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Problem Is Values

The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Oct. 24, 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. 43 漏 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year

Anti-Abortion Stand Began in So. Africa ST. LOUIS (NC) - The posed, That early experience caused sophisticated Mayo Clinic physi- him to question the medical educian stated his position unam- cation he-and many othersbiguously: received on medical justification "I am absolutely and totally for abortions. Succeeding cases opposed to abortion in any cir- at the Durban clinic, and elsecumstance; under any condition. where since, bas convinced Dr. There are no qualifications; there Gordon. are no exceptions. Abortion is "In more than 25 years now killing." of medical practice," he said, "I But his stance comes not from have come to learn that if a religious belief nor from his med- woman is healthy enough to beical education. The physician, come pregnant, she's healthy head of medical genetics at the enough to complete the termfamed clinic in Rochester, Minn., in spite of heart disease, liver says his conviction comes from diseases, almost any disease. As first hand experience with pa- far as I'm concerned, there are tients, beginning with a poor no medical indicaNons for termiblack woman in Durban, South nating a pregnancy. My patients led me to it." Africa. On a recent visit to St. Mary's He promptly added that his rer.-:>spital in East St. Louis. IlL, ligious .background - Orthodox Dr. Hymie Gordon explained that Judaism-is more lenient. "Even his first medical assignment was . Maimonedes, . the 12th-century at a poor peoples' clinic in Dur- historian who was .also a physiban. The Cape Town-born physi- cian, accepted abortion if pregcian, his British accent still crisp, nancy threatened the wo~an. I, said the woman was suffering Turn to .Page Four' from a severe heart condition, and was in her seventh pregnancy. "I suggested that, because of her health, termination of the pregnancy might be considered. She refused flatly, adding that doctors had advised abortion since her second pregnancy, and she wasn't about to capitulate with the seventh." Skeptical, Dr. Gordon nonetheVATICAN CITY (NC) - Two less continued treatment, and when it came to the delivery, American prelates have presented to the Synod of Bishops writ"she just sailed through." ten syntheses of discussions by language groups on the theology of evangeliza,tion. Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati stressed the reRev. Hugh Cleary, C.S.C., As- lationship between ecumenism sistant Pastor of Holy Cross Par- and evangelization, while Archish in South Easton was elected bishop John R. Quinn of Oklaby the Holy Cross Fathers to be homa City asked that the Holy their representative on the See's representatives and theoloPriest's Senate. In conformity gians seek "consensus and underwith the new election procedures standing" concerning dissent for religious on ,the Senate, Fr. within ,the Church. Archbishop Bernardin stressed Cleary was elected by the members of his community active in three points in his paper: "Ecuthe diocese for a two year term. menism is in danger today; nevHis election brings to three ertheless, the ecumenical movethe number of religious to the ment must go on and, in our time senate, Rev. Roland Bedard, ecumenism must have as its foM.S. representing the LaSalette cus not.only the chul'ches but the Fathers and Rev. James Nickel, human person as welL" Stating that initial enthusiasm SS.CC. representing the Sacred Hearts Fathers. Each religious over ecumenism had waned becqmmunity has an opportunity to cause of disappointment at slenselect a representative to the der results, or suspicion by both senate on a rotating basis of Catl".-:>lics and Protestants of a Turn to Page Two three religious senators a year. o

Defends Ethics as Protector 01 Science and Research WASHINGTON (NC) - Dr. Andre Hellegers, defending bioethics against the standard ac:;usation that it shackles scientific research, has declared that bioethics serves "as the protector of the scientific method against an anti-scientific backlash." Dr. Hellegers. director of Washington's Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics, was speaking at a symposium organized by medical students of George Washington University on the abortion of defective fetuses. He observed tb3t while many researchers regard the emphasis placed by bioethics on the rights of the human subject as "a restriction on medicine," bioethics in fact "will protect soience." The Georgetown University professor of obstetrics. explained to NC News that scientific research "depends on the people who finance it." Bioethics, h~ continued, can ward off two distinct kinds of disillusionment with science: revulsion at unethi-


cal experimentation, and disappointment at science's inability to solve buman problems that lie beyond its scope. Bioethics, a word not to be found in dictionaries, is described as the study of social and ethical implications of practices and developments in biology and medicine. This branch of ethics draws upon the. findings of ph)"sician, scientists and lawyers. Dr. Hellegers, referring to the disappointment that results from expecting too much from med-

OCTOBER 24 * **

United Nations Day

u. s.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The number of U. S. Catholic missionaries abroad dropped 273 in the past year, from 7,691 in 1973 to 7,418 in 1974, according

(cme and other sciences, cited the World Health Organization's definition of health as "not the mere absence of disease but the presence of a total sense of physical, mental and social wellbeing." He described this as "the craziest definition of health ever 'given," and said that a person who felt a lack of路 social wellbeing for want of an automobile might ask his physician to prescribe a car for him. "Take the present quest for a discomfort-free society, mix in something powerful like the drug industry, and you begin to won. der if society isn't getting into a chemical straightjacket," he observed. "U people no longer want to die, and if they have a desire to be happy, we have an infinite need - happiness forever - and limited means: science." Nor, he declared, 'Can science supply values. "This is the first thing to get across: that science is not the problem. The problem is, values."

Missionaries Abroad

to the 1974 Mission Handbook published here' in October~ The handbook is a compilation of mission data published annually by the U. S. Catholic Mis-


Prelates Gi'ye Synod Findings

Religious Elect Senate Member

MISSION. WORK: The Congregation of the Sacred' Hearts has obse~ved the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the founding of its Japanese Mission. Rev. Albert Evans, SS.Cc., is shown at St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven, discussing the commemorative exhibit with Mrs. Ayard Rooney, one of his converts whom he baptized in Japan twenty-five years ago. With them 'are her children, Monica and Mark.

sion Council (USCMC), the communications and coordination路 agency on missions for the American bishops, Religious orders, laity and mission agencies. It includes details of the number of missionaries in each country in the world along with descriptions of the kind (diocesan or Religious priests, nuns, Brothers, seminarians, lay missioners); and separate summaries of the number of missionaries from each Religious institute, diocese, or other mission-sending agency. According to the handbook, the Far East has the greatest number of U. S. missionaries wi,th a total of 1,845. It is followed closely by South America. with 1,716. Other areas, in order of numbers, are Africa, 1,121; Oceania, 883; Caribbean Islands, 757; Central America, 752; North America, (Alaska, BermUda, 'Canada, Greenland), 241; Near East, 60; and Europe, 43. Most of the U. S. missioners abroad are members of Religious orders; 3,084 Religious priests, 2,916 Sisters, and 639 Brothers. In addition there are 220 diocesan priests in the foreign missions, 458 lay persons, and 101 seminarians. The decline of 273 missioners in the past year is slightly higher than the drop of 246 from 1972 to 1973, but is lower than the drastic: drop of over 600 per year from 1968 to 1970. Among 69 mission-sending orders of Religious priests and Brothers, the Jesuits had the most foreign missionaries, 712, followed closely by the Maryknoll Fathers, 673. The Maryknoll Sisters topped all other groups of Religious women with 538 members in the mission fields.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Thurs. Oct. 241 1974

Findings of Synod Comn;litf!'ees Archbishbp 'Quinn said that dissent "tduches all aspects of the Churcp's life, toucbes its very found~tions, effects the psychological 'and spiritual climate of the Church and has a profound effect on the Church's mission of evangel(zation." He saw I it' as a theological problem, t<;Juching faith in relationship t6 academiC freedom, conscience :and the dignity of the individual, I ~s a pastoral problem and as a doctrinal problem. He stated: "We must distinguish: 1) the Church's ~ower and authority to demand bbedience in the practical order; 2) the Church's au" . thority to require intellectual assent to a teaching, especially to what is 'ex cathedra', (that is, formally prpclaimed by the Pope), . 3) the Church's right and authority to adoJt a posi,tion in a doctrinal matter or in a matter of VOLUNTEERS: The fifty-six active volunteers at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River One hundred books on various morality *ithout reaching 'ex were honored by hospital administrator Sister Jean Marie at tea Sunday. Left to right, ca thedra.' ", ' aspects of Canadian culture have Miss Alice Gagnon, Miss Grace Parenteau, Sister' Jean Marie, Miss Wilda Ouellette, and The archbishop added: been presented to the library of "There is real need to arrive Mrs. John Giblin, Chairman of the Volunteers'Bishop Gerra,rd High School, Fall at some consensus 'and underRiver, by the Canadian governstanding about dissent, there... is I ment. The presentation was made' need for new norms which do by Gilles Lemaire, Canadian vicejustice to ~he exigencies of faith consul and information officer in Five new volunteers were in- Sister Jean Marie to Miss Grace Boston, at a ceremony held ear- and to the ~authcirity of the Mag'Fifty-six active volunteers at isterium (t~aching power of the St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, troduced: Miss Mary Gregory, Parenteau and Mrs. John F. Giblier this month at the school. The gift came as the result Church) but which at the same were honored by the hospital' Mrs. Jeanne Miville, Mrs. Mary lin.. time are realistic in today's con- administrator, Sr. Jean Marie, of a grant application prepared For 1,000 hI'S. - pins and Royds, Mrs. Miriam Werbinski, ditions of electronic media and O.P. at a tea Sunday, Oct. 20 at Mrs. Lenwood Williamson. names on a plaque in the hosby Sister Mary Adele Thomas, instant corrlmunication." , Mrs. Emile Cote, chairman of pital: Miss Kathryn Dailey, Mrs. R.S.M." chairman of Gerrard's the hospital. I The volunteers are under the the hospital gift shop was hon- Mary Delisle, Miss Rose Dowllanguage department I As a fonow-up, the Canad!an direction of Mrs. John F. Gib- ored for the thousands of dollars ing, Miss Elizabeth Flaherty, , ' government ,is sponsoring a na,lin, chairman. from the gift shop, donated to Miss Alice Gagnon tionwide contest for studentlSI'. Jean Marie greeted the the hospital, and used to purMrs. Ida McDermott, Miss Beteacher teams in sch'ools that volunteers and expressed the chase needed equipment. atrice Poirier, Mrs. Peter TurThe ann~al communion supper gratitude of the hospital, for have ,received the books They Special Achievement trophies cotte. will compete in their creative use of Districts, 3 and 4 of the Fall their sincere dedication. for 3,000 hI'S. were presented by 500 hr.. pins to: for projects, exhibits and study.. River Diocesan Council of Ca:th· Miss Dolores Burns, Mrs. olic Womeh will be held TuesThomas Collins, Mrs. 'Robert Language Clubs day, Oct. ~9 at Bishop Feehan Mitchell, Mrs. Ruth Molloy, Mrs. In 0,tb2r happenings at the Fall High Schopl, Attleboro. There AIda Ronan. . River high school, the French will be a concelebrated Mass at 100 hr. pins to: Mrs. Richard Club held elections, naming 7 P.M. fo1l6wed by supper. tary and secondary schools of Beliveau, Miss Margaret Dwyer, WASHINGTON ~Nq - The Susan Tavares president; Pauline 'Speaker :for the evening will top education official of the U.S. the Lutheran Church-Missouri Mrs. Jeannette Ferreira" Mrs. Lapointe vice-president and sec- be Rev. John Tormey of Provi· government said that operating Synod's board of parish educa- Jeanne Miville, Mrs. Lawrence retary; and Karen 'Polak treasurer. dence, whb was ordained in procedures in the governmerit cation, was elected 'president of , Pnneau. Mrs. Alexandre Vezina. Portuguese students enjoyed a 1967 and in 1972 was named agencies dealing with education CAPE, succeeding Cary Potter, 50-hr. card to: Mrs. John Burfield trip, to an area Portuguese East Providence Citizen of the should be designed to acknowlrell. the council's firs( president. restaurant where they lunched on Year. He has written over' 40 edge the significant role of priPourers for the tea were Sisarticles fori religious magazines, native dishes. vate schools in U.S. education. Others elected were: viCe pres- tel' Jean Marie and ,Miss Grace and two books, "Rocks Are for ident, Rabbi Bernard Golden- Parenteau. 'Speaking at the annual meet, Lizards" and '''Priests Are Only burg, associate director, N~­ ing of the board of directors of Necrology Human."Tickets for the pro" tional Society for Hebrew Day •, I .. ' the Council for Private Educagram may be obtained from any NOV. I Schools, secretary, Dr. Ivan E. tion (CAPE), the .official, Dr. council mefuber. I Virginia Trotter, assistant secre- Zylstra, administrator of school Rev. William H. McNamara, i and government relations, Natary for education in the Depart1924, Pastor, St. Mary, Mans'. FUNERAL HOME, INCo Union pf Christian ment of Health, Education and .Nonal field Firehou~e Becomes R. Marcel Roy - G. Lorraine Roy Schools; and treasurer, Dr. EdWelfare (HEW), advocated such Rev. Louis N. Blanchet, 1921, Roger LaFrance - James E. Barton Commu'nity Center a revision of procedures in the ward R. D'Alessio, director of Assistant, St. John the Baptist, FUNERAL DIRECTORS MLAMI (NC)-A historic fire" , Fall River. , HEW Division of Education, the the Division of Elementary and 15 Irvington Ct. house, sav~d from demolitiol1l Secondary Education, U.S. CathU. S. Office of Education, and Rt. Rev. John F. Ferraz, 1944, New Bedford and converted into a community olfc Conference. the National Institute of EducaPastor, St. Michael, Fall River 995-5"166 center ser~ing Miami's inner tion. Rt. Rev., George F. Cain, 1953, city, was recently dedicated by Pastor, St., Mathieu, Fall River Dr. Terrel H. Bell, U. S. comArchbishop: Coleman F. Carroll missioner of education, told the NOV. 2 of Miami al}d Mayor Maurice A. CAPE board that the Education DOLAN-SAXON ' A Memento for the repose of Ferre. Amendments of 1974, passed by Funeral Home Since the: mid 20s, fire trucks the souls of our priests not on rolled out of the two-story cor.. Congress ,and signed by Presthis list 550 Locust Street ident Ford in August, carry a Rev. Joseph S. Fortin, 1923, ner building at 1401 N. Miami stronger mandate for assistance Fall River, Mass. 123 Broadway Founder, St. John the Baptist, Ave. - one! of the city's oldest to private school children than firehouseHputting out fites in Fall River 672-2391 any previous legislation. Rev. Michael V. McDonough, , Miami's doWntown business and Rose E. Sullivan Bell announced the establishVA 4-5000 1933, Chaplain, St. Mary Home; residential areas. Jeffrey E. Sulliva.1 ment of the office of director of Replaced: recently by a modNew Bedford non public educatinoal services, ern fire station, the building will now be kno,wn as the Overtown within the office of tl)e U. S. . NOV., 6 Rev. Patrick S. McGee, 1933, Community i- Recreation Center, commissioner of education. He D. D. Wilfred Founder, St.' Mary, Hebronville --' serving m~stly Miami's black said the director of the new' ofFuneral Home fice, Dwight R. Crum, will report community. , Sullivan D'riscoll to the commissioner on matters 571, Second Street relating to the private educaTHE ANCHOR FUNERAL HOME Fall' River, Mass. Tc) Install tion sector and will represent Second Class Postage Paid at .,11 River, 679-6072 Mass. PUblished every Thursday at 410 :ZOE, WINTER STReET New Bedford Daughters of Is- the commissioner in contacts MICHAEL J. McMAHON Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 with private sclfool personnel. . abella will hold installation cereFALL RIVER, MAS!i. _by the Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall Registered Embalmer manies at 1 p.m. Sunday. Oct. At the board meeting,ODr. Al River. Subscription price by mail, postp3:d 672-~381 Licensed Funeral Director 27 at Holid3Y Inn, New Bedford. H. Senske, secretary of elemen$5,00 per yelr. Continued from Page One subtle betrayal of their beliefs, or just indifference, the archbishop said: "The ecumenical movement must go on. . . . Overriding all defects is the will of Christ. ... "The precise form that this unity wili take is not clear to us. What is clear is trat unity cannot be achieved by compromise, tb3t is. by relinquishing what is inseparable from Catholic existence.... (But) the churches can and must proclaim to the world that, in the midst of our 'dismaying divisions, we ,all preach only one name ,under heaven by which all must be saved."

