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What is Mission?

By Father Donald Bowen:

Mission Sunday, in addition to recalling for us what has always been an indispensable feature of our Christian belief and commit­ ment, carries with it, less fortui­ tously, a certain potential for duplicity. This emerges by way of sev­ eral polarities within our atti­ tudes on mission which the fol­ lowing reflections will seek to clarify and, hopefully to resolve, at least in part. Quite possibly the tensions oc­ casioned by these polarities have been part of the Church's miss­ ion consciousness since her first efforts beyond Jerusalem some 2,000 years ago. This should in no way be taken as legimating misguided motions nor resigning us to their acceptance. Rather, it can be taken as original evidence of the difficulty always associated with our task of trying to identify and live out in each age the mission of a kingdom whose present de­ mands are often shaped by the sometimes ambiguous content of Its future promise. This should warn us against approaching a consideration of 'misslon with feelings of trium­ phalism or self-righteousness. The first polarity is that of describing mission as almsgiving on one hand or as justice on the other. . Clearly the former has until now had more common accept­ ance. Missionary activity and re­

sponsibilty are often seen in this light as little more than sending personnel, supplies and funds to peoples and nations considered less fortunate than ourselves. But today the benefit of a more adequate historical aware­ ness in viewing these other na­ tions obliges us to a deeper ques­ tioning of such a facile discrim­ inat10n. Thee criteria we use in measuring who is less or more fortunate must be reexamined. We also face a new reckoning with the causes and at least in part the blame for many of the obvious inequalities existing in major portions of the globe. First, it must be asked whether it is fair or honest to measure the situation of others soley on the basis of an economic com­ parison or a grading of techno­ logical development. This ap­ proach leads to the erroneous conclusion that money, science and industry given in proper doses can happily meet all the needs of underdeveloped nations and erase the supposed or real evils behind them. It carries the hidden assumption that the only, thing required is to make others like us. But what does such an evalua­ tion say about cultural riches

and values of other peoples?

Where is there room in that

scheme for taking into account

. their contributions to the history

and spread Christianity in the

modern world? Is no place give~

to what they may have to offer

Turn to Page Six





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Fall River, Mass., Friday, October 22, 1982

20c, $6 Per Year

Reagan reaffirms

tax credit support

By Pat McGowan

In a letter to Catholic educa­ tors'meeting in Hyannis, Presi­ dent Reagan has pledged con­ tinued support of tuition tax credit legislation. The president told members of the Chief Administrators of Catholic Education, a depart­ ment of the National Catholic Educational Association, "I have asked my staff to hold a meeting with all interested groups im­ mediately following the elections to decide upon the best legisla­ tive strategy for winning pass­ age of this bill. "I pledge that I will continue to do everything I can to get this bill enacted. If we are not suc­ cessful in the lame duck session, we will press all the-more vigor­ ously in the first session of the 98th Congress." The letter, dated Oct. 15, re­ called that Reagan, in address­ ing the NCEA national conven­ tion last April, had told the edu­ cators "the time was ripe to move forward vigorously on tui­ tion tax credit legislation." The president noted the diff­ culties his tuition tax credit bill had met in the Senate Finance Committee, saying that "maneu­ verings" of opponents had suc­ ceeded in delaying it beyond the deadline for action in the regu­ lar session of Congress. He denied that tuition tax

credits could harm the interests. of racial minorities, saying that his bill includes "unequivocal prohibitions against racial dis­ criminaton," giving the Depart­ ment of Justice enforcement au­ thority. The president also point­ ed out that fully 19 percent of Catholic school students are members of racial minority groups. A record attendance of over 300 educators and their spouses has been posted at the CACE/ NCEA convention, which opened Monday and closes today at the Sheraton-Regal Hotel in Hyannis. The meeting is cohosted by the Fall River diocese with the 10 -other New England dioceses and archdioceses, the New England province of the Society of Jesus and St. Joseph's province of the Xaverian Brothers. Arrange­ ments were in the hands of Father George W. Coleman, di­ rector of the Fall River Diocesan Department of Education aided by CACE. administrative secre­ tary Mary Barnes . and Grace Taylor, Fall River diocesan off­ ice of education secretary. Among those attending are Msgr. John F. Meyers, NCEA presidEmt, who addressed dele­ gates briefly; and Msgr. Francis X. Barrett, CACE executive di­ rector and coordinator of the department's three divisions: Catholic schools, religious edu­ cation and total Catholic educa­ tion.

Addressing the convention "Leadership in Sharing the Light of Faith," keynote speaker Sister Mary Dooley, SSJ, discussed awareness of vocation as a legacy from St. Paul to modern apostles.' She is presi­ dent of Our Lady of the Elms College, Chicopee. She was heard Monday night after a day including a new mem­ ber orientation session and meet­ ings of the CACE executive, federal assistante, advisory, plan­ ning and resolutions committees. Tuesday's program began with a business sefsion, chaired by CACE department president John J. Augenstein, superintendent of schools for the Youn~stown, 0., diocese. It also included "Prayer of the Nuclear Man," an audiovisual presentation by Father Patrick Mooney of the .:Bridgeport, Conn., diocese. Workshops dealt with Signifi­ cance of Contemporary Social Concerns for Education Leaders; Religious Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of American Cath­ olic Youth; Implications and di­ rections for Diocesan Adminis­ trators; Non-Catholics in Cath­ olic Schools; Implementation of the Guidelines on Human Sex­ uality in Catholic Schools; 'and Principles and Strategies for Adult Education. DivisionaL, business meetings Turn to Page Three theme~

Gemayelasks continued aid

ON MISSION SUNDAY Father Donald Bowen, a priest of the Fall River diocese who has served in Bolivia since 1~73 with the Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle shares his thoughts on what mission really means_ This mother and child are among his parishioners on the Bolivian altiplano.

WASHINGTON(NC) - leb­ ·anese leader met with President anese President Amin Gemayel, Reagan. meeting with U.S. church offi­ The others were Bishop James cials, described his people's situ­ W. Malone of Youngstown, 0., ation as like being in a dark NGCB/USCC vice-president, and tunnel when a sudden shaft of Father J. Bryan Hehir, the bish­ light - characterizing the sup­ ops' advisor for the Mideast and port of U.S. Catholics - breaks military affairs. through. The NCCB/USCC officials said His comment was reported by that Gemayel thanked them. for Msgr. Daniel Hoye; general sec­ the moral support of U.S. Cath­ retary of- the National Confer­ ence of Catholic Bishops/U.S. olics for Lebanon's people thus ~ Catholic Conference. Msgr. Hoye, far. He told them continued sup­ a priest of the Fall River diocese, port was important. This support, said the officials, was one of three NCCB/USCC officialS. meeting with Gemayel has included prayers; assistance to Lebanese refugees and other Oct. 19, the same day the Leb­

needy people through such agen­ cies as Catholic Relief Services and the Catholic Near East Wel­ fare Association; and statements and testimony from NCCBI USCC to the U.S. government in regard to the need for peace­ ful settlements to crises in Leb­ anon and the whole Middle East. They said they did Qot discuss with Gemayel the 'cpncern of American Christians over the fighting and bloodshed in which Christian Pha1l1ngist ~roups in Lebanon have participated. Gemayel is a Maronite CathTurn to Page· Three








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Papal dishes are U.8. gift·


Friday, Oct. 22, 19a2


NCCC hits Re~g~.nomics DETROIT(NC) - A govern. ment philosophy. "which values weapons .over people" was at: - tacked earlier this month at the annual congress of the National Conference of Catholic Charities (NCCC). Rep. Mary Rose Oakar (D. Ohio) criticized budget cuts which slashed programs for the elderly and children, noting that "the priority in Washington to­ day is military buildup." Ms. Oakar said the key to giv­ ing national priorities an ethical force is "you. You' must give Congress and the president a conscience about what our values are and how we can spend our money....

"It says 'Pray and sacrifice



'The world needs Christ'

By Msgr. John J. Oliveira Diocesan. Director Society for the Propagation of the' Faith Her remarks concluded the five­ In speaking about World Miss­ day convention, attended by ion' Sunday, Pope John Paul II over 800 workers in Catholic said, "I wanted to preach the social agencies. Father Peter N. Gospel myself, making myself, Graziano, executive director of in a way. an itinerant catechist the Department of Social Ser­ vices, represented the Fall River This great yearning of our diocese. Holy Father to be missionary is Responding to the meeting's partly expresse\i by his frequent theme, "Retooling for the 1980s travels to mission lands. Of these - Strategies for Justice," dele· visits he has said. "Contact with gates approved a policy state­ the great masses of' people who ment rejecting the Reagan con­ still know nothing of Christ, has cept that "the private sector can convinced me, more than any­ fill the gap left by the reduction thing else, of the urgency of in the role of the federal gov­ preaching the Gospel. THE ernment," adding that the pri­ WORLD NEEDS CHRISTI" On SiJnday w.~ shall all have a vate sector has neither the "col· lective resources" the capacity special opportunity to share in nor the full responsibility to fill the spirit of I evarigelization to that gap." which we are called by Pope John Paul. It is World Mission In his keynote address, Father Richard McBrien, University of' Sunday 1982, a day of prayer Notre Dame theologian, criti­ and sacrifice on which American cized the Catholic right's attack Catholics will be joined with on the U.s. Catholic Church and' Catholics throughout the world particularly its bishops for speak. in a common effort to sustain ing out on political and social missionary vitality and the growth of the Church. issues. As Diocesan director of the "Presumably, the bishops may Society for the Propagation of denounce sin when it comes in the Faith, which coordinates the the form of abortion, pornogra· celebration of World. Mission phy, illicit sex, drug abuse, Sunday, I see at close hand both drunkenness, failure to attend the great n~d of the mis~ions Mass on Sundays and holy days and the direct effect that the co­ of obligation,.. said Father Mc­ operative effort of Mission Sun­ Brien, "but they may not de­ day ~as. on meeting these' needs.. nounce sin when it manifests it­ At present some 900 local 'self in racism, sexism, indiffer­ churches receive aid through ence to the plight of the poor, the Propagation of the Faith: militarism, suppreSsion of human 361 in Africa, 297 in Asia, 181 in rights, consumerism,. and the Central and South America, 30 like. in Oceania, 13 in Europe, and 10 But "it is your high honor and in North America. missionary duty not only to preach Catholic social doctrine but to put it into practice," he said. WASHINGTON (NC) - The His remarks set the stage for Supreme Court will review the

"contemporary perspective .on corftltitutionality of a Minnesota

world peace," a workshop con- tuition tax deduction. program

ducted by Archbishop Raymond similar to the tuition tax credit

G. Hunthausen of Seattle, an bill currently before Congress.

outspoken opponent of nuclear .' The 27-year-Old law allows

arms. parents to take state income tax

The archbishop lambasted tne deductions for .such costs as tu­

U.S. government for finding ition, textbooks and transporta­

money for weapons but not for tion. A federal appeals court up­

social serVices. "One Trident sub- held the Minnesota deduction

marine could have paid the sal- because, it said, it is available

ary of all the public school ,to all parents not just those who

teachers ~n the state of Washing- send their children to non-public

ton for three years, or build schools and because the benefit 25,000 n~w low income housing to religion is "remote and inciunits," he said. dental."


:Last year's Mission Sunday collection in the United States totaled $16 million - and all of it' was sent directly to' the Miss­ ions. At this moment it is help­ ing support missionaries as they witness the Gospel message of Christ in parishes, schools, nurs­ ing homes, hospitals, orphanages and refugee centers. .' Statistics point up the vast scale of aid provided through the generosity of" .A:merican Cath­ ,olics. But even more dramatic, and more gr~tifyirig, I think, are the personal letters of thanks from those helped ... the bishop in Zambia, whose diocese was able to build .desperately needed. rural health centers; the sem· inary in Samoa, where native vocations were too numerous to accommodate without aid; the Sisters. in Lesotho who were provided with transportation for reaching their people spread far and wide ... The common sentiments in all their letters, echoed in so many more, are deep gratitude and the assurance of prayers for their benefactors. Still - their needs remain great and there' are many more , -, to be helped. ' So please, remember them through your prayers and sacri­ fices this Sunday and through. out the year. Share with our Holy Father, the bishops and all the people of God in the great spirit of the missions. The World Needs Christ ... . the world needs you.


TRENTON, N.J. (NC) - The Edward Marshall Boehm por­ celain studio, which made a "$209,000 set of formal china din­ nerware for the White House, has designed a 24-place set of English bone china for Pope John Paul II, said Helen Boehm, the studio's owner. Pope John Paul did not cQm­ mission the dinnerware. It is a gift from the Boehm studio and a group called Friends of Ameri­ can Art in Religion to honor the pope for allowing 200 Vatican' works of art and artifacts to ,be exhibited in the United States for the first time. . Each of the '24 pl~ce settings


declared natural right

VATICAN CITY (NC) - At­ .tempts to achieve world literacy "should be considered not just as a type of assistance for the alienated but as a natural right of justice," Pope John Paul II said. In a letter to Anadou Mahtar M'Bow, . director general of UNESCO, the pope praised the work of the agency in tIw fight against illiteracy. The letter' was sent to mark the 16th 'annual World Literacy 'Day, celebrated recently by the

157 member nations of the U.N.

