VOL. 47, NO.40 • Friday, October 24, 2003
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Pope thanks
Pope to bishops, and cardinals: 'Preach Gospel to last breath'
Blessed Teresa for witness, courage
By JOHN THAVIS CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II told cardinals and bishops assembled for his 25th anniversary that their common duty was to preach the Gospel "to the last breath." The pope said that in evangelizing the credibility ofChurch leaders depends on the unity they show among themselves and the commitment they show to the world's poor. The pope addressed more than 250 cardinals and heads of bishops' conferences October 18 at the close of a four-day conference that reviewed the main themes of his pontificate's first 25 years. Although the pope did not attend the speech-giving sessions, he summed up the focus of his pastoral ministry in a short speech, which was delivered in part by an aide. In the face of the many changes over the last 25 years, he said, one thing has remained constant: the need for the pope and bishops to be fearless witnesses of truth and hope. "The courage in proclaiming the Gospel must never lessen. In fact, it must be our main task to the last breath, faced with everrenewing dedication," he said. But to announce the one Gospel with a "single heart and soul," the Church must demonstrate internal agreement, he said. ''Therefore, it is indispensable to cultivate a profound unity among us, which is not limited to an affective collegiality, but is founded on a full doctrinal sharing and is translated into harmony at an operational level," he said. The pope said the credibility of the Church's hierarchy depends upon this unity and on showing "the face of a Church that loves the poor, that is simple and that is on the side of the weakest." He said the perfect example was Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whom he beatified the next day. The pope told the Church leaders that personal holiness also must be an essential component of their leadership and was "the secret of evangelization" in today's world. Listening to an address by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, dean of the College of Cardinals, the pope appeared to wipe away a tear when he was told: "Holy Father, you have rekindled in us the joy of the Lord. For this we are grateful to you. May God always grant you his joy." At the close of his talk, the pope asked Tum to page 13 - Cardinals
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By CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II offered his thanks to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, founder of the Missionaries of Charity, for being close to him in her lifetime and for courageously showing the world what it means to love and serve Jesus completely. "The venerable servant of God, Teresa of Calcutta, from this moment on will be called blessed," the pope said at Sunday's beatification Mass as the crowd burst into applause. In the homily he wrote for the ceremony, the 83-year-old pope said: "We honor in her one of the most relevant personalities of our age. Let us accept her message and follow her example." For the first time at a major event, Pope John Paul did not read even one line of his own homily. A Vatican official said that with the pope's difficulty speaking clearly, the crowd would not have been able to understand much of his message, so others were asked to read for him. St. Peter's Square and the surrounding streets were a crush of some 300,000 pilPOPE JOHN Paull! presides at the beatification Mass for Mother Teresa grims and admirers of Mother Teresa. Under a bright sun, which weather foreof Calcutta October 19 in St. Peter's Square. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims and admirers of the nun packed the square and surrounding streets casters had said would not appear, the scene was awash with vibrant colors: flags during the ceremony. (CNS photo from Reuters) from dozens of countries, banners in languages from Polish to Hindi, the blue(b~ trimmed saris of the Missionaries of CharfJRr;it~ ity, and the colorful traditional dress of Guatemalans and Nigerians. In an unusually personal homily, read by a Vatican aide and by Indian Cardinal Ivan Dias of Mumbai, the pope wrote, "I am personally grateful to this courageous woman, whom I always felt was alongside of me. "An icon of the good Samaritan, she went everywhere to serve Christ in the poorest of the poor. Not even conflicts or wars could stop her," the pope wrote. Mother Teresa was beatified in record ... 'i.:' D time - just over six years after her death ,- ":"" ..... -: 1" ~ - because Pope John Paul set aside the ..... .... rule that a sainthood process cannot begin -"'... ~...." until the candidate has been dead five '") years. Like the pope, many people in the crowd knew Mother Teresa, volunteered in one BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman addresses the congregation at a Mass of her homes or soup kitchens, or at least in honor of Blessed Teresa last Sunday at St. Lawrence Martyr Church, heard her speak when she came to their Tum to page 13 - Blessed New Bedford. (Anchor photo by. Bruce McDaniel)
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Friday, October 24, 2003 . .
Sister Madeleine C. Vaillot OP
(Jj) 11 t11 t It r t l' ~i DIGHTON - Dominican Anne's Hospital, where she" Sister of the Presentation served as the nursing school's Father Andre P. 'lussaume Madeleine Clemence Vaillot, 96, director from 1939 to 1969. She of 3012 Elm Street, former di-· also became a member of the LAKEVILLE - FatherAndre in 1971 and became pastor of St. eral other parishes, including St. rector of the Saint Anne's Hos- original board of trustees at the P. Jussaume, 76, a retired priest of Louis de France Parish in Swansea Francis Xavier in Acushnet and Our pital School of Nursing, died hospital, and was to serve on the the Fall River diocese and former in 1988, from which assignment Lady of Fatima in New Bedford. October 12, at Saint Anne's Hos- board for 51 years, from the time pastor of St. Louis de France Par- he entered into retirement in 1994. Father Jussaume often referred pital, Fall River. it was established in 1946. ish, Swansea, died October 14 at In retirement, he assisted at sev- to himself as a "part-time carpenDuring her tenure at Saint home after a brief illness. Born Antoinette Lucie ter" and enjoyed doing wood Madeleine Vaillot, in Dourdan, Anne's Hospital, she also atworking in his leisure time. Born in Rochester, the son of France. a daughter of the late tended Boston College where the late Joseph E., and the late He leaves two brothers, Augustin Jules Alexandre and Madeleine she earned a master's degree in Adrienne M. (Dupre) Jussaume, Jussaume of New Bedford and (Soubies) Vaillot, she had lived education in 1953, and a doctor- he lived in New Bedford in his George L. Jussaume of Acushnet; in France, Spain, and Italy before ate in philosophy in .1960. early life and graduated from St. three sisters, Irene Tomaso of CaliIn 1969, Sister Madeleine Anthony's School there. He graducoming to the United States in fornia, Blanche B. Jussaume of 1939~ She was a 1929 graduate became the founding dean of ated from Joliette College in Acushnet, and Jacqueline T. Stowell of the University of Paris with a the School of Nursing at the Canada and St. Mary's Seminary of Argyle, Texas; and nieces and degree in philosophy. former Southeastern Massa- in Baltimore, Md. nephews. He was also the brother Sister Madeleine entered the chusetts University, now the He was ordained a priest on of the late Alice Camp. Dominican Sisters of the Presen- University of Massachusetts at March 29, 1952 in St. Mary's CaHis funeral Mass was celtation on Aug. 28, 1929, and Dartmouth, where she served thedral, Fall River, by Bishop ebrated by Bishop George W. made her first profession of vows until 1977. James L. Connolly. Coleman on October 16, in Our She was the author of a book, on Feb. 28, 1931. Since she alFather Jussaume served as a Lady of Fatima Church, New ready had her degree. after her "Commitment to Nursing," pub- parochial vicar at Notre Dame ParBedford. Interment was in Sacred first profession she was sent to lished in 1962, and many articles ish in Fall River, St. Theresa's ParHeart Cemetery, New Bedford. Spain, where she taught and on nursing. ish in New Bedford, .and St. The Rock Funeral Home, 1285 worked in a clinic in Barcelona Sister Madeleine also had .Jacques' Parish in T.aunton. He , Ashley Boulevard, New Bedford, until 1936. when she returned to served the Dominican sisterhood was named pastor of St. Jacques' FATHER ANDRE P.JUSSAUME was in charge of arrangements. France to earn her nursing di- as a vice provincial councilor ploma. From France, she was from 1961 to 1971; and as a memsent to Rome. ber of the international commitSent from Italy to the United tee, helping to write the States before the outset of World Congregation's new constituHYANNIS - Catholic So- prehensive home studies for as Reaching Out, a pregnancy War II, she was entrusted with tions, in 1978; and as a provin- cial Services of the Diocese of persons interested in adoption counseling and adoption the School of Nursing at Saint cial archivist, from 1975 to 1998. Fall River will hold an informawho reside in the Diocese of agency. Her many honors included a tion session for individuals and Fall River, which is the region There is no charge for this Marian Medal from the Diocese families interested 'in adopting of Southeastern Massachusetts, information session. of Fall River; a Leadership a child from a foreign country Call 508-674-4681 or 401Cape Cod and Islands. Award, in 1996 on the 90th anni- or a domestic f!ewborn. The HEATING, INC. Individuals and families 624-9270 to register and for diversary of Saint Anne's Hospital; session will be held November from Rhode Island are also rections. Refreshments will be Sales and Service and a Caritas Christi medal in 2 fr9,m 1:30-3:30 p.m., at the for Domestic and Industrial welcome as Catholic Social served and informational hand1997. ~ Oil Burners Catholic Social Services office, Services is licensed in that state outs will be available. Her funeral Mass was cel- 261 South Street, Hyannis, 508-995-1631 ebrated on October 16 in the Pro2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Catholic Social Services has vincial House Chapel of the Do- placed children for adoption NEW BEDFORD minican Sisters of the Presenta- since 1924 and is licensed by tion in Dighton. Burial was in the Office of Child Care SerNotre Dame Cemetery, Fall vices of the Commonwealth of River. Massachusetts.
CSS to hold adoption infor~ation session
In Your Prayers
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Oct 28
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Nov 1
Nov 2
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Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2,4,6-7,20-21 ; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6: 1216 Rom 8:26-30; Ps 126:1-6; Lk 13:22-30 Rom 8:31 b-39; Ps 109:21-22,2627; Lk 13:31-35 Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15,19-20; Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4,9-14; Ps 24:1-4ab,5-6; 1Jn 3:1-3; Mt5:112a Wis 3: 1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:511;Jn 11:17-27 or 1011-1016
ANCHOR (USPS-54S-D20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the ftrst two weeks in July ani the week after Christmas at 887 Highlanl Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14,00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722. THE
Please pray for the following priests during the coming weeks Oct. 27
1918, Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, Assistant, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 1967, Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson, Assistant, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1990, Rev. Joseph F. O'Donnell, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton Oct. 28 1923, Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe, Pastor, St. George, Westport 1956, Rev. Stanislaus Kozikowski, OFM Conv., Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford OCt. 30 1992, Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, Retired Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton Nov. 1 1924, Rev. William H. McNamara, Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield 1927, Rev. Louis N. Blanchet, Assistant, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River 1944, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Ferraz, Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River 1953, Rt. Rev. Msgr. George F. Cain, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1987, Rev. William E. Farland, Pastor, St. Joseph, Taunton 1988, Rev. William F. Gartland, CSC, Stonehill College, North Easton 1994, Rev. John F. Sullivan, S~.Cc., Retired Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford 1999, Rev. Manuel T, Faria, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall Ri.ver . Nov. 2 A memento for the repose of the souls of our bishops, priests and permanent deacons not on the diocesan list 1923, Rev. Joseph S. Fortin, Founder, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River 1933, Rev. Michael V. McDonough, Chaplain, St. Mary's Home, New Bedford
FridaY,October 24, 2003
No Mass obligation for All Saints Day FALL RIVER - This year, because All Saints Day, November 1, falls on Saturday, the usual obligation of U.S. Latin-rite Catholics to attend Mass that day is abrogated. In 1992, the Vatican approved a decision by the U.S. bishops to lift the obligation to attend Mass on
three holy days: January 1, August 15, and November 1, when they fall back-to-back with Sunday - that is, on a Saturday or Monday. The bishops retained the Mass obligation on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, even though that is a Monday.
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THIS TEAM of registered nurses from Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, is traveling to Dallas, Texas, this month for the National Nurs,ing Home Improvement Collaborative. From left: Diane Santos, Karen Treloar, Sherrie Grime and Theresa Magellan.
