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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Oct. 7, 1971 PRICE 10~ Vol. lS, No. 40 © 1971 The Anchor $4.00 per year


Bishop to. Bless St. Julie Church His Excellency, Most Reverend Daniel A Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River will solemnly bless the St. Julie Billiart Parish Church and Center in North Dartmouth and be the principal celebrant of the Mass of Blessing. The ceremony will be held Monday, Oct. 11 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Concelebrating with the Most Reverend Bishop will be Rev. John F. Hogan, pas-

Bishops Explore True Causes and Solution . VATICAN CITY (NC) --The opening speakers in the Synod of Bishops on the problems of the priest in the world today generally agreed that a real crisis exists but differed on its causes and cures. . The synod began Sept. 30 and, after only one day of ceremony and reports, plunged into general discussion of the theological aspects of the priestly ministry. Smaller sessions, broken .down by language groupings, were to follow the general discussionand then practical and pastoral aspects of the topic in both the general and small-group sess~ons -before the 210-member. synod is scheduled to turn its attention to its second major topic, world justice. '

From the reports 'coming out of the closed meeting nail during the first week, there emerged four dominant themes on which synod participants either agreed or disagreed. They were: What is the crisis in the priesthood? ~ How extensive is it and how should the synod try to remedy it? What is the relation and difference between the ministerial priesthood and the priesthood of the laity? . What should be said of maintaining celibacy for priests of the Western Church?

. While there were other points made by delegates, almost all of whom spoke in the ':lame of th.ei~ national or regional hierarchies, these four topics drew the most attention and apparently set the stage for further thought during the upcoming small-group discussions. Many of the speakers touched on the problem of specifying how the priestly ministry differs from that ministry of the laity, or the priesthood of the people. On the first discussion day last Friday, Cardinal Malula of the Congo said the nature and Turn to Page Six

Rev· William A. Ga'ivin Resigns Taunton Post

tor of the parish, and Rev. John Most Rev. James E. Cassidy J. Steakem, assistant pastor of Rev. William A Galvin, J.C.D., the parish. pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, ordained Father Galvin to the Also, Rev. Msgr. Arthur G. Taunton has resigned from the Priesthood on June 3, 1939 in Considine, pastor of St. Mary pastorate of that parish for rea- St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Parish, So. Dartmouth; Rev. WilROME (NC)-The text of a sons of health. His Excellency, Father Galvin has served as liam P. Blottman, assistant at St. statement released by the five the Most Reverend Bishop has assistant pastor at ,St. Vincent's Mary Parish, So. Dartmouth; American bishop-delegates react- accepted the resignation, effec- Home, Fall River; St. Mary ParRev. Lorenzo H. Morais, pastor ing to the Sept. 30 synod over- tive Friday, Oct. 1. ish, Nantucket; St. William and St. Patrick Parishes in Fall River; of St. George Parish, Westport; 'view Paper, panorama of problems: Father Galvin has taken up Rev. Edmond R. Levesque, as. . residence in the Priests' Hostel as chaplain to the Catholic MeThe synodal delegates from Tum to Page Three Turn to Page Three the United States of America in Fall River. .. ....( wish to take this occasion to reBorn in Fall River, March 16, I ac.t to the "Conspectus Hadier-' 1912, the son of the late Michael' I I nae Vitae Ecclesiae seu Pano-' P. and the, late Eliza,beth Z. rama" (Co,ntemporary Overview (Riley) Galvin, he made his early of the' 'Life of' the Church, or studies at Sf. Mary School and . Panorama) presented to the ses- the B.M.C. Durfee High Scbool. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, sion of Sept. 30, 1971. The over· He attended St. Charles Colordained him to the Priesthood view made an attempt to present lege in Catonsville, Md.,' St: on April 3, 1954. developments both of a positive Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, Father Su)livan has served as and a negative character in the Md. and the Theological College assistant pastor at St. La'wrence conditions of the Church in our of Catholic University in WashTum to Page Three ington, D. C. . Turn to Page Four

U.S. Delegates' Reaction Given


Rev· Walter A. Sullivan New Taunton Parish· Head·

Most Rev. Daniel A Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has appointed Rev. Walter A Sullivan, Director of Cathedral Camp in East Freetown, as Administrator pro tern of Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton, effective tomor· row, Oct. 8. The son of James H. and Anna Louise (Smith) Sullivan, Father Sullivan was born in Fall River on Oct. 2, 1924. He received his Commemorating the Feast of early education at SS. Peter and the Little Flower at the MonPaul and St. Patrick Parochial astery of the Discalced CarmelSchools in Fall River and Msgr. . ites in South Dartmouth, Sunday, Coyle High School in Taunton. Most Reverend Daniel A. 'Cronin He prepared fOr the Priesthood delivered the following homily at Xavier University in Cincin- during the .Mass: nati, Ohio, and St. Mary's Semliturgy Although today's inary in Baltimore, Md.

Saini Of and For Our Time throughout the world will be that of the 27th Sunday of the year, the date October 3rd suggests a meditation on the life ··of the beloved St. Theresa of the Child Jesus. What more fitting place for us in the diocese' of Fall River to do that than here

in this Chapel of the Monastery of Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Sol-E-Mar. It is just seventy-four years ago that Theresa of Lisieux died. Not ·even a century has passed since her birth. It is only 46 Turn to Page Five

College . Day Set At Stonehill Students, parents and counselors from more thi:m 400 public and private. high schools throug,",out Massachusetts, Rhode Islal.a and Connecticut have been invited to "College Day",. which brings representatives from n~arly 100 colleges located in the eastern United States to this area. " The '~vent is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 11, at Stonehill College in North Easton. This affords all students an opportunity:' to ,participate since classes are not held on Columbus Day; Ih past years more than 3;500' have attended. : i', The:: 'program . wUl begin' at ~ 9:30 and last until 11 :30 AM. . The' event is free of charge and i thbse attending will have ample opportunity to address questions .. ttO· and receive material from "representatives of the colleges.


Worship Group Sets Workshops

MEETS SISTERS ON ORDER'S FEAST DAY: Bishop Cronin chats with sisters at the Carmelite Monastery, So. Dartmouth following the Mass on Sunday evening commemorating the Feast ofSt. Theresa, popularly known as the Little Flower. Bishop Cronin was the' homilist ., '.


The Commission for Divine Worship of the Diocese of Fall River will sponsor three workshops to prepare for the implementation of the recently published Guidelines for the Rite of Funerals, it was announced today by Rev. JamesF. Lyons, Commission Chairman. The purpose of the sessions will be to give liturgical and theological background for' the new rite, and to provide practical assistance for funeral directors, clergy and church musicians. Teams of experts will present the workshops in the three following sites in' the Diocese; namely, Tuesday, Oct. 1~ at St. Mary's Center, Norton, 7:30 P.M.; Wednesday, Oct.' 20 at St. Francis Xavier Center, HyanTum to Page Three

Cite Are.a Girls For Scholarship

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1971 '









Nancy Romanowicz, senior at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, has been named a semifinalist in the National Merit Scholarship program. The daughter of. Mr. and Mrs., Walter Romanowicz, 605 South Beach Street, Fall River, she has done outstanding work in science, spending the past Summer doing special research as the recipient of a grant in the-field of physics.



A National Merit letter of commendation was received by Karen Gagnon, also of Bishop Gerrard High' School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gagnon of· 528 High Street, Fall River.

ASSIGNMENT Rev. 'Walter A. Sullivan, from Director of Cathedral Camp, "East Freetown, to Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton, as administrator pro tern. Assignment effective Friday, Oct. 8, 1971.

+CXr~fi.~ Bishop .. of Fall River

• • • • • • • • • • ••

• ••••••••••••••••••• t ••• ;" •••••

Bishop Cronin '8' Letter

Hlghes! Scorers

FALL RIVERITE IN NEW ASSIGNMENT: Passing' on the handshake of peace during a recent Biology "theme" Mass)s the Rev. Edward Paul Doyle, a.p., Ph.D., newly appointed Chaplain at Molloy College, Rockville Center.

'MoJloy:Cq II ~ge . '·.Chapla i n

Miss Romanowicz is among 15,000 National Merit semifinalists in the United ,States. They will compete' for some 3000 merit scholarships to be awarded in 1972. They como, ptise less than one per cent of " graduating seniors throughout the nation.

hoed and justic~ in .the world, Mary's watchful and prayerful " ·In:. .the" ,Dogmatic Constitution protection must be with them. Fall RiverDomi~.ic~n, Inn.ovGte$ Ser.ies . Benedictine, Oblates on the Church, a document of , We therefore should join by Oblates of St. Benedict will Of "Theme" Masses in· Rockville ' Cen,ter the" Second . Vatican Council' our prayers the multitude who hold a day of recollection Satwhich merits',repeated study and are interceding daily with Mary, Rev. Edward Paul Doyle, O.P., "Both psychology and" theol- urday, Oct. 9 at Portsmouth Abm~ditatiori, the Council Fathers the Mother pf God and the Ph.D., a native of St. Patrick's <;>gy are. att.empts to. explain bey, R.l. A 4 P.M. Mass will be remind us that,"SiQce it pleased Mother of the Church, to obtain Parish, Fall River, who just com- man," he explained. "Until re-' followed by a conference. Dinner Ood n.ot. to manifest solemnly for the Synod participants the pleted a year of study as a -Re- cently these sciences were indewill be served at 6 o'clock for the mystery of the salvation of inspiration and wisdom neces- search Fellow at Yale Divinity pendent. of each other, as ,well those wishing to remain. Dinner the human race 'until He poured sary in guiding the affairs of 'the School, is the new college chap- as suspicious of each .other's reservations may be made at the forth. the Spirit promised by Chl,lrch in this period of its his- lain at Molloy College, Rockville motives and premises. Today abbey or ,with Mrs._Frank S. Christ, ',we see the Apostles be- tory. . Centre, N. Y, prejudices on both sides have Moriarty, telephone 672-1439. fore the, day of Pentecost 'conFather Doyle, who also is .an' dissolved. We are now ready to Certainly the pious custom of tinuing with one mind in prayer praying to Mary in this month Associa,te Professor of Religious consider men in the· unified view with the women and Mary, the of October by the Rosary is hal- Studies in the. Dep~rtm~nt of of psychology and 'theology.'; Mother of Jesus, and with his lowed by the sa'irttiy' t;'adition of Pastoral Care, replaces Rev. PC Grad' brethren.' (Acts 1:14) We 'see centuries! I earnestly encourage Bernard L. Keitz, O.P, who has . Father Doyle received his FUNERAL' HOME, INC. Mary prayerfully imploring the all of 'you, my dearly beloved, to left to continue studies. B.A. from Providence College, R. Marcel Roy - G. LOrraine Ray gift of the Spirit, who had al- pray' the Rosary, singly and in Father' Doyle has I already his M.A. from Catholic UniverRoger laFrance ready overshadowed her in the families, par'ticularly' in this brought innovation to his new sity and his Ph.D: from Aquinas FUNERAL DIRECTORS , Annuncia~ion." (Lumen Gentium, month ~o' that through your position, instituting, along with Institute. His dissertation was on No. 59) 15 Irvi.ngton Ct. prayers M~ry; Mother of the students and faculty at the col- the Moral Obligations of Modern These ,words of the Council Church and Queen' of the Clergy, lege, a series of "theme" Masses, Youth, New Bedford have particular .meaning for' us will obtain from on high abun- each of which will 'he "marked 995-5166 An Army' Chaplain in World in these days because if Mary dant spiritual assistance and by a particular personal partici- War II, he traveled the European ,.was in the midst of the Apostles guidance for the Bishops pres- pation. ,Readings and the overall Theatre from 1943-46. He also in prayer as they awaited the ently meeting in Rome. thrust of the Mass will help the was the first president, serving Holy Spirit on Pentecost, cerBegging God's choicest bless- celebration pertain specifically to two terms from 1969-61, of the . tainly as the Holy Father and the the participants." Dominican Education Associaings on you all, I remain' Bishops are gathered together The first of the theme Masses tion. Devotedly yours in Christ, now in Rome todeli.berate in the was held last week in concert He has taught at Providence; Synod on the very important ffi DANIEL A. CRONIN 'with the Biology 'Department. Seton Hill College in Greenstopics of the ministerial, priestBishop pf Fall River. burg; Penn.; Mt. St, Mary's in Youth's Idealism N. Y.; and Siena Newburgh, Far from believing that reli• • • • • • • • + + ••••••••• gion is waning, the Dominican Heights College, Adrian, Mich. priest believes "Chritianity , He. was. also director of the School of Catholic Studies of the hasn't been tried to its fullest." Catholic Center serv'ing the both in his counselHe stresses, ATl:ANTA (NC)-The Church sphere in which a priest can University of Virginia, attract more candidates to make. contributions to tne com- 'jng activities and his course on HYANNIS 775-0684 Contemporary Christian .Ethics the priesthood' if it broadens, the munity in ways which we are not Mind, South Yarmouth 398-2201 role of priests, according to the accustomed to," said Father "a search for balance: We have Harwich Port 43~.0$9~ The'march of the human mind to find a blend of the traditional newly elected president or' the Jerry E. Hardy of Atlanta. is slow:' . ' '-Edmu~d Burke and the new." National Conference of Diocesan He was elected to his post at Speaking of the changes both Vocation Directors. the vocation directors' recent in society and youth, Father , "We' have to create an atmo- convention in Denver. The 32Doyle says he believes strongly year-old priest is believed to be "in the potentiality ,of youth, the' youngest president to head Necrology their idealism and willingness to the organiza'tion. get a job done." He reports fin'd,OCT. 10 The. priesthood should encom- ing "a great response at Molloy Rev. James C.' J. Ryan, 1918, pass varied ministries, Father College, kindne~s on the, pa~t of Assistant, Immaculate ConcepSERVING ALL FAITHS Hardy said. "It should be made all 'in welcoming me to their tion, No. Easton. more serviceable to the needs we school." OCT. II are confronted, with every day,;' Bringing to Molloy many years Rev. James A. Downey, 1952, , he added, without specifying the of experience, enhanced by his Pastor, Holy Ghost, Attleboro. new' forms of ministries that fellowship study at Yale where OCT. 14 should be included in the priest- he concentrated on the .forma~r Rev. Dennis'M. Lowney, 1918, hood, tion of a structured program, to Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taun. Father Hardy said that'most of assist women religious "in a ton. Sumner James Waring, Inc'; Thomas J. Ashton & Son, Ihc... the 137 delegates a(tending the time of shifting cultural and relivocations directors' national con- gious values in contemporary CITY LOCATIONS . THE ANCHOR 178 Winter SI.I466 North Main St.,Fall River vention voiced optimism about society," Father Doyle notes the • Second ClassPoslaRe Paid at Fall River. Mass., Published e.ery Thursday at 410 SUBURBAN. LOCATION the future of the priesthood, par- entrance into his' pastoral work Highland A"enue. Fall Ri'ler. Mass. 02722 189 Gardners Neck Road, Swansea, by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall ticularly about the possible new. of a relatively new word and, Iliver. Subscription price by mall, postpaid forms, of ministries. • $4.00 per Year.. . • ' , approach-psychotheology. l\1y'dearly beloved in Christ,


Urg¢.s Broader Role

for IPriests






~IUlUfI! fltnl"Hv.j


to Unveil, Bless New Statue In New Bedford Cemetery Oct. 10 Rev. Henry R. Canuel, director of Sacred Heart Cemetery, New Bedford announced today the unveiling and blessing of a lifesize statue of the Sacred Heart at 2 on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 10 in Sacred Heart Cemetery No. 2 on Mt. Pleasant Street, adjacent to the New Bedford Municipal Airport. There will also be a dedication of a monument in honor of "Old Glory" as a tribute to veterans of all wars. Father Canuel stated that this statue is unique in that it is composed of Vermont granite but carved in Carrara, Italy. The program will open with words of welcome from Mr. Jean M. Heon, Jr., cemetery. superintendent and master of ceremonies for the Sunday proceedings. Rev. Msgr. Henry A. Hamel, pastor of St. Joseph's Parish, New Bedford will be the principal speaker. Following the unveiling by Mr. Fenelon Bastille, former ceme-

Father Galvin Continued from Page One morial Home in Fall River; as pastor of .Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Swansea, and Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton. Other diocesan appointments were also held by Father Galvin who had a Master of Arts Degree from the School of Social Science and a Doctorate in Canon Law, both schools in the Catholic University in Washington, D. C. He has also served as Secretary, Notary, Vice-Officialis and Officiillis. of. the. Diocesan -Tribunal; .a member of ·the ·Board' of Examiners of the Clergy; Censor of Books; Chairman of the "Friends of the Catholic University of America,"

Father Sullivan Continued from Page One Parish, New Bedford and St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Since 1965 he has served as Director of Cathedral Camp in East Freetown and assisted at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in New Bedford. He has also held the posts of Diocesan CYO. Director, Diocesan Scouting Director and Co-ordinator of Camping Activities in the Diocese.






A comprehensive six-week course on Christian Marriage will be offered to high school juniors and seniors of the Easton area under the sponsorship' of the Immaculate Conception and Holy Cross Parishes. This course will constitute the first segment of the year-long program entitled '''Consider the Christian Life".

