.. •
:Help Spread 'Faith ','I an'! come as a light into the world, that all who believe in'Me may 110 longer live ill darkness" / St. John 12:,46 October 10. 1957
Plan $400,0,00 Parochial School in Mew Bedford
Beloved ill Christ: No one ever appreciates the light so much as those that sit -ill darkness. No Olle, tUlless perverted in mitid' alld heart, would choose darkness for light. It is not easy to have to grope about. It is sad II0t to see olle's way ahead. This is true, also, of darklless that affects the soul. No one lI'allfs it. It does not pay to be ignorallt. 1t is II0t good to live u;/{Ier a cloud of uncertainty. We all want to distinguish frin/{l f;'Qm foe, right· from W1"Ong. ,A nd for this we need the light of Ti'uth, - especially do we need Him Who is our Way alld a Light t9 our feet. That is wltY , St. lohl'- speaks of Our Blessed Lord as enlightening every one bominto this world. St. John also told of the Light shilling into da':klle>~.\· and the darkness not comprehending. There has never, perhaps, been mOre dependence on An Anchor of the Soul, S/lre and F/ftn - ST. PAUL light thall today. There has IIever been a wider diffusion of physical light. But there reI/win great areas of darkness, especially SIJirifllal darkness. Throughout the world. but especially ill Asia and Africa, a tremendous stmggle is Thursday, Oct. 10, 1951 fall River, Mass.' taking place for the souls of mell. Much of it is fought Mail Privil.~ .. Authorizod PRICE, 10c ill darklless for the reason that the powers of perversion V o. I 1, N O. 27 . Second Class .t Fall River. Mass. $4.00 per Yr. are bitterly active. It seems a pity that the Light of Christianity should burn dim in missionary lands for Wll/it of men alld women to hold aloft the torch of Truth. What poor economy it i,v to send supplies too little or too late to our missionaries. c. Each year at this time we appeal for help for those Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston will deliver that work in' fields afar. The response has always been the keynote address at the official opening of an intensive generolls. We hope and pray it continlle so. For the need house-to-house solicitation by 3,400 volunteer workers In grows daily for Light and Learnillg to dispel the clollds cast over mell',f minds on the ,lark contillent. the Greater New Sedford area for the first regional high Ollr Holy Father calls /IS all to answer this challellge. school bUllding, fund cam sents contributions of m'ore than In' a recent Encyclical,he tells us to take seriously our paign. $90.000 during the past week. respollsibility for the Faith that is in liS. "We exhort you:' The, Boston prelate will Memorials Phase speak to the volunteers on 'Th,e advance memorial gifts he writes, "to sllpport the expansion of the Chllrch ;;1 the Wednesday. Nov. 6 at St. An phase of the regional high llchool world. MtlY it be .God's Will that the missionary spirit thony of Padua Church in New fund campaign gets underway to penetrate more deeply the hearts of priests, and 'inflame Bedford. the Most Rev. James L. day. Very Rev. Hugh A. Gal the hearts of the faithflli. This· spirit, animated by the Connolly. D,D., Bishop of Fall lagher, campaign moderator, an River. announced today as he re 'light of charity i~. in some way, the first prqof of our nounced today. ,Eight hundred ported the advance gifts to the men. representing the combined Love of God comllllmicating to ollr brethren the Faith school building fund riow total in memorial committees of the 30 we have received." participating parishes. will work excess of $300.000. This repre "We are not /lIwlI'are of the'/llIrdlless of present times. under the direction of Joseph P. Duchaine. The solicitors, mem Bllt what cOllld the missionary not do with the mOlley bers of parishes from Wareham that a Christiall spellds occasionally on pa~sing fancies~ , 'on"Cape Cod to Westport in Bris May every member of the faith, every family, every Chris Turn To Page Four tian community question itself on this point. Remember the generosity of Our Lord Who made Himself poor for your sakes, give that which is superfluous to YOllr needs, and even sometimes that which is necessary. The develop ment 0/ the missionary apostolate depends 0/1 your liber alt'ty." These, dearly beloved, are words of the Holy Father "It seems a pity that the •directed to me alld to yOIl. I beg you take them seriously, Light of Christianity should recognize a need, and do all you call through prayer and bUl'n dim in missionary sacrifice to help .brillg the light of true faith to, those that lan<;is for want of men and sit in darkness and the shadow of death. women to hold aloft the torch Let us Jlelp raise high the standard of the Cross in of Truth," the Mos,t Reverend , Bishop says in the Mission Sun which is light and life ,'and protection from all enemies. day letter to read at all Mass Let u.v help hearten Olir missionary men alld women who e$ in. all parishes of the Giocese have given Ul} all that the world holds dear to lift up their next Sunday. brethren in IIeed and direct their eyes to .~alvatiol1 coming A collection for the missions will be taken up in all diocesan f1"Om 011 high. Let liS give comfort to the heart of ollr Holy churches on Sunday, Oct. 20. Father by rallyillg through prayer and works to the help 0/ "Our Holy Father calls us all the missions. A nd may those whose eyes are glqddened by to answer this challenge," Bishop the light of truth and the promise of life reward lIS all by says in his pastoral . FOR THE PRESIDENT: Connolly letter. Referring to the recent their Christian lives. A scrapbook of pictures plea of the Holy Father.' Pope Believe me, with every best blessing.
Pius XII. "to support the expan and other data concerning, sion of, the Church in the World." Faith/ully yours in. Christ,
Salve"' Regina College in the Ordinary urges all to "help Newport, was presented to raise high the standard of' the Cross in which is light and Ufe President Dwight D. Eisen and protection from all enemies." hower as a souvenir of his "Let us hearten our missionary Newport visit. Sister Mary men and women who have given Mercedes is holding the book up all that the world holds dear Bishop of Fall River
Regional School Gifts, Now' Ate in Excess of $300,000
Ordinary" Makes Strong Appeal For Missions
sl:!,e compiled. NC Photo.,
. Tu.m. Til Page Sevellll
Plans for the construction of a ,new $400,000 school , bUilding with 12 classrooms for the Immaculate Concep-, , tion parish in New Bedford were announced today by Rev. A. Castelo Branco, pastor. The new two-story structure, which will eventually accommo date the needs of the parish chil dren for the first six grades. will be staffed by members of the Sisters of the Holy Nam~s of Jesus and Mary. Father Branco also announced today that the contract for the school, which will ,be the first in the history of the New Bedford parish. has been awarded to Theodore Loranger & Sons of New Bedford. The new building will include a kindergarten, general offices. visitors' parlor. a lounge for the faculty and a kitchen. Modern in every !lense of the word to meet the ever increasing demands of the parish's current educational requirements, the new plant will also include an auditorium which will care for social activities ot the youth of Tum To Page Eighteen
Regional CCD Group to Meet ' In Bri~geport Most Rev. Bishop James L. Connolly, D.D. and Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Diocesan Director of the Confrater-" nity of Christian Doctrine, will have active parts in the 11th an nual New England Regional Con gress of the Confraternity to be held tomorrow. &turday and Sunday 'at Bridgeport. General and special sessions, under the ausJ;lices of the arch bishops and bishops of the pro vinces of Hartford' and Boston, will be held in the new four-mil , lion-dollar Notre Dame of Bridge port Catholic High School. Every bishop in New England will IX\rticipate in -the program, theme of which 'is ';To restore all things in Christ.'~ Also taking part wlll be hundreds of lay delTurn To Page Thlrteelll
Church Observes
30·Year Mark
st. Casimir's parish in New Bedford is observing the 30th anniversary of its foundi'ng. Today. the parish has three times as many membe'rs as when it was established. But the zeal ous work ,of Rev. Joseph Sutula, pastor. and his curate, Rev. Cas Imir Kwiatkowski continue for the expansion of the parish and the salvation of souls. , The Most Reve.rend Bishop at tended a program marking the 30th anniversary exercises 011 Sunday. . The history and growth of the parish is probably best told in a pamphlet publlshed in connecTurD To li'age 'll'hB'ee
P:~GJnl Symposium
1iHf ANclHiori-' Thurn,. Oct'. 10. IS'S1
Orrdl~n@B'Y S@ys
fcaJDth.Answer T@ Problems SCRANTON (NC) - 'l'he Faith Is the only solution . to the problems of the world,
Archbishop John F. O'Hara,
, o
NOTRE DAME (NC) - "Ro man Catholicism and the AmerI can Way of Life" will be dis cussed by Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic scholars during a two day symp?sium at the .Unlversity of Notl:e Dame.
Fattier Thomas T. MCAvOY. C.S.C., head of the history de partmeut, said the symposium's purpose is "to examine the im pact of Catholicism on present day America and discuss some of the more important problems that have resulted from the ef forts of the CathoUc minority to live in the 20th century United states:" Dr. Will Herberg: professor of Judaic studies and social philos ophy at Drew University, Madl ·son, N.-J., will speak at the open ing sessioil on Oct. 18. Dr. Her b erg, Dr'. Wilhelm Pauck, professor of church his tory at ~the Union Theological Seminary, New York. and Father Francis Curran, S.:J., of Loyola. Seminary, Shrub Oak, N. Y., will analyze the, present position of religion in America. At the second session on Oct. 19 several aspects of Cathollcism in America will be explored. Par ticipating in this session will be Father ~. L. Bruckberger, O. P,.• of the Dominican House of Studies, Rivel= Forest, Ill., who will speak on "A European' View of American Catholics." Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom. executive director of the Catholio· Relief services - National Wel fare Conference, New York, will -give an address on "The Newer Cat h 0 Ii c Immigrations." Dr. Aaron 1. Abell, professor of His tory at Notre Dame, will talk on "Catholics and Social and Eco nomic Reform." Speakers ,at the final session will be Father Raymond Cour. C.S.C., assistant professor of· political science at Notre Dame; Father Joseph Fichter, S.J., head of the sociology department, Loy ola University of the §outh in New Orleans, and ,Dr. Jerome G. Kerwin. professor of political science, Univer;sity of Chicago.
C.S.c.• told more than 4,009 at tending a regional congress of _ the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. , The Archbishop of Phlladei phia, citing the growth of Catho lic education in his archdiocese. stressed the necessity of reacbing those. who 'are outside the Catholic faith. ' , .. Inspil'e All "We now have approximately 65 per cent of our Catholic chil dren in. gr!ides one to eight," he mtated. ~'We have upwards of 40 per cent of our Catholic· high. mchool students in C at h 0 11 0 rehools; and at least the 'physical eapacity and faCUlty' for 57 per cent of our Catholic college po tential in four-year'. Catholio
eolleges." ' ,
. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE STUDIES SCHOOL PLANS: , The Most Reverend 'Bish But he urged that Catholics in op (seateq) and Rt. Rev, Msgr. Albert Berube of st. Anthony of Padua 'Church, New fluence those who 'are not en rolled in Catholic schools and Bedford (second from right) inspect the floor plans Of the Greater New Bedford,region "those outside the Church 1:\8 al nigh school. standing, left to right, are Joseph P. Duchaine, Dr. Arthur F. Buck well." . "Our duty is to inspire all,;' he ley, Mitchell B. Ja~ial and John Correia de Mello. declared, "and enkindle in them
the apostolic zeal that is so need
'D_eceD1cy,'~atings" /FORTY .. HOURS 'ed In the world today.
DEVOTION Following is the uP,-to-date list . Oklahoma W0l1'lan' , . ! : "The darkness that' has de
acended upon mankind neecl,s the
of motion pictures rated by the Outlaw's Son .,. Oct. 13-8t. Roch, Fa1l River ]jght of Faith," he said, "t0801ve
St. John of God, E?onierset Le~ion of Decency of :Class A-'-. Parson and the Outlaw, the problems that engulf the
Secti011 II Morally Unobjection-' Pick Up Alley Oct. 20-St.' Hedwig, New world. There is no solution else
Bedford Quimtez'
able for Adults'- The Anchor ~Ug"..here than in 'the Faith;"
Our Lady of the Immacu-· ,gests that readers retain this lis,t. Restless Breed
. Parish Priest late Conception, The delegates took part in a
adding to it as new pictures are Ride Back
, Taunton three-day program designed to
l'at~d in succeeding issues.
Rock All Night
promqte CCD_ work on every
La'Salette, East Brewster, Abandon· Ship
Run of ,tfie Arrow
Affair to Remember
Oct· 27-St. Peter, Province Saint Joan
Biac!, Tent
Bishop Edward P. McManaman'
town of Erie' urged lay support, of the .
Break in the Circle
Sea Wife
at: Mich,ael, Fall River Seventh Sin
Brothers Rico
parish priest whom he called "the
St. Patrtck, Somerset She Creature
Careless Years
nlost devoted, hard-workIng and
She Played with Fire
hard-pressed individual on the
Nov'. 3-Notre- Dame, Fall American scene."
~ Cast a Dark Shadow
Sinner River Slaughter on Tenth Avenue' Chicago. Confidential
He said the parish school alone
St. Thomas More, Som China Gate
So Lovely~So Deadly is inadequate, in physical plant
erset Counterfeit Plan
Something ot Value
and teaching personnel, as a so
Dalton' Girls
Tall T .
lution of reaching the 122,000,000
, Death in SmaH Do~;t's
Taming Sutton's Gal
.oolI\mericans who 'are not Catholic. . Mass Ordo Desk Set
Time Limit
Quoting Pope St. Pius X, Bishop Tip on a Dead Jockey D. LFRIDAY~Maternity of the McManama_n said there is needed Dino 3: 10 to Yuma
Blessed Virgin Mal:Y. Double of "in each parish a group of lay Doctor at Large Treasure of Pancho ViiIa
men at the same time virtuous, 11 Class. White. Mass Propel'; Escapade Triple Deception
well-inst.ructed, determined and Gloria; Creed; Preface of Blessed Forty' Guns Troopel"Hook·
really apostolic. ~ Virgin. French They Are a F·unny Race Unearthly
Father Bertrand L. Gulnerich, SATURDAY - Mass of the From Hell It Came ' Unholy Wife
field representative of the Con _Fury at Showdown .Unknown Terror fraternity of Christine Doctrine '.Blessed Virgin for Saturday. Sim Fuzzy Pink Nightgown Vampire National Center, Washington, ple. 'White. Mass Propel'; Gloria; Voodoo Woman told student delegates their pri BOWLING - SKATING Second Collect. for Rain; Third .' Garment Jungle Gun Fever Way to the Gold mary goal should be to- prepare Collect for Peace; Preface of Special Arrangements For ,Hatful Of R~in Weapon, themselves for the teaching apos- Blessed Virgin. Helen Morgan Story Woman in a Dressing Oown , tolate on the parochial level. 'BANQUETS Hit and'Run
YOll1'!g Don't Cry SUNDAY-Eighteenth Sunday Retarded Children After Pentecost. Double., Green. "You are not to concern your Hold That Hypnotist
selves with a mere college parti 'Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Col-' Hot Rod Girl
cipation in Catholic Actiori," he lect St. Edward, King and Con HotRod Rumble
said, :'but to look upon any CCD fessor; creed; Preface of Trin Illegal
ity. . .... ~ctivity as a means of education. Interlude
Thus you will mold yourselves 11'011 Sheriff
MONDAY-St. Callistus I, Pope The' Gilly Catholic, College ill the Diocese oj Fall River into effective and apostolic in ailp Martyr.. Double. Red. Mass I've Lived Before
struments to be eventually placed Propel"; Gloria; Second Collect Joe Butterfly'
for Rain; Common Preface. In the hands of your pastors." Johnny Trouble
Sister St: Mary of the Mary Journey to Freedom
TUESDAY-St. Theresa, Vir -'W,ood . CollegeChlld Guidance gin. Double. White. Mass Propel'; . .Jungle B,eat Clinic outlined the difficulty in . Killer in the Wall
Gloria; Second Collect for Rain; volved in providing adequately Com~on Preface; , , Land Unknown'
trained catechists to· teach reli Lure 'of the Swamp
, WEDNESDAY St.-Hedwig, /ilion' to the mentally· retarded in Lust for Life
Widow. Simple. -White. .Mass public in1jtitutions. Midnight Story
-Propel'; Glolja;' Second Colie'ct "Only a relatively small pro Monte Carlo Story
for Rain; Third Collect for Peace; portion of the mentally retard .Common Preface. ;. ,: : Murder Reported
ed," she said, "are able to enjoy Naked Eye
THURSDAY ; St~ Margaret the happy privilege afforded by Mary Alacoque, Virgin. Double. a Catholic school .- and fewer White. Mass Propel'; Gloria; ~till have tl}e opportunity Of day Second Collect tor Rain; Com- ' training In Catholic education mon Preface. Systems. However .formidable the
and task; the overwhelming need Illf
these 'least ones' presents a l'eal
ehallimge. to· catechists."
legion @f
.iIt 1. 1, do
Johll'1l B•.
Visitors. Are Alwa}'s Welcome
. be !J/raid."
nWU&:D, CROSS· c;OMN\N'f: '
NO. ",nlllQU);
M.... ~UfACruU'.s or
...,. CRl:ICIFIXE-S ",."ARTIC::U::; ,)f DPJOTION
..~ O~'U'!tI!1l\fOILILr:. , ElA\lrcilelJ) fl-ellf)f}
. : .
eJ 18utldtng Fund Stonehill College MASSACHUSETTS, PHON'E CEdar' ,8-.n'21'" ,
Anniver$~rr~ Conlillued FrOM jt'a.g0 One· t10n with the anntvcrsary. It re ported: . "The majority of the older' pa rishioners of Saint CasImir's par Ish are familiar with the history of ~heir' c'llUl:ch. They remembel' the prcsent structure as at one time behlg a farmer's utility building, and the present rectory as once being occupied by the farmer and his famify. "For the' benefit of the newer members, a brief history of the parish may prove interesting. "In the year 1924, the Rev An drew S. P. Buj, pastol' of' Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, felt the need for a Ch:> pel in this vicinity for the Polish speaking people of his parish .and of Acushnet. ·"He therefore took the oppor tunity of procuring the two buildings ,mentioned above-and the adjacent land. and put in mo tion a plan to open a Chapel for their use. "The contract to remOdel the, utility building was awarded to MI'. S. Mogilnicki, .and the con version of the structure into the present Church was watched with Interest by all conccl'I1ed. "Finally, the day of comple tion al'l'ived and on a happy Sun day In May, 1925, the Sacrifice of the Mass was first offered In the new Chapel. "For two years, the Rev. A. Baj and his Curate the Rev. J. Czer wonka, served the little Mission, offering the Holy Sacrifice each Sunday, and visiting the parish Ioners in this section. "On October I, 19:!7, the Mis sion Chapel grew to the status o!' a Parish Church: now it would St. Casimir's Church, New Bedford have Its own Pastor, and the Rev. Wojclech Folt·:\ was appointed by His Excellency Bishop Daniel Feehan to be the first Parish Priest. TOLECO we) -A Catholic bility for a Catholic student at "The Reverend Folta searched the annals of the Polish Saints. student on a secular campus has tending a secular institution. "Attendance at non-Catholic and chose Saint Casimir as the an obligation to be an .active member of a Newman Club. ac institutions of learning can eas Patron of his new parish. cording to Bishop George J. ily constitute a threat to f·alth," "Thus, the t1)ird Polish spe,ak . said Bishop Rehring. "No one can Ing Roman Ca tholic Parish was Rehring of Toledo. The Bishop said that "every expose himself, or allow one de born in New Bedford exactly ane who attends e secular col pendent upon him to be exposed, thirty years zgo. . "It Is interesting to note that lege or university mllst keep in to such danger unless he has mind that he may· do so only valid reason for doing so and the census in 1928 shows seventy takes adequate precautions." eight families as being in the when he has valid reaSQ)1S ap proved by his pastor." parish of St. Casimir. . The Newman Club obligation, Mom(O)ns \(@ Vnsoi "Today. with three times as many, tile Parish Is steadily said the Bishop. i'5 shared by par ~\J',$~Melbel1: SIl1lrDI'\l~ growing and continuing in its ents and all who c·)rry responsi BEAUPRE mc) - More than work for the salvation of souls. three million pilgrims are ex "In the year 1930, the'Rev. S. and he began his duties in Feb pected to visit the world famous ruary 1956. Ryczek became Pastor and re "Tod,ay, the modest little . shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre mained until 1932 when he, was building of thirty years ago still here In Canada during 1958 when assigned to Our L·:\dv of Per petual Help Church • serves as a House of God for its the 300th anniversary of the founding of the shrine will be "On Oct. 5. 1932. exactly parishioners. But iri every pa twenty-five years ago, the Rev. rishioner's heart there is a dream observed. This estimate has been made Joseph Sutula was appointed the of a new and larger Church new Pastor of Saint Casimir's which will one day be raised to by Redemptorist Father Eugene and he has remained Its belove'ci the Glory of God and the honor Lefebvl'e, the shrine's director of pilgrimages, who also said he of Saint Casimir, and each pa P-astor ever since. expects half of the visitors w111 rishioner is striving diligently to "To assist In the ever increas come from the United States. Ing duties of this expanding wards this important goal. The observance will open May "May God bless their efforts, Parish the Rev. K. Kwiatkowski 4 and will continue through Oct. was assigned as its first curate. and fulfill their dream!" 12. The highlight of the pilgrim age season will be the July novena, starting July 17 and ending with the observance of the feast day of Ste. Anne July 26.'
Duty of College Student
Anthracite & l8itlllmDIl'il@US
Automatic CoaB Silol!teli'5 llSag CoaB - W«ll«lltdJ (harco~O
MEA 11~G
Oil Rey.
