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Bishop Reports Regional HighSchool Building Fund· Over $500,000

More than $500,000 has already been subscribed to the building fund campaign for the first regional high school which will be constructed in the Greater New Bedford area, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, announced today. "The extremely generous response is a clear indication that the campaign will be An Ancllor of the Soul, Sure and Firm - ST: PAUL a complete success," Bishop Connolly said. The Bishop is honorary chairman of the River, Mass. Thursday, Oct. 17, 1957 . fund campaign.

Vol. 1, No. 28

PRICE, 10c $4.00 pel Yr.

Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized .t rail Rim. Mass.

The Most Reverend BishoP' noted that the $500,000 subscrip­ tion has been realized after only one week of solicitation by the, combined memorial gifts corn­ mittes 'in 30 participating pa.r­ Ishes. The campaign is being conducted in parishes from West­ port in Bristol County to Ware­ ham on Cape Cod for a minimum' of $1,500,000 to help defray cost, of the new stmcture which will be in excess of $2.000,000. The' 900' - member memorial gifts committee is working in advance of the official opening of the drive under the direction of Joseph P, Duchaine, The com­ mitteemen are offering parish­ ioners and' organizations and businesses an opportunity to par­ ticipate In the memorial plan by Turn to Page Twenty

Say White M~s$ For) Physicians 'On Saturday Most Rev. James L. Con­ nolly D.D., Bishop of Fall River, will offer the second anmi&l White Mass under

Photo by Calvey


Blessed ~rgin Statue

JFatima Novitiate, Taunton

Our lady of Fati'ma Holds


Satellite Answer

By Rev. Edward J. MitcheU

Sacred Heart Church,' Taunton

Russia launches earth satellite, scream the headlines of the world. And the world's citizens are terrified at its' im plications. Russia's conquest of outer space means at least this: a short-range scientific vic­ ever, was not really news at all.. tory, coupled with the It bee-arne news (by way of pro­ brooding threat of a Rus­ phesy) 40 yea,rs ago to this very sian intercontinental ballis­ m'onth,. when the Queen of Heav­

tic missile. "Whei'c do we go from here?" people nre asking, Others say, "This is the bcgin­ ninR of the end." Last week's jolting news, how­

the sponsorship of Sk Luke's Physicians' Guild. The Mass, honoring St, Luke the Evang'elist and Patron of all Physicians. will be celebrated in the new Chapel of St. Anne's Hospital at 8 next \ Saturday morning.' , The sermon will be preached by the Rev, Edward H, Nowl~nd S.J, oCthe faculty of Boston Col­ lege. Father Nowland, formerly in the PI:e-Medical Department, is now Professor of Clinical Psy­ choJog'Y in the Graduate. School. Dr. Francis J. D'Errico, Presi­ dent of the Guild, has extended an im;itation to all doctors, den­ tists, nurses and pharmacists to attend. In oreler tlfat a large group will be able to receive Holy Communion, confessions wiil be. heard before the Mass. Music will be supplied by the Nurses of St. Anne's Glee Club. In addition to Dr. D'Errico, the Turn to Page Sixteen

FROM IDLEWILD TO SAIGON: Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of Catholic Relief Services­ National Catholic Welfare Conference bids good bye to Miss Jeanne Kay, former Fall River resident, as sl1e re­ turns to her post via Air Saigon after six weeks home leave.

Fall River Woman Returns To Viet Nam Relief Work By Patricia M. McGowan

Around the world in sixty days"-that's the story of Jeanne Kay, Fall River native, graduate of Sacred Heart,,; Academy, and granddaug'hter of' former Mayor James H. Kay. She is now stationed in Saigon, Viet Nam with Catholic Relief Services, Na- a Family" and "Adopt a Priest" tional qatholic Welfare Con- programs sponsored by the Cath­ ference. oIlc Daughters of America. In the United States for the past month, In Fall River last week on Miss Kay has visited .her parent8, home leave from a two-year Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Kay, tour of duty in Saigon, Miss Kay Turn to Page Sixteen described her relief activitie~ to' The Anchor. As administrative assistant to Rt. Rev. Msgr, Joseph J. Harnett, Far East director of Catholic Relief Services, she supervises details in connection with the building of churches. schools, leprosaria and retreat WASHINGTON (NC) houses throughout Viet Nam. She also administers the "Feed The cam13ai~ being waged

en appeared for the final ,time to three POI"tuguese shepherd chil­ dren. At a place near the vlI1age Turn to Page Ten

Fall River Parish to MQrk' Anniversary of Founding The parish of SS. Peter and Paul in Fall River will observ'e the 75th anniversary of its founding on. Sunday next. The Most Reverepd Bishop will preside and preach at the 11 o'clock Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving to be cele­ brated by,the Rev. John J. .,' \ Kelly. pastor, assisted by the It was In Apnl, 1882, that .the · II d Most Rev. Thomas F. Hendnck­ . R cv, J 0 h n P . D rISCO a n , 'll' F O'C son, Bishop of the PrOVidence ttIe R ev. W.1 lam. on­ D' f h' h F II R' nell, assistants. a .lver was lOcese, 0 w IC At 8 o'cloek on Monday morn­ , . .' ina lhete Will be a Solemn Re­ qlllE'm Mass for all the deceased, priests and Pllrishioners, and at 8 o'colck Tuesdav morning a Mass at which all the children of the parish will assist,

a part until 1904, e~tabhshed SS. Peter and Paul pansh on "Rattle Snake Hill," with the Rev. PatSSt PETER AND PAUL CLERGY: Rev. John J. . k D I fi t .t F th Kelly, pastor, with his assistants, Rev. John P. Driscoll, left, ~coY,e. I oy ~dasM rs ~as or. al er and Rev. WI'Ill'am F. O'Connell, l'I'ght, al'e makI'ng plans sa ~ss or. near y a yeal 111 a la1ge stOle on. the for obset ving the 75th anniversary of the founding of the' :rU;l'Il! ~ !'a.Il,e.. l.'~ent.v, .F.aH. ~ry~r p?-~i~~ ._ ~. _:. . .'

St. Paul Prelatfe Attacks Rising Sunday Sales

all over the nation to halt the practice of business-as­ usual on Sunday has had little effect. Archbishop William O. Brady of St. Paul, Minn" has observed that despite the "expressed con­ cern of bishops everywhere," the modern "desecration of Sunday has neither ceased nor lessened," l\foney Changers Truly,' "bishops everywhere" have expressed con'cern, and in emphatic terms, over the practice of making the Lord's Day one of carnival for the money-cbangers - Cardinal Spellman in New York. Archbishop O'Boyle in Washington, Archbishop Schulte in Indianapolis, Archbishop Bo­ land in Newark, Bishop Topel in Spokane, to name just a few in widely separated Sees. From the fact that the busi­ ness-as-usual Sunday practices have neither ceased nor lessened, Archbishop B l' a d y concludes: "We may guess that secularIza­ tion of the day Is on the in­ crease." The at. Paul prelate observed Turn W Page Twenty

Dmocese Has A~R~®rn@&m@~

mmpor1tant R.o~e 2 ceo


VIHIE' ANCHlOR­ 'lnlllln., Oct. I?, 1957


Susterrs of St Dorrot'hy Obserrve 0

Atl'urnnversary of fFOMrl\)(~hre$$

Paula's native Genoa, Italy. vms the stage set by God for the be­ DltV0180N Severa~ thousand priests, sisters, brothers and Catho­ ginning of her work of love Oct. 20-St. Hedwig, New lic laity, from New England and beyond, attended the among poor childl:en. The mus­ Bedford Eleventh Regional ,Congress of the Confraternity of Chris­ tard seed fell on fertile soil ­ Our Lady of the Immacu­ tian Doctrine last Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Bridge­ late Con.ception, tilled and watered with hard­ port Conn. Host to this St. Coletta's. ~ . Taunton ships and trials almost unsur­ ..',. Bishop Connolly La Salette, East Brewster mountable. year s congl ess was Most. summarized and concluded the .\ ":" . Under the wise guidance. of her Reverend Bishop Lawrence meeting. Oct 27-St. Peter; Province-brother, Father Joseph Frassl­ town . J. Shehan of Bridgeport. Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Fall netti, the young Foundress chose St. Michael, Fall River E:very archbishop and bishop in River Diocesan CCD Director, Aug. 12, l834-feast of St. Clare. St. Patrick, Somerset 'New England took part in the acted as Discussion Leader at the .-L- _ to enter into community life with program. All the general and Saturday afternoon general ses­ Nov. 3-Notre Dame, .Fall her six companions. lipecial 6essiol~S of the congress sion on ."The Laity as Conscious River Prompted by her great trust in were held In the beautiful and and ActIve Me~bers of the Mys­ St. Thomas More, Som­ Divine PrOVidence, Paula gave IIpaclous Notre Dame of Bridge­ tical Body." Principal speaker at erset her Incipient Institute the namo port High School, completed and this session was ~r. Paul van K. of Daughters of Holy Faith. One Nov. 10-St. John the :&tptist, dedicated only a month ago. Thomson of PrOVidence College. year later she embraced the Pious . New Bedford The congress opened on Friday NU~s Atten~

. of St. Dorothy. This led to Work Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs . morning with a Pontifical DiaAt the evemng sessIOn on Sat-

the adoption of the official title Iogue Mass celebrated by Bishop urday Most. Reverend Bishop, of Sisters of St. DorothY'. Shehan of Bri\igeport. Following John J. Wright of Worcester. . Mass Ordo Gradually the small tree spread the opening session. at the high spoke ab,?ut the great work that . its branches' all over the world. FRIDAY-St. Luke, Evange­ whool a luncheon was held. for can be done by the CCD in brlng­ list. Double of n Class. Red. The Plother house was transfer­ the clergy at the Stratfield Hotel. ing ~ouls to Christ. ,MQ~S Propel'; . Gloria; Creed; red from Genoa to Rome in 1841. The congr.ess closed on Sunday Preface of Apostles. Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of . Soon a vast field was opened to Norwich, Conn. was principal afternoon With a Solemn Pontif1­ SATURDAY-St. Peter of Al­ the Dorotheans In far away Bra­ 13peaker at this time. During the 001 Mass celeb~ated by Most Rev­ cantara.. Confessor. Double. zil. This was followed by a foun­ afternoon sessions were conduct­ erend ArchbIshop. Henry' J. White. Mass Proper; Gloria: Sec­ dation In Portugal. ond Coliect Jor Rain; Third Col­ ed on t~e Apostolate ofthe Laity. O'Brien of .Hartford. , . Today thousands of children Teaching Religion to the Public Several sisters from the 010- . lect for Peace: Common Preface. SUNDAY-Nineteenth, Sunday are educated and instructed in SChool Child, Audio-Visual Aids cese' of 'ttll . River attended the After Pentecost. Double. Green. the truths of our Faith by the iIi Teaching, and the Religious congress. ~resent were members Mass Proper; Gloria:' Second daughters of Blessed Paula. in Education of the Blind. 0 of the MiSSIOnary Servants of the Collect St. John Cantius, Confes­ various countries of Europe, in The Friday evening session In Most Blessed Tri~ity and Sisters sor; Third Collect for the Propa­ South and North America and in the large high school auditorium of Our Lady of Victory.. gation of the' Faith. (from the Africa. In our own United States, Votive Mass); Creed; Preface of began with a concert by the Fair­ the Sisters of St: Dorothy con­ OrdinClllI'y Pll"esiCl'les Trinity. field University Glee Club. Fea­ duct parochial schools in New MONDAY,-Mass of -Previous tured speaker of the evening was At Nun's Requiem Sunday. Simple. Green.- Mass Bedford, Newport, Bristol, Provi­ Most Reverend Richard J. Cush­ work of Blessed Paula Frassinettl, -dence. Detroit and New York. Most Rev. James L. Coimolly, Proper: No Gloria or Creed: Sec­ ing, Archbishop of Boston; l'Ap_ ond Collect St. Hilarion, Abbot;' Foundress of the Sisters of St. plying the Truths of. Faith to D.D., Bishop of Fall River pre­ . Third Collect Ss. Ursula and her Dorothy, whose feast the Church Their Novitiate is at Villa Fatima• Taunton. Daily Living" was the title of the sided and gave the final absolu­ Companions, Virgins and Mar­ celebrates next Tuesday This' :archblshop's inspiring talk. tion Tuesday' morning at the tyrs; Common Preface. year marks the 75th anniversary TUESDAY-Mass of Previous of her saintly death in Rome. . Fr. Powers Leader funeral of Sister Mary Columba, Sunday. Simple.' Green. Mass On Saturday morning there R.S.M. Quinto. B. small town close to were special demonstration class­ Among her survivors 'is' Sister Proper;.i,No Gloria or Creed; Sec- . , Rain: Th'ird Col­ ond Collect for es on methods of teaching reli­ Mary Christian of Mt. St. Mary's, lect for Peace: Common Preface. gion in each of the eight grades. Fall Rivel;. WEDNESDAY-Mass of Previ­ At the same. time a general The Solemn High Mass in St. ous Sunday. Simple. Green. Mass' session was held o'n "Religion in Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, was Proper; No Gloria or Creed,: Sec­ ELECTRICAL

·the Home." _ ond Collect for Peace; Common celebrated by Rev. Alfred J. Gen­ For Complete

. Most Reverend Bishop James dreau, 'assisted by Rev. Walter Preface. _ CONTRACTORS

THURSDAY - St. Raphael, L. Connolly presid'ed at the spe­ A. Sullivan, deacon and Rev. Paul Laundry Service

Greater .Double. Archangel. ·Residential -Commercial

'cial session on Saturday after­ F. McCarrick, sub-deacon. Chap­ M·ass Proper: Gloria: Sec­ White. Industrial

noon entitled "rechniques in In- . lains to Bishop Connolly were ond Collect fol' Rain; No Creed; 1668 Pleasant St. structing the Men tally Retarded." Very Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, Common Preface. 633 Broadway, Fall River

At this very crowded session Sis­ Pastor.of St. James Church·, New OS 3·1691

Fall River .OS· 9·6497 ter M. Shawn, O.S.F.; of St. Co­ Bedford 'and Rev. Thomas F. letta's School. Hanover, Mass.. Walsh, St. Louis, Church, Fall gave a marvelous demonstration River. Rt. Rev. James J. Gerrard. R. A. WILCOX CO. . V.G., ·le~d a delegation· of clergy of actually teaching and 'q"ues­ PHILADELPHIA "-(NC) - Dr. OF.FICE FURNITURE tioning' a group of children from in attendance. Hugh St.ott Taylor, outstanding In Stock For Immediate Delivery CO'~ educator, has been, honored for •. DESKS • CHAIRS .INC. his "nota!>le contributions to the FILING CABINETS science of physical chemistry and "For Your 'Protect/on • FIRE' FILES • SAFES his eminent achievements as au­ Suy from thor, editor and teacher." FOLDING TABLES Dr. Taylor. who is dean of the AND CHAIRS­ P~RFECTION" graduate school of Princeton 132 Rockdale Ave. University, was presented the Franklin Medal of the Franklin New Bedford 22 8EDFORD ST. Institute of the State of Penn­ WY 5-7947 FALL RIVER 5·7838 I;ylvania. In i953 Dr. Taylor Was named a Knight Commander of the Or­ der of St. Gregory by His Holiness POli1e Pius XII. He is a member of the Pontifical' Academy -of Science and a past president of Pax Romana, international Cath­ The Ouly Catholic College in the Diocese oj Fall River olic. student and -intellectual as~ -Sociation. Among other honors he has received are the Mendel Medal of Villanova University, the Cross of the Commander of' the Order of'LeopoldII of Belgium and the Benjamin Franklin Medal of the PRiMlE MINISTER SElES POPlE: His .Holiness Pope American Philosophical Society.. In 1953 he was made a Knight Pius XII and Prime Minister of Ireland Eamon De Vafera Commander 'of the Order of the are shown following their private 20-minute conversation 'Bl'itish Empire by Queen Eliza';

at Castelgandolfo. Mr. De Valera was in Rome to attend beth II.

cerem~nies marking the third centenary of the death of "Suffer the little children to come ·unto me" (Matt. 10:14). These words of the Divine Mas­ ter find an echo in the' life and



P'ri nceton Dea n

Receives Meda I







Franciscan F~ther Luke Wadding, founder of the Irish . 'College in Rome. NC Photo.



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~ev. THOMAS ·C. DUfFY, C.S.C· Director 01 B'uildiny Fund Stimehill. College




un f@<i:ug

Streen Wrjters CC~fM5~ Religion w;th Restriction by Wllllllnam H. Mooring

Have you noticed how often movie characters who stand up for good, moral principles are made to look like bigots or prudes? If they defend religious convictions they are pictured as narrow or self-righteous. When they oppose other characters who ' flaunt moral conv,entions new out-go. they appear fran tical or out­ On the surface. however, the of-date,' soreheads who de- message is that their paganiSln Ihht in spoiling' the fun or in­ t~rferlng with the freedom of more "broad -. minded" folk. Movie writers,;' create this ef-;, feet by carlca- t', turing the per­ son of strict principles while c h a racterizing others around him. This directs criticism 01' ridicule in the same fashion as if 3'ou were to place a sardonic line sket.ch of Aunt Jezebel among Your piano-top display of serene, family photos. The sour-puss shouts among the.smiles! Something of the sort occurs In two Interesting movies now starting around the theaters. In each instance, I think, dramatic Integrity is weakened; an 'other­ wise telling story becomes forced, U not fakey. Dishonest Symbolism Robert Anderson's script of James A. Michener's "Until They Sail," describes the moods and morals of New Zealand women, c:lught alone ana morally off guard, by American GIs while their own men were at war. War­ tim e conditions undoubtedly IllI'ed many virtuous women, ma1'l'ied and single, into serious misadventures and to that extent the screenplay may be powerfully true. However, one woman (Joan Fontaine) who most vdlubly con­ dcmns loose g'oing's-on, is cari­ c~tured is a prating moralist un­ catured as a prating moralist unAm e l' i can officer (Charles Drake). When he gets killed be­ fore he can give theil' unborn <rl1ild a name, she becomes warm and human. "It was easy enough to talk then," she says with newly t!iscovered tolerance. The situa­ tion may be valid but is the sym­ ' bolism honest? In "No Down' Payment" from the John ;\IcPartland novel about the modern yount( married set on one of America:s, post-war, picture-window . housing tracts, one couole aotly illustrates how pooular -writers now tie up reli­ a:on with restriction and. by con­ trast. make the so-called "free soul" seem like ,the Ideal unit of American society. The husband (Pat Hingle) does lnot attend church. His wife (Bar­ bH'a Rush) does. Theil' children sp~ak of Daddy "g'oing to Hell," an idea evidently conveyed by l\Iama, who is a tartly superior. !Quite un-Christian individual. Actually her mate is one of the most likeable, straight-thinkinp,', recent-living guys on the block. I\lisl'cIll'csenrs Attitud,e At one point the wife upbraids him for getting into it local Coun­ dl debate against segregation. She'd have him wash hIs hands. like Pilate, which by inference misrepresents the attitude of Christian folk, if not of the Church itself. It hardly matters that in the book a negro was barred from the tract, while in the film an oriental is substi­ tuted. Thoug'htful viewers may see thlt the main trouble In this community, R'S may be very true of real life. begins in too many g033ipy coffee - clatches an'd Id~~hborhood cocktail parties. These "picture-window neighbors b:>come too Involved in each o~hers' lives to face up in calm privacy. with a little faith and pl\lycr, to their own indiVidual stl'u~gles of buying a home. rais­ ill'r a family and trying to step' 'un the old income to' meet tne

Is neither worse nor better than the hypocrisy of the one woman who goes to church. This makes the ending. when they all attend church. seem miserably trite. A well integrated religious interest on the part of just one family (and we surely could fine ONE on any housing' ti'act), might have off-set exaggerations of be­ havior which become the film's chief defect. At least the climax might then have been convine-ing. Why do talented screen writers muff such opportunities? The answer appears to be that they

either fail to understand, or re­ ject religion as a source of moral strength and social idealism. In­ stead they see it only in terms of social and individual restriction" and so. consciously 01' sub-con­ sclously, rail and write against it. , Perkins Star Today A few days after we talked at Paramount's barbeque, Tony Per­ kins made "top" among the Ten Leading' "Stars of Tomorrow," In 'the annual Quigley Publica­ tions' Poll of theater ow.ners. This will not likely go to, Tony's head. He Is a star today for that ,matter. All his films have done well at the box-office; more than one can say for all nine others. They are: Sophia Loren, Jayne Mansfield, .Don Murray, Carroll' Bakel', Martha Hyer, Elvis Pres-' ley, Anita Ekberg, Paul Newman and John Kerr in that order. The voting closed too early to take in the most brilliant and significant star discovered this (01' many other) year. She is Joanne, Woodward, seen in "The Three Faces of Eve" and "No Dov.'n Payment." The Mansfield girl recently filled the London press with sensational but slyly . derogatory stories', includIng that tiger-striped rear view 'that would fill any front-page. Her latest picture, "Will Suc­ cess Sooil Rock Hunter," did not -fill th'e theaters, Sophie's fil,ms are not doing so hot either al-' though they still beat the Ek­ berg's. The bovine boost, is no. longer box-offiCe. An actress like Woodward makes the build-up jobs look sickly'silly.

Italian Orphans Hit By Eng!ish Edict .

LONDON (NC) - The Bank of England. national currency controllei's, have refused to allow about 1,000 pounds sterling, the equivalent of about $2,800, to be sent from Britain to ,Father Ma­ rio Borelli's ;'House of the Ur'­ chins" in- Italy. The bank said the ban on the money, first results of a fund to help the Borelli orphanage, was "in accordance with normal practice" but suggested that the organizers could buy British goodS with the money and export these to Italy instead. The Midland Bank, a private company, has been told that it must not accept any further cash gifts on behalf of the fund and these are now being returned to the donors. Most of the money safar received has come frOl!l readcrs of "Children of the Sun." a book about Father Borelli and his work written by Morris West. Australian Catholic.

For Non-Catholics INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - The Legion of Mary will sponsor a Day of Recollection for non­ Catholics at Marian College Sun­ day. Catholics will be admitted to the observance only if they are accompanied by a non~Catholic.

CATECHISM CLASS AT WEST HARWICH: Mrs. Russell Collinge and Sister Leona get the fifth grade group off to a good start at Holy Trinity Parish. Elementary pupilsl meet for iri~truction Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Best in Country

,Parishioners Aid as Catechists Opportunity for catechioal tn­ structlon is provided for 265 ele-, mentary grade PU!li!S and 54 high school students, at Holy' Trini'ty Parish, West Harwich, under the supervision' of Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sis­ ters, aided by p'arish members of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. ,Elementary pupils meet Tues­ days and ThursdayS;' the older students report for instruction on MOndays. :reachers for the elementary grades are as follows: Grade I-Miss Marie Stone and Miss Donna Strout. Grade II-Sister Mary Regina, Mrs. Carl John, Mrs. Gertrude Dc>:tne, Mr. Kenneth Gavin. Grade III-Sister Mary Leona, Mrs. Bemis Boies, Mrs. Ralph. Long, Miss Cynthia Merna, Miss Helen Grace: . , , ' Grade IV~S:ster M. Theresa Martin, ,Mrs. Russell Collinge. Mrs. Joseph LaBrecqlle, MI'. Ron­ ald Ges,sncl:; Miss Ja'nice Zinke­ viCl). " ,' '. Gracie' V-Sister M3.ry Leona, Mr. Al'thur LaFl·tni~r, Miss Cath­ erine Lane. Mrs. Edwin'Roder­ Ick. Mrs., Willi~m Lally. Grade VI~Sist~r Joseph Ma­ rie, MI'. Russell Collinge. Grade'VII-Sister Joseph'Ma­ rie. Miss ,Marion Halbritter. Grade VIII-Sister Mai'y Re-

DENVER (NC) - A $350.000' retreat house for men will be built within sight of the new Air Force Academy. It will be located! at Sedalia, Colo., midway between Denver and the academy. The retreat house will be on II. 190-acre site. purchased by the Jesuit Fathers In 1956. Father Raphael McCarthy, S.J., will be retreat director. He describes the proposed retreat house as "prob­ ably the best in the country." He said it is planned to have retreats the yeal' around.

gine., Miss Marion Halbritter. Grade IX-Sister M. Therese Martin; Grade X-Sister Joseph Marie; Grade XI-Sister Mary Leona; Grade XII-Sister Mary Regina.

