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Friday, October 20,1995

21 men begin journey to permanent diaconate By Pat McGowan St. Mary's Cathl~dral in Fall River was crowded to the doors last Sunday as relatives and friends gathered to witness the admission to candidacy for the permanent diaconate of 21 men from 19 diocesan parishes. Also a class member is subdeacon Jean E. MattaI' of the Maronite diocese of St. Maron. Speaking to Iht: candidates, before the ceremony of admission, Bishop Sean O'Malley discussed the day's reading from the Old Testament, the story of the cleansing of Naaman, a leper who expected the prophet Elisha to


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, Bill denying aid to . unwed teen moms 'I deplored by cardinal, bishop



perform an impressive ritual in curing him. Instead, he was simply I~ told to wash"himself seven times in !~I the waters of the Jordan River. I~I "We look for God to do great !I~i things but he chose a simple and ,;, quiet way of working a miracle," :'1 ' said the bishop. "In,the same way," 'II he added, "the quiet miracle of our'j own baptism changes us into a ~:I new creation." I' , The Franciscan bishop cited St.;I' Francis' encounter with a leper: ~ .. He kissed a leper and at that I;:~ i moment his life changed-every- IC'; thing that seemed bitter and dis- i~ Turn to Page II

Bernard Cardinal Law of Boston and Fall River Bishop Sean O'Malley have spoken out against a bill proposed by Massachusetts , Governor William Weld that would eliminate welfare benefits to children born to unwed teens. Cardinal Law's statement of Oct. 12 follows: ,I I Profound disappointment is my I immediate reaction to learning of the Governor's bill to eliminate welfare benefits to children born to unwed teens. This is a step that goes far beyond the legislation that was enacted by the Massachusetts General Court last winter. , In a statement earlier today, the Governor expresses understandable concern about the high rate of illegitimacy, paternal irresponsibility, and undue reliance on government. The Governor sees the problem, but he offers no adequate solution. At both the state and national levels, there must be a consistent message urging and supSISTER LEONORA Tucker with two young friends, " porting chastity among teenagers. Illegitimacy is not a problem that refugees of the devastating civil wafin Liberia. World Mission can be morally addressed at the Sunday proceeds support nearly 1,000 mission dioceses' expense of the lives of children. throughout the world. (Photo courtesy of Sister Leonora) No group in American society has done more to stregthen mar!·I riage, to prevent illegitimacy, and 1i to provide care for children born to parents who are not married than the Catholic Church. This we do out of concern for the wellbeing of defenseless children -litIn the West African country of another woman came in, and tIe girls and boys who have not Ghana, Sister Leonora Tucker, a another. Soon there were eight. It 0', chosen into which households they are born. School Sister of Notre Dame from was wonderful. We talked about The Commonwealth of MassaBrooklyn, is helping to heal wounds reconciliation and healing. And of the spirit among refugees from the tears came. For some, the pain chusetts simply cannot afford to Liberia. , turn its back on thousands of these burst for the first time. From this, That country, devastated by civil we began reconciliation and heal-: children every year, simply because war, is where she began her mis- ing workshops." they were b~rn to teenaged parents. sionary work in 1985 after years of There were nearly two thousand In an interview with the Propaservice in the Wilton, Connecticut, gation ofthe Faith, Sister Leonora. abortions to teens under eighteen province of her community. in Massachusetts last year. There said, "The refugees could never . Describing her missionary voca- survive unless they had hope, and : are slightly more than four thoution as "a gentle nudging from the many of them do. They get this sand AFDC recipients who are in Lord," Sister Leonora has been in only from God. I have heard: 'Sis- . ' that age bracket. and out of Liberia several times as tel', it's like God has smiled on me In taking away subsistence supthe civil war waned and waxed. and brought me to this day; he port to a child for whatever reaShe arrived in the West African wouldn't abandon me now.'" son, while providing the means to country of Ghana in 1992 and From Nigeria comes another . abort that child, our Commonfound the opportunity to work story. From the time young Mary wealth is forcing some cruel choices. with Liberian refugees. She recalls Ann McRae was a IO-year-old in Last week I heard the Holy Fameeting many of her former stuSeattle, she wanted to be a doctor. ther suggest that we Catholics need dents of her first visit to the refuLater, introduced to the work of a I to raise our voices in the public gee camp. Their stories were so medical missionary community, she ~: debate - especially in those areas , tragic that "we sat and cried thought, "If I ever - but I'm not! which touch the dignity of the together. It was wonderful to know - but if I ever became a sister, : i human person: care for the poor, they had made it, but heartbreakthose are the people... the Medical the vulnerable, the unborn, weling to know what they had sufMissiona~ies of Mary." . I, fare dependents, immigrants, elfered in the death of their parents Now, Sister Mary Ann, Medical deI'S, families and children-at-risk. I' or in losing contact with them." I am raising my voice this afterMissionary of Mar~, is.t he doc~or AT ADMISSION to Candidacy ceremQny for future, Sister Leonora remembers the in charge of a hospital 111 the 010- I noon to tell you that no mother, permanent deacons held last Sunday at S1. Mary's Cathedral, 'day a local catechist told her of a cese of Abakaliki in Nigeria, West however poor, however young, from top, Permanent Deacon Lawrence S1. Onge and Father woman in the camp who needed Africa. should be forced to choose between her. "Mary is sick," he said. "I'll John F. Moore . diocesan director ofthe Permanent Diaconate a poor child and a dead child. The particular scope of her work take you to her." And so she went Commenting on the cardinal's program; deacon candidates enter the cathedral; Edmond and i and sat with Mary in her little is a program to control leprosy statement, Bishop O:Malley said: Catherine Audt:tte watch the ceremony. She is secretary for the ,mud-block house. "We just talked and tuberculosis, both of which ,




World Mission Sunday aids nearly 1,000 dioceses

diaconate program. (McGowan photos)


about Liberia...about home. Then

Turn to Page II

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THE ANCHOR .:.- Diocese of Fall River -

.'" .. ..0;'. , t ...... "If there is something to quarrel

Fri., Oct. 20, 1995

about in the Catholic Church, We are doing it, everything from liturgy toed'ucation, from what we sing to whether we will offer a ~;ign of peace," she said. "Party lines on right and left had been drawn in' the church and a spirit of mistrust and acrimony besets many parwhich he has already seen; John ishes and dioceses." Carroll High School, Bel Air, MD; Mrs. Steinfels remindt:d her Dominican Academy, New York audience that the Catholic Church City; and Bishop Ready High is "a living tradition which must be School, Columbus, OH. The latter remembered, taught, embraced and was added to his schedule because passed on." the originally assigned visitor was "A tradition, after all, is not like hospitalized. a painting of a statue, a fixc:d and Discussing his appointment, finished object, it is more like an McNamee noted that Coyle and opera or symphony, which must Cassidy High School, Taunton, always be practiced and played was named a Blue Ribbon School anew," she said. in 1991 and that Bishop Stang "A living tradition is always High School, North Dartmouth, being carried to a new place, a new is scheduled for an on-site visit in group, by new disciples," she added. November. "It must be carried by parents to "I wanted to get firsthand intheir children, by teachers to their formation to help Stang achieve students, by husbands and wives, outstanding award," said Mcthis by friends, by pastors to their parNamee, "and I got great input ishes, by bishops to their dioceses, from Coyle and Cassidy." by organizations like Yol:.rs to The superintendent added that women ready to hear the good he had received "outstanding supnews and join your good works." port" in his work as a site visitor from Father Richard Beaulieu, An organization like the NCCW Diocesan Director of Education. "has a particularly importan t task: McNamee noted that it is a disyour role of reconciliation among tinction for a school to be chosen women and to women," Mrs. for an on-site visit and that out of Steinfels said. 492 schools applying for recogniShe mourned the fact that some tion in the current round of visits, in the women's movement have only 288 were chosen to be visited. AT NCCW convention in San Francisco, top picture, focused "on one thing, abortion, "I congratulate Stang for being of the Boston Province of the Council, including 17 and forgotten the day-in-and-daymembers given an onsite visit and ... 1 am women from the Fall ,River diocese. Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, out issues women face at :!lOme already looking ahead for Feehan and in the workplace, and in trying and Connolly to join the ranks!" Fall River DCCW moderator, is at left top; Rev. Lawrence J. to be in many places at the same said McNamee. Conley, Portland, ME, DCCW moderator, is at right top; at time." She praised Mary Ann Glenbottom, Mrs. Katherine Lancisi, Fall River DCCW president, presents check to Jacqueline Keller NCCW International don, the Harvard law professor who headed the Vatican's delegaAffairs Commis~,ion national chair. The poster behind them tion to the women's conference in depicts activities of the Bread of Life pilot program in Mrs. Beijing, as a "wonderful example Lancisi's parish, S1. John the Evangelist, Attleboro. of a woman working to pass on the Catholic tradition." . the spacious Venus de Milo ball"The Vatican was smart to At NCCW convention room. choose her to lead its delegation," Miss Clair O'Toole explained she added, calling the choi<:e "a procedures for coordinating presign of hope that it is not going to sentation to the bishop of young condemn, ignore, sidestep thi:l hisladies from 37 parishes representtorical shift of women into public ing all areas of the diocese. An life and our struggle to be in many annual Ball highlight is the formal places at the same time." introduction of these debutantes With Catholic News Service report Reconciling Influence Mrs. Steinfels said many we,men to the leader of the diocese. Seventeen members of the Fall Institutions like the National in the audience probably had "da.ughV. Vito Gerardi of New BedRiver Diocesan Council of Catholic Council of Catholic Women can ters, granddaughters, nieces, sisford, chairperson of the Ushers Women were.among hundreds of help bring reconciliation to a "poters, maybe aunts, neighbors, Committee, noted that members representatives of councils across litically and culturally fragmented" friends, workmates who be.lieve of the St. Vincent de Paul Society the United States in attendance at U.S. society and church, a Catholic the church is implacably opp,Jsed from throughout the diocese will the 75th anniversary convention magazine editor told the anniver- . to women's rights, women's eq ual,participate in Ball preparations of the National Council of Catholic sa~y convention. ' ity, women's contributions -and and in the festivity itself. women held earlier this month in Margaret O'Brien Steinfels, edithat's the end of the conve rsaPersons or organizations wishSan Francisco. tor of Commonweal magazine, gave tion." ing to support the 1996 Bishop's At the meeting Mrs. Katherine the convention's keynote address. "We know that is not true about Charity Ball Booklet may contact Lancisi, Diocesan Council presi"The theme of your meeting the church or about most Cathothe diocesan Charities Appeal dent, presented a check for $2,725 reconciliation - captures exactly lics," she said. "We also know office, 344 Highland Avenue, PO to Jacqueline Keller, national chairwhat needs' doing today in both there are complicated moral and Box 1470, Fall River, 02722, or man of the council's International our church and our country," she theological'issues with which we telephone (508) 676-8943.or (508) . Affairs Commission. The check said. all must struggle." 676-3200. Inquiries are welcomed. represented moneys collected over Defining reconciliation as "overEfforts at reconciliati'on "so '~hat the past two years by the diocesan coming distrust or animosity, maklasting solutions may be found" International Affairs Commission, ing friendly overtures, winning must include women who have headed by Miss Mary Vieira of people over by reasoning," Mrs. had abortions, Mrs. Steinfels said. The Sept. 29 Respect Life issue Taunton DCCW District III. It Steinfels said Americans "are po"Many of them feel they havt: no of the Anchor included meditawill go to Help-,A-Child program, litcally and culturally fragmented, tions for a pro-life rosary. The which provides ed ucational opporunable in many ways to agree choice," she said. "We have also third sorrowful mystery was inadtunities for needy children in Brazil about wnat kind of nation we are, heard stories of women who feel vertently omitted. It follows: and India. what kind of people we are called they made a tragic choice. And yes, there are women who think On the first day of the conven- to be." The Crowning with Thorns tion, eight Fall River delegates "We are confronted in our cul- they did the right thing. All of The crowning with thorns was were among some 500 women who ture and in our politics by the chal- these women need friendly overdone ~o humiliate Christ. May we walked the Golden Gate bridge lenge of maintaining a right rela- tures. Yes, even radical feminists. never be afraid of human opinion, It is what Jesus would do." after obtaining sponsors for the tionship between the individual pain or. humiliation in our pro-life hike among fellow delegates. M on- and soceity and striking a proper work. May we always offer it for Newly-elected NCCW president ey collected will go into the NCCW balance between rights and respon- is Joan McGrath of White Bear the love of Jesus" in reparation for treasury as a contingency fund. sibilities," she added. the sins committed against the Lake, MN. Serving with her will Mrs. Michael J. McMahon of Immaculate Heart of Mary and Catholic social teaching provides be K. LaVerne Redden, Toledo, Fall River, among the walkers, guidance in drawing up "an ethnic Ohio, first vice president; Kathryn for'the conversion of the souls of said the two-mile walk took about 'and a theology of accountability" sinners.. Bonner, Maitland, Fla., seco nd 25 minutes and that although many needed to meet that challenge, she vice president; Julie French, S,:oparticipants wore sweatshirts, think- said. bey, Mont., third vice president; Stewardship, ing it would be chilly atop the lofty Reconciliation also is needed in Patricia Voorhes, Sandy, Utah, structure, they were not needed on the Catholic Church, Mrs. Stein- secretary; and Jacquelyn Keller, the hot breezeless day. fels said. Dallas, treasurer.