S. Kwiatkowska
Rev. Joseph F. SllItunRm
WY 6-8271-28-3
Says Catholicism Misrepresetnted Academically at Prin-ceton PRINCETON (NC) - Catholi Declaring that "57 per cent of the Catholic students at Prince cism Is "misrepresented academi cally" at Princeton University. ton since 1880 have becoffi0 the Catholic chaplain whose priv 'lapsed' Catholics," Father Hal ileges have been withdrawn ·by ton added that "false and in the university has charged here, competent teaching and ·textm Father Hugh Halton. O.P..; have contl:ibuted in part to the made the statement in a 28-page abandonment of religious persu reply to university officials who , asion." had stated he made "irresponsi Catholics l\Iissitlg ble attacks" on the faculty, "This is not a religious issue." administration and other Insti he stated. "It is a straightforward tutions. The chaplain is director of the challenge of professional compe tence to teach a university disci Aquinas Institute, Catholic stu dent center located near the pline. I am not concerned with university. ,Following the denial the fact that Princeton Univer of university privileges to Father sity has never permitted a Catho Halton by President Robert F. lic to teach In the department Goheen of Princeton. Bishop of religion. My complaint is not George W. Ahr of Trenton issued that Catholicism is not repre-' a statement in which he said sented religiously. but that it 1a Father Halton would continue to Intolerably misrepresented aca": . serve the Catholic students at demically." "The teaching of some' Prince Princeton. ton professors," Father Halton 'Lapsed' Catholics' Father Halton's answer to the continued. "is doing graver dis university action against'him was service to the religious and moral made In two sermons delivered at tradition of American democracy Masses In'the Aquinas Institute than all the writings of Karl Marx taken together . . . I am chapel. Increasingly convinced that all He declared:. "I have been excommunicated. that is necessary for the ultimate by the trustees and the president betrayal of God and Princeton w of Princeton University ... The that professors, who are by na central issue is simply this: May ture arid grace In the classical Princeton retain Its claim to the and Christian tradition, permit; the dogmatic secularists to create . liberal tradition, while attempt the spirit and the pollcy of Ing to suppress intelligent criti cism? In this context. shall the university educatijm." chaplain to the Catholic students be denied the right' to· expose false teaching and intolerable academic incompetence which has contributed to the staggering loss of faith among .the under graduates?"
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Hollywood inJEocus
·'·F ,.. '
.' S(;~{J)~~
.'.,,';' '1'~ :'.'
B~e~~~<clJ M@~he[( M~w 'B'e
.StWbject @f De Mine ~~~m lBy William H. Mooring
CeCil B. de Mille. is going to ~ollow "The Ten Com mandments" with another significant religious film.:' Wbether this is to come from the Old or New Testamerit, he must decide soon, probably before Christmas."A~76,;f. he 'told me last week , "it ) . '.' . ' ,':. . Apostle, St. Peter; a powerfully becomes a question of find character merely hint ing time and I must get. dramatic ed at in "Th~' .Robe." . started in the New Year." "The Life of David" is also' in Per hap s significantly, h~ de Mille's mind. Altbou~h _this planned to fly to Rome the next has been "smudged" In 'public day in keen an memory by Dai'ryl' Zanuck',s fun ticipation of an gous fiction. "David and ·Bath audience w i t'h sheba," de' Mille would be' un thecHoly Fath likely to l:epeat Zanuck's mis-' er. Paramount's takes. Many among the Holly::' i n t e mational wood "brass" \\'oufd prefer the l' e presentative. Old' to the New Testament, as de LUigi Luraschl, Mille himself ,has sometimes had' gone ahead seemed to .do. He is, however. a to make plans. Christian. He would (fare film the Mr. de Mille has often been great story of the Immaculate asked to re-film the Life of 'Christ which he did as "The Virgin and her Divine Son. And King of Kings" in 1927. This is today, Cecil B. de Mille could un still in circulation although new dertake 'this on a scale no one technical' advances in. color, else in Holly'wood might care to . try. sound and wide-screen prOJec The Buccaneer tion ensure that' he might now Before he packed' for Rome, repeat it with even. more' star tling impi'ovements than. "The Cecil B.-de·Mille· formally hand Ten Commandments'" showed ed over to "the boys," ,,'hat was to have been his next multl-mil over· his 1925 version. lion-dollar film. "The boys" are· "Queen of Queens". Several years ago de MlIIe told . Henry 'Wilcoxon,' star of "The me he had in mind a film about Crusades," more: recently cie the Blessed' Mother. "Queen of Mille's production aide. and An-' thony Quinn. double Oscar-win Queens" he would call it. ·He tac itly admitted that If he were to ning actor and de Mille's son-In . "play safe" for what Hollywood law. The film is "The Buccaneer," ca.lIs "universal appeal," he might have to soft-ped'll the dogma of spectacular stOl'y of Jean LaFitte and the Battle of Ne-iv Orleans. the Immaculate Conception. Un less he were to end his story with Wilcoxon will produce and Quinn the Crucifixion. or the Descent' will 'direct; foi· each a first and unusually big venture his of the HolY.Ghost upon the Apos . own. tles, he might also face contro On the Paramount studio set, versial hazards in the dogma of the Assumption. promulgated as Claire Bloom. using fake wine, "launched~' a realistic-looking pj . recently as 1950. . Any film for popular'IJl:es·en..· rate ship, off the New Orleans tation, 'in dealing with the' Life' water-front', while, with Yul and Works' of Our Lord would Brynner who plays .LaFitte, call for cii'cumspect reference to Charles Boyer. the film's Domini His D~vinity. In fact almost any que You, and Charles Heston, true religious stibj~ct. whether who portrays Andl'ew Jackson, I or not based on the Scriptures helped drink 'the rea) bottle of involves some controversial posSi~ Jean LaFitte's Muscatel. vintage bilities if aimed to· please Catho 1816. sent for the occasion by Roy lics, non-Catholics, Christians Alciatore of Antoine~s in New 01' nnd non-Christians. .Ie·alis. As Wilcoxon fl~ffed. we Today, however. Cecil B..de got only'u a thimbolic symbolful" Mille, always obstinately cour each but if the film is as good ageous in the face of controversy. YOU'll probably like It. Mr. de has less reason than he ever had Mille told' the party nothing to "play safe" as a means of en about his own plans; but made suring his "starting money." out he was merely passing "The Among the Paramount "money Buccaneer." as an opportunity, to bags", many who were scared out these younger men. Quietly he . of their- wits .by his prodigious admits he'll never again make outlay of $13.500;000 on "The Ten any but religious films; perhaps Commandments," have calmer only one. . , respect for his good. judgment since the film has already grossed QualifiC:aticns $30,000.000 "home to roost;" . Should lOedde Vote' nearly $1.000.000 of this from the small Stanley-Warner Theatre in BOSTON (NC) - "Sometimes Beverly Hills where it ended an I become upset when I hear that ll-month run still piaying to a ,Catholic should. not becoll)e SRO. President of the United. States. Will Please Himself The old maestro takes none of One's church has notbing to do the profits. His share goes to the with' it.. I don't' believe a Catholic de Mille Foundation for' event should vote for a, Catholic just ual endowment of cultural and because .he 'is one.'! . L' . . religious works. , . The observation ,'.came from This may have somecorinec Boston's ArchbishorF'Richard J:: , tion with taxes, It also indicates Cushing. \vhoalso"said he COn-: that Mr. de Mille is not looking . siders ·Sen.· John F. Kennedy of to his last. nor his next picture Massachusetts. a ".well equipped" ·for retirement money. He is too candidate for the presidency but experienced a showman to play added the Senator's religion recklessly. He will film what he should have nothing to do with .thinks Is "box-office." Still one his candidacy. senses about him at this stage a 'The prelate expressed his views cei't<tin urge to personal dedica in a: talk at the dedication of the tion. His Independence imd self-' new Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.• confidence persuade me that Memorial here. , .'. . ' . while looking for a;story.to piease The ArchbishoP declared 'there others he will settle for the 'one are many: \vho wish tb 'see: the most· pleasing to himself! What Senator: "aspire to the ·highest wlll this be? .
pOsition in this_ c91Antry."i·~e Early Life
said that a' votersh6uld cast his It could be a great film about ballot' for' a candid~te onttie Our Lord and His Blessed Moth basis of qualification. :He addeq: er. The early of Christ, His "I believe that pe'ople of all faiths. Boyhood FQmily experiences, think the same way'~ that 'reli even His early works have not gion has nothing to. do with ~ been overdone either on the man's holding· public office. screen or in books. . whether it .be the lowest or the , .Then there is Christ's First highest."
WORLD· MIGRATiON CONGRESS: At the Third International Catholic Migration Congress, held a~ Assisi, Italy, His Eminence Adeodato Giovanni Cardinal Piazza is shown gl;ee'ting the Japanese Ambassador to the Holy See, Senjin Tsuruoka. The 'Cardinal presided. over the Congress. Mr.James J. Norris of . l'{ew York is presi<;lent of' the In . ternational Catholic Migration Commission. NC Photo.
•. Continued from !Page One tol County, will 'offer parisj1ion ers in 30 parishes an opportunity to designate. memorials in t,he first regional high school which will be built at a cost of more than $2,000,000. The first of several contem plated .regional .high schools will' ·be consti'ucted in Dartmouth, close to ,the ::New Bedford city line. . lll,oting that the $300,OOO-mal:k had already been passed as the . result of only a relatively few donatlo'ns, Mr: Duchaine ex pressed complete confidence' in an o\,erwhelmingly successful memorial sollcitation. General Drive Later Mr." Duchaine pointed out that his group is working in advance of the official opening of the campaign. The general sollcita tion will be directed by Dr. Ar thur F. Buckley beg,lnni.ng Nov. 6 when Archbishop Cushing will "visit this diocese' to speak to the '3,400 volunteers at St. Anthony of Padua Church. All workers will be blessed by the Boston Arch :bishop as well as by Bishop Con nolly. The volunteers for the : general campaign will meet Tues day. Oct. 22 for instructions.
Again Notes Race Equality BALTIMORE (NC) - R.acial emphasized In modern America" because "the spirit of Indivldual- . discrimina:tion : must .be con demne,d as" a .sin against b,?~h ism alld of excessive Indeperid justice and charity, R~demptorist ence has produced in so many an Father Francis' J.. Connell said attitude of indifference t~wards the rights of othel's." here at th~ annual teachers' in "We have the sad example of stitute of .the Baltimore arch diocese. this in the deplorable unwilling Father Connell.. dean of· the ness of some Americans to give School of Sacl;ed Theology at the their fellow citizens their divine Catholic University of Amerlca'in. or civil rights merely because Washington; said that the virtue they are different i1'\ their racial of justice "should be frequently ancestry," he, added .
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THE ANCHOIJt nurs.• Oct. 10. '1951
James f. O'Neill APPRAISIER
Cardinal Sees End to Red Czech IJbllme
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CAR RUN BETTER At New Car Dealers.
Hospital tel! Benefit'
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NEW YORK (NC) - The 13th annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dlnnel' wlll be heid here Oct. 17, Francis Cardinal Spellman' has announced. Clare Boothe Luce wlll give the main address. Gov. Averell Har riman of New York and Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New York City will {Usa speak. Proceeds frOlil the dinner will be donated to the Alfred E. Smith Memoriai Hospital. which was dedicated here in 1951. It Is a Election of St. Vincent's Hospital of the City .of New York.
ADso complete 1B0ilcr-lBurllQr ()(/
In the Papal summer residence at Cas-' telgandolfo, near Rome, Pope Pius XII greets an African queen and her entourage. Stariding at the Pope's right is Paramount Chieftainess Amelia Mantsebo Seelso of Basutoland. At the pontiff's left is Sir Marcus Cheke, British Ambassador to the Holy See, who accompanied them. NC Photo. .
Christian Hermit St. Paul of Thebes was the first Chl"lstian hermit.
CHICAGO (NC) - Confidence in eventual freedom fOI' Red r!-'Ied Czechoslovakia was ex pressed by Samuel C 11 r din a 1 Stritch' on the 40th anniversary of the Na~lonal Alliance of Czech Catholics. Cardinal 'Stritch S:lid the pres ent dreadful period in Czecho slovakia wlll pass, and the nation· will rise again in freedom and In the Faith. as it has in the past.
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OJFICBAt NEWSPAPER Of THE DIOCESE OF ,/FAll. I,VE,I Published Weeklv IIv The Catholic PreSll of the DioceoCl o§ FeD L'tivor 410 Hilllhiand Avenue 17011 River. Mass. OSborne 5-7151 ; ' LlIUBLl5HER Most Rev. James L. Connolly. D.O.• Ph.D. CENERAL II.lANACER ASST. ClENIERAL MANACIER L'tev. Daniel F. Shlillloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Drlocoll MANACINC EDITOR Attorney Hugh I. Colden
Beginning a New Era The Russian accomplishment in launching the first man-made moon into the ionosphere Is a tr~ly magni ficent achievement. This is the beginning of anew era the opening up of new frontiers. The possibilities that the future holds out challenge the imagination. The prophets of, doom will, of course; immediately start making all sorts of dire predictions. Such state ments always ,find a ready audience, are,more believable than optimism, and endow the speaker with the authority of an expert. And yet the more healthy attitude is that Ihown by Pope Pius XI when' the waves of Nazism and ;d Fascism and. Communism were washng over Europe. Old as he was, and wise as he was to the teiTible cOIlBequences that would follow upon these, evils, the Pope could' yet say that he rejoiced to be living in such times·.when the challenge to CtJ.ristianity was so great. He was happy to The Yardstick be God's instrument at such a critical period of history. .' The present situation must be met with the same attitude. We should' rejoice to be living in,such a remark able age, when, in the providence of God, natural barriers are being pushed back and man is venturing farther and farther out into God's universe. ' _ By Father Dennis J. Geaney, O.S.B. Of course, the 'SOre spot in the whole affair is that the Russians have beaten us to the punch. They have Msgr. George G. Higgi1uis in Rome to attend the Second World scored a "first." And that is hard for Americans to take. Congress of the Lay Apostolate. He has asked Fr. Gea1lell to be his After the word of the satellite's launchIng was announced, "guest columnist" during his absence. Fr. Geanell fs the author 01 t·,~·" ,-'-<; ::t' stunned silence and then the inevitable cry II book,' YOlt Are N~t Your Own. He ~lso' writes lor several Cathollo fora, Congressional investigation. Our national pride magazines. h<,.., ,JJed 111H t. And foolishly so. ., Those-wno equate patriotism with "America has the. ,This year the Christian Family MovemenVs annual best and does everything first" have been taught a much program follows the form of a college catalogue. ,There needed lesson. The faith that many have put in American' are required topics for the bi-weekly meeting's and a choice know-how and technical achievement has received a blow. of electiv~s. I attended a GFM- parish meeting recently That is good. Maybe now we ~n start to show, others when 50 couples g'atheted tQ was pleasantly surprised to see what" America's claim to fame Is. Not material advan choose, the electives for the these suburbanites willing to face tag'es or scientific accomplishments but spiritual values. parish gro,ups. up without any urge to the prob Too long have we tried to compete with Communism on The require,d topics cov- lem of integration. High on the 't . I' t' • ered two areas, namely, the par tally' sheet were Exodus and Our· a rna ena I§ IC level.· Too long has· i~ been a race to se,e ' Ish and education. Four elec Obligation' to World Affairs. Our . ' Responsib1lity to the Aged drew who gives tge world a better r~frigerator or bigger super tlves were to be market. Now that we have been made a little more hum~ chosen from a
a small number of votes. Migrant ble about our achievements, we can start competing with total of 23. ,
Workers drew no votes ,as might Some we r'e be expected.' . the Russians on the, only level wher.e the strllggle will be Bee.red to rural
Rights of La.bor fought successfl,llly. Now we can talk about rights and com m u nitles
Most significant 'was the fact justice and human dignity and equality before God. These and others to
that Rights of Labor did not draw are our American heritage. These will do more to win the military per
a single vote in spite of the fact minds and hearts of men than any scientffic achievement. ~~1~1~ e ll:~n~~~ that the community is sust6ined I
Family Movement Ballots
Show 'Unionism Accepted
THI' ANCHOI:.. Thu..... Oct. 10. 19"
Weekly Calendar O( Feast Days
TODAY - St. Francis Borgia,
Confessor. Son of the Duke of
Gandia, a Grande!,! of S'pain, he
was born in 1510. While serving
at the court of Emperor Charles
V, he determined upon a religious
vocation and entered the Society of Jesus. He declined a Cardinal ate and became the third General of the Jesuits. He died at Ferrara in 1572,' fatigued from a missiQn he had been sent on by the Pope to enlist aid of Christian pri!1ces . when the Turks menaced Chris tendom. He was -canonized in 1671.
TOMORROW - Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast commemorates the divine motherhood of Mary. her dignity as Mother of God, and her spi ritual motherhood of men. It waD observed first in Portugal, Brazil and Algeria. It is the patronal feast of the Trinitarians. Poland celebrates the day as the Feast . of Mary, Queen of Poland. SATURDAY - 5S. Evagrius.
Priscian and Companions; Mar
tyrs. The date of their· martyr
dom is unknown, but they prob
.ably were put to death in'Syria. I SUNDAY - St.· Edwal'd of England, King-Confessor. Unex pectedly .raised to the throne of England at· the age' of '40, he ruled for 24 years. During this time. the country prospered. ruined churches were rebuilt, the weak lived in security. and for years afterwards men spoke of the "laws of the goOd St. Ed~ ward."· He died in 1066 and his remains'were enshrined in West minster Abbey. MONDAY - St. Gallistus I. Pope-Martyr. A Roman by birth. he succeeded St. Zephyrinus as Pope in 217. His five-year ponti ficate was marked by moderating .rigors of penitential d).scipline; repression of the Patripassians. Sabellians and other heretics. and the fixing of the Ember Day fasts. During an anti-Christian riot in 222 he .was thrown head long from the window of a high building and killed. He was buried in the Catacombs. TUESDAY - St. Teresa of • Avila, Virgin. As a child of seven she ran away from her home in Avila, Spain, 'noping to be mar tyred by the Moors. Brought home, she said: "I want to see God an'd I must die before I can see Him." She became a Carme lite nun and was entrusted With, the work of reforming the order. Without help, often misunder stood, she founded 32 convents and her reform spread all over the world. She died. on October 4.
by one of the most highly indus from Husband trialized areas in the country. Wife Relation pne might say that the headlines ships to Safe D.riving. I was par The head of the Church of England declared recently tlcu!arly pleased to notice that \ Go"ernor Faubus' has been get that everyone has a God-given right to sin, according to about a half dozen had a social ting stimulated the Integration vo\e. But the morning of the 1582. an NYNS news released dated September 24. So long as consciousness. orientation as op CFM election, the local paper WEDNESDAY - St. Hedwig. posed to a specifically domestic ~he individual decides to commit, an oflense against God' llnd religious approach. These carried a first page story of. the Widow. Daughter or' the ,Duke of and to face Divine jUdgment for it, the" law should'not were.: Integration, Exodus (the area's largest plant threatened Dalmatia, she was married to intrude, he said.' , 8uburbanite). Rights of Labor, by a stl'ike vote taken the day Henry, Duke of Silesia, to whom she bore six children. By mutual These words of Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of' Our Obligation to World Af previously. fairs, Migrant Workers, Respon con-' Any explanatiOn is mere consent. they separated later in Canterbury. according to the report, appeared In the Can alblllty to the Aged. jecture. To say that there were life to lead lives of greater per . (terbury "Diocesan Notes" as a commentary on a recently few union card holders at the fection. She spent the remainder Integration Problem completed government repprt, following a three year stUdy The election '. was conducted meeting is, not conclusive; for of her life in the convent of Treb of law on vice. We must agree with Dr. Fisher that crime after rna ture delibel' a tion in small that matter there are no Negroes nitz, near Cracow, where she and sin are not necessarily correlative terms, but·there our Broups. About 100 people had in the suburban part of the par lived under the rule of her four votes each. I was watching ish and yet the people wanted to daughter, Gertrude,· who was agr~ement ce,ases. . the tally with the interest (have do something about integration. Abbess. She died in 1242. As human beings we do have the power to sin. and on My own explanation is that the election nights as the' pre as descendants of Adam we have the inclination to sin. cincts report. What subjects do labor movement has done such an tee failed to hold my interest. But this does not mean that we have a right to sin, and. these suburbanites consider im ,excellent job that :people gener -The teamster scandals did not come as a surprise and we know certainly no such right is given us by God; for sin is an portant? One of the conclusions .ally'have accepted unions. No Longer an Issue the McClellan committee was not Whyte's Organization Man is offense against, and an insult to God. There.is here a of out to destroy the. labor move that the suburbanite is a national To put it negatively and mini confusion in terms that results in a confusion in the basic • type, so that the conclusions of mumly they are no longer consid ment. cOl1cept. \ On t\1e Sunday before Labor this group would have validity for ered a threat to the national Furthermore, we must take exception to his state similar groups in the same eco economy. This is quite amazing Day, I explained in my sermon nomic and religious situations in light of the fact that the that the enemies of labor are ment that law should in no way intrude upon one who has around the country. , papers have been filled with the within its own household. They decided to sin against GOd. Man maqe law 1s intended to Husband - Wife Relationships fabulous accounts .of Beck and are the Becks' and the union augment, implement, fulfill the Divine or Natural law. topped the list with 58 votes; the Hoffa-Dio intrigue. It seems members who by their 3.pethy Our legilllative' acts are meant to 'Rrotect the individual Fostering Vocations 48; Religious that people have learned to dis spawn the, :Becks. Ten years ago. ' , and to guarantee the common good. If in any way, even Instruction for Public School Stu tinguish the good guys from the I would not have given this ser b.ad guys· and no longer are they mon. Ten years ago, I was de negatively, they condone moral degradation or deteriora dents 47; Integration 37. The'se emotionally disturbed by tile fending the union's right to life were the winners. The others tion, they fail in ~heirpurpose. . descended gradually to Safe Drlv gangster elements in a few un against those outside the camp . The remarks as recorded seem so inconsistent with, ing which polled two. ions. - Th'ey do not want to and I was not going .to give am throw the baby out with the bath. munition to the enemy by wash As a crusader for greater so the mind of a religious leader that we feel he may have Unionism no longer seems to ing labol"s dirty laundry before cialawareness among Cathollcs been the victim of bad reporting. In the interest of right the public. Maybe the ·labor interested in how the flix be a crusading issue by those in thinking however, since the article received such wide Iin was movement should pray for ene this category would fare with side or outside the union move coverage, we deem it expedient to correct, not Dr. Fisher. this group of people. who fasci ment. I find it happening to mies. that is, pray that they never cease to have enemies. nate'every sociologist. Frankly I myself. The McClellan commit but the notion ascribed to him.
.Mistaken Notion
1* .
