School Drive Total Climbing
Donations to Fall River Boys' High Near $900,000
St. Roch's First to' Meet Parish Quota
The Fund Raising Campaign Headquarters of the Catholic Memorial High School for Boys in Fall River an nounced this morning a total of $877,405. This sum is the amount reached 24 hours after the first Memorial Gifts Report Meeting. The meeting was highlighted when in the roll call of parishes, St. Roch's of Fall River passed. At the conclusion of the roll, Rev. George Daigle, pastor, and Pierre Gagnon, lay chairman, arose and announced that their parish surpassed their $40,000 quota by $7200. At once, music and streamers filled the air in the Sacred Heart School Auditorium and the entire delegation from the parish Turn to Page Ten
Fall River, Mass., Tbursday, Oct. 24, 1963
•• Vol. 7, No. 44 ©
PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year
1963 The Anchor
Vatican Council Centers Attention on Layman By Rev. John R. Foister
Anthony of Pl,dua -
New Bedford
After having discussed the role of the Church in general, the work of the Bishops, the advisability of a permanent deaconate, etc. the Bishops turned their at tention to the lay membership in the structure of the Church. Without belonging layman is a priest in that to the hierarchy, the layman heThe is to participate in the sacri shares in the mission of the ficial life of the Church. He is Church so as to sanctify the a teacher in that he is to be a world from within. The layman cannot only passively posses the faith or receive instruction. He has an active role to play in the life of the Church. Sanctified by Baptism and t:onfirmation, he does share in the three-fold office of Christ. He is, therefore, - like the Bishops - a priest, a teacher EProphet) and a ruler (king).
witness to Christ in all sectors of life and preach Christ in his milieu - especially in his fam ily. He is a ruler in that he is. to reign together with Christ in victory over sin through the sanctification of his own life and his surroundings. For this, he receives the neces sary graces. He receives a Sense Turn to Page Six
Council Expert Asks Laity Have Equal Church Role ROME (NC) - The s':rongest plea made so far in eonnection with the ecumenieal council in favor of an equal status for the laity in the Church came from Fathe:r: Victor Klostermann. Father Klostermann is a member of the faculty of theology of the making the light of Christ shine University of Vienna, Aus in the world." tria, and a council expert. He "We must," said Father Klos termann, "find new means to spoke here at a press con ference under the auspices of the German Hierarchy. Referring to the present coun ell debate on the position of the laity, Father Klostermann said that Holy Scripture knows no distinction among the people of
God. "All believers" he said "are ealled by God to follow Christ no mattcr in what capacity. Bcing a laY'llerson in the world Is just as mu~ a divine calling as'being a priest or Religious. "Lay people," Father Kloster mann went on, "absolutely share this calling with the clergy and Religious. All without distinction are supposed to have a part in the responsibility for the Church as a whole which certainly is Dot only made up of the clerical _ate. All, therefore, have tasla .. aocompliih when it come. .~
Turn to Page Eighteen
New Bedfordites Head Drug Guild Timothy P. Keating and Rev. Albert F. Shovelton, both of New Bedford, have been named president and chaplain respectively of the Na tional Cat hoi i c Pharmacists Guild, which held its first an nual meeting in Chicago. Serving with them are Clar ence H. Winkelmann, St. Louis, ,first vice-president; Frank H. Moudry, St. Paul, second vice president; Miss Ursula E. Heyer, Baltimore, secretary; and George Mulhauser, North S y rae u ... ueasurer.
TIU'Q to Pille
JIk . • .
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Plan Lay Training Institutes
Program in Five Diocesan Districts First CCD Session in Attleboro Saturday !1ctivity'in which they will take part in their parish. The foll()wing are the instruc tors and the classes they will 'teach. Augustus Silva, Mount Carmel Parish, New Bedford: Officers of the Parish Executive Board; Donald Mayer, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Acush net: Parish High School of Reli gion; George Pontes, Our Lady of the- Angels Parish, Fall River, and Patricia Makin, St. George's Parish, Westport: Parish Ele mentary School of Religion; James Kelleher, St. Joseph's Parish, . Taunton, and Francis Waring, Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River: Fishers; Leonor Luiz, Mount Carmel Parish, New Bed... ford: Helpers; Elmer Cunning ham, St. Lawrence's Parish, New Bedford, and Antoinette Berta lotto, St. Mary's Parish, New Bedford: Dis c us s ion Clubs; Armand Goulet, St. Anne's Par ish, New Bedford, and Mary Neville, St. Joseph's farish, Taunton: Parent-Educators; Ed
The Fall River Diocesan Exec utive Board of the Confrater nity of Christian Doctrine will conduct Lay Training In stitutes in the five districts of the diocese during the current scholastic year. The first of these week-end training sessions will be given for the parishes of the ~reater Attleboro area on Satur day and Sunday, October 26 and 27, at Bishop Feehan High School. Ten or more men and women from each parish, who are pre sent or potential members of the CCD Parish Executive Board, will take the six hour course. All will receive instruction in the particular phase of CCD
Professiona I Men In New Bedford Aid Papal Work New Bedford Cat hoI i e Physicians and Den tis t s Guild has voted unanimously to accept the financial sup
NEW YORK (NC)-Relief supplies worth some $25 million were donated by the U.S. Catholics to the 1962 Clothing Collection sponsored by their Bishops. A record total of 17,842,000 pounds of used clothing, shoes, oedding, blankets and other materials Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom of was given to the 1962 col New York, executive director of lection, according to a report CRS - NCWC, said the materi issued here today by Catholic als given to the 1962 drive to Relief Services-National Cath olic Welfare Conference. The report was made public as preparations were under way for the 1963 T han k s g i v i n g Clothing Collection, which will be taken up "ext month in parishes throughout the country. .A. .tatement b7 Auxiliar,
: :-~~~! .....~. ~:: It
. . . . .
Sunday, October 27: 2:00-3:00 class instruction; 3:00-3:15 coffee break; 3:15-4:15 class instruc tion; 4:15-4:30 deneral assembly; 4:30 Benediction of the Most Blessed Sac1"ament. Memoers of "'e Attleboro :lis trict of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will be in charge of registration and the luncheon.
Supplies Worth $25 Million Collected in 1962 Drive
port for the first Papal Volun teer from the Fall River Dio cese, Miss Lucille Lebeau of 24 Margin Street, New Bedford. Miss Lebeau is now studying language and culture at Petrop olis, Brazil. Upon completion of her studies she will be assigned to a hospital in Salvador (Bahia); Brazil. Turn to Page Eighteen
ward Angelo, St. Mary's Parish, New Bedford, and Lawrence Duffany, St. John's Parish, At tleboro: Ap" .q,,~ of God Will. The two day program will be as follows. Saturday, October 26: 9:00-9:30 registration and classroom orientation; 9:30-10:00 general ass e m b 1 y: opening prayers, remarks and spiritual motivation; 10:00-11:00 class in struction; 11:QO-11:15 rest period; 11:15-12:15 cia s s instruction; 12:15-1:30; luncheon; 1:30-2:30 class instruction; 2:30-2:45 coffee break; 2:45-3:45 class instruc tion. .
taled some 840,000 pounds more than the figure for 1961. That made it the largest total since the annual T han k s g i v i n g Clothing Collections were begun 15 years ago by the BishoPll. Clothing received in the col lection is shipped by cns Turu to Page Twelve
Second Session Much Different From First
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24,1963
Atheism of Soviet Youth Challenge for Religion
LOS ANGELES (NC) ..... Greater familiarity among the participants makes the second session of the ecu
WASHINGTON (NC) - Religion - any religion - is up against a tough job in trying to erase the stamp of atheism impressed on Russian youth, an American priest held captive in the Soviet Union for 23 years said here. Father Walter M. Ciszek, yet though they do not S.J., held so long by the tions; believe, they yield in some cases Soviets that English almost to the influence of the older became a dead language for generation and have their chil him, gave a bleak picture of the Russian young people's attitude toward religion. Yet at the same time he depicted a tenacious older generation in Russia that will not let religious concepts flicker out. The 58-year-old Jesuit priest, a native of Shenandoah, Pa., was freed along with Marvin W. Makinen of Ashburnham, Mass., in a prisoner exchange in wh~ch the Soviets received Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Egorov, who were awaiting trial in the U.S. on espionage charges. "The older folk attend the few Orthodox churches that are open," Father Ciszek said. "The youths have no religious convic-
Conducts Retreats For High Schoolers ST. LOUIS (NC) - The St. Louis archdiocese has started a program of closed retreats that includes every high school stu dent in the archdiocese. Father William J. Lyons, head of the program, said that by next June some 10,000 pupils at tending the archdiocese's 10 interparochial high schools will have made a closed retreat. The program calls for fresh. men and sophomores to attend a one-day retreat, and juniors and seniors a two-day retreat.
Legion of Decency The following films are to be added to the lists in their respec tive classifications: Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents-Gone Are the Days; The Householder. Unobjectionable for Adults- Gunfight at Comanche Creek. Objectionable in Part for All -Small World of Sammy Lee. (Objection: Because its pro ducers have effected a substan tial revision in the treatment of this film in order to obtain a Code seal of Approval from the Motion Picture Association of America, the condemned rating given to the original version of the film has been changed to "B" - morally objectionable in part for all. In spite of the moral improvement made in the re vised version the background of the film's story continues to be sordid and suggestive. It is fur thermore to be noted that 'the distributors are advertising the film as "Recommended for Mature Audiences." THE AMCROII Second Class Postage Paid' at fan ItIver.
Mass. Publislled every Thursday at 4111
H1a/llaml 'Ivenuel Fan River Mass. by the.
catholic Press OT tile Diocese of fall RIvef'. Subscriptloa price by mall. postpaid $.4.00
Der Ye.r.
Fall River. St. Patrick, Somerset.
Nov. 3-St. Thomas M 0 r e , Somerset. Notre Dame, Fall River. Nov. 16-St. John the' Bap tist, New Bedford. Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs. Nov:17-St. Stanislaus, Fall River. St. Ann, Raynham.
dren baptized. Personal Aspects "Oh holidays, such as Easter, there are ceremonies that are widely attended, but the unbe lieving element participates only in the material side of the feast." The Jesuit priest said know ledge of the doctrinal aspects of religion, such as interpretation of the Bible by the Church, is very limited, especially among the young people of Russia. "They do not consider doc trine, but personal aspects, such as whether a priest is a drunk
ard," he said. "The new genera
tion believes that all priests lead
an easy life and draw money
from the people. They think re
ligion is a camouflage for the
priest's efforts to exploit the peOPle." Constant Drive Father Ciszek said "there is a constant drive against religion by the state, so that the new man of the socialistic system may be developed, a man with an atheis tic basis." "The young' people have had no help toward religion," he added, "and they now are sO educated that they rebel against religious instructions." Father Ciszek said a good omen for religion in Russia is that "people visit the cemeteries, and most of the graves have crosses over them."
Necrology OCT. 25 Rev. Reginald Chene, O.P., 1935, Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. Raymond B. Bourgoin, 1950, Pastor, St. Paul, Taunton. OCT. 2'7 Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, 1918, Assistant, Mt. Carmel, New Bed ford. OCT. 28 Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe, 1923, Pastor, St. George, Westport. Rev. Stanislaus KOZikoWski, O.F.M., Conv., 1956, Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford.
Ma,ss Or'do FRIDAY-Mass of previous Sun day. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs; no Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY Mass of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday. IV Class. White. Mass Proper: Gloria; Second CoHect St. Ev aristus, Pope and Martyr; no Creed; Preface of Blessed Vir gin. SUNDAY Our Lord Jesus Christ, King. I Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Christ the King. MONDAY-SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Pref ace of Apostles. TUESDAY - Mass of XXI Sun day after Pentecost. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; N() Glo ria or Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY - Mass of XXI Sunday after Pentecost. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Common Preface. THURSDAY-Mass of XXI Sun day after Pentecost. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Glo ria or Creed; Common Preface:
SIGNS DECREE: The Papal Secretary of State, Amleto Cardinal Cicognani signs the official decree for the beatification ceremonies in St. Peter's Basilica. for Bishop Jo:h.n N. Neumann, C.SS.R., former Bishop of Philadelphia, (1852-60). Standing directly behind the cardinal is Arch bishop John J. Krol of Philadelphia and his auxiliary 13ish op Gerald V. McDevitt, right. NC Photo.
Defends School Loans Legal Adviser Says Limited Assistance
To Private Schools Constitutional
CAMBRIDGE (NC) The constitutionality of Federal loans which offer limited assistance to parochial and other private schools has been supported by thll minority counsel of the House Education Committee. Charles W. Radcliffe, legal ad vi!:er to Republicans on the com mittee and former legislative officer in the U. S. Office of Ed uc,ation, presents his argument in the current issue of the Har va:rd Educational Review. J:ladcliffe discusses one section of the 195& National Defense Ed uc;ation Act. This provides for 10··year interest-bearing Federal lmms to help purchase instruc tional equipment, other than textbooks, in science, mathemat ic!: .and modern foreign lan guages. Public schools get out right grants for the same purpose. . The attorney defends these
loans as a proper fUDction of government in the interest of national defence. He says bene fit which may derive to religion is only incidental. Referring to decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court, Radcliffe says the test drawn from these rulings and applied to the loan program should be this: "Was it the primary purpose and effect of the legislation to
rjii;~·~:-~~~·iid?l i II
Low Cost Financing
aid a parochial school, per sc, or was it to accomplish a broad and legitimate public purpoSe' in which the aid to the schools is a necessary incident?" Arguing that the intention clearly was to accomplish a pub lic purpose, Radcliffe compares this favorably to tax-paid bus rides and tax-paid textbooks in secular subjects for parochial pupils, both practices upheld by the Supreme ·Court.
menical council "much differ ent" from the first, Auxiliary .Bishop Timothy Manning of Los Angeles reported here. 'There is a far greater affinity betWeen the bishops," Bishop Manning said upon his return from Rome, where he took part in the opening ceremonies and initial assemblies of the second session. "They know one· an other better, they are not mere names to be recognized," he said of the bishops. "Now they are three-dimensioned personalities. "There is a tremendous spirit of fraternity among them which was not possible or so obvious among them before on short ac quaintance." Many of the speakers and their positions on various topics are now well known as a result of their writings, he said. "As a result, the second ses sion has been a great manifesta tion of fraternal congeniality," Bishop Manning said.. "Total joy prevails in the council, emanating from .the Holy Father himself. The heart and spirit of Pope John mantle him. One can sense that ver7 much in a private audience." .
Prevost Alumni Al u m n i of Prevost High School, Fall River, will sponsor their 11th annual fashion show ,at 8 Monday night, Nov. 18, at White's restaurant. Normand Ouellette and Robert Tremblay are co-chairmen and announce that proceeds will benefit the school.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24, 1963 GEORGE P. HURLEY, chair man, St. Mary's Cathedral-"The manner in whi~h the people have been expressing their wishes for memorial gifts. is certainly indica tive that 1they certainly desire to memorialize their loved ones. Some have stated that for years they have con sidered the idea of giving a me morial for their loved ones but didn't know :now to do it - this campaign has eolved a long desired wish and made many content."
JOHN SOUZA, chairman, Holy Rosary Parish - ''The training sessions that were called necessary w ere certainly t hat. They not only trained but they instilled confi dence in all com mitteemen - we were' told that people wanted this school and would give. "Many a moment . was filled with doubt but after calling at the various homes in" OUl' parish every collectorre turned repeating the words 'the speakers were 90 right.'''
WILLIAM P. LYNCH, chair man, 51. Louis' Parish, Fall River -"At the first meeting for Catholic Boy s' High School, Mr. Richard Martin of Taunton said tliat we would be surprised. Sur prised at the peo_ ple who wanted to donate to this new school-sur_ prised at the spirit of sacrifice that dictated so many of the do nations. Every door that you stop at, hides a surprise for a coIlector, and in the majority of cases a most pleasant surprise."
.JOHN E. KANE, chairman, St. William's Parish-"The cam paign brochure stated that 'there is no nobler or practical invest ment than in school memori als' how true! Monuments of bronze or mar ble could have been erected by many donors, but everyone always tries to be p~ac tical - this they were, when the occasion arose to purchase a 'Living Memorial' dedicated to the advancement of youth in a greater love of· God."
GILBERT c. OLIVEIRA. chairman St. Michael's Parish, Fall River-"The spirit of every call made has been one of joy ' - we were told by the various chairmen t hat th~ receptions 'by the parishioners would be excel lent. The time spent in making call s has n'o t been burdensome but a joy of the first order."
Catholic Youth Week Opens Sunday
National Catholic Youth Week will open Sunday, the feast of
Christ the King, as Diocesan Catholic Youth Organization of ficers participate in a dialogue Mass at 10:30 over WTEV, New Bedford Channel 6. Rev. Paul Connolly will conduct the CYO Choir in appropriate music". At 7 Sunday night, installation of Fall River area and parish of ficers will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral. Immediately fol lowing, awards will be madt~ to outgoing officers and to Henry Gillet, New England area CYO president, as well as to out standing basketball players and priests and laymen who have contributed to the organization. A. buffet will be served. Installatioa ceremonies 'will be held in New Bedford the same
day, and at Taunton a com munion breakfast will mark the occasion; with area officers being seated at that time. The Taunton sl~ includes Daniel Hoye, president; Nancy Almeida, vice-president; A. Walter Tra wrs, treasurer; Carolyn Sherry, secretary. Michael Hickey, St. Mary's .parish, Taunton, Diocesan CYO president, will speak at the Taunton" breakfast, to be held at the CYO Hall. In his second year" as Diocesan president, Mr. Hickey is a student at Bridge water State College. Officers will be installed by Rev. Francis B. Connors, area CYO chaplain. Parents will be honor guests at the breakfast. Other events of National Cath oUe Youth Week will include
Pope to Preside at Beatification Of Father Dominic, Passionist
ROME (NC) - Dominic Bar. beri, whose whole life seemed pointed toward the reconversion of England to the Catholic Faith, becomes the newest blessed of the Church Sunday, the feast of ehrist the King. Pope Paul VI is officiating at the solemn rite of beatification in St. Peter's in the presence of bishops attending the ecumeni eal council, large delegations representing Father Barberi's fellow Passionists, and pilgri.m ages from the British Isles and lllorth America. One of the neglected heroes of the Church of the 19th e<en tury, Dominie Barberi usu~llly l'eceives only footnote-mention &bis is because it was he who re ceived John Henry Newman into the Catholie Church. Actually, Father Dominic's enly role in the future cardinal's
conversion was to hear New man's confession and to formally receive the Anglican theologian into the Church of Rome. That was on Oct. 9, 1845. previous day, Newman had written to an Anglican friend to say that "Father Dom inlc the Passionist" was corning that night to be his guest at Little more, near Oxford, and that he would seize on the occasion to ask to be received into the Cath oUc Church. Newman sa&. he wid seen Barberi only on'be fore, a year and a half earlier. Be went on to say of him: 'Very Holy Man' "He was a poor boy, who (I believe) kept sheep" near Rome and from his youth his thoughts have been most singularJy and distinctly turned to the conver sion of England. He is a shrewd clever man, but as unaffected and simple as a child; and most singularly kind in his thoughts of religious persons in our com munion. I wish all persons were as charitable as I know him to
"After waiting nearly 30 years, suddenly his superiors sent him to England, without any act of his own. However, he has not labored in conversions, but con fined himself to missions and re treats among his own people. I believe him to be a very holy
man." Newman's succinct account is now being verified publicly in the Church.
