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t eanc 0 VOL. 44, NO. 38 • Friday, October 6, 2000



Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Beyond abortion to infanticide ~

Diocesan Pro-Life director zeroes in on the issues and the elections. By JAMES N. DUNBAR

expanded the 1973 Roe v. Wade right to kill unborn children in the womb to children almost completely born, partial-birth abortion in its most horrid state. What the high court has w'rapped in the mantle of the Constitution is a doctor stopping in mid-delivery of a child in its second or third trimester of development and

FALL RIVER - As the U.S. Supreme Court ~ppears to be running roughshod over Pro-Life tenets and opening the way to infanticide, Father Stephen A. Fernandes, director of the diocese's Pro.,., Life Office, took aim at the latest crisis imperiling the unborn. His comments came even as the Christian world continues its celebration of Re"In his encyclical entitled "The Gosspect Life Sunday this week. pel of Life," Pope John Paul II encourIn an interview with The Anchor, Faaged the building of an authentic civilither Fernandes called attention to the dezation of love. The Food and Drug Advelcrping situations in U.S. law as well as ministration, by its approval today of the calling attention to the duties of Catholics early abortion pill known as RU-486, proto vote according to conscience in the upmotes, both metaphorically and in fact, a coming presigential elections. culture of death. The abortion pill RU"We were certainly pained when Presi486 has no use other than to kill innodent Clinton twice vetoed bipartisan legcent, unborn human life. Its use, whatislation which sought to ban partial-birth abortion, but the Carhart Decision comes as a even greater blow," Father Fernandes with the child's head still inside its mother, asserted. "They really insisUhat the tak- kills it brutally and then extracts the body. ing of a life ... inches and seconds away In making that decision,the court overfrom full birth must be subordinated to the rode the judgment of the American Medi'right to choose' of the ~other." cal Association and respected specialists He was referring to the Supreme Court's that partial-birth abortion is never mediJune decision in Stenberg v. Carhart that cally necessary.

"We get frustrated and then become resolved to act even stronger than ever to educate and legislate in so far as we can," Father Fernandes said. "The Carhart Decision immediately affected Nebraska and 30 other states which have legislation banning partial-birth abortion." He said talking about such a gruesome

Bishop O'Malley issues statement on FDA approval of abortion pill ever the circumstances, is morally wrong. _ I encourage the faithful of the Church and, indeed, all people of good will, to defend human life vigorously in order to offer our world clear signs of hope that a new culture of human life will be affirmed." Turn to page six for the eNS story

on the approval by the FDA ofthe abortion pill RU-486.

procedure is obfuscated by many who 'would rather say 'choose what,' rather than speak plainly. "As discouraging as that Supreme Court decision, was, there is something even more frightening happening, the response by the National Abortion Rights Action

League to passage of the U.S. bishops-endorsed Born-Alive Infants Protection Act," he added. Sponsored by U.S. Rep. Charles Canady, R-Fla., the act states that any infant "who is completely expelled or extracted from the mother and who is alive" is a person under federal law, regardless of the child's lung development, his or her chances of survival or whether the baby survived an abortion. Babies who survive botched abortions would be entitled to receive medical care under the measure. . The U.S. House passed the measure on Sept. 26 on a 380 to 15 vote. "One would say, 'good heavens, doesn't Congress have something more to do because this can't be necessary,''' said Father Fernandes. "I think the average man on the street would say that yes, the child needs protection." He said the proof that Congress "is on the mark in trying to pass this legislation is seen in the response by the NARAL that this measure is an attack on Roe v. Wade and the right of women to choose. The abortionists have taken off every mask in their response to this measure which cannot be criticized by any right-thinking individual. The face of the abortionist is infanticide. They go far beyond the child in Turn to page nine - Father Fernandes

Pope canonizes

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother Drexel icon replica to visit diocese By JOHN THAVIS


VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II canonized the second U.S.-born saint, Mother Katharine Drexel, and said her use of a family fortune to help educate the poor was a shining example of American generosity. At a jubilee Mass Sunday the pope praised Mother Drexel, a Philadelphia heiress, for recognizing the dangers of racism in U.S. society, then giving all she had - spiritually and materially - to fight it. She eventually founded more' than 60 schools for African-Americans and Native Ameri. AN IMAGE of Mother cans. "Katharine Drexel Katharine Drexel hangs from the facade of St. is an excellent exPeter's Basilica Oct. 1. Turn to page 13 -


(CNS photo from Reuters)





FALL RIVER - The Fall River diocese will be getting a special visit when a replica of the icon· of Our Lady of Guadalupe is welcomed here Oct. 21 through 29. The life-sized replica, measuring four feet by six feet, was a gift of the Mexican Bishops to the United States in 1991 and is brought here under the sponsorship of the Fall River District Council of Catholic Women. The original remains in Mexico, but the replica travels the United States year round. District Church Communities Chairman Claudette Armstrong has been in charge of the icon coming to the diocese. She said that bringing it here was. important and something that her group wanted to do for the millennium. "We have a living rosary every year around this time, but we wanted to do something very special for Mary in honor of the jubilee," said Armstrong. "It's very important and significant for the diocese." The replica recalls a miracle on December 12, 1531 when the Virgin Mary appeared to Mexican peasant Juan Diago at Tepeyac Hill near Mexico City. She instructed Diago to tell Bishop Zummarago to build a church on the site where she stood. That church now is center for the largest shrine in the western hemisphere. The bishop doubted Diago's story and told him to re-

tum to the lady and ask for a sign. Diago was instructed by the woman to collect the flowers he found atop a hill and she arranged them in his cloak or tilma and sent him back to the bishop. It is said that the bishop, who was a Spaniard by birth, prayed that the sign would be a Castilian rose, a flower not native to Mex·ico. Later, when Diago arrived he opened his cloak and the flowers which fell were ~astilian roses and the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was imprinted on the inside of the garment. That original cloak has been studied by scientists and they are convinced that the image of Mary could not be the work of human hands. The material of the cloak is a harsh fiber fabric, impossible to paint on, yet it Turn to page 12 - leon


THE ANCHOR - Qiocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6, 2000·

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Sister Cecilia Le9Dor Navas OP


DIGHTON - Dom'inican nities in Colombia. She was dening and praying. She was a Sister of the Presentation skilled with her hands and caring person and had a profound devotion to the Blessed Ce.cilia Leonor Navas, 93, of . taught sewing until 1942. the Provincial House,3012Elm She came to the United Vi rg"i n. Mary. She leaves a sister, Cecilia Street, died Sept. 25 in Saint States and was assigned to Anne Hospital, Fall River. Saint Anne Hospital where she Navas in Bogota; and nieces Born in Bogota, Colombia, worked in the kitchen for 30 and nephews, all in Colombia. Her funeral Mass was cela daughter of the late Rafael years. She then went to Marian and the late Cecilia Pardo de ' Manor· in· Taunton where she ebrated Sept. 29 in the Provincial House Chapel of the Do. Navas, she spent 73 years. in worked with the sisters there. After retirement in 1975,' minican Sisters of the ·Presenreligious life. She entered the Dominican Sister Cecilia was sent to the tation on Elm Street. I~terment 'Sisterhood in 1925, in Bogota Provincial House where she was in Notre Dame Cemetery, and served in various commu- was busy sewing, knitting, gar- Fall River.



IN MEMORIAM The First Anniversary Mass in Memory of a Beloved Brother and Uncle REV. FELICIAN M. PLICHTA, OFM CONY. will be said October 12 • 9 a.m. at Corpus Christi Church, E. Sandwich, Mass. . . and October 12 • 11:30 a.m. in St. Anne's Shrine, Fall River, Mass.

Sister Gertrude Hardy CGS MARLBORO - Contem- the Good Shepherd, a commuplative Sister of the GoodShep- nity ,with a lifestyle of. prayer herd Gertrude Hardy, 89, died and ·activities suited to the conSept. 26 at the Good Shepherd templative life, in Morristown, Center after a long illness. She N.J., in 1931.· ha'd served as a member of her Sister Gertrude professed religious community f~r 69 her first vows on July 22, 1934 years. and' was assigned to the vestShe was born in Elmhurst, . meot department. N. Y., the daughter of the late . She was subsequently Nichola~ and the late Gertrud missioned to Providence! R.I., (Dormerod) Hardy. She entered and Dix Hills, N.Y., where she the Contemplative Sisters of worked in the altar bread depart-

.La Salette of Attleboro

ment. Due to failing health, she was missioned to the Good Shepherd Center in Marlboro in 1996. Sister Gertrude is su·rvived by two nieces and a nephew; and members of her Good Shepherd community, Her funeral Mass was celebrated Sept. 29 in .the Good Shepherd Center Chapel in Marlboro. Burial was in Mount Benedict Cemetery, West Roxbury.

947 Park Street· Attleboro, MA02703

Ambrose V. Smith SHRiNE SCHEDULE


.on the New Bedford waterfront ,NEW. REDFORD Ambrose V.:Smith, 75, brother f6r many years and was a memof Msgr. ·John·1. Smith, pastor ber of the Fish Lumper's Union of St. Pius X· Church in South Local 1749.. He was a ·member Yarmouth~ arid'of Merc'y ·Sister of St. Julie .Billtar-tParish. in North: DartmbiJth' and a ·foi-mer M.aryNor~ Smith of New Bedford, died ~onday at the Hall- member Parish , '. .of St. Lawrence . .",' . mar!c Nursing and Rehabilita- :in New Bedford. He se·rved in· . tionCenter. :the U.S. Army during the KoBorn in Fairhaven, the son of rean War. ~ the. late Ambrose and· the iate . Besides his priest brother Nora (Sparrow) Smith, he had and nun sister, he leaves three lived most of hi~ life in New other brothers, Rpbert Smith of Bedford before moving to freetown, Philip Smith of Dartmouth last' year. Until re,tirement he was a fish ·Iumper


rA-IZE PRAYER I~IGHT ' ... Friday, October 6 .. 7:30 p.m. - <:;hurch .' . JUBILEE YEAIt PROGRAM .. Sunday, October 8 - 2:00 - Fr. Pal' _..... "Mary in the Millennium" . , . St. Ma·rgaret. Parish Choir . .. .. of E~stPro:Vidence,·R.I.


