t eanc 0 VOl. 21, NO. 40
State of Chur~h Is Reported At Synod Start
Anchor To Be Host For CPA Meeting For the first time in its history, The Anchor will host an Eastern Regional meeting of the Catholic Press Association (CPA). The three-day convention, to take place in Hyannis at the Dunfey Family's Hyannis Resort, Wednesday, Nov. 9 through Friday, Nov. 11, is also the first New England-based CPA meeting to take place in over a decade. It is expected to attract Catholic newspaper and magazine staff members from the New England states, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C. and several southern states. As planned by Father John F. Moore, Anchor editor, and Msgr.
John J. Regan, financial administrator, the convention program will emphasize practical workshops and discussions. Scheduled for consideration Turn to 'Page Seven
F'estiva I Theme IArt of Hoping l
A full schedule has been announced for a Religious Arts Festival to be co-sponsored. the weekend of Nov. 4 through 6 by the Greater Fall River Council of Churches and the Diocese of Fall River. To be hel<J in the Central Congregational Church, 100 Rock Turn to Page Seven
BISHOP CRONIN officiates at jubilee celebration for Sister Gertrude Maessen (left), for 60 years a Franciscan Missionary of Mary and Sister Isabel Cavaco, marking 25 years in the community. (Story on I?age 5)
15c, $5 Per Year
Diocese Slates Workshop On Religious 'Education A workshop for parish priests and religious education coordinators will be sponsored by the Diocesan Department of Religious Education. To be held at La Salette Center for Christian Renewal, Attleboro, the session will begin at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12 and will conclude after lunch on Thursday, Oct. 11 . Rev. Lawrence Hughes, director of religious education for the diocese of Manchester, will address workshop participants on Wednesday evening. He will reflect on the role of religious education in the parish, the respective roles of director and coordinator, the vision that each brings to the parish program and the direction of catechetical ministry within a parish and community. Father Hughes, former Newman chaplain at Plymouth State College, has been a leader in religious education with the New England Conference of Religious Education Directors and national catechetical organizations. On Thursday, Richard Cos-
tello, director of youth ministry for the diocese of Norwich, will discuss catechetical ministry to youth and post-confirmation programs, examining the theory of youth ministry and reviewing successful programs. Mr. Costello's background includes serving as a teacher of high school religion and a guidance counselor. Prior to coming to Norwich, he was co-director of youth retreats for the diocese of Richmond, Va. He has written numerous articles for religious education periodicals and has offered workshops throughout the United States. Registrations for the workshop should be sent to Rev. Michel G. Methot, Diocesan Director of Religious Education, at the Catholic Education Center, 423 Highland Avenue, Fall River 02720.
VATICA,N CITL (NC) "Great and specific dangers" face the Church from both Communist governments and military dictatorships, as well as in lands where Christians battle for human rights, according to a major "State of the Church" address presented to the world Synod of Bishops last Sunday. The address, titled "Panorama," also charged that rebel Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and his traditionalist followers are slowly moving toward schism. The Panorama, which hit hard on the theme of human rights, was presented at the synod's opening session by Archbishop Johannes Dagenhardt of Paderborn, Germany, chosen personally by Pope Paul VI to review the life of the Church since the 1974 synod. The Church faces peril "where priests or laity take an interest Turn to Page Four
Respect of Life Wide-Ranging NORTHVALE, N.J. (NC) The annual Respect Life program is not only concerned with the "twin evils" of abortion and euthanasia but with "the wide spectrum of social conditions that often inhibit proper enjoyment of life - poverty, disease, lack of housing, employment, educational opportunity," according to the U.S. bishop's spokesman for pro-life affairs. Msgr. James T. MoHugh, executive director of the bishops' committee for 'Pro-Life Activities, said the annual Catholic observance of Respect Life week, which began Oct. 2 acrQss the Turn to Page Seven
Candlelight Procession Preparations Complete Preparations are complete for the annual candlelight procession sponsored by the Fall River diocese as a tribute to Our Lady of Fatima, the only unorganized area being that of weather. However, if prayers are heard, the evening of Monday, Oct. 10 will feature cloudless skies and reasonably mild temperatures. Beneath those skies thousands of diocesan pilgrims are expected to cover the slightly
less than one mile procession route along Fall River's South Main Street from St. Mary's Cathedral to Kennedy Park. As they walk their candles will create a spectacular river of light extending from curb to curb of the city's main artery and flowing towards the outdoor altar that will be erected at Kennedy Park. Their voices will rise in a blending of many languages as
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they recite the rosary and sing Marian hymns in Portuguese, French, Polish, German, Italian, Spanish and English. A particular intention of this year's procession and Mass will be that of world peace. The procession will be led by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin who will be principal celebrant and homilist at the Kennedy Park Mass. Special music will be by the Diocesan Choir, augmented by o
Virgin recommended frequent recitation of the rosary and works of penance for the conversion of sinners. She asked that devotion to her Immaculate Heart Monday's holiday procession be established in the world and comes as closely as possible to that Russia be consecrated to the Oct. 13 feast of Our Lady of . her under that title. She also Fatima, commemorating the last asked that the faithful make a in a series of appearances of practice of receiving Holy ComMary to three Portuguese chil- munion on the first Saturday of dren during the year 1917. each month as a means of repDuring those appearances the aration for sin.
any who wish to join in this Marian tribute. The choir will rehearse at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 in St. Mary's Cathedral.
pro-life month
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
ill People·Places.Events-NC News Briefs ill ~.~
They Came
It'll Get Harder
CITY - The general secretary of the fifth World Synod of Bishops has confirmed press reports that Cardinal Joseph Trin Nhu Khue of Hanoie and Archbishop Paul Nguyen Van Binh of Saigon are in Rome to attend the synod.
DES MOINES, Iowa - Cqntinuing advances in technological knowledge will bring new ethical problems and more difficult decisions for society and the individual in coming years, according to an authority on bio-medical ethics. Daniel Callahan, founder and director of the Institute of Society, ,Ethics and the Life Sciences at Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., was the keynote speaker at a recent conference on "Public Issues in Bio-Medical. Ethics: Where Do We Go From Here?"_ at Drake University in ,Des Moines.
Where Credit Is Due WASHINGTON Forty-three senators have introduced legislation to allow a tax credit of 50 percent of tuition costs up to a maximum of $500 per year per student. The credit would be available to full-time and part-time students for tuition paid to virtually all accredited schools, colleges and universities.
Arrest Priests, Nuns VIETNAMESE BABY is among first of more than 15,000 exiles from southeast Asia who will be admitted to US under special program. US Catholic Conference is helping settle refugees.
MANILA Seventeen 'priests and nuns were arrested as military ,police broke up a large demonstration against martial law in the Philippines. The military also detained 42 youths, believed to be mostly Catholic students.
Renew Cha lIenge ST. LOUIS - A group of St. Louis County parents have renewed their legal challenge to public school financing. The parents argue that it is unconstitutional to use tax money to support the schools because they teach a doctrine of "secular humanism," a kind of "religion" that denies the existence of God and makes man "the center of the universe."
Mexican Cardi.,al VATICAN CITY - Pope Paul VI has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Miguel Dario Miranda y Gomez, 81, of Mexico City, who has been archbisop there for 21 years. As his successor, the Pope has named 53-year-old Archbishop Ernesto Corripio Ahumanda of Pueblo de Los Angeles.
Federal Aid
POPE PAUL VI acknowledges cheering crowd at St. Peter's Basilica where he celebrated Mass on eve of his 80th birthday.
WASHINGTON Twenty Catholic dioceses and agencies have received $75,073,500 in federal loans for housing for the elderly. The funds will pay for 2,523 housing units. Catholic agencies received about 12 percent of the available funds.
Swiss Reject Bill GENEVA - Swiss voters have rejected a bill that would have depenalized abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. In a referendum vote the proposal was defeated on two counts. As a constitutional amendment it needed endorsement both in a majority of Switzerland's 22 cantons (states) and by a majority of the people nationwide.
Doesn't Agree WASHINGTON - A report that says Catholic couples' contraceptive practices are virtually indistinguishable from nonCatholics was criticized by the director of the Bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities, who said he is optimistic that the Church's stand on family planning will continue to gain adherents. Msgr. James T. McHugh was commenting on a study by two Princeton University researchers.
St;1I Missing REP. HENRY HYDE (R-ILL.) says Catholic doctors could aid pro-life movement immeasurably (Story on page 5).
MEXICO CITY - Mexican police have returned files and equipment confiscated last summer from the Catholic Ce'nter for Social Communications but the center's director said cameras, typewriters and important documents are still missing. ,
Church in Hungary BUDAPEST - Continued restriction of religious freedom accompanied by apparent easing of some Church-state tensions seems to describe the situation of the Catholic Church in Hungary, according to Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin.• The archbishop, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U.S. Catholic Conference, recently ended a six-day trip to Hungary.
MSGR. HAJmY O'CONNOR, High Court Chaplain for the Catholic Assn. of Foresters, will celebrate a television Mass on Channel 7 at 8:45 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 16.
"Most Rational" WASHINGTON - The most· rational solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland would be "the final liquidation of British rule and the unification. of all Ireland in a modern democratic secular state," according to a report released by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office of International Justice and Peace.
He's Ahead of Church ROME President Jimmy Carter's push for human rights is an indictment of Church inactivity in promoting human dignity, according to Filipino Bishop Francisco Claver, an outspoken foe of martial law in the Philippines. Bishop Claver, who heads the prelature of Malaybalay, said in an interview in Rome that "when Carter acts and is listened to in the field of human rights, it is an indictment of Church inactivity."
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No Total Immersion VATICAN CITY Pope Paul VI stressed the need to form modern apostles by encouraging them to contemplate Christ the s~lVior and to avoid becoming too immersed in the world, during an audience with Cardinal Francois Marty of Paris and the bishops of the Paris region.
SEN. DANIEL MOYNIHAN (DNY) speaks on behalf of tuition tax
credit bill he is introducing in Congress. If passed it will substantially aid parents of Catholic schoolchildren.
Fight 'Kiddie Porn' WASHINGTON - The _House of Representatives, by a 37-5-12 vote, has approved a bill to prohibit the use of children under 16 in actual or simulated sexual activity in media mailed or shipped through interstate or foreign commerce. The bill, which is aimed at crippling the multimillion-dollar "kiddie porn" industry that has developed' over the past few years, now moves to the Senate.
Joint Memorial LONDON - A joint memorial to both the Catholic and the Protestant martyrs of the Reformation will be unveiled and dedicated in Westminster Abbey Oct. 13. The date is the feast of St. Edward the Confessor, the English king who founded the abbey in 1065.
