Papers on JusticeWide-Rang-ing VATICAN CITY (NC)':'-With sidering the 24-member commis- arms expenditures and comparathe third week of discussion and sion top heavy with papal nomi- tively puny foreign aid expendi~ debate behind them" the bishops nees and curial prelates, appealed tures. John Cardinal Carberry of St. meeting in Rome for the Synod to synod regulations for appointcharged a special commission to ment of a 12-member board with Louis lashed out at wide-open put together the results of their eight selected members and four abortion laws in the United debates on priestly celibacy and papal appointees., That motion States as a violation of the rights of the unborn.' then deepened' their discussion was denied. It appeared that the synod is One common topic was the on international justice. It was already clear that the so determined to close every need for rich, nations to tighten synod was backing priestly celi- , door against change in the pres- their belt in order to put their bacy without reserve and was ent discipline that it is avoiding surplus at the disposal of poor' moving sharply away from any even the slightest hint of a new nations for development. Several bishops said that the proposals to ordain married men. -policy. Miss Barbara Ward criticized Church should take the lead in In the debate on justice, the United States came under fire America's restrictive haJ?dling of this and Cardinal John Heenan not only from British economist its dollar crisis and John Cardi- of England suggested that Barbara Ward-one of the three nal Dearden of Detroit asserted churches everywhere-including An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul laypersons to address the synod that the United States must the Vatican - sell rarely used sacred vessels for the poor. -but also from three America~ change its national priorities., . John Cardinal Krol of PhilaBishop Alexander Carter of cardinals. The number of speakers listed delphia criticized- as did other Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, urged Fall River, Mass., Thursday, October 28,.1911 Turn to Page -Six for the justice question rose to bishops - the astronomic U. S. PRICE 104 about 150 and reinforced wideVol. 15, No. 43 © 1971 The Anchor $4.00 per yea, spread conviction that the synod 'could not possibly end its work decently by the end of October. Even news that the synod would continue to work through the first w.eek of November Among the' 7,000 delegates working ses,sions 'he would like failed to pacify the many who maintained that there was too 'from across the country meet'ing to attend but is asked to partici, Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Ed.D., of the advisory committee for much' important work to be ac- in Miami Beach this week to pate in an area of the Core Con'superintendent of schools in the, the national Elementary and complished in too little time. ,participate in the National Con- gress. Fall River Diocese, has been Secondary Act', under Titles II One synod delegate ipter-',· gress of Religious Education are The seminars and Core Con, elected vice president of the and III~ rupted his own Latin address to ,Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, Diocesan gress reflect trends' of religious superintendents' division of the A specialist in school financial speak directly to Pope' Paul VI Director of the Confraternity of education today. Emphasis has National Catholic Educational matters, Father O'Neill has, de- in Italian about the inad,equacy Christian Doctrine; Sr. Della been placed on examining proAssociation signed budgeting procedures of the time allotted to the synod. Ann Chartrand, OLVM, and Mrs. grams for: adult' education; the 'Father O'Neill holds a master's which have been applied iii 25 And practically every working Angela Harney of Diocesan media; the shared learning exdegree and ado<;torate in educa- dioceses. . , committee of the synod, iI;ldi- CCD Office; and Rev. Henry S. perience of the family; ecumention from. Boston College, and A Fall River native, the priest- cated 'it had too little time, to Arruda, assistant at St. John ism; and social awarenes!l. has been on the, faculty of Notre educator was ordained ,in 1957. deal with all the work' at ha~d. Father William Tobin, AssistDame University. He served as chaplain at,Bishop, ant Director of the National There were complaints, too, He is a member of, the advi- Stang' High School and has held libout the handlina of the docu.Center, notes "the idea is to give , sory committee onhe Massachu- . his position' as diocesan superin- ment on the priesthood. Synod ·the religious educator as broad setts Advisory ·Coi.lllcil' on Teach- ,tendent of schools. siilc~ ',,1961. , a 'range of areas to participate in officials, heeding repeated pleas er 'certification; and a niell1bet' as possible; and yet let the indiFather O'Neiil' also· serVes on for a single document combining vi~ual, still achieve a cohesive, the Massachusetts' Commission theological and practical.aspeCts in~depth participation." for Educational Television, and of the current crisis in priestly " 'The 'delegates ,were giyen an on the executive:' committee life and ministry, gave the, reof the' Indepen<;l,ent,' ,Secondary sults of both debates to a com- of God Parish" Somerset and irrim~diate sense of what the Schools of New England. He is mission of two dozen men who 'CCD Director of. the Somerset-. Congress was all about during , , the "opening session last night. chairman of the educatiol1al de- had been drafting a document· Swansea Area. " Last held in Pittsburgh in The keynote addresses by Dr. ,partment of the Massachusetts on the theological aspects only. Some powerful members, con-, 1966, the National Congress is ',Mary~Angela Harper, President' Catholic Conference. -, ' sponsored by the National Cen- of 'the. Board of Education, ter of Religious Education-CCD, 'Washirigi~n Archdiocese and Mr. Anchor Columnist a division of the Department of Turn to Page Six ' Education, United States Catholic Conference. , As a division of the USCC, the ,National Center' supplies the . leadership and support of the American hierarchy for all the WASHINGTON (NC)-House- and husband, Dan, and their religious education programs wife, Mary Carson sat at the large family. throughout the United States. Despite .the family's experikitchen table in the 80-year-old The focus of the Congress is home in Baldwin, Long