"CAN WE·tALK ... ABOUT WHEN AND HOW CONFESSIONS BEGAN?" . Thursday, October 12 - 7:15 p.m. , Former Chapel . JUBILEE YEAR EVENING· ". "OUR JEWISH HERITAGE" . Pastor .Moshe Laurie Friday, October 13 - 7:1.5 p.m. Former Chapel



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41is funeral Mass was celebrated Thursday in St. 'Juli,e Billiart . Chu·rch, North Dartmouth. Burial. was in St. Mary's Cemetery,· New Bed. ford. .

In Your Prayers


Gall:6~12; Ps 111 :1'-2,7-10; Lk . '10:25..37 Oct 10 Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1-3,13-15; Lk 10:38-42 Oct 11 GaI2:1-2,7-14; Ps 117:1-2; Lk 11 :1-4 Oct 12 Gal 3:1-5; (Ps) Lk 1:69-75; Lk 11 :5-13 Oct 13· Ga'13:7-14; Ps 111 :1-6; Lk 11 :15-26 Oct 14 Gal 3:22-29; Ps .105:2-7; Lk 11":27-28 Wis 7:7-11 ;Ps . Oct 15 . 90:12-17; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 .

- Oct


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October 10, '00



North .Dartmouth and Michael Smith. of Fairhaven; another sister, '-Patricia Manning, of New Bedford; and nieces and nephews. He was also the b'rother of' the late J ame·s J. Smith, Nora Feener and Julia G~mba·:· . -. . " .

weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after ChristmaS at 887 Highlam Averwe, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of-theDiocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year.. POSTMASTERS sefXI address changes 10. The An:hor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA (J2T12.



. Please prayfor the following priests during the coming week . Oct. 10

1918, Rev. James C.J. Ryan, Assistant, Immaculate Conception, North Easton 1987, Rev.-Boniface Jones, S.S.Cc., Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford ' \ _ 1990, Rev. JosephA. Martineau, Retired Pastor, Si. Theresa, New Bedford . ' . \ _... ,



<. . ..

. 1952, Rev. Jame~ A: Downey, Pastor, Holy Ghost, Attleboro .//./~Oct.ll




. '. ,. Oct. 12\. ..1999,. Rev. Felician· Plichta, OFM"Conv., Parochial Vicar, Corpus \, Christi, East Sandwich . . ,.... : Oct. 13 . 1999, Rev. Davidl Walsh, M.M.,.Marykno~1 Missioner . .. . Oct. 14 " . 1.918, Rev. Demlis M.Lowney, Assistant,\Sacred Heart,Taunton 1972, R~v. Msgr..Edward B. Booth, Pastor:Emeritus, S1. Mary, North Attlebore·· . <


Oct. 15 1996, Rev, Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, PA, Retired Pastor, S1. William, Fall River


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6,2000

in this county and Europe, Social Services in this diocese. She Glendon has received honorary recruits volunteers from four ethdoctorates from numerous univer- nic communities to help ·educate sities including the University of people about domestic violence; - "Teaching the Joy of ChasChicago and the Louvain. The workshops and their speak- tity," with Chris Godfrey and Marian Desrosiers. It will center ers include: - "The Law and Life-Affirm- on the crucial role parents playas primary educators of their teens. ing Principles at the End of Life," with Attorney Daniel Avila, asso- Materials will be made available ciate director for Policy and Re- for classroom and home use. search of the Massachusetts Godfrey is president of Life Catholic Conference, representing Athletes, Inc., a member of the the four Roman Catholic Dioceses Indiana Bar, and author of the in Massachusetts on public policy popularcuoiculum "That's Where matters. He has helped to imple- I Live - A Guide to Good Relament a statewide educational tionships." Desrosiers is assistant project on assisted suicide and 'to the director of the Pro-Life end-of-life care called'''In Support Apostolate in this diocese. For the past seven years she has lectured PRO-LIFE walkers from the Diocese of Fall River take part in the annual Walk For Life last . of Life'" - "Catholic Teaching on Re- on Pro-Life, chastity and Project Sunday in Boston. (Photo courtesy of Madeline Lavoie.) produc~ve Technologies," with Dr. . Rachel to thousands of youths and Peter J. Cataldo. He is currently parents; - "Humanae Vitae: Contrathe director of research at the National Bioethics Center in Boston; Turn to page J3 - Convocation - "Domestic Violence," with Kelly Chhim, an immigration and Refugee Domestic Violence NEED A GOOD PLUMBER? Project coordinator for Catholic

Convocation will key on 'Teaching Gospel of Life'

NORTH DARTMOUTH - A a.m., at St. Julie Billiart will be Jubilee Year convocation, "Teach- given by Mary Ann Glendon, who ing the Gospel of Life," cospon- . led the deleg~tion of the Holy See sored by the Catholic Education to the Fourth U.N. Women's ConCenter and the Pr9-Life Aposto- ference in Beijing, China, in 1995. late of the Fall River diocese, will Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM be held Oct. 28, 8 a.m.-3:15 p.m., Cap., will preside at the morning with sessions at St. Julie Billiart prayer of the convocation at 8:45 Parish and Bishop Stang High a.m., and will close the day at Plenary Session beginning at 2:40 School here. Several workshops led by key p.m., during which he will intropresenters are slated and exhibits duce his pastoral letter on "Respect are also planned. for Human Life." The keynote address at 9:20 Glendon is the Learned Hand

Professor of Law at Harvard University. In 1994 she was appointed by Pope John Paul II to the newly created Pontifical Academy of Social Science. She is also a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. A native of Berkshire County, Glendon taught at Boston College Law School and at the University of Chicago Law School at the Gregorian University in Rome. A published author and lecturer

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Diocese of Fall River



--------+------His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of FaJl River, has announced the following appointments:


Rev. Bernard Vanasse, Chaplain, Marian Manor, Taunton. Effective October 1, 2000 The Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., has granted perinission to the Reverend Paul E. Canuel to work in -the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where he will serve as Pastor of the Mission Parish of Guaymaca. Effective September 26, 2000 The Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., has granted permission to Deacon James Marzelli to wor\.< in the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where he will serve as Deacon· in the Mission Parish of Guaymaca: Effective October 1, 2000

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·The Very Reverend Carlos Walker, LV.E., Provincial Superior of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, has granted permission to the Reverend Gustavo Dominguez, LV.E., to -work in the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where he will serve as Parochial Vicar of the Mission Parish of Guaymaca. Effective September 26, 2000 His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., has accepted the nomination of the Very Reverend Dennis Loomis, M.S., Provincial Superior of the Missionaries ofOur Lady of La Salette, and has made the following appointment: Rev. Henry Brodeur, M.S., Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of the Cape Parish, Brewster. Effective October 1, 2000


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:rHE ANCHOR - Diocese of FaJ.l River ~ F~i., October 6, 2000

the living word

themoori~ Caring for



In 1990, Pope Jqhn Paul IT issued his World Day of Peace Message.. It was entitled ''The Ecological Crisis: A Common Responsibility."This was the ftrstVaticanstatement devoted entirely to the ecological quespope initiated his appeal with the reflection that "there is a tion. growing awareness that world peace is threatened not only by the arm~ race and regIonal conflicts, bl,lt also by a lack of due respect for na.ture." He emphasiZed that the ecological crisis is a moral issue. Subsequently, in 1991, the bishops of the United States released their own pastoral statementon the eiwironment. These appeals by the pope, bishops aQd other Catholic religious leaders means that the Catholic community needs to take up the challenge to view environmental issues as not merely political or economic concerns, but see them as matters related to faith life. In this regard the bishops,note well the link-between faith and envi" ronmental issues. In doing this the Church seeks to promote a consistent ethic of life. In striving to protect the dignity of every human person and promote the common gOod of the human family, the Church champions the rights of the unborn; it strives to bring dignity to the poor; it works to overcome , the evils of racism; it welcomes the stranger and it promotes the family' ; , as the center of human culture. The Church recognizes that the web of" life is linked as well to the protection of God's gift of creatIon. It is important to realize that care for God's creat~on is a religious issue. God is the creator of our universe and all that is in it. The "Catechism of the Catholic Church" calls our attention to the fact that our'Creed begins with the creation of heaven and earth. It also reflects ,that the Seventh Commandment, "You shall not steal," enjoins respect for the integrity of creation. Use of the mineral, vegetable and aninial resources of the ~ni颅 verse cannot be divorced from respect for,moral imperatives. " A further notation of the Catechism states: "Man's doinif!ion' over environment and other living beings fashioned by'the creator is not ab, solute; it is limited by concern for the quality of life of his neighbor, . including generations to come; it requires a religious respect for the integrity of cre~tion." BISHOP SEAN O'MALLEY~ OFM CAP., SPEAKS AT A PRo-LIFE RALLY PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL It is obvious that maily people encounter environmental issues as a RESPECT LIFE WALK IN BOSTON LA~T SUNDAY. (PHOTO COURTESY OF MADELINE LAVOIE) community concern. As we well kIlow, speciftc concerns about envi, ron.mental public health, the curse of toxic waste, the cost of cleanup "THE MOUTI-i: OF THE RIGHTEOUS MAN UTTERS WISDOM, AND H,IS . become the daily litany Qf public officials. Many nonreligious people 'TONGUE SPEAKS WHAT IS JUST" (PSALM 37:30). can easily see the ethical dimensions of these problems and as a result kno~ they have to grapple with ethics. ' . However, what is needed for religious believers is a more in-depth . approach from theological and pastoral perspectives: So ifCatholics are to seriously consider environmental issues, and they should, it should be based on a response offaith and not mere politics. Thiscan be achieved from acknowledgment of our tradition. This 'tradition includes our view of the environment as shaped, biScripture, spirituaiity, ethics and social teaching. By viewing the environment from these vl垄.ous sources, we can indeed make a unique and distinct contribution to the many BvFATHER EUGENE HEMRICK' aspects of environmental concerns. complain about working 60' to 70 selves taking pills to calm their CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE hours a week due to fewer priests, nerves and to'lift their energy leyRespect for nature and respect for human life are, inextricably reDo you feel stressed out be- bigger parishes and new chal- els, I believe the time' has arrived lated. In this view it is important that we treat all ofGod's creation not to question how realistic the'se merely from a humanitarian stance. We should reflect on the inclusive- cause you are being stretched to lenges facing the parish. Con'sciously or unconsciously,. philosophies are. ness of all life as God's gift. In this light, by preserving natUral environ~ the'limit? If so, your feelings probably aren't unfounded. we've cultivated new b~haviors When we talk of better, can we ments, by protecting endangered species, by respecting all of human Not only do both spouses work that leave us feeling over- truly say the quality of life is at a life, and by laboring to make environments compatible with local ecoloutside the home in most 'fami- stretched: an appetite for bigger higher level than it was during our .ogy, we demonstrate a respect for creation_and reverence for God the lies, but most will tell you that on apparatuses, faster transportation, grandparents' time? Are we more' Creator. Humanity is at a crossroads. Reading the signs of the times wy weekends they taxi their children , more activities, larger portions of at peace in the large and luxurican either ignore the harm-we see o~\ve can take up our responsibilities from one place to the next at a whatever we see. or can get our ous environments we have creto the creator and creati.on with renewed commitment. frantically stressful pace. ated? Do our surround-sound syshands on and luxuries.' If'their jobs require use of the .Insatiable consumerism in so- terns and sophisticated computers The Editor airlines, they no doubt experience ciety is like a runaway truck speed- afford us a mental space that reall ~he stress caused by cancella- ing down a dangerous road. To put freshes our spirit? Most importions and delays. FOf the airlin~s it anotherway,wehave lost a cer- -tant, has what we call, "progress" are reporting that the number of tain sense of asceticism and the helped us to cultivate a better flights is maxing out. ability to pe calm, cool and col- spiritual life? Oil supplies, plentiful not too lected -:- temperate, that is. If the answer is "I don't think long ago, have be~n overtaxed by If there is one thing that most so," we need to take a good hard OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER: new demands :.among other certainly would sink George Bush look at what the word "b.etter" Published weekly路by The Catholic Press of,the Diocese of Fall River things by gas-guzzling sports util- or Al Gore in the quest of the means in our life. .887 Highland Avenue P.O, BOX 7 ity vehicles, bigger cars and other , White House, it would be to ask If we find ourselves Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722路0007 luxury items. Faced by a possible , Americans to become more tem-' hyperventilating, lacking energy, Telephone 508-675-7151 oil shortage this winter as well as perate and ascetical. The in thing jumpy and unfocused, it might be FAX (508) 675-7048 current high prices at the gas with Americans is to champion . a sign that we need to ado'pt a new Send ~ddress ch~nges to P,O. Box 70r call telephone number above pumps, ,even our wallets are progress, which translates into the philosophy that says, "Small is stretched thin. philosophies of "more is better," beautiful, less is better, and calmEDITOR GENERAL MANAGER NEWS EDITOR And the Church is not exempt "the biggetthe better" and "what- ing and denying ourselves is a Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault James N. Dunbar from feeling overstretched. AI- ever you do, don.'t deny yourself." healthy way to renew the human 'most every day we hear priests As more people find them- spirit."


