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An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-


Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Oct.


Vol. 13, No. 41

PRICE 10¢ $4.00 per Year

© 1969 The Anchor


Pope Bids Theologians 'Defend People of God' VATICAN, CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI opened the inaugural meeting of the Holy See's International Theological Commission with an appeal to its 30 members to "defend the People of God from the numerous, excessive and pressing errors that are assailing the divine deposit of truth." He declared that the "authority ana security" of the Church's teaching office-"magisterium"--derive from Christ Himself and are "essential for the government, stability, peace and unity of God's Church." The Pope warned: "He who refuses it or attacks it assails the one true Church, and therefore incurs a grave debt in regard to the souls that have the faith or are seeking it, and is responsible before God's judgment." The Theological Commission was set up at the instance of the first Synod of Bishops, which met in Autumn 1967, to be a clearinghouse of theological information and trends and to act as a point of contact between wotking theologians and the Holy See. The Pope pointed to two goals for the commission besides that of defending the People of God from the assaults of error: (1) "finding in the frimness of our faith the mysterious secret of a persuasive language for ecumenical dialogue intended to reestablish in the same faith and in the same charity perfect and happy communion with the brothers still separated from us; (2) "reviving our kerygmatic pedagogy, our ability to present the message of divine revelation and human salvati'on with the authenticity that certainly sur· passes the capacities of intelligence and; all the' more so, the attitudes of modern man, along with clarity of speech, freshness of style and ardor of charity, so that the Church's apostolate in the modern world may today more than ever beam forth its light of truth, beauty and certainty. The Pope was at pains to disown any notion of theology as a monolithic science admitting no diversity. He said he "willing. ly" admits "the development and variety of theological sciences." Turn to Page Five

Practical Collegiality Bishops Synod Topic That the Bishops are essentially united to Rome •.. that the Pope alone presides over all bishops . . . that all bishops share a universal duty in governing the Church •.. these are undisputed facts. But HOW • . • this is the work facing the world's bishops as their representatives come to Rome to take part in the Bishops' Synod which opens Saturday.

Closer Contact

No Usurpation

Cardinal Danielou

Archbishop Zoghbi

Jean Cardinal Danielou, S.J., in .an interview for Informations Catholiques Internationales, stressed the need for close contact between the Bishops' Conferences and the Roman Curia, the Church's administrative ofoffices. The French Cardinal said the importance of the synod derives from collegiality, and he then discussed what he said was existing confusion concerning that term. ;'Some," he said, "tend to maintain that the (Second Vatican) Council constituted a veritable revolution in the very concept of the Church, destined to undermine at its base the hierarchical structure. Vatican II undoubtedly put' particular emphasis on the reality of the people of God and on the fundamental equality of all the baptized; but that does not signify that the 'hierarchy has less importance than in the past. It is necessary to emphasize, on the contrary, that if the council spoke of the people of God in the terms that we are familiar with, lit nevertheless confirmed the teaching of the First Vatican Council (1869-70) for which the role, of the sovereign pontiff is constitutive of the Church such as Christ founded it. If one does not accept that, one is no longer speaking of the Church." Cardinal Danielou went on to say that anyone "who finds it inadmissible that the pope should act alone and who afTurn to Page Twelve

Very Often News Features Controversial on Religion KING OF PRUSSIA (NC)-John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia gave his views of the current popularity of religion in the news. Addressing a regional convention of Serra International in this Philadelphia suburb, the cardinal said that since the Second cQnsider news," he ,continued. Vatican Council it has been "Quite often the balance favors evident "that religious news the unusual, the extraordinary was often confined to a few and the controversial. Two hunarticles or notices. Time and space were given as a sop to believing readers and listeners. Since the counCil, religious news is headlined, and sometimes even rates the front page," he said. "It is the genius of reporters and editors to feature what they

dred and seventy-five bishops carrying the heavy daily burden of their office will merit little space in comparison to the one who betrays his commitment. Sixty thousand priests working faithfully day after day will merit little space in comparison Turn to Page Six

M,elkite-rite Archbishop Elias Zoghbi of Baalbel<, Lebanon, in an interview in the same Informations Catholiques Internationales expressed the resentment of Eastern-rite Catholics for what they regard as the usurpation of the authority of their patriarchates by the Vatican Congregation for Eastern-rite Churches. Archbishop Zoghbi made an extended plea for diminishing authority on the part of the Vatican Congregation for Eastern-rite Churches and for greater authority for the Eastern· rite patriarchates. ' "The ordinary government of the churches of the East," the archbishop said, "has always CARDINAL DANIELOU, S.J. been exercised, since Christian antiquity, in the patriarchal synod. That synod was pre~ented to the Fathers of Vatican II as the traditional, authentic type according to which the return of Latinity to episcopal collegiality ought to be effected. "Now here we are, Eastern· rite CMholics, after Vatican It SAGINAW (NC) - Seven as before it, actually governed parishes of the Saginaw di- by a'super-patriarchate which is ocese will lose their pastors located jn Rome and which is the 'Congregation for Jan. 1, under the new "re- called Eastern-rite Churches.' Through tirement plan at 70" policy. All priests of the diocese have the conciliar texts, we find ourbeen invited either to apply for, selves brought back, by a clever play upon words, to the pseudoor recommend successors, for the Eastern rite canon law, imposed soon-to-be-vacant pastorates. ' ..... A letter sent to each priest on us Turn to Page Ten from the diocesan personnel board also notes that "maybe, too, you might have ideas about economical deployment of our priests in such a way that manpower could be better utilized in the administration not only of these but also of other parishes and missions in the dioBishop Connolly will precese." "If you desire change from sent the Marian Medal and your present post," the letter Ad Altare Dei award to some adds, "now might be a good 80 Boy and Girl Scouts, time to inform our board." Recommendations for assign- Camp Fire Girls and Junior ments of the new pastors will be Daughters of Isabella from all made by the diocesan personnel parts of the Diocese in. cereboard, but the appointment will monies at 1 Sunday afternoon. be made by Bishop Francis F. Oct. 26 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Reh of Saginaw. Music will be under direction Under the plan a pension of$500 per month is paid to priests who of Rev. William G. Campbell and Illay retire at 65, but must re- guest speaker will be a Jesuit priest from the facuIty of Bishop tire at 70. Connolly High School. Arrangements for the event, held annually on the Feast of Christ the King, are under superThe regular meeting of the vision of Rev. Walter A. SulliSenate of Priests will take van, Diocesan director of youth place on Friday afternoon, activities, and Joseph F. Murphy, Oct. 10, at the Catholic Home lay chairman. in Fall River, at 1:30.

Resignations Spur New Response

Bishop to Give Youth Awards On Oct. 26





Requests' Archdioce$an Tribunal To Take Dissident Priests' Case

THE ANCHOR"':'Oiocese of Fall River....,Thurs., Oct. 9,.1969 , ,


Jesui.ts' Woodstock Collegl.e Opens in New Surrounding:s ' ,NEW YORK (NC) - Wood- Theological Seminary, and the stock College, the oldest Jesuit Riverside Churc:h on Mo~ning-' theological seminary .. in the . side Heights. , " United ,States, celebrated its . Distinguished Alumni 100th anniversary in an unusual College officials and stu,dents . manner. view Woodstock's move ,as a' In the rustic surroundings' of concrete symbol of the in~olvec. rural Woodstock, Md:; 20 .miles . ment of th~ PO:lt-Vatican Coun-, west of Baltimore; the" first day cil II Church in tpe wqrld and,'. of cl~ss was held 100 years ago, i~s probl~ms. ·All·, ,agr~ei tha~ on Sept. 24, ·1869. This year, 100 preparation, for. the. mimstny to~. years later to 'the exact day, the day can better be. done ·i~. the college opened its Classroom -: " busy, e~umenical, ',cosmopolitan doors' in upper Manhatta'n, in . atmosphe):e ,of. New .York: City rooms leased' from Union' Theo-thariin the pea<:eful' countryside . logical Seminary. of rural" Maryland. ' '.: ., Earliest plans for the transfer Among· ,distinguished ,alumni :' of the college from a rural set- who later served" .as faculty ting to .an urban environment members of Woodstock ·d~ring.· , go back to Woodstock's first its years· in Maryland wer~ the ' .rears. in Maryla.nd; but it is only late Father John. Courtn.ey 1Mur - . ' FR:. McBRiDE, O.PRAEM. ,:" . m thIS centenmal year that the ray, S..1:., an archItect of the,doc-,;.: :. actual relocation has been un- ument, o.n' religious li!Jerty,', . " • dertaken. Much of the past year adopted by the .~econd Vatican. has been spent in preparing' for . Council,. and· the. late'. Fflther ,. . . .' . , .... ' the move t? ~e~ Yor~ City. ~usta~eA W.eigel.~.J., a: pio- , Cooperatton WIth Umon Theo- neer . ~n the ~c~memcal ~ove- , ..'. '. logical Seminary and Columbia ~ent m t\lJle~lca.., .,: . . ' .Rev. Alfred MC~f!de,O.P.r~em. University here, as well as other . ,Present. faculty. member~ m~. WIll ~.~dre~s, pnests,. rehgious institutions of higher learning c!ude Fathers Wal.t~r Bur~ardt; . ~nd' ,la.lty ~f .the DIocese on . in the area has made Wood- S.J., . recently appomted to the Real. Upda~lOg. Not New Labels stock's relo~ation possible.' Va~ican's 40.~al1. Central Theo-. for O~d"at2:30 Sun~ay, Oct. 19 Woodstock's theological stu- 10g1lcal CommISSIon! ~nd Ay~ry at BIShop Stang. HIgh School, dents, continuing their education ~. r>ulles, S.J., specla~lst on blb- North Dartmouth. .' in the environment of these in- hcal m.atters, eccleslology. i and. , A pr~fessor. ,of scr~pture. and stitutions will have a wider ecumemsm. I catechetlcs at Cathohc Umversity, Father McB.ride. is. author range of ~ourses to choose from, as well as the opportunity to of sever~1 books m the flel.ds of carryon a broad program of lral~S catechetlcs an~ theology. H.lsap"l field work in areas of teaching,pearance at B.lshop Stang IS ~nguidance and social work. der sponsorshIp' of the Teachu~g Live I A a tm t Sisters and Brothers Committee ~ p r . en s NEWARK (NC) - ' Withi the Qf the Confraternity of Christian Woodstock s currIculum con- support of Archbishop Thomas Doctrine which has Sister Rose sists of a four-year program of A. Boland a program to train Lamb, S.U.S.C. as chairman. theology, preparing Jesuit theo- men as, pastors has been' Hi Time Writer logical students. for the priest- launched by. the' , Senatei ,of " Father, McBride .a, native 'of hood and future ministries.. Stu- '. Priests of' the: Newark· archdio- 'Phiiadelphia, ..:vas'" ordained in den.ts,ente~ the c?l!~ge y<!"1.th. a cese. " ." , ., ;. ..I:~5~.,!.fe l;1.a,s pU9~ish~~. B!Ycles vanety ~f .backgrounds, and· a ,Archbishop Boland said:: the m vanous magazmes and for large n,taJo~lty have graduate de- courses "will be accepted as some time wrote a syndicated grees m fIelds other than the- part of the preparation nbces- column on Bible Themes for ology. sary before assuming a pastor- Modern Man. He contributed 30 . For th~ last ~OO years, Jesu- ate." He directed tl1at priest~ or- articles on aspects' of the Old ItS entermg Wood~tock Co.ll~ge dained between 1944 .and ~949 Testament to Hi Time- youth found classrooms.. JI~rary: dmmg are to undertake the prograpl. magazine. ha~l . and dormltones m one The first phase of the training He is a 'member of the board buddmg complex at the center consists of a series of 10 'day- of directors of the, Catholic of a 687-acre traCt of land in long lecture programs, the morn- . Homiletic Society the hills of Maryland. In New ing lectures concerned with I the. ,York, faculty and students will ology and ·the afternoon lectures· reside in three separate com- with leadership. . I'· Mass Ordo .\ . plexes :on Manhattan's upper The training itself will I run west side. over a two-year period arid 1 has . FRIDAY - St, ,Francis Borgia, The largest number live in been entitled the Pastoral I ReConfessor. III Class. White. small apartment units, cooking newal .Program. It encomp~sses many of their own meals, and four semesters of 10 weeks each SATURDAY - Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. II' Class. traveling by subway or bus each so that new pastors will have White. Mass Proper;' Glory; day to classrooms and library received .40 days -of special train. Creed; Preface of Blessed Virat the Interchurch Center, Union ing by the time they are: apgin. , pointed., , i

Father McBride "TO' Speak Here:

P T.' rogram Future Pastors

Day of Prayer Oct.


Hedwig, Bedford.


Courses are to be' repe~ted after a. two-year interval when another four ordination claSses have become eligible. I


Theologian~s Resunl,e. Talks on N~inistry!

MONDAY-St. Edward,' King 'of "England. III Clas~. White. .

BALTIMORE (NC) - Catholic and Lutheran th1eologians from across the nation met at ithe Catholic Center here to continue discussion of the ministry b~gun at a meeting in San Francisco last February. I THE ANCHOR It was the ninth in a seriek of Second Class' Postage Paid at Fall River, meetings of the Lutheran-CathoMass. Published every Thursday at 410 lic Dialogue Group. The theologHighland' Avenue Fall River, Ma,ss. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall ical discussions began hereiin River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid July, 1965. I "Ala per year. STATEMENT or OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT ANa CIRCULATION .1 Oct. 19-5t. Peter, Provincetown. Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket.

Filed September 29, 1969 by The Anchor, weekly newspaper published, by Most Reverend James L. C.onnolly with the offi.ce of pUbli~ation: 228 Second Street, Fall River, Mass 02722, and edltonal and business office: 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mliss. 02720. Hugh J. Golden, Editor, Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, General Manager. i Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 25 568· single issue nearest to fili~g date:. 25,601. .Paid circulation Mail ~ubscr!Ption!i:' average nuinber of copies each I~sue. dunn~ preceding 12 months: 25,264; single. Issue nearest filing date, 25,297. Total Paid •.clrculatlOn: average n~":lber of copies each Issue during preceding 12 mon~hs: 25,314; single Issue nearest filing date: 25,347. Free di:;trlbution by mail carner. or other means: averag~ .number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months; 129; single.• Issue nearest to fliing date: 129. Office Use, Left·over, Unaccounted Spoiled After ~nnhng: averag~. number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 1125; single .,ssue nearest filln.g date: 125. Total number of copies distribut,:d: average number of copies each Issue during preceding 12 months: 25,568; single Issue nearest filing date: 25,601. Certified by • Rev. Msgr. D,lnlel F. Shalloo'

Sun day After Pentecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface of Trinity.

TUESDAY-St. Callistus I, Pope, Martyr. III Class. Red. WEDNESDAY - St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin. III Class. White. Thursday-St. Hedwig, Queen of Poland. III Class. White. .

Necrology OCT. 19 Rev. Manuel A. Silvia, 1928, Pastor, Santo Christo~ Fall River. OCT. 21 Rt. Rev. Edward J. Carr, P.R., 1937, Pastor, Sacred' Heart, Fall River; Chancellor' of Diocese, 1907-21. Rev. Francis E. Gagne, 1942, Pastor, ~ St. Stephen, Dodgeville.

OCT. 22 Rev. John E. Connors, 1940, Pastor, St. Peter, Dighton.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The priests were recently restored to president officer confirmed that the full exercise of their priestly . the Washington archdiocesan faculties after accepting the . tribunal has been asked to take teaching of the encyclical. Some a case involving 19 priests who of the others are currently purwere disciplined by Patrick Car- suing graduate studies or have' dinal O'Boyle last year in a dis- taken secular jobs, while a few pute. over Pope Paul'.s encyclical have married and left the Church. on birth control, Humariae Vitae. Msgr. E. Robert Arthur declined, however, to comment" on . the case or even to say whether the court will handle it. He would say' only that the request WANGARATIA (NC) - The had been received at his office. The request that the Washing- suggestion that only Catholics . ton tribunal hear the case' was are opposed to the "liberalizamade by a group called the Com- tion" . of Australia's laws is a mittee ..of, ,Concerned Canon deliberate attempt to gain supLawyers: The,. committee was port by arousing sectarian prejuformed under· the auspices of the, dice, an Anglican bishop said ' National Federation of Priests here. In a sermon at Holy Trinity Councils <N:EPC), an 'organization of priests' senates and as- cathedral, Anglican Bishop K. Rayner of Wangaratta cited the sociations in the United States. NEPC ,officials offered in Sep- conclusion of an expert committember, 1968, to help mediate the tee that stated that if the present dispute between Cardinal O'Boyle law needs any changing at all, and the Washington priests, but such a change should be a clarification rather than a drastic the pffer was not accepted. alteration. Test Case During' the past year, CathLast Spring the' NEPC announced that a committee of olic prelates have spoken out canon lawyers had been formed repeatedly against moves to libwhich would make a' test case eralize Australia's abortion laws. Last November, Catholic and on the right of due process for disciplined priests. It was not Anglican bishops issued a joint determined at that time in which statement denouncing "the indisU.S. diocese the case would be criminate slaughter of human beings," including the widening of tried. The stratagem of attempting "the area of legal abortion." to have the case tried by Caroinal O'Boyle's own archdiocesan tribunal was worked out at a ,New Mayor Elected meeting here between' the lawyIn Troubled City ers' committee and several of the CAIRO (NC)-Albert E. (Pete) disciplined priests. Thomas, an automobile dealer, NEPC officials indicated that has been elected mayor of Cairo, if th.e Washington archdiocesan which has been plagued with tribunal declines to hear ,the case racial troubles in the last few " it will; be br.olight. befQ'r~. qther 'months. ,'~' . :, Church tribunals hi the United .! Thomas'Cis"il newcomer:to poliStates; with .event.uat 'appeaF to 'ctics: But whE!fi' he" \vas elected the~ Holy See' if ·nece~sary.·· 'The canon lawyers' commit- to the office by the city council, tee represents 19' .of 'some 40 he declared he would have no priests' who were disciplined by comment to make concerning Cardinal O'Boyle. Three of the his administrative plans until he had been sworn into office and met with the council. Thomas succeeds Lee Stenzel, who resigned as mayor' several weeks ago when bubbling racial troubles prompted him to reSACRAMENTO (NC) - Cali- quest Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie to fornia has become the first state declare martial law in Cairo. to require a tax payment from When the governor refused, resigned. Previously churches on business activities Stenzel Police Chief William H. Peterunrelated to. religion. Gov: Ronald Reagan signed son, Sr., had resigned. the bill into law, although he had not advocated the measure. It was approved, by the CaliforLAMOUREUX nia Legislature. The measure provides state FUNERAL HOME corporation .taxes be collected ALBERT' J. LAMOUREUX from churches and religious orEmbalmer - Funeral Director . ganizations on income derived Tel. 997·9044 from non-church related' busi177 Cove St., Cor. So. Second St. nesses, such as restaurants, ho~ tels, parking lots and similar NEW BEDFORD ventures. The law applies to AMPLE PARKING NON SECTARIAN such income beginning Jan. I, 1970, and requires filing of an annual information return by church and religious organiza, tions. ,NEW RATES!! The measure' does not affect income from church related acRegular Savings 5% tivities, including cemeteries.

