diocese of fall river
t eanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 41
20c, $6 Per Year
He Came, Saw,. Conquered
"Early in the sixties, Pope With America's heart firmly John Paul XXliII 'opened the in his keeping, Pope John Paul windows of the Church,' said II left Washington on Sunday. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, director Behind him lay a tumultuous of the Society for the Propagaweek unequalled in the nation's tion of the faith in the diocese ~istory. From Boston to. Washof Fall River, in a recent inter- mgton, the people were hiS, welview. • coming him in their millions, un- "Our Pope John Paul II urges daunted by wind, stinging rain · , that we go a step further and or hours 0 f stan d mg m parks or 'open wide the doors for Christ,' on sidewalks." His basic message . . Msgr. Oliveira conti~ued. "We :-vad~ 'dslmlPleh: govhemments .ab~ld . have taken this as the theme for m IVI ua save t e responsl I our Mission Sunday' campaign . ity and obligation to work for e this year. "A door takes two-way traf- .p ace. In Ireland, the pope applied fic. It is open for people to the message to the civil war in come in. But it is also open for us to go out to seek. them as the Northern Ireland. At the United Nations he pleaded for disarmaGood Shepherd did. ment and more effective co"More than half a billion people in the mission world live operation between developed and underdeveloped countries. at a level of absolute poverty, In the United States, he emphaon $50 or less a year," Msgr. Oliveira said. "How can Christ sized the obligation of the afspeak to them if He does not fluent to improve the life of the poor and stressed the· role of' come with food? "In the very near future," he world' powers in securing a Tum to Page Seven stable peace.
The 10-day trip was also a huge personal triumph for Pope John Paul. His warm personality and shunning of official schedules to spend more time talking and tou~~ing people impressed the millions who personally saw him and the millions more . , who followed him on televIsion. Among those accompanying the pope on his travels was Father Daniel F Hoye a native of Taunton., -no~ on l~ave from the diocese to serve as an aide to Bishop Thomas Kelly, secretary o~ th: National Council of Catholic Bishops. For both the pope ~d his e~tourage, the trip was exhausting. It began Sept. - 29 when John Paul II flew to Dub1in. By the time he returned to Rome on Monday, he had visited 12 cities on two continents and travelled more than 11,200 air miles. His audiences ranged from 300 handicapped pers,?ns in Washington'
to the over one million who turned out for some of the outdoor papal Masses. His speech to the United Nations on Oct. 2 drew the most attention. He strongly called for peace, justice human rights and religious freedom. H'IS encoun t ers WI'th you th s h' h om ' t f th t' b were Ig Pth s °th .e np d',ecause 0 f e en uSlasm ISplayed by both the young people d th In N Y r k' s ~a d'Isone spope. G . dew OOt quare ar en c. 3, U.S. television viewers were treated to a joyful happening as youths sang and cheered, presented blue jeans and a T-shirt to the pope, and gave an audiovisual presentation of their feelings, hopes and dreams. The pope in tum delighted them by responding with cries of."wooo, wooo" - the Polish equivalent of "wow!" There were no real surprises in the pope's talks. The positions Tum to Page Fifteen
Evangelization . Preparations are complete for Saturday;s daylong Congress on Evangelization, to be held at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, begiiming at 9:30 a.m. and concluding with a 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral. Father Horace J. Travassos, diocesan liaison to the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Evangelization, and chairman of the program, said, "It is the hope of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, that the congress will afford a wonderful opportunity to foster within the laity of the diocese a deeper ungerstanding of the church's mission of evangelization and will suggest a variety of specific ways in which this apostolic mission may be effectively carriedout at the parish level. Rev. Alvin A. niig, CSP, executive director of the Bishops' Committee, will conduct the congress sessions. His topics will Tum to Page Seven
NCEA To Me'et
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 11, 1979
I n Worcester
Attleboro Area Jubilee Fete. The Greater Attleboro area celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Fall River diocese will be held Sunday, Oct. 21 at King Philip ballroom, Wrentham, following a jubilee Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro. A social hour will begin at 6 p.m. with dinner and dancing' . following. Tickets for the event are available from committees in each area P!lrish 'and reservations shou~d be made by Monday with Mrs. Normand Jette, 463 Paine Rd., North Attleboro, general banquet c h a i r p e r s o n . \ , l"
, :if A
Planning the evening with . Mrs. Jette, of Sacred Heart par- '\ HUNDREDS WERE PRESENT for the Vocation Awareness Day held Sunday at Bishop ish, North Attleboro, are Miss Connolly High School, Fall River. Following this Mass, with Bishop C,ronin as principal conLouise Capone, publicity; Mrs. celebrant, participants viewed exhibits on the activities of the diocesan priesthood, the David Sellmayer, tickets; Mrs. permanent diaconate and all religious communities represented in the diocese. John Maragnano, decorations. All are from St. Mary's parish, Mansfield. Hostess chairperson is Mrs. Edmund Messier, St. Theresa's, SQuth Attleboro, District Council president. ""I'U""lIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIllIlIIlllllIIllIllllllllnUIIIlIIUIlIlUlllllillMU
IUSPS·545·020) Second Class Postalle Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the ,catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Bolt '7, Fill Rlvlr,_ MA 02722
Hospital Fundraising Drive
"Caring With Excellence" is the watchword at St.' Anne's Hospital, Fall River, as the 73year-old institution begins its capital construction campaign. The theme was introduced by Joseph Feitelberg and Edward C. Berube, campaign co-chairmen. The hospital has set a goal of $1.5 million from private sources . to help subsidize the cost of a sweeping physical moderniza-
tion program. "Over the next four years, all, are. will be either replaced or renovated," said Edward C. Berube, postmaster of Fall River and a member of the hospital board of directors. St. Anne's, the only Catholic hospital in the diocese of Fall River, has received endorsement for the' fundraising program from Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, bishop of the diocese.
"In recent years tbe leadership at St: Anne's Hospital has been preparing finely detailed health care plan to meet the future health care needs of the city, Southeastern Massachusetts and parts of Rhode Island. These plans call for demolition of the archaic 1906 wing of the hospital, and construction of energyefficient and modern service buildings," explained James F. Turn to Page Seven
"Sharing the Light of Faith" will the the theme for the annual meeting of the New England Unit of the National Catholic Educational Association, to be held Saturday, Oct. 20 at Holy Name Catholic' Central High School, -Worcester. The first speaker of the day. beglnning at 9:30 a.m., will be 'Brother Bruno Manno, NCEA inservice programs director, whose topic will be "Growing in Faith," a consideration of Chapter VIII of the new National Catechetical Directory. "The Gospel and the Justice Agenda" will be considered by Sister Marie Augusta Neal of the faculty of Emmanuel College, Boston. The. day will conclude with a _ concelebrated Mass. .
Appointments The following appointments have been announced by the Most Reverend Daniel' A. Cronin. Bishop of Fall River: - Father Henry Creighton,' SS.CC. and Father Roy Yurco, SS.CC., co-chaplains of Damien Council No. 4190, Mattapoisett Kpights of Columbus; - Father Normand Boulet, Boy Scout chaplain for the Greater New Bedford area; - - '- Father Alphonsus McHugh, sS.ce., Boy Scout chaplain for Cape Cod; - Father Raul M. Lagoa, PreCana program director for the Attleboro area:
"Whatever You Make of Your Life Let It Be Something That Reflects The Love of Christ." JOHN PAUL n Boston Common -
/South Attleboro KNIGHT'S OF C'OLUMBUS Council 5876
October I, 1979
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
SISTERS of MERCY BENEFIT DINNER MT. ST. RITA HEALTH CENTER WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th - VENUS de MILO $35.00 'p'er Person Social Hour 6:00 P.M. - Dinner - Dancing 7:00 P.M. TICKETS OR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: Fall River New Bedford Attleboro Taunton Cape Area Health Centre
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FROM TOP, Bishop Cronin meets with (from left) Father Ronald Tosti, Mrs. Estelle Margarido, Mrs. Aristides Andrade, Miss. Adrienne Lemieux, Father James Lyons at Taunton area Jubilee Banquet, while Erin Flannery and Patricia Dumont participate in pre-Mass procession at St. Mary's Church. In bottom two pictures, Father John Oliveira leads pilgrims from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, New Bedford, and another group marches down Spring Street towards annual diocesan Mass for Peace at Kennedy Park, Fall River. . ".
I I I •
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the living路 word
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
.the moorinL Thou Art Peter' If there is any doubt to the reality of the papacy to the entire country, it certainly has been dispelled by the ,events of this past week. If there has been a secret desire that Pope John Paul II might not address the so-called "sensitive" questions in. the American church, this too has been dismissed. If there have been Catholics who felt that their church was not a relevant factor in the ongoing process of reveal. ing the fact that Jesus is Lord for all people, they had better redefine. their own goals and. objectives with the faith. community. As a result of last week, the church' in America will never be the same. It is only too evident that a starving people was fed the lifegiving words of true reality. The extraordinary media coverage that brought the Holy Father into homes and hearts that previously would not see or hear was in itself one of the more significant accomplishments of the papal visit. To a nation that has turned to worship of the golden calf of materialj.sm and self-gratification, the challenge of eternal reality was offered in a manner that each individual in our mass-manipulated society could value. However, the main thrust of the Pope must not be lost amid ticker-tape showers and motorcades. He came as the chief shepherd of the church on a pastoral visit to the Catholic community of America. He came as Vicar of Christ to renew the message of Jesus and to hand on that unchanging message to a church that has tried to do its own thing in its own way. He came as the successor of Peter to offer the reality of discipleship to all in the church who dare say, "Where do I go, L0.rd?" There are those who have reacted predictably to his message - the Bill Bairds and Madalyn Murray O'Hairs of the world. There have also been the less predictable reac-' tions, such as the ,mercurial efforts and platitudes of one Andrew Greeley. Yet the message of the Pope goes far beyond those who seek headlines. His words touched the very reality of our faith and its corresponding discipline. He warned those who seek freedom to beware of license. To those who would change the priesthood, he preached Christ. To those who suffer he reached a hand of hope. , To be sure, there will still be Catholics who will clamor for their own style of change; who will refuse to obey the teaching church while obnoxiously promulgating their own brand of religion; who will refuse to follow the Lord as seen in,the person of his earthly Vicar while demanding that others follow them out the door of the church. If that be the case, so be it. Perhaps it may be reflected that such persons have already placed themselves beyond the church, have left its shepherding when they left its teachings and in anger at their failure to effect路 their own brand of change have become apostles of confusion, conflictand condemnation. It would be well for all who seek the Lord in the reflections and teachings of the Holy Father to realize that they cannot serve both God and the mammon of self- gratification, no matter what form it takes. As Catholics, we must listen to the deep and demanding voice of the man who walks in the shoes of the Fisherman. /'
HoWey Caufman Photo
'Let the children come to me, he said, do not keep them back; the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.' Mark 10:14 ~. .
