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VOL. 39, NO. 40


Friday, October 13, 1995



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Pope urges Americans to conquer fears and turn to Christ Bishop Sean O'Malley, who was among over 200 bishops of the United States who attended last Sunday's papal Mass atllaltimore's Oriole Park, noted it was the first visit of Pope John Pa.ul II to the nation's first diocese. established in 1789 'and named al1l archdiocesan in 1808. In addition to the tll10usands at the Oriole Park MaliS, said the bishop, an estimated 350,000 persons crowded the route of the "popemobile parade"that followed the liturgy. Despite the strenuous four days in New Jersey and New York that had preceded the pope's visit to Baltimore, Bishop O''Malley said the pontiff "seemed to be holding up quite well," especially in view of the fact that he had just returned from a trip to the African nations of Cameroon, South Africa and Kenya. BALTI MORE (CNS) - Pope John Paul II, visiting the United . States Oct. 4-8, urged Americans to conquer their fears and turn to Christ when times get tough. "There is no evil to be faced that Christ docs not face with us," he told the crowd during a Mass at

Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore. "There i$ no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. Then: is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us and does not now bear with us." In talks to seminarians in Yonkers, N.Y., tomember$ of the U.N. General Assembly, and to young people in New York's Central Park, . the pope spoke of the need to turn to God to help overcome fears. He also spoke of the diversity of the United States and the need to continue its tradition of welcoming immigrants. In Central Park Oct. 7. the readings for the Mass, marking the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, said that Mary was afraid when the angel told her she would become the mother of Jesus. "Yes, Mary was afraid. just as we are often afraid!" the pope said. But when Mary realized it was God who was calling her. "all fear was banished." ++l:ilte Mary, you must not be afraid to allow the Holy Spirit to help you become intimate friends of Christ," he said. "Christ wants to go many places

in the world a.nd to enter many hearts through you," he told the young people, urging them to conquer their fears to be able to spread Christ's message. At the United Nations Oct. 5, U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. anticipating what the pope would say, told the assembly, "he calls upon us, like the angel in the garden, to"be-not afraid.' He tells us that we can and we must conquer fear if we are to solve the problems of our planet and its people." The polyglot Polish pope spoke in English, French, Spanish, Russian; Arabic and Chinese, the official languages of the United Nations, to encourage the world's people to look to the future with hope. "Men and women must learn to conquer fear.... he said. "We must learn not to be afraid; we must rediscover a lipirit of hope and a spirit of trust." The following day, speaking to seminadans at St. .I oseph Seminary in Yonkers, the' pope said priests must be strong in their faith and unafraid of denouncing eviL Turn to Page 13

Catholic Schools Scholarship Fund dinner announced Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu, director of the Diocesan Department of Education. has announced that the first annual Catholic Schools Scholarship Fund dinner will be held at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2, at White's of Westport, preceded by a 6 p.m. reception at which Bishop Sean O'Malley will greet guests. The scholarships fund will provide financially needy students with partial scholarships to diocesan schools. Dinner chairman Thomas J. Flatley of the Flatley Company said that with the assistance of coordinators Patrick Carney of the Claremont Company for the New Bedford area: Joseph H. Feitelberg of the Feitelberg Company

and Richard L. LaFrance of White's of Westport for the Fall River area: james S. Brennan of Jeweled Cross Company, Inc., for the Attleboro area; E. Dennis Kelly of Bristol County Savings Bank for the Taunton area; and Leroy Jarrett of Westbank Corporation for the Cape Cod area, 30 tables of 10 persons each have already been reserved for the event by individuals, parishes and businesses. Other individ uals, parishes or businesses wishing to host a table or to attend the dinner may contact any of the area coordinators, Father Beaulieu or James M. Riley at the Catholic Ed ucations Center. 423 Highland Ave., Fall River 02720, teL 678-2828, FAX 674-4218.

Pope breaks bread with the poor

:~ RAIN FALI.8 as Pope John Paul II celebrates Mass at Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, N.J. last week, (eNS/ Reuters photo)

BALTIMORE (CNS) - Pope John Paul II sat down with a dozen adults and seven children for a meal of chicken and rice casserole at Baltimore's Our Daily Bread soup kitchen. The kids drank milk while the grown-ups had their choice of iced tea or water, but all of them including the pope - drank from plastic cups. After four days of preaching and praising U.S. Catholics' concern for the poor, the sick and those in difficulty, Pope John Paul shared a meal with people who have taken advantage of church outreach and service programs. Looking tired and a bit dazed from a very rushed morning that

started in New York and included a Mass at Baltimore's Oriole Park at Camden Yards, the pope brightened at the sight of the children. Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore introduced the pope to the families representing Catholic Charities' programs. Each of the parents got a handshake before the meal, and each of the children got a kiss on the forehead. Except 4-year-old Ivan Damian. He got his nose tweaked. "He's a magnificent, charismatic pope," said Tom Mulrenin, who with his wife, Judy, and children Kaitlin and Connor represented Turn to Page 13



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Vincentians: to meet October 15

THE ANCHOR ~'DI~~esE M F~Ii"'River -:-' Fri.~6ct.l\ 19"95

CCA co-directors n.amed (or Fall River area Bishop Sean O'Malley has appointed two co-directors for the Catholic Charities Appeal in the Fall River area. Rev. John F. Andrews of St. Patrick's in Fall River and Rev. Vincent Diaferio of Holy Rosary, Fall River, were named to their positions effective Oct. 2. Father Andrews was born in Dighton to F.rancis and Julia (Trond) Andrews. He was ordained Feb. I, 1962. Since then he has been assigned to St. Joseph Church and SS. Peter & Paul Church in Fall River, St. Margaret, Bunards Bay, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis,

St. Joan of Arc, Orleans, St. Bernard, Assonet and St. D"ominic in . Swansea. .Father Diaferio was born in Boston, the son of Francesco and Grace (Loscocco) Diaferio. He, attended grammar and high school in that city before entering Maryknoll seminary, where a soccer injury ended his plans for missionary service. He then studied for the Fall River diocese at St. John's Seminary Brighton. In 1993, the former Hillside Manor housing project in Fall River was renovated and renamed the Father Vincent Diaferio Village.,

Obituclry previously been a resident of Attle.boro for 25 years and Bristol, R I. for 16 years. ' The Mass of Christian Burial In addition to her husband and was offered yesterday at St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro, Father Perry, she is survived by for Gertrude E. Perry, 83, of North four other sons, A.1bert S. Perry Attleboro, who died Oct. 8. The Jr., Attleboro; Gerald S. Perry, principal celebrant was her son, South Attleboro; Ralph Perry, Very Rev. John A. Perry, pastor Hudson; and David R. Perry of of St. John Neumann parish, East Broken Arrow, OK; a daughter, Carol Ann Perry of Portsmouth, Freetown. RI; a sister, Helen Ball of PawA native of Pawtucket, RI, Mrs. tucket, RI; 17 grandchildren, eight Perry was the wife of Albert S. Perry, Sr. and the daughter of the great-grandchildren and nieces and late John F. and the late Agnes nephews. Mrs. Perry was also the sister of (Shockro) King. She lived in Port the late George King, Mary Be.rRichey, FL for 16 years and had nard and Evelyn Grenier. .

Gertrude Perry

Saint Anne's Hospital gratefully acknowledges* contributions received to the Remembrance Fund during September 1995. Through the remembrance and honor of these lives, Saint Anne's can continue "Caring for our community." ,\ j\; 1': I " II ()" 1'1 I ,\ I. R I 1\ 1I 1\1 I~ R " N l. I I 1I N j)

'i ,\ I " I

Paul L. Amiot Joe Borges Lorraine A. Boulay . Gertrude M. Canuel Ruth Connery Manuel P Costa Julia Day Denis Dionne Doreen Dodd Walter 1. Eaton Rw. John R. FoIster Harold K. Hudner. Esquire Richard King Richard lAvimoniere Joseph R. Lemieux' Victoria Logan William Moore M. Angela Murphy Frederick Nasiff Raymond E. Parise Joseph Reidy, Peter Sarro Joseph C. Saulino Elizabeth M. Shea Aimee Talbot AliceP Walls

g •

SaintAnnes Hospital 795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674-5741 *As oj September 30, {995

Scottie Foley named to national office At a recent meeting of the National Assn. of Catholic Family Life Ministers in Madison, WI, Scottie Foley, who with her husband Gerry shares program directorship ofthe Fall River Diocesan Office ofFamily Ministry, was elected alternate leader for the association's Diocesari Section. In that position she and the section leader will represent family ministry concerns and interests of all United States dioces. es. Principal speakers at the meeting included Rev. George Clements, founder ofthe Black Catholic Clergy Caucus; pastoral theologian Dr. Mary Durkin; Bishop Joseph Charron, C.PP.S. of the diocese of Des Moines, lA, chair of the Marriage and Family Life committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops; and Rick McCord, a committee staff member. Workshop topics included celebration of aging couples; marriage preparation for cohabiting couples; successful blending of families; processing annulments from the family. perspective; supporting single persons; reaching out to newlyweds; recovery from divorce; and breaking the cycle of domestic violence. The 1996 Family Ministers' conference will be held in San Jose, CA. 11111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 High. land Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid , $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

A LONE PERSON prays at the Cathedrai of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, NY, in this unique view taken through an opening that holds a 'stained glass window. The 143-year-old glass window had been removed temporarily for repairs. (CNS photo by Dave Oxford)

Exhibit to raise awareness o( violence against women Our Sisters' Place, Fall River's battered women's shelter, will display an informational exhibit and resource table in the lobby of I Government Center, Fall River, throughout October in recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The exhibit will feature news clippings and statistics that shed light on the prevalence of violence against women both nationally and in the Greater Fall River area. Free brochures about domestic violence and Our Sisters'· Place shelter and crisis line services also will be available. Our Sisters' Place also will displaya handcrafted quilt created by

shelter residents, staff and volunteers, Entitled "A Woman's Journey to Freedom," the quilt is composed of 25 squares symbolizing', the women's personal struggles for safety, well-being and peace in the face of abuse. An accompanying book features stories, poems and quotations explaining the meaning behind many of the squares. Our Sisters' Place provides safe, confidential shelter and assistance to battered women and their children, as well as a 24-hour crisis line for support; information and referrals. All shelter and support services are free. For more information and/or access to shelter, please call (508) 677-0224.



'7fs the Sundaybefore WorldMission Sunday! Don'l forget to tell them how they can help the Missions next week on WorldMission Sundayt'

Vincentians of the diocese will .. gather Oct. IS at St. John Of God Church, Somerset, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of their founding in the United States. Beginning at I p.m. and concluding with a 6 p.m. dinner in St. John of God parish center, the program will include welcomes from Horace Costa, diocenan president of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and from Jose:~h Gromada, chairperson for the: event. Father Daniel L. Freitas, diocesan director for the Vincentians and pastor ofSt. John of God parish, will make a presenta.tion on the day's theme, "We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe." Discussion groups will t.old two sessions during the afternoon, gathering after each to report on their· findings and Bishop Sean O'Malley will address the gathering at 3 p.m. His remarks will !>e ·followed bya video presentation. Father Freitas will be p:rincipal celebrant ofthe Mass to be offered at 5 p.m.· and Father David Andrade, parochial vicar, will give .the homily. Tobias Monte will direct the parish choir (or the liturgy, and members of the St. John of God Vincentian Conference will prepare and serve the following dinner. The Vincentians were founded in Paris, France, in 1833 by Frederick Ozanam and his associates and the first United States I:onference was organized in St. Louis in 1845. There are now some: 4,700 conferences throughout the nation with a membership of about 67,000 men and women. In the 1990-91 fiscal year, the last for which figures are available, U.S. Vincentians distributed, about $160 million in financial and other forms of aid to the needy.

St. Anne's staffer nam'ed Healthcare College diplomate Michael J. Kenny, direcwr of pulmonary and electroencephalogram services and the sleep la boratory at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, has been named a diplomate in the American Col1f:ge of Healthcare Executives, an international professional society representing some 30,000 executives. Kenny is one of? ,000 such diplomates in the nation, achievir.,g the recognition through completing a comprehensive examination on healthcare management and demonstrating his commitment te, continuing education and participation in healthcare and community affairs. The Healthcare College offers comprehensive programs in credentialing, 'education, career development, handling of publications, research and public policy. Kenny, a resident of Marion, has been at St. Anne's Hospital since 1993. He is active in se',eral professional societies and ir.. the First Congregalional Church in Marion, where he is a deacon, CPR instructor and youth advisor.

Living the concept f Stewardship allows s to more fully comp ehend the benefits 0 a Christian lifestyle.

Immense spiritual hunger is seed-bed for homosexual ministry

AN ESTIMATED 2,000 participants took part in the annual Diocesan March for Peace in Fall River Monday. The march began at the Cathedral and concluded with Mass celebrated by Bishop O'Malley at St. Anne's Church. (Kearns photos)


announces environmental grants Catholic Social Se:rvices (CSS) is announcing a relatively new grants program which hopes to fund diocesan to parish level initiatives focusing on projects that address our environment. The United States Catholic Conference (USCC), who administer this grant program outlined the following criteria necessary for consideration of the proposal: • the project should be undertaken within a Catholic diocesan organization, including parish church, school, or service organization or a church community; • should manifest the US Bishops' message entitled Renew. ing the Earth resulting in a project that includes environmental responsibility and integrates this with social justice concerns;

?!' and that this project could be replicated by other diocesan organizations. Examples offunded grants from 1995 Include an "Administrator's Waste Reduction Handbook"(Archdiocese of Denver) for both schools and parishes, and a Franciscan spirituality study group (Diocese of Phoenix) to bring people from a large variety of backgrounds together to work toward environmental justice. Grants, awarded on a yearly basis, can be up to $1500. Deadline for grant applications (to be sent to Washington, D.C.) is January I, 1996. Please call Craig Gaspard at CSS for a short application or if you are interested in placing a short piece in a parish bulletin. The number is (508) 674-4681.

