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VOL. 48, NO. 39 • Friday, October IS, 2004
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Pope: Devotion to Eucharist can help heal ills of society BY JOHN THAVIS CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
energy and a plan for living. It is the ideal way for the faithful to iden-· VATICAN CITY - Pope John tify with Christ's message and his Paul II said greater Christian devo- saving sacrifice, which should in tion to the Eucharist can help heal tum have an impact on peace and a world fOrn by terrorism and justice issues in the wider society, racked by poverty. . he said. In a document offering spiritual "The lacerated image of this guidelines for the upcoming "Year world, which has begun the new of the Eucharist;' the pope called millennium with the specter of terfor more intense public witness of rorism and the tragedy of war, calls the faith. As the center of the Chris- on Christians more than ever to live tian experience, the Eucharist the Eucharist as a great school of should have a transforming power peace," he said. that carries beyond Sunday Mass This will help form men and and into daily life, he said. women as architects of dialogue The 31-page letter, released in and .communion, at every level of Italian at the Vatican was written social and political life, he said. to launch the eucharistic year that The Eucharist should also bring A MASS recognizing area religious observing jubilee years was celebrated by Bishop will run from October 17 to Octo- Catholics closer to the world's poor because it manifests Christ's "ex- George W. Coleman recently at St. Julie Billiart Church, North Dartmouth. Among the honber 2005. Titled, "Stay With Us, Lord," treme form of love" - one that re- .orees were, front row, from left: Mercy Sister Brian Murphy, 60 years; Dominican Sisters from the words of the apostles to placed domination with service as Theresa Joseph Hazera and Rita Pelletier, 50 years; Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed the risen Christ, it urged local the governing principle in human Trinity Sister Anthony Therese, 60 years; and Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary Sister churches to promote respectful lit- affairs, he said. Rosemary Seibert, 50 years. Back row: Bishop Coleman; Holy Cross Father Albert Croce, The pope urged local commu- 60 years; La Salette Father Gerald Forest, 60 years; Sisters of St. Joseph Sister Theresa urgies, adoration of the Blessed Sacmment and a better understand- nities to adopt concrete expressions Marie Croteau, 60 years; Mercy Sister Barbara Marian Cote, 50 years; and Holy Union ing of Christ's "real presence" in ofsolidarity and charity for the poor Sister Kathleen Gibney, 60 years. (AnchodJolivet photo) during the eucharistic year. the Eucharist. "I am thinking of the drama of The pope did not call for specific celebmtions or programs, and hunger that torments hundreds of at one point he said he would be millions of human beings., of the happy if the year served only to re- diseases that afflict developing vive interest in Sunday Mass and countries, of the loneliness of the eucharistic adoration outside of elderly, the needs of the unemployed and the misfortunes of imMass. . The Eucharist, the pope said, migmnts," he said. furnishes Christians with spiritual Tum to page 13 - Eucharist FALL RIVER - A series of regional pastoral diocese." He emphasized "that there is no pre-explanning assemblies that will initiate a process of isting plan. The people are gathering to help begin examining parish life in the Fall River diocese be- the pastoral planning process." gan this week on Cape Cod and will continue in the The pastoral planning assemblies will be inforother four deaneries during a two-week period. mational in nature and will follow the same format Bishop George W. Coleman has invited mem- in each deanery. Those attending the assemblies will receive exbers of parish pastoral and finance councils along with priests, deacons, religious and lay people who tensive data relative to their particular parish and comprise parish staffs to attend the assembly in their deanery, as well as on the diocese as a whole. This infonnation will include such things as sacramenrespective deanery. The upcoming assemblies, all to start at 7 p.m.,. tal and Mass attendance totals, property reports, are scheduled as follows: Fall River Deanery, Oc- census totals and projections, and a ministry area tober 18, at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall profile with detailed demographic and ethographic River; New Bedford Deanery, October 20, Bishop breakdowns. Stang High School, North Dartmouth; Taunton The information has been compiled by the diocDeanery, October 25, Coyle and Cassidy High esan Office of Pastoral Planning from parish and School, Taunton; and Attleboro Deanery, October diocesan reports and from the work of a study done by Percept, an independent demographic informa27, Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. . The bishop first announced the gatherings of tion company specializing in service to church orthese assemblies in his August letter to the diocese ganizations. Msgr. Tosti will explain to assembly participants entitled, "To Build A Stronger Church." Msgr. Ronald A. Tosti, the director of the Office all of the information being provided, leading them of Pastoral Planning for the diocese, will conduct through one parish report as an example. All will be asked to read all of the material proeach assembly. He said that he sees these meetings as "the be- vided to them at their own pace over the next sevginning of an opportunity for laity and clergy alike eral weeks.. A MONSTRANCE stands in the chapel of St. John's Semi- to study the facts on the diocese and its parishes, as Following Msgr. Tosti's presentation, Bishop nary in Boston. A newly. released papal document says de- well as local and regional demographics, in order Coleman will speak to each group about their parvotion to the Eucharist can help transform the world. (CNS to be able to eventually present to the bishop rec- ticipation in the important task of pastoral planning. photo by Gregory L. Tracy, The Pilo~ ommendations for strengthening parish life in the Tum to page 13 - Planning
Pastoral planning assemblies begin this week across diocese
October 15, 2004
ELECTION 2004 Massachusetts Issues - Abortion Editor's note: The following more absolutely innocent can be is part of an occasional series , imagined." He also asserted that of l'oter education articles pre- abortion's legalization is an evil pared by Catholic Citizenship to in itself because it attempts to help the laity respond to the call transform a "crime against life" into a "legitimate expression of to faithful citizenship. Summary of Church Teaching
HONORED BY St. Vincent's home and Bishop George W. Coleman, for their dedicated service were, front from left: Nikki Gonzalez, Jessica A. Tavares and Rita Capotosto-Pina: Back row: Richard A. Marrocco, Jeffrey P. Lima, John T. Weldon, Bishop Coleman, Charles Walker III, and Michael Ricco.
St. Vincent's Home, bishop recognize award winners FALL RIVER - Employees, ers. Nominations were reviewed friends and family of St. Vincent's by a panel of peers who selected Home recently gathered in cel- the winners. ebration with Bishop George W. In remarks at the comrnenceColeman to present the seventh ment of the ceremony, Mission annual Mission Awards. Five in- Coordinator Sister Rosemary dividuals along with a team of Laliberte said: "What we are two clinicians were recognized about to do here is quite extraorfor their devotion to St. Vincent's dinary. We now honor members mission of "giving children in of our staff who have received the need what they need most." support and recognition of their During the ceremony, Bishop co-workers." Coleman cited Rita CapotostoIn presentations by co-workPina, Nikki Gonzalez, Jeffrey ers, each recipient was recognized Lima, Richard Marrocco, for their individual contributions Michael Ricco, Jessica Tavares, to the agency, their love for their and Charles Walker. work, the children of St. Vincent's More than 100 guests cel- Home, and dedication to the ebrated the honorees' J11any ac- agency's mission. When comcomplishments. In his opening bined, the years of service deremarks John T. Weldon, execu- voted by the honorees totals more tive director, said "We celebrate than 60 years of dedicated service who they are as individuals, what and mission fulfillment. they bring to the healing experiSponsored by the Diocese of ence of residents and families, and Fall River, St. Vincent's Home is the ways in which they lead and part of the diocesan network of challenge all of us to embrace our social services. It welcomes core values in all of our interac~ young people from all races,relitions." . ' gions, and backgrounds, and pro"Each of these honorees has vides services ranging from cribeen selected not for a single act sis stabilization and diagnostic of kindness, but rather for the way assessment to a variety of residenthey integrate the agency's core tial treatment programs, special values in their everyday life," education, lifeskills training, and continued Weldon. after-care planning. Each recipient was nominated For more information, call by one or more of their co-work- 508·679·8511. PRACTICE .THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA
On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hourofdeath with the graces
necessary for the salvation oftheirsouls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive monthsshall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15minutes while meditatingon the 15mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of makingreparation to me.~' . '.
In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are to be preceded by the words: "In reparation f~ the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
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Pope John Paul II affirmed in his 1995 encyclical on the Gospel of Life the Church's fundamental conviction that every human life "is a good." He wrote that every human being, "although formed from the dust of the earth," manifests "God in the world" as "a sign of his presence, a trace of his glory." He observed that our salvation was bought with the Precious Blood of God's Son, showing just how precious human life is in God's eyes. The Holy Father confirmed that human life is "something which does not belong" to us "because it is the property and gift of God the Creator and Father." As a result, he continued, "the deepest element of God's commandment to protect human life, is the requirement to show reverence and.love for every person and the life of every person." Thus, "the deliberate decision to deprive an innocent human beingof his life is always ~orally evil and can never be licit either as an e'nd in itself Of as a mean's to a good end." Deliberate abortion "has char,acteristics making it particularly serious and deplorable," according to the Holy Father. In the unborn child, he noted, "no one
Daily Readings Oct 18
Oct 19 Oct 20 Oct 21
Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24
2Tm4:10-17b; Ps 145:1013ab,17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12; (Ps) Is 12:2-6; 'Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3::14-21; Ps 33: 1-2,4-5,1112,18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 12:5459 Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:19 Sir35:12-14,1618; Ps 34:2-3,1719,23; 2 Tm 4:6-¢ 8,16-18; Lk 18:914
Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the ftrst two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
doctors, nurses and health care administrators who offer and perform abortions; legislators who approve abortion laws; and anyone who encourages the sexual permissiveness. individual freedom." In strong We are all responsible for dewords, the Holy Father called fending the sacredness of human this "a direct threat to the entire life, and for looking for ways to culture of human rights" that assist those who otherwise feel "jeopardize[es] the very meaning they lack the necessary support of democratic coexistence." In to choose life. the end, "disregard for the right For those who undergo aborto life, precisely because it leads tions or who promote it, there is to the killing of the person whom always the opportunity for recsociety exists to se!."Ve, is what 'onciliation. Christ, through His most directly conflicts with the Church, forgives sins. Various possibility of achieving the com- ministries, such as Project mon good." Rachel, provide healing to men The Holy Father called on and women who have been civil leaders to carry out their through abortions. And, as our duty "to make courageous Holy Father noted in the Gospel choices in support of life, espe- of Life, women who have sufcially through legislative mea- fered abortion can provide the sures." He acknowledged that in greatest witness to the sacredness those countries where abortion is of life and the harm of abortion. legalized, lawmakers may not be Massachusetts Concerns able to "completely abrogate a After 1973, when the U.S. Supro-abortion law." Nonetheless, preme Court exercised what one "an elected official whose abso- justice ~alled "raw judicial lute personal opposition to pro- power" to give constitutional cured abortion was well known protection to abortion, Massacould licitly support proposals chusetts became one of the first aimed at limiting the harm done states to enact limits, such as inby such a law and at lessening formed consent and parental conits negative consequences." sent requirements. The courts, . T~oiJgli killing ,an ~nl?orn h~wever, have continually fruschild is 'always terribly '~'rong, "trated the enforcement of these the desperation of women who limits. The state's Supreme Jufeel they have no other choice dicial Court forced taxpayers to -may make them less subjectively pay for all Medicaid abortions in culpable. ResponSibility for a 1981 decision. Around 30,000 abortions also extends to the fa- abortions have occurred .each ther of the child, if he does not year and more than one million support the mother in choosing babies have been killed in this life, or pressures her to have an state since 1973. abortion; the family and friends The past two terms in the state of women considering abortion; Tum to page J 3 - Vote
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming weeks Oct. 19
1928, Rev. Manuel A.