St. Julie Church Continued from Page One sistant at St. George Parish, Westport; Rev. Henry T. Munroe, assistant at Holy Name Parish, New Bedford. Rev. George E. Harrison, Secretary to the Bishop, will be the Master of Ceremonies for Bishop Cronin; Very Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, Diocesan Chancellor, will be Master of Ceremonies for the Mass. The Most Reverend Bishop will deliver the homily. Congregational singing will be offered under the direction of Miss Margaret E. Sullivan, parish organist. Lectors will be Mr. Thomas Beedem and Mr. Edward Hill, both of North Dartmouth. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Fourth Bishop of Fall River, founded the parish on Nov. 17, 1969 and named it in honor of St. Julie Billiart, the foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur (Belgium) who teach at nearby Bishop Stang High School. . The . paris~ .serves Catholics who had to· that time belonged to St. Mary Parish, So. Dartmouth; St. George Parish, Westport; Holy Name and St. Lawrence Parishes in New Bedford. Rev. John F. Hogan was appointed the first pastor of the parish on Nov. 26, 1969.

Fiscal Management Conference Oct. 13 TUCSON (NC) - The money managers of the nation's dioceses will exchange ideas on how to manage the material resources entrusted to them when they meet here in their second annual Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference on Oct. 13-15. Conference participants will explore various phases of diocesan accounting systems and data processing, and the way the diocese relates to loan procedures, capital financing,. property acquisition and management, and insurance. Msgr. Don H. Hughes of Tucson will deliver a sermon on "Stewardship - of Diocesan Administration" at a noonday Mass on Oct. 14. Bishop Francis J. Green of Tucson will celebrate the Mass.

Continued from Page One nis at 10:30 A.M.; Thursday, Oct. 21 at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River at 7:30 P.M. While there will be special sessions for persons mentioned abOVe, the workshops will be open to the public. Details will be published in next week's Anchor.


Hugh Schoolers Marriag,e Forum •. Starts Sunday

tery superintendent, Father Canuel will bless the statue and dedicate the new flag pole honoring all veterans. The concluding portion of the program will consist of raising the Stars and Stripes, salute to the flag, singing of the national anthem and the presentation of a firing squad by Private Poirier Post, No. 1 of New Bedford. Mayor George Rogers of New Bedford will deliver the closing address.


..'. .,:'~.."Rev. Walter A. Sullivan .

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 7, 1971

The program will be conducted in the Holy Cross Rectory meeting room on six successive Sunday nights starting at 7 and closing at 8:30.

NEW BEDFORD HOME ANNIVERSARY: Following .a Mass signalizing a dual celebration-77th anniversary of the founding of St. Mary's Home, New Bedford and the feast of. the patron of the order serving the home, St. FranCis of Assisi-Bishop Cronin accepts a floral tribute from Derek Evora, a resident of the home.

F'avor Ordination of Married Men BRUSSELS (NC) - Belgium's bishops and priests. generally agree that the world Synod of Bishops, which opened Sept. 30 in Rome, should recommend ordination of married 'men in certain circumstances. .But there is some disagreement in predictions of whether the . synod will actually make such a recommendation. Jesuit Father Jan Kerkofs, a director of Pro Mundi Vita, a Catholic research and publishing association based here, predicts that the synod is. likely to recommend that bishops' conferences in Africa, South America and Asia be given the option of allowing ordination of . married men in certain circumstances. Father Wilfred Brieven, secretary to Cardinal Leo Suenens of Malines-Brussels, said he is not

The topics will be: "Masculinity and Femininity"; "The Elements of Love"; "The Sacramental Aspects of Human Love"; "Sexuality"; "Family Development" and the course will close with a seminar on marriage on Nov. 21. Participants in the program will be: Rev. Robert Brennan, CSC, Rev. George Carrigg, Rev. Donald Troy, Sr. Frances Lynch, . Sr. Barbara Riley.

Also, Richard and Margaret Paul and Kathryn sure that the synod will favor Balch, even such a limited dilution of Kelly, William and Barbara priestly celibacy. Many other Ohrenberger, DorotHy Conceison, Belgian priests told NC News· Edward and Ann Olson, Donald they tend to agree with Father and Carole Dineen and Roy alld Marlene Owens. Brieveri.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River- Thur~." Oct. 7, 1971

Defends .Criticism of, Federal Official Lauds Organ.ized Labo'r's Ciy'il, Rights Position The 1971 Labor Day Statement of the United States Catholic Conference Division for Urban Life severely criticized those unions which , continue' to practice racial discrimination, but at the same time took issue rather pointedly with those critics of the labor movement who. claim, contrary to fact, that the majority of American unions falls indiscriminately into this category. More specifically, the statement took issue .with one of labor's critics- in particular-an unidentified high-r~nking Federal official who had been quoted earlier in the Summer as ha~ing said at a major Catholic gather~ ing that ,"while some unions have been leaders in equality of opportunity, the .majority, of unions ... are still trying to escape with only token compliance with the law of the land." We thought at the time, and still think, that "this is clearly an exaggeration - the kind of sensational exaggeration which makes for catchy headlines but is hardly· calculated to advance the cause of racial equality." Expects Controversy Our criticism on this score of the particular government official in question drew blood almost immediately from one' of the members·, of his personal staff who probably helped to write the speech referred to above. This staff member is a mari for whose personili· integrity' an'd· personal dedication to the cause of iriterracial justice we have sincere respect. At a national Catholic meeting concerned with the subject of interracial 'justice he o,bjected vigorously to what we had said about his boss and ~ndeavored to ,get the convention delegates to issue a public statement disassociating themselves from our position on this matter. It is' my information, via the gapevihe, tha,t,.thisproposed resolution was either tabled Or referred . to committee. . l 'should like to make it clear, however, that even if it had been adopted unanimously, it would not have led to any h~rd 'feelings on my :' part. After all,:controversy and disagreement, even aniong friends, is the name of the game in the field of social action, and anyone who can't take it in stride would be. well advised, I should think, to turn in his uniform and call it quits.' .,: - Watered-Down Version , This having been said, however, I like to think that if I had been present when said resolution was being debated, I might have been able to convince its sponsor that our criticisllJ of his bos,s was not meant to be all that pecsonal but was simply intended to keep' the record straight. We thought at the time that labor's overall record in the field of race relations (bad as it is in many re!ipects) is at least as good and .. probably t:better than that of some of its more vocal critics, incllictin'g the particular. agency for .which the above men,'. ,-,".' tioned government official (who t'


has si~ce been promoted to ano'ther position) was then presumed to be speaking. We are now ,even more convinced that this is so, as witness the recent flurry over busing and the more recent a~tion 'of the House of· Representatives in rejecting a bro~d bill to bar. job ·discrimination-a bill which, had


ized labor and by all of the major civil rights organizations in the United States would have , greatly broadened the jurisdiction of. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and given it power to issue "cease and des'ist" orders against job discrimination. The other bill- the watereddown billapprov·ed by the House with the support of the. politica~ confreres in question-empow~ . THANKS, BUT ••. Four year old Jonathan Merrill ers the Commission only to bring , of Yarmouth is' not in the mood for a thank you kiss from discrimination· suits in Federal this small fawn here at the State Game Farm as he .was courts and does not expand the Commission's juri~dicti0!1' . feeding the fawn a late, afternoon snack. Jonathan's grandPhiladelphia Plan

father, James Maxwell, is the fish hatchery superintendent there. NC Photo: '

The New York Times, in reporting· thE: vote of the House in favor of the' latter bill, called the complete support of organ- . it, the first major set-back in such competition prevents govContinued from Page One ized labor-and· voting instead recent years for Civil' Rights ernments from providing for ~he so it sought to day. In doing ·for a watered-down ,version sup- leaders." A few days later the needs of their own ,citizens (e.g. meet the requests of episcopal ported by Southern Democrats Times referred to it in an edithe' elderly) and from fulfilling that suggested the conferences and the majority. of the Repub- torial as a "B,iased Step Backfittingness of such a report at their obligations to the Third ward." ' lican members of the .House. the beginning of the synodal World. So be it. That's life in the na- deliberations. . (3.) The third is the' repres'. Asks Fairness tional capitol. But, while facing sion of religious freedom,' e~ther Four Areas I have· ment,ioned political up· to the harsh facts of political, openly and directly by governIt is understandable that i~ an labels in this context not for par- life, let's be honest enough to ment regulation or indirectly by undertaking of such vast scope tisan purposes, but simply' to admit that this "biased step unfair economic pressure or posuggest that the high ranking backward" was perpetrated over some conditions would inevita- litical control, e.g. in the' field of government official criticized in the strong opposition of the bly be omitted or be. given but. religious education of children or our Labor Day Statement might - labor movement, which 'was and scant attention. Although the the preaching of the sqcilil ~es­ well have concentrated, in the is prepared to use the. full force document has been presented, sage of the gospel. first instance, on reforming his of the Federal government in an we should like to point out four (4.) The fourth is the failure own political allies .instead of effort to eliminate racial discrim- areas which we' think require to describe the nature and depth concentrating alIhost all ·his en- ination in the field of employ- more serious attention and ear- of the crisis of faith that was nest . consideration than the ergies on reforming the Amer- ment. pointed out by the Holy Father Panorama gives· them. , ican labor movement. . Finally, let 'it be said.. for the in his homily at the opening of (1) The first area· is' the pher can readily understand that record, that the so-called Philathe synod. ;. ,. a man in his position might have delphia P-lan,· so strongly sup- nomenon ,of discrimination by The ,language employed by the been under instructions to fol- ported by the above-mentioned reason of race, such 'as exists in Panorama does not clearly exthe U; S. A. and in many other low, the party line, so to speak, government, official and by the press the preoccupations of imd for that reason might not agency he represented until re- countries of the world. By this Western secular thought. There we mean a hatred, a suspicion, a · have been in a position to say cent" weeks, is a pale remedy for is a growing number of believers what he personally thought job discrimination as compared mistrlist of someone simply be- who find the meaning of God in human cause of origin from about the two bills in question. with the, labor-supported bill stock. Such attitudes lead to un~ their lives increasingly difficult That's fair enough. Life 'in the which the, ,sponsors of the Philjust repression of rights to sus- to explain to themselves, and political arena is admittedly very adelphia' Plan helped to defeat. tenance, h(;lUsing, education, fair more so to others who rightly real and very earnest, and no employment, and more funda- expect the faithful to render an Leaders Unimpressed one who has had any experience mentally to a denial of treatment account of the hope that is in with the system really. expects This being the case, I' trust it due .to human dignity that is them. For many it is easy to live ·high ranking government officials will be clear to those who shared by men of .all races. be- in comfortable well-being with a to be able to win all of them thought ,that our Labor Day cause they are .all S9ns of t\te . ,feeling of limited self-sufficiency. within' his own· party. Statement wa3 too hard on some ,'one God and redeemed by the For others 'there is frustration Oh the other hand, as one who ofl labor's critics and on one in blood of the one Christ. In m,any arising from the sense of overhas had· at least' a modicum of particular why we felt it neces- ,countries throughout the world whelming evil that oppresses experience with the system, I,. sary to set the record straight. this racism manifests the contin- man in the present and threatens for one, would expect any govTo repeat 'what was said uing contradiction between faith from the future. ' ernment official caught in such a above , there was nothing per- and the daily lives, of many proWe submit these observations political bind to play is reason- sonal about our criticism of the fessing it that was spoken of in with the intention of indicating · ably fair with the opposition. gentleman in question, We were th,e pastoral constitu.tion of The problems of great importance at . merely suggesting that, since Church, in the Modern World, the present time. Two Bills justice and charity begin at number 43, In the particular case at issue, home, he should have directed War Director of Clergy playing it reasonably f~ir with more of his fire at his own agen- . (2.) The second is the existhe opposition might have-and, cy and at the headquarters of· tence of war and perhaps· even Office Appointed in my opinion, should have- his own political party and less worse 'the fear of nuclear war OTTAWA (NC)-The adminisprompted the gentleman in ques- of it at the American labor connected with an on-going ar- trative board of the Canadian tion to give due credit. to qrgan- movement. maments race 'among the power- Catholic Conference has apized labor for supporting a subWhat we, were criticizing, in ful-nations of the world, This oc- pointed 'Father Bernard de Marstantially better. anti-discrimina- other words, was his relentless casions a sense of frustration and gerie director of its national oftion bill than he was poltically outspokenness about labor's ad- futility of human existence that fice of the clergy. able to support. mitted faults and failings as con- characterizes so many of the Father de Margerie, a parish Failing that, he might, at the trasted with his persistent silence young and seems now to be pastor in Saskatoon, Sask., has very least, have tempered his about the faults and failings of spreading to the middle-aged. been vice-president of the Nacriticism of organized labor in- his own political fraternity.· Often the expenditure of human tional Federation of Priests' Senstead of creating the impression I might add, in conclusion, and material resources to sustain ates. that labor leaders are the "bad that, to my personal knowledge, guys" in the field Of race rela- m'any of the leaders of the Civil tions and that his own political Rights movement were just as. DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL-combine a life of Drayer and action. Bringers of the Gospe' Mes· confreres are the "good guys." , unimpressed as we were by his sage to souls everywhere by means of personal If this seems to be much ado selective indignation. contact: Pauline MiSSIOnaries labor in 30 Nations. 'about nothing, let's take a more Members witness to Chris~ in a unique missionpropagation of the printed Word of ~od. The careful look at the two antiBasic Sisters write: illustrate print and bind their own discrimination bills in questioA. Dublications and diffuse them among people of As a matter of fact, there really There is a natural aristocracy all creeds, races and cultures. Young girls. 14·23 isn't any comparison between among men. The grounds for this Interested in this vital Mission may write to: them. ' REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR are virtue and talents. 50 St. Paul's Ave., Boston Mass. 02130 The bill supported by organ-Thomas Jefferson

U. S. pelegates' Reaction Given'

Continued from Page One years ago that she vvas canonized by the Church and thus recognized officially as a Saint. So it is quite correct to say that she is a saint of our times. Fevv saints vvere recognized as such officially so soon after their deaths. Theresa of Lisieux, however, did not live to see the Second Vatican Council. She did not . knovv Pope John XXIII or Pope Paul VI. She had never heard of a World Synod of Bishops such as the one presently taking place in Rome. She vvorshipped at Mass before the recent liturgical renewal. Ocean going liners crossed the Atlantic and communications vvere becoming more rapid in her day. Certainly the time of the courier on horseback handcarrying the missive vvith waxen seals had passed. The postal services had begun and telegraphic messages vvere common. But she did not knovv the radio; never even imagined Television; much less did she ever think it possible that within three quarters of a century after her death a man vvould postmark letters on the moon. Papal Visit

further that this is needed in all vvalks of life: ecclesiastical and lay" among those' in authority and those subject to authority, among the old and the young, among parents and children, among the educated and those less educated, among the sophisticated and 'among those less sophisticated,- among the rich a'nd among the poor. We have lost in our day, vvhat· ever the cause, an appreciation of prayer. Is it that vve attempt unconsciously to unite ourselves with our Creator through science and the fruit of scientific reo search! Perhaps so. Perhaps vve are even succeeding to a certain extent in this fashion. But Almighty God has given us the spiritual side of our nature vvhereby' we can communicate with Him; unite our hearts and souls vvith him; speak to him in a formal sort of vvay vvith vvords already prepared; or speak to him from the depths of our heart by allovving. the thoughts and emotions vvithin us to suggest an intimate colloquy vvith Him vvho has given us life itself.

Denounce Abuses Of Freedom LA PAZ (NC)-Bolivia's bish- . regret for those killed and ops have called on this country's vvounded in the rebellion. Offinevv rightvving government to cial estimates place the number end acts of vengeance and of dead at 100 and of vvounded abuses of power. at 600. But students and peasant They also vvarned Christian leaders, vvho supported Torres, leftists not to advocate violence. say casualties may be more than 1,500. In their first statement since the bloody August coup that. The bishops; clearly aiming overthrevv the leftist government their vvords at the nevv regime of of Gen. Juan Torres, the bishops Col. Hugo Banzer, vvarned that said they cannot condone its the "arrests, expulsions (from aftermath of actions "prompted the country) and ruin for by revenge, just as vve cannot, many" that follovved the coup live vvith the abuse of povver or are "deepening divisions among ... the abuse of freedom." the people and fostering hatred The bishops expressed their and reprisals."


