t eanc 0 .FALL RIVER i · MASSi FRIDAY i OCTOBER 25, 1985
VOL. 29, NO. 42
$8 Per Year
Bishops' agenda set
Pro-life, evangelization, ca.mpns ministry are concerns WASHINGTON (NC) A new pro-life activities plan and evangelization 'and campus min istry statements are on the U.S. Catholic bishops' agenda when they meet in Washington Nov. 11-15. The new pro-life plan stresses abortion as a central issue but also highlights the "consistent ethic of 'life" approach to all life issues advocated by Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, chairman of the bishops' Com mittee on Pro-life Activities. That approach appears to enjoy wide support within the hier-· archy, although some anti-abor tion groups oppose it because they view at as spreading pro-life forces too thinly and weakening the battle against legalized abor tion. The bishops, meeting under their twin organizational titles of Nationa'l Conference of Cath olic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference, will also discuss ,the second draft of a nationa,l pas toral letter on Catholic teaoh~ng and the U.S. economy and vote on a revised version of liturgical rites for funerals. A day longer than fall meet ings of recent years, this Nov-· ember's meeting will ~nclude a ha!f-day of prayer and reflection.
And on Nov. 14 Bishop James Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, NCCB·USCC president, will de liver a major ecumenical address during a joint Catholic-Lutheran worship service at the Church of. the Reformation, 'a Lutheran Church of America church on Capitol Hill. Heads of major U.S. Lutheran organizations are to participate. The bishops' original 1975 Pas toral Plan for Pro-Life Activities
spoke briefly of the whole
. range of pro~life issues and
placed abortion within that con
text, but was otherwise devoted
to educational, legislative and
service plans to combat abortion.
The ,revised plan to be con sidered this November remains focused on anti-abortion activi-. ties, but spells out far more fully the wider f.ramework of respect for me. It cites trends toward infanticide and euthanasia as areas of growing concern. Passage of the revised pastoral plan wi'll require a majority vote by the bishops. A planned nationa" pastoral letter on Catholic teaching and the U.S. economy has been one of the bishops' most controver silH and widely publicized pro jects since the 1983 wa,r and peace pastoral.
A second draft of the docu ment was released Oct. 7 and is to be discussed in November. There is to be no final vote, however, until next year after a third draft is written, de bated and aqtended. The second draft calls a soci ety's treatment of its poor the "l,itmus test" of its justice or in justice and says that a "prefer· ential option for the poOr" is a Christian mandate. "A Vision qf Evangelization" is the title ofa proposed state ment on which the bishops will be asked to vote. _It urges that the Gospel become more central' to the Uves of American Cath olics,- reconciliation of alienated Catholics anc;l outreach to the millions of unohurched Ameri cans. It also speaks of embedding the Gospel in America's "social systems and cultures." The bishops are expected to take 'action on a proposed pas BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN and Cardinal Bernard ,toral letter on campus' ministry Law share a pleasant moment at a recent Fall River banquet 'and on a revised· "Order of Christian Funerals" which seeks honoring the late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros and benefit to update the rite with fuller ing the Catholic University of Portugal. (Torchia photo) develo~ment in areas where op· tions a're allowed. There are, for example, 45 option~ prayers for the dead, many adapted to Turn to Page Six
Msgr. Hoye protests
Nicaraguan rights crackdown WASHrNGTON (NC) - The general secretary of the U.S. Cathol:ic Conference has protest ed the Nicaraguan government's orackdown on civil liberties in that country, including church press freedom. In a teIegram to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega; Msgr. Daniel F.. Hoye urged. the gov ernment to respect the right of the Catholic Church to publish newspapers -and magazines with out interference. ' "We deeply regret the decision of the government of Nicaragua to reinstate the exoessively broad restrictions imposed by the state of emergency," said the Taunton-born generaoJ seore tary. "Regarding the unfortunate
events surrounding the inaugura tion of the publication Iglesia, we call for a settlement whioh will respect the right of the church to publish freely," he said.
In an interview with National Catholic News Service Oct. 17, Francisco Campbell, minister counselor for political affairs at the Nicaraguan :Embassy, said ~he religious figure Ortega was referring to was Msgr. Bismarck On Oct. IS, Ortega formally CarbaHo, an official of the Arch suspended freedom of speech, diocese of Managua. assembly and travel, as well as Campbell said Msgr. Carballo the right of workers to strike and the right of habeas corpus 'attempted to publish a -magazine, for prisoners. He said the rights Iglesia - which means "church" were suspended because "the ,in Spanish - without registering the publication, which is an eight brutal aggression by North Am erica and ats ,internal allies has page bulletin intended for dis tribution in churches. created an extraordinary situa According Ito CampbelL Nica tion" in the country. raguan law requires every pub· OTtega said ,there were "agents· Hcation to regist~r with the gov of imperialism," including some ernment and be subject to re in "religious 'institutions," try· view t~ prevent release of inTurn to Page Six ing to destabilize the country.
YOUNGSTERS AT St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, prepare for a balloon liftoff, part of the home's observance of its IOOth anniversary. (Torchia photo)
'tHE ANCHOR-':' ,',r- \,,', Friday, Oct. 25, 1985
.:Celiieter)/',' Sunday , noted; interment rules cited
\~ lOdihh'l1its\th'e'·tight·,t'o 'do'so-:-', todian are not one and the same, "The same, care should be then both parties must sign the • observed in making an entomb interment authority; tile one per- 'ment in the mausoleum. If the mitting the propel1ty to be used, order cannot be signed at the and the other as having the legal interment property, tohe signa right to OTder the interment.' ture should be witnessed by per "Orders' over the telephone so~s. known to ,the cem~.tery arranging for 'an interment or a offiCials or, better :yet, notarized. remova,l whether from'the family, , "Where there is any question the funera,1 director, attorney or of identity of the deceased per any other person should not, be son, such as similar names, or accepted. Insist that the proper doubt as to :the exact location of pe~son come to 'the interment the interment space, then the property, inspect the location ,cemetery should insist that the and indicate the exact space. At family make the arrangements this time, a plot diagram should at the office of the interment be made and those legally en property. titled to do so should sign the "All orders should state the authorization and diagram. "Every reasonable effort date, time of service, and the should be made to determine that type of outer container to be the party signin'g as legal cus- used."
If the lot owner and legal ,cus-
lief in you, the God of eter Cemetery. Sunday, annually nal life." sponsored by the National Cath ,olic Cemetery Conference, will Intennent Arrangements be observed .Oct. 27, ,the Sunday Also active' iJ;l the Cemetery preceding All Souls' Day, ' Conference is Father Ernest E. In its connection; Msgr. Paul Blais. pasto~ of Notre Dame par T. Dotson, Cemetery Conference ish, Fall River, and director of . president, . issued the following 'Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall ,statement: River, and Sacred Heart and St. "Some memories are special Mary cemeteries: New Bedford. to us. For Catholics, memories In his capacity as coordinator of our dead who were dear to us of the Parish Cemetery Com ·and still are take on a special mittee ·of the Cemetery Confer meaning. Our memories turn to ence, Father, Bla'is contributes prayers offered for. our dear ones. frequent articles to the organ "All Souls' Day is a day for ization's magazine, "The Cath memories that become rays of olic Cemetery." hope for them and for us. We A recent article discusses pro 'keep in touch' through our cedures to be followed by ceme prayers, Masses and visits to the tery officials in making inter cemetery. We live· with more mentarrangements. It draws on than just sorrowful memories.. the "Manual of Standard Inter PHILADELPHIA (NC) - U.S. We <live for that day when mem ment Practices" issued by the .' ories 'are past and we are to Interment Association of' Cali Secretary of Education William . Bennett has praised Philadephia gether with those who have fornia, The article follows: made the exodus to the promised "Great care is necessary when business leaders for helping Cathland of our Father. making interment arrangements olic schools through what he call"Father Karl Rahner in his if the interests of the lot owner, ed "probably the most success-, book' 'Encounter With Silence' legal custodian, and interment ful private-sector 'undertaking in offers a prayer in the name of property are to be properly safe the country." all troubled ,by the meaning and guarded. The Business Leadership Or. mystery of death: "An interment order should be ganized for Cath.olic Schools, obtained for every interment, known, as BLOCS, has raised o Silent God, God of the and signed by the 'lot owner or more than $28 million to support silent dead, living God of the legal custodian. By legal cus~ Catholic schools in the, Phliadel'living, who call to me todian is usually meant the sur phia Archdiocese since the non· through silence, 0 God of viving spouse OT the next of kin. sectarian group was founded in those who a're silently sum· moning'me to' enter Your If no relative is 'available, then 1980. the person inaking the funeral "What is done for one memLife, nev,er let me forget my dead, my living:, May my • arrangements should be identi ber of OUT society is done for fied and should sign as a repre all," Bennett said at a luncheon love and faithfulness to. sentative of the deceased person. honoring donors. ,"We call our them be a pledge of my be-
School aid program lauded
TEAM MEMBERS: These young people ~ll present an original production, "The Team," at 8:30 tomorrow night in LaSalette shrine cafeteria, Attleboro. Includ ing evangelistic and teach ing skits, a stage band, songs and a dramatic story line, the show is described as "an evening of laughter and tears, . self-examination and learning." All welcome.
schools public, private or paro chial, but all students are part of the public. What is done for one student is done fOT aU and I "thank you, members of BLOCS, for all you have done for the ed ucation of OUT youth and for our country." Cardinal John Krol of Phila delphia called BLOCS a "happy convergence 'of good sense and business responsibility." He thanked BLOCS for its support of the 140,000 students in Cath olic schools, saying the business ,leaders recognize these schools as "a moral ,reserve which pro dent men and women will not see dissipated."