Opposes Change In Abortion'Law

California First To Tax Churches

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English Church To Memorialize Saint's Death LONDON (NC) - The Catholic and Anglican Churches in England and Wales are making big plans

Diocesan School Office's 'Big Red Book' Embodies ~4ll Policies in One Volume By Patricia McGowan Every school in the Fall River Diocese now has been issued a book that "will never be completed." The "book," a loose leaf binder that can easily be kept up to date, details the policies and by-laws and adniinistrative regulations to be followed by all schools in the diocese as a means of standardization. It is a result of more than three years work by administrative and teaching personnel and members of the diocesan school board. What does it cover?

to celebrate next year the BOOth anniversary of the murder of St. Thomas a Becket in Canterbury cathedral. They will be centered in Canterbury itself where special services are being arranged for the first three weeks of July. Everything-or as close as you Catholic Archbishop Cyril can get to it., From door-to-door Cowderoy of Southwark will selling of merchandise by school take part with four' Anglican children to raise funds (they archbishops - Archbishop Mi- 'can't) to use of school buildings chael Ramsey of Canterbury, the by religious and civic groups to Anglican primate; Archbishop business procedures and personFrederick Coggan of York; Arch- nel qualifications and admissions Glyn Simon of Wales and the policies to new construction and finances. archbishop of Dublin. "This is the first time this The latter post is vacant at has ever been done here," says present with the election of Archbishop George Sims as Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, diocesan archbishop of Armagh and An- superintendent of schools. "It was a lot of work, but we feel glican Primate of All Ir~land. it's worthwhile." The Angican Primate in Scot'Sister Mary Urban, R.S.M., land, Bishop Francis H. Mon- supervisor of parochial schools, crieff of Glasgow and Galloway, agrees. will also attend. Parochial schools grew like Topsy through the years and Open-Air Mass regulations frequently varied All the above prelates will from one school to the other. A preach at special services in the diocesan-wide set of policies and cathedral wh~re Archbishop regulations will ensure _ the Thomas a Becket was slain by standardization necessary to four knights of King Henry II in weld the parish schools into a a side chapel on Dec. 29, 1170. smoothly functioning "system." A special Catholic open-air As a policy, the use of school Mass will be celebrated by Arch- facilities by the community is FATHER O'NEILL AND bishop Cowderoy in the pre- "encouraged for programs which cincts of the cathedral, now the provide a significant religious, the school was primprily built. seat of the Anglican Primate. educational or civic contribution 'Apart from these provisions. A festival of artistic and reli- to the public, provided such pro- students from other parishes gious events is also being ar- grams do not interfere with reg- must be admitted to all schools ranged including concerts and ular school activities or create wherever possible. "2. Scholastic ability should recitals which will ,go on expenses which would be borne not he the chief determinant of throughout the latter pa'rt of the by student tuition." year culminating in a special Recommended fees for rentals admission, but once admissions joint service in the cathedral on range from $10 for use of a criteria are determined, the Dec. 29. classroom or small meeting room school must provide a program Among the artistic events tak- by a parish organization to $100 suited to the ability of the stuing place in the cathedral itself for rental of an auditorium by dents accepted." Policy 5145 spells out the are performances of T.S. Elliot's an outside group. well-known play about St. Administratively speaking, "all norm for religious activities in Thomas, "Murder in the Cathe- elementary schools containing Catholic schools. "Schools," it says, "should draL" six or more classrooms and all provide religious activities deCanterbury once one of the high schools with an enroll- signed to foster in students greatest shrines in the Catholic ment of more than 250 students" sound religious attitudes and world and still the home of St. must have a supervising princi- practices. The activities should Thomas's now-despoiled tomb pal who is not required ,to teach be suited to the students' level will once again next year attract regularly scheduled classes, be- of understanding and interest, thousands of pilgrims and tour- cause "« « « a principal'S most should show proper regard for ists from many parts of the important duty is in the area of students' personal convictions supervision or the improvement world. and should avoid undue regimenof instruction." The red book spells out the tation. "Excessive use of school time Orders Reparation question of tuition, too. "The standard tuition for par- for religious activities should For Desecrations ish elementary schools will be be avoided." Regulation 5145 continues in COCHIN (NC) - Archbishop $50 a child," the rule book notes, Joseph Attipetty of Verapoly "but no child is to be refused ad- detail. "There are no prescribed called for reparation services in mission to a school because of churches ot the India archdio- a lack of funds. The parish prayers to be used at various cese for the desecration of should grant free tuition to times in the school day, but both and secondary church premises in the Quilon needy students to any Catholic elementary schools are required to open and area by a mob of protesting stu- high school." dents and others. Lay teachers engaged for close each school session with His statement calling for the parochial schools are to be ap- appropriate prayers of their own reparation services, made in his proved by the Diocesan School choosing * * * there should not capacity as president of the Department and it is "urged" be a multiplicity of prayers or Kerala State Catholic Bishops' that their salaries "be compar- use of lengthy prayers. ">:< >:< >:< Although it is necessary ,Conference, referred to incidents able to the public school salary in which two convents and a for the city or town in which to maintain order in connection with religious activities, extreme chapel in Quilon were attacked, the school is located." In the diocesan high schools, care should be taken to avoid some of the statues broken and a lunette (a device for holding regulations call for a salary any semblance of compulsion or the Host upright in a mon- schedule ranging from $6,000 to interference with individual constrance) knocked down and $9,100 in 10 steps, with addi- science. Thus, any pressure, real smashed by a mob of students tional increments ranging up to or apparent, to require the reagitating for the reinstatement $1,000 for a teacher with a doc- ception of sacrament would be most inappropriate. of foui faculty members laid off torate. Who is to be admitted to "Proper motivation in the perin an economy drive at the diocCatholics schools? formance of religious duties esan Fatima college. As a matter of general princi- should be stressed, rather than a In his staetment, Archbishop desire to obey a superior, please Attipetty said the desecrations ple, the rule book says: should be r'egarded as a test of "I. A parish school may give the teacher or avoid being difChristian faith and resignation preference to parishioners. A di- ferent." Touching on the question of and faced with fortitude. He ocesan school must give prefercalled for half-hour services of ence to students of the diocese class sizes, it is a matter of adoration in all the churches and and may give preference to res- policy, says red book, that: idents of the parishes for which "Elementary school classes prayers for peace in the state.


Thurs., Oct. 9, 1969



Marriage Facts Emerge

OSWEGO (NC) - When Catholics and Protestants intermarry, Protestant 'women are most likely to change their' religion according to a sociologist at State University of New York College at Oswego. The trend emerged from a study of 2,500 marriages by W. Seward Salisbury, in which 400 were Catholic-Protestant mixed religious marriages. Salisbury reported that the study found Protestants convert at ~ higher rate than Catholics, and Protestant women convert more often than Protestant men. "Protestant men do not convert at a significantly higher rate than Catholic men," said Salisbury, "nor do Catholic women convert at a higher rate than Catholic men." He said the study also showed that when religiously mixed marriages involve spouses from dif· ferent social classes, conversion will be in the direction of the spouse of higher social status.

Episcopalian Council Ponder$ Black Aid


are to contain no more than 40 students per class. "Secondary school classes are to be geared in size to the type of material being presented. New teaching methods demand great ,variety in class size, but class size should be realistically considered in the, light of these methods." These are among the policies and reguiations now in effect in all diocesan schools. Some of the regulations date back as far as 1948 or before. Others are new innovations. In any case, now all are gathered together in one easily accessible volume which can be kept up to date m~rely by removing one loose leaf page and inserting another. Even more important, all schools of the diocese now have the same regulations to help them function as 'a team - an important step forward in an era when Catholic schools are facing so many changes and so many challenges to survival.

'Bingo' Veto SPRINGFIELD (NC) - Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie has vetoed a bill which would have legalized bingo games conducted by charitable, religious and fraternal organizations in Illinois. He took the action on advice of Atty. Gen. William J. Scott who reminded the governor that the Illinois Constitution prohibits lotteries or gift enterprises for any purpose.

GREENWICH (NC)-The pol· icy-making Episcopal Church executive council, faced with both support and fears about a measure to raise at least $200,000 which will probably go to the controversial Black EconQmic Development Conference, has taken several major steps' to move the funding ahead. The council, holding its quarterly meeting at Seabury House, the Episcopal national conference center here in Connecticut, sought to spell out how the money for, Il>lack development will be raised. It also heard the executive officer of the National Committee for Black Churchmen, the immediate recipient of the allocation, give assurances that the NCBC expected to serve as a conduit for the funds. The extra budgetary funding raised a storm of long debate at the recent special convention at the University of Notre Dame because of the BEDC connections with James Forman's Black Manifesto demands for <reparations from white churches for past injustices to blacks.



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Resent.Campaign Against Celibacy

THE ANCHOR-Diocese- of Fall R;ver-Thurs., Oct. 9, 19~9

Conri'ecticut Lawsuit, ChaliElnges i' State Aid to Nonpublic Sc:hools I HARTFORD (NC) - A suit designed to reduce ethnic ilnclaiming that state aid to non- balance in the faculties of ndnpublic schools perpetuates al- public schools. : "Moreover, church - related leged de facto segregation existing in such institutions has been schools are exempt from most: if filed in the United States Dis-. not all statutorv provisiohs trict Court for Connecticut. which proscribe - employm~nt The action, sponsored by six practices which are discrimin'aindividuals and five organiza- tory on the basis of race and tions; including the Connecticut religion.", '' State Conference of Branches of The suit also alleged that tre the National Association for the student body in most nonpublic Advancement of Colored People, schools includes "a very disproasked for an injunction to halt portiollate number of stude~ts the allocation of $6 millio(l' in from relatively affluent al1d state aid to Catholic and other Caucasian backgrounds relative nonpublic schools. to the number of students from The money was provided for financially and educ~tionally d:ein a bill passed by the State prived black and iPuerto Rican legislature last JLme. Although backgrounds based on the poputhe Catholic Bishops of Connec- lation of the urban areas in " ticut were active and vocal sup- which they are located." porters of the bill, an informed source said no comment was expected from the bishops or state . Catholic school officials at this time. Church-Sta'te Separation NEWARK (NC) -- Archbishop Under the basic provisions of Thomas A. Boland' of Newark the bill, which became effective July 1, the state would pay 20 has protested against the proposed reduction in federal urba;n per cent of the salary of an in- renewal spending.' I structor who teaches secular I In a telegram to Secretary subjects in any of the 360 nonGeorge Romney of the Departpublic schools in Connecticut. The plaintiffs' argued such .ment of Housing and Urban D~. payments would violate guaran- velopment, Archbishop Boland tees of religious liberty and the said he was "most"disheartened separation of church and state to learn ... ... ... of the propos~d in both the Connecticut and cutback in federall funds requested by Newark for redevelUnited States Constitutions. : When the legislation was opment projects." I passed, its supporters claimed Because of the proposed r~the inclusion of a clause specifi- duction, Newark has· called :a cally prohibiting reimbursement halt to its urban renewal prOJfor teachers of religious subjects ects, ,except for those whe~e kept it within constitutional. construction is already under bounds. But the suit alleged this way. Through the Newark Housprovision was both impractical ing Authority,' the" city's redeveland unworkable. opment agen'cy, it' is seeking a "The act does not prohibit in clarification of ,the housing ' those classes, for which aid is order. provided, the wearing of reliNewark officials had been gious garb by teachers, the use informed that renewal progra~s of religious symbols. in class- would be limited to 20 acres in rooms and in halls, and the en- any city, regardless of the size couragement of 'spontaneous' of the city. The cut came as ~, prayers or religious observance," result of President Nixon's dithe suit claimed. "Any regula- rective to limit federal constructions adopted by the state board tion programs as part of art of education, are unliltely' to' anti-inflationary drive. I prohibit same" because of "presNewark has applications pendsures by religious groups." ing for $50 million worth of conFew Black Students struction programs <:overing 22~ But the main thrust of the ar- acres of its 2,000 acreS of detegument contained in the suit riorated neighborhoods. Th~ centered on the allegation that federal cutback would mean tha~ state laid to nonpublic schools it could redeVelop only 1'0 per perpetuates existing, de facto cent of the, limd currently segregation, i~ violation to' the marked for renewaL ' right of equal protection guaranteed under the 14th Amendment. ~r,ovides Financing "The faculties ,of most, if not F D I all I)onpublic schools include rel- " or eve opmlent atively few if any members of NEW YORK (NC):- A new black and Puerto Rican ethnic 526-unit housing developm~ni: groups'" ... '" few if any nonpub- will be built in the West Farms lic schools are engaged in any section of the Bronx under local significant recruitment efforts community sponsorship, coordi; nated by the' archdiol~ese of New York through its Committee on Seek Ways to Aid Housing and Urban Renewal., : , A group of New.york City Parochial Schools savings banks has agreed to pro~ ALBANY (NC) - Joseph W. vide nearly $14,600,000 in con1 McGovern, chancellor of the New struction loans for the developJ York State Board of Regents, and ment. The mortgage loan will be Ewald Nyquist, acting state comlargest made to date in the missioner of education~ said here the they are trying to find ways for two-year-olll statewide Urbari the state to aid parochial schools. Affairs Program of the Savings McGovern said there are in- Banks Association of New York' .! dications that "the parochial State. • I Sponsor of the dev,elopment IS, school system is in very serious the West Farms Neighborhood, trouble, and if it reduces its services, then this will have an Association, whose membersl represent St. Thomas Aquinas: ,impact on public schools." Nyquist noted that there are Catholic' church and the West' constitutional bars to the use of Farm Villagers, a local commu-j public funds for schools. He nity organization. The group has said the state is studying "what formed West Farms Neighbor-: can be done within these con- hood Housing Development Fund! straints." Co., Inc., to develop the project.:

DAYTON (NC) African Catholics resent the actions of Westerners aimed at extending to the continent a campaign for the abolition of priestly celibacy, Father Theo Van Asten, W.F., superior general of the White Fathers, said here. The head of the 3,667-member society devoted exclusively to missionary work in Africa, said celibacy in the Church in Africa presents no serious problems. There is no' "vocation crisis" in Africa, where vocations are increasing, he stressed. The White Fathers, ,also known as the Missionaries of Africa, work in 60 dioceses of Africa. As part of their apostolate, they operate eight major seminaries for African diocesan clergy. Father Van Asten said the White Fathers now are recruiting members among Africans. The community has always placed stress on the formation of African clergy and the opening of the White .Fathers to Africans themselves is regarded as a logical development. "The Church in Africa has reached a new stage of maturity," he said. African priests in the White Fathers will be missionaries to other African nations, he added.

Protests Urban Renewal C:ut





SITE OF FIRST MASS: A concelebrated Moss was offered here on St. Clement's Island, where in 1634 Father Andrew White, S)., offered t~efirst Moss in Maryland, as Lord· Baltimore's Colonists stepped ashore from the Ark and the Dove. Beneath the massive cross, erected in 1934, Bishop John S. Spence, Auxiliary of Washington, offers Moss. He later blessed the oyster fleet and pleasure craft, as 5,000 people gathered for the. ann,ual event. ,NC Photo. .

Trial Pending Two Accused of Harvesting 'Grass' At Trappist Monastery, .-



DUBUQUE (NC) --.: The two young men arriy-ed at the Trappists' New Mellary abbey here in Iowa and said they wanted to make a retreat. They were welcomed,especially since they drove up. in ,an auto belonging to the Monfort Mission in St. . ., Louis.' Some 'of the 'monks thought it strange when they spotted the two harvesting "weeds~' on the monastery grounds. Things became stranger when the two were observed drying something over a light bulb. The monks called Sheriff John Murphy. He arrived with four deplities. A search disclosed six Names Archbishop VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has added 11 prelates to the Pontifical Commission for Communitations Media, including A.rchbishop Philip Hannan of New 'Orleans.

plastic bags filled with the dried out weeds, which examination disclosed was marijuana. The two "retreatants" were booked on charges of possessing of marijuana, and freed on $500 bond each' pending trial. , Father Patrick Berkery, director of the Montfort Mission in St. Louis, said the two occasionally helped· out a1' the mission, which operates a clinic to aid narcotic addicts, but were' riot connected officially with the staff.. The usual placid atmosphere at tre Trappist abbey' has returned- but the monks are determined to keep a 'closer watch on. harvesters, especially grass harvesters.



To Poor Parishes NEWARK (NC) - In the six months since Archbishop Thomas A. Boland asked the more solvent parishes of the Newark archdiocese to aid urban parishes, more than $50,000 in special assistance has been distributed. Archbishop Boland made his appeal last March 30, asking those who could afford to do so to underdwrite the cost of maintenance, individual classrooms, a. teacher or some other expense. His appeal was directed to individuals as well as parishes. Revealing the extent of the assistance, Archbishop Boland said the $50,000 represented the amount sent to the chancery office for disbursement. He said the ar<;hdiocese contributed $10,000 of its own from general funds and that additional monies went directly. from one parish to another.


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Church Needs Communications Media for Worldwide Action OTTAWA (NC)-At the par· ish, diocesan, national, continental and international levels the Church must develop an awareness and use of communications media "in the whole range of the apostolate." A worldwide "pastoral action" through the media is the "im· mense undertaking" visualized by the man in Rome in charge of implementing it, Bishop Augustine Ferrari-Toniolo, pro president of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications. "The message (of the Church) must not only be read but also seen, must not be static but mobile; the reasoning must not only be a-priori only, but the truth must be seen to emerge from reflection expressed in audio-visual terms," he told an audience at Saint Paul University here. "Efforts must be made· to reach contemporary man whereever he is found, where he lives, thinks, hears and sees." Admitting the credibility gap and some structural difficulties in moving complete information quickly within the Church, he said there are obstacles to be overcome. Credlblllty Gap "There is some distrust of information that emanates from official sources; people doubt its accuracy and completeness. This is also true of ecclesiastical sources. Confidence has to be built up." It involves overcoming the credibility gap, establishing a free flow of complete information within the Church, training and assisting personnel in the mass media (and developing Church facilities where. necessary), assisting laymen and clergy to develop "a critical faculty" for evaluating communications through the media. It involves training leaders of discussion groups, clergy and teachers in the use of the media for cathechetics, liturgy, adult education, social action and every other aspect of Church ac· tivity. "Perhaps, these days, it is better if information comes from sources that are not too closely bound to the hierarchy, (since) ecclesiastical authority no less than any other authority is sus-

Request Churches Help Black People

pect in the eyes of many of our contemporaries," he said. As for inforamtion within the Church, he said: "A way must be found to overcome the tension that exists between hierarchical structures and the liberty of information and expression within the Church, accepting construc· tive criticism. "This is not a diminution of authority; rather, it· should be seen as objective information that corrects inaccuracies and supplements deficiencies in the flow of news. "Thus, both the internal and external dialogue of the Church will be rendered more' construe· tive, This circulation of news is a vital necessity," . , Communication should 'be a two-way flow of information and opinion, . Bishop Ferrari-Toniolo quoted Pope Paul VI: "What is needed is a circulation of news that does not go one way only, but comes from the Christians spread throughout te world, conveying their difficulties and anxieties certainly, but also reveal· ing their faith and positive initiatives,"


THE ANCHORThurs., Od. 9, "




Continued from Page One There is no rivalry between theological science and ecclesiastical authority. Rather, theology and the Church's magisteriurn both serve revealed truth by bringing it "diverse but converging support, the Pope asserted.· The Pope further protested his "intention to recognize the laws and exigencies that belong to your studies, that is, to respect that freedom of expression of theological science and of research called for by its development. He denied any rivalry between "the two primacies, that of science and that of authority," and asserted the undivided primacy of revealed truth to which theol. ogy and the magisterium each brings its own kind of support. To be a member of such a commission does not "condition and restrict the field of your studies as to impede their lawful investigations and logical formulations," he insisted. Planned Work The theologians were to form its constitution and manner of work (outlined in a paper by Msgr. Gerard Philips of Louvain University) and tackle a report on a panorama of the most pressing doctrinal problems (submitted by Fr. Karl Rahner, a German dogmatic theologian). All the members had received the reports beforehan and had formally commented on each before retiring on the outskirts of Rome to begin their work.

