts and Perpetual Adoration announce the following transfers from their provincial house in Fairhaven: Sister Anthony, principal at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, to a school of the community in Weymouth, England. Sister Mary Veronica, academy directress of girls, to Honolulu, Hawaii. Sister Margaret Mary, academy seventh and eighth grade teacher, to Gardena, Calif. SIster Marie Claire, from principal at Sacred Hearts School, Fairhaven, to principal at the academy and directress of girls. Sister Mary Henriette, from seventh grade at St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven, to principal at Sacred Hearts School, Fairhaven. Sister Eleanor Marie from academy first and second grade teacher to sixth grade at St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven.
, Monday,' Oct. 8 will .be a big day for the Bishop Regan Club of Fairhaven. On that date mem. bel'S will turn over to the mis· sionary Bishop; who has been visiting this area, the sum of $1,642 towards purchase of a jeep for use in the missions of -the Philippine islands. Expressing the appreciation of all members of the club for contributions, Miss Gertrude Stiles, 120 Chestnut, Street, Fairhaven, notes that Bishop Regan's mission posts "will benefit greatly when the jeep "is in use over the hazardous roadbeds of the islands and in those areas only approachable by arduous , journey:" The jeep, fully' equipped, will cost about '$2,800, says Miss Stiles. Therefore, she's' far from turning do:wn any additional contributions to the mission fund and she promises remembrance of -rill donors in the prayers of Bishop Regan and, his missioners. Ecumenical Council The prelate will leave the United States Tuesday to attend, . the Ecumenical Council at the Vatican. He has asked his friends in the Diocese to remember the work of the council as' well as his particular mission field in their pr~yers.
FOR NEW SCHOOL: Bishop Comlolly breaks ground for Our Lady of Lourdes school, Taunton in. presence of, left to right, Rev. Edward A. Oliveria, assistant; Msgr.. E. Sousa deMello, pastor; Rev. Arthur T. de Mello, assista~t; Rev. Maurice Sousa, pastor of St. Anthony's Taunton.
Raze Latin American Seminary in Rome
ROME (NC)-One of Rome's "architectural mistakes" is com_ ing down. It is the Pio Latin American College, regarded as one of the worst-designed build'ings in the city. building contract has been , The massive college was built awarded to the Gerald McNally by the Jesuits 75 years ago to Construction Co., Inc., of Fall house seminarians from LatiD .River. Construction, which is America' in ,Rome for theil' starting this week, is expected ,to be completed in about 10' studies. I.ts space was so uneconomically 'utilized that the last months. Jesuit superior general, Father Decision' to build the school Wladimir Ledochowski, styled i¢ was reached eight years' ago. At "a lesson in how not to build." that time, it was noted that the parish had grown from some 503 families in 1948 to some 700 St. Francis . families. The parish now has 841 families and enthusiasm for the Residence project has increased steadily fOR YOUNG WOMEN among the parishioners.. 196 Whipple St., Fall River Besides a proposed drive for Conducted by Franciscan the school, parishioners have Missionaries of Mary been contributing' faithfully to ROOMS - MEALS the building fung through their OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY weekly budget system and variInquiro OS 3-2892 ous events are being planned. A tWO-day bazaar is being held this week and a Harvest Ball is planned for Friday, Nov. 16 at the Cotillion Ballroom. .
Ground-Breaking ,for Taunton· School Ground-breaking ceremonies were held Saturday for the elementary school to be built for Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Taunton, with Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, officiating at the· blessing of the ground and turning over the first spade of earth. 'Assisting the Bishop were Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. Sousa de MelIo, pastor 'and his assistants, Rev. Edward A. Oliveira and ReV-. Arthur T. de Mello. Also present at the ceremony were Rev. Maurice Sousa, pastor of St. Anthony's Taunton, and Rev. John H. lIackett, Vice-Chancel. 'lor. Members of the first preprimary class of the school, 39 children, took part in the. affair by spading a bH of earth and singing a· verse of the Lourdes hymn, "Immaculate Mary." The pre-primary classes are being held in a temporary classroom set up in the church hall with
Mrs. Helen Olson, a parishioner, as teacher. The new school will have a two-story classroom wing with nine classrooms, library, health room, teachers' room and play,'room, .as well as a 600 capacity multi-purpose auditorium wing adjoining. Th e multi-purpose .room will ·have. a kitchen and basketball court. Site of the red brick school is on First Street, directly opposite the church and rectory.. The building will be ·used also for parish social functions, catechetics and youth activities. " When fully staffed, the school will include a pre-primary and eight grades. Four Sisters of Mercy will open the first four grades in the Fall of 1963. A .convent will. be provided for the Sisters in a house owned by the parish at 55 First Street, next door to the church. Israel T; Almy of Fall River is the architect for the project and
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10 Cross Street
An Attractive Community of Modern Rental Apartments
Shawomet Gardens All advantages of city living in the countryside
Non-Catholics ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC) -The first retreat for non-Catholic women at Our Lady of the Cenacle Retreat House at Lake Ronkonkoma here in New York, has been scheduled for the weekend beginning Friday, Oct. 26. The retreat will be given by Father Henry Noyes, C.S.P.
Plan Presell'tltataon To Bishop Regan
JAMAICA (NC)-Colonialism today violates Christian teaching on the unity and equality of all men, Fr. John J. Considine, M.M., said here. He spoke today at' a special convocation at St. John's University here on Long Island. concluding a two-day mission program at the Vincentian Fathers' school. During the convocation Father Considine 'received an ho~orary doctorate of literature. Native of New Bedford and, director of the' Latin American Bureau, National CathOlic Welfare Conference, Father Considine said colonialism "represent8 an institution that offends against Christian teaching on the uni~, equality, dignity, nobility of all men who constitute the human, race." . The Maryknoli priest scored colonialism in an address in which he said it is "a distinctly Christian . vocation to undertake the proclamation of our social teachings in a world program fOr the human race." At the same time Pi Alpha Sigma, the university's Latin American fraternity, presented its annual Our Lady of Guadalupe Medal to Auxiliary Bishop Mark G. McGrath, C.S.C., of Panama City. Father Considine received the medal last year. Christian Concept Father Considine in his address stresse!i the growth of "universality" as a factor in the €hristian concept of life. ' "Charity to be authentic ehristian charity must be an integral charity;' it must seek both the temporal and eternal welfare of every human being on the planet," he said. . Arguing that colonialism today offends against this coneept, he cited the example of Marshal Luis Lyautey, a Cathonc who was the principal conqueror of North Africa for France. He recalled that Lyautey had predicted that the time would come when North Africa would seek to detach itself from France and had said the "supreme goal" of French policy should be to see that the separation would come about "without pain" and that "the Africans continue to turn toward France." Father Considine defended Catholics who supported North African independence, including independence in Algeria.
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Shawomet Ga',dens Is. conveniently located near bus lines and four churches, with a delightful view over· <? looking the distant Taunton River.. . The Rentals at Shawomet Gardens (with new 12 cu. ft. refrigerator and new 24" automatic gas rango inclUded) are ani,
$80.00 monthly-3lh rm. apt. $88.00 'monthly-4lh rm. apt. Applications should be made at Shawomet Gardens / Offices, or blanks may be obtained by mail.
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CAN POPE JOHN UNITE CATHOLICS AND PROTESTANTS? This Thursday, the ecumenical council opens in Rome. And the Pope has broken all precedents by inviting non· Catholics to observe. Is this the firsl step toward Christian unity? In this week's Post, you'll learn why Pope John has called this his· toric council. What he means whel
he asks for "reunion" with other Christians. Andwhat'sthe biggestob<:tacle to Catholic-Protestant unity.
PlWl, On Sale Tuesday. October 9 A Curtis ~ago.zlnQ
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall 'River-Thurs., Oct. 4, 1962
'N'un's Tales 'of
New Mexwco
Beguiling e Mystifying Book By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. 'Kennedy , Sister Mary' Jean Dorcy, a.p., gifted as a writer and :as an artist, gives us a beguiling but mystifying book called Never the Golden City (Sheed and Ward. $3.95). The title is taken from a poem by John Masefield which says that we find "Never the golden .city where the radiant peoAll sorts of obstacles stood in .pIe 'meet/But the dolorous her way, but she trusted St. .town where the mourners Joseph to see her through. And
are' going about the street." Si~ .ter Mary Jean tells us here of her search for ,an 'e art h I Y golden city and her discovery of something different but quite wonderful in its way. But is her book fact Or fiction? She says she can't answer; she says she doesn't know. With such clarification of, and reassurance on, a vital point she informs" Us of her meeting Jaime 'and of the consequences of that meeting. She was stationed in a convent in California. By chance she became acquainted with Jaime, a huge, amiable, dark man who told her that he was an Indian, indeed an Apache. And not only an Apache, but the grandson of the fabled Geronimo. A native of New Mexico, Jaime was now an employe, of the government- and floated about on some vague and vagrant official business. Tribe of Religious Sister Mary Jean was already interested in visiting New Mexico. She was making a collec-. tion of children's legends from many lands and cultures, and thought that there must be some such I'n the American Southwest which should be included. . Jaime urged her to visit his place of origin, spoke of the possibility of his being her guide . there, gave her the nanles of' people-mostly relatives of his -on whom she should call. They would supply her with invaluable help. '" It seemed, remarkably, that most 'of his relatives ,were I'n 'religion. ,He refeI'red ,to two of his sisters 'w,ho were nUllS, members of the. 'community of the Sisters of Loretto at Santa Fe. .. He mentioned his three nieces who were Poor Clares. He let drop references.. to his uncle the monsignor and his brothel' the Jesuit. A veritable tribe of . c1erlcs and religious. Holy Famiiy Prominen't And such stories as he reeled off! Most.of them featured himself in a prominent' part, but not so prominent as that played in many by St. Joseph, Our Lady, the Christ Child. If the stories had the flavor and co)'ol' of the primitive West, they also had the savor of the supel'natural quite naturail y; even naively, regarded, ' Perhaps there is a tip-off in Jaime's account of how his stubborn sister, known in' religionas Sister ,Edwine, established a school in, a little place in the mountains near I Pecos. Small though the place was, it had a saloon. The owner's daughter was a nun iiI the convent of which Sister Edwin was superior. ,When he died, the property passed to his daughter. Extravagant Yarn Sister Edwine made up her mind that the' saloon would be converted into a classroom, got hold of a wagon, loaded, some sisters and some equipment into it, ,drove off toward the mountains.
he did. There were, breakdowns, there was shooting, there was the busting up of a saloon in true cowboy picture style but by good women instead 'of bad men. The school opened, financed by the sale of the stock of liquor found on the premises. This extragant, not to say cinematic yarn, immediately precedes, in tHe book, the preparations for Sister Mary Jean's departure for Jaime's country. She went by plane to Albuquerque, was met there by some nuns with whom she was to stay, and asked them' about their pastor, who was Jaime's uncle the monsignor. Althou,gh only a short while previous Jaime had told her EX.PRESIDENT GREETS SEMINARIAN NEPHEW: FOrmer President Harry So that he was that very day talking to his uncle on the tele- Truman, stopping in St. Louis to visit the Pius XII Memorial Library at St. Louis UniversitY, takes time out to greet his nephew, Mr. John R. Truman, S.J., who is phone, the sisters told her that the monsignor had died a year studying for the Jesuit priesthood at the University. James V. Jones, right, is director ago. of the Pius XII Library and, also a member of the board for the Truman Library in Evidence of Sustance Independence, Mo. NC Photo. This was but the beginning of a series of disappointments and perplexities. None of the people to whom Jaime had referred Sister Mary Jean could' be found. Either they had never I;!.een heard of in those parts, or, By Father' Placid Jordan, O.S.B. if heard of, were not Indians at The death of Theres0Neumimn· the considerable reserve shown and Dr. R. W. Hynek of Prague, all, or were of a different age at her' home in Konnersreuth on in her regard by Church authorCzechoslovakia, who also wrote or era than Jaime had indicated. Sept. 18 was not unexpected. ities. She herself' never claimed imP9rtant studies on the Holy His stories were full of holes, The 64-year-old German stigthat her stigmata and abstention Shroud of Turin. when v e r i f i cat ion was atmatic who died ~ollowing a fr~~ food had a supernatural The closest observers of tempted, and yet just when one heart attack, had been ailing for o~Igm. In fact, she refused to Therese Neumann concurJ:ed OR was tempted to "'\st them aside a long time and' in recent dI~CUSS these. phenomena exc~pt three basic assertions: as utter fabrications, one would WIth close frIends and then WIth months was visibly losing .. 1. She' was utterly sl'llcere a-~ encounter evidence of the fact great dIscretIon .... strength, which often p r e v e n t e d . . .in the best of faith.. that, in some particulars' at least, her 'from seeing visitors. But be_ This writer, like most of those they had substance: . fore her death she was able to acquairited with her, never en2. Her piety and sense of saeAs the author exclaimed to receiVe 'Holy Communion. tertained any doubt as to her rifice were beyond ail doubt. one priest with whom she was " , ' N 3 . The effects of her mystical . Interest in Miss Neumann an d h er f ami'1' y S' h onest Y.everc h e c kLn,g, "That's precisely which had been'lessening in re~ theless, the s~pernatural cause suffering proved to be beneficial 'what's the matter with this cent years, was more pro- ,of her 'exp:rlences has ?ever to numerous people, especially whole thing; everything tO,uches nounced among visitors from b.een determmed to the satlSfa~- to those who became converts to something else somewhere; but' abroad, especially the U.:S., thantton of those who ~ere responsl_ the Catholic Faith through' her just not in the ri,!!ht, places.".. among her, fellow, countrymen. ble for her reputatIon. instrumentality. ' Could it b~ that Jaime had, S Wh'l th Ch h ed ' ' Thl'rty-six' ye'ars' agO 0 MI'ss ome crl,'tics sought to prove lee urc pass JI() simply gathered, over the years" ' d t M' N ' that sh.e was merely a vic.tim of JU gmen on ISS eumann. Neumann began the to suffer the personal histories of others, b' h d h' , st;<tm' ata, bleedI'ng ,from what hyst,ena. a.nd, that her stIgmata case, no IS op expresse Imand wove them, orbits of thein, ... Il f bl h . together Into a chronicle which • appeared to be wounds in her was de~u~ItelY not of superl~at- se un avora y on er expen- " . hands, feet and' 'forehead as did . ural ongm.. These were mamly ences., pal'd no h ee d t 0 d't a es 'an d cast · lf as a prmclpa " l 'In th e agChrl'st during HI's Passl'on . For representatIves of a school of . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ h Imse h' h "t three decades thousands of peot oug grega t e an d In I S severa 1 comti t which refuses to view ' p I e from all parts of the' world mys ca.1 exper.iences under any t ' par t s.? ponen' witnessed her sufferings in the but theIr phYSIcal aspects. Marvelous Figure darkened room of her family's Opposite. Stand The author never, does excottage in the Bavarian village plain, nor does she give us 'of Konnersreuth. But a large number of experts Jaime's full name' and present took an opposite stand. They inaddress which we should have Language of Christ cluded - to mention a few"":'" to have were we to find out During her sufferings which Msgr. Karl Kiefer, professor of whether he himself ever existed occurred annually on Good FriSoutheastern Massachusetts' Catholic theology at Eichstaeti, outside her own imagination. days, she was said to have Germany; Dr. Hubert J. Urban, ~rgest Independent Chain It does ·not matter. Jaime is spoken Aramaic, the language of professor of neurology and psya marvelous figure, real or inChrist. For more than 'a quarter chiatry at the University of vented, and Sister Mary Jean century, it was claimed, Miss Innsbruck, Austria, who. person_ We Give Gold Bond Stamps', uses him to transport us to the Neumann ate no food save the ally examined Miss Neumann; land and the lor~ :of which' he Eucharist. , is a spokesman. Her family's and her own re": Sister Mary' Jean summarizes fusal to permit a medical exam': ' the story of the Indians and the in'ation to prove the authenticity Spanish, bringing it' alive against of her long fast contributed to the backgrounds which she 'puts before our, eyes in brilliant description. Some may think that she has ONE STOP DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS chosen a strange way to inSHOPPING CENTER .troduce us to New Mexico. But one is sure that many will read • TtlleviaioD • Furniture, her book who would not look • AppliaDces • Grocery MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE, ST., FAll RIVER into a travel guide or a work or' lOt AIleD S&., New Bedford history. While they are de. WYmalD 'I-935t lectably enter:tained, they will also be expertly informed.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Folt River-Thurs., Oct. 4, 1962
The Parish Parade ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The Ladies Guild has announced a har"est bazaar for 6 -to I 0 Friday night, Oct. 19 and noon to 8 Saturday, Oct. 20 in the church hall. Mrs. John Pateakos w~ be 4t charge. Booths will include foods, decorations, plants, religious articles, handcraft, jewe&y, toys, games,' wishing well and prizes. Accordion players will entertain Friday night and there will be a dance program on Saturday. NOTRE DAME, FALL R1VEIl The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a Tumbola and bazaar from 2 to 10 Saturday, Nov. 3. A ham and bean supper will be 'served Jeom 5 to 7, and there will be 10 booths in the bazaar, including foods, handwork, decorations, green thumb, gifts, games, toys and white elephants. An hour of adoration is set from 7 to 8 Monday night, Nov. 26 in the church, all parishioners arc invited. Next regular meeting is set for W~dnesday, Oct. 24. Mrs. Roger Trial and Mrs. Robert Chouinard will be chairmen. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATl'LEBORO Activities planned by the CYO .include a Christmas wreath sale beginning in October, installation ceremonies and a supper Sunday, Oct. 28, and a youth week gala masquerade Tuesday night, Oct. 30. Parents' Night is set for Thursday, Nov. 1. Sports activities for the group include bowling, and junior and cadet basketball teams. A spe-· cial subdivision is the Good Will. Club. headed by Irene Desautel. Members strive to mature spiritually in keeping with their physical and mental growth. This is accomplished thr~ugh a definite spiritual program and through. the offering of service toparish-' loners and to the church itself. ST. ·MATHIEU. FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will meet Monday, Oct. 29. Members will entertain parish chiltlren at a Hall()ween party Wednesday, Oct. 31. Annual Christmas activities . will include a Ale Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 24 and 25 ·and a party :Monany, Dec..3 at Wbit~'s ·restaurant. ST. .JOSEPH. FALL RIVER. New CY-o officers ·include Edward J. SuUlv8n, president; Paula Levesque. vice-president; Donna Ferreira. secretary, Mich_ ael Rockett. treasUrer. The group plans a harvest ball, Halloween party, skating outing and participation in Youth Week. SACRED IlEART, I'ALL RIVEIl Campfire Girls have elected officers for the Fall flenn, iilduding Patricia Meyer, president; Carla Anderson, vicepresident; Catherine Wilcox, secretary; Sue Ann Delisle, treasurer. The girls will hold' a Halloween party Monday, Oct. 29 at the parish school hall. ST. ELIZABETH GUILD. EDGARTOWN _ 'Members will sponsor a food and rummage sale Saturday, Oct. 6 in the parish hall, with Mrs. Henry Delaney 'as chairman. A public baked ham and 'bean supper is set for Navember and the unit will also entertain members of guilds in Oak Bluffs and Vineyard Haven. Other activities will Include a father and S()Il breakfast in December, II January family supper and a question box program in February. SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD The St. Anne Sodality will hold a Communion breakfast following 8 o'clock Mass this Sunday morning. Mrs. Harvey L. Davignon is in charge of arrangements. ST. ROCH. "'ALL RIVER The men's and women's councils of the parish will co-sponsor a chicken barbecue and penny sale to benefit the church building fund. Set for Saturday, Oct. 13, the event is under dh'ectlon of Mrs. Romeo Charest.
- -
ST. MICHAEL. OCEAN GROVE The Women's Club will hold a whist party at 7:30 Tuesday night, Oct. 9 In K of C Hall, Milford Road. Mrs. George Ferreira is chairman, aided' by Miss Yvonne Jolivet. ·Mrs. Matthew Miga and Mrs. Daniel Tremblay are in charge of refreshments. Proceeds will benefit the church fund and the chairman announces that cars will be at Ocean Grove drugstore at 7 to provide transportation to the hall. HOLY CROSS, FALL RIVER' The P":' A will sponsor a social Saturday, Oct. 20 in the parish hall and a turkey social Saturday, Nov. 17. Both events are open to the public. . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, BREWSTER AND DENNIS The following officers of the guild have been re-elected for the coming year; Mrs. William Jones, president; Mrs. Harold Ellis, vice-president; Mrs. William Bohlin, secretary; Mrs. Arthur Norris, treasurer. . The next regular meeting will be held at 8 Tuesday night, Oct. 23, at the Brewster Town Hall. The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine will meet on Monday nights at 7, at Carleton Hall, Dennis. Teachers are: Mrs. Theodore Ellis, Mrs. William Jones, . Miss Jacqueline Grenier, Edward Boyle and the Rev. Fernand, Langevin, curate. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER A membership tea will be held by the Women's Guild on Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 in the school aUditorium. Current and prospective mem_ bers are invited to attend the affair which will be~uilder the chairmanship of Mrs. Edmund Perrault, whose co-chairmen will be Mrs. Albert 'Cote, and Mrs. Edwin Jackson. A Guildola ·and 'Rummage Sale, set for Oct 20 will be under the .supervisiGn of Mrs. Alec Buba, assisted. by Mrs. Alphege Rioux and Mrs. L&uis Lepage. ST. JOSEPH, NO:DlGBTON The Holy Name Society... will receive Holy COmlDuniOB in a body OB. Sunday morning, Oct. 14, '8t the 7 o'clock Mass. On Monday night· at 6:00, the ·members of the Society will be served an Italian supper under tbe direction of Charles Perry, president. Following the supper, there will be a business meeting and a talk on the CCD. ST. MARY, MANSFIELD The Mansfield Catholic Wom_ aD'S Club will meet ·tonight with Miss Mary Faria as bostess. The program will consist of a lecture on "Early American Homes and How to' Furnish 'Them" by Mrs. Enid Louis Fairbairn. HOLY NAME. FALL RIVER The Women's Guild wilt attend corporate Communion at 9 o'clock Mass this Sunday morning, follow~ from 3 to 5 in the afternoon by a memberShip tea in the school auditorium with Mrs. Raymond Conboy as chairman. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE. FALL RIVER Mem bers of the Council of Catholic Women win attend their annual Communion breakfast at 8:30 this Sunday morning in the parish han. Mrs. Theopbane Lavoie is chairman. ST. CASIMIR, NEW BEDFOIlD The Holy Name Society has set a polka party for this Saturday night at Polish-American Veterans Hall Leo Turgeon, chairman, announces proceeds will benefit the church building fund. Polish disc jockeys from four New England states will be present. ST. GEORGE, NORTH DARTMOUTH A cake sale this Sunday will benefit Brownies of. the parish. Mrs. Robert Long of the Women's Club will be chairman. Next meeting is 8d for ll4onda,y. Oct.
