By Rev. Edward J. Byington Anchor Staff An old woman appeared at the softball diamond in Kennedy Park at three-thirty in the afternoon and set up her camp chair a few feet behind third base. That should have been an indication that something extraordinary was going to happen. By four-thirty the old woman had been joined by a dozen cohorts and together they ..-Iaved the role of sidewalk engineers for the volunteers from Espiritu Santo Parish who were finishing the construction of the altar. By five-twenty Columbia Street seemed like a reenactmen of VJ Dav as thousands of Santo Christo parishioners were out in the street preparing to proceed to the Cathedral. At five-thirty St. Mary's sch:>olyard was quickly being filled with people representing parishes throughout the diocese. On Rodman Street iust south of the schoolvard five buses would stO'1 and discharge their passengers. drive off. and quickly be replaced by five more. The priests watching were guessing the parishes b" the names of the bus companies. "That's Brander, it must be Holy Ghost, Attleboro." "Look, there's Bloom, must be Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton"" The variouc; colored buses were approaching the schoolyard from the east across Rodman Street but suddenly like a troop of cavalry eight identical yellow buses appeared from the south on Second Street and the first contingent from Our Lady of the Angels had arrived. By the end of the evening nearly one hundred buses were used to transport a mere fraction of the total crowd. At six o'clock the procession began. The Santo Christo parishioners who were lined. up on South Main Street were in the van. The other parish units moved out of the schoolyard and down Spring - Street to South Main Street. As they passed the front door of - the Cathedral Bishop Cronin welcomed them until he joined the procession himself. The peoDle of Espiritu Santo parish marched from their Church down Pleasant Street carrying with them the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Around sixthirty they linked up with the main procession. As the procession 20,000 Street, the people filled the strong moved up South Main length and breadth of the street. They sang hymns and chanted the rosary, their candles flicker-
brothers throughout the world who do not enjoy peace, to those whose hearts are not tranquil because of anxiety about their needs, to those whose countries· are in political, civil, or military disorder." Then the Bishop addressed himself to the theme of the evening: "We, here in this Diocese, where so many of our commu· nity have ties of blood and faith with our brothers and sisters in Portugal, look with fear and anxiety on the political events in that beloved nation. We know how the Portuguese people want to be free and want to elect by An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Firm-Sf. Paul themselves the form of free government that will allow them to live their lives in security and Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Oct. 16, 1975 liberty, free to follow their religious convicti<ms according to 'lICE 15c 1975 The Anchor Vol. 19, No. 42 the age-old religion of their an$UG cestors in the land where the Couple receives Comm- tradition of their Roman Cath· ing in the mild breeze, and the Bill Campbell and his one hunspectafors looked on in amaze- dred voice choir serenaded the union at Mass in Kennedy olic Faith is so stron-g. They see a threat from Communism and . Park. ment. Even a veteran newspaper· crowd with hymns to Our Lady. they do not want a communistic man remarked "I have never By seven-thirty the infield, seen anything like this before." outfield, and the areas beyond reading and the Gospel was pro- form of government. We support After the first few contingents were filled with a rippling sea of claimed by Hef1bert Nichols, a them- in their moment of fear and reached the park where a crowd humanity. The Bishop then ap- Deacon from Taunton who will in their legitimate desires by our of ten thousand were already proached the altar surrounded by he ordained a priest in Decem- pJ;:ayerful gathering this evening and we raise our voices in unison waiting for them, Rev. Ernest an honor guard and over sixty ber. Blais, pastor of Sacred Heart priests and the Mass began. In the homilY,Bishop Cronin to beg the interce~sion of Our Church in New Bedford led the Dennis O'Brien, a 15-year-old set the tone of his remarks when Lady of Fatima, that-she will -recitation of the rosary. When sophomore from Bishop Connolly he said "Our thoughts this eve- obtain special protection from the rosary was concluded Father High School, delivered the first ning ,go quickly to those of our her Divine Son for that beloved land of Portugal which she her· self blessed at Fatima." After the homily the events of the Mass so familiar to the faithful; the prayer of petition, the Consecration, the recitation of the Lord's Prayer, the exchange of the handshake of peace, and the distribution of Communion, took on added significance. At the conclusion of the Mass thousands of voices joined in the singing of God Bless America. They sang with an enthusiasm and feeling that can be only understood by those who fl"()m first· hand experience know how -blessed it is to liVe in the land of the free. Then as the final act of the evening, white handker· chiefs were waved by the crowd to Our Lady of Fatima in the traditional European· sign of affection and loyalty. The procession and Mass were a sign of the vibrant faith that exists in our area of this country; aJ sign of strong devotion to Our Lady of Fatima; a sign of concern over the horrible events in Portugal and other oppressed lands. The success of the evening will undoubtedly call for this to an annual event but never THIRTY THOUSAND PRAY FOR PEACE IN PORTUGAL: This picture was taken be more will one -be able to say "I from in front of the altar at Kennedy Park and shows' a portion of the congregation stret- have never seen anything like ching out into the dark horizon.. this."
,,----In This I s s u e ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An Attleboro Man raises questions about busing. Page 3
Mary Carson talks about Catholic Newspapers Page 6
Pictures of the Procession and Mass Pages 8 &9
_ What is a Person1
The Inquiring
Bicentennial Article
Page 12
Page 14
Rosary and Flag
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
Services Held
A Gentleman Priest
A Living Rosary service joining the themes of Marian devotion and national pride formed part of the diocesan observance of the American Bicentennial. Held on Oct. 7 at Holy Name Church, Fall River, the service combined recitation of the traditional rosary prayers with a procession of replicas of ancient Colonial flags lent for the occa· sion by parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Charles Franco.
Homily by Rev. John R. Foister him when he was forced to sec his parish school close. The new liturgy was difficult for him; preaching became an increasingly heavier cross. What a grace it was to a younger priest to see him study, constantly he read. Always he attempted to rio what the Church asked of h:m. So, what does the Lord say to Wi here this morning? -Are you kind? Are you humanly concl:rned with those around you? DC' you understand whose instru· ment you really are and how you and I must apply ourselves if We will be the workable instruments God intends? How often we can put ourselves in the way of the Lord! How often it is my way I insist on. Msgr: Dupuis asks us here: "What docs the Church want? What do the people need? What is God's will? How can I help God and God's people?" What a grace it is to be <J Msgr. Arthur G. Dupius priest! To personally recognize the Christ not just to be simply Msgr. Dupuis was a gentleman philsophically and theologically priest. His gcntlemanliness was incarnate but to let him be innot somc soft, spineless accomcarnate in me! To give Christ modation to all things human, my mind, my heart, my hands ... He, was a man, robust in intento let. Christ decide what I do, sion and earnestness in being a when I do it and where I do it. priest of God, but gentle - kind Oh how he prayed during his in all things. last year as pastor here and it. The Lord's order to "let the was only because he thought as little children come to mc" was an instrument of Christ he was a ma'rk of his priestlxlOd. Did it somehow too fragile that he rehegin as he yearned for the quested the honor and the burpriesthood in Notre Dame par· den of thcministry be turned ish? Or was it an intent Df his to another. early years in the ministry in But his kindness did not stop that same parish? What does it there. He always read the pamatter ... it was there and for pers, the parish bulletins an~1 long years he exercised the letmade countless telephone calls. ter of that precept of the Lord Many of us often heard from him at St. Joseph's Orphanage, now as he expressed his concerns, his Mount St. Joseph's Academy in congratulations and his sympaFall River. thies from Catholic Memorial This blessed parish was thi' Home. only one in which he exercised He was so grateful to you his his ministry as pastor and father. only parishioners. You do not But here too, what a joy to him realize how prayerfully, how were the children at the school; long and how thoughtfully he the catechism questions he liked prepared that bronze placque to ask the questioning littlc that Bishop Cronin blessed and ones; the wide, joyous eyes with placed in the vestibule. which he prodded their hesitant And that is what Msgr. Dupuis answers. The cross it was for did here, and at St. Joseph's, and at Notre Dame. That is what he did when he tried to teach the Religious as he gave conferences OCT. 25 in so many convents; that is Re'v. Reginald C~ne, O.P.. what he did when he practically 1935, Dominican Priory, Fall adopted everyone of the DominiRiver. Rev. Raymond B. Bourgoin, can novices in Dighton; that is 1950, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton what he did when he 'felt the pain of death when families came OCT. 27 'to him to bring their loved ones Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson, to him at Notre Dame Cemetery. 1967, Assistant, St. Mathieu, Fall That, he asks you and me to be River as we live our Christian lives; Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, 1918, we here robed in the ministerial Assistant, Mt. Carmel, New Bcd- priesthood of Christ; you, there ford participating as lay priests of His Church. OCT. 28 Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe, 1923, Pastor, St. George, North Westport Rev. Stanilaus Kozikowski, OFM Conv., 1956 Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford
(n the name of God, we have been called here together this morning to answer in the privacy of our conscience a word that He would have with us.
Cornwell Memorial Chapel Dignified Funeral Service
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall RIver. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $5.00 lI~r Yllr.
WAREHAM 295·1810
At the 'beginning of the service a procession of school children, acolytes and priests followed a large banner depicting Mary, Queen of Peace, created by Mrs, George Hickey. Throughout the service an explanatory commentary written by Sister Teresa Sparrow, RSM, of the Diocesan Department of Education, linked the concept of Mary as patroness and protec· tress of the United States with that of gratitude for the gifts of liberty and justice promised Americans by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The church was in darkness for the Living Rosary itself, which was formed by representatives of parish organizations, Holy Name School and CCD pupils, each carrying a candle, As each prayer was recited, the speaker's candle was lit and the final effect was that of a rosary of light surrounding the congregation. The flag procession followed the rDsary, with flags bro,ught to the sanctuary for a blessing cere· mony and left in place around the altar for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Congregational singing of "God Bless America" closed the observance. (See pictures 'on left)
Marian Devotion Scenes at Holy Name, Fall River
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What About Human Cost of Busing?