Vatican Commends Catholic Charities VATICAN CITY (NC)-Inter­ national Caritas, the union of Cat h a I icc h a l' i t y agencies throughout the world, should maintain close contacts with the Holy See to bring the highest effectiveness to its work. ThiS was the sentiment ex­ pressed, in a letter sent ,in the name of His Holiness Pope Pius XII by Msgr. Angelo Dell'Ac~ua:, Vatican Substitute Secretary of State, to the fourth General AS­ sembly of International Caritas meeting in Rome,' The letter praised the, work performed by the various Catho­ lic charities and ,noted .t,he in­ creasing importance of the tasks facing the intel'llational organi­ zation. ' ,






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The Yardstick '

Nee~' ~d~~@tf~(Cl)rru@~ Pr@gr~m For PW][f$Uilife tl»~ ~M~ture }By Father- Dennis J. Geaney, 01S.A.

It happened a number of years ago, but the dialqgue went something like this. Priest to union organizer: "Your outfit is always after pay hikes. What do you want? Is there any end to it?" Union organizer: "Not until our people have the time and money , to enjoy what is going on create a taste for the good and over there." "Over there" 'the beautiful. Pil.rents should have the opportunity to go back was a park which symbol- to school to fill the cultural gapS ired symphonies and 'other works In their bread and butter educa­ of art. " t i o n . It is relativeiy easy to whip This Sunday afternoon I was up a crusade against dirty comle books, but it takes generations to "over there," I visited our city's ' restore· the arts to their deserved ' esteem: n i nth annual Greenwich Vil\ - I w'as standing on a street cor­ MISSIONARIES TO ,ASIA AND AFRICA: Provincial of th~ Holy Cross Fathers' lage Fair. The 'ner talking to a newstand ven- Indiana province, Father Tlieodore J. Mehling,: C.S~C., extreme light, talks with 15 dor. ,He said: "Father, I would local artists had priests and Brothers assigned to missions; conducted by the Congregation of 'the Holy never sen 'one of those (dirty) on display their Cross in Pakistan and the ,newly-independent country of Ghana, on Africa's west

oils, watercolmagazines to a high school boy. I would never sell one while a ors, pas tel s , coast. NC Photo.

woman is around. If a factory , ,

weaving. pot tery and so worker wants to buy one, okay. Calls Missionaries' forth. I stopped He has to read something." Will ' , , 'and chatted with old friends as I the worker· of ,tomorrow cnoose God's Emissaries ST. LOUIS (NC) _ Tht most POl·tant responsibility. he con­ moved about. The' univel;sal com- "ea} art or the filthy comic book? ,. WASHINGTON' (NC) A. . ,tinued. "to encourage young PE'O­ ' • ment was how the crowd II)I l1ave great 'confidence in the Catholic misSIOnary executive vita~ service business can perform for,education is to help convince pIe of ability to take advantage creases each year. Wome'n and Amel'I'can' people to ndapt them.. here told 18 missionaries leaving children dominated but there selves to new situations. As the the public of the importal).ce '~f of opportunities to advance 'kl'mg' 0'f men. I 'years go on, I am sure you will for Ghana and East Pakistan the teaching profession, the preswas a goo d sprm themselves by further education, recognized a few top management find more working people "over' that they are "emisoories of God's ident of St. Louis University said rather than succumb to the . love" in a world steeped in ma- here. , men, but only one former 'union there." temptation of immediate jobs leader. terialism. Speaking before the St. Louis Two Extremes'. , C·O"O Father Frederick,' A. McGuire, Electrical Board'of Trade, Father \vith attractive sa,iaries." Making the "American dream The art exhibit set a nu~ber' 'BD ." . C.M" executive secretary of the Paul C. Reinert, S,J" said: Mission Secretariat, spoke at a "If the public were convinced of wheels in motion for me. 'I come true ~,that is, providing ',' " ; I '" departure ceremony for 10 priests that the college teacher was as educational opportunity for every went home and reread Pieper's" essay on Leisure-The Basis of, 'The third session, of a new and eight .Bro'Uiers of the Holy valuable as the engineer in in­ Culture. It see'ms that our view of:' se~ies of Pre-eana 'Conferences,·' Cross Order: • oustry' • • we would have no young 'man and woman up to the work leans toward Marxian and" ,open to all engaged couples in "Yours is a sublime task, but ' difficulty in seeing that he WIU3 ~imits of his or her capacity ­ Puritan extremes., The 1irst sees ',the Greater Fall River .area. will difficult' of understanding by 'paid what he 18 really worth." wouI~ halt the enormous waste He stated, however, that the of human talent brought about work as the total life of man; the 'be ',held at 7 o'cloCk: tonight In men who 'concentrate on mateother sees hard work as an ideal Sacred Heart School, Linden and rial things," he told the mission- basic problem facing colleges and by the failure of half of the top ending in material'success which Pine Streit, Fall .River. aries: "You will not try to change universities in getting and keep­ 25 per cent of high school grad­ of ,God's' apPl·ov·a·I., ..... 'r.'. he' : Fil:st sesSion 'of the series was the cultural values of those 'with ing a d equa ' te num bers og f ood Is n~ ,~I'gn " . uates to go to~ college," Father .·-kes 'a" ut'I'II'tal,'I·an· 'vl'ew of'· ' held Suriday night with addresses ' t te h ' tt f i I fl'r~t ~ "" whom you live. You are not II ac ers' IS a rna er 0 soc a Reinert .concluded. art ·, the other, at best 'a ,dl'stra'c- by R~v. ·Ra.ymond W. McCarthy, ' tempting to colonize, to Ameri- a tt't d "0 I "d' tl . 't lues. n y m Irec Y IS I tion from the pursuit of goods Or assistant at Sacred Heart Church canize the Pakistani end the 'related to the problem of in­ virtue.. , " , and director of the 'Family ~Ife Ghanan. Force will nevei' be your adequate compensation," he add­ Nei,ther',exti'eme values leisure Bureau. which sponsors ·the con- weapon. ed, "The example of your own The Jesuit Father termed the in the :sense of contemplation as ferences, and Rev. Anthony M. one dges in walking thr6ugh an Gomes, assistant Ilt Santo ChriS-lives. the outpouring of love for teacher problem the most clitical art gallerJ', not to le,:un, not to be to Church. Physicians and mar- your fellow man, will more than facing higher ·qualified high led to the good life, but simply to ried couples also conduct confer- anything else persuade those school graduates to go on to coi­ passive and' respond to the ences. among whom you go t{) serve that lege is a matter of grave' concern "It's a w,hale of a drink" to. educators; and should 'be to creativeness of our fellow ma'n A second session was reId in ChristklnitY'is total truth." f' h'ld Th' the school. Tuesday night by Rev, busI'nessmen as well. with the wond 17. DllIciOUS FLAVORS . er 0 a c I , IS, William F. O'Connell' of SS Petel' rinthink, is the meaning of leisure and Paul Church, Engaged cou- Points Out Dangers Men in industry have an im­ BEST SINCE 1853 the traditional Christian sense, It is the restoration of pIes attending all sessions will In Paga~ World WI DfUVfR

contemplation and silence which receive certificates. ROME \NC) --< Lay apostles ~ Electrica' CALL

form' the climate for a richly must love those they are trying ContraCtors human life which is the substra- Swansea Groups to bring into the Church, but WY ~-6264 tum for the divine,· Plan ~,Breakfast must not fall into' their errors. and 9-6265 This warning was sounded at , Needs Creative Thinking 'lleni.llm al'l'l'ved Very Rev. Humberto S. Mea plenary session of the Second H.as the ml deiros, S.T.D.. Diocesan chan­ whm working people now have cellor will be' guest speaker at the World Congress of the Lay Apos,. the time and money to be "over joint Communion breakfast of,. tolate here by Archbishop Oio:" there" in the wondel'lan'd of culC 'd C '1 K . ht vanni B, Montini, of Milan. Bishop aSSI yandounCl, mg s The prelate cautioned his hear­ tUl'al PUl'SUl'tS? I am fully a'w·'al'e 'of Columbus, St. Patrick's th:::t there are poverty pockets Circle, Daughters, ,of Isabella ers not to let their love a~d res­ 45 SCHOOL ST. 3nd economic disloc.ations in our Sunday, Oct, 27, at K of C Home, pectful attitude toward non­ At So. First St.

St. country due to regional, l'acI'al, d S Catholics degenerate into iDdif-, 944 I Street, wansea. ference or defection, He specifi..: and OtllCl' factol's, but we al'e MiHor New Bedford. " , NEW BEDFORD

The breakfast will follow the moving toward the state where 8 o'clock Mass at St. Dominic's ' cally addressed 'his warning to the' \vorking' class l'S becoming' Ch h S Catholics working in the "pagan ·:::~~:~~%~$m:?~~?!:W"}@!:k~~:i~~~~~frlrm:~g!;t:H~tr~~?1X~t:=:~~e!l~;::'V::::"!~~~:~;~~ff.;;;~r.~~~~"jtf1E~):.cr!}?r~ urc, wansea. world" and living' closely with more a middle class and a leisure· Mrs. ,Lawrence Borge, Mrs. 1 those outside the Church in order c :?,fS. 1 think U)e situ':ltiori calls Charles F. Williams Jr. and Mrs. to make converts. for SOPle creative thinking." Manuel Caton have charge of k The prelate was critical of REcently Waltet· R·uethel' anWORLD WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE tic ets. those who were tempted tb push nounced that the UAW was 01'tolerance to the point of justi­ g:::,nizing a new choral group, It is Rome to FatjmCII Way '" to be 'sponsored by the UAW but fying the position of ':dlssidents. it will be a comPlunity project. A Proposal Advanced union entering the fields of arts ANCH (NC) - Plans for a should be as foreign to the Amei·- "Marian Way," a pilgrimage as advertised in leading Newspapers & Magazines f' ican labor movement as an highway'linklng Rome with Fatl­ ALSO AIR, STEAMSHIP CRUiSES AND TOURS American 'labor party. Maybe i't ma, were announced at a meeting ~PPRAlSER For Free Folders Write or Call is Ruether's way of dramatizing of the Tourist Associations of the REAL ESTATE next year's demand for Q four- Pyrenees here in France. :' ! VAndyke 4-9691 Taunton Inn (Lobby) . .

day week. But it does point up a Two principal stages along the INSURANCE '..~~t.,:~~~W~~,&:'Y;1£wn~~~:r~n:~~~k~~:f~~~1?~~~~~~m~';~J~;~~ r ~}~ e v.! . , gap in the working man's life. way will be the shrines of Our 136 CORNELL ST, In previous generations the im- Lady of 'Lourdes, France, and St. NEW BEDFORD migrant workers nurtured an old James atCompostela, Spain. A WY 3-5762 , world culture in the Little Italies, spokesman for the Tourist As­ the Hamtramacks, the halls that sociations said that the highway will be of modern design to acom­ served a German brew to its own the Chinese Villages ,the Cork~ modateautomoblles and pedes­ towns, and other' quarters that trians. have· made an immense cultural To ConduCt Whist contribution to American life. The slowing down of immigra­ Comprising the, committee in • BANQUETS 0 WEDDINGS '. PARTIES tion and the rush to the suburbs charge ofa whist party on Mon­ "l;nes~ since J877" have taken something rich and day, Oct. 21 in the convent hall • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS fruitful and left a vacuum that by .the Mount St, Mary Convent Same day service mass, commercial entertainment Auxiliary of Fall River are Mrs. if desired! ! cannot fill. Stanley Janick, chairman, and I) Need for, EducatiOn Miss Lena Harrington, Miss Celia ~ 3D5'528 1343 PLEASANT Sf. FAll RIVER A labor union can provide only Harrington, Miss Genevieve Har­ 6 <CAilAIPSlEU SlT. , I'!J the time and encouragement. rington, Miss Etta Falvey, Miss @) PHONE OSborne 3-7780 Betty Jones, Mrs. Frank Galvin What is needed is a vast educa­ and Mrs. Joseph McGrath. tional p.l'ogmm on all levels to

,Teacher as ',Vital as Engineer


Pre Group Meets 'To''n',.-fth·t









James F. O'Neill












lAUNDRY 'Int. wrr


Hiru'm Wheaton" and So'ns, Inc.



This Timely Message 18 S/Douosm'eo'l By The Fog· lowiTlo1JJ Public Spirited Imlividua£s and Busi. ness Cmu:erns Located i,u G1N~(JJteD' Fall RiveD' Ai Mac's Diner

(Justly Famous)

Arm Daie Prod ucts, Inc. Arrow SngnoCompany IBrady !Eiectric Suppiy Co. Buildill1lg Materials Inc. Cascade' Drug Co. ColoO'1loai Wholesale Beverage Corp. Cormers Travel Bureau Il.ee .D. Donovan, C.P,A. Duro lFinoslhing Corp. !Enterprise Brewing Ce. T~e

!Exterminator Co.

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Globe ManuFacturing Co. Gold Medal Bread . KapiaO'1l

. lFuU'O'1Iiture Co.

Kormon Water Co.



MacD<anzie and WOO'1lsiew, Inc. MasoO'1l !Furniture Slhlowrooms Meyer and Regan, Accountants MooO'1ley and Co. Inc. Newport lFiO'1luslhling Corp. Nira Warehouse Mart Sherry Corporation Soboieff Brothers

Stafford furniture





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lextiie Workers

llJJ~oeO'1l - CIO'


Wm. N. Wheelock

& Son, OO'1lc.

(The Original)


• fAll







@rhe ANCHOR~

Weekly Calendar Of Fe'ast Days


TODAY - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin. Known as the Apostle of the devotion to the Sacred Heart, she was gifted with visions of Christ and revealed to 'mankind the favors in store for the custom of Holy Communion on First Fridays. As a child. she was paralyzed for four years and was cured miraculously through the Blessed Mother. She was eo nun of the Order of the Visita­ tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was born in l'Hautecour, France, in i647, and died in Paray-le-Monial, France, in 1690. She wl\s canonized in 1920.

Published Weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese 06 Fall River • 410 Hi"hland Avenue Fall River. Mass. OSborne ,5-:-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. lames L. Connolly. D.D., Ph.D. CENERAL MANACER ASST. CENERAL MANACER Re,v. Daniel F'; Shalloo. M.A. Rev. lohn P. IDriscoll . MANACINC EDITOR Attorney Hu"h I. Colden

Mission· Sunday Last year, according to the Society 'for the Propaga­ tion of the Faith magazine, Americans spent a record sixty-four'billion dollars for food. In India only thirty-nine out of everyone hundred peopie get enough food to live. Forty-one per cent eat poorly, twenty per cent are per­ petually hungry. Most India:ps eat but once Ii day-but if by this is understood a meal such as we would have, the Indians do not even eat once a day. .. These are statistics to keep in mind as we heed the Bishop's announcement 'of the mission collection that is 'to be tal,{en up.in all our churches on this Sunday. The monies collected are sent-to the Holy Father. He distributes them where they are needed for he knows where the need is gre'atest. It is difficult for us to realize that it does depend on us whether someone in the world eats today or goes hun- . Beauty a'~d Truth 01 Marriage gry. ItQis up to us whether ~ome one of the one-hundred thousand unsalarie.d missionaries turns away one of the world's one billion, two-hundred thousand million pagans. ' Obviously, the missionaries look to us for help: They Magnificen~' !tan expect very' little or nothing from, those' people to whom they minister. After all, one quarter of the ·world's By Joseph A. Breig people earn less than a dollar a week. And the approach Cleveland Universe =Bullet'ln the missionary must use is to.-treat the starved or diseased bodies of the pagans before he can talk about the charity I had no idea how sadly rig'ht i: was last week when of Christ. In their simple logical way, these people listen I remarked that the f!ews agencies had d()ne a poor job of not to words but look at actions. reporting'Pope Pius :(elrs talk on widowhood. Our contributions of money and prayer can help bring Now that·the fUllte~t h~s reached this cou~try, rdis­ Christ to those who know Him not. A story is told by a' coyer that the reporting was missionary who found an old Chinese lady and brought not .merely inadequate; it likewise into "a more' pure and her to the missionary compound for nursing. care. When was atrocious. spli'itual sUite of mind." Pope Pius sees the husband In asked by her why he did this, he told her about the love Most of the accounts told Heaven st,ill loving'his wife and of Christ for all men. The woman replied, and with logic, us little more than the Holy children. still watching over "If your Christ told you to do- these things so many ye~rs Father allegedlY' had "urged them. The wife loses Ii1s physical widows not to . ago, where .have you been all this time?" presence, but "another 'presence,

more intimate, more profound We can answer that question on Mission Sunday by .remarry.", Some 9. d d e d and stronger, is gained." denying ourselves, so that others might hav.e. And we can stories that he referred The' husband, said the Holy give not with the idea that we are doing oth~rs a favor, but to the spiritual Father, now '''sees Ood face to with the conviction that they are doing us a favor by ~l­ riches to be face" and "wll! not tolerate that those whom he loved most on lowing us to help them. For we are the. ones ~eing blessed gained through - Christian living earth should retire within them­ by God when we help the least of His children. In the state of

Pope~s Talk


widowhood. But the fact is that the Pope's address is certainly one of the In a letter written recently to the Fifth World Con· most magnificent documents of gress of the Catholic Press, meeting in Vienna, Monsignor his 'pontifica::e-or any pontifi­ Dell'Acqua, Substitute Secretary of State,writing on 'be­ cate. He' did nothing less than hafrof the Holy Father condemned the distortion of 'news to' give us somethin'g that the world despemtely needs -, the by unscrupulous journalists. He quoted the words of the central truths of a Mystical Pope: "The flood of errors. and false moral principles Theology of Marriage. p ,spread today by communication techniques make one She!:! 'l\lasterpiel~e The Holy Father ~-pol;e -about tremble." . -The attitudes and minds of men are shaped in large Widowhood; but what i11exhaus-. tible riches of. Inspiration he of­ measure by the press. Men accept what they read as fact, fered'to those .w!')o are mtlrried, theya{e influenced in their opinions by the presentation or contemplating marri';lgel " of those "facts" and by the conclu~ions drawn from them. Paragraph after parngraph. the Very few persons have managed to emancipate themselves talk is a sheer masterpiece. The depth of the Pope's undcrstand­ from the childhood idea that "if it is in print it must be so..". Ing of the desolntion of the wife Very few have the means at hand' of sifting fact fI;om fic­ bereft of the husband s]le loved tion, very few have the mental ability to strike out on their is downright he,:\rtbreaking. - o.wn and dra'Y their, own conclusions from the facts pre­ 'But I have space only tn indi­ selited. We are all victims of what we read. cate the beauties and the touch­ . ing truths 'of marriage which the This means that the newspaperman, the journalist, Holy Father put into words. the commentator, the news analyst, the editor-all must He said the Church has a spe­ be aware of the respons1bility and the trust that is theirs. cill.! love for souls "who wish to ' 1y 'femain faithful to their spouse" WI 11'l e th e free dom 0 f th e press mus t a 1ways b e vigorous and "to the per'iect symbolism of upheld, we must no less strongly insist on the sacredness the sacrament of marriage" after of truth and on the right of truth to be given a hearing the separation of death. without distortion of facts or the suppression of unfavor­ Far from. destroying the hu­ able data. man and ,super-natural love of There is a way of selecting facts that can give a one- . husband and wife, he said. "death can pe~fect imd strengthen it." sided picture. There is a way of spreadIng news~so that Live After Death proportionate value is not given. The scandal sheets give The soul of marriage and its facts but no one can say that they are responsible news- deepest strength and peauty live _papers, that theY are balanced, that they give proper value' ·on. after ~ath, "just as do the to the news. " spiritual and fl'ee beings who pledged themselves to each The damage that has been done, the reputations that - other." have been ruined, the evil tliat has been inspired by yellow The husband is dead; but what journalism cannot be defended by the pat phrase-free- does that mean? He has "en­ dom of the press. This expression must walk hand in hand tered into the divine intimacy" "God frees' him of every With truth and responsibility. ,Thank God that so much where weakness and selfishness." of our news reporting measures up to those standards. And Goel at the SRme time invites would that the rest d i d ! , '. the one left on earth to enter

13 Gaa Q Dn l 0 d 2 P nnn \


I: :

I I I I DOD U·3 QUDg t!l ~ tll UUUI! n ~






~~OO'el't9 • • •






selves.become discoura.ged, or display unfounded if.ttachments." What. 'precisely, is this great sacrament called marriage? The' Pope answers. It Is the "symbol

of Christ·s redeeming love for the Q Church." It transfigures husband and wife. It makes the husband· like Christ. who sacrificed Himsel(for the Church., It makes the wife like the redeemed Church, ac­ cepting its part in Christ's sacri­ fice. 'The widow. then, "represents

the present life of the Church

Militant." The Church has lost the physical presence of Its be­ loved one, Chl:ist. But it remains unfailingly united With' Him. eagerlyawaiting the final fulfill­ ment of His promise to retul'l1. 'Greatness of Widowhood The Holy Father speaks of

"the greatness of' widowhood

when lived as the prolongation of the graces of matrimony." What human consolation, he asks, .could equal "this marvel­ ous prospect?" . ,) But what if the husband has been the loveless or cruel kind of man whose death comes as It "providential liberation from the I yoke -that had become too heavy?" Even in such case. said the Holy Father, let the widow be like

Christ. who forgave sinful men

and prayed generou~y for them. But" how shall a Widow rise to the spiritual heights to which her' widowhood jnvites her? Through prayer, said Pope Pius; through' mediUition; through ,retreats; through the 11ass and the sac­ raments. At home, the widow will devote herself tlLher children-but she will not· smother them. She will real' them to step forth bravely

SATURDAY - St. Peter of Al­ cantara. Confessor. Early· in life he entered tne monastery of the -Discalced Franciscans. He rose

to high posts in the order, but

inspired by a desire for penance,

in 1539, when he was 40 years old,

he founded the first community of the "Strict. Observance." He died while kneeling in prayer in 1562. SUNDAY - St. John Cantius, Confessor. He was born in Kenty, Poland, in 1403 and studied at Cracow. For'a short time he was in charge of a pal'ish but re­ turned to Cracow as a professor. There for many years he lived a life of unobtrusive virtue, self­ denial and charity., MONDAY, St. Hilai-ion, Abbot•

One of the best known -Palestin­

ian Solitaries, he was born near Gaza of pagan parents about 292, ' but while very young was bap­ tized and visited St. Anthony In Egypt. On his return to Palestine, he found his parents dead, dis"­ 'tributed his wealth to the poor. and retired to the wilderness of


TUESDAY - St. Mary Salome. Widow. One of "the three Marys," she was the wife of Zebedee and the mother of the Apostles St. James the Greater and St. John the Evangelist. She was one of the holy women who followed and ministered to Our Lord at His Crucifixion and burial, and who ,witnessed His Resurrectjon. WEDNESDAY - St. Theodore, Martyr. He was tortured before being slain because he assembled the Christians at Ant,ioch after, the Church had been closed by Julian, an' uncle of the emperor of that riame and like him an


into adult life. She will be quick also to help others in need 01' in sorrow. Again the Pope referred to the watchfui husband in heavt!n. If the widow remains united with him in spirit. he will "suggest to her, in 'God. the attitudes she must tGke; he will give her au­ ,thority and discernment." And Christ will say. as He did of the widow's mite, "She has put in more than all."

