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Funeral Services Monday In Saint Pau~ Cathedral' For' Archbishop Brady.

The ANCHOR An Anokot" of Che Soul, Sure /7htd Fif'm-==ST. PAm.

Fall River, Mass., Thursdayu October 5, 1961 Vol. 5, No. 41

PRICE lOe $4.00 por Voar Socond Class Mail Privilegos Authorizod at Fall Rivor. Mass.

Pontifical Requiem Today For Fr. Joseph E. Sutula . The Most Reverend Bishop sang a Pontifical Requiem Mass this morning at 10 in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, New Bedford, for Rev. Joeeph F. Sutula, pastor of St. Casimir's Church, New Bedford, who died Monday ........... ,...._-~., after an illness of several weeks. Father Sutula, 74 • years of age, had served in St. Casimir's since 1932. He has been recentJy engaged in supervising the construction of a new church for the parish.' Father Sutula was born in Olszanka, Poland, the son of the late John and Fnincisca Wolicki Sutula. He studied in St. Mary's Seminary in Orchard Lake, Michigan, and was ordained to the priesthood on' June 8, 1924, in the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Detroit, by Most Rev. Michael J. Gallagher. Upon ordination, Father Sutula served as assistant in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, New Bedford, for two years. He was' administrator of St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, from 1926 until Oct. 7, 1932, when he beTurn to Page Twelve

Diocesan Prelates to Speak At Regional CeD Congress Bishop Connolly, Auxiliary Bishop Gerrard and Rev. Joseph L. Powers, diocesan director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, will be among leading .participants in the 15th annual New England regional congress of the CCD, to be held Friday, Oct. 13 Oct. 15 will participate in the through Monday, Oct. 16 in congress. The others are Bishop Bernard Portland, Me. Bishop Connolly will preside at a session Vincent J. Hines, Norwich; BishSaturday morning, Oct. 14, for lay teachers in parish high schools of religion. Bishop Gerrard will head a concurrent session for discussion club leaders. Father Powers is scheduled to be discussion moderator at the opening session of the congress. Seven other members of the hierarchy including Cardinal Cushing, who will preach at a solemn pontifical Mass Sunday,

op Robert F. Joyce, Burlington; Bishop Daniel J. Feeney, Portland; Bishop Eric F. McKenzie and Bishop Jeremiah F:Minihan,. Auxiliaries of Boston. Miss Margaret M. Lahey, active in the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, will speak at a session dealing with the problems of exceptional children. Her topic will be "Methods of In,;, structing the· Mentally Retard.ed."

National Leaders Welcome Catholic Youth Week WASHINGTON (NC) - President Kennedy and other national leaders have welcomed this year's National Catholic Youth Week. The President urged "that our American youth, whether they are students or workers, consider the theme carefully." The theme ' of this year's observance is Exhibitor Scores "Youth - Unity - Truth.'" National Catholic You t h U oVles Week, sponsored by the Youth Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, begins Oct. 29. President Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, former President Harry S. Truman and others sent their comments to the NCWC Youth Department. President Kennedy declared in his message: "Young people who generously and courageously serve the truth are the architects not only of our living national unity, but also of that world unity of free men which can be the greatest prize of our times." He added: "1 want to extend to the seven million young peoTurn to Page Eighteen

Ad It M · For Children

HOLLYWOOD (NC) - A movie exhibitor has protested a policy which he says forces adult pictures to be shown at kiddie matinees, according to the Hollywood Reporter. ';l'he trade daily said controversy may have "far-reaching reverberations." . The dispute is between Marshall H. Fine, president.of Allied States Association of Motion Picture Exhibitors and Charles Boasberg, Warner Bros. sales head. Mr. Fine vigorously protested TUli'n to Page EigbteeJ'l



The Most Reverend Bishop will be one of the five Bishops·giving absolu.tions Monday morning in the St. Paul Cathedral over the body of Most Rev. William O. Brady, D.D., Archbishop' of the Minnesota Archdiocese, who died last Sunday in Rome. The Archbishop, Bishop Connolly and Rt. Rev. Francis J. Gilligan were all natives of Fall River and seminarians for the Diocese who volunteered to go to St. Paul after ordination to

© 1961 The Anchor








The Diocese of Fan River mourns the passing from this Hfe of her most distinguished son, Archbishop William O. Brady of Saint Paul, Minnesota. The manner of his death illustrates his whole life's work. Long accustomed to giving time and talents unstintingly to all those that made demands on him, he spent the best years of his life serving his neighbor, his Church, and his Divine Master. Altho~gh

but five brief years Archbishop of Saint Paul he has added tremendously to the growth and splendor of his See. But he wHl be most remembered as the pattern of the good shepherd giving his life, willingly and joyfully, to the service of God and his fellow-man. We are all much poorer for his passing from us; but he has left us a magnificent heritage. May God in His Infinite Goodness reward him.

C)_, _ ~~~ O i S h OP of Fall River


teach in the newly-formed St. Paul Archdiocesan Seminary. The Archbishop and Bishop Connolly both became rectors of the Seminary before their elevation to the episcopacy. Monsignor Gilligan is pastor of St. Mark's Church in St. Paul. Archbishop Brady, who was also Treasurer of the Administrative BO;lrd of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, suffered a heart attack Sept. 23 while flying to Rome to take part in a meeting of the Preparatory Commission for Bishops and the Government of Dioceses of which he was a consultor. This group is one of several making plans for the forthcoming Ecumenical Council. The Archbishop was hospitalized immediately in Salvator Mundi International Hospital in Rome where he suffered several subsequent attacks and died. Sister William The Archbishop's sister, Sister Mary 'William, C.S.J., assigned to the Motherhouse of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in Rome, was with her brother during his hospitalization and at his death. Monsignor Gilligan flew to Rome on hearing of the prelate's sickness along with Dr. Charles E. Rea, K.S.G., a physician of the University of Minnesota and a devoted friend of the St. Paul Ordinary. On hearing of the Archbishop's death, the Holy Father sent his secretary to invite Sister William, Monsignor Gilligan and Dr. Rea to the Vatican where he received them in a special private audience and expressed his condolences and the assurance of his prayers for the Archbishop and his bereaved relatives. . The Pope said that he had intended to visit Archbishop Brady but was waiting until the doctors gave the word that he was feeling better. Mass in Rome Monsignor Gilligan offered m Requiem Mass yesterday morning in the Church of Santa Susanna in Romeo-the American Church staffed by the Paulist Fathers and the Titular Church of Cardinal Cushing. The absolution was given by Most Rev. John J. Krol, D.D., Archbishop of Philadelphia. The Mass was attended by Amleto Cardinal'Cicognani, Giuseppe Cardinal Pizzardo, Paolo Cardinal Marella and Aloisius Cardinal Muench, all attached to the Vatican Curia, and by Most Rev. Martin J. O'Connor of the North American College in Rome, Most Rev. Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester, Most Rev. John P. Cody, Coadjutor Archbishop of New Orleans, Turn to Page Three

Diocesan Faithful Join Natio!nwide Tribute to Pope Diocesan Catholics will join Sunday in a nationwide outpouring of love and devotion to Pope John XXIII, who will mark his 80th birthday Saturday, Nov. 4. They will return to their parishes pledge cards indicating participation in a spiritual bou quet which will be presented to His Holiness on behalf of American Catholics by -Most Reva erend Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. The cards were distributed in parishes last Sunday and WE're also given out in schools. throughout the Diocese. Q



THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-fhurs., Oct. 5, 1961

Sees New Drivf. Against, Religion In Sovnet Russia

,_.Priest Sees Loti,n t'~me,rica Aid Ef~orts asFaiIWJt~· .

LONDON (NC) - Another ,campaign against religion is now in full swing in Soviet Russia, a Catholic correspon-

SAN ANTONIO (NC) - V,.S. programs t6 help Latin' ,America are a fa:iJ,ure and it is because they did not include education on how to use materials 'and equipment sent south- of the border;' This' is the view, of Father Carlos'~ ~uinta~~,'after a' fact-fin?: ~ - Jiem~phe~e, he ·;~id that j'~dme· , mg tour of seven Latm -,'alithorities with :whom' t· sPoke:, Amencan' ~ou:iltries;, MilliomV predicted .. 'flatiy :that 'uJ,lless a' of dollars ,worth of'material,- , '.!irastic change', takes place im-

dent has reported here. ~ correspondent just back from the USSR wrote in the Tablet, British Catholic weekly, that after talking to priests and laity "I was left in no doubt that a severe campaign against relihe said, 'were~ "stockpiled - ~~!i' mediately,all.coUI1triessout~ of gion which began last year was ' wasted, because' the, people f0J: • ,the border w.Ill. be ,~ommunist- ",' now in full swing. ',tb' ey"ar',e' intended are not 'controlled wlthm. fIve to .. te~ h wom ' ",' ' " "I was told about cases when ready for' that. kind of aid." - .. ,years. ,'" , " , believers physically resisted the " Both· Agencies ,: . , ; 'Cuba's comm~nists, he said, . seizure of their churcD. I was He' said ,this 'Included, equip..; had performed, a service, "br told of the intolerable taxation ment 'sent by the'Fedenilgov:' ',awakening the consciousness of' 'imposed on priests 'and of aU' ernment as well as' by .chur'ch-' other.. ,Latin Americans~the; manners of pressures and tricks sponsored: 'Org~nizations an ,d' ,needs of the poor; hereto~ore,t~e to get the churches closed. Temotherptivate Charit~grouP~., " conc~rn,of no-one., ' ,, ', porary churches', in private Father Quintana; ~ditor of La; ''Yet,'hesaid' few ,people'in a' homes appear to have been parVoz,Spanish, weekly newfjpaper, position to, help for, ticularly hit by the wave of of tile' San' Antonio'archdiocese, ',the need, ·of ,social refornl, '''The' , closures in the countryside." made his tour to study pro~lems'., olrly concern of welrl.thy :people Pressure on Young to' be ,faced by,the program" _of. -, seemed to be to ,'send their" "ThE! correspondent, who s e aid for'Latin America 'deyeloPed "wealth 'out, of their countries to name was not given, said he visby the Missionary Activities 'provide for' themselves after ~ted 'Russia incuding Moscow Com~ittee of 'theU; S. ,S1; Vin-; what seem~ to be an impending . last year and recently had spent cent de Paul Society.' ' ' doom," he said. ',' , ' , " .' 'three weeks mainly in Kiev, , Resentment _, Odessa and Yalta. He reported great resent~ent He said the congregations he toward the U. S. for an attitude ' ' saw ,crowding the dwindling .~f ..paternalism.... , He' vis~ted number of churches consisted Ecuad'or, Peru, Chile; Argentina,' -, ' " ' mainly of middle-aged and elBrazil, Colombia and ~exico;'" ~ BALTIMORE (NC) , The 'Drastic Change ' -Most Rev. Lawrence J; Shehan 'derly women. Pressure against going to church was being ex\ "Americans dole out charity as came h0!D:e to .a warm \1Velcome erted on the ,young. ' d ' '" h saI'd "Lat'in to his natIve CIty and took over , ' 'GOOD THIEF SUNHA Y': St. Dismas, the 'Good Thief' t o a nee y son" ti A-ch l' . but does' h'IS d ues as C oa d'JUtor ,n,.L' . d 'h e Teachers, serVicemen found it' AmerIca nee s. e,p, I?ishop of Baltimore With the a mutal (8' x 13') on the rea:~ wallo,!, th~ chapel atth~ "practically impossible to attend not ask for ~harlty. . right of succession. Iowa State Men's Reformatory, will be ,dedicated on ,GoOd church; Members of the Comm~ He also saId representatIves of , nist party were officla1ly forU-. S. relief programs often fail ."That term ,me~s," Arch;- Thief Sunday, Oct. 8. Over 400 correctional iJistitutions in bidden to do so and most others feast.. NC Photo. to learn the language of the peo_blS.h~~ Sheb~ exIa:med to the the U.S. and Canada will observe the almual ,-.\ . . found regular church attendance pIe they ,are serving., "Without ~IDltIated, 't~at I am" Archcould harm their 'careers. the language, they fail to com- bIShop Keough s helper~ : MAnU-religious propaganda is preheJ,1d adequately the prob-:At the h~ight of the welcome vigorous and ubiquitous," he lems"the culture and the person- Baltim~re's Archbishop, Francis Wrote. In the many boOkstands ality, , of the Latin American ,P. Keoug~ gave the first assign,. in the towns he always saw p~oPle'," he said. , , , ' , ' ment to his "helper"::-the post , Of communist designs, 0J,l the, ¢ Vicar General. The appointCUSHING (NC) - This Ok- ing its schools cannot' legally works attacking, the "incompatiment was announced at a din- lahoma commUnity of 10,000 provide school lunches tochil-' bility" of religious with 'social or " ner in honor of Archbishop, souls has become, a· center of dre~ attending a parochial ,scientific progress especially as Shehan attended ~y more than statewide controversy 0 v e r school." regards achievements in space. I'RIDAY-St. Bruno, Confessor:' 700 persons. Archbishop' She'The cOntroveroov began, earHer" No religious literature was III Class. White. Mass Proper; ,han came back to Baltimore' whether stl;ldents of, a Cath4>lic y~ sold anywhere - not even the Gl()ria; no' Creed; ,Common , after serving for eight years as school may eat luncll in apli1b-, ',this year when School Superin- '''Journal of the Moscow PatriarPreface. Two Votive Masses ; tendent George Rush told a Rochate," 'which he believed to be the first Bishop of Bridgeport. lic school cafeteria. in honor of the Sacred' Heart The' state attorney genE!l"al tary meeting of plans for a new the only, Church periodical in The, welcome was solemnized of Jesus permitted. Tomorrow ,the following day when Arch- , says, no. He handed down ibis , publiC grade school and cafe- the Soviet Union. is the First Saturday of the bishop Shehan offered a Solemn roling upon the vigorous pro- teria directly across' the street Month. ' 'Pontllical Mass in the, Cathe- tests of a young Protestant min-, ,from SS. Peter and Paul gramSATURDAY - Blessed Virgin dral of Mary Our Queen. ister, , against plans to let paro- mar school and kindergarten. ' Mary of the Rosal-y. II Class. chial school students eat m; a Archbishop Keough presided White. Mass Proper,; Gloria; public school' cafeteria unoier Second Collect St.Mar~, Pope and the sermon waS preached construction. THE ANCHOR,lists the deatll ,by Msgr. 'Porter J. White, vice and Confessor; Creed; Preface 'anniversar)' 'dates of priests· The sitUation is doubly anom'chancellor of the archdiocese" of ,Blessed Virgin. '. •alous since public school chi!:: who 'served the Fall 'River Commercial • Industrial SUNDAY-XX Sunday After who reviewed the career of di'en have taken Part in a CathoDio~ese sInce its formation in ; Archbishop Shehan.' , Institutional Pentecost. II Class. Green. 1904 wltb the intentloDtbat The 'two Archbishops' went lic school's hot":lunch' progam Painting and -Decorating , Mass Proper; G:loria; Creed; the faithful will give them a from the station to'the rectory in nearby Stillwater for the past Preface of Trinity. _ 16 years. The cafeteria of St. pra)'erful remembl'lUlce. 135 franklin Street MONDAY-St:" John Leonard, of the Basilica of the Assu,mp- Francis Xavier School in StiillOCT.S tion where Archbishop Shehan Confessor. III Class. White. Fall River OSborne 2-1911 water' catered to. an average of Rev. Stephen B. Magill, 1918. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second formally presented' his creden- 100 public school students daily Assistant, Immaculate' ConcepCollect SS. Denis., Bishop, tials to Archbishop Keough and until two years ago, when 1rhe tion, North Easton. Rusticus and Eleutherius, the diocesan consultors. high school's' conversion inte. a OCT. , Martyrs; 'no Creed; Common A Delicious junior high school brought i:be Rev. Caesar Phares, 1951, PasPreface. , average number down to 30. .. tor, St. Anthony of the Desert, Treat TUESDAY-St. Francis Borgia, Boys Bus,'Rides Dlegal Fall R~ver. Confessor. III Class. White. CHELSEA (NC) - The new It hasal90 been declared -illeMass Proper; Gloria; no OCT. 10 $700,000 St. Louis School' for gal in Oklahoma to give paro',_} Creed; Common Preface. Rev. James C. J. Ryan, 1918, retarded boys was dedicated chial school students a ride on WEDNESDAY - Maternity, of Assistant, Immaculate Concepthe Blessed Virgin Mary. II here in Michigan by Archbishop public school buses. Yet in Tulsa tion, NO,rth' Easton. the school bus from St. Pius X Class. White. Mass Proper; John F. Dearden of Detroit. ocT. 11 The school, opened this month school takes children to pUblic Gloria; Creed; Preface of _ Rev. James A. Downey, 1952, with an enrollment of 33 boys school'as well. ' , Blessed Virgin. Pastor, Holy Ghost, Att~ebo~. In the C'ushing case, the atTHURSDAY-Mass of previous' is designed presently to, hOus~' torney general's office roled: .a A Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass and educate 60 pupils,but the MAil LIN G Proper; No _Gloria or Creed; enrollment is expected to 'climb school district operating a cafeto 200 within five years. ' teria under the National School Common Preface. ,IN NEW BEDFORD The 'school' is operated by Lunch Act for children atte2Jd, DiAl 3-1431 specially trained priests of the, order of, Servants 'of Cha.rity FORTY HOURS from Como; Italy. it has two dormitories, eight classrooms, Classes DEVOTION . ST. PAUL (NC) -Six Cat1l.O,shops and speech therapy room's ,as well as a ,gym, playrooms, lic colleges are among eight in Oct. 8-Our Lady of the AsIN fAll RIVER, chapel, dining faciilties, andad-. Minnesota that are taking pul't sumption, New, Bedii1 a program of economics ministration and staff quarters. ford. _ DIAL 2·1322 or 5·7620 Cl,tipl classes via television. t St. Roch, Fall River. , Ask for Them Today The intercollege experiment P R liN TIN G Oct. 15-St. John of God, in TV teaching will provide a Somerset. credit course for stu~ents at Our Lady of the ImmacRIDGEFIELD (NC)'- Arch~ member schools of the Minnelate Conception, Taunbishop Thomas A. Connolly' of sota Private College Council. ton. ' Seattle presided at a departure Oct. 16-LaSalette" ' Ea lit ceremony here for the archdioBrewster,. Want~d cese's first Papal Volunteers of R.A. WILCOX CO. Oct. 22--8t. Peter, Province:- f Latin America, Mr. and Mrs. - For Full-time Boy Work. town. ' John Little of Heisson, Wash. OFFICE FURNI1fURE -For lifelong action and happiness. , St. Hedwig, New Bed, The Littles' and their thre,e, Ia Stock for ImmedlateDetiv817 ford. - For the Salesian Priesthood. children, aged 4 to, 7, will train • DESKS , . CHAIRl» for four months at the Center Oct. 29--51. Michael, Fall - For the Salesian Coadiutor. of Intercultural Formation in FILING CABINETS 'River. Brotherhood. Cuernevaca, Mexico, "before re• FIRE FILES. SAFE!», St. Patrick, Somerset. FI,!II information free. W~itet ceiving their mission assign-' : FOLDING TABLES St. ~, Raynham. ment. AND CHAIRS FATHB DIRECTOR, SAcRtD HEART .lUNIORATE, , , THE II.NCBOR The departure ceremony was IPSWICH, MASS. Second Class Postage Paid ,at Fall River. 'held, at St. Mar,,y ;oLGuadalupe :R• 'A.WI'L'COYCO Mas&. ,Published evel'7' Thunicla,. at no ' A " Highland ,Avenue. Fall River, 'Maaa.. b,. mi~sion church here, of which ' 22 BEDFOR~ ST.,,' f Boy's the Catholie Press of the Oioe""" of 'Mr': and Mrs. Little are parish, " • .• • ..',. ,1 • '. ': Fall River. Sub.""ripiton priee b,.",&U; , ' 'FAll ,RIVER ~7838, postpai!t""·QO;.p~:r: __ rear.V'~"" ,_"<,,, ',-, "iorierjL'h "" ,c "".. "" _ "oU """"0""" ,-~ ",,_ _,~ (>

are aroused

BaltiinoreGreets ,New Coad.- utor '




Official':, Bars I~arochial Pupils From Public Sc:hool ,Cafeteria.

,I I I






, .......



Dedicate .New School For Retarded

College Economics Via TV·

Made, Rite


Washington Family Leaves for Mission


Young 'Men







Bishop Connol!y 'to


Ittl: ANCHOR-Diocese of Fort River-Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961