;, ,
Sage and Sand
Thu..... Oct.l0.1951
Catholic Background 'Shows Impact in Literary Field ' 0 By
Missions Continued from Page One to lift up their brethren in need
Rev. Robert J. ,Dwyer, D.D.
and direct their eyes to salvation coming from on high," Bishop Connolly exhorts the faithful of the diocese. "Let us give comfo\·t to the heart of the Holy Father by rallying through prayer and works to the help of the mis sions," the Bishop urges, as he recalls the words of the Supreme Pontiff that "the development of the missionary apostolate de pends on your liberality,"
Bishop of Reno
For the casual reader, a recurrent undertone of Ameri can biography is the fascination exerted by the Catholic Church over the minds of so many of our great and near great,. It would be ~ vastly absorbing task, manifestly al most impossible of fulfill- ----.--------=-- ment, to collect all the avail- in the American storehouse of able evidence. A legion of Ideas and ideals. drawn from pro omnivorous boo k w 0 r. m s fessedly non-Catholic sources, to snlght serve,' but nothing less.
dispose at once of the notion that Story of St. Rita . tho Church is, or ever has been, On Radio Sunday elUde some SUl.?rising compan- alil;!nto the national tradition. "Rita of. Cascla" will be pre tons arid contrasts. men and It is important to. remember sented by the Catholic TheatrEl women of the most diverse back- this background. this undertone, Guild of New Bedford at 7 Sun IU'Olll1ds and interests, for whom as we take up. now. a more di day night over WNBH. this point alone would establish rect. and positive dialog with YEARS IN THE MISSION: Six veteran missionWritten' by Ellen M. Gaughan, . American the smgle common denominator. the initial Protestantism. and e d i One ' j of_ a l'ies among 600 a tt en d'mg th e eighth annual meeting of a guild member, the play tells Q What ~~'C~~~~~~P~~~d I t dices against the c?hu~~c~~e:;~oi~- the mission-sending societies' in Washington, have 110 fascinating story of St. Rita Who, s no ed by her mor'e rabid itl i years of overseas mission work to their credl·t. Seated 1'" by her faith and love of God overcame the obstacles of an un
,cr cs, Ii <> Americans who have caught s o m e " gl.impse o~ the Church. often ;~~:i~~~e~a~e~~:ifs~:~~~~~:.~: Mother. Kevin! Superior, Franciscan Missionary Sisters fortunate marriage. the loss of
WIth amazmg clarity, and have can scene But hil it I d _ for Afl'lca, BrIghton, Mass., Maryknoll Sister Catherine her sons, ea~'ly widowhood and
t 11end Mauree . n, S·IS tEl' er Ise! MDt .., s andlng from left, Fat,her painful suffering to achieve th eII· WOI'k S 01. th ell'. words. It is, able that . she hw e t s un sainthood. ' of course beyond question that· , as no con 1'0 e Anthon K . i D" for any re~sonablY Intelligent and our li.terature, for pretty obvious y raJc • Ivme Word Missi oner, Filther Alfred ChristopheI' Best will direct tho ..' . Amel'lcan thought or fashioned Richard, U. S. Provincial, White Fathers and Father Ed • . production. elel t Aml.:lIcan. the Chmch our literature ,for pretty obvious ward G. Robinson. NC Photo. should be an obJect of interest. reasons, it is of .no little value to simply because she looms so . show that she has never been large upon the actual scene. Our Ignored. The continuous fasci refere~ce is to something more nation of her presence, the half MOVERS ~nllnedlate and personal than suppressed yearning f h SERVING ~ general ~terest. it is to an Im- beauty and her truth, Wh~~ l'U~~ Twenty-five colleges have been begin on the night of registra Fall River, Ne~ Bedford pact fOlceful enough to arrest like a silver thread throughout invited to attend a workshop on tion. the individual and 'even to pose. American life and letters, is a Cape Cod Area the teaching of exceptional chilThe fall session will run
alonsciously 01' unconsciously, a factor which deserves under-' dren Agent:
to be held at Stonehili Colthrough Dec. 9 and evening
question of choice. Against the standing and discerning empha lege, saturday. Oct~ 19. 'classes will be held from 7:45 to
AERO MAYFLOWE~ .d~mlnantly prote~tRnt backsis. It. is the reverse face of that Sponsored by Stonehill's unit 9:35 P.M. Btonehill will offer TRANSIT CO. aNC. glOund of the natIOnal culture coin of bigotry and contempt of the Confraternity of Christian courses on religion, English, e'd
it- emerges as a colorf~\l element which for so many-even amon~ Doctrine, the workshop will sum uootion, philosophy, speech. cur
Nation-wide MovClr£!
of revolt or of nostalgIa. ourselves-is the only known fa- up the teaching efforts of Stone- rent events and a finance forum.
WYman 3-0904 It Is bUl'led in a. mass of letters, cet. hill students who served as vol- The course on education, taught 304 Kempton St. New lSeiBiord published and unpublished, Only Vaguely Aware unteers at Myles Standish in by Oilman H. Campbell of Har
echoed In' endless conversations. The dialog is not and cannot Taunton over a period of years. vard UniversitY, is the only one
recorded and ulU'ecorded. The btl exclusively theological, for the browsing student of American persuasive reason that American In preparing Catholic children offered for credit.
literature comes across It in a Protestantism is by no means there foi' the reception of the Record Number thousand COiltexts, in an ever governed by theology. To suggest ,Sacraments of their faith, Stone (NC) -.:. With an
DUBUQUE hill volunteers leal'lled much widening and deepening stream. that it is primarily cultural is to It is there in the uneasy criticism indicate the enorm~lUsly wide about the most successful teach- , enrollment of 714, Clarke College of Jonathan Edwards, whose re range of its reference. It is to ing methods for the limited men for women in Iowa has the larg putation would have been forfeit point as well to the urgent need tal capacities involved and the est student group in its 112-year human need for affection deep NEW BEDFORD had he dared express it other for a broad prepara tion on the history. The enrollment is a 13 wise. With Irving it has grown part of the Catholic who would shown by the children. per cent increase over the 1956Other college students attend polite. almost admiring, and with enter into the dialog with any 57 student body. ' ing the all-day workshop will be
() the flowering of New England it hope of fruitful result. We cannot call upon American encouraged to pursue similar
becomes a major obsession. Longfellow could not leave it Protestantism to renounce its work in their areas.
Featured speaker wlil be Sister
alone; Hawthorne wrote The past utterly. What we can dois to ShQwnof the Sisters of St. Fran
Martie Fr,wn in a vain attempt show that even in~that past there to get it out of his system. Willa were hints of a homesickness that cis, who operate St. Coletta's School for Exceptional Children Cather Is perhaps too obvious an was far from pathological; rath in Hanover. A recognized au that it pointed to an unfulfill er, example, but what is one to make ' thority in this field, Sister Shawn
ment.a dissatisfaction, .of which 01 the fixation demonstrated by will explain the causes and char
the contemporary Southern the individuals who experienced acteristics SALES & SERVICE of the "Exceptional
it were only vaguely aware. yet school, headed up by that maver Child," the term preferred when
ick of genius. William Faulkner? which so strongly influenced referring to the mentally re
501 COUNTY ST. their work as to leave it unfin
.constant Factor tarded.
NEW BEDFORD ished. It is, to complete their
~ American political biography South • Sea Sts. The program will also include furnishes an amazing yield. work, to bring it out of the im a movie of the classes conducted WY 3.1751 'I'here is the Adams family, from passe of, disillusion, that the by Stonehlll students at Myles
Hyanni, Tel. HY 81 John Quincy down to Henry Church assumes their heritage. Standish. .
and Brooks, and there are out Adult Education cropping'. of the same ore in Catholicism Makes' The college Institute of Adult
men as antipathetic as Thomas Gains in Far East ' Education will open its Fall se
Benton and Judah Benjamin, mester evening sessions next
HONG KONG (NC) - Com William Seward and James G. munism and Asian nationalism Monc;:!ay. Registration for classes
Blaine. Nor is the strangely ijeg is scheduled between 7 P.M. and
have failed to hinder the remark lected field of American philo able progress of mission work in 9 P.M. the same evening. Classes
sopl~' void of Its glints. However the Far East during the past year. n wide of the mark were their ul According to the latest tally timate conclusions. it is' a mat of national. diocesan and parish REFRIGERAT~ON ter of plain record that Catholic statistics, there are now 30,502. ism plagued and haunted the 938 Catholics among the approxi Transcendentalists and was a mately 1,300.000.000 h,ilabltants constant factor in the thinking of the F\lr East. of men like William James and Nearly every country in Asia, 112 Acushnet Ave.
the leaders of the once-flourish with the exception of those un New Bedford
ing St Louis school. FRANCIII J. IOIEYRNIE AIUlHll\lll! JI. IDCl\lI:tn der communist domination, re It is easy enoug'h to 'say that it ported a substantial increase over Ius. Ph. WY_2·3089 363 SIE(O~/1) 511'.. IFAlLl ImVlElltq MASS. all came to nothing, that the im the previous year in the numoor lies. Ph. WY 4-8710 pact was not strong enough. that of converts and catechumens. the choice. if it was ever present .......,·"«,·,.·""'{'.w.·y'··'n·'· .-. • ••
~:.: ,~·.m '.,:~.~",.;;.~~;.•,,':._;~.,:: ..:.:.-.....,:,:..w:.~~;~':-";:,;:;~.;"'::':"-~2..•...:.:,~~~~~....:::..:::::::_:fi:.::::::'::: {, ...:~:~=~. ~d, nevel' quite got down to real\' 0,,'11 IFntn nn Love WUb Istic terms. That is to assume .1NI0IllMANIl)'5 OOINlIUl'1l'$ divine omniscience. The handful u of actual converts, or even of those who gave explicit expres W(Q)1i111Il> WIlDIE ilAV1E1l. SIEIllV~(1! sion to their experience of the Sgn:cU,OlUziIJllQj iiOl1 Church. was hardh' sufficient to rate more than a footnote in Wa have prices for aU Professor Vernon Parrington's magisterial sW'vey of the main ~3 (Jefu()~~Cl!l c:m Oea«!luDllSJ ~W'i~;Pteil'g &. lMatlll«ll:ztffll1l(!!J currents of our thought, but It 2:1 nUN n)!i - OP1IJlN IC \I' DJ:N n.lllGl) might be remarked that that was ALSO. AiR, STEAMSHIP ClUllV5IES AND 10Ul~S 1ft ,aliI' IDON1U'll' not what the Professor was in .. L?()r IIi"Jre0 IroUdeli'§ WIl'l1~ ();i' ~!lrn 586 Pleasant' St.
vrmalJlJlLII S SlIlIOll"S terested in. Nor is that quite all ~' 'VAlJ'ildVlke 4·969] 'II'«lII!.UD1I~@)D'Il UD1IIJ'il (Il.oibllblf) 290 ~"lllev mil/d. \l'VYl 4-4)1>84, New Bedford
there is to it. To say the least, 'I'll IhM.. ? mil/a. - W'lf '1'-0231 there is an abundance of materIal ~~::::J(~:::-:::::::]:::2"~::::;':~-~ ..~;._=::::J2:::::::~:::==-:~I:C=-~=::= ...:.; ~d the summing-up would In-
Stonehill to Conduct Workshop On Teaching Exceptional Children
A. D. McMULLEN, Inc.
Plumbing - Heating
At Our House
Educationot Children Is Parents Primary Duty l
!By Mary Tinley Daly , It wouldn't be qUitetruthflil to say that we're in a fever of anticipation over an upcoming PTA meeting ... on the other hand, it" isn't as bad as the story they tell of an expectant mother weepin'g profusely while the doctor --'----0---.---~- tries to console her.' "I 'don't mind having an- and· history," she said, "Check'to see that he has done those three." other baby," she's supposed She told 'of a child who stayed to have sobbed, "But I can't up for hours doing a whole page ,<
stand' the thought of ~ight more years of PTA!" Mat t e r of ,,~.:""W"""""'" fact, most par- ,." ,.,........ ents find a midole ground on the sub j e c t: The y realize that a meeting with school" auand thorities with other parIl)nts Is mutually belpful. \. Unless well .organized, howIl)ver, such a meeting presents possibilities of pitfalls: an educator who launches fortn on a long, dlctatoiial tirade, parents who make this their sole social event and prolong it ad infinitum, and~the lady who would air her own grievances . . . . "What This School Needs ..." "Georgie came home last Tuesday _ the day it rained, you know, and his cap and clothes _ were covered with mud _ but I'm getting ahead of ,my story. Anyway, Georgie came home and he said, 'Mummy' he said, ·the children in,that school are 'perf ., ect rowdies. These were his very w»l'ds, ladies and gentlemen,
'perfect rowdies.' Now, I don't mean to say that they were your children. he was talking about. But there are children in this IlChool ... I won't mention any names but I think you all know .whom I'm talking about. "Anyway, those 'boys took my fJon's cap and threw it over the fenc'e into the rectory yard. And
then they made him climb Hie fence to get it back, Over the fence, mind you, not walk through the gate. Why, a'eorgle might have fallen _ or, well, I1lmost anything. I think _ and my husband agrees with me, don't you, Fred - we think that what this school needs ... etc., de." ' Such was our memory of PTA meetings of the past, attended mostly by mothers and they were there only .qecause a prize was given to the class with the greatest proportion of long-suffering representation. PTA Has Changed Fortunately, nowadays; PTA's have' changed, reflecting the fiound judgment and realistic ap-' proach characteristic of today's young parents, as well as the cooperative open _ mindedness of forward-looking teachers. Concerted efforts of fathers, mothers and teachers result in a pooling of thinking on questions vital to I1ll. With the wide age!span in our family, we find ourselves bridges between the old and the new _ many of the young parents being contemporaries of our "old" chlldren and having tots In the early grades while our youngest is In the seventh. We are gratefully
aware of, the change. "
The careful planniI:\g of our present·organization was an eye opener. Rather than a I1elter skelter get-together, just to meet
and "discuss," those in charge
.had set a definite topic, secured B panel of authorities, each with a time limit, then opened' the meeting to questions.' The topic was "Study"-vague untll we .saw the objective ap-' proach. We learned from the IlChool's principal the difficulties caused by crowded classrooms, of the need of parental interest,. ex:' planation of assignment ~ooks. "]f your. child says he bas nomework In arithmetic, speIUng
of arithmetic, though the assign ment book, In the child's' own writing, had stated: "Page II, first row." ' Need Hand at Home One of the points taken up was the' invaluable study technique of separating the known from the unknown, with only a quick 're view. of the known and concen trated .study time devoted to the unknown. (How many times we have seen our children spend their whole time· and energy over familiar ground, hedging away from really digging In and mastering the new work that has been explained in class that day.) We didn't need a blueprint; nor d')'d the other '.pa)"en'ts, to show us that a certain directional 'hand at home during those homework ·hours could channel youthful and inexperienced efforts toward real progress In stUdy. Underlying the entire parent school relationship, and openly expressed, was the truth 'that It· is the parents' primary duty to educate their children: By no Dleans' abrogating their right, ' they simply delegate this author Ity, temporarily, to the school. No longer in vogue Is .the attl tude'. "H'ere' they al'e, S)·stel·. You
take over." Rather,)t Is, "Please,
Sister, help' us to educate our
This Is PTA, 1957 - a Home-
School program that Is meaning full '
Daughter-sof IsabeUClI Select New Of.fida,ls· Miss Martha Douglas of Hya cinth Circle, New Bedford was
elected president of Massachu
setts Past Regents Club, Daugh
ters of Isabella, at the organiza
tlon's Fall meeting and luncheon.
Other election results were as
Vice-president, Mrs. Lillian
Reilly, Benedict Circle, .No. At-
tleboro; Secr~tary, Mrs. Mary O'Sulllvan, Msgr. Francis X. Do Ian Circle, Dorchester; Treasurer, Mrs. Anna Sulllvan, Cardinal "Glbbons Circle, Taunton. .. SCribe, Mrs.· Marion Mullen, Assumption Circle, Fall 'Rivei'; Trustees, Mrs. Ellen Marcoux, De . Valera Circle, Newbufyport; Miss Sophie'Jurga, Sacred Heart Cir ele; Shirley; Mrs.' Cora:. Niquette, Alcazaba Circle, Attleboro. . Rev. Edwin Loew, chaplain, welcomed the members and gave an' inspirational talk to the gl·OUP.. National Director Miss Helen O'Donnell of Fitchburg gave an Informal talk on her recent tripto EUl-ope during which she rep resented the National Circle at the World Federation of Catholic girls and· young women In West Berlin.
Sister of Mercy.
Guest ,Spe~ker
Sister Mary" Verona, KS.M.• o .The first councll meeting of M,A., a mell}ber' of the faculty at .the season 1957,..58, New Bedford 'Mount St. Mary' Academy, Fail District Council of Cat h ~ ll'c River, will be guest speaker at . Women, was held Ip St. Anthony Youth Center, Mattapoisett; with Miss Kathn'n T. McCarthy, pres dent in charge. Miss McCarthy ,Introduced the following offic'ers: Vice President, Mrs .. Joseph Fer reira; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Homer Mandesville; Correspond ing Secretary, Mrs. Walter J. Gagnon, and Treasurer, Miss Lucille Benjamin, ' Committee chairmen include: Spiritual Development, Miss Lll llanRoss; FamilY-Parent Educa tlon,Mrs. Michael J. O'Leary; Youth, Mrs. Charles Dupont; Study Clubs, Mrs. James Mosher; Organizational,and Development, Miss Mary McGrath; Hospitallty, Miss Lenor Luiz; Ways' and Means, Mrs. George Collette and Publlclty" Mrs. Edward R. Po nlchtera. , . "To Know Christ as a Person," "Better Understanding of the Ma§s" and Proper Preparation for, Christmas," were t h r e e themes presented by Miss Ross for future discussion. • Mrs: O'Leary announced ·that
the Cathoiic Teachers' Institute t~ be held 0)1 Friday, Oct. 25 at holy holiday'customs of different
LaSalle Academy in Providence. nationalities would be discussed .
,. :Endeavoring to bring the latest at a future' date. An entertainment will be held trends in music teaching to the parochial schools, Sister Verona In the new Kennedy Memorial wlll speak on "Avenues to Music' Youth Center on Sunday, Oct. Education in' the P l' i mar y 27, the beginning of "Catholic Youth Week" was announced by Grades," . Sister Mary Verona has been the Youth Committee ChaIrman, 'teaching in Fall .River for the Mrs. Dupont. A "giant rally" will past 18 years both a.t St. Mary's end the district celebration. Diocesan President, Mrs. Em Cathedral School and at Mount St. Mary's A'cademy. A graduate mett P. Almond, Introduced by of Catholic Teachers' College In Miss McCarthy, stated that the Providence and of' the Catholic theme of organization this year would l1e"Healthier, Happier and University of America in Wash Holier Youth."
ington, D. C" she has been well Congratulations were extended
trained in music education as to the council by Very Rev. Hugh
was evidenced in the very suc cessful workshop in music skills A~ Gallagher, Moderator, for the splendid work done in the past which she conducted' in Provl four years. In his brief talk to' dence last Spring, At.present Sister Mary Verona the council, J!'atherG.a-llagher is In charge of the liturgical and asked for fUl'ther cooperation in IIchool music at Mount'St. Mary's the coming year alld stressed Academy and is th'e director and' the fact that, the acc'ent will be. on youth and education. '
Instructor of the aciuiemy or Miss Emily C. Perry, immediate chestra.
No. Att~eboll'oCirrde
Yo install Offic.en Banquet and instaVation of of- . ficers are slated for Tuesday, oct. 29 In .the Attleboro Falls School by the Daughters of Isabella, Benedict, Circle ,No. 61, North Attleboro. G~est speaker and entertain ment are planned.
past president, presented the moderator with it gift in behalf of. the outgolng board of direc tors.
. Mrs. Almond and Mrs. Joseph
Colllns, in charge of the social
hour were assisted by the follow-'
Ing hostesses: Mrs. Anthony De
Costa, Mrs.. David Furtado, Mrs.
William" Junler, Mrs.· Elizabeth
Pettey, Mrs. Allred Sylvia, Mrs.
Lena Texeira and Miss -Ann'
Mrs. CoJlete will head the com
mittee for the cake sale, sch~d uled Fl'lday, Oct. 25 in the Star Store.
Pr'oviderm(:e Writer
In New 'o$~tion _ NOTRE DAME (Nc> - Ap pointment of Barbara C. Jencks as Instructor in journalism at St. Mary's College for Women has been announced by Sister M. MadelevR, college president. She haB conducted a column. "Jottings" for the Providence V is ito r. dIocesan newspaper. which was syndicated In six other Cathollc papers. She is a native of Pawtucket. .. VieDIT' Apostolic
WINONA (NCl-Bishop-desig-' ~ate Alfred J.[. Stemper, a Mis sionary of the Sacred Heart, will be consecrated vicar apostollc 'of a South Pacific mission territory here in Minnesota on Oct. 28. A vicar apostolic has spiritual jurisdiction over a territory in a. missionary country which is not yet raised to the status of a. diocese. Generally, he enjoys faculties similar to those of resi dential bisliops in their own dioceses.
St. JllIJdle Novena EVERY 'II'H1URSDAy'AT 10 A.M.-12:10
50 75 100 100 25
U..5. Camems , .. .25 U;S. Comems , .' .75 U.S. Comems ... 1.50 U.S. Comems .', .2,50 Dif:. German . .. .50 Dif. Colombia Pic.... 50 0
A.M.-8:45 'A.M.-IO A.M.-12:10 P.M.
St. AFidhony Novena Every 'Fuesday at, 10 A.l\f. 12:10 P.J\.l!.-3 I!'.M.-5:10 P.M. 8 P.l\I.
Broadcast 'Fues.-WNBII 10 A.l\t. & W,4ILE 7:30 P.M. Wed. WSAR 7 P.M.
For FUlrt'lfIell" information ,and Novena !Booklets Please ·write to:
ST. LOUIS WOMEN'S GUUl.lO Illviles YOIl 10
Itladria: Drain & $ewer SerYlce
Broadca.st WSAR-8:45 P.M. DAILY MASSES-7 - ~.l\1.-8
, 7 11.'.1\·][.-8 P.M,'
266 NORTH FRONT S'll'. NEW BEDFORD WYman 2·5400
Wed:, Oct. 16 of '8:30 '- Sf: Louis Al!Jditorium FALL RIVER
Tickets 99 cents with
Steady Dating REMSEN (NC)-A ban against "going steady" has been put into. effect for students at two Iowa >Catholic' high schools. The .schools are St. Mary's High SChool here,'which has '192 students, and G e hIe n High School In nearby Le Mars, which has '170 pupils. Pupllswho violate the, rule adopted by the schools wlll be banned from school acti vities, honor societies and posi- , tions of leadership. . . .
