diocese of fall river
t eanc VOL. 23, NO. 43
Pope Delighted By U.S. Welcome
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador has appealed to the new rulers of El Salvador to deliver on their promises of democracy and justice. The archbishop, who said that the reign of the ousted regime resulted in "years of nightmare:' also warned the people of EI Salvador not to give way to impatience, and asked them to work instead for a common goal of solidarity and peace. />:. group of young officers ousted Gen. Carlos Humberto Romero '(no relation to the archbishop) last week, saying they wanted to end repression and corruption in the government. They issued a proclamation promising to restore respect for human rights and t6 effect land and other reforms to improve the lot of the average citizen. Most Salvadoreans live in extreme poverty. "After perusing the proclamation we acknowledge the good will, clarity of ideas and sense . of responsibility of the new government," the archbishop said. "HQwever, we want to establish very definitely that this Turn to Page Seven
20c, $6 Per Year
Meeting Is First In 400 Years
VATJCAN CITY {NC) - Pope John Paul-II has thanked the American and Irish people for the welcomes they gave him on his recent trip. He said he was "surprised" by the huge welcome-:he got· in U.S. cities. ! Speaking "to a' crowd of about 50,000 in St. Peter's Square, the pope devoted his Wednesday general audience to recollections of his trip. Concerning his three-day stay in Ireland, the pope recalled his visits to Clonmacnois Abbey in central Ireland and to Drogheda and its relics of St. Oliver Plunkett, martyred 17th-century archbishop of Armagh. On his visit with Americans he commented, "Their church is still young because their great society is still young:' "I confess that I was surprised by such a welcome, by such Q response:' he added. "We stuck it out under the rain that fell during the Mass for young people the first evening in Boston. The rain accompanied us on the streets of that city, as it did afterwards on the streets of NewYork, among the skyscrapers. That rain' didn't stop so many Turn to Page Seven
Democracy In EI Salvador Asked
VATICAN . CITY (NC) The special meeting of the world's cardinals in November called by Pope John Paul II is the first such meeting in over 400 years, according to Cardinal Carlo Confalonieri, dean of the College of Cardinals. The pope has called all 130 cardinals, including the 11 who' are over 80 years of· age and thus ineligible to enter a conclave, to meet with him at the Vatican Nov. 5-8. Commenting on the meeting on Vatican Radio, Cardinal Confalonieri said that the practice of the pope calling all- cardinals .together was once quite common but "was gradually attenuated. After more than four centuries we find ourselves faced with this pleasant surprise:' he continued. "It's' obvious that the cardinals intend to respond the best they can to the trust placed in them, and thus to the august wishes of His Holiness:' said the cardinal. The Vatican has not announced topics to be discussed at the meeting.
MOTHER TERESA, on right, in her Pure Heart Home for the Dying in Calcutta.
(NC) -
With Bishop Daniel A.' Cronin as principal concelebrant, a funeral Mass was celebrated this morning at. St. Mary's Church, Taunton, for Father Walter J. Buckley, 81, who died on Suncation to help the poor:' she has day. said. "I wanted to be a missionFather Buckley, former pastor ary:' At 15, Agnes was inspired to of Our Lady of the Assumption work in India by reports sent parish, Osterville, and St. Kilian home by Yugoslav Jesuit mis- parish, New Bedford, retired sionairies in Bengal. At 18, she from active ministry Feb. 1 1973. He marked his golden jubilee joined the Irish branch of the Loreto Sisters, making her final of priestly ordination on June 9, 1974. His homilist at that vows in 1937. While principal at· fashion- time was Very Rev. John P. able Loreto House. a girls' col- Driscoll, p-astor of St. Lawrence lege in Calcutta, she saw the parish, .New Bedford. Father destitute and dying, homeless Driscoll was his eulogist this urchins, lepers and the other morning. sick lying prey to rats and ants Father Buckley was a Taunton in streets and alleys. native, the son of ·the late John In 1946, she received a "call J. and Nora 'Buckley. He attendwithin a call:' as she has des- ed St. Mary's grade and high cribed it. "The message was schools before entering Holy clear. I was to leave the con-' Cross College; Worcester, and vent and help the poor, while preparing for the priesthood at living among them:' The Vatican St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, gave her permission to leave and the Sulpician S~minary in the Loreto sisters and. follow Washington, D.C. her new calling under jurisdicOrdained in 1924 by Bishop tion of the archbishop of Cal- Daniel F. Feehan, Father Buckcutta. ley's first assignments were at After three months of medical Holy Family and ·St. Paul partraining, Mother Teresa went into ishes .in Taunton. ,Turn to Page Two Turn to Page Three
Nun Who 'Sleeps Fast' Gets Nobel Prize OSLO, Norway (NC) - The Mother Teresa's work in bring1979 Nobel Peace Prize has been ing help to suffering humanity:' awarded to Mother Teresa of It addeq: "A feature of her Calcutta. foundress of the Mis- work has been respect for the sionaries of Charity, and best individual human being, for his known for her work among the or her dignity and innate value. poor and dying of India. The 10wHest. the most wretched The Nobel Committee awarded and the dying have at her hands the prize to the 69-year-old Al- received compassion without banian nun after considering 56 condescension. based on revercandidates, including U.S. Presi- ence for man:' dent Carter and Cardinal Stefan Mother Teresa has received Wyszynski of Warsaw, Poland. other prizes for her work, inWhen she was told in Calcutta cluding the Templeton Foundathat she had won the prize, tion's Prize for Progress in ReMother Teresa said: "Thank God ligion and the Balzan Prize for Humanity, Peace and Brotherfor his gift for the poor:' As reporters and television hood. crews arrived at her headquarShe was born Agnes Gonxha ters, she joked•. "I am going to Bojaxhiu to Albanian parents in hide somewhere." Skopje in what is now YugoThe Nobel Committee said: slavia. She was one of three "The Roman Catholic order of children. Her father was a growhich she is now the head has cer but the family's background in recent years -extended its ac- was more peasant than mertivities to include a number of ,Chant. other Indian cities and other As a public school student, she parts of the world. was a member of a Catholic "In making the award the sodality with a special interest Norwegian Nobel Committee in foreign missions. "At the age has expressed its recognition of of' 12, I first knew I had a vo-
Father Buckley f'uneral Today
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THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 25, 1979
Market Sessions To End Season
Pope To Return, Says Abp. Quinn
SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Pope John Paul II will visit the West and Southwest the next time he comes to the United States,and he will do so in the next year or two, said Arch" bishop John Quinn of San Francisco, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. But nothing has been definitely set concerning the time of another papal visit to the United States, the archbishop said at a news conference. The next papal trip will be to the Philippines next year, he said, and there may also be a trip next year to Brazil. The archbishop was asked about the incident at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington in which Sister Theresa Kane, president of the Leadership' Conference of Women Religio,us, urged that the church open all its ministries to women and urged the I pope "to be mindful of the intense suffering and pain which) is part of the life of many women in the Ubited States." The' archbishop said he did not think the pope was surprised by the expression oLdissent. The pope "understands the American church .very well," 1:le said, noting that the p/ope sees U.S. bishops frequently and that advocates of women's ordination have been to Rome to present their case to Vatican officials. Concerning political implications of the papal trip, Archbishop Quinn said "The pope is not directly involved in politics and naturally would never be. But he is speaking about the moral implications of political realities." Asked about possible papal mediation of the conflict in Northern Ireland, the archbishop said that "if the pope were asked to play any kind of a role, he probably would." Giving his personal impressions of the trip and of the pope, Archbishop Quinn said the tw~ events that impressed him most were the meeting with young people in New York's Madison Square Garden and the visit to United Nations headquarters. The archbishop called the· pope " a man of great inner composure, inner peace and joy," He said he never saw the pope in a 'bad mood or angry, despite his heavy schedule. "He was always very courteous and thoughtful," the archbishop said.
Deregulated Schools FRANKFORT, Ky. (NC) - The Kentucky Supreme Court in a landmark ruling has limited the power of the state to reg~ late private schools. The sevenmember court unanimously held that the state cannot require private schools to hold state accreditation, set standards for quality of instruction, require, certification of private school teachers or force private schools to use state-approved textbooks.
Sister Desiree Trainer, SP, organizer of the Fall River Farmers' Market and president of its sponsoring Food Alternatives Community Team, will conduct two meetings on Saturday at Holy Name school hall, Fall River. They will mark the successful conclusion of the market's first season. At 2:30 p.m. market participants will meet to view a film, • "Crisis in Yankee Agriculture," hear a wrapup report on the 16week market season and discuss fut~re plans for the project. At a 7 p.m. meeting all FACT members will discuss food alternatives outreach projects and will also view the agriculture film. The public is invited to . the evening session. , Sister Desiree noted that 91 growers participated in th~ summer market, selling foods, plants, animals and shellfish to some 3000 customers weekly.
Our '-ady of Grace
Our Lady of Grace parish, Many parishioners have been North Westport, the 100th parish . active in preparing for Sunday's to be established in the Fall celebration. They include NorRiver diocese,will celebrate its man Sasseville and Louise Noissilver anniversary at 4 p.m. Sun- eux, general chairmen; Mrs. day with 'a concelebrated Mass Madeleine Lavoie, secretary; and of thanksgiving;- followed by a banquet and dance at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. The par\sh story has been one At its concluding contribution of growth. Beginning as an offto observance ..of the diocesan shoot of St. George parish, Westport, with a membership of 400 75th anniversary, the Jubilee families, it now counts 1100 Choir will present a concert of sacred music at Sp.m. Sunday, t . families on its rolls. At Sunday's Mass, with Bish- Nov. 4 at St. Mary's Cathedral, op Daniel A. Cronin as principal Fall River. The program, open to the pubconcelebrant, parish history will be summed up by "the presence lic at. no charge, will offer the of the church's two pastors, Solemn Vespers De Confessore Father Maurice Lamontagne,' by Mozart and Five Mystical now retired, and Father Edmond Songs and the Old Hundredth Levesque, the present shepherd. Psalm Tune by Ralph Vaughn Also concelebrating. will be Williams. Ch~ir members, who represent Father Normand Boulet, associate pastor, former associates various areas of' the diocese, will and many ot,her priests of the be accompanied by a chamber orchestra and will be, led by diocese. Over the years, side altars Glenn Giuttari, Cathedral music were added to the colonial church director. Giuttari noted that the Mozart building, an organ was dedicated in 1971 and a parish center selection includes settings of was completed in 1977. five psalms and the Magnificat.