SEATTLE (CNS) - Gay and "One of the issues around HIV lesbian Catholics need special min- (the virus that causes AIDS) is istry in the church because "histor- with people who are at risk because ically they've been left out and they are isolated, have a poor have suffered harassment, rejec- sense of themselves and really don't tion and isolation," said a priest- see themselves as loved by God." leader in gay ministry. He said there is "a wide variety" The priest, Father Jim Schex- of approaches among dioceses curnayder, was elected president of rently involved in gay-lesbian minthe national Association of Catho- istry. lic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Min"Some hold listening sessions to istries during the association's hear their concerns as they develop second annual meeting Sept. 8-10 a ministry," he said. "Some have in Seattle. educational and spiritual events, Involved in AIDS ministry since retreats and counseling. Some 1988 in his home diocese, Oak- dioceses, like Seattle, have a weekly land, Calif., Father Schexnayder liturgy specifically for gay and lesis now director of the Oakland bian Catholics.. "In the Oakland Diocese, we diocesan Task Force for Outreach to Gay and Lesbian Communities have a 'welcoming parishes' proand Their Families. gram so that gays and lesbians can The keynote speaker at the feel welcomed and at home. We Seattle meeting, Paulist author and !llso work with the Catholic school theologian Father Richard Sparks, system to educate and support warned that religious and political' people." Those assigned to gay and lesextremism is making church ministries to gays and lesbians more bian ministry may suffer the same difficult. "This is a long-haul min- .kind of rejection as those to whom istry," he said. At the same time, he said, the immense spiritual hunger of gays and lesbians is '~a seed-bed for our work." White Mountain Ski Condo: The meeting drew 42 people Loon Mt. NH. Non-smoking condo from 17 dioceses - representing for rent by the week, mid-week or most of the approximately 20 dioweekend- winter skiing, fall foliage, ceses out of 188 in the United or "get-away" time. Sleeps 4-12, States that have established a forclean, mountain view, kitchen, pool, mal ministry to gay and lesbian jacuzzi, etc. With winter shuttle Catholics. directly to gondola & new high In an interview with The Cathospeed quad chair. Very good rates. lic Northwest Progress, Seattle archdiocesan newspaper, Father CALL 203-875-1809 EVENINGS Schexnayder said that despite slow beginnings he expects the tlumber of dioceses with such ministries to grow.. "!t's a sensitive issue; some diocese haven't seen themselves prepared as yet to get involved," he said. "But I sense increasingly that WORLD this is going to change because I receive inquiries from representaMISSION tives and dioceses that are beginning to look at developing minSUNDAY istries." Establishing such ministries, he October 22,1995 added, is "in accordance with the documents of the U.S. bishops that call for gays and lesbians to have an active role in the Christian community." Criticism of such ministry "tends to come from (people in) the religious right and the political right who are not comfortable with the church being involved with gay and lesbian ministry or who are really not understanding that the church has made many supportive, statements about the human rights, d;gnity and inclusion of gay and lesbian people," he said. Father Schexnayder said his own evolution from AIDS ministry to gay-lesbian ministry is not unusual. "AIDS ministries have really pointed the way to the broader gay and lesbian ministries," he said. "It's brought the subject of gays and lesbians to the fore.

they minister, Father Schexnayder said. "For ministers, there's a danger of isolation and alienation," he said. "When you stand with a group that historically has been rejected and judged, you share in that experience by being involved in it, even in an official capacity."





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a common fund ofsolidarity distributed, in the Pope's name, by the Societyfor the Propagation oj the Faith, among the missions and missionaries oj the entire world. Pope John Paul II


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POPE JOHN Paul II blesses a Dominican sister of a cloistered community as he enters a packed Sacred Heart Cathedral in Nc~wark, N.J., Oct. 4 (CNS photo by Michael Okoniewski)

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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Oct. 13, 1995


the living word

A Joyful Reminder There is no doubt that last week's papal visit was a huge success and a magnificent moment for the church in the United States. Once rrio~e John Paul II showed us his remarkable gifts, not only as' aspiritual.leader but also as a person. His' message to a nation drifting in a materialistic vacuum was clear and concise. Once again he preached a culture oflife, not death, a message this country needed to hear. The call for family renewal has been long awaited; the encouragement of youth to give rather than take; the reminder that America needs new politics of mercy and compassion - these are but a few of the significant declarations, repeated time and time again by the Holy Father. ' We as a people need such guidance and we must pray that his words did not fall on ears that are deaf or hearts that are hard. For Catholics the 'around the clock coverage of the papal visit by EWTN was a gift. The secular media also made significant contributions, but they really have a difficult time with the pope. So many people in the television and newspaper industry treat the Holy Father as they would a rock star or a Hollywood personality. They simply do not have a handle on what he means to the church family. In this country Catholics are a.big family, sometimes divided, to be sure, but however glaring differences may be, faith is the binding force that ties our family together. ' The Catholic perception of the pope not asjust the leader.of the church but also as father of the earthly family of the faithful is misunderstood by many in the media industry eve~ with church experts at their side. During the papal visit many commentators and reporters filled air time with unfounded MEMBERS OF THE NOTRE DAME YOUTH GROUP SHARE A SIGN OF PEACE , speculations on various topics, while pages of newsprint were WITH FATHER MICHAEL RACINE ATTHE CLOSING MASS OFTHEIR RETREAT filled with such matters as papal traffic gridlock, the papal time "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth." EccI. 12:1 table, papal politics and the like. In the midst of such stories the message and the person are lost. One paper reflected that people were 'mesmerized not by the pope but by the O.J. Simpson verdict 'or Hurricane Opal. How fickle are our By Fa'ther Kevin J, Harrington called to confront political issues. In closing I would like to conpriorities! Last week the church in the UniHe challenged,them to put the bib- trllst an interview of former New But in general most Catholics in America know why they ted States was blessed by a fivelical wisdom that played such a York Governor Mario Cuomo with were caught up in the papal visit. All one had to do is look at day whirlwind visit by Pope John prominent role in our Founding the final words delivered by the Paul II. No one knows the longthe faces of those attending the papal Masses. One of the most Father's vision into the dialogue Pope at Camden Yards in Baltiterm impact on his visit. Hope- surrounding our current political more. Pro-choice Cuomo !itates: beautiful moments of fa.ith came as the pope was leaving Newark. The picture of a burly policeman with tears running fully, church attendance will soar issues. The Pope did not mince his "Nobody can ·tell me the Pope as it did in Denver following his words, ,even in the presence of wasn't addressing our government down his face as the pope hugged and blessed a baby needed no August 1993 visit. Vice-President Al Gore he con- policy. He wasn't addressing the media commentary. Let us hope the cynical observa- demned abortion. He did not steer Salvation Army. If you are a tion concerning the impact on New away from controversy. The presence of John Paul II in our land clearly showed that Republican conservative Catholic York City by the New York Times , Most importantly, the Holy Fa- and your Pope says you are behavwe possess enduring faith and that our church is a proud national heritage. The papal presence in Baltimore, long columnist, N.R. Kleinfield will be ther. did not patronize us. He ing like this to the poor, you'd disproven: "There was unquestion, overdue, gave testimony to the significance of the first Catholic ably a palpable feeling of civic refused to specifically address all have to think twice. That's all you our political pro,blems but he did need to get rid of Newt Gingrich." efforts to seek freedom offaith in this country. Much of what uplift. though something similar is not speak in generalities either. As Later he opines concerning the we are today flows from the struggles of the Calverts, Carrolls released when the Rangers claim a philosopher, our Holy Father, lasting impact of the 'papalvisit to and Setons. They shaped in so many ways the direction of our the Stanley Cup or the Yankees has a profound respect for human New York: "In this dynamic :place, church, as did James ·Cardinal Gibbons, who directed the capture the World Series (of late, reason. The Pope was not bei,ng this sometimes cruelly dynamic . however, papal visits are more deliberately vague in telling us place, where the waves are washprimatial see from 1877 to 1921. frequent)." how to deal with problems coning the shores clean every mi,nute, This heritage is a precious legacy now reinforced by the Kleinfield's column wasan excep- cerning welfare or immigration. If things change fast. Something may person of the pope. As one young person exclaimed, "we tion to what was generally far bet- these problems are not addressed wipe clean the sweetness of this ter coverage by the print media it is not because of lack of creative should invite the pope more often!" event very quickly. How long does Not a bad idea, especially if it reminds Catholics across the than that of other papal visits. The resources but rather because of a anything last in this city? You just "usual suspects", the celebrated nation of the need to renew our fidelity to the person of the dissident theologians, were kept lack of compassion. The Pope is turn the page." In my opinion giving us credit for being able to nothing quite mars the swe(:tness . Holy Father and to accept his guidance and that of the Spirit as from pontificating because the solve our own problems. of this event than a sour grapes media kept its eye and ear on what we prepare to bring America into the new millennium. commentary by the ex-governor

Critics can't taint Holy Father's visit

The Editor

the· ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER P'ublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the ~iocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue' P.O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 . Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FA)( (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box '7 or call telephone number above



Rosemary Dussault

Rev, John F. Moore ~


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Pope John Paul II did and Silid. , As the Pope moved from public arenas, such as Giants Stadium, the Aqueduct and Camden Yards , to the more intimate settings such as the cathedrals and, seminaries he visited his message changed focus. In the larger public settings in the New York area he focused on the need to embrace our newer immigrants with compassion, while, for example, at the St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers, he focused on the need for the seminarians to prepare for the courageous task of proclaiming a gospel of life amidst a culture of death. It seemed to me that as the Pope moved closer to our nation's Capitol he began to address his words for the benefit of those who are


praye~~~>BOX For Love Lord, our help and guide, make your love the foundation of, our lives. May our love for, you express itself in our eagerness to do good for others. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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and St. John's University graduate to boot! The shortest phrase ofthe New Testament comes to mind: "and Jesus wept." The Holy Father's words: "Catholics of AQ1erica, always be gl:.ided by the truths - by the truth about God who created and .redeemed us, and by the truth about the human person made in the-image and likeness of God and'destined for a glorious fUlfillment in the kingdom to come. Always be convincing witnesses to the truth. 'Stir into flame the gift of God' thaI has been bestowed upon you in baptism. Light your nation - light the world - with the power of the flame," Amen. There can be little doubt that the Pope tried to stir flame in the heart of every pemon!





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Faith in God vital for our salvatiofl Readings: 2 King!. 5:14-17 2 Timothy 2:8-)3 Luke 17:11-19 In today's readings two foreign lepers, Naaman the Syrian and an unnamed Samaritan, thank God for the gift of salvation. Let us rejoice with them in the words of the responsorial psalm: .. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God" (Ps 98). The beautiful story of Naaman and Elisha challenge's stereotypes about wisdom. pOWI:!", and race. Naaman isa highly esteemed Syrian army commander, but he isafnicted with leprosy. Although Aram (Syria) and Israel are bitter enemies. at the suggestion of his wife's servant girl, Naa man comes to Israel to be healed by "the prophet in Samaria." The king of Aram thinks that Naaman will be cured by the king of Israel and therefore provides his commander with extravagent gifts and a le:tter of introduction. When the Israelite king reads the letter requesting a cure, he laments, "Am I a god with power over life and death, that this man should send someone to me to be cured of leprosy." Elisha then sends word to the king: "Let him come to me and find out that there is a prophet in Israel." At first Naaman is offended by the simplicity of Elisha's instructions to plunge seven times into the Jordan river. "I thought that he would surely come out and stand there to invoke the Lord his God, and would move his hand over'the spot, and thus cure the leprosy." And he denigrates the modest waters of the Jordan in comparison with thl: mighty rivers of Syria. Despite his reservations. a servant convinces Naaman to do as the prophet has commanded. Once he has been cured, Naaman is overwhelmed with gratitude and courageously converts to belief in the God of Israel. He offers a gift to Elisha. the prophet, who refuses it because he has only been fulfilling his duty as a prophet. Although Naaman will have to return to his native country and enter the temple of the god of Aram, he asks the prophet for two mule-loads of earth from Israel so that he may build an altar upon it and continue to offer sacrifice only to the Lord the God of Israel.

DAILY READINGS Oct. 16: Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32 ,Oct. 17: Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 1l:37-41 Oct. 18: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Oct. 19: Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1-6; U~ 11:47-54 Oct. 20: Rom 4:1-8; Ps 32:1-2,5,11; Lk 12:1-7 Oct. 21: Rom 4:13,1618; Ps 105:6··9,42-43; Lk 12:8-12 Oct. 22: Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14-4:2; Lk 18:1-8

Paul ensures Timothy of the reliability of his faith. You can depend on this: If we have died with.him we shall also live with him; If we hold out to the end we shall also reign with him. . But if we deny him, he will deny us. If we are unfaithful he will remain faithful; for he cannot deny himself. (2 Tim 2:11-13)



Impressed by this foreigner's courageous faith, Elisha dismisses him with the words, "Go in peace." The epistle reading instructs Timothy that he must bear his share of the hardships which come from preaching the Gospel. Paul ad monishes him to "remember" that the heart of the Gospel is that "Jesus Christ was raised from the dead." Therefore, any suffering, including Paul's imprisonment in "chains" as a criminal, is to be endured with the confidence that "there is no chaining the word of God." Using a baptismal hymn,

Yes! Baby's on the way!