MAft5 YOUR Mft
.. ......
• New . . . DeafeN .... SerYIee ltatio.
open house at Fall River's two CYO halls Tuesday, Oct. 29 and a record hop at both halls Satur day, Nov. 2. " Sunday, Nov. 3 will mark the close of the week. A Holy Hour will be held in Fall River and all parishes are having a Com~ munion Crusade for members in
their own churches. Diocesan CYO director is Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, with Rev. Francis B. Connors in charge of the Taunton area; Rev. Edward C. T)uffy, New Bedford; Rev. Berard F. Sullivan, Attleboro and Norton; and Rev. John W. Pegnam, Cape and Islands.
Catholic Interracial Conference Raps Attorney General's Stand CHICAGO (NC) - The Na tional Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice has sent President Kennedy a telegram protesting Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy's stand to limit civil l"ights legislation. "The" Attorney General's N! quest for weak .legislation is in. toler~ble at this stage in our American democracy," said the telegram, signed by conference" chairman Raymond M. Hiliard. The Attorney General, seeking bipartisan support for the legis lation, has asked the House Ju diciary Committee to strike out a section of the bill empower. ing him to file injunction suita to protect constitutional rights of all persons. He also asked that the broad public accommodations section be limited to specific problem categor.ies, such as restaurants, hotels and retail stores. Legislation Essential Kennedy urged passage of a fair employment practices pro vision, but left it up to the ju diciary committee whether this should be included in the over all bill or handled separately. ~I"I"I","",I""
The interracial jUstice confer ence said in its telegram: "Civil rights legislation, including' a strong FEP, an across-the-board public accommodations title and broad injunctive powers for the Attorney General, is essential if it is to have any real meaning to the Negroes of the United States."
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"'''I'',"",I''I'~ TAKE TIME OUT
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Write: Fr. Kelly. esc, DIr.
Commission Bereness to Carve Statue of IPadre· on Horseback4
Thurs., Oct. 24, 19~
.Church Property Tax Exemption To Face· Test BALTIMORE (NC)-Mr~. Madalyn Murray the avowed .. the i s t who successfully launched a le~al .attack against religious practices in public schools, filed a challenge 10 tax exemption for church property. In a complaint to Circuit Court No.2, Mrs. Murray said Mary land exemption laws place 'a di_ r-ect d~triment and financial bur . n upon the plaintiffs, whose tax burden is thereby increased lor the sole purpose of aiding .and supporting the religious Ilr.actices and relgious institu 1ions of others." Mrs. Murray, who oannouneed in August she would file such a ehallenge, is joined in the suit i>y her mother, Mrs. Leddie ~ays.
The women's attorney is Leon ard J. Kerpelman, who success fully represented Mrs. Murray in the suit which saw the U. S. Supreme Court in June declared it unconstitutional to read the Bible or recite the Lord's Prayer in public schools. May Fa.ll Through Mrs. Murray disclosed her in 1entior to file the suit during a visit to her projected atheist center at Stockton, Kan., in August. On the same day the ~suit w~ launched here, Mrs. Murray':s Ilrincipal Kansas hacker, Carl Brown, told newsmen at his borne the Stockton project may fall through for lack of donated funds. "It is a matter of money not llOming in," said Brown, ·a for tiler state legislator wboalso is ~ avowed atheist. He gave Mrs. Murray 80 acres of land for the center:.
PEACE AWARD~ Harry W. Flannery, right, retiring president of the Catholic Peace Association, presents the organization's .annual Peace Aw.ard to Teodoro Moscoso, left, U.S. coordinator of the Alliance for Progress. Center is Msgr. George G. Higgins, -executive secretary of CAIP. NC Photo. .
TUCSON (NC)-She got the job because her ~culptured mod el bore the closest resemblance to the official portrait of ~ subject. It was as simple as that. So, Baroness Suzann Silver cruys, Belgian-born 'sculptress, holds a commission to hew a likeness of 'Fathe~ Eusebio Fr.an_ cisco Kino, S.J., pioneer HIls sionary of the· Southwest, which will stand as Arizona'-s 'SeCOnd contribution in the National Statuary Han at the U."S. Capital in Washington, D. C. Bust 1d Stonehill The Baroness, who is Mrs. Ed ward F. Stevenson in pri'\<ate life, has headed back -to her North Windham, Conn., home W finish the job. A definite date for installing the statue·m the Capitol has not been '!let, but the Baroness suspects it wiUbe' in
The Furniture Wonderland
the late Spring of 1964. She . . 'llCbeduled her work accord~ Arizona already is representee in National Statuary Hall witIl a statue of John C. Greenw8ir. U. S. Army hero and mining faoo peri. Each state is allowed UN "Statues in the hall. Arizona de
cided a likeness of Father Kino,
'fabled as "the padre on hone
back," would be its second COD
SOme years ago, the Barone.
said, under the sponsorship . .
Father Robert I. Gannon, S..I..
then president of Fordham Uni
versity, She gave a show in New York of religions art which ... ~luded all the statuary required in a Catholic church. Recently, the Baroness com. pleted a bust of Richard Cardi .Jlal Cushing, Archbishop of BO& ton, for Stonehill College, Nortill Easton.
Clfthe East
DaiIV 9 A.M. .... 10 , ...
Saturday Until 6 P oM.
s~eet dreams for BABY \ Hceo,renly
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with this
Make Time AVGilable To Non-Catholics BOSTON (NC) - Facilities of the Boston archdiocese's soon-to be-operated television station here will be made available to all religious denominations in this area, Msgr. oWalter L. Fla herty, director, disclosed. He said conferences now are being held with officials of the Mas sac h use t t s Council of Churches (Protestant) for pro gram arrangements and other meetings will be held with of ficials of other denominations. The station, wm5-TV on Channel 38, established by Rich ard Cardinal Cushing, Archbish- . 4}p of Boston, win have trans mitting facilities atop the Pru -dential Building, now nearing completion. The station has been authorized by the Federal Com munications Commission 10 ,operate with a commercial li cense on a million watts radi ~ting power.
Asks Subcommittee
Pass Housing Bill
~okesman for three Catholic ;groups concer~d with farm
workers told a Senate subcom mittee that passage of a bill to provide improved housing for migrant domestic laborers is "imperative." Father James L. Vizzard, S.J., said "lack of decent housing" is "central" to the problem of migrant farm workers. He presented the statement on hehalf of the National Catholic . Rural Life conference, whose Washington office he directs, the Bishop" Committee for Migrant WorJ.ers, and the Bishops' Com mittee for the Spanish Speaking.
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F All
R I V ER ••
D.C. Net Toumey Comes to EINI After lOYeon: WASHlNGTON (Nell ~e only high schoo} basket ball tourney conducted (m a nationwide basis has been killed off here. Death sentence for the 1(t ~r-old Knights of Columbus tournament, which was. res:trict ed to Catoolic teams, came when th e Washington archdi<K:esan education office appr()ved a new . Rt of rules for the Washington Metropolitan Catholic League designed to deemphasize Sl;lOr'ts, and to ban post.season games and tournaments. . I The action came as a surprise , to· K. of C. area units, a lIourna ·ment sponsm:, while. Bob- Dwyer, ~neral chairman, Gus Coupe-, tournament director, and a ,oom. mittee, were negotiating ar nngements for the next to\lrl1a ment planned for March, 1964. The Washington Catholic League is composed of six higJI. 8Chools in the Washington area. Each year the league champion and runner - up automatically won berths in the K. of C. 'rour aey, while six other/teams were llelected from various sections of tile country. New Roles Principals of the six area schools met a week ago and drew up the new regulations. The rules prohibit athletic scholar ships in "any guise"; set the length of pre·season practice; provide for a maximum. number of games in each sport-:tO in football, 24 in basketball, :La in baseball, and ban post.season pmes and tournaments. The policy concerning post-' lleason games came to a head last year when St. John's, the Catholic League champion" de feated Eastern,. public school champion, for the city focltbaU championship on Thanksgiving Day. The game was played be fore more than 50,000 persons. In D. C. Stadium. Large.scale aoting started by Eastern fol lowers broke out after the game hundreds were injured. The K. of C. basketbcill four _ment had been c:alIed ''the world series of Catholic high 8Chool basketball" by COQChes; tIlroughout the country.
Catholic Resumes Publishil'9 KINGSTON (NC) _. The Canadian Register, Canada's largest Catholic newspaper, hall l'esumed publication following settlement of a union juri.sdic tlonal dispute. The dispute between the Typographical and Pressmen's Unions was settled when thl~ two groups accepted compromise proposals resolving, their quar rel over· who has authority over offset printing processes. The Register does not use or plan to' wse offset printing. The union dispute had f,(K'eecl . e Register to cut. down on its. publishing, operations aftei.' its. Sept. 14 'edition and to sUflPenli entirely after its Sept. 21 edition~
316 Take First St'ep To Religious Life LOS ANGELES (NC)-A total of 316 students from Cal:hoHc high schoeIs of the Lo4 Angeles. .chdiocese have taken the' first atep toward the priestly 01" re ligious life. Father Lawrence J. Gibson" archdiocesan director of voca tions, said a survey showed. that 200 gir13 have entered the- con vent and 116 boys have gone to seminaries and novitiates. The total represents bette!' than four per cent of last June'5 1,624 high school graduafell.
THE 5 Swamea Regis College Graduate J'olunteers Tlwr$.,. Oct. 24, 19'63 For Yea,: of Teaching in Kaneohe, Hawaii Suggests Church AN(HO~
MltUreen Donovan of Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, wag- home last weekend. NQthing remarkable about that? But Maureen dropped in from Kawaii, where shet's spending a year as a volunteer teacher at St. Ann's School, Kaneo-he, Oahu. Reason for the flying trip was the wedding last Saturday of a cousin, and sister Elaine, a seniOl' at the College of New Rochelle, in New Rochelle, N.Y. was home for the same happy reason-although she didn't have so far to travel. The pretty sisters are both mission minded. Maureen decided on her teaching year while she was a student at Regis. College, Weston, where Sisler John of the Eng,lish de partment has for years sponsored II volunteer teaching program among graduateft of Regis and' other Catholic colleges. Elaine is hoping to travel to Greece following her June grad uation. 'there she will teach at _ Ursuline high school.
Gener_ Graduates Of 18& graduates in the 1963
senior class at Regis, 20 volun teered a year to the missions,
said Maureen. One girl is with her in Hawaii and others are in Saipan, the Virgin Islands, Peru, Alaska and various of the south. ern and southeastern states of continental U.S.A. Life in Hawaii is very busy. Schoo-l start-sat 8, said Maureen, but since the cottage she shares with her fellow teachers is right on the playground, and children start arriving at 6:30, there's no sleep after that time. After school's end at 2:30 there
are lesson plans to prepare and homework to correct, she said. Saturday mornings are devoted to teaching a first communion class, Maureen loves Hawaii and her affection persists even though the island state is now in the midst 0( its torrential rainy season. Rain comes down "like 8 bathtub overflowing" for as much as- an hour at a time dm'ing st{){"ffiS and no day goes b)' wrthout at least a shower or ~.
The Maryknoll mission school where- the Regis graduate is as signed is on the "windward" side of the island of Oahu, which ls. divided- by a mountain range having the effect of blocking rain clouds and trade winds be fore they reach the "leeward" ~ including }fonolulu and Waikiki Beach. Thus Kaneahe, only 10 miles O!:' so across the mountain from Honolulu, can be drenched with rain while the leeward side of the island remains sunny.
FROM HAWAIl: Wearing orchid lei from her third grade pupils in Hawaii, Maureen Donovan, Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, shows authentic muu-muu. She was home for weekend to, take part in wedding, is now back in Hawaii where she is teaching at Maryknoll mission school for one year as a volunteer missionary teacher.
The- children speak excellent Eng,lish in school, she said, but lapse into "pidgin" aa· soon as. they're dismissed. This. is a hard to-understand blend of English, Hawaiian and slang. The Hawaiian tongue is very musical, she noted, having only a few consonants and many cases of doubled vowels. She has. learned a few words herself. One favorite expression is "all pau," meaning "all finished," Flowery Wedding: which the children use to indi When Maureen's third gra!ie cate their work is done. students learned she was .going Sho'es Off Not only is English dropped to the "mainland" for the week when school's out, says Maureen, end, a father telephoned her. "Would you like' to take some but. shoes are too. "The. minute school is over, the shoes come flowers with you?" he asked. ''I 'said yesj thinking he'd bring off," she said, adding that in me a bunch or two," recounted really heavy rainstorms, the Maureen. "But when the flowers teachers take tl'ieir shoes off arrived, there were two huge too. "You can't pGssibly keep' them from being soaked. and bucltets full, including hundreds ruined." oi Ol'chids." Maureen and her housemates Carefully packed by the air line on· which she traveled, the do their own cooking in their Ol'chids arrived in Swansea in small cottage. Odd moments are spent. chasing cockroach~- and gOOO s,h ap e for Saturday's. lizards, an inevitable part of ~ing, probably the only one life on the islands. 001 bhe- east coast adorned by But the people make' up.for all 1!kJWers from Hawaii. N& day goes by without discomforts, s:ay s Maureen. flowery offerings from her third They're J'unaffected and won graders, added Maureen. "I al derful." ways. have leis of orchids, Her three day stay last week 1) 1 u mer i a Or other tropical end will be the last trip home flowers," she said. She noted that her pupils for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs study French daily, in addition Leo J. F. Donovan until she to the usual third grade subjects. finishes her volunteer year next ''They're beautiful children," she June. While New Eng" 'rs said, explaining that very exotic prepare for the shivery season combinations are common, such ahead, she looks forward 1io a 88 hish-Hawaiians and Chinese POI'tuguese. b&lmy Winter.
Building Reform To Aid R'enewal CINCINNATI (NC) Reform of church building, is needed so that litur~ical renewal can be made effec tive, 8 liturgical scholar said here. Father H. A. Reinhold of Pitts burgh said at a festival sponsored by the Cincinnati Archdiocesaa Liturgical Arts Group: ''The liturgy can never be restored to its full value and life * * * if it is to gD on living in surround ings that do not help but hinder it.'" Father Reinhold, authO!:' of 'The American Parish and the .. Roman Litufrry," emphasized - that "we must rethink church building according to a vital liturgy."
"We must efface from our minds the eternal picture of a basilica and the Romanesque, Gothic, or Renaissance fashion and their general pattern with. out paying attention to the lit urgy." He cited as an example of surroundings that hinder the liturgy "a Gothic cathedral where the celebrant is hardly visible far away from the con gregation, and the liturgy goes on as it were at the bottom of an ocean of colored glass." 'Relative Emptiness'
As component parts of a "mod ern church serving a revitalized liturgy," Father Reinhold listed: The "Eucharistic church," in cluding "all that is needed for Mass and Bible vigils, that is, an altar, seats for the clergy and the people in their proper places, two lecterns, and Communion stations or railing. "One of the most outstanding characteristics of this church," he said, "would be the relative emptiness, in the main body ot the building, of devotional stat ues and pictures. Christ is ia the' center and He should not be in competition with saints."
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itizens :~~I~ o SO.MAIN ST.
. THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24, f963
Vatican Council
the World
In discussing the role of the Catholic lay person, Auxiliary Bishop Hannan of Washington reiterated what Church leaders - lay and clerical- have been asking for years: "The laity should be urged to join organizations which can influence daily life - associations of parents in:. terested in educational activities, and organizations with professional, charitable and civic aims, not excluding particpation in politics. Men cannot be led to Christ unless associations of this kind are marked with the spirit of Christ." By the fact of Baptism, people are marked with the prophetic character. This means that they are, like Christ, prophets in the world, and the meaning of that expression "prophet" is that they be witnesses to the truth. Christ came to present the truth of His Father, and His life was to make God better known and loved. Those whom He associates to Himself are called upon to do no less - to be prophets, to be -witnesses, to live as "other Christs" in whatever environment they are - in their fami lies, in their homes; in their factories and shops, in their neighborhoods. The Christian mission is not so weak that it must be lived in a ghetto or in a religious -hothouse where the dis turbing and challenging winds of secularism and indiffer ence to God cannot get at it. Men are weak but Christ is not and those who bear His name and are commissioned to carryon His work must take their strength from Him and Christianize these organizations, these associations, these political opportu C"(h.nOlA.Clh thL th£ nities. If there is failure, the failure exists not in the strength of Christ but in the persons who are by name Christian [ By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University but in action anything but. . -And the Christian, according to the very words. of ~roDAY st. Raphael, Arch nal rule. "1t was God's good Christ, is one who is in the world but not overcome by aU!l'el. Those familiar "prefaces" pleasure to let all completeness the world. Christ prayed not that the Father take His which introduce the great prayer dwell in him." Or, as the Preface followers from the world but that He keep them from evil of the Mass sing our praise and states it: " * * * that, all creation With confidence in this promise, those who call them jo~, in the fact that in our sacra being subdued to his rule, he selves after Christ - Christians - must be active in the mental worship time is caught might hand over a universal end kingdom * •• world in order to restore it in Christ and through Christ up intO eternity. We transcend everlasting His rule (i.e.,. He Himself) Ja ourselves because Christ joins us and to Christ. 10 His eternal worship of the the ultimate form of creation
Not Backward Pope Paul has presented as' a guiding principle' a message that is the very epitome of good Christianity aDd good psychology. In speaking to the nop-Catholic observers at the Council he ·said that the best method. to obtain unity is "not to look backward to the past, but forward toward the present day and above all to the future." For too many centuries apologists on all sides nave sifted through the tragic events leading to the renting as under of the Christian community and have tried to assess blame with varying degrees of mathematical precision. Pope Paul, following the example of Pope John, reminded men that this is a waste of time and serves only to keep alive the smoldering embers of old resentments and deep-rooted hostilities. The past must be left behind with only the expression of sorrow for whatever part Catholics had in the sad breaks. Non-Catholic Christians must have that same at titude. It is the present and the future that must be surveyed with mutual love and sincerity and with great reliance On the Providence of God and the Will of Christ "that aD may be one." The past can serve to point up the pitfalls that widened the chasm in centuries gone. But the emphasis must be on the present - that the Church of Christ may be seen and the voice of Christ heard now in the Catholic Church and in the Pope. And the future must contain the goal toward which all eyes look - the bringing together, under God, of men into the one Christian family.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
410 Highland Avenue
fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151
Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD~
GENERAl MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. DriscoH MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J•. Golden
Continued from Page One of Faith, a gift which opens up to the faithful living under tbe guidance of the hierarchy all· even keener insight into bfI Faith and its application to the concrete problems of life. There are also duties from tbJIF special place in the Mysticatl Body. He is obliged to contribUte to the-sanctification and' growth of the Church. He is CQ-respon sible in the preaching of the Christian Message to the world. For this, he cannot devote himself only to his own profes sion. He has religious duties • well: 1) to give the example of • life f()unded on Christian values and ethics; 2) to beware of ~ tremes; a) the danger of im properly confusing religious anti profane interests; b) the danger 6f completely secularizing 'lU8 earthly profession. As it now stands, not all bish ops desire or seek the aid of the laity (Card. Gracias). It has happened that the laity intelloo fered with legitimate authoritJ:, However, the layman has the right to expect all due care and assistance of the clergy. He must, therefore, make his needs known f ran k 1 y and courageously through the regular Church channels. .The layman also has the dutv of respectful obedience to autho rity and to refrain from unjust criticism. Pray he 'must for biI religious superiors. The actual manner and degree of cooperation with the defined work of the hierarchy is a matter now under discussion.
Nuncios-Deacons / The practice of sending papal representatives to countries ancl governments was criticised. The presence of such "foreigners" can give the impression that the Church is simply another gOVl ernment or hUJIl8n society, _ that the particular Bishops can not be trusted. Suggestions Welle made that the episcopal C<Do ferences name such a represe~ ative from their own numb~ or that a qualified laymen be
so picked, or that the task be
given to a College of Bishops be
fore the Holy See.
The advisability of perman
ent deacons was again discussed.
Cardinal Ottaviani suggeste4 that acolytes be picked insteacl (no problem of marriage thereat but that would just create mOM problems retorted· another e:lDoo pert since their position is n. clear in the Sacred Scripture..
and partieularly of man. 'Before His coming in history, every thing prepared for Him. Since His coming in history, every thing is meant to grow in Him and toward Him. Since we end this week with emphasis on the community, family, fraternal, nature of the Church, it ill help ful to' begin it with this profes sion of faith in the source of our 'OOMORROW - Mass as on commune and out fraternity. Sunday. If time, in the Christian MONDAY - SSe Simon and vic~w, is purposeful, is moving toward a completion (and not Jude, Apost.les. T-he Apostles, as merely a matter. of "round and the first, prime bishops of the ro',md she goes"); then' Sunday Church, remind us, too, how Masses is also much more than deeply social and cosmic 881ve a kind of spiritual rhythm or uon ls. For we belong to a eom periodic return 10· the same munity of bread and book and SO'Jrce. We should find in it an bishop. Church-State The hold bread of the Eucba evolution, a progressive deep A reference to the "sometim. ening and "firming-up" of our rist and the holy book of revela unfortunate" s epa rat ion of tion require a minister and a Church and State came und_ re:lation to Christ and 10 one an preacher. And the men and fire by a Polish Bishop. "The i~ other as the Church. women who taste the bread and MASS OF ST. MARY ON !bear the book are persons whose terests of the Church are oftea SATURDAY. Our Lady.helps all unity in bread and book requires best served by the actual separa of \IS give time its place and an organization with a person tion of Church and State," lie stated. ml~aning by subjecting it to· at its head, the bishop, the suc Archbishop Hurley of SiD. eternity, by refusing 10 isolate cessor of the apostles we cele Africa urged that we not speak it from the infinite wisdom and brate today. so much of Church-State bl1& pllirpose of God. Even though the TUESDAY - Mass as on 21st rather of Church-Human S0 Infinite entered human history to save us through her body, Sunday afteT Pentecost. "All ciety. "The term 'state' indicated nevertheless the honor we give things, Lord, are subject to your a political unit. 'Human society' he-r is not limited to the physical power * * *" begins the refrain takes in all men wherever they and timely facts of conception of the Entrance Psalm. And the may be and whatever be their and of birth. "Shall we not say, Scripture lessons have basically form of government." Man's r& blessed are those who hear the but two things to declare. The ligion must prevade in all he word of GQd, and keep it?" First tells the Church that since does - even purely civil acti . "all completeness" is in Christ vities. (Gospel). and all the world belongs to , English Texts SUNDAY - Feast of Our Lord Him, we have not to look for the Since the'ICouncil has alrea~ Jesus Christ, King. "My king de ._- does not take its origin enemy of our salvation in the in principle, approved the use world. It does not exist there. It of modern languages in liturgical here" (Gospel). Today's feast, though we find it hard to fit is "in an order higher than ours." rites, plans are being drawn for WEDNESDAY - M~ u ~ a common English text for the it into the traditional pattern Yesterday. And the Second Les Mass and for the Sacraments. of the Church's feasts and sea son, the Gospel, links our whole Ten bishops are meeting re~ sons turns our minds to an as pect of our Lord that we are just hope of God's mercy' and His larly _to plan a uniform Englisll bEginning to comprehend: the grace with that fraternal, social, text. Of the ten; two are Ameri cans: Archbishop Paul J. Hld fact that in Jesus Christ we have cosmic dimension we have dis not only the key 10 our ~alvation cussed. "It is thus that Jl).Y linan of Atlanta, Ga., and AuxiJi,. but also the key to the whole heavenly Father will deal with Turn to Page Seven evolution of man and the world you, if brother does not forgive brother with all his heart" (Goa ship, it is evident. But we grasp hE: lives in toward a consumma pel). the message very slowly: thaIl tion. Every time we gather around salvation is a kingdom, a social His "kingship" is over "all things" (First Reading) and ia the altar, it is evident. Every order, a fraternal order, indivi time we read the Bible or hear sible from our relations with 8 much more mysterious and in it proclaimed in commOll. WOI'- a~other. tiJnate thing than a mere extu Father and a spirit wOl'ld above our own is present, too. . 'roday's Mass tells us God has mElSsengers who are no mangers 10 the human scene. Not only is tht~e no iron curtain between thi:s world and heaven, but a mlTsterious commerce assures us of an ultimately clear relation between the two.
CARMELITES FOR AGED, INFIRM: Left, Sister Mary Elizabeth of Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven aids guest to use walker. Right, Sister Elizabeth Joseph, Catholie Memorial Ho~e, -Fall River, shares a bit of
Vatican Council Continued trom Page Six ary Bishop James H. Griffiths ef New York.
Council Observers :Pope Paul VI in a meeti:t!g .with the non-Catholic observE!!"s said that he does not "expEoct JJliraculous and immediate solu tions" to the problem of Chris tian reunion. A spokesman for the observers .-aid that the obstacles to Chris tian unity "appear insurmoun.t able dispite our efforts at mutual understanding." But "the expel'i ence of sharing such difficulties ••• means some progress." The Pope said that for even tual unity "firM of all we' must rely on mutual Christian for 8iveness. The best method is not to look backward to the past, but wward .....
Accusations In a speech on the advisability of permanent 'deacons, Card. Ottaviani accused three experts of having circulated a petition :fur a permanent diaconate. This was a violation of the regula tions, he claimed. He did n [)t name the accused but Msgr. Higgins of the NCWC said they were not Americans. Arc h'b ish 0 p Tchidimbo of Guinea followed the CardinEll. He elaborated on the usual salu tation and after saluting the "Most Eminent Cardinal, etc." he continued, "and very beloved experts." At this, Cardinal otta viani threw back his head and laughed. However, the Archbishop hald accusations of his own statirlg that some international Catholic organizations have a tendency ~~ dominate units of the Church for which they provide essential financial other assistance. He labeled such "a new form of col onialism." "After an,. iDe firltt specialist in the apostolate in a diocese is alWQ6 tile bi5ho~"
mail. Community is active in seven Archdioceses, nine Dioceses, was founded in New York in 1929 and now has 400 members, attracting 25-30 postulants annually•
.Carmelite Sisters. for 'Ag~d, Infirm Serve Elder Members of Mystical Body Quietly and inconspicously, the Carmelite Sisters for' the Aged and Infirm have earved themselves a secure niche in the affections of the Diocese. Theirs is the task of caring for the "elder members of the Mystical Body of Christ." At the Catholic Memorial ·Home in Fall River they have 186 guests, with an additional 72 accommodated in the Bishop Cassidy Wing for the few doubles available for mar seven Archdioceses. and nine Chronically Ill. In Fairhaven, ried couples.. There's a blessed Dioceses. Although their apos at Oui:' Lady's Haven, there absence of rules and regulations, tolate is hidden, they attract ·are ., ;1.23 guests. Eighteen and, guests may plan their days some 25 to 30 postulants a year, Sisters staff the Fall River in stitution, which also includes a Priests' Hostel for priests in need of-rest or convalescent care; and there are nine Sisters in Fair. haven. Superior in Fall River is Mother Anthony, with Mother Daniel Immaculate in charge at Fairhaven. Physical needs of guests 'at the homes are beautifully cared for and there are many grace notes to daily living, such as the smiling services of the Carmel ettes, teenage auxiliary to the Sisters. These youngsters from area schools give generously of their free time in service at the homes and occasionally stage special entertainments for guests in addition to such routine chores as setting and waiting on tables, running errands and helping wherever needed. Religions Opportunities Daily Mass is, the rule at the 'homes, with many guests avail ing themselves of the opportu nity to attend. There are also · yearly retreats and frequent Benediction, while chapels are always open for private visits. . Guests must be 65 before ad ·mission to the homes and all are welcome, non-Catholic as well as Catholie. Quite a few conver sions_occur among non-Catholics, note the Sisters. Most rooms are for single oc · ~p'a~!lf. althoUgh. there are a
as they, wish; although, on the other hand, quite a few recrea· tional opportunities are open to those desiring to participate in them. Snack kitchens on every floor of the, homes are popular; with the fixings for coffee provided, as well as stoves and refrigerators for preparation of guests' own eatables. Founded in 1929 in New York, the Carmelites for the Aged and Infirm now number some 400 members- and are represented in
• Tllievision • Furniture • Appliance. • Grocel'7 101 Allen, SL. New Bedford WYman 7-93U
say the Sisters. Further information about the community may be had from any of the Sisters in the Fall River Diocese or from St. Ter esa's Motherhouse, Avila on the Hudson, Germantown, N. Y.
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ST. PAUL (NC)-The College of St. Thomas has reached $1,900,000 in its $6,000,000 fund raising drive to increase the col_ lege's endowment in such aca. demic areas as faculty salaries, scholarships and library facili ties. St. Thomas can qualify for a Ford Foundation grant of $1,500,000, if it raises $3,000,000 in the current drive.
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TtfE' ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fan River-Thurs., Oct;- 24, 1963
Plan Dads"·' Days
.At Sa lve .Reg,j n<iJ
There Was Some Extra Money Until House Showed Age
One - hundred seventy - five fathers and their daughters will participate this Saturday and Sunday in the second annual Father-Daughter Week End at Salve Regina College in New-. port. The week end will start Satur day morning with registration and a coffee hour in Ochre Court. Following this, dads will attend ·a series of their daugh ters' classes to observe changes in college .teaching since their days in school. A buffet lunch eon will be followed by a . fathers' conference at MerC)' Hall. The remainder of the after noon is free for individual tours and visits. Saturday night, each of the four classes will hold a separate banquet in Newport and at 8:30, in the Great Hall of Ochre Court, Tony Abbott's orchestra will play for dancing. The week end will conclude Sunday morning with Mass in the colle/e chapel and a New England style brunch in Ochre Court. Committee members' include Joseph Paquet of Fall River, for the Fall River-New: Bedford area, assisted by Judge Ernest C. Horrocks, Jr., Fairhaven and New Bedford.
By Mary Tinley Daly Money isn't everything. Certainly not. Not by any stretch of the imagination. And the more of it you don't have, the more you cling to this thought. "Put not your trust in money," said Oliver Wendell Holmes, adding some what wryly, "but put your bedrooms, was a cinch: can a money in trust." Having all paperhanger, select paper and we could want of the folding. paint. Ah, this was living; first green stuff, the Head of the step toward aU the other desir
, \.
House and I ten each other, abIes. would be nice - sometimes. And 'Little' Leak yet, philosophi "Tell you what, Ma'ath," the eally accepting man said disconsolately as he realities, we prepared to paper the first wonder if it room, "This paper won't stick, isn't more in won't stick at all until you get teresting to this wall dried out. I'd say you "save up," to got leak in your roof, Ma'am. wait for mater Maybe only a little leak," he ~l extras be added consolingly. yond the neces The' "little leak" a roOfer con 8ities? firmed, was little only at that Make us ap one spot. .p r e cia t e 'em "New roof, that's what· you more and all folks need. Matter of fact • • ." that jazz? he shook his head. Financial Breather We caught the idea, or thought The planning, waiting and we did. saving, seldom, of course, take "A new roof?"Y echoed, 8Uch a channelized, specialiZed trying to face. up to facts. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST: Members of New course of procedure as might be . "Yes, Ma'am. You sure do. implied by this presentation. And as I was about to say, when Bedford Catholic Woman's Club attend continental break Painting the kitchen, for in our men went up to inspect your ·fast following corporate communion at St. Lawrence Itance, is something which we roof, we found - you'll pardon · Church. From left, Mrs. Joseph T. Baldwin, 'hospitality Visit Negro Homes postpone "down. the. list." It me for saying it - you folk. committee; ·Mrs. Leo T. LaForest, new member; Mrs. 81'. PAUL (NC) - Visits to· usually is accomplished only need new gutterspouts." IUehard J. Enos, hospitality committee. Negro families by 40 couples 01 after somebody lets the shower Roof? Gutterspouts?· And here the Christian Family Movement overflow one' time too many and we were thinking in terms of here are being planned for Sun: the kitchen ceiling below bUlges a new car and, you'll pardon the day, .Oct. 27. At a prelimina17 · menacingly, threatening' lives reference,' a trip around the .meeting, the couples will be end heads of cooks .and dish- world? (Or even a trip of 500 briefed by a panel that includes · washers. . miles to visit one of our married Directors Urge New' Approaches members of the Urban League . Recently; however,. there has children.) and the catholic Interracial 'been Ii financial breather at our We were cut down to size. To Vocation Program CounciL' · ibouse, rare enough to be cause Same day, as fate would have ' ,I;:" for suspicion tolhose who would It,' the man came to give .an CHARLESTON (NC) - 'Ibe Scripture, liturgy, -eatechetiCi . !,
.profit by the past. and take a estimate on a front-stairs rail; need for updating vocation pro- and social teaching..
Rivier Alurrlnae long, cold "look .at the record." "You folks' 'need a new re · grams in line with the spirit of Father Joseph Knorr of PittsThe effect on us, ipcurable opti Fall River and New Bedford taining .wall foJ." the terrace on the Second Vatican Council was burgh told the' meeting that 'vo · mist that we are, was just the this side. No use putting a rail stressed at an eastern . regional cational 'recruiting is of "prime alumnae of Rivier College win opposite; causing uli! to go off if the wall down there is weak.~ meeting of 'diocesan .vocations importance" to the Church. meet· Monday, Nov. 4 at the'. into orbital· flights of fancy. So-o-o, here we are at our directors here. . He said the work of diocesan home of Mrs. George Cote, "Let's see, now," we confabbed house, the place looking f.'!xactly The conference brought to- vocations director is ."primarily Somerset. Slides of' European scenes will be viewed. The unit' !Ii front of the fireplace one eve the same as ever .....;. no fancies. gether 15 directors for three days 'one of education, public rela Jllans attendance 'at a meeting ning. "Looks as though we might New roof, new gutterspouts, . of discussions of aims ·and teeh- tions and motivations." . .start saving up for something : . new wall new. rail ~looking ex . niques in seeking religious vo:. . at the college Sunday; Oct. 27• 'something we really want!" . actly llke old roof, .old gutter cations.· . ., Supper, Dance Tonight Smoke' dreams engendered by 'spouts, .old wall, old· rail. . Explaining the need for new Mother McAuley Guild of Mt. glowing embers included every No new look at all, at all, 81& ·approaches, Msgr. Michael Mc- 'St. Mary Academy, Fall River, :thing from .a new car to' a trip our house. .
l.aughlin of Rockville Center,. will sponsor a ·potluck. supper .AUTOMATIC CLEANER . around the wofld, with more im
Jtir.Y., stressed the changes in . and square dance at 6:30 tonigh~ mediate realizables such as fresh .
Sales & Service current candidates for the Mrs.. Frank Krauzyk and Mrs.
wallpaper. for two of the bed;" Chonge Nursing School priesthood 'as compar~d with T.ett Chrupcala ~re co-chairmen.