12:00 NOON 'MASS
"". ;
. THE ANC;H9R-Dio~~se' of Fall River-Fri./,'Ocr.;2~, 1,985
"Obitua ries
9th ANNUAL ~~l': HOLY NAME· NEW BEDFORD " \~ , r5) 7} fB) h \ ~'.. l.Q)~&~~ln1
Sr. M. Bernadette
The Mass of Christ:ian Burial was offered last Saturday at Mt. St. Rita Convent, Cumberland, RI, for Sister Mary Bernadette, RSM, 95, who died Oct. 17. She served for 50 years at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, car ing for small boys and girls in the years when the home shelter ed a large number of orphans and children of single parents. She was fondly remembered and visited by many such chqdren, now adults, who regarded her as a mother. Born in St. John, Newfound land, the daughter of the late John and Mary J. (Fahey) O' Brien, she entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1914. In addition to iller years at St. Vincent's, she was stationed for 14 years at Our Lady of Mercy Convent, New Bedford. She retired from St. Vincent's Home three years ago, living since then at Mt. St. Rita Health Center in Cumberland.
Sr. M. Bblnchette Sister Mary Damien Blanch· ette, OP, 94, died Oct. 18 at Dominican Academy ConVlent; Fall River. Born in Salem, the daughter of !the 1ate Auguste and Grace Ann (Faucher) BlanChette, she taught in the FaU River diocese at St. Anne's School and Domini can Academy, Fa:ll River, and St. Francis Xavier School, Acush net, as well as in schools and catechetical centers in Platts burg, Mooers Forks and Peru, NY. She also served at the former St. John's Nursery in Fall River.
Brother Hudon
SAT. OCT. 26 • 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fire Engine Ride. Luncheon Served
AMONG CELEBRANTS at a banquet honoring the lOOth anniversary of St. Louis parish, Fall River, were Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, representing Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Rev. Ciro Iodice, OFM, pastor; and Rev. Richard Passeri, OFM, parochial vicar. (Torchia photo)
At Masses celebrated last weekend at St. James and St. John's churches, New Bedford, the respective pastors, Rev. Peter Graziano 'and Rev. Bento Fraga, announced 'a decision to move students from the 100 year-old St. James School to the 25-year-old St. John School, 180 Orchard St., New Bedford. The decision was reached by the pastors following detaHed study of the two faci:lities and after consultation with parish leaders and. diocesan education officials. It 'is expected that the move will take effect Jan. 2, at the
St. James-St. John S.chool opened to first and second graders Sept. 4, 1885. At that time, it was known as St. Mary's School. It gradually expanded under the guidance of the Sisters of Mercy and numerous dedicated priests and parishioners. In 1965, the school name was changed to St. James and eight years later became St. James-St. John, a parish school under direc tion of two parishes. Sot. James-St. John continues t.o celebrate its centenary. Fur ther plans for the observance will be announced.
Mexicans warned
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665 KEMPTON ST.• NEW' BEDFORD 992-1625 MON. - SAT. 10-8
St. James'.St. John School
to relocate
JUST ARRIVED Based on Corrie ten Boom's life story THE HIDING PLACE provides and unforgettable lesson in God's faithfulness and a powerful testimony to what He can accomplish in and through the lives of those who believe in Him BROTHER HUDON
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Brother Henri-Dominique Hu don, OP, 86, stationed at St. Anne's Dominican Priory, Fall River, since 1951, died Oct. 18 at Catholic Memorial Home, also Fall River. The Mass of Christian Burial was offered for him Mon ~~~~Iusion of the Christmas reday. A native of St. Pascal, Quebec, . MEXICO ciTY (NC) - Mexi Father Fraga said he "weI Canada, the son of the late Fran cans living in the United States comes the opportunity to con cois-Xavier and Virginie (Leves should be wary of U.S. consumer tinue the fine traditio6 of Cath que) Hudon, he came w,ith his 'olic education in the area and - ism to avoid becoming culturally family to Arctic, RI, at age 22 'looks forward to developing St:'" dependent, Mexican bishops' con and entered the Dominican John School to its full potential." ference officials have warned. Order in 1921. He was noted Father Graziano noted that the Bishops' conference president for his apostolate to the sick and decision to move was difficult, Bishop Sergio Obeso Rivera also elderly. but in 'light of tthe study of the praised the U.S. bishops for re He is survJved by two sisters, school buildings was the most specting the cultural identity of Mrs. Alphonse (Evelyn) Bouffard practical thing to do. ,Mexicans in the United States. of Pawtucket and Mrs. Lucien Sister Michaelinda Plante, dio He and Bishop Alfredo Torres (Marie-Anne) Morrissette of cesan superintendent for Catho· Romero conference secretary Central Falls. . lic elementary schools, will assist commented at a press conference Sister Nora Smith, St. James-St. concerning the 175th' anniver John principal, in smoothing the sary of Mexican independence transition. from Spain.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 25, 1985
the living word ;;
NC pharo
'My door was open to the traveler.' Job 31:32
SLFrancis and Scripture
, By Father Kevin J. Harrington Since the Second Vatican Coun cil there has been a great emphasis · on Sacred Scripture and prayer. While the Council has been criti ; cized as linked to:many contem , pory social problems, we should I not forget its abundant good fruit. Those who live in the warm glow · of nostalgia frequently blame it for i problems which would have faced : the Church with or without it. ' I The Church :is Jort,unate that at I crucial times men and women arise I who measure up to the challenge : before them. In our present age, Letters Welcome' we are gifted by the presence of 'Letters to tbe editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the Mother Teresa of Calcutta and editor reserves the right-to condense any letters if deemed necesary. All Pope John Paul II. Their popular letters must be signed and contain a home or business address. ity is all the more remarkable because the mass media magnify both the virtues and faults of ! public figure~. However, it is some ; times better to look to the past to ! obtain perspective for 9ur times. , Sacred Scripture and prayer have OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ' been closely linked with the lives Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River :'of the saints. Our ancestors may' have looked to the Church as an 410 Highland Avenue ) unchanging instit~tion, but they, . Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 like us, lived in changing times. PUBLISHER · Eight hundred years ago' the Mas! Rev. Daniel A. Cronin; D.O., SJ.D. capitalistic spirit was born. Today \ EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR we live in a world of things: every Rev. John F. Moore Rev. ~sgr. John J. Regan thing is subject to change, negotia ~ leary Press-Fall River tion, falsification and disguise. Our
sociaf'relations are for the most part d~fined by money, the change agent par excellence. ' St. Francis of Assisi was born in a world where the object of inter est was ch,anging from the person to the thing, from the unchange able image of God to the change able image of things. Modern man looks with con tempt upon the Israelites who paid homage to -a golden calf in the desert, yet is ~Iind to his own false worship of things in his ownwaste land. 'St. Francis'.calf to"poverty derived from his prayerful reflec tion' upon 'Sacred Scripture. He modeled 'hi's entire life on Jesus' , inju"ction:, "Don't take anything with you on the trip..... (Mk 6:7). , This tt;aching on poverty permeated his thinking and guided his decisions. . St. Francis was an ordinary per son like ourselves, seeking God's. will in a co~plicated world and a confused church. What he made 'of his life he owed to his awareness that God was speaking to him through Scripture and to his deter- ' mination to do the Word rather than just hear it. St. Francis was preoccupied with taking the Word seriously. A young novice wanted to possess a copy of the psalter. St Francis was reluc tant to grant him permission and
told him: "After you have a psal ter, you will desire a breviary. Then you will sit in your chair, like a great prelate, and say to your brother, bring me my breviary." The saint's advice to priests recQrded by St. Bonaventure also has eternal relevance: "Yes indeed, it is my will that priests who have bee I} received in the order should devote themselves unto the study of Holy, Scripture. But they should always remember to follow the e?,ample of Chri.st who, we read, prayed more than he studied. They may study as long as they do not lose their zeal for prayer. Nor should they study only that they may know how they ought to speak. Rather they should study with the purpose in mind of becom ing doers of the Word, and after haying done it, of setting forth-to others what they should do." It is dOiJbtfut"whether St. Fran cis thought ofthe Gospels as a text or a book. On his deathbed he said, "No, don't read Scripture to me now. There is no need of it. I carry the words of the Crucified One in my heart and in my bones."
He held the Word of God as close to him as anyone who has ever answered Jesus' call to follow him.