F~n~1 Ab~o~u~~@[(B @~ M~$~ C~lDtinlled from JPl/,ge One of 'Ie National Catholic Welfare Most Rev. James H. Griffiths, Conference in 1953, 1954 and Auxiliary Bishop of New York, '1956. He wa,s elected treasurer and Most Rev. Leo R. Smith, of the NCWC administrative Auxiliary Bishop of Buffalo. board in November 1957 and was Archbishop Brady's body was reelected three times. then flown to St. Paul accomIn December, 1957 his 27panied by Monsignor Gilligan, county archdiocese was divided, Sister William and Dr. Rea. with the 15 western counties Most Rev. Leo W. Binz, D.D., grouped into the Diocese of New Archbishop of Dubuque and a Ulm. The other 12, including the seminary classmate of Arch- 'Twin Cities metropolitan area of bishop Brady, wiH offer the Minneapolis and St. Paul, then Funeral Mass, Monday in the comprised the Archdiocese of St. St. Paul Cathedral. The eulo- Paul. gist will be Most Rev. William In April, 1959 the Archbishop E. Cousins, D.D., Archbishop of est.ablished his Opus Sancti Petri Milwaukee. Burial will be in organiz'ation to promote vocaResurrection Cemetery in sub- tions and aid in the' material. urban Mendota Heights. development of seminaries. An' In addition to his sister, early result of the campaign is Archbishop Brady leaves a the new St. Austin's House for brother, Louis C. of Rochester, day students at Nazareth Hall N. Y.; three nieces, Mrs. Charles Preparatory Seminary. J. Booth of Fall River; Mrs. In June, 1958, he received an T~lOmas Kelleher a nd Mrs: Kathleen Gorse, both of Rochester; honorary Doctor of Laws deg,ree and two cousins, Miss Mabel M. from Notre Dame university. In March, 1960, the archbishop Davol and Thomas A. Davol of established a clergy commission Fall River. to promote vocations to the SS. Peter and Paul diocesan priesthood. Archbishop Brady, a native of SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall • In August, 1960, he was named River, was boron on Feb. 1, 1899. a consultor for the Commisl>ion After his early education in the of Bishops and Diocesan Governpublic school system of Fall ment, one of the bodies preparRiver, he attended St. Charles ing for the Second Vatican College in Catonsville, Md., and Council. Rigorous Schedule PRELATES MEET" IN FALL RIVER: Most Rev. James L. Connolly, who was studied Philosophy in St. Mary's During September the Arch- Coadjutor Bishop of Fall River when this picture was taken, is shown with his predecessor~ Seminary, Baltimore, from 1918 to 1920, receiving his M.A. de- bishop had a rigorous. schedule Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, Second Bishop of Fall River, center, and his life-long fr:iend, which ,included deanery meetings gree. He then studied Theology Most Rev. William O. Brady, right, late Archbishop of St. Paul. Archbishop Brady waD at "the Sulpician Seminary at with the cl~rgy from throughout Bishop of Sioux Falls, S.D., when the picture was taken. the archdiocese, a reception for the Catholic University in the Papal Sacristan, Bishop Washington where he received, in 1923, his Master's degree in Peter C. Van Lierde, a trip to a religious congregation's jubilee Education. ' CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)-' "Yet the Faith of all is one and Burgenland area, Pope John e]iThe Archbishop was ordained in Aberdeen, S.D., and tpe trip Fidelity to the Gospels, love for tne unity that it produces is pressed his good wishes also "for in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall to Rome for another meeting of the Saviour and trust in His deeply felt. Along with the di- our brothers who in more recent the commission of which he was River, by the late ,Most Rev. mother will briIlg all Christians verse national origin of its incenturies have separated tJ:1ema consultor. Daniel F. Feehan, D.D., second habitants, this unity is what selves from this life-giving Bi!'hop of Fall River, along with He began his final trip Sep- . back into a single family, according to Pope John. characterizes the new diocese. It unity, so that they, who also bear 'Bishop Connolly on Dec. 21, tember 21. On September 23, Pope John spoke of Chr\stian is one in territory, one in its the sign' of Baptism on their J923. , while airborne, he' suffered the unity in an address to a group shepherd and one in its purforeheads, might soon rediscover In 1924 he was assigned by first attack. He was admitted to of Austrian piigrims. The group, pose.", the way of return and rejoin the the late Archbishop Austin the hospital that same day. led by Bishop Stefan Laszlo of Recalling the apostolic work great single fami~y, thus comDowling of St. Paul to the An'JIhe archdiocesan board of of St. Boniface to bring Chrisplying with the sublime aspiragelicum University in Rome consultors of St. Paul has ~amed ~ Eisenstadt, was composed of 900 tianity to the peoples of the tion and the assurance of the where he received his Doctor- Auxiliary Bishop Leonard P. 'laymen and 56 priests from the province of Burgenland in eastDivine Master: 'that there may ate' of Sacred Theology in 1926. Cowley administrator of the .ern Austria. House OK's Juvenile be one flock and one shepHe then returned to St.' Paul ,See. and became professor of Moral The Pope recalled in his talk Delinquency Program' herd.'" Theology in the Seminary. that until a short time ago the WASHINGTON (NC) _ The ~~-"""'~~--"'~~4f In 1933 he was appointed Pontifical Requiem 'region of Burgenland belonged House of Representatives has Officialis (Chief Judge) of the For Hammarskjold to four different dioceses reprepassed a bill providing for a Archdiocesan Matrimonial Trisenting th,ree different language three-year $30 million program NDOLA (NC)-Ndola's Catho,.. bunal and Master of Theological lie cathedral, scene of a ponti:" .groups - German, Croat and to fight juvenile delinquency. Conferences. In 1933, at the age fical Requiem Mass for U.N. a Hungarian. He went on to say: Under the plan the Departof 34, he was appointed Rector Secretary General Dag Ham- ,Plan ROUTE 6, HUTTLESON AVE. Teacher ment of Health, Education and of the St. Paul Seminary and marskjold and the 14 others Near Fairhaven Drive-In Welfare would be authorized to continued to teach classes in killed with him in the plane TraBn~nq Program" spend $10 million yearly for the Italian Dinners Our Specialty Moral Theolol'!y, Pastoral Thecrash, was also the site of the _ LANSING (NC) - A Confra- next three years. Service On Patio ology and Italian. In addition Requiem for Sgt, Harold M. ternity of Christian Doctrine The money would be used for 1..0 these duties, he taught at St. Julien, U.N. security guard who teacher training. and, adult edu- projects to demonstrate and evalCatherine's College, the Dioc- succumbed here five days after cation program will be estabuate delinquency prevention and Cfian Teachers' College, and the crash. .J;~hpn ;" the Diocese~of Lansing control. It would also be used' St. Joseph's Academy, all in St. Julien, 36-year-old New York- this Fall. to train personnel for work in Paul, and wrote a weekly col- er, received the last rites of the Bishop Joseph H. Albers of this field. umn, "Faith and Practice," for Lansing said the program ha,s a • •• Church before his death. His the St. Paul archdiocesan news- Cuban-born wife, Maria, was two-fold purtJose. It will :lim to paper. at his bedside at the hospital supply each parish with adeBishop of Sioux Falls when he died. quately . trained religion lay PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. On June 10, 1939, Pope Pius Two days after the crash, teachers who can assist priests for Domestic XII named him Bishop Of Sioux Bishop Francis Mazzieri, O.F,M. and nuns with religious instruc~ ~ & Industrial D'aIls, S.D" and he was conseConv., of Ndola, had sung a tion of children attending public ~ Sales and erated in St. Paul Cathedral by Requiem Mass .in the cathedral schools. Oil"j3'U'rners Service Archbishop John Gregory Mur_ for- Hammarskjol'd and the It also will give adults an op"MADE FOR rayon Aug. 24. WY 5-1631 others who had' perished. The . portunity to obtain a deeper During his time in Sioux Falls United Nations leader's nephew, PARTICULAR PEOPLE" 2283 ACUSH'NET AVE. understanding of their Faith he instituted an intensive pro- Knut Hammarskjold, ,was pres:" 'and a oasis for instructing their NEW BEDFORD gram to obtain vocations to the ent. The llag of Hammarskjold's own children, Bispop Alber:s said. priest.hood, established four new native Sweden draped his catahospitals and expanded and falque, and the papal flag and A. D. McMULLEN modernized six others, built that of the Franciscan order Inc,. homes for the aged and served were among those flying at frequently as retre;at master for MOVERS half-staff outside the cathedral. Home mode the cler~y. SERVING He also founded the Sioux CANDIES Minor Seminary Has Fall River, New Bedford Falls diocesan newspaper, the CHOCOLATES .Oll BURNERS Bishop's Bulletin. Capacity Enrollm'ent Cape Cod Area Archbishop Also complete Boiler-Burner Agent: ST. BENEDICT (NC)-Twenty 150 Varieties or Furnace Units. Efficient On ,June 16, 1956, he was apper cent of the, students who AERO MAYFLOWER low cost heating. Burner and ROUTE 6 near point.ed titular archbishop of sought admission this, Fall to TRANSIT CO. INC. ' fuel oil sales and service. Selymbria and coadjutor archMount Angel Minor Seminary of Fairha':'en Auto Theatre Nation-wide Movers... bishop of St. Paul with the right the Portland in Oregon ArchdioStanley Oil ·Inc. WYman 3-0904' of succession to the ailing Archcese were turned away., FAIRHAVEN, MASS. tHO Mt. Pleasant Street 304 Kemp~n St. New Bedford bishop Murray. ", New Bedff'rd . wy 3-2667 The seminary, which is filled Archbishop Brady succeeded to capacity with 181 students, to the St. Paul See on October 11, turned down 23 applicants and 1956, the day Archbishop Mursent 15 others to Canada to study ~ ~ ray died. this school year at the Christ the Archbishop Brady was named King Seminary in Westminster, assistant episcopal chairman of B. C. The seminary, here \ and the Department of Social Action the one in Westminster are conOI~S ducted by the Benedictine 93rd Birthday Fathers. 'DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS Fat her Bernard Sandler, ALBANY (NC) Retired O.S.B., rectol' of the seminary Bishop Edmund F. Gibbons of Insu,rance Agency nere, attributed the increase in Albany observed his 93rd birthseminarians to a population rise day quietly at St. Peter's hosTEL. MYrtle 9-8231 MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE ST., FALL RIVER pital here. Bishop Gibbons was in the area and effective voca54 PLEASANT STREET the sixth spiritual head of the tions programs in the Portland 4R4 archdiocese and the Baker, Ore., diocese, serving from 1919 until NORTH ATTLEBORO 1954. and Boise, Idaho, dioceses.,


Holy Father Points Out Christian Unity Path






Dorothy Cox



What You Have




'Sales - Service - Installation

Phone OS 5-7

Priests, Religious To Join Britain's School 'Strike

THE ANCHOR-:Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., ,Oct. 5, 1961

Teenage Son, ~eed~' Strong Guidance of Parental Hand By

LONDON (NC) - Hundreds of priests, Brothers and Sisters are scheduled to go out on strike in Britain

Father John L. Thomas, S.J.

Ass't Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University

, "We're' going through the mental anguish of having a teenager' who takes no interest in studies,. and must repeat his 'freshman year because he failed in f~ur ·subjects. He associates with a group of boys who spend much of their time tinkering with old people require at least eight ears. How can I make him do hours of sleep, and since t~e hour his homework and . prepare for rising is clearly defined'dut· cIasses.? Al so, does a jng the school year, it shouldn't f or. h IS b d'ff" It t f' t h


with a bishop's approval. They are members of the Na-tiona 1 Union of Teachers, whose 250,000 members have been told by their leaders to stage a oneday nationwide strike on Tuesday, Oct. 24 tQ protest against low pay. The priests and Sisters are justified in joining j;he strike, according tQ Bishop ,George A • Beck, A.A., of Salford, chairman of the Catholic Education Council. • A forerunner of this national stoppage took place when some 25,000 teachers in a small separate union walked out for the day, shutting over 1,000 schools. restricting classes in others and giving nearly a million youngsters an extra day off. The rights and wrongs of Catholic 'teachers supporting these stoppages-the first ever in British education-have caused some concern. But C.H. Sheill, secretary of the Catholic Teachers' Federation· (C.T.F.) told members: "The decision is quite straightforward. We have advised our members to support their unions. Receive Pay There are over 18,000 ~atho­ lic teachers in the 2,000 Catholic schools training over 500,000 Catholic children inside' the national state system of free ed, ucation. They include both men and women members of teaching orders who are paid the same fixed rates from the education authorities as their lay colleagues. Many Catholic teachers are also employed at nonCatholic schools. British teachers claim they are the poorest paid of the professional classes in Britain. Though granted a pay increase recently, this was postponed in a recent gen~ral pay freeze ordered by the goyernment to check inflation. '

parent simply forbid a son to 'the I. ICU t~ Igure ou w en . t 'th t· b h ey mus t re Ire. assocla e WI cer am oys w O' • : Have you developed a clearhave done no c.ut family" program concerning g abctual wtr 0 n the use of radio and television', ll ut was e a . . t h d' g th' t' ?' l' datmg, gomg 0 sows, spen m ell' I~e. d ~ money,' -individual .responsibili~ ,~~n us.eh ties around the home, and so on? on now o~ An unplanned, d~sorderly family t~t h:.ndl:; thIS circle leaves its mark on the perSI ua IOn. ' sonalities of its growing' memAren't yo.u a bel's.' 'little late in ' Success in school iVtplies selfyou l' ~on~er,n discipline, as well as the ability o vel' JUlllO: s. to plan and organize one's daily B c hal a's tIC schedule. The formation of such a c· hie v e habits must be initiated in the ments, Myrtle? His first semester home marks must have indicated that l~fluence of Companions he wasn't going to br~ak any Fourth, you are correct in feel- , records, so I presume hIS teac~ing that your son's friends can ers warned you that he wasn t exert a strong. influence on him. getting his work. '. If he, associates with boys who Now he has not only wasted a have 'no interest in school or valuable year but has acquired give little thought to preparing slothful work habits and a thorthemselves for the future, he GHANA ARCHBISHOP ORDAINS: In the seminary ough dislike of school. The pic- will certainly acquire similar chapel of the. Divine Word Missionaries at Bay St. Louis, ture may not be all black, howattitudes. ' ever,-for you~ave been arous~d Hence you should by all means Miss. Archbishop ,John Kodwo Amissah, of Cape Coast, to a more actIve concern, .whlle forbid or strictly limit his 'asso- Ghan~ West -Africa., confers Tonsure on a seminarian. The he may have learned that he' ciation with such irresponsible visitin~ Archbishop also ordained, four missionaries to the can't get by -without studying. companions, and at the same subdiaconate, the first major order leading to the priesthood. Poor Preparation time give him guidance and help NC Photo. What can you do? Well"Myrtle, in forming other friendships. your first step is to talk to his Finally, 1- was somewhat puz'teachers and find out in detail zled, Myrtle, by the fact that you how they view your son's prob- did not mention your husband in lems. What is his IQ, that is, is your: letter. It may be assumed Inter~~st he capable of carrying high that you are not a widow or you ~. school work? Did he miss out on probably would have noted it. WASHINGTON (NC)-Congress deliberated this past important training in grade Although mothers may be school which he never made up able to handle most of theirchil- session on a variety of bills in which church groups had a and consequently lacks adequate dren's problems during grad~ special interest, with' chief con'cern centered on the propreparation for present studies? ~chool years, teen-age boys in posaJl for Federal aid to .education. The Senate passed a $2.5 Does 'he have difficulty, in particular need the control and t ' reading? Does he know how to influence of their fathers. Many billion measure to suppor private agencies cooperate in study? Should'you put him under modern.fathers tend,to buck-pass 'publi~ grade and high schools bringing children into, the • special .tutor for a time? their moral responsibilities' in but it was blocked~ in' .the United States for adolltion. This latter suggestion may this regard, on the pretext that House Rules Committee and More than. 17,000 .youngsters seem to involve too much exthey themselves are too busy or ,a compromise measurl~ was rehaIved~o~de lIn unCdethr 'Il~' d pense, but remember, if he lacks don't have time to bother with . t d th fl l' n 'lVl ua a 0 ICS a n WORCESTER - Holy Cross . . d 't 1 . th Jec e on e 00. C th l' b ked th adequate preparatIon or oesn, school work or consu tmg e Catholic spokesmee- appealed a, 0 lC groups. ac . e new College received, gifts totaling know how to proceed, merely, teachers. for aid to parochial ,imd other Arms Contro~ and Dlsarma~ent $389,464 during the fiscal year repeating the year will help him This is a· serious neglect of . t h 'I a"t of the Agency, whIch the PreSIdent ending June 30, 1961, according prIva e sc p.'Lend them ,as h' ,- 1aw. li ttle. duty. During adolescence, bo ys A 00 s' asal to slgne d'm..... to Matthew P. Cavanaugh, dimeasure. propos ' d f h h Proper Use of Time are groping their way toward funds for "special purp,ose" con- th!t- e ~at for ccurc ~oUPsI rector of the alumni fund. Second is his family environ- independence and consequently t , t· t forw'lrd but it IS sessIOn was ongresSlona Of the, total sum, $243,856 was , stoo rucwas IOn blocked was pu in the " House. 'extenSIon . f t he M ' F a~m ment conducive to study? Does, tend to disregard the authori t y 0 eXlcan contributed by the Alumni he have a relatively secluded, o,f their mothers. They need to . e t were ProLabor Program under WhICh through the ,Alumni Fund and q uiet place where he cim study feel that their fathers are in~r- Among Its oppo~ n s Mexican nationals are imported direct gifts to the college and testant and JeWIsh groups. " free from interference? ested in the:I)1, are concerned B'll f F d I 'd for con- to -work durmg harvest tIme on $145,608 was received from . f b t th' h' t at I s or e era al . U S farms Does he have a set time or a ou ell' ac levemen s struction by colleges and medical .. . . . friends and benefactors of the doing his homework, during school, and a.re willing to plan schools, both endorsed by Cath• . Pr~nted ~bscemt:v . . college. ' which the use of telephone, radio and discuss their future with olic spokesmen because they , A bIll lr:' whIch ~he religIOUS Restricted gifts for scholarc and television are strictly forthem. made no distiftction between press, a.s well. as . many other 'ships, endowments or specified bidden? Does anyone check on This, obviously implies that' public and private in:3titutions, nonprofrt- publicatIons,' had a equipment totaled $119,648. , his homework? fathers have taken time to learn also failed. The proposd for aid deep stake ~~s put aside '. by You can learn from his teachers something about the traits and to colleges was held in the Rules Con.gre.ss untIllts second ses~IO~, what work is expected of him. aptitudes of 'their growing chil- 'Committee' the medical school begmnmg on Jan. 10. ThIS IS , Do you supervise his study time? dren. . ' aid measu;e remained in com- the proposal tQ increase postal Some teenagers p~t in the reAlthough you are. starlmg" mittee in both chambers. rates. quired amount of time but waste rather late, Myrtle, brmg your " '. R I ' C h u r c h organizations, espeit by day-dreaming or doing anyhusband into t!te picture. Your Recogmze~ 0 e cially Catholic ones, also were thing but applying themselves son needs the guidance of a firm ,~!:e role ~f pr.lvate o~:rs~~s interested in a proposal to creto study. ' paternal hand, as well as a relief '. agen~les IS sp,ecI ~ca. y ate a Federal commission to inHome Environment father's attention and encourage- recogmzed m the, $3,9 bIllIon vestigate the problem of printed Third do 'you maintain reasment. foreign aid bill enacted ,by ~_onobscenity. onable 'order and discipline gress and signed by PresIdent around the home? Is there'a Kennedy. . fairly definite schedule for' eat- D... ftorrt o.... n Cuba ' CooperatIon' bet,ween th e -RESIDENTIAL ing and are all members of the' ""I:"' ij "'" government and' prIvate org~n-COMMERCIAL fa~ilY expected to be. preseAt' MiAMI (N.C) -A priest who' izations also will be a. practIce at least at the principal meal, or resisted recent' efforts of the of the Peace Corps,. whIch CO?-INDUSTRIAL Fatherr~ Castro regime to deport him to gress. put on a permanent baSIS. · d 0 f ea't -an d d o you f 0 11 ow a k In f' cies ' Eledrie Equipment run cafeteria approach in this Spain was shot during a, scuffle PrIvate, nonpro It agen BOYS WANTED for the' and Supplies reg~rd? with militiame? and is n?w in also would b l;'sed in, t?e three7 Priesthood and Brotherhood. Do the children have a defi- ,-a Havana hospItal, accordIng to year" $30 mIllIon pro~:.x'am .enLock of funds NO i":,pedinite time for retirement? Young· reports received. here. . _ acted. by ~ongress to fIght ment. Father Antomo Altamlra, 38, juvemle delinquency. a native of Cuba, reportedly was 'Immigration Law Write to: . shot twice in the leg by militia- , Congress' also passed a bill to ELECTRICAL CO., INC. P. O. Box 5742 men who were rounding up put on a permanent 'basis' the 157 RODMAN ST. FALL RIVER LOS ANGELES (NC)~A bell some 130 priests, and Brothers alien orphan' immigration law, , Baltimore 8, Md. OSborne 7-9834 tower will be dedicated Sunday, after the huge, anti-communist a 13-year-old program in which Oct. 8 at Mission San Miguel, demonstration staged .outside near, Paso Robles, in honor of 'a Our Lady of Charjty Church , ~ ~ Navy chaplain who died' in in Havana. World War II. . A former counselor at the Inc. The l)'lemorial honors, Father Belen School, seized months ago Fidelis Wieland, O.F.M., who by the Castro government" Fabricators of: 'died on May .§" 1945, at a ,hos-' . Father Altamira has been doing pital /in Guam as a result of catechetical work on the island burns he' suffered· when Japan- as well as ministering at two ese planes attacked a hospital chapels in the suburbs 'of the . 'and' ship, the USS Comfort. capital. When militiamen ar'&vHse~~~«1lll'a@@l1.II!i O~@m1 After the war his remains rived at' the Jesuit house, Villa were brought to Mission Santa San (rose, Father. Altamira de753 Davol St./ Irall River Barbara Cemetery. Father Wie- , clared that Cuba is his country land had served as superior at and refused to be deported. He OS 5-7411 ~ 312 Hillman St. WY 7-9162 , New Bedford. Mission San Miguel before enis now at the Surgical Center tering the Navy. in Havana, the reports said. ~~~¢~~~~~~OO¢~o~~o~o~~~~.~.~ •

C,0 n 9 ress .' C0 n SI-d ere dB-II I S ",Of to Churches

Holy Cross Receives $384,464 in' Gifts

Priest Shot Resisting, in



Memoro<tllft to Honoll' FranCBSC\Qln 'Priest


f AN~~~~~~d~MeT~SEN










Better Reading Means Better Living With New Scientifi~ Achi~veme~t


Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961


Holy HeQo Hop~ H@~~ 'r@vc@®

PFograms in Dioc<es~n ~~D'COO~$

By ])a~ien J. IDIe]aney One of the basic skills necessary for education is the ability to read. In the typical classroom, reading

Five representatives from each home room have been elected to work with Sister Mary Kateri, $@I<etJ"@me~t$ RS.M., faculty moderator. The WASHINGTON (NC)committee members told the stuCatholic chaplains are allevdents of the over-aU plan. Plans iating the priest shortage in abilities range across six, eight, are now in formation for cameven 10 grade levels. Little im- paign speeches, posters' and electhe Navy through "holy helo provement takes place when stu-' tion of the Student Council. hops," in which they travel by dents are reading in materials College Night helicopter to bring the sacrathat are either too difficult or ments to men at sea. On Monday, Nov. ,13, Coyle. to easy for them. High School, Taunton: will preThe office of the Navy Chief Each student needs the op- sent a College Night. Represenof Chaplains has disclosed that portunity to advance in reading tatives from all 'of the major col-· about 100 Catholic chaplains in skills as fast and as far. as his leges in this area, plus several the Navy are doing this often learning rate and his learning others, will be present to introhazardous type of work in vacapacity permit. Nearly' every duce their respective colleges to rious parts of the world. student can improve his present members of the junior and senior Typical of these is Father reading performance both in classes. Parents are requested to (Lt. Comdr.) John P. Byrnes, a rate and comprehension. attend, much of the information priest of the Trenton, N.J., dioThe two most widely accepted being directed to them. cese who is assigned on board reading programs are the PAR Tests Announced at Slang ,the USS Bon Homme Richard, - Program of Achievement in The National Educational Dean aircraft carrier. Reading-and the ,SRA-Scien- velopment Tests, patterned after titic Res ear c h Association, the National Merit Scholarship Ship to Ship Reading LaooratQry. The s e Qualifying Test, are to be adFather Byrne moves from ship programs provide individual- ministered at Bishop Stang on to ship to bring the Mass and ized reading training for junior March 6, 1962. Interpretive in_ sacraments via helicopter tc and senior high pupils. formation is supplied with "the Catholic personnel in the Navy. The PAR offers a program test results, so the teachers and The holy helo hop operation is for adults as well. Fascinating pupils may assess academic a fairly simple one when the reading materials are offered in strengths and weaknesses. The ship of destination is a carrier or these programs. The topics in- juniors will take the Merit Qualcruiser, because the helicopter clude sports, adventure, biog- ifying Test on the same day. may then land on deck. raphy, science fiction and curAward Certificates rent events. Because science . SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT: Paul W. Ponichtera, topMary Beth Jette, junior, and Hazardous and social studies materials are ranking graduate of Holy Family High in 1961 and recipient of great interest to all, they are Aileen Moloney, sophomore, aut it is hazardous, when the, included at each grade level. Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall of a Providence College scholarship, consults Rev. Edward chaplain's port of call is a deAll selections have been adapted River, led the 15 students who B. Halton, O.P., dean of freshmen, about his program of stroyer. For while the helicopter received certifica'tes for having by professional writers to sehovers overhead, the chaplain studies. the highest percentiles in the cure uniform length and the and his Mass kit must be lowered National Educational Developright level of difficulty. Dublin, the home of the Founto the deck by means of a sling spirit is being enkindled as they ment Tests. These certificates dress. watch the daily progress of attached to a line, and recovered Offer Programs are presented to students who Announces Activities their co-educational school's from the deck after services. A course in' developmental score in the top quarter of each A long - playing monaural growth. When the waves are high, the reading will be given to all state. . record, consisting af selections Newspaper Editors fantail af the destroyer is no Feehan High, Attleboro, stuThe Science Research Associa. Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall longer a stable platform. It is dents this year. Diagnostic tion also presented certificates from the Spring 1961 band conreading tests will be adminis-to Alana Almeida, Kathleen cert, is now on sale at Coyle River,' Shacady editors, Ann then the chaplain knows the anxiety that only 'the call of duty tered this week to all, and the Collins, Nancy Davis, Marlene High, Taunton. Th~ yearbook Domingos and Mary McCarty, SRA Reading Program will be- Gauthier, Anne Gibbons, Rita staff will meet shortly to elect have been graduated from the can overcome. The sling looks first Journalism, Workshop held frail, and the deck below, rising come an essential feature in the Sullivan, Margaret Donnelly, officers. This year, four Brothers /0£ at Emmanuel College. The' SHA and falling, offers an uncertain educational program of each Susan Landry, Jane Hawayeck, ,Feehan student. Sister Mary Ellen- Mooney, Joyce Petit, the Holy Cross from the Taun- editors joined with other East target. Incarnata, RS.M., will direct Nancy Powers, and Anne Wright. . ton boy's school are enrolled in Coast journalists -to study new Yet the danger must be faced, the in-service General Science techniques and to improve their for so much spiritual consola· the reading program. School Elections course at Brown Univers'ity'. school newspapers. Ann and tion depends on the chaplain'! Coyle High of Taunton also Prevost High School, Fall The Brothers are: Brother Mary were presented certifi- safe landing. offers the SRA Reading Program. This program is offered River, has announced the fol- Joseph Lovito, C.S.C., Brother cates of honor by Sister Ann at 10 Saturday mornings in the lowing class officers: senior Carl Winters, C.S.C.,' Brother Bartholomew, president of Empresidents, ,Henry Lapointe and Joseph Ross, C.S.C., and Brother manuel College. school library Seniors E~eanor Hacking, Robert Desrochers; vice-presi- James Roth, C.S.C. PAR Program Rev. Patrick J. ,O'Neill, Act- Jane Silvia, Alberta Metras The PAR Program consists of. dents, Claude Belanger and a study set of four texts de- Bernard Petite; secretaries, Rob- ing Superintendent of Diocesan and Kathleen Farrell attained ert Whitehead and Raymond schools, visited at Bishop Fee- first place in a Summer reading signed to hel'p the student in Cousineau; treasurers, Eugene han High this week. Encour- project sponsored 'by the Acadspeed and comprehensive readYOU'RE CERTAINLY ing, and vocllbulary building. Gauthier and Richard Clairmont. aging the- students to make the emy. LOOKING WEll THESE Junior class officers are: pres- best use af the educational proContact projectors and speed DAYS! WHAT'S YOUR. readers are used with a great idents, Robert Goyette and Nor- gram that was being offered to' Pope John Receives man Dumaine; vice-presidents, 'them, Father O'Neil emphasized SECRET? degree of success. A class will be offered in Robert Gagnon and Paul Mor- the fact that while some phases Mam:yknoll Superior .. CASTELGANDOLFQ (NC)Fall River beginning next Tues- rissette; secretaries, Paul Le- of the construction program I STARTED day night, another will be of- vesque and Wilfred Garand; may be annoying, the Feehan Pope John has received in priVITAMINS FROM vate audience Bishop John W. fered on Saturday mornings. treasurers, Henry Louis ThiboM.M., Superior Gentot and Roual Cote. Information can be obtained by Plan Program to Aid Comber, eral of the Maryknoll Fathers. New band officers at Coyle calling OSborne 8-0360. Father John ·M. Martin, M.M., High, Taunton, are: president, Youths Seeking Jobs Aid in Advancement procurator general of the society John Hickey, Thunton; viceNEW YORK (NC) A proBoth programs offer aid for president, John Gillet, Fall and superior of the Maryknoll AND I'VE 6EEN ~ST advancement. Anyone who can River; secretary, Jeffrey May- gram to help young people find house ,in Rome, accompanied BURSTING WITH ENERGV! jobs has been developed by the read quickly and with, compre- nard, Taunton; and treasurer, Bishop Comber. ¢_ hension will save much time in Christopher Qualters, Mansfield. Clerical Advisory Council of the Tne Bishop was in Rome on National Association of Manudoing homework; will' aid in the first leg of a journey which Ann Turner is the school cap- , facturers. getting better grades at school tain at Sacred 'Hearts Academy, The council is composed of 18 will take him on a tour of and on the CEEB Exams; will Fall 'River. Other officers are: Maryknoll missions' in Africa clerDm~ of the three m~M improve chances for scholarship sodality pref~ct, Diane McGee; and the Far East. ' faiths. Chairman is the Rev. awards. Better reading means St. Agnes Captain, Pam Mean; Edward L. R Elson: of the Nabetter living and more enjoy,,: St. Margaret's Captain, Elizabeth tional Presbyterian C h u I' C h, ment. Collins; president of debaters, Washington, D.C. Father James Installation Ceremony Margaret Silvester; Janua editor, L. Vizzard, S.J., director of the At the first assembly at the W aId a Lyons; Shacady co- Washington office of the NaSacred Hearts Academy, Fall editors, Mary. McCarty, Ann tional Catholic Rural Life ConRiver, Rev. John H. Hackett, Domingos; glee club president, ference, is vice chairman. Four school' chaplain, who 'presided Diana Abrahams; orchestra pres- other priesh are on the council. COMPANY at the convocation, reminded ident, Rita Cleare; Marian playThe group's plan calls for the girls that cooperation with ers president, Margaret Gillette. every minister, priest and rabbi Complete Line their leaders, and respect and Other officers at SHA are: in a community to measure the Building Materials reverence for law are most" im- seventeeners' president,. Barbara employment needs of young peoportant factors in developing 'Kane; gym council co-chairman, ple of his congregation, and then 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN that good school discipline Eleanor Hacking and Angela work with business leaders in which will enable the student Medeiros. 'WYman 3-2611 meeting these needs. to take her place in society as New officers of Our Lady an effective and self-satisfied Cause af Our Joy Sodality of St., E)(pansion 'Progr(;8m Mary's High School are: prefect, adult. DUBUQUE (NC)-Loras ColSister John Elizabeth, princiHelen Donnelly; senior vice-prepal, listed the qualities of an fect, Mary O'Hearn; junior vice- lege here in Iowa will under· ideal SHA'er as spirituality, prefect, Collette Murphy; corre- take a $10 million expansion studiousness, courtesy, and sponding, secretary, Charlotte program, Msgr. Dorance V. friendliness. Colton; recording secretary, Bet- I Foley, its president, announced. Student Government sy Brennan; tresasurer, Helen , - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... The results of t/le Student Government elections at Bishop Gilman. Mercy Day Stang High School, North DartT'he student body at .Bishop Office Hours mouth, have been announced. Feehan High paid honor to the 9 :00.-6:90 The new president is Walter Sisters of Mercy and "their FounBayliss of the junior class; vice- dress, Mother Mary McAuley. .except Wed. president, sophomore J 0 a n Sister Mary Urban, RS.M., DISPENSING Davis; treasurer, junior Margo principal, extended greetings in OPTICIAN Dionne; secretary, sophomore an assembly this past week. Prescripions Brian McMahon. Rev. Thomas Walsh, region For' Eyeglasses Student Government went dean, expounded on the life and Filled into effect this week when a works of Mother McAuley and T No. Main St.. Fal River OS S-0412 Planning Committee was formed gave a very interesting account at Bishop Feehan High School. of his visit to Baggott Street,













of Fall River-'Thurs., Oct 5, 1961,


Archllilu§lhlop Hi·ad-y-

~()W' About [t,. K?