Pew and Kneeler Restoration
Catholic Memorial Home to participate in collaborative FALL RIVER - The Diocesan Health Facilities Office is pleased to announce that Catholic Memorial Home has been invited to participate in the National Nursing Home Improvement Collaborative. They are one of only two skilled nursing facilities in the state to be so recognized. Sponsored by the Centers for Medical and Medicaid Services, the collaborative will bring together healthcare professionals and organizations from around the country in an effort to improve
nursing home systems for prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. This systematic approach involves the testing and measuring of practice innovations by organizations and providers who will then share their experiences in an effort to accelerate learning and widespread implementation of best practices. The home will send four of its employees to participate at the first in a series of four learning sessions in Dallas, Texas this
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month. They are: Diane Santos, director of Staff Development; Karen Treloar, Wound Care Specialist; Sherrie Grime, director of Nursing; and Theresa Magellan, director of Clinical Servicesllnformation Services. All are registered nurses.
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Religious Education fall convention is Saturday
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FALL RIVER - The annual Union in Chicago, will be the Fall Religious Education Conven- keynote speaker at the morning session. He will also tion of the Fall River present an afternoon diocese will be held leadership seminar for Saturday from 7:30 directors and coordia.m. to 2:30 p.m., at nators of religious Bishop Connolly High education, principals, School. 373 Elsbree priests and deacons. Street. Mass will be celMore than two ebrated by Bishop dozen workshops on a George W. Coleman. variety of topical isFor more inforsues are planned. mation call the Office Father Richard Fragomeni of the FATHER RICHARD of Religious EducaCatholic Theological FRAGOMENI tion at 508-678-2828.
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His Excellency, the Most Reverend George W. Coleman, Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments:
First Assignments Rev. Ethan G. McCarthy, Parochial Vicar, Immaculate Conception Parish, North Easton Rev. Michael 1. Fitzpatrick, Parochial Vicar, Saint Mary Parish, Mansfield
Effective October'll, 2003
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the ancf1olS)
Friday, October 24, 2003
the living word
Affordable housing A major crisis that has emerged in our current social order is that of affordable housing. In many areas of the country, and especially in our own diocese, the housing situation is critical. Dukes, Nantucket and Barnstable counties as well as upper Bristol County, the vast majority of the diocese, are currently in a most difficult state when it comes to purchasing a home. The price of houses in those particular areas is exorbitant. People are having a difficult time finding property they can afford. Nurses, teachers and town employees cannot afford even the rent of a house. The outlook for the future in this regard is grim. In the next 10 years, the so-called echo boomers, the children ~fbaby boomers, will swell the number seeking homes. Immigrants will continue to pour into the country. The nation's need for a new labor force is ever increasing. These people; will be seeking adequate housing. Most of them will be on the lower side of the salary scale. What will be available to them is a serious problem. There will always be those proverbial slum landlords who will take advantage of the many who need a roof over their heads. One can be certain that the disadvantaged will become the abused in this regard. Projections of good economic growth will allow new buyers into the marketplace. Better jobs, better salaries and low mortgage rates are but a few of the ingredients that will stimulate the construction of new homes - but at what price? There are those who predict existing home prices will increase four-to-five percent in the coming year. Prices ofnew homes will also increase. Given these factors, it is no wonder that housing per se is a very important basis for personal wealth. Many people see their home as a catalyst in their retirement plans. Selling a large house, buying a smaller one, and banking the difference is a basic concept of retirement with security. But all this is geared to those who already can afford to eradicate financial worries. It does not apply to the poor, the needy, or the nonaffordable. Vatican Council n issued a pastoral constitution in ''The Church in the Modem World." It reflected on the vision and aspirations of people in today's world. Great numbers of people are acutely conscious of being deprived of the world's goods through injustice and unfair distribution of them. More and more people are demanding their fair share, and rightly so. Many developing nations, especially recently independent states, are anxious to share in the economic benefits' of modem civilization. However, they often bang into the ever-present stonewall. They are hampered by their economic dependence on the rapidly expanding richer nations and the ever-widening gap between them. The hungry nations cry out to their affluent neighbors; farmers and workers cry out for justice and the opportunity to play their due role in organizing economic and social cultural life; and immigrants want the respect of citizenship in order to be free from economic slavery. Today, more and more people are not afraid to think that cultural benefits are for all, and should be available to all. The Vatican Council stated quite openly that these claims are but a sign of a deeper and more widespread opposition. People of all strata of society crave a life that is full, autonomous and worthy of their nature as human beings; free from the economic imbal~ces of our times. Excessive economic justice is nothing more than a scandal and mitigation against social justice, equality and human dignity. It is to all organizations, public, private and religious, to spare no energy in banishing every vestige of social and economic slavery. We have a responsibility to one another, and must help to bring the benefits of the "good life" to those who are willing to work and share the goods that have been given to us as a Godly trust. Here at home, may we support and share in the work to achieve affordable housing for the thousands who are seeking to have a place called home and all that . entails.
The Executive Editor
the ancholS)
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Publisl1ed weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-000.7 . Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address
Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR
David B. Jolivet
James N. Dunbar
Barbara M. Reis
Why it's OK to marry a Catholic By
that Catholics aren't supposed to titke marriage lightly. Al"What does a person bring to though the contracting man and woman pledge themselves to a marriage by being a Catholic?" This question from a each other in the presence of the' community, it is above all a colleague of mine is perfect for pledge before God, which tickling the Catholic imagination and inviting us to assess our makes it a three-party, holy appreciation of Catholicism and contract - as well as a bond that endures. A Catholic its unique worldview. certainly should bring to Catholics believe first and marriage a sense that "I'm here foremost that not only is Christ to stay" and that this marriage is God but that he truly is present in the Eucharist. That means we a vocation nurtured by God. believe that God so loves us that Many Catholics treasure the he desires physical contact with lives路 of the saints and look to at us, making us temples of God least two or three of them as whose very life calls out for models. So a Catholic spouse respect. ought to enter marriage with This eucharistic love of some good role models. Often the saints teach us that Christ for us makes clear how the world is best served when sacred human life is. And it is we serve the poor. We learn of because of this belief in the sacredness of human life that saints who started out in high, worldly positions but left it all we abhor any form of violence to another person. The Euchato dedicate themselves to those who are impoverished. In doing rist, at the heart of a Catholic's this, they teach us how to practice of the faith, is itself a sacred statement against overcome that empty feeling when we have so much but are murder, injustice, abortion, the unhappy. death penalty. So it can be hoped that a Many saints were anything Catholic will bring to marriage but saints in their early life. a respect for life and a belief in Their conversions teach us that life's sacredness that are based nothing, even our own sinfulness, is impossible to overcome in love. It is a respect and love with God's grace. Many saints that one's spouse is sure to embodied that grace in their welcome over the years. It is well known, of course, Christ-like care for the sick and
the destitute. And the saints teach us that the cross, as difficult as it is to carry, has a joyful side. Looking at life through their eyes, we learn that there is profound meaning even in life's difficulties - not a bad conviction at all to bring to a marriage! Yes, Catholics forever are being made aware of the teachings of their Church about the right to life, the horror of war, the sin of racism, the need to protect the environment, the risks of consumerism. But these teachings enhance life. An attitude that life can always be enhanced ought to be good for marriage. Whether Catholics are conscious of it or not, the sacraments they receive, the saints they revere路, the beliefs and teachings they follow create . a unique worldview. And even if a Catholic spouse doesn't actually embrace everything in Catholicism, the Church's . tradition forms a background from which judgments are formed. Catholicism is a culLure that deeply influences our thinking and actions. Sometimes it may be a very small influence, other times it may be gigantic. But whether large or small, it makes a big difference.
Friday, October 24, 2003
He has nothing to do with it Dear Red Sox fans, particularly munnured were powerless. those who since Game Seven, God h~ NOTHING to do with have been 'mauled by melancholy, sports, because ifhe did, the cities I know the hurt you're feeling. of Boston and Chicago wouldn't This is directed to those of you agonize over their nearly centurywho found it hard to function as a long slumps. If God was involved human being the next day, and in sports, the spoils would be beyond. You are the true diehards. evenly spread across the country. Those who jumped aboard for the God has NOTHING to do with ride know not of what we suffer. sports, because if he did: In my nearly 40 years of living Derek Jeter wouldn't and dying with the Sox, never has have four World Series rings with a loss so shaken me. Each time the Olde Towne Team has ripped out and stomped on our hearts, you think it can't get any worse. " and then it does! I shudder to think how devastating the next disappointment will be! By Dave Jolivet And we all know there will be another! The only thing that's helped me through the healing the chance for another in his short process (again!) is the revelation eight-year career, while baseball that God has NOTHING to do legends like Ted Williams, Carl with sports. This epiphany struck Yastrzemski, Willie McCovey, me as I watched Game Seven spill Ernie Banks, Rod Carew, Harmon into extra innings. The thought that Killebrew, Juan Marichal, Fergie the Red Sox would win it in the Jenkins and Phil Niekro never had extra frames NEVER crossed my one; mind. I knew the Yankees had it. The Rorida Marlins But what blew me away was the wouldn't be vying for the second sight of Yankee fans praying for title in their brief IO-year history; the decisive run. After 26 world A true-blue, diehard titles, including four out of the last Cubs' fan wouldn't be forever seven, and the humiliation of branded a goat for doing what Boston and their fans at their nine out of every 10 fans would have done; hands countless times through the years, what more could they want?! Roger Clemens wouldn't It was then I realized God has have come back and haunt us so NOTHING to do with sports. often under the guise of "revenge," Every prayer raised, every favor when he let him self go physically promised, evel)' saint asked to in his later years with the Sox, and intercede, every "this isn't fair," never came up big for us in the
My View From the .Stands
playoffs. God has NOTHING to do with sports, because we an know that he is the God of love and mercy,. and to think: that he would dabble in the trivial world of sports is ludicrous. God loves all his children, regardless of what letter appears on the front of their baseball caps! I don't know what rules the world of sports, but whatever it is, it isn't fair - but it does imitate life. The have's usually get more, and the have-not's usually get less. So Red Sox comrades, I'm not sure if we'll ever get a piece of the baseball pie, but nothing will ever break the bond I have with you and with the Sox. I wore my Red Sox jacket in public all last weekend, and there were times when tears nearly welled up in my eyes. Not because we lost, but because I was so proud to be a Red Sox fan! And comrades, the Good B,ook itself can give us comfort. Scripture tells us the first shall be last and the last shall be first. So just imagine the place of honor we'll have when we get to heaven ... and also consider where the Yankees and their fans will be! Providing of course they make it there! Dave Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, is a fonner spoTts editor/ writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective on the unique world ofspoTts. Comments are welcome at dave;olivet@anchornews.org.
RENEW program enters third season NORTH EASTON - "Evangelization," is the theme and mission as hundreds of small faith sharing communities in scores of parishes throughout the diocese enter their third season of the RENEW Program. The groups have resumed their weekly gatherings this month for six consecutive weeks of prayer, reflection and work on this crucial Gospel theme as part of the ongoing spiritual preparation for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the diocese. Father Thomas Lopes, director of RENEW said, "The season's theme of reaching out is the way to live out our faith as Catholic Christians. By sharing our faith stories we help to inspire another in becoming more aware ofChlist's activity in our daily life." Called a"pastoral response for the 21 SI eentury," RENEW is an international program brought here by fonner Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap., in January, 2002, to fosterthe fonnation ofsmall groups from eight to 12. persons who commit themselves as a community to meet and read and reflect upon the Scriptures, pray, share each other's lives and respond in action. The program has continued to grow under the watch ofBishop Geol1:;e W. Coleman and currently there are more than 3,000 persons pruticipating. Organizers have cultivated the
fonnation of groups within the par-- groups. "People are really getting a lot ishes responding to RENEW's challenge with at least 43 parishes now from RENEW," said Father Cook. participating. It is notable that the "Especially in hearing from one anseeds of the program are spreading other some of the practical ways further into the community at large. people are living their faith." Father Edward E. Correia reports Groups have formed at Bishop Stang High School in North a similar jump in participation at St. Dartmouth; the Sacred Heart Home James Church, New Bedford. "I'm in New Bedford; Bishop Connolly very happy with the parish reHigh School, Fall River; St. sponse," said Father Correia. "We Vincent's Residential Treatment are growing, with 50 involved in the Center; and the diocesan Depart- first season of RENEW, 75 in the ment of Education in Fall River. At second and now 100." At St. Joseph's in Attleboro, an the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River the entire faith community is English parish hosting the Spanish praying daily the RENEW Prepa- community, Father Michael Carvill, FSCB reports the same ration Prayer for our centennial. Also notable is the special role trend stating that the Spanish comthe diocese has served for the in- munity have "truly made the proternational movement itself, thanks gram their own," as both their parto the work of Anthony Nunes, ticipation and their community chainnan of the foreign language grow. "The parish coordinators and department at Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton. Nunes is small community leaders have been translating the documents of the so faithful and committed to RERENEW Program into Portuguese NEW by their dedication and atnot only to help ensure the full reach tendance at on-going training," said of the work throughout our diocese, Lisa Gulino, director ofAdult Edubut throughout Portuguese-speak- cation and Evangelization. Father Lopes added that he and ing communities worldwide. Father Kevin Cook of Our Lady Gulino hilve been inspired by the of Mount Carmel Parish, New deanery training especially "meetBedford, reports a steady growth of ing new people and welcoming the the program each season. Approxi- return of seasoned leaders. The mately two-thirds of the parishio- Spirit is alive and is very evident in ners who are involved are partici- the many parishes throughout the pating in Portuguese-speaking diocese," Father Lopes added.
