Century of Service, Leadership For Bishops .Connolly, Gerrard
The ANCHOR An. Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Oct. 18, 1973 $4.00 p.r ·y.ar Vol. 17, No. 42 © 1973 The Anchor PRICE JOe!
Issue Children's Norms On Penance, Eucharist Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, for and celebration of first PenS.T.D., Bishop oJ Fall River, has ance and Eucharist. approved norms relating to the A .paper on sAcramental prepSacraments of Penance and of . aration, "Stuffy Paper for First First Holy Communion by chil- Confession," prepared by the dren. United States Catholic ConferA statement issued by the ence is available at the Catholic Department of Education of the Education Center, on 423 HighDiocese points out that the land Avenue in Fall River. norms are in keeping with the Norms for the reception of joint declaration of the Sacred first Penance and first Eucharist Congregations for the Discipline are as follows: of the Sacraments and for the I-Those responsible for parClergy terminatEng the period of ish sacramental programs should experimentation in which first insure that an opportunity is Eucharist was permitted prior provided for children to receive to first Penance. The norms also the sacrament of Penance before recognize newer teaching meth- their reception of first Eucharist. ods based on findings in child 2-Since Penance and Euchapsychology and approved con- rist are distinct sacraments, temporary liturgical celebrations both the catechesis for and celand continue to emphasize the ebration of these sacraments are role of parents in the preparation Tum to Page Three
Namel5 Rev. Paul Connolly Vineyard Haven Pastor Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, to-
day announced the assignment of Rev. Paul G. Connolly, administrator of St. Elizabeth Parish, Edgartown, as pastor of St. Augustine Parish, Vineyard Haven. Father Connolly will continue to also serve 'as administrator of St. Elizabeth Parish. Father Connolly, the son of Michael J. and Ir~ne (Goetz) Connolly, was born in Norwood on Oct. 17, 1929. After pursuing his education at Walpole public and high schools, he studied with the Maryknoll Fathers in New York.
After preparing for the diocesan priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary 'in Baltimore, Md., he Tum to Page ~ix
A century of service and honoring Most Rev. James L. leadership will be commem- . Connolly, D.D., Dr. Sc. Hist., For· orated and gratefully acknowl- mer Bishop of Fall River and edged on Sunday as bishops, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, priests, Religious and laity D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Fall gather at St. Mary's Cathedral River. at noon for the jubilee Mass Since their ordination to the priesthood in 1923, both men have distinguished themselves in dedicated service to the flocks entrusted to them. Kindness has been their trademark as they did parish work or seminary teaching, as they showed themselves leaders of their colleagues in the priesthood, as they both became bishops. Eldest brother of the priests of the Diocese, Bishop James J. Gerrard has always been the prototype of a serving priest no matter what title he was honored with. . For many years Bishop Connolly proved to be the all providing father of us all as he was entrusted with the care of the entire Diocese. The principal celebrants of the Jubilee Mass will be His Eminence, Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, Archbishop of Boston; Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River; Most· Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., D. Sc.H., Former Bishop of Fall River, and Most Rev. James The prelate who guided the J. Gerrard, D.D., Auxiliary BishFall River diocese through some op of Fall Riyer. of the most challenging and difOther prelates participating in ficult years in the long history the Mass will be Most Rev. John of the Catholic Church wiU be F. Whealon, Archbishop of Harthonored Sunday on the occasion ford; Most Rev. Robert F. Joyce, of his golden jubilee in the priest- Former Bishop of Burlington, Vt., hood. He is the'Most Rev. James and also a golden jubilarian, orL. Connolly, D.Sc.H. who with dained in 1923. his longtime friend and fellow Most Rev. John J. McEleney, bishop, the Most Rev. James J. S.J., Former Bishop of Kingston, Gerrard, D.D., also a jubilarian, Jamaica; Most Rev. Lawrence J. will celebrate a Mass of thanks- Riley, Auxiliary Bishop of Bosgiving at St. Mary's Cathedral. ton; Most Rev. Vincent J. Hines, Bishop Connolly was born in Bishop of Norwich, Conn. Fall River November 15, 1894, Most Rev. Timothy J. Harringthe son of the late Francis and ton, Auxiliary Bishop of WorcesAgnes McBridge- Connolly. At ter; Most Rev. Peter L. Gerety, the age of three days he was bap- Bishop of Portland, Me.; Most tized in St. Patrick's Church by Rev. John A. Marshall, Bishop Rev. J. F. Haney. His godparents of Burlington, Vt., Most Rev. were Patrick Corrigan and Helen Joseph F. Donnelly, Auxiliary Mannion. He grew up with two Bishop of Hartford, Conn. sisters and four brothers, all now Most Rev. Walter W. Curtis, deceased. One, Bernard joined Bishop of Bridgeport, Conn.; him in the priesthood, serving as Most Rev. John F. Hackett, Auxa Sulpician and a professor at iliary Bishop of Hartford, Conn.; St. Charles Seminary, Catons- Most Rev. Louis E. Gelineau, ville, Md., until his death in 1932. Bishop of Providence, R. I.; Rev. The future bishop graduated Msgr. Robert E. Mulvee will repfrom St. Patrick's School in 1909 resent Most Rev. Ernest J. Priand from B.M:C. Durfee High meau, Bishop of Manchester, School in 1913. He entered St. N.H. Charles Seminary, Catonsville, The homilist of the Mass will and continued his studies at the be Rev. John F. Hogan, pastor of Sulpician Seminary in Washing- St. Julie Billiart Parish, North ton. He was ordained Dec. 21, Dartmouth. 1923 by Bishop Feehan in St. At the dinner following the Mary's Cathedral, where he him- Mass and offered at White's self was to ordain so many Family Restaurant in Westport, priests in future years. Very Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, His first assignment was as a Vicar General and Pastor of St. summer assistant at Our Lady John of God Parish in Somerset, of Lourdes Church, Wellfleet, will serve as Master of CerTum to Page Eighteen emonies.
Bishop. Connolly
Speakers at the banquet will include Humberto Cardnial Medeiros, Bishop James L. Connolly, Bishop James J. Gerrard, and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. Mrs. Albert Petit will sing the National Anthem.
Bishop Gerrard
Fifty years of priestly service ,to the diocese of Fall River will be celebrated Sunday by the Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., auxiliary bishop and former pastor of St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, who now lives in retirement at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Bishop Gerrard, like Bishop Connolly a native of the diocese, was born in New Bedford on June 9, 1897, of the late William and Elizabeth Livesey Gerrard. He was baptized in St. James Church and attended St. Mary's narochial school, attached to St. James parish. In 1914 he graduated from Holy Family High School, the parish high school of St. Lawrence Church to which he returned in 1956 as pastor. Ordination After attending St. Laurent College, Montreal, Canada, Bishop Gerrard continued his education at Rochester, for two years of philosophy and four years of theology. He was ordained to the priesthood at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River by Most, Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, D.D., second Bishop of Fall River, on May 26, 1923. Classmates of the Bishop in· clude Msgr. William H. Harrington and Msgr. John A. Chippendale, both of whom share his retirement at the Memorial Home. Aflter ordination.- Bishop Gerrard was assigned to Sacred Heart Church, Oak Bluffs, for his first summer as a priest. In October of that year he went to Tum to Page Nineteen
OCTOBER '·20·21
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENT Rev. Paul G. Connolly, administrator of St. Elizabeth Parish, Edgartown, as pastor of St. Augustine Parish, .vineyard Haven, while remaining as administrator. of St. Elizabeth Parish, Edgartown.
-"'" t *',,'1~
Assignment effective Wednesday,' Oct." 17, 1973.
Transfers Affect Two Priests III collaboration with Very Rev. "Fernando Viega, C.M., local superior of the Vincentian rathers, Most Rev. Daniel' A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the transfer of Rev. Joaquim F. da Silva, C.M., from assistant路 pastor at St. Michael Parish, Fall
River, to ,St. Anthony Parish, Taunton. The Most Reverend Bishop has also announced the appointment of Rev. Joao L. Resendes 'from assistant pastor at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, New Bedford, to St. Michael Parish, Fall River, as technical assistant pro tern.