;! \


Permits Cardinal ,To Attend Synod BONN (NC)-The Polish government has granted permission for Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw to leave Poland to attend the Synod of Bishops in Rome. In 1967, the Polish government refused to allow the cardinal to attend the synod that year because of what it called his disloyalty, "hot-headedness" and meddli,ng in foreign policy. A paper reflecting government policy charged at that time that the cardinal had overstepped his Church privileges by attempting to disturb the friendly atmosphere of Polish·French talks during the visit of the then French President Charles - de Gaulle to Poland. Four other prelates designated represent the Polish hierarchy at the 1967 synod were given passports to travel to Rome, but, in an act of solidarity with C!lrdinal Wyszynski, they did not attend the sessions either. Cardinal Wyszynski is attending the synod as president of the Polish bishops' conference. Accompanying him are Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow, a member of the synod at the invitation of Pope Paul VI; Archbishop Antoni Baraniak, S.D.B., ·of Poznan; Archbishop Boleslaw Kominek, apostolic administrator of the central part of the archdiocese of Wroclaw; and another prelate.

NEW YORK (NC)-National church leaders are being asked to provide the United Christian Front of Cairo, III., with $60,000 for staff and legal services in support of its effort to stave off racial warfare. The Rev. Robert C. Chapman,' director for Racial Justice of the National Council of Churches, announced the request for support. Canadians Organize The sympathy of national church leaders for the "isolated To Aid Poor People TORONTO (NC)-Plans to inblack community" of Cairo is being enlisted as a result of the volve all Catholic· organizations failure of the blacks to achieve and parishes in helping the any satisfaction from local or . world's poor were approved at state government officials reo a special board meeting of the sponsible for the peace and Council of Catholic Men (former. safety of the community, ac- Iy Holy Name Society). cording to Father Chapman. A committee will be set up, On the verge of racial war, including the heads of major Catholic organizations, in an efCairo is a city of between 8" 500 and 9,500 people, 44.6 per fort on the part of the entire cent of whom exist on less than Catholic community to aid the $3,000 per year. Two organiza- world poor. The CCM in Toronto has been tions which have been formed divide the city: the United Citi- appointed as official agent for zens for Community Action (a the Canadian Catholic Organiza. vigilante group formerly called tion for Development and Peace. the White Hats) and the United Setting up the new committee to Front (comprising almost the en· include all segments of the comtire black community plus sym- munity will bring about .~ col· pathetic whites, particularly lective approach for the benefit clergymen), Father Chapman ex- of the Church," according to plain'ed. CCM president Julian Michalski.



Favor Celibacy


SLOWLY RISING: The new St. Mary's Cathedrol is rising atop Cathedral Hill, San Francisco. Scheduled for completion in 1970, the modern-looking· structure has recently acquired its "face,"

Asserts Problem of Poverty Is Special Concern of Church HOUSTON (NC)-Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez of Texas told delegates attending the national convention of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul that it is appropriate for the Church to be concerned about the plight of the poor because "poverty afflicts the spirit just· as surely as it afflicts the body." He said everyone should be concerned about the reasons why some people are more poor than others. Gonzalez cited lack of education and plenty of discrimination as two of those reasons. "If lack of education keeps these people from getting jobs," he said, "dishimination keeps them from advancing." The Texas congressman emphasized that "we must be concerned with the ills of mankind, not just some of mankind," and that this concern must create action. "Concern alone feeds no hungry stomach; food satisfies hunger, and action obtains justice," he said. Gonzalez said, however, that there "is a curious frustration, 0:< ;' ,~ so that with the best of intention and the strongest of conviction, we seem to be moving ahead less and less." He expressed his belief that "much of social progress depends on political action." "This .society," Gonzalez explained, "exists not only in the spiritual world, but in the temporal world. The problems of the poor are your special concern. So, too, you must be concerned by the political problems that affect the poor, for these problems affect our' ability to obtain progress and justice."

"When all is said and done," he added, "I hope that we can each of us .be counted among those whose concern is not one man, but all of mankind." In other convention business the Vincentians elected Denver attorney T. Raber Taylor to lead them. He succeeds George E. Heneghan, who served as pres· ident for 1I years.


PARIS (NC) - Two-thirds of French Catholics responding to an informal survey by the bishops favored keeping the obliga· tion of priestly celibacy. Responses also askec;J that priests be submissive to the Pope and the bishops.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs." Oct. 9, 1 ~69

News Features







World Synod . of'

Every underdog and every "little guy" and every lo~er can look at what the Mets have done and can stir up the \ hope that "it can be done." "

~ i ,

\\~ \

Bishops, Rome


And in an age of such terribl~ frustrations and trage~ dies, and problems and difficulties, anything that, can giye such hope is a good thing and a contribution to men~al and emotional stability .


School,_ Survey



In this age of Vatican II influence, it is important' I that as many people as possible be listened 1tO and that their views be considered with respect. !. .

Rev. John F. Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. 5S. Peter & Paul,' Fall River . .,



The recent 'survey among Catholics and ndn-Catholits living within the geographical boundaries oC ~his DioceSe concerning Catholic schools is such, a.n· example-:of askingfor-and listening to- the vieWs of people. 'I , Catholic school officials wisely asked a professional and independent survey group to .conduCt the questionirlg . s~ that the report would be complete'yobjectivE!. ,I I

The results indicate that people have a high regard for Catholic education giving it an edge over public ,schObl education (which got a high r a t i n g . ) ' :'


,-,', A. 'Pries(, ,JDQt'.e.S,



I am sure -that most of you, after sOIl'\e time or other, have had a change of address, involving the complete tra~s­ feral of your possessions and baggage. I doubt if you can imagine what this means to your local pastor 'or assistant. First, remember that he is " , a bachelor with all the ec- lect their hippie beads, banners and other psychodelic equipment centricities of bachelor-hood. for their ne'w, underground Disorder and confusion church. .

seem to be the trade mark of 'However, in general,. most such a state. It becomes total priests have quite a job on their People feel, then, that Catholic schools al'e doing an : chaos when'~it cQmes to moving. hands if they have been in one excellent work. The commitment of the Church to sudh . An~, what adds to this rather place for any appreciable time. explosive' situation, is that, for schools 'is' seen as a wise one.' .. . -I 'the most. part, his flight must You begin with 'papers and ',. . : . I; be,in the night. Within a couple documents. PaTPher, papers and No doubt there will be some closings and consolida- ,of" weeks, you must pack and more papers. e great process tions of Catholic schools and classrooms in the future; THe "wrap-up loose ends, as best you' of sorting rectory, church and I' can, and prepare your fareweIl personal Jiles seems, to be an financial burden in some areas is just too much to' carry. . , . endless task. After a few years, '. " talk. , ' b . t .... . k . I Since Catholic schools are fulfilling the public purpose of How does one put order into you egm 0 mm you are co,education, then students exercising their freedom of eda. this accumulation of eccentrici- lecting for your great book. I ties? ,The answer is that cine Next, you look around your cation by attending them should not be cut o,ff completely does not for some time: study and, from alI waIls, the from tax support. Such tax aid, when forthcoming, will It is true 'that, for some glaring bindings of hundreds of help Catholic,schools keep their, strength and, eontinue 'to priests, the process of moving-, books stare at you with .great provide good ~itizens for the community." i evel.l unexpectedly-is a relative~ glee. It is a relatively siqlple j>rocsimple process. Some have only , a few books and tee shirts.. And ess to pack cartons of bookS. i for others, it might be the mov, But have you ever tried to lift , ing of "a ~elevision' ,set from them? If a man is out of shape,I' place, 'to, place., 'Ther~' are even' a hazard of the priesthood-he ~ ,', ' ' r ' a few who, mig,~t, have to col- better forget it. I,




,': '

@ w The ··ANCHOR




deal. "there are many sore backs OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF 'THE DIOCESE OF FAILL RIVER, !." and muscles out of jo'irlt. . . ' . .. . : '.' Then,: we come tottle trinkets, Published weekly by The,Cathollc Press of rhe Diocese of Fall River the incidenta,ls . the' COllection of' 410 Highland Avenue , I family possessions that you have Fall River, M~:JSs., 02722, 675:7151 , received over the years. Jt. .,-, PUBLISHER : would be mere junk for many - , I but, to the priest, this parapherMost Rev. James L. Cem'n011 y, D.O., PhD.. . nalia is his precious possessions. GENERAL MANAGER . ASST. GENERAL MANAGER You remember people, places Re~. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. R J hPJ)' II and events in your life as yol,l ',' ,': . ,:~. ,0 ::~." .~I,S.CO pack each one: 'Th~y' ".lust be _.:._.MANAGI.NG 'EDITOR' , Wi~.YO~h your earth~IY ~omaind' Hugh J. Golden, LL.B. I • ow at everyt mg IS rea y " I ! o be moved, the next problem • ;,~~~~~!r~s-~a~~:R~~~r::.. '. ~_ :_"'" .:.: {C.. .C ,:;::: .::.' •• I£>:.:.:::.... _-"::_(,:.tr}/J$.ch.o.~_~do.:.yoll..move them? ~~. .




, , '





countless and endless series of stairs, depending, of course, if you lived on, the second or the third floor or'the rectory. Up and down you go, thinking it will never end. , A task force of friends' with cars, trucks and trunks, is now recruited to get you on the'road. You are sure, as the 'procession pulls away, that many will feel there has, been a special auction atTthed.c~ty dump. ra ItIon requires a' farewell sermon if you have been serving in a parish for some time.

Continued' from Page' One to the one priest who is defiant, who wants his own kind of church, who' attempts marriage or who moves underground." "The honest journalist readily admits," Cardinal Krol declared, "that it is his task to report news and not to write the annals of church activity., There are some journalists whose bent for ·news tempts them to highlight the bizarre, the rare and even to report gossip. In shor!, 'our conception of the Church,in Holland or even of the Church in our country IS derived from the mass media reports, which feature the abnormal rather than the normal." But, the cardinal said, "we still come down to the undeniable fact that there have been unprecedented and (Iisedifying happenings' in the Church since the council." No Panic He emphasized that the disedi· fying happenings occurred after the council but not because of it, and added there is no cause for panic. "There are some who, out of sheer fascination for change, are developing their own concept of ,the council and of what the Church should be. There are some who aodvocate change as a permanent' state in the Church. They fear' the attainment of certain conciliar goals because they may put an end to ungoverned change. They desire destruction rather than reform. Some of them talk of liberation, but they will not listen to' other views. They advocate dialogue, but their approach is harsh, bru· tal," he said. Politics ,"They resort to mass meet· ings, serisationalized demp.n~.t1p.­ tions and exaggerated news conferences, often 'for ·tlie 'purpose of placing the other side in an unfavorable light," the Cardinal asserted. , "There are some who, adopting the language of politics, are anxious to be aligned with. what they term the progressive of the conservative sides of the council. They seem to ignore the fact that 15 of the council documents were approved with less than 10 ** * dissenting votes (out of 2,500)," he said.

Never Enough The desire of knowledge, like the thirst of riches, increases ever with the acquisition of it. ~Sterne

This is no easy task! In front of you on that Sunday morning will be children you have baptized, the couples you have seen married, widows for whom you, celebrated their late husbands' requiem funeral Masses-all the joys and sorrows of your ministry. You experience a tinge of nerves as you mount the stairs to the pulp,it (if your church still has one. You begin with 'a dry and cracking voice. You also remember that next Sunday you will be saying 'hello.' Thus,You say good-by to get ready to say hello to a new' adventure with new faces but with the same humanity and the' same search for God and His Love. The priesthood is a, great adventure-a new life that is full of meaning and searching, especially when you are on' the road, to Damascus. (Editor's Note:-The foregoring apparently has been prompted by Fr. Moore's transfer from St. Joseph's Church in Taunton to his new assignment as an assistant at SS. Peter and Paul's Church, Fall River).


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., Oct. 9, 1969


NEW BEDFORD GUILD'S ANNIVERSARY: Members of the Infant of Prague Guild of New Bedford gathered Sunday to commemorate their 20 years of aiding St. Mary's Home. Left: Mrs. Arthur McGaughey poured for Mrs. Thomas Zych and Mrs. Richard Burke. Mrs. George Durant, guild member, receives a

Capuchins Start TV Station In Brazil PORTO ALEGRE (NC) -

The first Catholic television station in Brazil has been inaugurated by the Capuchin Fathers. Called TV Difusora, the new station will be the first outlet in the country for broadcasting TV shows in color. There are already three TV channels here in this city of a million inhabitants. The Capuchins' will be open to the use of communications professionals who want to work independently of ideological or economic groups. Many wellknown television persons-journalists, commentators and technicians-have accepted the station's offer to use "its facilities for independent work. The Capuchins also sponsor a radio station here called Radio Difusora. Announcement of the new TV station has served to boost the Capuchins' radio station from eighth to third place in audience rating among the city's 10 radio outlets. The ratings were disclosed by the Public Opinion Research Institute. The Capuchins also publish a paper, Correio Riorgrandense, which serves the southern regions of Brazil. There are 140 Catholic radio stations in operation throughout Brazil with i~s population of 90 million.

Congressm'an Urges Local Jurisdiction WASHINGTON (NC) - In an effort "to bring order out of chaos" a South Carolina congressman has suggested that local jurisdictions should have the ultimate authority concerning the trial and review .of criminal actions involving obscenity: Rep. Albert Watson made his appeal in testimony to a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee which is holding hearings on a number of bills to curb obescenity.

gift of flowers from two children of the home, Joseph Beland and Rosemary Cole. Mrs. Elmer Page of the guild and Gail lima of the home, standing, admire the reading ability of the home's twins, Christopher and Jerome Clarida.

Court Bars Militants From Cathedral

Schools to Teach Black History

Judg·e Says Statutes Protect R'ights of Whites

ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC~ Black history will be brought into every Catholic elementary school in Nassau and Suffolk Counties through the joint efforts of the Long island Catholic, newspaper of the Rockville Centre diocese, and the diocesan department of education.

ST. LOUIS (NC)-A' preliminary injunction barring militant demonstrators from entering St. Louis cathedral here was issued by a U. S. District Judge. The injunction replaces a temporary restraining order issued in July. The court scheduled a hearing for Dec. 15 to consider whether the local militant demonstrators should be barred permanently from the cathedral. Judge James '~. Meredith, in issuing the injunction, said that the militants, members of a group called ACTION, "have interrupted the religious services at the cathedral to such an extent that they have denied the plaintiffs of their rights to hold property and to have it protected." The judge noted that the federal court was competent to handle the matter, and cited Reconstruction era federal statutes dating from 1866" 1870 and 1871, regarding disruption of religious services. "These sections," Judge Meredith said "were designed to prevent racial discrimination performed under color of state law or by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan operating entirely outside of the law. "While it is obvious that these statutes were passed primarily to ensure the rights of nonwhites," the laws can also apply to whites, Judge' Meredith stated. Resume Visits "The temporary injunction applies to ACTION and to Black Liberation Front demonstrators, although the BLF had visited only non-Catholic churches in the area. After a brief interruption in their series of "Black Sundays" demonstrations instituted this Summer, ACTION members resumed church visitations when they visited Corpus Christi par-

New Slavery To teach people to read without teaching them not to believe everything they read is only to prepare them for a new slavery. -{Juehenno

ish in suburban Jennings, Mo. .ACTION spokesman, Dr. Luther Mitchell, received permission from the pastor, IYIsgr. Bernard C. Stelte, to address the congregation at the end of Mass. The pastor said the ACTION

group was "very polite" in their appearance at the church. Sister Cecilia Goldman, Maryknoll nun who is chairman of the ACTION church committee, said the reception by the worshippers was generally good.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 9, ~ 969 ,

Candlelight Ball Set for Oct. 18


Says It's 'B,etter 'f'o, ~;tudy

Music Than Tak,e Pills By Joseph and Marilyn Roderie:k i' article appeared in the newspaper recently pointing out the fact that an increasing number of adults 1:lave begun to take lessons on musical instruments. Opdly enough, the instrument selected as the most popular :was the piano, one of the most ,difficult of instruments and mediocre food. Certainly id not price or the quality. i one Whl'ch can' harclly be car- theThe reason the author gave ried around under one's arm. was even more frightening ithan



I have to admit to being one of these adults. For, the, past- six months or so I have been tak'ing guitar lessons. I started innocently enough by buying Meryl an inexpensive guitar for her birthday. This proved too difficult for her, so we borrowed a mandolin and she began taking lessons in addition to her regular piano lessons. , Well, it wasn't long before I began plunking away at the guitar in the hope that I could accompany Meryl with simple chords. One thing led to another and music lessons were the end' result. Relaxing Pursuit At this point Meryl and I play mean renditions of Down In The ,Valley, Cowboy Jack, Bicycle Built For Two, and Spanish Serenade. Meryl plays the melody and I play the accompaniment. This is no mean accomplishment, ,considering that when I was a boy a good-hearted music teacher gave up on me in disgust. If I keep up the good work for 10 more years, I may reach the point where I can play the melody and Meryl can play the acc')mpaniment. Actually, playing the guitar, or 'ny music instrument is a great I ' f .f U,Iumd..d q~t9.~S,)~r.~"re.~; .c,.,elj.,_~ ommet' ling that overweight and anxiety ridden patients take up an instrument rather than take out a prescription for tranquilizers. I suppose the greatest advantage to playing an instrument when you are beyond the point when you can take it seriously is that you have no parents harp-' ing a~ you t( practice and no one saying th t you will thank them some day for having forced you to play. ' Instructors tend to be lenient because they know you will stick with it only long enough to buy an instrument you can't afford (adults are very prone to, blame their instruments for the unmelodius sounds which emerge as a result of their playing) and you will soon grow tired, of the regimen ,required to learn to play an instrument well. " At any rate, I can now appreci: ate the frustration 'the children go through in their weekly lessons and the discipline necessary to sit down and practice., And I can also appreciate the necessity of constant daily practice because without it the fingers grow stale surprisingly quickly. In my own case, missing a day or two is a disaster and if I am ever to get to Sidewalks of New York Qr Sweet Rosie O'Grady I can't afford to miss a day. In the Kitchen Perhaps ,it ,will cheer' you to hear the following bit of news but I must admit it depressed me-the stock on franchised eating establishments, such as .those heavenly hamburg heavens and those tasty' chicken empori c urns, that are sprouting likE! mushrooins all over the face' of this nation is _llIit~ng an all .'. time h i g h . ' . The bearer' of th'is glad news went on to anaylze why ,so ,many middle 'income Americans are patronizing these temples' of '