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
'Deadpan Teens' Discussed by Mary Reed Newland
By Bob McGiU (Ed. Note: Bob McGill is a graduate of Notre Dame and holds a Masters Degree in PreSchool Education from Tufts. A member of St.' John's Parish, Attleboro, he presently is a teacher in a pre-school program in Charlestown.)
sons in the Blessed Trinity doesn't mean that he underWays ~ reach "the classic stands a thing about it. deadpan high school class - the "What's true for him is true kids who wouldn't bat an eye if for high schoolers too," she conyou undressed in front of them" A few weeks ago, 1 bounced tinued. "The experience of God were discussed by nationally into one of the last seats on a comes before knowing about known writer and catechist him, and you learn of God packed bus bound for the Notre Mary Reed Newland at a lecture Dame-Boston College showdown. through love - so if you really sponsored by the religious edu- love God and want to help "Cheer, cheer for old Notre cation program of Sacred Heart young people in your commu· Dame. Shake down the echoes parish, Taunton. cheering her name. . ." Oh yes, nity - you're almost home. All Area religious education co- you need do is translate your we were aroused and spirited to ordinators and teachers attended_ knowledge into terms your pusay the least! And yet between an afternoon session entitled pils understand, whether they're all the boasts and cheers, I felt BOSTON BUSING: Helmeted State' Police along with "Teachers, Let Us Tell You Why tots or high schoolers." jarred and up-ended when I "reminisce'd" over my past week teachers and monitors try to assure peaceful implementation You Count So Much" and par'Let It Cook' ents were invited to an evening in Charlestown. The football joy- of the busing program .in Boston. The revelation of God around program. The sessions were arride we had embarked on bore us in the things of nature can ranged by Brother James Moore, little resemblance to the ominous from outside - they don't un- seen for myself the dynamics of , help our understanding of him sounds of the escorted school derstand what it's like to be parental involvement within the Sacred Heart's coordinator. Mrs. Newland, chairman of ~ and show us how to teach him bus convoys which inched in and proud of your neighborhood, for Parent Council and classrooms to children, said Mrs. Newland, out of Charlestown. Here on our that to be a really important part of Head Start. Many of these the committee of adult and home emphasizing that real teaching Reeducation for the Office of way to the game, one felt power- of life." parents have brought along their ligious Education of the Albany, takes' time. ' ful seeing waves of Notre Dame The people of Charlestown experiences with hiring teachers, "As one kid said, 'You've gotN.Y., diocese, is the author of fans sweep in from all over the and many other neighboring working in classrooms, meeting East 'coast: People from both communities do not have much together and fund-raising into the 10 books on how best to present to give it time to cook. " she deschools were proud to swell the in the way of material advan- public schools their children go Christianity to children. Her clared. "You can't plant radishes ranks of their past or nresent tages and opportunities to begin on to. Quality education and a own seven children, now adults, today and dig them up tomorrow to see how they're doing. So figure largely in her writings. colle~iate communities and root with. New housing for all income greater sense of pride and acoften we religion teachers want "The best thing you have going for their teams. Power, pride, levels and public facilities such complishment can be brought purpose and communit'y - all of as schools, parks, a library and a about far mor;e rapidly with this for you is your own humanity," . kids to be good so fast - we these same qualities are steadily . fire station have only recently kind of active partiCipation. Mag- she told her audience of teach- want to spare them all the beinl;l stripped awav from the been erected within Charlestown. net schools which drew their ers. "It used to be that all you trouble of sins and problems. "fighting Irish" of Charlestown. Couple these improvements with strength from these human reo had to do was make sure that But God doesn't work that way." The catechist said she freAccording to J.udge Garrity, the re'newed interest of residents sources, as well as speCialized the children knew what was in quently uses nursery stories to but the Baltimore Catechism, busing has been implemented to in their schools and local affairs, programs and innovating faciliemphasize points of doctrine. rectifv past iniustices and in- and one can see the strong, po- ties, deserves a chance to achieve now we know more about how "Even the high school kids like people learn and we realize that equities sustained or· perpetu- tential that exists for enhancing the court's goal of racial integrajust because a second grader can to hear stories - there's real ated by the Boston School Com- community pride and developtell you that there are three perin place of forced busing. tion Turn to Page Four mittee. But what about court ment. On a smaller scale, I have action for the inequities and hardshiT'S now being levied on the neighborhoods of Boston? What about the human costs and This free booklet tells suffering forced busing has exThe New England Unit of the acted from the children and famwhy every father NCEA will hold its annual meetilies who are expected to live ing on Saturday, October 18 at should make a will with, and abide by, the courts St. ,Bernard's Central Catholic decision? Schools area crucial High School in Fitcbburg, Maseven i.f he's young building 'block within any comsachusetts. munity where families reside. and healthy! Rev. Andrew Cusack of Bridge. Until recently, interest and inport and Rev. James Lloyd of volvement with the public lona College are the keynote Sixteen pages, clearly written schools had been on the rise. speakers. and colorfully illustrated, tell More than ever before, parents Other speakers include Robert why you should make your will from all areas are actively con· Saisi, Ed.D., Ronald J. Goba, and how to go about it. Charts cerned about the safety of their Francis L. Broderick, Ph.D., Sr. on page 3 show what your heirs children and the conditions of Ann Nelson, R.S.M., Ph.D., Sr. can lose if you die without a public schools and instruction. Caroline Finn, S.S.A., Ph.D., For all the talk and commotion Adele M. Driscoll, Ed.D., Richard will. Page 5. discusses why you about bovcotts, walk-outs, and Oehling, Ph.D., and Robert Chrisneed a lawyer's help in drawing anti-busing marches, there has tie. up your will. Page 6 goes into also been more demands from Registration is from 8:30 to detail about how to start and parents for much needed school 9:30 A.M. and a liturgy will be to include. No father, what maintenance, more reasonable celebrated at 4:00 P.M. young or old, should neglect cla,ss sizes, better vocational training, more community access his will. Maryknoll's booklet to school facilities and a return Dance • Lincoln Park will convince you! to discipline and mutual respect WHISPERING as a framework for instruction Mail the coupon for ART PERRY TRUMPET OF within the public schools. your free copy today! Playing Pretty For The Peopl.• For many years our country Fri. • 8:30-1 :00 • Old Timer's Nit. has suffered from a mounting Sun • 12:30 • 5:00 • Adult Seniors erosion of close-knit neighborFRA :L--F;.ee-Booklet on Wills Wed. • 12:30-5:00 • Senior Citizens hoods and communities. Forced Guests Marvknoll Fathers busing contributes far more to 50 Dunster Road Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167 this erosion than it does to establishing a "unitary school sysDear Fathers: Please send me your booklet on making a will. I tern." In the words of Father Plum~ing & understand there is no obligation. Joy, a local Charlestown pastor, "This neighborhood is coming NAME, _ back and ibusing would kill it. Over 35 Year. Charlestown's right on the edge ADDRESS _ of Satisfied Service now." The State Representative 7023 Reg. Master Plumber for Charlestown, Dennis Kearney ------~ CITY JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. , concurred by saying, "People are 432 JEFFERSON STREET STATE....;.. ZIP CODE ~_ afraid of having their neighborFall River 675·7496 hoods taken from them. People By PAT McGOWAN
NCEA Meet to be Held Saturday
Montie Heating Co.
whom the mother comes in contact - '.'so one crabby family can affect half of Taunton!"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
The speaker contrasted the old notion of "learning religion as if we had to recite it to someone" with today's emphasis on "actually having the virtues, not just knowing their names" and she pointed out that little' children "just can't handle abstractions. Up to about seventh grade you have to be concrete in your religion lessons."
Three Cheers for Danny In our present society much value is placed on those individuals who work c90ly and efffiently without causing reactions from any quarters. While there is a time and place for such activity and indeed in many occupations and professions such characteristic behavior must be the rule, all too often the word "cool" is nothing more than a euphemism to describe a moral .coward. There is definitely a time to speak out, there is definitely a time when moral indignation must be voiced. To remain' silent at such times is not cool, it is cowardice. Recently General Idi Amin, the President of Uganda and head of the Organization of African Unity addressed the United Nations and, in addition to denouncing the United States, called for the extinction of the state of Israel. This type of Nazi like rhetoric may please some members of the UN but our ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan decided that such talk could not go unanswered. In addition to a fine rebuttal given by a black member of the United States delegation, Moynihan castigated Amin whom he called a racist murderer (using a quote from the New York Times) and indicted the Organization of African Unity for having such a leader. Many Africans were incensed that they should be so attacked and they were joined by some members of the liberal press who depicted Moynihan as being insensitiive to the Third World. Absolute malarky. Ambassador Moynihan's response to the bombastic tirade of such a comic opera villain as Amin is a correct and responsible one. Why the Africans allow Amin to be their spokesman is beyond comprehension. However even more mystifying are those Americans who believe that such outrageous verbiage cannot be rebuked. I
Mission Sunday Thanks to the millions of men who have been in uniform in the last forty years and the post war tourist boom, Americans caught a glimpse of the poverty stricken conditions which exists in many parts of this world. Nobody in this world lives as well off as we do and in fact nobody in the history of t~e world has done so well. The.average American today lives a life that would be the envy of Kings and Queens of yesteryear. Even what we call hard times could pass for luxury in some parts of our so-called modern world. Nevertheless many people are becoming quite blase' about the missions and missionary activity. Gone is the enthusiasm of' past years when we could rescue a pagan baby in India or support our local Maryknoller in China. True the mission situation has changed but the missionaries themselves are quite aware of the change and in their endeavors today they still need our support. As they preach the Gospel of Christ, they realize the impossible conditions which must be alleviated if the Word is to find roots. To reverse these conditions they need our interest, our financial support, and as always our prayers. As we approach this Mission Sunday let us路 renew our pledge to give to our missionaries abroad the support they so ~esperately need.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.
EDITOR Rev. Edward J. Byington
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . . leary Press-路Fall Riv6T
Just Being
MISSION SUNDAY: Father Arnold Janssen, S.V.D., left, Founder of the Society of the Divine Word, and Father Joseph Freinademetz, S.V.D., right, First Divine Word Missionary to go to China, will be Beatified by Pope Paul on Mission Sunday, October 19, at St. Peter's in Rom~.
Only Yesterday in The ANCHOR October 13, 1960 St. Louis Parish, Fall River with Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh, pastor, and Rev. Edward J. Burns, curate celebrated the 75th year of its existence. Thomas A. Clark, George M. Thomas, Paul E. Despres, and Rev. Clement Kilgoar, SS.CC. were the new officers of Damien Council K of C in Mattapoisett. Yogi Berra of the New
York Yankees took time out from World Series play to help form plans for National Catholic Youth Week. Mrs. Timothly Neville, St. Joseph's Taunton; Mrs. Ro搂e Mullaney, St. John's Attleboro; and Mrs. Gilbert Noonan, St. Patrick's, Falmouth were preparing to introduce new CCD methods to various parish guilds.