Won't Fund Abortions ST. PAUL, Minn. - Within hours of a Minnesota Supreme Court decision, the state Department of Public Welfare cut off public financing of elective abortions, saying it would not fund them again unless told to do so by the legislature. \
BISHOP MARK I:IURLEY of Santa Rosa, Calif. calls scientific manipulation greater threat to Church than Marxism.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
La Salette Lists New Courses La Salette Shrine in Attleboro will begin its fall semester of courses and workshops tonight with a six-week course on the Eucharist presented by Mrs. Muriel Vassett, MA, of Pawtucket who will consid~r the background significance of the sacrament and will conclude with a study of the traditions of communion on the tongue and in the hand. A series of one-day courses will be offered by Father Donald Paradis, MS, beginning with "The Parables" on Saturday, Oct. 8, and continuing Saturday, Oct. 15 with "The Psalms" and Saturday, Nov. 12 with "St. Mark's Gospel." All will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A lecture series on social issues will begin at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12 with an address on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage by Father John J. Lavin, JCD, advocate for the Providence marriage court. Death and Dying will be the . topic of Sister Constance Kozel, RSM on Wednesday, Nov. 9; and Father James T. Sullivan, OP will conclude the series Tuesday, Jan. 17, with a discussion of Alcoholism: Management vs. Mismangement. A seven-week course, "A Church for Everyone," will begin Monday, Oct. 17, continuing on Monday nights through Nov. 28. Presented by Brother LeoPaul LeBlanc, MS, it will consider various models and images of the Church. Music workshops will be offered by Father Fernand Cassista, MS on Saturday, Nov. 5 and Saturday, Dec. 5, exploring popular songs as reflections of the psalms and scripture, music and song relevant to Advent. Both programs will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A four-week course on prayer will be given by Sister Virginia Sampson, SUSC on Wednesday nights from Nov. 16 through Dec. 7. Further information on courses and fees is available from La Salette Shrine, .telephone 222-5410.
Increased Aid GENEVA (NC) - The number of refugees assisted by the International Catholic Mi&ration Commission (ICMC) in 1976 was almost double the number asisted in 1975, the organization's annual report said.
Progress Report on. 'No Soap'
MISS ADRIENNE LEMIEUX, St. Jacques parish, Taunton, presents the first donation for the 1978 Bishop's Ball to Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes its diocesan director. She represents the Taunton District Council of Catholic Women, among ball sponsors.
Ball Presente'e Parishes Listed Thirty-e;ght diocesan parishes Box 1470, Fall River, 02722, telewill participate in the presentee phone 676-8943. The names of the young ladprogram at the annual Bishop's Ball on Friday, Jan. 13. Each will ies chosen for the ceremony select a young lady to be pre- should be sent to Mrs. James sented to Bishop Daniel A. Cron- A. O'Brien, 488 High St., Fall River 02720 by Dec. 10, said in one of the ball highlights. ,Named to take part in this Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, balI year's ceremony are the follow- diocesan director. Mrs. O'Brien is chairman of ing parishes: Cape Cod and Islands: Our the presentee section of the ball Lady Of the Cape, Brewster; St. program. Other chairmen inAnthony, East Falmouth; Our clude Mrs. Stanley Janick and Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; Sa- Robert Coggeshall, decorations; cred Heart, Oak Bluffs, Assump- Mrs. Michael J. McMahon and tion, Osterville; Holy Trinity, .Mrs. Richard Paulson, hospitality; Norman Hathaway and West Harwich. Fall River Area: Blessed Sac- Lester Reed, hall; Miss Margaret rament, Espirito Santo, Holy M. Lahey, theme, motif and Cross, Holy Rosary, St. Eliza- color scheme. Priest directors aiding Msgr. beth, St. Joseph, SS. Peter and Paul, ~t. Roch, St. Stanislaus, Gomes are Father Bento Fraga Fall River; St. John the Baptist, and Father Roger Gagne, AttleCentral Village; St. John of God, boro area; Father John F. AndSt. Thomas More, Somerset; St. rews, Cape and Islands; Father Manuel P. Ferreira and Father Louis de France, Swansea. New Bedford Area: Immacu- George F. Almeida, New Bedlate Conception, Our Lady of ford; Father WaIter A. Sullivan Fatima, Our Lady of Perpetual and Father Leonard Mullaney, Help, St. Anne, St. Hedwig, St. Taunton; and Msgr. Gomes and Mary, New Bedford; St. Francis Father Francis L. Mahoney, Fall Xavier, Acushnet; St. Joseph, River. Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven; St. Anthony, Mattapoisett. Taunton Area: Holy Family, ST. KILIAN'S East Taunton; Immaculate ConRISE & SHINERS ception, St. Anthony, Taunton; Present St. Ann, Raynham; Holy Cross, South Easton. 1st Annual Frolic A ball program will have sevSt, Kilian's Parish Hall en categories for memorials, October 15th very special friends, guarantors, 8:00 • 12:00 P.M. benefactors, boosters, sponsors and patrons. Those wishing to Music By "SILVERLINERS" be listed in the program may COFFEE 'AN contact any committee member $3.00 Per Person or the ball headquarters, P.O.
THE CLADDAGH RING "Let Love and Friendship Reign" 9 kt Gold $39.75 • Sterling Silver $7.95
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Ave., New York, N.Y. 10036; American Home Products, 685 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017; and Presto Products, National Presto Industries, P.O. Box 10057, Northside Station, Jackson, Miss. 39206. A spokesman for the coalition said American Home Products .has said it received the advertisement free and that ABC has not denied it. The company, one of the major television advertisers in the country, had previously announced that it would not sponsor the first two episodes of "Soap."
The "Coalition for No Soap" has announced the names and addresses of companies which advertised on the second episode of "Soap," broadcast Sept. 20, and the status of several companies which sponsored the first episode. Bic Pen Corp, Chairman Marcel L. Bisch, Wiley Street, Milford, Conn. 06460, and Jo· van Inc., President Bernard A. Mitchell, 875 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611 were the only two of the six first-week advertisers which also sponsored the second program. J ovan has announced that it will no longer be associated with "Soap," but the coalition has received no information from Bic Pen Corp. New advertisers were: Manischewitz Wines, 9 Clinton St., Newark, N.J. 07012; Loreal Hair Coloring, Cosmair Inc., 530 Fifth
Slain Nun Leav·es 'Legacy of Love' DAYTON, Ohio (NC) - Mayor James H. McGee has joined other Dayton citizens in mourning the death of Sister Donna Jeanne Blaul, saying that she "left all of us a legacy of love and an urban witness of unusual beauty." Sister Blaul, a 35-year-old Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, was shot to death last month at St. Agnes convent. In a statement on behalf of the Dayton City Commission, McGee noted the nun's "dedication to service and tender care" and said, "Though our city is diminished by her loss, its character is strengthened by her life and example."
The spokesman said Vlasic Pickles had notified the coalition that it did not know its ad would appear during "Soap" and has protested to the network about the placement of its ad. Norton-Simon Inc., the parent company for Max Factor, said its sponsorship of the first episode had been the result of "bad communications" and that the company would have no further association with "Soap." Memco, the parent company for English Leather, said it had received strong negative reaction to its sponsorship of "Soap," and did not place any advertisements in the second program. The coalition got no response from Lee Filters, but no ads were placed on the second' episode of "Soap" for that company, the coalition spokesman said. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.
243 FOREST STREET 675-1561
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In a CHRIS'T~CEN'TERED LIFE SHARE YOUR VISION WITH US TO SERVE. • . the sick the poor the lonely the young the elderly the neglected
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
themoorin~ Once More, Mr. Dukakis? The General Court of the Commonwealth has declared October to be Pro-Life Month in the state of Massachusetts. This decree, passed last spring, has become official by way of mandate from the legislature and not from the desire of Governor Dukakis. Our chief elected official refused to approve the bill approved by the majority of senators and representatives. When it reached his desk, the governor had the choice to approve, veto or ignore it. Mr. Dukakis chose the latter. Thus the bill became a mandate of the General Court the governor by force of law had to sign the proclamation of October as Pro-Life Month. Once more we have an indication of the governor's position in regard to pro-life legislation. True, he did not veto the proposed legislation when it arrived at his office. He just ignored it. No matter how you view the situation, Mr. Dukakis' actions speak for themselves. When one reflects on his activities so far as pro-life legislation is concerned, -it is more than obvious that he remains as one of the chief obstacles in Massachusetts to the fundamental rights of the unborn. There are some forces in the state that would prefer to have the Catholic community and the Catholic press remain silent on this issue of pro-life. These people fail to realize that the Church cannot be muzzled when fundamental moral jssues become the subject of secular legislation. Thus it is that once more we call to the attention of all men and women who believe in the rights of the unborn, the activities of our elected officials in this instance and in particular the position of our governor who by his public actions is seemingly in opposition to all pro-life legislation. Again, we urge everyone who supports the pro-life position to remain aware of the voting record of all our elected officials and not hesitate to inform them of our personal concern in this matter. Above all, we call t6 mind once more the fact that the best way to demonstrate our approval or disapproval of the legislative activities of, the members of the General Court is at the polling booth.
Senior Citizens: Alert! At present the House Ways and Means Committee of the United States Congress is debating Social Security legislation. From all reports, this Congressional discussion takes on new importance since Social Security funds are rapidly evaporating. Because of the confusion of the situation and the many divergent views that seek solutions, there are serious doubts whether Congress will come to grips before it adjourns in finding a long-range solution to this problem. As we all know, the present Social Security system is paying out more than it is taking in. There can be little doubt that the high rate of unemployment in the past few years has had a great deal to do with this predicament. Looking down the road, experts see an even more acute problem. It is estimated that by the next century, only 23 years away, there will be fewer working people each year to pay taxes while at the same time there will be more people of retirement age to draw benefits. Thus, just on the surface, we can see some of the complexities of this issue. Yet, when it boils down to the ordinary man or woman, it means the survival of the monthly check. Each person who now depends on Social Security for survival in this age of inflation should be well aware of what's going on in Washington in this matter. Retired people and their very influential Senior Citizens' groups should keep a constant eye on every legislator and every piece of legislation affecting Social Security law. Retired people have the time to be involved, the organizations to be influential and the political punch to be decisive: By being involved and concerned, older people today can take great strides to assure that future generations will be able to enjoy the survival ben~fits now received through the Social Security system.
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ph'otom,editati,on People . . . at a 'County Fair . . . in the Midwest Some smile . . . others frown . . . as they gaze at the same -passing event . . . Not all are handsome or beautiful . . . Some seem more attractive . . . more creative . . . more loving . . . than others . . . but what they are really like . . . can only be guessed. They, are just a random sampling . . . of a mere score of. human beings . . . from the world's billions ... They probably do not make the headlines . . . or appear on TV ... They seem very much like ... most of us. Yet each of them . . . each of us . . . is more fascinating than the passing events of life . . . Each of them .' . . each of us . . . is more marvelous . . . than the wonderful world which is our home . . . is God's' closest Each of them . . . each of us . image on earth. People . . . paradoxically . puzzlingly . . ~ mysteriously . . . are the closest thing to God . . . we are likely to meet! "Yahweh, our Lord ... I look up at your heavens '. . . made by your fingers . . . at the moon and stars you set in place . . . Ab, what is man . . . that you should spare a thought of him . . . the son of man that you should care for him?" "You have made him little less than a god . you have crowned him with glory and splendour . made him lord over the work of your hands . . . Yahweh, our God ... how great your name throughout the earth!" (Psalm 8,3-9)
State of. Church Told at Synod Continued from Page One in the poor and unfortunate, where members of the Church remind the rich of their social the responsibilities, where Church operates institutions to teach the illiterate, train her followers and instruct man about human rights, and where priests cry out against the cruelties of the rich, fight real materialism and show through their lives how the Gospel is to be lived," said the archbishop,
In an obvious reference to Communist violation of the Helsinki accords, the prelate said that "we regret that certain international documents calling for freedom of conscience and religion have been violated in practice by some governments." . The Helsinki accords, signed by Western and Communist nations in 1975, guarantee basic human freedoms including freedom of religion. The document, which the Holy See also signed,
the ancho,{S}
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore, M.A.