DISTINGUISHED VISITOR: In observance of the IOOth anniversary of the establishment of, the French Dominicans in North America, the Master General of the Order of Preachers, Very Rev. Aniceto Fernandez, O.P., second left, came from Rome and visited at 51. Anne's in Fall River. With the Master General are, left to right, Very Rev. Georges Perreault, O.P., provinc'ial, Very Rev. Vincent de Couesmongle, O.P., assistant to the Master General for the French-speaking province, and Very Rev. Gabriel Blain, O.P., prior of St. Anne's.
Growth in Vocations Priestly ordinations are increasing in mission countries where the .faith has been planted and is flourishing. Over 49,400 mission seminarians look to your help through The Society for the Propagation of the Faith on MISSION SUNDAY, Oct.ober 21st, to help continue their edlIcation and soon to serve thei~ own people as priests.
Necrology OCT. 27 Rev. Edmond .1.:. Qickinson, 1967, Assistant, St. Mathieu, Fall River. Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, 1918, Assistant, Mount Carmel, New Bedford. OCT. 28 Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe, 1923, Pastor, St. George, North Westport. Rev. Stanislaus Kozikowski, OFM, Conv., 1956, Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford. NOV. 1 Rev. William H. McNamara, 1924, Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield. Rev. Louis N. Blanchet, 1927, Assistant, St. John Baptist, Fall River. Rt. Rev. John F. Ferraz, 1944, Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River. Rt. Rev. George F. Cain, 1953, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall Riv.er. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Oiocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year. .
Michael C. Austin Inc.
Funeral Service 'Edward F. Carney 549 County Street New Bedford 999路6222 Serving the area since 1921
Our Sincere Best Wishes To Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard
Our HecJrtiest Congratulations To Bishop Cc)nnolly and Bishop Gerrard
MacKe路nzie & Winslow Inc. 698 RODMAN STREET FALL RIVER, MASS.
Best Wishes ro Bishop Connolly and Bis.hop Gerrard Ad Multos Anlllos!
Our Heartiest Congratulations To Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard
Norms for Penance and Eucharist Continued from Page One to be sepatated substantially in time (approximately two months) in order that the two sacraments may not be confused in tAe child's mind. 3-Each child in second grade must receive basic catechesis for the Sacrament of Penance and must be given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament, if judged ready by the parents and . priest confessor. Caution should be exercised so that no one is forced to receive the Sacrament or that no one is denied the Sacrament who desires it. The opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance for the first time could appropriately be offered within the context of a penitential service, in accordance with the Past.oral Norms published by the Sacred Congrega, tion for the Doctrine of the Faith on June 13, 1972. 4-The catechesis for first Eucharist will normally take place during the second grade. The, parents and a priest who knows the child have primary responsibility. to decide when the child is ready to receive first Eucharist. 5-The preparation for Penance should be brief, simple and positive in tone, with emphasis on the concepts of love, sin, redemption ,and healing at the
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
level of the child's understanding. 6-Parents should be actively involved in the preparation of their children for and in the celebration of these Sacraments.
: .~orris H. Tripp: :, SHEET METAL :,
1923-1973 50 Golden Years' As Priests and Prelates
,'253 Cedar St., New Bedford', 993-3222 ,,.",-,--,,_._------, " ....,
Congratulations To
Bishop 路Feehan High School Cafeteria Every Wednesday Eve DOORS OPEN 6:00 P.M.
Fall River Gas Company
Early Bird Games 7:15 P.M. Regular Games 7:30 P.M. /
Our warmest congratulations go to Most Rev James L. Connollv DD . and Most. Rev James J, Gerrard, DD on their Golden Anniversaries.
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'Fall Riverlrust Co.
. .,
Thurs.. Oct. 18.
An estimated 15 million people still suffer with leprosy. Missionaries, supported by The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, are serving their needs today. They need your help.
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Best Wishes Best W ;she~ To
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Fall River, Mass.
K OF C INSTALLATION: The Bishop Cassidy Assembly of the Knights of Columbus installed their neW officers at a meeting held at White's Restaurant. Installed were: (left to right) John_H. Marques, N~vigator, of Westport; Domenic Restaino of Boston, Installing Officer; Dominick Faggioli of Westport, Captain.
Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard
His Excellency
James L. Connolly., D.D.
His Excellency Bi:shop James J. Gerrard., D.D.
On l~he Occasion
Of Their Golden Jubilee
serving All Faiths
178 Winter Street, Fall River
. 189 Gardners Neck Road, Swansea
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
Declining Vocations Now Alarming
\ I
CATHOUC HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION MEETS: Present from the Diocese of Fall River at the semi-annual Conference of the New England Catholic Hospital Association held in Worcester were: left to right, William Derevlany, Associate Administrator of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River; Sister Marie Ascension,. O.P., Vice Provincial of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation; Bishop Cronin; Rev. John J. Oliveira, secretary to Bishop Cronin; . Sister Angela Francis, O.P., Assistant Director of Nursing Services at St. Anne's Hospital. The theme of the conference was "The Role of the Catholic Hospital in the Health Field" with special emphasis on contemporary problems facing Catholic hospitals.
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The Catholic apostles have an incomdwindling number of men enter- parable kind of service to offer ing the priesthood and the num- to other human beings, a service ber of mature men leaving it are . which transcends man's secular creating a· "crisis with no end in concerns and extends beyond sight," the Pennsylvania Cath- them," he said. "Serrans and others charged olic Conference's Executive with promoting priestly voca130ard said here. tions," Fetterhoff declared, Some view the phenomenon "must be able to clarify for "with casual detachment, as if young minds and hearts what there were no cause for alarm," this Christlike service consists Howard J. Fetterhoff said, but of; they must be able to show "commop sense tells me that how it differs from and surthere is cause for alarm." passes other forms of service; The desire to "help others" they must dramatize it, glorify it, and "serve mankind" is noble, and convey its essential' beauty but not enough for the priest- as effectivedly as human words hood, Fetterhoff said. "Ordained can."
Congratulations to· Bishop James L. Connolly, D.D. . 1923 -- 1973
Our Sincere
Bishop James J. Gerrard, D.D.
Best Wishes D&DSales &Service 363 Second Street ·Fall River, Mass.
OF 1923 -
R. A;, Wilcox Company, Inc. 22 Bedford Street Fall Riivcr, Mass.
Archbishop Mar Gregorios will write personally. to say where he'll locate if you enable him to buy ($975) two acres of land as a model farm for a parish priest. Raising his own food the priest can teach his parishioners how to increase their crop production. (A hoe costs only $1.25, a shovel $2.35.) For only $200 in India you can build a decent house for a falTIi1y that now sleeps on the sidewalks. Simply send your check to us. Cardinal ParecattiI will write to thank you also. .~
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The answer is easy: they welcome the opportunity to do something needed where it's needed. _ Sometimes, besides, they build the church in memory of their loved ones, name it for their favorite saint.... Where is a new church needed? In hundreds of towns and vHlages in our 18 country miSSion world. In the little village of Ayyamparamba, India, for instance..•. The Sis• ters of Charity desperately need a chapel; one which is large enough to accommodate lay per· sons in the village as well as the Sisters. You can complete the chapel all by yourself for as little as $3,000. You'll be. doing something needed where it's needed, for Christ-and for people who cannot do for themselves•••• Do something at least, as much as you can ($100, $75, $50, $25, $20, $15, $10, $5, $3, $1) to help build this chapel! Your gift of any size will be a Godsend! ..• Have you been looking for something meaningfUl to do? Help these Sisters build a simple but lasting chapel. The Bishop will write to thank you on behalf of his people. We will send· you a sketch of the proposed chapel, when we thank you.
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NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenu.e • New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/986-5840
Priests' Senate Adds Committee Members
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973:
A Century of Service A Century of Service to God and man. Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard observe their golden priestly jubilees this Sunday and all in the Diocese of Fall River and beyond join in the happiness of this significant and unique event. .
If matters had been left in their hands, both Bishops- '
characteristically-would have marked the occasion as they have lived their priestly lives, with little ostentation, with concern only for others, with a willingness to give so unselfishly of themselves that duty and sacrifice ancJ inconvenicnc have become the commonplace in their Jives. . In their priestly and episcopal lives, both Bishops have taken themselves for granted; they have never taken their work for granted. And so their lives have been lives of com· mitment, of priestly fidelity, of dedication to doing the Will of God among His people. There has been no counting the cost, no concern for self, and these qualities have reached out and impressed thmselves upon the countless number, of persons whose lives have been touched and whose souls have been shapep by their very presence as well as by their works. Those in the area of this Diocese-lay persons and clergy-have been blessed in having as shepherds and exemplars such men as these. And, thanks be to God,. they continue to live and to pray and to serve in our midst, showing hoW lives dedicated to God and to the salvation of souls are lives of richness beyond telling and graces beyond counting and fulfillment beyond any merely. human expectation. These lives are themselves blessings from Goq 'upon us.