October 14, 1965 Dr. David Costa Jr. of New Bedford and Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr. of Fall River were n.amed as co-chairmen of the 1966 Bishop's Ball. New CYO heads in Taunton were; James Murphy, Sacred Heart; Cornelia Duffy, St. Mary's; Virginia Eddy, St. Joseph's; and Robert Koska,
Immaculate Conception. Chris Servant and Brian Frost were key men in keeping the Feehan Football team in First place in the Bristol County League. A great celebration was held in Fall River as St. Elizabeth's Parish celebrated its golden jubilee.
October 15, '1970 Rev. Paul McCarrick of St. Mary's, Fall River, was ap?ointed Diocesan Director Qf :he CYO. Richard Cardinal Cushing was given a tremendous ovation as he said farewell to the people of Boston at the in;tallation of his successor.
At that time Father Greely was still friendly with Msgr. Higgins and praised the monsignor in his column. New officers at Holy Family in New Bedford were Ted McIntyre, Glen Hall, Nancy Scott and Mary McGoldrick.
'Deadpan Teens' Discussed Continued from Page Three drama in the story of Peter Rabbit, for instance, and you can use it to illustrate the importance of authority - just as Peter's mother didn't want him in Mr. McGregor's garden because she was afraid he'd get caught, so God doesn't want us in what used to be called occasions of sin, because we might get caught." Defining ClllJ楼Ilunity as "people who can relate to each
other lovingly," Mrs. Newland opined that at present "the Church doesn't know her people - the bond of love and service and trust is missing." Illustrating the "ripple" effect of one family on its community, she noted that children and parents who start the day badly can upset all those with whom they come in contact: the school bus driver, fellow pupils, teachers, the father's co-workers, the salespeople and neighbors with
Responding to a question about teaching prayer, Mrs. Newland said "Just being is a prayer, in the way little children just want to know where their parents are. Being in God's presence in the way tots want to be with their parents is a prayer. 'Gimme' is a prayer, too - the prayer of asking. And falling in love is a prayer because in human love one can see a shadow of God's love. Then there's the long prayer of people who've lived a lifetime together and need no words to know what each other is thinking "We're always carrying on a conversation with ourselves," concluded Mrs. Newland. "Prayer is just a conversion of this to an awareness of God and conversation with him." Asked about the place of the rosary in today's Catholic life, Mrs. Newland noted, "it holds you in an attitude of prayer," and recounted a meeting she had with a high school group. "I told them about the rosary, then the Sister who was working with me 'just happened' to come in with a box of them. Those kids literally fell on them. They seemed hungry fqr that form of prayer." She said she had suggested to the high schoolers that they "fast and pray for Patty Hearst, who no longer knows who she is, and ask God to send a minister or priest who can get through to that poor child." "What would you like to teach if you could choose only one thin&?" Mrs. Newland was asked, and her reply was prompt. "I'd like to convince young people that there's really no death! It's so said that Christians are no longer a great sign to the world. We're not those crazy people who don't believe in death, who're full of joy, who're fantastically generous - we're just those people who don't have to eat fish on Friday any more. We hang on so - we don't realize that the adventute is on the other side of letting go, of really trusting God. Abraham, who trusted God so much he was willing to sacrifice his son without knowing why he should do it, is the biggest figure of faith in all of scripture. We're not Abrahams." Continuing Mrs. Newland's effect on her listeneers will be a set of tapes she has made on catechetics which were awarded as a door prize and won by Mrs. Jill McCloskey of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Seekonk. Mrs. McCloskey indicated that she will be glad to share the prize with area religious educators.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
Letters to the editor Dear Editor,
doubt, even such important doctrines as· those concerning angels, devils, original sin, the Virgin Birth and the Eucharistic Presence, so a Commission of Cardinals was established to examine it, and the Commission insisted that numerous modifications be made, as explained in the preface to the supplement to A New Catechism (Seabury Press, c. 1973, p. 515). Because most of the Commission's corrections were included in the supplement to A New Catechism, and because the reader is ad· vised in the preface that "many corrections of details have been omitted" (p. 515), the New Dutch Catechism was able to obtain an imprimatur on the assumption that the reader has been made aware of the need to use the book in conjunction with more authoritative texts.
In her last letter, Ms. Catherine G. Carvalho dismisses as biased the recent anti-astrology statement made by 186 prominent scientists. She does so on the supposition that they are practically all members of the American Humanistic Movement and atheists. The scientists' faith or lack of religious faith is relevant in this case only to the extent that one is willing to admit that astrology is es<;entially what it was in the beginning a religion, a pagan religion. Ms. Carvalho asks where one might find a theological prohibi. tion of astrology. They are too numerous to enumerate here. In fact, I devoted an entire chapter of my book, Astrology: Fact or Fiction? to the religious objections alone, citing Biblical texts, Church councils, popes and out· standing saints who strongly opAs do most astrologers, Ms. posed astrology. Carvalho likes to believe that What about the New Dutch . all scientists who speak out in Catechism's encouragement of oppositiori to astrology have astrological research? That cate- never seriously investigated the chism only goes so far as to say: subject. Actually, astrology has "we should not deny at once very little to offer the scientific without investigation the exist- investigator. No cause-and-effect ence of such types of phenom- relationship between celestial ena." The phenomena referred to bodies and human events has is "extra-sensory perception;" ever been found, and the various and the authors of the catechism statistical studies which have have erroneously included astrol- been made either disprove the ogy under that head. Whereas astrologers' claims or are incontelepathy, clairvoyance and other clusive. forms of extra-sensory percepJust as no scientist has to read tion are unusual gifts or abilities, much of the story of Little Red astrology is different, for it is a Riding Hood before realizing that study, a methodology. it is not a scientific treatise on The New Dutch Catechism has animal 'behaviour, so, too, no many good points, but it certainly modern scientist needs to read cannot be cOI'sidered an infal- much astrology to realize that it lible presentation of all Catholic is ·a purely imaginative work. doctrine, despite the imprimatur Rev. Kenneth Delano it bears. The original Dutch CateFall River cism failed to teach, or left in
Criticize British Internment Policy BELFAST (NC)-Three Northern Irish priests have denounced the internee release policy of Merlyn Rees, the British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, as ':spurious and false." In a 15-page booklet, Fathers
Denis Faul, Brian Brady and Raymond Murray said they believe that the British policy of interning those suspected of terrorism without trying them will not end by Christmas, as Rees has said he hoped it would.
·II!=.= =
Dear Editor: Two weeks ago when I com· mented on Mary Carson's recent articles I did not intend to come across as being against working mothers. A working mother who is trying to make her home a better place for her family, is truly a person deserving of much praise. For fourteen years I have held a part time job as a nurse, to help supplement my husband's salary, while raising a family of seven children. Also I was not speaking of Roman Catholic as a matter of nationality. Suerly everyone regardless of race or nationality is welcome into the Catholic Church, but perhaps I shall have to refer to the Baltimore Cate· chism for a better definition than I was able to give. "The Catholic Church is one because fill its members, according to the will of Christ, profess the same faith, have the same sacrifice and sacraments, and are united under one same visible head, the Pope. There are many religious sects which claim to be Christian, but are separated from the unity of Christ by their rejection of the authority invested by Him in the Roman Pontiff, the successor to St. Peter." I do not feel I was expressing my own opinions on Birth Control and Abortion, as our Holy Father, the Pope, has spoken out against these issues on numerous occasions. In closing, I must say, Mary Carson's article this week (Oct. 9) was really enjoyable and more like the Mary Carson whom I had always admired and still do. Most sincerely,
MEMBERS OF THE CAPE COD AREA of the Decorating Committee for the 21st annual Bishop's Charity Ball to be held Friday, Jan. 9, at Lincoln Park Ballroom are left to right: Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, St. Patrick's parish, Falmouth; Mrs. John J. Houst, St Pius X parish, So. Yarmouth, President of the Cape Cod and Islands District 5, Council of Catholic Women; Mrs. James Quirk, St. Pius X parish, So. Yarmouth; Miss Ethel Crowley, Holy Trinity parish, West Harwich.
LINCOLN PARK BA.LLROOM ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford
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FALL RIVER TO EMMITSBURG: Over fifty pilgrims left Fall River on Monday morning for a five day visit to the area where St. Elizabeth Seton spent most of her working years. Pictured above are Sisters from the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River as they prepared to join some of the pilgrims already on the bus.
7:30 P.M.,
7, 7:30, 8, 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
PREACHER: Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski
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24-Hour Burner Service 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON
Saint Anne Church and Shrine·
Attleboro - No. Attleboro Taunton
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River.....Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
Lik,es Op,en Discussi,ons I,n Catholic N1ewspap,ers
The Parish Parade I'ubllclty chllrmen of Dlrlsh Drl.n'z.tlonl are liked to submit news items for this eo/un'n to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7. F.II River, 02722. of city or town should be I"eluded, II well II full d.tes of .11 .ctlvltles. Plelle send news of future r.ther th.n events.