Raymond Pelletier, treasurer. The banquet will be followed by entertainment from the Showcase Singers and the Bob St. Amour orchestra will play for dancing.
Jubilee Choir Concert Soprano soloist for the work will be Mary Lee Cirella of Boston, who previou~lY appeared with the Jubilee Choir for a performance ,of Bach,Cantata 140. Walter Boyce, also of Boston, will be soloist for Five Mysical Songs, a setting of poetry by George Herbert fo baritone soloist, choir and .orchestra. As a finale, the 'congregation will join in the Old Hundredth, also known as "Praise God from Whom All.Blessings Flow," The arrangement to be used was composed for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of England.
The Test "Whoso would be a man must be a' nonconformist," - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nobel Priz'e Continued from Page One the Calcutta slums to recruit children for her first school. Soon volunteers, many her former students, joined her. tn 19~O, the Missionaries of Charity became a diocesan religious community and 15 years later it came directly' under Vatican jurisdiction. In 1952, Mother Teresa opened . the Nirmal Hriday (Pure Heart) Home for Dying Destitutes in' a dorrpitorydonate,d by the city. of Calcutta.. Although some of those taken in survive, its primary function is to be a shelter where the poor may die in dignity. More than 30,000 persons have b~en brought to the home since it opened. The Missionaries of Charity, who wear white cotton saris edged in blue, now have more. than 1,200 members in 30 Indian cities and more than 20 other places, including Venezuela, Ceylon, Jordan, Rome, New York, London and Melbourne: In his book "Something Beautiful for God," about Mother Teresa, Malcolm Muggeridge quotes her saying: "The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather'the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for and deserted by everybody. The greatest evil is the lack of love and charity, the terrible indifference towards one's neighbor who lives at the roadside assaulted by exploitation, corruption, poverty and disease," Mother Teresa's singleness of purpose is. evident in many ways, including her practice of rising every day at 4:30 a.m., regardless of the hour at which she retired or where she may be. Asked for the secret of her ability to do this, she once said: "I sleep fast,"
Two Kin~s NEW MEMBERS of the diocesan Cursillo S~cretariate, elected for a two-year term, "There are only two kinds of are , seated from left, Eleanor Ottaviani and Carol Lewis, Attleboro; Norma Olivier, Dart· men: the righteous who believe mouth; George Denmark, Pocasset; Mary L.ees and Joseph Ryan, Centerville; Raymond Le- themselves sinners; the rest, Brun, Buzzards Bay. Standing, R. Terry Russell, Harwich; Father Edmund Fitzgerald, Fall sinners who believe themselves 'righteous." - ,Blaise Pascal River, Bishop's Liaison to the Cursillo movement; Mary Fuller, Buzzards Bay.
National Winner In New Bedford
Thurs., Oct. 25, 1979
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Joanne Fortin, teacher at Holy IFamily • Holy Name School, New Bedford, has heen named a national winner in a classproject competition sponsored by Today's Catholic Teacher magazine Grolier Educational Services. Her prize was a set of the Catholic Encyclopedia. Mrs. Fortin's project, "Santa's Mailbox," provided both· a language arts experience for eighth graders and a positive experience in human relations for eighth graders and primary pupils said the contest judges. A graduate of Bridgewater State College, Mrs. Fortin has taught at Holy Family-Holy Name for three years.
Hea r President
Priesthood Day The New Bedford Serra Club will cater a supper which will conclude an Information Day on the Diocesan Priesthood to be held from 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday" Nov. 4 at Holy Name parish center, )21 Mt. Pleasant St., New Bedford. Very Rev. John J. Smith, diocesan director for vocations, notes that area seminarians. will speak and be available for question and answer sessions during the day, which is open to young men interested in exploring the life of a diocesan priest. Reservations for the day close Sunday. They may be made with Father Smith at St. John the Evangelist rectory, Attle-' boro, telephone 222-1206.
'Fathe'r 'Suckley Continued from Page One Subsequently he '?las associ. ate pastor at St. James, New Bedford, and at St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis. In 1943, ,Father Buckley was named administrator of Our Lady of the Assumption, where he served until 1960, when he was assigned as pastor of S1. Kilian, where he remained until 1973. In retirement, Father Buckley lived with relatives in Taunton. He took advantage of his leisure to travel and. among his noteworthy experiences was attendance at the 1973 international Eucharistic Congress held in Australia. Interment was in the family plot in Taunton Catholic Cemetery.
SISTERS OF MERCY who spent their years of active ministry in the Fall River diocese and are now retired at Mt. St. Rita Health Centre assist with mailing project. From left, Sisters Mary Eugene, Mary Anastasia, There sa Marie, Mary Annette.
Retirement Centre. Prayer Powerhouse. Sisters of Mercy at Mt. S1. Rita Retirement and Health Centre in Cumberland, R.I., including many who served in the Fall River diocese, constitute a powerhouse of prayer, say centre officials. "After years of service in the areas of education, social work and health care, the sisters are able to focus more fully on the spiritual aspects of their ministry," notes Sister Marie Lourdette, RSM, of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. "While advancing age or physical infirmity prevent further
Sister LeSlanc Sister Rose Anna LeBlanc, a New Bedford native, and a Sister of the Holy Cross, died earl-ier this month in St. Laurent, Canada, at age 75.. During her religious life of some 50 years, she taught at the former St. Anthony High School in New ,Bedford for over 15 years. . ' She served in various schools in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, most recently as libra- "rian at St. Joseph High School, Springfield. She held a master's degree in library science. Her survivors include four sisters, Sister Marie Joseph and Sister Bertha of' the Sisters of St. Joseph, stationed in New Bedford and Fall River respectively; Sister Lillian, CSC, of Manchester, N.H.; and Alice LeBlanc of New Bedford. Also two brothers, Emile of New Bedford and George of Fairhaven.
Father Hesburgh
NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) President .Carter has named Holy Cross Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, to head a Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy es>.tablished last year by Congress. The commission, composed of private citizens, congressmen and cabinet officers will hold 12 regional hearings and submit a report to Congress and the presi. dent in March, 1980. -
active ministry, the sisters never cease their prayers or lose interest in the well-being and progress of those who came under their care," she said. She added that Mt. S1. Rita's, as well as being a retirement haven, frequently serves as a source of physical and spiritual renewal for active sisters, lay volunteers and benefactors. To enable it. to continue its many roles, the Mercy community will hold its annual benefit
dinner Wednesday, Nov. 7 -at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. Further information is available from Sister Lourdette at 679-8511 in Fall River; from Sister M. Nora, New Bedford, 9923694; Sister Rose Angela, Attleboro, 222-7970; Sister M. Margretta, Taunton, 822-9206. Sister Zita Mary, Cape and Islands, 775-1107; Sister M. Alban, Health Centre, 401-3336352.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (NC) Last week's 65th annual meeting of the National Conference .of '\Catholic \ Charities a!tracted national attention through rna· jor addresses given by President Carter, who announced a federalOffice of Families, and Vernon E. Jordan Jr., president of' the National Ul1ban League, who attacked black leaders for opening talks with the Palestine liberation Organization. Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social ser- • vices, was among 328 delegates to the meeting, which had as its theme "A Call to Harvest: Ministry to America." In his address, President Carter announced formation of an Office for Families within the new Department of Health and Human Services, formerly the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He also declared Cambodia would receive $7 million in famine aid. Bishop Howard Hubbard of Albany, N.Y., opened the fourday conference with a call for increased personalization in social work and loving, caring service to those in need.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
Oct. 25, 1979
the living word
A Gift For Us All ' Taken in light of the tremendous events that have occurred in the life of the .church during' this past year, the awarding of the Nobel Prize for Peace to Mother Teresa of Calcutta is indeed a unique highlight whose rays will be reflected throughout the world. ' Although the Nobel Committee usually tends to recognize the acts of man, it is wonderful to see that despite the honor it pays the explorers of the complicated and the unknown, it also recognizes the simple, the generous fmd the humble. There is no question about the love relationship of the non-church world with this wonderful woman who seeks th,e ~ord in the leper, the homeless and the destitute. Yet it seems that her living of the gosp~l message in truth and honesty has been a sign of contradictiori, not so much to the non-Catholic world as tq many in the church itself. ' In an era of church history during which a Polish pope and an Albanian nun, both acquainted with sorrow, have won international recognition from a secular society, it is indeed unfortunate that some who still say they are part of this suffering body see in each of them a sign of contradiction. ' To those seeking to do their own thing, to those who find in organized protest an outlet for their own personal frustration, to those who would defy the true and valid teaching of the church, Mother Teresa, her work and her mission, have little meaning. Somehow, these misled and misinformed people see in picketing and street marches the answer to their own unacknowledged failures and faults. Departing from the gospel, , ignoring the papacy and intimidating the church itself, they have reduced themselves and their cause to the level of a public embarrassment and their, antics to the status of an ignorant undertaking. , This devoted and dedicated, woman of God haS demonstrated to all the' vocal dissidents that one will find true recognition of his or her role in the church only when he or she sincerely' follows the beatitudinal way historically re:-fleeted by and in the church. Mother Teresa, time and again, has urged Catholics to seek the Lord in the message he preached and to live the ,reality of that message directed by those Christ appointed' as his Vicars. Ehcourag~d by the church, supported by the papacy, she has brought glory to all women who daily labor to bring the teaching of Jesus and his church to the least of his brethren. Because of her'fidelity, love and compassion she has won the hearts of all who truly seek to restore all things in Christ. Through her sign of service she has indeed proven that actions inspired by the message of the Master have more positive power to light candles in men's lives than has all the verbiage of those dissidents in the church whose selfishness merely curses the daFkness. ' , May the inspiration of Mother Teresa renew all of us 'who seek to live Christ in fidelity and truth. May she also inspire all women in the church who seek to do God's will, especially those who are floundering and frustrated in fulfillment of their vocational responsibility.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue 'Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore,
. . . . , Leary Press-路Fall ,River
'Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it.' Ps. 126:1
Are Nukes the' New ,Forbidden: 路F'ruit? ,
The following editorial appeared in The Catholic Witness, newspaper 'of the Harrisburg, Pa., Diocese. It is by' Father Thomas R. Haney, executive director. In the Garden of Eden about the only energy debate was whether- to bask all day in the sun or seek the friendly shade路 of a tree heavy with unforbidden fruit. It would take far more than the distance any intercontinental ballistic missile can reach to measure the technological space between the Garden of Eden and Three Mile Island. And the present energy debate centers on our God-given freedom of human ingenuity. Just as our first parents' , ahuse of freedom turned the garden into a desert forever lost in the shifting sands of history, so too our abuse of human ingenuity has turned the island into a nightmare currently present' in the costly' concrete silos of nuclear reactors. In his pastoral letter, 'published in this issue, Bishop Daley calls for a moratorium on the construction of any more nuclear plants until we are certain all is safe. And indeed a moratorium should be declared on all those experiments which, should ,be conducted in controlled research laboratories instead of in the open crucible of neighborhood backyards. ,Bishop Daley also advocates a moratorium on increased en-
ergy consumption. A point well urged. In the garden it was excessive consumerism that began all our troubles. Surrounded by myriads of fruit trees, Adam and Eve were not satisfied. They had to have more. So they took a chance. They ate the forbidden fruit. (. So too with us. The island means that we have to have more. And that we're willing tQ take a chance. This time it's with a form of energy that has proved to be far less safe than it's advocates promised. A form of energy that should be a forbidden fruit until the promises become a reality - if ever! Bishop Daley warns against immediate gratification"with little or no regard for future generations. This is certainly a major' lesson we should have learned from our first parents. In this context the moral distance between the garden and the island can Ibe measured in millimeters. A moratorium should not be a time of sterile indifferente. Rather it should be the occasion of fruitful learning and teaching, honesty and evaluation, dialogue and planning between scientists and us common folks. Nobel :Prize winner Roger Guillemin makes a distinction between science and technology. "Science," he says, "deals with the acquiring of new knowledge. The use, including the misuse or ill use, of that knowledge is the realm of politicians, engineers and technologists." Sounds like a fair distinction. But it would
be less than honest for scientists to hide their responsibility behind the woven fig leaves of such a distinction. After all, our first parents were seeking new knowledge when they ate the forbidden fruit. And they were held 'accountable. We are at the most crucial point in history for the planting of technological seeds for those future generations the bishop speaks ot The question is, what kind of garden are we cultivating?
