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An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-


Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Oct. 16, 1969 PRICE 10¢ ....·0 42 © 1969 The Anchor Vol • 13,...... $4.00 per Year


Schools to Receive Easter Collection Just before Easter it was announced by Bishop Connolly that the traditional Easter collection would be used to help defray the cost of educating needy children in the 54 elementary schools of the Diocese. Following the recommendation of Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Ed.D., Di- thousand dollars. More than was distributed. ocesan Superintendent of $62,000 Elementary school tuition for Schools, the Chancery Office each child has been set at one is currently distributing these funds. Special attention has been given to schools and areas having extraor.dinary need. A sum of fifty dollars is being allocated for each needy child. In addition, schools with special needs as gauged by the Dioce,san School Department are being provided with a grant of one

hundred dollars with the parish paying half and the child paying half. There are, however, many instances in which the child, cannot afford tuition and this is to be no bar in accepting him and keeping him in a parochial school. However, since expenses still must be met the allocation of the Easter Collection money will assist to meet this need.

Dennisport Youth and Social Center Slated for Opening November 1 A center to accommodate summer parishioners at Dennisport has been transformed into the Holy Trinity Youth and Social Center for all denominations in the HarwichDennis area. The $200,000 building has a basketball court, a fully equipped kitchen, 20 showers, storage rooms and a heating system. A program committee, meeting weekly, will implement and project plans for the use of the center. Already planned are programs for pre-school children, elementary school youngsters, junior and senior high school students, and older citizens. Rev. Finbarr McAloon, SS.CC., pastor of Holy Trinity Church, West Harwich, whose idea it

was to transform the 700 capacity hall into a permanent building has stated that he fervently hopes that this project will be an ecumenical success. The youth and social center will be inaugurated on Nov. 1 with a dinner-dance.

Bishops Seek Roles Of Papacy; College Pope Paul both to limit , debate at the ops and also

VI attempted the amount of Synod of Bishto provide for

a thorough review of all problems plaguing the Church today. The Synod of Bishops was called together to discuss one question - how the Pope can share authority with the bishops while retaining his supreme power in the Church, that is, a practical and efficient collegiality. However, many bishops have insisted that the present agenda does not touch on many problems that are mounting to a crisis stage within and without the Church. To touch on these, Pope Paul invited the bishops to bring one or two of their priests with them and meet with John Cardinal Wright to discuss the celibacy question and other priestly

Weekly Classes In 13 Fields Encouraging The Diocesan CCD Office has reported good attendance at adult education courses which opened at 10 centers this week. The CCD Fall semester schedule offers 24 courses covering 13 fields of adult education and catechetlcs. Several new features have been introduced into the adult program, according to Rev. Joseph L. Powers. Diocesan CCD Director. Included is a new basic doctrine course, "Our Developing Faith." The new course has been developed by CCD Directors of the five areas of the Diocese to meet the needs of the average layman and the CCD teacher and to provide them with an overview of basic Christian beliefs. Turn to Page Four1

problems. Cardinal Wright is head of the,Congregation for the Clergy. The Pope also appointed a commission, headed by Pericle Cardinal Felici, to receive all controversial questions instead of having them brought up before the 147 bishops in the synod. The Cardinal has strongly backed the Pope's views on celibacy and birth control in the past. Some have seen this as an attempt to control discussions of controversial topics. Others, however, have seen this as the Pope providing the bishops with an opening to assure more attention by the Pope himself to these problems and more adequate debate at a subsequent synod. The bishops speaking in the synod so far have carefully, struck out at the extremes of collegiality: where the Pope would decide all and deal with bishops only as his delegates;

Sunday and Holyday Obligations Distinct The Apostolic Delegation in Washington has released a decision recently promulgated by the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy concerning the obligation Catholics have of assisting at Mass on Sundays and holydays. In many dioceses where an indult permits satisfac- is left to the discretion of each Catholic. tion of the Sunday or holy- individual However, since the two obliday obligation on the pre- gations are di~tinct and separate, ceding evening, a question had arisen concerning those occasions when holydays fall on Saturdays and Mondays. The Sacred Congregation pointed out that whenever a Sunday and a holyday of obligation fall upon consecutive days, Catholics have two distinct obligations. The choice of time for assistance at Mass in fUlfillment _of these obligat.ions

Parishes Unite In Drug Role Eight Catholic parishes from the southern section of Fall River, together with members of three other Christian denominations, will meet at 7:30 Monday night in St. William's Parish Center for a program on "Drugs -Their Use and Abuse." Under the sponsorship of the CCD of St. William's Parish, members from Marathon House, Attleboro will speak and Mr. Albert Champoux will moderate the program. All are asked to use the ample parking lot of the parish at Chicago St. and Stafford Rd.

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or where the bishops would decide all and review all of the Pope's pronouncements beforehand. Justinus Cardinal Darmojuwono, an Indonesian, stated that "The Supreme Pontiff certainly should ask logically for' the counsel of his brethren in the Episcopate. If not, then I fear he will experience the same thing as followed Humanae Vitae (the birth control encyclical)." Leo Cardinal Suenens continued by saying that many persons in the Church would like the papacy to resemble the absolute monarchies that existed before the French Revolution. Referring to the Pope as the Successor to the Apostle Peter, he said that bishops are not only under Peter but exercise power with Peter. He found that the Vatican agenda for the synod seems to show bishops only as the Pope's assistants. Turn to Page Six,


MISSION SUNDAY, OCT. 19: If the hungry of the world lined up outside your door, the line would stretch around the world 25 times.

they should not be simultaneously discharged by assistance at one Mass only.

Education Parley Takes Hard Look At New Programs Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill will be one of the Catholic school superintendents from the entire U. S. who will take a hard look at school religion study programs. sex education, instructional television, and federal assistance to non public education at their annual meeting in Washington Oct. 19-23. There also will be a considered probe into the future, with several speakers examining development and goals of Catholic education. For the first time, this year's meeting will include' a special session for "Education Direc-, tors," described as "those in charge of coordinating the total diocesan education program." Reflected is the trend toward incorporating other than traditional classroom instruction into the Catholic education picture. Sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association and the United States Catholic Conference, the sessions are scheduled for the Washington Hilton Hotel. More than 250 Catholic education officials from across the nation are expected to attend the meetings. Speaking at the main banquet will be Leon Lesinger, Associate Commissioner for Elementary Turn to Page Six


. . I THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 16~ 1969




Diocese of Felli River APPOINTMENT Rev. Bento R. Fraga, assistant at St. Joseph Church, Taunton, 'as Director of the Apostolate. to Spanish Speak'ing People. ,

, I-

Appointment effective immediately.


~~ ,IJ~~d:'1 Bishop of Fall


Ex-Cons Organiz·e Little Leag~e, Pride of Chicago Ghetto Areal. \

CHICAGO (NC) - Earlier in life, Jerry Donnelly got caught off base. He paid for his mistake and now has come up with a philosophy regarding kids, especially ghetto kids. It goes. like this: "They've got just so much time to be kids and to have fun. Every kid should have that right. But some people say 'some kids are bad. They're not bad. All they need is for someone to give them a chance." So philosopher Jerome Thomas Donnelly, who makes no bones about being ·an' ex-con, put his theories' ·into practice' in a ghetto area here.' The results '. were surprisingly gopd. .

Mass Ordo FRIDAY-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin. III Class. o White. SATURDAY-St. Luke Evangelist. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface of Apostles. . SUNDAY-Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY - St. John Cantius, Confessor. III Class. White. TUESDAY - Mass of preceding Sunday. ·IV Class. Green. Mass Proper, Common Preface. Or St. Hilarion, Abb()t. White. Or St. Ursula and Companions, Martyrs. Red. WEDNESDAY-Mass of preceding Sunday. IV Class. Green. THURSDAY-St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop. III Class. White.

..................... Day of Prayer Oct. 19-5t. Peter, Provincetown. Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket. Oct. 26-St. Michael, Fall River. St. Patrick, Somerset. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price by mail, postpaid $4.110 per year. .

Donnelly, now a printer and a resident of St. Anthony'~ Inn, a halfway hOUSE! for former convicts a few months back enlist-. ed f~ur fellow ex-cons to aid him in a project.' i. They corraled a bunch of ghetto kids, used to hard khocks and tough living; got them interested in baseball-"stealing bases instead of something else," as one ex-con put it. ' i Player Award With the help of Father rhilip Marquard,O.F.M., the ;inn's spiritual director, a group of business firms were drawn into plans. The-firms·' provide4' .the uniforms and equipmel)t" some..what skeptically at firs~'i l But four. tearil.sof 15 :y~u!1g­ sters each were formed-whites, blacks, Puerto Ricans. Everything worked out smoohtly-no prejudices, just hard-nosed haseballs. The group got a c~arter from Little League, Inc., ofl Wil' liamsport, p.,a. A close of season banquet was held at the Inn. Wives of bus. inessmen, members of the third Order of St. Francis, sponsored the feast. Mitch Owens, 12, a .;J50-hitting catcher got "the most ~alu­ able player award." Runners-up were his brother, Paul, also a catcher; Ronald Ortez: a .358hitting outfielder, and a pitcher who hit .360 with the unlikely name of Robert Angel. , I The once really tough. n,eighborhood is more tranquil nowand the kids just can't wait until Spring training rolls around. I


Using Education The great .difficulty in education is to get ex.perience oot of ideas. . -Santayana

Dio'cesan Priests' Senate Gives Report of Meeting On Friday, Oct. 10, the Senate communication on all levels of of priests met at the Catholic diocesan operation, were disMemorial Home, Fall River, cussed in detail. un~er the. chairmanship of its The Semite heard a report on actmg-presldent, Msgr. John E. the Summer activities of the perBoyd. Twenty-two ,Senators sonnel committee and it was were present .along wit~ some agreed that the Bishop be re25-30 other dlOcesan pnests. quested to name the chairman of It was. announced that. Fr. the new board at his earliest Francis M. Coady had resigned convenience. from the Senate, due to the distance involved in his new, pas· The' Senate reiterated its detorate at Oak Bluffs. This resig- sire to continue issuing press nation leaves the Senate with releases, so that its own reports two seats to be filled. would be available to the public, Discussion ensued on the re- rather than pUblishe~. reports organization of the' Senate as based solely on unoff1c1al comnecessitated by the resignation ments. of its president, Fr. Edward A. Finally, it was publicly anOliveira, last month. A commit- nounced that the Senate had tee under the chaIrmanship of voted last month that the NaFr. Robert Kaszynski was ap- tional Federation of Priests' pointed to seek nominees for the Councils should not maintain its vice-presidency of the Senate headquarters in Chicago, but and to report to the Senate its rather move to Washington, NAMED: Rev. Bento R. Fraga, recommendations as to the con- D. C., as voted on at its annual assistant at St. Joseph Church, tinued status of the present of- convention. The Senate also did Tc:iunton, has been appointed ficers of the Senate. This com- not approve at this time of the Director of the Apostolate to the' mittee report will be due next National Federation of Priests' Spanishspeak;ng people. ~ month. Councils having a layman as its A resolution was unanimously executive secretary. passed to the effect that the '- This 2 Y2 hour meeting was adBishop be urged to implement journed by the acting president, as soon as possible a pension after announcing that the' Senate plan for the lay employees of will again meet on Friday, Nov. the diocese and that preferably 14, . 1969. this plan be allied to present plans in vogue in various diocdepartments. Fall Riverite Takes The Catholic. School De- esan The Priests' Pension Plan was partment and the Diocesan discussed and concern was evi- Vows as Brother CCD Office have announced denced as to a possible lack of Mr. Robert Caouette, son of a joint seminar on audio- professional evaluation compar-. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caouette of 182 Chicago Street, Fall· visuals to be held from 7-9 ison between the diocesan sponThursday evening, Oct. 23, at sored plan and that of a profess- River, and a member of St. Wil- .. Bishop Connolly High School, sional company. The services of liam's Parish, has taken first Fall River. Teachers from both an independent financial consult- vows as a member of the Broth· CCD and parochial systems. are ant was mentioned as a possible ers Of the Congregation of Holy solution to 'this difficulty. Cross. invited to attend. ' ) Among -features' of' the meet- . A statement, defending the . Mr. Caouette .is. now studying ing will be a showing of Ii' multi- .right :of . priests 'to raise ques- . at Stonehill College according media presentation, "Concepts tions on all phases of diocesan to the education program of the in Communications." Employing ministry and life, was read into teaching order that staffs Coyle three screens and several pro- the record and approved by the High School, Ta'unton. jection and audio devices, the Senate. Problems as to the status of 45-minute show demonstrates the capabilities of modern audi- the Senate and its representative visual equipment and techniques. identity, as well as problems of Practical Tips FUNERAL\ HOME, INC. Technical personnel from a Pharmacists Guild • R. Marcel Roy - Q, LorraIne Roy number of firms will be on hand ROller laFrance ·to give practical tips on the op- Holds Meeting FUNERAL DIRECTORS eration of, a variety of A-V Timothy P. Keating of New teaching devices. Equipment to Bedford, founder and first pres15 Irvington Ct. be demonstrated will include ident of the National Catholic New Bedford _ filmstrip slide and overhead pro- Pharmacists Guild of the United r995·5166 jectors; reel-to-reel and cassette States, was named to the office recorders; transparency and vis- of membership chairman of the ual makers; and audio. listening Guild at its recent Seventh Ancenters. nual meeting in Cincinnati. LAMOUREUX . Further information on the Also in attendance was Rev. FUNERAL HOME ·seminar may be obtained from Albert F. Shovelton, director of ALBERT J. UMOUREUX the CCD office at 676-3036 or St. Mary's Home in New Bedthe. Catholic School Department 'ford, who is GL!i1d spiritual diEmbalmer - Funeral Director at 678-2828. rector. Tel. 997·9044 The Guild endorsed and sup177 Cove St., Cor. So. Second St. ported' pronouncements of Pope Fall River Council NEW BEDFORD Paul.


Ai'ds Studied


Of DCCW Program

A Night of Recollection, under the sponsorship of the Fall River Necrology Council of Catholic Women, will be held at 7:45 on Thursday OCT: 25 Rev. ,Reginald Chene, O.P., evening, Oct. 23 in St. Anthony 1935, Dominican Priory,! Fall of Padua Church, Bedford Street, corner of 16th. , River. Rev. Raymond B. Burgoin, - The program will consist of the Living ~osary and a talk by 1950, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton. . , Rev.. Joseph M. Ferreira, assistOCT. 27 ant at the host parish. Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, 1918,. Assistant, Mt. Carmel, New Bed~ ford., : OIROURKE Rev. Edmond L Dickinson, 1967, Assistant, St. Mathieu, Fall . Funeral Home River. '




OCT. 28 Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe, 1923, Pastor, St. George, North Westport. ' Rev. Stanislaus Kozikowski, O.F.M., Conv., 1956, Pastor; St. . Hedwig, New Bedford. ~

571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 -

MleHAIEL J.' McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director

... •

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Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HoME469 LOCUST STREET FALL RIVER, MASS. 672-3381

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN f'tlllcra' Dome 550 Locust Street lFall River. Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. Sullivan Jeffrey E. Sullivan

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Intense Rivalries Stymie Dialogue In Holy Land

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 16, 1969

Expect Initiative, From Catholics

NEW YORK (NC)-In Israel, the one' nation where Jews are a majority and Christians a distinct minority, efforts at Jewish-Christian dialogue are largely stymied by intense rivalries and political preoccupation among the Christians, a visiting Jewish scholar charged here. Professor Zwi Werblowsky,44, Dean of the faculty of humanities and professor of comparative religion at Hebrew University in' Jerusalem, explained in an interview here that he is spending his sabbatical year in this country. He will serve as visiting fellow in Judaism at the institute of advanced religious studies at the University of Notre Dame, and as visiting professor in comparati~ religion at the University of Chicago divinity school. State of Christianity Christianity today is in a state of "underdevelopment" in the part of the world where it was born, Prof. Werblowsky asserted. "This is a fact which Christians have to take to heart and which Jews (in Israel) are trying to do something about," he said. At the same time, partly because of the state of Christianity there, "Israel is underdeveloped ecumenically," he claimed. Professor Werblowsky said he is trying to do something about the situation through leadership in two organizations-the Interfaith Committee and a more intellectually oriented, private body called the Rainbow Group. His attempts to work with Christians in these and other interreligious efforts in Israel provided insights into the state of Christianity in the Holy Land, he said. 'Holy Status Quo' The free-swinging professor, who has more than once been referred to in his land as an "enfant terrible," assailed the tendency of some Christian leaders in Israel to be "big establishment, ecclesiastical administrators," concerned primarily with ecclesiastical politics and holding on to their rights. "How can an ordinary Israeli obtain an image of Christianity from them? They testify not to the Holy Spirit but to the holy status quo," he said. Such churchmen, Prof. Werblowsky continued, give the impression to outsiders that "the essence of Christianity is to preserve the holy places.", He said divisions within the Christian church are "more glaring in Jerusalem than elsewhere and the rivalry much stronger," in part because of the continuing quarrels over which Christian group is to control the holy places. "We are exposed to the unedifying spectacle of constant bickering," which, he explain~d, "creates a climate of misunderstanding and inability to catch up with what the Christian witness could mean in that place."

Honor Astronauts RENSSELAER (NC) - Father Shawn Nolan, O.F.M. Conv., has been elected minister provincial of the Friars Minor Conventual, Immaculate Conception Province, succeeding Father David Schulze, 'O.F.M. Conv., whose term of office expired. The election was :held at the provincial chapter meeting in session here in New York.



BISHOP'S CHARITY BALL: Preparing for the .Jar:'. 9th social event from the Taunton Area, are: William Fagan, president of the Particular t~uricil, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Taunton Area; Mrs. James Williams, Taunton, No. Dighton,' decorating committee; Rev. Francis B. Connors of Sacred Heart Church, Taunton Area Director of Charity Ball; Miss Adrienne lemieux, president of Taunton District DCCWi John Connors of Taunton, hall committee.