Sopho~~~e Sl~~p
There are some surprises experienced by parents of new and returning college students. It helps to be prepared for
Slump, like the unfinished book, is merely the point of no return. Do I go for completion or start some thing else? When patents are faced with a potential slum pee, we tend to con vince our students that school really isn't so bad and exams aren't really that hard. This just serves to irri tate already depressed students who feel we don't understand the con stancy of papers, the dreariness of study and the toughness of exams. If we believe - and let our stu dents know we believe - that col lege is one big party interrupted by classes, we're making a mistake. If we give the imp,ression that they are ungrateful and lazy, it's an equal mistake.
them. The first, popularly called the Freshman' 10, refers to the 10 pounds a freshman puts on between September and Christmas vaca-' tion. It's a surprise to parents because during these months they hear constant recitals of terrible college food and expect to see skeletons. Some parents get overly con cerned about this weight gain, but not to worry. It usually evaporates by June. I suspect it's due to the stresses of first independence and the many fearful responsibilities faced for the first time by college I believe the best way to deal freshmen. with the Slump is to empathize More serious is the second year's with our student. "Yes, it must be problem, the Sophomore Slump, awful to keep facing exams. I don't which speaks to a disenchantment know how you do it. " with college, a longing for a year "Another paper? You must be off, a semester at sea - anything so tired ofthem. I'm impressed the
to avoid making a deeision on a . way you get them done." As with
major or a future. Even formerly us, when our young adult feels
enthusiastic students begin ques fully understood, the pressures and
tioning the need for two more future don't appear so ominous. years of study and exams. Parents can be frightened and bewildered College counselors tell me this is by such talk. the time for parents .to support The Slump is· predictable and their students with surprise phone natural. It's the same slump mo~h calls, boxes from home and even ers experience in the fifth month of visits. They need the reassurance pregnancy and authors in the mid that somebody back home cares dle of a book. We know there's as about them and understands their much time and work ahead as confusion and discouragement. we've already put in and the thought The second year is a time of is depressing. The Sophomore decision, of choosing a major, and
Stop the clock!
and makes real contact with any thing we see, hear or touch virtu~ ally impossible. Ah, but there are moments when sanity and time become related. homily brief? Hopefully, we won't Time is at its best when we stop it. annoy anyone with the baptisms It is a matter of putting time on and can get everyone out in the your side - getting lost in beauty usual 45 minutes." or goodness, hoping that a moment When the above message was with someone you love will last. given to me by a parish lay litur In history the Greek view of gist, it got. me to thinking about time differed from the view of the time and how we treat it. We can Hebrews. kill it, rush through it or make it The Heraclitean "p~nta rei" in stand still - this depending on how Greek means that time is always we perceive it. moving toward aging, death and Erich Fromm, the famed psy disintegration. Time is viewed nega choanalyst, once wrote that if tele tively and with pessimism. vision and radio went dead for 24 The Hebrews saw each moment, hours and people were left with however, as a new creation. They time on their hands, many would used the image of a seed that grows go insane. He offered this observa into a tree and in time bears fruit. tion to demonstrate how we are Each moment is a moment of conditioned to fill every moment growth which adds new form to of the day with some type of the seed until it becomes a tree. stimulus. Today is the age of the instant. Remove the stimulus, leave a' There is instant communication, person alone with time, and a food, transportation, feedback and problem is created. Either the per replays. Often I have the feding in son will know how to kill it or will this age of the instant that given be killed by it. the opportunity we would com Today one often witnesses a .press time out of existence. Ironically, about the time this nervous rush through time. We have the rush hour both in the feeling begins to really take hold, morning and evening, the holiday someone generally. tries to com rush and the rush to meet a dead line. Allowed to do so, life can become a race against time. Often THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). SeconJ we feel compelled to race. against Class Postage Paid at Pall River, Mass. Pub.' the clock out of some necessity. lished weekly except the week of July 4 and Health suffers greatly as a result, the ~eek after Christmas at 410 Highland needlesno say. Avenue, Pall River, Mass. 02720 by the The race against the clock keeps Catholic Press of the Diocese of Pall River us from watching our children Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per grow and from experiencing their year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Pall River, MA awkward stages in life. It causes 02722. heart-to-heart talks to be sidesteppeq
"Father, at your Mass you will have two baptisms. The deacon will perform them. Could you please keep your
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 25, 1985
The wrong
many students are not ready to do so. Or they may be faced with c~anginga major, which may neces Q. My question has to do with sitate an extra semester. Parents the liturgy for the feast of the should not confuse this trying time Immaculate Conception Dec. 8. with malingering. . The Gospel for that feast is the story of the Anpunciation, when Sophomore Slum'p can occur at Jesus was conceived by the Holy a.ny time during· a college expe Spirit. The Immaculate Concep nence. We can self-disclose about tion, at least as I understand it, our own slumps and help our celebrates the conception of Mary c.hildren know that everyone has in the womb of her mother~ St. times when they have to move Anne. Why doesn't the church ahead on sheer perseverance alone. cdrrect that? I'm only a tiny bit of the church, but am I the only one Having something to look for~ with this question? (Hawaii) ward to helps, too, whether it's a A. You ask a very good ques spring break ski trip or a summer tion. In fact, the Gospel ofthat day vacation with the family. But (Luke I:26-38) with the dialogue instead of phrasing it as a reward, between Mary and the angel .we can suggest it as a well-earned Gabriel at the time of the concep gift. tion of Jesus, may be one reason so many Catholics and others are Not, "If you stick it out, we will confused about the Immaculate give you ... " but "Won't it be great Conception. to have all this behind you when First, there is, of course, no part we are sitting on the beach in of the Gospels that goes back as July?" far as the time of Our Lady's con In spite of the confusion, the ception and birth. This is under Sophomore Slump does end, espe-' standable: the New Testament cially with careful parent nurtur particularly the .Gospels - is not ing. Once the year of doubt and about her but about her son Jesus. questioning ends, it becomes a dim She comes into the picture only in memory. Like the Freshman 10. relation to him. We would expect, then, that the Gospel of that feast would be some passage that reflects that relation ship, and would also give an idea By a bout how early Christians, out of whose lives the Gospels arose, saw FATHER her and the special gifts God gave her. We must always return to the basic truth that, while we honor EUGENE Mary as the greatest of the saints and as the recipient of the holiest HEMRICK gifts of God's grace, these gifts and her consequent holiness were given by the Father, first of all, in honor and goodness to his Son, who. press my time even more. Backed would become man through her. into a corner, I find myself faced Thus it is the clear teaching of with two choices. . Either I can espouse the Greek' the church that all of Mary's glory, including her sinless conception in idea of time and consider it an enemy, or I can opt for the Hebrew' the womb of her mother, came to her through the foreseen merits of view - stopping time and trying Christ, and to make her·a "worthy once again to make contact with dwelling for Christ, not on account the creation all around me. of her own bodily endowments but What do you do to seize the because of that grace which was moment and stop the clock? hers from the beginning." (Pope Pius IX in his declaration of the dogma of, the Immaculate Con ception in 1854.) Understanding all this, it is clear why the church would have chosen October 27 this particular passage of Luke for . Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson, As Dec. 8. Every word and phrase sl~tant·, 1967, St. Mathieu, Fall overflows with profound, lyrical River biblical themes proclaiming the . Rev. Francisco L. Jorge, As Sistant, 1918; Mt. Carmel, New greatness of Our Lord and Mary's sharing, as participant and recip Bedford ient, in his redemption ofthe world. October 28 . To mention just one example: Rev. Alfred E. Coulombe Pas Gabriel's words to Mary, "The . tor, i923, St. George, Westport power of the most high will over Rev. Stanislaus Kozikowski, shadow you," are a clear echo of OFM Conv., Pastor, 1956, St. Hed the overshadowing cloud or light, wig, New Bedford the "glory of the Lord," which November 1 stood over the Ark of the Coven Rev. Willial11-H. McNamara, Pas ant in the exodus, and later in the tor, 1924, St. Mary, Mansfield temple of Jeruselem. For the Jews Rev. Louis N. Blanchet, Assist this hovering sign marked' the ant, 1927, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall presence of God himself. (See, for River. instance, Exodus 40:35.) Rt. Rev. John F. Ferraz Pas tor, 1944, St. Michael, Fall River To those of Luke's readers, then, Rt. Rev. George F. Cain, Pas who see his words in light of this tor, 1953, St. Mathieu, Fall River tradition, this new overshadowing
. . .
...... :.:;: , ; ; I FATHER JOHN
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revealed a new" Ark of the Coven ant"in which - or rather in whom '- the Lord God himself was present. It would be difficult to find a more appropriate gospel passage to celebrate the sinless entering into this world of her who was to become this new Ark of the New Covenant. Q. Some time ago you responded to a man who had had a vasec tomy. He had been attending Mass but was not receiving the sacra ments. He wanted to be back in the good graces of the church. You told him to talk to a priest a quickly as possible. I remember you told him that, whatever wrong he may have done, there seemed to be no reason that he could not now receive the sacraments. My question is, does this hold true for a woman who has had a tuballigaton? (California) A. Yes. I remember it was clear in that man's question, and appears also in your letter, that whatever sin may have been committed is thoroughly repented for, and there is a strong desire to return to the sacraments. In his case, and per haps in yours, part of the motiva tion was to be a good spouse and good parent. Please go and talk to a priest, your own parish priest or another, if you wish. He will help you work things out and get back where you want to be. Q. My sister has asked me to be godmother to one of her children. I attend Mass weekly but the prob lem is I have been living with a man for the last five years. Will the ~hurch allow me to be a god mother? I know I can be a good one. (Indiana) . A. I'm not sure you understand the responsibilities of a baptismal sponsor. Several times in the Rite of Baptism, the Catholic parents and sponsors profess their faith in' the Catholic Church and its teach ings, and promise that they will be models for the baptized children of a good and faithful life as Catholic Christians. . Because the following are neces sary to fulfill these commitments, the church requires that Catholic sponsors shall have received the three sacraments of initiation, bap tism, confirmation and the Eucha rist, and be practicing Catholics living according to the responsibil ities of a member of the Catholic Church, including reception of the sacraments of penance and Euchar ist. A new, free brochure, "Infant Baptism: Catholic Practice Today," is available by sending a stamped, self-addresssed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 . N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen !!Itt the same address.
Vatican official
lauds pro-lifers
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., q~t. 25, 1985
. ,.
.~~,~~ frederic s CJ.\, ~ r " flowers V::;I ,~
CLOSED SUNDAYS Daily Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable County Hospital. , Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospi!a", 12 McARTHUR BLVD.• BOURNE SO: ROTARY, BOURNE Tel. 759-4211 and. 759·2669
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"r.torgot ,to bring my gift for the Missions 'r to church last Sunday. '1 just mailed it now to the Director of the Propagation of the Faith."
