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Friday, October 21,1988


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Pope defines scope of infallibility VATICAN CITY (NC)- Pope John Paul II strongly defended the church's teaching authority and said confusion over the "so-called right to dissent" is hurting the faithful. In a talk to a group of U.S. bishops from New York Oct. 15, the pope said the "charism of infallibility" enjoyed by the church's teaching hierarchy extends not only to solemn definitions of popes and councils, but to the church's "universal ordinary" teaching, too. Even non-infallible teachings should be received with "religious submission of mind and will," he said. The pope said there is room for "a legitimate pluralism in theol-

ogy" .in the church. But he said In explaining his remarks about such pluralism is limited by "the infallibility, the pope cited the unity of faith and the teachings of . Second Vatican Council;s docuthe church's authentic magis- ment on the church, "Lumen Genterium." tium." That document said infalli"With the passing of time it is bility was present when a pope ever more evident how certain formally proclaims a doctrine perpositions on the so-called 'right to taining to faith and morals, or dissent' have had harmful reper- when a pope and an ecumenical cussions on the moral conduct of a council define a teaching on such number of the faithful," he said. matters. It also mentioned the posThe pope emphasized a point he sibility of bishops proclaiming docmade during his 1987 U.S. trip, trine infallibly, under certain conthat some Catholics tend to be ditions. "selective" in following church Those conditions have been the teachings. subject or'much theological debate "Some people appeal to 'free- since the council. So has the meandom of conscience' to justify this ing ofthe term "universal ordinary way of acting. Therefore, it is teaching" of the church and the necessary to clarify that it is not extent to which it shares in inconscience that 'freely' establishes fallibility. what is right and wrong," he said. Some theologians have proTheologians, in particular, must posed, for example, that the remember that their role is based church's posi~ion on birth control on service to the church and the has been definitively held and unifaith, the pop'e said. They have a versally taught, and therefore "grave responsibility" toward this would qualify as an infallible teachservice, particularly if they have ing. Many others disagree, howreceived a canonical mission to ever. teach in a church faculty, he said. The pope did not mention speThe pope warned against seeing cific examples of theological disthe faith "as a philosophical inven- sent. But one of the most famous tion to be perfected." Instead, he cases in recent years occurred at said, it is a "divine deposit to be The Catholic University' of Amer· faithfully guarded and infallibly ica in Washington, where Father interpreted." . Charles Curran was stripped of his The task of interpreting it "has canonical right to teach theology been entrusted exclusively to the because of his dissenting positions living teaching office of the on some church teachings. church," he said. The case was a controversial This teaching office, or magisteone in the United Stiites and rium, "includes the charism of infallibility, present not only in the prompted a debate about infallisolemn definitions of the' Roman bility as understood by the Vatipontiff and of ecumenical coun- can and by theologians. Some U.S. · cils, but also in the universal ordi- theologians said at the time that in nary magisterium, which can truly acting against Father Curran, Vat· b.e considered as the usual expres- ican officials were blurring the dissIOn of the church's infallibility," tinction between infallible and Turn to Page 14 the pope said.

Educators to meet

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The annual convention for eleFather Thomas Lynch of Stratford, Conn., former director ofthe mentary and secondary school U.S. Catholic Conference Depart- teachers begins at 8:30 a.m. with a liturgy celebrated by-Bishop Daniel ment of Family Ministry, will give the keynote address at the Dioce- A. Cronin. A coffee hour will precede Father san Department of Education's teachers' convention Monday at . Lynch's address. 23 workshops on "social issues Bishop Connolly High School, Fall of- interest to our teachers," acRiver. The priest, who spoke this spring cording to Sister Ann Moore, CND, an associate superintendent at a program sponsored by the Department of Education's office of diocesan schools, will be availof Continuing Formation of Clergy able. Topics to be addressed include and Laity and conducted an enrichsuicide prevention, AIDS minisment day for diocesan marriage try, child sexual abuse and buildpreparation team members, holds ing self-esteem. master's degrees in theology and Teachers will be served a pastoral counseling and has comluncheon and will have the opporpleted doctoral studies in pastoral tunity to view exhibitors' displays. ministry.

LaSALETTE MISSIONER Father Donald Pelletier leads bishops and priests at the blessing of a new parish hall in Madagascar funded by members of a 28-year-old mission club originally founded and coordinated by his aunt, Mrs. Frederick Poirier of St. Joseph parish, Attleboro.

A missioner speaks By Father Donald Pelletier, MS The following article on the importance of this weekend's Mission Sunday collection was received· by Msgr. John J. Oliveira, VE, chancellor and director of the diocesan office of the Society for the Propagation ofthe Faith from LaSalette Father Donald Pelletier, who grew up in St. Joseph's parish, Attleboro, and who has served 30 years as a missioner in Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean off southeast Africa. Generally people like to support a specific project; they give generously to a concrete cause that is close at hand and can be evaluated. This is natural enough and can explain the hesitancy of some to contribute to a general anonymous fund such as the Propagation of the Faith or Mission Sunday collection. Yet as Catholics this is our most efficient way of helping missions: "We believe in one Catholic Church" and the Propagation of the Faith ties us directly to the world mission of the Church. St. Paul initiated the first collections in Antioch, then on his missionary journeys and in chapters 8 and 9 of 2nd Corinthians he elaborates his theology regarding them. Christ had already taught us the spirit of true Christian giving: "In giving alms you are not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Keep your deeds of mercy secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you" (Mt.6:3-4). The Propagation of the Faith collection continues' in the best Pauline tradition because monies collec"ted are sent to the elders of

the Church in Rome who in turn distribute them to the needy . churches ofthe world. For some of the poor, unknown corners of the world this is their only source of income. As the Propagation ofthe Faith has other revenues for current expenses, all money gathered through collections is distributed. This centralization of funds in Rome, a concrete sign of unity, remains the strength of the Catholic Church and the envy of other Christian missions. How is this money distributed? Every mission territory dependent on the Propagation of the Faith, every dioce~e, every local church gets an annual ordinary subsidy. Every priest, secular, or religious, local or expatriate, every religious, every lay missionary, every catechist, every school teacher gets his/ her slice of the cake. Diocesan reports and statistics are taken into consideration for this subsidy. Another large share of the money is distributed as extraordinary subsidy for special programs and projects. Here again, any missionary working in a Propagation territory can, through his bishop, present projects and programs that need financing. Today agencies are interested in socioeconomic and human development programs so fortunately the Propagation still finances the construction of churches and other means of evangelization. In most Third World countries we are witnessing extraordinary vitality as the Holy Spirit works powerfully where there is weakness and poverty. Turn to Page 14


THE ANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Oct. 21, 1988







Turin shroud is medieval

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PUERTO RICAN flags waved in Boston's Holy Cross Cathedral as Auxiliary Bishop Roberto O. Gonzales walked past the congregation following his three-hour ordination liturgy.(NC photo by Pilot photographer Susie Stevens)