Bishop Gerrard High Receives Canadian Gift


Awards for Hospital Volunteers 0

Attletioro Hosts 'Father Tormey


Urges Increased Government Attention to Private Schools








Funeral Home TAUNTON






------------------------------THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974

Two Fall River Nurses Officers in Councils Two nurses from the Fall River diocese were named officers of the New England Diocesan Councils of Catholic Nurses, which held its 15th annual conference last weekend in Middle· town, Rl. They are Ruth E. Hurley, vice·

Marriage Group To Thank God Members of the Massachusetts Marriage Encounter organization will participate in a wund the clock prayer vigil this weekend for the purpose, say coordinators, of "praising and thanking the Lord for priests, ministers, rabbis, nuns, brothers and seminarians." State organizers Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barbato of Stoughton say that .from 6 p.m. tomorrow through midnight Sunday there will be at least three couples in various parts of the state in prayer at all times. "We are excited and enthused about the Marriage Encounter community looking outward in this way," state Mr. and Mrs. Barbato. The Encounter movement is a marriage-centered retreat program aimed at "making good marriages better." In the Fall ,River diocese Encounter weekends are frequently held at La Salette Center for Christian Living, Attleboro.

president, and Sister Helen, recording secretary. Thirty representatives from this diocese attended the meet· ing, joining over 300 nurses from the six New England states and Washington, D.C. The area contingent was led by Msgr. Robert L. Stanton and Rev. Barry W. Wall, and at a luncheon meeting Bishop James J. Gerrard brought greetings from the Fall River diocese to the delegates. Right to Life Speakers developed the conference theme, "Care for One Another," and a previously made resolution was reaffirmed: that Catholic nurses would continue their dedication to the right to life of the unborn, the aged and thz infirm. Hosting the conference was the Providence Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses under the patronage of Bishop Louis E. Gelineau, who was principal celebrant and homilist at the meeting's closing Mass.


At, UPPER CAPE RECOLLECTION DAY: Principals at daiof recollection for women of upper Cape Cod, held in Falmouth, are program committee members, seated, Sister Rita, Mrs. Charles Bardelis, Nancy Hussmann, Margaret Cutillo, Fran Roderick, Pat Stone; standing, Rev. Richard Delisle, M.S., speaker for the day; Rev. Msgr. James Gleason of St. Patrick Church, F~lmouth; and Rev. Thomas L. Rita of St. Anthony Church, E. Falmouth. Program was sponsored by CCD Board of Upper Cape Cod.

Iceland Catholics Number 1,3.09

STOCKHOLM (NC)-The number of Catholics on Iceland, according to the Catholic Informatoin Service here, is 1,309. That means an increase of 500 during the last 10 years. Quoting from the Icelandic daily newspaper Morgunbladid, the service also reports that the Lutheran· state church of Iceland .has 197,436 members, which means 93 per cent of the population of 212,300. There are also about 10,000 other Protestants of various JEFFERSON CITY (NC) - He !:aid things that Catholics must kinds, and 635 Adventists, 613 have been saying for two years, !Pentecostalists, 251 Jehovah's but he is a Southern Baptist Witnesses, 59 Bahai, 58 Aesir cult, 204 other religious groups, preacher from Halletsville, .Tex. and 2,288 declared non-believers. He used humor ·and irony and good history in addition ,to a good preaching style, a warm Houston Dominican personality and deep conviction. He 'is the Rev. Bob Holbrook, College to Close HOUSTON (NC) - Mounting nation-al coordinator of Baptists debts, lack of sufficient financial for Life and vice-president of support from the local communiTexas Citizens for Life. ty, and decreasing enrollments Mr. Holbrook was the keynote will force the closing of 28-yearspeaker for Missouri Citizens for old Dominican College here next Life (MCL) at its two-day conMay, the college president anYention ,here recently. nounced. He said there is an' immense The president, Dominican Sisignorance on the part of "the ter Antoinette Boykin, said that average American citizen, who is the college "has received more not aware of the 1973 Supreme funds and gifts in the last two Court decision on -abortion or years than in the past, but it thinks that the court only al- never was enough." The institulowed abortion up to three tion has a short-term debt of months and is surprised when more than $200,000 and a longI say that a dermatologist can term debt of $540,000, she said. abort a baby on a kitchen table The board of trustee.s, comup to the sixth month of preg- posed of Dominican Sisters and nancy." ". lay persons, made their decision That Supreme Court decision to close on Oct. 3. struck down most state restrictions on abortion. Mr. Holbrook's enthusiasm for the pro-life cause was the highlight of the convention. Mr Holbrook said there is no 102 Shawomet Avenue Catholic science involved in the Somenet, Mass. medical facts about the unborn. Tel.' 674-4881 The arguments that abortion is a Catholic issue or that 'one 3V2 room Apartment Church is attempting ,to impose 4 Vz room Apartment its views on the whole nation "Provides 'an excuse for many Includes heat, hot water, stove, reto make an end-run into the profrigerator and maintenance service. abortion camp."

Baptist Minister Fights Abortion

OFFICIAL DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO ROME Under the Leadership of His Excellency MOST REV.. DANIEL A. CRONIN, D.D. Bishop of Fall River FEBRUARY 14 - 22, 1975 TOUR PRICES FROM



SECOND CLASS - Hotel Nord Nuova (or similar) $544.00" FIRST CLASS - Hotel Metropole (or similar) 583.00" DELUXE- Hotel Mediterraneo (or similar) 630.00" Note: For superior deluxe- Hotel Grand (or similar), rates on request.

$ 28.00 43.00 70.00

"Air fare included in tour price $390.00 (SUbject to change), plus $3.00 tax

PLUS -6 OPTIONAL EXTENDED TOURS AVAILABLE For Complete Information Write ·or Phone REV. MSGR. ANTHONYM. GOMES Director, Diocesan Travel League P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, Mass. 02722 PHONES 676-8943



This Message Sponsored by the 'Following Individuals and Business Concerns in the Diocese of I=all River FALL RIVER DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR cb. FALL RIVER ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU· GLOBE MANUFACTURING CO.





District Council Meets Tonight At St. Julie's

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974 I.

United Nations Today-October 24-isobserved a~ United Nations Day. . ' ". I . . , There is much fault that can be legitimately found with the United Nations. But it still r~mainsthe only international body in the world that can be considered a forum where nations of varying cultures and ideas can meet and talk-instead of fighting. The United Nations' is often looked, upon and' found wanting for what it has failed to do. Certainly, progress in the Middle East has been made apart Ifrom the United Nations and is a tribute to the old-fashioned face-to-face diplomacy of Dr. Kissinger. But the United Nations must be judge~ on another basis -the conflicts which it has helped to nip at their inceptions; the d1fficulties among nations that remained just that, difficulties, rather than blossoming into wars; problems that arrived at some sort of a truce because representatives cO\Jld meet in diplomat lounges and discuss matters over tea and coffee instead of on a battlefield. Taken for what it is and hopes t~ be, .the· United Nations is a plus in the world picture.

The New Bedford District Council of Oatholic Women will l'Dld an open meeting at 7 tonight cit St. Julie Billiart Church, 494 Slocum Roa~, North Dartmouth. Rev. Roger D. LeDuc, district moderator; will ,be homilist at a concelebrated Mass' at which Mrs. Joseph C. Carreiro, district president, and Mrs. Richard M. Paulson, diocesan president, will present the offertory gifts. Rev. Horace J. Travassos will be organist. A communion supper will follow with Mrs. Paulson, moderators of affiliated guilds and councils and ·prospective members as guests of honor.




The Ecumenical Movemer"t There is growing concern-and, it!l some measure, pessimism-over the future of the ecu~enical movement "A Need To Know Them Better." in this country and world-wide. • ! The policy-making board of the N~tional Council of Churches, a federation of more than thirt~ major Protestant and Orthodox denominations, agreed rec~ntly that the "joy and excitement" of the early days of the ecumenical movement have been lost. One suggestion put forth was that :there is need for better. interdenominational communication and it was suggested that a great conference of all Chpstians needed to . be convened. A former president of .the Council, Dr. Cynthia Wedel, said that there was need of ."open honest I ' dialogue." ,REV. JOHN F. MOORE St. William's Church The same note was voiced in anotherl meeting by Archbishop Jean Jadot, Apostolic Delegate to the United Sfates. • I Speaking in New York before more than fifty leaders of American Judaism, Archbishop Jadot called for a "further, Jews and deeper and more' open dialogue" between Lisbon was once called the "Pearl of the Atlantic." , . Catholics. . . . , From the broad expanse of Blackhorse Squ.are, along the The prelate asked deeper dicussion! into the matters tree-lined Avenue of Liberty to the beautiful gardens of of abortion and parochial· school aid, sayjng that these are Edward VII, Lisbon could rival in beauty more famous not Catholic issues but community concerns although many . cities of Europe. Yet this non-Catholics view them as Catholic issJes. year this beauty is dimmed the East, the narrow .alleys and It would· seem that the first enthusia~m of the ecumen- and even in some places side streets along t·he Targus river reveal the crippling povical movement is past, the time when there was excitement dingy. Everywhere'buildings erty that inflames passions and over the fact that persons of various faiths could sit down and monuments hav.e been de-' creates revolutions. And this is together without arguing and try to see wherein they agreed . faced with the scrawl of' the exactly the mood of Portugal and disagreed. The areas of agreement ~ere seen clearly hammer and sickle. The ever- and its. proud capital city. increasing strikes and mass demand rather quickly and this gave rise to delight and to onstrations have brQught a genRemoved from the post-war : great hope. eral unkempt appearance to the prosperity of Europe, chained to But honesty compels that the areas of difference be grand boulevards. Shortages are overseas wars, hampered by a examined as well., Apparent differences co~ld be in language prevalent, inflation rampant and fleeing population, Portugal toand not in fact, while real differences must be examined a general air of uncertainty per- day reflects a multitude of unre· meates the very core' of Lisbon solved problems. Added to this in the cold harsh light of t r u t h . ' life. of course was -the lack of politVarious faiths must re~lize that there are absolutely Thes'e changes,' even though to ical development that could as. irreconcilable differences in· some areas. These must be many they may seem superficial, sure domestic. tranquility and examined and accepted as such. On'e g~oup or t~e other are the tell-tale signs. of the un- national stability. As a result, must not be accused of "intransigence pecause a matter' easiness and unrest felt every- the seeds of discontent found a sOil that now has brought pertains to th~ essence of faith and will admit of no yielding. where in this' historic city. fertile Where once the proud disc'over- this nation and people to the As long as the ecumenical moveme~t is seen in this ers brought back the treasure of brink of a national disaster. light, then there must be continued and :constant dialogue Church Faces Crisis Too i and continued and constant prayer.





®rhe ANCHOR '1


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER . I


Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin,. D.O., StD.



Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.


FINANCIAL ADMINiSTRATOR I Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ' flell. John R. Foister




The desire for change within the framework of stability and peace seems to lose ground each day as the omnipresent officialdom is unable to cope with the mood and temper of the people. The vacuum that has been created by governmental neglect over the years is now being filled by one of the most highly organized and rapidly developing communist parties in Europe. In a country thirsting for reform, the red flag is fast becoming the banner of hope. The danger of a confrontation among extremes leading to the c'arnage of civil

war is not to be ignored and taken lightly. Since the church is the official state religion, existing in the shadows of government by special treaty, she also now faces one of the greatest challenges of her existence amid the cries for popular refo·rm. The church in ·Portugal well might see very difficult and dangerous days in the near future. Lacking any effective and strong Christian Democratic party far removed from the social reforms reflected by the spirit of Vatican H, the fact of a social dynamic in .the

Continued from Page One guess that means that I'm more 'Orthodox' than even he was." . Since leaving South Africa permanently five years ago--"The apartheid got so 'bad I just couldn't take it anymore"-the 48-year-old physician has come to head genetic counseling. at tbe' Mayo 'Clinic, 'a faciJi,ty that sees some 800 'genetic cases a year making it one of the largest such genetic centers in the world. "And when I began, I thought there would be a lot of requests for abortions," he continuedparents fearing genetically damaged children, 'inherited diseases and the like. "But I've been amazed at how infrequently abortion has come up. In five .years of cases, it's only been raised two or three times." Pro-Life Movement W'omen, he contended, are eager to learn how to treat tbe child once it's born, not eliminate ·the life within them. concern Such post - nat~1 brought Dr. Gordon to the East Side hospital for dedication of its new intensive care unit for infants and upgraded pediatric center. . Orientation toward cultivation and ministry to new Ufe is a. point that Dr. Gordon makes when asked to criticize the prolife movement-both in the Catholic Church and generally. . "It's too much. anti-aboI1tion," he noted, "and not enough prolife. Certainly, abortion needs to be disputed, but 'that's a negative approach. Piro-Iife people should emphasize helping life in those situations where people are considering abortion. For example, help for women who are worried about an unwanted pregnancy, for families who don',t know how to care for their baby, and mainly help for the possibly deformed or diseased baby."

church of Portugal remains elusive from the people. This vacuum is also being filled by the forces of the red star that only bring promises of false hopes amid carnage and destruction. As each day passes we can only expect an increase of tensions and divisions in this poor land. Let us hope that the wonderful spirit of the people of Portugal will give,them the courage to face ~ very uncertain future. Above all may the land of Fatima be guided by the Lady of Fatima.