15th Annual Bishop's Charity Ball Social to Have Presen tees from 38 Pa rishes Under the new plan of presen- rea, New Bedford; St. Mary, tation of young ladies to His Ex- Fairhaven. ,Taunton Area: St. Mary, St. cellency, Most Rev. James 1. Connolly at' the 15th annual Paul, Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Charity Ball, 38 parishes have . Lourdes, Taunton; Immaculate been selected for the 1970 'Ball Con'ception, N6:'Easton. ' to be,held Friday, evening, Jan. 9 Committees. for, the, affair are at Lincoln Park-Ballroom, No. at work on phases of arDartmouth. The plan approved rangements, it is noted by Rev. by the, Ball Committee had the Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, DiocDiocese divided into three sec- esan Coordinator of the Ball. tions. Sponsors of the Ball for the Last year, one third of the benefit of the underprivileged parishes were so honored with and the exceptional children are presentation. Next year, the the affiliates of the Council of other one third of the parishes Catholic Women and the conwill have young ladies take part ferences of the Society of St. in the presentation. Therefore Vincent de Paul. every third year, each parish in . Proceeds from this Winter so.the diocese will be honored by cial event help to sustain the presenting one young lady at four schools for the exceptional this impressive ceremony, one children and the St. Vincent de of the many features of this out- Paul Health Camp, Catholic standing social event. ,Boys Day Camp and the Nazareth Day Camp. Dedicated to Bishop The Jan. 9, 1970 Charity Ball Charity Ball Souvenir Booklet will be highlighted in a special Names for the Ball Booklet way. The Ball is dedicated to Bishop Connolly on the occasion may be submitted until Dec. 15 of his silver anniversary - 25 under six categories-Memoriyears in the episcopate. The scenario, colors and theme of the Ball will honor this outstand- Ecumenical Center ing evept of Bishop Connolly's For Olympic Games fruitful years as Bishop. MUNICH (NC)-The Catholic and Lutheran Churches in West The parishes selected are: Fall River Area: Cathedral, Germany will establish an ecuNotre Dame, St. Anne, St. Louis, menical center for pastoral care St. Michael, St. William, Santo and religious services during the Christo, Holy Name, St. Anthony Olympic Games here in, 1972. of the Desert, Fall River; St. The decision was made by a Bernard, Assonet; Our Lady of preparatory commission for the Grace, No. Westport, Our Lady Olympics representing both of Fatima, Swansea. churches. The center will also Attleboro Area: St. John the be open for use by non-Christian Evangelist, St. Stephen, Attle- religions. boro; St. Mary, No. Attleboro; Both churches also plan to Mt. Carmel, Seekonk. hold an ecumenical prayer servCape Cod and Islands Area: ice at the opening of the games. St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay; Julius Cardinal Doepfner of St. Patrick, Falmouth; St. Eliz- Munich, president of the German 'abeth, Edgartown; St. Joan of Bishops' Conference, and LuthAre, Orleans; St. John, Pocasset; eran Bishop Hermann DietzfelSt. Augustine, Vineyard Haven; binger, president of the council Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet. of the Lutheran Church of GerNew Bedford 'Area: Assump- many, will preside at the service. tion, Our Lady of Purgatory, St. The churches also intend to Francis of Assisi, St. Kilian, St. issue a pamphlet informing visiJohn the Baptist, St. Joseph, St. tors about the Christian churches Boniface, St. Hyacinth, St. The- in Germany.


als, Very Special Friends, Guarantors, Benefactors, Sponsors and Patrons. Persons wishing to have their names listed may contact any member of the sponsor- . in~ groups. . Progress reports have been given. by Mrs. Stanley Janick, Decorations; Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, Hospitality; Mrs.' James A. O'Brien, Presentees, and Miss Margaret M. Lahey in charg~ of scenario, colors and theme.

BLACKBURN (NC)-A survey carried out in England's Anglican diocese of Blackburn indicates that the majority of Anglican lay people believe that the initiative for reunion will have to come from the Catholic Church. About 2,000 questionnaires were distributed throughout the diocese by the diocese's committee for Church Unity. Although a litt.le over 1,000 replies were received, only 854 could be used for statistical purposes. Commenting on the results, Anglican Father Hugh M. Pollard, principal of St. Martin's College, Lancaster, who is responsible 'for the survey, said: "The replies from the questionnaire indicated a growing impatience on the part of lay people with moves toward unity. While reunion with the Roman Catholic church was regarded as a necessity by something less than half of the sample, a major'ity felt that union was not only desirable but possible. "For the most part, however, ,the respondents believed that the initiaUve would have to come eventually from the Roman Catholic church." As a result of these findings it was decieded to extend the survey to lay people in the Catholic church. At present, an additional 2,000 questionnaires are being distributed among the Catholic laity' in the Roman Catholic Salford and Lancaster 'dioceses.

., Plenary Council SANTA BARBARA (NC) Continu'ed 'commitment to building social, economic, and ecclesiastical' power for MexicanAmericans, blacks, and Indians was declared here in California by the Franciscan friars of the St. Barbara province, meeting in plenary council.


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JHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 16, 19~9

Laity' Sh~uld Participate In Missionary Vocation "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and behold, I am with you all days, till the consummati'on of the world." , , . (St. Matthew: Chal?t. 28, verse 19,) Beloved in Christ: Next Sunday is Mission Sunday. Pope Pa~l calls on· all the faithful to rally in support of missionary-minded me~nd women, at home and in far-flung fields. He reminds us that God does not will that our Faith be lock~d up in our hearts. "No category of Christians can exempt itself from the missionary vocation., For the Lord wills to spread His kingdom by means of the laity, also." (Vatican II, Constitution on the Church, # 36) "EverY..,Christian must open his soul to the Holy Spirit. The whole Cathol~c Community must be convinced of the need to spread the Faith. Each and every member of the Church must be afire with missionar.y zeal." So speaks" our Holy Father. He urges" every one o~ us to supplement 'the work of missionary apostles an(l bring all mankind to the knowledge, love and serv~ce of God, through Christ Our Lord. Our day is marked by friendly exchange between members of different denominations. But this does not mean we have no further obligation to preach the Gospel by word and deed. Quite the contrary ! Like it or not, our, actions are construed to indicate .loyalty or disloyalty to what we profess to believe.. There are no two ways about this. "He that is not with Me, is against Me," said the Lord. Each day, at Holy Mass, we pray with the priest to "become one body, one spirit with Christ." But Christ prays that all may be one, in Him, for the Glory of the Father. He wills that all men be brought to the knowledge, and love of the True Faith and so be saved. No one, is so insignificant that he cannot be an instrument of God's Will. So we must all be disposed to accept the grace of the moment and rise to the point of 'using it. St. Paul~s conversion came with the words: "Lord what would yo~ have me do ?" His .complete fervor made him the great Apostle for' the Gentiles. St. Therese of Lisieux )Jecame' the Saint. of the Missions by prayer. Material support for missionaries began mooestly in 'Lyons, Frarice, througn. the interest of one woman, a member of the laity. We are all urged to carryon, in the best tradition of Catholic conscience, through prayer for the spread of the Faith, bringing peace and harmony throughout this mixed-up world of ours. I strongly emphasize the need our missionary representatives have, not merely for self-support, but more particularly to be helped in their ministrations to children of God in hovels and slums, at home and abroad. While it is true our nation has always helped the missionary generously,-it is none the less true that fifty or more times the measure of our contributions are spent on luxuries. : So I beg f,Or the, missions. I hope and pray that the level of giving' be realistic, having in m~nd the grave requirements for existence of those who live in the shadows of ignorance and superstition, and the strange indulgences that keep becoming necessities for those living ~iin the land of the free and the home of the brave." , Let us be brave enough to make sacrifices. Let us ,be ' free to the point of doing for God, and neighbors in need. Trusting that all will register their living Faith, on Sunday, October 19th, by giving generously for the Propagation " of the Faith, I remain"

CCD Attendance Continued from Page One Planning for advanced followup courses to be given in later semesters is now being conducted by the CCO priests. Media Workshops Also new this year are workshops in media techniques for elementary and high school CCO, teachers. "Media for the Chris· tian Message" is offered for elementary teachers at Fall River and New Bedford. A similar workshop course for high school religion teachers is being held in the Taunton area. Among new adult education courses which have' opened in New Bedford are "Contemporary Moral Problems" and "Spirit and Structure." These are open .to all adults and are among the six different programs scheduled for that area.


.,£- - ,.

HISTORIC MEETING: For the first time since Israel became an independent nation, Pope Paul VI received one of its highest officials', Abba Eban, minister of foreign affairs, and talked for almost an hour about the explosive situatio.n in the Middle East. NC Photo. ,

Stress Parents Role in Sex Education Pennsylvania Sees' Discuss 'Program " PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Rep· resentatives of the .Philadelphia archdiocese and 'the' dioceses of Allentown, Harrisburg' and Scranton, Pa., held a sex educa-' tion workshop here 'and discussed ways to help' parents teach their children about sex. Msgr. Edward T.. Hughes, Philadelphia archdiocesan superfn. tendent of schools, said a program to guide parents would be launched through the Catholic Home and School Association, but the "mechanics of such a plan"'have not yet been worked out.

Asked whether preliminary ."Our'ideal is thatvresponsibiltalks on the parents' program . ity for such a program would be was a prelude to having sex carried out in the home,", he education in classes in Catholic said. schools, Msgr. Hugh said: "I Dr. Lucchesi added: "Whether don't know. In my particular di- or not this is attainable, we shall ocese, no decision has been have to see * * *' whether the made 011 this. The only decision . school should be involved in that has been made is that we such a program * ~, '" right now, must involve the parents." we don't know." Dr. Pascal Lucchesi, a member of the archdiocesan board of edMore than 75 priests, nuns, ucation and a director of. the laymen and parents attended the Einstein Medical Center, empha-' all-day session, and heard from sized that the primary teaching experts in medicine, marriage of sex to children rests with the· counseling, social work, theology parents. and parent-teacher groups.

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The popular Group Dynamics course is being offered in Attleboro, Buzzards Bay and Taunton ' this semester. Also available in Attleboro is an ecumenical course. co-spo'1sored with the Attleboro Area Council of Churches. It will feature eight clergymen of different denominations presenting their' churches' beliefs, history, structure and. attitudes towards ecumenism. .Most, of the CCO courses being offered last eight weeks, and several may' be ap, plied towards CCD teacher certification. New members may still join all classes. Information regarding the adult education program may;be obtained by calling 676·3036 iil Fall River. Cape area residents may call the Buzzards Bay CCD Branch Office at 759-7305.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fal,l River-Thurs., Oct. 16, 1969



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HIGH SCHOOL HOMES: Family living is provided for teenagers at three houses recently opened by St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. Left, boys at New Boston Road house with Kevin and Ronnie Champoux, sons of house parents.

Pope Paul Again, Urges Catholics To Pray RosQ,ry VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paul VI has urged Catholics' to pray the Rosary even though it is not a form

~~- ~~ "'''''


Center, Thomas King plaid shirt) and wife Dee enjoy coffee break with two teenagers. Right, girls at North Main Street entertail'l visitor.

Family Living Provided for Teen'agers At Three Fall River Houses By Patricia McGowan One boy has a banner in his room. It reads "Home Sweet Home." That about sums

up the feelings of 15 teenagers, "graduates" of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, who're living in three houses in the city under conditions as closely as possible approximating family life. There's a comfortable old brown house on New Boston Road and a newly painted white building on ' June Street for the boys, eight "uncles." One of the high house? "One elderly lady who h'l h . I ' h . schoolers went so far as to move lives alone wasn't too sure about W let e glr souse IS on his tank of tropical fish from us," recounted Champoux, "but North Main Street. "All our his bedroom to the hall outside the other day she told me she'd

Not in the Summer, however. De Mayo obtained jobs for all his boys during the vacation months, and while they were working, he expected them to pay their golf fees like any other player. "I want them to learn that they can't expect something for nothing. It's unrealistic!" The Summer jobs had other purposes. They avoided "the dangerous time" when youngsters have all too many free hours and they provided the boys. wilth nesteggs for their future. "Too often kids live in the present," said De Mayo. "I try to teach them .to plan for their futures,"

of prayer accepted by all Christians. The Pope issued an apostolic exhortation dated Oct. 7, the Feast of the Holy Rosary, urging Catholics to pray the Rosary for the peace of mankind. At a gen- high schoolers will live in such Kevin and Ronnie's bedroom, so , decided she like the idea of having so many young men next eral audience the next day the houses when the new St. Vin- the tots could watch them. "They sit and watch the fish door. Made her feel protected." Pope returned to the subject of cent's Home is completed," said At the June Street house two Rev. John Cronin, director of the every morning," said Mrs. ChamSomewhat older teens are asthe Rosary, saying: "We realize that the Church is Fall River institution. "At the poux. "They're fascinated by signed to the June Street house. important members of the family at the moment in a condition of Home itself grammar school age them and they've learned to tell Most came ther~ from a North are Lady, "everybody's dog," Main .Street apartment where and Tiger, a cat. "They provide special and pressing needs and children will be accommodated colors from them." A set of drums belonging to they'd been living for a year a way. for the kids to express conflicting ideas, the interior and in cottages." love, said De Mayo. Although Father Cronin says another teen is installed in the under De Mayo's direction. exterior maladies which afflict it "They're a great group of and';' " .;. its mission to be ful- the high school houses are not cellar, which has been newly The teens 'at the high school kids," he says. "They've changed houses are welcome to have filled, the possibility of offering his original idea, they are, as far painted by two of the boys. ' as he knows, the only ones in fantastically in a year." He friends visit and come for meals. to the contemporary world a rethis area of the country. Their The boys share in household strives to develop a family spirit "And we never say no to a renewed Christian witness." These needs, said the Pope, purpose, explains Leonard De chores and each has specialties among his five teens and says quest for transportation," said "lead the Church to seek help Mayo, director of the June in addition. "One has worked that in a year there have been De Mayo. beyond the human and temporal Street house, is to "deinstitution- with the city tree warden," said no real battles among them. Informal "family meetings" are "I try to head off trouble beChampoux, "and he takes care sphere and lead it to prayer and alize" youngsters. held at both houses, ·and there's "Everything a child does in an of the bushes and yard. Another fore it grows," he says. "I've to the invocation of divine aid." a lot of group interaction, say Pope Paul recommended the institution is routine. When he is wonderful with repairs. Every- never showed anger or yelled at bQth directors. Rosary as one form of prayer, leaves such surroundings, it's one dQes something and they're a kid, so they don't get angry On days off, both the Chameither." but noted that "many of our hard for him to function inde· very helpful. poux family and De Mayo are Champoux cooks breakfast for Christian brothers who are still pendently and think for himself: Not In Summer separated from us are still con- We're trying to teach the boys his large family, while the De Mayo was for 14 years ath- relieved by another young cousiderably critical regarding the how to cope with the outside youngsters prepare their own letic director at a Philadelphia ple, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King, longtime workers at St. Vinschool lunches. Dinner is Mrs. legitimacy and tOe efficacy" of world." A family atmosphere prevails Champoux' job and it's a big institution and he's used golf cent's. the recourse to Mary to reach at both boys' houses. The girls' one. Her 11 men consume "tons to develop a common interest Jesus. The high school family prohouse, still in process of reno- of potatoes," about two and a among his boys. "They all play· 'It Is Necessary'. gram, still in its infancy, is "and it's done a golf," he says, "Therefore," he said, "we will vation, is only in semi-operation half gallons of milk and four lot for them." The director has summed up as "working very repeat together with OUI' great thus far, with its two high .loaves of bread a day. "There made an arrangement with an very well" by Father Cronin, predecessor Leo XIII 'the very schoolers having meals at St. aren't too many leftovers," she area country club. He works for . who expresses appreciation for difficult condition of present Vincent's until their own kitchen said with some understatment. the club on his day off, but re- the enthusiastic support and inThe New Boston Road family ceives no salary. Instead, his terest shown by Bishop Connolly times daily leads us and almost is usable. At the moment it is 'in charge of Sister Lourdette, is astir at 6:45, said Champoux. youngsters are permitted use of in this newest venture of Dioceforces us to provide with ever greater solicitude for the safe- R.S.M. of St. Vincent's staff, but Beds are made and rooms the course at no charge. san Catholic Charities. guard and the safety of the eventually it will have house straightened before' breakfast parents. and departure for school. After Church as the trials grow Children Help school most of the boys have graver,' and as the more delicate 'the moment and the more urgent At New Boston. Road, eight Neighborhood Youth Corps jobs. the need of peace which is teens have for their house They're home by 4:30 for a free harmed and threatened in the mother and father Mr. and Mrs. period until dinner at 5:30. world, as it is in Vietnam, Afri- Ronald Champoux, a lively, out- After dinner and dishes, there's ca, the Middle East and in Ire- going young couple with an im- another free period until homeI ill land and other sorrowful places, 'pressive record of service to work time. A snack is served at it is necessary that we pray the youth. Champoux was a super- 9:30 and it's to bed by 10 on Rosary. visor at the former Rodman Job school nights. "It is this accumulation of rea- Corps Center in New Bedford, To Vermont BANQUErS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES sons that led us today to ad- and he and his wife, who is a Life isn't all work, however. dress to the Church our exhor- registered nurse, supervised a tation, which was published the half-way house for youngsters On the Winter schedule is a trip COMMUNION BREAKFASTS 11= day before yesterday, to invoke in Rhode Island before returning to Vermont, while Champoux the maternal patronage of Our to Champoux~ native Fall River. also plans mountain climbing, 1343 PLEASANT STREET FALL RIVER. Lady in a special way during the They have two children of cookouts and camping for his month of October when the their own, year old Kevin and gang in the months to come. 673·7780 '. Feast of the Holy Rosary is Ronnie, 2, who revel in the atWhat do the neighbors think 'Rtlfm:rHtlHl:l'Hl:l'H'tfH'f:(O'i::H'fi~O'l'lh'ffH'fi.t'ffH'ffH'fi.iiff"E"Hm''ffH'ffO'ffo[lC:i celebrated." tention lavished on them by of the new family in the brown .......'i;(...'i;(...'i;(""liir~it ...l i l i ~ ~ ...1 ijjltt.lijt...lQ<...1Ul'ii\jijiillijij"~.lilli

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 16, 1,969

Education Parley

Brains and' Hunger

Continued from 'Page One and Secondary Education, U. S. Office of Education. An extended session has been scheduled for examining the school religion program with speakers assigned to treat "attacks on religion programs" and the "determination of texts:" Father James T.' McHugh, Director of the U. S. Catholic Conference Family Life Division, will discuss "Sex Education: A National Overview." Discussions on instructional television will range' from problems surrounding restructuring of the curriculum to the cost of installing and operating TV equipment. NCEA and USCC personnel will be join'ed by representatives of the U. S. Office of Education in presenting current information on Government activity in nonpublic education. ' Msgr. William M. Roche, of Rochester, N. Y., President of the NCEA School Superintendents' Department, and Msgr. Thomas W. Lyon, Washington, Chairman of the USCC Association of Superintendents, will preside at in: dividual sessions of the two groups. New Officers will be elected during the upcoming sessions. ' , Directing arrangements for the meeting is Father John F. Myers, Executive Secretary of the NCEA Superintendents' Department.