"Viva Cristo!" cries new Boston auxiliary bishop BOSTON (NC) - "Viva Cristo!" cried newly ordained Auxiliary Bishop Roberto O. Gonzalez of Boston at the close of his threehour bilingual ordination liturgy Oct. 3 at Holy Cross Cathedral in . Boston. Two thousand voices answered with a resounding: "Viva!" "Viva su Santisima Madre! Viva la iglesia! Viva el Papa! Viva el Cardenal Law! (Long live the Most Holy Mother! Long live the church! Long live the pope! Long live Cardinal Law!)," the new bishop continued. The volume of the congregation's responding "Viva" steadily increased. Then Cardinal Law took his t~rn. "Viva el obispo! (Long live






CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT The Campaign for Human Development is an actioneducation program sponsored by the Catholic Bishop~ of t~e U.S. CHDfunds projects throughout the country which aim to attack the basic causes of poverty. Calls for 1989 proposals for projects promoting social justice are now being made. A pre-application process to determine basic eligibility for CHD funding must be submitted by November 1, 1988. For further information and applications contact the CHD Diocesan office in Fall River at

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the new bishop!)," he cried. "Viva," came a response so thundering it seemed to rock Boston's South End. The ordination of Bishop Gonzalez, 38, a member of the Holy Name province of the Franciscan friars, brings to 20 the number of Hispanic bishops in the United States. Participating in the ceremony were four cardinals, Archbishop Pio Laghi; apostolic pronuncio in the United States, over40 bishops, including Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, hundreds of priests and throngs of Hispanic Catholics, among them many from Puerto Rico. Speaking at the ordination, Bishop Gonzalez provoked laughter when he said he would begin in English but later speak in "the language of God." He said he had selected as his episcopal motto, "Life through Jesus." The motto, he said, expressed his promise to "devote my entire ministry as a bishop so that each human being whom I may be able to touch in some way - whether born or unborn, poor or rich, young or old, lonely, brokenhearted, ill or handicapped in whatever way, powerless or powerful, male or female, regardless of color, ethnicity or language - may enjoy Jreedom, justice, peace, joy, love, in a word, life through Jesus Christ." In Spanish, the new bishop told Hispanics in the congregation that "today one of your sons has been c'alled to be bishop because you are a people of faith that is strong as our sun. Despite adversities and prejudices you never abandoned your faith or your culture. "Because of this," he continued, "today you have given birth to a bishop and today the happiness and affection of the Hispanic heart fill this' cathedral and the bosom of . our church." Cardinal Law, who delivered the homiiy at the ordination, also addressed the congregation in English and Spanish. Before his episcopal ordination, the new bishop was parttime pastoral research director at the New York-based Northeast Hispanic Catholic Center and pastor of Holy Cross parish in Bronx, New York. He holds a doctorate in sociology from Fordham University.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Scientific tests conducted on the Shroud of Turin, long venerated as Christ's burial cloth, show the material to be of medieval origin, Cardinal Anastasio Ballestrero of Turin announced. But at a press conference, the cardinal said the church "reaffirms its respect" for the 14-foot strip of linen bearing the image of a badly beaten, crucified man. There has been no determination of the origin of the image. The tests sought only to determine the age of the cloth. Last summer shroud samples underwent carbon 14 testing at the University of Arizona in Tucson; Oxford University, England; and the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. The cardinal said the tests reported with 95 percent accuracy that the cloth was made between 1260 and 1390 but that "the problems of the origin of the image and of its conservation remain largely unsolved and will need further research and study." The church, he added, will take the same attitude toward this research as it did to the carbon 14 dating, "inspired by the love of truth." He said the church permitted the radiocarbon dating as soon as a reasonable program for such tests was available. In his statement, Cardinal Ballestrero criticized press leaks about the test results, noting promises by the laboratories that they would let the archdiocese release the results first. He said the leaks favored the "insinuation" that "the church was afraid of science" and was trying to hide the conclusions. The cardinal said the laboratory results would be published in detail in a scientific journal. While historical references to the famous cloth can be traced back only to the 14th century, it was long believed by many to be Christ's burial cloth because of the image emblazoned on it of a badly beaten crucified man with a gash in his side. Earlier scientific tests showed no evidence the image was painted and showed that some of the coloring is from human blood. The shroud is normally kept rolled up in an airtight oblong container in a special chapel in Turin's cathedral. It has been exhibited only three times in this century.

Brewster recital A free-admission choral recital by the St. Kolumban Youth Choir of Wendlingen, West Germany, will be offered at 4 p.m. Oct. 30 at Our Lady of the Cape Church, Brewster. . The choir, making its first U.S. toti~ and directed by Frau Doris Wirth, has performed in Paris, Vienna, Zagreb and St. Peter's in Rome . It is composed of 25 singers ranging in age from 12 to 21. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $10.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.

Presbyteral council members listed

VAnCAN CITY (NC) - More than 50,000 people gathered Oct. 16 in St. Peter's Square to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's election as pope. The huge square beneath the , pope's apartments was illuminated by thousands of candles held by the well-wishers during the twohour ceremony, sponsored by the . Vicariate of Rome. Afterward, the pope briefly thanked the crowd from his window. Earlier in the day, in a talk to Polish pilgrims, the pope said he did not want to assess the past decade, adding that such a task was for "God, the merciful judge of all the thoughts, all the words and all the acts of my entire service."

, Current members of the diocesan presbyteraL council, which is h~aded by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, are announced as Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, vicar general, and Msgr. John J. Oliveira, vicar for administration, ex officio. Appointed members, whose terms expire in May/June, 1990, are Rev. Richard L. Chretien, Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, Very Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, VE; Msgr. John J. Regan, VE; Msgr. John J. Smith, VE. Elected members whose terms expire in May/June, 1989, are Rev. Marc H. Bergeron, Rev. William M. Costello, Rev. Arnold R. Medeiros, Rev. Michael R. Nagle, Rev. John J. Oliveira. Elected members whose terms expire in May/ June, 1991, are Rev. George W. Coleman, Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Rev. Thomas C. Lopes, Rev. John J. Steakem. Canon law defines the presbyteral council as "a body of priests who are to be like a senate of the bishop, representing the presbyterate." The council "is to aid the bishop in the governance of the diocese according to the norm of law" to the end of promoting "the pastoral welfare of the people of God."

Evangelization workshop Chet Stokloza, a nationally recognized Catholic lay evangelist, will conduct an evangelization workshop from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church basement, Seekonk. The session is sponsored by the Attleboro/ Taunton Regional Coordinating Committee of the Diocesan Liaison with Charismatic Groups. Stokloza is a cofounder of the Catholic Evangelistic Center, Blackstone. In May he received the Paulist Evangelization Association's award for lay evangelization. He spoke at this year's Na- ' tional Conference for the Charismatic Renewal at Notre Dame University. Refreshments will be available or a bag lunch may be brought. Further information is available from Tony Medeiros, 824-8378.

Lectors' workshop set for Nov. 6 The diocesan Divine Worship Commission will sponsor a workshop for lectors from I :30 to 4: 15 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, at' Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, with a prayer service scheduled for 3:45 p.m. The presenter will be Mrs. Frances LaShoto, professor of communications studies at Emerson College, Boston, anp a former professor of homiletics at St. John's Seminary, Brighton. She requests that each participant bring a mis~ salette and prepare the readings and responsorial psalm for Nov. 13, the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Both prospective and current lectors are invited to attend the workshop.