Family ,Restaurant
111. 6 at The lNIarrows in North Westport
,,\Farsi!' @ffR{oll1ldl . .NEW YORK (NC) - Fordham University has instituted what 'Is belleved to be the first regular univerSity course for social work ers dealiJ18 with alcoholics.
New Bedford Council of· Catholic Women Plans Season Program
lMi\@~e ~ib'~ (lhla~!J Ask /For TlDem To(//o"
Sanctifying Grace in G~ves God~Like .Life
lI'iHIlI 6\N(IXl~Il '1I1hl1:7il•• @~l. U(]. U9)1
9 World
Union Hears Holy Father
Won1en's' Role in Church
FaU River Wonlen Outline CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) munlsm and is confused br "er
Woman's role in the Church and! ronoous" religious movemeut,'l. hel' apostolate must be based 0111 Follow Principles By F. J. Sheed Queen's Daughters of Fall Riv- . eo clean realization of the Chris Women's 0 I' g ani z a t ion El When we' come to die there Is only one question that er w111 conduct their annual tea tian idea of marria~e and the , throughout the world must strivll matters-have we sanctifying' grace In our souls? If We} and reception from 3 to 5 o'clock home, His Holiness Pope Plus xn to make even greater the accep Sunday afternoon, Oct. 20. at said here. have, then to heaven we shall g'O: there may be certain Bishop tance and recognition of woaren Stang Day Nursery. Pro Addressing 700 delegates to the _ in important positions, the Pope matters to be cleared, or cleansed, on the way: but to ceeds will be given to the SisterD 14th congress of the World Un declared. to aid in their work. heaven we shall g'o, for we ion of Catholic Women's Organi Catholic women should play Mother Yves de St. Jea~, who have the power to live there', it functioning, In the soul we ai has replaced Mother Mary Ber zations, the Pope said that the their parts in the professions and ready have: by it our intellect; t11e, will be formally welcomed 'by Church places woman on a high affairs of the world, the Pope If we have not, then to er plane than does most of mod continued. They cannot and must which exists to know truth, ie the Daughters. ern society; which tends to equa not elude them, but on the con heaven we cannot go; not given the power to know in a new Miss Gertrude Lynch, presi lize the position of woman with trary must assume their responsi dent, has appointed the follow because we lack the price of ad way; om' will, which exists to lovo that of man, especially in tho mission, but because Quite simply goodness, is given the power to 1ng committee chairmen for tho more materialistic aspects of 11fo, bilities in all these fields of a.c tion and face the requirements of affair: ' our soul lacks ' love in tI new way. such as industry and business. an effective apostolate. General· Chairman, Mrs . the powers that "Ma!1 and womal1.t;are the im .W orlt Begins on lEatth In all fields in which the Cath Charles E. Brady; hospitality, ages of God," he said, "and, ac living in heaven olic woman works-in the family We get the supernatural lifo Mrs. W. Arthur Leary; decora calls for. cording to their own role, aro as wife and mother, in the school here on earth. Not till we reach tions, Mrs. William E. White; ~o It is not a as teacher. as well as in legisla heaven will it enable us to seo nations, Miss Rose McDonald, persons equal in dignity and pos question of get God face to face and love Him Mrs. Daniel Shalloo" and Misrl' sess the same rights without one'll tive,. administl'ative and legal ting past the in the direct contact of the wiII. Julia Harrington; refreshments. bein~ able to maintain in any bodies and in international rela gate, but of lw tions-she must follow the rel~ ·But even on earth its elevatinff Mrs. Bel' n a l' d J. Mangione; way th~t woman is inferior,", ing once we are gious and moral principles 1110 ]fllesl of Wo'manhood work has begun; .it gives the in music, Miss ·Mildred V. Carroll.' there: the I' e tellect a new power °of t8klncr Ne1(ertheless, the Pope said, tated by the Chm'ch, thG Popa Friends of the White Sisters would be no ad hold of truth - by faith; it gives and of the Queen's Daughtero woman must submit herself to said. vantage in find the will new powers of reaching are invited. her husband, "as the Church does ing a Ie i n d I y out to. goodness _- by hope and Odober Devotions , to God," gate - keeper, by charity. Q "There is a close relationship At (@aaeg~ Gr.@tt@ Teen Age Daru:en willing to let us Faith, then. does not mean between woman and Christ," ho In anyhow! The powers of intel October devotions are celebrat stated, "which is clearly· con lect and wll1 that go with natural simply feefing that we believo GSverrn Exemption HOUMA (NC) - City authori firmed in 'several parts of Holy ed every night at 7:45, Sundav life are not sufficient: heaven more than We used to; hope doeD ties have granted minors attend Scripture and by the nature of through Friday, throughout the calls for powers of knowing and not mean simply feeling optimis ing the weekly Saturday night the Redemption itself.. , month at the Providence Collego lOVing higher than our nature of tic about our chances of salva dances at the' Knights of Colum The Pope referred to the Grotto. Hselfl1as, we need super-natmal tion; charity does not mean sim Very Rev. Robert J. Slav4n. life: and we must get It here upon ply f~eling pleased with God. All bus Clubhouse an exemption from Blessed Virgin Mary as the ideal O.P., preached at the servlco earth. To die lacking it means. three may have their effect on the 11 o'clock curfew laws - for of womanhood, "an ideal far su our feelings;' but they al'e not e period of 15 minutes after tho . perior to anything any other non Sunday night followinff the tra eternal failure. dance. Those attending' the Christian civilization can boast dional Dominican custom of We must look at Grace more feelings; they are wholly ·real. dances have un,til 11: 15 to be off of. She is the perfect ideal be blessing and distributinB' roses on Powers Are Facts, closely if we are to live our lives .the streets, thought to be just the Feast of the Rosary. cause of the bonds which linked Intelligently; . The super-natural life in our The service included recitation her to Christ," Two things about'it must be souls is a. new fact, 'as real as enough time to get home. of the Rosary led by Rev. ThomM A youngster on his way homo Three-JFold Mission llrrasped. the natural life we have to start The Pontiff stated that it io H. McBrien, O.P., colleffe chap with. The powers it gives aro who is called upon to. prove ho Above OU1' Nature at the Knights' dance will was necessary that catholic women lain, the blessing of the roses by First: It is supernatural, it is facts too, they enable us to do Rev. James M. Murphy, O.P., and Wholly above our nature, there is things which without them wo show an identifying ink stamp be completely dependent upon Benediction of the Most Blesset! on his hand. The new curfew "the infaIl1ble cus theChurch, could not do: they are as ·real a1l not even the tiniest seed of it in Sacrament celebrated by Rev. our nature capable of growing. eyesight, and considerablymoro law in this Louisiana community todian of supernatural revela Royal J. Gardner, O.P. The col for all under 17 years went into tion," there is nothing we can do to important. Without eyesight, WO '''Only through this completo lege Glee Club under the direc give it to ourselves. We can have could not see the material world. effect on Sept. 15. dependence," the Pope added, tion of Rev. Leo S. Cannon, 0.1"., it only as God gives it, and· He But witho.ut sanctifying grace we' "will 'Catholic women be able to sang at Benediction. Meat Permissible
should not be able to see God Is entirely free in the giving. enjoy the infinitely precious se That, as we have seen, is why it dlrect,~which is the very essencll On Saints Day
curity and give to all their actionm 18 called grace; and because its of living in, heaven. WASHINGTON (NC) - Tho the authority and stability of the Not only that: here brlow wo object is to wlite us with God, it Feast of All Saints, a holyday of Church, which does not ·in any should not be sharers of the di Is clilled sanctify}ng grace. vine life, sons of God, capable obligation, which falls on tho way suppress the fl:eedom and Second: Even the word super Jlatural does not convey how already of taking hold of God by first Friday of November will not initiative of her children, but on ly disciplines and. coordinates be a day of abstinence. faith and hope and charity, capa great a thing it is. It is not sim them for the good of the whole 'This was noted here' by MS/Ir. ble of meriting -increase of life. ply above our nature, 01' any created nature. It enables us to This increase of life must bo Edward G. RoelkeI', head of the Christian family," . The mission of women is do - at our own finite level, but realized; one can be more alive School of Canon law at th0 ..eally - something which only or less, and our life in heaven will Catholic University of America. threefold, he said. It consists of truth, love and feminine action. Banking Is Handier God Himself can do by nature: it dU'fer according to the intensity ChurCh law, he said, does not re mission, he continued, must enables us to see God dil·ect. That of faith and hope and charity· in quire abstinence on Sundays or This achieve a "Christian renovation" When You Use Our Is why It is called "a created om' souls when we come to die. holydays. On All Saints Day; ·Nov. I, of modern civ1l1zation, which 18 We shall go on to consider share in the Ufe of God," That Is why those who have it are these three virtues - in detail. commemoration is made of all threatened by such evils as comcalled "sons of God": a' son i1l Meanwhile concentrate upon one the. saints in heaven. Most of like in natm'e'to his father; by trl.\th ~ grace 18 not just a way them are not honored with spe this gift we have a totally new of saying that a soul is in God'o cial feastdays through the year. likeness to Our Father'in heaven. favor; it Is a real life, with ito +'_Il_'I_"_lI_l_tll_R~-eI2_Il'~'I_ Giving us this new IIfe, God own proper powers, living in the does not give us a new soul with soul; and he who has it is 'S Whether you want to make new faculties. He Inserts it, sets new man. deposits, take out savblgs AUTO & FURNITURE
or make mortgage pay "Wn IDJ whale of a drInk" UPHOLSTERING
ments yoU can do it by malI. This is just one of All kinds upholstering
1il Dl£lUCOOUS' FLAVORS m ~ !1 y . modern banking serVIces at THE OLD RED FABRICS BEST SINCE 1853 BANK, the bank that's al O. E. NERBONNE, Prop. , ways fIrst in service! Wii: DflLlVER
Plan Reception
1863 Purchase St. New Bedfordl 48 Center St., Hyannis .It-ID_=-I~_I_l:._.D-':--II_._.
Inc. ,
-Jacob Teser, Pres. & Trea9. WY 3-3222
LAYWOMEN'S RETREAT MEETJING: The first con ference west of the Rocky Mountains, An the 21-year .his tory of the National Laywomen's Retreat Movement, walJ held in Sacramento: Left to right are Mrs. George Olivap Mtlton,. Mass., national president, NLRM.; Bishop Jehu J. Wright of Worcester, Episcopal Advisor, and. Miss M8,rie 'Ho,rrls of ,Sacramento, gener.al chaIrman. More 'tlum.§OG women attend.ed the conferen.ce. Ne Ph@to.
.and! 9~6'265
Hiram Wheaton and' Sons, IneG 455 $CIHOOl SI• £411
f01l'5'it St.
01..40 *RI~D*
Fall RiI'el' Savings Bank ]4~
N. Ma.ill1l - faiR
HastoriansSay Probabilitie's Are' 1rG'O!i'®® ~@lr~yl?@!p>e~ W@rf~, Negr@e$ "Three Negro Popes" has re cently. l:ieen revived as a subject of discussion. A study of the mat ter reveals these ,interesting facts. 1) In recent times a respected Jesuit writer included. in a book. a chapter headed-"ThreeNegro PoP~S."
Thurs., Oct. 10, 1957
world for his learning and holi· ness," October 1951, issue of the Negro Digest (Chicago)' declared that .Qelasius condemned, the "Aca "at least three of ,the Popes were cian schism" of the Oriental Negroes," and that "they made Church, and defended the pre far-reaching decisions that still .rogatives of the Roman' See. It affect the 'present-day Church is said that he insisted on Com ahd its adherents. These three munion In both kinds. a move Negro popes directed the Catholic aimed at the Manicheal':.s who Church during some of the mQ.st regarded wine as an unlawful critical periods in' its history." drink and therefore abstained AspeCtal number of St. Au from the Eucharistic cup, gustine's Messenger, (January. Loyer of Poor' 1955) .official organ of the South Of his numerous llterary woi'ks " ern' Provln'ce of the Society of it is said that only six treatises the Divine Word, Bay St, Louis, aild about 60 letters are pre Miss., wl;lere a, sem~nary' for Ne served. They deal chiefly with ',groes is conducted;, devoted its .. Oriental affairs 'and ecclesiastical entire issue to, Catholic Negro 'discipHne. He' was' the author "of bishops, of the world. Under the :hymns. One treatise condemned'a heading: "W!il'e There Negro Roman 's'enator, Andromachus. Popes?" are included the, three 'who urged the re-establishment Bishops of Rome, African Popes of a licentious pagan' festival 'Victor, Melchiades and Gelasius. 'called Lupercalia. ' , Strong Probability In several of the letters, St. The article states: ,"We think Gelasius emphasized the SUPl'em· the question cannot be answered acy of the See of Pete;:. In writ with certainty, since the early ing to Emperor Anastasius, in Christians made nothing of color 494, he expounded the right re and there is no historical, record lation between' religious and sec· stating 'the racial origin of these ular authority, setting forth the vicars of Christ. It is possible superiori ty of th~ priestly to the that they could have' been des civil power. . 'cendants' of Roman or, other A lover of the poor, Pope Ge Latin immigrants who colonized lasius fed the hungry multitudes North Africa, but the opinion that flocked to Rome from the that' they were Negroes enjoys war-devastated provinces, thus equal proba,bility, since there'is averting a famine in the Eternal no record to disprove it," City. ' In describing the races of . One of the greatest in a cen North Africa, Webster's Interna_ tury of great popes, St. Gelasius tional Dictionary, under' the term died in November 496 and was "Hamites," refers', to Hamitic buried in the basilica of St, Peter. peoples - the Berbers, Fulah.
Tuaregs, Tibbu of the Sudan.
g9G!>O@G)l!2!>6) " ' ancient Egyptians and their de"; CEREMONY AT ST. DoivuNIC'S:. Rev. George, E. scendants, the Gallas and Soma- , lis of Ethiopia - 'as having the Sullivan, pastor of st. Dominic's Church, Swansea, blessed following physical characteris parishioners' automobiles at all Masses Sunday.' Altar boys are Robert Gillet cross bearer; John Gillet and John tics: "tall stature, often magni SUP~R ficent of _physique; dark-olive. Soares, aC,olytes. ' , " '
bronze or even black skin; wavy
hair, oval face with' well-formed the era of general persecution of a crypt in the cemetery of Calis
features, the nose often aquiline. the Church was ended by decree tus on the Via Appia. Among some,such as the Berbers, of emperor Constantine, in 313. Communiilil Rule At the request of Constantine, blond traits are not rare," St. Gelasius I, son of Valerius, According to ethnologists and, Melchiades conducted the trial from the standljoint'of historical of Bishop Caecilian who was , was born in Rome of an African anthropology' they are not pure charged by some 8S 'not being a , family. He reigi1ed as Pope from
races any longer, for they often valid bishop. The Pope upheld ,492 to 496, Although his pontifi ~-_ show admixtures of Negro and the election and consecl'ation' of cate lasted only five years, it is Negroid races. Caecilian as the true Bishop of One anthropologist, c011suited Cartha&e in Africa, In referring 'said by one contemporary that at Catholic University of Amer to his action in this trial, St. he, ·was "famous all over the ica, stated that "few Eamitics Augustine called Melchiades "a are pure at all in the sense that , great son of peace, a true father LET US, REMODel YOUR
they do not have Negro ancestry. of Christians." He is venerated as a ma1'tyr In the United States sense of the LAST YEAR'S HA r
New Bedfordls Only,
. '. ' term. certain Hamitic groups because of his many sufferings HATS MADE TO ORDER
must be classed as Negroes." during the persecution of Maxi' Authorized
mian. He died in 314, and it is WITH YOUR MATERrAL
Feas't and Latin CheYr.~let Dea'er St. Victor I, son of FeliX, was believed that he was buried in born in Africa. He reigned as 545 Mm'St., Pope from 189 to 199, During his , GUARANTEED \ 292 Earl'St. New Bedford, New Bedford pontificate a dispute arose in the i,oYo ilJI0111d1 RADDO WY' 7-9486 WY 3-6176 Church concerl1ing the mode of. determining the date of the, SfERVBCE Easter Feast. In a !lynod held in AUTO' RADIOS Rome, Pope Victor threateped Member R.T.T.G. the Asiatics with excommunIca tion if they persisted in celebrat ]AM~S -~o ing the feast on' the 14th of 46 MIDDLIE RD. /' Nis8,n, that is, the 14th day of ACUSHNIET WY 5-7548 the first moon after' the Spring' equinox. The result was the ob servance 'was fL\{ed for the Sun day following the 14th day" a , custom still observed.Victor is said to be the, first to use Latin in the celebration of the liturgy and made Latin the official language of the ehurch. _' Some authorities b~lieve he died Approved ,by a marty~', ~u)y 28,,199, ..apd w.as $Al~$ buried near the body of . the, , The. Most Rev. Jomes L. Connolly, apostle >Petel' in .the :Vatibin.! . , Bishop of Foil River . ,';:', Venerated as Martyr St. Melchiades ' ..:.. (sometimes" 21 Wilbur St. Tauntolll Spiritually Directed by
spelled Miltiades), all African by Rev. Edwcm! A. Oliveira,
Members will visit .Lourdes during birth was pope from 31,1 to 3i4. IPH VAN DYKE 2-0582 Diocesan Moderator
The Year of Jubilee-proclaim'ed by It wa~ d~rii1g his pontificate ,that L~gion of Mary
2) The greatest modern au thority on the subject highly commended this book: saying to 'the author, "I congratulate you :heartily," , 3) A writer in,a "Digest" arti cle used the same title: "Th'i'ee Negro, Popes," and asserted- that , "at least three of,the 'Popes were Negroes." , . 4) Correspondence' of the lead ing authority, 'noted above-an other priest-who' spent 'many years on research about Negro history and culture-aside from the commended book-in his own writings included the three popes , among his "Negro Saint,S." 5) An article in a' Catholic, religious magazine, in 1955, head ed "Were There Negi'o Popes?'" stated: "the opinion that they were 'Negroes enjoys . . . probability," Three ,Saints The Popes under discussion were very earlY popes-Victor I, Melchiades and Gelasius I, who reigned in-the 2nd, 4th and 5th centuries. They were historical and learned pontiffs - all three officially listed as saints. They contributed important and emi nently wise decisions and thought to the Church - some still in force today. They lived in a day when the early Christian Church, and the prevailing Roman Empire, which encompassed the whole known world, did not bother, to let 'our later' generations knowprecis.el:y about a man's color - White, yellow, brown or black; they seemed not to care about it, for· themselves or for posterity. This is a simple but well-known his torical fact. One writer on the subjec~ "Were There Negro' Popes?" states that "the question' cannot be answered with certainty." Others counter that the assertion cannot in any case be disproved. However, all catalogues of the pontiffs, issued from early times, ' Jist these three distinguished Pope - Saints as Africans. Two were born in Africa and the other was born in Rome of African parents. • Racial Bias Aside from the distinctio~ns made by anthropologists, ethno logists 'and other precisioilists, present-day scholars of the 'sub ject give us, almost unanimously, this general jui:lgment: If these three holy and learned Popes appeared today in certain' areas of the United States they would certainly find themselves subject . to racial bias, because of color. In his "Stories of Great Saints," (Paulist Press, New York, 1949) Jesuit Father Genild C. Treacy, now director. of Loy ola Ret1'eat House, Morristown, N. J., and former president of American Press, pictured and narrated the lives of the'''Three Negro Popes." He was encouraged and assist ed in his writings by one 'who is recognized as an ol,ltstand)ng authority on Negro history' 'and ' culture - Jesuit Father Arnold J. Garvy, former professor at 'Loyola University, Chicago. Fa ther Garvy, who died in 1950 at the age of 82, had, over a period of 20 years, compiled a vast amount of bibliographical mate rial on the Negro - some 25,000 cards with half Ii. million entries ' ' , - and thousands of periodicals, and' clippings. ' . Decisions Still Stand It has been ascertained that Father Treacy relied, in part, upon information collected by Father Garvy ami received a congratulatory letter from him. upon publication of his book. .. 1418 SO. MADINI sr.' IFAII.IL IltDVIEIll Another writer, John J. Reilly, Nelli to Corrigan's 1OD"lUlg Store OS '3·095 'j in an article headed: "Three Negro Popes." published in the DoO~O~~000800@OOOO@GOOOC
! i
East Tounton's , Food Shopping
t: R
«~ I~ N"1"
O~t ~nto '[3Q»RNER ~ SERVICE
the Holy Fother to commemorate
the lOath Anniversary of Our Lady's appearances toSt. Bernadette. leaving New York May 6, 19~8 for Naples, Rome, Nice, lyons, Paray-le-Monial, An, Seville, .lourdes, Lisbon and Fatima ••• 33 days ••• from $996. For complete information, contact
lE~lfl'RUEl§£ TmAVrelf. §~lmVRCE
378 Boylston Street, Boston 16,'Niass.-Commonwealth 6-5450 or at Filene's Travel Bureau '
Asserts Lawyers OMg hI' to She pe Ptld~~DC Opinion,
lab@tj" AgQ10froSfr DOi'9ger Of Power Shiffi' CcsMti"e@ImS
BASIN HARBOR (NC) 4'Lawyers are failing the na tion In their historic task of molding and leading pub lic opinion," 'the dean of the Bos ton College law school has told members of the Vermont Bar Association. , Jesuit Father Robed F. Drinan told the Vermont lawyers that the legal profession to 8 lament able' degree has become "8 force of reaction and Ineptitude." Father Drlnan said that all too frequently lawyers' organizations retreat Into sllimce in the face of grave new legal, problems like Juvenile delinquency, divorce and widespread obscene literature. He said that one of the most pressing problems confronting the legal profession Is the urg,ent need for more extensive research 1nto the law's newest problems. He blamed the small amount of money spent on the basic legal research as one of the principal reasons fl1r the failure of the legal profession to cope ·wlth some of society's most l}rgent problems. Inept and Clumsy "The law struggles with the problems of juvenile delinquency. mounting divorce rates and court calendars everywhere are con gested with' automobile accident (Cases," said Father Drinan:, "but the law is inept and clumsy be (Cause of the lack of adequate so'cio-legal research into prob lems new to the law." He said that the best and per haps the only method I)y which research required to modernize the law can be accomplished is by the establishment of a law center with adequate research facilities. The most promising place, he said. for such a research ceen tel' is in the law schools of the nation. "The legal profession, bar as I!ociations and law school alum ni," Father Drinan said, "owe it to the prestige of the law to which they have dedicated their lives 'to provide as rapidlY as possible centers where qualified researchers can unearth those statistics without which no work able Jaw can be' written or Im plemented."
first Time DUBUQUE (NC) - For the first time In the' history of the (Century-old Abbey of Our Lady of New Melleray two of the Trap pist monks have left the abbey for outside study. Fathers A mad e u s Cooper. O.C.S.O., and Bede Graham, O.C.S.O., have sailed from New York for Rome, Italy, to' start five-year courses in sacred scie ences at the Gregoria~ Univer ~ity.
