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Diocese of Fall River

The Anchor

F riday , October 21, 2011

Reaching out across the globe — World Mission Sunday By Dave Jolivet, Editor

NEW BEDFORD — World Mission Sunday comes on the next-to-last Sunday of each October, but is a reminder that those who are in need across the world suffer every day of the year. Organized by the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, one of the four Pontifical Mission Societies, World Mission Sunday, this Sunday, is a day set aside to remind Catholics of their baptismal responsibility to support the missions with prayer and sacrifice. Blessed Pope John Paul II described World Mission Sunday as “an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world.” Director of the Fall River

Diocese’s Office for the Propaas we may have things somegation of the Faith is Msgr. John times,” he said, “some have abJ. Oliveira, pastor of St. Mary’s solutely nothing.” Parish in New Bedford. “The Those are the souls Catholic mission of the Church is not Missionaries minister to with the just to provide for the spiritual prayerful and financial support needs of all God’s children, but also their basic needs,” Msgr. Oliveira told The Anchor. Pauline Jaricot founded The “We have to Society of the Propagation in France in 1822 be there for those in need in body and spirit, and that inof the whole Catholic family. cludes assisting the homeless, “We are all given a vocation patients with AIDS, providing at Baptism,” said Msgr. Oliveira. education, water resources, and “We are all called to be misassisting with crop production.” sionaries for the Church. I love Msgr. Oliveira is in his 34th the expression, ‘Some give by year as director, having taken going, and some go by giving.’ over from Msgr. Raymond T. We are all called to give to the Considine in 1977. “As difficult missions with prayers and sacri-

fices.” The local Propagation of the Faith Office, located in the parish center of St. Mary’s Church in New Bedford, works directly with the national and pontifical offices encouraging prayers for missionary awareness and to solicit funds for the works of the missions. The work of the diocesan Propagation office isn’t just an October occurrence. The office is busy year-round attempting to give parishes a sense of the works of the Church in foreign lands. “We allow one mission society to come to each diocesan parish each year to make an appeal

for donations,” explained Msgr. Oliveira. “Every year we receive more than 200 applications from missionary priests to come to the Fall River Diocese. “It’s my responsibility to prayerfully discern who will come, when, and where they will go. Traditionally, missionaries speak to diocesan parishes in June, July and August.” Msgr. Oliveira said that priority is given to religious orders that have members working in the diocese. In addition to supporting the world-wide missionaries, the diocesan mission in Guaimaca, Honduras is supported by the Propagation office. “The Propagation office supports the missions with their budgetary concerns and salaries,” he said. “The priests who come to speak at Masses across the dioTurn to page 19

Diocesan parishes prepare to celebrate John Paul II’s feast day

Diocese preparing to adopt Roman Missal changes By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff

FALL RIVER — With barely a month remaining before the Church adopts the new English translation of the Roman Missal on the first Sunday of Advent, parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese are making final preparations to welcome the updated Liturgy. According to Msgr. Stephen J. Avila, pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Mansfield and director of the diocesan Office for Worship, there have been ongoing workshops and presentations on the third edition of the Roman Missal throughout the year and he feels confident people will be ready for the changes. “At this point, I think we’ve done a good job at getting the word out,” he said. Although the Roman Missal has gone through 17 different drafts and has been previously published twice in the wake of Vatican II, this latest version — with English translations confirmed and approved by the Holy See on March 25, 2010 — at-

tempts to more closely align it with the original Latin text and with sacred Scripture. The first version of the Roman Missal was approved at the end of the Second Vatican Council on April 6, 1969 and published a year later. In 1975 a second edition was published which included about a seven-percent difference from the previous version. The third and most recent edition of the Roman Missal includes a 24-percent difference from its previous incarnation. The 10-year process of updating and fine-tuning the translation of the Roman Missal began when the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops charged the International Commission on English in the Liturgy with translating the Latin language rite that was approved by Pope John Paul II in 2000 and published in 2002. The new English translation was subsequently confirmed by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and was approved by Pope Benedict XVI in consulTurn to page 15

FALL RIVER — Tomorrow morning parishes throughout the Diocese of Fall River and across the world will celebrate for the first time the feast day of Blessed John Paul II. At the time the late pontiff was beatified on May 1, the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Workshop and the Discipline of the Sacraments issued a decree governing the liturgical observances with regard to his feast day. Normally the feast day of someone who has been beatified is only celebrated in the dioceses most associated with his or her life. Since Pope John Paul II was the pastor of the universal Church who visited 104 different countries, the Congregation relaxed the nor-

mal possibility during the year after his beatification so that churches across the world may

HOLY FATHER — Pope John Paul II embraces children in Baltimore in 1995. (CNS file photo)

in a particular way celebrate Mass through his intercession. It also said that conferences of bishops that desire to have the celebration of Blessed John Paul II be observed as an optional memorial each year may request this as a body of the Congregation. The bishops of the United States are going to be considering making such a request during their upcoming November 14-16 meeting in Baltimore. Normally the feast day of a blessed or a saint is marked on the day the person died, which is traditionally called the natalicia spiritalis or birthday into eternal life. John Paul II died April 2, 2005, which is a Turn to page 12

By Becky Aubut Anchor Staff

not going to teach us that,” said Dr. Peter Kleponis, a licensed clinical therapist and assistant director of Comprehensive Counseling Services in West Conshohocken, Penn. After spending years concentrating on marriage and family therapy, pastoral counseling and other specialties, Kleponis honed in on creating a comprehensive treatment

program to counter porn-addiction after “the number of men coming to me who are struggling with pornography use grew exponentially. I realized this is a huge issue that needs to be addressed,” he said. “I started really working with a lot of men, really studying and learning about this addiction and its treatTurn to page 14

IntegrityRestored.com — a Catholic’s guide addressing porn addiction

WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, Penn. — It is a multi-billion dollar industry, but the revenue from pornography doesn’t benefit needy families, it just tends to rip families apart. “God wants us to have healthy relationships and pornography is

October 21, 2011 News From the Vatican Pope declares a ‘Year of Faith’ Visit The Anchor online


at www.anchornews.org

Vatican City (CNA/EWTN News) — Pope Benedict XVI has declared a “Year of Faith” which will begin in October 2012, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. “It will be a moment of grace and commitment to a more complete conversion to God, to strengthen our faith in Him and proclaim Him with joy to the people of our time,” said the pope, making his announcement during Sunday Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica. The Year of Faith will run from Oct. 11, 2012, until Nov. 24, 2013, the Solemnity of Christ the King. The pope said in his October 16 remarks that it will give “new im-

The Anchor www.anchornews.org

petus to the mission of the whole Church to lead men out of the desert in which they often find themselves, to the place of life, of friendship with Christ.” He also said that “reasons, purposes and guidelines” for the year will be set out in an Apostolic Letter to be published “in the coming days.” The vast congregation at the morning’s Mass largely consisted of those involved in the “new evangelization,” who were in Rome for a summit organized by the recently formed Pontifical Council for Promotion of the New Evangelization. The new evangelization aims to revivify Catholicism in traditionally Christian OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Vol. 55, No. 40

Member: Catholic Press Association, Catholic News Service

Published weekly except for two weeks in the summer and the week after Christmas by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720, Telephone 508-675-7151 — FAX 508-675-7048, email: theanchor@anchornews.org. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $20.00 per year, for U.S. addresses. Send address changes to P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA, call or use email address

PUBLISHER - Most Reverend George W. Coleman EXECUTIVE EDITOR Father Roger J. Landry fatherrogerlandry@anchornews.org EDITOR David B. Jolivet davejolivet@anchornews.org OFFICE MANAGER Mary Chase marychase@anchornews.org ADVERTISING Wayne R. Powers waynepowers@anchornews.org REPORTER Kenneth J. Souza k ensouza@anchornews.org REPORTER Rebecca Aubut beckyaubut@anchornews.org Send Letters to the Editor to: fatherrogerlandry@anchornews.org

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countries which have been particularly affected by secularization in recent decades. Drawing upon that day’s Scripture readings, the pope outlined a road map for the new evangelizers. Pope Benedict also highlighted the importance of having collaborators like St. Paul who had Silvanus and Timothy as his companions in his work, and said today’s new evangelizers should also seek coworkers in spreading the Gospel. “The mission of the Church, like Christ,” he said, “is essentially to speak of God, to commemorate His sovereignty, reminding everyone, especially Christians, who have lost their identity, of God’s right over what belongs to Him, which is our lives.” Later in the morning, the pope used his Sunday Angelus address to further explain his plans for a “Year of Faith” to more than 40,000 pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. He summed up the initiative as “proclaiming Christ to those who do not know Him or have, in fact, reduced Him to a mere historical character.” He finished his address by placing all those involved in new evangelization under the protection of the Virgin Mary who “helps every Christian to be a valid witness to the Gospel.”

Fathers Karl C. Bissinger, Kevin A. Cook, and Jay Mello The Fall River Diocesan Vocation Office


The Anchor

October 21, 2011

Mass. bishops urge legislature to advance human trafficking bill

attack on christians — A Christian woman mourns on the coffin of Mina Demian during a funeral at Abassaiya Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo recently. At least 26 people, mostly Christians, were killed October 9 when troops broke up a peaceful protest against an attack on a church in southern Egypt. (CNS photo/Mohamed Abd El-Ghany, Reuters)

Pope, at audience, condemns attack on Christians in Egypt

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Condemning an attack on unarmed Christians in Egypt, Pope Benedict XVI said that during the country’s transition to democracy, all of its citizens and institutions must work to guarantee the rights of minorities. At the end of his weekly general audience October 12, Pope Benedict said he was “profoundly saddened” by the deaths October 9 of at least 26 people, mostly Christians, after peaceful protesters were attacked by gangs, and then a speeding military vehicle ran into them and officers fired on the crowd. Hundreds of people were injured. The pope said Egypt, which has been transitioning to democracy since the February ousting of President Hosni Mubarak, has been “lacerated by attempts to undermine peaceful coexistence among its communities.” Safeguarding harmony and cooperation is essential for a future of true democracy, he said. The pope asked Catholics to pray that Egypt would “enjoy true peace based on justice and respect for the freedom and dignity of every citizen.” “In addition, I support the efforts of Egyptian civil and religious authorities in favor of a society in which the human rights of all — especially minorities — are respected to the benefit of national unity,” the pope said. Christians make up about 10 percent of Egypt’s population; 90 percent of its 82 million inhabitants are Muslim. Bishop Camillo Ballin, apostolic vicar of Northern Arabia and outgoing general secretary of the conference of Latin-rite bishops in Arab countries, told the Vatican newspaper that the bishops are worried about the shifting tone of the changes occurring in countries throughout the region. “Christians are afraid. In

Egypt, like in other countries such as Iraq, Syria and Yemen, people live under an atmosphere of continuous tension. Our people are exposed to violence and see a lack of protection,” said the bishop, who attended the pope’s general audience. Bishop Adel Zaky, apostolic vicar of Alexandria, Egypt, was also present. He told the newspaper that Egyptians need prayers and the encouragement of the international community to respect human rights and protect minorities. Egypt also needs to hold elections, he said. Balloting for the lower house of parliament has been promised for late November as a first step toward ending military rule. “One cannot rule with an iron fist,” Bishop Zaky said. “For too long there has been a climate of violence, which has led to the burning of churches, to maltreatment, but especially to the death of many innocent people.” Comboni Father Luciano Verdoscia, a missionary in Egypt, said that over the past 40 years successive governments have exploited differences between Christians and Muslims in the country, and tensions were increased by money and influence from Islamic groups outside the country. But Father Verdoscia said Western countries also share some of the blame. “I fear that Western governments are interested in preserving their economic interests at the expense of individual rights. They do not have the ethical strength to denounce discrimination against minorities in Middle Eastern countries,” he told Fides, the Vatican’s missionary news agency. Father Rafic Greiche, spokesman for the Catholic Church in Egypt, told Vatican Radio a lack of government activity is partly to blame for the rise in violence.

“It all stems from the government’s failure to enact a law that regulates the building of places of worship, be they churches or mosques, which they promised to do months ago,” Father Greiche said. The Christian protesters had been rallying to call for an end to attempts to burn down churches that some critics say are being built illegally. Father Greiche said, “At the time of the old regime of Mubarak, there were also churches being burned and it was the security forces that always used to take care of us. Now even the government does not give a damn about what is happening.” In his main audience talk to about 14,000 people in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Benedict spoke about the joy and gratitude reflected in Psalm 126 and how Christians have an obligation to recognize the gifts God has given them and to offer thanks. “In our prayer we must look more often at how, in the events of our lives, the Lord has protected us, guided us and helped us and we must praise Him for what He has done and still does for us. We must be more attentive to the good things the Lord does; we always notice the problems and difficulties — it’s almost like we don’t want to see there are good things that come from the Lord,” the pope said.

BOSTON — The four Catholic bishops of Massachusetts authored a letter to the Massachusetts legislature urging the Conference Committee to advance anti-human trafficking legislation. The letter, signed by Cardinal Sean O’Malley and bishops George W. Coleman, Timothy A. McDonnell, and Robert J. McManus was signed on October 11 and sent to Therese Murray, senate president; Robert A. DeLeo, house speaker; Mark C. Montigny, chairman, senate committee on Post Audit and Oversight; and Eugene L. O’Flaherty, chairman, joint committee on judiciary. In the letter, the bishops expressed gratitude to the house and senate for “unanimously passing separate versions of legislation intended to end the tragedy of human trafficking in the Commonwealth.” The letter urged members of the Conference Committee to “resolve the differences between the two versions of the bills as quickly as possible for the sake of all residents of the Commonwealth; especially the men, women and children who are victimized.”