Santo Christo, Fall River
\ 1937, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward \ 'c~..RR., slOr, Sacred Heart, Fall River; Chancellor of Diocese, 19u7~ . 1942, Rev. Francis,E.-~;'-Pii~tb. r., St. Stephen, Dodgeville (Attleboro) ~ \\. 1979, Rev. Walter 1. Buckley, Re~., d Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford . , Oct. 22 1940, Rev. John K Connors, Pastor, ~. Peter, Dighton 1983, Rev. Jerome F. O'Donnell, OF~\Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford \).
, Oct. 23 1970, Chor Bishop Joseph Eid, Pastor, St. Anthony of the Desert Fall R i v e r ' ' Oct. 24 . 1982, Rev. Marc Maurice Dagenais, O.P., Retired Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River
easing of their burdens in the presence of the Lord's loving care. May we open our hearts to him whose love for us is boundless." The 41-bed unit was completed in less than a year's time and becomes the sixth such unit within the diocese.. Each of the nursing homes in the diocese has at least one unit dedicated to those with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. "The completion of this unit was a goal of ours in fulfilling our mission here at Marian Manor," said home Administrator Laura
BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman blesses and dedicates the new St. Catherine of Siena Alzheimer's Unit at Marian Manor in Taunton. (Anchon'Gordon photo)
NewAlzheimer's unit opensatMarian Manor. By
TAUNTON - Bishop George W. Coleman blessed and dedicated the St. Catherine of Siena Unit at Marian Manor for individuals diagnosed wjth Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, October 6 following the celebration of Mass in it's chapel. Residents and city officials at-
tended the dedication and a meal followed in the renovated dinning area. Concelebrants were Msgr. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, executive director of Diocesan Health Facilities; Father Bernard Vanasse, chaplain of Marian Manor; Father Bento R. Fraga, S1. Paul's Church, Taunton; and Father Timothy P. Reis, St. Joseph's Church, Taunton. Father Richard
D. Wilson was master of ceremonies. Bishop Coleman praised the work that brought the new unit into existence. "The dedication of the S1. Catherine of Siena Unit is our acknowledgment of the sanctity of all human life at all levels of existence," said Bishop Coleman. "Our thoughts today turn to its residents that they may begin the
Faria. "It's going to help people and it's good for the community." The unit was designed to reduce the potential for confusion for its residents, minimize environmental distractions and provide a welcoming and homelike setting. Many therapeutic activities are provided on a daily basis and staff members are. available for residents 24 hours a day. "The staff here has special qualities of love and patience," said the bishop. "I express my gratitude and admiration for all their hard work and the tender care offered by the home."
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Salesians to honor 18 memb~rs observing jubilees HIGHLAND FALLS, N. Y. The Salesians of Don Bosco will honor 18 of their priests and brothers reaching milestones in religious profession at ceremonies tomorrow. Those Salesians observing 70, 60, 50, 40 and 25 years of service will be cited at a solemn Mass at the Marian Shrine in Stony Point, N. Y., and at a dinner that follows in Highland Falls. . One of the jubilarians, Father David Moreno, is a native of
istrator at Don ·Bosco Seminary, New Bedford. Father Moreno, 54, entered the Newton, N.J. He led Boy Scout reSalesian minor seminary in Ipswich, treats for 10 years; served at the Mass., and went on to the novititate . Marian Shrine, the Salesian Provinat Newton, N.J., where he professed . cial House in New Rochelle, N. Y., vows in 1969. He began his theo- and at Immaculate Heart of Mary . logical studies at Maynooth, Ireland, Church in Mahwah, N.J. Since 2002, Father Moreno has and spent two summers as a guide at the catacombs of S1. Callistus in been on the staff of the Salesian Rome. He completed his studies in house of formation in Orange, N.J. Columbus, Ohio, and was ordained For the past six years his avocation has been Civil War re-enacting as a a priest there on May 16, 1979. From 1979 to 1991, Father chaplain with the 7lh New Jersey VolMoreno was a professor and adrnin- unteer Infantry.
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October 15, 2004
the living word
Encouraging voting Many Catholic parishes have sponsored a voter registration program preceding the upcoming election. This is a very good sponsorship of civic responsibility. People must be more than aware of their civic obligations. Sad to say, so many simply ignore their duty to be involved in the political process. In many places such as Australia, voting is mandatory; in other places, voting day is either on a Sunday or state holi.day. Recognizing the importance of a single vote, many governments have opted to do everything they can to ensure that voting is not a mere option, but a necessity to sustain democratic government. Here in the United States, Election Day is a media fiasco. The real importance of the procedure is suffocated by glitz and blitz. All of this simply takes away from the civic accountability of citizenship. In all of this hoopla, one' particular group of voters seems to either be ignored or indifferent. This portion of .the electorate is young voters. One can be certain that most seniors will get out to the polls or be enabled to use an absentee ballot. This body of the politic realizes what civics is all about. Many had courses in this requ~ed subject when they were in grammar school.' In our socalled progressive educational development, 'civics, along with geography and history, have all been blended together under the title of social studies. As this procedure evolved, much was lost. Today, many young people have no knowledge of civics, an.d many couldn't care less in the pursuit of the good life. The educational system is failing to encourage good citizenship when it fails to inform and teach civic accountability. Because of this flaw, many young people eligible to vote stay away from the ballot box. To correct this problem, we should first and foremost support mandatory voter registration. In time of war, we have used the obligation of registering for the draft into the armed forces. Today, more than ever, we realize it is the youth who have died and are . FATHER DAVID STOPYRA, OFM CONV., PASTOR OF HOLY ROSARY PARISH, TAUNTON, still dying in the service to country. If we want to put an end to this BLESSES LILLY DURING A RECENT BLESSING OF,THE ANIMALS IN HONOR OF THE FEAST OF process, we must take the remedial alternative of ensuring that if ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI. HOLDING LILLY IS SHIRLEY BRADY. one can serve in the military, that person alsQ must be a voter. ~ 1• . . . . j . \ . .. . ' . ". Because of the wonderfuillfe that so many 'young people enjoy; "THEN GOD S;\ID, 'LET THE EARTH BRING FORTH L~G CRE~TURES A~ER the purpose of living responsibly is overshadowed by the Bacchanalian pursuit of fun. Caught up in this lifestyle, many ignore the . THEIR KIND: CATTLE AND CREEPING THINGS AND BEASTS OF THE EARTH AFTER real stuff of life, its blessings and its corresponding answerability. THEIR KIND'; AND IT WAS so" (GENESIS 1:24). Only when tragedy of terror strikes do we momentarily see how life indeed is frail and fragile. In a nation that aborts life as public policy, is it any wonder why young people between 18 and 30 years of age often ignore the real meaning of life concepts as gift ~d godsend. It seems only when life is snatched from the young, do we acknowledge life's precious reality., As we proceed to the November voting date, many Americans BY FATHER." EUGENE HEMRICK one arm is a child holding a scale, - Take a walk outdoors, in the make every attempt to be good citizens and use their constitutional CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE in the other arm is the book of beauty of nature. opportunity to vote. In this election, more than ever, may all our - If you have a large back In his book "Slow Down: Five- laws. But although her head is efforts be to encourage our young voters to share in all our atyard, find a quiet, inviting spot is not sorrowful. She Minute Meditations to De-stress bowed. she tempts to keep democracy alive. Young people have different isand make it your own special Father Joseph is meditating. The child, scale and Your Days," sues than seniors, and that is a plus for the nation. But some day, meditation spot. . ~ook represent the justice up~m Champlin wrote the following: when'they receive their Social Security checks - if the system is - If you have a quiet place in ·"Popular spiritual writer Fa- which she is reflecting deeply. still existent - they will realize that their concern for the nation ther Henri Nouwen concluded The lesson is 'that without medi- . your home, use i t . ' . on voting day can indeed make a difference in their lives. By fail- that unless we have some time set tation you cannot have prudent More important than an inviting to vote, we fail our country and ourselves as well. In these very aside for God and God alone each .judgment and just law. ing environment is our commitdifficult times, our votes are the 1;>est answer we have collectively day, we will not be able to conMeditation is priceless. Stud- ment to meditation, One reason vert our unceasing thoughts to ies have found that people who we don't value it more is that it to healing America's wounds. unceasing prayer or to transform . practice meditation once or twice is not high on our priority list. The Executive Editor our constant work into a constant a day experience a measurable We feel there are more imporawareness of God's presence in reduction in th~ extreme signs of tant things that call for our atour lives: The late Archbishop stress, for example blood pres- tention. Fulton J. Sheen called those 60 ' sure, heartbeat and troublesome . Meditation requires a converuninterrupted minutes of prayer sleep patterns. sion experience that turns our full the hour that made his day. Prot. If meditation is so precious, attention to it and ·gives us a estant preacher and pastor David why aren't more people capital- change of heart. To achieve this, I suggest that we take account of Wilkerson began praying late one izing on it? OFFI&IAlNEWSPAPER8FiTH njght instead of watching a teleOne reason may be that it is our lives and ask a simple quesPliblishedweekly by the CatOolic Pt' vised movie rerun and states that ' seen as a religious thing, needing tion: Could our days be better, 887 Highland Avenu~ . • ; his life was never the same again." a religious setting. There may be that is, less tense, more prudent, Fall River, MA 0272Q Meditation is priceless! In ad-' the false idea that it can only be more balanced and more conTelephone 508-675-7151 dition to balancing our life with accomplished in a church or mon- nected to God and life itself? S-mail: TheAnchor@ God's'life, getting us off to a good astery setting. Take your time and be honest Send'address changes "to .p.O. 8Qx, q~lI Qr It is true that churches and in answering this question. In day and making our evenings more restful, it is also the basis of monasteries are excellent for put- pondering this question, you may EXECUnvE EbirORf prudence. ting us into the mood of medita- well be taking a first step along Rev. Msgr. JohniF..~MOoii 0' '" • , ". .il 4.,& li· % Outside the U.S. Supreme tion. But there are many other the way into the world of meditaSDfTOR NlEWSEOlT08 ~ QFElCE.MANAGEfit Court is a statue of a woman who ways to get into this mood that tion - a "place" you will rejoice Oavld B. JQlw$t Jam~s JIj'tounbat, ~al"j:)$fall'l.l.R~lsf· to discover. . looks as if she is sorrowful. In her are just as effective. •
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Priceless meditation
F'$tlY, O·
Hoping for' an early 'Christmas Story' One of my all-time favorite Ralphie could take it no more. Farkus, in the guise of the movies is the 1983 classic, "A He stood up to Farkus and New York Yankees, is in the Christmas Story." waylaid the trouble-rriaking way ... taunting us, harassing The story line is a vision of red-head. us, and taking great pleasure With a bloodied nose, Scott in humiliating us. Christmas time in middle America in the 1940s Surely the Boston through the bespecRed Sox have a tacled wide eyes of a boiling point. And I nine-year-old boy, think it was the Ralphie Parker. signing of A-Rod. Not unlike many of During the next us who grew up in the few days, even if it 40s, 50s and 60s, young takes a full seven Ralphie eagerly awaits games, Ralphie Red By Dave Jolivet that cold winter mornSox is going to bop ing when he'll wake up Yankee Farkus on the to find a plethora of nose and send him Farkus ran away in tears, surprises wrapped in bright, home with tears streaming never to bother Ralphie ,again. down his freckled face. colorful paper sitting under a REAL Christmas tree ladened So, you may be asking . In the movie, Ralphie rips with glass balls, lights the "what has this got to do with through present after present size of walnuts, tinsel, garland ... anything?" hoping against hope for his Well, as is so often the and a good half-dozen electriRed Ryder BB gun. Alas, it cal cords, all plugged into one case, life imitates art, and this wasn't there ... or was it? week begins a Red Sox fan's overloaded socket. Ralphie's dad hid one last version of "A Christmas Also not unlike many of us present behind a desk and Story." of that generation, Ralphie prompted his young son to go For as long as we can would just as soon eschew all get it. remember, we've obsessed the other surprises to find that Could it be? YES· a Red one gift he's obsessed over for over obtaining that one gift Ryder BB gun! that would mean so much the past three months - in OK Sox fans, after we this case a Red Ryder BBgun. more than any we have or will dispatch Scott Farkus, what's ever receive: A baseball world. left? Could it be? YES! For months, Ralphie championship. , concocts plan after plan to Merry Christmas fellow For years, we've been convince his mom he's old Boston Red Sox fans. concocting ways to secure enough to have one. He sleeps, eats, dreams and that championship - anything from trying to raise up fantasizes about a Red Ryder Babe Ruth's piano from the BB gun. 'muddy bottom of a lake, to Life is good for Ralphie asking the Bambino's grandexcept for two things; no BB daughter to throw out the first gun and a bully named Scott pitch to start a season. Farkus. We've been afraid to . For as long as young Ralphie can remember, Farkus change our clothes after a Sox win, and we've watched has taken great pleasure in Wally sitting on his head harassing, bullying, and during winning streaks. humilia~ing Ralphie and his. We've spent 86 years cohorts. trying to convince the baseBut, even mild-mannered ball world that we're old ' Ralphie Parker had his limit enough to handle a world - and Scott Farkus took one championship. fateful step past it. But year after year, Scott One col~, snowy day, little
My View
From the Stands
Letter to the Editor efficiency as ours in the U.S.A., Editor: In this presidential election people in other countries work year political pundits and aspir- for less than here. Many jobs ants to public office would once plentiful in this country rather complain and distOl:t in- have dried up or left our shores. Politicians and political parformation about the economy, ties have taken credit, or blame, than tell us the truth. One truth happens to be that for the success or failure of ecoin the development of comput- nomic conditions on their ers many engineering, techni- watch. However, it now and alcal, manufacturing, advertising ways will be the genius of our and sales jobs were created, people and the grace of- God causing a boon to the economy that make the waves that stir the through the 1990s. It made our economy. The decisive, moral and good leadership of our govlives even better. Now we are dumbfounded by ernment is a must in our world the results of our success. Com- where most of the population is puters have taken our jobs away, trying to move beyond poverty Machines now do the job more and starvation, while terrorists efficiently, without paid vaca- are trying to drag us back to the tions, sick days or other benefits. dark ages. Robert E. Welsh Whil,e computers across the South Dennis world perform with the same
Dave Jolivet, editor ofThe Anchor, is a former sports editor/writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective
on the unique world of sports. Comments are welcome at davejolivet@anchornews.org.