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan "~,~~,,
leary Pre 51-· Fall R,v.r
is up for review this fall in Belgrade. While the document asserted the "necessity" of Church dialogue with Communists, it strongly protested discrimination against Catholics in Communist states. "In recent times there has' been a stress on protection of man's rights, especially in nations subject to Communist rule," said the archbishop. He reaffirmed for man in these nations "the right to teach religion and witness to their ,faith, to freely express their religious life and to establish institutions. "It is in contradiction to their freedom if Christians undergo persecution for the faith, if rulers try to impose atheism and if Christians are discriminated against as citizens or undergo discrimination in school or on the job," he said. The Latin- language Panorama also charged that liberation theology and movements like the Marxist-oriented "Christians for socialism" were causing "vehement dissension" among the clergy in certain areas. Turning to the conflict between Pope Paul and traditionalist Archbishop Lefebvre, Archbishop -Dagenhardt warned that the prelate and "some of his followers are slowly moving toward schism." The Panorama said further on, however, that few of the archbishop's followers "intend to go into schism." The real cause of the archbishop's dissent, said Archbishop Dagenhardt, are his rejection of the Second Vatican Council as a product of "modernism, Protestantism and liberalism," and his refusal to submit to Pope Paul's authority. The Panorama painted a bleak picture of the erosion of moral values. Society and the family are threatened by liberalized divorce and abortion, by illicit sterilization, premarital sex, euthanasia, as well as by "amoral experiments which destroy or entirely change man's person, experiments with embryos and artificial insemination," On the plus side, the Panorama pointed to a rise in vocations in some areas and to increase in community prayer. It said that small Christian communities are the hope of the Church, provided that these groups stay linked with the bishops. The 'Panorama praised the charismatic movement and urged bishops to appoint priests as liaisons with prayer groups to insure unity with the local Church. It lauded the growth of the permanent diaconate but insisted that it does not make up for the lack of priests.
October 14 Rev. Msgr. Edward B. Booth, 1972, Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary, North Attleboro Rev. Dennis M. Lowney, 1918, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taunton October 19 Rev. Manuel A. Silvia, 1928, Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall River
Two Franciscan Missionaries of Mary marked jubilees in the religious life last Sunday at Espirito Santo Church, Fall River, renewing their vows before Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at a festive afternoon Mass, followed by a reception for family and friends. They are Sister Gertrude Maessen, celebrating 60 years as a nun, and Sister Isabel Cavaco, observing her 25th anniversary. Sister Gertrude, born in Germany, has had a varied career, including nursing wounded soldiers in World War I, and work in nursing homes, kindergartens and home nursing services staffed by her community. Since 1960 she has been in charge of St. Francis Residence for working women on Fall River's Whipple Street. Friends and family members from Germany and Chicago as well as many from this area were among those congratulating the 81-year-old religious at Sunday's ceremony. Sister Isabel is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Cavaco of 605 Second St., Fall River, next door to the Francisc;an Sisters' Fall River convent, a very happy situation for the religious, who was superior there from 1973 to 1976 and is now stationed in Providence as director of the community's convent in that city. Born in Fall River, Sister Is. abel moved with her family to the Azores when she was five, returning to this country 30 years ago and subsequently entering the Franciscan Missionaries under the spiritual direction of Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, then a priest in this diocese. She has served for most of her religious life at a Harlem children's shelter in New York and took special studies in Puerto Rico in order better' to assist the many Puerto Rican families with whom she worked. She has also studied at Annhurst College, Woodstock, Conn.
James Collard On TV Sunday James Collard of Westport, 'i diocesan lay representative for development for the Charismatic Renewal, will be a guest on the WJAR-TV (Channel 10) series "The Week Starts Here" on Sunday, Oct. 9th. The program is produced in association with the Diocese of Providence, and is aired weekly at 8:30 a.m. and following the Sunday evening late movie on WJAR-TV. It is also seen on a number of New England area cable TV systems. Collard will be joIned on the program by Matt Tierney, his counterpart from the Diocese of Providence. They will discuss a recent TV documentary, "A New Providence," shown on the same program on Sept. 25. They will look at the impact of the Charismatic Renewal movement in Southeastern New England, and in conversation with program host Brian Wallin, are expected to draw attention to the importance of avoiding sensationalism in the movement's, activities.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
Franciscan Nuns Mark Ju,bilees
Catholic Doctors Hold Pro-Life Key
.JOSEPH AND JUUA QUINLAN watch the televised story of their daughter, "In the Matter of Karen Ann Quinlan," in their parish rectory. Behind them are Atty. Paul Armstrong, his wife Maria and Father Thomas Trapasso, all portrayed in film. (NC Photo)
Quinlan Reaction Stoical To IMatter of Karen Ann By Maura Rossi MOUNT ARLINGTON, N.J. Julie Quinlan is not the kind of woman who would go to the kitchen, get herself a cup of coffee and drink it without asking if anyone else would like one. That's what she did, though, during one of the commercial breaks in last month's presentation of "In the Matter of Karen Ann Quinlan." The incident showed, quite as much as the stiff way she sat and the constant averting of her eyes from the screen, that watching the dramatized version of her family's long ordeal was painful, recalling too sharply the events that have shot her and her quiet husband, Joe, into worldwide prominence. "It's hard to watch; it really is," she said at the halfway mark in ,the program, which she and Joe watched in Our Lady of the Lake rectory along with Father Thomas Trapasso, the priest who has been their friend and counselor; Paul Armstrong, their young attorney, and his wife Maria; and several members of the Trapasso family. Julie looked at a reporter steadily, as if challenging the question when asked whether she does not hope there will be a change, a miracle, and her daughter will get better. "There is no hope. I don't ever expect a change. There can be no change. Everything is in God's hands," she said. Before the program started, there was an air of expectancy in the rectory living room, much like 'a theater before curtain time. Locally, reviewers had panned the show, while the New York papers, especially the Times, were .. very flattering. The Quinlans themselves had been pleased by its tone when they previewed it. There was general agreement that Brian Keith, as Joe, did a (NC) -
remarkable job in capturing his speech and manner and the quiet intensity of his feelings. "He called me up and talked to me for a while," Joe explained. "He wanted to listen to my New Jersey accent and the tone of my voice." The Quinlans have not met any of the actors in the film personally, they said, but writer- producer Hal Sitowitz came out and spent a day with them, talking and taking notes. Attorney Armstrong agreed that the actor playing him probably looks a lot like him, but said he found it hard to explain what it felt like to see someone act out his life. One bit of dramatic license in the show, he said, was the scene in which he decides to plead Joe's case to be appointed Karen's legal guardian in order to have the life-sustaining machines shut off. "It was not that fast. It actually took three weeks of discussion, going over records, before I made the decision," Armstrong said. The ,official diocesan position on that decision was once again reiterated by Father Trapasso, who takes the blame for an error that appears in the book, "Karen Ann," which was published last month. "I just forgot to mention to Phyllis Battelle, who wrote the book with the Quinlans, that Msgr. (Frank) Rodimer (then diocesan chancellor) had held that press conference restating the bishop's support for the Quinlans in the face of a statement from the Vatican which appeared to take the opposite view. I have never complained about 'official silence.' How could I? I never felt anything but support." Father Trapasso answered a question about how the Quinlans feel now that Karen's life goes on, against all probability. "They answered that on the 'To~ay' show this morning," he
a child, medical men, whose tescarries much more weight than laymen's can "define someone out of existence," Desro said. The doctors were urged to take a stronger public stand against pornography by William Stanmeyer, president of the Center for Legal Studies in Washington. He noted that while pornography advocates are protecting and promoting their interests Catholics keep private their concern. Doctors should organize against pornography both socially and legally, Stanmeyer said. Other topics covered at the convention included child abuse, care of the handicapped, television violence and natural family planning. The organization has nearly 5,000 members in 107 guilds located in 35 states, the District of Columbia, Canada and Puerto Rico.
CHICAGO (NC) - Catholic doctors can have a beneficial effect on American society if they use their political power and the public esteem in which they are held, according to several speakers at the annual meeting of the National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds. One of the speakers, Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.), told the 125 doctors at the meeting that they have an indispensable role to play in the pro-life movement. Hyde told the gathering, which also included 25 clergy and Religious, that the public holds doctors in high regard, and that the pro-life movement would gain general acceptance if Catholic physicians would publicly support it. The Illinois Republican, author of the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal funding of abortions through the Medicaid program, applauded the example set by a group of ,Belleville, Ill., doctors who 'have put pro-life advertisements in local newspapers. Another speaker, attorney Robert A. Destro, president of Lawyers for Life, Cleveland, said pro-life lawyers are often disappointed in courtroom testimony given by Catholic doctors. When arguments center around distinctions between a fetus and
Countercultural! NEW YORK (NC) - A Lutheran leader has praised the U.S. Catholic bishops for "their courage, their guts in being so countercultural" on the question of abortion. The Rev. Richard Nauhaus, senior editor of Worldwide magazine, said the bishops' abortion stand is a good example of the 'Church helping society to "think through the presuppositions" which underlie publicpolicy decisions. Such help, he said, is a part of "the Church's business."
said. "Basically, there is a contentment, a serenity. They know they have done all they could for Karen. All they ever wanted was for her to be allowed to return to her natural state." Joe and Julie Quinlan nodded agreement.
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THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 6, 1977
To No One's Surprise, He Doesn't Like Directory twin pillars of Catholic social thought?
The new Catechetical Directory recently distributed to the bishops is so bad it has to be seen to be believed. Can you imagine, for example, a document which devotes 12 pages to Catholic social teaching and never mentions either subsidiarity or pluralism the
To leave out these special and almost unique Catholic contributions to social theory at any time is irresponsible; to omit them when "Small Is Beautiful" is on the bestseller lists is monumentally stupid. Of course, there is no reason why the Catechetical Directory staff should take subsidiarity seriously when their colleagues of the Peace and Justice staff of the USCC spend a half million dollars a year of¡ the people's money pontificating on national and international problems and rarely if ever mention 'either subsidiarity or pluralism. The Directory lists a long cata-
logue of "social problems" about which catechists ought to be concerned. But the geniuses who compiled the list seem not to have heard of red-lining, neighborhood destruction, suburban flight, block-busting, or antiCatholic and antiethnic discrimination. Pornography, farm labor, dis. crimination against women, and the world food crisis are on their list, but not a word about bureaucratization of life, destruction of - ethnic cultures, structural irresponsibility of large corporate bodies (including the church), fear on the streets, loss of grass roots political control or the powerlessness of the average citizen against social and political elites.