Necrology November 2 A Memento for the repose of the souls of our priests not on this list. Rev. Joseph S. Fortin, 1923, Founder St. John the Baptist, Fall River Rev. Michael V. McDonough, 1933, Chaplain~ St. Mary's Home, New Bedford November 6 Rev. Patrick S. McGee, 1933,' Founder, St. Mary, Hebronville. IIIIllllmllllllllllimmmlmllllllllllmllllllllll1l1ll1l11llllUllllllllllllllllllllllllml1l1111l1l1ll1
Second Class Postage Pal~ at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6,00 per year. Postmasters send address chang~$ to The Anchor, P,O. Box 7. Fill River, MA 02722 \.
~I-=I=L=e=t=te=r=s=':::;:=to=t=h=e=e=d=i=to=r==.!II~~~ lie's 11 Jlriesf
Dear Editor: Some of the critical comments that have been expressed reo garding the historic Boston visit by Pope John Paul refer to the whyness of a Mass and the seemingly elaborate stage and altar for the celebration of Mass. Some .early cr-itics asked: "Why a Mass? Why not a speech from a simple platform?" Allow me to offer a few remarks that might. be apropos of this unprecedented visit. . First, why a Mass? Professionally the Pope is a priest, and according to ancient Judaeo- Christian tradition, the essential work of a priest is to offer sacrifice to God in r~paration for the sins of mankind. John Paul professionally performed his priestly celebration of Mass for us at Boston Common because this is the role for which he was divinely called. We are also taught that as the "Vicar of Christ" on Earth, he possesses the three messianic roles of: (1) teacher, (2) ruler (spiritual) and (3) priest, as did his religious Founder and Lord, ·.Jesus Christ. He performed his role as priest in celebrating Mass publicly at the Common. May God bless America by this historic papal visit. Long live our Holy Father John Paul II!
Frank McCabe . ,
JlCl:pal Jloem Dear Editor: Was wondering if you could use this little poem I wrote in The Anchor: Dearest Holy Father Welcome to our land. That you'd pay us a visit We think is oh, so grand. Like that other' traveler Of old, known as St. Paul, Carrying God's message So far, 'to one and all. We love you, Holy Father, For you we s'ay a prayer. You've much to do for Jesus, For all people everywhere. God bless and keep you, . Father, As you travel on your way, Spreading peace and kindness Each and every day. Elizabeth Ward East Falmouth
lie's Trying Dear Editor: I have great respect for President Carter as a president. The country is fortunate indeed to have him in office. Considering the increasing violence, sarcasm, sex and selfishness in our country, I wonder if we'll be so lucky next year. That was quite. an attack you launched in your Aug. 23 column. The Anchor has many fine articles, including the remarkable Kenny column. The Mooring is interesting 'and cleverly written, but often not fair. President Carter has tried to keep the peace and offered positive suggestions in many areas,
including energy. Certainly, some of his suggestions are deIbatable, but at least he made an honest effort to do what was good for our country. I'm sure the same can be said of most of our politicians. John P. Laird Pocasset
'Yellow Journalism' Dear Editor: The biographical sketch of the pope in your Oct. 4 issue could have been useful and informative. However, its usefulness was completely destroyed by the malicious insertion of' "yellow journalism" on page 12. Twenty-eight lines, on his early pre"papal love life which your own article labels "rumor," "un~ substantiated" and "emphatically denied" by the Vatican. Also, the insidious innuendo in your reference to the pope's "teasing" remarks in Poland. All this makes a juicy tidbit of . "yellow journalism." Only i.9urnals and editors without honor or integrity resort to this practice. Decency, a high standard of editorial policy and integrity publish .only substantiated facts. Had I read this in a secular newspaper, I wou.ld have resented it. But reading it in The A'nchor nauseates and appalls. ,Mr. Editor, you reallY.owe your : ..reade'rs· an apology. . Frank J. Kozicki Marion
THE ANCHOROct. 25, 1979
Priestly 'Parents Dear Editor: Congratulations on the very excitirig vocations issue. The subject of vocations, or rather the lack of them, .has .often been the topic of our conversations with many couples.
We're going to ask ourselves questions such as: How often do we as parents speak to our children about priests or religious that we know? How often do we allow our children to experience priests as people-dinner guests or simply friendly visitors?
abilities of the dissenter are questioned. V\cars of Christ have sa~c tioned too many highly obj(!ctionable things in the past 20 Your statement in The Moorcenturies (my Church is painfully human) for me to swallow ing that "the impetus (for vocaDo we tell our kids how much every official teaching like an tions) must come from the kitchunchewed aspirin. eo table as well as the divine it means to go to Mass, receive ' the Eucharist or be reconciled We Christians can' be neither , table" has prodded this letter. to the Lord through' the actions democracy nor dictatorship, nor One quality profoundly a part of his human representatives? can' priests, including even the Holy 'Father, lay a unique claim of the priesthood is the ability Do we encourage youngsters toto holiness, intelligence, inspira- to' offer sacrifice. We believe wards a vocation? that parents can be priestly in tion; or common sense. We are determined to sacriour own .way when we say "no" Which one of us really knows and buck the peer pressure for . fice our own need for being all the answers? Let there be children's involvements in such "acceptable" and instead be honest disagreement, and also activities as hockey, cheerlead- "square" and share ourselves respect for the persons who care ing, band, etc. more openly with our kids, enough to' disagree. Let the their friends and their babysitWe can sacrifice our own ters. Editor of the Anchor listen not only to· the words of his Vicar needs for our children to be Thank you for the supplement. of Christ spoken at· Philadelphia popular or successful according It is wonderful to know that and Washington, but also to his to the world's standards and inaddress to the UN in New York. stead say a firm "yes" to the there are so many avenues to Pope John Paul's words must be call of our own vocation of explore right here in the diotaken together as a whole mes- matrimony - becoming a sup- cese. We~ll be saving it for sage; his coin has two sides. port to the possible call to the future reference. Neal and Anna Biron Anne-Marie Boucher priesthood or religious life on New Bedford the part of our kids. Norton
.Objections Dear Editor: I object to Mr. Michael Thomas's labeling of the action .of the women protesters' in Boston as "heinous" (Anchor, Oct. 11). That is a ridiculously strong term to use, considering the extent of what they actually did. I also object to his statement "that it is evident" that they are "dedicated to themselves and not to the Church." Where is the evidence? Has he spoken to them personally and asked about their actions and motivations? I would like to hear his reasons as well as his conclusion. He also says it is his opinion, based on his own judgment of these women's fidelity and reverence, that they should be removed from their ministries. Would he agree if we should decide to judge his display of Christian charity and suggest he be denied ordination? Finally I object to the insult contained in the Editor's Note which followed Mr. Robert McGowan's letter. Since when does the decree of any man, even of, the Pope, reduce the mentality and motivations of anyone to the status of a moot question? Only in military dictatorships where leaders are automatically right by virtue of their office is a dissenter made automatically wI:ong by virtue of his differences. There too in censored papers the issues he might have raised are ignored' and -instead the mental and/or moral cap-
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.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct.. 25, 1979
Andrew, Once' Mo~e, Refuses To Suffer
There are many disadvantages in speaking the truth. If you do it too often, too honestly and with too much empirical evidence, you end up a pariah. That's ·fair enough. You take your exclusion for granted. But that doesn't excuse the cowardice and hypocrisy of those who exclude you. ,For the past '18' years, my coIIeagues at National Opinion Research Center and I have ,done virtually .the only high quality social research that exists on American Catholicism"
~search accepted by most of but rather the hypocrisy and the social science community as 'vindictiveness of those who decomprehensive and definitive. ,lete names from lists on the So the pope comes to Ameri- basis of what they take to be ca and it is decided to pretend loyalty. If you are a critic, you that we don't exist. None of us are disloyal, and that's that. Timid silence is the, real disare invited to anything in Chicloyalty, but that's another matago. I am put on the list for the ter. , White House and then cut off At least the list-makers did that list by some very high offinot continue the Nazi-like praccial. We don't even make the tice of punishing family memlist. for the Catholic University bers of critics. My sibling, the convocation. of "scholars." theologian, managed to survive It doesn't make' that ~uch the final cuts at both Catholic practical difference for me. My University and the White House,' press credentials could get me much to her amusement. My into anything I wanted to at- suspicion is that this was a slip tend. For my associates, it is up on the part of the list cen.another matter, though I imag- sors. ine they will survive. Chicago's reducing the Cath.The thing that makes me olic scholars at NORC to the angry is not being left out of status of non-persons is not essomething I wanted to attend pecially surprising. It's gone on
.In .
emic freedom supposed to characterize a university. Small wonder t~at the so-called "Catholic" University is such a pathetically poor' institution. I called Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, the president of C.U., to ask for an explanation. He hemmed and hawed and evaded, but he didn't deny the facts. He told the pope in his welI'm really angry at the Cath- . come address about the imporolic University crowd, though. tance of the "priesthood of Members of their sociology de- truth." He meant, of course, the partment have been badmouth- priesthood of truth that does ing, our research for years. To not offend church authorities by exclude the only scholars who uncovering unpleasant facts. I have done high quality "empiri- don't' think that's quite what cal research on the stat~ of the pope had in mind when he American Catholicism on· the talked about the highest stangrounds that the findings are d~rds of scientific research, acaddisconcerting to some ecclesias- emic excellence and intellectual tical authorities is to make an hone~ty. absolute m~ckery of the acadSome university!
for a long time. Jimmy Carter can invite' to the White House whomever he wants, though the claim of his staff that they don't have enemy lists like the Nixon gang is clearly absurd. I'm kind of honored to be on the enemy list of the most· inept administration since that of Calvin 'Coolidge.