Educational, Scientific and Cul­ tural Organization. '

It is necessary to know how to read' and~write to survive and have one's rights respected, wrote Pope John Paul. UNESCO estimates there are 815 million illiterate adults and 120 million illiterate school-age children in the world.

RFE head named

of plates, cups and saucers has a raised border of 24-karat gold. Emblazoned on each plate is the emblem of the Holy Seee: cross­ ed keys surmounJed by a tiara. Mrs. Boehm. declined to r~veal the value of the dinnerware.: . Designed by Mrs. Boehm re­ portedly with the assistance of a Vatican representative at the studio headquarters, the dinner­ ware will be made at the studio's production plant in Malvern, Eng\and, and will be sent to the pope on Jan. 24. The exhibit, "The Vatican Col­ lections: The Papacy and Art," opens Feb. 26 at the Metropoli­ tan Museum of Art in New York and will travel to Chicago al)d San Francisco. Boehm is also producing a limited edition of 250' similar dinner plates to be given to . guests Jan. 24 at a dinner spon­ sored by Friends of American Art in Religion at the Metropoli· tan Museum of Art in New York. To be invited to the dinner, a person must have contributed at least. $2,500 to the organization in 1982. The Boehm studio has made porcelain pieces for five presi­ dents, including the swans Presi­ dent Richard Nixon presented to Chinese Communist. Party Chair· man Mao Zedong on Nixon's

first trip to China. ,

,(necrology] October 23 Rev. Joseph Eid, Pastor, 1970, St. Anthony of Desert, Fall River October 25 Rev. Reginald .Chene, O.P., 1935, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Raymond B. Bourgoin, Pastor, 1950, St. Paul, Taunton

WASHINGTON (NC}-James October 27 L. Buckley, former Conservative Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson, Party senator from New York, 1967, St. 'Mathieu, Fall Assistant, has been named president of. River Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty. Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, Assis­ Buckley, formerly 'undersecre­ 1918, Mt. Carmel, New Bed­ tant, tary of state for ~ecurity assis­ ford tance and outspoken human rights and pro-life advocate, will October 28 work at Radio Free Europe's Rev. Alfred E. Colombe, Pas· headquarters in Munich, West tor, 1923, St. George, Westport Germany. He is the brother of Rev. Stanislaus KOZikowski, conservative columnist William OFM Conv., Pastor, 1956, St. F. Buckley. Hedwig, New Bedford

Tax cred-It studeled

-' .

AMONG NEW BEDFORD workers on the Bishop's Charity Ball committee are, from left, Miss Dorothy Curry;~Georg~ G. Mendonca, honorary ball cochairman; Miss Mary Elizabeth LaRoche; Father Richard L. Chreti en; Miss Theresa Lewis.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Od. 22, 1982


GemayeI asks continued aid Continued from page one

THE KINDERGARTEN CHANT, "We're all in our places with sunshiny faces," is exemplified on the higher levels by these members of the Chief Administrators of Cath­ olic Education, meeting in Hyannis. From left, Msgr. Frapcis X. Barrett, CACE executive director; Sister Mary Dooley, SJ, college president and keynote speaker; and Father George W. Coleman, convention co-host and Fall River diocesan director of education.

Reagan reaffirms tax credit support

Continued from page one were followed by the conven­ tion's major liturgy, celebrated at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hy­ annis, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal celebrant and homilist. Music was by the choirs of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, and Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, directed respectively by George Campeau and Elaine Saulnier. Designated concelebrants were Father Coleman, representing

the host diocese; Msgr. John A. Mihan, superintendent of ele­ mentary schools for the Los An­ geles archdiocese; Msgr. Mark Schommer, director of education for the Green Bay, Wise., dio­ cese; and Rev. James F. Hawker, director of religious educational programs for the Boston arch­ diocese. Father Stephen Doyle, OFM, of Pope John XXIII Seminary, Wes­ ton, spoke Wednesday morning on "Acting, Speaking in the Present To Create the Future." Also on Wednesday's program were workshops on Management Issues for Vicars; The Ministry Explosion: Implications for Re· ligious Education and Response of Diocesan Leadership; Vision and Values in the Catholic School: the View from the Dio­

cesan Office; and Responsibility of School Personnel to Support the Church's Work in Social Action.

end by a three-day. conference for Christian Brothers. Sister Anne Moore, CND, co­ ordinated arrangements for spouses of delegates to visit Cape Cod attractions during con­ vention sessions. Art work for the convention program was by Sister Gertrude Gaudette, . OP, and hospitality

was arranged by Sister Patricia Halliday, SND. Sister Doreen Donegan, SUSC, was liaison for New England offices of religious education; Sister Laurita Hand, PBVM, was liaison for New England school offices; and Father Marcel H. Bouchard made arrangements for convention liturgies.

Educators to" meet Fresh from hosting the national ligious education personnel and

other interested adults are in­

convention of Chief Administra­ vited to attend.

tors of Catholic Education in Hy­ annis, the Fall - River diocese

The Nov. 1 program, primarily

will mount its own annual two­ day meeting Sunday, Oct. 31, for teachers in diocesan schools,

and Monday, Nov. 1, at ·Bishop will be held from 8:15 a.m. to

Connolly High School, Fall River. 2:15 p.m. and will include work~

The Sunday meeting, beginning shops and an address by Rev.

Michael G. Foley, coordinator of

at 1 p.m., will be for all cate­ chists in the diocese and the youth ministry for the Worcester diocese. speaker will be Dr.· Doris Don­ nelly of Princeton Theological Seminary, who' will offer two presentations on the sacraments. The first talk: "Sacraments: Signs of Power and Wholeness," will deal with Sacraments not as "things" received but as "events" celebrated and as occasions for experiencing the presence of God as a source of power and whole· ness. Dr. Donnelly's second talk will

be set in the context of the forth·

coming world bishops' synod on

individual and international re­

conciliation. Titled "Preparing for the Synod: Thoughts about Reconciliation and Forgiveness," it will focus on how communi­ ties can be signs of forgiveness, bringing new power to the sac­ rament of reconciliation.

Yesterday's workshops dealt with Spiritual Development of Education Leaders; Certification and Formation in Religious Edu­ cation; Women in Catholic Edu­ cational Leadership; Developing Administrative Leadership for

Bishop Daniel J,.. Cronin will

Catholic Schools; and Approach­ es to Catechetical Evaluation: be principal celebrant of the

4:30 p.m. liturgy which will con­

An Adult Dialogical Method. clude the afternoon session. CACE . advisory committees

met this morning and the con­ Registration for the session

vention was preceded last week- will include refreshments. All reo


olic whose father, Pierre, founded the Phalangist Party. His brother, Bashir, was assassinated in Sep­ tember in a bomb attack on a Phalangist party building in Beirut shortly after he had been elected president of Lebanon. Amin was elected president to

succeed his brother.

Gemayel emphasized the need to push for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Lebanon, Father Hehir said. Lebanon has been occupied by Israeli troops, Syrian forces, Palestine Libera­ tion Organization forces, and an i1')ternational peace·keeping force that includes U.S. troops. Gem. ayel made a similar plea in an address to the United Nations Oct. 18. Gemayal arrived in New York, the first stop of his U.S. tour, on Oct. 17. Shortly after arriving he met with Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York.

Father Edwin F. O'Brien, direc· tor of the archdiocesan communi­ cations office, said the two men met for 25 minutes at the car­ dinal's residence and prayed to­ gether in the chapel. Father 0'· Brien said ihey "discussed the situation in Lebanon ana the hopes for the future."


"God hath created nothing simply for itself: but each thing in all things and of every thing each part in other hath such interest that in the whole world nothing is found whereunto any thing created can say 'I need thee not.'" -- Richard Hooker

THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S0020). Second Cia.. Postage Paid at fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue, fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· aile Press of the Diocese of fa II River. SubS'crlptlon price by mail, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changet to The Anchor, .P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.


. the living word

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 22, 1982

the moorin9--.,

Let's Get to Work


This week our diocese is privileged to. host the Chief Administrators of Catholic Education of the National Cath­ olic Educational Association, .better known as CACE . INCEA.. Their meeting on Cape Cod brings together educa­ tional leaders from all parts of the United States. They are gathering at a momentous time in the history of Catholic education in the United' States and the impor­ tance of their convention has been underlined by a special message from President Reagan. . " In a White House letter, the chief execu.tive informed CACE members that he intends to keep the battle fQr tuition tax credits alive. Reiterating his firm belief that the fundamental author­ ity over a child's education res~ with his or her family,. he told the delegates that parents have a "righ~ and re­ sponsibility to see to it that their children are educated in accordance with their,'own values." Indicating that the S~premeCourt long ago recognized. this right, the president said he believed that tuition tax credits would restore to families "of modest and· moderate means" effective a~thority over their children's education. He recounted his efforts to get effective legislation pas~ed by the Congress' and rioted that tax credit opponents delayed his bill to such an extent that there was. insufficient time for action on it in the regular congressional session. .It is significant that President Reagan should affirm that he will not give up his fight for passage of effective tuition tax credit legislation. Once again he has showed his, mettle in the face of strong opposition. He has not re­ treated, as have some others, on this issue. Credit must be given where credit is due and in this matter the president certainly deserves every support that can be given him. If tuition tax credit legislation is eventually passed by th~ Congress, it will be the resul.t of united and effective leadership. CACE can be depended upon to provide the necessary grassroots direction in this matteI:. And indeed the grassroots is the level at 'which real impetus is needed. All the leadership, direction, and guide­ lines in the world will fail if people do not get out and vote. Every parent of a child in a Catholic school should get every relative, friend, inlaw and even outlaw to the polling place. If tuition tax credits are to become a reality, members of Congress must be made aware that their sup­ port or lack of support of such legislation will be noted at the polls. . If parents are not motivated· in this matter and leave this work to the proverbial other guy, they will not only do themse!ves and their childreri a disservice, 'but they will also squander their opportunity to achieve their constitu­ tional rights and freedoms. Indeed, we need the contribution of our leaders, in particular the bishops of the United States and the mem­ bers of CACE. But. even more than these, we need every parent of Catholic schoolchildren. to roll up his or her . sleeves and work for this cause. Once again we urge not only parents but all Anchor readers to become marketplace activists, so to speak, in this matter, and to get out and. work for the passage of tuition tax credits and an end to the present legalized dis­ crimination in educational choice.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River,. Mass. 02722 675-7'151 • PUBLISHER Most'Rev. Daniel A•. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.

EDITOR ~ev. John F. Moore

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR. Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . ~ I.eary Press-Fall River


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'The fruit of good labors is glorious.' Wisdom 3:15

Genuine- rene'wal By Father


J. Harrington

One of the most.overworked words in today's religious vocab­ nlary is "renewal." It has be­ come an umbrella term includ­ ing every positive change that occurs in a person's life. To speak against renewal is to be labeled a reactionary. There are certain elements of renewal in today's church which should in­ deed be lauded but an uncritical acceptance of every change is very unhealthy. A more traditional word that encompasses the various shades of meanings of renewal is "con­ version." Conversion is a change of heart, a recognition of the Lord and a drawing closer to him; but -it does not take us com­ pletely out of the human condi­ tion nor totally alter the cast of our personality. Since conver­ sion is not totally in the emotion­ al realm, psychology can only deal with part of the experience. Archbishop Fulton Sheen spent his life examining the dynamics of conversion. His firsthand ex­ periences of conversion in par­ ishes led him to the conclusion that the Lord's secret hand was at work in the everyday -lives of common people. . ,. He identified conversion as somethi~g beyond a simple change in church affiliation.