Says Quest for Religious Experience Is Still 'Alive It is not very often that Cardinal Krol and I find our-

selves on the same side of the argument. So I figure that when the two of us agree about something, we almost have to be right. His words on the religious quest of young people, spoken during the opening days of the Synod, and retreating within the old boundaries of the Church to prowere not only right on tar- tect the faith in a time hostile get, they were absolutely to religion. right. The young, he told his fellow synodists, "are groping for tb::l elusive, the mysterious, the transcendent." It is, he added,



(\ mistake to categorize youth as "rebellious, irreligious, or as strangers to Christ and prayer. There is genuine receptivity to Christ and the Gospel which we cannot ignore." Such recept-jvity to Christ and the Gospel was totally ignored by the presynodal document" which purported to describe - in the name of the American Bishop~­ the state of religion in th::l United States. Whether deliberately or not, the Cardinal's intervention at the Synod was a turning away from the "malaise" theory of American Catholicism. So I clap twice as loud. Religion Not Obsolete Not all young people are inter· ested in the mysterious, the transcendent; but many are, perhaps more than ever before (as such things as Transcendental Meditation show). Nor do the young have any monopoly on the quest for religious experience as ourresearch- on mystical experiences -and the mail which that research has produced - makes clear. Anyone who thinks that in the United Stl:\tes reHgion has hecome obsolete hasn't ventured clown from the skyscrapers of midtown Manhattan for a long time-or hasn't noticed the ads for Rev. Sun Myung Moon on almost every building in New York. But, the question might be asked of both- Cardinal Krol and me (an odd couple, surely) whether the search for the mysterious and -transcendent is not totally irrelevant, no matter how many people may be engaged in it. With famine threatening many parts of the world is not , such "mysticism" ·immoral? Should not the Church be much more concerned about taking ~.tands· on vital social issues? Is not the mysterious and the elusive a luxury that a world caught in a massive shortage of resources cannot afford? Is it not sinful for the Church to do anything but become socially active? Two Parties A TV commentator who knows Rome well suggested the other night that there were two parties at tb2 Synod; the first-repre!;enting the Third World-was demanding more active intervention by the Church; the other was in favor of drawing back

I have no way of knowing whether tbose are the alternatives as they ,are seen by the Synod delegates. I ,hope not, though one can never be sure. But those are certainly the alternatives presented to us by a lot of enthusiastic, ·if uninformed and incompetent, "activists." If such are the only choices left to us, we should pack our tents, head for the hills. and hope like 1.·;11 that the Lord Jesus comes back for us soon. Concrete Answers What can the Church say about the complex economic and social problems facing the world community? Can if force the Arabs to lower the price of oilthe biggest single cause of fertilizer shortage and probable famine in South Asia? Can it constrain India to change its culture and social structure so as to effect the internal reforms, without wh:ch foreign aid will be little more than a palliative? Can it force Latin American govern· ments-Ieft, right, and centerto invest more money in improving the quality and quantity ,of agricultural production so that the United States is not the only major country in the world exporting food? Does it have (\' cure for inflation? Is there a ~ingle world problem, the solution to which can be deduced from the New T,estament? Would not any governmental leader be a madman if he looked to a group of ecclesiasticsassembled in Rome for technical answers? Encouragement to generosity, trust, cooperation? Sure, and those are qualities which are not in large supply in the world . community just now. But beyond such encouragement what concrete answers can the Church possibly have? Sees Alternative There was a time when economic processes were simple enough that the Church could make a pronouncement on usury and no one would -doubt either the wisdom or the competence of such a decision. But what does the Synod know about the factors determining the prime rate? Not very' much, one hopes, or the bishops have been spending too much time reading the "Wall Street JournaL" What then is left to us? Are we to settle down, each one of us in our own shanty (as Bishop Spaulding once wrote) and search for the transcendent? Is there no' alternative between cowardly withdrawal from the world and arrogant pontification about technical matters on which we are incompetent? There is an alternative, to which I will return in a ,future column, and it involves redefining the nature of' the search for the transcendent and the impact of that search on human behav·iar. Christ did not tell us what to do; he told us wHo to be. An::! in that there is everything.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974

Texas Is Site of Culture Collision SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Texas zation, Father Elizondo called is the center of a collision of two upon tb2 Catholic Church to accultures that have never met be- cept the challenge of making this fore, the Neo·European civiliza- new civilization more human and tion of North America and the not less human by bringing forth Indian-European civilization of the best of both civilizations. Latin America, delegates to the The Indian-European civilizaTexas Catholic Conference (TCC) tion of Latin Am.erica, he exwere told here. plained, is a melding of Spanish Father Virgil Elizondo, presi- culture with the native American . dent of the Mexican-American cultures of the Mava and Aztec Cultural Center' here, said that and with the imported African the confluence of the'two cul- culture of the blacks. It is truly tures should offer Christians a representative of the Third World creative challenge and not be of developing nations, he said. regarded as a problem. On the other hand, the NeoViewing the conflict and suf- European civilization of America fering present in the Southwest . is a blending of European culturas the birth pains of a new civili- al patterns but without signifi-

cant non-Caucasian cultural input. The suffer·ing of the MexicanAmericans in Texas is the suf· fering of the Third World," Father Elizondo said. Its presence in the midst of an Anglo culture provides a truly unique situation fraught with both dangers and opportunities. Pointing to the TCC as an example of eollegiality between the two streams of civilization, Father Elizondo called on Christians in the midst of confluence to neither condemn nor applaud the past but to interpret it and seek the pattern of God in it.

Missionaries serve to bring "food" for both, but they can only help as much as you make possible through your prayers" and sacrifices. Please give today for the millions who hunger after food, justice, truth, and the Bread of Life!

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May my sacrifice of $ help to bring God's Love to those who hunger and thirst for a better human life. ANOH-IO-24~74

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Remember the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in your Will ....'or the mission-poor.

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The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C., 366 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10001


The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720





Pope Stresses

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974 . , . ,

N'eed for Fidel Hy

Predicts Christmas :to, Se!e Swing to Sensible !Gi~vi'ng

VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Church today 'needs Christians with a sense of fidelity to their rebirth in Christ, begun through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, Pope Paul VI said at a weekly gen~ral audience,

By the time this column is printed many readers will have received their' Christmas Club check~ and thoughts of "What would Auntie like?" will be whirling t.hrough their heads like the proverbial sugar plums. While I don't claim : to be a great seer, I do predict that this Christmas will money for s~ch extras is very see a huge swing to sensible hard to coml·by. giving. After a year of infJa, Gifts of Love

tionary prices and cautious Wh'lI e IS, 't' I un I'k I t'-ua t thOIS . . ley spendmg, thiS'" should be a Yule 'Ch' I . h'm th e rlS tm as w ill beavls ' t (unI ess you ' re where such thmgs as his and . her ,gl'ft depar tmen planes are only for the Oil bar- an 01'I shah), :'t b d I can e warm an wonderful because a lot of ,thought and jove will have to go into each gift. Our lifestyle is changing be¢ause of necessity By and perhaps ;it's a good thing. My own Ifavorite Christmas scene is to bb found in the chB-' MARILYN dren's story,~ "Five Little Peppers," where '.such items as handmade .mittens were as welcome as the lavish toys ,that our own children hav~ come to expect. ons and certainly not' for the This may; well be the giftordinary people.. giving year When quality and not Because of the necessity of quantity becdme the byword and making every penny count, cloth- , when our s~opping really takes ing should be an important gift on meaning. item that will be appreciated and, ! used. Sweaters, blouses, nightSends Moslems Good wear, even panty hose will not' i only be welcomed but eagerly 'Wishes For Feast accepted as our own clothing VATIS;AN rCIIT (NC) - The budgets shrink and shrink. Vatioan's Secretariat for Non· Christians h~s addressed a mesHandmade Gifts sage to th~ world's Moslems Now the cry from the buyer marking the; end of the, Holy will not be whether it is unusual month of Ramadan. but whether it is useful, practical I was broadcast The mess,:\ge and certainly. whether it is worth by Vatican ~adio. its price. Not since the days of the apple carts, soup lines, 'and The Arab-language letter said: "Dear brothers, tbis blessed "Yes, we have no bananas," will there be such careful Christmas month is on ~he point of ending, shopping. giving way to the glorious festival· of Fitr which brings blessing Handmade gifts will not only and prosperity. I be 'appreciated by the receiver but also by the giver who can "For the believing and faithful - put something .of herself into Moslem thisl monfh is not like gifts without 'breaking her bank others. It is ~ sign of God-great ·account. With a winter ahead and of infinite mercy-bringing that prOmises an emphasis on mercy' andl pardon to His fuel conservation, no gift would faithful." ': . be more appreciated than a handJ . some, warm, handmade sweater, Refuses ~ro.Abortion ,or·.evena',<l~lightful;,J()asty pair " '01". b,edsq,cks ,;to', chase away ,'a. Candidat~s' Advertising '~ase of. ~rosJbi~t~n )ges.· .. ' WASHINqTONVILLE, (NC)..,... : :·If YO'li;~e:~.aily 'type of' sea'm- Tbe. publisher and editor of a stress, then, \1~yo'iir :sewing ma- fa, mily-ownE~d,' week.·ly newspap'e.r chine to stretch your Christmas here,. The Orange, County Post, check.' Homemade tablecloths, have decideq not 'to 'accept any with matchingn~pkins, 'fancy advertising from ,candidates. who . aprons, long wool skirts, so(a f~'v~r aborti?n ~nd notchto print pillows, children's dresses:' all are sones conc,ermng su . candi~ -not ,too difficult to' sew and are - dates. ! .welcome gifts at a time when Elmer J. IS pear, publisper of .' the 1,860-circulation paper . : . . , this tiny village" about 50 miles I Seton Canonization northwest qf New York City, said, "Wer~ .not going to help Possibility in Holy Yeat anyone that'~ going to kill human vA,T'ICAN .CITY (NC) -;- Th~ life." . canonization of Blessed Elizabeth Seton, is "a possibility" , Spear contended that the Unitduring the 1975 Holy Year, ed States "is heading the samepending results of. examinations way as pre~war Germany." He of miracles attributed to her in- said that, a~ long as candidates favor abortion, "I don't care· tercession. ' 'about ,their; views 'on other , The miracles, accord'ing to a issues.'.' I h,igh offici~1 of the. Co~grega- .:' '.He 'called: 'abortion "murder" tlOn for Samts' Causes, a,re. ~t~ll ,and 'said he: was "calling atten-' u?der study by the congregation.' tion to something ,that's fierce Fmal decisions have not yet and vicious.'1 been reached, the source 'said, S 'f J .' . , pear,- atller of eight chIldren, ~hether the congregation will and his faini'ly are Catholics, He'· ar:lve at an ~ffirm.ative, or neg- said, he, hisl wife, and his son atlve con~luslOn. IS still very John, the paper's editor, made much up 111 the air, this source "the decisiOli,! on ,advertising and told NC News Service, news stories. ,



"Indeed we have a need, a fundamental need, to know oui.. selves as Christians. We call this rebirth of Christian conscious· ness, mentality and logic fidel· ity," the Pope said in his first general audience here since reo turning from his summer resi· dence at Castelgandolfo Sept. 18. "The great failure of so many modern Christians is the incoherence a.nd the lack of fidelity DAD OFFICIATES: Michael Borowski and Marcia to, graces received in Baptism, or Wallace are married b'efore a minister very special to them successively in other sacraments, to solemn and salutary duat 51. Adalbert's Church, Pittsburgh. The couple had delayed and ties assumed toward God, totheir wedding for a year so that they could obtain the ward Christ, toward the Church. services of the minister-Michael's father, the Rev. Mr. in celebration of a pact, an alliFrank A. Borowski, one of the diocese's 26 permanerit an~e, a communion of supernatdeacons. He was the first deacon in Pittsburgh to officiate- ural life, which should never have been overlooked or beat a wedding. NC Photo. trayed. On the other hand, it is a great gain' to have held faithfully to these duties which give sense, virtue and merit to ChrisWASHINGTON (NC) - Two , Congress or private sources. tian life," the Pope said, senators-a Republican. and a . Domenici warned that without 'Democrat-have criticized the developing a policy, the conferOpens 442nd Year Ford administration for failing ence could turn into a "sham." to develop an American position ROME (NC)-The Jesuit-run Humphrey criticized both Secfor the upcoming United Nations retary of Agriculture Earl Butz Pontifical Gregorian University World Food Conference, sched- and Secretary of State Henry marked the beginning of its uled to meet in Rome, Nov. 5-16, Kissinger, the two top -adminis- 442nd academic year at a Mass The two-Hubert Humphrey tration officials most involved celebrated in the Church of St. (D-Minn.), and Peter Domenici with the food c·onference. Butz IIgnatius Oct. 15, The rector, (R.N-M.), also said in speeches will head the U. S. delegation, Jesuit Father Herve Carrier, reon the Senate floor that the ad- but has been criticized by church called that the university had ministration was not seeking in- people and others as in$ensitive been. founded a~ the Collegio, put on the food issue from either to the food issue, Romano.