Opiniolns ,of Jo,hn. Pa,ul II: Seem Ope,n to, Discussi,on By
Before he was pope, John Paul made a reputation for himself at Vatican II for his strong support of collegiality, papal sharing of responsibility with bishops. He wa!! keenly aware that the conditions in Poland were different· from those in other parts of the world. The Polish bishops had to make decisions suitable. for their own country. Now, in our country, we've had an opportunity to see and hear a' great deal of this man. And I'm inclined to believe that his appreciation of collegiality is still there. Much has been made' in the
press of his "stem reaffirmaBut then, how many words ity, to be effective it should first complain of the disproportion of tion" , of the old teachings re- were spoken on understanding impose on itself his suggestions wealth,. while they wear $500 .garding, women's status in the each other? How many on the regarding power, wealth, and . suits, and dine on filet mignon. Church and the whole spect~m need for the strong to help the domination. 'If that seems incongruous, of sexuality. But I don't think' oppressed? How many on the isn't there, something incongruIf an American bishop picks his statements were as dogmatic wealthy offering more than lipous about the pope jetting up the pope's message on artias, reported. While I did not service to the poor? How many around the country in a specially ficial contraception, will he also ·hear every one of hiS taIks, on love of God and fellowman? appointed 747, while decrying have heard the words on the . t?ose I did hear made me b~- - It seems' to me that far more wealthy sharing with ,the poor? consumerism in his speeches? heve that much of what ,he ,said emphaisis was'laid on the is- As an example, will he' open Maybe the medium really is the was open-ended, '. c.arefully sues of. social justice than on his chancery to ,the destitute? message. ph~a~ed to ex~ress his personal'/~omen's rights or sexuality. And, Will he divest· himself ·of· his . But a, man who abhors the Op1DlODbut" still .leave. room for . I'f I take h'IS -,words on ,SOCia . 1 wealth t9 help 'achieve the eqiial~ atrocitie~ 'at Auschwitz (-W~\lI!1 ' d' ," I)ot expes:t, peopl.e to 4~. ",hat Iscusslon. . t' , l' h' ,,' 'd'" ity of which the pope' spoke? . ' , th . JUS Ice serIOUS y, IS rIgl And ,IScusslon d they are tolO -just becaUse au-' ere Will be. statements on controversial sub~ In practice I expect that all thority says so . . . particularly Women hav~ learned that ~hey jects-become less worrisome. the papal messages will be pick- if what they are told goes against can..accomphsh more of Christ's If the powerful should not op- ed apart, each person accepting the grain of conscience and the work by breaking from the traditional sterotypes, I see no press, then he cannot demand only that portion which reaffirms truths known deep within. the chance that they will revert to that nuns return to traditional what appeals to him, and ignor- heart. their fonner' status. garb. 'If leaders of nations ing anything to the contrary. So let's look at the bright side, Besides, If you took all the should not deny their citizens There will be some who will Unlike past popes, there is no . talks th~ pope delivered, how equal rights, then women can't decry_violence in other coun- indication that John Paul II exmany words were devoted to be denied equal rights in the tries, while they fire-bomb abor- pects that voicing his opinions traditional roles for nuns? How church. tion clinics. Some will preach will end further discussion. And many to a mandatory celibacy If the American hierarchy . the urgency of equal employ- it's also clear he is a man we ·for ,religious? How many to were to try enforcing the pope's ment of blacks, but will refuse can love - even when disagreequestions of sexuality? opinions on women and sexual- jobs to homosexuals. Some will ing with him.
Lutherans, .,Catholics Call fo-r Parish-Level Ecumenism The Roman Catholic bishops Catholics to share the encourag- ecumenical dialogue during the and the Lutheran presidents and ing results of officially-spon- coming year. bishops of New England have sored theological talks between In the weeks to come,' Roman issued a joint call for parish- the two churches over the past Catholic and Lutheran parishes level ecumenical dialogue during 15 years, _ ar~ asked to pair-up and become 1980. Since the conclusion of the acquainted through informal acIn' a general pastoral letter, Second Vatican Council in 1965, tivity such as an open house or the 11- Catholic and four Luther- Roman Catholic and Lutheran supper. The Week of Prayer for an prelates asked 'that priests, theologians have' been meeting Ghristian Unity (January 18-25) ministers and congregations 'par. internationally and in the United has been noted as an appropriticipate in well-planned events States at the invitation of their ate time for such projects. ~ which wiil provide the Lutheran churches. This intensive dialogue Area coordinators for the proand Catholic people an opportu- has been described as "extraor- gram are Father Horace- J. Tra-' nity to grow; in mutual under- diqarily serious and snrpri~ingly vassos, co-chairman of the Fall standing and fellowship." productive" throughout the ecu- River diocesan ecumenical comThey note that "where parish menical world. . . mission, and the' Rev. Darrell relationships are not possible . . . Roman Catholic and Lutheran Ashcraft, pastor of the Lutheran, we can, at the very least, pray ,leaders generally agree that bar- Church of the Way, Taunton. and study together." riers which once seemed insurThey point out that parish op-~. They encourage, where leasi- mountable have been transcend- . tions, may include ecuriuinicaf ble, "joint services of penitence ed and many misunderstanding's pray~r meetings arid meetings of: in the light of our history of of the past have been resolved. clergy and laity to analyze redivision, and of thanksgiving for Now that theologians of both sults of national dialogues and, the recent positive results of our churches have reached signifi- make local applications 'of their. dialogues." cant agreement on several his- findings. It is hop~d, that such . The call for parish interaction torically divisive issl,les, national activities will lead to a "Recon(s part of a worldwide movement' and regional leaders support the .; ciliation Sunday" program in the~ between··Lutherans·,and· 'Roman-,'move--~to ·promote··"'.!gFassroots!!~"'''fall'()f"'''1980:~,~, ,.0.;,,_.',; " . -
lit is noted that the 1980 date is' significant in that it marks the 450th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession, recognized by Lutherans as a cornerstone of their belief, , The document was presented at Augsburg, Germany, in 1530, to Emperor Charles V who had requested ·that those protesting at that time against the Church of Rome issue a statement of f'
their beliefs:- He hoped to resolve dissension and restore· church unity 1;>ut the, effort failed, and schism developed between Catholicism and those' churches which subscribed to the Augsburg Confessidn, Leaders on both sides now hope that the time has .come to restore the unity desired by Jesus for his followers.
Restructuring Set for Baton Rouge Bishop Joseph V. Sullivan of Baton Rouge has returned after two weeks: in, Rome where he . consulted with Pope John Paul II and key advisers and decided to restructure -the consultative process fo~ priests under his jurisdiction. Bishop Sullivan has been the focus of heated controversy recentIy.'over his removal of the Claretian Fathers from a Catholic center at Louisiana State-' University.
His directives, issued in a four~ page pastoral ietter Aug. 15, call for the formation of a new diocesan pastoral council with ad hoc committees set up' to provide "widest possible dialogue with all ·concerned." ,Furthermore, the bishop wrote, a management design institute will-be held to "facilitate recommendations for procedural steps toward a positiv~, efficient, representative restructuring of the bishop's senate t)f priests.'"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 25, 1979
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AMONG PLANNERS for the annual Bishop's Ball is Charles T. Roz~k, president of the Attleboro Particular Council of the Society· of 81. Vincent de Paul, with Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan Ball director, at recent organ""' izational meeting.
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Contributors to the annual Bishop's 'Ball, to be held Friday, Jan. 11 at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, will be listed in a commemorative booklet -' Donation categories 'are In Memoriam, Very Special Friend, Guarantor, Benefactor, Booster, Sponsor and Patron. Contributors in any category receive ball tickets at no additional charge. In Memoriam arid Very Special Friend categories have a special listing in the booklet. Guarantors and ·Benefactors are listed on gold pages. Boosters and Sponsors are listed on silver. pages and 'Patrons on white.
Those wishing to be included in the booklet may contact ball committee members, Vincentians or members of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Donations may also be sent directly to Ball headquarters, 410 Highland Ave" Fall River, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River 02722. The headquarters telephone' number is 676-8943.
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Con~inued from Page One government shall deserve the trust and cooperation of the people only when it shows that its promises are not dead words but a guarantee that a new era has ,began for our nation." He offered the church's coContinued from Page One operation for the common good. men of good will from persever- . Archbishop Romero had stern ing in prayer, from waiting for words for the rich, whom he the moment of my arrival, my had blamed before for much of words, my blessing." the violence in the country. the pope called his visit to "We address those who by the United States a "special defending their unjust privileges fruit" o(his trip.. in the economic, social and po"What else could I have said litical fields became guilty of before that supreme forum of a causing so much unrest and v~o political nature, if not that lence. We remind them that they which constitutes the core of must listen to the voice of the the Gospel message, the words poor and the demands of. justice as the cause of the Lord, who of a great love for man." The pope concluded by recall- calls to conversion and who will ing his welcome by President preside at the judgment of all Jimmy Carter "in the historic men." meeting at the White House with him and his dear family, It's Time as well as with all the high auSAN FRANCISCO (NC) thorities gathered there." The time has come for the VatiHe said he felt compelled to can to recognize Israel officialdevote a Wednesday audience ly, according to Father Edward to discussing his trip, because Flannery, former spokesman for of its importance. the U.S. bishops on Jewish"At least in this way I might Christian relationS. "I tend to berepay the great debt lowe to lieve tbat the U.S. bishops the Good Shepherd and to those should be among the foremost who opened up the paths of my voices leading this cause," he journey," he said. said.