To appreciate the shocking nature of the Gospel story, we have to recall that at the beginning of Jesus' journey to Jerusalem as related by Luke, Samaritans refused to receive him and his disciples into their village because he was going to Jerusalem. On that occasion the disciples asked Jesus if they could re:taliate, saying "Lord. do you want us to call down fire' from heaven to consume them?" But Jesus rebuked them for their hatred and moved on to another village. Now, as Jesus draws near to Jerusalem, only a Samaritan, among the ten lepers Jesus cleansed. returns to give thanks. Like the famous character of the "Good Samaritan" in Jesus' parable (see Lk 10:29-37) who exemplifies true love of neighbor. this real Samaritan illustrates the appropriate response to God's merciful action.


Diocese of Fall River -

Luke skillfully conceals his identity until he has described his grateful actions. One of them. realizing that he had been cured, came back praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself on his face at the feet of Jesus and spoke his praises. This man was a Samaritan.


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Let us resolve to imitate the Samaritan by being grateful for God's saving action in our own lives. "Was there no one to return and give thanks to God except this foreigner?" Jesus said to the man. "Stand up and go your way; your faith has been your salvation."

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Our daughter Marie handed her MORRIS ',r mother a small pacKage (gift-wrapped in newspaper as has become family custom). Son-in-law Danen stood behind Marie smiling. "Got a present for you at the believe there was a time when thrift store:' she announced. Our there were no blue M&Ms. daughter - the st,alker of "good -Teaching her how to cast a deals" and Professional Pincher of line and then unsnarl the mess. Pennies. -Sitting under a lamp and read"What's this?" her mother asked. ing books with large pages with "Well, open it and see," daughbig print and eating Trix cereal ter instructed. If I'd had my eyes one piece at a time. closed, I would not have been able -Sneaking up on a spider web to tell mother and daughter apart. to see if we can find one who looks Newspaper ripp~d aside, spouse like Charlotte and check out if she pulled out a single baby shoe. A might be creating repairs or huntblue-and-white one about the size ing game. of a marshmallow. Marie and I -Buying a fresh box of crayons made instant eye contact. and helping her color inside the I cocked my eyebrows in wordlines. And then helping her color less father-daughter language, this outside the lines. being a' question. She smiled her -Teaching her how to pound a little-girl smile - a "yes" - and I straight nail. Teaching her how to knew. straighten a pounded nail. ConSo' did Eileen, although she structing a bird house together extended the moment. and. finding a place potential "What's this?" she asked the tenants might enjoy. young couple: -Laying on our stomachs togeth"What do you think?" coaxed er on the' grass to check out the daughter. . world of bugs and slugs. Rhyming' It's not every day you are told words, throwing rocks, picking you are going to be a grandparent, out puppies, painting fences, tying especially for the very, very first, shoes, washing dishes, eating frotime. zen yogurt, playing Candyland. "Looks like you finally got your -And as the years pass we'll wish," grinned the father-in-waitplay Pick.-Up-Sticks and Operaing. tion and Monopoly and Cri'bbage "You better believe it," I laughed. and Scrabble and ... After hugs and tears and coffee -Sitting in our pj's and watchand stories about pregnancy tests, ing Saturday morning cartoons Marie and Danen left to deliver and maybe talking Grandma into the baby shoe's right-foot twin to letting us eat waffles with ice cream Danen's family. on them in front of the boob tube. Eileen and I embraced together -Building a treehouse where in "my" chair. Pushing aside the we can discuss important issues potential delicacy of first and early and work on our prayer life,-like pregnancies, my heart and mind making sure we know all the words wandered off together into the to the rosary. not-too-distant future: And many a time I'll tell her the -Telling my grandchild about story of the time her mom and dad the times her mother (fill in the showed up at our house with a blank) ... little box with a little blue-and. :.........Trying to make him or her white shoe in it.


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Fri., Oct. 13, 1995

Wome'n 'called to action!'

The Fourth World Conference on Women ended in mid-September with a "call to action." Dele-. gates pledged to go back to their home countries and work for specific changes to make. life better for 'women. Amen and alleluia! But only time will tell if the world ever becomes the one asked for at Beijing - a world where women are not treated violently, not sexually abused and not,denied an education or robbed of their inheritances. I wasn't there. But as a woman, I was crucially interested in how this event was affecting the world. First I was shocked to learn it would be in Beijing because my introduction to how badly women are treated was based on my earliest views of China. When I was quite young I saw the movie based on Pearl Buck's novel "The Good Earth." Set in China the movie showed how wives had to walk behind their husbands with their heads down, and how husbands would abuse them and take all their money. For me China became synonySEN AD MEDAVOVIC, a 25-year-old Bosnian govern- . ment soldier, weeps outside the remains of his family home in mous with abuse of women. I Prhovo, a village in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He claims he es- found it ironic that this conference would be held in a country with a caped when Bosnian Serb soldiers came to his village in June, history of injustices against women. 1992. His mother, three brothers, and sister were killed. Pope I was slightly older when I JQhn Paul II will be meeting with the bishops of the former learned that such abuses against Yugoslavia flt the Vatican on Oct. 17 to discuss peace efforts. women were not restricted to China. , learned from my Italian

(CNS photo from Reuters)

I'm not interested, tell me more By Father Peter Daly Just as the "fasten seat belt" sign turned off, the young man in the window seat asked the inevitable question, "Whaf do you do?" It was fair. He already had volunteered the information on himself. He was an electrical engineer from Cambridge, England, traveling from Washington to San Diego on business. I calculated my answer for a moment. I was tempted to say I was something non-controversial. A shoe salesman perhaps. But conscience got the better of me. , sensed a lost slieep. Besides, as Mark Twain said, "Alway!; tell the, truth, you'll have less to remember."· "I'm a Catholic priest," I said. "I have a parish in Prince Frederick, Md., about an hour south of Washi ngton." "Really?" he said. His (:yes seemed to focus in. '" used to be a Catholic before I went to university. " The intensity of his conversation had the aura of disappointed love. "Don't you think the church is hopelessly out of date on moral questions?" he asked. "Our job is to be faithful to truth, not opinion polls," I answered. "How can there be .right or wrong, truth or error, when there are so many different opinions in so many different cultures?" he continued. "There is more agreement about fundamentals than many people realize," , responded. "That is how we can have things like internationallaw." "Besides," I continued, "morality cannot be determined by plebiscite. Our view is that some things 'are' always and everywhere good or bad. Circumstances can affect

grandmother how rigidly men were in charge of women in southern It~ly. that if men say water goes uphill. women must say "yes," and if men say the moon is made of green cheese. again women say ~~yes.



After reflecting on the 10 days in Beijing I realized that most memorable for me were words of two very different people - Hillary Rodham Clinton and Pope John Paul II. Mrs. Clinton spoke forcefully on how human rights for women are still abused - witness the rapes in Bosnia. She pulled no punches in saying how 'women must be given more control over their lives, real access to education and health care, and protection against violence. She said when women are respected and afforded dignity they can bring stability and strength to their families.'Bravo! But most gratifying for me was to read the letter the pope wrote for women just before the Beijing conference assembled. Saying it was time "to examine the past with courage," the pope wrote: "U nfortunately we are heirs to a history which has conditioned us to a remarkable extent. In, every time and place this conditioning has been an obstacle to the progress of women ... "Women's dignity has often been unknowledged and their preroga-

tives misrepresented; they have often been relegated to the margins of society .... And if objective blame, especially in particular historical context.s, has belonged to not just a few members of the church for this I am truly sorry." The pope said he wanted to "speak directly to the heart and mind of every woman," and I think he did in an asto~lnding, humble, honest way. He condemned sexual violence, thanked women for all they are a.nd do, affirmed that women have personal rights and that then: is "an urgent need to achieve real quality in every area." And he reminded us that Jesus himself was I:he one who set "women free from every kind of exploitation and domination." The pope sees that only a free, unexploited and dignified woman can make the choices that sustain life and living. His letter is brilliant and human - and for me is a memorable and lasting gem to come from the Beijing conf,~rence. Thank you, Pope John Paul.

Preschool is time for fun Dear Dr. Kenny: I want my child to learn to read and write early. She is 4 and seems so capable oflearning her numbers and her ABCs. " My husband and I want to enrich her preschool years to prepare her to' excel. Is there anything wrong with wanting her to get a head start?

the area where learning takes place.' And preschoolers want to learn. Get a good summary of developmental ages and stages. Our book "Whole-l,ife Parenting" (Continuum, 1982) provides an outline of age-appropriate abilities and tasks for all ages, and certainly for 4-year-olds. Four-year-olds learn in a different way. Using what is appropriate for her age, make your own educational plan. The works of educator Maria Montessori are a gold mine of projects and activities for preschool children. Take advantage of the fact that you can teach your daughter oneon-one. Use the world as your text. Learn about flowers and birds and gardens and cats and the stars and wind and fire and how clocks work and how to bake cookies.




our responsibility. op!lIIons can MARY affect feelings of guilt. but that cannot change the act. Sometimes culture. including the church, has KENNY been wrong. like about slavery. But thinking it was OK did not and strengths. Select aspects of her make it good." world which interest her. Head Start is a program for So it went for five hours. Parry Go places. Remember, a field children who are mentally or culand thrust across the empty seat trip is worth 100 classroom sesturally handicapped. who need between us, interrupted only by sions. A grocery store or a shopextra help to catch up, not to get dinner. (We agreed on the chicken. ping mall can be a learning expeahead of the others. The Head anyway.) rience if you are alert to the As we started our descent into , Start program is an attempt to opportunity and know what it is even things out, to give some extra San Diego, he went for the big your daughter can learn. preparation where trouble is anticigame. If you wish to enrich your pated. "What is the purpose of God daughter's preschool years, don't Nothing is wrong with helping and prayer? Can't people lead perteach her school subjects. Instead, your 4-year-old to learn letters and fectly happly lives without it?" select age-appropriate tasks and numbers. The .i·mportant thing is Was t'he change in cabin presprojects. Use the wide world and to be casual; teach letters and sure making me dizzy? all her senses to help her expenumbers as you would songs and "They can." I said as we touched Use all five senses in teaching rience in an educational way what rhymes, as a fun activity. down, "but they are lives of limited interests her. BeYQnd some fun activities with , and learning. See it. Feel it. Listen happiness. People could perhaps to it. Smell it. Taste it. Draw it. numbers and letters, do not emphaReader questions on fami Iy livbe happy locked in a comfortable Record it. Walk around it. Play ing and child care to be answered room. but that doesn't mean their, size school-style learning. Your with it. daughter is not 6 or 7 years old. lives wouldn't be enriched by in print are invited. Address quesShe is 4, and 4-year-olds have their exploring the world beyond the Listen to your daughter and tions: The Kennys; 219 W. Harriown exciting and wonderful ways observe her. Plan around het wishes son; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978. door. Besides, there has never been to learn. a culture anywhere that did not Children are intensely curious. pray." Their interest is easily aroused. The doors opened. For preschool children, play is He seemed unimpressed. "Just because religion has been popular serious business. Play is their work, doesn't mean it is good. Ten thou- 111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III111111111111111 sand flies'might flock around dung, always and everywhere sought God but that doesn't make it good. in prayer indicates he is sonieAnyway, I find the question of thing. or rather someone, imporreligion uninteresting." tant to human happiness." , was stumped. There is no I pressed my advantage. "You answer to boredom,especially tell me you have no interest in reliBritish boredom. , headed for the gion. ,But, if so. why have we door. wishing' had a rejoinder. talked of nothing else the last five As coincidence (or God, dependhours." ing on your viewpoint) would have I gave him my card. "Maybe the it, we met again on the bus to the Catholic Church doesn't have all car rental lot. I'm sure it sounded the answers, but at least, like you, strange to other passengers, but we ask the right questions." what the heck, this was California! He liked that thought and smiled. "Dung." I said, "is' good for flies. I swung my bags out of the bus. CATHOLIC SCHOOL children scream and wave flags They seek what is good for them. "Thank you," he said. as they wait for the arrival of the pope at Newark International "We seek what is good for us. The British are nothing if not The fact that human beings have polite. Airport Oct. 4. (CNS/ Reuters photo)


What is

work? Q. I work in an office at the computer all week. On weekends, I like to do more physical things to unwind, sometimes Sll\\', work in the garden and maybe even paint around the house. I never gave thi!. a second thought. I live a good life, go to Mass on Sundays regularly and say my daily prayers. Recently, however, we were told that to do physical work on Sundays was wrong unless it is absolutely necessary. I realize we are '10 keep the Lord's day holy, but what does that mean today? I remember hearing in grade school that we are not supposed to do servile work on Sundays. But I don't consider what I do servile work. Can you help? ( Massachusetts) A. First, it helps HI remember that the whole forbidden servile work concept developed in a quite different agricultural路路la bor society in centuries past. ' It is useless, and miss'es the point, to discuss (as we did formerly) whether gardening or changing oil in the car are allowed on Sunday. The aim of Catholic teaching and regulations today clearly is rather to have our home and our activities renect, on t~1at day above all, the peace, joy, contentment and love that should be ours because of what Jesus has done for us. Go ahead and work in the garden, sew or do anything dse that helps you unwind, feel useful or just keep busy, if that IS what you like to do and it helps you spiritually. The commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day by no means for-

Special needs clinic taking applications Applications are now being accepted by the Children's Physical Developmental clinic at Bridgewater State College: for openings for the spring semester, 1996. The Children's Physical Developmental clinic is a motor development, physical e:dueation and adapted aquatic program for children and youth with physical, mental and/ or emotional disabilities, ages 18 months through 21 years. Its purpose is to provide each participant with an individualized activity program. A child's program may include development of physical fitness, fundamental motor skills and patterns, swimming, lifetime sport skills and recreational activities. Activities take place in the colleges JohnJ. Kellygymnasiumand pool complex for eight Saturday mornings each semester of the academic year. Currently 75 children and youth from 42 communities are participating in th(: program. Founded at Bridgewater State College in 1973, the clinic has received state and national recognition as offering an outstanding program. Currently it is the only one of its kind in New England and one of the approximately 100 such clinics throughout the country. Enrollment applications can be obtained from Dr. Joseph H. Huber, Director, Children's Physical Developmental Clinic, Bridgewater State Colle~:e, Bridgewater, MA 02325, tel. (508) 697-1776 or 697-1215.

bids things like this for us Christians. If you participate at Mass regularly on Sundays, and keep up your prayers and other relationships with God as you are able, these activities are n6t wrong. Do them and enjoy them. Whatever obligations the church asks us to observe on Sunday are obviously meant as an aid to keeping this spirit of reverent renection, worship and rest.