Sidelights The pope's shortest speech had to be his remarks to Catholic University students who chanted "John Paul II, we love you" as he prepared. to enter the campus fieldhouse for an address to ,academics. He turned and chanted three times into a portable microphone: "John Paul II - he loves you." Then he added "That is all my message. Finished," as he continued into the building.
American teens quickly found a special name for the pontiff. In Star Wars style they dubbed him "JP2." A poignant moment carne at . Five Holy Martyrs Church in Chicago, where a one-week-old baby girl was passed by her mother from hand to hand to the pope for a special blessing. Doctors fear she has been' born without pupils in her eyes and will be blind~ The scene brought tears to the eyes of even the journalists traveling with the pontiff.
Retired Bishop Romeo BlanOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER . chette who is dying of Lou Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Gehrig's disease and has lost 410 Highland Avenue his speech, recovered :his voice Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 long enough to speak with PUBLISHER Pope John Paul II. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. The pope made an unexpecEDITOR . FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR ted telephone call from Chicago Rev. John F. Moore, Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan to the bishop who has been in ~ leary Press-Fall River
a rest home since March. Prior to his conversation with the pope, the bishop had lost his speech except for occasional utterances at daily Mass. But it returned during the four-minute conversation and he spoke to the pontiff in English, French, Italian and Latin. Pope John Paul asked for the bishop's blessing and the bishop gave it to him in Latin.
Blacks sold posters of a darkskinned John Paul. Also available: papal bumper stickers, medallions, T-shirts (in New York that read "Welcome Holy Father," and had big apples on them); there were even Pope John Paul table placemats with his picture. Street vendors were happy to talk, to tell about their wares. One fellow who sold three-dimensional colored pictures of the pope said proudly,' "You can actually feel his nose."
A couple of teenagers on the sidewalk across from .Grant Park in Chicago displayed their posters with pictures of "all 273 of the popes it's even got the anti-popes,,"
In Chicago, where you could find more souvenirs of the pope than in any other city on the tour, a man tried to sell a pen-
nant that read, "Pope John Paul, welcome to Boston." He said he had run out of Chicago pen-路 nants. If people could not get close to talk to the pope, they would sometimes shout to get his attention. Teen-agers repeated infectious chants: "Long live the pope! I hope! I hope! I hope!" In Philadelphia some young people were even more enthusiastic and shouted: "Wrack 'em up, stack 'em up, break 'em in two. Holy Father, we're for you!" :::
Observant worshippers at services Sunday in St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington noticed that a plain wooden lectern had been substituted for the prized white one with a handsome gilded eagle that has long adorned the sanctuary. It had been borrowed by Catholic University for Pope John Paul II to use in addressing an . audience in the university's field house. :::
As the pope began to speak at the White House a stiff breeze lifted his white cape up and blew it over his head. He pushed it back down, but the wind persistently kept trying' to tum the cape into a hood. Then President Carter held the cloth down on the pope's back so that he could speak without disturbance.
~~§r=1=L=e=t=te='r=s=t=o=th=e=e=d=i=to=r~III~~~ Letters are welcomed, but sho~ld be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.
'Heinous Antics' Dear Editor: Congratulations on your most informative and well written editorial, "Shake Hands with the Devil" (Sept. 20, 1979). You expressed very clearly the view held by s9 many good Catholics, men and women alike, concerning the heinous antics of the women preparing to picket the Holy Father's visit to New England. Your specific reference to special ministers of the Eucharist was quite interesting. The Church's position on their function was clearly explained. May I add that the special ministers of the Eucharist" should be men or women who have been chosen as a result of the good Catholic life they lead, for their reverence toward the Blessed Sacrament, and for their fidelity to the Church. It is evident that these "dedicated daughters" are dedicated to themselves, and not to· the Church. In my opinion, these protesting special ministers should have the privilege, which was unfortunately granted to them, taken away. I am sure that many were displeased with your editorial, for you have dared to tread on dangerous ground: you have spoken the truth, and have spoken it well. Michael G. Thomas, Seminarian North American College Vatican ~ity
The Real Issue
changes' have already taken available financial aid and replace but there is still a long ceived nothing. I even asked the bishop, when way to go. I further believe that the Church will only continue he came for confirmation, if to progress if groups such as the "there were any diocesan scholarwomen whom you have so ships and he said no. Uncle Sam strongly criticized continue .in was no help. If you know where their commitment and dedica- all that available money is, we tion to the Church's develop- sure would like to know, as we ment. have . seven more kids headed for college. Clearly you are not in agreeWe ended up taking a $2500 ment with their concerns and that is your perogative. How- loan which our daughter has to ever, I believe that you have pay back, plus she won three grossly misrepresented the ma- local scholarships and was ture manner in which these awarded $900 plus work-study women have chosen to make at Salve Regina, College, Newport. She also gave. us all her their concerns known. summer earnings, so with the The forum which they used to help of God we made the $5900 express their concerns was a yearly tuition. prayer service, held in a church, If you have' any information the day before the Pope arrived. on this subject, we would be It was deliberately not sched- very grateful for your help! uled on the same day as the Dick and Kay Mack Pope's visit because of their Nantucket sensitivity to the significance of the event. Their public statements in the media have been Necrology positive in tone and free of the more typical assaultive name October 6 calling such as is found in 'your . Rev. Msgr. Edward B. Booth, editorial. 1972, Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary, I would suggest that, rather North Attleboro than an objection to the method, Rev. Dennis M. Lowney, 1918, time, and place that they have Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taunchosen to speak out, your real ton message is that you object to October 19 the fact that they have spoken at all. Rev. Manuel A. Silvia, 1928, Robert A. McGowan Pastor, Santo Christo,. Fall River Deerfield, N.H. October 21 Editor's Note: The addresses Rt. Rev. Edward J. Carr, P.R., of the Vicar of Christ in Phila- 1937, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall delphia and Washington, deal- River, Chancellor of Diocese, ing with the same topic as the 1907-21 main thrust of the above letter, Rev. Francis E. Gagne, 1942, have certainly reduced the men- Pastor, St. 'Stephen, Dodgeville tality and motivation' of the October 22 letter to the status of a moot ~uestion. . Rev. John E. ,Connors, 1940, Pastor, St. 'Peter, Dighton.
Dear Editor: I was disturbed by your editorial of Sept. 20th ("Shake Dear Editor: Hands With The Devil") referrYour editorial (Sept. 13) on ing 'to the lay and religious seniors in high school getting a women in the Boston area who headstart on college financial aid have recently received publicity was very nice advice but it in the media as they have exdidn't work for us. Lbt year we pressed their concern about the . and our oldest (we have eight) limited role of women in the spent a lot of time and effort Church. In a few brief parasearching and applying for all graphs, you dismissed the efforts of these women to be heard -as "lacking of good manners," "abiding ignorance," and "sounding brass and tinkling cymbals." Your editorial successfully ignores the real issue, namely, that Plans for the 25th annual increasing numbers of lay and Bishop's Charity Ball were made religious women are seeking a Sunday at a meeting attended more significant and equal role by over 100 members of the in the organizational Church and Diocesan Council of Catholic they are running into strong re- Women and the Society of St. sistance. To understand our re- Vincent de Paul, co-sponsors of ligious traditions and teachings the mid-winter event. intelligently is to understand This year's ball, to be held that they reflect the sociological, Friday, Jan. 11 at Lincoln Park cultural, and political patterns Ballroom, North Dartmouth, will of the times. have a silver jubilee theme. ProThe defined roles of women ceeds will benefit diocesan in the Church have reflected schools and camps for undertheir roles in society in general. privileged and exceptional chilIn this country in particular, dren. those roles are changing rapidly Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, ball and the Church is going to have director, named the following to respond to those changes. committee chairpersons: Mrs. I believe that substantial Stanley Janick, Fall River, as-
Help Wanted
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
With 27,000 Subscribers, It Pays To Advertise In The Anchor \
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October 23 Rev. Joseph Eid, 1970, Pastor, St. Anthony of the Desert, Fall River October 25 " Resv. Reginald Chene, O.P., 1935, Dominican Priory, Fall River . Rev. Raymond B. Bourgoin, 1950, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton
Committee Leaders Named For Bishop's Charity Ball sisted by Robert Coggeshall, Fall River, decorations. Mrs. Michael McMahon, Fall River, hospitality; Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Fall River, presentees; Norman and Glen Hathaway, Fall River, assisted by John McDonald, Westport, and Lester Reed, Tiverton, hall. Miss Margaret M. Leahy, Fall River, theme. Area directors for the ball are Father Bento R. Fraga and Father Roger L. Gagne, Attleboro area; Father John F. Andrews, Cape and Islands; Father Ronald A. Tosti, greater New· Bedford; Father Walter A. SUllivan, Taunton area; Msgr. Gomes, greater Fall River.