There once were two teachers, both learned, but they BUZZARDS BAY conducted their classes in different ways. The first teacher A communal ceremony of the insisted on discipline in his classroom. He delivered his Anonting of the Sick will take lectures 'eloquently, then had his students meditate on his place in the context of' Mass at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19 in words. There were no quesThe first teacher could not St. Margaret's parish center. All tions because he had done agree. And so he continued to parishioners of St. Margaret's such careful preparation on teach as he always did. His stu- and St. Mary's churehes who are his lessons none seemed nec- dents (although they were the in their sixties or older, those essary. most loyal of students) continThe second teacher worked' ued to diminish in numbers. differently with his students. He Open Policy, encouraged questions from his The second teacher continued his open policy, and on many occasions suffered through some grievous insults from his stu~ dents. But their numbers continued to multiply and he was happy to have influence over such By a large number of students even if it means enduring a certain MARY amount of pain. In fact, he remarked that he CARSON really believed his students loved him because they continued to come to his classroom, students. He even permitted and once in a while he e~en them to challenge him at times. learned something from them, Some students took advantage which made life interesting inof this occasionally and raised deed. As a reader you may someoutrageous arguments. But most of the time the class was a live- times wonder about your Cathly group filled with interesting olic newspaper. You may wonder why. it pertalk and lots of learning. mits some' writers to question One day the first teacher things. You may particularly noticed there were some empty wonder about me. se~ts in his classroom. This had The reason may be that your never happened before and he bishop, who is our teacher, is was troubled by it. He passed willing to tolerate some disorder the doorway to the second teach- in his classroom (this newser's classroom and while he was paper). He is willing to allow dismayed to see the apparent writers like me and readers like disorder (a lively argument was you to use this paper, just as the in progress) ... he also noticed teacher who allows and even the room was full. suffers through challenges in his own classroom in order that he Permits Questions might influence more students. The first teacher took the secI app~eciate him. I hope you ond teacher aside one day and do too. said, "I don't approve of what yeu are doing. You permit dis.cussions and arguments in your classroom and while the students may enjoy this and be at- ST. JULIE BILLIART, tracted to it, it presents serious NORm DARTMOUTII The Ladies Guild is sponsordangers. Errors can creep in. The students w~ll lose sight of ing a spaghetti and' meat ball who the teacher is, and will be- supper in the church hall from gin to accept the opinons of 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27. fellow students instead of their The event is open to the public and children's tickets will 'be teacher." available. Reservations may be The second teacher said, "The made by calling 996-4767 or 996fact that these students come 5953 or by contacting any guild into my classroom indicates they member. accept me as their teacher. As ,long as the discussion takes ST. LAWRENCE, place in my classroom, I can in- NEW BEDFORD fluence it. St. Lawrence's Parish 1n New He continued, "I know there Bedford is having a gigantic are some students who will ac- Christmas Bazaar. The dates are cept a teacher without question. Sat., Oct. 25, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. But most students will not, and and Sunday, Oct. 26 9 a.m. to it is to attract them I permit 5 p.m. at the Holy Family Grammer School on North all9 Counquestions and discussions. ty Streets. Hundreds of hand"As long as these questions knits, arts and crafts, toys, are raised in my classroom, I can plants, aprons, handmade wooddo something about them. The en articles, grab bags. Complete real danger is that the students Christmas Shopping! Hurry' will gather someplace else to Hurry! discuss their questions. When this happens I have lost my inUrged to Vote fluence over them." ALBANY (NC) - The bishops of New York state, citing the Prayer . poor record of Catholics as regIn Prayer we shift the center istered voters, have urged all elof living from self-consciousness igible' Catholics to consider it to self-surrender. a Catholic's duty to register and -A:braham Heschel vote in the coming elections.
Parish :Parade
planning major surgery, and the ill of any age are invited to participate. A social hour will take place after the Mass. Further information is available at the rectory and those in need of transportation may call the parish center, telephone 759-2065, to make arrangements. Co-chairpersons in charge of arrangements for this event are Martha Monaghan and Georgina Lips.
HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER A penance service will be held for those to be confirmed this month and their families at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19. A practice for reception of the sacrament will take place in the church at 3:30 p.m. Monday, 'Oct. 20 and a meeting of sponsors and confirmands will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday"Oct. 21, also in the church. New altar boys will meet in the church at 2:45 p.m. today. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER A malasada supper and penny sale are set for Saturday night, Nov. 29 in the parish hall. A planning meeting for the event will take place at 7 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 26. also in the hall. Events on the calendar of the Council of Catholic Women include a cake sale this weekend, a Christmas party Monday, Dec. 1 and a penny sale Sunday, Jan. 18. Holy Rosary Sodality announces a penny sale for 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14 in the parish hall. ST. JOHN, POCASSET The Ladies Guild will sponsor a Christmas Boutique Saturday, Nov. 29 at Pocasset Community Club on Barlow's Landing Road. Workshops are being held each Tuesday morning 'at the home of the guild president, Mrs. John Laird. The sale will continue' from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and a snack bar will feature homemade chowder at noon. ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD The Ladies Guild has resumed its meetings in the church hall held at 7:30 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month. Maureen Lewis, president, and Ellie Quadros. program chairman, have announced the calendar for the year, including a Mass for deceased members and a supper in November, and the annual penny sale, set for Monday, Dec. 1. Members may bring guests to all events. , A baked goods sale will be held in the church hall after all Masses this weekend.
ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD A spaghetti and meatball supper will be served in the church hall from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18. A portable color television will be raffled in connection with the supper. Tickets are available at the rectory. A Christmas table and cake table will be set up for shoppers on the weekend of Nov. 22 and 23; and those wishing to donate handmade articles for this sale may leave them at the rectory. Tickets for a parish New Year's party are available at the rectory. Since they are limited in number, early reservations are suggested.
ST. WILLIAMS, FALL RIVER Four new members were welcomed at the October meeting of St. William's Women's Guild. Mrs. Madeline Gagnon, President, announced that Saturday evening, Oct. 25th is the date for the dinner dance to be held in the parish center. Music by the Jardineres." Plans, were completed for a Turkey Whist to be held in the parish center on Sunday, Nov. 16. Mrs. Jeannette Dooley, chairman of the Christmas party, announced that the Christmas party would be held on Dec. 10 at Valles. Mrs. Mary Batchelder was named Vice-President of the Guild due to the resignation of Mrs. Sandra Costanza who has moved out of state. Mrs. Mae Smith and Mrs. Mary Callahan were named to the Hospitality Committee. A Copper Demonstration followed the business meeting. The committee in charge of the October meeting were: Mrs. Mary Williams, Mrs. Mary Callahan, Mrs. Ellen Reid, Mrs. Effie Witinger.
BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER The Men's Club wishes to announce that a Halloween Costume Party is planned for Oct. 25 at 7:15 at Blessed Sacrament Church Hall. For the meal it will be fried chicken and for dancing it will be Leon Drewniak and His Rhythmeers Orch. Prizes will be awarded for best costumes, and on Nov. 15 it will OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, be a night with 'The Jardinaire's OSTERVILLE Orch. with a beef steak pie for Charitable projects of the the supper for that night and , Women's Guild will benefit from also on Dec. 13 and 14 a weeka flea market and food sale to end tour to New York City is be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. planned. Eddy Brault is chairman for the affair. Anyone de- Saturday Oct. 18 in the church parking lot. All contributions siring tickets may call him or . are welcomed, including clot~ing, other m~mbers of the club. jewelry, hardware, toys and games, books and kitchen items. ' ST. ANNE'S, They may be delivered to the FALL RIVER church basement at any time beCub Scouts of the parish will fore the sale or pick-ups will be benefit from a dinner dance to be held Saturday night, Oct. 18. made if donors call 477-0813 to make arrangements. Tickets are available from committee members. ST. BERNARD, Rev. Robert Kaszynski will be ASSONET guest preacher at a novena in A pancake breakfast will be honor of St. Jude to be held at served at the parish hall on St. Anne's shrine from Monday, Oct. 20 through Tuesday, Oct. 28. South Main Street by the WomThe first Home and School en's Guild members following 8:30 and 10:30 Masses Sunday meeting of the current academic morning, Oct. 19. The public is year will take place Thursday invited and tickets will be availnight, oct. 23 in the school audable at the door, with special itorium. admission rates for children. A buffet and dance will be sponsored by St. Anne's Fra- SS. PETER AND PAUL, ternity at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct: FALL RIVER 25 at the fraternity hall, 149 Oct. 18. Kiddie Movie from I Guild St. The event will honor to 3 p.m. at the Father Coady and benefit the parish school on Center. Donation of $.50 will be the occasion of its 50th anniasked at the door. Anyone is versary. Tickets are available welcome. from fraternity members and at Oct. 19. Social at Father the rectory. Coady Center from 1 to 4. ReAlso marking the school anfreshments will be served. niversary will be a 5:30 p.m. Oct. 25. A dance at Father liturgy, followed by a banquet, Coady Center. Admission will be scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 1. $2.00. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 Tickets for the dinner may be a.m. and refreshments. Come had at the rectory. and have a good time. You'll be glad you did. ST. PETER, DIGHTON ST. GEORGE, The Women's Guild will hold a Thrift Sale in the rectory basement at 2039 County Street (Route 138) from 2:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m~ Saturday, Nov. 15. ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD The parish will benefit from 'proceeds of a whist party to be sponsored in the church hall at 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18 by the Women's Guild. The hall is located at Ashley, Boulevard and Davis Street. '
WESTPORT St. George Women's Guild will sponsor a fashion show, "Color Your World with Fashions" from Mr. A on Mon. Oct. 20 at Venus de Milo. A hot buffet will be served at 6 p.m. Styles will be shown by Hart Models. Door prizes will be given. Tickets available from Guild members. Friday - Saturday, Nov. 7 and 8, Las Vegas Night at St. George School Hall, Westport from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. Luncheon included.