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THE ANCHOR-D,iocese of Fall River-Thurs.,Oct..4,.1962:
Planning NatioR Day. of'Faith ·In Me.xico
Prayers' for the Council
As The' Bishop" Leaves '. As .the' Bishop of the Diocese prepares to leave 'for the Second Vatican Council in Rome, the faithful of the Diocese and even those not of the household of the Faith sep.se the awesome responsibility that he carries with him. As a "Father of the Council" he will enter intimately into :the discussions and decisions aimed 'at' renewing the Church, so that her splendor might be the more .apparent before the whole world. . And it is comforting for those of the Diocese to know that in a very real way they will be at the Council too•. For the Bishop goes invested in the' dignity of a :successor of the Apostles and as ruler of this portion of the Lord's family. He goes as the Bishop of Fall River, his own life and concern indivisible from the welfare and title of his Diocese. He. goes as .the father of the Diocesan Family;'bringing to the Council his solicitude for his family · and the whole Church. of God,. bringIng; too, his talents of mind and heart and .. his devotion to God and God's. childreri. . The prayers of the people of the Diocese-and the prayers of the many 'non-Catholics who are joining their petitions to the' Holy Spirit to. those of. the~r Catli,olic brothers-go with him and will continue for ~\m as the Council progresses. . .... '. .
M'EXICO CITY (NC) "':"" Mexican CatholicS will observe this country's first National Day of Faith _ Friday; Oct. 12: . . The celebration was decidefi on last OctQber at the meeting of Me~ico's Bishops, who 'set up a National· Secretariat for the 'Defense of tlie Faith to promQte the observance. The secretariat, whose president is Msgr. Jose Toral Moreno, has issued a sta.tement spelling out the aims of the celebration. The statement declared: "In view of governmental disregard for the Church, the cele. bration . of a National Day of Faith is proper in order to show .clearly that the spiritual mission of the' Church and the temporal mission of the state,. fBt' fi-om interfering with one an. other, coi)lplement and aid' one another when both Church a114 ~tate act in harmony. . . "In view of the multitude of basic problems-those involving Indians, the famiiy, school, morals, the social question and amusement - the eelebratiOll of a National Day of Faith 'eaa show that. an adequate solutic:iii' , of these and similar probleme
·· . Honored. nlocese·.., ho~ored d~ring"the"p'~;t'
The Diocese has been twice
week. The return of His Beatitude, .. Paul Peter' Meouchi, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch an~ the .Whole;··EJast, a happyevenLHis· presence here .was saluted not orily.- by C'1'"L _: ., n JI L n JI 1_ · the faithful of' tii~ Diocese and the:'Maronite coirin1unity~ . : In.nOlA.Cjn t t-""upt-.wit t·~ . nWlcn :f:nb~~at:~~;~~i:~!YUnder~the but, in a mor~.particula.r·way"by ~iEffornwr:parish.ioner8 "'8y REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholie University·' .Proclaim Divine ,Pr~senc~' ·~t Ou:r,,~~adY.:·~f·.:furgatQr.y .€~hurch in <New ·~~~f~rd.·:· . ~ . '. . .~. . . ' : , ~', ." '. . ... ", ", ," ~., Meariw~fleJ .·~uxlHa~r.·Yi·, \A'FC~' · . .~he Patriarch'spEmt' three' years' as. pastor' tli~r~, an<i . . . . . . . bishop, . f rancisco 'Javier.NliDO .. , '.•.he" must' have "be'en aelighted:.to'meet those' whom, he had" TODAY;....S~. Francis 01 ~ssisl. MONDAY-St. Bridget,'WidoW: . of GU!1..4~i~fa~a: ,~:pr~siden~:'~ 'baptIzed ~ '. · · · ' ... :r 'f"or -t h· .. -" "',', .' .... .. r!, "..'.. '.'God fo·.bl·.d I . Du'ring. the' w"e'ek ·Bishops.'..Committeefor .andprepar~" e; S·acraments.· : '", . :.,. 1'.' '. ·Confessor.. .. . "b.at . ,.a"s . . . w'e .o'ffe'r .. the . .,:,.. .. ... ~. , .. ..the ',' ., . .' " "': . :.. , .' '. - "',.:'. <' ,'; .~. .. : ". " stI0uldglory save in the cross of Jesus' Eucharist to the Father ill . ~.efen~e o! .the .~~~~h ~ has ~ls:e . ;: ,1\~~~?Q~~ .. ~~ ,~a.s:)~~t!~IS. ~e.a.~ '~~l},_ ..lle~~r ..;p~. yer-r,.. our Lord.Jesus Christ".¥, t~e re<... ~e S~irit, w,e:cl!~l upori a·~ari~. Issu~d a!.st!lte~:nt~m,~he'0b:-> , ·f~:r, f!9IP. th~·.sc~M .~f,::~~srJ!a,~1~'::.labqr~.~.8:a,,,prl~sk .. ~,:.· ;·.·frain both' of entrance h¥mnandetyof 'holy. men and wome:n. . ~rvanc~'f,:""':'" .. ': 1'.--:: .... ")'~<.! " '.. ~'." .;. r,'Ehe.,other.;happy)eventwhiclLbrought"·distiilctioil:to ~·.ofthe·first:reading.:·S()'thisM ass' Worn a'widow toa king) to join ,-,. ,·.>·~~.s~~~:!l1at (t~e·~!l~19"aI-·D. .,'; ':." :,..I~.the!·.Dioc~ge'~;;\vas~:'th~;Fr~epBoii .. 'int()- ;;St::-'M~-ryJs>Hofile"in':~::;n'hoJ;iot of as!liIitwho.hlis cap~ ·theit :powetful "prayerS' to', ~ pf ~·1!'ai~h·;·:~J.-~c~~i~s. .-.W.:;p.r~p'l,;i.i~:. . ,:' ,. "N ew" •. " B'" eu ,i;j'f"'''d' .··, t"··.'fi·.~~.". I..,::' ",' . "'h' :1' d' ".,.;~',:. ," .. ;~: "'~ ',<' ',. ~,';;o"". tu·.red the' imag.inations ofm.en" public worship' 'of' the' Church on. . •solemnly ·tpe ·august and' sov.er-' ,~': .. or '1'0'f" "·t;,,·. weny'" ve <h 0Uuan'C I . ren ..' . , . .'... . .' . . . . .. . . '. . -. " . . .. ' ...... ': . , . '.' • " , '..".;. ,.: ".;":., _,.?,: •.;~'.;.•... ,.\~,:.:~-:., ..•. ';. a'nd womeriin all the centuries eal'th; '.' , . . .: .'. , ~l~n .prese~~e of· (tod In- 0_ ~:. '::: . . '. Th.e. paren~~ ~~':. :tl!~s.e,,'~<?~IJ~r~~,:Je.~rI9~·:tJ,.~mc:·:~~~1l~. ~irice ..bisJ.llinistry· asks ~tO' ... ·To.day~s Mas~. ~e~~nds us (fir~' mothe~la~d .. :.: '.. - :.':":' {:.\; ::. :''::: .. JIlent mt9Castr9.,.~·:::.lllt~~I;J.·,IQ~~yo~th· ... ~~a!fr~,a;-·.m~de' the . coiltemplat.e the· holy tree on, .read~ngnhat wld~ws on:ce~x~~-" .!'he pr~n.clple~ of our llat~!?~,::,,:;... , "·1 ;' 8upreme·.sacrificeoin ,'s'ending them "·from "their 'native·.couri- ' ...which the Cburch was born and'· cl~ed" a'special ministry in th~ alIt!, the, Cardma~ i4~~e?,.. a~ ,I': try to 'Miami(:~-:.:! ·,,··".'<::i>·:, . .;/:.:..'.:.........,.... I.,....:,:,.~ .•{':".-;<>:'.: ,'",." .th~:~ sa.cred . sign 'aroun~' which ChUrch, t~at "seleCt~d" ~idow~ ~n~lgh~n~.~ ,by, ·the liglit · of .:the . ·>. · .. ·H'··d· ..···th' w i ' · ·.. "..:. ". f' .. h·,··}i"·:-D.. ··'·',,·,:· f" 'Ctirlstlans always gather for. had:akmd ~f offIce 10 ~e' F~lt,h... ~~~I~9,. ~s. ~t,)\r2;e~Ic:~ .' '''. ,>. ,: ;:;i';, ..~,. ~ ~~ !V~"" '. e.~a . loP;. ,~~SISWi~~~ ."~,n.!;J c.,e.... }Q.c.ese,, 0, . worship;' .' '.! "'.:.:" '. >. "c=hristiai}~coi'ririluriity,·:AH';€hiili;.· '.' ';Y~t1iout ~.~~:.lst. ~~e ,,~ing ':llld ,: '., . '. '. ·¥!aml" BIs.P~p, Gonn9!ly,.~n9-;;F~th~r..John, ij:0:B'an,.J)lJ;~ctc;>r ' . ' .. '~ '-.' ". tili~!l ,'~i.tho~~ fain;~I.Y ~ll'1~.:'i:>iisJ';· ..wlt"ho.~t .. Qur ,I;.adr . of :.~}Jada~, .' "".' .. of ,~t... Mary· s, e){t~nded:,the hand. of,. welcQme ,to,. -these, 'rOMOR-ROW ~Mass as .on: ness and ·governrrtent. resp~nsi.... .:!~p~" F~~tb; an~. country, l~ .the ,.: ". . ·youngster-s.· ~c;>w:they. ,will be' assured·... o.f·'·Rrow~h ...in the Sunday.''''.I:'o .~no:w Christ's 'love," ,; bilities :.shO~ld"~xamine:'.'the~7;:" ~V,l~g. p~~l~n~.q~ .G;od,- :~~e :in'4 '. : .. ' . 'wisdom of 'things 'both:'hliman arid. divine 'in' the·w,holesome:'· '~e firSt .readirig· 'fro~q;od's: s~~v~s ,as to·.~~lr pote~tI:il;~~.·.~!SS~lI,lpl;r,.• ~nlt~;~ ..:~ere. :..~s.H~ .. ' ,c' '1' ... ",.. .., .. , ....'. ,'. ~., " . ',: ". ". -- Word tells us today, i~ the,s\lr- ChrI~t's cause " . ' .... ':'. a~m~.ab~e"s~~r-~ty ot .0ur·F<!JtIl ·a!1!l.,l?v}ns- atm~s.phere,-p~oY.I?e~. by .the SIsters, c;>~_ St. Fran- passing blessing onhe·Chrilitilin. which . ~e!ther . the snares. ~ CIS at S.t.. Mary, s. They, kn9W .that SOIneon~:cares~' .' . To know that we are' loved with· . TUESDAY-St: j~hriLeon~di. .error no~ the persec:utions of the '8 lov.e.. which is innoe.e:nto.f selfCQnf~oro m~s~ge ofmes~ . stroy ene~y" ·~.a.v.e. been able .to deday's Mass The. is a missionary. X 0 ,i,sh'design or eve~>~legitimate· sage. "We preach' not our~lves," " ~··t" ,'; ' . Th t db' ". 'f d'" M"~ '. ; h'" . ····d personal need. This IS the great teaches thefirst'rea"Ung.So·We. " . . . . .' · ~ ~ . e rage y emgenace.·m I~SISSIi>PI' as :many'sa ' mess'age which ihejiturg~<seeks a"sk.. G.Od,...t,o,day:,.t.o.. m,a.ke. US, :tr .. iII-.-' T., overtones~ " ''': .' . '. ....... ,:.; '.' . ' ..' : . ,.' '. .. . '. .... to communicate' at all times.' .. oT , . '0'" . "'th"'-'· t' "1" t' .', b' _·· ..t·· '. ". '." cat.hQli~;.,·,.tr!J~ d~dlcate~ to "'. . . . . . : . , :"'-'., " : .....' .ne :IS' e.ra 10ila lza IOn gomg on. y cer am s Y m - . . . . . :}h.e:~~opo~itioil ~a~.';His'-'Y~.~ ... , ,pa'thizers'of ·,segt~gatipJi,.. 'peopI~'>who .refuse: to, face· the ::SATURDA,y~St.Bi'D,no•.Con- IS 'not a Western property ·but a .,' .', . :". "...... '. . . . . :'. :-~oraJ.' issue at stake arid, instead,·. try'tO:.s~· -the ;struggle " lessor. And it is. only. in the light.. ;.gift .toevery,culture,· ever~gen:;: .j; • ,ROME;, a'H::J)~.p~peJohn pe.... '" as an exercise in legalism.' . ". . ... ' ...,' . ,.,.: . ".' of that message (~he.l~ve of. eration;,everynation..,~.,.·': '. .~nallytook part in the novena ':' . S· '. .,..... . . .• .. Christ for us, the love of God fo~ . ' .. ; .:, . . .'. ~ hon~r of '~he Holy .Ghost in • . om~and. hIghly ~esp~ted w~lters :and .off1clt:\Is:-:- . us) that the ~mphasis on "~ood WEDNESD~.Y ~ St. ~rl'~~ts.· RQme pa~isb c.hurch i!1 prepara',,; . prattl~ .on .apout '.' the sovereIgnty -o~ the.' state I1nd Its works" in today's Mass of a con- Borgi!'. Confessor. On thIs ~ve tion for the coming ecumeniCal supremacy in matters internal. . ., ... ' ' . fessor can be ~nderstood~ Those of the CouncU's opening,. 9te . council.' .... . . The attitude was refuted very succinCtly and with . good de~ds,· t~ro.~gh. vi~uous ~hurch. sllould !!u~mon iUje~ t4)' " The novena'· ~as' held from. decisiveness by Ralph' McGill, distinguished editor of theactll, the .good life to ,,:hlCh we. p'rayer' (rath~rGod summons ~t Sept. 21 to 29 in all Rome . . "Th .'. ' . . are called, are only pOSSIble as a to. prayer) with special urgen-·. Churches. The Pope was present A.t Ianta. C onsbtu~lOn: . ere IS~O such thmg as a sover-'lieroic~esponse to love, a re~ cy. And today's patron, appro-. at novena ceremonies Sunday elgn state. There. has not been smce 1789 when the. Con;. sponse motivated by a strong priately ~s a .figure .of an' e~rlier . at the 'Church of Christ the King. stitution was adopted to correct the ruins created by the consciousness of being loved reformatIon of the Church In the A notice in the Vatican City confederation of colonies which collapsed on the issue of greatly. 16th century.. . daily, L'Osservatore Romano. . . When we pray as we do in the· stated the Pontiff chose ·that sovereignty. T he F edera I Consbtubon and the. United States SEVENTEENTIII SUN DAY opening prayer of the Mass,. tha~ church because of its title and came into being because of the failure of the. 13 sover- AFTER PENTECOST. In the we may l!hare His "contempt" its association with the late Pope eignties. This .Constitution and this nation are sovereign, Church's liturgy, in the rhythm, for worldly power and honor, Pius XI, as well as the fact that not the states.". • of her,seasons, this season is one we, are asking that ·the .Fathers it is staffed by priests. of the 'McGill deplored' the "hideous horror" of Oxford and of contemplation and of growth. of the Council and ~ll of us may Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose the pious statements issued about law and order, all the This season after Pentecost is a clear our.h!!arts and minds of all founder Pope John knew as n while a mob was allowed to riot in the name of "s'tate time when· the great mysteries Hthoalty ismpPl"rel?te.s the action of the young ·man. of the -Faith, the saving deeds sovereignty." (activities) of God, which we' Church Bell Tower The country and the world have reacted to this "hide- celebrr-te from Advent to Penteous ho,rror." It is to be hoped that the die-hards allover' cost, are taking deep root in our Irish Bishop Chides Me~orial to Murray the country will bow to the dictates of morality and na.,. lives through our scriptural and Workers, Employers PITTSBURGH (NC) - The liturgical meditation on them GALWAY (NC) - This city's United Steelworkers of America tional sovereignty. and they are maturing us as bishop chided employers and will erect a $70,000 beli tower Christians. workers at a newly opened fac- at the new St. Anne's church illl Perhaps we could say it· is a tory here for not settling their . nearby Castle' Shannon as a .time when dogma flowers into 20-day-old labor dispute. memorial to Philip Murray, late a way of living. The first readBishop Michael Browne of labor leader. ing advises us to "walk in a Galway, referring to the ,work The Steelworkers union has 'manner' worthy" of those mys- 'stoppage at the $1.5 million headquarters here. Murray, who teries, and in the Gospel Jesus Perez factory said that employ- was president .of the Steelwork. gives us the law of the Christian ers .and workers "cannot regard ers of the Congress of Industrial OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL' RIVER. . life ~nd points significantly'to themselves as entitled to. close Organization (CIO), was a paHis Divine authority. down factories. when it 'suits rishioner of St. Anne's' and is Published weekly by Th'e Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River their own particular and selfish buried in the par~sh cemeter3to . 410 . Highland Avenue interests." He died in 1952. Honors leader Fa!1 River,' Mass. OSborne 5-7151 Alderman Ryan, the city's David J. McDonald, Stee~ PUBLISHER NEW YORK (NC) - Pope mayor,who is trying to settle workers preside:lt and Murray's John has sent a blessing and the dispute, and the trade union· successor, said the tower would Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD. autographed portrait to Msgr. involved, thanked the Bishop for serve as "an everlasting mem~ GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Joseph Cacella, credited with his inter-est. A trade uriion state- rial to the founder' of the union." Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Dri.llcoll leading the first U. S. pilgrim- ment assured the Bishop and The union approved the pian f~ . MANAGING EDITOR age to Fatima, on his 80th birth- the people of the city that they the SS-foot tower at its recelllt Hugh J•.Golden day. Miami; Fla.; convention. -:-are anxious to end the dispute.
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Pope',' ·a.kes Pa·.rt.·. ·ln" RO'me'Noyenc{:
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~nRiver-Th~n.,~.~,1962
Pilgrimage Prays To Aid Council LONDON (NC)-'-Prayers for ,the success of the coming Second Vatican Council are being offered by 26 men walking for 121 miles along the ancient pilgrimage route from :London to Walsingham. The' group, ranging in age
from 16 to the 60's, left Londoa Sept. 8 and plans to arrive at England's national shrine to Mary next Monday. In their knapsacks the marchers carry thousands of petitions sent to' the sponsoring Guild of 'OUi' Lady of Ransom.
. SUPER-RIG"-' QUAlllY . . "
. . :
St. Pius X, South_ Yarm~uth~ Hon~~s,Pope Who Created F,(!lrRiv~r ,~Dwce$e in<i9Q.4
Turkeys 39~
Ready-to-Cook 16, to 22 'Ibs u.s. GOyt~ llisp.
Not many' years ago, there ~~~e'~~' Catholic '~h~r~hes,'o~Cape;COd"b~t;eeri'~yan nis and West Harwich and the faithful in that entire area had to travel to St. Francis X~vier Paris'll, or to Holy Trinity Church'to attend Mass. This situation was alleviated somewhat when Rev. Thomas McLean, then pastor of the Hyannis parish, built Our ' . . Lady of the Highway Chapel in' Bass River.·It was .1954 " when an independentpariSl1:" was formed to, provide for"
the Catholics ~elow Hyannis. Land was 'purchased in South Yarmouth by Bishop Connolly"." and the decreeest~blishing St., Pius X Parish; was issued on, , ... June 15, ,1954. Delbert Johnson was commissioned as the archi,.j." tect, ~or the new, church and on i> ..... August 18 dedication ceremonies were held. Rev.' Christopher, Btoderick, then ,stationed at St; , Mary's Church, Norton, was ap'" pointed first pastor and remains in~- that position' at the present time. , Summer Sohedule Built to accommodate 500 peo_ ple,St. Pius X, has such large attendance during the Summer months' that two Masses are celebrated in the dowstairs hall ' as·,well as five' in the upper church each Sunday. The hall" is equipped' with a kitchen so',·' that ,pa-rish ,suppers, meetings' L'~;;-.-:::":-;.--,2:j:"':.:..~~~\;.i~~~~ and other activities may be held' ", ' there. ST. PIUS X, SO. YARMOUTH' ' '. '. ',. . The parish name, incidentally" i)~Q;;is and, East Dennis also' , Father Broderick planned the honors Pope St. Pius X, who rewere ~nce 'covered, by ,the clergy construction 6f:a rectory and ferred to the Fall River Diocese frqt;n.,St. Pius X but a year ,and , named the architect who had as his "fir;'st child," since it was ,'worked on .. our' Lady, Of - the the first Diocese he created a 1l!l1:~ ,ago wer.e placed under the , Highway, Chapel" to design it. car.~_ of the LaSalette Fathe,:"s." after 'assu'ming "the papacy. While the parish; church" an.d ", The result ,is 'a lovely' colonial The Chapel of Our Lady o,f were being ,estaplish~d, home ' situated: D'ext . to ,the missions the Highway," once detached" church.' ... from the parish, is now a mis-' Father Broderick and the Jesuit , Pall'ish Organizatrone siO'n of the South Yarmouth 'prfests from Boston College who" An 'estimated' 300 families are assist him resided ifl a house Church, and in 1960 it was necessary to enlarge the chapel, approximately one - half mile: permanent parishioners at St. frolll' the ch"urch,' but in 1961 Pius' X,' and' Rev.' 'Philip '-A. al':';10st doubling its capacity. Davignon was named to assist: Father Broderick toll 0 win g Father Davignon's ordination in May of this year. Wayne-South Bend pilot study The assistant pastor will, be' Continued from Page One Catholic Educational Associa- will 'be a ,census of aboht 14 in' charge of catechetical intion; and George N. Shuster, pa'rishes. The census will be eon- struction, for' the parish is in fOrIner Hunter College president 'dueled' 'by parish vohlnteers the process of 'being admitted and assistant to Father Hes- using- forms "provided by the officially, to', the Confraternity study's headquarters. Members of Christian Doctrine. ' Other bur'gh. Archbishop Lawrence J. She- of the research staff also will parish organizations include the ' han of Baltimore heads an advi- visit schools of the diocese be- Holy Name Society, St. Pius X sory committee of religious and ginning next month to talk with Guild, St. Vincent 'de Paul and the Catholic Youth lay educational leaders which teachers, students and parents. Society' Conley said the pilot study Organization. has assisted in the design of the will have six principal areas: stUdy. population, enrollment, school Conley said there that the' staffs, programs and curriculum, questionnaire sent to principals buildings, and financing of seeks information in several schools. areas, including administrative 'Results of the parish censuses organization, class size, testing will be checked against the total programs and educational inno- population and the Catholic vations. A second questionnaire population of the diocese. The NIW'IIDPOR~ deals with the professional pre- staff will determine the birth, paration and experience of the death" and migration rates' teachers themselves. parish members. This will make , Parish Census it possible to estimate the deBy next Spring, Conley said, mand for' Catholic education MEAliNG '()11Ji his research team hopes to have "within 'the next few years. The pilot study will seek an';;' a factual picture of Catholic TIMKiN education' which will be infor- , swers'toseveral questions in the mative to Catholics and non- enrollment area: What percent- ' OIL BURNERS age' of Catholic children attend Catholics alike~ The first step in the Fort Catholic schools? ,What percent ,Sales' & Service drop, out and at what grades? How can the future enrollment Weak in Faith 501 COUNTY ST. o'i elementary and secondary VIEr-TNA(NC) - Only one-- schools be estimated? What 'NEW ~EDFORD third, of Austria~s six million, would the Church do if suddenCatholics attend church. The six ~ all" Catholic children at-. WY 3-1-711 million represent 90 per cent of temped to enroH in Catholic the country's population. ICboolat
,LB ,9'....5' ,'
Nationwide Educational Study'
It's Chees6' Fe8tiv~l Time "(&tA&P. Sa'V6 cash! Get valu-, able ~la.~ ~ta.~p8, t -
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3 B~G 1.39 3 B;.aa 1.49 '3 B;.aG 1.59 , P,lc.. 'hoW. In 1M. ad VlIarantoed l/lnl "I., Oct. 6 Ii tflecllv, at ALL AU Su.., Marktll la Illi.....munllJ ,. ,Iclnlly. Tobacco prod"CII & IItmI prohlblledbJ law ...mpt 1I'0Il1 PI.ld Stamp off...