WED. & FRI. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M.
GUARANTEED! 162 Huttleston Ave. Fairhaven, MA 02719
No Diet~ng - No Exercise For Further Information
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
Catholic Church Is Universal, Except for Chicago
Whether the Third World cares about the ordination of , women is an enonnous empirical question to which no one really , ,has an answer, especally not the types who flit in and out of airports.
The Third World "chic" of some American Catholics make me sick to my stom~
They spend a few weeks wandering about some part of the Third World and become experts on the problems of the church universal. ,Then they patronize their own American church as though the concerns of American Catholics were provincial and unimportant. "The Third World doesn't care about the 'ordination of women," I, have been told repeatedly by such phonies.
From the point of view of both the justice of the issue and its importance in America, what the Third World's'ays is utterly irrelevant. If justice for women in the church bothers' American Catholics (and it bothers, many more than just the idelogical feminists - talk to' the mothers of rejected altar girls), that fact is in itseif a serious matter for the American church and fqr the whole church. Much Third World chic is a disguise for neoreactionaries. I have been harassed lately in the
mail by a very pompous young North American college product who is a Newman club chaplain in New England. He takes me to task for emphasizing the impact of the birth control issue on the American church. The Third World, he tells me, was not. upset by the "Humanae Vitae" encyclical.
I don't know how he knows that. Nor do I see how anyone can so trippingly speak of more than half the human race. There Isn't that interesting? We are are, unless r am mistaken, parts to care about Asia and' Africa of the Third World where birth and Latin America, but not about control is quite an issue. ' Chicago. Universalism with an Let us concede the young exception. man's point: So the Third World Well, ([ care about Chicago. was not upset by the birth con- And .I expect everyone in the trol encyclical. So what? Amer- world who claims to be Chrisican Catholicism was mightily . tian to care about it. Catholics upset. What, kind of Christian- in Chicago have as much claim
Papal Vi,sit Co,st Milli;ons ary - motorcades, Masses, ap- visit ,with the Pope? Just the bishops and cardinals, heads of , pearances, meetings, dinners state, and assorted dignitaries was no petty cash expense. MARY Beyond the direct expense for who could just as easily have the Pope and his party, there visited him in Rome. CARSON The millions who lined roadwas an enonnous outlay by those who attended all those ways to catch a glimpse of him functions. Just consider a mil- did not have the opportunity At the roughest guessti- lion people having gone to see to tell him their fears, their conPope. Even if they lived cerns, their joys . . . nor to hear mate, the papal visit had to the relatively close, it had to cost his. Even the tour of Harlem on cost many millions of dol- a minimum of five dollars each 'his trip to New York could not lars. Figures were estimated for' carfare. That's another five have had the same impact as if at hundreds of thousands of dol- million doUars. What of those he had got inside a tenement, lars to erect' th~ platfonns that who traveled great distances?, saw a rat scurry for cover as were necessary for the Masses. Plane fares, hotel bills, meals light hit the hallway, stepped, There were extra crews of sani. . ~ Many of these people lost over a derelict sleeping off the tation workers polishing routes one or more days of their in- previous night's drunk, or chased ahead of time and cleaning up comes. Many businesses ~ere flies off a malnourished paby afterwards. hurt by traffic being blocked before he could embrace it for Extra police protection and during the visit. a photo. security forces were needed to _ Aside from the expenditure of The Pope didn't see us as we get John Paul in and out of this millions of dollars, what was really are. SpeciaI company countrY alive. The whole iti~er- accomplished? Who got to really never does. He was shown the
ity is it that cares about, the Third World and not about the United States? I trust that the young priest is not typical of what is coming out of the NA!=. His lofty view from the Janiculuni Hill scares me because of the prospect that some day he'll probably be a bishop: "Finally, dear Father Greeley, the whole world does not really give a damn about Chicago."
POPE JOHN PAUL II arrives for his historic week in the United States in New York City. (NC Photo)
on the concern of aU other Catholics as do Catholics in Asia or Latin America. When one part of the body suffers, so does the wh.ole body. At the root of this arrogant Third World chic is the perennial problem of the AIilerican church ::- self-hatred. Why not worry about American reaction to church policies? Well, because American Catholics• are not worth worrying about. And why not care about what happens in Chicago? Well" of all the American Catholics who are not worth worrying about, Chicagoans are the least' worth worrying about. I trust someone will reassure me that they're not teaching that kind of pompous self-hatred to everyone coming out of the American church these days..
tidied-up version. Special company never gets to the upstairs rooms where the clutter is hastily h~dden; special company is offered fare that is far from the ordinary. So the Pope didn't learn any' more about us than ,we did about him. Looked at coldly, it all seemet1 one big, expensive sham . . . except for, one sidelight. Enthusiasm! The Pope's, visit infused enthusiasm back' into American Catholics. It gave us an opportunity to show the world that while we have our differences, while we have our weaknesses and shortcomings, deep down there's a tremendous number of us who deeply care about our faith, our church, our Pope. I once attended an Arthur
Fiedler concert in a huge auditorium. Even with my glasses on I couldn't tell who was on, stage except that the program assured me it was Fiedler. But he had an enonnous charisma. During the concert, he brought that whole audience to its feet! There was an electricity, an enthusiasm, a testimony • . '. a love. Pope John Paul has that charisma. And I believe it's worth millions of dollars to infuse American Catholicism with that same electricity, that enthusiasm, that testimony .'. . that love. It not only gave the rest of the country an opportunity to know we are Christians by our love . • . it even helped us to recognize a bit of it in each, other!
(left) and waves to crowds during one of his many motorcades, •
t~;Q(1e <~
d? .~~~:s. ~.N.~~:~::~
The Fall River diocese, in cooperation with the Greater Fall River Council of Churches and the Fall River Jewish Community Council, will sponsor a Brotherhood Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 22 at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea.
Rev. Fred Lee. representing the Protestant community, will be the banquet speaker. He follows Father Robert S. Kaszynski. who last year spoke as a representative of area Catholics. Next year it is anticipated that a Jewish representative will speak. Tickets are available through Mrs. Alice Gromada, telephone 673-4568. Father Edward J. 'Burns is chairman of the diocesan ecumenical commission. which is responsible for interfaith activities. Father Horace J. Travassos is co-chairman.
Renewal Parley Crowds Lessen
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 11, 1979
Interfaith Group To Hear Rev. Lee
t~ ~
Something'far Everyone
AT A RECEPTION marking both his 67th birthday and his 40th anniversary of ordination, Msgr. Maurice Souza pastor of St. Anthony'S Church, East Falmouth, receives framed collection of 40 silver dollars from the parish Council- of Catholic Women. From left, Sandra Rodriques, Alice Marshall, Mary Bishop, Msgr. Souza, Kathleen Sherwood, council president Olive Thayer, Mrs. William Page. (Poisson Photo)
National Newspaper Week Oct. 7 ·13,1878
Hospital Continued from- Page Two Lyons, executive director of St. . Anne·s. Two other hospital wings, built in 1955 and 1965, will be renovated. "The State of Massachusetts has put its seal of approval on these plans, ,documenting the
necessity of the project," added Lyons. The community-centered fund appeal will begin with the immediate hospital "family," including employees. associates and friends of the hospital. Then St. Anne's will take its need to the corporate community, seeking gifts from Fall River area residents. The support of clubs. organizations and religious groups will also be sought. said Berube.
Respect Life Also at St. Anne's Hospital. Respect Life week is being marked by an exchange of gifts and prayers among the institution's 830 employees and by an "adopt-a-patient" program under which employees will give sI?ecial attention to patients in need of companionship.