those mentioned. He suggli!sted (and quite strongly) that it, was 'the fact that these places serve a fast, limited menu and I that what the American people' r~ally wanted was for someone else to make up their 'mind for them, even about what they should eat. World of comp1uters, here! we come. I Robot 'World? I Because I'm one of those 'people who can't evenrerrtember her social security number, I'm strongly opposed to a robotlike society, and these trends frighten me. Mom and more bonformity is being forced upoh us let's at,least keep our individual- , 'ity where food is concern~d. Certainly I won't deny !that CANDLELIGHT BALL: Assisting in the preparations for the I've visited this type of ~fast service food serv,er but I always annual social event ben~fiti·ng St: Anne's Hospital, Fall River, felt that I did it for reasons of are: seated, Mrs. Philip J. Jameson and Mrs. joseph C. Giblin. speed, laziness ~ ,or "fun" I for Standing: ·Mrs. Alfred J. Roy and Mrs. Roger' N. Violette. the kids. I hope that I never: had in the back of my mind the ;reasoning that I wanted someone " '. else to make up my mind a1;>out what I wanted to eat! ' ,'Shoppers' Drop-In' Brings Christ Computers are picking: out dates for us, checking our inTo Toronto. 'Marketplace' come tax' and analyzing our skin conditions-piease'let us at least TORONTO (NC) - Capuchin into a place to stop and rest, a have free choice about what' we Father Joseph MacDonald, 35. retreat, a drop-in for downtown the entertainment has conceived a novel way of shoppers, put in our mouths! I Here's, a' recipe ''that's ~r.?':Yd,_ yis~tj!}tt s~.~~!-!n~;_I?riE;~_!S . _ .far ' 'from '\" 1?r!9gin g. ~c;hr!~~.J~C;> !~~; ,!Dh..~~el.!;; and religious who come downcomputerized but, it's still ea.sy place. He will open what e ca Is enough for Meryl and her. friend ' - 8 "Shopper's Drop-In," com- town'to buy, students and workBeth to have used for Jason's 'plete with chapel in Toronto's ers in the area. birthday cake.' I downtown busy section, located Community Atmosphere on a thoroughfare called the - Prize Chocolate Cake The large room with bay win'strip'. 1 cup shortening dows facing busy Toronto life 2 cups sugar I, This 'chapel on the strip', he is being turned into a chapel, 2 teaspoons vanilla I said, "is. to make the Church with the Blessed Sacrament lo4 one ounce squares of un7 present in the downtown shop- cated betw.een the windows "to sweetened chocolate, melted: pin'g and entertainment area 'show that Christ. is involved 5 eggs , I without any official trappings with the throng today and that 2 ~ 'cups sifted cake flour and promotional aspects." He is very much a part of this 1 teaspoon soda He has obtained a five-year- milieu." 1 teaspoon salt There will also be reading' lease on the second floor of a 1 cup of sour milk or butter- building which he is co~verting rooms, coffee bar and lounges. milk.(because we didn't 'have 1;>utThrough the help of voluntermilk Meryl added one tableteers, it is hoped that a comspoon of vinegar to 1 cup! 'of munity atmosphere will. be formjg'j sweet milk.) ed. 1) Stir the'shortening to soft"It is neither a distress cenen. Gradually add the sugar~ to ter nor an information center," the shortening cre,aming well ,~nWASHINGTON (NC) - The said Father MacDonald. "The til light and fluffy. ' ,1 right of American astronauts to most apt expression would be 2) Blend the vanilla and cool-, ,voice religious sentiments in -a 'comfort center.''' , ed chocolate into, the creamed, space found expression through There will be no public sermixture, and add the eggs, one a truck 'load of letters delivered vices such as Mass, and the cenat a time,' beating well after to the National Aeronautics and ter will be closed on Sundays.. each addition. I Space Administration (NASA) , (During the shipping season of 3) Stir together the flour, !so- headquarters here. 1970, it is hoped that the sailda, and salt and add to' the The letters. were gathered by ors will use it for Sunday evecreamed mixture alternately "Project Astronaut," a venture ning socials). ' with the milk bealting after each inaugurated by' family Radio, Sta-' This new place will in no way addition. Bake in3 paper lihed tion.s Inc., San Francisco. compete with parish activities, 9 x 1 Y2 inch round cake p~ns Rep. 'Jerome R. Waldie,of Cali- says Father MacDonald. Instead, in. a 350' oven for 20 to: 25 fornia said one of his constitu- as a service he will direct people mmutes. ents, William Mansdoerfer, an if needed to parishes or other deI announcer, observed on a broad- nominations, '''but there will be I cast that Madalyn Murray 0'- definitely no financial or reliRummage, Whist i ' Hair, , self-proclaimed atheist, said gious pitch." St. Cecilia's Mission Club will she had obtained 20,000' signaIt is hoped to' finance the censponsor a rummage sale from 6 tlires to a statement' protesting ter by volunteer contributions. to 9 Wednesday and Thursday the Apollo Christmas messages. evenings, Oct. 22 and 23, and Mansdoerfer commented that Now Ma~yWear ,from 9 to 5 Saturday, ,Oct. Q5: supporters of the astronauts Mrs.. Palmira Aguiar is chairtn~n, olight to: c()Unter'the .objections aided by Mrs. Mary Santos. The "with '100,000' signatures from club also announces 'a public tur- persons approving a' mixture oC Little Worry key whist for ,7:30 ,Thursday space alJd religior," Rep. Waldie Doyour false teeth annoy and emsaid. ,',' ' barrass YOU by coming loose and night, Nov., 20, with Mrs. Mihie , I dropping Whenever you eat, laugh Mendonca and Mrs. Ann Faria The response was overwhelm- . or talk? Then sprinkle FASTEETH . on your plates. FASTEETH holds as ,co-chairmen. Both evehts ing, Waldie stated. Within a few' dentures firmer longer-holds them will be held at-, 196 Whip~le weeks, 300,000 letters had been' more comfortably, tllo, Makes eating easler.PASTEETH 18 alkaline. Won't Street, Fall River, a!1~' both will received, he said; and the project sour. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste. benefit the Franciscan Mission- goal was, raised first to half a, Dentures that fit are essential to health. See your dentist regularly. , aries of Mary. . .. ' ' , million, then:a million. Get FA&TEETH at all drull counters.

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Friends of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, will sponsor their annual Candlelight Ball at 8 Saturday night, Oct. 18 in the grand ballroom of White's restaurant, North Westport. Hor d'oeuvres will be served at 8 and a buffet will follow at 10 o'clock. Dancing will be to the music of 'Von Allen's orchestra. Proceeds will go towards purchase of equipment for the new inhalation th~rapy department of St. Anne's. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Philip J. Jameson and Mrs. Paul H. Lambert, aided by a large committee.

Catholic Editor Resigns To Take Anglican Post TORONTO (NC) - Michael J. O'Meara, 38, has resigned as news editor of' the Canadian Register, national Catholic weekly newspaper, and accepted the post of communications director of fhe Anglican Church of Canada. Canon John C. Bothwell, executive director of Anglican programs, said O'Meara is the first non-Anglican to hold a directorship, ,although the communications department has two nonAnglican employees-Roy, Bonisteel, coordinator of inter-church radio, who is a United Church member, "and Laura Stambler, acting press information officer who is Jewish. 'O'Meara, a Canadian correspondent for °NC News Service, will start his new job Nov. 1. He was in daily newspaper work for 12 years and has been with the Register, since 1963. He will cover the Synod of Bishops in Rome, beginning Oct. 11, for the ~e.gist~~., .,.. " . '... '., " , ,. ;tm extremely ,pleased '. and a' littie' dazzlecL I' tIlHik it's going to be an exciting situation," he said of his new job. He said he isn't a stranger to Anglicanism - "my wife's an Anglican."


Two Kinds There are two kinds' of fools. One says, "This is old, therefore it is good," The other says, "This is new, therefore it is bet-Inge ter."


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THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 9,

Sch'oolmarms Must Teach Fashio:n AI,ong With 3 Rs

80,000 Protest Ban on Prayer

, By Mariiyn Roderick "School days, school days, dear old golden rule days"

WASHINGTON (NC)-Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania was presented with a 25-pound petition containing the signatures of 80,000 Pennsylvanians protesting against the' prohibition of prayer and Bible readings in schools. Mrs. George J. Thacik, president of the Pennsylania Council of Republican Women, presented the petition to Sen. Scott during the annual convention here of the National Federation of Republican Women. The petition, besides protesting against the prohibition of school prayers also opposed legislation that would remove: chaplains from the armed forces; the "In God We Trust" slogan from U.S. currency, or the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

have taken on a new look with the advent of the fashionable teacher. No more can the school marm be pictured as a plain, sensibly dressed, cuban heeled square who thinks of fashion' as only one more word to add to the spelling tor and a marvelous person but all her pupils carried away with list. No, the average teacher them was the impression of her of today is a bit of a swing- as an archaic dresser, Without a

er (always in good taste, of doubt, too, there were as many course) fashion wise, We truly well-dressed teachers as poot:ly know that teachoutfitted ones but cartoonists, ers have arrived writers, and noneducators have on the fashion had a field day with the latter. scene when they Children are impressionable, get written up as our own memories prove, and in that style one of my favorite teachers was Bible, Women's my seventh grade one and the Wear Dailyreason (as I think back) was and that is acprobably because she was so tually what hapsweet, lovely to look at, anli bepened a few cause to my chilld's eye she alweeks ago. A ways looked so pretty staff writer eviOne of the Kids dently felt that ' the emergence of the fashionable There are dangers of course: educator from her cocoon of the teacher who concentrates 'so conservatism was worth a front much on her appearance that she page headline. ' forgets her main job is to eduOf course, the first line had cate the youngsters Or the teachto mention that mini skirts are er who tries to look like one of now being worn in many class- the kids. This latter could be a rooms across the country and 'particular problem, especially' on that they are creating hazards a high school level. The' mini as teachers raise their arms to skirt also is an item of apparel write on chalkboards or bend that has to be handled delicately down to pick up dropped books. by the wearer, especially in a The writer, however, spoke quite classroom situation where' a highly of this new type of teach- great deal of bending and reacher who has brought color and ing is always taking place. gaiety in her classroom via her A teacher's clothing does take wardrobe. a beating during a school day, and who knows,' maybe this is New Awareness I agree with this report be- the reason why. fashion and cause there is a new awareness teachers were so long in getting together. Desk drawers and aF\1ong (emale ~d~~at(#} .of.,t~,~.i.r splintery, desk' '. e'dge's'" are pure image, both visually and academically. None of them (myself murder on stockings and panty included) wants to be thought hose, chalk dust does wonders of as dowdy or, that dreadful for dark clothes and mimeograph ink always manages to out-dated word, old-maidish. land on your favorite blouse. My This new, aware, up-to-theminute teacher is a delight to first year teaching art I casually the very young pupils who enjoy shook a large jar of red poster looking at her as well as listen- paint and both a nearby pupil ing to her and perhaps an in- and myself ended up a lovely spiration to the older youngsters shade of crimson. This new look in education if she ~resses in fashion, but has progressed' so far so fast with taste. We all remember that teacher that in some very avant garde we had years back who wore areas teachers are petitioning to three dresses a wear, one for wear pant-suits to class. Calieach season or the one who fornia may welcome this with looked as if she had managed to open arms but I'd be willing to save every item she bought dur- wager that this particular style ing the flapper era. Now, with- will be a long time coming to out a doubt, this woman may classrooms in our area. have been a wonderful instruc-

TO SPEAK: Melissa Mather, author and mother of nine, will speak at book fair to be sponsored at 8 Wednesday night, Oct. ,15 by Parents' Association of Sacred Hearts Academy, Prospect Street, Fall River. Her books include One Summer in Between and Rough Road 路Home.

TAUNTON DCCW MEETING: The first meeting of the year for the Taunton .Council of Catholic Women was held on Sun: day at, Marian Manor with the following principals gathered prior to the affair: Mrs. Richard Paulson, chairman; Rev. John F. Moore, moderator; Miss Adrienne- Menieux, president; Mrs. Albert G. Moitoza.

Religious Communities Plan, to Meet Needs路 Of Aging Sisters LOUISVILLE (NC) - Sisters, too, wear out. . The extent of the sometimementioned -but seldom-surveyed problem of aging nuns is shown by retirement figure~ for three communities whi'cn "nave their headquarters in the Louisville archdiocese. ' The figures are awesome. And they reflect more than 'a regional phenomenon. Nor are they caused by any specific problems within the communities. In short, they may be an ali-too-typical indicator of national trends. For example, the three communities involved, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Sisters' of Loretto and Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, are' Widespread in their scope of service. Sisters from the three communities serve in two dozen states from coast to coast. Wh~t then, do they show for themselves and perhaps for the nation? Statistics tell ,the story. The three communities have a total membership of 2,900. Some 480 nuns, 16 per路 cent of the total now are retired.

But this is only part of the story, perhaps the smaller part. The years immediately ahead promise even greater numbers of nuns whose laQors must end. Examples, .as furnished by officials. are: Second Careers The Sisters of Loretto have 157 retired members, but an additional 100 nuns are more than 65 and still working. In another decade, the total number of retired Sisters of Loretto will reach 250 to 300.

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth can also count on a retiremeint surge - half of its some 1,400 members are 54 years of age or older. The Ursuline Sisters have 113 of its 532 members on the retired list. Some 170 more are expected to retire in the next decade. All three of the communities are taking steps to meet the needs of their aging Sisters. Steps taken range from assign,Drop Blasphemy Charge ment of nuns to fu'fl-time work Against Student in the retirement field to the provision of retirement houses WILMINGTON (NC)-A blasfor both those who are physiphemy charge against a high cally able and for those who are school student journalist was physically infirm. dropped by the Delaware Attor- Georgetown Receives Nuns assigned to the retireney General's office, which ex- ,$250,000 for Library ment work are, in several cases, plained the charge against the WASHINGTON (NC)-George- getting advanced degrees in geryouth probably was unconstitu'town University has received a ontology. Still other nuns are .tional. The student, William F. Vel'- $250,000 gift .from Mr. and Mrs. working on pre-retirement surtolette, 18, and Matthew A. Ben- Howard W. Gunlocke of Way- veys to attempt to plan ahead nett, 1i, were connected with an land, N.:Y., to provide for a rare to provide activities or second underground high school news- b'ook room and specialcollec- careers for nuns who will be paper which pliblished an article tions department. in its new $6.5, retiring. referring to' Jesus as a bastard. million library. .' " , The library, now under conThe charge against Bennett was struction, is scheduled for comhandled in Family Court.' TOWN In dismissing the Charge, Dep-' pletion next Ja~uary. uty Atty. Gen. John G. Mulford said his office is of the opinion "the law should be changed." County Road He added religious beliefs vary East Freetown, Mass. 02717 and his office feels "everyone Tel. 763-2713 has a right to express his own Prescriptions called for religion and religious belief." : "Where Fine Binding Is Still an Art" and delivered




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Have largest Parish, Fewest Parishioners ST.' PAUL (NC)-An Oblate missionary from St. Michael. Minn., who recently returned from Greenland, described himself and his two fellow missionaries as working in what is prob路 ably the "largest parish in the world with the fewest parishioners." Father Paul Marx, O.M.I., said Catholics in Greenland number about 50 out of some 40,000 people on the island, which, in contrast to its name, is covered with ice. The priest, who was ordained in 1955, sees a dual purpose for the Catholic Church in the predominantly Evangelical Lutheran country-to "give witness to the presence Of tM Church," and' to work in the direction of unity with the Christian religions already there.

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Segregation Bad, Separation- Good

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 9, 1969

DAYTON (NC) - Segregation is "harmful" but separatism is "a very healthy impulse," according to Julian Bond, . The 29-year-old black state legislator from Georgia dre~ a distinction between segreatIOn and separatism in a press conference following a talk at the University of Dayton. Supporting the concept of separatism among blacks and oth-ers, he said "separatism to me is what happens when you have Italian-Americans celebrating Columbus Day." • "They are engaging in their separatism tendencies to remem/Jer their Italian heritage, to celebrate it, to be very proud of it, as they should be. The same thing happens when Irish-Americ~ns celebrate St. Patrick's, Day." . But, he added, the issue of segregation appears "when somebody who is Irish-American says to somebody who is ItalianAmerican 'We don't want any Italian-Americans here.''' In his talk Bond was sharply critical of what he said was the Nixon administration's policy of postponing school desegregation in some areas of the South, and opposing busing to correct racial imbalance in ,schools. " .

No Usurpation Continued from Page One ",This Roman dicastery continues to submit to its approval, .prior or subsequent, t~e election ·of our bishops; it demes to our patriarc~ and.'to his syno~ any jurispictioil over our ~mlgrant , faithful who today constitute the major part of our community; it suffices that it oppose its veto to any decision whatever comiT!g from the patriarchal synod. In order to render that decision null and ineffective. Nothing important, in fact, which affects the Eastern-rite Catholic Churches, can be decided witout the approval of this congregation." Archbishop Zoghbi went on to complain that the very existence of ,patriarchaf rule is being threatened by the congregation, since the patriarchs, ex-officio members of the congregation, are "drowned in a majority of other members, almost all foreigners and of the Latin rite. It is thus that when this congregation holds a plenary assembly to decide an affair that concerns exclusively one or another patriarchate, the competent patriarchal synod is ignored and the patriarch responsible for that patriarchate votes as one vote against 30 or 40, in a matt-er that depends on...him and ,his bishops." After noting that the Western members of the congregation are "several times more numerous than the patriarchs and risk,be· .fore long, with their contingent of consultors, and officials, approaching the number of all the Eastern-rite Catholic bishaps," Archbishop Zoghbi asked: "Why must so many eminent personages of the Latin world, : of all races and all cultures-;-except .ours-be mobilized, alerted so to speak, to be' concerned. with our Churches, as if we were absent or minors?" Archbishop Zoghbi said the Congregation for Eastern-rite Churches reminds Eastern-rite Catholics of the "Ministry for the Colonies" and does not corre· spond either to their asporations or to the wishes or the explicit will of Vatican II, "which is only recalling the constant tradition of the Churches of the East when it says: 'The patriarchs, with their synods, constitute the higher instance for all the affairs of the patriarchate.' " He continued: "Like the Latin bishops' conferences, our synods can decide nothing definitive. All is subject to revision and approval. With the result that we are within our rights in asking ourselves if the patriarchal· synod and the bishops' conference are not, definitively and essentially, study clubs and consultative organisms." After noting that the Synod of Bishops is only a consultative organism and that its members had more than once been reminded of that fact, Archbishop Zoghbi stated: "We are therefore, after Vatican II, in the presence of a type of collegiality not' at all collegial, where the bishops and, with them, the 'entire Church are reduced to the role of. consultors, the destiny of) the Church remaining effectively, under the vigilant and moderating eye of the Pope, confided to the Roman dicasteries." The archbishop concluded by asking: "Will it b-e necessary to wait for the next council in order to pass in fact from the consultative Church to the collegial Church?"

UNEASY PEACE: Hous'ewives. shop at an open-air fruit stand in front· of ti barbed-wire barricade in the' Catholic 'Coates Street area recently. British troops are keeping an uneasy peace between' Catholics :and Protestants here. NC Photo..