There is a certain fittingness in the manner in which the late distinguished Archbishop of St. Paul, Most Reverend William 0, Brady, spent his last days ott earth. He was· stricken en route to Rome to place his many talents and considerable ability at the disposal of the Universal Church in making preparations for the forthcoming Ecumenical .Council. This prelate of the Church, son of a hard-working father and a pious mother wh() was -a convert to the Faith, while yet a seminarian for this ·Diocese of Fall River, had a d~pth of vision that looked beyond the confines of his own home. It was this desire to serve the Church that led him to offer his services to the Archdiocese of St. Paul. it was this love Of the Church - the extension of Jesus Christ in time and place - that characterized his labors, brilliant and wide-reaching, as seminary professor, rector, writer; shepherd of souls. It .became almost commonplace in the midst of controversy or a difficult situation for men of thought to look for the penetrating an~lysis and balanced solution proposed by the Archbishop of St. Paul. The Archbishop was never content ·to spend himself for his own Archdiocese alone. He was a Churchman, and the whole Church was the object of his love and labor. . The Diocese of Fall River has lost a ,distinguishedson. The Archdiocese of St. Paul has been' deprived of a • zealous shepherd. The Church on ,earth prays that he who served Her well may be now enjoying the fruit of his labors r for, Christ.


Answers by Rev. James A. McCarthy St. William's Church • Fall River

! have seen PapaH representatives listed as "Apostolic Delegates" and as Apostolic "Nuncios". Is there any difference between these two titles?

There is a distinction between the Papal Representatives you name. For' clarification, let us consider all representatives of . the Holy See. An APOSTOLIC NUNCIO is the diplomatic r"eoresentative of the Pope (as head· of the State of Vatican City) a civil government. His' duties are to handle affairs bet we e n the Apostolic See and the state, ~. ,- .' - -" -~.. to watch over r"" the· status of i'( the Church in ~ the country to which he is assigned and to kep the Holy See , No less a personage than the able Secretary of Labor, By REV. nO.BERT 'W. HOVDA, Ca,tholic University; informed of conditions there. His Arthur J. Goldberg, has placed his not inconsiderable rank is equivalent to that of an prestige behind a movement that is becoming more and TODAY-Mass as on Sunday. are independent of our ambassador .extra-ordinary and more a 'part of the modern scene and more and more' So the' highpdints of thi's year's which merits and our striving, impor- plenipotentiary, and he is the distressing with its spread. The new attitude that is showing liturgical week were this year, tant though these are. It is He dean of the diplomatic corps in the country where he is accreditself with disturbing frequency is that of interesting more, in my view, the following: who tells us confidently that the ited. All nuncios are archbishops. I). the daily celebration of the being (ourselves) we had thought women in jobs outside the home. An INTERNUNCIO is a diploin which huge con- .was sick unto death will live Some writers along these lines take the attitude that Eucharist, gregations of laymen; priests (Gospel). It is His passion and. matic officer of lower rank· a woman gains by this work in keeping up her interests. and Religious found unity and death, His resurrection and -than the nuncio; in the absence Others take the point of view that it is just as well not to renewed faith in an intelligent ascension, which turn our guilt of the nuncio, he performs the of that office. His rank have members of the family depend -too much upon mother. and intelligible proclam;a'tioll of and contrition into a thanksgiv- duties is the equivalent of a minister God's word, in a serious and ing (Epistle). We have too much For after all, the reasoning goes, she is not going to be solemn offering of the Lord's plenipotentiary. restricted the notion of forgiveA CHARGE D'AFFAIRES is around forever. Passion, Death, Resurrection and ness and pardon to the one sacraTo answer the last argument first, the logical extension Ascension, and in sharing that ment of Penance. Bu:; this is part a lower rank diplomatic officer and a REGENT is a temporary Bread' which is the stapl,~ of the of the central 'message of> the might be to place' infants immediately after birth -in admjnistra tor. Christian's diet; 'Gospel, and every act of Chriscommunal nursery and raise -the children without any An APOSTOLIC DELEGATE . 2). papers on the proper readtian public -worship is a procladependance upon mother at all. ' is a legate or represen,tative of ing and interpretation of the mation of it. the Pope who does not have But hold on!. That is n9t the American way of life, Word of God in public worship; diplomatic status. He watches . . 3) the Bible devotion ,~onduc­ ·MOND~Y-St. John Leonard. is it? the traps into which logic pushes one! ,over the status of the Church in And as for keeping up mother's interests. It would ted by Baltimore's Fr. Connolly Confessor; The lessons of this the country in which he is stato show that liturgical fo:rmation Mass of a confessor stress again seem that a woman who is called ·upon .every' day to be' and education, as well :fl: Chris- the theme of peace, the peace tioned, keeps the Holy See inwife, mother, dietician, manager, referee of arguments, tian inspiration in general, can tha't Jesus offers in his Church formed of conditions there and soother of hurt bodies and feelings, diplomat to siblings, ,come through well prepared to guilt-l'idden and sin-con- serves as intermediary between the hierarchy of .that country science man (Gospel). So that educator, lawyer, model- well, there seems' to be a wide evening devotional services. .and the Holy See. for' the Christian the virtuous enough range of interests in the home for any energetic and TOMORROW' St. Bruno, *** life, the pai[lful struggle toward Confessor. The imagery 'of which Quite regularly in the Sun- I vital person. a deeper and more perfect love, the liturgy, and, the Bible as day Gospels we hear of the As the Jesuit Father Edward L. Murphy remarked, he well, _make such constant and is not at all a matter of earning Scribes and Pharisees. I'm not has "due regard for the Secretary in the field of labor but fruitful 'use requires of the" his salvation, a barter with God. sure of just who they are: It is a thanksgiving, rather, for less regard for him as a sociologist, psychologist 'and Christian the watchfulness of the pardon and peace which He . perhaps if I read the Bible a moralist." , . today's Gospel. Words themlittle more often I wouldn't has already assured us, already have to ask, but could you A wife and mother needs, an occasional change in selves are images,,,,and so the given us (Epistle). words of public worship, wheth- . explain? interests, to be sure. She needs adult 'companionship. But '~er of :ts common prayejr or of SCRIBES were a group TUESDAY-St. Francis Borher glory and happiness lie in doing her work inside the its proclamation of the saving gia, Confessor. The law of God of The professionally trained copyhome. Anyone can take her place in the mill or, shop or good news of our redemption, , in the heart of a man, the wts- ists and notaries. By the time require attention, real listening, store. Noone -can take her plac~ there. dom and justice in his words of Our· Lord, they had become the attitude of a good student. the interpreters of the Law of (Introit).,--these do not precede And beyond the bare words, Moses. In' doctrine and practice 0 God's action and make His deeds the same can be said of all the they commonly favored the resp~nse to human initiative. , There are five and one-half million students in Catholic liturgy's signs and ceremonies, a. They are rather the product of Pharisees. elementary and high schools in the United States. The all itsgestul'es and colors, all God's. justification, characteristic The PHARISEES comprised a lights and vesture- all be- of .a man already graced and party among .the Jews in the Catholic 'school system has grown one hundred and two itl; speaking more than human art made' "just" by' God. So Chrisdays ·of Christ; they separated per cent in the last fifteen' years. and craft . . . all mannfesting tian public worship should aithemselves from all association These statistics would give great' satisfaction if they af the very least the dignity of 'ways mean an experience not ,with the Gentiles. This group the' worship of God and the only of praise, thanksgiving and was noted for its strictly literal stopped there. But they do not. interpretation 'of the Jewish It is also a statistic ,that the percentage of school-age b!'!autY'. of His creation. adoration, but also of the liberaCath<:>lic ,children· in Cath9lic schools has dropped' ten -SATURDAY;.,. Blessed Virgin' tion, the freedom from sin and Law and scrupulous adherence to tradition and ceremonial. Mary of the Rosa:r~. Mary be- death, ~hich are Jesus' gifts.' per cent from what it was ten years ago. , Their power led to. degeneracame fruitful .and -the ~other of There are simply not enough places in Catholic schools ..WEDNESDAY~Motherhoodof tion and they became exclusive, Life because she looked a.nd she' to accommodate those who wish to attend. -the Blessed' Virgin Mary. And He formal, proud and self righteous listened. She heard His Word offer these gifts because He- hypocrites, thus provoking the , Arid so,- parents must look to the. Confrate~nity of and accepted it. This year's lituris God infleshed. The truths the- indignation of Our Lord. Christian Doctrine - the parish school of religion - for gical week, both in its major ad- Church teaches concerning Mary llnciden tally, your comment assistance in the religiou's education. of their children. It dresses and .in iis discussions are above all a protection of the about reading .the Bible more it evident that man;r of us must have the .. support and cooperation of all. It is heeded. made truth of the divinity of her Son frequently may suggest a resoare not hearing the Word of and of His full humanity. The lution . that. you (and others) It is fulfilling an m.dispensable role. God adequately, and that our Old Testament reading applies could make. lack of resoonse to it is not en-_ to her the possession of all grace, tirely our fault.ali hope of life and virtue, beFather John R. Foister Proclaiming it in our language, cause Christ is in her. And 'so with a dignity that commands Writes Next Week we C~ristians, in whom Christ respect and reverent listenii1g, lives, count her as mother, too, On Hail Mary and with a preaching that is both and share her joy' in a love prior submissive to the Word and pen- . to our love and a grace prior' to Mass Explanation etrating to its meaning -- these g are the' things desired by those any II}eritin of ours. Features Africans OFFICIAL NEWSPAPIE~ OF THE DIOCESE Of FALL RIVER who· have, the good of Catholic SALISBURY (NC)-An Engpublic worship at heart. First Friday lish Jesuit has taken a series of Published weekly by The Catholic P~ess of the Diocese of F~II\River 20th SUNDAY AFTER PENRev. John H. Hackett will photographs explaining the Mass 410 Highland Avenue " TECOST. The texts of -today's 'address the Fall River First Frito Africans. All prelates, priests· Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 Mass are full of· sfn-con:3cious- . day Club tomorrow night. Memand laymen pictured a I' e PUBLISHER ness, but without any hint of bel'S will attend 6 o'clock Mass· Africans. Most ·Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. despa{r.. The pardon and peace at Sacred Heart Church and proFather John Gillick, S.J., was for which the Collect prays' is ceed to K of C Home, 209 Frankchagrined to see during a visit to GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER proclaimed in every Mass. A lin Street, for supper and Father Southern Rhodesia that all availRev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll pardon and peace which radical- Hackett's address, which will able' explanation of the Mass MANAGING EDITOR ly and totally belong to Jesus, deal with the Ecumenical.Coun- were illustrated with photoHugh J. Golden . which. He shares freely with us,cils of the ChUl'ch. enwbs of EuropeallL

"WOman's Place


'Thncru.q.h th~ CMh£k With. th.£ Ch.Wlch.



Parish School of' Religion









Mi,ssion,' Dioceses Ask ~---:---~'" Extension, Lay Volunteers , ' '~~

PORTLAND (NC)'- Thirty-six missionary dicceses in the United States have requested assignment of Extension Lay VolunteG!rs, and it is hoped that at least 10 of the requests win ,be filled 'by next year, according, to ~ather John J. Su flivan , national full time- in 22 parishes in Texas director of the program of and Oklahoma. the Catholic Church ExtenHe 'cited the following exsiol'l Society. Extension Lay ample of the effect of lay mis-



. · -l




Thurs.. Oct.

5, 196 t




Usill'lg LO}fmen Grow§ B~gger .

'. " - ' : ., .,

WASHINGTON, (NC) Laymen have a big job in the missions which will grow bigger in coming years,

experts agreed during the 12th sionaries' work in the U. S.: Volunteers, and it is hoped that annual meeting of U.S. mission"In one parish in the Southat least 10 of the requests will sending societies. west, which included a dozen be filled by next year, accordAnd, the experts added, the ing to Father John J. Sullivan, communities in three counties, use of laymen in the missions natiOJ2I!1 director of the pro- it had been considered fortuis not a stop-gap desperation gram of the Catholic Church nate to have an increase of two measure, but arises from the Catholics in a year's time. Now, Extension Society. duty of every Catholic to proExtension Lay Volunteers en- after two years of work by lay mote the missionary work of gage in four general types of volunteers in a catechetical prothe Church. Father Victor Fernandez, S.J., worle, he said. Some teach in gram, the increase has reached 70 converts a year. In the beparochial schools in mission of the Latin American Bureau, areas where qualified teachers ginning, there were only 210 National Catholic Welfare Conwould not otherwise' be avail- . Catholics in the parish." ference, stressed the importance "It is ,not- really possible to able. Some work as nurses. of the Papal, Volunteers for Latin America program in the Some serve as catechists, calculate results 'of the work," he added,' "because' it also predevelopment of the lay missionwho go into areas with sparse DEBATERS MEET: Members of Narragansett Debate disposes people in rural areas ary apostolate. Catholic populations to work L'eague meet at Dominican Academy, Fall River. Rear, Peter with parish priests in teaching to embrace the Faith when they Father Fernandez said -the Saracco, Coyle High'School; front, left to right, Marguerite Holy See's announcement in the both Catholics and non-Catho- move to cities.',' Both men and women' are ae. Silvestre~ SaCE'ed Hearts Academy; Mary Rose Dupont, Summer of 1960'of the program lics. A fourth group works at -under which lay volunteers state universities' in mission cepted as Extension VQlunteers. Domm~can; Sharon :Fennessey, Mt. St. Mary Academy.. Most of the participa~ts 'are are- recruited to work on behalf areas. young peesple just out of colof the Church in Latin America Create Demand' lege, chiefly because they are The Extension Society wishes -was "unique" in that it was usualy more able to leave for. the first time that the Vatican to invest its means and' energies assignme.nts inmi.ssionary areas. pointed out a specific task for not only in church buildings but Enjoy Work TRENTON '(NC)-5tate Com- Jewish holiday occurring around laymen in the Church. in creating a demand for church Indications 3l!e that the volmissioner of Education Frederick the time of Christmas. This pr;lcUnderlining the crisis condibuildings through the Jay aposunteers enjoy their work and M. Raubinger has ruled that it tice and the recitation of the Old tions in Latin America, the Jestolate/~ Father Sullivan said'. its accomplishments. is lawful to sing Christmas carols Testament passage are author- Hit noted that there, one-third Convertli , "We think' it significant," and Hanukkah songs and recite ized by the local'board of educaof all thtil Catholics in the world "Basic qualifications for Ex- said Father Sullivan, "that of ' have only one-tenth of the tension Volunteers are that they 23 full-time volunteers at work an Old Testament verse in New tion. Traditional Acceptance priests. / be mature" intelligent Catholic ,in one diocli!se last year. 16 Jersey public schools. It would take 200,000 more Raubinger rejected a petition The Gould children do not remen and women who are prop- have returned this year. Four priests in Latin America to erly motivated," he explained. others married and one entered by Mr. and Mrs. John Gould of cite the Scripture verse but acbri3ng the ratio of priests-toFreehold, N. J., charging that the cording to the record they genHe said there are 64 Exten- religious life." people there to the same level practices are illegal because of erally participate in singing the sion Volunteers now at work The volunteers' work with that prevails in the U.S., Father their religious implications. carols. pastors but under the superFernandez said. He said that in restricting reThe Goulds contend the pracvision of six priests in the He said the Papal Volunteers ligious practices in the public tices are contrary to their reliSouthwest who serve as field program will be "primarily a schools" the legislature "had no gJOus beliefs and those of their Tepresentatives of the Extension intention of excluding every children, and that the saying of work of collaboration.~' Foreign., RALEIGH (NC) Bishop Society. . volunteers will not take tne vestige of religious thought to U.e Old Testament verse constiVincent S. Waters of Raleigh ' One Ye2r Service place of local leaders, he said, the point where even the existtutes a religious exercise in viopreSIded at a graduation cereAn Extension, Volunteer readding: "Latin Americans are, ence 'of a Supreme' Being was to lation of 'the school law. mony here for 12 young women ceives room and board, transsick and. tired of paternalism." be unrecognized and unacknowlIn his ruling on the recitation who will do apostolic work in portation f~om home to the The response of U. S. Cathothe home missions of North. mission 'arid return, a trip ~ome edged, but acted rather to set of the Old Testament verse, lics to the program has been restraints and limits so as to bar Commissioner of Education RauCarolina. ,1 for Christma"s, hospitalization "truly' inspirin~," he declared. They completed a' month of insurance and, $50. a month. any infiltration of. sectarian binger held that "as a single and practices leading to divisiveness djrect expression of thanksgiving intensive training in catechetics, Term of service is one year. G,rgnt From Kod~k to an acknowledged Supreme census taking and the missiolOn his recruiting tour, which and discords." NIAGARA UNIVERSITY (NC) . Being, which the courts have ogy of North Carolina under the is taking him to 140 Catholic Have Local Aothodzatfon held to be acceptable in the tra- -Niagara University has andirection. of the Sisters, Mission colleges and Newman clubs at nounced receipt of an unreThe Goulds have two daughters dition of this nation, it is not a Helpers of the Sacred Heart. state ~olleges, Father S:ullivan· stricted grant of $9,600 from the also- provid~s information 'on in Broad Street Pubiic School, religious exercise prohibited by Eastman K 0 d a k Company, Reach Thousands 'the pregram oll the Papal Vol- Freehold. Each day they are the statutes." Rochester, N. Y. Bishop Waters presen.ted to unteers for Latin America. served milk in school. Before' each a Mary Missioner medal. Father John J., Considine, M.M., 'drinking the milk, the teachers JE,FFREY E. the only distinctive identifiea- national director of PAVLA, and children bow their heads, NEW YORK, (NC)-Former tion of the Mary Missioner. and the Extension Society work f-old their hands, and: say; President Dwight Eisenhower The Bishop said: "Because of closely together in seeking "0 give thanks unto the Lor~ will be a guest speaker at the these 12 generous young ladies, workers, in the two pro-jects. for He is good, for His mercy Alfred E. Smith Memorial founFaneral Dome who have dedicated a year of "We share facilities and cham- endureth forever." dation dinner Oct. 18 in the 550 Locust; 81. their life to the home mIssions pion both. causes, because the In December, Christmas carols Waldorf Ast-oria Hotel. Fall River. Mass. in North Carolina,. the Church [programs a I' e compatible," and Hanakkah songs are cuswill be brought to· thousands Father Sullivan explained. . OS 2-2391 tomarily sung in the Freehold who would never be reached He is, being, assisted in the public schools. Hanukkah is a Rose E. Sulhvan unless these apostolic ladies had recl1uiting tour by veteran Jeffrey E. Sullivan' volunteered' for this missionary lay volunteers who have served Sixth from work." in mission. areas in the Exten": ANGA DO HEROISMO (NC) sion Society's program. They -The nomination of Msgr. Paolo "fl'en Aubertine Brough SOJ$ Wel:f~l\'e Stgte, are Patricia Darcy, a graduate Tavares as Bishop of Macao Owner and' Direetor of Albertus Magnus college, brings to six the number of livIG~~d and USg~~~· Spacious Parking Area TOLEDO (NC)' - Sen. Eugene New Haven, Conn., and Bar- ing bishops from these islandS, bara Boggs, graduate of'Man~ ,with a Catholic population of WY 2-2957 J. McCarthy of Minnesota has the 318,500. defended the term ~'w.elfare hattanville Colleg.e 'of 129 Allen 81. New Bedford ,Sacred Heart,. Purchase, N. Y. state" as "good and usable." Be sard the term, as tradition~ ally understood,. means a state O'ROURKE ROCHE5TED (!jC)-$t. John " ~, )1 DOAN~·8E.Al·AMri'3 . that "seeks to meet its instituFiSher, ~6th century martyr. !NCOIl.POIl.ATEO Home tionDI 'responsibfiities in assist-" ,bishop 01 Rochester.. England" ~ ing its eit~,":ens i:ni their effortis: 571 Second St. has been designated patron to secure those things whim are saint of the Rochester, N .. Y.• ', Fan,River; Mass. necessary to the good Life. to the diocese~, Bishop James. E. 9~72 happirtess of man.'F . I,.I • HYANNIS Kearney of Rochester an- ! Johnny Lemos: Florist, But he noted: "If by the term MICHAEt J. McMAHON nounced· that St. John had been • HARWICHPORT, we mean to define a state whIc1'1' Lic6nsed ·Funeral Director ., ,SOUTH YARMOUTH, named diocesan patron in a • ~y~~n~ .......... '~-:3?6A ,m enters into every phase oil' life. decre~ by ~pe .Tohn., __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Regiltered. Embalmer unduly restricting freedQm not on]y at the economic level but also at the level of the intellect and the spirit, seeking to determine personality so as to fit FUNERAL KOMEr INC. each person into a· predetera. M.rcel ~ - c:. Lorraine Rol mined. pattern,. 1l1'1at wellfaJre state 469 LOCUST STREET R'4!1l't!I' LRFran.. is to be condemned." INCORPORATED 1'937 FAll RIVER~ MASS. FUNERAl: OIRI:CTORS

Rules Carols, Hanukkah Songs Legal Public School Practices

Lay Missioners

To Aid Church

Dinner Speaker





Funeral Home


Two RccG-ntesters

I F'l 0 we' r s

I H,e.",.ry T··· . ,. elxelra



High School' Receives Construction Grant

SYRACUSE (NC)-A $120,000 gJ:aLtt. has been given to the Diocese of Syracuse for the construction of. a combination chapel, gymnasium and auditorium at Utica Catholic Academy for Girls. The grant, announced by Bi!hop Walter A. Foery of Syracuse, was given by the Carton Foundation, established under terms of the w.ill of the late Matthew, A. Carton of" Utica.



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ri ..::.:.:.: ~f: :'.~':':'.i:>iocese of Fall Riv~r-Thurs;,.,Oct..,5, J9§1

COUnCil Heads

Meet Tonight

Nominates Prayerbook Pilferer For Meane'st ·Th·ief Title .


. By ,Mary· 'foinley

The President's Meetifig for Fall River .District One of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will 'beheld I/onight at . SS. Peter. and Paul parish hall Speakers will inClude Miss Margarflt ~" Lahey, Diocesan chairman cooperating with Catholic Charities and' Mrs. James O'Brien Jr., second D~oc­ esan vice president and Diocesanchairman ., for family and paI:ent education. Mis's Helen Chace, district president, .will introduce Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, district moderator, 'and her co-officers. . They include Mrs. Bradley McDermott; v i 'c e president; Mrs. Elm~r Aitken, recording secretary; Mis s 'Grace. M. Walsh, corresponding secretary; Mrs. John 'Silvia, tr~asurer.


