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Pro-Life Day Prods Diocese to Action





PRO-LIFE PRELATE: Bishop Cronin enjoys meeting Maureen Zukowski" baby daughter of Robert Zukowski, vice-principal of Bishop Stang High School. At Pro-Life Day held at North Dartmouth school, prelate called abortion "a total denying of what this country stands for."

The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul

Fall River Mass., Thurs., October 21 1 1976 Vol. 20, No. 43 $5.0:~~~Ey~~~ l

Moral Pastoral

Nation1s Bishops Meet Nov. 8-11 WASHINGTON (NC)-A major Pastoral on Moral Values will be on the agenda for the fall meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the United States Catholic Conference (USCC). More than 250 Bishops from throughout the country will attend the meeting, which will be held November 8 through 11 at the Statler Hilton Hotel here. Other subjects for discussion will be: a statement on U. S.Panama relations, discussion of a collection to aid dioc'esan and national Church communications, a statement on early

childhood care and education, a plan for special funding of educational research and experimentation projects, a resolution Turn to Page Eleven

Sacred Hearts Vicar General ROME (NC)-Dutch Father Jan Scheepens has been reelected superior general of the congregation of the Sacred Hearts (Picpus Fathers) by the general chapter meeting here. Assisting the 43-year-old suTurn to Page Three

"It is cheaper to abort the poor than to alleviate their problems," declared Msgr. James T. McHugh, director of the Bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, speaking last Wednesday at a Pro-Life Study Day sponsored by the Diocese of Fall River at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. He told his audience of clergy, religious education coordinators, diocesan high school seniors and members of pro-life organizations that "abortion is a major problem, not because an individual decides on this action, but because it has been escalated to a social policy and is used to solve problems for which there exist better, more humane, Christian solutions." He said that the "unprecedented visibility of abortion as a political issue has brought it to the attention of Americans in a way hitherto unexpected" but pointed out that there are only about 300 American bish-

op, including the retired, "and they aren't unrealistic. They realize that the Catholic community alone is not large enough to change public attitudes. We don't own the country, we can't take control, but we do have a share in it, and it's part of democracy for a single group to try to awaken others to a world view. He said that the Catholic Church is increasing its commitment to the family "in an age when marriage is considered a throwaway commodity"

and when the aged too are considered disposable. "When they're no longer produc~rs, we look for the new models.~" The committee director said that two attitudes are current regarding the family. "The first is that the family has had it; It's an inept mechanism for solving human problems. The second is that the family, through increased permissiveness, is both cause and contributor to society's problems. Responses to the first attitude, Turn to Page Eight

Ruth Hurley Is President Of NE C'atholic Nurses Miss Ruth Hurley, St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River, has been named president of the New England Diocesan Councils of Catholic Nurses. The appointment came at the organization's 17th conference, held last weekend in Hartford.

It was attended by a delegation of, 16 from the Fall River diocese, led by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Msgr.Robert L. Stanton, moderator of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses, and Rev. Barry W. Wall, moderator Turn to Page Four

'I Wonder Where 1Am More Missionary' Franciscan Father Joseph Nangle, who served as a missionary in Latin America, is assistant to the executive secretary of the U. S. Catholic Mission Council. Here are his thoughts on Mission Sunday, which will be celebrated this year on OcL 24, when special collections will be taken up in all churches of the diocese to support 877 mission dioceses throughout the world. In the last three or four years a new development in mission practice surfaced in the form of growing awareness by U. S. foreign missionaries that their call includes more than pastoral work overseas. . Increasingly, our furloughed missionaries find a continuation of their special vocation here at home, and that not in the sense of taking up collections or recruiting personnnel for service in foreign countries. America is being seen as a mission country by our compatriots who, having served overseas for a number of years, and having seen Gospel values and counter values in the cultures they encounter, come back to the U. S. and find the same presence and absence of Christian priorities. One U. S. Sister home from Southern Asia put it succinctly when she said: "I wonder where I am more missionary, in Sri Lanka or in New York City". A priest gave an example of how

he found his missionary work continuing while on stateside leave-"I am always questioning what I see here at home: affluence taken for granted, inward looking Church and civic

communities, concern with very provincial issues. And I ask people how the good things of America might be shared more equitably with my people in the Turn to Page Six


PATCHES ON PATCHES: Rev. John J. Lawler of New Bedford, longtime Maryknoll Missioner in Peru, talks to man- so poor his patches are patched. Missioners on home leave often find themselves questioning U.S. life-style: "affluence taken for granted, inward looking Church and civic c~mmunities, concern with very provincial issues."

.----In This I s s u e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


She Cooked For Stalin, Khrushchev

Women In The News

Vocations Not Just For Youth

'New Journey' In New Bedford

At Stang, We're Involved

Page 3

Page 7

Page 9

Page 11

Page 14


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976






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National Aiding NAACP WASHINGTON - The U.S. Catholic Conference has joined Jewish and Protestant organizations in an effort to save the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), whose existence is threatened by a $1.25 million judgement against it by a Mississippi chancery judge. The NAACP must also post a $1.6 million bond before it can appeal the aecision.

'Very Private Matter' SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - Patricia Hearst's conversion to Eoisco'palianism from Roman Catholicism was described by an Episcopal priest as a "very private matter," but not a "denial of the Catholic Church." Father Edward J. Dumke, assistant priest at Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento, talked to the p:~ess about Miss Hearst's acceptance of membership in the Episcopal church. He said he regularly gives Miss Hearst Communion at the federal correctional facility in Pleasanton, where she has been held after being sentenced to seven years for her part in a San Francisco bank robbery.

Single Juridicial Personality PHILADELPHIA - Conferees at Rosemont College here issued an appeal for full equality

for women in the Church in a paper prepared for submission to the Canon Law Society of America's (CLSA) national convention. The two dozen conferees' statement said there is "a single juridicial personality" for all the baptized, and asked the canon lawyers for further study of the opposition's implications.

Against Right to Die TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - The Florida Catholic Conference has labeled California's new right to die measure "a dangerous piece of legislation" and urged Florida, which has for seven years rejected similar proposals, not to follow suit. "It can only exacerbate the problems that exist in the treatment of the dying," maintained Thom·as Horkan, Jr., executive director of the Florida conference.

World Mexican Abortions MEXICO CITY - The National Council on Population has proposed legalization of abortion in Mexico. Although current laws prohibit almost all abortions, it has been estimated that 1 million abortions a year are already being performed illegally. So far the government has pushed for "family planning" in efforts to bring down the 3.8 percent annual population growth that lIas doubled the number of Mexicans in 10 years to 60 million.

Ask Non-Attendance ROTTENBURG, Germany - In a joint appeal the Austrian, German and Swiss bishops of the five dioceses bordering Lake Constance have urged Catholics not to attend a traditionalist Mass scheduled by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in Friedrichshafen, Germany, Oct. 24. Catholics should avoid giving publicity to "this disgraceful display of a discordant Church," the bishops said.

They Like Latin LONDON - Sixteen percent of the Catholics in Great Britain - one Catholic in six - would like to have the Mass always celebrated in Latin in all countries, according to a Gallup Poll published here by the Catholic Herald. Thirty-six percent would like to have Mass always in the language of the country, and 46 percent thought there should be a choice of languages.

Peace March BUENOS AIRES - Some 70,000 pilgrims walked 60 miles to the national shrine of Our Lady of Lujan to pray for peace and unity in Argentina, torn by an undeclared civil war that has taken 3,000 lives over the last three years. The march, organized by the Catholic Youth Organization ,signaled efforts at a peace movement similar to the one gaining momentum in Northern Ireland.

Necrology NOV. 1 Rev. William H. McNamara, 1924, Pastor, S1. Mary, :~ans­ field Rev. Louis N. Blanchet, 1927, Assistant, St. John Baptist, Fall River Rev. Msgr. .John F. Ferraz,' 1944, Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River Rev. Msgr. George F. Cain. 1953, Pastor, S~. Matthew, Fall River

NOV. 2 A memento for the repose of . the souls of our priests not on this list Rev. Joseph S. Fortin, '1923, Founder, S1. John Baptist, Fall River Rev. Michael V. McDonough. 1933, Chaplain, St. Mary Homf', New Bedford

NOV. 6 Rev. Patrick S. McGee, 1933. Founder, S1. Mary, Hebronville ....·'···ttlrlll't·.\..• ··,·lI!·,··,-,·",·!tII··lI·!·,·" .., . ,..


" '.


THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at FaL River, Mass. Publls~ed every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.

What Is Priesthood? The priesthood is not something it is someone: Christ! Every priest reflects some of the priestly qualities of Christ. He is a religious leader, a man of prayer a bridge builder, a mediator He brings God to people: People to God He reconciles differences of mentality celebrates the liturgy, feeds us with the Word and Bread of Life He is a peacemaker, a community' builder a minister to the needs of others He is a prophet giving Christian insights into the problems of our community, nation, universe His work is difficult; his days long; his frustrations many; his life hard. But then, so was Christ's!


you are interested in the Priesthood or wish additional information on the Priesthood and priestly formation programs






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall

St. Anne Representatives To Attend CHA Meeting Among representatives of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, who will attend the mid-annual meeting of the New England Conference of the Catholic Hospital Association (CHA) to. be held Friday, Oct. 29 at Mont Marie Conference Center, Holyoke, are James F. Lyons, administrator; Sister Angela Francis, assistant administrator; Sister Marie Ascension, provincial superior of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation who staff the hospital. Also Sister Madeleine Clemence, dean of the school of nursing of Southeastern Massachusetts University; Sister Maria Theresa, hospital treasurer; Mrs. Margaret Goslin, director of nurses; Miss Claire Mullins, assistant director of nursing for the department of obstetrics; Rev. Edmund Fitzgerald, pastoral care director; Sister Maria Beatriz, emergency room staff nurse. Theme for the meeting wiU be

Father Sheeran Continued from Page One perior in the post of vicar general is Irish Father Fintan Sheeran, currently provincial of the community's eastern U. S. province, with headquarters in Fairhaven. The international congregation, founded after the French Revolution to continue the work of communities suppressed during the revolution, received its popular name from the Rue de Picpus in Parish, site of the order's first house. Among the congregation's most famous members have been Father Damien de Veuster, apostle to the lepers at Molokai, and Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, founder of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in millions of Catholic homes. There are about 200 priests ~nd about 20 Brothers of the order in three American provinces. Father Sheeran Born in Ireland, Father Sheeran was the first Sacred Hearts provincial chosen by election rather than appointment. He is a trustee of the Washington Theological Coalition, a cooperative school of theology, and is vice-president of the Conference of Major Religious Superiors of Men. He will reside in Rome during his six-year term as vicargeneral.