Schools superintendent is Blue Ribbon site visitor James A. McNamee, superintendent of schools for the Fall River diocese, has been appointed a site visitor for the United States Department of Education program that names Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence. He is one of 12 Catholic school system administrators in the nation to have received this distinction. After attending an orientation program in Washington, DC, McNamee was assigned to visit Carmel High School, Mundelein, IL,


Committees busy preparing for 1996 BiShop's Ball The Columbus Day holiday weekend was the occasion for a planning session by all committees preparing for the 1996 Bishop's Charity Ball in the diocese of Fall River. The gala midwinter celebration is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 12, at Venus de Milo Ballroom in Swansea. Proceeds of the 41 st annual Ball will benefit the charitable endeavors of Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, O.F. M., Cap., Bishop of Fall River. Among the institutions and agencies to be assisted in 1996 is the newly-dedicated shelter for women now operating in the refurbished St. Mathieu convent in Fall,River. Contributions will be solicited from friends of the bishop in business, industry and professions across southeastern Massachusetts. Parish organizations, including women's guilds and conferences of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul are also asked for support. A souvenir booklet is published annually, listing all those who have contributed to categories that include In Memoriam, Very Special Friends, Benefactors, Guarantors and Sponsors listings. A ma.ilingcampaign is planned and solicitations will be organized in the five diocesan deaneries by deanery sub• committees. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Diocesan Director of Catholic Charities, introduced committee chairpersons at the planning session. Mrs. Aubrey M. Armstrong of Somerset discussed Ball decorations and noted that the theme of "Springtime Magic" has been selected for the 1996 Ball. Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, Hospitality Committee chair, reported on plans for identifying reserved and unreserved tables in

Fall River DCCW members aid Help-A-Child program



St. Stan's has night of I)ivine Mercy by Christine Vieilra The scent of incensl: and the warm glow of lighted candles set the mood for a prayerful, enlightening evening on the Divine Mercy devotion at St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River. "Since Vatican II, many traditional devotions have gone by the wayside," said Father Robert Kaszynski, pastor ofSt. Stan's. "God's will has maint;tined strength and devotions are now taking a renewed place in today's society." . Bishop Sean O'Malley presided over the two-and-a-half hour service last Wednesday that culminated days of prayer and intercession at St. Stan's. Sisters from Our Lady of Mercy congregations in Poland, Belgium and Nigeria also


attended, bringing with them a copy of the Image of the Divine Mercy. After prayer and Scri pture readings, the life-sized image, covered by a red cloth, was unveiled amid gasps from the standing-room-only crowd. Bishop O'Malley blessed the painting of Jesus stepping forward with two rays, one red and one white, corning from his heart signifying the blood .and water that flowed from him when it was pierced and the life and purity of the soul. The painting is titled "Jesus I Trust in You'~ to remind viewers of God's unconditional willingness to forgive and provide. Sister Gratia Kelly gave a teaching on the devotion of the Divine Mercy, explaining its history from its beginning in the .I920s by a young woman, Helen Kowalska, who joined the Mercy congregation at age 20 and became Sister Maria Faustina. Though uneducated, she kept a journal of her many visions and religious experiences and originated the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Through this devotion, Sister Gratia said, many miracles have occurred and Sister Faustina was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1993. The spirit of the devotion is one of trust and mercy. Everyone is called to show mercy through deed, word, and prayer, said Sister Gratia. "A private revelation is given to illustrate a truth that is already in Scripture. We all need to give mercy to others. It's So critical to our salvation." Bishop O'Malley's remarks were similar. "Once we experience the joy of God's me"rcy, then we will have the str~ngth to give mercy to our brothers and sisters," he said, reading the parable of the" Prodigal Son as exemplifying the frailties of humans and ,the limitless mercy of God. The service concluded with recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and songs of praise in English and Polish. A reception followed. For more information on the devotion, contact the Shrine of Divine Mercy/Congregation of Marians/Stockbridge, Mass. 01263.


SISTER GRATIA Kelly gives an engaging teaChing on _the Divine Mercy devotion at St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River. (Top photo) Below, is the Image of Divine Mercy blessed by Bishop' Sean O'Malley. (Vieira photos)

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christ111as at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

Diocese of :Fall River

OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: Rev. William L. Boffa to Parochial Vicar, St. William Parish, Fall River.

Effective October 25, 1995 Rev. Jon-Paul Gallant from Parochial Vicar, Holy N~e Parish, New Bedford, to Parochial Vicar, Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton.

Effective October 18, 1995

Israel boosts aid

AMONG THOSE attending the St. Vincent de Paul 150th anniversary celebration were (front row, from left): Joseph Rodricks, Janet April, Rev. Daniel Freitas, Bishop Sean O'Malley, Frank Miller, John Conner; (back, from left): Russell April, Joseph Gromada, Matthew Martin, Horace Costa. (Jolivet photo)


Vincentians celebrate 150 years in the U.S. Some 160 members of the Fall River diocesan Society of Saint Vincent de Paul met recently at St. John of God church hall, Somerset, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the society's founding in the United States. The theme of the day was "We remember, we celebrate, we believe." Horace Costa, diocesan president and Joseph Gromada, celebration chairman, welcomed participants preceding a presentation on the theme "by Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, diocesan director of Vincentians and pastor of St. John of God. Bishop Sean O'Malley also spoke. An afternoon Mass at which Father Freitas was principal celebrant and Father David Andrade, parochial vicar. was homilist, was followed by a dinner in the parish center, served by members of the St. John of God Vincentian Conference. The society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in Paris, France in 1833 by Frederick Ozanam and

1800s Irish famin~ to be remembered at Providence Mass All are welcome at a concert and 150th anniversary Mass in memory of victims of the Irish famine of 1845 to 1848, to be held Sunday Oct. 22, in the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul in Providence. A concert of instrumental and choral Irish music will begin at 4:25 p.m. on that date with a procession into the cathedral to the strains of an ancient Celtic tune played by bagpiper Eric Armour. Mass will follow at 5 p.m. with Bishop Louis E. Gelineau as principal concelebrant and singing by the Dorian Concert Choir. Greetings from Irish President Mary Robinson will be extended by United States Irish Consul General Conor O'Riordan. Thousands starved to death during the famine years after Ireland's potato crop failed and many survivors emigrated to the United States. Many descendants of such emigrants will attend the Oct. 22 Mass, sponsored by' the Rhode Island Irish Historicalf Genealogical Society. headed by Ann Burns.



his associates. The first U.S. conference was organized in St. Louis in 1845.


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JERUSALEM (CNS) -Israeli Religious Affairs Minister Shimon Shetreet said some services offered to the Muslim, Christian and Druse communities were inferior to those for Jews and vowed to rectify the situation. In a report on the issue of support for religions, the official called for developing a number of programs, including one for religious courts and a training program for religious judges to fill vacancies. Shetreet said that the budget allotted for the Christian sector is insufficient for the daily needs of the community. He said he intends to increase the budget significantly to allow for better services for Christians. He said a high level of involvement by the ministry would be necessary to assure that certain criteria are met.






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the moorin~Pollution Puts All at Risk

the living word


The choice of Dutch and two AmeriCan scientists to receive the Nobel Prize for their work with regard to contamination of the ozone layer is a sign that true progress is being made in protection of the environment. In 1974, when the scientists first published their finding that use of chlorofluorocarbons, plastic foams and aerosol propellants was damaging the ozone layer, they were denounced and ridiculed. Today most scientists acknowledge this reality; but, sad to say, many politicians, influenced by lobbyists, seek to ignore the facts and to end compliance by the United States with the now-existing international ban on production of chlorofluorocarbons: another example of capitalism run amuck. hi this case, the real beneficiaries of the Nobel award discovery are the people of our planet. Although even' with the protection of the ozone layer, the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer and cataracts and destroy natural ecosystems, the risk increases in proportion as the ozone layer is damaged. . Nevertheless, those pursuing profit for themselves or for particular groups have for years attempted to sidetrack the efforts of dedicated scientists such as the Nobel winners for their own selfish interests. But what has been proved is incontrovertible: that human activities can and do destroy the global life support systems that ensure the survival of mankind. It should be noted that from the outset of their work and their publications, the Nobel scientists were targeted by American industry in its usual negative reaction to anything that might impede the pursuit of profits. Bills have been proposed to Congress that would sidestep legislation enacted to regulate businesses and protect the environment. Indeed, democracy is mocked by industrialists who risk all life, including theirown, for the sake of dividends. . For instance, so vitriolic was the reaction of manufacturers of aerosols that some openly stated that the NobeIscientists , were not working for the people of Earth but for the KG B. This mindset remains. In 1987 an international agreement, the Montreal Protocol, was enacted to protect the ozone layer. Since that time evidence has indicated th~t indus$rial pollutipn is affecting Earth's temperate zone. In other worlis, the warming of Earth is a reality. In light of these findings, the ind ustrial nations agreed to phase out chemicals that were contributing to the slow suicide ofthe planet; nevertheless many manufacturers continue, with the aid of politi'cians, to insist on their right to pollute. Despite this, dramatic progress in environmental protection has been made and much of this is due to the Nobel winners who in the 1970s went out on a limb to publish their findings. They are indeed pioneers of protection of life and what is so sad is that there are elected officials who fail to realize this. We must protect life on all levels of existence. As the poet Francis Thompson said, "Thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star." Many give their energies to protection of unborn or dying life as they combat abortion and euthanasia, but global pollution goes beyond even these evils to place everyone on the planet at risk. Yet there are those in Congress who are truly merchants of death as they cater to polluting industries that contribute to their campaign coffers. Let us all remind ourselves that we are the stewards of creation, not its owner. Stewardship implies responsibility and accountability. The Nobel winners have called us to responsibility; may our Congress and each of us as citizens call ourselves to accountability. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER .Published weekly by The Catholic Press of· the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall-River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above



Rev. John F. Moore

Rosemary Dussault ~



eNsl Okoniewski photo


"The continual prayer of a just man ~vaileth .6uch." James 5:1~i

One Bread, One Body, qpe·Pope By Father William W. Norton Three weeks ·before the pope's visit to the United States, the chairman of the New York Racing. Association, a summer parishioner of St. Joseph's parish in Woods Hole, where I am pastor, invited me to be a guest of his family and attend the papal Mass at Aqueduct Race Track in Queens. NY. On October 6, the day of the Mass, I rose at 4: 15 a.m. in Darien, Connecticut, had a brief breakfast and then a driver arrived to bring me and two friends to this once in a lifetime event. I had never before had the privilege of participating in a papal M a s s . ' Traveling to New. York at da wn is awesome as the sun begins to rise and lighten the da~. A spe~ial pass was shown to pohce secunty, all gates opened. and I was standing ~>n "holy ground" for the papal Mass. Arriving at 7:30 a.m: w~ were escorted to four seats m hne of sight for the Mass. I met children who had begun to arrive at 4:30 a.m. I met the Mayor of New York . . f · C Ity and others 10 our. sectIOn. 0 the track. A black lady nght behmd me said "This is a day for Jesus, and Jesus is here. I feel it, I feel it in my heart. .. " We said the rosary in six languages. We sang hymns familiar to all Catholjcs. A row away in a nearby section was an African Cardinal and his three young auxiliary bishops. Bishops from many parts of New York and New Jersey were present and 400 priests as ministers of the Holy Eucharist processed to the main altar. Some police dressed as concelebrants sat in this section armed and ready for



the unexpected. Finally the papal track because it weighs as ::nuch helicopter circled the track and 'il Sherman tank and the grounds John Paul II, the Pilgrim Pope, were soaked after a midnight torlanded at 8:58 a.m. The stadium ~ntialfai~. Thus .the police said went wild. Suddenly he appeared .;:No" to the pope because they in his white cassock on the stage leared the popemobile wc'uld not and went to the microph'one. Hebe able to make the circui!:. said "Yesterday much rain. Today;' My feelings during the liturgy much wind. Please prepare to celewere of total joy to be a Catholic in brate the Holy Sacrifice. of the this moment never to be repeated. Mass." _, Bishop Thomas Dailey, originally Eighty thousand men; women from Boston and now Ordinary of and children saw the spiritual faBrooklyn, greeted the pope, sayther of the Roman Catholic Church fng "We welcome you as Peter to on that occasion. My sources said our midst. You are the successor the pope was upset wheii told his to the first pope and we are your popemobile could not circle the Church gathered in unity, diversity of language and culture, but one people, one bread, one body in Christ. .." The Holy Father spoke first in English, then in Polish, Spanish and Vietnamese. He said "America's greatness lies in opening its borders to immigrants," and he spoke of families, of the place of the father and mother and of their For God's Presence responsibility for the children. He God, we praise you: Fathcalled us to spirituality and to love Christ in our hearts more than on er all-powerful, Christ Lord our lips. His love for the Eu,:harist and Savior, Spirit of love. was very evident and we stood You reveal yourself in the with him as one flock wich one depths of our being, drawshepherd. ing us to share in your life My heart was very moved. With and your love. One God, all' about me, I stood to wave goodbye to a man of God who three Persons, be near to came in love and peace. This world the people formed in your is better for this man who calls us image, close to t~e world out of ourselves to witness to and your love brings to life. We to love Christ. ask you this, Father, Son, My friends, words fail to describe the emotions this priest from and Holy Spirit, one God, Woods Hole experienc.ed at the true and living, for ever papal Mass. What a joy, what an and ever. Amen. awesome memory for a 5~'-yearold "Christian under constrw:tion."