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 10, 1957
SAN FRANCISCO (NCr -A new industrial relatioflS award has been establishedl by the Labor-Managf:tinent School of the University of San Francisco. Joseph F. Finnegan, director of 'the Federal Mediation and , Conciliation Service, Washington. was the first recipient of the st. John Francis Regis award. Presentation was made at a dinner marking the 10th anniver sary of the Labor-Management Scllo01 of the Jesuit institution. The award is given for leadership and statesmanship in the field of industrial relations. Workers Hemmed In Mr.. Finpegan, the main speak er'at the dinner, discussed "Union 'Bigness and the-Individual Work er." One of the far-reaching CANDIDATES IN ORDINATION RITE: Believed to be the largest class evel'i or changes within American 'labor dained at one time at the Catholic University' of America, 144 candidates for the has been a "general shift of pow priesthood were ordained to the diaconate in t.he National Shdn~ of the ~~maculate er ana control from the members to the leaders," he told the as Conception there. Auxiliary Bishop Philip M. Hannan of Washmgton offICIated. The sembly. group represented 17 'dioceses and 12 religious orders. NC Photo. "No one cail deny that this change calls for a thoughtful ap praisal of the' impact of this V@frD€:a~ tUrge~ ~lliJbWPort CC@t~@~i~ Prt'e~$ change upon the individual work VIENNA (NC) - Distor- ing betrayed by those who should to the lower demands of public er and our whole society," he pointed out as he went on to de Dell'Acqua said. . ,tion of news by unscrupu . serve it," the letter continued. taste, Msgr. scribe the effects this has had on Back Catholic Press The public wishes to be informed, "Certainly the financial diffi-' the single union member. lous journalists was con not tricked, it said. In the race to achieve bigness cuIties of a Catholic press that demned in a Vatican letter Msgr. Dell'Acqua called upon wishes to be truly educational on the part of both business and to the Fifth World Congress of the members of the Catholic are great," the letter said. "But' labor, he continued, "We have press to examine themselves to if, at the appeal of their Bishops, the spectacle of the worker com the Catholic Press here. The letter was addressed to make certain that they are not the priests and the faithful pletely hemmed in by remote Count Giuseppe Dalla Torre, guilty of such abuses. understand the grave duty that ness and impersonality both from The press should be free fi'om they have to support it, the llis employer and from his union." president 'of the International Union of the Catholic Press, by economic and political pressures, Catholic press will live, develop Big Pension Fund and from the financial burdens and spread its influence because Magr. Angelo Dell'Acqua, Vati Mr. Finnegan said that the can Substitute Secretary of State, which too often make it bend of its qualities, the breadth of its $30 billion which unions have in on behalf of' Pope Pius XII. outlook and the soulJdness and reserve for pension funds "pre More than: 400 Catholic jour moderation of its judgment," sents a great temptation to weak Asks Catholic Help nalists from 30 countriell assem The Vatican'1etter quoted the or unscrupulous men and an in bled here to discuss the role of ' Ease Racial Tension Pope's Injunction to the membl),rs vitation to the criminal." Catholic publications under the CAPE GIRARDEAU (NC) of the press to serve truth un Among the cancers which theme of "The Catholic press in swervingly, but to temper their threaten the contemporary union The Bishop of Springfield-Cape the Church and In the world." judgment with charity. are "gangsterism, use of union Girardeau has called upon Cath Slanting News Quoting an earlier speech by dues for private purposes, abuse The Vatican letter specifically olicS to help in easing racial ten- , the Pope, the letter said, "Truth of trust funds, the creation of denounced "lack of objectivity sions in the troubled ,South is tbe foundation of all things. paper employers." shown by inflating an event out Charity is' the goal and crown of "Perhaps as dangerous as any of proportion" or "reducing it to through greater understanding of all things. The foundation must of these is the vicious phenome.. the fears and emotions of their a simple news item without any be firm or everything will col non of men who. on the one neighbors. respect for its re'al value." lapse: But truth, the foundation, hand, claim to represent labor, that all Catho He emphasized It also deplored the dishonesty Is not enough," • and on the other undertake busi of those who cut a communique lics must remembel: the Church's, ness relations with the very emthat all men are Olie in teaching or an agency dispatch to the Scholarship Post ployers with whom they bargain," point of denaturing it" or who 'Christ; regardless of the color of WASHINGTON (NC) - C. J. the, federal conciliation expert their skin. "accept only that news which, commented. Bishop Charles H, Helmsing supports their own positions and Nueses. dean of the School of "A genuine realistic effort to suppress other news in a veritable heads this sprawling Missouri Social Science at the Ca~holic eradicate the evils and abuses of the diocese diocese which borders conspiracy of silence." University of' America, here, has which the public has so recently Even worse, the letter said are of Little Rock, Ark" on the north. been re-elected chairman of the become aware' will do much to Both pioceses are southern in tra those "who accompany informa dition and are less than 1 per Board' of Foreign Scholarships,' prevent legislation from exceed ti011 with tendentious commen which determine policies and ing the boundaries of legitimate cent Catholic. taries and malevolent supposi awards international educational and proper regulation and be tions." .' . exchange grants authorized by'· coming punitive in nature," Mr. American Education Free from !Pressure the Fulbright Act. Finnegan said. "Public opinion suffers by be- Week in Novembell" WJ\SHINGTON (NC) - Paro chial schools have been urged to EDSEI~ use the opportunity afforded by THE ALL NEW CAR
HARDWARE American Education, on Week. fOR -1958 GARDEN ACCESSQRIES
November 10 to 16, to explain ,See and Drive It their work to the community. at \ Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt. director, Education Department, , 8'66 ,COUNTY STREET ALBERT E. SMITH National Catholic Welfare' COli NEW BEDFORD' 54-56 COl.(rt ~treet ference here, said in a message ' , , , , \NY, 3-4497 Taunton, Mass. to diocesan schoo), superintend ; .. ellts that the week-long, observ .. ' . .' ance will enable schools to detail "our philosophy of' life and our ~ philosophy of education." 'The NCWC Education Depart ment, he' said, has prepared a leaflet of suggested programs for schools planning to mark the education week. The parochial school theme for the week is: "As the Child Grows so Grows the Nation."
1l'!HIE NEW A\.EC COMMlfSSirONIER: John F. Floberg of Chicago and Bethesda, Md., takes the Oath of office as Commissioner on the Atomic Energy Commission with Struve Hensel (left) administering the oath. Mr. Floberg, a Catholic, is former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, for Air. He is a graduate of Loyola University, Chicago, and Harvard University Law School. NC Photo.
$@UJJ£~! ir>HA~MJMC'l? . f?lIm.IES<CmlDP'II'DONIS ''JI'bos. Il'. SeiBeck. Reg. Il'b. AAIE@D«:~1l. §lUJIPPIl.DES
'JI'AlllJN'JI'ON VA 3-3300
Cumberland Piigrimage
DOlliINICAN ACADJo:l\'IY, FALL RIVER The Feast of the Most Holy Rosary .marked the beginning of the after-school Rosary Crusade sponsored by the selUor sOlialists. Each day a member of. the senior unit is in charge of the recitation of the Rosary In the chapel. All high school students are invited. to join the Sodaljty in this trib ute to Our Lady. This week's leaders are Jeannine Barrette, 'Carol Ki'rkman. Elaine Lecomte; Madeleine Michaud. Rochelle '. Olivier. The Central Council of the Sodality' is making tentative plans for the observance of Gath-' ollc Youth Week, Oct. 27-Nov. 3. In observance of Fire Preven tion Week, the Fall River· Fire Prevention Bureatl will give a' 'spe'cial program at the' school tomorrow. Coaches of the Gil'1s' Division of the· Narragansett Basketball League met at the school to 'draw UP their schedule of games for the 1957-58 season. Thirteen high , schools of the greater Fall River New Bedford area· were' repre sented. Miss Nancy Walsh, physi cal' education instructor at Domi nican, conducted the meeting. Glee Club rehearsals have been resumed under new officei·s. Muriel Boutin is president and Una Raymond yice president. Theresa Lapointe will serve as secretary-treasurer, Head libra rian Geraldine Sousa will wOl'k with these assistants: Winifred Vermette. Francine ' Cardinal, Margaret A. Souza and Marilyn LePage. The 80-member' chorus. including 16 .freshmen chosen from the'. many who tried o'ut. has begun preparations for the Chi'istmas Cantata, "Chimes of the Holy Night" by F. B. Holton, to be presented Dec. 10: The eve , lllrig"s entertainment will 1l1clude several choice 'selections by the Senior Semi-Chorus. MONSIGNOR PROVOST, FALL, RIVER The fifth annual fashion show, followed by a buffet luncheon and dancing, sponsored by the Alumni Association, will take place Monday night. Oct. 28. at 8 in White's Restaurant. with Co cha,limen Paul Dumais. past president. and Normand Me nard in charge. Vice-president Norman Ouel lette will head the program com mittee. Directing the ticket com mitte.e are Co-chairmen Presi dent George Brie're and Treas ureI' Gerard Roussel. . Tickets may be obtained by contacting any of the above members or the principal of the' High SchOOl. Brother Albin, Total proceeds are for the Alumni scholarship fuild. SACRED HEARTS A€ A DEMl', FAI.I. RIVER A 'Fulbright Scholarship. Win ner with a year -of .completed study in Elll'ope; two candidates for Master of Arts Degrees at Yale University's 0 I' ad u ate School last June'; 30 doillg grad uate work towards degrees. at Boston University. Boston' Col- ' leg-e, and ,Catholic University ot America; and 100 of ·the 200 gradu.at~s of the past four years continujng post '" high school stUdy-these are the figures re .leased in a report on. an educa 'tional survey made recently at the. Academy of the Sacred Heai'ts, Fall River. With the bulge in. applications to all types of colleges and pro~ lessianal schools reaching un precedented heights, it is: gratify lug to know that the graduates' of ·our. diocesan Catholic high schools'. are maintll-inlng such Q good percentage of the admis stOlls quota to various schools. As pressure 'of compe,tition' gets keener, all schools-liberal arts colleges. state universities. teach ers' colleges, nurses' schools,bu..'ii, ness and professional schooL'i-aU I/.re requiring a higher scll01asttc record and Bl}.tl.6factory Bcores on
ViiI! ANCIHIOIl-. "II'hUfI1., CGt. no, 19$1
. MOUNT ST. MARl".AOIUJlDmlIY. FALL RI\'ER Sister Mar" Olga Oalvln. R.B.M., A.M. suPerior at Mt. st, Mary Convent' and teacher of oheml;try lit' tho' Academy, "wlU representth\:l .schoo\ a.t the Elev enth Regional Congress of· the Confraternity of Christian Doc trine. to be held at the Notre Dame High· School, Brid8'eport. Conn. Sister Mary Flora Loan.' R.B.M., A.M., teacher of English, wlll accompany Sister Mary Olga
and 'will also represent tho Academy.
Mary Margaret Lomax. '58.
.was elected' captain of' the
Academy and' captain of tho basketball team. Under the dir ection of Miss Jane Russell. teacher of physical education. and Sister M. Dionysla, R.S.M.• A.B., the Oirls' Athletic ASsocia
tion is participating in variouo
activities, The following teams havot: been formed: bowling; soc cer, badminton,. basketball, volle" ba.ll. Dancing classes have been
popular; especially with tho
Members of the senior class
will form a' special part of tho
annuai pilgrimage procession to Our Lady's Shrine .Mt. st. Rita's, Cumberland, R. 1., Sunday, Oct. 13. The other students will also be in the procession. as well 'R:!! 'relatives and friends who attend 'this' impressive ceremony and pilgrimage. The ,procession be gins in Cumberland. Mt.· st. Rita's, at 2:15 pm. and services ·at the shrine will be'at 2:30 p.m. For the benefit of the building fund, chocolate barB are beinff sold.
College' Board exams; or on iii. special Aptltute Test. The survey at the Academy of the Sacred Hearts reporting 200 graduates· of the past four years
'shows that more, than"50 percent
have· produced the necessary cre dentials and are registered in ' various schools. Of that number 25 per cent are in 23 lIberai artll colleges as follows: Albertus Magnus, :aoston College, Chest-· IlUt Hill, Conne'cticut College for '
Women, Emmanuel, Immacula ta, Marymount, Manhattanville.
Merrimac.. New Rochelle,. Notre
Dame of Maryland, .Our Lady of
the Elms, Pembroke, Regis. SalvQ TEACHERS ]FROM 61 COUNTRIES: Catholic Church Regina, Saint Joseph's Emmits and Catholic education in the United States are the sub burg, Saint Michael's Toronto, Seton Hill, Stonehill, Trinity. jects under discussion when this photo ·was taken at the University' of Massachusetts. National Catholic Welfare Conference 'in Washington.. University of Rhode Island, Uni Father Francis Hurley 'of San .Francisco, assistant direc versity of Villanova. tor of the NCWC Department of Education IS shown with " Another 15%' are preparing for left to right"Henrique Suatto of Liberia;.Mark Gunther. the 'teaching' profession at six Germany; Bbonmee Gontong, Thailand, and M~r~ma C. teachei' ctraining colleges as fol '\ ' lows: Bridgewater, Framingham,. Sparaci, Italy. NC Photo. \
Lowell, North Adams, Rhode.ls Carol Regan, Mary DePaola. Beth Members of the organization lancr College of Education, Sa cred Heart School of Education. Martin. Mary Floyd, a'nd Sandra are spurred on by the leadership At. the followin-g nurses~ schools Senaca, "-, of Father Adrian Bernier. Direc Senior Lois Souz,a and her. still another 20% are found: brother Charles demonstrated tor of the Confraternity of Chris~ Catherine_ Laboure, St. Anne's" Se. Elizabeth's,.Tniesdale's, Un- the various forms of round danc-_ tiQn Doctrine in Notre Dame par. Ing to the"physlcal education stu-. ish. 'ion. : " ' dents, Mother Marie Rene, Assistant In' additi.on to these the fol All students paiticipated in a . Director, has added a new diVt lowing junior colleges b.usiness and technical institutes claim group recitation of the Rosary sion to the organization, 'namely. others: Lasell Junior College, . for the annual Rosary Devotion. .the "Helpers\', whose sole respon Beckel' Junior College. Bradford Ann Delaney. school captain, slbility is the handling of clerical. College and Technology, Bryant' crowned Our Lady with a floral work.' Clli:1re Durand,' Patricia wreath. .Lafleur, Madeleine' Pineault, Business College. , ' The Ring Ceremony. which Pauline Beaulieu,Claudette Bar .The prog-ram of studies in our diocesan high schools Is designed consists of the juniors. receiving aby. Pauline Roy, and Eileen· to' give students the scholastio their class rings from their sen- Orillo from the Sophomore ClaSoll foundation .n,ecessary .to prepare ior sisters, will be held next Mon- form the nucleus of this' activo \ DOMINICAN ACADEllIY. FALL RIVER them for l\dmission to any and day, Oct: 14. Parents of the jun- group. Cercle Litteraire SpOnsored a
all schools. The fact that gradu-' . 10rs are iiwited to attend the HOLY.FAMILY HIGH, at.yle show for the benefit of the
ates of these schools. e.s this sur ceremony while the senior moth- NEW BEDFORD Highlight of the week was, tho' school bUildin~ fund. Mrll. Alice
vey shows. are' maintaining a ers will act as hostesses for tho reception after the ceremony, retreat conducted ,b . R .' 0 _ ,Lizotte and MISS Blanche Jol1vet
eredit!ible record in wInning ad Sister Mary Hortense and Sis-. aId" Conmy of th YH ~v. C .er arranged the show.. Mr". Hemy
mission despite the' pressure of competition, is prooftllat our tel' Stephen Dolores attended Fathers"North Eas~on. ~ass~: .l,amOOrt and Mrs. . Eugene
the first of the David B. Stein- offered daily for the student Dionne were in charge. .
Catholic high schools are keep mall Visiting Poets Series held body by the Retreat Master. Thill. Models included .:Mrs. Armand
'ing:pace with the best. ' at Boston College.- A lecture by was preceded by-two conferimces Cayer, Misa Bernadette Poley.
.ST. l\iARY'S HIGH, OgdeIi Nash entitled. "Midway and foll.owed by a third. The re- Mrs. Edgar ~a.voie" Mra. Omer
TAUNTON Through Nash" was featured. treat was closed. with a Holr Roy, Miss Clall'8 Martinville and
Gym classes were -resumed this Future lectures will include the HOl~r and Benediction. of the Miss Catherine ¥cOettlgan.
week under the direction of Ml'S. great poets Robert Frost and T.
, COl. Ell'Ot, Blessed Sacrament at which.Rt. Helen Jackson. Besides the' reg- ." . Breton· Sailors The fl'l'St l'ssue of SllaCady, tho Rev. to be.followed by d James t J. Gerard, PR., V.G.• u Iar f unctions_ the group, Mrs. Jackson hopes to school newspapel:.. has been dls- an pas or of St.·' Lawrence'lj The Shrine: of Ste. Anno d.
. ' mats and, teach the girls tl'l'buted to the student body un-' .Church, ' presided. . , Beaupre in Quebeo wall firstbullll.
secure the art of·tumbling. " del' the editorship of Fernanda; The spirit of silence and recol- . pervaded during 'by Breton sailors saved frolll A weekly broadcast of school Cal'l"el'l'o . and. C·o-edl'tol'S RI'ta _ .lection ,.~hlch. . . Louise Souza 'and Mary Louise' the, three days testified to the .. shipwreck through intercession of events will be presented on O'Ne]'I. inspiration given' by , Father Taunton's station '.WPEP, by ,Stlih Anne. "High School Shakespeare~To Conmy and· the seriousness with p;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j
Ka thleen Corrigan. . " Corona'staff's first cake .Be 01' Not T'o Be? '1. "'as tIle fea-. which' ,these teenagers ' vIewed'
, T!le n . sale was very successful and ex- tured editoriiil. Seveml noted this oPPol'tunity t!> grow in the ceeded the expected quota. Due persons including a .university' knowledge and service of OOd._ ~ to. the success of the first se.1e professor of English. a headmas- .' The staff 'of the Maria whoso
Craig are busy
there will be more sales, one ev- tel' of a boys' pl'epal'atol'y SCllool, editor'bl'Is .Su~an . - a high school English teacher,' a assem mil' material 'for the 1958
ery month if possible. PASTEURIZED Business Manager . class has decided on ll·bel·a·l al·ts college studellt, a. stu- number. T h e JUlllor I ' . John ·al·t, alld the up- Magu re reports. e. generous re . de'llt of d~'~lnatl'c the design for the class rings ~'" t hey will receive by the lat- pel'classmen of S.H.A. summal'- sponse advertiserD' · . on the part of l w11iCh grati~ude tel' part of December. The ring ized tile PI'OS and COll-S of the e'di- and h expresses' h ' to thoS& Dial OLfield ~·8711 will have an open stone effect torial poll; it waS concluded that w O' ave helped by their co more Shakespeare is desired in operation. with the school emblem whichls hi gI hIt I The InItial meeting of the So 65·1 MAIN RDo also the design on'the cross woru 1 sc 00. no ess. dallty of Our Lady was held un- _ by the Sisters of the Holy Union JESUS-MARY ACADEMY, . del' ,the direction of the ModeraTIVERTON,Ro I~ pf the Sacred Hearts. It consists FALL RIVER to Si te M N I R S M
of the Divine Hearts of. ,Jesus and ,~ Faculty· and student body of ~~r~,~s~~r~~.~o~a~sc~o~,,~.~.;.;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;;;~
~ Mary an!i,the letters representing . Jesus-Mary. Acad.emy held Il the inscription, "Jesu 8e.lvator ,formal reception in the auditori- , Mundi." . : um.in honor ·of Reverend MothDramatic classes· started this er, St. Therese' of the Infant, week under the direction of Miss ~1ary Bens.on:' 'Plims,' fOI.~.:.~he. Jesus. Superior of 'the Academy, I , Friday. Christmas 'Play will' be ',undertakThe members :of the JMA Club en after a' few prelimih'ary;:,ses, have elected Diane Caron '58 ..,. president., Classes are held every' sions of the club. Elaine O'Keefe was' chosen'-,to 'rhursday. David Connell. a jun handle publicity.. ior from Stonehill College, is the Citizen'n \ SavinGS !SclIl'uk 18uiUdon;J debate instructor. ~AC~ED HEARTS ACADEl\lIY, A group of 18' seniors aud jun FALL RIVER : • Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C.; iors ~.i conducted their first religic ~ instruction classes for
0 • A.M,. will attend a regional meet ing oHhe'New EnglaJ.1.~· AssQela.... · public school children. ,TheY,llrll
tiOll of Secondary.-Schoolsand,:. Jeannine Babin, Lorraine Blan
Colleges .at· the University ot.· chette, ~achel. Coderre, DprilJ
Massachusetts on oct. 16. TM; Mathieu,' Annette Jusseaume;
topics of discussiol}, will· '1nclude~ ·Gertrude Lavoie, ·Jeanne,Rol:lll
"Problems of Accreditation': and: lard. Lorraine DUbe. Je8,nn(t
"Needs of the College ;,Freshman Pante, Maureen O'Connor, Lor
-Are They Met?~' Represent!!.-· raine St; Georges, ClaUdette C9,
tivesofcoUeges and second9,ry ron, Claire PIC8,rd pf, the Seoioi',
Class; Cecils:. Ducharme, J8,Cl'lllC schools' throughout Massachu setts will be present at thts meet- . line Plante,' Prw.line . Gagn<m.