They want EWTN Members of Taunton and North Attleboro area parishes will participate in a drive requesting that Eternal Word Television Network programs be offered by local cable television channels. At October 29 and 30 Masses at participating parishes, a signature peti.tion drive will begin, say organIzers.

NCEA chairman WASHINGTON (NC) - The board of directors of the National Catholic Educational Association has voted Youngstown, 0., Bishop James W. Malone to a one-year term as chairman of the board. He succeeds St. Paul-Minneapolis Archbishop John R. Roach. The NCEA represents more than 200,000 U.S. Catholic educators. ,.' ".

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Life section. All

will return next week.

The Anchor Friday, Oct. 21, 1988

Pope marks 10th year


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USCC launches immigration study

FROM TOP, three good neighbors, Rev. Thomas A. Frechette of Holy Name parish, Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski of St. Stanislaus and Rev. William W. Norton of St. Patrick's, all in Fall River. The trio were nominated in a recent Neighborhood Personalities program sponsored by the Fall River Public Library: Father Frechette by Nicole Silva, who said "He is always getting involved in the children's problems and activities and always helping us out"; Father Kaszynski by Mary Welch, who said that his faith "goes beyond the bounds of his parish"; and 'Father Norton by Paul Courtier, who said that the priest's "deep compassion and concern toward the homeless are a good example for all of us as to what it means to be a neigh bor."

WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference will begin an in-depth study oftoday's immigrants and their effect on cultural values, the work force, the growth of U.S. cities and towns and the future of the U.S. Catholic Church. Funded by the Lilly Founda~ tion, the study is to be directed by Anchor columnist Father Eugene F. Hemrick, USCC director of research, and Dean R. Hoge, a sociologist at The Catholic University of America. A recently released statement from the USCC Office of Research said that in the last two years the United States has had its highest legal immigration level since the early 1900s. Some areas of the nation have been "flooded with immigrants," and there are cases in which immigrants are "poorly received and sometiJlles mistreated because a town or city neighborhood was not prepared to have them," the statement said. The researchers hope that a profile ofthe immigrant will "make us more understanding and able to work together." A report issued recently by the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies said immigration to the United States in the 1980s is expected to match or exceed the nearly nine million who came to this nation in 1901-1910. If illegal immigrants were included, the current total would be several million higher, the study said.

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themoorin~ Voting a Consistent Ethic We Catholics have no choice but to have a consistent ethic of life. Even in an election year this ethic transcends political platforms. It is the only course to follow as 'long as we have breath. The reason for this immutable position is simple. The consistent ethic is true. It lies at the heart of our Christian tradition. From the earliest days of the Church, building upon the Judaic tradition, Christians supported life; in fact, they did not separate abortion from violence in general. This absolute norm against killing the innocent is at the core of Church opposition to abortion. The consistency and determination of her early witness are reflected in the Second Vatican Council's condemnation of both abortion and acts of war against civilian populations as crimes against human life. The ban against direct killing of the innocent is based on the conviction that every human being is made in the image and likeness of God (even politicians who continue to support legalized murder). It is difficult to understand how people who aspire to lead this nation can deny that human life is inherently sacred and that one's social responsibility only increases when others are weak a'1d defenseless. Because of this concern for the weakest and most vulnerable members of our human family, all should shun violence against the helpless. the frail, the elderly. the unborn and the disabled. And those seeking election, whether as presideT\t. senator or governor. should move towards a reformed society which truly cares for those who suffer from social and political injustices. It borders on the nauseating to think that a brother or sister of the human family who seeks a governmental post lacks regard for human life in all its wondrous dimensions. There should never be what amounts to a: social buffet. a picking and choosing of personal preference when it comes to serving the least of our brethren. We should not allow people to assume·public office who will not serve the defenseless and tHe·hl~.1p"re~s' fciithfijllY'as the advantaged. the accepted. the ( rchosen and' the healthy. We should realize that public trust involves public service. no matter if one must buck the situation ethics that currently dominate our social thinking. The Church not only teaches us the consistent ethic of life but demonstrates it in her many efforts on behalf of suffering humanity and in the constancy with which she upholds' the dignity of the human person. She does not measure the us.efulness ofa human being from the standpoint of political expediency. a rule of thumb which too often guides the actions of so many caught up in the fantasy of liberal expediency. Realizing this. individual Catholics should adopt the consistent ethic as the moral framework from which to address all issues in the political arena. Thus each of us can help protect life and promote human dignity from the moment of conception to that of death. Today it is more important than ever that all who are trying to build a better world embrace the consistent ethic. unmoved by winds of change, by opportunism or by personal expediency. This means involvement in all of life. including the political process. It means that we are willing to meet head-on issues as diverse as abortion, nuclear war, pornography. economic injustice and criminal violence. As we prepare once more to exercise our voting rights as members of a free society, may we make sure that our actions support all the voiceless and powerless defended by the consistent ethic of life. The Edito'r I







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OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catnolic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River Mass. 02722 508-675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin. D.o.. STD.

EDITOR Rev. John .F. Moore

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev: Msgr. John J. Regan ~ Leary Press-Fall River

(i'llldcttl' photo


"Whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea." Mark 9:41

The greatest day By Father Kevin J. Harrington If someone were to ask you what was the most important single event that got you started on the road to success. what would you say? Most likely you would point to your choice of your spouse or career. But in religious terms. it is different. For most readers the turning point in your life has already happened. but you probably do not remember it! It was the day you were initiated into the Church and received a share of God's own life in baptism. Have you had the happy experience of rummaging through an attic or cellar and discovering something of value that was laid aside years ago? Perhaps that will help you understand the Church's joy in restoring the old order of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The rite was prepared for modern use by the Congregation for Divine Worship and approved by Pope Paul VI on 'January 6. 1972. as a result of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy promulgated by the Second Vatican Council which called for restoration of the early Church structure for Christian initiation called the catechumenate. Starting this year it will be the norm for adult Christian initiation in the diocese of Fall River. Contemporary scholars examined the ways and means used by the early Church to form and welcome new members of the community of faith. These early converts were giants in witnessing to their faith. even to the point of . shedding their blood. That blood was the seed that led to the remarkable spread of early Christianity and the RCIA is a direct outgrowth of the ancient practices of initiation. The early Church correctly discerned that they constituted a pro-

cess of gradual formation that included the participation of every member of the Christian community. Those members had a vested interest in the matter because if someone just went through the motions and was baptized he or she might reveal the identity of Christians to their persecutors. Our RCIA reflects the intensity of preparation of those early days. The RCIA consists of three stages: The first is the rite of entrance to the catechumenate.