. Budget Plan .
rooms 'and a new handrail :foio
candidates before World War
. EIedroIux . RepreSentative . To Jl!",ior C~lIege' , the outside front steps. n. Con,act . • MINNEAPOLIS (NC) A . It was almost .like the childHe pointed to the effects of
hood game of "London Bridge" change -frQma . diploJJ;la-type II.~W patternl of family life, tele
JOSE CANASTRA .' when .. you could. have your . nursing program,. to' a junior col "Ision and' population mobility Tel. WY 4-4873 · "'Druthers": . '~nr.uther have au lege at ~.M.:ary's Hospital here . and said:'''All these tend to leave · airplane or a candy factory?" '. next year .is described as a move ft1eh- imprint on today's candi . . Arthur Janaon, Reg. Pharm. · Indeed,.:we retired that. eve out .ofan.~'~ueationaldead-end" date for thepriestbood." DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM
. Ding as tlJ,ough w.e were on. the . by the' nursing school offic~ 01· First Importaaee .
.' SUPPLIES point of retiring for life 88 at. the hospitaL . :Msgr. LcIeaughlin said these 204 ~SHLEV BOULEVAID J8nded gentry. . . HThe growing: pr~tice of unl. d;evelopmentl had led vocations Gentry peside tlJ,e point,. our o versities and. colleges.of refusing diirectors to leek advice from New Bedford landed interests lOOn ,caught .up transfer diploma pro speeialistl • IlUCh fields' ae WY 3-8405 with us ••• . . gram . ,ra~uates" prompted the
for First and' dlost mod est hospital to e~lish St. Mary',
"druther," re-doing of thoie Junior CQUege, according to S18
ter Anne Jpachim, director. While eontinuing its nursing . Foresters Eled progl:am On a two-year rather FOR VOUNG WOMEN Installation ceremonies wUl .than thtee-year basis, ~ new llEORllt II. IIORN 196 Whipple St., Fall River 'be held at 6 Sunday night, Nov. lIChool will also offer a degree .11. Milt... Pllllllller 2UO Conducted by Franciscan' a at Stone Bridge Inn for Our Of "associate of applied. science" Over 35 Vear. Lady of Victory Court, Catholic to girls completing courses as Missionaries of· Mary Of Satisfied Service Association of Foresters. The food supervisors, medical lab ROOMS - MEALS 806 NO. MAIN 5TREn Contact: Roland Gamache Fall River unit elected Miss oratory assistants, medical rec OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY
WVman 9-6984 Fall River OS 5·7497
Helen Goff chief ranger; Miss ords technicians, medical secre Inquire OS 3-2892 Catherine Harrington, vice chief taries, occupational therapy as ranger; Mrs. Ella Carberry, sistants and X-ray technicians. treasurer; Mrs. Mildred Ryan Serving Saver ~ Eledrical . and Mrs. Helen Donnelly, secre Cape D of I taries. Next regular meeting will and Home Owner Contractors be held Thursday, Nov. 14 and Father M c S win e y Circle, will feature 'a potluck supper. Hyannis Daughters of Isabella; The Specialized Job of a Cooperative Bank Falmouth Circle; and Mother Cabrini Circle of Sagamore will KC Supper hoi d installation ceremonies Wives of members of Knights Sunday, Nov. 10. New officers VA 4-4084 of Columbus Council 86, Fall for Sagamore include Mrs. 'WINTHROP STREET - TAUNTON River, will hold their annual Martha Williams, regent; Mrs. harvest supper from 6:30 to 8 Diane Cremonini, vice-regent; ACROSS THE 5TREn FROM TtfE POST OFFICE 944 COunty St. Saturday night, Oct. 26 at Our Misil Linda Gallerani and Mrs. New Bedford Lady of' Health parish halL Ida· Gibson, secretaries; ,:Mrs. El , W~ere.,~ . PAYS to JJ~! r~get~~r, D. ancha,wili follow thiuneak, 1 I' ; . . , ~r~ 1t~W'eZ, .:" . 'T j • -" n 4 1 ~ . _" 1 i f'! l 1 . _ " ' . _ -It .....
Need Updating
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.
St. Francis Residence
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F'amily" ·ti'f~:: 'lJ,i,irtictor ~'Offers
Advice to EXJ)ectan't Father
THE" ANCHOR- . Thurs., Oct. 24, 1963
Urges Catholics Join in March
By Father Walter w. Imbiorski Dear Father: I suppose it is pretty unusual for a man to be writing to you about this subject, but my wife just gave me the wonderful news that we will be having our first baby lIhortly after Easter. Frankly I know very little about being 1m expectant father. Are may usually be continued there any special things ] lations until' a few weeks before the should be doing? What about baby is born. But in this matter the matter of physical love check with your doctor and fol during pregnancy? How about Dames for the child? Is it true that the Church says we niust prefer the life of the child to the life of the mother? How does one practice to become a father? Rear Ralph: Perhaps the most practical thing you can do in the months ahead is to care for your wife and deepen the love that exists between you. In pregnancy some young women get to worrying about the future, about their figures, about the usually inac curate stories they've heard from Aunt Gussie about childbirth, Your consideration and cheer fulness and reassurance are especially important right now. Take a real interest in what· • happening. Read at least one 100d book on p'regnancy and. childbirth. There are wonderful changes that will be occuring from week to week now until the baby comes. Be concerned and learn to share this tremenclous experience. You, in effect, :mulft become a little pregnant too. New Adventure It w~uld be. an excellent idea If you accompany your wife·to,. the doctor at least once to, -get, his evaluation· of the situation, end his suggestions. As you trained to play basket ball and football, 80 there are routines that your wife should. follow. Make sure that she eatsl pro.perly, sleeps enough, takes: medication, and gets exercise. I am not suggesting that you hover or wait on her every minute. Certainly don't treat hex' .. though she were sick or lUI, invalid. But she is going through, .. new adventure and wants you, Dearby. Sometimes whlle carrying the, baby your wife may get irritable" depressed, or angry, and, even, fItY a little witllout apparent ..eason. These sessions are usu·, .11y very' brief and infrequent and discussion, calmness, andl reassurance is the best therapy.. In a first pregnancy a f~ar oj~ the unknown is a factor tha1; bas to be considered. Find ou~; piecisely what will happenal: the various stages of labor arKll delivery and exactly what the! "gns are that will take you 'till the h 0 s pit a 1. Knowing that everything is ready can be very' eomforting. , Plan k» Help After the birth of the baby: itometimes stress, confusion, fati-" lue and the end of a gread ado: ftnture can cause a temporal'J' low . feeling. It can be cornpli-. eated by unsureness as to how' to care for the baby, and the! tact tllat he leenu to demaitdl attention all the time at ·thebe-· .mning. While your wife iii at the bc»-. pltal the D.Urae' help with . , eare, feedinl and bathing, bw; when she comes home she iltCOll·. fronted with the ent~ reapon·· ~bility.
Planning to get her some bellI . . discussing how to help heJ~ through this stage yourseU couUl be very constructive. You asked about physicallO'9'f1 during pregnancy. Well, the o~r moral que s t ion involved III whether physical 10ve-mak1ntt could in any sense be harmfu:L to the baby or the health of mother. And here, of couxwe,' what you need is medical advice.
low his suggestions. As to the old routine as to why the Church prefers the life of the baby to the life of the mother, Ralph, let me say that this is sheer nonsense. All the Church says is that you cannot directly and deliberately kill the mother to save the child, or kill the child to save the mother. But a better answer is this: there are no circumstances in modern 0 b st e t ric a I practice where this choice of mother or baby ever comes up. It is a myth and ought to be forgotten. Montgomery O'Leary? What shall you name your WHITE MASS: Members of St. Luke's Physicians' name your baby? Well, first Guild of Fall River attend eighth annual White Mass at St. don',t fall for fads. Some years Anne's Hospital for all engaged in health field. From left, you get a whole rash of Mar lene:;, CandieS, Debbies, Barrys James Sabra, M.D.; Mother Pierre Marie, hospital adminis or Dwights, depending on' who trator; Francis J. D'Errico, M.D., guild president. is .running for office ·or has the highest T.V. rating. Pick a' ChrIstian name. Choose a .sai'Jit or biblical personage,or a name with some Christian" ,significance. Keith, Kyle, Dexter, Boston MaryknolierSays Formosans
Montg-omery, Preston, or Mon Depend on Thanksgiving CQlIection
roe make your son sound vaguely Ive League. They might BOSTON (NC) - A Mary tT.~. Agency for. International also sound downright ridiculous knoll missioner home from For Development which distributes if coupled with O'Leary, Anto mosa said here "every stitch" of it through the Nationalist Chi .nucci, or Hagmeier. . C h r i s top her, Mark, Paul, clothing worn by people in hQ nese government. other help, he said, comes David and a hundred others are area came from the U.S. Catholic from the National Council of distinctive and yet rooted iii. Thanksgiving Clothing Collec Catholic Women which support. tradition. Any large church tion. Father Leonard Marron, M.M., a Japanese- trained physician pamplet rack, has one or two booklets on names ·that can be who works among aborigines in who visits the area once a month. the Formosa mountains, wu qultehelpful. .home on leave after five yean Assumption D of I Most Imporiant Relatlonsbip . Final foOtnote:·... Ralph, overseas. New office1"l of AssumptiOil there is a small percentage Of FoOd for these people, he CircJ.e, Fall River Daughters of fathers who become jealoUl of added, come. large1T from the Isabella, will be installed at 6:30 their firstborn. jealous, that is, Monday night, Nov. 11 at a ban of the time, preoccupation and quet at White's restaurant. The,. St. Eulal,ia Court attention lavished upon the include Mrs. Mary Lou Silvia, New . officers. of St. EulaUa child. Jegent; Mn. Ann Hoar, vice-re Court, New Bedford Foresten, Sometimes thifl. is caused by are MnJ. Patricia Landis, ehief gent; Mrs. Mary Gregory and the young wife's failing. She be ranger; Mrs. .Virginla· Xavier, llrira.Cecilia Mello, secretarier, comes. .,too child-centered' and Mn. San,. Trainor, treasurer. vice chief ruger; Mb. Ago• consideES her husband as a mete Barker and Mrs. Mae Manning. adjunct..· to her motherhood. Sometimes it is a weakness of secretadea; Mn.Helea,· B~ the husband who cannot exW treuurer. without constant attention. ; In any case, the child ill the enfleShment, the very incarna tion of your mutual 'love, and remember for the good of that , 3 Savings Plans
child' himself, the husband-wife Home finc,"~inSJ
relationship fa the. most impor tant,~ the family.
'Every Stitch' From U.S.
, OHeril1g You
NEWARK (NC)-Catholics of the Newark archdioeese have been urged to take part in a civil rights march Saturday on Trenton, the state capital. Suggestions that they take part came from the archdiocesan coordinator of interracial pro grams and the chairmen of the civil rights committees of the archdiocesan men's and women's councils. Father Aloysius. J. Welsh, coordinator of interracial programs, said the march, "as an orderly, public demonstration in behalf of interracial justice, is endorsed in principle." A joint statement urging par ticipation was issued by William HolUb, chairman of the archdioc esan men's council interracial committee, and Mrs. William Armstrong, his counterpart in the women:s council. They said peaceable demon strations .patterned after the massive civil rights march in Washington, D. C., Aug. 28 are "a positive way for men and women to dQ something about the crucial domestic issue £acing this country." .
Jesus-Mary Alumnae Jesus - Mary Alumnae and Parents Association will hold • communion breakfast in Jesus Mary. auditorium following 8 o'clock Mass this Sunday mor ning at NQtre Dame Church, Fall River. Atty. Anna Flynn Mc Manus will speak and Mrs. Rene Monast is general chairman, aided by Mrs. ~tone camuso.'
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THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 24, 1963
High School Drive
Apathy of Public Helps Smut NEW BERLIN (NC) -Com munity pressur6, rather than legislation, is the best defense against the smut tra:(:fic, Michael J. Howlett, State Auditor of Public Accounts, told a Knights of Columbus meeting here in Illinois. He said Illinois laws already On the books are adequate to control indecent literature when properly enforced. 'The loneliest man in the world is the young prosecutor, all by himself in a courtroom, representing the people of Illi-' nois in a complaint against smut, contesting with expensive and expert counsel for the well. heeled offender," he said. "It takes people to make a law work. An aroused citizenry . which demands action of law enforcement authorities, and backs them up when action is taken, can accomplish wonders. But a disinterested community is fertile soil for the smut pro ducers. "If smut is growing, it is the • fault of the people, not of the legislature. Attitudes and cus toms or the people can modify CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER: It's Christmas in October as Sister at Dominican the law, ·or even put it to death. A law that is not Emforced is a Academy, Fall River aid in preparations for bazaar sponsored today through Saturday dead one," he said. at school by St. Catherine's Fund Raising Committee. From left, front, Sister M. Sacred
Lauds Concept Of Education
Heart, Sister Emmanuel, Sister ]l'auline, Sister Jeanne d'Arc, Sister M. Veronica; rear, Bister M. Claire.
Club~s Aid Catholic Students 1970 To See JMiliion in Secular Colleges
ST. MARY'S (NC) - A col lege president has lauded the Christian humanism taught at· Catholic colleges as "the proper WASHINGTON (NC) - A
education for free' men." "One of the harmonies of bank official here predicted
there will be m'ore than a million
Christian humanism is the. co Catholic students attending secu
operativ.e influence of both tra c:i.i'ion and progress," said Father lar colleges and universities in
Michael P. Walsh, S.J., president the United Stl,ltes by 1970.
Vincent C. Burke Jr., who has
of Boston College, at a Mass marking the centenary of St. been reelected treasurer of the
Mary's College, conducted by National Newman Foundation
and' a. member of the executive
Christian Brothers here in Cali fornia. . . . committee of its board, said that is a chief reason why the New "The free men we would edu cate are open-minded, but not man organization has launched emptyminded,"the Jesuit priest a $5 million' campaign to carry stated. "They are familiar with, on, its work. the frontiers of knowledge, but in investigating the unknown they do not turn their back upon the known." Father Walsh also said that in "Catholic liberal education the BOSTON (NC)~A priest who central element of the language of learning and of free men is teaches law here said that a false the Word, Christ, the 'Verbum type of prudence is being used to promote the doctrine of grad Incarnatum,' " ualism in solving the racial crisis in this country. 'The great cardinal virtue of prudence is being misused as an excuse for not practicfng the great moral virtues of justice CLEVELAND (NC) - Use of and charity," said Father Wil contraceptive pills is a form of liam J. Kenealy, S,J., professor sterilization, and therefore im of law at Boston' College Law ., moral, a public health authority School. told the Catholic Physicians and "It is tI'11e," he continued, Dentists Guild here. ''that a certain amount of grad Dr. Robert A. Ratner, public ualism seems to be necessary, or health director in Oak Park, Ill.. in any. event inevitable. But said it makes no difference that Negroes grow old, as other men. the pill is a temporary form of For many of them the evening medical sterilization instead of of life approaches. How long a permanent surgical one. It is JIlust they wait? How long must stm against the order of nature, their children wait? he added. "All the weak human inclina Dr. Ratner, who is on the staff tions of selfishness, laziness, ti of the Stritch School of Medicine midity, complacency and con at Loyola University in Chicago, formism tend to strengthen the also said: . thesis oi gradualism and to sup"In addition to living our life morally, we have another prob lem, that is to live it wisely. Pharmacists' Guild And that calls fur having the Fall River Diocese Catholic utmost respect for the laws of Pharmacists' Guild of St. James nature, which are established by will hold its annual Mass at 9:45 the God of nature." Sunday morning, Oct. 27 at St. James Church, New Bedford. Following Mass members will News Centers meet for breakfast in the church nOME (NC) - Thirteen news basement imd the guild annual centers operated by bishops and meeting will be held with elec religious communities are serv tion of officers.. Pharmacists, ing newsmen covering the Vat members, and friends are' in ican CounciL vited.