Ing. . 'Diane Duquette, Claire DeHS1<l.
. Rejjlresenthlg the juni{}l: Cl!l,llll JeaJAnette Q!M1.l.ache, 'of ttl,e, /Tuu1l0000od undCll' aulborUy dI rho Coca·Cola Company l>1
. COCA-COLA OO'n'l<{\SC 06, gp fAt.l tUVt:-a. MASS.'
as Wli7-11:1)6 HlH"U.:V "ids 'ltl'o: 101' CI~,sil.
f~rna ndesDairy
Milk. Cream
In aU sizes.
'1Ihe FlDIm!By Clinic
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Oct. 10, 1957
Advises Marr'ied Couples Have._Friends in. Common .By Rev.
Law Should Look To Eternal Life Bishop Asserts
Jlohlll\ IL. Thomas, S. J.
st. lLouls University
'ST. PAUL (NC)-Limited visions of civil law' that do not .take into account man's eternal destiny were criti
My wife and I can't seem to agree on the kind of friends 'we should cultivate. We come from somewhat dif ferent family backgrounds. '1'feither Wus gets along very well with the other's former friends. She wants me to (Jrop most of mine because she doesn't approve of some something has been wrong with of the things they do. I your attitude toward companion think this is unfair. I tell ship. Do you obje.(:t to your wife ]her she can have her friends and lI'll have mine. What's wrong with th~t? [~k~
:J think you iN e a liz e, Bill, l'· , , .,", that the answer t'-' to YOur question !' 1~il. calls for the '~f.'i making of a few ! "~~" :,\;;,{. necessary dis- l Unctions. Mar riage is a part nership based
on cOmpanion lJhip. When you
X1arry, you
flgree not only to establish a family but to face life together liS two-In-one-flesh. The married 1C0uple are one, joined by a sacra mental contract and the deep mystery of marital relations In B 1C0mpanionship for life. Although marriage does not deprive you of Jndlvlduallty, It does oblige you to think always In terms of your family relationships. This Is the over-all picture, lllut, as YOU suggest, reality Isn't Iquite so simple. Former, long standing friendships tend to per sist and to be valued. If husband nnd wife cannot agree on these. trouble Is bound to arise. Let's look at the situation a little more ICl0sely and perhaps we can see In what direction the solution wlll lie. Should Share Recreation First, It should be obvious that ,. II married couple should have i;ome friends In common. If they Bre to be real companions for me, they must learn to play to gether as well as work together. Indeed, a great part of their entertainment and recreation Mould be shared as, a couple. The habit of doing things, together starts with courtship. It should continue "throughout mar riage If marital companionship Js to mean anything in the 1C0uple's lives. Some men appar ently forget this. They expect their wives to remain at home taking care of the house and IChildren while they enjoy the 1C0mpanionship of others. In some tiodeties this Is an accepted pat tern. For various good reasons, it Js not the American way of doing things. , Second, both husband and wife Ilhould take for granted that their partner may wish to main tain some friendships which may not be interesting to them. Op position to this may stem from two sources. They may really feel that their partner's friends are not good for them and their marriage. Undue drinking, gam lllling, and questionable associa tion with the opposite sex may IDe occasioned by such friend ships, and the spouse may.rightly object to their continuatIon. Jealousy and Suspicion On the other hand, opposition may stem from over-possessive ness and the desire to have the partner entirely to oneself. Some spouses are suspicious and jeal <DUS of all friendships in which they, do not share. Some resent the enjoyment which the1r part ner apparently receives from them. This attitude does not spring from tlie, desire for true companionship but rather from selfishness or the wish to domi nate the partner. In seeking a solution for your lCase, Bill, ask yourself the fol lowing questions. Have you cul tivated a group of friends which you and your wife enjoy associat Jng with as a couple? If not, you ]had best start finding some. for
having some friends whicl) you do not particularly like? If you honestly feel that these friend ships are not harmful, you have no reason' to object. Does she object to your friends? Ask your self if their company may not be'. incompatible with your present role as husband and father. Finally, does your wife seem selfish and over-possessive? Some women - and men - are. On the other hand, she may only' be
asking fOl' an' even break In companionship. The Important
point for your future happiness
is that you start making friends together as a couple. If you do this, the few friendships you may wish to maintain separately will seem relatively unimportant.
'C'CDMeeting Continued From Fage One
INSTITUTE'S 50TH VOLUME: Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the Unlted states, is presented a copy of the 50th volume published by St. Bonaventure University~s Franciscan Institute. Pr~ sentation of "Commentary on the First Book of th.e Sen.: tences of Peter Lombard," was m~de by Father Elgius Buytaert, Institute Director in Washington. Father ~a lachy Wall, (left) executive director of the. centenmal celebration of St. BQnaventure University, looks on, NC Photo,
Bisho~ Treacy Finds Too Many Working Mothers in Country
egates as well as priests. brothers LA CROSSE (NC) - _T h e lind women religious. American labor movemer5t has This will mark the first time 'been a "leaven" in society, and the four-year-old Diocese of has contributed mightily to the Bridgeport has been named host realization of a community struc for the six-state congress. ture in harmony with man's true Eleven Dioceses dignity. Representatives of CCD !lnits , This was the,opinion expressed in all the 11 Sees of New Engand by Bishop John P. Treacy of are included in the registrants La Crosse It the annual conven fOl' the more than 60 sessions tion of the Wisconsin State In planned during the three-day d,ustrial Union Comicil. conclave to review techniques and Despite its current problems developments' in teaching reli 'Rnd its shortcomings in certain gion. areas, Bishop Treacy said, the The Confraternity is the offi American labor movement is cial agency of the church charged basically sound from the Chris with bringing religious Instruc tian viewpoint. tion to Catholics of all ages on , Unions Necessa.ry the parish level. It is aimed es ··It is a powerful influence for sentlf\lly at persons not attending good within American society," parochial schools. he said, And it has justified the Dialogue Mass support which the Cat h 0 Ii c The conference will open at Church has given it, over the 9:30 tomorrow morning with the years, the Bishop added, sayin( Most Rev. Lawrence J. Sheehan, labor unions al'e a necessity in a Bishop of Bl'idgeport, celebrating capitalist and industrial civiliza II Pontiflcal Dialogue Mass. Spe tion. cial and general sessions will be "They have been a leaven in held,at 11 A.M., 2, 4 and 8 ~.M., that civilization, contributing to tomorrow and Saturday. Its development for the common A different member of the good, to its realization of a com hierai'chy will preside at each munity' structure in harmony general session, with CCD specia with the true dignity of man." lists from various points through Bishop Treacy' said that he
out the East as featured speak does not agree with some econo
ers or lecturers. mists and businessmen who
Most Rev. Richard J. Cushing, blame labor's wages as the main
Archbishop of Boston,will be the cause for inflation. "Labor unions
speaker at tomorrow night's as have proved their responsibility
sembly. .Saturday night the In economic life, and on the speaker will be Most Rev. John whole have kept in mind' the
J. Wright, Bishop of Worcester. general' welfare of the nation,"
It is anticipated that 5,000 per He asserted this, country has
sons will be in attendance for the too many working mothers who· talks by the Masoocnusetts pre must supplement the father's pay lates and also for the Solemn Pontifical Mass Sunday at 4 P.M., which will bring the Congress to a close. Most Rev. Henry J. O'Brien, Archbishop of Hartford, will cel ebrate the Mass. The preacher will be Most Rev. Matthew J. Alfll'll.EBORO, MASS. Brady, Bishop of Manchester WacDy Masses: '6:30, 7/, and national' episcopal chaii'man '8 A.M.
of the Confraternity. Arrangements for the Congress Confessions DacDy:
are being made by Rev. RaYqJond 6:30 A.M. to 'sOC III.M. H. Stephenson,Bridgeport dio Devotions Gill SIlJNDA YS
cesan CCD director, in coopere. lbJegin year rOUlll1lcll at
tion with other diocesan direc 3:00 P.M. tors. All the clergy, religious and Ililty of New England have been Pen:petuaB .Novena 10 ,Our
invited to attend. Il.ady off ll.aSaUefle every
, 'evening at' 71:30 P.M.
laSalette Shrine
Now in Circulation
WASHINGTON (NC) - The first dollar bills with the motto "In God We Trust" have been put into circulation here. The dollar bllls are the first newly designed ones In 22 years. Twenty-five million of them have Toeen printed for distribution.
Organizers of fllJilgrimlDlS}e!l _ '. fPDease Confact:
Rev. ftrither mrector 11'En.~ Aitt~ebcD'o
check to secure an adequate family living wage. Many of these, .he said, must put small children into nursery schools, or leave them with baby-sitters or with relatives. Often they let their teenage children run their own lives without adequate su pervision. The result in too many cases is a social pattern of delin quency, he declared. Woman's Role While some women must work to supplement an inadequate in come, the Bishop observed, many others do so only to fill their homes with gadgets or with unnecessary luxuries. ' Woman's role is to be the heart of the home,' the help-mate of her husband, and the full-time mother of her children, the Bish op stressed. The common good of society depends on woman acting in-her proper role to pro;' tect the integrity of the family, he said..
•Over 25 Per- Cent
cized here by Archbishop William O. Brady of st. Paul. Drawing a parallel between civ il law and the canon law of the Church, Archbishop Brady, a na tive of Fall River said that "law must be regarded and cherished as a means to serve 11n end more important than the book." "In the' instance of the Church," the Archbishop con tinued, "that goal of Church law Is to aid and to help~ to insure, if possible, that men will be good, uplifted, save their souls and gain heaven. Such an expression seems not only natural but es sential in describing the func tions of religious legislation,"
, Limit Visions
"It may be possible that some
, do not view civil law in that same light," the Archbishop stated, "but think of it as serving the
state as a. goal, or, as promoting
the common good as a total ben . efit, or as protecting personal
rights." ' "Such limited visions restrict the role of even civil law much
too much," he declared. "Even
when such limited goals are pro
perly won, there remains another question-a question of why the common good is to be main tained, why personal rights are to be vindicated, why society is to be promoted and justice in everything upheld." ' He said "the answer, of cOUl'se, identifies the goal of all civil law with the expressed goal of Catho lic Canon Law, nor can there be any division between them." " Life Eternal ' "All laws; civil decrees as well • as religious directions," he con ciuded, "ate aimed to help men to a fuller and a better life; to insure that they will be good good men and good citizens-to make men happy as far as hu man happiness can reach, to se cure the citizen the contentment of a peaceful existence and a peaceful conscie,nce, to hearte~ him with a, vision of a tranqml life here, in anticipation of a life eternal in its beatitude."
NaturaO Right
Almost 27 per cent of all chil dren born in the United States during the past five years are baptized Catholics.
All men have a natural right to acquire and possess goods ot the earth as private property.
New Bedford & Acushnet Co-operative Banks H 5 WILLIAM 511'.
COMPARE,' •• ~ then ioin the
·Sun6eam BREAD
o . . '.,
Is Your !Parish Rapresewed? , .
The Parish Parade
NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER A fashion show wili feature the next meeting of the Women',' Guild on Monday. OCt. 21. Miss Louise Sullivan of Im maculate Conception Women's Guild was guest speaker at the first meeting and entertainment was by the Allegro Glee Club' under the direction of Dr. Nor mand O. Paquin. President Mrs. AntOlagasse presided and Rev: . d Boisvel-t, chaplain, offere ·ayers. . Mrsll mand E. Levesque and' Mrs. G mde headed the lunch eon committee.
will be held Nov. Clin the! churcb hall. ST: ANNE'S, FALL'RIVER The various activities outlined by members' of the Social GUild. during their monthly'session are: rummage sale, Wednesday,. Oct. 23; frUit-cake and fudge sale' on Sunday, Nov. 17 .in the church basement; Christmas party. Sat- . urday, Dec. 14 in the Stono Bridge Inn and a membership drive in January. On Wednesday. night, Nov. 6, the organization will hold thct nex,t monthly meeting.
ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, ST. JEAN THE BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER . FALL RIVER Mrs. Frank E. Duffy Jr.; Prest- The Catholic Women's Guild conducted their membership tea, dent of the Women's Guild, haD followed by benediction by Rev. marked Sunday; Nov. 17 for tho Communion breakfast in the Leonidas Lariviere. President .Mrs. Thoinas Tache Catholic 'Community Center; fol lowing the' 9 o'clock Mass. In . and Vice President Mrs. Leo Mo charge are Mrs. Frederick J. Sul reau poured, assisted by the' fol lowing officers: Mrs: Ellery livan 'and Mrs. James O'Brien. . Chace, Miss Germaine Dubreii.ll. co-chalr-men. The' Christmaa sale will be Mrs. Emile Pelletier and Mrs. Ernest Mercier. conducted on Friday. Nov. 22 hi MEET AT CATHEDRAL .CAMP: Bishop Connolly greeted members ~f Our" . . Reception committee: Mrs. the Cathedral School. of G90d. Counsel Retreat League at Cathedral Camp, Lakeville, Sunday night. -·Hi. Adrien Baraby, Mrs. Alfred Be Excellency il shown discussing program with, Mrs.· Raymond Ha'mmond, president of rube. Mrs. Oscar PheniX, Mrs. OUR LADY OF HEALTH, Ern est Ouellette. Decorating FALL RIVER the Leagu~ tor Women, and Aloysius J. Kearns, presIdent of ihe League for Men. committee: Mrs. Eugene Hebert. · . Members of the Holy' Namo Society are conducting a mystery for' a right undlf9lta~ding be- zler arid Miss Lorraine Bernier. tleboro will hold its monthl,. Mrs. Alfred Blais. Mi·s. Leo Thi bault. Kitchen committee: Mrs. ride, Saturday night at 7 with tween teachers and parents to Registrars: Miss Claire Bernier. meeting OCt. 15 and will be 'hoa' Arnold, Bamford.' Mrs. Wilfred the follow i n g committee in guarantee efficacious results· in Misa Rita Clynes, Miss Paul1no to the NCCW District ..4. Mrs. Ralph Patrenoff, newly elected LeCointe, Mrs. Ives Coulombe and · charge: Edward Cabral. Manuel Mello, Manuel V. Aguiar, Joseph , the training of Christian youths. ,Lamontagne. By-laws committee: President of NCCW District 4 w1ll Mrs. Yvonne Heffernan. Morals;' John Perry, John Me .Mrs: Mary Doonan, director of Mrs. Bertrand Desmarais, Chalr- be chairman for the evenil18': square assisted' deiros and Albert Couto. ' SACRED HEART. . t dancing, i t e · by het man,' Mrs. Maurice Cayer and Mrs. Normand L'Homme, prestNORTH ATTDEBORO A successful teenage retreat orches ra, wilen rtam l,l.t the Mrs. Ernest Messier. ' dent, will preside at the, busJoesll Mrs. Norman Charland w;'~ of the Approximately 150 mothers to · was given last week by Retreat old fashioned get-together . .... meeting and final arrangements gether with 13 Sisters of the Holy Master, Rev. Joachim Shults. Women's Guild at 8:30 next chosen to head. the next monthly will be made,for the annual bean Wednesday night in the parish meeting. SS,-CC., Union of the Sacred Heart. all h 1 supper to be held Saturday. OCt; o faculty members, attended an The Holy Rosary Sodality cele ST. MICHAEL'S, al. , 19 from '5:30 to 7:30 p.m. In .the "Acquaintance Tea" sponsored brated its feast at a High Mass HOLY NAME..~ FALL RIVER church hall. last Sunday morning. New mem by the Ladles of St. Anne's Sodal A "Choirola Party" sponsored HOLY ROSARY. ity in the parish hall. bers were a<;lmitted Sunday night FALL RIVER Mrs. Eugene L. McCarthy, by forlJ1er and present choir FALL RIVER Guests in attendance were Rev. follOWing the blessing and .dls~ president of the Women's Guild, membets was conducted Satur tl'ibution of the roses. Joseph Larue, pastor, Rev. Ed . A style show w1l1 be held at presented corsages to, 27 new day night at 8 in the parish hall mond ·L. Dickinson, assistant and 7:30 next Wednesday night at ST. JAMES, members who were admitted at with an overwhelming turnout. Mrs. NormandL. Homme. 'presi White's, Westport. Proceeds w1ll. NEW BEDFORD the tea and reception held Sun Mrs. Marguerite Ward, organist dent of the Sodality. , go to the parish, The committee Mrs. Catherine Clark, presi da'y afternoon in the parish hall and director, was In charge. , Mrs. Azen'ard Deschenes, chair Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis, pastor, in charge comprises Miss Lucy man, presented each Sister with dent of Monsignor Noon Circle, with Mrs. John J. Suilivan as will preside at the monthly meet;;, membership chairman. was presented with a substantial Accettullo, general chairman, a missal bookmark.' ing at 7:45, next Wednesday in Pourers were Mrs. Hugh J. check to be used for the new Mrs, Albert RoS', books; Mrs. Del bert Frank, tickets; Mis" Con-. the lower church hall. ST. LAWRENCE•• Golden, ,past president, assisted school building fund. - cetta Fazio, publ1city; Miss Clatl\ Members are requested to wear by Mrs. Charles F. Leonard, Mrs. NEW BEDFORD Sasso, treasurer and Mrs. Fr.ed , Additional ways the society "costumes for the, Hallowe'en James J. Sullivan' and Mrs. John SACRED HEART, erick Squ1l1ace, special awards. M. Welch. NO. ATTLEBORO· might consider to carry out their party which will feature 'the 80 Miss Lena Bevelacll.ua wlll offer The ~rio 'entertaining com 'The Ladles of St. Ann Sodality aim .of reparation to the Sacred , clal hour following the meeting. a musical program at 8. prised Miss Kathleell Burns. of Sacred Heart Church, No. At Heart of Jesus were discussed by , Prizes will be awarded.. . Chairman and co-chairman" pianist; Miss Marcellna. LePage. F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Rt. Rev. ~sgr. James J. Gerrard. V.G., pastor. at a meeting of the are Mrs. Mary Casteilina and ceilist.· and Leo n a l' d MoniZ, Circle Holders of the Guard of Mrs. Diamantina Cummiskey, re violinist. Mrs. Helim E. Crotty spectively. Honor Society. was the chairman in charge. Ladles of the Circle are privi Guests in attendance were Rev. . The meeting. presided over by William H. Harrington, Pastor Mrs. Mary P. Quinn. president, leged to participate in the tele phone a'nswerin; service ·in con and moderator,. Rev. Donald was followed by a coffee hour. nection with the new Diocesan Couza and Rev. James McCarthy. 'WJ.lAT WOMAN High School Drive, sponsored by ST'. JOHN THE BAPTIST, Events. mapped out for the the New BedfClrd Catholic Wom NEW BEDFORD. WAS GIVEN,A season 1957-58 are It military . A meat-balJ and spaghetti sup en's Club from Oct. 13 to Oct. 19. whist on Wednesday. Nov. 20; a 5ERGEANT~ per, under the chairmanship of living.picture on Tuesday, Dec. 3; .COMMISSION BY SACRED HEART. Mrs. Guy Caucel and .Mrs. Ed penny sale on- Jan. 22; business ward Finni, will be sponsored by FALL RIVER GEN. WASWINGTON meeting followed by entertain the Women's Guild. Saturday,- Mrs. William Slater, President , ment on Feb. 4; rummage sale on fOR J-IER BRAVERY of the Women's Guild, assisted March 22; entertainment, 011 Oct. 26, in the church hall. IN TAKING f./fR Reservations may be obtained by.Mrs, Thomas Gorton and Mrs. April 16, and on May 6. the an SLAIN UUS'BANo'S by contacting Mrs; Caucel at Francis Waring, were in chargo nual banquet and installation of Pi ACE IN BArTL[ Wyman 7-9242 or Mrs. Arthur ,of the bridge and whist party officers. Carreiro at WYman 3-5493. held Thursday night. ST. MATTHEW'S. Special prizes were awarded ,FALL RIVER ST. PETER'S, to Miss Catherihe Murphy, Mrs. The newly organized Women's DIGHTON . John Burns and Miss Margaret Guild installed Mrs. Raymond A ham and bean supper under Sullivan. ' Poisson as' first president. inathe the auspices of the' W()p1en's parish hall. 'ST. 'LOUIS, . ,,, Guild, .will be held Saturday Visiting guests were Miss Mar FALL RIVER . night from 5'30 to 7 in the rec I garet Lahey, past president o.! tory hall. with Mrs. William Mrs. Frederick B. Tuttle, pres MolllJ Pitcher was, made a Sergeant by Keating and Mrs..Frank Torres ident of the Fall River District the Fall River Diocesan Council and Mrs. of Catholic Women, Was/zingtoll. in charge. The proceeds will be Council of the Diocesan Council added to tlle church fimd. of Catholic Women. installed the Frederick Tuttle of District I of The next meeting is scheduled following -officers of the Parish the National Co'uncH of Catholic for next Thursday night at 8 in Confraternity of C h ~ i 8 t ian Women. Rev. F. Anatole DeSmal"lis, Mothers, with Mrs. Frank D. the rectory hall. ,.,pastor. gave the Invocation and O'Brien as marshall: OUR LADY OIF ANGlELS, President 'Mrs. William H. Rev. Arthur C. Levesqu::l. mojer FALL RIVER Mrs. Mary Silvia. President of Davis, Vice President Mrs. Dan .ator' addressed the group urging them to. work together toward the Women's Guild, announces III iel Sullivan, Corresponding Sec 'one goal namely "a more spiritual fashion show for Monday night retary Mrs. Charles L. Bevilac at 7:30 at White's Restaurant.· qua, Recording Secretary Mrs. and social unity." Other officials installed. in Other coming events discussed at HenryJ. Shorrock and Treasurer clude:' Vice President. Mrs. Ar-. the monthly meeting were the Mrs. Richard Kanauss. Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, pastor, mand Cayer; 'Second Vice Presi following: Christmas party, Dec. 7 in the parish hall; nomination . pr~ented a gold medal til Mrs. dent, Mrs. Leo Guerette'; Record Ing Secretary, Miss Annette Lus of the suite in April; election of' George Horan. outgo~g presi sier; Corresponding 'Secritary, officers in May and a banquet dent. Speaker was Sister Mercy. Mrs. Eugene Dionne; Treasurer, and installation of officers in R.S.M., l1brarian at Mount st. Mt.~s Nancy LeClaire; Board of June. Mary Academy. who stressed the Directors: Mrs. Rosalie Letour Mrs. OCtavio Hilario was cho Importance of the home in the neau, Mrs. Joseph Brisson, Miss sen temporary corresponding sec retary. The next monthly session education of children and as'J:ed Marie Auclair, Mrs. Marcel Lau-
1'HI ANCHOIt Thuri., Oct. no, 1"7
Inadequate Cemmunlcati....