Father Delaney Co-Chancellor

Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, a native of Fall River, has been appointed by Most. Rev. John J. Fitzpatrick to. be Co-Chancellor of the Diocese of Brovvnsville in Are vve joining ourselves by Texas. Father Delaney, son of Joseph prayer to Christ our Savior. Do we allovv our thoughts· to link R. and Jane (Burke) Delaney of 194 Read Street, Fall River, vvas us even silently if not in vocal born Aug. 29, 1934. He attended prayer to Him. Or rather are vve She had visited Rome vvith her Sacred Heart School in Fall so immersed in the affairs of the father and even made bold to River and Msgr. Coyle High address a simple request to enter earth that we find it difficult to the Convent at age 15 to Pope contemplate the mysteries of our School in Taunton. He then studLeo XIII, though she had been faith. The tangible, visible vvorld ied at Cardinal O'Connell Semcautioned not tp speak in the of the material hinders us some- inary in Boston and Catholic University of America in WashPapal Audience in vvhich ~he vvas ' hovv from meditating on the eterington. He took his theological privileged to participate. But far nal truths of the spiritual life. studies at the Gregorian Univerfrom her most sophisticated fanThen there is the ordinary life sity in Rome vvhile attending the tasies was the notion that a not vve lead. We need not seek unNorth American College. too distant successor of Leo XIII duly difficulties, hardships and Father Delaney vvas ordained, vvould leave the confines of the disappointments in order to offer for the Diocese of Fall River in Vatican and after having first a sacrificial 'life to God. Every Rome on Dec. 18, 1960, by Most visited the Land of Palestine life has these. Somehovv or other Rev. Martin J. O'Connor, Rector made holy by the very feet of life here on earth gives every of the North American College. the Mast~r, moistened even by man the opportunity for holiness . On his return in the Spring of His precious blbod, vvould then in a built-in fashion. 1961 he held appointll)ents in the go on to' carry the message of Diocese of Fall River as an asUnion with Christ the gospel as a modern day St. sistant pastor, as professor at Paul to the major continents of It is possible to unite ourselves Coyle High School and Assistant the globe. He vvould address not vvi~h ,the suffering Christ day Superintendent of Schools. Fr. only the leaders both lay and after day just by offering to Him Delaney vvent to Brovvnsville in ecclesiastical of the countries he the very joys and heartaches of 1967 and has served· there in vvould visit, but also mingle as the day. Tempted though vve parochial appointments and as man among men right in the may be at times to look for unSuperintendent of Schools. very crovvds of God's good crea-, usual scacrifices or to contemHe holds a Master of Arts detures in order to convey graph- plate the possibilities for extragree in PhilosopHy, a Licentiate ically that the good nevvs is for ordinary virtue, vve find that the in Sacred Theology and: Ii Master all men. Theresa vvould not have most common and most avail-, of Education degree. He vvill thought it possible so awestruck able opportunity to grovv in the serve as Co-Chancellor of vvas she in her audience vvith the spiritual life is to live our everyBrovvnsville along vvith Rev. Holy Father. Ronald Anderson. Turn to Page Six Leo told her that if God vvanted her to enter the Convent she vvould, and so shortly afterwards the little girl became a member of the Carmelite Convent in Lisieux and there she stayed until nine years later DISPENSING OPTICIAN vvhen she died.

Anlone S. Feno r Jr.

Ordlna~y Life ,.


She became a saint. In the meanwhile, the modern vvorld changed so rapidly. Hovv can vve suggest then that she is a saint not only of our day but also for our day? This is so because she possessed two outstanding qualities vvhich are most necessary for us these days-for our spiritual health. First of all, she was a vvoman " of prayer. Secondly, she knevv the most simple rule of grovvth in the spiritual life-live the ordinary daily life in a very holy vvay. .~' .... ... Need of Prayer ,,' \.

Allovv me to suggest that per. haps vvhat vve all need in this :.:<'vvorld today is a little bit of both 'these qualities. I vvould suggest


"THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1971

Sai.nt Of and' For Our Time








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'6 .

THE ANCHOR-'-Dibcese of Fall River..:..Thurs.,

Oct. 7, 197.1


St. Theresa

Mother Teresa '8 View The remarkable Mother Teresa of India who has done monumental work among the poor and outcasts and dying in that great land visited Cardinal Heenan as he was about to leave London for the World, Synod of Bishops in Rome. She expressed the hope that the bishops would give full attention to the. plight of rpillions suffering from lack of food, clothes and shelter. About the priesthood, she' said: "The Church can say no more now than when' I was a child. The priest is the only one who can bring Christ to~ our altars. All that matters about such a person is that he should be very holy. What more can . be said about the Catholic priesthood?" , tpat this is an over-simplified view. Some would say But who can deny that the exceptional woman had tou~hed, really, the very heart of what counts. And, as the Cardinal said at the synoc:f, the world's fascination with sex has given 'undue prominence to the whole matter of priesthood and celibacy. -"Most priests are not crying out for freedom from discipline,freedom from daily Mass and divine office, freedom from vestments, freedom from chastity. Most priests cry out, if at all, for greater spiritual help in their priestly lives. Let us give most of our attention not to our brothers in the priesthood but to our brothers in Christ who' are seeking freedom from want, freedom from fear and frE~.edom from misery." The synod will discuss both the priesthood and world justice. The first topic has already received great coverage and will assuredly receive even more. But it may well be that what is said· and done about the second topic will really help change the face of the earth.

An. Example There is a certain sadness in Cardinal Mindszenty's leaving Hungary after so many years of suffering and re-striction within that country. While inside Hungary, he was the constant living symbol of man's opposition to .tyranny and to injustice. In leaving Hungary and going to Rome he has lost even that status. But perhaps this is precisely the point. The Cardinal, who has been called upon to make so very many sacrifjces in his life, felt constrained to make a further sacrifice-to give up his position as a living symbol within his nation and to accept exile from it forever for the good of the Church. The Church today seems intent upon establishing some sort of relations with every government. The Church's mission is to all men, so she must try to go out to men who do not know her, who oppose her; who block her approach with all sorts of reasons and pretexts. The Cardinal ~O\lld see that he might be a stumblingblock to the Church's efforts or, at least, be alleged to be such. '. And so, in an act that really crowns all the many sacrifice,S he has made, he took this further step at tremendous personal price' to his whole being 'and previous efforts, and removed his emabrrassing presence from his own homeland. There are many throughout the world and the Church today who speak of love and activity to further the Church's mission among men. All of these have before them, in Cardinal Mindszenty's person and sacrifice, an example of what these phrases really me<J,n.

@rhe -ANCHOR

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Publ.ished weeklr by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ,4 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722. 675.7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. 'Daniel A. Cronin,. D.O., S.LD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST.. GENERAl: MANAGER Rev. Msgr.·Danier F. Shalloo, ~.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll


. . . .leary Press-FaJl River,



Continued from Page Five day life-with all its hopes an,d disappointments, joys and sorrows, trials and failures, in a holy way by constantly accepting the will of God and living in accord with his desires and commands no matter what the cost. Both of these qualities-prayer and living her ordinary life in a hoiy manner, were -common to Theresa of Lisieux. The basis of course to these qualities and that which gave them substance :were "her firm, uncompromising faith and her ardent love of God. Message

All of this Theresa of Lisieux possessed orily a few decades ago. This was her message from the silent confines of Carmel of Lisieux. Things have changed in the world since then to be sure. But I am convinced that her message valid then, is valid now. And however much we may pride ourselves in our unusual and at times almost frightening discovery of the secrets of nature and science, we really will not ever have the total answer to living until we discover in our hearts and souls the message ~~lli~~~:~iMim~~:;@r~:~;~~:!~:~~m~m;ri~:;:!:tji~J~;~:r~n~~:j$r*;;I:;m::r~;::nmm~:~trm~@~;81~t~:i*1t?i:~;~:i~:m;:;:l:~:r:rml®~;~®f$ml:;B~1:;:1:1~~:;r:&1~®I$;:1:H~1~;} and lessons of the humble, unassuming Carmelite Nun, Theresa of Lisieux. bishops need only to enunciate it Continued. from Page One clearly. extent of the priesthood crisis Art Thefts Disturb This was the' view of Ukraindoes not have "the same reson./ ance in Africa as it has in Eu- ian major Archbishop Joseph Church Authorities VATICAN CITY (NC)-ehurch rope," although he admitted Slipyj and also of Cardinal Heethat celibacy ,was becoming a nan, who said the basic problem authorities, induding Pope Paul VI, are disturbed by a recent strong topic in Africa despit.e was holiness among priests. Another group wanted to pass rash of thefts of prieeless art contrary impressions. . Cardinal John Heenan of En- over the theological approach works, many of them housed for gland said the synod "should not and get down to tile practical centuries in Italy's churches. Pope Paul made a brief referexaggerate the crisis of the problems, Among them were pI:iesthood, even if among the Father Lecuyer and Belgian Car- ence to the thefts in a Sunday clergy and laity confusion has dinal Leo Suenens. American noon talk to crowds in St. Peter's Cardinal John Dearden, speaking Square. Without referring to any arisen." for the U. S, bishops, said· that particular robbery, Pope Paul He laid the' blame on news media and some theologians. while the priesthood must have lamented "these thefts, crimes Agreeing with him w~s Philip- a theological basis, yet it would, and scandals which dishonor civpine Archbishop Teopisto Alber- be useful if the synod fathers ilization." to Y Valerrama; who said the kept in mind all the studies and Italy over the past year has basic cause of the crisis was research already piled up. been treated to an unprecedented A middle approach was advo- increase in the theft of art trea"some opinions' and arguments from certain clever theologians cated by others, Father Arrupe sures from churches. Among whose publications are widely among them, priceless paintings stolen recent· diffused." Archbishop Paul Gregoire of ly from their age-old sites in But Austrian Bishop Johann Montreal warned against the churches have been works by Weber saw ,it differently. Said synod forming a kind of theo- Titian, Bellini, and Tintoretto . he: "It is not enough to try to retical defining of priestly min- among others. Most of the stolen put the blame for this situation istry in abstraction from the real art works have .been recovered on outside factors. It does not . problem which the synod was by police. help very much to lay the blame summoned to meet. on theologians and on the means If anyone thought celibacy Freedom of. social communications or was not going to be raised in the Liberty, too, must be limited simply to exhort the clergy to synod hall, they were in for a in order to be possessed. better observances of their obli- surprise. Dozens of synod speak-Edmund Burke gations." ers, one after another, touched Both Father Pedro Arrupe, on the topic. general of the Jesuits, and.Father Bishop Luis Enriquz Jimenez follow the Latin-rite tradition. Joseph Lecuyer, general of the of Venezuela declared: "Priestly A member of the Roman Curia, Holy Ghost, Fathers, stressed celibacy should be reaffirmed Cardinal Gabriel Garrone. prehelpfUl el~ments in the crisis. not only from the disciplinary fect of the Congregation for Father Lecuyer said the pres- point of view but also under its Catholic Education: told the ent crisis "has also some positive doctrinal aspect." synod he considered the question elements ... There is a manifes· Archbishop Francis Arinze of 'of celibacy as of "secondary im. tation of good will on the part Onitsha, Nigeria, agreed, as qid portance." He said the question of priests who wish generously African Cardinal Paul Zoungrana the synod must face is "what to adapt the" life of the Church of Upper Volta. and why the priesthood?" to the needs of a world in transTwo Eastern-rite prelates, PaHe warned: "If the synod formation." trdiarch Maximos V Hakim of shows its incapacity to say exHow is the crisis to be reme- Antioch of the Maronites and actly what is a priest, it would died, especially, by the present Ukrainian Archbishop Maximos be dealing the death blow to synod? Again there .were many Hermaniuk of Winnipeg, Canada seminaries. Therefore we must differing views. - while praising the celibate give witness to the' reasons Some called for a new docu- ideal-defended the tradition in which impelled us to consecrate ment, or development of theo- their Church which permits mar- our lives_ to Christ. . 10gicaJ teaching. Others held ried priests. . "Until the scope of the semi.there was neither enough time Cardinal Slipyj" suggested that narres is clear, there should be nor sufficient development to Western-rite priests working. and hesitation about solutions to be come up with something really living in Eastern-rite countries brought forward, Our vote must meaningful. 'Many felt the should observe Eastern tradi- be for the priesthood as pro- ., Church's 'teaching is already suf- tions and that those Eastern-rite posed from the Council of Trent'. ficiently clear in itself and that priests living in the West 'should and the Second Vatican Council...·'· g'

Explore Causes and Solutions'



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1971

'PARENT-POWER' NURSERY: Efforts of parents of deaf children are responsible for Somerset nursery school. Left, Mrs. Brenda Bedrick, speech and hearing therapist, gives individual attention to Lorie Szynal.

Inadequate Help Forces Catholic ,School' Closings

'Parent-Power' Responsible -for Somerset Nursery for Deaf .Toddlers·

BY PATRICIA McGOWAN HOBART (NC) - Archbishop It's an example of parentGuilford Young of Hobart said he will close a number of Cath- . power." That's Mrs. Edward olic schools in the island state of Carey's assessment of a nursery Tasmania because state and school for deaf children that federal grants to private schools meets twice weekly at the Congregational Christian Church on are inadequate. County Street in Somerset. The archbishop, stating that Mrs. CareY,.a member of St. he will choose the time and the areas for the school closings, said Peter's parish, Dighton, is vicepresident of the Southeastern his move would embarrass the Massachusetts unit of the Massa, state government and cost. it milchusetts Parents' Association for .lions of dollars. • the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The unit was organized last "When I act there will be need for extra millions, which some- Spring and members quickly realhow will be found," he wrote ized that there was a need for Premier Walter A. Bethune of nursery facilities fo'r their chilTasmania. The archbishop said dren. "Older children can attend. he Vias not making thaeats, only state classes at the Carroll stating facts. SchoOl in Fall River, but at age Archbishop Young said he had 4 deaf children need help earlier spent millions of dollars building than that," stressed Mrs. Robert and maintaining Catholic schools Kitchen, whose husband is presin Tasmania. "My people and I, ident of the association. She said who have done what we could that sheJ and other parents were for Tasmania against over- spending as much as $100 whelming odds, have been put in monthly taking their pre-school an impossible position," he children to therapists in Boston wrote the premier. and Providence because there were no area services available. Salary Increases "Then the state told us that it would supply teachers and therThe archbishop predicted that apists for a free nursery if we the Catholic school closings could get a suitable room would have a serious effect on donated." the state economy'. The Australian bishops recently criticized the federal government for not increasing aid for private schools in the budget. The bishops cited the "spiraling costs of education" resulting from increased costs of teacher salaries. "The healthy impact of fecieraI per capita grants," they said, has been offset in very great measure (by salary in':,.:. creases)." ~



Right, Mrs. Cathy Kitchen directs group painting session. Paint-spattered tots are, clockwise, Katherine Carey (back to camera)"Eric Allison, Derek Rego, Michael Assad.

Ecumenical Spirit By chance the six tots now enrolled at the Somerset nursery are Catholics, but it was the Congregational Christian Church that found space for them. "It was a Friday when I asked Rev. H. Merrill Emery, the pastor, about the possibility of giving us space." related Mrs. Carey. "He said he'd have to talk to his board of deacons that Sunday. At 9:05 Monday morn-

i;g he was on the phone to tell me the vote had been unanimous to let us use church facilities." The generous donation includes light and heat, said Mrs. Carey, and the church also permitted installation of a Zenith loop in the nursery room. This is a type of aritenna that is strung around the walls, amplifying sound for the children. "And when some of our supplies were slow in coming from the state, Mr. Emery just said, 'Don't worry. If you need some· thing, let me know, and you'll have it.''' added Mrs. Carey, stressing how grateful the parents are, not only to the Somer'set church but to the community at large. Not a single current member of the nursery school is from Somerset, yet the local Lions Club donated .several hundred dollars for purchase of a portable amplification unit, used to supplement the Zenith loop equipment, and for special learning toys. And ORBIT, a Somerset youth service group, also made a sizable donation for purchase of visual aid materials.

grader at the Carroll School classes and has adjusted excellently to her handicap, said her mother. "She is able to attend some of the reguar Carroll School classes as well as special sessions," said Mrs. Kitchen, explaining that the goal of the special classes is to integrate children into the regular school system. Mothers Come If at all possible, mothers ac-

company their tots to the nursery school in order to receive ongoing instruction in at-home activities from Mrs. Bedrick. Each mother has a story to tell of how she discovered her child's handicap. At first you think 'It can't be true, it can't be true,' " said Mrs. Edward Szynal of Holy Name parish, Fall River, mother of bright-eyed Lorie. "I'm a nurse,1> 'put in Mrs. Carey, "but I didn't realize that my Kathy was deaf until her second Christmas, when she could play with a wind-up toy that was so loud no one else could stand the sound of it." The parents' group, she said, "Love School is currently working on legislaThe tots love their twice week- tion to insure that all infants ly school sessions, which include born in the Commonwealth reat least 15 minutes individual ceive hearing tests at birth. "But Massachusetts is one of work with Mrs. Brenda Bedrick, speech and hearing therapist. the best states in the country in Other activities are directed by its provisions for the deaf," she Mrs. Kitchen, who had been will- added. "The trouble is that many ing to operate an all-volunteer parents don't know what they're nursery school, but who was em- entitled to for their children." ployed by the state when the Letting parents know is one organized class became possible. of the chief aims of the parents' , Her interest and that of her organization and anyone interhusband began seven years ago, ested in more information is she said, when their daughter urged to contact Mrs. Carey at Vickie was born partially deaf as 551 Purchase Street, Swansea, or a result of Mrs. Kitchen having Mrs. Kitchen at 29 Damon German measles during preg- Street, Fall River, telephone nancy. Vickie is now a first 674-0230.

Newman President ms Minister's Son SPRINGFIELD (NC)-The son of an Episcopalian minister is serving as president of the Catholic Newman Club at American College here. Earl T. Williams Jr., who was elected to the post, said he joined the Newman Club last year because it is open to all undergraduates regardless of religion. He said the club enables "people of all creeds to come together and strengthen their religious ideas." Williams said he hopes to become a minister like his father.