Continued from Page held a victory march around the hall. The spirit created by this action was electric and, as the hundreds of committeemen from the 36 participating parishes left the hall, all could feel the con fidence that permeated the at mosphere as a .parish victory was seen for the first time. Eleven parishes' are past the half-way mark others are very close to this point. . The complete parish reportJ are as follows: . FALL RIVER 8t; Mary 31,090 . Blessed Sacrament 15,640 Espirito Santo 3,u:io I Holy Name 122,666 · Holy Cross . 3,860 Notre Dame 18,000 Our Lady of Angels 34,580 Our Lady of Health 1,000 Holy Rosary 32,080 , Immaculate Conception 45,610 Sacred Heart 47,670 St. Anne 6,950 St. Anthony of Padua 12,500 St. Anthony of Desert 11,400 St. Elizabeth 4,180 · St. Jean Baptiste. 14,520 St. Joseph 40,060 St. Louis 32,460 St. Mathieu 14,520 St. Michael 25,410 St. Patrick 10,020 SS.. Peter and Paul 11,320 St. Roch 47,200 St. Stanislaus 16,440 St. William 17,950 Santo Christo 9,460 ASSONET St. Bernard 3,88' CENTRAL VILLAGE
St. John Baptist 16,020
Our Lady of Grace 13,100
.OCEAN GROVE . St; Michael 11,58' . , SOMERSET . St, John of God. ·24,390 St. Patrick, 30,970 . St. 'Thomas More 23,860 SWANSEA' Our Lady of Fatima 19,600 St. Dominic \ 6,065 . St. Louis 19,000 '
Eiurke~ who is trust officer at . students who annually are 1n the Riggs National Bank here, creasing; providing lecture tours said there now are more than of pro min e n t scholars and 600,000 . Catholic students at statesmen, and fin;mcing a con tending secular colleges and uni';" tinuing . training program for versities. He said the campaign N ~---"":Ian chaplaiu.s. to provide for expansion of Na The New man apostolate, tional Newman Foundation work Burke recalled, was founded 70 has set as its goals: establishing years ago at· the University of chair$ of theology for teaching Pennsylvania. It now is recog Ct.tMlic thought and culture; nized "as a vitally important building and equipping Newman work of the ~hutch," he said•. Laymen Appeal centers with chapels, classrooms The $5 million campaign, he
QUE BE C (NC) - Laymen andl libraries; implementing a , said, was launched "so that we . spoke to the congregations at program for Catholic foreign may translate the long dreams Sunday Masses in 11 parishes of of students, chaplains and the this city on the eve of a public Ch'lrch into a living reality." campaign to raise $800,000 for With the approval of the U.S. 44' c h a r ita b I e works. They Bishops, the National Newman stressed the urgent need to meet Foundation was formed in 1959 · the 'goal of this city's united ap port the plea of seudoprudence. to obtain fun'ds for the needs peal. of ,Catholic young men and BUI~ the real virtue of prudence has nothing whatsoever to do women attending secular co)-, leges and universities. . with these moral weaknesses," NO JOB TOO .IG 'J~he Jesuit priest said pru NONE TOO SMALL dence is opposed to rashness, not Attleboro Counci' to 4X)urage," Attleboro Particular Council of the Society of St. -Vincent de Fa'il River Guild Paul will meet at 8 Monday PRINTERS l'aU River Catholic Guild for night, Nov. 4 at St. John School, the Blind will meet in Sacred Attleboro. Main OHice and Plant Heart School Sunday afternoon, LOWELL, MASS. following Rosary and Benedic 01852 tion in the church beginning'at 2:11>. Telephone Lowell
Says Prudence MiSt.lsed as Excuse For Gradualism in. Race Crisis
Physician Decries Anti-Birth Pill
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Baptist Pastor Asks New View
Rome s Attitude Seen Changing On Writer
RALEIGH (NC) - A Baptist pastor here said that the non Catholic 'Christian who responds today to Catholicism as he re garded it yesterday is no longer responding to reality. In a letter addressed to all Southern Baptist Convention editors, the Rev. W.W. Finlator, pastor, Pullen Memorial Baptist church, wr<>te of fast-changing attitudes of openness among· Catholics. "Some of us have been running fast just to keep up," he said. "In my own community, there has taken place' almost overnight an openness and ac-. ceptance am<>ng the Catholic leadersqip beyond the dreams of any of us a year or so ago." He also said that "the non Roman communion which fails to experience a similiar "ag giornamento' has forsaken its own Protestant principle of a continuing Reformation and can therefore have n<> appreciation of the tremendous spiritual fer ment within the Roman Church."
Asks 'ConverJion Of Catholics' ERLANGER (NC) - A bish . op recommended "conversion of Catholics" to a correct attitude toward Negroes as a significant need in the work of bringing Negroes into the Church. AUXiliary Bishop Paul F. Leibold of Cincinnati told the 25th anniversary meeting of the Midwest Clergy Conference on Negro Welfare here in Ken tucky: "You and I know that there are communities which are' percentagewise 'Catholic,' yet where the Negro simply is ostracized, with all the cliches, 'Keep bim in his place,' and 110 on. "An image of the Church 'without spot or wrinkle' cannot be presented while these condi tions exist." The B ish 0 p recommended more widespread liturgical par-. ticipation, development of com petent Catholic leaders woo. will work for Negro progress and home-visit programs to invite attendance at parish religious instruction classes.
Serra Medal Bill
CHICAGO (NC) - A Catholic librarian and author described here as "a marked departure" Rome's treat
MEDICAL MISSIONER: Dr. Joseph C. Foust, 39, and his wife Helen, are shown with six of their eight children before their new home in Tanganyika. A devout Catho lic, he sacrificed a promising career in the U.S. to work among the destitute in a foreign land. The Fousts, now visiting in St. Louis, will return to his hospital at Kisa, in the Diocese of Mbeya, an isolated missiOn post conducted by the White Fathers. Mrs. Foust teaches school at the mission house. NC Photo.
Legionaries Take to Sidewalks of New York To 'Preach Gospel to Every Creature' Very active. in the Fall River Diocese, the Legion of Mary is equally in evidence in other parts of the country. But probably never was it so much in the public eye as in New York last Sunday, when over 400 Legionaries "exploded onto the city sidewalks" as J>art of the program of a regional conference. Seeking to take' seriously Christ's com . Try Impossible mand to "preach the Gospel only recently arrived in' New to every creature," members York and was badly in ne.ed of . b y con t act'mg parIS . h ''We must determine," said 1>egan a rest, cleaning up and a place Father Reynolds, "how we can iioners .of St. Ann's and St. to stay. He was brought to the direct the Legion to· the needs of
Columba's Churches, in up and downtown New York City. They l1pproached people as they 'left :~ass and asked them to join the Legion. Some 500 names were obtained lmd the same afternoon Legion.. :uies visited each person in his home to invite him to a Legion. meeting. Meanwhile, at another parish, St. Elizabeth's, members <conducted a Patrician meeting ;aimed at making Catholics more :proficient in discussing their VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope. :religion. PaUl VI received representa Times Square Pa.trol tives of the U.S. Jewish com Other Legionaries went to munity here and spoke o~ the Times Square to set· up two common bond between Catholics pamphlet racks, and to Harlem and Jews in helping their neigh to set up another, on the street. bors and the common bond of Still other Legionaries, in teams the Bibie. -of .two, patrolled. the Times The Pope spoke to a study Square area all day talking to mission of the United Jewish the many people standing there. Appeal. The mission's task is to It Was an attempt on the part'of find ways and means to help the Legionaries to imitate the Jews in other countries. intense zeal of the early ChrisPope Paul expressed his es tians who went about spreading teem for them and for their the "good news." work. He pointed out that the After the day's activities were Catholic Church uses the Old finished, Legionaries regathered Testament extensively in her for a buffet supper and some reprayers and liturgy. He shid that counted their experiences. the whole Book of Psalms and Most of' them had done the some of the verses of the proph work for the first time and held ets are included in the Divine the rest spellbound with their Office which priests say daily. stories. A male Legionary from Buf. In ending the audience, the Pope asked God to help, guide falo, who worked at Times. and console all those present Square, exclaimed: "A week ago and those who collaborate in I would have thought it impostheir humanitarian work. sible for me to do this, but now I must say that it is fabulous." A Sister Legionary told how she and her partner had struck up a WASHINGTON (NC) - Pres conversation in Times Square ident Kennedy has signed into with a man from' Alaska. Amazed law a bill to strike 300,000 at the crowd and glitter of the medals in honor of the 250th an area, he thanked the Legionaries niversary of the birth of Father for being the first to talk to him. Junipeto Serra, O.F.M. Father In another instance at Times Serra, born Nov. 24, 1713, in Square, a Brother Legionary Majorca, Spain, was a pioneer from Baltimore and his 'fellow missiona17 in California. ....orker met a man who had
Pope Receives
Jewish Mission
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 24, 1963
ment of the works of the con troversial priest-scientist Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. Father Redmond A. Burke, C.S.V., director of libraries at De Paul University, not e d that while Rome authorities including the Holy Office have issued warning about Teilhard's writ- . - Jngs, his books have not .been placed on the Index. "This is a marked departure because of the fact that it simply is a warning and (his work) has not been included in the Index of For bid d e nBooks," said Father Burke, author of the book "What Is the Index?" The late Father Teilhard was a French Jesuit paleontologist. His writingso on religions and scientific themes, particularly evolution, have received both praise and criticism in Catholic and non-Catholic circles. Father Burke suggested that the Church's Index of Forbidden Books is due for revision by the ecumenical council. "Current educated Catholics face complex situations, calling not for propaganda, hysteria, fear, frustration or despair, but for what might be described as the pure flame of intelligence applied to the contemporary scene," he said. "The Catholic layman especi ally must be prepared to face, discuss and sometimes decide issues involVing ••• racial seg regation, divorce, birth control and or international tensions. "It is with these factors in mind that Church legislation re garding reading' and books will be considered by the council. Book legislation suited for the' 16th century is inappropriate for the 20th," Father Burke com mented. .
Legionary's hotel room where he the' Church * * • The Legion' can showered and slept, and ar . do, any work. We should have rangements were then made for the 'bravery and the courage to .him to spend the night in a Cath to try. the impossible.". Let olic shelter. us serve the Church in the spirit Harlem Work of Mary." "Wonderful," was the way a James Wallace, president of Sister Legionary described her the Brooklyn Comitium, in his feelings' toward the work she talk or "The Work of the Legion had done in Harlem. She and of Mary" said that "We are en her partner had interested gaged in a war. The war between Catholics in Active and Auxil good and evil. We win battles iary Membership in the Legion here and there, but on the whole $0. Dartmouth and h~d gotten three non-Catho the war. is going badly. The and Hyannis lics willing to take a correspond-. work of the Legion of Mary is to WY 7-93'4 course in Catholicism. bring Christ to souls • • •. to con Also in Harlem, two Legion tinue the work of Mary by $0. Dartmouth aries approil ched a man ~aiting bringing Christ into the world. Hyannis 2921 for a bus. Knowing their time We must reach out in a very might be very limited they soon definite way to people." found out he was not a Catholic. A~ the.bus neared, they explain_ ed to him the correspondence course in Catholicism which he Enjoy the Highest Rate on said he would 'like to take. As your Savings consistent he stepped onto the bus, he fin. with. Safety ~ ished giving them his name and Your ~avings address. are Insured Another viewpoint was prosafe by on vided by a Legionary Seminarian agency of the CURRENT from Maryknoll who worked at Times Square. He was "edified" U. S. Gov't. RATE by what he had seen and done, and expressed the fervent hope ;
that he and his fellow Semina rians will have a zealous group ~ FREE/KIT Send us this coupon for FREE save- ~
of Legionaries behind them , by-moil forms and details on , after they are ordained.
Conference Program , starting on account. , Other conference activities in~ Signe~ ~ cluded workshop meetings of 170 spiritual directors. Works of the ~ St. & No. ~ Legion and spiritual direction of members were discussed. ~: City ~ Lay members heard talks on "The Spirit of the Legion" and Resources over $27,000,000 the "The Legion of Mary-Hand_ maid of the Church." Some 1,000 Legionaries heard the latter ad dress, .delivered by Rev. Edward J. Reynolds, spiritual diector of '. ·HOME OFFICE 1 North Main St., cor Bedford - Open Fri. Eve. 'Inl 8 the three-state Legioll. Senatus area covering New York, New SOMERSET OFFICE 149 G.A.R. Highway. Route 6 Jersey and Pennsylvania.
, , ,
........................................., , , , ,
.' ./,,;,,
.~, ~ -,
TIiEANCHOR-Diocese of Fatf-River-Thurs.;Oct. 2'4, -'963 '
They Have Poverty
Biography Popular Account Of .English Prelate's Life
God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J•. Sheen, D.D. • ROME - A Bishop wears his purple on the outside for the benefit of the people. He can always wear a hair shirt on the inside for the benefit of himself. As one sits in Council with 2,500 bishops one has the feeling that many of them would be more comfortable if they had on a hair shirt.
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S.'Kennedy The names of two cardinals - Newman and Manning - dominate the history of the Catholic Church in England during the nineteenth century. The name of a third is escliped by theirs - that of Nicholas Wiseman. Yet Wise man had everything to do form of C h u r c h with that most dec i s i v e ventional government , but sought to do event, the restoration of the this gradually and· discreetly. hierarchy. He was the first Where there had been, for
Archbishop of Westminster. And
generations, f 0 u r vicariates apostolic, it was decided in 1840 else, who ef to establish eight.
fected a major
Wiseman was given episcopal change in the consecration, sent as coadjutor attitude of to Bishop Walsh in the Midlands, Catholics' and and appointed president of St. the t tit u d e Mary's College at Oscott.
to-'''\rd Catho
Ten years later, there came liilS. He de the re-introduction of the hier serves far archy, with resident bishops in ,grea·ter notice stead of vicars apostolic. Wise than he com man, who since 1847 had been monly gets. A pro-vicar for the London dis pop~'lar account trict, was chosen as the first oc count of his life cupant of the metropolitan see and work is now available in of Westminster, which was to Nicholas Wiseman by Brian have 12 suffragan sees. This Fothergill (Doubleday. $4.95). action stirred up a howling Wiseman was of Irish ancestry, storm of anti-Catholic animl;ls in but' he was born in Spain, in': the country. 1802. His grandfather had settled The outbqrst of bigotry, sur in'Seville as a merchant; and the prising and dismaying to Wise future 'cardinal's" father re-' man, who was returning from • mained there in the same capa-" visit to Rome w.ith the dignity city. When Nicholas was three, of' • cardinal, was ,in some his, father died, and his mother measure his own fault. He had brought the family to Waterford made an astonishirig 'miscalcu ill Ireland. lation. Astonishing, because" in At eight or nine,' Nicholas was his 10' years as vicar apostolic, sent to' Ushawl England, for he had shown himself know schooling. There he stayed for ledgeable and prudent where the eight years, and in 1818 he went English were concerned. to ;Rome to 'study for the priest He had done splendid work, Ilood. organizing the Church, opening Nine years were to elapse be up new horizons 'for it, im fore the Catholic Emancipation proving its tone and ttl! spirit, Act came into force in England; receiving converts '(-he con legally, the Catholic religion wal firmed Newman in 1845), and still proscribed, and Catholics gaining respect for himself and were debarred from many pub the Church among those tradi He offices. They were • small, tionally hostile. mute minority, and were de Appeal to'ReasoD prived of the organization of But he was carried away by the Church which prevailed the joy and the glory ,of the elsewhere. reintroduction of the hierarchy Respected Figure after such a long, dreary inter When young Wiseman arrived val. And he wrote an exuberant, at the English' College in the indeed extravagant, pastoral let Eternal City, he found it empty ter, imprudently worded in some and unused. It had been plun respects, ,which he aent' home dered by the French revolu ahead. of, him., ' " tionary armies two decades be 'J;'he Times of London pro fore; and' had not 'been reopened ' fessed to 'see' 'in 'the' hitter a until the coming of" the little grievous affront to the English band of which Wiseman. was one. and their national church, as It could well have stood as a well as insolent claim to symbol of the estate of the temporal jurisdiction. It thun
Church in England itself. dered editorially: The prime
1825, Wiseman minister, Lord John Russell,
After his ordination, in 1825, joined in the damor because It Wiseman s'ti:lyed on in Rome, ,as was 'politically expedient. A tempest of vituperation, along pre~cheJ:' for the English Catho lics' resident there, as vice rector with some violence, enilueq. " But if Wiseman had touched of t~e English C,ollege, and professor of, Oriental languages off the trouble, he stilled it witll at the Roman University (a posl~ , a masterly pamphlet, "An Ap tion which he went rigM' to', t~e peal to the Reason 'and Good Feeling of the English Peopie pOpe to ask for). ' on the SUbject of the Catholic He became a familiar and spected figure in the ' city, ,. Hierarchy." The storin quickly blew over, yet Wiseman never Jenial, friendly man with • formidable array of knowledge agam enjoyed official confidence and a fascinating speaker' (. in the country. Gace Church CoDltdenee ·long-winded one, too. for some Wiseman waa a volatile pet.' of his addresses lasted two aDd a half hours). English visiw1'lS IlOl\, by turns unduly elated and invariably sought him out,' and unduly depressed. He was a among these was Newman, in hearty eater and became enor mously fat. People were amazed 1833, still a pillar of the Angli at the disparity between his ap can establishment. It was not until 1835 that ,pearance and his intellectual Wiseman returned to England, delicacy and discernment. But for all his faults, he in after an absence of 17 years, and then only for a visit. The troduced an attitude of mind, visit was prolonged, and during a style, a confidence, a courage, it he lectured extensively. His a generosity, and sense of voca audiences numbered as many tion which were vitally neces non-Catholics as Catholics, and sary for the Church in an age of change and opportunity. his lucid and irenical presenta Neither Newman nor Manni,ng tion of Catholic belief and prac tice gained a hearing for the could do precisely what he did. It was well said of him that he Church such as it had not en joyeqin England .for centuries. found the, Catholics of England The "MAlYJ §3E:e! "cP\lt~mplat~d a;,~~9\l,tedo~~)all4."~,fl; ~JH.t~ setting up in EnJ1.ln;i the cGn~ a Church. ' it 'was he, more than anyone
A R I Z 0 N A: Statue of Jesuit Father Eusebio Kino will represent Arizona in U.S. Capitol's Hall of Fame.
This II1(»rnin~. one was telling me 01 his great anXiety' when he sent three nuns into a desert to care lor ZOO,OOO starvlDc people. One day they were journeyinl" by Volkswagen to aid the sick in a distant place. At one point they began to ford a river bed with only a few inches 01 water in It. But a sudden torrential rain produced a flood, and the little car carrying the three 01 them was swept down the river in the torrent. Providentially. they were stopped by a tree which was growing in the river bed. They climbed into the upper branches only to see the auto disappear. Imagine the surprise 01 the natives the next morning as they heard the cries of the good Sisters. And this is the way the Gospel was first preached to these people. The bishop wanted to know II we could ret him another Volkswagen lor the SisterS.