Seminary Cook For Russians Sister Anna Juszczeszena, 84. who cooked for Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev when they were young Russian Orthodox 'seminarians, died last week at the Providence provincial house of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. The religious, who served a rotaI of 22 years at St. Anthony's Convent, Fall River, remembered the young men as "good people." She came to Fall River in 1924 after assignments in various Russian cities, including work at an orphanage in Odessa where the future Russian leaders, with their seminary classmates, came for meals. In Fall River, where she continued serving as a cook, her traditional Paschal lamb pastries .were looked forward to for many years as Easter gifts by friends of St. Anthony's convent. A Mass of the Resurrection was celebrated for her last Thursday in Providence. Interment was in Holy Family Cemetery.

LIVING ROSARY: A living rosary ceremony highlighted the opening meeting of the Fall River District Council of Catholic Women, held at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River. From left, with Bishop Cronin, guest of honor, Mrs. Edgar Berube, Mrs. James Correira, Mrs. Alfred Almeida, Mrs. Rudolph Ouellette, Mrs. Robert Bernier.

Bishop Hart New Boston Auxiliary Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was among prelates participating in a Mass of Episcopal Ordination for his classmate, Most Rev. Daniel Anthony Hart, who' was ordained Monday as the sixth auxiliary 'bishop of the Boston archdiocese. The ceremony took place at Boston's Holy Cross Cathedral, with Cardinal Humberto Medeiros as consecrator and the Most Rev. Jean Jadot, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, Most Rev. Thomas J. Riley and Most Rev: Lawrence J. Riley as coconsecrators. More than 30 archbishops, bishops and abbots took part in the rite.

Cornwell Memoria' Chapel

Bishop Hart will celebrate his iel. His motto, rendered in Enfirst solemn pontifical Mass at glish, is "Do Not Be Afraid," 11:45 a.m. this Sunday' at St. from the words of Christ: "Do John's Church, Peabody, where .he . has been associate pastor . not be' afraid; only have faith" since 1970. A reception in the (Mark 5:36). parish hall will follow. Following the ecclesiastical custom of assigning a titular see to bishops not actually governing a diocese, the new Bishop has been named Titular Bishop of Tepelta, :North Africa, an historic see no longer in existence. His coat of arms includes elements symbolizing his Irish ancestry and his baptismal name of Dan-

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Miss Hurley Over To



(On Nov. 2. we ~rll all be asked to vote on a non-binding question regaid'ing the proposed opening of certain retail stores,. mehiding package liquor stores. The following editorial appeared in the Catholic Transcript, the Catholic newspatrers of the dioceses of Connecticut. It is included here as a guest ~ditoria1.) A lower court judge has invalidated Connecticut's Sunday closing legislation. Hardly had his decision been publicized than major stores announced that their doors would be open on Sundays henceforth. The Lord's day has been yielded to mammon, and will become a clangorous battleground for sales and profits. This is done, of course, in the name of principle, of justice. Such is the case with each step in the further cheapening and coarsening of our society. Each step is forced by greed, maskEd as concern for people's rights and convenience. What the people really need is relief from the relent.less pressure to buy, to spend, to waste. What they get is '"' intensified pressure to do so, this for the further enrichment of their exploiters. General Sunday opening may at first seem a bonanza for retailers. That imp:ression will not last very long. The competition will be so fierce that some retailers will be driven to the wall. The losers may well be the firms which first broke the ban on Sunday sales and took the matter into the courts. What recourse they will have in that event is unpredictable. It could be that they will demand selective Sunday closings. Does the crass commercialization of Sunday mean the total desecration of the Lord's day? Not necessarily.. It could shock Christians into a realization of their duty to keep that day holy. It should forcefully impress on them that they live in, and are in danger of being engulfed by, a society ever more crudely secularist and materialist, many of its values at variance with true Christian commitment. The ringilng of cash registers may be the prevalant Sunday summons hencElforth. But not for Christians of conviction. For them, the S'Jnday summons must be the ringing of church bells.

Watched Words Candidates in this year's political camoaigns have learned the bitter lesso::l that people are watching and listening. Our experience of double-talk, clarifications, "what I really meant," and resignations is not just looking for the nitty-gritty. Nor is it yet true that our political parties have grown so pure that no speck of suspicion can be tolerated. Yes, we must make room for honest forgetfulness and mistake. We are all human. Hopefuly, the interested media will also expose a candidate's attempt to play up to a particular group. One can scarcely snowball voters today. The candidate must remember that his/her words and opinions are and will be weighed. A callous and careless attitude will not be tolerated. Catholics can be offended by an official's ridiculing the Pope; Blacks can be disturbed by being laughed at; Jews and other ethnics can be indignant when their native lands are casually dismissed. True, there must be a careful judgement that will distinguish between a candidate's momentary mistake and his/her life endeavor and record. But the lesson for candidate and non-democratically inclined governments is the same: in a free, democratic society the officials are answerable to the public. .


Published weekly by The C':Jtholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. [Ianiel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.O. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John R. Foister, SJ.L. Rev. Msgr. Johl1 Regan ""leary Prell-l'all River



A young woman walks alone day afternoon ... The barren trees ows ... convey a sense of heaviness unpeopled walk ... seem to narrow trees appear gradually to close in.

on a chilly Sunthe dark shadThe lines of the as the shadowy

Instead of walking into an· expansive openness ... she walks into what looks like a narrowing cave ... The constricting lines and shadows ... reflect the inner fear and oppressiveness ... that is part of loneliness . .. as one walks into the future alone.

Continued from Page One of the Fall River chapter. Miss Hurley previously served as first vice-president of the New England organization and she is also president of the Fall River Chapter of the Diocesan Council. A graduate of the Truesdale Hospital School of Nursing, Fall River, she holds bachelor's and master's degrees from the Boston College and Boston University Schools of Nursing. The former director of the Taunton District Nursing Association, she has since 1968 been associate professor of medical and surgteal nursing at Bristol Commuitity College, Fall River. Miss Hurley said that the Catholic nurses' organization "is not in competition with other professional nurses' groups, but llims to provide a vehicle for ,mrses to be heard on moral and ethical "questions." ~ the Fall River diocese, chapters are active in Attleboro and Taunton as well as in Fall River. Throughout New England the organization numbers well over 1000 members.

Already confused and perplexed over the United States' position concerning the Helsinki accords and its implied acceptance of a Soviet sphere of influence east Loneliness tends to constrict the heart to shade of the Elbe, ethnic leaders and narthe spirit's vital spark ... to limit dreams rightly exploded in anger and hurt at the President's statement row expectations ... Loneliness is a cancer of the and his subsequent attempts to spirit ... ennervating ... extinguishing. explain himself. Cling to Hope Yet even when most alone ... some strength' ... However unrealistic it may be, some hope ... may come from knowing ... that Somemost Eastern European groups one walks with us ... along life's shadowed paths . in this country still feel that Someone who walked life's loneliest way ... alone . their homelands must be liberwho felt the fear ... and tasted the sadness ... whose ated and they want our government to cling to this hope of way .narrowed to a cross. freedom. At the very minimum "I am with you always" ... He assures us (Matthey want the President of these United States to deplore the sitthew 28:20) uations in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Americans of Eastern European ancestry comprise almost 10 percent of the American population. For the most part they are concentrated in key and im. portant areas of the nation. The "foot in mouth" reaction of Mr. Ford certainly has injured his chances of winning what he must - namely the ethnicoriented states of Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, New York, New Jersey and PennsylREV. JOHN F. MOORE St. William's Church vania. If there is one positive note that emerged from the mistake heard round the world, it is that there still exists in the hearts In the university world, as in all other segments of our and minds of many Americans a society, there are trends and influences affecting the deep and abiding concern for various courses of study. In the past two or three years those peoples who live in most college departments of history have noted a dramatic bondage. Most Americans who have become citizens in t~s rise in demand for studies in really understand how deeply century were driven from their the field of ethnic and immiMr. Ford's blooper penetrated homelands by economic privagration history. People who when in recent debate he stated tion and dictatorial oppression. only a few years ago were that "there is no Soviet domina- They have found in this land the attempting to hide their ethnic tion of Eastern Europe." To add opportunities of life and the roots and origins to become injury to insult he went on to freedoms of liberty. They still more "American" have rediscov- say that Poland, Yugoslavia and seek this same opportunity for ered the cultural influences Rumania were independent, au- their many relatives and friends which have played such a unique tonomous countries. For a Pres- who cannot leave their prisons role in their lives. ident, especially one who is run- and immigrate to the United No longer embarrassed by ning partly on a campaign States. For the President of this ethnic ties, they have proudly re- theme of experience in foreign land to be ignorant of this deappraised their contributions to policy, this mistake could well sire is indeed a crushing blow this nation. After all, the United cost him the election. to those. millions who, through States is a land of immigrants In a campaign that has been the bars of their iron curtain, and its singularity as a nation muddled and jumbled at best it :cearch for freedom. finds its basic roots in the cul- can be quite honestly stated Oops, Mr. Ford! You have tural diversity of its people. that the President just slipped . just received the Fickle Finger With this in mind you can in front of the wrong audience. ..af Fate Award.


mooRlnCj Oops

, •

The Permanent Diaconate

Assurance of Ministry By Rev. John F. Moore An essential feature of any program for the restoration of the Permanent Diaconate is the fact that each candidate must receive befare ordination the assurance by a pastor or an administrator of an office that he, the candidate, will be able to exercise his ministry with this person's support. Such support is not to be considered as involving finances or other compensation. The ministry of the diaconate is freely given. This support is rather one of recognition that each in his proper way the priest and the deacon exercise the ministry of Jesus Christ. Thus it is evident that the pastor or administrator must realize that he is not dealing with a glorified altar boy. The deacon who will seek an assurance of ministry in this diocese will be a competent and qualified minister of the Church. Yet his ministry of service will have a direct relationship to that of his brother who shares the same sacrament of Holy Orders. It is impossible for a deacon to truly fulfill his own unique ministry apart from his priestly brothers. Thus it is necessary that he enter into a realistic assignment with the support and cooperation of his brothers in Christ. In no way is the permanent diaconate being

'Blanket World With Love' NEW YORK (NC) U.S. Catholics wil he asked to "Blanket the World With Love" by contributing used clothing to the bishops' annual Thanksgiving Clothing Collection, sponsored by Catholic Relief Services (CRS). In a promotional letter to his coleagues, Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, noted that "over the years the response of Catholic families in your area to this vitally important clothing collection has been truly remarkable." Last year more than 11 million pounds of used clothing, cloth goods, blankets and similar items were processed by two CRS centers for shipment to the needy overseas. Archbishop Bernardin stressed "the emphasis for this year's appeal will again focus on the collection of lightweight clothing," because most recipients live in warm climates. He pointed out there is a "praticular need for infant and children's garments," and blankets.