Mission University Opens in London

LONDON (NC)-Britain's first missionary "university," the Missionary Institute, w h i c h merges the facilities of two colleges, was officially opened to its first group of 185 students by John Cardinal Heenan of Westminster. The' institute's two constitu. .'. • ' ' .1. ent colleges are St.Joseph's Coland !1Ves m. a 31(2 roo~ hl~h rise ·lege. "Mill'· Hill,· , North' ·London. ~partm~nt m 'Ehzabe~h: ~ISCU.SS- and, a mile away, St. Edward's ~ng. retirement! he s.ald.. Ithmk ~.College, Totteridge. The instjtute It IS aT! excellent ld.ea, a. very had its origin in a decision in good thmg for t~e priest hl,,?self 1967 when the Mill Hill Fathers and the White Fathers of Totterand the Church m ·general. In retirement, he added, a idge agreed to combine their .priest has "mor~ time to devote training courses, which then' had to strictly priestly affairs." He a total of 150 students. ' still returns to his for~er parish Then the Divine Word Fathers, to say Mass on occaSIOn and to the African Missions Society, the visit old friends and sick and Verona Fathers and the Conso. troubled people who need help. lata Fathers joined with the He also continues in a num- others as founder-members of bel' of archdiocesan posts and the projected missionary univeras a member of the Senate of sity. The hierarchy of England Priests. Now he's taking up new and Wales gave their approval duties as a member of the 10- and now approbation has been man retirement' board and ex- received from Rome. pects to visit frequently with other retired priests to see "they are well taken care of, that their needs are being met." .Among the retired priests is Msgr. Harold V. Colgan, founder of the international Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. Approaching 75 and. in poor health, Hyannis he has stayed on in his rectory, 279 Barnstable Road explaining: "When the Lord 775-0079 wants me, He'll find me where I've been for 24 years." • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • 'tt::::!:l a:

'· II' Priests Find Retirement New Cha enge ~

. Less·! Dem.anding but Rewa rd ·illig j





NEWARK (NC}-.·'I;m,.b9red to death." , I' That's the reaction of one,elderly priest now~fiving in re~ire­ ment. But it's by no means typical of the pastors who ~ave gone into retirement since. the end of the Second Vatican Council, according to a surveyI, of retired priests taken by the ~d­ vocate, newspaper of the New• I 'ark archdiocese. " Thirty-two· pastors of Ithe Newark archdioce,se are now ,living in retirement and most! of them, unprepared for retirement though they were, are finding it a' new challenge in' which ,the priestly ministry takes on less demanding .but no less rew~rding dimensions. . As one priest put it: "I look at retirement as a diffet,ent phase of my life-one that is; interesting, fruitful, productive and priestly." , Few, however, said that the change came without a wrench, because almost an of them had been asked to step aside lifter the diocesan Senate of Priests drew up a retirement progtam approved by Archbishop Thomas A. Boland. ' "You expected l:hat you'd die with your boots· on," said 6ne as he reflected on the jolt :by. older pastors who had not prepared for retirement. i Mandatory at 75 I Under the diocesan program, pastors may continue to live I in the parish rectory where t~ey served, if they wlish· to do so, and 13 are doing so. Twelve ~re living in the country or resdrttype plac'es, one is living in: a city apartment, one in a r~st home and the oth,ers are livi'ng with their families, : Retirement guidelines now I in effect provide that a priest may request retirement at any age after 65 and are eJ[pected to retire at 75. Those· continuing 'to live in the rectoJry receive \ a


monthly saiai'}' of $300; if they live elsewher~ they'receive':$600.' As might be ex~cted of men who had not thought of retirement, almost all are beyond the mandatory retirement age of 75. Only one asked for retirement on his own volition and he appears to· be enjoying it most of all. 'Excellent· Idea' H~ is Msgr. Eugene R. Gallagher,' 71, who retired last July

Prelate Protests Eviction Threat TELLICHERRY (NC)-Bishop Sebastian Valloppilly of Tellicherry has app~aled to India's government leaders on behalf of nearly 2,000 peasant families threatened with eviction from their farms. .The cabled appeal to President V.V. Giri, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and officials of the Madras and Kerala state governments followed a visit by the bishop to a 10,000-acre tract of government land colonized years ago by peasants from Kerala state. The Madras 'government, which owns the· land located in. the border districts of Gudalloore, wants to evict them on the ground that the' peasants, many of them Catholics from the dioceses of, Palai and Changanacherry, are unauthorized 'encroachers: '

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. THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 9, 1969

Detroit Program Educates Clergy As Specialists DETROIT (NC) - Priests, who traditionally have been "generalists" expected to do their best to cope with whatever problem troubled a parishioner, will be encouraged to qualify as specialists in particular areas under a continuing education program announced by John Cardinal Dearden of Detroit. Hundreds of priests are expected to take courses designed to increase their competence in a specialty while also widening cultural horizons. The program, under the direction of Auxiliary Bishop Walter J. Schenherr, will be coordinated by Father F. Gerald Martin, former vice rector of Sacred Heart Seminary. The program is one of a series of 'I'enewal measures now being taken in implementation of recommendations of the 1969 archdiocesan synod, in which many Detroit-area Catholics gave their ideas for fitting the Church's practices to the modern world. A two-part adult educational program designed to up-date religious practices of the laity already has been launched. Appropriate Courses Father Martin, in coordinating the new program, will consult with priests individually and through their organizations on study needs and desires, help find appropriate courses at educational institutions or in special workshops, and initiate programs if none suitable are in existence. Leaves of absence will be arranged for study when necessary. , "Today's priest is'like today's doctor, or any other professional man," Father Martin said. "He has to study continually just to keep even with the world's progress. "The priest has an extra problem, perhaps, in that he must maintain his role in the traditional pre-Vatican Co u n c.i I Church while serving as a transitional agent in bringing the renewed Church designed by the Council into being," he continued. "Priests are able to fulfill their ministries today in a way never before possible. Today they wor~ as always, with individuals but they are also working with groups. Today's priest must be able to know how to bring to the problems of men the talents of psychologists, lawyers, social scientists and others. "The opportunities now offered by Cardinal Dearden in the new program will be eagerly grasped," Father Martin said.

Report Comparisons In Store Prices DETROIT (NC) - Shopping conditions and the quality of merchandise offered for sale in inner city and suburban grocery and drug stores have bee'n compared in a 124-page document published by Focus: HOPE. The report is the result of more than a year's work and the efforts of more than 1,400 volunteers. It details store conditions, shopping conditions, quality and prices of meats and groceries as well as prescriptions. The report, compiled under the direction of Father William Cunningham and Jerome Fraser, studies stores in the Detroit, Highland Park, Hamtramck and 42 suburbs in the metropolitan area.


Stress Survival Of Family Life WASHINGTON (NC) - The survival of family life in Latin America is the goal of the Center for Family Research. and Study at Montevideo Uruguay. Since 1965 the center has been providing research, leadership training and information for some 60,000 members of the Christian Family Movement (CFM) throughout the continent. ','We want to use the 20-year experience of the present CFM' as a sp.ringboard for a stronger movement/' said Father Pedro Richards, C.P., director of the center and former Latin American moderator of the CFM. "Love, marriage, children ¢ ¢ .;: these are explosive ingredients , of society," he told the NC News Service on a stopover of a tour that took h~m through Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and the United States. "After two decades of working in the CFM, the leadership has discovered that we need not amateurs, but experts, to handle those explosives. We could see that the movement's drive was losing altitude because of our trial-and-error approach, our lack of clear objectives, and the ineffective methods we used," . ARMS LIMITATION: Russian Orthodox Bishop Juvenaly, center, head of the Russian delega- he added. tion to an ecumenical consultation on arms limitation is welcomed to the U.S. Catholic Confer"In Latin America,"· he ence. At left is Msgr. Marvi'n Bordelon of USCC and at right Dr. Kurtis Naylor of NeC. NC Photo. claimed, "the family is so burdened with shortcomings that it cannot contribute to society's development. Instead, it blocks it. It is not producing men and women of creativity and .enthu• siasm." In


Soviet Christian Churchmen Visit Participate

WASHINGTON (NC) A group of Soviet Christian churchmen visiting the United States for a conference on arms limitation met briefly here with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (DMass.), a principal opponent of the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system and an outspoken critic of Vietnam war policy. Expressing surprise and gratification to learn that there was such a group in the Soviet Union, Kennedy welcomed their support in efforts to limit armaments. Referring to' the support that religious groups in the United States had given to the civil rights movement and to civil rights legislation, the senator said that religious groups can also be effective in aiding moves to limit armaments. The Soviet churchmen were representatives of Christian churches in the Soviet Union, and had come to. the U. S. to participate in a consultation in St. Louis on "The Christian Concern for Arms Limitations." Planned at Uppsala The Soviet delegation was headed by Russian Orthodox Bishop Juvenaly of Tula and Belyev, vice-chairman of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, and included Baptist ano Lutheran members as well as other Russian Orthodox delegates.

Named for Award ADDIS' ABABA (NC) - Pope Paul VI has been named to receive Ethiopia's 1969 Empress Menen Award "for exceptional services to humanity." The award, given by the Haile Selassie Prize Trust, was founded in honor of Empress Menen, Emperor Haile Selassie's wife of 53 years, who died in 1963. It consists of $12,000, a gold medal and a diploma.


Arms Limitation Talks

The St. Louis meeting was agreed on in principle at Uppsala, Sweden, on July 17, 1968, by Dr. Robert S. Bilheimer, executive director of the Department of International Affairs of the National Council of Churches; Msgr. Bordelon, director, Division of World Justice and Peace of the U. S. Catholic Conference; Metropolitan Boris

Cardinal Defines True Freedom PROVIDENeE (NC) - Distinguishing "true, God-given free. dom" from "selfish, pointless pseudo-freedom" is a major task of Catholic higher education today, Terence Cardinal Cooke of New York said here. Speaking at the 50th anniversary convocation of Providence College, Cardinal Cooke urged that the college assume "the role of a haven of freedom and a seeker for freedom." The cardinal received an honorary doctorate of religious education from he college, which is conducted by the Dominican Fathers. He said problems connected with human freedom are at the heart of current events and are in a special way the concern of churches today. "Within all the churches today, and certainly within the Catholic Church, there is a rene.wed emphasis on the freedom of the individual believer to live and act more positively, more personally, more responsibly, more maturely-in a word,· more freely," he said. Cardinal Cooke noted, however, that freedom can be used for evil as well as for good. "Freedom distorted, abused, exaggerated for oneself at the ex· pense of others, can quickly become a great burden upon society," he said.

Nikodim, chairman, Foreign Affairs. Department of the Moscow patriarchate and Alexesy S. Buevsky, secretary of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Moscow patriarchate. There was a latet agreement in Moscow on details between Msgr. Bordelon and Bishop Juvenaly. Christian Concern The consultation was to have special reference to nuclear weapons, antiballistic missile systems, international peacekeeping and the basis of Christian concern for these matters. The main purpose of the consultation was to have those present to confer together on these matters, and to lay the foundations for further talks. In an interview here, Bishop Juvenaly emphasized the Chris- , tian concern in the theme 'of the talks. The Russian delegation, he said, considered the meeting an historic one, since it is the first meeting of the sort between Soviet Churchmen and U. S. Catholic churchmen. Questioned about the Russian Orthodox Church's attitude toward war and the use of arms, he said: "We oppose war." But he added that the Orthodox Church had not opposed the Soviet invasion' of Czechoslovakia, since that was not regarded as a war.

Catholic Families Open Own School ST. CLOUD (NC) - Three Catholic families here have decided to educate their children in the atmosphere of "Holy Innocence" - a one-room country schoolhouse purchased and run by themselves. The three families have employed a certified teacher to instruct the six children in what they termed "God-oriented" education. The school teaches "the usual school subjects," they said. The school was purchaseQ at an auction for about $50 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sis, who ~aid they were dissatisfied with the trend toward secularism in the public and parochial school systems..


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i I


Cardinal Danielou' Seeks Unity

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.,;"Oct.9, 1969 I

of Msgr. (I~an) Illich (whose Continued from Page One firms that the power of the bish- study center in Mexico was for op of Rome can, be exercised a time put off limits to priests i , only in dependence on the colle- and nuns by the Vatican's Docgiality of bishops is guilty of ,trinal Congregation); a certain l method adopted in its (the conanother grave confusion. '. . . :I gregation's) interrogatories must Papal Dependence By Msgr. George G. HiggIns I "It is false for the theological be regretted, but c,ertain of his Director, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C,.C., : point of view, because it is not statements wer-e rather scandalthe personal authority of the ous and there was indeed reaOn Sunday afternoon, Sept. 21, Josef Stalin's daught~r, pontiff which depends on the son to be concerned." Svetlana Alliluyeva, was interviewed on Me~t the Pr~ss ,y college, but, on the contrary, the After stating that the synod Lawrence Spivak, John Chancellor of NBG, C~itfton Dan~el authority of the bishops which would have to be concerned depends on that of the sovereign with the manner· of authority's of the New York Times, and Haynes Johnson 0iE the Wasp. exercise in the Church, Cardinal pontiff." ington Evening Star. The . ., ,'. i After: saying that the council Danielou said: "I have already timed to coin- for Miss Alhluyeva s ~ake .. If ~or favored a decentralization,' rec- noted that some, criticizing the Program was , .. f no other reason-that Mr, Chanognizing more extended powers Roman Curia, speak of authori- . cide with the pu~hGatlOn 0, cellor helped her to put the recfor bishops' conferences, the car- tarianism; but, in my opinion, Miss Alliluyeva's new book, ord straight in thiisregard. As dinal said: "At the same time, the present danger is less the ex"Only One Year," in which. ~he one. who grew up il~,t~: Krempn nevertheless, one understands cess of authority than the resigexcoriates the Soviet pohtIcal durIng the worst ,days of .~~r the necessity for very close con- nation of authority. Certain s y s tern and father's in~redibly bru~al, regilpe tacts between the episcopal or situations are leading today to sings the praises and has SInce, dra:ll;latIcally apd , ganizations and the Roman a total anarchy: each one does of the United at great persona, ' cost, ,dlISCuria in order to maintain the what he wants-I am thinking States. As a avowed everytping)hathe.stopd unity of the Church, in particu- in particular of soine completegeneral rule, refor, she will' ,naturally l?e,.:. Etx. ' lar in the domain of ecclesiasti- ly arbitrary liturgical experiporters who appected to say what she,tn.In~s Rev. Andre A.. Patenaude, cal discipline, 'and, in order to ments-it seems that laws no· pear on Meet about Commun,~s~, as ;a sy~tem M.S., ,son of Mrs. Jeannette avoid having legitimate diversi- longer' count for anything." of g<;>vernmen!: :,::,' ,>:! Patenaude of Fall River and the ties become source~ of division the Press ate rather ,pointec,l, , ,It,~ould, be u~~~~~~J:late: ho}'(-, late Armand Patenaude will be within the people of. God.:' in their line of ever, If she weretopermlt:;h~r- ord~lined' on Satlirday at St. Cardinal Danielou further said: Says Missionaries questioning, and ' self to. be us~d; a!~ .!i. par~y Cecilia Church, Pawt~cket. . .' "It is· the thing to do today. to· "quite properly. those rIght :WIng: ~:roup~ m;t~ls Rev. Mr. Patenaude graduated 'oppose to a certain jl,lriciicism,. Needed in Africa so of ,course: country whIch stIll thInk: t~at from 'St. 'Jean the Baptiste .that would be pr,incipally the do:'WASHINGTON (NC) - PresiThey . tend' to , socialism~ in any and all,oof jts" S h 'I. F 11 River in' 1957 and ing of the Roman <:;uria, a char- dent Nixon's nominee as ambaslo~er their standards jus~ ~ wee forms, ,.IS synonYIll?us;.~lth 'e~t:r~d t:e LaSalette'Seminary, ismatic inspiration that would sador to the African nation of ,. '.. r. Enfield 'NH ' , , be manifest, on the contrary, at Burundi, Thomas P. Melady, said bit, however, whenever their fe~-. CommunIsm.", tured guest happens ~o·· be a Th~~ks to. M.r. Chan~el~?~,... ..His first: Mass' will be offered the periphery of th~ Church. that . Africa will .need foreign S d ". 'St' 'Jean woman there IS less IIkehhood that tnl~ .... " • '. on Church, un ay InFall .River. This opposition of the juridical missionaries for many years to " .-,be' - at the'noon Ba tisie . Understandably enough, even WI'11 h ~ppen.th a,n "there. was " and the charismatic is absurd come. , ' the most hard-bitten reporters fore MISS Alh~uyeva:.appeared ~n wen-k~own as a leader of the and Melady, chairman of the Deharmful principally because I A-Men, a LaSalette folk group, from its origins,' the Church has partD;1ent of Asian Studies and can't seem to .work, .up-. ~noug~ Meet .the:pres.s: ..... coura~e ~o be as'ruthless In' theIr Hopes for (,hange· I ',Rev. Mr. Patenaude ha's chosen always present(ld together an in- ' Non-Westerri Civilization at ~uestlonIng of a Bernade~te De~-. . It wou~d,. b~' e~~I~UY 'unfor~~- folk music for his Mass. Mem- stttuttonal (and,' consequently, Seton Hall. University in SO\lth lIn, for example, ?r a MI~s Alh- nate, I thInk, If MISS Allilu~ev,~s bers of the new priest's fami!y juridical) structure and an in- Orange, N. J., said that in. bla~k luyeva,: as th.ey ~Ight be ,If they pro~~und and peT!ectly yah~ .qP- will form the offertory proces- spiration of the Holy Spirit * * * .Africa the Church's presence is were. mtervlewmg an equally pOSItIOn .to. the kmd of pohtlsal sion. . "On the level, of facts," he more appreciated now' than ever, promInent, or even less proml- system whlc?' th.e.v~ry me.ntlon Rev. Mr. Bernard Baris, M.S., continued, ."it is therefore com- contrary to predictions maeJe· a.' o! her fathe~ s napt1e Immedlate!y who has many Fall River rela- pletely false to see juridicism decade ago that missiomjries nent, guest of the mal~ sex.. . ~n o~her wor~s; we are stili· brings to ~md were t?result [10. tives, wiil be ordained 'at the only at the center of the Chur~h would soon be leaving ,A(riC;a. hVIng' In a man s world, and I her becomIng an UJ;ICrItlcal apol- same ceremony with the Fall and charism only on the. peri~ .' Fighting against poverty, igsuspe~t that most o! the gals- ogist for th~. ,lJ,!lited Sta~es River deacon. .' norance and disease, the Church occaSIonal protestations to the and/or .the darhng of those p~o- """"",,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. phery. : is participating in the forward contrary notwithstanding - pre~ pie- in· -her adopted countrx whO" of time? That'sin has entered 'the . ~ '. Auth()l;,ity. Needed are dedicate4 to the propositipn. world and casts its diabolical ., "It is even' a rather subtle movement of Africa's developing fer to keep it that way. deformation, a manner of demo- 'nations, he said. that the answer to Communi~m shadow over it? Socialism Communism In any event. it was' obvious- is a war to the finish by tpe ,,( am 'hoping for a little res- lishing respect for authority to this viewer at least-that the United States against the Soviet pite. My generation has already within the Church, 'by stressing reporters who interviewed Miss' Union and/or the Republic :of witnessed two world wars and' exclusively certain excesses and Alliluyeava were in no mood to China.. '. : has reached the brink of a third. minimizing the profoundly beneput her on the spot with embarJudgIng, however, from tfe War has become even more ficial character. Much has been rassing questions. At one poinf, balanced tone of her remarks ~n crazy and absurd with the pos- said, for example, of th.e case Est. 1897 however, John Chancellor per- Meet the Press; I wouldn't ~x- sibility of destroying cities and formed a useful service by forc- pe~t that to, happen. For one, exterminating civil populations. Builders Supplies Teach the M~ans ing Miss Alliluyeva - ever: so thing, she made' it p~rfecpy and wiping out the whole of The things 'taught in school(l 2343 Purchase Street courteously, of course-to clar-, clear' to her' interview.ers that humanity." ("The Church 'and ify what she meant by, Sqs.ialism. her illterests. a~e. literary ahd Coloniali!jm," Dimension Books). and colleges are' not an educaNew Bedford tion, but the means of education. . Bridge of Concord She' had been 'using the word 'cultural, not polltu:al. 996;'5661 /. . -Emerson Moreover, while she refrain~d, No wonder Archbishop CaSocialism as a synonym, for for Communism of the Stalinist as, a refugee who has fallen iin mara-who.is one of th~ truly type. Apparently Mr. Chancellor love with the United Statrs, prophetic figures of our genera- . found this rather misleading and 'from criticizing any of our na- tion-"-feels compelled to keep on felt - as I did 'myself - that it tional failings, she also refrai~ed saying, over and over again, that . might tend to confuse the audi- from saying anything that could the only hope for mankind is to ence. '. give: aid and: comfort to·thqse build a Ibri.dge of concord beAccordingly he asked Miss Al- . who think that bigger and bft- tweeq the so-called Christian liluyeva whether she really ter bombs are the answer Ito and so-called Socialist world~. at' meant to say that all forms of Communism., : "so-called" in both cases because socialism (with a small. s) are Moreover, she repeatedly , ~x- Christians, for their part, are totalitaria!1 ,by ,definition. She pressed the hope that the prfs- very far from being perfect didn't seem to get the point of ent regime in her native la~d Christians, .and ·the Russion peothe question until Mr. Chancel- will- gradually ~ive way' to i a pie on the other hand, are not lor brought up the example of more democratl~' system. iof all hopelessly committed to a .Scandil\av.ian, British,: Indian government. ::: , ' ',' I . philosophy. of dialectical mate115 WILLIAM' ST., . NEW BEDFORD, MASS• and other forms of socialism and War Cr'azy,:Absurd i rialism. then asked her to indicate If my memory. s,erves me c~r-. ~'Why can we not recognize" whether or not she thoug~t ~hat rectly, she didn't c;,dl 'for a, "dia-,' ,'!h~ Archbishop asks, "that th~re they were forms of totalitarIan- logue" between' the Uni~ed. ",IS more tpan one type of SOCIalism. States and the Soviet 'Union, but ism, and: so liberate the term Once Miss Alliluyeva dis- I got the impression from w6at from, a necessary bond with ! . cerned what Mr, Chancellor' was she said about he:r own . people . inaterialism?" A good question. driving at ··by the use of 'these 'in Russia, and from the kindly With an assist from ,Mr. Chanexamples, she hastened to clarify way she said it, tllat she might cellor,Miss Alliluyeva answered· " well agree with Archbish'op it partially on Meet. the Press. the record.' Of course she hadn't 'meant to Helder Camara of Recife, BraZil, Hopefully as time' goes on she per annum say' that all forins of socialism who earnestly ple,ads, in a re- will have other opportunities to are, totalitarian. In'. using' the cent collection of his more ifri- expand on her reply in..such a, Wi!th our gO-Day Notice Savings plan, a nest egg word socialism 'as a synonym for portant articles a,nd speeches, way -as to persuade the people of '$2000 or more earns a full 5% interest, comCom!tlunism, she had meant to for an all-out effort to build l"a of the U~ited States, who have pdunded quarterly. Come, see us. You worked iilclude only those forms of so- ,bridge of concord" between ~he , welcomed her· so generously into halrd for your money, isnt it time it worked harder their midst, that there, is more cialism which are directed or U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. ',. fo~ you? controlled by a one-party system You may, think I am "wand~r- than one kind of socialism, n?t of government which suppresses ing or dreaming,'~ Don Helder only in Scandinavia, Great BrltTHE GO-AHEAD BANK THAT PUTS YOU AHEAD the basic rights of its citizens in r:emarks, but "we are closer ain, India and other countries , the name of economic reform or than many imagine to a ha~o- in the so-called free world, but economic progress. nious and united civilization.' also within the ·Soviet bloc itself, I Have I forgotten that egoism and that this gives us all a mea- ' Sets 'Record Strafight RIGHT BY THE STOP & SHOP, SOMERSET, MASS. I think it was a good thing- will accompany mnn to the e~d sure of hope for the future.. I I