Father McCarrick Memorial Breakfast is November 9 WESTPORT - The seventh only as a pastor of St. Joseph's annual Father Paul McCarrick Church, but also for his comMemorial Breakfast will be held munity work on behalf of the November 9 at 10 a.m. at young people of the diocese. A native of Revere, Father White's of Westport. Dr. Thomas Jean of McCarrick w'as ordained a Barrington, a well-respected priest in the Fal1 River diocese physician ofthe Providence area on St. Patrick's Day in 1956. wil1 be the guest speaker. He He spent the next 40 years as a will talk about his association priest ministering to the needs with Father McCarrick when he of his parishione~s at St. Mary's was a parishioner at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, as director Church. of the CYO, chaplain of the Fall . A native of Fal1 River, Dr. River Fire and Police departJean is a summa cum laude ments and pastor of St. Joseph's graduate of Harvard Univer- Church, Fall River. The evening will benefit the sity and Brown Medical , School. He is the former ad- Father Paul McCarrick Scholarministrative chief of medicine ship Fund. Scholarships in his of Harvard's Pilgrim's name will be given to deserving Warwick Health Center and is local students. James Rogers currently a partner in the An- serves as chairman of the scholchor Medical Associates of arship fund and Roger Dufour Rhode Island. He is a staff is its treasurer. physician at Miriam and If you would like to attend or need more information call Rhode Island hospitals. Father McCarrick, who died James Rogers at 508-675in 1996, was wel1 known not 0800.
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Friday, October 24, 2003
Lost in time
Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON FRIDAYS. Events published must be of interest and open to our general readership. We do not carry notices of fund-raising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at 508-675-7151. AITLEBORO - A book discussion series will be held November4, II and 18 at7:15p.m., at the La Salette Shrine. It will explore themes ofhomecoming, affitmation and reconciliation. Mass will be celebrated by Father Pat Sunday at 2 p.m. A healing service will follow. For more information call 508-222-5410. AITLEBORO - Griefeducation programs with Sister Judith Costa will be held at La Salette Retreat House on October 30 ("Grief and Anger"), November 13 ("Helpful Rituals"), and November 20 ("Holidays: Preserving Memories"), from 6:30-8 p.m.; and on November 3 ("Ideas to Prepare for the Holidays"), and November 10 ("Remembering: Sources of Comfort"), from 10:30 a.m.-noon. For more information, call 508-8246581 or 508-222-8530. MISCELLANEOUS - A pilgrimage with Bishop George W. Coleman to our nation's capital for the annual March for Life is being organized by the Pro-Life Apostolate for JanuaJ)' 21-23. It will include Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. A youth bus is leaving a day earlY. For more information call 508-997-2290. ORLEANS - A Separated-Divorced Catholics Support Group will meet Sunday at 7 p.m., at the parish center of St. Joan of Arc Church. Professor of Christian Ethics at WestonJesuit School of The-
ology, Edward Vacek, will be guest speaker. For more information call Father Richard Roy at 508-2550170. OSTERVILLE - Attorney Daniel Avilla will discuss "The Marriage Affinnation and Pro(ection Amendment: What's Happening in the Massachusetts Legislature," October 30 at 7 p:m., at Our Lady of the Assumption Church. For more information callPatricia Finn at 508420-0161. NEW BEDFORD - The New B'edford Catholic Guild for the Blind will meet October 28 at 7 p.m., in the community center ofHoly Name of the Sacred Heart ofJesus Church. All blind and or visually impaired people are welcome. The Guild is also seeking members to provide transportation. For more information call Bernadette Mendes at 508-9952431. NORTH DARTMOUTH-A Divorced-Separated Support Group will meet October 27 at the Diocesan Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road from 7-9 p.m. It will include a video presentation "Divorce and Recovery," and guest speaker Andy Morgan. NORTH EASTON'- The public is invited to participate in the praying of the 20 mysteries of the rosal)' on Sundays at 5 p.m., in the chapel of the Father Peyton Center at Holy Cross Family Ministries, 518 Washington Street. The daily roSal)' at 9 a.m., and noon Mass are also open to the Rublic.
For the Journey
off of the white ornamental rocks near the stairs. There, I found the body of a tiny bird, its vivid yellow feathers and dull brown ones blending with the dying leaves. We have large plate glass windows in the front of our house, and sometimes a little bird's flight path takes him straight into sudden death with ferocious impact. Was that the fate of this fellow? I felt consoled that Jesus said his Father knows when any sparrow falls. As I lifted the bird's body, his little feet stiff .~ with what I imagined was J birdie rigor mortis, I placed him in the center of the leaf bag. I hoped he would decompose there over time in the embrace of colorful leaves. But wait. I was bagging my leaves in plastic. Our compost piles were overwhelmed, so these leaves were going to the landfill. Talk about,time. What's the halflife of a plaStic bag at the dump? How long will it take my bird to return to dust? Time. Measured in so many ways, but precious beyond measure. I hope the Ecuadoreans are happy with their newfound punctuality. But in keeping their eye on the clock, I hope they don't forfeit that wonderful ability to. lose themselves in time.
No conflict between Christian duties
Q. It seems to me the Catholic Church has become just another social institution, more interested in saving the body than the soul. So here is my question. In the Gospel Christ separated the sheep from the goats based on what you do for your SEEKONK - Our Lady of feUow man or woman. Nothing Mount Carmel Parish will host a is said about keeping the seminar on marriage and sexuality, Commandments. If I do . "God's Plan for Human Love," at the all these social things, parish center on November 2 from helping the poor, fighting for justice, etc., 12:30-2:30 p.m. Guest speakers will路 etc., but live a sinful life, " include a moral theologian, medical my good deeds doctor, fertility care practitioner and cancel out my sins? a married couple. For more informa- (Ohio) tion call 508-336-5549. A. The dilemma you offer is not a real one. WEST HARWICH - The Sinning is doing something Celebrate Life Committee of Holy deliberately to harm oneself or Trinity Parish will hold a holy hour others. This is true for whatever Sunday at I :30 p.m. in the church. biblical commands there are, the Ten All are welcome. Commandments, the primal)' commands of Jesus to love God with our whole heart and mind and soul, and our neighbor as ourself, and the commands ofcare for others you refer to from Matthew 25. Thus, there is no conflict or opposition between these essential Christian responsibilities. One mothers and fathers, prospective cannot be living a life of loving adoptive parents and pregnant service to others and at the same women considering adoption. time be doing sinful damage to A special blessing will be one's own person or to someone given to those who have been in- else. fluenced by adoption. All are enTo consciously and intentioncouraged to help celebrate adop- ally do injury to someone, through tion, the "loving option." For any sinful act, is incompatible with more information call Mark Linse any moral obligation. They all fit at 508-539-0120. together and include each other.
Adoption celebrated at annual Mass MASHPEE - The Parish of Christ the King will host a Mass November 2 at 8:30 a.m., where families and individuals whose lives have been touched by adoption will be recognized. This event is for birth mothers and bii"th fathers regardless of when a child was adopted, those who have been adopted, adoptive
mine, and the dreal)' mood I had The small country of Ecuador, been in that day was slowly nestled in the Andes Mountains, working its way out of me with the recently launched a national rhythm of the rake. punctuality campaign. . My across-the-street neighbor Apparently, tardiness is such a came out to visit. She is mentally problem on a national scale that challenged and rarely leaves economists estimate the country home. When someone appears in loses $724 million a year because the vicinity, she comes out to chat. of late arrivals. Citizens arrive at With bad feet, she doesn't usually work late, students drift into class late, and conc;erts rarely start on time, in part because the audience hasn't arrived yet. The news service Reuters even referred to the nation's president, Lucio Gutierrez, as "notoriously unpunctual." By Effie Caldarola ~.: But even Gutierrez has gotten behind the civic L-..;..-------~~IIiI campaign to get the leave her yard, so as she leaned on country back on schedule. The her mailbox hollering comments project began in October with in my direction, I tried to keep to synchronized clocks and will run my task without appearing until the end of the year. Time. Our most valuable unsocial. She is my friend, yet sometimes resource, yet one so frequently I begrudge her my time, which is squandered. actually about all I have to give As I raked my lawn one early, her. Sometimes, I am hurrying to gray October afternoon, I pondered what all those Ecuadoreans the store or a soccer game, and pay were doing with all that late time. her short shrift. Or I am deep in a Were they dallying over the solitary event, like planting or this raking, and I don't extend my time . morning paper? Window shopping? Playing with a child for a as generously as I should. After a while, she went back in, few extra minutes? Chatting with a neighbor? Embracing a ~pouse? but not before giving me a candy The back and forth, push and bar, her humble gift bestowed in pull, of a rake on a cloudy fall day exchange for my reluctant one. was hypnotic. I seldom looked at With the candy in my pocket, I my clock. I felt the gift of time was began to brush the heavy leaf load
Q. What can you tell me about the Cross of San Damiano? A friend gave one to me after I admired aU the figures and its unusual shape. (Arkansas) A. The cross of San Damiano (St. Damian) is named after the small church near Assisi in Italy
Questions and Answers By Father John J. Dietzen
where it originally hung. It became famous because St. Francis prayed before it often. It was during one of those times of meditation that Francis heard the words from Jesus on the cross, "Francis, go repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin." At first Francis believed the words meant that he should restore the chapel itself, which was in bad disrepair. Later, he realized the Lord meant that he was to repair, build up, God's people and help repair the holiness of the Church. The cross thus came to have great importance and meaning for St. Francis and his followers, and for St. Clare, the founder of the women's branches of Franciscans, whose first religious home was in San Damiano.
.As you suggest, this fornl of the cross is extremely populaJ' in Catholic cultures today. Described as an icon cross because of the many images it portrays, it is similar to other crosses common in Italy around the 12th century. when Francis lived. Christ is represented full and upright, distinguished from both earlier 'jeweled" crosses showing Christ victorious and later crosses, which heavily emphasized his suffet;ng and agonizing death. The icons sun"ounding our Lord include several witnesses to the crucifixion, St. John, Mal)' ~agdalene, Mal)' the mother of Jesus, the soldier who pierced Jesus' side with a lance and others. There are also angels and additional images related to the events on Calvai)'. The cross was restored as much as possible to its original condition in 1938 and now hangs in the churcl) of St. Clara (Santa Chiara) in Assisi. A free brochure in English or Spanish, answering questions Catholics ask about baptism practices and sponsors, is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail: jjdietzen@aol.com.