NEW YO~K (NC)-Evangelism and social justice were the twin themes as charismatics of the eastern United States gath. ered here last month. To highlight social justice concerns the sixth general conference on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal was moved to New York's Yankee Stadium Continued fro~ Page One from its· previous location in continued, "the number of unAtlantic City, N.J. employed people in the world Although attendance fell far , will reach the one billion mark. Continued from Page One below previous years, resulting How can Christ speak to them in a large deficit. organizers of if He does not come with edu- include "What· Is Evangelizathe conference indicated they cation an~ vocational training? . tion;" "Who Is Enriched by still thought they had made the "What we ask, as Mission Evangelization;" "Principles of right decision in coming to New Sunday, October 21, approaches,. Evangelization;" "Concrete ModYork. is that each person in the dio- els of Evangelization" and "The cese of Fall River resolve to Layperson as Evangelizer." take an active part opening the Father Timothy Goldrick will Ccudinal Suenens door to this other part of the' address the forthcoming census,,, VATIC"AN CITY (NC) - Pope world. The institutions to care planned as part of diocesan John Paul II has accepted the for the poor are already out evangelizatiop efforts. resignation for reasons of age of there in the Missions." Each parish will have at least Cardinal ~eo Jozef Suenens of "What is needed. and needed Malines-Brussels. Belgium, one desperately. is the partnership three representatives at the conof the major shapers of the Sec- of millions on 'our side of the gress, with many planning to ond Vatican Council and more door' who have the grace to sen4 larger delegations. Attendrecently a leader in the charis- share .their prayers and means ance. will also include many priests, most of whom will conmatic movement. with their far-away neighbors. celebrate the closing Mass, at Cardinal Suenens, who sub- For the Christian, Pope John which Bishop Cronin will be mitted his resignation when he Paid says, 'neighbor becomes principal concelebrant. passed his 75th birthday last brother.' ,Bishop Gerrard students and July. was also reported to be a "Your brother may be found members of the Fall River Disdominant figure in the conclaves afloat on the South China Sea which elected the last three in a decaying boat, sheltering trict Council of Catholic Women will assist in hospitality and popes. In at least the first, the his small children under rags, conclave in 1963 which eJected fearful that they will die at sea. registration arrangements for the day.. Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Suenens "You.. sister might spend five Parking will be available at was himself considered papabile, hours a day traveling to and a possible candidate for the from the only source of water St. Mary's School and a shuttle bus will transport participants papacy. near her African village. to Bishop Gerrard. "For them," concluded Msgr. Question Oliveira, "and for millions like Bahamas Nuncio You have the light. What are them, we beg on Mission SunVATICAN CITY (NC) - The day." you doing with it? Holy See and the Bahamas Islands have agreed to establish diplomatic ties, the Vatican has - STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT ANO CIRCULATION annuounced, in its third such Filed September 28, 1979 by The Anchor weekly newspaper published by Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, SoT.D. With the office of pUblication: 228 Second Street repo~ in recent days. New reFall River, Mass. 02720, and editorial and business office: 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720. Rev. John F. Moore, Managing Editor. lations have also been estabAverage number of copies each Issue durIng preceding 12 months: 25,560, single lished w~th Greece and Jamaica. Issue nearest to filing date, 25,568. Paid CircUlation Mall Subscriptions: average number of copies each Issue during precedln.. 12 months 25,260, single Issue nearest to filing Appointment of a Bahamas aposdate. 25,268. Free distribution by mall, carrier or other means: average number of copies each Issue during preceding 12 months: 250, single Issue nearest to filing date: 250. tolic nuncio is expected shortly. Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after prInting: average number of copies eacb With a ~otal population of 226; Issue during preceding 12 months: 50, single Issue nearest to filing date: 50.' Total number of copies distributed: averafe number of copIes each Issue during preceding 12 000, the islands have about months: 25,510, single Issue neares to filing date: 25,518. . Certified by 26,000 Catholics. Rev. John- F. Moore
Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679·6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director
Music At
The week will culminate with a liturgy to be celebrated tomorrow night in the hospital chapel. Its" theme will be light and color and candles will be lit by all present for the Mass. A rainbow will represent both the people and services of the hospital and the unity that should exist among those in the health care apostolate.
Choral Liturgy SUNDAY, 10 A.M. eAT H E D R A L 0 F
St. Mary of The Assumption 327 SECOND STREET FALL RIVER. MASS.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
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THE EYES HAVE IT, as diocesan sisters strain for a glimpse' of the pope at Boston Common Mass (Sister Gertrude Gaudette Photos)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
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IT WAS UNANIMOUS: Protestants at Boston Common,. youth in Madison' Square Garden and everyone else from the president on down,-allloved John. Paul II.
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THE ANCHOR'-:'Oiocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
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-DIOCESAN GUILD FOR THE BLIND members, in top picture, greet Bishop Cronin atannual Bishop's Day. From left, Mary Reis, Fall River; Bertha May, Taunton; the bishop; J. Emile Arsenault, New Bedford. Bottom the bishop with representatives of the Society of . St. Vincent de Paul at annual Cathedral Mass. From left, Edward Kennedy, D'avid Duffy, Father John Hogan, the bishop, Father Farland, Father Daniel Freitas, diocesan director for the Vincentians, Vito Gerardi.
Why Treat 18-Year-Old's as. Adults?
By Dr. James and Mary
- 2. Telling people what they should do does not work. (In a recent column' the KenDoes it appear to you that at nys said that parents should 18 we advocate casting off our treat children over 18 as adults. The .children should set their children, suddenly giving them own rules and take responsibility total freedom? Wash our hands for their own behavior. The fol- of them? Leave them to, go their lowing letter is a response to. own way. sink or swim. while we remain indifferent to the that column.) outcome? Nothing could be furDear Kennys: ther from the truth. Garbage like this has given We give increasing freedom rise to the IDQral breakdown throughout childhood. At 12, among our youth. Your stating or implying that parents have they ca.n decide how much candy and pop to buy. At 14, concluded their job is most astounding and disgusting to hear. they receive a clothing allowI don't know where you have ance and pur~hase all their own such authority backing up such clothes. At 18. they can decide an outlandish statement. (Chic- how late to stay out. It is not that we are indifferent to their ago) A. We base our authority on decisions. Rather we know that professional and personal ex- sooner or later they must take perience. Jim holds doctorates personal responsiblity for their in both psychology and anthro- actions. At each age they are pology and a master's degree in accountable for th\'! way they social work. He has 16 years' ex- use their freedom. A 14-year-old perience as a teacher of young who buys fancy shoes must do \ . adults and 20 years' experience without new .jeans. A 20-yearas a mental health cliniCian with old who stays out late must deal people of all ages. Both of us' with the "tireds" next day. God himself gives us both have over 20 years' experience as parents. raising seven adoles- freedom and responsiblity. Even his own Sori experienced this cents with five more to come. We are against controlling freedom. At times, such as his young adults. by moral pro- baptism, and his transfiguration, nouncement for two very good God spoke. identifying and encouraging his Son. At other reasons: - 1. Adults deserve tQ be times - the night in G'ethsetreated -as . adults when they mane - God was silent. Christ had both the freedom "and reshappen to be your children.
ponsibility to accomplish his mission or not to do so.
'By what authority can we presume to control the lives of our adult children? Not only is it inappropriate, but it does not work. Hang on to your children, tell them what to do, take the blame when they do not act as you think they should, and you will lose them. They will get as far away as possible from your good advice. Paradoxically, if you let them grow up, you'll keep them. When you respect their right to make decisions even when different .from your own, your children will seek your advice and listen to your opinions. I am convinced that the key to a good lifelong relationship between· parents and children lies in treating adult children as adults. I am not interested in controlling my grown children for a day but in enjoying a life· time relationship. -They can come to us knowing we will respect their decisions. We have found that they respect our advice and, as a matter of fact, use it more often than if it were given as a command.
Reader questions on family living and chlld care are invited. Address to The K~yS; c/o The Anehor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722•
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
Question (orner •
• By John Dietzen
Q. I have heard that in the year 1590 the Irish St., Malachy foretold the characters of all t'uture popes. According to' this prophecy there will only be a few more years until the end of the world. Assuming that there was a St. Malachy and that he had the gift of prophecy, how does the church view such predictions? (pa.) /
A. The so-called prophecies of St. Malachy have excited people off and on for the last several hundred years. With a brief Latin phrase that professed to characterize each pope or his reign, the prophecies presumably went to the end of the world. The phrases are extremely cryptic, it takes a good deal of imagination to pull some meaning out of them for most of the popes. According to the alleged pre,dictions, only two popes remain after the present one, ending with Petrus Romanus (peter of Rome) who is to preside over the destruction of Rome and the end of the present age.· The whole "prophecy" is, in fact, an elaborate and imaginative forgery. St. Malachy, who was bishop of A'rmagh, Ireland, truly did live and had an ilIustrous career. He died, however, in 1148, more than 400 years before his supposed prophecy first appeared in Europe. Interestingly, the phrases for each pope are quite explicit up to about 1590, when the document was obviously written.
CRS Rushes Aid To Cambodians In response to the worsening refugee situation in Cambodia, Catholic Relief Services has committed an additional $150, 000 to help feed the starvationmenaced population, bringing the CRS commitment to the people of Cambodia up to $250,000 within a lO-day period. Bishop Edwin B. Broderick, CRS Executive Director, said "this $150,000 comes from. the Operation Rice Bowl collection which American Catholics and others have contributed specifically to help provide food asistance to those who need it most." Ten days earlier, BishoQ Broderick pledged $10Q,OOO, provided by the American contributors, to continue a series of mercy truck convoys to provide food, medicines and other supplies to an estimated 60,000 along the Thailand/Cambodian border. /\. new Vietnamese offensive in Cambodia is expected to create 200,000 refugees and "inside the country the prediction is for mass starvation," according to Joseph S. Curtin, Jr., CRS Program Director in Thailand.
Q•. We greatly appreciated your explanation a few weeks ago of private revelations, and what our attitude should be toward them. We get confused by so many conflicting reports on different shrines and apparitions. Can you tell us about the reported appearances of the Blessed Virgin at. Necedah, Wis.J Does the church still refuse to approve the visions there? (Ohlo) A. The story of Necedah and the series or rejections of church authority by Mrs. Mary van Hoof (who claims that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her in 1950) is unfortunate and sad. Within five years after the alleged appearances of Mary, officials of the LaCrosse, Wis. Diocese investigated the situation and concluded that the visions and revelations were false and without supernatural basis. In 1969 the bishop of that diocese reached the same conclusion after another investigation. In 1975 he was forced to place leaders of the shrine under personal interdict, which means that they could not receive the sacraments. Just this past spring the Necedah group seems to have made its final break with the church by inviting someone who' claimed to be the "Archbishop and Metropolitan of North America, American National Catholic Church, Roman Catholic U1trajectine" to bless .and consecrate the shrine. The alleged archbishop then left a "priest" at the shrine to care for pilgrims who might come.
Acc9rding to the bishop of LaCrosse, this action on the part of the promoters of Necedah "definitely establishes that they are no longer affiliated with the Roman Catholic ChJ.lrch and acknowledge this separation by this action of .approving the celebration of the holy sacrafice of the Mass by an unauthorized person." Questions for this column should be sent to Father Diet-. zen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
'Empty Shell' BOSTON (NC) - The argument that the church should' simply announce principles and stay out of political activity "must be seen as the empty shell that it is," Msgr. Francis Lally, secretary for social development and world peace for the U.S. Catholic Conference, said at a regional conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
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After that they become impossibly obscure. The author must have had a bit of fun composing this interesting historical and -literary curiosity. But it is a fake.