H,ow To Pr,epar-e Outdoor Plaints For Ind,oor Life
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1'7,5
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick"
With the cold weather coming in, there are a number of outside plants that can be brought into the house for the Winter. Some of these can be grown inside with no difficulty. Coleus, for example, in many of its variations can be potted and brought into the house. If a plant is particu- cause they tend to be very leggy larly large after growing out- after the summer. They don't take to cutting back very well side all summer, prune it because they often develop heavy
judiciously, repot it, and give it plenty of water until it becomes a,cclimated to the house. Impatiens is another plant that can be brought into the house with little difficulty. If they have been grown in th_e flower box or in a garden they should be potted up for the winter. Impatiens can be started very ,readily from cuttings. Snip off a three or four inch end-section and place this in a glass of water for a week or so until rootlets begin to appear. These cuttings can then be potted .in loose potting soil and kept fairly moist. In not much time they will develop into vigorous plants. Impatiens tend to be over.grown when brought into the house and therefore new cuttings can be used to replace , the older plant onCe they begin to grow well. Much the same treatment can be used in treating begonias. Tuberous begonias should be dried out and stored for the win- . ter. The fibrous begonias, however, can ,be potted and these will grow well in the house with no real problems. Again, just as with "impatiens, it might be worthwhile to start some cut· tings from the original plant which may be leggy after a full 'Summer's growth. Cuttings take well and although they take a little longer than coleus or impatiens to grow into a vigorous plant, they are worth trying. 'I personally don't think geraniums are worth bringing in be-
stems which make ,the plant look stubby. The point to this article is that there is no need to discard everything that has grown in the garden just because winter is setti'ng in. Plants that can be carried over should be brought into the house, and although they may not start out at their peak, with reasonahle pruning and care, they can become pleasant additions to the home. In the Kitchen One of my' daughters had a school assignment requiring her to list the "little things" that are important to her. She said sh~ pondered for almost the whole period before she came up with even a few thoughts. Listing the small things that make life tolerable is not easy. Oh, most of us can'think big and list such things as winning the lottery, or the Irish Sweepstakes, a trip to Europe, a vacation to a warm climate in the middle of a New England winter, or being able to pay for the best colleges for our children, but very often the small things elude us. As a mother, housewife and working woman my priorities may not be the same as my daughter's, or even my hus1?and's but I'm almost positive that they are the same as many other women in the same position: Having my whole family home one evening, with everyone speaking to each other and no
Scenes from St. Theresa~s Parish 50th Anniversary Celebration in South Attleboro include, left, Msgr. Chabot greeting parishioners and, above, Bishop Cronin and Father" Roy distribute communion during anniversary Mass. , . dissent over what TV program to didn't clean the house, didn't put 1 small sprig of fresh or watch. in a wash, or because I spent too % teaspoon dried rosemary A quiet rainy Sunday after- much. flour Making this roast of lamb gave 1) Dry the lamb thoroughly noon with absolu(ely nothing to do but hake, read the New York me so-much pleasure that I just with paper towels and season ,had to pass the recipe on. I with salt, pepper, marjoram and Times and sleep. . A day when I find that there don't know if the lamb is as deli- oregano. Make tiny slits in the is not one piece of dirty clothing dous as I imagined it to be or if meaty part of the leg and insert in ~e whole house. The opposite it seemed to be because I haven't little bits of mashed garlic. Rub is generally true. cooked it in so long. Whatever leg with paprika, and mustard A moment when I say NO to the answer, the recipe is worth let stand at room temperature one of the children's requests trying. ' f o r 30 minutes to 1 hour or even and they don't give me an hour Roast Leg of Lamb longer. , of oration to persuade me that 6 to 7 pound leg of lamb ~ 2) ·In a large baking dish, heat my view is 1) obsolete, 2) ar- salt and freshly ground black the oil, add the minced onion, pepper carrot, celery and rosemary. chaic, and 3) about as unfair as selling a freezer to an Eskimo, 'h teaspoon marjoram Cook the 'mixture without browning for 2 to 3 minutes and plus in opposition to everyone % teaspoon oregano ",,tj' else's mother that they know. 2 large cloves garl i9'''ft\ashed set aside. 1 teapsoon paprika,;,,", 3) Sprinkle the lamb with (Some day I'm going to form a union for the mothers of teen· 2 teaspoons Dijon ~Td flour and place in the baking 3 Tablespoons olive "oil dish. Roast the lamb for 1 hour agers. I keep hearing that in Ionian finely minced and 30 minutes in a 375' oven, unity there isstrengtb.) 1 carrot; finely minced basting every 30 minutes, until A Saturday spent in shopping 1 celery stalk, finely minced done. ' without feeling g"!'ilty because I 0
"------~~~'",.. ~
'~. )--_ - - -- .-,
e "-.~•. ! "-- ,.'_.,.-.,---,----!'
, j
* Lift up/off cook top * Fami Iy size oven *Smokeless broiler
SHOWN' ABOVE ARE: Mrs. Doris Gracia, Bro. Robert Andreason, CSC Pres. C. & C. Mother's, Moderator, C. & C. Mother's Club and Mrs. Albea Milot Chairman. C. & C. Penny Sale.
Coyle-Cassidy Penny" Sa Ie The Coyle &: Cassidy Mother's Club will hold its A!tnual Penny Sale at the School on Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Sale starts at 7:30. As aiways there are many beautiful gifts and several baskets: aJong 0
with the various booths featuring this year an added attraction-a plant booth which many .. . wdl enJoy. Everyone IS welcome. Mrs. Albea Milot is General Chairwoman 'of . this event~
Delivered Color Available
Fall R'iver
GAB Company
T-HE ANCHOR-Dioce$e of Fall River-Thur$. Oct. 16, 1975
THE ANCHOR-Dioce$e of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
from the Procession and Mass on Monday Night For Portugal and Oppressed People Everywhere
I. -
Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River, arrived early.
2. -
The people of Sacred Heart, New Bedford, waiting to march.
3. -
The Altar Boys of St. Joseph's, Attleboro, in procession.
4. -
The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried by the men of Espiritu Santo, FaU River.
5. -
The crowd moves up South Main Street.
6. -
Father Blais leads the recitation of the rosary.
Timmy O'Brien of St. Mary's, FaU River, reads the Word of God.
8. -
Bishop Cronin: "We have ties of blood and faith with our brothers and sisters in PortugaL"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
Urges Church Renewers ,To Think Historically
Faces in the
Father Walter Goddijn, a Dutch sociologist, remarks in his recent study of Church reform in contemporary Holland that in the Church as well as in secular society "renewers are a little disposed to think historically. It seems as if they fear that their urge for radical reneWal will be torians and narrated by a professional reader, it covers the decurbed by historical think- velopment of Catholic life and ing. Their consideration of practice in this country from history starts just too late to relativize their own standpoints. At that moment they themselves have become a part of history,
By MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS and the real opportunit~es for renewal have passed." ("The Deferred Revolution: A· Social Experiment in Church Innovation in Holland, 1960-1970," Elsevier, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., N¢w York, N. Y. 10017, $9.50'
Several projects have been launched in recent years to meet this problem head~on and to stir up renewed. interest in the study of Church history in the United States. Father Robert Trisco, professor of Church History at the Catholic University of America and editor of the Catholic Historical Review, for example is heading up a Bicentennial. Church history project under the auspices of the U. S.Bishops Committee on the Bicentennial. Within the near future, the scholl,lrly manuscripts being drafted under the supervision of the Trisco team will be in book form. The Paulist Press, as its own contribution to the Catholic observance ofthe Bicentennial, has just completed a three-hour documentary film, "Catholics/Americans," on the history of the Church in the United States. Divided into six chronological. topical units, with each unit consisting of three' lO-minute scripts written by competent his·
National Memorial Mass Scheduled ARLINGTON (NC)-A national memorial Mass at Arlington National Cemetery has been screduled on May 31, 1976, for all the men and women who have given their lives in the service of the United States.' . Chief celebrant for the Mass, sponsored by the Arlington -diocese will be Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, head of the U. S. Military Ordinariate. (The Military Ordinariate is responsible for the pastoral care of all the persons who serve' in the U. S. armed forces or are attached to military bases.) All the bishops of the country have been invited to concelebrate in the. Memorial Day Mass, whicq is a part of nation· wide . ~emonies marking' the bicentennial year.
Bishop Links Family, Religion
Occasionally a social researcher cannot believe his eyes. He knows his data are good. ije realizes the possibility of sampling variation but he has enough cases to be reasonably confident about his percentages. Still the stati$tics are so surprising that we can't quite believe own moral decisions. That's called whistling in the 'that they are true. Such is dark. my reaction to the'latest 'Galloping Catastrophe' data on church attendan,ce gathered by National Opinion Research Center. Weekly Mass for
1565 to the present day.
Along with a number of my colleagues on the USCC staff, I recently attended a preview of "Catholic/Americans." We were all very favorably impressed by the film. It's extraordinarily well done from every point of view. To the best of my knowledge, there' is nothing even remotely comparable to it on the market. I recommend it enthusiastically for use in the Catholic school system, starting at the high school level. It's also made to order for parish adUlt education programs. The film will be ready for distribution within a couple. of weeks. For further information about its content and price, please address the Paulist Press, 400 Sette Drive, Paramus, N. J. 07652; telephone 201-265-5770.
Stresses Serious Crisis In Amer.ican Catholicism
Rev. William T. Babbitt, as-
sistant pastor of St. Paul's, Taunton, has been appointed Chaplain of Taunton Catholic Middle School.
Catholics has taken a sharp ·drop, falling almost to 40 per cent-a decline of 30 percentage points in seven years. There are 360 'Catholic respondents in our sample, so the variation from the actual population could easilr be six or seven percentage points one way or another. But even a 47 per cent Sunday Mass attendance figure would represent one (jf the most drastic declines in religious practice in the whole of human histozr. To make matters worse, the weekly church attendance for those under 40 has fallen beneath 30 per cent. Substantially less than a third of the Catholic adults in the country are going to Mass every week. Let it be carefully noted that our question asks how ofteJl do you go to church while the Gallup organization question ·asks whether you went to church last week; hence Gallup normally will get a percentage different from ours-at one time lower and more recently higher. Some Catholic editorial writers have not yet been able to grasp that fact.
ROME (NC)-The family, the parish and regular religious observances are the pillars on which Catholic marital love and l union rest, according to' Cardinal John J. Wright, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Rev. Roger L Gagne, pasClergy. tor of St. Mark's, Attleboro Cardinal Wright, an American, Falls, has been named an Aswas addressing about 1,000 mar· ried couples of the Marriage En- sistant Coordinator of the counter Movement here. They Catholic Charities Appeal in had come from the United the Attleboro area. States on a Holy Year pilgrimage. The Marriage Encounter Movement in the Catholic Church was created in the United States to strengthen the effect of the sacErosion Continues rament of matrimony on Cath:aut however the question is olic couples. More than 200,000 worded and however much "samcouples have made encounter pling variation" may be, there is week. ends over the past seven no doubt at all about the thrust years. ·of the findings: the erosion of Cardinal Wright said humility religiollspractice among Cathis needed to make marriage sucolics continues and· there is nQ. ceed. sign of it bottoming out. "And let us never forget thatWhat will happen? Perhaps a successful marriage, .one ilf· the editor of "America" will which the children, too, are a write another one of his pious part of the whole, is a marriage little editorials casting doubt on that is based on family love, the the accuracy of the data. Some community which' is the parish Catholic enthusiasts will rejoice and regular attendance ~at Sunbecause they think a small Bishop Mahoney day Mass." church is better than a large "The parish is the center of church and because decline in family life and that same sense Bishop Jostled church attendance is a sign that of community is What Marriage SACRAMENTO (NC)-Bishop people are now making their Encounter appeals to you all to Roger M. Mahony, auxiliary of revive .as couples within the Fresno and chairman of the CalChurch," added the cardinal. ifomia Agricultural Labor RelaAnLEBORO'S Jokingly, the cardinal said: tions Board (ALRB) was threatLeading Ga'd~n Cente, "This is one sacrament that I ened and jostled by Teamster cannot share with you, but never union demonstrators outside his leave the priests, out of it. Never offices here. Another board leave priests .out of your sense member, LeroY' Chatfield, was South Main & Wall Sts. of community, for it is the pas- struck with a picket sign and toral wdrk of the priest that roughed up by the demonstrabinds the community and family tors as he also tried to leave the' 222.0234 into a whole." board offices.