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Study'of Peace M'ojor Cours~

, THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1971

M,anu1fa,ctu,reirs IRJediscover Ov'e~ Thirty ·GE~nerat.ion·

RIVERDALE (NC) - Manhattan College, believed the ·first college to do so, has established an undergraduate major in'the _ study of peace. , "Mother, who was the girl who had the ~ost famous The program, offered by a collegs, of the forties?" Meryl asked, glancing up from the lege not known for spawnng magazine ~he .was reading. Without breaking my stride anti-war protests, has been described by educators as a "major from therefrigerat6r to the stove where I was preparing break-through" in a pioneer scidinner, I ans~ered without column articles that I have read, ence. hesitation. "Betty Grable, of I don't remember advocating The major was established for course," and immediately I that: you go out and buy a cerstudents "interested in the probwas dated as one of those tain issue of a magazine, but I lems of peaceful resolution of who remembers":'" one' of those must change my policy this conflict and of stability in the in the over 35 generation. week! , unity and world affairs," accordIn an age when youth has" If. you hav~~ t seen "the ~)Ct~_ ing to Brother Francis Bowers, been glorified and when maturity ber Issue of McCalls .whlch IS dean of the School of Arts and devoted to the joys 'of being over Sciences. 30, then you're .really missing a The peace-studies major intasteful, informative issue that volves a core currriculum of SHADOW TALK: An interpreter translates into sign ,seven courses including: Anat-' reassures all of us that we of the By forgotten generatio'n are once language the math lecture of an instructor at Lee College omy of Peace, a history course; mor,e remembered (who knows, in Baytown, Texas. There are 23 .interpreters and 50 deaf Peace and Revolution, being they may even get around to students at the college. NC Photo. MARILYN taught by the religious studies giving the middle-agers a refaculty; Biology of HJ.lman Beduction in overseas, fares). RODERICK havior; and World Economic Think of a new career for Geography. In addition to reguyourself as you, read "Late lar course work, students will be Blooming Career Women"; just required to attend a weekly semPope'Says Catholics Must Profess Fait~ inar in peace studies and conhas resulted in the most liberal enjoy the excerpt from the new duct an independent research or -thinker being accused of being a book: about the Roosevelts and At Every Stage of Life field project with an advisor. member of the establishment, it's marvel at the courage of EleaVATICAN CITY (NC)-Catho- the very fact that they particiquite refreshing to see the pen- nor, that strong, intelligent Dr. Tom T. Stonier, the produlum make a return swing. woman who led a full ~ich, life Iics must know, profess and give. pate in the life of the Church gram's director and a professor Suddenly in many areas the deep into the twilight years; and . an example, of their faith at every they must be in some way its .of biology, called peace studies take some beauty tips from the stage 'Of life, Pope Paul VI told promoters, they must be the "a rapidly developing science mature and older woman is comexperts as they make over two a ,general audience. 'sons of light.' " ing into the limelight. . that encompasses many tradiDesigners helped push this "women in their prime." tional disciplines." Students maTribute to Parents In his talk' the, Pope discussed , Whiie lam sure that 'not one the Vatican-sponsored Interna, swing last Spring when they bejoring in the field have several The 'obligation to know and career options, he said. Execugan to design clothes that made of us would want to, return to tional Catechetical Congress a woman look ladylike and not the years of being a teeny bop- here. The congress, held Sept. teach the truths of religion ex- tive careers, especially with inlike the lady from Shangri-La per, it is quite nice to tee I once 20-25, was attended by over 1,000 tends to all levels of the .Church, ternationally oriented firms, caught without her youth pill more that there is a place in this specialists in religi()us education. the Pope said. government service and educaTeaching and learning about He then paid honor to pastors, tion are some of the areas Dr. (don't admit that you remember world for mature, thinking' Margo and Ronald Colman in adults who find as much if not religion "must not, stop at an parish priests and teachers of re- Stonier lis~ed ~s potential oppor, that one)! Gone were the gypsy more to enjoy than their youth- early age or at Christian initia- Iigion who are aware of the "im- turiities. tion (Baptism and Confirma- mense office of translating the look, the ethnic pitch, the hip- ful offspring. So gals, buy those new classic tion)," the Pope said. "It must word of God into your own lan- ' huggers that made every woman Least of Evils over the age of 25 walk out of clothes and show 'the designers progress with life, into adult age guage and of transmitting it to Democracy is the worst form listeners who must not only lis- of government except all others. the department stores with and manufacturers ,that this is and into old age." ten to it, but live it." empty arms and lowered morale. the generation they should cater -Winston Churchill ' th;~~~~~:s~i~~et~:t~:l~~i~:it~~ The Pope paid special" tribute We had heard of people being to. "over the hill" but we of the , the Pope stressed, "demands the to parents "who work at beover-30 generation felt that we Approves Due Process active and direct work of. the en- coming the delightful teachers of hadn't even begun to climb to tire Church, community." Ex- their children, opening their lips the peak when they counted us For Columbus Diocese' panding on'this point, Pope Paul to the first prayers and children's ' minds to the first notions of out. The "they" being a band of , COLUMBUS (NC) - Due pro- explained: , God." youth worshipers led by money- cess guidelines designed to set"Catechesis may be regarded hungry Madison Avenue (fol- tle disputes among Catholics in 'as a testimony to, the faith, and To all catechists, both Religilowed close ,behind by Seventh). the Columbus diocese have been' every believer is committed to ous and lay, the Pope sent his Just. a glance through' the approved by Bishop Clarence E. give ,this testimonY,-in professing blessing and encouragement for racks, or a peek at the', store Elwell. his faith, by his actions, his ex- their "precious and often irrewindows reassures me' that once The bishop said he would soon amples and his words. It is by placeable ministry." more clothes are elegant, sophis- appoint'members to conciliation, now continuously' being said ticated, and lovely - everything arbitration and review board,S to that all members of the Church the' mature woman wants them administer due process policies. must be apostles, that they must to be. The guidelines were pepared be missionaries; that is, that by a' special committee at the by Even the Magazines request of the diocesa.n priests' INDUSTRIAL and_ DOMESTIC Not only is the over 30 woman senate., Hopes Synod Dissipates· going to be able to find clothes' Diocesan spokesmen said the that will make her pretty but she procedures will be used to settle Mistaken Notions VATICAN CITY (NC) - One will also find that even the mag, disputes between, individuals, azines are leaning toward her. diocesan' administrative bodies week before tJ1e Synod of Bish- ' While I often mention in this and those claiming violations of ops opened, Pope Paul VI said he hoped the synod would dissipate Church law. . mistaken notions about the Priests Backing Latin priesthood. Hillman Street' 997-9162 New Bedford Mass Plan Meeting Austrian ,Mother Joins The Pope spoke to priests from ~ his native diocese of Brescia. His MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-Priests, Dauglhters in Convent' promoting the traditional Latin DURGKIRCHEN (NC)-A 51- words were paraphased in the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 L'Osservatore Mass will meet here Oct. 25 ac- year-old Austrian moth~r, widow -Vatican' daily cording to Father Joseph Gerda of a soldier who died in the So- Romano. "His Holiness asked those of Vienna, Va., chairman of the viet Union in World War II, has Committee for the Tridentine followed her three daughters into present to pray -that the synod' might affirm ideas on the priestLatin Mass. the Religious life. of BRISTOL COUNTY 'She is Mrs. Maria Suess' of hood in their right direction and Father Gerda said that his organization ,has· received nearly Durgkrchen, a village in eastern in the authentic thought of Just because a bank offers you 1,000 letters of support from in- Austria.. Her two eldest daugh- Christ and of the Church," the a Savings Account terested persons, including many ters, Rosemary, 31, and Judith, paper reported. . teen-agers: 30, were the first of th~ family "He expressed the hope that doesn't mean it can offer you Father Gerda said that his to enter the Benedictine convent the synod would put to flight a checking account group, which he formed' a few at KrelTls, a town on the.Danube those strange and aberrant ideas months ago, includes 110 priesls. - some 100 miles from Dprgkir- which unfortunately are circuBut Do Many of the priests will gather chen, where they are now 'work- lating now on the priesthood and here next month to discuss the ing, respectively, as a teacher which are trying to put its very NORTH ATTLEBORO (2) MANSFIELD (2) ATTLiEBORO FALLS committee's objectives, he stated. and children's nurse. nature in discussion."




an ...............................................






THE ANCHORThu·rs., Oct. 7,

'T'ell Childre,n the Truth Where Pain Is Co'ncerned


Why don't parents tell children the truth where pain is concerned? Is it easier for a child to suffer pain, ass'ured it wasn't going to hurt? Doesn't t\1is cause a child to lose confidence in his parents, to doubt their word? I've made many trips to the hospital since I've been married. I've told three-year-olds, "You have to go to the hospital. They will take tests by sticking a little needle in your arm to draw blood. They will put a cup-like thing over your nose and mouth to put you to sleep so you won't feel the operation, but you'lI be very sick afterwards. You'll hurt and you'lf probably throw up. It will take days... weeks . . . months . . . (depending on the problem) till you are feeling better."


Bi'rthright Opens Nationa I Offjc~·

Last week I watc~ed.my father remove a fishhook from a boy's head. The boy and his father had been fishing when t~he accident occu~red. They stopped at our water,front cottage to get help, and my father, a long-experienced fisherman, offered to blazes. But at least the boy had do the job. While Dad was no question about my father's getting his first aid kit, I veracity. tried to bolster the father's Lose Confidence confidence. "You can trust Dad. 'He's done this many times be-


ATTLEBORO AREA COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mrs. Adrien Piette, presentee committee; Rev. Roger L. Gagne, area director; Mrs. John J. Mullaney, presentee committee; Mrs. Alfred Travers, president Attleboro DCCW.

WOODBURY (NC) - A U. S. national birthright office has been opened here in New Jersey and Mrs. Denise Cocciolone of Woodbury has been named executive director. Birthright is a voluntary organization whose members counsel distressed pregnant women against having abortions. Mrs. Cocciolone will be aided by Anthony G. Pecorelli of Woodbury who will serve; as assistant executive director. Both appointments were announced by Mrs. Louise Summerhill of Toronto, Ont., founder of the organization. The national office will coordinate Birthright activities in the U. S., and help form new chapters. Established in 1968, it has chapters in 36 U. S. cities, five Canadian provinc.es and in Australia and New Zealand. Birthright's headquarters are located in Toronto.

fore. Don't worry. !;Ie knows what to do." The boy's father seemed skepSeventeenth Annual Winter Social Lists tical, but was desperate. He 38 Pari.shes for Presentee Program couldn't remove the hook himself; Dad was his only hope of Taunton Area Thirty-eight parishes of the relieving the boy's pain. He had Holy Family East Taunton; Diocese of FalI River will take Priesthood 'Hardest' no choice. part in the presentee program Immaculate Conception, St. AnThe boy started to cry and his Profession· in World of the Bishop's 17th annual thony, Taunton. father embraced him. "Don't St. Ann, Raynham; Holy Cross, Charity Ball. Each of these parHONG KONG (NC)-Calling 'You Lied' worry, Tommy. It's going to be ishes will select one young South Easton. it "the hardest profession in the all right. This man will have it Is it harsh? Possibly, but I be- woman to be presented to the New Bedford Area world," Bishop Francis Chenout in a minute." lieve it was easier for my chil- Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Immaculate Conception, Our ping Hsu of Hong Kong said the It seemed to me that the hook dren than it was for some others S.T.D., Bishop of FalI River, at Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of priesthood should be made was in deep. At best, I thought I've heard in hospital wards, the Ball on Friday, Jan. 14 in the Perpetual Help, St. Anne, St. "harder to get in and easier to it would have to take longer . angrily attacking their parents, Lincoln Park Ballroom. The Hedwig, St. Mary, New Bedford. get out." than what would seem a "min- "You said we were just coming Charity B,all is dedicated to St. Francis, Acushnet; St, JoThe bishop, who said he favors ,ute" to the boy. ,to visit. Why do I have to stay?" Bishop Cronin. seph, Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven; a celibate pri~sthood, told'NC Without mentioning my fears Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, St. Anthony, Mattapoisett. "You said I could do anything News that he would accept marto the father, I simply started I want in the hospital. Why does diocesan director of the Charity Sponsors' of the Ball, working ried priests only "if they were talking to the boy. "It will be' all the nurse say I have to stay in Ball, announced the parishes se- with the diocesan ball commit- completely self-supporting and right, Tommy. It's 'going to take bed?" . lected for this presentation tee, are the affiliates of the can take care of themselves and a little time. But my Dad will "You said I could eat whatever honor. Tile parishes selected are: Council of Catholic Women and their families .. , in a missionary do a good job." the conferences of the Society diocese it would be financiaIly ~ Attleboro i).rea I liked. The nurse says· I'm not The boy questioned his father, allowed to eat anything before St. Joseph, Attleboro; St. of St. Vincent de Paul. impossible to maintain ?- married The proceeds from the Ball clergy. Perhaps a wealthy dio"Am I bleeding?" Mark, Attleboro Falls; St. Mary, the operation." "You said it wouldn't hurt ... Seekonk; St. Theresa, South benefit the exceptional and un- cese could cope with the cost. The father assured him he derprivileged children in the Attleboro. wasn't. I realized that the father and it does!" "But I do' not see the advansoutheastern area of the state, "You said the o'peration would just wasn't leveling with his son. Cape Cod and the Islands tage of a married priesthoood or regardless of color, race It was obviously bleeding. I make me alI better ... and I feel Our Lady of the Cape, Brewsover-other things being equalguessed he thought as long as the rotten." ter, St. Anthony, East Falmouth; creed. willing, dedicated, capable, celiThe benefactors are the four "You lied to me!" boy couldn't see it, it was easier Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; bate priests who work 10 or Whether it's a fishhook or a Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; As- schools for the exceptional chil- more hours a day six and seven to tell him he wasn't bleeding. But I knew that when the fracture, an abrasion or an amp- sumption, Osterville; Holy Trin- dren and the four SUJTlmer camps days a week. Married priests for the underprivileged and exhook was removed the cut might utation, it's easier for a child, at ity, West Harwich. would find it difficult to commit ceptional children. spurt blood the way head wounds a time when all else seems Fall River Area themselves to this. was made that Announcement do, and start dripping down the wrong, to know that at least his Blessed Sacrament, Espirito parents tell the truth. boy's neck. Santo, Holy Cross, Holy Rosary, persons wishing to have their St. Elizabeth, St. Joseph, SS. names in the Ball Booklet may 'Will It Hurt?' Peter and Paul, St. Roch, St. contact any member of the comDisagrees With Census mittee or may write or call. the Stanislaus, FalI River. Rather than have him panic, I Bishop's Charity BalI HeadquarSt. John the Baptist, Central decided it was better to tell him. Bureau Predictions ters, 410 Highland Ave., P.O. Village; St. John of God, St. "The hook is deep. It may bleed WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. Box 1470, Tel. 676-8943, Fall a lot when it comes out, but be- James McHugh, family life direc- Thomas More, Somerset; St. River. lieve me, you can trust my tor of the United States Catholic Louis of France, Swansea. Names may be submitted until father. He'll do what's right." Conference,' does not see eye to Dec.· 1 under six categories: The boy's/father had enough. eye with Census Director George Go To Church Memorial Page, Very Special "Will you be quiet! You're going Hay Brown on population predicFriends, Guarantors, BenefacKAMPALA (NC) "Go to to frighten him!" tions. tors, Sponsors and Patrons. church," Uganda's president told The boy interrupted, "Will it Brown advocates serious study people as he toured the South Tickets are given in each catehurt?" of the question of limiting popugory for the Ball. Again the father reassured him lation in light of the latest Cen- Karamoja district. Gen. Idi Amin that if the people Dada said it wouldn't. I bit my tongue. sus report that t.he world's pop1.'• '. My father returned with the ulation will double within 30 feared God, there would be no bad elements in Uganda society, equipment he needed to remove years. such as kondos (violent robbers). the hoolk. He had not heard the Even though population growth Wherever he went the president previous dialogue. in the United States is declining carred a Koran because, he said, When he was ready to remove more than in the rest of the ~ the hook he said, simply, to the world, Brown said in a publish- he fears God. boy, "Tommy, this is going to ed interview, "it appears unlikely • ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford hurt, but I know you can be a that the U.S. will reach zero brave boy. I'li work as quickly population growth in this cenOne of Southern New England's finest Facilities ~ as I can, but it will hurt!" tury." And he was right. It hurt like Msgr. McHugh believes otherNow AvaDlable 101 Over 35 Years wise. "As far as the United States of Satisfied Service Education is concerned," he told NC News Reg. Moster Plumber 7023 "there is when asked about it, A man who cannot think is JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. not an educated man, however every indication that we are movFOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999·6984 806 NO. MAIN STREET many college degrees he may ing toward zero population Fall River 675-7497 rA !.JJtJ,!tII'.I.'.'.I. ra,a,a,a,a,. -Henry Ford growth." have acquired.


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Cardinal· Hopeful


Thlirs., Oct. ·7, 1971.