Explain Purpose BROOKLYN (NC) - The pur­ pose of NatiQnal Catholic Youth Week will be explained by a pre­ late on television program to be produced Oct. 27 by St. Francis College of Brooklyn. National Catholic Yduth Week will be observed from Oct. 27 to Nov. 3. Its theme is "Healthier. Holier. Happier" youth in all activities. •





TOMORROW .St. Luke. Evangelist. He was physician at Antioch in Syria, who was con­ velted to Christianity and be­ came a fellow-worker of St. Paul. In addition to the Third Gospel, he also wrote the Acts of the . Apostles. He preached in south­ eastern Europe after the death of St. Paul, and is venerated as a ·Martyr. A persistent tradition holds that St. Luke was a skllled artist and various pictures of the Blessed Mother, venerated in Rome and elsewhere, are attrib­ uted whim.

on 'Widowhood Document

Freedom of the Rress


THE ANCHOR":'­ Thu·n., Oct. 17, 1957


. 1 '.


i ,I .


Theology for laymen

God Is Object and End Of Theological/ Virtues

Man ~$ fac~~e~$ As law Obn®cc\? Sashop S~Y$ .

By F. J. Sheed

A soul with sanctifying grace in it is indwelt by God. Here the reader. may raise a question. Since every created thing has God at the very centre of its being maintaining it in existence, surely all things whatsoever arG indwelt by God: in what can God's other of His revealed truths or indwelling the soul by grace with our own experience of llfe. differ from that? But we do not doubt that what That first presence of God He says is so. By Faith the soul by which we exist Is not called indwelling: for this word meana God making Hi mself at home In the GOul, and it Is not merely fanciful to think that this can only be by illV ita tlon. About the first p 1', e sen c e we have no choice: we did not In­ vite God to bring us into being, and It Is- not because we ask Him that He keeps us In be­ Ing. The choice Is wholly His. No request of ours would move Him to withdraw His presence; in the depths of Hell He is there,' maintaining each spirit In exist­ ence. It Is a fearful thing to have. nothing of God but His presence, to have existence from HIm and nothing more, refusing all the other gifts that. the creature needs and only God can give. But the dwelling is .by Invita­ tion. If we receive sanctifying grace In Infancy, the sponsor ex­ tends the Invitation on our be­ half; as. we come to the use of reason, we make the invitation our own; at any time we can withdraw it, and God's Indwelling ceases, leaving us only His pres­ ence. The God who indwells Is the Blessed Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Ghost make the soul their home, acting upon the BOUI. energizing within It; while It reacts to their life-giving, light-giving, love-giving energy. That essentially Is the process of SanctifyIng Grace.


THI ANCHOR­ Thurs., Oct. 17, 1957

accepts Him ao the source of truth. And it does so, not-by ittJ own power but His. He' gives tho power, not our own reasoning. He sustains Faith in us. Our hold upon anything we have arrived 'at for ourselves can never b~ surer ,than the mental process by which we got to it. 'Our Faith rests upon God who Initiates and sustains it. Faith is the root of the wholo Supernatural Life. With It come Hope and Charity and the rest. The soul is alive with them. To its own .natural life of Intellect and w1ll, ther~ Is .now !'-dded thlll new and higher life~ The new llfo like the old Is actually in thQ soul, as the power of sight is in the eye. And It never"leaves the soul/unless we withdraw the in- ' vltatlon. Next week we she.!l look morll closely at Hope and Charity, with a glance at,sln, by which the In­ vitation fs withdrawn.

Give'S Holy See Satefl ite Sta nd

SAN FRANCISCO (NC)­ "Man as the prime object of law has become faceless," Bishop Rob.ert J. Dwyer of Reno said at a Red Mass. Bishop Dwyer told the numer­ ous lawyers and ~urists present that in the 422 years since Thom­ as More, Lord Chancellor of Eng~ land, was beheaded the law has . become de-·Christianized. "Thus it is that the law in OUI" time, has become progressively more and more atheistic, in the str·ict sense of that term • ~ • the law itself is conceived as having no reference to God or His law or His rights," the Nevada pre­ . late declared. Ignore Individual

MISSIONARY SISTER·SISTERS: These three sis­ ters by birth became 'doubly sisters when they followed each qther in joining the Holy Ghost Missionary Sisters at Techny, Ill. Here they bade farewell as the youngest left for Accra, 'capital of Ghana, West Africa. Left to right: Sister Norma, Sister Sienna, Sister Patriciann Ressel. 'Ne PhotQ.

Exhibition of Treasures Recalls ·Catholicis.m Growth in .Liverpool LIVERPOOL (NC) - LIverpool, sometimes called "the most Cath­ ollc city in Northern Europe," has opened an exhibition of relics, museum' treasures and historic documents Which tell of tile clty's 750 years of CatholiCism. Most of the half million Catho-. lics in Liverpool and many thou­ sands from all parts of the coun­ try have attended the exhibition, one of the most'dramatic and comprehensive ever staged for the Church in this country. It was planned to coincide with civic celebrations marking the 750th anniversary of Liverpool's establlshment by royal charter.

statue of Our Lady. It had been dropped by Blessed Edmund Ar­

Bishop Dwyer pointed out that today even the concept of su­ preme human law is being chal­ lenged as the state has become 'more impersonal, more of a ma­ chine. "Individual rights have tend­ ed to be Ignored in favor of com­ munity rights, 01' group rIghts. Man as the prime object of law has become faceless," he said. "The next step Is law as deallng with men as pure abstractions, a condition in which the law of man Is In imminent danger of be­ Ing absorbed by the law of things," Bishop Dwyer explaIned. The situation of law at the mid-poInt of the 20th century. according to the prelate. is that ·It Is "only too real a threat to liberty and dignity in the non­ human legalism of that dialectic me.terialism which has swept over half the world; and It Is hardly less a threat in that prac­ tical materlallsm which has been adopted as the working philoso­ phy of so much of the world whicli still boasts of Its freedom."

VATICAN CITY (NC) -L'Os­ rowsmlth, the Lancashire mar­ servatore Romano. Vatican City tyr, while he was fleeing from dally, has published front-J1age his persecutors 300 years ago. article noting that the Holy See There was a 14th cen~ury statue of Our Lady holding the Infant Is not C?Pposed to the development of earth satelliteli. Jesus on her knee. carved in wood The editorial was occasioned and scorched with centuries of by a number of newspaper com­ candle 'lIghts. ,f! 0 ments'on an article In L'Osserva­ Local relics included old pewter tore della Domenlca, 'a weekly Hospital Fellow chalices, documents, books and pl$er published In Vatican City ATLANTIC CITY (NC) _ A paintings. A special section was which described .the Soviet satel­ Chicago nun has been Inducted devoted to the record of the as a fellow In the American Col­ lite as an Instrument leading to greater powers of warlike des­ Irish immigratIon that has made lege of Hospital AdminIstrators. truction. . Liverpool such Q firm center of She Is Sister M. Dorothea, who Is the Faith: ' The Vatican City dally said Theological Virtues directing a $4 mlllion lldditlon to Defender of Faith , Mod ern displays included Holy' Cross Hospital In Chicago. By it the soul has new powers that the weekly paper did not Among items lent by museums press-button illumInated maps -the theological virtues Faith. express "Vatican opinion." The dallY paper said the article In all over Britain was the York showing the lJrowth of the Cath­ Hope and CharIty; the moral vir­ question was onlY the opinion of °Missal of 1596, the first printed olic community from 1.800 in the ~ruck Body Builders tues Prudence, Justice, Temper­ .missal prescribing the rites fQr year 1207 to 488.000 in 1957; ance and FortItude; the Gifts of the pei'sol) who wrote It. Aluminum or Steel the Mass and sacraments in the Furthermore, L ' Osseryatore scale models of new churches the Holy Ghost. We shall here Province of York, which included and schools, and photographs and Romano commented, If one want­ speak only of the first three. Liverpool. sketches of the great Cathedral They are called "theological" ed to find the Vatican's opinion Another was King Henry the 944 County St.

because they have God not only on the satelllte launching It Eighth's boo\{, "In Defense of the of Christ the King that will one day dominate the city. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

for their end but for theil' object. ' could be found In a speech which Sacraments," with the manus­ WY 2-6618

It is worth our whlle to pause ' His Holiness Pope Pius XII made cript of one of Martin Luther's In september 1956, to the Sev­ upon the distinction. All our ac­ letters to the King and Henry's tions should have God for their enth Congress of the Internation­ reply. end or goal, that Is they should al Federation of Astronautics. A third was a crimson velvet be aimed to do His Will. to praise Florentine chasuble, believed to Him and thank Him and bring us Priest Is Winner have been presented by Pope Leo closer to HIm. But they cannot Of P~eill"Y Award X to Henry VIII when conferring all have God for their object. NEW 1BIEIDIFOiltID NEW YORK (NC) - A priest the title"'Defender of the Faith," The organist plays for the glory 'This title the British sovereign of God, the cook bakes a cake has won the 1957 Lamont Poetry retains to this da~. PRESCR~lPnON§

for the love of God; God is the Selecti~m, the Academy of Amer­ Church Expands SIlJ~GICAIl. SUPPORTS

end of their, action. But He is ican Poets announced here. Thel'e was displayed a tiny , ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;~

not 'the object. The object of the He Is Father Daniel Berrigan, one Is the organ, of the other the cake; the organist who makes a lecturer in theology at the 25 U.S. Comems • .. .25

GALl~GAN'~S God and not the organ the object University of Fordham summer 50 U.S. Comems .••' .75

of his playing will produce school. and at Le Moyne College, ~UoweI1'UC1JI1IJ~ ••• UOl1'mtEll1'Uy 75 U.S. Comems ••• 1.50

strange noises; the cook who Syracuse, N. Y. His volume' of 1T6baJ11'66 100 U.S. Comems 2.50

makes God and not the cake jJ1e poems is entitled "Time Without lF~oll'l!ll~ AII'I1'<!lllJ'llgemsll'Itss 100: Di'. German .50 object of her action will produce Number." Under persona.l supervision oj His manuscript was submitted an inedible mess; neither will 25 Oil. Colombia Pic••50 by the Macmillan Company in Fred Sowl@ and Doris Sowle glorify God. JOHN R. TWEEDIIE competition with manuscripts Object and End 8 VV AslllOav IJDlfd. New lJadford 3l1t Church St; New Bed«oll'cll P. O.BOX 118

'W't J-IGU

The Moral Virtues have God entered by 27 other pUblishers'. WY 4-0421 WY 3-1342 NEW BEDFORD. MASS.

Rita and Eddie Galligan Prop~.

for their end, but for their object The purpose of the annual com­ they have created things - how petition is to discover and en­ we shall best use these to bring courage new poets, us to God. But for the Theologi­ -lD«anW'lY

lReed Charity cal Virtues, God Is object as well BROOKLYN (NC)-A record as end. By Faith we beHeve In IISPECIAL M~1l;1J(

Ood. by Hope we strive towards of $707,880 was spent by the St. from OWI1\l

Vincent de Paul Society on direct God. by Charity we love God. [O)lEtAILlEIRS DISTRIBUTORS

the poor and afflicted in aid to Tasted lHleu:.~" God is their object. God is also in a special sense their cause. Brooklyn, Queens. Nassau and Aq;lUJslhlll1ll9~, Mass. W'lt' 3-4457 PUR~TAN WAL~PAPERS They are wholly from Him. By Suffolk Counties of New York. • Special Milk AND Faith we have a new power in during the fiscal year that ended <t Homogenized Vlt. [) Milk Sept. 30. 1956. the intellect. enabling us to ac­ <J Buttermilk . The society assisted 30,000 per­ cept whatever God reveals simply <t Tropic;ana Oropyge Juice because He reveals it. We may sons. Free 10-day vacations were llJ~ ~ A\tll,ll§IHINIE'j]' A ~IE. NEW IBlElI!liFOlIU) see It 9.8 mysterious. we may feel provided for 1,688 chlldren at the <t Caffee and Choc. Milk W"D1I'Ilan 2·6592 that it is beyond us, we may not BLshop McDonnell Camp In Com­ (j Eggs - Butter flOO hO\'1 to fit It either with some mack. Long Isl-and. m~~I.~~"~~~~ ~.~.~ I.I••••••~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~







White's farm dull'







Finds Immeasurable Value

~n Daily Visit to ,Cburch

Fall'River CYO '- Girls Register

Illy Mary Tinley Daly

"Ah, you Americans," our Viennese friend Father

Martin Gusinde chuckled, "It seems, as though you are

born with wheels! You jump in the car, you go here, you

go there-no? A good thing." The laughter lines crinkled

around' Father's blue eyes.

"You accomplish much, see pIe. Whether, with our ease of

transportation, we . acdlmplish

many people. How do you much 't.nd really 'keep 'in touch

say it? You 'k'eep in tou.ch.' " is depend~nt on each one of us.

Sometimes It seems 'as though Matter of fact, Father Gusinde we go '<m the accustomed, cir­



-sans car-l1as reaJly, "accom­ plished much." He has 'ex­ plored, by him­ self, .areas in world never be­ <-tore visIted by a white man. Recognized pyg­ my expert, this' 70-year-old an~ thropologist, a member of the Society of the Divine W 0 l' d , has found his way into the most remote corn­ ers,of the earth to study his "little people," the pygmies. "The aforementioned comment was made by Father before he left on his most recent expedi­ tion, to the wilds of New' Guinea, on a day when we picked him up and took him on a last min­ ute errand. As he shook our hands we asked, impulsively, "Father, will you write imd. let us know how you're getting along?" and then the foolishness of the·question struck all of us at the same time. "Corner mailboxes on the mountain tops of New Guinea?" he grinned. "Corners,' perhaps, ,but, no mailboxes!" Keepi~g iri Touch During Father's absence, his words kept coming back to mind: "You accomplish much, see many people, 'keep in touch'." And we wondered .... mobile Americans' that we are, we do' see many peo-

cumscribed rounds achieving no more than if we were In 8 maze, coming out right where we started. There was one way of keeping in touch with Father Gusinde; though, Rnd that was to pray for him. Each day, we decided, we would pay a visit toa church or chapel ·an.d say a prayer Jor this Intrepid scientist and dear friend. In the quiet darkness of many a church or chapel, we "kept in touch" not only with Father Gusinde In, New Guinea but with, . our relatives and friends who also

have no' "corner· mailboxes"­

DOLLS ON DISPLAY: This attractiveUarr;ngement those so greatly In need of pray­

be one ·of the feat,ures of the Bazaar to oe conducted

er-as well as with those we see every day. by Assumption Circle, Daughters of Isabelia, next Monday Daily, Visit Difficult from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. in Catholic Community Center, During the three months, we Fall River, A snack bar, white elephant table, display of ~stablished e. habit which we hope costume j~elry and 'a main award of a trip to New York will be lifelong-a daily vlfJit to tor two people are included in the many attractions in the Blessed Sacrament. ' To priests and Sisters who are store for all. Proceeds go to the Circle's charity fund. ' possible readers of this column, Rnd to many of the laity" this may seem peculiar-establishing , , in iniddle-age the routine dally visit. ,However, probably there i are enough readers who, like my­ self, go for daYS-possibly from A musicale featuring the Carand conducted, a short business Sunday to Sunday - ' without lyles, recent w:inners of a~ Ar- s~ssion: Rt. Rev.' Msgr. James stepping into a church. These " thur Godfrey T,alent Scout pro~ J, Gerrard, V. G., spiritual ad­ will understand' tha~ it is not al­ gram, highlighted the first Fall Visor, gave the invocation and ways easy. There is the, push-push of meeting of the New Bedford spoke briefiy. . Mrs. Thomas Barry, house dally activity that--'-l~~eins to fill Catholic Woman's Club in the a ~4-hour-day with~6_houn of Gold Room of tile New B2dford committee chairman, announced duties, the split-second schedule Hotel. The entertainers were in- a cake sale to be held Saturday. that takes you from here to there troduced by Mrs. Anthony E. Oct. 26, at the Star Store. Mrs. . Ferdinand BacceHi,' ways and and -right back to here, with a Rose, program cllairman. President Mrs. Leo J. Teles-' means chairman, is planning II series' of "Now I musts ..." The "musts" may be taking maniak welcomed the members Hallowe'en. bridge at the club­ .house Monday, Oct. 28. clothes to the) cleaners, driving . Members were invited by Miss lin ll-year-old to a dancing class, Margaret M. Austin to a lecture washing Venetian I5linds, getting Redempt'o1l"usts Mark planned by the education com­ a l'oom ready for guests, baking Golden Jubi~ee mittee for Nov. 6 at the club­ a cake for a 'bereaved 1'amily ESOPUS (NC) - Francis Car­ house: Bishop's Night will be held calling a list of prospective pa~ dinal Spellman, Archbishop or" Thursday, Nov. 21 at the New trons for the.parish card party­ New York, will participate in the Bedford Hotel, Emile J. Lemoine all the things we do in the nor­ mal course. golden jubilee ceremonies of 'will entertain. Mrs. T. Clinton Galligan and Better Than Tranquilizer ' Mount. St. Alphol1sus, the Re­ However, there should be a hi­ demptorist house of studies, here Mrs. T. William Clynes assisted by Miss Austin and, Miss Kath­ atus e::Jch day for every· person­ on Oct. '21. a pause so necessary for sane liv­ Father William P. Gaudreau, . leen Downey served coffee In the ing. In our faith, such <>, hiatus,­ Redemptorist Superior_ General, foyer. taken before the Blessed Sacra­ eG@tDll2 who has arrived here from Rome, ment, is of immeasurable value. will open' the jubilee with' 8 ' It not only has the natural thera­ If~ ~~~. peutic element of withdrawal' ~~lt~g. Mass of Thanksgiving on , from the world Into quiet and sol.· ' Moul1t St. AJphonsus was offiItude, but there"is that "right opened on Oct. 23, 1907, - SUP~R MA~K~1T next to ,heaven~' knowledg,e that cially Since then 887 Redemptorists here .we can speak our hearts and have studied here on-the-Hudson listen for the answer. . for the priesthooq. Besides pro. Slipping ~nto church, maybe .on viding home missionaries and the way home from the grocery parish priests, Mount St. AIstore, there isn't much thinking phonsus has sent more than ha~f ~ or even feeling for the first few ~ ~ E.~ ~.T"l'~~ E.:~ Jm), ie. momentS-=-belng in the presence of its total enrollment to foreign ~ . 11:"'1 'I II gj;'" ~ It) of the· Blessed Sacrament is mission service. enough. Gradually,' p ray e r comes: perhaps 'the orthodox "Our Fathers" and' "Hail Mary~." , of the rosary-or just a prayer of our own. "Time out" frem active duties?

It's really "time in" in reapprais­

ing the duties of our, state-in­

life-better thl1n any' tranquilizer

-benzedrine combination con­

ceived by personal prescription

of the world's finest doctor. '

Whether-we travel by car, by bus or on. foot, we're not far from the font of inspiration wbere we can "keep in touch." E~eded at Stoi1Jehm Three residents of the Diocese ConversiOD15 Mounft , hav:e been elected class officers at Stonehill College. ' TmUVALLA, India (NC) ­ . Edward A. Roster of Taunton Five new churches and chapels have been built in the diocese of and Jean, A. ,Milmette of 'Fall Tiruvalla ,In the past three River were named vice president· months' to' 'accommodate recent and treasurer, respectively, _ of. converts from the schismatic the sellior class. Joseph F. Walsh" jacobite church and non-Chris­ of, Tatmtoll was chosen president tian bodies, of the sophoIilore class,


Talent Scout Winners Entertain New Bedford Catholic Won1en

reeca.. D I) I

East Taunton's food Shoppin/f'll


W,tA'1'EFUL CITY: Our Lady of the Rivers, a fibre­ glass statue towering some 40-feet, stands guard in 'the Mississippi Ri,ver near the cobfluence of the Missouri and Illinois Rivers. It is the first statue dedicated under that,title, Residents prayed to Our Lady of the .Rivers for deliverance from flood' 'waters in 195i. The city was saved froJ;Il disaster. NC Photo,

THE ANCHOR­ Thl"!;" Oct. 17,. 1957


At Our· House

• e'. • • •

Registration of new memhers will begin next week for Fall River girls Interested In joining the Catholic Youth Organization. Cards will be. available at the Catholic Community Center, 31 Franklin Street; Fall River, 011 Monday, Wednesday and Friday of nex,t w,eek trom 2 to 5, at par­ Ish schOOls throughout the city and during "Open House" on Sunday Oct. 27. Registration cards must be ,submitted with' the signature and approval of the parish pr!l~st together wi~h 'a fee of one dollar. The organization is open'to girls rltnging from 12 to 23 years of age. )

Island Council Women to Meet A panel discussion on Satur_ day night, Oct. 19, with guild of­ ficers of Sacred Heart Church. Oak B I u f f s, St. Augustine's Church, Vineyard Have'n and St. Elizabeth's Church, Edgartown, will open a two-day meeting starting Saturday night, under the leadership of Mrs. Emmett P. Almond of North Dartmouth. Diocesan Presiflentof the Na­ tional Council of Catholic Wom­ en. Ml:S. ,Almond will be accom­ panied by Miss Mary Cole, Dio­ 'cesan Youth Chairman and Miss Louise Finnell, Diocesan Spiritual Development 'Chairman. The ses­ sion will be held at the Sacred Heart Hall.\n Oak Bluffs. , Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley, Dioce­ san Vice Chairman, will rep­ resent Mrs. George P. Hurley. Diocesan. Chairman of Discus­ sions Clubs. Districts Four and Five, Attleboro 'and the Cape. respectively, will also be repre­ ,sented. ' ,Members of the tnree' above mentioned guilds, together with moderators and diocesan officials will attend a general meeting on Sunday, Oct. 20. Mrs. Almond an­ nounces that a similar meeting is slated for Tuesday, Oct. 22 in Nantucket.




NEW BEDFORD Anthracite & Bituminous


Automatec COIlllD Stokers Bag CocO ... Wood -Chllllrcoal

&il~LlnNG ~~lS

n»ADSON O~l BU~N~~S 6>40 PlLEASANT S1.