The Holy See's observer ,to the U;nited Nation~ Food and Agricultural Organization,Msgr. Ligutti, has pointed out that many leaders, including those in the FAO, beli'eve that hunger in the world is not caused by population' 'increase. It is bro.ught about by a' refusal by man to 'use what he has at his disposal. Msgr. Ligutti said that the rich landowner must! become social minded and that the farmer himself must learn . how to get the maximum from the land he has. Improvement must be made in the prod~ction of protein foods ~md , hybrid crops and waste must be eliminated. It is estimated that some insects destroy in a single year food production ' equal to the entire State of Rhode Island. The ocean has hardly been touched as a source l of food and yet an acre of ocean contains far more protein than an acre of land. Man alr~ady has within his knowledge the, 'mean~ of increased production. He already, has the means to produce more an<~ better food. A FAO study of a few years ago said that the earth could support-with means now known . -a population of sixty billion persons. ., So the problem is with man. He must, use the me~ns he has and teach these to others. He must, work the earth so that it will produce. He must increase the quality of the knowledge he has and help others to do the same. He must, as Msgr. Ligutti said, initiate a "ma~ reform" so t~at he can, in turn, bring about a "land reform." , the meantime, there are empty stomachs. And so agencies, both church _and governmental, must funnel thro~gh to the hungry food and medicine and means'to survive. They must teach the poor how to produce the .. ST. LOUIS ,(NC)-A special commission 'to investigate Synod, of Bishops most from the land they have. They must prevail upon Continued from Page One landowners and nations to give land to the poor so that (he content of religious education in schools of the St. "We are successors of the th~se can work it for themselves. 'They must offer new Louis archdiocese is being set up by John Cardinal Car- Apostles and coresponsible for m~ans for better crops, -machinery to harvest" techniqiIes berry,. In an address to more than 1,000 Catholic school the _universal Church," pointed out Francois Cardinal Marty and of eliminating waste, better methods of marketing pro.duCts. teacherS at' the annual twohe stated that he did not find In th~se ways the tragedy can befaced,:l:ind,·)lppefully,.. day . archdiocesar:t, teacher:s methods 'of religious teaching, an affirmation of' this in the with the.content. :agenda. , , . ' . ~yercome.. " ,institute Cardinal Carberry but The establishment of a religious ",' "'.1': - . , ","n.·t· 'siiid' 4e'will, name:a ~special educa~ion . commission bY, the . ,Other ,bishops attacked a pos-

St. -Louis To ,Probe' Religion Content



. commission; made up of "care- cardinal follows 'a recommenda- sible overemphasis con. bishops' rights to the loss of the Pope's. , The concentration of so much desire and prayer and fully chosen members represen- tion."made June 30 ,by the Arch- Their theme was that of unity. thought and energy and organization in a search for peace tative of, every segment" of the diocesan Priests Council, which Paul Cardinal Zoungran,a, archdiocese, to make "a thor- asked for such a body.in order is an impressive thing; , I ough study of how the apostol- , to promote sound religious Archbishop of Ouagadougou, for undiluted papal su,Yesterday's Peace Day focused the attention of the ate of 'religious education 'is be- teaching and to calm parents asked premacy, as did other prelates who fear that. heresy is being nation and the world upon the desirable goal of peace. ing carried out in our schools.", from Africa, eastern Europe and ' .' The, work of the nl;lW religious taught in St. Louis classrooms. Australia. The Cardinal said that It Ief t 'unclt~ar how a just and lasting peace is to ;be education commission, the cardiAfricans wanted to know "in brought about in 'vietnam and in all the. tro,uble spots: of nal said, "will involve a comprewhat things they should believe, the world.' ' , '" ,'I hensive study of all textbooks what things are good and true, But it 4id proclaim throughout'the' land and possibly careful that treat of religious 'matters; a permitted and prohibited. analysis of alleged deviFor this reason, he stated, to the world that the national intention is one of peace: ations: from true and orthodox The majority of te Bishops of "the pastors of the African Calling for peace is not enough: :, Catholic teaching; and represenNew England attended the hun- church look with great trust to There. must be plans, realistic and applicable to the tative tests of what our youth dredth anniversary of St. Jo- the successor of Peter not beh d ' have been given in the way of ere-an -now situation, to effect this peace: ., religious and sI:\iritual forma- seph's Cathedral, Manchester, cause of ignorance or a servile N. H. and attended the Mass of- spirit, but because of their love There must be renewed diplomatic efforts with their tion." " , fered by Archbishop Luigi Rai- for the unity of the episcopal seemingly endless discussions and quibblings to ,bring about ' . Compendium ' mondi, Apostolic Delegate to the college" which they intend to desuStle changes in attitudes than can bring peace alit'tle continued, When ~he study is finishe~, he United States. fend together with Peter." "the commission will Archbishop Raymond TchiRichard Cardinal Cushing decloser. apply itself to a, task in which I ,dimbo of Conakry, Guinea, said livered the homily. There must be, above all, an eternal dedication within myself' shall be personally inBishop Connol- ~he synod should not minimzie the heart of each man to peace-peace within hims~lf' volved-that of drawing up a ly Accompanying from Fall River were, Rev. the truth that the Pope is Peter. ' compendium of, the basic and peace with God, and peace with his' neighbor, even a essential truths of our holy Msgr. Reginald M. Barrette, di- He, said it should not comproneighbor who does not see things as he sees them. , Catholic religion as they must be ocesan chancellor, and Rev. mise the Pope's right to issue enwithout consulting Thomas J. Harrington, J.C.L., cyclicals If peace is the goal, then peaceful must be. the means' presented in our schools." bishops. vice-chancellor and ,episcopal to bring it about. Cardinal Carberry added "this' Some· prelates were impatient . compendium will be presented in secretary. with the doctrinal reports on colsuch a way to offset and nullify legiality. They wanted to get on whatever dangerous tendencies with the practical pastoral apor heterodox teachings may Asks Jurists Guard plication of collegiality. Others threaten the faith and the com- Moral Standards wanted the doctrinal section of mitment of the youth, whose VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope the agenda first submitted to parents entrust' them to our ,schools." The compendium will Paul VI, speaking to about 500 the Commission of Theologians be based' on the teachings of jurists from various nations, also meeting in Rome before Vatican' Council II and previous warned against the "ever-recur- dealing with it. ecumenical councils, on the ring temptation, more insidious . The report before the bishops, OFFICIAL NE~SPAPE~ OF THE DI,OCESE OF FALL RIVER ; credo of Pope Paul' VI and on today than ever, to measure the Issued by Cardinal Seper of the moral by the customary." This, Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River the historic teaching of the he said, is to move "from what Doctrinal Commission states: "The best way of using supreme Church through the centuries, 410 Highland Avenue is done to what is tight." power in the Church, saving at the cardinal said. Fall River, Mass. ~2722 675-7151 Pope Paul referred to "the the same time unity and diverConcern terrible progress ·of criminality sity, is by exercising supreme His concern, he emphasized, PUB'tISHER was not with the technical in th~ urban milieu, and that . powet together with the episMost Rev. James. L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. , within societies considered to be copal college, always with the the most highly evolv~d." condition that the Pope has his GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER, Precept & Example Referring to one of the sub- own mission as the figure of Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll : Men trust' their eyes rather jects discussed at the congress, Christ and as the pastor of the than their ears; the road by pre- , the safeguarding of the rights of universal Church." MANAGING EDITOR cept is long and tedious, by'ex- the human person, he said jurists Still, Vatican II has been acHugh J. Golden, LL.B. ample short and effectual. assure it "by the protection of cepted but the question remairis, ~leery' P~ess-:-FI" Rive,r", -Seneca pubic order," "How?". \


Bishop Attends Centena ry Rite


Avers Churches' Appraisal of UN Is Realistic

THE ANCHOR-Thurs., Oct. 16, 1969

Knights to Fight Immoral Laws


-"The majority of religious organizations have been em· inently realistic in their appraisal of the United Nations," Msgr. George Higgins told United Nations delegates, secretariat members and others gathered to pray for the success of the current session of the UN General Assembly. The occasion was a Mass at the Holy Family Church, at which the principal celebrant was Coadjutor Archbishop John J. Macguire of New York. Religious organizations publicly have endorsed the UN, Msgr. Higgins continued, "not as a perfect organization, but at least as a step, a very important step, in the right direction." He said some UN critics seem to argue from the hidden premise that international order can be established and peace maintained "by the ideal implementation of disembodied moral principles in an ideal world organization." Many religious-minded men and women in the United States and in other countries, seem at present to be cynical about the UN or to have lost interest in the organization, said the monsignor, who is director of the division for urban life, U. S. Catholic Conference. Calling for a patient attempt to exorcise the evil and enervating spirit of cynicism and defe'atism in the field of international relations, Msgr. Higgins said the U. S. Catholic bishops have taken a consistently realistic attitude toward the UN since 1945. "They recognize the necessity of institutional reform side by side with individual moral reform," he said, "and they are sufficiently patient to bear manfully with the fact that institutional reform, in the nature of things, is almost inevitably a discouragingly slow process." Msgr. Higgins paid special tribute in his sermon to those who negotiated the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weap~ns. They deserve, he said the SlOcere thanks of a world which is sick unto death of war. "They haven't been able to ~liminate war or to bring about lOstant peace, but, as (the Second) Vatican Council's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World points out their 'efforts 0:0 * 0:0 to eliminat~ the danger of war are not to be underrated,' " he said.

Open Catechetical Pastoral Institute DUNDALK (NC) - Ireland's first Catechetical 'and Pastoral Institute, planned in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council to train "true communicators of the word of God," has opened here with a first class of 50 priests, Sisters and laity. The institute offers a' full-time 33-week course that is divided into three terms. There is a central staff of seven teachers, supplemented by 30 visiting lecturers. Sessions are held at the Mt. Oliver convent of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa here. William Cardinal Conway of Armagh, whose ecclesiastical province is sponsoring the program, said at opening ceremonies that those who teach the Gospel m~ssage today are challenged to have a profound and authentic understanding of that message.


DOES TV VIOLENCE AFFECT CHILDREN?: A report is expected to be publish~d soon by the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. The commission members who met in Washington this past week, are reported to be considering whether children a:e affected by pcrtrayal of violence ,in the communications media, particularly on television.

Adult Education' Has 'Ecumenical Flavor Program Shows WASHINGTON (NC). If you're interested in taking an adult education course at the Towson School of Theology thfs Fall, send a registration request and a $5 fee to Father' Brian Rafferty, dean of the school and associate pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Towson, Md. The request will be sent to the Towson United Methodist church, where members of the congregation will give it careful attention. Th"e $5 will be forwarded to Herbert Rutherford, a retired banker who is a tre~­ surer of the school. Rutherford, an Episcopalian, frequently attends Mass at Immaculate Conception. Duly enrolled, you'll find a wide variety of subjects to choose from including a course on Judaism taught by eight rabbis an~Jewish lay leaders, and a series on the Catholic Church with Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of Baltimore as one of the lecturers. Ecumenical Reality Father Rafferty is fond of citing the school's registration procedure, as well as its diversified program and multi-religious staff of 20, as "concrete evidence that congregations can cooperate, and not just now and then." - The five congregations which have been cooperating for some three years now to make adult religious education an ecumenical reality in this old, established Baltimore suburb are: Towson Methodist, Immaculate

Honor Astronauts VATICAN CITY (NC)-U. S. astronauts Edwin Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins were received at the Synod of Bishops and awarded the gold medal of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.


Conception, the First Lutheran Church of Towson, Towson Presbyterian, and Trin~ty Episcopal. The rotating membership of the school's board of directors includes ministers and laymen of all five churches. Subjects of Interest The school got its start as the

-Prelates Decry Pressur'e Groups PARIS (NC) - The permanent council of the French' Bishops' Conference has said that use, of pressure groups and appeals to public opinion ate not the way to solve problems' relating to the Church and the priesthood. A communique published by the permanent council said: "It is not by thoughtless appeals to public opinion nor by the action of pressure groups that questions relating to the Church and the priesthood will be resolved." The communique confirmed that the next plenary assembly of the French bishops, to be held in November at Lourdes, will deal with basic pastoral units and priestly teams, authority and coresponsibility in the Church, and the material life of the Church and of priests. At the same, the communique said, the assembly will "take stock of the study under way on the motivations of celibacy and the conditions of its exercise." The communique stressed the necessity for fidelity to the Gospel and asked that the Lourdes meeting be "a time of conversion, --a moment of common spiritual experience." The communique also declared: "The world does not need a Church which reveals to it only itself. It awaits from the Church a revelation of the unique God."


follow-up to a local ministerial meeting at which, according to Father Rafferty, the assembled clergymen decided they did not want to simply "shoot the breeze, but to get together and do something as churches which might be financially and practically difficult to do individually." "When we put the school together, we were thinking not so much of doctrine but of subjects which would be of interest to any concerned person, and then getting the best qualified persons available to teach the courses," he said. The program has been, by all accounts, a resounding success both promoting good will and raising the general educational level of the community. The modest tuition fee paid by the students (about 400 are expected this year) has· covered all the school's expenses, so no financial burden has been placed on the sponsoring churches. Programs such as the one in Towson ought to be fairly common in an education conscious, post-Vatican II age, but there is some evidence they are often more talked about than done. Father Rafferty.is probably correct in asserting that the Towson school of theology "is something of a first."

GLASGOW (NC)-The 20,000member Knights of St. Columba society (KSC) has launched a drive to combat legislation considered to be ~l threat to social morality. The lay organization, which was initiated here in Scotland in 1919, has concluded its annual conference in this city. Growing concern over legislation in Britain, actual or proposed, on abortion, divorce and euthanasia prompted the KSC to undertake a program of "action committees" to guard against new laws which erode accepted moral standards. Charles Donnelly, headmaster of the KSC, told newsmen here during the organization's golden jubilee celebrations that the action committees will be set up in all British electoral constituencies and will contact the local members of parliament. He stressed that in their activities the committees will be "positive -not just opposing the bad but praising the good in proposed legislation." The committees, he said, are encouraged to seek the cooperation of other Christian churches and groups, Jews and individuals concerned with basic social morality.

New Community To Stress Liturgy STEUBENVILLE (NC)-Bishop John King Mussio of Seubenville has granted, permission for an experimental community of men who cal1 themselves "Little Servants of the Most Holy Trinity" to begin here in Ohio. The new religious group proposes to live a contemplative life, with some active expression, and to stress the liturgy following the suggestion of Vatican Council II. The community, headed by Father Francis J. Marino, S.M., founder, pays special homage to Mary as "Mother of the Church," with special emphasis given to her role in the liturgy. Father Marino is also' cofounder of a women's community in the .diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind. The "Handmaids of the Most Blessed Trinity" are also consecrated to "Our Lady of the Liturgical Life."

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Urges Pastors Form Counci.ls

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Oct. 16, 1969· . ,

Says T'od!ay's Kids' Better' .

BOSTON (NC)-Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston has urged pastors in the archdiocese for the third tIme in two years to form parish councils in their parishes as quickly as possible. Cardinal Cushing, in a letter to more than 400 parishes in the archdiocese, told the pastors that formation of the councils is "a matter of the gresatest urgency." Thomas M. Simmons, Boston attorney, who is chairman of the archdiocsean commission for, the· promotion of parish councils, said only a quarter of the area's parishes have a functioning council. Cardinal Cushing wrote that if a "spirit of cooperation and responsibility is to grow in the archdiocese of Boston, every parish must be vitally involved in the task. An indispensable element in this effort on the local level is the founding of parish councils. "In my letters of June 14, 1968 and Jan. 29, 1969, I made clea; that I wanted every parish '" in the archdiocese to have a council, composed of laity, Religious and clergy, which, will be actively concerned with parochial life. At this time I wish to repeat this pastoral directive, for it is a matter of the greatest urgency."

Behaved at Hallo,w,een By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick As we approach Halloween I can't help but think back to my own youth and feel pleased that the childr~n of today are so much better behaved than we were. W:hen I was a boy, Halloween meant one thing. Tricks. I am sorry to say that the tricks were neither clever nor amusing. cider, are the traditional food for Halloween. I don't know if all children Good Intentions were the same but the boys While very few of us have the in my neighborhood'looked upon Halloween as the perfect time to repay all the slights and wrongs, real or imagined, that adults had tortured us with duro, ing the year. It was the time to wax every window in sight, let the air out of countless tires, upset garbage ~ans, stone street lights, break windows and do every imaginable wrong. There was no great joy in any of this but we as children I thought it was the thing to do and that we were justified in our vendetta: Not every family was so treated. We had a code. There 'were good adults who were left untouched, but these were the , exception rather than the rule. It's Better Today Now it rather amuses me to see those same adults who were . the objects of our wrath refuse to open their doors to today's little Trick or Treaters. Surely they remember what Halloweens were like 25 years ago. It certainly is a nuisance to have children pounding at your door and it is rather a tough pill to swallow when teenagers de· scend upon us in a flock to get their candy bars. But far better tJ undergo the annoyance than to have children release their inhibitions with bars of 'soapand wax, by throwing stones and by devising clever stunts to annoy and vex everyone. I personal!y enjoy the. little ones who come to my, door dressed in "frightening". costumes, who are really more , frightened of me than I of them. , Last year Jason wouldn't leave the house for the longest time because Melissa had a devil's mask and Jason was afraid he would run into her ,on the street. We have taken the Trick or Treat for granted and possibly have forgotten the havoc that children wreaked in the past, so let us remember and' give gener· ously to today's children! In the Kitchen It doesn't seem possible (it must have only been yesterday that we cleaned out our beach locker) but already Jason is walking around with his trick or treat bag and Meryl and Melissa are planning what they'll wear to greet the hobgoblins. As the mother of trick or treaters for the past seven years, at least, 1:11 have to look up my cold weather gear. It gets mighty chilly on All Hallow's Eve standing on my neighbors' sidewalks waiting for my three offspring to climb up and down what seeins like 121 front steps. Begging for goodies at people's 400rs' is a carryover from the'time in jolly' old England when youngsters would beg "soul cakes,': in return for which they'd promise to pray for the dead of the household. When one very pious cook decided that they needed a "soul cake" that would remind them of the continuous circle of life into eternity,' the doughnut was dis· covered. And to this day doughnuts, along with apples and 0