C:ongratulatory'Messages Priests' Senate Felicitates °rwo Bishops on Golden Jubilee Dear Bishop Connolly, Your golden' jubilee year in , the priesthood is a time of celebra:tion for all of us. The many men you have educated and trained during your years as a ~rninary professor and rector, and the countless priests, religious and laity you served so zealously and ablY as shepherd of the Diocese of Fall, River, than.k God for your continued presence among us. Your love for the Church and concern for the people have already taken concrete form in the many educational and social institutions now operating in the Diocese:~' Your disarming common sens~, wisdom and sensitivity toward people and events will not soon be forgotten. The Senate of Priests, which you founded sev,en years ago, extends to you its prayers and best wishes. Continued happiness and 'God's peace is our humble and earn1est prayer. , Congratulations and an abun'dance of God's blessings. Sincerely in Christ. Peter N. Graziano President I
Mission Sunday It is the mark of Catholics· the world over that part of the very fiber of their commitment to God is concern for their fellow man because these, are' God's children.
There is neither concern for God with neglect of neighbor, nor overriding involvement with men and lack of awareness of God. The direction of a truly Catholic life is both the vertical direction toward God and the horizontal direction toward men. Love of God overflows into concern for men; love of man is for the sake of God. . This weekend our attention is called to those all over the world who will be the beneficiaries of an outpouring of prayers for their s~lvation and material contributions for their well-being. i The whole Church is always and ever a mission Church. Its concern is and must ever be the spread of the Kingdom of God upon earth. Men and women the world over leave all that they have to bring this about. We are asked to give something to support the heroism of their sacrifice.
Telecast to View CtllLuch in Spain NEW YORK (NC)-The CBS teilevision network 'will show documentary films on the changing Church in Spain on two successive Sundays, Oct. 14 and 21. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Featuring interviews with prominent Spanish social, politPublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ical and religious leaders, the two 410 Highland Avenue half-hour documentaries also inFall River, Moss. 02722 675-7151 clude background footage illustratir.:g the tempo and character PUBLISHER • of Spanish life today. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.(D. The programs are part of the weekly "Look Up and Live" seGENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER ries produced by CBS News in Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. conslJiltation with the U. S. Cath'lev. John P. Driscoll olic Conference's Division for ~leary Press-Fall Rjve~ Film and Broadcasting.
Dear Bish9P Genard, The celebration of .your fifty years in the priesthood is inspirational for all oJ us. Where change and ferment have caused anxiety in the hearts of many priests and laity, you have always evidenced a calm faith of impressive spiritual dimensions. During your years .as priest and bishop, you have given of yourself in so many unassuming ways to brother priests and parishioners, particularly those in need. Your ...service as counselor and friend has been of the greatest value to all of us' and, will be cherished in the days to come. The Senate of Priests extends to you' our heartfelt congratulations during your golden-jubilee year. We promise you our prayers for your continued well being and good health. Best wishes and God's peace_ Sincerely in Christ, Peter N. Graziano President
Holy Ghost Father Named Secretary
The regularly scheduled meeting of the F,al! River Diocesan Senate of Priests was held at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River on Friday, October 12. Rev. Thomas C. Lopes, senate liaison with the National Feder-. ation of Priests' Councils, received the mandate of the sen-' ate to again solicit membership dues to the Federation from the priests of the diocese. In other actions, the various committees of the senate of priests gave preliminary reports on the formation· and enlargement of their committees. Various suggestions to the committees as to their priorities for the 1973-74 session were asked for by President, Rev. Peter N. Graziano. Various items came forth from the assembled senators in regard to the priests' pension plan and the matter of stipends. In addition ideas were presented to the constitutional committee in regard to a circular. letter from His Eminence, John Cardinal Wright. The priestly renewal committee has been expanded to include Rev. Giles Genest, M.S., Rev. John Fitzgerald, Rev. Marcel Bou~hard and Rev. George Bellenoit. Father Graziano en'couraged the co-chairmen of committees. to expand their ranks by calling on priests of the diocese not presently on the senate and lay experts as well as religious working in various apostolates throughout the diocese. Rev. Joseph L. Powers, liaison with the New England Conference of Priests Senates, announced the agenda for the forth. coming meeting to be held in Warwick, R. I. The main thrust of the corlvocation will be concerned with sacramental a'dministration. Father Graziano announced that the Fall River delegation would include Fathers Lopes, Lyons and Coleman in addition to Father Powers and himself. All priests in the dioces~ are welcome to come as observers to the meeting. Rev. Reid Mayo,. president of the National Federation of Priests' ,Councils will speak on Monday evening October 22, 1973 at 7:30. Further information elm be gotten from Father Powers at St. , Mark's Parish in Attleboro Falls. In other senate business it was decided that the procedings of the senate would henceforth be sent to the seminarians of the diocese. The November meeting of the Senate will take place on Friday, November 9, at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall Riv~r. All priests are welcome to attend.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Holy Ghost Father William F. Crowley' has· been appointed associate exAssign~ent ecutive secretary of the ConferContmued from Page One ence of- Major Superiors of Men was ordained on March t'7, 1956 (CMSM). , by Most Rev. James L. Connolly. Presently stationed at DuHe has served at Immaculate quesne- University in Pittsburgh, Conception Parish, Fall River; Father Crowley is serving as vo- St. Francis Xavier Parish; St. cation coordin~tor for the Holy Mary Parish, New Bedford, and Ghost Fathers' eastern' province St. Elizabeth Parish, Edgartown. and chairman of their formation A member of the Diocesan committee. Music' Commission, Father ConFather Crowley holds a master nolly has also served as Priests' of arts degree in English from Choir director. Duquesne where he taught from 1950 to 1960. He also served as Pray For .Missions a staff member of the National Over 135,000 missionaries serLiturgical Conference and as ving the many needs of the vice president of the Chicago world's poor look to your help Religion Teachers Association. . . your prayers and sacrifices.
lHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
'. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D.
Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D.
Our Heartiest Congratulations To These Distinguished Churchme,n on The Occasion of Their Golde.n Jubilee
HlQspit1(]ls Make 'J~nnual Report
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
ST. LOUIS (NC) - Approx· 3.3 per cent increase. However, the number of Cath·· imately 5.5 million patients of all races and rgligions were ad- olic hospitals declined in 1972 mitted to the nation's,7I5 Cath- by 19. In 1967, there was an average olic hospitals last year, accord'Love Begins in Our Homes,' Mother Teresa of 188 beds per hospital. But in ing to figures released here. Tells los Angeles Women The Catholic Hospital Associa· 1972, the number rose to 229 tion (CHA), whose members ac- beds per hospital. LOS ANGELES (NC)-A nun priest touches the bread and Most of the Catholic hospital count for more than one out of famed for her work among the wine he is touching the body alld the CHA reported, took closings, every four beds available in the .desperately poor of the slums of blood of Jesus. You touch the' place in small communities nation's voluntary hospitals, in Calcutta told Catholic women body of Jesus under the appearhere that love "must start in ance of the broken bodies of the its first annual report said that where the Catholic hospitals usuthe number of beds increased ally had fewer than 100 beds. our own homes." lepers." Catholic ho'spitals account for in 1'972 by 5,480 to 163,894, a "We think sometimes that Her Sisters' take a fourth vow, poverty is only being hungry, in addition to poverty, chastity naked and homeless. The pov- and obedience. They vow to give erty of being unwanted, unloved free 'service to the poorest of and uncared for is the greatest the poor. . poverty," Mother Teresa told 1,500 persons at a Ladies of Increase in Protestant Charity meeting in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Schools Report'ed '.'We .must start in our own WASHINGTON (NC)-Proteshomes to remedy this kind of tant elementary and secondary poverty," said the woman who schools are growing rapidly, founded the Missionaries· of mainly because of parental con· Charity. "Sometimes we can't cern about what they consider smile· at the children, at hus- academic laxity and student misbands." conduct in public schools, accordThis can be changed, she said, ing to a report in U. S. News & if "we give Jesus full power and World Report. possession in our homes." "These schools are spreading Mother Teresa's Missionaries across more than 30 statesof Charity, started in the Calcut- ranging in size from 100 to 200 La slums, now have 870 Sisters students, with tuition running in India, Tanzania,. the Middle from $400 to $1,000 a year," the . East, Yemen, Venezuela, Rome, Oct. 8 issue of the weekly news MOST REVEJ!END London, New York, Ceylon and magazine said. JAMES L. CONNOLLY, D.lI>. Mauritius. Although busing and the "The world today is hungry racial 'issue are factors in the for love," she told the Ladies of situation, churchmen say that Charity, "and. you and I can parents are seeking "a learning meet this hunger if we give the environment for their youngsters world the love of Jesus." that is more disciplined and more ·.'If we go to the poor to give religious than can be found in Lhem the love and peace of any public school," the magazine Christ and they see Jesus in us . said. and His love and compassion. It also reported that p~blic _.~_ the world will be full·of love and school officials are worried that peace," Mother Teresa said. the growth of church-run schools "The poor are brave and lov- will lead to a decline in commu· ing people," she said. "In 23 nity support for public education. years I have never heard a poor' person curse or grumble. "I remember one day I picked PRINTING up a poor. person from the SINCE 1898 street, half. eaten with maggots. He said to me 'I have lived like MAILING an animal, but I'm going to die SINCE 1'941 like an angel.' WEB OFFSET "This is the greatness of our SINCE 1967 people. The poor are rich in love." "When we ask our Sisters who would like to go and work with the lepers, all raise their hands" Mother Teresa said. . ' 679-5262 "I tell them that ~hen the
World Is HUingry
21.5 per cent of the total non· profit hospitals in the U. S. CHA represents 97'per cent of· the Catholic hospitals, whose members make up 99 per cenh of .the beds under the auspices of the Catholic Church. The 715 Catholic hospitals represent an investment of nearly $5 billion for land, buildings and equipment. Total employment is approximately 3.50,000 including about 11,000 Sisters and Brothers.