About China Trip

. Advises 1976· As Pastoral Council Target Date WASHINGTON (NC)-An ad· visory unit to the U. S. 'Catholic Conference here has recommended 1976'· as a' target for setting up a national pastoral council. for the U. S. Catholic Church. . The USCC advisory council agreed with an earlier observation of its steering committee that immediate establishment of a widely representative pastoral council to assist in U. S. church decision making was not feasible. . But the advisory group, a 50member body of bishops, priests, Religious and· lliity established in 1969, suggested several ways to help build the foundations for such a council by the recom· mended target date. The group submitted its rec· ommendations to the USCC administrative board, composed of 25 bishops, which will refer the matter to the full body of bishops at their semi-annual meeting in November. "The advisory council believes that a national pastoral council can and should be structured and .developed within the next few years," said the report to the USCC administrative board. As part of the effort to build the foundations for such a council, the advisory unit urged the establishment of a new office in · the National Conference of Catholic Bishops secretariat here., Council Directives The office would be responsible for coordiJ;lating efforts to implement a national 'pastoral council and would encourage development of diocesan, regional and pastoral consultations.. Vatican II directives urging establishment of such pastoral bodies should continue to be implemented, the report said. The advisory unit also' proposed that its own responsibilities be bJ9adened to include pas· toral concerns of. the bishop's cohference as well as activities of the Catholic conference. Following a year-long "feasi. bility study," the advisory council's ,i5-member steering committee said in July, that a fully developed 'pastoral council "with constitution, by-laws, functions and competency clearly delineated" which would also be understood and accepted by U. S. Catholics was "not now feasible." At the same time, the steerfng committee called it "highly desirable" that some structure be formed on the national level "through which representative priests, Religious and laity can share' with the bishops in the decision making process.".

Court of Equity , Begins to Function



TOLEDO (NC)-The ll·membel' diocesan Court of Equity, announced last year by Bishop John A. Donovan of Toledo, has given public notice that it is' open for business in the 19<'county diocese. The court will. deal with procedures of conciliation, binding arbitration and hearirig of pz:oblems brought to it by those who' have grievances or problems with Church-related matters.

UTRECHT (NC) - Cardinal Bernard Alfrink of Utrecht. said he hopes President Nixon's trip to Peking will contribute to easing international tensions and "to a solution of, the Vietnam problem." , In an interview here in The Netherlands, the 71-year-old cardinal, president of Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace movement, said: "This initiative could contribute to an improvement of relations with mainland China. It is high time we resume these.relations. We must also hope that China will soon join the United Nations, but \ the conditions of Chinese membership are not without importance for world . peace." ' The cardinal also said the' Dutch government must be critical toward its partners in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that this critical attitude might lead to the Neth~i'Iands' leaving the alliance.

Bans Nuns' Habits

"In Public School EVANSVILLE (NC)-A federal judge's ruling that teaching nuns cannot wear religious habits in a . . publicly operated school at Ferdinand, Ind., "is the least of our worries," according to Bishop Francis R. Shea of Evansville.

\VELCO~~S CARDINAL: Pope Paul VI greets Cardinal Josef Mindszenty in the Vatican Garden shortly after the Cardinal arrived from Budap.es~ where he had spent , the pa~t 15 years in self~imposed exile. NCPhoto;

ICardinal Mindszenty Ends Self-Exile Leaves Hungary for Rome at Pope's Urging VATICAN CITY (NC)-Hungarian Cardinal Jozsef Minds'·' zenty, at the urgirig of Pope Paul VI, has ended his 15 years of self· exile within his own country and described :his decision as "perhaps the heaviest cross of my life." The 79-year-Old Primate of Hungary had lived an isolated life' within a few small rooms of the American Embassy in Budapest since 1956, when Soviet tanks smashed a Hungarian uprising and ended a brief time of freedom for the cardinal. He reached Rome by air Sept. 28 from Vienna. to be met by a Vatican welcoming committee led by the cardinal,!,;ecretary of state, Jean Villot. From the airport the aging prelate was driven to the Vatican for a warm and emotional embrace by Pope Paul VI.

A b,rief official notice in L'Osservatore Romano' announced that "following inte.nsive negotiations between the Holy See and the government of the Peoples' Republic of~Hungary, Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty today left the territory of Hungary for Rome." 'Heaviest Cross' An accompanying article made it clear that it was only at the Pope's insistence that the cardinal finally agreed to leave, an act he has long oppos~d.

In an article, the Vatican daily quoted the cardiiial as saying: "I would have liked to have lived the rest of my life among the people whom nove so much, but that was not possible because of the passions aroused against me and because of higher considerations of the Church. I will accept what is for me perhaps the heaviest cross of my life. I am ready to say goobye to . my beloved country, to continue in exile a life of prayer and. penance." Upon the cardinal's arrival in Rome, the Vatican also announced that an apostolic administrator responsible directly to the Holy See has been appointed f9r the cardinal's archdiocese of Esztergom. "For some time now," according to the Vatican daily, "the Holy Father has been looking with growing sorrow and anxiety for the cardinal whose existence after so many years con-' tinued in serious seclu,sion. Love for Church "Though the sacrifice was faced with uncommon strength and serenity, neverthless it did not cease to become ever more grave for one who has suffered so much and who has already passed over the threshold of old age." The paper reported the cardinal agreed to the Pope's request

to come to Rome saying, "having pondered in the depths of my conscience the duties inherent in my dignities as a bishop and as as a cardinal, I have decidedand also as a proof of my limitless love for the Church - to leave the diplomatic sphere of the United States~ represent~­ tive." . The cardinal concluded by stating: "I humbly place this sacrifice of mine at the feet of Your Holiness, persuaded as I am that even the gravest sacrifice asked of a person becomes small when it is a matter of the service of God and the good of the Church."

Merit It is of no consequence of what parents a man is born, 'so he be a man of merit. -Horace

"At least three-fourths of our nuns aren't wearing habits anyway," the prelate said, "so I didn't' think a. few more would . matter." . r,;: l. -In addition' ~oruling about habits, federal Judge S. Hugh Dillin ordered the word "saint" chipped from the cornerstone of ~t. Ferdinand Elementary School. He also ordered religious statuary removed from school grounds at the elementary school and For~st Park High School. The judge's ruling applied to schools operated in buildings owned by the diocese and leased to the Southeast Dubois School Corporation. Judge Dillin's orders were based on an injunction suit filed by 141 parents of pupils in the area.

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Dividends Paid Quarterly

Bishop Requests Friday Penance To Help Poor

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 7,

Describes Life-Style ,

The bishop also said Catholic groups and organizations could do more to help the poor, giving as an example the charging of regular. prices for convention banquets but serving inexpensive dishes and giving the difference to the poor. "It is also clear - as many youth point out-that we profess Christianity, but do not live it," he said. "We should question current economic and social standards. I reject them. And I think many of our youth are rejecting them also." When the Friday meat abstinence law was lifted, it was made clear that Friday was to remain a special day of penance, he said, "but has it? What do you do on Friday as special penance?"

Mexican-American Pr.ogram Started SAN DIEGO (NC)-The San Diego diocese has started a new program to train Mexican-American Catholics to become leaders in their parish communities. Father John Hurtado, San Diego diocesan director of ethnic affairs, has been named director of the program which has received a $20,000 grant from the U. S. bishops" Campaign for Human Development. "Our emppasis," Father Hurtado said "will be on training leaders within the Spanishspeaking communities to work with their pastors on helping Mexican-Americans solve their spiritual, social and economic problems."


Irish Vincentians Give $1.7 Mil.lion

SPOKANE (NC)-Bishop Bernard J. Topel of Spokane has asked his diocese to give special witness to the poor by renewing Friday as a day of penance. The bishop urged Catholics who can afford it to eat a simple inexpensive Friday meal, and set aside for the poor the money that normally would be spent for such a meal. He pointed out that neither fasting nor abstinence are necessarily part of the suggestion. At Masses marking the official opening of the diocesan cathedral, which recently underwent renovation, Bishop Topel called his request possibly the most important he had ever made. Although not ~mposed under penalty of sin, the penance suggestion should be felt strongly, he said, citirigthe Gospel,parable of the rich man and Lazarus.

"There are many of you I see before me now who I know can not afford to eat even these sim. . . pie meals, H the bishop said. "Your penance shall be to accept the love of God." He preceded his request with a description of his own lifestyle, saying "I could not come before you and ask something that I, your bishop, am not willing to do." Currently living in a modest $4,000 house, the bishop is raising his own vegetables, cooking his own meals and washing his own clothing. He eats little meat;. What he saves .from his $97 monthly Social Security check, he gives to the poor. Agrees With Youth


NEW BEDFORD.. BENEFACTRESS: Mrs. iulia Morey Goulart .of New Bedford, second right, donor of $100,000 to Stonehill College, No. Easton discusses the purpose of her gift with three senior resident leaders. Left to right: William L. Kavanaugh, So. Dartmouth; William P. Rose, No. Dartmouth; Mrs. Goulart, and Miss Margaret M. McIntyre, New Bedford.'

Gift of $100,000 to Stonehill'·· Coll·ege Mrs. Julia Morey Goulart Aids' Student Center Mrs. Julia (Morey) Goulart of shared an interest in young peoNew Bedford has conveyed a ple and because she felt "that gift of $100,000 to Stonehill Col- . Stonehill' was carrying out so lege to establish a joint memorial excellently many of the ideals in honor of her late husband, that she and her husband shared Manuel Goulart, and herself, at for the education of youth." the college. Arrangements have Priority been made for the college to reManuel Goulart, who died in ceive the entire proceeds of the 1967, was born in the Azores gift in December to be used in and had lived in New Bedford connection with the construction for 64 years where he developed of a new Student Center on the real estate interests, furniture Stonehill 400-acre campus. stores, wholesale liquor and In announcing the gift, Mrs. fishing interests. In the Spring of 1970, Goulart stated that she was making this contribution to the college's "Development For The Foresees Dialogue Seventies" Program because she 'and her late husband had always With Maoists . NEW YORK (NC)-Christians may soon enter into genuine Diocese Continues dhilcigue with Mao Tse Tung's Training Program followers, according to the first JACKSON (NC)-Bishop Jo- Christian clergyman to visit seph Brunini of Natchez-Jackson Red China since the beginning of announced here that his dioc-o ping-pong diplomacy. esan-sponsored adult education The observation was made by and manpower training program the Rev. Raymond L. Whitehead, called STAR will continue re- a United Church of Christ misceiving federal funds. sionary from Hong Kong who STAR, operational since 1965, visited the People's Republic of was shut down on a tentative China earlier this Summer as a basis Aug. 31 at the request of member of a group from the officials whq charged inefficien- Committee of Concerned Asian cies and inadequate training by . Scholars. Rev. Mr. Whitehead wrote the program. about his trip in an article enBishop Brunini fought against permanent closure and with- titled, "Religion and Life _in drawal of Office for Economic China Today. in the October Opportunity funding at a hearing issue of the United Church in Atlanta where diocesan offi- Herald. Maoists, he said, "would not cials recently helped talk U. S. officials into reversing their de- claim final truth. In any particular situation Maoists and non, cision. Maoists could 'work together to "The decision to refund the program is welcomed," the Mis- arrive' at the truth for that sitsissippi prelate asid, "and justi- uation." According to Whitehead, this fies the widespread confidence and support which STAR has means that "dialogue between received during this difficult Maoists and people adhering to religious faith is possi1;>le." time."

Stonehill College announced a $15,000,000 Development Program to be concluded within the current decade, with a goal of $5,000,000 within the first three years. One of the prority objectives of the campaign has been the establishment of a Student Center at the college to round out the highly individualized development of the student as a person, which is the keystone of Stonehill's approach tor education. The Student Center will contain . meeting rooms of various sizes for lectures, audio-visual presentations, seminars and discussions, music rooms, areas of practice and display of the arts, areas for various types of dramatic presentations, athletic facilities and offices for student clubs and activities, as well as recreational and lounge space.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



DUBLIN (NC) - The Catholic Society of St. Vincent de Paul spent $1.7 million on ,charitable relief 'in Ireland in 1970, according to its annual report. The society, an international association of Catholic -laymen devoted to the service of the poor, the homel~ss, and the sick, has about 12,000 members in Ireland, who last year made a total of 400,000 visits to approximately 22,000 needy families, the Irish chapter's report states. Praising its massive work of charity, Irish Minister for Health Erskine Childers said at the annual meeting here that there are too few' organizations which operate throughout the whole country and across sectarian lines. He noted its work in Northern Ireland is highly appreciated by all sections of the community there. ' With shortage of housing a prime Irish social problem, the society has stepped up its in· volvement in various forms of housing activity, such as providing new homes or apartments, and repairing and building existing houses.

Irish Priest Runs Marriage Bureau DUBLIN (NC) I got a wonderful husband from you," a grateful woman recently wrote Father Michael Keane.. The priest, chief of a Churchsponsored marriage bureau. in the tiny Irish village of Knock, in County Mayo, is working to solve one of the most serious social prOblems of depopUlated and neglected rural Western Ireland. In his latest report to the bishops, Father Keane' reported that the bureau's operations produced 35 marriag~s in its first three and a half years of operation. With three other marriages coming up shortly, nine engagements recently announced, and 160 "introductions" currently in progress, the Knock Marriage Bureau may be celebrating .its fourth birthday with a -batting average of better than one mar· riage a month.






THE'ANCHOR,Diocese ofFal!, River--'lhurs.,: Od: 7, i1971


Parish Parade

Diocese Help Parents Wit'h, Religious Education

Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.

Last week I left. you hanging in the middle of family I know it's easier to suggest than execute a good nameday or advent ceremony in the 'home, but I ran out of space. I 'hope to be a little more praCtical this week Reviewing briefly, I We need a materials center or suggested that before we can van offering the latest catechetteach our children to love ical aids for parents. We can't God, they have to experience expect parents to go it alone,



love in the family. They have to see models of adults who can love without embarrassment. They have to learn to celebrate spiritually with adults at home. Often, they have to teach adults to celebrate.

ST. HEDWIG, NEW BEDFORD The Holy Name Society and parish council will sponsor their 19th annual Fall dance' and cabaret from 8 to midnight 路Saturday, Oct. 9 at Polish-American Veterans Hall, 1680 Acushnet Ave. Music will be provided by the Rhode Island Falcons, Polish foods will be served and door prizes awarded. Tickets are available from society and council members and will also be sold at the door.

They have been told too often too long that they are incapable of teaching their religion. Now, when parents are putting out feelers for help, we need to 'supply it. Material Centers .


Whenever I suggest that parents allow their children to plan and carry out some family liturgical celebration, say a paschal meal, the first question is, "How do we help them?" When I mention having the kids make placements, centerpieces, poems, prayers, songs and desserts, some parents inevitably say, "Oh, our children are too sophisticated to do that. They would scorn it." This comment usually tells me more about the parent than the child. Parents are embarrassed in celebrating, not children (until they are old enough to sense their parents' embarrassment. Then they, too, become awkward at it.) Children are natural celebrators. I suggest that parents who feel uncomfortable at it allow their children to set the pace and ,the mood. Demonstration Liturgies Sometimes it helps to have two or three families celebrate together. Last year, in my small group of catechumens, I assigned each child an Ash Wednesday liturgy to plan and carry out in his family. We discussed' possible prayers, songs and formats. . . Later on, the parents reported their gratification and astonishment at having their kids take 'the initiative and openness to furnish some truly meaningful family Lenten devotions. (Yes, disbelievers, we had two ll-yearold boys who immersed themselves in it without urging.) Here is where the pa~ish can help. We need some demonstration liturgies designed for the family. We need to invite parents from the pulpit to gather together to share ideas, successes and failures. We need a full-time professional to help parents with methods and materials.




.. ,



In my book, "Who, Me teach My Child Religion?", I suggest that each diocese furnish a materials bus. similar. to lending library vans and staff it with a catechist who understands parent problems. Such a bus could rotate on a schedule between parishes and offer books, rec~ ords, filmstrips and the like to help parents in this new field of family religious education. To date, I have heard of one diocesan material center open to parents. Individual parishes can stock sample materials for parents to view and order. It certainly isn't an insurmountable problem but it is a rare reality.路 Last year when I spoke before a~ group of parents, I grabbed an armload. of materials which I use and spread them out on the table before me. I was humbled' to see they were more interested' in the new m.aterials than in my talk: Most important, parishes can' help parents by. forming small groups of parents, who are try~ ing to enrich their family religious life. I call these groups, Parents 'Anonymous,' because they are usually formed for psy<;hological support. Eventually, they may broaden into remedial religious. education groups for parents or into other. areas ot' value for the family. Three Options

What about' content? Do we teach anything but love? I do. I teach a good deal about problems, joys, and heroes in the early Church. Our little group showed intense interest in symbois, early liturgical customs and modern attempts to go back to early customs this past year. It took a lot of re-educating on our part, but we talked about the age of Constantine and the effects of this strange new Christian sect upon the society of pagans in the fourth century. Groups like ours aren't rare. They are everywhere, waiting to be invited by the parish to come into existence. I have found that parents will take th~ time if they can get some help. I suggest that parishes consider three options in religious education this year:, parochial school, CCD .and home religious education. And I Heads Department most fervently .hope they offer SACRAMENTO (NC) - City parish resources equitably:' perCouncilman Manuel R. Ferrales sonnel and funds for' all three ')las been named director of the areas. ' . Sacr<m:Jento diocesan MexicanNext week, I will end this A~erican affairs department. series.of five columns on parents Ferrales, first layman to head the .and religious education with diocesan department, replaces comments from some of the Father_ Daniel J. Casey, who parents I have worked with in founded the unit two years ago. home catechetics.

chairmen of parish orare asked to submit for this column' to The O. Box 7, fall River

ST. MARY'S, SO. DARTMOUTH A committee of three from the Women's Guild has been selected to arrange a program to explain the workings of the Dartmouth Council on Aging. The commit路 tee is composed of Mrs. Thomas Quinn, 'Sr., Mrs. Vincent Hayes and Miss Mary McGrath.