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.HaUsDietetic'Brea'kthro"ugh; 'JOothpaste-FI:avored ·M-il~, ':,. I' 'D I' ., . .
" . --
ese nun who survived the World
a social works study. Sister Marie Theresia, a native of Hiroshima, was accompa'nied by a Canadian nun' who is e missioner in Japan, Sister Marie Dominique. Both are Sisters of Purgatory. They are visiting houses of their community iml Canada and the U. S" after mak~ ing studies at the sisterhood'() houses in France, England and • Italy. Both are fluent in Frenchu English and Japanese.
y ary" In ey a y , The "buddy system" is ~ne we've all seen work in boys' and girls' camps, in schools whet:e a freshman is, ~ssigned • n.:. d 'k ' ·t to. a junior, a' sophomore to a semor. uvO ness nowsJ 1 is an effective technique when youngst~rs are swimming; when Joe keeps track of Jim, Jim keeps an eye out for a bit of, a scuffle, orie short Joe. We've heard of the argument and a co~ple6f trips • 1 ,for that last drink of water. system being used In argee Flavoreci 'Bottle
t w families,. too. Ma,tt er 0 f f ac, bad a more-or-less impromptu As the Head of the' House and buddy system i sat reading in the'living room, . Resume, Work in 0 u r own we heard a stealthy barefoot Sister Marie Theresia said she household when pad-pad 'down the steps. and six other nuns were in their the chi 1 d r e n "Sh':'sh;" Lu Anne's brown convent on Aug.. 6, 1945, when were smaller: . eyes were' sparkling as she let us the. A-bomb' was exploded. The Pat would be in on a secret. "I fix Katie's sudden flash followed by ;:In insemi - responsibottle every night and this is' tense heat wave prompted the ble for Markie; the time to do it. Okay if I watch nuns'to rush outside to see what E i I e en for television for a little while?" had happened. Sister Marie said Ginny. . It was okay with us, but V{e when the last'nun left the con~ However,. we couldn't quite see what this vent, the building collapsed. lbad almost for"'! had to 'do with fixing. Kate'~ None was· injured. gotten about RETREATANTS ROSARY PERIOD: Mrs. Glenn ReySister Marie said Hiroshima good-nll!'ht bottle.. ' , F R' M M the' buddy sys''Does Kate need to have her . nolds, Attleboro jGarol Powers, all lver j rs.. ary was a scene of indescribable tern until we ,saw it sprin'h up bottle warmed." .we ~ondered~ Quinn, New Bedford; Mrs. Gilbert Noonan, Falmouthj·and horror. Crowds were fleeing almost full.;blown, like Ap roo:' d K t Mrs.. Lo· UI'S B. Gold, Fal'rhaven, stop at Our Lady''s Shrine toward the'river, many bleeding No, we were assure, a e. profusely. ·7.'he nuns moved 'to a dite :arising from the foam of has long since nassed that. stage. during t.he weeken,d retreat for women of the Diocese at . J it .the sea. ."Bitt she likes to' have it nearby village and wlth esu : It happened at Johnnyalld flavored,'" Lu Anne stage-' the Retreat House' Cathedral Camp. '. priests es'tablished a temporary Lu's house. hospital. Weeks later the nuntl whispered. "And if I stay ·down.' . :' Fighting Worcllstairs quite. a t"ong time, Katie. t' .~ returned.to a temporary convent aren lV 'and'schooi built' on the site ofl :: ; : With the arrival, tw~ months thinks' it's a real hard thing to . their'destroyed 'building and re.: ego, of the twins, Matthew and do. In· the meantime,: she's' Information. . to hildren"', '. ,'-sumed.,theil'.work of teachinB . " 'Brendan, our daughter-in",law getting sleepier arid sleepier . 'children.' . has her hands f,ull. Seven c~l-. whUe she waits for me.. Then, CINCINNATI. (NC>' _ Parents polio and smallpox, a Catholic ' dren, the eld~t b!lrely m~e,. when I take it to her she drinks ought to be as anxious to pro- physician declared here. . means a lot of this-and:-that as it right· down and goes to sleep tect their children' from dis"Ninety pe~ cent of, childre)\ Oldest Parish Marllt~ , any nloihercan testify. Merely for the night." " torted sex information as from find out the facts of life outs~de . ' "'. . feooing the twins, five or six . Came: the break for the TV the home," d~clared Dr. Jac~ G.. · '!\':"n1versary . times a day,is a .time ~onsumer .commercial. "Guess' this is' it," WiIlke. He. ~rged ,par,en~:.,t~ , ; .,NEW:rOW1'T (NC)-The oldeliil by itseU., . " Lu' Anne . said philosophically, School·Deantea~htheir children abQut. ~~ ·.,pllrish·. ill the Archdiocese oa . Though the five eldest are too gOing to the kitchen 'and · f i I l i r i g . "truly, aC<;lJra~ely, .. reverently, Washington. marked the 300tDll 8 young' formally to '!re~ogJ.1iz~ a bottle with ·milk. "1'11- flavor .DWoma Yea directlY, simply, .~~d . without 'anniver.s.ary· of the building oa i'he acceptance of· responslbihty it now." ' . embarrassment.". . its first parish church last Sumo they hilve' the good sense ~ "What do you flavor it with,.. NEWARK (NC) ~ Miriam T. '. He aiso 'emphas'ized ~hat ~ the 'day.:: . .' . .know that at a time like. thlS we asked '. curiously. "Vanilla. Rooney, dean of the Seto,n Hall respo~s.ibi~ity'forse~.:edi.tca~iop· . " Ar~h~i~hop Patrick A. O'Boyl/Q · 'each eanriot make too large a Chocolate," . University Law School froni "belongs m the ho~e, not in_ (If, Washmgtor presid~d at 0 . bid' fot lii. 'parents' undivided. "Oh,no,"answered the·b\iddy. 1951 until 1961, has been named, classroom." Dr. WilIke and'his . Solemn High Mass offered om ettention.· ,. . . ' ."Better'n . that. Toothpaste. Just '''Outstanding Woman of 1962" '""ife, .~,aXbar.ll,_~PPk~ ~t, a parish~ ~~ gi~unds of· St. Francis Xayiel? Anne, nine, Deirdre, eight; a little squirt·' of toothpaste, all by the National Association of meeting at Nabvity c,hurch. . ,. 'church in this Maryland come. sean, six, and Maur;:l, five,' are shook up With the' milk. It'll Women Lawyers. _ ' . ' Mrs:' WilIkeSaid "many dread'" munity.; Th~. Mass was offered! pretty'well . equipped to take .good." .. The' honor for Dr. Rooney, to teach' theJ.!. ch,ild'ren about by Father John M. Daley,. S.3.. care of themselves- as far . as, Live and l~arn. formerly the onlY,woman dean sex, but',:.she~ '~~ded.·tb'at "it's", . pro:vin<:ia( 'of' the Ma~yiancll the fundamentals go: d r e s s i n g ' o f a fully accredited univ:ersity simply part of life and must be , Province. of the Jesuits" who bath'ing, getting out and putting St. Joao, of Arc ·N~,:. n. n! . law school, was announced'at the faced." ' . have staffed' the parish from tho away toys 'and play equipment, '" association's recent convention Get Ideas Eisewhei~ . be·ginning:·'::.·. . .:fixing simple food, keeping Receive Three' Girls in.San Francisco, the Seton Hall She also warned that:'you ' si; Fra'ncis Xavier was founded their rooms in reasonable order,. law llchool said here. . ' . ' . ' can't simply'tell the child·to gp:··,asa·mission of'the Jesuit Chapel , ," end the like. " ' . Miss Madeline Breault, daugh-. ·Dr.. Rooney' is- the .first tore- in'a corner and read the' bOOK. House' ~t' St.' !v,Iary'S C'ity; Md., · . 'Only Kate, two and one-haU, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry, ceive the award. you give him." ' • ':' sometime . between. 1638 and · . remains in the semi-baby status, . Breault, Notre Dame parish, Fall In addition to 'having been a. "If you feel you don't kno\\;'·1640. 'The present :church 'build~ . though it is a ..fighting word to River, has been received as ~ dean, Dr. Rooney is known for enough 'to be able to instruct ing dates from 1766 and is on0 novice of·the Sisters of st. Joan her writings in jurisprudence your child," she said,. "then it of the oldest churches jn tho 'refer to Katie as "baby."', "I's not!" she dec 1 ares of Arc at.. their m~ther'house; 'and in internatio'nal law. She is up to you to read the book, U; S. still in use. . staunchly. "The twins is·ba1:lies." SUlery, 'Quebec. Her name in recently 'returned from Ham- and to read it again if necessary .; . Valiantly striving to keep up religion is Sister Theresa' ~ the 'burg, Germany, where sh~ was until you feel you are able to with her elders, Katie' races Sacred Heart. . one of about 20 American legal give the instructions." . around 'the yard, loses her Two other giris from the Dio- scholars' contributing papers at" "Don't' think ,you're just NO JOB. TOO .BIG ., Bhoes, once in'a whne'~inds them. ' cese have .entered; the cO!Jlmu': the sixth International Congresa' . putting ideas into their heads," her.~e~f"la<;es them up with..the ility as p'ostuI~n~. They are Mis,s. Of. Comparative Law.' . ,. ' , Mrs.. Willke, continued. "If you' NONE TOO. SMALL '. over-and-over method of her Anita Dube Fall River anCi Miss don't iell'them straight, they'll I : conte~poraries ...., , Patric1aSt.~Pierre, &omer~et. . Bean' SU.pper. get their ideas elsewhere-:-e'\'en . B f d ft chool the " In" this Dio'cese'" the. commu" . ,from the daily newspaper." ,. . Infimt of 'PragueGuild at St. . . . e ore an ..a ers · others keep an eye Qutfor Kate: n~ty ill, .rePfese.nted i~ there~ '.' M.a.ry's' :Home, Ne.W,'.·.B.edford·,. i,8,', ~~~~~~w~u~~W~ '." b" tit' L. L' A robably who ·-rl·es' of St. Mary's C.a~edi'al 11II . . , ,'PRINTERS "'" u: RI, \1, nne.p . . . . . . , . holding', a cake,,:i;a.Ie. at the ,star , ' :". , ,..... the reOa'l buddy in this case ' an'd N.otre Dam.e.' C,hurc.',h, ~.lso a t _ . .. ." . ' .. ' . - Store today. The, unit .plans l.·ts · .j' Her: bedtime 'techni~uei~as i. the Bishop'!Iresidence".~ll.iii, annu8I bean sUpperfor'SatUr'd~y" "". . ': ;;"~I~.~f;)Hlce a~d Plant' , " ''':';~iprise.~:us·the other J)ight·· Fall Riye.r.<··' ",~ . night, Nov,3, attne·I1-o~e.. Mrs:' ·.. ·,Wltqtyoii.Ha.~e·. ~Wil.L. ~ASS. !.' wIien we ·were doing OUf·.· rare., ..' ... , .. ' .. J,osep'Ji: .Kie~n.'an',".an,d.',·Mr.8. ~,ta,' ." T".l,o... Lowell. . :. ~ ;,baby.-sitting at the home ot the ,St~ -Ar'iieA'umnae~~m.,lef.~~jCi.k are #,,:,c~~it:M,~n;:,"~'
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· ':. ·were. known even to h~rpareii~. 'N "1" appointed cc>mmttttee '. ,~ . • C ..'. , ·11I~~ ~n~ Age'n~,". "AUxlliary . ilion'" ",;'~/.Afie~:rohnn~:andLUhadleft, b·'ie'IN.:~ j' ·St.'Anne's HoSpital' . ., . ", .:: : .... . '.. ', ': "," , . ,"~'." , . . , ' .. ·-.' ,..;,:~etwins ~ci an<i' bedded do~, '~c~o:i~;t ;~sing..Alumnae a r e M ' 0 V'! I S " . TIL~ MYrtf.'4211, ;·IQSTON··.· . . . ,.it·: was time for tUrri",in of' the :Mrs ·,Helen. Ozug, prpgr.am ; Mr,s. - ~,' '~ .•: ~. ' SERViNG"'.'· ,;I~i >~iTH:.:~IN 5T~EEr ·OCEANPORT, N. J. ;' .... :'~ihers/ 'with 'remarkal!1Y" litt~e: Cha~iotte Peiletier, ,Schol~t:s,hiP.! '.~ 11'1"'. ,'. N' ...·_·...f ...... ',' NORTH . AlTLEBORO . '~WT.UCKET. '1. I. _' .·,,:'furori everybbdy' got::ready' for' 'Mrs. 'Mariette' Ea'tonj'publicitn , ra . IVe,,' ew'-.u Orv ' . ' .' . . . . . '.' '. ,~d, Lu Anne superv.ising.Katie. . 'Mrs: Henriette 'Thil'iault,: mem~ . . Ca ' cod 'J • •~wna~~w_.~~ .. :.. Silen~e gradually .d~sc!7nded in: berShip;,Mfs;;Ja¢qu~Iinerp.rtin, ..'" .peAce..' : ' '. . . ~=CK::lC~~_~.,~=-C:X:lCICODl:::H::H:H:I~.,~..=. X:lCloC?C~:::H::X:' ":' 'tbe\lp'S,tairs 'region,afterjus'~' finance; Miss Ilorrame.!laJ:lciJ'Y, ,. AEIOMAvFLOWER' . eOnstitiition: and, .bylaws. i~' ~ , . TRANSIT CO•. INC. . Young' Women,B~gin A1sb .Sister'. Blanche ·a. e, Nation-wid. Move.. hospiiality;' Mrs. Paulii1~ Gau- . WYman 3-0904 '.' M!~sio.ne;:try Assi,g~me,nt, thier,;nominatiollli. Thealu~nae·,SO•. J[eiDptoD S~ New Dedlord. . INCORPORATED 1937 PROVID'ENCE (NC) ~ TWo' ·.;....m hoid a:-whist party Tl,lesday,· . young women ,have'.lefLRho~e . Oct. 16' J~,.St;: Ant:l~'s..Hospi~l: Island for'a 15-month teacl~ing cafeteria, Fall River. Prlzes mar, ' assignment as lay missionarie's;' be deliveI:ed to, M~~. Eatoq ,:at .. ' . ~ Eledrical '. in Trinidad.' ' . .... ~e school' of· nursing. u~ Contractors Ann P. Harrington, 21, of Providence, and CarC)l. M. MuelL E M I U ~ ,./ ~:. ler,'23, of Beaconfield, Que., wiJl ... JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres.' . PLUMBING .&, HEAlING;:I~C;'; ~.p4t., teach at the Holy Faith Convent . ."" for Domestic " . . '~'glstere~ c~vn arid. Structural Engineer . High School in,Couva, Trinidad. ,.-. . ~ '~ InduktrllU' ·Member National Society Professional.Engineen The two were graduated last . . 'd ' .~ Sales. and : June from Emmanuel College , fRANCIS L' COLLINS, IR., Treas. (~ , Oil Burners Servlc.e in Boston. They became in., THOMAS . It. : COLLINS, Se~y. WY 5·1631 ' terested in Trinidad when 'a . - . . 944 County Ste priest from the island visited 2283 ACUSHNET AVE.' ACADEMY. B",ILDING . FALL· RIVER, MA$S. New hdfo~d the college to interview .potenNEW BEDFORD •. tial teachers. '
Area .'.
'F~ ':l.
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"'By Father
Realize, Cause~ ';of,:·Conflict:.:- ,.~~: . _. . ,To ·A~·su·r~. R~.~~:n·cill~tio"~ .' ~':'"
'fhurs~;'OCt. :·4;', 196~:
Servant of Cdncer GoldenJ ubi larian
'll'homas, S.J.
~. SociOI~~y P,i'Of.--St. Louis University .
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The .first golden jubilarian in the history of the Dominican Sisters, Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer, marked ·the 50th anniversary of her religious profession here. She is Sister Mary Stanislaus, a member of the staff at the Sacred Heart Home for Incurable Cancer. The community was founded in 1896 by Rose Hawthorne, daughter of author Nathaniel Hawthorne and a convert to Catholicism. The Sisters dedieate their lives to serving POOIC' persons suffering from incurable cancer.
"Ml,1y a wife refuse an holiest attempt to 'be reco~ciled? I was 22, and she was 17 at marriage, and we had kept company about four months. Trouble started at once. She repeatedly made fun of me and my views, and I made the mistake of slapping her. In ences and usually arouse con~ the 3 months of our mar-., siderable' concern among relar-iage she went home five tives' or friends, reconciliations times and would stay until are generally easily' effecteQ,
X would go after her and beg though the couple may have forgiveness. This last time she .experienced no growth. in mul.'lllid she would tual understanding and· the unnever com e derlying causes of their conback, claiming. fUcts remain. . . she doesn't love As the history 'of your marme, feels free riage shows so clearly, Larry, now, and wonyour numerous reconciliations ders why she were useless, for they were ape v e r married parently based· on no 'a~alysis 10,000 Attend Schools · me. I admit I'm : of your real' problems and con'to blame, yet sequently involved· no practical Of Catholic Action She won't talk programs of action. ST. LOUIS (NC)-More than to me ahd relP'urpose of Amendment 10,000 persons attended the fuses ·to see a The m'ere confession of sorrow Summer schools of Catholic Ac_ p r i est. What for the past failures has little tion, sponsored by the Queen'll can I do?" meaning. True reconciliation, Work, national sodality service , 'When a counselor meets a whether in the confessional or center here, in eight U. S. cities marriage situation like yours; in marriage, imQlies a firm purthis year. Larry, his first reaction' is to' pose of amendment, and this Figures released by the center express the vain wish that he necessarily involves a sincere showed 9,161 laymen, ·1,323 nuns, could have talked to y,ou and analys,is ·of causes. and.. 318 priests, Brothers and your wife before marriage, or at Another typical feature apR'ECEIVES MlISSWN 'AWARD': Mrs. Adelaide Rickert seminarians attended the sesleast immediately after your pearing in your case is the tensions. . first quarrel. dency to ignore the'~ seriousness of Riverside, Conn., rec;:eives the sixth annual Worldmission Chicago drew more than 3,000, Once 'marital . relationships of ,the situation. No real' effort . Award from. Auxiliary Bishop John J .. Boardman ,of . the' largest registration..Totals in bave deteriorated to the' point is made to modify the state of Brooklyn, following an. evening Mass at the National Shri~e: other cities were:' Hendersonyou describe', one faces the dif- tension and" coIifUct until, at, a' . of the Imnulculate Concepti()l,l~ Wash~ngton. NC '. Photo. ' ville, N. C., 349; Mankato, Minn. ficult task of repairing damaged given point, one or both partners ,., ,. . '. 135; San . Francisco,' '702; San feelings and outlook before any·· i tmay· lose 'all' interest" in:· pre": . " , . '. Diego, 554; Pittsburgh, C 1,560. attempt can be made to deal serving· the union," .' '. ., Buffalo, 557; and New' York. wltp Ute .original sources ~f the.' . Some husbands 'and wives are' 2,238. trouble.' either too 'lacking in"insight or As ,you are beginning to dis-· too self~entered to recognize 0 I . . . ' .' . ~ver, continued quarreling is . ·tho+' their 'partners . are 'being ·MONTREAL. ~ N C.) """';' Lord .atmosphere. of friendship and • • • • • • • • ~. '!' •• dearly symptomatic of'. truly· 'pushed'to the breaking-point. ... Fisher of Lambeth, former'Arch_ happiness." A ,f1AMILY rlEAT serious marital difficulties for. . Ignoring their spouse's' pleas, bishop of CanterhurY and PdHe said the work of the Secre.·BARft~"QCH.ICK. ~.NS Jt not ,only indicates the .couple's. threats, or suggestions that they' mate of England, said here that tariat for Promoting, Christian · tnability'to solve their problems 'seek counseling help, they ap- new. and ..improved , .relations Unity established by Pope John' . W~ but also reflects a growing ~n-' pear surprised. and shocked. have developed among the. has been "most valuable," disposition even to try to fmd when the partner walks out or churches of the world since the After receiving an honorary' FARMS, workab~e.sol~tions. , declares their union haS lost papacy of Pope John. degree from the Montreal Angli- tL45 ~alhin.uoD St., I'alrba'lelD .. ' , TYPical Features' '. . all meaning. . . The Anglican .churclunan said can Diocesan, Theological Col- t . . JUft otil Route @ .' ... , or' At this point, as all too mat:J.y . the, Holy Father had shown great .lege here, Lord. Fisher was t wy 7-9338 · AI~houg: .,e ~r y t ~~i~ge discover, it is a: little' late to interest in other religions at the· scheduled to visit the United . . prob ~m . as u. qu~ ral, oJ: . begIn being cooJ?erative~ official level. . states and preach at a San FranWateh foli'. SigDa! in . this the . Wary-of ,,. ~ h'IS YlSl '. -'t to.,.th~ P ope Cl'SCO prayer ·serv.ice for ·the suc·.. While out for IJ Drive 'regard t' 'h significa,n~.. h (h _ .. .Promises . '.' " . . R eca'ill,n... I t" .J.!O 11 IS no ~ muc w~ , ap ": . This brings us to y~ur ques-. tWo. yelU's ago, ,Lo~d Ji'tl.lher said cess of the ecumenical council Stop at thlo' DelightfW Spot ,: . p~n~ as to 'WHom it happe~s,~~ 'tions, Larry.~May a wife refulie h~ had beetQ ;received .i~ "an ,opening Oct. 11 In Rome.. . . ... .,~s~o.ry of your case revea. "IP to be reconciled? In theory tHe .. !Cal features that merit. com- answer' is obvious~ Since separ~ . ' . ment. '. ' . aiibn does not affect the mai'~" .. ,In. the hope that further dis- 'riage contract,· she' is aIways eUSSlon. of these features wi~ bOund to do' what she can to thtow some light on your make the marriage succeed and ,. . . . . ' .. problems and also prove useful .this' would involve remaInIng to others, let. ~ ~~~id~r themreeeptive to honest attempts at. :"" . brief1~ })efore try~ to answer 'reConoiliation. But in practiee. it' is'not eaSY Gte specific questions you. asked,. The .first typical feature we to determine' what ·constitut¢S. 10, O"'F THE' REGU.lAR· PRICE DOte 18 that your ~ourtshlp , an "honest attempt...· If p~ period was ver~. bnef.· For vious reconciliations have ended .HALF GAllONS OF HOO~ ICE CREAMI young couples m partieular, in failure and there is little pasfour months does not allow suf- 0 itive proof of real growth in iIificient time eith~r. to b~me. sight or reform of eonduct, she adequately acquam~ed, to ~~ inay .well be' wary of facile prothe quality of thE7r aff~,ctioJ;1", mises: ... ~ to discover theIr ,abihty to Make New .Start . w~rk out mutually satisf~ctory .. Whatc.anyou .do?.· While.. she's !ldJustme~~ as a eouple. . . . in her present. mood, ·..avoid .;: Such brief courtship perl~ peStering ,. he.- With call~: and ': always suggest ~~at c~,uple~ ha~~ petitions.: If possible, . 'wollk. , .. ... " Uttle 'understanding' or lWpr.~ .tly:ollgh, a .third ,-party..l-rehitives . ! • ..; " . .. ciati~ll. ,p,f .tJ1,e: per~onal corm~t:- . "'or \friends:;.' :..... ,... ;:~ . " .'... , " ... , .,
A ng. I" Ican·. Lea. .de' er Ite S Del ev opment Of 'W' r Id' Ch"urc.h 'Rei a t'ons .