Certitude and peace of soul' are among its definite byproducts. However, certitude should never imply complete freedom from doubt nor should peace of soul imply total emotional tranquility. For 'Bishop Sheen conversion mel;lnt more than the popular connotation of renewal. My own limited parish experi­ ence of instructing' converts has taught me that there are as many converts as there are rea­ sons for' conversion. I am sus­ picious of those who make in­ stant changes in their lifestyle after participation in.a weekend retreat. There is little doubt that peo­ ple can be 'inspired by a retreat; however, the conversion pro­ cess can be set off by a less spectacular personal encounter with the Lord. There is' certainly a need for conversion among the many un­ churched baptized Catholics. The renewal movements serve a def­ inite purpose, but there are as many ways of bringing people to conversion as' there' are peo­ ple. It is dangerous to presume that anyone magic formula is a panacea. There is also a danger that people will identify conversion solely with the renewal move­ ments. There is nothing new in this phenomenom. We are un-

attracted' to the spectacu­ lar. When .the Syrian Naaman was told he would be cured of his ·leprosy by washing himself seven times in the river Jordan, he was disappointed. He ~ad ex­ pected a more spectacular cure. Like him, we may be inclined to expect great things only from the strange, unusual or outland­ ish. usual~y

The classic d~finition of the word conversion from the Latin "conversion" or the Greek "met~ anoia" is ~ turning, usually in­ volring a turning away from sin and a turning towards God. There is little wonder that the sacraments of penance and Holy Eucharist are open doors for fallen~away Catholics. These sacraments may not be strange, unusual or outlandish and may seem as routine as did washing in the Jordan for Naaman. Yet often' the best cure may be sim­ ple and ready at hand. If anyone comes to me on cloud nine after a renewal week­ end, I usually advise him or her to inculcate the habit of praying. Many participants are better at talking about God than with him, but true convers(on should lead to a day-to-day. dialogue with the Lord. Only then will genuine renewal be sustained in good times and bad.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct 22, 1982

Family Night

A weekly at-home program for families

sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry


OPENING PRAYER God our father, through your son, Jesus, you have blessed us with peace. Help our family to share that 'gift with our brothers and sisters everywhere. Never let us be the cause of pain or unhappiness' for others. Amen.

each other that peace begfns at home. Each person is responsi­ ble for keeping his or her flag flying by bejng at peace. The in­ dividual whose behavior disrupts the peace and harmony of the household should take down his or her flag until doing what is necessary to restore peace.


Adult Families Read prayerfully the Scripture passage found in the Acts of the Apostles 10:34·38.' ,






In today's movies, it's special effects. In yester-, day's movies, it was special people, like Grace Kelly, like


The last lines are: "We would settle down in a little place She would be known as the former Princess Grace She would forget that prince In our trailer park near Buffalo." Grace Kelly conquered Holly­ wood with elegant ease. She never prattled to interviewers, tattled about her attachments or allowed herself to be pushed around by producers. She ap­ peared in only 11 pictures. When she left, she left for good. She and Ingrid Bergman ap­ peared in movies .that make to­ day's slices of life seem lifeless and drab. They reigned in an era when people expected entertain­ ment, suspense, romance, meaty plots full of intrigue, danger, and in man-woman encounters, a bit of persiflage. They were the es­ sence of pre-liberation glamour. Their audiences wanted not ,gritty depictions of life in the

ghetto or the brusque "Your­

place-or-mine?" encounters of the

current "meaningful relation­

ship." They sought illusion and

escape. It was a time when if a

young woman yearned to be­

come a tank driver or a fire­ fighter, she kept the notion to

herself. She wanted to meet _

and marry -- Mr. Right. Ingrid

Bergman and Grace Kelly, she

figured, could show her how.

Ingrid Bergman, both gone now. The cinematic sensation of the summer just past was an elec­ tronic marvel made of aluminum TO THINK ABOUT ENTERTAINMENT and steel, fiberglass and poly­ Middle Years Families United Nations Day is cele­ urthane, occasionally peopled by 1. If you live in a large city, WORLD NEIGHBORS Ma­ brated on October 24th and two dwarfs and a legless boy. take a ride th'rough a neighbor­ serves as a reminder of God's terials: box, magazines, glue. . hood that is largely inhabited by That would be E.T. Find pictures of people from diff­ gift of people everywhere, peo­ Grace Kelly was blue eyes, a particular group of people. ple of all kinds, colors, religions, erent parts of the world. What is 2. Invite a family or friend of fragile blonde beauty, white life like for them? How are they another race or nationality to and personalities. As transporta­ gloves and a slow smile that tion and communication improve, like us? What can we do to make share Family Night with you. Let promised excitement. Her our world gets smaller and we their life more livable? Cover a them tell you about their coun­ countrymen found her an utter­ become more dependent upon box with a collage of these pic­ try and customs. ly satisfactory heroine, both on each other for basic needs. It's tures. Use the box for a center­ and off the screen. She played piece as you gather on the floor really a small, small world after SHARING romantic roles, she married a in a prayer ,circle. Pray for world all! . prince. Share how you feel when peace and brotherhood. There's nobody remotely like you meet a stranger. ACTIVITY IDEAS her now.. She and Ingrid Berg­ - Share what you might do man were goddesses. Grace to make an "outsider" feel more Young Families Kelly was a great lady. Ingrid comfortable. PEACE FLAGS Materials: Bergman was a great woman. paper, crayons, scissors, glue, Everyone knew it. CLOSING PRAYER string. Have each member of the Bergman was a more' heroic family make a peace flag featur­ Matthew 11:25-30. Pause after and imposing person, a more ing some peace symbol. String the reading and have each person compelling actress and, in her the flags in one place. Remind offer a personal prayer. private life, she dared to play Anna Karenina. She counted the 'world well lost for love, which might be acceptable if you paid to watch it in the theater, but not in real life. Today if an actress left hus­ A woman asked me once fact, I frequently add a note to By band and child and. ran off with brochures and publicity: "Bring why I never printed any an Italian film director, it would DOLORES recipes in my column. I your handwork." be a cover story for People maga­ I know that people listen more confess I didn't know how carefully as a result of their zine and perhaps an example of a woman "firiding herself." Then to respond. Frankly I don't handwork. Their minds are freed CURRAN it was a thunderous international They were often victimized by know why she asked me a ques­ the men in their lives - Ingrid

by activity with their hands. I'm tion like that because I've never testing the validity of this theory scandal that. sent clergymen and Bergman stalked by Charles

pretended to be either a gourmet by trying something new this congressmen into ,!lpasms of ·fury Boyer in "Gaslight," Grace Kelly

and condemned her to an exile cook or a household columnist. year. For years I've conducted that lasted 14 years. She bore programmed for extinction by by handwork in an audience, On the other hand, I frequently three annual days of spirituality her malicious husband Ray Mil­ her vicissitudes with her incom­ land in "Dial M for Murder." No . meet people who are surprised for women at a local renwal perhaps these ,words will help parable profile held high., .' to learn that I like to sew. Why? center. They come, sit in straight you realize that people aren't Grace Kelly the' daughter of a larger significance was read into being rude when they stitch and their circumstances. Because I write. I couldn't write chairs and listen. Occasionally, Philadelphia contractor, a repre­ .. listen. I find it flattering when one will ask beforehand, "Do if I didn't sew - at least I They appeared I,n movies to sentative of the high Irish in the they bring their handwork be-' couldn't write well. Sewing is' a you mind if I embroider?" and I Kennedy mold, knew what was ~ which.parents could, safel~ bring release for me, not work. After notice others wishing they had cause it tells me they feel com­ expected of her. She lived up to the children. The Ha~s office had fortable enough with me to view a full day at the typewriter, I brought their handwork. her commitments. She married rules .that ~ould stnke contem­ look forward to an evening of This year we have planned me as a friend who might be sit­ Rainier she devoted herself to porary audiences as the work of sewing in my cluttered corner three mornings of "Stitchery and ting in their kitchen and sewing while talking about some pretty his littl~ country, their family, to Cotton Mather. ~e ~ro~ucers off the family room. Spirituality" - a deliberate in­ charity. She occasionally gave had to r:ly on the I~~glnatlon of important things. poetry readings. Living happily the audience. EX~hclt sex w~s It frees my mind to wander vitation to women to applique, Handwork and mindwork are out of. the question. Actors In ever after involved being a par­ and think. It invites the kids to quilt, embroider, knit, hem, cro­ not mutually exclusive. They in­ chet or even sketch while pray­ ent, which brought, for Her be~ With each other were re­ sit nearby and talk of their day. spire and nurture one another. Serene Highness certain bouts qUlred to be fully clo.thed. Adult­ Many's the evening my husband ing and meditating. They go together like real life of heavy wElather. Her older erous love was neve~ allowed to grabs a chair nearby and we talk I intend to use scripture, medi­ and faith. daughter Princess Caroline tum out well. Nudity was un­ in a quiet unhurried way, maybe ., tation, pO'etry, sharing, prayer seems not to have taken her dreamed of. about an important family matter and lecturing during the three­ but more likely that easy kind hour morning. I believe that beautiful, dutiful, pious mother. And yet they prod~ced some fora role model. effects that viewers never forof spousal conversation that handwork will free my listeners Grace Kelly's sudden death got. When C~ry Grant took In­ handwork fosters. to concentrate on thelr spiritual caused real heartache for a gen- grid Bergman in his arms for 'the The more I write, the more I lives and' also that it will assuage eration. She had provided magic first time in "Spellbound," the sew. I just finished my .longest their' guilt for taking a morning and delight. Many American screen dissolved into a success­ off from housework. and most difficult book and sim­ males for years carried around ion of opening doors. When Cary ultaneously my longest and most Early registration numbers in their heads the fantasy that . Grant and Grace Kelly embraced complicated quilt. I need a bal­ tell me I'm on the right track she was somehow attainable. each ottter for the finale of "To ance of both to do either well. and I'll be interested in seeing They thought that if thei courd Catch a Thief," the Mo'nte Carlo This brings up an aUxiliary if the sense of community and just meet her, they could sweep sky blazed with ~ireworks. issue - handwork at meetings. shiuing I anticipate materializes. her off her feet. The idea perIngrid Bergman and Grace One of the worries of today's People who don't understand the sisted, and was put in song by Kelly were part of our lives, mind release handwork brings women is that they aren't spend­ ''I'm going to start paying my 1977. gracious, gentle, luminous erea­ Mark Russell in ing enought time on their spirit­ tend to criticize those who knit tithe right after date money, "I will wait for you, Grace tures who helped us ~rough the snacks, ball game tickets, and or crochet in front of a speaker. ual lives. They want· an alterna­ Kelly, days and nights. The contrapcar repairs," I know a speaker who is deeply tive to the prayer group and this Even though you don't tions they give us now cannot offended by such listeners. It might be it. take the place of such stars. know I exist . . . .. Meanwhile, for those offended does~'t bother me at all in

Sew she thinks.

Make caramel apples or some other apple treat.








(. ~,", ": ' I."

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THE ANCHOR­ Friday, Oct. 22, 1982


Nestle moves to WHO compliance WA$l:IINGTON(NC) ~ The Nestle Co.., the world's leading infant "9rmula maker, has "dem­ onstrated a positive, response" in revising its marketing policies to bring them more into line with ~orld Health Organization guidelines, former Sen. Edmund . Muskiesaid at a press conference Oct. 14. Muskie, who chairs a market· ing audit commission set up by Nestle, said the Swiss·based company is adopting changes in sales tactics to discourage pro­ motion of the infant formula as . a substitute for breastfeeding. However, leaders of a five-year international boycott of Nestle products said at a separate press oonference that although the changes provide "a great amount of hope," they are still insuf­ ficient to meet the WHO code and "inadequate to protect the health and lives of children in developing nations."

"BLESSED ARE they who hunger and thirst for justice ..." Bolivian peasants mount roadblock in protest over unfair prices for their products.

What is mission?

it must be something that we are, all days of the year and in all 'places. Unless mission re­ verts in its deepest sense to a life-giv:ing 'reciprocity it be­ comes just another misguiaed activity alongside many others. ,Perhaps we can now. draw some final conclusions: Miss.ion is not a question of categorizing the more and' less privileged. Rather, ,we must see oUJ:l,ielves as fellow travelers, healing one another's brokenness by the gift of each to the other. My strength snores up my neighbor's weak­ ness. Surprisingly, his or her weakness can wondrously re­ direct my own strength. In this way the missionary en­ deavor begins by acknowledging a common disinheritance touch­ ing us all and binding us to­ gether- in a search for the one legacy capable of leading the entire world towards wholeness. That legacy is none other than our calling as children of one Father whose Spirit of life and freedom invites us to discover ourselves anew in the diversi­ fied oneness of his only Son. This, .finally, is the singular missionary enterprise which must engage everyone in every season.

tudes towards others. Many tend . effectively immunize ourselves Continued firom page one us, as if we were beyond all . to ,see distant peoples not as against any possibility or" being brothers but only as foreigners, .missioned to by others., need? ,But this tempting polarity does First such a onesided view concentrating more on their not stand up under scrutiny any differences than their similar­ has us viewing ourselves as do­ more than do the previous two. ities. nors who need only siphon off Once we can pass that hurdle Going about mission in this fash­ a bit of our own abundance to our understanding of, mission ion performs more of a disser­ , In its first quarterly report heal the visible ills of others. should experience a basic change, vice than a service,_ for it may the Nestle Infant ,Formula Audit Secondly, such an attitude does VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Commission commended Nestle not admit to the far more de. for then we will realize what propose solutions for problems we do unt9 others we are truly that may not exist or offer an­ John Paul' II has told the 22 for revising certain policies, but manding need for s~riously re­ bishops of Hungary to resolve added that the report is "just the viewing our own complicity in doing' unto ourselves, for better swers. for unmasked questions. It can become very paternal­ without delay the problem of beginning," since the 10-mem­ the causes of other people's suf­ istic, rather than promoting a "base communities" of Hungar­ ber group has not yet evaluated . ferings. There it will be dis­ people's autonomy and liberty, ian Catholics which do not con­ Nestle's performance' in modify­ covered that mere almsgiving foisting upon them a demeaning form to church teachings or re­ ing controversial tactics. comes up very short. sense of dependency. fuse the guidance of the local We must also begin the job The commission is encouraging Adhering to this polarity does church. Vatican sources said the boycotters and other groups to at home of rebalancing our op- , further damage in failing to. see pope was alluding to grou·ps op­ report any specific violations press~ve structures ,and destruc­ how the poor and needy can truly posing the communist govern­ tivetpatterns of consumption in with "dates, places, and num­ evangelize the wealthy and de­ ment, which have caused prob· favor" the poorer nations,' If bers" to them. veloped nations. , lems for the hie,rarchy. ,we do'not initiate a greater shar­ Ou't of their simplicity and hu­ A Nel)t1e critic, Douglas John­ ing of the earth's goods and a mility, out of their trials and suf­ son, head of the Infant Formula more equitable control and ·parti. ferings, out of their perseverance Action 'Coalition 'known as IN­ EDICTAL CITATION

cipation iIi the power used, for and hope comes a language often DIOCESAoN TRIBUNAL