Another missionary bishop introduced to me one of his priests whom he said was living in the "green hell of the Amazon." He had only 10,000 people in an area of 35,000 square miles - and Continued from Page One no transportation. Most of his parishioners were Japanese. (Little NCWC, world's largest volun tary relief agency, to distribu ' do we realize that there are more Catholic Japanese in Brazil than in Japan.) Five other bishops came in a body to our desk tion centers in areas of need and , to beg Mass stipends for their priests, whom they said had no distress in 67 countries. other means of livelihood. ' Among the largest shipments listed from the 1962 collection were: Chile,' 1,033,987 pounds; And where do 10U suppose, the Lord has put me for this Formosa, 971,340 pounds; Eella':' ' second Session 0; the Council? In the front row, where I' am 80 dor, 881,233 pounds; Philippines, accessible to our beloved poor missionaries. These &'oocI apostles 734,984 pounds; Tunisia, 542;640 have something worse than a hair shirt; they have poverty! pounds; Colo m b i a, 456,137 Please help'D).e help them. The Church is so blessed in such men!, pounds; Pa rag u a y, 441,728 pounds; Korea, 427,768 pounds; and Morocco,425,684 pounds. Emergency Shipments GOD LOVE YOU to J.B. for $50 "AskiI!g your prayers." ••• Bishop Swanstrom noted that to L.A.L. for can't forget a sentence in the September issue large quanti,ties of clothing and of MISSION: 'To turn the pages of MISSION and make no sacri other supplies were sent as fice for the MissioM il to take your cup of water and turn your emergency shipments to aid vic back on Christ thirsting on the CroSll.''' ••• to Mrs. J' K. for $5 tims of floods, earthquakes and "Ill honor of St. Theresa for many prayers answered." other disasters during the past year. Hours after an earthquake lalft You earIT the Blef/Sed Mother's tmare fa yoar Dean. but J'uly leveled Skoplje, Yugosla 'W'b7 Dot mow It by wearinc her GOD LOVE YOU medal! 'lbe via, Catholic Relief Services ten letters GlGOD LOVE YOU form a decade of,the rOMl'J' .. sent 150,000 pounds of clothing the,- encircle tbf. medal originated by Bishop Sheen to honor and blankets from its warehouse tile Madonna of the World. With your request and • corre in Trieste to the stricken city. sPODdin&' offerbllr yoa may order a' GOD LOVE YOU medal in , When Spl-lng floods rav~eel ....,. ODe 01 tlte followin&' styles: . the Villa Riva region 01. the , Z small sterlinr silver Do~inican Rep ubi I e, 13,500 pounds of clothing and, bedding S 3 small'10k &'Old IDled were sent by CRS - NcwC to '$ li Jarre s&erlinlr iilver aid victims oi the disaster~ , $10-' ~I'e 10k rold filled ' Large amounts of clothing anel shoes, as well as food and medi cine, were supplied by Catholie O1It out th.. eolumll. plD ,oar sacrifice to It an.d man it to Relief Services to survivors of tile lIo.t Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Sooie'" , a cyclone that killed mOre than , . the PropacatioD 01 the Faith, 361 Fifth, Avenue, New York 10iOOO in East Pakistan. J. N. T .. 01' ,oar ,Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T., Said Bishop Swanstrom: CONSIDINE. 161 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. "Despite the' 'encouraging in crease noted in the 1962 ThaDks.:. giving ,Clothing Collection' re port, we find' a great 'and con tinuing need for elothing' ,ID ateas of misery and pove.t"tt around the world.
Clothing Drive
'I "[
'YES we have
E»9c lb. MacLean'. Sea Foocls UNION WI4AM', 'ItIIHAVIN
Sa'.. & Serylce 501 COUNTY ST.
- T.HE·•.ANCHO.R..... _..- -,-,,19 Thurs., O!=t. 24, 1963
Mount St. Mary
Lay. Teachers
.Total Seven Seven lay teachers augment
the faculty of Sisters of Mere;}'
atMt. St. Mary Academy, Fall
Mrs. Bessie L. Appel earned a
bachelor's degree at Lowell
Technological Institute in 1932
and a master's degree in educa
tion at Bridgewater State Col
lege in 1962.
She is the mother of two
daughters, one married and a
teacher, the other a freshman at
Ohio Wesleyan University.
Mrs. Claire Carvalho is • graduate of Salve Regina Col lege, where she majored in his tory and sociology. Her husband is a social studies teacher at Heiuy Lord Junior High School in FalI River and he is also a basketbalI coach at Prevost High School, also Fall River. They have two sons, 17 months and four months old. Visual Desgin Mrs. Claire Fairhurst, mother
of a six year old daughter, is
graduate of Durfee High
LAY FACULTY: L~y teachers at Mt. St. Mary Aca L. Appel, Mrs. Claire Carvalho, Miss Mildred Sullivan, Miss· aSchOOl in Fall River and has
demy, Fall River, are, seated, Robert Lapounty, Mrs. Bessie Ursula Jaruszewski; standing, Mrs. Mary. O'TOOle. taken education courses at
Prevost students are watching Bridgewater State· College. She
wices, replays the tapes and makes corrections. The sessions the birdie tbis week as they pose will receive a B.S. degree in
. have had many amusing results. for yearbook ·and graduation Visual Design from Bradford
Durfee College of Technology·
Brother Clemente, say stu pictures. "Flash bulbs are pop ~'ctivities June 1964.
dents, can't help teaching French ping all over the school" .say. in Miss Ursula Jaroszewski, a·'
by the most approved of modern reporter Reginald Cardin. graduate of Salve Regina Col~
methods-that of using only the Watch Birdie lege, will start work on a ma~
The junior class at Holy :Family High in New :Bedford language . being taught. The . Also at Prevost, the. Maple ter's degree· in American history
received their class rings at the traqitional ceremony held Quebec native speaks no English Leaves will start basketball in January. She is moderator for
in the school today. Bishop James Gerrard, V.G. blessed the .and as a matter of fact is at practice Monday, Oct. 28. Season 1M World Affairs-United Na
rings which are of a new deflign, square instead of round Prevost to leam the tongue. tickets are available for ail home tions Club at Mt. St. Mary's. .
Students say that m the mean games. Robert S. Labounty is a grad-
and with the new school em drive is underway. Faculty and time his French classes are fas At SHA Fall River juniors un nate of Boston College, where he
blem on one side and t h e students are grateful for the cinating and iilformative and der chairmen Kathy Silvia and . majored in soCiology. He teaches
Mercy Shield on the other. many donations being presented .opine that "if he succeed!! in his Paula Powers have set Wednes . American history to juniors and
The stone remains tradi-· the schooL A letter has been sent future career as a missionary day, Oct. 30 as the date for their ·seniors. .
annual Halloween party. Com. tional blue with a Miraculous to the parents of Feehan· students as well as he succeeds asa ·teach Librarian ·at· the Fall River
Medal beneath it. and. other persons interested in ei, he should prove a tremen mittees are handling decorations, academy is Miss Mildred A. Sul
tickets, refreshments, entertain This was the second cause for the development of the school dous asset to the Church." livan. She atterided Smith Col
Camelot Beckons ment and the all-important le·ge and.graduated from Kath
eelebration on the part of the library inviting them. to tak.e . juniors recently for, in coopera. part in the drive.. Basketball· intramurals have clean-up. erine Gibbs ~chool, Providence.
And· starting today at the Fall tion with the seniors, those stu Meanwhile Sister M. Thomas been held by students at Bishop Mrs. Mary O'Toole is a gradu~
dents in the Latin cla$S study Aquinas, R.S.M., ~brarian, will Cassidy. High· and they say that River academy the annual mag. ate of Bridgewater State College
.ing Virgil celebrated the 2033rd meet, for one period during· th~ the ·varsity team's prospects ap . azine drive Is .under way, with where she majored in. physical
profits to boost the school build anniversary Qf· his birth. The coming week, with al~ fr~shmen pear prOmising. ... education and took minor
. .. class held a birthday party com-' to· instruct them· m the· proper . Halloween will hold more than ing fund. coUrses in sCience.· She holds a
Rev. John LOughlin and Rev. B.S. degree in ·education and
plete with .ball/oons, cake, use. of the library. spooks and goblins for Diocesan streamers, candles, and birthday' Colle&,e Bound high schoolers this year. Many· Bernard McLaughlin have ·been coaches· basketball and· volley
"hymn." The seniors wore make Students at Bishop Cassidy schools are making up theatre conducting a retreat at Bishop ball teams at Mt. S*. Mary's~ She
shift togas and lauI;'el wreaths High in Taunton. were. also in.... parties to attend the live produc. Stang High. Both..are from the has one·90n, a ·year old. "
around· their heads. structed m proper library pro-. tion .of "camelot" ·scheduled for Boston Archdiocese. An added .Oct. 31 at the Durfee Theatre in feature· of this retreat was the Tora-clad ROmaD cedure recently. Sister Mary Jo The event· started with the ~ph, library consultant, who Fall River. Bishop Cassidy and offeri?g of two .eyenings of rec . dent; Carol Oliveira, secre~ . Susan Guay, treasurer. "invocation to the gods" in wortked with Sister Mary Sacred Hearts,· Fairhaven, will ollectlon· to parents: ,. Alu~nae are .in ,the new" at . ,Also to student ·.council ·offl which Edward Parr, senior class Charles at the Cassidy library be among ~hose sending busload.
Ho}y . F~mily. n<!tea Beatrice. eel's at Fall River's DA,· who are
president, asked the "gods to al during the Summer, returned to of students.
Abrah~m. The ~ingsmen, organ- , -Ire~ Gagnon, president·; Sharoa
.. At Dominican Academy.:It
low Virgil to attend the party ia give the girls a Ubrary orienta. ~ed by Robert .<;:larkson" and ~raga, vice~president;··Janin.· ..(..; spirit. After the invocation Mau_ tion program. The subject of her , .eniors are making plans to at Gerald Robillar4 ~ the Class.oi Chouinard·' secretary' Pauline reen O'Brien, a junior, presented talk· .was the Dewey Dec~ tend an open house at the Am '13 will play. ~or. the ·annual Phenix, tr~aSurer.,. ' herst campus of the University SilJter Mary Thecla, R.S.M.., mod system... senior dance,.to beheldtomoJ,". , Geraldi~ Cote and Valerie ·erator, .with a cake shaped like a Rev. Edmond Walsh, D~rector of Massachusetts ·this· Saturday. row night at New Bedford Hotel. Stinton are the school corre . house upon which • toga-clad of Admissions at Boston College, They're still holding eleCtions . And· Kathleen Scrscento; also $POndents for· the Providence Roman stood. will address prosPective students at St. Anthony's in New Bedford. '13, is running .fo~ freshman Journal. .. After th~presentation and the at Prevost High m Fall River Named to office in the most re Students at St. Anthony's bay. feast,· which consisted of cookies . ~ay. And tomorrow Mr. Rene eent votings were ViVian Costa, class secret.&ry at UMass,while entered an essay contest on the and milk, the toga-clad seniors' Thibault will talk to mterested president, and Yvette Laferriere, Bonita Gomez '631s' ~ssistant ed: itor of a dorm paper at WisOOn importance of nutrition and are were assembled in front· of a seniors on the subject 01 ac vice-president· of the· Commer. also rooting for Charles Levesque drawing· of the tombstone of counting and· auditing. Both cial Club; and Henry Pelletier, si~ state College.. . Christmas Pageant who will represent the school at Virgil with its famous inscrip talks are part of a program ini president, Patrick Robitaille, Christmas is already in the air a French oratory contest Satur tion to pose for memory book tiated by Brother Roland, prin-· vice-president, and Donald He pictures. Juniors and seniors cipal at Prevost, to stimulate bert, secretary of the junior at Bishop Feehan, where stu-· day, Nov. 2 Subject will be the dents are preparing the annual student's favorite fable of La were grateful for the coopera students who are college bound. Serra Club. . Yule pageant, ·scheduled this Fontaine, and. why it is biI tion of Sister Charles Francis, French Club. At Prevost sIx varsity debaters year for Sunday, Dec. 15. A choice. R.S.M., prinCipal, for making And from Dominican Acad are making ready to represent chorus and band series of selec At Mt. St. Mary's. a pot luck the pa·rty the success it was. emy in Fall River Jeanne Le the school at a forensic sympo tions, followed by a pageant, are supper is planned for tonight vesque reports Elizabeth Paiva sium to be held Saturday, Nov. planned. . Library Drive by the Mother McAulay Guild. Jane . Sullivan reports .from has qualified for a letter. of com 9 at Tufts University. And at Nearer ·at hand is a Halloween Girls and parents will join in Mount St. Mary's Academy in mendation from the National Sacred Hearts, Fall River, girls party, planned by Feehanites square dancing to follow the Fall River that partying is also in Merit Scholarship Qualifying were· briefed on this year's de Nancy Weldon and Leanne meal. the news there. The freshman Program. In order to receive bate topic, Medicare, by Atty. Campbell for children in Sturdy And at Bishop Feehan revl senior party was a tremendous such a. letter, the student must Francis McGreavy. Memorial Hospital Oct. 31. The slons of student patrol rules are Debaters at Bishop Stang, Future Nurses Club is the spon success· and accomplished its· be in the top two per cent of the in the air as well as changes in North Dartmouth, will be led by soring group. . purpose of making all freshmen nation's seniors. . student c~urt and demerit sys feel at home. Each school club The French club at Bishop . Peter Sweetser, president; Emii· Twenty-five girls are eager terns. Sister M~ry Urban, prin presented a humorous skit ex·· Ca'ssidY· High is planning a trip DesRoches, .vice-president; Car bowlers at lI:ft. St. Mary Acad cipal, will meet with seniors to plaining the club's activities. to the Boston Museum of Fine olyn Durant, secretary; John emy, Fall RIver. They compete make the alterations. After the skits each senior re.. Arts in the near future. The Golenski, treasurer; while at St. every Tuesday at Walko Alley" ceived a freshman "sister" and club, which was only recently Anthony's, students hav.e al under president Cheryl Grail; See k5 $250, 000 . gave her a big bow symbolizin(~ organized, has plans for many ready debated on Medicare with vice-president Anne Marie Dai BROOKLYN (NC)-St. Fraaoe her baby statuus. The part)' future activities. a team from Catholic Memorial gle and secretary Karen Jones. Congratulations to senior clast cis College here has announced ended with songs and refresh,~ Meanwhile at Prevost Brother on the varsity level. The St. An:. a goal of $250,000 to be sougba ments. Clemente, teacher of French, b~ thony novice. tearrt will' meet officers at SHA Fairhaven, in Meanwhile at Feehan High bl organized.. l~p for with peers at SHA· Fairbavea eluding Joan Reinhardt, - presl. from. business and'iinduBtr7 b , .A.ttJell.~' 'AI '1IIaDUnOtb, ·tillrallilr'l',.JleDion. •. Bei,'HCe",-,I:lIt1IdeD~ .~baUDB 1ibe same topic. " . d~Gar01:C~' 'Y~..~ .. ~"devlllop~nu Jll'.~' ,.,
Parties, Ring Cel'emonies, Drives, Among Current At . Diocesan. High· Schools
.. ':' r . , .
," J
~ ~
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of faR River-Thurs., Oct. 24, 19~,3
CommOft Doctrines Encourage Unity _PUEBLO (NC)-A Protestant Episcopal Bishop, speaking at a Roman Catholic Mass here, said the sharing by the two churches of certain doctrines should "bind us into a determination that we shall again be one." Episcopal Bishop Joseph S.
'Sees Only Fraud and Grielf -In Varsity S'ports Today By Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. You must have heard about a famous straw that goes around breaking camels' backs? Now a camel is billed 88 having a pretty tough back, and so the circumstances must have to be just right for this to happen. There will have to be a lot of straws going that varsity sports Increas:e before the big one. Recently school spirit. And we've taken such a straw was laid gently this on faith I/O long we no on my own fairly strong longer question it. Let's question back - a harmless' bit in the . paper about a college basketball
robbed of six 1 good practices :-1:· by quarter )
exams." Just a '.,:.:
straw. . But it
was the big one,
because 110
ma ny straws
had preceded
Sports - that is organized varsity sports in schools - seem to be influencing the old academy spirit. They cause battles (spats?) between coaches, alumni and faculty, with the coaches usually winning on points-one big point being an item called money. Every day you hear of another private school giving up some varsity sport or other, largely because of an incredible finan .dal loss, a phenomenon that in spires at least one question: In that same period of time, how much do· you suppose these neavy losers on sports dropped on the debating squad? The colleges are bad enough, · but this sports myth has spread to the high schools and even : ·the grade schools, where the vic ,tims are little kids instead of big · ones, and 80 less able to spot · the phoniness. Schedules Come First At commencement ceremonies, · ,you might not hear too much · about the classical clubs, but , 'you're always kept up to date on the sports program, especially if · the old Alma Mater (or even ! Alma Baby Sister) had a pretty ':good year. Any sales (ticket, · eakes, the old desks, mono 'gramed martini glasses) around :the school are invariably athle 'tic department drives. After all, the grade school in McKeesport, : Pa. which. has an $8,000 annual football budget has to scrounge · 'it somewhere. The Fathers' Club in most • 8Chools has only one P\llllOse 'not fatherly guidance exactly, '·but the furthering of the athle tic program. Meetings for the , letter men and pep ~lubs are · held, but other types of meetings are tolerated only 'reluctantly when they don't interfere with the formerahd can't be avoided. School s c h e d u 1 e s revolve around sports schedules which have been set up first, and no one dares to risk any possible conflicts. If other meetings are held, moderators are cautioned not to allow them to take up too much time - but the varsity can practice for hours nightly and that is not too much time. Disproportion of Values Now why'all this? Under what guise can such a vast dispropor tion of values exist? HGW Clin anything gain such enorm.ous af fection in the hearts of adminis trators? Traditional propaganda has it
Honorary Degree PHILADELPHIA (NC) -An thony J. Celebrezze, U. S. Secre tary of. Health, Education and Welfare, will give the principal · address and receive an honorary ])Qctor of Laws degree at La salle College's centennial honors '. convocation next Sunday. l.. .. .. .. •
it now. Do they? How? You don't often hear anyone . - even the greatest worship pers- claiming that sports prof it anyone intellectually. How could they? The athletic depart ment invariably reports it to the newspapers when a stanaout player is also an "A" studen1~ a practice that sounds suspici ously like the dog biting thl~ man. If they were all good stu·· dents the "A" lJtudent tackll~ would hardly be news. And if sports' help them intellectually, they should all be getting Ull there. Teachers will tell you . this doesn't happen. School Big Shots Vilrsity sports are ballyhooed as character builders, and all . teachers of sportsmanship. 11: true, it would be a shame to keep
these benefits for so few. But
it's not true. They don't build,
these things.
r.' • • -'l
GREEN· STAMPS, TOOl BISHOP. ELECT: Msgr. John J. Ward, 43, has been named titular Bishop of Bria and Auxiliary to J. Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles. A native of Los Angeles, the bishop-elect was ordained in 1946. NC Photo.