The USCCjNOBB staff usually responds to my criticisms by asserting that I hurt people's feelings. You are not supposed to say that incompetent fools are incompetent fools. You're supposed to be nice to those who waste hundreds of thousands of dollars of the people's money producing a document which ought to be quietly buried. II think the Directory staff ought to have more than their feelings hurt. I think they should be summarily fired. As it is, I hear that some of them are going to be promoted. If the bishops approve the Directory they will be guilty of a grave failure of their magisterial responsibility. For all the talk a~out the importance of
"magisterium." they are not wililng to exercise it when it counts. One bishop told me, "We'll have to approve it. Look at all the work that has gone into it." I guess it is the quantity of work which counts, not the quality. The Directory staff has spread the rumor that my previous criticisms of their work were motivated by a desire to sell my own catechism. I don't quite see how a Directory (even a good one) and a catechism are in competition with each other. I wish they were, however. Even the old Baltimore would have no trouble creaming the embarrassing drivel which is about to become the official teaching of the American church.
Mot,her Finds Formal Educa,ti:on Is Exactly That By
I have several unfavorite chores. My least favorite is filling out forms. It ranks right below cleaning up after a neighbor's dog. My biggest gripe is that I rewrite the same information year after year, for everyone of my eight kids. They have terribly dull histories . . . they haven't changed parents, birthdates, or a neighbor to call in an emergency. The haven't moved, gotten a new telephone number or done
/.. . â&#x20AC;˘. â&#x20AC;˘. .; Q
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In recent weeks some readers have complained that the Church in this country is uncritically pro-labor. It is impossible to respond to
this charge without making a few elementary distinctions. Historically the Church in the United States has, for the most part, enjoyed a friendly relationship with organized labor. In talking about this relationship, however, one almost inevitably
anything interesting that I presume is supposed to happen, therefore requiring that all this bp rewritten for each new school year. 11le other day I registered my two handicapped daughters for a recreational program which has a more advanced case of formitis than the schools. The girls have been involved in the program winter and summer for eight years. For all those years their information has remained the same. The town has a computer. That computer prints one label with the child's name, ID number, father's name, address, and phone number, emergency contact's name, address and phone number.
That label goes on the top of the first form. To complete the forms I must rewrite that same information five more times. 'fwice every year I must go back and write it all again. The computer could print that information in l'ln immeasurable fraction of a second. But there is a reason it must be done this way. I've discussed it with them often. Bureaucracy. But that's not how they explain it. Beyond the names and addresses there are innumerable questions that don't have one line answers. What am I supposed to say to: "What difficult behavior can we expect from your child?" If I knew what difficult behavior to expect, it
would give me a chance to head it off at the pass. U's too late for the difficult behavior I already know about. "What do you find the best way of dealing with it?" "Don't let it happen in the first place." Haven't they noticed that kids come with difficult behavior built right in . . . but it would be best if they didn't. How do I know what to tell them when I don't know what new and exciting behavior the kids are going to devise. Suppose I tell them, "Reprimand," and the child has disappeared. When the kids start applying for college. it's worse. All the financial information evolves from our tax returns. ,But no one
just wants a copy of the tax return. They want pages of numbers filled into their little boxes, computed to their specifications. It reminds me of the old piano exercises . . . variations on a theme. They all say the same thing - in 15 different ways. Colleges offer honorary degrees to notables - some because of their accomplishments, some because the college needs a donation to build a new gymnasium. If they have any interest in just one little portion of humanity they will establish an honorary degree for mothers who have filled out the zillion pages of family financial information for college-bound kids.
Refutes Charge Church Is Uncritically Pro-Labor runs the risk of appearing to say that the Church has taken sides uncritically in favor of organized labor and against management. I became conscious o~ this risk when I reviewed some six or eight principal textbooks in the field of labor relations. I was surprised to find that all but one completely ignored the subject of religion and labor. In thousands of pages there was only one brief reference to the subject. It read in part: "In its contest for public support, organized labor can usually count upon the churches. A feature of the depression and postSecond World War years was the shift of religious influence to the side of organized workmen and the criticisms of man-
~gerial labor relations which have been aired in church conferences and pulpits. The Catholic Church is a leader in this respect, its representatives having demonstrated great sympathy with union labor on' many occasions." .
This capsule summary of 'the Church's attitude with regard to organized labor illustrates the risk of distorting Catholic social teaching by leaving the impression that the Church is blindly supportive of organized labor and hypercritical of management. The statement I have just quoted is more or less accurate, as far as it goes. That is to say, organized labor can usually count upon Church
support if by that you mean that upon the support of the Church Catholic spokesmen: (1) defend when they discriminate against the right of labor to organize blacks, Hispanics, or other minand encourage the labor move- ority groups, when they engage ment to organize the unorgan- in unjustified strikes or when ized; (2) support the labor move-- they resort to violence, racketment in its demand for adequate eering, or other lawless praclabor legislation and for the re- tices. peal or the amendment of discriminatory laws; (3) approve In my opinion, the majority of of labor's request for adequate American unions are not guilty representation at every level of of such offenses. Most are honthe economy; (4) are critical of estly trying to do the right thing. those employers who refuse to They have their faults and their bargain collectively in good faith weaknesses, of course, but in and critical of the philosophy of general they are on the side of unregulated economic freedom the angels in their principal obin the name of which this re- jectives and methods and are defusal to bargain is so often ra- serving of the support they are . tionalized. receiving from organized religion in general and from the However, unions cannot count Catholic Church in particular.
Sewing Answer to Luxury Tast,es; Ec,on:omy Budg'ets By
One of this month's home magazines is devoted to luxury living on a budget, and while there are many really good ideas in it. some of the
best involve a wardrobe. Because so many top designers also work for pattern houses, the magazine shows pictures of their latest original designs (with price tags that equal our yearly wardrobe budget) and their patterns for them. Again we return to the importance of sewing, if you have the time and talent. While the price of fabric has certainly risen, it is nowhere near the cost of the finished product.
I remember fondly my sewing class days when whipping up a designer's copy was child's play. because of the expert guidance of the teacher; but even the novice sewer can tackle some of these outfits unaided. While many years ago, when designers first allowed pattern houses to use their designs, one had either to be a tailor oneself or study under one, today many such patterns stress simplicity.' Very Easy, Very Vogue, for instance,
is the slogan of a house known for its chic design. :Some of my pleasantest hours were spent learning to sew and my advice to anyone today who loves clothes and dressing up to the minute is to take a course in at least the fundamentals of creating your own outfits. Not only will sewing expand your wardrobe for the least amount of money, but it will give you a fantastic outlet for your creative talents. Every
woman in a room could be wearing the same design but if each sewed it herself, every outfit would look different because choices of fabric and trimming would vary according to each person's taste. IIf economy is forced on you but luxury is your goal, be creative and sew up a storm!
It's There "We may ignore conscience, but we cannot dispute its exis~ tence." - Richard Downey
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 6, 1977
Letters to the Editor
Festival Continued from Page One St., Fall River, the festival will include varied performing arts and children's workshop programs, an original arts contest and exhibits of works of religious art belonging to the area churches and individuals. All contributions will center around the festival theme, "The Art of Hoping," and will attempt to illuminate the meaning of hope in contemporary life. Friday evening's program will offer musical expressions of hope from The Brotherhood, a Boston music group, and from Father Andre Patenaude, M.S. of Our Lady of the Cape parish, Brewster, well-known folksinger and composer. Saturday's fare will include a film festival and children's art workshops during the day and in the evening a poetry session will include readings by Angus Bailey, editorial page editor of the Fall River Herald News. It will be followed by performances from the Herrick Players and the Fisherman Players. On Sunday all exhibits will be open for inspection, arts awards will be made and a concluding vesper service will include a Messiah Sing directed by Glenn Giuttari, director of music at St. Mary's Cathedral. Local artists, including students and adults, will contribute the original arts section of the festival, competing for token awards in the fields of painting, sculpture, photography, poetry, children's art, weaving, tapestry, banner making and music. . Throughout the weekend religious artworks belonging to churches and individuals will be on display. They are expected to include paintings, chalices, medieval manuscripts, tapestries, antique vestments, statues and crucifixes. General chairman for the event, unprecedented in Fall River, is Rev. Robert Bell of the First United Presbyterian Church, Fall River. Father Horace Travassos, assistant chancellor, heads diocesan representatives on the arrangements committee.
Letters are welcomed, but should be no iIlore than 200 words. The editor reserves lIle right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.
From Focus Writer Dear Editor: I read the letter, "Two Comments" (Anchor, Sept.· 22) by the mother of the 14, 13 and 12-yearolds. It is difficult to please everyone. Also, The Anchor is not a secular paper. Emphasis must first and foremost be on the spiritual. Youth can find the other in their daily papers. Diocesan papers cannot and should not be in competition with the secular. Ours is a different message and we must begin when children are children. One mother wrote me that she and her children read Focus on The Boston Archdiocesan Youth together. They want more Boys' Choir will sing at the anand more about our Lord be- nual Bishop's Night program of cause "there is so much of the the Fall River Catholic Woman's other in our lives. Our children Club, to be held at 8 p.m. Tueshave no sense of what to be- day, Oct. 11 at Holy Name lieve and what not to believe School auditorium, Fall River. any more." The choir,. headquartered at The column about the impor- St. Paul's Church, Cambridge, tance of sermons also brought was founded in 1963 under patmail and phone calls. Young ronage of the late Cardinal people told me they stopped go- Cushing. Its members, ranging ing to church "because all we in age from nine to 14, receive heard was parish councils and a full academic training in addi'send your children to CCD.''' tion to an extensive musical edI've spoken to many youth ucation. They take part regularly groups and they tell me they in the daily and Sunday services want depth, something serious, of Saint Paul's Church during something to think about. the school year. So, I don't know what to do . The choir also sings at many to please the 14, 13 and 12-year- special archdiocesan religious olds. There are older readers, too, and they would not be interested and vice versa. No matter what you do, you lose someContinued from Page One' one. Are we to do better than are postal and tax problems, a Jesus? He loses readers every particular cause of concern in day! Some he was not able to the religious press, circulation get interested at all! and promotipn techniques, adCecilia Belanger vertising standards and the inNo. Vassalboro, Maine tangibles that combine to produce a quality publication. The meeting will open with a Mass at historic St. Francis XavDear Editor: To you and The Anchor, our ier Church in Hyannis, where sincere thank you for your arti- President John F. Kennedy frecles about the 75th anniversary quently worshipped and where of St. Francis Xavier parish, Hy- members of his family are still annis. Just received today's regular attendants. Bishop Daniel Anchor and even though there A. Cronin will preside at the are pros and cons on many liturgy and will then greet conviews, I enjoy Rev. Andrew vention delegates at a reception Greeley and Mary Carson. We at the Hyannis Resort. A convention banquet will need columns that make us take place Thursday night and think. With thanks from the jubilee a closing luncheon on Friday. committee. Edwina F. Slavin Hyannis ly. So many times they can't be an active part of what we're doing. Thank you again and God bless all that you do. Sister Barbara McCarthy, OP Dear Editor: Fairfield, Conn. A few weeks ago I was home in North Dartmouth and I got caught up on a couple of issues WEAR of The Anchor. I'm writing to Shoes That Fit thank you for your thoughtful ''THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" article on my community's summer study days. The days were a beautiful experience and your article made me feel good all over again. 43 FOURTH STREET I'm so glad that one of your Fall River 678·5811 picture choices was of the elder-
Archdiocesan Boys' Choir functions and frequently participates in eucumenical services in the Boston area. In addition the young singers have been invited to sing with the Boston Symphony Orchestra under Seiji Ozawa, Colin Davis and Michael Tilson Thomas and have performed extensively throughout New England with special engagements in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Wisconsin, and on a European tour in Rome Paris, London and Dublin. ' The musical director of the choir is Theodore Marier. Rev. John Boles, director of education for the archdiocese of Boston is chairman of the board of the choir school and pastor of St. Paul's. John Dunn, principal
Thank You
Mass will be offered at 11 :30 a.m. on both Thursday and Friday, with clergy delegates invited to concelebrate. A highlight of the closing day will be a freewheeling "Quo Vadis" session, at which those in attendance will be free to bring up queries or make contributions to the convention program. Members of the Cape and Islands District of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and Permanent Diaconate candidates have offered assistance to delegates, both in providing transportation from Hyannis Airport to the convention site and to St. Francis Xavier Church and in making sightseeing or other remembers accompanying delegates in order to enjoy an autumn visit to Cape Cod.