Vatican Council II calls Sunday "the original fl:ast day" and urges that its observance should always be proposed and taught "so that it may become in fact a day of joy and of freedom from work" (Constitution on the Liturgy, 106). Church law says almost the same: "They (the faithful) should avoid any work or business which might stand in the way of the worship which should be given to God, the joy proper to the Lord's day or the

needed relaxation of mind and body" (Canon 1247). The Catechism of the Catholic Church expresses the same ideas and reminds us that human life needs a rhythm of work and rest. Sunday is a time, it says, for renection, silence, cultivation of the mind and meditation which furthers the growth of the Christian interior life (2184, 2186). Whatever enhances those goals for any of us can be a legitimate



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THE ANCHOR -, Diocese of Fall River -

Media shoulrll be fair to all

Fri., Oct. 13, 1995

The Art of Relating A one-day retreat to explore self-esteem/spirituality and irs impact on our relationships, which change as we grow. If nourishing, relationships help us become all that we can BE. We will look at what God teaches us about ourselves through our relationships and receive practical information, about increasing self-esteem/spirituality. Presented by Bob David and Jeri llabchenuk, both of whom have been conducting such workshops in the Boston area for several years.

November 4, 1995 • 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • $40 includes lunch Registration closes October 21. Contact: CAMPION RENEWAL CENTER' 319 Concord Road' Weston, MA 02193-1398 (617) 894-3199

THE RAINBOW GAMES recently afforded about 70 teenagers a day of sharing and activities at the Sacred Hearts Retreat Center in Wareham. Volleyball (top) and basketball were two of the events.t.he youths took part in ..(Jolivet photos) ;'.'

Rainbow Games teach y.outh about Church family FR. PAT'S YARD SALE

To benefit hurricane victims Saturday, Oct. 14 9:00 - 3:00 - Cafeteria Patio COFFEE HOUSE; KEVIN DOYLE

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'The Sacraments Tuesday, Oct. 17 -10:00 AM &7:15 PM Shrine Theater - $2 Donation BIBLE STUDY

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Saturday, Oct. 21 - 10:00 - 4:00 Fr. Leo Maxfield, M.S. Theater - $15 Donation

by Dave'Jolivet It's a refreshing change to watch a sport being played without highpriced, ego-inflated athletes strutting across the field. Such was the case recently at the Rainbow Games, spqnsored by the Sacred Hearts Community, a one-day event on the beautiful grounds of Sacred Hearts Retreat Center in Wareham. The experience, now in its third year, allows teenagers to meet each other and have fun playing games where the emphasis is on building family, not on competition. The day includes two hours of icebreakers in the morning, giving the teens a chance to get acquainted and later form teams for an afternoon of volleyball, softball and basketball. Thedayends with Mass, celebrating the Eucharist as new friends and "family." "The games were generated by the Sacred Hearts fathers to initiate' a community~wide youth ministry showing teenagers the values of internationality. Participants are 'multiracial and multilingual," said Father Bob Charlton, SS.Cc. This year nearly 70 teenagers and 20 youth supervisors participated. High schoolers from the parishes of Our Lady of Assumption, New Bedford, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet, and St. Mary's and St. Joseph's, Fairhaven, attended at the invitation of their parish youth ministers. "A nice aspect of the games is men and women working together: Fathers, Brothers and Sisters of the Sacred Hearts interacting with young men and women in the community," said Sister Dolores Pavao, SS.Cc.

GRAZ, Austria(CNS)- Catholic journalists must avoid "selective outrage and selective compassion" in reporting world conflicts, said the Vatican's chief media official. They also have a responsibility to distover the causes of world conflicts and to report the sufferings of victims, said Arch bishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications. "The worldwide media are more likely to cover stories of violence when Europeans or North Americans are involved in an intervention or as hostages," he said. "They are more likely to ignore violence when it does not involve Westerners or Western interests," he added. The archbishop spoke in Graz at a Sept. II m~eting of young Catholic journalists, sponsored by the International Catholic Union of the Press. "Would it not be interesting to do a report on where all the arms are coming from - who is getting rich on human misery and d,estruc-· tion?" he said. Reporting the causes of violence also means uncovering "corruption, denial of human rights, economic and political repressi.)n and injustice," he said. This "can cost you d,early" because "you will be afflicting the comfortable, which is often a dangerous and thankless activi':y," he said. At the Sept. 13 world congress of the International Catholic Union of the Press, also held at Graz, Archbishop Foley said that the written word is still important in the electronic media age. "Those in the written press can perhaps begin to develop an inferiority complex and even begin to think of themselves as relics of an outdated culture," he said. But high-quality written words "remain a compelling influence in a society hungry, although it may not even realize it, for reflective leadership, for reasonable analysis, for civil debate and dialogue," he said.

The Rainbow Games logo on T-shirts given to participants depicts the hearts of Jesus and Mary superimposed on a host and surrounded by the traditional medical symbols for male and female. It symbolizes hope that young men and women of all races and cultures united around Jesus and his mother will reach out together to build a better world. The games we,re the first of three activities planned for the young people. "Phase II gives the youth an opportunity to be in mission with Sacred Hearts Fath'ers in VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope Rochester, NY, Brownsville, TX, John Paul II plans to make a and in the Bahamas. The kids live week-long visit next February to for a week with the Fathers, expethe four Latin American countries riencing the poverty faced by many of EI Salvadore, Guatemala, Nicapeople in the world today. They ragua and Venezuela, sources said. see first hand why the Fathers are In Guatemala, the pope is expectin this mission," said Father Charl- ed Feb. 5-7 to help close the 400th ton. The Sacred Hearts commun- Jubilee of the' Black Chri!:t of ity currently serves in 40 countries Esquipulas, according to Guatethroughout the world. ,mala City' Archbishop Prospero Phase III will invite the same Penados del Barrio. youngsters to attend a retreat, In EI Salvador, the pontiff planoffering them a prayerful expe- ned to bless a new cathedral in the rience that may lead them to a capital and bring a message of commitment to helping their own post-war reconciliation. He first communities. "The retreat helps visited EI Salvador in 1983 at the the teens to reach out to poor peo- height of the civil war, which left pie and those not envangelized in more than 80,000 people dead. their own environments," Father CharlHis visit to Nicaragua will be the ton explained. first since that country rejected the Past experience with the games Sandinista government in 1990 elechas been very positive, he said. "( tions. remember receiving a phone call Meanwhile, a Vatican official from one of the high schools the said the pope was already rna king day after the games telling me a plans to visit Brazil for a third 'time bunch of kids were all wearing the in 1997. The pontiff will make the same T-shirts and some were talk- trip to preside over the second ing to kids they usually avoided. World Family Encounter, similar The school wanted to know what to the one held at the Vatican in happened to them!" 1994.

Pope visits Latin America

Seminarians pass Latin t.est BALTIMORE (CNS) - At 12 minutes it was one of the briefest stops in Pope John Paul II's fiveday U.S. visit. And it was conducted almost entirely in Latin, the ancient, official language of the Roman Catholic Church. The pope stopped at St. Mary's Seminary and University in Baltimore Oct. 8 for one re:ason, really - to transfer from car to helicopter in.order to get out to Baltimore Washington International Airport for his return flight to Rome. No speech or tour was scheduled. After his long day in Baltimore, Pope John Paul was 50 minutes behind schedule at 7: 1:5 p.m. when the popemobile pulled into the circular driveway in front of the seminary. It is the nation's oldest, established by French Sulpician priests more than 200 years ago, whe'n Baltimore was still the only diocese in the nation. As he came into view. shouts of "Viva il papa!" and "John Paulll! We love you!" erupted from about 200 seminarians and faculty from St. Mary's and severa: other seminaries in the region.. who were gathered on the steps awaiting him. Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore introduced the pope to Father Gerald L. Brown, Sulpician provincial, and a couple of seminary officials. Then in a surprise move the pope worked his way up the steps through the crowd and disappeared for a few moments inside the seminary. There were no reporters or television cameras inside to record the pope's unexpected private visit to the seminary chapel. When he re-emerged and got back down the steps. the pope turned and, with a hint of a mischievous smile, asked the seminarians,

"Do you remember your Latin?" He then went into the traditional Latin introduction to a blessing used by a bishop or pope: "Sit nomen Domini benediotum"("Blessed be the name of the Lord"). "Ex hoc, nunc et usque in saeculum" ("Now and forever"), the seminarians answered. "Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini" ("Our ~elp is in the name of the Lord"), the pope intoned. ' "Qui fecit caelum et terram" ("Who made heaven and earth"), they responded. He then gave them,his blessing: "Benedicat vas omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus" ("May almighty God bless you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit"). ' "Amen," they said, using the Latin pronunciation" Ah-men." Then Pope John Paul spoke in English: "Thank you." As he prepared to go back to the popemobile the seminarians began singing the Lord's Prayer in Latin: "Pater noster, qui es in caelis...... Smiling, the pope Climbed back into the pope mobile for the short trip across the seminary grounds to the waiting helicopter. "Salve Regina, Mater Misericordiae ..... ("Hail. holy Queen. M other of Mercy ..... )~ the seminarians began singing. The driver waited until they were about halfway through before he started pulling ~way. As the paperno bile came up to the helicopter, the final strains of the hymn drifted across, the campus: "0 clemens, 0 pia, 0 dulcis Virgo Maria" ("0 clement, 0 loving, 0 sweet Virgin Mary"). The pope was in the helicopter by 7:25 and it liftea off for the airport at 7:27.

Conscience is our guide by Mitch Finley

teachings on social justice the church's best-kept secret, and there is something to that. But -\ would call it a tie with the church's teaching on freedom of conscience. How many people realize that, for Catholicism, in the final analysis one must follow his or her conscience? - How many conservative Catholics would acknowledge ungrudgingly that this teaching exists, much less defend its legitimacy? - How many liberal Catholics would admit that this does not mean "do whatever is most convenient"? As I see it, we mu'st cry "Foul!" if anyone tries to short-circuit this freedom. People who take the trouble to be well-informed, who pray over an issue and still don't agree with an official church teaching that is neither central to Catholic faith nor infallibly defined - and there are very few of those - have the freedom to disagree, behave accordingly and remain "a Catholic in good standing."

"If man is admonished by his conscience - even if a n erroneous conscience, but one whose voice appears to him as unquestionably true - he must always listen to it." Who do you think wrote these words? A wild-eyed, radical, leftist theologian? On the l;ontrary, the author is none other than Pope John Paul II. They are from his international best seller, "Crossing the Threshold of Hope." This pope has been known to insist that Catholics must follow the official teachings of the church. I n other places in his book he does so. But when push comes to shove, John Paul" insists on the bottom line, and for Catholicism the bottom line is freedom of conscience. "This has always been the teaching of the church," the pope declares. "But even b'efore that, it was the teaching of Christ himself exemplified by his actions." The pope invokes the authority ofSt. Thomas Aquinas: "The position of St. Thomas is, in fact, well known: He is so consistent in his respect for 'conscie;nce that he maintains that it is wrong for one to make an act offaith in Christ if in one's conscience one is convinced, however absurdly, that it is wrong to carry out such an act." Finally, we may add the concise statement of the new Catechism of the Catholic Church: "A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience." Sometimes people; call Catholic





I may be accused of minimalism. But on this point the canon law of the church is minimalist too. It states that if you were baptized a Catholic and have not formally renounced the faith then you are a Catholic. The minimum is not the ideal, but still we should label no one as "not a true Catholic" apart from an explicit statement of apostasy. Catholics believe in freedom of conscience. Pass it on.