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Our Community Has Been Enriched By Tha Lives of These DisUnguished Churchmen Our Warm Felicitations Are Extended To Both On The Occasion of Their GOLDEN JUBILEE
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THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 18, 1973
Mother Finds Disitractions A He~lp in Saying Rosary
Sturtevant 6' 'Hook
If the Blessed Mother scores points for trying, I'm in good shape on my Rosaries. I start lots of them. The trouble is, I rarely finish. If I wait till I go to bed in the evening, I fall asleep. If I start one during the day, I say decades with 45 Hail Marys. THE SCOURGING AT THE Distractions. Distractions. PILLAR-physical pain: I'm so Distractions. I begin; but tired ... I must get more sleep here's what: happens: · .. my legs are killing me ... but THE ANNUNCIATION-good news brought by a special mes~enger: the mailman is at the door with a letter from a friend
THE CARRYING OF THE CROSS-the strength to go on: Look at these food prices ... well, I'm going to do my grocery shopping, and I'm going to stay within my budget ...somehow ...
THE CRUCIFIXION-final irreversible: the garage just called. They can't fix the car. While supper's cooking, I'll dust the living room. I've dropped the plate from my great-grandmother ... shattered ... and what is that smell? Supper's burning!
I haven't heard from in years ... my daughter just came in with a 100 per cent on a test ... THE VISITATION-the sharing of good news: I must run next door and thank my neighhor ... her daughter had been coaching my child ... before I THE RESURRECTION - reforget, I'd better call my newed Spirit: okay, I've salvaged mother ... the supper ... Grandma's plate is THE BIRTH OF OUR LORD glued ... it won't be the same, -the Beginning: just look at the but it will still remind me of her sun streaming in the window on · .. and as for the car ... the first blossom on that begonia THE ASCENSION - going . . . I'd better start a load of ahead to new frontiers: my huslaundry ... and put supper on ... band has just called, and he has THE PRESENTATION-offer- been promoted in his job ...maying to God: "Mom, can you pick be we can re-paint the kitchen me up at school?" "Mom, will this week-end ... "Mommy, come you help me with my home- meet my new friend." work?" "Mom, I caught my jackTHE DESCENT OF THE et and it ripped a bit. Could you HOLY SPIRIT - inspiration: a mend it?" conversation with my daughter THE FINDING IN THE TEM- · ... the words came just right PLE-the joy of seeing Christ: · .. she had been in such turmoil my little one is coming, a grubby , ... what a joy to have helped fist offering a bunch of wild- her. flowers . . . arrange a bouquet THE ASSUMPTION-the liftwith her ... wash her up..Nothing is 'quite as radiant as a fresh- ing of a mother's spirit: what a ly scrubbed face . . . especially pleasure, to survey a clean living one glowing with satisfaction '.' . room '... to hear the children THE AGONY IN THE GAR- laughing ... my husband will be DEN-ment.al suffering: my home from work any moment daughter is late getting home now ... ... Dear God, help my. son make THE CORONATION-honor to a good impression on his inter- a mother: "Gee, Mom. This dinner tastes good!" view ... I wish they'd call ...
Congratulations and Best Wishes To Bishop Connolly and, Bishop Gerrard Ad4~lino Garcia 173 ALBION STREET
Est. 1897
Builders Supplies 2343 Purchase Street New Bedford
I'd better go get. the rest of the laundry ... THE CROWNING WITH THORNS-honor to disgrace: the paper's just come ... my heavens ... on the front page ... he was such a fine boy his parents so proud of him I wonder what made him do it .
Construction Co. FALL RiVER, MASS.
CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC NURSES: Principals from the Fall River Council of Catholic Nurses attending the New England Conference were: Sr. Helen Rosarii, O. CarlO. of the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River; Mrs. Anne V. Fleming, Fall River; Bishop Cronin, concelebrant at Conference Mass; Miss Ruth E. Hurley of Fall River. .
102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674-4881 3% room Apartment $155.00 per month 4Yz room Apartment $165.00 per month lIc1udes heat. hot water, stove, ref rlgerator and maintenance service.
C,at,holic Nu\rses Repeat Strong Abortion Stand The New England Conference of the Diocesan Councils of Catholic Nurses met in convention and issued a strong statement of conscience on abortion.
New England Diocesan Councils of Catholic Nurses, resolve to make a clear statement of conscience on the question of abortion.
Meeting in Bedford, N. H., the nurses participated in a concelebrated Mass offered by Most Rev. Ernest J. Primeau, Bishop of Manchester, N. H., Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River and Most Rev. Edward C. -O'Leary, Auxiliary Bishop of Portland, Me.
"We believe in the basic principle of the inviolability of human 'life as regards the formative stages of development of the human fetus. As professional people, we believe that the unborn fetus has the basic right to life and should be protected.
More than 400 nurses attended the Mass celebrated in Blessed Elizabeth Seton Church, 24 from Fall River. Also concelebrating' were the priest moderators of the variou~ diocesan councils. During the convention, the following resolution was restated and voted upon: "We, the undersigned, Mem,bers of the, Conference of the
"The responsibility for this must be faced by all men of good will." Elected as new officers for the conference are: Miss Rose Mary Moran, president, Waterbury, Conn.; Miss Ruth E. Hurley, vice-president, Fall River; Sister Helen Rosarii, O. Carm., secretary, Fall River; Mrs. Anne V. Fleming, treasurer, Fall River; Miss Helen Shove, director, Taunton.
1923 -
Our Heartiest Congratulations Bonner Flowers 2082 Robeson Street Fall River, Mass.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
Apostolate for' Mentally Retarded Opens Offif;e in Washington WASHINGTON (NC) - Some adult Catholics have never received Communion; many have never' been to confession. They are the mentally retarded., Father Robert Malloy, executive director of the National Apostolate for the Mentally Re路 tarded, said that "one of the things we come up against is the statement that the retarded can't sin, so why 'waste' time on them?" The National Apostolate for the Mentally Retarded recently opened its first full-time office here, and Father Malloy was named its new executive director. The organization is six years old, Father Malloy said, and up until now, the national office had been "wherever the president was." But the mentally r~tarded, Father Malloy explained, "have just as much of a right to know the Savior" and develop spiritu. ally as anyone else. , The NAMR, he said, is "involved with Hie religious education of the mentally retarded."