me~ts ~arria.ge i!1volves ~ as}l, .....There. ishould .be no'thought "i.,1 life-partnership: Smce the.: mar,.. : of. i'ecQIiciliatlon -Until both have' . olJi~g~ iCOI\traet. solves ;:no :'pro~ 'bact' counseiinghelp-in ai~nse,": , !ems, and there has be~n no ... yqu.,-\yill bllv,e :t~rnia~~ 'a Wholly' ;" .. Gler!9,us ... a~~EmlPt ,;,to discov~r ~! '. new start in your marriage.- . resolve mdividl;1al differ.en~ Above all, you'll':need a, good during courtship, destructwe deal of prayer-your damaged quarreling frequently star~ ~l- uniolf'is beyond the 'reach 'of most .at Q~ce.. . natural' means. 'for without di-,. Must Seek Sources, -. . ,. ,:vim~. help: it is .unlikely that A further typic.aifellture~·. there w1ll, be eve~ 'an .at~empt the overall' pattern of quar- to try agsm. reling&; separation and reeon.' dllation. 'People never' seem Nurses'Council Slates: to realize that. reconciliations to 11 ow i n g serious; . unre Retreat This Weekend '~ solved conflicts are ·useless·'and': .' Fall River Diocesan COuilcl1·· ", generally prove harmful, unless qf .Clltholic Nurses will hbld its' ... the estranged'· partners recogannual retreat· this weekend :at Dlze clearly the original; sources oUr Lady of GOod Counsel Ite- . , , of connict and sincerely re- treat House, East Freetown. " solve to elirilinate' or notab1)-: Retreat Master will be ·Rev. ,., ' . modify them.'. . , . Thomas Reddy. O.M.I. . . Because separations norman,.' For the city of Fan River, M,.-s. JDvolve numerous, inCOl1ven1'; . Mary Bernard Is in charge ,ei .' . ,retreat arrangements and; Mru. Kathleen G. Sh~ is in chaige Junior-Senior. Tea' of transportatiOn. A bus will A junior,:"senior tea Is planned leave Immaculate Conception for 7:30 WedJ;1e~dJy night,. Oct. .par.~ parking lot in Fall: River by Sacred Hearts AcademT at 5:30 tomorrow night to:,tralis.. . Alumnae Association, Fairhavea. . port. retreatants:,to 'East"'P'r~ town. . Mrs. ' John Aiello is chairman. ; " . ", . .:
':~ 1
, . " , .•. i···.i
;10« OFF; YOUR 'N~T~OO~ HA"F 'GAllON
·By·..·U·SING THE END FilAP ·C;O·UPONI This ~eoupOri is worth 10~ tOward your,neXt Half Gallon of' Hood Ice cream at any Hood :108 Cream dealer. ." SToCK NOW! SAvE ON ALL YOUR FAVORITE HOOD
~ ..~~-17Iocese on:an River:-Thl.!rs"Oct.4, 196:l • ;',,1, :. ", ;,":" .
p ••••:
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AT GOLDEN JUBILEE RECEPTION: Hundreds' from Diocese gather at Lincoln Park to honor Rt, Rev. Msgr. James Dolan, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Taunton, on the occasion of his golden jubilee. Left, Rev. William F. Morris, Corpus Christi Church, Sandwich, former-
curate at St. Mary's pays tribute to jubilarian. Right, from left, James L. Gallagher, publicity committee; Mrs. William Hoimes, reception; Msgr. Dolan; Mrs. Helen Donahue, tickets; Joseph C. Megan, lay chah~man. Msgr. Dolan celebrated a Jubilee Mass in,St~ Mary's on Monday afternoon. , . ~.,
it C'onvenes Th·ur~cI.ay
Legion Ratings Guide Choice
Parish To Conduc't AI"r MI"ssl"on Op'en . .
Continued from Page One
ingsrepresent prudential moral" sens.ual pleasure, they fee.I Hi.at Con tinued from Page One judgments whic~ ~erit the given by' the commandments mere warnings and condemnaNEWARK (NC)-In an effort ble principle of "curbing. less c~nfidence of the _Catholic publie. that they won over a majority tions will' not do. away wit!!. : to improve neighborhood inter": rather than more" and "of'hold-.. and Of ·.>thers who are. interested of their contemporaries away'" these. A whole new approach. is . racial relations; St. Rose of'Lima'" ,ing : for lib~rty r~~her: .thl\n. for. " in' its findings. : from pagan practices, convincing needed to make .cIiristianity in~ ., parish here will hold' an open- . restf.,~int.". ' . " " . ,I;' . them that, inSt. Paul's words, ,teresting, attractive' and a soul;' air mission starting'next Sunday. "Those' who would like to see '''It is important to realize," he "to ',live is' Christ," to' imitate moving experience' to capture'" , . '. '.' .' .' more restrictive laws·.curtailipg· :.' added, 'that for the Catholic pub. Him in H~s life and passion .an.d the'. attention . of 'modern man.' InVitatIOns Will· be . exteQded .. the· freedom of the motion pic:. .lic· ·the olegion ratings are "not' death. . . I ' . . . If this 'i~plies new techniques' doo~-to-door. t?roug?out the ture industry," he added, "were ecclesiastical laws, but.normative· in the apostolate,. chan.ges' in. parish. The mlss~on w,lll be given urged to bear in' mind that the guides." Spiritual Revolution P the method of worshipping God 'by Father Patrick . . Walsh , ..., principle of minimal ,legal· re-' Noting that the legion's film ~The early Churchmen' set out and a d in i n i s t e r i n g the un- who h~s. toured _the South with .. strllint serves as a safeguard· to' _guidance' service is sometimes to subdue the wild and barbari- changing Sacraments, tIie chal-' a mobile chapel. our heritage and to all our vital- -construed as being negative, : an nations of the north arid lenges.hould· be. accepted and. . Thecmobile unit will also be. freedoms.",·' ,.... MSgr, Little said' it is positive· soon' had these adoring Christ adapt;:ltions m;lde.·· used· here,' with' Father Walsh In regard to the legion's eval·< _.for the following two reasons: and ac.ce.ptin.g the self-control .' . sh . . . f mOYles.on ... t' f f·1m . M L·ttl . .' .. ' Great Arguments owmg a , series ua .Ion 0 ....1 s'.' agr. I. e ex-. , "The iegl·on's r'ati.ng:s,posl·tl've·l.r req uired .to . achieve.. civilization f Chr.ls. . t each evenmg. . 1 ed . th a· t th IS, i s d one b y, tw0 •.":'" ·Jot . t -That . ....this.· Secohd· Vatican th. e L·f Ie o. pam d·h·b·t ' '' on a ChristIan level . d . th IX . d . if'. • I f hI· .'. . asst;, pa ron an ex I I or In a . . .' .. Council may. stir iJp greahirgu-' urm~ .e1l - ay. D1issl!'n. In-. ICla s. 0 ·t e .. eglOn, asslstec;J:: r.:lorallY discriminating' choice Oi. .. This .spiritlial, revolution :was inientsbetween these men· of dif.,;' : struct~on... centers will, ~e, ,estab- . by~~:v:~ral,sc()r.~, of, cle:gy, -'~~!!Y'-:' ;filJri'ent"el'tilinment:":"that" choice'. not. ~chieved:;wit4out, !iiscussio)1 ... terihg' v'lews:rieed. riot- be'. 'cau~, • lished in, th~1?~~!~ as ,~ ,f()llow-. . Cat~~hc pr~f~sslo~~l fllJp. Cr,ltl,~~:,. ·'is aefinitely" po~itive;""'" -, ',: ",: and. even. strife.' within....the·.. of ala·,rm,.. Should: .the· COllllCii"":UP the·misSlon.··,: .~.~., .. ,: . -.: .. '; oand . ,C:l~e~, ... qUE!~lfle!i.>.;:I~'y.me,q,,>_, 'J;, .••.. ' ..... ; , .•.• J . : . ,. Ch l1rc,h .itself.: St.Paul sPeaks,o£., '. produce ;sharp'debate, it will 'be " i ' , . " , , . ; Catholic husbapd-wife' team~,i,,; . "~jnce·. : 1~57.;.,.; th~ ·.,guid~,nce. wi~st.anding St~ . Peter,-, to his .;,.a p~ofthat the'Chtitch,:divine!Y' L.e.:(lve.·fo~ I ' ". . and the Motion Picture· Depart- :' services of" the' 'legion also in-. . _bee" but PaJ,llai>Pealed· ...to·, the ":'.founded"an~,,i'nsp.ii:·~ d'arid . . '. Is.slon.... ~~~t ()~ the' Inter~iltion~r~~e~..-. elude ... a positive 'recommen:": " 'autl\o.rityof tb~ same ,P~terdn '.. guided, .is.~till· a:80ciety' ofmen ". CHICAGO (NC) ....:-Auxiliary .. atl(~~ ,~f: Cathol,ic. Al~m~~e .. -: .:)~ '~'datiori aiid·~iippoft''' of 'good making Christians of thepaga,n~.,'calledby God :to· wotIc'out their' "~ishop Clet4s F.··O'D6nnell of " "No film of 'any ~mpor.~,nce:i~ ': ..}~~st; :..:' ~~; .....::':' . :.;. of. Antioch. And at theC:0l!~cjl, ~lvation jmd ~chieye', the' .will"':C h i'c a'·g o~ presented: mission' 'classtfied ·by tile legion,"wi.tQo~t·" ".' 'r " . ' . ' ! . ,: . of Jerusaleni,'.Peter, as St: Luke 'of Christ in 'a world full of-in-' "erosses to seven'Doininican Mig,;. ., ·the bene~it ,of the :.cr~tic~sm;·o~. _ . . : ,,' "say~, "after a: long c:lebate~'".gaye.:- tricacies and pitfalls' and errors;' sion Sisters who will work 'in' "~e' 3Q or 40 (frequently mo,re) ~. .• ; . ' , ': .: .fin~l.J)!~nouncE;!fuentc o.nsalva"I'; .. The' 'spectacle' of.' argument 'South America; Four of the·Sis• .' of the.~~ r_~viewers,"he said. \,- \ ;, . tion by' the grace of th~~Lord ~mong the Eathers'of the,Coun-' ters,w.ill,~oX:k in..Osorno, ~hil~,· . He stated 'that the legion "can~ . . . ~'B.II~ . Je*s'~~d 1?-0t~~"thy ¥o~I~:-la~: " c.il abOut the best: ways for the' I and.. thre~ In.TruJillo, Peru. ~?e' ,:n?t prete'nli:' 'that toe ra,tin?s ~t, (llf"~ The twenty Councils'·of the": Church to achi~ve her ,purpo~co~mumt~ aI:eady .has' 11 ~IS-. .gives: "are mfallible," bl;lt 'It"IS:, ~ ,~ Church have all aimed at con- _l!hould remove In. the minds of .tus workmg In Latm America. reasonably certain that ItS rat-·... ;New England 5 Playground . fronting the changing wQrld of t~ world the mistaken idea of ·their .day and applying Chris~ the' Ghurch as' a. "monolithic - ·tian principles to present prob- structl,lre" with no room for dis~' . ·lems. The present' Council. will .cussion and debate. There· is, of :' do the same course"no argument-on faith and . . .~ i-~oTrendS . morals': and .. the . s'acram~ntal .Plumbing - "eating , .. system..There will be much disOver 35 Years .. ~~t,urally, there. ~I11 ~e_:qls. cussion,. how' :theSe' :can< be ',' i.. eus~lOn .and. even. dlssenslOn.oninade . n1qre ~'W:ide~r~a~hing . andc of S~tisfied. Service how best. thiS can he done. There salvific in' the"liv~ Of. men;' '. .UlO U. BERuBE. M.rr. Bee~ to be' two great .trends I,. . . , . ' " ... ". 106 NO,. ~lfII -STREET 951 Slad~ St. lei. Ofi 5.~78S6 among 'churchljien of thi1i age.,. . ,.'.,"" 1 Fall River . OS 5-7497 IndIcations' are that there is 'a : : . ' .. '...: .
"cohservative;' 'group-rr1ert who iee:no great need of change and see the Council as the opportunity to present the teachings of the Church in terms that the modern world can understand. 'l:he other group, composed mostly of prelates from northern Europe, the' East and mission lands, feel that there must be a considerable change in the Church's' program for . converting the modern world, While they fully understand the dangers introduced among Catholic peoples by divorce, birth c.on,kol; materialism, the cult of
Prepare for Council SAIGON (NC) - Catholics in Vietnam are preparing for the coming ecumenical council by prayer and action. Tile 'nation;s . Bishops have ordered' that Pope John's prayer for the council be said every time Benedittion of the Blessed Sacrament is given, and: have prescribed special fast days in response to the Pope's request for penance .in his' encyclical, .Paenit.en~iam A~~re •.
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HONOR PRELATE ON ANNIVERSARY: Left, Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher, toastmaster and Dolan.' . Bishop James J. Gerrard. Right, Msgr. .
,Priest Founds' Two Groups' To Aid Alcoholics' Families
Bishop Connolly, Rev. William H. Dolan, jubilarian's younger brother and pastor of Holy Family parish, East Taunton. .
Plan to Film Council' Opening for' TV
Good .Shepherd Brothers Expand Work Among Handicappe.d Men
NEW YORK (NC) - The National Council of Catholic COLUl\;IBl;TS (NC) -Atomic new home begins operation the STIRLING (NC) - Sometimes ;the spouse or other. ;Men will cooperate with the energy mdIrectly has aided. Brothers also will have a special relatives of. the drinking man or ;woman is just as badly Public Affairs Department of physicallyan.d tp.entl\Uy handi- school for handicapped between in need of help as the drinkElf himself.With that in mind, ,the CBS-TV network in. the capped men of the Columbus . the ages of 12 and 17 . h ' production ... of, : a sp~ial half- dioc.ese. '. . . . . ' a pr.les~ ere ,in New Jersey. has formed two groups allied houl: program,onthe, opening of '. It resu~tedin acquisition by with the Alcoholics i . 't 0. f th··· ..' · I" to h' ,the Second' Vatican Council in the, J;!rot.h.ers.. of .Good Shepherd Pro.testants PlannlOng' . t' ThAnony-,. . nven ory 0 . emse ves, e of a former $500,000 ·school mOllS movemen. . ~y ~re. said. "Have they been unjust' in' : Rome oil. Thursday; Oct. 11. AI-Anon, an orgamzatIon' ·their treatment. of their children The program will include film building in nearby Waverly, for 'College in Honolulu: for the spouse of the prob- .because of their problem? Have footage of the "pening cere- expansion of their work among HONOLULU (NC) - Metholem drinker, and Ala-Teen for they unjustly taken wages the monies, provided by RAI (Itathe handicapped. dist .Bishop Gerald L. Kennedy the children of the drinker. ..alcoholic didn't earn? Have they 'lian TV), plus. video-taped inIn 1954 when the Pike County of LOll Angeles, on a visit here, Explaining his work with·: ·complained and nagged and hol_· terviewswith key U.S. Bishops, Atomic Energy plant was being disclosed Protestants' are planthese groups, Father Frederick' 'lered? Have they neglected their theologians and . laymen in at.: built near Waverly, the .Scioto ning to build a college in Hono-' G. Lawrence;' M.S.SS.T.;: custo-' " housework? 'Havethey; if· they' tendance atthe.council. The pro_' Valley f:.ichool District built the lulu "to· put themselves in a' dian of St. Joseph's :Villa her,c';" are C~holics,'fallen away' from' gram will be shown on TV withschool with 18 classrooms, a gym stronger competitive position said: "Priests .are interested iJ1. the '&.'craments?" .' . in the two-week period' after the' and offices, to accommodate with the Catholic Church in the ·any.ihipg that's going' to llelp a". :. Teenagers ·with. an. alcoholic ~pening of the. council. children of the· constru'ction Pacific." per$on save )Jis soul. FjQrtilies.of:. ,; parent alsO have' 'thEHrpeculia~ .' . . .' ,~or~ers·.1'!tElPlall~ ~as finished. . He said Episcopalians, Con-' . alcoholics can ,.:'?e tem.pt~!l:"to •.. ,pr~lmmis, h~ llsiCf;;-'expiaining ih~::·' .A' ...•.':.;; "0" 'd'" . ,'~'. " .J " . 'lD 1~()I,~c(;mstl1;1ctlonwQrke,rs. gregationalists and Presbyterians' desrlair, lack of faith·an.d trust in." "r'e'as'o'ii'fo'r .......:·'Ala',;;Tee . n 'm'o"ve'-' ',:Hmerlcanr alned ,!,,!~ov ...e.d... on a~.!l. tI1~ s.c.h.oo.l.·was . ·'a.re· 'cooperationg . with Metho-: . ... w", Goil"'beC"auseiifthemiseryoi.· men!:.":" · .._';>l":· ..,····:;:·'F· I 1° ' Od' .cl~s~!i• . " . , . . . . . 'd·st·· th .. ' . . .. tbeii"lives." ; '.':' ',...•. ';'. "Th"e' ',':: ", •.<:.:."' , , ' , ' : ' ". or.. ta la~ er ;. . Tpeh .GoodShepherd Brothers ". I S'lD e pro]ectand the situ~" . .... "",.' ..... ...Y. ,get .~..thepoint, . h~ ,.. BUFFALO . ,( N C)" 1 "F 1Ut'· 'J d th . . . ation' "looks hopeful."·He s:iid.' ',' ~on.De~~minational . : :said, "wher¢tIiey 'don't'cllre if'.·· .' "'"'7'" .a. er pur:~ ijse . eschool' property . th~'Methodist church:'expects to' .' Like Alcoholic~Aiionymous.i~:;,..,'they pass' their' 1l!l:i<i'ies"'cir'esS ·,John ,:W" ~eE;n~n;,. C.R;S,.P.", P~: for .$.65,00.0" The.Brothers· have '.ralse' $500;000'for the school b'y' self, AI-Anon and Ala-Teen are' - propetly, or go'to church.~' '. , this ,Clt~ Jst?e flrst,AmerICaI'!-;;1o.,' op~rated the;, St. Martin Home ..early 1963.." . non-denominational but attempt Beyond 'that;:l1~ ~'d;! fudst' of. :', .become ~.,PrH:~st. of the ~ar~abIte,; for :,the .handIcapp~ here. They \, to lead p~ple--to; G(xlaB~.tQ~Y~ f ~:thein have a '~fal$e; ~nse·'of.foy- ',' ,com Il1umty founded. 432 ;years. nowl!Xe. remogeling the. iorm:r· r-~----,;,,~.~. understa'nd, Him, Father·. L.a~~~ O:'alty..:.c..they· dori't waitt,·to admit'" ,·agoAn Italy.·. :.. . .'," ·school. property.. ~.';expand theIr rence Sl,lid;AA and its more~re::'.U1attheir parent haS'a'p'roblem:" . Th~'40-year,;,0Id' rehglOll:and,·~Ot:k".~ll~~.pla':l.t~, .. p,ccupy the·' eent. offshoq~}~av.e l.ong,enjo)'ed··...~'. ; . ' ,',; ; . ' chemIstry . teacher. a~' ·.BIShop,·.. propl(~ty. w~~,I;lfacihtI~~.for sorn.e . the :cOQperation'and ~tei:est:"'of';"'F'•. ;. . 'y"" '.C· Gibbons HIgh Scho()lll1 ne~bY:''''~~lll:en.ll~xt.Jar-~aryan~t,<l .. f.lx,. the Church, he' added. .' I ,~orth Tonawa~de was. ordaIned· .~an~_fforb" evten1.00 tual acc()mw oda- " . . . Father Lawrence' has aboull .n St. Joseph's cathed~al here by won 0 .' a o~. . Auxiliary.. BishQpLeo R. Smith The St. Martin 'Home now 30 men and women in the adult group which he organized ~, year of Buffalo. cares for 30 men; but when the ago. He explained that the basic Rev. Thomas M. Feeiey, C.S.C., The Barnabites, formally the purpose cOf AI-Anon is to 'help Pl'ofessor at Stonehill College, Clerics Regular of St. Paul, were Famous for our Prime the families of alcoholics deal will speak at·the .season's open- founded in Milan, Italy, in 1530 with their own problems ratherlngmeeting of the Fall River by St. Anthony. Zaccaria. The: .Aged Cht.rcocd Broiled than to show them how to First Friday Club, tomorrow first members came to the U. S.· Steaks - arso Roast "straighten out" the problem ;night)n, Sa.cr;ed, ~eart .SchooL in 1952 and'established:"'a ·foundrinker. ' F;ather Feeley' will talk on the [dation here. They" have a' semi•Beef - Sea Food 'J,'he alcoholic's spouse is liable ·Ecumenical. Counc.il in relation ~ary ~t .. ypungst?wn, N.. to become so absorbed in trying ito. the lait~~t.the'riiee~hlgwhi~h. , ,where. they. a.lsostaff Our Dancin~ Every Saturday to keep . the p_artner sober and WIll follow Mass to be'celebrated '. LadY"'~f Fatima .Shrin~..The. getting him or her well that she at 16 P.M. in'" Sacred' Heart Bar~abItes,enga~e_.mpansh,ed., , Nite to the Music of herself begins leading "a malChurch. Supper will precede the .·ucabonal. and miSSIOn work. Henry CoHrell and his address. adjusted life," Father Lawrence' i Rev. Fel!x S. Childs, pastor o Orchestra saic:L of .Sacred Heart Church and Teenagers' Problem club moderator, said the Mass Planning A Wadding, Shower. Ian. "We urgethem'to take a moral for all other first Fridays. will quet 'or Moeting-Call our Banquet be at 5:30. fl)epartment for detail.. AN Partieo The First Friday Club is open @liven ou; Expert Attention-Call Allocate Germany's to all Catholic men in the Great. Commercial • Industrial er Fall River Area. All inter373 New Boston Road MAYFAIR 4.9888-4.9979 Overseas Aid Fund ested in joining must make supInstitutional COLOGNE (NC) - The Bishper reservations .with President Crandall Rd. Tiverton, R.I. Painting and Decorating Fall River OS 8·5677 ops' committee for Germany's Raymond H. Medeiros, Vice lenten fund drive for overseas President John J. Hrinko, Sec135 Franklin Street 0 aid announced the allocation of retary Charles J.: Hodkinson or Fall River OSborne 2-1911 an additional $4,150,000 for t07 .Tre~surer Dennis C.. Hurley. aid projects in Asia, Africa and Color Process Year Books Latin America. R. A. WILCOX CO. Among the contributions are Booklets Brochures $125,000 to erect a hospital in OFFICE FURNITURE Hyderabad, Pakistan; $75,000 for lD Stock for Immecllate Denvo" a ~og-raising program on the Korean island of Cheju; $100,000 '. DESKS . • CHAIRS FILING CABINET~ to ~id in building an agricultural school near Brazil's new • FIRE FILES . • SAFES capital, Brazilia, and $37,500 for FOLDING TABLES· OFF SET LEnERP~ESS a home economics school at AND CHAIRS Yaounde, Cameroun. PRINTED AND MAI'lED 1-17 COFFIN AVENUE Phone WYman 7-9421 This year's "Misereor" lenten R. A; WI LCOX CO. OSbor",e 2-13~2 eollection raised $10 ·million. A . .New Bedford, Mass. 22 BEDFORD ST. total of $8,550,000 has now been WYman 3·1431 FALL RIVER '5·7838 allocated.