GROWING POPULARITY: The game of soccer is rapidly becoming popular in Houston, as these boys at St. . Francis de Sales church demonstrate. They are members of the parish's "C" and "B" soccer teams,' coached by H. W. Wilkins. NC Photo. '~

For Unity Ic;禄wa Bishop Strsses Necessity Of Diocesan Newspaper DES MOINES (NC)-Without a diocesan newspaper,a bishop would. be severely handicapped in fulfilling his mission of teaching the, word of God, Bishop Maurice J. Dingman said here. Sharing information through the diocesan newspaper "joins the bishop, the region, the parish and the family into a harmonious chain _of command," the bishop said. He added that it "unifies all of us who share a common priesthood through our b~ptism." "This is the Christian community," the bishop said. Bishop Dingman made his observations in a short pastoral letter published in his diocesan newspap~r, The Catholic Mirror. Writing such letters, he said, is ' ~'one 'of the grea~ privileges I enjoy." . . "The day of' individual effort has given way to group action," Bishop Dingman said. "Community is emphasized today and to form a Christian community we . need interaction between people.

That is why we speak of communication, dialogue, listening and sharing." ,

OUR LADY OF THE ISLE, NANTUCKET The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Guild will be held at 7:45 on Monday evening, Oct. 11 in the church hall. Mrs. Jeannette Dee, president, has extended a special invitation to all new members and urged them to attend this meeting.. . Members of the Guild are completing plans for the Fall Festival which is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 13 in Legion Hall. Mrs. Carol Walsh is general chairman and has announced that groups are working on various types of handicraft and collecting articles for the white elephapt table.

ST. THERESA, SO. ATILEBORO The new religious education ST. JOSEPH'S; program that will continue ATTLEBORO through four terms opened last An evening of recollection for night in the CCD Center and will the women of the parish is continue on Wednesday nights scheduled for 7:30 on Tuesday from 7:30 to 8:30 until the 'night, Oct. 12 at the LaSalette month of May. Shrine Monastery. The guild A special program entitled provides the refreshments and "Christian Morality" is being tpe assessment for the evening is offered for juniors, seniors and $2.00. . young adults. Any woman desiring to make Parents and senior citizens are a' reservation is urged to call invited to a special prospectus Mrs. Thomas Coleman at 222known as "Focus on Hope".. 8437 as soon as possible.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1971



OCT. 11, 1971

On Stonehill Campus, No. Easton 9:30 A.M. to 11 :30 A.M. Sponsored by' Stonehill College and the Diocesan School Department



Colonial Court of the Town House 'Living Facilities on Campus

Representatives from 96 Catholic Colleges from the Mid-West to the Atlantic seaboard will be present on the Stonehill Campus. Mount Marty College Mount St. Mary College, New York Mount St. Marys College, Maryland Niagra University Notre Dame of Maryland Notre Dame College of Ohio Notre Dame College, New Hampshire Ohio Dominican Providence College Quincy College Regis College, Massachusetts Rivier College Rockhurst College Rosary Hill College Rosemont College Saint Anselms College Saint Bernard College Saint Bonaventure University Saint Francis College, Maine Saint Francis College, Penn. Saint Gregorys College Saint Joseph College, Vermont Saint Josephs College, Maine Saint Joseph College, Conn.

Saint Louis University St. Mary-of-the-Woods College Saint Michaels College Saint Vincent College Salve Regina College Seton Hall University Seton Hill College Siena College Spring Hill College Stonehill College Trinity College University of Dayton University of Detroit Villanova University Villa Maria路 College Walsh College Xavier University Albertus Magnus College Alphonsus College Anna Maria College Annhurst College . Aquinas Junior College Assumption College Bclmont Abbey College

Benedictine College Boston College Brescia College Caldwell College Canisius College Cardinal Cushing College Carlow College Catholic University Clarke College College Misericordia College of Mt. St. Joseph College of Mt. St. Vincent College of New Rochelle College of Our Lady of Elm College of Saint Elizabeth College of Saint Rose College of Saint Teresa Cullman College Duquesne University D'Youville College ,Emmanuel College Fairfield University Gannon College Georgetown University

Georgian Court College Gonzaga University Good Counsel College Harriman College Holy Cross College Illinois Benedictine College Immaculata' College, Penn. Immaculata College, Wash., D.C. John Carroll University Kings College Ladycliff College La Salle College, Le Moyne College Loretto Heights College Maria Regina College Marist College Marquette University Marymount College, Kansas Marymount College, Virginia Marymount-College, New York Marymount Manhattan College Maryville College Mercyhurst College Merrimack College

Parents and Pupils from Diocesa", Private and Public High Schools are cordially invited This Message Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Concerns In The Diocese of Fall River Cape Cod and The Islands BASS RIVER SAVINGS BANK








, I

, 1,4

T.HE ANCH.OR-:-Diocese of Fall . .. ,.

Riv,er-Thurs.,Oc~. , ,

7, 1971

Iberian' ,Cookbo,ok ,RecfJlls, MQny"Pleasant Memories By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick After many y~ars of trial and error, we feel we have finally come up' with a method for, storing tubers and bulbs over the Winter. The biggest problem we have run across with begonias and dahlias, for instance, is that we tend to store them, then forto my greatest source of get about them. When we longs material, the Fall River Public return in mid~Winter to get Library. I first picked it up at them started again, they are the Bookmobile that visits our either all dried out or covered school 'weekly because its cover with fungus growth. was so colorful 'and reminiscent , Last year we tried storing of Portugal that it struck my eye them in moist peat rposs and immediatelY· sand' mixed with a handful of Even more typical of this colfurigicide and this proved to be orful country, though,' was the worthwhile, Actually, by mois- rich display of recipes from its tening the sand' and peat moss every district. Banana }>udding with a few handfuls of water from the Lisbon area, Caldo once a. month or so, the dormant Verde from the Porto region, a tubers 'will not· dry out, nor will . Pork and Sausage platter from they break their dormancy any Coimbra-all the recipes I would sooner than usual. In late Feb- have loved to collect during our ruary and early March the tubers recent trip if I had only been will have begun t6 sprout and able to speak the language. .need only be placed in a pot to begin growth. ' Pleasant Interlude Before Frost Along with the delightful I will begin lifting my tubers recipes that have been adapted and bulbs very shortly in prep- for American kitchens and aration for storage. This is a sim- shopping; Miss Sarvis' little ple process but. one which is asides concerning the country quite often forgotten. The one and some of the restaurants and thing that ha~ to be remembered , stores that can be found in difis that all tender bulbs should ,ferent areas are worth the price be lifted before the first hard ($5.95) of the book. frost. I usually just pull them up " In a week that found me overgently, shake off any excess soil, whelmed by work Miss Sarvis' and place them in a' sunny posi- book appeared as a pleasant intion for a few days until they terlude to remind me that somedry olit. This is really to' keep. where on the other side of the them from developing fungus world there is ,a more .Ieisurely growths which may reproduce way of life filled with' the deonce you get them in storage. lights of good 'food, and' the The next procedure is also sim- cooking thereof. ple enough: take some fungicide Portuguese pork is, elegant, (which can be bought in powdered form) a~d give them a tasty and tender, arid this ever good sprinkling before putting popular Portuguese dish is one ,them in your storage prepara- of, their, favorite ways' of serving it.'" ' tion. Once this procedure is folMeat of Wine and 'Garlic lowed it is only necessary to '" (Carne de Vinho ,e Alhos) check them once a month to 2 pounds boneless lean pork, ,make sure thE!t they )lave not cut into 1 Y2 inch pieces completely dried out, Storage., of 1 cup dry white wine course, should always be in a Y2 cup white wine vinegar cool place. such' as anunheatEid 3 cloves of garlic, minced basement, but not some' place or mashed where the temperature, falls be1 bay .leaf, crushed' low freezing. 1Y2 teaspoons salt in the Kitchen: 1 teaspoon each crumbled ,"The Portuguese cuisine is a dried savory and maJoram disarming cuisine. It has verve: Y2 teaspoon freshly' ground' it is vibrant," states Shirley Sarblack pepper vis in' the introduction tq her 4 whole cloves cookbook, "A Taste' of PortuLard (oh, the cholesterol!) gal," published by Charles Scribbread crisps ner's Sons. While this cookbook orange wedges, c;m the foods of the Iberian 1) Marinate covered and peninsula is not new (it was originally published in 1967), I chilled meat for 8 hours in a do' plan to call my bookstore and mixture of wine, vinegar, garlic, order one, and' I'm sure it's still bay, salt, savory, majoram, pepper and cloves, Drain 'meat, savbeing printed. The copy I'm reviewing' be- ing marinade. 2) In a large frying pan brow.n meat well over medium he,at in a , Villanova Program ' small amount' of lard, Add half the marinade, cover, and simmer Gets Federal' Grant VILLANOVA (NC)-Villanova for 30 minutes or until, meat is University's criminal justice pro- very tender; turn meat occasion.gram has received a $151,000 ally, and add more marinade if . ' grant from the U, S. Justice De- necessary.' 3) Turn meat onto warni servpartment to continue investi-, gating penal reforms and study- ing platter; garnish with b~ead ing corre~tional, institutions and ,crisps and orange wedges. inmates. BREAD CRISPS: Cut 4 or 5 lJrijversity spokesmen said a slices of bread into 4 triangles , • prime objective of the program each. Moisten in meat pan dripis to evaluate procedures for , pings. Separateiy, fry in a small 'prevention, control and correc- .a!I!ount' of lard until crisp and golden.. tion of criminal behavior.

HAIR TODAY: Father George W. Tribou, principal of C~tholic High School for boys, Little Rock, Arkansas, addresses' some of the students. F'ather Tribou has no dis,cipline problem despite his strict rules against long hair. NC Photo.

Catholic High Bans Long Hair, Beards 'Little

Griping~ Boys'

Are Happy,'




LITTLE ROCK (NC) - For a school, with an ironclad rule of accepting only short-haired students, the' 1971 yearbook at Catholic High School for Boys in Little Rock records plen'ty of locks' and not many bare fore,heads. ' But the foreheads are coming clean again becaus~ the school principal, Father George W. Tribou, has announced his intention of being "more strict in this mat-, ter than I was last year." It'was last year that discussion about hair lengths at the school resulted in a formal, one-page treatise on the subject by Father ,Tribou. The statement resulted in national headlines for the school-a school where students were forced to give up their long Summer' hair styles for the neat' trim look Father Tribou said he believes is most conducive to classroom learning and to the development of an individual's personality. "And, good heavens, no beards," the priest told NC News in an interview. When Father Tribou repeated this year that too much hair was showing at'. the school, television . .

cameras and reporters once again were on the scene recording, in, some cases, a sad student's forced loss of locks in the barber chair. . Expressing dismay and amazement that some of the news media depicted him as some "19th-century di<;:tator" with hairtrimming scissors in hand, Father Tribou said Little Rock's Catholic High School for Boys is noted for a great deal more than the neat, straight appearance of its students.

school principal summed up the_ situation of the school when he told him: "Father, your kids are different from ours ... and the biggest difference is that yours smile." "It is not good for boys to be concerned about 'personal cuteness,''' Father Tribou wrote in his statement on hair. "It should continue to be the exclusive right of girls, .. I favor competition in studies, competition in athletics, but I do not favor competition in coiffure!"


'Kids Are Different "Whatever it is we've got, it works," he added. "If the boys were not alive and content in this system we would not be tops in the state in scholarships, nor would we be first in baseball, second in football and first in the nation in Marine ROTC out of 38 schools with such units." Catholic High's 723 students are in the ninth through twelfth grades. Father Tribou, at 47, is the school's oldest facuity member. He has been principal for eight years. ' "There is very little griping here; the boys are happy," the priest said. He said one public I




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Jou路rnal路s Give 'InfoTmation On Third World Situation The Third World International Synod currently being held in Rome has on its agenda as a major topic the issue of justice in the world. Commenting on this subject, an American delegate, Archbishop Leo C. Byrne of St. Paul-Minneapolis, said that . an important task will be mary emphasis on the Church's to listen and evaluate" as the involvment in the social probbishops of the Third World lems of the region. will speak of their situation." Just what is "their situation?"



Many American Catholics feel the need to be better informed about the "Third World situation," b.ut do not know the sources of background information about the Third World. This article will address itself to the task of providing American Catholics a wide selection of background reading material now available to them. Persons who are serious about becoming more aware of the Third World can supplement their knowledge by reading several periodicals and journals which bring them in touch with other viewpoints. Among the best are the following: Suggests Reading "Atlas, Best from the World Press," (New York: The World Press Co.) a monthly magazine, prints numerous articles from newspapers around the world. The majority of the reprints are from European papers; however, articles of the Third World receive wide coverage. The articles, reflecting what much of the world is thinking, often cover a range of contradictory views. "IDOC" (New York: Idoc International, North American Edition) is published 22 times a year. Originally designed to provide the Dutch bishops with vital background documentation for their participation at Vatican Council II, it has been expanded to feature surveys and reports from (and not exclusively about) the most critical regions in the world, for example, Cuba, Southern Africa, Latin America. "Origins," the weekly documentation service of the National Catholic News Service (1312 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Wash., D.C.). Besides furnishiJlg publication of actual texts of significant discussions at the World Bishops Synod on world juctice, Origins has a crossreferenced .file of background documentation on the Synod and its topics. "Touring the Third World," a 39-frame color filmstrip prepared by the Division of World Justice and Peace, United States Catholic Conference. This filmstrip,. with discussion guide accompanying, can be purchased for $9.95 from thl Division. Other Publications "LA-DOC" (Washington, DC; . :USCC) is a bimonthly publica." tion featuring reprints of articles from Latin America with pri-

"Africa Today" (Denver: University of Denver), published monthly, provides important reading for Americans interested in increasing their understanding of African racial, cultural, economic and political affairs. "Impact" (Manila: Bishops Conference of the Philippines), published monthly, is a magazine with a range of articles about the major economic and political trends in the South Pacific. . "China Notes" (New York: National Council of Churches), is a quarterly featuring articles and reports by visitors to the People's Republic of China. Constructive Viewpoints


It should be noted that much of the tone and substance of publications cited above is unfamiliar to American readers. In fact,' much of it may initially seem to some to have an antiAmerican flavor. However, it is not the purpose of these journals to publish ini':1flammatory rhetoric or harangues against the United States. Their purpose is to present constructive viewpoints stated - in positive terms, but markedly characteristic of the nations of the Third World. One of the most trying expe.riences for Americans in developing relationships with Third World countries is the insistence of these nations "to "go their own way." Implicit in this independent thrust is a rejection of much of the American way of life; it is a demand for the right to become what they can be, freed 'from the paternalism often shown by the rich nations. But rejection is a strong diet for most Americans; chauvinism lies deep in a powerful nation's psyche, inhibiting the development of mature vision. A measure of citizen maturity is the ability to see human values in and acknowledge the achievements of the peoples of other nations.

Urges Preventive Health Actions SAGINAW (NC) - Calling on America to take action against social problems that tend to send people to hospitals, U. S. Sen. Philip A. Hart said here, "We know precisely how to sew up rat bites, but we haven't been able to keep rats out of slum . housing." The Michigan Democrat said that "operating techniques for lung cancer are quite standard, but we haven't figured a way to eliminate cigarettes." He added that "more than 100,000 persons each year are accidently wounded by fire arrp.s, but no safety lessons are required,- for firearms." Hart spoke at ceremonies marking completion of the $5.5 million renovation program at St. Mary Hospital here, operated by the Daughters of Charity.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive路r-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1971


'Urges Churches Try to Rev~rse Fears Over CitiesD Problems' WASHINGTON (NC)-America's churches must try to reverse, the fears.gripping the public and turn them into a commitment to solve the cities' pressing problems, an official of the National Urban Coalition said here. "We can begin by admitting that we really are a plurali~tic society," said Msgr. Geno Baroni, director of the National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs. "We must understand our diversity." He appeared at a news conference with Urban Coalition leaders who released a report on "The State of. the Cities." It warned that America may be FATHER B.RIMLEY . on the verge of tearing itself apart unless it develops a new sense of national .commitment to right its social ills. The National Center is affiliated with the Urban Coalition. John Cardinal Cody, ArchCommenting on what role the bishop of Chicago, and the Paulchurches could play in alleviist Fathers have announced the appointment of Rev. Wilfred A. ating the tensions, Msgr. Baroni Brimley, C.S.P., a former mem- told NC News that it is a quesber of Holy Name Parish, New tion of helping Americans of Bedford, to Old St. Mary's Par- various ethnic and racial groups ish staffed by the Paulist Fathers in Chicago. Cardinal Cody confirmed the appointment of Father Brimley", as Pastor of Old St. Mary's Parish, which includes the Chapel and Information Center, located at 21 E. Van Buren Street, At Paulist headquarters in New York, Very Rev. Thomas F. Stransky, C.S.P., President of the Paulist Fathers, announced that he also appointed Father Brimley as Superior of all Paulists in the Chicago area. Father Brimley, 44, the son of the late Wilfred and Elizabeth Kenney Brimley of New Bedford, comes to Chicago after serving as Director of the Paulist Preaching Apostolate operating out of Minneapolis, and covering the five-state area of Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Wisconsin. Prior to this assignment, he served at Good Shepherd Parish in New York City, and at the Paulist Information Center in Grand Rapids, Mich,

develop a sense of identity. He said people must have self-pride before they can help themselves. Once this has happened, the priest added, the churches can try to develop leaders in the ethnic communities so they, in turn, can help their people achieve economic and political influence. "America is a land of promises," he said, and the churches should try to help the people not lose faith in those dreams. "The question is how do you make some of those promises come true?" "We have never really admitted our diversity," he added. "We should try to understand that we are probably the most pluralistic society in the world."

