
Page 1

Educ.ator Charges Public Schools Fail Youth on Moral Training

The AN,CHOR Aft Anchor of the Soul. Sure ant! lI'i'l'm-ST. PAUL

FaU River, M~ss., Thursday, Oc'tober 12, 1961

Vol. 5, No. 42 .©

1961 The Anchor


Second ClolS Moil Privllefles Authorized at Fall River: Mass.

CHICAGO (NC)-Public schools are failing to prepare American youth for the trials ahead because of their vacillating attitude toward moral values, a priest-educator warned here. Father Neil G. McCluskey, S.J., dean of education at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash., charged at a Mass here that "some educational leaders deliberately ••• have allowed

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Judaoo,Christian tradition as


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schools but the image reflected _ there is not the true o n e . " ,..,," ~'For the public school, as presently constituted, is one public institution that does not reflect American society as it is," he declared. "The state faces the problem of religious pluralism 'in the armed forces by cooperating with the different religious groups in c~ing for the spiritual needs of the uniformed personnel. Ye~ the same basic problem of reli~ious pluralism is now officialiy treated in the schools .as something nonexistent, irrelevant, or atien.~' . "We have. made it practically lrnp'ossible," Father McCluskey continued, "for the schools to teach what millions of parents d believe in conscience should be taught their children. 'We have DEPARTURE MASS: Mass will be said Sunday morning at 9 in the Dwelly Street Armory, Fall River, for the 400 Turn to Page Eighteen members of the 3rd Howitzer Battalion, 211th Artillery, federalized to Fort Bragg, N.C. Making plans are, front, Lt. Col. Vincent P. McMahon' and Rev. George E. Sullivan, pastor of St. Joseph's Church and World War II chaplain; rear, Lt. Col. William J. King and Major Raymond J. Carney.



Physicians 'Plan ,Annual Mass October 21

Members uf the St. Luke's Physicians' Guild will' hold their sixth Annual White Mass for physicians, dentists, nurses and others in the "Where he saw good to be done he was impatient until health field on Saturday morn';' ing, Oct. 21, at 8 o'clock in the that good was accomplished," was the parting tribute pai.d St. Anne's Hospital Chapel in to Archbishop William O. Brady by Archbishop William E. Fall River. Cousins of Milwaukee at the' Solemn Pontifical Requiem ... Adopted by the 75 guilds of Mass celebrated Monday for P ASTOR'S NIGHT: Participating in the annual Pastors' H~h of Sioux Falls, S. D., Hilary Night of the New Bedford Serra Club were, seated, left to Catholic physicians comprising his soul. Albert Cardinal B. Hacker of Bismarck, N. D., and the National Federation of Cathtight: Most. Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop olic Physicians' Guilds, the an- Meyer, Archbishop of Chi- Alphonse J. Schladweiler of of the Diocese an,d 'pastor of St. Lawrence's Church, nual Mass to honor their patron .cago, presided at the Mass in New Ulm, Minn. Burial was in Resurrection Cemetery in nearby New Bedford, and Rt. Rev. George W. Casey, Boston Pilot is celebrated throughout the St. Paul's cathedral in St. Paul, Mendota Heights. filled to overflowing with pre 1country at this time of year. The columnist and main speaker. Standing: Serran Leo A. A series of requiems for the feast of St. Luke is celebrated in • ates and priests, religious and the Gallagher, a 1916 classmate of Msgr. Casey at. Boston College.. the Church's calendar on Oct. 18. . laity who came to pay final re- Archbishop, who died in Rome, preceded. the funeral services. Officers of the Fall River spects to the spiritual leader of Thousands filed past the Archthe St. Paul archdio'c~se's halfGuild are Dr. Francis J. D'Errico, bishop's bier as his body lay in president; Dr. Raymond A. .Di- million Catholics. state in the cathedral for two. onne, vice president; Dr. Thomas Archbishop Leo Bin~ of Du- days and nights before the final F. Higgins, secretary-treasurex:. buque, Iowa, offered the Mass, rituals. Purpose of the Guild is to ful- after which the final absolutions Auxiliary Bishop Gerald O'A pontifical low Mass celebrated by Bishop Connolly fill Catholic aims and ideals as at the coffin were given by' Keefe of St. Paul, Chancellor of will open the sixth New England Conference. of Catholic they apply to those in the field Most Rev. James L. Connolly of the archdiocese and rector of the this Diocese, Bishops Lambert O. cathedral, offered a Pontifical NurHes, to be held Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 28 and 29, of medicine. Requiem Mass Saturday and the in Manchester, N.H. In addition to members of the Fall River office of . the dead was chanted Council of Catholic Nurses, over by Mrs. Lillian April, pressolemnly in the cathedral the area spiritual directors· will ident of the New England Diocnight before the funeral. attend including Rev. Robert esan Council of Catholic Nurses. "Archbishop Brady brought ·' t F 11 R' '. R Other sessions will consider talent and outstanding ability to L . St,m on, alVeI', ev. services and. programs for. the every task assigned him," said John Hogan, "1i!ew Bedfor~j Rev. aging, and the history of the Archbishop Cousins at the funNorman FerrIS, Taunton, Rev. Catholic Union of the Sick. SpirTurn to Page Sixteen James McCarthy, Attleboro; and itual observances will include a Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher, Dioc- holy hour Saturday and a ponesan moderator. tifical high Mass Sunday. Social Cardinal Cushing and all New activities listed are· a luncheon, England Bishops will also be reception and banquet for Saturpresent at the annual event. day and a Communion breakfast Openicg session will be presided Sunday. 0 The newly-created District 40 of Serra Internationalencompassing clubs in the Attleboro District, New Bedford, Fall River, and Providence -will hold its first Fall convenNeighborhood Commissioner David R. Melancon, a tion at St. John School in Attleprovisional troop leader at last year's Summer camp, will be boro this weekend. Scoutmaster of the provisional troop for Fall River's MassaThe two-day event will open soit Council Boy Scouts at the first Catholic retreat to be Friday evening with a banquet at the Brook Manor in North held this Friday, Saturday, up to attend the retreat from Attleboro for officers and trustSunday at Camp Noquo- troops sponsored by clubs, PTA's, ees of the four clubs and will choke, Arthur A. Gauthier in and veterans' groups. close at 4:15 Saturday afternoon Registration time for all ate h a I' g e of arrangements, following a general session on the responsibilities of a Serrano stated today. Rev. Theodore Hall, ten<ijng whether in the proviSerra is an organization of O.P., of Providence College will sional troop or in their own troop is six to six-thirty o'clock Catholic laymen whose aim is give the retreat. the increase of vocations in Melancon will be assisted by so that tents may be pitched be.... young people to the priesthoods District Chairman Arthur L. Ber- fore darkness becomes too great. brotherhood, and sisterhood. geron, veteran Scouter and .Sil- The retreat is Ii camping retreat With the exception of the FriQ ver Beaver award holder, and and everyone is required to HONORED TODAY: Columbus Day, Oct. 12, a legal Troop 21 Scoutmaster Joseph W. bring his own sleeping bag or holiday in most states, commemorates the discovery of day night ba'nquet in North Benevides Sr., Jamboree Scout- blankets, proper clothing for America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. This picture of Attleboro, all convention activities will center at St. John master in 1950 and 1957. The three days, air mattress if availthree leaders will be responsible able, and ground cloth. No food the "Great Navigoator", in the Naval Museum in Madrid, School. was made in Seville, Spain, in 1504, by an unknown artist. Turn 00 Page FifteeD TurD to Page Eighteeo for some fifty Boy Scouts signed

Lauds Archbishop Brady As 'Impatient for Good'

Ordinary to Celebrate Mass For New England Nurses

Attleboro To Host Serra District Tomorrow

Catholic Boy ScoutS. Hold Retreat This WeekeneJ'



n:::: ".: :-:::::;;:-Dioc~se

of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 12, 1961


Abuses Surroundi~g Fati~a -Border on Superstition


E~'pands .F:w~~~~~~~ Ed~ Course


!OWA CITY (NC)-Revelations of the Blessed Virgin

eationaI television' has begun Mary to three children at· Fatima, Portugal, in.1917 have its second year in Catholio been abused for purposes bordering on superstitiM,. the schools of the Newark archdirector of the Catholic Student Center at the University· of .. diocese with more grades parti'd h M. J D , . cipating ~nd more ~ TV coursetl ia iOWa, Sal ,ere. sgr.. • Leiria has' "isplayed regarding' the curriculum. Conway, who holds a licenti- the alleged Fatima secrets. . Students in elementary school in canon law, urged cau. "My guess is that he found the grades one through eight will be ~tion in applying alleged mes- contents of his famous envelope . taking at least one eourse OIl sages of Fatiina blindly, without . unsuitable for publication," television. Last year only gradetl due regard to the facts. ' 'Msgr. Conway.said. "As far as I four through eight ..participated "I do not reject the whole know the Holy See has given no ill ,the program. 'this season, Fatima story, 'though I am not formal, 'positive endorsement to some, students will be taking as personally deeply impressed. by the apparations of Fatima-only , many as seven courses' on teleit," he said. ":! have no serious petm'issive silence." vision. questions about' the credibility , Columnist' The irlBtruction is televised by of the apparitions-that was deThe priest made his coinments WPIX, a commercial station in clareci-by the Bishop of .Leiria in a column appearing in~ the ·New York, in cooperation with (the diocese in which Fatima is ·Davenport Messenger, diocesan. the New York State Board 01. located) after seven years of in- newspaper. ' SCHOLARSHiPS: 'R •. h 1 h' from the Regents. 0 vestigation and eareful study "It is bordering on superstition. • ecelvmg sc 0 ars IpS As alTang~d by Msgr JosePh' by theologia~. I am not opposed to get religion out !If focus," he '. St., Anne's Hospital Scnool of Nursing Alumnae,Fall River,. P. Tuite archdiocesan' ~uperin­ to the Fatima devotions-they exp~ained, '~to make pr~vate rev- '~e, left to dg;ht,' stud~nts Patricia Calnan, Jeanne Gobeil," tendent ~f schools, the progtaJll involve penance, sacrifice, the~ elations seem more 1D1portant ¥artha Lafferly, all .of New Bedford, Doris Goyette, Fall ,will involve language. arts for Rosary, and devotion to the that. 'the Good News of the Re-, 'R' '. 'th h 1 h' ''tt first graders. Science ]s added membe Mr Ch 1 tt Mother of .Jesus. demption, ~ place the authority p l~e~~ WI R ~cSc~sl l~ ~:o~ml. e.e al . r s. ar 0 e for g~d.e 2, music for' gtade 3, O a S warded . Misused o~ ~~~P.I0~~un ah~d .of ~hat _ ~t e leMr: T'" . • Mah~ IPR Nwerfe F· SOlI R • two gr~d~ aDd French for grade 4, in addl"But I, think it has been often 0 , , lcar. esus rlst. ua es,·. ISS eresa a i:ll',' • .·0 a Iver, now' studymg tiOO. to the other three subjects. misused for purposes bordering at ~Boston Colle~._and Miss Jo-Ann Riley of Warwick, For those in the upper gradee on 'superstition: as'a threat.to in:" tresses ~eeu studying at Catholic University:' ... . theJ:e will also be Spanish, math, silh-e . fear, as 8 good to hatred ~ . ". . : , soeial studies and ''P!aees in the





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~Miission~.r Ope..ates -and I don't mean Russians." 'Bishop Joseph A. Burke upbraid-Thri~inQCent~r in Formosa' ~ Msgr. Conway, who served.88 ed Pefsons who to dissUade ..' " ~. try


Chancellor of the Davenport, Iowa, diocese for 10_ years, : pointed' out that the real facts regarding all tha.t took place at Fatima are hard to uncover. '.'The original r~velations of Our Lady to the children were. fIne," he said. "Those were the ones the Bishop approved. Much. of the later accumulation is baSed on the 'memories oUi holy mm who made .I.1er prophecies known aftert h e even ts h a d ~ • happened. . Secrets and Promises ~ d "To the best of my knowle ge ,ttiere has been' no official approval given to these-and most of the secrets and promises which " cause t all,.the furor are contained in hem. Msgr. Conway suggested Fat·ts" cou ld 1earn . 1ma' " en th US1as '1 h B' h f .from the SI ence t e 1S op 0

Meiss Ordo

young menan<! women' from entering the priesthood and rell-' gions life. . At ~ the dedication of the. new St:John 'Vianrtey Major Seminary .the Bishop, emphasized the shortag~ of priestS, Religious and . Brothers during a sermon at a Pontifical Mass. ' The uncompleted ;seminary admitted its first students" 122 of thein, the day before the dedication. The students formerly' attended 'Christ the King'Seminary at St. Bonaventure(N. Y.) U,niversity, or at.Our L,ady of the Angels' Seminary· at :Niagara ·(N. Y.) University,' which. has since moved to 'the Diocese ~of.· Albany. ' Scores Outside InflueDee "God takes care of the Church," the Bishop said, "He ' issues invitations to the 'necessary amount" of young men and women to serve Him and to pro~ vide for thy needs of-the Church. But outside influences prevent some' young men and women from entering the religiouS lifea practice which is to be wholly condemned. . . ','There'is a crying. need .for' _ more, young men and women, to enter God's serv~ce, not only in our oWn diocese, but throughout the world. Pray to'God that those persons who receive His invitatior:J, accept it," the Bishop added.

FRIDAY-'-St. Edward; King and , Confessor. III' Class:> White.' Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Coinmon Preface. . SATURDAY - St. Callistus I, Pope and 'Martyr. '111 Class. Red. Mass Proper;' Gloria; no .", Creed; Common Prefa.ce. . SUNDAY - XXI Sunday After Pentecost. II Class~ Green. 'Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY~St. Hedwig, Widow. . III Class.' White. Mass Proper; "Hart. Lauds Kennedy Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. ', . Anti-Red ·Measures' CINCINNATI (NC):.-support TUESDAY-St. Margaret·· Mary :Alacoque, Virgin.. III ,Class~ of' President Kennedy's antiWhite. Mass Proper; Gloria; communism measures and praise no Creed; Common Preface. of the FBl in its fight against WEDNESDAY-St:Luke, Evan- subversion were expressed by 'gelist. II Class. Red. Mass Supreme Knight Luke E.· Hart Proper; Gloria; Creed;' Pref- ~ of the Knights of Columbus here. . 'ace of Apostles. Guest of ~ honor at' a' dinder THURSDAY,..,...St. Peter of Alcantara, ·Confessor. In Class. dan<;e .sponsored by' the eom·White. Mass .. Proper; Gklria; bined councils of Cincinnati, Supreme ~ Knight Hart .pointed no Creed; Common I Preface. out that the supreme board of directors of the K. of C. had gone .on .record in support of the .FORTY HOURS President and Congresl!. in cop.;. ing. with the communiSt threat DEVOTION " in Berlin and elsewhere. . Oct. 15--St. John of God, He called on local members Somerset. ~f the, K. of C. to acquire a Our Lady of the Immae"working knowledge \ of eomlate Conception, Taunmunism," citing the warning 01. , . ton. Pope Pius XI that too few peo, Oct.I6-LaSalette, E a I t ple understood the nature of Brewster. communism and its tac·tics, strategy, and objectives. Oct. 22:-St. Peter, Provincetown. St. Hedwig,' New BedSho'rtage of Interns ford. 'Conference Subject Oct. 29--5t. Michael, Fall ,ST. LOUIS (NC)-The alarm-:River. . ing' shortage of interns in St. Patrick" Somerset. Catholic hospitals. will be the St. Ann, Raynham. subject of a national·conference for medical educators to be . Nov. 5--5t. Thomas More, held here beginning Tuesday ~ SoDlerset. .Oct. 17. , Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs. .. More than 100 administrators Notre Dame; Fall River. and· physicians from Catholic THE ANCHOR hospitals. throughout the coun, Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. try are expected to attend the M""p, Published every Thul'llday at 410 conference sponsored by the Highland Avenue. Fan River, Masa.. by thc Catholie Press of the Diocese· of Catholic Hospital Associati.9Jl· of Fan River, Subecr~iton price b¥ maU. ~ the. United .States and Canada. postpaid per)'ear. ' . .,



the .expanded program, Msgr. Tuite said "eduI , . eetional· TV, if used properly, . .MIAOLI; ~ORMOSA (NG).;... of' rosaries and a mode9t stlack an bring youngst.en new exLaSt December, Father Edwin of . Ca~olic literature -would per!ences,' experiences that are McCabe, . M.M., of Provi4ellce, remain open more than a week. :current, stimulattDg and interR. I., opened a modeSt shop in Today the, project is in fun esting, and that will make the· the center ,of· t6,is bustling dty , swing, with a reading room,' Subject matter more practical .. of'40,OOO and··hopefully unf~rl~study hall, bf)o~ shop, lecture' them." a' ban,ner proclaiming. that the' ropm, language classes, and conCatholic' Service Centerw~s in ferences' 011 doctrine all revolv- , Bishop' t o ' S p e a k . bu~iness. ~ . I ing around the cenb-ill idea . Th«i regional' superior, Bishop making Christ known in the A t C a r i t a s Gili~d Frederick A. Donaghy, M..M:., 0If. ' market place. Ne" Bedford, blessed the, ~nter' Outstandingly successful are'. Bishop Connolly will lll>eak .at I ' a Communion breakfast set for ' " . and summed up its, purpose 'in 'English classes for students of ' J 10 Sun.day· morning, Oct. 15 at wor~ which have become itI all grades up to and in~luciing ·motto.: I . college gr,aduates, as well as __ Venus de Milo restaurant, Swan""sea, under sponsorship of the "May all who come here fo:r cial classes for bUsinessmen and ,Caritas Guild. . study or for' work make! government ·officials. progresS. in '-things hurrtan Recently Father'McCabe conThe guild raises funds for the and thin~ divine and iso'· duct~ ·a.Science Exhibition with tarded Bishop's work' in behalf of reI children. Families of in(:rease their lov.e of God," pictures,. of the space age. sup- members are invited to attend In . just - ten months, Fatlier plied by,the Ford Foundation. the breakfast, accordi.... io anMcCabe" a veteran of the C,hi:na Includ.ed were pictures of· 1'15 -'nouricement made -u;r Jamea missions~ before., his, expul.sron Catholic scientists whose n a m e s ' ~ Cooney and Robert Souza, cofrom the main.land 'by t.he'ICini-. w,ere ..· already known to many chairmen. nese Commumsts, has, through students from science classes in prayers and support of rhany , school. . benef-actors in. the States, made" An essay contest, "Science for SACRAMENTO (NC)-Bishop , the Center ,an apostolic strflI1lg~ ,Peace,"followed .the exposition Joseph T. McGucken of Sacrahold. . and studenti from all the Middle mento has established two new When he, started· the pr6jeot, Sohools in Miaoli registered. parishes for the diocese,' bringmost Taiwanese doubted~·'that Presenting aWQrds, Father Me-, 'ing the total to 86. Father McCabe's rented shop Oft Cabe had the OPport4nity of ad~ai!J'.-Street - with only a Itray, dr~ing 1700 non-C.hristian students and ·of being welcomed and introduced by principals of aU-the Middle Schools in· the 0 ,IS Op ~eUmanl1l city.' . PITTSBURGH (NC) - IThe Kriights of' St. George have !let up a plaque near St. Philonie:na The ,following films are to 'be church here in hOllor of Bi~hl()p added to the lists in their reJohn Neumann, who was he:ild spective classifications: OIARlES F. VARGAS' 01 the Philadelphia See in 18fi2. . Unobjectionable for general ROCKDALE AVINUI ~ Bishop· John J. Wrighti of pat~~nage: Greyftiars Bobby NEW BEDFOID, MASS. Pittsburgh, spiritual advisor of. (superior ~ .entertainment); The the' KnJghts of St. George, bless- Man Who Wagged, His Tail. ed the plaql,le, which .....as 'erecti~d Unobjectionable for adults: at' Good .Samarf4ln chapel. B'ish- The Ninth Circle; The Roman opN~umann .helped· build .the Spring~ of Mrs. Stone. old St, Philomena' church! A ~em~ Qf the RedemptOrist' Order, .be was born in 18U 1and Electrical dilxtin 1860. I




86 Parishes.

~4 YE..

Plaque 'Is Memoriul T' B- h..... .

. Legion 'of Decency




Ctl//' ~";







,THE ANCHOR lists the deatb aumversary dates 01 prieSt.1 who 'served the Fall' Riielr Diocet!e since Its formation Ibl ,19M with the intention thall the faithful wUl ewe them II ~erlDJ remembrance. I ,

OCT. 14


Rev. Dennis M. Lowney, 191111, Assistant, Sac~ed Heart, TauntoJ1. OCT. 19



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2500 Boy's Clubs-Camps-Schools-Missions

Holy Father Eases Sorrow

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 12, 1961

Of Archbishop's Death

Television Theme Anti-Semitism

By Rev. Edward J. Mitchell F~ther Mitchell

is a priest of the Fall River Diocese who began postgraduate studies in Rome this year.. A graduate of the North American College in Rome, he, served in Sacred, Heart Parish .in Taunton before returning to the EtemaU City this Fall. High above the Eternal of Archbishop Brady, "He was City, in Rome's Salvator one of the great men of the. ,Mundi Hospital, death came Council." But like his Master 'before for the Archbishop at 11 :15 on Sunday morning, Oct. 1. Far from his native Fall River, farther still from his flock in St. Paul, William O. Brady obeyed his final missionary summons and went home to God. A few days earlier, as the Archbishop lingered between life an'd death, Pope John XXIII expt'essed his concern. "Archbishop Brady," the Pope said, "has traveled so far to come to Rome, I at least ought to come it:l from Castle Gondolro to see him." But the staff of doctors at the hospital had advised against it, so the Holy Father, like cOuntless friends .. everywhere, simply waited and prayed.' The Archbishop of St. Paul knew from the start that his condition was serious. He asked fOr the last sacraments immediately after his admission to bhe . hospital. It had been a long arid difficult flight to Rome, but now 'as he heard the priest say "Receive, my brother, this Food for your journey . . .", he knew tblllt a far longer journey stretched out before him. The prospect of it, however, did not frighten him. He kept alive his gentle humor as he talked of the present and reminisced about the past. Boyhood DayS Part of that past was his boyhood days in Fall River. And by Q' strange working of Divine Providence, his own sister had Q'rrived in Rome barely a week before his coming. Sister Mary William, 'C.S.J., rormer president of St. Catherine's College in·St. Paul, Minn., had come to Rome for a special year of studies. Her presence at his bedside now meant so much to him. . ,Another fond link with the past was sealed on Monday eve:" ning with the arrival of Msgr. F-rancis J. Gilligan, pastor of St. Mark's Church in St. Paul. It had p~obably seemed to the A'1"chbishop as only yesterday that he and Bishop Connolly and Msgr. Gilligan had set out as young priests for the Diocese of St. Paul. So much had happened in the years since thenmore than a man can remember, but not more th~1n a just God can reward. Ecumenical Council Dr. Charles Rea, Archbishop Brady's personal physician, arrived in Rome within twentyfour hours. He and the staff of the hospital did all that was humanly possible. The rest was in·'thehands of God. Archbishop Brady had flown m Rome em the 23rd of September to c<:mtinue 'his work on one of the preparatory commissions of the forthcoming· Ecumenical Council. His keen mind and rich administrative experience have made the Archbishop a key man on the commission. Cardinal Marella, chairman of the commission, said glowingly

Austrians Take Part In Rosary Crusade

him, the Archbishop was not destined to see the' fruits of his labor. Where he had sown, others would reap. He was Christ-like to the end. Great Churchman When the news of his death was announced at the Casa Santa Maria, the residence of Amerioan priests studying in Rome, there was a deep sense of sadness. lot was evident that America had lost a great churchman. That heavy mantle of sadness, however, that was placed so sud;., denly on his sister, his classmate and his friends, was gently'lifted the next morning when the Holy Father sent his private secrebary to invite Sister Mary William, Msgr. 'Gilligan and Dr. Rea to visit with him t~at afternoon. "He was so sympathetic and understanding," Sister Mary William said later. "He wanted to know ,all the details of my brother's illness. He spoke of him as a personal f,fiend. And then towards the end, the Holy Father said, 'Friends on earth must also be friends in paradise; this friendship must be k:ept alive on both sides.' Pope john told us that he had offered Mass for him that morning and that he would do so 'agr.tin the next day." Reunion in Paradise Nearly a half hour later when the small group arose to leave the Holy Father said, "Now we will have a De Profundis," and together they recited the beautiful psalm "Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, 0 Lord .. ." At the door of his study, the Vicar of Christ smiled and said, "We, shall 'have a reunion in Pa,radise." On Oct. 4 the body of Archbishop Brady was brought to the Church of Santa Susanna, the church for Americans in Rome. Cardinals and bishops and scores of 'priests crowded bhe ancient church to pay their final respects t<:! an unforgettable man of God. Monsignor Gilligan celebrated the Requiem Mass, assisted by two servers from the Archdiocese of St. Paul, presently students at the North American College in Rome. The Absolution was given by Archbishop Kroll of Philadelphia. When the service was concluded, a funeral cortege sadiy wound its way to Rome's International Airport. The Eternal City was sending its chosen one back to his people - surely no less a shepherd now that he rules with Peter, no less a friend now that he reigns with Christ.