There are many retarded individuals, Father Malloy said, who receive' Communion a~d may never go to confession, "because they can't verbalize." .The mentally retarded, he said, "do not possess the eloquence of ' tongue and rhetoric of those who have the power to construct laws that will deprive them of the right to life ... but the mentally retarded are human beings nonetheless. "There is more to a person than knowledge, intelligence and rhetoric," Father Malloy added. Mental retardation has many levels, he said. Some of the mentally retarded can commit sin others cannot. " ...-
J 923' -
A Century of Ded~icated Service In The Vin~yard of The Lord Congratulations' and Best Wishes To' /
Aluminum or ,Steel 944 County Street NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 992-6618
R. A. McWl-iliRR
Art A work of art represents the mind of the maker. -St. Thomas Aquinas
------------------,-----~ ....------------------
1923-1973, Our Heartiest Congratulations To Our Distinguished Jubilarians
Plumbing & Heating Corp.
Auxilialry Bishop ~f Boston
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 1B, 1973
DCCW Speaker Oct. 24 " Most Reverend Joseph F. Ma- by a Mass at St. Mary's Church guire, Auxiliary Bishop of Bos- in Taunton celebrated by Rt. ton (South Region), will speak at Rev. Gerard Chabot, moderator a joint Communion Supper of . for the Diocesan Council of· the Taunton and Attleboro Dis- Catholic Women. Rev. James F. trict Councils of Catholic Women Lyons, Taunton district moderon Wednesday, Oetober 24 at ator,_ will be the homilist. St. Mary's School auditorium, The committee in charge of Taunton. arrangements is headed by Mrs. Bishop Maguire received a Aristides A. Andrade, aided by Bachelor of Arts degree from Mrs. Albert Moitoza and Mrs. Boston College; studied at St. Harry Loew, co-chairmen. John's Seminary in Brighton and was ordained at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on June 29, 1945 by the late Richard Cardinai Cushing. He has been secretary to the late Richard Cardinal Cushing and Humberto Cardinal Medeiros. Bishop Maguire was on the Priest's Personnel Board; was a director of the Human Development Campaign and was Pastor at St. John Church in Quincy prior to his elevation as Auxil. iary Bishop in February of 1972. The supper will be preceded
Congratulations and Best Wishes To Two Distinguished Churchmen
Medical Missionaries Medical aid and health education are two of the many desperately needed services being offered by medical missiona~ies supported by The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. They need you to help others.
First Federal Savings and Loan Association 1 NORTH MAIN STREET -
1923-1973 Congratulations To Their Excellencies MOSr REV. JAMES L. CONNOLLY', D.D. ·and'
MOS'T REV. JAMES J. GERR~RD, D.D. On The Occasion Of Their Golden Jubilee
Ask. C:onfession Rule Suspension
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs"Oct. 18, 1973 ,
Byrne's request a resolution taking issue with charges made by The Wanderer, the independent conservative Catholic weekly published here, that "liturgical abuses" in the archdiocese "have proliferated to the point of becoming a public scandal."
ST. PAUL (NC)-The archdiocesan priests' senate here asked Coadjutor-Archbishop Leo C. Byrne of St. Paul-Minneapolis to suspend his rule requiring' ay parishes to reinstate the practice of' first confession before first Communion, beginning with the 1973-74 school year. ' After rufing in July that this year all parishes must make first confession before first Communion manda.tory, Archbishop Byrne subsequently suspended the rule for six parishes, allowing them to continue their present program of delayed confession for one year. 'By an 18-4 vote the priests senate asked the archbishop to make the suspension uniform throughout the archdiocese, after proponents of :the resolution argued that otherwise parishes would be required to ask individually for suspensions, or they would "just go ahead on their own" and ignore the rule.
H. RILEY' & SON, Inc.
"Serving the Community Since 1873'"
Cities Service Petroleum. Produds Gasolene & Diesel Fuels Fuel Oils' Liquified Petroleum Gas Stewart-Warner Winkler Heating & Coo:ing Installations
I~ other actions; the senate: -Added its support to the Minnesota bishops' endorsement of a boycott against grapes and· lettuce which do not bear the label of the United Farm Workers of America.
Bless. Student .Center .CIt Stonehill The varied cultures in Amel'ica and the lack of understanding ;Jmong tbem was the theme voiced by Philosopher-Theologian l'VIichael Novak at the dedication ceremonies of the new $1.35 million Student Center at Stonehill College, North Easton, last Friday. - Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin performed the blessing and John r. Ahern, Chairman of thz Board . of Advisors, served as master-of-ceremonies. Rev. Ernest Bartell, C.S.C., President of Stonehill, addressed the group ;Jnd cited Mrs. Julia Goulart of New Bedford for her gift which made it possible to begin construction of the Center, and Mrs. Maurice Ames Charles of California, formerly of Easton, who made the original land and buildings available for the creation of Stonehill College. The Center, largest building on the Stonehill campus, houses a gymnasium large enough to ac. commodate two simultaneous basketball games, and a twolevel student activities wing including a grill-lounge, music and recreational areas, an FM radio station, student publiciltion offices, arts and crafts workshops' . and seminar-conference ·rooms. Novak, a 1956 Stonehill gradand former religious studies and humanities professor at Harvard University, Stanford University and State University of New York at Old Westbury, is presently'a consultant in. the humanities with the Rookefeller Foundation in New York.
extreme individuality in which you find even members of a family sheering apart and going their separate ways:" "But these same attributes cause the split with the rest of America whom they don't understand at all," he warned. "We're living one of· the most varied existences in the history of mankind. We should be the most international nation in the world, since all of us, except the Indians, came from someplace. else. In the old country there was a certain existing pattern which that culture lived by. But here, with such variety around us, we have the opportunity to learn and understand all the different cultures but we don't at all. " "What happens in the future at Stonehill depends on whether we can construct a vision of humanity which is really humanity,'; he continued, "in which we are more deeply involved in other
people's lives. The question' is whether the colleges a.nd univer~;jties can really talk to the American people about the real variety on this planet." "Tr.'3. real crisis, then,'" he added, "is not in population, food or health - if these were solved, would warring stop?but that cultural understanding is lacking. And the scholalr's role is in not allowing thi p split between peoples to grow but to speak so as to enlighten, to create a politics out of a people. The man who can express and do what the majority of these cultures really want is the man who will lead them." "I believe there is an unexpressed hunger and need in the people Jor this understanding," he concluded.. "and it is' surely the task of a place like Stonehill to create it." The dedication was followed by a tour of the new Center and a reception.
'48 BROADWAY, TAUNTOK Attleborp - No. Attleboro Taunton
Our Sincere Best Wishes To
.Bisholl) Connolly and Bishop Gerrard
Congratulati1ons and Best Wishes' To the Golden Jubilarions BishopConnollly and Bishop Gerrard
Novak told his audience, "The United States is developing the most serious split in its history. Not the one most· talked about, that between young and old, black and white, liberals and conservatives, but a decided split between the educated population and those who do not go to college. Within the first group, there is much mobility, more affluence, and a tendency toward
24-Hour Burner Service
'II THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
His Excellency Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D.
His Excellency Most Rev..James J. Gerrard, D.D.
We Are Proud To Salute Two Distinguished Churchmen On The Occasion of Their Golden Jubilee
THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall Riv~r- Thurs, Oct. 18, 1973
The Parish' Pa.rade Publicity chairmen of parish organilatlo~s ,r, asked to submit news iltms for this column to The Anchor, p... O. Box 7. Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as weli as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.
OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The annual CYO awards banquet is scheduled for 6:30 P.M. Sunday, Oct. 28 at White's restaurant. November activities will include a planning meeting for a malasada supper and dance, to he held Sunday, Nov. 4 at the church hall. Also on Nov. 4 at the hall will be a fashion show sponsore9 by the Council of Catholic Women. The council plans a one-day trip to New York Saturday, Nov. 24. The Holy Name Society will .hold a turkey whjst at 7:30 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 10 in the· hall. The parish council will meet at 7 P.M. Sunday, Nov. II, also in the hall. ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER On Saturday, Oct. 20 from 10 o'clock to 4 in the afternoon, the Council of Catholic Women will conduct a flea market and rummage sale in the church hall. The next meeting of the coun· cil scheduled for Monday evening, Nov. 5 will open with a potluck supper at 6 and will be followed by a business meeting. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Parishioners are asked to can· tribute to a Campbell's Soup label drive to benefit the school. HOLY NAME, .. .FALL RIVER. An All Saints Halloween party will take place at6 P.M. Wed· nesday night, Oct. 31 in the school hall. Parish children in preprin:tary through sixth grade ar.e invited to attend and must · be accompanied by an adult. Par· · cnts wishing to assist in planning for the event may contact Mrs. · William Sullivan, 674-4586. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of Ste. Anne met last night .in the parish hall with Lauretta Messier in charge. of program arrangements. James Reynolds, a Swansea florist, demonstrated arrangements of dried and fresh flowers .. ST. ANN, NEW BEDFORD The Couples Club will hold a Kick-Off Dance in the school hall from 8 P.M. to midnight Saturday, Oct. 27. Music will be by the Silverliners and a cold buffet will be served. Tickets are available from Mrs. Raymond Jacques, telephone 997-4265.