time to fry doughnuts on Halloween night for those visitors who approach our door, I still think it would be fun to serve the trick or treaters something beside the same old candy that I find myself doling out. Every year I tell myself that I'll plan well ahead so that I can do some interesting baking, but every year my good inten. tions go out the window as' I try to get my supper on the _ tlible, dress my offspring and leave a neat kitch"t!D, all before the witching hour approaches. Who knows, maybe this will be the year when good intentions become reality! If Halloween day finds y~u with time on your hands, perhaps y~u can' whip up these IN BOLIVIA: The primary school of the parish 'If 'Christ the tasty lemon mini-pies for the adults who drop into your hpuse King, La Paz, where Maryknoll Sisters teach, is' a mission of the Urges Comprehensive in the course of escorting their St. Louis, Mo., archdiocese. NC Photo. ' . trick or treaters around the Report ·on Marijuana neighborhood. WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. Lemon Creme Mini.Pies E. Moss of Utah has Frank Pie dough (your own or a mix asked for establishment of a 1 and 1/3 cups (one 15 oz. can) Presidential commission to comTV Network to Presen~ Religious Specials condensed milk pile a comprehensive report on ~ cup lemon jui~e On Modern Society marijuana that would be similar 1 cup heavy cream to the 1964 surgeon general's yellow and red' food coloring , NEW YORK (NC)-The Na- America. This dramatic special report on tobacco. 1) roll your pie dough into tional Broadcasting Company's· will be written by Robert Crean, Moss, a leader in the congres· . I a 14 inch circle (as Clrcu ar as Television Religious Programs award-winning playwright and sional effort to ban cigarette adyou can manage it) then with a Unit announced it will present television writer. vertising on radio and television, cookie 2 inch cutter or a (glass four one-hour specials, each pro· A contemporary folk musical the suggestion in testithat measures two inches across) duced in association with a par- featuring a Baylor University made mony before the Senate Judicicut out 64 circles of dough (this ticular faith group, on the student singing group will be ary Committee's juvenile delintakes a bit of time. "changing character and endur- presented in association With the quency subcommittee. 2) Press one circle of dough ing values of our contemporary Southern Baptist Convention's He pointed out that public Radio and Television Commis- opinion on the effects of mariinto the bottom of a 2~ inch society." diameter muffin cup. Press 3 The network said the specials sion. juana run all the way from those In association with the Nation· who consider it a dangerous adcircles of dough adound sides of will be a Public Affairs presen.' cup in overlapping petal fashion tation of NBC News during the al Catholic Office for Radio and dictive drug to those who conPierce .entire surface with fork. , 1970 season and will be telecast Television, the Religious Pro- sider it a mild, harmless means Repeat with remaining circles in addition to regularly sched- grams Unit will offer an "omni- of fun. bus"-type program featuring the of dough. Bake in a 450 oven uled religious programs. "I personally believe .that 8 to 10 minutes ,or until lightly Donald Meaney, vice·president good and beautiful things in life, there is only one way to assembrowned. Remove .from oven of NBC News, said representa- particularly in this country. The ble all of the answers we need-'and brush with melted butter. tives of the National Council of specials will emphasize that in firm, incontrovertible answers Set aside to cool. Churches, Jewish Theological spite of the many problems we will be accepted by the 3) In a medium sized bowl Seminary of America, Southern have, we should not lose sight which majority of our citizens," Moss combine the, miJk and lemon Baptlst Conventwn, and the Na- of the good that is around us "That is to establish a juice and stir until the mixture tionaI Catholic Office for Radio and that there is hope for the said. Presidential commission to study future. has thickened and is well blend~ and Television "met in an ecuthe legal, social, economic, and ed. Whip ~ clip of the cream menical spirit and ,developed a medical aspects of marijuana as and fold in. common approach to these spe- Schedule Economic proposed in my bill." 4) Add a few' drops of eacti cials." color food coloring to filling and They'will be shown at 4 P.M. Development Meeting spoon into well-cooled tarts. on Feb. I, March 8, March' 29 NEW DELHI (NC)-A ProtesChill in refrigerator at least 2 and April 12. tant-Catholic conference on the hours. Top with remainder of Meaney said each program Christian contribution to India's PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. heavy cream, whipped. will be different in style and economic development is to be Sales an:J Service ~ content, but all will be concern- held here next year. lor I,)omestlc Cardinal Koenig Heads ed in some way with modern The decision was taken by a ana Inaustrlal ~ American society. two-day meeting here of the NaOil Burners World Bible Federation "A New Style of Living/' pro- tional Christian Council of India 995-1631 VIENNA (NC) - Franzisku~ duced in association with the and members of the Justice and 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Cardinal Koenig of Vienna has National Council of Churches, Pelice Commission of the Indian NEW BEDFORD accepted the presidency pf the will explore the nature of change Catholic Bishops' Conference. ' World Catholic Federation for from a human and Christian perthe Biblical Apostolate, the spective. . worldwide organization for RoA one-hour drama dealing -"YOLD man Catholic pastoral biblical' with youth and their questioning work. ' ," of the social and spiritual values The cardinal .accepted the, of our times, and the consternathree-year term of president dur- tion of their parents, will be ing a meeting of the federation produced in association with'the Your Gulf Hill Route Man is at Klostern'euburg,' near Vienna. Jewish Theological Seminary of He is the first president of the Always at .your Service! federation, which was estab· Etemal Heritage FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL 998-5691 Iished at a meeting in Rome earlier this year. A man not perfect, but of The federation has been set up heart so high, of such heroic to foster, on a worldwide level, rage, that eYen his hopes bepastoral help for Catholics in un- , came a part of earth's eternal so. DARTMOUTH, MASS. -Gilder derstanding and using the Bible. heritage.



Ecum,e1nical Spirit o








Can Whip Our Cream, but You Can't Beat Our Milk!"



THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. ]~, 1969

Yearns fo,r Cassini Typ·e M'agi1cal Transformation


Increase Serv i'Ce

By Marilyn Roderick

Of Association

This seems to be the year to take Mrs. Onassis apart (and judging from that picture of Mis. 0 in tight leather skirt that recently hit all the front pages she's providing plenty of ammunition to feed the critics' fire). Most recent character to join the list of the fallen goddess' attackers column, and I'm very pleased the results. It doesn't stay is her ex-designer Oleg Cas- with as neat as when I kept it pushed sini. Mr. Cassini claims that back, but a casual look can be

WASHINGTON (NC) - New functions and several new persons have been added by the National Catholic Educational Association, professional organzation of Catholic educators in the country. Father C. Albert Koob, O. Praem., NCEA president, said the new assignments are part of he created the Jackie image that an awful lot of fun too. , a program of upgrading and upgot her up on that pedestal and In the larger cities many beaudating the association's se~vices that he was then ty salons are taking into conand staff. tossed a sid e sideration this wish of a woman The recent NCEA appointwhen she didn't ments and promotions include: . for a change of character every feel the necesFather Cornelius Cuyler, S.S., now and then, and theY're offersity of buying ing her, under one roof, a total' former provincial dean of studies her clothes only beauty treatment, including for the Sulpician Fathers in Balfrom American sauna, coiffure, facial and maketimore, appointed associate secdesignup, all in the space of a short retary of NCEA's seminary deers. I wonder if afternoon. partment. Mr. Cas sin i Do-It-y'ourselfers Carl Balcerll.k, promoted from would care to associate director to director of Such an afternoon would ,be take on the job publications. and Robert Wonwell spent if you came out feelof creating a new fashion image ing (and looking) like a neW derly, former associate editor of for me. I would certainly put it , woman. Department stores too Our Sunday Visitor, appointed in writing that I would be true are realizing that more and director of information services. blue right up until old age forced more women are caring how Both posts were held by Russell me into half-sizes. . Shaw, who has left NCEA to they look and to meet this need But all kidding aside, wouldn't they are setting up (in conjuncserve as director of the division you just love to have someone tion with a cosmetic house) of information, U. S. .Catholic take you in hand a-la-Pygmalion beauty schools to teach women Conference. and create a whole new you; I how to apply their make-up. Father Edward B. Rooney, certainly would. There are even Again the trouble that we enS.J., overseas educational condays when I'd settle for Cinder· counter is that most of these sultant of the Jesuit Educational ella's magical godmother to zip activities are taking place in the CEF. BUMPER-STICKER: Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste of Bell- Association, New York, appointaround the corner and wave areas around the large cities. eville, III., attaches a bumper-sticker to his car reading, "Support ed NCEA specialist for internaher magic wand. I don't think Therefore we in the outlying dis- . . . aid for non-public schools," At left is Elroy Rule, Illinois tional education. there are any mice around the tricts are forced to be dO-it-yourRita Skelton, former adminisstate secretary of Citizens for Educational Freedom, which sponhouse for her to transform into seifers. trative assistant to the president sors the stickers, and in center is CEF president George P. white horses (at least, I hope of the National Merit ScholarThe· best we can do is to folthere aren't) but maybe she'd low the fashion magazines as Smith. NC Photo. ship program, appointed NCEA settle for a couple of tame ger- closely as possible, experiment administraUve assistant for debils. velopment. with what cosmetics we can afTime for Change Mrs. Margaret Weekes Reynford and who knows perhaps Into every woman's life there some day we will bump into Mr. olds, appointed special assistant comes a time when she feels that Cassini or some other Sv~ngali, i", NCEA's elementary school 'We Are Fel.low Workers for God' Theme' she needs a change, especially and 10 and behold a new me or department.. in her appearance:'" Summer you will emerge; Of 1970 Prayer Week never finds me feeling this way, for there's something about the NEW YORK (NCF-The 1970 Father Paul established the Protestant, Catholic tanning rays of the sun that Says Youth Uncertain, Week of Prayer for Christian Church Unity Octave in 1908 to never fails to give my spirits Unity, from Jan. 18 to 25, will be be observed annually from Jan. I Broadcasters Meet a boost; but the minute we head Complex Phenomenon HILVERSUM (NC) - Discusbased on the theme "We are 18 to 25, for the intention of a toward Winter, the outlook isn't sions with II worldwide Catholic VATICAN CITY (NC) - The fellow workers for God," from united Christendom. quite so .bright. youth of today present a com- the writings of St. Paul, the NaThe first major result of the broadcasters' association were The tan is fading and in its plex and uncertain phenomenon, tional Council of Churches head- prayer program came in 1909 held in connection with the place is a jaundiced pallor that and there is the risk of their quarters here announced. when the entire Anglican society meeting here in The Netherlands just cries out for new makeup, looking in the wrong direction NCC and the Graymoor of priests, friars and nuns was of the central committee of the The the hair that blew so casually to satisfy their need for hope Ecumenical Institute of the Cath- converted to the Catholic faith. World Association for Christian in the breezes of July and Au- and for what is genuine if they olic Society of Atonement Fa- The society, headquarters Communication (WACC). gust only looks dried out c-6me are not oriented in the right di- thers co-sponsor the observance, at Graymoor with WACC, formed at Oslo, NorMonastery, GarriOctober, and all in all it's a time rection, said Jean Cardinal Vil- which has been recommended by . son, N.Y., continued to dedicate way, in June, 1968, is headed by to take a good long look at lot, Papal Secretary of State, in the Committee for Ecumenical its principal efforts to Christian the Rev. Frederic: Wilson, a New oneself. a message to the General Union York Protestant minister. Its I did manage to have my hair of Pastoral Institutes ... for the and Interreligious Affairs of the unity. secretary is W. B. Kennedy Well National Conference of Catholic Among Protestant .communicut, as I mentioned in a previous Young, meeting in Rome. of the British Broadcasting Corties in this country, the move- poration. Calling attention to the stress Bishops: Its meeting was sponThe annual Week of Prayer for ment for Christian unity began sored by the Dutch Christian of Pope Paul VI on the needs of Catholic College Alumni the young in his recent' talks, Christian Unity is now observed in 1920 as part of a worldwide Radio Society, a Protestant unit. Cardinal Villot went on to note worldwide. In many communities ecumenical movement. The WACC delegates, from six Clubs Elect Officers the' need for enlightening the . throughout this country, Cathocontinents, talked with represenINDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Donald young on the profundity of their lic and Protestant congregations tatives of the International CathMedical Missionaries O. Holdener, electrical engineer motivations and the risks of conducted joint services. olic Association for Radio and with McDonnell Aircraft Corpor- their own behavior. Television-UNDA-outside the The observance had its begin. Have New Superior ation, St. Louis, was elected "What is more," the Cardinal DROGHEDA (NC)-Sister M. sessions on the formal agenda. president of Catholic Alumni continued, we must allow "their ning with a small Anglican comClubs InteJ:national during the desire to be real and their need munity known as the Society of Stella Phelan, 44, has been association's convention at West of hope to turn them toward the the Atonement, founded by Fa- <;hosen mother general of the ther Paul Francis. The founder' Medical Missionaries of Mary to End, Grand Bahama Island. positive accomplishments to CAC is an international asso- which Christ calls them in: the had been James Francis Watson, succeed Mother Mary Martin, an Episcopal presbyter. founder and first mother general ciation of 10,000 individual Church and in the world." of the community. members in 55 clubs throughout The cardinal urged "all who the United States and Canada. follow the cause of education in A graduate of Ireland's Na· Local clubs are open to single, the faith" to aspire to such ac- India President Hails tional University, where she reCatholic college graduates and complishments. He cited specifi- Pope's Peace Efforts ceived a doctor of medicine deseek to advance the socia" cul- cally parents, catechetical teachgree, Mother Stella has worked NEW DELHI (NC)-President tural and spiritual well-being of ers, those in the apostolate of . V.V. Giri of India has hailed at missions in Nigeria, Tanzania their members through commu- spiritual movements, Catholic Pope Paul VI for his efforts for and Uganda. She is a Fellow of nity participation. the Royal College of Surgeons. Action members and those' Reli- world peace. Other officers elected, accord- gious and priests who are colIn a speech welcoming Arching to a spokesman for the as- laborating with the pastor's of bishop Marie-Joseph Lemieux, sociation here, were Gerald P. the dioceses in youth work. O.P., at the start of his career as Madigan of Washigton, D. C., & men's vice president; Kathleen Vatican pro-nuncio to this counMore Noble M. Reynolds of Chicago, womtry, President Giri recalled the ••• Cleansers ••• en's vice president; and John M. Braving obstacles and hard- Pope's visit to India in 1964 and Over 3S Years Halpin of Toledo, treasurer. ships is nobler than retreat to said: of Satisfied ·Service tranquility. The butterfly that "We have nothing but admi· Reg. Master Plumber 7023 94 TREMONT STREET ~oot of Evil hovers around the lamp until it ration for his ceaseless pursuit JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. TAUNTON, MASS. Idlness 'is the key of beggary dies is more admirable than the of the promotion of understand806 NO. MAIN STREET and the root of all evil. mole that lives in the dark ing and peace in this troubled Tel. 822-0621 Fall River 675.7497 , -Spurgeon. tunnel. -Gibran world."

Christi,an Un'ity

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Montie Plumlting Heating Co.


Churchm·en Urge Arms Limitation

THE ANCHORThurs., oct. 16;·1969

Appo.int Jesuit City University Vice-Chancellor--NEW YORK (NC) - Fr. Timothy S. Healy, S.J., former executive vice-president of Fordham University, was named vice-chancellor for academic affairs at the City University of New York here. The appointment of the priest, the first to serve in so high a post here, was made by the executive committee of the city's Board of Higher Education. Henry D. paley, City University's director of university relations, said Chancellor Albert H. Bowker, who had been authorized by the Board of Higher Education to establish a vicechancellorship for academic affairs, had recommended Father Healy's appointment to the $32,000-a-year post on the basis of his achievements in education, partiCularly in the area of ,education of minority groups. Paley said the board had approved the appointment after studying Father Healy's credentials and without discussion of his priestly office. Reformed Curricula Noting that'the post was newly created, Father Healy said its responsibilities had not been fully defined. He said since executive authority was vested in Chancellor Bowker, he would serve as counselor to the chancellor on such important problems as organizing remedial studies that would be required to impl~ment next year's open enrollment policy. Discussing that policy, Father Healy said "to attempt less would be immoral." To diminish the value of a City University degree, he said, "would be a fraud." . As executive vice-president of Fordham, Father Healy, 46, was credited with opening the doors to black and Puerto Rican students. He also reformed the undergraduate curricula;' sponsored a full-scale legal study of a Catholic university, and helped revise Fordham's administrative structure and codes. . 'Greatest Challenge' In 1968, he took a leave of absence from Fordham to try to establish a private non-sectarian liberal arts college in New York's Harlem sector, or in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvestant section, but was unable to raise the necessary capital. Explaining why he accepted the City University offer, Father Healy said "I don't expect to, work any miracles. The City University is where the greatest challenge is to be found, but also the greatest wealth of skills." The priest' said he had the "full encouragement" and approval of his superior, Father Robert A. Mitchell, S.J., provincial of the Je!juits' New York province, to accept the City University's offer. He also said no canonical dispensations were required to accept the post.

Offices Moved WASHINGTON (NC)-The offices for the secretariats of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Priestly Formation and Committee on the Permanent Diaconate have been moved here from Chicago. The two offices are now located in the Thomas Plaza Building, 1325 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.



ORDAINED: Father Peter' Rushlon, who served for six years as an Anglican clergyman, is seen

with his family following his ordination as a Catholic priest by Archbishop Guilford Young of Hobart, Tasmania, in whose archdio~ese Father Rushton will take a teaching post. Father Rushton is the 'first married man to .be ordained a Catholic priest in Australia, although three others have been ordained deacons and are expected shortly to become priests. NC Photo.

Clergymen Criticize Wo'odstock Festival Resent Rejection of Moral Conduct

PORT EWEN (NC)-A bishop er effort ourselves to help our and eight priests from paris~es own youth by forming them in. in Sullivan County issued. a sound moral' values and give spestatement criticizing the Wood- cial attention to those who may stock 'Music and Art Festival also be troubled." held tn Bethel, Aug 15 to 17. Breeds Degeneration The Catholic clergy of SulliThe clergy's statement said van County, including Auxiliary that in singling out this festival Bishop James McManus, C.SS.R., they did not mean to ignore, apof New York, representative of . prove or tolerate any social evils Terence Cardinal Cooke for Ul- that may exist in Sullivan, ster and Sullivan Counties, said: County. "We would be derelict in our "Nor .should we remain silent duty if we remained silent." about those who took advantage They said they did not object of the festival patrons by chargto the kind of music preferred Jng exorbitant prices and those. by the younger generation, and who are commonly spoken of as acknowledged .that those who having sold water," they conattended the festival "displayed tinued. a remarkable degree of courtesy "We are sympathetic and unas well as a keen sense of appreciation. "There were among them, Mississippi Prelate however, and in no small num- Hits Segregation bers, those who indifferently r~­ JACKSON (NC)-The Cathovealed a complete rejection of lic bishop of the statewide of traditional. moral conduct while on and outside the area of Natchez-Jackson diocese coupled the Jestival grounds," they an endorsement of new legislation which aids private school added. students' with a reminder that Nudity, Narcoti~s a segregated school 'system is The statement said the was not only "unconstitutionar' but "unnecessary nudity in signfi- "definitely a moral issue:" cant numbers, the use of narco'tBishop Joseph B. Brunini of ics on a widescale basis, pre- Natchez-Jackson issued his dominantly LSD * * * immoral statement shortly after Gov. acts . being committed in ftill John Bell Williams signed the view of the public," a larger legislation into law. number· intoxicated from wine, The measure makes available destruction and disregard fqr to students of parochial and private property, "music that other private schools up to $200 'was often politically subversive a year in loans. It also contains 'in lyrics, the distribution and a provision forgiving the debt availability of literature that was providing the student continues both perversive and subversive to live and study in Mississippi. and the desecration of the Amer- . "Our Mississippi children toican flag." day need, above all, quality edThe clergy_ said they regretted ucation," the bishop said. "This . to learn of "these deeply trou- is the cry particularly from our bled young people and empha- Negro citizens. I believe that if size that a special effort must be private schools, which' promote_ made to help them in some way. equal rights and justice for all, We are more convinced than are encouraged all citizens will ever that we must make a great- get a quality education."

.derstanding _toward the many businessmen who desire to improve their own economy and that of Sullivan County; however, we seriously doubt whether the profits made on the festival justify a repeat performance. It would not be worth the moral degeneration it breeds," they asserted. The bishop. and priests requested that no festival be allowed in Sullivan County unless promoters can guarantee freedom from the immorality and disrespect which took place in August. "We further request that if another festival is planned for Sullivan County in 1970; that all the clergy of Sullivan County be permitted to attend a hearing before the governing body that is contemplating a: festival in their area," they concluded. Besides Bishop McManus, those who signed the sta'tement are: Msgr. Roger Franklin, Frederick Frey, Wilfrid Riordan and Albert Steffans, and Fathers Thaddeus Clouthier, O.F.M., James Finnigan, Linus Tigue, O.F.M., and Joel Munzing, O.F.M.