Elderly Remembered
John's Shoe Store
Sing Here of the school, is also the organist of St. Paul's.
Respect Life Continued from Page One country, is intended "to ensure respect for human life at every stage from conception onward, in every circumstance in which life is lived, and especially in those critical situations where life is threatened or the proper enjoyment of life is denied." In a homily delivered Oct. 2 at St. Anthony parish in Northvale, N.J., Msgr. McHugh said that the bishops, in their Pastoral ,Plan for Pro-Life Activities, were most concerned about abortion and euthanasia because "the ideological justification for these twin evils is a denial of the sanctity of all human life and the presumption that, in some cases, the life of a fellow human being can be destroyed or abandoned because sustaining such a life would be burdensome to others."
Highest Wisdom "Theology deserves to be called the highest wisdom, for everything is viewed in the light of the first cause." - St. Thomas Aquinas
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
Parish Parade ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD A Canadian' French festival will be held in the church basement from 6 p.m. to midnight Friday, Oct. 14; 1 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Oct. 14; and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16. Attractions will include continuous entertainment, quadrilles and Canadian food specialties. ST. PIUS X, SOUTII YARMOUTH The Women's Guild will meet for a business session at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11. Father Joseph Eo' McGrady, SJ, curate, will speak at 8 p.m. on new rites associated with the sacraments of penance and Holy ucharist. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The Couples' Club will mark its 25th anniversary at a dinner dance Saturday, Nov. 19 at Holiday Inn, New Bedford, with dinner at 7:30 p.m. following a cocktail hour and dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are available to parishioners as welI as members and will be sold until Saturday, Nov. 5. Reservations may be made by caIling 997-8661. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT An outdoor plant show will be held by the Women's. Guild I d on t he rectory lawn, High an Avenue, Westport from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Indoor and outdoor plants, bulbs, dried arrangements, pumpkins, gourds and plant containers will be sold. Also sponsored -by the guild will be a fashion show and dinner at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17 at White's restaurant, North Westport. Ticket deadline is Monday, Oct. 10. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The TACT youth group will meet tonight to finalize arrangements for a retreat this weekend at Cathedral Camp. Meetings are held weekly on Thursday. The lector workshop will meet Monday, Oct. 1'1 to study the background of the Old Testament and practice lector techniques. A Marriage Encounter information program is scheduled for 8 to 10 p.m. Sunday Oct. 23. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER During October a rosary and Benediction service will be held at 7 p.m. each Sunday and the rosary will be recited at 5 p.m. in the church Monday through Friday. Luncheon card party has been scHeduled by the Women's Guild for 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15. Tickets are available from any board member. The annual Harvest Dance sponsored by the school will take place Saturday, Oct. 29 in the school halI, with a smorgasbord from 7 to 9 p.m. and dancing folIowing until 1 a.m. Halloween costumes are optional. The Catholic Guild for the -Blind meets from 2 to 4 p.m. each fourth Sunday 9f the month at the school. Drivers are needed to transport members and volunteers may contact Father Bruce Neylon at the rectory.
LEARY PRESS NEW SYMBOL of Sisters of Saint Francis who staff Saint Mary's Home, New Bedford, may be used as a pin or on a chain. Designed by Elmer Pizzi, who produced Eucharistic Congress logo, it symbolically incorporates three aspects in the life of St. Francis: the cross, the crib, the Eucharist. It also depicts arms of Franciscans "outstretched to receive Himself and each other; opened to extend praise and thanksgiving to God." ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET October devotions honoring Mary will be held at 7 p.m. each Tuesday during the month. The Women's Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. Th ursday, Oct. 13 for Benediction, folIowed by a coffee hour. Prospective members are invited to attend, as are alI parish women. The 1000 Club will hold a banquet beginning at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 at the Coachmen restaurant. Tiverton. Non-members may purchase guest tickets. ets. SS. PETER AND PAUL FALL RIVER A meeting of the Parish Conference of St. Vincent de Paul will be held tonight at 7:30 in Father Coady Center. Mrs. Milton Kozak and Mrs. George Bernard are co-chairmen of II holiday whist to be held by the Women's Club, Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the center. Application forms are available in the church office for girls in junior or senior year of high school who wish to be the official parish representative at the Bishop's Charity BalI. Items may be left at the center for the rummage sale to be held Nov. 3 and 4 with Mrs. Mary Walmsley and Mrs. Inez Pacheco as co-chairmen. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The scriptural rosary will be prayed 20 minutes before morning and evening Mass daily during October. Thomas Pasternak has been named campaign coordinator for the forthcoming parish fundraising appeal for the construction of a shrine honoring Our Lady of Czestochowa on the recentIy purchased land adjacent to the church. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Cars will be blessed following alI Masses this weekend. A bus . will leave the church at 4 p.m. Monday Oct. 10 for participants in the FalI River candlelight procession. New BEE People officers are Bernadette Cote, president; Lisa -Beck, vice-president.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
The Parish- Parade
OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The annual procession of Our Lady of Fatima sponsored by the Holy Rosary Sodality will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8. The feastday Mass will be celeST. MARY, brated at 8 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 9. FAIRHAVEN Holy Name Society members The semi-annual antique sale will attend 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, and flea market will take place Dec. 1I. A breakfast meeting from 9 a.m. Saturday and Sun- will follow. day Oct. 8 and 9. Over 20 dealers will display glass, including SANTO CHRISTO, Pairpoint, china, pottery, toys, FALL RIVER Charlie and Company will primitives. paper goods, brass, jewelry and furniture. Refresh- supply music for a dance to be held at 8 p.m. Saturday in the ments will be available. parish hall under sponsorship ST. HEDWIG, of the Council of Catholic Women. NEW BEDFORD Also in the hall will be a counA Polish food sale will be sponsored by parish societies cil breakfast following attendtomorrow from 4 to 6 p.m. and ance by members at 9 a.m. Mass Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. Sunday. Pierogi and golumki will be feaPlanned for 2 p.m. Sunday, tured. Oct. 23 in the hall is a membership tea to which all parish ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, women are invited. Further inFALL RIVER formation is available by calling Potluck supper will begin 674-1788. By Father Cornelius the Monday, Oct. 17 meeting of ST. mERESA, van der Poet,· C.S.Sp. the Women's Guild, to be held SOUTH ATTLEBORO Director. Family Life Office in the church hall. In chjJrge of Archdiocese of Detroit An old-fashioned record hop .arrangements are Mrs. Lucy featuring songs of the 50's and (The sixth of an eight-part Patenaude and Mrs. Bernie Car- 60's will be held in the church series originally appearing illl rigan. hall from 8 p.m. to midnight Mrs Florence Labeckie is Saturday, Oct. 15. Coffee and The Michigan Catholic and rechairperson of a turkey whist sandwiches will be served and printed by permission.) party slated for Monday, Nov. professional disc jockey Larry People who have a problem 7. The public is invited and re- Coutu .will "spin the records" frequently want to find somefreshments will be served. and host games and dance con- one who can listen, give a fast tests. Tickets available from of- recipe for the cure and guaranST. ANNE, ficers· of the Confraternity of tee success in the future. This FALL RIVER New officers of the Home and Christian Mothers, will not be is also the implicit (or some. times explicit) hope of divorced School Assn. are Mrs. Joan Mal- sold after Saturday, Oct. 8. persons when they approach tais, president; Mrs. Doris La- ST. JOHN BAPTIST, their pastor for understanding Rue, vice-president; Mrs. Lor- CENTRAL VILLAGE raine :Palmer, treasurer; Mrs. An all-you-can-eat roast beef and assistance. When things Cecile Michno and Mrs. Louise supper will take place in the par- don't work out this way they Bailey, secretaries. ish hall at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. are disappointed. Many people think that divParishioners are invited to at- 15, preceded by a social hour. tend a day of recollection at St. Wine will be served or diners orce has excluded them from the Anne School from 1 to 9 p.m. may bring their own. Tickets are sacraments and from the mem-. Sunday, Oct. 9. available from all members of bership of the Church. They are A dinner dance sponsored by the Women's Guild, the sponsor- angry with the Church for what parents of Cub Scouts Pack 50 ing group. !Planned for 8 tonight they feel is an injustice, and will be held in the school audi- is a harvest whist, also in the this anger is often noticeable when they approach a priest. A torium Saturday night, Oct. 15. hall. conversation which starts with anger is usually not fruitful. The information of these persons has been inaccurate. DIVORCE DOES •• NOT EXCLUDE A PERSON FROM MEMBERSHIP IN THE CHUROH, NOR DOES IT EXCLUDE A PERiSON FROM THE Designers and Manufacturers of RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS. Reasons exist why a World's Finest Religious Masterdivorced person cannot receive pieces, Jewelry and GiftS. the sacraments, -but it is not. because of his/her divorce. Ask for Creed at your favorite Jeweler's. Once the question of the reReligious Shop or Gift Store. ception of the sacraments is
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7. Fall River. 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all Ictivitles. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an aRllouncement leveral times.