Episcopal Bish~ps Deplore Division' DETROIT (NC)-The bishops the Protestant Episcopal Church have .called on their people "to 'wor~ and to pray without ceasing" for religious unity. The Episcopal bishops urged constant efforts to end "the divisions by which we dishonor our one Lord." They made their appeal in a pastoral letter issued at the end of their 12-day triennial general convention. The letter was to be read in all the nearly 7,000 Episcopal churches, with congregations totaling some 3.5 million. of

VIENNA, (NC)-Over 650,000 Austrians -10 per cent of the country's population-have registered as members of the Rosary Penance Crusade, promising to recite at least part of, the Rosary every day. The crusade was founded shortly after World War II by Univell'sity an Austrian friar, Father Petrus DETROIT (NC) - The UniHavlicek, Q.F.M., as a response versity of Detroit pas received to the Fatima message of prayer a $68,000 gra'nt from the Naand penance. Main goals of the tional Science Foudation to conmovement are world' peace and duct a two-year program for the liberation of oppressed peo. the development of engineering ples. graphics education. Engineering The extensive particilpation graphics is a study combining was revealed when Bishop Joao Pereira Venancio of Leiria, mechanical drawing, problem Portugal, whose diocese includes solving and the analysis of F-atima, visited Austria recently. graphs.

Grant to

F ALL RIVER WOMEN: Shown with Bishop Connolly at Bishop's Night of the Fall River Catholic Women's Club, are, left to right, Chairman Mrs. William T. Donnelly, President Miss Lorena Pacheco, and Vice President Miss Julia M. Harrington.

Return to Natural Law Concepts Best Hope for World Survival PITTSBURGH (NC)-Thebest hope for a reign of law in, the international community, apart from the revival of religious faith and the acceptance of Revelation itself rests in a return to the concepts' of the natural law, accordmg to Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh." Speaking at the annual ',Red ,Mass in, St. Paul's cathedral, Bishop Wright said "no small part of our hope for the reign of law, its firm foundation on the level of nature and reason, lies in the recognition of the validit.y of that natural law to the existence and dictates of which reason is witness." Bishop Wright declared that because "every sort of error and deviation" is possible in the d~termination of the moral obligations stemming from the natural law this "merely probes how fallib1e is unaided human reason and how easily sense and sensuality can corrupt our intellectul:ll jlidgment." Virtuous Actions, "W ~ are scandalized by the fact that cruelty, denunciation of parents, the lie for the ser'vice of the party, the murder of the aged or the sick should be considered virtuous actions by people educated by nazi or communist positive law," the Bishop continued. "All'this proves nothing against natural· law, any more than :.

Capetip Program Walter Welsh Council, Provinceto:yvon Knights of Columbus, will observe Columbus Day with a' high Mass at 5 this afternoon at St. Peter the Apostle Church, followed at 7 with a chicken dinner and the showing of films in K of C hall.





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desires oftener than hom ...... n...... G.


Seekonk KC Names Joseph Amaral


Serra Holy Hour


NEW YORK (NC) - The responsibility of U. S. Catholics in 'fighting anti-Semitisn'i will be the theme of a Catholic Hour television program Oct. 15. Entitled "The Chosen People," it will be the second in a Catholic Hour series called "Prejudice, U.S.A." The Catholic Hour is produced by the National Council of Catholic Men in cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company. The program will be telecast from ] :30 to 2 P.M. over the NBC-TV network. Penance Written by Robert Crean, the program will open with a quotation from an American priest: "We should all be down on our knees in penance for the murder of six milion Jews, but we don't know what to do about it, so we forget 'about it." The story centers on the community conflict that develops when a group of teenagers discovers that the club they've' chosen for their senior prom will not admit Jewish people: .

mistaken bookkeeping-or falsiJoseph Amaral is newly electfied bookkeeping-proves anything against arithmetic, or than ed grand knight for Seekonk the mIstakes of primitive peo- Council, Knights of Columbus. pIes, for whom the stars were His supporting officers include holes in the .tent which covered Victor Rose, deputy grand knight; Hearne, chancellor; the woTld, prove anything against Norman Donal Joost, warden; Herbert astronomy," he said. West, inside guard; Manuel AnUnwritten Law tune and Frank Rose, outside Bishop Wright said the natural guards; Robert Araujo, recording hiw is an unwritten law. "Man's secretary. knowledge of it increases little Also Annimzio Provazza, treasby little as man's moral conscienc':l develops," he stated. . urer; S. Freeman Tracy, finan"After the fall, of man, that cial secretary; Armand Bessette, moral conscience passed through ad'vocate; Michael George Jr., a twilight state. As a result, the lecturer. Rev. Lester Hull, chap' idea of natural law, at lirst, im- lain. ~ersed in rites and mythology, differentiated itself only slowly, as slowly even as the idea of About VOU? nature." 'Then,Bishop Wright emphasized: "Only when the Gospel has penetrated to the very depth of human substance will natural law appear in its flower and perfection." ()

New Bedford Serra Club will sponsor ~ Holy Hour for vocations to the priesthood from this Diocese at 3 this' Sunday afternoon at St. George's Church, Westport. Parishioners and all residents of the New Bedford area are invited to join Serranll for the devotion. Discontents

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ot Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 12, 1961

·.Asks Educatiohal

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MIAMI BEA.CH (NC) A Cuban 'called here for a .broad education ~exchange program between the U.S.

By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. Ass't Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University

"Are men and women really as intellectually, emotionany, and psychologically different from each other as nearly all men, including some priests, tell us? Is every woman's place in the home even if her talents aren't domestic ones and she isn't duty bound by ferences stem - from their muchildren? After studying tual ·complementarity· as a pro-' people around me; I' don't creative couple and are consesee how these theories apply. quently not strictly comparable. I'm no' fighting suffragette cru-" Jl)jfficult to Assess silding for equality, but some Third, there is failure to'note 'of the stuff you that although sexual differences rea d . abo u t are distinct and permeate a perwomanhood just son's entire being, individual rubs in salt." men and women differ considIt isn't sur. erably in the degree· of mascu.,. p r i sin g . that linity and feinininty they actui n t e l I i _ a l l y possess, so that sex-related gent women exintellectual or emotional difperience a slow ferences . are very difficult to burn as tney assess' in practice. rea d . through . In the light of these observasoY} e 0 f the tions, Betty, it should be clear " stu f f" you that there is no sound basis for mention, Betty, making disparaging compariyet you'll have to admit that not sons between men and women all of it is written by mel! in regard to their intellectual, women have contributed their emotional, or psychological fair share. either by trying to differences. ignore real differences or exagNot only do individual men gerating the mystery of the and women differ considerably "eternal feminine". in their natural abilities, but No sane person can deny that we know too little about the men and women differ in many conditioning effect~_ of early in-' significant ways. Our perennial struction and training"to hazard problem is to determine the real a.ny generalizations in - this basis of such differences, their matter. nature and degree, and their Harmful The9ries practical implications in our Men and women were delives. signed to be companions and 'Much Ado _ _' helpmates in a procreative partnership, and it· is the comFew human problems have oe- plementaryqualities needed for casioned more discussion or re- . success and happiness in this ceived more varied· solutions, partnership that should be. and judging from the past, "the stressed, rattter than odious battle of the sexes" is destined to comparisons. continue as long as there are Moreover, the "th.eories" you men and women living this side mention are not only irritating of heaven. but harmful. Some people Of c('urse, some people feel the speak of woman's "intuition," whole 'controversy is really much and man's "rationality", of. ado about nothing. Obvious difwoman as "heart" and man as ferences do exist, and we may "head" almost as if they were. as well learn to live with them. describing qualitative differLet men be rrianly and women ences in two distinct'species. womanly, and be done with it! Yet women must also develop _Woman's Place their "head", th~ir capacities' This solution has one drawfor .rationality, if they are to be back-,-it doesn't solve anything. companions and helpmates to' '. What does it mean to be manly their husbands and fulfill their or womanly? Every society tends obligations. to society. to develop its own definitions in Develop All Gifts. the practical order, based priUnfortunately, although girls marily on the roles that men and now have excellent oppol'tuniwomen are expected to fulfill in ties for education, 'many aparmarriage and the family. ently feel that they can get -by Because the all-important task on native "intuition." They go of bearing and rearing children to school not primarily to denecessarily involves so much of velop their talents but to ."get a married woman's energy, in- a man". According to statistics terest, and time, it is not surpris.., most are successful in the ".puring that we tend .to think that suit", yet what are they pre"woman's place is in the home", pared to contribute to the yet this phrase has meant many marriage? different things and clearly t.ells . Don't 'be bothered by the us little about woman's native" theorists, Betty.' Develop and ability as compared with a man. use all the gifts that God has Sources of Confusion given you. If this isn't consid., .' ered "wpmanly",~ then there is . Past dISCUSSIOns of thIS prob- ' .. something wrong ·with the lem reveal - several com~on definition, for God gave you . sources of error: and confUSIOn. your talents. to be used First, there is failure to distin. guish between differences re- Irov~ A~I1!JI1\1\lI7ilU ~e«:eDve sulting from instruction and' training and those rooted in tGi@(Q)Ii'~efr@wl7il 1J=ll(Q)17il@1i'$ nature. If boys and girls are PROVIDENCE (NC) - John raiSfld differently, and they Carroll awards for distinguished usually are, they .will reveal service were made to five different traits as adults. Georgetown University graduSecond, there is the implicit ates at an alumni dinner here assumption that the male rep- in ho~or of the founder of the resents the most adequate ex- 172-year-old university in Washpression of human nature. . ington, D. C. Hence, all differences are evalThe recipients were: Father uated on the basis. of this as- l.'rederick C. Hickey, O.P., '26, sumed ideal, so that. whatever director of the honors science does not ·fit the definition of program, Prov'idence C'ollege; what is masculine is· regarded Francis B .. Condon, '16, Chief: not only as different but as Justice, Rhode Island Supreme inferior or worse; Court; Daniel> L. Schlafly, '33, Yet the Bible tells us that .president of the St. Louis Board God made< man "male and feof Education; Dr. William B. male", and to His "image and Walsh, '43, founder and presilikeness". Men and worrien are dent of Project Hope, and Willboth images of God; their dif- ard L. Beaulac, '21, former American Ambassador' to five Stafnps Get IlhllS South American countries and OLD BRIDGE (NC) -;- Mter . now deputy director of the six months and five million tradNational War College. ing stamps a project launched Father Edward B. Bunn, S.J., by St. Thomas the Apostle par- president, recalled the founding ish here· in' New Jersey succeedof Georgetown by Archbishop ed. Representatives of a chain of John Carroll in 1789. He said food stores and a trading stamp the charter whiCh the U. S. company presented to the parish Congress gave the university in school officials a 62-passenger 1815 was the first such charter bus, valued at $8,000, to be used granted by the Federal Government. by the school.

ATOMIC ENERGY' CONFERENCE: Delegates 'from 76 member states as well as observers from the United Nations, the specialized la,gencies and other international organizations, attended ,the fifth regular session of the General Conference of lhe International Atomic Energy -Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Delegates from the Holy See were Frank M. Folsom, of New York, head of the delegation and Father . Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame University. NC Photo.





~ ~Chri'stians Share Blame folf' SOCiE~ty's Ills Today


HAMPTON (NC) - Sen~tor general 'forms: the use ()! perEugene J. McCarthy of Minnesonal and professional obligasota said here that Christians tions as an excuse; the attitude are in part to blame for the' iUs of some who have chosen "rather. of society because they have: not to judge and condemn the world tried to Christianize the world. than to save it"; and the conMcCarthy told a Minne'sota· fusion of those who try to save KniglHs of' Columbus banquet the world by preserving what that "the . development of a they imagine to be an "ideal" Christian world has been sloWed, past. been diverted, and iil some a~eas Only human beings will turned back during the last five .change the world, and "Christo seven centuries." tians must accept the burden of "Modern man has seen, the their day," McCarthy declared. lights' by which he thought he . was bemg. guided grow dim Iland New Orleans Priests fade, one by one," he said. "A fl:! world which was quite recently ~erve Qlsap GOnS self-confident and ever). arrogant NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Four today has been brought low.;' priests of the Archdiocese of New "The solon said this has hap- .Orleans have been released from pened "not only because Ithe pastoral duties by Archbishop promises 'of education, 'of scien':e Jos~h F. Rummel 'to serve as and of new political forms have chaplains in the arme~ forces. failed,but because of the reje,~Father John B. Bahan, who tion of Christiari principles.'; 'has' the rank. of major in the . He declared that the "progres- Army, served- in World War 'II sive rejection of Christianity is iIi New Guinea, the Philippines the result, on the one hand~ of and Japan. He holds the Bronze ·the rejection of Christianity! by Medal and five campaign ribthe world; on the other hand, we bons. Fathers Joseph J. Calato, must 31so pOint to the reject~on, Allen J. Roy and Donald Songy neglect and failure of Christians have been members of the Natto meet fully their responsibility ional Guard. towards the world/' i McCarthy said this fa,ilur~ to Wlt!lll'e~ll:!Jm K C Christianize the world has taken. Father Francis D. Callahan Council, . Wareham Knights of Columbus, will hold installation ceremonies' Thursday, Oct. 19. CIro«lllPe~$ «lit AOIi'~crrfr~ NEW YORK (NC)-A suit to District Deputy George. Shaw of prevent construction of ttlree New Bedford will be presiding religious chapels at New York officer, aided by Arthur B. Shaw; Iq,ternational Airport has bben Taunton district deputy. filed in State Supreme' cdurt by' the Freethinkers of Amer'ica. NO JOB 100 BIG The Port of New York Authority, which operates' the ~ir­ NONIE 100 SMAll port, leased three half-~cre tracts for' annual rentals: of $650 for Catholic, Protestant ~nd Jewish buildings. : Joseph Lewis, FreethinJ{ers president, contended in tpe ~uit that the port authority--JIad Iviolated the principle of separa.Main O~~ice and Plan\! tion of Church and State'i in Il.OWIELD., MASS. making the leases. •




and Latin Ameri~an countries to combat the Castro influence in those countries. Manuel Reyes, Cuban attorney and journalist, referred to Prem_ ier Fidel Castro as a "communistic puppet" and said that many Latin American nations' "have experienced the infiltra, 'lion of Castro communism." . Reyes, now director of LaUn American n~ws at TV station WTVJ in Miami, addressed a ,session 'of· the southeastern regional convention of the Catholie Press Associoation. . He stated that the youth of Latin American nations \ "wiD g·row either in an atmosphere of good relatioIl6hip or resentment against this .country." Father Considine Speaker "For. this reason," he continued, "it·is very important·that the U.S. inaugurate a large program of educational ex~ange with the Latin American countries. In this way thie nation ..• CC'uld infiltrate in the minds cl all children and young people of Laiin America the good seeds cl· , democracy." . Father John J. Considine, . M.M., director of the LaHn American . Bureau, National Catholic Welfare Conference, told the , delegates fuoat there is an urgent need for lay personnel to he. spread the principles of Christiaa family life in Latin America.'

,Franciscans . Leave Foil' Korea Mission BEAVERTON (NC) - Archbishop Edward D.' Howard Off Portland in Oregon presided at a formal departure ceremony for three Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows whe left here for a mission in Korea. The Sisters are Sister Dulcie'sima, Sister Elizabeth and Sister Mary FranCis. Father Terence Cronin, O.F.M.. Provincial of the Franciscans Santa Barbara province, spoke at the cerem'ony at Our Lady of Peace Retreat House at Beaverton. Sisters Dulcissima, Elizabeth and Mary Francis will go to Chinju, Korea, where a convent has been built for them. They will instruct 12 girls of high school age who are preparing for religious life.


Fll'eefl'!hlnl1ilke~s Opp@~e'

W@wfr~'WlhJol~ ~@@~$ . New Bedfor.i members of :the Legion of Mary ~nnounce their Fall listing of worthwhile bonks i.~ now available' at all branches of tlieNew Bedford pubic: li.brary. It lists 20 titles, including novels, spiritual reading, poetry and biography. I


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Scholarship Fund Head Announces Program to Aid Pupils Planning Career in Catholic Journalism


of Fait River-Thurs., Oct. 12.1961


By Daniel J. Delaney . Students aiming at a career in Catholic journalism can soon count on substantial scholarship and other a,id, according to an announcement by the Catholic Journalism Scholarship Fund, Inc. The new foundation has already collected enough funds to Carvalho; giee c',ub . award initial scholarships in Katherine president is Sandra Babiarz.. time for the 1962-63 aca- Other offi.cers are as follows: ordemic year, according to chestra, vice-president Carol Msgr. John S. Randall, foundation president and editor of the Catholic Courier Journal, newspaper of the Rochester Diocese. He made the announcement in Chicago after a meeting of the foundation's directors. Formation of the foundation had been by Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh at the last annual convention of the Catholic Press As!'ociation in Vancouver, B C. Msgr. Randall expressed the directors' unanimous approval ot the new careers in journalism program of the CPA. Present at the meeting with other members of the directors' board of the . Catholic Journalism Scholarship Fund was Josepn E. Sullivan of Lowell, the fund's treasurer. High Scbool Alumni Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the Unltpd States wlil offer' Mass and address the alumni of CathoHc High Schools at th~ir annual Communion breakfast in Philadelphia on Sunrtay, Nov. 19. Bishop George L, Leech ,of Harr.isburg will give the sermon it the Mass in the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul. Special prayers wi1ll be offered for Pope John. School Elections President of the senior' class ,at Holy Family High School, New Bedford, is Thomas Walker. Other officers are: senior class, vice president, Patricia Connor; secretary, Sandra Bobola; treasurer, Laurence Oliveira; junior class. presidents, Richard Perras and Peter Sullivan; vice-presidents, Elaine,Mathews and RObert Clarkson; secretaries, Robert Peccini and Maureen' Osborne; treasurers, Thomas Azar and Mary Tynan. Sophomore class officers at the, 'New Bedford eo-educational institution are: presidents, Richard Pariseau and Edward Parr; vicepresidents, Dermot Duggan and Timothy O'Leary; secretal'les, Richard Sheehan and Chris~i!le Roberts; treasurers, B!'ian Hodson and JV.(a:r-garet Erickson. With student,government el~c­ tions ::ompleted at Stang High School North Dartmouth, the elections of class ofncers for the three classes are scheduled for Tuesday, Student Councils Senior representatives of tne Stud(~nt Gov~rnment, Moum St. Mary Academy, Fall River, ue Sandra Babiarz' and Katherine Carvalho. Other class representatives are: Juniors Joanne Leandro and Maureen Harrington; sophomores J u d i t h Labecki, Joanne Sullivan, and Diane Martineai'; freshmen Nancy Ferris, Catherine Turgeon, ~il Kerl'igan and Joan Ii'asho, Student Council represent'ltives of Holy Family High :ire: seniors Karen King, Denise Nunes, David Sylvia and Be:.-nard Cabral; juniors Rita Es'trella, Kathleen Sciscento, Paul 11homas, and John Townley; sophomores Beatrice Abraham, Margaret Oliveira, Stephen Amara'l and Russell Toby. College Boards Saturday morning college board classes will begin this week at Stang High, North Danmouth. These classes are intended for those interested students whose after-school cocurricular activities prevent the possibility of accepting this asmtance on week-day afternoons. The president of the orchestra at Mount St. Mary Academy is

Real Paper Work CINCINNATI (NC)-If there's a scrap of paper in the western part of Hamilton County it's an oversight on the part of Seton High School girls. In a Catholic Students Mission Crusade campaign, they collected 3,409,728 pounds of paper last monthmore than 1,700 tons.

Riley, secretary Garoly~ Johnson and treasurer Patricia Johnson; glee club, vice-president Patricia Collins, secretary Patricia Murphy, 'and treasurer Karen Daley. . Carolyn Prezalar is president of the Vanguard Science Club at the Mount. She will be assisted during the year by Cynthia Franco, vice-piesident, Paul Tavares, secretary and Phyllis Pytel, treasurer.

Extra Curricul~ Presiding at the first French Club meeting at the Mount will be'president Lorraine St. Onge. She will be assisted ,by Katherine Carvalho, vice-president and treasurer, and Carolyn Prezalar. secretary. Sister Ma,ary Adele is the moderator of the French' Club. This Fall the Cross-Country track team of Coyle High, Taunton, under the direction of Brother Patrick, C.S.C., shows much promise. Led by Co-captains Bill Desmond and P>aul Medeiros, the runners include Bob Beaurgard, Jim McGarry, Steve Nolan and Paul Duggan. . The Taunto~ boy's school.is again sponsoring a magazine drive; this year to rai,se money, for glass back-boards. Leaders of the drive are seniors Dick Brazenski, Gerry Kelley, and Jeff Kane, along with junior John Doyle. Preserve Freedom Former elite member of the Communist Party of the New Bedford area, serving as liaison man with the FBI, channeling information 'to this bureau, Armand • Pen h a delivered', an 'informative and stirring talk to the student body at Mount St. Mary Academy, Fall River. Mr. Periha's talk revealed vhe power of the Communist Party in this country to infiltrate our daily lives. Leaving a strong im_ pression on the. minds of his audience concerning this impacl, Mr. Penha emphasized, the necessity of each individual citizen to do all in his power to help preserve our freedom in this"repub-



Parents' Night The parents of freshmen and sophomore students are invited to a Parents' Night at Coyle High, Taunton, at 7:15 Monday . night, Nov. 6, The parents will attend their· boy's classes, meet the faculty, and discuss, their boy's academic achievement with his teachers. 11he' California Test of M~n­ tal Maturity has been administered to all freshmen students at the Taunton boys' school. Brother James Derrig, C.S.C., director of studies, announces a preHminary scholastic aptitude test for all Juniors next Tuesday morning, Oct. 17. j

Mexicans Aid 'cuban Refugee Seminarians MT.. ANGEL (NC) Five young Mexicans from Montezuma Mexican National Sem'imiry in New Mexico have arrived at Mount Angel Abbey here in Oregon to continue their studies for the priesthood. They left the seminary, in New Mexico to make.rooin for emergency admission of five refugee, seminarians from Cuba, according to Father Ambrose Zenner, O.S.B., rector of the major seminary, here.