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Only the faithful • survIve Exodus 17:8-13

2 Timothy 3:14-4:2

III f. . . 3. 1.11



SISTER MARIANNA Sylvester, RSM, of ur Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford (top) leads an icebreaker activity at the recent Stand Against Violence conference at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. (Bottom) Participants share a sign of peace during the opening prayer service. (J olivet photos)

Youtltl gather to stand against violence by Dave Jolivet Nearly 200 young people representing the five deaneries and the four Catholic high schools of the diocese gathered at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River last Sunday for a Stand Against Violence conference. Four to six youth group membl~rs from each parish and high school were invited to attend the day of prayer, group sessions, brainstorming and conflict management skill development. The event opened with a candlelight prayer service, an icebreaker presented by Sister Marianna Sylvester, RSM with ffii~mbers of Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, and an opening statement from Rev. David Costa, Director of Diocesan Youth Services. Father Costa Spoke of the importance of the gathering. "Violence is everywhere," he said. "I'm tired of reading about it, talking about it and praying about it. It's time for us to do something about it, and we can. We're here today to listen to each other, and share our ex periences." After the opening service, attendees broke into small groups for sharing and exchanging ideas. Many of the sharc~d experiences dealt with violence by the spoken word: insults, put-downs and vulgarity. Racism was also a key discussion topic. "This was very beneficial, because some kids have never experienced what others have seen and felt, such as guns, knives and police present in the high school environment. Everyone was exposed to different cultures, and in this way learned to

better understand each other," said Father Costa. Dr. Greer Gordon, nationally noted author and lecturer and professor of theology and religious education at Regis ¢ollege, delivered an address on the church's response to violence. She told her listeners that they all make up the church, and all have a role to play. She added that no one is ever too young to make a stand against violence, that all should work to empower youth in the name of Jesus and should pray for strength and guidance. Dr. Gordon received a standing ovation at the conclusion of her presentation. The day ended as it began, with a prayer service, urging youth to take the message of peace back to their schools, youth groups, parishes and environments. The participants were challenged to be peacemakers for everyone on earth, using their heads, hearts, hands and feet. The diocesan movement against violence will continue Nov. 5 with a youth gathering from 2 to 9 p.m. again at Bishop Connolly High School. This event is open to all diocesan youth and adult leaders. Its purpose is to bring teens together for prayer, sharing and fun. Bishop Sean O'Malley will celebrate Mass, and keynote speaker Cheryl Hirshberger will speak on verbal disarmament. Other events will include sharing, social time, food and a dance. To register for this event, contaet the office for Youth Ministry Services, 373 Elsbree St., Fall River, 02722, or call 676-6503. A fee of $5 per person should be paid by Nov, 3,

Luke 18:1-8 As a teacher, I encourage my students to develop consistent study habits so that they will be able to endure the rigors of a course that stretches over a semester of a full year. Today's readings speak of the same type of perseverance in prayer. As we struggle to be faithful to our Christian calling, let us pray with hope the words of this Sunday's responsorial psalm: I lift up my eyes toward the mountains; whence shall help corne to me? My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. (Ps 121: 1-2) The Exodus reading depicts both the difficulties of persevering in faithful prayer under trying circumstances and the need for support from others in the faith community. As the Israelites make their way out of Egypt and through the wilderness toward Mount Sinai, they are attacked by the Amalekites, a fierce tribe of desert nomads. Israel's survival in this battle does not depend upon superior military strength or strategy, but upon Moses' continuous prayer. As he sends Joshua into battle, Moses assures him, "I will be standing on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand." As long as Moses keeps his hands raised in prayer, Israel has the better of the fight, but when he becomes weary and let his hands rest, the Amalekites prevail. Only with the help of Aaron and Hur, who "supported his hands," is Moses able to continue in prayer so Joshua and his men may defeat the Amalekites. Paul's advice to Timothy in the epistle reading continues the theme of fidelity by charging him to "remain faithful to what you have learned and believed," The major "source of wisdom" in Timothy's struggle to be faithful is the "sacred Scriptures" which at this point would have been the Old Testament, and possibly Paul's letters and some of the gospels. I n a famous line later used by St. Thomas Aquinas as basis for the science of theology, Scripture is described as "inspired of God and useful for teaching-for reproof, correction and training in holiness so that the person of God may be fully com- . petent and equipped for every good

DAILY READINGS Oct. 23: Rom 4:20-25; (Ps) Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21 Oct. 24: Rom 5:12,15b,1719,20b-21; Ps 40:7-10,17; Lk 12:35-38 Oct. 25: Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1-8; Lk 12:39-48 Oct. 26: Rom 6: 19-23; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 12:49-53 Oct. 27: Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:60,68,76-77,93,94; Lk 12:54-59 Oct. 28: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; lk 6:12-19 Oct. 29: Sir 35:12-14,1618; Ps 34:2-3,17-19,23; 2 1m 4:6-8,16-18; lk 18:9-14

By DR. PATRICK V. REID work." With the help of Scripture's wisdom, Paul charges Timothy to be faithful to his duty as a minister of the gospel: "preach the word, stay with this task whether convenient or inconvenient-correcting, reproving, appealing-constantly teaching and never losing patience." In the gospel Jesus tells the parable of the widow and the unjust judge for the specific purpose of teaching his disciples "the necessity of praying always and no~ losing heart." In the previous section of Luke, Jesus warns his disciples that the time will corne "when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not seeit"(Lk 17:22). During the delay before Jesus' return the disciples' fidelity will be tested, like the generations of Noah and Lot. If



r.. ".:~, • .'''.\ . • The Anchor' . Friday, Oct. 20; 1995 t



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they want to save their lives in this time of trial, Jesus' followers must be ~illing to lose them in loving service (see Lk 17:23-37). In this context, the disciples, who will be tempted to lose heart. are to identify with the widow in the parable. Her situation is doubly perilous. She has virtually no power in the patriarchal Jewish society, and she is pleading with an "unjust" judge, who "respects neither God nor man." But she can at least make a nuisance of herself and continually badger the judge until he settles the case in her favor. This humorous example of a corrupt judge caving in to the widow's persistent demand for justice is the basis for an argument from the lesser case to the greater, a favorite technique in Jesus' parables and in the teachings of the rabbis. Jesus reasons that if a corruptjudge finally accedes to a persistent widow's demands, "Will not God then do justice to his chosen who call out to him day and night? Will he delay long over them, do you suppose?" He answers his own question by affirming, "I tell you he will give them swift justice." But Jesus concludes by asking another question to challenge his disciples, "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on the earth." Only people offaith will have the persistence to "pray always and not lose heart."

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TH;~ AN~H6R -'bi~~~~~ ~lF~'i(R:i~er ~~~( 'oct. 20: '~995' "';':"'F'ear:'~,'aliers

Interfaith org'anization conducts voter registration odist Church; Blessed Virgin Mary Polish National Catholic Church; St. Luke's Episcop~IChurch;United Parish; Calvary Presbyterian Church; St. Vinceni's Home; Some.rset Unite?, Met?Ndist C~urch. Last Tuesday, the UIA brought more than 100 voter registrations to New Bedford City Hall. Congregations participating in the New Bedford voter registration drive include: St. John the Baptist, St. James, Our Lady of the Assumption, Our Lady of .Immaculate Conception, Sacred Heart, Our Lady ofGuadalupe, Our Lady of Mt. . Carmel Catholic parishes, St. Paul's Methodist, Grace Episcopal, Pilgrim Congregational, Union Baptist, Bethel AME, First Unitarian, and North Baptist. Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Fall River also worked on this effort. The Organizing and Leadership Training Center has been providing assistance to the UIA as it does to similar groups in Brockton, Worcester. Lynn, and Springfield. For more information, contact Diocesan Catholic Social Services, tel. 674-4681.





A young woman came to my I looked at her list of magazines door at 6:30 in the evening. I and signed up for some. Then she stepped into the vestibule, and,she told me'l needed to give her a started talking very fast. check. She had some papers in her Now I faced a dilemma. Was I hands and wanted me to read the to invite her into my home while I signatures on them. At first I won~ . wrote the check? That would viodered if she was a member of the late all the advice given to older Jehovah Witnesses. They are the women Jiving alone. Or was I to only people who ever come unan- tell her to wait at the door? nounced in my neighborhood. But no, she was se1Iing magazines. All my life I have worked for She apologized and said she was racial equality and promoted ways nervous because a man who lives to treat everyone humanly. If I around the block from me had ,didn't invite this woman into my upset her. She had put her hand home, would it be a sign that I out in a gesture to shake his, and mistrusted her, perhaps because he refused, telling her he did not she was black? I felt that this was a shake hands with black people. . moment of truth for me. I had Then he went in to call the often been warned not to let a police, probably thinking that she stranger into my home. was not legitimately selling magaI invited her in, wrote the check zines. and wished her the best of luck. She and I talked awhile, stand- She thanked me. telling me her ing there. She told me her name "supervisor" would be picking her and said she came from Detroit, up in about a half hour and that had a drug-addicted mother she she had to get to a' few more hated and that she was determined . houses. to make something of herself. I commended her for that. It struck me that if anyone was in danger, it was this young woman. As for her job, she was working for an association which promotes I couldn't imagine how a black direct selling, according to the woman would have the courage to brochure §he gave me. She said she knock on doors in a community was determined to do well in this where this never happens. How selling job so she could go on to could she trust she was safe, that have a career in sales. someone wouldn't come to the

LEADERS OF United Faith Action of Southeastern Massachusetts gather at Fall River Government Center to turn in voter registration forms at the Elections Office. Front, from left Rev. Donald. Mier, First Baptist Church; Rev. Marc Ber'geron, St. Anne's Church; Rev. R. J~seph Tripp,. United Parish. Rear, Rev. John E. Mueller, ofUmon Methodist; Rev. Robert Nemkovich, BlessedVirgin Mary parish; Lew Finfer of the Organizing and Training Center; Craig Gaspard, Diocesan Catholic Social Services. (Vieira photo) ,

For the past year. several Fall River and New Bedford churches and synagogues have been meeting regularly as United Interfaith Action (UIA) to discuss how congregations long established in the 'communities can work together to make new and creative contributions to them. ' UIA seeks to respond to the social needs of each community through the efforts of a coalition of Catholic., Protestant and Jewish congregations acting with support of their denominational authorities. Funded by donations from member congregations and many church organizations, they hope to surface residents' concerns and develop effective ways of acting with city officials to enhance the quality of life for neighborhoods, cities. and the region. As a first activity, UIA groups in Fall River conducted a voter registration effort Oct. 12. reaching their goal of registeril\g more than 100 new voters. Those participating included St. Anne's. Our Lady of Health. St. Stanislaus. St. Patrick's, Notre Dame de Lourdes Catholic parishes; the First Baptist Church; Union United Meth-

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door with a gun out of fe,ilI' of the stranger? People are so fearful that they are moving to private cOll:lmunities called "crime-free bubbles." A recent New York Timei; article reported the growth of thl:se communities. The article described a ,;ommunity in Bear Creek, Wash., where four private guards man the entrance gates to what is "a walledin, private town" 24 hours a day. The article estimated that nearly 4 million Americans live in such closed-off communities. I am not advocating <loor-todoor sales. I think they should not be allowed for the safety of both the resident and the seller. But it is sad to see how fear of strangers and of crime is turning us into a class 'of closed-off, suspicious, unneighborly people, Maybe it's time to read again Jescs' great parable of compassion, the Good Samaritan.