The correspondent went on to say, “As you know, traffickers seek out and exploit the most vulnerable members of society; undocumented residents, runaway teenagers, homeless individuals, and people with alcohol and drug dependency. Traffickers often confiscate documents, threaten to deport individuals, and make threats against family members to exploit immigrants. Children without a parent or legal guardian are especially susceptible to commercial sexual exploitation. “The promise of love, security and belonging can be deceptively appealing to a child who lacks a stable home environment or has left a family experiencing violence. Homelessness and chemical dependency continue to be a burdensome cross for too many individuals and families. Our state needs leaders to be particularly attentive to these ‘at risk’ populations in order to prevent future victimization.” Included with the letter was a 2010 brochure produced by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops entitled, “Sex Trafficking: The New Slavery.”

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The Church in the U.S.

October 21, 2011

Bishop Finn, diocese plead not guilty to failure to report child abuse

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CNS) — Bishop Robert W. Finn and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, which he heads, entered pleas of not guilty to misdemeanor charges of failure to report child abuse. The charges, brought by Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker in relation to the diocese’s handling of the case of Father Shawn Ratigan, were acknowledged in an October 14 statement on the diocesan website. “Bishop Finn denies any criminal wrongdoing and has cooperated at all stages with law enforcement, the grand jury, the prosecutor’s office” and the independent commission appointed by the diocese to study the matter, said Gerald Handley, the bishop’s attorney. “We will continue our efforts to resolve this matter.” Bishop Finn said in a statement after diocesan attorneys entered the pleas in court that he “will meet these announcements with a steady resolve and a vigorous defense.” The charge against Bishop Finn carries a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and one year in jail. The diocese faces a fine of up to $5,000. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, had no comment on the indictment. The diocese had no further comment. Father Ratigan was arrested in May on state charges of possessing child pornography. In August, federal prosecutors charged him with producing child pornography. The priest, a former pastor, also is facing accusations made against him in two separate lawsuits filed this summer. The Diocese of Kansas CitySt. Joseph and Bishop Finn also have been named in the civil suits, which accuse both of failing to keep Father Ratigan away from children apparently after learning disturbing images were found on the priest’s computer and being warned of the priest’s inappropriate behavior around children. In early September, an independent report commissioned by the diocese to examine its policies and procedures on assessing child sexual abuse allegations found “shortcomings, inaction and confusing procedures.” The report also said that “diocesan leaders failed to follow their own policies and procedures for responding to reports” relating to abuse claims. After the priest’s arrest, Bishop Finn pledged to cooperate with law enforcement authorities and Baker credited him for that during a news conference announcing the indictments. The grand jury handed down the indictments October 6, but they were not made public

because Bishop Finn was traveling outside of the country and did not return until late on October 13, Baker said. Bishop Finn testified before the grand jury September 16. Afterward, he told reporters, “We’re doing the best we can to cooperate with law enforcement.” Several other diocesan leaders, including diocesan spokeswoman Rebecca Summers, also testified before the grand jury, the Kansas City Star daily newspaper reported. In the diocesan statement, Bishop Finn said that once the situation with Father Ratigan arose, the diocese began to “address the issues that led to this crisis.” He pointed to steps to reinforce and expand diocesan procedures regarding the reporting of child sex abuse. He also appointed an ombudsman charged with having “the responsibility and authority to receive and investigate reports of suspicious, inappropriate behavior or sexual misconduct by clergy, employees or program volunteers.” A separate vicar for clergy, Father Jerome Powers, also was appointed. The role previously had been part of the vicar general’s responsibilities. Bishop Finn also asked for prayers for himself and the diocese as well as for the “unity of our priests, our people, the parishes, and the Catholic institutions.” “With deep faith, we will weather this storm and never cease to fulfill our mission, even in moments of adversity,” he said. Suspicions about Father Ratigan first arose in mid-December 2010, when a laptop belonging to the priest, then pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Kansas City, was turned in to diocesan officials; a computer technician found disturbing photos on the hard drive. The photos included pictures of female children at parish events, including one of a naked female child who was not identifiable. In May, a search of his family’s home turned up a disk and hard drive with 18 different images of child pornography, Father Ratigan was charged with three counts of possession of child pornography in Clay County, followed later by the federal charges. In a message read in parishes at Masses in early June, Bishop Finn expressed regret for the way the diocese handled information it received about Father Ratigan’s activities. “As bishop, I take full responsibility for these failures and sincerely apologize to you for them. “Clearly, we have to do more. Please know that we have — and will continue to cooperate with all local authorities regarding these matters,” he said.

mary’s children — Catholic school students pray the Rosary as they gather for a Rosary rally at the Our Lady Queen of Peace statue on the grounds of Holy Spirit Church in New Castle, Del., recently. (CNS photo/Don Blake, The Dialog)

U.S. bishops’ agency denied federal grant to help trafficking victims

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Since 2006, the U.S. Catholic bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services has helped more than 2,700 victims of human trafficking obtain food, clothing and access to medical care. That service has come to a halt because the agency recently learned it did not receive a new grant award for this work from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. MRS’ prior contract for the trafficking program ended October 10. Mercy Sister Mary Ann Walsh, director of media relations for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, told Catholic News Service October 11 that she hoped the Catholic Church’s “position against abortion, sterilization and artificial contraception has not entered into this decision” by the HHS refugee office to reject MRS’ application for a new grant, “especially since this administration has said it stands fully behind freedom of conscience.” She noted that the MRS’s antitrafficking program “ran quite well without these services” and said it would be “tragic if abortion politics harmed the men, women and children already at risk because of the crime and scandal of human trafficking.” MRS officials had no immediate comment. Jesse Moore, spokesman for Health and Human Services, simply told CNS in an October 12 email that the “grantees were awarded funding through a competitive grant process to provide comprehensive case management services for human trafficking victims through the National Human Trafficking Victim Assis-

tance Program.” He added that the “competitive grant process is used across the government and allows federal agencies to consider a broad range of potential applicants and select those that can deliver services most effectively and efficiently.” In 2009, the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for not making the U.S. Catholic bishops’ agency include referrals for abortion, sterilization and artificial contraception in its anti-trafficking program. That case is still pending. Sister Mary Ann said in an email to CNS that MRS officials are concerned about their clients and hope they will “not suffer from a clumsy transition to new agencies or from limited or lack of services.” MRS worked with numerous agencies in its anti-trafficking program across the United States. About one-third of these subcontractors were Catholic agencies; others included Lutheran Family Services, Jewish Family Services and anti-domestic violence groups. Three groups were awarded federal grants for anti-trafficking programs. The groups are Tapestri, based in Atlanta, Heartland Human Care Services in Chicago and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants based in Washington. The groups were awarded a $5 million grant for the first year with the possibility of adding two additional years. The U.S. bishops spoke of the relationship between MRS and HHS when they formed an Ad Hoc Committee for Reli-

gious Liberty in late September to specifically address actions at various levels of government that pose dangers to the free exercise of religion. In announcing the new committee, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York, president of the USCCB, called into question the HHS requirement that MRS provide the “full range of reproductive service” — including abortion and contraception — to trafficking victims in its cooperative agreements and government contracts. Archbishop Dolan also reiterated the U.S. bishops’ concern about HHS regulations that would mandate the coverage of contraception and sterilization in all private health insurance plans while failing to adequately exempt insurers and individuals that have religious or moral objections to the mandate. Meanwhile, Catholic Charities agencies are listed as recipients of grants announced in early October for organizations that help support poor and vulnerable families and especially focus on responsible fatherhood. The grants are distributed by HHS’ Administration for Children and Families. The Church’s role in ending human trafficking cannot be overlooked, according to Miguel H. Diaz, the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican. In a conference in May at the Vatican on building publicprivate partnerships in the battle against modern-day slavery, he said the only way to end this global human rights violation is for governments to enlist the help of religious leaders, businesses, consumers and other private entities.

5 The Church in the U.S. Advance of same-sex marriage deepens concern for religious liberty

October 21, 2011

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The widening campaign by gay rights advocates to promote same-sex marriage as a civil rights issue is forcing Catholic and other religious institutions to confront charges of intolerance and discrimination. Also at risk, say Church officials working on the legal front, is the way religious institutions and individuals opposed to same-sex marriage conduct business from hall rentals to receiving government contracts for social services. Recently, the Diocese of Peoria, Ill., withdrew from all statefunded social service contracts, citing increasing clashes between state law and Church teaching on same-sex relationships. The Diocese of Rockford stopped offering state-funded adoptions and foster care services when the Illinois civil unions legislation took effect June 1. Catholic Charities in the dioceses of Joliet and Springfield and Catholic Social Services of Southern Illinois in Belleville also have been involved in legal proceedings with the state since then. In 2006, Catholic Charities in San Francisco and Boston stopped adoption placements when laws required equal treatment of applicants in same-sex relationships. Elsewhere, including New York where a same-sex marriage law took effect July 24, Church institutions are carefully monitoring how such laws are being applied and are vigilant for threats to religious liberty in the areas of taxes, housing, education and employment. “The general issue is the definition of marriage creates many, many rights, not just one,” explained Anthony R. Picarello Jr., general counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. “So changing the definition of marriage creates changes throughout the legal system.” Those changes can affect a wide range of practices far beyond marriage such as whether:

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— A private individual can deny renting an apartment to a same-sex couple on religious grounds. — A public school teacher who refuses to talk about same-sex marriage as a justice issue can continue to teach. — A counselor’s license can be revoked for declining to accept same-sex couples as clients. — A religious organization that does not recognize same-sex marriage can be considered discriminatory by a state or local government and lose any contract for services. “Redefining marriage has a multiplier effect,” Picarello explained to Catholic News Service. “The problems proliferate. The problems that we see under mere sexual orientation anti-discrimination laws multiply by order of magnitude when marriage is redefined. “Marriage is a legal lever, because in our society we have a legal infrastructure that rewards those who support marriage, and punishes those who oppose it. When that legal structure ... is then applied to a relationship that isn’t marriage, the people who object to that definition are going to suffer severe disadvantages,” he added. Picarello pointed to the February announcement by the Justice Department that it would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act because it is biased and prejudicial against homosexuals and therefore is discriminatory as among the mounting challenges facing religious institutions opposed to samesex marriage. “They basically suggested that any law that distinguishes between same-sex couples and different sex couples, whether it’s for purposes of marriage or anything else, violates the Constitution if the government is doing it, (that) the government can’t make those distinctions,” Picarello said. “But all DOMA does is define marriage as it’s always been defined,” he said. “The Church stands

behind that definition and now the Church has been lumped in with bigots and haters.” For states to imply such a comparison is a major leap because it dismisses religious tradition and the morality of same-sex relationships while portraying religious objections to same-sex marriage as equivalent to racial discrimination. The religious liberty issue has largely been played out at the state level. Same-sex marriage has been legalized through legislation or by court decisions in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and the District of Columbia. Illinois and Rhode Island this year enacted civil union laws; come Jan. 1 civil unions will become legal in Delaware and Hawaii. In California, Proposition 8, a ballot initiative approved by voters in 2008 to ban same-sex marriage remains in the courts and may end up at the U.S. Supreme Court. Same-sex marriage is banned by law or constitutional amendment in the remaining 40 states. In states where same-sex marriage has been enacted by law, at least a basic religious exemption has been included. The breadth of the exemption varies with some jurisdictions offering a general exemption from performing same-sex marriages to more wide-ranging protections like those in Connecticut that spell out specific protections for religious institutions. Michael C. Culhane, executive director of the Connecticut Catholic Conference, lobbied for three exemptions following the state Supreme Court’s 2008 decision that legalized same-sex marriage. In addition to the normal exemption for clergy from participating in a same-sex marriage ceremony, Connecticut’s law has one provision protecting fraternal societies from providing insurance benefits to anyone if doing so violates the free exercise of religion and an-

other safeguarding the rights of a religious organization in the delivery of adoption, foster care or social services as long as government funds are not involved. “In the long hours we ended up with a very strong religious exemption,” Culhane said. “We were very, very happy.” In Iowa, where the state Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal, Tom Chapman, executive director of the Iowa Catholic Conference, said the Church has been minimally affected by the court’s decision. “We have the same concerns a lot of places do and would have,” he said. “For example, Catholic schools in Iowa are accredited by the state. So anything that can be required in public schools can be required in Catholic schools as well.” The likelihood that the issue will be addressed by the legislature is slim, Chapman told CNS. “My own feeling is there is a desire on everybody’s part who wants same-sex marriage to leave it alone because they don’t want us to have a defense of marriage amendment or legislation (that could restrict same-sex marriage),” he said. Such an exemption in Illinois’ civil unions law failed to resolve the dilemma faced by the Peoria Diocese. The predicament arose when state Department of Children and Family Services mandated that the diocesan Catholic Charities system end the practice of referring adoptions and foster placements to

same-sex couples to another agency. Catholic Charities appealed, but lost in court, leading the diocese to back out of all state contracts for social services. Robert Gilligan, executive director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, told CNS that state law affords protections for religious practice, but that the state has the right to contract with any agency it for the delivery of services. Even with specific exemptions for religious institutions, individuals everywhere face possible infringements on the practice of their faith, said Daniel Avila, policy adviser for marriage and family to the U.S. bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage. “Even if you think you’re protected and this is not an issue in your own state, given you have a state DOMA, they should be quite aware of events happening at the national level that could then bring these very issues and problems into their own lives,” he said. Avila suggested that at least two cases, including California’s legal battle over Proposition 8, will likely make their way to the U.S. Supreme Court and determine the legal status of same-sex marriage in the country. The cases are likely two years away, he said. That leaves states to follow their own course on what actions are discriminatory and what are not and religious organizations guessing which way they will go.