MOTORS OLDSMOBILE Oldsmo,bile-Peugot-Renault 6'7 Middle Street. Fairhaver


<~)., ., . t '

'-~~-' FIRST STUDENT COUNCIL: Officers"of the first Student Council at recently-opened Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro are, left to right, President Stephen Nolan of Immaculate Conception Parish, North Easton; Treasurer Gregory Servant of St. Jphn's Parish, Attleboro; Secretary Nancy Arruda of St. John's; Clerk Frank McCauley of St. John's; and Vice President Kerry Horman of St. Mary's Parish, No. Attleboro.

Laymen's Society Raises $189,000 For Missions ST. LOUIS (NC)-A mission society composed of 2,200 laymen here raised $189,000.for the mis,sions in the la3t'fiscal year. Churchmen have been impressed not so much by the amount of money raised-nearly $100 per member-but the manner in which it was· accomplished. ' "It was done on a daily basis," said Dorothy Willman, chairman of the Women's Division of the Daily Worldmissionaires. "Each member agrees to make some sacrifice' each day for the missions," , The monetary value of the sacrifice is then contributed to the Society for the Propagation of the faith. : Duri ng the fiscal year which ended Oct. 1, the 2,200 8t. Louis m"embers made 4,010,835 sacrifices to raise the sum. The sacrificial, nature of the project won the praise of both Joseph Cardinal 'Ritter, Archbishop' of St. .Louis, and Auxfliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York, na": tiona I director of 'the Sociletyfor the Propagation of the Faith, who came her,e for the Daily Worldmissionaires' annual meeting. , Cardinal Ritter told the group he endorsed "100 per cent" the plans to form the Daily Worldmissionaires when they were outlined to him. "I did' so because I saw in it the possibility of the sanctification of our laity," the Card~nal


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said. "And this has indeed proven so. Daily 'Worldmissionaires are now indeed the salt in our community that savors the whole archdiocese." The Cardinal attributed the success of the group to the "discipline of prayer and sacrifice" which each member voluntarily assumes daily. Identified With Passioll Bishop Sheen told the mem- ' bers their daily sacrifices are identifying them with the passion of Christ. . He advocated that other diocesan directors of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith from other U. S. Sees t>e brought to St. Louis to observe the Daily Worldmissionaire program in action. ' According to Msgr. Edward T. O'Meara, 81. Louis archdiocesan director for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, each Daily Worldmissionaire agrees to say a few brief pr<,lyers daily for the missions, as well as contribute 25 cents daily to the· missions.

But the money to be raised must come from a personal sacrifice, he said, "You must get the money by doing w\thout something, In effect, then, it doesn't cost you anything," he said. Some members make theil contributions by eating less expensive' luncheons, by walking instead .of riding the bus, by doing without articles or entertainment.



n:: M:C:'()'~'-'Dioceseof Foil


River-Thurs.; Oct. 12, 1961

Sod~list Progress

Worthwhile Recipes


A convert to the Faith told of the times he sat in his a~tomobile outside of Catholk ch~rches during Sunday Mass while waiting for his wife and children to, come out. And after many such vigils, he met a priest who asked him why he did not come inside. And his answer was a simple, "Becau'se up to now, no one has ever asked me." Catholics know that Faith is a gift of God. He gives it to whomever He will. And Catholics bend over backward to avoid playing God wit'fi a person's life and pressuring him to come to Mass; the:} go to an extreme of indifference, to avoid the tag of proselytizer~ , ' , For this reason, they often give the 'appearance to their friends not of the Faith of belonging to a secret sl?Ciety or to a gnostic group that is simply not interested in inv~ting an outsider in to view what Catholicism has to offer. , The Catholic explains the lack of invitations to the fact that anyone attending Mass would have to be instructed beforehand on ~hat to expect, on what all thi~ means. ..' The non-Catholic ,sees it as simply a lack of charIty, of interest. ' ' . ' ' Perh'aps this is one of the instances Clare Booth Luce had in mind when she titled one of her talks, '''Catholic Mind and Protestant Beart." , Catholics seem to be iacking in those qualities that are associated more often than not with Protestants fellow:;;hip, an invitation to Church, charity surrounding services. " ' ' , The cradle Catholic smiles at the hand-shaking outsipe ,the door of a Protestant church. He dismisses as of little . account the sending of flowers to the sick members of the congregation. He looks bemusedly on the close interest paid by one member of a Protestant flock to another. He reasons, that he, after all, has the truth; these other things are the frills of reIlgion. Every Catholic parish could, do with some of these "frills." It could do with a little more warmth, a little mOre of the old-fashioned solicitude of one person for another. Every parish could do with a few persons with enough charity to extend an invitation to Church to one who may appear interested.' ' Some may smile at su~h a suggestion as being, "Protestanty,1' These same critics should ask themselves what they have done in a realistic practical way to further the cause of Christ's Church. '' .

The Few llave Preyail~d



In tension\dddled situations throughout the South, the integration of the races is being accomplished with peace and quiet, in sharp cqntras't to the violence that marked the New Orleans school opening a year ago; The pres~nt peaceful 'action isa tribute to individuals _ not the many in the South who still cannqt see the why and wherefore of integration, but the few'in authority,who recognize that 'the Suprem~ Court must be ,the law ,of the land and its orders obeyed., . , If ever there was an example of Father Keller's "You c~m change the world" it is here. ' .' For the change is the work of the. few - the few mayors and chiefs of police who gave notice t~at integra,tion would hl:ke place and that th~y would brook ·interference ' , '" , from no one. In the face, of such firmness on the part of a few, the many stayeq at home and muttered dire mouthings - but they stayed home. True, the integration now taking place in some schpols' and stores is token.· A- few successes along these lines do not indicate a change of heart in an entire 'region. The, 'bitterness and misunderstandings 'and prejudices of 'more' than a hundred years' have not been washed cleanly and.. antiseptically away. Charity h~s not taken the place of ' hostility. But children are not, being spat upon. Rocks are not being thrown. Cross-burning has been reduced to a minimum. And the many have been treated to the experience of life going on as usual - almost - in the face of traditionbreaking steps. , So the few are to be commended for, their determination to make the law of the land stick. They are to be hailed for their breaking the terror of mob rule. Only th~ir unyield.ing stand has prevented the repetition of the disgraceful incidences that blazed across the fron~'pages of the country . , , . and the wor:ld last 'Fall.' A few have changed the world. In the interest of right, the few have, prevail~d. Q



®rheANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIQCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weeKly by'The CatholiC Pr~ss of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. ' OSbo':ne 5·7151 . PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST: GENERAL MANAGER Rev. D,aniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. ~ohn P. Driscoll 'MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden


... By I?ev. John R. FoIster ... St. Anfhony'. Churc'" Hew 8eJIonI

The Hail Mary There is' scarcely a prayer so well and widely known , . among Catholics today as the "Hail Mary". Yet the

I '.



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Church was some 1500 years old when she first started to pray ~ as we know it today. It is a simple prayer yet va. complex since it is made, up of . different parts. It has as its authors the Archangel Gabriel, St. Elizabeth, the Church herself. The first part of the "Hail Mary" was given us on ~he occasion of the Annunciation when the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would be hon-, ored by God Himself who would make her the mother of the Savior, the Messiah. He called to her: "Hail' (Mary) full <d grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art -thou among women." (Luke 1:28). This little part of the Gospel found itself often quoted. in different rituals a'ld even in parts of the Mass but it was not used as a prayer by the early Christians. . Four Parts The second part "blessed art thou among, women" is bar'rowed from St, Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist. St~ Luke narrates that when 'Mary took great pains to ,visit , .her cousin Elizabeth, the cousin greeted Mary by saying U~at .the child John had lept with joy within her womb at her approach. "How can it be that ,the Mother of my Lord would visit me!" she cried, and then gave us' our prayer. Here the "Hail Mary" stopped for some 15 centuries. Then, the Holy ·Name was added and " the ordinary, response ~'Amen''-. 'It ,was believed (1474) that thft "Hail . Mary" was therefore Made up of four 'parts: (1) the 'Archangel's; (2) St. Elizabeth's; (3) the ,men~ion of the Holy Name . which it Wtas thought 'was added by' 'the Popes; (4) ,the Amen, added by the Church. Petitions Vary , Now the Reformation - or better the Protestant Revo,lution - came on the scene. These zealots pointed out that the "Hail Mary" was only salutation and not actu'ally a prayer. They objected that this was another :proof of Catholics 'worshipping the Blessed Virgin. That the' prayer did not possess "~ petition had long been felt by Catholics themselves and, therefore, it was customary for them to add some' petition privately. Various countries and peoples would pray and ask different things. An Italian petition ran something like this: , "Oh, blessed Virgin, pray to God for us always, that He may pardon us and give UB /grace, so to live here below that He may reward us with ,paradise at our death." Asks Blessings , There was a great variety of petitions but they all seemed to 'include a ,petition for help .for sinners and for the hour of death. So, in, the fifteenth century there was no officially approved 'conclusion to the "Hail Mary" but in liturgical uses it ended 'with the "Amen" after the men:tion of the Holy Name. The official catechism of the 'famous Council of Trent men'tions the petition as we have it today "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. now and at the hour of our death. Amen." It adds: "Most rightly has the Holy Chul'ch of God added te ,this (the first part) thanksgiV:ing, petition also and the invo:" cation of the most holy Mother , of' God, therebY implying that we should piously and suppliantly have recourse to her ill order that by her intercession she may reconcile God with us TurD. W P~ Seven

er~1to-u.CJh thE CUIEEk With th£ChWtch J





TODAY-Mass as ,on Sund:1Y. The knowledge of pardon and peace which is one of the great 'joys of the Christian experience of worship is intimately connected with the idea of communion. For it is the same guilt which has made man afraid to, approach his common Father that separates him from his brothers. And God's' acceptance of us, we are reminded frequently in the, Gospel, is inseparable '-from Qur acceptance of on~ another.The latter must flow from the former, else God's acceptance of ,us remains unreal and hypo'theticaL '. 'TOMORROW - , St. Edward, Confessor. What can man offer 'in sl\ch a commerce of divine love .but that watchfulness: that vigilance, that, readiness to al~­ cept' .of which tC?d~y's Gospel 'speaks? Here is· the mystery of, the human will's 'cooperation :in salvation. For' the' Almighty, though He is almighty, does not ·force His' gifts upon us. Arid -though, our readiness is' alreadiy the/work ,of His' grace it is ponetheless In a real way our readiness. This we dare offer Him bElcause it 'admits'- our emptinel~ :and our 'need. SATURDAY - st. Callistus, Pope, Martyr., Both lessons ,stress the fact that all· authority in Christ's Church is His instrument. That, just as' the sJlcra,ments do. no stand "betwee~" .God and man but are personal acts of the Saviour, sanctifying and' christianizing the present, so the hierarchy, popes and 'bishops, are' the tools oy which He proclaims pardon and establishes peace and unity here and now. Jesus lives in His mystical Body, and we would be well advised to 'stop thinking in terms of some kind of complicated ladder of mediation and to start seeing the Saviour in both ti)le Church's sacramentaL acts and in her 'governance. c

21st SUNDAy"AFTER PEN· TECOST. The inadequacy of human justice and of the natural virtues generally, in the light of 'God'5 gifts, is the theme of both lessons in today's celebration o:E the Eucharist. The Epistle tell:l those of us gathered around the altar that it is God's armor; nOlt bare human' talents and re·· sources, which we must employ. And the Gospel gives a vivid ,example of a man who refuse(J[ to even attempt to imitate thE! boundless love and generosity of the Father: The point, of course" is. not a' minimizing of human values and virtues but rather a, vision, a glimpse, a call to the' "new man," the divinized man" t~ man who "puts on" Chri5t. . MONDAY -.,;. St. Hedwig, ·Widow. The kingdom of heaven iE a treasure (Gospel). It is D(J

Catholic University ;

ordinary discovery, nothing to be expected in the course of nature; So the liturgy, our public worship, even while it uses natural .things like wood, stone, 'bread and wine, gestl}res, word5, nevertheless transforms a'nd energizes them all with the supernatural. This is what the saint 'does with his or her vocation or "state of life." That he do'es this by God's grace is .the reason the Christian feels ,no reluctance about celebrating public worship in honor of saints. . TUESDAY'- St. M.argaret Mary Alacoque, Virl;in.' The .humanity of jesus was a humanity u!1it~ substantially with divine love, -with God who is Love. Despite tl).e limitations of 'anatomical symbolism, this is the 'meaning of 'the tamiliar. phrase '."tJ;le Sacred Heart of Jesu~." It. means His humanity, a humanity which makes. us blood brothers, but also a humanity 'transformed and vitalized' by supernatural love. The emphasis is nothing new: It i5 in the Scriptures and . the Fathers. It is just that every 'age finds 1ts peculiar way of expressing the perennial truths of the Faith. . WEDNESDAY St. Luke, Evangelist. 'Again the armor tbeme of Sunday comes into this Mass'of the Gospel:'writer.- Fro~ his own Gospel the instructions to the Lord's messengers were to carry no purse or wallet, and not to dQ too much visiting on the way. It isn't common human prudence that the liturgy is fighting here. It is that common human danger of excess, of not only admitting the necessity and value of human things but also giving them a ki'nd of ultimate importance, and making everything else depend on them. Today particularly we give thanks to God his holy VVord.


Prelate to Address Prison Chaplains COLUMBUS (NC)---,-Coatljutor Archbishop Philip F. Pocock of. ~oronto, Canada, will address chaplains of correctional institutions 'at a luncheon session during the annual Congress of Corrections here, starting next Sunday. Bishop Clarence G: Issenmann of Columbus will preside at the luncheon and Bishop Andrew H. Grutka of Gary, Ind., Episcopal advisor to the American Catholic Correctional Chaplains Association, will be present. Other programs for Catholic chaplains during the congress will include an orientation course for new correctional chaplains, a' joint meeting wiUl wardens and a public relations session on "How Former Inmates "Serve' the Community."


. ~WorthwhilB Recipes

Ftill River Marist Begins Long Sea Voyage

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 12, 1961


Continued from iPageSix sinners and obtain for us the blessings W~ need bG1ih -for this present nie -and for the 1if~that By Patricia McGowan ··has no end." Last week a Marist missionary -from St. Jean Baptiste parish, Fall River,. began a Act of Penance Since that time there bave journey thatwoIi't end till the beginning of November. Until then he will be voyaging been some attempts by pious across the Pacific, towards a tiny speck in the waters near Aust:r~alia. He is Rev. Maurice CHICAGO (NC) - An insouls to add to or change the Bellenoit of the Society ·of Mary, and for the rest of his life he will be serving God in ternational prayer movement • Hail 'Mary" but the Church, the South Solomon Islands, . will mark the 25th anniverQ ·.through her official teachers, were no· other teachers avail1 '-...,---,--sary of its program of holy the bishops, 'has constantly re- Marist missionary territory able." Religious also staff Van ho~rsbefore the Blessed Sacraj Buren's frained from sufferi.Qg such a 8mee the, !beginning of the grade schools. · change. Father BeUenoit's hobbies in- ment on Sunday, Oct. 29, the ,eentunr. He will have much 1n its long history, the "HaU to do. The IslandshB,we a popu- . elude music. He plays the saxo- Feast .of Christ the King. · Mary" was .recognized -as a salu- i1ntion -of 'Same 125,000, of whom In the past quarter-century phone, a talent he expects will tation.Therefere, it was' 'Often about 25,000 aI'e Catholics, 15,000 be handy among the musical U. S. adult members of the Soul accompanied with' some exter- members of va.riou.s Protestant South Sea Islanders. Other qual- Assurauce Prayer Plan have obnal sign of 'a salute: an inclina- :sects, ;md the remainder pagans.~ ifications include first aid train- served 2,490,859 holy hours, tion of the heael, :a genuflection. ing, given to all Marist mission- while stlidents have offered 755,F-orthe fust twoyear.ll ·of his 273 hours. · Someorder.s of monks 'bad it aries. in their TOle that the ."Hail :serVice,. he will be studying the Overseas, the totals are 9,310.A cousin who was a ·Marist 'Mary"be Tepeated a 'set num- 1lan,g:uage of the people. Some 14 was responsible for introducing 700 hours for adult laymen, and dialects ar-e in ··use among them. "bel' of times 'and -accompanied the Fall Riverite to the order, he 7,412,000' hours for student.;. .JHre .madeabegUmin,g in 'laneach time by a genuflection. The first holy hours under said. Activities of the communGenerally it became some-' guage work a f-ewyea.rs ago at sponsorship of the Soul Assurity in the United States include thing to be done -as a penanoe. F-Ol'dham Univ.ersity's mission teaching and hospital work. ance Prayer Plan were observed It is ·said ,that St. lVIar:.ga.ret .of . ins1litl,1te, lbutadmits :he has a Massachusetts General Hospital by a group of laymen on the lIunga.ry would" as .a ,penance, lang way to go to :attain :tBuency in Boston is among hospitals Feast of Christ the King, 1937, at St. Peter's church here. · l'ecite .the "Hail Ma.ry''' a thous- in ,even one of the .14 tongues. served by Marist chaplains. II'U!;;i OriJiIm.tlon and Umess d~ .and genuflect The holy hou'ils a.re now being , . Young men interested in the eaCh . :time..D.ur·Lng ·the time .of 'Tlhemi-ssionary .Us the .son of work of the priests or in the offered in many dioceses in St. . Domini!;, it was '~lready Mxs. Marie-!LouiseBellenoit and brotherhood associated wit h America and throughout the customary to Tecite the prayer the .!late 'Ovilil ·~it..Grbwthem can write to the Vocational world. A holy hour book 'has 150 .times a dl:\y-alway.s ·as a Director, Marjst Fathers, 27 Isa- been published in 11 lang~es, ~'llP in St ,lean Baptiste parREV. MAURICE BELLENOrr salutation or as an act of pen- .i5~ hea1i!ended ~ paroetlial and translations into three 4tlQre bella Street, Boston 17, noted ·ance but no·t as a magical num- :school land .Assumptlion 'lhlgh 33 priests in 'the South Solomon' Father Bellenoit, languages are in process. 'ber lor a iiar'ticular petition. :schoo~W:lJlNlester.. Afterayea.r He gave another address of The Soul Assurance Pl~yer .area, working on four islands: In ,off for work iniFalllRiver, be the whole South Pacific, how.FiliaIDevotion importance--his own new one, Plan, which haa headqua;:ters The faithful down throuih the . :att~nd!edMarJst :semUmries in ,ever, there ,are over 200 Marist indicating that he will be happy here, aims' to promote dev",tion :ages u.sed to oSee .the· lPfiests and .MassaChusetts land WaShington. priests. Iti.s their largest mis- in the years to come to hear to the Sacred Heart among (..athclerics reading ;theiroffice. But D .•C . _ sionary field, .said-Father Belle- from friends in his home Dio- olic laymen. Its program inewdes they w.ere not well .enGugh 'incese. He can be reached after .consecration of self to the He was ,ordained .in 11'957 at 51. noit. structed to be .able to read and Jean's Church, the first ordinaSacred Heart and daily r~ita­ The priests are joined in their November at :::atholic Mission, there£Gre, thE;y .turned to a tion ever he1dat the t'hul'ch, :&1- labor:sby Marist Sisters who Honia.ra, Guadalcanal, British tion of a consecration pl\lYer; repetition of .the "Hail Mary" a thou,ghhe is lIlDt the mst priest to staff medieal institutions and. Solomon Islands, via Sydney, daily Mass and CommuniG;i1, if ·certaIn, number offunes. For come from the ,parish.. Australia. possible; and a weekly holybour. schools. this purpose they 'uSed instruFather Bellenoit has five sis'Catholic' P,ubllc Sdlools ments on which to keep count ters and a brother. Two sisters Previous to his Pacific assignand .gradually we had our Ros- are also in religious life, one a ary. 'They wanted 'to -imitate the .grade schoo'llPrincipal m Hyatts- ment, Father Bellenoit taught at Notre Dame high school, Detroit, priest praY1ng his lbl'evlary at ville, Md\ .as a Rellgiou.s of 'Certain boal'S .o'f the ..day and Jesus-Mary., and the other a Sis- and Van B!\llren Boys' High ·gr.adually we bad Our "Angelus". ter ,of St. 'Joseph, ~ationed at 500001, Van Buren, Me. The lat'But most 'o'fall, fthey wanted ,St. Mli.ehael~s Sohoo:l., Ocean ter instiw;UlJln, .although a publie school, was .staffed hali by to 'show ftheiT £lia1l. <devotion tto .Grove. priests and half by lay teachers. Mary by sa'lu'ting ber 'o'ften :and He says his mother is ver.y "The community is largely realizing how close 'She was :and if, to Christ her Child, Our happy at his vocation and is Catholic anyway,"· explained 'Savior, they wanted to seek ,her willing to make the sacrifice of Father . Belenoit, "and there help. So it is even today, Popes .having her son "at the ends of the -earth" fGr his lifetime. He Donates New Organ' and prelates hau.e It'eci'ted it privately .ond !publicly;; !business- 'will" however. be permitted Ttn Ch~r.chin Rome' men, 1a'bOI1ers ":00 iJl)easnn1s lhave hnme visits· everi 10 ye~, :so AKRON .(NC)-A pastor from she is 'looking forWard nOw to cherished their .rosary. 1971, date of the first' such re- Italy who .admired :an electronie The Truth . organ in a chur.cb na-e last Jnly .union. .. There -was a story 1tolii .no.t long "il1he missionaTy"s 'W1ork will be is going to get one just like 1'1ago that a Chinese Communist .gratis. 'Soldier arrested ,a poor Catholic largely pastoral, and he will The organ cau·ght the eye· of for the most· part be workirig' whom he had found reciting' his Msgr. Umberto Di1misi,;pastor of alone, he. said. The Marists have 'rosary. The charge.? Secretly 8t. ·Cecilia church mRiome, when using :n de;vice of connnunica.he visited Msgr. An,gelo fJ.Trivtion. You Iltnow., lhe was ,closer 66rmingham Opens isonno, pastor of St. Anthony's to the truth 'than 'he Tealized. church here. Mewm«:!ln £xhi'b~tion Next week - The .Apostles' Msgr. Trivisonno ol1ganized a BIRMINGHAM (NC) - Civic Creed. and university authorities coop- committee to raise fWll1s to buy here "to .open what is be- one like it for the viisiting prelLeave for Mg$$o~'ns er.ated lieved to be the 'biggest exhibi- ate, but the organ .finaiJ.1y was CHICAGO (NC)-Four priests tion SG far in honor of Cardinal donated by Frank 'Zucco of 't!he 'and three women lay missionNewman, one of Birmingham's Falls Music Store. It is scheduled .nrJes left here ,Sunday ,to work most famlllus citizem.s. to be installed in St. Cecilia irl [)Gminican mlssIons.d:n Nigeria The exhibition follows the church today. ::md Eloliwia. A df!P1lrlure cereCardinal's ,career fr.om :his earlilegMa~!i' !L~lfI 'd~$$1J We~ksmafj S~e~oanS, mony -was held 'for them 'at St. est years to his ''final 40 years in 'Pius church. Birmmgham, including his life Il 110 as an Anglican before his con:5H'E1El MB'Ai. versi:m.iIlIimningham University has invited lbG.th Catholic ,and JJ.iI1ES'EiR, Prop: non~atho1i!:speake.rs to .'deliver RESI[)ENl1IAl an accompanying :series .of lecIN[)tJlSTRiIAl tures, COMMERCIAL The ,exhibition includes a dis253 Cedar St. New Bedford ,pll:\Y of Cardiinal .Newman's WY 3-3222 books, ,original manuscripts, first editions land modern w.orks <on . the Cardinal 1:romallparls of 'Famous brand foods at now prices - famous the world. brand gifts for. Top Value Stamps!Thlis .