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., Oct. 9, 1969



OCT. 13, 1969

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Manlfattariville College' Manor Junior College Maria Regina College Marquette University Marymount College, Kansas Marymount College, N. Y. Marymount Manhattan College Marywood College Mercyhurst College Merrimack College Mt. St. Agnes College Mt. St. Mary College, N. H. Mt. St. Mary College, N. Y. Nazareth College of Rochester Niagara University Notre Dame College, N. H. Notre Dame of Ohio Ohio Dominic:an College Rosary Hill College Regis College, Weston, Mass. Rivier College Rosary Hill College Sacred Heart College, Alabama St. Anselm's

St: Bonaventure U;'iver~ity" St. Francis College, Maine St. Francis College, Penn. St. John Fisher College St. Joseph College, Conn. St. Joseph College, Md. St. Joseph's College, Indiana St. Joseph's College, Maine St. Joseph's College, Penn. St. L,ouis University St. Mary's University, Texas St. Michael's College, St. Thomas Aquinas College St. Vincent College Seton Hall University Seton Hill College Spalding College, Trinity College University of Dayton University of Detroit University of Scranton Villanova University, Walsh College Xavier University, Ohio

Parents and Pupils from Diocesan', Private and Public High Schools are cordially invited CLASSROOMS Four Thirty-Miute Sessions Formal Discussion on Colle,ge

BOLAND HALL College Representatives Supplying Necessary Information Free Exchange Period

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of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 9, 1 ~69

'Pope Stresses Moral Values

Christian·ls Choice: L~ove+ Or Pass by on Other Sidel .

By Barbara Ward



Before we look in greater detail at the conflict ~nd confrontation of the races. in the United States, it is perhaps worth setting the context of the problem as it app~ars . to the Christian conscience. In a world· with no mpral jUdgments, there would' be no ....., i problem. The lion has no h~treds. and ~es.entments ~hat "problem" when it eats the give the. story Its true relev~nce . ' to our time.. gazelle. "The race IS to the Put Aside strong." He catches and eats it. For millennia, mankind acted on For what is the point of i the the same prin. parable? It is, quiite simply, ~hat ciple. The weak- . ' in the case of need and tragedy, er groups were ~ t all the historical aversions,: all defeated the bitter separations, .all :the 1 and then, either piled-up resentments of gr~lUp­ I enslaved or exdislike had to be put aside. !The t e I' min ate d. Samaritan not' only helped: the BISHOP RUBIN Even in· "Chris. Jew out of the. ditch, onto tian" Europe 200 his mule and over'to the inn, he years ago, the also gay.e the innkeeper ~irt~ally organizers of ,a blank check for the wounded the slave trade man's care and treatment. i did not feel very And it was in part just Ithis' VATICAN CITY (NC)-Among differently about almost wild and open generosity the busiest men in Rome is Bishexploitation. In fact t e popu ar that Our Lord wanted to un'der- op Ladislaw Rubin, the 52-yearhymn "How Sweet the Sound of line for us. This 'Samaritan alone 'old general secretary of the Jesu's Name" was comp9sed by . was the neighbor-not the jew- Synod of Bishops, which will a slave master on board one of ish priest or levite who were open its second' session Oct. 11. the terrible ships of the Middle neighbors in sect and blood I but The black-haired, broaq-faced, Passage. not in action. This man sho~ed Polish-born bishop is an affable, But in our understanding of us, for all time, what it really well-educated and'. soft-spoken Christianity-to which is added means to love man because I we man. As the opening date of the new dimensions as mankind love God. This openness and jgiv-' synod approaches the bishop and struggles to discern the meaning ing without feal' or' stint I are his modest staff of five assistof its own history-the sense of what being a neighbor means. ants who man the permanent man's basic human dignity and And this, therefore, is ,*hat secretariat of the synod must value, whether weak or strong, being a Christian means as well. deal with an ever growing and Like so many of the parables demanding range of problems conquered or conqueror, of this century. in the Gospels, the simple Itale and crises. Nevertheless, and even as the True, no epoch has seen such which we have read since childvast exploitations of humanity hood grows to. frightening: di, 146 participants in the forthcom-the six million Jews destroyed mensions of significance land ing extraordinary synod begin to simply because of their. race judgment if we take it out of conver~e o~ ~?me" and debate weigh us. down to the lowest the familiarpidus frame land .... about Its .slgmf~cance and agenhell. But just because of our see it in the hard light) of ,da, rages. m val'lous, pa~ts of ,the ,world~ Bishop Rubm fmds time knowledge of what horrors can history. : to talk to a variety of persons, be done to man in the name of How t(J1 Act ' such as a group of 15 American race, this issue of equality, Our Lord was 110t telling ~s a priests touring Europe to find value, dignity and acceptance between peoples can be said to pretty tale.. He was telling us out firsthand what is happening hQw to act toward, any ofl his in the Church outside of their dominate all others. wounded children-wounded by country, or to reporters up Lodged in Gospels misery, by unemployment, I by against deadlines trying to foreHowever, while our under- ghetto housing, by contempt~ by cast what will, happen in the standing of the principle is now exploitation.. He did not tell us ensuing weeks of the synod. As enlarged by the unfolding of his- that the man in the ditch iwas he puts it: "I never express mytory, the principle. itself is there, either good or grateful. Very self on the synod. I am its serlodged irremovably in the Gos- probably he was neither. What vant. The bishops give their pels. Recently-in' fact, in the we know' is that he 'was in opinions. I conc,eive'my function gospel of the' Twelfth ' Sunday misery and needed help.: as one of ·service." after Pentecost-it received one And every Christian ! has of its most vivid expressions in really only two choices before ,!Our United People' the whole liturgical year. the tragedies and ,divisionS of Perhaps· the parable of the any group conflict-to love land' To Meet in Ohio Good Samaritan does not strike act, or to "pass by on the other GREENVILLE (NC) - A one-. us normally in this light. But side." . , time migrant worker, who now is this is only because we think of a successful business man will . I it as 'an allegorical abstraction serve' as chairman of the first .and not as rooted in the flesh Prelates Urge Halt statewide conference 'of the and blood of Our Lord's contemSpanish-speaking, Oct. 25, in To Arms Sldpments Columbus. porary Palestine. . . PARIS (NC) -The board of the When He talked of the SamarJose Ricardo Leal, followed French permanent council of, the itan, he talked to orthodox Jews the crops as a migrant for six , of a man who was as obnoxious Bishops' . .Conference has aSked years before he began a long for a halt to arms shipm~nts as a Roman. Cahtolic in Ulster struggle to obtain an education to a bigoted Protestant or a. prolonging the Nigeria-Biafra and financial independence. war. : ' ~lack fami{y proposing to move The Ohio conference will be a In its statement the b6ard "grievance" meeting for persons m next door to a bigoted white. These Samaritans had been , said: "We ask the public author- of Spanish-speaking background. brought into Palestine by alien ities to strive to bring ,about Included are Mexican-Americans everywhere at the same time' the -mostly migrants and former ,aggressors and conquerors. cessation of shipments of ~rms They had taken Jewish land and munitions, the assuranc~' of migrants, Puerto Ricans and and slighted orthodox Jewish free access for aid to both Sides Cuban exiles. The groups are practice. They were hated, re- of the front in regions where, represented on a state steering sented and despised. It could famine rages, the proclama!tion committee which chose Leal, an well be that' the man who fell- of an immediate cease-fire that Ohio domiciliary, as their chair-' among. thieves might hllVe pre- would permit the start of n~go- man. The group has formed under ferred to remain in the ditch tiations without dlelay." ; the title, "La Raza Unida," freerather than to be helped by such Great Britain :md the Sdviet ly translated as "Our People a despicable creature. Union have been arming the: Ni- United." . But equally the Samaritan gerian federal forces and France 'The Spanish-speaking Americould have very gladly "passed has been sending arms to BiMra. cans, who represent a wide vaby on the other side" sooner The statement. stressed i the riety of backgrounds, need the than help a. man of the group , gravity of the situation and ~sti­ spirit of unity and solidarity to' who so despised, hated and hu- mated that "4.5' million human help bring to the attention of miliated his own people. We for- beings are directly threaten~d." the general community problems get, behind the familiar lines of .I~ noted that "no hope of p~ace that have been long overlooked, the parable, the actual historical seems to glow Oil the horizpn." Leal said.'

To counter present-day trends, VATICAN,"CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has blasted modern-daY. the Pope urged Christians not eroticism which leads man to "to lose your awareness of morpromiscuity, pornography and al values. Do not lose the awareness of 'sin, that is, the judgment drugs. At a general audience, Pope between good and evil. Do not Paul spoke out with sharp and let the sense of liberty, bound almost bitter reaction to contem- as it is to the sense of responsiporary moral.s which threaten bility as a Christian as :Nell as a man with "animalistic, barbaric man in civil society, to go to sleep." and subhuman degradations." In speaking of the dangers toInsisting on the Christian's need to be awa~e of his own dig- day to the dignity of man, the nity as a man and as a baptized Pope Silid tjlat the "most seriperson,:" .,pope Paul warned ous and most insidious'" is the against demagoguery,' revolu- . "threat which has become epitionary violence, the demytholo- demic and aggresive, the threat gization of religion and especial- of eroticism induced by unbridled ly the giving in to licence, sen- and disguising public and advertised statements," suality and pornography.

Polish Pre.late Is Syn od Secreta ry






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Hierarchy 'Field' Head-On Queries By Senators LOUISVILLE (NC}-More public dialogue about celibacy in the priesthood has been recommended by representatives of Priests' Senates throughout Kentucky and Tennessee. of several resolutions adopted by of several resolutions adoped by 50 priests who "support a responsible public dialogue on the relationship of clerical celibacy, to the contemporary needs of the Church." Reply to Queries The priests, meeting in the first of what is planned as an annual gathering of representatives from four Kentucky and Tennesse Sees, also: Urged the American Bishops to ask the Holy See for authority to determine at the local level if a priest may remain in his diocese as a layman after he resigns from the active ministry. Suggested establishment of mediation boards in Church provinces to provide "due process" and appeal for clergy and laymen alike. An unusual feature of the sessions was the presence of Bishops of the Louisville province-Archbishop Thomas J. McDonohue of Louisville, Bishop Richard H. Ackerman, C.S.Sp., of Covington, and Bishop Joseph A. Durick of Nashville, who were targets of criticism during the meeting. One session of- the meeting featured a talk by Father Patrick O'Malley of Chicago, president . of the National Federation of Priests' Council. 'Amen, Alleluia' At another session the Bishops fielded candid and head-on, questions concerning bishoppriest relationships for two hours. The Bishops had asked for the treatment. In his opening address, Archbishop McDonohue asserted "unless we communicate with one another we won't know what is going on." In his homily at the Mass which concluded the meetings, Archbishop McDonohue expressed the hope that the line of bishop - priest communications would remain open. Some priests responded with applause and one pastor shouted "Amen, Alleluia."

Comment on Viet Peace Moratorium WASHINGTON (NC) - Three officials of the United States Catholic Conference!J(USCC) issued a joint statement saying the Vietnam Peace Moratorium scheduled for Oct. 15 may serve the nation "as the occasion for reexamination, reflection, and prayer." The statement was issued by Msgr. Marvin Bordelon, director of the Division of World Justice and Peace, Father Lawrence T. Murphy, director of the Division of Campus Ministry, and Msgr. Thomas Leonard, director of the Division of Youth Activities. The officials said responsibility for national policy does not rest solely with government officials. "It, is .the responsibility of the nation's citizens," they said. "It is proper in It democratic society, and it is a matter for Christian conscience, that citizens continue to examine their country's policies, especially in time of war, and to make their convictions known to their leaders."

'Old .Rugged' ~ross': Sy,":bolizes Loving Care Given Fall River Area Cemeteries By Patricia McGowan

"These were the people who brought the faith to this co.untry!" That was the late Bishop Cassidy's shocked comment as he v~ew~d the con,dition of old St: Mary's Cemetery on Amity Street in Fall River. That was m the 1940 s and the long dIsused cemetery was hardly more than a weed-filled field. Bishop Cassidy ordered it cleared and restored to condition fitting the resting 'place for Fall River's first Catholics. No one visits . the cemetery nowadays, ~ "

most people don't know of its existence. It's a pleasant hilly spot just south of Fall River Shopping Center, reached by a dirt road and unmarked by any sign, but kept in apple pie order by workers from St. Patrick's Cemetery on Robeson Street. Looking at it you'd think very few people were buried there, for its green expanse is broken only by a few crumbling headstones, with now and then a more. modern monument. None examined bore a date later than 1901, although Mrs. Esther Wordell, clerk at St. Patrick's, and in charge of records for St. Mary's, says files show there were burials there until the 1920's. Crumbled Away There aren't many headstones, explained John Burke, now in charge of maintenance at the Bishop's residence on Highland Avenue, but formerly a worker at the old cemetery, because in the days before the area was tended, they fell down, crumbled away, or were buried beneath weeds. Plot records, however, can locate some burial sites, should anyone inquire. Not mariy people do inquire, said Mrs. Wordell. Partly this is because many bodies were moved from St. Mary's to St. Patrick's Cemetery when the newer facility became available. Many of those not moved were of people with no survivors. But the land is well cared for, and the headstones that do remain tell of life in more difficult times. Especially touching are memorials for children such as John, age 4, who died in 1874 and his sister Mary, age I, who died in 18-75. They were the children of Hugh and Mary O'Donnell and their grieving parents had a verse inscribed on their stone: Our precious ones from us has (sic) gone _ A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. Irish Pride Many stones reflect the pride of Irish. immigrants in. their place of birth. One man has on his, following his name, the declaration: "Native of the parish of Kilmane~ County Mayo, Ireland." Why was the old cemetery so far from what was then the city of Fall River? John Burke

Pontiff Expresses Esteem for Gandhi VATICAN CITY (NC) - On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, Pope Paul VI described him as a man who' was "ev.er: conscious of God's presence, espedally in times ,of difficulty.:' Pope Paul's words of esteem for the great leader 'of India came in a letter, written in' English to India's President Varahagiri Venkah Girl. The Pope said India is "rightfully proud" ofa man like Gandhi whose influence will continue to be felt throughout. the world.

'f} \

I. \.





THE ANCHOR-:Thurs., 'Oct. 9, 1969


Stresses Da nger In Viet Situation VATICAN CITY (NC) - The recent exchange of statements on Vietnam in the United Nations between President Nixon and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko "said nothing new, and therein lies a danger for the future.." the Vatican City weekly said.. President Nixon, appearing before the UN General Assembly, appealed to member countries for diplomatic assistance in bringing the Vietnam war to an end. Gromyko, addressing the assembly, ignored President Nixon's appeal, declaring that the U. S. cannot win its goal in Vietnam "because its cause is unjust." The Vatican City weekly, L'Osservatore della Domenica, said editorially that the danger in Vietnam i!; that the situation may deteriorate. "After escalation, the U.S.A. has backed down and is still doing so, making concessions whose importance cannot be denied by anyone in good faith," L'Osservatore della Domenica said. "The intransigence (of the Soviet路 Union) shown toward this tangible desire for peace, apart from the prolonging of human sufferings of millions of South and North Vietnamese, seems to imply * 禄 ... the determination to defeat, the U.S.A. politically. It is not very probable that, faced with these pressures, the Americans would end by giving in. To believe It would mean not knowing them well."

Rumanian Prelate To Attend Synod

OLD RUGGED CROSS: John Burke, former worker at St. Mary's Cemetery, Amity Street, Fall River, now in' .charge of maintenance at Bishop's residence, examines old grave marker. Cemetery, unused for nearly 50 years, is still kept in top condition.