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The Anchor The decisive issue facing politicians

Several of the cardinals who elected Pope Benedict said that they had turned to him because he would be the most capable leader to guide the Church in the reevangelization of the supercilious and scornfully secularist societies of Europe and, more generally, the West. He has not been letting them and the Church down. In-house, he has been mobilizing the entire Church toward this new type of missionary effort, not only by founding the Vatican’s new Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization and convoking a Synod for Bishops next October to catalyze how the Church should do this as a body, but also by taking the attention of Catholics away from peripheral issues and focusing it, through his encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and homilies, on the true foundations of our faith: the love of God and neighbor, the Eucharist, sacred Scripture, the promotion of true human development and justice in society, and the profound reasons for the rational hope within us. On Sunday he announced that beginning a year from now, we will begin a 13-month “Year of Faith,” dedicated to helping Catholics rediscover and repropose with confidence the greatness of our faith as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Second Vatican Council. As important as all of these ad intra efforts have been, however, they are small in comparison to the enormously significant work that Pope Benedict has been doing personally in the engagement of secular political and intellectual leaders. On September 22, before the parliamentarians of the Bundestag in his native Germany, he completed a grand slam of four monumental September addresses — following upon Regensburg in 2006, Paris in 2008 and Westminster in 2010 — that have gotten honest secular leaders to sit up and pay attention. The series of speeches, respectively, have been on the importance of human reason: to purify faith of irrational violence, to guide culture, to provide the ethical basis for civil discourse and political choices, and, last month, to ground the foundations of a free state of law. His September 22 thoughts are as relevant and as urgent for us in the United States as they are for those in his native Germany, especially since the executive branch of our federal government has been becoming increasingly militant in the imposition of secularist ideals on the rest of society, as we wrote about last week. Pope Benedict began his address to the German political leaders by focusing on what “should ultimately matter for a politician.” He recounted the story of King Solomon’s asking God for a “listening heart so that he may govern God’s people and discern between good and evil.” This illustrates, he commented, that politics must above all be a “striving for justice,” for “doing what is right,” not merely a path for material gain or the satisfaction of personal ambition, motivations, he said, that “can be seductive and can open up the path towards … the destruction of justice.” Quoting his intellectual mentor, St. Augustine, he asked, “Without justice, what else is the state but a great band of robbers?,” who take advantage of their authority to impose their will on others for personal aggrandizement. Pope Benedict reminded his countrymen that they witnessed with the Nazis “how power became divorced from right, how power opposed right and crushed it, so that the state became an instrument for destroying right: a highly organized band of robbers, capable of threatening the whole world and driving it to the edge of the abyss.” This concern is not merely an historical one, he added, because man still has the power to “destroy the world … manipulate himself … make human beings and deny them their humanity.” The fundamental task of the politician, he summarized, is to “serve right and fight against the dominion of wrong,” but in order to do this, the politician must recognize what is right. For that reason, the “decisive issue” facing politicians and politics today is how to acquire a Solomonic heart so as to be able to discern between good and evil. Pope Benedict says that good and evil aren’t and cannot be determined by democratic vote. Even though majority rule can suffice for many of the matters that need to be regulated by law, he said, for the fundamental issues, where “the dignity of man and of humanity is at stake,” the majority principle is not enough. This is clear enough in German history with the democratic ascent of the Nazis as well as in U.S. history where majority rule determined that slaves were only threefifths persons and trampled on their dignity. These abuses ended up being opposed precisely on the basis of a higher law than that of the majority, what Pope Benedict called “the law of truth” that grounds good and evil. He admitted, however, that the question of determining what corresponds to this higher law of truth, while it has “never been simple,” has become “harder” today because “underlying anthropological issues” — limited or false understandings of the human person and what he can know — have made this determination “less obvious.” Pope Benedict then sought to help political leaders fulfill their fundamental task by pointing out how and where they can recognize what is right. Many in the Bundestag, especially the more secular among them, likely anticipated that the pope would just hand out copies of the Bible and “Catechism” as the principle fonts where they could find this law of truth that contained the principles by which they could lead with the wisdom of Solomon. He didn’t. In fact, he explicitly said that in the history of humanity, the Church stands in marked contrast to pagan systems of thought that explicitly tried to align political and juridical order with their polytheistic revelation. Instead of proposing revelation, the Church from St. Paul through the present day has proposed reason and nature as the universally valid source of this law of truth. These sources, heard in conscience, were the source of Solomon’s “listening heart,” he said. In the last 50 years, since the U.N.’s Universal Declaration on Human Rights, he went on, there has been a “dramatic shift” away from reason and nature such that “one almost feels ashamed even to mention the term … natural law.” This is because of the influence of the thought of philosophers Kant and Hume who taught that one can’t derive an “ought” from an “is,” that nature is irrelevant to morality. Consequently, no law can ever be “discovered,” but only “determined” by the will of a lawmaker, whether benign or Nazi. There is no truth or objective moral order, modern positivists argue, but rather all appeals to moral truth must treated as subjective and extraneous to the realm of reason, which can only discover what “is,” not what one should do. Pope Benedict compares this reductivist vision of reason a “concrete bunker with no windows.” He says that the windows must be “flung open again [to] God’s wide world” where reason can “rediscover its true greatness.” One place where this has occurred, he said, is in the modern ecological movement, which he said was a “cry for fresh air.” The young had begun to realize that “something is wrong in our relationship with nature, that matter is not just raw material for us to shape at will, but that the earth has a dignity of its own.” It’s simply wrong to destroy the environment, the young have recognized, even if civil law allows it. They have seen that nature has a built-in truth and an inherent, discoverable value and morality derived from that truth that needs to be respected. Likewise, the pope said, there is also an “ecology of man.” Like the environment, “man too has a nature that he must respect and that he cannot manipulate at will. Man is not merely self-creating freedom. Man does not create himself. He is intellect and will, but he is also nature, and his will is rightly ordered if he respects his nature, listens to it and accepts himself for who he is, as one who did not create himself. In this way, and in no other, is true human freedom fulfilled.” Without this conviction, he suggested, we would have never discovered the idea of inalienable human rights, the equality of people before the law, the inviolability of human dignity and the awareness of personal responsibility.” If we wish to maintain these rights, the pope argued, we need to ground it in this law of truth found in nature and reason rather than in social consensus, majority rule, or the will of those in power. That is what the West, which grew out of the encounter between “Israel’s monotheism, the philosophical reason of the Greeks and Roman law,” has historically done and needs to rediscover. He finished by praying that today’s leaders, when given the choice to make a request for anything whatever, would, like young King Solomon, desire above all a listening heart so that they will be able to “discern between good and evil, and thus to establish true law, to serve justice and peace.”


October 21, 2011

The grace of Baptism

I said earlier that it was unfortunate few weeks ago, I led a group that I was unable to bring my group to from my parish in Falmouth on this very ancient and sacred building; a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi. We because it is there that I like to lead had the privileged opportunity to see groups in renewing their own baptismal Pope Benedict XVI, to visit magnifipromises. It is an opportunity to recall cent basilicas and ancient monuments, that moment when our parents and to pray in the catacombs and at the godparents brought us to the church tombs of Apostles and saints. One of into which we were baptized into the the things that we were sadly unable to Catholic faith. It is an opportunity for fit into the schedule was a visit to the us to remind ourselves of our Catholic baptistery at the Lateran Basilica. identity and also to recall the graces to This unique building stands somewhich we have access. what apart from the basilica. It was Unlike the Sacraments of Reconcilibuilt under the pontificate of Pope Sixation, Eucharist and the Anointing of tus III in the fifth century and tradition the Sick, which we can receive over holds that there was an earlier baptisand over, we are only baptized once. tery built by the emperor Constantine The grace and power of that Baptism, where the current building now stands. however, is accessible throughout our For many years this baptistery was the lives. For example, every time we bless only one in Rome, where its octagoourselves with holy water, we have nal structure centers upon the large an opportunity to recall our Baptism baptismal font used for full immersion and the grace that Christ gives us. baptisms. Each time On the inwe profess terior walls of the Creed at the baptistery Sunday Mass, there are fresPutting Into we recall the cos that depict the Deep faith that we scenes from were baptized the life of into. Constantine, By Father Every time the emperor Jay Mello we come who legalized forward to reChristianity ceive the Eucharist in the state of grace with the Edict of Milan in the early (which is the only time we should come fourth century. The most famous is his vision of the Chi-Rho with the promise to receive it) or when we go to Confes“in hoc signo vinces” (“in this sign you sion to be forgiven our sins, we also receive the outpouring of God’s grace will conquer”), which tradition tells us into our hearts. But we can only receive happened the night before the battle of these other Sacraments if we have first the Milvian Bridge where Constantine been baptized. It is the gateway to life defeated Maxentius to become the sole in the Spirit and the door to the other emperor of the Roman Empire. It was Sacraments. This is why we call it the this vision, along with the constant prayers of his mother, St. Helen, which first of the three “Sacraments of initiation” (the other two being Confirmation moved him to become a Christian. What I find most precious about this and Holy Communion). The “Catechism” clearly explains, baptistery however is the Latin inscrip“The Lord Himself affirms that Baption found inside that is attributed to tism is necessary for salvation. He also Sixtus III. It is translated: “Here is born a people of noble race, commands His disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to baptize. destined for Heaven, whom the Spirit Baptism is necessary for salvation for brings forth in the waters He has made those to whom the Gospel has been fruitful. Mother Church conceives her proclaimed and who have had the posoffspring by the breath of God, and sibility of asking for this Sacrament. The bears them virginally in this water. Church does not know of any means Hope for the Kingdom of Heaven, you other than Baptism that assures entry who are reborn in this font. Eternal into eternal beatitude; this is why she life does not await those who are only born once. This is the spring of life that takes care not to neglect the mission she has received from the Lord to see that all waters the whole world, taking its oriwho can be baptized are ‘reborn of water gin from the wounds of Christ. Sinner, and the Spirit’” (CCC 1257). who is to be purified, go down into the As I conclude my reflection upon holy water. It receives the unregenerate and brings him forth a new man. If you the Sacrament of Baptism and move on to the Sacrament of Confirmation wish to be made innocent, be cleansed next week, the point that I want to in this pool, whether you are weighed make most clear is that the celebration down by original sin or your own. of the Sacrament of Baptism is more There is no barrier between those who than a ceremonial rite of passage, but are reborn and made one by the one one of the most significant moments font, the one Spirit, and the one faith. in our life, even if we don’t remember Let neither the number nor the kind of their sins terrify anyone; once reborn in it. In Baptism, we become children of God and are indelibly marked with the this water, they will be holy.” Christian faith. In Baptism, we receive This beautiful and poetic explanaour vocation to be holy and faithful tion of the Sacrament teaches us what disciples of Jesus Christ. In Baptism, the Sacrament of Baptism is all about we cross through the gateway into life — our being made into a new creation through the holy waters of Baptism that where we have access to the Sacraments and the grace that Jesus Christ cleanse us of sin, make us children of freely pours out into our hearts. God and His Church and give us the Father Mello is a parochial vicar at grace that we need to be disciples of St. Patrick’s Parish in Falmouth. Jesus Christ!