To Lifetime Assignment in South Seas

Soul AssurancePlan to Mark Anngyers.ary

N@rr~s H. Y~~fPP

i op Value S~ilm~


'S11llu~eVG~Mlt IH~@~ i





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HEADS CHAPLAINS: 'Fr. 'Carl Breitfeller, a.p., chap- . 'Acu¢hn~, 1MDss. 'wrf :3-44:517. lain at the Federal R'e;form~ .. :Speclcil IMilk " . tory at Lorton, Va., has been • Hom:ogen'ized. Mit. If!) !Milk • 'Buttermilk' 'elected president of the Am.. • • Trop:iGmna Or~:rn.ge jlJjce erican Catholic Correctional .• Coffee Gnd <Oboe. Milk Chaplalins" Association. • ,Eggs - BuBer ·~C ;Photo. ..' (-' 'j '.i'l •


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_ .• ! \ ..~


1 ..

Wareham" Parley For Women

Sweet Sixteen Means Learner's Permit to Dr~ve for Ginny

, New Bedford District 'l'w<l of. the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its first open meeting of the season at St. Patrick's parish hall, Wareham • at 8 Wednesday night, Oct. 18. The rights and responsibilities of youth will be discussed by a group of panelists under chairmanship of Mrs. Vincent J. Keighley, youth committee head for the district. Atty. Maurice F. Downey will be moderator, and panelists will be' members of Holy, Family High School debating tea]ll. Women are invited to bring their families to the meeting. Hostesses will be members of St. Patrick's Circle, with Mrs. William Le Favor and Mrs. John Maloney in· charge of arrangements.

By Mary Tinley Daly . Nowadays at our house, the oest-read book is not the· . Bible, not St. Thomas Aquinas, nothing on the best-seller lists, nor the whodunits. It is Drivers' Handbook. Literally worn thin at the corners, this piece of literature hits consumed countless hour13 of At every stop sign Ginny stalled, our incipient driver's time. at each approach 0:': an oncoming As to interest, Latin' I and car, also when rear view mirror. Latin II never had one-half showed a car about to pass. She the concentrated attention. stalled When' a dog got out into. Anyone with a teen-ager whose birthday is THE birthday, when a "learner's permit" may be issued, knows what we mean. To borrow a term from educational jargon,. there is "motivation" - not cnly,to get that permit, tee n+' age stat u ssymbol, put to drive safely and( responsibly. Matter of fact, mastery of that Drivers' Handbook is first step in carrying out, the Fifth, Commandment with regard to' automobiles, Thou Shalt Not Kill - "A moral·as well as' legal duty to drive safely at all times," as Father Edward T. Douglas,. S,J., 'Boston College theology professor, asserts. We 'are ghid that it is taken so seriously, with Latin I and II falling into the area of lesser motivation. Unlike many' of her contemporaries, Ginny was unable to apply for the "learner's" 'on her 16th birthday. It came on a Sunday. Monday Morning Monday morning, though; we started off bright and early. Well, early' anyway, asking 'at random some of the 78 questions: "You are driving in an alley at ,seven miles per hour. Are you breaking the speed limit for alleys, driving too slowly, or obeying. the law?". "Obeying the law."· ,O.K. "What causes most accidents, the road, the car or the driver?" . "The driver."· Cam:e the written exam. Along with some 100' others, Ginny took it;' evidently passed" and after a wait at this window and that finally. acquired that precious white card, her "learner's." Then the long, long learningto-drive. "It's so easy to memorize the rules," Ginny sighed, "but when you get behind this wheel, get the car going-me, I just stam" Stall she did, time after time. Panic had a lot to do with it, .of course - an uncertain manipu-' lation of clutch, brake and gas.

the road, when a boy on a bike was a half,.blocR: away;' when a . hOUSeholder would come out to see who was .racing' an engine. Only Way

All we can say for those stalls is that Ginny learned ,caution, hUmility and how to get a car in motion from It standing Position. Finally, like a baby learn'ing to walk, ~ike a youngster getting the feel of a bicycle, she learned to bring the car to a stop and not kill the' engine. Next step, turns: Signal-right, stick close to the right lane, ·keep close; for left turns, signal left, keep in the le£t lane,· sweep _wfde. "And for heaven's sake, 'Ginny, don't ever get into the other fellow's side of the street!" For turns, we found a' good tip: "Take 'em to a' big parking lot after hours!" With ,traffic lanes marked, pIenty of space, ~ practice turns, even attempt parking. After meandering slowly and stallingly , through our quiet neighborhood ana the parking lot practice, Ginny finally has the feel' of the wheel. ., It is something that can come only from experience, a blend of timing, distance, judgment, poise. No more than one can learn to swim or dance by charts, 'to golf or cook or write by merely reading, it is utterly impossible to learn to drive except by driving. For us, this' is the sixth time ,over the course, having taught the five eldest-all of them better drivers thanOtheit: teachers. We have heard and read that it is not wise to iri'Struet your own children in driving. Never-' theless, we'll take our chances with this the sixth, 'sharing on a family basis the step-by-step "how to" of a ,thoroughly maturing experience. '

Urges Teachers to Aid Ecumenical Movement

NON-CONFORMISTS: While others in receiving 'line kissed, newly-consecrated missionary Bishop Benedict D. 'Coscia's ring, his three nie,ees did the honors in more typical' little-girl fashion. NC Photo.

Fairhaven Whist

Queen's Doughters. Plan Si Iver Teo ,The· Queen's Daughters will hold their annual ..Silver Tea from 3 to 5 -o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Bishop Stang Day Nursery, Third Street, Fall River.

BOSTON (NC) Teachers have a duty "to strengthen the ecumencal spirit and movement." Bishop John J.'Wright of Pittsburgh told a teachers' meeting here. Addressing the final session of the four - day Archdiocesan Teachers' Institute, B ish 0 p Wright gave advice on attitudes that will help to reunite all Christians. "Catholics should have tact," he said, "so that the spirit of concord will" hasten the day when our prayers' and those of the other Christian churches , Will be united. We shOUld' consider' where our attitudes may be offensive."

Alumnae of Sacred Hearts , Mrs. William T: Donnelly and' Academy, Fairhaven., will hold a Miss Mildred V. Carroll, eo'- whist party at 8 Tuesday night, Oct. 17 in the academy building. chairmen, announce that mem- Miss Priscilla Gautreau and Mrs. bers and their friends are in- Frank Rogers are in charge of. , arrangements. vited.

lau Y GOLD"MEDAL ,. . . ,




~', '

New Orleans WOmeR To Honor Archbishop








for Perfect'

NEW ORLEANS' (NC) There'll be an exchange of. birthday greetings here Saturday, Oct. 14. Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel of New Orleans, who will, t>e 85, will be guest of honor at. the convention banquet of the New Orleans Archdiocesan Council of ,Catholic Women, celebrating its 25th a~niversary. ,There'll be a candle-lighted birthday cake. ' ,Convention speakers will include Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf of. Toledo; Ohio, president, and Margaret Mealey of Washington, executive secretary· of the National Council of Catholic· Wom.en. The sessions are scheduled from Oct. 13 to 15. '. '


Cape,' Islands' Wom'en To Me.et at Capetip Cape ana Islands District 'of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will meet at 2:30 Sunday afterno<?I1' .oct. 28 at St. Peter the Apostle Church, Provincetown. Rev. John W. Pegnam,. St. Francis, Xav!er ChurcJ:1, Hyannis, will speak on Catholic Youth Week. He is CYO director for· the Cape lmd Islands. New officers for' the district are Mrs. Harold Hayes, president; Mrs. Manley _Boyce,. vicepresident) Mrs. Nestor Robideau, recording secretary; Mrs. Philip DempSeY,cClrresponding secretary;· Mrs. Aqolphe Richards, treasurer: ' ' 0

VOCATIQNAL DIRECTOR: Sister'Oliva, of the Daughters'of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, largest group of religious in the Church, is their new Eastern Province D of I Dance .Oven-Fresh Vocational. Director. She will. Assl,lmption Circle, Fall River have offices at Carney Hos-' Daughters of Isabella, will hold Daily 'at youo a h~rvest dance Saturday night, , pital, Boston..r , Oct, 21 at EaaIes Hall ' N'eig'hborhoodStoM ·r:","'l"!!" _'lA' ;.a,,,, ..,.., .-r',,::t •. r-, I. .

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StaY$ Fres'Days Longer .....

Prejudic;:ed ·'ChildrenReflect"'" Par.ents, How to Combat Bias

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 12, 1961

Urges Universal Thanksgiving Day

By Audrey Palm Riker The little boy carefully examined an open carton of eggs. "Mother," he asked thoughtfully, "are the brown eggs different from the white ones?" "No, Greg," his mother answered, "the only difference is in the color; both are exactly the same on the . inside." She might have said, look elsewhere fora scapegoat. Help your child to recognize "The white ones are better what he has in common with -we never buy brown," or others rather than how he is even more ridiculously, "God different or better. Usually, the made some eg·gs brown to punish more people interact together them," Through . the more at ea~ they become hun d red s of and the more they learn to like su<lh incidents one anot~er. This was particu- at home, in larly apparent in World War II school, wit h and in post-war integrated houspl08yma tee ing developments. When people children learn a of d!fferent races and religions tenacious, longlive and work together their dif_ lasting pattern ferences lessen and their likeof hate and disneases become more apparent. crimination or '. C'< Church's Attitudes


::lIJ.~;.tan~.... ::;.'~::"":Ji:U~~~~:E discriminate a g a ins t some groups. But occasionally prejl1dice is based in reality. It comes from being jlr,1g.htened or hurt and it serves as protection against real danger; But here we are talking about irrational cruelty toward innocent groups or i n d i v i d u a l s . ' Prejudice is a destructive, corrod-ing emotion. It stands 8Uff against the onslaught of truth and reason; it deeply ~ both victim and discriminatt.or. No one is born hating someone else. But prejudice is 10 easily end so natUl'ally learned that it looks as though it is inherited. . Almost always, the problem. of prejudice in children is a prob!em of prejudice in adults. Par· ents set the emotional climate in their home, children ab9orO and reflect it. In a real SCftge, you can teach your children to try to undenrtand what is different or to flati,. reject it. '!'bese auggcstions may be helpful: Examine your own sttitudes: PrejUdice attaeks the .educeted as well as the uneducated, the religious and the non-believer. But even people who are lifelong victims of deeply-l"OOted biases can, by seeking facts· aAd understanding, modify or chang.e their attitudes. For example, countless studies demonstrate that given comparable health and educational opportunitiea, Negro' chi I d rea prove simibr ill intelligence to white children. Consider the words yow.WIe: '!'here is tremendous power ill words. "Lazy, greedy, dirty" people exist in every group, includ_ ing your own. Don't Speak slightingly, even in jest, of any minority group. Such jokes are a thin veneer covering real h0stility. Remember that people ·who hate others hate themselves too. Any bitter, unjielding prejudice is a' symptom of personal difficulty. Rigid, authoritarian parents who insist that their word ill law lilOW dangerous seeds. Children who are forced to submit and given no outlet fOI' their anger develop a need to hate. They don't due turn their fury' toward their parents, IJO ther

Brewster Societies Eled Officers

him to understand that he can take a personal stand against discrimination. Children tend to favor the people their parents accept. But remember they are also experts at spotting phoney righteousness. Even the best intentioned ~ents can't barricade the development. of every negative attitude. Actually, no one' knows exactly when a child learns to reject people who are different. Probably a baby in arms can sense his mother's muscle .tenseness and postural strain when she meets an ''outsider.'' But most children' show little awareness of differences untH about age six. Then, given enough negative examples, they quickly learn to discriminate. By ei~bt, with continuing eneouragement they'll gang up and stallt name calling. And by 12, they're capable of swallowing a full set of crippling adult prejudices. Help your child to develop healthy attitude, of self worth as well as an aversion to prejudge. ment 'and rejection of anyone simply because he is different.

K OF C BALL: Enjoying the festivities at the McMahon Council, Knights of Columbus Ball in New Bedford are, left to right, Grand Knight and Mrs. John S. Hemingway, and Chancellor and Mrs. Harry A. Sears.

'College Student Sees Native Clergy As Boon for Church in Uganda CONVENT (NC) - A lady Catholics. are beginning to realnamed Willy stressed. here that ize that the missionaries did not native vocations are a boon to come to own the country." Sthe the Church in her homeland, added: Uganda. "They used. to fear .tbet beThe point was made by Will,. cause the Church gave us a pen_ Kiwanuk·a, 21, a scholarship stu- ell, it would take everything. dent at the College of St. Eliza- Now they see the native priests beth here in New Jersey. cofuing along and they like it Explaining how the appearance that way. It even makes them 01 native bishops and priests in feel that our independence is her country has helped the near." Church there, she noted that the Commnunlsm No Problem majority of Uganda's Democratic Willy, who'wants to become a par,ty is Catholic. teacher in' her homeland,' said See Independence Near This at one time led many communism is not a problem in people in the British protectorate Utanda, where Bantu tribal ties to fear that foreign missionaries are strong. '" No. student, me pointed out,"1s might seek to gain control when the nation becomes indepeDdeot, allowed to leave Uganda fOI' studies in a communist land. she said. ThoSe. who do manage to make But, with the ordinatioa eI. native cblr,y, sbe said, "DOD- . their \1lf'8'1 out through Ethiopia tor that purpose at"e not allowed back ia.. Willy is majoring in business administration at the College of st Elizabeth 10 she can teach The worried girl began pr87'clerical skills to other girlS lit· ingto st. Jude. Next atternOOll home. She feeb tIlat wilen her' caine a phone call. "rft lOt country a.ttains independence lOme things that belong to you." there wiiI be a great need for the . caller said. It wu Father Dative women with seCretarial James. Graham. ~ student sldUs. asked where she could pick up her belongings. Father Greham Cake Sale l"eplied: "In South Holland at' Alumnae of Jesus Mary AcadlIhe reetory:-St. Jude's rect.oIT." emy, Fall River. will spoll8Or a cake sale following all Masses Remove Saint's Statue this Sunday at Notre Dame Church.

Devotee of St. Jude. Finds Lost Belongings- in St.· Jude's Rectory CHICAGO (He) - Small wonder carol Schranz, 1'7, student nurse at Little Company of Mery Hospital in suburban Evergr.een Park, is an avid st. Jude devotee. Recently Ibe left school to spend '. weekend with her mother in Argo, lll. One· of her teachers offered her a ride. The teacher told the student: ''Put your suitcases in my car. It'. a green and bl'OWD 1956 Ford OR the parking lot. rn be along 1JOOIl." The student followed dll"eCti 0Da. On arrival at ArilO - llOsaitcases. Her clothes and school books were gone. The teacher oonsoled the girl b¥ suggeetin, . that the luggage possibly was p~t in the wrong auto and wtwe~er bad it would phone. . . .

Okinawa Council Joins National Organization WASHINGTON (NC)-Catholic women living on a military base on the island of Okinawa are members of the newest affiliated organizations in the National Council of Catholl.e Women. The Okinawa Council of Catholic Women is the newest member organization directly affiliated with the Military Council, with headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany. The MUitary Council was established in 1957 as a federation for Catholic organizations of American women living on military bases abroad. The Council DOW numbers 93 affiliates actively working in Ge!:many, England, France, naly, Spain,Morocco and Cuba. In addition, the.N is an affiliate in Formosa.


1ft Crowded Church

COPENHAGEN (NC) A. statue of St. Anthony has to be removed from the church. dedicated to him here in suburbaa Copenhagen to accommodate mcreasing. "crowds at MUll. . Suburban st. Anthony's waa built in 1928 to take C8l"e of. 200 Catholics. In recent yean man,. Catholic families have' moved here from the city 110 that today the parish has a populatiOil of 1,000. About. half of Denmark', 26,000 Catholics live 1ft CopeDhagen and 'its. suburbs. '

Mrs. Manuel Packett, Brewster, chairman of the nominating committee, assisted by Mrs. Daniel Walker of Dennis and Mrs. James White of Pleasant Prescriptions called for Lake, brought in the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. and delivered William Jones of Brewster, presHEADQUARTERS FOR ident, Mrs. Harold Ellis of PleasDIETETIC SUPPLIES ant Lake, vice president, Mrs. 600 Cottage St. WY ~-7 ~39 William Bohlin of Dennis, secNew Bedford retary and Mrs. Arthur Norris of Brewster, treasurer. All officers and memberS 01. the ways and means committee, will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the presIdent, Mrs. William Jones ill Easter Brewster, for a board meeting. - OR BURNERS The Holy Name socrietJ'met at Ute Brewster Town Hall with Z5 &leo eomplete Boller-Burn... mem bers present. Officers elected or Furnaee On.... .meteD' Annum ~upper were: Manuel Packett, president. . low eos& bea'inc. Barner aII4I ruet oil ..1_ aod eervloe. Annual bean supper of Infant of Brewster, David Hodsdoa. vice presideint, of Dennis, secre- of Prague Guild, New Bedford, tary Francis Gallant, of Brew- will be held Saturday, Oct. 21 .ceo M'. Pleuan' Stne, ster, treasurer Frank McCar~ at St. Mary's Home, with Mra. New Bec1fford WY I .."" of Dennis. .loseph KiernaA as chairman.

New Bedford 0 of I Hyacinth Circle, New Bedford Daughters of Isabella, will hold a hat show and social evening Saturday, Oct. 21. Mrs. Muriel Roberts, chairman, announcea ~bers may invite fl'iends. A harvest games party will take place at 8 Tuesday night, Oct. 1'7 at the unit's Robeson Street clubhouse. A Christmas bazaar ill planned for Saturda7. Dec. I.


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WASHINGTON (NC) - A Universal Thanksgiving Day of homage to God would be a strong antidote to the evils of Secularism and communism, aecording to a Brazilian woman who has worked tirelessly for such a global observance. Mrs. Alice !snard Tavora of Rio de Janeiro, secretary of the Crusade for a'Universal Thanks_ giving Day, said here: "God deserves not only the thanks of individuals but also an official indication of homage from states." She stressed that "secularism paves the way for communism" and observance of a Universal Thanksgiving Day would be "a powerful weapon against the advance of both these antireligious philosophies." "Secularism" she warned, "abolishes the name of God from public life and relegates it to the silence of individual life. Then communism takes over and tries to EU1llSe God from individual consciences." Mrs. Tavora said in an interview here that nine countries now have laws establishing celebration of Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November. They are: the U.S., Bra~il, Cuba, Paraguay, Ecuador, Ar. gentina, Costa Rica, Basutoland and the Philippines. Other nations enlisted in the crusade under the leadership ()f theil' Catholic hierarchies are Ghana, Lybia, .Gootemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua and Pan-

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Father Lafa rge To Re«:®~ve 1961 Campo@1l1 Award

THE ANCHORThurs" Oct. 12, 1961

ReC&lhr ~g@rr

0* Otrn

Ef~orts Ce~lIfn~~i@[fiH~ pO'~ro,~<em$

NEW YORK (NC) - Fr. .John LaFarge, 8.J., veteran author and editor and a pioneer in the Catholic inter-

EVAN8TON (NC)-Communists the world over fear that the followers of Christ will wake up in time to dedicate themselves to solving' world problems, Father James Keller, M.M., director of the Christophers, said here. "Once that happens," the priest said, "the march of _communism across the globe will falter and faii. But not till then!" , Father Keller o'utlined a nine point program in a talk titled, "More Than Anti-Communism Is Needed:" "1) Work as hard for God as the Reds do against Him. Those who are whole-hearted against Christ are seldom if ever over-, come by those who are only half-hearted for Him. "2) Determine for your,self the spheres of' influence on which the enemies of God concentrate their attention. Then get busy to 'see that they are staffed by competent persons with sound moral values. "3) 'Take special care not to put a Red label on attempts to correct social abuses when they are inspired by the spirit of t~ Gospels. . Every lFacet "4) Develop the bigness of vision and all-embracing iriterest in every facet of human affairs for Christ's sake that His foes display in their naver-end,ing efforts to keep Him out of the marketplace. "5) Push your own divine product rabher than complaiIi about those who merchandise alluring counterfeits. , "6) Get your own good ideas into wide circulation. Don't talk" merely. ti;l those who agree with you while the Reds talk to everybody else. "7) Keep ever in mind that if' 'those who believe in God do not provide His answers for, the problems confronting the world, they are, by default, making it·. possible for mankind to be'overwhelmed ,by .the Reds. "8) Pay attention to your schools, fulfil~ your civic duties, and participate in meetings of. organizations to which you belong. "9) Acquire leadership skills arid ex~rience. Every Red takes the trouble to do this in order to, be a more effective agent of the leftist cause."