Demand for Speed Affects Accuracy of Reporting
Church Requires Help of laity
By Joseph A. Breig
instance. Communication was highly in adequate also In r" the case of the ~', talk In which r' the Holy Father d Ire c ted the r: Jesuits to avoid 'I the use of to bacco. Come to think of It, this Inad equacy Is frequent and wide BPread In the handling, by press, radio and TV, of news originating in Vatican City. Nor would I draw the line there. I think that an objective Itudy would show t1}at people are poorly Informed by and large. about many eventS of each day. The technologists have tele .coped time and space ,for us. They have given us the instru
ments we need to get and to 'dis .emlnate tile news. Our Journalistic practices, however, have not kept pace. In deed, from our point of view.
there Is a kind of Frankenstein aspect to the speed of modern communications. We are too much hurried. The demand for faster, faster, faster reporting tends to prevent us from being thorough enough to be truly accurate. And then there are the mad dening problems of space in newspapers 'and magazines, of time on radio and TV, and of competition for the attention of the public. . \ Io'alse by Omission We must not blame too harshly the bedevUled repoi'ter who un balances what the Pope - or anybody else - says In his search for a striking lead for his story. Nor can we withhold sympathy from the harassed man on the copy desk, handcuffed by head line requirements, for simply writing: "Pope urges widows not to remarry,'~ or "Pope tells Jesu its to stop smokIng." Neither headline Is false, nor 18 the story und~r the headline false. That trouble Is that both Bre so Inadequate as to be false by omission. ' The Pope did not really "urge Widows not to remalTY." That is, Buch was not the Intent, the bur den 01' the point of his talk on widowhood. What the Holy Father' did was to remind' us that wld9whood, lived for Christian motives as a Christian way of life, Is higher, as a state In life, than remar riage. The f'tate of widowhood is nobler, ill Itself. than the state of remarriage, in the same way that virginity, for Christian motives, is higher as a state than malTI age. But this does rwt mean that marriage Is a low state in life. It is a high state. It is simply not as high, as a state, as virginity. Neither is remarriage an igno ble state. But It Is not as noble .as widowhood. Pontiff's Intent The Pope did not "urge widows not to remarry." He could not issue a universal counsel such as that. There are any number of cases where widows ought to l'e marry. The Pope knows this. But the Pope was aware also that there is a tendency to look down upon widowhood. Pope Plus wanted to correct this attitude. He wanted to re lltore appreciation of the value of the widowed state as a way to higher holiness. . That is what his talk was really
Similarly, the Holy Father re minded the Jesuits that theirs is a special way of life. As members of a religious .soclety, they give themselves totally to the service of God and fellowmen. For this service, they need spe cial direction, training and disci pline. And they ought to put aside everything that Is super lluous. Smoking, said the Pope, 1&, one of those superfluities. The fact that he told the JeBu to stop smoking was incidental to his brief review of what ·the religious life, especially' the Jesuit life, i8 all about. , We Journalists owe It to mod ern man to improve our reporting very markedlY.
Jesuit Answers
Bishop Oxnam
Nearly two tho u ~ and Georgetown University ,stu dents and faculty members
were urged by a Jesuit priest to
give thanks that "loving tolera
tion" has been the historical tradition of Georgetown. Father Frank L. Padner, S.J.• regent of the University's Ed mund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, said in the sermon, of the traditional Mass of the Holy Ghost: , "Men and women of George town, let us give fervent· thanks todaY, that loving toleration has been the historical tradition of our alma mater. Let us thank God for this Indwelling among us of His Holy Ghost-not in the prideful spirit of the phaTisee, but In the wary and watchful humlllty of the publican. Open to All "Let us resolve 'with the help of our Divine Guide and Advo cate to prolong here the Catho lic tradition and the separation of Church and State that pre vailed in Baltimore's early Mary land. Let ours be JOY In the Holy Ghost that we begin this school year not in the spirit of bigotry which would disgracefJ.llly deny education to young people be cause of l'ace, color, creed-but In the enlightened spirit of our revered founder who wanted these academic halls opened to all alike~ , On June 9, Methodist Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam charged here that students at Georgetown's famed school of foreign service were "conditioned favorably to Vatican world policy" and that "the Roman' Catholic Church does not believe in religious li berty as we understand it." (Speaking at a ceremony pre ceding the ground-breaking for a school of International studies at Methodist-controlled American University, he said that "the un hampered pursuit of truth" and "religious Uberties, together with the basic liberties of the demo cratic order" are safeguarded on lyon the campus of a Protestant institution. )
New Librarian VATICAN CITY (NC)-Eu gene Cardinal Tisserant, dean of tht. Sacred College of Cardi Ilals, has been appOinted libra rian and archivist of the Holy Roman Church by Pope Plus Xli. Cardinal Tisserant's appoint ment fills the office left vacant ~y the death of Giovanni Cardi nal Mercat1. The Cardinal is also secretary of the Sacred Congre gation for the Oriental Church. l':'
ALEXANDRIA (N C ) The assistance of. the laity 'is imperative if the Church is to thrive in the United
Cleveland Universe Bulletin
I was not in the least astonished at the astonishment voiced by many when they read (or heard) the reports lOf the Pope's remarks on widowhood. My years in journalism have taught me not to be amazed by failures in hu man communication. And about; but how'many readers or hum a n communication listeners so understood him after or hearing the reports of was far from perfect in this seeing his remarks?
States, New Orleans' Archbishop • Joseph F. Rummel declared here. Addressing a meeting of the clergy, Ashbishop Rummel de plored the loss of faith in South American countries and In France, which he saiA. was caused by a shortage of priests. He declared that the resources of the laity in those co'untries through an organization like the CCD have not been tapped as "a supplement or substitute for catechetical instructions when SEMINARIANS ARE 0 THRILLED: His Eminence the priests are not available to Thomas Cardinal Tten, first Chinese Cardinal, visiting in give them."
Calls on Clergy
Japan and Formosa reminds youn.g. seminaria,ns .in Na "If you want to see how Indis goya, Japan, that every month prOVISIon for theIr nee and pensible the CCD Is, take a trip to education comes from mission-minded Americans through Central and South America, the S.V.D. Cathol1c Universities office in Chicago. Prie~ts where only a small percentage of of -the Society of the Divine World conduct the maJor the children Is instructed in re ligion due to the desperate short- seminary at Nagoya. NC Photo. age of .priests," the Archbishop said. "Ih some places, 40,000 souls Qre in a parish with but one priest to care for them. There Is no parochial school system as we
childhood joys and an overdose know It. The result Is a terriflo
SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Par ents are derailing their children's of parties and dances and dates" loss of Faith. And yet not once it will be because parents will did I hear CCD mentioned as a love by pushing them rnto an ab possible' solution." normal social life, Auxiliary have robbed them of their natur al childhood days. Such robbing "How fortunate that in this Bishop Stephen A. Leven of San country we have seized upon the Antonio declared here. ' Is a crime." "The 'flutters' children have confraternity to bring to chil The Bishop, who Is superinten at such ages as 10, 11 and 12 dren and adults a more Intimate dent of schools In the San An l'hculd be centered on mother, lmowledge of the Catholic Faith," tonio archdiocese, addressed Ii!, and daddy," the Bishop conti meeting of the Federation of nued. "To bring about this happy he declared. The Archbishop challenged Catholic Parent-Teacher Clubs. atate of affairs we will have to . He declared that "too many change their present way of the clergy to be the "spark plug formal parties make our children growing up too fast, and regulate of the CCD" in their parishee. unduly sophisticated." ,the spending of thetr ,leisure' Lord Beaverbrook 'By putting their ,children In time." circumstances where they can "Cooperation between parents, Gives Church BeUs not act as children," he con NEWCASTLE (NC) ~ Bishop pastors and teachers Is impera t.inued, "parents are responsible tive,' he COllcluded. Camllle - Andre LeBlanc of for the fact that these children Bathurst has blessed five bells are no longer satisfied with the at st. Mary's churcn that were Wins Promotion normal activities and interests NIAGARA UNIVERSITY (NC) donated by Lord Beaverbrook, proper to their ages." one'-time mfmber of Winston Making it clear that he was -Father Paul J. Sommar, C.M.• Churchill's war cabinet. Lord has been appointed executive Beaverbrook, a non-Catholic, referring to grade school chil dren, Bishop ~ven told the par vice president of Niagara Univer'" was present at the ceremony. . fn:s: "The love which chlldien sity. Father Sommar, a :native of The bells are graded in size owe to their parents is fast being Philadelphia, has been stationed from 480, to 1,450 pounds. One of taken away by the abnormal so at the school operated by the them Is named in honor of His cial life they are pushed into." Holiness Pope Plus XII. Vincentlan Fathers since his or "Your children," he said, "will dination In 1943. Before his ap
Jeave you soon enough, sooner pointment as vice president, he AVOID than vou will' want them to. The served as assistant superior and joys ~nd pleasures and fun of director of maintenance. our childhood days are looked back upon with longing and nos CONSULT talgia. If todaY's children have NORMANC. only a limited amount of these
Abnormal Social Life Sidetracks Children's Love, Ordinary Says
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'THI! ANCIHOIlt Thurs., Oct. 10, 19F
.. ~:~ y. .
Liberal Education' .Is ,Best,
Training for Journal'ists,
'Catholic Chaplains . Win Jewish Award~s ' NEW YORK (NC) Two Catholic U. S. ,Army chaplain:! havs been honored by.the Union of 9rthodox Jewish COngTega tlons of Arperica. It 1;1 the first , ~e "the body had cited non Jewish clergymen. , 'Fathel' {Col.) James B. Murphy, and Fathe~' (Col.) John,K. Con nelly received special awards in a ceremony at First Army.head quarters on Governor's Island. The citations were read by Moses I. Feuerstein, union presldent. and Reubp.n E. Gross, union sec retary. Father Conn'elly is chief of the chaplains' section of th~ Post and Training Center at Fort Dbc. N. J. Father Murphy is head chaplain of the Fh'st Army chap lains' divisIon at Governor's Is land.
J1)ayenport, Cath~lte Messeng-er'
,Monsignor'Angelo Delj"Ac,qmi"vatican Sllbstlttite S,ec retary of State,really hit ~ naiton ,the head ,tl)is .week .in
his.letter to CatholIc j~mrnalists attending :.,!;lle.:Catliolic
, press convention held,in Vienna,. Austria,·" :'. : In r~thei' sharp languag'e,' , '.., ' '," , the Vatican 0 f f i cia I 'de-,' Terrible'MI$take " , , , I have- only two' other'com~ nounced Catholic' journal: ments to make.' ," , ists' "lack: of objectivity, One Is that I think the Catha
>'::,:-" ,
shown by inflating an event out lie press Is maki,ng a terrible mis of proportion or by reducing It to take when It slavishly imitates a simple', news the Pl'actlces of the dally press, when it thinks that its first duty 1 t e m without any' respect, fOl' Is to "attract and delight" read. ' its r,eal value." en at the expense of truth' and The only pur knowledge. ' . , There are a few editOrs.in tho, pose of such journalism, he Catholic Press whO' honestly be said, is to "at lieve that the most successful Says Youth Realizes tract or de Catholic newspaper is the ons , light" the read ,that most nearly resembles a sec Value of, 'Religion ula!' hewspaper. This mistake ieI'. COLUMBUS (NC)-Amel'ica's He also hit would not be so monstrous if the youth is again realizing the valu& the' "dishones paper imitated The New York of religion as a basic field of ty"of journalists who "cut a Times or The Milwaukee Joui'nal learning, according to Dr.. Georga communique or an agency dis' which hold high the banner of FORl\J LIVING ROSARY: Members of Our Lady of N. Shuster, president of Hun'ter patch to the point of ,denatur- a journalism'of integrity. Unhap , Grace Parish, North Westport, topk part in a Living Rosary College, 'New Yor~. Ing It, or who accept only that pily it Is more often a ~'rag'~ like Dr. Shuster; 'a Catholic and the New York Daily News' wltll ceremony Sunday night. Shown al:e, left to right, Mrs. author of many, books and artl news ,which supports their own Its sensationalism',' its nervous. ,Lorraine Emond, Mrs. Beatrice Berube, Mrs. Medora Robil cles, says the three basic ave positions and suppress other news . excited, chatter and its abuse of lard ana Mrs. Louise'Roy, ' ' nues of learning are science, thlll in a veritable conspiracy of sl reader Intelllgence that Is imi I , ' ". arts and religion: The last. which lence.'~ tated. ,"sur'veys the bridge between tl.me Inti~ate The last comment is that, as 'and eternity," has been' Ig~ While it is true that tile prac suming a journalist Is honest, SACRAMEN,TO <N9)-Aim of op Wright,said. "Today we hav~ nored by many until now. tice of "denaturing" a signifi then If 'he Is going to report and ' cant news story, by cutting it to ~dlt news objectively he must the ,retreat movement "is to, give become so concerned with evil Westmins~er Abbey the size of a "notice" can be, and have as liberal and universal an' the laity a new, deeper and more that we' forget the purpose of our St. Edward the Confessor es frequently is, dishonest,!. think, education as he can get while he Intimate insight into the life of, existence, which is' the spread of tablished Westminster Abbey. that, more often than not, such Is In scl].ool. Further, he must, the Church." Bishop' John J. truth, a witnessing of Christ. Wright of Worcester has de'· ,"W,e should remember the Im editing Is simply an indication of continue to "keep .up" intellectu mortal words of St. Joan of Arc, ignorance and incompetence. 'allY, and more or less sclentifl- ' clared. Bishop Joseph T. McGucken who' when callenged by her ac Whether from· dishonesty or ,cally with events and trends in ignorance, such' editing' i'obs the world he 'is trying to report. of Sacramento\ declared that a cusers as -to her allegiance to the readel:s of knowledge' they need Here, again, we lay a crime ,on' "retreat house In a diocese is a ChUi'ch, replied: 'I make no dif ference between Christ and His to have and that newspapers are' the doorstep of many of our seed bed for lay apostles." They spoke at the eighth Na- Church, It'ls all one.' " obliged to PYlllisti, ,But If, the sit~ journalism colleges' where tilE; t1onaILaywomen's Retreat Move uation is to be improved, We must student is so burdened with tech know, wlto. some precision, its nlcal courses in jom'nalism that 'ment regional conference here. Fteligious Freedom Bishop Wright, episcopal ad causes, ', he has almost no opportunity In 1634, Maryland was the only visor, told the delegates the es School Publications to acquire aJlberal arts education. colony In the New World grant Now it is an unfortunate fact He Is then turned out, In the sential mission of a Catholic. aild ing religious freedom. that most of the journa'lism world and Is expected to be able also of the Church, is ,"to near Mieszko, first of a royal line schools in this country have to select for publication the most witness to God." "We he~·r the term 'practicing in Poland, brought Latin Chris:' shaped their courses and princi~ Important news stories of the Catholic.' Is it not time we tlanity to the Polish nation, pies' to 'fit the existing journ'alism day (If he is editing); he is ex siauation- in the nation's press. pected to be' able to know when stopped' pr':lct!t:ing and 'started One has only to read the' daily he is '!'eporting, what things are being, doing the real thing, which B~@@l}{fLt\WNJ and weekly newspapers published most significant, what things Is bearing witlless to God?" Bishby the journalism colleges to see his re,aders must need to, know. FUN~~Al ~@ME, If this puts the journalist up mirrored therein the big commer cial dailies of the country: a mul on the level of the philosopher; i AUNTON, MASS. R, Marcel Roy-C. Lorraine 1l0Y, titude of brief news items, per the teacher, the statesman and ROller LaFrance ' ~ll1lN~~Al ~@M~ VHE BANK ON haps one or -two stories running 'the clergyman in _our society, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS more than foul' or five inches in can only say that that Is Where,' l' AUNTON GREEN' Helen Aubertine Br~u91i 1S IRVINGTON oCT. length, ,liberal use of space for by reason of his indispensable •. Ow:ner and Director Member of Federal J1)eposU NEW BEDFORD "entertainment" features. function, he is meant to be. If insurance Corporation _ Spacious Parking Area WY 5-78;30 It is my contention that 'our 'he Isn't, that is a loss to both journalism schools should be the journalist and society. WY 2.29~1 leaning, not following the prac 129 Allen' St. ' ~ew: Bedford titioners of the art. Certainly the TertuClll"ies tolHe;tld YOUR DOLLAR BUYS frequently mentioned idoolism and theory of the schools must be Congress in Boston . " The Third Order of St. Francis, tempered by the exigenCies of the o practicing newspaper world. But' will hold a natlorial congress in . THAN EVER BEFC?~E the tempering can only be done Boston from Oct. 24-27. It Is ex 'Incorporated by journalists who are commit-' pected that Tertiaries from all See us for the "BEST DEAL In CII
ted to the ideals and the theories. parts of the country, will attend. Ford Car or' 1'ruck
lFllJNlE~AlL SIC'RVICI! o The theme of the Congress is. There is a great deal of differ ence between' accommodating The Franciscan Way of Life. The Serving CenUal Cape one's ideals .and surrendering opening will begin with a Solemn Pontifical Mass to, be offered at ' them. My contention is·'that most of 7:30 p,m. at the Cathedral. of the Tel.. 684 Hyannis,. Mass. FORD DEALERS 'FOR OVIER J} YEARS
' our' journalism schools take for Holy Cross Oct. 24. ~ 344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass.
The program includes' prom their "ideals" the de facto situ~' I ation in the field of practical inent speakers and" workshop sessions, Emphasis will be placed journalism. They examine journ alism as It Is cUlTently practiced on the Franciscan view of life as Memorial and then train their students on seen by adults and youtl1s.· tha t level. ~ FUNERAL HOME Now I realize there are excep Plan Supper Arrangements &- Services tions. There are a small number' Mount St. Mary's Convent Personally Supervised by of daily newspapers that neither Auxiliary, assisted by mothers of . inflate trivial news items nor de MRS. JOHN F. DOLAN St. Mary's Cathedral School, Fall nature the significant stories River, will conduct a harvest sup. Taunton • US Broadway And there are a few' journalism pel' on Thurday nIght. Oct. 24 in " VAN DYKE 2-2181 ' colleges (Marquette being a con-. the Convent Hall,' SecoIJd 'Street, spicuous example) that teach not only the history and the art of journalism, but also, ,In em fI phatic and penetrating fashion, the ethics and principles of jour Com~lete nalism. ~UNERAl' 970 ASHUY IBLVID. But I am talking now about the NEW REDIfORD great majority of both papers 2~ 5) ~ANK SiR-lE!t'II' lFAfUlIltGVIER, MASS. and schools, and that Is why I MAINOFF,ICE 6' FACTORY 70' Washington Street say Monsignor Dell'Acqua hit a QUDNCY, MASS. TAUNTON lloail on the head when he de O,$b@l1'lriI~iIQ~31$8 OPEN EVERYDAY WY 6,-5555
nounced some of today's com VA 3-337~ JOHN RICCIUT~ [;, SONS. INC.
mon journalistic practices,
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for Bristol County ~ro$t®I' (@~nfy,
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MOR'E ,FORD in 1957,.
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Books of the HOlBr
Fmr$t W@r~( . SUCCe!)$
nn: ANCMCIl 'lrhlJrs., ~It\'. 10. 1957
to Atta~n ~f First Novel
F@ftlJ'ilell' IID@V«fl ©~~Inl§ GQ.DuCcdJ '
SeltiJ$@!ro {fCI'W
By Rev. D. Bernard Th~ali, 0.S.8.
Where the ,Soil Was Shallow is a novel by Jose Giro nella (Regnery, $4,95) written several years before his great' work, The Cypresses Believe in God; It is a com mon device of publishers to trade upon the success of an author's later work by is suing (or re-issuing) earlier romance with· Yvonne the author books, and identifying them asks: "What had happened that they no longer were able to be iOn the jacket or in adver apart from each other? He loved
tisement, with the later work. It is not often ,that such Ii gambit' pays off, for the :mW:A~:,:.~;.;:.;;, earlier work Is. more often than not, inferior. "'\ Such Is the :~ case with thIs novel. Th e author has aimed at pre sentlng a sort of universal modern man, in Miguel Serra Rnd then a pic ture of the dIs organized, 'atomized world in which that man lives (this is better brought out in the original Spanish title of the book: Un Hombre-A Man.> Cleric to Smugglel' Miguel's father is an itinerant cellist, who dies 'shortly after the book opens, while the child is only a few years old. ImmedIately Miguel and Eva. his wife, begin ~the wanderings about Europe which will characterIze the' son's life. There Is a brIef period when Miguel thinks he wants to be come 8 Jesuit. He spends a year 1r. a' Belgian seminary, being severely disciplined toward the end because of his pre-occupation with a group of gypsIes encamped near the seminary. . Partly 8S a result of this pun ishment, Miguel renounces cleri cal life. and mother and son set off together. They travel In France, Spain, and Ireland, and while they are on a mountaln
climbing expedition in this last
country. Eva falls and Is killed.
leaving Miguel on hIs own, with a moderate fortune.
The boy decides that he must make 8 living In some way. and thinks brIefly of following hIs father as a musician. This is re jected in favor of running a bookshop in Paris. Within a short time, Miguel builds up a fine business In this store. He also, Requires a mistress, Yvonne. daughter of his landladY. This Is not Miguel's first experience, In 1l11eit love. While staying with his mother In Ireland he had a brief affair with a young girl hired to teach him English.