Show Mercy "Dost thou wish to receive mercy? Show mercy to thy neighbor."-St. John Chrysostom

restored to compete with priesthood or usurp the unique ministry of priesthood. The deacon is not a substitute priest any more than the priest is a subsitute bishop. He is a man fulfilling a proper role in the completion of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. So it is imperative from the very beginning for the priest to understand the role and function of the deacon and to welcome 'him with an assurance of ministry in liturgy, word and service. The arrangements for such assurance of ministry will be made with the deacon, the priest and the director of the Permanent Deacon Program in written contractual form. The deacon will guarantee a stated number of hours per week of service, the priest will assure the deacon's :opportunity of ministry and the director will insure, as it were, the contract by supervising the program. Important Relationship Since the relationship between deacon and priest is so very important, it would be well for anyone contemplating entering our diocesan program to be in contact with a priest with whom he is able to communicate. It IS not too early for any man who feels qualified to be considered a diaconate candidate to communicate this desire to his pastor, associate pastor or a priest friend. This is a normal and understandable procedure In the development and fulfillment of a vocation. As has been previously mentioned in this series, it is hoped that our deacon program will have its first class of candidates by next fall. This naturally depends upon the necessary approval of Bishop Cronin and the National Bishops' Committee of the Permanent Diaconate. If such approval is granted, men seeking admission to our program could expect that formal interviews and screening procedures will take place this spring. However, it must be kept in mind that in no way does our program intend to enter a numbers game. We are not interested in how many candidates we have but rather what kind. IBy its very nature the candidates' class will not be large. As has been painfully found out in many other dioceses, the larger a class the more difficult it is to give each candidate, his wife and family the necessary time, understanding and consideration. This limitation of numbers should not discourage any potential candidate, but should on the contrary encourage him, as he realizes that our program will be the best possible to meet the needs of the Fall River diocese.

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news itert's for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement severa I times.

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD The Pilgrim Virgin statue will be in the church through Saturday and special devotions are being held daily. SSe PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Women's Club will sponsor a public whist party at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 24 in the Father Coady Center. In charge of arrangements are Miss Mary Tyrrell and Mrs. Donald F. Negus. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Volunteers are sought for a musical variety show to be presented early next year. Interested parishioners are asked to come to a meeting at 8 tomorrow night at the school. 1\vo teachers are needed for CCD classes at 3 p.m. Tuesdays. Anyone able to meet this need should contact Rev. Bruce Neylon. Choir rehearsals have been changed to 7 p.m. Friday nights, beginning Nov. 5. A rosary service honoring Mary, Queen of Peace will be

held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 24, with Altar and Rosary Society members participating. During October the rosary is recited each day preceding 5:15 Mass. ST. MATHIEU, FALL RIVER Following 7 p.m. Mass Tuesday, Oct. 26, the Council of Catholic Women will meet in the parish hall. A Christmas workshop will be held, with members preparing items for the annual council Christmas sale, to be held from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 27, also in the hall, with Mrs. Lionel Dugal as chairlady. Mrs. Raymond Poisson, chairlady for a Christmas dinnerdance to take place Saturday night, Dec. II, announces that tickets will be distributed at Tuesday's meeting and wilI also be available from council officers and at the rectory. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The usual 8:30 Sunday morning Mass will be changed to 8:00 as of next Sunday, Oct. 24. Elementary grade CCD and Grade 9 meet every Sunday morning in the parish school from 8:45 to' 9:45. Coffee and donuts is served in the school cafeteria following the 8 o'clock Mass, especially for those parents awaiting their children. All

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 21, 1976

parishioners, however, are invited to share this little social. The Sunday 10 o'clock Mass, a Folk Mass, will usually also serve as the children's Mass with each class taking its turn in providing the setting and emphasis for the week's liturgy. The Sunday II :30 Mass will be a "Signed Mass" with the Mass and homily interprete~ in sign language for the area· ~af and hard of hearing. This weekend will especially be for the deaf with a whist party for the deaf on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and a social for the deaf on Sunday following the II :30 Mass. Both activities will be held at Sacred Heart School. The Parish Council will meet on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the school. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A Living Rosary ceremony will will be held at 7:30 tomorrow night. The Women's Guild will hold a silent cake sale the weekend of Oct. 30. Turn to Page Sixteen

Ultimate Being "Of the Heaven which is above the heavens . . . there abides the ultimate Being, with which truth is concerned: the Essence formless, intangible, colorless, visible only to intelligence, the pilot of the soul." -Plato




National Secretary, Catholic Near East Welfare Associat,on

Sister Augustine found Maria wan~eriI?g aimlessly in the streets of a large CIty 10 the Near East. She brought the hurt child with her to St. Anne's Orphan Home. Sister fed her, clothed her, gave her shelter. She listened with sympathy and love to Maria's story: "My father's in prison. Ml mother ran off and lelt me alone. To stay alive, I beg. Sometimes I steal."

How could anyone possibly say "No" to 12-year-old Maria's plea for help? Yet, Sister Augustine may have to-even though it breaks her heart. Sister has the room but not the funds to shelter more children. So she may have to turn Maria, and other waifs like her, back to the streets. UNLESS ... people like you open your hearts and "adopt" them through the

Catholic Near East Welfare Association. The cost is small - only $14 a month the rewards, infiinite! Sponsors receive their "adopted" child's photo and personal history. They may write, if they wish. But whether they do or not, the knowledge that they helped a needy child will warm their hearts for as long as they live! IN LEBANON, INDIA, ETHIOPIA ... and in the 15 other countries in the Near East in which we serve, thousands of needy, homeless, or abandoned children like Maria still roam the streets. Their only hope for a better life is to find love in one of our 107 Orphan Homes. Only people like you can fulfill that hope. . Please say you'll adopt a child lIke Maria who needs you so desperately! If you can't adopt now, open your heart and share what you can with one of these poor little ones whom Christ loves so much. He, in turn, will surely open His Heart to you.

CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID TO THE EASTERN CHURCHES 1011 FIRST AVENUE· NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 • 212/826·1480 Terence Cardtnal Cooke, President . MonSIgnor John G. Nolan, NabOnal Secretary

Dear Monsignor Nolan:

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Regi,tered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marce' Ror C. LorraIne Roy RDler laFrance ClaUdette Roy Morrl...y

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166

D Yes, I want to "adopt" a needy D girl D boy from the underprivi.,eged lands of the Near East. I enclose my first month's payment of D $14 for one child D $28 for two D $42 for three. D No, I cannot adopt a child now but I wish to share $ with a needy child. Anc 0 NAME --;:~=-_=::::;;_-----------(Please print) STREET' _ CITY






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976

Philadelphia I.nspir,es, Eve·n With Bal·ky Ca,r

Updated L.ita·ny of Mary Meets Toclay's N·eeds

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

I've always been a fan of the Blessed Mother. It probably started when my own mother named me Mary. One of my earliest memories i:) playing with the tiny statues from our family Christmas Crib and my mother telling me about Mary, Jesus' mother as a first grader, I remember re- as she fears for the future. Pray for us." citing the Litany of the Another friend is actively Blessed Virgin during devo- working for the ordination of tions. I learned it by heart, and a few years later I realized I didn't know what some of the words I was reciting meant.

women: "Mary, at the Presentation you were the first to offer the body and blood of Christ. Pray for us," Many Opportunities


MARY CARSON Tower of Ivory ... House of Gold ... Ark of the Covenant. .." After some study I did learn what most of the litany was about, and I still think it very beautiful. But today, I frequently find myself inventing my own prayers to Mary because I want to pray to her as the real person she was, rather than as a "mystical rose," For example, my parents, who are in their 70's, have a summer bungalow and spent most of this past summer painting ancl decorating it with new curtair.s and window shades. Last week, while the bungalow was unoccupied, . vandals broke into it. They broke all the windows, slashed the shades and curtains, and gouged the newly painted walls with a hatchet. You can imagine my feelings when I heard the news, .and I repeated many times a prayer I made up: "Mary, you were driven from your home by senseless tyranny. Help my parents face this senseless destruction. Pray for us," I think of my neighbor whose husband has been out of work for months, and I pray: ".Mary, you faced an uncertain future in Egypt, sustain my neighbor

There are many other opportunities to make up a prayer to Mary. "To graciously share in another's joy-as you did at Cana -Mary help us. "To keep believing, when all seems hopeless-as you did on Holy Saturday-Mary help us," "To make the best of things, as you did giving birth in a stable, Mary help us." "To believe in Him when life seems senseless, cruel, impossi. ble ... as you kept believing in Him on the way to Calvary. Mary, help us," "When our children do strange things that seem to lead nowhere ... Mary, help us." For parents facing the pregnancy of an unmarried daughter: "Mary ... ask your parents to sustain them in this trial." . "Mary, help us to know Jesus as you did, to walk hand in hand with Him. Teach us the love of mother and child. Help us to know the communion of God and man. "Mary, I have no idea how tough this day is going to be. Help me. Remind me to share the joys with you. And when things are rough... hold my hand and walk with me. Share with me your confidence, patience, and understanding. "Take my hand ... guide me ... as you once guided the Saviour of the world. "Amen."










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PREPARE FOR BALL: New Bedford area members of the Bishop's Ball committee already preparing for the January event include Mrs. Donald Sylvia, St. Joseph parish, Fairhaven, among those in charge of hospitality, and Rev. George F. Almeida, Mt. Carmel parish, New Bedford, assistant area director.


This is cleanup time in the garden and that means that an awful lot of material can be composted for next year. We have finally settled on a method which works reasonably quickly and does not attract rats. All material to be composted is either shredded or thrown as is in a compost started and should be ready by May. bin (a rectangu1ar s t rue t ure In the Kitchen with 2 x 4 corner posts and Last long weekend we took side boards spaced one inch ·apart). We use all living material in our bin. This is added to a height of six inches packed down and then a layer of cow manure is added. The process is repeated until the heap is six or seven feet high when it is left until it completely breaks down. Composting this way builds up a tremendous amount of heat and therefore discourages rodents. By building the heap all Summer long and into the Fall there is continuous heat generated so that nesting cannot take place. When a pile is sufficiently built up, we cover it with heavy blankets to keep it from losing too much heat. Intersperse Leaves We mentioned that we use everything in the compost pile. There are exceptions in terms of the garden. We do not add household waste except for vegetable matter, that is; we do not add meat or fat scraps. Grass is treated differently in that when grass clippings are added to the pile we stack to a thickness of two inches and then add a layer of newspaper before adding two more inches. of grass clippings. This process allows the grass to rot without matting. Leaves compost very well but should be interspersed with other material in order to keep them from packing too heavily. We use a shredder to chop them up before adding them to the compost and this helps them to decompose faster than normal. We figure on six to. eight months before a pile is thoroughly composted so all of the material we are now setting into our bins will be ready in April or May. We have one now that has been working most of the summer and that will be availabl for use in February and March. Another has just been completed and will be ready in April. A third is just being