THE ANCHOR -- Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Oct. 13, 1995


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Homes have new director Diocesan Health Facilities has promoted Theresa Magellan, RN. M S, to the position of director of planning and marketing. Diocesan Health Facilities (DHF) is a system of four nursing homes sponsored by the diocese of Fall River: Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, Marian Manor, Taunton; Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, and Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. DHF also sponsors a care manager program based in Fairhaven and Bethany House adult day health care center, to open in Taunton. Mrs. Magellan will assist in planning new services for residents in both nursing homes and in their own homes. She will also develop and implement new marketing plans for the DHF system. She was previously the documentation coordinator at Catholic Memorial Home and was most recently assistant director of nurses at Marian Manor. A resident of Fall River, she holds a bachelor's degree in nursing from Rhode Island College and a master's degree in health service administration from Salve ReginaU niversity.


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The Anchor Friday, Oct. 13, 1995


Councils On Aging CHATHAM There will be a meeting Oct. 16, 10 a.m. regarding maintenance concerns of individuals with joint replacements. All who have had, or are contemplating this procedure are welcome. Program is free, for all ages. Call COA for registration, tel. 945-5190. Blood pressure clinic at senior center Wednesdays, 9 to II a. m. Call COA for an appointment, tel. 945-5190. Alcoholics Anonymous discussion meeti ngs at senior center T uesdays at 10:30 a.m. Alzheimer's caregivers support group will meet at the center Oct. 23. 10 a.m. Sight loss self-help support group meets in Orleans at Rock Harbor Village, 10 a.m. on the third ,":ed-. nesday of the month. >I<






MANSFIELD Flu clinic for senior citizen~ and those of high risk, any age, will be Oct. 24,1 to 2 p.m. A second dinic will be held Nov. 路2,5 to 6 p.m. Both at the COA. Information. registration: tel. 261-7368 or 2617369. >I<




SANDWICH Free cataract and glau(;oma screening at the senior center, Nov. 2, 9 to II a.m. To schedule an appointment, call the COA office. tel. 888-4737. The hearing awareness commit. tee will sponsor a speaker from NYNEX, demonstrating the latest in special telephone equipment services. Call to make a reservation.

* * * * PROVINCETOWN Free eye screening at the COA Oct. 23, 2 to 4 p.m. For an appointment, call COA, tel. 487-7080.

* * * * DENNIS Parkinson's support group will meet Oct. 16, 1:30 p. m. at the center. The Singles Club will meet Oct. 18, 2 p. m. at the center. Newly widowed or single ladies living alone are welcome. The Visiting Nurses pf central Cape Cod are conducting a round table on women's health Oct. 18, 1:30 p.m. at the center, providing the latest information and including a question and answer session. >I<





HYANNIS Hearing tests Oct. 20 beginning at I p.m. at ihe center. For an appointment. tel. 888-4737. A home visit can be arranged for the homebound.

Living the concept of Stewardship allows us to more fully comprehend the benefits of a Christian lifestyle.


Both creativity and flow(~rs bloom at. Madonna Manor

.8;; l!L_..~~ .

.-..._J_ 路....n.L.i..;

JUDGING BY their smiles, Ed and Lorna Murphy of Madonna Manor, Attleboro, enjoyed a'recent family cookout for residents and their families.


EDGARTOWN Blood pressure/ wellness clinic, Oct. 17, 1:15 p.m. Information: tel. 627-4368. >I<



Autumn Friend

Residents who participate in the begin the floral arrangements, we garden workshops at Madonna have a discussion about the differManor leave the activity with more ent types of flowers we w:ill use, than a new craft project or floral their different smells and te Ktures. arrangement. They also take with Many residents had gardens at them, pride, friendship and a sense home and enjoy talking about the of accomplishment. flowers and vegetables they grew," The garden workshops meet said Glenn. throughout the year to make sea-路 Loris Welch, a r"esident of the sonal crafts under direction of Manor, looks forward -:0 the Tom Glenn, groundskeeper for workshops. "I love flower:;, they Madonna Manor, and the Manor's do something to you." she :;aid. therapeutic activities department. . ."The workshops were created as Specialized oak gardening one way to help make Madonna benches have been constructed by Manor more homelike for resiMason Pickering, an environmentdents," said Susan Caldwell, Ma- al aide at the Manor. "The donna Manor administrator. benches will be stocked wit h supA favorite activity is arranging plies that residents can use whenfresh flowers taken from the Manor ever they feel like gardening and gardens. "The residents have a lot also during the'special workshops. of fun arranging flowers in the For many elders who gardened at workshops. We make a variety of home, working with plants and arrangements that they can take to soil at Madonna Manor can give their rooms and enjoy," said Glenn. them a sense of connecti on to The workshops engage residents' activities that were important to minds as well as hands. "Before we them," said Ms. Caldwell.

June Masters Bacher Our lives were new when first we met And felt a friendship start, And though the buds of yo':!th have bloomed, .There's springtime in the heart. For life must grow and life must change; Else what's a summer for? And now I fmd the years that bind More precious than before. For love that with each season grows Can never know an end; It reaches for eternity Beside an autumn friend.

LORIS WELCH works on a floral arrangement for her room.

Togetherness in Pray


DES to manage Meals on Wheels Bristol Elder Services. Inc. (BES) has announced it will manage the region's nutrition program, including Meals on Wheels. Elders currently receiving Meals on Wheels will continue to do so. although delivery time may vary. Eligible homebound elders interested in receiving those meals can also apply to BES.

North Attleboro, Raynham, Rehoboth, Seekonk. Somerset. Swansea. Taunton. and Westport. To inquire about other BES services or to address other elder issues. contact the information and referral department at either 6752101 or 1-800-427-2101.

Contact the BES Nutrition Program at 324-4619 or 1-800-2938943.

Stewardship is a way of living faith that expresses our willingness to be partners with Jesus and one another in carrying on the work of the Kingdom.

BES is a Home路 Care Corporation/ Area Agency on Aging providing quality service delivery to elders and their families living in Attleboro, Berkley, Dighton, Fall. River, Freetown. Mansfield, Norton,

A GROUP of older women pray during Mass at St. Joseph the Worker Church in Gray, Ind. A University of Portland researcher recently found that anxieties about death are significantly reduced when people in retirement communities come together for religious rites. (CNS photo by Karen Callaway)

................. . .'









. . THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri .. Oct. 13. 1995 ~




ST. PEREGRINE FOR CANCER VICTIMS AND THEIR LOVED ONES Every Thursday • 9:30 A.M. ST. LOUIS CHURCH 420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River

THOUSANDS OF people pray under a driving rain at Giants Stadium during Mass with Pope John Paul II in East Rutherford, N.J., Oct. 6. (eNS photo by Michael Okoniewski)

Does Vatican practice preachings on immigrants VATICAN CITY (CNS) - With his recent document on the position of illegal immigrants, Pope John Paul II turned a spotlight on what many experts believe is one of the most pressing social crises of our age. It's a phenomenon that breaks up families, leaves many immigrants without human rights protection, and provokes economic exploitation and virulent antiforeigner attitudes among host countries. The problem finds the Vatican deeply involved on the moral level, yet exempt from having to deal firsthand with the issUl~ on its own turf: The gates to the Vatican City State are closed to outsiders, a point made with some sarcasm by an Italian politician. "The church can give a good example by making its assets available and welcoming some non-European immigrants inside the Vatican," said Maurizio Gasparri, a member of Italy's former fascist party, commenting on the pope's September lew:r. • Is the Vatican open to the accusation of not practicing what it preaches on immigrants? Hardly, church officials say. The Vatican's 105-acre territory is mainly ceremonial gardens, halls and museums. You can't house Asian immigrant families in the Sistine Chapel. Butat Pope John Paul's request, the Vatican did construct a 72-bed hostel for the poor and homeless, run by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity. It is normally full, and many foreign immigrants are among its guests. More importantly, say Vatican officials, a number of central church agencies are on the front lines of the immigration problem every day. In Rome, members of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers work overtime trying to promote global problemsolving and local church action. They sometimes get a first-hand look at migrants' plight, and it leaves a lasting impression. Archbishop Giovanni Cheli, head of the pontifical council, reflected on some of his personal travels and on the global atlas of migration in 1995. Given the dimensions of the problem, he said,

the pope's recent letter should touch a nerve in the international community. Of the world's estimated 125 million people forced to live outside their own country, he said, only 20 million are official1y classed as refugees. In many ways, they are the fortunate ones - they can qualify for international assistance and U.N. protection. "The person forced to leave his country because of hunger is only a 'clandestine immigrant' and, as such, is hunted by th.e police and destined for forced repatriation," he said. The swelling 'numbers of these illegal immigrants have now reached about 100 million, he said. The largest concentrations are in the United States (about 4.5 million, mostly Mexicans), Western Europe (3 million) and industrialized Asian countries like Japan (3 million.) Most clandestien immigrants today move around the globe with the aid ofa "fixer" or middle man, who will charge his clients thousands of dolla.rs to bring them to a host country. When'they arrive, the immigrants are often broke and without documents; the fixer will frequently hold the document - real or forged --+ until more money is paid. But not all the clandestine immigrants finish their journey alive. In an East European heat wave this summer, a group of Sri Lankans died in the back of a locked and abandoned semi-trail~rtruck. They had each paid large sums to reach the economic promised land of Eastern Europe. In September, 12 Albanian refugees drowned off the Italian coast, underscoring that clandestine water routes are by far the most dangerous, said Archbishop Cheli. He noted that the Strait of Gibraltar has also become a tempting gateway to Europe, with tragic results: hundreds of North Africans have died trying to get across. Others try to reach the host country on a tourist visa and then stay on illegally. Archbishop Cheli said it was a "strange spectacle" to watch modestly dressed East Asian workers standing in line for tourist visas for Japan - one of the most expensive countries in the world. T.he international community

knows it has a problem, but so far has not been able to decide what to do about it. In 1990 the United Nations approved an international convention on the protection of the rights of'migrants - legal and clandestine - and those of their families. It cal1s on states to provide, for example, minimum health care to these immigrants on a par with its own citizens. Unfortunately, Archbishop Cheli pointed out, the convention remains a dead . letter because not enough states have ratified it. One of the most dramatic situations today is in Eastern Europe, where the Soviet break-up spurred massive migration and where the Balkan fighting has created hundreds of thousands of refugees. According to Father Silvano Tomasi, undersecretary of the Vatican's migration council, the predicted "invasion" of Western Europe by job-seeking East Europeans failed to materialize. But there has been a huge population displacement inside the former Soviet bloc. Recently, thanks to contributions from the German, U.S. and Australian churches, 13 counseling centers have been established to help these immigrants in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, Father Tomasi said. It's one more example of the church putting its resources where its verbiage is.

Oct. 16 1987, Rev. Raymond M. Drouin, a.p., Former Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River Oct, 17 1984, Rev. Gerald Lachance, Missionary Father Oct. 19 1928, Rev. Manuel A. Silvia, Pastor, Santo Christo, Fall ,River





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Gilyard elected as first black president

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 13, 1995

U.8. Catholics aid world's poor by buying crafts KANSAS CITY, Kan. (CNS). - When you help people struggling to survive in the world's poorest countries, you get a. good feeiing inside. Now, you can also get something a little different to decorate your house or give as ~ gift. Fifteen dioceses in the United States, including the archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, are participating in a pilot project that allows people to help empower individuals and communities in developing countries by buying something beautiful. Baskets, pottery, wood sculptures and jewelry are just some of the crafts offered through the new project called Work of Human . Hands. The program sells handmade crafts to people in the the U.S. 'by artisans from countries such as India, Kenya, Guatemala, Bangladesh and Peru. By selling to the U.S. market; the artisans recieve two to three .times the compensation they could receive if they sold their work in their homelands. "The art is so different and very beautiful," said Benedictine Sister Barbara McCracken, who is the contact in the Kansas City archdiocese for Work of Human Hands. "It is a wonderful connection of how our lives are touched by'artists in these countries and now we touch their lives as well," she added. "I think the program will help create a sense of union between people that are separated by more than miles.'; The project, which work~ with more than 160 nonprofit groups or cooperatives路in 40 developing countries, is sponsored by Catholic Relief Services and S ER RV International, a program of the Church of the Brethren. "It's a very common mission to empower people so they bl:come self-sufficient," said Brian Backe, spokesman for Work of Human Hands in Baltimore. "We've been interested in marketing crafts from devefoping c()untries for several

years and we thought' this joint venture was a good opportunity for all involved. We are helping people who need help." The program works by having parish groups sell the crafts at church or community festivals, arts and crafts shows and fairs. The parishioners order items from a 54-page catalog that they feel will sell well in their area. The group then keeps 10 percent of the net sales, with another 10 percent. returned to the diocese for local CRS work. The artisans' cooperative rec~ives 80 percent of receipts. Individuals also can order directly from the catalog, although orders forurider $200 do not receive the two 路10 percent rebates and are subject to shipping and handling charges. lsacKe said the quality of the merchandise is "quite good." an~I comparable to what consumers co~ld purchase in a store. "It wouldn't do 'us - or the p~ople making the items any good if the quality wasn't good," he said. "We try to have things reasonably priced and of good quality." About 70 percent of the artisans are women, and most are subsistence farmers growing food to feed their families. For example, the program works with Ii cooperative of Guatemalan widows who have been able to provide for their families and build a new school and well-baby clinics through their crafts. "This program allows us to carry out our mission of providing hope and solace to the poor in developing' countries throughout the world," said Kenneth Hackett, CRS executive director. "It is importailt that we provide an opportunity for supports, the Catholic community in the United States, to interact with people in developing countries." The Work of Human Hands catalog can be obtained and orders placed by calling (800) 685-7572.