October 22 1940. Rev. John E. Connors. Pastor. St. Peter, Dighton 1983, Rev. Jerome F. O'Donnell. OFM, Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford October 23 1970, Chor Bishop Joseph Eid, Pastor. St. Anthony of Desert. Fall River October 24 1982. Rev. Marc Maurice Dagenais, O.P .. Retired Assistant. St. Anne's. Fall River October 25 1935. Rev Reginald Chene. O.P.• Dominican Priory. Fall River 1950, Rev. Raymond B. Bourgoin. Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton October 27 1967. Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson, Assistant. St. Mathieu. Fall River 1918. Rev. Francisco L. Jorge. Assistant. Mt. Carmel, New Bedford October 28 1923. Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe. Pastor. St. George. Westport 1956. Rev. Stanislaus Kozikowski, OFM Conv., Pastor. St. Hedwig. New Bedford

The parish community, candidates and their sponsors gather at the church entrance and after a dialogue the candidates are asked to state their intention to grow in the faith of the Christian community. The celebrant signs the cross on the forehead of each candidate, then invites the sponsors to sign their senses. This rich symbolism encourages the candidates to use their senses in their preparation. During this first stage, parish community members are asked to share their own gift of faith with each candidate. Many ministries are involved in Christian formation because many gifts are needed to reveal the meaning of life in Christ. The second stage is the rite of election or enrollment. The candidates are now ready to ritualize their transition from a deepening of the faith to a consecration in the faith. Normally this election should be celebrated on the first Sunday of Lent at the diocesan cathedral with the bishop presiding and with the expection on the part of the candidates of receiving the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. At this time the candidates' names are placed in a Book of the Elect as a sign of their willingness to complete their formation. After hearing readings from Cycle A of the Sundays of Lent and a homily, the candidates are dismissed. Thereafter they are guided by the homilist's words as they prepare for the third stage. the rite of initiation. The Easter vigil becomes a more joyful and solemn celebration than ever before as'the candidates receive baptism and the Eucharist. For RCIA converts the day of baptism is truly the greatest of their lives and for born Catholics it offers the opportunity to appreciate anew their own baptism.

A threatened sanctity Because each human person has been created and redeemed by God, the Church teaches that human life is sacred and should be respected. Yet we needn't look far to see instances where the sanctity of human life is openly violated or ignored. Since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion throughout pregnancy, the lives of more than 21 million unborn children have been destroyed. Today there are over a million and a half abortions performed in the United States each year, and one out of every three unborn children is destroyed by abortion. But while abortion has become commonplace, Americans remain uneasy with abortion on demand. A recent poll showed that a majority of registered voters support legal restrictions on abortion except in rare circumstances. Fathers are fighting for the right to prevent the aborting of their children. Parents are increasingly upset by a system of law that allows their minor children to undergo abortions without their knowledge or consent. And advances in technology that allow us to see the child in utero have helped people to understand that it is a human life that abortion destroys.

His ~ · in this

Physicians, once expected to heal and care, today are asked to give patients lethal drugs or to withqraw nourishment from non-dying patients in order to end their lives. The word "euthanasia," once a euphemism for crimes against humanity, is touted as a compassionate and merciful act.

Never before has society been so assaulted by pornography on television, in the movies, and in books. The lives of men, women and children are demeaned, and virtue

Jesuit honored for pro-life stance

This year an initiative that would BOSTON (NC) - Jesuit Father allow doctors to provide dying patients with lethal drugs almost John C. Ford, a retired moral qualified for the November ballot theologian, was recently honored in California. The groups spear- by the Fellowship of Catholic heading this effort - the Hemlock Scholars for his support of Catholic Society and its political arm, . Church teaching against artificial Americans Against Human Suf- birth control. Father Ford, 85, was the leader fering - have vowed to try again, if not by ballot then through state ofthose on Pope Paul VI's "famous birth control commissio'n who legi~latures. maintained that the traditional There are more homeless fami- teaching is true and cannot be set lies with children today than at aside," said ethics professor Gerany time since the Great Depres- main Grisez, a fellowship board sion. Thirty-seven million people member. are denied access to basic health The majority of commission care because they cannot afford members, advised Pope Paul prior the cost of such care or insurance, to his issuance of the encyclical but fail to qualify for Medicaid. "Humane ·Vitae" ("Of Human Men, women and children con- Life") in 1968, felt church teaching tinuetosuffertheravagesof AIDS. on artificial contraception should And we who are healthy often be less restrictive. Father Ford led . . have not learned to divest our- the minority. selves offear, ignorance and cultural prejudice in order to minister to those who need our help and WASHINGTON (NC) - U.S. friendship. society wants "gourmet babies" from today's new reproductive technologies, said a Catholic social psychologist. But a new human being is "a gift," said psychologist, Dr. Sidney Callahan, adding that medicine should not be "the servant or client of just anything the family wants." She recently spoke at Trinity College in Washington on new reproductive technologies that have made possible surrogate motherhood, eJTIbryo transfers and other techniques and how such procedures affect the beginning of life.

Gourmet babies

A Prayer for Life . God, who spoke to our ancestors, speak again to us today. Capture our hearts through your words oflife and make us mirrors of your love and reflections of your glory. Give us the power to renew what we touch. We ask this'through Christ our Lord. Amen.

tespect / / II

Love one attotlteras I -••~ . .... .



(John 15:12)

is ridiculed as an old-fashioned Working to protect and nourish ideal. human life is difficult. Those of us Concern for the broad range of who try can feel overwhelmed, issues that touch upon the dignity frustrated, alone. Sometimes it is of human life gives rise to what easy to look the other way and not Cardinal Joseph Bernardin has see the problems before us. Somecalled a "consistent ethic of life." times we see but we decide there is Speaking on this in Florida ear- nothing we can do. lier this year, the Cardinal said: Yet there is much to be done, ." Although they are not all the and it will not happen by itself. We same, and they may not all be must challenge ourselves continuequaJly urgent at any given mo- ally to see social problems in light ment, all life issues are linked. of our faith convictions and to act Because of that linkage, no one of on those convictions. them can be eliminated from our The annual Respect Life Prooverall vision of life and our gram was begun in 1972 by the responsibility toward this great Catholic bishops of the United gift. States to focus on the sanctity of "But one in particular," he said, human life and to consider some "requires special attention at this of the contemporary threats to moment in our history as a nation. human life and human dignity. The anguished cry of Jesus conWe must, each in our own way, tinues in a poignant way in the work on behalf of human life with silent screams of unborn children patience and humility - but also who are denied their right to live. "The scriptures tell us that, when with joy, courage, confidence and Jesus died, a darkness covered the determination. We must learn, too, earth. This darkness now envelops to work with one another on behalf our world. No matter how much of life. we try to lift this darkness, we will And we must make our own the never succeed unless we first decide, . words o(St, Paul: "Ill.him wh.o is as individuals and as a nation, that the source of my strength, I have we will protect the life' 0'( the s.trength for everything~'.(Phil..4: 13). unborn, that we will not deprive the most vulnerable of God~s crea- National Conference of tures of the gift of life which he has Catholic Bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities given them."