October 21, 2011


his article begins our look at the particular prayers of the Mass as found in the new translation of the Roman Missal. While we will not explore every single prayer in the Missal, it is important to give attention to the more noteworthy changes and reasons for change. In addition, we will speak of the biblical references for each of these parts of the Mass that we treat, along with other information given in The General Instruction of the Roman Missal for further explanation. We note that all of the translations seek to be more faithful to the Latin versions, and are translated to show the clearer connection to the biblical texts from which many of them are drawn. We begin by looking at the introduction of the Mass. The Beginning of Mass The Sign of the Cross serves to begin the Mass as a prayer of the Church, in the manner that we properly begin any prayer. The greeting places us in the awareness of God’s presence, both in this moment, and in the response we make through our offering of the Mass The Greeting and Response For the greeting, the priest will choose one of the following three options: (1) “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2) Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (3) “The Lord be with you.” The first two options are drawn from various letters of St. Paul, who often spoke these or similar greetings at the beginning and the end of his letters. It is noteworthy that these options acknowledge God’s presence in the lives of those who are greeted, while expressing a desire


The Anchor

The Introductory Rites

“I confess to almighty God” that this presence be perfected in them. This presence of God is prayer). This prayer, which dates to the sixth century, is offered what informs the response that to prepare us to meet Christ by the people will make. realistically acknowledging our The third option is for the priest to simply greet the people need for His mercy; not to say how bad we are. The more litwith the words “The Lord be eral translating of the Latin into with you.” These words are found in Ruth 2:4, where Boaz speaks these words to the harvesters of grain in his family’s field. This greeting alludes to the name “Emmanuel” (literally, “God with us”) By Father while giving the sense Joel Hastings that we are a pilgrim people on the way to heaven (the Lord be with you on English is very clear in the new your journey). version of this prayer: “I confess “And with your spirit” to Almighty God and to you my The new English translation brothers and sisters, that I have of the response of the people to greatly sinned in my thoughts all of these greetings is signifiand in my words, in what I have cantly different from what we done and in what I have failed have known for all of the years to do, (striking the breast three of praying the Mass in English. times while saying) through The words of this response are my fault, through my fault, now given as “And with your through my most grievous fault; spirit.” This response is signifitherefore I ask blessed Mary, cant, both in its meaning and its ever-Virgin, all the Angels and newness, as we will talk about Saints, and you, my brothers in the next article. and sisters, to pray for me to the Penitential Rite Lord our God.” As part of the beginning of The second form for offerMass, and for the sake of preing the Penitential Act also has paring to enter more fully into significant changes. The priest an encounter with God Himself says, “Have mercy on us, O in the Eucharist, the people are Lord,” and the people reply, typically invited to “acknowl“For we have sinned against edge their sins.” This recalling you.” Then the priest says, of sin is part of what is called “Show us, O Lord, your mercy,” the Penitential Act. and the people respond, “And As in the old version, there remain three ways that the priest grant us Your salvation.” Both the first and second may lead the people in this forms of the Penitential Act Penitential Act, all of which include the prayer litany of “Lord, continue with the priest’s words: “May almighty God have mercy have mercy,” and “Christ, have on us, forgive us our sins, and mercy.” bring us to everlasting life.” The first form is the traThis “absolution” as it is called, ditional prayer known more formally as the “Confiteor,” (the does not carry the same effect as

Praying the Mass Anew

absolution given in sacramental Confession. It is effective in taking away venial sins and it prepares us for entering into the offering of the Mass more fully. However, in the case of mortal sins, sacramental Confession is the normal means for the forgiveness of any mortal sins. After these words of forgiveness are spoken by the priest, both of these forms of the Penitential Act are then concluded with the recited or sung litany “Lord, have mercy,” “Christ, have mercy,” etc. like in the previous translation of Mass. The third form of making the Penitential Act, which contains short invocations by the priest (or deacon) followed by the litany responses of “Lord, have mercy,” etc. is not changed for the people. While the invocations have been retranslated, the litany remains the same. This form is also concluded with the absolution that is used in the first two forms. Glory to God in the Highest On Sundays outside Advent and Lent, and on major feast days and solemnities, the Church proclaims “Glory to God in the highest,” just as the host of angels sang on the night of our Lord Jesus’ birth (Lk 2:14). Having received the mercy of God in the Penitential Act, the “Gloria,” as the hymn is properly called, is sung to the Glory of the Father, to Christ the Lamb of God, and to the Holy Spirit. In the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, this hymn is said to be “very ancient and venerable,” [from the fourth or fifth century] such that its ancient roots make it so that it is not to be ever replaced by any other hymn or hymn text. The hymn is meant in praise of God’s glory only, and hence it stands alone in the Liturgy, with nothing else taking place as it is sung. In the new translation, the priority for

literal translation is very clear, even without appealing to the Latin text. The literal nature of this translation is evident simply by looking at the structure of the hymn that appears very uneven or without rhythm in places, along with the intentional repetition of some of the lines. Such repetition serves to emphasize those words and truths that are repeated. Like many other prayers of the Mass, there are multiple places within the “Gloria” that have sacred Scripture as their source. We have already seen how the very first line of the hymn is formed from the words of the angels who appeared to the shepherds at Bethlehem. Later in the text of the hymn, we see the use of the title for Jesus of “Lamb of God,” as He who “takes away the sins of the world.” These words are drawn from the words of John the Baptist, given in John 1:29, as he sees Jesus approach him at the Jordan River. Other Scriptures that form lines of this hymn include Revelation 15:4, which refers to God alone as holy, and Psalm 83:19, which says “Show them you alone are the Lord, the Most High over all the earth.” Given these scriptural references, we can see very clearly how not only the readings for Mass, but the prayers themselves, are rooted in sacred Scripture. As we continue to learn to sing or recite this new version of the “Gloria,” we remain mindful that all glory belongs to the Triune God: to God the Father, and to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who died and was raised up, for our salvation and the salvation of the whole world, and to God the Holy Spirit. Father Hastings is Director of the Office of Liturgy and Worship of the Diocese of Duluth and pastor of St. Rose Parish in Proctor, Minn.


October 21, 2011

The Anchor


o you remember the date of your Baptism? Many of us do not and yet that was the date when not only were we welcomed into God’s family, but we also became missionaries. This calling was further manifested when we received the Sacrament of Confirmation completing our initiation into the Catholic Church. At Confirmation we received the Holy Spirit and were strengthened to be a witness for Christ. Each of us is called, by the witness of our lives, to make Christ present to others. We are called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Mass ends with the command, “Go”! Our Holy Father has said this “go” re-echoes the mandate the risen Jesus gave to the Apostles. Each year, on the next to last Sunday of October, throughout the Catholic Church, we celebrate Mission Sunday. It gives us an opportunity to recall our missionary vocation. It also reminds us to pray for missionaries who carry the message of

Our obligation as missionaries

Christ throughout the world. It He notes that the proclamation helps us to fulfill our obligation of the Gospel is for all peoples as missionaries by our financial and that the Church is, by her support the missions. very nature, missionary. Someone has said, “Some In a very poignant and give by going and others go by necessary admonition, the giving.” In my mission thank you letter, I note that when a priest Homily of the Week in Africa reaches out Thirtieth Sunday with the healing hand in Ordinary Time of our Lord to victims of famine and war, you By Msgr. John J. are there. When a catOliveira echist in Asia is able to uplift the poor with the “Good News” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are pope notes that the task of there. When religious Sisters evangelization has lost none throughout the missions teach of its urgency. He says: “We children, care for the orphan, cannot reconcile ourselves to and offer the suffering, the love the thought that after 2,000 and compassion of our Lord, years there are still people who you are there. do not know Christ and have This year, as is custom, our never heard His message of Holy Father, Pope Benedict salvation.” XVI, issued a message for It is interesting that he then World Mission Sunday. He further elucidates the need states that the continuous procfor our commitment to being lamation of the Gospel, in fact, missionary in our own milieu. also invigorates the Church, her He writes: “An increasing fervor and her apostolic spirit. number of people, although

they have received the Gospel proclamation, have forgotten or abandoned it and no longer recognize that they belong to the Church; and in many contemporary contexts, even in the traditionally Christian societies, people are averse to opening themselves to the word of faith. A cultural change nourished by globalization, by currents of thought and by the prevalent relativism, is taking place. This change is leading to a mind-set and lifestyle that ignore the Gospel message, as though God did not exist, and exalt the quest for well-being, easy earnings, a career and success as life’s purpose, even to the detriment of moral values.” This challenge is given to us to be missionaries in the situations in which we find ourselves at home, at school, at work. Each of us can make Christ known and loved by our faithfulness to our baptismal

commitment. The Holy Father concludes his message by asking all of us to be co-responsible in the Church’s mission. We are to be builders of the communion, peace and solidarity that Christ has given us. He challenges us that the plan of evangelization: “calls all Christians to walk together and the mission is an integral part of this journey with everyone. In it — although in earthenware vessels — we bear our Christian vocation, the priceless treasure of the Gospel, the living witness of Jesus dead and risen encountered and believed in the Church.” Mission Sunday reminds us to pray and sacrifice for the missions. Above all may it remind us of the vocation given to us at Baptism and strengthened in Confirmation to “go” and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Msgr. Oliveira, Director of the diocesan Office of the Propagation of the Faith, and pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in New Bedford.

Upcoming Daily Readings: Sat. Oct. 22, Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 13:1-9. Sun. Oct. 23, Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:24,47,51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40. Mon. Oct. 24, Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2,4,6-7,20-21; Lk 13:10-17. Tues. Oct. 25, Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1-6; Lk 13:18-21. Wed. Oct. 26, Rom 8:26-30; Ps 13:4-6; 13:22-30. Thu. Oct. 27, Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22,26-27,30-31; Lk 13:31-35. Fri. Oct. 28, Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16.


he Evangelical Church in Germany is a theological muddle, being a federation of Lutheran, Prussian Union, and Reformed (or Calvinist) Protestant communities. Still, it must have been a moving moment when the Council of this federation met with Pope Benedict XVI last month in the chapter hall of the former Augustinian priory at Erfurt: the place where Martin Luther had studied theology, had been ordained a priest, and had, as the pope put it, thought with “deep passion” about one great question: “How do I receive the grace of God?” As Benedict, himself one of the great theologians of this or any other era, put it in his winsome way, “For Luther, theology was no mere academic pursuit, but the struggle

The ecumenical future

of changing further still.” There for oneself, which was in turn a is a “new form of Christianity, struggle for and with God.” which is spreading with overOne hopes the Catholic Theological Society of America was listening. Benedict then went on to note that, in bringing Luther’s question to life again in the 21st century, there By George Weigel were new realities to be confronted. One, which is killing Europe, is spiritual boredom, a powering missionary dynamism, kind of ennui about the wonder sometimes in frightening ways of being itself. Moreover, in try… a form of Christianity with ing to preach the Gospel today, little institutional depth, little rawhat Benedict called the “mainstream Christian denominations” tionality and even less dogmatic content, and with little stability.” themselves face a new situation. By which, I think we can For the “geography of Christianity” had “changed dramatically in assume, the pope meant the recent times, and is in the process explosion of evangelical (in the American sense of the term), Pentecostalist, and fundamentalist Christianity throughout the Third World. “What is this new form of Christianity saying to us, for better and for worse?”, the pope asked his mainline German Protestant audience. Perhaps I might venture an answer to that question. The first thing that is being said is that preaching Jesus Christ crucified and the transforming power of personal friendship with the Risen Lord is going to win out, every time,

Be sure to visit the Diocese of Fall River website at fallriverdiocese.org The site includes links to parishes, diocese offices and national sites.

The Catholic Difference

over enticing men and women into a religious trade union or cultural club. Surely Benedict XVI, whose pontificate has been characterized by the theme of intimate friendship with the Lord, knows that. One hopes he is saying it, firmly, to the “bishops from all over the world” who are “constantly” complaining to him about evangelical inroads into their flocks. Take, for example, Latin America. The Catholic Church has been active in Latin America for over half a millennium. If it has poorly catechized that vast expanse of territory, such that the Church cannot retain the loyalty of traditionally Catholic peoples, it should look first to its own incapacities and failures, rather than blaming well-funded American evangelical and Pentecostalist missions for its problems. As scholars like David Martin and Amy Sherman have demonstrated, it is the power of these missions to change selfdestructive patterns of behavior through radical conversion to Christ that has given them their purchase in areas where 500 years of Catholicism have failed to build a culture of responsibil-

ity — especially male responsibility. More recognition of that, and less complaining to the pope, would seem the appropriate Christian response from Catholic bishops in the world’s most densely Christian continent. The second thing this “new form of Christianity “ is saying is that the old ecumenism — the bilateral dialogues between Catholicism and mainline Protestantism — is over. Throughout the world, mainline liberal Protestantism is dying from its own theological implausibility. The serious ecumenical dialogue of the 21st century is with these “new forms of Christianity.” They may well lack “dogmatic content.” Some may be unscrupulous proselytizers. But at least some among them are searching for a deeper, richer theology — and they are finding it in serious conversation with Catholics, as the theological dialogue fellowship called Evangelicals and Catholics Together has demonstrated in the United States. The times are indeed “a-changin.’” What remains unchanged is the power of the Gospel. Preach it, and they will come. George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.

I don’t do windows

Saturday 15 October 2011 — North Dartmouth, Mass. — National Grouch Day very so often, dear readers, we priests are invited to an in-service workshop sponsored by the Diocesan Office for the Continuing Education and Formation of Clergy, directed by Father Mark Hession. One was recently held on the topic of “From Maintenance to Mission.” The session was presented by Father Bob Rivers of the Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle, author of a book by the same name. The title intrigued me. Most priests do a little maintenance work now and then. A few could have their own home repair television series. Not me.



I can change a light bulb, paint a classroom, or oil a squeaky door so as not to embarrass people trying to sneak out of Mass early or annoy those who remain in the church trying to pray. I keep a can

of WD-40 in the sacristy. Some churches are able to employ a full-time maintenance person. A few churches have volunteers willing to do the work. I know of some priests who do the church’s routine maintenance

themselves. One pastor of a city parish told me he decided it was high-time to strip and polish the dingy red-tiled floors in his massive neo-Gothic Church. The parish was too poor to afford a janitor. The pastor purchased a huge buffer, plugged it in, and set to do the job himself. The powerful polisher ran amuck and dragged him, kicking and screaming, down the center aisle until it crashed into the altar rail. The priest was chagrined but nobody saw the embarrassing incident and, fortunately, he was uninjured. In the end, the floors gleamed — so did the priest. “Maintenance to Mission?” What did maintenance work have to do with the missions? I

Celebrating tradition and change

e celebrated the time-honored family tradition of apple picking last weekend. Even though we were at an entirely new orchard in Michigan, hundreds of miles from last year’s orchard in Massachusetts, I felt right at home. In fact, standing in the middle of this new, enormous orchard, my husband commented, “You know, we could very well have been dropped anywhere in the middle of New England. This orchard looks just the same!” I find annual family traditions, like apple picking every fall, to be so grounding. In fact, I can’t think of the word, “tradition,” without my mind leaping to the scene in “The Fiddler on the Roof” where Tevye belts out his signature song about tradition (“The Mama, the Papa!”), and its vital place in helping families survive the uncertainties of life. For Tevye, it was the customs of the Jewish culture of Eastern European that grounded him and bound his family together. For me and my family it is not only our particular traditions like apple picking, but the traditions and customs of our Catholic faith that ground and bind us together. On November 1 and 2, for example, we will celebrate All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, a two-day event which our family traditionally celebrates with Mass, candle-lit pumpkins, houses made of candy, and reading from the Bible about what our heavenly home will be like. In December, Advent is rich with the feasts of St. Nicholas, St. Lucy, and of course the Nativity.