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Maryknoll Backs Father D'Escoto MARYKNOLL, N.Y. '(NC) The general council of the Mary-. knoll Fathers has renewed its support for Father Miguel d' Escoto, now foreign minister in Nicaragua's Government of Reconstruction, in his commitment to help rebuild his country along democratic lines.. Father James P. Noonan, Maryknoll's superior general, tied the restatement of support to the need to counter reports in the United States that the' Nicaraguan government is tending toward Marxism. Missionaries returning from Nicaragua have been astonished "by some reports in certain sectors of the conservative press here that the new government is .rapidly turning communist," Father Noonan sa·id. "Those same reports question the orthodoxy of Father d'Escoto," his superior added. Yet "he has stated repeatedly that his. country does not need foreign ideologies." When the victory of the Sandinista Front of Liberation over the Somoza dynasty in Nicaragua was confirmed in July, a Maryknoll council statement said that "Father d'Escoto is a priest -in good standing with the society. "We believe that he is following his conscience in the struggle for the' liberation of his fel~ low citizens" and that he exercises his influence in the government as a Catholic priest.
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"The council continues to stand by that statement," the September restatement said. Father Noonan observed that his order sees a priest assuming a political role as "the exception, not the rule, for the ministry." Father d'Escoto, 46, was director of communications at Maryknoll before joining in 1977 the effort by opposition groups to overthrow Gen. Anastasio Somoza, the last heir in a Nicaraguan dynasty that had lasted more than four. decades. The d'Escoto family has been involved in diplomacy and Nicaraguan politics for many years.
Constant Prayer ".A good husband an<;I father, who is working because it is his duty to work for his family and because it is God's will, is really praying all the time." Father Vincent McNabb, OP
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
Sacrificing for Another
By Father Joseph ChaJN>liIII
By William E. May
A recent novel, "Final Payments," opens with the funeral of Isabel Moore's father. A few paragraphs later, she explains the background of this story. "He had a stroke when I was 19; I nursed him until he died 11 years later." "I gave up my life for him; only if yoU understand my father will you understand that I make that statement not with self-pity but with extreme pride . . . This strikes everyone' in our decade as unusual, barbarous, cruel. To me, it was not only inevitable but natural . . . my decision at 19 to care for my father in his illness." Later Isabel details some of the demanding tasks required in her lengthy, loving martyrdom. "Care of an invalid has this great virtue: one never has to wonder what there is to do . . . had the balletic attracMy' tion of routine. Eleven years of it: bringing him breakfast, shaving him, hating to look at his face twisted from the stroke in a way that made me forget the po~,sibility of beauty." "And the bath. Moving his body around, the incredible weight of that body even though it appeared so thin, his left side paralyzed because something had -gone wrong with the right side of his brain. Sliding bedpans under him, looking at the misery of his buttocks . . . And then I would put him in the chair and wheel him into the kitchen because, after all that, the morning was gone and it was time . to make lunch." In addition, the daughter suffered the frustration of poor communication. "And with his mouth twisted and his eye half shut he" 'would try to talk to me." Perhaps the greatest burden of all was the confinement, the inability to get away for a day or a week. Even when she did escape for a brief vacation, the joy was dampened by a constant image of the temporary departure scene when her weeping father grasped her hand, looked into her eyes with the pure ter~ ror of a child and begged, "Don't leave me." That is a heavy, heavy introduction, but one I am certain evokes sharp memories of some¡ what similar experiences for many persons. It also dramatizes the difficulties of providing at home for the needs of a loved one critically ill and close to death. Those seemingy unbearable physical and emotional' stresses likewise , can lead relatives, often with reluctance and regret, to place the invalid in an institution. A rapidly growing approa'ch Turn to Page Thirteen
We know God's love for us is unbounded because he died for us in the person of his Son. IBut this does not mean his love is not challenging. Christ~ ian's are not doormats, nor are they spineless characters fear'ing to speak the truth. Christian Jove is caring and sacrificial in 'the sense that the Christian is willing to suffer injustice rather than do injustice and to forgo even legitimate desires and aspirations when seeking their fulfillment would close, not open, hearts. Christian love, precisely because it is sacrificial, redemptive and friendship-making, is demanding and challenging. When we love another, we accept him for who he is. We are ready to forgive faults and failings. But we will our friend and we are to love our enemies as our friends - to be fully wpat he is meant to be. We want him to rid himself of his failings, to discover his true heeds and struggle for their attainment. We are ready to help him. In the New Testament we read, "if you are left without discipline . . . then you are iIle-
gitimflte children and not sons" (Hebrews 12, 8). The demanding,. challenging character of true love in no way puts limits on it. The wife who lets her husband drink or play around and the parents who let their children "do their own thing" do not love ~hem. Love is patient and kind but love is also strong. It ever seeks to .remind the ones it loves who they truly are: beings made in God's image. Christian love is limitless but paradoxically it imposes limits upon those to whom it is extended. In suffering and dying for us, Jesus not only manifested the limitless ,love of God, he also reminded us who we are and who we are called to be. His boundless love binds us to act in specific ways. Our love for him and for our brothers and sisters in him is similarly boundless yet binding. In loving others we must at times say no. We must at times take in order to give. But "all that I took from thee, I did but take, not for thy harms but just that thou. mightst seek it in my arms" (Francis Thompson, "The Hound of Heaven").
Jean Vanier are saved through love liv.ed in concrete terms.. He is not unJean Vanier, son of a former easy with theory; he. himself is governor general of Canada, is a recognized philosoph~r. But he a most impressive man. He be- believes the rationalism of the gan a naval career and later West must learn the compassion turned to philosophy. which Eastern religions stress. In 1964, in a small French He often quotes Victor town, Trosly-Brevil, he stayed Frankl's "Man's Search for for a while with mentally re- Meaning," written by a psychiatarded men. They trusted him. trist who survived the Holoand he found that he could not caust. Frankl believed that only. leave them. He started the Ar- love and the memory of those che, a movement to help the who loved him kept him during emotionally rearded to 'live as his concentration camp days fully as possible. for the despair which '~ould Vanier, believes that those Turn to Page Thirteen who seek social status and riches often fail to reach out to others. The despised, the handicapped, the "non-adopted ones" are set aside as unworthy. Yet Vanier sees only "the By Janaan Manternach marginal" in the world as of true prophetic nature, possessOne day Jesus decided to visit â&#x20AC;˘ ing a truth which others do not. his .old friends in Bethany, He places most hope in youth. Marth9-, Mary and Lazarus. They He says they are in a better were eager to see him, but they postion to understand the gen- wete also afraid. uine nature of religion than anyThey knew that some Pharione else. sees and others were plotting to Vanier lives a simple life as kill Jesus. Ever since Jesus had he cares for the mentaHy re- brought Lazarus back to life, tarded. He believes that the some of the religious leaders had simple and concrete is also the tried to capture him. They were most profound and mysterious. jealous because so many people He lectures frequently and has were following Jesus. spoken often in the United Jesus was aware of this. He States. had ,been staying out of sight His message is always con- but now, as the great feast of crete. He believes that humans Turn to Page Thirteen ,By Mary C. Maher
The Anoi~ting at Bethany By Father John Castelot Shortly before the last Passover of Jesus' life he was in Bethany, at table in the house of Simon the Leper. A woman came in carrying an alabaster jar of expensive perfume, which she began to pour on his head. This was a gesture of extraordinary courtesy at a ,formal banquet, but one gets the feeling that in this instance it was motivated by tenderness and love. The parallel to this story in John 12 has some puzzling differences, quite apart from the chronological setting as indicated above. The host is not named, but the woman is identified as Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, "with Martha typically serving, which would suggest¡ they were giving the party. The raising of Lazarus has
just been narrated in the preceding chapter. In almost word for word parallel to Mark, Mary brought a pound of "costly perfume made' from genuine aromatic nard" Oohn 12,3). However, she proceeds to anoint, not Jesus' head, which would have been quite normal, but his feet, which was practically unheard of. It would seem that there were two rather similar stories cir,culating in the early churches. One told of an anointing at Bethany as here, the other of a sinful woman's entering 'a banquet, bathing Jesus' feet with her tears, and hurriedly, brushing them away with her hair. In the course -of -the transmission of these two stories, there was a crisscrossing of details from one to the other. Turn to Page Thirteen
For Children
A Verdade E A Vida o
Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego Ter~o do Rosario '