Criti'Cize Admini'Str,otion on Food

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974

,For Everything A S,eason;


Love Them, Let Them Go Where I live autumn can be a magnificent time. Crisp air. Vibrantly colored foliage. The fragrance of harvested fruits. But each year the first killing frost depresses me. Finding blackened ruin in my garden where there had been healthy plants the day before More Faith makes me blue. But no matAnd so I fear their going away. ter how much I'd like to hold I doubt I've done my job well on to summer, I know it's enough . . . I'm afraid they'll over, Nothing I clo will bring it back. Rather than moan about the frozen plants, I know I must ac-


cept that ,I enjoyed them while it was their time to be, recognize that their season is over, and anticipate the beauties and joys of the coming winter. The cruncb of frozen grass underfoot is invigorating. The first snow creates a hushed splendor. There is a new beauty, if I but see it . . . and if ,I'll let go of the summer that is gone. And how simiIar to life. Selective Memories Parents try to hang on to the t>ime gone by with children. When they're toddlers we fondly remember their baby days, and re3ist letting them grow out of it. We say we wish they'd grow up, but bold them back when ,they do. Maybe it's because we have selective memories, recalling on!y what we want to, and we fear change. When I look at my frozen flowers, I don't remember the weeds, the insects, the drought of summer. I remember only their beauty. I was comfortable with the garden the way it was. I knew what it was doing; knew what to expect. While I try to anticipate the beauty of winter, ttere ,is the unknown. How severe will it be? How much ice? How much damage from storms? Will much of the garden be ruined by heaving frosts? And I know I do the same thing with my children. When I remember the infants, they we,:e tender, sweet bundles of fluff. I forget their crying for middle of the night feedings, sickness, worry. And I'm fearful of their growing because ,it's the beginning of losing them. Now ttey have grown to teen: agers. I remember their early school years, coming home, seeking my advice. I forget that they were looking for tha,t advice every two minutes through every hour of homework. I forget the squabbles, the tears, and the endless childhood diseases. And deep down, I fear their independence, their growing up, their growing away from the family. I know I have a responsibility to teach them to be good people, to let their lives be a contribution to the world. But I haven't finished yet. I'm not ready. Give me a bit more time!

change and I won't know how to cope with it. Yet all it would take is a bit more faith. If I fully believe about God the tb:ngs I say I do, I wouldn't fear a new season in their lives. . God knows what talents He gave me as a mother. He knows how well I've used them ... and deep inside, I know I've done my best. God did not create a stagnant. universe. Growth and change are part of His plan. All life is constantly developing. If I 'try to stop my children from changing and growing, I'm not doing my best, not accepting His way of life. He said He'd be with us all days. I believe that includes every new stage. every new season. A friend of mine showed me how that kind of faith works. She said she used to worry. especially wben her children first began driving. Then she realized her fear was accomplishing nothling for the children, and eroding her. She said, "God knows I've done ,the best I could with what He gave me. The kids are on their way. Now it's up to them . and Him." That's real peace of mind!

Heritage Proposes Bicentennial Events WASHINGTON (NC)-A religious convocation to take place on the Mall in the nation's capital on the nat'ion's 200th birthday has been proposed here by Religious Heritage of America. The central thrust would be a Rededication of the nation to another 200 years as one nation under God. Religious Heritage is a nondenominational group attempting to place a religious frame of reference around the bicentennial celebration. . The convocation, proposed for July 4, 1976, would be led by th,e nation's .religious leaders. In addition to the convocation, the group is also sponsoring a mobile religious art exhibit.

Community Project Gets CHD Funds SYRACUSE (NC) - A grant of $20,000 has been awarded to a Syracuse economic and social development program from the national Campaign for· Human Development (CHD), Father Lawrence J. McNamara, CHD executive director,announced here. Qualifying for campaign funds is the staff expansion program of MAN/'BUILD, Inc. Formed five years ago, this group helps low-income people resolvett·eir environmental problems and satisfy their priorities on a self-help basis. MAN/BUILD provides technical and financial information for the rehabilitatkm of neighborhoods.

FINALIZING PLANS FOR THE BISHOP'S CHARITY BALL: Representatives from the Attleboro Area. meet for committee discussions on the 20th Annual Bishop's Ball scheduled for Jan. 10 at the Lincoln Park Ballroom. 'Left to right: Misses Angela and Emily .Medeiros of Mt. Ca\mel Parish, Seekonk; Rev. Bento R. Fraga, pastor of Holy Ghost ParIsh, Attleboro and area director for the Bishop's Charity Ball; Mrs. Harry B. Lowe, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro; Mrs. Alfred Travers, Holy Ghost Parish, Attleboro.

Camps To,pic of TV Community Program The 20th annual Bishop's Charity Ball of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River to be held "on Friday, Jan .10, at the Lincoln Park Ballroom, North D.artmouth, will benefit four summer camps for the underprivileged a-ndexceptional ,children of every color, l1ace and creed of the southeastern area of Mas3achusetts. The ,Ball will have as its theme the observance of the Church's Jubilee Holy Year. The diocesan ball committee with the co-sponsors of the affair, the Council of Catholic Women and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, supervise all details of this outstanding winter social event. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Charity Ball, noted at the last meeting of the committee planning this

charitable event .that many improvementsa-t the camps were made possible through the proceeds of the Ball. The camp for the exceptional chi,ldren, Nazareth Day Camp, provides recreation under professional supervision. The St. Vincent de Paul Overnight Camp and' the Catholic Boys' Day Camp served hundreds of children during the past summer under professionally trained camp directors. These camps are situated in Westport. The fourth camp, the Mashpee Camp on the .Cape, serves the emotionally disturbed children. Rev. Edmond R.' Levesque, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Church, North Westport, and director of the three diocesan camps in West· port, will appear on Channel 6 Community Program at 8:30 a.m.

on Nov. 12. Sister Mary Roger Mills, R.S.M., teacher at the Nazareth Hall School, Fall River, "'iIl discuss the work for exceptioilal children in four Nazareth Hall Schools, also a beneficiary of the proceeds of the Ball, on Channel 6 Community Program on Nov. 28, at 8:30 a.m.





Asserts Pornography , Billion Dollar Business ST. CLOUD (NC)-Organized crime controls almost all of the billion dollar 'pornography business in this country, a member of former President Richard Nixon's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography said here. Father Morton A. Hill, pres-' ident of the Morality in the Media, an organization devoted to . checking obscenity and violence in newspapers, radio and television, made his remarks in an address to the priests of the St. Cloud diocese. The priest severely criticized the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) without whose cooperation, he said, the pornographic traffic could not exist. The ACLU, he said, actually represented a minority position of the legal profession in the United States, but because it is so well organized, it is diffi::uIt to counteract.

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Thurs., Oct. 24, 1974

Missioners Blast Ford's Defense Of CIA in Chile

Sister Switches from Teaching Youths :To Running Defense for Aged I



(NC) - A new title has appeared on the staff roster of 1251year-old St~ Charles Borromeo's parish on Brooklyn NEW YORK (NC) - Fifteen Heights. members of Catholic and ProtIt is "A~vocacy Office" its estant organizations sen,ding mischeery. holder is Sister Mary sionaries to Third World of, deI ' veloping countries have sent Ruth, 55, who last year switched President Gerald Ford an open fr()m teachink the 'young to "adold. : letter attacking his defense of vOGate" for ~he I The nun, aiSister of St. Joseph, CIA i!1volvement in Chile. I ' The letter criticized CIA oper- began her full time advocacy job ations to "destabilize" the gov- Sept. 5 at the invitation of Msgr. ernment of Chile's late Marxist Charles E. Diviney, pastor of the President Sa.lvador Allende. The red brick church and a vicar Brooklyn diocesc;' letter called such interventions general of tHe ·1 She 'receiv~s $5,500 a year, thc "immoral and indefensible." .The 15 Religious, all mission same uniform salary, exclusive superiors, coordinators or offi- of fringe bertefits, as elementary cers within their groups, said teachers in the diocese who are they were speaking for them-' members of Religious orders. She selves, not their groups. They is- pays, like the teachers in the sued the. statement following a parish, $50 J month to the conmeeting here. They said they dis- venf where s:he lives. While thel other St. Charles associated thems~lves from. the use of the CIA to intervene in teachers are busy with the the affairs of other countries, younger genctation, Sister Ruth and demanded disclosure of past spends her d'ays running defense and present CIA covert activities, for older pat,ishioners, who comthe termination of all future cov- prise more than 'half the some ert operations and "the prosecu- 700 familie~ who attend the II tion of any who may have per- Church. jured themselves regarding CIA "When I reviewed last year's activities." budget," the: pastor commented, "You tried to justify the U.S. "I found that more than half the intervention in Chile by saying income was igoing into the parthat communist nations do the ish school. It has only 300 chilsame," the group wrote Presi- dren. A loti of these are from dent Ford. "We flatly reject us- outside the parish. ing the immorality of others as "Since th'e majority of our j~stification of our own actions. parishioners !are middle aged, pr Are we to imitate the very evil older, I feU tha.t they should get which we claim to be opposing?" some more service than is customary for !people their age in Lack Truth most parishes." . I The letter noted the Presi'Msgr. Diviney's thinking coindent's claim that the CIA was cided with ~hat was going on defending democracy in Chile by in the mind pf Sister Mary Ruth. supporting opposition press and For 35 ye1ars, she had taught political parties in tbe 'best inhigh school I Spanish in schools terest of the people. on Long Island, New York, and "Aside from "the arrogance of in Puerto Rito. She "loved every such a claim," the letter said, minute of it!" "we. find your statements far But there! was another aposshort of the truth. CIA funds. tolic need that seemed to loom were allocated to bribe the Chilean Congress, to support nation- larger and l~rger every time she al strikes, and to foment civil was with older members of her disorders which precipitated the l,600-memJxJr, Religious commucoup. Furthermore, where' is the nity in Bren~wood, L. I. "At least one-third of our CIA support for-freedom of the' press and democratic parties in Sisters are lover 55," she said. Chile now that they have indeed. "We have some pre-retirement·, planning, as i do most businesses, been suppressed?" and we arel eligilble for Social 'The .missioners charged that Security. CIA covert actions in the Third' "We are mostly teachers,. and I \,Vorld frequently support undemw~ -have staffed two hospitals. "Which ocratic governments Not many in our community are trample on the rights of their trained to t~ke care of the agown· people." ing." . "We missionaries," the letter 'Sister Mary Ruth asked if she continued, "have felt' first-hand could leave Iclassroom work' to effects of such interventions, study the ~sychology of a~ing which are certainly not in 'the persons at the Zeman Institue of best interest' of the major·ity of the Jewish IHome and Hospital the citizens of those countries. for the Aged in Manhattan. Then U. S. interventions serve the in- she became 1an expert in advoterests of their wealthy minor- cacy techniques at the Burden ities and are-as our critics often Center for ithe Aging in Mansay - instruments of American hattan. I economic domination." She learned the ins and outs of Medicare:, Medicaid, Supplemental Secufity Income and how Fear of God to guide orer-65 clients, wRo 'Fear of God ne~er meant to might be ,too proud to admit they the Jews that they ought to were in need and/or confused be afraid of God, but that, trem- about the r~d~tape. hling, they ought to be aware _ Since sta~ting her work in an of His' incomprehensibility. Only office in thr rectory basement, through the fear of God does Sister Marx Ruth has had a man enter so deep into the love warm welc6me. Just the fact of God that he cannot again that she is :there has become a be cast out of it. local parish I event. And it is a reflection of what -Martin Buber •



CARTA Honors Senator, Priest NEW YORK -(NC) - Conservative columnist William F. Buckley, Jr., and author Father James Conlan were honored by tl:-3 Catholic Apostolate of Radio and Television Advertising (CARTA) at its annual luncheon here. Buckley, who also hosts a weekly TV interview program, has been in the forefront of controversial moral and social issues for many year-so Father Conlan, a priest of thc N~w York archdiocese, is a playwright, director and performer. Among, his .writing credits arc two original dramas for networ'k television. The citations honored the two men for "their continuing efforts in promoting the cause of better human relations via the broadcast, print and entertainment media." CARTA is a volunteer group of pwfessional -men and women wb:> provide professional counsel to the communications office of the New York archdiocese.

Says Canonization Of Laity Planned ADVOCATE FOR THE AGED: Sister Mary Ruth has had a warm welcome because of her professional training and because "People respond to a Sister. . They feel I'll keep their secrets." NC Photo.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - A number of lay persons will bc canonized and beatified during the Holy Year, Cardinal Luigi Raimondi, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints, said in an interview on Vatican Radio. Referring to the announcement recently of seven canonizations and beatifications already \approved by Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Raimondi mentioned that this list included no laity. "I nJust tell you, however, that the 'list of beatifications and canonizations that wi1I' take place in the Holy Year is not yet complete. There are other cases under examination and we hope to terminate cases dealing wit.h some of the laity wi~h relativc ease." Replying to questions about how and when the ceremonies w,ould take place, Cardinal Raimondi said: "These ceremonies wJll be related to individual circumstances which are of interest to many nations. There are reli- \ gious families, there are sectprs of the Church, there are individual categories ... The program ,has not yet been settled."

has been happening on "the Some in four Heights hotelsHeights," a somewhat Bohemi- all of the hostelries have seen an neighborhood south of the grander days-face eviction and Brooklyn Bridge whose middle- higher rentals. There is a local class population includes approx- battle over whether two of them imately 6,000 senior citizens, an will became profit-making Proestimated one-third of whom live prietary Homes for Adults and in hotels and rooming houses. talk of another becoming partly The area generally has many _cooperative apartments. Fear of 'singles, adults and professional muggings and robbery haunts pecple' and, because 'of a shortage many, who refuse to go out at of secondary schools, its young night. families drain off to the suburbs. Arriving on this scene of local "These are people who have malaise, Sister Mary Ruth has known stability':""'it is a joy to attained instant fame. A local help ~hem," Sister Mary Ruth' podiatrist has o(fered free serremarked. "'I've met some lovely, vices. The neighborhood library lovely people." . has arr'anged to let her take out . The plight of the elderly here unlimited. large-print books to is a sample of a massive New neglected or lonely "seniors'" on York City problem. Tens of thou- her daily afternoon beat. Hotel sands of the aged, blind and dis- personnel have welcomed her to abled are being driven by eco- battered rooms on her visits to nomic necessity to move from the isola,ted. She has connected small and often squalid quarters with community 'citizens' proin single-room occupancy hotels, grams, offered advice, eased peoand into even less' desirable ple into nursing homes, and softplaces. Relief officials said this ly but effectively battled bureaumonth that 25 such hotels in crats. Manhattan .have either closed or PLUMBING '& HEATING, INC.. In addition to her being a proconverted to other uses in the last fessional, she says "people reyear. Sales and Service ' for Domestic ~ Strapped by the limits of So- spond to a Sister, and they have and Industrial ~ cial Security, a non-touchable confidence in me because of this. Oil Burners They feel I'H keep their secrets. nestegg in the bank, and perhaps 995-1631 a little income from stocks or a Also, they want spiritual help 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE and almost invariably ask me pension fund, they are caught in NEW BEDFORD to pray for them." , a. bind, Sister Ruth observed. Frequently, they would rather not admit their plight if it would mean g;iving up their independence, she said. The nun sometimes turns saleSman to convince them that government benefits • Savings Bank Life Insurance are not '~welfare" or "charity" • Real Estate Loans but simply a return, to which • Christmas and Vacation Clubs they are entitled, on insurance paid over the years. • Savings Accounts


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Foree 'Force .means war; war means atomic bombs; and atomic bombs mea~ suicide. -Robert M. Hutchins

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Schedule Joint Study, Missions To Israel NEW YORK (NC) - Several hundred Catholics and Jews will visit Israel and Rome next year in a series of three interreligious study missions to probe the Jewish roots of the Catholic Holy Year. The announcement was 'made by Catholic and Jewish leaders during a press conference at the American Jewish Committee headquarters here. ' At the news conference, each of the clergymen stressed the theological and social roots that link ,Judaism and Christianity and the significance of the interfaith travel-study project as a high point in Jewis:l-Christian understanding. Each study mission will follow the same basic itinerary, with some variations according to the special interests of the participants. Meet Leaders In Israel the groups will be greeted by Archbishop William Carew, apostolic delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine, and will attend lectures by scholars at Hebrew University, see the holy places of both Judaism and Christianity, meet with Christian and Jewish leaders, visit in the homes of Christian, Moslem and Jewish families, and spend two nights at an Orthodox kibbutz. In Rome the participants will attend a seminar with Cardinal John Willebrands, president of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, and other leaders of the Catholic Church, as well as a public audience with Pope Paul VI. A full day's seminar with clergy in Rome will be included along with visits to both Christian shrines and Roman sites. The study missions will be cosponsored by the AJe's Christian Visitors to Israel Program and by the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute of the Atonement Friars of Garrison, N. Y.