Doctrine Course In Ninth Year PHILADELPHIA (NC) - , A free correspondence course in Catholic belie£' and practice, conducted by seminarians, iii now' in its ninth year. Since its start in 1953, the Home Study Service of St. Charles Seminary here has answered some J.,OOO requests for information from inquirers in 17 foreign cou'ntiies, six provinces of Canada, 45 states and the District' of Columbia. . .Offered without cost or obligation, the course is available to anyone, regardless 'of religious affiliation. . Inquirers receive a textbook on Catholic belief and practice. Based o,n their reading they take five or six examinations, which ar~ corrected and graded by seminarians. One seminarian is assigned to each inquirer and is available to answer any special questions. Those who complete the course receive a diploma. '

Sees Greater Hopes For Christian Unity CHICAGO (NC) ~The'Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem said here that there are "greater hopes" for Christian unity today than in centuries. ' Patriarch Benedictos I told a press conference that "the great": est existing obstacle 'in the way of church unity is the past." "However, rapproachments are being made on all sides toward unity, and there are many hopeful signs," the Patriarch said.

racial movement, will receive the 1961 Campion Award of the Catholic Book Club. Father LaFarge, 81, will reCeive the award at a testimonial dinner Thursday, Oct. 26, it was announced by Father Harold C. Gardiner, S.J.,· director of the book club and literary editor of America magazine. The Campion Award was inaugurated in 1955 to recognize eminent work in Catholic literature. Father LaFarge has been OIl the editorial staff of America magazine for 35 years. He is one' of the founders of the Catholic Interracial Council movement. He is the author of several, books, the most recent of which, "An American Amen," was published in 1958. A fellow of the National. Academy of Arts and Sciences, has been honored by many Catholic and nonCatholic organizations.


rFD'®Iiil«:1n GrJ'@(l.!JP

1E~<ects ~1l'5®$t H~«DdJ

MONTREAL (N C) - Msgr. Irenee Lusier; reCtor of the Up.iversity of' Montreal, has been elected the first president of the formed Association of , MADONNA OF LEARNING: Here is one of the last wo.rks executed by the noted newly French L'anguage U'niversities. sculptor, Eugene Kormendy, former head of th~ Depa;r~ment of S~ulpt~re at t?e UniFifty representatives of 43 university of Notre Dame. The,model has been cast .m alun~mum by hIS wIdow~ ElIzabeth, versities and institutions of highwho is now teaching art "at Dunbarton College m Washmgton. Mr. Kormendy s sculpture, er learning, in which' French ~ 'Light of the World", graces the front of the NCWC he~dquarters building in Washing- the main language of instruction, attended the organizatioll ton. NC Photo. meeting here. They came· from France, Belgium, Haiti, Switzerland, Mrica, the Middle and Far ~Secret' East, .and Canada. hllation of cel'tain nations, famvotioil of the Five First Satul'LONDON (NC) - A British The next congress of the assoine-would be averted. days. .AS a good Carmelite she Carmelite priest who knows Ciation will be held in Paris ill wishes to promote the devotion The final part of the "secret" Sister, Lucy, survivor of the 1963. The association was formed was contained in a letter writ'three children who saw Our. of the Scapular and she recalls ten by Sister Lucy that was ,tC) with the encouragement of both that in the vision of Oct. 13, Lady at Fatima, said her fi·hal , Federal and Provincial govern"secret" may be a purely person- 1917, Our Lady appeared as Our' be opened in 1960. ments. .'No Certainty al communication to Pope John Lady ,of Mount Carmel." Pastoral Letter XXIII. Father Lynch said he did not F>ather Lyn'ch noted that fr<l'ffi There is no certainty that 'it doubt that this letter was forthe beginning Sister Lucy. and .deals with world affairs, Father warded to the Pope, and has her two. companions were iJrl-. Kilian Lynch, O.Carm., .said. surely been opened by him. sistent that Our Lady: had comThe fact ·that it was ~ be "There is no certainty that 'it· ' opened in' 1960 -:- 20 years after. municated . a secret to - them. , deals 'with world affairs," Since the Bishop of the FatlDla being written by Sister Lucy - . Father Lynch added. "It may 'diocese in 1930 issued a 'pasto1'lal could simply mean that i~ con.. be. a purely' personal communitents were addressed to the new. letter ,recording what had ap-' cation. The fact that it was to ~arently . happened during the Pope John and not to his prebe opened in 1960 may simply six visions. of 1917, some infolr-. mean that its contents were addecessor Pius XII. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS 'mation abOut t~is secret h~.d and Loan Association Father Lynch, P~ior· of the dressed to this Pope rather' than of Fall River English Carmelite shrine of l>een revealed py Sister Lucy, Pius XII. 1 North Main St.. Fall River, MBBS. ,Aylesford who was for many he said. "There is no confirmation Of This information is understoo'd years PriOr General of thE: the· statements that Sister Lucy to relate in part to personal maltPleaoo se,',d forms anll IlBstog"" Carmelites, spoke in an inter,;, knew iii advance the course of ters in the, three chil.dren~s lives, paid, SAVE-BY.MAIL envelopes view published in the Catholic history during the last' 40 years, to: Times, British national weekly~ to a vision of hell, to a promi!ie. that she knows now whether from Our Lady that in return for Father Lynch has had sev'eral the end of ·the world is at hand, long conversations with Sister the' consecration of Russia to the whether the age of communImmaculate Heart of Mary and Lucy, now a Carmelite nun in ism. is about to end or when Coimbra, Portugal, who with the spread of the devotion (if Russia will return to Christianthe Five Saturdays present danher two' sisters saw the vision ity." , gers threatening the world-the of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917. spread of communism, the anni-' Daily Rosary . 'PHONE .. Father Lynch noted tba,t Sister Lucy has been a nun for ~un many years in a strictly enCOLOMBO (NC)-Sister OsSCRAP METALS closed Convent. When he met win, Irish-born member of·tbe· WASTE PAPER- RAGS her, he said, she had impressed 'Franciscan Missionaries of Mar,l". TRUCKS AND TRAILERS fOR him with .ber goodness and who has served in Ceylon for PAPER DRIVES trustworthiness. She is now 54, .35 years, has been expelled CHURCHES. SCOUTS and still very much a peasant, gay, from the. country because shle CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS Each account insured safe by aD down.,.to-earth and very balcould not pay' the residenCl! 1080 Shawmut Avenue 'age~cy of the U. S. Govt. anced, the Carmelite added. tax of $80' imposed 'by the gOY'· New Bedford WY 2-7828 "She has certain preoccupaernment on all missionaries. tions," said Father Lynch. -"She longs for people' to dedicate OF ·themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to. say the RosPaint 'and Wc:.llpaper featuring ary daily," to Ill'3ctice the' de-

Persona I Message to Pope

, Suggests Fatima



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Cardinar,Cicognani Receives New, Post VATICAN CITY (:NC)-Pope John' has appointed Arnleto Cardinal Cicognani, Vatican Secretary of State, to be President of the Cardinals' Commission for the Special Administration of the Holy See. Named Pro-President of the same commission was Gustavo . Cardinal Testa of the Vatican administrative stliff. Cardinals Cicognani and Testa hold similar offices in the Commission for the Administration O.t the Properties of the Holy See. Thus the Pope has unified the administration of the two commissions, which are resp'onsible for the control of the H~ly See's income and property. ' "

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ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Oct. 12, 1961

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NEW llEDFORD CHURCH REDECORATED: Rev. Alphonse E. Gauthier, center, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford, will offlrr Mass. in the newly remodeled anli decorated edifice Sunday. Left photo, main altar; -right photo, fourth station of the Cross. Masses will be offered at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the morning and 7 o'clock in the evening. The Forty Hours Devotion will open at the 11 o'clock Mass.



Jesuit .University President Suggests Education ·Credo


Holy Name Union Prelate Urges Closer Parttrnership Members Pledge Between Public, Private Welfare TOLEDO (NC) A much about the fullest use of the facD. Active Apostolate closer partnership between pubities these agencies offer.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Father Paul C. Reinert, S.J., CHICAGO (NC) - Thous- 'lie and private we~are agencies president of St. Louis University, has proposed a "credo for .• ands of Holy Name Society has been advocated by the new American higher education" embodying a "basic American president of the National Conmembers pledged at Masses ference of Catholic Charities. 'consensus." Father Reinert suggested his "credo" ·in an Msgr. Micl).ael J. Doyle, direcaddress to more than 900 tion or 'intolerance because !Jf in- the Chicago archdiocese to fulfill a four-point program out- . tor of Toledo's Catholic Charcollege and university presi- race. lined by Albert Cardinal Meyer ities as well as president of the "We believe that liberty is a dents and other administraf()r 'more active apostolic work. national organization, said one More than 200,000 men of the . result of 'such partnership would tors attending the annual sacred thing, but that law, which regulates liberty, is a sacred obligation. . "We believe in inculcating all the essential liberties of Amer. ican democracy and take open frank issue with all brands of spurious 'democracy." '!We believe in the intense study of tene~ and tactics of those who would seek to destroy these essential liberties of American democracy. "We believe that. 'academic freedom' should not be used as a pretext to advocate systems which destroy all freedom, "We believe that morality must regulate the personal, family, economic, political, and international life of men if civil. ization is to endure." Stand Guilty Father Reinert warned that if American colleges and universities d() not convey to their stu-dents such values as these, "we educators will stand guilty of shortchanging our students." He criticized the tendency toward what he called "depersonalized" education in which the student is treated "as a numberinstead of as a person." He blamed this trend on rising enrollments, the application of technology to education and the impersonal atti1udes of some Mission SC,hoOls Kept educators. "It is the academic excellence Running in Crisis not of robots or of faceless memLEOPOLDVILLE (NC)-Mis- bers of a mass, but of hUman besion school teachers and pupils ings, of person!!, that the college stuck to their classes this past or university and its faculty ex•. year while the Congo shook ist to foster," he reminded the with post-independence violence, school executives. statistics now indicate. A I m 0 s t 1,400,090 students attended Cat hoi i e . mission schools during fhe 1960-61 academic year, the Congo's stormy first year of independence from Everything Belgium. This was announced by the Office of Catholic Eduin cation here. Photo Supplies Enrollment at Catholic mis245 MAIN ST. sion schools rose by mGre than 300,000 iii. the previous three Falmouth Ki 8-1918 years.

meeting of the American Council on Education. The Jesuit educator declared that "now if ever we must 'assert J>ur fundamental agreement on those values which give inner content to the traditional beliefs and symbols of western culture." He proposed this "credo:" "We believe in G«i. "We believe in the personal dignity of man. "We believe that man has natural rights which come from God and not from the State. "We are therefore opposed to all forms of dictatorship which are based on the philosophy that the 'total man' (totalitarianism) belongs to the State. Sanctity of Home "We believe in the sanctity of the home--the basic unit of civilization. "We believe in the natural right of private property, but likewise that private property has its social obligations. "We believe that labor has not only rights but obligations. "We believe that capital has not only rights but obligations, "We are vigorously opposed to all forms of 'racism'-persecu-

Falmouth Photo Supply

Archdiocesan Union of Holy Name Societies attended Masses_, at which·the pledge was made. The Archbishop of Chicago called on laymen for more participation in the Church's work at a recent meeting of the Institute of Lay Action. Cardinal Meyer asked the laymen to: Spread the Catholic Faith; particularly through the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Make Pius Xl's encyclical on Christian Education of Youth ("Divini illius Magistri") the format for study clubs and Catholic lecture groups; Promote harmony in race relations; Devote greater attention to expansion of religious vocations.

Dies in Red Jail ROME (NC)-Father Andrew Tsu, S.J., has died in a communist jail in· Shanghai after two years of imprisonment for his opposition to Red efforts to force Chinese Catholics into schism, it has been reported here by Fides, mission news agency. .

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This should be done, he said, in the interests of public economy e:lficiency and of the needy the~sclves. H~ emphasized that children' in need of care would especially benefit from this program.

undoubtedly be greater public economy. Msgr Doyle was elected president of the NCCC at its annual conference here. He said cooperation between public and private sectors of the welfare field would help bring about recognition and preservation "of. the principle of local, personal responsibility so dear to the hearts of our American people." How achieve this closer cooperation? "One way of doing this," he suggested, "would be if the local welfarE' unit would purchase services and care from existing private agencies !!nd institutions whose programs have been approved and licensed by the state." _Msgr. Doyle called for a reappraisal of the relationships between state and county governments and the hundreds of private welfare agencies, to bring





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:Reli~n~e" on' ihe"Spi~ituaf

Says H~~'Mes' Paganism Fails.' To C'owe~ Moral Nakedness' By

God Love You, By Most

Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.O. Uishop of Reno

"The history of the U:uited States has been written' not merely in the halls oJf Congress, in the executive offices, and on the battlefields, but to Ii great extent in the chambers of the Supreme Court.'"The soundness of this dictum of the late Charles Warren, dean of principles. It was a, pity he our constitutional historians, could not have read St: Thomas is hardly to be questioned. Aquinas with a fresh eye be-' In the more ,recent history fore his ideas had hardened into

R~v. Fulton J. Sheen.


The Primacy 01 the S~irltual! How well we know It and 1Il0w rarely we put It into l'racttce. Our Lord told us: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Justice and all 'these things, will be added unto you." Spiritu~iize souis and materiallt~es will foInow. Take the case of ,what happened within seven years in one missionary parish in South America with a population of 8,000, 'only 1500 )f whom lived in the village. 1953General drunkenness and disorder, violent deaths resulting from personal hates and feuds. 1960-seventy-five per cent of the population living in the state of grace-th~ ,rest nearly always; a brewery threatening to sue the :)astor because of the decline in liquor sales. Daily attendance at Mass (Excluding 3unday): 1953-80; 1960-2,000. Daily - Communions: i953-5 to 9; 1960-2,000. Vocations: 1953-none; 196P-30. Church open to public: 1953-8 a.m.; 1960-2:30 a.m. Distribution of Communion beginning at 4 a.m. Retreats -luring year: 1953-none'; 1960-179 retreats to, 22,045 people. Collections for Fr. seminary: 1953-$40; 1960---.:$5,000.

of the court the influence of prejudices. ' Justice Oliver Wendell Hol~es ~ife in ,his view was always loom s vel' y a struggle. Man's destiny is acI a I' g e indeed, tion, and the' core of life is for our' weal conflict, not repose. As a judge and woe. The he suspected all legislation as two decades being fo; the benefit of one, w h ich h a ve claSs at the expense of others. passed since his He recognized, however, - that death have been unless, the conflict were in too crowded some measure composed, sheer with incident, chaos would' result; disputes NEW PRESIDENT: too ,filled with 'must be settled' if men are to. the clash' of live. in society. In times of George F. McKinney, chaparms and opinpeace, at least, it is the business lain at Sin,go' Sinn- T' ... --~...,. ions, to, allow of the judge to attempt to setOssining, N.Y., has been 'time for calm appraisal. tie them. ' named president or l,u" " ••,Yet before we ,permit ourNation's Development, selves'to advance much farther But in his ana!ysill, the law erican' Correctional Chapalong the road pointed out by is only what the individual lains Association,an inter-' IUs philosophy of law and life, judge says it is. His whole ju- faith organization. NC Photo. such an appraisal should be dicial career was one long promade. For Holmes, undoubtedly test' against John, Marshall's' word 'Liberty' in the F'ourteenone of the cleverest of modern insistence that it was a' Consti- th Amendment is p,erverted American, jurists and a social tution that he was expounding. when it is held to prevent the philosopher on the bench, intro- For HolmeS the Constitution natural outcome of a dominant duced, into the nation's thinking was not a formula but an ex- opinion, unlesS' it can be said concepts which are too impor- periment; not a closed garden that a rational and f,air man tant to pass, without severe but an open ~oad. There is un- necessarily would ad11n.it that scrutiny. doubted fascination 'in...-- this lib- the statute proposed would inDemocratic Faith eral sUbjectivi!im,Dut ',it if) fringe fundamental principles As Father James Gillis once _ plainly destructive of the valid- as they have been, understood wrote: "Chesterton reminds us ity of~all law and morality: by the traditions of ou:r people that the most 'important thing Early in life Holmes reached and our' law. It does, not need abQut a man is his philosophy, the conclusion, that "certainty research to show that rio such and Justice Felix Frankfurter generally is illusion." There- sweeping condemnation can be nods assent and points to the after~ he' would not entertain, presSed 'upon the StatU11 before fact that Holmes was essential- any absolute or eternal stand- us.'! .. , Holines, the instance, was unly a philosopher who turned to ards to guide him in his judg:' the lilw." . 'ments. Whereas American JUT- doubtedly right, but r:ight for Holmes began: his adult life ists like Story, Kent, and Mar- the wrong reason; it' was not merely that the tr'adi1;ions of' IlS a soldier in the Union armies' 'shall in their day had not only and was so moved by the hot believed 'in' a God-given moral oui', people and the "law were idealism of the New England law, but had recogniz4!d that. being viola-ted in refusing justice to the New York bakers, Abolitionists to risk his very the,' function of the just judie but their God-given' rfghts as • life for the cause.- He 'served' was to push on to the discovery with the 20th Massachusetts of new applications, of the un!- human beings., Here, ;Ils in so Volunteers, the "Harvard Regi- versa 1 and' un~hanging law many ,other cases, Holmes ment," and after being thrice amid, the shifting, ~nditions of fought on the' side' of th(~ angels wounded ,was mustered out of. mankind, Holmes could trust while scoffing _at ,their very, . ' IJervice with a captain's brevet. only his own instincts and that existence. , Notes LimltatiOtuI So much was he willing to give amorphous thing called the Individual liberty, found in for the democratic faith of his "Time' Sprit." him its most eloquent d,~fender, youthful inspiration. Fulidamental Despair , ExperleDce ID Law Even the ,Constitution, for ..yet at the same time its most Yet seen afterwards he was to hun was an experiment~ It did devastating critic. 'Havillg- disavowed principles, he ';"ras still ' speak of the follies and Mili- not enact, as he remarked in a wiling, to toll gener9Uflly and ties of war and the uselessness singularly happy phrase, Herunceasingly to defend -th,e righta ot death in obedience to the bert Spencer's Social Statics. of his fellow man. command of a stupid officer. He referred' with angry bitterThe law, which for him is simHe had looked onCe at the ply the court's 'decision, must lless to the crime of throwing • therefore be distilled, as it Sphinx, "and then had turned away. To Pilate's, question, life away for the sake of "a bit of bunting." In tIie light of were,' from our experience. Quid est Veritas? he replied, in Men can have no other guide, a letter to his friend, Silr Fred-' this reaction, it would be interand ,shOUld give' over the futile eating to know what' he would eriek Pollock, ','I defiln.e the have thought of our present attempt to find one. truth as the system of my limiworld contest with' totalitarianThe Pragmatism of William tations and leave absOlute 'trutb ~. James is written large as tbe for those who are better equip-' Nevertheless, his Civil War coloring of his philosopby. But ped. With absolute truth I leave experience fixed much of his what Holmes failed to reckon absolute ideals of, (~nduct social, outlook. It predisposed with is the fact that Pragma- equally to one side." l1im to seek knowledge of 90tism ,was the sterile end-prodAgain, :'It would be well if ciety by observing men ,in 'ac- uct of a ma~alis~; ~hat pro,.. the intelligent classes' coiJlld £01'tion. He was to write in Thevided its own inevitable refu- gei 'the word sin and thiln.k less Common Law that "The life of tation. He began with doubt of being good.' We 'learn how the law has not, been logic;, it and could, only end up in a to' behave as lawyers, sl)ldiers, has ,been experience." fundamehtal" d.espaii-. " , '" pnerchants, Or, what 'n4Jt, bT' The war over, he plunged Who is' the proper interpreter being' them. Life, ,not the :~son, into' his legal studies with fierce of ~xperience? Is human expe- teaches conduct. But I s.aem to ardor, and together, with :his' ',fience me~ely what the Judge be drooling moralities ..." / " friend William James immerSed ,sitting on' the case considers it This was one of his' last quips, bimself in the new currents of to 'be, depending on sucb things and one of his bitterest. For he scientific thought. , as the w.eather and the ..state of . knew-full well. that such a doc-' Judicial Aim his liver? Shall he be censor trine, taken as face 'value, could' As he abandoned., the old and nullify - whateyer appears only drool immoralilti.~s all legal formulas, so he threw off to him unnecessary and unwise? over this· sorry 'world. ,P,~rhaps, the last vestiges of the' liberal Holmes was hon~st enough ~o at the end, he no longer cared.. Christianity of his youth. He face s&ch questions! ?ut hIS Moral Nakedness became a skeptic,' though it answer lacked convI_chon. But we care. America,n law may be q4eStioned whether ~s On the whole, he ,tpought not., 'today lives largely und,~r the: skepticism was based on any- Knowing from .bis past experi- shadow cast by the gaunt, figthing more solid ,than a kind imce~ what 'it"meantto depend ure of this "Yankee from of disgust for outmoded Calvin- upon his fellow soldiers in the Olympus." Admitting' hisgreat-: ism, which he assumed to be army, he feit that men simply:' ness, the salt' of his wisdom, the essence of Christianity. For had to trust one another. The and the' pith of -niuch of his his skepticism did 'not properly' 'judge would have to' trust the exp,erimental philosophy, the 'grow out of disilllisionment with democratic majorbty imd repungency of much of his social the world. Ipect individual 'rights, 'not as criticism' and ,his cornol: ':cant, On the' contrary, it was, abased uponl1a~ure and natural still, we' inust ask, whether, we plant whoSe, roots were in hiB law,,-'but because ,they helped can honestly accept him as an , thirst for "enlightenment as to '; the greatest number. This was inspired' interpreter of ou,r law, the m~aning of life and ~xpe- the ge.,.'"lesis of' l;Us doctrine' of as his devotees have claimed rience. To his study of the law jUdicialre8tr~int, as, expressed him. In him liberalism came he sought to bring the rigid in his famous· dissenting opinion full roun'd, only to peel' over the edge of, the ~byss of nirvana. techniques of the scientist. His, in Lochner v. New York: real tragedy, unfortunately for "This case iii decided upon an Holmes ,was '8 pagan. ,That he himself and for the law he' was economic theory, which' a large was a great pagan "dOE!S not later to interpret, resided in his part of the country does not cover the fact of his moral f~IWI. mi~~P.P~~~taNltnlg<,?~l~rft"llle?~~f\~~~,~; I: J,l~i~~,t~~L~" nakedness.

REASONS FOR THE CHANGE. As the shepherd 90 the sheep; as the' pastor 90 the people. In 1953 the new pastor, fifty yean old and dying of a heart condition. began the regeneration of his parish by: 1. IncreasiDg deV'Otion to the Bleseed Eueharld all the bond 01 unity among the f a i t h f u l . ' Z. -Organizing a daily ro,.rF procession everF morning at 5 a.m. I. Preaching 179 elosed retreats by himself, each Iastin« four days, and organizing them on the basi. 01 "state 01 Ute": married women. married men, widows. ek. 4. inspiring 100 people to fast twIee • week fIor the saooe&II of the retreats. What happened here could happen anywhere in the' world. It only, proves what Our Dear Lord said: "Without Me you can do nothing:" Ob yes, we can build field houses, gymnasiums, parish halls ~ but we eatlDot make t:-te Divine Life grow In soule without Him. R just happens that we have mor.e of this reliance on the ,sPiritual in the Missions than inprosperoul countries. Perhaps you would like to 'telp the Holy Father build a ebapel. a retreat house or a ehui'c'" for these zealous priests. To have a share in tIne work of the mlsldonaries is in itself a blessiDg. Ia any case, give your sacriflees to the HolF Father - he knows the needs of the Missions bettM than you do. Hismstrument for «athering alms: The Society . , for tbe Propagation of the Faith.


" GOD LOVE .YOU to M.E:S. for $1l'."Had the judge aaJd 'guilty' to a false, accusation, the fIDe, would have been $11. Since justice prevailed I am sending 'the amount to the Missions." .. :to M~

N.K.H. for $25 ~omoiTow I am entering ,~ convent. This dona-' tiOft is in thanksgiving for my, vocation and iD. petition that I maT be a worthy servant of, God." ' Send as Four 014 pld .... JeweirF - the valuables TCMI DO longer lISe batwbleb are too Wood &0 throw awaF. We will reseU the earrings, gold eyegla8lJ frames, flatware. etc., and 1188 the money to relieve the suffering In mission countries. Oar-address: 'l'llfi Society .for the Propaptioil of the Faith, 166 Filth AVella.", New York 1, New York.

---' Cut out' this column, pin 70!oU' 1IaCl'i.flce to It and maD It to the M08t Rev, Fulton J. SheeD, National Director 01 the Societ, for the Propagation 01 the Faith, 366 FIfth Avenue, New York 1, N, Y.. or 70ur Dioceaan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mall.

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mt Am:?fOft-Diocese of· Fa" Riv&r-Thurs., Oct. 12, 1961

Halloween Party

Suggests St. Thomas As Lawyers' Model

The Parish Parade ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER


The Women's Guild will sponsor a harvest supper at 8 this Saturday night in the parish hall. Mrs. Sally Wilcox is ticket chairman. A Hallowe'en party for parish children is planned Saturday. Oct. 28, also in the hall.

The Social Group will hold a rummage sale at 360 East Main Street Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 24 and 25. Donations may be brought to the store from 6:30 to 7:30 Monday night, Oct. 23. Mrs. Lorraine Richards 'and Mrs. Alice Gendreau are in charge of arrangements.


Women of the parish are invited to join the Women's Guild in receiving corporate Commun-ion at 8 o'clock Mass· this Sunday morning. A breakfast will follow at 9 at White's restaurant. School busses will be available for transportation and tickets will be available until Saturday from Mrs. Thomas Fleming. Rev. J. Bryan Connors, S.J., will be the breakfast speakeI!'. The November meeting will feature a gift wrapping demonstration and a supper and musical program are planned for December. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT

A country auction will be held at 8 tomorrow night in the school auditorium. Refreshments will feature malacadas. HOLY NAMlE, IF AlLL R.l!VIER

The Women's Guild will serve a ham and bean supper next Wednesday night from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. William King and Mrs. Richard Wordell are co-chairmen. Other events on the Winter calendar include a memorial Mass and bazaar in November, an open meeting in December, a whist in January and a rummage sale in March. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER '

NEW ORLEANS (NC) - St. Thomas More was cited as the "model for lawyers" by Msgr: Charles J. Plauche Chancellor of the New Orleans' archdiocese, who called upon all "engaged in the high calling of making, interpreting and applying the law" to emulate the saint's qualities.