-..;....:._.:-... B"ae. k 0 'Slle • k'.I nB: .... " . ANGUS·
Irst F'r'led;" a'
'I'u"b" . Opens To'morrow ..
American Press"lnc. PRINTERS -
THE ANCHOR.....:Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 4, 1962
'IntrocdJM~tHon.ofAutomation· .
.- I
yOU···· - By Fulton J. D~D. - Most .Rev. ." ... Sheen, .
It is very dlfficlm: for our puny minds ~ grasp whY God should permit the Churcih iii China to be destroyed; why He allows Northern Vietnam, whicH the 'mos~ Ca~hollc part of ~he whole Diainland of Asia, to SUffer Ii ConiJiiunlst persecution; why Be lets all our scho~ls In the Sudan 'be elosed~ Here .we mus~ bow down In Faith,' for we will never understand why Goell should allow the Church to be so persecuted when He hatil the Power to prevent It. '
By' Msgr. George G. Higgins
Dlr~cto~.. ~CWC Social Action Department
Is organi'zed 'i~bor in the' United States opposed to automation? A· leading business journal says. that the, ~ answer to this question is a resound~ng "yes." American unions, The Wall ~treet· Journal recently editorialized, "must abandon their reactionary opposition·to· auto- job-producing. potential of automation; the industrial' fu- mation. But, in any event, he is ture oelongs to automation, on the side of the angels in
'The history of the Church throughout the centuries is !il "Sealed Book.'" The Apocalypse tells us that no one on earth ean open it; only The Lamb can do so,' and that will not be until the Last Day. We do know that when John saw its mys,tery, hidden and sealed, he said: "I was all te~s." Today's happenings exp~ain his sorrow.
to real-
'pointing OI~t that automation must be introduced "in orderly ize it.will be out of tl1.e running stages" and that the radical 7'""with all that' . . means in ecochanges flowing from automation "must be planned with care .. " nomic decline for the worker.~'. . INFORMATION CHIEF: , · ~nd.un.employment.'~.. . . . This is in line with the think- Msgr. Fausto Vallainc, edi-, .. ,But ... ~he difference between God's ing of the late Pope Pius XII thoughts and ways and'our ~houghts· anell The man who who' had so much to say about tor. and journalist in Rome's coined the .word ' . . ways is 'not only in ~he'evU that Is done "automation" il automation in the closing years Cat h 0 Ii c .. Action Pressto ~he Church, ·but· in' His mercy to Agency for 12 years, is the years ago-~. 'of .his life. .Ai.t~or.lation,". His God's pardon, unlike ours, is undisturbed John' DieboldHoliness pointed ,out in several directQr of the press office by any, sense of perSonal . resentment, . makes substimmajor AJ.Ioctitions, is not an end for the Sec 011 d Vatican ~hough sin Is an offense against Him. lIt in itself. It is a means--a potentowers about the lofties~ of. earth's beauties tially the same tililly beneficent mean~f pro- Council .NC Photo. of .forgiveness, as the s~ars above the · point in an armoting the welfare of human ticle entitled plain. We canno~ weary mIis mercy, nor exhaust 11115 pardon• •..' '. beings, their spiritual and cul~ ~ 0 • 5) ~ "Facing Up to Automation" in tural as well as materI'al wel'@P:,froEltP 11'" ~1Pi; the Sept.. 22 issue of' The SaturU '!>U IJ.~ ~ WJ'W. flire: I '. day Evening Post . . /A;.IT./Co 0 ' n <f' Jil.; 11 0 I!l ,Sustained by this knowledge, let we' who are called, unworthily, According to Mr. Diebold, we· Closer Co-operation ~lTtrO«::O@~ ~fl\&,®!P'uO<t@tl "to ,be 'members of the Church share in all her sorrows and perAmericans really have. no choice Negatively this means; on the ~. (C' n.... .J1 To secutions. Oh, what . you c~lUld do to your character and disposias to whether or not we are go_face of it, that' automation ·v[{i) ~1IU©Hr@{g)Cl tion if you. but daily put a dime at the foot· o.f the Crucifix in ing to make' 'progress ,in 'auto- .would prove to be a curse rather • NE'WARK ('NO) :..-. Sk~p" Your,.'room. iri honor of ,the "Sealed Book,"" and then send it to the mation. We must either achieve tJ:1ari a blessing t9 hw;t:lanity, ~ Holy Father through'his' .Society for the Propagation of the Faith world leadership·in, the new . it were to be u!led selfishly.tQ ticism about the"pos,siQiIity ·'at the end'of each'moJithl: techilO logy or' resign, ourselveS'" increase the profits of a few at of working 'out a s'atisfac- ,.. ' ./. . to'disastrous' economic and pothe expen~~ of t~e. ~llnyor,.·tory shared-time school pro-·. ' ..,.,....-----. Utical defeat..by our compeiitors mor.e specifIcally, if ~t. were to gram betwe~n privllte and pUb-'" GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs.' M.it:' for $5 ''I receivell·thls·sum . th e,.wor· ld mar k e.',,;';·, t be mtroduced I'Ie schools was expressed here for playing the organ in Church ,and wan~, to give it to the ,:,' .', In-, 'so ._ rapIdly or so . Moreoyer, .. says: Mr. Diebold,. " haphazardly as to r~s~lt in un- by a Catholic. school official. Missions in thanksgiving for the 50 yearS I have been able to · t t' if . I . t d d employment or even 10 . under", . . "~ .. '. . ' , . : , "pl"y for His Holior and Glory." . '.'. to Marie, Jackie and Patricia .".:IlU ~n.rq uce, employment I'n' a gI'ven I'ndustry' . tMsgr. ..super· not.oJ!la onlyIon,· will..WIse not. ycause l,1oemd tJoseph f P.h TUlte, I th for $5 .....or all ~f God:;' poor children in. mission Ian d~"... ,." . ' . . ' . or ·l'egion. . . . . .... ' J.!l en eQ. ,: 0 ;. sc 00 s· ,10' e to Mrs. ·G.D; for $50 "''i had a narro\\t escape with' 'death-they ,... arid ploYment.but wilJ .q\Ultfply jobs'.TO'. foresta'll.' these"·p·otentI'al New.ark .,ar.chdlo.cese,.·.sai.d. sche-.· . . . rows of 'corn, in' ~he' sun, . "rapldiy increase our, stand. found' me lying' between' after sufard of living. . dangers, Pope Pius XII insisted dulmg diffiCUlt~lils and ~Ime lost fering a' heart' stroke. This offering is in thanksgivingfor'being '. '. 'Com' 'ellin' '. Obli itioDs on the need of- clo~er labor.,.nian_ by the student 10 travelIng from found.".' .'. to" Mrs~ .J.B~·: for $10 "My· children are a.1l marlried, . . P , .. g g: . . agement cooperation. He called one school to another militate so now I bake wedding and birthday cakes. Please 'accept this .: StartI?-g· from these ·pre~lUse~,... for. a "judicious participation of against such a .program·parlof in)' profits for' the Missions." 'Subjects add.ed at tlle.end of Mr.. DIebold concludes ': tha~ . workers" in the introduction 'of ."~bor unions must...drop .. their 'automation and, .in. :summary,' a stUdent's day in the "second" . Send us your old. gold and' jewelry~the valuables you DO blll~d fear' of .a~tomation.alld use told labor and management that s·chool· are likely .to receive th.elr organizations to work. out '.'it is better to bargain than to scant atten.tion; he said : in an' longer use but which'are .too good:to throw away.• We WIn.resell the earrings, gold eyeglass 'frames, fiatware, .etc.; and use the 'wlth management plaru: fo~ or- fight.'" " ~terview. .. . . derly stages of automatIon.. This, he said, "is the. only word . At. the same time, Msgr.Tuite .money to relieve the suffering.·in mission lands. Our. address: The But management, too, he says,. which both.... can make .. their said;.thlilre is nodoubt..that "our Society for the Propagation of, the,~aith;366 Fifth;·Avenue, New , . , ; ' " , ... ,' ~as, ·ce.rtain . compelling o~liga-' o~Ii .in.thellght ~(,thetr· own .. 'yo~gste~s could,' gain. ,.from' .York·I, ·;New.York,. r.,. ," : ..... ": ~. ',.' .' tlons: m .. thIS .regar~ .. Manageconscience and before the shared-time, particularly in the . ; I ment, he warns, must realize .world." areas of technical education... ·: ' that. t.here il! ~uc~.~oreto ..auU!-...•: .. It., is. my ,impression tWlt ,the Ca~holic .schoc>lS' have neither' Cut out this column, .Pin yoUr ·sacrifice to It and maUlt to the matl<?n, th~;.~e . 1D~~a~I?n;. o~: ,: . DlIiJo~itY of A,meriean uniorisare: _ the. plants 'nor the 'personnel to Most, R~v. Fulton J .. Sh~n,National' DIrector. of theSociet7 for n~w.:.mac~ery: ~t 1Il~.:re~9~-·'_:prei>a!ed t4> fQUow<tbisadviee. administer such a: program. he .• the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N. 'Y., · Dlze;· that.'the_ . cha.n,ges_;a~~~, -.!fhey.-"arenot;' I 'thillk"bllndly' . said, adding. that;:'!equipment is' or Tour Diocesan Director; RT:·REV. RAYMOND 'To' CONSIDINE, must. l::!e p~nned .wlth.~~.for· opposed to automation. But they expensi.ve , ~d'ha.s:such a rapid' . 368' North Main Street, 'Fall River, Mass.· the.::W?~k.er~,~d:~ust.J~~ over are opposed-and righUy·'~tO. - rate of~1;»s~~e~~c~, and teach-' backwards to aVOId the.mlstakes the introduction of automation en of technicalsubjecta'com_ . Yo.~RST~ LOVE~ND TO·.·GIV.EI w~ch:y."eTe made iri the Indus- without sufficient concern for its mand high salari~ .•" . . w'al R I t· . . of .-DAUGHTD O'ST. PAUL·Lo". Ood I .' .evo u I o n . . Potentially harmfUl impact on :~, eRid ...... eo_ 'blowiMp GIld lei". of ' · ~rlOg the. Industrtal Revelu- the level of employment. . God by ..mn..HJm ia • Mini... which _ ·th.· tio~, ,Mr. DIebold points out, To put it more positively, they:.... lactiC». ;MGt!cnii'lctimi '~nd tv... !trine "m~nagement :s~r~?ged ?ff its are, by, and large; in favor of' : . . IIiI Word .. Mula onrYwhon!. Zealoul ~oune SOcIal ,responSIbIlItIes Wlth an automation if it is introduced "bl . 94-21 YHnillt.,..tod iii tllII ualque: 'ev~~~~in,g.~ill take care of.it-; orderly stages~; and if the radical II' . Apoatotato IIHIY wrI.. to, se~,~;att~~de, thereby prod~cmg. changes flowing' ffo~ ..automa-') .. · IIr~,ng o~e DC. IEVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR a .~~rhle· atmosphere- for, .~he; tion are planned "with ~re for, NORA 0 'DONOVAN RN . DAUGHTERS OF st. PAUL '~. theOries of Karl Marx, WhICh the workers." '. •.... '.,. SO.IT. PAUL'S AVE. '.. ~ IOSTON 10. MASS. have, had m~ch to do with the 24 HOUR NURSING'CARE shape "~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H ~ke it of or our not."world, whether w e . . _ 717 Cou'nty St., New Bedford· .' tr. and the nation that falls
B"'.:.:.: 'E' L'M' A.'R .'........ iii"'.
:1' .
Cite: MaryknoJler's Work fo'r Lepers
Nee~s ~fUI ~tr'IDIebold fb~li~ltPh~ofls.onl "bthe., ".' SEOuL .(NC)-;Fatller . Joseph f om : responlil 1. 'Y, . ' .. a .or, A':S eee .'M·M ho start d Plan.nin g
and management in the field of ' w~rk'7n n~, b' ., w , e automation .', pahents"lnKorea::seven '... g... . ebalf ..0f.leJ,>:rosy, . .H,.' is,'"more.~e~listic .;. ., , .• "" J" it .•. years
~:~~~atl~lb~:~~~e~::::i;~~f%~.aga;.~his .. ~O,_~eih-S"Of:~fforts
labor's responsibility to welcome
~or ~anse,~s ... ;~~;lse·~e.rer~.
. . ".', BISAILLON~S" r-o:-------....... ",SAVE''MO'NEY,:'0"N': .", .'; ,:'::.", .: '''GARAG'E,' '.' '. ",,' WY 4-0496
.. .
be overl"'· optimiStic' about· the " gov~rnql~I1t ~h;as })ee~ bOD.ored ' . . .. . by Korea's preSIdent. ' .'.' . ' , . ...•.. . ~ F~ther S~een~y.·a:nati~~·of. New Britain,' 'COnD.,:"was ·A I' hiP bl awarded the Order ,Of' CUltural. _ CO 0 ·em :~erit N~ti~nal Med.al..by J?resio.AKLAND (NC).:....:.T'lie· cross' ,dent Chung' :e:ee Park. Father of Matt' "Talbot,' : Ii': ;Catholic Sweeney'had also'been honored monthly magazine devoted ex- by., .Korea's Ministr.y. ·of··.Health dusively to ·the problem ofal- and Social Affaits. caholism, is being published He founded a leprosarium in here in NewJersey ':bY.· ~e Matt' South' Chiiia 1933 and worked Talbot Legion of the Carmel with leper patients there until ". Retreat. his expulsion in 1953. He was :' Rev. ~rice ·Riordan, O,·c,arm., ·presented',· the . Damien-Dutto ..; director of the' 48-page,- digest-.. ,Award for his -work ·i.n 1~~ . size magazine, said the publica- .and came' to ,Korea to" reDew tion's 'purpose is' "to shake up ,the -wor~ in 1955. . ' . those apathetic personS .who
~o:'~:s~:~.~ realize' alcoholism, "He saic;l the rpagazine will
~i ,!
tt'v. . . .
~'.,., ,.,i'O.".,·;:- '.
... ...... -.
'Fairhave.,.· " '.' wY mall 4,,;5P58" " . . ....
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Be Thrifty .:.. :88 Wi.. Ask your Meatman.. fo.r a
' ...
(Mac9reg~r .Brand)
:: Bak.::in th;, ia~':':"No' 8a~ting
". .
. .,Mac"·saya- ."."
,:~, .'
. . ". .. " ' ,
. "WINNING FAVOR, ; Roal Scoteh<:Ham flavOrl1 . WITH ITS FLAVOR'" .
Cilb8n refugee families from Miami in the. past month, Mrs. Viricen't. PiCltett;'COplrjiittee "'chairman, repOi'te(L' ','
'.' ·6$3·V\Va.hh,gto~:"Street,·
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iliiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiju iii!iiiliiiiiiiiiii~
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': . ";:;, i4:~:H:o~'~;~:,··,:Wreck~~:::'.Servic ..,·: :'.: ::',,',\ '." ;.:':: . ....
Resettle 'Families"'fl/lek~"
~~ ~~ic~~ti~ne; :s~~J~rOg~~~it~~; ." g~=it~~~~~chitsR:::e~i~~: of the illness, which affects five' million alcoholics "and millions more, around ihem"in: this co'uii'-
,:YOUI OI[,·H~·An, ';
MC!Jazine' to .Battle ,ro
".,•• ,., ...
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Mac Gregor IJ L'
.~ ~ ~
. JUST' -. . at .All :a,eadlrjg
HEA I G . / '. '. T NOlL·: .....,.'. ."
ASK fOR ,. FOOd StoreS'
swEaNI.CS In Maaaachui.tta ;'.,
"" .. ;,':.,
.·Red, Propag~iidG" Grave Threat To Children
Asserts Misery .Plagues Congo:
HARTFORD (NC) - A deluge of atheistic propaganda from Moscow has already engulfed "one-third
OXFORD (NC) - Misery m the Congo is as bad as it was in the chaos that followed independence, a Belgian priest has told a 'British relief group here. 'Father Andre Cauwe, S.J., secretary of Caritas Congo, CathoUe charities organization there, spoke to the headquarters staff of the Oxford Committee fol' Famine Relief which has sent him $168,000 since 1960. Father Cauwe told the Oxford group that Caritas Congo gives , weekly supplies of bread, oil, fish' and other foodstUffs to about 40,000 people. In some villages, he said, the only food available is what comes from Caritas. Lack Supplies In Leopoldville al9ne, there are about 80,000 unemployed, he added. All the hospitals, sanatoriums and leper centers run by nursing orders have remained open, , Father Cauwe noted, but su~ plies once provided by the go~ \ ernment have ceased. One sanitorium, the Belgian Jesuit said, was entirely depen, denton him for medical supplies.
of all the children on this earth" and is posing a grave threat to children in the Western Hemisphere, Ricpard Cardinal Cushing said here. The Archbishop of Boston called on Catholic parents in this country to assume their responsibilities and make "the school of the home" an impregnable fortress against the assault. The Cardinal preached at II Pontifical Mass in St. Joseph's Cathedral, bringing to a close t~e annual New England regIOnal cpngress of the Confraternity 'of ChFistian Doctrine. About 6,000 persoQs took part in the four-day' congress. 'Attractive Literature' "We cannot escape the impact of this propaganda," the Cardinal said, "no matter how we try. Little by little the effects of. this world-wide propaganda wIll reach our children and our children's children. "Month by month 'tons of some of the most attractive literature that I have ever seen flew from Moscow through Mexico into the 21 countries of Latin AmrJca and all of this literature is dedi~ cated to the propagation of atheism.