'Arrogance, Fear' Impede Dialogue
This is the biggest joker 01'
the whole stacked deck. They cause more pride than sports ROME (NC) - An Argentine manship in kids. Who are the clergyman who is an alternate heroes of the school, the big Observer-delegate of the World shots? And who knows it better Methodist Council at Vatican than the heroes themselves Council II said here that the except maybe their parents? greatest obstacles to ecumenical This is character? dialogue are arrogance, resent It's more exalting a kid's ego ment and fear. long before he's mature enough The Rev. Jose Miguez-Bonino, to know that he isn't that good. dean of the Protestant theologi He's only relatively good, but cal school in Buenos Aires, his horizons are not yet broad voiced hope for changes in the enough for him to see that far. attitudes of both Catholics and Not School's Job Protestants in Latin America. Sports are wonderful -. 'in' Be said in an interview wi·th their place. Professional coni. the Bulletin of the Federal petition is tremendous - I mean Council of Protestant Churches professional competition t h Ii t . in Italy: exists as such, above-board, and "To achieve real progress, not the paid pros in our schools. ' C'a tho 1 i cis m . must give up There is benefit in athletics, - exerting' force and claiming legal and in competition, .but there is . authority, and Protestantism only fraud and grie.f, with a few . must learn to behave in • accidental good by-products, in . mature and responsible way. The varsity spor~s as they .exist in most serious· obstacles to ecu college, high schools,. and, in menical dialogue are arrogance, creasingly, in grade schools to resentment and fear." day. . Sees Tha.w Beginning The job ofa school is not the Dr. Miguez-Bonino said be presentation of public spectacles, noted the beginning- of a thaw no matter how profitable they in Church relations during a may be either in money or recent visit to hine Latin Ameri prestige. can countries. He indicated that TaU Wa.gS Dog this improvement in, relations If a school's dedicated athletes primarily involves Catholics and gave lin :hour _to the books for members of the older Protes every hour of sports. practice, tant bodies, such as Presby they would' be able to come up terians, Lutherans, Episcopalians with a few "cum laude's" any and Methodists. how. Paul Gallico once wrote a The Pentecostalists and other book called FAREWELL TO fundamentalist sects are only SPORTS, because he was fed up "on the fringe of the ecumenical ·with the phoniness in profes movement," he said. sional sports. Sadly, I consider this °a poor man's farewell to academic Christopher Show sports, because I hate to see Ii Starts ,12th Year tail wag a dog. I like dogs too NEW YORK (NC) - The well, tail and all. Christopher Program has com. pleted filming a new series AssociQtion Honors which will. launch its 12th year on television in the United Nov~na Director States, Canada and the Armed EMMITSBURG (NC)-Father. Forces Network. Louis J. Mendelis, director of Father . James Keller, M.M., the Miraculous Medal Novena founder in 1945 of the Christo and pastor· of ·St. Alphonsus pher Movement, said personal church in Baltimore, was hon . ities in the new series, to be seen ored at Mount St. Mary's Col1~e , on '313 stations, are Barbara here in Maryland for service to . Billingsley, Ann Blyth, Joe E. country and Church. Brown,: Jeanne Crain, Ruth Hus He was chosen by the college's sey, Steven McNally, Hugh alumni association to receive the O'Brian, Gigt Perreau, Cesar DuBois Medal, named after Bish. Romero, Dick Van Dyke, Harry op John DuBois who founded Von Zell, Lawrence Welk and the school in 1808.
Jane Wyatt. •
:Minnis of Colorado told the con gregation that his appearance was an historic occasion, "prob ably the first of its kind lIiDce the 16th century." The Mass took place on the Colorado State Fairgrounds. It was spon90red by the K. of C.
Fifth Big Week!
Bring ill tH FiM WHb collpOll dlat fOIl received III the worth
350 Bonus Stlmps
Fryers & Broden 211a to 311a LI AVI - RNdy to Coole
Satisfy Your Families Hearty Appetite.
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Hawaiian Punch REGULAR - All Flavor. Royal Puddings 4 Field Fresh Flavor . Dole PINEAPPLE Juice 31~~SZ R!G
Hallow.'en Treat - All Popular Varieties
Candy Bars FIRST
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24,-1963
AT BISHOP CASSIDY HIGH: Highlights at Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton include fashion show, with models Mary Beth Bird, Jean Andrade, Virginia Calve:y, and first blessing of rings, with Ann
Youth More Generous Now In Facing Challenges NEW ORLEANS (NC) - A priest-author evaluated today's crop of youngsters as "much more generous" and no less obedient when compared to the youth of 20 years ~go. "They're much harder to de ceive today," Father Andrew Greeley of Ohicago told the 1963 West and Midwest Diocesan Di rectors of Vocations convention here. "They are much less pati ent than we would have been with empty formalism, pioue silliness, narrow intellectualism, petty rivalry, ritualisti,c trivia lity and 9!'Ilall-minded tyranny." Father Edward Phelan of Peoria, nl., said: "We've brought Madison Avenue to the convent," in describing successful cam paigns of promotiop and publi eity fo~ sisterhoods. Reachin&, Public
"The hue and cry that there aren't any vocations is ,certainly erroneous," Father Phelan said. "It's a matter of reaching the pUblic, letting them know what you're doing and letting them know they are needed." Father Greeley, auth~r of the books "The Church and the Suburbs" and "Strangers in the House," said if "we can persuade young people that our work is contact with the needs of modern man and forwarding Christ's goals," then seminaries and novitiates will have more students than they "will know what to do with." Challenging
He said youngsters must be shown the priesthood is "chal lenging, exciting and relavent."· All the vocation campaigns will
Prelate Dedicates Science Facilities QUEBEC (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop Lionel Audet of Quebec officiated and Quebec Minister of Natural Resources Rene Levesque spoke at the dedica tion of two new science wings at Laval University's multi million-dollar suburban Univer sity City. , The wings are named for the 1 ate Archbishop Alexandre Vachon of Ottawa, first dean of Laval's science faculty, and for Adrien Pouliot, second lICience dean, who is sUli a Laval profea
lie useless "if their image of tt priestly and religious life is one of passivity, dullness, card ~;orting and paper shuffling." The younger generation of today "looks· at us with a cold, hard eye and says: ·What the hell are you doing?' And some j.imes we can't tell them," Father Greeley lIllid. Stressing the generosity of today's youth, the priest-author lIllid "our genera 1tion of 20 years ago would DOt :bave contributed to the Papal Volunteers or the Peace Corps" like modern younsters. Lose Contact
Father Phelan said some sisterhoods because of restricted work in hospitals, homes for aged and similar institutions lose contact with young women. Be recommended advertising and publicity campaigns to increase vocations among sisterhoods. He eited several examples of how such calQpaigns had succeeded at several communities.
108 Louisianans Serve Missions
Carbonneau, student council president and Madeleine Cayer, senior class president, receiving them from Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C. princi pal.
Audiences .Popes - Moment of Fullness· VATICAN CITY (NC) -Pope Paul VI told an overflowing general a u 'd i e n c e that such meetings "offer Us the occasion, ~rhaps the only one, of meeting you, knowing you and blessing you. Our ministry here finds a moment of fullness." The aUdience, held in the Han
of . Benedictions which holds 5,000 people, overflowed and filled the Regal and Ducal Halls in the Vatican Palace as well as two-thirds of the Cour·tyard of St. Damasus, which is normally used only for parking of digni taries' cars. Among the groups at the audi
ence were members of the An cient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts,. the oldest military company in the U.S.; a group from the F.B.I. Recreational Association, and other from the Palestinian Ecu menical Study Committ"~ and the Allied Jewish Council.
Perfect for School Lunches
NEW ORLEANS (NC) Louisiana has 108 Catholic mis sionaries serving outside tae United States, more than any other state in a 12-region Southern area. Texas has 54 in the field and Kentucky 50, according to fig ures compiled by the bureau of information of the New Orleans archdiOcese. The figures show there are 309 Catholic mission aries from the 12-state area. Of the 108 Louisiana mission aries, 70 are from the New Orleans archdiocese, 21 from the Diocese of Lafayette, 11 from the Baton Rouge diocese and six from the Diocese of Alexandria. This year's Louisiana total represents an increase of 40 per cent over the 1960 figure. The contingent includes 32 priests, 17 Brothers, 53 Sisters and six lay missionaries.
Matching Grant ST. LOUIS (NC) - St. Louis University said here that the National Science Foundation has given it a matching grant of $20,000 m Federal funds for equipment Ja ite new physics buildina•
.. 6
THE AW"" - ~ !');oce~e of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24, '1963
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Jesuit Fathers
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Iinternational Ladies Garment Workers Union MacKenzie & Winslow, ..... Mason Furniture Showrooms .:;erald E. McNally, ContrGCtoi 4:;eorge R. Montie. Plumber
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The Pansh Parade
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER FALL RIVEK 'Ihe Council of Catholic Women The Parent - Tea c her and will join with the Holy Name Alumni A3s0ciation will hold a Society in a Communion break. rummage sale this month and a fast Sunday, Oct. 27. Members dance Saturday, Nov. 9. A will be among hostesses for the Christmas party is announced open district meeting to be held for Sunday, Dec. 15. tonight at Immaculate Concep CORPUS CHRISTI. SANDWICH tion C{1urch. Next regular meet Corpus Christi - St. Teresa's ing is Tuesday, Nov. 19. Guild officers for the coming year are Mrs. John Wilson, IM:MACULATE CONCEPTION, NORTH EASTON president; Miss Mary Carafoli, A food demonstration at the vice-president; Mrs. William Ed::son Company will feature Bettley, treasurer; Mrs. Peter the Monday, Oct. 8 meeting of Costello, secretary. the Women's Guild. Meeting ST. ANTHONY, will begin at 7:30 and those wish. JIA. TTAPOISETT ing transportation to the site Mrs. John Carlos heads the may meet in the church parking Rosary Altar Society for the lot before that time. eomin~ season, aided by Mrs. Edward Palardy, vice-president; IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Mrs. Alfred Fari<l, treasurer; and NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Timothy Howrihan, secre The Couples Club hall named tary. The unit will sponsor a Mr. and Mrs. George Arruda, series of whist parities under di pr€~sident couple; Mr. and Mrs. rection of Mrs. Faria and Mrs. Antone Soares, vice-president Joseph Nobre~a. cOllple; Mr~ and Mrs. George ST. MARGARET, Silvia, secretary couple; Mr. and BUZZARDS BAY Mrs. James Sylvia, treasurer SS. Margaret and Mary Guild ~ollple. plans a turkey whist Tuesday, Nov. 19 in the school hall. Mem ST.. .JOHN BAPTIST bers will attend a memorial NEW BEDFORD ' Mass for deceased members dur The Ladies Guild announces ing next month. an auction to be held in the A Communion supper is set church basement Tuesday, Nov. for Sunday, Dec. 15 with Judge 12. Mrs. Hilda Pacheco is chair. Beatrice H. Mullaney of Fa I.! man. The unit also plans instal River as guest speaker. lation of officers and a Christmas ST. JOSEPH. party Sunday, Dec. 8 at White's FALL RIVER restaurant, Judge Beatrice Hancock Mul laney will address the Women's SACRED HEART, Guild at its annual Communion NORTH ATTLEBORO breakfast following 9:30 Mass Ladies of St. A'nne will hold Sunday morning, Oct. 27 in the their annual banquet at 6:30 school hall. Tuesday night, Nov. 5 at Sandy's A mystery ride is planned for ref,taurant, Plainville. Officers 7:30 Saturday night, Oct. ~. will be installed and Rev. John Dancing, refreshments and prizes Steakem will speak. Reserva for costumes will be featured. tions close Sunday, Oct. 27. A Tomorrow night CYO juniors Christmas sale is set for Tl,urs will hold a costume dance from day, Nov. 14. 7:30 until 10 at the Brightman
Street parish hall. Prizes will be SACRED HEART, awarded. The unit will leave the FALL RIVER schoolyard at 1 Saturday after
Bluebirds, Junior Hi Campfire noon to attend a. roller skating Girls and Campfire Girls of the party at Lincoln Park.
parish will meet at 7:45 Sunday ST. MARY.
morning in the school to march MANSFIELD
to 8:15 Mass marking the open. The annual spaghetti supper ing of Catholic Youth Week. The to benefit the Rose Hawthorne units will hold a Halloween Lathrop Home in Fall River will pa rty in the school cafeteria at be held at 6 tonight under spon. 7 Wednesday night, Oct. SO. sorship of the Catholic Woman'll OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, Clubs. Donations are acceptable SEEKONK from parishioners and may be The Women's Guild will spon. given to Mrs. Mary Farrell, Mrs. SOl' the annual Christmas bazaar Mary Lovely or Miss Rose from 10 to 10 Wednesday, Oct. Vasanelli. 30 and Friday, Nov. 1 at the par. ST. JOSEPH, ish hall, Taunton Avenue, See TAUNTON konk. Mrs. Robert Hill chair-" The seeond annual ham and man, will be aided by Miss Ar bean supper will be sponsored delia Oliver. A television set by the Holy Name Society at 6 will be awarded and refresh. Saturday night, Oct. 26 in the ments will be available. school auditorium. Charles L. Leonard, society president, will HOLY TRINITY, be genera I chairman. WIEST HARWICH ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, Ladies Association of the Sa FALL RIVER cred Hearts will sponsor an Ad The Council of Catholic Women vent bazaar Saturday, Dec. 7 in ...ill hold a Communion break Holy Trinity School. Winter fast in the parish hall Sunday ml!etings of the unit will be held morning, Oct. ~7. the third Wednesday of each SSe PETER AND PAUL, month at Hennessey's Steak FALL RIVEIl House. The public is invited to thr~ :Special sewing meetings will events to be sponsored by the be held Wednesday mornings Women's Club: a rummage sale until the December bazaar it is from 9 to 12 this morning with announced by Mrs. Joseph Crow Mrs. Raymond Dooley and Mrs. ley. Walter Cabuccio in charge; a NOTRE DAME, whist at 8 Monday night, Oct. 28 FALL RIVER in the church hall, directed by Mrs. James Quinn and Mrs. John CYO officers include Paul Rousseau, president; Marie Mel Markland; and a parishola Tues day, Oct. 29. Returns for the'lat_ len, vice-president; Janine Fris co.. secretary; Robert Morrissette, ter event should be made by tn!asurer. Sunday to the rectory, according :VIrs. Roger Langlois is chair. to Mrs. Rocco Postiglione and .. Mrs. James Walmsley, chairmen. man and Mrs. Maurice Demers ST. MARY. is co-chairman for a meeting 01 NEW BEDFORD thl~ Council of Catholic Women The Women's Guild will holo to be l1eld at 7:45 Monday night, a Halloween dance at Acushnet Oct. 28 in Jesus-Mary auditori Grange Pavilion Saturday night, um. Mrs. Wilfred Demers will Oct. 26. Prizes will be awarded demonstrate liquid paint em bl".~idery. for costumes. , ;
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24, 1963
Leads Jungle Workers From Poverty to Prosperity DETROIT (NC) - A small cooperative of Brazil-nut and rubber workers in the jungle region of north-eastern Bolivia today is being pointe·d out as a model for other underdeveloped areas of Latin America. The Blanca Flor cooperative is a 125,000-acre tract of jungle given to the Maryknoll Fathers by the Bolivian government to form a buyer and consumer co operative. Father John A. Dietrich, M.M., of Detroit, now home on fur lough, arrived in the area after ordination in 1957. He found a few lICattered families roaming the jungle and collecting Brazil nuts. From a few families in the '50s, Blanca Flor has grown to a eooperative village of almost 800 people. Father Dietrich has
taught and watched them be· come self-reliant leaders. of a large Brazil-nut and rubber co operative. The cooperative has three operations - a Brazil-nut plant; a ru,bber processing plant and a plant for making oil from the Brazil-nut. Build Airfield Six years ago Blanca Ftor had one path 10 miles long. To day, it has 47 miles of roads each 18 to 20 feet wide, plus a mile-long airfield built by the workers. The air strip has en abled the cooperative to ship rubber and Brazil-nuts directly to Cochabamba and eliminate costly middle men. "We got a good buy on a 20· ton bulldozer in La Paz," Father Deitrich said, "but we had to dismantle it and fly it in six
trips and then put it back to gether." The bulldozer will be used .. clear 2,500 acres of jungle fill' new crops - chocolate, vanilla, coffee, rubber and ipecac, • pharmaceutical) to provide the people and cooperative wita ready cash.
Lauds Georgetown WASHINGTON (NC) Georgetown University, now celebrating its 175th anniveJloo sary, was praised in the HOUR of Representatives as "one .,. the great educational institutiOM of America." Rep. Ed. Edmond son of Oklahoma noted t'ba6 many alumni of Georgetown, ~ nation's oldest Cathollc instit. tion of higher education, . . serving in C~mgress.
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,leI. III •
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24, 19'63
New Bedfordites Head Guild
Suggests Calm Discussion' Of Catholic Education
Continued from Page One Father Shovelton celebrated the annual guild Mass in St. Peter's Church, Chicago, and also congratulated the member ship on its achievements to date. Speaking at a following com munion breakfast, Harry J. O'Haire, executive secretary of Serra International, stressed the importance of Diocesan phar macists' guilds and the manner in which they should cooperate with the parent body. Members discussed formation of national membership and
By Rev. Andrew M. Greeley
charity committees. The latter would devise plans to render aid to domestic and foreign mission ary groups engaged in care of the sick. Catholic Pharmacists Guilds seek to promote the practice of pharmacy in conformity with the moral teachings of the Churc-h as well as in compliance with all pharmacy laws and regulations. Headquarters for the national organization are at 415 Country Street, New Bedford.