BONN (NC) - For the first time, the Rumanian government has granted permission for Bishop Aaron Marton of Alba Julia to leave the country, according to the German Catholic news agency KNA. The permission was granted to 'enable the bishop to attend the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October. Bishop Marton had been a prisoner of the Rumanian communist regime for nearly 20 years, until 1967, when restrictions on his ministry as a bishop were lifted in a softening of the government's attitude toward the Church.

has a simple explanation. "Fall origin is a fourth city cemetery, River is a hard place to dig." In Notre Dame, noteworthy for its 1840, when church authorities beautiful trees and avenues. purchased land for the cemetery, It may be true that no one blasting ledge wasn't the simple can' be positive just who is matter it is today. They doubt- buried in St. Mary's or in the ELECTRICAL less sought a site where digging older sections of the other cemContradors graves would be reasonably eteries, but Fall River Catholics easy. can be sure their dead are revIn 1850 ,land for a second erently cared for under direction Catholic Cementery was ac- of Msgr. William H. Harrington quired on Brightman Street. for, St. Mary's, St. John's and .The new burial ground was St. Patrick's and of Rev. Lucien named for St. John. There are Madore for Notre Dame. still five or six burials a year A weathered wooden cross there, said Mrs. Wordell, but only for those holding lots. No still erect in St. Mary's Cemetery symbolizes this care. new sites are available. Through decades it's stood, 944 County St. Land for St. Patrick's Ceme- . seeming to say in its steadfastNew Bedford tery was purchased in' 1876, ness, "I do not forget." said Mrs. Wordell. Its 103 acres should serve area Catholics for many years to come, she noted. Mainly for Catholics of French ON CAPE COD

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ,


The Parish Parade

Oct. 9, 1,969 1

De Gramont's 'The· F'rench'

Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, fl. O. Box 7,' Fall River

Bulky, Highly UnpalcJtabl~



" By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy : When a couple of years ago, a celebr~ted ~renc~ re~t­ aurant was sharply downgraded by the M1chehn gUider 1ts chef shot himself. What suddenly went wrong with the restaurant? Had a souffle fallen? Had a sauce 'curdled? Was a bottle of clouded wine in his jUdgme!1t is 'served? No specific fault was fidence shaken. And hE: is frequ~ntly instanced. But plenty of spe- so prolix and dull that one ~inds cific faults can be found with the book a trial fmd a bore. :


Sinking O!r Titanic 1 Sanche de Gramont's bulky, A disaster of another sort is crassly mixed, and often highly the subject of Geoffrey Mar~us's unpalatable The The Maiden Voyage (Vi,king French (Putnam, Press, 625 Madison Ave., ;New 200 Madison York N. Y. 10022. $8.95)., Mr. Ave., New York, Mardus 'is wr.i~ing about: the N. Y. 10016. . sinking of the st,eamship Titanic $7,95). The inin 1912, one of the ,worst l~sses spiration of this in Maritime history. , abortive w 0 r k The Titanic was, half a cenundoubttury ago, the last word in luxuedly came from rious passenger ships. The White Luigi Barzini's 'Star Line had fashioned it for The Italians. the comfort of the ulti'aLrich But that is the Americans who virtually comonly link between the two. BarzlDl s book muted across the Atlantic. 1 But was shrewd, sagacious, and safety had to bE! scanted in its design, and was to be ignored in witty. De Gramont's is pretentious, its operation during the only , ill-proportioned, and smart- voyage it ever made. It was in ,the hand of an exalecky. Again and again, it not merely slips, but deliberately perienced captl,lin,' but he was bellyflops, into bad taste. Now under secret pressure to make attempting to .. be sophisticated, the trip in record speed. Be~ides, now to be earthy, it succeeds the boast was made that, the ship could not be sunk. 'iGod only in being smutty. , Mr. de Gramont is French. himself could not sink this srip." Some of his' education was ob- someone, said. That presumption tained in the United States, and led to the neglec1s of c~ution: and he has done writing for Ameri- of elementary precautIOns. ~ can newspapers and magazines. Warnings Ignored I He now lives in Tangier. It Thus as the liner steamed might be suppos~d that he ~s toward' New York,- other ships well qualified to interpret hiS sent out warnings, by radio itelecountrymen to the American graph, of the presence of an icereader, and this proves to be ,field in its path. Some of ~hese true in part. warnings were never relayed He is provocative i~ suggest- from tIle Titanic's wireless opering that the French represent ator to the bridge. Those ~hich not an ethnic unity but an his- were forwarded were taken torical aggregate. He stresses lightly. The lookout in' the the importance, for the French, crow's nest had' no binoc~lars. of theory and form. For them, No extra watch was poste~. better a wrong theory than In consequence, there was, a none, he says, and an established collision with an iceberg. Some way of doing everything is es- of the vaunted features of the sential. The influence of Des- ship proved illusory: for e~am­ . cartes he sees as all-pervasive pie, 'the watertight compartand continuous:" ments were not watertigM at He pays both respectful and all. A 300-foot g,ash doome4 the debunking attention to French ship. It sank in about two h?urs. 'cuisine, with an aside to the More -than 1,500, persons', pereffect that "Protestant'countries, ished. About 700 were take~ Qff with their puritanism and kind· in lifeboats. There were i not ness' to animals, have shown nearly enough of such craft,. No themselves incapable of develop- 'lifeboat drill for the passeqgers i~g a great cuisine." had been held, and the crew! was completely unfamiliar' with: the Frequently Dull Are the French misers? He boats. Some heroism was ,demmakes no such charges but de- onstrated, but more ineptitude clares "that the most perfect and irresponsibility. ' misers tend, ,to be French... , The There' was a" Senate inq'uiry. French state,' he says; is unique: in this country,' and a' British in its control of socnety, and it Official Inquiry. Neither i prois possible, in his view,~o regard duced the whole 'truth, and the France as a police state. latter may jusily be regar9~d as He holds that "there has never a whitewash' of the owners. been a French Revolution," and However, some' reform ,ev~ntu­ lengthily develops this, startling ated, and a repetition of a; disthought. Not much is left of aster attributable >,to arrogance French education or the French and greed was avoided. 'i press when he gets through Farewell to Football " mincing them. The Green Bay Packers had a His allusions to religion as a 'spectacularly' successful se'ason' force in France are few and in 1967, ',followed by a miserable glancing. He offers no analysis one in 1968. The difference may of the history of the French' have been principally dU~ to Church and its impact on ,the Vince Lombardi's presence as history or people of France.. coach in 1967 'and his abSence Teilhard de Chardin. is never from that position in 1968. : mentioned; neither are Simone Jerry Kramer, formerly offenWeil, Jacques Maritain, or Fran- sive guard for the Packers, v}rote cois Mauriac. These are but a a delightful best selling book few of the names which come about the 1967' season, Instant casually to mind, and to which Replay. Now he offers a sort of there is no reference. sequel, mainly ,concerned 'with Perhaps much that Mr. de the 1968 season, Jerry Kramer's Gramont says is true but he Farewell to Football (World, tosses off so many qu.estionable 2231 W. llO St" Cleveland, O. pronouncements that one's con· 44102. $5.95). There is a precipi-

ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild' will meet at 7:45 tonight, with a film and discussion period on drug addiction to which parents and teenagers are invited, to begin at 8:45. ' i ·



Grape ~rowers Blast Chavez WASHINGTON (NC) -Cesar Chavez, his United Farm Work~ ers Organiz~ng Committee (UFWOC), ' 'and their' campaign against pesticide poisoning ,were charged with contriving an issue in an effort to "grab control of the nation's food production." California grape growers made the charge and other allegations during the second day of special hearings in the Senate Subcommittee on Migratory Labor. John G. Giumarra Jr., general counsel for Giumarra Vineyards Corporation~ Edison, Calif., said Chavez and UFWOC "have recklessly leveled the, false charge that the 'grape growers are poisoning the American people in a last ditch effort to buoy up their cause." Anthony A. Bianco Jr., representing Bianco Food Corporation, Delano, Calif., said California grape growers do not' use the chemical aldrin on grape crops as charged earlier by Chavez. Some tests have shown an aldrin residue on California grapes. But testing by the Food and Drug Administration has indicated no residue. Grapes purchased in a Washington supermarket showed , the presence of aldrin 180 times above human tolerance levels. These grapes' were purchased by UFWOC and taken to England Laboratories here for testing. Results of this analysis, according to Giumarra were "either in error, or '" '" '" the grapes were deliberately doctored by someone." '


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tous falling-off in volume, two, and one reason is Lombardi's absence from the foreground. Kramer has retired from foot· , ball because, at 33, he can no longer perform as once he could. In his last season, a decline in deftness 'and speed was noticeable. A comparable decline is evident in the new book. It is a plodding, circuitous affair, only ,occasionally as amusing as its predecessor consistently was. Lombardi Made Difference , It does have some merits. For . example, in reviewing 'his' life, Kramer discloses that he was a gangly, indifferently coordinated boy, who collected butterflies. He recites a grueSOJ;De catalogue of the accidents and injuries which he survied. He recalls the pre-Lombardi' days at Green Bay, when the team was lackadaisical and a habitual loser. He describ~s the difference which Lombardi made, the discipline he imposed, and the pride and team spirit which victory brought., With Lombardi self-removed from coaching, the emotional pitch subsided, defeats came one after another, and disaffection and bickering resulted.

ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, . SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne will meet at 8 Wednesday night, Oct. 15 in the church hall. A gift wrapping demonstration will be featured. ' The unit will sponsor a rummage sale from 10 to 5 Saturday, Oct. 18 at the hall. A white elephant table will be among attractions and coffee will be served. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will meet at 7:30 Monday night, Oct. 13 in the church hall. Miss Rita Pelletier will be hostess for a social hour to follow the busiriess session. Girl Scouts of the parish will hold their annual candlelight investiture ceremony at 7 tomor· row night in he church. Parishioners and parents are invited. ' OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER CYO members wjll sponsor a a potluck supper Wednesday night, Oct. 15. A 'pre-Advent malasada supper and dance will be held from 6 to 11 Saturday night, Nov. 15 in the parish hall. The Holy Name Society will be in charge of a turkey whist Saturday night, Nov. 22. ST. MARY, NORTH FAIRHAVEN Handmade Christmas gifts and decorations will be featured at a Jolly Holly Bazaar to be sponsored by p~rishioners in the church hall Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 8 and 9. Proceeds will be applied to the church .debt. Mrs. Leo Grenon and Mrs. Donald Brazil are chairmen, and a parish cookbook will be handled by Mrs. Matthew R. Hart. Refreshments and a supper will be in charge of Mrs. Lucien Dlugosiaski and Mrs. Stephen Gonet.

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will sponsor a fashion show at 7:30 tonight at the Coachmen restaurant, Tiverton. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY Mrs. Sali Shaker has been named chairlady for Community Affairs for the coming year. A whist party will be conducted .on Thursday night, Oct. 23 in the parish center under the leadership of Mrs. Romeo Verrier, Mrs: Anna McCarthy and Miss Faith Finnerty. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE Mrs. Irene Moniz is chairman ' of a whist party to be held in' the church hall at 8 Saturday night, Oct. 11. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The PTA will present its fifth annual potluck supper from 5 to 7 Saturday night, Oct. 18 in the school. Tickets may be ordered by calling telephone number 996-4659. The regulllr monthly meeting of the PTA will be held at 7:30, Sunday evening, Oct. 12 in the school basement., Plans for coming event will be discussed and a special talk will be given by one of the sisters.

NCCJ Announces Non-Fiction Award NEW YORK (NC) - "The Vatican Council and the Jews," by' Arthur Gilbert has' won' ail award from the National Conference of Christian and Jews (NCCJ) in the category' of nonfiction books for adults. The Mass' Media Brotherhood Awards, presented annl.!ally by NCCJ since 1934 for ,outstanding treatment of human relations themes, were announced by Dr. Sterling W. Brown, NCeJ president. Gilbert's books, published by World Publishing Company, 1968, is "an informative and fascinating narrative of the conciliar·debate during Vatican II fro", a Jewish Viewpoint, both ecumenical and critical in spirit. Many in-depth questions of both a historical .and theological nature 'are' 'raised that vitally concern both Christians and Jews," the award announcement said. \

" .... " .... III.. lllllm"lllUIl"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'UUlIU""llIU1l1ll1l11lllllllillllllllllllllllllll1111I,,,

Some may find, Kramer's protracted disquisition on .his business activities and his plans to be, a millionaire, ingenuous. To others this may seem at least. faintly unappealing. This reviewer feels that the man might have left well enough alone: the at· tempted instant replay of Instant' Replay does not come off.

CORREIA & SONS ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER • Television • Grocery • Appliances. Fruniture 104 Allen St.,' New Bedford 997-9354

Sacred Hearts Academy Parents To Present Book Fair Oct. 15 f'eaturing Melissa Mather

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 9,

Anglican Pr'elate Predicts Reunion

The Parents' Association of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will sponsor a book fair at 8 Wednesday night, Oct. 15 in the academy auditorium. It'll feature Melissa Mather, Vermont author of "One Summer in Between" and "Rough Road Home," and the mother of nine chil- for Feehan's Michael Zite, He's been named a National Merit dren. Tomorrow night the semi-finalist; he's student counsodalities of Jesus - Mary cil vice-president; and he's NaAcademy and Prevost High tional Honor Society president. School will sponsor an 8 o'clock Other student council officers dance in JMA's auditorium. at the Attleboro school: Dennis Taped music, will be by the Dolan, president; Kathy Donnel"Three Penny Opera" and there'll ly, recording secretary; 'Francine Fournier, corresponding secrealso be a light show. A giant poster covering an en- tary; Paul Graveline, treasurer. Other NHS leaders: Christine tire wall of Stang High School's cafeteria climaxed a subscription Kane, vice-president; Sue Marcampaign for Stangscript, news- quis, treasurer; G1aire Savary, paper for the North Dartmouth secretary. Twenty-five juniors school. The paper promises a have been accepted as provincial new look, including more stu- members and will join the 20 dent contributions, a literary seniors already on the inside. The Bishop Stang Band has as magazine of student-written material, and supplementary issues 'president Paul Caetano. Corrine to the traditional four issues Doyle is vice-president; and Paula Rousseau and Marie Deyearly. Juniors at Feehan High in At- nault are secretaries. Right now tleboro have been measured for members are busy with football their class rings, which they'll rhythms under direction of Al actually receive in April. In this Rainone. age of instant everything, why Flowers This Time are school rings the, exception? Where have all the flowers And Jesus-Mary seniors made gone? They're at Dominican their'last retreat as high school- Academy, which is following its ers this week at Our Lady of annual custom of giving colorFatima Retreat House, Manville, ful names to its intramural volR.I. That done, their thoughts leyball teams. One year they are turning to the traditional were various dog breeds, another freshman initiation, slated for year pro baseball teams, yet another they were candy bars. Wednesday night, Oct. 15. Freshmen have already been This year it's flowers and Sharon welcomed at SHA, where seniors Raposa and Elaine Lapointe head' sponsored a Baby Day, dressing the tulips; Betty' Ann Lacroix their "little sisters" in' baby and Kim Bessette choose Sweetclothes; and sophomores present- peas; Muriel Benoit and Celeste ed a coffee house program en- Doucette are with the Roses; and titled the "Sassafras Mush- Susan Giroux an,d Kelly Moore room." The agenda included gui- say that Daisies don't tell. Nine JMA girls were at a tar music, poetry, and refreshHealth Careers Recruitment ments. In charge were Brenda Daignault, class chairman, and Fair in Boston yesterday, explorDarlene Paul, heading the ar- ing various fields related to medicine. Fourteen students also rangements committee. toured Fall River's Truesdale Many Elections Hospital to get a view of hospital-oriented careers. Elections everywhere, and here Also at JMA, there was an are some results: the Folk Music open house for freshmen and Club at Dominican Academy, parents last weekend, with teachFall River, has as officers Susan ers on hand for consultation. Costa, president; Kathy Marino, Traditional Ribbon Day cerevice-president; Jackie Goyette, monies at Dominican saw freshsecretary-treasurer. Miss Cecile men receiving green ribbons, Levesque, DA '63, a former bi- sophomores gold and juniors red ology teacher at the academy, from Pat Leduc, school president. as editor of Newsette, the school Seniors class presidents Elaine will moderate the group. And al- Desrosiers and Gail Furtado so at DA it's Kathy Marino again conferred blue ribbons on their paper. Denise Arsenault is bus- classmates. Why those colors? Iness manager. Green is for hope; gold for wisStudent Council representa- dom; red for love;' and. blue for tives at SHA are Nancy Sullivan, loyalty. Ann-Marie Moniz and Janice DeJane Martin has been named Motta, seniors; Dale Sullivan, a National Merit semi-finalist Vicki Rezendes, juniprs;, Beverly at Holy Family High, New BedRaposa, Phyllis Troia, Mary ford. Classmate Mary Marshall Frances Logan, sophomores. received it letter of commendaFreshman elections will wait a tion. while until the new students Stang students heard a talk know each other better. on Junior Achievement, while And student council sercetary JMA girls yesterday were briefed at SHA is Susan Raposa. Tanny by Mrs. Carl Sector of Burbank Demetrius is treasurer. Hospital on nursing careers. At Jesus-Mary class presidents New Faculty are Muriel Lapointe, senior room Four new faculty members 9; Muriel Dumas, Junior room 14; Juliette Roy, sophomore room are getting acquainted with SHA 15; Carmen Amara, freshman girls. They're Ronald Coite, sciroom 5; and Joanne Valiquette, ence; Phillip Kaplan,. history; David Korenck, math; and Sister freshman room 7. Co-editors of Feehan's year- Mary Jean, business. And upcoming at SHA is the book, the Flashback, are Margaret Blythe and Richard An- annual school retreat, slated for tone. Aiding them are Donna Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. Rarus, Denise Tessier, Francine 22 and 23. Juniors are aiding Ouimet, Christine Kane, Fred Sister Theresa in preparing for Bolton and William Kaczowka. the event. SHA seniors are taking a All will travel to New York Thursday, Oct. 16 to attend the course in the humanities themed annual four day Columbia Scho- to "alienation" in all forms. Litlastic Press Yearbook conven- erature, music, history, drama tion. and art are being treated as And here's a special paragraph inter-related forms of expression.

17 1969

HONOR STUDENTS: National Merit semi-finalists at Bishop Stang High school, North Dartmouth are, from left, Shelia Dorgan, Leita Habib, Maureen Healy. '

Obscenity Hearin路gs S""preme Court Opinions Confuse Local Law Enforcement Officials .

LONDON (NC)-oThough he is confident that Anglican reunion with Rome is on the way, the 64-year-Old Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Michael Ramsey, said here he does not ex.pect to live to see it. . At a Westminster Abbey ceremony here noting his 40th year of ordination, Archbishop Ramsey said the failure of recent Anglican conventions to give the necessary 75 per cent majority to the scheme for reunion with the Methodists was a great disappointment to him. "I believe," hEl' said, "that the Church of England has a middle role to achieve unity with the non-Episcopal Churches and at' the same time reach out to Rome. "I have been trying under my own leadership to keep both these things in view. We have . been reaching out in both directions consistently." He said he hopes that the same Anglican-Methodist proposals "will come back before long. The fact that the Methodists accepted is a good sign." At the same time, he said he hesitated ,to regard Christian union as the paramount question facing the Church. The guilding principle should be the Church's witness to God.

TRENTON (NC)-The' amount would have to protect the right of obscene material coming into of a free press as well as the New Jersey is on the increase, a rights of individuals. joint legislative commission Both he and Calissi suggested studying the problem of obscen- that changes in the law could be ity was told at the first of a geared toward the protection of series of public hearings here. . children because the Supreme The testimony was given by Court has indicated that legislaDetective Arthur Magnusson of tion in this area would hold up Expect Translation the Essex County prosecutor's under constitutional scrutiny. office, who is on leave of abBefore holding its hearing, the Of Mass Ordinary sence from that position to work commission mailed a six-page WASHINGTON (NC) - The as chief investigator for the questionnaire to 1,000 selected International Committee on f:ncommi&sion. law enforcement officials, eduMagnusson said that he found cators, professional people and glish in the Liturgy (lCEL) has completed a translation of the that obscene material is now clergymen soliciting their revised Order of Mass, followavailable in all areas of the views. ing a meeting in London. state, whereas only a few years Release - of the text will be ago the market was mostly in delayed until Oct. 25, accordthe larger cities. Archdiocese Opens i'ng to a spokesman, to allow A number of other law enfor an additional meeting in forcement officials were among Immigration Office London, Oct. 17-19, at which those testifying at the first hearMIAMI (NC) - An Office of ing and most were of the opinion Immigration Service has been es- representatives of major Christhat U. S. Supreme Court opin- tablished in the Miami archdio- tian churches of the Englishions ,in the obscenity field have cese by Archbishop Coleman F. speaking world will attempt to confused local law enforcement Carroll to aid immigrants and achieve common translations of the Gloria, the Apostles' and officials to the point where they refugees. . Nicene Creeds, the Lord's do not take action against obFather David Punch, gradu- Prayer, the Sanctus, and the scenity. ate of Pope John XXIII Semi- Agnus Dei. However, both former Essex It is expected that this joint County prosecutor Brendan T. nary for delayed vocations in Byrne and Bergen County prose- Weston, a onetime foreign ser- meeting will ' produce texts cutor Guy W. Calissi said they , vice officer with the U. S. State which can be used at least exhad never personally come Department, has been named perimentally for several years across evidence linking criminal director. The' office has head- by churches which approve behavior to the perusal of por- quarters in Centro Hispano them. . Catolico, archdiocesan Spanish nography. Center here. Protect Children Msgr. Bryan O. Walsh, resetThey did say that the com-路 tlement director for the Migramiss(ion should consult social tion and Refugee Service in the scientists on the question to see archdiocese, said various Catho. if antisocial behavior does stem lic agencies in south Florida from such material. have been dealing with immigraByrne also testified that, al- tion problems' for years. though pornography might be "Sorite 3,000 cases' handled aimed at the young by publish- last year by the Cahtolic Welfare ers, it has been his experience Bureau," he explained, "were that most of those interested in concerned with the resettlement it are adults. He warned that of refugees within the archdioany legislation enacted as a re- cese, assistance in reuniting famsult of the commission's study ilies and many other types of immigration problems."

famous for QUALITY and SERVICE'!