And some prelates will announce that the churches are filled whenever they go; they don't notice collections are going ·down (even though almost every other priest in the country does): That's called whisting in the dark, too. But nothing much else is going to be done. When you combine these data on continued' decline' in church attendance with the data reported in this column several weeks ago about the increase in apostasy, you get a picture of a galloping catastrophe. What to do? Well, you might cancel this column. I'm too negative. Heaven knowll you need happy people aboard a sinking ship. But isn't anyone-a bishop, a cardinal, an apostolic delegate, a secretary of state, a pope-ANYONE going to face up to the fact that we have a crisis of gigantic proportions going on in American Catholicism and that something has to be dope about it and done about it now?
Many QlJinions Like first of all trying to find out what is going on. Why are people turning away from the Church in droves? Everyone has his opinion, but the opini9ns are not burdened with evidence. How can you respond to a problem, there is nothing one has to understand, much less anything to which one needs to respond. If everybody would think positive thoughts and if the "pessimists" would go away with their data, then there would be nothing to worry about. One would never have believed it possible to bury your head in the sand and whistle in the dark at the same time. But· for the present generation of Catholic leadership it comes easy. .
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
KNOW YOUR FAITH Sensitivity to Sin Human nature does not seem to change much over the centuries. The temptations, weak-, nesses and failures we read about in the Old Testament days of Saul and David are not radicaIly different from those of the 1970's.
Saul became jealous of David. He grew very angry and resentful when the crowds praised the young leader by singing, "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. The King likewise raged in his house over the youth's popularity and eventuaIly sought to kill him. David, later, also knew weakness and sin. He took another man's wife and then, as is often the case, compounded this faIl hy arranging for the wronged husband's death. Critics warned both Saul and David, pricked their consciences, told them they were wrong.
Jonathan pleaded with his father, Saul:路 "Let not your majesty sin against his servant David." The prophet Nathan told David: "You are the man! ... Why have you spurned the Lord and done evil in hi,s sight?" Some observers of the contem,porary scene like psychiatrist Karl Meninger believe we need a few more Jonathans and Nathans today. They feel that modern men and women, for various reasons, have grown insensitive to sin and either are not aware of their moral faults or too easily rationalize them away. An appendix in the New Rite for Penance contains an examination of conscience which might help in this regard. In a positive but pointed way, it examines three divine commands: "You shaIl love the Lord your God with your whole heart," "Love one another as I have loved you," and "Be perfect as your Father is perfect." Under each mandate, the examination poses a lengthy series of . questions designed to stimulate our consciences and increase our awareness of sin. I think Roman Catholics might find daily use of Turn ,to ~ge Twelve
Transition to Kingship Rev. John J. Castelot, SSt Samuel grew up in the savage and precarious period of the Judges. Marvelously endowed by both nature and grace, he was already in his prime when the battle of Aphec put an end to the independence of his little nation. He had grown up in the service of the priests at Silo, and from there his reputation had spread among the people. He was known far and wide as a prophet, a true man of God, one who could make known with sureness the divine will. His most far-reaching contribution was the development of a unified national consciousness among the Israelites. He put the final touches on the political evolution which was to substitute for the enervating separatism of individual tribes a national union under one head endowed 'with stable power. Equally important, being himself a prophet, he had established alongside this soon-to-emerge secular authority the counterforce of a religious and .prophetical ministry. In a nation like Israel there could be but one supreme authority: God. There was no room 'for an all-powerful king who recognized no authority above his own. It was this apparent conflict of authority - Yahweh versus a human king - which made Samuel hesitate when the people asked him to select a king for them.
Political Morality
God helped him to resolve the conflict and sanctioned the choice of Saul as the first king of Israel. The latter carried o~t his immediate duties with distinction, but' in the end he turned out to be one of the most tragic figures in all of human history. It .is quite otherwise with his successor, David. He was the darling of his people and became the ideal king of Israel, to whom future ages looked back with a sigh. So much did they idolize him, in fact, that when divinely inspired hopes for a Messiah took definite shape, those hopes were expressed in terms of the Davidic ideal. The Messiah would be no less than another David. And in truth, David did deserve their love and admiration, in spite of his frankly chronicled faults. For some time after escaping from the dangerous presence of the unbalanced Saul, he led sort of a Robin Hood existence with a band of faithful followers. His prestige, already great at the court of Saul, increased during these years. He had been designated by Samuel as Saul's successor, and immediately after the king's death, he was proclaimed king at Hebron by the members of his own tribe of Judah. As might have been expected, the northern tribes were.,. reluctant to accept another southernTurn to Page. Thirteen
In the Old Testment, history. and psychology are consistently interpreted in light of theology. The purpose is to probe beyond the surface of events and personalities in o,rder to reach a deeper insight into God's will of His people.
This is strikingly true of the first book of Samuel, where the working out of God's plan is depicted in some of the most critical events in Israel's history and in the lives of several of the Old Testament's most remarkable figures. The story contains a lesson on the use and abuse of political power as timely as Watergate and far more lasting in its implications. PoliticaIly, the narrative concerns a drastic transition-from the loose tribal confederation of the Israelites to the creation of a strong monarchy. Difficult in the best of times, this transition was all the more dramatic because it was provoked and carried out in the face of continual warfare with the better organized; better armed Phillistines. The lesson of political morality taught here is both simple and profound. Both leaders and people are subject to judgment by higher standards than expediency ,or profit. The ultimate moral norm of political leadership-asof everything else in human life - is obedience to God's will. Three striking figures dominate the. story: Samuel, Saul and David. Samuel was the last of the Israelite tribal judges but, clearly, he was also something more. Events surrounding his birth and special consecration to the Lord pick him out as one who is to play a special role in the divine plan. His absolute incorruptibility are emphasized. He is shown performing priestly and prophetic functions. J\11 this makes it clear that, in legitimizing the people's desire for a king and identifying first Saul and then David .for this role, he was indeed acting as God's instrument. But Samuel himself has mixed feelings t()ward the monarchy. He accepts it but he has misgivings about it. "Samuel was displeased when they asked for a king to judge them," The point, here and in what is to follow, is clear enough. God's people are not to have rulers on the model of the pagan kings who set themselves up as demigods. Kings and people alike are to be God's obedient servants. If
The sword and sacred word of God are early symbols of kingship among the Israelites whose monarchy was forged in the furnace of battIe. "Difficult in the best of times, this transition (to monarchy) was all the more dramatic because it was provoked and carried out in the face of continual warfare with the better organized, better armed Philistines." From article by Russell Shaw. they fail in this-and failure accurs all too soon they offend God and subvert the political order itself. In many respects Saul measured up to the high standards demanded of him who would be king of God's people. Even his phsyical appearance was strik- . ing "There was no other Israelite handsomer than Saul; he stood head and shoulders above the people," He was brave to the point of audacity and capable of charismatic leadership. But in many ways he also feIl tragically short of the moral requirements of political leadership. The' narrative teIls of episodes of extreme emotional instability-fits, of rage and moods of deep depression-which suggest that in contemporary jargon Saul might have been classified as a manic-depressive. More serious, he took it upon himself to go against God's commands when it was convenient or profitable to do so. His performance amply justified Samuel's initial doubts about the monarchy and. led to a complete and irreconcilable break between the two men. Still the conditions which had ' first caIled for the monarchy persisted. In these circumstances Samuel recognized that God's choice of one to unify and lead his peoples had passed from
Saul to David, and even more gifted and charismatic personality. David is the Old Testament's model political leader. True, he was far. from perfect. As we know from the subsequent narrative in the second book of Samuel, he was capable of serious transgressions against God's law. But sinning, he repented. He reaffirmed his commitment to God, and God continuaIly reaffirmed His commitment to him and to the people he led. At the end of the first book of Samuel, Saul is dead and the way is open for David, long persecuted and pursued by Saul, to ascend to the monarchy. But the political and military situation of the Israelites is weak and ominous. It is a' moment of supreme peril. The permanent Turn '00 Piarge Twelve
CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Street NEW BEDfORD, MASS. 992."618
Political Morality
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
Bicentennial Series
'Personhood-What Are YOU!