The Anchor

October 21, 2011

The anticipation of these annual, traditional celebrations and the rhythm they give to our year are almost as important as the events themselves. Like Tevye did with his family’s traditions, I treasure our traditions dearly, and they have been invaluable in helping us adjust to change. We Catholics will soon be adjusting to a change in one of our treasured traditions, a change

in some of the words we use in the mass. The Revised Roman Missal, which guides the new English words we will use during the mass, will go into effect at the beginning of Advent. Our pastor has assured us that although some of the words may be different, the meaning behind the words will actually be fuller and richer. He said we should think of learning the new words as an opportunity to “wake up” during Mass and not just mumble through on autopilot mode. Because of our traditional apple picking outing at a new orchard last weekend, I could completely understand what our pastor meant. Here’s why: the new orchard was so big that there were actually different stops on the tractor ride for each different type of apple. When we hopped on board the tractor the driver asked us what type of apples we’d like to pick (i.e., Where should he drop us off?), and I

honestly had no idea. We had been going to the same orchard in Massachusetts for nearly 13 years, and I had lost track long ago of what specific type of apples were there. The old orchard was so familiar that I just trailed behind the kids snapping pictures while they galloped on ahead. I picked and guarded whatever mostly red, roundish objects we found still hanging on the trees while the kids made a sport of tossing at nearby trees and each other the squishy brown, now-not-so-round objects they found under the trees. I’m pretty sure that what we brought home in our bags and on our clothes were in fact apples, but I have no memory of what “kind” of apples they were. Back at our new orchard, the second time the tractor driver announced the types of apples that could be picked and listed which of them was crisp or tender, sweet or tart, and whether or not they were good for baking, we “woke up” and listened very attentively. Happily I can report that the result of our traditional apple picking outing in a new orchard was an apple crisp for dessert that night that had the perfect blend of flavor and texture. So, if tradition helps us stay grounded and change helps us stay awake, then it not a question of celebrating one over the other, but of embracing both as we learn to hold them in proper tension. Heidi is an author, photographer, and mother of six children. Her newest book, “Homegrown Faith; Nurturing Your Catholic Family,” is available from Servant Books.

attended the presentation to find out. The answer was not much. Father Rivers wasn’t talking about that kind of maintenance. He meant a parish church that spends all its time and energy maintaining the status quo among its active membership with no thought of outreach; in short, a church lacking in hospitality; a church with no inner fire. OK. I’ve got the “maintenance” part, but “Maintenance to Mission?” What does a selfabsorbed parish church have to do with working in far-off mission lands? Come to find out, the presenter wasn’t talking about that kind of mission either. He meant developing a sense of mission in whatever place we happen to find ourselves. I had misunderstood. Never mind. He spoke of reaching out beyond the central core of faithful parishioners to those farther from the center. It seems to me that a parish church, like the Universal Church, is rather like an onion. You have the faithful core, and then you have parishioners who are somewhat more loosely affiliated. These tend to be those of the “Boomer Generation,” “Generation X’ers” and “Millennials.” One priest summed up the category by saying these are the ones who have come to believe there are always one of two varieties of potted plants in the sanctuary — either Christmas poinsettias or Easter lilies — since this is what they find whenever they do make it to Mass. Still farther from the center of the onion are those who don’t attend Mass at all, don’t participate in any activities of the faith community, and fail to support the parish in any way. Many of them

nevertheless consider themselves Catholics. They are Catholic, although not in good standing. For heaven’s sake, you can’t begin a productive dialogue with them by confronting them with that fact. The truth is that if we are to be faithful to the unique charism of Catholicism, all of the layers of the onion are somehow Catholic. This means the parish is responsible for the pastoral care of all of its members. A church needs to reach out and engage all of them in dialogue. This is part of the mission of every parish church. Oh, wait, now I get it — “From Maintenance to Mission.” First, determine the mission. Keep it simple. Set out to do something you may be able to do. For example, if your personal mission is to inspire your adult friends to regularly attend Mass on Sunday, no amount of logical coercion on your part will accomplish that mission. It won’t work. But if you share from the heart what your own faith means to you, then you will have a far greater chance of success. In a parish community, you need more than a priest. You need at least five or six people passionate about their faith and willing to share their enthusiasm with others. Now, pick a person or persons who are “non-practicing” and listen to them. Mission is not a program or PowerPoint presentation or a lecture series. It’s an attitude. That afternoon I learned I don’t even have to do windows to pastor a parish possessing a sense of mission. Good. I don’t do windows. Father Goldrick is pastor of St. Nicholas of Myra Parish in North Dighton.

Diocese of Fall River TV Mass on WLNE Channel 6 Sunday, October 23, 11:00 a.m. World Mission Sunday

Celebrant is Msgr. John J. Oliveira, Director of the diocesan Office for the Propagation of the Faith, and pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in New Bedford


The Anchor By Becky Aubut Anchor Staff

WAREHAM — From toying with the idea of becoming a nun to endlessly volunteering her time for whatever endeavor has come her way, life has been a quiet and steady path for Diane Mitchell. The Boston native admits she wasn’t active in her parish during her youth, though she did receive all her Sacraments. She attended public school but her walks to her parish for Mass or Sunday school almost put her on a path to a different kind of study. “I would go by the convent and I wanted to be a nun,” said Mitchell. “I think I used to go by the convent and think of it as a peaceful place. I used to see the nuns, and they would be wearing habits and walk in the yard praying the Rosary. I went by and it just seemed to be a good place.” Having a much older brother had Mitchell’s mother wanting her to stay closer to home and after shooting down her request to enter the convent, Mitchell eventually enrolled in a Boston business school. Even then she found herself wanting to give back, and after working with youth in a local program, Mitchell decided to

October 21, 2011

A quiet, steady path of faith

grandmother took her there she said. “I wanted to belong, go back to school. “That’s when I decided I because she could only hitch that I wanted to be a part of wanted to teach. So many kids along the floor. Then my something. At first I was couldn’t read, so I realized I mother got up and walked, working full time and teaching wanted to go back to college from my understanding,” said at Quincy Junior High School at night. It was tough and get my degree to do, but when I rein education,” said tired early because Mitchell, who reof a disability, I had ceived her master’s a little more time to degree at Boston give.” College. And give, she It was when she did. After seeing a returned to school blurb in The Anchor that she began to relooking for extraorturn to her faith. She dinary ministers of would often go to Holy Communion The Basilica of Our for St. Luke’s HosLady of Perpetual pital in New BedHelp in Boston, more ford, Mitchell found commonly referred herself attending the to as The Mission interest meeting. Church. The parish “It sounded great held a special place and I thought, ‘This in her heart due to a is just what I’d like story she had heard to do,’” she said. from her mother. She not only minThe parish is known istered at St. Luke’s for its miraculous but also became a cures of those who member of the first visited the shrine, group to begin minand Mitchell’s mothistering to Tobey er was one of those who claimed to have Anchor Person of the Week — Diane Hospital in Wareham. Mitchell. been healed. “It’s interesting “They had an albecause the training that we tar there — I don’t know if Mitchell. It was also around this time had back then, they don’t do it it’s still there — full of canes and crutches. I don’t know she connected with a religious now. It was like, for the first too much about it except my couple and a nun, whom she six months of hospital visits, helped drive we didn’t give Communion. around on er- We had to go visit. Of course, that was harder because you rands. “I’ve been didn’t have a reason. It was a very, very lucky good training,” said Mitchell. Many people were grateful, with friendships,” though there were some diffisaid Mitchell. The final cult moments. Mitchell recalls piece fell into a woman who was suffering place when from lung cancer. She was Mitchell relo- sad and in terrible pain, said cated to Ware- Mitchell, who worked hard to ham and she comfort her. Then there were felt pulled those who were unwilling to to become a take Communion. “‘I don’t need it. I don’t member of St. Patrick’s Par- want it. I don’t commit any sins,’” recalled Mitchell, of ish. “I think when the words people said to her I moved down back then. “It wasn’t so much here, all of a what they thought of themsudden it was selves, they were just angry. just this — it For the most part, the people just hit me,” were very good.”

She also recalled the time a nurse came running up to her, asking her to come and minister to a family whose father had just passed away. “I said, ‘But I’m not a priest.’ And she said, ‘They don’t want to wait any longer and they want some prayers for their father.’ I thought, ‘Dear God I don’t know what to say,’” said Mitchell. “So I went in, expressed my sympathy and said prayers.” It’s moments like those that Mitchell said she knew God put her in the right place at the right time. Though she is no longer able to minister at the hospital because it has become difficult to navigate the tight quarters of hospital rooms, she continues her eucharistic ministry to the home-bound. “That’s great too, though it’s not the same,” she said. “Right now I’m doing three, and the three that I’m doing live alone. They want the Communion but they also want company. They’re very open, and want to sit and talk. I enjoy it.” Mitchell also helps at St. Patrick’s in the office, is a lector and continues to volunteer her services as a driver through the Council on Aging, often taking individuals to doctor’s appointments in her old stomping grounds of Boston. Humble and full of humor, Mitchell offers this advice to others who are looking for a place to call their parish home: “There’s great comfort in the sense that you get involved and you see it as a community, that you’re not alone out there,” she said. “If you just ask, the answers are there. I think you have to open yourself up to people. I find if you open yourself up, people will come to you. It’s a nice, warm feeling that God has used you in some way.” To submit a Person of the Week nominee, send information to fatherrogerlandry@ anchornews.org.

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Wayne Powers at 508-675-7151 or Email waynepowers@anchornews.org

October 21, 2011

The Anchor



The Anchor

Pray Daily For Vocations

October 21, 2011

Diocesan parishes prepare to celebrate Blessed JPII’s feast day continued from page one

day that falls within the Lenten or Easter liturgical calendars that often would take liturgical precedence over an optional memorial and cause it not to be celebrated many days. Pope Benedict decided to make John

Paul II’s feast day October 22, which is the day in 1978 that he celebrated his inaugural Mass in St. Peter’s Square. It was on that day that he encouraged Catholics and others throughout the world not to be afraid to open the doors

of their hearts to Christ. The Congregation for Divine Worship said that the Mass celebrating his feast day includes the permission to sing the “Gloria.” The preface, antiphons and readings are to be taken from the Common of Pastors for a Pope. The collect or opening prayer of the Mass is: “O God, who art rich in mercy and who willed that Blessed John Paul II should preside as pope over your universal Church, grant, we pray, that, instructed by his teaching, we may open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ, the sole Redeemer of mankind, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.” Catholics wishing to attend Mass in honor of Blessed John Paul II tomorrow are urged to make sure their parish has a Saturday morning Mass. If not, they are urged to consult the Diocesan Directory which has a list of Masses or to visit the diocesan website, fallriverdiocese.org.

October 21, 2011

The Anchor

Truth about happy priests will aid vocations promotion, priest says

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The best advertisement for vocations to the priesthood, it is often said, is a happy priest. That’s why Msgr. Robert Panke, newly-elected president of the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors, hopes research showing that priests are happy in their lives gets wide play. “Vocations directors already know that, but it was great to get some ammunition,” Msgr. Panke said at a recent symposium highlighting the conclusions in Msgr. Stephen Rossetti’s new book, “Why Priests Are Happy: A Study of the Psychological and Spiritual Health of Priests.” “Now we have to get the news out,” he added. “Too many people think the priesthood is a sad, lonely life.” Director of the Office of Priest Formation and Vocations in the Archdiocese of Washington for the past nine years, Msgr. Panke was named last year as rector of the archdiocese’s new Blessed John Paul College Seminary, which is to be formally dedicated October 22. He was the closing speaker at the daylong symposium, held on the campus of The Catholic University of America in Washington. Msgr. Panke said one of the biggest obstacles to his vocation work is the opposition of parents. “They believe the lie that priests are not happy, and they want their children to be happy,” he said. Bishops “would be wise to encourage every one of their priests to look at himself as a recruiter,”

he said, noting that although 80 percent of seminarians say a priest’s encouragement was a primary factor in their decision to become a priest, only 30 percent of priests say they have given such encouragement. Msgr. Panke also discussed the state of screening and formation of seminarians, saying that the U.S. Catholic Church is “doing a much better job in a rapidly changing culture.” When Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, recruited Peter, Andrew, James and John to become “fishers of men,” as recounted in the fourth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, there was “no interview, no battery of testing, no psychological interview,” Msgr. Panke said. “Jesus can do that; we need to do a little more work,” he added. But he said vocations directors and bishops also need to know when to turn down a candidate for the priesthood who is not ready. “There is a lot of brokenness out there, and we have seen the world of harm that a lack of screening can do,” he said. Msgr. Panke emphasized Msgr. Rossetti’s conclusions about the importance of personal prayer in the life of every priest. “Prayer is key to happy and healthy priests,” he said. A priest who prays at least 30 minutes a day “is less likely to be emotionally exhausted because Christ is feeding him,” he added. The Washington priest said he was personally buoyed by Msgr. Rossetti’s finding that retired

priests are the happiest of all. “That gives me great hope that it just gets better and better and better,” he said.