Catholic Relief Aid$ Jewish ,Migrants BRUSSELS (NC)-Catholic relief groups have been providing aid to a group of Russian Jews who emigrated to Israel, became dissatisfied there and traveled to Belgium seeking homes. The Jews, however, have been refused permission to settle in this country and are seeking to go to the United States. Although the exact number of Jews wishing to' emigrate to the United States is not known at this time, it is known that there are groups here, in Paris and in Rome. Care is being coordinated by the International Catholic ,Migration Commission in Geneva, Switzerland. Also involved in the international negotiations are the Belgium and French Catholic charHies agencies, Italian Central Office for Emigration in Rome, and the U. S. State Department's Refugee Program.

Anxiety When internal examination discovers nothing wrong, what is there to be anxious about, what is there to fear. -Confucius



Thurs., Oct. 24, 1974

Mother Teresa Links Poverty With Abortion STOCKHOLM (NC) - Any highly developed society is poor jf it allows .abortion, Mother Teresa of· Calcutta said during a short visit here in Sweden. Among her appearances during her stay, Mother Teresa spoke to a group, of 80 nursing home instructors in the suburb of Malmo. "Sweden and the other industrialized countries have a high standard of technology," she said. "But: there are people here cry.OUR LADY'S ROSARY MAKERS: Rosary making group meeting weekly in St. Roch's ing for someone to care for parIsh, Fall River, includes, clockwise around table, Joseph E. Paquette, Annette Paquette, them, It is a sign of great povJoan Snyder (standing), Blanche Crispo, Rita B. Reney, Emilia Dwyer, Doris Bernier (stand- erty that abortion is performed ing), ~ngeli~a Guertin, Jeanne Miville, Lucille Laliberte, Germaine Dupre. Not pictured, in so many countries," Mother Teresa is the founder AngelIna CrISpO, Lauretta Francoeur, Annette Lavoie. of the Congregation for the Missionaries of Charity, which numbers 700 Sisters and '100 Brothers in' no more than 50 houses around the world. Mother Teresa maintained although many people say India has too many people, that actuBy PAT McGOWAN Miss Dupre and Miss Laliberte Africa mission in East Tanzania, ally there are not enough chilcan whip out a rosary in a mat- in which they have a special inIn recent years use of the ter of half an hour, watching tel- terest, since Sister Maria Riel, dren in India. "During the last two years, rosary, once almost the member- evision as their fingers fly, but 'a St. Roch's native, was formerwe have not sent out any chilship badge of the Catholic, has the St. Roch's workers admit ly stationed there. dren for adoption abroad, beseemed to diminish. IBut "Mary's they have a way to go to match They have yet to hear of the cause in fact we have not enough garland" is making a comeback. such speed. "Takes some of us safe receipt of their first ship- of them," she said. One pastor who introduced a about two and a half hours to ment, sent at the beginning of "There are many Indian famdaily rosary preceding the eve- make one rosary," said a memthe summer. "It takes up to four ilies in India and abroad without ning Mass in his parish during ber. months for a boat to get there," children and wanting to adopt this traditional month of the explained Mrs. Bernier, "and that a child." Long Decades rosary reports his surprise and While here, Mother Teresa anMiss Dupre acknowledges that long for the acknowledgement to pleasure at the number arriving get back, unless the Sisters write nounc.ed that a special type of every now and then she'll turn early for Mass in order 'to have air mail." milk will be donated to her conthe op~ortunity of reciting the out .a nine or 11 bead rosary gregation in India by a group decade instead of the standard The group began last Lent, she rosary in community. And a front where th3 need 10, but such slips never reach her said, and has met faithfully since called Mother Teresa's Co-Workthat time. Paquette, said the la- ers in Sweden. for rosaries has never diminished "consumers," . The milk, which has the com"I always check the rosaries dies unanimously, is their chamis that of the missions, where mercial title of PRO-Milk, is free requests for the beads reach before turning them in," she said. pion rosary maker, having turned from bacteria, will keep for three are out 400 rosaries before he began The St. Roch's meetings flood-iike proportions. "The current amount satisfies only about the occasion for pleasant chat specializing in the crosses and months, and has a low level of one-tenth of the requests that as the rosaries are crafted. "We medals. He has also been active ,sugar and is enriched with vitawe receive' for them," say offi- tried saying the rosary as we in the parish CCD program, serv- mins and minerals. cials of Our Lady's Rosary Mak- made. rosaries," said Mrs. Ber- ing last year as its president. ers, of Louisville, Ky., a non· nier, "but it just didn't work." ELECTRICAL Other group members are Mrs. profit organization now in its Devotion to its recitation at oth- . er times, however, is close to Paquette, Blanche and Angelina Contradon 25th year. every member's heart. Crispo, Rita B. Reney, Emilia A diocesan group doing someRosary-making materials are Dwyer, 'Angelina Guertin, Jeanne thing about this need is the s..,ir- purchased from Our, Lady's Ro- Miville, Lauretta Francoeur, An'itual committee of the Cou~cil sary Makers at a cost of 5 cents nette Lavoie and Joan Snyder, of Catholic Women of St. Roch's per rosary, a less-than-cost ar- who is also president of St. parish, Fall River. Members meet rangement designed to encourage Roch's Council of Catholic two hours weekly to make misW·omen. sion rosaries, as well as putting the mission project. Workers It is their hope that other in additional time at home on the agree to send every rosary thus made to the missions. "If we councils and organizations might project. want to make rosaries for our· take up the rosary-making craft. First Rosary Maker selves or for gifts, we can pur- It is indisputably needed. "We Mrs. Doris Bernier, spiritual ,ch3se more expensive materials beard Slbout one mission where committee chairman, said that from Kentucky," 'said Mrs. Ber- there was only one rosary. It Miss Angelina Crispo of St. nier. "Sale of them is used to was kept around a statue and people took turns using it," said Roch's was the originator of the subsidize the mission beads," The beads, in an array of col- Mrs. Bernier, who noted that the rosary-making idea. But Miss Crispo was quick to share credit ors, the crosses and the central _ project is not too difficult for with her friends. Miss Germaine medals are made of plastic. It is children. Her own 10-year-old Dupre and Miss Lucille Laliberte the task of, Joseph E. Paquette, ,Russell and 12-year-old Therese of St. Anne's parish, Fall River, the only male rosary maker, to are veteran rosary-makers. noting that Miss Dupre was, as equip the crosses and medals There's 11 convenient Further information on the far as is known, the first rosary with intricately looped wires, locations in Attleboro maker in the city, having been known as bows, in preparation work is available from Our Falls, Mansfield, North Lady's Rosary Makers, 4611 Popfor attachment to the beads. at the craft for 14 years. \ Attleboro, North Dightor:l.,' He held up a medal to demon- lar Level Rd., Louisville, Ky. The two St. Anne's parishioners "North Easton, Norton, are frequent visrtors to the St. strate the importance of even 40213. Raynham. and Taunton, Roch's group, and Miss Dupre wiring. "If ,it doesn't hang propCites Unchurched recalled that she became a ro- erly, the whole rosary is off balsary maker after reading a mag- ance," WASHINGTON (NC)-A colorPaquette also inspects finished coded' map indicating the per,azine article about the Kentucky rosaries to make certain decades centage of unchurched personsorganization. "I sent for a beginn'er's kit and are of equal length.' "It's quite those not belonging to any Christaught myself how to make the a trick to get the wiring between tian denomination - has been beads. Then I started a group at the beads all the same size," he published here by the Glenmary Research Center. The map indiSt. Anne's," The group, she said, said. One Rosary cates that 38 per cent of the no longer meets, although many The St. Roch's group sends its American population is unof its former members still make MEMBER F 0 Ie rosaries to a White Sisters of churched. rosaries individually.

St. Roch's Rosary-Makers, Fall River, Help Fill Tremendous Mission Need

Look for us




.. .




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-~hurs. Oct. 24, 197-11

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish oraanizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, 8S well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

Finds True Apostojlic Spirit In Frank Sheed's iBook Frank Sheed says that his latest work, "The Church and I" (Doubleday, 277 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 384 pages. $7.!~5), is not an autobiography but: a book "about my experience of the Church." That experience covers a good ' part of the' globe and somef It came, ias he sees it, .when thing like three-quarters 0 a the Church' was already devitalcentury, from the author's ized. That condition he' attribearliest years in, Australia. utes to agen'eral superficial acHis mother was a devout Oatholic, his father an ardent Marxist. Among other relatives were Prot· estants and Catholics. For six

quaintance with the f1ich contents of Catholic; doctrine and their practical implications. He, is highly critical of the religious ·instruction ,of tbe past, and of the quality of preaching. As for: the future, "The Church," h~ says, "will re-shape By itself," morJ or less ideally. It always has.! I do not know what RT. REV. the new sliape will' be. I don't 'even know what I want it to be." MSGR. But he is a~ home in the Church JOHN S. now as al~ays, and stoutly as· serts that inothing could drive KENNEDY him from it. . , 'He looks I squarely at contern·, porary problems (e.g., the role of years, under duress, young Sheed the officiall teaching authority regularly attended a Methodist and the relationship to it of the church, while remainling a Catho- role of the theologians), and gives lic whose practice of his religion crisp, sensible answers to many had to be surreptitious. of them. ; His education in Australia took But first and foremost, he conbim through law school. Duri!lg centrates on Jesus Christ, who a year off meant to be spent vis- he finds has faded from Catholic iting Europe, he landed in Eng- consciousne~s or has been transland. There he was introduced to formed by: ecclectic partisans the Catholic Evidence Guild, a into something (e.g., proleti'ian group engaged in street preach- revolutionary) which he never ing. This was perhaps the most was. He pl~ads for close attendeci&ive event of his life. tion to Christ, what He said, 'For one thing, he met through what He di.d, what these mean, the guild the woman he was to how they relate to us in our marry, Maisie Ward. Together time. I they would found the pubHshing The foregoing probably sug· firm of Sheed 'and Ward. For an- gests that ~his is a dry book.. other, ne discovered that to be Quite the reverse is true. 'It is successful in street preaching, lively as d,nly something from he had to study Catholic doctrine, Mr. Sheed'sipen cam be, sparking in depth, to assimilate it, and to with wit, crammed with iIIumi· be able to express it in terms nating anetdote, great fun to which would meet the mentality read, bl,lt a~lways jabbing away and the objections of street cor- at our comJlacency and stinging ner crowds. our consciences. Intellectual Revival More thart once asl was readDuring his Ilifetime changes in ing this book, the thought struc'k the Church have been many and me ·that Fr~nk Sheed has, in an ~Il but continuous. In his youth, almost unique way, been :an the Church was still in the state apostle in our time. He has ex- . of siege which resulted .from the emplified th.bt~ue apostolic spir~ Reformation. Then, in the 1920s it and ha's ~one truly apost~lic I there opened a period which was . work. 'Infernal Grove' styled the Catoolic intellectual revival. While it lasted, there The second volume of Malcolm was conviction that the Church M~ggeridge'~ memoirs.. "The Inwas surging ahead; converts fernal Grove" (Morrow, 105 Mad(some of great distinction). were . ,ison Ave., New York, N.Y; 10016. flocking in; and other Christian 280 pages. $7.95), is as peppery bodies were thought to be in rap- as the first. ~esuming his personid decline. al history with his q.eturn from The' euphoria continued until Moscow to 'London in 1933,he ,the 1960s, when, of Ii sudden, details a s~ond stay in India, everythoingseemed to fall apart. another bout of newspaper work The Church was, overnight, in in England, land his employment deep trouble. There was conten- in World War II.' tion where formerly thet:e had He gives' :vivid 'impressions of .. been apparently perfect agree- a var,iety of' persons, places, and ment. Defections' mounted. situations, #rikes off sparks of Some have laid the reversal to dissenting i opinion, slashes Vatican II. Had there been no through pretensions 'and woolly council; they contend, things thinking.. HJ also .a.lIudes to myswould have continued as before.' tical experiences he haslwid, Mr. Sheed disagrees. ' while contiriuing to be skeptical , Vatican II Overdue of 'any form~l religion.' '. He is among the most astrmHe calls Vatican II a public examination of conscience by the gent of writ~rs, both in thought Church. This he believes to have and 'in expression, stimulating been overdue. He quotes the and challenging the reader and counoil documents enthusiastical- . leaving him i hungry for more. Iy. The council i!self is not fault- . I should like to eavesdrop on ed by him. His complaint is that . a long conversation between Mr. Sheed and Mr. Muggeridge. it came too late.