ST. LOUIS (NC)- Immediate arms limitation. talks between the United States and the Soviet Union leading to "effective steps in de-escalating the arms race" were called for by Christian Church leaders of the two countries following four days of closed talks here. The churchmen expressed "hope that such talks will convene imminently" in a statement released on the conclusion of a Consultation on Christian Concern for the Limiation and Reduction of Arms. The statement was signed by Orhtodox Bishop Vladimir Juvenaly, head of an eight-man Russian delegation to the talks; Msgr. Marvin Bordelon, director, Division of .World Justice and Peace, United States Catholic .Conference; and Dr. Robert S. Bilheimer, director, Department of International Affairs, National Council of Churches (NCC). The statement said that the consultation participa,nts unanimously agreed that "arms limitation is essential as a step toward the ultimate goal of general and complete disarmament." It said . the "predominant themes" of the meeting were the "profound Christian concern motivating the participants in their pursuit of international peace," and the acknowledgement of the threat which mankind faces from nuclear annihilation. "The common conviction among the group," it continued, "was the absolute folly of thinking that continuing the spiraling arms race is a means of achieving world peace or even national security."

San QJego's Third Bishop Installed SAN DIEGO (NC) - Bishop Leo T. Maher, 54, took office as the third spiritual head of the San Diego diocese in ceremonies in St. Joseph's cathedral here. The day before the cathedral ceremonies Bishop Maher, who served as the first bishop of Santa Rosa, Calif., was welcomed to the diocese by more than 1,000 school children and an outpouring of religious and civic leaders upon his arrival at Lindbergh Field.







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• • •



90·DAY NOTICE TIME OPEN ACCOUNT Interest Compounded Quarterly

Offices in:. NORTH AnLEBORO




AOH Announces

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 16, 1969

Drive to Assist Irish Catholics

Hits Mass Media News Programs

NEWARK (NC)-William Cardinal Conway of Armagh, Northern Ireland, will be in charge of the disbursement of .funds being raised in the United States to help Catholics in his country. This was revealed here by Michael L. Delahunty, national president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, on his return from a three-week fact-finding trip to Ireland. The AOH has announced a drive to raise $1 million for the relief of victims of recent rioting in Northern Ireland and Delahunty will head the drive. He said that it will be conducted by a professional fund-raising organization and that the honorary chairman in the U. S. will be Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of Newark, national AOH chaplain. 20,000 Homeless Delahunty, 42, is a native of Ireland who is in his second year as president of the AOH. He views the fund drive as an opportunity for the organization to "prove itself." "I was dumbstruck when I saw the conditions," Delahunty said in an interview with the Advocate, Newark archdiocesan weekly, after his return. "There are over 20,000 people homeless," he said, adding: "It was hard to believe; to see the fear of the people; to see soldiers on street corners with bayonets drawn." . He said that he talked to one· civil rights leader who had to flee his home when it was raked by bullets and that he had been told that police stopped fire brigades from putting out fires .. Big Needs Delahunty said that his organization intended to raise money for the relief of all victims of the rioqing, whether Catholic or Protestant. But he said that he doubted there would .be much need among the Protestant population because a drive being conducted for them in Northern Ireland had already reached close to $1 million before he left the country. He said the AOH campaign will run for seven weeks and is designed to help provide housing and employment assistance. These are the big needs, he said. He told of visiting a refugee camp in the Republic of Ireland where some 1,500 people from the North are being cared for. While their immediate needs are being met, he said, the people are anxious to return to their homes and get their children back in school. Asked about the disbursal of funds already given by American Catholics, Delahunty said that he was unable to learn of any American money having yet reached the Catholics.

Schools Have Black Studies Program BROOKLYN (NC)-The Brooklyn Catholic School Office has begun a program of black studies designed to COvtl.f black culture and history, its roots and impact on the American community. The series will also be taped by the Brooklyn Diocesan Educational Television network for later transmission to all diocesan elementary schools. The school office is also exploring the possibilities of distributing the series in print or television format to other interested school systems and groups.


CHICAGO (NC) - A stinging attack on radio and television news presentations was delivered by Chicago's Mayor Richard J. Daley at a meeting here recently of the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Chicago. Mayor Daley said electronic news media portray events "often at the expense of editorial judgment;" that: coverage is fragmentary, permitting events to be judged out of context; that issues are presented in their extremes, and that "stress on the emotional content of issues adds to the polarization of attitudes." , Though Mayor Daley's comments about news coverage were aimed at radio and TV, he also referred to coverage in the print media, though indirectly: "The extreme, the bizarre, the violent, the most theatrical presentations are offered to viewers and readers because they are moving and dramatic." The Mayor, went on to say: "Television has proved time and again its great potential for bringing events into the home as they occur, often at the expense of editorial judgment. It presents fragments of events as the whole. The law could not permit in a courtroom a statement taken out of context to be entered into evidence - even though the statement is true. "One of the primary ways that television and radio have sought to be objective," he continued, "is to present opposite sides of an issue. Often, however, these v,iews are voices of extremes. For example, one may wonder at the balance or the wisdom of a discussion on a moratorium on the death penalty when one of the participants is situated in death row." Later, the Mayor mentioned Thomas Jefferson who, he said "advised us of the necessity for an informed public-not an entertained public." o

CHILDREN TO BENEFIT: Georgetown University will receive a substantial ,annual income as the result of a lease of land given to the univ~rsity by Marcus Bles, Vienna, Va .• philanthropist. Georgetown leased the land to the U.S. Exposition of Science and Industry, Inc., which will erect and operate a permanent exposition of U.S. scientific and technological expertise. Here Father Edward G. Bunn, S.J. left, discusses the project with exposition officials: Lt. Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau, USA (Ret.), vice chairman of the Exposition Board, and John J. Stack, Jr., executive vicepresident. Proceeds realized from the transaction. are to be dedicated to the care of retarded children at Georgetown University Hospital. NC Photo.

Name Lay.men to Distribute Communion Vatican Congregation Grants Privilege TOLEDO (NC) - Two laymen have been selected to distribute Holy Communion at Masses in a one-priest parish in the Toledo diocese. The privilege of enlisting qualified members of the laity to. perform such a service was obtained .by Bishop John A. Donovan of Toledo from the Vatican Congregation of the Sacraments. The permission extends for three years. Diocesan officials said its language is sufficiently broad to include women. of the laity, but added it is-unlikely women will be selected. Roy Sanders and Michael Sieber of St. Mary's parish in Edgerton, havf,! been selected to assist Father Desmond Moore, lone priest of the parish, to distribute Holy Communion at Sunday Masses. Bishop Donovan indicated that before Sanders and Siebert be-

Florida Lawmaker Reaches First Goal MIAMI (NC) - Florida's first Negro legislator since 1880 has accomplished his first goal since election last year, the formation of a State Commission in Human Relations. ' Joseph Lang Kershaw, also is the first black member of the Miami Knights of Columbus Council, and is a member of Corpus Christi parish. here. He was named a member of the new commission "to help people to get to know one another," following its establishment. He was graduated from Xavier University, New Orleans and has been a, teacher for the past 25 years in Florida.

Bin their service, they will be given a course of instruction and will be honored at a ceremony in the Cathedral' of the Blessed Virgin of the Holy Rosary. No date for the ceremony has been scheduled. The bishop said laymen will be selected to distribute Communion at five or six parishes in the diocese. He said the privilege granted by the Vatican congregation helps to meet one of the most difficult problems faced by priests in one-priest parishes. Under conditions of the privilege granted the persons selected must be selected by their pastors and approved by the bishop; they are permitted to distribute

Says Bishop's Role Witness of Christ, , CINCINNATI (NC)-Archbishop Paul F. Leibold spoke of the bishop's role as "witness of Christ to all men" in a sermon at Mass' following his installation here as seventh' Ordinary of the 148-year-old Cincinnati See. Archbishop Leibold, 54-yearold native of Dayton, Ohio, and former bishop of Evansville, Ind., succeeds Archbishop Karl J. Alter, who announced 'his retirement July 23 after 19 years as archbishop of Cincinnati. The new archbishop, former chancellor and auxiliary bishop of Cincinnati, described his "program for the archdiocese of Cincinnati" in' these terms: "Bish-·· ops, priests, Religious, laityworking as one with complete loyalty to our Holy Father as the Vicar of Christ on earth, serving as witnesses to Christ, indeed as saints, for our common call is to holiness."

Communion only during Mass; there must be a real need for such service in a parish before the permission is exercised. First diocese to obtain such a permission was Erie, Pa., where a layman was appointed to assist the chaplain of a state school and hospital in Polk, Pa. The permission was granted last February.Since that time several other dioceses with priest-shortage problems have obtained the permission.

Increase Non-State School Assistance SYDNEY (NC)-Increases in assistance for non-state schools, promised by New South Wales state Premier Robin Askin in his pre-election policy statements, are included in the state budget. The annual per capita allowance for primary pupils in nonstate schools will rise from $24 to $30 during fiscal year 196970. The allowance for secondary pupils will be increased from $28 to $34. The allowance is paid to the parents, but with the parents' consent may be paid directly to the schools.

Priests' Salaries MADRID (NC) - The Spanish Bishops' Conference is making efforts to raise the $43 monthly salary of rural priests throughout the country with the aid of government funds.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 16, 1969



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Newspap'ers,. Like Church', In Need of A,ggiorn~mento' By Msgr. George G. Higgins

' Director; Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C. Asan inveterate newspaper reader, I was interested to learn recently that Soren Kierkegaard, the great 19thcentury Danish theologian, took a very dim view of the Fourth Estate. "I say," he wrote roughly a century ago, ('it, is especially the daily . newspapers that labor at-de- journalist in his own ri~ht, shows all the signs of being a grading men to be mere newspaper addict himself. Needcopies. As in a paper factory less to say, ,that makes him one the rags are worked together in- of the "good guys" in this writto a mass, so the newspapers er's book. On the other hand, it tend to smooth also adds weight to his rather out every indisevere criticism of the daily vidual difference press. ' Today's news network, says in men * * " in order to make Mr. Ways,' may serve the times them * * * in less adequately than its coun-, everything like' terpart in the 15th century, which, understandably enough, the rest. Here the animal creature was slow to catch the sigriififinds peace' and cance of Columbus's discovery rest,' in the of the New World. herd." By sheer. His major criticism of the coincidence, I dailies is that they are stuck hap pen e d with two many outdated practo ,come across this typically tices and that, over the years, ,pessimistic quote from Kierke- have developed a bias toward regaard (in Malcolm Muggeridge's porting only .those stories tliat rather free-1vheeling diatribe fit the .standards of familiarity, . AFRICAN SEMINARIANS: 'Future of the Church in Africa depends upon young men like these against the modern world, "Jesus simplicity, and drama. 'seminarians preparing ,for the priesthood at the seminary of the archdiocese of Yaounde, Cam· Rediscovered") on the first day Share Responsibility of Washington's recent two-day To illustrate this basic thesis, eroon. NC Photo." newsepaper strike. Mr. Ways cites, among other exWith apologies to Muggeridge amples, the long-time failure of (who is himself a journalist by the press in the field of race retrade); 'and to one of his greatest lations. ' heroes ("this weird, unhappy, "From the' end of the postcantankerous little Dane"), I Civil War Reconstruction perimust admit that the strike hit od to the mid-Fifties," he says, RIVER EDGE (NC) - The . would . provide a minimum of each district ,and b,ecause of this me where it hurt. , "American journalism was virtuthe Vander Platt bill is expected Deprived of, the local papers, ally ~ilent 0'1 the subject of how New Jersey Chapter of Citizens $100 per student. Many districts, however, re- to get support from some public I felt ,like an addict: who has bl,ack Americalls,liye5l. . for Educational Freedom has been forcibly t~ken,off ~he dope, '. "Ly~chings. were:repOliteq and~ launched a massive membership ceive more than this, with the school officials. It would· require districts to without warning: and frantically .' deplored, as were 'race riots, anq, drive as a prelude to an all-out Newark school system, the largstarts rummaging around for the more' sensational . Crimes effort to,' secure the passage of ' est in' the stat'e," receiving' $241 ,:' inclulle students attending ':nori';, substitute kicks. I found myself committed by blacks 'against legislation' aiding non-public per pupil. The state' average is public schools in the total school $151. enrollment figures. Such sture-reading a two-day 91d news- whites. But crimes by blacks schools. Total school enrollment is dents are not counted in deterThe opening of the drive bepaper just to pass the time away again,st blacks were regularly igat breakfast. nored as a matter of explicit came known when pastors and one of the factors used in deter- !}lining assistance at the present ' Worse than that, one of my news policy on most newspapers. principals of Catholic schools mining the amount to be paid in time. throughout the state received married friends, a fellow-addict, "This was symptomatic of an ruefully admits that, on that implicit journalistic assumption letters explaining the need' for same morning, he actually found that blacks were not a signifi- support if CEF is to meet its himself carrying on a conversa- cant part of the American goals. They were asked to enroll tion with his wife at breakfast. scene. Journalism bears a con- parent-teacher groups in CEF Perhaps it was his prayers--or siderable share of responsibility on a unit basis. possibly those of his wife for white society's disengage- _ The membership letters were which' helped to settle the strike ment from the Negro and his signed by Gerard Donohue of River Edge, who recently was problem.'" . within a matter of 48 hours. More the Merrier In summary, says Mr. Ways, named executive director of the In any event, even at the risk "much of journalism still oper- New Jersey CEF. Donohue is of beoing pressed together into ates as if its circulation and ·its former president of the Bergen a mass, like a rag in a paper usefulness depended on the sec- County Catholic Educational factory, I am now back at the ond hand of the clock rather Association, which with CEF old habit of avidly reading the than the depth of lts perception, was instrumental in securing the two papers which have settled the accuracy of its reporting, the passage of a school busing bi.!1 with the printers' union and relevance of, its coverage, and , several years ago. Donohue said CEF ,is pressing keep hoping and praying that the the balance of its judgment." for passage' of the so"called third ,one-which foolishly tried In Serious Trouble to break the strike, thereby earn. More serious than that, from Vander Platt bill by the New ing the punitive wrath of the this addict's point of view, is the Jersey Legislature, which will union-will also settle at the charge that "While eagerly re- resume weekly sessions after the earliest possible date. porting and critically appraising November 'elections. The bill In other words, I am afraid I •the ballerina, the bishop and the can't agree with Kierkegaard federal budget. journalism has and Muggeridge. On the con- been silent about its own perMr. Ways says, incidentally, trary, my complaint is not that formance and its own problems." that "public disenchantment" there are too many newspapers My own reaction to this with the news media has already being published, but rather that, charge is to say to the members ,begun to set· in. Let us hopp because of mergers and all that of the Fourth Estate: "Please tell that the press will be sensible sort of thing, there are not us it isn't so. Tell us you really enough to take whatever self· enough. don't look upon the press as being less in need of an aggior- correcting measures may bl' Severe Criticism namento than the church or the needed to reverse the process, Otherwise we are likely to end In summary, my motto with Government or the Universities regard to newspapers is "the or any o( the other Establish- up with even fewer papers than more the merrier." ments which you delight in crit~ we have today and-Muggeridge and Kirkegaard to the contrary This having' been said in de- icizing so unmercifully.' . notwithstanding - I, 'for one. fense of daily newspapers--or at Sel,f.Correcting Measures least in ,defense of one man's in"In short, tell us that you would hate to see that happen. Far 'better to abolish the in-' curable habit of reading them- know. down deep in your heart I should like to add, for the rec- that the press is in serious trou- stitution of breakfast than to deord, that Max Ways, far-reach- ble and had better start wash~ prive a man at that hour of the ing critique, of the daily press in ing some of its own dirty linen morning of at least one - and the October issue of Fortune' at least in private, if not in pub- preferably more than one-good strikes me as being substantially lic, before the great unwashed , ne~spaper .. I?i~o, of course, for valid in many respects. mass of American people decide their evenmg competitors. In Mr. Ways, a distinguished to turn you off." both cases, the more the merrier.

Sta"t Membership Drive in New Jersey Non-Public School Aid Is CEF Goal



Fairhaven Youngster Shows' Gratitude To Grandmother; Shares. Contest Prize David Doucette of Fairhaven is a miniature 'millionaire.' He got that way by mail. Several months ago, Mrs. Louis Doucette of 326 Washington St., Fairhaven, a parishioner of St. Joseph's Church, bought "Footsee" toys for her 12 grandchildren. David, 7, is one. With each of the "footsee" toys was a coupon. Mrs. Doucette filled them out in the names of her grandchildren and stuck them in the mail box. That would have been all there was to it, as is usually the case, except that young David ended up a grand prize winner in the nationwdie drawing of coupons. What did he win? "Do you want to know all the things?" asked Albert L. Doucette of 10 Narragansett Ave., Fairhaven, David's father. Getting an 'affirmative, he rattled off: "A piggy bank with 100,000 pennies-'They asked if we'd mind having a check instead and . we didn't mind at alL' "A small color television set. "A bicycle with David's monogram. "A radio. "A Spidell identification bracelet. "A Swinger camera. "A phonograph. "A walkie-talkie. "A typewriter." At the end of the list, Mr. Doucette was out of breath. "He was thrilled," the happy father says of his son's reaction to the winning news. "He couldn't believe it. The next morning he woke up and said, "Daddy, are you sure I won all that stuff?'" David's first visit after being notified of the bonanza that was his was to his grandmother's house next door. "He kissed his grandmother and thanked her," Mr. Doucette says. Then David settled down in a small boy rut of happiness. "As a token, he gave his grandmother $500 of the money," Doucette said. In between 1st Grade' classes at the East Fairhaven School and catechism classes at St. Joseph's Wednesday afternoons, he's been

Back Astronauts' Bible Reading



Fall River-Thurs., Oct, 16, 1969

Loses Petition STOCKTON (NC)-Michaei J. Macinnes, 53, former Franciscan priest, lost a petition in San Joaquin Superior Court here in California for annulment of his marriage five years ago. MacInnes, a former Navy chap" lain, was told by Judge John B. Cechini he could seek redress in the divorce court. The former priest sought the annulment on the ground that when he married Beryl Van



For Annulm'ent Praagh, 45, of Washington, D.C., in 1964, she had led him to believe she was a widow. MacInnes, aiso of Washington, said he learned last January his wife was not a widow but a divorcee. Judge Cechini agreed Mrs, MacInnes had misrepresented that she was a widow, but added that MacInnes "realized full well his marriage was not sanctioned by his Church."