Island, ence, Mrs. Carson said her book to provide for those concerned where she was born and :began "Ginny, A True Story," to be about the growth and developwriting on scratch paper about published in January by Double- ment of religious education an REV. PATRICK J. O'NEILL her young daughter's accident. day, offers no gloom-and-doom opportunity to meet with cate"I pretended I was writing a but' a message of hope. chetical experts in various fields Ginny is now 11 and "all of such as psychology, theology, friend then' in Germany about the day Ginny was coming home us consider her life a miracle," administration. The delegates from school and was hit by a Mrs. Carson said. However,- she will be ab.le to evaluate existing moving van," Mrs. Carson said admits that the miracle not only programs and to shape the direcof the letter that grew into a taxed the abilities of the physi- tion of catechetics for the future. cians who hovered over the child, Three hundred and twentyNEW YORK (NC)-Pope Paul book. Turn to Page Six two working s~ssions are being Six-year-old Ginny, whose VI is deeply concerned about conducted over the three days. world peace and the alleviation skull was crushed, lay in a coma They cover a broad span of of human suffering, President when doctors told the Carsons topics. The sessions have been Nixon's personal envoy 'to the she had a one in a million chance correlated, however, into three New Funeral Rite Vatican told guests at the annual to survive. The Carsons told NC News in major areas called .the Core ConAlfred E. Smith dinner here. an interview that they clung to Explanations and illustragress. They are titled: The TheolNAMED: Rev. Msgr. RoHenry Cabot Lodge, the en- their Catholic faith and conveyed tions of the revised liturgical 'ogyof Revelation and Faith in voy, said that in audience talks their hopes to Ginny even bertL. Stanton, pastor of St. Rite of Funerals that is to be the Light, of Communication he has had, the Pope paid "par- though they were not certain introduced in all parishes of Skills, Media and Christian Patrick's Parish, Wareham ticular attention to the plight of she could hear. the diocese in accordance with Awareness; the Moral-Ethical has been named by Bishop war prisoners, to measures to "I had always felt that God the directive of Most Rev. Response and Understanding the Cronin as the new Diocesan prevent the drug traffic and to never asks more of us than we Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., OrLearner-Impact of Culture and Moderator ot' the Diocesan economic and social aid to un- can do. But sometimes He comes cijnary of the Diocese, can be Environment; and the Church as derdeveloped countries." Council of Catholic Nurses. terribly close to the ',dividing .found on pages ,,10 and II, of Lodge, principal speaker at the line," Mrs. Carson' said' ,of the 'this issue of The Anchor.; , . ~, " Missionary and Curriculum Plan- He, succeeds. Rev. Cornelius ning, Goals and Evaluation. Each : ,.. Turn to Page Two accident's lasting effects on her, ' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' delegate is asked to select the J. Keliher.
Four Diocesan Deleg~tes ,At Miami CCD Meeting
Diocesan School' Head In 'National Office
DaUghter's 'Accident Topic Of 'Mary Car.on's Book,
Lodge Stresses Pope's Concern For World ,Peace
THE ANCHORTllurs., Oct: 28~ 1971'
Pope's,Concern Continued from Page One dinner, listed domestic and for~ eign, achievements and failures in the nearly 50 years since, , Smith' was governor 0(, New York~ , ' He shared the day with Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, president of the Smith Memorial Foundation which sponsors the dinner, New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, New York City Mayor John Lindsay, " and astronaut Capt. Richard F. Gordon. Lodge Iist'ed as recent milestones for peace the shrinkage of American troops in Vietnam, the cease-fire in the Mideast, Nixon's. planned talks with Soviet and Chinese Communist officiaJs, ,ratification of the nuclear nonproIlferation' treaty and continuing negotiations on disarmament, and America's renun-' ciation of biological weapons. The envoy to the Pope said that since World War II there have been 14 international wars and 24 civil cOllfIicts - a total which he' cIi'limed would have been higher without the United , Nations. A former U. S. ambassador to the UN, Lodge said that in the last few years, there has been "progress, toward stability and peace." ' Cardinal Cooke paid tribute to the late Gov. Smith and the late Cardinal' Francis Spellma,n of New York as "men of bll-Iance and optimism in, the face Qf 'Unknown pressing problems;" He said the Smith foundation has , expanded its gifts to include 20 more I)ospitals in the metropolita'n New York area besides its traditional donation to St. Vincent's Hospital.
Experts ,Testify On Human Rights
WASHINGTON (NC) - "The greatest' disease is not leprosy, TB or ,any of the other terrible diseases we' get in India,'~ said Mother Tersa. "It is', being unwanted, unloved, uncared" for, having ~o one just "to smile on ',you." All that"matters is to loveand that's why people shouid care-implored the nun 'who fo~ , . . 20 years has mended the broken bodies' of the ,sick and fed, clothed and housed the destitute ' in the slums ofCaIcutta~ . ..: : . Mother Teresa,~earing,a sim-, pie white 'cotton sari, and' the, , brown sandals in which she has walked miles to search out those who need her care, was in,Washi'ngton, as one of '84 'experts brolight here by The Joseph P. Kennedy, ,Jr. ,Foundation for a' one-day ,symposium, on human rights,retardation and research. ~, Before receiving a $15,000 . ~ward, from the -foundati'on for " her ',"outstanding service to man-, , :,kind;" the nun' met with a panel :of experts· exploring the question '~why should people l;are?" '::, , ' 'They Will Die' , , "Dr. Jean Vanier, another €ath,olic who spends his- life caring for 'others, told symposium par- , , ticipants'that while the powerful ' ',and influential ask why people, , should "c!lre, 'others -in hospitals, , ghetto~ and 'prisons are saying ,"Come" I need you.'" , , " : Th'ey ,may not ask for help <with their, voices because they " "are', so disillusioned, but they say with their eyes, "if you do not come, I,will die," said Vanier.. He is director of L'Arche, a com, munity for the mentally retarded in France and, with Mother Teresa, was' among nine Kennedy award-winners. ' "If those in power do not turn toward them, they will die," he added, "and' our indifference becomes murder: We know this." The situation, he said, requires action, not just the' asking of questions. "We can sit and disMONDAY'S FEAST: Nov. 1, All Saints Day, is signalized by the painting "The Lives cuss this and, hide ,ourselves, close our hearts and become ... of the Saints"by Ledoux of the 19th Century French School of Painting. NC Photo. .. - . . . . . fearful of our suffering brother . . . or accept and open our hearts to weak ones and then maybe toward peace. The bar, riers of our heart might break FORT WAYNE. (NC) - The a priest and a bishop than they Ohio, Michigan 'and Wisconsin so we can enter a world of har- editor of a Catholic weekly has, are in presenting the reasons for, that if they do not find a solumony and peace." 