.Father _Brimley In New Posts

Essence Some people 'study all their life, and at their death they have learned everything except to think. -Domergue

give her not only achance to live but to be loved. Please send a gift today to help the

Denounce Arbitrary P:olice Measures GOYA (NC)-Bishop Alberto Devoto declared here that the Argentine government's claim it is seeking national peace and unity is belied by its unwarranted searches of homes and convents. The bishop of Goya spoke following a military police search of the convent of the Parish Auxiliary Sisters, a diocesan order. Several persons, including students attending the convent's high school, were arrested during the search. "This is a mockery of government statements calling for national unity and peace," Bishop Devoto said. "Such repeated raids give the lie to pacification appeals." Unity appeals by the government, Argentina's third in the past year, have come against a background of countrywide unrest. The nation's continuing econo!Jlic decline has' led to widespread unemployment and increasing poverty, which in turn have resulted in mounting protests and riots.

serving the world's poor.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Th~rs., Oct. 7, 1971


The Church as ~Sign'

, We :live our daily lives sur· 'rounded on all sides by sfgns. Some of them are completely public and external - traffic signs" danger warning 'signs, product advertising signs. Others are very priva.te and personala wink of an eye, the waIn'lth of a smile or a handshake, aquestioning glance. " Still others are a mixture of the public and the private, of the external and the personal-the two-fingered "V-sign" generally used during World War II to indicate a desire for victory and by some recently to indicate a desire for peace in the world. At the first .v~tican Council,




at the urging of Belgian Cardinal Victor Dechamps, the' Church was described as a sign. Thus we read; "The Church itself, because of its marvelous propagation, its exalted sanctity, and its inexhaustible fiuitfuln~ss ih 'all that is good, because of its catholic unity and its unshaken stability, is a great and perpetual motive of credibility and an, ir-

refutable' proof of its own divine mission." (Dei Filus, 3) In other words, the Church was here seen as a sign of its own ,divine origin. Following the lead of Vatican I, most authors from 1870 until the opening of Vatican Hin 1962 considered this statement" about the sign value of the church strictly, as an apologetical argument, a motive for accepting Roman Catholicism. Perfect Sign But Vatican II opened new dimensions to this description of the Church. Here it is asserted, "By her relationship with Christ, the Church is a kind of sacrament or sign of intimate union with God and of the unity of, all' mankind." (Lumen Gentium, 1) And again, in the context of the value of Christian' witness, '''In this way, the Christian community becomes a sign of God's presence in the world." (Ad Gentes, 15) And again, Christ "has established His body, the Church, as the universal sacra.ment of salvation." (L.G., 48) And again, that the Church is to be a "perfect sign of Christ among men." (A.G., 21). Sign as a Challenge Some have been confused by the Cquncil's applying the -term. "sacrament" to the Church. This application is quite in accord with traditional usages apd appliTurn to Page Seventeen

Breaking Real. Bre.ad



,Ieok like· . real food ~hich is broken and shared among brothers." Jesus said, "Take and 'eat ...," "He who eats nlY-flesh ...," "My flesh is food indeed ..." The Eucharist, then, is true spiritual food and .the sign (!>read) which communicates this, manna' from heaven to us should clearly convey ~he notion we are in fact eating at the Lord's Table. To eat normally means to chew and, finally, to swallow. Tiny, thin, tasteless, ,easily swallowed hosts seriously fail in that. regard. On the other hand, these new hosts require certain amount of mastication before they can be consumed. By Breaking of ~read Moreover, from earliest times FR. JOSEPH Christians have tenned the euCHAMPLIN charistic service a ":breaking of. the bread" due to Jesus' gesture at the Last Supper. Furthermore, they saw in this division of a However, we have· been using single host into multiple partithese breads almost eX~lusively cles a sign that through Commufor several months with good nion we who are many are made success and a minimum of com· to one, body in the one bread plaints. I will discuss in a mo- which is· Christ. Our 'locally ment some practical ramifica- baked breads_demand such real tions of this innovation, but first breaking and can be divided into we should understand why the several dozen sizable units. Church today officially encour- , Par!sh priests and liturgical ages ,j change of. this type. committees seeking to intrOduce Rome's Third Instruction on these newer hosts would do well -:-~ .,;": the 'Sac;:red Liturgy gives the to keep in mind the following, " "~";",Imderlying reason: "The truth of . pragamatic conclusions which .:··...: >the sign demands that this bread Turn to Page Nineteen ','- ."',,.~ .~.};'.' ~ • "< Every Saturday morning one of .our parishioners drops off a package at, the rectory. Tlte plastic bag contains about 20 home-baked whole-wheat altar" breads freshly prepared the' day before. The hosts are large (4-5" in diameter), thick, ,(varying from %" to Y2 "), unleavened and made according to a recipe ,I obtained from some Benedictine monastery. This idea m~y sound monastic, the -wild dream of anotqer liturgical kook, and quite unworkable in a busy, parish situation.




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Church.: Sig,n 'or Countersign?


I have the opportunity' frequently to speak to groups of re" ligion . teachers and parents at parish meetings. Usually they invite me to discuss' new approaches toreiigious education, the 'new textbooks, first confession and Communion, how to teach children to pray, and similar topics. The title invariably


suggests practical areas of the religious education of children. Naturally, I address myself to the topic the group invites me to discuss.. Time after time such meetings .end quite differently -than the group might have foreseen. The discussion periods almost always move from the particular topic the group wanted, d'iscussed to much broader issues. The focus on a specific question of, Christian education of children. or youth normally shifts to a ;sharper focus on.the;adult group .themselves. From there the discussion generally moves into qu~stions about the Church in today's world. Sign of Unity The .shift from, concern .about methods of.. catechizing children to' fundamental questions about the nature of· the. Church occurs because the new approaches to EXPERIENCE AND WORDS: The experience of two religious education exemplify new insights into what the' children chatting with a frIendly lady is just as. important Church really' is. If the Church is as words describing the meaning of friendship. really a community of persons, the "People' of God," new ap- always developing, always learnlikeWise, if the Church is a . proaches to 'religious education ing, then' the recent approaches "Sign" . of unity, of Universal tend to i~volve yout~ 'in tha.t they to catechesis place' priority on salvation, then religious educaare creatIve of genume umty. If . questions and process as well as tion of the young as guided in the) Church is a "Pilgrim People,'" on answers. new texts and programs involve

A Sign, to the 'World . "You are like salt for the e~rth ... You are like the light for the world ... A city bUi\t q,n a high hill cannot be hid ..." (Matthew 5, 13f.) , . In these words from the opening passages, of the Sermon on the Mount,. Jesus piles images one on another as he tries to picttire for his disciples what their future roles in the world is to be. Those who believe in 'him will be to, the world like salt, which gives flavor and live light, by which men can see. They will be visible to all the world, like a .town perched on a high hill. The rest of the sermon outlines the sort of things which Christians will do which will make these images come true. They will live in such love for men that anger and even n'ame-calling will seem serious crimes to them (5,22). Apologizing to a person they have offended will seem


more urgent than offering sacrifice to God (5,23). ' They will be ashamed to injure


another person even in thought (5,27). They would rather take out their own eyes or cut off their hands than commit the least . sin (5,29f.). When they promise themselves in love to another person for life, they 'will live faithful to that promise (5,32). When they say something is so, their statement is as good 'Turn to Page Eighteen

the young in considering not only "truths" but a way of life that expresses what one experiences and believes. The Church as visible and experienced by believers and non-believers must really look, sound and feel like what we say it is. That is, in my experience, why . meetings of parents and religion teachers move rapidly from how to teach children to pray to a consideration of the adult com. munity's prayer. family prayer, parish prayer. Meetings devoted .tp ~eaching Christian morality to fourth graders readily move into areas of adult Christian ethical liVing. Sacramental Role If we begin by discussing Why there are so few answers in, a first grade text, we soon find ourselves discussing the image ..~ of the hierarchy or the role of':' the pastor. A meeting that be-:,::~ '".. gins with concern over the ap-.·.. parent freedom in the seventh;; grade classroom may well en~'~" with deep discussion about th'e'l',' Turn to Page Seventeen ~



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I THE ANCHOR-Diocese .of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1971

Extraordinary Experience Opens 'New Life to Author

Church: Sign or Countersign?

Andre Frossard, the author of I Have Met .Him: God' Exists (Herder and Herder, 232 Madison Aye., New York, N.Y. 10016. $4.95), must now be in his late 60s. It appears from his dateless book that he was a child during the 1914 war. The extraordinary exJ-!:e met a newspaperman of perience to which the title about 'his own age with whom . refers, occurred when he he struck up a friendship. )'his was 20 years old. Born in man, whose first name was Wilo

Alsace, he came from people who professed no religion and took atheism for granted. His paternal grandfather belonged to


a family which had once been Catholic; he had married a woman who was a non-practicing Jew. Frossard's mother's stock was originally Protestant. Thus, there was a religious mixture in , his ancestry, but absolutely no religion in his home or upbringing. In the two towns where Mr. Frossard spent his early life he had many churchgoing neighbors, Catholic and Protestant. But he could discern no practical differ~nce between their conduct and that of the irreligious. What worth, then, could religion have? SC)cialist Bent , His parents .were ardent socialists. In fact, they had first met at a political gathering. His father became the secretary of the French Socialist Party and sat in the Chamber of Deputies. For a time the elder Frossard switched to Communism, was the first Secretary-general of the French Communist Party, visited the then newly established Soviet Union and brought back from Moscow a glowing account of the wonderful new system. Eventually he reverted to nonCommunist socialism. Since his parents' chief concern was leftist politics, and since his fatherCconstantly wrote and spoke in favor of the socialist cause, Andre Frossard could hardly have escaped a socialist bent. His convictions were those of his parents, yet he was never as intense about politics as they. Artistic Interests He seems to have been, in youth, ,intense about very little of any importance. His academic promise went glimmering as his schooling advanced. He dabbled in a number of interests, mainly artistic, and did much reading. Mainly because of his father's connections, he got jobs on newspapers, as reporter and as cartoonist.

. Seeks Views LONDON (NC)-Cardinal John Heenan of Westminster has asked his priests to suggest possible successor~ to himself and his three auxiliary bishops. He has also requested that the priests consult the laity in the matter. This is the first time in . ~ritain that the views of lay persons on the appointment of ·,<bishops have been sought.



lemin, had abandoned the Catholic faith, but had come back to it, a development which young Frossard regarded as ludicrous. White Disc It 'was through Willemin that the climactic event of the book came about. He invited Frossard to dinner, but as they drove along in Willemin's car it became evident that they were going to none of their usual haunts. Willemin stopped the car, got out, and said that· he would' return presently. Frossard saw him enter a chapel. After a short while, he followed, chiefly because' he wanted to examine the architecture of the building. When he had looked over the exterior, he went in. A row of nuns was kneeling before the altar, chanting. There were many lighted candles around a cruciform metal object. Where the crosspieces met, there was a white disc. This was all utterly alien to Frossard.' But as he looked on curiously, he suddenly apprehended something which overwhelmed him. 'This Was Truth' "It was an indestructible crystal, totally transparent, luminous ..., with a color near to blue, it was ,a different world, whose briliiance and density made our world seem like the wraith of an unfilled dream. What I saw was reality; this was truth ... Now I knew that there is order in the universe and at its beginning, beyond the shining mists, the manifestation of God: a manifestation .which is a presence, which is a person, the person whose existence I should have denied a moment ago." He says that he emerged from the chapel "Catholic, Apostolic, Roman." He took instructions (and was bowled over by the idea of the Eucharist) and was baptized. What he calls his miracle was· renewed for a month, then ceased. But, despite many a trial, he has gone on for decades living the new life which it opened up to him. Something Mysticnl Mr. Frossard writes exception. ally well, and Marjorie Viliers' translation preserves the true, tart flavor of. the original. As a picture of people and surroundings, the book is brilliant, as it is in its depiction of the mentality of a complacent non-believer. One may be puzzled by the crucial experience which Mr. Frossard reports. It was something mystical, surely, and the autnor attempts neither to explain it nor to expand upon it. He just tells, br.iefly, what he knows happened to him. An atheistic doctor, called in by Frossard's alarmed and annoyed parents, gave as his diag-. nosis that the young man's condition seemed to be due' to "grace." It would he thought, last no longer than two years. It lasted much longer, and Fros~ sard's mother and sister later became Catholics.


VISITOR: Mother Augustilde Giesen, S.C.C., 'superior general of the Sisters of Christian Charity in Rome, is visitin.g the North' and South American provinces of her order. She i's shown here during her visit to Florida. NC Photo.

Teach Children Rules for Living VIENNA (NC)-Austrian Catholic children six to eight years old will be taught Rules for Living instead of the Ten Commandments on a,n experimental basis in religion classes. Prof. Edgar Korherr of the Vienna' Catechetical Institute explained: "These Rules for Living are tuned to the life of the child at that age and have' been set up by child psychologists with emphasis ·on the divine law of love." One of the purposes of the new rules, .he said; is to avoid the "Thou shalt nots" of the Bible. The Rules for Living are: Love God and pray;. Honor everything that i!? sacred; Keep Sundays and feastdays; Honor your parents and superiors; Love your neighbor; Be modest; Take care of other people's property; Tell the truth; Learn diligently; Be brave, . practice the good and fight against your faults. Commandments that are considered irrelevant· to the child's nature, such as "Thou shalt not kill" or "Thou shalt ribt commit adultery," have been eliminated and replaced by' others more easily understood by children and more appropriate to their nature. . This does not mean that the Ten Commandments as such are no longer to be taught in Austrian schools. After the children are past the age of 8 they will be instructed in,the conventional manner. But the Austrian Catholic educators argue that for children below this age the Ten Commandments are something they cannot fully absorb in their minds, and that there is therefore no sense in teaching them.

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Continued from Page Sixteen channels of communication between laity and clergy in the parish or. diocese. Concern over illustrations in children's books readily leads to concern over the place of art and beauty in Cath- . olic life. In other words many meetings begin with pedagogical questions of child catechesis and end with doctrinal questions about the Church, because the new approaches to religious education of the young take seriously the teaching of Vatican II and the Scriptures that the Church has a sign or sacramental role. The young are engaged in a kind of religious education that deals with what appears and is experienced as well as with what is said. It does little good to· tell the young that as children of God they are free, if in fact we forbid spontaneity. It becomes a lie to to teach that each Christian has soml(thing to contribute to the Church, if no one ever listens to him seriously. New Approaches Challenging A credibility gap can be created by teaching that is soundly contemporary and traditional but contradicted by the facts. To teach the young that the Church is a, community challenges parents, the teachers, pastors to look and see if there is anywhere

Continue Petition For Patriarchate PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Ukrain ian-rite Catholic leaders will not oppose. Pope Paul VI's refusal to set up a patriarchate for them, Auxiliary Bishop Bosil Losten of the Ukrainian-rite Philadelphia archdiocese said here. "We will continue to present arguments, to petition through proper channels, to find canonical reasons," he said, "but we will not oppose the Holy Father." A local spokesman for the Society for the Promotwn of the Patriarchal System in the Ukrainian Catholic Church said earlier that the society will. "continue its struggle for the establishment of the Ukrainian patriarchate." The spokesman said the nature of the Pope's refusal renders the decision not binding. He called on 'all Ukrainian bishops to join in seeking the partriarchal system. In a letter to Cardinal Joseph Slipji, major-archbishop of, the Ukrainian rite, Pope Paul said it was "impossible, at least at this time, to. establish a Ukrainian patriarchate...

in the parish a semblance of community. To instill in the child that the liturgy is a celebration forces adult educators to look at the Sunday parish Mass. To require children to learn that the Church has important insights about Christian living may mean little to them when the Christian community remains silent about serious ethical matters of contemporary life. Perhaps one of the major contributions of recent catechetical developments is that the new approaches are challenging parishes across the country to consider not only' classroom methodology but the life and structure of adult Catholic life and the nature of the Church. If the Church'is really a sign, then we need to question what we and our children experience as well as hear. We have to gradually become in fact what we say we are.