FACT, said the new instructions allocation of these goods, we'will FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS

far more eleoquent in its witness '!make us very happy," but "are only be spinning wheels. Since the actual place of residence of to the Gospel than that spoken to . not the (WHO) code itself. Seen in this light, "mission" STANLEY P. DARMOFAL is unknown our own elegant c!turch edifices,' We cite STANLEYP. DARMOFAL 'to ap· must. be seen less in terms of an "What we need to see is a our massive organizations, and pear personally before the Tribunal of method of compliance, how it is occasional call for almsgiving' the Diocese of Fall River on October 26 ONE OF Father Bowen's our showcase -liturgies. '1982, at 1:30 p.m. at 344 Highland going to be implemented," he and more in terms of the requis­ Mission is, in short, a two-, ites of social justice which call youngest parishioners. Ayenue, .Fall River, Massachusetts, to said~ "The Nestle boycott will' way street and we must realize give testimony to establish: continue until Nestle adopts the ,for a massive reform in the Whether the nullity. of the mar· world economic' order. or for worse. To deny our broth­ ,our own need to be changed and WHO·UNICEF code as a mini­ riage exists in the GADOMSKI· converted by _~thers. This brings us to a second DARMOFAL case? mum requirement, and monitor­ ers and sisters is in the long run, polarity influencing our view of and perhaps even ill the short Ordinaries of the place or other pas· Finally, there is the polarity ing demonstrates that the com­ mission. We can best identify it run, to deny ourselves, and to' which looks upon mission as a tors having the knQwledge of the resi. pany operates with that· policy. as the tension which arises once help them is only to accept' program to be carried out rather dence of the above person, Stanley P. in every country." Darmofal, must see to it that he is the word "foreign" is attached them as our own. Thus mission 'than a way of being which radi­ P!op~rly advised in regard to this edictal to mission. becomes less. a matter of for­ cally constitutes our Christian citation. . Henry T. Munroe Immediately it implies a dual­ ,eign aid and more a matter o'f life. Saying this means that Officialis

FATHER JOHN T. CORR, ity between US and THEM and fraternal care. This brings conse­ mission is not so much a matte'r Given at the Tribunal,

CSC., president of Stonehill a view of mission as something_ quences which can be grouped of what we do as it is of what Fall River, Massachusetts

on this, the 14th day of '

College, North Easton, from that must hap~en or change out under yet another polarity, that, we are. October, 1982.

1964, to 1971 has been -there but not In here where '!'e between givers and receivers. To be mission-oriented or .' .. are. Those who send or glve As soon as' we regard our mission-minded suggests an abid­ named assistant provtlnClal come easily to regard themselves share of activity in mission as ing awareness of the truth that EDICTAL CITATION 'of the Holy Cross Fathers' as. the insiders while those in being that of givers 'only while Christianity by definition is and DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL Eastern Province. the so-called foreign missions others are. designated ,as re­ must always be missionary. If FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS are looked upon as outsiders ceivers, we have a, 'ready dis· we understand this, it bec;:omes" Since the actual place of residence of whose, membership in the one tortion of what mission is all impossible to think Christian ROBERT L. PARKER is unknown. • Church is a qualified one at best. We cite ROBERT L. PARKER to appear about, a distortion supported by . without at the same time think­ personally before the Tribunal of the This course tends to classify another set of false presump­ ing mission. Dil1cese of Fall River on October 26, senders and givers in typical Christianity from its inception 1982, at- 3:30 p.m. at 344 Highland .CC?pernican fashion as being at tions.' Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts to Setting ourselves up as those has been nothing more than the . give the center of a. somehow more testimony to establish: ' who ,evangelize and others as story of a mission coming from Whether the nullity of the mar· fully Christian existence, if only , riage exists in the REIS·PARKER because their part of the Church those ·.to be evangelized func· God to us ari ongoing-process of case? ' is seen as an institution with the tions on the premise that we are sharing life. Ordinaries of the place o'r other pastors Mission then becomes a dy­ self-validating' credentials of in possession of all the answers~ having the knowledge of the residence antiquity, wealth and power. ot worse, that we have attained namic of growing together fn a of the above person, Rober~ L. Parker Geopolitical frontiers' often re-, to a higher and purer level of reciprocal venture of receiving "!ust ~ee to it that. he i~ properly ad: Vised In regard to thiS edictal citation. Christian living. and giving. inforce such an outlook. Henry T. Munroe ,But this polalrity'too deserVes We too easily think of our­ It is not, then, something we Officialis more than ever to be challenged. selves as the "haves" or the do one Sunday a year, nor is it Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, We must learn that boundaries saved, while others are the a task we leave exclusively to on this, the 14th day of and frontiers can limit our atti­ "have nots" or unsaved. We thus those in far-off countries. Rather October, 1982.

Papal order




Friday, Oct. 22, 1982


Letters are wercomed. Ilut should II. 110 tll.n 200 words. TIle editor reseIY.. til. rlllht to condense or edit. If deemed n.ce...ry. All letters must be slined .nd Include • IIome or buslne. . .ddr....


Dcew 'pleased Dear Editor: The FaII River Diocesan Coun­ cil is so pleased with the articles and picture on the NCCW Gen­ eral Assembly. The members of the Assembly were thrilled Wed­ nesday night to receive a copy of The Anchor. They are always looking for the local diocesan paper. Many thanks for contact­ ing us and sending the 300 cop­ ies to us. I am pleased the news confer- ' ence went so well. All the wom­

en were impressed with the

coverage they received. We are

THIRTEEN·MONTH·OLD Dawn Tavares looks on as her parents, Durval and Deb­ grateful to you for all you have

bie, receive certification from Father Ronald A. Tosti as instructors in the Billings method done for the Council.

of natural family planning. Left, Sister Lucille Levasseur, SMSM, Billings program direc­ Claire B. McMahon

tor. (Rosa Photo) NCCW General Assembly


Dear Editor: Many thanks to Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, the Fall River Dioce­ san Council of Catholic Women, their DCCW moderator, Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes and other priests and women who ex, uded hospitality. equal to down­ home style to all of the partici­ pants of the NCCW General Assembly at Hyannis on Oct. 3-7. As we say in the South, "You done good." The Assembly itself was a beautiful, inspiring experience of which many of the working host council could only read. Thanks also to the editor, Rev. John F. Moore, and Pat McGowan of The Anchor for the complimentary

and informative article about the Assembly ~nd NCCW. Dorothy Alley Dyersburg, Tenn.

Vincentians too Dear Editor: We wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for your excellent coverage and generous space allocated for our National Meeting. With the presence of our Na­ tional Officers, we registered Vincentians from 38 States, and

the highlight has to be the attend­ ance of Amin A. de Tarrazi, President of the International Council Gentral, located in Paris. More than 900 Vincentians participated In the three days of activities, and we are sure that the successful program, created a very favorable Impression of our Diocese, not only for our visitors, but also for 'the general public. Joseph A. Tinsley, Secretary

Diocesan Council

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

A concern Dear Editor: Although I agree wholeheart­ edly that state aid should De granted to non-public school stu­ dents, I I}ave one concern. There ~hould be a stipulation in this proposed amendment that textbooks to be used in the cur· riculum must be approved by the



complete Billings course

By Joyce Cesolinl

Recently 17 people completed instructor's course in Billings

Natural Family Planning at the

Diocesan Family Life Center, North Dartmouth.

and Ralph Morris, Debra Gray, and Sr. Patricia Burke, smsm. Two additional Billings courses

will be held in the near future, one on Cape Cod and the other at the center.

principals of these private and

parochial l?chools. Otherwise,

material not acceptable morally

or in some other area could be

foisted on the students. Perhaps someone more know­ ledgeable than I on the issue could set my mind at ease so that I will vote intelligently on Election Day. Grace Reagan West Yarmouth






for every occasion . ..

"It is apropos that we are

graduating this class on the eve

of the feast of St. Michael, the

patron saint of this method"

(Billings), he said.

Those receiving certificates were Kathy and Dan Saulnier, Maryanne and Harry Booth, Paula Mui, Nancy and Don Flem. ing, Arlene and Craig Secia, Deb­ bie and Durval Tavares, Suz­ anne and Ed Sylvester, Cathy


Baptisms First Communions Birthdays Conti rmations Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations


Music for the Mass was pro­

vided by Irene Cesolini and Ger­ ald Rooney. Miss Cesolini also read an original poem as a medi­ tation prayer.

The Candy Pantry

Religious Gifts & Books

A Mass at the center cele­ brated the awarding of certifi­ cates to students. Father Ronald A. Tosti, center director, con­ gratulated the graduates, telling them, "You have been given a tremendous amount of know­ ledge. You will be able to use this to help many others in the diocese.

At the Mass, children of the graduates brought up the offer­ tory ,gifts, including an atlas used in teaching the BilUngli, method. The graduates receivea their certificates from Father Tosti and Sister Lucille Levas­ seur, SMSM. Sister Lucille is director of the diocesan Billings program.

MADISON, Wis. ~C)-Bishop John Allin, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States, and the bishops of three Lutheran churches an­ nounced agreement to share communion services on a limited basis. The Lutheran churches are the Lutheran Church in America, the American Lutheran Church and the Association of Evange­ lical Lutheran Churches. LCA Bishop James Crumley said he hoped intercommunion between Lutherans and Episcopalians will encourage gestures of unity among other Christian denomi· nations.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.;' Oct. 22, 1982


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A BISHOP'S BUSY DAYS: Top; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin gives holy communion to a member of South Dartmouth's Discalced Carmelite monastery at Mass marking the 400th annWersary of the' death' of St. 'Teresa of Avila, great Carmelite reformer. Center, he meets with participants in Billings natural family planning method study week at Di­ ocesan FamIly Life Center; from left~ Father WilliaIil Gibbons, speaker; the bishop; Sis­ ter Lucille Levasseur, SMSM, Billings method program director for the center; .Father Ronald A 'I:osti, center director. Bottom, at annual Fall River Catholic Woman's Club Bishop's Night, the Ordinary receives gift from Mrs. Raymond Conboy, presiclent. Right, Mrs. Joseph Daley, vice-president. (Rosa Photos)


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 22, 1982





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~ONG MT. ST. RITA residents -are Sister Mary Virginia Quinlan (left) and Sister Mary Anastasia Davis. Both served at Holy F~mily High School, New Bedford, and were on the faculty of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, immediately prior to re­ tirement. (Sisters of Mercy Communications Office Photo)

-.__ m Double..HungWlndowl A popular claSSIC deSIgn 11 0j:lens vefhcally Irom

Fe-te aids retired sisters

they' are not too old to grow, to learn and to develop their tal­ ents. The Sisters of Mercy are the sole financial supporters of Mt. St. Rita's and they sponsor an annual benefit dinner-dance to help meet the expenses of the facility which provides for more and more of their members. This year the event will take place Wednesday, Nov. 3, at Venus de Milo Restaurant, Swan­ sea. Further information is avail­ able from the following Sisters:

- Sister Marie Loui'dette, St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, 679-8511; - Sister Mary Rose Angela, Our Lady of Mercy Convent, At­ t]eboro, 222-7970; - Sister Mary Nora, St. James Convent, New Bedford, 992-3694; - Sister Mary Margretta, Our Lady of Lourdes Convent, Taun­ ton, 822-9206; . - Sister Zita Mary, Nazareth Hall, Hyannis, 775-1107; - Sister Mary Alban, Mt. St. ,Rita, ~umberland, 1-401-333­ 6352.



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Record $2 million gift to CD WASHINGTON, D.C.' A for the Humanities (NEH) and record gift of $2'million has been the Andrew W. Mellon Founda­ given by an anonymous donor to tion. The NEH grant will be used to the Catholic University of Am­ erica. chiefly expand and renovate the It and nearly one-half million university's Mullen Library, and dollars from other individuals will also provide endowments have been combined with grants - for fellowships and book pur­ from government and private chases in the humanities. The Mellon challenge grant, sources to bring $3.5 million to with the match from the anony­ the university. The anonymous gift will be mous gift, will fully endow a used to match challenge grants chair' in the university's early from the Nationa] Endowment Christian studies program.