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THE ANCHOR=-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 25, 1979
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 25, 1979
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AROUND THE DIOCESE: On page 8, from top down, the International Year of the Child was the theme for a living rosary sponsored by the Fall River District, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at St. John of God Church, Somerset. With Bishop Cronin, from left, Michelle Wehrchamp, Italy; Paula Reis, Ireland; Melanie Bigos, Poland; Michelle Belanger, France; Vicki Ellen Barboza, Portugal. Center, some of the 69 teachers and aides . in the CCD program of St. Anthony's parish, East Falmouth, gather with Father John Ozug, top center, and Sister Mary Terrance, front right, following a commissioning service. Bottom, the traveling statue of St. Therese,. which will visit nearly every home in St. Therese parish, New Bedford', over the next five years, is welcomed by Robert Provencal and his daughter Elaine. This page, top, guests are welcomed at annual Brotherhood Dinner in Swansea by, seated from left, Louis Sevin and Mrs. Joseph Gromada, in charge of ~eservations. Standing behind them, Rev. Fred Lee, the evening's speaker,. and Rev. Horace Travassos, cochairman of the diocesan ecumenical commission. Bottom, at gala celebration of the lOOth anniversary of the Ladies of Ste. Anne in St. Anne's parish, Fall River, from left, Father John R. FoIster, pastor; Mrs. Jeanette Clement, president; Mrs. Joseph Toole, Mr. Toole, Mr. Donald Valcourt. The program included Mass' with Bishop Cronin as principal celebrant and a parish brunch. Accomplishments of the first French-speaking women's organization in Fall River have included aidiI1g in the building of St. Anne's Hopital, St.. Anne School and Dominican Academy. The Ladies were founded, it was explained, to unite "Christian women who want to devote themselves and mutually aid each other to the practice of virtue and their duties of state, under the protection of St. Anne."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur.,
25, 1979'
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IT'S ON TAPE: Pope John Paul II's address to the UN is among the messages in- . eluded in"Journey to America." (NC Photo)
Jeff Peterson and Mike Petty- our recordings was much better pool, of Washington D.C., fol- , and could be shared by anyone f lowed P01?e John Paul II who really wanted to hear the message," comments throughout his U.S. visit, hitch- pope's hiking when necessary and vir- Peterson, who did the live retually sleeping on their feet as cordings in cooperation .witth they recorded his words for Bob Rice, a I5-year veteran of Catholic schools and parishes the recording business. as a permanent audio presentaPeterson and Rice feel that tion. their recording is a service to '''In Philadelphia, the public the Catholic community. address system was terrible; the "We have a capsule of a mo.people could hardly hear the pope. Again in Des Moines, the mentous historical event in the sound system was not good and form of LP or tape," Peterson we realized that the quality of said. His compa~y; Catholic
"Weare waiving the full financial potential of 'Journey to America' to keep the cost of our record or tape well below normal retail prices," added Rice. He said that mail orders will be filled within three weeks and that a fundraising plan is available to parishes. Further information is available ata toll-free number, 800538-3090.
54D-4555 ' Res. 548-4082 i
Is Marijuana' Really Harmles$? ease should avoid marijuana be- - Other drugs reported to be cause of its irritating effects on terribly abused are physicianDear Dr_ Kenny: the lungs. prescribed tranquilizers like Val5. Persons with heart disorders ium and Librium. Their side efMy 16-year-old son smokes. marijuana on an average of every may 'be further impaired be- fects are known to ibe more other day. I am the one who cause of the increase in heart dangerous than those of maric,augbtbim. Of course, I iitsist- rate brought on by use of the juana. ed that he stop. However, be told drug. During Prohibition, many ~ that marijuana was harmless. adults made bathtub whisky. Jle .says he smokes it because it 6. Marijuana may precipitate is a good way for him to get a psychotic break in persons Again, this is probably a more dangerous drug than marijuana. mellow'and relax. He insists that prone to schizophrenia. It must be difficult for those . he should be allowed to smoke 7. Using marijuana less than particular . adults to condemn in' our home. His reasoning is once a week will probably not· the pot-smoking youth of tothat be will not get caught cause ill effects in adults. day. 8. The therapeutic potential there. Let us discourage drug use My . question is: Is marijuana of marijuana, particularly for among our youth by example, really harmless? I have heard so managing nausea and glaucoma, by cutting down on our tranmany.different things about the should be studied further. quilizer and cigarette use and sqbject that I really do not know Marijuana use presents some our consumption of alcohol. If what to think about it. But since clear dangers to the young, and we do not give a good example I am faced with making a de- its use should be discouraged. we are guilty of hypocrisy when cision, I must have a definitive Better and legal ways to get we criticize them for smoking answer. I certainly do not want mellow and relax can be found. pot. Why not suggest that your my son to continue something It is really, ridiculous to swalthat may be harmful to him. son study Yoga? This is wonder- low anything that dulls our A; Dr. Sidney Cohen of the fully relaxing, helps· develop minds and harms our bodies. It Center for Health Sciences, the one's powers of concentration is equally ridiculous to inhale anything that either injures the .University of California in Los . and is healthy. Angeles, chaired a panel of eight As we- discuss marijuana, I lungs or affects our minds. medical experts with divergent am reminded that,' many adults Each of us has only one body viewpoints on marijuana use.. use drugs that are known to and one mind. Ultimately, no' The experts agreed on eight posi- have more serious side effects one else can take the responsibiltions.. Recently they presented than marijua~a. (It should be ity of keeping both healthy. If~ their findings t9 the House Se- noted that marijuana is still be: we become ill in spite of looklect Committee on Narcotics ing studied 'nd we almost un- ing after ourselves 'well, that is Abuse and Control. They were: doubtedly do not have all the unfortunate. But if we deliberately abuse ourselves, we' are 1. Young people should be answers yet.) discouraged from using maI1Let's .consider alcohol. It is inviting prOblems. Let us teach our youth good juana. a toxin. Then there are cigar· 2. Driving under the influence ettes. It's proved that cigar- health habits' by setting' a good' of· marijuana can be hazardous. ette smoking can lead to lung example ourselves. Unless' we 3. Pregnant women should disease; emphysema and cancer. do so, they are apt to ignore' Clearly this practice is. danger- our advice with regard to things not use it. like marijuana and alcohol.. '... Individuallj with lung dis- ous to our health. . By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
Route 28,
Media Services, will donate a portion of· its proceeds to Catholic charities. '.
Box 475
East Falmouth, Mass. 02536
DIC, FISHERMEN Restaurant Inc. 548·4266
Question ,(orner . •
By Father John Dietzen Q. Some of us need help in understanding confession today. I joined the church when we were married 52 years ago. I learned a lot from our four children who went to a Catholic school, but we are now retired in Florida. In recent years we have had a couple of priests who conducted communal penance services. At present our parish has a big confession twice a year with several priests hearing in all comers of the church. After watching others, I think my sins may be rather childish. We go to Mass every day, so our sins are mostly small ones ' - missing prayers once a week, talking about our neighbors, and so on. Someone told me simply to say that I have sinned against charity and am sorry for all the sins of my life. Maybe you could help make it simpler for all of us.
? •
ceive the sacraments without a lot of red tape of bringing in previous wedding and divorce papers.
ATCHISON, Kan. (NC) - The leaders of 55 male' religious orders in the United States have stated that many of us (Religious) live by standards which often lead in practice of consumerist mentality and to great material security." Such a situation, they con· tinued, "makes it difficult for us to find solidarity with the poor, or to be effective in evangelizing all classes in society,
We are practicing Catholics and attend church regularly, with the exception of receiving the sacraments of Communion and penance. Can you help us get completely back into the church? (III.)
THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 25, 1979
Leaders Score Consumerism no one of which ,is exempt from structural injustice." The admission came in the final statement issued by the 22nd annual assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, a national organization of the regional superiors of male religious orders and congregations, meeting in Atchison, Kan. The assembly addressed itself to the theme: " Metanoia (change of heart): An Attitude for Domestic Change."
BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel ROJ C. Lorraln. Ror ROler LtFrance Claudette RIlY Morris..,
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166
The United Way Works For YOU
A. As much as it would please me to do so, it is impossible for me to personally pursue marriage cases with readers of the Question Corner. I am happy to supply any information that could be helpful, but even apart from limitations of time and distance (I receive many such requests from different parts of the country every week), church law normally requires that such marriage procedures be pursued through the parish or diocese of the individual involved.
Please contact ,your parish priest or another priest in your area with whom you might be A. It seems to me your priests have already helped you greatly better acquainted. He will help in simplifying your use of the yQU learn if something, can be sacrament of penance. Perhaps done in your case and assist you a· WOI:d of. explanation. w.ould. ,in doing itwith as little hassle as-at all possib'le~ - . . ' , ' help.
You probably' know that a "communal absolution ~ere mony:' which priests may provide under certain limited conditions, includes everything necessary for the sacrament of penance. This includes an expression of sorrow for 'sins by the penitents, giving of absolution , by the priest and so on. I assume this is what you ,mean by "communal confessions." Any serious sins must be confessed privately some time later, but at that type of communal penance service no furthera'ction is' needed for full 'reception of the sacrament. Other communal penance services combine prayers and reflections together as a group, with private confession of sins and private absolution. This you mention as your present parish' practice. Reception of the sacrament of penance twice a year for someone like yourself is certainly reasonable. Either way of confessing that you mention is fine, though I think it is more helpful - and more to the point to focus attention on our sinful: ness, the sources of our sins, like greed, pride, selfishness, and so on, than on' the sinful actions that result from those "capital" sins. I think you:re on the right track and I hope you 'continue to find the sacrament of pen-'/ ance as helpful for you as it seems to be now. Q. My husband and I were both, divorced before our marriage 23 years ago. Now, in 'our late 60Si~C\l'Ie; w,ould like' >to. reo,
Questions" for ibis column should be sent to Father Dietzen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
Therapist Named At St. Anne's
Give Generously!
In happenings at' St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, Daniel J. Connelly, RPT, MBA, has been named director of physical therapy, coming to his post from Robert B. Brigham division of Affiliated Hospitals, Boston. Brigham is a rehabilitation hospital specializing in arthritis therapy.
this Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River PAUL G. CLEARY & CO., INC. EDGAR'S FALL RIVER FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY
Also at St. Anne's, Mariette Easton, RN,' has been elected secretary of New England Natural Family Planning, a regional resource organization for natural family planning teachers.