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Friday, October 15, 2004
Giving autumn its, due ATTLEBORO - The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette will host Jacqueline M. Sitte October 23' at 9 a.m. for a program entitled "God is Rich in Mercy." The day will include exploration, reconciliation and healing. It will conclude with the celebration of Mass at 4 p.m. To register call 508-222-5410. The Shrine will host a healing service in Spanish Sunday ~t 2 p.m., led by La Salette Father Manuel. FALL RIVER - A'Marian Hymn Sing will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral Sunday at 3 p.m. All present will' be invited to sing familiar hymns honoring the Blessed Mother following her feast days in the liturgical year. The Fall River Diocesan Choir, Cathedral Hispanic and Brazilian choirs will lead the singing. FALL RIVER - A healing Mass will be celebrated at St. Anne's Church on October 21 at 6:30 p.m. The rosary will berecited at 6 p.m. and Benediction and healing prayers will be offered after the Mass. FALL RIVER路- The Holy Trinity Pro-Life Committee is hosting a presentation on "Must We Preserve Life" on October 25. Father Marc Bergeron i~ the guest speaker. Program starts at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall located underneath the church on Stafford Road. After the presen,tation, refreshments will be served and a question and answer session will follow. For more information call 508 678-3351. EAST FREETOWN - Emmaus, a Catholic retreat program for young adults ages 20-40 will be held November 12-14 at Cathedral Camp. This co-educational weekend is for those seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ regardless of their current level of faith and practice. For more information call Barbara Hayden at 508-336-9158. MASHPEE - The Third Order of Carmelites will meet October 17 at5:30p.m. forthecelebration ofMass at Christ the King Parish. Prayer, rosary ,and teaching will foll~w in St. Jude's Chapel. MISCELLANEOUS - The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany invite women who are discerning religious life to a come-andsee weekend November 19-21 at St. Raphael Convent in West Medford. It is open to single Catholic women ages 20-45 years old and begins Friday at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call Sister Helen Roberts at 617~ 471-7775. MISCELLANEOUS - A
j)rogram entitled Gospel Celebrations of Prayer and Healing will be held Sunday at noon at the Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center, 366 Main Street,' Sturbridge. For more information call 508-7910610. Father Ralph A. DiOrio will lead a healing group prayer October 26 at noon at the Calvary Retreat Center, 59 South Street, Shrewsbury. For more information call 508-791-0610. Both events, are sponsored by The Apostolate of Divine Mercy and Healing of Worcester. . MISCELLANEOUS - The ' annual 'm~eting of the New England Region of the Mariological Society of America will be held October 23 beginning at 9:30 a.m. in St. Thomas Aquinas Priory at Providence College, Providence, R.I. It will include the celebration of Mass and several guest speakers. For more information call 40 1-865~2482. MISCELLANEOUS - An' afternoon of music featuring Craig Shadday of the Newport Navy Band on trumpet and David Martinez, music director of St. Mary's Church, on organ, will be held Sunday at 3 p.m,. at St. Mary's Church in Newport, located on the corner of William and Spring streets. NEW BEDFORD - A concert of sacred music will be held October 24 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 Acushnet Avenue. It wi1l' feature organist David Langevin, director Frank Wilhelm, and trumpet player Dave Touchette. For more information call 508993-1691. NORTH DARTMOUTH A Diocesan Divorced-Separated Support Group will meet October'25 from 7-9 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. Topic for the evening is "Rebuilding After Divorce." For more inforrnation ,call Bob Menard at 508-673-2997.', TAUNTON - The Taunton District Council of Catholic Women will hold its annual corporate Communion supper October 21. It begins with the celebration of Mass at 6 p.m. at St. Joseph's Church, 499 Spring Street, North Dighton. Supper in the parish center will follow. For more information call 508-2308481. WESTPORT - A parish mission will be held October 24~' 25 at' 7 p.m. at St. George's Church, 12 Highland Avenue, led by Don and pat Turbitt. For more information call 508-9925402. '
''It's unbelievable the things that are going on We awoke, this late-September momiilg, to the year's nowadays;' she'll complain. Sometimes I'll let it slide, first snowfall. It's wet and heavy, likely to melt off this afternoon. . sometimes I'll say I think human nature stays the same. , There's always been war and unspeakable cruelty. It seems way too early for snow, yet we've been Sexual mores have swung back and forth through the watching the nearby mountains turn white for some ages and in different cultures. There have always been time. good parents and bad ones, murders and miracles, saints Still, the soggy flakes come as a cold, rude swprise. Didn't the weatherman say this was going to be a sunny and sinners. I try to avoid the ''I remember walking two miles to ~utumn weekend, maybe the year's last? I feel cheated. An unusually warm summer deluded me into letting school through snowdrifts" moments and. ''those were the good old days" moments that are tempting to us as all my flower pots and baskets sit out. Now a las~ bright ' we grow older. geranium, bent by its But if the human heart burdensome white blanket, remains the same, what has genuflects to me'plaintively changed remarkably ..:.from the back deck. with greater and greater 'Many folks see New speed through the last Year's as the harbinger of century and now this one change, the time of - is technology. renewal. It's always On public mdio the seemed a little silly to me, By Effie CalQarola .the mucous parties and the other day, a scientist said that more than 95 percent of ill-fated resolutions. What makes a ,cold December the scientific community today agrees that global warming is caused, at least to night so different from the dark, chilly January morning that follows?' , some degree, by human actions and inventions. As recently as the'Industrial Revolution, this change began But autumn! Now there's a bellwether of change and like random snowflakes on a fall day and is accelemting new beginnings. School starts. Who can forget the feeling of heading off in brand new shoes to meet a like a snowball that gains 'momentum as it rolls down a brand new teacher? Goodbye to swimming lessons, steep hill. softball and the smell of fresh gross clippings. Hello to Thirty years ago computers were exotic things, not new lunchboxes and new friends. ' household necessities. Now we move dizzyingly from Changes in the weather, changes in our lives. one fancy new technological gizmo to another. A few Stewardship time in our parishes, volunteer "opportuniyears ago we tried,to keep mcy magazines away from ties" in our schools. TIme to get the furnace checked, put the children. Now, unspeakably violent and gmphic up storm windows, find the snowsuits, hunker down, pornogmphy is theirs for a mouse click. tmde the lemonade for steaming cocoa. The human heart may stay the same, but the world Because I see fall as change, I often get'a little seems to spin faster. melancholy as I head into its darkness. Some people love , St. Augustine said, "Our hearts are restless, Lord, until they rest in thee." . change and react better than I do. I guard against clinging to the past too much. I have Fall offers an antidote to our frenzy. Its unfamiliar an older acquaintance who nearly always 'mentions chill beckons us to dmw closer to the fire. It's a good during a conversation that the world is so much worse time to slow down, to rest a bit with the One who is than it used to be. unchanging.
For the Journey
. ~aking, afour-year-old laugh Want to make a four-year-old cmck up? Make him or her thirik you are the funniest thing since the , dog chewing ~anut butter? Say, "So; tell me about ' SquareBob SpongePants." . After he or she has composed himself or herself, the four-year-old will say, "No, it's ' SpongeBob SquarePants."
Now I know a'lot about SpongeBob (no space betw~n the words, and be sure to capitalize the ~'W' although you will see it spelled different ways). He is a sea sponge, but he looks like a dried-out kitchen sponge crossed with a himk of Swiss cheese. (please don't tell
SpongeBob SquarePants. (Giggle.)" "Maybe he has a brother named BobSponge PantsSquare." Giggle. "SpongeBob Squarepants.SpongeBob SquarePants.SpongeBob SquarePants." "Oh;' I sighed, "I'm glad you told me. I thought it was SpongePants SquareBob." "SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob." "Does that mean his mother and father are Mr. and Mrs. SquarePants? Do they live in a pineapple, too?" Fingers in her ears: "SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob." Fingers in my ears: "SquareBob, SquareBob, SquareBob." About that time Melody's mother (aka my daughter) made an appearance on the front porch steps where we had ,been staging our Sp(mgeBob seminar. ''What are you two up to out here?" she asked. ''Nothing,'' said Melody. ''NoWng,~' I repeated. She (the mother person) looked suspicious. ''There had better not be any ideas floating around out here about slipping the dog a spoonful of peanut butter," she warned.