Sound the Trumpets! Congratulations to you for being an American who supports the Propagation of the Faith! Your continued generosity is the cause of praise arid deep gratitude expressed in the many personal letters sent to' the National Office from missionaries all over the world. Bishop Lamont of Untali, Rhodesia in a recent letter writes to you:


daydreaming about the prizes still on the way. Also looking forward to arrival of the prize load are David's brother Albert 9, and his sister Cheryl Ann, 5. What is a "Footsee?" "It's a ring you put around your ankle. You spin it and jump on one

leg," explains David's father. The young St. Joseph's parishioner who won with the toy is glad to demonstrate his proficiency. He's one of the youngest St. Joseph parishioners, but David Doucette feels right now that he's also one of the richest.

'Academic Freedom' New Trouble at Catholic University School of Theology

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic University of America MIAMI (NC)-Catholic Youth found itself on the threshhold Organization members in the of a possible new controversy archdiocese of Miami observed over "academic freedom" as the Oct. 5 as "Freedom Sunday" and school year got under way, and circulated petitions supporting once again the focal point of the the right of astronauts to read difficulties was the university's troubled school of theology. from the Bible while in orbit. The key figure in the present In an effort to counteract criticism by Mrs. Madalyn Mur- case is Father Roland Murphy, ray O'Hair, widely publicized O.Carm., who was overwhelmatheist, of astronauts for their ingly selected by his fellow facreading from Genesis during ulty members 'in an advisory their orbit of the moon, the peti- vote last Spring to be the school's new dean. tion stated: "We the undersigned appreciOrdinary procedure is for the ate and wholeheartedly support trustees to accept the recomthe recent decision of the astro- mendations of the schools innauts to read from the Bible as volved as to who will be their they orbited the moon. dean, but the trustees held up "It should be the right of confirmation of Father Murphy, every individual to publicly ex- and the university president, Dr. press his faith in God and the Clarence C. Walton, has apBible without fear of reprisal pointed a search committee to from the government or any make a new recommendation. other source." A few faculty members, inMichael J. Coniglio, archdioc- , cluding Father Murphy himself, esan CYO civic action chairman, have charged the priest was bysaid in a letter to all CYO offi- passed because some members cers that Mrs. O'Hair is circulat- of the board of trustees objected ing a petition which will be for- 'when he signed a statement of warded to NASA officials in dissent from Pope Paul's birth order to prove that most Ameri- control encyclical, Humanae cans agree with her views. He Vitae, last year. added that signed petitions of A special board of inquiry the CYO will also be sent to ruled last April that Father MurNASA. phy and 19 other faculty signers

You Americans are sometimes accused of excessive boasting. Forget about it. Get out the old trumpet and start off nike St. Paul: "Men! if I have to boast, let me tell you a few things • • • 'We're supposed to be the People of God? Right! We're supposed to send the Christian Faith to the ends of the earth? Right! We're supposed to be manifesting Christ? We're supposed to be the extension of Our Lord? Let me tell you something: We are all this and have been for years. Go to any missionary country in the world and you will find United States Catholics doing precisely this, through the instrumentality of the Propagation of the Faith." Perhap:;you miss the personal contact with the individual missionary or missionary community to which you donate. But the Society for the Propagation of the Faith is unique in- that it is the one agency that suports missions in every part. of the world where help is needed most. The money you contribute is used only for the actual work of the missicns.· All funds donated each year are spent within thay year. Your donations are not received impersonally-letters frofu missionary bishops witness to this. The Bishop of Zambia writes:

It would be true to say that we could not cOll1tinue our work of the statement had not viofor one month without the generous assistance that we get from lated their commitment to the overseas and especially from the USA. pontifical university or to the A Bishop from India writes: norms of academic propriety in signing the statement. It would have been impossible for us to keep going our seminary, Stresses Distinction our leprosaria, our hospital, and our orphanage without the help Dr. Walton, the university's from our American friends and benefactors, new president and the first laythe Bishop of Rhodesia writes: man in history to hold the post, Who finances my seminary? You do! Who built the schools told NC News Service: "As far where progress and liberty are born? You 'did! Who put up as I am concerned the issue is the hospitals and clinics? Not local sources. You did! clearly not one of academic freedom or of dissent." Yes, these letters are written because of you. Your continued Dr. Walton was installed as president of Catholic University prayers, sacrifices, and donations to the Society have heen the earlier this month at a time mainstay of many mission projects. Some of us can truly boast: when, presumably, the issue of "I give regularly to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith." academic freedom had been re- Can you? Send your donation today! Your help is truly needed! sclved. _ ... "I have addressed myself to _ p the problem of academic admin- istration which will be in the : SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society : best interest of the school of : for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column : theology and of Catholic Univer- _ and send your offering to Right Reverend !Edward T. _ . "h 'd 'I h dl O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New Slty, e sal .' ave repeate y _ York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local DloceslllJ1 Director. ' stressed in my meetings with , the school of theology and with : The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine : the students the important dis- 368 North Main Street ' tinction between academic free- :.. Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 : dom and administrative respon- : : sibilities. _ , "I believe that the faculty is': NAME :.................................................................................................... : coming to accept this distinc- _ ,

~:~~. Ir:a~~~ t~~~~~t~Sd a ~~Sti~~~

: deans council of the university : and the overwhelming bulk of" the academic senate," '


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 16, 1969

Money for Liquor, Smokes Outstrips Public ,Housing By Barbara 'Ward In earlier columns we have looked at the 'way in which the concentration of poverty chiefly within one particular group can have a virulent and viole.nt effect upon the ~?ole 'community. Sometimes the group IS separated by rehgl~us differences. One of the roots of the tragic riots in North- management and labor, it means willing compliance with regulaern Ireland is the fact that tions which open up employment the Catholic citizens of Ul- apprenticeship.

ster have long been the least paid, worst housed and most disa d van tag e d .. :"" members of society. Sometimes the gap is ra- ' cial, as between town-bred Ma,lays and their more commercially successful fellow citizens of Chinese stock. But in North America, the local version of this almost universa difficulty is, obviously, the high concentration of poverty among black citizens. Their presence at the bottom of every ladder-of housing, of schooling, of jobs:-, is not only it cause of bitter an~ guish for them., ' It is also a cause of fear and hence 'of hatred among the , groups who are just climbing up the ladder from deep poverty and feel that competition for still scarce houses, jobs and good teaching will endanger their chances. As with the "petit Blancs" in Algeria in the 1950s white urban citizens of small means tend to be most hostile to their colored fellow citizens. Shrivel Intentions What can' be done? No one supposes that men. can be made into 'virtuous neighbors simply by public policy. The profound importance of educating the young so that they accept and love all the diversities of God's. creation is precisely to build consciences which work personally towards generosity and good will. But we ~ll know that social pressures can shrivel private good intentions. If, in the case of racial or religious conflict, there really is a very great shortage of houses" schools and jobs - and hence of incqme - then the resentment of the really ,under-privileged and the fears of those beginning to' enjoy a little privilege can shatter the basis of social order. The Ulster crisis is, no doubt, more complicated than this. But resentment and counter-fear is one of the vital elements underlying the troubles. It follows that a Christian citizen confronting -.:.. as does the Christian citizen in the United States - the fact' of profound concentrations of poverty among black Americans and profound fear and prejudice among some white Americans, must be ready to support ambitious public policies designed to reduce the external pressures of a biased and despairing environment. In concrete- terms, this means support for President Nixon's courageous proposals to put a safety net of guaranteed income below every family. It means pressure on members of Congress to vote for and not against, money for housing and for greater suuport to schools. At the local level, it, means voting for and not against bond issues for education and urban betterment. In the context of

Citizen Pressure It means 'citizen pressure, in

season and out of season; to see that money saved in the scaling down' of Vietnam goes not to another generation of atomic weapons, not to private expenditure,-which is vast and growing - but to meet the basic needs of the least privileged citizens. But if the issues underlying AFRICAN, PRELATE: Archthe racial problem are discussed bishop Jean Zoo of Yaounde, 'in these terms, the immediate re- Cameroon, now 45, became sponse of many Christians is - archbishop of his native See simply to say that too much at the age of 37. Although he money goes into the public ex- has been or::daitled less than chequer already and taxation, 20 years, he' hcs: eight years especially on smaller incomes, experience in administering has already reached the limit. his archdiocese and '10' suHraIs, ·however this conviction about America's public expendi- gan Sees, attended the Second ture correct? International com- Vatican Council and is one of parisons are not always abso- ,the "Synodal Fathers" at the lutely accurate since percentages current Extraordinary Synod, in are worked out in different Rome, NC Photo. ways in different countries. But in America the official figure for public spending is about 30 per cent of gross national product (GNP or the Peac~ country's total production of SOUTH ORANGE (NC) - An goods and services). In Europe it is between, 40 and 50 per cent. ,"Exchange Peace Corps" is the Moreover, 40 per Cent" of Amer- next goal .of the ,gov~r:nme,nt ica's public expenditure-or 9.3 agency established by' the late per, ~ent of GNP-is spent on President John F. Kennedy, according to its director. arms. Joseph Blatchford, speaking at Education-at 5.4 per cent of GNP-has been rising in recent Seton Hall University' here years but housing only receives where he was awarded an hon0.33 per cent of GNP or only orary doctorate of humane letabout one per cent of all public ters degree, said the ne.w prospending. These are not extrava- gram would bring to this country gant outla~s for a country for training men and women growing by anything from 4 to who can ultimately start domes6 per cent a' year- some $50 ' tic Peace Corps in their own countries. ' billions in 1968. Interesting Contrasts "We are proposing that the It is interesting to' contrast ,one-way street become a twothese figures, with some normal way street," Blatchford said. , private. ' levels of 'spending. "We hope to see the day when Liquor at 0.8 per cent of GNP half of our overseas staff is and tobacco at nearly one per made up of local citizens, not cent both outstrip public hous- Americans. ing. The motor car and its an"We are going to say to cillary se'rvies get twice as much people 'in countries where We as all the money spent on edu- work, 'the United States has no cation. In fact this figure equals monopoly on SOlutions, and all the figure for defen.se. . the problems are not within your 'We will look at the distribu-' borders. We have immense tion of tax burdens in a future problems of our own in the column. Here the issue is a Unite~ States and we need your more simple one. Can a commu- help in solving them," he said. nity call itself civilized, ,let alone Blatchford likened the Peace Christian, if housing the needy ,Corps volunteer ,to the Good receives fewer resources than Samaritan and said the Peace either drinking or smoking or Corps "must go far beyond good where twice as much goes on will to make a solid contribution automobiles as on education? to the future development of our Are such priorities likely to neighbors, on this earth." change the environment and relieve some of the social pressures of misery, resentment and Women's College defensive fear?

Plan Exchange

Union's Right to Exist

FRESNO (NC)-Bishop .Hu~h A. Donohoe of Fresno, writmg 10 the Catholic Voice of Oakland, upheld the right! of farm workers to organize and contended that Cesar Chavez's union should have a 12-year grace period before being limited by legislation. The 'prelate cited similar periods of unintetrruption for industrial laborers: "When the NLR~ (National Labor Relations Board) was passed in 1935 there was no Taft-Hartley, there were no Landrum-Griffin Amendments. In other words, it was 12 uninterrupted years of organizing for industrial workers under the NLRB before any checks were put on them, especially by the






President!' Resigns

SCRANTON (NC) - Sister M, St. Mary Orr has resigned as presNEW DELHI (NC) - A five- ident of Marywood College for day ecumenical meeting of' all ' women conducted by the Sisters, major churches in India next Servants of the Immaculate February will try to set priori- Heart of Mary here in Pennsylties for socio-economic,develop- vania. She has headed the colment arid promote a greater lege for nine 'years. awareness and involvement in Her "strong belief in the need development. The meeting is for youth and vitality in, such being sponsored by the Justice position," prompted her resignaand Peace Commission of the tion, Sister St. Mary said. She Indian Bishops' Conference and agreed to serva,. as acting presithe National Christian Council dent until her successor is of India.' named.

Ecumenical Meeting

Taft-Hartley Act, first in 1947 and then later in 1959." Chavez, director of the United Farm Worfers Organiz.ing. c;ommittee, wno seeks unionization of farm workers, does not want his infant union to be shackled at the beginning.. "It is obvious now what Chavez ahd his union want are 12 years for this weak union to ,have the advantages that were enjoyed at one time by the stronger industrial unions, namely, the right. to carry out union activities withQut restrictions placed on them by the TaftHartley Act," Bishop Donohoe wrote, adding: "In my thinking, it is a reasonable demand."

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Leader Says Indonesian Catholic Minority .Has ~ational Impact WASHINGTON (NC) - Indo- founded to advance Catholicism nesian Catholics, although a mi- specifically, as' a church or a nority in a country of nearly religion in his country. He said 100 million people, make their that Indonesian Catholics have presence felt on the national been an important if small segscene, not only as Christians, ment of the population from but as citizens, one of their lead- colonial times. Thoroughly Indonesian . ers said on a visit here. "They have always been IndoWith former President Sukarno tucked away in countryside nesians through and through," retirement and limited, if not he said, "and with the coming fettered, in his movements, In- of the republic they are as thordonesia is enjoying relative po- oughly Indonesian under indelitical calm under the present pendence as ever before. Thereregime of Lt. Gen. Suharto, fore, our Catholic party has the somewhat out of the world's goal of working for the good of the country, as any political spotlight for the time being. It is a, climate in which the party should, but with a Chrisreligious groups in Indonesia can tian character that seeks the pursue their ways undisturbed, common good through the applialthough restrictions as such cation of principles that Cathohave not harassed them with a lics and their Church and Chriscontinuation guaranteeing reli- tians in general believe in as gious freedom and tolerance, and beneficial to all the people." Tjan said that being in the a neutral attitude toward religion on the part of both Sukarno minority has not impeded Catholics or the Church. He himself and Suharto. This is something of the pic- , is the chairman of what is called ture of his country given here Commission I in parliament, the by Harry Tjan, a member of the legislative group that deals with Indonesian parliament, a leader information and foreign affairs, of the Catholic legislative fac- among other things. The parliament is called the tion there, and secretary general of the small Catholic political Provisional People's Consultative Assembly and consists of memparty. bers of the House of RepresentaImportant Segment Tjan is in the U. S. as a mem- tives and. the delegates of reber of the supplemental Indone- gional territories and other sian delegation to the meeting groups with a total of 616 memof the General Assembly of the bers. The Nationalist party is the dominant group in parlia-, United Nations. Following the General Assem- ment with 44 of the 283 seats. Tjan said the Indonesian bly sessions of the UN, Tjan will return home after a swing Catholic Church, with its 32 diothrough Latin America, where ceses, functions smoothly and is he will visit several countries on undertaking conciliar renewal in a goodwill mission. He has been stride. In this'light, he said, the in the U. S. several times before laity is being given more recogas a delegate to the UN assem- nition than ever before and conbly meetings and on special siderable latitude in: activities ,that touch upon wider areas of study missions. Tjan said that despite its label concern than strictly Church the Catholic party was not matters.

Authorizes School Finance Study EAST ORANGE (NC) - A study of the financing of grammar schools and high schools in the Newark archdiocese has been authorized by the archdiocesan board of education. A four-member subcommittee was formed to carry out the study. It was also instructed to look into alternatives to present methods of financing the schools. Grammar school tuition rates, where they exist, vary widely while tuit,ion on the high school level is now $300.


Explains Retreat Movement Aims ST. PAUL (NC) - The newly appointed episcopal moderator called on National Catholic Laymen's Retreat Conference members at a meeting here to be leaders "in the prayer life, liturgy and theology cif the Catholic Church." Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M. Breitenbeck of Detroit, speaking to a NCLRC boara of directors meeting said the retreat movement must "in some way zero in on the critical problems of today." Bishop Breitenbeck suggested bringing in expert advisers. He said: "We've got a product to sell, and we've got to merchandise it by bringing in people who are highly qualified in the prayer life, liturgy and theology !>f the Church." The bishop likened the retreat movement to the business world -"only with a different set of problems." The bishop said Catholic dogma hasn't changed, but the approach to making it better understood and "more relevant" had changed. He challenged the NCLRC to bring in the experts in an effort to help the retreat houses of America. He spoke approvingly of the efforts of many young people on various college campus locations, who were doing "tremendous things for Christ," and were showing many of their elders the way in prayer, liturgy and participation joyfully in the good news of salvation.

PRIMITIVE MAN: Sixth graders at St. John Baptist School, New Bedford, construct exhibit depicting .Iiving habits of primitive man. No commerical products were used in projects, students limiting themselves to, natural materials such as wood, bones, rocks an~ furs.

Sex Education Predicts Legislature to Take Actio_n O,n ,Public School Program

TRENTON (NC) - Indicatipns are mounting here' that 'the New Jersey Legislature will take some action to govern' sex education in the state's public school system. The chairman of a special legislative commission investigating sex education programs predicted as much after a stormy eight- , hour hearing m'arked by an outstructive meeting to seek the burst of anti-Semitism. The hearing was the second advice and suggestions of the bishops -in an extraordinary ses- scheduled by the committee, sion" as distinguished from an which will hold a final hearing after the November elections. ordinary session. Asse~sing the testimony for "As an extraordinary session, the Synod will discuss one sub- newsmen, Sen. William T. Hierject only. It has not been called ing of Ocean County, co-chairto discuss a variety of subjects. man of the commission, said that A variety of subjects would be the evidence submitted "makes it discussed only at an ordinary apparent to me that some sort session, or at an ecumenical of action by the Legislature may gathering. Nor has it been called be necessary." 'Protectors of Purity' to discuss matters such as He said that any recommendapriestly celibacy and birth contions which the commission will trol. "The sole aim of the Synod is . make will not be submitted until the 1970 Legislature, is seated. to find out how collegiality can There was frequent])ooing and be better implemented for closer cheering during the latest hear- . unity with the Holy See and for ing but the most bizarre episode closer unity among the Episcopal came during testimony by Jerome Conferences themselves. Pope E. Heinemann of the New Jersey Paul asked the bishops them- branch of the States Rights selves to prepare the points for party. As he took his place bediscussion. fore the commission, two uniImportant Task formed members of the, party at"The hope is that out of this tempted to ,stand at attention on Synod will come not only a way either side of him but Hiering , to have the day-to-day opera- ordered them out of the way. tions and problems of bishops Heinemann blamed sex edu-' more effectively brought into the cation programs' on "pagan Tal. government of the Church, but mudism," and delivered an, antialso to enable individual bishops' Semitic harangue. He, like the c.onferences to better communi- two other party members, wore cate their specific national prob- emblems showing a red thunderlems to other bishops' confer- bolt. They referred to themselves ences.' , as "men of the thunderbolt, pro"This task is extremely. im- tectors of white Christian purportant because there are so ity." .' many different nations and locales involved. It would be too Theory Crumbles much - almost -unrealistic - to The carefully fostered theory expect this Synod to produce a definite blueprint. However, the that school work can be made calling by the Holy Father 'of the easy and enjoyable breaks down Synod of Bishops most certainly as soon as' anything, however, is a constructive, cooperative trivial, has to be learned. -Repplier step toward such a blueprint."