ST. MARGARET, _BUZZARDS BAY SS. Margaret-Mary Guild plans a public whist party at 1:30 this afternoon in the CCD center, South Boulevard, Onset. Florence Sullivan, chairwoman, will be assisted by Mary Reid, co· chairwoman. The guild will hold a rummage and white elephant sale in St. Margaret's parish_hall from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Saturday, Oct. 27. Wearable clothing may be brought to the hall on Friday. Mrs. Anna McCarthy is in charge of arrangements.
OUR LADY. OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society will serve a meat . pie supper at 6 o'clock on Saturday evening, Oct. 20 in the church hall, 225 No. Front St. A social will be held following the supper. Members of the society are re. quested to donate pastry for the supper and prizes for the social. The Adam Mickie'wicz Society Polish Roman 'Catholic Union of New Bedford will sponsor a sup· per and dance in the Mickiewicz Hall at 2031 Purchase St. on Saturday niglJt, Oct. 27. Supper will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 and Johnny Sowa's Orchestra will provide the music. Donation will be $3.00. ST. JOSEPH, ATILEBORO The Christmas Bazaar sewinli workshop will meet every Wed·' nesday morning at 9 o'clock in the- parish hall. The Women's Guild will conduct a '~Thanksgiving Turkey Whist" on Saturday, Nov. 17. Food prizes will be given and at least 25 turkeys will be awarded, to winners. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET, The Men's Club will sponsor an old-fashioned Halloween party the weekend of Oct. 27 and 28. The adult segment will consist of a dinner-dance Saturday night at Suspiro's Country Club, while children will meet' Sunday afternoon at the Fisher House. Ages' 3 to 6 will be entertained from noon to' 2 P.M: and ages 7-12 from 2:30 to 4:30 P.M. Proceeds from the dinner-dance will benefit the building ·fund; the' children's party will be free. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET Women's Guild' members will attend rosary· devotions and Mass at 7 P.M. Wednesday, Oct. 24, prior to meeting in the parish hall. Program for the evening will be presented by Jean Caya. Bancroft, handwriting analyst. Mrs. Alice· Brillo will be in charge of the social hour.
Educator Says Rulings Create Better Schools PHILADELPHIA (N) - The "golden days" of Catholic education may be past but better days may -be ahead, thankS to, of aU people, the justices of the U.S. Supreme ourt.
vention here. "If the Lord didn't move two more men on the Supreme Court (to back the recent state aid to non public schools bills); He had a reason," Sister Elinor said.
That was the "prophecy" ut· tered by Sister Elinor Ford, su'perintendent of New York's arch· diocesan schools, during a talk to the annual Catholic Educational Association of Pennsylvania con·
. _"Maybe the J.,ord is saying 'Let's make Catholic schools the best Catholic system we've ever had' by increasing parent involvement," the nun suggested. "In the golden days of the 50s
and early 60s, the parents sent the children to us but stayed on the sidelines," she added. Those days are "finished and over with," she said. But "just as the Lord started the Church with a group of 12, -maybe there will be fewer schools in the future. But I make a prophecy that if we truly in· volve the parents we will have a school system that will be a microcosm of the early Church."
Warmest Best Wishes To' Their E;xcellencies·M08T REV. JAMES L. CONNOLLY, D.D. MOST REV. JAM}~S J.o GERRARD, D.D. 'f?'
Congratulations and Best Wishes To MOST REV. JAMES L. CONNOLLY, D.D. and MOST REV. JAMES J. GERRARD, D.D.
Ad Multos Annos!
The Vargas Oil Co. protects your family's heating c~mfort . all year. round. TRY US FIRST
• THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
His Excellency Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D.
. His Excellency Most Rev~ James J. Gerrard, D.D.
I Am Proud and ."rivileged To Exte,nd Congratulations
And Best Wishes cTo Our Distinguished Jubilarians
In Behalf of The Citizens of Fall River WILFRED C. DRISCOLL MAYOR
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv~r- Thurs. Qct. 18, 19731
New Coventry Cathedral Delights! American Visitor' Lady Godiva is famous for a certain singular horse~ back ride through the streets of the English town of Coventry. What is generally overlooked is that Lady Godiva, wife of an AnglO-Saxon earl, was responsible for the building of the first, standing between Christ's feet is great church in Coventry, doll-like. . begun in 1064. It was an One would like to get closer abbey church, destroyed in 1539 when Henry VIII was fattening his purse by flattening monasteries. He spared Coventry's parish church, which had
been completed only six years earlier. This church was later given the status of a cathedral. On November 14, 1940, the ca· thedral was smashed by Nazi bombs. New Cathedral
than is permitted, because, whether sighted from the entry or from as near as one can come, it looks like a lusterless oil on canvas much as some of the mosaics in St. Peter's, basilica have the appearance of paintings. In both instances, the distinctive quality of the medium, and the genius of the makers, are somehow betrayed.
Ordinary of Malta SeE~s Fireworks as Waste VALLETTA (Nq ' - Archbishop Michael Gonzi of Malta has denounced ,the squandering of th:)usands of dollars on extravagant fireworks displays during Malta's traditional festivals. The 88-year-old ar<::hbishop, who had refrained from being drawn into the bitter fireworks cO::ltroversy, criticized fireworks fanatics, stressing that there are better uses for the money "Which ,is at present going up in smoke." :Many Maltese villages spend thousands of dollars on elaborate fjr,eworks displays annually to commemorate their patron saints. , For the past few years a bitter controversy has raged over the fireworks; Many have urged the government- to impose more stringent regulations to contr01 the abuse of fireworks. Scores of Maltese enthusiasts have theen horribly ma.imed and quite a few killed in
fireworks explosions in the past they honor the saints and, in addition, are an added attraction year. Rivalry between neighboring for Malta's booming -tourist villlages has led to the manufac- trade. Archbishop Gonzi said that the ture of more and more powerful explosives that, if they misfire, thousands of dollars spent on can raze a solid stone house to fireworks should be distributed the ground. among the poor "so that these Those in favor of continuing - people would be able to celebrate the fireworks in the traditional in a better manner their village Maltese festivals maintain that festival."
Another Masterpiece
Congratulations and Best Wishes To
Coventry cathedral boasts yet another masterpiece in its baptistry, set in a semi-circular bay near the rear of the nave. It is exquisite and dramatic and would surely detract from the altar, wer~ it not for its positioning. The font itself is a limestone boulder from Bethlehem, and is , in its natural state, irregular in shape and rough in texture. It· stands on a platform of polished marble.
There is now, a new cathedral in Coventry, one which amply rewards the journey from Lon· don to this industrial city. The cathedral is in the thick of it, adjoining the ruins of the old one, which was in the perpendicular style. The roof-less ruin~ comprise broken walls and ll;mely spire, which witness both to an· cient faith and to the madness of war. They have a somber beauty, like that of, the fine bone structure of a face plundered by age. One walks thoughtfully through them (it is impossible to walk thoughtlessly through them), and stands longest before the bare, discolored altar. The altar is surmounted by a stark cross of charred wood, and carved into the wall beyond it is 'the plea . "FATHER FORGIVE."
Behind it is a window wall, with 198 recessed rectangular lights of stained glass, ·in colors ranging from those which suggest the celestial, at the ceilingtouching top, to those which speak of earth, close to the floor. This is the single most brilliant feature of the cathedral; and is both stunning and exhilarating. .
Angels Ride Wind
The light through the windows is thus thrown forward in the cathedral, all of it focu~ing on the sanctuary. Each pair of- windows has a principal', pervasive color in an astounding variety. of shades. Like almost everything in the cathedral, they are individually strong but blend easily into the whole.