'tion they must ask themselves: accused some 'editors in the the disagreement. Catholic, press qf stooping to a He further charged that som~" "How Catholic are we? How ecrology ,kind, of sensationalism. ' editors insist that there be Catholic is the Catholic press?" NOV. 1 ~sgr. Jam~s F. Conroy hade' di!;;agreement when there is none, , Rev. William H., McNamara, his ,accusation, homily at a Mass "just' to create a sensational )924, Pastor, St.Mary, Mans- during the two-day Midwest re- story' or hint' at one." Wilfred C. field. , gional conference of the Catholic 'How Ciltholic?' Rev. Louis N. Blanchet, '1927,' Press Association. . Sullivan Driscoll Assistant, St. John Baptist, Fall Msgr. ,Conroy, editor of the Because of this trend, Msgr. R i v e r . : Fort, Wayne-South Bend edition Conroy said, the Catholic media Rt. Rev. John F. Ferraz,' 1944, of Our Sunday Visitor, said too have "joined' the ranks cif the 206 WINTER STREET Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River: many, Catholic editors are ap- secular media and introduced FALL RIVER, MASS: Rt. Rev. George F. Cain, 1953, pealing to 'the senses and emo- secularism into the mission of Pastor, St. Matthew, Fall River, tions rather than to' the intellect. truth which is the mission of .the 672·3381, , Church." ", NOV. '2 ' 'H d'd . t . , T A Memento for the repose of e I no. name a?y specI IC He told members' representilig ' t on', cases, editors, 'WhiCh, ca.used . t s no th e sou Is 0 f our, prIes ' . '. or','", , Catholic papers and magazines I' t .' ' a stir among some members of th IS IS. h .., CPA b ,... mem ers : published in Indiana, I1Ii~ois, Rev. J osep h S. Fort'In, 1923 , t he participatIng d' ' d ' h h' 'I Fo nder St, J h B r t F II' w 0 ,Isagree Wit IS generaRi:er ' . 0 n apls" a ization. His !alk during a 'Mass' 'Re~. Michael V. McDonough, affo~ded n.o chan~e :to~ qu~stions , 1933, Chaplain, St. Mary Hoine, or diSCUSSion. New Bedford. "Sensationalism Has 110 ',such " place in the' Catholic press," the monsi~or_··said. "It is, unworthy THE ANCHOR ' 'of the Catholic pres·s.'~ , ' 123 Broadway ,.'
Warns, on Dangers of Sensationalism ,
D. D.
Funeral Home
Second Class Postalie Paid at Fall River. Mass" Published every Thursday at' 410 Highland' A'Jenue. Fall River. Mass, 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, S~bscriplion price by mall, postpaid per Ye~r. , , .. "
He said' too many' editors are more interested in head'lining an apparent disagreement. between
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese 01 Fall River-':'Thurs. Oct. 28, 1971
Must Teach Christianity Within African 'Context KAMPALA (NC) - The Christian Church is in danger of losing influence with intellectuals of many African countries if it does not train Church leaders to express Christianity in an African context, according to a Protestant chaplain at Dar es ,Salaam University in Tanzania. The Rev. Cuthbert K. Omari said in Uganda during the colonial era the Christian Church
Resume Building Brazil Cathedral RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-This 'city of four million people will have a new cathedral despite several attempts to stop construction by some priests and lay groups who consider it costly and of little use. Cardinal Eugenio Sales of Rio de Janeiro said building is' going ahead. "Our concern now is how to blend this architectural colussus with the pastoral needs of the city," he added. The cathedral building was started six years' ago by his predecessor, 'the late Cardinal Jamine Barros Camara. , Opponents 'of the project argue that there are already 20 churches in the downtown area where the huge structure is being erected. These include La Candelaria, '. which currently serves as a cathedral. All are almost always empty, opponents note: Most of the white-collar daytime. population of the area .'lives in the 'suburbs. When Cardinal Sales was made Bishop of Natal in the late 1950s, he remodeled the old cathedral there to make a residential complex for low-income families.
played a great role in preparing the intellectual because the Church was so deeply involved in the educational system. He made his views known in an article in Sharing, published by Gaba Publications here. "Some of the most noted of the first generation of political leaders during the awakening of nationalism and independence in Africa," he said "are products of Church schools. They are the people who, after they had been given the philosophy of the dignity of man. could not tolerate the injustice of colonial rule." But in the post-independence era, Chaplain Omari said, when the new elite turned to· the Church for spiritual guidance, they found they were still being served by many of the same old pastors who tended to be conservative or outdated in their approach to many social issues.
Understanding . In addition to needing. leaders who can express the Christian faith in an African context, the Church also needs people who can understand the present generation, the Protesant clergyman said. It is necessary to understand what the people like and dislike, he added. The clergy, J1e explained, must learn to know the members of their congregations and their social background thoroughly. "This involves ... living with the people in their .•. villages, in-· stead of in ,a big parish house where life is; divorced from the life of the people," he said.
Bishop Resigns WASHNGTON (NC) - Pope Paul VI has accepted the resignation of Bishop George L. Leech, 81, of Harrisburg. He has been succeeded automatically by his coadjutor Bishop Joseph T. Daley, 55.