• •


• • • • • Super Marke(s • • • • •

TIltIE ANCIHOIR­ Thurs.,Od. 17, 1957

Pomp Charbonneau Storry

Enigma of Western Lore

Town C~({D~lf To Give Concert InFan River Boys

By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.O. "Bishop of Reno

The 55-voice Boys Town Con­ cert Choir under the directicm of Father Francis Schmitt will pre­ sent a program Monday evening', Nov. 4, in the Durfee Theatre, Fall River, under the auspices of Bishop Cassidy Councll, Knights of Columbus. . Composed of formerlY homeless boys who 'are now citizens of Father Flanagan's Boys' 'Home neal' Omaha, the group will be heard in a varied program that includes the sacred music of Palestrina, Strauss ,wa.ltzes and , Stephen Foster's folk tunes, The choir is one of three at Boys Town, where more than 200 of the 900 citizens participate In the vocal music program. Run­ dreds of others study instrumen­ tal music. According to Msgr. Nicholas H. Wagner, who succeeded tlle late Father Edward J. Flanagan all director of Boys Town, the main purpose of the choir tours Is to give the boys the broadening ef­ fects of travel and a flrst~hand knowledge of the beauty and breath of their country. The choir has been called by critics "se~ond to none and su­ perIor to most."

Before. turning in on Monday, Feb. il, 1805, Captain William Clark,. writing in his earthen hut headquarters at the Mandan Villages, noted in his Journal that "about five o'clock one of the wives of Charbono was delivered of a fine boy." He further re­ --,-'- - - , . - - - - - - - ­ marked that the mother's ner of St. Louis University. ailli pains were eased by the ad­ it is by no means unlikely that ministration of a potion of. Clark, whose relations with tho snake's rattle, a specific which he was assured WOrked -like a charm. So came into this world Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, son of a nondescript French Canadian voyageur and his squaw, Sacaja-.. wea, the Snake woman (girl, rather; she was hardly 16) who had been captured by the Hidat­ sas and sold to her present mas­ ter. Nicknamed "Pomp" and promptly established as Clark's special pet, the infant was to ac­ company tile famous e'Xpedition overland to the Pacific and back, strapped to his niother and sur­ veying the brave new world with the freshest of fresh eyes. Whatever became of Sacajawea and her papoose? It is one of the enigmas of Western lore which forever tantalize those who seek neat and final answers. It Is not, admittedly, of world-shaking im­ portance, but there Is an occa­ sional relief In turning to such minor matters after various for­ ays and excursions Into questions which are even less susceptible of final answers.

Church were warm and cordial, would have provided this type of schooling ,for his protege, which he would have shared with others who were to leave their names on the land, boys like Joseph Robidoux and .Marcellln St. Vrain. European Venture

In 1823 Prince Paul of 'Wurt­ ternburg passed through St. Louis, first of a long line of Eu­ ropean nobles to explore the' Great· ~st and taste the thrill of the buffalo hunt. His eye feU' on Clark's "butifull promising chlld," now a youth of 17, and when he sailed for home, 'he took Pomp with 'him. Dr. Grace He-. bard assigns six years to this European venture, and Bernard DeVoto, mixing up Wurttemberg and Wittenberg, has him study­ ing'1lt Hamlet's old alma mater. Actually we know little about Rebuild War Rll.!ilnl~<dl what Pomp did under the PrlnCe'D FIRST TIME liN 100 YEARS: In a rare photograph, aegis, and until the Prince's Polish Churches; American'diaries are published the small' revered statue of Our Lady of Mariazell is WAR.SAW (NC> -Reconstruc­ we are likely to remain in ignOl:­ carried for the first time in procession in 100 years by Arch­ tion of two' ancient Polish ance. bishop Andreas Rohracher of Salzburg, Austria. The can­ churches destroyed in World War For Pomp Charbonneau, back dlelight procession closed the six-month-Iong 800th anni­ II is progressing' despite a laclt home about 1830, becomes an ex­ Makes Off.er ceedingly elusive figure. His namlll versary jubilee of the Shrine at Mariazell. The statue is of funds and adequate materials. A year and a half later, again pops up in 1843 as a driver Jor St. Casimir's Church here. at the Mandan Villages, Clark Sir William Drummond Stewart believed to date back to the 12th century. NC rhoto. built in 1684, was completely des­ paid off Charbonneau and said on that Scottish noble's final troyed.It has been partially re­ goodbye to Sacajawea and her expedition to the mountains. Mr. stored by local'residents and thQ boy Pomp. "I offered to take his Clyde H. Porter, of Santa Ana, ST. LQUIS (NC) - While the "But they would pe no part of Sisters of the Most Holy Sacra­ little son a butifull promising California, has recently unearth­ launchi~lg of !!-n earth satellite by earth's present human family," ment. cblld who is 19 months old to ed his name as a California argo­ The rebuilding of St. James which they both hiniself & wife naut, living In the 'sprightly com­ he said: "They would be, an en­ Russia has renewed mail's inter­ Cathedral erected In 1015 in wer willing prOVided the child munity of Murderer's Bar in 1860, est in outer space, it appears tirely different creation." Nyssa, southwestel'l1 Poland, is had been weened. they observed. and listed as having been in the unlikely that i'astrophysical the­ Since such creatures would not that in one year the boy would State since 1849. He left for the ology" will ever be JI, course in -rre descended of Adanf, Father progressing. Part of the cost of be sufficiently old to leave his Montana gold strikes in 1866, but Catholic seminaries in the coun-' Cahill explained, theY would, be the cathedral's reconstruction illl being met by the government mother & he would then take him died and was burled in Oregon try. free of the original sin of our from a' special reconstruction to me if I would be so fl'iendly "beside the old military road That, at least, is the view of first parents. fund. Vincentian Father Thomas V. as to raise tlie child for him .in from Sacramento to Boise." "As a result; their nature would such a manner as I thought As Father Kenny remarks, it Cahill, former rector of tile St. not be fallen, nor would' they proper, to which I agreed &c." would be comforting to know Louis. Theological Major Seml­ stand in need of redemption" he It was three yeaI'll, howevel', whether a cross marks the grave nar·y,and now professor of theol­ said.' , ogy himself, Father Cahill, was before Charbonneau and his fam­ of him who was once a "butifuU ily came to St. Louis to avan promising child," but failed, quick to admit that the inter­ Tornado Research themselves of Clark's kindly offer. somehow, to fulfill his promise. stellar traveling does bring to ST. LOUIS (NC) -'- St. Louis mind the remote possibility of There the voyagell1' tried farm­ life on other planet's. And, this has received an $8,000 grant for ing, but the experiment was not Moslem Ruler Gives

tornado research. The amount is raise's a Pandor's Box of theologi­ a success. What Is altogether Au addition to $20,000 previously likely, in spite of the absence of Land for Church

cal conundrums. "There is no theological reason received. Both grants were made KUWAIT CITY (NC) - A new l'ecords, is that in a Catholic community the union was reg­ Catholic church dedicated to the why a person cannot believe in by the U. S. Weather Bureau. ularized, the child baptized" and Holy Family will soon rise on the human life on other planets, 01' Sacajawea herself given instruc­ desert sands of Kuwait, oil-rich in other solar systems," the priest THE tion in the Faith. Poor Charbon­ sheikdom on the Persian Gulf. said in response to questions. The neau Is given short shrift by most' This small Moslem state, with "After all, anything conceivable writers as a notoriously unfaith- . a population estimated at 200,000 is possible with God," , He added that such human life ful squaw man, but it Is by no people, has assumed internation­ . OF ATTLEBORO means certain' that he was un- 11.1 importance in the past 10 would be "out of all relation to kind to his "Bird Woman." years from the fabulous oil l'e- , the present human race." .If these GIVE &> of New Bedford MCII\i!ll. Too· Romantic serves that have been discovered other creatures possessed a ra­ tional soul. in an organic body, In April, 1811, the Charbon- beneath the desert. Main Office

GENEROUSLY Father Cahill said, they would neaus went back up the river An influx of skilled techni­ o Union and Pleasanll Sits!.

with Manuel Lisa's expedition of cians, clerks and government have to be called human ,beings. THE, FIRST NATIONAL North End 8rcmdil

that year, leaving the boy with workers has nearly doubled the

1200 Acushnet Ave. BANK General Clark. It was on Dec. population in the past decade.


Member Federal Deposl~

20, 1812, that John Luttig, Lisa's The new church will be built

Attleboro--;-South Attleboro Insurance Corporatio1lll

alway» fresh

clerk, made the journal entry in Kuwait City, capital of the

that "this Evening the Wife of Sheikdom, and will cost $100,000.

On Sale at Your

Charbonneau a Snake squaw, The land was donated by the

Nelgilborhood Storo

died of a putrid fever she was a ruler Sir Abdullah al-SaUm al-,

For Service CalD .

good and the best Woman in the Subah. fort. aged abt., 25 years she left Construction will begin at the

WY 8·591'1 a fine infant girl." For most end of the year. It is expected

"'l"rll 'em you'llllke 'em" ~ sober historians this is definitive; that the church will be more

Billv Bov Candies N.ew Bedford the legcnd of Sacajawea survi- . than adequate for the needs of

ving, wandering off. marrying a an estimated 4,000 Catholics in

Comanche, and. finallY ending the IIlr.ea. .

MARGARET SMITH bel' days (In 1884) among the

Ah:oholic CImIl1lB<C .

Shoshones, is a shade too roman­ IPLANT' CHAMPION . TIER. NO. 'DARlMOUlll'lHl WORCESTER {NC> - A series tic. It has its defenders. never­ theless, who. embelllsh the tale of weekly workshops on the role Tats, Clutch and Regular Stylee'

by adding that her son <lame 'to of the clergy in the treatment of w Plaids C!r Solid Colors

llIlal,e his home with her. ' alcoholics have been initiated at YOUng Pomp. left in Clark's the AlcohoUc Cllnlc of St. Vin­ «Qnn«B -tare, seems to have been given cent ;Hospital here. . II IIDIIll whatever educational advantages . Purpose of the program iIJ to St. Louis offered in those pioneer achIeve better und.erstanding of <C1L!EA,fNfEIOl A~1Ol PIlESS!:1Ol days. According tIJ the de9.n of the 1'.pI11.tual. phys[cal, enw.ron­ . Emily' C. Perru. Prop. Am.erican· Cathollc ·bIJJtorlanB. mentfl;l and emotional -facwrtl , ©l~~. ~ltolL~rwrr~IJll(t~ (Clltl1Crr~1hl tASlHl It CAllltV Fathe1' Lawrence Kenny. ,B.J:' he wJ,1Jcb affect the '8olooholJ.o. Mem­ bern 'the cUnic Iltaff ·801.1.<1 clergy, waR a 6tuc1ent 'aL B'sbim Da­ JNl()~ ~~, a!t0Jg!J. 1Jo1.1l:a"s Uttte aeml[JlJ.rv. forer.uJ:I.- or noous fllitim p9;rL1.c'pa,",

Some Space Satel'lite Puzzlers











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Ou',"lady of Fatima

Continued Froni Page One

to the· relentless "Ave Marla, of -so many · of Fatima the Queen of the Holy ~helra degraca pilgrims. A'hYl:lln is sung ... peo-, Rosary proved to Lucia, Fum­ cisco and Jacinta, and seventy pIe wai~. . . people' pray . SUddenly someone s h 0 u t s, thousand other witnesses, by. a "Make way for the childr"en _who dazzling miracle of the sun, her saw Our Lady!" Jacinta is car­ earlier prophesies. Woi"ld War I would soon end, Mary had said, ried through the 'Crowd on .a bilt there would then be another man's shoulders, while'the other two follow behind. P~ople, kneel­ .,rrible war if people did not stop ing in the thick slime, scramble offending God. . up to heal' the children's prayers, . Mary's Warning. to touch them. . WOl:ld War ~ could have been . .'" See Our 'Lady" . It is noon, the' hour at Which preven~(3~ by penance and p~'ayer Our Lady promised to appear. A and a return to God. For the fal1­ priest glances at his watch and ure of the world to return to God: •shakes his head'. The crowd grows the 'Virgin foretold' still another LIVING ROSARY AT TAUNTON: Rev. E.· S. deMello, pastor of Our Lady of restless. Then suddently, "Put Worid War: '''Russia will spread' down your umbrellas!" The p e o - · . her errors throughout the world, pIe quickly obeyed Lucia's com- Lourdes Church, leads representative group of Taunton Catholics in' Living Rosary .promoting wars and persecutions. mand and stand bareheaded in service- on the grounds of his church~ He Is assisted by Rev. Francis B. Connors of · The good wlJl be' ma,rtyred, the the pouring n{in. Minutes pass: . Sacr.ed Heart parish, Taunton. . " Photo by Calvey, Taunton Looking again at his watch the · Holy Father will have to suffer and various nations wlll'be annl~ priest shouts, "Midday is past. . earth. Fear gripped the crowd. , If"l Dn A.Jl £l, hllated." Away with all this! It is all an il­ Some shouted, others prayed. ~@B~S 0 " . eOIl'lJ1lSng Mary's prediction about new lusion." . . Three distinct times the sun be­ WINOOSKI (NC) - Inertia by concerned itself with 'preserving world wars' and the eventual T~en. it happe~1ed! Lucia saw came a whirling. mass of flash­ ,Catholic clergy and laity in the and handing on what was known domination by Russia seemed in­ a blmdmg flash 111 the' east and ' , ' . '. . and that techniques were pretty advance~~nt o~ le~llU~g has well fixe.d once and for all." credible to the world of October ,houted, "Jacinta, kneel down, fOr Ing SIlver that cast .off multlcol­ Not only the Church, but intel­ 1917. Wasn't this the "War to now I see Our Lady there." On ored beams of light, as it plunged been critICIzed by a prIest-author. end all wars," and wasn't Russia. saying this, the child's face be­ and zigzagged its way to the Father Walter J. Ong, S,J., lectual institutions as well took only a third-rate power, whipped came masked with an unearthly earth. said "one. of the sC,a~dals ?f pres­ this for granted,. he added., badly by the war, even now on ,peace and beauty. She was gaz­ WI th '. I f th ent - da¥ CatholICIsm IS that But he emphasized that "we the brink of a. bloody revolution? ing on the Virgin Most Beautiful. len e mlla~ e 0 e sun Catholics as a Whole, both clerical all know enough now about in­ "What .do· you want of me?" ended; everyone dIscovered that and lay, 'have not sufficiently tellectual history • • • to be Yes, the Blessed Mother's pro­ · phesies were news 40 years ago. .Lucia was kneeling with the'oth­ their clothes were dry, though it faced the fact that it is a· part aware that it is impossible merely But they were not newsworthy. ers, The crowd was deathly silent. had 'rained all night and all of their apostolate not merely to to conserve 01' preserve know­ There ·is a difference. An exam­ morning. Yet the miracle lasted preserveKn~~ledgeimd,techn.ol~ ledge" because "knowledge grows ;, . Say Daily Rosary . ple:. On October 13, 1917 seventy . I want to tell you to hav~ ," ogy, but POSItIvely to advance It· in its very pre~er,vation and thousand people saw the sun them build a chapel here in my only ten mmutes, "The, position of the' Church. transmission." dance in the sky, Newsworthy? honor. I am the Lady of the Ros­ Now Krushchev with J;egard· to learning and to Italian Version' An American 'correspondent at .The rest is history.· Fatima, 'technological advance," he said, ary. Let them continue to say the ROME (NC) - A' committee Fatima that da thought so. He Rosaryevery day. The war is go­ however, has taught us in fact "deserves re-exam,ination and se­ cabled a long and impressive ing to end, and the soldiers will and in prophesy that the histOry rious thought on the part" of of editors for an Italian version of the' Bible has been appointed story about the Miracle of the' soon return to their homes, .. of nations is written not so much Catholics, and of American Cath­ Sun to his News Service. It was Let people offend Our Lord God by pens of statesmen as with the olics in particular. Up to the. past by the Franciscan Biblical con­ never published! Chicago and no more, for He is already much morality of individuals. The sigi century and the discovery of the gress. Delegates decided to hold their New York ~ere' battling out the o f f e n d e d . " . nature to World War II is not fact of cosmic and intellectual World Series at the time, and so The Queen of the Rosary that of Hitler-it is that of Sin. evolution, it was more' or less next congress again in Rome the long dispatch about Fatima stretched forth her hands and The handwriting is unmistak­ assumed that intellectual activity' in 1959. was red-penciled to a one inch was absor~ed in the light· that able: "If people do not stop of­ 'j~"~• • •""~• •~Hii"~ ;e~"~ii • • • • • •_ _ . filler on page 24. In the American came from them. In the dazzling fendi~g God, another and wqrse I press. Our Lady was called out on radlan.ce of the moment the World War will break out· . . .".. strikes. . radiance of the moment the·chil-. Hitler, Stalin, now Krushchev are . Exactly what did happen that, dren could behold three tableaus oniy God's whipping lashes.'~ FOR THE day 40 yoors ago? One of the which symbolized, one after an­ Russia launches earth satellite slrangest and most . beautiful other, the JOYOUS" the Sorrowful s~ream the headlines. of the stories ever told. and the Glorious mysteries of world. And the world's citizens . Cast ·In Drama a;'e racing against a deadline, the Rosary. Approved By Bishop Connolly Sun. Flashes SlIver against time. ~ Today the world Is Thei'e is. a village in ·central Portugal' called Fatima.·.It is e. - The crowd saw nothing of all frantically seeking reassurance that there will be .no Hydrogen half dny's journey from Lisbon by this.' What they 'did see, 'how­ train and bus. And, but" for the ever, was .something unheard of; War. But in.the political and dip­ 1418 SO. MAIN. ST. IFAII.L RIVER fact that a Beautiful Lady once undreamed_of; unimaginable. For lomatic sphere the world is seek­ vh:ited it, this JA1rched' moor the sun was SUddenly trans- ,. lrig 11; in vain, For those wh'o will Next, to Corrigan's Drug Store OS 3-0951 wou)d have been known" to none formed into a great silver disk.· t~keMary ather word, that re­ but the peasants who worked its Without ·lpsing its light and· assurance Is to be found. "If roc),y soil. warmth, this October 13th sun rl1quests are heard," she tells us, Among the poor dwellers at had none of its· usual blinding, "Russia will be converted and . blinking qualities. The people there will be peace.", F:1tin~a were Lucia, Francisco and Hope In Conversion J:l.cinta. They were shepherds, stared up in wide-eyed satisfac-' A converted Russia! Therein as unschooled and innocent as tion. Then the sun seemed to de­ tach itself from the heavens.' lies our hope. Therein lies the the l'heep they t~nded. The old­ c:twas ten, the youngest seven. Shooting sparks in all directions message· of Fatima. And it is no like some .giant fire-wheel gone further away than our honds, Tjjey were shepherds, this' is'-un­ til the Mother of God appeared mad, it plunged toward the folded in prayer. WJ-IAT to them for the first time on 15 THE April 13,1917. Then they became' ONLY ACTIVE actors in tIle fascinating earth­ he:' VEn drama of our own cen- . VOLCANo IN tmy. Life' \WlS never the same THE'UNITED ng:,in. After walking such a GrATES PROPER, st~f'.e, how could it be? AND WJ.lER£ The "beautiful. lady" appeared to them on the 13th day of April, M:J.Y, June, July, August and Sep­ tembEr, all the whole promising to.reveal her identity on the 13th,. .­ ,...-=::;;s;~-proof· that her revelation' was -*'­ ~.'~. true. She did just that: -~......... . Stand In Rain . It is the night of October 12, Approved by

bbek, cold, with 'a steady pitiless l':,Jn drenching the countryside.. . TheNiost Rev.Jomes LConnolly,

The only Qctive volcano in the U. S. pl'ope,. lS

,And yet the i'oads leading to F·.-',tima were jammed. The whole Mt. Lassen, northern California

Bishop of Foil River

country seems to be on the .move .tonight. Mothers' and fathers Spirltuolly Direct~ by . C:J.lTY their sick and lame· chiJ.­ Members will visit Lourdes during .Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, lDiocelon Moderator (IreD; old folks hobble along as The Year of Jubilee-proclaimed by - Legion of Mory best they can; factory workers i1 the Holy' father to commemor~te nre coming up from Lisbon, sail­ ors from Porto. You can see the theJ OOth Anniversary of Our Lady', appearances toSt. Bernad~ft", ' young and the.·old, the rich andL Leaving New York May 6, 1958 for N~ples, Rome, Nice, LYo~s, . tlJe poor, all sort.~ of people. And , if there is one thing more' com­ Paray-Ie-Monial, Ars, Seville,' Lourdes; Lisbon and fatima., ; • mon to them all than muddy 33 days. , , from $996. shoes, rain-drenched clothes and empty stomach, it is only this, . . for complete information, contact Hope. Theil' hope rides higher than VJrimAVlEIL ever as d'ark night is turned into 378 Boylston Street, Boston 16, MaS$.-Common~eolth 6-5450 dreary day. Seventy thousand o'r at Filene's Trav~1 Bureau are nOW standing on the wild ex_ . or see your local Travel Agent / panse known as the Cova da Ira. The ping, ping, ping of rain... PROTECT YOUR TRAVEl FUNDS WITH AMERICAN EXPRESS UAVELERS CHEQUES-SPENDABLE EVERYWHERE drops on umbrellas beeps beat 0





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l:egion of Decency Ratings

Following Is the up-to-date list of motion pictures rated by the Legion of Decency as Class A. Section I - Morally Unobjection­ nble, for GencJ;al Patronage. The Anchor suggests that readers re­ tain this list, adding to It as new pictures are rated In succeeding

Ten Commandments, The That ~Ight Third Key Three Brave Men Time Is My Enemy Tin Star Torero ']:'own Like Allee, A. 20 Million Mlles to Bartla Under Fire Voodo,Island


Abductors Abominable Snowman Across the Bridge Admiral Crichton Alligator Named Daisy Apache Warrior Around the World in 80 Days Attack of thc Crab Monsters Badge of Marshal Brennan Bailout at 43,000 Battlc Hcll Beginning of the End Bernardine Black Scorpion Buster Keaton Story Chasing the Sun Colditz Story Courage of Black Beauty Decision Against Time Deerslayer Delicate Delinquent Destination 60,000 Duel at Apache Wells Dragoon Weils Ma~acre Enemy from Space Escapade in Japan Escape from Terror Face in the Night Gentle Touch Giant Claw God Is My Partner Gun Duel in Durango Gun Glory Gunsight Ridge Half Human Happy Road Hellcats of the Navy How to Murder a R.lch Uncle If All the GUYS in the World Jnvaderl:j from Mars It Conquered the World Jacqueline James Dean Story Joe Dakota Johnny Tremain Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm Kronos Last Stagecoach West l,uwless Eighties, Let's Be Happy loOrd of the Jungle Man Afraid Man in the Road Mcn of Sherwood Forest Monster from Green Hell Monster That Challenged the World Night Pas~l\ge Night the World Exploded No Sleep Till Dawn Noah's Ark Omar Khay~'am Oklahoman Operat,ion Madball Out of t;he Clouds Pawnee Perri Persuader Public Pigeon No. 1 Pur'suit of Graf Spee Reach for the Sky Rising of the Moon Saga of Slltchmo Search for Paradise Seven Wonders of the World Slim Oarter Spanish Gardener Spoilers of the Forest Spook Chasers Steel Bayonet Story QJ Mankind 'I'arzan arid the Lost Safari

P. O. BOX 7

Catholics Told To Face Facts DENVER (NC) '- Catholics must be w1lling to accept some (!If the embarrasliJng truth about the Church'S condition at the time of the Reformation, a Jesuit historian and educator said here. Speaking at the Conference of Catholic School Teachers of Colorado and Wyoming here, Fa- .' ther 'Harold Stansell, S.J., said that the Catholic approach to the Reformation must be one of "not fearing the truth." LEGION OF MARY RETREAT: R€v. Philip C. Kelly, CSC, of the Holy Cross FaOne of the many things which Catnolics must face up to, said thers community' at North Dartmouth, was retreat master for Legion members at Father Stansell, who is chairman Cathedral Camp. Shown with Father Kelly are Legion officers, left to right, Secretary of the department· of history at Regis College, here, Is the fact Clothilde 'Nason of Taunton, President James E. Lenaghan of Fall River and Trc.as~ . that philosophy and theology urer Arthur V. Mac~clo of New Bedford. had fallen into a bad condition ~;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;.;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ in pre-Reformation universities. . lL~b@rr to Eliminate Cor~upticn in Unions In fact, he added, if theology had PORTLAND (NC) - A top will suspend them from theiAFL­ been stronger and Martin Luther had been a better theologian. he. official of the AFL-CIO. told the CIO. Mr. Carey said. If the De­ cember convention of the AFL- , would have found his solution 13th annual meeting of the Cath­ olic Conference on Industrial and CIO upholds the suspension, the within the Church. Teamsters will be expelled. ATTLEBORO, MASS.