Curiously, the ten gigantic windows in the nave, each 75 feet high, cannot be seen from the entrance. This is because the walls of the nave" when viewed from outside, protrude in sharp angles, which means that 'these walls zigzag. Inside each of the ten angled bays, the glass is set in the side of the angle which faces the altar. Variety
Bishop Connolly.and Bishop Gerrard
Ad Multos Annos!
Congratulations and Best Wishes Swan Finishing Company, Inc. 11 Ledge Road Swan&ea
Best Wishes To Bishop Conn~olly- and Bishop Gerrard
-. SAVINGS· ':,,~ltlzens BANK.A
A spacious airy porch connects the gaunt remnant of the old cathedral with the new building, contemporary in design, of pinkish grey sandstone, and proclaiming victory over malice. The interior does not disappoint. It is first glimpsed through soaring screen of clear, etched , There are many other features glass. Of the figures on this screen, the most striking and de- which one might mention: for lightful are those of angels, who example the Chapel of Christ in Gethsemane, which has a bronze loo~ to be zestfully riding the screen in the form of a stylized wind. It was the bishop's and the 'ar- crown of thorns, and a fantastic chitect's intention that the altar yet appropriate mosaic. should immediately assert itself Even more appropriate, to my as the magnet of attention. This mind, is ,a fairly recent addition it does, but it has competition elsewhere: a metal sculpture of from the tapestry behind it. Like the head of Christ in agony. The Epstein's sculpture, the tapestry, . conception is powerful, and so is designed by Graham Sutherland, the ex.ecution, but the impact is is a inaster~ork. increased when one reads, on the It is almost 76 feet long, alidentifying tablet, that the metal most 40 feet wide, and weighs came from an automobile de: three-quarters of a ton, hence is molished in a collision. All agony the largest work of its kind in centers and is consecrated in the the world. The dominant, central, agony of the Immortal One. It figure is that of Christ in glory: was criminally ca'reless of me not it is of such magnitude (35 feet to have made note of the name of high) that the figure of a man the artist, an American woman.
1923 -
1973 o
Our Sincere Best Wishes
Best Wishes To Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard
Oil Co~pany
to Durfee Street Fall River, Mass.
Ad Multos Annos!
. Mooney & Company, Inc. Who~es,alers
-and Imports of Malt Beverages TAUNTON, MASS.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
His Excellency Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D.
His Excellency Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D.
Our. Heartiest Congratulations And Continued Best Wishes Ad Multos Annos
... 80 North MAIN STREET
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 197'3
Bishop ConnoUy Bishop 28 Years
Continued from Page One then he returned to Washington and from there went to Louvain University, Belgium, where from 1924 to 1928 he fulfilled the requirements for a doctoral degree in historical science, which he received summa cum laude. The young priest's dissertation was a study of John Gerson, 15th century Chancellor of the University of Paris. Some 400 pages long, it was the first such study in English of the famous reformer. and mystic. To St. Paul Together with two other Fall River priests, Father Connolly was next assigned to the Archdiocese of St. Paul, Minn., at the request of its archbishop. The trio was dubbed "the three Wise Men from the East." One became Archbishop of St. Paul, the late Most Rev. William O. Brady; one is pastor of a St. Paul church; Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan; and in 1945 Father Connolly was ,named Titular Bishop of Mylasa and Coadjutor. with the right of succession, of the Fall River Diocese. Prior to his episcopal appointment, Father Connolly had taught at S1. Paul's major seminary, also serving as rector of both the minor and major seminaries of the Archdiocese. He was also instrumegtal in bringing the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Dominican Sisters to St. Paul to found a cancer hospital. Bishop Connolly's consecration look place in S1. Paul on May 24, 1945 with Archbishop John Greg. ory Murray the presiding prelate. His chaplains were Rev: Russell .J. McVinney, the late Bishop of Providence, and Rev. James J. Gerrard, who was to become Fall River's Auxiliary Bishop. Sacred Heart Pastor A solemn pontifical Mass in S1. Mary's Cathedral on June 7, 1945 welco'med the new Bishop to his diocese. Archbishop Murray preached and Cardinal Spellman, then an Archbishop, headed the visiting prelates. Bishop Connolly served as pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, in addition to his duties as Coadjutor until the sudden death of his predecessor, Bishop .James E. Cassidy, on May 17, 1951, brought him to the position of Ordinary. . Care for the aged and exceptional comes first to mind when one reviews the episcopate of Bishop Connolly, but hardly less important is the chain of high schools that lie erected throughout the Diocese. Beginning with Bishop Stang High in North Dartmouth, and continuing with , Bishop Feehan, Attleboro; Bishop Cassidy, Taunton; and Bishop Connolly, Fall River, they serve a total of neady 3000 students. Many Organizations . Organizations of every type served the faithful of the diocese under Bishop~ Connolly's leader. ship. Spanning all age groups was the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, which assumed new importance in a day when parochial schools found it more' and more difficult to continue their traditional task of providing a complete education for Catholic children. Foreseeing the growing need for CCD, the Bishop in May 1968 authorized the opening of a Diocesan CCD Center.. '
The Family Life bureau was a service preparing young couples for marriage by means of Pre-Cana Conferences, held reg-. ularly throughout the Diocese and given by priests,. doctors an<;l married couples. 1:1 1953 women of the diocese were united in the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. As such they hold annual conventions and frequent district-wide meetings. Together witjl the S1. Vincent de Paul Society of the Diocese, the DCCW sponsors the Bishop's Ball, which has come to be the main event of the Winter social season in southeastern Massachusetts. Each year the event raises a 'significant sum of money for the work of the Nazareth Halls in Fall River, Hyannis and Attleboro; Also serving youth was' the Catholic Youth Organization, WEEKEND· RETREAT: Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, which sponsors a varied program Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, was welcomed during the of social, spiritual, cultural and weekend retreat for area Scouts of the Fall River-New Bed: athletic activities. Special events through the ford areas. Speaking with the Bishop at: the Noquochoke years of Bishop Connolly's episCamp· are Michael Bento of Tiverton, R. I. left, and Edward copate were many. In 1952 came Pollard of Swansea, right. a four-day observance of the 100th anniversary of the start of construction of- S1. Mary's Cathe- tablished, and in 1966 the first diocese. Other regulations govdral. Among six monsignori cre- Diocesan School Board was ern marriage and funeral 'serated at this time was Msgr. named. A Priests' Senate, also vices and thli celebration of, James J. Gerrard, whom Bishop formed in 1966, had as its re- Mass. Brownsville Bishop Connolly was to consecrate as sponsibility consideration of "the pastoral duty of priests, the Bringing great happiness to his Auxiliary in 1959. priestly ministry, priestly prep- Bishop Connolly was the apIn 1954 came the golden aration and appropriate renewal pointment of his former chanceljubilee observance of the foundlor, the then Bishop Humberto S. ing of the FaIl River Diocese by of the religious life." St. Pius X. By happy coincidence, On August 15, 1968, the Bish- Medeiros , ?S Ordinary of the the year also saw the canoniza- op promulgated a revised set of Brownsville, Texas Diocese. Bishtion of Pius. . Pro-Synodal Statutes or dioc- op Connolly consecrated his An honor came from the Fran- esan laws, governing Church life. friend in St. Mary's Cathedral ciscan Order of ,Friars Minor in lI:is purpose was "to update Di- on June 9, 196(;, and on June 29 1958, when it affiliated the Bish- ocesan statutes as a means of at Immaculate Conception Catheop to its communlity, making implementing the decrees and dral in Brownsville was among him the third prelate in the na- directives of Vatican, II and of 13 Bishops present when the tion to receive such recognition. providing clear guidelines for new Ordinary was installed by "This affiliation is given to those uniform pastoral practice in min- Archbishop Lucey of. San An. who love things Franciscan," ist:eri~g to the spiritual needs tonio.' Recognizing the "unsung consaid a spokesman for the Friars of the people of God in the Diotributions" of many to the work Minor at the time of the cer- cese." emony. "It gives the Bishop t1)e of the Fall River Diocese, Bishop Among important changes in- Connolly in. 19(i? introduced the right to use the letter ·O.F.M.' after his name, should he so dc- troduced by the statutes was the Marian Medal award, since predesire." .granting of faculties to priests sented to hund.reds of laity and Other recognition came from from other parts of New Enand religious who have notably the Knights of Columbus, who gland while. in the Fall River served the people of God. named Bishop Connolly a Fourth Degree Knight. He was the fourth member of the Massachu~ setts hierarchy to receive the honor. In 1954. the prelate reo ceived' a cash award and the George Washington Honor Medal from the Freedoms Foundation" for a sermon on threats to free· dom' posed by academic revaolutionaries, among others. He also received honorary doctor of laws degrees from Boston College, S~onehill College, Holy Cross College, Southeastern Massachusetts University and S1. 1923 -- 1973 1923 1973 . Michael College, and an honor-' ary .degree of doctor of sacred theology fr'om ProvidElnce College. In F'orefront During Bishop Connolly's episcopate ,the Fall River Diocese was in the' forefront of impleme'nting changes in policy and liturgical observances brought about by the Second .Vatican, Council. It was the first to introduce evening Masses and Insu,al'Dc«~ Agency, Saturday fulfillment of the Sunday obligation, and in 1961 the Inlc. first evening ordinations in New 475 Tecumseh 'Street England tookplac,e in St. Mary's ,.' 1320 North Main St. ' Cathedral. Fall 'River, Mas's. Fall River In 1964 a Diocesan Commls, sion' for Christian Unity was es- '
Multos Annos!