SACRED HEART, TAUNTON The annual harvest ball of the Women's Club will take place Saturday night, Oct. 26 in the church basement. A buffet will be served. Members and friends wishing to ·attend are asked 'to contact Mrs. Jean Nunes or Mrs. Dorothy Custer by tomorrow. A cake sale will follow all Masses the weekend of Nov. 2 and 3 and will be held in the basement. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Nunes and Miss Corline L. Cronan. A club membership drive will be held the week of Nov. 4. During that time all women of the parish will be contacted. ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD "Heaven for bid! It's.' auction time again!" announce organizers of a parish auction set for 6 P.M. Thursday, Nov. 7 in the lower church hall. Louis Cardoza, auctioneer, will dispose of items ranging from glassware to furniture, admission will be free and a snack bar will be open. Those wishing to donate items may contact Mrs. Gerald P. Lewis, telephone 993-6965. -


LITURGIST: Father Virgil Funk, new executive director .of the Liturgical C~nference, said that the need for liturgical revitalization at the parish level has just begun. NC Photo. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD The parish will sponsor a whist party at 7:30 P.M. Tues'day, Nov. '5 in the church hall. ,Free refreshments will be served. ST. MARY, NORTH ATTLEBORO The Women's Guild is in charge of preparations for a Mass honoring the silver jubilee in religious life of Sister M. Ricarda Wobby, R.S.M., to be celebrated at 7:30 P.M. Monday,. Oct. 28 by Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher. An informal reception at St. Mary-Sacred Heart School on Broad Street will follow. The guild's annual Christmas sale is set for Saturday, Nov. 9 in the sch,ool hall. Homemade foods, knitted goods, a flea market, .and games will be among attractions. ST. MATHIEU, FALL RIVER. A living rosary ceremony will highlight the meeting of the Council of Catholic Women set for 7 P.M. Tuesday, Oct. 29. A pine cone craft demonstration by Mrs. Monic;:a Francisco will follow the service. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A living rosary ceremony will take place at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, Oct. 29. Fourth graders will receive the. scapular during the servfce. Members of St. Jean Baptiste Society, Conseil Jeanne d'Arc will hold an installation at 8 P.M. Sunday, Oct. 27 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mousseau, 49 Carpenter St. A bikeathon to benefit the parish will, be held' at 8 A.M. Saturday, Oct. 26. The rain date will be noon Sunday, Oct. 27. Knights of the Altar will meet at 6:45 P.M. tomorrow to attend a rodeo. performance in iProvidence. Parents of children to be confirmed will meet at 7:·30 P.M. in the school building on Sunday, Oct. 27 or Monday, Oct. 28. Cub Scouts of Pack 37 are conducting a candy sale beginning' tomorrow. Proceeds will be~efit pack activities. ST. JOSEPH,' FALL RIVER' A testimonial honoring Msgr. George E. Sullivan, former pastor, will take place from 3 to 4:30 P.M. Sunday, Nov. 3 in the Carroll School on Hood Street. All friends and former and present parishioners are invited to attend.

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Bible study classes are held at 8 P.M. each Wednesday in the school. A Polish class is scheduled for 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. Thursday nights for beginners and from 7:45 to 9 P.M. for advanced students. An Oktoberfest program will take place at 6:30 P.M. Sunday at the parish center, with a German meal to be served until 8 ,P.M. and dancing with the Dutch .Meister German :Sand to follow until midnight. A harvest supper yvill be sponsored by the students and faculty of' the parochial school at 5 ,P.M. Saturday, Nov. 9. Tickets are available from all school children and faculty members.

ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER A card party will be sponsored by the Women's Guild at 1::10 P.M. Sunday, Oct. 27, with Mrs. Robert Reed and Mrs. Francis Gauthier as hostesses and Mrs. Rita St. Michel and Mrs. Mary Williams in charge of special prizes. The' unit will hold a luncheon at I :30 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 9. Tickets ares available from members or at the rectory. A one day bus trip to New York is planned for Saturday, Dec. 14. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Paul Batchelder, telephone 674-9538. The next gliild meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 13. Mrs. Thomas Smith will be hostess. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER -Rev. Michel Methot, diocesan director of adult education, will speak at 2 this afternoon in the school hall to the Project Leisure group. A coffee hour will follow. The rosary is recited at 5 P.M. each weekday of October. A Sunday evening service at 7 P.M. includes rosary and Benediction. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN The Association of the Sacred Hearts will sponsor a concert by "Father Pat and the Reconcilers" of La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, at 8 P.M. Friday, Nov. 22 in the school auditorium on Spring Street. Tickets will be limited and reservations should be made 'as early as possible. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER A. concert featuring Rev. Andre .patenaude, M.S., folksinger and guitarist from La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, will be presented by the' religious education department at 8 P.M. Friday, Nov. 1 'in the church hall on Bedford Street. Tickets may be purchased following all weekend Masses from now until the time' of the concert and a limited number will also be available at the door.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974


. ('. . . .'. . .·t~,I1'J4i'tth&i.,

LET'S CELEBR,ATE!: Celebration was the theme at an evening Mass sponsored by Student Involvement Committee members at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. Left, committee members at altar, frorp.left, Joanna McQuilfan, Beth Cabral, Ellen Barnes, David Fortin. Right, Brad

Pope Asserts· Church Needs Action Now

Curtis, football team quarterback, reads Prayer of Faithful, including petition for victory in following day's game. Refreshments for students, parents and faculty members followed Mass.

'Jesus o/Nazareth Requ~sts Your Presence . At a Dinner . to Be Given in His Honor'

The invitation read, "Jesus of VATICAN CITY (NC) -Pope Paul VI told an overflowing audi- .Nazareth Requests the Honor of ence hall here that what the Your Presence at a dinner to be Church needs most today is ac· given il'\ His Honor . . ." and a crowd of over 150 filled the Antion. "The' Church has need of ac- nunciation chapel at -Bishop tion, whether action understood Stang High School, North Dart· in the subjective sense of inner mouth, lis the Student Involveactivity,' of thought, reflection, ment Committee sponsored its prayer, contemplation; or action first evening Mass for students, inter:-reted in the sense of outer parents, and faculty members. "Well, we thought since the actiV1ity, of Catholic action, .of good works, or interest in the whole Involvement C~inittee well being of one's neighbor, of was planning music and educaintervention in matters of social tion and entertainment programs, welfare." that our subcommittee would Pope Paul said: "We accept . spoQsor some spiritual growth," 'this formulation. We make it said Ellen Barnes of Marion, stuour own program. Now is the dent chairwoman. "And not just time to act, to be doing. A Church individual growth ... we wanted that remains inert will not be a something where we could all true Church. It will not' be a grow together." living Church."The subcommittee, in addition "It will not be able to face up to Miss Barnes, included Joanna to or to overcome difficulties which the evolution of time raise3 in tbe face of religion, and Nuns to Construct even more of a religion such as Housing for Elderly the Catholic, which aims at being CALDWELL (NC) - The Sisa spiritual fullness of life." ters of St. Dominic of Caldwell The Pope spoke of. Christ's ac- have filed plans with borough tion in fulfilling the work "of offiCials here in New Jersey for Him who sent me" as a guiding the construction of senior citlight for action. izens housing costing $4.25 mil"Undoubtedly, the action that lion. we now consider and which we The apartments will be .built wish to adopt it not any kind on a 5.2 acre tract whic-h is part of acttion, an activity without of the grounds of the mother• other end than itself or of a kind house of the community. A girls' and i':cope outside the moral 'academy and Caldwell college norm. are also located in the area. "We speak of moral action, of Because the area is zoned for good action, conforming to up- single family homes a yar,iance right reason and 'the eternal law will be needed before construcof God." tion can begip.


' .

McQiJillan and David Fortin of The Mass was concelebrated Fairhaven, and Beth Cabral, by Rev. John Steakem,school Mimi Welch, Jane Reilly, and chaplain, and Rev: CalIistus Bam' Margaret Kennedy, all of New berg. O.F.M. of the school mathematics department. Music was by Bedford. Readings during the liturgy t~<~ 16-member Gateway Singers, were by David Fortin of the stu- Stang's folk music and religious dent committee and George Mil- song group. ot, principal of Stang. Brad CurFollowing the liturgy refreshtis of Fall River, football varsity quarterback, read petitions of his ments were served by the stuown composition at the Prayer of dent committee, continuing. the the Faithful, including a heart- spirit of signs at the chapel enfelt plea for victory in the fol-. trance: "God is here! Let's cellowing day's game. (The prayer ebrate!" was .heard.)

Issues Document For Holy Year WASHINGTON (NC)-A com- . pilation of documents and messages related to the 1975 Holy Year has been issued here by the Publications Office of the U.S. Catholic Conference. Included in the 90~page booklet are an introduction explaining what a Holy Year is, the papal bull announcing the Holy Year, and several other related texts of Pope Paul. VI. Also included are other offi· cial documents and a message to U.S. Catholics from CardinalJohn Krol of Philadelphia, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Copies of the "Holy Year Documents and Messages" are available for' 95 cents from the Publications Office, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20015.

Bishop to Conduct Federation Retreat CHICAGO (NC)-Bishop Ray· mond W. Lessard of Savannah, Ga., will conduct the annual retreat for the executive board of the National Federation of Priests' Councils (NFPC) the first week in December. The retreat will take place Dec. 2-3, during the board's quar. terly meeting. Both will be held at St. Leo's Abbey, St. Leo, Fla. The board will be finalizing plans for the federation's 1975 House of Delegates meeting in St. Petersburg March 9-13. Its theme will be "Reconciliation: Risks and Possibilities."

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P"riest Asserts Christians Express ,Faith by Believing in· Each .Other

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-j-Thurs . Oct. 24, 197.4






Suggests PresidentI l.isten To George. Meanyl~ Advice Warren R. Van Tine, a specialist in American labor history teaching at Ohio State University,observes in his recently published doctoral dissertation\ "The Making of the Labor Bureaucrat," that the preconce~tions of historians '. ' have led to an insensitivity .I to the plight of the union of- would thmk that: he knew Mr. ficials "There has been a ~eany insibe out. All I can say

IS that betier men than he have lived to r~e the day that they made his same mistake. ,', Gftod Novelist . All of the reporters and labor IN TAUNTON: Dr. Chrisspecialists ~ith whom I.have discussed MrJ Sheed's cavalier an- tiane Brusselman of Louvain alysis of the labor movement University, Belgium, visiting (and that 'Includes a good num- professor at Harvard School ber who are rather cl'itical of I' By the movement) are of the opin- of Divinity, spoke to Taunion that asl a labor reporter, Mr. ton area parents and CCD MSGR. Sheed would make a good nove]- teachers on parental involveist. I coul~n't agree with them ment in preparation of chilGEORG~ G. more. We could use a "provoca- dren for the sacraments of tive a~aly~is of the condition of HIGGINS Eucharist and penance. ProLabor tod~y," but I am 'afraid that Mr. Sheed, whose literary gram was sponsored by Though his own research was skills I g~eatly admire, is no~ Tauntpn area parish CeD programs. confined to the pedod, 1870- the man to write it. Mr. Sb~ed's tediously coy 1920, Mr. Van Tine's findings are treatment lof - President Meany still relevant. Even today, there is a tendency·among scholars at least h,as the advantage of Opposes Government and other members of' the intel- being rather humorous - jf Funds for Abortion ligentsia to pronounce hasty. judg- . that's the Word I am looking for. WASHINGTON (NCr - The Unfortunatkly I can't say ,the ments on labor leaders. A few Senate has voted to ban the examples - some more elitist same for sbme of the articles in spending of federal money on than others - will suffic,e for' "The Natidn's" Labor Day ediabortion except when the proceentitl~d "Labor in '74." tion present purposes. The ilUniber of pejorative ref- dure is necessary to save the life In the embarrassingly turgid ' erences tol Mr. Mea~y in this . of the m·other. language of his publisber's blurb, very uneve:n series of articles is The' ban. was tacked onto a Wilfrid Sheed, a talented novelalmost beyond belief. I stopped $33.1 billion Labor and Health, ist and essaylist, says in a forth-. I cou~tmg when I got to 10, for Education and Welfare appropricoming book on- three "vanishing by 'that titne I was convinced ationbill by. Sen. Dewey Bartspecies" (the Church, the Mafia, that Mean)\jl,s cfiti'es were slightly lett (R.-Okla.). An attempt to and the labor movement) that paranoid. . reject the ban was defeated by "the prevailing ethos of each is " The labdr movement has its _a 50-34 vote. posited upon a value system faults, and! I assume that Mr. formed during a pre-technocratic Meany wObld be perfectly willSen. Bartlett said the ban immigrant-oriented age; similaring to adrlIit that he, as Presi- would affect HEW Medicaid proly, each is still, 'in one way or l .another, guided by chiefs wbose dent of the A'FL-CIO, is not im- grams in' 14 states, but a spokesmune from'!critlcism. 6n the oth- man for Planned Parenthood said own personal' values reflect the er hand, I Ican't help but yawn the ban would actually affect obsolete realities of this ~arlier when I fin1d serious writers re- about two dozen states which period. As institutions, each is reaptedly' , trying' to,' caricature use Medicaid to pay for either resistant, if, not, actively hostile, President JI1eariy as a reactionary therapeutic abortion or abortion to meaningful cha.nge: . . . The aj kind of neanderthal on request. bumbler, . result ... is that each ,is in danman who i~ standing in the way g~r. .of 'succu\1lbingto ~'dry rot," . The Planned Parenthood that peculiar and often fatal in- of progress in the labor move- spokesman said the ban would ment. I haven't heard the word firmity that afflicts" organisms affect low-income women who (biological or social) whose in: in a long dne, hut when I was a could not afford to pay for aborboy they u:sed to call that tomner workings are not properly in- myrot. tions themselves. . I . vigorated by fresh sources of Mak~s Goc:;d Sense ~nergy." ., . ' I' •

, .

tenden~y, among scholars," he says, . to pronounce hasty judgments on labor leaders in place of analyzing or understanding the broader social environment in which they lived."


n..oo~S Silly" ,


I don't know what the Church and the Mafia will think about that inflated' rhetoric, but as a' long-time 'observer of t.he labor movement I wish, for his sake, that Mr. Sheed had forbidden his publisher to put it into cold print. Frankly, it makes him look a little silly. Be that as it may, I . think Mr. Sbeed is traveling un- ' der false pretenses when he poses as a labor expert. It is my opinion that he ~'rote his sprightly analysis of the labor movement in a comfortable ivory tower (working from the notes of his research, assistant) and that, except for a few random interviews with a handful of labor leaders and labor reporters in the New York area, neglected to do his homework. I doubt, for example, that be ever interviewed George Meany, President of;the AFL-CIO. Yet, to read his "provocative analysis of the condition of Labor today," you

Just a few days after "The Nation's" tlabor Day,editionappeared, ,Mr' Meany made ,the strongest, toughest speech I have I . ' ever heard I in support of Cesar Chavez and ,the United Farm Workers of America. His critics might bOe sbrprised to learn that I • Chavez . w~s exuberantly happy about the spe,ech and, in several private' cortversations with '. this writer, wa~s unstinting in his praise of Meany's vigorous leadership. Ne~dless to add, Chavez knows ver~ well--even if' Meany's critics; are unwilling foadmit - tha~ Meany's support of "-r;,.v ;c; wohh considerably more I than that of any of UFW's suppOl'ters in the ranks of the intelligentsia, a!nd may well be the decision fa9tor in bringing about ,a victory for Chavez' union in its struggle for survival. . A few days after he had an" nounced his all-out support of UFW and bad served notice on the Teams~ers and' the growers that the AFL-CIO intends to re-


- .!