If you feel overstretched, you probably are .



the ancho~


bi,shops issue p~storal on environment Region~s

FALL RIVER - Catholics are being asked to examine their behavior as regards to the environment in a pastoral letter issued Wednesday by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., and other bishops in Massachusetts as well as those in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Calling the preservation of the environment a leading moral issue of the day, the bishops issued their statement on Oct. 4, the feast of St.. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecologists. The pastoral invites Catholics to

join in a renewed public dialogue about such issues as urban sp~awl, loss of farmlands and forests, air and water pollution and the destruction of fisheries. Work to protect the local food base and preference for locally grown food are specifically mentioned. Beyond those issues, the bishops call (or afundamental change of heart regarding the consumption of material goods, n~ting that the United States, which has four percent of the world's population, consumes 25 per-

Peace procession, Mass' set for ColuDlbus Day FALL RIVER - Members of the Fall River diocese are invited io join in the annual procession and Mass for . Peace next Monday, Oct. 9, the CQlumbus Day Holiday. As in previous years, marchers will meet no later than 5:45 p.m., at St. Mary's Cathedral, corner of Spring and Second streets, to process about a mile to St. Anne's Church. The procession will begin at 6 p.m. Marchers will carry candles, recite the rosary and sing Marian hymns in various languages.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6, 2000

cent of the world's goods. To make concern for the environment more central in the lives of Catholics, parishes are being urged to incorporate environmental themes in prayers, homilies and religious edu-

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cation. Parish leaders are tojoin with other concerned citizens in public discussion of environmental issues. Other signers ofthe letter included Cardinal Bernard Law oftheArchdio-

cese of Boston, along with the ordinaries and auxiliary bishops of the region that includes the dioceses of Portland, Maine; Manchester, N.H.; Burlington, Vt.; and Worcester and Springfield in Massachusetts.

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At approximately 7 p.m., depending on the time it takes for marchers to arrive, the Mass will take place in St.Anne's, across from Kennedy Park on South Main Street. Msgr. George W. Coleman, diocesan vicar general, will be.the principal celebrant Disabled orelderly persons should proceed directly to St. Anne's, where aspecial area will be reserved for them. The procession and Mass for Peace has been held annually in the diocese since 1975.


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6; 2000

Saint.Anne Hospital marks breast health

For whom ·is· the anointing ofthe sick?