Normand Morrissette
Multos Annos!
A high point in the prelate's years as Bishop came in 1967 when he welcomed the Most Rev. Luigi Raimondi, tllen Apostolic Delegate to the United States, to the diocese upon the occasion of the dedication of Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River. On Sunday, May 24, 1970 the accomplishments and memories of 25 years as a Bishop culminated at a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, followed by a gala banquet. In October of the same year Bishop Connolly announced his retirement. In Retirement In retirement, he was assigned a titular see by Pope Paul VI, becoming titular bishop of Tribuzabeto, once a diocese in the western part of the dependency of Constantine the Great. Today the former diocese would be located in Algeria. He has officiated at many conTurn to Page Nineteen
1923 -
Our ,Heartiest ~ongratulations
Pimental' Electric Co. 84 McGowan Street Fall River
1923 -
,Congratulations and Best Wishes
Gilbert C. Oliveira
EDGAR'S Brockton, -:- Fall River
... Bishop COll1nolly Continued from Page Eighteen firmation ceremonies since 1970 and is a frequent visitor to Nazareth Hall, always among his favorite diocesan works of mercy. And among highlights of his retirement. years have been his frequent meetings with Humberto Cardinal Medeiros. Bishop Connolly accompanied the Cardinal on a recent trip to the Azores and was among those flying to Rome with - him in March of this year for his elevation to the Sacred College. And in March the Bishop published an anecdotal history of the Fall River diocese, covering the period from mention of the area by 16th century explorers to. the present time. In it he notes that he was privileged to ordain 230 priests:, 130 for the diocese and 100 for religious communities. Further evidencing the long friendship of Bishop Gerrard and Bishop Connolly, the book was dedicated to the auxiliary. Today the prelate remains active, alert and prayerfully interested, as always, in the diocese doubly by his birth and by his role for so many years as its shepherd. In the course of his 19 years as fourth bishop of Fall River, Most Rev. James L. Connolly had the unique privilege of planning and seeing built. 33 churches, almost one-third the number of churches in the diocese. These edifices are: St. Anthony, Taunton; St. v
Mary, New Bedford; St. Jacques, Taunton; Our Lady of the Annunciation, Dennisport; Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford. St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth (two churches); Immaculate Conception, Taunton; Our Lady of Grace, No. Westport; St. Mary, So. Dartmouth; Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford. St. Theresa, So. Attleboro; Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; Our Lady of th~ Assumption, New Bedford; St. Mary, No. Seekonk; Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea.. St. William, Fall River; St. Ann, Raynham; Espirito Santo, Fall River; St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River; Holy Ghost, Attleboro. St. Mark, Attleboro; St. Mary, Mansfield; St. Casimir, New Bedford; Holy Cross, No. Easton; Mt. Carmel, Seekonk.. Holy Trinity, West Harwich; Sit. Hedwig, New Bedford; St. Mary, Fairhaven; Queen of Mar-tyrs, Mashpee; St. Julie, No. Dartmouth. St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven; St. Thomas More, Somerset. In adidtion, he supervised additions to churches in Hyannis, Buzzards Bay, East Falmouth, Ocean Grove, Chatham, Bass River, Dennisport and Eastham. SchoolsUnder Bishop Connolly's direction 14 elementary schools and three special schools for exceptional children were established in the diocese; Centers Parish and CCD centers built under the Bishop's direction numbered 15: These are:
St. William, Fall River; St. Mary, Mansfield; Immaculate Conception, No. Easton; St. Mary, No. S~ekonk; St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis. St. Joseph, Dighton; St. Mary, Norton; St. Mary, So. Dartmouth; 路St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay; St. Theresa, So. Attleboro: Mt. Carmel, Seekonk; Immaculate Conception, Fall River; St. Patrick, Falmouth; St. Joan of Are, Orleans; Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford. Parishes Bishop Connolly established 15 parishes during his 19 years as Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River. These include: Sit. Mary, New Bedford; St. Anthony, Mattapoisett; Our Lady of Grace, No. Westport; St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth; Holy Redeemer, Chatham. St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven; Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea; St. Ann, Raynham; Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster. Holy Cross, No. Easton; Our Lady of Fatjma, New Bedford; St. Elizabeth, Edgartown; St. Julie, North Dartmouth.
Start Due Process In Rochester See ROCHESTER (NC) - Bishop Joseph L. Hogan of Rochester has announced the initiation of due process procedures for the diocese. . The council of conciliation and the board of arbitration are now organized and ready to act,. he said.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 18, 1973
Bishop Gerrard Held Many Posts Continued from Page One St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, where he served until June I, 1923. He is still rem,~mbered in ,the south end of the city for his zeal and priestliness especially toward the sick and ' le poor. Chancellor On June I, 1932, the Bishop became chancellor of the diocese an~ secretary to the Apostolic Administrntor, the late Most Rev. Jam!s E. Cassidy. When Bishop C ,ssidy succeeded to the diocese l pon the death of Bishop Feehan, Bishop Gerrard continued as chancellor and episcopal secretary. The prelate was also a member of the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal from July, 1930 until 1941. In those positions he showed his ability as an efficient administrator and did much to keep the diacesan organization abreast of this period of change and growth. Bishop Gerrard became rector of the Cathedral in Fall River on April 20,' 1939 and remained in that position until 1956. He served as Episcopal Representative for religious of the diocese from 1941 until 1945. Vicar-General In 1951 Bishop Gerrard was appointed Vicar General by Bishop Connolly, thus sharing with the Ordinary in the administration of the diocese. On September 6, 1952, he was named a Domestic Prelate by the
late Pope Pius XII with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. Named Bishop In 1959, three years after he had been named pastor of St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, the prelate was consecrated auxiliary to Bishop Connolly and Titular Bishop of Forma. He was the first native of New Bedford t(} be a bishop in the Fall River diocese and also the first New England bishop named by Pope John XXIII. Bishop Gerrard was consecrated March 19, 1959 by Bishop Connolly in glittering rites presided over by the late Richard Cardinal Cushing, who was also homilist for the occasion. Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, then chancellor for the Fall River diocese, was master of ceremonies. In 1970, when Bishop Cronin assumed leadership of the Fall River diocese, he continued Bishop Gerrard as vicar general. In retirement the prelate continues in ,this capacity and remains active as an auxiliary to Bishop Cronin, often administering the sacrament of confirmation and representing the Ordinary at .special events. Retirement came for Bishop Gerrard in 1972, when he reached the age of 75. An outstanding event of the past year for him, as for hundreds of area clergy and faithful, was his March trip to Rome for the naming of Humberto Cardinal Medeiros as a prince of the Church.
1923-1973 Fifty Golden Years MOST REVEREND JAMES L. CONNOLLY, D.O.
Devoted Priests ... Distinguished Prelates ... Outstanding Citizens An Outstanding Record' In The S~rvice of God and Man Our Heartiest Congratulations
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:rhurs.. Oct. 18, 1973 .
His Excellency, Most Rev. James L. ConnoUy;,D.Da
His Excellency Most Rev. JCltmeS J. Gerrard, D.D.
jPrivileged and Honorf'!d
To Extend Hearty Congratulations
On The IJccasion of Their Goldlen. Jubilee- Ad Multos Annos!