Vatican Stamps VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican City post .office will mark its 50th anniversary 'with its'first-ever stamp show. It will run from Nov. 13 to 25 and will include stamps and can~ellations used by the Vatican since it began its own postal system in 1929. Also marking the anniversary will be six post cards,' each with a map of Vatican City and a different coat of arms, one for each pope who hase reigned in the last half century. Earlier this year the Vatican issued six commemorative stamps, ,also featuring the coats of arms.~ •.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fair River-Thur., Oct. 25, 1979
Tillich, Existential By William E. May
"EVERYBODY GETS ANGRY," writes Father Adrian van Kaam. George Scott depicts the emotion in a recent film. (NC Photo) " , J
What about Angry Feelin,gs? They accepted the fact that • I may repress my awareness, of angry feelings may emerge in anger that emerges in me. I am Everybody gets angry. This may children outside the immediate not alone in this. Most people not always be apparent, but it control of their will. Anger was have difficulty coming to terms is so. The only exceptions are allowed to express itself and not with their angry feelings. I may not saints but people whose build up inwardly into' a sudnot take those feelings in stride. brain functioning is impaired. den outburst. Instead of working them Saints get angry like everyone through, I turn them off. Anger is not killed off by the els~. The difference is that Holy Spirit but set on a new My denial of angry feelings anger does not dominate their course. may not be an act of bad will. lives. They may be incidentally I may wrongly consider angry Therefore, the life 'of .grace can angry, usually at the right time keep growing within me. Howfeelings to be less than human. and in the right way. Also, they They may seem incompatible ever, I may not allow it to transseem to know better how to fomi the emotional dimensions with my spiritual self-formation. handle their anger. of my spiritual life. I shut anger Growth in spiritual formation out of awareness as quickly as does not whittle away my capit comes up. Therefore, I canacity to feel angry. Neither does not live it in the transforming it lessen my need to respond in light of the Spirit. Such denial some way to that feeling. Spiritis the opposite of formation; it By Janaan Manternach ual self~formation helps me to is deformation. accept my anger as an undeni- ' It was, still early morning. I may mask my anger with able human feeling. Pontius Pilate, the Roman gov- sweetness; it still comes out as All of us are born with the ernor, was finishing breakfast muffled annoyance. My, inten,tion may be honest, my ,desire ability to feel angry. We picked at his Jerusalem palace. up angry reactions long before. He was interrupted by a , to give a gentle form to my life we could talk. We did not under- crowd pounding on the palace genuine. What is pretended is stand what was being said by door. He went out to see what a lack of anger that is really the people around us, but we was wrong. The Jewish religious there. Perhaps I fell into this trap could sense the angry feelings leaders pushed Jesus in' front of "of father and mother, brothers Pilate. He was bound tightly because I pushed the process of spiritual self-formation too fast. - and sisters. We learned from with ropes. them' on the spot how to ~ct Pilate looked at Jesus curious- I. skipped the task of catching angrily. ' ly. He surely had h~ard of him. my angry feelings, of bringing As children, we, listened also The chief priests were accusing them to light, of bearing with to the way in which' they re- Jesus of treason. They said he them. I did not give the Holy sponded to our anger, when we' was leading a revolution against Spirit room to mitigate my dared to let it come out. Maybe the Roman emperor, Caesar. anger, to turn it into right rewe were 'lucky and our family They said Jesus claimed to, be sponses at right occasions. Spiritual self-formation does allowed us to bring our angry king. sci Pilate asked" Jesus, "Are not deny anger. It helps me to feelings out into the, open. This did not mean that they you the king of, the Jews?" bear even with unreasonable gave in to whatever we were Jesus answered, "You are the anger. It helps me to draw from, angry about; it is just that they one who is saying it." What he this affliction humility., Spiritdid not punish us simply for the seemed to be saying was, "Yes, ual formation will slowly enTurn to Page Thirteen Turn to Page Thirteen fact that wl felt that way. By Father Adrian van Kaam
For Children II
Of 20th-century Protestant ,theologians, Paul Tillich is perhaps the most philosophical. Born in Germany in 1886, he earned doctorates in both philosophy and theology. For a period he was the colleague of the famous existentialist philosopher, Martin Heidegger, at the University of Marburg. , In 1933, because of his coui"ageous resistance to Hitler, he emigrated to the United States, where he taught first at Union Theological Seminary' in New York, then at Harvard University and finally at the University of Chicago until his death in 1965. He ,is perhaps most widely known' for his book, "The Courage to Be." A three-volume "Systematic Theology" is his most important work. Deeply influenced by exis, tentialist currents of thought and depth psychology, Tillich was convinced that' a truly "saving" theology must address, the concrete situation of man. To do this he devetoped his "method of correlation," combining, existential ,analysis and theological reflection. ' . , . ,.. , The method of correlation "explains the contents of Christian faith through existential questions and theological answers in mutual interdependence." What this means, for Tillich, is that the theologian must draw upon the insights that contemporary culture, in particular existential philosophy and depth psychology, can provide in order to discover the human situation out of which the existential questtions arise." Only then can the theologian seek to demonstrate that the "symbols used in the Christian message are the answers to these questions." Tillich's own ana-lyses of our existential situation are rich and probing. He emphasized such , themes as our experience of our .finitude and alienation" our dread of death as a power inescapably and menacingly confronting us and forcing us to an acknowledgment of our finitude. Our own lived experience, Tillich argues, forces upon us the realization that' man "is estrapged from the ground of his being, from other beings, from himself." Tillich sees that the "symbols" of Christian faith in fact provide the answers to the agonizing questions raised by 'our experience of finitude and alienation. By symbols he means realities laden with meaning, and the chief symbols of the Christian faith are those of God, Christ and salvation through Christ. For Tillich God is the "ground" or "abyss" of being; he is himself beyond "being" and the "power of being."
Christ is the symbol of God's unity with mankind, for Christ is, that man "in whom God found his image undistorted." Christ is the man in whom the original unity with mankind that God willed is realized, and he is the man in and through whom all men can find the courage to be truly themselves and to exist in unity with God. 'Tillich's thought, although rich in existential and phenom, eriological analyses, and therefore of great help in appreciating more fully God's' love for us, is ultimately incompatible (in my judgment and in that of many who have studied his work carefully) with Catholic faith. He has a somewhat cavalier attitude toward "Jesus of Nazareth," and he <ronsiders the doctrine of the incarnation inadequate and fraught with danger. He contends that the statement "God became man" is truly nonsense; thus for him the historical Jesus is not of much importance. What he' finds significant is the "personality" of the Christ ,of faith, of the man who displays to ,us our,.~anhood'Jand God's will for union and friendship with J.lS. Thus in explaining the "symbols" of Christill'11 faith Tillich, in large measure, explains them, away. A careful study' of Tillich shows, in my judgment, that he was profoundly influenced by an old philosophical system, that , of Plotinus, who conceived of God as the utterly' unique One lying beyond all being, all essence and existence. This Plo~ tinian philosophy, itself a "sal-' vation" philosophy concerned with the return of the many to the One, was mediated to Tillich thro,ugh German idealistic thought and was fused by him with existential themes taken from Heidegger'· and then used as a vehicle for ·interpreting Christianity. While his rich thought provides brilliant and beautifully poignant insights into the meaning of our existence, it fails to take seriously th~ historical roots of Christian faith, the reality of the flesh and, finally, the wonderful goodness of God.
A Verdade, EA. Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego
o Pecado
Contra 0 Espirito Santo
A "boa
nova" do Evangelho 0 anuncio do perd~o concedido indistintamente, urn perd3:o gratuito, alegre, delicado, sem "penit~ncia" e com a unica condiCJ~o de nos abrirmos a Ele, deixando-O transformar os nossos corafJl5es. Has eis que Jesus nos fala de pecados imperdoaveis e eternos. Existe, entKo, urn pecado que n!o pode ser perdoado? Com toda a palavra sagrada ou profana, tambem esta nro pode ser compreendida sen~o dentro do seu contexto. o Antigo Testamento era 0 reino do Pai que se revelava atraves da natureza e na historia do Povo Judeu; mas esta revelai!o era provisoria e progressiva, e convenceu pouca gente. As imagens que ficam do Pai.apos a leitura da B[blia, sro as de urn·Deus desconhecido, de urn Pai humilhado, de urn Esposo tra[do •. o Novo Testamento 0 reino do Filho, mas a sua gloria est! encoberta durante os dias da/sua carne, e nao resplandecera sen~o apos a sua Ascens~o. Tambem Ele decepciona, desencoraja, descontenta os seus sequazes, a sua famIlia, os sesu disc{pulos e at~ ~ seu Precursor que manda perguntar-Lhe: "Es Aquele que devia vir, ou podemos esperar ou-
Has 0 temp'o da Igreja e 0 reino do EspIrito Santo. E 0 esforfJo supremo, definitiYO, de Deus para Se manifestar em nos. Nao podemos esperar outro, yorque nao • h'a uma quarta pessoa da Sant{ssima Trindade. ~uem n~o for convencido pelo testemu~ho do ESp!rito. Santo, para esse j~ n~o h~ esperan.a ,'·de's-ailv'allo'. "EJsperando, "apesat' de" tudo·, urna nova revela.Xo de Deus, caem nas armadilhas do Anticristo que atraira a si todos aqueles que Deus nto Se deveria ter feito reconhecer pelo amor, mas por outros meios mais eficazes, como a for~a, 0 prest!gio, 0 medo, 0 dinheiro, a disciplina e a organizarao., . Segundo 0 Evangelho nad~ ~ mais viS1vel do que o· Esp{rito Santo, nada mais aud[vel, nada mais·tang!vel, e quem nlo sens!vel a sua pes;n~a, confessa-se irremediavelmente impermeavel a Deus. Cristo avisou-nos de que seria 'melhor para n6s que Ele partisse, porque nos enviaria 0 Esp!rito Santo que havia de converter o mundo. ~uando S. Pedro, no Pentecostes, fala aos pag~os acerca do Esp[rito Santo, dizlhes que 0 viram e ouviram: "Arrebatado ao mais alto dos c~us, recebeu do Pai 0 Esp{rito que vedes e ouvis ~" • , ~<ue viam? ,<ue ouviam? 0 Esp{rito esta tamb~m incarnado e manifesta-se apenas por interm~dio dos homens. ~~s os homens podem ser bons condutores 90 Esp{rito Santo. Ao verem a transformaifo que os Apostolos tinham sofrido, ao verificarem a sua alegria, a sua firmeza, a sua harmonia, a sua audacia, tinham que reconhecer que/o seu Me~tre ressuscitava neles, que tinham passado per urna especie de ressurreifJKo e que 0 EspIrito de Jesus estava mais vivo que nunca, quando pensavam que 0 tinham posto definitivamente no sepu1cro. o nosso mundo dividido, desfigurado pe10 odio, pelo racismo, pela droga e pe1a viol~ncia, converter-se-a perante comunidades cristas onde seria born viver, crer e lutar. E facil converter 0 mundo: basta tornar vis!vel 0 Esp!rito Santo.