Catholics must not let their Social Relations: "We are going to cut (James Glpinion of Luther be warped, he Daily Masses:, 6:30, '7,

R.,) Hoffa (Teamster president) warned, 8 A.M. and his corruption out of the Complex Character democratic labor movement , .. Confessions Dailys "He was a very complex char­ Mr. Carey said the Teamsters 6:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.

acter," Father Stansell said. "but was not the complete psychopath have until Oct, 24 to carry out Devotions on SUNDAYS

that some people try to make the clean-up i'equirements set begin year round at

Blessed Sacrament him. I think we must concede down by the AFL-CIO executive 3:00 P.M.

that he was a man of ability. council of which he is a member. ,Church Hall they fail to comply by S!lould Perpetual Novena to Our

who was carried a way by his own fALU. RIVER Lady of LaSalette every

success and devoted his ability that time, the councll probably to the wrong purpose."o evening at 7:30 P.M.

Pointing out the clrcl,lmstances Sat.- Oct.. 26-6:30 P.M.

Organizers of

in the Church at the time.. of the Continuous Serving

Reformation, Father .Stansell re­ Pilgrimages

ferred to "the shocking conduct Advance Sale Now a~ RectOIiY

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of several popes of the period" OS. 2-5473

and the practice of nepotism, so that "the papacy _was sought lickets at. Door-$1.25

. TEL. Attleboro 1-0008 after because of the patronage that could be dispensed" through the office. OIi the other hand, he added, YOUR DOLLAR BUYS Protestants should temper their boast that Luther was the orig­ inator of democracy in the West, with an admission that he tied THAN EVER BEFORE the Church to the State and was' savage and intolerant toward See us for the BEST DEAL In ~ those Who disaikreed With him. ford Car or' Trude In comment on Father Stan­ scll's remarks, the Rev. O. R. Graumann, spokesman for the Lutheran Churches of the Mis­ souri Synod in Colorado, said FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS

that "Lutherans are. pleased by 1344·86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass.

the expression of (Father Stan­ sell's vie\vs) In Roman 'Cathollc circles,"






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Spanish Patron

CACERES, Spain (NC) - A Marian Year commemorating the ~. 60th anniversary of the proclaim­ ing of the Blessed Virgin Mary , as the principal patron of the PRAY FOR CHURCH'. _ " . Estremadura region of Spain has begun here at the Spanish shrine In a cal1dlelight procession, • to Our Lady of Guadaiupe. 50,000 Viennese prayed Jor

the relief of the world from • a~heistic Communism. A young Vienna native here carries one of the crosses • naming countries under Red tyranny where the Church suffers in silence. Archbishop Franz Koenig of Vienpa .led the p~ocession. NC Photo.


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.Our Schools

'1I'1H1I ANCIHIOlt­ Thu....; Oct'. 17. 1957"

.Requiem Is Offered For Mrs. Jim Bishop

JERSEY CITY (NC) - Re­ JESUS-MARY ACADJo:MY, place more Catholic' and worth­ FALL RIVER . while periodicals 111' the home. quiem Ma38 was offel'ed here in JMA received i,ts permanent Prizes including a Philco radio, St. John's Church for ·Mrs. Eli­ c h a l' tel' yeste~'day' from the lugga.ge, wrist watches, and cash nore Dunning Bishop, wife of . American' Library Club, Inc.- The awards will be' presented to the journalist Jim Bishop. authOl' of club is a non-profit organization lucky high salesmen. Kathryn the best-selling book, "The Day whose aim is to encourage young Goode, Lorraine Sullivan and' That Christ Died," Americans to discover the great Paula Stasiowski are high sales­ Mrs. Bishop, 46. dIed in Sea value and enduring pleasure that men for the first three days, Bright. N. J., after a brief illness. book reading can bring. It- has The upperclassmen will attend In addition to her husband, sho for its slogan: "Readers are . the Shakespearean drama, Ro­ Is survived by her daughters, Mrs. Leaders," Approximately 75 stu­ meo and Juliet, to be presented Virginia L. Frechette. Washing­ dents will be awarded· their first . by the internationally known ton Township, N. J., and Gaylo pins at It school assembly to­ Catholic untversity Players at Peggy. Bayview on Oct. 21. In charge morrow. Jim Bishop is the author of Prefect of the Sodality Jeanne pf the arrangements are seniors 9 many artiCles and books and .Plante '58 started off with some Patricia Golden, Judith Dolan, was an editor of'the Catholic serioils thinking at the second Sheila "cronan,' and Lois Souza, Digest in 1954 and 1955. meeting. The following are vari­ and juniors Phoebe Champeau, .' ous plans which will be carried Sandra Seneca, Jean Callahan Mary Ballou Is New out by its members during the and Joan Sequin. month of Octobel:. Rosary Cru­ Agency Di'redoll" SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, sade, panel discussions for teen­ KARACHI (N9) - George J. FAIRHAVEN a.gers, making bandages. for lep­ Wolf, director of Catholic Relief A talent show will. be featured PRAISES YOUTH WEEK: National Catholic Week ers, 'and collecting stamps for the' at a get-acquainted tea to be is topic of conve~'satTon as Wil.liam Nannetti of Washing~ Services-National Catholic Wel­ missions, The first debate class' selected given at.3 o'clock Sunday after­ ton, 1957 OratOrIcal Contest wmner of the National Coun­ fare Conference, has returned to as top~c for discussion for meet-' 'noon by the juniors for the fresh­ cil of Catholic Youth, shows Ellen Madigatl; of Washing­ the United States after heading men, In charge' of the program ings in, October: "The Voice of the American Bishops' agency In are Kathleen Perry, president, ton, a personal letter from President Eisenhower. In it Pakistan for over two years. Democracy," The junior class, under the and Mary Louise Andrews, vice the Chief. Executive congratulates American Catholic The .young Delaware residenll direction of M. St, Lawrence, president. Youth_upon Youth Week and its theme: Healthier Holiei· assisted in bringing over 20 mil­ To raise funds for the year­ home room ,teacher; is planning lion pounds of CRS-NCWC relief book, the seniors are running a Happier - Youth. Youth Week is from Oct. 27 through supplies to Pakistan. The supplies a Hallowe'en party in the audi­ torium at 7:30 Thursday, Oct, 31. cake. sale tomorrow aftetnoon. Nov. 3. of foodstuffs, medicine and cloth­ This is the second such sale for ing were distributed to Paklstan'fj ST. MARY'S HIGH, this purpose, poor. TAUNTON Once again the TAB club is in A new org'anization has been full swing, Acting- as secretaries started for the 'juniors, the Teen­ .tor the second consecutive year. C~e((;kulTll9J ~@fr!fn@~6(c .Schoo~ P(YjPg~$ Age Book Club; with 39 members. are Mary ·Joan Fernandes. jun­ WASHINGTON (NC) - The the parochial school system are Sister Mary' Berchmans is the . ior, and Margarida Correira, "1 am the way, int~nsftY with which Protestants "a complete violation of the moderator and Suzanne Milot is sophomore. secretary-treasurer, The purpose Joanne Santos, sopllomore, 'is and Other Americans United for separation of church and state."­ and the t rut h, of the club is to increase the again acting as library aide. . Separation of Church and State Dr. J;3ook demanded the practice and the lite," .girls' interest in Catholic litera­ Reporters for the school page (POAm ~nd ki;1dred groups' are be stopped, ture, . " in the Sunday edition' of the pushing their campaigns ~gainst The complaint was filed with' John: 14:6 A Student Council meeting was Standard-Times ~re Margaret School Superintendent Harold held Monday with Msgr, James Duggan, senior, and San d l' a a,ny kind of' public support for Spears, who. doubtless, was flab­ church-related schools 01' their bergasted by the action.' He Dolan presiding. The officers Mandeville, junior. elected were Elizabeth Tallent, Seventeen seniors will take the students, at times gets dowl1I'ight turned it over to Irving Breyer. vice-chairman and Jacqueline Scholarship Qualifying Test next ridiculous. who is the legal advisor to the Mazzolini, secretary - treasurer, Wednesday. By 'and large. the Catholic;'3°ard of EdJlcatlon. Plans were discussed for the fall Truants Agree _ ' After stUdying the complaint: viewpoint is that when public dance, "Goblins' Gathering," to JI~SUS~1\1ARY ACADEMY,


funds are made available for the Mr. Breyer came up with a report be .held ·in the school hall Thurs­ Rev. Rogel' P. Poiriel' of Notre transportation of students to Pa­ day, .Oct. 31. The. proceeds that the practice of havIng tru­ go to the yearbook, the "Corona:' Dame Church will be the guest , rochial schools or for the medical ant officers check on absenteeism speaker at the aimual com­ and dental examinations of stl\­ in public as ,well as parochial . SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, munion breakfast of the 'illumnae dents in parochial schools, this schools, not only had been foI­ I'ALL RIVER associatIon, to be held Sunday. ls an' implementation of religious' lowed for many years, but also The annual insttiJlation of the Oct 20 in the convent, following liberty. . was I:equired by law. Student Council members was the 8:30 mass which will be cele­ Old Wu Cry Mr. Breyer emphasized that ;.. . : held recently in the school audi­ brated in the convent chapel. But POAU and its satellites the ·law requires the superlntend­ torium. Following the opening Ticket committee in charge' can't' see things that way. They. ent of schools "to determil1e prayer and the reading of the ~od are: Chairman, Mrs. Germaine take the narrow view that any whether or not minors who are SHA Student Government Con­ such contribution, whether it be subject to the compulsory educa­ Bgulay and Co-chairman, Miss stitution. Very Rev, Humberto Falmouth to Chatham Pauline Garand assisted by the for the safety 0 I' welfare of the tion law" of California are play­ . S, Medeiros addressed the' stu­ following officers·: Mrs. Vlvianne Individual student, also is a viola­ ing "hookey," I': Sagamore to Orleans­ dent leaders, reminding them. of tion of the policy of separation, Superintendent r}3pears' an­ . and Points Between ~ Mulrooney, Mrs. Lucienne Du­ their scholastic duties to their of church and state. nt1unced that he would place Mr.. schoO'!. their classmates, their ,mais, Mrs. Colette Hebert, Miss The zenith in· tilE; ridiculous Book's complaint and also Mr. Scudder Ave. teachers and themsel ves. After Pauline Gamache, Miss Ceciie was reached recently out in San Breyer's report before the Board the distribution of the officers' . Gendreau, Miss Therese Cadrin, Francisco. through a complaint of Education "for whatever ac­ . Hyannis, Mass. badges and the singing of the Miss Adrienne Michaud and Miss filed by a (Protestant) Northern tion it may wish to take," Alma Mater Song, the faculty Anne-Marie Aubin. Te~. Hyannis 4275 ~. Califor11ia - Navada Council of And even In such a ridiculous and students left the auditorium Churches with. the Board of Edu­ situation. some Catholic. support to. the strains of "the recessional HOLY FAMILY· HIGH, You won't br sorry' .~ NEW BEDFOR.D cation. The plaint. which follows for Dr. Book's position, doubtless. tomorrow If you ca" . played by the' school orchestra. could be found. the POAU line. was made on The "hookey" A delegation of 40 Seniors. 20 Leading group discussions at a us today' players in parochial schools g'eneral meeting of junior and boys and 20 girls, attired in royal behalf of the council by Dr. Ab­ would be delighted bott Book, council executiVe di­ not having senior Sodalists' wer'e' Agnes blue "caps and gowns, were' the ~ DO IT NOWI truant officers checking on their Crombie, Ann Delaney, Patricia official representatives of the. rector. . He-claimed that the employ-. absence from school. DeNardo, Fernanda Carreiro. school at the annual pilgrimage -;:W~~"W~M"~~;;;W~~;;;;~~;;;;~;;;;;~~~; Mary Louise 'O'Neil and Vivian to om' Lady of Fatima shrine on ment 'of public-paid truant' of­ fleers In checking up on "hookey" ~ the grounds of the Mercy Novl­ Rocha, Recently ele~ted. committee tlate on Sunday. A large group players and other absentees In heads for the junior-sponsored from the school 'were among the Hallowe'en Party on Dct, 31 in­ hundreds who publicly honored cluqe Beverly Corey and Mary Our Lady, Arrangements are now com­ Floyd, co-chairmen of entertain­ Home made plete for. the Senior Soiree. the ment: Mary DePaola, refresh­ .CANDIES ments: Barbara D'Arruda, deco­ annual dance which will be he:d ration and tickets: and 'Dawn tomorrow night from' 8 to 12 in CHOCOLATES Smith, clean-up. the Gold Room at the New Bed­ 150 Varieties Junior debaters Nancy LaFleur, ford Hotel. Music will be furn­ ,ROUTE 6 Near Sheila O'Donnell, Mary Louise tshed by Ronny Vince's orchestra. Fairhaven Auto Theatre Simcoe, and' Louise Banks are en­ The chairman of the dance cOm­ ~, FAIRHAVEN, MASS. gaged in extensive· research on mlttee is Class President.. Filbert . the subject of "Foreign Aid," the Piscarlno; the co-chairman: • Called !Ji'@r and Delivered topic selected this year for the Paula Zalis, The following, stu­ . Narragansett League Debaters. dents are serving on various com­ n Inspired ·by the forthcoming lnlttees: Nancy Barney, Stephen U visit of the Queen of England to ?On9van, Brian H~rrington, Pat­ OnCii).A-DClIY OS1! Somerset 1DJII1lcl Swrn1seCll at 4:30llJ».M. the United States, the American rlcia Higgins; Carole Kelley. Lois h d History ctass plans to conduct a Mahon, Patricia Oliveira, John Mf!rc on ise is orrivingSPIECD.AfL J4.1J'11'lEN11'OON GDVIEN symposium' on English Queens. Pavo. Robert Roberts, Ann M9.ri~ While StocklO or6l. 11'0 tEJlaIEI/JlftlE~II"''NI (/Jl tr

The main' speeches on Queen Splaine, Roseanne' Thomas, 611­ , . mt U",,", 11 . Elizabeth. I, Queen Elizabeth II, zanne Van Cleft, Nancy WillifJ,ms, .Complet<t . '. '; ',,: pShlUllDJIl'9Il'mUClDJlDJBc"A,IPDoGII1lCelC@. and Queen Victoria will be de­ Nancy Xavl~r. . Select «lT4rJ !t(Bffj.•AWl1lpj : livered bY.' Sheila Cronan, Ann The chaperones will be: Mr. Coyle and !VIariette Charest. and Mrs: John T. Curry. Mr. and 1(1. !J IHlHIl'~II1l@l And! . SHA is Joining other' Catholic Mrs. Henry Craig.Or..an<1.Mrs. J. U ... . schools to pf;omote the Catholic .E. c~.eron·Durant,Mr. arid Mrs.. : S9<J P(ollgllln~ Sf:raa~ titO'fthwlJ' .D. S/m(J(fIl, "IJ'~~. .', . '-Now -gedford . . 2~~ «lII1ll<tll ~@~ ~OCt'< S'll'~ m.~§ $-13~' Decency Reading Campaign. The George Rogers, lllld Attorlley BIJ.d main ~r9~%C}.~~tl;§}%th.'~'{ei\'~"~.O~·n:no:~Il'.Ooorg<t J,TJl~~,ih, i !~"!"F"""=-"""'_-oo;ooi-...,;,!! ~~~WM~~~W~~~~~ "",'j\;~d",.,.,~_ ..~!W,Wg,lill;.ll ..R'1'1"~·,:Ii;;l(.;JL~."O'.=, .......-!'-;ll:jO:t~!l1l'~".~~.,J:I,:(J:~;(!:l.m:~.,i.3.,:,e:........~...J......... o..:r.~..,.~~~)r.l7it'f1_ft.~fl.;. ,'~,~.'J':"f, . . • I"'!' t.:_.f,'~·.0"r .;,t;i . ·,f . • ) .• ' r. r.~;··..f..t {.,t ..'!'. .."P_.'!''''.!: ••I of~ .;1 t~·t .-f". '

Pirog-est PMb~B( TrMant OfficelJ's





Serving Cape




/ Dorothy 'Cox


'6 TIMES DARtY IN fAll R·IVIER '1'5.~


(;IJ. S. lIIIlIN







lhe FCII~uRy Clinic

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., ~d. 17,1951

Suggests Practical Act'ion

For Young Lady in Trouble


Churches, He~p Reduc.e Cr.eme

By Rev. John L. Thomas, S. 'Ji.

St. Louis University

Please help me out'. I'm desperate and don't know where to turn. Here's what happened. I'm a seni9r in high school and about six months ago I started running around with a boy a little older than myself. My folks "idn't like nt but most of the time they didn't know where I was.. child because it has a right to . the love and security of a sta1)le Now the doctor says I'm home. Under the circumstances, t J k t t you cannot offer this. JPregnan. ac wan s 0 One final word of advice. At ~Iope although I don't think he loves me anymore. We're both "cared because my Dad has an swful temper. What can we

CONCORD (NC) - Catholic and Protestant churches have co­ operated in an undertaking in this New Hampshire capital which has reduced juvenile delin­ quency considerably. The accomplishment came while state and national trends . increased. New Hampshire's juve­ nile courts, for instance. reported an increase in cases from 936 to 1,150 in 1956.A1 the same time, the number of cases in Concord steadily declined. .It was no accident, according to .Judge Donald G. Matson of the Concord JU1.'enlle Court. "In my opinion,'" he said, "we have been able to reduce the number of cases because of the cooperation between the schools, the court and the police. The churches have also been very cooperati ye ." Special Treatment In an attempt to solve a juve­ nile problem before it reaches court, each individual case is studied. Someti~the problem is found to be in the home. some­ times it is traced to a physical defect or an emotional disturb­ ance. When a parent is reluctant tg have a child brought to the State Child Guidance Clinic for psy­ chiatric treatment because it Is feared a "stigma". would result, Judge Matson meets with parents to show them the need for the special treatment. In other cases, rebellious chil­ dren have been placed in "cus­ tody of their priest or min~ter," the judge said. In each instance. the aim is to prevent the child from becoming a real delinquent. he said. . Statistics show the success of the plan. Juvenile Court records' here show there were 93 juvenile cases in 1954. The number drop­ ped to 87 in ,1955 and to 75 last' year. with 64 of these being a<:tual delinquency cases and the other 10 being neglected by their parents. Only 34 cases have been reported so far this year.

present you feel as though your life Is in ruins. Truly, you have made a serious mistake, but your whole life lies ahead of you. Tell God that you have displeased Him and then face the future 1O.0? with courage and hope. Remem­ ber. life moves on and time heals The se next the deepest wouods. In a few few months are years YOU will .Iook back upon mot going to be . this whole affair as a bad dream. IP I e a san t for You are now learning some either of you, things about life the hard way. fout don't com­ Accept this lesson not in bitter­ plicate matters ness, rebellion, or despa.ir and roy doing some­ don't waste your time looking for t h I n g l' ash. someone to blame. Fix your eyes CHRISTENING OF TillE BELLS: Archbishop Thom­ What you. need now is a clear on the future. It will bl! what as B. Cooray, a.M.I., of Colombo, Ceylon, strikes one of plan of action. Let's look at your .you make It. ~ the bells after a. carillonic bell-christening ceremony, in tiituatlon as it really is. In the first place, you are carrying a which 25 bells were unveiledI in a special tower there. NC . ' . new life witpin you. Although Photo. you did not' want it, this little life came Into being because of Re~igion Amell"~can Jlcur activity and the creative act WARSAW (NC) - An ar­ of God. Its future now depends ticle published in Poland's NEW YORK (NC)-American were sent to the offshore Island 'Upon you. It has every right to . surplus foods are helping to keep. illf Huksan. protection and love. You must foremost communist liter­ Bishop Henry paid special trib­ thousands of Koreans alive, ary weekly hoI d s that iCherish it as a marvelous, though ute to the $5 per month "Feed-a­ atheist agitation has brought recently consecrated Bishop said Eamily" programs ofthe Catholic unwanted, gift from God. Second, forget this nOl)sense results diametrically opposed to before leaving for his Korean Daughters of A mer i ca. who Ilbout elopment, even if it were those it Intended. . "adopted" the KWangju area, post. "Provoking the feelings of mil­ possible. We can't correct one where so many families iost their Bishop Harold P. Henry, S.S.C., mistake by making another. It lions of believers revived religion breadwinner in the Korean con­ new Vicar Apostolic of Kwangiu, "eems quite clear' that neither of in Poland to a degree which had flict. you is prepared for marriage, not been observed for a long in Southwest Korea, made ·the "In many cases," he said, "the nor do you appeal' to be really time," the artiCle reports. Masses statement on a visit to the head­ families would have had to re­ quarters here of CatholicpRelief in love. Hence, .don't let· anyone of people hitherto indifferent lease some of the children to the talk you into getting married as were reactivated and convinced Services '- National Catholic orphanages if the five-dollar gift Welfare Conference, worldwide H this would be an easy way out again of the primary importance relief agency of the U. S. Bishops. had not reached them every of your troubles. Young people of matters of faith." A native of Northfield, Minn., month from the Catholic Daugh­ ~n your condition are often so The article is part of a .con­ Bishop Henry began his work ters ot America." frightened and ashamed that stant flow of articles on the "This 'personalized program," the Korean. people as a Co­ with o they will do anything their par­ atheist position In the communist 24 years ago. the Bishop concluded, "is a major lumban missionary tmts desire. Embarrassed parents press. In appealing for radically factor in obtaining good will for Assist Students People Very Poor eometimes push them into' mar­ new methods to combat "religious . the United States." ASUNCION, Paraguay (NC)­ "The ordinary Korean in my i'iages which have little chance superstition," the author warns: An office to assist Latin Ameri­ area does not see more than a to endure. Marriage is a sacra­ Catholic Church Marymount· Grows can stUdents' in the United States mental contract. It was not de­ "Let us not be deluded by the 'pound of meat a year,t' he de­ TARRYTOWN (NCl - Con­ clal:ed. eigned to covel' our rmstakes. 'rigidity' of Catholic dogmas. will be set up by Pax Romana, Bishop Henry explained that in struction of a new $900.000 sports Get Advice' Catholicism exploits every pos­ international feder~ion of Cath­ Third, you need personal guld­ sible approach to the essential the "hunger season" preceding building has been started here . Ilnce and counsel. Go directly to trends of modern lay thought. every harvest the supplementary on the campus of Marymount olic students. food rations channeled through The new office will concern it­ College. . your pastor, or your regular con­ There is no fighter for the real­ The new building is one of self with problems facing Latin fessor, or to some priest that you Ization of the mottoes of the his hundreds 'of welfare stations American students in the U. S. Imow, and tell him your problem. French Revo)ution - Liberty. are the p r inc i pal protection three planned under the Mary­ against diseases of malnutrition. mount College Achievement Fund and also make available students' !f you live in a city where an Equality, Fraternity - as .effec­ especially tuberculosis. office of Catholic Charities is tive and enthusiastic as Catholi­ at an estimated cost of $2,500,000. aid and scholarships. The ·Korean Ordinary said two The three buildings are deemed located, you may prefer to con­ cism. No one calls more loudly trucks,-almost constantly on the necessary as a result of a 50 per !lult one of their counsellors first. for progress and tolerance." At any rate, you must get the The way to make sure that the road, carry American surplus cent increase in enrollment at Ildvice and help of someone .who Catholic Church will "wither food supplies to the farthest vil­ Marymount sin.ce 194'6. will know what to do. away," the article says, is to work lages so that food comes regularly Your parents must be in­ for intellectual isolation of the to about 100,000 of the very ppor­ COMP1U'~l7 formed, of course. Since you ap­ Catholic movement." It makes est people of the southern prov­ inces. pear to be very much afraid of these claims: - . Prevents Starvation ''''your father's reaction, it may be "Rellgiousness perishes most During the past winter, he well to have the pastor or social quickly in an atmosphere of· in­ AMOCO GAS worker assist you here. When difference. The mass of people added, 4,000 persons were saved lTune-ups CJnd Brake Worle: faced with this situation, expe­ who are indifferent - noL the from actual starvation by boat­ loads of these surplus foods that 807 Ashley Blvd., cor. Tarklln rience shows that parents react mllitant atheists - play the de­ Hill Rd.• New Bedford in different ways. We would ex­ cisive role in the process of secu­ SOUJt~ G) Se~ S~$.