Cardinal Clarifies Misconception Concerning Agenda of Synod PHILADELPHIA (NC) - John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia issued a statement through the archdiocesan office of communications here designed to clarify what he called a "misconception" centering around the agenda of the Synod of Bishops in Rome. He emphasized that the synod is an "extraordinary session" and as such will discuss but one subject-"to find out how collegiality can be better implemented for closer unity with the Holy See and for closer unity among the episcopal conferences themselves." The text of the cardinal's statement follows: "There has been some misconception of the object of the Synod of Bishops which I would like to clear up. "This misconception centers upon the agenda. . Seeks Bishops' Advice "The Holy Father has called this synod as a positive, con-

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 16, 1969

Among the ~itnesses was Dr. William Mara, who teaches philosophy at Fordham University and has' been actively campaigning against sex eduction in New Jersey. He claimed sex education could be psychologically damaging when imparted to children below the fifth grade. Sex and morality are indivisible, he said, but it is not possible to teach morality in public schools. Another witness was Dr. Carl McIntyre; fundamentalist minister and frequent critic of the Catholjc Church. In.testimony heavily laced with scriptural quotations, he charged that sex eduaction is a reflection of materialism, unbelief and godlessness in American society. ELECTRICAL


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., ~~t. 16,.1969

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River'

Miss Godden's Novel Finely Articulated Piece of Art


By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy One might suppose it difficult, if not impossible, to write a dramatic novel of almost 400 pages about a convent of Benedictine nuns. But that astute and accomplished artist Rumer Godden, has done so in her latest book, In This House of Brede (Viking, 625 Madison Ave., New York, even at its obvious and most tenacious roots. There is a total N.Y. 10022 $6.95), a choice giving to be accomplished, and of the Book-of-the-Month the natural tendency is to' hold Club. Brede Abbey is the ancient religious house of her imagining, in Sussex. A ,priory of the Canons of St. Augustine be~ fore the Refol'mation, it had passeo into the hands of the Hartshorn family upon the Protestant suppression. After two and a half centuries it reverted to religious w en a community of English Benedictine nuns long exiled in France was driven from that country in the Revolution and came home to England. Brede, then, is rich in tradition, and one of these is the succession of remarkable women who have held the office of Mother Abbess.. The occupant, as the novel opens, is Dame Hester Cunning-. ham Proctor, 85, ruler of Brede for 32 years. Before becoming a nun, Dame Hester was a sculptress of some renown, and her visitors at Brede include a variety of distinguished people, who like her nuns, recognize her exceptional quality. Main Theme It is she who receive Philippa Talbot, an unlikely candidate in the eyes of some in the abbey. Philippa is 42, a widow, ,a woman who has held a high and re:;ponsible position in the civil service, with prospects of further advancement. . . She is good-looking, well dressed, unusually competent, and almost extravagantly admired. Her associates are stunned when she tells them of her decision to become a nun. Until a few years ago, she had been a freethinker. Her conversion came about in a way unpredictable and eyencasual-seeming. She had not flaunted her religion. The making of Philippa into an authentic religious is the main theme of Miss Godden's novel. This means far more than leaving her foriner place and conforming meticulously to the rule at Brede. There is unmaking to be done, the pulling. up of selfishness' o

Cardinal Urges Halt To Arms Supply LONDON (NC)-John Cardinal Heenan has again urged the great powers to halt the supply of arms to Nigeria and Biafra in an effort to stop the war between the two African parties. The cardinal spoke at a Mass in Westminister Cathedral attended by over 200 Nigerians and others favoring peace in Nigeria. Cardinal Heenan denied that either he or Pope Paul VI had taken sides in. the Nigerian war. He said it is easy to see how the impression was created, but added that "the impression is false." .

something back. The stages of Phillipa's transformation are sensitively· perceived and precisely conveyed by the novelist. This is a complex history; both of which are gradually revealed to Philippa herself and to the reader. . ' . No quick change is wrought, because such does not happen in life. And no romantic aura is suggested, because' the work of love is hard and unsentimental. If Philippa and the drama of her development are the central strand of the novel, they are by no means its whole substance. For example, there is Brede. itself, about which Miss Godden writes in rich detail and with loving regard. . We come to know well the buildings, .ancient and recent, and the grounds. The gardens, in their several seasons, are summoned to the eye. We smell the sea, experience the weather in its glory or its severity, hear the bell voices. The setting is superbly rendered. 'Conflicts, Crises But even more impressive is the depiction of the life which goes on within it. The spirit of NANCY HOWARD DeBRUYN the place is caught, the silence and the steadily turning round of prayer, the range of duties, the peace and the tensions. . Nor is this impersonally done. Miss Godden has populated Brede, and her book, with an Mrs: Nancy Howard DeBruyn engrossing array of characters, of Milton will entertain memfrom the formidable Dame Hes- bers of Taunton and Attleboro ter down to old, simple Sister districts of the Diocesan Council Ellen whose specialty is scrub- of Catholic Women at a Combing and polishing. munion supper Tuesday night, Brede has its conflicts. and its Oct. 21 at St. Anthony Church, crimes. Dame Agnes, the schol- Taunton. Mrs. DeBruyn will give ar, and Dame Maura, ·the musi- vocal selections and dramatic .cian, are 'of contrasting temper- . readings from "The Sound of aments and often civilly at odds. Music." Dame Veronica can' be silly and' A concelebrated Mass at 6:30 weak, gushing' at one moment, spiteful at another. And so on. will precede the supper. Msgr. There is the interplay of differ- Thomas F. Walsh will be' principal celebrant and Rev. John ent types drawn to the same life but not necessarily drawn to one Moore will preach. Singing will be led by Coyle ~igh SCRool stuanother. dents under direction of Brother The worst crisis comes with Louis Affrica. the death of aged and imperious Mrs. Aristides A. Andrade and Dame Hester. So long has she been abbess that it seems im- Mrs. Albert Gallant are co-chairpossible for another to take her men of a large arrangements place. The election falls upon committee. Dame Catherine Ismay who is app~lled by being chosen. Toward the close of the novel, First Nun Rece.ives the impact of Vatican II is being ,Degree in Thailand felt in the abbey, and a foundaBANGKOK (NC) - The first tion in Japan is being prepared for. The latter, especially, in- nun to be graduated from a univolves. Philippa and rounds out .versity in Thailand received her the process of her maturing as diploma from the hands of King Bhumibol Adulyadejat in a uni·a nun. At a time when nov~ls are versity convocation here. The Sister, a Thailander and increasingly sensational in subject matter, and all too many of a member of the Daughters' of them barbarous in style and in- the Holy Cross in the Chanatburi vertebrate in construction, ~Miss . diocese, was garbed in her ReliGodden gives us a keen. study gious habit but wore the' acaof the human spirit at the heig~t demic cap and gown over it for of its potential, and the suc- the conferring of the degree, cesses and frustrations which which was attended also by Queen Sirikit. come with its striving. . This she does attractively, The event signified the more with a delightful display of com- liberal relations now prevailing mand, and expert employment between the Cathollc Church of the language, and in a co- and the Thai government. Until hesive, finely articulated piece now few Sisters were sent up for of art. . higher studies in this country.

'Sound of Music' Program Planned

ST. MARY. NEW BEDFORD All women of the parish are invited to attend an Evening of Recollection 'at Cathedral Camp on Sunday, . Oct. 19. All will leave at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the parish parking lot. Taking reservations are Mrs. McDonald, 995-9147. and Mrs. Heap 995-9146. A 'buffet will be served according to the announcement of the co-chairmen. Plans are being made for the Halloween Dance scheduled for Saturday night, Oct. 25. The -Crazy Cats will provide the music. SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD The parents of Cub Scouts, Pack 5, will hold a dance at the Polish-American Club, Acushnet Ave. on Saturday night, Oct. 25. Refreshments will be served. A "Name the Pack News Con. test" is in progress and will continue through November. A Cub Scout mug filled with pennies will be awarded to the individual selecting the best name for the monthly newspaper. to be published by Pack 5. ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Joseph Landry and Mrs. Raymond Michaud, co-chairmen, have announced that the Ladies Guild will sponsor a public whist at 8 on Saturday night, Oct. 25 in the school on Earle Street. Door prizes will be awarded and refreshments served. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS The Women's Guild will conduct their first meeting of the Fall season in the new Parish Center. The evening will open with a Mass at 7,·and the installation of' officers. A covered dish supper and a musical social will follow. The evening will close with a business meeting and a presentation for the year.

Rehabilitation Ends In Czechoslovakia BONN (NC)-The "rehabilitation" of clergy and Religious convicted under .the former Stalinist-line communist regime in Czechoslovakia is at an end, it has been learned here. Under the more liberal policies of Alexander Dubcek after he took over the government of Antonin Novotny in 1968, many priests and members of Religious orders were cleared of charges unde'r which they were sentenced to prison terms by the Novotny regime. . In announcing the end of "rehabilitation" trials in the courts, the organ of the Czechoslovakia Community party, Rude Pravo, contenQ.ed that the courts undertaking to clear the clergy and Relgious of the former charges found miscarriages of justice in only a few cases.

SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER A harvest dance and buffet sponsored by the Women's Guild will ,be held at 8 Saturday night, Oct. 18 in the school hall. Music will be by Bob St. Amour. Tickets are available from committee members or may be purchased at the door.

Chaplain Learns From Experience NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Father Hilton J. Rivet, S.J., is. now' a "veteran" of a couple of months as fulltime Catholic chaplain at the county prison here. He's determined an experience he had as a "rookie" wQn't happen again. He was in his second week on the job when the warden gave him the job of taking a prisoner home to visit his seriously ill mother. The prisoner never reached his home - enroute he gave Father Rivet the slip. "I went to the phone and called the warden," Father Rivet , related "I told him I had lost . his prisoner. The warden told me to forget it, just to cQme back in. They picked tip' the guy 12 hours after he got away."

Patriarch Honors Liturgy Director WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Frederick R. McManus, dean of the school of canon law at the Catholic University of America and director of the secretariat of the U: S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, has been named archimandrite of Jerusalem (somewhat equivalent in the Roman rite'· to right reverend monsignor). The title was bestowed on Father McManus by Melkite-rite , Patriarch Maximos V Hakim of Antioch after consultation with Richard Cardinal Cushing 'of Boston. Father McManus is a Latin-rite priest of the Boston archdiocese. The honor was bestowed on Father McManus, the patriarch said, in recognition of contributions to the Melkite rite.

Appoint Director YONKERS (NC)-Father Sigmund Hafemann, O.F.M. Cap., has been appointed director of public relations and communications for the Capuchin Fathers' province of St. Mary of New York and New England. For the last 12 years he was commissary provincial of the tertiary province of St. Mary. The new public relations office is at Sacred Heart Monastery, 110 Shonnard Place, Yonkers, N.Y.

Money Talks They say that knowledge is power. I used to think so, but I now know that they meant money. Every guinea is a phil-Byron osopher's stone.





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• Young People Wish to Share Education With Others

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 16, 1969

Episcopa I Bishop

LOS ANGELES (NC)-Dark eyed, light hearted Christina Fajardo is pert, pretty and 20. She works as a legal secretary in breezy Beverly Hills and lives across town in smoggy East Los Angeles. Her sights are on completing business college (part time) and her heart (full time) is ning, Miss Fajardo is for posion North Geraghty Avenue, tiveness, constructiveness and action. a narrow canyon of a street The Saturday classes run for in the dusty red hills above her two hours, but "sometimes the home. children want' to stay longer," Miss Fajardo is the spark plug Miss Fajardo said. The PYO contains a widefor a group of East Los Angeles college students, all of Mexican spectrum of abilities. Most memdescent, who believe they have bers are college students; most, an obligation to share their ed- too ,are alumni of the eastside's ucation with their young neigh- Catholic high schools. bors. Eddie Sanchez, a sophomore They call themselves the Pro- at East Los Angeles College, is gress for. Youth Organization. a pre-med student and a veteran They are amazed at their' attain- of service in Vietnam with Army ments, so far. Their pastor is de- medics. His sister Margaret is lighted. And the neighborhood is a home economics major at Calilooking up. fornia State College at Los AnWith frank enthusiasm, Miss geles and potentially the basis Fajardo at Geraghty Avenue for a home management project talked about how this thing all with Geraghty Avenue mothers. st~~ted. .. _ David Botello is a commercial I used. to brmg children artist with a big furniture store back t? their homes from Con- in southern California, who confraternity classes at Our L.ady ducts art projects for the youngof Guadalupe church. I noticed sters. that there ~ere. always more Woody Viramontes, a pre-denchildren playmg m the streets tal student at San Diego State than I. eve~ broug~t to and from spent the summer on Geraghty catechism, she said. Avenue. Pick Street . . "So I said to myself, why not . Tony Z~mora IS m. const.ruc. pick just one street and go there tlOn. work, Mary Aguilera IS a and do something about it. In a me~lcal. record~ technician at burst of energy I asked all my Califo~l11a Ho~pltal; Lupe Menfriends to help. We decided on doza IS studymg to become an Geraghty Avenue," she contin- e~ementary teacher;ITheresa Burued claga works for an oil company "We just went up the street and is studying part time to becollecting kids, door to door, come ~ seco~d~ry t~acher. , , ringing doorbells. The people That s a, mll11:profile ?f PYO s must have thought we were Je- memb~rs, collegians, residents of hovah's Witnesses," she said. the ne!ghborhoods. At one end of Geraghty AveEddie ~anchez put all their nue there's the small chapel of thou~hts mt.o ~he pream~le to San Felipe de Jesus, a mission P~? S' constitutIOn. He said. of Gualalupe parish. Miss Fajar. ~YO developed from a condo has the keys to the court- vlctlOn that educat~d . young yard and this is headquarters for people have .an . obligatIOn. to the PYO. , make a ~ontrlbutlOn to' society Here each Saturday morning b~ s~armg their knowledge Miss Fajardo and her group of with disadvantaged youth. some 15 collegians gather some 40 children, ages 6 to 14, for classes. They started with religion, expanded into tutoring in English, reading, arts, crafts, plus a constructive program of MADISON (NC)-In the wake leisure time activities. of Bishop Jerome J. Hastrich's Miss Fajardo is death on self- appointment to head the GallUp, dramatization. Matter of factly N. M., diocese, the Wisconsin she just puts it pithily :"1 live legislature here adopted, a reshere. My frienqs live here. We olution lauding his work since know the people. We know the 1963 as auxiliary bishop of Madlife. We want to help. We can ison. help." No long winded socioloA resolution adopted by the gical analysis, no wheel spinlegislature recalled that Bishop Hastrich in 1965 initiated the Deplores Inaction Latin American Missionary Program, which sends more than On Pornography WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. 100 volunteers to Mexico to Richard H. Poff of Virginia told work with the poor; has been accolleagues on the House Judici- tive in aiding the black commuary Subcommittee that Congress nity and migrant workers in the will be blamed if pornography is state, being instrumental in establishing interracial centers in not controlled. . Poff's warning of possible po- Madison and Beloit and a migrant litical consequences was echoed center in Endeavor. The legislators joined Bishop by other Congressmen as the Cletus F. O'Donnell of Madison, s~bcommittee began hearings on bills to control smut mailing. the people of the diocese and The bills are sponsored by sever- Bishop Hastrich's many friends "of all races and wealths" in al hundred House members. "Certainly the right of every Wisconsin in wishes for success American to read dirty books in his new office. or think dirty thoughts should be Pope Paul accepted the resigprotected," Rep. William M. Mc- nation of Bishop Bernard T. Cullough of Ohio said. "Only in Espelage, O.F.M., 77, of Gallup communist and totalitarian and appointed Bishop Hastrich countries is the citizen told what to succeed him. he mayor many not read or think, but it is intolerable that Low Standard in a free society a citizen can be forced to submit himself and He who comes up to his own members of his family to un- idea, of greatness must always , s,olicited, .unwanted and deeply have had a very low standard resented mvasion of obscenity of it in his mind. into the privacy of h.is home." -Hazlitt

Lawmakers Laud Work of.Bishop


Refutes Attack On Papacy HUDSON (NC)-A call by the former English Catholic priest, Dr. Charles S. Davis, for the overthrow of "cor-

EDUCATORS: Father Robert J. Henle, S.J., right, inaugurated as 45th president of Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., is congratulated by Father Theodore M. Hesburg, C.S.c., president of the University of Notre Dame. NC Photo.

Respond to Council Nuns Suspend Constitution to Test Renewal Guidelines HAMBURG (NC)-The Fran- the delegates were: renaming the ciscan Sisters of St. Joseph vow of chastity the vow of convoted to suspend the commu- secrated love; dividing the comnity's constitution for 12 to 15 munity into three regions, each years, while a set of guidelines headed by a regional coordinadealing with renewal proposals tor; conducting straw votes as a are tested. ' preliminary measure in the elecThe guidelines feature: decen- tion of the highest ranking offitralization of government; allow- cer, with the straw vote guiding ing members to take part-time the nominating committee in jobs outside the community; sup- drawing up a slate of three qualporting the right of members to ified candidates; changing the speak out on controversial is- titles of communnitywide and sues, and abolishing titles such local leaders from "superior" to as "Mother" and "superior" in "coordinator" and dropping the favor of more modern designa- title of "Mother." "We are all adults," explained tions. The action was decided on at one nun. "No one is inferior or a two-week chapter meeting held superior." ,at the motherhouse here in New Another nun, Sister M. RoberYork in August. The results of tine, who directs the motherthe chapter decisions now have house infirmary, said the action been made public by Sister M. does not mean an attempt to Arcadia, head of the community abolish authority, but "we are here. ' spreading and sharing responsiThe chapter ,was attended by bilities." 52 delegates from the three regions-East, Middle Atlantic and Parents Decide Midwestern - of the sisterhood, members of which are active in SPRINGFIELD (NC)-Parents 10 states and operate a mission will be allowed to take their in Brazil. children out of sex education Spread Responsibilities classes in Illinois schools under Spokesmen for the community a law approved by Gov. Richard said the guidelines are experi- B. Ogilvie of Illinois. The mea· mental and a response to the \ sure provides that parents and recommendation of Vatican guardians be permitted to examCouncil II for religious commu- ine instructional· materials for nities to take part in renewal. the course. If they object and Among proposals adopted by file written complaints, their children will be excused from such classes.

rupt" power structures in the Catholic Church elicited a sharp rebuttal from the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church at the start of an unprecedented religious conference here in Wisconsin. In one of five position papers at the three-day conference on the Relevancy of Organized Religion and an Agenda for the future, Dr. Davis urged that the "laity, priests and bishops must actively rebel against the present structure, demythologize it and break its hold." He said "a key problem" for Catholicism is the authority of the Pope which "must be decisively and finally repudiated." Dr. Davis's verbal assault on failures of Roman Catholicism and institutional religion gener: ally were answered by Episcopal Bishop John E. Hines who described himself as "distressed at the sweeping nature of the indictment" by Dr. Davis, now professor of religious studies at the Universit.y of Alberta in Edmonton, Alta. God final Judge The theologian's attack on the papacy was made o'n the same day that Pope Paul VI, speaking to 30 theologians convened in Rome prior to the world Synod of Bishops, rejected the concept that he does not have the exclu· 'sive right to rule the whole Church. Bishop Hines served as a reactor to the Davis position paper. , Christianity, he said, operates through "a fallible, weak, faulty church" which, "despite its clay 'feet, God has undertaken to use to offer man a way by which his brokenness can be made wholeness." "Such a church should never be afraid to hear criticism of its weakness and defects. The final judgment lies with God," he said.