Synod Information VIENNA (NC) - The Catholic faithful have a right to be fully informed concerning the proceedings and discussions of the Synod of. Bishops to be held in Rome beginning' Oct. II, Franziskus Cardinal Koenig of Vienna told Catholic journalists here. He advocated daily press conferences and said that spokesmen for the various language groups attending the synod should be permitted to pass on information of interest and significance to their respective peoples.

Antone S. Feno Jr. - DISPENSING OPTICIANPrescriptions for eye glll.8Ses filled, lenses duplicated. Frames repaired. 197 Bank St. (Comer Purchase) Fall River Tel. 678-0412 Hours: 9 - 5 Mon. - Fri. Sat. 9 - 3 Friday Eves by Appt. Closed Wed.



THE At-ICHORThurs., pet. 9, 1969

Cites Importance Of Foundatio~s To Education

Sister' of Mercy Offers Cond,~tioning Class 'To }fall River W ~men, Girls

Asks Nonpublic School Aid"

LANSING (NC).,.... A recommendation that the state pay up to 75 per cent of the salaries By Patricia McGowan of nonpublic school lay teachers instruct in secular subj~cts "Once I gave a con~itioning class in Boston. The members insisted they didn't 'who was included' in a far-reaching want games or 'easy' stuff,' just hard reducing exercises for two hours. Then they'd all reform of the Michigan public WASHINGTON (NC) The president of the Univer- ,go across the :;treet to soda shop and eat. banana. splits! " Sister ~ary O~en, RS.M. school system proposed, ,by 'Gov. that class. Partlcpants .10 her current ShmvastIcs, program William G. Milliken. sity of Notre Dame told the learned a lesson herself from i . The recommendation formed' Senate Finance Committee at Mt. St. Mary Acade~y, part'of the 20-page report of the here that. major private founda- Fall River, are supplied with "Governor's Commission on Edu-. . cational Reform which offered tions have proved to be a life- low-calorie fruit drinks :on line to the priv~te. sector of goals and 'detailed plans for educat~on, especially the premises. (toncern~ng higher 'achieving a "new educational the current question as to safety since .World' War II. structure" for the state. Gov. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, of artificially sWE!etented beyerMilliken established the commisC.S.C., urged Congress to take ages, she notes, "you'd have to sion to seek ways of equalizing steps to encourage further phil- drink about 12' quarts a day e d u c at ion a1 opportunities anthropy to .higher education to do yourself any harm.") throughout the state. A veteran of 18 years in the and to avoid any action which The report's chief recommenwould diminish the funds con- physical education field, Sister dation was to shift the burden Mary Owen has some 37 "mothtributed by foundations. . of school financing from the loFather Hesburgh .also ap- ers, daughters andgrandmothcal communities to the' state. It ers" enrolled in the Mt. St. Mary peared as a witness at. the said this would offset present foundation-related parts of the class, which meets from 7:15 to inequalities in educational opTax Reform Bill which passed 9 every Wednesday night in the portunity caused by differences academy gymnasium. the House of Representatives in the wealth of' the various A vigorous jogging period I belast August. school districts. gins _the program, which conIt also proposed state funding tinues with conditioning e*erAsks Rejection of teacher salaries~ the beginning Along with several other lead- cises, instruction in physical of experimental incentive profitness skills; novelty routines ers in' education, science, and grams for teachers, and the escommunity affairs, FlIIth'er Hes- arid games. From time to time, tablishment of state wide tests said Sister Mary Owen, there'll burgh said he favored provisions for children and standards. for spea~ers be lectures by qualified designed to curb any possible accountability in the quality' of abuses by foundations of their . on nut~ltion, sensible dieting and education. qonthe "fads and fallacies". tax-exempt status. But he asked The section of the report deal' Congress to reject a 7Y2 per nected with food. ing with state aid to nonpublic TUI May cent tax on the income of prischools asserted that "there is She expects the course, to vate foundations. a public stake in the plight Father. Hesburgh said such a continue through May and says of the non-public school." that new members will be weltax would be "in effect, a tax on Stanford and Johns Hopkins, comed throughout the year. iAlBishops Give Advice Vanderbilt and Memory, Notre though most partkipants hop~ to lose weight, she stresses 'that Dame and Denver and, indeed, there'll be no weighing-in ritual CONDITIONING CLASS: Enthusiastic Fall River women and On Civic Duties' on all the colleges and ·universi- , at the weekly sessions. If her stuLISBON (NC)-The Portuguese ties • • • which benefit from reg- dents follow her directives, how- girls are making like a rocking horse in ohe of their class exerbishops have stressed the indeular and substantial support." ever, it's pretty sure that .the cises under the direction of Sr. Mary Owen, RSM, head of the pendence of the Church in poliphysical educ.ation department at Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall Father Hesburgh said that in pounds will roll off. I tics and warned Catholics not to the 17 years he has been presiExercising, for instance, shQuld River. . call' on the" 'authority of the dent of Notre Dame one of his be done for an energetic 20 mingreatest preoccupations has been utes a day, she says. "If you lex- natural athletes should make al- for change's sake." She' not going Church to support candidates in upcoming parliamentary the financing of the university's ercise correctly, it costs you. lowances for poorer players, and to change her name, she said. the education, research and service something." She, warns that i no that most girls will cooperate in- "It's the name of my father and elec~ions when Christian pr,inciprograms. "The progress that one should try competing against this respect when it's pointed out my brother, and I want to keep pies are not involved. A statement issued by the my university has recorded • • • others. "If you can do an exer- to them that this is part of it." can be attributed in no small cise only once, and the next day Christianity. By any name, she's perform- Portuguese Bishops' Conference measure to the support of pri- can do' it twice, that's progtiess ing a service for area women stressed that "the mission of the I vate philanthropic foundations," for you." . "We're not in the business of and girls, to whom she says, Church is essentially religious" he stated. Women, says Sister Mary making champions, but develop- "I'll put you in condition, it's and "the fact that her apostolate is directed to all men demands Owen, are more apt to sttain ing skills," she states, saying up to you to stay there! " General Support the independence of the Church themselves keeping up with a that "no girl is hopeless athletiFather Hesburgh cited grants class routine tliEln are men. cally." from worldly powers." from the Carnegie, Ford and "Men seem to know their limitaInflation, Crime However, the bishops said, the From Milton, Mass., Sister Kellogg foundations. "In the' tions, but, women's pride doesn't laity are "immersed in tem'Mary Owen had no contacts with, ,Major Headaches case of Notre Dame," he' said, let them give up!" poral affairs" by the nature of was growing up. Sisters as she WASHINGTON (NC) - Infla- their vocation. "The application "the whole vision of what the She bolsters willpower by university might be has been telling her students that a dough- As a practice teacher from Posse tion and crime are two of the of fundamental principles is of startlingly, almost unbelievably, nut, for· instance, "costs" 400 School of Physical Education in , biggest headaches the Nixon Ad- special importance at this time altered by two $6 million match- calories and should be balanced Boston, she was sent to Mt. St. ministration has on the domestic when Christians are called to by 21 minutes of jogging for a Mary's, and met her first Sisters front. And this, the Capital ing Ford Foundation grants. fulfill their civic duty of voting," "With the incentive of these weight-watcher to come out of Mercy. From there she entered City, is topping the national av- their statement said. the community, and now, 20 : matching grants, between 1960 even. erage in both these fields. "Most people know what tI:iey years later, she's back at the and 1966, we were able to douThe cost of living in Washble or triple the money normally' should do," she admits, "but Mount. ington in August, '1969, was 6.3 contributed to the university. they need an incentive to do it." She's in moderate sympathy per cent above the figure for a There is no question in my mind She aims to supply that indm- with changes in the Church as a before. The national index that this gigantic str.ide forward tive in weekly doses. whole and in religious commu- year August was 5.6 per cent was made possible by the matchFor Siste':& nities in particular, but thinks for ing provision. ' Her fellow Sisters are inter- that some alterations are "change above the figure for a year ago. "Aside from what the grants ested in a conditioning cou~se, At the same time, it was rethemselves helped underwrite=:- too, said Sister'Mary Owen. For vealed that robberies in WashConstruct for example, the 13-story Notre them she plans a Sunday night See ,ington increased 46 per cent Dame Memorial Library - they session, to begin Oct. 12. Reliduring the first six months of 'Education Center have helped generate many mil- gious of all communities in the 365 NORTH FRONT STREET this year, while they increased DES MOINES (NC) The lions of dollars in support from Providence, and Fall River Dio17 per cent for the nation as a NEW BEDFORD friends; from corporations, and . ceses are invited to participate. board of education ,of the Des whole during the same peiiod. Sister Mary Owen is in charge Moines diocese announced that These are Federal. Bureau of even from other foundations." 992-5534 / of the physical edueation program a new educational complex, to Investigation figures. at Mt. St. Mary Academy and be known as the Dowling Edu'Fifth Quarter' was previously for 11 years Idi- cational Center, will be conST. LOUIS (NC)-A sort of rector of physical education for structed on a 55-acre tract in §!.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I11111111!:! "fifth quarter" for Catholics who the Providence Diocese. She feels West Des Moines purchased by ~ 'CLOSED COLUMBUS DAY ~ attend the Sunday football . that gym' teachers are in I a the diocese in 1966. games of the pro St. Louis Car~ uniquely good position to know Following guidelines of the dinals has been installed here. students and therefore hAve United States Catholic ConferAuxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Mc- many, valuable guidance and ence and the National Catholic Nicholas, pastor of the basilica counseling opportunities.' "We Edu'cational Association, which of S~. Louis King of France, an- see them in stress situations and have stressed the importance of nounced that 15 minutes after as they really are in daily Iif~." coordinated programs and an § ~ 'We'd Lose the end of home games there While they Last § equitable sharing of facilities § . I will be a Mass in the old catheShe emphatically doesn't be- tor the Confraternity of Chris- = dral for the convenience of the lieve that the game is everything. tian Doctrine arid adult educafans. He added fans also will "If winning a game meant ''in- tion as well as for the present have the opportunity of attend- juring a girl's self-respect, w¢'d Dowling Catholic high .school in ; UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN Tel. 997-9358 ing noon Mass at the ba,silica. lose the game." She feels that Des Moines. ' :il1II1I1I1I1II1II1II~IIII11I1I11I11I1I1I11I1I11I11I1I11I11I11I11I11I11UlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIllllIIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIi:: I


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Od. 9, 1969


Bob Jorge of New Bedford

Sparks Ale Outside Linebacking • Business Accoun ling Course Student In In addition to football, Jorge enjoys all sports, with emphasis on baseball. While in high school, Bob lettered in Doth the diamond and gridiron sports. An outfielder, the hl!sky flychaser was a leading Crimson hitter during his senior season, pacing his team to a winning year. The Yellow Jackets travel to Amherst Saturday for a battle with the tpugh Jeffs and once again the pressure will be on Number 62. "Amherst owns a very good option offense," said Salvucci in looking ahead, "And Jorge's ability to contain their outside game will be a vital factor in determining the outcome."

By Luke Sims

'Seekonk Hosts Somerset In ~~Must" Narry Loop Encounter


Bob Jorge is a give-andtake nian. Since Sept. 20, the 5-11, 195-pounder has followed that pattern to per-

fection. As a member of the American International College football· team, the New Bedford native has become well versed in the art of administering punishment. Since his sophomore year, last season, Jorge has learned to absorb pain as well. Linebackers on any football team must adapt themselves to such a formula. meeting as a title cont~st, there date preping for the "big one." Bob Jorge got his "training" is no doubt that it is a "must" The Warriors dropped their game for both clubs. opener 8-0 to Bishop Feehan of at New Bedford High School Coach Jim Sullivan, veteran Attleboro, a Bristol County where he was a standout lineNarry mentor, has a host of fine League power, and then stormed man for three varsity seasons. running backs ready to turn over Blue Hill Regional of Can- As a seIHor, he was named to loose against the optimistic See- ton 34-6 the following week. several All-Star teams and the konk eleven. Quarterback Tom . Coming off a 7-1-1 overall rec- following school semester enMcDermott, halfbacks Jeff Roth- ord and a second place tie in tered AIC on an athletic scholwell, Ed Ward and Joe Berube the Narry League with Somerset, arship. have been instrumental' in Coach in 1968, Coach Lafontaine boasts Jorge is the son of Manuel· Sullivan's offensive attack which a backfield to rival Somerset's. Jorge, 212 Harwich Street, New. has amassed 57 points in two All-Narry quarterback Paul Duf- Bedford and is a member of contests. But, the Raiders big fell, Ed Emond leading suburban St. Joseph Parish. Following his freshman seafullback Ray Kowalski is the boy scorer in '68 with 68 points, and that has to be stopped if the Mark Voorhees along with Jim son, Bob was elevated to the . Somerset express is going to be Souza, Wayne Garceau and Dave varsity squad as a defensive derailed. Soucy will give Raider defenders lineman. His playing' time was somewhat limited and for the While Somerset coasted to a plenty to worry about. better portion of the year, the sophomore spent his time Whaler's Fred Gomes' Scoring Leader watching 'the Yellow Ja~kets With both teams possessing completely dominating all oppo- struggle through a 3-4-1 campotent offensive attacks the bur- nents. The last victim, Boston paign. den will fall on the respective Tech, fell 40-8 as senior halfback /During the 1969 pre-season .,defen,siv.e .unjts. One.. close to..the Fred Gomes scored four times practice sessions, Jorge imscene says "a blocked punt, fum- to boost his season total to 50 pressed head Coach Gayton Salble recovery or intercepted pass points. vucci enough to be awarded a will turn the tide and eventually outside linebacking Powerhouse New Bedford will starting determine the victor." host' Taunton Saturday.' Coach berth. With most of the attention be- Charlie Benoit's Tigers lost a During the Yellow Jackets' ing focused on Somerset and close one to Bishop Feehan of opening game 46-7 victory over Seekonk, Coach Tony Day's Attleboro last week 20-14. th~ Coast Guard . Academy, Dighton-Rehoboth Falcons are Jorge was among the team leadThe contest will be New Bedwaiting in the wings ready to ford's first against a Bristol ers in tackles and sparked the strike. The Geen and Gold's aclinebacking corps which Salcomplishments to date have County League club this season. vucci had dubbed "his best in The Crimson and White will gone practically unnoticed. But, play five BCL teams this cam- a very long time." come the final two games of the The AIC mentor put the paign and enter the league offi,.season when the Falcons take cially next year. Only Feehan' pressure on Jorge when he on Somerset and Seekonk all and New Bedford Vocational are announced that "Bob's linebackthe noise may be coming out of not scheduled with the Whalers ing play, which includes playing Dighton. up on the line as a defensive end this season. The Regionals upset Dennisquite a few times, will be a Coach Paul O'Boy's Feehan Yatmouth 26-6 and then crushed major factor in determining Narry rival Old Rochester of Shamrocks will try to extend whether we can improve on last this winning streak to four Mattapoisett 44-6. They have year's record." displayed the most explosive at- games Saturday when they host winless Durfee High of Fall tack to come out of Dighton in years. Coach Day's club is fa- River. The highly touted Paro- Seek Improvement vored to roll over Blue Hills Re- . chials had their problems a week gional this Saturday in a non- ago against rev.italized Taunton, In Women's Status but appear too strong for injury league affair. . MAINZ (NC)-A new organiWhen one' speaks of explosive ridden Durfee. zation dedicated to seeking imAtteboro will be out' for its provement in the status of women offensive attacks the name Of New Bedford High has to be third win of the campaign in the Catholic Church has been mentioned. Coach Joe Betten- against no set backs when it en- established here in Germany. court's Whalers have scored 114 tertains New Bedford Vocational The new group is called Action points in three contests while in a league contest Saturday. Committee for the Responsible Cooperation of Women in the Stang and Coyle to Play Sunday Catholic Church. The general objective of the If tradition plays its part in Coyle was rolling over New Bed- committee is "the urgently nefootball Msgr. Coyle better be ford Vocational last Saturday cessary renewal of the Catholic ready Sunday. Coach Charlie night by a 34-15 count, Stang Church with regard to the evaluConnell will lead his Bishop was being shocked by Dart- ation and employment of womStang Spartans from Dartmouth mouth of the Capeway Confer- en." Group spokesmen said the to Taunton for battle with arch ence 27-7. organization believes that direcCoach Carlin Lynch's Dart- tives of the Second Vatican Counrival Coyle bent on repeating mouth lads with their impressive cil regarding women have not history. Since Bishop Stang entered victory are now the "kings of been carried out by the Church the County circuit eight years Slocum Road" and may be on to date. ago, it has never lost a football their way to shock a few' Capecontest to the Warriors. This way Conference opponents. The season, however, the Jim Lana- Indians will entertain Dennis- ham 25-0 last week will tangle defending champion gan cpached Warriors will enter Yarmouth Saturday. D-Y tied with the fray as favorites based on Fairhaven 6-6 in its league open- Bourne. In another league meeter Saturday last. ing Barnstable a 30-7 loser to performances to date. The premiere Conference clash Bourne a week ago, will be at The Lanaganmen are undefeated while Bishop S~ang is this weekend will take place at Wareham. Fairhaven will be at still looking for its first victory Falmouth where Lawrence High Mattapoisett to play Old Rochesof the young season. While of Falmouth who defeated Ware- ter in a non-league cont-est.

Narragansett Football League prognosticators are billing Saturday's clash between pre-season favorites Somerset and Seekonk as the circuit's "championship contest." Both clubs have performed well in their two non-league . encounters, and are primed and ready for the crucial 39-8 victory over Mansfield of the Hockomock League, SaturNarry opener. While it may day last, Coach Val Lafontaine's be premature to refer to the Warriors were spending an off

Plan Campaign For State Aid BOB JORGE

Last Saturday, the Yellow Jackets lost a 14-3 decision to a. strong Norwich eleven to even their record at 1-1. Jorge heads a list' of 33 underclassmen on the AIC roster which points to bigger and better things on the Springfield football scene in years to come. An accounting major, Bob is undecided about his post-college plans, but would like to continue in the field of athletics.

Critic Reports Book On Best Seller List SAN JUAN (NC) - A priest who was suspended by the Puerto Rican hierarchy for writing a book critical of the Church says the book now has hit the best seller list. Father Salvador Freixedo reports 39,200 copies have been sold and that 12,000 copies were sold in a single day.' The book,"My Church Sleeps," is critical of the Roman Curia, the hierarchy and certain doctrines and practices of the .Church. Father Freixedo left the Jesuits after serving in the society for 32 years. He was a coordinator of the lay apostolate and counsellor of the Young Christian Workers in the diocesan priesthood here prior to his suspension. "I do not exactly know what my future will be. I will leave for Miami and Venezuela soon, to talk on my book," Father Freixedo said.

ST. PETERSBURG (NC)-The Catholic bishops of Florida are planning a public relations and information program "designed to gain support for legislation which will aid parochial schools of the state. This disclosure came from Bishop Charles B. McLaughlin of St. Petersburg at an installation of Knights of Columbus ·officers here. The bishop emphasized all education in the country "is in crisis today, and Catholic education is no exception." He added "we should let our good friends and relatives in the community know What a serious crisis we are facing." "Let them know that we're ti'ying to hold the line, but the future looks very dim. Let them know that in the event we have to close our schools, that each and everyone of them will hlive to bear a part of the burden of the increased taxes (about $627 per child) that will come as a result of the increased cost .of education," he urged. "I can tell you that preparations are being made at this time for the consideration of some specific Jegislation in the state legislature this forthcoming session to aid our Catholic schools. I can also tell you that this legislation is substantial in character," he added.



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