I suggested last week that a good deal of the present' eriticism' of Catholic schools was based not on the inade equacies of these schools (when compared with other Amer ican schools) but on the symbolic importance of the schools in the current strained re weakness of communication and lationship between certain public relatio.ns in certain f 1 ·t d t' ~ools and parIshes. • d km al y an cer ~m It is fashionable to call this s 0 kinds of clergy. Such a SIt kind of 'strain "anti-clericalism." 444 Seminaries uation is in the finest American However, the term is hardly ac traditions; schools have always curate. WASHINGTON (NC)-There Missioners to Peru been use f u 1 In the present transitional are 444 seminaries in the United symbols in po state of the Church it is inevi OTTAWA (NC) ~ Archbish States, 117 operated by dioceses litical disputes table that the expectations of op Sebastiano Baggio, Apostolic and 327 by religious orders, the w hi c h we l' e one generation of clergy and Delegate to Canada, presided at Niltional CathoLic Educational EXPERT: Father Gustave a mission departure ceremony Association said here. Of the rea 11 yeo n another generation of laity will ~erned abo u t be different-and generation in Weigel, 8.J., noted theolo here for five members of the total, 153, or 34 per cent, have vel' y different this case is not merely a mat:er gian, says "we can expect English-language province of been established since 1950. Re things. One of of chronological age. great things" of Vatican the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. ligious orders have opened Ill, the most fre Different Expectations They will work in the missions or 73 per cent, of those begun quentcomplalnt: One can easily exhort both Council II which will "reju in Peru. since 1950. venate the whole Church" heard from dis sides to patience and under satisfied parents standing but these virtues are NC photo. is that they have always in short supply in the no control over human condition. what their children are taught Probably only the passage of in Catholic schools. time will eliminate much of the A letter from &he Bishop of Trichur in southern India reada Continued from Page One The truth of the matter is that strain' and then discussion of the .. follows: THIRUVENITAM is a poor' misSion not ;yet deve1 apply the evangelical counsels they would have precious little strengths and weaknesses of St ~ opeel into a parish. Only Sunda)' control over· what is taught in Catholic education will be able in the world, means more ap ~'b!-'J,' Mass is said and it is in a vel')' poor public schools either. to proceed without the heavy pealing to the modern mind. .c.. \I'd' shed. To keep the plaee going &be This is the challenge lay people '- Main I Difference emotional charge that such d:is ~ ~. people need outside financial help. face no less than the clerics. The professional educator, cussion seems certain to produce ~ 0 Just when the)' needeel a. larger "The. customary distinction whether he wears a roman collar at the present. ~ ~ place, &hey lost even what the)' between clerics, Religious and or not, thinks that his training At that point, who knows, it laity no longer is justified, for + + mead)' had. The raius caused makes him better qualified than may even become fashionable their functions in this day and oracks and clef&s in the walls of parents to determine curricu once again for the Catholic "lib the sheel. Now the people are afraid age overlap, just as do the func lum and policy. (And let it be eral" to send his children to tions of the diocesan and reli &0 enter the chapel. Won't 8&. An noted that he is probably quite parochial schools. thoDJ', the Wonder Worker, procure gious clergy." correct in this evaluation of the '2'11, Hoi, Ptllb".'1 M;ssiott Aid the $4,000 these poor people neeel Speaking of marriage, Father situation.) He therefore does his for Ih' 0rHnhtI Cbtlrcb for a chapel?" • • • The Papal inter Klostermann said that it is as nuncio adds his appeal to that ef best to keep parental interfer much a divine calling as a reli the Bishop. Did S*- AnthoD7.. help ;you sometime in finding some ence m these areas at a mini eontinued from Page One gious vocation. On the other thing! Maybe you would like to return a favor. The mission at mum. Formerly emploYed' at St. hand, he said, a relgious voca TmRUVENITAM is called St. AnthollJ"s Mission. The main difference between the public and Catholic schools Luke's Hospital, she was well tion should be understood not as in this respect is that the public known and respected by the stuff an opportunity to rule, but as THE PRIEST edu.cator is constrained by such doctors and dentists. Since each one to serve. The bishops and all St. Gregory of Nyssa once said: "The power of the words el Papal Volunteer must have a clerics and Religious are as much institutions as bond issue refer Conseoration make a priest awesome and venerable, separating enda and school board elections sponsor or group of sponso:rs, subject to God as lay people are, him from the general run of men by a special elevation. Yes to be as diplomatic as possible several interested physicians he stated. terday he was still one of them. Now he has suddenly become and dentists made the suggesUln in dealing with parents. "All who sincerely want to be their shepherd and doctor in charge of sacred functions. He He is very careful to offer de. to their confreres that support a part of God's people should still looks the same but he is forever inwardly transformed by tailed explanations and listen of Miss Lebeau would be a realize they are called to sanc an invisible power and grace" . . . Our 15,000 priests in the sympathetically to objections worthwhile project for the guil.d. tity, all who follow Christ are Near and Middle East, vested with this wonderful power, need The suggestion as agreed upon 'saints' in the terminol9gy of the and complaints. your MASS STIPENDS to meet their daily physical needs. at a meeting of the guild at St. New Testament, and all share in Threat to Dignity Remember your dear departed loved ones, especially during James church hall. Rev. James the priesthood as 'priests and A good number of CathQlic tbe month of NOVEMBER.
kings' although in different
ed'ucators, of course, do exactly W. Clark, assistant at St. Jo the same things for reasons of seph's, Fall, River, and assistant· ways," he said.
THAT WONDERFUL YEAR charity and justice as well as director for PavIa in the diocelle, 1925 was a special year in the history of the Church. Pope prudence. Nevertheless, it would spoke on the spiritual cris in Pius XI, at the suggestion of the Bishops of Mexico, instituted be less than honest to claim that Latin America and explain~~d the Feast of Christ the King. That same ;year he canonized 8* such charity and prudence are the PavIa program. 'l'herese, &he LUtle Flower who taught us the "little way" .. universal. Officers lIeI'Ve the King. One cannot escape it: there FALL R.lVER, MASS. Rt. Rev. Hugh A. GallaghE!r,. are certain clerics and certain pastor of St. James and spiritual ON STAGE IN PERSON Religious who are still convinced director of. the guild, introduc.~ LITTLE WAYS TO SERVE THE KING that it is the function of the Father Clark. OCT 31 - 2 PERFS. C HELP A YOUNG GIRL become a Sister. $3 a week !!or layman to take orders and not to two years will see Sl'. Waltrude Ol' Sr. Sigismund Officers elected at the meeting ask questions. A suggestio~, an through her training. were Ambrose F. Finnell, M.D., inquiry, a mild complaint-these [] EDUCATE A SEMINARIAN like Elias Aziz or Adel president; George F. Rile·y, are interpreted as arrogance, in Zald. His expenses are $2 a week {$100 • year} lor Biz D.D.S., vice-president; James terference, and a threat to au years. Bolton' Jr., D.D.S., secretary, and thority. o FEED A PALESTINE REFUGEE FAMILY for • month. The layman who wants to be Paul Corley, M.D., treasurer. A FOOD PACKAGE: $10. something more than a docile o EDUCATE A PALESTINE REFUGEE CHILD. Cost: $26 little child in his parish is re a term. garded as a threat to the per GIVE A WARM BLANKET to a Bedouin. Cost: $2. sonal security and dignity of the . INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. priest or Religious. o FURNISH A CHAPEL with a needed item. Cost: $5 Hence he is to be ignored, to $50. 96 WILLIAM STREET shouted down and, occasionally, o BUILD A SCHOOL OR CHAPEL. Cost $2,000 to $6,000. 2 PERFS. 3:30 8:30 even denounced as a "Common NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ENROLL IN OUR ASSOCIATION. $1 a year for single weal Catholic' (a phrase which, Special atte ntion for school groups person. $5 for a famliy. PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP: by the way, is in the present WY 8-5153 WY 7-916i' single person: $20; family: $100. Phone FR OS 7·9357, OS 2-2541; stage of the Church becoming KINDL~ REMEMBER THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST ASSO
It is against this kind of treatment that some lay people Oear Monsignor: are rebelliing-in some cases Enclosed please find 'for .. with real grievances and in other Name .•••••••••••••••••••••,' • ••••••••••••••••••_ ... cases with imaginary ones. The school is a convenient is Street ... WHOLESALI: AUTOMOTIVE sue around which this rebellion City ..••• • • • • •. ..• •••••... Zone '" State .••••••• _ can take shape. Taking one's AND children out of a ';.~})th.)J~ INDUSTRIIAL SUPPLIES school becomes a sy,,;bo! tzl ,.~P';';' dissatisfaction witt (hi) WliY .~ FRANCIS CARDINAL S~ELL~~N, P,e.ldent has been treated by thl< p,·,~flt ,D GENERAL TIRES • DELCO BATTERIES Mit'. T. I,... Nat" Sec', or the Sisters. s..d all co••••atIOlll tel • PERFEC'~ CIRCLE RINGS The problem it.!> tWI ttl" ~... .:t!.!O;;. CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION PAll RIVER - NEW BEDI:ORD - HYANNIS - NEWPORT ness of the Sl';~f.,.""1,;. ;is; """WAH!.\ 480 il.exlngton Ave. at 46th St. New York 17IH, y.,: tional instituu~ 'l:,}.u ;''$~lf'l'' (h,oIo
Laity Role
India: Asking St. Anthony's Help
Aid Papal Work
WM. T.
1 • • • • • •'
·~'l2ear&st02issions~ Jo.'"
'-- - --- ------------------
Thoughts and Observations On the' Scrimmage Punt
Thurs., Oct. 24, 1963
Refuses Church Use of School
By Jack KiJlleavy The most puzzling, least understood situation in foot ball today involves the sequence of events on a punt from scrimmage. Reinforcing this observation are a couple of incidents which occurred in college games this weekend. One lapse had a national ef inl~ it. Proprietary concern is a fect on the outcome of the fine trait but extremely inadvis_ Navy - V.MJ. gam e; the able in the situation described other, less heralded, pro fOl~ should that ball contact a voked temporary consternation in the Vermont ranks in the . early stages of what eventually proved to be a comfortable vic tory over New Hampshire. In the latter in stance, a Ver mont end down field under a punt, touched the rolling kick deep in N.H. territory, then proceeded to turn his back oa the ball. The alert N. H. safetyman, c0 captain Dan Sereika, with no wasted motion scooped up the still live pigskin and rambled some 86 yards to paydirt through the ranks of the entire Vermont team. Legal? All the way. Contrary to popular opinion, a punt touched by a member of the kicking team downfield beyond the line of scrimmage does not "kill" the ball. Such touching is merely a violation. The ball re mains alive until it is reasonably apparent that no member of the the receiving team cares to field it. The whistle is then sounded and the ball becomes dead. The violation committed by the kick ing team is not a foul but it does give the receiving team, in the event the kick is subsequently fielded and returned, the option of taking the result of the play or the ball at the spot of viola tion. ViolaUO&-Foul To distinguish between a foul and a violation which carries with it no penalty, an official use. a blue flag to mark the spot where illegal touching has oc curred. Prior to a rules change effective last year, any kick touched by the kicking team in side the receiving club's 10-yard line carried with it a touchback option. This 11 no longer so, hence you see a flurry of action under deep punts as players of the kicking team hustle to se cure the ball before it goes into the end zone. The rules' change has precip itated a marked increase in the number of fair catch situations where safetymen are instructed to field deep punts which pos sibly might not carry into the end zone before being downed by onrushing members of the kicking team. Utilizing all the speed they can muster upfr<lnt, just to ,enhance the possibility of downing a punt deep in op ponent's teriitory, we find coaches today moving backs up on the line of scrimmage. U, however, the ball is in the air and a member of ~ receiv ing team is in a position to catch it, he must be given an un molested opportunity to do so. In such an event, should the player of the kicking team be struck by the ball in flight ~r should the receiver collide with him, kick catching interference results and a 15-yard penalty from the spot of the foul is as sessed against the kicking team. Short Punte On short punts, particularly, downfield movement by mem bers of the kicking team can prove hazardous. On the other hand, we've seen countless in. stances where a player or play ers of the receiving team hover about a bouncing scrimmage kick with no intention of field
of the receiving team, it th,m becomes" a free ball. Touching of a punt beyond the line of srimmage by a member of the kicking team is a viola tion; it does not "kill" the ball A kick caught or recovered by thl~ kicking team beyond the line of scrimmage automatically results in a dead ball. There can be no interference by the kick. inl~ team on a scrimmage kick which has touched the ground but if the ball strikes a member of the kicking team however in advertently, it is a violation and whatever transpires thereafter, thl! receiving team has the op tion of taking the ball at the spot of violation. ,rhe incident which occurred in the Navy-VMI game Saturday involved a player of the receiv. iIli' team touching a Navy kick which had rolled into his end " zone. He then walked away from thtl ball which an alert Navy man promptly secured for the easiest touchdown the Middies will score all year. Weird but all too true. What's the rule? Simply this. A kick touched by a player of th«! receiving team beyond the line of scrimmage becomes a free ball. In this case, the ball remained in the end zone so th~lt Navy upon securing pos session was awarded a touch down. Had this occurred in the field of play, it would have re sulted in a first down. What if the safetyman hadn't touched the ball at all but it remained in the end zone? Touchback, VMI's ball on their own 20-yard line. Confusion Reigns .A possible reason for the con fusion of the VMI safetyman gOt~s back to the so-called Feder atic)n rules which are in wide spread use in scholastic circles here in the U. S. Under these rules any ·kick which crosses the gO~ll line becQmes an automatic safety. Only two states, I believe, use NCAA rules with modifica tions. Massachusetts is one. Therefore it could very well be that the VMI safetyman thought that he had, acted prt¥lently in simply touching the Navy kick. This comes under the learning the hard way category. And finally one last but by no means uncomplicated twist to the possible play sequence. involving the scrimmage kick is the situation in which a foul is committed by either team while the ball is in the air beyond the lirn~ of scrimmage and before it is touched by a player of the reo ceiving team. In this event, the ball belongs to the kicking team, the penalty is assessed from the previous spot--or the yard line where the ball was put in play and the down is repeated. '1'hese, then are a few of the ramifications of the scrimmage kiclc, the play which year in and year out seems to be the most complex for players and fans alike and upon which the resolu tion of a ball game has frequent ly and ultimately rested.
Bland at Convention "WASHINGTON (NC) - The 166-piece Cardinal Dougherty High School band and marching unit from Philadelphia will per_ form at the first session of the national Catholic Youth Organ ization convention on Thursday, Noy. 14 in New "York, CYO headquarters ann~unced here.
HERO AT HOME: After the World Series tumult and shouting, herculean Frank Howard feeds infant son, 6-pound 11 ounce Mitchell Francis Howard, at home in Green Bay, Wise. Howard hit" the two longest and most signifieant extra base smashes in the World Series won by the Dodgers. His other children are Timothy John, 3%; Catherine Shan non, 2%; Daniel Patrick, 1%; and wife, the former Carol Johanski of St. Mary's of the Angels Parish, Green Bay. Ne Photo.
Has Eye on Future National Sodality Federation Observes
Movement's 400th Anniversary
CLEVELAND (N C) - The National Federation of Sodali ties, marking the 400th anniver sary of the sodality movement, in convention here turned its back on the past and grappled with problems of the present with eyes on the future. The 500 delegates voted to broaden their movement with a constitutional change designed to bring into the national feder ation the sodalities now spon sored by the Jesuits and Mari anists and individual parish so dalities in areas where there is no diocesan federation. They also voted to establish a permanent office at National CathoUc Wei far e Conference headquarters in Washington, D.C. and pledged some $30,000 to meet initial expem p ". The first executive secretary, commissioned to take office next January, is Louis Hogan of Ker rick, Minn., now serving as a Papal Volunteer in Peru. Support Civil Rights In a resolution the sodalists "identified themselves with the struggle for human right. every where in the world and especial ly in the U.S." They called on members 10
i •
• Wa.hiniton FARMS • .145 St., Fairhaven: : •
S.J., of St. Peter's College, Jersey City, said that for almost 70 years, since the time of Pope Leo XIII, the Church has been aware that it was not making the desired impact on secular society, and has been calling for the laity to help. Only now, he added, are lay men beginning to hear the call of the Church. The growth f professional and adult sodalitiee gives promise of coming close to the heart of the problem, he added.
Enjoy Dining IN THE
Always Free Parking
New Bedford Hotel
( •
support passage of strong civil rights legislation by Congress. Father Francis M. Keating,
NORTH BERGEN (NC) The Board of Education in this New Jersey community denied Our Lady of Fatima parish per mission to hold Sunday Masses in Horace Mann School. Father George A. O'Gorman, pastor, asked permission to use the school shortly after the parish was est a b 1 ish e d by Newark's Archbishop Thomas A. Boland last June. The board de layed action on the request during the Summer, explaining that one or more board members were always absent. . Father O'Gorman recently re ceived a letter from the board stating that permission will not be given. The letter said the de cision was reached at an execu tive session. There was no publie hearing. Father O'Gorman has not been notified that the re quest was to be discussed. No reason for the refusal was given although in the past North Berg~n County schools have been used for religious wors~ip by other groups on a temporary basis. 'Great Disappointment' Joseph J. McKeon, board pre"ident, later said reasons for the refusal were that churches were not ngrmally permitted to use public schools and the period (one year) requested by Father O'Gorman was too long. The practice of permitting churches to use public facilities for wor ship has been upheld by the New Jersey courts. In a statement to the press, Father O'Gorman said 'it is a source of great disappointment to me and my 5,000 parishioners, all -f whom are citizens of North Bergen, that a public building built by people of this town, not only for the education of their children but' also for the public use of the citizens of the town in times of emergency, should not be made available to us."
Juat off Route 6 ~ 7-9336 Watch for Silta While out for a Drive 5too at this Delightful Spot
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 24, 1963
SUBURBAN: Ambrose Powers, Jr., reads totals for Our Lady of Fatima, Swan sea.
ST. ROCH'S FIRST TO PASS QUOTA: Pierre Gagnon, parish chair man, right, indicates St. Roch's total to Bishop Gerrard, center, and Rev. Reginald M. Barrette. 'Parish surpassed its $40,000 quota by 18%.
SOMERSET COMMITTEEMEN: Thomas HUSSE!Y, St. Patrick's, Somerset, left, and Arthur Leite, St. John of God, Somerset, right, study the report sheet of parishes.
CHAIRMAN:' Man u e 1 Leitao, Jr., reporb for the Immaculate Conception Pwish,· Fall River.
DISCUSS EVENING'S PROGRAM: Members of the Sacred Heart' . Parish, Edgar T. Fortin, left, and John"Burke, right, exchange thoughta
on,' tJie