For Children Continued from Page Twelve I am the king of the Jews, but not in the way you would understand the word 'king,''' The chief priests kept accusing Jesus of turning the crowds against Rome. Pilate listened to them as he gazed steadily at Jesus. This certainly did not seem to ibe a violent man. Gradually Pilate. figured out what was happening. He realized that the religious leaders were jealous of Jesus. They wanted to get rid of him. But only the Roman governor· had the authority to condemn a man to death. That was why the chief priests had brought Jesus to him. He suspected Jesus was innocent, but he questioned him further. "Don't you hear all the accusations against you? Surely • you must have some answer to them," But to Pilate's amazement, Jesus said nothing in his own defense. By this time a large crowd had gathered. It was customary for .the governor to release a pl'isoner at the time of Passover and the people had come to ask that Pilate carry out this custom. Pilate used the opportunity to free Jesus. He was convinced of his .innocence, so he had a terrOl'ist brought from the prison, a man named Barrabas. "Who· should I release to you, Barrabas or Jesus?" The chief priests guessed what Pilate was trying to do. They told the crowd to ask for Barrabas. So Pilate set Barrabas free. He then asked the crowd. "What am I to do with the man you call the king of the Jews?" They shouted back, "Cruoify him!" Pilate gave in to the crowd. He was afraid there would be a disturbance. He was even more afraid that word would get back to Caesar in Rome. He feared' what Caesar would do to. ,him if he freed someone accused of treason against· the emperor. So he ordered that Jesus be cruoified. He was wiiling to let , an innocent man die rather than risk Caesar.'s anger. I
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 25, 1979
u.S. Stamps Bought
Funeral Home
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P. O. BOX 2558 FALL RIVER, MA. 02722 Evenings Telephone
TAUNTON 824-5000
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Montie Plumbing & Heat'ing C(). Over 35 Yeers of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR.
432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496
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SULLIVAN'S Largest Religious Store On Cape Cod
REBELLO'S' NURSERY·INC. "On The Cape" "WE BEAUTIFY OUTDOORS" Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees Lawn Fertilizer - Loam - Annuals .Landscape Design 442 MAIN ST., EAST FALMOUTH
.:omplete Line of Religious Articles for Religious CommunIties and Organizations as well as Retail
John & Mary lees, Props. 428 MAIN STREET HYANNIS, MASS. 02601
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME 206 WINTER STREET FALL RIVER, MASS. 672-3381
Feelings Continued from Page Twelve able me to express my anger in the right fashion at the right time. Anger denied cannot spend its force wisely and moderately. When it bursts out finally, it does so in an uncontrollllible way. Spiritual formation allows anger to be relieved in a forthright talk with the Lord, with a good friend, husband, wife or spiritual director. Such openness drains our anger; it allows the flow of spiritual formation to continue. Spiritual self-formation helps me to see in a new light the persons, events and things that atouse my anger. But it is not enough to cultivate this wider vision. First I must know that I am angry, then find out why. Then I can do something about the way I feel. For instance, my feeling threatened by certain situations can be lessened by my faith experience •of being cared for by an eternal love.
Gordon L. Homer
Howard C,. DQane Jr.
Robert L. Studley
HYANNIS 775·0884 South Ylrmouth 398·2201 IlarWicll Port 432-05.3
Eastern Television Sales And Service Fall River's Largest
H. RILEY & SON, Inc.
"Servlng the Community Since 1873"
(ities Service Petroleum Products Gasoline & Diesel Fuels Fuel Oils Liquified Petroleum Gas Stewart-Warner Winkler Heating & Cooling Installations 24-Hour Burner Service 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON Attleboro - No. Attleboro Taunton
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Oct. 25, 1979
A-l Approved for Children and Adults All Things Bright and Beautiful The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again Battlestar Galactica Bugs Bunny Road Runner
Danny North Avenue Irregulars The Further Adventures Return from Witch of the Wilderness Family Mountain The Glacier Fox Unidentified Flying Jesus Oddball The Muppet Movie
A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Th~
American Game Beyond the Poseidon . Adventure Breaking Away Buck Rogers Capricorn One The Champ The China Syndrome The Europeans
C.H.O.M.P.S. Just You and Me, Kid The In-Laws A Little Romance Lord of the Rings Matilda Message from Space The Mouse and His Child Movie, Movie
Operation Thunderbolt The Prisoner of Zenda Sunburn Superman Take Down Tree of Wooden Clogs Uncle Joe Shannon Warlords of Atlantis The Wiz
A:.3 Approved for Adults Only Agatha Alien The Amityville Horror Another Man, Another Chance The Big Fix The Battle of Chile Bobby Deerfield Born Al(ain Brass Target The Buddy Holly Story Burnt Offerings Butch and Sundance: The Early Days By the Blood of Others California Suite Caravans City on Fire Comes A Horseman Coup de Grace Crimebusters. Days of Heaven Death On The Nile A Dream of Passion Dreamer Escape from Alcatraz Escape to Athena Fast Break Fast Charlie Fedora The Fifth Musketeer F.I.S.'F.. FM Force 10 from Navarone Foul Play The Frisco ·Kid Goin' South Good Guys Wear Black
Go Tell The Spartans The Other Side of the Gray Eagle Mountain, Part II The Great Hoax Our Winning Season The Great Train Robbery The Outfit Harper Valley PTA Patrick Hot Stuff A Perfect Couple House Calls Picnic at Hanging Rock I Wanna Hold Your Hand The Promise Jaws Prophecy Jaws II Real Life Jennifer Remember My Name The Kids Are Alright Rich Kids LaGrande Bourgeoise Rocky The Last Waltz Rocky II The Last Wave Renaldo Clara The Late Gre~t Planet Earth Roseland Lifeguard The Runner Stumbles A Little Night Music The Seduction of Joe Tynan Lost and Found - . Seven-Per-Cent Solution Madame Rosa Sextette The Main Event The Shootist A Man, A Woman and Shout At The Devil a Bank Somebody Killed Meatballs Her Husband . The Medusa Touch Something Short Meteor of Paradise Moonraker Starship Invasions More American Graffiti Starting Over MunIer by Decree Stroszek Newsfront Telefon Nightwing Time After Time Norma Rae The Villain The Norseman Voices Obsession Walk Proud Old Boyfriends Wanda Nevada Olivers Story When A Stranger Calls On the Yard Who'll Stop The Rain Opening Night Yanks
DESPITE MUD AND RAIN, Stang students and their friends hold their second annual jogathon. Last year the North Dartmouth school was first in the nation in the. nationally sponsored event and hopes are, high for a repeat performance.
focus on youth .•. By Cecilia Belanger
Most of the youth I've come across in the past 10 years have had a deep yearning for quality in their lives. Is the age of quantity finally coming to an end and are we beginning to work for an age of quality? It would be hypocritical to say that plumbing and electricity haven't lifted our standard B - Objectionable in Part for Everyone of living. Bl!t in putting t~is Network Americathon Firepower emphasis on quantity - three Nunzio An Almost Perfect Affair French Postcards televisonsets instead of one Avalanche .. Girlfriends Once in Paris three cars instead of one or two Players The Bell Jar . Goldengirl in some cases - we have asQuintet Big Wednesday Grease Ruby Bloodbrothers Halloween . sumed the need for the GNP 'to Saint Jack Boulevard Nights . Hanover Street go up and up each year. ComSame Time, Next Year The Boys in Company C Hooper panion to that assumption is the Scalpel - Circle of Iron Hurricane Soldier of Orange belief that an individual's Gross The Class of Miss Ice Castles Straight Time MacMichael Invasion of the Personal Product must also go I Sunnyside Coming Home Body Snatchers up, else that person~'is something Suspiria The Concorde It Lives Again of a failure. 10 Airport '79 King of the Gypsies Think Dirty Convoy Legacy We have now reached the Tracks Corvette Summer Love at First Bite point where the GNP can go up Two Minute Warning Damien-Omen II Marathon Man to the detriment of the quality A Wedding The Deer Hunter Magic_ The Wanderers Dracula Max Havelaar of our common life. The Wild Geese Every Which Way But Loose'lest of Vipers To be specific: if highway Youngblood .Final Chapter - Walking Tall fatalities tripled, the GNP would A-4 Separate Classification rise! Such a trebling of tragedy would be good for the health (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not .llld accident automotive repair, morally offensive, require soine analysis and explanation as a profuneral and floral industries. Is tection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) this what we want? . Apocalypse Now Hair High Anxiety Interiors
The Last Tycoon Manhattan The Onion Field
Bloodline Blue Collar Blue Country Tile Brood The Choirboys Chosen Dawn' of the Dead A Different Story Down and Dirty Fingers The First Time The Fury
The Gauntlet The Greek Tycoon Hardcore In Praise of Older Women In the Realm of the Senses Last Chance Life of Brian luna Midnight Express Moment by Moment· National lampoon's Animal House
Saturday Night Fever The Serpent's Egg Summer Paradise
C - Condemned The Passage Phantasm Satan's Brew Secrets. The Silent Partner The Stud Up in Smoke The Warriors When You Camin' Back Red Ryder?< Winter Kills Women in Cellblock 7
(This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save for reference. Further information about recent films is available from The Anchor office, telephone 675-~1.)