Just what are you? No, I did not say, "Who . . .. Why . . . . How .... , I said, "What." It is actually a very' difficult question to answer. Biology, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Theology . . . . they all have answers. Basically, the person is both a gift from God and a task to be accomplished. To realize one's self as being a gift from God, one must reflect on the experience of restlessness we aU share The search for adequate answers reallv never stops for every question and attempted answer only promise that a person can still change and grow. One experiences the basic incompleteness of self and hopes for fulfillment.' I, you,are a wonder . . . "a wondrous gift of God. A Created Gift The mature person is the one who knows not only tbat there are others who give him/her birth, sup")ort and love, but that there is ONE OTHER whose original gift of love called him/her into existence. Then begins the search for the "Why" and the discovery of God. De;-endence upon one another invites us to depend upon God. Persons discover their true origin in worship, a thankskiving offered to God for the gift of pel'sonhood. Personal Task But personhood is also a task to be accomplished. There are persons whose lives are characterized by failure and sin. They refuse to respond to their own personhood. They refuse the lovin~ call of others. They ignore the invitation of God. Their personal development becomes in. fidelity to God. The Christian experiences. sinfulness. Even Christians have sometimes looked at sin as a simple taboo or a failure to <>'bey extrinsic commands. The almost exclusive limitation of sinfulness to the sexual has clouded the issue. Sin is found rooted in human· ity; it is fostered by the selfish choices persons make. It is overcome in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth. Where we are sometimes unfaithful, God is Faithful; where we choose to ignore the painful need for personal growth, God
gives His own Person in an eternalact of love. Jesus came among human beings as a full and complete person to bring them life and to bring it more abundantly (In. X:IO). Because He lived generously and selflessly, he gave every person the strength and power to "go and do likewise". (Lk. X37)
Some Questions Only in experiencing oneself as a gift from the Otber can one be an individual, a liberated person. Good persons provide a norm for the doing of good deeds; and good deeds, seen as such, povide the context for creating good persons. The Christian, then, becomes a free person with a heart of flesh which can accept the love of God and able to make authentic choices. The Christian, thereby, helps the world regain the true notion of person and of what it means to be human. Is the Christian person an anomaly in our society? No. For the Christian person is a promise of something and Someone more. H is by living authentically the personal gift of love that Christians become the heralds of God Who is liberty and justice for all. Plenty of questions here; plentv of discussion. Join a parish discussion group; give your own insights; share with your fellow parishioners. Here are" some general ouestions from the Bicentennial "Liberty And Justice For All" discussion guide: I) Wbat are the ways society in the United States has promoted and reverenced the human person? How has society in the United States shown disrespect for and blocked the growth of the human person? 2) What are the ways the Church in America has promoted and reverenced the human person? How has the Church in America shown disrespect for and blocked the growth of the human person? 3) What experiences have you had that made you feel most like a complete human person? What experiences have made you feel least human? 4) What things could happen to our society and in our Church to better promote human dignity and worth for the individual person?
Seminarian Tom Feldhaus of Cincinnati shares love and joy with a patient at Good Samaritan hospital as part of his training at Mount St. Mary seminary there. "Do I share to the best of my ability in the work of promoting justice, harmony, morality and love in human relations?" From article by Father Joseph Champlin.
Sensitivity to Sin Oontinued from I\ige Eleven ' this section an excellent moral sensitizer in their individual lives: The appendix includes 24 paragraphs of questions. Taking one each night could, in a month's time, lead the concerned individual to a much keener view of what it means to be a Christian. Here are samplings of that text: Under number I, "You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart": "Is my heart set on God, so that I really love him above all things and am faithful to his commandments, as a son loves his father? Or am I more concerned about the things of this world? Have I·a right intention in what I do " Under number II, "Love one another as I have loved you": "Am I concerned for the good and prosperity of' the human community in which I live, or do I spend my time caring only for myself? Do I share to the best of my ability in the work of promoting justice, morality, harmony, and love in human relations? Have I done my duty as a citizen? Have I paid my taxes?" . Under number III, "Be perfect as your Father is perfect":' "Where is my life really leading me? Is the hope of eternal life my inspiration? Have I tried
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to grow in the life of the Spirit through prayer, reading the Word of God and meditating on it, receiving the sacraments, self-denial? Have I been anxious to control my vices, my bad inclinations and passions, e.g., envy, love of food and drink? Have I been proud and boastful, thinking myself better in the sight of God and despising, others as less important than myself? Have I imposed my own will on others, without respecting . their freedom and rights?"
Qmtinu~d from Piage E1even tension between hope and threat 'in Samuel's words about the political order is clear. "If you fear the Lord and worship Him, if you are obedient to Him and do not rebel against the Lord's command, if both you and the king who rules you follow the Lord your God - well and good. But if you do not obey the Lord and if you rebel against His command, the Lord will deal severely with you and your king, and destroy you." There is an enormous difference between the ordering of political life in the Israel of Samuel, Saul and David and the political scene in contemporary America. Yet political and public morality is as urgent an issue today as it was then. Admitting all the complexities of the current scene, one still arries at the same conclusion. Politics is not an amoral business where "anything goes." Ul. timately, political life is judged by the same norm as the rest of life; obedience to the will of God. That is a sobering thought, both for those who seek roles of political leadership and for all of us who share responsibility for choosing our political leaders. Are we ready, even today, for the revolutionary notion that good politics demands good morality?
Deatht of Christ The death of Christ is the one truly revolutionary event that ever happened in the world. -W.G. Peck
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Historic Sites in ·Britain Attract American Visitor Leaving Belgium, we went on to England, to see some of the West Country, especially for the first time, Devon and Cornwall. We drove down from London, and the farther west w.e went, the more beguiling the countryside became, a galaxy of ,prepns despite a hot, dry summer turn treacherous,' sucking the trusting hiker down in quickwhich caused mutterings of sand. , drought. We made a few But if local lore is to be be-
stops, one at Stonehenge in Salisbury Plain. This circular grouping of mostly perpendicular stone slabs, stark against the
sky, is mysterious in origin and character. The oldest part has been dated at 1850 B.C., the latest at 1500 B.C. There are surmises that its prehistoric ma'kers intended it to be a burial monument, a temple .to the sun, a device for predicting astronomic events. But these are guesses, no more. Stonehenge jealously retains its age-old secret. But it does speak of an ancient people, primitive by our standards, but with their own form of piety, as well as surprising skills not only in design and construction, but also in transporting weighty and cumbersome masses of stone over a considerable distance, since some of the stone is not native to the area. In Devon, we made more than one expedition into and across Dar.tmoor, 300 square miles of rocky tableland which has an appearance and a reputation both romantic and sinister. Its look is romantic because untamed and picturesaue. Some parts are heavily wooded, others are open but pitching like a mottled sea suddenly .immobilized. Narrow roads, and narrower hi~h-banked . :lanes, meander through it. Wild ponies live upon' it and may he seen strealdl1" dow., a hillside, their frowsy manes streaming in the wind. In the distance one glimpses sheep ,1>'''''."':_ ing; sighted afar~ they resemble white woodchi~s scattered over the grass. There are many flashing streams, haunts of trout and salmon. <But there is danger here. For one thing, a thick mist may spring up without warning, and the leisurely, carefree traveler may instantly lose his way and be fear-stricken. For another, the innocent-looking earth may
New Diocese WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope Paul has set up the new Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee in 'northwestern Florida, and named Bishop Rene H. Gracida, . auxiliary of Miami, bishop of the ~ew See. The new diocese covers an 18-county area, all taken from the St. Augustine diocese.
lieved, we were safe from any peril. The reason? One day we spied two magpies, with their black and white plumage and their long, oar-like tails. To see two magpies together, we were told, is, to 'be assured of good' luck. The Dart River runs through Dartmoor; obviously it is from the river that the moor gets its name. It is the same with Dart· mouth, the town which, for ages, has been clambering up a hillside where the river meets the sea. We crossed the dying Dart at this point, on a small ferry which scuttles back and forth, like, a water bug, all day, and for which there is always a long wait. Dartmouth, for all its drowsy calm, has seen notable mass departures at widely separated intervals in history. From here, for example, English knights and their retainers left for the Holy Land as Crusaders in 1147, to try to wrest the Christian holy places from the Muslims. In 1944, American troops embarked here for the coast' of Normandy and the D-Day assault on Hitler's Fortress Europe. General Eisenhower styled that under· taking a crusade. In a way, it was. Cornwall, beyond Devon, is at the southwestern extremity of England, and is a place of enchantment. Its climate is mild, often suh-tropical, in contrast with its physical ruggedness, especially on the jagged coastline. Its name connotes shipwrecks and smup,glin~. and it is associ· ated with saints' names heard nowhere else: St. Austell, St. Blazey, S1. Mawes, St. Mellion. Originally Celtic, Cornwall has (or had) its own "little people," known as pixies. The Cornish coast can be sampled at Tintagel, reputed to be the birthplace of the legendary King Arthur. The village itself has been converted into a tourist trap. Shops offer shoddy souvenirs, and eating places offer Quick, unappetizing service. These and other establishments are inappropriately adorned with such names as Camelot, Merlin, Pendragon. But if you leave the somewhat spoiled village behind, pick your way down a stony track, then out, seaward, along a winding, dipping rising path to a headland, you get away from the commer· cial and even the contemporary, and enter another world and age. You are now high above the mighty sea which slams and forms against steep slate cliffs. The wind from the sea tears at you and chills you through. However, as you drive musingly back to Devon from Tintagel, you meet a suggestion of jousting of another sort in our own time-Yelverton. Isn't Yelverton the first name of Y. A. Tittle?
Thurs., Oct. 16, 1975
Tabor Endor •
Pro-Life Leader Scores Congress
Ttlnsferal of the Afk of the Coven.nt
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HONOLULU (NC)-Tj Bosgra, a Hawaiian Protestant pro-life leader, accused the U. S. Congress and the Supreme Court of "tolerating, participating and sustaining 'just a little bit of murder.' "
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PALESTINE IN THE TIME OF SAMUn AND SAUL (1 Sm ]-13) - (I) The period of the Judges ends with the fall of the sanctuary at Shiloh and the capture of the ark of the covenant under the onslaught of the Philistine invasions (c 1050·1020). (b) Self·supporting states emerge, each under the authority of its king similar to the Canaanite kings found in Ammon, and MOlb in Transjorclan and among'the Aromeons in Syria. (e) To ward off the Philistinn or "People of the Sea" who settle on the coastal plain of Clnlln and set up a confederation of city·states (Ashdod, Asllkelon, 6ua, 61th and Ekron), the ~rk is moved from Shiloh to lead the Hebrew armies. The Israelites are defeated and the ark is captured (4, 1·11). (d) The Philistines transfer the ark in turn to Ebenezer to AsIIdod, 6l1th, Ekron and then return it at Beth-shemesh. From there it is taken to Kirllth-ielrim with rejoicing (5, ,1-7, 1). (e) The priestly prophet Samuel then anoints Saul a,s king of Israel (7, 2-12, 25).
A map shows Palestine at the time of Samuel and Saul. "There was no room for an all powerful king who recognized no authority above his own. It was this apparent conflict of authority - Yahweh versus a human king - which made Samuel hesitate when the people asked him to select a king for them. God helped him to resolve the conflict and sanctioned the choice of Saul." From article by Father John Castelot.