Continued from Page One Dominican Republic". The shape of such reverse missioning" varies widely. A young woman Religious spoke of sitting at home with her parents watching the evening news. While she marvelled at the total freedom of press in the United States, she wondered out loud about the sponsor's boast that "something we do today will affect your life," She had seen some of the results of huge companies affecting the lives of people she worked with in Chile, and the advertisement did not comfort her. Another furloughed missioner said that on shopping tours with her religious Sisters she found herself newly impressed with the variety and quality of goods on sale. But she also felt quite out of step with the lifestyle priorities reflected in the purchases of her companions. Until that moment, she said, it had not occurred to her how far her community in Tanzania had moved away from American standards as they sought actively to avoid insulting the peo·ple around them. A lay missioner, back home permanently after three years in New Guinea, feels that his goals in life have changed substantially thanks to his view of our country and our Church from a very different vantage point. stand the test of close scrutiny. As he registers for medical The celebration of Mission school, he speaks of promoting Sunday in this bicentennial year what is positive and cri~icizing might best consist in listening What is negative in American closely to what these men and medical structures and practice. women have to say. They come Formerly he had seen medicine back from places where life is as a way to increasing status. mostly a harsh and dreadful reAmerica's generosity in send- ality, often a struggle just to ing so many missionaries abroad stay alive. They sometimes manin the past 15 years seems to ifest impatience or lack of unbe reaping one very unique and derstanding about our problems unsought for harvest. Religious which they deem small in comand lay men are coming back to parison. But listening to them tell us not only of insights gained and allowing them to exercise about foreign cultures, but more ·this mission among us might just importantly of their reflections be the antidote needed for our on our Church and society. current isolationism, and the Often the ~flections prove dis- .catalyst which could move us turbing and unpalatable. Occa- from independence to interdesionally they are not very gently pendence, and perhaps on to solarticulated. But more often than idarity with the have-nots of our not our missionaries' critiques country and world.

in the sights of Philadelphia. with our three offspring. The cradle of liberty is certainly worth visiting but the six to seven hour drive to reach it from this area is trying, especially in a temperamental car. Much of our trip was spent in gas stations and of course this took a bit of the edge off of the joy of visiting any city, even one filled with history as Philadelphia. I do extensive reading before a trip in order really to enjoy what little time we have in one place. But this time I was unable to do that, so the pre-planning was missing. Even without all of the pluses, and our car is certainly a minus, Philadelphia instills a sense of history into the viewer, a sense that much of the philosophy of our country began there. One of the highlights of the trip, along with the historical perspective, was a delightful visit to the Norman Rockesll Museum. This is the first collection ever of Rockwell's Saturday Evening Post covers, along with oil reproductions of them. The museum owners are Rockwell fans who have collected his works for many years and their enthusiasm and faith in the American scene as depicted by the illustrator are evident in every facet of the exhibit, from !l delightfully informative slide presentation and lecture to a small but interesting gift shop. The Curtis Building is the setting for Mr. Rockwell's visual commentary on the American scene and it should be a must (it only opened last winter) on any visitor's agenda. Any trip, even one replete with problems, gives you a broader perspective and some joyful memories.

.' .tll COOL HAT: The boy said ..';;;,

Miami, Fla. Coadjutor Archbishop Edward A McCarthy had a "cool hat," so the prelate let him try it on. It happened at St. Francis Xavier parish, Miami, one of many the newly installed Archbishop has visited. (NC Photo)

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976


SILVER JUBILEE: Sister Margaret Welch, SND, marks silver juoilee in religious life at ceremonies at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, presided over by Bishop Cronin. From left, Sister Margaret, her mother, Bishop, and her father, Bartholomew Welch. SISTERS ELECT: New heads of St. Raphael Province of Sisters of Providence, with provincial headquarters in Fall River, meet with Sister Loretta Schafer (second left), superior general. They are, from left, Sister Eileen Mary Cunningham, assistant, Sister Francis Michael Driscoll, provincial, Sister Trinita O'Brien, assistant. The new provincial was formerly a faculty member at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River.


Women In the News

Cuban Prisoner Losing Eyesight MIAMI (NC) Among 32 women held as political prisoners in Cuba is Miriam Ortega, president of Catholic Action at the time of her arrest by Castro agents in 1960. A former fellow prisoner has said she is now partially paralyzed and losing an eye from mistreatment. Maria Antonia Mier, who was also a Cuban political prisoner, said several of the 32 women have been tortured, and others are in poor health from mistreatment and lack of medical attention. Ms. Mier spoke here before the Continental Congress of Women, following a meeting of the Inter-American Commission of Women, a branch of the Organization of American States (OAS). In describing conditions at Nuevo Amanecer (New Dawn), a

LEMIEUX PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Sales and Service for Domestic ~ and Industrial ~ Oil Burners

WOMEN IN MINISTRY: Speakers at Women in Ministry study day sponsored by Sisters' Senate of Fall River diocese at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, are, from left, Sister Mary Reilly, RSM and Sister Elizabeth Morancy, RSM, whose topic was political involvement of Sisters; Sister Mary Stewart, RSCJ, visitation of the sick; Sister Prudence Croke, RSM, the Church; Sister Thomas More, OP, the aged; Sister Catherine Kenney, RJM, spiritual direction.


prison for women, Ms. Mier said "the inmates are brutally beaten, and those gravely iII do not get medical attention." She said the 32 women refused to take the 'rehabilitation .courses" of Marxist indoctrination offered by the jailers, and as a reprisal they are subjected to harsh treatment. "Miriam Ortega is semi-paralyzed and is losing one eye as a result of the beatings," Ms. Mier said. She also quoted from a report of the OAS Commission on Human Rights saying, "women prisoners in Cuba are subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment."

After Mass Sunday Brunch At

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No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.

BISHOP'S NIGHT: At annual Bishop's Night of Fall River Catholic Women's Club are, from left, Miss Claire O'Toole, president; Mrs. Dorothy C. Sullivan, a past president; Bishop Daniel ~. Cronin; Mrs. Kenneth Leger, vice-president; Rev. John Moore, moderator. /


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21,1976




PRO路UFE DAY: Top to bottom, left to right, Rev. Thomas L. Rita, diocesan Pro-Life Coordinator, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Rev. Michel Methot, Adult Education director; Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill, Department of Education director. Morning speakers: Msgr. James T. McHugh, Professor Paul Castonguay, Father Rita, Mrs. Patricia Cushing, Father Meth,ot. At workshop on parish participation in prolife, Mrs. Janet Q. DesChenes. Section of audience, including dergy, Sisters, students, parish religious educators.

Continued from Page One 8aid Msgr. McHugh, include seeking alternatives to the family such as serial marriages or commune-style living. A response to the second might be withdrawal from society to live in isolation or in communities of like-minded families. 芦Neither response is satisfactory," he declared. "The family is a basic unit and must give its support to society while calling on society to support' its own goals." He listed among problems facIng the contemporary family: -Loss of autonomy to set its own standards, as government agencies fail to support familyoriented policies and laws exhibiting negative attitudes toward marriage, motherhood and children, with abortion legislation a prime example. -"Death with dignity" laws, diminishing the significance of death and making it "one more phenomenon we can put on a schedule" so that the living will not have to struggle with the inconveniences involved in protracted illness of a family member. -Population control, denying the principle of responsible parenthood and involving the government in what should be a family decision. The child should not be thought 'of as "a risk and a burden, an enemy of society," said Msgr. McHugh. "Such an attitude stultifies the generosity and courage normally associated with marriage." The pro-life director admitted that "some of this gloom and doom thinking is found in the Church," but affirmed that "historically, the family has displayed resilience and strength, and historians feel it will endure." No other structure, he pointed out, "provides the networks of one-to-one human relationships needed for development." Abortion, Euthanasia Following Msgr. McHugh, a discussion of rights at issue in the abortion controversy was presented by Mrs. Patricia Cushing of Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville, regional director for Birthright. Pointing out that abortions rank second only to tonsillectomies as an elective surgical procedure in the United States, Mrs. Cushing, a wife, mother and nurse, said that 98 percent of abortions are procured for social or economic reasons and that it is seldom realized that abortion is always a serious medical procedure with some degree of risk for the mother. "We are all educators," she stressed, "whether it's over coffee with a friend, in the classroom, in the pulpit or in our own family. We must be educated and prepared, and always ready to listen to people with problems."

Speaking to the complex issue of euthanasia, Paul Castonguay, a member of the faculty of Stonehill College, Easton, commented that it "makes me uncomfortable that interest in euthanasia increases in times of economic stress." Distinguishing between active and passive euthanasia as accelerating' dying or directly taking life in the one case and merely allowing someone to die in the other, Castonguay noted that about 17 percent of doctors, are not averse to the active form. He said that euthanasia is not a clearcut matter like abortion and that he has for several years been working on the preparation of guidelines for those who might be responsible for life or death decisions in the case of elderly, retarded, incurably ill or comatose patients. The speaker warned against "Living Wills" which direct that "plugs to 'be pulled" if one is incurably ill. "How do you know how YOU'll feel about such a decision 40 years from now? he asked, adding that everything included in such instructions is already allowable as far as Church teaching is concerned. "The Church is most liberal in this area already." , Castonguay challenged clergy to take the lead in determinat.ion of bioethical problems. "Priests are apathetic with regard to abortion. They will not lead, and there is reason to think they might have the same attitude about euthanasia." He noted that there is far less research in the field of euthanasia than in abortion and warned that "laws will be on the books in five or six years and we must be prepared." AJternoon VVorkshops Afternoon workshops dealt with Birthright organizations, of which there are five in the diocese, with pro-life legislation, methods of organizing parish

pro-life action, medical data on abortion, natural family planning and a continuation of the morning's discussion on euthanasia. Mrs. Janet Q. DesChenes of Worcester, a worker with Msgr. McHugh on the Bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities, told parish pro-lifers that their first task was to familiarilZe themselves with the national Pastoral Pro-Life plan. "The bottom line is, Do I accept the Church's magisterium on life issues?" she declared, saying that parish involvement is true grass roots political action. Natural family planning was explained by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickey of Weymouth who expressed willingness to counsel individual couples and to arrange slide presentations and lectures for interested groups. They may be reached at 896 Middle St. in Weymouth. In this area, it was also announced . that a natural family planning program will be undertaken at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, with Mrs. Patricia Dobek, RN, in charge. "It takes a little time and it takes a lot of loving," said the Hickeys in summing up the natural planning method they advocate. Closing th~ day, Miss Dianne Gagnier, diocesan social worker, outlined services available through the Social Services office, including adoption programs, rE'fugee placement and foster care of babies. Summing up the pro-life position, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin called abortion a "total denial in this bicentennial year of what this country stands for. It is ripping human life apart before it has an opportunity to get started." The Bishop declared that "in our small diocese we are throwing our pebbles in the ocean of human activity in the hope that their ripples will affect others." The prelate will climax diocesan observance of Respect Life month at 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 31 when he is principal celebrant of a Mass fo'r Life at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. The 8:45 a.m. Channel Six television Mass ,on the same day will also have a pro-life theme. It will be celebrated by Rev. Thomas L. Rita, diocesan pro-life coordinator.

NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickey, Weymouth, conduct workshop on natural family planning at Pro-Life Study Day. "It takes a little time and a lot of loving," they averred.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976





VOCATIONAL RETREAT: At recent retreat at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, for young men considering seminary entrance, left and center, Bishop Cronin meets with participants and with priests and seminarians tures, slide presentations and discussion on the roles of priests, religious and laity in contemporary society. Last week was the first Na"Pray with Jesus for Vocational Vocations Awareness tions" is a prayer service on the Week sponsored by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops theme of following Christ, and -but the idea is not new in the "Holy Orders: An Explanation" Fall River diocese, where a Vo- discusses the ordination cercations Awareness Program has emony and the definition and been in operation since 1974 mission of deacon, priest and under direction of Very Rev. bishop. Father Smith has a special John J. Smith with the very active participation of seminarians series of programs designed for elementary school students and of the diocese. The program seeks to increase 'intended to supplement CCD or awareness of the call of the parochial school studies on any Church to follow the Lord, to 'of the seven sacraments. They brainstorming techmake known the many ways of \include becoming involved in active niques, role-playing and use of ministry and to explain the vi- audiovisual aids. ability of vocations to the priestFor high school and college ly or religious life. I3tudents is a film and discussion First in importance in attract- program, "Many Gifts: One Spiring people to Christ, say all vo- it," which focuses on lay as cation directors, is the witness well as religious and priestly of priests, brothers and sisters fife-styles. And Father Smith happy in their chosen lives. But will arrange participation by a also significant are well- 'seminarian as a team member on planned programs. Among those parish evenings or weekends of available in the diocese, tailored retreat for young people. to the needs of those interested Other vocation awareness opin the diocesan priesthood or in portunities include the possiblity of visiting seminaries and other houses of religous formation for a day or weekend. And a special time of working for the Holy Spirit, points out Father Smith, is the occasion of an ordination or a first Mass. He is glad to arrange attendance by groups of young people or adults at such events, and will also set up special programs at area high schools and colleges. He is assisted in his work by area vocation coordinators, all of whom are glad to give further information about any program. NOVICE AWAITS recep- They are Rev. Richard Beaulieu, Taunton; Rev. George Bellenoit, tion of Holy Communion. Attleboro; Rev. William Boffa, Westport; Rev. George Coleman, orders of religious men or wom- Centerville; Rev. Timothy Golden, are priest-seminarian di- rick, Buzzards Bay and Rev. alogues or socials, at which sem- Horace Travassos, Somerset. inarians and those already or- Father Smith may be reached dained can discuss topics such at St. John the Evangelist recas admission to candidacy, lay tory, Attleboro, telephone 222ministries, and the spiritual, ac- 1206. ademic and field education programs which lead to the priesthood or religious life. For general audiences are vocation Masses, followed by reDAYTON, Ohio (NC)-Fifteen ception at which seminarians can informally discuss their vo- years of declining religous vocacations; and "Coffee 'n' Chris- tions have planted a "time bomb tian" gatherings, including lec- with delayed action of about



directing program; right, lakeside prayer service. Two-day program included talks by lay people, seminarians, offered prayerful experience, practical information on vocational decision.

three decades" that threatens the Church in the United States. In a report on the vocation crisis Marianist Father William J. Ferree, director of the Second Career Vocation Center here, pointed out that in the last 15 years the number of novices in

retirement in the late 40s or 50s to well into the 70s contains as large a span of active service as even youth could offer in fairly recent centuries when the average life-span was in the 40s." And this extended service, the report added, "brings with it

Vocations religious communities has declined by 90 percent. He cited a study of the lives of the saints showing that 19 percent of the priests and religious responded to their vocations as youths, 54 percent as adults and 27 percent as "senior citizens." Criticizing "our present rather blind and exclusive commitment to youth vocations," Father Ferree suggested that "it will take considerable reeducation of the Catholic people to get the idea of a possible second career in the Church back into their life planning." The idea of entering the Religious life or the priesthood after "a lifetime of secular living" is .only "a return to the age-old tradition of the Church which down, through the ages accepted a vocation response at any mature age," the report declared. "Our exclusive preoccupation with a youth response only is a very modern development which had its beginnings with the - cathedral and monastery schools but which became universal only in very recent cen路 turies after the foundation of the teaching orders and the universalization of the schooL" Moreover, the report continues, "the modern second-career period, reaching from eventual

l$J l\t...



40 MacArthur Boulevard Bourne, Massachusetts 02532 (Rt. G路A, Sandwich, Mass.

great maturity, experience, competence, resources and stability." Although recruitment of the young "will continue for some time to be radically insufficient," it will remain necessary to go on with recruitment efforts and they should be aimed at "keeping open the vocatipn question Into the 'late vocation' period," the report stated.


Although doctors pronounced him a "vegetable" after a fall in 1967, Johnson has since proved them wrong. It was at the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center in Fisherville, Va., that he "learned to take care of myself almost 100 per cent." "With God's grace," he added at another point, "I was able to rehabilitate," He studied sociology and graduated with a bachelor's degree Jast May. His room at St. Mary's has been renovated and a ramp installed for him. The seminary building was already equipped with an 'elevator. Johnson is delighted at his progress towards the priesthood. "It seems like yesterday that a priest I know back home suggested I apply ... and now I'm here."

Special BALTIMORE (NC) - Twentyseven-year-old Steve Johnson was sitting in his wheelchair the other day, explaining what he wants to be. "My prayer has been very simple and basic," said Johnson, a quadriplegic who began studies at St. Mary's Seminary here. "That is, if God wants me to go to the seminary, He opens the doors-then I'm convinced He wants me in this ministry. And it's really uncanny the way they've opened." Johnson, a first-year student who has been paralyzed from the shoulders down for the last nine years, is wa'iting for the last door to open. If he receives a final dispensation from the Vatican, he plans to finish theological studies and be ordained in about four-and-a-half years. Until the Second Vatican Council, the severely handicapped were generally diseouraged from entering the seminary. But here was Johnson, a native of Chesapeake, Va., sitting on the front porch of St. Mary's explaining what motivated him to become a priest.

WANTS TO BE A PRIEST: Steve Johnson, 27, attends class at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Although paralyzed from shoulders down, he hopes for ordination. (NC Photo)

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THE ANCHOR-·Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976


the editor II

letters are welcomed, but shJuld be no rrore than 200 wJrds. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed end include a home or business edc ress.

they refused to vote for legislation to protect our lives. We would realize that a fruitful economy, good medical care, economic justice and excellent education are useless if we do not have the most basic rightthe right to life. Thus, why should a few Catholics criticize those who only vote for pro-life candidates? Are they so selfish that they place less value on the lives of the handicapped, the disadvantaged, the elderly and the unborn than on their own? We must demand proper moral standards from our elected officials. Those who are armed robbers, who appropriate public money for their own use or who sexually molest children are morally unfit for any public office. Likewise, those who are willing to allow the slaughter of millions of innocent preborn children, are not morally acceptable. Only those morally upright officials, who support a human life amendment, deserve our votes. Jeremy Jackson Silver Spring, Md.



Splendid Job




Dear Editor: Father Moore's column on Catholic use of televisio:;) ("Why Not Us?", The Anchor, Aug. 12) was so terrific, we are forwardbg to bishops, cardinals and several other Catholic: newspapers! Father Moore does a splendid job for Catholicism! Kathryn Ellis Nowak Committee for Return to Christian Values Marion

Asks Pro-Life Vote Dear Editor: Some Catholics indicate that we must not vote for a candidate on one issue. However, if the lives of all Catholics were threatened because certain individuals were legally allowed to kill us, we would only vote for those candidates who would stop such slaughter. In fact, we would not support candidates who were otherwise highly qualified, if

Never Ends "For though our Saviour's Passion is over, His Compassion is not."-William Penn

For Information Call: 762·8722 or write 30 Mann Street, SCI. Attleboro, Mass. 02703 FALL RIVER - TUllsdays 6 PM Retail Clerks Union Hall, 291 McGowan St. FALL RIVER - DOWNTOWN - Wednesdays 9:30 AM Holiday Inn, Milliklm Blvd. ATTLEBORO - Mondays 1 PM & 7:30 PM· VFW, 176 Pleasant Street FAIRHAVEN - Wednesdays 8 PM VFW, 126 Main Street NEW BEDFORD - Tuesdays 6 PM & 8 PM, Thursdays 10 AM VFW, 929 Ashley Blvd. NEW BEDFORD - Wednesdays 8 PM Moose Club, 446 Dartmouth Street NEW BEDFORD - DOWNTOWN - Wednesdays 10 AM YMCA, 25 South Water Street NORTH ATTLEBORO - Thursdays 7:30 PM K of C Hall,287 Smith Street NORTH DARTMOUTH - Wednesdays 7:30 PM Smith Mills Congregational Church Parish Hall, 11 Anderson Way (off Rt. 6) PORTSMOUTH - Tuesdays 9:30 AM & 7:30 PM Ramada Inn, Jet. F:outes 138-114 SOMERSET - MOildays 7:30 PM, Thursdays 9:30 AM, 6 & 8 PM, 970 County St. SWANSEA - Tues:iays 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus, 143 Old Warren Road TAUNTON - Wednesdays 10 AM & 5:30 PM YMCA, 71 COhannE!t Street WESTPORT - Thursdays 7:30 PM Westport Grange, .V1ain Street





Question (orner ?•





By Father John Dietzen Q. What is our obligation as Catholics toward confession today? Is it part of our Easter duty?

14th TERM: Malden native John W. McDevitt was named to a 14th term as Knights of Columbus supreme knight at a director's board meeting in Hollywood, Fla. He was Waltham superintendent of schools for 18 years before assuming office as deputy supreme knight in 1960, prior to his present position. Also at the Florida meeting, retired Bishop Charles P. Greco was named to a 17th term as supreme chaplain.

AMHA Meeting Set in Dedham



The Association of Massachusetts Home for the Aging (AMHA) will hold its annual meeting at the Dedham Inn in Dedham Wednesday Oct. ;1.7. Association membership is limited to. trustees, directors and administrators of non-profit facilities for the aging, but the meeting is open to other interested persons. Its theme will be the role of non-profit facilities as viewed by regulatory agencies and speakers will include Sen. Edward Kennedy, Jonathan M. Fielding, M.D., commissioner of the State Department of Public Health, and representatives of various state and government agencies concerned with the problems of the aging. .


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A. The obligation concerning the sacrament of Penance is the same today as it has been: One is obligated to receive it at least once a year if he is guilty of a serious (mortal) ~in that has not been confessed before. This is, at least, necessary if one intends, as he should, to receive the Eucharist during the Easter season. You understand, of course, that once a year is not what the Church recommends. Such regulations are simply an encouragement to this minimum for those who otherwise might carelessly neglect the sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist year after year.