The Church' Continued from Page Sixteen cations. Parallel instances are found when we speak of someone's ..miraculous..··conversion or of the "creation" of cardinals without thE;reby speaking hi terms of either"miracle" or "creation" in the technical sense. The Council is trying to emphasize that the' church must be an outward sign of God's saving grace. In other words, Vatican II sees the description of the Church as sign not merely as an apologetical device or a motive of credibility, but rather as a challenge . to the Christian community. The Church must be a sign of intimate union with God, of God's presence in the world, of salvation, and of Christ among' men. There has been a transition from a static notion of sign to a dynamic one. . What Vatican I had stated simply as a fact, Vatican II restates as a challenge...Since §igns can be easily misunderstood or wrongly read, the Christian community is summoned to offer a clear unmistakable sign of Christ's presence to the world.

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A Sign to the World

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7, 1?71

'GOD· LOVES YOU': .Heart patients, blind, arthritics and crippled and palsied at~ tend a retreat in Encino, Calif., sponsored by Catholic Union of Sick of America. Father Donald 'Bernard, .O.M.'I., told them, "God Loves you and sick are chosen by God to suffer," he said; "for reasons known only to Him."', NC ~hoto,

Names Council to Cure Financial Pain Cardinal -Sees Archdiocese Condition Critical


ST. LOUIS (NC) - A critical He is retiring in order to devote tors, will select laymen in each financial situation needing full attention to his duties as a parish for, fund-raising .work, will q.lltivate in'dividua\ beques_t~_ year-around attention in the St" pastor. "The establishment of the to the archdiocese and will con_ Louis archdiocese has prompted Cardinal John Joseph CarbeJ:ry council recognizes the fact that tact foundations that might'-be to set up a 25-member fund- the financial condition of the interested in supporting some raising Development Council. archdiocese, is critical, and that archdiocesan programs. Although the full 25 members The council will handle the the acquisition and apportionarchdiocese's Annual Develop- ment of funds are matters re-. of the Development Council have ment and Expansion Fund and quiring the year-around counsel not yet been chosen, the cardinal will'seek other ways of raising of a group of Catholic laymen said that seven have been named money for archdiocesan needs, who not only have dedication to the council's executive comthe, cardinal told the St. Louis to the Church but broad profes- mittee. The Cardinal said these seven Review, archdiocesan weekly sional experience and -high newspaper. standin'g in the community," the members of the executive com"mittee will meet weekly until cardinal's 'statement said. Year-Round Counsel ' Besides managing the AEDF guidelines have been established c The purpose of the new Devel opment Council, the cardin:ll ex- campaign, the council will 'work. for the operation of the Develop' plained in a statement, is to'~pro- ' on other on-going development ment Council. Later, there will be two subvide fuller and more continuing efforts'. These will include solicitcounsel and direction to the ing bequests t~ the ,archdiocese, committees of the council-one giving counsel to individual par- for bequests, which will be· task of raising funds. Membership ,on the council is ishes and coordinating fund- composed of public relations' and at ,the pleasure of the, cardinal, raising campaigns by other inl'ti- advertising workers. tutions within the archdioces'e. or three years. Establish ,Guidelines He announced that Oliver L. Seek Agreement Parks, founder of Park ,Air ColAs development director, lege and now in area real estate, Parks will' establish personal re- On Adoptoon Policy will be the council's full-time, lay lationships with individual pasMILAN (NC)~The first world executive director. Parks has conference on adoptions, ,giving also been named director of devoice to the anguish and hopes Asserts/ Parochial velopment for the archdiocese. of millions of homeless children, Until now, fund raising for summoned the United Nations to Schools Hqve Died archdiocesan needs has been lim,SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-Pa- a struggle against the forces that ited to the AEDF, headed since rochial schools, as' Catholics thrust a child onto the streets 1960 by Father Paul F. Kaletta, have traditionally known them, and into an orphanage. The congress's 300, particihave died, a Catholic, journalist said here. ' pants, in a final resolution desScores Australian "Catholic schools ... died the· tined for the United Nations, Immigration Curbs day the Supreme Court decided' called attentiQn to the "massive MELBOURNE (NC) - Arch- the Philadelphia· arid Rhode institutional,ization" of millions bishop James R. Knox of Mel- Island cases," said Holy Cross of children in orphanages. bourne has added his voice to Father John' Reedy, former editor The message to the United Namounting criticism by Church, of A.D. magazine. tions insisted upon "the absolute leaders of Australia's restrictive The priest, who addressed a necessity of struggling by every immigration policies. . gathering at Old St. Mary's means against the deeper causes Archbishop Knox, who was Church, referred to the recent· of this situation." papal internuncio to India for U. S. Supreme Court decisions Such a struggle would be car• 10 years, said "there are many declaring that it is unconstitu- rie,d 01lt through "a vigorous and people in various parts of Asia tional for the states to provide coordinated' preventive action of and also Africa who could be in- funds directly to parochial ecor-lOmic and social help to famtegrated into our society." schools. ilies and mothers in difficulty."

performing their strictif reliContinued from Page Sixteen gious dutie!!, such as prayer, as sworn oath (5,34-36). almsgiving, fasting. They will do Revenge,. Never This alone would be very ad- these things, but only in private mirable, but there is more. Those (6,1-18). Their trust in God will be'so who follow him and bear his name will never take revenge on great that they will not save persons .who do them wrong money (6,19) or worry about to(5,39). If someone slap~ them on - morrow as most men do: "Where the right cheek, they will let will my food come from? Or my him slap their left cheek, too drink? Or my clothes?" (6,31-33). In thought they will never (5,39). If someone wants their ~hirt, they will give him their judge others (7,1); in act, they coat, too (5,40). If forced to will do for others what -.they carry another's. load one mile; would want oth~rs to do for they will freely carry it a second them (7,12). mile (5,41). If anyone asks them Leaven for anything, they will give it to Such actions -will make the him. If someone wants to borrow group who follow Jesus stand something, they· will lend it out enough to deserve the name (5,42). They will love their ene-. 'of "city which cannot be hid." mies (5,44). . 'The presence °in' the world of a God-centered though they are, ,body of believers who tried to his followers will never be seen '- live like that would indeed add a new and distinctive flavor to human existence. It would work Oppose Admitting on the consciousness of the rest Red China to UN of the world, reminding men of TAIPEI (NC) - Archbishop how beautiful this world could Stanislaus Lokuang of Taipei be if only men 'would live in love ordered that the prayers at Mass and concern for one another' and on the last Sunday of September in. joyful' gratitu5le 'to the God ask God's blessing on' United· who gives it all. '. Such a group would be ,like Nations' actions so' that Nationalist ,China's place not be taken yeast, working' slowly "through' a whole batch of· dough to make by Communist China. . The Protestant churcfies of it rise (Matthew 13,33). St. Paul Taiwan have raised funds, to says "Like a sweet' smell that. send a delegation to the UN to spreads everywhere, God uses us, protest the move to admit the to make Christ known to alI· men Red Chine!!e and have pro- (2 Cor. 2,14). claimed a week of prayer and Better Life fasting to oppose the move. The lives of the people of God,· One 80-year-old woman in- whose faith committed them to sisfed on fasting despite her reIsuch an ideal, would be a light ath'es' pleas not to. "My whole enabling the rest of the world to family was destroyed by the see that our existence need not Communists," she said. "My be one endless cycle of fighting husband was killed 'by them and and competition,· of selfishness, JTly. two ,11ons .w~r~ killed during exploitation, cruelty and war-. It the Korean war." is not for those things that God created us. A better life is actually possible with God's help. Carved Chapel Some people are living it-today. LUGO (NC)' - Prize-winning This was Jesus' vision of a sculptor Victor Corral carved a church which would continue to . chapel in an oak tree large be in the world what he himself enough to accommodate the altar, a priest and five other had been in the world - a persons. The tree is near the glimpse of something better, of true life for which men were parish church of Baamonde, his created and to which all men are birthplace here in Spain. Corral calIed. finished the walls with carvings of saints, including Our Lady of the Rosary. The round chapel . ,. ELECTRICAL has a diameter of over 26 feet. ~~ Contradors


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 7,197119

The Parish Parade


Nantucket Hopes to Build' Early Mayflower Loop Lead Undefeated Nantucket will attempt to extend its rec- , Clergy ord to 4-0 for the season when it tangles, with Mayflower Golf League rival Martha's Vineyard, Saturday. Coach Vito Today Cappizzo's Whalers defeated a stubborn Blue Hill Regional Pocasset eleven 14-0 in Canton last tol County League and circuit weekend to set the stage for foe Barnstable right down to the the battle between the Is- wire before losing the decisions. Breaking Bread Continued from Page Sixteen. landers. Although it is still' Barnstable, Capeway powerearly in the season, if quarter- house, had to hold off the game back Mike Morrison can lead his Canalmen last Saturday to esclub to another victory the cape with the 13-7 win. The Whalers will be tough to catch Burnsmen appear destined to enin the race for league supremacy. gineer a major upset before the Martha's Vineyard dropped a season- ends. They will try their 13-0 verdict.to Provincetown on hand· against a strong, and faSaturday last; however,when vored, Falmouth' eleven this '-. ' the boys from the neighboring week.' islands clash anything can hapCoach Don Ruggeri's Clippers pen. over-powered Wareham hist SatIn the larger school Capeway urday, 26-0.. However" they must Conference, Bourne will host guard against upset, in order to Lawrence High of Falmouth in wrestle the', Conference title the premiere game. The Russ away from pre,season favorite Burns coached Canalmen are Barnstable. still looking for their first win ' Barnstable will play at Wareof the campaign. However, in ham; Dennis-Yarmouth Regional their first two outings they bat- will be at Dartmouth to complete tled both Msgr. Coyle-Cassidy the Capeway schedule for High of Taunton and of the Bris- Saturday.

Non-League Docket--Old Narry Rivals D-Y ~ was edged, 20-18 by Fairhaven last Saturday, while Dartmouth defeated inter-town rival Bishop Stang High 8-0 in their Saturday night contest. In non-league games scheduled for this week-end Old Rochester of Mattapoisett will collide with Case High in Swansea. Coacl1 Gerry Oliver has his Bull Dogs rolling this Fall, as evidenced by their 34-12 trouncing of DightonRehoboth last Saturday. The Cardinals will try to upset the Regionals to earn their first victory of the campaign. Case was upended 20-8 by Westboro in its last outing. Dighton-Rehoboth will have the upper hand when it meets Diman Vocational Technical this Saturday in Fall River. Coach Jim Ashley's boys, in their first year of varsity competition, have not found the going easy to date. The Artisans were outmanned

for the second week in a row last Saturday when they lost 50-0 to Tiverton, R. I. Old Narry, League powers Somerset and Seekonk will meet on the latter's home ground this weekend in a game that should be one of the more interesting non-loop contests. Seekonk, a potential high scoring outfit, was shut out 12-0 by Sharon of the Hockomock League on Saturday last. Somerset has been idle since its win over Dartmouth two weeks ago. In the· Hockomock League, Mansfield ended a losing streak Saturday when it tied King Philip of Wrentham 20-20. The Green Hornets will travel to Franklin for this week's game. North Attleboro winless to date will be at Stoughton Saturday. The Red Rocketeers were toppled by Foxboro 21-12 last Saturday.

Bristol County Title Race--Anyone's Guess, The Bristol County League championship race is rapidly developing into multi-team scramble. At this time in light of recent developments, any prognostication ,would be foolhardy. Attleboro, defending co-champion along with New Bedford, given a chance to beat the Whalers last Saturday, completely shocked County followers by thrashing the Crimson and White 29-8. The Bombardiers now stand 2-0 in the circuit standings. Taunton rolled over New Bedford Vocational 20-0 on Satur.. day last to tie Attleboro for the -top spot in the standings. This _week the two meet head-on in • Attleboro... The game has to be rated a toss-up. , While Coach Jim -Cassidy's

Bombardiers were taking the measure of New Bedford, across town the Feehan Shamrocks were celebrating their upset of Durfee High of Fall River 7-6. At the same time, Coach Paul Therrien of Coyle was an interested spectator at the AttleboroNew Bedford game as his Warriors were resting and mentally preparing f,or this Saturday's meeting with New Bedford. The Warriors are 2-0 thus far; a win Saturday will thrust another, club into contention. Attleboro, Taunton, New Bedford, Coyle, Durfee and Feehan all have the potential to win the coveted crown. Who will win it? At this time it's anyone's guess. Durfee will host Bishop Stang in a morning BCL contest Satur-

became clear to us during the initial period of usage. Encourage parishioners (ideally several on an assigned rotating basis) to bake' the hosts in their own homes. After some experimentation with the first few batches, our baker now has the process simplified and she can produce them in about two hours. This offers several people in the parish a wonderful opportunity to participate more personally in Sunday and weekday Masses. Moreover, it neutralizes' much of the criticism. People easily object to items manufactured by an impersonal, outside commercial firm; they think twice and speak more softly when the producer lives next door or down the block. Explain the why behind these newer breads and reassure older worshippers that touching the' host with your teeth or chewing it is not wrong (many of us were so taught in our youth). Be prepared to take extra time at the Lamb of God breaking the bread into particles for communicants.' Super efficient priests may judge this a waste of precious moments; in fact, it forms a clearly visible and highly effec, tiv; sign. Attitudes Have a relaxed, but reverent attitude toward particles. To quote the Third Instruction: "Great reverence must also be used in breaking the consecrated bread and in receiving the bread and wine, both at communion and in consuming what remains for his Sacred Body and Blood, but I don't think he expects us to become fretful over barely perceptible particles which r,emain afterwards." Patiently experiment in the beginning until parishioners discover the proper method of preparing suitable hosts. The Roman document urges: "Out of reverence for the sacrament, great care and attention should be used in preparing the altar bread: 'it should be easy to break and should not be unpleasant for the faithful to eat. Bread which ,tastes uncooked, or which becomes dry and' inedible too quickly, must never be used." Our hosts, baked on a Friday and kept in a refrigerator, nicely last for a week. They retain a certain softness, yet let you know by both. their size and substance that this is the Lord's Body we are eating. ' ,IIUlmlmmmmlllllltllllU"'''UllllU''II;IlU1l1WUUmlllltlllltlIlIIUllllUmumll1'111111'111

day and Feehan will host Fairhaven in a non -league encounter to round out Saturday's docket.

ST. STEPHEN, ATTLEBORO The Council of Catholic Women will open its season at 8 Monday ,night, Oct. 11 with a Halloween party in the church hall. Members may wear costumes if they wish and prizes will be awarded. Mrs. Janet Daneau, chairman, will be aided by Mrs. Dorothy Gorman and the event is open to all women of the parish. A Christmas bazaar is planned for Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 11 through 13, with Mrs. Jennette Brodeur and Mrs. Esther Aussant in charge of arrangements. CCD classes reopened this week for children of the parish. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE The Ladies' Guild will sponsor aNew· York trip this month and a rummage sale is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 30 and Saturday, Nov. 6. Also planned for November is a turkey' harvest' whist on Saturday, the 13th. A Christmas bazaar will be held Saturday, Dec. 4. 'The next' regular meeting of the unit will 'feature an international buffet. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT A luncheon whist will be sponsored by the Women's Guild in the parish hall at 12:30 Thursday afternoon, Oct. 28. Numerous prizes will be awarded. The planning committee is headed by Mrs. Linda Bono. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER A parish festival will be held from 2 to 11 P.M. Saturday, Oct. 23, with chances available for a grand prize of $1000 and food to be served throughout' the event in the school cafeteria. Games of skill and chance and a white elephant table will be among featured attractions. The final organizational meeting will be held at the rectory at 7:30 Tuesday night, Oct. 12. Parishioners are asked to donate items for the white elephant table, also comic books and other books. They may be left at the rectory. A harvest dance to benefit the school will take place from 8 to 11 Saturday night, Nov. 6 in the school hall. Music will be by Bob St. Amour. A CYO awards banquet is slated for Saturday, Nov. 6 at Stone Bridge Inn. Tickets- are available from members or at the rectory.

ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD New members are being sought by the parish praesidium of the Legion of Mary in both the active and auxiliary sections of the organization. Further information is available from members or priests and membership is open to anyone over the age of 15. ST. PAUL, TAUNTON The Women's Guild will hold a potluck supper at 6:30 Wednesday night, Oct. 13. Members are requested to bring their own china and silver. Chairman Mrs. Traudel Jones will be aided by Mrs. Mildred Gedrites and a large committee. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET The Women's Guild will take part in a living,rosary to be held Thursday, Oct. 14 at Sacred Heart Church; Fall River. Members are asked' to' meet in St. John of God parking lot at 7 P.M. Also requested is white mate'rial for use in niakin'g pads for' Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home. At the unit's first meeting of the season members reviewed a scrapbook of the guild's histOry. The next meeting is set for Thursday, Oct. 28 at the Fall River Gas Company, where a cooking demonstration will be presented by Mrs. Ruth DiBona. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER ' The Holy Name Society will hold a catered breakfast following 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, Oct. 31. Holy Rosary Sodality members will attend the 5 o'clock Mass' that evening, followed by a banquet and installation of officers. Children of Mary announce a cake sale for Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 23 and 24. , CYO Award' Night will take place Sunday, Oct. 17, with 5 P.M. Mass followed by a banquet and awards ceremony. '

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