Q. Because my mother is seriously ill, I've cific circumstances in which people should be been attending parish ceremonies of what we anointed, such as old age, before serious surgery FALL RIVER - Saint Anne nization, the program will focus on Hospital will offer a month-long se- the early detection and treatment of < used to call extreme unction. Several people re- and sick children who have sufficient use of reason ries ofevents for women and health- breast cancer. Pre-registration is receive this sacrament who don't look sick at all. to be comforted by this sacrament. care professionals as it observes quired for mammograms by calling Q. We like to.have Masses offered for our famThe liturgy ofthe anointing of the sick is beauOctober as breast cancer awareness Jo-Ann Ruijson at MassPRO (800) tiful and comforting for our family. But isn't it ily "and our deceased relatives. We understand 334-6776, ext 422; month. They.include: required anymore to be in danger of death to that in some parishes more than one Mass sti. - Oct. 15: "Making Strides - Oct. 7: a day-long program', pend is accepted for the same Mass. Can Masses receive it? (Pennsylvania) . "The Best Things in Life Are Free." Against Breast Cancer."Annual fiveA. The sacrament for the sick is one that has be offered for more than one intention now? (IlIt offers free access to mammogra- mile fund-raising walk along the . undergone significant development during the past linois) phy screening; free massages and Charles,River in Boston, sponsored A. As I'm sure you are aware, every Mass is of60 years or so. The Vatican Council II document on manicures; sessions on exercise, by the American CancerSociety. For . the sacred liturgy recognized this when it said, "The fered for many intentions, including all the living combating depression, weight loss - information call Maria Cabrales at and all the dead. The anointing of the sick (the planning and floral arrangement; 675-5686 or Karyl Benoit at 674Eucharistic Prayer~, in official name today) is a _---.....;,-------r--::::iiiiiii:::::::-'h _and a public showingof the original 5600, ext. 2515; addition to other parts of. sacrament not only for - Oct. 25: "Hereditary Risk of paintings ofartistVictoria Mathiesen the liturgy, make that those who are in danger who will be available. Pre-registra- Breast and Ovarian Cancer." 8~9 . clear. of death." tion is necessary for mammograms a.m., Nannery Conference Room. A Regarding Mass stiby calling Community Outreach at free professional and community Thus, while it is for Answe~s JI. penps, however, Canon education program featuring Chris- . the sick, it is by no 675-5686; 948 says, "Separate means exclusively for - Oct. 11: "Women, Take topher Ho, genetic counselor with By Father the dying. In the Scrip- < Masses are to be applied Charge of Your Life," from.l-4 p.m. Myriad Genetic Laboratories. RegJohn 'J. Dietzen for the "intention for ture passage that forms in Clemence Hall. Sponsored by the istration required. Call Community -.. one of the main bases for LMassachusetts Peer Review Orga- Outreach at 675-5686. which an individual ofthis sacrament, St. James . fering, even if small, has ,says: "Is anyone sick among you? Let him ask for "been made and accepted." " the elders of the' church. They will pray over him In other words; only one stipend or offering may and anoint him in the name of the Lord" (Jas 5: 14).- be accepted by a priest for anyone Mass. To do To receive the sacrament of anointing, t.herefore, otherwise is, according to Church law, outside the an individual need not be in danger of death, but hands bf individual priests. One obvious reason is "dangerously ill" either from sickness or advanced to avoid abuse in offering and accepting Mass sti. . By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE age.· Older people are considered eligible simply pends. Anderson joinectthe Knights in When additional priests concelebrate the same because of the general inflrmities of advanced age, NEW HAVEN, Conn. - The the District ofColumbia in 1985. He even if they at present suffer no specific illness. Mass, which is common today in many circumboard of directors of the Knights of served the local order as grand In their guidelines for this sacrament, the Ameri- - .stances, since all the priests are actually celebrants Columbus has named Carl A. knight, district deputy, state advocan bishops observe that "sickness is' more than a of that Eucharist, each one may individually accept Anderson, 49, as the 13th &upreme cate, !ltate secretary and state deputy. medical phenomenon. Sickness is a crisis situation a stipendfor the Mass. knight, or chief executive officer, of From 1987 to 1997, he was the • A free brochure outlining basic Catholic in the life of a Christian as regards his salvation~ his the 1.6 milfion-member international , Knights' vice. president for public Catholic fraternal service organiza- policy in Washington. He· was life with Christ in the community of the Church." prayers, beliefs and moral precepts is available tion. named assistant supreme secretaI)' Anointing of the sick, then, may be ministered by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to A knight since 1985, Anderson in 1997 and supreme secretary in to people suffering from various kinds of physical, Father John Dietzen, Box'325, Peoria, IL 61651. . , .spiritual or emotional crises. has been a member of the Knights: 1999. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at Anderson, who also is vice presiboard and was named supreme secThe 'ritual for anointing mentions severa,l spe- the sa~e address, or e-mail: iidietzen@aol.com. retary in 1999. The announcement dent of the John Paul II Institute for of his promotion was made last Studies on Marriage and the Family week at Knights' headquarters in in WaShington, taught there from NewHaven: . 1988 to 1998. He has been a visitAnderson succeeds Virgil C. ing professor since 1983 at the Dechant, 70, who is retiring after 24 institute's facilities at the Lateran years as supreme knight. Dechant University in Rome. will remain on the Knights' board. In 1998, Pope John Paul II apDechant said he was leaving pointed him to the Pontifical AcadBy NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN "with the great satisfaction" that the. emy for Life:He also has been honalso pledged to continue efforts disorders or chronic failure of the CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE leadership was passing to Anderson. ored with knighthood in.the Order against RU-486, which is known adrenal glands, those receiving "His strength of character, vast of St. Gregory the Great and the WASHINGTON - Approval .generically as mifepristone and is long-term therapy with corticosKnights oJ Columbus experience, Knights of the Holy Sepulcher. of the Fr~nch -abortion drug RU- . used along with a prostaglandin teroids or those allergic to In the announcement, Anderson 4&6 for use in the United States drug to cause abortion in the first . mifepristone or"prostaglandins. together with the know-how and policy skills he acquired in a distin- pledged dedication to the mission of will "further numf our con- few weeks of pregnancy. -Women who smoke more than 10 guished public service career, make the Catholic Church, to Church lead- sciences to the violence of abor"We will shout it from the roof- cigarettes a day are warned that him especially well qualified to lead ers, to members and their families, tion and the taking. of innocent tops: RU-486 kills innocent hu- its effect on heavy smokers is not the order in its next phase ofgrowth," and "to the fostering ()f a culture of human life/' said the head of the man persons," Brown said. "The known. . Iife.". said Dechant. U.S. bishops' Pro-Life office. U.S. Congress must resolve to The process by which an RUIn the Knights' announcement,' Anderson also stressed the imAnderson also praised Dechant's 35 portance of the Knights' insurance : Gail Quinn, executive director conduct oversight hearings at 486 abortion takes place will inyears of service as a Knights' offi- .program, which ha~ $40 billion of of the bishops' Secretariat for Pro- once so that the Food and Drug volve three visits to the doctor, cial. "The Knights of Columbus is insurance in force, and said the Life Activities, "said the approval Administration is held account- including a follow-up two weeks far larger, stronger,. and more rel- Knights would continue to promote given Sept. 28 by the Food and able for this raw, inhumane deci- after the first drug is taken. At the first visit, the woman reevant to 'the needs of those irserves it. "It was integral to Father Drug Administration was "the last sion that will destroy babies and . ceives 600 mg of mifepristone by because of his leadership," said the (Michael) McGivney's founding vi- in a series of capitulations to abor- maim women." . Danco Laboratories in New mouth. Two days later, she takes new supreme knight. sion of the Knights of Columbus tion advocates who dismiss seri. Anderson and his wife, Dorian, spirit of mutual aid and is central to ous concerns about the drug and York was expected to have the 400 meg (micrograms) of its effects." . have five children and live in Madi- our work today," he said. " drug on the market in about a· misoprostol, a prostaglandin. The son, Conn. He earned a philosophy The Knights' board also anCardinal Anthony J. month. It would be sold directly drug combination then cuts off degree at Seattle University and a nounced other top-level appoint- Bevilacqua of Philadelphia said to doctors and not through phar- nourishment for the embryo and law degree froll) the University of ments: Jean Migneault as deputy he was "dismayed" at the FDA's macies. induces uterine contractions, causDenver. supreme knight; Chafles H. Foos as decision, which represents "anJoseph M..Scheidler, executive. ing the embtyo to be expelled. From 1976 to 1983, he was a leg- supreme secretary; Kenneth N. other assault ... on unborn babies director of the Pro-Life Action The third visit to the doctor is islative assistant at the-U.S. Senate ,Ryan as supreme treasurer; and and possibly the mothers." League, called.RU-486 "a deadly to determine whether the abortion -and a legal adviser to the secretary Nestor V. Barber as supreme master Gloria Feldt, president of poison to a tiny, defenseless un- has 'actually taken place. of the Department of Health a.nd of the Fourth Degree.· Planned Parenthood, said the born baby7 he said, .land it can "Many have misleadingly proHuman Services. He held various' In addition, the board re-elected FDA approval would "create a be lethal to the child's mother as <moted mifepristone as a panacea," positions in the Reagan administra- Pat A. Cipollone as supreme advonew era for choice for women" well." said Quinn. "In reality, chemical tion, including special assistant to the cate. The FDA said RU-486 should abortion is an intense, three- to 15president and acting director of the Except for Barber, who will con- in America, where more than 1.3 Oftice of Public Liaison, 1983-87. tinue to work from San Jose, Calif., millionsurgical abortions are per- not be used in cases of confirmed day regimen involving multiple - or suspected ectopic pregnancies, office visits and a combination of During that time he helped develop the others will work at Knights' formed each year. Judie Brown, a Catholic who when a intrauterine device is in drugs with the possibility of life" the administration's Pro-Li fe' and headquaiters and livejn the greater' heads the American Li fe League, place, or by those with bleeding threate~ing complications." . New Haven area. pro-family initiatives. .

Questio,'ns d an· .

K of C names Anderson 13th supreme knight

RU-486 approv~l.seen as latest capitulation to abortion backers



The Diocese of Fall River Proclaims the Sacredness and Dignity of All Human Life .


Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., with diocesan youth from a past March For Ufe



For Women and Men Wounded by Abortion




20-23, 2001


Most Rev. Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., Celebrant St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis ' Monday, March

26, 2001 - 12:10


The Pro-Life Apostolate and C,atholic Education Center , will sponsor a Jubilee, Convention \ "Teaching the Gospel ofLife" Saturday, Octob'er 28, 2000 Bishop Stang High School and St. Julie Billiart Church Featuring Professor Mary Ann Glendon as Keynote Speaker and Bishop Sean O'Malley in Plenary Session . Call the Pro-Life. Office if you, have not received a brochure! .







500 Slocum Road· North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2930 Tel. (508) 997-2290, . FAX (508) 997-2923 REV. STEPHEN FERNANDES, Diocesan Director



MARIAN DESROSIERS, Assistant to the Director



Diocese of Fal.I_River - FrL, October 6, 2000

In God's image: Building"a culture of life By


In her book, "The-Long Loneliness" Dorothy Day says: "we've . all known the long loneliness. 1 have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with

another, but even we can be community." tempted by the noonday devil of We in the Pro-Life community discouragement. know. that ours is a 10l)ely work. It is the loneliness of the long dis- , - When the hOlTor of partial-birth tance runner. We are bound to- abortion became known, we gether with love for life and for one thought surely this would move

,"It is the -right of every pregnant woman to give birth. .. .and ' . the right of every child: to be ,born."

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legislators. Surely this was the beginning of the end of such barbarity. We watched in disbelief as the President of the United States twice rejected the will of Congress to stop partial-birth abortions. Proponents of abortion seem to ,have little concern for wheth~r or not those who are unborn or partially born are human beings. But their argument of "choice" is really much deeper and light years older than they may realize. For what does the argument of "choice" really mean? To get to the root of the evil, one might read the "Book of Genesis" and the story of Adam and Eve, and how God told them they might eat the fruit of any tree but one, the tree that gives knowledge of what is-good and what is bad. For Adam and EV'e it wasn't enough to be made in God's image, to be children of God. They had to become gods so they could determine for themselves what is good, what is evil. And so many of us determine today: for me, abortion is fine. 1 have my priorities. 1 have my needs. 1 will determine for myself what is right, what is wrong. And yet we know that only God is the ultimate legislator of morality.To claim the right to kill the innocent is to claim to .be God! Except of course, the true God would never kill the innocent. That would contradict God's own law. ' In "The Gospel of Life," Pope John Paul II says that "freedom negates and destroys itself, and becomes factor leading to the destruction of others, when it no longer recognizes and respects its essential link w'ith the truth... which is the foundation of personal and social life" ("The Gospel of Life," 19). This is the case when one makes choices based not on the truth, but only on his or her subjective and changeable opinion, or even selfish interest. This view of freedom, says our Holy Father, leads to a serious distortion of life in society. If the promotion of self is understood in terms of absolute autonomy, people inevitably reach the point of rejecting one another. Everyone else is considered an enemy f~om whom one has to defend oneself. And society becomes a mass ofindividuals living side by side but without any mutual bond. Each asserts him or herself independently of the ,other, and in fact, intends to make his or her own interest prevail. We see this in politics and govemment, where the inalienable right to life is today questioned or denied on the basis of a parliamentar)-' vote or the will of one part of the people. We vote on what is right or wrong. And ~ope John Paul II says of this: "To 'claim the right to abortion, infanticide and euthanasia, and to recognize that right in law, means to attribute to human freedom a perverse and evil significance: that of an absolute power over others and against others. This is the death of freedom" ("The Gospel of Life," 20).


We change our laws to fit our determination of good and evil. And one immoral law leads to another. In many ways, the Church is no longer the great teacher. 'Nor are the schools, or even families and parents. In our society, civil law " has become the great teacher. The -law says it is all right to kill infants. Or the law says it is all right to kill those who are feeble or dying. And the law sOITletimes says govemm'ent will pay for it. How many children have been raised in accord with such moral values? How many more before it ends? How do we counter this? The Sisters of Life, which 1 founded in 1991, take care of pregnant women, and they help those who have had abortions to pick up ' the pieces of their lives. They teach the sacredness of every human life. But they do more. And it was for this reason they were founded. They pray. What is happening in our country in regard to the destruction of innocent human life is something diabolical, something. that c.an be driven out only by prayer and fasting, supported and within the context of all the Pro-Life efforts nationwide. This is why' the Sisters of Life pray, fast, and do penance. They spend about half Qf each day in prayer and contemplation, and the other haif in apostolic works. What do we need for a new culture of human life? Gratitude and joy. Each Sister of Life has in her room a small sign: "Without joy there can be no SisterofLife." Life should mean joy, joy in this God who brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light. A people of life, for life. "Gratitude,ahd-joy," our Holy Father say~ "and th~ incomparable dignity of man impels us to share this message with everyone." . That is what the Pro-Life movement is about. We are not simply anti-abortion as we are so often painted to be. We are Pro-Life, pro the mystery of life, pro the wondel' of life, pro the joy of life. And ,we are impelled to share this message with everyone. We need to bring the Gospel of Life to the heart of everyman and woman and to make it penetrate every part of society. This involves above all . proclaiming the core of this Gospel, which is the procla)TIation of a living God, who is close to us, who calls us to profound communion with Himself and who awakens in us the certain hope of eternal life. It is the presentation of human life, as a life of relationship, gift of God, the fruit and sign of His love, it is the proclamation that Jesus has a unique relationship with every person, which enables, us to see in every human fac.e, the face of Christ.