Th'e芦offbea t' . d W 0 r 1, 0 f ' Unc 1.:e Da'n
"What's the difference?" I asked my amused four-yearold granddaughter yesterday. : "Grandpa, it's SpongeBob Squarepants." "Youjust said that," I replied. "So why can't you call him SquaieBob SpongePantsT' More laughing. "Hey," I said defending myself, ."the guy is square and he is a sponge, so why can't we call him SquareBob SpongePants?" ''That's not his name," comes the singsong answer with an , elongated emphasis on "not" and "name." Until recently the name "SpongeBob SquarePants" had little sigIDficance to me. Actually, it had no significance. Then I leamed ,that SpongeBob is my granddaughter'Melody's favorite cartoon character. I was shocked to learn that the dancing and laughing carrots and cucumbers (VeggieTales) are no longer as hip as they }Vere with the four-year-old set. Yes, it was important that I watch an episode of SpongeBob with her. '
, ~y Dan Morris
Melody I said that.) SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple in the Pacific Ocean in a place called Bikini Bottom. He is a fry cookat the Krusty Krab; and his friends include a starfish named Patrick, who also wears pants, and a squirrel named Sandy Cheeks , (who, given the fact he's a mammal, wears a dive get-up that makes her look like an underwater astronaut). Oh, and there is also Gary, SpongeBob's pet snail. Apparently the SpongeBob creators skipped,a lot of biology classes in high school. Or maybe they just skipped ' high school. I squinted at Melody. "Are you sure?" I asked. ''Are you sure his name is not'SpongeSquare BobPants?" "Nooooo. (Giggle.) It's
Comments are welcome. E-mail Uncle Dan at cnsundeOl@yahoo.com. .
Friday, October 15, 2004
Ways to gain indulgences Q. Your column several weeks ago on limbo was enlightening. Recently I have been asked about gaining indulgences, particularly a plenary indulgence. We don't hear much about that anymore. What is the Church's teaching now? Are there ways to gain an indulgence? I found nothing in the Catholic catechism about it. (New York) A. For those unfamiliar with the word, "indulgences" traditionally are described as partial or total (plenary) remission of temporal punishment due to our
Questions and Answers By Father John J. Dietzen sins through prayers or good works perfonned by a Christian. As you note, the Church is cautious in speaking of indulgences today because they have been wrongly understood in the past, with tragic consequences. "Indulgences are a delicate theme," said Pope John Paul n, "about which there have been historic misunderstandings which negatively left their mark on communion among Christians." Abuses in gmnting indulgences, especially during and after the crusades, were among the issues that led to the Protestant Refonnation. Traditional Catholic teaching on the subject arises from two Christian convictions. First, every sin not only disobeys God's law, it violates the harmony of creation established by the Creator and is, at least to some degree, a rejection of his love. True conversion, therefore, includes reinstating that divine order, a process involving some cleansing (purgation) either in this life or at death. Pope Paul VI ("Doctrine of
Indulgences," 1967) called for refonn of the whole indulgence structure. Pope John Paul n followed that lead before the 2000 Jubilee Year, pointing out that an indulgence is not a quick ticket to heaven but is a help to authentic conversion of heart. "Those who think they can receive this gift simply by fulfilling a few exterior requirements are wrong." he said. Receiving an indulgence "is not automatic, but depends on our turning away from sin and conversion to God." In his 1967 restructuring, Paul VI reduced the number of indulgenced prayers and good works. The main concern, he said, "has been to attach greater importance to a Christian way of life and lead souls to cultivate a spirit of prayer and penance, and to practice the theological virtues . (faith, hope and love) rather than merely repeat certain fonnulas and acts" (Manual of Indulgences, 1967). He listed three categories of daily life as deserving of indulgence: 1) invoking God's mercy and protection while fulfilling one's responsibilities and enduring difficulties; 2) offering oneself and one's possessions to people in need; 3) voluntarily foregoing some pleasure in a spirit of repentance and sacrifice. A subsequent revised manual of indulgences, published in September 1999, added a fourth indulgence category: giving public witness to one's faith by frequent reception of the sacraments and by proclaiming one's faith to unbelievers by word and . example. "Partial indulgences" are referred to using only those two' words, with no confusing mention of days or years as was common previously. Contrary to
what many Catholics assumed, an indulgence of one year, for example, did not mean "one year off of purgatory." It meant, rather, whatever alleviation of purgative suffering might be achieved by one year of fasting or other penance. Today, the Church takes great pains to keep the understanding of indulgences in harmony with
questions Catholics askabout Mary, the mother ofJesus, is available bysendingastamped, self-addressedenvelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325,
the Gospel and teachings of the Church, including those of Vatican Council n. The "Catechism of the Catholic Church" treats indulgences very briefly in Section 1471. Quotations from Pope John Paul n are from his audience address Sept. 29, 1999. A free brochure answering
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Questionsmay besent to FatherDietzen at the same address, orE-mail: ijdielzen@aoJ.rom.
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Is T" E 0
.Belike thegood Samaritan andhelp thosellJost m.....need, prelate urges
'\'H.~tl XC"rO x
HtC ES E (}
rebuild consensus around the foundational principles necessary for democracy." He said those principles include: "the dignity of WASHINGTON - Jesus' parable of die good Q~OO@r~ Samaritan offers an important lesson, not just for the person, who has both rights and responsibilithose who administer law, but for all people of good ties"; ''the inalienable right to life"; "convictions \D.\rt}'T .\l1~ l'.\tron S"iin will, says Boston Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley. about the common. good"; "the centrality and iml'f SUtWtltll. portance of marriage and the family"; "the need to Too often the poor and suffering are invisible, INliti,;.\ns .\n~ but the good Samaritan took a risk and "became a nurture and protect the most vulnerable ,members bl\1)'crs neighbor to that man abandoned by the side of the of society"; and "the need for solidarity among road," the archbishop said in his homily at the an- people." nual Red Mass at the Cathe"Very often the suffering dral of St. Matthew the .----,-,-.- - - - - / - - - - - - , are too hard to look at, too offensive or too invisible," Apostle in Washington. I ~ Archbishop O'Malley said, The prelate said that today's society emphasizes '. adding that "too often we selfishness rather than selfshut out the poor, the sick and the elderly behind a less love, and that in tum has wall of shame." shaped the world of politics, Praising the compassion to the detriment of the common good. of the good Samaritan, who "It is an ethic of self saw the man lying beside the road as his neighbor and which cannot sustain the house of freedom, cannot brother, Archbishop sustain democracy," O'Malley said that Jesus' invitation to "do likewise" Boston's archbishop said. "If we are going to counter is a call "to construct a sothe culture of death with a ciety that does not yet exist, Pun:l,t f.r VIR1'lOt;S GO\·,E~:-<,.\NC~ culture of life, if we are goa civilization of love." ing to counteract an ethic of "~t is stretching toward a BISHOP MICHAEL A. Saltarelli of Wilmington, Del., is askself with a civilization of community in which the ing Catholics in the Diocese of Wilmington to pray a special love, we mu'st learn from the alien, the stranger, the unlitany every day in October to ask St. Thomas More to intercede parable of the good Samari~ born baby, the old person , so that public officials, politicians and lawyers will become "cou- tan." with Alzheimer's, the AIDS rageous and effective in thejr defense and promotion of the Washington Cardinal patient (and) the poor are sanctity of human life." (CNS photo from The Dialog) Theqdore E. McCarrick was truly our neighbors," he the principal celebrant at the said. Mass, which is celebrated Democracy can only surmarriage,····pray~ each year on the day before BOSTON ARCHBISHOP Sean P. vive "where there is solidarthe Supreme Court opens its O'Malley talks to Supreme Court Justice ity and a sense of interdefall session. The Mass in- Antonin Scalia upon leaving the Cathe- pendence among people," dral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Wash- the archbishop added. VATICAN CITY - Pope John was revealing how Psalm 45 "ex- ;~~::n~eo~~sth~~~~~~s~~~ He noted the paradox of Paul II dedicated his weekly gen- alts the woman: she is 'all glorious,' tion of justice, and cel- ington recen~ly after the 51 st annual Red politicians who, when they eral audience to married couples and this magnificence is expressed 'ebrants wear red as a color Mass. The Mass is celebrated to pray for agree with Church teaching who live their commitment to each in her wedding gown, threaded that traditionally represents Supreme Court justices, judges, attorneys on an issue, call it ~'pro other with intensity and joy, and he , with gold and enriched with pre- the fire of the Holy Spirit. and senior government officials. (CNS phetic," but when they disprayed they would bring children cious embroidery." Guests at the Mass in- photo by Paul Haring) agree with teaching on aninto the world. "';I'he Bible loves beauty as a.re- cluded the three Catholic other issue, "they scream During the audience in St. flec~onofthe~plendorofGodhi~- associate justices of the U,S. Supreme Court separation of church and state." Peter's Square, the pope also asked ~elf, the pov,e s prepared te~t satd. . Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy and Clarence "For over two centuries," he continued, "religious Catholics to celebrate the feast of Ev~n ~l0th!ng .can be a Sign ~f Thomas. 1\vo top White House officials attended voices have called Americans to be a better people, Our Lady of the Rosary and to ~l~gmtt;?orlightandofasoul s the Mass: Andrew Card Jr., President Bush's chief to challenge the institution of slavery and the legacy make the rosary "your daily n .mess··· th .d, of staff; and Alberto Gonzales, the White House of racism it left behind, to question the morality of It IS no cO~Cl dence, e text ~ prayer." counsel. war lPld nuclear weapons, to defend the interests of Pope John Paul read only six that the wedding h~ ends Wl~ a . Archbishop O'Malley urged those who admin- the poor, women, immigrants, prisoners, (and) to sentences ofhis prepared text about :~~r for the couple s future chil- i~ter the law, and all citizens of good will, ''to help defend the Gospel of life." the second half of Psalm 45, the Fertility is a "reality radically wedding hymn for the messianic king, which is used in the Church's inserted in matrimony," the pope's text said. '''The future, not only of evening prayer. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (CNS) tribution to make in this area and more than $11 billion of assets The pope said the psalm's cel- the dynasty (of the psalm's couple) ebration of marriage ''permits us to but of humanity, is possible pre- - Using the business practices of , there are lessons· that may be under management, the Knights' dedicate it to all spouses who live cisely because the couple offers the Knights of Columbus' insur- learned from the experience of the leader said. ance company as an example, the Knights of Columbus," he added. their marriage with intensity and new creatures to the world" He said the insurance opera"TIns is a relevant theme for our head of the Knights said corporainterior freshness." Although any company will be tion - which employs 650 Greeting Spanish-speaking pil- time, in the West so frequently in- tions can succeed by placing ethi- subject to ''failures in training, in people in New Haven and nearly grims, the pope said, "We pray to capable of entrusting its existence cal values above profit margins. diligence, in prudence and in fore- 1,400 agents across the United the Lord for all married couples to the future through the generation Carl A. Anderson, supreme sight," Anderson said, "ethical States and Canada - is '''one of called to offer new life, the continu- and safeguarding ofnew creatures," knight of the 1.7 million-member decision-making should permeate only six insurance corporations ation of civilization and of the his- the text said. organization based in New Ha- every aspect of the life of a com- out of approximately 1,700 in New generations, educated in ven, spoke recently at the St. Tho- pany and its employees" and North America" receiving top tory of salvation." The pope's remarks came five love and responsibility, are the fu- mas More Center on the campus "should provide the context for ratings from Standard and days after the Cabinet of the Span- tureofallci~tionsand,tluough ,ofYale University in New Haven. product development, marketing, 'Poor's, A.M. Best and the Insurish government - in a move them, God will continue to carry "Contrary to the impression investments and employee rela- ance Marketplace Standards Asstrongly opposed by the Catholic out the salvation he wills for all given by recent scandals in the tionships;" sociation. Church - approved a bill that people, it said. .busin~ss world, not only is it posIn addition to being a volun"And I would suggest to you The Vatican's English summary sible to conduct business from a teer Catholic men's organization .that a principal reason that we would allow homosexuals to marry of the pope's text called marriage moral standpoint, but it is possible involved in charitable activities, were able to achieve that is beand adopt children. The Spanish Parliament is "a life-altering event and an authen- to do so in a way that is success- the Knights is a fraternal benefit cause we have been steadfastly scheduled to vote on the draft bill tic sign of the 'great mystery' of the ful," Anderson said. society that has more than $52 committed to our motto, 'ProtectFather's love for humanity and later this fall, "Fur'thermore, I think that billion of insurance in force for ing Families for Generations,'" In his main talk, the pope said it Christ's love for his Church." Catholics have an important con-. its members and their families and Anderson said.