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the eQUipped with removable wood 'I~ as shown

The quiet wooded hills which surround Mt. St. Rita Health and Retirement Centre in Cumber­ land, R.I., are a contrast to the stir of activity within the three­ story complex. Daily Mass and prayer, crafts classes, therapy sessions and re­ creation fill the days of the re­ tired and infirm Sisters of Mercy at the centre. Their years of devoted active service in schools, hospitals, and orphanages throughout the Fall River and Providence dioceses have been replaced ..by another ministry, that of prayerful inter­ cession for the younger members of the community who continue to carry out the works of Mercy (or the needs of the Church and of the poor, sick, and uneduca­ ted. To care for sisters' who had given their lives to God's people but were disabled by reason of age or sickness, the Sisters of Mercy redesigned their Cumber­ land novitiate in 1969 to provide professional medical, nursing, and paramedical services as an integral part of a total program for the physical, emotional, re­ habilitative, and social wellbeing of retired community members. Mt. St. Rita's recognizes that each sister-resident is a valuable member of the Mercy commun­ ity. Guided and inspired by this realization, the main objective of its program is to assist each sister to achieve her 'full poten­ tial and to enjoy her retirement years. But Mt. St. Rita is not just a health-care institution; to its residents it is home. This is evi­ denced by the sisters' spirit of generosity .and concern. They serve each other in every way possible;: puslling whea1k:ha;irs, serving meals, lending a hand at one task or another and proving that deep roots of service to others capnot be erased by physi­ cal limitations. _ Through the various programs offered to them, the sisters also learn that even in retirement


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HandliIlg bad feelings

By Dr. James and Mary Kenney

like ulcers and loss of appetite or betray us in an emotional way Dear Dr. Kenny: In a recent column on dry spells in a mar- by bursting out suddenly at an unfortunate moment. riage, you advised, "Do Roving things to become more Roving. Once you have. accepted that You can't control your feelings, you feel angry or,depressed, you but you are in control of your will want to change: There are behavior!' two ways. / You~ can start by I think yOlll are wrong. First changing your behavior or you of all, I think it is hypocritical' can try to alter your thinking. to aet loving if you don't feel 1 suggest altering behavior. If loving. Surely this insincerity you feel unloving, then do some­ will show through and offend thing loving, and .Joving feelings the other person. may follow. You say that it inSecond, I believe you can con- sincere. 1 say' it isn't, because trol your feelings. At least I can one's true intent is to conquer control mine. As soon as I start undesired feelings and to be feeling angry or depressed, I loving. Reversing your feelings by first say to myself, "Enough of that DOnsense." Then I say a little 'changing your behavior 'is easier prayer and get busy. It aI1most than starting with the feelings always works and I end up feel·' themselves. You have more con­ ing the way I want to feel. trol over what you do than over Kentucky what you feel. Actually you sugWe both agree that angry and gest a similar strategy when you depressed feelings are undesirable advise, "Say a little prayer and and should be altered. However, get busy." You are right. When even before you try to change hands and feet get busy, heart the feelings, you must face the and mind will follow. fact that you have them. Too 1 also agree that there is an­ often Christians deny that they other way to get rid of unpleas. nave negative feelings. They live ant feelings, but it is the more in an unreal world where' only difficult way for most people. good things happen.. That way is to interrupt your Unpleasant feelings do not go thinking process. You put· it very away simply. because we refuse well when you tell yourself, to recognize them. They can reo ",Enough of that nonsense." Psy­ main in us unconsciously and 'chologists call this "thought either cause physical symptoms stopping." f

Thought stopping must be practiced. It does not ~ork auto­ matically. The first step is to imagine the thought ·or the nega· tive feeling. Close your eyes and imagine the situation in which the unpleasant feelings occur. Snap your fingers. Stand up abruptly'. "Stop" or "Enough of that 'nonsense." Finally, substitute another thought for the undesirable one. Make positive statements to yourself to counteract the anger or ~lf~pression. "I like it when 1 am loving you." "I feel happy when th!! trees are blossoming." The most effective approach of all may be to combine the two strategies. Use thought stop­ 'ping to interrupt the unpleasant feelings. Then substitute a be­ havior rather than another thought. You put it' nicely in your letter: "Enough of that nonsense. Then 1 say a little prayer and get busy." 1 applaud the person who re­ fuses to dwell 0Il hurtful, nega­ tive feelings. I also support the person who performs positive actions in order to become more positive and loving. Reader questions on family living and child care to be an­ swered in print are invited. Ad­ dress The Kenuys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

Mercy ~uns ~ark. jubilees

Traditionally, most Sisters of Mercy celebrate the anniversar­ ies of their entrance into reli­ gious life in September. This year, among diamond, golden and silver jubilarians of the Province of Providence" there are many well known in the Fall River diocese. ' Leading all is Sister Mary Ruth Farrell, with 60 years as a Mercy Sister. Once stationed' in various diocesan schools, she is now in retirement at Mt. St. Rita Centre, Cumberland, R.I. Her last active assignment was at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River. , Among 10 religious who are golden jubilarians is Sister Edna Marie Houston, of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. Before begin­ ning her service there in 1962, Sister Edna was stationed at St. Aloysius Home, Greenville, R.I.; Mt. St. Mary's, Fall River; and St. John's, New Bedford. Another golden anniversary celebrant is Sister Mary Elene, Judge, who was principal at St. Kilian's School, New Bedford,' for several years prior to its clos­ ing in 1968. Sister Elene now ~eaches at St. Mary's Academy­ Bay View, Riverside, R.Y. Sisters who have served' or are serving' at the present time in the diocese are well-represented in the group of 20 silver jubilar­ ians. Sister Marie Christine Dew­ l!urst, a native of New Bedford, taught at Holy Family Grammar and Holy Trinity Schools before becoming principal at St. John the Baptist, New Bedford. From 1973 to 1978, she, was principal

at St. Mary's School, New Bed­ ford; and from 1978 to 1980, she was a social worker at St. Vin­ cent's Home, FaIl River. Another New Bedford native, Sister Marie Suzanne White, cur. rently teaches at St. Mary's New Bedford. She has also taught at Holy Name Grammar, St. James, and .St. John's ,in that city. S'~veral silver jubilarians are located in Attleboro. Sisters M. Carolanne Theroux and Patricia' M. Harington teach at 'Bishop Feehan High School, while Sister Martha M. Mulligan is the prin­ cipal at St. John the Evangelist School. A native of New Bedford, Sis­ ter Patricia has two sisters who are also Sisters of Mercy and her brother, Father Brian Harring­ ton, is associate pastor at St. Mary's Church, New Bedford. Sister Carolanne has, been at Feehan' since 1974. Her other assignments have included Holy Name, St. James, and Holy Fam­ ily High School, New Bedford, and St. Vincent's Home, FaIl River. Sister Martha has also served at Holy Name, New Bedford, and St. Mary's, No. Attleboro. Other silver jubilarians are Sister M. Eva Lallo, who taught at '5t. Joseph's and Cathedral Schools, Fall River, and St. Kili­ an's, New Bedford, and was principal at St. John's. Sister Elizabeth' Ann Doyle taught at Bishop Feehan High School from 1970 to 1980. Sister M. Therese Antone, cur­ rently a vice-president at Salve Regina CoIlege, was assigned to

Feehan from 1963 to 1972 and was principal there from 1969 to 1972. Sister Leona Mistq taught at Feehan in the early 1970s and was principal at SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, from 1976 to 1979. Sister M. Mauricita Stapleton, a native of FaIl River, taught at St. Louis in that city and St. John's and Holy Family High School, New Bedford. She is now the librarian at Salve Regina College. Sister M. ,Patricia" Ann Oliver taught at Feehan and the Taun­ ton Catholic Middle School and during the late 1970s, was in­ volved in pastoral ministrY and parish visitations at Madonna Manor and Morin's Rest Home, Attleboro.

'War on Cross' HOUSTON (NC) - Ethiopian Coptic Archbishop Abba Mat­ thias has accused Ethiopia's mili­ tary gove~ment of persecuting churches. The Ethiopian govern­ ment is "now planning what is officiaIly caIled a "War on the Cross,'" ,said the 44-year-old archbishop at a news conference held in the chancery of the Cath­ olic Diocese of Galveston-Hous­ ton. "We men of faith in Ethiopia - Orthodox, Catholic, Protes­ tant or Moselem ~re, being wiped out simplybeeause we wish to pray," he said. The Arch· bishop plans to seek political asylum in the United States.


Iteering pOintl

PUBLICITY CHAIRMEII ere asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall Rlvar. 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundra Ising activities such as bingos. whlsts, dances, suppers' and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual proRrams, club meetings youth pro/ects end similar nonprofit activities. Fundra sing pro­ Jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.


First communion will take place at 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. The Rosary Guild wlll meet at 7:30 ·p.m. Thureday at the home of Kathleen Doucette, 951 Rod­ man St. New members welcome. Information: William O'Neill, 67 2-6346, or Muriel Berryman, 678-5775. . O. L, GRACE, WESTPORT

Confirmation candidates are asked to return their covenants at their Monday evening class.

An appreciation party'- for bingo workers wlll ,take place at 6:30 toni~t In .the parish center. The Bible study class will meet at 8 .'p.m. Tuesday in the church hall for discussion of the Gospel of Mark, chapter 13. Cub Scouts will hold a pack meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the center. A "Day to Broaden Your Horizon" will be sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women on Saturday, Oct. 30.



The Adorers' monthly holy hour wlll take place from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursda.y at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. under direc­ Uon of Father Wllliam Babbitt.

A charismatic prayer meeting will be held at 9:45 a.m. Wed­ nesday at Sacred Hearts Con­ vent, 44 Rotch St. ' Girls' basketball team practice will be held in the· school ~m from 6 to 8 p.m. tonight. Girls from 6th through 8th grade or up to 'age 14 are eligible to try out. Information: Norman Le­ Menager, 995-5705. Canned goods are being col­ lected for the benefit of a New Bedford soup kitchen. Donations may be left at the school. Registrations for a November Blood Bank program will be ac­ cepted this we~kend.


The Market Ministry, a New Bedford soup kitchen, wlll be aided by a parish supper ,to be cosponsored Saturday, Nov. 6, by the St. Vincent de Paul So­ ciety 'and the Men's Leagu~. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET


A TEC weekend for boys starts ton'l~ht. A life in the Spirit seminar for priests wlll take plaCe from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Monday. Also on Monday, an evenJng of recollection is sched­ uled for New Bedford DI,Strict Council of Catholic Women. HOLY NAME, FR

Junior CYO boys' basketball tryouts will be held Sunday at the parochial school, grades 5 and 6 from 5 to 6 p.m.; grade 7 from 6 to 7 p.m.; and grade 8 from 7 to 8 p.m. COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS

Compassionate Friends, a sup­ port group for parents who have lost children, wlll meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at St. Louis de France parish hall Swansea. "Grief Is the Price We Pay for Love" wlll be discussed by John C. Tormey, professor of psychol­ ogy and director of extension services at the New England In­ stitute of Applied Arts and Sci­ ences h1 Boston. The author of several books on grief, he will give special atten­ tion to the grief of siblings. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET

A children's Halloween Mass will be celebrated at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31. Children are in­ vited to attend in costume; in­ clUding <that of a favorite saint. Masks should not be worn. WIDOWED SUPPORT GROUP, ATTLEBORO

'An evenlnifof recollection for widowed persons will be held Friday, Nov. 5, at St. Theresa's Church, South Attleboro. Father Raymond Robillard wlll speak and Mass will be celebrated. DCCW, NB

New Bedford District 2 of the Dlocesan Council of C8it'holic Women will hold an evening of recollection at 7 p.m. Monday at the Diocesan Family Life Cen­ ter, North Dartmouth. Discus­ sion will follow a talk by Father James F. Lyons and .the even'ing will close with Mass and re­ freshments. All welcome. ST. ANNE, FR

The annual novena dn honor of St. Jude is in progress, with services 'held at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. daily. D OF I, ATTLEBORO

. Daughters of Isabella of Alea­ zaba Circle will entertain the blind this Sunday. A card party is scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29, in K of C Hall, Hodges Street.


Addmon of a -"Kolbe comer" of two rooms to .the parish cen­ ter/school buildin~ has been ap­ p'rOved and it is hoped that con­ struction will be complete by Christmas. The project will mark the parish's 85th year. Pari~h intercessors will meet for a teaching and prayer at 4 p.m. Sunday in the chapel. Pros­ pective intercessors are invited. A Halloween party for child­ ren through grade six will be sponsored by the youth ministry at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29, in the school hall.