.the ancI1olS)
Friday, October 24, 2003
Where do frogs go in winter? We never have held a meeting of the Roadkill Theological Roundtable in the backend of my aging Mack Truck. However, I am going to suggest it when we con~ vene Sunday morning for
transport years, especially with the roll-up door open wide. It is an atmosphere conducive to reflection, to thought, to pondering life's universal questions. Candidly, I am surprised that more seminaries and retreat houses or even the ~ j7;,;..: Trappists 'f7'J! don't have old metal truck boxes parked around their grounds. I bet even those metal cargo-tainer things would work - you know, the ones people buy for storage after they (the containers, not the people) are beat up by the Longshoremen's Union and can't be sent to sea anymore. You could paint them rustresistant religious colors (the boxes, not the Longshoremen), weld flower boxes to the walls, use them for storage in the off-season. In places where it does not rain much, you could install little sprinklers and then catch the runoff to water a beautiful vegetable garden from which to feed retreatants or the poor or seminarians. See?
The offbeat ,···J~j\ world of Uncle Dan -
O .-
By Dan Morris.
caffeine and donut holes after Mass. Sitting in the truck's large metal "box" while it is raining is wonderful. The sound of rainfall hitting on the metal roof is soothing, comforting, compelling. It is especially fun when you have thrown a couple of those $5.99 WalMart plastic chairs in there and share the experience with .your oldest grandson. And when you both have fresh-bread peanut-butter, mayonnaise and dill-pickle sandwiches to enjoy, it is an ambiance hard to beat. One hardly notices the slight scent of sea-urchin slime that has soaked into the floorboards during the truck's seafood
United Irish Historical Society to host rosary and benediction
Anyway; seven-year-old grandson seems intuitively to sense the contemplative potential of sitting in large metal boxes in the rain. "Grandpa," mused Bull (Campbell is his given name) as he leaned back in his wobbly chair, "how come we can't tickle ourselves?" I gave the question a few moments to sink in. Questions like this merit serious rumination. And it's good to lick the peanut butter off the roof of
7 one's mouth before.making weighty explorations. "That's a good question, Bull," I reflected. "Maybe it's one of God's little hints that we all need one another. We are close to one another in our families, and we are linked by need and common desires to everyone in the world. We hope someone will tickle us because it makes us laugh, and laughing alone is not as much fun." Bull thought for a bit. "Maybe," he said finally. Then he asked, "Where do the frogs in your pond go
during the winter when it freezes?" "I think they dig holes in the mud and hibernate," I said. "How do they keep the dirt out of their eyes?" He had a point. I ventured, "Maybe they hitchhike to San Diego or Palm Springs?" "Maybe not," Bull replied. Clearly, the child has the makings of a theologian. I hope his theologate has a metal roof. Comments are welcome. E-mail Uncle Dan at cnsuncleOl@yahoo.com.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Family is pleased to invite you to a seminar on Marriage and Sexuality
Love is not something that is learned, and yet there is . nothing else as important to learn! Pope John Paul II
God's Plan for Human Love The Beauty and Spirituality of Natural Family Planning Sunday, November 2nd 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Center Taunton Avenue, Seekonk
* * * * * * * * * * * * ** Learn how you can strengthen your marriage, improve your communication, and rekindle your love life
SPEAKERS: Fr. Daniel McCaffrey, Moral Theologian Ryan Welter, M.D., Ph.D., Medical Doctor Claudette LaRose, Creighton Fertility Care Practitioner Kristen and Ralph Young, Married Couple The seminar will begin with a light luncheon. There will be time for questions after each presentation. Babysitting is available if needed.
For more information, call the par-ish office 508-336-5549 NORTH EASTON - In honor of Our Lady of Knock, the United Irish Historical Society will host rosary and benediction November 8 at I p.m., in St. Joseph's Chapel, adjacent to the facilities of Holy Cross Family Ministries on the Stonehill College Campus. The service, to which the general public is invited, will remember the famous "Rosary Priest," Congregation of Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, Servant of God, whose cause for canonization is currently underway. Father Peyton was a native of Bellina, Ireland, a neighboring town to Knock, where the
Virgin Mary appeared on Aug. 21, 1879. As a priest, he celebrated Masses at the shrine to Our Lady of Knock there. Father John Phalen, CSC, president of the Holy Cross Family Ministries, will preside at the service, assisted by Father James Flavin, pastor of St. Edith Stein Parish in Brockton. Portions of the rosary will be recited in Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Gaelic and English. Music will be provided by the Unity Choir and directed by Robert Murphy of St. Edith Stein Parish. Members of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus will also participate.
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Archbishop Cronin resigns; Bishop Mansell to succeed him By CATHOLIC
WASHINGTON - Pope John Paul II has accepted the resignation of Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin of Hartford, Conn., and named Bishop Henry J. Mansell of Buffalo, N.Y., to succeed him. Archbishop Cronin, who turns 76 on November 14, has been a
bishop since 1968 and head of the Hartford Archdiocese since 1991. Archbishop Mansell, 66, was ordained a bishop in 1992 and has headed the Buffalo diocese since 1995. Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, apostolic nuncio to the United States, announced the changes Monday in Washington.
Call Armand Brunelle for more information at 781-440-0804 xl04 www.emeraldcp.com/gabriel
Fall River diocese. marks its centennial The following are the next in a series of historical sketches of the parishes comprising the Diocese of Fall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oldest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, t~e centennial anniversary of the diocese. Please note that AU parish histories will run in the order they were founded路 including parishes that have been suppressed or merged. Histories ofmergedparishes will run according to the time-line.
St. Joseph's Parish, North Dighton NORTH DIGHTON Around 1900, the Mount Hope Finishing Company was established in North Dighton, attracting many workers, including Catholics, to settle in that area. The first Catholics were part of a mission of Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton, but by 1913 their numbers grew to the point that they needed their own parish. A house on Lincoln Avenue,
ever since known as "the Church ebrated on weekdays and holy ther Simon A. O'Rourke, also left house," was used for services un- days in a house on Spring Street, for the same reason, after a couple til 1913. . which was purchased as a rectory. . of months. .' Under the guidance of Father The Odd Fellows Hall at Spring:.:.. The next pastor; Fat;her John Emmanuel Sousa de Mello, who Street路and Warner Boulevard was.' Doyle, served untiU921. FolIowinitially also served the people of used for Sunday Mass. ing -him an'd remaining at St. South Dighton, the "Church In 1915, a new church was Joseph's for!tO years was Father house" was sold and preparations dedicated. Two years later, Father Thomas Trainor. He路laid plans for made for the building of a new John E. de Valles succeeded Fa- a permanent church and directed church. He became the first pas- . ther de Mello as pastor, but left a fund-raising projec( Despite the tor of St. Joseph's. after a few months to serve in the Great Depressiorl, Which began in In the interim, Mass was cel- armed forces. His successor, Fa- 1929, he was successful, and his , successor, Fathei')ohn J. Shea, cpmpleted the building of the new . . church. He left i~ 1949. ST. JOSEPH'S CH,l;JRCH, Because the church was NORTH:DIGHTON " erected in trying tiines, it was Father William Dolan, who was pastor until 1954, who had the church painted for the first time. Tile flooring and new pews were added during the pastorate of Father Thomas F. Walsh, who was replaced by Father Francis A. McCarthy in 1956. Father McCarthy oversaw a 1957 renovation of the old parish hall. . About the same time, the Mount Hope Finishing Company moved away, taking with it many parishioners who followed their jobs to the South. But new parishioners arrived and the parish flourished during its golden anniversary celebrations in 1963, arranged by Father Leo Curry, who arrived a year earlier. Before Father Curry left in 1967,
he had purchased land to be used for a parking lot, guided the painting ofthe interior ofthe church, and added new statuary including a set of Stations of the Cross. Msgr. Bernard Fenton, a much-decorated U.S. Army chaplain, became pastor. He' brought about the changes mandated by Vatican II. The church hall basement was converted into religious education classrooms and in 1971 Sister Judith Costa, SSD, became the fulltilne coordinator. Father William E. O'Connell, the first priest ordained from St. Joseph's, succeeded Father Fenton in 1976. In August, 1981, a fire consumed the 70-year-old parish hall. On Oct. 28, 1984, a new, $683,000 parish center was dedicated. Father Roland Boule arrived in 1982 to replace Father O'Connell. He left in 1989 and was followed as pastor by Fathers Robert C. Donovan, Father John P. Cronin, and Father Richard R. Gendreau. Father James R. McLellan arrived in 1994 and is the current pastor. Sister Judith Costa is the coordinator ofreligious education. The rectory is located at 499 Spring Street, North Dighton, MA 02764-0564. It can be reached by telephone at 508-822-1425; and by FAX at 508-822-3886.
St. George's Parish, Westport WESTPORT - Until 1914 Catholics in the Westport Factory area were tended as a mission parish by priests from Notre Dame and St. Anne's parishes in Fall River. The growing number of Catholics there prompted Bishop Daniel L. Feehan to found St. George's and he named Father Charles Clerk the first pastor. Father Alfred Coulombe became pastor in 1917 and sparked the parish to erect its first church. The ,cornerstone was laid in 1923. But before he could enjoy the church he help build, Father Coulombe was kiiled in an auto accident on Route 6. Although without pews and incomplete, the church held its first Mass - the funeral of Father Coulombe. Father Philias Jalbert succeeded as pastor and saw the completion the church which was dedicated on Sept. 17, 1924. Under his leadership a
rectory was acquired and a parish hall constructed. The next 17 years were a period of cultivating parish life under the direction of the next two pastors, Father Albert Masse and Father Alphonse Gauthier. Father Joseph Bourke arrived in 1949 and after burning the mortgage at a gala parish event at Lincoln Park, collaborated with Mrs. Irene Rodgers to restore the interior of the church. The next pastor was Father Lorenzo Morais. He founded the Women's Guild and the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the parish; and purchased the former Esther Louise Restaurant and renovated it into a convent for the Sisters of the Holy Cross who staffed the school in classrooms in the pari sh hall. In 1961 a new school was built. After a short period with Father Lucien Jusseaume as pastor, Father Rene Levesque be-
came the ninth pastor. He oversaw the second refurbishing of the church. Illness forced his retirement and Father Maurice Jeffrey arrived as pastor in 1982. But within a year he was replaced by Father Clement Dufour. He added on to the school, reduced the parish debt and instituted the summer festival. Father Roger D. Leduc arrived in June, 1988 in time to renew the church and make spiritual renewal in parish life as well, as the parish celebrated its 75 th anniversary in 1989. In June 1996, Father Gerard A. Hebert took over the reins at St. George's and he is the current pastor. Stephen Davis is coordinator of religious education. The rectory is located at 12 Highland Avenue, Westport, MA 02790. It can be reached by telephone at 508636-4965; and by FAX at 508636-4188.
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Friday, October 24, 2003
St. Elizabeth's Parish, Fall River ST. ELIZABETH'S CHURCH, FALL RIVER
FALL RIVER - As the Portuguese community in this old mill city increased, there was a need for new parishes to accommodate them. On Dec. 10, 1910, Portuguese residents in the Maplewood section of the city, previously members of Santo Christo Parish, became a mission of Espirito Santo Parish. The mission's first Mass was celebrated on Christmas Day, 1910, by Espirito Santo pastor Father Joao B. Valles. In September 1915, Bishop Daniel L. Feehan established St. Elizabeth's Parish and named Msgr. John F. Ferraz as pastor. He immediately began construction of a new church on Thcker Street; purchased a house for use as a rectory; and bought the old Thcker Street School, which became the parish hall. He also fonned the Holy Name Society. In 1917 Father Emmanuel Souza de Mello became the second pastor. During his 16-year tenure he initiated lawn parties, a theater that showed movies twice a week for an admission price of 15 cents; and bowling in the parish hall basement.