r~ -.:iow OPEN ;-, ~
TABER STREET ~ Convalescent & Nursing ~ " Home ' '~
~ Offering a New Concept on ij ,, ' , ' l10me Living . n'RATES' from $9.00 per day U ' WOODLAND' HILLS (NC)..... ,The"v may ral'se <;I! -"'ickens." ,'W'e'- methOd ~ to survey an llrea'll U,WY 7-0791 or WY 7-0792 n SContinued i ' from Page One ~ ~9 TABE,R 5T;"NEW BEDI:ORD a nt Mathieu's Choir will Lighthearted Sister Kathleen just have beans and on~ons,'·they needs and to supply them. sin"g Korman's Mass in honor of Marie is a Glenmary missioner say. And the,y e,at the sam,e """ng-, , , ' may spend years in .. Wll . 'T,hey people of' rural,. .. ,C!U'ly every day. ~.,' ''place and never make a convert. th e BI A"Sacrament for the 10 Am the' . . essed Oceaslon. dinner, in the parish erlca. Content ,," "Th' b if 1 .., Se~e' •" They must be content to serve hall will follow the Mass. , eyre a, eaut ul peope, "A-lot of times:we Sisters ai'~andcontinue to serve. Their' Rev. J. A. Payan was the first ~~~e:~'rer~~e~~;:,'~n:~: m=~ the first ea:tholics·theY've seen.' founder, the late Father William ~AN SAVE YOU UP TO pastor ()f .Saint Mathieu's parish, tabls, they like 'the mountains They' often' think, that to; be n Bis~9P knew this would be 00. his ,is a prinCiple of our 25% which wall officially es~ablished, and they're going to stay in the Catholic means to. dress as'we Dec. 3, 1887. He cOnstructed the mountains. They are a Bible- dO;" the~un.,.misSioher said. ,'founder; !. Sister Kathleen Marie ON YOUR FUR BILLS basement of the actual church conscious,": naturally religious' 'Glenmai'ySisters' do nOt said. "We must sh~w the' people lrokaton Chem. «:.>. as well as the rectory. He was people, these Americans. IJi ~~t "sChOo,ls.They engage in that the Sisters are interested in succeeded by Rev. LOuis A. Cas- their quietude they look at the " three ~lain 'activiti~s: nursing, ~it~~ingtheirwhole life 59 thq Brockton 19, Mall. grain who laid the 'cornerstone mountains' and they realize ooclal , ~rk,. cate¢hetics:' Thei~ ',can, hear the word of God." , of the cpurch Sept. S, 189S. God's -existence. I think ,they' n , Two years later, Rev. Georges have a lot to offer the Church." Lavallee took charge 'of the par_ Sister, Kathleen' Marie was ish, and Dec. 29, 1896, Bishop speaking of the early Americans Harkins presided at the dedica- she has served in the Greai tion ceremonies of the church. Smokies, "in the 'coves' where The same, year, 'Sisters of whole family groups live to~ Charity replaced the iay teachers gether." , , who had been ,conduc,ting classes She was borne here in Cali': ' in nearby halls and in the c~urch fornia visiting her parents in basement. Nine years later the' St. Mel's parish in ,the brown Sisters of St. Joseph du "PUy 'foothills of San FerQahdo'Valley. France, took over the task of Her parents are Mr. and, Mrs. education in the north end par- E. L. Dunlevy, retired Minnesota , ' ish. 4 new convent was built and farmers.' Bishop Feehan bl:essed the Twelve years ago' she joined building' April SO, 19~8. the Glenmary Home 'Mission The fourth pastor, :Rev. Louis Sisters after finishing high OPEN_ FRIDAY,. A.M. to 8 P.M. A., Marchand, bad 'the school school in Redwood Falls, Minn. constructed accommodating' 450 She was one of the first SO memstudents. Under the: leadership' bers of the cOl!lmunity', devoted 01. ~ev. Napoleon, Messier, who' to mission work in the U. S. served as pastor of the Franco-' :areas whiire there are neither Am~ri~~n 'parish fr~m 1914 to 'priests nor Sisters. ' " , . ' '.. 19sq, the church ba~mel'bt was Sister Kathleen Marie . is a re~odeled and maj9r renova- ,~gistered ~urile;' trained' at St. ~, Y9~'.~. plarming, ~ bUY. Ii new or used: ear, tions' were made on the chureh... Elizabeth" ,1I0 spital; D ily",t,o n; plan, to finance: it' with .:' Low Cost Fall River Interest on Savings De. FoOr the next 23 years, Rev. , 9 hio. Afterwards ,~he 'Yent to ' Trust, Auto LOan. G~rges Cain headed:the parish. ,the, Catholic, ..Umvelllty,,' oJ; posjtl At The FciIIRiv. ",I .... : ~ I; . : . . : . ~. '. .; ... :'.: : .'. . .' _. The: c~urch and 'rettorywere ',America in Washington, D. C., We w.jll ,tailor your payments 'over '8 period,: :best ,Trust Is ,EX....pt FrOnt redecor:ated and a new convent' for a bachelor's degree, in'n\,lr~, Sl\ited, to your mcomeand youean even' include was , built'. ,Father : Cain was ing. ' , ~~, State Inco.... Tax. n.aJ!1ed, it' domestic :prelate in ''Dlffe..e~t,~~opl~ ,.our,~u,tniJi8ur~!1ce .~8, part of .the )oan-s~irtp~, 1940. Upon his dea€h' in i953 ' Then came the ~issiona-:-the' hav6, yo~1", favorite msurance agent ten U8 th, hiiJ successor was Rev. Anatol~ 'bllck country of, Kentucky, ,the ' ainoqll~~ ..' " " , " ., ,' Desmarais. ,_, .. moqntains of .North _Carolina, a' Father Charest ., land much different from so, Fall River Trust LO\V Cost Auto Loans avan. Father De~marais made major 'i>histica,t¢d San Fernando Valiey. 'able a(our Main Bank or any of our convenient' repait's'to the interioti of the rec- An air 'cooler whirred softly in neigh~orhood branches. ' ' tory, and the iriterior of the the Dunlevy home as' Sister ' church wa's redecor~ted. Upon talked. Outside,' an afternoon his appointment as pastor of St. breeze rustled the eucaiyptus Total Assets Over $33,000,000.00 Jacques, Church, 'raunton in leaves. ' September of 1~60, Rev. ''They're'-a 'mtfch different peoAurelien Moreau' was named 10 'pIe," Sister Kathleen Marie', con- ' succeed him. i tinued. "You'd not,thinit'a home ,Three months after'his arrival missioner wouici have to adapt he suffered a fall and subse~ to a different culture. They have quently died of a heart attack .' a quietude, ~bout them, strong on March 12, 1961. To replace family ties. They have no or~ him, Bishop ,Connolly appointed p'hanag~s or old: fplks homes. Rev. Henri Charest, ~e present They keep their orphans and pastor. ' t h e i r old folks in ~e family.: Since his arrival,' major re"Physically,bec~useof a vitk_ pairs have been made to the in- min poor, protei:n poor diet, terior of the school :as well as there is general malnutrition and the exterior of the church and lack of vitamins," she said. "The Somerset 'Bran~h' So. End Branch' MapleWOOd Branch Flint, Branch ' rectory. Father ChareSt is as- people are very poor. They have 1649 50. Main St. 111 Stafford Road 891 'County ~ 1219 Pleasani Sf. sisted bf ~ev. Tbom~ Jl4:Q~ris- a garden. sometimes they spend ~,¥. • ••• ,. ,~ Summer canning dry beans.
. Enjoys:
Jubilee Sunday
Serving' Folk,s ~ in, Greot,:":,Smokies
With· a LOW COST
I ,.•
Role Difficult
Diocesan'Hig'h School ;'Students Welcome Incoming Freshmen. With Traditional Warmth
PHILADELP~IA (NC) -.The problems of a prison \ chaplain are more difficult than those of a· parish priest, Philadelphia welfare commissioner Randolph E. Wise said here at the meeting of the American Catholic Correctional Chaplains Association. He said that prison inmates ,are more deeply impressed by what is said· to them by' the : chaplains in a, time of need than by sermons or speeches. - ' The commissioner stated that the regular Philadelphia grand juries visit the prisons here every month but rarely comment on the religious programs at these institutions i their final presentments to the court. . Despite 'this apparent failure to impress grand ji.iries, he said, religious programs are as vital to penal institutions as are discipline andgood order:
By 'Clement J. Dowl~ng A freshman is a shy, puzzl~d, eager, want-to-get, ac-
quainted student with varying moments of confidence~The transition from grade school to h~gh school can be a mighty big leap emotionally and scholastically. All diocesan high schools have ways of making the new scholar feel relaxed scholars. This year we find and wanted. In an annual Mexico, Peru, and Haiti repretradition at New Bedford's sented and these, girls have found hospitality at S.H.A. warm Saint Anthony High the seniors, . and. sincere. . formally meet the freshmen on Meanwhile 'long range plan"Freshman Day" with a surprise ning and activities' are taking party featuring a take-off on the.' place all over the diocese. In TV program "Truth or Conse-' Fall River the seniors of.Domin:. quences". Feeling that, nothing ican Academy 'are all over town develops a quick friendship like selling ads for their' yearbook. the sharing of a good laugh, the The current 'a'thleticactivity 'at S~ fro~h find the ex,?erience 'D.A. is.' an . organized bowling eXhllara~mg and re~ardmg., ;" league,' . ' '" .~oo~ball happy BIShop S~ng :'IOperation Face Lift" is apHl~h m· No. Dartm~ut~ asslgns, proaching its final, stages at t'l~ ~ fres~men-welcommg task Taunton's Msgr. Coyle .High. to. Its Jumors. J.Iere too, ente.r- New tile floors, new lighting and tau~~ent featurll~g songs, sklt;s bright new painting have en~. and band selectIons plus re';" livened the ,interior of, the fr~s~meI~ts prov~s a challenge school. .The all-boys school is in to· ingenIo~s JUnIors and a day the midst of the St. 'Thomas ~'b.~I'ememberedfor the fledg- "Aquinas magazine drive with ling Freshm~~. , profits slated to take care of a '" ;~umlha~e~; Qnes. .: ' . worthy Coyle project. ". " ,,!,!o. Baby ~ays . spotlIght the Down in Fall River at Mt. St. imbabon of ne~stl1dents at ~all. Mary,1scome.the boys,:of Prevost Ri ve~'~::~a'~r~'d;'H:?arts,~c~'de~y, ':' :H~gIj)~:,#?~' .the, i~ss~~:bY',~¥.J:.';;. Fooh!?h. CO~~!1~~s) foolish, _l1ntlcs ,onstratIon the 'idea'of, a "cell 0
Trappists Offer Aid CONYERS (NC) - Trappist monks at Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Monastery here in Georgia have offered to construct new stained glass windows for the Negro' Baptist churches "destroyed in' Dawson, Ga., by arsonists," . .', .""
, Day" 'at St." Anthony's, parents w'lli probably recognize' some of ",the tricks' pulled on the' frosh·. ,", Blindfolding, the newcomers arid ,placing peeled· grapes in' their an~ 't~n:~~«;!:,,~~isting,.sp~he~:"'S~llt~,~'j,~:;anQrga:IiiZ'atio.n;:div.i~' enliven . ~t;ie .sCAO.ol al)d woe. ~~., . ',effeCtively.. used by. Sodalists on hands with' the cas'ual comment· ,to tha~::}~\~s}1.tp¥,J,.who' ,r:ebe~s.. , ":Il"n~tio9':wide b~ii~, ."",": ..,.: .'FHESHMAN, DAY: Celebrating Freshman' Day at'SL '. that these are dogs' eyes, then . Haul~~: ,:b,~JQf.7.:~the Kang~roo..: ..Up,a,t:,the Attleboros:F.eeha.~Anthony'sHigh 'School, :New Bedford are, rear, rrorrt left; asking the blindfolded to take . Ii.. Court ?f,J,II,~!S~.~Ior cl?-ss,. P\l.m~h\' ,High"ilchoQl 'spiI'it'::h";1s' reached:~a Pauline. Chaub~au; Roland Bed.ar<I" senio.r' proeside'nt,Lticien.. bite: of apple; which turns' out ., . mentIS"'rrieted' out '10' ghOUlISh" "".' .... " ". ..".....,' ..... ' ; ,,", ' " .'. "" ..,' . .,. .' to· be a peeled lemon.' Something , . .~' ~': -L':--' ,. .';' t, ,new ':hl.gp ,~I~, t,he . ~Irst _pep; RC)ck,: ve~t~,J.JedQ!l~;, 'tront,Rit~: Roy" Michael ;BergeI'. ," to remember! . fashloQ, ,t~ }!ie~c~lprIt., 9~te i~ ::rallY" ,before ·,thefirst" ';;football " the apl?e~f~~C,Eli of th~'·m!lnY:';~iiie'in>F~el1lUi"s:fi1s·tod<·"Fee~;" " ;, ': .. ..'.' - .... ' Froshies;eati'!-~:',baby' foods'an~~ 'haii,stiident§,have't'he hilhit Family uses panel: discussion to· ductedby·FathetPaul·Frank of' Honor Jubilarian drinking lllilk,frQrn. bab~ bottle~' 'being:seen:In 'lheir: 6wri chutches show "HowASodaliSt'Can Show, Lowell, Mass.;, and that melodi·· 'St. Mary' High 'School in' as mu~U.,.coloi:e4·:ha1X rib~ions: ': dressed 'iri:;' ~ch6Qr'tihiforrii.s"'on Leadership' in 'Everyday .Life.'! ous noise' coming from the music Taunton, along with the gram~ flutter in .the~.eyes; The ·d~Y,is. 'the last ''-Sunday "of 'eachlno'nth:; Teased' hairdos"have: 'disap-' room: and th'e lhroats' of D.A.· mar school;' .atten'deda MasS in end~~',wi~~ t!le . ~en~?r~ ,ta~in.g' . T,he!(speci'aliritentipil 'for:,$ep. . peared' from the halls' of Doinin,; freshmen will ·soon· be changed honor of Msgr. James Dolan's the humIliated ones,. out for a- " teinber was the.cominlfEcumen..... ican 'Academy:' Public opinion to' melodious song by training golden' jubilee,after which he treat.. " ,,' ~ " , . , 'leal "eou'ncU.,and .the health .and: there is· so anti...tease. that the and 'Pfactice., ' . . was presented with spiritual To~o~~o~ 'istlJ.e big day'for, >w~lfare::, o~ ·:·Bishop·~··Conrioily seniors led the :fight against, it News around the Diocese' in- bouquets' by Mary . Morin and the girls 10, J~sus-Mary Acad~ . -during' his' 'stay 'in Rome.' ,- . . with comment ,and posters pro': cludes, the strong .competition . Paul Gilchrist; representing their emy's Freshman class. The 'Fall " . . .. . moting more suitable hairstyles school-wide between 'the teams .- respective schools. Riverites h,a Ye" memoI:izel1' ':.,...; ;', SOdality ~Jfe.,,: along the casual.' arid you~hful. :'. of St. ~ar~aret and, St. Agnes ,at . Recipients' of letters comspeeches so intrica'te ·th~y sound' '. ,Shooting to.,NewBedford,;,an<f, ,', . . . Fall, Rlv:er s S.H.A,,·New' faculty, . mendation have been announced like a';'"foreignl~nguag~.'Tli.eir.~I!oly Family Higit,'adiYity\iii. ; . ,School Rings ' members 'at S.H.A. include Mrs,:: by the National.Merit,Scholar.senior ,'.%lotiiers"" will call for:, .. ,beginniog with the Science'Glub, Elsewhere debaters: at Fall .. Charles Soforenko!.a' '1!unt7r ship Foundation'. They' are.J~nn~ these a(,tli~.'drop o(a hat and. ·:·'a new Student Council ~,¥eiil.g~, River's S.H:.A; have paired off ,Colle.ge grad9,ate With ~aJors 10' Gallagher,Maureen. Gamache, hnpose/'other';'insidioUs routines', . democratically elected,', and the ' ' ,to fo'rm' three teams inprei>ara..: E~ghsh and JournalIsm;. Sr., and Louise Bury. . ' on the,:,newcomers. These affairs'" ;ne"':'Glee Club is warming,\Ip' itS tion for the opening of the Nar- Ehzabeth l\1agda~en: ,S.U.S:C., Our Lady. Ca':l~. of Our Joy; are ref~eshinif:imd; do develop. ';~.y:oca~~.'chords for futur.~'song..,. ragansett DebatingL e a gu e w~oholds a Maste!-,s.lI~ Teachlll~ Sodality has 'annouocedits a camaraderie that is good. And,'. 'JestS:·:' .' ';; .:'." . . . ' ...• ..... . ,'. which had its organizatibO meet~ . SCl~~C~ .",degr~ ,fromCatho.li~ pliuis for c'oope~ating with: Uie the Freshmen just can't waif' >.·'S~~~1(~p'g ofSo.d~lities; that, iii' ingat'Prevost yesterday with 15 Umver~l1tY:;llnd ~~s. To.b~as EcumeIJcal Council's'. request' . till they are seniors.. ' "where the;'s'tude'ut .can. find c a Mass. and R. L schoolsrepre- Mort,te!.~ Gl~e ,CI?l?,dlre.~torv.: 1th for prayers. "At ~e n,oon. hour, Long Range '1'llinning mature, chaiien"gixi~:ah'<i'reward~ sented. His ExceUencY', Bishop.' a Basto,n pmver~tY ~U~lC maJor. . the :rosary will be recited .before Over at Bishop'Fe'ehan in the in!fsplrituallifei'Som.¢25.Junior James J: Gerrard 'this week pre": Doll's' Eyes the statue of Our Lady of. ,Grace,•. Attleboros ellph' homero!>m and Senior members o{'/!li:e sides' Over the formal ceremony teacher takes: fr~shmen charges Bishop Stang girls ~unit sIient and 'blessing, of 'class;ringsfor·· Science is continuing' to hold'" ,...~-----------.. on a personally''"conducted tour th~ week-end in a closed re- Holy, Family-juriiors.· ' great interest" for" Feehlfn' 'stu~ of the school, acquainting them treat at Loretto Retreat House in Seniors at Bishop 'Stang are" . dents. Seen at· the new schOol are with facilities and the ability to, :' IpsWich', 'Mass::':'" ,'''' ..' lookirig . forward to' the' Oct: .11 students being initiated in· the INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. . ,,".. . get around. , S:H;.A; in Fall ~iver welcomes reception of' the first school rings use of laboratory equipment, the Fairhaven's Sacred He art, and-indoctrinates new members ,ever worn by Stang students; ~ethodsof library research in 96 WILLIAM STREET Academy trad~tiQnally has So. with' a panel: ,discussing the students at" Holy Family today scientific fields; and the organ· ' NEW, BEDFORD, MASS. American students among its. Sodality' ~ay ': of Life. Holy finish their arl.lluai "retreat cOn..; ization of a school science ex-' hibit. Ham radio operation will WY 7-9167' WY 8~5153 be, taught and, discussed in weekIyafternoon meetings. ' ,. PERSONAL SERVICE Concerning that "Freshman
of .
W<HITE· SPA .",. ;',C,A.,r:E'RERS . , .~E~DINGS
1341 .PLEASAIf.(, ST: CLASS OFFICERS: Class officel'lJ at iSacred Hearts· Academy, :Fairhavell are, froni left, Deanne Guillotte,. treasurer; Diane Rondeau, vice-president;· Jeanne' Lefebvre, pre.-' sident; Cynthia Caton, secretary.
OSborne 3-7780
Teachers': Work Among Highest Of, Services'
Thurs., Oct. 4, 1962
Study Apostolate In No. Attleboro
VATICAN CITY (NC) The personal sanctity of the teacher and scholar was the theme of two addresses delivered here by Pope John. The Holy' Father spoke to the national congress of the Associations of Italian Catholic Teachers and to delegates to ,the Biblical Week' in Rome. The Pope told the teachers, all of whom work in 'public schools, that it Is not their' duty to make converts but to impart the lessons of Christianity by their own Christian lives. He told the Scripture scholars that their goal of prom'oting love. for the sacred texts and meditation upon them should have its beginning in th,em' selves. Teachers were urged to motivate their work with love, support it with confidence in the supernatural and perfect it by keeping themselves constantly up to date. Supernatural Spirit The teacher's worJ{, the Pope said, "can bl;! counted among, the loftiest services which man can offer to his fellow'man." "Having 8 supernatural spirit in youI:' work,'" the' 'Pope continued, ,"means having confidence in the means' of grace. It. means having convinced, and constant recourse to prayer. It means being alw~ys ready to act in the name ot Christ who loves children" yet doing it without ostentation." ',' He noted' .that a' teacher in '8 state school may sometim'es find ' himseif , 'h av i ng to' impart "teachings 'which,' are wise, and honeflt" yet cold alid almost'secu,;, laristic" ,for fea'rof giving' 01.gense. On' this'poii'lt he said: "One m,ust' not' be afraid. You must not mean to proselytize, which would have the'reverse of the effect inteniied, nor must you attempt, to. force' the religious' sentiments of children. Your duty ,is to "live according ~o the Clarity and imperatives of the, principleso~ the Gospel."
Colleges Report Alumni Support WASHINGTON (NC) -.;. The American Alumni Council has honored Manhattan College in' its "giving incentive awardsi' and cited the College of Mount St. JoSeph-on-the-Ohio for' "effectiveness of solicitation." The council here also reported that alumni support of higher education reached an all-time high in 1960-61; a totai of more than $196 million for the 1,042 colleges reporting figures.' . Manhattan College in New 'York city was honored for best' improvement among men's colleges in seeking alumni support. Mount St. Joseph, in Cincinnati, was given top honors for effectiveness of solicitations because it received contributions from 87.6 per cent of its 2,294 alumnae. Yale University topped all institutions in total alumni giving. It received $26,786,072.
Orthodox T,heologian To Attend Council TUCKAHOE (NC)-The Very Rev. Alexander Schmemann, dean of St. Vladimir's Theological Seminary here i,n New York, has been designated a delegate'observer to the Second Vatican Council opening Thursday, Oct. 11 in Rome. Seminary spokesmen emphasized that Father Schmemann would represent the' seminary. The seminary, which serves all branches of Eastern Orthodoxy, was invited by the Vatican to designate a delegate-observer to the counciL Father Schmemann is a member of the RUllsian Orthodox Church of America, which has 800,000 members in this country. It does not recognize the Russian Orthodox Church in the Soviet Union.