Pope speak$ of couples bring children' into world
Knights' leade'r: Corporate success comes from ethics
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Friday, October 15, 2004
Pope beatifies five, including Gennan nun who inspired Gibson 'Passion' film
POPE JOHN Paul II greets Italian aid workers Simona Pari and Simona Torretta inside his private library at the Vatican recently. "Thank God you are alive," the pope told the young women during a brief meeting. They were released by their captors after being held for three weeks in Iraq. (eNS photo from L'Osservatore Romano)
After ordeal in Iraq two Italian hostages thank pope for appeals BY SARAH DElANEY CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY -Thro Italian humanitarian workers held by kidnappers for 21 days in Iraq thanked Pope John Paul n for his prayers and public appeals for their release. "We want to thank you for being close to us and also the Iraqi people," Simona Torretta told the pope as she and fellow hostage Simona Pari knelt before him in a private audience at the Vatican. The pope expressed thanks to God for the happy' c<;mclusion to the ordeal that captured the attention of Italians for three weeks. The women were accompanied at the audience by their mothers, a sister of Torretta and a brother of Pari. They entered the papal library with the broad smiles that had become familiar to Italians 路ftom the posters plastered across the country and the incessant broadcasting of videotapes of them at work with the children of Baghdad.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Advancing the sainthood causes of five Europeans, Pope John Paul II beatified the last Hapsburg emperor and the nun whose visions inspired Mel Gibson's film, "'The Passion of the Christ." The pope said Blessed Charles I ofAustria, who died in exile in 1922, was "afriend of peace, in whose eyes war was something terrible." The emperor's commitment to Christian values should be a model for European politicians today, he added. Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, the pope said, showed heroic patience and firm faith in dealing with years of ill health. The pope did not mention the German mystic's controversial book of visions on Christ's final days, for which she is best known. The Pope, seated on an altar platform decorated with flowers, listened as biographies of the newly beatified were read aloud at the start of the Mass in St. Peter's Square. Some
20,000 people, including several hundred European royalty, applauded when tapestry portraits of the five "blesseds" were unveiled on the face of St. Peter's Basilica The three others beatified were: - French Father Joseph-Marie Cassant, a Cistercian monk who was best known for his prayer life and his devotion to the Eucharist He died of tuberculosis in 1903 at the age of 25; - Italian Sister Ludovica de Angelis, a member of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy, who gained fame for her work at a Church-run children's hospital in Buenos Aires. She died in 1962; - French Father Pierre Vigne, an "itinerantmissionary" ofthe 17th and 18th centuries, who would sometimes carry his confessional on his back as he walked through rural France. His devotion to the Eucharist led him to found the Congregation ofthe Sisters ofthe Blessed Sacrament. He died at the age of 70 in 1740.
Torretta and Pari, both 29, were diplomatic activity in neighboring AU< THE ROAD TO EMMAUS abducted by heavily armed gunmen Islamic countries. Thrice, news that September 7 in the offices of their . they had been killed appeared on NOVEMBER AT CATHEDRAL CAMP relief organization. Italians were Arabic-language Websites. Approved by the Diocese of Fall River, an Emmaus retreat The Italian government has dehorrified and outraged that the weekend is for people ages 20-40 who are seeking to grow in women, pacifists who opposed the nied reports that a ransom of up to their relationship with Christ, U.S.-led war in Iraq, should be held $4 million was paid to secure the regardless of their current hostage when they had been striv- release of the women. level of faith. News reports described the famiing to improve the lot of Iraqis. Come experience what In a general audienct: the follow- lies and the two women as devout more than 3,000 others have ing day, Pope John Paul appealed Catholic路s. The women's mothers over the past 30 years. to those holding hostages in Iraq, . also personally thanked the pope in . For an application! infor"and, in particular, for the two vol- their private audience. mation, contact Emmaus, 40 unteer workers kidnapped yesterday . The movie ''Therese'' is conUnden Street, Seekonk, MA in Baghdad." firmed to open on October 22 02n1. Tel. 508-336-9158. He asked ''that they may all be Application deadline for Novemtreated with respect and quickly re- . at Swansea Cinemas, 207 Swansea Mall Drive, Swansea, ber is October 25. stored unharmt;d to the affection of MA. Tel. 508-674-6700. their loved ones:' He learned oftheir release September 28 "with great joy," said his spokesman, Joaquin The true story of Saint Therese of Lisieux Navarro-Valls. Hope for the safe release of the women waned dlJ!ing their captivity as the government ofPrime Minister Silvio Berlusconi sought to open channels of communication with the kidnappers through intense
Legionaries of Christ announce opening of new Rome university ROME (CNS) - The Legionaries of Christ have announced the opening next year of a Rome university aimed at renewing the Christian content of European education. The European University of Rome will open to students in October 2005, Legionary Father Paolo Scarafoni said at a recent press conference in Rome. The recently constructed complex on the outskirts ofRome will host up to 7,000 students, offeririg degree courses in philosophy, historical sciences, psychology and juridical sciences. The program will include specialized courses in bioethics. Father Scarafoni said the university program is designed to emphasize classical humanism
. , .... . . . ..
and the contributions of Christianity. It will prepare studeiltS to deal with ethic~ and other, questions arising in modem Europe "in the face of fears ofcultural decadence on the continent," he said. The ultramodern campus will include facilities for major international conferences and teleconferences, as well as ample computer facilities for students. The new institution is one of 12 universities administered by the Legionaries of Christ, a religious order that originated in Mexico. The order also runs 10 other university-level formation institutions and 158 schools. The Rome university will be state-recognized, which means it will become eligible for state funding after a period of review.
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ICaIIV~Ulllle~ NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule, reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. ' ''Mind the Gap" (Sky Island Films) Patchwork drama involving the intertwined stories of five strangers - a crotchety Jewish widower (Alan King in his final film) on a personal quest, a single dad (Eric Schaeffer) dealing with his mortality, a street performer (Jill Sobule) with a heart condition, a North Carolina woman (Elizabeth Reaser) taking care of her dying mother, and a suicidal Arizona accountant (Charles Pamell) - all of whose pained lives ultimately converge in New York City. Directed by Schaeffer, the film's meandering, multipronged plot starts off slow, with several of the situations shallowly developed, but, in spite of its improbable end" ing, the film pays some.minor dividends, imparting a life-affinning message about forgiveness and the interconnectedness of all humanity. An attempted suicide, an arson, mature themes including a subplot involving artificial conception, and some rough and crude language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification
is A-ill - adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. ''Napoleon DYnamite" : (Fox Searchlight) Offbeat, low-budget comedy set in rural Idaho about the high school, misadventures of an oddball, wooly-haired misfit (Jon Heder) who lives with his slacker older brother (Aaron Ruell) and cheesy uncle (Jon Gries), and who befriends a shy Mexican student (Ei!en Ramirez) running for class president against the school's reigning queen bee (Haylie Duff). First-time director Jared Hess' quirky film is light on plot, but Heder's deadpan performance makes this tender ode to eccentricity curiously amusing, if not wholly satisfying. Some comic violence, and a few instances of mildly crude language and sexual humor. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification isA-ill-adults. The Motion Pic~ , ture Association of America rat- ' ing is PG - parental guidance suggested. "Raise Your Voice" (New Line) Uplifting 'tween drama about a small-town girl (Hilary Duff) who must overcome self-doubts when she is accepted into an ultracompetitive summer music program at a prestigious conservatory in Los Angeles. Directed by Sean McNamara, the film makes up for a lack of originality with its positive, heartfelt message and appealing performance by Duff. A fatal car crash,an instance of drunkenness and some mildly' crude language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The' Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.
Heaney to host The Christophers' TV show, write weekly column
. ':'->-
NEW YORK (CNS) - Dennis Heaney, president of The Christophers, is now also host of the organization's TV program, "Christopher Closeup," and writes the group's weekly "Light One Candle" column. Msgr. James Lisante, former director of The Christophers, was writing the column and conducting "Christopher Closeup" interviews even though he. had returned to full-time parish duty in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y. "I'm grateful to Msgr. Lisante for taking time from his crowded schedule to help us'get through this transition period," Heaney said in a statement. "But the head of The Christophers has always undertaken these activities, and now, as we're about to celebrate 'our 60th anniversary, the time has come for me to invest myself more personally in our media efforts." Heaney was named president of The Christopher~ last year, after five years as publisher of The Tidings, . Los Angeles' archdiocesan newspaper. Prior to his time in Los Angeles, he spent
18 years with The Catholic Spirit, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis. He is the immediate past president of the Catholic Press Association. Maryknoll Father James Keller began the organization's television outreach not long after founding The Christophers in 1945. A weekly interview format soon developed, and "Christopher Closeup" now enjoys the distinction of being the 'longest-running program of its kind on TV. It appears on 100 outlets throughout the world and on the Armed Forces Network. Typically, celebrity guests, as well as others from all walks of life, recount persona,l experiences that illustrate ways people can make a positive difference in the world. "Light One Candle," the newspaper column, provides readers with advice and seasonal reminders that reinforce The Christophers motto: "It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." About 240 newspapers and magazines publish the column on it regular basis.