The St. Vmcent de Paul Society was new hall had been erected and relifonned under his guidance, as well gion classes and social events were as summer catechism class. taking place there. Father Joseph M. Silvia became Father Jorge 1. de Sousa became pastorin 1933 and served until 1944. pastor in 1974. A skilled composer There was a total 1,200 parishioners, of music and a talented carpenter, from which a corps of painters re- he remodeled the rectory and sacnewed the church. A new rectory risty himself. He died in 1985 and was acquired at 515 Thcker Street was succeeded by Father Arthur T. Father Joseph Cabral led the par- de Mello. ish until 1952 and was succeeded Father de Mello established a parish council and finance commitby Father Jose C. Valerio. When Father Valerio died in tee; fonned the Disciples ofthe Sick 1955, Father Joao Medeiros, who and Women of the Altar, as well as has served at St. Elizabeth's as a a basketball team and family picnic; curate, was named administrator. and led renovations of the rectory, During Father Medeiros' 17-year parish hall and interior ofthe church. administration, the church's interior He led the parish celebrations of its was renewed to confonn to the re- diamond jubilee in 1991. Father Arnold R. Medeiros was fonns of Vatican II; a new portrait of St. Elizabeth of Portugal was . named administrator ofthe parish in painted on the ceiling; a new f~ade July, 1993. added to the church; and the rectory Father Raymond Cambra bebasement and parish hall were re- came pastor in June 1995. He was the last pastor to serve St. modeled. When Father Medeiros retired in Elizabeth's Parish, which, in June 1972, Father Daniel L. Freitas was 2000, was merged with St. Jean made administrator. A tragic arson Baptiste Parish and St. William's fire in August 1972 destroyed the Parish, into the new Parish of the parish hall. But by May 13, 1973, a Holy Trinity.
Taunton parishioner visits mission in Central America By
temala he contacted The Anchor to share his experience. Nunes has been sponsoring a young girl named Ana Martina Tepzet Guarchaj through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging since she was about five-years old. He sends $20 a month to provide her education, and medical treatment, and assist her family. He also has been spon-
soring a young boy named Luis Morales Lopez and his family since 1999. TAUNTON - Edward Nunes . "It gives me a good feeling to of the Annunciation of the Our knOw. J!~路making. a differef)ce,":Lord Parish is a man who likes to said Nunes. help people. He's also a man who He also sends packliges with encourages others to do the same clothes, pencils and crayons and and after returning from a recent other supplies from time to time Christian Foundation for Children so they can have "a little extra" and Aging Mission Awareness according to Nunes. Guarchaj is trip to San Lucas, Toliman, Guanow a teen-ager and Nunes recently visited her village and her family with about 20 other sponsors to see the work of the Christian Foundation in action. "They are a very beautiful people," said Nunes. "CFCA tries to educate these children and better their lives and the country. It's a real good program." Nunes said he's been involved with the program for about 10 years now and laughed when asked where he heard about it, because it was apparently from an ad in The Anchor where he got the contact infonnation to become a child sponsor. Nunes was in Guatemala for a week and each day the group would begin with prayer and Mass at the village church. He said the Mass was unlike any he had seen before with the church overflowing with people. "They would ride a pick-up truck for as long as they could. and then walk several hours down from the mountains just to get here," said Nunes. "I marveled at them. It's a long walk up the mountains to where they live," a<;lding "it's a tough way to live." Nunes said he was impressed with the people and country comparing it to the mountainous Azores which he's visited several THIS HANDMADE Christmas card was sent to Edward times. Missionary priests from Nunes by a child he sponsors in Guatemala.
ANA MARTINA Tzep Guarchaj, left, and Luis Morales Lopez are two of the Guatemalan children sponsored by Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton, parishioner Ed Nunes, through the Christian Foundation for Children program. America moved to Guatemala about 30-35 years ago according to Nunes and have been living there working with the native people ever since. "They are a very spiritual people," declared Nunes. While in Guatemala, Nunes and other sponsors visited health clinics and schools that were built by the foundation. Nunes said that it was ajoy to visit with the families he spon'sors and is grateful to be able to do so. "It changes you," he said of his trip to the Central American country. "The children are very nice and they had a translator to help with the language barrier." Nunes is not alone in his sponsoring a child as his nine-year-old
granddaughter is also making a difference. Nunes and others brought clothes down for the children and he said after receiving them each had a big smile on their face. The CFCA organization works with many underprivileged children in countries all around the world including Kenya, the Philippines, Costa Rica, Mexico and of course Guatemala. "I hope others will get involved in the program," concluded Nunes. "It's very easy."
For more information about the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging contact their office at One Elmwood Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, 66103 or visit their Website: www.cfcausa.org.
Friday, October 24, 2003
eNS, video reviews NEW YORK (CNS) - The children under 13. (Warner following are video capsule re- Home Video) views from the Office for Film "Nowhere in Africa" (2003) Absorbing drama set in 1938 & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. about a Jewish couple (Merab "Hollywood Homicide" Ninidze and Juliane Kohler) and (2003) their young daughter (Lea Jumbled pastiche of a buddy- Kurka) who are forced to flee cop action movie in which two their home in Germany and remoonlighting Los Angeles de- . locate to aremote farm in Kenya tectives (Harrison Ford and Josh to escape Nazi persecution. Hartnett) juggle solving a qua- Beautifully filmed, writer-direcdruple murder in the hip-hop tor Caroline Link's period piece world while pursuing real estate weaves together various events deals and acting opportunities. in the self-exiled family's lives Co-writer-director Ron Shelton as each character" struggles with' glosses over character develop- . 'questions of identity, love and ment and coherent story line in a loyalty to each other and counmad rush to highlight lame c()mic try. Subtitles. Some sexual endialogue. drawn-out chases and counters, an implied affair, fleetextended shoot-' em-ups. Inter- ing nudity, a few disturbing moCATE BLANCHETT, center, stars as a tenacious seeker of truth in a scene from the mittent violence, implied casual ments and an instance of crass movie "Veronica Guerin." For a brief review of this film, see CNS Movie Capsules below. affairs. a few racial epithets, fre- language. The USCCB Office (CNS photo from Buena Vista Pictures) quent profanity and an instance for Film & Broadcasting c1assiof rough language. The USCCB fication is A-III - adults. Not nudity, lewd humor, pervasive ents are strongly cautioned. Some Office for Film & Broadcasting rated by the Motion Picture Asrough and crude language. The material may be inappropriate for· classification is A-IV - adults sociation ofAmerica. (Columbia USCCB Office for Film & Broad- children under 13. with reservations. The Motion ,TriStar) casting classification is 0 - mor"Veronica Guerin" Picture Association of America "Real Women Have Curves" ally offensive. The Motion Pic(Touchstone) rating is PG-13 - parents are (2003) ture Association of America ratTruth-based story about an strongly cautioned. Some mateCredible coming-of-age story ing is R - restricted. Irish investigative journalist (Cate rial may be inappropriate for set in East Los Angeles where a "Pieces of April" (MGM) Blanchett) whose murder in 1996 children under 13. (Columbia heavyset 18-year-old Latina Tender drama about a young for exposing high-level organized TriStar) (America Ferrera) who is conwoman (Katie Holmes) who, at crime made her a national hero "Malibu's Most Wanted" stantly criticized by her mother· tC~S the promptings of her live-in boy- and helped turn the tide in (2003) (Lupe Ontiveros) is torn between friend (Derek Luke), tries to mend Ireland's war on drugs. While An overprivileged, white kid accepting a dista~t university the tattered relationship with her Guerin's real-life martyrdom from Malibu who fancies himself scholarship or helping her older cancer-stricken mother (Patricia makes for compelling drama, the as a self-styled hip-hop rapper sister (Ingrid Oliu) keep her NEW YORK (CNS) - The. Clarkson) by hosting Thanksgivo; biopic, directed by Joel gets a dose of urban reality in this' struggling sewing fac10ry afloat. following are capsule revi,ews of ing dinner at her dilapidated New Schumacher, fails to offer any mindless satire. Directed by John Director Patricia Cardoso capmovies recently reviewed by the York City tenement, only to dis- meaningful insights into what fuWhitesell, the film, a vapid tures the hardscrabble lives of a Office for Film & Broadcasting cover that her oven is not work- eled its subject's passion, focusjumble of mildly amusing com- close-knit Mexican-American of the U.S. Conference of Catho- ing. While at first glance the ing almost entirely on a superfiedy sketches, is a misguided at- family and the half-dozen factory lic Bishops. simple premise appears not to cial documenting of the dangers tempt to comment on the puz- women who come to accept and "House of the Dead" . have enough narrative stuffing to she faced, hedging awkwardly zling sociological phenomenon find solidarity in their less-than(Artisan) prove engaging, director Peter between grittiness and gloss, and of silver-spoon youths' fascina- svelte figures. Some subtitles. An Relentlessly ridiculous Hedges serves up an emotionally resulting in a stylistically schizotion with the subculture of off-screen sexual encounter and gorefest about a group of party- satisfying meal, imparting a posi- phrenic - yet ultimately engaggangsta rap. An instance of an instance of rough language. seeking college coeds trapped on tive message about family and ing - portrait of heroism. Recurrough language, recurring ob- The USCCB Office for Film & an island infested with flesh-eat- forgiveness. Some rough and ring graphic violence and drug scenities and lewd sexual humor Broadcasting classification is Aing zombies and, luckily for them, crude language, a few instances abuse, an implied sexual encounand violence. The USCCB Of- III - adults. The Motion Picture stockpiled with lots of ammo. It of profanity, a scene involving ter, as well as much rough and fice for Film & Broadcasting AssoCiation of America rating is is based on a popular video game. marijuana, as well as some im- crude language and profanity. classification is A-III - adults. PG-13 - parents are strongly Director Ewe Boll ignores plot ages of nudity. The USCCB Of- The USCCB Office for Film & The Motion Picture Association cautioned. Some material may be altogether in favor of protracted, fice for Film & Broadcasting clas- Broadcasting classification is Aof America rating is PG-13 inappropriate for children under ultraviolent scenes, as tedious as sification is A-III - adults. The III - adults. The Motion Picture parents are strongly cautioned. 13. (HBO) they are gratuitous. Excessive Motion Picture Association of Association of America rating is "2 Fast 2 Furious" (2003) Some material may be inapprographic carnage, extended topless America rating is PG-13 - par- R - restricted. priatefor children under 13. Lackluster sequel in which a (Warner Home Video) . disgraced cop (Paul Walker) and "A Mighty Wind" (2003) his childhood friend (Tyrese) are Modest, mock-documentary- recruited by the feds to put their BLOOMINGDALE, Ohio (CNS) - With three Coronado won the award for international artist style comedy about three street car racing smarts to work awards, Donna Lee was the biggest winner at the or group, and her album ''Tu Magnifico Amor" won washed-up folk groups whose to corner a money-laund~ring 2003 Unity Awards, given annually by the Iowa- for best international album. aging members are reunited af- businessman (Cole Hauser). With based United Catholic Music and Video Association. Scallon, the Irish singer, won the female vocalist ter decades for a hootenanny plot holes wide enough to drive a In .ceremonies held October 12 at Catholic of the year award, and shared an award with her concert to commemorate the man Mack truck through, director John Familyland in Bloomingdale, Lee was named brother, Father Kevin Scallon, for spoken word rewho shepherded them to near . Singleton's inane action film songwriter of the year and won the awards for pop/ cording of the year with "The Luminous Mysteries stardom. Director Christopher stalls and sputters as the amateur .contemporary song of the year for "Jesus I Trust in of the Rosary." Guest plays impresario to a hi- effort with a large budget uses You," and for pop/contemporary album of the year "Tantum Ergo" won awards for album packaging lariously talented ensemble, in- fancy car races to dress up a shell for "The Grace of God." and for sacramental album of the year. c1uding Bob Balaban, Eugene of a script. Brief violence and Other multiple winners, each with two awards, The organization's 2003 inspirational awards were Levy, Michael McKean and fisticuffs, dangerous illegal street were Tom Kendzia, Jesse Manibusan, the David given to Leonardo Defilippis of St. Luke Productions, Catherine O'Hara, proving that car racing, a few passing sexual Vogel Band, Irene Coronado, Dana Scallon and the who has performed one-man shows on great Cathofunny bones need not be of- references, a flash of rear nudity album "Tantum Ergo." lic saints for more than a decade, and to Rob Rowe fended to be tickled. Some sex- and some crass language. The Kendzia, who has been recording liturgical music of Renaissance Enterprises. related humor. The USCCB Of- USCCB Office for Film & Broad- since the 1970s, won for liturgical song of the year In all, 36 music and video awards were conferred fice for Film & Broadcasting casting classification is A-III with "The Eyes and Hands of Christ" and liturgical in addition to the inspirational awards. Winners in classification is A-II - adults adults. The Motion Picture Asso- album of the year with "Clothed in Love." other major categories were: and adolescents. The Motion ciation of America rating is PGManibusan won the award for artist of the year - Song of the year: "Fatima Call" by Gerry Picture Association of America 13 - parents are strongly cau- plus rap/hip-hop song of the year for "MC God." Brown and Susanna. rating is PG-13 - parents are tioned. Some material may be inThe David Vogel Band won for rock song of the - Male vocalist of the year: Rick Elias. strongly cautioned. Some mate- appropriate for children under 13. year for "Returning Home," and in the rock/modern - Group of the year: Ceili Rain. rial may be inappropriate for (Universal) rocklrap/hip-hop category for "Calling Us Home II." - New artist of the year: Matt Maher.