H~ dois modos de encarar 0 ter~o: dar largas a urn racionalismo fruto da soberba, para chegar a conclus~o de que 0 terfo e uma devo~~o sem importancia nem valor. 0 segundo modo; partir do princIpio de que e import ante , se nos basearmos nas recomendalJ~es do Nagisterio da 19reja, nas gra~as que the s~o atribu!das e nas ultimas recomenda)oes de Nossa Senh~ra, especialmente em L~rdes e em Fatima. E, logo em seguida, procurar penetrar no misterio da sua simplicidade, tentando descobrir , \ , as raz~es intr1nsecas que 0 recomendam. E,urn modo sensato que parte da realidade. E caminhar pela mlo da 19reja e de ~~ria. ~uando encontramos urna ou outra pessoa relutante em 0 rezar, recordamo-nos do que acontece a Naaman, general do rei da Sfria, a quem 0 profeta Eliseu manda banhar sete vezes no Rio Jordao. 0 seu orgulho nacionalista exaltado reage: "Eu julgava que ele ' sairia a receber-me ••• e que me curaria. ~n da-me fazer urna coisa tao insignificante como banhar-me no rio? Mas os que 0 acompanhavam deram-lhe urn concelho sensato: afinal, n~ era diffcil 0 que 0 profeta tinha mandado. Porque nao experimentar? Ta1vez desse resultado ••• A historia conc1ui com a feliz cura do general. . .., Aos que poem as suas reservas ao Ter~o ~omo meio infa1{ve1 para conseguir as muitas gra~as que Nossa SenhQra promete poderemos responder: porque nao experimentar? Nao e difici1 e ••• ta1vez d~ resu1tado. Para va10rizarmos 0 ter~o, basta-nos a recomendayao de Nossa Senhora em Lurdes e Fatima. Na gruta de Massabie1e mandou Bernardette re~a-10. Enquanto a menina pronuncia as Ave-Marias, a Senhora conservavase em atitude sorridente. ~uando chegava ao Gloria, tomava urn ar. compenetrado e curvava lentamente a cabe5a, como que a'unir-se a ora~ao da Vidente. Em Fatima dava a impresao de esperar que 0 povo acabasse de reza10, para aparecer depois. ~ue razoes poderiamos encontrar para Ela gostar tanto do Ter~o? Reza-10 e conversar com Ela. Havera u a 1guma mae na terra que nao goste que os filhos the dirijam a palavra? E porque havia Nossa Senhora de fazer exceps:ao? It\<ueres amar a Virgem? Conversa com Elat Como? Rezando bern 0 Rosario de Nossa Senhora. 'l Na verdade, rezar 0 ters:o e cumprir 0 quarto mandamento da lei de Deus: honrar a nossa !'IKe do ceu. ~ progredir no seu amor. 0 cora~ao humano alimata~se de cOnViv~ncia, de dia10go amigo e contiuado. Nunca terminamos 0 ter)o como quando 0 come~amos. A nossa amizade para com Ela e d1Ela para connosca aurnentou. ~uem 0 reza, ama-A. ~uem 0 naa reza nao A, ama. E meditar na vida de Jesus. Quando rezamos 0 nosso ter50 e como se nos sentassemos, pequeninos, no rega~o da nossa Mae e Lhe pedissemas que nos contasse·a hist~ria de Jesus. 0 ter~o e/uma devo~aa cristoc~n trica: dos quinze misterios do Rosario, 12 referem-se a vida de Cristo, urn a inaugura)ao da 19reja e dois indirectamente a Je~ sus, pois contam-nos a gratidao para com a Sua M~e, elevanda-A em carpo e alma ao ceu e coraando-A Rainha do universo. Sera preciso recordar 0 quanta 0 dem6nio e os seus sequazes 0 tern combat ida nos u1timos tempos, tentando desacredita-lo para descobrirmos 0 valor do Ter~o do Rosario? ~
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 11, 1979
Hospice Continued from Page Twelve in the world and now in the United States, called the hospice movement, seeks to deal with this problem. It extends a wide range of supP9rt for those who wish to keep their desperately ill beloved at home as long as feasible. Moreover, it offers facilities when home care no longer'becomes a practical possibility. The dominant theme in the hospice movement could be summarized as care, not cure. It does not oppose reasonahle use of medical facilities and techniques, but when those clearly cannot achieve that goal or only extraordinary measures will sustain the individual, the hospice effort tries to supply both patient and family with the greatest measure of care and comfort available. The leadership people of the 300-bed St. Francis 1iI0spitai in Honolulu, for example, are moving into the hospice concept as a complement to their already . excellent health delivery program. They have applied for a federal grant that will provide financial reimbursement to those who care for the seriously sick at home, personnel or programs to assist with bereavement, an~ a home-like facility for the patient too ill to remain any longer with his or her family. Isabel Moore carried her bur-
For Children Continued from Page Twelve Passover neared Jesus decided to go up to Bethany. He knew his life was in danger there, but he wanted to be with his friends. Martha and Mary prepared a special dinner for Jesus and to everyone's surprise Mary got up in the middle of the meal, took a jar of very expensive perfume and poured it over Jesus' feet. Then she untied her hair, knelt down and dried Jesus' feet with it. .The house filled with the' aroma of perfume. Martha, Lazarus and the other guests were puzzled. The only time feet were anointed with perfume was when a body was prepared for burial. What was Mary trying to say?
den alone for 11 years. It left her physically and emotionally exhausted. By providing this young lady with help before and after the father's death, the hospice movement could have greatly reduced that daily drain on . her resources.
Jean Vanier Continued from Page Twelve have led to his death. Vanier sees most contemporaries in quiet despair and the West in a great crisis which can only be alleviated by love. He writes: "Man, through his' reason and his will, takes his place in society and acts according to the norms of that society. But it is his aspirations toward love which open him to other human beings, inasmuch as they are unique and have within them eternal and infinite potentialities whose' depth transcends society, with its conventions and even. its laws. "It is this love which instead of driving us to dominate others, helps us to feel for a man and identify ourselves with him, to communicate with him with a warmth of self-giving, self-effacement, sacrifice and humility." And he believes that the mentally handicapped have more to tell the world than others. "The mentally handicapped do not have a consciousness of power. Because of this perhaps their capacity for love is more immediate, lively and developed than that of other men. "They are indeed weak and easily influenced, because they confidently give themselves to others. They are indeed certainly simple hut often with a very attractive simplicity . . . Living in a so~iety wh~re simplicity ha~ been submerged by criticism and' sometimes by hypocrisy, is it not comforting to find people who can be aware, who can marvel? Their open natures are made for communion and love."
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Continued from Page Twelve The Lucan tradition concerning Jesus' feet and the drying with the hair seems to have inJudas was more angry than fluenced the Johannine story, puzzled. "Why wasn't this per- where it is a question, not of fume sold?" he objected. "People tears, but of ointment, which would have paid a lot for it.' would have involved Jesus' head, Then we could have given the and where the scandalous letting money to the poor." Actually down of the woman's hair in Judas wasn't that concerned public to dry the feet is quite about the poor. He loved money out of place. and used to steal even from According to both Mark and Jesus and the other disciples. John, the apparent extravagant ",Leave her alone," Jesus told waste of expensive perfume Judas. "She poured out the per- draws a protest from some of fume to show her love for me. the guests. Jesus' answer to the My death is not far off. The protest is substantially the same poor you always have with you. in both versions: "Leave her But you will not always have alone. Let her keep it against me." the day they prepare me for Judas was still angry, but burial" (John 12,8). kept quiet. Mary was relieved. It is this connection with JeShe had been so sad to think sus' coming burial which may Jesus might soon be dead. She explain why John had Mary wanted to" tell him how much anoint the feet, which one she loved him. She thought of would do in preparing a body the expensive perfume. She for burial. Her action, then, poured it out on him in love. takes on deeply symbolic meaning. And he undersi:ood.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
By Charlie Martin
.What a Fool Believes
ATTY. EDWIN LIVINGSTONE, right, presents specially commissioned etching of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, to Sister Mary Charles Francis Dubuque, RSM, left, among inductees to the school's newly created Hal! of Fame. Other inductees,. who also received etchings, from left, Father John F. Hogan, Sister Mary Virginia Quinlan, RSM, Jack Nobrega. (Rosa Photo)
Gerrard To Close; Connolly Goes Coed
Announcement has been made ondary education at the school by .the Diocesan Department of next year. "Coeducation at ConEducation of significant changes nolly will bring a new dimension in Catholic secondary education to the education offered here," in the City of Fall River. Rev. he added. Bishop Gerrard High School George W. Coleman, diocesan director of education, stated that was established by the diocese Bishop Gerrard High School for in 1971 as a merger of Mount Girls will close in June, 1980. St. Mary Academy, Jesus-Mary Declining enrollment and in- A:cademy, and Dominican Acadcreasing expenses, among other emy. The merger resulted in an factors, make continued oper- enrollment of 575 girls at Ger.rard High School in September ation infeasible. In September 1980, Bishop 1971. This number has deConnolly High School, for the creased to a present level of first time in its 14 year history, 236 students. Bishop Connolly was opened' will open its doors to the education of both young men and by the diocese as a Jesuit school women. Representatives of the for boys in 1966. Brothers of Society of Jesus and the Broth- Christian Instruction joined the. ers of C~ristian Instruction, both faculty after the fonner Msgr. of whose members staff the Prevost High School in Fall school, were consulted in plan- River wall' destroyed by fire. It ning the change. It is anticipated IS anticipated that some memthat students desiring to trans- bers of the Bishop Gerrard fafer to Connolly High School culty will augment the present from Gerrard High School will Bishop Connolly . staff of some be accommodated in the new 40 priests, scholastics,' brothers, sisters and laypersons. Connolly program. ~ecommendations for the opening of Connolly High School to co-education and for the closing of Gerrard High School were presented to Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, by the Diocesan Department o( Education. Bishop Cronin has given his approval to both proposals. Sister Marion Geddes, diocesan superintendent of schools, said, "Although regretting the closing of a school, I look for~ ward to the expande~ educational opportunitiell available to the young people of the' Fall River area at Bishop Connolly High School." The superinten~ dent noted that an increased enrollment at Connolly High School will strengthen academic and other programs.
Reverend Frederick J. O'Brien, S.J., prin~ipal of Bishop Connolly High Schpol, gave assurance that a wann welcome would be received by the young women who will begin or continue their sec.....
Holy F.amily New class presidents at Holy Family High, New Bedford, are路 David LeBlanc, seniors; James Silva and Lisa Langis, juniors; and Jeanne Racin~ and Robert Tetreault, sophomores. Seniors have been attending a two-week series on drug and alcohol abus~; and have also met with representatives of various colleges in recent days. The school newspaper published its first issue of the year. Gary ,Brown is moderator and will also direct publication of "Maria," the HF yearbook Sister Eugenia lV!argaret is moderator for the National Honor Society.
An open house will take place at Bishop Connolly on Sunday, Oct. 21 from 2 to 4 p.m., at which time' prospective students will be interviewed and information on courses and entrance requirements will be distributed. It-'is noted that a limited amount of financial aid is available to Connelly students, as to all students of diocesan hil?h schools. An entrance examination for incoming freshmen will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8.