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Divorce and CatholicsIn Search for Oneself
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cleared up more personal discussions may be started. There is no easy solution for the problems that result from a divorce. The breakdown of the marriage has cut very deeply into the lives of the couple. A truly pastoral concern does not simply pat the people on the back and say something like: "You did the right thing," or "You did the best you could, don't feel bad," or "You are just as valuable as always." The counselee may like to hear these things, but they are. of little help. Divorce occurred because the couple could not communicate sufficiently or constructively. This lack of communication was not
only the fault of the other partner. The personal attitude of each individual played a role in this failure. It becomes very important to understand why it was so difficult for each person to communicate with the other. People enter into marriage because they love each other, but love is a strange thing. Love is different for different people. Some people hope to find happiness by making the other person happy. at least by doing for the other what they think will make him/her happy. Perhaps they were listening more to' their own desires than to the desires of their partner. Other people feel that it is the partner's task to make them happy. They are waiting until th&ir expectations are fulfilled. II could go on and give many more examples or present many more possibilities. The real question is: What were the expectations of each of the partners, and how realistic' were these expectations? When each individual can look honestly at his/her .own expectations of marriage and at the way each one tried to materialize them, then they may come to the conclusion that there was little illwill in the process that led to divorce. They will also see their own share in the process. This perception should not mean an accusation or an increase of guilt feelings. Rather it should be an insight into the degree of immaturity with which they started their marriage; but not a source for self-rejection. Rather it should be an opportunity to see one's personal value and to understand the ways in which one can express oneself most effectively and constructively. When persons begin to see that they were partners in the process of divorce as well as in the marriage, they begin to see that they themselves were not totally right, nor was the partner nor the community nor the Church totally wrong. The former anger can make room for inner tranquility, bitterness can change to acceptance, and former defensiveness can become cooperation with others for the
benefit of themselves and their families. The love for the former spouse will most likely never return, but the feelings of despise and dislike can turn into an acceptance of the other as a person. When the individual begins to discover him/herself as a person who is good and acceptable the road is cleared to face life honestly and with confidence. Next week: "Reconciliation and Peace of Mind." (In the FaD River diocese. information on support groups for divorced or separated Catholics, active in several areas, is available from ,Father Michel G. Methot of the diocesan office of adult education, 423 Highland Avenue, Fall River, telephone 627-2828. Advice in specific eases of divorce or separation is available at the diocesan Marriage Court, 344 Highland Avenue, telephone 675-1311, or from any parish priest.) .
First Friday Club Lt. Walter White, director of the Fall River Police Academy. will speak tomorrow night for the Fall River First Friday Club. Members will attend 6 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart Church and the supper meeting will follow. Future programs will include an address by Fire. Lt. Lionel Dupont, a father-son night and talks by Fire Chief Louis Shea and Janet Barbelle of Birthright. as well as a Bishop's Night and a past president's night. Re~elected officers are Kenneth Leger, president; Dennis Hurley, vice-president; Cyril Amarello, treasurer; John Romanovitch, secretary. TJ:te club is open to all 'Fall River area men.
At Meeting Father Robert Kaszynski, diocesan liaison for Charismatic Renewal, returned yesterday from a meeting in New Orleans, called by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops to discuss the role and responsibilities of liaison personnel.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
Cornwell Memoria' Chapel
Question (orner ? •
? •
By Father John Dietzen Q. I brought my daughter up under strict Catholic teachings, and she is a very strict dedicated Catholic. She now loves and plans to marry a man who has been divorced for seven years. They explained their situation to a priest who told them they cannot be married in the Catholic Church. This is Ii great shock to me and my daughter, who thought she would bring her husband into the Church, and now she is being rejected. It's no wonder the Church is losing attendance. I see Catholics who are divorced and some remarried,. and still receiving Holy Communion. Why? Why cannot my daughter at least be married at the side altar? A. I'm not sure precisely what you mean by strict, dedicated Catholics. But either there are some awfully hig holes in your daughter's (and apparentlly your) knowledge of the Catholic faith, or your daughter deliberately ignored what she was warned about and now is bitter because the Church cannot bail her out. Regardless of any changes in the Church, any Catholic even minimally educated in the teachings of our faith, must be aware of the basic teachings of the Church concerning marriage, and therefore aware that he or she is looking for big trouble when a serious relationship is allowed to develop with a divorced person. It is true, as we've discussed in this column often, that sometimes an annulment or other procedure is possible by which two such individuals might marry according to the laws of the Catholic faith. But the Church has absolutely no power or authority before God to do what you are asking, that is, to approve the marriage of a man and a woman, regardless of previous husbands or wives simply because those two peopl~ are in love and want a Catholic wedding. The priest you mentioned apparently gave good advice. The place where the marriage takes place - side altar, high altar, or park bench - is irrelevant to its validity. As long as a former spouse is living, no marriage according to Church law is possible without an annulment or other formal procedure which would assure that hoth partners are now free to marry. If your daughter does have the strong Catholic roots that you seem to indicate, I would strongly urge her to go back to the priest, or to another priest, and ask him to investigate the possibilities of one of these procedures.
Q. Can the funeral of a non~ Catholic ever be held in a Catholic Church? A. Under certain circumstances it is possible for funeral
? •
services to be conducted for a non-Catholic in a Catholic church. Priests often officiate at funerals of those not of our faith, especially when the person is a relative or is otherwise close to a member of the Catholic parish, and when the family requests it Usually these ceremonies are conducted in the funeral home, but there is nothing in general Church law that would forbid holding such a service in church. Naturally, the ceremony would rarely, if ever, include the offering of the Eucharist, but it could include any other appropriate Scripture readings and prayers. The decision on each case would be subject to the discretion of the pastor, or perhaps of the local bishop.
(Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen, c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.)
Careers, Conscience Program at Stonehill The social context of careers is being studied in a program of discussions entitled "Careers and Conscience" offered at Stonehill College, North Easton, under sponsorship of the Institute of Justice and Peace. Beginning last Tuesday, students heard an address on the social history of United States careers by Francis L. Broderick. The "do-gooder" business will be explored at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20 hy community or· ganizer Harry Fagan. On Friday, Nov. 18 Charles Powers will talk about ethical problems facing businessmen and on Tuesday, Nov. 29 the series will conclude with an address on careers for women by Patricia Beyea of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Dominican Tertiaries Members of the Third Order of St. Dominic will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14 at the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay St., Fall River. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month and begin with Mass, followed by recitation of the rosary of the Little Office of Mary and a discussion session. Father R. Gabriel Blain, OP, of St. Anne's Church, Fall River, is chaplain.
La Salette Winners Winners of raffles held during a recent Harvest Festival at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, are Mrs. Alice Bergeron, New Bedford, a 1977 car; Arthur Gauthier, Taunton, a gas grill; Pat Bennett, South Yarmouth, a CB radio; V. Bongiardo, Johnston, R.I., a mattress and box spring.
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SISTER MARIA ROSA LEGGOL, foundress of La Ciudad de los Ninos in Honduras, has been honored by the National Catholic Development Conference in New York City for her work with needy children. (NC Photo)
ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12 in the church all-purpose room. A Halloween costume party will follow a business session, with Mrs. Anne Chlebek as party chairman. Members are requested to bring canned goods for use at a November turkey whist party. Planned for the year are a November mystery ride, a Christmas party, a calendar party and cake sale, a potluck supper and auction, an Irish night and a spring fashion show and penny sale. May will feature a Maybasket whist and a communion breakfast and installation ceremonies will take place in June. ST__ STEPHEN, ATTLEBORO Council of Catholic Women members will attend Mass at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10. A business meeting w.ill follow at which plans for a holiday bazaar Nov. 17 and 18 will be finalized.
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Parish Parade
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD A whist party will be sponsored in the church hall on Mill Street at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 by the St. Francis League, with Mrs. Bertha Bessette as chairman.
Clement E. Walsh Robert C. Roth DIRECTORS
ST. LOUIS, FALL RIVER The Third Order Council will meet after 6:30 Mass tomorrow night. The unit's monthly meeting will take place following 6:30 p.m. Mass Wednesday, Oct. 12. ST. MARY, MANSFIELD A living rosary will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13 with all members of the Women's Club and other parish women invited to participate. The monthly club meeting will follow in the church hall with Father Cajetan of St. Gabriel's Retreat as speaker.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
Religious Persecutions in Russia
By Father Don McCarthy
By Paul Kowalik
In 1945, a 27-year-old artillery Russian army captain who had risen through the ranks during the war was suddenly arrested and stripped of his rank. He had made some critical references to Stalin in a letter to a friend. On his way to the Infamous Lubyanka p'rison in Moscow under armed guard, he felt compelled to shout out his innocence to several hundred bystanders in a Moscow subway station. But he knew he would be heard only by those few persons, not the 200 million fellow citizens of his beloved country. "Vaguely, unclearly," he explains in his book, "The Gulag Archipelago," "I had a vision that some day I would cry out to the 200 million." Twenty-five years later Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn received the Nebel prize for literature and the whole world heard his story. This story of Russia's greatest living writer speaks in language bigger than life of persecution, conversion, and prophecy. The, artillery captain went to prison a dedicated Marxist with credentials of a model upbringing in Komsomol, the young Communist organization. Then for 11 years he suffered the unspeakable inhumanity which his writings have documented. He did a lot of thinking. "Even in one year how much time is left for you to think," he wrote in "Gulag Archipelago II." "For 330 days you stomp out to line up in a drizzling, slushy rain, and in a piercing blizzard, and in a biting and still subzero cold. For 330 evenings you squinch up, wet, chilled, in the end-of-work lineup, waiting for the convoy to assemble from the distant watchtowers. "Your soul, which formerly was dry," he wrote, "now ripens from suffering. And even if you haven't come to love your neighbors in the Christian sense, you are at least learning to love those close to you." A Prophet He has not become a theologian and he may not be a saint, but Solzhenitsyn has become a prophet. H~ is not a prophet in the sense of receiving a divine charism to communicate to others truths that are nonnally hidden. Rather his prophecy is the broader version involving teaching and witnessing to the world basic truths which he learned through suffering and persecution. Solzhenitsyn was releas~d from prison in 1956. His literary debut was six years later with the novel based upon his life in prison, "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich."Khrushchev urged publication 'of this book because of its antiStalinist tone. But Solzehnitsyn's subsequent books were banned in Turn to Page Thirteen
(Note: The author has requested to remain anonymous. The byline is a pen name.) Cupolas, spires and onion domes copiously dot the modern Moscow skyline. "Of course, religious freedom exists," the Soviets insist. -But tourists find it difficult or impossible to locate a Mass to attend on Sunday. Rather, constant anti-religious pressure and frequent open persecution have been the rule in Russia since shortly after the 1917 revolution. The persecution of intellectual and religious dissidents continues in the Soviet Union today with Baptists and Jews among the primary targets. At least 700 Baptists have been jailed in recent years, the most prominent, Baptist leader George Vins. Vins was sentenced to five years' imprisonment to be followed by five years' ~xile. He was charged with "damaging the interests of citizens." Jewish citizens, seeking to emigrate from Russia, many for the sake of religious freedom are often dismissed from thei; jobs, occasionally arrested, and and sometimes sentenced to prison. Only a small percentage receive permission to leave Russia. Karl Marx, the father of Communism, was an atheist, but was not militantly opposed to reli-
gion. Marx felt religion would eventually disappear when the proper social conditions were provided. Lenin introduced militant atheism into Marxist thought. Marxists oppose religion mainly because they maintain it lulls the populace to sleep, and counsels them to accept their lot in patience rather than strive militantly for political and economic change. In the early years of Russian opposition to religion, church property was confiscated, churches and monastaries closed, and schools nationalized. Through the years, different de-
grees of pressure were applied. Today, freedom of worship is allowed within certain limita-' tions, but evangelization may not take place. Religious literature may be published only under strict supervision. IBibles, for example, are extemely hard to come by and may be worth as much as $100 each. Today, occasional worshippers in approved churches may not be bothered much. But those who worship openly and regularly, and certainly those who seek greater freedom of conscious and expression, will be penalized. Tum to Page Thirteen
Ignatius of Antioch By Father John J. Castelot "It was in Antioch that the disciples were called Christians for the first time" (Acts 11:26). This was about 40 A.D. By an interesting coincidence, some 60 or so years later, an Antioch bishop gave the Church the name by which it is still known: the Catholic (universal) Church. His name was Ignatius, and he has been venerated for centuries as St. Ignatius of Antioch. We know nothing about his life or activities as a -bishop. But his death made him forever memorable.