. Dear Mrs. Da:ly~':, This letter. is written in such. a .fine admixture .of sorrow arid anger' that it is.difficult to say which 'outweighs the other. One reads in the'papers'about the "meanest thief'!,:""":" usually one whosteal~from sQmeone

'W?,O, is . ha~~ica:ppe,d. '~ere-'

\Vhocoul~ -"rimt the prayer-' wIth I submIt another nom:- book as much ·as its rightful ination for the title - the owner,. and why? Would one's · on~ who steals a,prayerbook.. spirituality. -. or . ev~n one:: Most· of get attached to prayer- French-benefit by Its use. books. One sees the well-worn Seems unlikely. volumes in lov. Perhaps through your column, ing hands in' YQu can awaken consciences and every church. I ,prevent this careless cruelty~ Or recall my aunt's .alert parents to .check on unrequest, for h e r ' familiar prayerbooks that :their 85th birthday . : children casually acquire.. Any was to have her such books can be mailed back missal rebound. . 'to'the church from which they Urges AII.-Clergy Effort it had been her w~re taken." ' . ' .: M . . -In Commynity atter~' -mother's. Aunt. 'Mine waS a slim red-covered· ie said, 'Td like , ~ne' 'notthe usual' missal shape' . IT.A. L.I.A. N.S .IN' ~MER.,I.e,A.· ••.. ·.B . is,h.·o.;P .Ren.';.a..~..:. L' uis.·.i. o.f WORCESTER (NP)-A Cathto leave it to: 'in'that'its'sides formed a squal'e' . I N · , otic priest· here advocated that yoq gir.s·in good . ~rather" than a"rectangle: I shall Foggja. Province, Italy, ·visits..,his .$ister, . Oblate Siste~~lergymenof ,all religious faiths ~ndition.'! . ·;continue·to inquire for it M the Superio~ YQ.ungs:town,' ·'0.'· Bishop'Luisi ·founded,the·band· together··in the:cause.of Catholic Washingtonia~ were· church. .j.. , . . , . . . American equivalent' of-13oy's Town in SipOnto and Bovino' :c~~:~~iti\:::tr~~.Howes, di';' ...... sca,ndali,zedto read in tliepaper, 'j.~ And'I'shall':~oritinue to muse'. aild.is·on a':~isit to this countritO explain his w~rkfpr tl:ie . rector of community'. relations thisSpx:ing of two teen-age·gi.fls on.the i~ony of;steimng prayer';': . edu~l,l.tion ~f orphans. and ~a.bafidon~.cliild~R.• ~C. Photo.for the Worcester diocese, sa~d who announced they had· a mis-: books. Certainly ·the motivation .' . .. ' ., . . ' . ". _. . that "cooperation between' the sal belonging ·to President Ken"; "could n6t be ··mercenary..c..:they' ·n'·m,'e' 1·0" .clergy in such ;causes as mental riedy. It seems they had taken it . have little 'commercial value. health, juv~nile delinquency and i ~ y'ear before £rom a pew ,in . 'Makes one wonder how a thEio.. ·· Ch.lf"\.O". civic' planning is rare, and at the parish church he attended logian -Would assess the efficaey v best, fragmentarY." · as a·Senator. To add to the out- 'ofprayers'read from a pilfered WASHI;NGTON(NC)-":Mission . . . . . '. . ' '.'This disparateness has a dourage, they .announced ..they . m~s's8l. Why, then, are'such 'per"; schools in TanganYika are doing her:self of a miSSion school con- . hie faul~ in ill,'! Father Howes eturn would·.r It to th.~ Pr~sI4e~t .. ',sonal treasures' taken; 'and'by ,an excelle.rit job; according to adu<;te~ .. ~y the. Holy. 9host stated. "We do not effectively 'if he would see them person,alwhom? Perhaps the psycholo-. Tang~nyika woman whc'u visit- Fathers at Moshi, Tangan~lka. bulwark forces wbrking for the Iy,!.A new form· of blackmail? gistS.have an answer? " " . mg the U. S. ' : T h e young Negro Cathohcwas common good in our commuY ' be dl , . .'. ask,eel' if there .is any danger that One' wonders how such a · ." . . ours muse y, 'The mlsslons~hoolsare rea.IIr mission' scl:1ools in . Tanganyika nities. We make it difficult for men~ality is produce?. Is. the ,Anonymous. . .~el.e.ad.ers now ~n the education might be nationalized. community leadership to reach Madison Avenue pubhclty Ideal .. stronger than the values taughb k 'field In Tanganyika and. .are con- . "There is no difficulty in this us by standing separate and by in the home, church and ~hool? Quebec Nurses Ta e· ducted ,~s .well as governme~t area," she. stated, pointing out providing no forum for continM,··ss·.·,on. Posts sc~ool~, slud M~s. Paul Bo~an... that Prime Minister Julius Ny- uing contact." ·..erLi Lost M i S s a l P .. wife of -the Mimster of Agrlcul'.' '.. , . A few weeks ago I left my' .: QUEBEC (NC) 2:,;. T.wo nu.rses . ture and' Community Develop erere, a Gathohc, recently argued Chur·ches. Serve Food 'ml'ssal I'n a large city church, in . , . .. . ,'..' .. "ka" - ·against. proposals put . forth in of the Hotel Dieu here have gone ment lD TanganYI . some quarters to nationalize such At State Fair Stands haste to get I/o a Communio~ to Peru to work for two years . Mrs. B~mani, Vil'hose .two-week . schools. breakfast. After the breakfast, in the mission fields. ''1'hey arelrtay ·.in . Washingt~n \V~18 sponTanganyika,"a self-governing ST. PAUL (NC)-Parishioners I went back to the churcll· No .Claudette, T'a9chereau and Low.. sored by the National Counc.il of 'British tr'ust' territory" of. the of St. John the' Evangelist ml'ssal We'll' I thoug,ht the .' ., ' s e t t e ·Poulin. ,Catholic Women, is a produ.ct United Nations, will achieve its chu'rch, Little Ca"nada,' again ushers have picked it up-I'll. . staffed a snack stand and dining call. tomorrow. A call the' neXt.· " Their decision came through . independence Dec. 28. hall at Minnesota's' 100th state · day' and weekly' thereafter their -Work in the Laval-Missionfair to help. wipe out the debt on first Sisters Order a church-school addition built seemed fruitleSs. The missal was .naire movement, a lay. ~rganiza- . never ·turned in. tion formed at Laval University ri To.Leave for Columbia by the parish. The missal was' in Fr.en~h. two years·ago to provid~ pl'ofesSAN JUAN (NC)-The Ca, thIt marked the eigh'th year . I ·d.... d d 1 ped DUBUQUE (NC) The first Now,' Mrs. Daly, the percentag'e· slona al 11<1' un er eve o. oll'c-backed Christian' Action members' of. the parish have ' . ' Sisters of Charity of the Blessed of French-speaking thieves must countries. party, crushed by .Gov. Luiz served fairgoers in a dining hall . Virgin Mary 'ever to be sent to be fairly low, arid perhaps' reNurses Taschereau and PouLin Munoz Marin's forces in the Solith AmerIca are getting ready and lunch counter. They averstricted to our "better educated" wili work at a dispensa~ at November, 1960, election, has' for their new assignment.' age' $13,000·profit at each fair. In all, 20 halls and stands at population? I had purchased this Indiana on the Amazon, head- hit the comeback trail in prep- . Sisters Mary Ruth Marie of St. missal in France a few years ago, quarter:s of St. Joseph~s Mission; aration for the 1964 eledion., . Louis,' Mo., and' Mary James the fair are> operated by churches and grown attached to it. Per- founded in the jungle at the It was reported that the CAP Leone of Dubuque .have beeen of various faiths. Five of them haps it can be replaced - but headquarters of .the Amazon 14 now has the required number of assigned to teach English at the are run by Catholic paris~es. St. with considerable expense lind years ago by Canadian Francis- party registrations to campaign Pontifical Xaverian University Patrick's Guild, St. Pa\.!l, and the nuisance. cans. 'in eight. towns. To gain .the in Bogota, Colombia. Legion of Mary of the Twin What can't be replaced are status of an islandwidE! party, . In announcing the departure Cities conduct religious literature the little holy picture~, each one . Couple Celebrates 74th the CAP must have a member- .. of the Sisters, Mother Mary Con- booths. of which' evoked a tender mem- W dd· A . . 0 ship equivalent to 10 per cent solatrice, .Silp.erior General, ex- , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ory. One was received from the' e m9· ,nmversary of the total vote cast in' the plained that the assignment rephand 'of His Holiness, Pius XII. ST. STEPHEN (NC) - Work November, 1960, elec'tion, as resents .the first step in 11 plan Another was a souvenir of the hard, live simply-,that's 'the well as 10 per cent of the vote whereby the 2,270-member comlast Easter Mass celebrated on formula for a happy married life cast -in each election district. .munity will provide teachers in the beautiful, ill-fated ship recommended by Mr. and Mrs. Puerto Rico's Department of Latin America, in compliance Andrea Doria. Two others had frank Fit~simll?-ons: They' should Justice has ruled that' the CAP with a recent appeal from Rome. touched the tombs of St.. Gene- know - they've' just celebrated has won the right to use a blue vieve in Paris' and S't. Therese. their 74th wedding anniversary. bell as i'ts political insignia. Note On Princess in Lisieux.· . It was a· bright sunny morning The party originally had a VATICAN CITY (·NC).:.....VatSan Marino when Frank Fitzsimmons, 22, rosary as its insignia, until Gov. ican sources deny any knowledge One card came from San and Jessie Olmstead, 18, ex- Munoz Marin signed a bill for- of reports that. Prince. Juan Car-:~ Famous for our Prime , · Marino, that tiny country rated changed marriage vows befo,re bidding the use of religious sym- los; son oi the p!etender "to the blic , where re.,. Father .E. Doyle in St. Stephen's boIs by political parties. a's the ·olde~t 'i'epu. . . SpaQish throne,. has applied to Aged Charcoal. Broiled ligion and' democracy were Ch.urch, Milltown,' New Bruns. Pope ·John for the. admission of Steaks ~ also Roast wedded in antiquity under the wick, on Aug; 27, 1887. Frank. S· t 'f N().treo.(Ime ' his. 'fiancee, 'Orth<,>dox Princess 'bless'I"ng .o·f· l·tS founder-saint. had gone to work at a local lum" . '5 ,rs 0 .' Sophie', of ,Greece, into the Beef ~.Sea '. Less' cosmopolitan, but even ber mill when he was only 10. Establish New Province Church, '. dearer, was' ii 16vely little. pic- ...Today Fitzsimmons" 96,' and . DALi.J\S. (NC)-:-The C::ongre· .'ture·r·eceived ··.from·my only his wife, 92, look back on a life gation' of: 'School Sisters of D~ncinri Every Saturday .siSter· shortly ~fore her death. of contentment, although there Notre' Dame has established a .' . ',' . :" .' . . \ Niteto' 'the Music of . . , . '. . . ' . . .were times when the, going waS , South-Central PrOVinCE! with ".):.D.' . . 5, .. Eddie Davii and his 17th Mcinerney Child . rough. Fitzsimmons r~niained i~ headquarters in ·Dallas with the ,.. . Orch~str~ Enters Catholic School the lumbering business all· his approval of Bishop. Thoma!! K.. : " . ' CO. ..' I ~ '


·G.o'.v.e·.. r.· nt·· 'Off'I"c' ,lis':· ·,W.· ',. ·.'-I"f'e' .··L"o·uds· .M. is·slo··.n.. 5. Is ;i'n: ' .To', n g'any·l"ka· .


Reviva i '6 .Party I P"R uerto· ico


Buek Ossic:ks




E..,.B.R . '. 0., ' .. SE.. 0..I. L. ~ ..

LOS' ANGELES (NC)-Kevin McIIierneY-has'started first grade' ... 'here 'along with . his nephew" . .Christopher Vaughan. ." '. . . . Kev.in is the 17th McInerney child and also the 17th to·be en; .... rolled in a parochial scliool: He' . ". aU'ends Immaculate C6nception School here." . . "". The McInerneys enrolled their · first 'child in St. Anselm's School in the Bronx 25 years .ago. Since then all the : little McInerneys have attended parochial schools. ,


. ,j

"Fashion 'Show

, .

Wives of members' of Bishop · Cassidy Council, Swansea · Knigh'ts of Columbus will lItage a Christmas fashion show-at'8 'Sunday 'night, .Oct. 22 at ~ the Council Hoin:e,Milford Road. Co~Chairmen are Mrs. Ciaire · Travers and' Mrs:' DeloresSfui-' They wfll meet with. their .'committ'ees at: 8':30 this Sunday' · 'night, also at the Council.Home.



Gorman of Dallas-Fort Worth. ·.·~'''t.·.H·'e'af.~:i·ln·Q' OI~I"'s' ~. ',.:, .... The'motherhouSe' ~nd;'house ~ ~ 'Pleinn;ng .A .Wedding, Shower. Ban. Expect 250.1000 Persons of..stud-iell for. th~ M~ p~ovi~ce . ) . '. ~ quet or Meeting-Call our lonquet . ·1 . "'R II' . wll b~ locate~ at the UDI'yer~I~Y.:. .' . D~partmetlt for details. AM Partin At Fam' y, Rosaryay . of Dallas; a diocesan instltutlon. ~ giv~. our.' Exp~ Attentlon":"'~n . . ·SAN F·RANCISCO (NC)--'-Re-' The .new province ~ill i~clude ). 3~S N~RT,~'FRO.NT·.STREETI. sponses rollinL{ in from' 255 par- Tex~l!! . N.ew Mexico, ..JU:lzc;>na:. .~. ". NEW: BEDfoRD ..... MAYFAIR ~888-4-"'" ishes in the San Francisco :arch- .LOUISIana, Arkansas, MISSISSIPPi. ~ 91 Cra~ciail.Rd. Tiverton, R.t diocese indicate this city will and· Alabama. ~',.' . WYman 2-5534 .~ have its largest public assemPermission for the e1:ablishblage in history for 'the Rosary . 'ment of· the' new. province was Rally to' be held Saturday, Oct. 7 .given by Mother Mary Ambrosia, .in Golden Ga~ park.. ' .. Mother Gep.era,loft1)e sisterhO()d. '. The r~lly is expected to ,draw..' _---. ~_~_,_ _......, some 250,000 persons to· the . MEN 17 ~ 25. its 1961, Christmas Business Today. Cash in on this profitable park's polo stadiuni. .There,-· . . . selling season by. Cal.ling for Appointment; NOW. Few Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., THE' NE"'" . Territoriei!.. AvaiJpble· (won't be,. later). NOW is the Time will givean.address climaxing a':, .Soc.,ie ..ty .0fB~.other's o.·.f,' five-week Family RosarY Cru-:to Dial.'. ,., .' sade.: . ()ur:La~yoIProvidc!nce' NeW BEDFORD AREA· FAll R'VER AREA The quarter-million turnout,. • .. . 058-5265'· WY 7.7089 it is said, .V(ould 'surpass 'in iJize" For information writEI to; CAPE COD AREA' '. any' previouS U. S. Rosary.rally. ' "FATHER MASTER . ATTLEBORO AREA .51' 5-~.' .' . .... ·-,CA 2-3651 'Th~' Golden .Gat~park 'stadi~; St.' JoSeph the Work...· . ." , ·ftOC.crON.nOUGHTON . MIA ·T"'UNTq", AIM . covering 30. acres, is the' city'., . . ,. :Novitiate· .. .. • VA ~1t~ . . . :, "i '" .': '.IU.S-34M '.' . G.nlY site capable of :holdinc the· ,·:·Wo....;.,ick Neck, it I!. . anticipated'tbror;lC." ..... .. ' . ..,, . , active life...


.' ·.·.an'd" :,·S·'· '. "r.n.e.rs





",'. <

-Give Children Individual Love,


,Develop, Special- Talents ,,By Audrey



encourages jealousy between

ent's affecti,on, and it fr&-

quently results_ in lifelong resentments and feeling of inadequacy. Actually, it's natural for par-ents to feel a preference for a particular child; an uneducated father t a k es deep pride in a -lIOlis brilliant IChooI ,achieve-ments' ~ a shy, ~'Inother

Women Oppose Red China in UN

Paba Riker

- '~Sure, <me'ia the apple of: my eye,» laughed a young motherof'fotlr. HThe one who giveS me least trouble at the 1JDte." But Cho<>$jnia tavontechild is often a real and far Jnore'subtle f9l"ee in tainily,:life. Favoritism is clangerOus; it 'brothers' a B'd- sisters, it -'lleigh~n.s .l:"Jv3h"y fot par-

qui1e different children. Feelings change as children ~e. ~or example.!J01D€ mothers delight ill the soft helpless dependency _of - all their iDfants and can't bear the obstreperous "NO" of any of their two year olds. So each child in turn becomes a "favorite." second, parents can't possibly give equal attention to all children. Youngsters have different needs at different tiDies. You wouldn't think of waking all the children .for equal attention because you sPent twenty minutes, soothing one who', suffered a frightening nightmare. Third, one reason children ia , the same faJIlilyare"80 diHer~ eDt is that it cill impossible for pan;mts to provide the same enviro~nt for every .child. Yor -a While your firstborn is tile undisputed favo~8Jl exalted

delights'iIl • alid' ! aBsutanee ill tioDs. .Aad ,jut .. naturall1', -. tamlit aeapecoat may 'emerge. Billf -, c1levelOps the -manneriS1D8 of~ position-the othft'· ebildrencan tftIl' 'loO" lik:-e black.isbeep lTDcle Harry~ Mal'7 grabs for_ never know. Later children are affected not only by their posi1be largest dessert exactly like tion in the flUlliQ', but also by selfish Aunt Tessie. From there it'. an easy short step to endow the amount and quality of their interaction with older and • hapl~ child with additinonal younger brothers and si~s. despised qualities of such relaEDClOBrac-e -Dlfferenee. tives. Don't be afraid to encourage Adulthood doesn't guarantee the sudden disapearance of all the diHerences in your children. The larger thefamilly, the more ehildhOOd feelings. Grown parimportant it is to encourage the ents may still struggle with individual sell in each child. feelings of rivalry toward' their own brothers and sisters. And ill It's foolish to-buy two construction sets if one child prefers doing so they set the stage fw stamp collecting. reliving the dnma of their In the ups and downs of fam'; eulier years. , Sides WUh Baby ily living, some favoritism is probably unavoidable. But you'D J.'or example, the mother who wu' youngest and weakest in keep it from becoming an over'her own famil)- alway. aides riding problem if you try to treat your children as individwith the baby; the father who wu aandwiChed between two 'uals and avoid open comparisons. "Smartest, prettiest,"w aisters shows obvioUll preferenee worse yet "slowest, laziest" f»r hill own lIOn. labels have a way of sticking When parents recognize such and discouraging young people feelings in themselves and faee long into their adolesence and up to them Ley've taken the first step toward handling them. The adulthood. Parental radar is sensitive suggestions that follow may reenough to ferret out the unique assure you - and, at the same qualities in each child. Give tilne, help you to cope with every youngster his share of infavoritism. d-ividual attention and help him First, parents can't possibly feel identical love for severel develop his special talents.

Cardinal Cushing Invites Sisters To Establ ish Convent in Boston BOSTON (NC) - A centuryold community of nuns, the Concregation of Our Lady of Sion, dedicated to "promoting understanding between Catholics and Jews" and to "combatting antiSemitism" has been invited to establish a convent here. Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, said he already had met with two Sisters Superior of the group, and that details were now being worked out to establish the' community within a year. It will bring to nearl)- 60 the number of speCialized religious eommunities the Cardinal Bas invited kere since hebecalfH! Archbishop ill 1944.

The sisterhood was founded in Paris in 1843, and was introduced to the United States ill. 1892. At present, 58 nuns of the community staff high and grammar schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit and in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo. The congregation comprises three branches--educators, social service Sisters, and contemplatives. In some circumstances, the social service Sisters wear secular clothes rather than the community's black habit, white head-dress. and veil, Cardinal Cushing disclosecl.in his column in the Pilot,Boston Archdiocese newspaper.

'Peruvian Sisters' Superior Lauds American Nuns' Spirit of Charity LIMA (NC) - The president of the Peruvian Federation of IWligious Women said she ill '~eDchanted witlh the spirit of ebiuity" she found amOBg Am.el'iean Sisters on her recent vi* to- the U.S. Mother Domitila, superior of the Religious ofthe Good Shepherd here, a.ecqmpanied 22 Peru_ viall Sisters who flew to tbe U.S. in August to study in 10 . Catholic colleges for women on scholarships granted by the Sister Formation Conference of the U.S. The _.Gpod Shepherd Stiperiol' llBid that she had observed a '~~ndou., •gowth in world vision among American Sisters," since her previous visit 10 yearw

she declared. "The Holy Fajhft' has only 'to speak," she -id, '~and the Ameriean Sisters re!pOnd." The Peruviaa Federation 01. Women Religious ill similar to the U.S. Sister Formation COIlference.

Notre Dame Nuns Instoll First Head of" Province

ST. LOUIS (NC)-M other Georgianne Segner was installed as first provincial of the new South Central Province of the School SIsters of Notre Dame at ceremonies at the community's headquarters here.: She had been novice mistress for the Southern Province here for the last eight ago.\c'" ,,year.: She ~ared that AmeriC8B The new province came into SisterS'are aware of the probbeing here officially at a Mass lems that tbeChurch :feces in at the 'Notre Dame Motherhouse many'jJai'tsr'Of tile- world, eape..- - _the' campua- of 'the diocesandany ir{J'Latiti Ameriea. They owned University of Dallas, are ,~- ~d 8DJ'M>u. to help, Texas. Mother Georgianne said.



Thurs., 0 ..

WAASHlNGTON (NC)-Tbe Natibnal CoQlleil of Catholie Women has 'Voieed con~ over placing dillCUBllion 01 adinissioa of Red· China on the United Nations G e n ~ r al AssemblJ

agenda, In a telegram tG Secret.1U"Y ei State Dean Rusk, Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf, NCCW president, recalled that in a past national convention NCCW delegates resolved that "by its open acts of ag~essions, its flouting of -human -rights, and in particular its refusal to release Americana whom it holds prisoners, commUDist China has continued te violate in deed as well as in Wint, the principles of the UN Cbarter.~

EN ·RO~ TO MISSIONS:, M4!dieal :Mission Sisters who leave for mission posts in Dulla, EaSt and West Pakistan and Ghana, receive words of advice- frOm Father Edward L. :Muiphy, 8.J., ofNn-York, pioneer ill the field of miMion study. The departure group includes one doctor, two medical technologists, qme X-ray techniciaD aDd two bookkeepen. NCPhoto.

Prelate Deplores Britain's Shortage Of Catholic Women in Social Work

LONDON (NC)-A biBbop said here that the biggest single -disgrace in Britain, is the shortoge of Catholie women in the IIOcial services. This amounts to keeping Our Lady out of pu~lic life, he added. "It is - dangerous for women to be content with fulfilling their duties at home and to persuade themselves that what God wanta of them end,s there." Auxiliary Bishop Thomas B. PearllOn of Lan,cashs' said in a special -statement in the Cat&> olie Times, British weekly. "It ill treason to the MYstical Body fw priests to assuage their coD8Ciences witil this easy doctrine unless because of severe limiting facta it ia the stark truth," he continUed. 'Rot iate Materialism' The 54-year-old B ish 0 P •

charged by the Hierarchy with directing the' national Catholic women's organizations, aCCURd Catholic women of allowing Catholic homes to rot into materialism for want of solidarity and support, of looking for God in the sky inStead of seeing HUn in people and 110 not giving a part of their lives to social service. Bishop Pearson was urging Catholics to support the Catholic Women's League, founded in 1906, but which "in !Orne quarters baa been so little understood and supported in its- efforts to train Catholic women to play a useful part in service to the community as a whole." He was also appealing for the other women's group, tbe Union of Catholic Mothers.


Mrs. Zepf said that since thil bebaVHJr has continued, the NOCW Board of Directors, at their Mard!, 1961, - meeting, stated that "to admit a nation ""hkh the United Ji{ations baa

condemDed _ an aggres&Qr would clrastieal1y weaken the moral authorii)- of this wwld body."

New Dormitory BUFFALO (N C) - Bishop Joseph A. Burke of Buffale blessed Lourdes Hall, new $1,070,000 dormitory at Rosary Hill College 1 a s t Saturday. The school for women is conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis of Penanee and Christiaa Charity.



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Thurc Od. 5, 10~1

Charges Group Aims to Destroy Moral Supports

legal action to destroy every moral suppor.t which the state bestows on religion. This is being done, charged Father Robert F. Drinan, S.J., at the very time religion should be recognized as the fountainhead of the truths by which the free world can triumph over communism. The mission of Christian jurists is to study the religious roots of American law, he said, and to combat "the new notion of America as a secular state." Father Drinan, dean of the Boston College School of Law, delivered the sermon at the 33rd annual Red Mass of the Guild of Catholic Lawyers of New York. Op,inion Divided The Jesuit pointed to a "profound division of opinion" as to how America can deepen and spread "those fundamental spiritual values on which the survival of freedom depends. He said a theory that the American government must be a secular state is being advanced in an "aggressive manner by non-Christian and religiously neutral forces." He said these forces have not been successful in having their views accepted by Federal or state executive or legislative branches of government. "It is in the judicial branch of government, however, that the forces supporting the notion of a secular government neutral OIl principle towards religion have been active and sometimes successful," he said. "It is the mission, therefore, e:f Christian jurists to study the religious roots of American law and to combat the new notion ef America as a secular state.

ADMIRING PRISONER'S WORK OF ART: Brother Charles Henry, right, assistant Superior General of the Christian Brother s, admires a hand-carved, hardwood prayerplaque designed and cut by an anonymous inmate of the Maryland State Prison. The work of art is now in the possession of the "Brothers' Middle Atlantic States province headquarters in Maryland. Brother Benilde is at left. NC Photo.