Cardinal John J. O'Connor wi!s the beloved Archbishop of New York until his death in May 2000. He served as chairman of the NCCB Committee for ProLife Activities from 1989-1992.

Father Fernandes the womb." Father Femandes said that if the child in the womb was truly meant to be aborted, and something went wrong, "according to the abortionists, that child should not be protected, even after birth, from t~e abortionist's knife. That's how far we've come." The Pro-Life director said he's glad that a wholesome embrace of what we have come to call the "consistent life ethic" is gaining momentum and people are becoming educated about the perils of physicianassisted suicide and how precarious the death penalty is. "But the abortion issue must be recognized as the fundamental life issue, that there is a priority to the abortion question," he


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6,2000 Continued from page one

added. "I firmly believe that all these other horrors .... infanticide, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia ... are stemming from the devaluation of human life which is the unfortunate fruit of 28 years with Roe v. Wade, which gives the license for abortion." That license, he said, "has so become a part of our natural culture and mind-set that it has affected how we approach the value of human life in general, and we are seeing the byproducts." Father Femandes made it clear that what Catholics can do is pray every day that our nation will again respect the lives of every human being from the moment of conception to natural death; leam about abortion; speak out against it, and serve and organize in behalf of life. And they can also vote, he said, "and this is an election year." One issue can overtake the others, said Father Femandes, and he offered an example: "If a man was running for president of the United States and had an exemplary . record in social justice issues; was a wonderful fami"ly man and had worked himself up through service in local goveminent; was a great communicator and was one in whom we could entrust foreign policy and economics, yet said he has slaves on his farm, then I think we could say his keeping slaves gives a lie to many other things he's saying and it is counter to everything I believe in as a Catholic American, and I cannot vote for that man." He added that "The right-to-choose phantom has become the slavery issue of this new millennium because of its pervasive effect on everything else a man will think and act and believe if he were in government." On a local bent, Father Femandes issued

a reminder that there will be a convocation jointly sponsored by the Pro-Life Apostolate and the Catholic Education Center on Oct. 28 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, entitled "Teaching the Gospel of Life." , The keynote speaker will be Mary Ann


Glendon, the Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Many educators, catechists and Pro-Life representatives will also be on the program. "They will address the whole spectrum of human life issues and we are excited about this," he added.

House passes bill to protect infants born alive WASHINGTON (CNS) - The House has approved on a 380-15 vote a bill that the head of the U.S. bishops' Pro-Life office had called necessary to counteract an "appalling trend" in the U.S. courts toward approval of killing babies outside the womb. Gail Quinn, executive director of the bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, had commented on the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act in an earlier letter to members of Congress. The bill went to the Senate on Wednesday where passage was considered unlikely before the adjournment of Congress today. In her letter, Quinn said the U.S. Supreme Court's June 28 decision on partial-birth abortion in Stenberg vs. Carhart "extended its abortion jurisprudence to protect the killing of partly bom children - giving encouragement, however unwittingly, to those who would justify outright infanticide." In addition, she noted thatthe 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in July struck down New Jersey's ban on partial-birth abortion, saying that the child involved

is not in the process of being bom because "a woman seeking an abortion is plainly not seeking to give birth." "This appalling trend is sufficient in itself to warrant immediate passage of H.R. 4292," Quinn said. The Born Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000, sponsored by Rep. Charles Canady, R-Fla., states that any infant completely expelled or extracted from her mother and who is alive" is a person under federal law, regardless of the child's lung development, his or her expected chances of survival or whether the baby survived' an abortion." "Our immediate task, as this Congress nears its end, is to ensure that the lethal mentality of Roe (vs. Wade) does not claim new victims - vulnerable human beings struggling for their lives outside the womb," Quinn added. '''Enactment of HR 4292 is necessary to ensure ,that all infants who are born alive are treated as legal persons for the purposes of federal law," said Doug Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee in a letter to Congress.


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e celebrate life. Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, .MA Telephone: 508-699-2740 Marian Manor, Munton, .MA Telephone: 508-822-4885

Diocesan Health Facilities, under the sponsorship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River, have as their mission, the provision of extended care to the chronically ill and disabled, with special emphasis on the care of the &ail elderly. In response to Christ's teachings, we offer a full spectrum of care that meets the residents' physical, spiritual and emotional needs. Our dedicated staff wo[ks tirelessly to preserve and value the dignity 6flife, even in its final moments, by making sure that everyone receives care with compassion. As caregivers to many of the most fragile in our diocese; the Diocesan Health Facilities are dedicated to offering superior health care which embraces the men and women whose lives are entrusted to our care, and in treating them with dignity and individuality they so much deserve. Come visit and see why the Diocesan Health Facilities are making a difference in so many lives.

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.Living the Gospe,l of life and civic .responsibility. By DAVID WALSH

(1973). The Catholic Church was among The right to life is the very first right named in the Declaration ofIn- the very first to draw attention to the dependence. In Thomas Jefferson's' departure that Roe v. Wade reprememqrable formulation, the. United sented from the most basic principles States ofAmerica was founded on the of the American political tradition and recognition that all human beings are to call for its rever~aI. And in 1998 ."endowed by their Creator with cer- the U.S. bishops said: "As Americans, tain unalienable RightS, tIlat among as CatholiCS and as pastors, we write /these are Life, Liberty, and the pur- ... to call our fellow citizens back to our country's founding principles, suit of Happiness." Pope John Paul II has often noted and most especially to renew our nathe special commitment of the United tional respect for the rights of those States to hl.!man rights. The great- who are unborn, weak, disabled and ness of our country lies in "respect terminally ill. Real freedom rests on · for the dignity and sanctity of human the inviolability of every person as a life in all conditions and at all stages child of God" ("Living the Gospel of " of development," he said at the con- Life," No.6). American Catholics are uniquely clusion ofhis 1995 visit to the United .States. Today the responsibility is ours called to be the leaven that spreads to ensure .that these same principles through the nation, recalling it to its continue to inform our exercise of fundamental purpose. If preceding generations had heard thatAmericans self-government. Nowhere is. this more clear than would one day argue that liberty inin connection with the contemporary cludes the right to do away with life, assault on the fundamental right to . they would have been astonished at life. To devalue life is to strike at the the illogic. The right to exercise the very foundations on which the freedom to make choices presupAmerican republic is erected. With- poses respect for life as inviolable. out the right to life no other rights are Choice cannot be regarded as in any possible;'to the extent that life itself sense prior to life. Our responsibility as Catholics is jeo"pardized, all other rights are equally threatened. and as citizens does not end with opSo it ,is that the U.S. bishops have position to abortion and assisted suiidentified "abortion and euthanasia cide. We must never be indifferent to · [as the] preeminent threats to human those who suffer from poverty, viQdignity because they directly attack, lence and injustice. Any politics of life itself, the most fundamental hu- human life must work to resist the man good and the condition of all violence of war and the scandal of others." , capital punishm~nt. Any politics of It may well be.that the public would human dignity must seriously address prefer not to be reminded of the mas- issues of racism; poverty, hunger, emsive legal violation of human rights ployment, educa~ion, housing and which takes place daily in our midst. health care. As Catholics we should A decade of almost. unprecedented strive to ensure that our "fellow citiprosperity and the absence of major zens do not forget the primacy of life, international tensions have tended to or the foundational role it occupies· promote indifference to the suffering within the constitutional order of of others. A conspiracy ofsilence be- "rights we enjoy. We must encourage gins to feed an inclination for collec- public figures and those who would tive amnesia and we become less in- lead to defend life. In many ways, the model for pub·clined to accept the challenge offered us of "hving the Gospel 'of life." . lic leadership in a context .where the Public amnesia, however, exacts nation faces a profound assault on its a terrible cost. It is nothing less than underlying principles is provided by losing touch with who we are as a Abraham Lincoln. The slavery crisis nation. Permitting the rights of some was a similarly intractable conflict to be ignored revises the whole con- within American society. As an insticept of rights. We now regard them' tution, slavery had legal protection; not as rights received from our cre- as a social institution it had ·wideator, and therefore "unalienable," but . spread support. Lincoln understood as rights dispensed by courts and leg- that it collided massively with the islatures. Like every other creation of principles of the Declaration of Inthe government, rights become sub- dependence and the Constitution. Yet, ject to emendati()n and suspension. alone, he was not able constitutionIf the rights of some have become ally to effect its aboiition. His policy arbitrary, then the rights of all have was to adhere to the rule of law where become uncertain. it applied, while at the same time But rights are indivisible and an working mightily to bring about the issue of rights cannot be subjected to , longer term change that would the normal give and take of the po- achieve abolition. A similar exercise litical process. If only some human of leadership is called for by the beings possess them then they are not mounting crisis generated by expandtruly human rights. They are merely ing assaults on the right to life. . As Christians it is important to the advantages that the politically more powerful enjoy over the most reach out to all men and women of vulnerable. Such domination ofsome good will, and indeed to join with over others is precisely what the rule them in bringing forth the best possiof law is expected to pre'vent. Law bilities present within our imperfect cannot play favorites and still remain. world. That common groul)d is most what law is meant to be. An abroga-' powerfully present in American secution of the most fundamental right to lar principles ofrespect and reverence life, not merely in 'practice, but in law for individual dignity. By seeking to itself, constitutes more than an ordi- make the Gospel of Life central to nary political problem. It precipitates political life, Christians can make a crisis of a moral and constitutional their fullest contribution to the comnature -'- a crisis which has been on- mon good of the nation. David Walsh is professor ofpoligoing for more· than a quarter of a century since the Supreme Court le- tics _at Catholic University of . galized abortion in Roe v. Wade America.