CINCINNATI (NC)-There is Ithat "we stand on sacred ground no reason to mourn the loss of whenever we stand close to each faith in modern society, Father other." Eugene Kennedy said here reA very real Christian faith is cently, because it is an "active,- ' revealed when people stand by dynamic function reenacted daJly one another, support one anin interpersonal relationships." other, reach out and find one The author and psychologist another a.fter experiencing hurt from Loyola University, Chicago, and estrangement, he said. And spoke to a parish audience of in that moment when one person 600 on the subject of "Living touches another and is present with Everyday Problems and to him, "we break through that Believing." shell of selfishness and redeem Father Kennedy stressed that each other." faith is involv,ed and expressed As Christians gather for the "When people draw. close to each other, lose their defenses, eucharistic liturgy they arerereveal something of themselves." minded "that it is in the everyAs people "allow us to see the day challenges and problems of truth of themselves: we are. able life that we reach and redeem to see the truth of ourselves," he each other." said and this is a "reciprocal reCalling God's invitation to lationship powered by the life "a marvelous invitation to Spirit." imperfection," Father Kennedy While acknowledging the need stressed that Christians are not for churches with stained-glass called to lead spotless, perfect 'windows or quiet mountain tops lives. Rather, he said, "the life for times of reflection and re- that the Christian leads is necestreat, Father Kennedy stressed sarily imperfect, one we never get right. It is a life we are always working at."


main in the California farm labor struggle until the bitter end, Meany was the lead-all spokesman for organized labor at one of President Ford's widely publicized pre-summit meetings on the economic state of the nation. I have received firsthand reports on this meeting from several participants. They had nothing but praise for Meany's performance at the White House-and previously in many other forums-as labor's principal spokesman on national economic matters. Speaking as an outsider, I tbink it would be fair to say that day in and day out President Meany makes remarkably good sense in his approach to the problem of inflation which President Ford has described as America's number one enemy. The President would be well advised to listen to Meany very ati~'ntively and the nation will be lucky (keep your fingers crossed) it'he acts on, his advice.

Says Ban t·o Affect U.S. Foreign Policy

- WASHINGTON (NC) - ' Government regulations restricting summer jobs .for foreign students could have far-reaching consequences for America's future foreign relations, according to Shrikumar Poddar, head of the International Students' Foundation. "It could also adversely affect the quality of U.S. higher education," said Poddar, a Lansing, . Mich., businessman who came to this country from India:. . P.ermits for temporary'summer jobs for foreign students were sharply reduced in April in a ruling by Gen. Leonard F.Choapman, commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). The ruling ended a 20-year-Old policy of allowing, student advisors at colleges to issue work permits to help foreign students pay for their education in this country.


.Autho'rities Destroy Catholic Building v ATICAN CITY (NC) - The Archdiocese of Cracow has con· firmed that Polish authorities destroyed a small building in an archdiocesan catechetical center and blocked pilgrimages marking the' anniversary of the death of Blessed Maximilian Kolbe, according to Vatican Radio. In a special announcement signed by Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Cracow, the archdiocese said that a small building in a catechetical center at Szlary was demolished despite opposition from some of the population.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974

t II


KNOW YOUR FAITH When Angry Words Fly

By JAMES and MARY KENNY "I don't care if he is my brother. I hate that creep." "Weirdo." "Dummy." While St. John may not have had 20th century Ame'rican families in mind, he did leave modern parents some consoling words. "Little children, let us not love in word or speech but in deed and in truth." They arc worth remembering when there is very little loving in word or speech on the homefront. BasicaHy there are three types of .remarks in children which drive parents up a wall: 1) angry name-calling after being disci· plined, 2) gr,iping over demands made on them, and 3) teasing siblings. When a child is disciplined, he sometimes reacts with explosive anger: "I hate you, Mommy " "r can't waH to get away from this place." Parents often react with anger and further punishment: "Don't you ever let me hear you talk like that again." ActuaHy parent.s have a lot to gain by going back to that line from St. John. Worry about the deeds but not about the speech. Tolerate or ignore the "bad mouth" of the child, but insist that the child do what he has been told. Anger after being disciplined is a fairly normal human reaction. When the boss criticizes Dad at work, he's angry, even

when the criticism ,is justified. It is a rare person who can honestly say, "Thank you for correcting me." Expre'ssing anger through words is more mature than having a temper tantrum, throwing pots and pans, or starting a fist fight. For a child to be angry and to put his anger into words is a reasonably adult reaction. Tolerating this verbal anger says to the child, "See, it's all right to get angry. I still love you as a person." Discipline: Resentment At the same time Mom or Dad must insist on the behavior that is .required of the child, or their family discipline will be weakened. For example, Mark has forgotten to take out the trash. Mom notices this and reminds him at once. Still no· action. With the second reminder, Mom adds that Mark will also do dishes once as a punishment for failing to dispose of the trash. Mark lets go with a string of remarks about his parents, his house, his life, and the great way OTHER' famil,ies treat THE>IR sons. Mom might feel guilty about being such a demanding mother, or she might feel sorry for poor 01' Mark. In either case it is easy to back down on her request. But wait a minute, Mom. As guide, disciplinarian, and general law-and· ord.er of the household, it is important for you to insist that Mark do his chores. Otherwise, Mark quickly learns that' a burst Turn to Page Fourteen

We Spend Our Lives Mending 'In his play "The Great God Brown," Eugene O'Neill writes that man is born broken and spends his, life mending. The grace of God is. the glue.

ture given the gift of free will, often uses it to opt out. He walks away from God to seek his fulfillment in things. And so the man-made rift widens, even 'as God reaches out to reconcile man to himself and restore him to his original integrity. The Old Testament is a witBy ness to man's failure to respond to ,God. It is a record of two STEVE thousand years of broken covenants, murdered prophets, reliLANDREGAN gious hypocrisy and idol wor· ship. It is a chronicle of God reaching out in love and tenderness to His chosen people'longThe Book of Genesis describes ing for the reponse in faithfulthis brokenness as the result of ness that he had willed to seek, man's separation from God by not to take. sin, an act of selfishness and Misuse of Freedom pride that rejected the great gift ,But man's· response frequently of being with God as He really was one of unfaithfulness and is in order to be like God as presumption punctuated with man imagined Him to be (Gen s h 0 r t - J i v e d reconciliations 3:5). brought about by his reaction to Once the wedge of sin is adversity rather than to God's driven between God and man, promise. Man, mired down by the chaIn reaction of sin rapidly ~elfishness and self-indulgence, occurs as man loses his interior was still too busy trying to be harmony, "I was afraid because like the god he imagined, to rer was naked so I hid," (3:10); spond to the invitation of the his harmony with other men. "It God that is. was the woman you put with He is incapable of reconciling me; she gave me the fruit, and himself to God, and St. Paul I ate it," (3:12); and his harmony speaks for all men who agonize with nature, "Accursed be the over the disharmony within soil because of you," (3:17). themselves when he cries out Man, the only physical creaTurn to Page Fourteen

A Climate Where Love Can Flourish By WILLIAM E, MAY

"Man," we are reminded by the Fathers of Vatican II, "i~, split within himself ... all human life, whether individual or collective, shows itself to be a dramatic struggle between good and eviL" The truth of these words is something that each of us experiences in his own life. We long to be at peace both with others and with ourselves, but we find ourselves quarreling and bickering with others, at times raging against them, and frequently our hearts are filled with a terrible hatred ourselves. We want to make friends with others, and we find that we cannot even make friends with ourselves or understand ourselves. We struggle desperately to achieve certain goals and, upon aUaining them, discover that they leave us with nothing , but dust and ashes in our mouths. Each of us, in short, finds him- . self cut off or alienated from others and, even more stranger from himself. We seem incapable of understanding ourselves and others and powerless to do anything about it. As a result each of us c~n make Paul's words his own: "'I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do' the very thing I hate" (Rom 7:15). All this points to the reaJ.ity of sin in human existence, for sin is something tha't' cripples us as human beings, as living im· ages of a loving God. It cripples us in our struggle both to know who we are and to do what we come to know we ought to do if we are to be fully men, faithful' images of that. loving God. Sin affects us in our personal' existence. ' It is important here, moreover, to recognize that our existence as persons is intimately and inextricably linked 'to the existence of other persons, other selves, other images of God. To be a human being is to be a' person, and to be a person is to be a being who lives with others; human existence, per· sonal existence, is a co-existence. Personal Identity Our personal identity is bound up with the identity of the va· rious communities in which we live and move and have our. being, for we discover our selves in our relations with other selves. My being me depends, in a very real way, depends in a very real way, on you being you. Our personhood is a gift personally given to each of us. The ultimate source of that gift is the personal God whose images we are, but its proximate source is other men: the parents whose love communicated life to us, the family that nurtured us, the neighbors and countrymen who sustain us and whose lives provide the living context of our own. God: Emmanuel But what has all this to do with sin and with reconciliation



CLIMATE OF LOVE: But the blessing of it is that the Spirit will lead me outside myself to the others ... to the child of six who has never heard a word of love, and the lonely old lady. A IOO-year-old woman in Rochester, N.Y., sits alone in a nursing home. A Sister, who is a former teacher, visits the centenarian and other elderly persons regularly, relieving their loneliness. NC Photo. within man himself? Sin, it was said, cripples us in our personal existence, alienating us from ourselves, from other selves, and yes, from God. And we enter a world that is broken by sin, crippled by sin. At its root sin is an unwillingness to respond to God's call to love; it is r60ted in man's heart, in the c'ore of his being, and consists in a refusal to open that heart to God, to that Other Self who wills to give Himself· to us, but who can do so only if we are ready to accept His gift of Himself. Sin thus ruptures the covenant between God and man and among men, and because it does this it tears us up within ourselves and does so'precisely because we discover ourselves only in our relations with other selves. , .sut prior to sin, yes prior even ' to "original" sin, is the love of God, 'or even more truthfully the God who is Love. Sin alienates and cripples, whereas love reconciles and enables. And love for the Christian is n"ot something abstract an1 aloof, but ispersonal and present. For the loving God who made us is our Emmanuel.

He is the God who is with us and for us, so much so that he personally became one of us in Jesus. And in becoming one of us, one with us and for us, He enables us to see who we are. Die to Self We, His images, are the created words that His Logos, His uncreated Word, became. We are, in truth, God's "other self," and he communicates His love to us in the person of those other selves with whom we live. Through them He enables us to cOme to an understanding of ourselves. Through them He reaches out to us in love, opening our hearts so that we can accept ourselves because we Tum to Page Fourteen ~ ~

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Love Flourishes

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall RiverTThurs. Oct. 24, 1974

Urge 'Removal of Secret~ry Butz As Head of F'ood Delegation WASHINGTON (NC)-Several Religious and members of organizations concerned with the' growing food crisis are calling for the removal of, Secretary of Agrioulture Earl Butz as head ',of the American delegation to the United Nations World Food Conference, scheduled to meet in Rome Nov. 5-16. Butz has been criticized by reIigious -leaders in the past for, taking a hard-line "free-market" approach to the food situation and for favoring the interests of agribusiness over the needs of the poor. ;Recent criticisms were triggered by Butz' reported approval of a deal that would have sold 3.4 million tons of AmeriCan wheat and corn to the Soviet Union. President Gerald Ford stopped the sale, which he said would have threatened U. S. food supplies and driven prices higher. A 1972 sale of grain to the Sov/iet ,Union has been blamed by observers for a similar disruption. The strongest criticism of Butz ,has come from two Jesuits, Father Peter Henriot of the Center of Concern, 'a "think tank"


on justice :and peace is~ues, and Father Albert Fritsch of the Center of Soience in the Public Interest,. Both are based in Washing~on. I' .' The priests sent a telegram to '~resident Ford' calling for Butz' Iremoval as s,ecretary of agrkulqJre ts well as his removal as Head of the delegation, The, telegram said: "The' apparent will'ingness of the Department of Agriculture .to permit new sales of grain to the Soviet' Union is one more recent indication of Secretary 'Butz' inability to underst~nd the real nature of the food crisis. It is a fact well known tal the Department 'of Agriculture, as well as to businessmen ihvolved in the trade, that the grain would be fed to Soviet anirrals. ' "At a time when the whole world lis ~reparing to focus on the hunger, problem, the willingness to a:dd- to U. S. traders' profits ins~ead of trying to. feed starving Africans, Indians and others of our brothers and sisters is unconscienable." Other o~ganizations are 'preI paring tel¢grams, according to Father Henriot.





When Angry Wor(ls Fly


, ~~:~:~~ ,~~

WORK OF CREATION: And for anyone who Christ, there is a new creation, the old creation has and now the new one is here. It is all God's work. A bird stalks a sandy point of land along the 'Mississippi in northwestern Wisconsin. NC Photo.