'Dealing with a layoff


By _ Dear Dr. Kenny: I have been , indoor gardening, painting, crafts,. laid off from my job indefinitely. of any kind, reading detective stoDr. JAMES &) ries, Bible reading and prayer. No word regarding when or whethWhen you, ,can't worlc, learn. er there will be a callback for us. I While you are without a job, you MARY don't know what to do. can go back to school. Consider Should I wait? Should I look for another job? I'm so depressed that courses for credit on public tele-. "KENNY vision. Consider learning or upI don't feel like doing' anything, grading your vocational skills. just sitting around feeling sorry for Volunteer your time and talents. Wait until you have an actual myself. Help me get going. Not only does this fill your time job offer before trying to ,decide Chicago productively, but it looks good on whether to wait out your layoff. You are in limbo, and that's a your resume. Even though you Information about hours, wages bad place to be. A definite date for may not be getting paid, you can and the working conditions :in your callback to work or a definite end be doing good work and develop- "new" job makes it a lot ea,sier to to your job would make your next ing new references and sources of come to a choice between the two. step much simpler. future jobs. In .other words, the best way to . Self-esteem is a problem when Finally, look for work. Pass come to a decision is to actualize you lose a job. You ask yourself, your resumes around to your all possibilities. "If I was worth anything, why friends, and ask them to put them Being laid off is·a blow 10 selfdidn't they keep meT' where they might do you some, esteem. Stay busy. Improve your , Unfortunately, in today's climate good. skills. Volunteer. Pass out re:lUmes. of downsizing staff and keeping, Having a friend bring in your Explore other job possibilities. inventory marginal, layoffs are resume is better than having it '. Make informed choices, and take often impersonal, sometimes witharrive "cold" in the mail somewhat comes with grace. out regard for individual ability. place. By bringing your 'resume in . One way to recoup your esteem personally, your friend acts as an Reader questions on family livis to prepare a resume. Getting endorsement. ing and child care to be am wered your past employment together, FilJ your job applications. Go to in print are invited. Addre!is The listing your experience, your job interviews if they are offered. Kennys; St. Joseph's Collefi:e; 219 achievements, your knowledge and Show no hesitation or second W. Harrison St.; Rensselaelr, Ind. your references is not only a step thoughts. 47978. toward another job, but can be good therapy as well. For our free brochure on how to prepare a resume, send a self-addressed', stamped envelope to the address / below.' Another way to deal with your depression and loss of self-esteem is to replace it with self-acceptance. Life is a come-as-you-are party. Accept the mistakes and disappointments in your life along with the good. You're OK the way you ,are. Learn to love yourself, problems and all. Above all, keep busy. Don't sit arpund waiting fOf something good to happen. Yl,)u may wait forever. Try home maintenance. Maybe this is the time for you to catch up _. on all those repairs you have put FROM LEFT, Father Charlie Jodoin, parochial vicar, off. ' ,. Jack Andre~s,p~stor, a9d Msgr.George Col~man at Father Develop something n~w in your the rec'eption following ,Fat~er Andrews', rece~t ins'fa}!a,tion life. NowmaYbe the moment for you to start a new hobby: jogging, Mass at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River. (Vieira photo)


Mas·s can be said at interfaith we1dding Q. I plan to be married next February. My fiance is not Catholic, but attends Mas!; with me most of the. time. Our problem is that we would like to have a Mass at our wedding. One priest says we can, our pastor says we cannot. Is there a standard rule about this, or is it up to each parish? (Ohio) A. It is possible to have the celebration of the Eucharist at the marriage of a Catholic to one who is not of our faith, under two conditions. These conditions are described in the Rite of Marriage, (Introduction, 8) and generally apply everywhere. First, the non-Catholic should be a baptized Christian. A marriage ceremony should be one that will be meaningful to both parties. Normally, another Christian would understand the religious significance of the Lord's Supper, or Eucharist, and appreciate its place in a wedding. Second, both partners must request that the ce:remony be at Mass to be sure t.he sensibilities and beliefs of both families are recognized. For example, the fact that according to Catholic Church policies the non-Catholic partner and his or her family would normally not be able to receive Communion could be divisive and a source of some resentment. These elements need to be dealt with, of course, but if they can be resolved to the satisfaction of everyone, Catholic regulations permit Mass at an interfaith wedding. Q. Please tell U:5 the derivation

To donate or sell, that is the question The moral/ social issue this week: Is it better to hold one's own garage sale or load up the goods and donate them to the annual parish flea market? Of course then: are sleazy compromises, such as my neighbor's: Hold your own garage sale, then donate what doesn't sell to the parish. Having thus cast doubt on Bud's character (hint: my neighbor), we proceed by listing some pros and cons with "pro" favoring the parish option. Pro: Revenues will benefit the parish and help you curry favor with Msgr. O'K.neel. Con: You won't be able to use the income for an evening out or to pay this month's car insurance. Pro: You can claim the "donation" as a tax writeoff. Can: It's embarrassing to ask Monsignor for a note verifying a three-legged card table is worth $150. Pro: You havl~ a decent chance of scoring some pretty good buys of your own from other "donors," like $2 for a Lewis and Clark original rusty-greasy propane camp stove. Can: You have a decent chance of returning home with more junk than you arrived with. Pro: You won't have a member of the infamous garage sale kamikaze team knocking on your bedroom window an hour before sunup


in other places in the New Testa- THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri. Oct. 20 1995 . . ' - ' , ment. In its Latin form, "ecclesia" . , , . is still our word for church. From a later Greek word, "kyriakon," "the Lord's house," it was Psychotherapy an easy step to the Scottish and German "kirk" and "kirche," and and Est. 1962 our English "church."

Family Counseling

DIETZEN ofthe word "church" as used in St. Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus says to Peter, "On this rock I will build my church"(Matthew 16:18). My Jewish husband, a Bible student, wonders why Jesus, a Jew, did not say synagogue. Can you shed any light? (Florida) A. The word "church" does in fact have some relation to the Hebrew language, if we wade through a few cha~ges in language. In Hebrew literature, the word "kahal" (assembly) or "kahal edah" meant a religious assembly. Perhaps you are aware that for more traditional Jews, even to this day, there is (or was) only one temple, the one in Jerusalem. Any local place of assembly elsewhere was called an "edah," a place for gathering. In Greek it was translated "synagQge," from which our word "synagogue" comes. Sometime duril1g the third century before Christ, a group of North African Jewish scholars translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. This version (known as the Septuagint) was the first such document to use the Greek word "ekklesia" for "kahal," and it stuck, even for Christians later. As originally used by the Greeks, the word meant any gathering of citizens (therefore "belongers") for civic business. The Septuagint put the religious twist on it. It is the Greek word for "church" in the only two 'instances in the gospels (Matthew 16: 18,18: 18) and


to see if it's "OK to take a little peek at what ya' got?" Can: You won't be able to call 911 and request a strafing run of the cars in front of your house with their headlights on. Pro: Noone will try to talk you out of the 1958 18-horsepower Johnson outboard motor you're storing to work on one of these winters. Can: Noone will try to talk you out of the 1958 18-horsepower Johnson outboard motor you're storing.... Pro: Parish volunteers will help you label and price stuff. Can: No one can understand the true value of your surplus, like the aging snow skis your son used to break his leg or the tip-less fishing pole you and daughler shared many a morning. Pro: Noone tramples your yard and laughs in your face for asking $3 for your favorite 1975 sports jacket. Con: While waiting for the parish event to roll around, the "giveaways" invite their cronies into your garage and start taking over the attic; crawl space and storage bin over the water heater. Of course, you could call the nearest St. Vincent de Paul store, and the folks there would probably help your conscience and your garage.

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Pro-lifer speaks The bitterness of the pro-life, pro-choice, debate never ceases to amaze me. No matter what the reason, no matter what the circumstance, abortion destroys a life- a life bestowed upon us by our God and Creator, and the dictionary defines "bestow" as a gift of honor given. Yet the pro-choice people insist that it's no more nor less than the fundamental right of the woman to choose to bear this life. How sad that the laws of our wonderful country uphold this right. Years ago, when my wife and I were living in New York, we learned she was carrying our second child. The pregnancy became toxic. Our doctor strongly advised terminating the pregnancy, giving as the reason the burden to us of raising a child either mentally or physically deformed. This was not a choice for us. What God sends, we accept - and gratefully. The child was carried to term, and now is a successful attorney -and the father of my two grandsons. How little we really know! I thank God every day for all he has bestowed upon us. Permanent Deacon Thomas C. Bailey Yarmouth port

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Mary and rosary It is alleged that Our Blessed Mother has been appearing to Christina Gallagher in Ireland since 1988. Her spiritual adviser, Father Gerald McGinnity, has spoken of her humility, stating that she has really touched his life. She has said that Our Blessed Mother stressed the~powcr of the rosary, asking that it be prayed from the heart, and spoke of a chastisement that is to come to cleanse the world. Pope Gregory XIII stated that the rosary had been instituted by St. Dominic to appease the anger of God and to implore the inter-. cession ofthe Blessed Virgin Mary; and Pope John Paul II has asked that we pray the rosary. Genevieve E. Foley New Bedford

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The Art of Relating

Diocesan treasure Dear Editor: I read your excellent article, "St. Anthony of Padua Parish: 100 Years of Service" in the Anchor (9-22-95). This cathedral-like church on Acushnet Ave. in the north end of New Bedford is a beautiful church. The interior especially with the magnificent altar and the golden walls with angels is a work of art. If St. Anthony's were in Europe, people would be flocking to it and sending postcards home! A few years ago, after working at Parkwood Hospital, on the way home I would attend the 5 o'clock Mass. It was so peaceful to sit in this holy church. I hope that many people will visit one of the treasures of our diocese. John Francis Waygan East Falmouth


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THE BEAUTIFULSt. John the Baptist Church sits along side the rectory at the corner of County and Wing Streets, New Bedford. The historic parish, l:he first Portuguese parish established in the United States; begins it l25thyear. Rev. John J. Oliveira, pastor, and members of the parish have many activities planned for the coming year. ' Several hundred parishioners of ' St. John the Baptist Church in New Bedford gathered for Mass and a family picnic at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown recently to celebrate the l24th anniversary of the founding of the parish. The festivities marked the opening of jubilee yeilr celebrations' which will include a Holy Rosary Sodality Feast, a day in honor of the sick, the annual Christmas

bazaar, a parish pilgrimage to Fatima and the Holy Land and the annual,celebration of St. John the Baptist feast 'inJune; ;~.: ,

Joao Ignacio de Azevedo Encar- religious customs and traditions nacao for a year and a half to cele- 'had become a strong unifying . brate and grow in their identity as force." Today the, parish is comprised a Catholic community of faith. Fath~rJohn J. OliY,eira, pastor of." of many families who are di:,ect St..Johnlwas founded on Sept. ' St. John the ~aptist said,~I suspect descendants of the founding men More than twelve religious, fuI-, ' ,tural and social events are sche-' 10, 187,1, the first.Catholic Church that by that time: their dream of ,and women as well, as of immiin the nation founded by Portud uled over the next year with the having their own church building grant.families who have com(: to 'Closing celebration in~luding'sol­ guese ~mmigrants. By the summer in which they could hear the'word o!Jr city over the past thirty years. of 1870 the Portuguese immigrant emn 'Mass' by ,Bishop' Sean P. of God and celebrate His presence 55 Portuguese parishes have since O'Malley and a~ anniversary ban- community of New Bedford had in the sacraments in their native been founded in the United St2.tes quet. The theme of th; year long already been meeting with Father language and with their own rich and Canada. celebration is taken from the Gospel of John 1!29 the declaration of John the Baptist regarding Jesus, "Behold the Lamb ofGod.~'

---------------_ _----------------------------------Our Haven celebrates Golden Jubilee ....


Sunlight streamed through the chapel's stained glass windows at Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, as family, friends and community members gathered to celebrate the Hav~n's Golden Jubilee in September. The Most Reverend Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., PhD, Bishop of Fall River, offered a Mass of thanksgiving to mark the nurs,ing home's achievement. ' Our Lady's Haven, one of four nursing homes in the Diocesan Health Facilities system offers quality care to the frail elderly and disabled. The Mass was the highlight of a year of special 50th anniversary celebrations and events. A dinner reception followed at Century House, Acushnet. During his homily, Bishop O'Malley expressed his "deep gratitude" for the work of the current executive director of Diocesan Health Facilities Reverend Edmund J. Fitzgerald and the "wonderful services" ofthe home's staff; Jean M. Golitz, administrator and Reverend Roy Yurco, SS.Cc. priest chaplain at the Haven. Bishop O'Malley also commended the Carmelite Sisters of Aged and Infirm who "worked selfessly" to care for residents when the home opened in 1945. The Carmelettes, volunteers led by the Carmelite sisters, were also a wel- ' come presence,in the home. Sister Shawn Flynn, O.Carm., a delegate for the Mother General from St. Teresa's Mother House in Germantown, New York, represented the Carmelites. The Carmelite

Order has been unab,le to provide hard WOrk and dedication to our sisters to staff the nursing home residents and their families. Thank you also to the community for since 1985. The administration and the com-' supporting Our Lady's Haven, en, passionate staff who now care for trusting us to care for y.our loved residents at Our Lady's Haven are ones, and becoming part of the "living witness to the continuing Haven's extended family," she said. commitment of the Catholic com- "We look forward to continuing munity to the dignity and sanctity the tradition of caring in the of human life in all its stages," said future." Bishop O'Malley, "Our ~ady:s :During the dinner reception, Ms. Haven is the gospel of life lived out Golitz accepted two proclamations through our service to the elderly citing the home's service to the and infirm." community presented by John Haaland, a Fairhaven selectman In closing the service, the bishop and Connie Mello, a representaprayed that "health, hospitality tive of New Bedford Mayor Roseand the peace of Nazareth always live in this place." mary Tierney's office. In his adFor Father Fitzgerald, execu- dress, Mr. Haaland reflected on tive director of Diocesan Health the care his grandmother received F~cilities, the fiftieth anniversary while a resident of the Haven and celebrations were a chance to re- thanked the home on behalf of his flect on the past, remembering family. those who lived in the home or Although the Haven's committook comfort in knowing their ment to a holistic approach to care loved ones were well cared for at - meeting the residents spiritual, Our Lady's Haven. social, physical and medical needs "Haven," he said, "the name - has remained steadfast through implies a place of safety and peace, the past fifty years, levels of care a place of hospitality. Our Lady's have increased. Because of tightHaven has thoughtfully and com- ening restrictions on nursing home passionately cared for hundreds of eligibility, residents today need elders and offered hospitality to more skilled services than they did their families. Tonight we celebrate many years ago. the lives of these many people who "HÂŤ;:alth care and especially the now have found their haven in care of the elderly and infirm has heaven." changed dramatically in the last In reflecting on her five years as 'fifty years," said Father Fitzgerald. administrator, Jean M. Golitz "Our Lady's Haven has kept its recognized a long tradition of qual- tradition of care and adapted its ity care. "I extend my heartfelt services to meet the I)eeds of our appreciation to our staff and lead- communities today." ers, past and present, for their Serving 117 residents, Our

Lady's Haven offers skilled nursing care, rehabilitation therapies, long and short-term care, intravenous and pain management therapies, care for the terminally ill, respite and Hospice cl,lre, pastoral care and thera'peutic recreational activities. Our Lady's Haven is housed in the original Tabitha Inn built by town benefactor Henry Huttleston Rogers in 1904. Purchased by the Diocese of Fall River in 1944, the home was originally dedicated

by the Most Reverend James E. Cassidy, Bishop of Fall RiveI' in February 1945. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine became the executive director of Dioce!:an Health Facilities in 1939 and remained director until 1974. Msgr: Considine's philosophy about l:he care at the diocesan homes remains .true today: "The people got good treatment. There was kindness and gentleness and the realization 'that the men and women we were taking care of could be our own mother or father."