• Racial Justice Tertiaries Should Lead In CINCINNATI (NC)-Christ~ like action is needed to promoU! racial justice and "to seize the mantle of leadership from th~ agitator an~ racist," Auxiliar" Bishop Paul F. Leibold of Cin~ cinnati said here. The Bishop' told Franciscan Tertiaries at a Mass in St. Pete~ in Chains cathedral that "inac~ tion fosters the vicious circle of evil segregation that makes it both cause and effect of bitter experiences on both sid~s." "PrUdent, sincere, earnest" courageous, prayerful, €hrist~ like action, based on true principles of justice and charity," he said, "is the call of our Bishops-to seize the mantle of leadersip from the agitator and racist on either side."

He told the tertiaries: "Yau are best equipped to take this action as your apostolate living and working in the world, tot' your inspiration; your very way of life, embodies the only real spark able to ignite the flame in men's hearts directed to burn away evil prejudice and to enkindle union in Christ-that is, love."

Acting College Head DAVENPORT (NC) - Father Frederick J. McMahan has been named acting president of St. Ambrose's College here by Bishop Ralph L. Hayes of Davenport.. A native of Iowa City, be was ordained ia 1940 and has been a member of the college

Action for Interracial Understanding is the title of the Third Order eyf St. Francis' official Catholic Action program. Its purpose is to promote programs among the more than 100,000 Franciscan tertiaries in North America to help solve racial problems.

Elect Abbot CORPUS CHRISTI (NC) Abbot Alfred Hoenig, O.S.B., 49, has been elected the first abbot of Corpus Christi Benedictine Abbey here. The election followed the Holy See's action ia raising the former Corpus Christi Priory to abbey status a month ago. The new abbey brings the number of abbeys in this country to 25.

Thurs., Oct.

will be among ·the speakers Oft the "Catholic Hour" radio program 10 October. Individual programs iR the series, entitled "World Report on the Ch~rch," follow: Oct. 1: An interview with Barbara Ward,comlucted by Father Angellu's Andrew. O.F.M., director of Catholic programs for the British Broadcasting Company. Oct. 8: "Report on Scandinavia," Bishop Theodor Suhr of Copenhagen. Oct. 15: "Report on Africa," Father Placide Pernot, O.S.B., of Christ the King Priory, Toumliline, Morocco. . Oct. 22: "Report From Germany," Msgr. Gerhard Fittkau of the newly created Diocelle of Essen, Germany. ' Oct. 29: "The Profession of a Nun," recording o~ a profession ceremony of Ursuline nil_ .of Paola, Kan. The "Catholic Hour" is produced by the National Council of Catholic Men in cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company.It is on the air every Sunday from 2:30 to 3 P.M., EST.




: .1

Archbishop Rum..... Asks Aid for Cubans NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Areh-· bishop Joseph F. Rummel of New Orleans has appealed far help for Cuban refugees in hill archdiocese. The Archbishop Mid in a pastoral letter read at all Masses that there are about 390 refugees in the archdiocese who need "clothing, food,. shelter and, in many cases, medical atten.tion." He anouneed thet a committee 110 aid the refugees has' been organized, with Msgr. William J. Castel, pastor of St. Rita church, as chairman.

eoming. Second Vatican Council to consider the question of celebration of Mass in the vern~ alar. .A total of 109 of the 134 persons offering suggestions asked that all of the Mass, or at least the spoken parts of the Liturgy, be said in a language spoken by the people. Most of those who submitted suggestions we r • priests. Father Marcel Dubois, C.SS.R,. a consultor of the Liturgical Commission for the Council, tabulated tho suggestions in the Quebec diocese's weekly publication, Semaine Religieuse de Quebec. Ask Shorter Breviary Other' requests, with the total number in par~nthesis, were: T.hat the Mass end with the "'Ite Missa est," with the prayer "Placeat" being said just before this (116). That every priest allowed to hear Confessions in a diocese be permitted to hear them any place in the world (77). That the Breviary be simpli~d and shortened (94). That marriage be celebrated during the Mass, after the Gospel (66). That the Canon Qf the Mass be recited in a loud voice (51). That communion under both species be authorized for certain occasions, such as ordination, marriage and religious profession.

Mites Aid Missions

ST. LOUIS (NC) -StUdents in the St. Louis archdiocese grade schools donated 8ft average of $1.59 each to the missions last year, a survey by the Archdiocesan Mission Office disclosed. High school students g,.ve an average of $2.36 each, the mislllon office said.


>", ~"" '"


SODALITY PANELISTS: Members of St. John's Parish Sodality in Attleboro >resented a panel on Mental Prayer, Religions of America, and Basic Theory of Communism to a capacity audience at the School Hall. Reviewing the highlights of matter presented at a Sodality Convention at Fordham University this Summer were, seated, left to right, Valerie Metters, Jerilyn Johnson and Joanne Hunt; standing, Suzanne Wagle and Dianne Flaherty.

Convert Gives Chapel to Paterson Diocese KINNELON (NC) - Latest mission added to the roster of churches in the Paterson diocese is the Chapel of Our Lady of the Magnificat, replica of 14th century architecture at. Harescomb, England-the gift of a convert. . About 10 years ago Archbishop Thomas A.Boland of Newark, then Bishop of Paterson, visited H. W. Miller, a retired stock broker, to thank him for the gift of his 67-acre estate to the Paterson diocese. Miller had




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made the donation because of his wife's devotion to the Catholic Faith. Has Marian Motif Before the visit ended, Miller asked the Bishop to instruct him in the Catholic religion. Following his conversion, Miller personally designed the chapel in the Marian motif and named it for Our Lady of the Magnificat during the 1954 Marian Year. Mrs. Miller, who now reside.

in Webster Groves, Mo., designed a blue glass, recessed gothic-arched window which is one of. the features of the chapel.

At the time the chapel was built the area here was sparsely sett'ed. Catholics attended St. Anthony's church in nearby Butler. Now there are 250 Catholic families in the area and Bishop James A. McNulty of Paterson has givea the chapel a mission statua.

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cussions here was no novelty for Assisi: The center of attraction was a soft pink group of buildings known as the Christian Citadel. Rising harmoniously among the ancient stone homes of this city of St. Francis, the Christian Citadel sits on a quiet, hilly back street of AssisL But its magnetism draws saints and sinners, believers and skeptics by the thousands every year. The recent 19th Christian Studies course was only one of dozens of conferences held at the Citadel each year. This year's list of speakers-Cardinals Gaetano Cicognani, Gregorio Pietro XV Agagianian and Giovanni' Urbani, and Msgr. Loris Capovilla, private secretary to Pope John-was typical of the caliber of churchmen who take part in the Citadel's program. Preach in Streets Among 'the hundreds of 18,.. ·men and priests attending the study courses are the Citadel's own inhabitants, about 90 lay men and women volunteers who have dedicated their lives to making Christ known in the streets and cities of Italy. They preach from street corners and public squares to reach those who refuse to enter the churches. Everything turns on Christ. The museum of modern Christian art has hundreds of works by the top contemporary artists of Italy reflecting Christ in widely differing styles. The rec.. ord library contains more thalli. 3,500 works composed about Christ. Welcome Everyone The library houses 40,000 photographs of artistic works, from the first Christian centuries to today, documenting Christ in the history of art. And there is also a special section dedicated to a bibliography on information written about Him, amounting today to 35,000 titles with carlk describing their contents. Like thf' monasteries of old the Citadel and its volunteer~ welcome whoever comes to the d 0 0 r. Catholics, Protestants, pagans, believers and skeptics all find a warm welcome. "We don't preach at them," ·one of. the volunteers explained. "We show them how we live in Christ and how we try to practice fully the virtues He preached."

Building Perpetuates Names of Leaders


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ASSlSI (NC) - The eonvergence of three cardinals and dozens of other church scholars for a week of dis-




Assisi's Citadel Drawing Card For Skeptics

QUEBEC (NC) - More than 100 French Canadians have suggested unofficially that they would like the

NEW YORK (Me) Bishop Theodor Suhr, O.S.B., of Copenhagen and Barbara Ward, author and economist,

NEW YORK (NC) - A Mass congregation ~as .told here that a powerful, wellfinanced group is seeking by


.Suggest Subjects For Council To Consider

Cathonc' How Lists Program For October




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ANTIGONISH (NC) - First bUilding of the Coady International Tnstitute, founded two years ago for expanding training for international students, will be opened at St. Francis Xavier University here in Nova Scotia Tuesday, Oct. 17. At the request of Richard Car.. dinal CUshing, Archbishop of Boston, the building will be named for the late Bishop J.,hn 'R. MacDonald of Antigonish. The Cardinal contributed $200,000 to the building fund. The building will perpetuate the names of two leaders of the cooperative movement in this area - Bishop MacDonald and the late Monsignor M. M. CoadY, director of the university entension department, for whom the institute is named

Hames Supervising Chaplain of Prisons WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Bureau of Prisons has created a supervising chaplain's post to further its rehabilitation program. Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy announced that the Rev. Luther B. Saltzgiver, 44, a Lutheran minister, ha.s been assigned the post. Rev. Saltzgiver, Protestant chaplain at the Federal Reformatory, El Reno, Okla, since 1944, will supervise the work of 40 full-time and 20 part-time chaplains•



. . !ocese of Fall

River-Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961


Basis of Hope

Salinger,. Mauriac Novels Have Much in Common

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kenl\edy Two newly. published works .of 'fiction, 'Franny aM Zooey' by J. D:o Salinger (Little, Brown. '$4) and 'The Frontenaes' . by .Francois Mauriac (Farrar, Straus- and. Cudahy. $3.75), have more in common than one might. suppose·were one to judge by found in The Catcher in the R,ye the comparative ages and mark this volume too. Mr. Salbackgrounds of the respect- inger again is master 'of the iveauthors. Mr. Salinger is idiom . of his characters. And

a young American who has made again he expertly blends hilara considerable reputation 'with ious comedy with genuine pathos.' 'a single novel But he is here searching more , arid a small widely and deeply than before, number qf short and his grasp is not S'oneat as stories. M. Mauit was, in the nQvel whiCh .made riac, winner of his reputation. It is a good sign, the Nobel Prize however, that he is ll()t content for literature, to repeat himself. .has entered old .. If family influence is strong, ag'e and his in Franny and Zooe.y, it is'· oombooks are numinant in The Frontenacs, and iJl' . : 'bered by the the latter,' &Sin. the former;, : dozen~ Franny 'there is a strain of'my$tical ex-, . and Zooey comPedence. " ' . .' , '. .. -prlses two long "FamilJ' r.n.e~, 8liort storie.. the seco~ f_ It ,practically goes without . lengthier than the first. They fit together and are two saying that M. Ma~iae is writpieces in a major work wilich ing about people ,who. live in and near Bordeaux and are inMr. Salinger is engaged upon. A definitive judgment on them tensely interested in family tradition and the conversation of must await completion of that inherited property. , 'work. M. Mauriac's novel is not The Frontenacs are timber new, but has never before been translated into English. Much 'merchants. The branch of the about it-from setting and theme family on which the book conto minor details-recl,llls what centrates includes the widowed Blanche Frontenac, her .five is found in his other nQvels; and .this on~, though skillfully children, and a FrQntenac uncle wrought, must: be rated, below who looks after their interests. The two girls are hardly more his principal accomplishments. than names. They figure in the Two Dialogues most minor way in the narraMr~ Salinger's Franny is a college stud;ent of 20, a girl of tive. Each of the three sons experien<;:es a temptatioIP to rebel extraordinary beauty and sensitivity. In the first story, which against the confines of the fambears' her name, we are told ily business and estates, and two nothing about her antecedents, make good their escape. The but are simply introduced 1lo lives of all three are determined her on a railway station plat- by the family, by way of either form where she is being met by conformity or reaction. The eldest, who ill tM simLane Coutell, her date for a fOQtplest in character, settles down ball weekend at his college. The seco'nd story "Zooey," be- to his responsibilities and to a gins with three pages of expla- dull domestic life. The next son nation of the relationship' of goes off to the Foreign Legion. The youngest, Yves, is a poet, these Rieces to the larger undertaking; as well as an acknowl- whom some take 1;0 be at least a partial self-portrait by M. edgement . that a writer's professional undoing is threatened Mauriac, although one wonders whether Gide might not have if he concerns himself with been in the author's mind. mystical experience and seriDlustrates Principle ously introduces the word At any rate, Yves, while stilt "God," as is here the case. The story itself consists chiefly a youth at home, has intimatioWl of a divine call to a life of love of tWQ long dialogue~, one between Franny's brother Zooey and service of others, perhaps in the priesthood, although this (his proper name is Zachary) and their mother, the other be- last is' never specifically mentween ZOQey and Franny herself. tioned. But he pursues his yearning Astonishin&" Discourse for freedom and the literary 'As the story begins, Zooey, a television actor, has a protracted life in Paris, and by the book's conversation with his mother, end he has ceased to receive the who is worried about Franny. sacraments and to pray. The author observes in one The girl has returned from, the place, "Every human being has football weekend depressed, distraught, and seemingly ill, his peculiar form of suffering, and is now asleep in the living the laws of which take shape in earliest youth." His novel illusroom. Zooey goes inw the living trates this principle, and, curiously, it applies as well to the room, awakens his sister, and people in Mr. salinger's story. there occurs another extended exchange. : Then he discusses the method CHICAGO (NC)-Vespers acof prayer he knows she is employing and shows her sbe ill cording to the Byzantine Rite going the wrong way about be- closed the annual dayofrecoling religious. ,His astonishing lection sponsored by the Catholic discourse, liberally interlarded Guild, for the Blind at the Conwith profanity, strikes one vent of the Helper of Holy SOllls here. A special Braille booklet reader as implausible in view was made available 1lo enable the .f the source, but it is extremel7 interestlDg and, ;-in its wq, blind to pa~pate in the Vespers liturgy. impressive. Blen_ ComeclJ', Path.. The inventive brillianee aDd the meticulous craftsmanship

God Love You By MOitt Key. Fulton.J. 811..... D~D.

Are ;rOIl ..-orried abOat the world bMaUe' of dat' read bt>the ~WltP&pe.. abd bear :-~~ boar oyer Ute radIo!"Or aN ;r01l woJ'tledbecaase 1'- see-·'tliat the neyll 1Ias ''beieD. ,hlen a 'l~ rope! Frankl)'; W'e ~. deeply' dtsWe88ed nOt ...1)" because I'If active barbarism (CoJllm1UliilJil) btit also beeause of '-paSsive 'barbarism. (the decline of morality 'aDa Faith til tJleW~tera -world). But- thoull'b we' aioe distreSsed,' ' " are not ,east down.' For ourbj)pe'ltl 'not m politicS or III arms bat'in':God. Who wiD 'iDtervene' In oar behalf 1!., we are deserving of it. . .

On what do we base our hope? Most of the ream aft outside us. We may tx:ust in God)s help beCause of: (1) The martynsin the world. There have been more martyrs for the Faith since 1917 then in the first 300 years of the Church's hiStory. As Abel's blO<>d cried to God tor justice, so does theirs to God for retribution. (2) The pradice of poverty among our missionaries who are' always in need. On~ missionary bishop from Africa recently visited 77 dioceses by bWl, at one time traveling fQr 13 continuous hours. He hoped that by associating himself with the poverty of Christ the faithful might be more YEAR'S WORK: Rev. ~. generous, to his pOQr sheep. (8). TheChr-iat.othy Shea, O.P.,a native of'· like zeal ,of our missionaries:. Some priestol F,all ,Riv;er"has been named 'f mstruet over 100' converts a year :in 'Korea retreatmaster of Our., Lady .' Vietnam aDd Afriea.· To them a soul. u ~ " . , of Springbank Retreat House only reality. Can they be wrong wheIl. it . . wa!! Our Lord. Who said that one aoui W'Orih DIIOI'e 1ban . . in the' ChaJ,'IeSton, S.C., Dio- cosmOs .....;; even with atlits nucleM' bombs?



cese for tne coming year.

Father Sutula Continued from Pate Or.· came pastor of St. Casimir's, Officers of the Mass - Assistant Priest. to the BishQp in . today's pontifical Mass was Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros and Deacons of Honor were Rt. Rev. Louis E. Prevost and Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher. Deacon was Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski and Subdeacon, Rev. Robert Kaszynski. Acolytes were Rev. Clement Dufour and Rev. Louis A. Cardoso. other officers of the Mass were Rev. Luciano Perreira, thurifer; Rev. Thomas E. O'Dea, book· bearer; Rev. Roger ~. Levesque, £andle bearer; Rev. ~ohn V. Magnani gremiale bearer; and Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino, mitre bearer. Masters of eeremonies were Rev. John H. Hackett and Rev. John J. Murphy. Rev. Hugo DyUa, pastor of St. Stanislaus' Church, Fall River, was the eulogist. Chanters at the Office of the Dead on Wednesday were Rev. Adalbert Szklanny, Rev. Hyacinth Seremet, O.F.:M. CQnv., and Most Rev. James ~. Gerrad, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese.

Golden Jubilee LITTLE ROCK (NC) - The 50th anniversary of the founding of St. John's Home Missions Seminary here will be celebrated beginning Sunday, Oct. 22 to 26. Bishop Albert L. Fletcher of Little Rock will be host for the. five-day observance. Bishop VietQr J. Reed of Oklahoma City-Tulsa, president of the seminary alumni, will preside at the annual alumni aasoclation meeting.

Day of Recollection

Plan New LocatiOR for Sodality U~it

TORONTO (NC)-The director of the National' Secretariat 9f Sodalities of Our Lady, Father D.E. D-aly, 5:J:, has an;. nounced that its. ().ffices will be moved from Toronto to Ottawa in mid-October. The secretariat. will be located at the recently acquired Jesuit residence there,' Ogilvie Hlil\!se. Father Daly saisI that the transfer is being made so that 80dalities can cooperate more elosely with projects of the Canadian Catholic Cotlferente, the.' - agency of the Canadian .Bishops, which has ita headquarters in Ottawa-




But these au aU otdBide os. Are we penonally doblc IUlYtbinc

te merit the protection of GOd? It would seem tIlat we re«ard COIDDlUll.isIIl, Juvenile delinqtlency, broken bomes and alcoholism .as unrelated io otlrselves,conditioDS for which we are not responsible. But, in truth, they are not outside as. The;r are' mslde .... as they were so much inside Our Lord III the Garden 'of Eden as io produce a bloody sweat. for the sinful werieL Did not Be Who Wall innocent take Conununism and juvenile deUnqllencJ' and alcoholism upon HImself as if Be' were guilt;r? But cle'we? Wherti'is our penance! Where is our atonement fof' Cemmunismf Where is our reparation for divorce with all oar noyenas for ptll1JOnal favors? When do we do penance for the world?· Why, what we In the United States are spending on redaelnr; fau would feed the starvin&" of Asia for ODe year! Bestir yourselves! If you have never. made a convert, then i. God's name give the Holy Father the meaJl8 to do so. If yo.u· have never made any reparation for your sins, then help the Holy Father buiLd a chapel in Basutoland where sinners will be .absolved. If you see the sins of the world as leprosy, then put into the hallds of the Holy Father'materials to help him care fQr his 400 leper colonies in the mission world. Whatever you give to his Society for the Propagation of the Faith you send to him Who knQWS better: th8ll you the needs of the world. Think of title sins of the 'worM :in the language of St. Paul: "Before your eyes Christ has been set forth crueified among y<>U." Will you not make reparation by sendmg us your sacrifices? GOD LOVE YOU to C.A.B. for $4 "In &"I'atitude for findlD&" a lost ring." ••• to T.P.W. for $50 "It costs about $50 to repair a small bUlline8ll machine for «oed operation. Please ase this te put a few souls In working order." ••• to M.W.F. for $1 "To thank God for a favor reoeived." MISSION -combines the best features of all other maga:;:ines: stories, pictures, statistics and details, human intere9t. Take aa interest in the suffering humanity of the mission world and send your lIacrifiee along with a request to be put on the mailing list of tilie bi-monthly magazine. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society fOl' the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N Y.. or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, MaN.


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Many FaH Activities

Rumanian Jews Grateful For Papal' ,Intercessio~

The Parish Parade ST. MARGARET, BUZZARD BAY , SS, Margaret - Ma..,. Guild plans monthly whist parties beginningat 8 this Saturday night, Oct., 7. Subsequent partieE will,be held the first Saturday of each month in the kindergarten hall at St. Margaret's church. The annual rummage sale wiH be held from 9 to 12 Saturday morning, Oct. 28, also in the hall.

ST. MATmEU. FALL RIVER Forthcoming Women's Guild activities indude a rummage sale and Hallowe'en party this month, a Christmas sale' and party in December, land a supper, style show, Communion breakfast, whist party and in:' stallation 'ceremony for the Spring months. •

ST. LOUIS, , FALL RIVER ST. PIUS X, Rev. Patrick O'Neill, acting DISOUTH YARMOUTH ocesan superintendent of schools The St. Pius X Guild will re- and curate a't St. Thomas More sume meetings Tuesday, Oct. 10 parish, Somerset, will be featured 'in the church hall. Mrs. Frank speaker at the Fall meeting of the Confraternity of Christian Sheehy will be chairman of the Mothers, to be held at 2 this refreshmen1 committee. Sunday afternoon in the parish hall. Coffee hour and entertainST. GEORGE. ment will follo~ the meeting. WESTPORT . Mrs. William Davis, president, The Women's Guild lists on its calendar for this year a country ,eminds members that a plenary indulgence may be gained by atauction Friday, Oct. 13 and a style show MonliollY, Oct.' 30. An tending Mass and the meeting on ' Armistice Day dance is planned Sunday. for November, a cake sale in BLESSED SACRAMENT•. January and a variety:, show i~ FALL RIVER February. March ,will, see a turkey supper and another cake sale ~ Parishioners will sponsor a is planned for April. A whillt in supper and penqy sale at 6 SatMay rounds out the schedule. ---urday night, Oct. 28 in the church hall. A meethig of the Council of, Catholic Women HOLY NAME, Wednesday, Oct. 18, will feature NEW BEDFORD , for Rose Hawthorne The parish hall will be the padmaking Lathrop Home. ' scene of a dance Saturday' night, Oct. 14, to be sponsored by the VISITATION GUILD, Women's Guild, with Mrs. Mari- EASTHAM ano Baptista and Mrs. Arthur Guild members will attend a Bancroft Jr. as co-chairmen. social at 8 Thursday night, Oct. :Qavid Haley presented the 26 at the home of Mrs. Helen film "Operation Abolition" at, Conlin and Miss May Hogan, lIhe opening meeting of the Sainoset Road, Pochet, East OrWomen's Guild with Mrs. Wil- leans. " . liam J. Carter Jr. presiding. ST. JOSEPH. NOTRE DAME. TAUNTON FALL RIVER First annual Installation and The Council of Catholic Women Dance tor the Holy Name Society plans its annual Communion is' set for 8 Wednesday night, breakfast to follow, 8 o'clock Oct. 11 in the school auditorium. Mass Sunday morning, Oct. 29. Rev. John Moore will be installTo be served at White's restau- ing officer, seating James Tonry, rant, the breakfast will have as president; Louis Charves, first guest speaker Rev. Gerard A. vice president; Arthur LaPointe, Boisvert, council spiritual direc- second vice president; Frank tor. McManus, third vice president; For teen-agers, the council Arthur Souza, 'financial secrewill sponsor a roller skating tary; Charles Leonard, secretary; party tomorrow and a whist John Perreira, treasurer. party Friday, Nov. 10. Council Michael ,Welch is program members are eligible to enter chairman. a photography contest for in..; fants and children to age 12. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Entries will be displayed at the NEW BEDFORD October meeting of the unit and St. Francis of Assisi ,League will be judged at the Novem- plims a membership tea Sunday., ber meeting. Oct. 22 at New Bedford Women's A family Halloween costume Club. party is set for 7 Tuesday night, Forthcoming events also' inOct. 31 in the parish hall. Next clude a games party in ,Novemregular meeting is set· for the ber, a Christmas party in Decempreceding night with Mrs. Rene ber, charity projects in January, Monast and Mrs. Lionel Cadrin and parties, a style slrow and as chairmen. dance in succeeding months. . Continuing council projects will include a community singST. MICHAEL, ing session at each meeting and FALL RIVER recitation of a daily decade of A Solemn High Mass will be the rosary through 'December celebrated Sunday morning at 11 for peace and the conversion of, o'clock in commemoration of the Russia. Feast of the Holy Rosary and will be attended by members of ST. JOHN BAPTIST, the Rosary Sodality. CENTRAL VILLAGE A reception of new members Honoring' 'Rev. William R: will be held Sunday' aft~rno()n Jordan, outgoing pastOl', the at 3 o'clock in the Church. This Ladies' 'Guild and St.' Isidore will be fol1ow~' by a coffee . Council; , Knights, of Columbus, hour ih the'school hall. " co-sponsored a farewell parfy ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, and welcome to' Rev. 'John G. FALL RIVER Carroll, new administrator for the parish. Father Jordan re-, T.uesday, Oct. 17 is the date for ceived gifts and his housekeeper a lllemberShip buffet planned by also shared in the occasion, be-' the' Council of Catholic Women. ing presented Ii floral centerThe unit will join the Holy, piece by Guild members Name Society in corporate Communion S,undaY.l0ct. 29" feast SS. PETER AND PAUL. of Christ the King" The council board will meet Monday, Oct. FALL RIVER Mrs. Arthur L. Duffy' and 2 at the· home, of Miss Mary Mrs. Edward F. Johnson are co-' Yascon,cellos, 'Oresident. ' chairmen of a Whist Party that will be held in the Church Hall ForeSters1lnstaliation next Monday evening at 8. St. Eulalia Court, New BedForesters, will hold installaNew Bedford Officers ford tion ceremonies Wednesday, Oct. New officers of New Bedford 18 at Carpenters Hall. Mrs. District Two, Diocesan Council Kathryn McCarthy will head the of Catholic' Women, include arrangements, committee. To be Miss Lillian B. Ross, president; seated are Mrs. Mary T. Riley, Miss Lenore N. Luiz, vice pres- chief ranger; Mrs. Virginia ident; Miss Martha A.Douglas, Xavier, vice chief ranger; Mrs. recording secretary; Mrs, Homer Agnes Barker, financial secreJ. Mandeville, treasurer; Mrs. tary; Mrs. Patricia Langis, reArnold H~ Parson. correspond- COl'ding 9ecr~tary;, Mra. Helen

, ' big




THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961



ROME (NC) - Efforts by Pope Pius XII and 'papdl diplomats did much to save the Jews of Rumania froi!l!l extermination during World War II, according to an' articio in a magazine here. The article, written by Father Angel@ Martini, S.J., appears in' transporting Jews to concentroo Civilta Cattolica, published tion camps and to respect th8 by the' Rome province of the rights and dignity of man. ' Society ,of Jesus. Father Father Martini says that t'1to

SERVICE SECRETARY:, Mrs. Charles O'Neil of Milwaukee has been appointed executive secretary of the National Home and School Service, sponsored by 'the National Councils of Catholic MeR. and Women in cooperation with the NCWC Dept. of Education: She is a former social 'science department' director . at Holy Angels Academy, Milwaukee. NC Photo.