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~,....:~>:/~' TESTIMONIAL TO RETIRED PASTOR: Principals at the Wareham testimonial honoring Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale on the occasion ,of his retirement after 23 years as pastor of St.Patrick's Parish in that town were: Top photo, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River and classmate of 'the honored guest; Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River; Msgr. Chippendale; Most Rev. James L. Connolly, formerly Bishop of Fall River. Middle photo: Reception line included Mrs. James E. Coady of No. Kingston, Msgr. Chippendale's sister; Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, pastor of St. Patrick's, Wareham; Bishop Cronin and the horiored guest. Bottom photo: Msgr. Chippendale shares the joy with Bishop Cronin at meeting the parish' ioners and friends from the Wareham area.
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Pri.esJt. . Au·ditors 'at Synod· . Speak' ,f'reely on 'Is'sues .
A French Protestant minister, Pasteur Richard-M9Iard, . writing in the" Oct. 17 issue of the Parish daily, "Le Figaro," has called upon the ~yno.d :of Bishops "not to announce" the end of loyal and coristructi VEl ecumenism between,.. the institutional' chu'rches." . His Catholic Church itself. I think fear that the Synod may, in w'e can assume that the Cardinal,~ effect, cancel out or reverse as the head of the Secretariat for the ecumenical gains of re- Christian Unity, knows whereof cent years strikes me as being he speaks in this regard. somewhat exaggerated. ~ever Other Problems: theless it deserves to be taken Moreover I would not agree seriously. - with Pasteur Richard-Molard when he says that" the problems of the ',ministerial priesthood have been reduced in the Synod By to the one problem of celibacy. To be sure, celibacy has been MSGR. discussed at great ,length, but not, it must be noted, to the exGEORGE G. clusion of or neglect of other problems pertaining" to the role HIGGINS of the' priest in the modern world.. MEMBERS OF DECORATING COMMITTEE: Members of the Diocesan Council of Some of the problems which Richard: Molard, have been given more or less Catholic Women from the Somerset-Swansea Area serving on the decorating committee Pasteur though fearful that the final doc- equal time and attention' on the for the 17th Annual Bishop's Ball on Jan. 14 are: Mrs. Gilbert Perry of St. Patrick's, ument of the Synod on the sub- floor of the Synod and in the Somerset; Mrs. Roger ROQillard and Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, both of St. Louis de France, ject of the ministerial priesthood language groups were .mentioned Swansea; and Mrs. Leonard Berlo of St. Dominic's Parish, Swansea. may pr:ove to be too negative or in the last release of this column. I can report in this connection too restrictive, is at pains to note that, strictly speaking, that's not that the particular language for him to decide as a non-Cath- group to which I was assigned olic observer. On the other hand; gave far more attention to some as a loyal and constructive ecu- of these other issues than it did menist, he feels compelied to say" to the problem of celibacy. JudgWASHINGTON (NC) - Edu- lines. It buys that' service," he "When you ask people if they that, in his judgment, it is regret- ing from the detailed reports want to vote themselves into table that the Synod has largely coming out of the other groups,' cationally speaking, separation said. Michigan Case higher taxes at a time wh~n Genignored the experience of Prot- I would say that our own group of church an.d. state means that "in your religion classes, you Morrison, head of the powereral Motors is on strike, you ' was· not exceptional in this reestantism and of Orthodoxy on ' don't look for anybody else's ful public school teachers' or- can't expect an unclouded anthe matter of the ministerial gard. support,'~ the president. of the ganization whic"h is on record swer on the church-state issue." priesthood. . ,I "·Have Smne Right Nation"al Catholic Educational agairtst"any diversion of public Morrison notecLthat NEA ,re~. "The problems of the priestSpeaking of the language' funds for the support of non- spects "the right of any group to: hood or, the ministry," he com- groups;. I should also like to re- Association said here. .But Father C. Albert Koob public schools," said he would have private schools, so long as plains, "have been reduced. in the poit, for the record, that the Synod to the one problem of priest auditors are "not only per- said in a recent television debate agree that the goverment pur- they are private, and financial support of them is private." 'celibacy' even though everyone mitted but encouraged to speak with Donald E. Morrison; presi- chases many kind of services. "But I have not seen the tur.But Father Koob said without knows that,these other problems their piece, with perfect freedom dent of the National Education are, in the final analysis, even and complete frankness concern- Association, that Catholic educa- moil, and the split. of the Amer- some support "for the public more serious and are universal in ing every issue op the Synod tion has a secular as well as a . ican peopie from the government sector of private education, the . purchasing services from the air- public function that those nature." agenda. In brief they are being religious function. "You can measure the secillar lines in this country," he added. schools serve, then in effect By this he means that the accorded exactly the same right Morrison cited the situation in there will be no private E:ducaclergy of all the Christian to speak as the Synodal mem- contribution," the' Norbertine Michigan "when the governor and tion, and you will end up with churches are faced with substan- bers themselves, without regard priest added, "and I think we tially the same problems (celi- to ecclesiastical rank. , can come to an agreement on the legislature both came out a one system school program." Father Koob said educational bacy aside) and that the search I think it is important that how you measure good mathe- with programs purchasing these for solutions to these problems this point be made a matter of matics, or good geography or (non-public school) services, and problem solvers must find "some way of getting the private sector ought to be an ecumenical enter- record in view of the 'fact that, good science. We're not looking the people turned it down." Last November, Michigan vot- to work with the public sector, prise regardless of the difficul- in some circles at least, the word for support ever for the religious ers' approved PrQPosal "C", pro- so that we 'both get what we're ties involved. is around that the presence of function of· the schools." hibiting the "use of public funds the priest auditors in the Synod Celibacy Issue Debating "Public Aid for Pri- to aid any nonpublic elementary looking for-and that's better is simply pro forma and totally vate Education?" on the ABC or secondary schoo!." Earlier education for children'." I would agree that ecumenism without any practical effect. news Directions series, Father. that year, the state legislature has, in certain respects, been That simply is not so. AdmitKoob said the government "can had ,approyed $22 million in slighted in the Synod. For one $5,000 Or More thing, no Protestant or Orthodox tedly the auditors have not been buy its services from any number honpublic school aid. " authorized to bspeak in any of of peopl~as indeed it does." On Equity In Your Home observers have been invited to Father Koob responded that You May Use The Money sit in on the