Music and video association presents Unity Awards
Friday, October 24,2003
the ~
Benedictine monks use cards, technology to spread Gospel By MONTE MACE CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
CONCEPTION, Mo. - The simple, black-and-white logo of the Printery House depicts a robed monk bent over a desk who appears to be laboring carefully over a manuscript. The image is a nostalgic one for the greeting card and gift line sold by Conception Abbey and Seminary in Conception through its publishing branch. But it's far from the reality. Although the Benedictine monks at the Printery House still wear their traditional robes, they ply their ancient trade with the assistance of high-tech, state-of-the-art computers, scanners, laser engravings and a Swedish four-color printing press. Instead of copying manuscripts by hand as monks once did, they produce up to six million greeting cards sold around the world. And even if the messages on the cards are divinely inspired, there are also spreadsheets to tally up the bestselling items and market surveys to poll customers on which new designs are the most appealing. And when Benedictine Brother William Buchholz, director of the
Printery House, starts work each morning, he knows he is not only charged with preserving and spreading the Gospel message, but he has to do it better than greetingcard industry giants such as Hallmark Cards and American Greetings, which also have begun to produce religious cards. ''Ten years ago when you went to religious card or gift conventions, you wouldn 't ~ee the big companies," Brother Buchholz. told The Leaven, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kan. Conception is in the neighboring Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. "Now Hallmark and American Greetings are there. Thatjs big-time competition," he added. When the printing division was created 50 years ago in a carpenter's shop at Conception Abbey and Seminary, it only took a couple of monks to lUn it. Now, there are 46 employees in all. The $3 millionplus annual sales generated by the Printery House help keep the costs down for the more than 100 seminarians from more than 20 dioceses who attend Conception Seminary. Brother Buchholz did not have any formal training in a print shop before being named director of the
Printery House, but carne to the position with an appreciation for efficient production and a can-do attitude. Shortly after his arrival, he convinced the abbey's administration that investing in a new system for laser engraving of printing plates would save time and money. And it has. The old system required days for a new card design to go from concept to printing. Now it takes only hours. Original artwork from freelance artists is scanned, and digital images quickly are transferred to printing plates. The new technology has kept production costs down while at the same time improving the printing quality. Brother Buchholz also designed a shipping room conveyor system that eased the workload of the shipping employees. He then examined the marketing plan and hired two former Hallmark Cards employees and greeting and gift card industry' consultants. Based on their advice, the Printery House has created aWebsitewww.printeryhouse.org - where customers can view and purchase products as well as read a daily Scripture passage. It also developed new Hispanic and Irish/Celtic lines
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of greeting cards and incorporated products made in countries such as Lithuania and EI Salvador to help support poor people in those areas. Benedictine Brother Michael Marcotte, art director of the Printery House, also designed a new line of greeting cards for people facing difficult situations such as divorce or suicide.
WASHINGTON - The Knights of Columbus, both historically and in the present day, is playing a clUcial role in the Pledge of Allegiance case accepted for review by the U.S. Supreme Court. At issue are the words "under God," added to the pledge by a 1954 law that received major support from the Knights of Columbus and from the II O-organization National Fraternal Congress, then headed by the Knights' supreme knight, Luke Hart. The Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' decision that said requiring the pledge in public schools was an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause because of those two words. ButIusticeAntonin Scalia "took no part in the consideration or decision of these motions and this petition," the COUlt also said. Although no reason was given for Scalia's decision, observers believe it is related to a speech he made in January before a Knights of Columbus-sponsored event in Fredericksburg, Va. At the Religious Freedom Day observance, Scalia, who is Catholic, said courts have gone too far to keep religion out of public schools and other arenaS and that the Pledge of Allegiance question would be better decided by legislators rather than judges. Among those who had called on Scalia to recuse himself after the Fredericksburg talk were Michael Newdow, a California atheist who brought the suit on behalf of his daughter, and the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. ''This seemed so over the top, to be this pointed and specific in criticizing a decision which you had every reason to believe would soon be on your plate," Rev. Lynn told The Associated Press. In announcing its decision to take the case, the Supreme Court said it would look only at: Whether respondent has standing to challenge as unconstitutional
a public school district policy that requires teachers to lead willing students in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance; and, whether a public school district policy that requires teachers to lead willing students in reciting the Pledge ofAllegiance, which includes the words 'under God,' violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, as applicable through the Fourteenth Amendment." On the question of the constitutionality of "under God," Paul Devin, the Knights' executive vice president for legal affairs, said in a 2002 interview with Catholic News Service that the Catholic fraternal organization would be working to keep the words in the pledge. "I'm surprised that the two words rose to the level of violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment," Devin said. "This is an unnecessary attempt to remove any reference to God from public life." Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, agreed in a recent statement that the case represents "an important opportunity to put a halt to a national effort aim~d at removing any' religious phrase or reference from our culture." "The pledge is part of an American tapestry of timehonored and historically significant traditions that has come under attack," Sekulow said. "We will ask the Supreme Court (in a friend-of-the-court brief) to uphold the constitutionality of phrases like 'one nation, under God' - expressions that are patriotic in nature, not affirmations of a particular religious faith." Sekulow said, however, that Scalia's decision to remove himself from the case raises the possibility of a four-to-four tie, which would have the effect of affirming the lower court decision. "We've got to find that fifth vote, and that fifth vote is not going to be Justice Scalia," he told AP. The 9th Circuit decision applies to 9.6 million public school children in California, Oregon, Nevada, Montana: Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Hawaii and Alaska, as well as Guam.
''We're in a unique position to go places other organizations can't go simply because we're a Catholic operation supported by a community of monks," he told The Leaven. "I think we will continue to build on those cards," he said, "which enable us to proclaim the Gospel message in the midst of real-life situations."
BROTHER WILLIAM Buchholz oversees the operations of Printery House, a state-of-the-art publisher of religious greeting cards in Conception, Mo. (CNS photo by Todd Habiger, The Leaven)
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Knights have key role in pledge ~ case accepted by 'Supreme Court By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' Confessions .may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
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Friday, October 24, 2003
Editor's note: This is the third installment in a series offeatures about the life and works of Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, and the progression ofhis sainthood cause.
NORTH EASTON - Often times its not what is said, but how it is said. Servant of God, Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton was a deeply spiritual man devoted to Christ and the Blessed Mother. . His talents were many, but public speaking was not one of them. In fact, Father Peyton was a shy man, yet his ministry literally touched millions of peopleamong which were popes, political dignitaries and a whole host of Hollywood stars and personalities. While what Father Peyton preached was important, his message was not delivered with the smooth and ease of a gifted actor, but rather with the warmth, sincerity and compassion that touched the hearts and souls of his audience. His message was that of prayer - prayer that could bpnd a family together and maintain that bond amidstthe trials and misfortunes that sometimes arise. And that prayer was the rosary. Father Peyton, commonly referred to as the "Rosary Priest," advocated daily rosary as part of the family prayer life - spawning the familiar phrases, "The family that prays together, stays together," and "A world at prayer, is a world at peace." Father Peyton's message couldn't have reached' as many souls as it has, and equallY as important still does, if. he didn't "walk the walk." Very much like other inspirational contemporary Catholics, like Blessed Teresa and Pope John Paul II, Father Peyton was a very prayerful person, spent many hours before the Blessed Sacrament and was devoted to the Blessed Mother. The Rosary Priest was born on a small farm in Carracastle, County Mayo, Ireland, on January 9. 1909. He was the sixth of nine children born to John and Mary Peyton. Far from having material riches, the Peyton family placed their priorities on spiritual richness, praying the rosary as a family each evening. On Sundays and holy days, the Peyton clan walked the three-mile trek to St. Joseph's Church in Attymass. John Peyton was not a well man, and at times he found itdifficult to even put food on the table for his family. This led some of the Peyton children to emigrate to the United States to gain employment and send money home to
soon strong enough to return to the seminary. Although he missed a year of studies, Patrick was ordained to the priesthood with his classmates and his brother on June 14, 1941. In gratitude for his recovery, Father Peyton dedicated his life to honoring the Blessed Mother "by restoring the family rosary in America. Following his ordination, Father Peyton was assigned as chaplain to the Holy Cross Brothers in Albany, N.Y. With the permission of his superior and with the aid of the brothers and sisters and students of Vincentian Institute and' the College of St. Rose, he began a
Peyton Family Institute. As time passed, the Rosary Priest's health declined, and his hectic scheduled began to take its toll. Father Peyton's final days were spent in prayer with the Little Sisters of the Poor in San Pedro, Calif. He offered his physical suffering to God and Our Lady, and his earthly journey ended on June 3, 1992. His final words were, "Mary, my queen, my Mother." Father Peyton's body was returned to the east coast, where he is interred in the Holy Cross Fathers' Cemetery on the grounds of Stonehill College, adjacent to Hoiy Cross Family Ministries on Route 138 in North Easton. Recently, faithful have begun a tradition of visiting his grave and taking a set of rosary beads from the stone and replacing them with another. In June'of 200 I, Archbishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., of Boston, who was then Bishop of Fall River, opened the Cause of Canonization for Father Peyton. Earlier this month Fall River Bishop George W. Coleman initiated the next step in the sainthood process of Servant of God Father Patrick Peyton. Bishop Coleman opened the Trial, through which Father Peyton's life, writings and teachings will be thoroughly studied. Space and time constraints prevent a more thorough biographical portrait of Father Peyton's life and works, but it is The Anchor's hope this brief sketch can help others understand more what Father Peyton was about and how he chose the path he did. For more information about Father Peyton, visit the Father Peyton Center located on the grounds of Holy Cross Family Father Peyton's message couldn't have reached as many souls as it has, and Ministries, 518 Washington Street equally as important still does, if he didn't "walk the walk." (Route 138), North Easton; telephone: 1-800~299-PRAY (7729); and his tuition was paid by his movement to encourage the bish- in the 1950s, Father Peyton was or visit the Website at parish priest. ops of America to promote the given another medium with www.hcfm.org. A group of Holy Cross.priests family rosary in their dioceses, all which to spread the word. Father Peyton's grave is lopreached a mission at the cathe- the while succeeding in having More and more television and cated in the Holy Cross Fathers' dral and their message impressed the rosary recited every evening movie stars joined the ranks and Cemetery at the Washington Patrick and Tom, who both asked on a local radio station. helped bring Father Peyton's Street entrance to Stonehill Colto join the Congregation of Holy Clearly, Father Peyton was message to millions across the lege. Cross. making good on his promise to United ,States and Canada. To receive a copy of "The Patrick desired to work with promote family rosary. Taking advantage of the mas-' Cause," the newsletter of the the foreign missions and was sent Public response to the young sive audiences of TV and the Cause of Canonization of Servant to Holy Cross Foreign Mission priest's efforts was remarkable, movies, Father Peyton filmed the of God Father Patrick Peyton, Seminary, and Tom attended which eventually led to air time 15 mysteries of the rosary for use CSC, the newsletter on the conHoly Cross College, both in on a national network. On in his crusades. tinuing mission activities of FaWashington, D.C. Mother's Day, 1945, Father The films, translated into sev- ther Peyton's ministries, prayer While in the seminary, Patrick Peyton produced his first national eral languages, inspired thou- cards to request a favor through was stricken with tuberculosis, radio show. sands who could not read. The his intercession, or other informaand for nearly a year his health Several noted figures recited films, now in video, are still used tion, contact: Office of the Vice continued to deteriorate and was the rosary on Father Peyton's pro- today to instruct and inspire. Postulator, Father Peyton Center, sent to an infirmary. At the urg- gram, including Cardinal From Father Peyton's tireless 518 Washington Street, North ing of a priest advisor, Patrick en- Spellman and even President efforts and zeal, Holy Cross Fam- Easton, MA 02356. . trusted his health to the power of Harry S. Truman used the pro- ily Ministries, headquartered in In next week's edition, The the Blessed Mother's intercession gram to' thank the mothers of the Diocese of Fall River in North Anchor will speak with Holy and the Holy Cross Community America for their "heroic sacri- Easton, has blossomed into a Cross Father Thomas Feeley, initiated a novena of Masses for fices" during World War II. world,wide ministry made up of vice postulator ofthe cause to exhis recovery. Buoyed by the success of the Family Rosary, Family Rosary amine some of the reports offaAlmost immediately the young national program, Father Peyton International, Family Theater vors received through Father man began to recover and was headed west to enlist high profile Productions, and the Father Peyton's intercession. help the family. Patrick and his brother Tom left the farm in 1928 and traveled to live in Scranton, Pa., where two of their sisters lived. Patrick found employment as a sexton of a cathedral. It was no coincidence that young Patrick was drawn to the cathedral. He was strongly attracted to the priesthood in Ireland, only to be told he couldn't afford the education necessary to enter the seminary. Disappointed but undaunted, Patrick_confided in his parish priest in Scranton and told him of his wish to enter the priesthood.