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VATICAN CITY (NC)-Three Peoples. U.S. churchmen'named cardinals Cardinal Myroslav Lubachiv in April were given sea~s in the sky, chief archbishop of Ukrain Roman Curia, the Vatkan art~ ian Catholics worldwide and a naturalized U.S. citizen, was nounced Oct. 18. ,. Cardinal John J. O'Connor of named to the. Congregation for New York was named as a mem- Eastern Churches and the Secre ber . of the Congregation for tariat for Non-Believers. Bishops, the Council' for the·, ',In addition, Canadian Cardinal Public Affairs of the Church, Edouara Gagnon, president of and Ithe Pontifical Commission the Pontifical Council for the for Social Communications. . family, 'also' named a cardinal in Cardinal Bernard Law of Bos- April, was named to the Congre ton was named to the Congrega- gation for Saints' Causes and the tion for the EVl:\ngelization of - Congregation for the Sacraments.
Bishops' -agenda set
Continued from Page One specific circumstances such as ~ ••• ~ ••••••• E ••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• ~ death from suicide, death after ,.a long illness, sudden death, , death of a young person, of par EARLY BIRDS - ALL DAY ents, of a wife or husband, of a SUNDA·Y priest or a deacon, or of several 'CLOSED MONDAY$ persons. OPEN TUES. - FRio The new funeral ritual also LUNCH .,.- 12:00.- 2:30 spells out more 'clearly variations DINNER 5:00 - 9:00 to be used in the rite of com / mittal in special cases such as SATURDAY 5 - 9 p.m. that of cremation, which has be SUNDAY 1 - 8 p~m. ,come more common a~ong Am Rte. 28, East Falmouth - A L 5 O' ericans in -recent years. Hosts • Paul & Enen Goulet Cat~ring to Weddings" Other questions the bishops, will be asked to act on include: Tel. 548-4266 and Ban,que.ts Approval -"in prdnciple" of an, agenda for their 1986 retreat style assembly dn Collegeville, Minn., The' proposed agenda places "vocations" as the meeting theme and calls for the bishops to meet June 9-16, with' no 'direct media coverage allowed. , ROUTE 6--between Fall River and New Bedford - Approval of separate priest exchange agreements with, th.e !Jne ofSoutherll1NewEngland's Finest Facilities, bishops' conference of Mexico and the Phi1ippin~s for the sake of better pastoral service Ito Mexican and Filipino immigrants B~NQUETS, to the United States. ' - Approval of new funding FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER -- 636·2744 or 999·6984 gU'idelines for the American Board of Catholic Missions. .';'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii~ - Appr~lV,!I.o.fan asses~ment .. ...·._~~~uu_~_ .... _ .. ....._... ~ "
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;in 1987 of 13.3 cents per capita .in the annual diocesan cont4"ibu tion for NCCB-USCC funding. From 1983' to 1985 theassess~ ment was ·12.3 cents per capita, but last year the bishops agreed to increase 'that by one cent.in 1986 - meaning that a diocese with 100,000 Catholics would be assessed $12,300 in 1985 but $13,300 in 1986. - Approval of fliture confer ence priorities and plans and of a 1986 budget. - Approval of norms setting new dollar, minimums and maxi mums under whiCfh various. pro cedu,res would be employed by dioceses in selling church prop erty or committing church funds .for various purposes. The' bishops are also to hear report from a committee of bishops studying CatholicRe lief Serv,ices 'activities in Africa. .Allegations that CRS misused funds' dn Africa and misrepre sented itself to donors lI'eceived ,wide publicity this summer. '8
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Cana dian Cardinal Edouard Gagnon, president of the Vatican's Coun cil for the Family, has praised U.S. pro-life' groups for helping convince the U.S. government to cut funds from .organizations that approve abortion. In a recent interview in the Vatican newspaper, L'Osserva tore Romano, Cardinal Gagnon 'said the U.S. action showed that Catholics "need'to know that it is possible to react against (abor tion funding). With their courage and perseverance, for example, pro-life movements have gotten the U.S. government to cut funds for organizations that approve of abortion." In September, the Reagan. ad ministration withdrew a $10 mil - .lion grant ,to the ,'.U.N..Fund for Population A'divities because of its involvement in China's family planning program', which the ad ministration said was abetting forced abortions. In August, 'a House-Senate con ference committee dropped a pro posal which would have permit ted funding of international fam ily planning groups which use their money for abortion-related activities. Cardinal Gagnon used ,the abortion example 'to illustrate that Third World cO\-lntries 'are forced to accept "our way of me, and often that which is least good about us." He said there are strong social and psychologi cal pressures on the Third World to conform to Western lifestyles.
Nicaragua. Continued from page one formation that jeopardizes, na tional security. Campbell said Msgr. Carballo refused to register the magazine and the government banned its publication until it complies with the law. In' Managua. the Nicaraguan Interior Ministry .called Iglesia "not religious but highly political, openly attacking the. policy of defending the revolution' and es pecially patriotic military ser vice." . Campbell said suppression- of Iglesia did not reflect tensions between the government and the church. He said the government has no problems with the church as such but with members of the Nicaraguan hierarchy, such as Cardinal Miguel Obando Bravo of Managua. ,Cardinal Obando Bravo has ~en an· outspoken critic of Or tega's -government. Campbell said the government views the church as a "body of believers" made up of many Sandinista supporters. 'Campbell also said that the state of emergency was always lin existence, but will be more ~igilantly enforced because the goV'ernment believes' that counterrevolutionaries, or con· tras, 'are attempting sabotage in Nicaragua. He sa'id the Testrictions will -last one year or until the "1m minent threat'" no 10nger exists.
. ..;..-.... .-~
Blarney & Boloney
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct: 25; 1985
"Blarney is the varnished truth; boloney is the unvarnished 'lie." Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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TAUNTON MSGR. LUIZ G. MENDONCA, diocesan Vicar general, and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin are among concelebrants 'at a recent Portuguese Pilgrimage Day Mass at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro.
I wasn't blinded,
Government Homes From $ ~ - (URepair)
letters are ,welcomed, but should be no Ilore than 200 words. 111e editor reserves the right to condense or edit. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address and telephone number for thfl purpose of verification If deemed necessary.
Prayer Vig'il Dear Editor: I wdsh to thank you for the excellent "Respect Life" issue of The Anchor Oct. 4. I also wish to inform the community of a National Prayer Vigil to End Abortion taking place through December 8. "We pray and wait for the re birth of a nation," say vigil or ganizers. "We call on all men of good will, peopJe of every faith, to pray to Almighty God, to lift up to Him our heartfelt desire to save the children and to save, souls from destruction." Individuals are asked to join
with family, friends, church, prayer, or pro-life groups to pray weekly for a particular abortion 'ist or clinic in their neighbor-' hood and for an end (0 abortion nationwide. Private prayer, fast ing and sacrifice are also en couraged. The following is the official daily prayer: . a God spare the lives of the unborn children you have crea ted. Turn the hearts of mothers and fathers toward their chHd reno We pray that (a name may be inserted) wiH stop killing unborn babies and that there wi1l be an end to abortion in our nation. For more information on how you can help: call 636-4903. Mary Ann Booth So. Dartmouth
The choir started to sing, I joined in. The mass progressed, full of holiness. . I heard the priest pray as he lifted the host. "This is my body" Looking into his hands, a glow of light appeared. It continued to glow, more and' more, gradually, I saw Jesus, our brother, a~pear.
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this moment, was mine. I remembered Jesus saying, "You will see me in others" This time to see him, in his priest's hands. I saw him in another, as he said I would. Now, I understood. Sunday, come to mass. Look up to the host, in the priest's hands. Listen, to every word, be patient. To you, his vision, will come. You will see, our brother" Jesus. Our father's son.
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Black woman in chancery post
NEW YORK (NC) - Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York has named a black woman vice chancellor of community reia ·tions for the New York Arch diocese. She is Dolores Bernadette Grier, a longtime employee of the archdiocese who has worked since 1981 in the social develop ment department of Catholic Charities. Born in Harlem to parents, who came from the South, :;he converted to Catholicism at a teen-ager. She holds a master's degree in social work from Ford ham University. "She has a clear understanding of church teaching," Cardinal O'Connor said 'in announcing the appointment. "In any kind of forum or debate she remains calm, balanced and straight forward on church teaching, and she's able to articulate even the most complicated positions."
At a recent symposium in Har lem on the 1984 pastoral letter issued by the nation's 10 black bishops, Cardinal O'Connor said he hoped to appoint more blacks to archdiocesan posts and to be gin with appointment of a black woman as vice chancellor. Women, mostly nuns, have been named chancellor or vice chancellor ·in several dioceses. But Miss Grier's appointment :is the first such in the New York Archdiocese,and possibly the first in the nation for a black woman.
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THE A.!;'iCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 25,'1985
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i!L:J AT THE 75th.anniversary Mass of St. Joseph parish, New Bedford, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, center, congratulates pastor Rev. Daniel A. G,amache, left, and parochial vicar Rev. . Marc R.· Bergeron (Rosa photo)
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. OPENING PRAYERS at the recent annual convention of the New England Association of Chiefs of Police in North Falmouth were offered by Bishop Cronin. 'Others, from left, Chief John D. Coyle, association executive director, of North Attleboro; Chief William J.G. Lawton, president, Scituate, RI; Very Rev. Roger L. Gagne, chaplain, pastor of St. Mark parish, Attleboro Falls..