Dominican Monastery of the Mother of God 1430 Riverdale Street West Springfield, MA 01089 (413) 736-3639 Vocation Awareness Day Oct. 23, from 1:00 - 5:50 pm. Young women ages 18 to 40 are welcome - Devotion to Mary - Eucharistic Adoration - Singing of the Divine Office (in English and Latin) - Full traditional habit - In Community

Website: www.vocationws.com




hen Jesus was asked to name which of the Commandments is the greatest, He gave as His response what we now know so well as the Great Commandment: Love God with your whole heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus does not give us any specific rules in this statement other than a general guideline for living our lives. What is most interesting about His summary response is that Jesus presents it in the midst of conflict. He was being challenged by others as a test of His authority, and all that He gave them was the mandate to love. Christianity demands that we allow love to be our guide, even in the face of hostility. There is an excellent book that puts this law of love to its most difficult test, written by Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal, who spent his adult life identifying Nazi war criminals and bringing them to justice. In “The Sunflower,” Wiesenthal tells of his imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp and the encounter he had with a dying Nazi SS officer. The young officer, a lapsed Catholic from Poland, requested that a Jew be brought to him so that

The Anchor

October 21, 2011

Allow love to be our guide

he could confess his crimes Christianity faces the danand seek forgiveness before ger of being relegated to the he died. Wiesenthal wrestled realm of the abstract in every with his response to the dying age, not just during the rise of man’s request for forgiveness, Nazism. If we listen only to and asks his readers, “What Jesus’ teaching on the Greatwould you have done?” Sevest Commandment and ignore eral notable people from the everything else He taught about world of politics and religion were asked to respond to his question, and their reflections comprise the second half of the book. One of the responses was given By Claire McManus by Rebecca Goldstein, who commented that the SS officer seemed to be surprised discipleship, then we, too, are by the horrific act of violence at risk of becoming “abstract and torture that he perpetrated. Christians.” After World War II It was as if he had bought into when Christian Europe had to the Nazi ideology without con- rebuild physically and psytemplating how it would look chologically from the horror it in reality. She suggests that he had endured, the light of true readily substituted “abstract Christianity glimmered in the Nazi ideology for abstract abyss. In 1943 a young elemenChristianity.” This simple tary school teacher from Italy assessment cuts through the brought order into the chaos of heart of who we claim to be as the Nazi invasion of her village Christians. For in Jesus’ simple by rallying a group of women response to His questioners, He to join her as she re-dedicated threw down the gauntlet and herself to the radical call of the challenged us to live love radi- Gospel command “to love.” cally, not abstractly. Chiara Lubich founded the

The Great Commission

Focalare movement in 1943 in the midst of the ruin and poverty left behind by the tragedy of war. She saw the desperate need to heal what had been shattered by the prejudices and hate in post-World War II Europe. The principle and foundation of this movement comes straight from the Gospel that is proclaimed this year on World Mission Sunday (Oct. 23, 2011) in which Jesus asks us to put God first in our lives. Chiara Lubich taught that “it is not great works that characterize Christians, nor knowledge, miracles or mystical phenomena. If we love one another, then the world will believe.” This message of love needs to be heard, which is why the Church sets aside a Sunday each year to re-invigorate our baptismal call to spread the Gospel. World Mission Sunday is a reminder to us that the Gospel is not the exclusive possession of a few, but is a gift to be handed on. Though we have a glorious history of missionary activity in the far reaches of the world, we in the local Church can spread the

Gospel right in our own backyards. We can begin our missionary effort with our brothers and sisters who have received the Gospel by birth, but who have relegated it to the realm of the abstract. In his message to the Church for World Mission Sunday 2011, Pope Benedict XVI points out that “an increasing number of people, although they have received the Gospel proclamation, have forgotten or abandoned it and no longer recognize that they belong to the Church …. A cultural change nourished by globalization … is taking place … leading to a mind-set and lifestyle that ignore the Gospel message, as though God did not exist, and exalt the quest for well-being, easy earnings, a career and success as life’s purpose, even to the detriment of moral values.” This sounds like the perfect environment in which to nurture the indifference and prejudice that brought about the horror of the last century. How can we possibly allow the Good News to stay bottled up in the realm of the abstract? Claire McManus is the director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation.

links to porn sites on the computer. “Right now the largest population of Internet pornography users are 12- to 17-year-olds,” said Kleponis. “Not the dirty old man late at night, it’s kids.” Using God to help shape and nurture each young individual is vital to helping those young adolescents grow up into a mature and responsible spouse, and eventually a parent. Even those dealing with the addiction in their adulthood should turn away from trying to find “love” that is empty and meaningless, and embrace a love that is full and forgiving. “You talk to anybody who has successfully recovered, and they’ll tell you that you can’t do it without God,” said Kleponis. “You need grace to do it; you need strength and know that you are loved. Most addicts struggle with a deep core belief that they are unlovable, and that if people really know them, they would be rejected. They really need to know that God, the Father, loves them unconditionally. That’s what helps in the recovery.” The Church says that sex is a wonderful gift from God meant to be shared between a husband and a wife. In pornography, said Kleponis, there is no relationship, no intimacy — exactly the opposite of what God wants for His people.

“John Paul II wrote that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s using people. This is what men are doing when they look at pornography. They may see it as adult entertainment, not hurting anybody, it’s just on the computer and it’s not real,” said Kleponis. “But, they’re looking at these women and images and not thinking that the woman is a person, that she’s somebody child or the terrible circumstances that led her to the porn industry. I don’t know of any healthy young woman who wants to grow up to be a porn star.” If a loved one is isolating themselves with their computer, iPad or cell phone, spending hours online while others are living life to the fullest; if a spouse is making jokes about pornography or expressing deviant forms of sexuality — these are just some of the key warning signs, said Kleponis. “The important thing to realize is that there is hope,” he said. “Pornography use and pornography addiction is a serious problem in America. It is an epidemic that we have to address and take seriously. There is hope for healing and recovery, and it does take a while. Recovery is not easy but it can happen. There are people who have been successful at recovery and are living happy lives.”

A Catholic’s guide addressing porn addiction continued from page one

ment. I looked at so many different programs and what would work best.” Kleponis launched www. IntegrityRestored.com, a website that educates spouses, families and priests. He has also traveled throughout the country by hosting conferences through his “Fighting Porn in our Culture … and Winning!” program. “What I do is focus on the problem of pornography in America, what’s really going on out there, and talk about the addiction. I talk about the path of recovery and how a person can recover from this, and then I talk about how to protect families and how to talk to teens, because they’re going to find this stuff,” said Kleponis. You can’t do it on your own, added Kleponis, who offers a seven-point plan of recovery that can be found in his website: “Self-knowledge and commitment,” where you admit you have a problem and you are ready to receive help; “purifying your environment,” which sees those in recovery getting rid of anything and everything that reminds them of porn; “support and accountability” is seeking out others who are also in recovery; “counseling” is a must to help not just the addict heal, but also those around him or

her; a “Spiritual plan” that includes daily prayer to continue to nurture the individual’s faith; “education” is power, and Kleponis has reading materials that showcase pornography’s true addictive nature; and the last is “virtue,” where Kleponis offers a list of 28 virtues and character strengths, having those in recovery pick two to work on each day. Kleponis has produced helpful guidelines for priests to help sway those confessing to look for professional help. “You are not alone. People struggle with this. You need help and you need God’s grace,” said Kleponis, of some of the suggested responses priests can offer to those looking for redemption. Having a ready-made card listing local professional services is a tangible way to taking the next step for help. “I give them the theory but it’s also the practical application; how they can get out there and really help these people.” According to his website, the statistics are staggering. Forty-seven percent of Christians admit that pornography is a major problem at home. Every second, 25,258 Internet users are viewing pornography, spending $3,075 in that same second when they do so; every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being produced in the United

States. There are 4.2 million pornographic websites with 68 million daily pornographic search engine requests through Google. And if you think it’s only adults putting the “ogle” in Google, think again. “Current research tells us that the average age that a child first experiences hard core pornography is 11; that’s how young it is,” said Kleponis, who will divide children into two categories to help cater to their individual needs. Children up to the age of 11 need to be protected, said Kleponis. Parents should be vigilant over what their children view on the computer and the types of programs they are watching on television. When a child is over the age of 11, then it’s time to switch gears from protecting to preparing. “We need to train them and tell these kids that pornography is just the same as drugs and alcohol; it’s an addictive substance,” said Kleponis. “We need to teach them that they are not going to learn about healthy sexuality and healthy relationships through pornography. We need to teach them what is healthy.” The Internet has played a huge role in shaping a new generation of porn-addicts; instead of finding dad’s stash of Playboy magazines under the bed, it’s finding dad’s


October 21, 2011

Casino bill pushed through Legislature

By Christine M. Williams Anchor Correspondent

BOSTON — Like a runaway train roaring down a track, Massachusetts casino legislation has gained steam and appears unstoppable. On October 13, state senators voted 24-14 in favor of a gambling bill that would legalize three resort casinos and one slots parlor. A similar bill passed in the House on September 14 by a margin of nearly 4-1. In both, the casinos would be located in three regions, outlined by the legislation, and the casino in the southeast would be offered first to Native American tribes. House Speaker Robert DeLeo predicted that the first slot parlor could open within a year, followed by casinos about two years later. “It’s a travesty that both houses of the legislature are racing forward after fool’s gold,” said Kristian Mineau, president of Massachusetts Family Institute. Legislators are trying to push the bill through as “emergency legislation,” which Mineau called a “ploy” to make it more difficult for citizens to take action against it. The differences between the two bills must be resolved in conference committee before the bill can reach the desk of Governor Deval Patrick, who has pledged to sign it. Last year, a casino bill reached the desk of the governor but was left unsigned. The material difference being that the bill included three casinos and two slot parlors — where Patrick had promised not to approve any bill with more than one stand-alone slots location. Mineau called casinos and slots a “regressive tax on the poor.” Video slots, on whose revenue casinos depend, are the most addictive form of gambling and fleece citizens of their hard-earned wages. “This will forever change the topography and social atmosphere of Massachusetts,” he warned and urged citizens to call the governor. Staunchly opposed to all expanded gambling in the Commonwealth, the four bishops of Massachusetts urged the Senate not to follow the House’s example. In a September 16 statement, the bishops acknowledged the current economic landscape, noting that unemployment remains high and saying that it is only natural for the state to try to intervene. “However, expanded gambling in the form of slot parlors and casinos is an illusory solution to this complicated problem. If anything, expanded, predatory gambling will only add to the need for state assistance in the Commonwealth,” they said. They added that the gambling industry depends on addicted gamblers, harms small businesses and threatens the “moral fabric of our society.” It would also increase the state’s dependence on unstable gambling revenue, which has seen a decline in other states. Supporters of expanding gambling in the Bay State say the measure will create thousands of jobs and bring in hun-

dreds of millions of new tax dollars. The bills appropriate 25 percent of casino revenue and 40 percent of slots revenue to go back to the state and local communities. In the short term, each casino license bid starts at $85 million. “This is an economic development bill,” Senate President Therese Murray said after the vote. “It’s going to create jobs, and we have over 250,000 people out of work in the Commonwealth.” No study has yet been done of the costs and benefits of such legislation. The only study, produced by the gambling industry in 2008, expects that the state’s current economic woes will be in the past by the time casinos arrive. It neglects to factor in the consequences of other bordering states like New York and New Hampshire legalizing casinos. It also never considers the social costs of excessive gambling. Critics say that these oversights lead the study to greatly overestimate revenue and job creation. In an October 11 report, a group opposed to casinos called such numbers “wildly optimistic.” Citizens for a Stronger Massachusetts released analysis that charged that the casino bill’s effects have been “blissfully overestimated.” The money spent at casinos would be diverted from another source, CSM declared. The group predicted that much of it would come from household spending. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that for every $1 million taken from such spending in Massachusetts, the state loses 8.2 jobs. The CSM report said that based on predicted tax revenue, hundreds of millions of dollars would be diverted, which would kill thousands of jobs. The numbers are similar to the predictions from the other side about permanent jobs created. “The public is being sold a bill of goods and our new analysis should blow the rose-colored glasses off proponents and force them to rethink this poor excuse for economic development and local aid,” said Scott Harshbarger, president of the organization and former Massachusetts attorney general. The differences between the two bills, which still need to be worked out, include several amendments that passed with the Senate bill. One would bar lawmakers from working in the casino industry for at least one year after leaving office. Another would ease happy hour restrictions at pubs and restaurants, giving the establishments an opportunity to offer drink specials in competition with the casinos. The Senate also passed an amendment aimed at allowing voters in Boston and Worcester to have more say about a casino in their backyard. As the House bill stands, those two populaces would not have the right to vote collectively. Instead, the ward where the casino was proposed would have the only say. The Senate amendment would allow a citywide vote only if the City Council requested one.