â&#x20AC;˘ Patrick was enrolled in the Christian Brothers high school
movie stars to help. The response was overwhelming and Family Theater Productions was born in 1947. For the next 22 years, stars and celebrities helped broadcast over the airwaves each week. Pope Pius XII even sent his blessings and a letter of encouragement to Father Peyton in 1948. Eventually, Father Peyton took his ministry outside U.S. borders to Canada, Brazil, the Philippines and elsewhere. From 1948 to 1985, more than 28 million people attended Father Peyton's Rosary Crusades, many of whom experienced the Rosary Priest's gentle yet powerful message o(the importance of prayer. With the advent of television
Friday, October 24, 2003
In U.S. talk, top Vatican liturgy Cardinals official criticizes liturgical abuses SAN ANTONIO (CNS) - The Vatican's chief liturgy official sharply criticized unauthorized liturgical innovations in a recent speech in San Antonio. "Some people seem to think that inculturation in the liturgy encourages free and uncontrolled creativity," said Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. "The truth is that genuine inculturation has nothing to do with the product of the over-fertile imagination of an enthusiastic priest" who concocts something on Saturday night and inflicts it on the innocent Sunday morning congregation now being used as a guinea pig," he said. Cardinal Arinze was a keynote speaker at the October 7 -I I national meeting of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. This year's meeting focused on the 40 years of liturgical renewal since the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy ("Sacrosanctum Concilium" J, the Second Vatican Council's 1963 document on the liturgy. The federation presented Bishop Donald W. Trautman of Erie, Pa., with its Frederick R. McManus Award, citing his "fearless and untiring advocacy of the council's vision of the liturgy." Bishop Trautman, a Scripture scholar and former seminary professor, is a former chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Liturgy and CUITent chairman of their Committee on Doctrine. In his address Cardinal Arinze praised several key elements of liturgical renewal in the decades following the council but questioned or criticized some changes made in the name of renewal, including some renovations of older churches and designs of new churches. "If a church is built ang the seats are arranged as in an amphitheater or as in a banquet, the undeclared emphasis may be horizontal attention to one another, rather than vertical attention to God. We come to Mass primarily to adore God, not to affirm one another, although this is not excluded," he said. "Some people think that liturgical renewal means the removal ofkneelers from church pews,
the knocking down of altar rails or the positioning of the altar in the middle of the sitting area of the people," he added. "The Church has never said any such thing. Nor does liturgical restoration mean iconoclasm or the removal of all statues and sacred images. These should be displayed, albeit with good judgment. "And the altar of the Blessed Sacrament should be outstanding for its beauty and honored prominence. Otherwise in some so-called restored churches one could rightly lament, 'They have taken my Lord away, and I don't know where they have put him.'" Among "positive results" of liturgical renewal since the council, Cardinal Arinze highlighted five areas: the place given to the Bible in the liturgy," enabling people to enter more deeply into "the great mystery of-God's transforming love which the Scripture proclaims"; the sustained effort to translate the various liturgical texts into the current language of the people; the increased participation of the faithful" in all aspects of the liturgical celebration; the "many happy developments" in the growth Of ministries exercised by lay people; and the radiant vitality of so many Christian communities drawn from the wellspring of the liturgy." Cardinal Arinze said the council's decisions to introduce modern languages into the Latinrite liturgy and to allow inculturation, or adaptation of the liturgy to different cultures, pose "a considerable challenge" for the Church, because "many priests now find it not easy to celebrate Mass in Latin." "Vatican II did not abolish Latin," he said. He suggested that parishes at least occasionally sing the more popular parts of the Mass in Latin to help preserve and respect the Church's long Latin patrimony. He said the council's directives on inculturation of the liturgy "will engage the Church for generations, especially in the countries of recent evangelization." "Unapproved innovations distract and annoy the people," he said. "They often draw attention to the priest rather than to God."
Pope's chief liturgist defends use of dance in papal masses VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II's chief liturgist, Archbishop Piero Marini, has defended the use of dance in papal Masses abroad and at the Vatican. Archbishop Marini said liturgical celebrations presided over by the pope have a "universal" character that should accommodate the legitimate cultural elements of Catholic communities around the world. He made the comments in an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera last week. Some Church officials have criticized Archbishop Marini because they think the papal liturgies in recent years have been too outlandish. Reflecting strong sentiment in some Vatican quarters, a draft version of a recent Vatican document on liturgical norms recommended no dance inside churches even outside celebration of the Mass. In contrast, a recent beatification Mass in St. Peter's Square featured African dance at the offertory and Indian dance at the consecration. Archbishop Marini, who has designed papal liturgies for 17 years, said the criticism was off the mark. "To introduce dance at a parish Mass in Italy would be pointless. But the celebration (on October 5) was a missionary celebration, for the beati tication of three people who evangelized Af-
rica and Asia," Archbishop Marini said. "Papal celebrations have a markedly universal character and therefore need the adaptation and inculturation foreseen by the Second Vatican Council," he said. For a beatification liturgy honoring Blessed Daniel Comboni, who worked for years in Sudan, it was appropri.ate for Sudanese dancers to accompany the offertory procession, he said. In this way, the Africans felt at home in Rome, he said. Archbishop Marini said dancing and other elements are in line with what the pope has said he wants in papal liturgies. "Pope John Paul II has always appreciated the various cultures, even the poorest and the most distant ones," he said. Archbishop Marini, who routinely stands next to the pope during liturgies and other ceremonies, said that over the years his attention has focused less on the smooth unfolding of the event and more on the pope's well-being. "Yes, sometimes I am worried, as in every family there is worry about a loved one who has problems," he said. "I try to help him as one would help a family member, keeping in mind all the respect and admiration the pope receives from people in his audience and all over the world," he said.
the cardinals and bishops to "pray for me, so that I can faithfully carry out my service to the Church as long as the Lord shall desire." Throughout the 25th-anniversary celebrations, the pope was hindered by symptoms of his neurological illness. He was unable to deliver large parts of his speeches and appeared frail. Nevertheless, he greeted the participants one by one after his talk and handed each a gift: a pectoral cross for bishops, and for cardinals, a manuscript reproduction of a Greek text of a letter from St. Peter. Afterward, the pope hosted the prelates for lunch at a Vatican guest house. He seemed to enjoy himself and the company, cardinals said. "He listened to 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow' - that was the first song, sung in English -
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and then the Polish song 'Sto Lat.' He. certainly could have gone home then, but he didn't," said Cardinal Edward M. Egan of New York. At the lunch, the cardinals presented the pope with about $870,000 they had collected among themselves as a special anniversary gift, destined to be given in the pope's name to Catholic communities in the Holy Land. The pope had left by' the time a commemorative cake was cut. It was baked in the form of St. Peter's Basilica and Square, topped by a colonnade of candles. As a postscript to the festivities the next evening, the pope watched a fireworks display from his apartment window. He thanked the city of Rome for the pyrotechnics, as thousands of pilgrims cheered and danced in the square below.
GERMAN CARDINAL Joseph Ratzinger greets Pope John Paul II October 18 in the synod hall at the Vatican. (eNS photo from Reuters)
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home towns. They carried official posters as well as their own photographs of the small, stooped nun who died in 1997. Jack Griffith, 42, of Menasha, Wis., was with a group doing a "saints pilgrimage" around Italy. "For us, Mother Teresa is important because she is a saint of our own time," he said. "Her mission of mercy was among the poorest of the poor, and in that way she was countercultural." Before the Mass began, pilgrims swapped stOries about when they met Mother Teresa or recounted tales of her audacity. Retired Australian Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, former president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, was among those with a story. He was a secretary in the Vatican Embassy in India from 1955 to 1962, the early years of the Missionaries of Charity. "She was a frequent visitor," coming to inform the nuncio of her plans and occasionally asking for help, he said. "The nuncio and I kept saying, 'Go slowly. You are building for the future, build solidly,'" the cardinal said. Cardinal Cassidy returned to Calcutta, India, in 1975 to cel-
ebrate Mass with Mother Teresa and her sister路s. She told him: "Remember when you used to tell me to go slowly? I always went away thinking, 'You'd think the representative of the Holy Father and his secretary would have more faith.'" "That was her little dig at us," the cardinal said. "Her greatness lies in her ability to give without counting the cost, to give 'until it hurts,'" the pope said. He appeared to be doing the same thing. What little he read during the Mass, he read with great strain. But after Mass, he stayed on the stage for 20 minutes greeting members of the official delegations, then rode through the massive crowd in an open popemobile. The pope met earlier with Sister Nirmala Joshi, Mother Teresa's successor as superior of the order, and with hundreds of Missionaries of Charity and pilgrims who had come to Rome for the beatification. After the Mass, the 2,000 poor who were special guests at the Mass were offered a luncheon in the Vatican's audience hall. In a simple setting, with chairs but no tables, they ate las!lgna, chicken, peas, bananas and dessert.
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Friday, October 24, 2003
tIi~~~- ~-~~Q~~~q-~~~-=~:-. Stang graduates earn recognition NORTH DARTMOUTH In recognition of their exceptional achievement on tne college-level AP Examinations, the College Board ha~ recently named five graduates of Bishop Stang High School AP Scholars. Only 15 percent of the more than one million students who took the AP Exams in May 2003 perfOl:med at a sufficiently high level to merit such recognition. Ryan Couto of Fairhaven qualified for the AP Scholar with the Distinction Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on all exams and grades of three or higher on five or more. ,He is currently enrolled at Brown University.
Two students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.25 on all exams taken and grades of three or higher on four or more. They are Dylan Carney, of South Dartmouth, a freshman at Stanford University and Leslie Hartford of Marion, a freshman at Duke UniveJsity. A pair of students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more exams with grades of 3.0 or higher. They are Racine Silva of Swansea, a freshman at the College of the Holy Cross and Michele Theroux of Tiverton, R.I., a freshman at Washington and Lee University.