GERMAINE LAPOINTE, a resident of Our Lady's Haven, presents offertory gifts to Bishop Sean O'Malley during the Mass of thanksgiving marking the nursing home's 50th anniversary. From left to right following Bishop O'Malley are: Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, executive director of Diocesan Health Facilities; Very Rev. Columban Crotty, SS.CC:Sacred Heart Provincial and Rev. Michael McManus. St~nding i::; Rev. Stephen J. Avila.


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Oct. 21 1937, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Carr, P.R., Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River; Chancellor of Diocese 1907-21 1942, Rev. Francis E. Gagne, Pastor, St. Stephen, Dodgeville (Attleboro) 1979, Rev. Walter J. Buckley, Retired Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford

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Breast ,:ancer programs listed at St. Anne's Hospital If detected early, localized breast cancer has a 90 percent cure rate, Thus women who routinely practice early detection measures help ensure that if they should have breast cancer, it will be caught in its earliest and most curable stage, In order to promote such early detection and increase women's awareness of it, Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, is offering a number of educational programs and the opportunity to have a mammogra m throughout October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, According to Dina Mello, RN, coordinator ofcommunity outreach at the hospital, "Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women; one in every nine women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, Educating women, identifying-risk factors and encouraging young women to routinely practice early detection procedures are all crucial factors in saving lives." The opportunity for I:arly detection of breast cancer is greatly enhanced among women who have a mammogram beginning at age 40, have an annual breast exam by a physician and perform a monthly self-examination of th,~ir breasts. A mammogram is a low dose breast X-ray which can detect subtle changes often too small to be felt even by an expert, "Women informed of the risk factors are far more likdy to detect breast cancer early. A woman has a higher than average risk of developing it if she is over 50 years of age and has a personal or family history of this, cancer,," said Ms. Mello. As part ofSaint Ann,e's outreach programs aimed at encouraging women to have a routilne mammo-' gram, the hospital's mobile mammography unit visits community sites offering convenient and quality breast and cervical health care, A 30-minute appointment includes an instructional vide,) on breast self-examination, a mammogram and follow-up instructions. Each woman is p'rovided with take-home materials and a showe:r card illustrating breast self-examination techniques. The Mobile Mammography Unit, offering free mammograms to uninsured or underinsured women over age 50, who will visit the following sites at the following dates and times:

Women interested in obtaining a free mammogram must schedule an appointment in advance by calling 1-800-71-WOMEN. Additionally, an educational Portuguese language program will be presented by Brurio Pestana, M.D., Luisa Carreiro, P.A.C., and Dina Mello, RN, on Sunday, Oct. 22, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Santo Christo church hall on the corner of Columbia and Canal streets, Fall River. This program" presented entirely in Portuguese, will discuss breast and cervical cancer, including their signs and syrnptoms, and will also explain how to perform breast self-examination. In addition to the o'1-going education programs offered throughout the year, Saint Anne's Hospital also offers a monthly breast cancer support group designed to help women cope with the emotional aspects of a diagnosis of breast cancer. The next meeting will be at 5 p,m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, in Cleme~ce Hall, Room 128. FormoreinformationonNation-

at BreastCancerAwareness Month programs at Saint Anne's, call 1-800-71-WOMEN.


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BISHOP SEAN O'Malley offers prayers at a recent dinner honoring the president of the Republic of Cape Verde, Antonio Mascarenhas Monteiro and the first lady, Maria Antonina Bettencourt Pinto, at the Verdean Vets Hall in New Bedford. (Jolivet photo)

Scout leaders prepare for conference The joint Catholic committee on Boy and Girl Scouting for the Fall River diocese is hosting the New England Catholic Conference on Scouting~Region I this weekend at Cathedral Camp/Cathedral Center of Renewal, East Freetown. Scout leaders from across the diocese will gather for prayer, sharing and workshop learning at the Oct. 21-23 conference designed to improve leadership skills and thereby enhan<:e and enrich the scouting experience. Workshop topics will include: youth ministry, story telling, death

& dying, and diversity in today's family. The keynote address will be given by Antone S. Aguiar, Jr., LLB, BA. He is an associate justice at the Attleboro division of the District Court Department. Judge Aguiar has been a lawyer for forty years serving in the military as a Judge Advocate and private practice in Fall River. He has been actiye in the civic and business community receiving many honors and awards. In scouting, he is an Eagle Scout. and Order of the Arrow.

Oct. 22 1940, Rev. John E. Connors, Pastor, St. Peter, Dighton 1983, Rev. Jerome F. O'Donnell, OFM, Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford Oct. 23 1970, Chor Bishop Joseph Eid. Pastor, St. Anthony of the Desert, Fall River Oct. 24 1982, Rev. Marc Maurice Dagenais, O.P., Retired Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River Oct. 25 1935, Rev. Reginald Chene, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River 1950, Rev. Raymond B. Bourgoin, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton 1988, Rev. James W. Connerton, CSC, Founder, Stonehill College, North Easton Oct. 27 1918, Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, Assistant, O.L. Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 1967, Rev, Edmond L. Dickinson, Assistant, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1990, Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 20, 1995 . ~

Stang, announc~s ,: class reunions

Bishop Stang Class of 1980 is holding its 15th reunion on November 25th, at The Century House in Acushnet. There will be dinner, danci'ng, karaoke and more! Committee member Sandy Bernier Mercier is handling reservations. Anyone with knowledge of the whereabouts of the following , graduates is urged to contact the Alumni/ ae Office at Stang at 9938959: Trina Bigham, Lisa Bouchard, Donna Cooper, Dawn Brady, Pamela Janelle, Lynne Lomeland, Gary Loranger, Patricia Mello, Marci Mandel, Michael Soares, Albert Texeira, Karen Wrobel. The Class of 1975 is having its PADU A, Minn. (CNS) - With that God would provide. She has 20th year class reunion on Novemthe recent birth of Alexandra always been a person of very deep ber 25, at the Hawthorne Country Club in North Dartmouth. Bauer, Margaret Jennissen's list of faith." The following students in the The Jennissens worked to give great-grandchildren has reached their children educational oppor- class of '75 are "missing": Angela. !OJ. THE. FAMILY of Lawrence Duffany was selected as July She looked on as little Alexan- tunities. All seven girls attended a Battista, Tammy Bessette, Ann Family of the Month by both Attleboro Knights ofCo:lumbus dra was baptized at the end ofSep- Catholic high school in Little Falls Pilson, Christine Boucher, David .Council 404 arid by the Knights of the Fall River diocese. The Sharon Burrows, Patricia Brisson, tember; great-grandchild No. 100, and many of the boys attended St. Tom Eltgroth, was baptized just John's prep school in Collegeville. Carroll, Winnie Chow, Christo- Duffanys have also been entered in the K of C Supreme "That was a sacrifice," said Sis- pher Easton, Richard Ferreira, Council Family ofthe month contest. From left, District Deptwo weeks earlier. "I've seen just about all their ter Jennissen. "I'm sure that she Judy Freitas, Margaret Haley, uty Walter O'Shea, Lawrence and Marion Duffany and Grand baptisms," said Mrs. Jennissen, could have used us at home to help Juliana Hines, Laurianne LavalKnight George Goudreau. The Duffanys lost their only daughwho turns 90 in January. "I think her take care of the younger chil- lee, Roger LeBlanc, Maria Mater this year after a lifelong illness but Lawrence Duffany dren." . cedo, Richard Menino, Donna they're just great. And I pray and continued service to the K of C and to his parish, St. Mark's, McQuade, Lorraine Nunes, James pray every day for all of them." In describing how she raised her Mrs. Jennissen, a member ofSt. 14 children, Mrs. Jennissen said O'Neill, Lynne Pilvines, Stephen Attleboro Falls, where he is an usher and a lector and was a Anthony of Padua Parish in Padua, "as a mother, I felt it was my duty Puscinzna, Denise Roy, Kathryn religious education teacher. is used to a big family. She and her to give them good work habits and Souza, Elaine Tam. Stephen and Paula Long and' husband, Math, who died in 1991, education, but most of all religion. had 14 children, who gave t.hem 85 I had them go to their catechism Mary Schedler Sahady are coorgrandchildren, who in turn have (classes). All the girls learned how dinating the plans, and would welgenerated 101 great-grandchildren. to be good cooks and the boys come any additional committee members. Any updates on the Grandson David Weller de- helped their father in the barn." "missing" individuals or questions" scribes his grandmother as a "re"She's always been interested in markable woman with a remark- her children's lives," said Sister regarding 'the reunions may be DENVER (CNS) - "I've always trayal, which he has also found to able memory for names and dates." Jennissen. And in the lives of her directed to the committee through felt called to do mission work, but be an effective teaching tool. I told God that I hate snakes and I "She's one of those unassuming children's children and of course the Alumni/ ae Office at Stang at One of his characters, Estelle, is am not going to Africa," says a cantankerous elderly lady who is people who lets things happen as their children. For example, she 993-8959. The cost for both events Doug Brummel. not Catholic, but poses many questhey happen and says the Lord will follows the baseball and volleyball is $30 per person and reservations So the Illinois native, who has tions about the Catholic faith. take care of you," he told the Saint exploits of her granchildren Aaron must be made in advance. She sometimes asks audiences lived in the Denver area since Cloud Visitor, diocesan news- and Carlene Jennissen. 1993, founded Ministry in Motion about the changes made in the Our paper. "My children were busy, busy and developed the Lighten Up Father: "You pray so fast I can't Mrs. Jennissen still manages all the time," said Mrs. Jennissen. program that will take him to understand what you're saying. pretty much on her own, even with "And so are Aaron and Carlene. Catholic parishes from Alaska to When did God's name gd to be failing eyesight that she says "fuz- They're good children who join LOS ANGELES (CNS) - The New Hampshire in the next year. Harold? You say, 'Our Father who zies" the photos sent to her by fam- good things like sports but they Noel Foundation, an international Lighten Up is a one-to-three- art in heaven, Harold be thy name.", still help with the chores. ily members. day parish retreat in which he uses A Lighten Up evening, however, "You could write a story about organization dedicated to world"Mom's family has always meant character portrayal, audience par- is hot just about laughter. Brumeach one of them," she added with wide peace, will conduct its awards everything to her," said her daughticipation, story telling, music and mel said it has four goals - to ter, Franciscan Sister Anita Jen- a grin, "but you wouldn't have ceremony and fund-raiser Oct. 20 prayer to celebrate the joy and lighten up with laughter. to renissen. "She felt that each of her room even if you used up your in Los Angeles in conjunction with the United Nations' 50th anniverpassion of the Gospel with Chris- charge our batteries and light up children was a gift from God and .whole paper." sary celebration. Mother Teresa tians of all ages. like a flashlight, to lighten our will receive the "lifetime commit"It's been incredible to see 80- loads through forgiveness and to ment award" and Elizabeth Glaser year-olds next to 5-year-olds laugh- be the light. of Christ for all to see. will be presented, posthumously, a ing one minute, crying the next, "There are lots of different messpecial "inspiration a ward" for her singing the next - in an hour and 'sages, depending on what parish efforts to find a cure for children's a half to two hours," he told the I'm working with and wh.at their AIDS. Other award recipients inDenver Catholic Register, archdi- needs are," he said. "I try to work clude: Mary Robinson. the first ocesan newspaper. "It boggles my with each parish and get t,) know woman to become president of the mind; the Spirit just works.'; what issues they're facing, what Republic of Ireland; Adelaide Brummel, a parishioner at Light healing needs to take place." Tambo and Helen Suzman of of the World in Littleton, got the Ministry in Motion, foullded in South Africa for their role in endidea for his evening of multigener- December 1991, has been growing ing apartheid; Christiane Dosne ational entertainment, education steadily, and Brummel recently Pasqualini of Argentina for her and praise while working as a hired an assistant, Brad Skeen, cancer research and efforts to find youth minister. who will help on his upc:oming a cure for leukemia; and Marianne "About five years ago, I did a road trip in a recently ac:quired Buggenhagen. from East Berlin, confirmation session with the par- recreational vehicle. Germany, a track and field athlete Over the 1995-96 schocl year, ents and the kids, and afterwards, who won four gold medals at the one of the parents came up and Brummel will perform in Colo1992 Paralympics in Barcelona.路 said, Thank you. I haven't seen rado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Illinois, my eighth-grader smile in several Alaska, New Mexico, Nevada and months and tonight he did.' ... She Minnesota. Brummel also hopes to set up some benefit performanhad tears in her eyes." A few months later, Brummel ces in Oklahoma City, where he "We Need One Another" is the said, "a junior or senior in high lost a friend in the April bombing. For more information about theme for Pastoral Care Week, school came up and said, Thanks, October 23 - 29 at Marian Manor, I've never seen my dad laugh except Ministry in Motion, call (303) 274-8686. Taunton. To celebrate, the nurswhen he's drinking.''' Through experiences like that ing home's staff invites the young SISTER TAKES to the green Mother Catherine and "not-so-young" to visit with and through his graduate studies residents from 2-4 p.m., on October in counseling psychology, BrumStewardship.... Cavanaugh of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Louisville, Ky., 25 in the first floor sitting room. mel has learned that laughter is takes a swing during a golf tournament Oct. 2. The order For more information. please contherapeutic. One of the best ways hosted the tournament to raise funds for their Home for the tact Sr. Paulina, director of Pashe has found to generate' this laughter is through character por- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ toral Care at 822-4885. Aged.