POPE JOHN PAUL II addresses the United Nations 50th General Assembly on OCt. 5. He called on the international organization to become a "moral center". where all nations can feel at home and develop a shared awareness of being. (CNS/ Reuters photo)

Catholic universities must teach truth

BLOOMINGTON, Minn.(CNS) remain silent about the word of - Catholic universities belong in God," the cardinal said, adding the heart of the church and so that academic freedom is somemust both teach and defend church times mistakenly preferred over teachings, Philadelphia Cardinal truth. "What makes a university CathoAnthony J. Bevilacqua told a national gathering of; Catholic lic is its insti~utional relationship to the church," he said. That means scholars. it must have a "whole-heart, insti~'A Catholic university that does not defend the teachings of the tutionlll devotion without reserve church is living a lie," the cardinal to the magisterium," which is the teaching authority of the church. said at the 18th annual convention He said that while the church of the Fellowship, of Catholic defends the capacity of the human Scholars in Bloomington. intellect, it also recognizes the difThe theme of both the convenficulty the human intellect has in tion and the cardinal's keynote address was "The Nature of Catho- . accepting moral truth. "The magisterium is able to counter human lic Higher Education." ego, pride and fallibility," he said. The organization, consisting of The current debate about the more than 1,000 Catholic interdisidentity of Catholic colleges and ciplinary scholars who have an universities is "more than just acaacademic, doctoral degree or its demic," Cardinal Bevliacqua conequivalent, was established in 1977 tinued. "The very identity of Cathoto defend and promote the Catholic lic universities is at stake." faith. Cardinal Bevilacqua is one He said truth does not enslave of it founders. scholars, but rather protects them In his speech, he said 'Catholic from fads and changing fashions. universities derive their nature from Objections to Pope John Paul II's their founding by the church. norms for Catholic education, "Ex "It was from the heart of the When Pope John Paul II speaks on issues of faith, Corde Ecclesiae" ("From the Heart church that the Catholic universiof the Church"), are based on a justice and' peace, U.S. Catholics agree with him... ties grew, and it is at the heart of perceived threat to academic freethe church that the Catholic unidom, according to the cardinal. versities belong," he said. "The 19% Always He defended the pope's teaching, church is the teacher of truth, and saying it reaffirmed "the correct it is her responsibility to teach the ordering of freedom and truth." 51 % Most of the time truth of Jesus Christ." "Truth is the condition of freeHe said the Catholic university dom, justice and human dignity," must be "an institutional witness 24% Sometimes he said. "The Catholic university's to Christ and' his message," and role is assisting in the protection must have the courage. to speak and advancement of human dig2% Rarely "uncomfortable truths" about such nity." issues as abortion, euthanasia, Bishops must be in constant diasexuality, divorce, contraception, 1% Never logue with administrato~s of the homosexuality, family life, virtues Catholic institutions of higher and commitment. to the common learning in their dioceses, he said, 2% Don't know good. challenging them to maintain ad"If the church as the people of herence to the teachings of the From telephone interviews with 516 Catholics God is to be salt for the earth, then church. He said he meets twice the Catholic university must not yearly with administrators of the in mid-Atlantic states. hide its salt," he said. Such institu13 Catholic colleges in the ArchSource: Winhlin Group Survey for The Catholic Review, t99S. Cl1995 CNS Graphics tions must. "provide students pro- diocese of Philadelphia. found reason and the teachings of The position of the Fellowship A RECENT survey of Catholics in the mid-Atlantic the church, not the popular whims of Catholic Scholars will prevail, region found that 70 percent agree with the pope always or of the day." he said, because "we have the magmost of the time when he speaks on' issues of faith, justice and isterium, the pope and God on our, "What a Cathonc university side." .. '" .. peace. (CNS;g[~R~i,c),.r "' ..,. v" . ., .".b'.~ ; ,.;. '. t,; 'r', sho~I,q: f~~H is ~h~: te,~pta~iqn to

In Union with the Pope

NEW ORLEANS (CNS) - The National Association of the Holy Name Society elected its first African-American president, a man who kept his Catholic faith alive by reciting the rosary during 38 months as a prisoner of war in Korea. The new president, Aaron Gilyard, a 40-year member of the Holy Name Society, is a member of St. Gabriel the Archangel Par- ' ish in New Orleans and a retired ambulance company executive. He was elected to a two-year term during the associatio:rt's 25th anniversary convention in New Orleans. The 73-year-old GilyaJd told the Clarion Herald. newspaper of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, that he was proud not on::y to be the first African-American to lead the church's oldest lay organization but also to begin a campaign to attract younger members. "Being the first black pn~sident, of course, is history, but that's not the reason I feel great," he said. "Over the past 40 years, the Holy Name Society has established itself as a leader for this world." "I would like to see the Holy Name Society double in size;' he said. "I have very high hopes for expansion." The rosary was a focal point of the silver jubilee gathering, Nearly 200 delegates joined Auxiliary Bishop Michael A, Saltare:.Ii of the Archdiocese of Neward, N.J., to continue a 49-year traditic路n of reciting the rosary daily on local radio, Holy Name membl~rs said the live rosary broadcast is "the longest continually broad'cast daily radio show in the free world." Bishop Saltar,elli, who is episcopal moderator of the association, said younger members are needed to carryon devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. The society was founded by Dominicans in 1274 to prom,)te reverence for Jesus' name, Members organize retreats, holy hO:Jrs and other spiritual and dev,:>tional exercises at the parish and diocesan level. "We as Catholics and Christians find salvation in the name of Jesus;:Bishop Saltarelli said. "We want to foster that devotion and reverence for the Holy Name.". Lawrence L. Lagarde Jr., a juvenile court judge in New Orleans and local chairman of the (:onvention, urged delegates to trust in God:s providence for the s.ociety's work. Lagarde has held a prayer meeting in his courtroom every morning for the last eight years. "When you're in court later in the day and encouraging somebody toward good citizenship, which involves responsible values," the jud,ge said, "then in effect, without trying, you're teaching Christian values, Catholic values." Gilyard credited the re:ligious training he received from his mother for helping him endure many trials in life. "She' would always tell us that everything happens for the best," he re:called. "God worked out the way for it to happen."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 13, 1995


Immigration bill needs breakdown WASHINGTON (eNS) - As company that employs 500 people, Congress takes up sweeping im- most of whom are immigrants. migration reform, a coalition of Steven Moore, director of fiscal religious, labor, manufacturing, policy studies for the Cato Insticivil rights and political leaders is tute, a libertarian think tank, said pressing to at least break up if not the 350-page House bill has "not a entirely rewrite bills they say will single redeeming feature." hurt their interests. "It's the most restrictive piece of Archbishop Theodore E. Mc- legislation in 70 years," Moore Carrick of Newark, N.J., chair- said. And it ignores the fact that man of the U.S. bishops' Commit- "the vast majority of people comtee on Migration, said the story of ing through the system are huge immigration has been reduced to contributors to the country." "generalizations about a nameless, Muzaffar Chishti, director of faceless 'they' that come to this the immigration project of the country to do things we don't want Union of Needletrade, Industrial them to do." and Textile Employees, said the He was joined at a Capitol Hill bill carries an underlying racist CITIZENS OF Slidell, La., stand before a Catholic Church Extension Society chapel car press briefing by four immigrants theme and that it threatens core in this 1907 photograph. The railway car gave priests the ability to ministe:r to 'Catholics in who told how proposed changes in American family values. the law might affect them. Also Frank Sharry, executive direcisolated communities. (CNS photo from Catholic Extension) joining him were representatives tor of the National Immigration of the National Association of Forum, said polls show a majority Manufacturers, the Cato Institute, of Americans are anxious to curthe National Council of La Raza, tail illegal immigration but don't the Union of Needletrade, Indushave the same interest in reducing Continued from Page One Stop the I-Iomophobia, Stop the said. but "in particular, for nations and Textile Employees, the trial legal immigration. Pope." . and people emerging from a long "You need courage to follow Alexis de Toqueville Institution, The panelists agreed that if the At Giants Stadium nearly 83,000 of trial, your country stands period Christ, especially when you recogthe American Immigration Lawentire immigration bill cannot be people waited hours in the rain to upon the world scene as a model of nize that so much of our dominant yers Association and the National killed, their goal is to break it into hear the pope urge them to remema democratic society at an advanced culture is a culture of night from Immigration Forum. bills that deal separately with legal "the kind of nation America ber stage of development." God. a culture which displays a The briefing was part of a twoand illegal immigration. has aspired to be." He presented "Your power of example carries day nationwide lobbying effort that not-so-hidden contempt for human of the nation as one conhis view "The fundamental force driving with it heavy responsibilities," Pope brought more than 300 people to life, beginning with the lives of the the whole debate is the lack of discerned about the poor and the John Paul said. unborn. and extending to contempt Washington. immigrant. tinction between legal and illegal Four days later, at Oriole Park. for the frail and elderly." the pope As Congress considers immigraimmigration," Sharry said. He said The pope reminded his listeners he noted that" America has always tion policy which would cut the said. the bill's sponsor, Rep. Lamar of the nearby Statue of Liberty, wanted to be a land of the free." Wherever he went, the pope was number of legal immigrants by 30 Smith, R-Texas, seems to be "atemblazoned with the words of "Every generation of Americans percent and reduce refugee admisgreeted by enthusiastic crowds: tempting to outrun the opposiEmma Lazarus' poem: "Give me needs to know that freedom conmore than 80,000 people at Giants tion" by moving the bill through your tired, your poor, your hud- sists not in doing what we like, but sions by 50 percent, "it is incumStadium in East Rutherford, N.J .. bent upon all of us to remember the House quickly before it can be dled masses yearning to breathe in having the right to do what we those human beings who are at the and Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens, free ...." thoroughly analyzed. ought." he said. N. Y.; nearly 60,000 al Baltimore's center of that policy," he said. "Uthe bills are separate, we can "Is present-day America becomBefore leaving from BaltimoreOriole Park; and 125,000 people at Other proposals attacked by the have a much more productive deing less sensitive, less caring toward Washington International Airport, panel would eliminate some famCentral Park. New reports said bate on both," he said. the poor, the weak, the stranger, Pope John Paul urged Americans ily preferences and allow spillover 350,000 people turned out for the Noting the diversity among the the needy?" asked Pope John Paul. to "love life, cherish life, .defend of family visas to cut into the ,papal parade through downtown panelists at the briefing, Cecilia "It must not." life, from conception to natural number of people permitted to Baltimore. Munoz, deputy vice president of I-Ie said the United States was death." After reciting the rosary with enter on work visas. A national the National Council of La Raza, called to be "a welcoming culture." I-Ie also met with Vice President identification card that would be thousands of people in St. Patrick's asked: "What is the constituency And with special emphasis, he AI Gore, who told the pope he and Cathedral Oct. 7, the pope walked required in order to work also is for this bill?" asked: "If America were to turn in Clinton were grateful for his peace proposed. The House bill also was outside near the crowds that came on itself, would this not be the efforts in Bosnia-I-I erzegovi na, to sec him. criticized for mixing legal and illebeginning of the end of what con- especially his planned Oct. 17 gal immigration changes in the As the rosary ended. the police, stitutes the very essence of the meeting at the Vatican with the same legislation. Secret Service agents and U.S. American experience?" bishops of tht: former Yugoslavia. bishops' conference officials seemed Lourdes Rivera, 24, said a proAlso during the trip, the pope: I-Ie was repeating his message surprised. "The pope's escaped on vision of the House bill that would - Blessed the building that hous- cut off siblings and adult children foot down Fifth Ave,!" said one. from his Oct. 4 arrival at Newark, es the Holy See mission to the Uni- from family immigration visas N.J ,'s, international airport, where I-Ie walked to the corner of E. ted Nations Oct. 7. he was greeted by President Bill 50th St. and over to Cardinal John might force her to leave her entire - Met informally with leaders family (her mother, who put her Clinton, a host of government and J. O'Connor's residence on Madison Ave., surrounded by a couple church leaders. and the screams of of other religions at the residence through Texas Christian Univerof Cardinal John J. O'Connor of sity, and her two younger sisters 2,000 schoolchildren waving Vatidozen Vatican officials and hunNew York. can nags. dreds of security offidals. who she hoped to help through - Ate a meal of chicken and college) and return to Mexico after The United States has a responEarlier, while he was in the Sales And Service rice casserole with about a dozen 12 years in this country. cathedral, about 200 gay protes- sibility not only to its own citizens adults and seven children at a Balters outside, kept lit a distance by and those seeking' a better life For Marty Shih, a Taiwanese Fall River's Largest timore soup kitchen Oct. 8. within its boundaries, the pope riot police, shouted "Stop AIDS, immigrant, his plea to Congress is - Visited with leaders of Catho- "Don't kill the American dream." Display of TVs lic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops' Shih came to the United States in overseas rdief and development 1979 on a student visa and married RCA· ZENITH· SYLVANIA agency, at Baltimore's Basilica of a citizen. Starting with a job sellback half an hour later, only the Continued from Page One 1196 BEDFORD STREET !he Assumption. ing flowers on the street, Shih now couples assisted by International cups and bowls of ice cream re- Visited Baltimore's Cathed- owns a chain of flower shops and 673·9721 mained. Children's Services. ral of Mary Our Queen. recently started a telemarketing "It was a mystical moment," Given the obvious nervousness said Mulrenin. "He blessed, my of. the guests and the once-in-awife for being th(: mother of lifetime chance to chat with the adopted children," pope, did anyone eat? Obviously, 'Mulrenin said, the "Everyone, including the pope, meal was his highlight of the pope's cleaned their plates," Mulrenin Oct. 4-8 trip to the United States. said. But he said he was also struck by . Our Daily Bread opened 14 years a message of the trip: "I n an opuago and serves an average of 800 lent society we must serve the meals a day, said Jim Choplick, COMPLETE HEATING SYSTEMS poor." Catholic Charities spokesman. M ulrenin said that after the SALES & INSTALLATIONS Although it was not just any day' PROMPT DELIVERIES blessing, whel'! reporters were esat the soup kitchen, the papal meal DIESEL OILS corted from the room and the meal kept as close as pos1jible to normal 24 was served, Cardinal Keeler reoperating procedure, from the HOUR SERVICE introduced each family and exchoice of the drinks and what they 465 NORTH FRONT ST plained what Catholic Charities' were served in to. the fact that NEW BEDFORD program they had participated in. volunteers brought the meals to . . .... . When reporters were brought the table for the diners.