DIOCESAN SUPERINTENDENT of Schools, George A. Milot, center, leads a recent ribbon cutting ceremony marking the 95 th anniversary of St. Joseph School, Fairhaven. He is flanked by: Sacred Hearts Fathers Brian Marggraf and David Reed. Sacred Hearts Sister Mary Dolorine is at right. '
St. Joseph School celebrates 95 years FAIRHAVEN - St. Joseph School recently welcomed dignitaries from the town of Fair,haven, members of the Sacred Hearts Congregation and Sister Mary Dolorine, SS.CC., from Honolulu, Hawaii, as they celebrate its 95 th anniversary. . Students, staff, faculty and welcomed guests attended a Mass and
COLLEGE NIGHT- - Hundreds of students and families as well as 37 college representatives were on hand to make the recent, fourth annual Catholic College Fair at Christ the King Parish in Mashpee a success. Among those attending were, from left, Patricia Conaway, her son, Patrick Conaway, and Ed Coffey, admissions counselor from The Catholic University in Washington; and in front, Emily Conaway. Collegebound students from across the New England region attended, looking to find out first hand about Catholic colleges and what they offered. (Photo courtesy of Joe Powers)
in honor of the occasion, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held. Cake and other refreshments followed. The celebration is one of many in a series of special events planned throughout the school year. The school was founded by the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and their legacy of providing quality edu-
cation based on "Faith, Values and Excellence," continues today according to Cathy Melanson, developIl)ent director. A 95 th anniversary dinner dance and an all-class reunion was held last weekend at the Century House. For more information about upcoming activities call Cathy Melanson at 508-996-1983.
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STUDENTS FROM St. Joseph-St. Therese School, New Bedford, stand near a mural SEVENTH-GRADERS from Holy Family-Holy Name painted for the new school year by a group of mothers. It state~ "St. Joseph-St. Therese ... School, New Bedford, display guardian angel pins they cre- , Planting the Seeds that Grow." From left are students whose mother's helped on the project. ated as a recent class project. They were given to second- They are: Kevin and Allison Aguiar, children of Lois Aguiar; Jonathan Willett, son of Jacqueline graders in honor of the feast of Guardian Angels. Willett; and Zachary, Joshua and Amanda Raffa, children of Gina R~ffa.
Friday, October 24, 2003
Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School holds special anniversary Mass
AUTHOR MEL Glenn speaks with Bishop Feehan High School students during a recent visit to the Attleboro school. He was on hand to talk about his books and the writing process.
Noted author visits with Bishop Feehan students ATTLEBORO Bishop Feehan High School students and staff had a special visit recently when they welcomed author and poet Mel Glenn as a guest speaker. Glenn spent the entire day at Feehan talking with numerous English classes and giving presentations to students and faculty in the library. Glenn has authored 12 books all of which focus on teen-agers and their struggles in life. His most recent, "Split Image," received several awards including the Best Books for Young Adults
Award from the American Library Association. He was born in Zurich, Switzerland, and came to the United States when he was three. Glenn graduated from New York University in 1964 and after two years in the Peace Corps, he became a teacher and spent 31 years teaching junior high and high school students. He retired from teaching in 200 I and now spends his time writing and making appearances at schools, libraries and community groups around the country.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - Saint Mary- definitions of mother and mercy. During a Sacred Heart School celebrated the open- question and answer period, students came ing of school with a special anniversary up with ideas they associated with the readMass last month. Prior to the Mass, Father ing and what it brought to mind about Mary David A. and God, acCosta, direccording to tor of the Wendy R. Morris, develschool, spoke o'J â&#x20AC;˘ of its history opment coordiand changes nator. to current stuFather Costa dents. spoke about In 1923, mercy as God Sacred Heart taki ng us where we are School opened its and challengdoors under ing us to grow the direction in happiness, of the Holy caring and lovUnion Sising. He said that "Mary was ters. That an individual first year who experithere were enced mercy five nuns in from God and charge of 21 0 practiced it students. In herself," with 1972 the her visit to her school was cousin Elizaconsolidated beth being an with Saint example. Mary's ParFOURTH-GRADERS Aurora Luce and Jack LaBelle Father ish and be- of Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, call)e Saint carry up the altar cloth during a recent anniversary Costa challenged stuMary-Sacred Mass. . dents to think Heart School. Today there are 240 students under the about one thing they would do during the guidance of 25 teachers and staff members. school year to make it a better place and After the Gospel reading of The Visita- by doing so imitate Mary, the Mother of tion, Father Costa's homily focused on the God.
Reflections on restrictions By KAREN DIETLEIN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE As 1 drove home from work a few weeks ago, 1 noticed a large flock of smokers standing on the road yelling, waving cigars in the air and using smoldering cigarette butts to burn holes in the photocopied heads of local politicians. That's mature. 1 muttered sarcastically. New York's decision to ban tobacco from all workplaces is definitely not a popular one with the smoking contingent. It has spawned a lot of legitimate protest - and a lot of immature behavior. For every group of smokers talking about the law in their communities and communicating with their state senators like adults, there are the few who have chosen to make idiots of themselves. The law is meant to make work safer for the thousands of
waiters, waitresses and bartenders who put in long hours serving restaurant patrons. Many inhale secondhand smoke all day, and science has shown that breathing it leads to lung cancer, emphysema and death. But that's not how everyone sees it. - Smokers see it as an infringement of their rights. After all, tobacco's not illegal if you're over 18, and bars and restaurants were the last places where smoking in public was acceptable. - Lawmakers, on the other hand, are horrified with growing numbers of cigaretterelated deaths. I bet the situation sounds familiar to some teens whose parents make unpopular decisions barring them from going to certain parties, earning their driver's license or dating
before they tum 17. "But I'm responsible," a teen may say. "My parents know they can trust me. It's not
Coming of Age fair." When I turned 16, my parents informed me that they wanted me to wait two years before taking my road test. ("Unfair," I moaned.) They gave me a curfew. ("Lame," I protested.) They told me I couldn't go to a party that didn't have parents in attendance ("Where do they live, last century?" I lamented.) These days, however, after
having gone to college and seeing firsthand all the sordid scenarios my parents barred me from as a teen, I grudgingly have to admit that they may have had a point. In retrospect, I should have trusted their love. They wanted then - and still do want what's best for me. In short, all parents want their children at any age safe, clean, alive and headed toward the bright future that belongs to them. And sometimes parents' hopes for the best make them bar well-intentioned teens from doing things that could be unhealthy for them. Every day, newspapers tell difficult tales of young people who die from alcohol poisoning and alcohol-related accidents. teens who commit crime and teens who are the victims of crime. The biggest reason parents
have for doing what they do is this: They're afraid that the teen in the newspaper may someday be their teen. I've always wondered if some teens just couldn't deal with not having their way and couldn't trust that those in authority in their lives had good reasons for their restrictions. Instead of talking frankly to parents or teachers about their concerns, they let them fester and burn inside. And so they grew up, they made a life for themselves and every now and then we meet them - perhaps along the road, burning their elected officials in effigy, screaming, "unfair." . Their demonstration wasn't going to change the smoking law; that would take debate, dialogue and listening on both sides. But it certainly revealed a lot about their character.
Friday, October 24, 2003
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Daily life in the Hebrew ·world of ancient Egypt,,]1art I, By JOHN HEIRD
NEED FUNDS - President Lynette Ouellette, left, of:the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, presents a check for $3,456 to NCCW International Chairman Bonnie Workman. The donation will benefit the Water For Life and Worne':l'sRefuge Fund.
,Conv~ning Catholic women told: Make:' world more compassionate By TERRY KOL'a CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
convention, which took place September 27-30 in MinneapoMINNEAPOLIS - The di- lis. Towey personally knows rector of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Com- presidents and their wives, govmunity Initiatives told the 1,500 emors, senators and representapeople gathered for'the National tives, yet said that he felt like Council of Catholic Women's he had "won the lottery" in 1985 51st convention that ','each one when he met Mother Teresa in ,of you has the oppo'rtunityto, CalCutta, India, who last week , change the world ... to make it a was beatified by Pope John Paul ,more compassionate place." II Eight members of the Fall The' way to affirm others is Riv.er Diocesan Council of to pray that your eyes be opened Catholic Women who attended to see the needs of those around the event included, President you, then walk with them, love Lynette Ouellette, as well as them and be present to them, he Margaret Giza, Joanne Quirk, said. Faith-based organizations, Claire McMahon, Theresa like NCCW, can do this much Lewis, Mary Donovan, Betty more effectively than governMazzucchelli, and Sister mentagencieswhosejobitisto Eugenia Brady, SJC. gather facts and distribute the Jim Towey, who describes goods, he said. himself as a Pro-Life Democrat Internationally recognized and has worked under both mystery writer Mary Higgins Democratic and Republican ad- Clark, received the NCCW 2003 ministrations, addressed del- Distinguished Service Award egates attending the NCCW for her leadership and service.
CROATIAN STUDENT Zarko Turuk writes a note to Pope John Paull! on a special edition commemorative postcard in Rome recently. Turuk purchased the card to send his best wishes to the pontiff on his 25th anniversary as pope. (CNS photo from Reuters)
Thanks to several E-mails from readers requesting more information on what daily life would have been like for the Israelites while in Egyptian captivity, I am delighted to explore more on the life and times of the common person. (Of course, the royal households would have been far more elaborate.) Let's look at ordinary items we take for granted in our society - that were ordinary items in their society 4,000 years ago. Furniture Admittedly the Hebrews were a nomadic people and were considered tent dwellers. However, these Egyptian, staples would have certainly influenced them. The typical Egyptian house of two rooms with a small kitchen would be sparse by modem room furnishings, but here are some basics. Since wood was a scarce and valuable commodity in the desert world of the Ancient Near East. large items, such as big chairs or couches, were not in the typical household. However, those who could afford the building materials owned items of great comfort. Basically, each home had several small, three- or four-legged stools. This item, sometimes without a back support, was made of wood with an animal skin seat. Those homes of more wealth would inlay these with gold or metals. Most were painted brightly. , The bed would be the next piece offurniture found in the average Egyptian home. Usually a rectangular wooden frame with straw matting suspended on leather straps, the bed was usually smaller than what we considera single-size modem bed. Pillows, ironically,were not common. A small wooden headrest mounted crescent-shaped at one end of the bed held the head for sleep. Simple covering ofwoven flax orlinen provided bed covers. Animal skins and furs were common in the more afiluent homes for cool desert nights. Almost every bedroom contained a small box or . chest for clothing and one for cosmetics. Beauty supplies were a big part of the Egyptian society, so a proper storage place was called for. Many items such as storage boxes used for tables were made of sturdy reeds and river plants. Most walls were painted and some wall decora-
tions made ofleather, stone and decorative plants were common. Aside from the sitting and gathering area, the next room in the home was the kitchen, usually furnished with a central clay oven. Again, in storage chests made from sturdy reeds (wood when available), lining the floor a variety of clay pots, mixing vessels and eating plates were stored. Stone products . Mud bricks and stones from quarries were the only abundant building supplies. Quarrying by hand was a common occupation for Egyptians and Hebrews alike, although the Hebrews were most likely paid slave portions or rations for their labors. Limestone (from an endless supply in Egypt) was cut into large blocks for the outer casing of buildings. Excellent copper tools, such as chisels and saws, aided ' in the tasks. Hard stones, such as granite, were mined for building use, but were very expensive because of the production costs. By a continuous system of rolling timbers, the large blocks were moved quite handily. The average home owner had to settle for sun-dried bricks made from the endless supply of Egyptian sand, mud, straw and river water. Dear friends, on a personal note, Dr. Dig is going to sheathe his shovel fora season, wash the sand anddust outofhis hair and take a sholt sabbatical It has been afantastic threeyears
of "Happy Digging" with all my readers. Many ofyou don't know that this column is read in Catholic newspapers from New York to Hawaii. Thank you for your support, questions and Emails. I'll be back with a new, sharper shovel and exciting new adventures in biblical archaeology in a few months. Until then, I entrust the sentiments of Jude 28 to you with all my hea11. '~ A~ go to Mass; suppoltyour church - spiritually, faithfully, andftnanciolly. The next time you go to Mass take the hand ofyour priest and say, "Father, I really appreciote aD. you dofor us."Priests are our modem day Pauls, many only wanting a coat and a Bible and a pat on the back every so often. God bless and Happy Digging! (The Anchor will continue to run a Dr. Dig feature each month.)