List of great-grandchildren tops 100 for grandma

Performer helps Catholics of all ages laugh and pr:ay

Mother Theresa honored

Manor celebrates Pastoral Ca"re Week













Bill denying aid deplored

World Mission Continued from Page One tend to be diseases of poorer people. The program is to find the people who are iII, to diagnose the disease, treat it, cUlre the people and then work for prevention. But there's more than that to her. schedule; regularly she takes duty in the hospital's very busy maternity unit. She'll always remember one woman who needed a Cesarean section. Sister Mary Ann explained to her and her husband it was really for the life of both the mother and child. "So we agreed we would do it. We always say a prayer when we start" After the prayer, as the operation was about to begin, the woman said, "Wait, wait." Sister Mary Ann thought she had changed her mind. But no. Instead: "She started to pray, 'Jesus, I love you; I give you my all. May your will be done in me. All that I have is yours,''' Sister Mary Ann sa.ys, "This will give me food for meditation for years to come." Sister Mary Ann finds it lifegiving to serve such people. "They teach me something about joy . about acceptance of suffering . about generosity," Two American Sisters are on mission in Africa, healing the invisible wounds of war, healing the sick. The love of Christ impels them. The love of Christ impels us all to take part in the healing, saving work Jesus entrustt:d to his disciples and to all Christians: "You will be my witnesses... even to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). In prayer, in sacrifice and with financial support through the Propagation ofthe Faith on World Mission Sunday, October 22, we help the daily work ohhe Church in close to 1,000 mi.ssion dioceses around the world, in Abakaliki and Cape Palmas, in dioceses of Sudan and EthiopiBl ofIndia and Papua New Guinell of Pakistan and Ecuador. A portion of our contributions helps the work of. the Home Missions in the United States. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan director of the Propagation of the Faith, expressed optimism for a successful campaign. "Once again we have an opportunity to reflect on our own call to be evangelizers. Mission Sunday encourages us to preach the gospel message, and to pray and sacrifice for those who preach the gospel message in foreign lands." Msgr. Oliveira noted that donations can be brought to Mass this weekend, or mailed to the Progagation of the Faith Office, 344 Highland Ave., Fall River 02720.

Chronic fatigue support group to met~t on Cape Catholic Social Services of Cape Cod has announced sponsorship of a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome support group, to meet each first and third Tuesday from 3 to 4:30 p. m. at the Social Services office at 261 South St., Hyannis 0260 I. The first meeting will be -held Nov. 7. Further information is available by calling 771-6771.

Continued from Page One "Cardinal Law's recent statement in response to Governor Weld's bill to eliminate welfare benefits to children born to unwed teens adequately reflects the sentiments of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference which encompasses the four Catholic Dioceses of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "We have consistently spoken out against any curtailing of basic

human services to the poor. We have consistently objected to any new proposed cuts that would encourage abortions. "In our diocese, through Catholic Social Services and our local parishes, we pledge support and concern for women facing difficult pregnancies. "The Gospel of Life is the centerpiece of Catholic social teaching. We want to help people choose life,"


THE POPE' meditates during a Mass on Oct. 7 at Central Park, New York. The photo was taken by a member of the pilgrim group from Santo Christo Church in Fall River. (Jalbert photo)

Permanent Diaconate Continued from Page One gusting became swe~tness and light. When we see people as God sees them they are no longer burdens," The bishop also $poke of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who was asked why her sisters served the needy when they could make so little difference inl India's sea of poverty and sickness. Her response Was to say that "the slightest drop of mercy in a sea of indifference has a ripple effect," "We must be aware," continued the bishop, "that all we have is a gift, given us to serve others: freely have you received, freely give." During the ad,missions ceremony, candidates were called forward by name to voice their desire to enter the diaconate. Their wives were then asked to support them in their new roles. A concelebrated Mass followed with Bishop O'Malley as principal celebrant. Concelebrants included Father John F. Moore, director of the permanent diaconate, Msgr. George W. Coleman, vicar general, and many priests from the parishes of candidates. ' The names and parishes of those admitted to candidacy follow: David P. Akin, St. Pius X, South Yarmouth

James M. Barrett Jr., O.L. Victory/ O.L. Hope, Centerville A. Anthony Cipriano, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro Chester O. Cook, St. Peter Apostle, Provincetown Leonard C. Dexter Jr., St. John Evangelist, I)ocasset Frank D. Fantasia, Chrfst the King, Mashpee Michael P. Guy, St. Mary, New Bedford Victor Haddad, St. Thomas More, Somerset Robert J. Hill, St. Paul, Taunton Edward J. Hussey, St. Patrick, Somerset Dana G. McCarthy, Holy Trinity, West Hflrwich Norman F. McEnaney, O.L. Cape, Brewster Joseph F. Mador, Holy Redeemer, Chatham Joseph P. Medeiros, St. Anthony, Taunton Eduardo M. Pacheco & Abilio dos Anjos Pires, O.L. Mt. Carmel, New Bedford Thomas :P. Palanza & Walter D. Thomas, St. Mary, Mansfield Jeremiah J. Reardon, St. Mary, South Dartmouth Eugene H. Sasseville, Sacred Heart, New Bedford Mark G. Shea, O.L. Fatima, Swansea

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THE ANCHOR-D,iocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 20, 1995


,Pope celebrates Vatican II document on priests VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The , Vatica n plans to celebrate the 30th ~, anniversary of the Vatican II document on' the' priesthood with a six-day symposium and a primetime television extravaganza. The Oct. 23-28 symposi!Jm will


11 h i(

t,l." bring together some 250 priests

. , and bishops from around the world ; ,to discuss the key teachings in , "Presbyterorum Ordinis," the de, cree on the ministry and life of priests. One bishop and one priest repre~ senting each of the world's episco1 pal conferences will discuss how ~,the teachings have been imple~ mented as well as challenges to the k priesthood which have arisen in " the last 30 years, Vatican organiztel's said. ~\; The Oct. 27 television program, f to be broadcast live on Italy's state-owned RAI I and beamed by ~ satellite to other countries, will Ii. feature music, the testimony of a variety of priests and reflections \f from famous lay people on how .i priests have helped them. )~ Gloria Estefan is scheduled to g speak and to perform for the ~ audience, which will inClude Pope " John Paul II. Other performers include Italian pop stars and opera singers. Two Ukrainian priests imprisoned by communist authorities for their religious activites will share their experiences, as will a young priest, a middle-aged priest and an elderly priest. The television program will also feature a montage of movie clips showing how priests have been portrayed in the cinema. Government leaders, including President Violeta Chamorro Barrios of Nicaragua, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, have sent video messages for inclusion in the program. Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe,






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POPE JOHN PAUL II people packing Oriole Park at last day of his visit to ahe Okoniewski)








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secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Clergy, said an analysis of the priesthood over the past 30 years naturally would show "we' can always do more." One of the main challenges facing priests, he said at an Oct. 12 news conference, "is to live as a man of communion - communion with God, with Christ to whom he is configured, to the church and the pope and to the people he is ordained to serve." Another task is to ensure the VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The ongoing formation of the more Vatican marked the 17th anniverthan 400,000 priests in the world. "Once upon a'time, it was sary of Pope John Paul II's electhought that when a priest was tion Oct. 16 with a holiday for ordained, he was perfect. N ow we most of its employees and a fistful realize that even more than a phy- of statistics for the press corps. Employees at the Vatican radio, sician or other professional, a newspaper and press offices along priest needs continual updating, with those who deal with tourists, he needs ongoing, permanent forgot holiday pay instead of a day mation," the archbishop said: Archbishop Sepe said a review off. To help journalists mark the of the past 30, years would show occasion, the press office and Vatthat the priesthood in general is healthy and that the vast majority ican Radio - which has a reputation for having the best papal staof priests "live the mystery of the tistics in town - offered numerical priesthood in a holy, heroic way." summaries of Pope John Paul's "Diversity and even riegative acfirst 17 years in offi.ce. tions in the daily lives of priests Including his Oct 4-8 trip to the should not scandalize people, beUnited States, the pope has made cause those things are part of life," 68 pastoral trips outside of Italy, he said. "It's almost a physiologithe number crunchers said. He has cal fact that in such a large body" visited 112 countries - many more there would be some signs of weakthan once - and 540 different ness. cities. "We are human, too," he'said. He has delivered 2,023 speeches But "the scandalous thing is and homilies during the 448 days when you journalists focus your cameras with a distorted view. Has , he has spent abroad. Pope John Paul also has made it never occurred to you to take 122 pastoral trips in Italy, but outyour cameras into a parish and see side of Rome. The trips took him the good work of a simple priest to 247 cities, towns and villages ordained for 20 or 30 years?" he where he delivered 844 speeches asked. and homilies in 184 days. "You don't read about them in The pope has also visited 237 of the newspapers," Archbishop Sepe the 331 parishes in his own diosaid. But viewers are expected to see cese, the Diocese of Rome; and hear all about them during the In addition to a best-selling TV broadcast. . book, "Crossing the Threshold of Hope," Pope John Paul has published 12 encyclicals, eight apostolic exhortations, eight apostolic constitutions and 30 apostolic letters. ' He has celebrated 91 beatification Masses - proclaiming 731 people blessed - and 29 canonization Masses, proclaiming 272 new saints. Six times in the last 17 years he has called -consistories to install new cardinals. He has given the red hat to 137 bishops and priests. In addition, he has called the College of Cardinals together five times to discuss a variety ofthemes ranging from finances and the organization of the Curia to modern threats against human life. He has presided over five ordinary general assemblies of the Synod of Bishops; one extraordinary general assembly marking the 20th anniversary of the end of the Second Vatican Council; a special assembly for Europe and one for Africa; and a particular synod to discuss the situation of the church in the Netherlands. According to the Vatican press office, Pope John Paul has met more than 900 political leaders and "personalities" in the past 17 years. Only 30 of those were considered official·state visits by the waves to an estimated 60,000 . head of a government; 480 were Camden Yards for Mass on the private audiences or meetings with United States. (CNS photo/ heads of state and 150 were encounters with prime ministers.