of the






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Family and society By MARY ANN GLENDON The United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that the family is entitled to protection from society and the state. But there is no evidence that the declaration's drafters expected the, U.N. itself to play much of a role in protecting the family. Now that the U.N. and its specialized agencies have developed into sprawling bureaucracies symbiotically entwined with large international lobbying associations, it is easy to wonder whether the family needs to be defended by such organizations or protected against them! , To understand how the familyprotection principle came under attack in the United Nations, consider a remarkable series ofevents that took place in 1995. Early that year, the U.N. Secretariat for the International Year of the Family issued a booklet 'stating that "the basic principle of social" organization is the human rights of individuals, which have been set forth in international instruments of human rights." That idea sounds innocent enough until you begin to wonder how it fits with the earlier declaration that the family is the basic unit oI' society. The secretariat anticipated this question. It is true, they admitted, that "several human rights documents" refer to the family as the basic social unit and that they guarantee protection and assistance to the family, but "the power of the family is and should be limited by the basic human rights of its individual members. The protection and assistance accorded to the family

must safegu~d these rights." No one could reasonably object to that proposition if it simply means that no rights, including the rights of the family, are unlimited. But, together with other U.N. developments, notably the subtle erosion of the moral authority ofparents in the 1989 Convention on the Rights o(the Child, the 1995 guidelines looked very much like paR: of a deliberate effort to set individual rights in opposition to family relationships and to undermine the status of the family as a subject of human rights protection. Any doubts on that score were removed by the draft document for the U.N. Women's Conference that took place in Beijing in 1995:. Prepared by the U.N. Committee on the Status of Women, the draft barely mentioned marriage, motherhood or family life. When marriage and family life - and even religion - were' mentioned, they were presented mainly in a negative light - as sources of oppression or obstacles to women's progress. At the Beijing conference itself, a coalition led by the European Union continued this two-pronged effort to "deconstruct" the family and to remove every positive reference to marriage, motherhood, the family, parental rights and religion, all this supposedly in the name of individual liberty and freedom. But it would be a mistake to regard the assaults on the family-protection principleas merely misguided efforts to promote freedom and equality. They ,are also about power a!1d

interest, though to what extent it is difficult to say. This new class - the mobile, semi-educated, knowledge workers that populate every nation's governmental agencies, corporations, universities, professions, mass media and social service agencies - increasingly have more in common with each other than with the poor in their own societies. The world has never before seen anything quite like the amorphous, stateless bid for social control by a class that seeks not to rule, but to maintain a position. Their movement has no head, but many arms moving more or less in the same direction. Their common direction arises less from conspiracy than from unconscious parallelism. They are not so much against the family as determined not to let the family, religion or any other institution stand in the way of what they want. Where foreign aid.is concerned, they will give.millions for "reproductive services" but pennies for maternal and infant nutrition, clean water or primary health care. The main source of all problems in the world in their view is overpopulation, and their main solution is to eliminate poor people. It is easy to see why well-financed, new class-interest groups tlock to international organizations like the UN. and the European Court ofHuman Rights. Operating far from public scrutiny and democratic accountability, organizations like the International Planned Parenthood Federation have made every effort to turn

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6, 2000 UN. conferences into offshore manufacturing sites for converting the population-control agenda into "international standards," which could then be used to influence not only international agencies, but domestic policies and programs offoreign aid. In this way, a contr~versial agenda can affect the lives of millions of . people without ever having been subjected to the test of the ballot box. The Holy See's activity in the United Nations has shown that even a few voices can make a difference when they speak the truth and call' good and evil by name. Much of the best language on social justice in recent U.N. documents is there because the Holy See proposed or defended it.' Thanks to the Holy See, the United

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Nations remains committed to the principle that abortion is never to be promoted as a means of birth control. Even at Beijing, when greatly outnumbered, the Holy See was able to save family-protection language by shining the spotlight into those proceedings. The time has come to recognize, however, that the Holy See in the United Nations has too often been like the little Dutch boy who prevented a flood by keeping his finger in the dike. The time has come to heed the Holy Father's urgent call to families themselves to become... protagonists' of what is known as 'family politics' and assume responsibility for transforming society." Glendon is Learned Hand professor ofLaw, Harvard Law School. Write for a free catalog or Visit us at our web site: www.maryscall.com.

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of F3JI River - Fri., October 6, 2000 .

u.s. Anglican-Catholic talks observe their 50th session By JERRY FILTEAU

Communion as 'ever-beloved sis- in Washingtori, included discuster' and his symbolic gesture of pre- sions of conversion of heart as the WASHINGTON - Marking senting, his own episcopal ring to soul of ecumenism, what they their 50th national meeting, U.s. the 100th Archbishop of Canter~ . agreed on as two eucharistic communities, and some of the "irritants" Anglican and Catholic scholars in- bury, Michael Ramsey." that hindered relations between vited "a new.generation of AngliShortly before the ARC-USA. their churches. cans and Roman Catholics·... to join. meeting, ~ note from the V:atican One of the irritants raised,' he iIi ,the ecumenical enterprise." Congr~gatlOn .for ~: Doctnne of The Anglican-Roman Catholic ' . the Fatth to bIshops conferen.ces said, was the Catholic Church's Consultation in the U.S.A. around the world warned agamst practice of conditional baptism of ARC~USA - held its first meet- referringJo non-Catholic churches Episcopalians who became Catho-· ing in June 1965, six months be- as "sister churches" ~xcept for the lic.. He said the question of eucha- . fore the end of the Second Vatican Orthbdox or o~ers lIke them that Council. . "have preserved a valid episcopate ristic shanng rose frequently in the early ARC-USA meetings, Thirty-five .Years later, ,and back then "the pessimists meeting last week at the Col, lege of, Preachers of the .fn his homily at a joint celebration of said it could take 10 years; the A FRANCISCAN friar walks empty Via Dolorosa, or Washington National Calhe- Anglican Evensong at the cathedral, optimists thought it would be . Way of the Cross, recently in Jerusalem. Shops in the Old dral, the group ofbishops and Bishop John J. Snyder of St. August- five." In his homily at ajoint celCity were closed due to recent clashes betw~en Israeli po- theologians celebrated their, ,ine, Fla., said the "great hope, comfort ebration. of Anglican long collaboration and the .and joy" he finds ,in the dialogue "has lice and Palestinians. (CNS photo by Debbie Hill) Evensong at the cathedral, recent top-level proposal to been tempered by frustration and Bishop John J. Snyder of St. fo~ an inte~a~ional Joint., greater sadness when we could notcelMAILING SERVICES PRINTING Augusfine, Fla., said ,the Umty 'Co~mlsslOn to. pro- ebrate and share the Eucharist at th'e "great hope, comfort anqjoy" \' m~te AnglIcan-CatholIc re- . same altar." umon. _ he finds in the dialogue "has been tempered by frustration , That proposal came from . and greater sadness when we the May 2000 meeting' in 234 SECOND STREET· FALL RIVER, MA could not celebrate and share the Mississauga, Canada, ofAnglican and Eucharist." The Catholic rejection in 1896 Eucharist at the same altar." and Catholic bishops from 13 counof the historical validity of AngliBishop Snyder, attending his fitries, led by Anglican Archbishop TELEPHONE FAX can orders remains an unresolved nal meeting with the dialogue after George Carey of Canterbury, En(508) '673-1545 (508) 679-526~ issue in Catholic-Angiican dia10 years as Catholic co-chairman gland, head of the worldwide Ansaid, "Our collaboration has proglican Communion, and Cardinal .Iogue. "Cardinal Willebrands made a vided me with a rare view ofthe richEdward I. Cassidy, head of the Ponpoint of telling me privately that be- ness and variety of the Church's Iife, tifical Council for Promoting Chris~ fore he went to Lambeth (headquar- a glimpse of the passion forecclesial , tian Unity.,' . . 'It said on~ of the primary tasks ters of the world Anglican Com- union for which we strive." . Lo.o\<ing,baG.k at the:; ':extraoroioN:hecommission should be to munion) Pope Paul VI called him "prepare~ ajoillt Anglican7Roman . in anq said to hini that when he had nary and positive" progress made Catholic declaration 0f agreement :called the Anglican Church a sister and ahead at the "differences that on the apostolic faith which we church; he had done so advisedly," . still divide us," he urged participants Oh 'adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before-the to look to the word of God, proBishop Vogel said. , both profess.'~ immensity of Your Light, that Your eternal goooness may open Bishop Vogel recalled, that the claimed during their prayer io-. . The communique also recalled to me the doors andloll1ake me enter into It to foim my life all in · "with particular gratitude (Pope) first ARC-USA session, held at the gether, for "direction and chalYou, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before· Paul VI's refere1!ce to the Anglican Catholic bishops' national offices lenge." Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT.· Pros: trate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg ,that it clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine Continued from page one Will. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want bears a clear portrait of Our Lady. it may bring to people and,the Paul School at 11 a.m.; andSt. the human will to have life in this heart any lot:\ger. I will cast it "It's been a lot of work and diocese. "I hope many who come Stanislaus School at I p.m. On the away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiresponsibility to bring Our Lady for healing are healed; that it will 24th it will be at St. Michael's ness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have of Guadalupe here from New . bring people back to the Church, School at 9 a.m. and at Holy Trina singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and Yo~k," said Armstrong; "but it's candidates to the priesthood and ,ity School at 1 p.m; conducts them to God. ' a labor of love. My love for an end to abortion and euthanaOn' Oct. 24: it will be at Our Mary keeps me gbing."A. mem~ sia. She's here to ~ring grace and Lady of Grace Church> WestHe~ prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity ber of the Fall Ri"ver District to heal." . port, from 7-8 p.m. for an interthat They permit me to live in the cloister of the' Divine Will and 'council of C~tholic Women, The following is a schedule of cessory prayer service ~nd thus, return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature Armstrong said that she receives where the image of OUf Lady of Benediction; was created. ' On Oct. 26: there will be·a proa newsletter about Our Lady of Guadalupe will be hoqored in Fall Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen· of the Divine Fiat, · Guadalupe on a regular basis River and New Bedford: cession from St. James Church, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine and one day the information Oct. 21: it will be displayed at New Bedford, to St. Hedwig Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will about hosting the icon just about the 4 p.m. Mass at St. Louis de Church where a 6 p.m. Mass will teach me to livein and to maintain myself in the order and the . · jumped off the page. I knew it France Church, Swansea. be celebrated; bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my would be "a great thing for the On Oct. 22: it will be present On Oct. 27: a 9 a.m. Mass (in whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the· diocese," she said. at the ,annual.living rosary and English) will be celebrated at St. doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to The image is filled with sym- Benediction 'of the Blessed Sac- Hedwig Church and the icon will Your lessons. You will coyer me with Your mantle so that the boIs and was used originally to raplent at 2 p.m. at St. Louis de be on display from 10 a.m. to 2:30 infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sac~ Eden to enhelp in the conversion of Aztecs France Church. Bishop Sean P. p.m. for visitation. At 3 p.m. a tice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. to Christianity and stop them from O'Malley OFM Cap. will preside service for the sick will be held Heart of .my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your performing child sacrifices. The and roses will be placed at the at the parish. At 7 p.m. a Mass (in· flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed .rne to Virgin is known as the patron icon during the ceremony; Spanish) will be 'celebrated by form in' me the Life of the Divine Will. ' saint ,of the unborn and the icon Oct. 22: from 6-8 p.m. a ser- Bishop O'Malley; . . Saint Joseph, you will t:>e my protector, the guardian of my is the only apparition where Our vice of intercession for the' ill and On Oct. 28: it will be on disheart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You Lady.left an actual picture of her~ disabled at St. Louis de France . play at the Pro-Life Convention will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, self.' . Church. Confessions will be:· at Bishop Stang High School and that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. '. Armstrong was moved as she heard; then at weekend Masses at St. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in evtalked about the arrival of the' Oct. 23 and 24: it will be George Church, Westport; . ·icon in Fall River. "I hope it re- 'brought to local schools for priOct. 29: it will leave the dioerything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument news and strengthens people's vate prayer services. On the 23rd cese for Michigan following an. 11 that draws all men into the Kj.ngdom of the Divine Will. Amen. - . faith to Mary and Jesus," it will be at Bishop Connolly High a.m. closing ceremony at St.' ( In Honor of Lujsa Piccarreta J865- J947 Child of the DivineWill) Armstrong said when.asked what School at 9 a.m.; SS. Peter and George's Parish. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE




Consecration to the Divine Will






THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6, 2000 Continued from page one

ample of that practical charity and generous solidarity with the less fortunate which has long been the distinguishing mark of American Catholics," he said. During the two-hour liturgy in St. Peter's, Square, the pope also canonized 120 Chinese martyrs, calling them models of courage for all China. Respond-' ing indirectly to criticism from Chinese authorities, the pope said the 87 natives of China and 33 foreign missionaries all loved China, and their canonization was an honor for tlw country. Also declared saints were Sister Josephine Bak,hita, a black African slave from Sudan who became a member of the Daughters of Charity, and Sister Maria Josefa Sancho de Guerra, a Spaniard who founded a religious order, the Sister Servants of Jesus of Charity, in the late 1800s. More than 3,000 rain-dampened U.S. pilgrims applauded as the sainthoo'd decree for Mother Drexel was read at the start of the Mass. A banner hung from the facade of St. Peter's Basilica depicted Mother Drexel walking with two schoolchildren, an African-American boy and a Native American girl. The liturgy's second reading, from the letter of James, was a' pointed warning to the wealthy. In his sermon, the pope contrasted that warning" with the conviction of young Katharine Drexel that' "her family's possessions were not for them alone but were meant to be shared with the less fortunate." Born in 1858 1 she came to inherit an investment banking fortune worth $14 million. The pope described how, as a young woman she was deeply moved by the suffering endured by many African-Americans

and Native Americans. Using her inheritance, she built missions and schools dedicated to helping them. She later decided to become a,nun and founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, which carried out a teaching apostolate among the poor. The pope noted that Mother Drexel taught a spirituality that combined prayerful union with the eucharistic Lord and zealous service to the victims of racial discrimination. Among those who came to , Rome for Mother Drexel's canonization were many, who had met her personally before her death in 1955, including some who had been taught in her schools. ' Attending the Mass were members of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, whose 225 nuns run more than 40 schools and ministry sites in 13 states. Also present were faculty, students and alumni of Xavier University of Louisiana, which Mother Drexel founded in 1915 and which became a leading institution for black education in the segregated South. Among' those seated near the altar was ,Robert Gutherman, whose cure from inner ear disease in 1974 'was attributed to the miraculous intercessio'n of Mother Drexel. Earlier this year, Church authorities officially recognized another miracle attributed to Mother Drexel's intercession when a U.S. girl; Amy Wall, was cured of deafness in 1994. That cleared the way for Mother Drexel's canonization, completing a process that began 36 years ago in Philadelphia. The pope's sermon touched briefly on a recent war of words between the Vatican and China over the canonizations, which

Convocation ception and the Gospel of Human Life and Conjugal Love," with Father Roger Landry. He holds degrees·in sacred theology, moral theology and bioethics and is parochial vicar at Espirito Santo Parish and chaplain at Bishop Connolly High School, both in Fall River; - "The .Death Penalty: Its Myths, Reality and the Gospel," with Notre Dame Sister Patricia McCarthy. She has worked for more than 27 years with the poor in the field of education, focusing on nonviolence, about which she has been lecturing since 1989; - "Project Rachel and the Task of Healing Post-Abortion Aftermath," with Eileen Snow. It will focus on the national program that invites men and women into the process of healing, reconciliation and a return to wholeness. Snow, currently the retreat team minister for Project Rachel, ministers in the Archdiocese of Boston; - "Contemporary Challenges to the Church's Position on Abor-

Chinese authorities claimed would exalt "criminals" who were condemned and executed under Chinese law. Most of the martyrs died in the anti-for-

eigner Boxer Rebellion of 1900. The pope said the canonization Mass was n'ot the moment to "form judgments on these historical periods." The pope also spoke of the



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Continued from page three '

tion," with Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk. Currently the parochial vicar at St. Patrick Parish in Falmouth, he will analyze some of the new arguments and look at the hard cases; - "The Pro-I)fe Message: How to Pray It, How to Teach It," with Linda Thayer. The education consultant for the Pro-Life Offices of the Archdiocese of Boston, she will key on~ategies that also embrace a lifestyle of love for every human being as a unique and special creation of God; - "End-of-Life Issues: Staying True to Catholic Teachings," with Dr. Mary Patricia Tranter. She is director of guidance and bioethics instructor at Coyle-Cassidy High School in Taunton. She has lectured throughout the diocese on end-of-life issues and the Catholic perspective.

Pre-registration for the two sessions is necessary. Contact the Catholic Education Center, 423 Highland Ave., Fall River, MA 02720. No phone registrations are accepted.

civil war that plagues modern Sudan and appealed to the country's leaders to "open your hearts to tj'le. cries of millions of innocent victim~ ana embrace the path of negotiation."

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.. 14 THE ANCHOR -:- Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., October 6, 2000


THE SISTERS of Mercy were recently honored at . Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, for many years of service. and commitment to the school since founding it in 1961. Honored, from left are: Mercy Sister Patricia Harrington, 31 years of service; Mercy Associate Anne BISHOP CONNOLLY High School, Fall River, recently announced its newly elected NaMeloni; Mercy Sister Pauline Goodall, 25 years of ser- tional Honor Society officers for the 2000-2001 school year. They are, from left: Erin Lenaghan, vice; Mercy Associates Anne Carroll and Karen Brennan president; Benjamin Grace, vice president; Marisa Toomey, treasurer; and Andrea Guillot, . secretary. and Mercy. Sister Zita Foley, 15 years of service.


Feehan honors, Mercy Sisters ATILEBORO - Mercy Day to serving God's people,espewas celebrated recently at ' cially those that are sick, poor Bishop Feehan High Sc'hbol to and uneducated. Their mission honor the Sisters of Mercy who is to help people to overcome the founded the school in 1961. The obstacles that keep them from day inclul;!ed Mass celebrated living fulland dignified lives and by the school's chaplain Father their mission. is carried out in . Michael Kuhn and it involved schools, hospitals, affordable the current Mercy Sisters and housing developments, emerMercy Associates, gency shelters, retirement cenThe Sisters of Mercy' are ters, women's centers and retreat women who commit their lives centers.

~ READYTO LEARN - Teacher Christine Mello welcomes twins Chelsea and Ashley Oliveira to kindergarten at Espirito . Santo School, Fa:!I River, last month. The school has more than 250 students enrolled for the 2000-2001 school year.

~ PREKINDERGARTEN TEACHER Michelle Roussel helps het young students at Espirito Santo School with a classroomactivity. With her are Tristen Harrop, Jaryd Antrim, Eliza Chattman, Evan Sousa and Briana Pereira. . MERIT SCHOLARS - Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, announced. that several students were invited to the National Meri~ Scholarship Program for excelling in the PSAT test. They are, from left: Molly Corcoran, Nicole .Nadeau, Andrew Fellows, Catherine Poholek, Patrick Ward, . ~ennifer Canesi and Jonathan Myers.