October 15, 2004
JOHN TRAVOLTA stars in a scene from the movie "Ladder 49." (eNS photo from Touchstone)
eNS movie revi'ew - 'Ladder 49' NEW YORK (CNS) - The opening scenes of "Ladder 49" (Touchstone) have all the hallmarks of a routine action drama - a spectacular skyscraper fire traps the film's hero, Jack Morrison (Joaquin Phoenix), when he falls through the 12tp floor to a level below. But after the noisy and intense opening sequence, the film settles into a though'tful portrait of, firehouse life in Baltimore, with as much, attention given to Jack's domestic life and travails as to the ''Towering Inferno"-type thrills. Not surprisingly, the opening sequence bears an unavoidable resemblance to the tumultuous events of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. On a technical level, the jerky and tightly shot cinematography bodes ill for a cheaplooking B-Ievel movie. (Surprisingly, this is not a widescreen film.) As Jack lies almost unconscious in the midst of the inferno, waiting to be rescued, the film flashes back to his first day as a rookie, when he's welcomed into his new environment with bonhomie and practical jokes. Fire Chief Mike Kennedy (John Travolta) pretends to be drunk, and emerges from behind his desk in his boxer shorts. Then Jack is told that most of the firemen are Catholic and that it's customary to go to confession when starting there. One of the men tells him, "When you put out enough fires, you find God." Jack tells his sins to what he presumes is a priest behind a drawn curtain, but it turns out to be the men pulling a prank, and they all emerge with hearty laughter. (Apart from this initiation sequence, the portrayal of the Catholic Church is quite respectful, and there are baptismal, funeral and Mass scenes that Catholic viewers will find quite gratifying.) Jack soon meets Linda (Jacinda Barrett), a nice girl who shows she's a good sport by throwing back some drinks with Jack and his cronies at the local pub. Soon, they marry, and as the years pass, , they have two children, and a lov-
ing relationship, strained only by her worries about his job and the stress he increasingly brings home with him. Throughout this period, there are several firefighting sequences, in buildings large and small, but all of them fairly horrific in one way or another. The best sequence involves Jack rescuing a man on the ledge of a tall office building. Jack is lowered froin the roof, but the petrified man panics, causing the two to dangle in midair. A different kind of horror involves Jack and his men running up the stairs of a burning brownstone, while rats run down from above. Otherwise, the fire sequences are fairly routine and not always involving, as well as being photographed in a dark and confusing way. Eventually, one of Jack's buddies is killed in the line of duty, which makes Linda worry all the more, and gives Jack second thoughts about his dangerous profession. Throughout the film, Phoenix proves tremendously appealing as a likable normal guy, and projects genuine decency. In a more "artistic" film, he might even be Oscar-worthy. Director Jay Russell is to be commended for keeping the
middle-class ambience so convincing, as well as his depiction of life in the firehouse, with its excitement but also its anxieties. Lewis Colick's script doesn't entirely avoid the level of prosaic TV drama, but his tear-jerker story is undeniably affecting. Travolta's part is relatively small, but he fits in well with the overall ensemble. Barrett, and the rest of the cast - Morris Chestnut, Robert Patrick, Balthazar Getty, Jay Hernandez, Billy Burke - pitch their performances at an . _ unshowy, low-key'level. Without being maudlin, "Ladder 49" puts an admirable face ori family values, friendship, loss, sacrifice and all those virtues. Though the film is an unabashed paean to firemen, you can't help but leave the movie with a renewed respect for the dangerous job they do. Because of a couple of instances of crude language, an implication of premarital sex and som'e intense firefighting scenes, the USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is AIII - adults. The Motion Picture Association .of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Sonie material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
As FCC starts new digital TV pUSh, new public ,interest- rules urged WASHINGTON (CNS) As the Federal Communications Commission launched a major new joint industry-government education campaign October 4 to speed up America's switch to digital television, protesters outside FCC headquarters called on the commission to spell out broadcasters' public interest ob- , ligations. The protesters were -leaders or'the Public Interest, Public Airwaves Coalition, a diverse group of 25 religious and civic organizations seeking to reverse the near-collapse of public interest broadcasting in the wake of deregulation over the past de-
cade. When asked about the demonstrators during a press' conference inside, FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell said he respected their right to protest but "this is about consumers," not about FCC public interest rules. "We strongly urge the commission to include the publiC interest in any discussion of the digital television transition," nine coalition members said in a letter asking Powell to include consumer or public interest repre-, sentatives along with the TV industry executives on the two educational panels that followed the press conference.
Friday, October
Scientists, ethicists differ on. embryos in stent-cell research By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGTON - Scientists involved in embryonic stem-cell research and ethicists studying the topic came to decidedly different conclusions about the moral status of the human embryo last week as a two-day international conference opened in Washington. "Any use of embryonic stem cells in research would imply tacit approval of or collusion with their destruction," said Salesian Father Norman Ford, director 'of the Caroline Chisholm Center for Health Ethics in East Melbourne, Australia. He urged scientists to "concentrate on ethical alternatives" such as adult stem cells, cord blood or fetuses resulting from ectopic pregnancies. But Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch, a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and founding member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass., said embryos created for
use in stem-cell research have "little or no potential to develop into a healthy human baby" and encouraged use of the "British solution" permitting research on human embryos up to 14 days old. The two were among the first speakers at an October 4-5 conference on the stem-cell debate in the United States and Germany. The conference was sponsored by The Catholic University' of America's Columbus School of Law and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. In his talk opening the conference, Jaenisch criticized what he called some "misconceptions" in Catholic policy position papers on the issue of embryonic stem-cell research. Although the Church sees little potential from embryonic stemcell research, he said, there· is "solid evidence" that such research will develop "valid therapies for diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's, and blood and liver disorders." Later in the day, however, Ri-
chard M. Doerflinger, deputy director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, refuted Jaenisch's statement, saying the scientist had drawn his summary of the Church's position from a one-page bulletin insert for parishes. "That's not where we put all of our scientific citations," the Pro-Life official said. ''The fact is, at this point clinical trials are ongoing" for therapies derived from re~earch on adult stem cells and cord blood, Doerflinger said. "Embryonic stem-cell research is lagging behind." Jaenisch said research aimed at "reproductive cloning" - intended to lead to the creation of a· human being - faces "principal biological problems that may not. be solvable for the immediate future." , But in Great Britain, he said, "therapeutic cloning" - research intended to create embryonic stem cells for therapies to repair or regenerate tissue in order to
CCHD distributes $9 million this year in local poverty grants existence," he said in a statement. The Senior Advocacy Team WASHINGTON (CNS) CCHO grants are awarded to of Philadelphia will use a The Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the U.S. bish- organizations that are "workirig to $27,500 grant to expand mental ops' anti-poverty initiative, an- eliminate the root causes of pov- health services for older adults. nounced that it is distributing erty - the lack of quality educa- The agency is working to innearly $9 million to support local tion, adequate housing, health crease public subsidies for menprojects that aim to fight poverty care, employment and obstacles tal health services that assist the to civic participation," the priest homebound elderly. in the United States. The Tennessee Health Care This year, CCHD grants are said. These local organizations, he Campaign will use a $29,000 going to 330 local projects in 45 grant for its TennCare for states, the District of CoChildren and Families prolumbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. "Until an individual's basic needs gram to help uninsured, Grants have been .are met, there is little hope of mov- eligible children and families enroll in the state's awarded to organizations in both urban and rural ar- ing out of a poverty-level existence. " managed health care pro. gram. eas that are working to .People First Wisconsin achieve living wages; affordable housing, accessible added, are "initiated and led by in Milwaukee - a statewide, health care, better-quality poor and low-income people be- nonprofit grass-roots advocacy schools and other services "that cause these community leaders organization run by and for make up the safety net of life," are in the best position to assess people with developmental disabilities - will use a $30,000 according to CCHD. and resolve local needs." . The grant announcement· Among this year's grantrecipi- grant for an ongoing campaign to comes on the heels of an August ents was the Maine People's AI- eliminate barriers that prevent disreport from the U.S. Census Bu- liance in Portland, which received abled people from being emreau indicating that poverty has a $30,000 grant for its "Everyone ployed. Funds distributed by CCHD increased in the United States for Deserves a Home" initiative. The the third year in a row. About 35.9 alliance was founded in 1982 by come from individual Catholics million people currently live at the low-income people to increase the who donate to a nationwide poverty level, with women and availability and quality of low- Church collection each year. One quarter of the local collection children affected the most. By the income housing in Maine. A grant of $40,000 wentto the stays in the diocese to fund end of 2003, 12.9 million children. lived in poverty, according to the Industrial Cooperative Associa- projects in the local area, and the bureau. tion in Brookline, Mass.,· which remainder is distributed nation"The general public substan- will use the money to continue to ally according to need. CCHO, founded by the bishops tially underestimates the dimen- provide technical assistance .for sions of poverty in the United startup businesses that are in 1970, is one of the largest priStates," said Father Robert J. worker-owned and community- vate funders of anti-poverty proVitillo, CCHD executive direc- owned. Three such companies grams run by poor people them·tor. already have placed more than selves. Over the years, CCHO has. "Until an individual's basic 1,000 people in temporary jobs given $270 million to more than needs·are met, there is little hope and moved 600 of them to per- 4,000 projects· designed to attack the root causes of poverty. of moving out of a poverty-level manent positions.
cure diseases - is permitted until the end of the 14th day of life. In his talk, Father Ford outlined the theological and philosophical grounds for unconditional respect of the human embryo. , "In defining an embryo, it makes no difference whether the embryo is naturally conceived, from in-vitro fertilization or created in a petri dish," he said. "It still has intrinsic value, worthy of absolute moral respect." Patrick Lee, professor of phi-
losophy at the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, compared the debate over embryonic stem-cell research to a hypothetical discussion about killing mentally retarded children to harvest their organs. "The issue would not be resolved by asking how many nonretarded people could be saved by those organs," he said. "No one would object (to the research) if cells could be obtained without killing the embryo," Lee said.
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Friday, October 15, 2004
NCCW head says group must find new' ways to meet needs of. women
AUSTIN, Texas (CNS) Austin's St. Mary Cathedral was a · fitting symbol for the National Council of Catholic Women as its members gathered for the organization's 2004 biennial general assembly. The cathedral, nearly 150 years old, is undergoing a restoration that is taking longer than anticipated. . Likewise, the NCCW, which has been in existence since the 1920s, finds itself rebuilding, evaluating how to thrive in changing demographics and lifestyles. Women from across the country who caine to Austin for the assembly found themselves on folding ·chairs, surrounded by scaffolding, in the cathedral for the opening Mass, or in the nearby Bishop's Hall, if they couldn't find a seat in the ca- . thedral. . While this year's general assembly drew approXimately 650 participants, the largest number ever, President MargaretGray reported to them that the organization lost 321 affiliates-primarilyparish women's organizations - in the last year. She warned' the women that the national organization, which says on its Website that j,t has "over 5,000 affiliated <> Catholic wOin~n's groups;' cannot survive if the dramatic loss of affiliates continues. But Gray, who is a member ofSt. ·OlafParish in Wtlliarnsburg, Va, offered some suggestions for how the organization can respond to change.
"We must begin to look at how. we are reaching women in the pew," she explained. "If it is our concern, and it truly is in today's environment, to include all women in this organization, we must begin to reach out and find ways to meet their needs, not specific~y ours. ''All too often we expect potential members to meet oUr mold and not look at what it will take to meet their· needs and embrace a new model of change;' she said. The NCCW has a history ofproviding leadership training for its members arid lobbying for. passage of Pro-Life and pro-family legislation, as well as working with Catholic Relief Services on overseas social action projects, such as Water for Life, which provides potable water for women and their families in Bolivia and Brazil. Keynote speaker Carnille De Blasi, president and co-founder of .Healing the Culture, encouraged the women to draw on their feminine characteristics to strengthen society. ''Women have had to sacrifice their identity - what is important to them - to get promotions, jobs, recognition;" she said. "If we don't. do something as women to re-establish femininity in culture, our culture will be destroyed." . She reminded the women that Pope John Paul II has said that women first must acknowledge and affirm their own true genius, .and then offer their ~. to society.