proceedings. This, the plenary sessions of the Synod "The government doesri't set there' were "many factors aside However You Wish. it seems to me, is all the more (except symbolically in the per~ up airlines, yet it subsidizes air- from' the church-state issue inregrettable in view of the fact son of one elected spokesman). volved there." AVCO FINANCIAL Confer With Bishops tHat the presence of such observFor Better Education Attack 'Government SERVICES ers at all sessions of Vatican On the other hand, they have "What you were asking the 71 William St., New Bedford PRETORIA (NC) - Extreme Council II proved to be so bene- spoken frequently and very people of Michigan was to vote 994·9636 ficial from every point of view. openly in most of the language right wing Afrikaners, descend~ more taxes, really," he said. ants of the 17th-century Dutch groups (and most certainly' in Secondly, with few exceptions, the Synodal Fathers, in speaking our own) and have been listened settlers, have launched an attack about the ministerial priesthood, to very attentively and. with on the governmen,t for permitting a six-year-old blac~ girl to attend \:lave paid scant attention to the great courtesy and respect. experience of Protestantism and They do not pretend to be able a previously all-white convent Orthodoxy in dealing with this ,to "represent" the clergy of their schoo!. . Chipo Kachingwe, the matter. On the other hand, as' respective countrie~ (much less daughter of Joseph Kachingwe, Cardinal Willebrands reminded the clergy of, the universal Malawi's· ambassa90r, is a pupil the .Synodal Fathers, it would be Church). but they are trying to in Loreto Convent here. , . a mistake for the Catholic the, best of their ability - and Church to think that it could ad: with .' so~e', succ,ess, I believe,• BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES ·vance the cause of genuine ecu- to convey to the Synodal Fathers grotips of, bishops. I like to menism by watering down its. ~n accurate reading of the vary- think that,"in doil'!g so, they have • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS own discipline on the subject of ing points of view of the clergy ,made'· at· least 'a, slight contribu. celibacy~ on all matters under discussion. tion to, the work of the Synod FALL RIVER 1343 PLEASANT STREET In addition, they have had in .ways which I may have an The celibacy issue, he said, should be approached from the countless opportunities to con-, opportu~ity to write about in 673·778() point of view of what is best fer, both formally 'and informal- greater detail in a subsequent iy, with individual bishops and ' release of this ~olumn. fo~ .the common good of the
Debate Public Aid for P.rivate Schools Father Koob Stresses Secular F'unction
The Parish Parade OUR LADY OF .FATIMA, NEW BEDFORD The Women,'s Guild will hold their regular mo'nthly meeting at 02722. 7:30 on Tuesday evening, Nov. 2 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, in the parish hall. Follow~ng, the business meeting, '~Fun with TupFALL RIVER The women's Guild will meet per" will constitute the enterat 8 Monday night, Nov. 1 in tainment program for the evethe church hall. A demonstration ning. A "Kitchen Goodie" sale will of cake decorating will follow be sponsored by the gUild': on a business session. Saturday afternoon, Nov. .21 ' IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, after the 5 o'clock Mass and again on Sundaymornin'g, Nov. TAUNTON The Fourth Annual Harvest 22 after the 9:30 and 11' o'clock Buffet and' Dance will be held Masses. Members of the guild wilf host from 8:30 to midnight on Saturday, Oct. 30 in the auditorium, . the coffee hour in the parish hall on the Sundays in November Bay Street. . Music will be provided by after the 9:30 and 11 o'clock "The Malibus" and tickets are Masses. $5.00 per couple. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER Masses on All Saints Day will The Council of Catholic Women be celebrated at 7 and 9 A.M. will conduct a mystery ride on and at 12:15, 4, 5 and 7 P.M. Saturday night, Nov. 6. At the Confessions will be heard one completion of the ride, a pro- half hour before each Mass. gram including a smorgasbord, Masses on All Souls Day will dancing and door prizes will be be celebrated at 6:30, 6:45 and 7 held. A.M. and at 4, 4:15, 4:30, 6:45 Deadline for r~servations will and 7 P.M. be. Oct. 30 and may be made by contacting Mrs. Albert Roy and HOLY TRINITY, , WEST HARWICH Mrs. Joseph Springer. The CCD program for high ST. JOSEPH, scho,ol students will begin at 7 ATTLEBORO Monday night, Nov. 1 in the parThe Women's Guild is plan- ish auditorium. Rev. Fernand ning a Christmas Bazaar for Cassista, M.S. of Mark IV PresDec. 3 and 4. Home-made items entations, Attleboro, will offer a and home-baked goods, together program on "The .Jesus Trend in with a rummage sale booth and Popular Music." A liturgy will a white elephant table will. be precede the program. featured. Students who have not registered for CCD may do, so from SACRED HEART, 6:30 ,to 7 Monday night In the' NORTH 'ATTLEBORO , auditorium. Ste. Anne's Sodality will conduct a Christmas Carnival Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 3 and 4. A bean supper will be served Wednesday and a chicken a la king luncheon on Thursday. MONTREAL (NC)-In an elecSanta Claus will be present both tion described by one member days, with Wednesday hours as "a foregone conclusion," the listed from 5 to 9 P.M. and Knights of Columbus· have voted Thursday from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. to keep all their top officers for Mrs. Edward Dion is general another year. , chairman. ' Re-elected to' his ninth term was Supreme' Knight John W. ST. RITA, McDevitt, a former MassachuMARION Rev. Ronald Tosti, Director of setts public school superintendReligiOl,ls Education in Fall River ent. McDevitt has guided the will begin a series of his talks 1,200,OOO-niember' fraternal or"Whatever Happened' to the , ganization in constructing a 23Church I Once Knew" at St Rita story headquarters building in 'Center, Marion, Thursday eve- New Haven, Conn., and in buildning; Nov. 4, at 7:30. This will be ing more than $2 billion of insurance in force for members. the first of four talks. Officers are elected annually by the Knights' board of direcCommittee Probes tors, chosen by delegates to the Knights' annual convention, held Day Labor Abuses WASHINGTON (NC)-Unem- this Summer in New York City. ployed Americans forced to find Only one of the board's 21 memwork on a day-to-day basis, are bers, a Canadian, was not reoften prevented from getting elected. Among others re-elected were full-time jobs by the agencies that sell their labor, a Congres- Charles J. Ducey of Hamden, sional committee was told here. Conn., to a sixth term as deputy Many companies sign con- supreme knight; Virgil C. Destracts promising not to hire full- chant of LaCrosse, Kan., to a time for a least 9 Odays any fifth term as supreme secretary; day laborer an agency sends Daniel L. McCormick of Maplethem, William Dendy told a wood, N. J., toa seventh term as U.S. House of Rerpresentatives suprem'e treasurer; Harold J. Lamboley of Monroe, Wis., to a subcommittee. "The 0I1ly way to lay to rest 19th term as supreme advocate; this insidious millstone from and ,Dr. John H. Griffin of around the neck of the day Hughesville, Md., to a sixth term laborer once and for all is to as supreme physician. legislate it out of existence," Bishop Charles P. Greco of said Dendy, representing a Alexandria, La., was re-elected group seeking better conditions to his 12th term as supreme for the laborers-Project Amos. chaplain.