Stop Being Ego-Centric

In loving others we break the little circle we form within ourselves when we would simply consider others as things or objects. In loving others we find a new existence and become present to a new and transcendgrace of Christ through His Holy ing revelation of our own self. 'Spirit provides the glue that And by the very fact that we mends broken man, reconciling open ourselves to others we free him with. God and within himself. ourselves of the exclusiveness, His harmony restored, the Spirit, the poverty, and the solitude provides the gifts man needs to that are our lot when, through reconcile himself with other egoism, we make oUl'selves the men, "love, joy, peace, patience, center of the universe. kindness, goodness, trustfuiness, , As one writer put it, "The gentleness and self-control" only way to fathom the depths (Gal 5:22). Then, restored and re- of the value which I am in mycreated by the Creator, man is self (and which I am because I charged with ministering God's' am the living image of God) is to reconciliation to the whole turn towards and be open to the world, same value where it exceeds the "And for anyone who is in bounds of my' property subjec,Christ, there is a new creation, tiv,ity. I cannot really love mythe old creation has gone, and self wilthout loving other now the new one is here. It is selves." And what enables us to all God's work. It was God Who do all this is the love of God, a reconciled us to Himself through love that became personally one Chi-h.t and gave us the work' of with us in Jesus. handing on this reconciliation. In other words, God in Christ was reconciling. the world to himself ALUMINUM not holding man's faults against Windows & Doors them, and he has entrusted to us RAILINGS-DOOR HOODs-AND GLASS REPAIRS AND SCREENS the news that they are reconciled. So w.e are ambassadors for , MORROiS 'Christ; it is as though God were ALUMINUM' CO. appealing through us, and the Open Monday t~ru Thursday appeal that we make in Christ's 5-7:30 p.m. saturday from 9 to 3 p.m. name is: Be reconciled to God." 992-4036, 61 Crapo St., New Bedford (2 Cor 5:17-20)

We Spend Our Lives. Mending Continued from Page Thirteen "though the will to do what is good within me, the performance is not, with the result that instead of doing the good things I want to do, I carry ou,t the sinful things I do not want" (Rom 7:18-19). Man is caBed to the freedom of the sons of God but so many times he is unable to cope with his freedom' in his broken state, and instead of using freedom to be faithful, he uses it for selfindulgence which brings about "fornication, gross. indecency and sexual irresponsibility; idolatry and sorcery; feuds and strangling, jealousy, bad temper and quarrels; disagreements, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and similar things" (Gal 5:19-21). Ambassadors for Christ A perfect ~an, unbroken and unselfish was needed to respond in perfect love and faithfulness to God's offer of reconciliation. The wound opened by one man's totally selfish act finally was healed by another man's totally selfless act. The offending man was Adam. The redeeming man -Christ. "If it is certain that through one man's fall so many died, it is even more certain that divine grace, coming through the one man, Jesus Christ, came to so many as an abundant free gift." (Rom 5:15) And so the mending process begins. The

Continued from Page Thirteen 'the living I room. Keeping: the of anger gets him out of an un- teasers busy and separated by pleasant task, and Mom's au- two room~ foils even the most thority goes down the. drain. It persistent !sil>Hngs.-- (Of course, is also important, to hear and at this point the griping starts, accept his resentment. but Mom ~Iready knows enough National Pastime to ignore that). I Occasionally a. child even Childreni need to express their needs to be encouraged to ex- feelings of 'anger. When expressed press anger. Ellen is a pouter. in words it is more adult than When she is punished, she runs anger exptessed in violence. It to her room and slams the door. clears the' air, and it lets the Mom and Dad know that she child. know that an occasional sulks .and pouts and magnifies outburst does not destroy his each little even~. So when Ellen parents' 'Idve for him. When a is puni.shed" they make a point child is ~verely punished' for of. c~llmg her ~ut of her room hisangryl words, the words wlthm a. few ~mutes. They get might stop, but the anger comes her tal~mg, hsten to her ve!lt out in oth~r ways. The child beher feehngs" ~hen send her off comes too; quiet, too, "good," to other pursuIts.. and perhaps too anxious or too At a c~r~ain stage of adoles- nervous. Griping and teasing can . cen~~ grlpm~ seems to, ~e the be regarde~ about. the same way natIOnal pastime. There IS not Da,d might regard patched dena demand from parents which is ims or platform shoes. He no.t .met with resistance. If this doesn't p~rticularly like them, grlpmg causes parents to back but he tOlerates them for he down on their demands, the chil- knows they'll go away eventudren will quickly catch on that ally. ' griping works. Mom and Dad i can check themselves that they At the ~me t.ime, both Dad make only a reasonable number and Mom try to limit the numof demands on their children and ber of derltands they make' on that they follow through and see their child~en and to insist that that these demands are carried those demands are carried out. out. 'Otherwise Mom quickly The aver~ge household may finds herself labeled "nag, nag, seem short on love "in words Evil nag." "If I've told you once, I've and ,in sp~ech"; however, when Repay evil with good and, 10, told you a thousand t'imes ..." you look' beyond the words, the says Mom. But the kids know love among reasonably happy between whom and you there -she doesn't really mean it, so no familymetnbers is usually vis- was enmity will become your one is listening. ible where I it counts, "in deeds warm friend. -Koran Teasing and in trut,h." Teasing between brothers and sisters also has to rank as a naI ' • tional sport in families. Big ones :W~~y , . , tease little ones, sisters bait brothers, brothers tease sisters. As any, parent knows, not even Solomon could discover who started it or who is to blame. So why try? If the teasing is mild, C'eaned in your home or business ignore it. If it gets worse, the I by DRY FOAM METHOD underdog might get too much locate~ at JOHN HARNEY' RUG CO. abuse, or Dad might simply de-. - cide'that he has had enough. In 308: ~urchase St., New Bedford this case, separate the teasers. Call 993-3575 Susie, set the table. Don, pick up . : : •

is In gone, shore River

Continued from Page Thirteen have been accepted by others. Through them He enables us to realize that we can truly love ourselves only if we are ready to love others. Jesus tells us that He has come to bring us peace, that His burden is light and his yoke sweet. He tells us that we ean find ourselves but -that we ean 'do so only if we first die to the self wounded by sin and open our hearts to those with whom we live. What all this means, I believe, is central to the mission of the Church as the people of God, as the coinmun,ity to whom God's word has been entrusted. We, the people of God, must provide the clima,te wherein love can flourish and where other men, our fellow images of God, will find the root-room they need to be themselves and come to full stature.

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THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 24; 1974


Suggests Nuns Replace Priest At Weddings


VATICAN CITY (NC) - In priest-poor places why not permit nuns to be official Church witnesses to the sacrament of Matrimony? a Latin American bishop asked the Synod of Bishops. Bishop Roman Arrieta Villalobos of Tilaran, Costa Rica, said that priests are often absent for over a month from some villages. In those places, he noted, the Church says that a couple can validly marry in the presence of two witnesses, even if there is no priest-witness. In cases where "the extraordinary," Bishop ,Arrieta asked, Why not let nuns take the place of priests? The bishop observed that the number of places where nuns are taking over the pastoral ministry grows daily. The people have great confidence in them, he added. . He asserted that the 150,000 women Religious in Latin America should be given more encouragement and responsibility," as welI as new types of training to suit their duties. "Even if the priest is indispensable for leading the community to the fullness of Christian life through the sacraments of Reconciliation (Penance) and the Eucharist, often as regards stirring up and nourishing the faith the work of Religious is often more effective," the bishop asserted.

Falmouth and North Attleboro Only Un-Un .Teflms in Dioc~se The 1974 scholastic schoolboy football season is dealing a harsh hand to local contingents. Ordinarily a half dozen or so schools would be sporting unblemished records and title aspirationsat this time of the campaign. But, of the 30 schools located within the confines of diocesan terri- rolled over King Philip of Wrentham last Saturday 42-18. Speedtorial limits, only two have ster Rioux accounted for 20 survived the first half of the points with three touchdowns schedule with undefeated and· untied clubs. Falmouth of the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference and North Attleboro from the Hockomock League enter the sixth week of the season with 5-0 marks. While dreams of an unbeaten season have faded for most, many schools are still harboring championship aspirations. r.;o team with the possible exception of North, has established itself as a run away victor in any of the five loop races. North Attleboro, defending Hockomock and state champion, has yet to face a serious challenge. The explosive Red Rocketeers led by halfback Mark Rioux

and an extra point. One TD came on 'an electrifying 59 yard punt return. Coach Bob Guthrie's Rocketeers are, by no means, a one man show. Depth has been instrumental to the big Red's success with Coach Guthrie filling in for injured players without hurting the team's performance. From here on in the Rocketeers will be taking one game at a time. A return trip to the schoolboy superbowl rests on each gam~. Mistakes could be fatal. North will not overlook any detail in preparing for each up and coming contest. This Saturday the circuit leaders will be at Franklin.

Case in Another Crucial Division II Game The next few weeks could determine Falmouth's fate as the Jack George coached Clippers meet the iron of Southeastern Mass. Conference Division I. New Bedford this week, Dartmouth next are the two hurdles Falmouth must clear to keep its record intact. If the Clippers fail, it appears Taunton will be waiting to pick up the .pieces. While Falmouth turned back non-divisional foe Dennis-Yarmouth 32-6 Saturday last, Taunton continued its winning way by beating New Bedford 14-0. Taunton, second in Division I, has lost only once this Fall. But, that loss was to Falmouth. 'In Division I action slated for Saturday Barnstable will be in Fall River to meet Durfee while Attleboro plays crosstown rival Bishop Feehan in a non-loop contest. Taunton and Dartmouth are idle.

For the second consecutive

week Case High of Swansea will be involved in the key Division II Conference game. On Saturday last the Joe Santos Cardinals scored with 17 seconds remaining to edge Feehan 6-0. The 'win keeps Case in the division's top spot with a 2:0-2 record. Fairhaven at 3-1 shares the honors.Last Fa1l as we1l as the pre. vious one, Case battled Wareham for Division IU laurels. Coach Jim Lanagan piloted the Wareham eleven to twin victories and league championships both years. Now Coach Lanagan will attempt to accomplish the same end, but in Division II as Fairhaven's mentor. The Blue Devils beat a good Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy High of Taunton last weekend 26-20 in another second division . squeaker. Wareham tipped Seekonk 14-0 and Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth bested Bourne 18-14 in the other league games.


"THE KING" STEPS DOWN: Brazilian soccer star Adson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pele, has decided to end one of the most successful careers in the history of sport by retiring at age 33. He had played 18 years for the Santos team. Pele, a Catholic, visited churches and shrines during his world travels. Fans began calling him "King Pele" after world soccer championships in Sweden in 1958. NC Photo.

Blue Army Leader Urges New Devotion to Blessed Mother DETROIT (NC)-Retired Bishop Joao Pereira Venancio of Fatima, Portugal, president of the international Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, urged Blue Army directors from around the country to promote the Rosary and ScapiJlar and, especially during the 1975 Holy Year, observance of the five First Saturdays and all-night prayer vigils. l;Ie spoke here 'at the first U.S. Ill"'''''IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIUllllllllllllll'''IIII'IIlI1Il1Ulllilllllll,UIlUl,lUllllllllllllllllllllllllltI

a 26-14 count. Coach Tony Day's charges will have a week off as they prepare for rival Oliver Ames of Easton two weeks hence. The Amesmen currently second in the circuit- with a 3-1 mark beat Franklin a week ago 25-14. The Tigers will try to keep within striking distance of North Attleboro this week when they entertain Canton.

Sales Contracts In Spanish RequireeJ

national meeting of Blue Army chaplains since the movement began in this country 25 years ago. The Blue Army is a Catholic organization dedicated to spreading devotion to the Blessed Virgin. AU of the diocesan directors at the three-day meeting reported that they had sponsored alInight vigils in their own diocese on the eves of the First Saturday of the month. Several reported increases iri the devotion, and several reported increasing interest in the Blue Army among the young people of their area. "There is a definite connection between this generosity of prayer and the success of the apostolate," said Msgr. Anthony Connell of the Newark, N.J., archdiocese, national president of the Blue Army.


LOS ANGELES (NC) - A law requiring Spanish-language contracts upon the customer's request from any business conducting sales in Spanish was signed into law recently by California Gov. Ronald Reagan. The new statute, entitled the Bilingual Contracts Act, also requires merchants to notify consumers of the availability of bilingual agreements. . According to Los Angeles Assemblyman Richard Alatorre, author of the law, "The bill redresses grievous wrongs committed against Spanish-speaking Californians who, in many cases, are unaware of the contract terms they agree to. The \question of Spanish contracts is basicalIy a matter of fairness." A similar bill was vetoed by Gov. Reagan last year.


Division III Standing Remains Unchanged . Entering Saturday's play Feehan, Wareham and Stang trail the divisional leaders by only a single game. Each has lost one Conference game. Wareham will be at Coyle in the only other league game Saturday. In non-loop action Stang plays New Bedford Vocational and Seekonk meets Old Rochester Regional of Mattapoisett. The standings in the Conference's Division HI bracket remain relatively unchanged from a week ago. New Bedford Vocational leads, Norton is second and Dighton-Rehoboth is, third in the six-team circuit.


beat Old



14-6 in the only divisional game

last week end. Dighton-Rehoboth did not play. Diman Regional of Fa1l River lost to Whittier 14-0 and New Bedford Voke lost its first of the campaign 41-6 to Greater Lawrence Vocational. Two games are listed for Saturday with Norton hosting Dennis-Yarmouth. and Diman at Dighton-Rehoboth. Back in the Hockomock League Mansfield continues to surprise the experts. Coming off a big win two weeks ago over Franklin, the Green Hornets added Canton to the list last week by ,


/W_2_4_HO_U_RS_A_D__AY_!!_I '~



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 24, 1974 -


Cardinal John Krol Says Evangelization Needs The Laity VATICAN CITY (NC)-Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia ·has warned the Synod' of Bishops that evangelization cannot succeed "without a ceaseless, massive involvement of the laity." . He declared in an intervention submitted in writing that most of the laity are either "ignorant, or confused, or. indifferent about their role in evangelization." Cardinal Carberry of St. Louis submitted a written'intervention on the Church's essential missionary character, and Archbisnop Joseph Bernardin of Cincin· nati submitted one on evangelization and liturgical reform. The synod has been meeting on the problem of evangelizing the world today. Cardinal. Krol called for a basic theological explanation of the laity's task in evangelization: Such a "substructure," ,he said, should stress "equality in the spirit" between clergy and laity. The cardinal, quoting from St. Paul, said that in the common mission which all the baptized share. "there i's 'neither .few nor Gt:eek' (no ethnic difference), 'neither sla've nor free' (no social difference), 'neither male nor female' (no sexual difference)." The cardinal listed several pastoral recommendations re· garding the laity and evangelization. Bishops, he said, !T!ust protect the laity's rights through collaboration, not domination. He cited a "compelling ned"

Music Educators Name Director . HYATTSVILLE (NC) - Sister .lane Marie Pettot, editor of Musart. the journal of the National Catholic Music Educators Association (NOMEA), has been named executive director of the NCMEA, which is headquartered here in Maryland._ A graduate of' St.' Joseph's Academy in Portsmouth, Va., and St. Joseph College in Em· mitsburg, Md." Sister Perrot holds master's degrees in busi· ness education from Boston 'University and' in musicology from the Catholic University of Amer: ica in Washington, D. C. She pursued further study in organ, voice and music education. Sister Perrot is a charter H;lember of the Beta Rho chapter of Pi. Kappa La'mbda, the na· tional honor society for musicians.

to develop "for laity a sp~cific . I vementjI not mvo Religious; inot' I

and with the spirituality of • monastIC, not clerical, . but

·geared to' men and wOl1)en who with the spirit of the Gospel." are called to holiness precisely, He also asked for development through their efforts to sanctity of theologies that intimately con· . the temporal, to animate creation cern the layperson - theologies

of "hope, development, liberation. of terrestrial realities and structures, of secularization, of pwphetic ministries, etc." .



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Arizonans Plan Gifts to Pope

; PHOENIX (NC) - A pectoral cross and a silver chalice specially fashioned by Arizona artisans will be given Pope Paul VI by Bishop Edward A.' McCarthy of Phoenix when he visits Rome in October. The silver pectoral cross is the work of a Navajo Indian, the chain on which it hangs is by a Hopi The chalice was fashioned by a Mexican·American and ,bears toile symbol of a bird, the Roadrunner, and cactus plants. 'Bishop McCarthy will a,lso present the Pope with a bound volume conta'ining the signatures of 30,000 Catholics of the dio· cese pledging their prayers and charitable works in support of the Pope.

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