Parishioners are holding a Children's Party this afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30 in connection with their first country fair imd bazaar. Pony rides, refreshments, games, toys and "Smoky Bear" will be featured. Mrs. Margaret Bettencourt, general chairman, announces t hat booths include dolls, religious articles, white elephant, needlework,Christmas novelties, green . thumb and foods. OUR LADY OF IFATIMA, SWANSEA

The Holy Name Society and Women's Guild will co-sponsor a dance from 8 to 12 Saturday night, Oct. 14 at K of C Hall, Swansea. The Buddy Reis orchestra will play and parking and checking will be free. Ambrose Powers and Mrs. Evelyn Flynn are co-chairmen. ST. RQClHl, IFAlLL R][VlER

The Council of Catholic Women will hold a Fall whist at 8 Wednesday night, Oct. 18 in the parish hall, it is announced by Mrs. Romeo Charest, president. Members are asked to donate canned goods or gift items for prizes on or before that date. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER

Mrs. Alexander Buba heads a The CounCil of Catholic Women committee planning a ·rummage has set a silver tea for 2 this . sale in the school hall from 9 to Sunday afternoon in the parish 2 this Saturday. hall. Rev. Anthony M. ~mes, ST..MARY'S, MANSFIELD administrator, will ·speak. "Decorating with a Flair" will ST. JAMES, be the topic of a talk to be given NEW BEDFORD Miss Eileen Lardner, New to members of the Catholic Bedford Standard":Times report- Women's ·Club at their meeting er, will be featured speaker at at 8 Thursday night, Oct. 19 in the meeting of Msgr. Noon Cir- the parish hall. Madeline De Clecle scheduled for 7:45 Wednes- mente will be hostess. day night, Oct. 18' in the lower SACRED HEART, hall of the church. Miss Lardner FALL RIVER Edward F. Daley will be first is the winner of several journalism awards. Mrs. Manuel O. president of the newly formed Correia and Mrs. Joseph J. Con- Men's Club, Added by Dennis C. nor are chairmen ··for the eve- Hurley, vice president; Quinlan F. Leary, treasurer; Fred R. ning. Dolan, secretary. The unit will ST. MARY'S, function as an auxiliary to the NORTON Catholic Women's Club mem- parish CCD and will meet weekbers will attend evening Mass at ly until a census of the parish has' been cpmpleted, then hold 7 this Monday night followed by . Communion supper at the high monthly meetings. school cafeteria. The event will SS. PETlER AND PAUL, replace tile unit's annual Com': FALL RllVER The Women's Club will hold a munion . breakfast. Mrs. Helen Maxwell Dardis will speak on whist at 8 Monday night, Oct. 16 "The Unforgettable You." Mrs. in the church hall, under the Ernest Precourt, chairman, an- chairrr.anship of Mrs. Stanley nounces that reservations must Janick and Miss Mary Tyrell. The unit also plans a rummage be made by today. sale in the hall from 6 to 9 ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Thursday, Oct. 19 and from 9 to NEW BEDFORD 1~ Friday morning, Oct. 20; Mrs. A Halloween party for· school children and their friends is James Wholey and Mrs. John planned from 7 to 9 Monday Pacheco ·are· in charge o{ arnight, Oct. 30 in the church rangements. hall by the Ladies Guild. Mrs. ST. PATRICK, Hilda Pacheco is chairman. Mrs. WAREHAM New officers of St. P1ltrick's Gilbert Ferro is in charge of arrangements for the unit's an- Circle are Mrs. Roy Franklin, nual bazaar, set lor Friday and president; Mrs. Wiliam LeFavor, Saturday, Nov. 17 and 18, also" vice president; Mrs. Albert Mestieri, secretary; Mrs. William in the hall. Flaherty, treasurer. St. Rita's ST. MARY'S OATHEDRAL, Altar Guild of Marion will reFALL RIVER ceive corporate Communion at November activities of the 8 o'clock Mass this Sunday Women's Guild will include a morning, followed by breakfast Christmas sale from 1 to 9 Fri- in the Harbor Restaurant with day, Nov. 3, at the parish school Rev. John A. Chippendale as and a memorial Mass for despeaker. Mrs. Harold Terpenny ceased members at 8 Saturday is chairman, aided. by Mrs. morning, Nov. 4. Mrs. Charles Fletcher Long. Richard is hostess for the Parish organizations are reNovember meeting of the unit. quested to submit announceHOLY CROSS, ments for the church bulletin to FALL RIVER Rev. John Smith ,by Wednesday The PTA will sponsor a turkey of each week. social at7 Saturday night, Nov. ST. MATHIEU. 18 in the parish hall. Mrs. Joan FALL RIVER Podesky is chairman. An open On three Saturdays, the 4th, house is also slated for Novem- 11th and 18th. of November, ber, while a social evening is parishioners will sponsor a planned for this Saturday, Oct. penny sale in the parish hall. 14. Starting time will be 7:30 each· ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Saturday evening, and, a chilCENTRAL VILLAGE dren's sale is scheduled for WedThe Ladies' Guild will hold a nesday afternoon, Nov. 15. GenHalloween costume party tonight eral chairman is Bertrand Desand its monthly whist Saturday marais, by Gerard Des. aided \ night, Oct. 14, marais. '


Preaching at the ninth annual Red Mass in St Louis cathedral ' .. . here, the MonSignor said the saint also was a J:Ilodel husband and father, was loved by his associates and the people he served, "loved even by the king who slew him."


011 PRESIDENT: Fr. Bruce Vawter, C.M., professor of Sacred Scripture at St. Thomas Seminary, Denver, has been named president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. NC PhotO.

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Woli'~ ~!hJo~O~[}»O[fi)®S

MANILA (NC)-Five Filipino journalists, back from it 23-day visit to Soviet Russia brought word that Moscow is keenly anxious to have diplomatic r-elations with the Philippines. The five, representing four Manila dailies and the PhiUppine News Service, were invited by the State.,controlled Uoion of . Soviet Journalists. All expense·s were paid by the Russian authorities. , Throughout their stay the n~wsmen were "accompanied by Russian 'guides' who loved to call themselves our shepherds," according to Francisco De Leon of the Manila Chronicle. Rebuffed Four Times One of the guides. "on the second day of our stay in' Moscow .. =sidled close to me at the lunch table and asked, 'Why does not your government want to have diplomatic relations with us?'" DeLeon reported. Having broached, the sUbject, the guide "grabbed the nearest telephone." Then he said that he would .arrange .a meeting between the Filipino newsmen and a foreign ministry official. Before leaving Moscow, the five were brought to meet Deputy Foreign Minister Nicolay Phirubin, who argued strongly for diplomatic ties. He complained that Soviet Russia had been making overtures to the Philippine government since 1953 and had been rebuffed four times. Outlawed in PhiUppines

On their first Sunday in Mqscow the Filipino journalists as·ked to be brought to a Catholic church. They were taken to a ·churCh where a priest, whom the guide said was Polish, celebrated Mass for a congregation of about


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"Most of them, except one, were old women in black," reported Juan V. Saez of the Manila Times. "There was a sprinkling of old men. Our guide said they were of Polish origin." The Communist party is outlawed in the Philippines, though it exists there and has infiltrated several fields of Philippine life. Up to now, in its military effort through the Huk guerillas and in all its other activities, it has been hampered by poor communications with Moscow.

Le«;sves Hospital ROME :NC)-Gregorro Plf tro XV Cardinal Agagianian, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, has left the Rome hospital where he has been under treatment for several weeks for a kidney ailment. Vatican Radio has reported that Cardinal Agagianian is expected to resume his re~ duties ill tM Dear


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Sup:poits Ipu!bilic SC:~OGb; 'Off,BC a~il "CHICAGO (NC) - The superintendent of 'Catholicschools here came to' tbe support of his public scbool

TH-E CATHOLIC iSCHOOL ,sr!['.(!)RY,: 'iDheile ~studen:ts ,are partieipan'ts ~n ''''The 'Catholic Seh(l)ol Story"prograrn which ,is teleYUled teach ;month ,m YOUI\gstow~, Ohio. Mem'ber.s o'f Ursuline ffigihScihool':s advanced .ar.f;class 'with ,S,ister .A!lice ;Marie, .aemonstr.ate .their activities. They are, left to right, ,iJames Cu:nnirl,gham,~Renee DilBil}no., senioI:s:; JMamlfill Leavitt and Kathleen Whaler, sophomores..NC Photo. -': '

'iNewY\o.r.k,PIGns· Change 'in 'Traf.ning Sem~ijul!"~a:ns

NEW YO>R:K :(NC) - :PJans ,donaterl the 'land 'to the archijiohave been announced .for tbuild- ,cese after '-:iie~lining to .still fto ing a 'new Cure ]])'Ar3 'SeminarYiWestchester County asasite for College in Hartsdale, N.Y., wtJ.ichalconi.munitycol1ege.',]~helcounty will .provide anew system of valu~dthe land' at more than seminary ,tr.aining for the Arch- . '$700,000. diocese of New York. lCardimil Spellman 'selected Francis Cardinal Spellri:lan, .,Msgr. :Edwin'B: :BrodE!I1ick, now Ar.clibishop ,of 'New ¥or.k, .said it JUs ,secret.aJ3':, .to be ,r.ec:tor o.f ,~e will be anew :four-'£our-four :De"!. Isemmm:y:. iW.hen the '1Ostl'system - 10ur years of high tution is completed -it will !have school at' Cathedral College, ,the' .!acilities :for .300 ,students. minor seminary,; four years at .Jl'he pnesent ;seminar;y tr.aining 'Cure V'Ars College, intermediate :system:in ·,the llrr.chdiocese (CaUs ,seminary; .:fouryears of. theolog- :for ;s.a:' ,"years .r:i£ ltr.aining :at :leal :study ;at :St. Joseph's M8,iOl' 'Cathedral .college, !fow~ years <of Seminary, Yonkers, N. y:. Imgh ;school ':and, two 'Years ,of' Site ,of the new ,seminary is a ' . college, and the final six years 132-acre tract, the -former estate ',mSt, .iJ 9s e pl1',s :Seminary. -of Henr;y .J. 'Gaisman, retired Since ithe 'new 'Cur~ "D'ATs safety razor manufacturer. He rCollege wi1l 1be 'a 'botn"ding 'sem-

Jinm:y:, :stuilenrts (from (oultly'..ing areas of lthe ,al'chdiocese \Will 'not ha\'e .to commute Ito .Classes as now is the case 'lit :Catoodral <College,:a ;day :institution.

Youth f:o,undati'on H'on'o:lS Admiral W.A:SIllNG:I:0N JINcr·-N;ice

Admira:l Harold T. Jileutemnann, pSN, received the 1961 JD.unphyColumbian Awardlat,a'ceremo~ ihe1d.at the ,A-r.ID.Y ,and 'N:av,y:Club . ,here. Presentation ;was made 'QY Rear AdmiI:al \(,Mllgr.) ,George,A. Rosso, Chief. of NavlY ,Chaplains. . The award is giv.en 'QY Whe Dunphy Youth Fpundation" :orrganized.m ;White .plains, oN"~. in .:l9~8 under 'the sponsor,ship of ,the .:Father Wrl:1liam, A. Dunph'y ,Counoll ,of 'the 'Knights <Of (Columbus. ' ' ilt .honors·a !pers,oIj. Ifar <qualiihave (children 'by!her w.hile'their ties of ,leadership;aB 'tCathcili.c of the .year.. . Westchester 'Couniegi'timate -wi:fe lis '1ltill :'BliYe.· .ty." Both. Admiral:Deutermann "iI. ;A,spiiitiof undivJdual,self"(denial ~by wVhich lriumriage llar:t- .tmd ..A:dmkal .Rosso are lI1atives . ,of M'-estchester ,County. mers, "",'lith ithe (coUDBel of:a 'spiI'':' ..ituaIdirectOr ~and ;a' competent .. 2\:dm.i:I:al tDeutemnann lis lcliief doCtor :of medicine; peniodical1y (Df :staff of :S::\\:cLtA:NIC, \the !N~:r0 ,abstain lfrom ·!the \P1eEls~es: of ma v.a:l ;forces lin mhe U.:S. :maritalillif~.'Tliii;Jmethod,:'I'jghtly 'lI'he lfounilation ·seeks 'tolcoun,applied, Ican lbe made 'as 'e£fecfrv.e iter ijuv~riile lileJiinquency tby :pos- . ~iti\Ve action, 'cliie'fly 'bY-'foster-ing ,as the .use \'0£ prohibited .mearis. "4. :Emigration "10 more :pros- iidea'1s 'for ,·youth. 'It jis ;in this perous :and :lei;scorigested coun- ;conned1iion 'tiha't,'from 'time 'to time, a .Welitdhes'ter' ·Ooun.t<y . .tries.' . Catholic ,is 'honored· for ~qualities ' "5. Requestlfor.,;acceptance 'and -:w'Jseuse>of;assistance:~l)mother . o~ leadershw: ccountrJes. lFor thelgood.s '.of ·the world wer,e ,created ~rall Ithe WilH.iaims'iFuner-aB" !people ;of 'th,e 'world, ISO that (our· iprosperousnations ;have a ,real ,obligation to -relie;ve the needs 'of EST.18·~O ';1essifortuna.te i1latiQIls: 11he latter ~ Wasbin,gtonSquare should not feel any shan,le li:n :I1elNEW !BEO~RD . questing .or ac~ep,tin~ assistance."

SEOUL :(NC):;'" '.The Kor.ean their Church, according to an estimate m.ade ,by .the University ,BiShops have pl'eseriteda !fiveof· ',Michigan ,Survey Research 'point progr,am to :help-:solve \this' country.'s poptilation :problem Center. . .. , The survey also revealed that 'without resorting ;to 'artificial 24 per' cent of,U. S. 'Catholics , birth ,controLmethods. . The program .was issued in a: give $50 or ,mo~e.annually to needy individuals, 'and 20 . per pastoral Jetter ~ritfen'l?yBish6p cent of U. S. Catholics give $50 PaulRo, Apostolic' Vicar of, or .more.annually to charity. Seoul, in the name .of the Koneaq .n showed that .Americans Hierarcb,y. .It was r'elea'sed in overall give 'more ·than $17 bil- answer to ,the ;announcement of lion ,annually" to ,churches, char- the revolutionary junta that took ityand needy individuals. ' power here last .M~y "that it· ;will ',The survey disclosed ,that 67 launCh a 'birth 'control campaign. per cent df U. S.Lutheransgave ·'f.he pastora'1 warned :all Kore$50 or more annually to their an Catholics of the evils of artichurch. This was the ·only figure ficial 'birth control "and stated among the religious groups that that Hs use iis ifollo;wed '.by moral exceeded the Catholic percent- decay. Adm'itting that Korea lhas a population problem, the Bishage. The general .findings of the .-,op"stressed it cannot ·.be solved survey are based ,on interviews .by. :immoral ;means. In~tead,' they with' nearly 3,000 families las~ said, it can be overcome only; by : irn;pro:ving :social :and, ',economic year. conditions. . , .. '<Five -Suggestions ' \ N1@m~ G~li'C'!ll}(alll'll 'S~Ihl@c~ .Mo(;'DJJDJ~ 'C.AlJlstin "The following means may be l F@~ PtrOes!l'.. R=l]eI7G 0 more ,eit:fective':since ±hey -axe Jnot . \ • .;Inte., '" iNEHEl1\ir""HUESTEN {NO)-:- 'contrary 10 n~tural :1i.w.::, , A new secondary school in this' "1. Delay of marriage until :FUJNDAB.' "SeR\fI~;1E Westphalian town has been .spouses are more malure and named for Father Franz :Stock, 'better able to :supporta family·. a German who 'served men of For J.t -is ,generally admitted tha~' ,5~9 .COUNn SJ.. all . nations in ,Nazi-occupied, our.:young people arecontra9ting ... France~ . . ,marriage 'ear.lier than they ! NEW 'BEDFOR~, 'Mj~$$. President Heinrich Luebke of should. the German Federal Republic "2. Elimination of the:abuse of '1b.~_~~_ _~_ _;'_~_.lI sent a telegram of 'congratula7 . conCUbinage, by -which certain' tioris. He recalled Father Stock's ,persons -take another ;woman l;lnd work at' .the <German Embassy in Paris before World W.ar'ill, and 0 rillilU-fliC(~I~M {i;lI $$' . esp.ecially the .selflesscarehe Knights :ofColumbus and to~k of ;prisonersof ap' national-. ities in French prisons -run 'by . their :families irom:this','Diocese: I 'are asked: 10 attend a pontifical ' ' the Nazis. high MassinJBoston, today,. spon:.. 1 Father Sto&als.o ·organj.zed a seminary in an American pris- 'sored 'by t·he 'state council of the' • oner-of-war Icamp for ,German ,or-ganization at 10 o'clock in Ho'ly' Cross, Catl),edr"a'l. . prisoners. He d~edJ.D. ~948: .



~~[~~IA~:CE :'\[@~~g



NEW' YOBJ!{ ,(NC)--"-Afommi or" ;!bousing :problems, :for :priests and laym.ep ,of the New Yiork ar~hdiocese, will Clpennext-Monday ,at_'Cardinal :Hayes High Sc1lOol,the Bronx. It is the first in a. five-sesSion'series ",be1n,g conducted QY the New YorK Archdiocesan Committee 0 n Housin&and Ul"ban Renewal.


Bish.s :in Wr.oc'law

BERLIN \(N.C,~-'I'chirLW bisho.ps from throughout Roland converged on· the JPolish :city (of ;Wlr.oclaw nor:a '~Manian W:eek" "featuriqg -an . .e~bi:tion ,of mEWJ1'esentati.ves ,of ithe Blessed- Viir/gin -.from Rolish Lchur.ohe~it.lis ,repor.±ed ihere. .,

S:urvey 'Esfimates Catholic Gift . Korean :. Bishops 'Tese,nl P;lro,!!ill'G'm. .ANN ARBOR (Nq -.siJdyfive per cent' of 'u. S. Catholics To Hetp '..solve ·PopulGltion 'PJlOjbJem ,give $50 or more annually to



IspiI'itual :nature land :said 1tbat :repl1esentative (democrat:y .is \the . (only !basis nor .the just solution df ,the ~social ;an-d .economic lPTobJlems 'of ithe .Americas. . President Arturo .Erondizi !Of .Argentina .and .President ;Jorge AlessandrJ .w Chile .issued ,their .statementafter ,thr.ee ..day.sof .talks ,at this ;seacoastresort. W;arni~g ,of the i~gJ:a:ve ,threats ;which ,distur.b \w,orld JPeac~;" ,the :two .heads of ,state :v.oiced ,their '~u1l support ,of .the ,pr.o:vlsion mf the United .Nations ,Charter, .esJPecialJ,y .those which .make ,r:ef.erence to ,the .self-.deterntination 'o'f nations, ,to .the J1'el\pect .for .the SoY&,eigntr .of ,states, .and to .the .condemnation <of all ,types ,of .racial .di.sc.r.imina:tion." Tchey m.ade -.no mention ,by name of Cuba or any .other ,nation. But they said: 'Free Society' "'Because tIlhe 'a'tftempt ils being \ffiade to iiinpose iideo1ogical ftendencies \by ':V:io'lenoe. \tbus Idenying the spir:itual \Values ijnherent in human ,beings, !the two Presidents tpl10claim 'once llllone !their 'support .of lthe tprin,ciples (0'£ 'Western 'oivilization, \whiCh ;represents a iwuly .{free :society land 'Where ,ideas are \being lex'pressed Iby \means of a representative democracy, 'con'litan'tly rrenewed Iby free :and 1periodic elections. '''ll'che \two Bresidenfts -declare lthtit :in 'Sou'thAmerica 'on17 :through lrepresenta'tive .democracy can there bea :just solution .:for 'the 1poii1iical, ·economic, 'social' and cultura'l 'problems lof lthe 'hemisPher~"



5 t r,e.s s

VINA DEL MJAR (lNC~ .The Presidents 'of Argentina ,and 'Ch'ile ina jomtdeelara,tion at .e.re upheld man's

On Race 1~~ll.Ile

counterpart who has l~een' cused of practicing rac;ial segre.galion by failure to break down the public school district boundaries. Msgr. William' E. McMarius said he believed the traditional pattern of neighborhood schools should be retained. He observed: "Abolishing .sc.n 001 ,district boundaries will lead to the same kind of administrative and sociological chaos that 'Would ,occUr if parish lines were eliminated f~om the Catholic :schoOls system." , BenjaminC. Willis,' public school superintendent, ~asbeen under ,fire by various 'groups . who contend his refusal to shift cwercrowded schools .in Negro cammuniti~s to other .distr.ictsis '8 form of segregation. Willis has ;announced 8 bu'Ud'lng 'program which would remove 10,000 of 'the 24;811 .students who ·are attending double shifts this y~. "I .don'·tthiIik the Chicago Board of Education snould panic under pressure fromgro1,1ps that complain 'about double sessions ir. a few schools/' the Monsignor said. "Unless there is definite evidence·tib,a,t a ,community~s ·growth will ,continue; double shifts are :a 1"easomible solution to handling temporary population movements," the Monsignor added. No sigmfi~antdifference has been found between the quality of teaching;in a ,school·on a 'double shift and one with a smgle shift, th!'! prelate said.


Ihomas 'F~Mor.u:sgh(:tn Jr.

.\~.mtdllB .. 1JB>e@Fil.&,CC. f • . ". . ,. • . ",.



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..,, .1




NOi'fh. [Easton; {MaSsaChusettS"

pf _ Fall _ River-Thurs., Oct. 12, 1961 THE"ANCHOR-Diocese _ ______ ___ _ _ _



POSTULANTS: Left to right: Linda A. Precourt, Attleboro; Mary S. Kapolchok, No. Attleboro; and M. , Suzanne Nolan, Attleboro, are among the 44 postulants of 'the Religious Sisters of Mercy at the Mother of Mercy Novitiate at Mount St. Rita: Convent in Cumberland.







'Liturgy Groups Asks Greater Use of English Language LONDON (NC) - The Vernacular Society of Great Britain has appealed to Rom~ for use of the English language in the celebration of 'Mass and in administration of the sacraments and liturgical blessings. The society made its plea in a memorandum to tige of the ola Latin order, for the Central P,reparatory which we do not hesitate to Commission for the Second affirm our grateful affection, we Vatican Council, shortly to suggest that the recurrent verconvene for its second meeting in Rome. The society in its memorandum recalled the repeated calls of the Church for active participation of the lll.ity in the liturgy. It suggested that this is virtually impossible with an all-Latin liturgy, "We humbly ask, therefore," it said, "that the normal liturgical language of the Roman Rite in Great Britain be English, except where the 'local ordinary considers Welsh more suitable." Grateful Affection The society said that religious orders should be able to continue to use Latin if they desire, and that bishops should have the power to require the use of Latin on certain occasions. The memorandum then said: "Mass would be said in English. "To preserve, however, a ves-

Serra Club,s

sicle Dominus vobiscum and its response Et cum spiritu' tuo, the bidding Oremus and the salutation Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, • together with the existing Greek and Hebrew elements, might fit-tingly remain unchanged." The society asked that all seven sacraments be administered in English. It commented: Radical Nature "We recognize frankly that these petitions are of a very radical nature, and we would not advance them save that they are the natural and logical outcome of the reaction of many scholars and pastors of souls to a profound conviction that for many centuries the true nature of the Church's liturgy has been obscured and that, in consequence, the efficacy of the liturgy has not been exploited to the greatest advantage of all the faithful. . "We believe that neither laity' nor clergy have been able to derive from the liturgy that wealth of diVine grace, of instr:uction and motivation, which would be possible if the liturgy had upon them the impact for which it was called into being by the divine Master and by our holy Mother the Church."