The key to $uccess in school By CHRISTOPHER



quality ofyour work. All those complicated notebooks and multicolored pens don't take the notes for you. A leather-covered calendar- or even a $400 computerized organizer m<\kes you feel like a serious stu-

Each fall, students launch into new classes confident that this year they will really get in gear. This year they won't get behind in their homework. This year they will start work on the big projects early, and do -~~ something really special. .. '-..,'\-11 Coming Some kids spend hours in the office-supply store, buying organiz~f ers and fancy, color-coded notebooks for all their subjects. Others spend hours discussing their plans FOR YOUTlt • ABOOT YOUTlt with friends or writing down lists of ideas so they'll clearly, be in mind. Many just daydream about how suc- dent the first day of class. Still, it cessful they will be. won't make a moment's difference Unfortunately, in school and in· ifyou don't make a list ofwhat needs real life, hopes and dreams and plans doing and then do what's on the list. don't count for all that much. They . Having a computer program tell don't give extra credit for good ideas.. you when the test is scheduled only What matters in the end is what you helps if you actually study for the do. test. Schoolwork can be hard, and sucThe second trap is confusing saycess takes real effort. There are ways ing with doing, words with actions. of conv.incing yourself that you're . You've got a plan all worked out. on track - without actually putting This semester you'll make nothing in the effort. They seem like good less than a B+. By the end of the ideas, but they'rejust traps. Each lets year, you'll be nominated for the you feel good about yourself for a Honor Society. You'll study every while, but none ever will bring the . night for two hours, whether you've rewards you really want. got any assignments or not. You'.lI The first trap is confusing the spend every. Saturday morning quality of your equipment with the down at the library,working onyour


book reports. Those are good ideas, but you only get marked on what you do, not on what you say you're going to do. Getting your regular homework done is worth 10 times more than planning an elaborate project with pictures and diagrams, and then not getting your homework done. Plans and dreams are safe and easy. They just spring to mind. Talking about your plans can be risky, creating the illusion that you already accomplished something. Even if you don't get around to the actual work, you convince yourself that you're the sort ofperSon who would have if something else hadn't come up. Nobody gives points forpossibilities. The most humbling words somebody can say are, "You have so much potential." It means, "You could be accomplishing things, but you aren't." Daydreams are the same. They don'tteplace real work. Ifyou imagine being a scientist someday, do your algebra tonight. If you dream of Iife'as a writer, write - and put extra time in on your English. A successful school year, a year of accomplishment, is not an accumulation of the equipment you buy,

Cardinal blesses rose hon~.ring Our Lady of Guadalupe .

THE ANCHOR -'Diocese of Fall River'- Fri., October 6, ·2000 what you talk about or what you dream. At the end of the year, the question won't be, "What did you' plan?" In school, and in life, the inevitable heart of the matter will be, ''What did you do?"


Your comments are welcome. Please address: Dr. Christopher Carstens, c/o Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.

Israel Night Presentation Fr. Joseph P. McDermott invites you to join an Israel Night Presentation Immaculate Conception Church, Stoughton

Monday, October 23,2000 at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to learn more about the Immaculate Conception Holy Land pilgrimage February 13-23, 2001. Here Fr. Joe will describe the journey in great detail and answer questions regarding the tour. We encourage anyone considering joining the tour or simply interested in learning more about the Holy Land to join us for light refreshments and a time of fellowship. ,



LOS ANGELES (CNS) - ReMore than 40 workers traveled J&,ckson & Perkins, with its unionenacting the 16th-century miracle of three hours by bus from Wasco, near maqagement award for having one of Juan Diego in Mexico, six-year-old Bakersfield, to represent their 1,400 the best labor relations records in the . Rigoberto Gomez held the comers of co-workers at the ceremony and pay country. his folded tilma as he approached Car- triqute to the Virgin Mary. The new During the last six years, the allidinal Roger M. Mahony of Los An- rose will be produced outside Bakers- ance has "really set a new example in geles. field. agriculture for how management and . Flanked by six little girls dressed ''I'm yery proud that they would' worker relationships should really ex- . as angels, the youngster un. .' ist," said UFW President' folded the tilma, spilling out Arturo Rodriguez. rose petals and revealing the A rose cultivated by image of Our Lady of fannworkers and named afGuadalupe on the cloth. ter Our Lady of Guadalupe The occasion was the un~ . also serves to recognize her veiling and blessing ofa new role in the stOJggle for silvery-pink, sweet-smelling worker' rights, said tloribunda rose named for Rodriguez. Our Lady ofGuadalupe, dur''There is never an event ing arecent ceremony at Our or march that takes place Lady Queen of Angels without (the image ot) the Church (La Placita) in Los Virgin ofGuadalupe in front Angeles.. of us, really caring for us and The rose's creation, noted giving us the guidance we the cardinal, was a reflection need in our struggle to bring A U.S. rose grower and the United Farm about dignity and justice for of an extraordinary alliance betweenJackson & Perkins, Workers have joined forces to produce a new fannworkersthroughoutthis the world's largest rose rose named, after Our Lady of Guadalupe. nation," he said. grower, and the United Fann (eNS phQ~~).?ourtesy Jackson & Perkins) Adam Chavarria, execuWorkers, the union repre, tive director of the Hispanic . senting its workers. . nam~"il Lose after Our Lady of <;ollegeFund, said that in growing and 'This is astunning example ofhow . Gu~al}Jpe," lab technician Isabel selling the roses and making it posthe two can work together," the cardi- .Rojas told The Tulings, Los Angeles sible for desc;:rVi~gLatino students to afford a college education, "at each nal told so.me ISO'people gathered for arc.hd!ocesan newspaper. . . ' : , "We're've!yhqnored;' she added,". step along the way Latinos will be the ceremOIJY, !J1any waving roses ana small red tJFW flags. noting that'most of the companis touched. by the Our: Lady of Jackson & Perkins said proceeds workerswho will be growing and cul-. ' Guadalupe rose.:' . The idea for the rose was, sepafrom sales of the rose will go to the . tivating the rose are of Mex~~an.heri-, rately suggested by Dolores Huerta, HispanioCol!ege Fun~, a national or- ,tage. . Company spokesman Bill Ihlerec- co-founder of the UFW, and by ganization that gives scholarship aid to Hispanic students, and other assis- ognized the "strong and strategic part- Msgr. George Parnassus, pastor of tance to Liitino communities in the nership thafJackson & Perkins cel- St. Victor Parish in West Hollyebrateswith United Farm Workers." wood.' United States. ''As a company, we have benefited, The Our Lady of Guadalupe rose Cardinal Mahony said he plans to plant the special rose to adorn the the union has benefited, and the work- bush is available from Jackson & Perkins by telephone at (800) 292shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe in ers have benefited;' he said. The AFL-CIO recently honored 4769, or on the Internet at the outdoor plaza of the new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. . Bear Creek, the production arm of www.jacksonandperkins.com.


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., October 6, 2000

ACUSHNET - The New Bed, ford Catholic Women's Club will meet on Oct. 11 at 7. p.m. at the Century House, 107. South Main Street for its monthly meeting. For ·more information contact Jeannine

Benjamin at 995-4053.


ATTLEBORO - The annual Diocesan Young Adult Conference themed "Be Radical, Be Catholic," will be held on Nov. 4 from 8:30 a.m.

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t05 p.m. at the La Salette Shrine's new 'church. It will include-several speakers, musicians and Mass. For more information contact Bud Miller at 6753847. ATTLEBORO - St. John the Evangelist Parish will sponsor two 'workshops at the Hospitality Center, 1 Saint John Place, this month .. They are "Catholic Teaching and Legal Issues In Support of Life," Oct. 10 from 7-9 p.m., by Father David Pregana and Atty. Edward Casey; and "Palliative Care at the End of Life Including Pain Management and Family Support Issues," Oct. 17 from 7-9 p.m., by Eleanor Murphy,-Hospice Pr,ogram Manager. .

Iteering pOintl 10 at 6:30 p.m..For registration information call 222-S530.

ATTLEBORO The La Salette Shrine will offer the program "Mary in the Millennium," on Sunday at 2 p.m. at the new Shrine church. On Oct. 21 the Shrine will host Father John Hampsch of Los Angeles as he presents two separate seminars "Healing Your Family Tree," from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and "Spiritual Waters," from 6:30-9 . p.m. Pre-registration is required. ATTLEBORO The La For more information call 222Salette Center for Christian Living 5410. will present a retreat entitled "Evening of Recollection: Prayer in ATTLEBORO FALLS - A Mid-Life and Later Years," on Oct. workshop for the "In Support of Life" initiative, entitled "Comfort and Hope for the Dying," will be held on Oct. 17 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Mark's Parish hall, 105 Stanley Street. It will focus on the sanctity of human life and be led by Mary Patricia Tranter. For more information call 699-7566. EAST TAUNTON - Holy Family Parish will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Oct. 22 with Mass at II a.m. Bishop Sean P. O!Malley OFM Cap., will be principal celebrant and it will be followed by a banquet. All current and former parishioners' as well as .. friends of Holy Family are welcome. For banquet information call 824-5707 no later than Oct. 15. FAIRHAVEN - The Life Teen Group of St. Mary's Church, 41 Harding Road, will kick.off its new , year on Oct. 15 with, a 6 p.m. Mass. A meeting and pizza party will follow. Attendees are invited to gather at 5:30 p.m. for pre-Mass music warm-up. For more information call Paul Levesque at 992-7300 or by e-mail atFariMarY@aol.com.

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, NEW BEDFORD - Birthright ofNew Bedford is seeking volunteers to help work in its office and be part of a team to support women during pregnancy. For more information call Ann Tremblay at 995-9248. NEW BEDFORD - The Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth Circle #71 will take part in a living rosary on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at Holy_Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Church, 121 Mount Pleasant Street. Its regular monthly meeting will be held o,n Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. in the parish cente'r. For more information call Mary Macedo at 993-9179. NEW BEDFORD - The Courage Group will meet on Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. at the rectory of Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. Courage is a support group for Catholic men and women confronting same sex attraction issues and who are striving to lead chaste lives. For more information call Msgr. Thomas Harrington at 992-31,84. NEW BEDFORD - The Calix Group, which enlists Catholic men and women who-are gratefully celebrating recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction and other dependencies, will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. at the parish center of Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus",Church. Newcomers are always welcome. NEW BEDFORD - The Music Ministry Group of St. Joseph-St. Therese Parish will sponsor a· first Friday/Saturday celebration beginning tonight at 8 p.m. with Mass. It will be followed by the rosary and Benediction of the Blessed .Sacrament. For more information call . Marshall Connolly at 984-0800 or the rectory at 995-5235 . NORTH DARTMOUTH-A Separated-Divorced Support Group will meet on Oct. 9 from 7-9 p.m. at the DioGesan Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. The topic will be "Free to Be Me," and will in~lude a video presentation by Jesuit Father John Powell. TAUNTON - A program cn- , titled "Understanding the Liturgy," will be held on Oct. 19, Nov. 2 and 9 from 7-8:30 p.m. at Coyle and Cassidy High School. Speakers include Msgr. Stephen 1. Avila, Father Jon-Paul Gallant and Lisa Gulino. For registration call the Office of Adult Education at 6782828. WEST HARWICH ---: The S1. Francis of Peace Fraternity, Secular Franciscan Order will meet Sun'day for a noon Mass at Holy Trinity Church. 'It will be followed by discussions.

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