American Red CroSs
This Message sponsored by the Following
Business Concerns' In the Diocese of Fall River
JOINING TRADITIONAL celebration ofthe feast ofSt. Francis of Assisi at Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford: from left, Father Pierre Lachance, OP; Bishop Cronin; Father Ray . ,.... . .' mond,Lynch, OfM, Ghapel rectpr{Ro.sa. photo)
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 25, 1985
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CD BANKOF NEW ENGLAND' BRISTOL COUNTY COVER of a booklet prepared for National Bible Week Nov. 17 to 24 by the U.S. Catholic Conference. (NC photo) ,
Vatican II helped return Bible to center of Catholic life By Agostino Bono
ROME (NC) - "Access to sacred Scripture ought to be open' wide to the Christian faithful," decreed the Second Vatican Coun cil in 1965 in "Dei Verbum," and the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine R'evelation. In the 20 years since, that simple statement has helped reinstall the Bible asthe centerpiece of Catholic life from which springs not only its theology, but also its worship, spirituality and social-action endea vors. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, which allowed Mass in the vernacular and reordered Bible readings so that a more represen tative sample of the Bible is pres ented during the liturgical year. It also asked that homilies be Scripture based. The constitution on divine reve lation has helped ecumenism because it encouragesjoint Catholic Protestant translations of the Bible. Social action work and active lay partic'ipation in church life have been sparked, especially in Latin America, by the ~ormation of lay groups which study the Bible, then seek to apply its teach i~~~~o the problems around them.
Pope John Paul II has sche the local people - in the liturgy, duled an extraordinary World h~ said. Synod of Bishops Nov. 24-Dec. 8 "The vernacular makes possible to assess the impact of the Second an immediate rapport. It provokes Vatican Council 20 years after its interest and curiosity in the listen conclusion. ers," he said, The council's impact on know Bishop James Malone of Youngs ledge of the Bible has been "marve town, Ohio, president of the lous, extraordinary," said Spanish ' National Conference of Catholic Jesuit Father Luis Alonso-Schokel. Bishops, also credits liturgical Father Alonso-Schokel is a Scrip reform with stimulating interest in ture professor at Rome's Grego the Bible. rian University and has written "The new emphasis on Scripture commentaries on the divine reve based homilies contributed to a far lation document for anthologies greater appreciation of the Bible on Vatican II. among Catholics than before," he "I was 42 years old when the said in a presynod report on the council started, so I 'know the lack status of the U.S. church. of Bible orientation before the "Catholics in the United States _council," he told National Catholic are now more familiar with the News Service. ' Bible than ever before and have a "I was in the Jesuits 10 years greater appreciation of the central before they gave me a Bible to ity of the Word of God in Catholic read. We didn't even have one in life and worship," Bishop Malone the library," he said. said. Father Alonso-Schokel said he Father Alonso-Schokel cited was given his first Bible as a Jesuit Latin America's growth of basic when he was at the theology level Christian communities, groups of in the seminary, prior to being lay people formed ~round Bible ordained. readings. "The readings of the Bible have The most popular approach to provoked reaction against alcoho making the Bible available has been through the introduction of lism, 'machismo' and family break the vernacular - the lang~~g_e of downs," he said.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 25, 1985
By Dr. James'and Mary Kenny
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Dear Mary: I read your article in regard to a family that could not afford a vacation. Your response regarding camping is fine if one owns the equipment. Small trips are good; but if it is a really bad year, even gas could prove to be too expensive. May I offer some crazy but fun suggestions you could pass on. _ Take a one-week vacation with out leaving home. Prepare every one's clothes as if they were going, away. Buy paper plates and cups. Then change bedrooms or at least each pers~n sleeps in a room he or . . . she does not normally sleep in. Each one takes turns fixing meals. Even a 4-year-old can help with c,real fOl: breakfast. Avoid doing dishes or laundry. Gather books to read and games to play and disconnect the phone for the week or for certain hours of the day. Use a den or living room for an eating area for the week. Use the kitchen for games and, relaxation. This makes for a lofof good laughs while trying to remem ber where you 'are not supposed to , be. During,the winter one year, my mother took all seven of us to the beach in February, with hot beef stew and hot chocolate for a pic nic. One could'do the same in a backyard or at a local park. These are just two ideas but they
do not involve any extra expense whatsoever. - Massachusetts. Thank you for your creative suggestions. You remind us that memorable family event~ depend, _ not on how much'money we spend, but on the social things we do together. Experiences like a wi,nter picnic stay in our minds and hearts .forever. Here are some more low-cost and no-cost ideas which could ~urn into memorable family out IIlgs. While planning a make-believe, go-nowhere family vacation at home, why not give imagination free rein? Why not take an imagi . nary trip to France, Italy, Arabia, India, China,with appropiate food and dress for each coun~ry? In the . wonderful world of imagination we can' .move from country to country at no cost of time or money. The family could be a pio . neer family moving west, or an astronaut family venturing into space. The whole family could contribute ideas for food, dress and activities.' . - Ven'turing outside the home, a weekend away can provide a refresh~ ing break from ordinary routine and a family time together at less cost than a more elaborate va cation. , Your local library is an invalu able source of travel books featur ing free and low-cost excursions. There may be hiking or bicycle
trails in your area you did not even know about. If you live·in or near a major city, you can probably find a book which explores that city in depth and ferrets out many inex pensive attractions. Meadowbrook Press published an excellent series, "The Best Free Attractions," which featured over 1',500 attractions in each of four areas: South, West, Midwest and East. The books are presently out of print, but you might find them at your library. An excursion involving little more than travel expense is a visit to friends in another area. Almost all families have old friends they have been meaning to visit for years. Invite them to spend a night or two with you, and do the same at their house. You can probably accommodate another family, and they your family, if you are willing to treat the whole excursion as a camping adventure. Finally, do as our reader did. Recall an inexpensive vacation or outing your family took when you were a child. Tell your children about it and re-create it as nearly as you can with your own family. Reader questions on family liv ing and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address the Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
FOI "OllAn 24 Houl S""ICY
Chci,I~, V~lolo.
Mom comes full circle
By Antoinette Bosco
in her little friend's face touched her. She held the doll out. "All right, you can hold her, but just for a few minutes," . Her friend was thrilled but somehow she lost her balance because of her crutches and the doll slipped out of her arms to the pavement. It lay there, dead, its beautiful face in shattered splin ters. My mother must have screamed or becpme hysterical. Her mother came running out side to see what happened and picked up the body of the doll. She hugged my mother and tried to comfort her, saying, ''I'll make her a new head with rags and a stock ing face and I'll embroider beauti ful eye~." My mother never had another doll. Later she was immersed in the realities of raising eight children,
My 'mother is putting away her dolls and I feel sad about this. Making old dolls new was the hobby she took up after raising her eight children. She·turned one of our bedrooms into a veritable doll factory. For years, if you walked' into that room you'd see dolls in various states of repair lining the walls and filling boxes. My mother's sewing machine .would be open, with bits of cloth, trim and assorted rem nants all around. Now al..-her time must be spent on new and pressing chores as she cares for her home and nurses my ailing father. , I often tell the touching story of how dolls became a beloved hobby in my mother:s middle years. She was a child of immigrants from southern Italy who came t9 .' the United States at the turn of the centt,Jry.Life was a struggle for her parents and their eight children. , Breakfast, for example, was hard By Hilda Young bread soaked in cocoa made with out milk, a luxury the family could Fall is the time of year when the leaves turn colors, the new televi not afford. The children survived sion season begins and children 9n a minimal allowance,of food and clothes, without books and change their wardrobe from long sleeved shirts and sweat shirts to toys but not without longings. T-shirts. As a child, my mother's dream I have heard "But I don't need a was to have a doll with a china face. When she was about 5, she jacket" every day' since' school started. had seen a girl holding such a doll and that was all she wanted from "What do yo'u mean you don't heed a jacket?" I said to our 9 then on. year-old this morning. "It's cold . Her dream needed a miracle and out. Even the dog has goosebumps. that happened. An unmarried uncle You'll catch cold." brought Marya doll with a lovely "It makes me too hot." china face. Like any little girl, full "It's your imagination. Your of excitement, she brought it out , brain went limp from wearing a side to show her friends. hooded sweat shirt in 90-degree One little girl had a shriveled leg weather all summer. It's 47 degrees and walked on crutches. She begged outside. Put oil your jacket." Mary to let her hold the precious doll. Mary didn't want to,let it go, "You didn't make Mikey'wear ..even for a'ini-nute, but something one. "
like her own mother. Then 19 years ago, after the marriage of my youngest sister, mom found an old and battered doll. Remembering her broken one some 55 years before, she decided to try repairing it. She was extraordinarily success ful and subsequently found herself entering a new phase of her life, making new dolls out of old, some to keep, some to give away to little girls from poor families. Mom, never sold a doll. She always gave them away to express her love for God, she said. Now my mother once again must direct her energies to people, namely my father. And she has put away the dolls. It is a strange but full circle and makes me see clearly why women have always been called caretakers.
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. "You mean he got out of here with just a T-shirt on?" I yelped. "No, he was wearing pants and socks and shoes. "Don't be a wisecracker,"1 said. "Here, take this sweater and jacket with you to school and make sure he puts them on." "A sweater and a jacket?" he asked incredulously. "People hav,e been doing it for years," I assured him . "How about it if·ljust give him my coat when I get to school?" "Enough alre~dy," I said, giving him my argumentation-for-the defense-has-ended look. "OK, but if you get a call from the school nurse that I fainted from heatstroke, it's your fault." "I'll risk it," I said.
Funeral Home Inc.
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THE ANCHORFriday, Oct. 25, 1985
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NICARAGUA'S crackdown on civil'rights has not hampered activiti~s of Managua's Cardinal Miguel Obando Bravo, here greeted by residents of San Marco, where he celebrated a Mass. (NC/UPI- Reuter photo)
FUNERAL HOME . 550 Locust Street '
Fall River, Mass.