The Women'c Club will meet Wednesday. A 7 p.m. Mass will be followed by a talk on the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fati­ ma by Ann Levasseur .9f Rayn­ ham. , Girls interested in selection as the parish 'representative at the annual Bishop's Ball should con­ tact F'ather Clement E. Dufour, pastor.. ST. JULIE, NO. DARTMOUm

Confirmation Program I teach­ ers. will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the religious education office. The monthly rosary service will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FR

Coaches are needed for boys' and girls' junior CYO basketball teams. IJiformation: Father Jon Paul 9-allant, 673-2833.



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New altar boys will meet after school today. Boys interested in playing sen­ ior CYO basketball may contact Ray Pi~es, 995-2791. ST. PATRICK, FR

A course on' th.e Gospel of S't. Luke conducted by .Father Wil­ liam W. Norton will continue at 7:30p.m. Monday in the school. The choir will begin rehears­ als for Christmas Masses at 8 p.m. Thursday. New singers and instrumentalists are welcome. Basses and tenors are especially needed. PASTORAL MUSICIANS

The diocesan chapter of Na­ 'tlonal Pastoral Musicians will host a workshop on Advent and Christmas music at 2 p.m. Sun­ day: at 8t. Mary's Church, South Dartmouth. It will be directed by Father Frank Strahan, chair­ man of the Boston Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission. CATHEDRAL MUSIC

Singers from any part of the diocese are invited to join any {If the three choirs serving St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. The Cathedral Choir is heard weekly at the 10 a.m'.. Sunday Mass; the Diocesan Ohoir pre­ pares special liturgies and con­ certs;and the Children's Choir .sings at major feasts. Those in­ interested in membership may contact Glenn Giuttari, tele­ phone 673-2833. This Sunday's program for 10 a.m. Mass will include the Lang­ lais "Chant de Paix;" Huijbers" "When from Our Exile;" and Mozart's "Jubilate Deo." LaSALETTE SHRINE,


AT ANNUAL Mary Day celebration at St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, Lisa Du­ puis crowns statue under watchful eyes of Father Francis L. Mahoney, pastor, and Patricia Coyle. Derek Hallal, front, was crown bearer. Both children were members of this year's first communion class.

THE ANCHOR-Di9cese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 22, 1982

Forthcoming activities at La­ Salette Shrine include a follow­ up program for persons involved in centering prayer. Sister Yvette Beford, SSA, yill lead the session, to be 'held from 10 a.m. to noon and repeated from 8:15 to 10 p.m. Thursday. Sister Yvette will also conduct ·a series, "Forever Young," from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Oct., 29, Nov. 5 and Nov. 12. It is de­ signed for persons -of any age wishing to reflect on life as a journey full of. ,possibilities and challenges. Attendance 'at every session is not rE'".utl'ed. Sister Yvette has scheduled a day of recollection for mother.s of young children from 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 2. Rachel Jyringi will speak on "How Do We Deal with the Dif­ ferent Stages?" Information on. all programs is available from 'her 'at 222-5410. Also at the shrine, Father An­ dre Patenaude, MS, will conduct a healing service following 2 p.m. Mass Sunday. Oct. 31. All welcome. "

Won~rfu! Deepness "Wonderful is the depth of thy words, whose surface, see, is before us, gently leading on the little ones: and yet wonder­ ful deepness, 0 my God, a won­ derful deepness. It is awe to look into it; even an awfulness of honor and a trembling of love." - St. Augustine





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THE ANCHOR­ Friday, Oct. 22, 1982




By Fr. John O'Callaghan

It was the 50th anniversary of my father's m'arriage, and my mother sat by his hospital bed. Dad had suffered a massive c«;lronary some weeks before, but had survived ,the critical" period and was gaining strength rapidly. So the doctor approved our cake and champagne party for him and , our mother. It was a small affair: just their children and some of the older , grandchildren, but it made up in fervor what it lacked in num­

PRAYERFUL CARING often leads to action, as with these volunteers exercising, a handicapped child. (NC Photo)

Why' pray for each other? By Delores ~key

Evelyn Underhill once wrote, that communion with the living God should lead us to prayerful concern for others. The more we become conscious of God, she said, the more we become aware of how closely human beings are bound up with, each other inGod. Ms. Underhill, a great 20th century student of mysticism, pointed out that ~imy people feel the first duty of prayer, fol· lowing praise and adoration, is that of intercession. "Pray for me!" ·and "I'll pray for you!" But for whom should we pray?, And how? ' Some agree' with Blessed Father Jan van Ruysbroeck, a' 14th century Flemish master of prayer, who, believed· that the first people to pray for are the evildoers, -for they are' most in need. of being opened, to God's influence. For me, this 'means that Chris­ 'tians should pray for those who oppress the poor or torture poli­ tical prisoners or rob people of their dignity. The second group Father R~y­ sbroeck tells us to' pray for are ihose who suffer: the hOmeless, the unemployed, the psychologi­ cally or physically abused child,

the bereaved, the ill. Our prayers .to action. This is vividly HIus­ can serie as a path along .whicp, trated in Mark's Gospel. There '. we read about Jesus preaching God's healing love can flow. Next among those to pray for, in a crowded house',·A paralyzed' according to Father Ruysbroeck, man is brought in, but cannot are all good people and, last of get near Jesus. all, ourselves. Then some resourceful friends " Some spiritual guides suggest open up' the roof and lower the anothElr ordering for our prayers man into Jesus' presence. When of intercession. This approach Jesus 'sees the faith of his friends he says to the paralytic, "My begins at home. For me, this meflns praying I>on, your sins are firgiven." first for my husband and my Likewise, when we pray for children (now young adults). In- each other we ought to be ready tercessory prayer for those clos- to take unexpected and perhaps est to one is an act of love, giv- 'bold action to serve each other. .ing time and energy for those Because my family, my friendS who are intimately bound up and my colleagues are close to with one. Such prayer does not' me, prayer for them seems nat­ so much ask for specifics as en- ural. trust the welfare of these people But now: that I am haunted by to the' one who sustains them Father 'Ruysbroeck's teaching, I daily. see that my circle must widen. Others for whom I pray in- Perhaps I can best start back· clude 'the _elderly, the widowed ward: first presenting mY,self to and the' ill; my friends and their God in thanksgiving for his children; my colleagues. ' mercies then praying for those These are the knOwn partners who intimately share life' with in my life' and work. They de- me and the SUffering members of serve,1 believe, the attentiveness the human family. which -is at the heart of' inter. But then') come to the last cessory prayer. threshold:, murderers, power­ Such prayer makes me and, hungry men and women, the the people I pray for present to- merciless, the cruel. Only when gether before God. It is a form of I think of the cross can I pray caring for others. for them ~nd hope to move be­ We should be aware, though,' yond judgment to the kind of that prayerful caring often leads love that Jesus embodied.


,The patient was, delighted, even though it wasn't what he', had expected as a 50th anni­ versary party. Only a month before he had - been playing tennis three or four ' times a week, shopping and cooking for mother and himself, keeping the freezer stocked with ice cream bars for the grand­ children and generally charging around with great energy for a 78-year-old. ' Seeing ,him somehow shrunk· Turn to page thirteen \


By Janaan Manternach

By Katherine Bird



II For children II

II For the sick II "Touching 'is important - it is a sign of care," Father John Gurrieri commented. Father Gurrieri was pointing out how, during the celebration of the sacrament of the sick, the priest lays his hands on the head of the sick person, thus express­ ing the compassion of God and the churc~ community. , Father Gurrieri,' executive di­ rector of the U.S. Bishops' Litur­ gy Secretariat, said that ,the pri­ mary purpose of the sacrament of the sick is "to call down God's healing power on people,' spirit­ ually and physically."" People often experience "psy­ chological healing" after re­ ceiving the sacrament, he added. They "receive the grace to under­ - stand suffering a little better and to accept it." ' Following ¢e Second Vatican Council, the ritual for the sacra­ ment of the sick was revised. Known previously as extreme unction or the last anointing, it is now called the "sacrament of the anointing of the sick." The focus of the sacrament now, as iIi the early church, is on the seriously sick, not the dying person, Father Currier said. Today, because of medical ad­ 'vances, people can be seriously ill yet in no danger of death. The rev-ised rite recognizes this and omits mention of death, stressing healing and forgiveness of sin. Serious illness may include such conditions as severe arthri­ tis, curable cancer, psychic de­ pression and despair. The sacra­ ment of the sick is addressed to the. concrete situation in which Christians find themselves. Father Gurrieri called sickness "a part of the evil in the world" Turn to Page Thirteen

. ,"

knowy~ur faith

Miriam and her sister were playing just outside their village on the border between Galilee and Samaria. They had wandered further from home than their mother al· lowed. "Don't ever go close to the border," she had said that very morning. "You cannot trust the Samaritans." The two girls were on a small hill, picking the bright yellow field flowers. Miriam felt a little afraid. She had never been this close ,to the border of Samaria. Suddenly she saw 10 men walking toward them. "Look," she said. "Those. men! They look awful. I'm scared!" ''They're -lepers," whispered her sister. Let's run quickly." They ran farther up the hill. But they were curious. S'o they hid behind a stone well. Soon they saw some other men. The lepers recognized Jesus and his disciples. They ran over to him. "Jesus,Master, have pity on us," Miriam heard them pleading. She was puzzled' by Jesus' reply: "Go show yourselves to the priests." She did not understand, but the lepers did. They quickly ran - toward the town. They knew that the priests decided officially whether they were cured of leprosy. On their way, the 10 lepers were cured. Miriam and her sis­ ter could hardly believe their eys. l'he men' now looked per­ fectly normal. One of the 10 stopped near the girls. He stood thinking for a moment, then ran back to Jesus, shouting praises to God for cur­ ing him. Miriam and her sister knew from the man's accent that he was a Samaritan. Turn to Page Thirteen


Banter By Father John Castelot

Mark often eases ,the transi· tion from one subject to the next with a short summary which gives,an overview. of the work of Jesus. Chapter 6 of his Gospel ends in that fashion.' Then Mark moves on to a subject of vital interest to gentile converts: whether they must, 'observe all prescriptions of Jewish law. This question was hotly de­ bated in the first years of Chris­ tianity. Remember, the very first Christians were devout Jews. Many insisted that gentile con­ verts follow all prescriptions of Jewish law. St. Paul had opposed this view. This section of Mark's Gosepl shows Jesus in conflict with re·, ligious leaders on this very point. They 'object when his disciples ignore some of their valued tra­ ditions. Jesus counters by quoting a passage of Isaiah: "This people pays me lip service but their Turn to page thirteen


Continued from page twelve hearts are far from me. Empty is the reverence they do me be­ cause .'they teach as dogmas mere human precepts.' .. This last phrase goes to the heart of the matter, as Jesus' next words show: "You disre­ gard God's commandments and cling to what is human tradi­ . tion." Finally, he clearly states a basic truth: Externals alone do not constitute holiness; that is determined by what goes on in a person's heart. In this section, Mark disting­ uishes between Jewish leaders and the Jewish people as a whole; We would misunderstand the passage if we thought it was an attack on all Jewish teaching. Next the Gospel has Jesus in gentile territory where h'e has a' strange encounter with a Syro­ Phoenician woman. By putting the incident here, Mark drama­ tizes the shift from a mission to Jews only to one including gen­ tiles. At first, Jesus apparently re­ buffs the woman, who asks that he cure her daughter. In reply, he says: .. It is not right to take the food of the children and feed it to the dogs." (In the time of Jesus, the expression "gentile dog" was a common sterotype.) To us those words seem out of character for Jesus, but perhaps we forget that he grew up amid the blunt banter of peasants. That is what we have here: typical banter, a battIe of wits. He tosses a barb at the gentile . woman - with a grin? - and she twists his words to her own advantage. "All right." she'says, "so I'm a dog, but even the dogs under the table eat the family's leav­ ings." "For such a reply, be off now! The demon has already left your daughter," rejoins Jesus, almost

For the sick Continued from page twelve and said the sacrament of the sick is a way for people to con­ front illness and try to under­ stand what is happening to them. The sacrament teHs people God loves them, the priest remarked. The revised rite, which calls for a community celebration when­ ever possible, communicates that message of love concretely by' laying hands on the person's head and anointing his or her forehead and perhaps hands with oil. Today, many parishes hold a sacrament of the sick service once or twice a year, locating the sick and inviting them to come to the church for the occa­ sion. Often this includes arrang­ ing transportation for them. .The liturgist wishes that the sick would request the sacra­ ment as soon as they realize they are seriously Ill, because it re­ minds them that the community cares about them and wlll sup­ port them. Finally, he pointed out that when a person is actually dying, the church ritual as in the past, includes viaticum - the Eu­ charist which becomes in this case "food for the journey."

as if he were saying good­ naturedly, "You win!" Of course, Mark notes the deeper implications: the woman's faith won ·favor and she ·is a gentile. . Mark recognizes that the Jews had a certain nistorical priority on the Good News, but not ex­ clusive rights. The day was to come when all would feast at the table of the Lord.