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"Sometimes the sick are not considered as persons, and their care can become a job' . ... You are called to 'humanize'sickness; to treat the sick as a creature of God, as d Brother/ Sister in Christ. It is without doubt a difficult and demanding mission. " Pope John Paul II - Address to the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God

Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care to .the Sick P.O. Box 3328, Westport, MA 02790 636-2251 Rev.' Edmund J. Fitzgerald, Diocesan Director Sr. Shirley Agnew, R.S.M., Assistant Director

Abortion's aftereffects By Olivia Gans Ms. Gans is founder and director of American Victims of Abortion, headquartered jn Washington, DC. Abortion seems to many the perfect solution to the immediate crisis of an unexpected pregnancy. It promises to eliminate a "problem" neatly and simply, as if that problem - the child - never existed. In succumbing to the pressure to use abortion to solve her problems, a woman must become totally removed from the thought of herself as a woman, mother and life bearer. She cannot allow herself to bond with her child at all. She is not supposed to connect with the truth that from this moment on she is someone's mother. Abortion is appealing because it allows so many - boyfriend, husband, parents - to remain removed from any responsibility to this new member of the human family . The greatest feat of abortion on demand has been to make American society content - if uneasily so - with accepting death as a way to solve problems. Society looks away from the ugly reality it encourages. But the silence and secrecy that surround the pregnancy and abortion very often also attend the private and painful aftermath. It is curious that women who have bought into the notion that abortion will solve their problems are never really at ease with their decision. Most of us feel ambivalence, numbness, anxiety, fear and tension as the hour for the procedure approaches. The dominant feeling days or weeks later is either relief or more ambivalence. There is reliefbecause the crisis appears to have passed. However, research indicates that feelings of regret, anger, despair, pain or loss associated with the abortion may surface five to ten years later. Scientific studies of post-abor-

tion.syndrome are demonstrating the dangers of abortion to the emotional health of women, as well as to the men involved and the siblings and other relatives of the lost infant. It is time for society to assess its 'attitudes toward abortion, a process that demands both honesty and sacrifice. The Church - clergy, religious and laity together - is in 'a unique position to provide leadership in t~is area. ' In recent years post-abortion healing programs have, sprung up across our country. One of the fastest growing programs today is a Catholic approach to healing abortion's hurt sometimes known as Project Rachel, recalling the Old Testament woman who wept for her children, "refusing to be comforted for them, because they are not." (Jer. 31: 15) Teams of priests, professional counselors and lay peers provide a powerful opportunity to help hurting individuals encounter God's healing love and to welcome the alienated home. At the heart ofthe program is the sacrament of reconciliation. As people start to deal with their pain, the most difficult issue to resolve is their sense of self-worth. Especially in mothers, there is a great sense offailure in not having protected their children. They need to hear from the Church about forgiveness for abortion. In the Catholic Church a practice gaining favor with those involved in post-abortion ministry is a Eucharistic celebration commemorating the memory of the baby. For many it is an act of closure to the reconciliation and mourning process. In truth, because abortion is a death experience the healing never really stops. We can' never forget, but we can be restored. The lessons we learned were bitter, to say the least, but in not forgetting we are truly free from being prey to the same seductions again.

Care of the dying: a physician's perspective By John J. Fisher. M.D. Dr. fisher is director of tbe 08col0IY unit of Mercy Hospital, Sacramento. Calif. Death. the universal human experience, is rarely mentioned in medical teaching and is avoided in textbook discussions. But the com· plete physiCian must be able to treat the dying, if medicine's goal is to care effectively for the whole person. Let us suppose that tbe dying patient is someone in the terminal phase of cancer. When one encounters a patient, ofwbatever age, with a fatal illness,

there should be an open-ended discussion of as many asked and unasked questions covcrinj Caw diseases as possible. One should be certain that the patient and the family understand the disease and that the physician knows what has been told them. The patient should not blame him-

self or his physician for not making the diagnosis earlier. It should be emphasized that often we do not know the cause of the disease and cannot isolate the factors responsible for what has occurred. The lack of contagiousness of a malignancy should be related. . Occasionally a patient, and more frequently a family member, may want a second opinion or referral. This should be done expeditiously, without rancor on the part of the physician. But he or she should caution patient and family about novel remedies. Family members should be helped to understand that people react to griefdifferently - whether by escape, denial, self·pity, selfblame, hostility, intellectualization, crying, self-numbing or by other ways. The terminal events should be discussed. emphasizing that a preterminal downhill course is usually very gradual. Four basic needs must be met in the terminal stage of a patient's illness: prevenlion of pain. alleviation of emotional suffering; main· tenance of dignity; and avoidance of isolation. Pain may be more adequately handled in lhe hospital, but usually tlte other three are better handled in a non-inslitutional setting. Some physicians are unable to face defeat in the struggle to save a patient's life and often their behavior emphasizes their own fear of death. But neither the physician nor the health team should withdraw from the dying patient. In treating the child, adolescent, or young adult who is dying, the

physician must use his or her therapeulic skills with the greatest understanding, for such deaths confront him or her with a most difficult task. For their part, the elderly may have fears of being overtreated against their will and this has been heavily exploited by supporters of euthanasia. "Death with dignity" has become something of a cliche, seen by many as a self-chosen death whil::h includes assisted suicide for the terminally ill. The deliberate shortening of life by the administering of lethal me4ications should not be confused with the legitimate refusal of unwanted and ineffective medical care, especially lifesupporting tecbnology. The "Humane and Dignified Death Act," sponsored by the Hemlock Society and its political arm, Americans Against Human Suffering, would legalize physician·administered active euthanasia. The growing interest in active euthanasia has parallc:led the rise of the hospice movement. But the hospice is life-affirming, seek.ing to support the patient Ihrough aggressive social care in conjune· tion with symptomatic relief. The family is the unit of care in hospice; "assisted suicide" is the diametric opposite of hospice, dignity achieved only by definition. devoid of the complu supportive systems essential to hospice. Few people are we1l·equipped to deal with the problem of dealh, but euthanasia is not the answer. Physicians must appreciate and learn to manage their own nonnal

reactions to death and to make the natural work of death and mourn·

The work of His hands

iog more meaningful for the people they serve.


servlcea ...neble 10 hUring end bearing Impaired, or enyone wllh e dl_blllly benefiting from algn communication.

Diocesan Apostolats For Persons With .Disabilitles 243 Forest Street Fall River, MA 02721 Tel. 679-8373 (Voice or TTY) REV. JOSEPH VIVEIROS

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,Rev. Edmund 1. Fitzgerald, Director Rev, Joseph M. Costa, Assistant to the Director




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He came that we might have LIFE and have it more abundantly

Respect ~ife "Sir, We Should Like to See Jesus"

Reflections on the Dignity of Human Life by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin

"Sir, we should like to see Jesus." The

Diocesan Office of

Family Ministry Rev.


J. Travassos


"Sir, we should like to see Jesus." "Sir. we should like to see Jesus."