During one of the many persecutions of the early second century, Ignatius and some companions were arrested and sent to Rome to be¡ devoured by wild beasts. On the way they made several . stops, and the guards apparently permitted him to contact the churches which had been established in the area; in ancient cities like Philadelphia, Smyrna, Ephesus, Magnasia, and Tralles. From Tralles, he wrote letters to the already visited churches and also to the church at Rome. From another stop, Troas, he wrote to Philadelphia and SmyrTurn to Page Thirteen
By Father Alfred McBride Why did the ancient Roman state want to kill Christians? In the case of Nero and Caligula, weak and treacherous rulers, it was a matter of finding scapegoats to cover up their own stupidities. Nero fiddled while Rome burned and danced because he was able to shift the blame on Christians . What excuses did the state use? They perverted the meaning of the Christian Eucharist. Roman officials persuaded the pagan popu.lace that the Christian mating of "flesh" and drinking of "blood" was an offensive cannibalism. Propagandists claimed that the kiss of peace at Christian services had something incestuous about it. Worst of all, Christians refused to acknowledge the emperor divine. In the later persecutions this last reason assumed the most importance, for the failure of Christians to worship the emperor signaled to ~oman minds the breakdown of civic discipline. â&#x20AC;˘ It was easier to pick on Christians in the early centuries since they were a minority group and barred from offices of power and influence. Christians delighted in their religion and were not ashamed to be public about it. They did not live and worship underground as some legends would have it. Some stories depict Christians living in catacombs, a word for subterranean cemeteries. iNot true. They lived above ground, had their own public places of worship and were not of a mind to conceal their piety. Tartullian says: "At every forward step and movement, at every going in and out, when we put on our clothes and shoes, when we bathe and when we sit at table, when we light our lamps on couch, on seat, in all ordinary actions of daily life, we trace upon our roeheads the sign of the cross." Their love of Christ, the joy of their faith and the delight they possessed in publicly witnessing it did not decline when faced with dungeon, fire and sword and lions. As Jesus sang the great Hallel (apsalm of praise to His Father) on the night before He went to His own holy mart~rdom on Good Friday, as the fust apostles rejoiced to be found worthy to suffer -for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus, so these early Christians welcomed identity with the cross and marched singing hymns of hope into the Roman arenas. We may never minimize the horror of these ancient brutalities against an essentially gentle, peace-loving and charitable people. Nor can we ever be grateful enough for their capacity to remain faithful to Christ and the Church. We name them martyrs, the Greek word for witness.
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 6, 1977
A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego
COUGHLIN Funeral Home Inc. 308 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.
Outubro, M~s do Rq~~rio
o Rosario passou afazer parte inteqrante da vida do cat61ico. Vemos por toda a parte ter~os de contas brancas ou escuras de madeira ou vidro, quase novas ou ja qastas de tantos dedos por e1as oassarem. Encontamo-10s pendurados nas camas de ricos e pobres, nos bo1sos de~jovens e menos jovens l as cabeceiras de saudaveis e doentes. o ter~o faz parte das coisas que mais oerdemos.. Como a esferoqrafi ca ou a aqenda. Mas os habito de ter as contas a ml0, 1evanos 10qo a procura-1as ou a consequ;r outras Da-nos tanto conforto Quando os nossos dedos as fazem des1izar e os 1abios dizem ora~~es~ No entanto oodemos cair na rotina, esquesendo 0 seu siqnificado. Por isso, muito justo que 0 Rosario tenha urn dia de festa por ana e urn mes a e1e dedicado, para que nos 1embremos da sua real importancia. . Os paqaos ja antes do cristianismo usayam as contas como meio de auxi1iar a memoria a reter 0 numero de orayoes que faziam aos seus,deuses. Na India, os monqes br8manes usavam as contas cujo numero variava: 32, 64. 108 ... conforme as seitas, e ate a materia de que faziam variava, conforme a riqueza e as castas. Os budistas uti1izam 108 contas; pois dizem na Birmania que foram 108 as peqadas de Buda. Na Idade Media, os que nao sabiam rezar o Of{cio Divino (0 Breviario) com os seus 150 sa1mos da Saqrada Escritura, substituiram-no pe1a recita)ao de 150 Ave-Marias, qenuf1ectindo a caaa uma que rezavam. Para as contar, usavam grao metidos numa corda, ou apenas uma corda com nos. . Estes sao os antecedentes do Ros&rio. Podemos afirmar aue S. Dominqos foi 0 homem que, na sua epoc~, mais contrfbuiu para a fixa~!o do modo de rezar 0 Rosario e para a sua difusao, nao sem a inspirasao de Nossa Senhora. o motivo proximo foi 0 facto de nos finais do secu10 XII se propaqar a heresia a1biqense, que causava qrande dana a Iqreja, e Que 0 Pai e fundador dos ~ominicanos combateu nao com a for~a das armas, mas sim com ac~sa do Santo Rosario, Que fOl 0 prlmelro em oropaqar, e que pessoa1~ mente e pe10s eus fi1hos 1evou aos quatro cantos do mundo. Na sua Rreqa)ao popular, 0 Santo re1atava os misterios evange1icos e mandava recitar Ave-Marias aos seus ouvintes. Aqui10 Que nao consequiam as pa1avras do orador, insinuavam docemente as ora~oes das Ave-Marias no fundo dos seus cora~oes.
John J. Coughlin Michael
Ignatius of Antioc_h Continued from Page Twelve na, and to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. These seven letters, in spite of the fact that they were simply occasioned by the circumstances, give us valuable insights into the life of Christians. in the first decade of the second century and reveal the heart and
Solzhenitsyn Continued from Page Twelve Russia and published in the West. Thus began a 10-year period of harassment which culminated when he was arrested one day in 1974 and expelled the next day into permanent exile. But the three million copies printed of "Gulag Archipalago" indicate the vast influence of this contemporary persecuted prophet. The voice of this man crying out from the wilderness of Soviet oppression will echo and re-echo along the hallways of history. He will be remembered for unflinching courage and total commitment to truth.
Persecutions Continued from Page Twelve The worst dissidents may be expelled from the country, sent to prison, or confined to mental hospitals until their "sickness" is corrected. Ordinary offenders lose their chance of personal advancement. They are not promoted at work; go to the bottom of waiting lines for housing and other privileges, and their children have great difficulty in being accepted for higher education. Today, 60 years after the beginning of the Russian experiment, religion hasn't disappeared. In fact some observers feel its~mpact is growing. Archbishop Roger Etchegaray, president of the French Bishops' Conference, on his return from a recent trip to the USSR declared, "No one can imagine the fullness and intensity of religious life in the Soviet Union. There's no doubt that it is Christianity's greatest volcano."
soul of a inan passionately in love with Christ and the Church. The Church was not only harassed by persecution but there were also dangers from within - schism and heresy. Ignatius expresses in many ways his deep desire for order and peace by submission to the hierarchy, and his ardent love of unity. Here, for the first time, we get a clear picture of a finely and consistently structured hierarchy: one bishop in charge of each church, assisted by presbyters (priests) and deacons. And, in connection with the sacramental life of the Church, there are these counsels to the church at Smyrna: "Do nothing without the bishop in what concerns the Church. Regard as valid only that Eucharist which is celebrated under the presidency ,of the bishop or of his delegate. Wherever the bishop is, there let also the community be, just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not permitted to baptize or to celebrate the agape (love feast) apart from the bishop; but all that he approves is pleasing to God, and all that you do is secure and valid." These are not the words of a detached legalist, but of a man so much in love with Christ that he looked forward eagerly to dying for Him. In fact, the reason he wrote ahead to the church at Rome was to prevent any attempt on the part of Christiatts there to interfere with his martyrdom. It is doubtful that they could have done anything about it, but he was taking no chances. These words from that letter speak more eloquently by far than any I might write: "·Let me become the food of the beasts; by them I shall attain to God. I am the bread of God, I must be ground by the teeth of the beasts in order to become the stainless bread of Christ . . . "My love has been crucified, and there is not within me any fire for matter, but a living water, which murmurs within me and says to me: 'Come to the Father.' ..
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10 de outubro de 1977
Principiara as 5:30 da tarde na Catedra1 em Fall River Seguira para 0 Parque Kennedy onde ,sera ce1e· brada uma Missa pe10 Senhor Bispo Daniel A. Cronin e Sacerdotes da Diocese. Todos os fieis da Diocese sao convidados a parti ci par na oroci·ssao e na Mi ssa.
975 Route 28, So. Yarmouth, MA.
SHAWOMET GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674-4881 3Yz room Ap.rtment 4Yz room Apartment Includes heat, hot water, stove, reo frigerator and maintenance service.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
focus on youth • • •
''WE ARE strange heralds of His glory. We come in all shapes and sizes." problem to solve, but a mystery in which to participate. Respect the Mystery I'd like to quote Gabriel Marcel at this point. He says, "A mystery is not something that you can solve, but a mystery is something that you participate
in. You know it's a mystery rather than a problem when the further you get into it, the further it draws you into it, and the more you know about it, the deeper you get drawn into it and the less you understand it." He says, "Mystery usually fools us because it comes to us disguised as a hard problem." He further states, "We are living in a world which has largely ruled out mystery." The most demonic phrase in western civilization, according to Marcel, is, "The difficult we do at once and the impossible takes a little longer." That, he said, "is demonic because it rules out as an ontological impossibility any kind of mystery. It says there ,are only harder and harder and harder problems." This is a world in which we have neo-gnostics and the people in between on every street corner. whether they are people who consult tarot cards or are into ESP, or whether they are scientists who figure we can control reality by finding out more and more about it, or whether they're the young people I've been running into outside supermarkets who have tried to convert me to one of the varieties of astern mysticism that have more answers than there are questions. We live in an age in which we are trying to control reality. There is so much power in the world that it scares people and so we spend our time trying to control what is already ours instead of opening ourselves to what is.
.............. in our .diocesan schools .............. Bishop Feehan Two Bishop Feehan High School students have been named Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program. They are Mary Diaz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Diaz Sr., North Attleboro, and Stephen Basile, son of Dr. and Mrs. Domenic Basile, North Attleboro. Juqior class rings were blessed at a Mass marking the opening of the school year and concelebrated by area priests. Music was led by the Feehan folk group. Freshmen at the Attleboro school participated in It Freshman Seminar, during which representatives of campus organizations explained their activities and invited new students to join. Line dancing classes are held in the gymnasium from 7 to 9 p.m. each Tuesday with proceeds from fees benefiting the school. Student council dances are held Saturday nights in the cafeteria. A March of Dimes assembly took place last week and this week freshmen, sophomores and juniors are scheduled to take Army apitude tests. Summer wasn't all beaches and cookouts for a good many Feehanites this year. Among
List Prepared by USCC OFB Listings.