Gilbert J. Costa, Prop. pect them to be hurt, embarassed, larization." HYCBl1mis Te~. IHIV @]

WY 6-9276 Rnd uncertain of what steps to "One can expect a secularist COTE~S' take. Usually when' the first generation indifferent to religion ehock is over, they are willing to not earlier than the time when ELE(lR~(Al follow the priest's or the social the memories of religious and 1726 ACUSHNET AVE. worker's advice. Because you and anti:-religious terror have become. Jack are relatively young and extinct, when the echoes of ve­ NEW BEDFORD o1)viously not prepared fol' mar­ hement discussions. have' died ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS i'iage, this advice will l'lm along away." the following lines. WYman 5·7555 Best Arrangement ' Await Vatican lIlule ~-••. A hospital or some simllar In­ On Russgan Vocall" etitution will have to be contact­ ed and arrangements made for VATICAN CITY (NC) - Vati­ JlOU to go there in due time. If at can. officials have not yet ruled all possible, this institution will on the request of Archimandrite Maintenance Suppiies

be located in another city and. Serge Kanabeeff to be' received SWEEPERS - SOAPS

you wlll leave home before your . into the Church. He has been condition draws public notice. . vicar general of Sofia, Bulgaria. DISINFECTANTS·

You have a right to secrecy in for the Russian Orthodox Patri­ IFBRE EXT!NGUISHERS

this matter and it should not be arch Alexei of Moscow. The Archimandrite, who has too difficult to find some excuse for your absence during thJs been in Italy on a three-month period. When your baby arrives. visit from Sofia. wrote to Bishop . BREAD ] ] 86 Purchase Street it will be adopted by a haPPY cou- Vittorio De Zancheof Con(.'()rdia NEW IIl\EDF'oRD pIc who have been carefully se- asking to be received into the lected by It l'ellable social worker. Church and allowed. to stay· at wv- 3-.3786•. ~ 'I'hls r-l'l'~ngement is best for the the Russian College in Rome.

Red Poles ,See



Grateful to





U € l



•••••••••• SHOP




••• then 'ioin the







Thu..... Oct. 11, 1957

Quee,n's Visit Recalls History of Title WASHINGTON (NC) - ThQ full t1t\e used In the o!flclal" Introductlon of' Queen Elizabeth of England' during her U. S. visit (Oct. 16-21) includes the term, "Defender of the Faith."

ST. ELIZABETH'S, . pads, have resumed their weekly' FALL RIVER 'meetings. Miss Rose Machado, president A Hallowe'en party is on schedof the Women's Guild has an- ule for Wedne~day, Oct. 30 In the at guild will serve nounced as hostessthat group a meeting of the parish hall.

., the Diocesan Council of Catholic,Rev. Raymond T.' Considine, Her ,CQmplef"4! title reads: "Elizabeth the Second, .by "the Grace Women at 7:30 next ThUl:sday pastor, and Rev; Lester L. Hun, ' moderator, were guests at liS night in St. Jean Baptiste Churc h of God of the United Kingdom, hall. _. ,membership tea, ,held, Sunday . Canada and her Other Realml'l Plans are underway for a afternoon in the Kennedy Youth Hallowe 'en Dance, scheduled for . Queen, Head of C~nter, New Bedford,. _.and'Terrltorles , - Saturdr\y, Oct, 26 at" 7:30 in the . Commonwealtb, Defender of tho church hall, with tickets in Registration of new members Faith." . The derivation of the royal ti­ charge of Mrs. Kathleen Fernan-\,'as in charge of Mrs. Albert des and Mrs. Alice Hayden. Caron, It'Irs. Fred Kozak, Miss tle, "Defender of the Faith" Is of pecular Interest to all Christians. Named to the awards commit- Grace Fl~nnegan aU,d Miss Martee were Mrs. Marion Almeida, Paradoxically as It may seem, It was ,originally granted by Pope Mrs. Lorraine Mendonca, Mrs. garet Boudrle. Anna Borges, Miss Lena Coite. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Leo X to King Henry VIII, In and Mrs. Louise Tavares. . \ NO~TH EASTON"', POPE COMMENDS MARYKNOLL: Pictured during October, 1521, In reward for a. Other events schedul,ed include "The Women's Guild will spon- " a~ a~dience with Pope Pius ~II at Castelgandolfo, is F,a- • ~1~~e~~~b~~~e~l:ti:~~~~~g~arthe annual communion breakfast ' h' t t W d d G 1 f M k II on Sunday, Dec. 8 and a Chrlst- -. SOl' a w IS par y'. e ,nes ay ther John W. Comber, Sup~rior enera 0 . ary no, Entitled the "A'ssertlo Septum rna,s party on Saturday, Dec. 14: ~ight, Oc. ~3 at 8 In '~rothlngham before he lef.t· to visit African and Asian missions under' Sacramentorium," 01: "Defense of Memorial Hall. 'Barrows Street. Ma 'yknoll care. The Holy Father commend~d Father the Seven Sacrp.ments," the volr, . . f" ume so pleased that the reigning ST ANTHONY OF PADUA, . FALL RIVER ' ,North Easton. be Comber on the ~ork of Maryknollers servmg on lve con- pontl'ff', Pope Leo X, that h& . purchased at theTickets hall or may by callMiss Marie E. Leandro, preSl- ing CEdar 8-2553. 'tinents. NC Photo. granted in full Consltory, on Oct. . . . . dent of the Sodality of .Our Lady . 26, 1521 the title of.Fidel Defen­ 'of Fatima, announced at a meet- SACREQ HEART, SOl' to England's Henry·VIII. Th~ ing that the teen-agel's wil.! con- FALL RIVER papal bull (original now In the duct a dance at 7:30 Saturday,. Donations for the Harvest sup"RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-UnFather Lebret an~ a team 'of British Museum) conferring the night in the parish 11ll.11. per to be held Wednesday, Nov. 6, iess world food production Is in-. experts have been' conducting title did not arrive in Britain are being received by Mrs. Ray- creased considerably within the population studies in Brazil and. until after Pope Leo X died: At ST. PATRICK'S, mond Cormors and Mrs. P. Frank next 50 years, the people of the Colombia. He Is .the founder and Henry's request Pope Clement FALMOUTH chaos, VII, on March 5, 1523, confirmed Rev. John F. Hogan' of st. O 'Conllell of the Wom,en's Guild. earth wm be .faced with' . Members are ul\ged to attend a priest':sociologist asser t ed 1lere. director of the Center of Eco- the grant of the title. Mary's Home, New Bedford, DI­ There is nothing In the word. rector of. the Catholic Welfare the night of recoilection to be .' D0l11inican Father Louis-Jos- nomlcs and Humanism In France. conducted at- 'St. Jean Baptiste "eph Lebret, an expert In economPointing out that the average Ing of either bull to Indicate thll Bureau, was guest speaker Mon­ Church. Thursday, Oct. 24 at 7 :30 ics and sociology, said that 80 mart'- needs about 2,200 calories title was to be In perpetuity or to day night, at the monthly meet­ by' the Council of' Catholic per cent of the world's people of food Ii day to remain healthy, be handed down to Henry's hell'fl ing of the Women's Guild.

are yndel'l1ourished. Father Lebret said that there or successors. However. the kings Six guild members who attend­ . Women. are countries where the average and queens of England since ed a retreat held In Cathedral ST. JO~N OF GOD; caloric Intake Is 1,600 a day and. King Henry VIII have continued ,Camp recently were President SOMERSET 'Mig Pilot's Mother others where It is .even less.. to use the title, "Defender of th0 Mrs. Frederick English, Mrs. Ger­ Thomas 'Rose, organist· and Admiited to U. . In addition, he said, there are Faith," though England no longer' ald Doherty, Mrs. Mary Q. Cobb, choir director, heads the com­ NEWARK. Del (NC)~A North many regions of the world where remained. Catl10Jlc a.fter 'Henry'S Mrs. Michael Ames, Mrs. Richard mittee planning' a spaghetti and Korean pilot who delivered a people have 110 oppoJ'tunlty to defection. Pratt and Mrs. J. Arthur Powers. meatball supper to be held Sat­ Mrs. GITbert Noonan, vice pres­ urday, Oct. 26. The committee Russian Mig flgliter'pllme to.the maintain . a properly balanced -. • United Nations ,forces hi 1954 in diet: The .result Is, that approxl- D • Ident of the Fall River D~ocesan will meet next Monday night. return' for a $100,000 reward mately 80 out of every 100 people : : Council of Catholic Women and offered by the U. S. commander are seriously afflicted with' hun- I • advisor of the guild, Is vacation- , I • of the forces will be joined here gel', Father Lebret said. "'Ing in Mexico. Other members· Msgr. Jtyan'Praises Un'less the peoples and govern­ by his m9ther. who, are vacationing' are Mrs. Army Chaplains, : , Though not a 9atho.lic, himself, ments of the world, take proper Doherty, Chairman of Spiritual STUTTGART, Germany· (NC) De\!.elopment, at St. Anne de -"Although we have a smaller Lieut. Kenneth Rowe - he has' measures to step-up production

Beaupre,'Canada, and Mrs. Eng­ Army and fewer chaplains, the anglicized his Korean name, Noh and propel;. nutritional education,

lish and her daughter, Mary Army's religious program has Kum Sok - said in 1954, after Father Lebret added, the world O'Byrne, at New ..York, their never been in a position of such he flew the MlG,into Seoul, that wiil be facing a serious problem he had Inherited his love for by the, year 2,000. former residence. stl'engthas It Is today." Msgr. (Maj. Gen,) Patrick J. freedom frQm 1;IIs parents. both ' ST. PIUS TENTH, Ryan, chief of Army chaptalns, ,Catholics, / ' His 'mother, Mrs.' Slang Koon ~I SOUTH YARMOUTH made this statement. here in an A banquet and entertainment address to chaplains stationed in . ,Kow, is expected to be admitted .CURTAINS into this country under the terms featured the third. annual re'" this area. DRAPES union for the purpose, of ac­ Msgr·. Ryan gave credit for the of the 1957 Immigration Act, 52 Varieties-Hand C;:ut quainting old and new parish­ success of the Army's program to which provides for the "hard­ RUGS Ioners, sponsored by the Holy "the zeal and work of the ~unlt ship" entrance of I;elatives of BUZZARDS BAY

LINOLEUM , Name Society, yesterday In the chaplain." He also ·pralsed the Imlgrants already in the U. S. OPP. B B Theatre

She will live with her' son here, church hall. 1636 Acushnet AnnUli commanders for their coopera­ DENNISPORT

New Bedford. Mass. Joseph Norton, chairman of tion with chaplains and the high a student at the University of The Old Post Office

WY 4-3861 the ticket 'committee, announces caliber of Army perS?nnel now Delawai·e. hiS assistants:. Joseph Mullan, serving. '

Ric h a I' d Terrio. Mrs. PhiliP. Msgr. Ryan ds ~aking a tour

Dempsey, Mrs. Joseph Panek, of military posts'· throughout

Mrs. Paul Webber, Mrs. Coleman· Europe: '" . "

Coyne and Mrs. Gerard Jodin. "

. The guild will conduct 'a whi~t,

~:xpal1ld ~r09l1'am party Monday night In the pal:ish BROOKLYN (NC)-St. John's hall. A $10 certificate, redeem­ University is expanding its' pro­ able in one of the Hyannis stores, gram of social studies by nearly will be awarded as an attendance a dozen courses. The university ·prlze. Mrs. J 0 s e p h Slattery. said the entire program has been chairman, announces that tickets planned to give students a. ma­ may be obtained from the guild ture understanding of current' members. o problems ,In human relations and -to encourage 'them to. follow . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, care'ers 1n social science fields.' 'the ideaD cUo-it-ycaJIJ'SeOf :Hobbyi FALL RIVER 0


' .

Dominican Sees Food ·.Problem







.. ----_.... _--_._._---

Children of the parish will be entertained at a Hallowe'en par­ 'ty, Friday nigh't. Oct. 25 from 6:30 to 8:30. In the church hall with 'Mrs. George Charbonneau In charge. A floral demonstration will fea­ ture the next monthly meeting of the Women's Guild to 'be held 'at 8, Monday night; Nov. 4 In the 'church hall, With' Mrs: Andrew' W. Cook In charge of refresh­ ments and Mrs. Anthony Pascoa~ heading the entertainment.

ST. WILLIAMS, FALL RIVER The weekly whist party wlll be conducted in the parish hall, by members of the Women's GUi1~. starting next Tuesday night, Oct, 22, It was announced by the Pres­ . Ident, Mrs. Leonard DennLq. Guild members in charge of cancer


SER·VI C,E9"; -IDe@

'. All'mclI'ed Call'.: Seil'vncs. . , , (I lUhrnafoll'medi AlrmedGuards

'.' Ccmp~et<e [P>aYlro~~ Ser\Voce , ,


~~.~ ~Lil\1Nl1J( ,STIiUIE1r

. fA8.1l. Iluv~wig MLii}.$§. I

_CS!b@lrIl1lC& i/-938$



~ C~b~HETI~G.

.- NEEDLEPOINT - EMBROIDERY Now is the time to start your knitting, crocheting or needlepoint. An itistructress will ,be available at aU times. We have a good assortment' of yarns, needles, cro~ chet· hooks, and- a nice selection of needlepoint to choose from. Classes for children from 9:30 A.M. to 12 o'clock Saturday mornings. !.nstr~ctions free., , .AIU.ItIEINI1J'lE1ll -



Fr. Halton



Regrets Name of' Maritain Drawn IntQ Controversy By Donald! McDonald!

Davenport Catholic Messenger

I have purposely withheld comment on the cont~ versy raging around Princeton University and Father Hugh Halton, O.P., chaplain to the Catholic students at Princeton. I wanted more facts at my disposal before de­ ciding (1) whether to com­ ment puplieiy on the unfor­ The recklessness and injustice tunate turn of events and of this latter remark can be judged, somewhat, by recalling (2) what the nature of my that at least halt a dozen of his

comment would be. more than a score of books are Some of the facts are plain to already classics In the literature Bee. Father Hal­ of nhUosophy. I am referring now ton, over the to sucn tremendous works as The past three 01' Degrees of Knowledge, True Hu­ four years, has manism, Art and Scholasticism• . carried on, from Creative Institution In Art and the p u 1 pit of Poetry, Science and Wisdom, the off-campus Man and the State, The Range Aquinas chapel. of Reason. , Ilnd in adver­ Let us recall, too, that DI·. tisements In the Maritaln has served as French Dally P r In c e­ Ambassador to the Vatican; that ton I an, the he has taught at such leading llchool's news­ schools as the Pontifical Institute paper, an attack on the unlver­ of Medieval Studies at Toronto, Ility, describing It as a "center Chicago, Notre Dame and Colum­ of moral and political sub" bia; that he has given one of the A REAL VOCA~ION FAMILY: A real family of vocations is depicted here. Five version." He has told his stu­ 'most illustrious lectures ("St. dents, "w.e are being betrayed by Thomas and the Problem of of the twelve childr~n of Mr. and Mrs. George Price of Baltimore are in religious life. teachers who prefer the Fifth Evil") in the lllustrious series' of Left to r!ght (standing) Sister M. ·Patrice, Sister M. Benedicta, Sister M. Josepha; Amendment to the Ten Com­ Aquinas Lectures sponsored an­ (seated) gr<?therEugene of the Josephite Order, Sister M. Georgette and Mrs. Price. The mandments." nually at Marquette University; girls are. all Oblate Sist~s of Providence, whose motherhouse is in Baltimore. Also 'plainly [actual is the ap­ that he was awarded, by a una­ pearance on the campus of con­ nimous vote of the executive victed perjurer, Alger Hiss, who council of the American Catholic , Faithful Scholar was invited to speak by' a ,Prlne­ NIJMEGEN (NC) - it i~ the Philosophical Association, the ton undergraduate society, an first Cardinal Spellnian-Aquinas labor of the faithful scholar that event the university refused to meda~ for distinguished service in block. Interest In Vatican Philately Massachusetts for the past. year will bring together science and philosophy. Revelation in a harmonious syn­ And now, Princeton has de­ the past few years has been and a half, members have en­ over Must Pay Price thesis, Archbishop' Bernard' J. cided to deny Father Halton all joyed the benefits of having their mounting steadily - a fact re­ Alfrink' of Utrecht said here ill What has this man, Dr. Mari­ campus faclllties and recognition. own chapter, The Eastern Mass. Bishop George Ahr of Trenton tain done to earn the contempt flected not only in the catalog Chapter of the VPS was estab-. The Netherlands. Tile Archbishop declared that of the Princeton chaplain? Plain­ valuations of Vatican stamps, lished In Boston and Its mem­ has decided that, "for the pres­ the Church applauds the study ent," Father Halton will continue ly, he has done nothing, except but evidenced also in the In­ bership Is drawn fl'om cities such creased enrollment of the Vatican as Fa,ll River, Worcester an'd of science by faithful scholars to sel've as director of Aquinas perhaps that by simply his pres­ Philatelic Society. . as a Catholic intellectual ence Institute for Princeton students. Haverhill. H. Earl Heron, 113 who do not' exclude revealed Founded only four years ago, Perron Avenue, Somerset, Is an Truth, but who are prepared to I am not now going to pass who refuses to attack the name accept all that comes from God. of either his university or his the Vatican Philatelic Society active member. Judgment on Father Halton's de­ colleagues he does not fit into has grown from ,a handful cision to attack Princeton Uni­ An Invitation has been extend­ of enthusiastic collectors into a ed to all interested Vatican col­ versity as he has. I am not going Father Halton's mehod of "do­ to judge Princeton's decision to ing business" and therefore must well organized society. 'Composed lectors to join the 'VPS and to dissociate Itself f!'Om the Catholic pay the price of the latter's public of members from all walks of avail themselves of the benefits life - profeSSional men, clergy, of membership in this chapter. chaplain. And I am not going to scorn and disrespect. True to his Christian charac­ students, housewives - on the Special speakers for the evening, Judge Bishop Ahr's decision to ter, Dr. Maritain has refused to. rolls of the society, are members colored slides' of Vatican City retain Father Halton at Prince­ comment on Father Halton's un­ from, almost all of the 48 States highlighting places, shown on ton. plus many from Canada, Eng­ , warranted remarks. Vatican stamps, and other items Admires Marltaln So. Dartmouth 1- am sure the multitude of his land, .Vatican City, Mexico, of interest hold a 'featured spot But Father Halton has now friends and admirers will not Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska. at each meeting. - and Hyannis brought Into this very acrimoni­ Until recently, the, essential An essential part of every ous atmosphere the name of a refuse to comment. America, the So. Dartmouth

meeting Is the regular auction man whom I have learned, over Jesuit weekly, has suggested that bond which has united the mem­ WY 7-9384

the past 12 to 15 years, to respect, If Father Halton's remarks have bers and officers of the VPS has which affords the members an admire and love. I refer, of not been quoted accurately, then been the journal "Vatican Notes," opportunity of obtaining Vatican Hyannis 2921

course, to Jacques Marltaln who, the press owes the philosopher published bi-monthly by the So~ stamps and covers reasonably. apology. The Commonweal ciety. Not only the latest facts Many good buys are picked up without any doubt, is the most has commented that "there is concerning this medium, but also 'by members eager to complete 01' distinguished Catholic philoso­ neither restraint nor responsi­ a wealth of information. in the to build up their collections. pher of oui' generation. Jacques Marl~aln is no longer blllty in such cdticism of Dr. form of interesting artiCles on the background and history of a young man. He Is in his 70's. Maritain." Whatever the merits of Father the events depicted upon the He has, since his conversion to stamps, the biographies of indi­ Catholicism 40-or-so years ago, Halton's "case against· Prince­ THE ALL NEW CAR

viduals portrayed, and hi short. given his life to the cause of ton," he has done neither him­ FOR 1958

truth and to the cause of the self nor his case any good by his the stories behind the stamps. Local Chapters comments on, the French philoso­ Catholic Church. See and Drive It

pher. . Another bond to strengthen For some years now, Dr. Marl­ at

I have received too much in­ and enhance the growth of the taln has been stationed at ALBERTE. SMITH spiration and instruction from society is the organizing of local Princeton as a professor emeritus Jacques Maritain to allow Father chapters. Many such, chapters 54-56 Court Street of philosophy. Halton's remarks to go uncriti­ are now being formed through­ Taunton, Mass. __ a Throughout his life, Dr. Marl­ . out the country, but here in cized, and that Is all I have to taln has won for the ChUrch an o immense amount of good will say o~ this distasteful matter. and respect on the part of non­ SUMMER STREET Catholic colleagues engaged In Hungarian Refugees philosophical research, writing. Mark Anniversary and teaching. He is a gentle nian. NEW YORK (NC) - The first a courteous man, a humble man. Even In the fiercest philosophical anniversary of the Hungarian 591 SUMMER ST. dialogues and debates, he has uprising against Russia MIl be 89-93 Main St.