F,UlI's! Fashion St. Catherine Fund Raising Committee will sponsor a fur and fashion show at 7:30 Tuesday night, Oct. 21 at Dominican, Academy, 37 Park Street, Fall River. Refreshments will be served and door prizes awarded. Proceeds will benefit the Dominican Sisters.


Complete ILine Building Materials 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN 993-2611

Enrollment Drops

DETROIT (NC) - Enrollment in . archdiocesan seminaries shows a 20 per cent drop this Fall, continuing the decline of the past few years. According to figures released by the director of vocations office, the total number of men preparing for the priesthood in archdiocesan seminaries this Fall is 485, as compared to 608 last year and 642 in the 1967-68 academic year.


famous for QUALITY and SERVICE'!

.Report 'Cathol ic Relief ~fforts To Pope Paul

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River.2:Th'urs., Oct. 16, 1969

\yesterday~s Peace -Day '1 nvolved Students Doing Planing At Diocesan Schools

VATICAN CITY (NC) Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of U.'S. Catholic Relief Services

Yesterday's Peace Action Day was a dynamite ex.perience at' diocesan schools. Activities at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, were planned completely by that school's seniors, who did their best to inform a stu~ent­ facuIty audience of the Viet Nam situation arid of activi- Guild was held at Mt. St.' Mary Academy last week, with Mountie~ planned by the Fall Riv- ties and their, families enjoying er 'community. varied goodies in the school cafe-

(CRS), the overseas relief agen. cy of U. S: Catholics, has reported to Pope Paul VI on the efforts of the agency to bring aid to the war-tom areas of vietnam and Nigeria/Biafra. . At a papal audience with Bishop Swanstrom were. Fath.er Robert Charlebois of Gary, Ind., director of the agency's program in Vietnam, and Edward M. Kinney and James J. Norris, assistants to Bishop Swanstrom. Kinney had just returned from a 10-day inspection. tour of Biafra and the island of Sao Tome, from which food and other relief supplies are flown to the starving hundreds of , thousands in Biafra. The CRS officials were in Rome for the annual meeting of the Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace, of which ,Bishop Swanstrom and Norris "are members, and that of â‚Źaritas Internationalis, the internatiomll Catholic Charities organization. Kinney told the Pope that, despite the cessation of relief flights by the International Committee of the Red Cross (IRC), the church agencies united in Joint Church Aid have been taking some 250 tons of food each night into Biafra by air. Bishop Swanstrom said that twice this amount of food is needed if the starvation of many i s to be avoided. Broad Program Large C97 cargo planes ogtained by the church agencies from the United States government playa very significant part in the airlift: Bishop Swanstrom expressed the hope that the two sides in the Nigeria-Biafra conflict will respond to the Pope's plea for a cessation of hostilities and will, in the meantime, work out some arrangement by which the church agencies and the ICRC can maintain daylight flights of "food and relief supplies to the suffering people. Father Charlebois, explained that in Vietnam, while CRS looks forward to increased activity after the war comes to an end, the agency continues to maintain a broad relief progrllnJ that is lending assistance to over one million viCtims of the war,

At Mt. St. Mary Academy, al- teria. so Fall River, Betty Ann Beam Janua, SHA's memory book, reports that student and faculty which has Michele Paquet as edformed a ..program committee in iter, will join staffs with Shapreparation for the day. Among cady, the school paper, for a its projects were a play and a tnp to Boston come Halloween. showing of peace slides. Students will attend journalism At .Bishop Stang High, North seminars at BU. No word as to Dartmouth, there was an all- whether trick or treating will day happening for students wish- be on the agenda. . ing to participate. In the mornMeanwhile ,SHA's .Prospect ing slides taken by Dave Ing- Players, directed by, Sister KathFEEHAN' FLASH: S'taff for school paper at Bishop Feehan strom, a war veteran and SMU leen; plan a visit to Brandeis High School, Attleboro, includes, seated, front, from left, Mike senior, were shown and after University Saturday for a drama this a peace rally was held, conference. And Sister Eugenia Holland, Pat Dunn, Denise Fortin, Camille L'Homme; standing, highlighted by the expression of Margaret, SHA's librarian, has Martin Dubuc, editor; rear, Karen Chabot, Kathy Canare, Charles ' students' views on 'the Viet been busy recently serving on an Lafond. Nam war. An afternoon Mass evaluation committee for the celebrated by Rev. Michael Mc- New England Association ,of Col- . P~rtland included prayers for leges and Secondary Schools. all war dead and for special She surveyed Mt. St. Joseph student intentions. _ Academy, Brighton. Mrs. Looram Executive in National Freshman Representatives Mount seniors will journey to Holy Family High, New Bed- Cambridge for a performance of Catholic Office ford, elected freshman student Othello, while Humanities Club, WASHINGTON (NC) - Mrs. tional Catholic women's sorority, council representatives after members toured Rhode Island council officers addressed fresh- School of Design museum and James F. Looram, after 35 years and an honorary doctorate from men, explaining the importance Providence area colleges and uni- as an executive in the National Fordham University. of choosing good representatives. versities. Upcoming for them is Catholic Office of Motion PicOn a number of occasibns durFor the first time at HF, stu- a trip to Sturbridge Village'. tures (formerly the Legion of ing her service Mrs. Looram was dents were allowed to nominate a ,witness at hearings dealing Decency) has retired. Folk Masses themselves for office and to preMrs. Looram disclosed her de~ with' motion pictures before sent their qualifications to their SHA seniors will' hold their cision during a meeting here of Senate and. House committee's classmates. annual retreat at La Salette Cen- the board of directors of the here and before legislative comAfter a week of preparation ter of Christian 'I:;iving Tuesday ~, International Federation of Cath- ,.mitt~'es in.,Albapy, '- N; Y." and elections were held, with Room through Thursday, Oct. 21 to 23. olic Alumnae.The widow of Dr. Harrisburg, Pa. She served on the 8 electing Kathleen Messier and Concurrently SHA juniors will James F.' Loorman, she resides U. S. Attorney General's Com~ark ~clntyre as representamittee on Juvenile Delinquency conduct an in-school retreat for in Elmhurst, N. Y. . tives, while Room 9 'chose Pa- underclassmen. Both retreats, In 1935, when the country's for several years. For the last 12 tricia Servais and Steven Bois- will have Hope for a theme. Catholic bishops launched' the years she had been a member vert. . And three SHA guitarists, Jan- National Legion of Decency to of the advisory board at St. JoAlumnae of Mt. St. Mary Aca- ice DeMotta, Debbie Freitas and evaluate motion pictures from a seph College for women, Emdemy enjoyed a wig-fashion Joyce Holen, are providing folk Cahtolic moral viewpoint, they mitsburg, Md. show and buffet last night. Also music at Saturday night Masses designated the motion picture at Mount, a cheerleading squad at St. Joseph's, Fall River, under department of the IFCA as the is being organized for the bene- the guidance of Rev. Corn!,!lius official reviewing group of the Designate' Aid Funds .fit of teams at Bishop Connolly Kiley, curate at St. Joseph's and legion. Mrs. Loorman, group High. SHA's chaplain. , chairman, was appointed an ,ex- For Family Planning WASHINGTON (NC) - The Name Presidents ecutive in the national legion House Foreign' Affairs Commitoffice. Organization presidents at Her service .,has spanned the- tee has approved a $100 million SHA have been named, includ-. Educator Defends years from the National Legion allocation for .family planning ing Christine Stanton, athletic Prayer in School of Decency through the transi- under" the foreign aid program. association; Anne ,Cullen, ProsPITTSBURGH (NC)-A school tional period to the legion's suc- The amount is double last year's pect . Players; Debbie Sousa, French Honor Society; Pat Fox, district official said in Federal cessor, the National Catholic total. The committee, on a 17-5 vote, . glee club; Denise St. Yves, math Court here that daily Bible Office of Motion Pictures. As a result of her work, Mrs. approved an amendment by Conclub; Michele Paquet, National reading and recitation of the Honor Society; Mary Beth Gag- Lord's Prayer in schools do not .Looram has been awarded a va- gressman Robert Taft Jr. of Ohio - non, Service Club; Louise Dou- constitute religious instruction. riety of honors, including the to earmark the $100 million for George J. Plava, superintend- papal decoration Pro Ecclesia et either loans or grants through cette, Shacady editor;' Cathy Saunders, sodality prefect; Sandy ent in the Albert Gallatin Area Pontifice; Lady Grand Cross of the global aid program. The Podesky, Spanish Honor Society. School District, said the daily the Holy Sepulchre; the Siena money could be used for such A successful potluck supper "beginning exercises" were de- Medal of Theta Phi Alpha, na- things as demographic studies, research, dissemination or" famsponsored by Mother McAuley signed to "promote moral and spiritual values." ily planning information and He made the statements in a Theology Students provision of medical" assistance hearing before Federal Judge and supplies. Promotes Devotion Boycott C~asses Louis Rosenberg. ' The Nixon administration, in To Blessed Mother The hearing was on a comWASHINGTON,. (NC) - Stu- its proposed $2.6 billion foreign 365 NORTH FRONT ST'REET NEWARK (NC) - In a special plaint raised by Edwin J. Man- dents of the school of theology aid bill for the year that began letter to priests of the Newark gold, the father of two children at the Catholic University of last- July 1, did not request any NEW BEDFORD archdiocese, Archbishop Thomas in the school district,. the Amer- America here held a 24-hour specific earmarking of funds for A. Boland asked them to pro- ican Civil Liberties Union, the boycott of classes in support family planning although popula992-5534 mote devotion to the Blessed Amercan Jewish Congress, the of Father Roland Murphy, O. tion programs were included. Mother and to pray for each Greater Pittsburgh Council of Carm., who has charged the uniother, especially those who are Unitarian-Universalist Churches versity trustees with refusing to experiencing concern for their and four' ministerll. appoint him dean of the school ~1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111I11I11I11II1I111I11I111111I11II11I11I1I11I11I1111I1111I11I1111I11111I11II11111I1111111111g vocation. because he signed a statement of Archbishop Boland directed dissen~ from Pope Paul's birth Juvenile Crime pastors to develop and expand control encyclical, Humanae the work of parish Rosary sociWASHINGTON (NC) - The Vitae. eties, keeping in mind their Nixon Administration proposed Father Murphy, a Scripture spiritual goals and practices. a 'get tough' attitude toward scholar, was the over)yhelming These, he said, should remain older juvenile criminals. All choice of his fellow faculty meman integral part of the life of youths, 16' and over, arrested bers last Spring in an advisory every parish. here for "violent" crimes includ- ~ote on a new dean. The trustees He asked that special devo- ing murder, robbery, rape, armed have failed to appoint him as tions to Mary be scheduled dur- assault, arson, and burglary, dean, however, reportedly being October and that prayers be should be tried as adults, not as cause some of them objected to directed toward the needs of the children, the Administration sug- his signing of the dissent state- ~ UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN Tel. 997-9358 ~ world and the Church. ment. gests. 5llllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlJlII~

Pioneer Retires

DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners


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Lobster Boats Are Comi.ng Bringing

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THE ANCHOR':""Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 16, 1969

John Gregg of No. Dighton


Starting Tackle for URI


Ex-Coyle Star True Competitor



Norton High Coach



Smaller Schools Dominating


By Luke Sims

The University ,of Rhode Island isn't likely to win the Yankee Conference this season despite the champion-

ship play of lineman John Gregg. With three losses in as many outings, the Rams have all but Generally, in schoolboy sports each season, the prog- abandoned any hope of a title nosticators and clairvoyants are quick to establish the run. Second place has suddenly become the projected target. more heavily populated schools as the pennant favorites. With only six games left on the The larger schools have more enrolled boys. The more schedule, the Rhode Islanders must improve considerably if boys, the probability of more they hope to gain the runnerup season slates. squad candidates from The three all-winning clubs spot. John Gregg, who has imwhich to pick and' choose. notwithstanding, . once defeated proved on a game-to-game basis, But, things are a little dif- Taunton High is certain it will is poised and ready for the chalferent this year jn the Bristol figure prominently in the race lenge. A starting cdferisive, tackle, County League where the small- to the wire. Taunton let all er schools, momentarily at least, know, in no uncertain terms, Gregg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. are ruling the roost, so to speak. that it is a serious contender Robert M. Gregg, 30 South And, the smallest school of all when it romped to an easy vic- Street, Taunton and is in his in the league, Bishop Feehan . tory last weekend over New first year of varsity competition. High of Attleboro is the front Bedford High which had been A former" Coyle' High School running flag contender after the billed as one of the two strong- two-sport star athlete, Gregg atfirst four weeks of the Fall grid- est teams in Southeastern Mas- tended Milford Academy in Milsachusetts. iron campaign. ford, Conn. before enrolling at With three league and four UR) this past year. I Little Feehan will have to keep its sights straight ahead as over-all triumphs, Coach Paul While at Coyle, the 6-3 220Msgr. Coyle High of Taunton O'Boy's Shamrocks have a free pounder was an All-St~r twoand Attleboro High continue to weekend coming up after their way tackle on the Warriors' press with unblemished early win over Durfee of Fall River. football squad and a high jumper on the track team. At Milford, lie played football, track League Favorites Clash at Falmouth and was a member of the school's wrestling team. The oldest of three Gregg Probably the outstanding game fending champion Bourne of the children, John is a member of on Saturday's card is the Coyle Capeway Conference. encounter against Attleboro, In two conference matches, St. Joseph's, Church in North which waltzed to a one-sided Dennis-Yarmouth will travel to Dighton. His 17路year' old sister Charvictory over New Bedford Voca- Barnstable 'Saturday while Waretional last weekend to maintain ham entertains Dartmouth High lotte is a senior at Taunton High its undefeated skein. Coyle, also Friday night. Barnstable dead- School while seven-year-old Kelunbeaten, crushed Bishop Stang locked with Wareham in its last li is a second grade student at High of Dartmouth last Sunday effort while Dartmouth up-ended Herbert E. Banary School. Throughout his academy years, to gain its first-ever triutnPh Dennis-Yarmouth. Gregg was an outstanding scholover the Greater New Bedford Fairhaven of the Capeway ar-athlete. In 'addition to being diocesan regional school. clashes with Old Rochester of the senior class president, John Durfee will be at home in Fall the Narry circuit at Mattapoi- was an honor roll student and River when it meets Stang on Saturday next. The Dartmouth sett on Saturday. Case of was voted the best all-around combine has yet to win this sea- Swansea which tumbled Old student-athlete. Athletic wise, the Taunton son. Durfee has the same kind Rochester last Saturday, locksup in a Narry tilt this coming native, was a two-way tackle, of all-losing record. New Bedford Vocational, like weekend when it meets Seekonk going both offensively and defensively, was a heavyweight Feehan, will enjoy a rest Satur- at the latter's field. Dighton-Rehoboth, a three- wrestler and high jumper, discus day. Another outstanding tussle is time winner, will .be at home and javelin thrower on the track slated at Falmouth on Saturday Saturday when it hosts Medfield team. He holds the school record when SQmerset of the Narragan- of the Tri-Valley circuit. Blue in the 'latter two events. sett League opposes Lawrence, Hills Regional was slaughtered also undefeated. Somerset by the Narry Regionals last Satchalked up a league win by tip- urday. Medfield had no trouble Coin Collection Sold ping Seekonk last Saturday with Norton in a Tri-Valley af- To Aid Needy while Lawrence clobbered de- fair last weekend. NEW YORK (NC)-The collection of rare coins of the late Francis Cardinal Spellman of Sensational Single Game' Performance New York, conservatively valued at $500,000, has been sold to a Medfield, defending champion day's battle with Canton. The dealer. The purchase price was of the Tri-Valley circuit, will be Green Hornets have dropped not disclosed but the proceeds placing an 11 game unbeaten, their first three contests, but were earmarked for aid to needy streak on the line in the D-R according to Hockomock follow- youths. contest. The young Falcons are ers Mansfield is improving The collection was acquired by flying high under the tutelage steadily. Harmer, Rooke & Co., rare coin North Attleboro bidding to and stamp dealers and auctionof rookie head coach Tony Day, but they will have to be at their keep its title hop~s alive will eers. best to stop the Warriors. A D-R meet Foxboro Saturday. Coach Caardinal Spellman, who died victory will be an omen for Bob Guthrie's Red Rocketters Dec. 2, 1967, was an avid coin Narry counterparts. enter the fray with a 1-2 league and stamp collector. A spokesIn the northern sector of the slate and can not afford another man for the purchasing firm said diocese Oliver Ames High of league defeat. the collection would be exhibited The campagin is still young, at its building here for at least North Easton will try to extend its winning streak to eight when more upsets are in the offing a year, then in other cities, bethe Tigers host King Philip of and championships lay in the fore ultimate disposition is made Wrentham. Coach Val Muscato's balance. But, whatever is to of the collection. club is again a strong contend- come the sensational single game er for Hockomock League hon- performance of Taunton halfors. The Amesmen defeated arch back Dan Enos may not be on a 43 yard run, a 79 yard punt return, a six yard run, runs rival Mansfield last Saturday matched for years to come. Leading his team to one of the of 43 yards and 16 yards. He 34-14. most stunning upsets seen in also scored on a conversion run. Bristol County opponents take In Mansfield Coach Ed Cun- this area in years Enos scored ningham is drilling his young 32 points against powerful New note-the Taunton Tigers are on and inexperienced club for Satur- Bedford. The 5'10" junior scored the prowl.

Bristol County League Play


A fine arts major, Gregg is undecided about his future. He's more concerned sbout the present. It's been quite a dry speIl between winning seasons at Rhode Island. Last year the Rams managed only three victories in nine starts and in five games were of a -rebuilding year. John Gregg held to less than 10 points. With 31 underclsssmen on this year's 44-man varsity unit, Coach Jack Zilly is in the midst is one of the key men Zilly is counting on to gain valuable experience for the years ahead. The 20-year old second-year man is a true competitor in every sense of the word. He loves contact, the spirit of com-

Widen ,Windows I

One of the chief education should be the windOWS through view -the world.

objects of to widen which we -Glasow

petition and most of all, winning. The latter has been very difficult in recent years on the Kingston campus, but John Gregg hopes to improve that situation in the next year or two.

Card ina I Asserts Church Healthy LONDON (NC)-The Church is healthy where priests are "busily engaged in the service of God's people," John Cardinal Heenan of Westminster told 16 U. S. priests jetting through Europe at a cost appro!,-ching $700 to each of them. Received by the cardinal at the Archbishop's House in Westminster, the priests from 15 dioceses are on a Jet Seminar Tour Program for Priests, billed as a "historic" first opening a "new means of communication for the the .American priests and their counterparts in Europe."

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