Diocese prepares to adopt Roman Missal changes continued from page one

tation with the Vox Clara Committee last year. In these final weeks before the November 27 launch, Msgr. Avila noted a few more workshops will be held including sessions on October 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Seekonk; October 26 at 7 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Attleboro; and on November 8 at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart Parish in North Attleboro. “We’re working on educating parishioners leading up to (November 27),” said Father Richard M. Roy, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Attleboro. “I don’t anticipate we’ll have any problem adjusting to the changes.” The Office of Worship has also provided a series of “homily points” which pastors can use to help explain the new translation in the weeks leading up to the first Sunday of Advent, along with convenient pew cards that highlight the key changes in this new edition of the Roman Missal. “Many parishes have also planned their own meetings and discussion groups to introduce their fellow parishioners to the new translation,” Msgr. Avila said. Additional resources detailing the changes in the Roman Missal can be found online, beginning with the diocesan Office for Worship’s webpage, which is linked from St. Mary’s Parish homepage at http://www.stmarymans.org/. This page includes the aforementioned “hom-

ily points” along with information on how to obtain the pre-printed pew cards, a series of YouTube videos featuring Msgr. Avila’s workshop held at Christ the King Parish in Mashpee earlier this year, information on changes in liturgical music, and even a sampling of classroom activities for younger Catholics. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website also has a dedicated webpage that provides updated information on the third edition of the Roman Missal. The site is located at http://old. usccb.org/romanmissal/ and offers sample texts from the revised Liturgy, a frequently asked questions section, and other resources such as articles, videos and multimedia presentations. Another key resource is the weblog of Msgr. James P. Moroney, a faculty member at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton and the executive secretary of the Vox Clara Committee, which presented the recommended changes in the Roman Missal to the Vatican for approval. Msgr. Moroney has been traveling throughout the U.S. leading workshops on the new Missal — two of which were well-attended here in the Fall River Diocese. His blog can be found at http://dignumetiustum.blogspot.com/. Parents and younger Catholics can also find a series of short and informative videos explaining the new Roman Missal produced by Life Teen at http:// ismasschanging.org/.



early 200 high school youth and their chaperones showed up for the annual Diocesan Youth Convention last Sunday at Bishop Stang High School. Jesse Manibusan, the presenter and musician, spoke to them and said that we do not have to be perfect to be loved by God, for it is our imperfections that make Him love us even more. That was only a sampling of what Jesse shared with all of us. But what resonated most, at least for this “young” Catholic, was his mantra that he borrowed from Bob McCarty, executive director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. Show up. Step up. Step out. These six words are really what we are

Youth Page Show up. Step up. Step out.

called to do as Catholics no matter our ages. we truly listening to God’s Word or listenWe all know that we are asked to show up ing to what or who He is calling us to be? at Mass every It is one thing Sunday. Yet, to show up for many of us only Mass, but anattend when our other to be fully Faith Formapresent at Mass tion programs and fully presare in session. ent to our Lord Our faith, and Jesus in the By Crystal Medeiros especially our Eucharist. As celebration of Catholics, we Christ in the need to “kick it Eucharist, is not a September to May faith. It up a notch” so to speak. is a weekly, year-long, year-after-year faith. We need to step up. Stepping up was However, when we do show up at Mass are evident with the 2011 Christian Leadership Institute graduates who showed up at 8 a.m. to conclude preparations for this year’s convention. These young men and women served with grace, passion and even a sense of pride as to why they were there and for whom they were preparing this convention for — yes, it was for the participants, but they knew in their hearts that they were really doing this for Jesus. The CLI graduates knew that although the immediate audience was those in attendance, they were planning this convention for the One who was present. They did so with such remarkable passion and dedication for their faith. It is the hope and prayer of the 2011 CLI Team something to reflect on — Kindergarten and first-grade students at St. that these young people continue to step up Margaret Regional School in Buzzards Bay recently received a visit from the so that they may step out and share the Good Bourne Fire Department with a complete tour of the big red fire engine, during Fire News with their family and friends. Prevention Week.

Be Not Afraid

foot patrol — Students from St. James-St. John School in New Bedford recently participated in their annual walk-a-thon.

making good cents — St. John’s School in Attleboro, in partnership with Bristol County Savings Bank, is again offering a banking program to the students in grades two through six. A representative comes to the school bimonthly. The students are able to deposit money of any denomination into a statement savings account. With Mrs. Harrington’s second-grade is Leanne Martin, director of Financial Education with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Michelle Sinclair and Christine Eames with Bristol County Savings Bank.

October 21, 2011

It is common knowledge, albeit a stereotypical one, that Catholics are extremely good at keeping their faith to themselves. To step out of our own comfort zones (aka to evangelize) and spread the Gospel message to others leaves most Catholics uncomfortable. We cannot seem to open the doors of our faith and invite others into it with the joy and conviction as some of our Protestant and non-denominational brothers and sisters. But each year, whether at the Youth Convention or during the Pope St. Pius X Youth Awards, I am reminded of the hope of our Church and it lies in the hearts of our young people. The young people of our diocese have the ability to spread the Word. They have the dedication, the time (well, some time) and the talent to be the treasures of our parishes. Adults must empower, encourage and advocate for these teens to have a voice in the Church. This is how adults can step up and step out for our young people. God needs all of us to help plant the seeds of faith in each other. From newborn to the elderly, the seeds need to be nurtured and watered with the graces and richness of our Catholic faith in order to take root. If we cultivate these seeds in ourselves and one another, then perhaps we can truly be a people of Christ who is “Planted and Built Up Firm in the Faith.” Crystal is assistant director for Youth & Young Adult Ministry for the diocese. She can be contacted at cmedeiros@dfrcec.com.

the cause is right — Faith Formation students from SS. Peter and Paul Parish at Holy Cross Church in Fall River recently gathered with parishioners, staff, and school families at the start of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Bristol Community College. School and parish efforts raised nearly $800 to support Alzheimer’s research.

principal’s pals — Students and parents at St. Joseph School in Fairhaven celebrated Principal’s Award Day with a ceremony and an ice cream social. Pictured are students who received the “Principal’s Award” for the month of September.

October 21, 2011


The Anchor

What sexuality education really means for children in Massachusetts By Linda Thayer

BOSTON — As individual parents, and as members of society, we all want what is best for our young people. With respect to sexuality, we would like to protect them from untimely pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and help them avoid meaningless sexual relationships in favor of seeking and finding a true and lifelong love. We further believe that our children are a precious gift from God. He has entrusted to us, their parents, not only the primary responsibility for providing for their well-being, but has also called parents to teach them the spiritual values that will enable them to find fulfillment in life. These include the values given by God to guide young women and men with re-


spect to sexual love. In recent years, the public schools and state agencies of Massachusetts have become more aggressive in presenting to young people alternative messages, messages that contradict traditional religious and social values, condone teen-age sexual activity and provide referrals for “reproductive services” (contraception and abortion) without parental awareness or approval. Parents are being deprived of their rightful role as primary educators of their children and their freedom of religion is being violated. Consider the following educational programs in Massachusetts. “Maria Talks” is a statefunded website for children as young as 12 that not only explains how to get an abortion

but directs them for counseling to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the state. It explains how a minor can be provided with a lawyer to get court approval for the procedure. The website was developed by the AIDS Action Committee and contains explicit descriptions of various sexual acts. The Massachusetts Health Curriculum Frameworks are currently the guidelines for all health education and are widely used throughout the state. The Frameworks would have health teachers explain to students as young as 14 how to get an abortion without parental knowledge; middle school students would be told how to get contraceptives without telling their parents and about “behaviors” for pregnancy prevention.

Pumpkin patch practicality

ver since the Boston Red athletes should be compensated Sox gave us the Septemjust as we are — based on perber we don’t want to remember, I formance, things we’ve already pretty much laughed it off as “just accomplished, not what we might like the old days.” accomplish. It wasn’t until I was surIt made me think what fools rounded by gourdes of every size, the Boston Red Sox really took shape and color that my eyes us all for this year. were opened. Last weekend we What would be the consewent “pumpkin hunting” for that quences if the pumpkin seller perfect orange orb with which to decided to slip away and “open work my Halloween magic with a few cold ones,” while the fruit a knife, Exacto blade and electric stand was filled with customdrill (don’t ask). Just like when we went looking for a dog nearly nine years ago, the pumpkins usually “pick me,” meaning that there is always one that seems By Dave Jolivet to call my name, no matter how many of its peers I examine. The same thing happened when we got Igor. ers? People could take what they Amid all the crazy canines vying wanted and basically clean the for my attention, I didn’t stand a place out without her even knowchance against the little runt in ing. What good would it do if her the corner giving me the “puppy response was, “I don’t do it all eyes.” the time”? After grabbing hold of this What would be the conseyear’s masterpiece-to-be, we quences if I chose to curl up scooped up some other native under my desk on press day and veggies and fruits and went to gnaw on fried chicken all day? pay for our goodies. First of all, thousands of subscribAdorned in a Danny Wooders wouldn’t find an Anchor in head Patriots jersey, and the nice their mailbox. Secondly, Father woman at the register asked, Landry would call me to task and “Ready for the big Dallas game demand an explanation. What this weekend?” good would it do if I simply “Yes ma’am” I responded. wiped my chin with my sleeve “There’s no baseball to watch.” and said, “I don’t do it all the She quickly retorted “Thank time”? goodness.” We all chuckled at And what would be the consethat, knowing full well that had quences if readers of this column the Sox finally stumbled into the went into shut down mode at playoffs it wouldn’t have been work and spent the day playing pretty. video games? I guarantee at the During the currency exchange, very least, a reprimand or probathe general consensus of buyers tion period, and at worst a trek and sellers was that professional to the unemployment line. What

My View From the Stands

good would it do to simply say, “I don’t do it all the time”? These examples may seem a bit ridiculous, but they’re not. That’s what our Boston Red Sox did this year, among other things like looking right through their manager as if he wasn’t there. One game in September. That’s all they had to do, was win one more game. The Boston Red Sox basically thumbed their collective noses at Red Sox Nation, knowing full well that no matter what, they would collect their ridiculously inflated paychecks as usual. But for a couple of players, spewing lame excuses, none of the Red Sox have faced the people they let down. Nor will they. For them, there were no consequences. Not so for others. What about the little people who thought sure in July and August that there would be the extra income of the post season to help them out? What about the fans who live and die with the Red Sox; the ones who take out a second mortgage to bring their family to one game; the ones who purchase licensed Red Sox merchandise? No big deal I guess. You know why? Because come next spring, Fenway Park will continue to sell out; overpriced shirts, hats and souvenirs will fly off the shelves; and all will be forgiven, but not forgotten. Our good friend Jennifer Pierce is currently writing a fine series on William Shakespeare for The Anchor, and perhaps it’s he who could sum up Red Sox Nation best: “What fools these mortals be.”

More than 30 school-based health centers offer a comprehensive range of services that include reproductive health services (birth control, “emergency contraceptives,” and abortion), family planning health education and services, and pregnancy diagnosis and follow-up. For reproductive health services not provided on site, the SBHC must arrange for provision of such services off-site (abortion). These policies and programs are a continuation of the failed public strategies of the last three decades to reduce teen pregnancies and to respond to the AIDS crisis. In spite of a nearly universal advocacy of “safer sex” practices, one in four American teen-age girls are estimated to have a sexually transmitted disease; Massachusetts has the 11th highest teen abortion rate in the U.S. Why have these policies failed? Undoubtedly there are several factors. Young people are often given overly optimistic success rates for condoms in preventing pregnancy — two percent failure — rather than the more likely failure rate of 17 percent. Furthermore, little mention is made of the fact that these failure rates are based only on those failures that take place on the few days of month when a pregnancy can occur. The actual failure rates for disease prevention are even higher. Given a false sense of security, young people have taken greater risks and experienced more failures. Are there alternatives to these failed policies? Numerous studies have shown that young people can be effectively taught to abstain and seek a life-long commitment.

These include clear parental expectations, communication and values, religious practice, and abstinence education in the classroom. With respect to the latter, a recently published federally-funded study clearly demonstrated that abstinence education was the most effective strategy in reducing the initiation of sexual activity among high risk young people as compared with “comprehensive sex-ed” and “safer sex” programs. What can parents do? The most effective strategies begin at home. Be clear with your children about your values, expectations and the teachings of your faith. Explain to them the hazards of the messages they may receive from the culture, or even from their friends and in the classroom. The Church is there to assist you with this task. Consult with local school officials about the content of sex education programs. Exempt your child from sexuality courses that violate your values. Under current law, that is your right. Contact your elected officials to express your objections to this type of mandatory sexuality education in the public schools and the violation of parents’ rights. Insist that discussions of sexuality issues be made part of a separate elective course, and advocate for adoption of the more successful abstinence programs. Your children deserve the best — their future depends on it! Linda Thayer, Vice-President of Educational Affairs for Massachusetts Citizens for Life. For more information about sex-ed in the public schools and visit our website at www. masscitizensforlife.org.


The Anchor

Around the Diocese 10/22

The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, 327 Second Street, Fall River, will host its annual Harvest Festival tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine. The event will include raffles, jewelry, sweets, chimney auction, white elephant table, and a fish bowl for children and adults. The kitchen will also be open all day. For more information or to volunteer, call 508-673-2833.


A Day of Recollection, sponsored by the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, will be held tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Jude the Apostle Church, 240 Whittenton Street, Taunton. The day will be presented by Father Edward A. Murphy and all parishaffiliated members are welcome. To reply or for more information, contact Mary Powers, 8 Algers Avenue, or call 508-824-4452.


On October 24, Canadian musician, author and Catholic evangelist Mark Mallet will be at Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich from 7-9 p.m. for a powerful evening of music, message and adoration called an “Encounter With Jesus.” Mark has toured extensively throughout North America for the last 12 years. His music and ministry appeals to all ages and walks of life. No admission fee, free will offerings only.

Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese

Acushnet — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Francis Xavier Parish on Monday and Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Evening prayer and Benediction is held Monday through Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. ATTLEBORO — St. Joseph Church holds eucharistic adoration in the Adoration Chapel located at the (south) side entrance at 208 South Main Street, Sunday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Brewster — Eucharistic adoration takes place in the La Salette Chapel in the lower level of Our Lady of the Cape Church, 468 Stony Brook Road, on First Fridays following the 11 a.m. Mass until 7:45 a.m. on the First Saturday, concluding with Benediction and Mass. buzzards Bay — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Margaret Church, 141 Main Street, every first Friday after the 8 a.m. Mass and ending the following day before the 8 a.m. Mass. East Freetown — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. John Neumann Church every Monday (excluding legal holidays) 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady, Mother of All Nations Chapel. (The base of the bell tower).


East Sandwich — Eucharistic adoration takes place at the Corpus Christi Parish Adoration Chapel, 324 Quaker Meeting House Road, Monday through Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also, 24-hour eucharistic adoration takes place on the First Friday of every month.


EAST TAUNTON — Eucharistic adoration takes place in the chapel at Holy Family Parish Center, 438 Middleboro Avenue, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. On First Fridays, eucharistic adoration takes place at Holy Family Church, 370 Middleboro Avenue, following the 8 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 8 p.m.


FAIRHAVEN — St. Mary’s Church, Main St., has eucharistic adoration every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Chapel of Reconciliation, with Benediction at noon. Also, there is a First Friday Mass each month at 7 p.m., followed by a Holy Hour with eucharistic adoration. Refreshments follow.

Troop 333 at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown is looking for boys to participate in a boy-led Boy Scout troop. An open house will be held October 25 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the camp house of Cathedral Camp, 167 Middleboro Road, East Freetown. For more information call 508-7268-2684 or email cctroop333@gmail.com. The Pro-Life Prayer Groups of Holy Trinity Church and Holy Redeemer Church will hold a holy hour on October 26 following the 9 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity Church, Route 28, West Harwich. The hour will include the Rosary, Pro-Life prayers and Benediction. A Rosary Rally for Life for students in grades seven and eight in the Greater New Bedford Catholic schools and St. Mary’s School in Mansfield will begin with a 9 a.m. Mass on October 27 at St. Julie Billiart Church in North Dartmouth. After Mass, students will walk to Bishop Stang High School for a program that will include School Superintendent Dr. Michael Griffin and featured speaker Luke Vercollone, a professional soccer player and member of Athletes for Christ.


The Knights of Columbus Council 2525 will sponsor a discussion on end-of-life issues on October 27 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville. This “Respect Life” event will cover the topic from a Catholic perspective and include a question-andanswer session. Dr. Mary Patricia Tranter will lead the discussion. For more information call 508-778-0193 or visit www.olvparish.org.


Courage, a welcoming support group for Catholics wounded by same-sex attraction who gather to seek God’s wisdom, mercy and love, will next meet on October 29 at 7 p.m. For location information call Father Richard Wilson at 508-999-9408.


A prayer gathering that will include a call out of the names of deceased relatives and friends as well as the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary will take place on All Soul’s Day, November 2 at 11 a.m. in the chapel of the Father Peyton Center, North Easton. Mass for the intention of All Souls will follow at noon. For more information contact Holy Cross Family Ministries at 508-238-4095 or visit www.familyrosary.org.


Holy Cross Parish in South Easton will host its third annual Italian dinner dance fund-raiser at Easton Country Club on November 4 from 7 p.m. to midnight. Proceeds from the event will benefit parish needs and charities. For tickets or information call 508-238-4413.

11/5 11/5

St. Theresa’s Christmas in the Village Bazaar will be held on November 4 from 5-8:30 p.m. and November 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the church basement on 18 Baltic Street, South Attleboro.

St. Mary’s Parish, 106 Illinois Street, New Bedford, is having a Holiday Fair on November 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. featuring a full kitchen, crafts, bake table, white elephant table, Chinese Auction and much more. For more information call 508-942-5031.


St. Mary’s Catholic School, 330 Pratt Street, Mansfield, will host an open house on November 6 from 1 to 3 p.m. Prospective families are invited to tour the school, meet students and staff while gathering the most up-to-date enrollment information. For more information call 508-339-4800 or visit www.stmarymansschool.org.

Fall River — Espirito Santo Parish, 311 Alden Street, Fall River. Eucharistic adoration on Mondays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass until Rosary and Benediction at 6:30 p.m.

FALL RIVER — Notre Dame Church, 529 Eastern Ave., has eucharistic adoration on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the chapel. FALL RIVER — St. Anthony of the Desert Church, 300 North Eastern Avenue, has eucharistic adoration Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. FALL RIVER — Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Street, has eucharistic adoration Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady of Grace Chapel. FALL RIVER — Good Shepherd Parish has eucharistic adoration every Friday following the 8 a.m. Mass until 6 p.m. in the Daily Mass Chapel. There is a bilingual Holy Hour in English and Portuguese from 5-6 p.m. Park behind the church and enter the back door of the connector between the church and the rectory. Falmouth — St. Patrick’s Church has eucharistic adoration each First Friday, following the 9 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 4:30 p.m. The Rosary is recited Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. HYANNIS — A Holy Hour with eucharistic adoration will take place each First Friday at St. Francis Xavier Church, 347 South Street, beginning immediately after the 12:10 p.m. Mass and ending with adoration at 4 p.m. MASHPEE — Christ the King Parish, Route 151 and Job’s Fishing Road has 8:30 a.m. Mass every First Friday with special intentions for Respect Life, followed by 24 hours of eucharistic adoration in the Chapel, concluding with Benediction Saturday morning followed immediately by an 8:30 Mass. NEW BEDFORD — Eucharistic adoration takes place 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 233 County Street, with night prayer and Benediction at 8:45 p.m., and Confessions offered during the evening. NEW BEDFORD — There is a daily holy hour from 5:15-6:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 Acushnet Avenue. It includes adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, recitation of the Rosary, and the opportunity for Confession. NORTH DARTMOUTH — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Julie Billiart Church, 494 Slocum Road, every Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m., ending with Benediction. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at this time.

NORTH DIGHTON — Eucharistic adoration takes place every First Friday at St. Nicholas of Myra Church, 499 Spring Street following the 8 a.m. Mass, ending with Benediction at 6 p.m. The Rosary is recited Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 8 a.m. OSTERVILLE — Eucharistic adoration takes place at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, 76 Wianno Avenue on First Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and every Friday from noon to 5 p.m., with Benediction at 5 p.m. SEEKONK ­— Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish has eucharistic adoration seven days a week, 24 hours a day in the chapel at 984 Taunton Avenue. For information call 508-336-5549. Taunton — Eucharistic adoration takes place every Tuesday at St. Anthony Church, 126 School Street, following the 8 a.m. Mass with prayers including the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for vocations, concluding at 6 p.m. with Chaplet of St. Anthony and Benediction. Recitation of the Rosary for peace is prayed Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m. prior to the 8 a.m. Mass. WAREHAM — Adoration with opportunities for private and formal prayer is offered on the First Friday of each month from 8:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church, High Street. The Prayer Schedule is as follows: 7:30 a.m. the Rosary; 8 a.m. Mass; 8:30 a.m. exposition and Morning Prayer; 12 p.m. the Angelus; 3 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet; 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer; 7 p.m. Sacrament of Confession; 8 p.m. Benediction. WEST HARWICH — Our Lady of Life Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Trinity Parish, 246 Main Street (Rte. 28), holds perpetual eucharistic adoration. We are a regional chapel serving all of the surrounding parishes. All from other parishes are invited to sign up to cover open hours. For open hours, or to sign up call 508-430-4716. WOODS HOLE — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Joseph’s Church, 33 Millfield Street, year-round on weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No adoration on Sundays, Wednesdays, and holidays. For information call 508-274-5435.

October 21, 2011

Larry Rita, brother of Father Thomas L. Rita

NEW BEDFORD — Larry Rita, 64, brother of Father Thomas L. Rita, Pastor of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, Seekonk, died September 27 at his home in Riverside, Calif. Born in New Bedford, he was a son of the late Louis L. and Veronica (Earley) Rita. He was predeceased by an older brother, James, and is survived by his priest brother and Captain John P. Rita of Freetown. He was a California resident for more than 40 years. Rita worked in the food services industry and before retiring was self-employed as a caterer. He served in the National Guard, was a graduate of New Bedford High School and attended Newman Preparatory School, Boston. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on October 19 at St. Lawrence Martyr Church in New Bedford. Burial was at St. Mary’s Cemetery, New Bedford. Arrangements were handled by the Dyer-Lake Funeral Home, North Attleboro.

In Your Prayers Please pray for these priests during the coming weeks Oct. 22 Rev. John E. Connors, Pastor, St. Peter, Dighton,1940 Rev. Jerome F. O’Donnell, OFM, Our Lady’s Chapel, New Bedford, 1983

Oct. 23 Chorbishop Joseph Eid, Pastor, St. Anthony of the Desert, Fall River, 1970 Oct. 24 Rev. Marc Maurice Dagenais, O.P., Retired Assistant, St. Anne, Fall River, 1982 Most Rev. Joseph W. Regan, M.M, Retired Prelate of Tagum, Philippines, 1994 Oct. 25 Rev. Reginald Chene, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River, 1935 Rev. Raymond B. Bourgoin, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton, 1950 Rev. James W. Connerton, CSC, Founder, Stonehill College, North Easton, 1988 Rev. Msgr. John J. Steakem, Pastor, St. Thomas More, Somerset, 1999 Oct. 27 Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, Assistant, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford, 1918 Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson, Assistant, St. Mathieu, Fall River, 1967 Rev. Joseph F. O’Donnell, Retired Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton, 1990 Oct. 28 Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe, Pastor, St. George, Westport, 1923 Rev. Stanislaus Kozikowski, OFM Conv., Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford, 1956

The Anchor

October 21, 2011

World Mission Sunday is this weekend continued from page one

cese give area faithful an eyewitness account of what is happening in missions across the world. It’s important to have the proper individual in place to touch hearts in the pews. In fact, one year we had a priest scheduled to speak to a diocesan parish and he was shot and couldn’t come. The parish contribution was outstanding nonetheless. “The Diocese of Fall River has always been very, very supportive of World Mission Sunday. The diocese is very mission-minded, and that is largely because our priests are very concerned and make a special effort to encourage mission support through prayer and financial giving.” Msgr. Oliveira continued by saying the parishes “do what they can do,” even in trying times. “It’s very heartwarming.” Once the diocesan funds from World Mission Sunday are collected, the secretary of the Propagation office, Corinne LeBeau, sends the proceeds to the New York office; from there directors from across the world meet in Rome to discern where the needs are greatest. Even after nearly 35 years heading up the Propagation office, Msgr. Oliveira is moved by the missionary works. “It renews in me the knowledge that the Church is much bigger than the parish, the diocese, and the country,” he told The Anchor. “It’s amazing to see dedicated men and women go out to different countries where the need is so great to make Christ known to all. “We all have our images of who Christ and Mary are, but when you see the images of them in other countries, you see how Christ is for all people.” During Msgr. Oliveira’s tenure the diocesan Propagation office has maintained the tradition of making a special point to support the diocese’s homegrown missionaries. “Each year, we always send a gift to diocesan religious missionaries to let them know that they’re thought of and appreciated,” he said. In addition to supporting the works of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, the local office also provides support for two other Pontifical Mission Societies: the Holy Childhood Association and the Society of St. Peter Apostle. “With limited local exposure of missionary work to young people, the diocesan Propagation office aims to involve our youth in the work of the missions,” said Msgr. Oliveira. “In schools and Religious Education programs we try to explain to our children that children in other parts of the world need help.” He explained that in his own parish, as in others, the use of the “Mite Box,” during Lent helps youngsters put away their pennies, dimes and nickels for kids in need. “In the old days, we used to call it supporting the ‘pagan babies,’” said Msgr. Oliveira. “Today we stress the im-

portance of helping children in mission lands.” The Society of St. Peter Apostle raises funds for seminarians in mission countries. “Each year I select one or two diocesan parishes for that effort,” said the monsignor. He also pointed out that there are other ways to help meet the temporal needs of brothers and sisters in mission lands. “We have perpetual memberships where for $50 for an individual or $100 for a family, folks can have missionaries pray for their loved ones at the Masses they celebrate.” He also said some choose to bequeath monies to the So-

19 ciety in their wills. Another unique way is through memorial chalices. “Chalices are donated in the name of a loved one, with the name inscribed on the chalice for a fee,” explained Msgr. Oliveira. “The monies are then sent to the missions, and the chalices are donated to priests across the world who can’t afford them. It’s nice to know a loved one’s name is part of the eucharistic celebration somewhere in the world.” Donations for World Mission Sunday will be collected at all diocesan Masses this weekend, or can be sent to the Propagation of the Faith Office, 106 Illinois Street, New Bedford, 02745. For information about any of the Pontifical Mission Societies, visit www.onefamilyinmission.org.


The Anchor

October 21, 2011

World Mission Sunday

The Society for THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH ... a Pontifical Mission Society Complete the coupon and submit it with a donation in the basket this weekend at church, or send to: Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, P.A., 106 Illinois Street, New Bedford, MA 02745 Enclosed is my World Mission Sunday gift for the Missions ... NAME: ADDRESS: CITY:



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