A-I Approved for Children and Adults
By Cecilia Belanger
'We are strange heralds of His glory. We come in all shapes and sizes. We try not to tamper with His message. He did not shape i,t to suit the moods and pleasures of His listeners. He did not cut corners to appease people nor strive for personal popularity. He -set forth what God had sent Him to do, in the simplest and most direct form. He set it forth for all to understand. They needn't be scholars. The needs of our day are enormous. It is the year 1977. 'Two thousand years separate us from the' day when Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth, yet .He is not a static guardian of the past, but a dynamic guide into the future. When we follow Him into church He leads us back into the world! We have a sacred task. And it takes all the courage we can muster! Language of. Tears "I speak through the langguage of tears." This sentence pops up from a letter written by a very depressed young lady. And yet, language can be expressed through tears. Why not? For many it is an unknown tongue. Things do not touch them deeply. The waters of the heart d'o not flow. One day they will and the floodgates will be loosed. And. then that person will feel more human. Occasionally one receives a letter from a gnostic for whom life is an endless series of problems to be solved. Then there are people who are "full of the spirit." To them life is not a
_.~.-MOVI ES~··-~.~
"vacation" experiences: Pierrette La'Plante and David Diamond were students in a pre-college summer foundation course at the Rhode Island School of Design, while Thomas Hunt took collegelevel science at Roger Williams College. Thomas Grady was at Suffolk University for a three-week debate and speech institute, while Susan Richardson and Peter Blais studied English and social studies at the Brown University "summer high school." From July 10 through Aug. 20 Donna Bliss was a coed in a National Science Foundation program at the University of Rhode Island.
Mary Diaz, Susan Richardson and Rosemary Shea participated in a yearbook workshop at Amherst College with Sister Mary Enda, Feehan yearbook moderator, as back at Feehan color guard. drill team and band marching units attended a three-day training program. The Pocono IJnvitational Sports Camp in Stroudsburg, ~Pa. drew" Kathy Reynolds, Cindy Laba, Robin Kelley, Sarah Reynolds and Linda Adinolfi to sharpen their playing skills, while many students were camp or playground counselors during the vacation period and others took advantage of hometown and individual instruction in various arts and crafts.
Bears and I Bugsy Malone For the Love of Benji Freaky Friday The Castaway Cowboy
Digby Golden Voyage of Sinbad The Biggest Dog Mr. Quilp The Golden Calf Mysterious Island of Hawmps Captain Nemo Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo
A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Airport 77 ' The Black Pearl Day of the Dolphin Fantastic Animation Fest· ivai First Charge of the Ma· chete The Hindenburg Jacob the Liar MacArthur Marco
Midway Mohammed, Messenger of God Murder On The Orient Express My Name Is Nobody Nickelodeon Ophelia Other Side of the Moun· tain
Phase IV Pink Floyd . Promised Lands Reed: Insurgent Mexico Return of the Pink Panther Rooster Cogburn Star Wars Superdad Take a Hard Ride Ten Little Indians
A-3 Approved for Adults Only A~uirre
All The President's Men Annie Hall Bad News Bears in Break· ing Training Big Bus Black Sunday Breakout Bridge Too Far A Brief Vacation Bound For Glory The Car Car Wash Cassandra Crossing Cousin Angelica The Domino Principle The Eagle Has Landed The Front The Fortune Fraternity Row Front Page Funny Lady Future World Gator
Part II Godfather Odessa File Great Waldo Pepper Operation S.N.AJ.U. Grizzly Orca Hard Times The Outfit Hearts of the West The Passenger Hester Street Phantom Of The Paradise Hiding Place Pink Panther Strikes Again Island of Dr. Moreau Rocky Jaws Rollercoaster Joe Kidd Seven-Per-Cent Solution Kazablan Silent Movie The Killer Elite Silver Streak King Kong The Shootist Lucien Lacombe Shout At The Devil Last Remake of Beau Geste Smokey and Bandi~ The Late Show Spy Who Loved Me Let's Do It Again Stroszek Lifeguard Swashbuckler Love and Death Terminal Man Monty Python and the Sidecar Races Holy Grail A Star Is Born Murder By Death Sunshine Boys Nickel Ride Thieves Obsession
B - Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Between the Lines Cross of Iron The Deep Embryo The Enforcer Final Chapter Walking Tall From Noon Till Three Fun With Dick and Jane Hustle Lenny Lepke Lucky Lady
Lisztomania Marathon Man Mother, Jugs and Speed Network Once Is Not Enough Midnight Man Missouri Breaks Mutations The Next Man The Omen One-Qn-One Open Session Policewomen
Posse Return to Macon County Rollerball Ruby Ton That Dreaded Sundown A Small Town in Texas Super Cops Suspiria Twilight's Last Gleaming Two Minute Warning Undercovers Hero W. C. Fields and Me
A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and e?Cplanation as a protection against wrong interpretations and false concl~sions.) Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore The Black Eye California Split Day of the Locust Dog Day Afternoon
French Connection II The Gravy Train The Last Tycoon Lion Has Seven Heads Nashville Nasty Habits
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Tommy Young Frankenstein
C - Condemned House by the Lake Jail Bait
Satan's Brew The Sensual Man
(This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save for reference.)
Bishop Connolly New officers of the St. Ignatius Guild of Connolly mothers are Mrs. Terry Duquette, president; Mrs. Barbara Toni, vicepresident; Mrs. Margaret Lyons, treasurer; Mrs. Frances McGuire and Mrs. Robert Goncalo, secretaries.
Nun Is Vicar BOISE, Idaho (NC) A Benedictine nun; Sister Elise Maria Martinez, has been named vicar for Mexican Americans in Idaho.
Year Books
Color Process
American Press, Inc. OFF 5 E T -
1-17 COFFIN AVENUE New Bedford, Mass.
LmERPRESS Phone 997.9421
Thurs., Oct. 6, 1977
Interscholastic Sports
Complete Line Building Materials
118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611
Stang and Coyle-Cassidy Atop The Bishop Stang and CoyleCassidy highs' football teams are running "one-two" in the Southeastern Mass. Conference's Division II. Stangs Spartans have a 2-0 record while the Coyle Warriors have won their only conference start. However, the Warriors have an opportunity to pull up even this weekend as Stang is not scheduled for conference play. Coyle-Cassidy, fresh from a 19-0 triumph over Durfee in an inter-division games last Saturday, takes on third-place Barnstable (1-1) on the latter's gridiron. Stang meets Dartmouth to-
morrow night, at 7:30 o'clock, in an inter-divisional contest. Barnstable nipped Somerset, 9-7, last Sunday when Dartmouth defeated Taunton, 21-14, in Division I. New Bedford (2-0), the Division I leader, visits IBrockton in non-league play Saturday as Falmouth is host to Durfee and Attleboro is home to Taunton in Division I encounters. Bishop Feehan High entertains New Bedford Yoke-Tech in Division II, and, Bourne goes to Dennis-Yarmouth in Division Ill. Tomorrow night, at 7:30, Wareham plays host to Old Rochester in another Division III matchup.
Canton Sets Pace in Hockomock Canton High, which has scored 73 points in posting victories in its first two league outings, is setting the pace in the Hockomock League. The League leaders, visit North Attleboro (1-1) in one of four league contests set for Saturday. In other games Oliver Ames (0-2) is at Franklin (1-1), Foxboro (1-1) at King Philip (1-1)
and Stoughton (1-1) at Mansfield (1-1). In field hockey, Hockomock games tomorrow have Canton at Sharon, Oliver Ames at Stough-. ton, King Philip at Foxboro, and, Franklin at North Attleboro. Tuesday's schedule lists Mansfield at Oliver Ames, King Philip at Sharon, Foxboro at Franklin, and, Stoughton at North Attleboro.
••••••••••••••••• , • t
Somerset, and Holy Family at Dartmouth. At the conclusion of last week's play, Dennis-Yarmouth, 4-0, was the Division I leader with Barnstable, 3-1, the runnerup. Tomorrow, Barnstable is at Dennis-Yarmouth, Durfee at New Bedford, Diman Yoke at Falmouth and Westport at Taunton. In next Wednesday's games Falmouth is at New Bedford, Dennis-Yarmouth at Durfee, Taunton at Diman Yoke and Barnstable at Westport.
Other Football Games Saturday Old Colony League teams have a four-game card on tap for Saturday with BridgewaterRaynham at Whitman-Hanson, Marshfield at Randolph, Silver Lake at Rocklan, and Plymouth-Carver at Scituate. Hingham, the other Old Colony school, has an away game at Boston College High: Middleboro entertains Abington at 7:30 tomorrow night in a South Shore League encounter. South Shore games Saturday are Norwell at Cohasset, Hull at Duxbury, and Holbrook at East Bridgewater.
Benedictine Oblates Benedictine Oblates will hold a day of recollection at Portsmouth Abbey, Portsmouth, R.I. this Saturday, beginning at 2:30 p.m. with Mass. A conference will follow, then recited vespers and dinner. Guests are welcome and reservations may be made at the abbey or with Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty, telephone 672-1439.
It will be Bristol-Plymouth at Blue Hills Regional, West Bridgewater at Manchester, Southeastern Regional at Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket at Norton in Mayflower League football Saturday.
FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel ROY' C. Lorraine RoY ROler laFrance Claudette Roy Morrl..ey
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166
PELE SUCCESSOR? Bishop William Cosgrove of Belleville, Ill., shows how to kick a soccer ball as Father William Rensing observes. (NC Photo) After Mass Sunday Brunch At
"On The Cape" "WE BEAUTIFY OUTDOORS" Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees Lawn Fertilizer - Loam • Annuals Landscape Design 442 MAIN ST., EAST FALMOUTH
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A First Friday vigil or reparation will take place from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow at Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford, beginning with a Mass of the Sacred Heart and ending with a midnight Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A rosary and holy hour will also be conducted in the course of the evening and there will be a coffee break at 10 p.m. All are welcome to attend any part or all of the vigil.
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First Friday Vigil
"Theology is the fundamental and regulating principle of the whole Church system." - John Henry Newman
Galindo and Bernado are High Scorers Entering this week, Vladimir Galindo of Attleboro High was the leading scorer in Southeastern Mass. Conference soccer and Vic Bernardo of New Bedford High was close on his heels. Galindo had seven goals in four games, Bernardo five in four games, also. Tomorrow, Somerset is at Stang, Dartmouth at Attleboro, Bishop Connolly High at New Bedford Yoke-Tech. Wednesday's card has Stang at New Bedford Yoke-Tech, Old Rochester at Connolly, Attleboro at
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P.o. BOX 7 - FALL RIVER, MASS. 02722
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~ason's ---O-pe-n-O-a-il-y-9-A-.M-.t-o-1-0-P-.M-.-I-nc-l-ud-i-n-g-Sa-t-.- - - -
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