Pope urges Americans

Eastern Television


brE~aks bread

with poor I





Our Catholic Schools • Our Catholic Yout Connolly happenings Tara Agrawal of Swansea, a junior at Bishop COJ:1nolly High School, recently spent weeks volunteering at the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) in northern New Hampshire through the Landmark Volunteers Program. ! Landmark Volunteers is a nonI' profit community service organization that provides high school l students with the opportunity to f' volunteer at various historical, , cultural, conservation and social :K.." \:,~ ,,;>··,,··,···i#··\. I '. .. service organizations across the FROM LEFT, Derek Sousa, president; Daniclle: Valcountry. A high level of maturity co~rt, vice-president; Jocelyn Kagan, secretary and Chuck and a strong sense of cooperation FRENCH NATIONAL Honor Society officers were typify Landmark volunteers and Burke, treasurer. announced by moderator Mrs: Linda Ausiello (standing cen- are essential as the group works long days doing very strenuous ter). Kristin Yngve and Kristen Adams of North Attleboro physical labor. (seated from left) are co-presidents, Kelly Bam.berry of PlainTara was assigned to a trail ville; (standing left) is the secretary and Kara Svendsen of work project ihat was particularly Attleboro is treasurer. Missing from the photo is liaison Kath- demanding. The work required Three seniors and one junior . student leaders develop thl~ skills hiking two to eleven miles with have been elected student council , 'necessary for effective lead«:rship. erine Aprea of Cumberland. heavy tools in order to get to and officers at Bishop Stang High Bishop Stang has begun c:ollectfrom the worksite. U hder the School, North Dartmouth. Senior , ing school investment points from supervision of an AM Ctrail work Derek Sousa of Tiverton, RI, son Bank of Boston to get free educa'coordinator, volunteers completed of Richard and Gorett Sousa, was . tion~1 equipment. it variety of projects, including elected president. Vice-president is' Stang collects the school investbuilding water bars, cleaning out senior Danielle Valcourt, the daughment points from supporters who drainages', clearing brush and ter of Joseph and Patricia Val,"turnpiking" which is a bridge court of Westport. Senior Jocelyn :,open accounts or engage in other qualifying transactions or just by built, over swampy areas, which Kagan;of Mattapoisett; the daughgoing into a Bank of Boston. required digging ditches in deep ter of Teresa and Mark Kagan, mud; moving rocks weighing up to was elected secretary and junior Points will be issued until April three hundred pounds, carrying Ch~ck Burke fromDartmouth was 30, 1996. Bishop Stang asks parlogs throug~,thick underbrush and elected treasurer. He is the son of ents, alums, friends and communhauling pil~ after.pile of gravel, Sl,lzy and Charlie Burke. ity members ,to help support this Through the completion'ofthese Sinc~ the student counciIQfficprogram by donating their school projects, volunteers learned how ,ers at Bishop Stang were elected investment 'points, in person or by to builq and maintain hiking trails prior to. theqlose, .of the, school mailing them to the De,velopment using a .v;ariety of tools including year, they were able. to attend an Office, BishopStang,500,Slocum axes, bark peelers, pick axes apd International Student Leadership Road, North Dartmouth, MA 'hazel hoes. Institute at U Mass-Dartr:nouth last 02747. For further information Angel.a Pacheco of Fali River June. The lnstitute seeks to help contact Suzy Burke, 993-8959. and Kenneth Marino o( Warren, both seniors ,at Bishop C,onnolly B~nk , NATION AL LATIN Honor Society 'offi'eers are presi-' High School, have been: nominated dent, Jason Collins of Mendon, 'seated right, and standing for the second annual Wendy's The Coyle and ,Cassi,dy Food ject Bread) that does so much to High School Ht:isman Award. The from left, vice-pres'ident Chris Conrad of North Attleboro and' national awards program, created Pantry was the recent recipient o'f try to alleviate problems among treasurer Daniel O'Brien of Attleboro. Katherine Aprea, not by Wendy's, the National Associa- a majoraward from Boston's Pro- the hungry," said Cote upon receiving this award. "We also acl:nowlpictured, is secretary'. Their moderator is Mrs. Diane Crane of tion of Secondary School Princi- ject Bread Board of Directors. The Food Pantry members were edge the support of the Coyle and (NASSP) and the Downtown pals Norfolk. honored at the"annual Project, Cassidy Community and we accept Athletic Club in New York City, Bread-Walk For Hunge~ banquet this award for them as well." recognizes academic achievement, In addition -to the plaqt:.e, the held at the Boston Marriott Hotel community service and, athletic Bi~hop Feeh~n Long 'Wharf for their "outstand- school also was awarded'a grant accomplisnments of, high,sc.hool tion of its moderator, math teacher senior men and women. . Father Greg Ma'thias" chaplain ing efforts to help feed the hungry." from Project Bread to conti::lUe its . .. : G.inny·Jolin and led~y senioi'capat Feehan Hign School, Attleboro, Coyle Cassidy High School was work in the Food· Pantry. Each commenced activities for Respect' tains Cristina Pacheco and,Jason one of only nine Boston-area Spring, many students and staff Colli,:!s, ,has announced that it Life month by traveling to Boston groups or individuals to be so from Coyle and Cassidy, partici. ." ." ... competed in it,S first league ll)eet. with a group qf stl!dents for-the honored. ' 'pate in Boston's Walk For" Hunger. The team is a member of the 22 annual Walk for Life celebration The Coyle and Cassidy Food The millions of dollars· (:arned on' Oct. L team Southeas~ernMassac'husetts Pantry is in'its f9urth year of oper- through' this walk go to the many Math League':, . The Drama department. has Albert Vaillancourt, assOciate ation and' both students and siaff differeni outlets within the' Comstarted its auditions for the school's. director of the Fall River Area serve more than 250 Taunton-area monwealth which are dedic~,ted to fall prod ~ction, The !{ut Faciory: CYO, has :announced a meeting '(amili~s each month. .' helping the state's needy. 'directed by' Alden Harrison. The for all CYO' basketball coaches at Accepting the plaque were Food 'The Coyle and Cassidy Food ,production will run evenings Nov. 7 p.m. Oct. 19 at the Anawan " Pantry coordinator Michael Cote Pantry began its operation in , . 16 and 17 with a matinee on Nov: Notre Dame School' teachers Street CYO in Fall Ri'ver. New, and faculty member John Healy October, 1992 iii an attempt to 19. with several students also present. and students have a filII slate of basketball rules' for the coming alleviate 'the problems faced by so The Guidance department will events planned for October, all of season will be discussed and each , "We recognize and honor th.is ma'ny of the re'sidents in the greater 'sponsor itsannual College Admis,evening extraordinary achieve- Taunton area concerning food which involve patents'and children. team should have a coach present. sions Informatiol1 night in the 'Vaillancourt said over 90 tea'ms' ments and: contributions of very On Oct. 20 students'will receive. needs.'1t provides a bag of grocerschool's auditorium on Oct. 16 at 'special individuals and organiza- ies' on .the last Saturday of every progress report's, marking the. are expected to compete in the var7:30 p.m. Brian MU'rphy, Admis~ tions, including Coyle and Cassidy middle of the first trimester. On; ious CYO divisions this season, month to the needy in the Taunton sions Director at Stonehill College Oct. 22 Notre' Dame will hil ve its' and he reminded coaches that team High School." said Project Bread- area. ' will address the assembly focusing Walk for Hunger board of direcfirst Alumni Parish Reunion pre- rosters are due on Nov. I and may Since its beginning; the Food on undertaking the application ceded by an II :30 a.m. liturgy. be brought to the CYO between 5 tors chairman Robert Tucclemann. Pantry has witnessed an in,:rease process and writing a successful Oct. 26 is the date for the Pro- and 9 p.m. on that date. "Through them we salute the out- from I SO to a steady 250 people college essa y. He also announced that the standing efforts of an entire com- each and every month, At ChristLife liturgy. This celebratlon will In a continuing move to enhance munityjoining together to feed the include parish and student involve- annual jamboree that kicks off the mas time, the number is close to the qualify of the school's recyseason will take place from 4 to 10 hUhgry in our midst." 300 individuals.. ment. cling services, the M.O.V.E. organiCoyle and Cassidy HighSchool The school's annual Halloween' p.m. Friday, Nov. '10. It will fea"It is our greatest hope, at Coyl~ zation (Maintain Our Vital Envirwas also honored as being the only and Cassidy Catholic High SC:lOOI," Party sponsored by the 7th & 8th ture exhibition basketball games onment) has provided specifically grades will include game booths, as well as other games, music, high school in Massachusetts, Cote added, "that our students are marked barrels in the cafeteria for public or private, to run a food food and costumes. Students of dancing to DJ's Spectrum Sound educated in a way that enlivens aluminum cans, glass and plastic pantry. Grades 1-2-3 will enjoy a costume and refreshments. their compassion for any penon in bottles. The regular season will begin "We are deeply grateful for thi!i parade around the block and trick need. while motivating the'm to The Math Team, under the direcSaturday, Nov. II. award from the organization (Pro- action." or treating.


k '~


Bishop Stang announces student council officers

Coyle Ca'ssidy Food

High 'School



FR CYO director sets. meeting. '.

Notre Dame School

is honored

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 13, 1995

By Charlie Martin

ROLL TO ME Look around your world pretty baby Is it everything you hoped it would be? The wrong guy, the wrong situation The right time to roll to me, Roll to me. And look into your heart pretty bat)y Is it aching with some nameless need? Is there something wrong And you can't put your finger on it? Right then roll to me. Afld I don't think That I have ever Seen A soul so in despair And so if you want to talk (;uess who will be there. So don't try to deny it pretty baby You'~e been down so long Vou can hardly see When the engine stalls And it won't stop raining It's the right time to roll to me Roll to me, Roll to me. Written by Currie, Sung by Del Amitri Copyright (c) 1995 by A&MRecords Ltd. DEL AMITRI's "Roll to Me" is upbeat and to the point. This musical approach is interesting, especially considering what the song discusses. In the song, 1I guy says to his friend: "I don't think that I have ever seen a soul so in despair." Apparently, the woman has been "down so long you can hardly see." To him, the answer to her depression is simple: "When the engine stalls and it won't stop

raining. it's the right time to roll to me." Clearly. this guy thinks that he can make the girl forget her blues. Perhaps he is right. Ifshe is down over something minor and passing. say, a'fight with her boyfriend or flunking a test, a little distraction might help her get past her difficult feelings. But what if she has been depressed for a 10I;lg time? Teens often have the best glimpse of what is going on

with other teens. Sometimes young people can fake out their parents or teachers but can't fool other teens. So, how should one respond to a friend who is depressed? What if someone you care about just can't find the light at the end of the tunnel? Much depends on hOw open this person will be with you. If your friend is willing to talk, gently invite this person to express any feelings of sadness, anger or depression. Listen carefully. Don't offer advice or quick fixes. Instead, try to understand the reality your friend faces. Life begins to get better when we don't feel isolated, lost or depressed. True, only as an individual can any of us experience our feelings. Vet a friend's caring can provide a bridge of hope to a more promising future. However, if the person mentions suicidal thoughts or plans, it's time to act. Ask the person to talk with some trusted adult. Offer to accompany your friend as she or he reaches out to those who can provide the support and skill needed to get out of the depression. If the person refuses to db so, do not carry ttiis knowledge alone. Depression can steal a way a person's ability to see reasonable approaches to a situation. A person's life and future could be in the balance. Tell some trusted ad ult what you have learned .. Depression can affect a person of any age. Sometimes being acari ng, listening friend is not enough to help a person with this kind of hurt. Sometimes, you must act on your caring, even when your friend does not understand why you do so. Your comments are always welcome. Plellse address: Charlie Martin, JRR 3, Box 182, R9ckport, IN 47635.