New Bedford WY 3-1346 never abandoned his fundamen­ observed throughout this country Taunton

tal Christian charity and kind­ till Bundles Insured While ness. Many think he Is a living on Oct. 23 by some 32,000 Hun­ In Our Possesslon-"finest On fashions"

garian I:efugees who have been saint. Influence Nil given asylum in the United 0 .-~-.------~-_ ~ . This beautiful soul has been States. : We're Proud to Be Your EDSEL Dealer for' : dragged into the tumultous Hal­ Of these refugees, approxi­ :~! New Bedford and Surrounding Towns : ton-Princeton arena by the em­ mately 20,000 have been resettled battled Father Halton. Asked by by Catholic Relief Services ­ I SEE AND DRIVE .,HE I • 0 reporters of the Prlncetonlan for National Catholic Welfare Con­ 795 COUNTY SIREE'Il' his opinion of Dr. Maritain, Fa­ ference, world-wide relief agency ~ NEW BEDFORD ther Halton is quoted as saying of the U. S. Bishops, and the that the Catholic philosopher's Hungarian Catholic League of a Influence at Princeton is "nil," America, Inc. !ndustrial Oil BurnelT! that he, Father Halton, refused Although the President's Com­ 48«» lUJD1lo«l!D1l Sheet New Bedlfcnll WY 9-6241 ~ Sprinkler Systems a few years ago to permit Dr. mittee t'or Hungarian Refugee Maritain to deliver a paper on Relief has been dissolved, the MANlllDEIL MONIZ JRo Salesmen ~ lP'iping Conh-adoll's gUM CARNEY D "Tolerance" at Aquinas Institute, emergency program is' still in ~~1l'lHIllJl~ 'll'AVEIRA fSERN-IE NISSON : . and that "Dr. Maritain does not effect for Hungarian refugees WYman 7·91S(!J) have a verY sound philosophical from Auct.ria and Yugoslavia who fD)~AfLERS ARJ~~DB~:~~IRA I: • continue to arrive in America. background." ••• ••• _ ••

Collectors of Va'tican Stamps Have Flourishing Organization






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"Mis~ -K~;'-'.R;tur~~'>to·.·····F.~~"E~~t~ Continued From Page One , formerly Of Fall River, and now . of St, Petersburg, as well as rel­ atives and friends throughout the East. Gratitude. of l\lothers In addition to her d~ies with C.R.S.-N.C,W.C.. she is active in the Vietnamese Catholic Wom- . en's Organization. of which she , was a founder. ' The group'S inajor activity is the preparation of l-ayettes for' needy patients' in' .Saigon's only hospital, for wornen. Miss Kay explained that the layettes are made up of materials 'sent to Viet Nam by member groups of the, National Council. of Catholic Women. ."No' one who hasn't seen' the gratitude of the mothers at receiving these layettes could possibly know what they, mean ,to ,these women who have so little for their babies," Miss' Kay noted, adding that she herself is con,tinuallY touched and delighted to .'see the beautiful quality of the baby clothes sent to the East by 'American CathoUc women. "They send layettes such 'as any mother would be proud to put on her baby," she declared, in ex-


Miss Kay said,teo'per cent of tha population is Catholic and con­ verts number in the thousaild,3


Thurs.• Oct. 17. 1957

.,St.. John's to Hold labor Symposium

aimually. The Vietnamese Bish­ BROOKLYN (NC)-Three na­ ops attribute much of this growth tionally prominent men will re­ to the .charity, shown the needy ceive h 0 nor a 1;' y degrees and of the country by American part..icip~te in a symposium on Ca~holics, wqrk'lng through Cath­ the' National Labor RelationlJ olic Relief Services.· "The people .. :Act at St. John's University her<t . are deepr}; impressed b'y reU­


gion that seeks to help them-a New York Mayor Robert F. help with no stringsatliache~,",

'Wagner, George Meany. AFL­ declared Miss Kay. "Without

knowing it they a're being !nflu- . CIO 'president and Judge James 'enced by the action of, the Mys­ , P: McGre,nery. former U. S. At­ tical Body of Christ, translated torney Genei'al, will receive hon­ ., into terms of the brotherhood of orary doctor of laws degrees fl'()m man." Father John _ A. Fiynn, C.M.• En route to the United States

president !If. the university.

by way of' Europe, Miss Kay was

Father Flynn Is to preside at privileged.,to be received by the

Holy, Father in a ',semi-private the symposium at which Mayor audience of only 20 people. She Wagner will spea~ on the "Phi­ repQrted His Holiness as ,appar­ PRAISE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: Modern t~aching lOSOphy of the Wagner Act of ently in, very good health. methods' used in the, Cathol,ic schools of Indonesia have 1935." Mr. Meany and Judge Explaining how ,her own life , made them also popular With', Moslems, BUddhi~ts and McGranery will talk on "Pro·­ has changed since living in the posed' Che,nges in the Present Orient, shesilid, "I'm so used to those of no religious belief"ac~ordjng to Mrs. K~an Sosroeating with. chopstickS that I . soemal:to, lett, visiting the U.S._with Mrs. Wignja~to, rig~t. National Labol' Relations Act." have-to'look twice' at a knife and


The former is inspectress at the Ministry, of SOCIal Affairs

fork!" She, has adoptep. many in Jakarta. Mrs. Wignjanto is supervisor of the Yellow Vietnamese dishes and eats rice at least. twice a day, She has her Cross Foundation, an Indonesian organization similar to pressing her appreciation of the own' house and cook in Saigon. the American Red Cross. NC Photo.. ' unfailing assistance of women's "It s·oun.'ds extl'avagant. b"ut since ,. gi,oups in the United States to : the needy of Viet' Nam... . , all cooking is' done with tIny I 5 charcoal braziers, .one per sauce-

lEver.,yPenny Helps ' pan, and daily ll,1arketlng takes SAN MARINO (NC)-TWelve ' position Christian Democrat co-

She ooid further that. consid- at least two hours, it's' a 'question. I years of 'com-munist· l'ulehave ' alitlon Ii 31-29 majority.

: ering the size of the diocese, Fall of staYI'ng.. ,h'ome ,and c'ookl'ng' 01' d t i ' , 'b u t',IOn t 0 tl·le wor,k going to t1,lFo,ffice and working! ',ended in San Marino. the world's The Re governmen mme­ River's COlhrl ' ofCatholic Relief Services is outsmallest republic. " diiltelY,order.ed the council dis:­ I'egal'd to the Custom, Made : s>andl'ng. bo'll " " "'I·,th " The Red. regime formally: so I ve d"ra th el' th an r isk a defeat :' Thanksgiving clothing drive and ."M~., cooi{:' considers. hersel,f -d d ft two weeks of on the'school'issue, , the Bishops' Relief Fund 'collee- hi~hlY paiq at $18 ,a'mqn.th al!d ,steppe oW,n a, er. .. , The Christian Democrats, ar­ .lion taken up on Laetare Sunday;" is msulted If I'do any w~rk.at all . cl'isis during which the' natIOn gued th9.t the order dissblving , "It is, astonishing how far' around th~ h~~se.so 1m thor- .had two governments, one com- the council was illegal becaus the ' money goes ill mission countries," oughly spoI1e~. . , . munist and the other anti-com- : Reds were no longer in pow~r. , 'she said. "A church the size of Another enJoyable'aspect of hfe munist: ',Tqe anti-communists set up ~ ..... ·St. Joseph's in Fall Riv'er. for in- in Viet N-am. Mi~s Kay has found. The Red 'capitulation occurred ,pi'ovision,al government, recmit­ stance, C':ll1 be built for only $10.- ' is th~t of ~hoppmg for ~hoesand , without a shot being fired. ed' their own police force and suc­ 000 in Viet N:Hll-. while a 'chapel clothmg, ~II shoe~ ale c~~tom Italy, which completeiy sur-, cessfully opposed the Reds. to serve the needs of a village of made ~,nd fit to pelfectlon, she , rounds this 38-square mile nation 2,000 people Cf',ll be constructed said. Clothes are also made to. perched on top of a mountain N~w Editor for $1,OOtr. And. believe it or not, order, and patterns are unhe~rd near the Adriatic. applied pres­ KANSAS CITY (NC) - Robert for only $10 a wIdow oi' girl 'Who of. We ~ake Q fashlol1 magazllle sure by blockading the seven is the sole support of her family 01:; a mall order' catal,og to. the 'roads leading into the country.. 'G. HOyt, former editor of the can be taught a trade by which taIlor and choose pOSSIbly a col- The United States and Italy both Catholic Sun-Herald, ill"fated she can support herself' and her lar from one dress, sleeves from gave diplomatIc recognition' to daily Catholic newspaper which Closed down in 1951, has been dependents for the rest, of her another. and a skirt from yet an- the anti-communist government, named editor of the expanded other-and somehow or other he which was set up two weeks ago , 'Kansas City Register, newspaper life. In OUI' voc'ltiona!schools a produces ,R' beautiful result. It's in:a steel foundry. complete course in sewing and ,like waving a magic wand!" The crisis which toppled'.the of the' Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese in Missouri. home economics is given at that' Sacred 'Hearts Graduate Reds from power stemmed from cost-so if a parlsh contributes Office' hours in Saigon run a communist order to close the only $100 to the Bishops'oFund, from 8 to 12:30. followed by a country's only' Catholic school. that money can educate 10 wom- siesta period until' 2:30: then The school's superior, Mother en. .Thought of in; those terms woi'k again until 6, "Americans Veronica Seri, obeyed the order it's really true that even the, try to get along without a siesta by not opening her 348-ye,ar-old smallest anwLint of moriey can do at first/:... said Miss Kay~ "but, school. but she appealed the ord­ Funeral an immea' :.lrabie good and does, they soon find, it's necessary in, er to the country's ruling Grand of course. have the plus value of the tropical climate." and General Council. Directors The day the council, was to bUilding good will for ,the, United . She displayed several pieces of ,States in the Orie,nt." sculpture and lacquer work as ex- vote on the school issue, a So­ 469 Locust S~., Fall River . Papal Audience am pies :of. the native art of Vie,t' cialist member resigned froni his TEL. OS 2-3381 Although the Church in Viet Nam, There is a growing demand party and joined the opposition, Nam is still of missionary status, for them in the United States, The resignation broke the power 0: she said, of the communist-Socialist bloc Miss Kay has accepted another in the council and gave the op­ two year tour of duty in Saigon.

She will return to her post, com": ) ContilH~ed Fl'nm Pa~'e One

0 pleting her 60-day globe-circling other officers of the Guild are tOUl', via Seattle, Anchorage, Dr. OmerE, Boivin, Vice-Presi-' Tokyo, and Hong Kong.

dent; Dr. Thomas -E. Higgins, . Inc. Miss Kf;\Y is a graduate of the

New Beclford's Only secretary - treasurer and Rev. Sacred Hearts Elementary School Authorized Daniel F, Sha1l0o, Chaplain.• and secondary Academy, both in S~RVI(E , Fall Riyer, and, she is also a grad~ Chevrolet Dea'er 0 uate of Albertus Magnus College. 549 COUNTY ST. 545 Mill St., New Haven. Her brother, Harold Jr., Is .a student at Spring Hill New Bedford NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

College iiI Mobile,Ala,



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80. of the Hour

AynRand's Latest Novel

Called Werst of Decade

By Rev. D. Bernard Th.eall,


What is likely to be the very worst novel ()f the decade is just as likely to be a best-seller-Ayn Rand)s Atlas Shrugged (Random House, $6.95). The undeserved success of h~r earlier piece of pretentious bombast called The Foun­ tainhead will, of course, help a lot. Atlas Shrugged runs out against a backdrop of na­ to nearly 1200 pages, and it tional and intel'natlonal politicS. with particular reference to the is, besides being a bad novel, effect upOn German-Americans

a political tJ:act. a philos.ophlcal treatise. an essay on morality.

:~~ ~ ae~f;~~ F*!};r:'P;J7??l$J:,

personal way ot V' looking at life. \ B l' i e fly <it lOne . can talk about a 1200­ page book'brlef­ ly) this book Is the story of sev­ eral y~ars in the life of Dagny Taggart, a beautiful. Im­ p u Is i v e and iron-willed heiress to the coun­ try's largest railroad and many other things besides. It is es­ pecially the story of her rela­ tions with men, and with two men in particular. One of these men boasts that his motto in life is, "I will n~ver live fOl~ any man and I will never ask -any man to live for me." Ponderous Joke

in the United States of the two

World Wars. 0 , Partly through the general tone of the book. which is moral­ ly sound, though not excitlngRll literature, and partly through the use of a priest ,character. Father Jahle, close friend of Edward. Mrs. Caldwell gets across. as her books generally do. the message that it is necessary for mankind's good that virtue should be cul­ tivated. This Is an over-long book .and cut to the standard Caldwell pattern. but it is at any rate a better book In every way than the highly-overpraised By Love Possessed. Too Many Nun Stories A best-seller of some years back was, Monica Baldwin's 1 Leap Over the Wall, a true ac­ count of an Englishwoman's leaving a convent after many years as a religious. Miss Baldwin now captillzes in fictional ~ashion . upOn her experience in The Called and the Chosen (Farrar Straus and Cudahy, $3.95) Cast In the form of a diary by an English girl named Ursula Auberon. this is the now-familiar stOl:y of convent life hour by hour. until the "'Titer l"egretfully realizes that It is not for her. It is very difficult to see what pOs­ sible contribution this kind of book. can any longer lllilke to ,an IDloerstanding of the religious life. and though the writing is capable. the book is simply not worth one's time. .

l)agny and dozens of as/iorted characters with names like Fran-' cisco d'Anconia, Midas Mulligan. . 'BEAUTY OF SHRINE REVEALED: The shining white Indiana limestone of the

apd Wesley Mouch worK their South entrance of the National Shrine of the' Immaculate Conception, Washington,

la:borious wa'ys thI10ugh labor troubles, fights over mysteri,ou8 .gleams without scaffolding. Workmen will begin work on stone terrace and steps fol­ Dew inven~lons that will revolu­ lowing excavation for a basement cafeteria. Four relief SCUlptures are complete on tionize the world. the building the piers flanking the 'arch, and work will contJnue on 93 SCUlptural pieces on ex­ lind destruction of railroads. etc. terior of the Shline. Construction is sched uled for completion in latter part of 1959. They are always Intent upon re.., NC Photo. making modern society" while at the same time giving full rein to animal passioll8 at their most Honor Cardinal brutish. PARIS (NC) - Eugene Cardi­ CROOKSTON (NC) _ From $1,585 and the Monsignor was "Conventional morality" is one

nal Tisserant, Dean of the Sacred lOf the things Dagny Taggart Is

now 'on Msgr. Moses Dufault is hard put scraping up the match­ . . ing fund. Then he learned how College of Cardinals. has been

out to destroy, and with the help Judge Levy StorY' gomg to be more cautIOUS about valuable a time limit can· be.

awarded the Grand Cross of the

of Hank Rearden she would ap­ On TV Tuesday the "deals" he offers his parlshJust a few days after the close Legion of Honor by President pear to be doing a pretty good NEW YORK '(NC)-A tr.ue "loners. of the campaign a check for job of It. At the end of the book.

His last "deal" with the parish $1,000 was received from a mem­ Rene Coty. Cardinal Tisserant it remains only for one of the story' of t'Y0 orphaned brrothers and an understanding juvenile cost him $1.585 - and narrowl~ bel' of the parish. The donor, was in Paris em'oute to Nancy.

chaJ.uc~rs to bless the world the missed costing him an additional who prefers to remain anony­ his birthplace, to celebrate the

Taggartshave ruined by making co'urt judge will 'be told on Tele­ $1,000. mous, was not only' generous but 50th anniversary of his ordina­ Il ~olemn sign of the dollar In the phone Time's "Under seventeen" As he tells the story - with a considerate. By holding off with 211' ovei' it. program. next Tuesday on the pleased twinkle 'in his eye - he his contribution, he erased the tion to the priesthood. The Fountainhead was a silly ABC television network. underestimated his parishioners' necessity of the pastor making 8

book. This ponderous joke on the Adapted from the book, "Other part of a publisher known for his People's Children," by Judge A~· generosity. Crookston's Bishop trip to the poorhouse.

Francis J. SChenk called for 8 .

collections of gags, one would ua Veters Levy of the New. Or­ like to dismiss also a silliness, but leans Children's Court, "Under special collection to help the Appreciative Alumni

Sisters of St. Joseph build their CHICAGO (NC) - Vincentlan

in certain quarters it will be tak­ Seventeen" tells the story of en with great seriousness, and Chal'lie and Tommy Sharp as new motherhouse. Msgr. Dufault . Fath~r Comerford J. O'Malley.

the Dagny Taggarts and Hank they try to eSO-lpe from juvenile wanted to make a good showing president of De Paul University

because the Sisters have charge here. has been presented a gift

Reardens of the world will be authorities. of an academy attended by parish of $75.000 for university develop­

praised copiously. The book can Judge Levy is active in many grade and highschool students. ment by 500 alumni of the uni-

be recommended to no class of civic welfare projects In New Or­ Some 170 parish families usual- versity's law school.

reader, and anyone who helps to leans including the Associated steer a potential reader away Catholic Charities and the St. ly could be counted on for contrJ­ butions from $200 to $500 for from the thing will be doing a. Francis Asslsi Council of the Na­ Vo,,'11 1,',,11 In Love Wllh special diocesan collections. As an great service to humanity. NORMAND'S DONUTS tional Co u n c'i 1 of Catholic incentive for the motherhouse Sound of Thunder Women.

'collection Msgr: Dufault offered The Sound of Thunder. by the

to match the contributions of the

.ever - popular Taylor Caldwell Polish Red's Return ~ntlre pal·ish. -

(DoubledaY,$3.95) is a long novel In order to avoid dragging out

<covering about 30 years in the Some Churc,h Landi a house-to-house campaign, the

WARSAW (NC) - A recent pastor set a deadline - a lucky

life of a German-American fami­ directive of the ,Polish Ministry decision for his pocketbook. The

lY' an upper New York state. The TAUNTON, MASS. ,story Is set In the early years of of Agriculture has restored to the parishioners showered down

THE BANK ON • the ,present centmy. Heinrich Church some land and property 22 IUNIIS - ()I'I~N EVI~NIN('S confiscated by the communists Enger and his wife are the par­ TAUNTON GREEN ents of five children - Edward, in 1950. Member of Federal Denosft The partial return of the con­ David, Sylvia, Gregory, and 299 Ashle,. BI\'II. W~ 4-111184 Insurance Corporation 711 ,hllley 111"11, WY 7-112/11 Ralph, and though all appear In fiscated property resulted from Church-state the family. chronicle. the story the effort! of ·MAKES YOUR

'c::enters about Edward Rnd his commission, after Polish bishops wife, Margaret, the girl whom had urged that the 1950 law be CAR RUN BETTER

Edward, always the strongest of abolished. At 'New Car Dealers

The directive, while refusing to the family. won just as ,she was end 'Service Stcitiollil$l

to be 'tnAlTied to his brother return agricultural land holdings Eve:ywhere

which belonged to the Church or David. For the dominating Edward the monastelies prior to 1950, does rest of the' family feels a mixture specify that building lots and of admiration and dislike, and privately owned real estate be­ a certain amount of fear. This longing to the Chmch or indivld­ Edward knows. and he rejoices ualpriests and prelates should be in his pOwer over the rest, until, returned to the rightful owners. as the book nears its close, he It also provides that monas­ finds that one member of a fam­ teries may keep about 12 acres of Big 'Values In Used! C~lIr$ ily cannot stand alone against their former holdings as private .!JOHN FiGUEiREDO the rest. On the interdependence property. It specifies that In cases fRANCIS J. DEVINE AITHUR J. DOUCET of family members, Marla Hein­ in which monasteries have less MANNV MONlDl: rich, mother of the' family, than 12 acres at present, the 1640 Cove Rd., So. IDarlmouth ~63 SECOND ST. fAll RiVER, MASS. preaches an effective homily, state should return land from WY 7-0381 'l'llis domestic drama is' played former boldings up to 12 .acres.

'estoron Verge of Bankruptcy



for Bristol Counly

Bristol County,­ 1'rust Company



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your Opportunity

God Love Yo-u By MQst Rev: Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. ,



Asseil'ths IEditolTs'


1. MISSIO,N BUNDA Y~ which occurs on October 20th this

,ear, is the Sunday appointed by the Holy Father when the Catholics of the world are askell'to be, mindful of the 1,500,000,000 pagans in the world. . ' '. : " '' ,


, THE' ANCHOR' Thurs., Oct. 17. 1957


,2. It is the Sunday on, which Americans, whose per c~pita 'in­ come is $2,014 are asked to sharesonie of it, with one-fourth of the population of the woi"ld:wl1 o go to bed hungry every night. '

Should f¢lle=e, Up, To Race Issue CLEVELAND (NC) -Rac­ ism is one :of the most im-' - portant issues i-ri the C11urch ' , " , and Catholic editors should

not evade it, a priest declared at 'the Midwest regional niee'ting ot 3,' It is an opportutlity ~or expressing gratitude for our F~lith', the Catholic Press Association. ' ' Father ~ouisTwomey, S);; ot, by making sacrifices that the people of Afric'l, Asia and Oceania may also share in the Re- ' Loyola University, of the South, demption of Our Loi'd. ;":'\"., , ' New Orleans, said ,the ,sooner it _'_"_,_. , " ; 'is realized that' racisin is 'an im­ 4, Forty per cent of 'all ,that is c O J ; l t r i _ ; p o r t a n t i s s u e "the better it will buted on Mission Sunda,y' is 'given to the

be for all of us;, and IJarticularlY , Home Missions; 9% is given' 'to the'Gatholic

for Western civ11lzation," ' Aid Little People Near East and 51 % to tile Holy Father for

distribution to 135,00'0 Foreign Missionaries.