Bosgra is a director of the National Right to Life organization and an area representative of Americans Concerned for Life. "A society as rich as ours," he told NC News, "can well affo~ to take care of the problems associated with the poor. We do not need to solve our problems by getting rid of our offspring. A minority of the population has nothing to gain by becoming an even smaller minority as a result of voluntarily putting their children down the drain." Bosgra, who was reared in the" Nazi-occupied Netherlands, said: "I am not willing to see this so· ciety desert the sanctity of h'uman life and to convert the dcctor from healer to social executioner." He stressed the ecumenical nature of the pro-life movement across the United States. "In this issue," he said, "Catholics and Protestants have lowered the denominational barriers and stand united until the right of every citizen has been restored. An unborn baby has rights, not because it is wanted but because it is a human being. Abortion is condoned by even Congress and the Supreme Court, as 'just a little bit of murder.' "
Transition to Kingship Continued from
er as king. It took them more than seven years to admit that, southerner or no, here was a man they simply could not refuse to have as their ruler. They became one under his scepter, and under his strong rule the little naUon scaled hitherto un· dreamed-of-heights. They defeated the Philistines and captured the important city of Jerusalem. It became the City of David, but also the City of God. David and the Ark of the Covenant brought with great pomp to the new capital, which thus became the religious as well as the political center of the nation. A rich liturgy was not long in developing, now that circumstances favored it, and Yahweh 'was worshiped in grand style around the symbol of his presence, ,the Tabernacle (tent) wherein the Ark was enshrined. This "official" worship. did not immediately supplant that of the popular· shrines throughout the country, but it certainly overshadowed them. Israel was to have come of age overnight - too quiCkly, really, for its own good. The old rivalries among the tribes could not be snuffed out just like that! The principle of unity which held
them together temporarily was the personal power and prestige of David. When this began to wane, cracks appeared in the structure he had so laborioursly erected. The second half of his reign was marred by a succession of misfortunes arising from his. own human weakness and from the passionate ambitions of his sons. His downward glide began with his adultery with Bathsheba, his pretty next-door neighbor. It must be said to David's credit, however, that when the prophet Nathan took him to task he, repented sincerely and did penance with really touching humility. A series of family scandals darkened David's last years, but he was undoubtedly the greatest of the kings of Israel. An always victorious soldier and statesman, he was also a sincere and enthusiastic "servant of Yahweh" who contributed, to the limit of his means, to the development of the cult of his God. Nevertheless, he was not unscathed by the customs of his times, as his sins attest. But these nasty shadows on his character did not eclipse the sparkle of his personality or the brilliance of his basic gQodness, and in the writings of later biblical authors we meet him as the ideal king.
®ak ~attor 1214 STAFFORD RD. TIVERTON, R. J. CATERING TO BANQUETS and SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Luncheon Daily 11:30 to 3:00 Dinner from 5 to 10 Except Monday (401) 624-3376
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 16, 1975
In Music By
Inquiring Photographer QUESTION: Is there an advantage to a Catholic high school over a public high school and if so, what is it? WHO ASKED: Students at Coyle-Cassidy High School in Taunton.
By Bill Fitzgerald
She came to me - said she knew me Said she'd known me a long time And she spoke of being in love with every mountain she had climbed• . And she talked of trails she'd walked up Far above the timber line From that night on I knew I'd write songs with Carolina in the pines. There's a new moon on the fourteenth, foui'th .quarter the twenty·first And a full moon in the last week brings a fullness to this earth There's no guesswork in the clockwork of the world'sart or mine There are nights I only feel right with Carolina in the.. pines. When
frost shows on the windows and the wood stove smokes and blows As the fire grows we can warm our souls watching rainbows in the coals And we'll talk of trails we walked up far above the timber line There are nights I only feel right with Carolina in the pines. by Michael Murphy Mystery Music. Inc. B. M.I.
The first time I hear.d of Michael Murphy was when John Denver sang his song "Boy from the Country" in concert. I remember being quite impressed with Murphy's story of the boy who loved nature's simple ways. People thought he was crazy because he talked with the animals; but. as the song asked, who says t~e animals don't talk just hecause they haven't spoken to you? Michael Murphy has his share of the spotlight now. First there was "Wildfire" which made it to the top five and now he follows it by sharing a part of his world, "Car-olina in the Pines." I 'remember the first time I noticed trees. It was on the road we used to ride when we would take Dad out to the airport. We lived in the city where we had one tree in our front yard and the neighbors had one in the back yard. But thi's was trees and trees and trees - miles of them. I was convinced these were the most trees growing in one pla,ce in tbe whole world. As I grew older, I still looked forward to the ride to the airport. But a funny thing. happened - buildings started going up and the trees began to disappear. Then you had to look closely to catch the patches of trees that still lined the road waving at us as we passed by. Now there are none left - not even a small grove - and the drive to the airport is a bore. . Trees and forests are -still. a favorite part of my life. I try to get away ~t least a week a year to be where the trees grow, and even during the week to walk through the park and listen to the trees. _ It's difficult to explain why trees are important to me. The explanation isn't as interesting or important as the feeling that it's good to be there. With the number of campers being sold across the country you know that a lot of people enjoy getting away to enjoy being surrounded by the beauty of nature. Ther,e's a certain grace to camp in the middle of a pine forest or walk a mountain trail with trees below you in the valley or lazily nap among the Aspens on a warm afternoon. To be a part of the beauty of nature is to learn something about its Creator who provides it all as a free gift ,for His children. For our part, we must take gentle care of the gifts around us. This goes not only for the trees and forests and waterfalls and mountains, for no matter how inspiring these gifts may be, they fall short of the beauty conferred on each one of us. We have the power to love like nothing else God created. We must learn to care for one another as much as we do for the cause of ecology for we are the greatest gifts of creation for one another. (All correspondence should be directed to: The Dameans, P.O. Box 2108, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70821) (Copyright (c) 1975 by NC News Service)
Billy Ventura, Junior, St. Joseph's Parish: Yes, I think the kids that go are closer together, and have much more spirit. Also, when you graduate, you are better prepared for college."
Paul Boffetti, Senior, St. Mary's Parish: Yes the facuIty members are more concerned. with the students, and there is more exposure to values, not only Christian, but the values of other people, too.
Mary Jo Ferreira, Junior, St. Paul's Parish: Yes, you become friends with. all the kids. The teachers know you and you're not treated as a number. The school is like a family, and not just a bunch of people."
Daniel Chisholm, Senior, St. Joseph's Parish: Yes the Christian value system is impressed mUCh more through the religion department than in a public school where religion is not required.
Sheila Andrew, Junior, Sacred Heart Parish: Yes, not only do the students know each other well, but the teachers know the students personally, for the most part.
Sin Kevin Cayer, Sophomore, Sacred Heart Parish: Yes there is a better atmosphere for learning. The teachers have more time to work with you individually.
The real trouble with our times is not the multiplication of sinners, lit is the disappearance of sin. -Etienne Gilson
UNIVERSAL TRAVEL & TOURS, INC. 1Q91 Kempton St. Rhonda Ducharme, Sophomore, S1. Joseph's. Parish: Yes, it's a smaller school, in our case, and you get to know everybody.
Covetousness Covetousness makes a man miserable, because riches 'are not means to make a man happy. . -Jeremy Taylo~
New Bedford, Mass.
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Seniors at Gerrard High Interview Local Leaders By DEBBIE SMITH Upon what kind of charter was Fall River founded?' Where does the mayor derive hi~ power of appointments? What can students do to become actively the political life of Fall River? Under the direction of Sister Ann Mildred, O.P., seniors studying Justice in America at Bishop Gerrard High School have set about finding ilie answers to these and other questions concerning Fall River's political and economic problems.
Two boys look into the camera together ... One arm around the other's shoulder a quiet smile a sense of pride and confidence ... a warmth shared on a cold day . . . They look at life ... together . . They are friends. Friends double the joy of life . . . and divide its pain ... by sharing both. A friend is someone ... who knows you as you are . . . and still likes you . . . A friend is someone . . . who affirms the best in you . . . yet understands the worst in you . . . accepting you as you are . . . while gently calling forth in you ... that part of you still struggling to be born . . . the real you . . . the person you want to be ... whom you hope to become. that everyA friend looks at the mask of you beneath it ... one else sees ... yet looks behind it because he loves and respects you . . . He discovers you . . . because he loves you. These two young friends . . . call to mind the words of wise men of old ... Israel's sages . . . "He who is a friend is always a friend" (ProverJ>s 17:17) "A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter ... he who finds one finds a treasure . . . A faithful friend is beyond price . . . no sum can balance his worth . . . A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy . . . such as he ;Who fears God finds; ... For he who fears God behaves accordingly . . . and his friend will be like himself" (Sirach 6:14-17).
The objectives of the course closelv tie in with the Bicentenriial <theme designated for the diocese, "Liberty and justice for all." "One of the aims of the course is to become more responsive to and resnonsible for the needs of the community. In a sense, Fall River is our test." So saying, Sr. Ann has encouraged the girls :to go out <into the community to find answers to their questions. The students have a variety of ways to locate the answers. One consistent action, however, must be folowed by all 16 girls. Each one is responsible for contacting an official, even the mayor himself, and making an appointment for an interview in order to collect first hand answers to the questions plaguing today's youth concerning local pl'Oblems and government. Several of the girls have been introduced to the bustle of local politics by working for various candidates running for public office. One of 3 girls who worked at the polls during" the preliminary elections, Cathy Voltas re-
marked, "It was exciting; It was the first time I'd been exposed to so many poltidans a,t one time in one place. I enjoyed it very much .and gained new insights into how the officials of fall River are elected. I'm looking forward to personally speaking to a city councillor to get his V1iews on the problems and good points of Fail River." One ambitious senior has already started her project by making an appointment to interview the mayor. When asked why she chose the mayor, Celeste Morin replied, "I wanted to get to the core of city government and I think from the mayor I can get ~heanswer.s I'm ,looking for. I was slightly nervous making the appointment with his S'ecretJary, but I'm looking forward to meeting and speaking to the mayor." As the year proceeds, the students will become more involved in community problems tMrough their studies of consumers and law, youth and law, crimes aand justice, poverty and welfare, and landlord and tenants.
'Little Prince' The Boston Repertory Theatre's production of Antoine de Saint-Exupery's "The Little Prince" will be presented at Stonehill College at 7 P.M. Wednesday, Oct. 22, in the Hemingway Theatre. "The Little Prince" opened in Boston in June, 1972, and is still continuing as that city's longest running show. It has been brought to Stonehill for a special performance.
For Scouters
Thurs., Oct. 16, 1975
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