THE ANCHOR Friday, Oct. 22, 1982


Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222 •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1lt,;

Bittersweet Continued frolX' page twelve en on the bed in the coronary in­ FUNERAL tensive care unit had been almost SERVICE more than we could comprehend. , •••• _. loll' •• ' . , , It was so unlike him. Now he was on the mend but we had a Howard C. Doane Sr. Cordon L. Homer new consciousness that he was Robert L. Studley t/oward C. Doane Jr. not, after all, immortal. NYUNIS 775·0&14

That realization had come earl­ Across Sout~ Yurmout~ 311·2201

ier about mother. For some years Hlrwlc:l I'ort 432·0513

1. To brag (2 C<>rinth1allll 11.16) she had been failing. As she sat 6. Agrippa's chambsrlain (Acts 12,20) 6. To pound on (Matthew 21'35) at Dad's bedside, she gave no 9. An Ishlllsalite cSlll.l grivsr (1 Chroniclss 27'30) , 11. To spaak ",,11 or (Jam.s 3'9) 15 . indication of comprehending I 12. Entitlsd (Joshua 2,1) • A Ci~ buUt by Oadits. (uu~bsrs 32.)4) ~ ]J,. High priest and judge (1 SSIllusl 1'3) 16. Uriah s ~tionslity (2 Samuol 11,6) BUFFINTON what the occasion was. She I 15. On. or David's prisst (1 Chronicles 24,16) 17. Son,of E.iosnai (~Chronicles 3,24) 17. 3lat book of Old Testsmsnt 19. Lot s grand son (""nso1s 19.36) smiled gently but we couldn't 18. City nsar Bothsl (Oenssis 12,6) 21. P""t tenss of shins (LUke 2,9) \ FLOR 1ST, INC. " 9 16) 24. Ireland miss the hesit~tion in her eyes. 2O. To b 0 ( Oene._o. , 25. To exist (2 Timothy 4,12) 22. Tho latest happenings (Provorbs 25:25) 26. A rsturnes (Nshemiah ):23) It was a bittersweet occasion. 23. A live coal 31. Midday (Acts 22.6) 490 ROBJSON We were celebrating a long mar­ 25. Houss used to noms citiss (Jo.hua 15,10) 32. Oldsr (1 Timothy 5.1) (' '; STREET 26. Capitol or Moab (Numbsrs 21.15) " 34. Alcohol Anonymous ried life but celebrating around 27. Father or Sycham (Acts 7,16) 35. A flOwtlr (;ro.e. ]J,:5) FALL RIVER, 28. One (Scottish) 37. A city in Judah (Joshua 15'35) a hospital bed which symbolized 29. Toward (Matthew 2.12)

39. Liquid food (1 ~orinthian. 3,2) I. • MASS. ~ an irreversible change in that ~~: =r~t~ISa1ah 47,6)

41. High plateau. \ . 35. Waterfall"fscotUsh) 42. Like (Ephasians 2,3) life. 36 Fals d (A t 15'29) 45. Oldsst son of eush (Oonesis 10'7) ' De andgo a c N (J b 11 1) 46. Land aast or Jerusalsm (Act. 2.9) Bittersweet: joy for what had 38 • 80e ents 0f aaman 0 , 47 Reddish color 40. Twin city. or Oanorrah (Oenesis 10,19) 51: Near (Matthe" 26,16) been, sorrow for what would in­ 43. Egyptian river 44. Naturally (Titus 3']J,) evitably come - a year later for 46. FIOwtlr with thorns (Song of SolOMon 2,1) NI:J Lit S him, two years later for her.' 49. Wet through and through (Isaieh 34,7)

H Ii II;( 8 1/ H SQ. Some returnees ancesters (Ezra 2161)

Anniversaries have a way of 52. Tha Devil (Revelations 2'9) 1I fJ Ol~' 3 S Ot/ focusing attention on the pass­ If. 1 I ~Jt:1 SS' 3') 3N SHAWOMET

DD1flI age of time. They remind us that 3 1 I N_I1.... W 0 0 0 s life marches steadily toward an 1. To revUo (loIark 3,26) GARDENS

I 2. Grain for fsed inevitable conclusion. In retro­ 3. Like (1 Corinthians 15,6)

,fl..l 3 ~OWW3 ,HOH l~l:I 102 Shillwomet Avenue 4•. A large rock (llatthlnt 27,60).

spect, the younger generation of 5. Son of Japhoth (Oonesis 1012) H .L 3 tlI3 8 IN 3 ~ #. 3 N 6. l!aksr or bonsy (Judgas ]J, 16) our family turned a comer that Somerset, Mass. SI ~_ZtJJ.I SOW/;f 7. .& light robe for women day in the hospital. ·8. Heavenly,joy 10. Hewai1an garland Tel. 674·4881 IRI. • 1 N I 1 3 We talked about it later, not I 013I WI~ 50 S 3"iij~ n. Sound (Zschariah 91]J,) 13. Metrist attorney

31/z room Apartment

without hesitation and struggle. Ilrao .Ll:I'38 ]J,•.Tumoro or boila (DauteronOlllY 26,27)

ISf7.LSf:J1g 41/z room Apartment

And what we discussed was .L S .~ ole what it meant for us to be peo­ Includes heat, hot water, stove reo

frlgerator and maintenance service.

ple of faith. Humanly, we were outraged: how could our 'parents be dying? Those two super people, who had so much to live for, and After Mass Sunday Brunch

On Oct. 16 L'Osservatore Ro­ VATICAN CITY (NC)- Vati­ whose lives meant so much to At

us! But our anger and sorrow can bank officials' and lawyers mano said the conclusions pub­ were somehow contained within have concluded that the bank lished by II Tempo and creditied our unquestioning belief that our owes no money to the Banco to the Cardinal Casaroli com· parents' lives were not ending, Ambrosiano creditors, according mitte "are, in reality, those reached following a long and just changing. to the Vatica~ newspaper, L'Os­ Lunches • Sandwiches • Cocktails

careful study 'by the lOR and its We took for granted that what servatore Romano. Tennis Courts Available Now

lawyers on the basis of docu­ The'newspaper said other con­ lay ahead for them was life with County Road, Pocasset the Lord. Only in retrospect did Clusions reached by the bank mentation of the institute iself." 563-7171 . it come home to me how great a officials were: "The Vatican bank is often re­ - Foreign finance companies ferred to as the lOR, the Italian gift had been gIven to all of us. Privllte Function Room And I go on marveling at the . in debt to the Ambrosiano group initials of its formal name, the were never under direction of Institute for Religious Works. beauty of that giftl the Vatican bank. On Oct. 8 Italian Treasury - Loans made by the Ambro­ Minister Beniamino Andreatta siano group to the finance com­ panies were issued (before the had asked Pope John Paul II to Continued from page twelve order the Vatican bank to help Vatican bank's letters of patron­ Miriam said to her sister. age recommending the COmpanies pay $1.2 billion in Banco Am­ "What will Jesus do when he were issued. brosianobad debts caused by learns the man is a, foreigner?" dubious loans to Panamanian - These letters, because is­ Jesus turned to his disciples. sued after the loans were made, finance companies. The Italian "Were not all 10 made whole?" did not influence the loans. official had added that the ital­ he asked. "Was there no one to - All finding~ can be proven ian government could not force return and give thanks except in a full investigation. the Vatican bank to pay the debt this foreigner?" No one dared The same conclusions had because Italy regards the Vatican answer. been published Oct. 13 by the as a separate state not subject to Then the girls heard Jesus say Rome daily II Tempo. But II Italian banking laws. THRIFT STORES to the cured leper, "Stand up and Tempo said they were those of a aOI COLLEm ITREET go your way; your faih has been committee of three international + ••••••••••••••••••••• ; NI!W 8EOFORD, MASS. your salvation." bankers not connected to the 11150 JEFFERSON BLVD.

"What a great and good man Vatican bank and appointed by GOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS WARWICK, LI.

Jesus is.... thought Miriam as Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, papal lit. IS Soatll· Alrpm IIItJ

...................... , she and her sister walked home. secretary of state.

..... '.,.





, ,



ii!;~WI.,"H.I' ~."H"



banl{' disclaims debts



For children






. ( -professionat skills of the guidance office. "The goal," notes a re­ lease,' "is a school in which every student is known by some­ one who cares and who can help to facilitate maximUm individual development."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~~f~t;,.Qct. 22, 1982 .\ '. ' . f ,. .~


on youth .


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• •,• •





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'Ii .



the talents of students with those of the local community under direction .of Douglas Anderson, director of music .lor the Easton public school system.

"Bishop Feehan

Bishop Connolly The Fall River high school's computer center has. expanded to 10 units. directed by Brother David Touchette and Dave Mor­ ay. . Connolly students are exeris­ ing their legs as well as their brains today, participating in a school walkathon. . A recent art department under­ taking was a trip to New York museums participated in by 50 students and directed by Paul Domingue, department chairman., James Loring,' student body president, is organizing a Con­ . nolly Band Club.

day. Girls: Nov. 26-28. Contact Ms. Vivian Oliveira, 31 Glennon St., New Bedford 02745, tel. 994­ 5320. Emniaus (coed, ages 19-35): Nov. 19-21j Dec. 10-12; Feb. 11· 13; March 18-20; April 22-24; . June 10-12. Contact Catholic Education Center.

, CDA seek million'signers NE WYORK (NC) - The Cath­ olic Daughters of the Americas have pledged to help obtain over 1 million signatures in the drive for tuition tax credit legislation. The CDA is joining the Knights of Colu!'Jlbus and several other organizations in an, effort to see the proposal through Con­ gress. Tuition tax credit legislation, which passed the Senate Finance Committee in September, would give parents. of non-public school children tax. .credits for part ,of the tuition they pay. - The CDA board will request each of its 1,569 units to join the (::atholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, an organization combating anti-Catholic activity ,in the United' States. The organiz!ltion established a vocation promotion program and plans' a drive: t9 ,increase by 10 'percent -its present membership of oyer 167,000.