Rose E. Sullivan
William J. Sullivan
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Charity Ball to ai~ diocesan summer camps The 31st annual Bishop's Char ity Ball of the diocese of Fall River, to be held at Lincoln Park Ballroom, No. Dartmouth, on Jan. 10, will benefit summer camps serving exceptional and under privileged children of every race, color' and creed in southeastern Massachusetts. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes,dioce san Ball director, announced that in past years proceeds from the event have made many improve ments possible at Nazareth Day Camp, which provides recreation under professional supervision for exceptional children, St. Vincent de Paul Overnight Camp, serving hundreds of underprivileged child ren, and Catholic Boys' Day Camp. All facilities are located in West port. The Ball committee, with the Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and affiliates of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Ball cosponsors, is solic iting names for a commemorative booklet being prepared for the
........ .... .... ....
<D .
. ... . .... ... . .
....... .
event. Any member of the spon soring organizations may be con tacted for information, or Ball Headquarters, 410 Highland Ave nue, Fall River, may be reached at 676-8943 or 676-3200.
StonehiH College Twelve new fulltime faculty mem bers have been appointed at Stone hill College, North Easton: E. Mary Lou Balbaky, Craig W. Binney, Peter Cataldo, Michael D: Coo gan, Steven Cushing, George W. Gallant, Father Thomas P. Gar iepy, CSC, Bonnel KIentz, Debra Launie, Susan Mooney, M. Louise Pinard and Richard L. Velkley. Also' at the Catholic college,' groundhreaking ceremonies were held recently for a new computer science facility. The $2 million, 17,000 sq. ft. building will be named after phi- . lanthropist John W. Stanger, who received an honorary doctor of business degree from Stonehill in 1984. TheLockary Computer Labor atory within the building will honor Father Thomas E. Lockary, CSC, professor of physics and mathe matics at Stone hill for 30 .years, who has pioneered the growth of computer studies at the college.
Continues to
Cost Less Than Oil!
For years Clean Gas heat has cost less than oil in Greater Fall River ... and today is rio ,xeeption. So, if. you, are still using oil to '. heat your home you could be saving about 220/0 if you changed to Gas heat. And what makes it even better, is that you can convert from oil to gas and it won't cost you a penny ... just rent a home heating Conversion Burner. Call us now for complete details..
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Oct. 25, 1985
The right to privacy
valued in our free society. Origi'nally, the law only protected peo-, pie from physical invasions of their property, but as modern technol ARTHUR ogy produced more sophisticated methods for i,nvading our privacy, MURPHY courts and legislatures recognized the, need to protect privacy 'in dif ferent ways. There are now four general areas of privacy which are protected: I) the use of your name' or likeness, 2) your being placed in a false light, 3) a disclosure to the public of private facts, and 4) & ATTY. intrusion in your private affairs. The theory behi,nd protecting RICHARD your home ,and likeness is that they are unique and personal, and MURPHY no one else should be able to use them for a commercial purpose without compensating you. Under this theory, Cary Grant was able to sue a magazine which used his, picture in an article about stars and clothing without his per Suppose you open the nt:ws mission.' pap'er one m.orning, and to, Ordinary people are also pro-, , your surprise are confronted tected. In 1905, for example, with a picture of yourself in someone won a lawsuit against' a an advertisement urging people, to life' insurance company that used buy a certain brand of cigarettes. his picture in its advertisement. If Maybe you don't even smoke.' You your face turns up in cigarette ads, would think this kind of unauthor you are in a similar situation. To ized use of your picture, your like recover some kind of compensa ness, should be 'against the law. tion, you must prove (a) that your Not surprisingly, it is: . name or likeness was used without You have a right to privacy, a permission, ,and (b), that the user right to be left alone that is highly t:>enefited. '
By ATT¥.
that the law protects against. And You also have a privacy right The privacy of individuals is not to get publicity which presents these intrusions occurred in pri protected from government .intru vate homes, where-expectations of sions in other ways. The Constitu you in a false light. But because freedom of the press is so impor privacy are high. tion protects you from govern tant, you, ,are protected. against A person in a public place must mental interference in certain that kind of injury only if (a) the expect to be observed, and only private decisions, such as those person publishing knew the irifor very serious intrusions are disal involving contraceptives and abor mation was 'false, and (b) disre lowed in public. You can be pho- , lion. There's also a federal law garded t!lat knowledge and pub , tographed without your consent, against government wiretapping, lished it anyway. for example, unless the circum even of a public phone booth. stances are unusual. In one case, a Finally, in the criminal area, there , There must be (a) publication of. woman was allowed to sue for a is the well-known right to be free a fact about you, (b) the publica- , photograph taken when her dress of unreasonable searches and tion must be unreasonable, and (c) ,was unexpectedly blown up in a seizures. The rule that government the fact must be truly private. A "fun house." If the intrusion is or law enforcement agents must newspaper, for example, was' intentional and continuous it may' have very good reason to believe allowed to publish the name of a be serious enough also. Jacqueline you're involved in some crime rape victim of a crime when that Onassis was thus able to get. a before they can search you or your information came from a public court to order photographer to car, or seize anything, is based on record, so it was not a "private" stop following her everywhere and your general rig,ht of privacy. fact. staking out her house. Intrusio;}i'nto your private affairs . Privacy is a far-reaching right, Massachusetts now has a "right is the only one of the four kinds of to privacy act" protecting you and its limits have not been fully intrusion on privacy that need not defined. But ifthe next time you're against any "unreasonable, sub be publicized to be against the law. stantial or serious interference" grocery shopping you find your This category covers a variety of , with privacy. This law provides for 'picture plastered on the back of a box of your favorite cereal; you activity, from "Peeping Toms"to financial compensation and cOurt wiretapping. A famous case in may be getting that cereal free for orders prohibiting unlawful intru volved consumer advocate Ralph sions. Massachusetts law provides a while., Nader. General Motors Co. had special penalties for eavesdropping. his phone wiretapped and bugged Eavesdropping or wiretapping is a, The Murphys practice law in his home in an attempt to discour crime which carries a possible Braintree. age him from criticizing G M pro $10;000 fine or five years impri • •••••••• + • • • •• • •••••• ducts. In another case,.a landlord sonment, but it is also a civil was sued for bugging the bedroom wrong, for which you might col of his married tenants. Such actions' lect $100 a day for each day of the mGOD'S HOLDS are the kind of substantial inva violation, or $1,000; whichever is · ' larger. ' sions into peoples' privates affairs
ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET " Fellowship: meeting 7 p.m. Sun day,pa'rish center. All welcome.
After Man Sunday Iarunch
ST. STANISLAUS, FR Thanksgiving Clothing drive: Nov.' ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS Prayer group: meets 7:30 p.m. 25 to 30. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers 1II a'nd Tuesdays, Visitation Hall. ' The religious education program family have donated a carving of St. has received the donation of a bus Felix of Cantalice to the parish. from Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Barnes. CATHEDRAL, FR Lectors needed for Sunday Masses~ Contact Father Michael K. McMa' nus, 673-2833.
Lunches • Sandwiches • Cocktails Tennis Courts Available Now
County Road, POCClSset 563·7171 Private Function Room
'O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE The sacrament of the sick will be' administered at 2 p.m'. Mass Nov. 3,
GARANT FLOOR COVERING CO. FALL RIVER· 1801 SO. MAIN ST. (Showroom) 30 CRAWFORD Sf. (Warehouse). Carpet & Vinyl Floors • Mannington. Congo!eum! • Ceramic TI:e • Armstrong
Gifts & Books
for every occasion'. . '~ ; Baptisms First Communions Birthdays Confirmations ,> Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations OPEN DAILY
10:00 A.M, to 7'30 P,M,
on T LaParkSalette Shrine Street - Route
Attleboro, Massachusetts
ST. JOSEPH, F AIRHAYEN 'Cub Scout'-Hilllow'een 'party: 5:30 - NOTRE DAME, FR to 7 p.m. Sunday, church' hall. • Halloween party for parish child ren: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 3'1. Adult ST. MARY, SEEKONK volunteers needed. Information: Altars boys needed. Interested rectory, 679-1991, between 9 a.m. boys (grades 4 to 8) may contact and 4 p.m. Father'Wiliiam F. Baker, 222-0399. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, Natural family planning (sympto thermal method): four monthly HYANNIS classes will be,conducte,d by Pauline Family Mass: 10 a.m. Sunday. L'Heureux of the Couple to Couple Children's choir will sing. League beginning 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7. Altar boys needed.' Interested Information: 336-6349. boys (grade 3 and older) may con tact Father John e. Ozug, 775-0818. , SILENT SCREAM "The Silent Scream," a 28-minute ST. ANNE, FR pro-life film, be shown' on cable Cub Scouts: 'pack meeting 7 Channel 13 at 9 tonight and at 7:30 to!light, school. p.m. Oct. 28. St, Jude novena: services 2 and 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. MASS. CITIZENS FOR LIFE
Pro-life, 'convention 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. tomorrow, 'Sheraton Tara, BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS, Braintree. Transporation available. FAIRHAVEN Information: Mary Ann Booth 636 Holy Hour: 7 p.m. Oct. 29, Sacred 4903. Hearts Church, 382 Main St., Fair • haven, conducted by Father Alphon YOUTH MINISTRY, CATHOL'IC sus McHugh, SS.Ce., pastor. CAM'P,. E. FREETOWN' · The rosary is prayed at 7 p.m. Oct. Presentation by Father George E., weekdays, O. L. Lourdes Chapel, Harris'on, director; 'and' staff mem Sacred Hearts Church. bers on' newly-created' diocesan Exposition of Blessed Sacrament: youth ministry: 2 p.m. Sunday, fol following 8 a.m. M~ss Frid!lYs, to lowed by open house until 5 p.m. All 8:45 p.m. Information: Angelo De Welcome. Bortoli, 996-0332. , D of I, SOMERSET
: CHRIST THE KING, , .. .. COTUIT I MASHPEE Vincenti~ns:."meetirig
Nov. 4, rectory.