River--Thurs. Oct. 28, 1971
Voices', Optimis.m ,For; New', P'lan
Publicity chairmen of parish or· ganizations 'are' asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, tall River
K of eRe-elect, Supreme Knight
01 Fall
WASHINGTON (NC)-Adopting a more open system of nominating bishops is going to be "a .tough nut to crack" but there is room for optimism, according to a canon lawyer. Father James H. Provost made the comment here after attending the annual convention of the Canon Law Society of America in Atlanta, where a plan was endorsed to involve more than just bishops in the naming of bishops. He is the CLSA's information officer. Father Provost said the plan has been forwarded to all U.S.
MODERATOR:' Rev. Barry W. Wall, assistant at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River has been appointed by Bishop Cronin to succeed Monsigpor Stanton as moderator of the Fall River Area Council of Catholic Nurses.
Cyprus Situation 'Still Dangerous' WASHINGTON (NC) - The situation on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, where hostilities between the Greek and, Turkish populations brought Gr'i!ece and Turkey to the brink of war in 1967, is "still dangerous," said a Franciscan priest who spent 17 years on the' island. The priest, 69-year-old Father Kevin Mooney, retired this year from his posts as' parish priest in Nicosia, the 'capital' of Cyprus, and representative there of the Latin-rite patriarch of Jerusalem and of the apostolic delegate in Jerusalem. ' Greek Cypriotes make up 79 per cent of, the population and Turkish Cypriotes 18 per cent. When the island became independent in 1960 after 82 years of British rule, the constitution provided for a Greek Cypriote president, a Turkish ,Cypriote vicepresiden.t, and a House of Representatives with 35 Greek Cypriote and 15 T~rkish Cypriote members. Dissatisfaction 'wiJh constitutional changes proposed by the President, Greek Orthodox Archb,ishop Makarios, fed to hostilities between Greek and Turkish Cypriotes in 1963 and a United Nations peace-keeping force was sent to the island in 1964. "There is no solution in sight," Father Mooney said. "Talks have been going on for over three years between representatives of the Greek and Turkish populations. While they have prevented an outbreak of violence, they have not achieved 'anything in the way of a settlement. !
"Credit' for peace is due in large measure to the presence of the UN force," said the priest, who saw the past fighting at close quarters. The church where he was pastor stands on the Green Line, the border between the Greek and Turkish sections of Nicosia, and in 1963 bullets whistled past the door.
Confidence Don't despair of a student if he has one clear idea. -Nathaniel Emmons
bishops and to interested clergy and lay groups. He sai~ it could be adopted by individual dioceses or approved by the U. S. hierarchy as a national policy. Essentially, the plan calls for an ll-member,committee in each diocese to review the needs of the diocese, the' qualifications needed in the next bishop, and possible candidates to fill the post. The recommendations of the committee would then be reveiwed by the priests' senate and forwarded to the local bishop.
Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? Now you can have a 'priest of your own'-and share forever in all the good' he does. . . . Throughout the Near East each year, grateful bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained by people like you .. , . Their own families are too poor to support them in training, 'but good Catholics in America 'adopted' these seminarians, encouraged them all the way to ordination.... In some inspiring cases, this support was given at personal sacrifice. . . . How carl you begin? Write to us now. We'll send you the name of a young seminarian who needs you, and he will write to you. Make the pay' ments for his training to suit your convenience ($15.00 a month, or $180 a year, or the total $1,080 all at once). Join your sacrifices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he will always remember who made it possible:.
Look at the nearest $10 bill. What is it actually worth? Only what it will buy. Today, it will hardly buy enough to feed a family for two days. In the Holy Land, it will feed a poor refugee family for an entire month. The Holy Father asks your help for the refugees, more than half of them children. Your money multiplies-as you give it away.
November is the month of the Holy Souls. Why not send us your Mass requests right now?, Simply list the intentions, and then you can rest assured the Masses will be offered by priests in India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receive 'no other income. . . . Remind us to send you information about Gregorian Masses, too. You can arrange now to have Gregorian Masses offered for yourself, or for another, after death. '
®""'"------------- -- CO Dear Monsignor Nolan:
Please NAME return coupon with your STREET offering, CITY THE CATHOLIC
NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840
THE ANCHOR-Dioc~se of Fall River~Th""rs. Oct. 28, .1971 :
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" . - .