He tires of bookselling and of
Yvonne after Il. few years, and is
next attracted to circus life. where he has followed still an
other girl, a gypsy named Jean nette. For her sake he buys the limall circus 1n which she is a trapeze artist, and spends the next few years in Its manage ment, at first profitably. Later he loses both the circus and Jeannette. 'Llved Like Gentleman' As the book ends, Miguel has returned to his father's country of Catalonia, and at the sugges tion of relatives has entered upon a new career as an importer of smuggled goods from France, and OUl" last picture of him is this: "Sometimes he laughed, and sometimes he wept; sometimes he sinned and sometimes he went to Confession . . . For the rest, he lived like a gentleman." Sometimes it is possible to see, in a confusing picture of a con fused life, a part of the univer sality of experience that the au thor seems to be driving at, but for the most part. Miguel and all those with whom hIs lot is thrown are far too special and Iieparated from our own experi ence. The wrIting, too, though this may be a by-product of translation. is awkward, often to the poInt of being laughable. One example must suffice. Of the
her warm breath, and she doted on his blond hall', which was ,strong at' the roots, but grew gradually thinner, unt11 at last it ended In shredded ends that were rather sad." ~ .Fable of 10-Year-Old A much more normal and more nearly universal central figure is a 10-year-old boy In Davia Walker's charming short novel. Sandy Was a Soldier's Boy (Houghton Mifflin, $3.00) Wandering neal' the Big House on an estate near his rural SCot tish home, 10-year-old Alexander Don aid Kilconquhar McBain spies (a) a large squirrel; (b) a glass green-house - and he has a slingshot In his pocket. Hitting the squirrel proves impossible; hitting the greenhouse all too easy. In an ecstasy of 1l1icit JOY. Sandy knocks out 27 panes of glass, only to be immediately ap prehended by the nephew of the greenhouse owner. who turns out to be also the commanding off.! eel' of the Black Watch regiment in which Sandy's father 'is Pipe Maior. ' .The rest of the summer Sandy spends in work about the estate, to pay for the windows - but it is pleasant work. in which he is accompanied by the Colonel's daughter Sheila, and worried over by the Colonel's aunt. The story 'ends with an imaginary in vasion of Scotland, in which Sandy plays a short and heroic role. This Is a thoroughly pleas ant and rewarding little book.
Rev. John E. BOYd, Diocesan director of radio actiVities, in augurated the 1957 radio season for the Catholic Theatre Guild of New Bedford at Radio Station WNBH. The first presentation was an original, script written for radio by Miss Ellen Gaughan, a 111e111-' bel' of the guild. The play was . titled "St. Jude Thaddeus." Miss Gaughan's play, directed by Christopher Best, was the first of 21 dramatic productions to be broadcast bi-weekly. The play 'dealt with several incidents in tIle life of St. Jude. cousin. servant, and beloved friend of Jesus Christ. The Cath ·olic Church honors and invokes St. Jude universally as the patron saint of hopeless cases and things despaired of. The similarity in the nlilme Jude and that of. Judas Iscariot. has caused St. Jude to be forgot ten by many through the past. Today however, there are many religious 0 l' del's within the church 'who conduct novenas to the powerful saint. Included in the cast. of Guild PRELATE VISITS DIOCESAN NUNS: Most Rev. David F. Hickey, 8.J., D.D., Bishop of Belize, 'British Hon 'actors in the play were Manuel Sylvia, Francis Mosley, Gordon duras, paid a visit to Mount Saint Mary Convent, Fall 'Goodfellow, Jeffrey Nunes. Man River, to see nuns who worked with him in the Belize mis uel Almada, Edmund Butler. By sion territory. Left to right, Sister Mary Philomena, Su ron Harrington, and Edward perior. of St. Patrick's Convent, Fall River; Bishop Hickey, Wojnar, with music furnished by E. Holton. Sister Mary Josella, Group Supervisor of Boys, St. Vin Violet After his pI'ayel' of invocation. cent's Home, Fall River and Sister Mary Carolyn, prin~ipal Father Boyd gave a short talk on Of St. Mary's Cathedral School, Fall River. the work and purpose of the guild.
laity Must Nurture TOLEDO (NC)-Laymen must Christianize their whole environ mentand nurture vocations to the religious life. Bishop George J. Rehrihg of Toledo 'stressed the need for this approach 'to life in his letter an nouncing the annual diocesan seminary co!lection. He said that unless the -laity Christianize society "an unwhole some influence will enter their
Father Kelley To Head Legionaries Retr~at Statue for Fatima The annual retreat for Legion Nears Completion
aries of the Fall River Diocese w1l1 be held this week-end at Cathedral Camp. East Freetown. with Rev. Phllfp c. Kelley. C.S.C. of the Holy Cr03s Mission Band. No. Dartmouth, retreat master. All men and women of the diocese who are interested in the Legion are welcome to attend. Resrvations may be obtained by contacting the Legion of Mary, 49 First Street, Taunton or by call1ng Taunton, Van-Dyke 2-0357.
United Nations Day Prayer Prepare!l
WASHINGTON (NC) A prayer prepared especially for United Nations Day, ·Oct. 24, by Archbishop Robert E. Lucey of San Antonio has been released by the United States Committee for the United Nations. The paryer says in part: "Give to us, we pray, an understanding of international unity and human solidarity. Let us not forget that all men are one In their creation, in their redemption and in their sublime destiny. Give us the light to see that our country belongs to the family of nations;' our people belong tb the' human race."
PISA, Italy (NC) - Dominican Father Thomas McGlynn, who has preached many sermons in his 25 years as a priest. is now completing what he considers his greatest sermon-and it is in stone. , !,'ather, who has had a long career as a sculptor, will complete shortly the 15 and a half-foot statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary which he has cai'ved in accord with the personal des cription of Sister Lucy of Fatima, who as a child was one of the three who experienced the visions of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima, Portugal. When completed the statue \vill be shipped to Fatima, Portugal, as the gift. of the American peo ple. It will be placed above the door of the basilica there at the order of Bishop Jose Alves Cor- , reia da Silva of Leiria.
homes and. gl;adually destroy them altogether." "We must remember," said Bishop Rehring, "that environ ment is made lip largely of homes: that It Is the coalescence of their atmosphere. In other \\iords. environment and the home react upon one another. Environment can help or hurt the home. Homes, therefore must assist and protect one another." The prelate asked how long "will aspIrants persevere in the choice of living that is proper to the priestly state" in an environ ment where human life is treated cheaply. where marriage is a convenient arrangement, and where Sunday is not observed as the Lord's Day. "All but· the rare individual will succumb to seduction in its diverse guises." said B ish 0 p Rehring.
I: J. Sheed's 11ieW
book -
This book, based on the rna teriaD il1ll 'the first year of the author's column "Theology foil' the Layman," is now read". We believe readers of ~he column will be happy to have the book, not only fall' themselves, but also to lend to other Catholics looka inSi foil' a deeper knowledge off Illheir faith-and to intera esltecll D1lon-Catholics.
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Divinity and Sacrifice
Godlove Yo'u By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheep, D.D• . Saint Peter was willing to admit a Divine Christ, but wi's unwilling to admit' a 'Suffering Christ. "Thou .:a~t:, the' Son of the Living God", he told Our Lord 'at Cesarea Philippi. But when Our Lord s.aid that He must die for the sins of the world Peter rebuked Him. A year and a half later or within a week of Our &avior's Death. when Our Lord told the Greeks that like a seed He must first fall to the ground and then rise again, there was the s-ame misunderstanding on the part of the crowd. They argued that the Christ Who was to come was to be eternal? Why then did He say that He would die?
Neither Peter, at that early moment. nor
the people could reconcile Divinity and a Suf
fering Humanity, al,though th!! prophe.ts Isaias.
Daniel and Zacharias had clearly prophesied
that Our Divine Lord would be the Suffering
Redeemer. Sometimes we Catholics are like
, Peter' and the crowd, finding it difficult to
reconcile adding g,acrifice. self-denial and a
. cross to our faith in the Divinity of the Church. Is it not enough to believe without, "taking up a cross daily"; is it not enough to receive C0111munion without having it obligate us "to announce the death of the Lord until He come"?' Why if Christ sacrificed His life"for our' sins. do we have to ad'd our sacrifices? Because 'that is one way we apply the merits of His Death to our souls; only by conforming to the like ness of His Death will we ever conform to the glory of His Resur rection. See! We are not begging to extend the faith to pagan lands without being interest'ed in sanctifying your souL We want YOU' to'make daily sacrifices for the Holy Father and his' Pontifical Mission Organizations; but we want you to be helped too. It is not the gift alone that interests us; it is the giver.. It would be wrong· to take the sacrifice without Divinity. as it was wrong for Peter to take the Divinity without the Sacrifice. Frankly, we are, as Interested In Improving the' moral·and spiritual. tone of the United States as we are in bringing the pagan world to Christ. Hence when, you cut into your luxuries do it in Christ's name by sending the sacrifices to the Holy Father, through his Society for the Propagation 'of the Faith. GOD LOVE YOU to T:L.T. "I used to invest about $250 a year in securities but have decided it will be as secure with the HOly F·ath er's Missions." ... to RB."This,$4 was going to buy some extra little luxuries for me, instead let it buy some little necessities for the poor' of the world." ... to M.G. "I am a Senior in high school' and I fig ured that if I cr,n s\::end '$1201' $13 for a sweater and skirt I can send at le,:\st this $10,for God's beloved missioners."" Just a little a[lv:mce notice-Sunda,y, October 20th is Mission SundaJ'. R'cmemher to make a, few extra sacrifices for those who 'have s:::cl:ificed all for th~ love of God and souls-the Hob'Father and his missionaries all over the world; Cut cut this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Missions, The ~,ddress is The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN DI RECTOR REV, RAYMOND T, CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Irall River, Ma~s.
Says l@y lRe~~e@tf$ So(U]~cdJ [)eathkrwe~u 'an PQ1$$ov«;: C@tho~oc$
PLAN STONEHILL FASHION LUNCHEON: Working on invitations fol" the an nual affair to be held at Blue Hill Country Club, Canton, on Saturday, Oct. 26 for th~ benefit of the college building fund are members of -the College 'Guild. Left, to I'ight: Mrs. Paul J. Fountain, Raynham Center, and Miss Frances A. Dineen, North Easton, co-chairmen, and Mrs. Leo Welch, Whitman, Guild president.
Continued from Page One the parish, A cafeteria will be es tablished close to the aUditoriuni. Another feature will be a wide display of Biblical themes 'on glazed ceramic tile covering the walls of the corridors. Father Branco expects the building, which will front on Earle Street next to the patish rectory, wfll be ready foi' occu pancy next September for kin aergarten. first and second grade pupils, with two rooms for each grade. The house on Davis Street cur-' rently being used as a kinder garten for 33 children will be converted to serve as the Sisters' cOlwent.
~@o '[)~Il"il'moll,!lil'h «lIII'Il<dl
SO. 'Dartmouth WY 7-9384
Hy,an'nis 2921
SACRAMENTO (NC) - The quick growth of the retreat move ment among Amcrican lay Cath olics "tolls the deathknell" of passive Catho~icism, Bishop Rob ert J. Dwyer of Reno has said here. He spoke at the eighth western regional conference of the Na tional Lay\\'omcn's ~etreat As .~.':
Bishop Dwyer said the lay movement has spread with unexampled rapidity to cvery part of the nation. exercises its influence over countless thou sands of persons, and is a clear indication of an awakening sen sitivity among American Catho lics t,o the broader implications of the spiritual life. Deep Catholicism "It tolls the deathknell," he stated, "of that type of Catholi cism which is 'merely passive, content with fulfilling the mini mum requirements which the Church lays down as essential for participation'in the Mystical Body of Christ, For it is through m e d ita t ion and prayer and through the apparatus o'f'the i'e treat that the ability to appre ciate. Catholicism in depth, is achieved." Although he praised the sig nificance of the retreat move ment, Bishop, Dwyer cautioned the delegates against the pitfall of emotionalism in religion. "Surface religion is the bane of Americtt,", he declared. "It is fataJly easy, in' the Church or ,out of it, to allow emotionalism to' serve as a substitute for the r~treat
real thing, We are sometimts astonished to see religion treated as a sort of phenomenon of mass hysteria, and, vast throngs swept off their feet by the personal magnetism of the'revivalist. Two Fold Purpose "There is, actuallY, something very sad in this-the evidence of a great spiritual hunger which 'is' not' assuaged by' any adequate spiritual food, We say this not critically, but with the clear realization that. genuine religion cannot be measured by purely sentimental response. It must' be built up in the soul by long training in the solid truths of the Faith," , The Bishop said a retreat has a twofold function, namely, per-, sonal and social. ,"The individual Catholic makes a retreat," he stated. "primarily for the sake of his own soul'..• The retreat is his withdrawal, his recoiling within himself to be alone with God ... to understand religion in depth. It is only after ' this withdrawal ... that he feels
inspired to return to the world
. in strength, prepared 'to live more
fully and more completely the
Catholic fife." 'But it is of equal importance, he continued, "that no Catholic lives. for himself alone." It is fOl' this 'reason, the, Bishop added. "that the withdrawal of "the re treat shOUld, logically,be followed by 'the return to' the ,world with a heightened .sense of the aposto late and a fresh,vigOr in carrying out the command of "Christ to teach all ltatioll3.i '
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The report that' Bishop Scander's diocese in Egypt doubled in 10 years comforte,d the Holy Father. Entire' villages 01 Coptio Orthodo:l reo turned to the Church, like Biblas. He writes that God has surely test·
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Prr'ueSlti' Defends Fifth Ame:ndment
IPJlIltlJOllI1tlOIlll!!) R1e'~D~f,~IJJ!$
CINCINNATI . INC) - ' The ~W(wIJ"@] if@, ffix[plO@[TerrS <llcnstitutional right to refuse to Plans to introduce a religious Toe n witness against oneself In t:I war d for Explorers (Senior my JTmek 1'UJ11l~~WY . criminal cases is "one of the Scouts) akin to the Ad Altare Dei greatest safeguards" of the indi momell'se~ lIDDg!lll S~lliUlOU ~oDetll Medal, for Boy Scouts were made vidual against the power of the Another full schedule IOf exciting ,sch·oolboy football at a meeting. of New England otate. ~s on tap for the coming Columbus Day weekend. Three chaplains at Providence. That Is' the opinion of Father A chaplains' committee was ap games are scheduled for 'the holiday eve: Bourne at Fal John A. Kemp, Jesuit legal his mouth, Archbishop Williams lat Durfee, and Canton at . pointed to work on the award, torian and authority on the Fifth which will be known as the Pius
North Attleboro. XII Award. The plan calls for Amendment, in which .the pro In the Cape' encountel', Voke went down before Fairhaven specific units to work on the tection against self-incrimination. Coach Mike Gaddis' inex by a seven point difference. Voke award experimentally this year.. is included. Since the inception of the Ad perlenced team will be seek lost to Taunton, 19-14, on open Addressing the Cincinnati Me fulg its initial win against a ins day. Where does all th~s leave Altare Del. Award, a total of dievealists, Father KemJ) de
73,000 boys engaged in Catholic Bourne club that has beaten us? With a good close ball game. Scouting have \Von this high clared:
Provincetown. 20-6, and tied I'd say. honor. a:ccording to a report sub
"The Founding Father of the Weston, 6-6. Falmouth in two IDighton at Somerset mitted to the chaplains by Rt. . Constitution knew well that there The only Narry game on Sat «Iutings has 11 tie-a ocoreless Rev. George M. Dowd,' director tilt at Dighton-and a. loss, B urday's program finds Dighton of the National Catholic Commit would be· instances where the 41-6 reversal at the hands of at Somerset. Off the record, Som tee on- Scouting. Msgr. Dowd also Fifth Amendment would shield erset must be favored, but again reported that there are now the guilty: they were willing to Dartmouth. Coach Jack Garrity, fOnnel" All- thiS' is one of those traditional 550,000 Catholic boys aC,tive in risk this, lest one innocent man American hockey player at B.U., rivalries where' the book doesn.t Scouting. be forced by his own word to . Is reportedly bringing another, count for much. Somerset re Rev. Walter Sullivan of Fall incriminate himself. ll'epresentatlve W1lliams team to "bounded on the .weekend to take River. represented this diocese. Popular Belief
challenge Durfee. The gaple wlla IS 38-6 decision at Provincetown. "The real basis of' the right lDriginally carded for Oct. 4 but after an initial 21-7 lOllS to Mans assured by the Fifth Amendment was postponed a week to accom field in a non-league game. Jim Strosses Obligation goes far back into medieval modate the parochla.ls. Both Rockcliffe, speedy Raider left To Pay Living Wa.ga Catholic law, which _sought to teams won their openelS. Durf!!e halfback crossed the P.-Town PEORIA (NC) - Religious in check the power of the almighty b~ a 14-~ count over Attleboro, goal no less than five times to stitutions sometimes use their while Willlam~ ran roughshod gsln individual IIco.rlng honors . communities' vows of poverty a8 state and protect the subject against the arbitrary actions of over East PrOVIdence. feir the day. an exciise· to pay employees less the monarch who believed him In the third .arc light affair, In other games throughout the than a living Wage: a Jesuit priest self to be above the natural law." potent North Attleboro figures to tirea on Saturday, North Quincy said here. " Father Kemp deplored the fact make It two straight against Can wlll be at Taunton, Vocational Father James O'Connor, S.J., that "today, when a man takes ton which was shelled .last week travels to Barnstable, and of the Jesuit House of Theologi by Abington, 27-13. NOlth gained· Stoughton v I ~i t s Wareham. cal Studies in West Baden the Fifth Amendment, over 70 per cent of the people believe un impressivll. win over North Rounding out the small schools' Springs, Ind., told a Diocesan that by that very fact. he is Quincy in last week's action. after . schedule. Case plays host to Confel'ence of, Catholic Hospitals. I . Ibelng stalemated by New Bedford Franklll1, and' Dartmouth takes "It has often been said - not guilty." "Guilt in the United States is «In opening day. on Yarmouth. In the latter tWI' IIohvays jokingly - that Religious not based on personal opinion," clashes the home forces will be' take the vow of poverty, but ex Coyle Faces Whalers he declared. "It Is assessed by the prohibitive favorites. . Bristol County B'ames on Sat terns' have to practice it." action of the courts. It is an un urday have Coyle at New Bed Narry League He cited portions of canon law wholesome legal attitude to pro ford and Fairhaven at Attleboro. While the \veek's activity may and several social encyclicals to nounce Judgment outside of the make his point that the obliga possibly clarify the Bristol Coun channels provIded by law." Both clashes B'ive promise of be tion'to pay a just wage is one of ing top notch encount.ers. ?n the ty gl'1d picture, there's every indi "By the Constitution, the gov basis of comparative scores cation that the Narry situation strict justice and not· .an obliga against a common oppOnent, New will continue in a 'state of flux tion arising from charity or some Bedford will be the underdog In . until November, when the big other motive. He maintained this the Coyle fray. Both teams havQ three, Case Dartmouth and was just as true even though a met and. defeated Barnstable. Somerset are scheduled against religious community was. the em
The Warl'lOl's had an easy time one another on successive week of it against the Cape e~even; ends. For the past two years, the winning 38-0, while the Cl.'lmson Narry crown hasn't been decided needed a late game touchdown to until the Case-Somerset game: notch a 14-7 victory. But com On the strength of its first two For Complete parativ~ sc.ores are rather un~'e performances, Dartmouth must Laundry Service liable clitelia, especially in a CIU~ be.considered a. strong possibIlity eial game. Coach Jim Burns, for small school honors. 1726 ACUSHNET AVE.
veteran-studded Wardors are off . 1668 Pleasant St. NEW BEDFORD .
to their finest start in years. New Friar Cmde.rmen
On T a~ for Area Farro~
Bedford, under Tom Eck, Is im proving each time out. Attleboro, 1-1 In Bristol County competi tlon, wlll be seeking' to Improve Its league standing against un defeated, once tied, Fairhaven. There is no common opponent In the picture but we observed that Taunton dropped a one touchdown decision to Attleboro last week. while New Bedford
Brother Harold Qualters, C.S.C., son of Mr: and Mrs. Harold Qua I t e l' 8, 136 Church street, Mansfield, II 1956 graduate af Monsig :nor Coyle High School, is eontinuing his studies at St. Eelward'!l University in Au.~ tln, aftei' taRing temporary 'Vows in the Congregation ef HE)ly
Switching to track, Providence College Cl'oss - Country team opened its intercollegiate sports season against United States Milital'y Academy at. West Point. Harry Coates, the veteran track mentor at Providence College, is pleased with the :work of the Cross-Country squad during the past two weeks in preparation fOl' the opening meet against the United States MIlitary Academy. West Point has another, out standing Cross - Country team this year. defeating Manhattan In its opening meet last week. It was a tough opener for Provi dence College but Coach Coates with a number of veterans re turning from last year's squad believes Providence College w1ll have a fine team this year. The members of the Provi dence College varsity squad are: Captain William Hanlon, Dennis Carey, Robel·t Ruggeri, Robert Williams, W1lliam Horridge, Ar thur Hewes, Gerald Corrado, KelT MacIntyre. Frank Krajew ski. James Baker. In last year's Cross-Countl'y meet with West Point Captain Bill Hanlon won , the race although .Providence College was defeated in the meet. Tl1e Providence' College Cl'oss Country team .opened the after noon's activity with a three mile. race against the Army's Plebes.
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ernment cannot demand that fl man, whatever hi:; reputation, be the instrument of his own des truction," he said. Iridividual Right Concern about the wisdom of the Fifth Amt:ndment is nothing new in American history, Father Kemp continued, noting that just 100 years ago there was a vigor ous attempt to have the protec tion . against self-incrimination thrown out. Current interest in thl;] amend ment, he believes, has been intensified 'by televised hearings which "have brought the issue more before the eye of the public than at any other time in our history." "There have been numerous Instances," he continued,' "where the U. S. courts have been frus trated in their effort to obtain evidence. However. whatever the abuses, it is still competely within l'1ght of the individual to appeal to this right assured by the Constitution. The vast machinery of governmental prosecution must find other ways of bringing the accused to justice without invading his right of conscience,"
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