St. Mary's School, New Bedford School spirit wee:k found the students of St. Mary's School in New Bedford engaged in a variety of activities to show SMS spirit. The week began with the students and faculty dressing in the school colors of blue and white. The faculty challenged the students to a "Jeopardy" game on Tuesday; each team won a game. Hats with school symbols and blue & white ribbons abounded on Wednesday and Thursday's pep rally was highlighted by the faculty"s skit "Cheer-

ing Through the Ages." They were assisted by the school's cheerleaders who led the entire student body in singing "Happy Birthday" to Msgr. John J. Oliveira, pastor of St. Mary's Parish. Each student also designed a pennant to reflect their school spirit and decorate the halls. The Feast oCthe Guardian Angels October 2nd was celebrated in story, prayer, poems and crafts by the children in all grades. The second graders created "rock

angels" for the entire staff and for themselves to remind everyone to say their nightly prayers. Parishioners, parents and friends are invited to join the school children as they pray the joyful mysteries ofthe rosary at 1:30 p.m. in the church. St. Mary's School will also be rededicated to Mary on .this 30th anniversary of the dedication of the school in 1965 by BisHop Connolly. All are welcome to attend.

by Christopher Carstens As a psychologist, it's ,a complaint I hear frequently, and I heard it again just today. "My mom is way too strict. She grew up in Colombia, and American teens aren't like what she remembers." 1 hear this complaint frequently because I live in San Diego, Calif.. wher~ almost one child in four has parents who were born in another country. Whether "back home" refers to Colombia, Mexico, Thaila~d, the Philippines or Somalia, conflict is almost inevitable. These teens, surrounded by their, American friends, want the freedoms and privileges that their peers take for granted. Their immigrant parents, possibly'frightened by what they see American teens getting away with, enforce strict limits on their kids' behavior. When families bring this problem to my office. we look for places where compromise is possible. But when we don't have any luck finding a middle ground, I almost always come down on the side of the parents. Honestly, many teens are disappointed when that happens, since they hoped I would drag mom and dad into the American 20th century. But I don't do it because I think it would be a mistake. I honor the parents' responsibility for making decisions. I don't support physical abuse; I report abuse whenever it comes to my attention. I don't approve of discipline by humiliating kids or making them feel ashamed. I work with those families to find more humane and effective ways to enforce their rules. But I almost never tell parents that they're too strict. Contrary to the opinion of many teens. strict parents don't ruin your life. If your parents make you come in at II and your friends are out all night partying. it can feel like your parents are making you miserable and killing all your fun. I've worked with teens for 25 years, and I've never seen one


whose life was ruined by coming in at a set curfew. In fact, I know that regular curfews and parental supervision greatly decrease the likelihood that you will use drugs, get in an accident because of riding with a drunken teen-age driver, get pregnant, catch a sexually transmitted disease or be shot in gang crossfire. All of those are real dangers. All have happened to teens I see in my practice, and to my own kids' friends. They are dangers that really can "ruin your life." Teens with parents who enforce rules and supervise their daily lives are more likely to get good grades in school and much less likely to drop out before they graduate. More of them hold jobs and do well at work. That doesn't sound like their lives are being ruined. The children of "strict" parents are more likely to go to college after they finish high school. As adults, they are more often successful in their work. I've talked to many adults who had strict parents. They tell stories about what it was like. and they may even laugh at their parents' rules. But they also know they were loved, and they almost always recognize the benefits they got from clear rules, supervision and consistent follow-through. So when teens tell me their parents don't know how things are in America and don't let them have as much freedom as other teens, I say: "Good. Now, what else do we need to work on?"

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NURSERY STUDENTS at St. Mary's SchOOl, New Bedford show offtheir head gear on Hat Day during school spirit week.


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, '''16

THE''ANC\'IOR-'-Ui6ce'se'o'fFall River"':""Fh'.:"Oc't: I .

PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. BOJ: 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of clly or lown should be Included, as well as full dates of 011 activIties. Please send news of futuro rather than past events. Due to limited space and also because notices of strictly partsh allalrs normally appear In a parish's own bulletin, we are forced to limit Items 10 events of general Interesl. Also, wI! do not normally carry notices of fundraising activities, whIch may be advertised at our regUlar rates, obtainable from The Anchor business offlce,lelephone (508) 675-7151. On Steering Points Items, FR Indicates 路Fall River; NB Indlca!~s ":I~w !ledford.

ST. LA WRENCE MARTYR, NB The Fall Festival is scheduled for Oct. 14, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Holy Family-Holy Name School. This year's event will include a sports card show. SANTO CHRISTO COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN, FR The council will host' a Diocesan Council of Catholic Women meetingat the church Nov. 9 at 7:30 p.m,


J: 1995"\路"ST."JULIE BILLIART,""" ','" "'. , .... TJ\UNTO'N! ATTI:'EBORO .,. ',' ,

HABITAT FOR HUMANIiTY . Groundbreaking of the Sa'ndwich DCCW house, Oct. 21, I p.m. at 15 DeepThe Taunton and Attleboro diswood Drive. tricts of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold their 36th OUR LADY OF LOURDES, annual communion supper followTAUNTON Dr. Brennan will discuss,dealing ing a 6:30 p.m. Mass Oct. 19 with Bishop Sean O'Malley as principal with feelings of hurt and sharing TAUNTON STATE HOSPITAL concelebrant at St. Joseph's Church, forgiveness, Oct. 24, 7 to 8:30 p.m. The hospital is beginning a golf North Dighton. The supper will be Information: Sanford Epstein, tel. program and is in need of golf clubs, , held in the parish center. Cochairs 824-7551, extension 127. balls, mats and other golf equipare Mary Jo Foley and Lucille ment. Contact Sanford R. Epst~in, CATHOLIC COMMITTEII ON Couture. tel. 824-7551, extension 127. SCOUTING, CAPE COD AREA F AMIL Y LIFE CENTER, Information night for Cub Scouts ,ST. JAMES, NB N. DARTMOUTH ' and Boy Scouts interested in earning Adoration of the Blessed SacraThe seventh annual conference Catholic religious awards, at Christ ment Oct. 29, 3 to 5 p.m. Living for the divorced, separated and the King Church, Mashp'ee, Oct. 19, rosary, Oct. 29 at 5 p.m. widowed will take place at the center 7:30 p.m. Information: Mary DelCHARISMATIc'RENEWAL OF Nov. II. Information, registration: vin, tel. 240-2420 or DeaCI)n Paul THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER tel. 999-6420. Roma, tel. 428-2594. The regional coordinating comCURSILLO MOVEMENT LEGION OF MARY, mittee ofthe Taunton/ Attleboro area Leader's school Oct. 25,7:30 p.m. is sponsoring a talk by David Thorpe, FALL RIVER DIOCESE All welcome at weekend retreat to at Bishop Connolly High School, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, See- ' Fall River. All welcome. take place Oct. 27 to 29 at the Family konk, Oct. 18. Thorpe directs the Life Center, North Dartmouth, under Charismatic Renewal Services of the CATHOLIC ALUMNAE, sponsorship of the Legion of Mary. archdiocese of Boston. The parish TAUNTON Retreat master will be Capuchin rosary will be at 6:30 p.m. followed The Catholic Alumnae/ I\lumni Recollect Father Peio Mandato. by Mass at 7 p.m. and a prayer meetClub, an international Catholic sinFurther information and reservaing. Information: Mary Leite, tel. gles organization, will hold il social tions: Alice Beaulieu, 157 Truro'St.; 822-2219. meetingat6:30p:m, Oct.J~at Rl!by New Bedford 02745, 'tel. 995-2354. Tuesday restaurant in Silver City SOMERSET/SWANSEA . STONEHILL COLLEGE, Galleria. Meetings are held each ULTREYA third Sunday and all alumnae/ Oct. 15, 7:30 p. m. at St. Patrick's N. EASTON The Hunt Duo will perform chamalumni are welcome. Meetings are Parish Center. Witness speakers are also held at 7 p.m. each first ::;unday AI and Kathy DiNapoli. All are ber music on the violin and piano. Oct. 17,8 p.m. at the Joseph W. at Darlings restaurant on Fall River welcome. Martin Institute on campus. AdmisAve., Seekonk. For further irlformaHOLY NAME, NB sion free' and open to the public. tion call (508) 824-8378 or (401) Rosary and Benediction of the Handicapped accessible. 944-5117. Blessed Sacrament each Monday ST. MARGARET evening at 7:00 p.m. in October. ST. THOMAS MORE, BUZZARDS BA Y SOMERSET SS. Margaret-Mary Guild will celeSECULAR FRANCISCANS All are welcome at a Vocation brate its 40th anniversary Oct. 21. St. Francis of Peace Fraternity, Prayer Service to be sponsored by Members will meet for 4 p.m. Mass, West Harwich, will hold its annual the Vocation Awareness Team at to be followed by dinner and entermini-retreat, including the sacrament 7:30 p.m. Oct. 26. Prayer and song tainment at Eagles Hall, Buzzards of reconciliation and Mass, Oct. 22 before the Blessed Sacrament will be Bay. Four charter members still from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Family followed by refreshments in the ,active in the guild will be ho'oored. Life Center, No. Dartmouth. Retreat , church foyer. master will be Father Hugh Hings; DIOCESAN COUNCIL O. F. M., former president of Siena SOMERSET/SWANSEA OF CATHOLIC NURSES College, Loudonville, NY. ReservaULTREYA The council will host the 36th con" Ultreya members will meet at 7:30 tions information: Leona Eppinger, ference of the Catholic Nurses of p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15, at St. Patrick's tel. 432-4424. The retreat replaces New England today through Sunparish, Somerset. Witness speakers the regular monthly meeting: day at the Cape Codder Hotel in will be Kathy ~nd AI DiNapoli and Hyannis, with Joa,n MorLo and HOLY FAMILY - HOLY NAME hosts will beM ike and Kathy FlanaDelores Santos as chairs. The proSCHOOL, NB gan. , gram will include a welcom::ng adMr. Robert Massoud, president dress by Father Mark Hession" counDA Y OF REFLECTION of Parent's Alliance for Catholic A day of reflection for single cil moderator, a Mass for deceased Education, will speak Nov. I, 7:30 members and a session on Empowwomen will take place from 10 a.m. p.m. at the school, 91 Summer St., erment presented by Jeanne Watson to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct.' 28, at New Bedford (enter on North St.). Driscoll, MS, RN, CS. Bishop Sean Mercy Lodge, Sumner Brown Rd., Cumberland, RI. Information: Sis- O'Malley will be keynote speaker at ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO ter Aliceann Walsh; RSM, tel. (401) a Saturday night banquet and will be 'Healing services will be held the principal celebrant ofa Sunda:1 Mass. 333-6333. ' first Sunday of every month. The Children of the Lig~t prayer group has cancelled Thursday evening prayer until further notice. N. DARTMOUTH Bishop Sean O'Malley will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving for the 25th anniversary of the parish on Oct. 22, 10:30 a.m. Some former parish priests will concelebrate.

ST. ANNE'S, FR Novena in honor of St. Jude, preached by Father Pierre Lachance, OP, "Teach us to Pray," from Oct. 20-28 at the II :30 a.m. Mass each day. ST. JOSEPH'S, NB Beginning Oct. 16, Monday adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will ,begin after the 11:30a.m. Mass and end with Benediction at 4 p. m. There is no adoration on holidays. LaSALETTE SHRINE, N.ATTLEBORO Father Richard Delisle, M.S. will discuss the Christian Foundation for Children and 'Aging (CFCA)ministry with personal stories of recipients he has met and of the need for more help. He will preach at 4:30 Mass Oct~,14 and 12: 10 p.m. Mass Oct. 15. Those interested in the program may call him at 222-5410. Father Andre Patenaude, MS, will lead a healing service with Mass at 2 p.m. Oct. 15 including the opportunity for persons to be anointed and prayed over individually. Handicapped accessible. Information: tel. 222-5410. He is also sponsoring a yard sale in the patio alongside the cafeteria 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 14 to benefit the parish of St. Martin de Tours on the Caribbean island ofSt. Maarten, devastated by Hurricane Luis. The shrine Coffee House will feature Kevin Doyle 6:30 p.m. Oct. 14, in the cafeteria, preceded by Mass at 4:30 p.m. CAPE COD CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES A support group is forming for adults with chronic fatigue immune dysfunctional syndrome, CFIDS. Meetings will be held each first and third Tuesday, 3 to 4:30 p. m. beginning Nov. 7. Information: tel. 7716771. CAPE COD SEPARATED/ DIVORCED SUPPORT GROUP Meeting 7 p.m. Oct. 15, St. Pius X parish life center, So. Yarmouth. Newcomers welcome at 6:30 p.m. Joseph Hoffman of Dean 路Witter services will speak on Financial Survival Strategies. Information: Judy, tel. 362-9~7~ or Paula, tel. 385-2693.


Sunday, November 5 VENUS de 'MILO $50.00 PER PERSON



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.BISHOP FEEHAN High School is breaking ground for a Soccer/ Softball complex adjacent to the school library on the west end of the campus to be ready for the fall of 1996. Front row (L-R) Peter Galligan, vice-principal of Discipline, Owen James, girls softball coach, Mrs. Pat Kelleher, vice-prin,;:ipal of Academic Affairs, Principal George Milot, and viceprincipal of Student Life, Paul O'Boy. Holding Banner (L-R) girls soccer coach Doug Weldon, and boys soccer coach, Mike Pariseau.

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