Martin Writes that although half Nuncio, at' the urging of too of the Jews in, Rumania were Pope, visited the concentration victims of persecution because of oamps beyond the Dnieper River. nazi racial laws, it cannot be where most of the Jews were doubted that "the continuous, being held. The effect of these disinterested and univ.ersal ac- visits was to improve the condition of the Holy See brought to tions in them. The Nuncio them '. . . the heartbeat of the worked particularly hard to win the permission of, government charity of Christ." authorities to send Jewish orWar Yean phans to Palestine, despite efFather Martini notes that 'the Apostolic Nuncio in Rumania forts of the German secret p0, during the 'war years, Archbishop lice to block this. In April, 1944, the Grand Andre'a 'Cassulo,was in constant communicatfon' with Rumanian Rabbi of Bucharest, Dr. A. Sliffauthorities in trying to protect ran, paid tribute to the effortal the rights of Catholics of Je""isb made in, behalf of Rumanian Jews by writing to the Nuncio aa origiri. , , " '. , While his post required, him follo'!Vs: ' "In the most difficult -ii'O\irn . primarily to work in the interests of Catholics, Archbishop which we, the Jews of Rumania, CassUlo exercised his' influence . have, undergone, the generous asrepeatedly in behalf of, other sistance of the Holy See, carried Jews as well, urging the Ru- out by 'means of your high perw manian' government ag a ins t son, was decisive and saving.

P"" ' ~.~*~!l~·h,!!",.m!!llmWm'I!II!l!i'





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THE ANtJ!fO'R:Thur.s., Oct. 5,.. 1961

H~Dy ~@tfheli: S'@)fS' Yo~g.~ Glm~Ni'@rtll·"~<e'

Progessuf St.'.4n"wny~I'Desert Church .Tribute' to L~i1fjo"3" ~9·f. Cho;r.;.Buhop Bid

. " .By Avlir Roberts' .. " . During. the' ,episcopate of BiS'lIopi Fee'han" tlie., first M'aronite church. in the. Diocese" W@rd@]'~~@~,e St. An thon¥ of. the D~seFt" was' fo~cfepi in'1911. lLebanese· Catholics firs t sett~ed in FaIl RiveE CAS:.L'ELGANDOLFo. (NC) about 1900.anw for.' the' next 11 yeiml' they attenrle9i servi,ze each Sunday ill' Notr:e' Dame, . -Catholic youth a:ue' the, and, St.. All1l1e Churches" Fall Rivef.:Thei17 spiritual ne'ed's were, tended' by Lebanese priests ., '''guarantee of peace and the coming from.Bostcm. In 19-11 the Rev" Gabriel Corkemaz.. hope for better times'" in a.. troubled world" Pope. John said' of Boston spentthree months ' in a special audience grantecL to· · in Fall River, During that


Bishop' Approves '. New Sisteeohood! For Rectories , YOUNGSTOWN (NC), A i-eligious community for priests" housekeepers. has been: given preliminary .approvaf by .Bishop, Elnmet M• ,Walsh of Youngstown. The tentative name is The Handmaids of: Mary. It has foui' applicants and two properties for use as a convent. Joan Frank, 31, housek~eper at St. Mary's rectory in Massillon, is founder of the prospective community. She has listed these general rules: E'ach candidate will undergo a six-month postulancy as a vocaHon test. Each will receive a year of intensive spiritual training in a novitiate. Each will study for one year such courses as typing, recordkeeping, and filing,. as well as personality development, cook-, ing" .and: religion. Those with musical talent. woufd' learn to play, the' organ, Each wilL take vows of poverty" chastity,~ IDui· obedience. , Each will. weal! a modern. habit consiSting ot white bl,ouse' and dark; bluljl: skirt. .It is.planned! to,have'the mem.bers. work in pairs at rectories and return to the motherhouse two: days each week for recrea", tion and prayer.. On those two days, novices will substitute for professed, sisters to gain exp'erience. Applicant must be high. school grad'uates aged: 21 to 30 and' in: r~a'soria'ely good' health. Miss F'rank said that the training program will prepare eacli. member as a houseKeeper, secre,.. tary, catechism teacher, and in some-- instances; church organist,

1,200 Italian Catholic' school time he ·purchased a dwelling ehiI'dren. at 286' Jencks Street and con-' " "Your presence ts like a. com- verted it into a Lebanese church:' lUter Fat~er Corkemaz reforting, response w Our anxious turned to Boston. the pastorate concern~' for peace, the Pope was given to the ~ev.. Ignatius told the. children, who had: been judged winners' of a: national Saye~h. whQ was called from catechism contest held in ?40 Leoanon. He administered the parish's affairs until 1920. 'From . dioceses. 192u to 1929, Father Caesar POpe John, recalling that he' Ph~res was in' charge' of the recently ad'd'Fessed a' plea for' parish. During his adininistrapeace to, men'" of state' and' of t;on the proper1!y on', .Jencks' government, told the chiI'dren:' Street on which' tlie oTd church. "YO\ll atre in, fact the g,uarantee · edifice stood' was soTd. S'ubse'" of peace and' the; hope for better. quently the land 011.' which the times.~'· present church, stands' was' pur'.I1he Pope: tol<L' the' pupils. that. chasedl. o~ three' specral charactetristics: Cbor~Bistiop Eid youth' shine on their foreheads. On June' 23\ 1929', parisnioners'. "You are young; you have. good, greeted' the' Rev. Joseph Eidi will;. and you, are studious," he when he' assumed: the' pastorate' .tafed. whiCh' he ,hold's today; He- came· to Fan River: from France, 'Courage in Triids' . . Father Eid' (now1 Chor-Bisfrop)' He urg~ his, youthful visitors; · was bol'll' fu 18gS; ill' Mount IL.ee-· to preserve their dear vision of' anon, studied classics. at the. life~ tlleir "courage in facing' the Jesuit University' of Beyrouth most··arduous, trials" and their. andl .oetained" his, doctorates, fn; "interest in the good things of philosophy , and! theology. in, life.'" . Rome;. wqere' he· was ordained1 "In'· your ordered' and serene- to the priesthood in 1924. youth," the P'ope' added" "lies. the; Father Ei'd semred! ill! the! 0:ri:ST.. ANrHONY OF TH1~ DESERT,. FALl.. RIVER secret· of the peacefill dev.elop,.· ent and' later was assigned to ment of the society which awaits missionary wOl'k in France 'prior Qu:u;t'Y, Street, were held Dec. poetry. He is the author of you." to coming to Fall Ri.ver. He! con- 11" 1960•. and the center was The 'Pope; discounting voices verses' fl'uemtly im sfuc languages opened Iast Spring. The buiid- many: poems, 'and of the. biogof concern that question the sol- -English, French" Arrabic, Latin, ing includes a hall and two. raphy of F:ath~rSharbel: Mak.. !houf, priest of the· Antonian, idarity 'of today;'s' youth, said: Italian and Sydac, classrooms, kitchen and stage order of the, Syro-Maronite Bal"We trust iro your mental gifts As th'e' Lebanaese colony facilities; and is· of brick finish. and in those of· your heart, to mounted in numbers· the little' A cement. .walk connects the adites.. Bishop Eidhas worked: uu . ; §nSlL!lli'e which willi be enfFusted in the church on Jencks: Street became' main ennranc;:e to the church. ceasip.gly; for. years to further NEW' O,RLEANS (NC)-Blue near 'future civic and' social re- 'woefully inadequate and on The center provides a spot for the cause·' for' beatifihtion and , . Cross .. hospital-' insurance' has sponsibilities.'" . Ma~·, 4;. 1930\ the cornerstone. ' patislL me,etings;, social 'activities, , canonization 6f Fr;, Sharbel. beeD' provided' for religious and waslaidJ by Father Eid,delegated' CYO.events, Atabic school, cate:- . Following' the per:iod of de-· lay teachers' in tile' Archdiocese- ., . .to officiate by Bishop - :j!llectchrism, classes: and' a day nursery. pression. of.' 1930-1940, parish- .of New Orleans and the' new P~ess · James E. Cassidy. The ·church on, MovablE! waIlS coimecting the ioners, renewed2 their efforts to· Diocese of Baton Rouge. . Quequechan and Alden: Streets' classrooms may. be .pushed aside . beautifY their 'ehmeh, Seven. to, provid'e' 'was dedicated: Oct. 12; 1930' and a. lirrge single, room. ' teen new' stainedl glass windows LOS ANGELES' (NC)-Two The' same .day .the. ground- ancL five~ new statues were. in,.. members; of a Uve-man. Catho:'; blessed by Bishop Cassidy. The arcl'litecfure' of the' breaKing. took plac;:e' Father Eid stalled.-giits of. individuals and lic Press. Association: team. have enplaned' here on a' mission of· church- is a combination of occr- blessed: a new outdoOl:: marble .church, societies, dental!. and' ·.oriental' art. The statue of the Sacred Heart.. Ind948, a statue. of Our Lady'. aid to the' Catholic press in. hOl:seshoe:- arch-- at the! church in connection with the SOth Latin America'. . . , Queen of' Peace. was' unv.eiled· . Robert. S. La'bonge; assist'ant. portals' is. o£teDl seen' iIlI oniental'. annivef1sarYlchunch, celebration' ancL dedicated. Located' at the. editor and' ·adver.tising; dil:ectOl: lll'chitectur.e.. The effect was, in.., last May, Bishop Connolly was entrance of the . church the· . of· the .Tidings;. archdiocesan troduced: also in the. church, in- presented the! Lebanese go:vern- statue is fitted with a bronze . newspapel'; andl': Ra:w Ruppent,. terior.. The building. accommo- ment's;National Ordf-t' of Cedars.. tablet which is inscriliere "In-, . The award~ nighest honor' the managing; editor of Our Times, dates 450' worshippers. honor of ·those who. served'and. Church' Construction. Lebanese go:vernment. can be- in memopY of those who gave: Yakima, Wash.,. diocesan paper,. There'is an ample choir 10ft,. stOWI upon persons outside' gov- .their 'liv.es: .in," World War IL:~' left for Panama City and' Lima fronted by an intricateIyernment service, was presented Ten. young; men. of: St Anthony's;. Peru.' . by' Paul' K~ HandY- oft the' EebThey will; meet in. 11ima\ with.. rail. Wails, of, the' anese' <:::onsul's office in Boston. gave their lives in World War other members of' Hie team': designedl J' church are of m;lsonry bl'ocks ·The golden anniversary' obFather Eugene Culhane, S.J., supported, in.. the int,;rior .by .servance' was. launched by a KE1fSTONiE' managing. ed'rtor of AmeriCa. cement cov:ering. The exterIOr Pontifical Maronite Mass in the magazine; Joseph Gelin, man- walls are stucco. Warehouse: Salesroom A,' statue- on St:' A\nthoniY' the chur.ch: at which· Bishop Eid aging editor QE the' <:::atholic New; and USed: officiated'. He was assisted by Universe: Bulletin, Cleveland Great is.. set: ,in the masonry at .several -pI'iests, including Rev. Of.FrC~" EQUIPM~NT diocesan .newspa'per.; and' Thom- the' front: of the cllunch dfrectl:w We sho.w a large'assorfment ot~sed GeoI'ge Saad of Ow; Lady of as Clemente, direcoon: of Cfarity over' the' portals;. . and new deslts. chairs; filing cab· Recommend' In the sanctuary 'are three: PUrgatory, Church in New BedPre~s, Allbany, N. Y. inets. tables•. etc.• in wood" and steeL \" , foI'd!.. Fon many years Bishop altars. In addition to the center ., Also: metal stomge cabinets, sales, ) ·O'UfII , New Chapter.· . . one. t 0 1 St. Theresa' Eid, of the New shelving !ockeJ:S;, etc. ' . a It ar. . th ere IS, .. B' df'was.alsm d ch· '. pastor h . They will conduct ai seI;'ies. of an<ione to_9~~ Lad~ of Lourdes. . : ~t'0~, '~Old~~ ~nniversary banCO&IJn?:sy IFl:e~h' ~::::::;::~~-::a'1 108 James week-long seminars;in· J;.ima,. Sao The" rectory,. IS' next to, and sci t th' '.. ts f St near: Union: ) H:omog~n81led Milk que" ... e cO~~.Illcan 0 • Paulo and Canacas; for; Catholic back from. the; church. Tne' cnUJ:cll· moI'tgage· 'was Ap:thoniY" ancE an Lebanese peonew's~apermen i'r'a'm' ·seven, ". Swansea as· 414601.' b . dOt 2'8 1945 pIe were lauded by Edward M. South American nations. ,: Taunton' Gil 2l.462.9; WiY 3.2783, u~~e 30~: 1952'~ the pallish:.. Ken~edY" y-.oungest. brother' of ioners'heid a testimonial' ban- PreSIdent Kenedy. . quet for their eeloved .pastor< "~:',' : Li~ary Acbieovements': when lie- was; ele.V:ated .~mthe: T~~ p~st'or;.who; numbers ~80 ,dignityr 0.£ elior.'-BiSfrop.~. Tli~ fl,!nuhes; m.1?e! r.--eba~se ~arIsh, honor was extended ,to Bishop has made hIS mark In- lIterary ~ Eid .by"-the .Maronite Patriarch circles with.a history of French ; of' ~ntioch in Lebano~; Arcli..· : bishop Arida; , AND: W:AN ASS9ClA'EION . OF- AmLEBOROc - , Tlie' ele;vatlolll cOincideell with. . sm:. J!,OUIS, (~€») - Henry 'the: . 25th! ,anniv.ersary ·off the CabOt. Eodge" fO!Mler' chief U.S. pastor's. ordination. It confells' delegate: to the- United. Nations, 3:1Ji%, on,oll Sewings. Acc,9un.f~> special iiturgical privileges to. will be. the principal speaken"!lt be exercised in churches of the St. Louis University.'s, civil dinE"xflro,' on',' Sysfem:atic .Bonus' .Savihgs' Maronite rite~ The title of Chor- ner here Monday, Oct. 23, as ). ; .' ',. ',. . ,., .. BiShop· dates back to an. ancient paritof the Univ.ensit;WsFounders r practice: ext'endiilg( to, centain; Week: activ.iti.'es:, Special enter-. pastons: in! rura!l diStricts· some~ talnmentl full the! e:v.ent. will! be of the functions of. the BiShop px:ovided ,by; 'comedi'an Danny of the' diocese~ Tliomas:· ,., ,·1 Chor-BiSbop's. l!ri:v.ileges Toe' pmvileges include wear.AS A, HOLY' CROSS, FATHERi , mg' of' purpl'e' colors; use of' the: PdeSt..Teacher . ' ". Home, Missioner. Mitre: and crozier on the· of: pninthe: • I 'l( Eor.ei~nl Missionat:yJ Par.ish: Pi:lest· ORDAINED) A\T 66.:: Fr.. cipal religious sofemnities year and the weallingl of the'. . PO.: .information about. tlie Fidelis. Collentin~, a Mil- / pectoral cross on\ these solemn BUSINESS AND Holy ·;Cro~. Fathel'S', or, waukeel physiCiam for 37 occasions. Dl,IPlICA,T:ING MACHINES' years, and the' father ojr 3> . 'f.he' parishl off S1.; .AnthonYI ,BrOthers,. write, to: - Second and .Morga" Stl& to. gJ'ow;, and prosper. I, VER children., the g.ranrl:£a:ther.· OL contlnues,. Ground .. 'breakiIig~ ,ceremonies· 1. , ,FAir.; RI,··· . '. HOLY :CRQSS FA1HERS· 18, Wasl r.ecentlM ondarned. fol" the' newr St: :A\nthony». of, the! , 2~Q682' 0S 9l6~l2 .Norlfi, .EOst~nl' AACissachosetls



TeCMIOff: On Aed, Mission





,. We


Lodge 'to Speak·'



TRl.C:llTY OF.F'I1'C..E' E',nu I.P,.



.~:·,';·',FO·U.R W~.JS TO :S~R'V!E-


Benedictine priest. His wife' ,;;:J::;,=M:: . . :G::G::.I~N~~=;::.. ·:;;::p.:;:r:O:;:I?:_':Ii'~':::l~h,.,'[·~' . Dese.z:l baclit" .ofParish. . 'Uie' Center. chuicli,-'located. 'facmg" USI~-=.;:Eo~· '" '" ~W~~~MW~.w~MW~~IWlI~W~.M<~""'w""'_w"'" diEici· in 19'5I. NC' Pllc:ito~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961

The Particutar Council of St. Vincent de Paul Society of tho A"leboro Area sponsors Legion of Decency List as a public service to readers of The Anchor. ,

Legion of A-I -

A-2 -

Urges Catholics to ~[fotest 1:1_ Castro ~~giM~ orali9)~rl2?@!~is)8W



The Boy Who Caught A Crook The Last Dawn The Magic Boy The Amazing Transparent Man The Purple Hills The Sand Castle The Snak.. Woman . The Sword and th Dragon There Was a Crooked Man Tomboy and the Champ Trouble in the Sky Twelve to the Moon Warrior, Slave Girl Watch Your Stern Whe" the Clock Strikes Valley of the Dragons Voyage to the Bollom of the Sea You Have to Run Fast

Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents

Atlantis, the Lost Continent Battle of the Sexes Cage of Evil Curse of the Undead Devil'. Disciple Dr. Blood'! Coffin Fanny Ferry to Hong Kong Four-D Man Frantic General Della Rovere Gidget Goes Hawaiian Holiday For Lovers Home is the Hero

I Aim at the Stars Scream of Fear IIbgC" Ten Seconds to Hell Journey to tho Lost City The Canadians Magnificent Sevel1 The Cat Burglar Marie Octobre The Cow and I Mein Kampf The Devil at Four O'Clock Mummy The Fiercest Heart Operation Bottleneck The Naked Edge The Secret Ways Pit and the Pendulum Pleasure of His Company The Tormented Twenty Plus Twa Prisoner of the Volga Raisin in the Sun Young Doctors Sardonicus Walking Target Walk Like a Dragon Secret of Deep Harbor Se"en Ways from Sundown Wild and the Innocent

A-3 -

Unobjectionable for Adults

Ada All in A Night's Work Angry Hills Anna's Sin Big Deal on Madonna Street Breakfast at Tiffany'. By Love Possessed Cash McCall Come September Couch, The Cranes Ara Flying Crimson Kimono End of Innocence Exodus Facts of Life Fast and Sexy· Fever in the Blood Five Golden Hours Four Fast Guns

400 Blows French Mistress Girl With A Suitcase He Who Must Dia House of Intrigue Magician Make Mine Mink Man Who Could Cheat Death Murder, Inc. Music Box Kid Odds Against Tomorrow One Foot in Hell lkiru

That Kind of Woman The Big Bank Roll The Captain's Table The Hustler The Season of Passion The Unfaithfuls The Young One Third Voice Three on .. Spree Thunder of Drums Tunes of Glory Touch of Larceny Town Without Pity Two Women

Operation Eichmann Possessors Ring of Fire Rocco and His Brother Spartacus Savage Innocents

. Why Must I Die Virgin Islands Virgin Spring (prints shown in the United States) West Side Story Wonderful Country

Separate Classification Never Take Candy from a Stranger (deals with molestation dren and, although tre ated without sensationalis m, could affects upon young and uninformed unless accompanied by tising carries warning: "Notice to parents: No child will unless accompanied by you."


of SOlaR chilhave harmful parent. Adverbe admitted'

Objectionable in Part for All

And Quiet Flows tho Dan Back Street Beat Generation Between Time and Eternity Bimbo the Great Blood and Roses Born Reckless Bramble Bush Breath of Scandal Bucket of Blood Butterfield 8 Can Can Carryon, Nurse Crack in the Mirror Cry for Happy Daddy-O Desire in tho Dust Eighth Day of the Weolt Electronic Monster Elmer Gantry Explosive Generation Female ' Female and the Flesh Esther and The King Fivo Branded Women Forbidden Fruit Frankenstein's Daughter From Hell To Eternity From the Terrace Gangster S.fory GI Blues Girl in Room 13 Girls Town Goddess of Love Go Naked in the WOf'ld Goodbye Again Great St. Louis Bank Robbery Guns, Girls and Gangsters H Man Happy Anniversary Head of a Tyrant

Home Before Dark Road Racers Horrors 0: the Black Museum Rookie Room 43 House of Fright House on the Waterfront Sanctuary Hiroshima, Man Amour September Storm I, Mobster Sex Killens Go To ColleaIntent to Kill Sign of the GladiatOf' Inside the Mafia Solomon and Sheba II Storied With a Kiss Some Came Running It Takes a Thief Some Like It Hot Jack the Ripper Sons and Lovers Jazz Boat Splendor in the Grass Joker, The Squad Car • Last Mile Studs Lanigan Let's Make 'Lave Subway iI. th" Sky Lil' Abner Summer Place Man-Trap Surprise Package Mania The Curse of the Werewolf Middle of the Night Missile to the Moon The Entertainer Millionairess The Head Naughty Girl The Marriage Go Round Never So FeIR The Minotaur Of Love and Lust The Right Approach Paris Blues The World by Night Parrish Three Murderesses Patinum High School Thunder in Carolina Peeping Tom Tunnel of Love Perfecl Furlough Two Loves Pharaoh's Woman Virgin S~crifico Portrait of A Sinner What Price Murder Pretty Boy Floyd Where the Boys Are Prime Time Where the Hot Wind Blo_ Private Lives of Adam Who Was That Lady? and Eve Wicked Go to Hell Pusher Wife for a Night Queen of Outer Space Wild River Wind Across the Evergla_ Rat Race Rally Round the Flag, BoysWorid of Suzy Wong Rebel Breed , Young Captives Revolt of the Slaves Young Jesse James Riot In Juvenile Prison

CAdorable Creature. And God Created Woman Baby Doll Bod of Grass Bod, The Come Dance with Mo Desperate Women, The Exprosso Bongo French Lino, The Fruits of Summer Game of Love Garden of Eden Gree;' Carnation I Am a Camera Illicit Interluda Karamoja La Ronde Ie Plaisi. letters from My Windm," Uane, Jungle Goddeaa Lave Game Lave Is My Profession Ladv OIattorlov's Lov.... Laver's Return

BRIDGEPORT: Newlynamed Ordinary of Bridgeport is Most Rev. Walter W. Curtis, Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, who succeeds Most Rev. Lawrence J. Shehan who has become Coadjutor Archbishop of Baltimore. NC Photo.

fired upon Catholics who protested cancellation of a procession in honor of the Blessed Virgin. One youth was killed and at least' five other persons were injured during the demonstration, which took place at the Church of Ou:: Lady of Charity of Cobre in Havana. Used as Propaganda The committee's statement said the communist leaders in Cuba have used the incident as a propaganda vehicle by accusing the victims of being the aggressors. The committee said the intent of the Red r~gime in Cuba is twofold: To take the offensive and confuse public opinion, thus covering the repression that exists in Cuba. To use the recent incident as a

Protestant Students Help Bui!d New Wi lTJg' at Cathol~c School NKWATIA (NC) - Interfaith cooperation came to Ghana in a practical form this Summer when a team of American Protestant students helped build an addition at a Catholic high school.

by gifts from individuals and private organizations. Each student team was under the: direction of an American minister· or teacher, and in most cases an African co-leader and African students worked along Students from 12 American with the Americans. colleges and universities pitched The American student team in to build a two-unit classroom which worked at St. Peter's here addition at St. Peter's College, a this Summer was under the direction' of the Rev. Dale E. Hewhigh school conducted here by Catholic Divine Word Fathers. itt, associate minister of Trinity The students were members of Presbyterian church, Tucson, Operation Crossroads, an Ameri- Ariz. 'Trail of Good Will' can student movement begun in Father Clement Hotze, S.V.D., 1958 to promote intercultural understanding by bringing young headmaster of the Catholic Americans to Africa during the , school, was chairman of the local Summer to work on cultural and committee. Forty-three African students took part in the project. social projects. Following completion of the Worked With Africans building project here, the AmDuring the Summer of 1961, 210 erican students left for a tour of students from the U.S. and CanGhana, Togo, Dahomey and Niada took part in projects ranggeria. ing from Senegal to Northern A spokesman for the gorup Rhodesia and Kenya. The prosaid they hoped to "leave a trail gram is supported in part by the of friendship and good will" students themselves and in part wherever they went in Africa.