Clothing drive: begins' Nov. 16.
All usabl~/ clean clothing may be left
,at,either chapel at Mass or at St.
.-,Jude's Chapel basemen~ Cotuit, on
Saturdays., ,
St. Patrick Circle: Mass for deceased members 7 p.m. Nov. 13, St. Thomas More Church, Somerset, followed by meeting at ,Old Town Hall.
CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Altar boy installation: eight boys will be installed for service at 8 a. m. Mass Nov~ 3. Halloween Mass and party: 7 p. m. Mass Oct. 31, followed by party in Father Clinton Hall. Admission by costume only. All parish children invited. ,
SISTER OF PROVIDENCE Sisters of Providence of Mary-of the- Woods, 'Ind., whose Eastern provincial house is in Fall River, have invited friends to join them from Nov. 8 ·to 16 in a novena of thanksgiving to Our Lady of Provi dence. The observance will express gratitude for the 145-year existence of the congregation in the United States.
HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Halloween Mass and p~rty: 4:45 p. m. Oct. 31. All parish children welcome. '
ST. JOSEPH, FR 9'a.m. Mass Nov. 2 will be said for faithful departed; 9 a.m. Mass throughout November will be for ,intentions of parishioners. ~ '. Winter renovation, proje<:ts in clude repairs to stained glass win dows and church flooring, also ,exterior spot painting. WIDOWED SUPPORT, ATTLEBORO Meeting held at St. Theresa's
Church, So. Attleboro. Information:
Cecile Jette, 695-1186.
ST. ANTHONY OFTHE DESERT, FR ' Parish retreat: 2 to 5 p.m. Dec. I, followed by Mass. Father Stephen Furtado, 'O.L. Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford, will speak: Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: 40 Hour devotion beginning with 6:30 r P·m. Mass Nov. 15. Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in St. ~harbel Chapel until 10:30 a.m. Nov. 17,. All welcome. , December adoration;' noon to 6 p.m.·Dec. 8, with holy h.ourat 5 p.m. BIRTHRIGHT, TAUNTON Volunteers needed. Orientation 7 p.m. Oct. 29, 93 Washington St., Taunton. Continue on page 13
" THE ANCHOR Friday, Oct. 25, 1985
S~) ,'.
Connolly Harriers Show WeU
CLOISTERED NUNS in. Richmond, Va., enjoy Hallo ween visitors. Massachusetts dentists have a message for the goblins and spooks, too. See article below. (NC/Wide World photo)
Advice to ghosts, goblins
As miniature ghosts, goblins, and gypsy princesses prepare for Hll'1loween, that· friendly neighborhood dentist has a word for them. According to the Massachusetts Dental Society, there are several steps to take to ensure a healthy and safe Halloween for youngsters: • food treats should be low in sugar; popcorn, nuts, sugar less candies, cheese, potato chips, crackers, peanuts, and pretzels are ideal • don't give out soft, sticky foods, such as raisins and caramels, which remain on and between teeth surfaces • make sure costumes are free
• •
of dangling ends that may cause a faU check that masks allow clear vision in all directions encourage trick-or-treaters to go in groups on well-lit streets' and cross only at corners, never between parked cars or .in the middle . of the block . impress on them that they should wait until arriving home to examine and eat their treats, discarding any thing unwrapped or dam aged check that teeth are thor oughly brushed after eating the treats!
It has been said that records are made to be broken. In soccer at Durfee High and Diman Yoke, that has become a truism. At Durfee, Luis Pacheco broke a school record by scoring nine goals in a victory over Stang. At the end of 'last weflk, he ha'd, scored 32 goals for the Hill toppers. At ,Diman, Joe Batista, with 36 gOlils to 'his credit as of this writing, approaches the school record of 39. Diman, in its best season in ,several years, was in first place in the Mayflower ,league with an 11-1 record and has already qualified for post-season tourna-
ments. Durfee has won the South-' eastern Massachusetts Confer ence' Diyision One. volleyball championship. The 'Bishop Connolly boys' and girls' cross-country teams parti~ cip'ated in the recent Catholic Memorial Invitationals. The girls' finished fifth' in a field of 31 Division Il t~ams, while the .boys placed sixth out of 28. I
In the boys'. meet, Bishop Fee han took second place to Paw tucket. Bishop Connolly, with a 5-0 record, is Division Two titlist.
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679·6072·
LEMIEUX . HEATING, INC~ r. ·-.,. ... I
Sales and Service for, Domestic and Industrial
Hockomock Notes The Foxboro team leads the .girls' soccer league, but in all other sports title races are close. In footbaH, the chief contend ers are Oliver Ames, Canton and. North Attleboro, while in boys' soccer Foxboro and Stoughton lead. In boys' cross
By Bill Morrissette
country, Stoughton and Franklin top the field. In golf, Mansfield and Oliver Ames are the top teams. while Stoughton, Canton and Mansfield are vying for the field hockey crown.
Government Jobs $16,040 - $S9,230!Yr. NOW HIRING
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Ours is a life filled with the joy of giving, touched by the sadness of loss, and complete in God's unfailing love.
Iteering pOintl
The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer Give New Meaning and Purpose to Your Life.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Youth group Halloween party grades K-5: 4:30 to 7 p.m. Oct. 27, church hall. . Altar boys: interested boys grade
4and older will meet lOa.m. Nov. 2,
church. .
ST. JAMES, NB New altar boys: meeting II a.m. Saturday, church. School centennial celebration: alumni of St. James School who have not been contacted 'may call Sister Mary Nor~, 996-0534. LaSALETTE SHRINE,
Healing 'service: 2 p.m. Sunday,
People's Chapel with Father Andre
A. Patenaude. M.S. All welcome. Day of Recollection: begins 10 , a.m. tomorrow. Father Roger Chau vette. M.S., will lead participants in an opportunity to reflect on, pray over and explore the word of God. O.L. PERPETUAL HELP, NO New Society officers: Stefania
Pabis, president; Helen Gracia, vice
president; Helen Arabasz and Ste
phanie Smith, secretaries; Stella Boro
wiec, treasurer.
· "Mass for living and deceased
Society members: 8 a.m. Sunday.
FAMIL Y LIFE CENTER, N.DARTMOUTH . Legion of Mary retreat: b.egins Oct. 25. Bishop Stang High School retreat day: Oct. 30. I
SS. PETER &.PAUL, FR First communion: 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. o of I, ATTLEBORO Alcazaba Circle 65: meeting 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7, K ofC Hall, Hodge St. Mr. Ron Struminski, WARA talk show host, will speak. Memorial Mass for deceased members: 9:30 a.m" 'Nov. 10, S1. Theresa Church, S. Attleboro OLUEARMY Five-hour vigil: begins 7:30 p.m. Nov. I. S1. Rita's parish, Marion. All welcome.
Express your love of God by nursing His cancer-afflicted poor. Through these suffering souls,. He will return your ~ove many times over. Our one apostolate is to nurse and care for people of all races, creeds and colors who are terminally-ill with cancer. We provide this care for free in homes located in New York, Pennsylvania, ...Massachusetts, Georgia, Minnesota and Ohio. As more women joi,h our congregation, 'r"e plan to open new homes in. other states. . Catholic women from all walks of life and backgrounds are invited to visit one of our nursing homes to see the work we do and the strength and beauty of our religious life. Open your mind and heart to Christ's call. Make arrangements to visit with us by calling collect: , Sr. Anne Marie, (914) 769-4794
Sr. Anne Marie, The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, NY 10532
Please send me more information about your order. Name:
A-4 _
II. '~1.4
THE AMCAOR":" :1 ;\' : Friday,' 'Oct, ~ 25, 1985
Who Cares Who?'
, ,"Provided that God be glori
fied, we must, not ,care by whom." - St. Francis .. Sales,
on youth
expectations can put much pres sure on us. We discover that no time remains just to enjoy life. Rushing through life 'means there is'no -time to wait patiently for events to happen naturally. Relationships must grow quick iy. GoaTs must be achieved easily or they, are discarded. The idea cf working toward a'goal holds no appeal.' By Charlie Martin The attitude ·is: If you cannot have whatever you want now, LI F IE IN .ONE, DAY then what you want is not worth The old said to me'
wait~ng for. Certa'inly with, that Said don't always take lire so seriously
'attitude, the -idea that individuals Play the flute and dance and sing your song
, 'might learn from failure willap ,
Try and enjoy the here and now p~ar foolish,. The future will take care of itself soine~w
The song encourages us to put The grass is never greener over ~ere'
aside that nttitude~ to'" "enjoy Time ·wiD wear away the stone :' "
the here and, now":and not "al ,
Gets the ~itary bone.' ways,' tak~ life, so seriously.'iWe Don't try to live your life in one day
need time to "play the flute and . Don't go speed 'your time away dance :~nd ~'sing, your song.", We, " . The old man said to me need .times of <lightness and fun. Said you caDi'¢ change the world singlehandedly Most people do not put enough Raise a ,glass enjoy the scenery, . ' . joy in their lives.. Such individ-. Pretend the water is champagne uals fail to realize that each per And fill my ~ass again and again , son has a responsibility for' their While, the wolves are gathering 'roUnd your door own happiness. It is unfair" to I tried to live my life in one day rlssume that others should simply. Don't go speed your time away make 'us happy,partic~larly ,if, I bit off more than ]( can chew we are doing nothing to create Only so much you can do joy:, Wolves are gathering 'round my dooi;· Life goes best whEm we bal Ask them in and invite some more ance hard work land serious ef Written and Sung by Howard Jones. (c) 1985 by Howard Jones fort with' fun. Enjoy the teen Music Ltd. and Warner Bros~ Music Ltd.' years by taking the pressure off yourself and making a place for - HOWARD JONES' "Life in to ;try to speed ,through me, do fun in your me. One Day," comes from the soul ing everything at once. They
charts. The lyrics remind us to may want to excel in academics Your comments are 'always
slow down and take ,life one day or in athletics 'and' in addition to welcomed. Address Charlie Mar
at a ,time. be popular in school social life. tin, 1218 S. lRotherwood Ave.,
Sometimes people are tempted Trying to keep up with such Evansville, Indo 47714.