Happy anniversary .Pope John Paul II

Salvation for non-Christians



VATlCAN CITY (CNS) - The gion just as valid as another? Catholic Church preaches that Doesn't the Bible teach Christ is there is no salvation without Christ. the only way to salvation? And, if But it also preaches respect for the Catholic Church recognizes other religious and the "saving "the positive and valid elements" grace" God may offer through of non-Christian religions, why should it continue its missionary a,~tivity? them. Thirty years after the close of The Civilta Cattolica artide said the Second Vatican Council, some there are four "firm poir:.ts" on of the world's leading theologians which Catholics base their discusare taking a deeper look at the sions with other relig'ions: truth of the two statements and - "The first is the univI:rsality how to reconcile them. of God's saving will." All women Gone are the days of a superfi- and men of all times and places cial adherence to the ancient maxim "are destined for salvation from "extra ecclesiam nulla salus" ("out- God and are called by him to freely side the church there is no salva- accept the gift of himself he offers." tion"). And what God wants, happens. A year ago, the 'I nternational "The grace of salvation is given to Theological Commission gave its all men and wom'en - in ways final approval to a document on which only God knows -- and "universal salvation" - how God. therefore they are given the means through Christ, offers redemption necessary for salvation." to all humanity. - The second point is that Dominican'Father Georges Cot- "God realizes his universal plan tier, secretary-general of the com- for salvation through his Son." mission, said the document will Denying or doubting that affirmaprobably be released before the tion, the magazine said, is to put end of the year. The decision to oneself outside of the Christian publish the document is made by faith. the Congregation for the Doctrine - "The third firm point is that of the Faith. which oversees the salvation, in its fullness and perfection. is accomplished in the commission's work. Even though the document has church, which Christ willed, laynot been published yet, commis- ing the foundations for it during sion members in early October his earthly life and proclaiming its moved ahead with a preliminary birth at Pentecost." vote on a draft of another docuIt is not the church, but Christ, ment - on the relationship be- who brings salvation. But Christ is tween Christianity and other rel.i- present in the church through the gions. ' Holy Spirit and makes the church The new document, set for final an instrument of his salvation. - The fourth point is that God's amendments and adoption at the commission's 1996 meeting, uses gift of faith is necessary for salvafaith and salvation through Christ , tibn. It is a gift given by pure grace, as the starting point for discussing and individuals can only open themthe merits and limits of dialogue selves to receive it. The question remains, as Civilta . with other religions. Father Cottier told Vatican' Cattolica put it: "If God wa:l1ts all men and women to be saved, Radio, "This is the basic principle: There is no salvation without adhering to Christ with faith and belonging to his church, hoVi does Christ, but the grace of Christ borne by the Holy Spirit, as the this saving work for those who do council said. has its ways of touch- not believe in Christ and do not belong to his church?" ing men and women who have not The basic answer to the quesheard the Gospel; and, in fact, the church. with the council. has rec- tion is, "It's a mystery." But, the article said, Catholics ognized the positive and valid elements found in the other great believe God, "with his saving grace, acts beyond the visible boundaries world religions." The theological commission was of the church and reaches all men not the only group working on the and women, uniting them to Christ question in early October. La Civ- and invisibly gathering them into his church." ilta Cattolica, a Jesuit magazine Another response. which Civthat often reflects Vatican thinkilta Cattolica said is not shared by ing, ran a 14-page editorial Oct. 7 titled, "Christianity and other all Catholic theologians, maintains that "the ways through which God religions. " communicates his grace of ~alva­ The article drew a distinction tion are the religions which varbetween Judaism and the world's ious people profess with sinl:erity other major religions, pointing out and fidelity." that Christians recognize that God The position holds that" these revealed himself to Abraham, Moses and the prophets of the Old people, in their search for God and Testament, which Christians share salvation, are guided, helped and supported by the teachings and with Jews. ritual practices of th'e religions But the history of God's revelation and saving action was "pro- they profess." gressive and therefore needed to But it is in Christ that all human and religious values are elevated be brought to perfection. That and find their fulfillment, the articame with Jesus of Nazareth. who cle said. was neither a prophet nor a wise Therefore, it said, the Cat:!lOlic man ... but the Son of God made Church's attitude toward other reliman, the very word of God." gions "is one of respect and diaThe new theological study is not logue, not annexation orconq~,est." simply an academic or spiritual exercise; it is a response to the new popularity of some traditional religions, such as Islam and Buddhism, and the burgeoning number of new religious movements. What's a Christian to do? . The study is an attempt to answer that and other questions many people have: As long as it adheres to the Golden Rule. isn't one reli-


PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to lubmlt newl Iteml tor this column to The Anchor, 1>.0. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name ot cit)' or town Ihould be Included, as well al full dlltes of allactlvllIel. Plellle send news of future rather than Plllt evenII. Due to limited Ipac. lind also because notlcel of strictly parllh affairs normally appear In a parllh's own bulletin, we are torced to limit Items to e'vants ot general Interest. Also, we do not normally carry notlcas of fundrailing actl'vltlel, which may be advertlled at our regular retes, obfalnable from The Anchor bUllne.. oltlce, telephone (508) 675-7151. On Steering Points ItemI, FR Indicates Fall River; NB Indicates "lew Bedford.

ST. PATRICK, FAtMOUTH Annointing of the sick at II: 15 a.m. Mass, Nov. 5, celebrated by Msgr. John J. Regan, sponsored by the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Wheelchair accessible:. All welcome. Information: call the rectory, tel. 548-1065. HOtY FAMILY-HOLY NAME, NB The annual holiday shoppingspree will be held Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Information: Cecilia Felix, tel. 993-3547. ST. MARY'S CATHf:DRAL, FR The annual Mass 1'01' couples celebr.ating 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries this year will take place Oct. 22, 5 p.m. All invited. HOSPICE OUTREACH, FR Caregivers cifterminally ill patients educational series b(:gins Nov. I at the office on 243 Forest St., Fall River. The series runs four consecutive Wednesdays from I to 2:30 p.m. Topics are: Nov. I, "How to cope with the pressures of caregiving," Nov. 8, "Dealing with feelings about caregiving," Nov. IS, "Spiritual aspects of illness and grief," Nov. 22, "Preparing for the holidays." The series is free and open to all. Preregistration is necessary: tel. 673-1589. NOTRE DAME, FR Sunday, Oct. 22, II :30 Mass at Notre Dame Church in honor of former students, followed by an open house with refreshments at Notre Dame School for alumni, former students and friends.

Pro-Life convention plans are complete Plans are complete for the annual Diocesan Pro-Life Convention, to take place from 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28, at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, and at adjoining St. Julie's Church. The keynote speaker, to be heard from 9: 15 to 10 a.m. will be Father Richard John Neuhaus, who will be visiting the Fall River diocese for the first time. A former Lutheran minister, in 1991 he was ordained a priest for the Catholic archdiocese of New York. He is also president of the Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious research and education organization and editor in chief of its monthly publication, .. First Things." Other speakers will be Bishop Sean O'Malley, who will address both the clergy and lay tracks of the meeting, as will Atty. Helen Alvare, director of planning and information for the Pro-Life Secretariat of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Also addressing laypersons in attendance will be Barbara Thorpe, Pro-Life Office director for the Boston archdiocese. Father Walter Woods, professor of moral theology at SI. John's Seminary. Brighton, will address diocesan clergy on Pope .I ohn Paul II's recent encycEcal. The Gospel of Life.

DCCW, NB Community Affairs Commission will present an open meeting on Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Holy Name Parish Center, NB. Guest speaker will be Arlene McNamee, executive director of the Diocesan Department of Catholic Social Services, who will speak about the newly renovated SI. Mathieu's residence for women. BISHOP FEEHAN H.S., ATTLEBORO Open house on Nov. 5, 2-4 p.m., at Bishop Feehan Auditorium. All students and familieS, grades 7 & 8 are welcome. For information, tel. 222-6073. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Parish Mass for the Anointing of the Sick on Oct. 29, 2 p.m. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH The St. Vincent de Paul Society has announced that II: 15 a.m. Mass Sunday, Nov. 5, will include anointing of the sick by Msgr. John J. Regan, pastor. The church is wheelchair accessible and nonparishioners are welcome at the anointing rite. For further information, call rectory at 548-1065. WIDOWED GROUP, FR Meeting 7 p.m. Oct. 23, at St. Mary's school hall, Second St., Fall River. Attorney Katherine Hughes is guest speaker. Information: Annette, tel. 679-3278. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, NB Executive board meeting at St. Lawrence rectory, 110 Summer St., New Bedford. Information: Joan Sylvia, tel. 993-8825. FAMILY LIFE CENTER, DARTMOUTH Seventh annual conference for the divorced/ separated / widowed will take place on Nov. II at the Family Life Center. Call 999-6420 for more information. SCOUTING A Girl Scout religious awards program will be held for Fall River area girls from gra~e I to 6 who are interested in earning a Catholic Religious Girl Scout Medal. Registration and the first meeting will be on Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. at St. Anne's School, Forest St. (entrance near the cafeteria). Information: Pat Latinville. tel. 678-8667. SERRA CtUB, NB Meeting Oct. 23,7 p.m., at White's of Westport. Guest speaker will be Sister Florence of Rose Hawthorne Hospital.

ST. STANISLAUS, FR A coffee house will take place in the school auditorium Oct. 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. It's an evening of praise through music, sharing and fellowship. All welcome, no admission charge. CHATHAM COUNCIL ON AGING An Alzheimer's support group for family members and caregivers will meet at the senior center Oct. 23, 10 a.m. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NB Eucharistic vigil for pro-life intentions will be held Oct. 24, opening at 8 a.m. with Mass in Portuguese, followed by 'Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day. The rosary will be recited in Portuguese at 5:30 p.m., followed at 6 p.m. by a bilingual Mass. Adoration will continue until 8:30 p.m., when there will be closing Vespers and Benediction. All welcome. CHURCH 01' THE VISIT AnON, EASTHAM On Oct. 23, at 7:30 p.m. at the Church of the Visitation there will be an informational meeting about the cursillo movement. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Coffee house Oct. 21 with" Praise and Worship Ministries" 6:30 p.m. inthe cafeteria. Handicapped accessible. All invited to the 4:30 p.m. Mass. A Portuguese healing service, led by newly ordained Father Manuel Pereira, M.S., of the shrine staff, will take place Oct. 22,2 p.m. at the shrine. All invited. The shrine's series on "The New Catechism - What's It All About" continues through Nov. 14 on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. (repeated at 7:15 p.m.) Upcoming topics: Oct. 24 Morality and social justice; Oct. 31 -The Commandments; Nov. 7 - The Bible, God's word for us; Nov. 14 -Prayer. Information for all events: tel. 222-5410.. D of I, NB The New Bedford Daughters of Isabella, Hyacinth Circle 71 will hold their installation of officers ort Oct. 22 at 12:30 p. m. at the Century House in Acushnet. The regular meeting will be on Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in Holy Name Church Center, N B. Entertainment will be an October apple-fest and the hostess will be Mrs. Ann Borges. For information, tel. 992-4793. ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH, ORLEANS The Gloria Dei Cantores choir will perform at St. Joan of Arc on Nov. 12 at 3 p.m. Call 255-4476 for information.

In an effort to bring more local stories to our readership, The Anchor is looking for

LOCAL FLAVOR If someone you know from the diocese has a unique interest, accomplishment, or line ofwork, please...

LET US KNOW!! We hope to showcase one story each week. Looking forward to hearing from youl if yoi,t have ideas or topics for consideration, contact The Anchor at 675-7151.

13 it~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall RiveT-Fri., Oct. 20, 1995


CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, HYANNIS Parental support group for parents of gay and lesbian sons and daughters meets every second Tuesday at Catholic Social Services, 261 Sovth St., Hyannis. THE SAMARITANS Men and women, 21 to retirement, are needed for the 24-hour hotline to help those who are despairing or suicidal. For information, tel. 548-8900. CHURCH WOMEN UNITED OF CAPE COD World Community Day is on Nov. 3 at 10 a.m. at the United Methodist Church, South Yarmouth. Reservations must be received by Oct. 26. Guest speaker will be Ms.. Peggy Eastman, senior reporter, Cape Cod Times, who recently returned from the United Nation's conference in Beijing. All are welcome. Information: tel. 385-2169. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, BREWSTER The men's club will hold its annual Memorial Mass at 10 a.m. on Nov. 5. The speaker will be Sr. Elizabeth Doyle. For ticket information, call the rectory, tel. 385-2169.


ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FR A sung Mass is celebrated at 10 a.m. each Sunday and the choir and congregation will join in singing the .. ~ Mass of the Angels monthly on dates to be announced. CATHEDRAL CAMP AND CENTER OF RENEWAL, E. FREETOWN The following events are scheduled. for the Retreat Center: Emmaus Group with Father John A. Perry, Oct. 24-25; NewlyOrdail)e(i Mentor, Program, Oct. 25; Tres"Dias Wo men's Retreat, Oct. 26 through Oct 29; Corpus Christi Confirmation Re treat, Oct. 28. Information: Sister. Joseph Marie, tel. 763-3994. ST. JAMES, N B . Living Rosary on Oct. 29 at 5 p.m:. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament~ will take place at the same time. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR Bread of Life Prayer Group holds ., its meetings every Friday at 7:30 , p.m. at the side chapel. All arei welcome. 'j PRO-LIFE CONVENTION , The diocesan pro-life convention ' will take place on Oct. 28 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth.