Continued from Page One Registrations 'will be taken at 8:45 Saturday morning. A general session will be 'held at 9:15, wit h Robert V. McGowan, K.S.G., district governor, to outline the convention objectives. Two panel discussions are scheduled for the balance of the' morning, one to be conducted by Dr. Allyn F. Sullivan of the 'CatholD~ Pro~idence club, deputy district SCOTCH PLAINS (NC)-The governor, on Serra International's theme for 1961, "Aiding Township Committee here 'approved the building 'of a coinstiThose Chosen by Christ to Foltutionai Catholic high school, low Him," and the other by Cornelius T. Lyons, president of which lias been opposed by a group of residents. the Attleboro District Club, on The committee acted after "Program Depth." A noon Mass will be celebrated Towmhip Attorney Harry. E. Bernstein ruled that nonpublic Saturday by the Rev. James as well as public schools can be McCarthy, chaplain of the Attleboro District Club, at St. 'John erected in Class A residence zones. Church. Opponents of the school had The principal speaker followclaimed that a Catholic school Ing a 1 o'clock luncheon will be could 110t be built in a Class A the Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., president of Stone- zone and had threatened a law suit. hill College in North Easton. Groundbreaking ceremony for McGowan will serve as toastthe school has been scheduled master. Three simultaneous sessions for next Saturday with Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of are on the agenda for 2:45, one on membership improvement Newark officiating. The school, which will accommodate 1,500 and orientation, another on formation of a speakers' bureau, . students, is one of eight new regional institutioris planned for and the third will be a conferthe Archdiocese of Newark. ence of club presidents, with Bernstein, in his opinion, said Timothy J. Collins, Internation"schools constitute a distinct al trustee, to be the leader. class capable of recognition by a The closing general session municipal zoning authority for will be highlighted by an adexcep'tJon from limitation to resdress by the Rev." Edmund Loughlin, director of St. Francis idential uses on the ground that the welfare of the residential Home in Roxbury. It will be community demands their incluconcerned with the responsibilities of a Serrao to his church, sion in the area." his neighbor, and his own spirMountaintop Mass itual life. SANTANA' (NC)-More than The Attleboro club is handling arrangements for the convention. 300 persons climbed Island of Madeira's highest mountain, the Judge Edward A. Lee is the 6,650-foot ,Pico Ruivo, to attend chairman, with his aides including Dr. Henry Bedard, Omer a Mass offered for world peace' Jette, John Smith, George Bank- by Msgr. Manuel Camacho, Vicar· General of the Diocese of ert, Raymond Gravel. and· William Weber. Funchal.

Town Approves S«:hcol



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.. :cese of Fall River-Thurs.; Oct. '12, 1961

Sa~n~.. $.~nsQtional.is,m

Parish Buildi"'9 Houses Public School Classes


Fo'rce of 'B'~ack' Like Me"

PORT LAVACA (NC) Aft example of· community cooperation is being demonstrated in this storm-bai;.;

By Rt. Rev~ Msgr. John S. Kennedy John Howard Griffin is a Texan who has attained some .celebrity as a novelist. Two vears ago, obsessed by concerned curiosity as to what it is Hkl:' to be a Negro in the S?uth, he determined to disguise himself as one such and fmd out. His experiences during the. ted himself to a definite stand. seven weeks of his all too 'He will go to jail, suffer. any, successful masquerade, 'in humlIiation, but he ~ill no.t b~ck Louisiana, Mississippi, Ala- down. He will. take th.e msuI~s b i


d Georgia he details Like Me" (Houghton .

,n.. Mifflin. $~.50?, a book which IS b?und to cause dI~ferent s0:t s of shock to dIfferent sorts of read~rs. N He chose ew Orl~an~ for the 0 f h1S and there .o~n :1 doctor Willing to prescribe·

b~gmmng. expen:nen~

and abuses stOically SO that h1S childr~n will not have to take them m the future." In Atlanta he encountered ev'fdence which convinced him that the r"ace problem can be solved. There the Negroes are united ane: have a shared goal and spirit. Moreover, the administration of Mayor Harts"field has been enlightened and courageous. And the 'Atlanta Constitution' has had justice. the integrity for . to make a stand

I WARM WELCOME HOME: Most' Rev. Lawrence J. Shehan, right, forrner Bisbop of Bridgeport, is greeted upon hI'S arrI'val in. his native city of Baltimore by Archbishop Francis P. Keough, whose V-icar General he. becomes. NC Photo. .

,,~ . '. Negro, Then White medication and sun lamp treatMr. Griffin is certain that the ment which, together with t?e press must bear much ·of the fA rL III periodic application of a stam, blame for the persistence .of ArCflll O$1l14)p' would give Mr. Griffin the prejudicial attitudes and ,prac'Continued from Pi&ge One appearance of a Negro. The tices. He says that southern eral Mass. "He' was no dreamer. ethod worked very well, and papers do not keep their readers He faced, problems and difficula short time the author was .' maintaining a "conties with a confidence born of to pass as a Negro. He of silence about every-' , the knc.wledge that he was doing examined himself in a bathr:,om thmg remotely favorable to the God's work ... His W3,S a driving mirror: "In the flood of light Negro.".. .'. force that inspired the loyal coagainst white tile, the fac~ and ,And e?itonal pol~cy is, accord-, op~ration of others because "he, shoulders of a stranger-a f1erce,. mg t.o hIm, d~termme? by what, gave unsparingly of himself. bald very' dark Negro-g~ared publlsh~rs thmk the!r rellders Respect for Prie:sthood . at rr:e from the mirror. He In no' want, as w~ll as by fear of ecoThe Milwaukee 'prelate said way resembled me." no~~c reprisals shou~d editorial tl!at Archbishop Brady's "downopinion not accord With popular to-e,arth spirituality" was reR t · ted Opportunities es ric . . ' f d the author opllllOn. . sponsible for his awesome reSo trans orme, . ld After spending weeks as a spect for the sublimity of the plunged into the :egr:-t wO~e . Neg,ro, the author began to alpriesthood which he strove to Both Ne?roe.s an : ~~s first t~rnate between his dark a~d inculcate· in "every l;oung man garded him as Neg~ d' of light appearances and personahwho .had a dream of 8erving the shock was the wre c e. ne~s to ties. 'Master" ,the very best.. hotel avallab e "I was t~e same man, whether He l~uded 'Archbishop Brady's Negroes..' white or black. Yet when I was talent for journalism, recalling During his ,.tr~ve1s about .the white, I received the brotherlythat through his column in the city, and la~er In the cou~trY~~de, love smiles and the privileges. Catholic Bulletin" archdiocesan it struck hilI). for the first 1me from whites and the hate stares newspaper, he reached all of his ,that Negroes do not have access or cibs~quiousness from the Negpeople. . to nearly so m3;ny comfort s~-, roes. And' when I was a Negro "He was constant in hi;! attack tions as do Whites, that eatmg the Whites 'judged me fit for the upon, anything that threatened 'places for the~ are few, that • k h while the Negroes their spiritual welfar.e, even as even. the procurmg ?f a, glass of Jun ted eap, 'th 'reat ~armth " he was diligent in presenting water on a hot day IS ex~remely trea, m~ ~Wi g . current affairs against the backdifficult, that a place to Slt ~own ' ' WrItmg.,Too Hectic ground of the Church's teachand rest during !..-day's tr.udging .' Finally he put aside his ,disings," Archbishop' Cousins ~aid. . about in search of work IS hard guise once and for all and began. The 'Milwaukee Archbishop 110 come by. a series of magazine artides on recalled' that Archbishop . Brady And that search for work was what he had undergone and was in, Rome assisting in the unproductive. He realized how learned.' preparations for the coming ecunarrowl" restricted the Negro's This caused estrangement ' menicalcouncil when ,a series of' opportunities are, and how dis- from' most of his neighb~rs at heart attacks brought, on his heartening this is. .home and to other difficulties, death. " O'ne white man for whom' he which ultimately led to his'leavA native of Fall River, Arch'listed his qualifications told him, ing the area where he had long bishop Brady was Qrdained, to "We don't want ,you people. . .. lived and settled elsewhere. . ' We're gradually ".getting. you . What Mr. Griffin' has to say" , people weeded out from the betwill rile and m.ove a~most .every 'Alumni of St. Joseph's orphanter jobs a't this ,plant." reader. Some, like thiS. revie~er, age, Fall River, will :hold their 'H~te Stare' will ihink that his acco~nt might annual meeting at :~ Sunday . . have been more effective as an afternoon, Oct... 15. All former He found it a bitter .thmg to indictment of the inhumanity of residents of the instil:ution are be ignored, or to be subJected to , racial injustice had the writing invited to attend. systematic discourtesy, or to be been less hectic ,and more cooly the target o~ the "hate sta~e" of factual. • which there seem ~ be alt~One imagines that Mr. Griffin gether' too many white pract1- would heatedly rebut any sugtioners. gestion that there is an element Iri very short order he began of sensationalism in his book. thinking of himself as a Negro, Noqetheless, had it been more almost to loSe' nold of his orig- restrained, and had the language inal ident'ity, and to feel depresbeen, toneil, down in spots, it sion and fear, along with burnwould have gained in foree. ing indignation. Mr. Griffin gives occasional 335 Winter St. Sp. 5-0079 . Occasionally" as he ~rudg~ indications: that racist extremism along a highway at .night, :-vh1~e ~oes not prevail among Cath~­ men would give hIm a bft m bcs. He speaks both of CatholIc their cars. Invariably, he tells condemnations of the theory and us this ostensible kindness was of courteous treatment extended CO'RREIA ~)ONS. pr~mpted by a desire to discuss him by Catholics while he was sex in a filthy and monstrous passing as a Negro. ONE STQP way the assumption being that SHOPPING CEN'rER Neg~oes are somehow animalis•. Television • FurlliituN tic. . There were, as well, assertions •. Appliances • Grocery PATERSON (NC)-The Asso:that Negroes are intrinsically in104 Allen 'S~, New Bedfolod ferior and that their mi~rable ciation for International' Development (AID), a U: S. lay misstate is of the~r own choosing., WYman 7-935·1 sionary society, will begin a new Reason 'for Hope three-month training program : 'In Montgomery and Atlanta he next February. learned that there is reason for 'AID director James J. Lamb hope. In the former, "the Negro:s said applications are being acfeeling of utter hopelessness IS cepted. from qualified single men TruclcBocly Builde... . . . replaced by a determined and from families who wish to Aluminum or. S&oel spirit of passive resistance. serve the Church in developing 944 County St. "Here, the Negro has commit- areas of the world. ' "NEW BEDFORD.' NIASS. 'Lamb' said the training WY 2-6618 course, which will end next DODGE CITY (NC)-Cere- May, will offer full-time tl'ainmonies 'were held in Sacred ing in spiritual development, Heart cathedral here in connec-- Catholic social teaching, missition with permission granted by ology world problepls, and the Pope John to the Dodge City role of the layman. It wilt' be Diocese to have Our Lady of conducted at AID headquarters Guadalupe as its pa(,l'om:ss. here.


~ ~~le

inforihE~, sp~racy




f or G!»o. d'



, tered Texas city where 200 publie school children are attending classes in Our Lady of the Gulf paiish school. The arrangement was inaugurated in the wake of hurricane Carla which did extensive' 'damage to the public school-building but spar~d the parish school building. . Father Vincent Verderame, O.M.L, pastQr of the parish, realizing that' classes would have to be suspended while repairs were being made on the public school, offered rooms ilil the parish building to E. V. Huffstutler, public school superintendent. .. The parish school building has been used exclusively as a catechetical center since its complet,ion last year so that the present arrangement with the public. school' does not interfere ....ith the use of the building by the parish, Father Verderame ,aid. '

the priesthood there in 1923. He went to St. Paul shortlY after ordination and, with the exception of a few years for advanced studie.'l in Rome; served there ERCILLA (NC) - .Winning until August, 1939, when he was consecrated Bishop of ~ioux elections in this small mountain village can depend more on footFalls, S. D. He came back to St. Paul in work than headwork. "Since the electoral reform 1956 as' Coadjutor Archbishop with the right of succession and," two years ago it 'is almost imb'ecam.e spiritual head of the See possible to buy votes' any more in . on Oct. 11, 1956 when Arch- Chile," Father John J. Bradley, h J h G ' M M.M., of San Francisco, said here. bis 00' 0 n regory urray "But the politicIans ,have come died. , up with a new gimmick. AirpOrt Chapel Servi~ • "Before the eleCtion they give Archbishop Brady is survived. by a,sister, Sister Mary William the voters one shoe. If their canof the Sisters of St. Joseph, wh9 didate is elected. they' give them the other shoe. The system is was among those who accomvery successful around here and panied her brother's body back to St. Paul on a plane trip from 'also a boon to the Chilean shoe , industry." 'Rome. The plane touched down in New York'where Francis Cardinal" Spellman, Archbishop of New York, Bishop Connolly, and a group of priests 'met it. The Cardinal' officiated at brief' prayers at planesideafter which' the casket was taken into Our Lady of the Skies chapel at the NEW BEDFORD New York airport for a vespers . service. '

Vote-Seekers in'Chile 'Have New Gimmick



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Mission Group Sets Training Program

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3 YEARS $15.97 23. •





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FeU River-Thurs., Oct. 12, 196-1


IT'S FIRE PREVENTIO'N' WEEK .OCT. 8 to 14 ... all year long! ,Half of the nation's 11,000 fire deaths each year occur in homes. You can "help make your family safer. from fire' if you will take a tip from Fire Offidals - have a home fire drill! Can a family meeting and' plan two escape routes for each room in your home. ' Practice the fire drm until each member of the family knows what to do if a fire strikes!



Your Fire Department will be glad to answer questions. When in doubt, seek professional help.


.. o

. This Message ;s Sponsored By The following Individuals and Business Concerns in G,reC1lf:e, fall'Riyer: Duro Finishing Corp. Enterprise Brewing Co. The Exterminator Co. Fall River Eledric Light Co. Fall River Trust Co. Globe Manufacturing Co.

KapWan Furniture Co•. Kormon Water Co. MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason, Furniture Showrooms Mooney & Co. Inc. Newport Finishing Co.

Plymouth Printing' Co., Inc. Sherry Corp. , . SobiioH Brothers Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union of ~inerica, AFL·CIO·

TIlE A; ;C; :O::-Diocese of Fall·River....,Th~rs:;pet: 1,2,1961 .


Cuban Refugees Return $25,000 Debt to U.S.

Suggests Labor Movement ExamDne 'Own Conscience

MIAMI BEACH (NC) Cuban refugees who have become final'!-cially stable here have returned more

By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director, NCWC Social Action Department

Time magazine is rather bearish about the future of the American labor movement. 'The labor movement,' says time in a recent cover article on Secretary of Labor Goldberg, "seems surfeited by success. It is to~n ftom within by jurisdictional disputes labor movement·' is indeed in. and corruption, and it has serious trouble. been baffled by the problems Outside Influences arising from technological In' my judgment, organized. progress." Hourly wages have labor in this country is riot comrisen dramatically during the pletely to blame" for' the unpast 25. years; happy situation in ,which it all so r t s 0 f finds itself. For example, its fringe benefits failure to expand its memberhave been won ship at a rate proporti<v1ate to through the the growth of the total labor process of col-.' force is due in large measure'to lective bargainoutside influences. ing; and condiEven Time magazine, which' tions of 'work can hardly be characterized as have markedly a pro-labor publication,' points improved. "But out that organizing drives in with the zoom," the' South 'are fought by "Southsays Time, "the ern pulpit '-(ndt .the Catholic 'zip has g o n e . " , pulpit, so far as'I know), press . and public." According to the editors of TIIll~' It' should also. be noted tha,t "labor's trouble stems from a labor cannot. be expected' to flagging of spirit." . The editors of Time 'are not solve the problem of automaalone in thinking that the Amer- . tion singlehandedly. The fact .icim labor movement 'is' currently that this problem is currently in the doldrums. Henry J. Taylor baffling the labor ,movement is made the same point in a ~ecent not at all surprising. synd'~cated column. ' , Come ,from Within "Out trade union movement," Nevertheless Time magazine \ is correct in stating that "in he wrote, "struggles agains.t ,meeting labor's 'dilemma, the the una~rtow of a relentless cur."" driving force must come from rent, hardly realized by the publabor itself."' If labor is 'to meet 'iiC. The current is the' quiet this challenge-if it" is to develbreakway of American labor from unionization... op within its own ranks the "While the great wave of 'the driving force necessary to resolve the dilemma in which it nationaI: labor force has surged finds . itself today-it will have highei: and h,igher for many to be ruthlessly honest in exyears, union members!:tip has stood still and thus fallen further amining its own conscience. , , , In other words, labor' will and further behind this great have to start taking the lion's u~wilrd march of American life." share. of the blame for its own In .Serious Trouble I failures and will have to stop Mr, A. H. Raskin of the New looking for scapegoats outside York Times, one of the nation's its own ranks. 'ieading. labor reporters, and It is curious, .in this connecFather William J. Smith, S.J., tion, that the American. busidirector of St. Peter's Institute . ness community is today more of Industrial Relations in Jersey .self-critical than is the labor City, New Jersey, have also exmovement. More and more fre:" pressed the opinion in recent quently' we ' 'find. prominent 'weeks, that American labor is in businessmen frankly' discussing 'serious trouble. the failures of American indus""Clearly," Raskin wrote in the try in reputable periodicals Sept. 10 issue of the New York such as the Harvard Business T~mes Magazine, '''labor will Review and Dun's Review, have to work hard to. disabuse Exposes' Myths" youngsters of the idea that A series of. articles written unions have become merely another form of business, devoid for the latter periodical by Clarence B. Randall, retired of idealism and crusading vig" ' steel executive, has just been ~~ , Father Smith, a long-time published in book form under the title The Folklore of Man'champion of organized labor, agement (Atlantic, Little, Brown, laid it squarely on the line at '$4.75). Mr.-' Randall is brutally the recent AFL-CIO merger Convention in New Jersey. frank in discussing some of management's myths, and he deligbts "You know better than I do," in puncturing them. ' he told the qelegates to this Isn't it about time for a promconvention, "what degree the inent labor leader 'to write a similar book 'about the myths of . movement is suffering from the evils of modern materialism. organized labor?' You know' better than I how } wide's the 'gap between ideal·ism of the past and the misnamed 'realism of .the future." Con'tinued from Page On~ Many similar state!11entsby or cooking gear is needed since friends of labor as well as by its all meals will be served in the c'ritlcs could be cited, but the new Dining Hall. Scouts 'in the four I have quoted above, will provisional troop are asked to suffice for present purposes. If furnish their own tents if they these statements are substancan secure them. Those unable tially correct-and there is reato do so are asked .to contact son to think that -they are-the Gauthier' at his home, 1803 . Stafford Road for assistance. , Assistant Scoutmaster James D. McMahon J.r'. is iii. charge of Fai~ing the commissary and c}{ef for the LA CORUNA (NC).:..-cuban retreat.• , Premier Fidel Castro's efforts to set up a schismatic national church have failed because all of the nation's priests remai,n WASHINGTON (NC)-Presiloyal to the Holy See, an exiled dent Kennedy received whllt is Cuban prelate said here~ Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo said to be a relic of the true cross Boza Masvidal of Havana made during a visit to the White House the statement on disembarking by Greek Orthodox Patriarch Benedictos I of· Jerusalem. from the Spanish liner Cova'donga, He arrived in La Coruna The relic was containeci in a medallion of' the Grand Cross with the i35 priests arid Brothers and Insignia of the Order of the. -79 of them Spanish-who Holy Sepulchre, highest decorawere ousted from Cuba. by the tion of the Greek Orthodox Castro regime, on .. charges of "counterrevolutionary" activity. Church, which the Patriarch be"We would have 'liked to restowed on the President.· , In presenting the decoration main in Cuba to share' ·the fate Patriarch Benedictos expressed of our Catholic brothers," Bishop to the President the hope' that Boza 'said. But he added that he and the priests. and Brothers God's grace would "bring to you were forced to 'embark on the and your government the divine Covadonga without passports or guidance for which you· so fer~aggage. vently I;lray." .',J


Boy ScoutS.

Says· Castro Attack On Church

Presents Suppos,ed Relic toPresidelAt

than $25,000 to the U.S. govern.Q1ent, a relief official disclosed. Hugh McLoone, resettlement director for Catholic Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference, said those who returned the money feel. they owed a just debt to the U.S. for funds advanced them when they first sought refuge here. McLoone has directed the resettlement of more than 6,000 Cuban ~'efugees since last January. He estimated that about 3,000 ilave been resettled by other agencies also working at Mi'ami's Cuban Refugee Emergency Center.

EXILE WELCOMES EXILE: An exiled Cuban woman kisses tl;1e episcopal ring of exiled Havana Bishop Eduardo Boza Masvidal, on his arrival' at· La" Coruna; Spain. The bishop arrfved with 13.1 Cuban priests deported by "Fi~el Cas~ro's regime. NC Photo:

Moral Tll'oilning,' Continued from Pa~ge, One yielded at every step to the importuning of minority groups, 'not simply' pushing to remove all religious influence frpm the schools, but" working to make it impossible for' chureh gro!Ips even to wor.:k with t~e ,~ch9Qls:" Moral. Side He stated that "the coexistence 'within the same" society of 'groups holdirig fundamental differences regarding the nature and destiny of man has made for an. impasse in the approach to the moral side of education." He added that the compromise or 'nonsectarian' approach advocated by Horace Mann, f;:ither of the public school, "contained the principle of its own dissolution," arid the, "little common ground" that once existed among various religious ,groups "was eroded away." Reappraisal Father McCluskey suggeste~ that the time has come for at!agonizing reappraisal He said: "The question we must start facing now is: How can the school, certainly a's formative an influence on youthful characte~ as the family or church, help to forge the kind of steel in the spines' of our 'young that will "support them in l:he trials ahead?" "In, retrospect," ,he continued, "it is only fair to a,dmit that Protestants' and Catholics must share the blame with the secularists for what took place in the public schools., Whil~ sectarian bitterness and' denominational jealousies neutralized the efforts of ,religiously-minded people to keep.a strong moral and spiritu'al fiber in the schools, others were able to' glorify the vague ideal of . the uncommitted mirid 'and the uncommitted comlcience. Take Stand "The American public school is now unable or unwilling," said Father McCluskeJ', "to t~ke . a stand on or perhaps even.....to confront the central· Q4estions which come to grips wit,h the meaning of man: his origin, his purpose, his destiny. We have rendered mute our te~lchers and have fo~bidden them 'riot merely to answer but often even to ask the great questions, about God, conscience, duty, rights and future life." The Jesuit educato.r said he was not making an exhortation . "to scrap tolerance atn9- amity and respect for sincere dissent," but warning "that -the old pattern of compromise is a failure" and the future of this country "depends upon commitment to the right ideals." "It is a warning that the time may be running out," he concluded. "It is a prayer that men of good .'will everywhere in the land will mobilize their resources to prepare better our youth for tomorrow, so that our 'nation and our world will wax s;trong and peaceful under God."

McLoone explained that although CRS-NCWS is reimbursed by the U.S.' governme~t for the traveling expenses of 'refugees to qther parts of the country, it will continue to op,erate in Miami as, long as it is needed. He stated that some 69,000 Cuban refugees are still in the Miami .area.


K(h,"fARAKARA, Ip ;SO~rl'H INDIA, Illis Oilly one C~thollo' " priest ••• and he. ~s ,arconvert. His name ,is FATHER ALEX,. ANDER, For years" now he has shared , ,Poverty, frequently hunger,' with his • ,p~ople. His face is oid with worry. ..bis frame guant with' overwork. But .a light comes to FATHER ALEXAN; .DER'S eyes when he talks about his. parish. In [93,3, when the tiny chapel T was built, there were only nine Catholic families In all of KOTTARAKARA. Today there are 130 Catholic' , families The chapel is so crOWded. for Masses on Sunday morning that not The Holy Fathrrt Mission more than haU of the parishioners can lor the Orimtal Chrl1fh get inside •.• And Ule prospects for more converts are most encouraging. There are Jacobltes and' Marthomites In KOTTARAKARA-700 families all togetherwho may one day, please God, come Into the Church en masse • . . But FATHER ALEXANDER'S chapel is much too small. And, he says, the parish,ioners are so poor they haven't enough to C'eat ... One worries with FA'fHER ALEXANDER about his problem. "I am an old man now," he says, "and I wish I could . believe this work will continue aft'll' I'm gone." ••. The work must' continue, If SOUls are to be saved. KOTTARA.KARA must have a new chapel now, -a chapel luge enough to accommodate the Catholics on Sunday. morning. Plain arid ineXpensive, the chapel will be the center of Cathollo' me in 'pagan KOTTARA. KARA-the place where Catholics will visit the. BJess~d Sacra. ment, wher,e chil(lren will lear·n the catechism. where converts can be instructed. ; • The chapel will co~t $01,000. To raise this money In KOT'TA~AKARA Is out of tl1e question. The parish. loners will do all the work themselves, but' they must have . money with which to bny the materiills. Can you send $10? $50? $100?-Whatever you can 'send-nickels, dimes, dollars--please send It now: We'll· write to FATHER ALEXANDER, enclosing your gift. We'll tell hlml "Your problem, .'ather, Is our prob. lem. S*al1 building your chapel immediately."