POPE JOHN Paul II blesses girl at the end of a recent weekly general audience in St. .Peter's Square. (eNS photo by Alessia Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo)
Pope says fate ofunbaptized babies touches important beliefs Bv CINDY WOODEN
lic theologians were taking a new look at original sin, limbo and the problem ofsalvation for unbaptized VATICAN CITY - What the Catholic Church believes aboutthe babies. . fate ofbabies who die without bapShe said the issue touches on tism is not an "isolated theological many important practical and theological' issues, including "the pasproblem;' but one that touches betoral care of parents who lose a lief about original sin, the importance of baptism and God's desire child" and "what the Church hopes tIIo.,s~vd~,aP.:P~R~~~' ~~p~ Jphn p~~J ~~d ~th~~t qap~~!1:1.dhe,~~~~ for children who do not have ChrisSat . ", can oilly (q.tiust them to'the mer~y ti:ail: p&ents;' ilWd, thetefore; 'ha~e r - - - - - - - ' - - - - - _ ...... _._...,;, - -'"I Atheologicalhwestigation arid of God, as she does in her funeral no chance for baptism. . explanation of what the Church be- rites for them. "If you are too positive and say, lieves can help the Church have "a "Indeed,·the great mercy of God 'GOd is so good, he saves everymore coherent and enlightened pas- who desires that all men should be one,' tl!en you are saying you don't The Post Office charges The Anchor 70 cents for toral practice" in situations sur- , saved, and Jesus' tenderness toward need baptism," .sister Butler said. notification of a subscriber's ch~nge of adc;tres~.. , rounded by pain for the loss. of'a children, which caused him to say: . For Catholics, and for Christians Please help us reduce these expenses by notifynew life, the pope said during a 'Let the children come to me, do in general, she said, "baptism is the ing us immediately when you plan to move. meeting with members of the In- not hinder them,' allow us to hope only sure way we know for salvaternational Theological Commis- that there is a way of salvation for tion," although Christians hope and Please Print Your New Address Below sion. children who have died without trust thatsomehow through Christ's Catholics used to speaK about baptism," the catechism says. mediation and the work of the . NAME: "limbo'" as the place where'unbap.sister Sara Butler, a member of Church, the good and the innoceryt tized babies spent' eternity; while the Missionary Servants of the who were not baptized also may be STREET ADDRESS: they were incapable of committing Most·Blessed Trinity· and profes- saved. ~ sin that would merit hell or resor of dogmatic. theology at the During his meeting with comquire reparation in purgatory, the New York 'Archdiocese's St. mission members, Pope John Paul CITY, STATE, ZIP: stain of original sin was believed Joseph's Seminary,'Yonkers, said also applauded their decision to to keep them from enjoying full thatimmediately.prior to the Sec- take up a study of natural moral NEW PARISH: _ communion with God. ond Vatican CounCil many Catho- law. According to a recent statement, MOVING DATE: the 30 members of the International ---'--------~---Theological Commission took up Please attach your Anchor address below so we the question of "the fate ofchildren can update your record immediately. who have died without baptism" , VATICAN CITY ·(CNS)'~ took longer than anticipated. during their October 4-8 mee~ng The"long'2awaited catechism 'on . The compendium will be unat .the Vatican. . . Church social teachings will be . veiled at the start of this fall's pleThe discussion, it said, was published October 25 by the nary assembly of the pontifical Please cut and adhere address framed "in the context of the uni- Vatican's' Pontifical Council.for council. versal salvific plan of God, of the Justice and Peace. label in this space Cardinal Renato Martino, presiuniqueness of Christ's mediation The council said in a statement dent of the council, called the comand of the sacramentality of the that the "Compendium of the So- pendium "an indispensable instruChurch in the order of salvation." cial Doctrine of the Church" is di- merit for announcing and impleThe president ofthe commission vided into three parts that present menting the Gospel." He said it CLIP THIS ENTIRE FORM AND MAIL TO: .is Cardinal Joseph R,atzinger,-pre- the foundations, contents and pas- would help Catholics make the necfect of the Congregation for the toral applications ofCatholic social 'essary "J!loral and pastoral discernDoctrine of the Faith. teachings. . ment of the complex events that Limbo; never officially defined Pope John Paul II endorsed the characterize our timf<s." by the Church, was a theological idea of a.catechism of social doc- , Part of the catechism is expected concept developed in the Middle. trine in 1999, and the Vatican hoped to deal with the theological and P.O. BOX 7 - FALL RIVER, MA 02722 Ages that said unbaptized babies it might be ready during Holy Year anthropological underpinnings of would spend eternity in a state of . 2000. The preparation and review, the Church's social teaching, as THANK'yOU "natural happiness;' but would not which included consultation with well as a wide range of classical enjoy the perfect communion with experts and bis~ops' conferences, social doctrine themes, he said. CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
God that comes through baptism into Jesus Christ. The "Catechism of the Catholic Church" lists "limbo" in the index, but the word does not appear within the text. The index refers readers to a paragraph (No. 1261) that says: '~As regards children who have
Vatican to publish catechism on Church's sochil teachings
". \
Notes From the Hill This briefsynopsis ofpolitical wealth was then serving. This time goings on in Boston and Washing- around, when the gavels again ton is provided by the Massachu- bang, the Massachusetts Catholic setts Catholic Conference (MCC), .Conference (MCC), the public thepublicpolicy voiceofthe Catho- policy office of the bishops, will lic Church in this state and gov- have a new executive director, the erned by the bishopsin each ofthe first time in 30 years that Gerry dioceses in the Commonwealth. 0' Avolio will not be at the controls. In January of next year, a new episode of a long-running "reality" show will debut at the national and state levels of government. It's called "law-making." The actors have not all been selected yet. Election Day in November will determine the final cast. From the office of the U.S. President, to seats for Congress and the state senate and house, significant and close races in Massachusetts .are underway. Just a few votes may make the difference between who wins and who loses. Thus, the story line is still incomplete. We can identify some elements of the drama even now, and with all the role changes occurring in the past two years in Massachusetts, it figures to be like no other season. 1\\'0 years ago, when gavels opened the legislative sessions on the hills in D.C. and Boston, none of the bishops currently serving as ordinaries of the four Roman Catholic dicx:eses in the Common-
There will also be a new and energetic organization called Catholic Citizenship, asked by the bishops here to assist in educating Catholics about their civic responsibilities. The state House of Representatives will no longer be under the direction of SpeakerTom Finneran. Fundamental questions will confront legislators and their constituents alike. In what direction will we go regarding marriage? Evidence is already surfacing that kids in the public schools are being targeted in a re-education campaign to promote the court ruling on same-sex marriage handed down last November. Catholic institutions are being told to comply with the new "understanding" of marriage in their insurance policies. Will there be any response from the grass roots? Will voters "remember in November" and if so, what will路 their message be? At the state and, federal levels, the debate on marriage will be crucial. Other critical issues, such as deContinued from page one
He urged obedience of liturgiHe told Catholics that the authenticity of eucharistic celebra- cal norms, including those on retions will be demonstrated largely ception of Communion, and sugby the love shown to others and by gested that every local parish use .the eucharistic 'year to study in the care given to the needy. The pope touched briefly on depth the Church's rules on proper many points he developed in greater liturgy. The respect shown the Eudetail in his encyclical on the Eu- charist as the real presence ofChrist charist last year, including the need should be evidenced in such things to understand the Eucharist not sim- as tone of voice, gestures and moply as a shared meal or a symbol, ments of silence during the Mass but as a real encounter with Christ. or eucharistic adoration, he said.
structive embryonic stem-cell research, informed consent on abortion, the death penalty, and religious freedom in the medical and educational arenas, also loom. Catholic Citizenship has produced an informative series ofarticles summarizing these issues, made available through the diocesan newspapers and on the Catholic Citizenship Website at www.catholicvote.org. The MCC will continue to alert Catholics through its MCC-Net about legislative developments. Those interested can sign up at www.macathconf.org. . Will there be any interest in the pews? Who will show up when the curtain rises? This is one of those audience participation shows. It's called representative democracy. It's one stage where our mission to the world meets t~e world. Much will depend on Catholics voting not as Democrats or Republicans, liberals or conservatives, but as Catholics. The course of our experiment in self-government will continue to depend on our involvement not just as citizens, but as Catholic citiZens. Do you want to make a difference? Then vote in November and stay active in 2005. There's your cue!
The pope urged Christians to pU;blicly witness the faith and the presence of God during the eucharistic year - for example, in eucharistic processions. "We are not afraid to speak of God and to. hold high the signs of the faith;' he said. Those who think public professions offaith represent an intrusion on civil society or encourage intolerance are wrong, he said.
Continued from page three
legislature, a bill to strengthen the informed consent process has gathered more support. Even though a law is on the books requiring abortion facilities to provide information about fetal development and to offer women this and other relevant information at least 24 hours before an abortion, it is not being enforced. The Attorney General Tom Reilly refuses to enforce it, even though the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld these types of provisions nationally. As a result, women are being subjected to a one-sided counseling process that pressures them into getting an abortion. This contributes to the risk of long-term . emotional and psychological devastation that result from post-abor-
tion stress. All women all the time port for women seeking reconcilishould be given the same right to ation and healing after an aborfull disclosure even 'consumers tion. For help contact the Pro-Life seeking tanning services and pur- Offices of the Boston Archdiochasing new cars already enjoy in cese, 617-783-5410, the Fall River diocese 508-997-2290, the the Commonwealth. Thus, passage of the Woman's Springfield diocese, 413-732Right to Know bill to strengthen . 3175 ext. 662, and the Worcester the informed consent process diocese, 508-929-4311. Catholic Citizenship is a nonwill continue to be a priority at the State House. Unless and un- partisan organization which protil the tragic decision in Roe v. motes public policy education Wade is reversed, this public and Catholic laity involvement in policy proposal remains a criti- the political process. Catholic cal means for limiting the harm Citizenship is headed by former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, of abortion-on-demand. The Catholic dioceses in Mas- Raymond Flynn. ~ sachusetts have committed themAve Maria Law School stuselves to providing resources to dent ..j\.leksandra Biskupska women to enable them to choose has provided the summaries of life and not to feel forced to ob- Church teaching for this setain an abortion, as well as sup- . ries ..
DOMINIC HUTT, six, and his sister Cecilia, four, kneel during a Mass at the Schoenstatt Center inWaukesha, Wis. recently, marking the Year of the Eucharist, set to begin October 17. (CNS photo by Sam Lucero, Catholic Herald)
Continued from page one
The process begun at these assemblies will continue well into 2005. The first phase of this process will occur at the' parish level. Those who attended the assemblies will come路 together to discuss their own parish report and to determine, based on the information, what steps could be taken to strengthen their parish. At that meeting each parish will also be asked to choose or elect one lay person from the group to serve with the pastor on smaller pastoral planning committees to be formed in each deanery. This begins the second phase of the process. From January through the spring of 2005, these committees will meet monthly with Pastoral Planning Office leadership to study their respective geographic area and to consider if any recommendations could be made to the . bishop for possible
reconfiguration, consolidation, or expansion of parishes for better use ofavailable resources and more effective pastoral outreach to the diocesan community of faith. During that time, pastors will be asked to distribute to their entire congregation various sections of their parish profile that provide an overview and summary of the information on the parish, the deanery/area of which it is part, and the diocese. In his August letter Bishop Coleman wrote of some of the significant changes that the diocese is facing, among them a shift in demographics, fewer priests, and a decline in Mass attendance. He said, "These and other changes warrant serious attention and consideration by each of us who make up the Church and have a responsibility to care for its future."
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Friday, October 15, 2004
PRINCIPAL KATHLEEN A. Burt of SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, holds her dog Penny priorto a blessing of animals marking the f~ast of St. Francis of Assisi.
STUDENTS AND parents spend time with their animals during a St. Francis of Assisi celebration at St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet. Deacon William Martin, background, from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, North Falmouth, blessed the animals.
NICHOLAS DEFRIAS and Nicholas Medeiros work together to measure distances on a map during a recent lesson on ancient civilizations at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford. .-.".
EIGHTH-GRADERS from Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, gather around their class banner following the celebration of a recent school Mass. It was held at St. Lawrence Martyr Church. Students were encouraged to'become people of praise and thanksgiving as the Year of the Eucharist begins. .
. MSGR. JOHN J. Oliveira blesses a pet rabbit during a blessing of animals on the feast of Saint Francis at St. Mary's School, New ~edford.
DOING THEIR part students from Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, gather on the Boston Common prior to the recent Pro-Lif~ Walk for Mothers and Children. They were among 20 students that represented their school at the event. (AnchortGordon photo) .