Bishop Feehan For the third consecutive year Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro has surpassed its' own previous enrollment records. The total enrollment of 910 students is the largest in the school's 19 years of existence. Greeting the student body were 14 new faculty members: Arthur Anderson (Feehan '73) and Sister Patricia Rahaim, SSJ, math; Sister Janice Brady, RSM, David Curtis and Sister Dianne Roncarati, SSJ, science; Miss Nancy Brzys, Mrs. Joan' Drobnis and Mrs. Eleanor Kenney, foreign languages. Sister Pauline Goodall, RSM, Sister Margaret Heaney, RSM, Alan Ksen (Feehan '72) and Terrance Rankin, English; Sister Jacqueline Lemieux, RSM, history; Sister Rose Rocha, RSM, religion. Kerry Harrington is captain of the majorettes for the year. Working with her will be Linda Cronin, Debbie Krusz, Denise Flaherty and Sandy Sharples. The junior drum major is -Raymond Boucher.
Freshman football players chalked up a, victory over Dighton Rehoboth and the varsity triumphed over Seekonk. Karen Cobery, a senior at Mercy Day was marked reBishOp Gerrard High School, cenUy with a Mass celebrated Fall River, has been named a. by Father George Bellenoit, commended student in the Na- chaplain, in honor of the Sisters tional Merit Scholarship Pro- of Mercy, 'the founding comgram. munity to staff Feehan.
Bishop Gerrard
He came from somewhere back in her long ago The sentimental fool don't see Tryin' hard to recreate What had yet-to be created once in her life. She musters a smile For his nostalgic tale Never coming near what he wanted to say -Only to realize It never really was. She had a place in his life He never made her think twice As he rises to her apology Anybody else would surely know He's -watching her go. But what a fool believes he sees No wise man has the power to reason away What seems to be Is always better than nothing And nothing at all Keeps sending him somewhere back in her long ago Where he can still believe there's a place in her life Some day, somewhere she will return. Copyright (c) 1978 by Snug Music and Milk Money Music; recorded by the Doobie Brothers; written by Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins The Doobie Brothers have remained at the top of the rock music charts throughout the 1970s. Their concerts are sellouts and their most recent album, "Minute By Minute," ranks in the Top Ten best selling albums. "What a Fool Believ~s" is its lead single. It speaks about a person Who refuses to believe that ~. relationship l1as, ended ~n.d it offers several ideas for reflection. Undoubtedly our lives must be based on reality if they are'to be happy, yet the power of a dream can alter ,and shape reality. It may seem foolish to think we can develop a relationship with a certain other, but the dream itself may provide the energy -needed to help the relationship begin. History is full of "fools" who not only established relationships, but changed the flow of history through acting on their dreams. The real question may be: What do we mean by a fool? The song points to a person who lives in fantasyland and is unwilling to ,even consider reality. ,But some "fools" acknowledge the way things are, yet set out to change current conditions. While this is hardly the lifestyle for those looking first for security, it does bring new perspectives about how we can shape the world around us. In many ways, a Christian in today's society is a fool. Gospel values make our society uncomfortable and are often rejected. What we fools believe comes not from the wisdom of men, nor from the foolish fantasy of those who refuse to face life as it is. Our foolishness is born of the mystery of God. Our belief and our hope is to let his mystery live in us, and in time, to change the world.
Other recent activities have included a band workshop, a briefing session on the March of Dimes "Superwalk" and Na'tional Honor SoCiety elections. Named to office were Edward Legare, president; Joanne Carvalho, vice-president; Margaret Healy, secretary; Cindy Laba, treasurer.
Four seniors are National Merit Scholarship Program commended students: Linda Cronin, Margaret Healy, Katheryn LaPorte and Paul Viens.
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has chosen "The Role of Social Communications A drive for paper, rags, car and Duties of the Family" as the batteries and books will be con- theme for' next year's World ducted the weekend of Oct. 18- Communications Day, May 18, '1980. The theme was announced through 21, with a trailer on the in a brief communique which school grounds to be used as a linked it to the 1980 world Synod of Bishops on "The Role of collection depot. the Christian Family in the ModCongratulations are in order em World." for Sister Virginia Quinlan, RSM, now at Feehan, who was A Thoug4t inducted into the Hall of Fame of Holy Family High School in "The woods would be silent if recognition of her long' service no birds sang there,except those at the New Bedford school. who sang best."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
:Interscholastic Sports
Sylvia Hoop Coach at Holy Family Bob Sylvia, who was assistant basketball coach at Holy Family High School in New Bedford last year, has been appointed head coach of the Blue Wave hoopsters He replaces Tom Kruger, who has been named athletic director. Kruger, in turn, succeeds John Finni. Before coming to Holy Fam: i1y, Sylvia was one year as assistant coach under coach Clyde Lovelette at St. Anthony High School, New Bedford. Lovelette isa former Boston CeIticS1 player.
Before that he was assistant basketball coach under head mentor Frank Warrington at Apponequet Regional High School in Freetown, where he is stiil a teacher. A 1966 graduate of Dartmouth High SChool, the 30-year-6Id Sylvia graduated from Southeastern Massachusetts University in 1970. He did not play basketball at Dartmouth but did play in youth leagues and intramural programs at the university.
CYO Hockey Season Underway The 'Bristol County CYO Hockey League has its usual three-game card on tap for Sunday night in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River. The schedule has New Bedford vs. Fall River North at 9, Rochester vs. Somerset-Freeto~n at 10, Taunton vs. defending champion Fall River South at 11. On the season's opening card, Rochester defeated New Bed-
ford, 2-0, on goals by Steve Abbott and Jack Stuart. The two FalI River teams tied, 2-2.. Jay Manning scored in the first period and Dwane Mellen 40 seconds before the end of the game for North. John Rodrigues scored in the second period, Paul Carey in the third for South. Taunton and Somerset:. Freetown played· to a scoreless tie.
Soccer Comes to Hockomock The Hockomock League prin- . that will participate in the new cipals have voted to add varsity soccer program. boys' soccer as a league sport Saturday's Hockomock footbeginning September, 1980, in- ball games have Mansfield at creasing the number of varsity King Philip, North Attleboro at sports sponsored by the league Sharon, Oliver Ames at Canton, and Stoughton, at Franklin. Foxto 17. 'Foxboro, Franklin, King ~hilip, boro, idle in league play, will be North Attleboro, Sharon and at Weston in a non-league conStoughton are the league schools test.
Connolly Booters Off to GOQd Start Bishop'Connolly High's soccer team, under first-year coach Ted Pettine, got off to a gooa start in Division One West of the Southeastern Mass. Conference. The Cougars posted victories in their first four conference outings. Pettine's booters blanked Di'man Yoke, 3-0, in the conference opener and followed this up with a 2-1 win over Old Rochester, a
6-1 decision over Westport and a 3-0 shutout of Dartmouth. Tom Keyes, who gives indication of being in the thick of the race for individtial scoring honors· scored five goals in the four games, overall. . Augie Carvalho of Greater New Bedford Yoke-Tech has scored the most goals, five, in a single game so far this season.
"Can't you ever think of anything else . but the Mission Sunday collection?"