WHO WILL TAKE HIS PLACE? FATHER ALEXANDER, is getting old. When he dies; who will take his place .in KOTTARAKARA? Priests in INDIA are few and scattered. Boys who want to be priests frequently cannot afford to pay for their education. Even the Bi,shops, in a' mission country, Jlometimes haven't the money with which to run a seminary. For this rea. son we ask Catholics In the United States to help boys studying for the priesthood. To _train one of these boys-,-in INDIA, for instance - costs $100 a year - or $600 for the -entire six-year course. Here are the names of six students in ST. JOSEPH'S SEMINARY, In ALWAYS, INDIA, who need sponsors: GEORGE THARAKUNNEL, THOMAS THAYIL, IGNA,TIUS ARIKAT, . PAUL CHAKIAN, SIMON EDAKKALATHUR, and DAVID ILLIRI<;:KEN. As a sponsor you may write to your "student," and he will write to you. Space your payments' to suit your convenience. Write to us. ' NEXT MONTH, NOVEMBER, IS THE MONTH OF THE POOR SOULS,IN PURGATORY. OUR MISSIONARIES WILL BE PLEASED TO OFFER MASSES. YOUR OFFERINGS .WILL, AT THE SAME TIME, HELP IMMEASURABLY IN THEIR MISSION WORK. SEND US YOUR LIST OF MASS INTEN. TIONS. When you mention the CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION in your will, you keep priests Brothers and Sisfers at work in pagan countries like INDIA JORDAN EGYPT, SYRIA, IRAN, IRAQ, LEBANON, TURKEY, ami ETHIOPIA. Make yours a Catholic will. Our legal title: THE GATHO!-'IC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSC>CIATION. UNLESS YOU WRITE US NOW, YOU WON'T WRITE AT ALL. PLEASE WRIT'E.

~'l2ear &stO)jssions~




RANCIS CAItDINAL SPELLMAN, Prosldent tAallr. Joatlpfl T. RYGa. Nat', Soc', $end Gil c_mllltica~lolII tOI


' :


. 480 ~xing~on Ave. «lit 46th St. , - .-.-.-

New York 17; N, Y.-A. -'-

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 12, 1961

Heavy Football Weekend Set For Greater New Bedfo'rd

Bishop Cautions Against Fancy . Names forSin

By Jack Kineavy Another fuR weekend 'of colorful schoolboy footbaD i9 in store for fans throughout the Southeastern Mass. area. Greater New Bedford has three major games on tap. DUrfee High of Fall River meets New Bedford Vocational Friday night un<!er the lights at Coyle decisioned DarbnOUth;' Sargent FJeld; New Bedford 15-8 shut out Stoughton, 6-0 and is home to West Springfield was 'held to a scoreless deadlock on Saturday 3nd aeross the by. a fired-up Bishop Stang river Fairhaven Is scheduled to eleven last Saturday. hOst high _ scoring Barnstable The capacity crowd that High. The early viewed the Coyle-Stan.g , game 1961 season has was treated to a crackm good ~n a remarkball game. The, boys were really able resurgence hitting out there and when the in Cape football final whistle blew both. clubs Currently both were completely spent. Oddly Barnstable and enough, though Stang out-statisFalmouth are ticked Coyle, it was the clock undefeated aftthat stopped the threatening er three starts Warrior advances at the end of while Bourne's . the second and fourth periods. only blot is a Close Competition second wee k The Tri-County race shapes 22-16 10811 to up as a three-cornered affair. Falmouth. Of particula'r signifl- League-leading Falmouth, Bameance .. the impressive Start stable and Case a~e currently made by the Raiders, of Barn- undefeated and untIed in three stable under new eoach Jon starts though on~ ~almouth ~ Parker ' been completely 1Ovolved 10 . Park~ came to the Cape from Conferenee play. Coach Mik~ Brockton High, where'_he served Gaddis' squad has gotten 011 to , in &be Millett regime that pro- tbe good sta~ that had eluded duced three succesSl~ CIMS A. them for so~ ti.m~ and t?ey are ehampiona. John haS evidently ,expected, to SOhd~y their hold infused more than a little of that Oft. first place agamst Somerset winning spirit in hie Barnstable thiS Saturday. . eharges who have run off three '. Case, on the baSIS of comparaimpressive victories in a row. tive scores, must h~ve qui~ • The explosive nature of the ball club: The Cardmals own a Barnstable offense-which has 6-0 ve~dl~t oyer str:ong Oliver averaged five T.D.Il per game- Ames Whl~h only last week up- . was clearly illustrated last set Ma,nslleld" 12-0. Coach McSaturday when &be Raiders came Carthy s Cards ·then tacke.d off • halftime deadlock to bury War.!!ham, 18-0 and f?llowed Uns defending D champion Dennisup wl.th a 22-8 victory over Yarmouth, 3 0 - 0 . ' Franklin. ,~ince Tri-County~s top BarQstable will be moving up ~ree don ~ tangle u~til late sea• class in the Fairhaven game S?1I, the title quest ~s apt to go and Coach Hal Conforth's Blue right d?wn to the ~!re. is expected to provide the Cape . It wo~ld be remiss, I daresay, eleven with its stiffest competi- ,if we falled to com.ment on th.e tion to date. Fairhaven will take recent World Series. That it a 1-2 record into the game. The lacked the usual l~ste~,and pagBlue were whitewashed by pow'; eantry th~t attends. the p~st seaerful Attleboro last week, 26-0. son claSSIC .goes WI~~Ut saying. An opening day 14-0 setback at The lone Cmcinnab VICtory w4! the bands of North Attleboro looked upon hopefully 'but not WB8 followed by a surprising encouragIngly by Yankee phobes. 22-0 victory over VOCational. Most clo~ followers of· ~he Crimson strong' ~ame rea~lzed the compar~tive Coming home after a most madequacles of the Nabonal successful two weeks' absence is League standard bearers and felt powerful New Bedford High. that for the pow.erfu~ Yankees to The Crimson launched the sea- succumb to all mfenor club.for son with a 6-6 tie agaJnst Rogers the s,econd successive year. JU~ , High of Newport, then proceeded. wasn t about to happen. It dldn t. ) to post successive wins over Rindge Tech, 28-8 and Chicopee, 34-6. Diminutive Paul Mandeville ran wild against the defending AA champions' of WestLIMA (NC)-U. S. missioners ern Mass. whose goal line he working in Peru are beloved by crossed no less than four timeS. all social classes, "especially ~y We personally felt that Man- people of humble station," U. deville's early season loss due.tO Archbishop of, Lima has stated. a broken leg had a dlsastroUli Archbishop Juan Landazuri impact on the 1960 Crimson for- Ricketts, O.F.M., commented on tune. If this is a valid premise, the Holy See's appeal to 1,500 . it follows that a physically U. S. religious superiors, who sound Mandeville will have an met at the Notre Dame Univerequally beneficent, effect as New sity in August, to send 10 per Bedford moves,into the heart of cent of their personnel to Latin a strong independent schedule; America within tge next 10 The speedy scatbai;:k turned in, years. T.D. tours ranging from 15 to 81 He said the news '''is truly a yards in theChico~fray, heavenly answer, toth~ prayers The big game' of the day of ,millions. of, Latin Americans should prove to' be the Attleboro- who have alreadY experienced Coyle setto at Hopewell Park. and, loved, the ,work of· AmeriBoth elevens are undefeated in can missioners." Bristol County competition. AtThe Archbishop stated that tleboro edged Durfee, 12.,8, low- be had just visited the two Lima bridged Taunton, 31-6 and slums where Maryknoll Fathers blanked Fairhaven, 26-0, while and Columban Fathers work. "the affection of the poor in those areas is living proof of the tremendous bond which has , grown, between the' Anlerican BOMBAY (NC)-A Newman missioners and the Peruvian Institute of Religious Culture people," he "said.

,Praises Work Of Missioners

S'et Up Newman Institute in India

Young Workers Plan Meeting in Brazil


STEUBENVILLE (NC)Bishop John King Mussio of Steubenville has urged Catholics to "be on your guard against fancy names for sin"especially in regard to sex. "Listen to God's word, rather than to the changing lingo of the changing whims of man," he said in a pastoral letter read ill all churches of the diocese. 'l1he Bishop warned that there is a trend in modern society to give innocent names to sex sills. But, he Said, "fornication dressed up bi the modern term-· inology of premarital experience, ildolescent maturity, and the like . . . remains, as ever, fornication."

BIDS FOR STONEHILL BERTH: Leo Paradis, who set several baseball records at Holy Family High, chats with his pastor, Msgr. Louis E. Prevost of St. Joseph's parish in New Bedford, concerning his baseball prospects at Stonehill'J . College. ,


Leo, 'Pa'radis of .New Bedford ,Eyes 8erth On Diamond Nine ~t Stonehill College

nine. He hit at a strong .422 clip for the season, and for the sec-, ond straight campaign, reached base, safely, in every game. Classy Slabman ,This past selMlOn, when he three-year span, Leo H. Paradis earned the high. .512 batting Jr. of New Bedford is now a stu- average, Leo reached base safely in every league game. And, Incident at Stonehill College, where he hopes to continue playing hill dentally, he compiled an 8-0 pitching record. favorite sport in the Spring. Holy Family, with its league A June graduate of Holy Family High School in the Whaling title, easily qualified for the City, Leo' hit safely in every Eastern Massachusetts S tat e' Tournament, and the Parochials' game of his Sophomore and Jungot past some rugged opposition, ior years for the Parochials. His into the final tOurney game. Enphenomenal batting streak was finally snapped, but not until route to the grand finale, Leo the 'very last game of his Senior hit safely, in tourney tussles against Hingham, Case and pow- ' ,year. ' erful Milford. Homework Galore Then, in the final for the This past season Leo, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Paradis coveted title, Leo'. three-year batting streak'was snapped at 38 of 256 Clifford Street, compiled an astronomical .512 batting consecutive games as he finally failed to hit safely. average. He perSonally led his Versatile Fellow teammates to a tie for the NarBut for Leo, ,who is 5-feet, 10 'l'agansett Baseball championship with Case High School inches tall and weighs 150 pounds~ it was a great Senior of Swansea. year. He played every position Leo, a liber~l arts student at Stonehill:- run by, the Holy for the Holy Family nine, exCross Fathers - plans to major cept catch, during his schoolboy in French. And while he plans. days. Besides contributing his timely. hitting, both during the to try ,for a starting position with season and in the t~urn­ the Chieft;lin nine, he has not league ament, Leo also came on from yet given much. thought to other , second, base, frequently, and activities "I>ecause I've had so pitched his mates to a number much homework." 'The likeeble New Bedford of viCtories. And he was a unanim~us selection as second baseyouth stays in the new dormitory man on the 1961 Bristol County at the' NorthEaston College- All Star team. just opened this Fall - and gets Holy Family, which compiled home weekends' to his parents a sharp 15-6 baseball record last and sister Noella, 21. Leo's sub- season, will certainly miss its jec,ts, are English, history, math, star ' pitcher-infielder-outfielder 't~eology, logic, and French, his th~ Sprl'ng, wtit:n Coach Jack favorite. Leo, who will be 18 on Saturday, ': worked as a playground supervisor at Brooklawn Park in the North, End of New Bedford . this past Summer. He also found time to play second base on the JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY American Legion Post 1 baseball own.r/m..r. team, which finis~l~ in a' tie lor ·142 Campbeft St. second place in Zone 9. " Superb Hitter New Bedford. Ma... In his Sophomore year at Holy WYman 9-6792 Family, Leo compiled a creditHEADQUARTERS FOR able .315 batting average, while hitting safely in every game of COLONIAL AND the sea-son. TRADITIONAL FURNITURE , A youth with a ,keen interest in all phases. of the diamond· sport, Leo upped his batting average more than 100 points in his Junior year with the Parochial

is on ~he way in India. Its program, similar to that of the Newman Clubs on secuRIO DE JANEIRO (NC) lar college campuses in the United States, is aimed at both Delegates of the more than Catholic and non-Catholic stu- 2,500,000 members of the Young Christian Workers organization dents and intellectuals. . Units of the institute will be In 91 nations will meet here Nov. set up in a number of Indian 1-12 to discuss problems facing universities. ' modern youth. More than 300 delegates will Aiding in the establishment of this new foundation are the report to the YCW's second Sacred Congregation for the Council on the living and workPropagation of the Faith in ing conditio!,s of youth in their Rome; the Catholic Bishops' countries and on what the orConference in India; Valerian ganization is doing about them. Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop The YCW is a Catholic Action ' of Bombay; the rectors of the movement which aims to train various Indian Catholic Col- and help ~oung workers Chrisleges and a large number of tianize their lives and environment. Catholie lay leaders in India.

"Adultery is still adultery, JW) matter how often a modern stupidity would oall It the right to happiness of unhappy spouSes," 'he' said. ' Bishop Mussio said he bad mstructed pastoJ'lS to preach a series of sermons on the holineee of marriage and the evil of sex sins.

By,Frank Trond A youth who gained fame in schoolboy baseball circles when he hit safely in 3:} consecutive games over a


Nobrega's nine gets set Jor another season. But the Paroehlals' Wss ill Stonehill's gain. Likes First Base Leo, a communicant of st. joseph Church in New Bedford; said, "My faVOrite position is first base." This comes as somewhat of' a surprise, since' bi6 pitching accomplishments 8ft many, and he has always been n stellar performer at second bQ6e, A' rather resel,"Ved youth, Leo said, "I'd like to go out foor fim base, or the outfield at stonehill, because I'm not really mudl 'of a pitcher," He' might have meant what he said, but rival batters, especially some fr~ crack tourney ~eems, would ~ than likely be quick to disagree. CYO Hoopster 'The brown-haired youth, ~o 'played "just a little bit ofCYO basketball at St. Joseph Church," sai~ that ne)!:t to baseball, he enjoys playing football and also likes basketball. ' Regardless of what position Leo goes out for this Spring at Stonehill, the odds he will make good are with him. It will be interesting to watch Leo's pr98ress with the Chieftains.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 12, '1961


CAPE CONFRATERNITY MEETING: At We&t' Harwich teachers' . left to right, Mrs. G; Patton, Mrs. Mary Courtnell, ,Sister, William Ann. meeting for Confraternity, of Christian .Doctrine. instructors, Mis'sionary . Center, Sister James, Mrs. Raymond Alvey, Mrs. Joseph Labrecque. Right, Mrs. Arthur LaFrenier, Mrs. ~dwin 'Roderick, l\1rs. 'John Mulligan. CCD Sisters of Our Lady of -Victory point· out 'lesson techniques, refresh teachers seek ,constantly to impro,ve the!l1selves. . minds on teaching skills imparted at previous training courses. Left,

President Signs Limited School' Aid Measure

Cape f;onirp,ternity' 'Unit~: ·Prepl;lre. to C~~bat :H~r%~eld Directs .Threat of Secularism. toChildre,n ,. '. MISSile Defense ,





By Rusc;eU 'Colilinge . top man in a program to defend WASHINGTON .(NC) "Teachers - prepare to meet the children!" This announcement, made in various ways this country from atomie misPresident Kennedy "with ex- by varioqs Sisters tovariolis groups in vario.l!s parishe<;, 18 ,the keynote of me!'!tings . siles is also a firm advocate of . more liberal immigration" laws treme reluctance" signed in-. to law a bill which extends called by Confraternity' of Christian Doctrine supervisors' just before teachers. start a -:-. and for good reason. some Federal aid to education new year of r~ligious instruction. The meetings give teachers an outline of the program Charles M. Herzfeld, 36, scien= · but f::llls far short of what he for the year, an understandCCD course in Teachl~r Training Above all, the parish must want . tist and president of the Catholic .ing of the "theine'" to . be on the Cape-15 two-hour ses- the progra'm -:... for surely any Association for InternationaJI. originally sought. The measure extends two ex- emphasized, .and chance to sions covering ·lesson plans, and and every parish mll,st realiie Peace, has. been named by the isting programs-the "impacted discuss old and new problems the Three Steps and being sure the importance of thIs training Defense Department to direct areas" program which gives



of your facts and the use of · and the urgent need of children and coordinate the staff of tho .money to public school districts - to firidout what they may be .. entire Defender Program. flash cards and black):lOards a'rid, .for religious instruction., up against in the new term. 'enrolling children of Federal most particularly, how' to adapt Look where you may - in Wants Laws Libcll'anizellll A. chance, as an instance, for employees and the National DeCatholic theology to fourth grade plain sight and hearing is evifense Education Act designed to this year's sixth grade teacher level, Herzfeld was 13 when he camQ dence 'ofthe steady drive' to to learn from last year's fifth bolster scielJ.ce, mathematics and to this country from his nat'ivo ·for c e secular standards .on Saturday, April 11, 1959, 61 foreign language instruction. . \ grade teacher just ~ho must not Austria as a World War II refu~ everyone. graduates from 10 parishes rePrivate schools, their teachers sit next to whom.. . gee. He is ever mindful of the Secular World ceivedcertificates as elementary and students do benefit under Of course these m~ti~gs don't opportunities which were giveo' teachers from Bishop Connolly. The world about our children some NDEA programs, but they · just happen. N~' one says: "Let's him in this country and is anWith certified' te,achers on is filled with secularism - it is receive no aid under. the im- .see, now - school starts 'next xious the same treatment be pacted areas program.. · weE)k, doesn't it? Might be' an, hand, the catechetical program thrust at them by every ,vIsual accOrded to other immigrants. idea if some of us got together began to roll. Space for classes . 'and auditory means. The adult Far Short Before committees of Congress was conjured into' being, trans- opinions they. mOst generally . The bill signed by President · before then,huhT' and in public addresses he has' ·hear or read accept immorality portation'was organized, teachers Kennedy will channel about $900 Sisters' Plan emphasized that this country" assigned, and religious instru~­ as ll'ormal. They find that lack · million ih Federal. funds iritoedtraditionally encourages people 'No, the meetings take place, of ethics and downright dishontion became a working reality ucation il1 the next two' years. in Chatham and West Harwich, esty is considered being'''pretty from all over the world to enjoy This was far short of what the . at . least, because the' Sisters of two. days a. week in ea~h parthe freedom and opportunity sharp." The only sin seems to be ish. President had sought. . ,which the United States affords. Our Lady of Victory. start getting oaught. Religion is Talk to GOIIl . The Senate passed a $2,5 biltreated with amused cynicism or To carryon this mission eslion measure to support public • planning them at the. end of the So each F,all, in Chatham and pecially in these critical times contempt. grade and high schools, but it previous year and spend many Harwich, the grades: move up Herzfeld contends the immigra~ ICIng, frustrating hours fitting To fight against the strong and was blocked in the House Rules and new, if not· exactly shining, Committee and a compromise everything into place, even, if faces replace the old. And each rising tide of secularism. our tion laws should be. more liberal to keep open the haven for the necessary, finding the place to· bill was rejected on the House Fall the teachers assemble to 'children must have some sort of oppressed. fit things .into. floor. listen and learn while the Sis~ life line to grasp - and we can give them one. A life line anAnd more long hours of simple 'ters review the Past session and Catholic spOKesmen so u,g h t . chored solidly on high' and ·equal trea,tment for parochial arithmetic - dividing the' numbreathe life into the blueprint precious ground. schools as part of ariy general ber of pupils by the' number of for the future. Now, as never before, they school aid' measure. A proposal teachers and then - with .due And each year it is only the 'need the~r faith. We must give regard for personalities, nervous to· lend private schools funds for very new teachel's that need re- . them a set of values - show tensions, ability, reliability and special purpose construction was minding that one should talk to them a wayOof life .L- in keeping put forward, but was blocked in availability; with accurate ev:alGod about the 'childrlen as much the House. Among its opponents uat.ion a\1d iron-nerved. allowwith their heritage as children as one tal~s to the .children about of God. And, .like it o.r not, we ar.ce for all the possible foul-ups were Protestant· and Jewish God. groups. that can and will happen - submust "publicize" this way of life The teachers" meeting' in West as strongly as the. secularists dividing the complicated, disHopes for Extension' in a sharply wordeCi-statement · traeting and' frenzied turmoil Harwich stressed discipline and, publicize their,s. And we must the need for strict adherence to 1;?egin where they begin - with into classes.' issued in connection with the the teaching program and schedthe smallest child. signing of the bill, President A process that seems amazSo add a prayer of graUtude Kennedy expressed the hope that' ingly simple when the .results ule. The theme for the' year is Congress would' extend the' are all neatly mimeographed . Unity - the Ecumenical Council, tonight for the CCD catechetical program and add another for its NDEA beyonc its present form. and calmly explained by a Sister and its influence on the movement. continued success. And if your He was far more critical of the' whose greatest gift is the ability cActive participation ,by the parish does not have a program impacted areas program, saying: .to impart her assurance that this "Individuals who profess opposi- year everything will run smooth- pupils 'will involve self-improve- of religious instruction - stir TAUNTON, MASS. ment and prayer for success of things up! tion to Federal 'aid to 'education ly, and to leave everyone feeling the Pope's council. . on grounds of states' rights, racial they have got .the one assignGive freely of your time and THE BANK ON Program Instal~lation or religious controversy, budg- ment they really'- wanted. effort. in support of the CCD• etary economy or academic Naturally, these meetings reThe situation in' Chatham and make 'ready for the happy day TAUNTON GREEN freedom do not hesitate to de- quire that a catechetical program West HarwiCh is typical of what when some special group, and mand this Federal aid' to build' be in operation.. And how does may be expected by any parish you among them, wait· for the Member of Federal Deposit schoolhouses and pay teachers" such a program get going?'Well, once the CCD catechetical pro- call to duty- "Teachers-preInsurance Corporation . salaries in their own areas.". 0 take Holy Redeemer parish in gram is installed. Of cow-se the pare to meet the children!" Chatham and Holy Trinity par- . installation is not a simple or Rabbi ~s Dlfil$1l'ructor ish in West'Harwich as examples. easy ,matter. Ther~ must 'be instruction and education in prepON CAPE COD First the Sisters C«llll'~tfilUq~ C@~le9Je First came Our .Lady of Vic- aration ....". and theI'e must be ROCHESTER (NC)-A rabbi will be on the faculty of St. tory Missionary Sisters. Only full cooperation of parentS, John Fisher College here this pausing long enough to unpack teachers; Sisters and 1>astor. their bags in the new West Harfall. Rabbi David Z. Ben-Ami of wich convent, they surveyed the OTTAWA (NC)-A$3,255,OOO Temple Emanu-El in nearby parish, enlisted' helpers, and Federal loan for a student resIrondequoit will be a part-time' started the work of religious in_ idence at Laval University, instructor of I'" odern languages struction as a foundation for the at the col}e:::2, conducted by catechetical program under the Quebec, has been approved. It Confraternity of Christian Doc- represents approximately 90 Basilian :<'uthzrs. Father ~h;:T',,:)S' J. Lavery, trine. per cent of a six··storY resiAMPLE PARKING In 1959, Sister James, OLVM, dence of '465 rooms" recreation C.S.B., pr: : '~'1t of the college, and .study halls. made the ..~ ..._.. . _... ~nt. instigated and directed the first ~1jilrji!IjiIljiIIjilfji!!jilfC!ljiIIii!IjiIljiljilljjllji1ljWjjJ1~!ji!lji!lji!~



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