Thoreau asked, ··.·What is the lse of a house if you haven't a ~olerable plaset to put it on?" What we need to proclaim is the ethic of ENOUGH! The economist Hazel Henderson, in a speech to religious wo·men, said, "We now have an economic system that operates on many of the seven deadly sins: ]reed, pride, sloth, lust, selfishness." We act as if our society ~xists for its economy instead :>f the other way around. Not nough . of us wrestle with the :eally hard questions. Extolling efficiency, we 'don't
ask, "Efficient for whom and over what time frame?" Greedy for profits, we· don't ask, "Is there a profit without a loss somewhere, to someone, at some time?" And the "some time" includes future generations for we do not so much inherit the world from our parents as we borrow it from our children. What we need is an Exodus from the old ways. It'j as if all institutions have been corrupted" "by the fleshpots of Egypt" so that they can't seem to get going in the right. direction. If we get serious about our own Exodus there's no telling what Promised Land is in store. What resources there are in nature! One thinks of the sun and the wind and the wave - all renewable sources of energy. Other resources that can be liberated without being exhausted are inner resources: gifts of the Holy Spirit. More and more letters talk about the Holy Spirit and the strength they have found through it. Young people talk about the "inner heauty" as preferred to the outward. There are those who do .not measure the quality of life in terms of investments and dividends but in the quality of spirit. Jesus is their model, Jesus who opened a new dimension to life. Every Christian, it's been saic;j, needs two conversations: the first to Christ; the second to the world. Before we can do anything we need to get into God's sanctuary, to be alone with Him. There He shows us who and what we are, what we can become, and, by His grace, how we can do it. When we leave the' sanctuary we know that we are not alone. We feel we are led by a hand and held by a power not our own. When we come to God it's as if we were looking from the other side of' the heavens, seeing the same things from an.other standpoint. May more and more of our disturbed and lonely youth be led to the sanctuary and there be refreshed and strengthened. God does it again and again and again!
Coyl'e-Cassidy At Coyle-eassidy High School in . Taunton, Junior Classical League officers are Mary Beth Dorseys and Debbie Zoll, consuls; Chris Lane, vice-president; Paul Zopatti and Mike Strojny, secretaries; Donald Brezinski, treasurer. Upcoming o.n the school calendar: the fourth annual homecoming reunion at 8 p.m. Thanksgiving Eve; a student victory dance on Thanksgiving Day, sponsored by the student council; another Thanksgiving dance, this on Saturday, Nov. 24, sponsored by the Monogram Club. In December there'll be an Advent concert by the Boys' Choir at 7:30 p.m. Saturc;lay, the 1st; Christmas party sponsored by the Mothers' Club at 8 p.m. Tuesday,' Dec. 18;' and a Christmas Mass and .assembly Friday morning, Dec. 21. . An entrance and placement test for incoming freshmen will be given Saturday morning, Dec. 8.
Holy F'amily Junior Michelle St. Gelais, bringing in most pledges, was first 'prizewinner in HF's first walkathon: . Tying for second place were Kathleen Hudon and Stephen Davignon. Faculty member Sister Laurette came ~n third. Three guest speakers recently addressed~ Joseph Menino's religion classes on the topic of capital punishment. They were James Cochran, an official at the New Bedford House of Correction; Raymond P. Yeary, Jr. assistant Bristol County district attorney; and Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services, whose article on the subject appeared in the Oct. 18 Anchor. New at the New Bedford school. is a TRS-80 computer, first of its kind in area schools. Senior math and science students are learning basic computer language and applying it in their class work, while underclass-, men are using TRS-80 on a time available basis.
~. . . . ., • '~"'." '\ ..... ' .. "I... ~.
West finale for both schools. Yoke-Tech has already clinched the Two East title. Augie Carvalho was the leading scorer in the conference entering this week. However, his record of five goals in one game this season has been surpassed by Ashraf Mabrouk of Taunton High who netted all his team's goals in a 6-1 victory over Attleboro on Oct. 5. Ma:brouk and Artur Melo, of New Bedford High, are in a tight battle for the Division One scoring honors.
YOUTH RETREATS, FALL RIvER DIOCESE Echo retreats are planned for Nov. 2 to 4, Feb. 1 to 3 and April 11 to 13 for girls; and for Nov. 30 to Dec. 2 and March 7 to 9 for boys. The contact person is Mrs. Mary Fuller, 79 Puri-. tan Rd., Buzzards Bay, telephone 759-4265. A boys' TEC retreat will be held Feb. 16 to 18 and girls' sessions Nov. 10 to 12 and April 19 to 21. Contact Rev. Charles Soto, OFM, Regina Pacis Center, 'P.O. 'Box M-123, New Bedford, telephone 996-5862. / Emmaus coed retreats for high school graduates to age 30 are scheduled for Dec. 7 to 9; Feb. 15 to 17; April 11 to 13 and June 6 to 8. They are held at Sacred Hearts Retreat House in Wareham and directors are Father Richard McNally, SS. CC., 125 Main St., Acushnet, telephone 995-1592 and Adrienne Borges, 422 Eastview Ave., Som.erset, telephone 672-8861.
First Place Tie in CYO Hockey New Bedford and Taunton posted lop-sided victories in Bristol County CHO Hockey League games in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, last Sunday night and are tied for the league lead with 3-1 slates. New Bedford shutout Somerset-Freetown, 7-0, and Taunton
routed 'Fall River, 9-2. In another league game Rochester nipped defending champion Fall River South, 2-1. Next Sunday night's schedule has South vs. New Bedford at 9 o'clock, North vs. SomersetFreetown at 10, and Taunton vs. Rochester at 11.
Stonehill Honors Lou Gorman Five baseball figures will help honor Stonehill College's 1979 Outstanding Alumnus, "Lou" Gonnan, at a dinner dance tomorrow at Christos II in Brockton. Gonnan, a 1953 graduate, is general manager of the Seattle Mariners 'Baseball Club. Dick
Flavin, WBZ-TV's award-winning reporter-at-Iarge and a 1958 graduate, will be tomorroW's master of ceremonies. The other baseball luminaries to be on hand are Johnny Pesky, Bill Crowley, Rico Petrocelli, Mike Rourke' and Frank Cashen.
ST. RITA, MARION ~ Halloween party will be held for area children Wednesday afternoon. Senior high school students will hOld the first meeting of a discussion group at 7 p.m. Sunday in the rectory center. The parish council will meet at 7:30 tonight. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Charismatic leaders training sessions will be held monthly at the parish school, beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday. Parish intercessors will meet at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the church. New members are invited to attend. Father John FoIster will explain the Marriage Encounter program at 7:45 p.m. Monday in the lower church hall. Polish folk dancing lessons are available to adults and children. Further information may be had from Phyllis Babiarz for adults or from the school for children.
steering pOints
LA SALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO A healing service including Mass and prayer over individuals seeking physical or spiritual healing will be held at 2 p.m. Surtday in the shrine chapel. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER First Communion will be given at 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. Senior CYO will hold elections at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Father Coady Center. Confinnation candidates will go on retreat the weekend of Nov. 2. CAMBODIAN REFUGEES, ECUMENICAL COMMITTEE Members of the committee aiding in resettling 18 Cambodian refugees in Fall River report an urgent need for a washing machine and a gas dryer. A baby is expected by a, young couple in the group, which will increase the need for laundry facilities. Anyone able to assist in this matter may contact Rev Donald Jaikes, 6725571.
ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET A vigil Mass for children in observance of 'the feast of All Saints will be celebrated at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday.
Connolly Gets Soccer Crown 'Sparked by Tom Keyes' pair of goals, the Bishop Connolly High School's soccer team blanked Old Rochester, 2-0, last Monday on the latter's field and clinched its first soccer crown ever, the Southeastern Mass. Conference's Division Two West championship. The victory was the eighth in as many Two West outings for the Cougars, who were host to Holy Family yesterday and en· tertain Greater New Bedford Yoke-Tech tomorrow in the Two
LEGION OF MARY, FALL RIVER DIOCESE Legionaries will hold a "Columban Drive" at all Masses this weekend at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, in an attempt to organize a parish Legion of Mary group.· Leaders see the effort as part of the evangelization program initiated in the .diocese earlier this month.
BISHOP CASSIDY COUNCIL, ST. PATRICK CIRCLE Lt. Lionel (Zip) Dupont of the Fall River Fire Department will speak on Daily Christian Action at a joint communion breakfast of Bishop Cassidy Council Knights of Columbus, and St. Patrick Circle, Daughters of Isabella. It will be held Sunday at K of C Home, Old Warren Road, Swansea, following 9 a.m. Mass at St. Patrick's Church, Somerset. Larry Palana of the K of C is in charge of arrangements. MOBY DICK COUNCIL, BOY SCOUTS 'Following a School Night for Scouting held earlier this month, Boy Scout executives are urging parishes to enroll boys in the. Scout program. They note that Catholic parishes are the largest single sponsor of Scout tr<lops and Cub packs in the Moby Dick council and that nationally the church is the second largest group in terms of numbers enrolled in Scout programs. Infonnation about troop and pack sponsorship is available from the council at 39 Grove St., New Bedford. ECHO RETREAT, FALL RrvER DIOCESE A reunion for all who have made an Echo retreat will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. Those attending are asked to bring refreshments, soft drinks and musical instruments. Plans will be made for future events' under direction of Barry Goodingson and ·Father Joe Paquette.
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THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 25, 1979
steering points ST.. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will meet at 7:30 p,m. Tuesday, Nov; 6 in the parish hall. Mrs. Lottie Mitchell will conduct a wine-tasting party and Miss Elizabeth Hall and Mrs. James Melvin will be hostesses.
ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD Rosary, Mass and laying on of hands take -Place beginning at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31. ,
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, NORTHAMPTON Parents, other relatives, frie~ds and health care professionals are invited to a daylong program on "Chronic Illness in Children: How Can We Help?" to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7 at the Colonial Hilton Inn in Northhampton. Psychologists and medical specialists in childhood cancer, diabetes,cystic fibrosis, epilepsy, spina bifida and other illnesses will speak and there will also De a session presented by family members on the human side of childhood diseases. Further information is available from Mrs. Marion' Kristek, 11 Lawrence Plain Rqad, Hadley 01035, telephone 413-586-3806. SACRED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN ,Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place at the chapel altar from 9 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. Thursday, Nov. I, the feast of All Saints, ending with Benediction. All are invited to worship at any time during the ,day. ST. JACQUES, TAUNTON Cub Scouts will hold a Halloween party in the church hall from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday. . Confirmation classes are held from 7 to 8:15 p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday. BLUE ARMY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA For November only, the Blue Army will meet at 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12 at Our Lady's Haven; 71 Center St., !Fairhaven. New members are welcome. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER :Lhe annual novena in honor of St. Jude is in progress, with services being' held daily through Sunday at 2 and 7:30 p.m. in St. Anne's $hrine. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Adult advisors are-.sought for a youth group to be formed and a coach is needed for the junior "c" basketball team. Further info~ation is available from Father Bruce Neylon. Parish prayer intercessors will meet at 1:30 p.m. Sunday in the church.
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