During coming months, many homilies, articles and Catholic publications will deal with the hew Rite of Penance which becomes mandatory for the whole Church at the beginning of next Lent. Q. I always thought that when we have to decide whether something is right or wrong, we are supposed to follow our own conscience. However, I mentioned this in a group recently, and priest said it was not true. According to him, we are obliged to follow the teaching of those in authority, especially in the Church. Who is right? A. Possibly much of your confusion arises from the fact that the word "conscience can mean many different things.

You are correct in believing that our personal moral decisions must be made on the basis of what we ourselves honestly believe is right. Whatever another may say or do, God holds us responsible for our moral actions, and that responsibi'lity cannot be shifted to someone else. We must reach our decision, and then trustingly be able to stand before God and say, "I may be wrong, but to the best of my' ability, I sincerely believe this is what I should do." What the priest possibly was attempting to tell you was that an honest conscience is not, as many people today appear to believe, a kind of blind instinct or spontaneous feeling. This could come more from selfishness or cowardice than from any good motive. A genuine Christian conscience is the product of persevering effort in charity, faith, maturity, reflection, prudence and prayer. It involves giving proper weight in these reflections to what our common sense tells us, to the principles given to us by our Lord in the Gospels, and to the insights and







teachings presented for the guidance of our Christian lives by those who have the responsibility as teachers in the Church. All of this is required in developing a sincere, adult, Christian conscience, which is the kind of conscience we have the obligation and right to form and follow. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen in care of The Anchor, ·P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722.

Holy Communion In response to questions concerning Father Dietzen's response to a questioner concerning the reception of Holy Communion more than once a day, we print here a summary of the latest instruction "Immensae Caritatis" which dealt with the matter: Reception of the Eucharist Twice on the Same Day: In addition to prior-existing circumstances when Eucharistic Communion was permitted twice on the same day (e.g., Easter, when the communicant attended the Paschal Vigil, Christmas, when the communicant attended the Midnight Mass, etc.) some further circumstances are enumerated in the Immensae Caritatis. The law by which the faithful are permitted to receive Holy Communion only once a day remains in effect. Exceptions, however, are now noted, including the following: 1. Masses in which the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Sacred Orders and Matrimony are administered, and Masses at which First Communion is received. 2. Masses in which a church or altar is consecrated, or a religious profession is made, or a "canonical mission" is conferred. 3. Funeral Masses, Masses on the first anniversary, Masses celebrated after notification of death or on the day of final burial. 4. At the principal Mass in the .Cathedral or in the parish on the feast of Corpus Christi or the day of a parochial visitation and at the Mass celebrated by the major superior in a religious community on the occasion of a canonical visitation, a special meeting or a chapter. 5. At the principal 'Mass of a Eucharistic or Marian Congress, whether international, national, regional or diocesan. 6. At the principal Mass of 'lny congress, pilgrimage or mission for the people. . 7. In the administration of Viaticum, in which Communion can also be given to relatives and friends of the patient. 8. For a specific and special circumstance of some pastoral importance with the approval of the Diocesan Ordinary.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976

Nation's Bishops to Meet Continued from Page One ~oncerning the Church and the problems of immigrants, and proposals for implementing recent discussions on the mission of their episcopal conference. The Pastoral on Moral Values is a major document which applies the teachings of the Gospel to a wide range of contemporary problems. It is the work 'of an ad hoc committee headed by Auxiliary Bishop John B. McDowell of Pittsburgh. Widespread consultation with the Catholic scholarly community has been an integral part of the development of the pastoral since its inception two years ago. The pastoral is tentatively entitled "To Live in Christ Jesus". In its present form, the document begins with a discussion of basic principles of the Christian moral life, then proceeds to examine specific moral issues under three headings; the family, the nation, the community of nations. U. S.-Panama The USCC Committee on Social Development and World Peace reaffirms the stance taken by the USCC Administrative Board last year in favor of a new treaty between the U. S. and Panama. It seeks' a continued program of public education and discussion on the canal. Communications The resolution on a national collection for the Church's diocesan and national communication needs is a preliminary discussion. It will then be subject to diocesan and regional consultation and will be voted at the May 1977 meeting of the Bishops in Chicago.

Childhood Care The USCC Committee on Education has presented the statement on "Early Childhood Care and Education." Noting that the foundations of attitudes about human relationships and of social and religious values are laid before the child reaches school age, the statement calls on the Church to reaffirm its commitment to early childhood care and learning, and to education for parenthood. It calls for programs to strengthen and support Christian family life as a high priority in the Church, to help single parents and working mothers, to meet the special needs of educationally disadvantaged, abused and handicapped children, and to institute the Church and with with other concerned parties in meeting young children's need for care and education. Immigrants An NCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Migration and Tourism prepared the "Church and the Immigrant Today" resolution. It relates the Church's traditional ooncern for the social and spiritual needs of uprooted people to the present day concerns of immigrants, refugees, migrant workers, seamen and others. . The resolution makes numerous and highly detailed recommendations on reforming current U. S. immigrant legislation, on the administration of immigration law, on inustices some;imes inflicted upon the children of immigrants, on employment, social security and health, temporary migrant workers, the special problems of women immigrants and the problem of "undocumented" immigrants.


Plan 'New Journey in Faith' At St. Joseph, New Bedford


Priest Is U.S. Representative

"A New Journey in Faith" for all confirmed adults in St. Joseph parish, New Bedford, will begin Wednesday, Nov. 3. Described as a parish-wide program for continued religious growth to help lead confirmed adults into a spiritual maturity, it is planned to take' a young person "from confirmation into an endless search for the Godexperience of a truly matured Christian adulthood:' Organizers of the program are Rev. Roger LeDuc, associate pastor, with the help of the religious education team of the parish school, the Auxiliary School of Religion, the Religious Education Board and the parish coun. cil. Plans call for a six-point schedule, beginning with a foursession "Community of Faith" agenda, to include discussion of family-centered religion Wednesday, Nov. 3; an examination of marriage Wednesday, Dec. 1; and studies of religious education into old age and ways of participating in parish activities during January and February. Shared Prayer Following each session, an experience of shared contempla-

tive prayer will be offered in St. Joseph's sacristy chapel. This will "presuppose some knowledge of the prayer of silence and some experience in daily meditation." During December, January and February special programs will also be held for parents of youngsters preparing for First Penance, First Communion and Confirmation. Others interested in new insights into these sacraments are welcome to attend. Methods of witnessing and teaching religious truths will be considered in a four-session course beginning Wednesday, Nov. 17; and priests of the parish are willing at any time to conduct a home program including Mass and informal discussion with family members and friends. Arrangements for this may be made at the rectory. The religious growth program will conclude with a six-session retreat during March and April with the theme "A Sacramental Community is Ready for Pentecost."

UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (NC) - When Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko in a speech here indirectly attacked U. S. efforts to achieve peace in southern Africa, the principal U. S. representative in attendance was a Catholic priest. Observers here regarded the presence of the priest, symbolizing religious believers harassed by Soviet officials and policies, as a possible U.S. answer to Moscow's charges that U.S. diplomatic activity in southern Africa is an attempt to "prolong colonial and racial oppression" IMoving & Storage Co.! there. Doane' Heal 'Ames INCOI'O'AllO The priest was Father Robert • Attleboro, Mass. FUNERAL P. Hupp, director of Boys Town TEL. 222-5353 • in Omaha, Neb., who has been SERVICE Taunton, Mass. S.'¥intJ AU Foith~ appointed by President Gerald 5in(.1926 TEL. 823-2525 Ford as a "public delegate" to the 31st UN General Assembly Robert l. Studley. freas, Howard C. Doane Sr. Gordon l. Homer session. He is to participate in Howard C. Doane Jr. Robert l. Studley UN discussions d~aling with soHYANNIS 775-0684 cial, humanitarian and cultural t South Yarmouth 398·2201 United Van Lines HarwIch Port 432-0593 concerns. " ••••••••••••••••••e.8~ Ordinarily Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is present for the speech to the General Assembly by his counterpart, the Soviet foreign minister. But Kissinger was in Washington to disFall Ri\.er lrust brings }W cuss the sale of U.S. missiles to Saudi Arabia with the Senate foreign Relations Committee. U.S. Ambassador to the UN William W. Scranton, who holds Cabinet rank, was at a Cabinet meeting in Washington and could not attend. Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) and Sen. Howard Baker (RTenn.), the representatives of Congress on the current U.S. delegation, were also absent, as were other U.S. delegates to the assembly session. So, conspicuous in clerical collar and black suit, Father Hupp 9a.m. 4p.m. was the highest-ranking member of the U.S. delegation present for the 50 minutes of Gromyko's speech.

~I············"··"····i MacDONALD I

i I







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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976

KNOW YOUR FAITH 'Prayer to the Father'

What Should We Call God? By ANTOINEITE BOSCO

You may have heard an often repeated story made to bring a smile to the face and a jolt to the brain. It's about a group discussing their belief in God; when a feminist comments: "Yes, I believe in HER." The remark may sou nd blasphemous to those who have a traditionalist approach to religion. And the newly popular phrase "Father/Mother God" may cause the same reaction. Nevertheless, this is a current issue. So we must ask: Are we dealing with irreverence:) Or are we dealing with'valid questions? Since this issue has been taken seriously by eminent scholars and theologians, it is safe to say immediately that the questioning is valid. We know, too, beyond the shadow of doubt that God is the One wpo gives us life and nourishes us-a function which belongs to both Fathl~r and Mother. Obviously God is' a Parent. In times past, no or..e ques-


tioned the issue of God as Father. But we live in an age when "sexism" is undergoing eradication. And what could be more sexist than confining God -the Creator-to a male body? Unfortunately, we're caught up in images. Since the male Father image of God has always been a firm tenet of Christian belief, tampering with the image is shattering. So we've fallen into the easy, but wrong position of identifying God' with an image. After all, we can understand an image much more easily \han we can revel in the mystery of His immensity. For a moment, let's look at the Judaic roots of our Christian faith in the Old Testament. The Jewish people viewed God as so holy that only the Hebrew priests were allowed to say His name, Yahweh. Not only was He their Creator, but He was also their Father who guided and protected them. He was a Parent in every sense of the word-He told His children what to do and exTurn to Page Thirteen

How lis God a Father?