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Saturday, Oct. 21 - 10:00 - 4:00 Fr. Leo Maxfield, M.S. Theater - $15 Donation COFFEE HOUSE: PRAISE & WORSHIP Saturday, Oct. 21 - 6:30 PM


Sunday, Oct. 22 - 2:00 PM Fr. Manuel Pereira, M.S. NEW CATECHISM SERIES Morality & Social Justice

Tuesday, Oct. 24 - 10:00 AM &7:15 PM Shrine Theater - $2 Donation BIBLE STUDY

Wednesday, Oct. 25-10:00AM &7:15 PM Fr. Joe Ross, M.S. - Above Gift Shop

Coyle Cassidy students honored


MASSACHUSETTS DELEGATION attending the Youth Foundation World Leadership Conference (WLC) at Tufts University this past August. From left, Douglas Varga (Bishop Feehan HS), Margaret Sullivan (Westfield HS), host H ugh O'Brian, Katherine Jackson (Brookline HS) and Patrick Curran (Monadnock Regional HS.) -

The HOBY ambassadors asked questions and learned more about the world through presentations with business, community, government and university leaders. Some of the highlighted presentations included panel sessions featuring the Honorable William Weld, .Governor of Massachusetts, "Eyes on the Prize" producer' Henry Hampton. the United Way's Pat Brandes, Ira Jacks,on of the Bank


Feehan students, teacher awarded

Fall Riverite merits Salve Regina award

St. Anthony School lists events

BISHOP ST ANG;S new class officers are, from left, vicepresident Kathryn Barrett of Dartmouth, daughter of Kevin and Nancy Barrett, treasurer Dan Osuch of Fairhaven, sonof Jeffrey and Deborah Osuch, secretary Jessica Belanger of Dartmouth, daughter of Carolyn Beianger and Larry Belanger, and president Brian Jesseaume of Westpo~t, son of Karen and Raymond Jusseaume. • _~.~


FROM LEFT, Cristina Pacheco of Cumberland, RI, Principal George Milot, Jason Collins of Mendon, Amy Plante of Pawtucket, RI, and Tim Flanagan of Plainville:.

Principal George Milot of on" approach. Two follow up sesBishop Feehan High School, an- sions will take place in the late fall nounced commended s-tudents in and early spring. the 1996 National Merit ScholarMrs. LaCroix also participated ship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and in a "Patterns in Nature" (PINS) National Merit Scholarship Cor- program at Boston University in poration will be presented by the July of 1995. The program was principal to these scholastically sponsored by the National Sc,ience Foundation and was limited to talented seniors. thirty participants from acrm,s the Jason Collins is the son of Dr. and Mrs. John A. Collins of Men- nation for each of two sessions. don. Timothy Flanagan is' the son Extensive class, lab and computer of Boston. Richard Taylor of Blue of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Flana- work was incorporated. Aside from Cross and Blue Shield of Massagan of Plainville. Cristina Pacheco the studies, each participant will chusetts, and other notable local is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. receive a free year subscription to figures. Dennis Pacheco of Cumberland, America On Line, in additic'n to While there. they, toured the RI. Amie Plante is the daughter of regular follow-up sessions with inJohn F. Kennedy Library and Mrs. Barbara Plante of Pawtucket, structors and participants. Museum, Boston Harbor, Faneuil RI. Mrs. LaCroix will be going to Hall and Quincy Market. the StateMrs. Joan LaCroix, science de- Rochester, NY from October 21house and other historical landpartment chairman, recently com- 24th in her last follow up session in marks. r.' , pleted a Biotechnology course at Operation Progress III, an outThe ambassadors were selected Providence College under the di- reach chemistry program sponfrom leadership seminars held in Laura Nobrega' of Fall R'iver rection of professors Dr. Krasner sored by the National Scil:nce 'every state in the U.S." and from has received the. 1995 Special Silver and Dr. Zacaro. Thirty teachers Foundation. At Rochester, Mrs. 34 other countries. Each U.S. semi- Reunion Award from Salve Re- (twenty-eight from RI, and two LaCroix will be presenting a p;~per nar selects ambassadors to repres- gina University, Newport, RI. A from Mass.) were selected to par- on "the importance of integrating ent it in the WLC. 1970 alumna of Salva Regina, she ticipate in using new technology in chemistry concepts in the biology Best known for his role in the' is retired from the Fall River pub- the instruction of biology and class" as well as participating in popular television series "Wyatt lic school system, where she taught chemistry. The course was a "hands the poster·session. Earp," Hugh O'Brian founded' home ec'onomics at Henry Lord HOBY after ineeting Nobel Prize:' Middle School. winning physician and humanitar- . The Silver Reunion Awar~: given ·ian, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, during for the first time this year, .recogNo sooner was St. Anthony's science through hands-on, construca visit to Africa in 1958. More than nized the 1970 graduate who best summer program over when the tive teaching. 160,000 students throughout the exemplifies the values and ideals school academic year was in full The halls at St. Anthony are ,U .S. and abroad have participated of Salve Regina University. . swing. Three new faculty members being filled with music as principal in HOBY's interactive workshops, A member of and organist for were welcomed; Mrs. Suzanne seminars and other skill-building St. Jean Baptiste parish in Fall Vrona and Mrs. Susan Swoish for Mrs. Elizabeth Lavigne cond'llcts , and critical-thinking programs. River, Ms. Nobrega has also been preschool and Miss Joy Cormier chorus for all classes throu.ghorganist/ choir director and coor- for fifth grade and upper level out the week. The Music on the dinator of religious education for math. Mrs. Tina Berube and second Move program where studt:nts several parishes in the Fall River grade aide Mrs. Carol Fortin took learn to play instruments is also diocese for over 25 years. their class to a local apple orchard beginning and families of St. Other ministries have included and as part of their history pro- Anthony recently enjoyed a ni.ght those of RCIA instructor, Eucha- gram. Grades five through eight . of roller skating. ristic minister and lector. She is will travel to Salem and learn St. Anthony is sponsoring an also a member of the Dominican about the witch hunts. . Adopt a Student program. Its Third Order for Laity. The new science program is get- purpose is to help raise fundH to In 1971 she received the Marian .' ting off the ground in the newly help defray tuition costs for those Medal in recognition of personal remodeled science lab. Science who chose Catholic school but are dedication and loyal service to the teacher, Mrs. Kimberly Thibault unable to meet financial obligachurch in the diocese of Fal! River, is actively. involved in the Buz- tions. Grades 5 through 8 sponand in 1992 a Silver Bowl award zards Bay Rim Project. This pro- sored a dance to help raise mO'ney for her volunteer involvement in gram fosters a child's interest in for this cause. religious education. Ms. Nobrega has also been active in the Fall River Diocesan Pastoral Musicians, the Fall River Diocesan Choir and the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club.

Local student attends leadership conference Douglas Varga of Pawtucket, RI, a student at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, joined more than 220 high school sophomores representing 34 countries in Boston for the 1995 Hugh O'B.·ian Youth Foundation (HOBY) World Leadership Congress (WLC) July 21-29. HOBY and Tufts University hosted the ambassadors as educators and the national and local civic business leaders helped the students explore the 1995 WLC theme "The Role of the United States in the World Community."

Coyle and Cassidy senior Eric J. Hager of Middleboro has been named a Commended Student in the 1996 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which conducts the program, will be presented to Hager· on Honors Night in May. Hager is a member ofthe National Honor Society and the Spanish Honor Society. He is tri-captain of the varsity soccer team and plays baseball for the Warriors in the spring. The College Board in New York has announced that Coyle and Cassidy's Class of 1995 valedictorian, Laurel Anne Goj of Taunton, has been named an Advanced Placement Scholar for the school year 1995-96. Miss Goj earned-that distinction because she achieved grades of three or higher on at least three full-year AP examinations. She took AP exams in calculus, chemistry and english during her senior year at Coyle and Cassidy. While at Coyle and Cassidy, Miss Goj was an active member in numerous honor societies and community service programs. She is now a freshman at Smith College in Northampton as a STRIDE Scholar.



MAKING ICE cream sundaes was a favorite ofthose who participated in St. Anthony's summer program.

...... ';

By Charlie Martin

SOMEONE TO LOVE Don't nen like to think about it I don't know what I Would do without it I only know I live and breathe For your love Baby, you came to me In my time of need When I needed you You weJ'e there for me Baby, tine love from you Is what got me through It's because of you I was able to give My heart again You gan me Someone to love Someollie to touch Someone to hold Oh someone to know Someone to love Someone to trust Someone to hold Oh someone to know I thouglht I'd never love again I thoug'ht my life was over and I didn't want to face Nor eVE:n see another day Suddenly from nowhere, Baby you appeared You drited my tears You cared for me Baby, your love for me Truly rescued me It's because of you I was able to Fall in love again You gave me For so long in my life I wouldn't let love inside But I s'wallowed my pride The day you arrived Now that you're by my side Everything is all right It's bec:ause of you I was a.ble to Give my heart again You gave me Written by Babyface. Sung by Jon Band Babyface. (c) 1995 by Sony Songs Inc./ECAF Music (BMI) HOW COULD you bring his life. In his words, "It's because of you I was able to give more love into our world? my heart again." In Jon B's debut chart hit "So~eone to Love," a fellow He tells how he thought that descnbes how love reentered "I'd never love again." He be-

lieved that his "life was over." He "didn't want to face nor even see another day." Yet, because of the power of one person, "I was able to fall in love again." Clearly, this song speaks of romantic love. (-J owever, it is the song's broade" message that needs to be heard: Each of us has the ability to bring more of love's healing pres ~nce into our world. When we act in loving ways, we live as Jesus did. We show that, indeed, we are Jesus' disciples and that we want our Christianity to provide positive effects on others' lives. Teens have many ways to practice their discipleship. The following are just some suggestions: I. Don't belong to a clique. Sure it's fun to hang out with your friends. But also reach out beyond your immediate circle of peers to members of your class who are overlooked by others. For example, sit with someone new at lunchtime or . invite someone to an activity. 2. Find out how you could get more involved in your parish community. Does your parish need more baby sitters for weekend liturgies? Could you give some time to a program that visits senior citizens? Perhaps there is a need for more coaches of younger children's sports. Speak up. Tell others you want to give more time to parish needs. 3. Become a pen pal to a teen in one of the world's suffering areas. Millions of teens live with challeng~:s that we can hardly begin to understand. Butlove knows no boundaries. Talk to a teacher or someone on your parish staff about writing to a teen. 4. While reaching out, don't forget those you live with. Are there ways you could be more supportive and understanding toward a brother or sister? What extra household chore could you take on that might ease your parents' workload? Jesus taught us that love can, does and will continue to make a huge difference in our world. Now is the time to be that difference. Your comments are always welcome. Please address: Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

By Christopher Carstens If you ask teens what's most important to them in life right now, the vast majority would agree on what item to put at the top of the list. Friends! Friends are what make Friday and Saturday nights so much fun. Friends, not customers, are the people you look forward to seeing when you go to work at the grocery store after school. And what makes school bearable? Friends, of course. So when I talk to teens about God, it makes sense to take the conversation in that direction. They may be fuzzy about what words like Trinity and omniscience mean, but friendship they understand. And when you get down to it, what else is faith but friendship with God? For example, many teens say that they believe God exists, but they can't feel God's presence in their lives. Why doesn't something happen to let us know that God is around? The answer is simple: Do you give God a chance? Think of your own life. What if there was a girl who went around school claiming to be your friend, but that same girl only spoke to you briefly between classes, never spent time with you outside of school and really knew nothing about you. Would that really be a friendship? Of course it wouldn't. A friendship is built on time getting to know one another, time spent talking and listening. It's the same with God. We have free will. God doesn't manipulate us into faith. Real friends don't do that, right? Friendship evolves naturally, but it can't happen unless the friends spend time together. We have to be willing to shut off our stereos and TVs, be quiet and spend some time with God. Then we can become aware of" God's presence in our lives. I always tell my students that God is waiting for them with the answers to all their questions and with help .for all their problems. They'll be given the strength to accomplish any task if they'll just be still long enough to hear what God has to say!

Framing faith as essentially a friendship. with God can help us make sense of sacraments, too. Teens often argue that since God is everywhere, we can tap into grace anywhere. Why, then, do we need rituals and the church when we can just find God anywhere? Well, go back to your friendships again. You spend a lot of time with your friends at school, at the mall and just hanging out. Most of that time is really good, too. But haven't there been times when your friendship with another person felt more intense or more powerful than other times? Don't certain occasions, either of joy or tragedy, stand out in your mind as moments when you really knew this person was your friend in a deep way that went beyond the experience of just sitting beside each other in algebra class? That's what a sacrament is. That's what Eucharist is. It's a time when Jesus' love is present in clear, unmistakable terms. In his gift of himself to us, we can see and know without any doubt that Jesus is there for us, because as he said himself, there's no greater gift than for one person to lay down his life for ... his friends.

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THE SECOND and eighth graders from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School paired up to complete an October pumpkin math project held at Treeland on Rockdale Avenue. They completed their computations on pumpkin circumference, height, weight, and seed count, recorded their pumpkin findings on graphs and compared results. Once don,e, pumpkins were decorated, and seeds roasted for a tasty treat.

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Joyful are the crowds, joyful still and hopeful. They reach, straining to touch, awaiting the split-second of meeting the teller of God's love, the healer, eye to eye.


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Blessed, blessed still, are the poor in spirit who know their need for God. Open, emptied hands'shall be filled with the abundance that is life in Christ.












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Drawn, drawn stiil, are the children, to listen to the story that is the Word. Up close, whispered just for them, it is the seed that, watered, blooms: its flower a new generation of faith.

Sent, sent still, are those Christ calls to be with Him, to know the Father, and to celebrate for life the mystery called the Eucharist. Hands that clasp, unclasp. A new priest is sent to proclaim the Good News.

Gllinea Bissall


. Drawn to Christ, we are blessed...and we are sent: sent to share the joy of our faith with all the world. Answer the call to mission by your prayers and generous sacrifice through the p~ ~l1k F~ on W~ M~.,... S~' October 22


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