"With this plan in mind," the statement said, "the communist regime announced that it holds responsible for all events Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Boza Masvidal ... who does honor to the Cuban ancestry of his family names and to his position as pastor and guide of Cuban citizenry during this tragic period." It then listed the names of several priests and laymen and said their lives are endangered by the communst regime iJl Cuba. The committee said it is calling upon the world's Catholics. and particularly those in Latin America, to: Ask Diplomatic Action Express unity with pel'secuted Catholics in Cuba by offering prayers for them, encouraging them, and by denouncing threats to their freedom. "Send strongly 'worded cablegrams to the government in Cuba protesting the machine gunning of defenseless processions and the slander, imprisonment, exile or execution of bishops, priests and laymen." Petition their respective governments "for an effective diplomatic action of public protest to prevent ... this spectacle of barbarism which the communist government of Cuba is displaying before the world."


Vocations Program' BURLINGTON (NC) - The Burlington diocese has adopted an adult education program to promote vocations to the priesthood ,and religious life.




&fI// ~n;



",'Itlicl< tleliv*ry fJf






Lovers, The Ronllna Mademoiselle Gobette Savage Eye Magdalena Savage Triangle Mating Urge Seven Deadly Sins Scarred Miller's Beautiful Wi" Miss Julia Sensualita (Barefoot Mitsou Savage) Mom and Dad She Shoulda Said No Moon Is Blue Sins of the Borgias Naked Night Sins of Mona Kent Nona Smiles of a Summer Night Never on Sunday Stella Strollers, The Night Heaven Fell No Orchids for Miss Third Sex Blandish Three Forbidden Stories Ono',Summer of HappinessThrill That Kills, The Oscar Wilde Trials of Oscar Wilda Paris Night Violated Wasted Liv~s and The Passionate Summer Pleasel Mr. Balzac Birth of Twin. Pat Bouille (Lovers of PClIfis) Ways of Love Private Property Women Without Names Quoolioi'l of Aduliecy Young and the Damned, 1M hv"",



MIAMI (NC) - The Committee of Cuban Catholics in Exile has urged Catholics throughout the world to petition their governmeniJ to lo~ge diplomatic protests against the "barbarism" of the Red regime in Cuba. The committee's statement re- pretext f~r a campaign of reliferred specifically to a rec- gious persecution that will eradent incident in Havana in icate the last vestiges of Cathowhich Castro militiamen lic leadership in Cuba.

UnobjectRoll1labie for General Patronage

A Dentist in tho Chair Left, Right and Centro Beyond the Time Barrior Libel Big Gamble, The Mighty Crusaders Broth of a Boy Misty Modern Times Bernadelle of Lourdos Capture That Capsulo Mysterious Island On the Double David and Goliath Passport to China Days of Thrills and Laughter Pepe Desert Allacl< Pied Piper of Hamelin fverything's Ducky Pirates of Tortuga Queen of the Pirates Fabulous World of Julos Verne Question 7 Romanoff and Juliet Face of Fire Fidelio Secret of Monte Cristo Flight That Disappeared, The Sergeant Was Ii.. Lady Serengeti Shall Not Die Forever My Love' Francis of Assisi Story of Mankind Frontier Uprising Swan Lake Gallant Hours Tammy Teli Me Truo Guns of Navarone Ten Who Dared Invasion Quartet The Lost World





In' Units of $500 or More


Minneapolis. Minnesota for detailed informatiOft write to C'HARLES A. MURPHY Registered Representative . 145 Pond Street Winchester. Mass. PA J}-2696 AN Name





A...--------.-----J City


Clergymen S i 9 n

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 5; 19'61

Anti..lBias Appeal

D~p~@r@~ Trif~i~~ ~@J~[[D@;[f~ T@ UW'i)ot~ Am@D1)@ ~~[fB~U'D@rrn~

NEW ORLEANS (NC) - A statement calling all persons to work for "the· peace and order of the city" by "respecting the. rights and dignity of all men," was signed here by more than 100 Catholic, Protestant and ,Jewish, clergymen. The signers included Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel, Auxiliary Bishop L. Abel Caillouet and 50 priests of the New Orleans archdiocese. The statement asserted: "The basis of the JudeoChristian tradition, which we share as our common spiritual .heritage, is the belief that aU men are brothers because God is their Father. In this sense, weare indeed 'crea~ed equar as the American Declaration of Independence affir~.

By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Uishop of Reno

Chesterton, with his uncanny feeling for the inevitable phrase, called one of his collections of essays "Tremendous Trifles." But thEm" perver::;ely, it turned out that all his trifles were eternal truths. He was not a man to' deal patiently with petty things, this, country like some unclean the minor obstacles and beast, snarling and spewing its scruples which beset man's' spite. Another trifle. ~aricature of lIIierarchy journey through life':':"" shoe~


strings, for example, or razor blades. yet the phrase has a' liieral v ~ 1 u e which 'should Dot be underestimated. If it would be false and misleading to say that the things which divide Christians on the eve of the EcIJmenical Couneil are all mere trifles, it is still true that a good many of them actually are. Essentially 'unimportant, even foolish, their influence is nothing short of tremendous. 'Take the enduring predjudice of the North against the South. This applies in a thousand contexts, but' never so powerfully as in the case of the identification of the south as Protestant and the north lis Catholic. Legacy of ,Reformation This curious fixation is, of c;ourse, the legacy of the - Reformation in Europe, where as a matter of fact the northern countries (with some conspicuous exceptions) became Protestant whereas the southern natio~s (again with exceptions) remained Catholic. lot is a cherished illusion in this hemisphere that northerners are more intelligent,' more energetic, and infinItely more dependable than southerners. Applied as a yardstick in comparative religion, the conclusion was clear that Protestantism must be the faith of the master--races, while Catholicism was the opium of the effete and languid Medi-terraneans. ' Prejudice Remains Anthropology and history have disposed of this nonsense with crushing finality. Nevertheless it is one thing to disprove a thesis and quite another, 1.0 dispose of a prejudice. . The:-e has been a great 'deal of talk lately about myth, most of it without any clear understanding of what myth aCtually is, but'if a glaring example be sought, here it is in all its arrogance and with all its 'staying powers. A trifle, certainly, but a tremendous one. 'Behind, much of "the rhetoric' of modern secularism lurks the fear that the south might overwhelm the north. Poisons Atmosphere This !inds its appropriate echo in the further identification of aemocracy .as 'a northern, and therefore a Protestant, invention, and tyranny .or dictatorship as a southern, and therefore a Catholic, tendency. . No scholar mindful of his reputatioil would' refer to, this as anything but the worst possible misreadin'g of politiclil science, yet it lives o'n in the remote passages of the popular mind, emerging now and then to poison the whole atmosphere and to foment' distrust and destroy harmony. : It crept out of its lair i~ the recen~ presidential cam'paign in

Los Al71geles Planning Dri've Against Smut LOS ANGELES (NC) - The Los Angeles City Council's public health and welfare committee will hold public hearings Oct. 11 on the pornography problem here. Councilman 'Edward 'Roybal, committee chairman, said the hearing will seek to enlist the cooperation of magazine. Sellers in drawing up a, code of ethics; and will discuss formation of a citizens' committee to.,probe the' pornography problem.

In close association with this latter is the cultivated fear of hierarchy. 'Cultivated, .because this ground has been worked over with impressive zeal by dedicated men for generations. They have succeeded in creating an image of the Catholic hierarchy which is pure halluRepudiates God cination and magnificent cari"It follows from this that any cature. act of discrimination against The bishop in his chancery our fellow men which leads t! Us the evil spider weaying his the denial of his equal rights net to catch and devour the unon grounds of race or for any wary. and whenever two or three prelates a're gathered toUNUSUAL CHAN~:E~RY: The most unusual chancery similar reason is a repudiation the one God Who made Ufl gether ,(it might be to celebrate edifice in the 'Uni~ed St~t,es is this huge concrete and glass of a birthday) there is a plot aU. hatched to take over the govern- structure now nearing completion in St. ,Louis for the staff "Therefore, we, the under. of Joseph Cardinal Ritter. The huge Byzantine Cathedral signed clergymen of New Orment. Granted that such gratuitous of St. Louis is in background. The contemporary lines of leans, speaking in the spirit of imagination will o'nly appeal to the chancery were designed to harmonize with the ancient our common religious tradition, the extremes of ignorance, appeal to our fellow citizens of Byzantine style of the Ca.thedral. NC Photo. there is still the shadow on the every faith to translate the fact wall. It may be a trifle but it is of human brotherhood into the realities of daily life by respectmanifest, at least in this country, that it operates powerfully ing the rights and dignity of all men. as. a barrier to understanding. .. "Let us demonstrate our faith Waning Prejudice DETROIT (NC) .- Cathallics "must be, wiling to grasp the in God and our loyalty as re. In . candor we hav~. to rec<>,g-. must, acknowledge the Pope's w~ole ,of the encyclical.'", sponsible Americans by refrainmze. t~at even at thl~ late date 'right to speak out on social and He said this would preveDt ing from all acts that turn there 15. a strong feeling among. . , e a ' priest said " of th ProteStants, however 'earnest ~conomlc ISSU s, ., one e most common errors brother against brother, and by they are in their professions of eFre' J A Petz' S J ":""'that of extracting from it only working for the peace and welg d'll d f II f l' a th er erome. " .., those portions that are advan00 WI an . e 0'!'i- ~e m~, declared that the Pope "has the tageous to one's own vI·ewpol·nt." fare of our city." that the Catholic mmonty IS . ..' . . 1 'll th "Ital' . . , , ' authonty to set forth pnnclp es , stI e Ian miSSion, a th t h l' t' . the Need Courage parvenu society of dubigus 'and a. ave an app .Ica IOn m" REAL ESTATE undesirable social habits. , SOCial and economIC spheres. & for a "courageous mind," .. . Father Petz, former -dean of Father Petz said, this causes one A:s.su.redly .thl~ IS a w~mng th U iv it of Detroit' law to learn from the encyclical not preJudice, yleldmg on every e n ers y . _ ' f t · t hId' t'll 'ts . school, urged Cathohcs to ,reonly his rights but his "obligae Insurance ~~nd' f 0 mg s I. 1 ,',mnedr spond generously to the social tions." . CI e 0 unconscIous a n I' I f P e John' "The rapid trend towards soAgency sometimes' unwanted superiorencyc IC~ 0 op .. cialization' creates an even ity. Cites Three ESllCntials. greater need for courage now 43 PURCHASE ST. It will be surrendered in "Each person's approach to than in ,the past," he said. FALL RIVER time, but it may be seriously ,the study of this important' doc"There is now a greater tendquestioned if the capitulation ument must 'embody three imency to be loyal to one's own "'rill pr?fi~ .the present, generaportant essentials: They are a ecoJl()mic, political 'or' social' . hon WIth ItS concern for the sympathetic mind,' an undergroups, even when practices and arder,t't hopes of the reigning standing mind, and a courageous policies within that group are Pontiff. . ~-mind," he, said. running counter to the common , Plea to Forget ',l'rifles ,I He said a "sympathetic mind" good. CAN SAVE YOU UP TO Catholics themselves, here "is one which recognizes "that t:he "It takes courage to speak ,up 25% and abroad, .~specially of late Pope h~5 authority to'speak on for the common good in such years, have been given to ex- such matters" ·and that "the reacircumstances." ON . YOUR FUEL BILLS amining their own consciences .son for the encyclical is to proBrokston Chem. Co. in the light of their own contri 7 mote the good of humanity." butions to ill-will and' misunThe' reader' with an "underBrockton 19, Mass. derstanding. To the extent that standing mind," he continued, 'we are culpable of offending against charity we have ample Appro,ves Absence reason to beat our breasts and CORREIA & SONS make public 'confession of our On Churc" Holi'CIa~, fault: ' ' HARRISBURG (N C)' ---, Dr. ONE STOP There are enough matters of Charles H. Boehm, state supE:r, SHOPPING CENTER intendent ~f public ,instruction, primary importance outstanding between Catholics and Prot- has recommended that Pennsyl- , Southeastern Massach use"s' • Television • ~urniture Largest Independent Chain estants to make it imperative to 'vania's public school districts ex• Appliances • Grocery cuse students from school on re- ' , cut the trifles' down to size. If we point out that this is a' ligious holidays if requested. 164 Allen St., Nel)' Bedford 'two-way street it is not by way ~ pupil who is absent ~r(lm WYman '7-9354 'We Give Gold Bond Stamps' of emphasizing our own moral school because of major religious superiority. It is rather as a holidays should not be deprived plea that both concentrate on of the opportunity to compete for the things that are tremendous any award because of absimee, Electrical and forget the trifles. Boehm said.

Stresses Pope's Right to Spea k On Social, Economic Issues





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ANCHORVatican Executive ~Holy Union Nun Helps Little Children with Big THE 17 Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961 Describes Needs Pro~lem, Advises Parents on Readi.ng Aids Suggests GreQter Of Missions By ~atricia McGowan VATICAN CITY (NC) Effort to Bolster Helping little children with a big problem - that's the after-school avocation of What the missions need . most are more native priests, Sister Dorothy Therese, S.U.S.C., first and second grade teacher at Sacred Hearts Family life

more catechists and well informed lay leaders, the secretary of the Church's mission executive said ina letter establishing Sunday, Oct. 22, as World Mission Day. Archbishop Pietro Sigismondi, Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, noted early in his letter that "the tribulations of the missionaries have been many and serious." But he said their progress has never ceased. He. added: "Those who have eyes to see can know that nothing can check the way of God among men." He also recognized that Catholics throughout the world, encouraged by Pope John and by their bishops, have given priority to works of mission cooperation, prayers for the missions and study for the ·missions. Native Clergy "Love for the missions is the best means for the development in oneself and in others of the Christian spirit taught to us by the Lord, whioh says: Father, may Your' reign 'of peace enter all hearts, all families, all social classes and may it enter among all nations and peoples." Archbishop Sigismondi, citing the need f6r forming a native clergy, said: "This clergy, whicl1 bas been and is the most im':portant objective in the work of evangelization, has proved its value even in the most disturbed times. "In the humble ministry as in the highest positions of responsibility, in ordinary circumstances as well as in the most delicate, the native clergy has kept admir·able faith with the gl18ve commitments of its priesthood. "We can never be grateful enough to the missionaries accused wrongly by some of colonialism - for having made these results possible on such a broad scale." The Archbishop said that a' necessary adjunct to the formation of native clergy is the construction of new seminaries and the expansion of those already existing. He also noted that the improvement of the efficiency and scientific level of these seminaries is necessary.

CIA Chief Holds Church Honors NEWPORT (NC) - John A. McCone, former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and President Kennedy's nominee as C e n t r a I Intelligence Agency director, holds' high Church honors. McCone, a Los Angeles businessman and engineer, has been a Knight of St. Gregory since 1955, and in March, 1956, was decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester by Pope Pius XII. He was in Rome in 1956 as President Eisenhower's personal representative at the celebration of Pius XII's 80th birthday and the 17th anniversary of his coronation as pope. McCone will succeed Allen Dulles in November as head of the super-secret intelligence operation. President Kennedy announced his appointment during a press conference, at the Naval War College in Newport, where the Chief Executive was vacationing.

Chaplain Celebrates ~ass in Death Row

ANGOLA (NC) - Mass was offered for the first time in death row in Louisiana State Penitentiary here. Father William McCallion, penitentiary chaplain, offered the Mass on a temporary altar facing the cells of eight condemned men. The three Catholics among them received Communion. Two of them said it was the first time they had aUended Mass since they entered death row 11 years a80.

Elementary· School, Fall River. The diminutive religious, not much bigger than some of her pupils, is a specialist in remedial reading. After' school, on Saturdays and' during vacations, she helps children who for one reason or another have gotten off to a poor start in reading. There

are many reasons why children have reading difficulty, said Sister, noting that even children with superior intelligence sometimes have trouble in this area. Emotional problems account for some non-readers, while a -tooearly start in reading is often disastrous. "Sometimes children can coast along until third grade or so without anyone noticing they ar~n't reading properly," Sister said. "Then, in subjects such as history; geography and religion, they start having terms not in their everyday vocabulary, and it's realized that previously they had merely memorized words." 'nt's A Miracle!' She told of a high school girl who had never been able to read and had struggled through classes by dint of having work read to her at home. Embarrassed on one occasion at being called upon to read aloud in public, she burst into tears and was referred to Sister for helr.After a few months work, she accomplished the feat, for her unbelievable, of reading a book. "Sister, it's a miracle!" she' ex- . claimed. Far better than "miracles," however, is the forestalling of reading difficulties, emphasizes Sister. Should parents anticipate teachers and start instruction at home? Emphatically no! "Read to children, but don't teach them to read," counsels Sister. . If parents will read to chi!'dren from the time. they're willing to sit still long enough to listen, they will do more for them than by any formal instruction. In this way a hearing and speaking vocabulary is developed. Such a vocabulary is a prerequisite for 'reading, and the more words a child is familiar with,the easier reading will be for him. Boys Take Longer Seventy to 80 per cent of non-readers who need special help are boys, said Sister. The reason seems to be that boys mature more slowly than girls, . and simply aren't ready to read so young. "We usually divide classes into three groups," said Sister, "and almost illways most of the best group will be girls a'nd most of the slowest group . will be boys.". . Naturally the boys catch up .later on, but Sister emphasizes that parents shouldn't worry about little slow-starters and that above all they should not force children, boys or girls.

FIRST STEP: First graders at Sacred Hearts Elementary School benefit from expert teaching techniques of Sister Dorothy Therese. Given good start, she says, children need never have remedial reading problms. Left to right, Nan<;y Curtis, Carol Audet, Nicole Chouinard. "If 'you push children, you another aid to their own readonly confuse them," she said.- ing." Home background is importCatholic parents especially ant in developing r~ading chil- have a wealth of material availdren, she ·noted. Availability of able in stories of saints for books encourages reading, and children, and hooks about Jesus the sight of reading parents and Mary, the angels, and stimulates the desire to imitate other truths of religion. them. . Main Thing Among the many drawbacks "The main thing," sums up of working mothers, she commented, Is that such mothers Sister, "is for parents to realize rarely have'. tiine to sit down that just as children differ and read w their children, to physically and each has his say nothing of reading them- own rate of growth, so they selves. Thus an important stim- differ mentally. Some children are slow to grasp ideas, but ulus for the child is lacking. What should be read? -Sister very retentive, whereas a quick feels that nothing outranks· the learner may be an equally familiar nursery rhymes and quick forgetter. fairy tales. "Children love . "Force only hampers a chilli rhymes and they love repeti- -just as a baby can't walk or tion," she pointed out. "Mother talk before he's ready for it, Goose supplies rhyme and many so a child can't read until he's fairy tales are built on the idea attained the requisite mat!Jrity." A complicated business the of repetition. This helps fix words in the children's minds, teaching of reading ... but to Sister Dorothy Therese, it's a delight. "I love it," she said. Stills Church Bells MONTREAL (NC) - Church bells are not to be rung before NEW ENGLAND 8 A.M.; or after' 8 P.M., at Catholic churches in the MonCLAM treal archdiocese, Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of M'bntreal has directed. The prelEvery Sunday - $2.95 ate explained the move was for 'the benefit of persons who including - A _Live Lobster wanted to rest, especially' the THE sick. Exceptions will be ChristCASA BLANCA mas, the Vigil of Easter and the Feast of' Co~pus Christi. Coggshall Bridge, 'Fairhaven

AURORA (NC) lie families are in trouble' in today's and it's up to priests

Catho. serious culture to give

them a spiritual lift, diocesan life directors from all parts of t.he U.S. and Canada have been told here in Colorado. Father Arthur L. .Meloche, Ontario, director of Holy Family Retreat House, told the priests "We must awaken to the faCt that never before in history have our families needed more desperately the help that should be available to them through their religion. "Why is today's Catholic family not too different from the pagan or the Protestant?" he asked. "Why do we follow the leadership of these others? Why ilre we so late with so little to offer the people?" "The answers to these questions," said Father Meloche, "the awareness that our Catholic families are in .serious difficulty in our present day culture, and the frank facing that as their spiritual leaders and fathers we must" aid them to solve. their problems "is the rationale for Catholic family programs." Bishop Christopher J. Weldon of Springfield (Mass.), episcopal moderator of the Family Life Bureau, National .Catholic Welfare Conference, told the diocesan directors there should be more cooperation and an interchange of' ideas among family life directors to help families trying to live a Christian life.

Leave For Missions PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A departure ceremony was held here for eight Medical Mission Sisters bound for Ind·ia, Pakistan and Ghana. Father Thomas C. Duffy, C.S.C., the nuns' chaplain, presided at the cere· mony.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961

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By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director, NCWC Social Action Department

Mr. D. L. Munby, Professor of Economics at Nuffield College, Oxford,.notes in a' recent book, 'God and the Rich 'Society,' that "the main, if not the only, really inesc~pable thing in our society is change." He asks himself, as a d e v 0 u t member of, the that he has a thorough' underChurch of England and a standing of the modern, world. serious student Christian But even more impressive than social ethics,' "how far is this hisa underst3:nding of' the spe-


in itself a blessing<J or a curse;" His answer is Qn the optim,istic Bide. "We live," Professor Munby writes, "in a ' world of rapid ehange, which will continue for as long as we can see ahead." This, he eoncludes, confronts us with a Dumber of serious problems, but it also "presents us with everwidening opportunities to give glory to G<>d, as we discover mofe of his uri-' searchable wisdom." , , Professor Munby has much in eommon, in this regard, with Pope John' XXIII. Surely one of the most distinctive features of tile Holy Father's new social eneyclical, Mater et Magistra, is its eonsistently positive and constructive tone-its tone of quiet and reassuring Christian optimism and unaffected benevolence so characteristic of its author. POsSib!lities 'or ~ood " In view of world conditions, one would not have been greatlY surpriSed' if the encyclical had taken 'a ratheI' dismal and pessimistic view of the immedi": ate future. The fact is, however, that' Pope John is profound~y ",optimistic in .the face of problems which might have tempted a -lesser man to throw up his hands in despair. ' "Our era," he says, "is pene..; trated and shot through by radical errors, it is torn and upset by deep disorders. Nevertheless, it is also an era in which ,immense possibilities for good are opened to the Church." Understands Changes The Holy Father's optimism is Jl()tably apparent in, his' treatment of the "profound trans1ormations" which have taken .lacein recent decades in the Iield ofsciel1ce, technology' and economics, in the social field, Ind, finally, in the field of polilies. His: comprehensive listing' of hese transformations shows

cifil: changes which have taken place in' recent, years is his serenely optimistic attitude with regard to change itself. Means to Higher End At no point' does he turn' his back on the modern world with all its problems, and at no point does he contrast the present unfavorably with the past.

RETIRES: Msgr. John O'Grady.. for the past 41, years secretary of the NaTo be sure, he deplores "the tional Conference of Cat:homost perniciously typical aspect lie Charities, Washington, of the m<>dern era," Which "consists in the absurd attempt has retired with the hOnorto reconstruct a solid and fruit-- ary title of secretary-emeriful temporal order prescinding tus. The 75-year-old pri,est from God ..' .". has been an authority on all He also points out that scientific and tecl;mical progress facets of charity and welfare work and 'has been friend "should be valued according to their true worth, namely, as in- and counselor to presidynts, struments or means used to legislators and social wOl~k­ achieve ,m 0 I' e effectively a ers. NC Photo. higher end, that of facilitating and promoting the spiritual perfection of mankind" both in the natural and superna,tural order." , Important Phase , At the same time, however, he is at pains to emphasize that scientific and technical progress and "the resultant natural wellbeing are truly good and, as 'such, mark an important phase in buman c;ivilization." Moreover he points with satiSfaction to a number of developments wh ich contribute toward making' human beings more conscious of their own limitations' and toward creating in them 'a striving f.r spiritual, values; and his cannot be but a happy earnest of a sincere understanding and profitable co-operation.", ' , The Holy Father's concern, then, is not to condemn or anathematize', mode.rn progress but simply to point out that "after all, this progress, and evan because of it; there remains the, problem that the social relationship be reconstructefol in a more human ,balance both in regard to individual politiCal cOJ1lmunities and on a world scale." \


Interracial Council To Present Awards NEW YORK (NC) The Catholic Interracial Council of New York announced that the James J. Hoey Awards for Interracial Justice will be presented Sunday, Oct. 29 at a luncheon in the Summit Hotel here. The white recipiEmt' is Ralph Fenton, official of an insurance firm in Norwood, Mass. The Negro recipient is Mrs. ~Osma Spurlock,. a social worker of Indianapolis.



DIAL WY 8-5153 PerSonal Service

EDITOR·BISHOP : Father Andreao Makarakiza, W.F., editor of ,the Usumbura Catholic weekly, has been named Bishop for the new diocese of Ngozi, Belgian'administered trust territor.y of the United Nations. The 42-year-old son of a noble family is a convert from the , Bukeye region of Africa. NC Photo.


Cont.inued from Page One, Warner's policy on "Fanny" whose percentage lea'se contracts require that it be played all day on each day of exhibition. " ' 'Mr. Fin'e contended that the picture was not suitable' for children's matinees since it dealt with illegitimacy. '''This is undoubtedly why the Legion of Decency rates the picture A-2 (for adults and' adolesc~nts); the Green Sheet recommends it, to 'aqults 21nd mature young people' -only; and Parents Magazine says it is spe, cifically not for children. ' Fine for Kiddies "And yet' yo~r contention is that it is fine for the kiddie!;. I just can't believe you mean :it," Mr.' Fine told Mr. Boasberg of. Warners. "A bettei' than two hour_lcrng adult drama would haVe the children restless beyond control at best, bilt one which bas a theme as adult as 'Fanny' would _ surely not be considered by ~"ou or anyone as "being, even 'suit.... able' much'less 'desirable' to use as a kiddie 'matinee in the:first place." The HollywOod Reportea.- , quoted,Mr.fine as rejecting 1he Warner proposal that the exhibi,tor play another feature on the m:a'tinee but give Warners rits percentage of receipts anYwal.Y.