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October 15, 2004
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When you don't believe in yourself BY CHARLIE MARTIN· I BELIEVE Have you ever reached a rainbow's end? Did you find your pot of gold? Ever catch a shooting star? Tell me, how high did you soar? Ever felt like you were dreaming Just to find that you're awake And the magic that surrounds you Can lift you up And guide you on your way? I can see it in the stars across the sky Dreamt a hundred thousand dreams before, now I finally realize See I've waited all my life for this moment to arrive And finally, yeah, yeah. I believe in the impossible If I reach deep within my heart,yeah Overcome any obstacle Won't let this dream just fall apart You see I strive to be the very best Shine my light for all to see 'Cause anything is possible When you believe. Yeah, yeah. Now I finally realize You see I've waited all my life for this moment to arrive And finally I believe I said I believe. Oh, Love keeps lifting me higher MATT KRESICH plants some of the 4,000 crosses placed You ought to try it for yourself Lifting me higher. Yeah, at St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers in Dyer, Ind., reLove keeps me lifting cently. The crosses - representing the number of abortions me higher performed daily in the United States - were placed by CathoHigher, higher, higher, lic school students in the Diocese of Gary at the start of Rehigher, higher spect Life Month. (CNS photo by Karen Callaway, Northwest Love keeps lifting, love keeps Indiana Catholic) lifting me higher
Yeah. Ah yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Sung by Fantasia Barrino Copyright (c) 2004 by J Records American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino put out her recording of the show's signature song "I Believe" the same week that Diana Degarmo, a runner-up on the show, released her hit song
However, as a pastoral counselor I sometimes work with individuals whose beliefs limit their personal satisfaction and success. Often they are not aware that their beliefs hold this power. As I listen to them speak, I hear hints of beliefs such as these: "I'm not a capable person"; "I'm not good enough to be valuable"; or, "If people really knew me, they wouldn't like me." Frequently, such beliefs are the residue of painful ~xperiences in the past. y. ....~ Our lives are also shaped by our beliefs about other aspects of life. For example, take a look at what you believe about money. Here are some possible beliefs: "Money is the root of all evil"; "I'll never have enough money"; "I can never get ahead financially"; "I enjoy my money and share it generously with others in need." Each of these statements constitutes a personally held belief about money. Each leads to a different experience of money's effect. When you notice that what you "Dreams." It seems that a runner- believe or that one of your attiup can be as successful as a win- tudes reflects a negative or limitner in the post-competition mu- ing approach to life, reconsider your thinking. Remember, the sic business. The character in "I Believe" power of belief can work toward says she believes she can "over- positive outcomes, as in the song, come any obstacle." She adds, or toward something less support"You see I strive to be the very ive of what you want out of life. When pain afflicts your life, best, shine my light for all to see, 'cause anything is possible when ask God to help you see the truth of your beliefs and attitudes. you believe." The song gives a very positive Choose to believe that you are view of the power of belief. I God's creation and that your life agree that desires can become re- possesses absolute wonder. Your comments aTe always ality when an individual combines consistent belief with com- welcome. Please write to me at: mitted action. That was also the chmartin@swindiana.net or at message in Degarmo's hit 7125W 2008, Rockport, IN 47635. "Dreams."
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The difference one person can make BY REGINA CRAM CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Do you ever wonder if one person can make a difference in the world? If so, think about this. In 1989, Armenia was hit with a devastating earthquake. In just four minutes, 30,000 people died as buildings collapsed in ruins. Just after the earthquake struck, a man was seen running toward the city, looking for his young son. He always had promised his son, "Armand, no matter what happens, I will be there for you." . The man ran toward his son's elementary school, but when he arrived all he found was a heap of rubble. He walked to where he believed his son's classroom was located and with his bare hands he began to dig.
The man shouted for help "Don't bother," a bystander and soon a crowd gathered to moaned in grief. ''They're all dig out his so·n. But it wasn't dead." just Armand. They quickly "I promised my son I would found another child, then be there for him," the father replied. "Are you going to stand there and criticize or are you going to help me?" Silently the bystander began Coming to work alongside the father, of moving slabs of concrete and shards of glass. Others joined in. For hours on end they worked. Eventually the others grew another. When they were tired, leaving the father alone to finished, 14 of the 32 children dig into the night. For 24 hours were saved. he dug. Thirty hours. ThirtyAs the father carried his son two. His hands were bloody and . to .safety, Armand was heard his body ached, but still he dug. calling to his classmates: "See? After 34 hours he thought he heard a faint sound beneath him. Didn't I tell you that my father would be there for me?" "Armand, is that you?" the That's an extreme example, father sobbed. but even in everyday life, one "Papa!" a small voice called.
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person can make a difference. I know, because it happened to me. I'd just finished the saddest day of my life as I watched my younger sister die. The next day I bumped into an acquaintance who was anxious to help, especially when she learned that my older sister and her family would be arriving from across the country later that day. and that I had to feed and house 13 people overnight before heading out of state for the funeral. 1\\'0 hours later there was a knock at the door. This same woman was standing on our doorstep holding dinner for 13: two huge casseroles, an enormous salad, bread, warm brownies and a bottle of wine. I've never forgotten her kindness. We often feel that a situation is so overwhelming that we
can't possibly change it. But even small kindnesses are worthwhile. There is a story told about a guy who was strolling on the beach when he discovered thousands of starfish that had been washed up onto the sand and were quickly dying. One by one, the man began to toss the starfish back into the water. A bystander scoffed at him. ''There are thousands of them! You can't possibly make a difference !" The beachcomber silently picked up a starfish, tossed it into the water and replied, "I just made a difference to that one." Even if we cannot overcome the huge problems of the world, we can make a difference in our little comer. If you don't believe me, just ask Armand.
Friday, October 15, 2004
Federal health plan will otTer faith-based option for first time WASHINGTON (CNS)-Fed-
eral employees and retirees in centrallllinois will be able to choose a Catholic health insurance plan billed as "faith based" for the first time in 2005. The new optionJor federal workers is offered by OSF HealthPlans, a for-profit insurance company that operates in conjunction with OSF HealthCare, a not-for-profit corporation owned and operated by the Sisters of the Third Order ofSt Francis. The Catholic health insurer based in Peoria, has offered an HMO plan to participants in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan since 1998, but its new option involves a high-deductible health plan with a .health savings account or a health reimbursement arrangement, two choices promoted by the Bush administration to give individuals greater control over their health care spending. Excluded from coverage are contraceptives, abortion, sterilization and artificial insemination - all practices considered illicit in Catholic teaching. In a recent interview with Catholic News Service, Abby Block, deputy alisociate .director for employment and family support policy at the Office of Personnel Management in Washington, said no federal employee or retiree will be forced to choose OSF HealthPlans, since each can choose from among a dozen national plans as well as those limited to their geographical area. In all, the four million federal workers will choose from among 249 health plans during the Novem-
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''the choices their employees are asking for." . If Catholics and others oppose abortion and other services covered by many health plans, ''why pay the extra premium involved in that?" Koch said. When those services are excluded, he added, ''the premiums reflect that." For 2005, the high-deductible faith-based plan will cost employees and retirees $80.30 a month for. individuals and $199.66 for families. The governrnent will contribute another $240.89 for individuals or $599 for families monthly. Koch said OSF HealthPlans would continue to offer the HMO option for federal workers, which does not cover ahqrtion: but provides· referrals for contraceptives and sterilizations performed by a third party. The lower-priced plan, however, involves deductibles of at least $1,050 for individuals and $2,100for families, and only preventive care is covered until the annual minimum is met. A portion of each month's premium is paid to a health savings account or health reimbursement arrangement, which can be used to pay the deductible.
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ber8-December 130penenroIlmentperiod, when they decide on coverage for 2005. Block said the OSF HealthPlails coverage is the only one billed as faith-based for 2005, although many Catholic hospitals and health systems participate in the health plans offered for federal. employees and retirees. Jeff Koch, a spokesman for OSF HealthPlans, said the new option
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This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River . GILBERT' C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY
"'-.......,-."""'---"-=-............:=.;.;:...;:.=_==-""""'==:........:::.......... MOUNT ST. HELENS spews steam and ash high into the skies above' Washington state after being dormant for'18 years, but the volcanic activity remains far below the, scale of the catastrophic 1980 eruption that killed 57 people and coated much of the Northwest with ash. (eNS photo from Reuters)
Audience participants saypope's endurance ofhardships inspires BY SARAH
ebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist. VATICAN CITY -Although During the summer, the length Pope John Paul II's speech is ofof his Wednesday audiences was ten slurred, his facial muscles stiff cut to a minimum, and for the past and his movement limited, paryear or so the amount of text he ticipants at his Wednesday genreads has been vastly reduced. eral audiences say that the way Summaries of his texts in other the pope endures his evident languages, which he once read hardships inspires them as Cathoaloud, are now read aloud by othlics. ' ers. "God bless him," was the rePapal trips - in the past nuaction of Lucy Edwards, a merous, long and with grunurse from Scranton, Pa., eling schedules - are now following a particularly try"He is demonstrating dignity rare and short, with few ing morning for the pope in events. sunny St. Feter's Square and courage that should be seen But to the crowds in St. even though he has an infirmity. Peter's Square, the pope's recently. "I don't know how he is . He conveys this even more in his frailty does anything but distill up there, struggling to current state of health, and it's minish their experience. talk, struggling to breathe. . very moving. " "It doesn't matter if he It's even more of an expecan't speak as well. It's still lience for me, because of a great event in my life," his illness. He i's a true sersaid Nagy Annabella, an 18vant," she said. throne is lifted onto his white ve- year-old from Szekesfehervar, In recent week;s, the pope's hicle. .Hungary, who was participating frailty has been more evident. The pope evidently relishes in her first papal audience with During a recent audience; Pope this contact with the faithful, and her Catholic high school class. John Paul addressed the faithful recently he even managed to kiss "It was total inspiration; just about marriage, referring to the a baby thrust into his arms as the being here does it," said Beth second half of Psalm 45, but he popemobile slowed. Sallie of North Bay, Ontario. spoke only six sentences of the At every audience, despite the "He's beautiful. Even though prepared text. difficulties in speech·and heavily he's suffering so much, he's still In the midst of his regular labored breathing, Pope John Paul being our shepherd," said Lynda multilingual greetings to pilgrims continues his practice of greeting Rozell, part of a group from the present in the square, he paused the various pilgrim groups, often Diocese of Arlington, Va., "His for several seconds while appar- in their o~n languages. Italian, breathing was so difficult . ently trying to form the words. English, French, Spanish, Ger- when he paused, I think people The audience began to clap in man and Portuguese are always clapped to encourage him." encouragement, and he was able used; another half-dozen that A group of French-speaking to continue his message in change from week to, week usu- altar servers from Bassecourt, Lithuanian:. ally are added. Switzerland, described Pope "I think he is trying to set an But his decreasing participa- John Paul as "like a grandfaexample for those who are ag- tion has been evident in recent ther." They mentioned many ing," said Candice Garrison, 55, weeks. On October 2, he began a things special about the audiof Duluth, Minn. "He is demon- beatification ceremony, but al- ence, but no one mentioned his strating dignity and courage that lowed a Vatican official to cel- health. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
should be seen even though he has an infirmity. He conveys this even more in his current state of health, and it's very moving." Pope John Paul's nervous system disease has confined him to the wheeled throne that he now uses for all public appearances. To enable the pope to continue to drive through St. Peter's Square to wave at and sometimes touch the hands of eager admirers, the
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