Ends' School ,Aid ,Efforts
WASHINGTON (NC)- M any the bill that it was beside the' "If they are successful in stirlegislators and educators heJ;'e point. ring up epough religious contro_ are wondering if the House's re-, The decision of the National versy on this, I do not think we jection of Federal aid for col'; Education Association to protest will see an education bill in, the leges has, nQt end!,!d chances for equal participation of private Congress in :the foreseeabie " adoption of· any U.' S. aid to and public colleges on Church- future." education. St'ate grounds made the issue <.) UndoubtedlY, "more ,attemptll 'one of ~ajor' significance in. to secure Federal ajd will· be bill's defeat. ' made. President· Kennedy al~ , 'Chailenges Gre~t . ready said he 'will ,come' 'back Many ,of those, surveying the with his college' assistance pro- wreCkage are asking if, as are:. posals 'next' year.' sult of, this past session, the ' The ,Novemt>erCofigre~ional'~hallenges facing Federal 'al4el,ections~ill ,be' ~n .indication ·have .not become too 'great' for· of the strengtha. new drive for enactment of any generalasslst:~ucation aid. will rec~ive in ance, wh~ther it be fo.r colleges Congress. But, in yiew' of the ,o,r for public and privaie elemen~ , completefail\1re of bills' t~istary ,and 'secondary schools. " session and the):leated contro~' .. ':Sur:ely tlle ·NEA's ~gitation on versy ,generated, by these meas- .the Church-State issue is in,ures, some questions abo,tit tl).eir'. tended, to make this a maJor future are natural., stumbling block to incl1Jsion ,of The college 'biU, staggered .. to', church:-related ,an~ all othfilf the House 'floor'urider'heavy'private' sc!:tools in 'future ,prO- ' ,burdens. Indee<I, the history of ,posals., ,. '" ,"., .this legislation affords scholars" ,:r.~e NM ~e~kll .this 'goal, ,d~~ , an almost classic!ixample of the spite, ,its !~ck of ,qualification~,t9 , pressurelr-forcef.tl,and varied.,... ,speak on ~att~r~' of constitu;o, that can be exerted 'upon iegis- t!Qnal law !lnd i!1 the face of an !ative proposals: -, " ' ,angry reprimand from the Theoretically, it should have American Co~nc.il ?n 1!;ducatioJl been a strong measure; :t;or .the Assoclab~n s use of ~~ tactIC. The Counc~l is the maJor Grants for Needy , spokesman for U. S.. higher edu-: Both House and Senate, early cati'on 'which the NEA fails to this year, passed versions: .of.' represent in' any' significant :way•.. college aid with, a mi_nimu~ of, . ,But ~lie 'NEA's campaign can' debate and, lopsided: .votes iii mean"more than deatIi' of' aid 'to' favor of such ,help, ,The construc':' private'''schools arid colleges:~.AS tion assistance proposed in- the, Rep.' Edith Green 'of bregon, major sections. of bo.th bills. author of the college bill' and rested' on extensive precedents. vigorous supporter of equai par, College aid had the support of ticipation by public and private all organized spokesmen' for' colleges, 'said on the House' floor higher education. The Kennedy, in· a reply to the NEA protests: administration was behind it. ' ' The compromise version sent ~ the House was painstakingly designed to meet the constitutional questions allegedly involved in y~u. OAn:w rOOD' MA't NOT helping church-related colleges. WP~'t SUFFICIENT VITAMIN'S Yet, it failed. Ostensibly, reTO KEEP YOUR (NII\GY AND jection came because it proposed l\i,inANcl UP 10 THE MUt(. loans and grants for needy students, a program House conservatives opposed. . Church-State Issue , , This was not the sole reason, CAaR.I£~ A COMPLETE LIM! however. Others included Re0' vrrAMIN!> TO FILL publican desires to deprive .....O UR. FAMILV'S NtltD. Democrats of an election year boast, Southern resentment of threatened Federal efforts to force schools taking U. S. funds to desegregate, and the general reluctance among some members of the House to' pass any type of education aid. In addition, the Church-State issue was deeply involved, despite protests' by' supporters of
Auxili~ry Bishop James J. Gerrard will officiate Oct. 7 at ,ceremonies marking Lay Apostolate Sunday at Sacred Heart parish, North Attleboro. He will also preside. and speak at a 'banquet closing the day's program. Theme of the day will be "United Action for, God" and parishioners are urged to begin the day with general Communion at one of the morning Masses. ,The remainder of the program ,will include registration at 12:30 in the parish hall and an open-lng session. at 1, with the topic "Parochiai Unity through Active S'ocieties." , Programs for parish organizations will be discussed at a workshop following the general session and a "coffee break" is scheduled at 2:30. A second combihed meeting will consider the ingredients n~cessary for successfui parish activities and separate workshops will follow for each program group. . At 5, ranks will form in the school· yard, for a procession t«> B,enedi,ction services in, the church and the closing banquet will take place at 6:15 in the hall. '.: :'
The Ham they never hurry!
_Slow, slow, slow curing makes the differenceI In no other ham will you find such unique natuml ham flavor. Luscious and tender Polish Ham is fully cooked, ready to eat. There's a convenient size for every family, in cans from 2 to 12 Ibs. Buy it today·!
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•••• !••••••••••••••••••••••
Maronite Patriarch Revisits Diocese
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 4,
Continued from Page One he was received by President Pontiff, and some state this ,Kennedy, later dedicated in fidelity to the Holy See of Peter Washington the new Maronite in their names: Ignatius Peter Seminary of Our Lady of LeBatanian of 'the Armenians, and banon, and concelebrated a, His Beatitude, Paul Peter Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Thomas Synnott has been apMaronite Rite at the National Peouchi of the Maronites. pointed chairman of the speakThe future Patriarch was born Shrine of the Immaculate Coners' bureau of the Fall River • in Jezzene, Labanon, April 1, ception. Serra Club for the coming year. Though the visit of the Maro1894, and entered the seminary The bureau provides speakera at 15.' He was ordained Dec. 7, nite Patriarch to America is a for Catholic organizations at nc 1917, and consecrated Bishop of "first" and is historic in the charge. Tyre Dec. 8, 1934. Pope Pius sense that tradition dictates Topics include all aspects of XII confirmed his election as Maronite Patriarchs leave their the encouragement of vocations Maronite Patriarch of Antioch Sees only to visit the Pope, His to the religious life. Speakers May 25, 1955. He has earned Beatitude is personally no will also explain the function of doctoral degrees in both theo- stranger to the United States. the Serra Club and how it operlogy and 'philosophy, pursuing He was, in fact, once an Amerates in its primary purpose off ican citizen. . much of his study in Rome. fostering vocations. Nearly 40 years ago, in 1924, Once New Bedford Pastor Patriarch Meouchi's U.S. tour, the Patriarch - ordained but Clubs, guilds and other organinstituted at the invitation of the seven years at the time - came izations are urged to take advanState Department, began in late to the U.S. as secretary to a tage of this opportunity to furAugust, after a postponement Maronite bishop, and stayed on ther the promotion of religious "from last May. In Washington, as a parish priest. 'Assignments vocations. took him to Mexico, Indiana, California, and Massachusetts. HIGH HOPES FOR COUNCIL: Anglican Bishop E. Blesses New Organ In Los Angeles, he was pastor for eight years of Our Lady of A. Gowing of Auckland, New Zealand, has told a ,New VATICAN CITY (NC) '- A Lebanon parish. His Bay State Zealand Catholic men's club he believes the Second Vatinew organ in St. Peter's basilica was blessed during a general PATTERSON (NC) - Bishop assignment was at Our Lady of can Council has been called under the guidance of.the audience there. Visitors who James A. McNulty of Paterson Purgatory Church, New BedHoly Ghost.' He said he expects a tremendous good to has outlined three ways in' ford; it was his first pastorate, come out of the Rome session. The Bishop, possibly the came to see Pope John at his audience were treated which Catholic women can co- which he served for two years. first Anglican prelate to address a Catholic,,'organization general to an unexpected free concert by operate with the Second Vatican in New Zealand, tells Secretary Donald V. Brebner he will organist Fernando Germani. Th0 Council. Julian Choir sang selections «if Bishop McNulty tol!! a conask God's blessing on the Council. NC Photo. modern church music. vention of the Diocesim Council of Catholic Women that the "primary objective of the VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Maryknotlers Top _'\t!cw= ecumenical council is the inner John has called for diligence sanctity of each Catholic and and prayer on the part of those Mark in Africa the triumph of charity among connected with the Vatican MUSOMA (NC) - With the all peoples." Council and for accuracy on the Catholic women can' cooper- part of journalists reporting arrival of six new missioners, the Maryknoll Fathers now have ate with this goal through wor- Council events. Speaking at a special audi- i04 priests and Brothers in this ship, instruction and apostolic activity, he said. ence granted the staffs of all young African nation. Pope John, the Bishop de- Vatican administrative offices, The .first four Maryknollers' clared, has said that the most the Supreme Pontiff also urged started mission work in 1946 in pressing duty of Christians is a renewal of prayers for the the Musoma area in northern Tanganyika, bordering Lake to live the liturgical life and council's success.' "Every person must follow Victoria.and Kenya. In 1954 they to increase in charity and supernatural spirit. The fact that we diligently the events of the assumed responsibility for 'the worship God in union with Our council, using the most"authentic neighboring Shinyanga area. sources of information; in folLord "is the great dignity and During the 15 years the Faith lowing the council every person has grown steadily in the ,two privilege of the Catholic," Bishis expected to practice a greater Maryknoll regions, which were op McNulty added. Through instruction, he con- perfection of prayer because later made into dioceses by tinued, "we bring Our Lord's during this time souls must not Rome. Of the one million people truths to others. The mother at be listless, but must be, on the entrusted to their care, tAle home is the first teacher. Her contrary, awake and fired by the Maryknollers now count 63,303 A.IJSOLUTELY FREE • • • 1". instructions must keep pace light of grace," the Holy Father Catholics and 20,911 catechuwith the g row t h of the said. mens. , Secondly the Pope ,noted that child . . ." As for apostolic work, he there is' a 'need for care: in More urged the women to represent speaking of the council developGod in their neighborhoods ments. "Real facts must be reVatican Cpuncil "with great humility and great ported and not imaginary ones. Journalists in particular must be kindness." Stories prudent and cautions in reon porting all that happens', with a sense of respect for objective A BRAND NEW EXCITING GAME 'Page,20 truth." Lastly, he called for a renewal EXCLUSIVE WITH STOP & SHOP . VATICAN CITY (NC) - The of special prayers for the suc~ ~-Fathers of the coming ecumeni- cess of the council. He said cal council face a heavy sche- essentially it is the hand of' God THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN CASH dule during its first few weeks, which brings a council to a sucaccording to the agenda released cessful conclusion and that TO BE GIVEN AWAY! here by the council's press of- prayer is the instrument to COMPANY move that hand. fice. WIN CASH PRIZES OF $100 ••• OR The first 'order of business Complete line 8,SOO-Pipe Organ ONE OR MORE SILVER DOLLARS! will be the election of members of the 10 commissions of the Building Materiats A 'huge 8,500-pipe organ has council. Each commission will joined one of similar size in the HERE·S .,HOW YOU PLAY • • • have 24 members, eight of whom apse of St. Peter's basilica. The 8 SPRING ST•• FAIRHAVEN will be named by Pope John two organs can be played simulWYman 3-2611 while the remaining 16 will be taneously by a single organist Every ~ime you visit your favorite Stop & chosen by members of the counor separately. Shop you get one "Lucky Dollar" coin. You cil. This means that 160 memdon't have to buy anything' bers of commissions will be elected by direct ballot by more There's a number inside each coin ••. 1, 2, than 2,500 voters. 3, 6 or 9. To find the lucky number just split 400,000 Votes , the coin in two pieces. The agenda allows four general meetings for this task, to be held on Oct. 13, 16, 18 and Collect the numbers until you have "1962" 20. The intervening days will or "1963". Take coins to your Stop &- Shop be used to count the votes of and win a genuine Silver Dollar for "1962" the Fathers, which will number ••• or win $100 for "1963'" more than 400,000 by the time all the commission members are selected. Get your fi~st "Lucky Dollar" coin' today at From Oct. 22 to 31, general UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN Stop & Shop. Coins given to adults only. meetings - or congregations ~ Employees of Stop & Shop and their families in which matters before the are not eligible to participate in game. council are to be debated will begin at 9 A.M. ) Save for the ceremonies on the council's 0 pen i n g and closing days, the Fathers not enter St. Peter's basilica in procession, but will go to their AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ATTLEBORO places directly. Mass will be offered daily by a cardinal. The Gospels will be enthroned on 4% ~n all Savings Accounts a special stand. Ritual prayers will be recited, the hymn to the Holy Ghost, Veni Creator Spir1% Extra on Systematic Bonus Savings itus, will be chanted and then the work ol the eeBsion will
Heads Speakers For Serra Club
Outlines Methods Of Cooperation
Asks Journalists To Be Accurate
Council Fathers' Schedule. Heavy
Fresh Native Bay Scallops Maclean's Sea Foods
First Federal Savings
ANCHOR~Di.oces·e of Foil River~r~urs., Oct. 4, 1962 .
Unhe'oted Rooms :At 1870 Council
God ~~ ~(],[]f[hor of Truthu SuperfIT1@l[UJ][f@~' and 'NatMrg~ "
Hardships endured at the then unheated North American College in Rome where all U. S. Bishops w'ere housed for the First Vatican Council of 1870 are recalled by Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Goggin, rector emeritus of St. . Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. In an interview published in the 'Courier Journal, official publication .of ',heRochester Diocese,Msgr. Goggin relates the experience of the late Rt. Rev. Bernard· J. McQuaid, first bishop of the' diocese. Most of the sessions were held in 'the Winter months. Water froze in the wash basins and Bishop McQuaid'~ arthritis was· aggravated so badly he suffered from it the rest of his life, Msgr. Goggin recalls. The Bishop filially moved to a 'hotel when a doctor told him he faced certain pneumonia if he . didn't find a heated room in which to study and sleep.'
'1y Most Rev; Robed J. Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of Reno
·."A political law or a s.cientific truth may be perilous to the morals or the faith of individuals; but it cannot on · this ground be resisted by- the Church ....A discov~ry may be made in science_whic~ will.shake the faith of thousands; yet· religion" cannot regret it or object t.o.it.. The truth, even though they may difference in this respect be- anticipate 'from its promulga-. tween a true and a false·re- tion nothing but immediate dis,-
ligion is, that· th~ . one judges aster. ail fhil}gs by the standard. of If, 'as Act()n' supposes, a their truth, the other by'- the scientific truth ispropos'ed, it touchstone of must be accepted with full fts own intergenerosity of spirit. His view·estil. A false repoint here coincides perfectly ligion fears the with the dictum of the First progress of all ,', Vatican ,Council' (which will truth; a tr1:le almost 'certainly be reiterated. religion see k s FIRST AMERICAN' TO EUROPE SEE: More than and amplified in the Second and- . recognizes now so shortly to convene), that . 2,000 persons including nine members of the hierarchy truth wherever betwe.en truth proposed in the attended the consecration of the Most Rev. John E. Taylor, it can be natural order' and truth pro- a.M.L,· center, as Bishop of Stockholm, Sweden. Bishop, Peace Meeting found." posed in ''the .supernatural orNEW YORK (NC) - The 35th '. The" quota-' Taylor, who was consecrated in Stockholm's City Hall, be· der, 'there 'cali be no discrepancy, annual conference of the Cathtion, inevitabsince both own' God Himself as comes the first American to head a diocese in Europe. At olic Association for· International ly,. is .f.rom their author. left is Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J.·Sheen of New York, a Peace. will b.e held here .be.John· palberg, Lord Acton. It ,ginning T h u r s day, Qet. 25. · is' typical of. the t«:lughness, even · But the trouble is, andA.cton co-consecrator. NC Photo. the ruthiessness, of his mind; failed egregiously to take suffi-, and of ..his 'dedication to the . dent account of it, that ,natural F~H- Third .Attempt truth is rarely' sO lucid as to · cause of human .liberty . Few laymen of his time, the warra'nt an absolute judgment. Against Hospital 19th century, loved the Catho- ·In countless instances it is proBEN SAM (NC)-Communist possible explanation lic 'Church so completely and posed as IN .tt.t:R BOOK AJ.u,t!;~.l~./t..N: (;./t.'.lttV.L..l(; .r.;·,l'J.\tv.,....... ~, ....,t.. .t: disi'nferestedly; but few men ·.of· .reality, as hypothesis or gUerillas have again attacked the TOY FENNER DESCRIBES THE WEDDING OF A BRIDE SHE Catholic hospital here in .Viettheory, or simply as' a better were as coldly brutal in criticism KNEW. '. This yoUng lacb', daughter nam, but' this time without sucof the human frailties and short- working definition than' any .t... ~S~ ~". of a ve17 prosperous family, could other. . . .cess. comings of churchmen,' from . 'V d' nave had ~he mos~ elaborate nuptials. Vietnam Army and Air Force Slow Prog~ess sovereign pontiff down to parish' ~' ~.. Instead, she did ·U QuietI', wUh ODe units, alerted by a patrol aspriest. ' . ~.' O. bridesmaid, a simple white dress and Because natural truth, as dissigned to guard St. Joseph's ~ bat, and only lamll7 membellli lIB - Acton was the idealist, the tinct from supernatural or re,. Leper Hospital, drove off t~e at(i"'" ~ guests. The morning of the wedding, · dwelier in the' ivory tower of· .vealed truth, ·is hard to' come by. tack,the second by the Vietcong t ' ' Sisters a& a nearby orphans' home ft. theory; . on the, rare .occas~ons and difficult to ascertain, it is Reds witliin a month and the 'ceived a lara-e check..,..jus~ the ,amount inevitable that its progress · when he chose to descend to third during the past two. years. a large wedding would lIave DOSt! the arena of activity, 'whether should be marked by hesitations, . The leprosarium, run by the Don't you think &his: bride was especipolitical or, ecclesiastical, his occasional' 'drawing back from. Daughters.of·Charity of St. VinaUy .happy on &hat ver). specllli day? mistakes were as obvious as ·the possible conclusions, and. by. cent de Paul, was first raided by 17M Holy Palhtr) MiJlion Aid PerhapS on one' of' J'our "special" oe. endless and acrimonious .contro_ those of 'the very men he dethe' Reds -in March, 1960~ The fur Iht Orillllm Chtmh casions J'ou would .also remember versY. nounced as knaves and fools: Vietcong guerrillas held the Sis&hose who serve rhe poor--for esample, l4e CLARISTS of There is no avoiding this, so ters and chaplain' at gunpoint Liberty Supreme ·Right THAIKATTUSSERY in ~he ·diocese of ERN.t\KULAM, INDIA. _ For long years, up to his death long as men 'are men and are while they looted medical supThe' poor parishioners, abou~ 200 10 number, mIlD)' new convens, plies intended for the lepers. just· after the turn of the 'cen- not. enlightened by God as to have given the Sisters some land. But to build a conven~ money the application and interpretais: needed. $4000 will do It. A chapel would cost $1,200; a nun's 'tury, he had contemplated the , bedroom, $850: a kitchen, $900. Any of &hese, or a communi&)' writing· of .a "History of Liber- tion .«;If first, principles.' With Acton we might wish it room, .would commemorate mos~ beautifully and lastingl)'" a ty".. For this work he spent end.,. "'special" day in your life. . less hours culling the libraries otherwise, but plain common of Europe for his documenta- sense tells us that we must be STRINGLESS GIFT.. Two 'littie sisters on the West Coast tion and his bequest to Cam- content with our half-loaf. sent us this lovely letter. We wanted to share it with you .. St. Paul's Formula . bridge' included not only his ROUTE 6, HUTTLESON AVE. "I am only 10 years old. My little sister is 7 years old. We vast library but the endless The mistakes made by churchNear Fairhaven Drive-In have saved our money since Christmas. We promised God that 'reams of hi's collected notes; men in this whole field' of the we would. give our money to the missions. We hope that someItalian Dinner. Our Specialty ·now. almost indecipherable and' reconciliation of natural truth day we' will be Sisters, 'and bring the Word 'ofGod to other in a state of magnificent con- · with. the 'supernatural are' among Service On Patio ~ople. Please accept our offering of $5." . . . "Dear L. and fusion. .' .. the' most embarrassing of our ri.: I wish that all our Catholic· girls were genetous as you. 1 'Acton had no; patience with' history: Let us not be so naive wish, too; that I could send a copy of your lovely letter to every ·human na·turE,l. Unlike Margaret as to suppose that we have done' priest and Sister in the world. '. I am sure that it would help take Fuller he 'could never .bring" with making such niistakes. away some of the loneliness they feel, especially on t1ie mishimself quite to the point of , . There is, however,and it is ,~DEBROSSE OIL~ sions.'" .Can 'you match the generosity of these two loyal friends befng reconciled with the human · thrilling to .notice it, a fresh . of the, Near· East Missions? ' Your contribution will keep our race. . '. .co.,'., breeze of intellectual and moral hard-wor.kingmissionaries going. Isn't it ·worth -the sacrifice.? . ' . He saw liberty as th~ supreme freedom blowing through" the · right of all men, and democracy religious world of our time: DID YOU KNOWT as the per f e c t means of ~ We may' be witnessing some ~ U you are a'member of &he 'CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WEL~ urners~ -achieving this right, and he small 'part of the development FARE ASSOCIATION you share In· &he Masses offered bJ' His fully expected that the whohiof of St. Paul's formula applied to'· Holiness, Pope, John: in the .Masses offered by Cardinal Spell· mankind, once the gospel had this most touchy area, that .when '~65 NORTH FRONT STREET ~ man, '.our President: and in the Masses of all &he Bishops and been preached, would promptly .Catholicism was a' child; hispriests who are engaged in this work. More·than 15,090 Masses NEW BEDFORD' put pure democracy into action torically, it needed the things of are offered for living and deceased members every year. and thus secure. the blessings of a child, but as it reaches maturI:.. __ ' WYman 2-5534 , Moreover; everymornilig a pries& offers Mass 10 St. Peter's , liberty for all men. and all na- ty, it begins to put a}Vay the , Basilica In Rome for deceased members. t,;",;"",~ tion~. things of a child. Freedom is the You may receive a Plenary Indulgenee' on the day you are enFormless Cloud measure of maturity. roUed in our ~ssociatlon, and on 53 other days during the J'ear. He was doomed in his time, A Plenary Indulgence is granted also at the moment of death. the enlightened 19th century, What beUer way to heip yourself ~d your family, whIle helpThe KEYS·TONE. to : bitterest 'disappointment, . 'Iog the. work of the Church in the Near East? Your donation Is though he was spared the exan. investment that pays dividends forever. . Office Equip'ment FARM perience of the 20th, with its Salesroom FRESH wholesale mockery of freedom Dear Monsignor Ryan: and democracy. NEW AND USED He failed, in a word, to realize Please enroll 0 me 0 my family. Wood and Steel Desks and, '~hairs steel Ciling oabinets. lookers. shelv. that the goal he set before him ing, tables. storage cabinets. safes. ~ FOR THE was infinitely far removed from wardrobes. etc. ., Name • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • oo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • __ WHOL-= FAMILY mankind in' its present state; . 108 James thaftIle vision which dawned' so Street • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • brightly upon his mind was : near Union ,'yet a formless cloud in the 'Quality Controlled NewBedford · minds .of his fellow men, WY 3-2783 ~ity •••••••••'. ~ •• '.' ••••... Zone. ' Stat~ .. TAUNrON • 'Even the Libe'tal Party in VA 4~984 ,Erigland, to- which, under' his ·~nn.ual. Membership ,0 IndiyiduaJ . $1 0 Family $5 great friend, Gladstone, he gave \SS%S%SS%s?:SS%SS%SS~S~ ATTLEBORO his total enthusiasm, . was to Perpetual Membership - 0 Individual $20 o Family $100 f".A 2-0292 flounder on ·the rocks of war TRI~CITY and imperialism, only to begin · a slow and painful revival in the last decade or so. BUSINESS AND FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Pr•• ldeRt No Discrepancy DUPLICATING MACHINES Mill" JOI.. T. Rjaa. 'Nat, Soc', But to get back to the quotaSecond and Morgan Sts. Send all cOll1mlllllcatl_ to: tion., There is no question but CATHOLIC NEAR ,EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION that Acton was right, 'dead FAll RIVER 480 lexington Ave. at ~~h St. Now York 17"fIoI. Y. right. It is futile for men, WY 2-0682 OS 9-6712 .whether they be churchn'len or E. J. McGINN. Prop. statesmen, to fight against the . S%%%%%%%%%%%%%\% is,?%>i
.,,"""""'", ' . , co.