Sunday Law Upheld CHICAGO (NC)-Validity of the new Illinois law prohibiting' sales of automobiles on· Sundays was upheld by Superior Court Judge Walter Butler here. The ruling. was made in a suit instituted by an auto sales COmpaJilY. hClCol:::>C:lOQoC::K:lCol:::>C:lOQoC~

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if not all, of the young men and women in America today recognize the great heritage nf which they will' increasingly become the guardians' in the decades just ahead." "I wish for this year's observance of National Catholic Youth Week unlimited success, and I wish each of you unlimited success in the years ahead." Nation's Asseis ,Ex-President Truman commented "the youngsters' wile are properly trained morally and physically not only make the best citizens, but they be- , come assets to' the nation." U. S. Attorney General Rob- , ert Kennedy referred in, his message to "repeated evidence that the image of American youth is one of courage, understanding and responsibility and not delinquency." Next Generation Adlai Stevenson, U. S~ Repre":' sentative at the United Nations, commented, "In your theme for the week's observance you have: linked youth with the words 'Unity and Truth'. It is well that our young people should accustom themselves to think deeply about their meaning. May National Catholic Youth Week help to foster those qualities in the next generation 011 our nation's leaders." #-



,THERE ARE SEVEN NEW GRAVES in TENA, • mountain <illage in northern IRAQ. Ttley are the graves of men who died ill T'ENA's latest tragedy - the eolla)Hle or TENA's only Catholie oburch ••. The men 1Il'ere volu.nteers. Farm-wo~kers b7 trade, they had agreed to' help' the pastor who was 'worried ,fOl' fear the church might fall down whUp. crowded on Sunday morning. For months on encl, they gave their tim~ and labor, working evenings WltiJ daril. Then one evening. as, the last beam was put into 21f Holy Fathtr'J MiJ~ Ail place, the entire roof collapsed. , _ Twenty-seven peoPle, were trapped for tht.()rimtaJ Chtirr/> i1Il the debris. Seven men were dead; hYent,. others were iujur..... some 91- them permanentl,. ••• The ruins still rentai'n, a mut~ monument to men who died'for their parish 'ehurch ••• But "'ho wili take Cllre of the seveD widows? Who will provide for the forty children in TENA who are left without fathers? Who will see to it that the SDDW this winter doesn't blanket the altar 'whieh lies exposed? .•• These an , the questions that trouble' the Bishop and the parish priest .•• The parishioners, Catholics ,of the CHALDEAN RI~, are poor fann-workers who grow their own food and make their own clothing. They have practically no money. The Bishop asks if we will ask yoU to help • • • Will you help! Whatever: you send-$! or '$lOO--wUl help clo the, work of Christ in TENA. Your gift will bring some reHef to-a harried widow, or' a fatherless child. We'd thank G:0fl ,If we could send something-$l,OOO perhaps--so that the Bishop could begin to rebuild TENA's only Catholic church ... Se,nd your gift now, whether it's large or small. The Catholics in TENA have need of you. DURING OCTOBER; THE MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY. PRAY THE ROSARY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES. Our priests, Brothers and Sisters in INDIA, JORDAN, EGYPT. SYRIA, LEBANON, IRAQ. IRAN, and ETHIOPIA need your prayers desperately.

HOW, CAN YOU HELPt If you're already a member of °the CATHOLIC NEAR EAST

WELFARE ASSOCIATION, we'd 'like to count on you to help' us regularly~by your membership in a mission club. The club plan is an ideal way for you to do, without hardship, what you want to do. ,The dues are only $1 a month-yet think ,what this means to the missions year after year! Clubs make it possible for our priests and Sisters to plan for the future, because they know they can 'count on your help regularly ••. just as long as you're able to help them. 1/'00 can "drop out," of course. whenever you want, to, for any ~ason. Meanwhile, we'd like t6 have yoU with us. Select one or more ,)f these clubs,' and write DS. We'll send you the details. Dear Monsignor: Plel!8e 0 enroll me. 0 send information about the clubs I have selected. Name ••••. _•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' •••

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Joliet Ner'spaper JOLIET (NC)- The Diocese of .Joliet will begin publication of ,a newspaper, the Catholic News-Register, beginning Satur- ' day, Oct. 13. '

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Continued from Page One pIe of the National Council of' Catholic Youth, which reaches to the dioceses, parishes, schools and universities of this nation, my warm encouragement as they observe National Catholic Youth Week." Vice President ,Vice-President Johnson noted in his message: "There is nothing more important to the future of our country than rearing our children in the paths of unity and in the paths of truth. In a world beset by communism, it is essential that ours be a nation of unity of purpose and this unity can be found only by dedication to truth." , The Vice President also 'said: "I hope that the observance of National Catholic Youth Week will help advance the objective that all of us' as Americans seek, and for this you have my best wishes." Unlimited Success Abraham Ribicoff, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, said: "I believe, that most,


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480 IJexlngton Ave. at 46th St.

New York 11, N. Y.

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 5, 1961

'Parochial Grid Inaugural Has Stang VSlt Coyle at Taunton


Prelate Defends Goulart's Right To Presidency

By Jack Kineavy The student will test the master this Saturday when Bishop Stang travels to Hopewell Park, Taunton, to engage the Warriors of, Coyle High, defending Class C champions. For Coach Carlin Lynch and his assistants, Charley Connell and Peter Bartek, the occa- turned in by Mansfield's one sion will be in the nature of man gang, Ron Gentili, who a homecoming, for each scampered to five touchdowns starred on the gridiron for as the Hornets ripped Franklin

PORTO ALEGRE (NC) The Archbishop of Porto Alegre has defended the constitutional right of Jooo GOUlart, as vice-president in the government of fonner president Janios Quadros, to succeed to the presidency. ,Archbishop Alfredo Scherer spoke out shortly before Goulart returned to Brazil in his effort to take the presidency over the opposition of military leaders. Goulart entered Brazil at this eapital 'of' his home state, Rio Grande do SuI. Archbishop Scherer said: "He who has the right to do so in accordance with, the provisions of law, must assume power in order' to assure democratic ideals, the progress of Brazil and the happiness of Brazilians." Despite Goulart's reputation for extreme leftism, the Archbishops of' Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia have publicly supported his right to the presidency.

Coyle under the astute guldance 42-0. Gentilli, twice accorded of genial Jim Burns, the beloved All-Diocesan recognition, is redean ,of Southputedly the finest college proseastern Mass. ,pect in the area. paCk at his grid mentors. familiar fullback slot after a Stang in its year under center the big felinitial year of low is off to the best start in varsity comhis star-studded career. petition has a Talking about All..,Diocesan 1-1 r e cor d ; selections reminds us that three Coyle is unformer team members were defeated. Both very much in the gridiron h a v e played spoUight last weekend. All-Ivy Dartmouth. The tackle Bob Asack and MansWar r i '0 r s field's Tony Day were in the edged the Indistarting lineup for Columbia ans, 14-8, while Stang was de- which devastated Brown, 50-0. cisioneg. 18-16 in a real thriller. Charley Carey, ex-Durfee luRARIN' TO GO: Gerry Cunniff talks over his prospects The latter contest, an arclight minary now playing guard for encounter, drew an estimated Co l'b y , nabbed an errant at landing a place on the Providence College Freshman 5,000 fans, reportedly the largest Bridgeport aerial which even- basketball team' with Father. Francis B. Connors, assistant crowd ever to view a game at tually led to a score in the at Sacred Heart parish in Taunton. Memorial Stadium. Mules 13-6 victory over the Virtually the entire student Connecticut eleven. bodr at Stang marched from the A football renaissance is in school to the' Stadium for the progress at 'Barnstable High game, a display of spirit as re- which has now won two straight freshing as it is uncommon. 'And under new coach John Parker their team proved worthy of who came' to the Cape via their support against a Dart- Brockton High where he served mouth team that may be reck- as' line coach under ChetMilBy Frank Tround oned among the school's best in lett. The Cape eleven has shown many years. It was a hard' con-' high scoring potential, downing Voted "Athle~e of the Year" for his outstanding performances in football, basketbaft tested game with, both clubs Dighton-Rehoboth, 34-12'a n d exhibiting a high degree of Somerset, 30-8, Qn, successive and baseball at Coyle High School this past season, Gerald "Gerry" Cunniff is now asportsmanship, a wonderful in-' Saturdays. Sparking the 'Barn- student a.t Providence" College and is eying a berth on the crack PC hoop squad. The augural for what undoubtedly stable offense is halfback Dave son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cunniff of 343 Berkley Street, Taunton, Gerry plans to will becaome one of the area's Hostetter. , try and capture a ,place with, three sports. Last' year he quarnatural rivalries. ' On 'the coIiege front it was '8 Dominican Fathers, and while he ' Coyle High, off to a fast start disastrous day for New England Coach Joe Mullaney's Friars,' , terbackM the Warriors to their , plans to, teach after he is gradin defense of its State laurels schools involved in intersectional one of the top college baskE!tsecond consecutive Class C state uated, his ultimate aim is coach. , has a veterah-studded squad contests. Most, startling, of ball teams )n the nation last' , championship in football. ing. Gerry stays in one of the about which Coach Burns, was course, was the 45-0 defeat suf- , year. He also plans to try out 'Coach Jim' Burns' eleven had donns at PC during the weelt, candidly optimistic in his' pre- 'fered by Boston College at the for the PC 'baseball team neXlt been hard hit by graduation in and has presently been spending' season analysis., The Warriors hands of Northwestern of the Spring. weekends with his family. 1960, ,but with' Gerry mastermust be conceded the edge in Big Ten Conference. Prior to the ,Gaining a berth on the NIT· minding the team, Coyle gained Friar Hopes High this one on the, basis of experi- game, the old Bald Eagle brigade the coveted State crown with a ,champion PC hoop team will be The Friars last year clinched ence, depth and performance, recalled with pride and anticipa7-1 record; In fact, the Warriors, no easy task, but to Gerry, a though you may be certain that tion the Tulane victory of 1940 the coveted National Invitation. _with Gerry rolling out well and game competitor who asks only a the Stang squad and their high-' which catapulted the ;Frank Tournament championship, with passing with precision, dealt a chance, it will probably become ly vocal partisans will concede Leahy coached squad into na- a tight 62":59 win over big st. powerful Durfee grid unn its a reality. nothing. It should, be Ii lively t~onal promlnen<;e. , Louis in the final game at lone loss of the season. Spirited Player contest on the field and in the Dave Yelle, an All-Diocesan, Madison Square Garden, New Active in CYO Against a tall man like big cheer,ing sections. tackle at Coyle was voted line~ York. Gerry's starring role in lead- 6-foot, lO-irich' Jimmy Hadnot, Attleboro Strong man of the week in New Eng1960, another spirited PC ing the Burnsmen to their State the Friars' center, it would seem In other major games in the land for his tremendous perfor-, basketball unit finished -runner- crown also gained him a berth that Gerry does not have 11 area, league-leading Attleboro mance in B.C.'s opening day 23-0 up' to Bradley in the big NIT in the Bristol County All-Star chance. Hi~h is down to visit Fairhaven ~'victory over Cincinnati. Dave championship event. team last season. But Coach Mullaney knows while New Bedford Vocational was injured in that game, howIn baseball, although Gerry's the value of "small men." Last Gerry, 18, who has two older is scheduled to' entertain North ever, and didn't' see any action batting average trailed off a bit year it was PC's Vinnie Ernst, Attleboro at Sargent Field. against Northwestern. Also with brothers, Edward J. Jr. and last year, his classy fielding at the 5-foot, 8-inch wonder who, Coach Jim Cassidy's Jewelers, the Eagle squad is quarterback Thomas M., was one of the few third base and his Justy hitting by his scrappy ,play and deterbright spots last year in an undefeated in two starts,' num- John Antosca, a sophomore from otherwise dim seasOn ror, the in 1960 gained him a spot OR mination ;was chosen the most bel' Durfee and Taunton as its Mansfield High.. another Bristol County dream valuable player of the National victims to date, while F'airThe betting gentry says the Coyle High cage team. team. Invitation Tournament. haven, loser to North Attleboro Yankees. This was also true last Real Hustler Gerry is the same type of A communicant of Sacred the first time out, rebounded year when a team of Pittsburgh Heart Church, Taunton, Gerry spirited player, with determinaNot a big youth, as basketlast Saturday to upset Voca- pros, having their best season, ' has also found time to play CYO tion-plU6. tlonal, 20-6. Look for Attleboro proved the consensus wrong. ' baIlers go, Gerry ,is 5 feet, 9 baseball for teams at his parish, , Bright Future inches tall and tips the scales to relaln membership in t'he Quien sabe? It's a great game. under the direction of the Rev. at 157 pounds, dripping wet. It will come :ns absolutely nG elite unbeaten-untied society. francis B. Connors. surprise to see Gerry, one of the But like other talented athNew Bedford High has the finest athletes to come out of letes, Gerry's height did not preTeacher and Coaeh longest trip of the day. The vent him from being a success Gerry'lll hobbies, besides the Taunton in some years, leading Crimson, fortified by an impresthe Friars to another NIT crown INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - The as a basketball player at Coyle leading sports, are hock~y, swimsive 28-8 victory over Rindge Tech, journey to the Western National Council of Catholic Men High in Taunton. Playing out of ming, and in the words of hiB in the near future. has unveiled here a course de- the right guard position, he was mother, "anything that's diffi- ~ part of the State to engage a powerful Chicopee e 1 eve n . signed to stimulate leadership the third-highest scorer in the cult." , A FAMilY TREAT on the part of parish lay leaders B r i s t 0 I County Basketball He is studying education at : Coach Nisk Morris' club, led by halfback Jim Botelho, unveiled on issues--such as racial justice League last year wit'h a total of Providence College, run by the BAR-B-Q CHICKE~S a potent ground attack against -facing the Church and its 424 points for the campaign. • members.' While Coyle was be i n g the Cantabrigians who proved, no Called the ''Parish Leadership whipped last year 'by a tall, match for the fired up Whalers. For what it's worth, Rogers High Development Course," the seven- talented Fairhaven High School FARMS ' which played a 6-6 tie with New unit program also aims at giving five, 81-44, Gerry never quit tl45 Washington St., Fairhaven laymen instruction in "leader, Plumbing - Heating trying. He emerged from ~hM Bedford on opening day routed Just off Route 6 Hope High of Providence, 39-6. ship skill," such as planning particular game with 26 pomts. Over 35 Years agenda for a meeting and parliaWY 7-9336 A couple of firsts were celeThree Letterman of Satisfied Service brated in the Regional tilt in mentary procedure. Watch for Signs An adroit ball handler, Gerry The subjects outlined iIi the which Old Rochester downed 806 NO. MAIN STREET : While out for '1 Drive Dighton-Rehoboth, 14-6. It was course are "The Lay Apostolate," scores well from outside the key faD River OS 5-7497 #. Stop III this Delightful Spot on the hardwood. He.can lit"Leadership in the Lay Apostothe first venture in interscho~ lastic competition for the Red late," "Catholics' and Education," erally give the opposition "fits" Wings who are under the di- "Apostolic Formation,", "C.ath- with his unerring accuraey OR ' olics and Racial Justice," "Cath- long set shots. ' rection of Frank Almeida, forBut, basketball at Coyle High mer Wareham varsity mentor. olics and ,Communism';" and School was only one of Gerry's For the D-R the occasion of. "Leadership Techniques." dedicating their new gridiron was not an auspicious one, alFOUR CONVENIENT' OFFICES TO SE,RVE YOU though they had much the better of the going in the first half. GentlU Superb The day's most superlaUve individual scoring effort 'was <)

Gerry Cunniff of Taunton to Seek Berth on Friar Basketball Team


Unveils New Coulse For Parish Leaders







Mark 50th Jubilee MONTREAL (NC) - Fifty years ago 83 nuns made t':eir simple vows as members of the Congregation of Notre Dame hel·e. Of th9t number 53 were at the community's motherhouse for a F,olden jubilee celebration.


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Layman Expert On Canon Law

,~~roc~g~1 Schoo~~ MM~~ ~c~e


Wins Medal

;Probl~m$of E~w~~U~®~<fr .

ST. BONAVENTURE (NC) , ~ Stephan Kuttner~ a lay. man expert on canon law., will be 9resented with the

rl'fTSBURGH (NC) - The supe:dntenden~ of Pitts. burgh's" diocesan schools, has advised parochial schools, not to drop any grades until the question 6fstate :,or federal aid is resolved. Msgr. JohnR McDowell said in his a~mual report: "If' the decision is and to r~spect this program, for made against parental rights 'many children will have it as and in favor of the establish. the sole source of formal reli, ,ment ,of a monolithic school gious training, in the, years , system, then it wiH be time 10 ahead, and because the work of abandon on some levels, however the Confraterni·ty is dependent reluctantly, many treasured ele- in great measure on the intelliments of. American education gent' and dedi~ted service of which have served so well the the laity." Msgr. McDowell called for Republic and our American way continUed reassessment of the of life." Increasing .Numbers ' traditional education that, he Msg'r. McDowell said the im':' said, the past decade has indicated contains serious defects in possibility of meeting ever it,l- form. creasing enrollment demands In Catholic schools must be faced end alternatives supported. 'He urged absorbing small schools into district ventures, increasing Confraternity of Chris· Rome (NC)-While the ousted ,tian Doctrine religion classes, head of the Catholic Church in and modernizing educational Guinea remained reluctant' to methods. ' discuss the Church::'state conflict . "Under present circumstances in that West African republic, the expansion of Catholic 'schools information reaching here indiat the rate which has been rou-' cates his expulsion stemmed tine during the past decade ap· from his' demand that the pears to be imposible;" Msgr. Church be allowed to exercise McDowell said. , its authority in the religious Lack of Personnel' "The lack of personnel, the Gerard de Mille;' ilapid 'and sOm'etimes unreason.. ville, C.S.Sp., of Conakry con~ able increase in state require- ferred with Pope, John on the ments, and the mounting cost of Guinean' situation, but he deeOnstruction and operation read- clined . to .commeIit publicly on explain this situation ••• the rift which,culminated in his. "The number of children un- expulsion from Guinea. " able to attend Catholic school ' Meanwhile; however, copies' of will- continue to increase. These both the Archbishop's pastoral realities must be faced," he said, 'letter which Guinea's leftist ,Doting that many Catholic' par- " President sekou ..roUre· de-' ents 'who' attended parochial' nounced over the radio, and the' , schools are "stuQned"-when their prelate's subsequent 'left~r to Toure, were received he~e. Child cannot. Unjust Demand Secondary Schools , Archbishop' de Milleville's letWhere expansion is feasible,' preference should go to second-' 'ter to his p.eople 'W~s issue~ folMy over elementary schools to lowing the. meeting at which meet the swollen elementary' Toure's Democratic party":-theschool enrollments of the 1950's only party in the country-voted that now are pressuring the sec- ,to nationalize: all schools. The 49-year~0Id french-born ondary schools, he said. 'District or joint projects should prelate labeled as an injustice be given preference over parish the party demand that all,mis-sion schools be closed. He told ventures, he continued. his people' that despite the deci.,. Confraternity sion they still have the "strict Msgr. McD"well said the Con- obligation to see to it that all the, fraternity of Christian Doctrine, Christian children and catechu.,. which teaches religion to chil- Diens continue togo to the mis-, dren not attending Catholic sion stations in order to learn , sChools, must have, full partnerthe fundamentals of our Faith ship with the parochial schools. and to receive a· Christian edu. "Parents must come to know cation."

Tells of Guinea's OusteD' of Pre~ate

I . I • h' ' VATICAN EDITOR: After more than a year m IS

'new post as editor' of the Vatican City daily, L'Osservatore Romano, Raimondo Manzini considers the changes tnat his 32 years in newspaper work have brought to make his paper 'more readable. NO; Photo~

i C• Co rd i rilCUa S antos . lfoes Prro bIems Of C(jJthoU~~; in, Philippines '



MANIL,A (NC)-Communism The immediate material probana shortage of pti,ests and lems are those training young churches are problem!s confront. men for the priesthood and ing the Catholics of!he Philip. building more churches. pines, Rufino Cardinal Santos, "Vocations to the priesthood Archbish,?p of Manila:, said here. have been increasing,'" the car,,: The •.Cardinal is the first dinal stated, "but not proportion. , Filipino' member of ~e Sacred ately with the growth' of the College. In~erviewed jby N~WC' population. News ServIce here, qe outlmed "Our, facilities for' training ,problems anq. projec~. , p,riests have been increased. Now " "The first problem~ eommun· all seven archdioceses in the ism; . endlingers all_I the other Philippines have their own peoples of the world: a:; well as major seminaries, as well as two the Philippines," Car1dinal Sa?- 'interdiocesan seminaries. And ' tos s'aid. "There islcCtmmumst nearly every diocese has its, own infiltration here at p.rese~t, es- junior seminary." pecially among,stuc:lents. Most notable of the recent deHe is confid~nt, :hokever that 'velopments in this field is the communism will nevbr rule the completion of the new PhilipPhilippines, pine College-Seminary in Rome. ' "Our people are so Idevoted to It will be dedicated .on October Our Lady and so many of them 7, Feast of the Holy Rosary. 'are faithful to the family ros- Cardinal Santos; who led in ini. ary" he said. "For m~; that'i§. a tiating the project will go to gu;rantee' tnat the Philippines Rome with other' members of , will never fall into the hands of the Philippine hierarchy for the ,t1}e communists." dedication.

Rhode Island Mill's' Belfry Ben To lin'g· Out Angelus in England'. ' LINCOr.N (NC) - A belfry then ship it to Bedford, England..... bell so old its early history has 'There, it will serve'the Mother been forgotten soon will ring 'Cabrini church now under conout the Angelus from the steeple struction. of a church in England. ' The bell is a gift to the church It is known that the ben has from- the F.' Ronci family of' hung in the belfry of a former North Providence, last owners , textile mill here for more than of the mill. A longtime, friend 75 years. In the early days it of the Ro,?ci fa~ily, .Father rang daily to summon people to Angelo Susm, P.S.v.C., IS now work rang for the noon lunch stationed in England. The st. hour 'and some 50 years ago was Charles missionary formerly used as a curfew signal at 9 p.m. was pastor of st. Rocco's c~U!'ch, to get youngsters into their Thornton, R. I. , homes. . The bell was sounded for the Pittsburgh Oratory last time on Sept. 22. A North Providence firm had it taken ecelves e ges Clown; will clean and re~ir it, PITTSBURGH (NC) - The .... newly formed Pittsburgh ,oratory , has received the pledges of its 45 W'orkers Leave first two candidates. 'For Posts in Chile The two are William Clancy, NEW YORK, (NC) - Forty- formerly of Newsweek and Com. five Peace Corps volunteers left monweal magazines, and John here by ship for Valparaiso, Charlot, son of artist Jean CharChile, and are expected to' ar- lot and formerly a student at rive on Thursday, Oct. 12. ' Harvard. / The 29 young men and 16 Clancy will study for the young women underwent an priesthood of the Oratory at eight-week training, period at Birmingham in England, and , the University of Notre Dame. Charlot at Louvain; Belgium. The They will work for nearly two Pittsburgh Oratory has been years among peasants and oper- founded to carry a spiritual and ators of small farms in rural, intellectual apostolate to CathChile. ' olic students on general c8J!lUpon arrival in Chile, they puses of the area. ' will receive additional training for work with the Institute of Hugh Schoc!s Rural Education, a private nonHARRISBURG (NC) - Two sectarian organization, in such fields as family education, hy. new high schools and an addi'giene, home economics, small tion to' Bishop McDevitt High farming methods and commu- School here are planned. Bishop nity development. The Chilean, George L. Leech of Harrisqurg Peace Corps project is spon.,. said the~construction is required sored by the 34 colleges and to serve the needs of 21 Catholic' par.ishes in the area. universities of Indiana.




1961 Catholic Action Medal of St. Bonaventure University next Wednesday. Father 'FraiIcis W. Kearney, O.F.M., university president, said the award made annually since 1934 is given to an outstanding Catholic layman. He said the presentation will be made on the feast. of St. Francis of Assisi at exercises on the campus of the university conducted, by the Franciscans. Kuttner, 54, a native of Bonn, Germany, taught law at Berlin University from 1929 to 1933 when he fled the country to es· cape Nazi tyranny. He has been professor of the history of canon law at the Catholic University of America in Washing•. ton, D.C., since 1942. . In 1955, he founded Jlnd is president of the Institute of Research and Study in Medieval Canon Law, Washington, an in· ternational organflzation of sCholars engaged in editing a collection of medieval works of canon law. , Kuttner has' been an honorary consultant in Roman and canon law at the Library of Congress, Washington, since 1943, and of the Vatican Library since 1955. He was given an honor by the American Counc}l of Learned Societies for dis·' _tinguished achievements in humaniti~ in 1959. /

hArmy Separates Twin' Airborne Cha!>lanns ' SAN FRANCISCO (NC)~ The Army bas split up its best, brother act - twin airborne chaplains who hit the silk; together many a tune. . One half of the team, Father (Maj;) Gerald' J. Gefell, now. has a desk job at the Sixth' Army chaplains' office here. His identical twin, Father Joseph G. Gefell, is with the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, N. C. ' The priest-brothers were with the famed 82nd Airborne division at Fort Bragg for three years. Before that they were stationed together for two and a half years in Alaska.





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