By DEACON STEVE LANDREGAN Jesus gave us the image of God as our father when his disciples asked Him to teach them to pray as John the Baptist had taught his followers. His response (Lk. 11, 2-4) wa~: simply, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your nare,e, your kingdom come..." For us today thinking of God as Father is as natural as breathing. Not so for the followers of Jesus. His referring to God as Father was new and strange... and His use of the very personal term "Abba.... (translated daddy or papa) bordered on the blasphemous. In the Old Testament, using "Father" to describe the relationship between God a,nd man was rare at best. Where such a father image is found, it refers to God's being a Father to His people Israel. Just as a natural father would do, God gave His chose:l people their existence, their I~ssential character, set them aBide for special responsibility, and never

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withheld His love or forgiveness. Finally, God sent His Divine Son to complete Israel's notion of God through personal contact and presence. Not only did He address God as Father, but He often referred while preaching to "your father," and "their father," as well as "my father." He called on His disciples to imitate God their Father by being perfect as He is, by being merciful as He is and by forgiving as He forgives. In Divine Revelation God com~ municates Himself to us in language and images that we can grasp and understand. This is true of the vivid and concrete images of Jewish thought patterns and word usage. Turn to Page Thirteen


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I joined five couples the other night at a home in our parish for a combination "after the meeting let's relax" and "before a big event we wish you well" kind of session. Two of the couples had been commissioned a few weeks earlier as special ministers of Holy Communion to the sick. That evening they joined the other 10 ministers in the church hall to evaluate those initial Sunday visits to the ill, to share their reactions, to make practical plans for the future and to view filmstrips on the Eucharist and Penance. Now at 10:30, they were sitting on the floor of this house unwinding in the midst of several persons especially close to them. One of the couples had returned eariler in the week from a "deeper" Marriage Encounter. Selected to become a member of teams who present the talks on regular M.E. weekends, this husband and wife traveled to New York for that special threeday training experience. They were still floating on a cloud or, perhaps more accurately, were still tasting the profound spiritual peace of those 44 hours. Another couple, our host and hostess, would leave the next afternoon to "give" a M.E. weekend. Their talks were written and had been carefully critiqued by veteran couples in the movement. However, the anticipation of sitting before 25 new couples, quite intimately revealing -one's self to them, and hoping the experience will touch these husbands and wives leaves any presenting couple anxious. We were on hand to support Pat and Donna with our presence and prayers. The last couple, a veteran "presenting" husband and wife scheduled for a weekend several months later, understood and shared the feelings of those present. Prayer to Father When I left we all, in a frequently practiced Marriage Encounter tradition, formed a closed circle and prayed. The prayer was informal, spontaneous, personal and addresssed to the Father. Each one participated "Thank you, Father" for this evening and for humor." "Father, bless Pat and Donna and the couples they will touch this weekend." "Take care of our father, Father, as he leaves for Rome." "Help the sick we visit." "Thank you, Father, for giving us one another." None of those couples two years earlier would have prayed like that. They were then and are now excellent Catholics and active parishioners. But such open, shared prayer to our

DISCUSSING MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER, Msgr. Champlin writes that after a three-day training session, one couple was "still floating on a cloud, tasting the profound spiritual peace of those hours." A husband and wife demonstrate dialogue technique. (NC Photo) Father in heaven was not a pattern in their lives. Archbishop Jean Jadot, Pope Paul's representative in the United States, sees in the charismatic movement and in Marriage Encounter two 'great signs of renewal in the Church. My own experience with M.E. leads me to agree strongly with him in that observation. It was the Marriage Encounter weekends and follow-up programs which brought those five couples to


such a desire for an openness in prayer to the Father. The liturgical reforms rather neatly coincide with this emphasis on our relationship to the Father. Revisions in the prefaces and eucharistic prayers, for example, restore the original notion that the Mass is worship of the Father through Christ, our mediator in the Holy Spirit. Notice, this Sunday, how often the word "Father" occurs.

We Share in His Sonship. • •


In the Bible, one of the most commonly used expressions for the divine-human relationship is that of Father and child. The people of God experienced this kind of relationship in His dealings with their king and with themselves. A key chapter in the Old Testament in 2 Sm. 7, David has captured Jerusalem and has brought thither the Ark of the Covenant, for which he wants to build a permanent abode. God, however, informs Nathan that David is not to build a temple; that will be the task of his son ,and successor, Solomon. In a delightful word-play Nathan tells David that, on the contrary, Yahweh will build a house (a royal dynasty) for David. Nathan says: "The LORD also reveals to you that he will establish a house for you. And when the time comes and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your heir after you, sprung from your loins, and I will make his kingdom firm. It is he who shall build a house

for my name. And I will make his royal throne firm forever, I will be a father to him and he shall be a son to me" (2 Sm. 7,11-14). Thus was established the sacred, intimate relationship between Yahweh and the king. What better way to express it than in terms of father-son? It became an integral part of the people's notion of kingship, and there is a strong reflection of it in Psalm 2. This psalm seems to have been used in the liturgy for the solemn enthronement of subsequent kings. The people sang their verses; the new king sang his, and one of his verses was the following: "I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: The LORD said to me, "You are my son; this day I have begotten you" (Ps 2,7). Hands of Love Not only the king was looked upon as God's "son." Yahweh was father to all His people. There is this beautiful passage at the beginning of Hosea 11: When Israel was a child I loved him, out of Egypt I called my son. Turn to Page Thirteen



Only His Rank

Thurs., Oct. 21, 1976

Protects Him

Continued from Page Twelve Real Images Darkness and light conjure up real images to men and women who experience the dangers and limitations of darkness in their world as opposed to the openness and viral qualities of light. In the modern idiom, they can "identify" with it. On the other hand, it is difficult for most of us to identify with "infinite perfection." God reveals Himself to us as Father through Jesus because the people to whom Jesus preached understood the father image as being the careful balance of love and authority, of discipline and forgiveness. Of course, there are always those whose natural fathers do not reflect the loveauthority balance, yet even these persons usually recognize and long for the true paternal figure. The dominant image of God in Divine Revelation is as Father. It is familial because the closest human approximation of God's selfless love that forgives and forgives even in the face of rebellion and apostasy, is familial love, the selfless, forgiving, longsuffering love between parent and child. God as Father cannot be considered apart from Jesus as Son. It is the Son who reveals the Father. To know and see the Son is to know and see the Father and no one can come to the Father except through the Son. The metaphorical relationship of Israelites as sons of God becomes a reality to Christians who are now sons of God through their faith in Christ, adopted sons through the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. "Any who did accept him he empowered to become children of God" (John 1, 12). God is a Father to us because through our faith in Jesus we have become children of God, sons and daughters with the Son, whose .inheritance includes a participation in the very nature of our Father. With Him we truly say "Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come

TURIN, Italy ~NC)-"Were I a simple priest, they (Brazilian authorities) would have taken away my rights ·long ago," Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, said in an interview published here by La Stampa. A severe critic of his country's military dictatorship, the archbishop said, "They let me alone because I am a bishop. They let me travel as a piece

We Share, Continued from Page Twelve The more I called them, the farther they went from me, Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, who took them in my arms; I drew them with human cords, With hands of love; I fostered them like one who raises an infant to his cheeks; Yet, though I stooped to feed my child, they did not know that I was their healer. (1-4) This passage serves as a good transition to the father-son relationship in the New Testament. In his infancy story, Matthew applies the second part of verse 1 to the return of the Holy Family from Egypt. He writes: "He stayed there until the death of Herod, to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 'Out of Egypt I have called my son'" (Mt. 2,15). But now, in the Gospel context, the child is God's son in a way far trancsending the sonship of Israel. He is, in a unique sense, the Son of God. What was once a beautiful figure of speech is now a stupendous reality. Of course, Matthew was writIng from the vantage point of post-resurrection faith, when Jesus' true identity was finally realized. Before the resurrection it was not, and we don't find His divine Sonship spelled out explicitly in the Gospels (especially the Synoptics), which are accounts of His public ministry. None of' Jesus' contemporaries, even His intimates, suspected His full identity. It was hard enough for them to accept Him as Messiah; that He should have been the Son of God was simply inconceivable.

God a Father ?

of propaganda to prove that there is freedom here in Brazil. Were I a simple priest, they would have taken away my rights long ago." The archbishop added, "I have said it all over the world, that on the South American continent there is a strong rebirth of neonazism. You can except Costa Rica, Venezuela and Colombia which are not military dictatorships. And Mexico is in a class by itself. "But neo-nazism means nationalism, with all its implications. In the name of national security you can do anything, even what is against the law, like torturing people." He continued, "I do not speak against Brazil, but against injustice wherever it is in the world. And just because I refuse to limit myself to a criticism of Communism, I am for that reason branded a Communist." Speaking of his recent visit to the 41st International Eucharistic Congress in Ph'iladelphia where he and Mother Teresa of Calcutta were among the most sought-after personalities, Archbishop Camara said he refused to go on radio or television or to grant interviews "to avoid needless provocations and also to preserve the margin of freedom they still grant me to travel outside the country." He spoke of unemployment, insecurity, and starvation wages in his country. "We will end up like India," he said, "where 700 million human beings have nothing, where daily are found in the streets those who died of hunger, all to insure the pleasure of a few hundred maharajas." Admitting that the present regime in Brazil had relented in some respects, he finished, "But don't be deceived, they are and remain implacable. For them, all that counts in national security. Justice and humanity take second place, and thus, they have no value. And outside Brazil, in Argentina and Chile, it is worse still."

FATHER/MOTHER GOD: Artist Eric Smith offers his interpretation of how God might appeal: as a woman. (NC Photo)

What Should We Call God? Continued from· Page Twelve pected them to obey Him. When they rebelled, He punished them. But His immense love for them spread its protective umbrella over them. He .gave them manna from heaven when the earth produced no food in the desert wastelands: He parted a sea for them so they could cross it to freedom and closed it when they were on the other side, allowing no enemy to follow them. His people felt many things for Him-awe, respect, love. He led them to a knowledge of Him slowly, gently. And when the time for a fuller knowledge was at hand, He sent His only Son to live among them and to share in their humanity. This Son, Jesus, grew to manhood in the ordinary way of the rest I)f us. But when He reached His prime, He went out among the people and told them about ,His Father and the heavenly t:ingdom. Through Jesus, revelation ...

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reached its glorious climax. Jesus made it easy to approach God. The world will never forget that He walked with us hand in hand. He spoke of His Father easily, helping the people to know Him and to understand fully that He is a gentle Father full of compassion, understanding, and mercy. But the Father also possessed the quality every good parent must have ...-a guiding hand for His children, an insistence on obedience, a penalty to pay for deliberate failure. His model of parenthood tells us that a good "arent is not stupidly indulgent, but expects performance in accordance with ability. Call God Father, Mother Part"nt - as the cultural occasion determines-but let's not reduce Him to a discussion of sex and roles. This hopelessly shrinks our understanding of Him.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976

basic youth page •

Life In Music By The Dameans

Don't Stop Believin'

THEY'RE INVOLVED: Going the "extra mile" at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, are, from top left clockwise, faculty members Terry Dougall, Jackie Bertrand (foreground), Bob Goldrick, John Mercer, Carol Stigh.