~Heatjng Oils ~
, d '.B an
~'l2ear Sst OlissioosJii,
Stang-Durfee, Bourne, Tilts Top Schoolboy Attractions. By Jaek
Kineavy The Spartans of Bishop Stang, certainly one of th~ most explosive elevens this area has ever produced, will shoot for victory number three Saturday afternoon at Alumni Field, Fall River, where they're scheduled to meet
Durfee eleven that has will be at home to North Quincy broken even in its two games in a non-league tussle. Coach to date. A crowd pleasing Tony Abraham's day doesn't figsquad, the Spartans have ure to be particularly. memordrawn capacity crowdB to their able as his game but mexperihome away from home, Dart- enced eleven journeys to North mouth MemoriAttleboro for an engagement al Stadium, and with the high-powered Rockettheir weekend eers. visit to, Fall At Fairhaven it'll. be twi.ce River is exbeaten Attleboro lookmg for Its pected to attract initial victory against the Blue another banner which is 1 and 1 on the season. throng Dighto'n-Rehoboth is scheduled Coach Carlin to meet Falmouth in a TriLynch's charges County .clash on th~ Cape an.d have combined just a bIt 'further South there IS a well-executed great interest in the Barnstable_ ground gam e 'Dennis Yarmouth non-~e~gue with a rocktussle. In another exhIbItion ribbed defense to overwhelm affair, powerful Wareham the Coyle and Dartmouth by 26-0 teatu to beat in Tri-Coun~ .has and 45-0 scores. Halfback Billy a 'date at Dartmouth and It JUst Kelly was the big offensive may be another long afternoon threat versus the Little Green for the home club. in last Saturday's arclig~~ enOur vote for the hardluck counter. Kelly chipped in with coach of the season to date goes three scoring jaunts of 4, 27 and to John Simpson of Colby 37 yards, the first two coming whose team has dropped two in the first quarter when the consecutive decisions 'to Norwich fast-starting Parochials moved and New Hampshire, respective_ out to a commanding 14-0 lead. ly. In each game tile, Mules Durfee, on the other hand, were sitting on a late fourth ofter an initial 7-0 victory over period lead only to have the opAttleboro found the Rocketeers position come up with the long of North Attleboro too formibomb to wrest the decision. Look dable and came away on the for the Mules to come. Not this short end of a 12-0 decision. week, perhaps, with Tufts in Coach Don MontIe's Hilltoppers town but then 'aga:in you never experienced difficulty moving kno~. " ' the ball againSt - the veteran: .", " North Attleboro unit which, in . turn, went to the air to secure Continued from Page One its second straight league win. The Rocketeers' performance Vice - President Lyndon B. to date' certainly reflect the ac.. Johnson has said: "The theme curacy of coach Ed Marx' un- for the 12th annual observance usually candid' pre-seasol1 asser- of Catholic Youth Week is a tion to the effect that "we'll be manifestation of honor, respect ll'ight in contention barring in'- and achievement motivating juries." We note that even those who advocate the finer though the season is' still young, aspects of life. Youthful accepta pattern has already begun to 'ance of these ideals is· generated take shape in Bristol County, by the ,firm example and intelLeague competition. North At- ~ectual honesty of political, bustleboro and Stang appear to, be iness and religious, leaders." the class of the loop. They're FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover scheduled to clash Nov. 3 at commented: "America is today Dartmouth. , 'blessed with an excellent ,genPassing CO~blna.tlon eration of boys and girls who Instrumental' In North's early will be leaders of tomorrow. season successes has been the ,They must learn to appreciate effective passing of quarterback our heritage of freedom, to 'stand Bill Richards whose favor,ite re- unflincninglyfor the: triumph ceiver is wingman ,Tom Schniidt. of right, to fight ,that truth might The pair spearheaded the Rock_ reign supreme. 1\ ,generation of eteers' one-sided, victory' over youth faithful t9 the se~vice of Fairhaven and combined 'a God is our best" protection week later for both touchdowns against our enemies." against Durfee. National Catholic Youth Week Making its presence felt in is the largest single nationwide Tri-County competition is a re- Catholic youth activity observed surgent Somerset High eleven . annually in this country, Father which .last year suffered throu~h Stevenson said. He announced a winless campaign. A new that a Youth Week Kit con-' coach, sOme new faces, the a4- taining prayer ,cards, posters, vantage' of a year's experi~nce fac~ sheets, auto bumper stickhave resulted ,in 'a victory and, ers 'and other material ,is availa tie in the team's two appear- aple from the NCYO ,Federa~on, ances. The tie, a 0-0 affair wi~h 131? Massachusetts Ave. N.W., defending champion Barnstable, Washington 5, D.C. M.illions of, you~g ,people must be considered one of the early season surprises, a pleas- acx:oss the nation and in many ant one at that for' coach Jim military installations overseas participate in the annual obserSullivan and his squad. On Saturday the Raiders play vance, which is sponsored by the host to visiting Bourne whicq National Catholic Youth Organhas a 1-1 season's slate. The ization Federation. Cap e eleven overwhelmed Father Frederick J. StevenProvincetown in their opener son, CYO federation director, but dropped a 14-2 verdict to said: "The spirit'llal benefits reFalmouth last time out: Bourne, ceived by hundreds of thousands under the guidance of Russ of our Catholic youth who parBurns, looked good in the Fal- ticipate in this week-long event mouth Jamboree and was con- are untold. This year's theme insidered a strong threat for dicates a way of life for our league honors. teenagers. Only they can live it, In other games around the in their homes, with their work, area, coach Ham Lane~s Taunton in their parishes and in our squad, off to its finest start in world." years with consecutive victories" over Vocational and Attleboro, , Bea,ti,fication Cause
All-Time High An all-time high, record of $294,421 was received by the Alumni Fund of Holy Cross College for the year ending July 30. The class of 1937, led by Thomas F. Monaghan, Fall River, contributed $150,250, nearly triple the previous all-time high donation by an)' one class
TOLEDO (NC)~EnriqueCar, dina1 PIa y Deniel, Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain, has announced in a pastoral letter the opening of the beatification cause of Antonio Rivera, head of Spain's Catholic Action ,organization who was killed during the Spanish Civil War in 1936.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fait River-Thurs., Oct. 4, 1962
Tom Bulgar of New Bedford:
Fleet Holfback on Bl; F~o~1fu Club Four Other Area' Gridders Are on S«nunad By Lynn Kennedy Eagle stQ.Ck is soaring. That's no Wall Street talk, either. It's just 'another way of saying that Chestnut Hill, home of the Boston College Eagle, is alive with hopes of recapturing the gridiron greatness that marked BC teams of the late 30's and early 40's. The reason a fine bumper crop of frosh scholarship talent to go along with a fast-maturing varsity. The" combination should within a year or two catapu~t the Eagles back into'bowl lime':' light. Southeastern Massachusetts is well represented on the Eaglet squad. No less than four area gridders are on the Frosh 11, among them the fleet an<f powerful Tom Bulgar, ex-New Bedford High halfback, who helped guide the Crimson's 1961 edition to an unbeaten campaign. Tom, a modest, soft-spoken athlete, is on a full four year academic scholarship (a high B average in high school). He plans to major in American history, then go on to teach and ,coach after graduation. But, more important, he is tabbed for future Eagle stardom. Frosh > coach Emerson Dickie is high on Bulgar,' who has tremendous speed and explosive power. For the likeable New Bedford halfback, this is the sixth year of football. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bazar of 73 Hillman Street, Tom began his foonball at Keith Junior High in the Whaling City as an 8th grader. 'From there, he graduated to the New Bedford High varsity as a sophomore in 1959. Under the tutelage of Eommy Eck, then football coach at New Bedford, Tommy d eve lop e d into the powerfully quick runner' who ruined many Crimson foes hill senior year. As a fitting climax tO'a brilliant three-year' carreer in Crimson spangles, Tommy was named Ai!"-Bristol County and to the Sporting News All-American High School. r~otball team. The honors were deserving. ' , There';' no' qu~stion that TommY was the 'cog that helped Eck's successor Nick Morris mold an undefeated campaign 'last f~l1. While Tommy trailed teammates Paul Mandeville and Jim Botelho in the scoring department••, it was, his ability to hit both inside' and out that made Mandeville and Botelho doubly dangerous. Not 'only that, Bulgar exceptionally fine otfensive blocker, did, more than his share to spring both Mandeville and Botelho 'loose. , Probably ,Bulgar's greatest high school ~ame was t~e thrilling, never-to-be-forgotten win over Brockton. He taIlled twice in that game on scampers 'of 27 and 9 yards, ,personally keeping the Crimson j.n, the 'game until Mandeville cracked it open with a 10y'ard burst in the final period. The wjn, incidentally, was 'New 'Bedford's ,first over the Shoetowners since '1919. That's 'why it was so sweet for Tommy and his'mates. Bulgar also helped pulverize Durfee last Thanksgiving Day, . racing, off tackle for 53' yards in the Crimson's 36-6 triumph. ,He also spearheaded two otber '.New Bedford scoring drives, al: though he did not register the . six-pointers himself.
. ,on Lake Sabbatia 1094 Bay Street TAUNTON
VA 4-8754
TOM BULGAR A 6':'foot, 185:'pounder, Bulgar moves very fast. As testimony to that fact, Tommy was a member of the Crimson's crack 1960 State relay champions. He and teammates Leo Chausse, Wendell Nooth, and Rudy DeCruz simply outlegged all their opponents. He also put some time in on the basketball court, last season as a member of the New Bedford' High varsity, and the two preceding years as a CYO'er with the St. Lawrence entry. 'For relaxation, Tom likes listening to records and dancing, and more recently has taken up golf. "I ~on't play well, but I like it," he modestly confided. Asked what he shoots, Tom replied jocularly (and tersley), "Too high." Asked about the Eagle Frosh, Tom was quick to point out they ,are really strong. "There's plenty of talent with 25 on scholarship. They come from everywhere Missouri, Michigan, Maryland, Indiana, New York, New Jersey. You name it-": He himself, is cavorting with a second backfield unit, although he pointed out that there was
nothing permanent about ito' "Coach Dickie has the bOYll moving in and' out of units from day to day." , He's not lonely at all. ~x Durfee bas k e t ball luminary Manny Papoula living across the hall, is constantly popping 'in for chats. Down that hall is Ari Ferrance, another Hilltoppez. standout and a member of the Freshman team. Terry Maloney of North Attleboro and Ron Gentili of Mansfield are other visitors so it's more often than not like Bristol County Week for these fledgling eagles, all of whom, like Bulgar, could 601:\1' to greatness.
MEN 17 -25
Society of Brothers of Our Lady of Prov!dence For information write to:
FATMER MASTER St. Joseph the Worker Novitiate Warwick Nade, R. I.
5%\\$$ S\j'Si%% %%%%$SSS%SSSS%SSSSSSSSSS%SiSS"
lHE ANCHOR:-Dio~eseof Fall' River....,.thu~s., Oct: 4, 1962
'Jesuifr T~®@~ogian Reminds laity 1'@ C©lJ'i1ilfP>©HI'® Ecume.n'ical, Council' Work U'@ U"So Supreme Court , CINCINNATI (NC) --'- Don't expect sensational headlines to come out of the Ecumenical Council every day, OJ' every week. You will be disappointed if you do. The Ecumenical Council will resemble the U.S. Supreme Court ' more than the U.S. Congress according to Father Gustave munities to the local Bishop who Weigel, S.J., theology, pro- does not have jurisdiction over fessor at Woodstock (Md.) them at th~. present time: College. The role of the layman in the Congress makes the laws and Church., "Is he to be simply a the Supreme COUFt interprets sheep in the flock, or a lion the laws in the light of the Conamong lions?" stitution. Similarly, the Bishops The question of the approach will meet "to solve the crisis in to secular government and to the light of the Gospel of Jesu,s secular learning. Christ," the Jesuit theologian' ~he language of U~e liturgy. emphasized.' "Must laymen learn Latin," Types of Men asked Father Weigel, "in order Father Weigel, who will take 'to praise God in the family of an active part in the work of' God?" the Council as a translator for May Last Year delegate- '0 bservers of other There will be "minor queschurches, predicts there' will be, tions" discussed at the Council, three principal types of men also, Father Weigel believ,es, among the Council Fathers. including that of "how to for- , INTERVIEW BISHOP ON COUNCIL: Interviewing Bishop Connolly op the apThey are: ' mulate" devotion to Our Lady; () proaching Second Vatican Coimcll are'left to,right: Jane Nugent, Maria Rodriques and 1) "Those who want to keep The Council is scheduled' to Susan' McGreavy 'members o,'f the. staff. of the Mercian,' M,t. S~f Mary's, Academy pape,r. things very much as they were open next Thursday and the " 1/ when they themselves were best guess at the 'present is that ~I P I U A"d boys," Their reaction:s to pro-, it mllY be completed bY,Christ,,: 0 ,re ate rges, VOl posed changes well be negative. mas of 1963, he said. Present Useless Speculatio ' 2) The "drastic progressive," indications" he added, are that n ST. LOUIS (NC)·.,- Joseph ' , 'who want to formulate old doc- the Council will meet until Dec. trines in new ways, rec()g~ize 8, that the second session will ,0 Cardinal. Ritter has advised against "useless speculation 'and ' the demands of a pluralistic so- last, from Feb. 2, 1963 until Holy, ciety and, develop enthusiasm Week; the third session from VATICAN' CITY (NC) ,idle curios.ity',' rega~ding, t~e 'ROME (NC) - The Presfor the ecumenical movement. Pentecost to Summer and the Pope John h'as, named 195 Second Vahcan Councl1, he saId . G " , , in a statement released as he left ,ldent of Cyprus, reek, Or3) The "moderate progres- final from O,ctober to Christma,s. thodox Archbishop Makexperts to &ssist the work ,for the meeting in Rome., sives" who will see the need for C ,'of. the Second Vatican coun"I urge all to. follow closely ,arios, believes the Second Vachange but warn against "too cil: , ' the ,reports ,of this great event," ,tican Council, has "importance much." These will include "the ,The experts - including 11 he said.' "Receive the news, of ,for the' whole world." 'vast niajority" of Bishops, Father Americans -:- are specialists in the councWs progress wIth the Archbishop' Makarios has reWeigel believes. ' WASHINGTON (NC) _ Pres- theology, ,canon law and social realization that the "Fathers 'of .. vealed the High Commissioner Turning to' specific problems ;he expects the Council to treat, ident Kennedy in a special action. They' will atten~ the the council are gathered, to- of Cypruil in London 'Antill:Father Weigel said the chief one ,message to Pope John has ex- ,general sessions but may' not g~~l].~r wit~ the 'he~p of ,theJloly Soteriades,' will repres~nt the is "the' relationship of Pope as pressed his hopes for the suc- speak unless called upon. SPIrit to advance the cal;lse "of, Cypriot' republic at the CounTheir principal duiy will be .to Christ in the 20th century." . cil opening. As for observers 'Bishop of Rome with the other cess of the Second Vatican Bishops throughout the world." Council, particularly that it' will collaborate with the 'member of' . representing the 0 r tho d 0 Jt He also expects. the Council promote world peace. 'the var.ious council commissions v Church of Cyprus, the prelate to' consider: ' ' The President told Pope John - at the invitation of the prE!'' said it would be ,necessary for The question of the relation- : ~n a ,letter made public by the sidtng officers - to help comA" . him to ,discuss the matter with ship of "exempt" religious com- White House. pile and correct texts and' to' Patriarch Athenagoras of Con"We hope that the council will prepare them for 'publication. ' stantinople." 200AmericanBishops be able to present in clear and; The 11- Americans are: '~ "The council has importance Ol ° R persuasive -language effective Msgr. Francis J. Brennan, for the whole world and I am At C ounci In ome, solutions to the many problems Philadelp):iia, dea~ of the Sacred MONTREAL (NC)-The. stire that it will be agr,eat sueROME ,(NC) - It is expected, confronting all of us and, mor'e Roman Rota;, Msgr. William J. "entire~conceptionofJife" in cess. My esteem for the ,Pontiff more tJ?,an 200 U.S; Archbishops"'speCifically, that, its decisions Doheny, ,Sup~dor.,(Wis.), ~ota: ,the,modern world is at stake ,John XXIII is" truly without and Bishops will, be on hand ,will significantly advance the judge; Msgr. John Steinmueller, in the Secohd Vatican Coun~' limits. He is a personality .. of for the opening of the Sec.ond cause of international 'peace and ,~rookly'n, : Scripture scholar; vision and of very b,road ideas'," 't 0 f ' ell, says Paul Emile" Cardina'l' the Orthodox prelate asserted Ms gr. J osep. h C . F en t on, e d' lor Vatican Counci,I.' , un,d,erstandl·,ng." ' , .', A few 'Ordinaries will be. unThe President said th'at in the the American Ecclesiastical Re- 'Leger, Archbishop of Montreal. . ' • 'able,to attend becauseof'i11ne~ ,three'years since,Pope John an- view,Washington;Msgr.Rudolph The Cardinal'points out that Sees Je'ws Dlovloded and some Auxiliary Bishops will nomiced his intention of con-' G. Bandas, educator arid theolo_ past Councils were called usu., remain in this country to guide ,voking an' ecumenical council gian; St. Paul;, Msgr. George G. . aliy ,to define a point of dogma; 'On Cou'ncil Issues . diocesan affairs in the absence 'millions of" Americans _ in~ Higgins, director, of the Social 'but Pope John has called 'the, ,' ' , of the Bishop.' • " 'dud'irig many non'-Catholics _ Action 'Department 'of the Na-' 'Second Vatican Council to c~nSOUTH ORANGE (NC) - It ~he Ame,ricans ~re'living" in" have ,watched "with lively and tional' Catholic' Welfare Con- sider' conditions' in the world ,is unlikely that there will be seminariel1, guest houses I:on- sympathetic, interest;' the 'pre- ference, WashingtQn: ' today.', ' 'Jewish observers at the 'Second ducted by religious orders and parations fin' "this extiaodinariAlso Father Frederick Me'~The co~ncil, will affirm that .. Vatican Council, according' to' hotels. ly important counCil." ' Manus, profe'ssor of canon law it is the will o~ the Ch~rch to ' a consultor ,to the council's Sec- ' at the Catholic University ~ of 'me~t n~w n~e~s ~ that It .mar, retariat for Promoting ChrisAmerica and former president fUlfl1!, Its ml~swn .of salv.ahon, tian Unity.: of the North American Litur- Cardmal Leger said, addmg: Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher gical Conference' Father Ulric "This awareness of respon- feels Catholics have come to Beste, 'O.S.B.,priest of St. sibility that enc~mpas~s the "a deeper appreciation" of their John's Abbey Collegeville world and mankmd w111 not affinity with Jews, but he Minn., who is ~ow "a professo; ~ead' the Father~ of the council warned "of discouraging factors of canon law at the Pontifical . mto, the temptatIOn to return to in Christian-Jewish relations." Institute' of' St.' Anselm Rome' . a Christianity remiscent of the The Monsignor, a convert from Father Edward Heston: C.S.C.: Middle ,Ages." Judaism and director of the Inprocurator general in Rome for stitute of Judaeo - Christian the Congregation of Holy Cross, ' More ,Studies at Seton Hall UniverFather Georges Tavard, A.A., sity here, said: chairman" of the theology Vatican Council "There are Jews who are department of Mount Mercy , eager to see the council take up College, Pittsburgh and Father _ Stories issues that are of vital concern MeHtius Wojnar, O.S.B,M., proto them and who give voice to fessor of Oriental canon law at ' on that desire. These are others the Catholic ,University of ..... 'who feel that any involvement America. ' .- ,Page 11 ' whatever in the council might weaken their reHgious stand."
Pope J h n l"lIIlameS ' 11 "U..", S Experts
Gree kA rc hb·IS hOp
' ' .'
T, Aid, Council
Stresses Coun'cil' Import on Wo r Id
For Success
M ontrea I"Pre Iate:
sserts Concept'; Of life at Stake "
Urge Amergcan Women To Recite' Ros«tlll'J ,on CouJlrnen Ope~Drrog fI)~y
PRAY FOR COUNCIL: Rosaries in hand the young and the old offer their prayers for peace at the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome. The "Rosary of' Hope," ,prayed .in many languages, came in answer to the Holy, Father's appeal to the, Catholics of the world to recite the Rosary for peace, and for. the success of theforthcomin'g ecumenical council. NC Photo. " '
Russian Orthodox COl1Jlndi Observers
NEW YORK (NC)-The synod WASHINGTON (NC) - Mil- of Christ" and reminded it was lions of Catholic women across recommended by Pope Leo of the Russian Orthodox church tI:le nation are expected to re- XIII as "by far the best prayer outside Russia is sending three cite the Rosary and offer other by which to plead before Mary observer-delegates to the Second prayers next Thursday - the the cause of our 'separated Vatican Council. They are Bishop Anthony of day the Second Vatican Coun- ,brethren." eil opens. The NCCW president also re- Geneva, Switzerland; Father Igor Troyanov, theologian from Lau_ Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf, presi- called that Oct. 11 is the feast dent of the National Council of the Motherhood of Mary, sanne, Switzerland and Serge Grotov, Russian language teachof Catholic Women, requested ,which was defined at the Counthe prayers, for the success of cil of Ephesus in 431. Mrs. Zepf er in Rome. the council in a special appeal said: "It' s'eems fitting, then, to members of the 14,000 or- that we Catholic women of the Pray for Council ganizations affiliated with the 20th century should double our NCCW. prayers through the recitation VIENNA (NC) - More thart 'Mrs. Zepf emphasized "The of the Rosary-not only for the . 20,000 Austrian Catholics attend: Rosary is a powerful means of' success, of the ecumenical coun-' ed a mass meeting here to pray uniting families, communities ,cil'but also for the'return of the . for the success of the coming and nations'in the Mystical Body separated church." ecumenical counciL