That's all the Greek visitors to Jerusalem said. A simple request to see the Master. They came looking for a daz7'ling ora-

tor, a powerful healer, a pro'phcl of God. They found a man preparing to meet his death. They saw Jesus in agony. Josephine used to dance the Tarantella. So graceful and strong was her body. no one could keep up ",'ilh her. But that was

long ago when she was yDL.lng, when she could move freely. Now she is an old woman whose fingers are like gnarled oak tree limbs, whose legs are stubborn and fairly useless. She is forgotten: she has no one to talk to. At times she feels that even God has forgocten her. So she waits to die. The specter of death haunts not only the unborn and the elderly a nd infirm but our you~g a~ welL Suicide is the second highest killer of leenoKel's inlhis nation. What can be said about a society in which teenagers choose the oblivion' of a grave over the pain of living'! ~ever before has this country been so assaulted by pornography on our airwaves, our television and movie screens our books. Virtue has been reduced to ~ quaint, old-fashioned ideal, lind human dignity - and indeed, at times, human life ,. becomes a casualt\'. Ethiopia is one of l'he poorest countries in the world, a nation where the average annual income is $110 and where 17 out of every 100 babies die before they are two years old. In that country todtn: alleast 6 million of its 46 million inhabitants face imminent starvation. "Sir, w<: should like to see Jesus." A nuclear arms race continues to not only devour a disproportion,lIe share of resources needed for inlegral human deve~opment. but also holds hostage our children's future. Capital punishment contributes to the myth Ihat life is cheap, expendable. While we must surely address ~he ~vi~ of crime - especially the plighl of I~S victims - th~re are other, more effeclive ways that Will not undermine respect for IIfc. Whal did the Greek visitors to Jerusalem expect 10 see when they came looking for Jesus and found a man preparing to m~et hIS dealh? They saw Jesus in agony. It IS not easy to watch or listen to the Lord when he is in agony. "Sir. we should like to see Jesus." The lives of the elderly and the infirm are in jeopardy. Many believe "euthanasia" isan act ofrnercy. However, this heinous disregard for the sanctity of human hfe is, in reality, nothing other than murder or assisted suicide. Lisa conceived a child at the end of her sophomore year in high school. Under

Wherever life

suffers, Jesus suffers.

tremendous pressure from those around her, .~he .abo~I':.d her unborn child. Instead ofa qUIck {IX 10 a problem, il has turned out to be a long-term nightmare. Lisa has Irouble ~leeping nights. she keeps hearing a ~~~y cry - and that cry will never st op. SIr, we should like to see Jesus." Sin.ce th.e LJ .S. Supreme Court legalized a.bortlOn In 1973, more than 21 million hV~s have been destroyed in the womb. An estlmate~ 1.5 million aboTlions are performed m Ihe United States every year -one every 21 seconds. A third of all pregn!lncies in the United Slates end in a.bortlOn: and nearly one-third of all abornons are performed on teenagers. But the Lord is still in agony, and the challenge oftoday's Gospel is not to look a.way. To watch Jesus in agony is to identify those areas of our lives and our societv where sin and oppression are Ihe rule where the sanctity of human life is ignored or violated. Wherever life suffers, Jesus suffers. . Working to defend, prolect, and nourIsh the sanctity of human life is a difficult lask. But we are called to trust Ihat our ag~.ny.will bear fruit, that God will use our sullermg love and service in behalf of the gift of life. "My God. my God, why have you forsaken meT' continues today in all those persons and situations wheore life is threatened, diminished, or de!>troyed. Although these~ries may nol all be equally urgent at any given moment, all ollile's is.\路ue.\ are linked. . Yet one demands immedime allentioll. Th.e angui~hed cry of Jesus continues in a pOignant way in the silent screams of unborn children who are denied their Tlg~t 10 ~Ive. No matter how much we try to lift this darkness, we will never succeed unless we first decide, as indIviduals and a, a nation, that we will prolect the life of the unborn, that we will not deprive the most vulnerable of God's crelltl!res of the gift of life he has given them. . The one issue is 1(li'. in all-its manifesta, tlons. We mu~t be consistent in our support of all of hfe's issues. To ignore one i, to p~ace all in jeopardy. It is that very consIstency which demands that we be absolutely uncompromising in our defense of the life of the unborn. . Let us follow the example of Man. who heard .God's word and responded- to it. She dId not run. away from life and its demands. She stood up, derlarcd herself and m~de decisions. She still stands at \h~ foot 01 the Cross - with great love and SOl.'raW because of the suffering of her chIldren. and. the deep faith- and hope in lhe resurrectIOn and new life that some day will be oms.

Respect All


R",p'''1 Life l'ro~r"",

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Awareness, 'personal response needed for people with AIDS By John F. Harvey, OSFS Father Harvey directs Courage, a Catholic spiritual support group for homosexual persons. The AIDS epidemic is grim. One hundred million people could be infected with the AIDS virus in the next five years. In 1985, 12,000 patients with AIDS cost America'6 billion. If in five years there are even a quarter of a million cases in the United States, the costs will be astronomical. While the situation is' a matter of public knowledge, the average person is concerned but tends to deny the seriousness of the epidemic. Greater awareness is needed along with a more in-depth personal response to the problem. When explaining our moral obligation to help the victims of AIDS, I have often heard the objection: "If people have AIDS it is their own fault." In response I would note first of all that there are many innocent victims of AIDS. In addition, many homosexual men and many IV drug abusers are compulsive. They have lost control of their sexual activity or their use of drugs. This does not mean they are without responsibility, but that their responsibility for their actions is considerably reduced. Often the person with AIDS was searching for human intimacy through homosexual activity trying to fulfill a true human need for friendship, but in a wrong and futile way. Even a superficial study of the life histories of AIDS victims reveals their terrible inner isolation. In short, we had best leave the question of personal responsibility in the Lord's hands. Instead, we should show each person how God's loving care is present in his life. Sincere love for the AIDS patient may be expressed in various practical ways. Any Christian, for example, can visit persons dying of AIDS, listen to them in their suffering, and ex-

tend practical Christian compassion. Among measures which the Church can support are hospices for AIDS patients. The reality of AIDS is that we will need many more hospices as more persons contract this virus. Some dioceses have anticipated this need anq have already established such hospices. Dioceses can also develop policies to protect persons with AIDS· from discrimination in the workplace. Coupled with merciful care for the AI DS patient must be a determination on the part of everyone to prevent further spread of this dreadful virus. And it is important to understand the medical reasons for the unreliability of condoms in stopping the spread of AIDS. As noted recently in "Medical Tribune," a reaction is now setting in against "public health officials' uncritical advocacy of condoms."

These devices are "of dubious need in low-risk populations and doubtful value in high ones, yet are being vigorously promoted in the absence of convincing documentation of efficacy." These promoters assume the people in "high-risk groups" cannot get control over themselves.

Training in sexual abstinencefor example, using the Twelve Steps employed so effectively by Alcoholics Anonymous and other groups - is not considered. . The only effective ways of preventing the spread of AIDS are to practice sexual abstinence before marriage, fidelity in marriage and

abstinence from use of intravenous drugs. We need to pray that God will give us a spirit of compassion for persons with AIDS and their families, and at the same time a spirit of courage to help us dissuade people from the kind of behavior which invites the virus into one's life.

Respect Life::: prayer day In observanc~of October as, Respect Life mOllth, members of St. THoma.s More parish, Somerset;will hold a prayer day We<Jnes,. day for the intention of respect for all life. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed following'> a.m. Massand.adot~ti()n will continue l1l1tU:Zp,m. Benedictionclosesthejd~y. All are welcome;t ~rf

ticipate, especia.(lY.~ . with chi1dJ;~~>W??·· unfamiliar•. . \Vith;;~ tion . ofe.?,~()~it· .. Blessed Sacr;atr'l

'.' '.,








There are alternatives io abortion. There have to be. A lO-MONTH-OLD baby with AIDS grasps the finger of Mercy Sister Maureen Joyce who directs a home for such children sponsored by the diocese of Albany, N. Y. (NC photo)


......... '



Working to protect and nourish human life is difficult. Those of us who try can feel overwhelmed, frustrated, alone. Sometimes it is easy to look the other way and not see the problems before us. Sometimes we see but we decide there is nothing we can do, and we become complacent. Yet there is so much to be done, and it will not happen by, itself. We must challenge ourselves continually to see social problems in light of our faith convic,tions and to act on those convictions.