You think the world should see things your way, love, IKnow you You think good fortune's here to stay, love, I know you You shine in everything you've tried before Your smile can open any door. ._ But on those days when nobody wants to know you And all your smiles keep fallin' on stoney ground Don't stop believin', don't stop believin', don't stop believin' Bad days, bad days will hurry by You never chase your dreams, they find you, love I know you If you need love, it'd find you too, love, although You said "alone and free, I'd follow in your wake And pray someday my heart you'll take." p 1976 MCA Records, Inc. Written by: John Farrar Performed by Olivia Newton-John Some people seem to have everything going for themor so they think. When gifts were distributed they were in the right place at the right time. The world appears to revolve around these people; their smile can "open any door"; good fortune's here to stay; even love comes their way without effort. Talk about having it all together! And then reality hits. The day comes when nobody wants to know this "good fortune" person. Suddenly the smiles keep "fallin' on stoney ground." On these kinds of days, he begins doubting himself, his abilities aIi.d life itself. What about the person in "Don't Stop Believin'?" As usual, Olivia Newton-John performs excellently. Her convincing voice makes you feel you are worth it, and that you should not stop believing in yourself and in life. As the song begins, one feels that the person she sings about has an unrealistic view of himself. The "you think" statements in the first two lines bear this out. Apparently, many things have fallen in place for him and he seems to be genuinely gifted. So it is likely that he will struggle with the bad days. They will be especially painful because . he is not used to being rejected and not being the center of attention. What will help him grow through it all seems to be the understanding, acceptance, and love she has for him. As Olivia Newton-John sings "love, I know you," you can almost see the smile of understanding on her face. When those bad days are met with that type of support, he will probably learn to be more realistic about himself. Hopefully he will be appreciative and become loveable in the process.

'At Stang, We're Involved'



By Sister Jane Higgins, RSM Stang Principal George: Milot often remarks that teaching there "is not just a job, but a way of life." Judging from the extra hours put in before school, after school, and in between, many faculty members agree with him and the I=ictures above prove it. When French teacher Jackie Bertrand agreed to come in early to sell school supplies, she couldn't rest until the bookstore was transformed "a la Jackie." Working weekends, she painted it herself, creating cozy .redbrick corners, embossing the counter·fronts with the Stang shield, and tacking up jaunty Spartan snowcaps. The girls' athletic teams work hard, but then so do their coaches - beyond the call of duty. Saturday mornings, or late afternoons, coach Carol Stigh can be seen barreling along on the school tractor cutting the

grass, while coach Terry Dougall lines the field with chalk. Blue Monday or not, teachers John Mercer, Rob Ostrye, and Al Spirlet spend all their Monday evenings running the Bingo' to support the school. The godfather of audiovisual equipment, Bob Goldrick, is the man behind the scenes for the many organizations using Stang's auditorium. His presence averts many a blown fuse, electrical and otherwise. Whenever a paintbrush can be wielded Sister Gertrude Gaudette's deft touch is seen; from tiny lettering on a door to a massive public relations' poster campaign, Sister's art enhances Stang's chances. English teacher Henry Fortin coaches not only teams, but as voluntary busdriver for all school trips, he often coaches life back into the bus itself. School-related photography is done by Michael Downing, guidance counsellor, and volunteer

cameraman, as well as by Sister Gertrude. Also wearing another hat, that of gourmet chef, teacher and coach John O'Brien wins acTurn to Page Fifteen

focus on youth ••• by Cecelia Belanger Young people write me beautiful letters, full of young wisdom, depth and a whole lo~ of caring, wanting to be trusted, to be respected. Following are some examples: "A friend made fun of me because I would not go to a 'porno' movie and lie about my Turn to Page Fifteen

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• THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 21, 1976

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focus on youth ••.


Continued from Page Fourteen age. I know the theatres are filled mostly with adults who go, not young people. But the reason I won't go is because I think it is degrading to the ones who go as well as the ones on the screen. I would never run a movie theatre and show those kinds of films. Adults should have a responsibility to young people and stop just thinking about money and contracts and so forth. "Besides, I don't agree with those young people who say that these movies do no harm. My friend-well, that's all he thinks about and talks about and he can't seem to erase it from his mind. He wasn't like that before. I wish someone would do something about it."


Silver City Already Prepping For Classic Grid Showdown The best team? Well, that depends on to whom you are talking. One's loyalties obviously affect the reply. But, regardless the debate has already begun in Taunton where high school football fever is reaching epidemic proportions. The Silver City, which is currently boasting two champion Dartmouth, then went on to edge Attleboro and Saturchampionship calibre teams, day last turned back a strong is preparing for what could New Bedford eleven 20-14. be a classic showdown. The football season opened at Taunton High on rather an inauspicious note. The Frank Almeida coached Tigers dropped the opening game to North Quincy of the Suburban League 6-0. They then lost a heartbreaker to Plymouth.Carver by a 7-6 count. It appeared as though it was going to be "that kind of season." However, in dramatic fashion . the Tigers turned their fortunes around against Southeastern Conference opponents. First they upended defending Division I

In effect, Taunton has already defeated the circuit's "title contenders." There is still a kmg way to go in the campaign; but on paper the Tigers have only a single stumbling block enroute to the championship. Falmouth, this week's foe, should not present a major problem if not taken lightly. In subsequent weeks the Tigers will meet Fairhaven, who has been impressive and rates with the division's best and then Durfee High of Fall River perhaps the circuit's weakest club. Taunton fans have reason to be excited.

Post Season Bowl Game Thoughts Premature Acrosstown Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy High gridsters are setting their sights on the league t:rown and possibly a state super-bowl berth. Devotees of Coyle football are elated over the team's 5-0 record and are looking forward to that "super" season. Coyle has many barriers to hurdle before this season is over. There is rival Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth this week, Somerset next and the classic Thanksgiving. Day game when it tangles with antagonist Taunton to determine which team is the city's best. Any thoughts that Coyle followers may have regarding postseason play are definitely premature. There are still five weeks remaining in the regular season. Coach Steve Winslow and his players are only thinking about this week's foe Stang. But Taunton is not the only local community where super-

bowl talk is being bantered about. The post season competition has added a new dimension to high school football. In days gone by, fans only talked about winning the league championship·. Now, as each weekly rating is announced, the conver" tation centers around "the bowl." In Mansfield, where winning has been hard to come by in the past ten years, fans are buzzing about Mansfield's chances of making the play-offs. Likewise, in Somerset where the Blue Raiders have regained the winning way there are super-bowl murmurings. . Not all three teams will make a bowl appearance. Maybe one, perhaps none. But, for the time being the fans in each of the communities are having fun \vatching their heroes and speculating. High school football has undergone a rebirth, there is renewed zeal and enthusiasm. It's all wholesome and good.

Old Rochester Virtually Assured of Title In the town of Mattapoisett, the Old Rochester Bull Dogs are capturing the attention of their fans as they continue to win. Coach Frank Oliva's eleven took a giant step toward the Conference's Division III title last Saturday when they held on to beat an inspired Seekonk club 22-14. Barring a major upset the victory assured the Regionals of the title. With games remaining against Bourne, Norton and Dennis-Yarmouth, the bottom three in the bracket, Old Rochester looks like a sure bet to corral the championship trophy. With the league crown virtually assured, Old Rochester can begin thinking about the possibility of post season competition. The Bull Dogs who are unbeaten in five outings have that super-

bowl glitter in their eyes. New Bedford Vocational, this week's opponent, should cause some problems for the Regionals. The Division II Artisans can be explosive and must be considered a threat to derail the Rochester express. If the Bull Dogs can win this one, it should improve their standing in the state rating since Voke is a Division III team. One of Voke's challenges will be to stop running back Frank Oliva, the state's leading scorer In Division IV. Frankie 0, an all .around ball player, can strike from anywhere on the field. He has the speed to go the distance, as he displayed against Seekonk last week when he returned a punt 78 yards for a touchdown, or bulling for short yardage.



A boy carrying all his possessions wanders through the Southern Sudan in search of a new home. In 1972, severe drought displaced a half-million Sudan people from their homes. The plight of refugees throughout the world is the concern of Sadruddin Aga Khan, head of the UN High Commission for Refugees and he has called for greater attention to "humanitarian principles so often preached but so seldom practiced."

We're Involved Continued from Page Fourteen claim for his preparation of hearty feasts which the school sponsors on formal occasions. Quantity cookery is a unique gift for a teacher and coach to give to the school. Passers-by would have to affirm that Row Number One in the school parking lot is seldom completely emtpy. There is usu.ally a light in a window somewhere in the building, a sign that some faculty member has come back to do a little extra ior Stang. Me~y

"Nothing graces the Christian soul so much as mercy."

Should Be Home "Sometimes I despair to the point of suicide. I can't cope with this world. It's just not God's world anymore. It's being taken over by Evil. And nobody seems to care. If you speak out you're called a "nut". If I'm a "nut", what are they? People's attitudes are hostile, too busy, inconsiderate, shallow and godless. I'm not taken in by the hoI· low prayers that are uttered. "No one prays more than the people in this house and no one knows their hollowness more than I. I'm here, needing their help, and I'm ignored while they go out to pray. I think some parents spend more time in the church than at home where they belong. I wish pastors would take this into consideration when they ask people to become involved. Find out if they are more needed at home. I like oldfashioned homes where the mothers have remained until the children have grown up. (I love

your column. It's a good friend. Thank you.)" 'Try Being Myself' "I'm 18 years old. I've just been in my room praying. I'm young enough to look for miracles, to watch for them and to pray for them. That may sound childish but it gives me something to hang on to. I've found we're alone in this world. Even with family and friends-we're alone. We fight our battles alone unless we can find one special person, so special that they can understand us through and through. I go to church but I leave feeling empty. "I get more out of some TV programs, believe it or not. I find myself relating to their heartaches, pain and defeat. I relate to their aloneness. I was at a football game and suddenly I felt alone, despite all the activity and all the noise, the cheering and what-all goes on. I felt like leaving. It all seemed so t>ointless. I was pretending. "And while I was praying awhile ago, maybe the miracle happened. I realized that I'm alone because I've been playing the game of pretending to be what I'm not, just to please, pretending to like someone I don't like, pretending I'm going to vote for someone I'm not going to vote for, and on and on it goes. I'm going to try teing myself as you've said so many times. I might even like the new me. Thanks for listening."

D. D.

Wilfred C.




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THE ANCHOR-Thurs., Oct. 21, 1976

Parish Pat'ade ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER "Spooky Spaghetti" will be the theme of the annual October feast sponsored by the school,

to be served in the parish hall from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3Q. Tickets are available from students or faculty members. Miss Valerie Polka, preprimary teacher in the parochial school, is also parlsh music ministry director and is working with adult folk group.

A paper and aluminum can drive will be held by seventh and eighth grade students the weekend of Oct. 30 and 31. Donations may be left in curbside containers in front of the church. A bus trip to New York will take place Saturday, Dec. 4. Reservations may be made with Miss Nell Gromada, telephone

672-5464. Five individuals willing to devote 15 minutes a day to prayer for the parish are being sought. Volunteers should contact the rectory as soon as possible. ST. LAWRENCE, NEW BEDFORD Diocesan seminarians Philip Bedard and Edward Smith will

conduct a Growth in Faith program from 9:05 to 9:55 a.m. each Sunday at Holy Family High School. The parish club will hold a Fall Frolic dance tomorrow night at Hawthorne Country Club, with music by the Interludes. Tickets are available from John Sewares.

Open Daily 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Including Saturdays

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