H_e Came, Saw, Conquered Moines to Chicago!" exclaimed· Continued from Page One he took on social, moral and Pope John Paul to a crowd in c1).urch issues were ones he had Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral stated clearly before or on which Oct. 4 as he summed up the fourth day of his trip to the his position was known. If there was any surprise it United States. Previously, cheering Iowans was in the strength and bluntness of his comments on such welc~med the pope 8:t the Des issues and the persuasiveness of Moines ·Airport, where the sun was shining on a windy fall day. his rhetoric. The pope then boarded a heli. While chiding Americans for their wastefulness, for example, copter for the short trip to St. he consistently did so in the. Patrick Church in the rural comcontext of appealing to their munity of Irish Settlement. The tradition of generosity, calling pope walked slowly up the aisle for a renewal of that spirit in of the church, greeting parishwhich Americans have always ioners individually. He then helicoptered to Living taken pride. History,. I:arm near Des Moines, The long-range impact' of the pope's visit by its very nature where he celebrated JYIass atop defies analysis. He was, as he a knoll before a crowd of about said, on a religious pilgrimage 350,000. In Chicago, a million cheered as a messenger of peace and love - spiritual qualities that him as he rode from O'Hare Aircannot be measured by ordinary port to ·Holy Name Cathedral. From the cathedral (he went means. to St. Peter's Church to meet Certainly the eyes, ears and with religious brothers. He told hearts of millions of Americans them .their vows of poverty, were turned toward Pope John chastity and ob nce made Paul II in the first week of Octoe. them more, not ess, ber, and they heard his message Oct. 5 was other busy day. of God's love and peace. . In Chicago, ope John Paul But he suggested the probl~m evoked the immigrant heritage in his homily, on the rich young o! the U ted, States before a man, to youth on Boston Com- huge, throng in Grant Park, remon the night he arrived in the affirmed before the U.S. bishops United States. How many would traditional positions of sexual heed his call to follow Christ, morality, visited a Polish neighand how many would "turn horhood and went to a concert. away sad, because they had many From a doctrinal standpoint, possessions?" the address to the bishops was On Oct. 2, the pope also de- the highlight of the day. livered .a homily at an evening The pope rejected "the ideolMass in Yankee Stadium at- ogy of contraception and contended by about 80,000. The' traceptive acts" in the clearest, pope said the poor must be given bluntest statement on' contrafrom American abundance, not ception that he has made since just from "the crumbs of the beginning his pontificate. feast." . Pope John Paul also proclaimed "It is not right that the stand- that marriage is indissoluble, ard of living of the rich coun- condemned homosexual activity tries should seek to maintain and sexual intercourse outside itself :by draining off a great part marriage. He called abortion of the reserves of energy and "an unspeakable crime" and reraw materials which are meant jected euthanasia, mercy killing, to serve the whole of humanity," as "a grave moral eviL" he declared. He reaffirmed the need for "The lifestyle of many of the personal. confession and warned members of our rich and permis- bishops against allY misuse of sive societies is easy, and so is general absolution without indithe lifestyle of increasing groups vidual confession. inside the poorer countries," The following morning the said the pope. pope left for Washington, the The pope personally showed final stop of his viSit, where the his concern for the poor and un- highlight was his meeting with fortunate throughout his U.S. President Carter. trip by visits to black and HisAfter meeting privately in the panic areas in several cities. He president's Oval· Office, they also made special efforts to visit emerged on the south lawn,' with the handicapped. . where they addressed a crowd of At a Mass in Philadelphia's about 6,000 dignitaries. .... Logan Circle on Oct. 3 the pope "The pope will bless you, with noted that the human and civil values contained in the Decla- the permission of the president ration of Independence have of the United States," said the "strong connections with basic pope to the invited guests. . After the meeting with Carter, religious and Christian valu~s." A sense of religion itself, "is a the pope addressed the General . part of this heritage," the pope Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS). said. Oct. 7, the pope's last day in The following day he reaffirmed the permanency of the the United States, was filled' priesthood, priestly celibacy and with meetings, sprinkled with a the ,Catholic tradition of' an all- little controversy and ended male priesthood. The speech was with an outdoor Mass at the . given before an audience which National Mall. included priests representing The pope began his final day each of the .172 dioceses in the in the United States at a morning prayer meeting with about United States. "From Philadelphia to Des 7,000 female Religious. . I
Speaking just before the pope delivered his message from the same podium, Mercy Sister Theresa Kane, RSM, president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), said: "Our contemplation leads us to state that the church in its struggle to be faithful to its call for reverence and dignity for all persons' must respond by providing the possibility of women as persons :being included in all ministries of our church. "I urge you, Your Holiness, to be open to and respond to the voices coming from the women of this country who are desirous of serving in and' through the church as fully participating members." Her remarks were met with applause from some women Religious and silence from others. When Pope John Paul spoke about 50 women stood silently to symbolize their discontent with the current role of women in the church. Without acknowledging the protest, the pope emphasized the traditional role of women Religious in the church and the desirability of them wearing religious garb. The pope then went 'to the Catholic University Field House where he addressed theologians, scholars, educators and presidents of Catholic colleges and ,universities. He defended academic freedom for theologians, but . warned against spreading theories that could trouble many Catholics unable to cope with them. "It is the right of the faithful not to be troubled by theories and hypotheses that they are not expert in judging or that are easily simplified or manipulated by public opinion for ends that are alien to the truth," he said. Afterward the pope travelled to nearby Trinity College for an ecumenical prayer, service with about 200 Christian clergymen ll:nd clergywomen. The pope then went to the Apostolic Delegation for lunch and to prepare for the motorcade to the mall. The pope left the United States at a.bout· 8:45 p.m. Before returning to Rome,' the pope offered a final prayer "that God will hless America, so that she may increaslngly become - and truly be - and long remain 'one nation, under God, indivisible. With liberty and justice for aIL'"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 11, 1979
" steering
points PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as fUll dates of all activities. Please send news of future father than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralsing activities such as bingos, whists, dances, ~uppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralsing projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151,
ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Babysitting is available during 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday in the . lower church, offered as a freewill service by parish youth. The Women's Guild will open its year at 7:30 p.m. Monday with "An Evening with Mary." All parish women are welcome. ST. MARY, SEEKONK CCD teachers are needed for the confirmation class and to substitute in various grades as needed.
BRISTOL COUNTY AGRICUL· TURAL SCHOOL, SEGREGANSET AU members of the diocese are invited to the school's annual Fall Show, to be presented the weekend of Oct. 26 through 28, from noon to 8 p.m. daily. Traditional and contemporary landscape garden exhibits, plant and floral dIsplays and livestock competitions will be featured. CATHOLIC ASSN. OF . .FORESTERS, NEWTON The 100th annivers'ary banquet of the Foresters will be held 'Saturday night at the Marriot Hotel, Commonwealth Ave., Newton. Cardinal, Hurilberto Medeiros apd Governor Edward J.' King \Yill be special guests. Reservations may be made with Robert Davis, telephone· 5368880.
CURSILLO COMMUNITY, FALL RIVER DIOCESE The first Cursilloof the season, for. men, will begin Thursday, Oct. 18 at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. A Centerville palanca _committee wi,ll hold a holy hour for its success at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17. Sunday, Oct. 14 Eleanor Ottoviani will speak on sponsorship of Cursillo candidates at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. MASS. CITIZENS FOR LIFE, ' i\NNUAL DINNER . Harold O. J. Brown, professor, minister and chairman of the Christian Action Council, the nation's major Protestant prolife group, will speak at the sixth annual st.ate dinner of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. The dinner will be held Saturday night at the Sheraton-Boston Hotel. Tickets are available from Mrs. Mary Stanton, chairperson, at MCFL headquarters, 313 Washington St., Newton, telephone 964-7220. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Sunday will be a parish Family Renewal Day, modeled on last April's Day of Devotion. It will be held from 1 to 7 p.m. in the CCD social room and will be open to ages 12 to 100. The program will close with Mass and a shared'meal.
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ST. ANTHONY, TAUNTON The parish will sponsor a candlelight procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima following 7 p.m. Mass Saturday. The procession will conclude in the church with Benediction and a homily.
SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Two committee meetings are scheduled tonight, so~ial concerns at 7 and administration at 8. A meeting of parents of first communicants will follow 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. , CYO members will attend the Ice Capades at Providence Civic Center, Oct. 19.
ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne will meet JESUS MARY ACADEMY, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 ALUMNAE <ASSOCIATION in the parish hall. A calendar Deceased alumnae will be reparty will be directed by Marie membered at a Mass at 10 a.m. DUI;nont and Cecile Levesque. Sunday, Oct. 21 in the Jesus New officers are Vivian Bel- Mary Convent chapel. Father anger president; Nancy Howard, . Michael Methot will be celevice president; Mary Zembro, brant and homilist and Mrs. Irene secretary; Doris Proulx, treas- Barrette and Mrs. Constance urer. Ouellette will be hostesses. Attendance is restricted to alumDOMINICAN' THIRD ORDER, nae. FALL RIVER f Members will meet at 7:3'0 ST. JOHN OF GOD, p.m. Friday, Oct. 19 at the Rose SOMERSET A life in the Spirit series will Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay St. The meeting is post- begin tonight with a 7 p.m. Mass poned from its regular date on and following seminar. the second Friday of the month. The Women's Guild will meet a't 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 in ST. JOSEPH, the parish center. Miss Barbara NEW BEDFORD O'Brien will speak on Food Recitation of the rosary at Facts and 'Fads. 6:45 . p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 Guild members will host the will be followed by Mass and annual liv.ing rosary for the Fall laying of hands for those in need River District Council of Cathof healing. olic W.omen at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, with Bishop DanOUR LADY OF ANGELS, iel A. Cronin as guest of honor. FALL RIVER Holy Rosary Sodalists will re- ST. STANISLAUS, ceive communion at 5 p.m. Mass FALL RIVER A Bible study class begins toSunday, Oct. 28. Installation of officers will' follow, in the . morrow at 7:45 p.m. and will church, and a banquet will be continue for four additional Friserved at the Coachmen restau- days. The topic will be St. Luke's gospel. rant at 6:30 p.m. The Youth Ministry will meet ST. FRANCIS OF ASSiSI, '. at 6:30 p.m. Sunday in the lower NEW BEDFORD . church. Slides of Poland and Men's League officers are Bob Rome will be shown and a trip Kane, president; Bill Whelan, to Boston will be planned. vice-president; Rudy Caruso and HOLY NAME, Phil Baker, secretaries; George FALL RivER Belliveau, treasurer. The rosary is being recited Officers of the newly formed at 5 p.m. each day during Octoparish council are Bill Whelan, !ber for the intention of world president; Frank Figazolo, vice- peace. president; Anita Belliveau, secreDOMINICAN LAITY, tary. FALL RIVER ST. ANNE, Dominican Laity (I'hird Order) FALL RIVER members will attend Mass at 1:30 p.m. Monday in the priests' New Home and School Association officers are Joan Maltais, chapel of St. Anne's rectory. A president; Sister Lucille, vice-, meeting will follow in the recpresident; Dolores Lyne and tory assembly room. Madeleine Dias, secretaries; Blanche Gagnon, treasurer. Pa~al
BLESSED SACRAMENT ,ADORERS, FAIRHAVEN The Adorers of the Blessed , Sacrament will sponsor a ban-, quet Sunday, Nov. 4 at White's . restaurant, North Westport. Speakers will discuss the devotion and the purpose of the event . is to interest more persons in participating in the only layrun perpetual adoration society on the east coast. Further information is available from Father Henry Creighton, Sacred Hearts "Rectory, Fairhaven, telephone 992-0482. .' SACRED HEARTS, FAIIUJAVEN The monthly holy hour at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Refreshments will follow and the public is invited. The chapel is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
,BOSTON ~C) Coinciding with the papal six-city tour of the United States, Infinity Records and Petri Pax announced release of the album "Pope John Paul II Sings at the Festi- val Sacrosong." Recorded in Poland in June, the album highlights the pope's participation in the Sacrosong Festival, an annual religious musIc competition which he started 12 years ago while ar:.chbishop of Cracow. The pope sings six of the selections on the record, which also contains his own composition, "The Moment of the Entire Life." The album will ~nitially be . available through the Pontifical Mission Society of Boston and Catholic churches throughout the United States and Canada, then will be distributed through retail outlets.