Too Busy "A person too busy to pray is busier than God wants him to be." - Ano~.
,on your ,
mind? Q. Why ~o 'we have to' grow up with the threat of nuclear , war? (Massachusetts) "" ., , , A. Sorry,but l don't have an answer to your 'question. '1 could make :Some guesses, but guesses are not really satisfying. This much we do know: God is with us"'as we struggle to resolve our tragic si~uation and build a world of peace. ' But decades 'may pass' before wOrldw1ide 'peace i~ achieved', even half your \Jifetime or more. Meanwhile; you wiB have to live .with the threat' of nuclear war.' And so for no\\' we need :to.' search for an attitude' that will see us t!troug~: 'this era, which some would call the worst of times. ;Each of us needs a spirit that will dispel crippling fear and, dark, despairing thoughts., We -need to resist with all our power the temptation to give ~p on ,our world land the human race. Indeed,. we need to be con· vinced. As ,Ralph Waldo Emer· son, the 19th-century writer, said; "that this time, like a~1 times, is 'a very good time if one but knows what to do with it." In a familiar tone Pope John Paul II once said that each of us
Everyday, life By ~ia Belanger If people could only see and believe that God is working in their world they would, l>e much happier and less anxious. God's work did not end with the last page of the Bible. The God of the Bible connects daily with our everyday lives 'and the events that shape and define them. He accomplishes the extraordinary throu~h tpe ordin ary. As we drive 'along the highway and see the beauty of the fall foliage and the flowers that are stiU blooming we see the things that Jesus related to God. His work is all around us. I know that people have lives that have been, devastated by tragedy. They are overwhelm ed with grief, unsure of wl1at step to take next. They have a desperate need to discover the presence' of God; if they can find !him, they can make it. They need our prayers. . We shouldn't wait for tragedy
to strike before we seek the pres ence of God. We should always try to be close to him. I'm 'aware that there is a wide sense of discouragement in the 11and, of fear and distrust. But we've survived. "I'm just barely coping," someone will say to me, "not living." Even in those bad moments one can believe Jesus; there is absolute security in him and he keeps His promises. 'We should not allow ourselves to be so distracted by the world that we do not hear ihds voice. A 'lady I know told me she is having a hard time understand ing God's grace, how he can con· ' tinue to ~ove us when we are ' sometimes so 'unlovable. 'It bog RECENTLY ORDAINED Father Michael R. Dufault, gles her mind; "Accept it," I said, " and don't try to under Bishop' Connolly High School, Fall River, class of '77, re stand." turned to his alma mater Oct. ,16 to offer a Mass for Voca Then there is the young man tion Awareness Week. Father Dufaul~, parochial vicar at .who changed his ways. "One day I reach~d :the conclusion that, I Our Lady' of Victory parish, Centerville, was surprised after Mass,by Connolly principal Father James C. O'Brien, had hurt Jesus enough," he said. S.J., with a concelebration stole in the school colors of It was good for him to'reaHze that he belonged to Christ. red and gold. (Motta photo)
should "love one's' own time, , without vain regrets and mythi cal utopias." ' Our mission in life is ever un folding and is not' always orys talc1ear. But what might you do, one day at a time, with your personal gift of life? Here are some possibiHties: , Speak some, friendly words to '. a classmate. 'Offer more smiles to mom and dad." Adopt.a hang-in-there spirit that does not seek escape in 'drugs when the going' gets tough or boring: Through such ,loV'ing efforts you will be able to diminish to some extent your fear of a possi ble nuclear holocaust. ' If your heart is bent on 10vil1g others, you will come graduaUy 'to love "your own time, with out vain regrets." Dwell on what you can do this very day to dis pel the darkness and mtle by little you will ~'ight up your life. In an unexpected way the world will come to seem less frightening, and you will dis cover more and more clearly what mission you are to fulfill. Each day then wiH seem 'like a very good day.
CoyIe-Cassidy Recently ordained Fathers David A. Costa, Philip N. Hamel and Michael K. McManus, all graduates of Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton,' concele brated an October 21 Mass at the school.
Bishop Connolly Carol Hazen, oncology dieti cian at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, will speak at 'Bishop Con nolly High School, Fall River, at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12. The ~ecture is being sponsored by the Parents and Friends of Connolly. An open house will be held at Connolly Nov. 3 for interested eighth graders and their famil-ies. Tours of the school, with current students as guides, will be con ducted at 2 and 3 p.m.
Let's hear it from the kids Photos by Joseph Motta
What are you going to be on Halloween?
St. George School, Westport
Friday, Oct. 25, 19'85
ANSWERS SONIA FRAGATA, left: A good witc~. I'll be nice a nd kind. I'll use a flashlight to cross the street and get
TODD RAPOSA, right: A mud monster because I
want to scare people. Mud
monsters live in the swamp
and eat bread.
MA TTHEW OUELLETTE, left: A Ninja. I forget why but when I get home my brother's , going to tell me. SERENE RENE PIERCE, right: ' A witch. Because you can put makeup on.
JASON DONATI, left: When I dress up as a ghost I
want to scare my dad, because
he was a ghost once and he
scared me.
A monster. A girl monster.
I want to be scary.
SARAH MAROTTE, left: A jellybean. A purple jelly
bean made of red and pink
and blue and white and purple
A vampire. I'm gonna scare
. the heck out of all my friends.
- HEIDI ROY, left:
A queen, but we're making
a princess costume. I like all
, kinds of candy.
JASON ST. GELAIS, right: Voltron. But I can't scare
anybody 'cause he's a nice
ANDREW JEGLINSKI, left: I don't know yet. There's so
many costumes I li~e. I have
to decide. '
THE PRE-K,INDERGARTEN,group at St. Francis Xav ier School, Acushnet, with, from left, teacher Mrs. Therese Le Doux and principal Sister Mary Martin Delahanty, O. P.
ERIN BRUCE, right:
Minnie Mouse. 'Cause she's
a girl.
.1' .
.,'16 ' THE ANCH'OR-:"-Oiocese of Fall River·-':"'Fri.:O'c't.' 25,' 198'5'···· BUFFINTOIN
. ,
936 So. Main St., Fall River
11:00 To 5:30 Sunday Thr.u Saturday
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ists." He responded with ,an Iy opposed the Nazis even before VATICAN CITY (NC) - A they invaded the Netherlands on eight-page summary of his ~ec~ . Dutch Carmelite priest who op tures on the evils of Nazism. May 10, 1940, posed Nazism through the Cath Father Brandsma spent 67 After the Nazi occupation, he olic press' is scheduled to be 428 lola.. 51 : Hyannos days at the Dachau camp, wh~re represented the ,nation's bishops 3. ' be:atified Nov. 775-4180 in their losing fight against Nazi, he was transferred despite ill Pope John Paul II is to beatify John & Mary lees. Props. health 'after refusing to sign Father Titus Brandsma, who died , takeover of' Catholic schools and papers pledging he would no in 1942,at the Nazi concentration universities. He also led the Cath camp at Dachau, Germany. The olic press in its refusal ~o print longer preach or continue to «,e· sist the Nazi occupation of the Nazi propaganda. ' ceremony is to take place in St. Netherlands. The Nazis arrested Fat'her Peter's Basilica. He died July 26, 1942 .in the Brandsma at his Nijmegen mon Father Brandsma was born in camp hospital. He had been 1881 in Friesland, a northern astery Jan. 19" 1942,after he Sales And' Service ' Dutch province. A writer on Car obtained written pledges that the severely beaten. Carmelites in the Netherlands ,Fall River's Largest melite spirituality, he became Catholic newspapers would stay (famous in the Netherlands for faithful to the church ,despite began to work toward the priest's Display of TVs university lectures, radio ser-' Nazi threats. beatification in 1942: Beatifica tion is a step toward canoniza 'mol)s ·andarticles objecting to After his arrest, he was order RCA· ZENITH· SYLVANIA tion. Nazi principles and the party's ed by the Nazis to explain in 1196 BEDFORD STREET treatment of Jews. writing why the Dutch, especial- , Pope John Paul asa youth was 673-9721 Father Brandsma, who visited Iy the Catholics, were opposed active in Poland's anti·Nazi re the United States in 1935, public- to the "Dutch National Social~ sistance.
Eastern' Television'
, AT ITS BEST! Give ;l Gift . Certificate For Al - Weekend Away
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'Beatification for Nazi foe
........III!!!!!~~ ~-
MEMBElRS AND FORMER MEMBERS ofthe New Life Prayer Group that meets at St. , Anne's parish, Fall River, celebrate their 10th anniversary. From" left, Mrs. Claire Beaulieu; Alex Naglowski, 'the group's organize~ and first leader; Father Pierre Lachance, OP; Mrs. Claire St. Pierre; Miss Juliette Lessard. (Gaudette photo)
For Inl. C.ntlct ED" BECKY ST,' PIERRE 1021 II., Street ,.11 Illwer, Mil 02720 Tel. 875·2278
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