An information program on. the At Stonehill, the only Catholic nuclear. arms race for juniors, college in the Fall River diocese, seniors and faculty members five professors will participate iIi took place this week and will a conference on Medieval Stud­ continue next week at the Attleies to be sponsored tomorrow - 1 boro high school. ,This week's at Cape Cod Community College At Bishop Stang High, North speaker was Sister ,Barbara Riley, by the Southeastern Association Dartmouth, singers are prepar- RSM, a former Feehan faculty for Cooperation of Higher Educa­ ing to' provide music for Mass at member' who is now Justice and: tion in Massachusetfs( SACHEM). the annual teachers' convention, Peace Coordinator for her com­ Participating will be Fathers 'New Math Club officers at the Thomas Clark CSC, and Eugene to be held at Bishop <;::onnolly m~nity. Next week's speaker High, Fall RIver, on Monday, will be Sister Ann Welch, RSM, Taunton school are Toni Silveira, Green and Professors Michael Nov. 1. They were also heard who works with ttte American 'president; Cathy Gutierrez, vice­ Ewbank, Anthony Celano and president; Jane' Foley, secretary; this week at the CACE conven- Friends Organizatiol1. Carl Estabrook. Their topics will tion in Hyannis. Feehan parents met last week Scott Lazarz, treasurer. New philosophies'of Saints Augustine, Special October events: a jogafor an information session on members are welcome. Bonaventure and Aquinas. thon, a drug and alcohol aware-. college entrance requirements The 'C-C hat is off to Lucy Taking part in a SACHE~ ness prog~ and PSAT tests. preparatory to attending a 're- . gedrites, a 4-H contest winner series on 'mathematics is. Pro­ Five Stangites, including two . gional college night to be held fessor Richar Trudeau, whose June graduates, have been named Monday, at .Attleboro . High going on.to national competition in Chicago; to senior' English topic is "How Big Is A Point?" national award winners in math School.' , students for posters decorating He has already spoken at Bridge­ by the U.S. Achievement Acad~ Feehan faculty have been busy ~he schQol foyer; and member~ water State College and will emy. The numerically-minded lately attending workshops. Six of the football, cro~s-country..and speak at Cape Cod Community ~oviti~te volleyball tea~s not only for College' in February and at the' students are Jacquelirie DeSor- guidance counselors were pres­ their viCtories' bilt for their mier, Cheryl Lee GQmes, Willia~ ept at Suffolk University, for a Sw;lin School' 'of Design In SAN FRANCISCO (NC) -:At sportsmanship. ' - Butler Jr., Mark Fastoso and Catholic School Counselors As­ March. " the new novitiate of the Mission. David F o n t e s . . sociation-sponsored session on -aries of Charity founded by . ,Goingirito its 13th 'year is the' . 'Meanwhile; :softball pta¥,~rs,' writing'c:Ollegerecomnfendations; Mother Teresa' of Calcutta, eight. North 'Easton campus' Society, Carol " Arruda; .Justine Costa" and two .,business department' candidates are preparing' to be­ a big brother and sis~er program', Jeanne Brown, Diana Dufresne,' representatives were at a Human . ECHO, TEC and Emmaus re­ CO!'Jle ,fu11-fle!iged members of for disadvantaged children. Kelly-= Buddenhagen, ltachael - Resource' workslSop . sponsored treats 'are available· to 'young the order. Named for ,the .. late Robert 'F: Lemieux ·and Karen Tondreau, at. Clinton High School -,by the people of the Fall, River diocese. Four professed sisters live. Kennedy" .!l committed workei~ playing 'on a New Bedford 'drug~ Massachusetts Business Educa; Dates, and contact persons fol­ .with the postulants in the novi­ for such children, it currently store team, recentiy wop state tors Association..- ' low: tiate. ' has 40'student members who en~' honors in their sport, go~ng on ECHQ of Cape Cod: Girls: The postulants are natives of tertain their young friends to' national competition, 'where 'And Neil Loew'of the- Feehan Nov. 12-14; Jan. 7-9; March 4-6. the United States, Panama, Gua­ weekly on: the. Stonehill campus, 'they finished 19th in_ the nation. guidance department was among Boys: Dec: 3-5; -Feb. 4-6; April temal~ and Grenada and the pro­ also taking them o~' peripdic Seniors are' getting the college 50 school 'counselors participa~ 8-10. Contact Mrs. Mary Fuller, fessed sisters are natives of In~ ,field trips; . , gleam in their eyes, with SAT· ting in a recent tour 'of -II :New 79 Puritan Rd., Buzzards Bay dia. test dates set for Nov. 6 and Hampshire colleges sponsored by' Stonehillers are, being encour-' 02432, tel. 759-4265. ,The' novitiate' is housed in a aged to do some of their college Dec. 4 and-many college repre- the New Hampshire 'College and " ECHO . of .' Attieboro (coed): 60-year-old, .four,-story convent. work abroad'by ,Professor Ben- sentatives' visiting Stang this U~ive~sity ,Co~,ncil. Dec. 10-12; Feb. 4-6; March 25­ 'jamin· Mariante, . newly named month; :' . Gu~dance, at the Attleboro 27; April 22~24.· Contact Sister coordinator of foreign studies.'; Statistics for the class of 1982 school extends beyond toe formal -Pat· Harrington; 79 Holcott D'r., More Human He says that arrangements can, show that 66.& percent are en- department under a teacher-ad- Attleboro 02723 or Catholic "The more Christian the fam­ be made for, a student to go al-, , rolled in four-year colleges, 17.3 viser. prograqt in which' each " Education, Center, 423 Highland ily becomes, the more human it most anywhere in the world and in other post secpndary institu- faculty member establishes a Ave., Fall River 02720, tel. 678­ becomes." - 1980 Wodd Synod that financia~ ',aid is a~ailable in' tions, 4.9 percent are in the mili- personal relationship with 20 to 2828. of Bishops, "A Message to Chris­ some cases~ He will explain the tary and 11.3 are in· other occu- 30 students, backed _up by the tian Families" TEe: Boys: today through Sun­ program' further at a reception pations (marriage, employment, to be ,held at 7 p.m. Monday in etc.). the faculty lounge! The religious ed~cation.· pro­ . gram has aimounced its retreat An important plirt of the col­ schedule for the year with days lege is its, Justice and Peace In­ stitute; 'headed by Professor of recollection at Cathedral Peter Beisheim and having the Camp for freshmen and .at the goal of raising consciousness as Family Life. Center adjacent to to peace and justice issues. A Stang for sophomores and jun­ resource center makes pamphlets iors. Seniors will choose from and film strips available to both days of recollection or, weekend . the campus and surrounding retreats. Among people to, whom Stang community and s\!.ch projects as Rice Bowl COllections, special is currently grateful: the priests who concelebrated the schoof Masses and lectures are regular­ year's opening liturgy; Dr. John ly undertaken. Current particu­ McGonigle" who did football lar concerns include the draft, physicals for nearly 1 00 boys;\ war, poverty and hunger. the Stang ,volunteer nurse' corps It is hoped that the Stonehill who staff the school nursing curricuium will eventually offer office; Mrs. John Wade, maker a Peace Studies program, bal­ of color gilard uniforms; students ancing the ROTC presence on . Meg Donahue, Amy Hart, Martha _ CONSlDERING THEIR FUTURE as they check college and postsecondary school campus, 'notes Professor Beis- Hart and Donna Nadeau' for catalogs ate these Bishop Stang High School students, all recipients of Nation~l. Merit heim. ­ spending a ~ummer day folding of Commendation. From left, standing, Elise Bilodeau, David Haskell, Da~iel Mc­ Letters In the formation stage is the newsletters; and Football Par­

Stonehill College Community ents for feeding the hungry be­ Gonigle~ .Susan Menard, Elizabeth Kelly; seated Megan McOsker, William Mosher, Pat­ rick Horan. Also a recipient, not pictured, Margaret StoI)e. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo) Orchestra, which will combine fore football games.

B·shop' Stang





- Youth retreats·




,, , THE ANCHOR ­ Friday, Oct. 22, 1982

By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Warriors Take Football Lead The Warriors of Coyle-Cassidy High School posted a 14-6 vic­ tory over the Dighton-Rehoboth Falcons last Saturday and took undisputed possession of first place in Division Three South­ eastern Mass. Conference foot­ ball with ,a 2-0 record. In their only previous conference outing the Coyle-Cassidy gridders de­ feated Case High's Cardinals, 23­ 14, in a season opener on Sept. 18. Brian Sullivan passed for 152 yards, including a touch­ down pass, to lead Coyle-Cassidy to its victory over the Falcons. The Spartans of Bishop Stang High, winners over the Old Ro­ chester Bulldogs in their only conference outing thus far, were impressive in a 22-18 victory over the Dennis-Yarmouth Dolphins in a non-league game last Satur­ day. With 2:59 left in the game Paul Ryley scored what turned out 'to be the winning touch­ down on a 30-yard. run. Gerard Lanagan rushed for the extra two points. Tim McGuiness scored two of the Dennis-Yar­ mouth touchdowns.

In the first game of the seaJ son in Conference Division Two Fairhaven nipped Bishop Feehan, 19-7.' , In Division One play last weekend Dartmouth defeated New Bedford, 18-13, Somerset nipped Attleboro, 15-13, Fal­ mouth and Durfee tied 14-14. Division One games this week­ end have Durfee at Barnstable and Somerset at Falmouth to­ morrow afternoon. Division Two play lists Fairhaven at Wareham tonight. New Bedford Yoke-Tech at Feehan and Dennis-Yarmouth at Bourne tomorrow afternoon. In Division Three tomorrow it will be Stang at Dighton-Reho­ both, Seekonk at Coyle-Cassidy and Old Rochester at Case. North Attleboro with a 28-0 rout of King Philip continued to set the pace in the Hockomock League, which lists runnerup Franklin at North Attleboro, Canton at Oliver Ames, King Philip at Sharon and Stoughton at Foxboro tomorrow. New Bed­ ford is host to Quincy in a non­ league game.

There Are No Unbeatens For the divisional leaders in Conference soccer there was some gloom last week. The Bish­ op Connolly High Cougars, who had been undefeated in nine con­ ference games in Division Two were upset, 3-1, by Old Roches­ ter but are still favored to win the division crown. Connolly, which had a five-point lead over Westport and Old Rochester en­ tering this week's play needed only to pick up three points in its remaining {our games to assure itself of at least a first-place tie. Today Connolly visits Dartmouth while tomorrow Stang is at West­ port, Old Rochester at New Bed­ ford Yoke-Tech and Diman Voke at Holy Family. Earlier in the week Dennis­ Yarmouth which had led Division One with a 7-1 record dropped a close 2-1 decision to defending champion New Bedford and that loss dropped the Cape booters to second place with New Bedford taking over first place. Last Monday Attleboro tied New Bedford, I-I as Falmouth defeated Somerset, 3-1, and Dur­ fee nipped Barnstable, 2-1, so that entering yesterday's games

New Bedford

topic: Mor"l Issues of Unemploy­ ment. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 27. "Spirit and the Bride," a spirit­ ual growth program with Dr. William K. Larkin, a ·psycho­ therapist, and Grace Markay, a recording artist, 7 p.m. each Monday, Fall River cable chan­ nel 36. "MarySoo," a family puppet show with moral and spiritual perspective, 4:30 p.m. each Mon­ day, Fall River and New Bedford cable channel 13. Sunday, <nt. 24 (CBS) "For Our TImes" - A look at the Knights of Columbus as they celebrate theill' 100th anniversafY. 00 Radio Charismatic programs, are heard from Monday through Fri­ day on station WICE, 1290 AM: Father John Randall, 9 to 10 a.m. and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward McDonough, 8:15 a.m.; Father Real Bourque, 8:45 a.m. Father McDonough is also on WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday. Sunday, OCt. 24, (NBC) "Guidel1De" - Dave Brubeck, jazz musician and composer, guests in an interview about his Mass, "To Hope, A Cel~bration."




New Bedford had a two point lead over Dennis-Yarmouth. Foxboro, Franklin and Stough­ ton are battling it out for the Hockomock soccer crown. To­ NOTE day's games have Franklin at Please check dates and Foxboro, Oliver Ames a~ Sharon times of television and radio and North Attleboro at King programs against local list­ Philip with Stoughton drawing ings, which may differ from the bye. Tuesday's schedule is the New York network sched­ Sharon at Stoughton, Oliver ules supplied' to The Anehor. Ames at Franklin and King Philip at Foxboro with North Attleboro having the bye. Symbols following film reviews indicate In the Division Four state foot­ both general and Catholic Film Office ball ratings Coyle-Cassidy and ratings, which do not alwilYS coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· Dom Savio were ranked sixth eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug­ before last Saturday's games. gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for Another Catholic school, Car­ children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for dinal Spellman, was rated seventh. Among the individual , children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for leaders 'Coyle-Cassidy's Mike adults only; A4-separate classification Thomas was tied in Division (given to films not morally offensive Four, statewise, with Craig Ross which, however, require some analysis of East Bridgewater. Each had and explanation); O-morally offensive. scored six touchdowns and a New Films two-point conversion for a total "I, The Jury" (Fox): This sec­ of 38 points, 10 back of Ware­ ond screening of the novel that ham's Peter Silvia. made Mickey Spillane a house­ Ted Barrett of North Attle­ hold word 30 years ago displays boro led Division Three with 74 the abundant 'sex and mayhem points based on 12 touchdowns of the novel with an extrava­ and a two-point conversion. gance undreamed of in the past. The graphic sexuality and bru­ Hockey Leader tality are excessive even in these field defeated Seekonk, 7-5, and untrammeled days. The plot has took undisputed p~ssession of to do with Mike Hammer (Ar­ second place. Bruce Tavosa mand Assante) avenging a dead sparked the Mansfield offense friend by smashing a rogue CIA with three goals. operation using a sex clinic as a S'unday night's games in the front. This thqroughly repulsive Driscoll Rink have Marion vs. movie is rated 0, R. Seekonk at 9, Fall River South "Lookin' to Get Out" (para­ vs. Mansfield at 10. New Bed­ mount): Two luckless gamblers ford is now 4-0-0 (won, lost, (John Voight and Burt Young) tied), Mansfield 2-~-0. Marion flee~ New York pursued by two 1-2-0, Seekonk and Fall River gangsters to' whom they owe Sohth 0-2-1. money' ,and take refuge in Las Vegas. There they set them­


Defending champion New Bed­ ford continued undefeated as it pinned a 7-2 setback on Marion in a Bristol County CYO Hockey League game in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River last Sunday. Tied at ~-2 early in the second period, the Whaletowners scored five conl$ecutive goals on the way to their fourth win of the young season. Taber Chase scored three goals in the winning cause. In the companion game, Mans-

THESE PUPPETS appear on MarySon, a family puppet show telecast at 4:30 p.m. each Monday on New Bedford and Fall River cabie Channel 13.


selves up i~ a luxurious hotel suite and stake a down-on-the­ luck gambling whiz (Burt Reem­ sen) to one' last try for the big jackpot that will save every­ thing. Ann-Margaret is on hand as Voight's ex-love, now the mistress of the hotel owner. Meant to be a sentimental comedy, this movie is a total dis­ aster. Because of unremitting vulgar language, brief nudity, and its benign view of easy sex, it is rated A3, R. ' "My Favorite year" (MGM­ UA): Peter O'Toole stars as a fading movie star who appears on a show in the early days of television comedy. A young gag writer (Mark Linn~Baker) is as­ signed to keep the drunken, womanizing actor in line. As long as O'Toole is on screen, the pic­ ture is bright and entertaining. When he's off, it quietly dies. Because of the hero's benignly viewed proclivities for women and the bottle and some rather vulgar humor, it has been classi­ fied A3, R. Religious Broadcasting - TV Sunday, Oct. 24, WLNE, Chan­ nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele­ vision Mass. '

''Confluence,'' 8 a.m. each Sunday repeated at 6 a'm. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ rector of social services;' Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's




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