Father Twomey called upoii. the • delegates to approach the prob­ 5, ,Mission Sunday is the day we realize lem of racism with "humility and GRADUATION FOR TWO DIONNES: Two of the that our neighbor is not the onewholives next courage," even if it might mean folir remaining famous Dionne quints, Cecile, at left, and , door, but one of another race as was the a loss of'some circulation. S-amaritan to the' Jew. ' Stating that, one-third of the Yvonne, have graduated from the nursing school at Notre world's population is composed of Dame de l'Esperence Hospital, Montreal, Que. NC Photo. "little people," he added: "The 6. Mission Sunday is an opportunity to

balance of ,power is with these 'make reparation for your sins.

little people, mostly nori-whites," "These little p20ple a1;e getting 7, Mission Sunday is the emplanting of the cross' in ,our hearts, for if Christ died for sinners of the whOle world, then we who have tired of' being on the receiving the Faith, must make genuine sacrifices of 'our possessions to be ,end," he said, "The leadership' ot' Imagine yourself at the Holy Father's feet in St. peter';, and he the Catholic press, in helping to worthy of being called Christi,an. . asked you for an alms, telling you how every day his poor from aIR solve ,these problems of the little , parts or the world beg help and it breaks his heart not to help where _ 8. Missjon Sundas is 1\11 ekami~atjo'u of conscience. Is it right people in our own midst, cannot the, Church has real n~ed, but he has no funds un!ess his dutiful help but make' an impression on and just,of us who have been signed with the Sign or' the, Cross to children like you help him. What wou,l! the little people in other ,parts spend more on cigarettes or alcohol than we spend in curing lepers you tell him? What would you do? Well. in Africa, te,aching the ignorant in South East Asia, otheilling the of 'the, world. Father Twomey criticized those we all can't go to Rome nor can he per­ sick in India? Catholics - "some of them ,daily sonally speak to each of us. l'hat'!11 9. Mission Sunday is' part of that .great Mission that began Communicants" who, swear by, why he has this Associa'Uon to bring wh'eo the ,Father sent His Son, the Son sent His Spirit, the Spirit the principles oC- the, Church, but before you indi­ sent the apostles to the ends of the earth, 'and the apostles sent the who do 'not apply' them in their "~ vidually, In b i, ill , Dire'ctors of the, Society for the Propaga tionof the Faith to you relations" with their neighbors. ," -.' name, how mu('h with empty hands.' .. '1.. ~ , • , Htalicms Grateful he yearns to help his poor - specially, his 10, Mission Sunday is tY1e day on which, if you make a Stacrifice ,!For, American Aid for whom. we aided last yenr in the world, the Na­ ' the I D'65,000,000 t ". ~ ROME (NC) - ' MS2:1·. Ed"'a1'Q ,~ missions., This month he begs or will read 'a Mass of Thanksgiving for the coming year ~,,t IOnayourlrec , for intention.' ,E, Swanst1:om. executive director you to renew l\IEMBERSIIIP, 01' of Catholic Relief Services-Na-' to enroll if you have nevcr dcne GOD LOVE YOU to M,A,G, tor $10 ."1 am a Senior in High 'tional Catholic Welfare Conferso before, and to persuade rl'la­ School and 'figured if I could spend money, for sweaters and shirtS,ence, has been made a command:. tives and friends to, join-or, I could spend something for the poor of ,the world," ... ,to Mr. and el; 'of the 01'der of, Merit of the perhaps, dve them a gift enroLlMrs. G,P, for $100. "This Christmas we will not buy gifts for each' Italian Repupllc in recognition :. ment. Bo:h living and de('ea~l'd other, Instead, we want yo'u to have the enclosed fOl: the needy poor:; of the assistance given to Italy' • ,are enrolled, To 'J, H. for $1', "I decided to by a bus home from the office in­ American Catholics, ­ l\Iemb~rs share In these reo .take ." 'MS'!2'l:. Swal1stl'o111l'ece'l'ved the', stead of a t-axi. Hope this sacrifice will help a missionary,", ~ ," small , ,___ insignia of the order, presented markable spiritual benefits~ 11 ,. S ' ,to h1',n'l ,'l'n the' na1'ne 'of Ital1'a11 15.000'lY.asses said each year for members; 21 da'i1y Mass at tile ' ,MISSIOn unday is a perfect'day to begin a daily pi'acticeof recit- " ing the.. WORLDMISSIONROSARry',for the intention of the missions President Giovanni Gr'onc'hi." "Vatic,all ror deceased; 31 plenary indulgences on day or enrollml'nt in the five continents .of the ',worlq, "We will send you' this beautiful During' , the ,celi emony Nisgi': ,and', on' &3 days- each ye'ar-may be applied tJ souls in Pur:;atory; ' Fe~:dil1ando BaJ'delli;'pi-esH:lef1t' of ','4) 'remembered in the daily Masses of Our Ho!y Father, and of our , multi-coloreqrosary fora" $2,'Qf~e!,ing and y()ur,requesL " t?e Pontifical Reller ': Org-ariiza- ' " 'President,' Cardinal Spdlman;, and 5) share in the prayers and ~ac. ,,--­ tl?n, ,presen~ed Msgr. Swanstrom 'rifi(les ~r, thousands of, missionary priests, sisters and 'brothers. Of· , Cut out this coh.in1ll, pin SGc~'ifice, to it and mall It to the ' Most Rey. Fuiton 'J. Sheeri;'National Direetoi' of.. The 'Society for the With ,a speCially ca~t gold',medal .;: . fering' :for enrolling individuals: $1 yearly, ,S20 perpetual: famiiil'S: ,(hUsband and ,:wife and all children; or parents and all brothers ,and Propation of the Faitfl, 366 F.ifth, Avenue, New York I, N. Y.,or aeSnael'otsol~teyn fOAf gr~~ltudce ftohr l~he ,0 mellcan a OICS; ' . . t . ) ' , ' , your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE; 386 TIW medal portrays St. 'peter's' 1 '~lS, jlrs ,-$5 yea~IY, S100. perpetual. Precious gifts to help the Iloly North )\1ain Street, 'Fall River, ,Mass. : ' Basilica on' ,o:1e :side" and' the, "Fathe,r, s w~rl~wlde charily to destitute missioll:lries and their p'~oStatue of ,Liberty on the other, ' pIe. 'What' to tell him? '





Ne,groApp(dlC;1t~ Judge _I,~ Convert

NEW YQRK (NC) -, State Supreme Court Justice Harold 'A. Stevells, 50, a convert and holder of a papal honor, will become the first Negro to sit on' the Ap­ , pellate Di'vision of the State Su­ , preine Court, " , Gov. Averell Harriman has an­ nounced that he will appoint Justice Stevens, the first Negro~ to serve on the Supreme' Court, to the Appellate Court post Jan. I: the day after Presidii1g Justice David W, Peck retires','Justice Stevens' place on the Supreine Court bench will be filled at the election in November. ' The son of a Methodist minis­ ter, Justice Stevens ,is a native of Johri Island, S. Coo arid was graduated from Boston ,College Law School. He was elected to the New York AssemblY:for, two terms ,and was named Jtidge of the 'General Session's Court of New York County in l!i50. He



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was apjJointed to~t\1e' State Su­ pi'eme' Colirt in 1955 and' later was elected ,to a 14-year term on the court. ': : ' " Justice Steve'ns is active in the work of the Catholic Interracial Council,'haviIlg sei:-ved two terms as presid'ent. In 1953 the papal honor" Pro EcClesia et Pontifice was conferred upon hi~l. "


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.', Our new, artistic GIFT CARDS fit a1) occasions, 8n,d ':sp'irilualizes" your,re!TIembralice. It tells friend or relative, lay or religious: (1} you I!rralig!?d for a Near East missionary to say Mass for them; OR (2) you enr,olled them. in this Ass'ociation; OR 13) in their name, you gave a' sacred article to a mission chapel-li,ke, Mass b~1l $5, altar stone $10, .linens, sanctuary lamp, pyx or picture $15, crucifix or ' Mass book $25;.,ciborium':-, monstrance or chalice $40: vestments $50, and altar $75.




















Three young men, candidates for' native priest­

hood in Egypt and India need support ($1'00

yearly) during six years' training. Five young

women, 'in Sicily, Lebanon and India, whose'

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~fJ@m tllllc:u1l1telT

THE ANCHiOR­ Thurs" Otl..17, ~ 957

Aft't~ebolro' GhrmdmeID1J f'o Meet Coy~e &fro T au~ft{1j)m) $@thunrd@}f lRy JJ aelk §OIl1ll~ll'sd

Jurdlllb>os01J@!? Pf('@DSiteS Te~c~ung ~r@~~er5'

ll{]il1Da;a wy

Dlliglil Scboll)U


But for the impact of the Asian flu which caused the postponement of the Coyle-New Bedford game and the cancellation of the Vocational-Barnstable tilt, it was an­ IDther grand football weekend. The results of area scholas­ tic contests went pretty much as expected. Fair­ while Dighton hopes to rebound haven and Attleboro played against a better than average team. to a 7-7 tie, and Wareham Provincetown Jewelers Face Coyle

had a touchdown edge over In Bristol County competition. Stoughton In a· 20-13 affair. two league games are carded this Otherwise, . the wlnnlnlI teams Saturday, Durfee, I-Ion the sea­ won handily. llon, travels to New Bedford Vo­ A notable effort was Taunton's iCatlonal, a team that has lost 13-0 win over North Quincy. lluccessive encounters to Taunton H.ONORED F()R YOUTH WORK: Receiving the Na­ Once again It was co-captain and Fairhaven by the sUm mar­ tional Kolping Award for 1957 is Msgr. JosepJ;1 E. Schieder, George Hodgson, aided and abet­ lin of one touchdown. . ted by Jack Cal'valho. who led Director, Youth Department, National Catholic Welfare In Taunton. It'll' be Attleboro the Herrings' offensive maneu­ Conference. Making the presentation is T. J. Dengler. The versus Coyle In a battle of vet­ vers eran teams.. Both schools have citation noted Msgr. Schieder'g "deep understanding and DiGiammo Blossoms shown stout defenses to date. but In Narry League play, Somei'set the Waniors would seem to have sympathy for the problems of teen-age youth are without eame to life with a convlnclnr an offensive edge. The game'wlll parallel." NC Photo. 45-7 victory over previously un­ give Jeweler co-captain, Pete beaten-unscored upon Dighton. Judge, .an -opportunity to renew Jim Rockcli1fe, speedy Raider . acquaintances ·wlth his former halfback, lugged for thre.e touch­ Wanior mates. Pete transferred downs, one a 65-yard scamper. from Coyle to Attleboro last year. The "Jet" now has nine TDs for WASHINGTON (NC)-"It is moderate or ex~essive drinking Taunton faces a tartar in the still young season. Coach Wareham, but the Henings' out-_ a mistake to characterize college by 90 pel' cent 01' more, and 3) John Simpson unveiled a new look Is certainly brighter follow­ drinking as if it were different alcoholic drinking by less than -1ullback threat against the Lions ing their fine showing against from any other drinking," a in the person of Sophomore Joe North Quincy last Saturday. priest-theologian told an under­ 10 per cent. DIGlammo. "Monk" Is built along Wareham is undefeated in three graduate audience'at Georgetown Peculiar Views lines of a fullback, a.nd, off his games and, of course. must be University, • Father Ford described alco­ fine showing In a Jayvee tilt at ruled a prohibitive favorite. Fair­ Father John C, Ford, S.J" pr9­ hollc drinking as "excessive New Bedford last Monday, the haven, undefeated but twice tied. fessor of moral theology at drinking, plus serious life prob­ youngster was promoted to the is down to engage a Barnstable Westoll (Mass,) College, said the lems." About one in 20 drinkers Varsity. He made good In Q. big rate of alcoholism is rising in the becomes an alcoholic, he said. eleven that has yet to hit a win­ way, crashing over for two scores. ning stride in two outings. In United States and he "would like "if we can trust the statistics," Bourne Tips Falmouth He called attention to an "in­ quarterback Barry Balm and to see a cultivation of maturity" consistency" In the American In other action Involving Nar­ halfback Ken Lanoue. -the Blue In the approach to drinking. Mind Mutilation view toward drunkenness, "W~ ry teams. Case with veteran hal'f­ has as fine backfield operatives He called excessive drinking laugh at the drunk," he said. back Alan Spicer scoring all the as there are In the area, Up front touchdowns. won a 26-0 decision the veteran Fairhaven line is Immoral because it is "a sort of "and then we arrest him and mutilation of the mind" that ex­ throw him in jail." over visiting Franklin. Dartmouth rock-ribbed. Only two touch­ One of the things that sur­ measured Dennis-Yarmouth, 19­ downs have. been registered tinguishes the light of reason and keeps "the mind from· being prises foreigners about American 6, In another non-league encoun­ against the team to date. A defi­ tUl'l1ed toward God." drinking habits, he stated, is the ter on the Little Green's home nite nod to Fairhaven. To achieve the "Christian vir­ peculiar "l<=\nguage of violence" grounds, The running of half­ Here and There tue of sobriety" one associated with drinking, He cited must decide backs John Vincent and Henry An interesting innovation in­ such words as "shot," "jolt," for religlous reasons either to ab­ Perry, and the field generalship augurated at Attleboro last week­ 'stain 01' to drink moderately, he "slug and "beer blast," of Jack Bauer featured the Dart­ end was the placing of seats Answering a question, he said: mouth attack. Falmouth. playing along the home sideline whence . said. "Referring' to a recent survey "There musC'be regula'tions and host to Bourne under the lights the parents of the Jeweler play­ made at the Yale University Al­ laws, but the price you have to Friday night, was the only Nar­ ers were invited to view their Studies Center, Father pay for prohibition is much 'too ry club to go down before a non­ sons in action, The idea was very coholic Ford stated: "There doesn't seem high," league opponent. the visitors an­ enthusiasticallY received, the fa­ nexing an 18-6 verdict. Prospects cllitles being taxed.to the fullest. to be any such thing as typical college drinking, and it is not Elect Nun. for Coach Mike G9.ddls' young Fairhaven employs a similar true of colleges in general that team breaking Into the win col­ BURLINGTON (NC) - Sister arrangement for home contests, students drit1k heavily and fre­ St, Mal'garet Mary of the Fanny umn in the next two weeks are but I believe theirs is a faculty Quently." exceedingly din'!. Allen Hospital here has been row ... Among the area's recent He said the survey was con­ Falmouth Is scheduled at Som­ graduates now playing Freshman ducted at several colleges and elected president of the Vermont erset this Saturday, following college football are Durfee's Gor­ Association of Nurse Anesthetists. which the Capesters entertain don Andrew and Tom Salvo at showed the following results~ 1) . 10 per cent oi' less of the students champion Case on the 26th. The Boston University and New Bed­ Iltrong Swansea eleven wlll make ford Voke's John Collins at Holy did not drink at all, 2) there was its initial Cape appearance on .Cross. We saw John in action waukee? They're moving in this Saturday at Yarmouth. Dart­ with the powerful Crusader year­ year for the first time. If they mouth has a home'date with· lings against Dartmouth last Fri­ Bourne, 2 and 1 on the season, day and the big fellow showed to . have a mediocre season, we'll advantage. During the course of have a real basis for assessing the afternoon, John. operated the sportsmindedness of the from the fullback spot with the midwestern metropolis. first unit, getting that important yardage when the occasion de­ manded. With the Cross out In front 32-0 early in the third period·, Coach Mel Massucco went with his reserves and Collins was inserted at offensive center. John rounded out a diversified after­ noon's activity playing defensive left end. Renews A.cquaintance We also had an opportunity to renew acquaintance with Father Joseph Glavin, faculty moderator of athletics at Holy Cross. As a . scholastic, Fr. Joe was a history instructor at Boston College..and a hockey player of note. Many an afternoon he showed the Var­ WA. '.[' I C A :N A.STRONO­ sity how It was done on Chand­ ler's .Pond, just· across from St. MER: Father Martin F. John's seminary in Brighton. McCarthy of Lowell, U. S. The attendance at the Holy l'epresentative for the Vati­ Cross-Marquette game in Mil­ Member Federal County Stadium Sat­ can Observatory, is an ex­ waukee's urday was most aisappointlng. Reserve System II! pert on galactic structure, The State University was at La,. 01' "Milky Way" astroI).omy. fayette, Indiana, the city was He will return to the Vati­ still "up" as a result·of the World can early next year. Father Series, and yet only 9000 sat In on the Stadium's grid inaugural. IVJcCalthy estimates there Marquette .. of com'se,' hasn't won lue 200-billion stars in the In some 15 games.-· Wonder how H~A\1TU~(GJ ;I'.flilky W2l,y. we Photo, tne Green 7Nw wlll i'an" ;In M'il­ 0

Nation's, Alcoholism Rate" Rising Weston Jesuit Tells Collegians

TUDELLA, Ceylon (NC)-The service rendered by teaching Brothers is as pleasing to God and as vitally important as the W 0 l' k of priests, Arohbishop . Thomas B, Cooray, a.M.!., as­ serted here. The Archbishop spoke out against what he caIled the wrong notion that the dnly channel of service in the Lord's vineyard is the priesthood. He said that not all are called to the priesthood, and added that the various teaching brotherhoods require a greater number of vocations for the work they are doing.

New""Ambassador CASTELGANDOLFO INC) ­ His Holiness Pope Pius XII has received the credentials of Col. Benoit Alexandre, new Haitian ambassador tQ the Holy See. Col. Alexandre, who has a degree in medicine, was Haitian Minister of Health and Education until last year.

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55. Peter and' Paur ,Continued From Page' One


Diocese and later fourth Bishop of Fall River. The sermon on the occasion was preached by Rev.

Timotey P. Sweeney, now,Mon­

signol' Sweeney of Hoiy Name

Church, New Bedford. The Sis­

ters of Mercy are in charge' of the school. Active Women's Club In 1931 a Women's Club was formed with Mrs. Chal"les F. Duckett' as first president. The purposes of the Club were to aid in the support of the church and school and to establish social relationships among the women of the parish, The Club has con­ tinu~d.actively through the years. ' It aids in Communion breakfasts for First Communion Classes, Boy, Girl and Cub Scouts: con­ ducts Whist Parties and Special Parties through the year: does work with the blind, clothing drives, Charities Appeal: and sews for' the Rose Ha wthorne­ Lathrop Home. It takes an active part in the National Council of Catholic Women. ' Father Thoinas ,Kelly died in 1934 and was succeeded by the late Rt. Rev. George C. Maxwell, . the kindly and niuch loved pastor'" who guided the parish until his death in 1953 when Father John Kelly became' pastor. , The present pastor is a former Rector of the Cathedral and pas­ tor of St. Patrick's Church, Fal­ mouth. In the past few' years mUCh-needed work has been done in the church and school. The church organ has been rebuilt making it one of the fines~ in the Diocese. New lights have, been installed in the school which now has 15 classrooms. , Loyal parishioners ,of other days now living in other parts of the city, priests and Sisters who formerly served in the par­ ish. will join with the Bishop and priests and Sisters and parish­ ioners of SS 'Peter and Paul on' this Sunday to offer a Mass of Thanksgiving to Our Lord through the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the past 75 years of growth and grace. '

'corner of Plymouth Avenue and Snell Street before a frame church was erected on a now, vacant lot next to the rectory. The frame church was used for the next 14 years. Father Doyle died in the summer of 1893 and was succeeded by the Rev. BC,r­ nard McCahill. On June 7, 1896. the corner­ stone of the present church was laid by the ftev. Thomas Doran, Vicar General or' the Providence Diocese. The sermon on the occa'­ sion was preached by the Rev. James E.Coyle who afterwards became the, beloved Monsignor Coyle of St. Mary's, Taunton. The church is one of the earliest examples of Spanish Baroque revival architecture in the coun­ 'try. and- was designed' by the firm of Cram. Wentworth - and , Goodhue of Boston. This in itself Is unusual since Ralph Adam Cram was the leading proponent of Gothic architecture" in the country. . Baroque J)esign The copper don.le of the church isa landmark in the city of Fall River. Within. the church is rich in marble and is spacious enough so that ,the ornate baroque de­ signs are in proportion' and harmony and do not "close in" the worshippers. Father McCahill d£ed in 1907 SS. Peter & Paul Sanctuary and was succeeded in 1908 by the Rev. William H. Curley. In 1911 the Catholic Women's Club of FaU River was foun-ded with socials, changes in dates of parish Continued From Page' One Father Curley as the first moder­ meetings and "such trivia" short­ ator and with meetings held in that besides the open violation en the time for reading the­ the church haU. of, Sunday traditions .by the Gospel and for the sermon. On his death in 1915, Father •money-changers. other subtle The St. Paul prelate declared Curley_ was succeeded by the Rev. sUbtnictiOilS from the Sunday that perhaps one reason why the Thomas A. Kelley. Within a few observance have been creeping desecration has not lessened' Is . years Father KeUy renovated the in. He said there is a "growing because sermons and Instructions church. New side altars in honor tendency'.' to turn.churches into often never reach those for whom of the Blessed Mother and St. social agencies., and "to use pul­ they 'are intended. Joseph were pLit in place. and pits to' beat the drums for what­ Spiritual Negation the main altar and altar rail eV~l' propaganda is being pro­ "To one who thinks he needs were instaUed. AU of these were moted:' something on Sunday," the Arch- . 'designed by Ralph Adam Cl'ltm, Too Much Trivia bishop said, "his little purchase who by this time was considered "In these past years," the may seem innocent enough, even one of the most brilliant '. of EpiscopaUan Bishop Archbishop said. "even certain if it is not'. It is only when one Amel-ican a'rchitccts. Since he governmental agencies have so­ . grasps the whole picture that he Attacks$chool Tax had designed the church., the , altars are in perfect harmony LOS ANGELES (NC) - The licited the use of our Sunday can see the whole result. There ­ with .the whole structure. Protestant Epis~wal Bishop of pulpits to promote Navy Day, is a dl·lp. drip, drip of a single Builds Scbool Los Angeles has Struck at efforts Civil Defense. Mental Health. 'drop which can wear away a Father Thomas Kelly also pUl'­ to reimpose what 'he called "a programs and other like topics, stone. And the iQroads of com- . all of ·which no doubt are vc'ry merciallsm money -' making un- . chased I more land across the penalty tax" on private. non­ street from the church. and com­ profit schools In California. "­ good in themseives. but none ruly competition in little things missioned Crain to design a Bishop Francis Eric Bloy said: belong to the worship of God." at first. can eventually end in economic chaos lind spiritual He said that such announce­ school. The cornerstone of the "Tho:,;e who currently !\re seeking ments as parish dinners, basket negation." 12-room school -'a building that to 'place a penalty tax on inde­ showed remarkable foresight and pendent schools jeopardize the one which many more recent position of 'Christian schools buildings would find it difficult which. in the whole history of to compete with - was laid in America, have contributed so 1923 by Rt, Rev. James E. Cas­ much to strengthen our common sidy. then Vicar General of the. life."

i I

THE ANCHOR,Thun., Oct. 17, 1957

School Fu~d

Continued From Page One

designating Items in the .lew sChool as memorials. Workers l\leet Tuesday Dr. Arthur F. Buckley, general cflalrman, . announced that the men 'volunteers would begin their training next Tuesday. Because of the size of this group - (weI' 3,400 men - ' it wlll be divided Into three sections which will meet on successive nights. The, official, opening of the drive will taJ<e place on Wednes­ day, Nov. 6, with a' solemn cet:e­ mony' at St. Antl:iony of Padua Chw'ch, at which aU workers ­ memorial 'and general volunteers ' - wll1 be present. A highlight of this ceremony , will be an address by ~Is Excel­ lency, Most Revel'end Richard J. Cushing, D.D.. L.LD., Archbishop of Boston. After the address, tha men will be blessed by Archbish­ op Cushing and Bishop Connolly. Immediately following the serv­ ice, the intensive, house-by-ho.llse solicitation of aU parishioners will begin. Three Divisions l:.he· meeting dates and sites of the three sections of general vol­ unteers are as follows: Group I, Tuesday. Oct. 22, 7:45 p.m. at the new Catnollc Youth Organi­ zation Building. Group I is comprised of the following parishes: St. Lawrence, Holy Name, Sacred Heart. St. Francis of Assisl; and in Fair­ haven: St. Mary, St. Joseph, Sacred Heart!; and St. Anthony. Mattapoisett. Group III will meet Wednes- d day. OCt. 23, at 7:45 p.m. in st. Joseph's Hall, New Bedford. The following parishes are included: St. Casimir. St. Anthony of Pa­ dua; Immaculate Conception. Our Lady of P~rpetual Help, St. Francis Xavier, St. Boniface, Holy Rosary. St. Joseph, St. Kil­ Ian, St. Mary, and St. Theresa. Group II will meet Thursday, ·OCt. 24 at 7:45 p.m. at Mt. C~I,r­ mel parish auditorium, New B'~d­ ford. The following parishes are included: St. Anne. St. John th6 Baptist, Mt. Carmel. St. Hedwig, St. George. St. James, Our Lady of the Assumption, St. Mary (So. Dartmouth), and St. Patrick, Wareham. , ''





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