P-RO--LIFE APOSTOLATE Rev.- Thomas L. Rita


. ,,0.'



Diocesan Director385 Central Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771

For whom the· bells toll WASHINGTON (NC) - A New Jersey pro-lifer who runs a home for pregnant women wants church bells nationwide to toll next January as "a memorial service for all the children who died through abortion." The bells would toll 23 times. "Every tolling is a million babies sacrificed through abortion," according to Kathy Di Fiore, founder of Several Sources Foundation, a Ramsey, N.J., pro-life organization. Bells for Babies will be timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the Jan. 22, 1973, Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout the United States and with the annual March for Life held to protest the decision. However, in 1989 the march will be held Jan. 23, a Monday, so that marchers will be able to lobby members of Congress. Miss Di Fiore was in Washington to promote Bells for Babies. She said churches and pro-life organizations in 48 states have joined the program so far this year and that the program will continue each year. "The bells will not stop ... until abortion stops." Bells for Babies is meant to be one more way to fight abortion, Miss Di Fiore said. "It's our responsibility to stand up and say it's got to stop," she said, calling for protests, lobbying and programs to help young women cope with unwanted pregnancies. "You can't just tell young women, 'Don't have an abortion.' You have to give them the support they need to have the babies," she said. "You have to give them love, teach them about God," help them "to rededicate themselves to God and his commandments." 67 young women have stayed with Miss Di Fiore since she began her program in 1982. She was in the spotlight several years ago when she was threatened with a $10,000 fine for running an unlicensed boarding house. . "Mother Teresa wrote a letter and within a week we got the bill passed" to allow private citizens to open their houses and administer charitable services to people seeking food and shelter, according to Miss Di Fiore. The New Jersey law permits as many as six residents to live in a private home. Now Miss Di Fiore has opened a second home and is seeking contributions to fix it up for other women and their children. With Miss Di Fiore in Washington were three young women who live with her in Ramsey. All three, who asked that their last names not be used, said they knew firsthand the pain of abortion. Sally, 24, left Miss Di Fiore's home but returned when "I was at the end of my rope" and considering suicide. Now she is a houseparent with her 10-month-old son, Paul. "Abortion is a big joke on women," according to Sally. Women "need to be more aware of exactly what an abortion ·is. When you kill him, you end up killing a part of yourself." When she had an abortion, "I was crying and the nurse told me to shut up because I'd upset the other girls," Sally said. "The doctors don't inform you. I didn't know," Sally said of her experience. "I didn't either," said Tonia, 17, who is expecting a baby in February. "I thought you weren't pregnant. They didn't say, 'this is going to happen' "when an abortion takes place. Later, when she saw a film about abortion, "I felt so bad, it made me cry." When her mother arranged for her to have a second abortion, "I said, 'I'm not going.' She said, 'You can't stay in my house.' "So Tonia found a place to stay with Miss Di Fiore. Myrna, 23, sees abortion as "the culmination of all the sickness in families." Now she has a 3-month-old daughter, Liza. "I know I'll be ableto break the cycle with her," Myra said. . .


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International·support given South African bishops PRETORIA, South Africa (NC) Seven people, including two - International messages of sup- bishops, were asleep in the buildport and pledges of funds were ing at the time. Some got out sent to the southern African bish- immediately, but others were deops' conference within a day after layed by having to awaken a 72arson gutted conference head- year-old nun who slept through quarters in Pretoria, forcing seven . the commotion. They were rescued people inside to flee for their lives. from an upper-story porch by Archbishop John L. May of St. firemen. Louis, president of the U.S. bishLater in the day conference emops' conference, expressed "deep ployees cleaning up after the blaze shock and dismay" and condemned discovered a package containing "the official propaganda and pub- two mines wrapped in plas.tic exlic attacks on the churches (of plosive. Police said if the fire had South Africa) which contribute to reached them, it could have detothe climate of hate ... demon- nated them. strated by this cowardly attack." Police officials subsequently said The bishops' offices in Pretoria they had also found ammunition are among numerous church agen- clips for AK-47 automatic rifles, cies in South Africa that have an announcement which the conspoken out strongly against the ference officials said was a surprise. government's policies of apartheid, They expressed concern that the or strict racial segregation. Archbishop May said the U.S. bare-bones police announcement bishops "join in the call for a that explosives and ammunition prompt and full investigation" of clips had been found in the building and the media's description of the arson. The Irish Catholic aid agency the materials as an "arms cache" Trocaire, the Canadian govern- might leave the impression the ment and the European Commun- items had been stored there with the conference's knowledge. ity offered financial aid. The English and Welsh bishops Archbishop John Daniel of Preand the Vatican sent telegrams of toria said that impression would support. be wrong and that the bishops are The African National Congress, clearly opposed to violence from a banned anti-apartheid rebel any side. group in South Africa, blamed the Observers drew a parallel with South African government for the police statements following the arson. It said the attack, together earlier bombing of the council of with the bombing in August ofthe churches headquarters. South African Council of Churches headq.uarters in Johannesburg, In that case authorities said they may be a campaign "to assassinate were investigating whether a car the country's religious leaders who stuffed with explosives in the baseare opposed to apartheid." . ment garage of the building might Fire erupted in the conference have been the source of the blast. building, called Khanya House, Council of churches officials angaround 2 a.m. Oct. 12, quickly rily dismissed what they said was spreading along trails of gasoline an insinuation that their organizaand kerosene police said were laid tion ran a depot for insurgents' down by the arsonists. explosives.

A missioner speaks Continued from Page One The rapid, constant increase of vocations gives much hope for the future of these churches and·their role in the universal Church. An example that I know, in Madagascar, since 1910, one major seminary had been sufficient for the entire island. In 1984 a second major seminary was launched, a third in 1986 and now a fourth in 1988. None ofthis would be possible without the Propagation of the Faith. Mo~t churches in Africa are still relatively young yet they have nevertheless reached a maturity and vitality that remind us of the primitive church of Jerusalem and Antioch. Just a few years ago Europe and America were sending missionaries to Africa, Asia and Latin America. We still are doing that but today missionaries are coming from those Third World areas. I would like to share with you one ofthe most precious moments of my 30 years of missionl!ry work in Madagascar. Our local church of Morondava was founded by American missionaries in 1928. After 60 years 15 percent of the population is baptized Catholic. Two young Sakalava girls that we educated in our Catholic schools became religious and are now missionaries in Cuba. I remember Catherine and Charline when they were young girls and I helped prepare them for first communion and confirmation.

The day the Catholic community of Morondava missionedthese two women for Cuba was as dramatic, as exciting, as daring, as Spirit-filled as must have been the church of Antioch missioning Paul and Barnabas. There was not a cold heart or a dry eye in Morondava. We all felt that the Holy Spirit was working a great miracle. Today, from some of the poorest countries in the world the very youngest and newest.churches are sending missionaries to countries like Cuba, Indonesia and the Central African Republic. Tomorrow they will be sending them to America and Europe! We will all see greater and more extraordinary things - so please support your Mission Sunday collection.

Infallibility Continued from Page One non-infallible teaching. This represented a threat to theological investigation, they said. The pope referred briefly to Catholic University in his talk, saying he hoped the institution's future would bring "ever greater academic achievements, including those in theological scholarship." The U.S. bishops, all from the state of New York, included Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York City. They were on their "ad limina" visits to the Vatican, made every five years by heads of dioceses.

NEW BEDFORD area Bishop's Ball workers are from left, V. Vincent Gerardi, ushers' committee; Victor F. Rebello Jr. and Dorothy A. Curry, honorary cochairmen; Theresa Lewis, hospitality committee. (Gaudette photo)

Ball aids summer The 34th annual Bishop's Charity Ball, to be held Friday, Jan. 13, at White's of Westport, will benefit summer camps for ungerprivileged and exceptional children in Southeastern Massachusetts and other diocesan apostolates. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan Ball director, said proceeds from past balls have funded many improvements at the camps. Nazareth Camp for exceptional children, provides recreation under professional supervision, while St.


Vincent de Paul overnight camp and Catholic Boys' Day Camp serve hundreds of children under professionally trained directors. The ball <:;ommittee and cospons'ors - the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the diocesan Council of Catholic Women - are soliciting names for the ball booklet. Any member or Ball Headquarters, 410 Highland Avenue, Post Office Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722, telephone 676-8943 or 6763200, will accept listings.

Cloistered nuns' standoff continues in New Jersey MORRISTOWN, N.J. (NC)As a Vatican-appointed visitor ended his investigation of Morristown's Discalced Carmelite sisters Oct. 17, the five nuns who had locked themselves in the monastery infirmary almost two weeks earlier continued their protest. The papal visitor, Discalced Carmelite Father Kevin Culligan, concluded his five-day visit by celebrating Mass for the other sisters at the monastery and meeting with them. He said the nuns in the infirmary were invited to the Oct. 17 Mass and meeting, but they "did not respond to these invitations." Mother Theresa Hewitt, prioress of the monastery, said at a press conference Oct. 18 that the issue for the barricaded nuns "is not so much coming· out of the infirmary as coming out·of a mindset, into acceptance and cooperation." . The protesting nuns had effectively withdrawn from the come munity's life for some time before they locked themselves. in the infirmary, she said. . . Before' Father Culligan left the monastery the previous evening, he told reporters that earlier in the day "two of the .sisters from the infirmary: who said they were.. speaking for all the sisters in the infirmary, met with me for two hours." The priest, -who heads the Carmelites' Immaculate Heart of Mary Province, Hubertus, Wis., said he had also spoken with the nuns in the infirmary as a group "for well over an hour" Oct. 15. He said that after he arrived Oct. 13 he had invited each sister in the monastery to meet with him individually as well as together so

that he could report to Rome "the concerns of each sister regarding Carmelite life in the Morristown monastery." Others at the monastery told reporters that the barricaded nuns refused to meet with him individually. Father Culligan said he would not comment on the contents of discussions or other matters of his visit because "any further statement by me could compromise the integrity and confidentiality of the apostolic visitation." He said Rome would receive his report "within the next several days" and "make whatever decisions it judges appropriate." Mother Hewitt was questioned at length by reporters about specific complaints by the barricaded nuns concerning such thingsas the introduction of television in the monastery and the installation of brighter lights in the chapel. She said the television was used mainly for educational videocassettes to help update the' sisters on liturgy, theology and other matters in accord with the Second Vatican Council's mandate that contemplative nuns receive such updati:ng..

viewed as disruptive of their contemplative life. The four who initiated the protest had agreed earlier to leave the Morristown monastery and goto other monasteries, but when they locked themselves up they said they did so because they were afraid of being evicted by Paterson diocesan officials. They told reporters that when they agreed in September to leave, they did so only as a delaying action while they appealed their case to Pope John Paul II. They also objected to being governed by Mother Hewitt, a Carmelite from Terre Haute, Ind., who was installed as prioress in August 1987 by Bishop Frank J. Rodimer of Paterson. The monastery, in the Paterson diocese, is under his authority. Bishop Rodimer, who was in Rome when the protest began, returned Oct. II and said at a press conference Oct. 12 that the decision to ask the four nuns to leave had come from the Vatican's Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes, which oversees religious orders around the world. He said the dispute in the monastery was a longstanding one. When he brought Mother Hewitt in as prioress 14 months ago, he said, he did so with Vatican approval and specifically to try to reconcile the divided nuns. The four nuns involved in the protests range in age from 28 to 45. The Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes announced O~t. 13 that it had named Father Culligan to visit the monastery and report his findings to Rome. "Father Culligan is a Carmelite, so he has the Carmelite charism. He should be able to make a good evaluation of the situation," said Msgr. Joseph Galante, an undersecretary of the Vatican agency. In a telephone interview Oct. 14 Siste'r Teresita said the key issue in the controversy had become one of obedience after a June 14 meeting in which Mother Hewitt, in the presence of a diocesan official, gave the four a formal comma~d of obedience to attend commumty events and give simple respect and obedience to her. . Sister Teresita described the meeting as a "first warning of dismissal," since under church law a member of a religious order can be dismissed for ·refusing to obey 'a

Our baseball man' hit a home run

In our April I edition, The Anchor's anonymous roving sports reporter(we'll call him Father Baseball) told us how he toured central Florida during spring training, keeping his eyes open for teams with talent. Father Baseball was buoyed by his often dashed but indestructible faith that this would be the Year of the Red Sox. Well, we're glad to bring you an update: the Sox didn't disappoint their biggest fan, who noted in The brighter chapel lights were April, as the season began, that installed to enable the sisters to they were "richly endowed with read the Liturgy of the Hours . talent." , more easily, she. said. The fan of the national pastime Four of the protesters, Sisters . really hit a home run, though, John of the Cross, Bernadette, when he told us that Tommy LaTeresita and Marie, have been sorda, who in the spring was barricaded in the infirmary of the "wearing a conspicuous grin," Monastery of the Most Blessed would bring his L.A. Dodgers .to Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel the 'world Series. since Oct. 4. A fifth nun, Sister Perfect prediction, Padre! Philomena, joined them Oct. 5. "N 0 one else in the world picked The group said they objected to them," the Anchor's man noted modernization moves which they with Christian modesty.

formal command if it is given as an The Anchor' obligation under the vow of obe- . Fr·iday, Oct. 21, 1988 dience. After that meeting, the four nuns began to prepare an appeal to the pope, she said. Tim Manning, a spokesman for the Paterson Diocese, said the diTRAIN , TOBEA visions in the monastery went back PROFESSIONAL more than 10 years and were caused • SECRETARY • by "a difference of philosophy • SEC.lRECEPTIONIST about contemplative religious life • EXECUTIVE SECRETARY and personality differences." Start locally, Full time/part time. Learn word processing and related secretarial skills. Home Study and Resident Training. Nan HDQTRS., Pompano Beach, FL

For men


DETROIT (NC) - Joliet, 111., Bishop Joseph L. Imesch, chairman of the committee drafting the pastoral on women's concerns, said the U.S. bishops' proposed letter "is not so much for women as it is for men." He said that "men have to be the ones concerned about what this pastoral letter says." The bishop was in Detroit for a national teleconference on the letter.



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