. "
Depe.rsonQlizati.on People complain that they live in a depersonalized society. , They indicate that they are frustrated at being treated '. in the mass, as units on a chart, as figures ina percentage': r . Perhaps'this explains'in' some measure why the hippies yearn to break away from society; but, in the process, they so often merely move from one depersonalized segment of society to another. This explains, too,~why some people look with· longing at the commune where each individual attains importance simply because he is" one among . . just a few others. But the answer to the complaint of depersonalization begins within the individual. . If each person is aware of himself as a special creation of Almighty God; as a child of God and brother or sister . to Christ, as an heir of heaven, then he already has the reason for· his importance. AQd it is the real reason - not any wrong reasons like status or health or money that may carry a person along for a while ana then bring him to . ·collapse. Once a person is dWare of his individual importance in the view of God' and for the rest of mankind, then he can' also see the value of his thinking and speaking and acting. He can see where his life has valu~ even in its smallest. and most hidden implications. He can see that he can touch other people and influence 'al1d transform them. It is not done on a global scale, to be sure, but the . effect is nevertheless still real and valid. Then his attitude is not to flee society, not to cop out, . ,not to turn away from' the human race, but to transform it from within, beginning with himself and with those closest to him and around him. This is the leaven in the mass that Christ speaks of. It is the way ofthe Christian. ' .
Retirement and Contemplation
Mary Carson's Book .Continued from Page One but changed the lives of all the Carsons, Added to the impact of the accident was' the news the Carsons received on the heels of Ginny's siow recovery. They learned that their youngest daughter, Bobbie, was a Mongoloid. . "Somehow you .find courage when you must," said Carson, who heads his own public relations firm and is his wife's favorite editor. After coming out of the coma, Ginny. had to be taught to talk and walk again because brain damage had left her at a stage described by 'Mrs, Carson as "less than infancy:: She couldn't even focus her eyes," Mrs. Carson explained,
made, they're 95 per cent right," she added. The exhiliration accompanying each of Ginny's successes "was greater than anything imaginable," she continued, But, she attributed much of the success to her family's spirit and strong faith. "I believeChdst was very practical. I feel He still is, too," Mrs. Carson said. Since the aCCidtmt her other children have volunteered for projects _to help handicapped children. They have spent hours working with Ginny and Bobbie, the youngest child, "to help them achieve 'all that is possible," Mrs. Carson said.
is vacuumed. When there is an overriding 'problem, you do what's most ,'important at the time." '
ness conduct.,
Continued from Page One Neil Kluepfel, ,publisher, 23rd -Publications, New York' City, asked the delegates' to become physically involved in the learning experience as doers and not just teachers. Dr. Harper, speaking in the auditorium of the Deauville Hotel, noted that the youths of today "aren't interested in think- ' ing about religious truths but only want to experience the warmth and comfort of the human expression of their reality. But most interestingly for those of us who bear formal responsibility for their development, we've discovered that they hold us responsible for their' religious turmoil and claim that we have failed them." Mr. Kleupfel, in the auditorium of the Carillon Hotel spoke on two elements that are essential in the religious education, "ongoing parental education and earlier formal education programs." He also explored the reason children and adults have an innate "need to know." Comparing this drive to adult education, Mr., Kleupfel stated "need to know explains why our best efforts in adult education concern sacrament preparation programs. The big question is how we can create need to know situations for continuing adult education." Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, General Secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in his closing remarks for the opening session noted that "we live in an age of growth, change and wavering levels of polarity." He. stressed the shared responsibilities of bishops and religious 'educators in providing a faith understanding for human experience today.
A recent New York meeting on the problem of Retirement brought 'together presidents and board chairmen. of about sixty large corporations plus some university' presidents.' : 'And the group heard Dr. Harvey Cox discuss the pressures on modern man while he works and when- he retires Newspaper Starh!!d and heard him link present problems with a loss of the By Greek Orthodo~ contemplative spirit. . NEW YORK (NC) - Publica. The very forgetfulness of the Sabbath a;s a day of tion of a bi-weekly newspaper, abstinence frC?m physical activity has robbed a person of The Orthodox Observer, with a the contemplative spirit, of the 'time to' simply C?pen up bi-lingual Greek and English tabloid, format, was announced himself to the universe around him, a spiritual celebration. here by Greek Orthodox ArchThe 'absence of this has placed man into a manipulative bishop Iakovos of North and society, a joyless routine of ceaseless activity, so that maJ;l South America. World Justice has seized upon the world and,' now, the moon~ but hardly It will have a circulation of , Continued from Page One knows what to do with his success and, indeed, with himself. 200,000 and succeeds a monthly PersonaIColirage the need to find fresh ways of periodical of the same name A generation ago, Pope Pius XII pointed out that. one It was a difficult struggle for getting the Church's soCial teach- which had been published for of the great problems of the futJ,lre would be the use of 'the Carsons -'both 'emotionally ings across. He maintained that years. Takis J. Gazouleas, forleisllre. He, was prophetic in that it has taken large corpor- and financially-but "what can they have been' larg~ly ignored 37 mer editor of Atlantis monthly you accomplish by stopping," ations and educators until now to· discover that this ,probmagazine, will serve as executive Mrs. Carson said. "It took ~eter or are largely unknown. lem is upon society. It is the old problem of mim' reaching mination to live each day a little He accused international' busi- editor and general manager, ness corporations 'of operating aided by James B. Gouchell, asout to things and making giant strides in the field of tech- at a time." nology while forgetting that his greatest progr~ss must' be She guides thousands of read- in poor countries in an unjust sociate editor of the English secby" ",taking too, ,nuch and . tion, and Nicholas D. Iliopoulas. in the' realm of the person - the further discovery of who ers .through her weekly column, way leaving too little, crushing .local associate editor of the Greek "One Mother's View," syndicated he is and where he came from and why 'he is here and by 'NC Features and published competition and gafning monop- section. . where he is going. Archbishop Iakovos said the , in The Anchor, and hopes to oiistic power>' For deepei' appreciation of these basics of life, there share her pjlrsonal courage with He ,called for an international newspaper, which has been given must be the spirit of contemplation, of reflection. Man them in the new book-her first, authority "representing both an initial loan of $125,000 by the "When things are going well," capitalist and soCialist nations" archdiocese until it becomes must take the time to think. And then he will have' better self-sustaining ," is not going to knowledge of the present arid a 'deeper awareness the 37-year-old mother said, "it's to set up a review board to hear reflect my opin.ions" and will be important whether the table is complaints from poor countries of himself and the future. set properly or whether the rug and to draw up a code of. busi. "free to comment on anything
Have Confidence What was more important,' said the Carsons, was helping OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Ginny. "I firmly believe that a Published weekly by The Catholi~ Press of the Diocese;o{ Fall' Ri~er " tremendous amount more can be , 410 Highland Avenue . done tor handicapped and reFall River, Mass. 02722 675~7151 tarded children,if parents' have PUBLISHER' the confidence to work and push Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O.; S.T.D. for everything they can/' Mrs. GENERAL MANAGER ' ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Carson said. "As ,soon as parents stop be. Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Re-.;.,~C!I:1'1.P' Driscoll lieVing' 11tna-e .)prcigtes~tl canl '" 6e ~ ~.~I..~~••.?r..~r~s~-:;~i~(..,.RJV~!<r_7"""'..7' . ."!1'' 7'./ ;'~ ..: : :. -. ':: ~#";: ::-Z':::::=~:.:~=;-:.'+':-_-:".,,;':':-7'.:;.: • .:... I
Adult Education WASHINGTON (NC)-A new edition has been published of Focus '72, a "how-to-do-it" newsletter, for adult educators. The new edition replaces Focus ~70, also ,published by the United States Catholic Conference adult education division.. Dr. Lawrence 'Losoncy, adul,t education director, said the new edition describes working programs and learning niod~ls ,~ith, ~ .more .Illdepth approach:'~ .... ,." I . " • .
I do or the Church does." 1t will be "published for the Chur~h bU,t not by the Church." Publication office will be in the archdiocesan headquarters here.
Urge Vietnam Halt PARIS (NC) - The' secretary general of the World Council of Churches, Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, and Archbishop Helder Camara of ,Olinda and Recife, Brazil, are among sigDers of a newspaper advertisement calling on the United States' to make the. first move to h~lt ltpe:~afo',in Indochina.'
Bishop 'C·Walsh Backs Nixon China Policy
Freetown Graphologist Explains, Writing Reveals Character at SHA Book Fair
LOS ANGELES (NC)-Bishop James E. Walsh, released last year from a Chinese Communist prison, said here that establishing diplomatic relations with Communist China "is the only sensible thing to do." The 80-year-old Maryknoll . bishop had spent 40 year.s in China, 12 of them as a prisoner . of the Communist regime. "In principle," he said, "there should be communication between nations. We cannot ostra. cize each other. If we are to go around examining each others' credentials, who can- pass nius~ ter?" "The Chinese," he said in an interview with The. Tidings, Los Angeles archdiocesan newspaper, "have a natural genius for friendship and sociability. Establishing communications with them may help bring about a modification of the Chinese government's policies and perhaps eventually eyen be of some help to the Church." 'Sensible Thing' Asked if he supports President Nixon's move to establish U. S. relations with mainland China, he replied: "Of course. I think it's the only sensible thing to do." Bishop Walsh was here to concelebrate aMass on the silver jubilee of the episcopal ordination of Archbishop Timothy Manning of Los Angeles. Bishop Walsh, interviewed 'at the Maryknoll Fathers' house here in the central city, wore a wool cardigan sweater under his suit coat imd the same style Roman collar he wore 25 years ago. He seemed frail but his light. blue eyes were clear and bright, lighting with the animation and emphases of his conversation. "If the Chinese people ever
got the opportunity to assert themselves and were able to free themselves from the slavery of communism, they would welcome the missionaries back with open arms. 'Changed Externally' "I don't think there has been a change in the basic mentality of the older Chinese. They are just as good and just as friendly as they ever were. But they have changed externally to stay out of . jail, more restrained in manner, impelled by a desire to stay on the safe side and keep out of trouble." The bishop was free in China from 1948 to 1958, when he was jailed. He had been under Communist surveillance since 1951 but was free to move: about and so had opportunity for seven years to watch comn;lUnism establish itself. Bishop Walsh was imprisoned in Shanghai's British-built Ward Road Jail which, he said, held 20,000 prisoners. "During that time," he said, "I never saw any priest, bishop or foreigner - except my brother who was allowed to come and visit me." He said he had no news at all of Bishop Ignatius Kung of Shanghai, who was sentenced to life imprisonment. .,
..." ....
Write your name on a piece of paper. How you write it, where you place it on the paper, whether you' turn your paper horizontally or vertically, whether you fold the paper or leave it flat-all these things tell volumes about you. Furthermore, your penmanship reflects your basic character and personality traits, whether you hold a pen in your hand or tape it to your nose to write. , Authority for these fas~inating facts is Jean Caya Bancroft of East Freetown, who has been interested in graphology or the science of character discernment through handwriting' since her . student days at Salve, Regina College. After graduation she undertook serious study in the field and gradually, she explains, "the public made me make this a career." She spoke of her work at a WHAT WRITING REVEALS: Attendants at Sacred book fair held last week at Hearts Academy book fair ready samples of writing for Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, where the featured attrac- analysis by Jean Caya Bancroft (in checked suit). 'Her protion was her fast-moving lecture- gram explains how character is revealed by handwriting demonstration: "Right at Your and position of words on paper. Fingertips-You." Wrote Names She chuckled when asked if field, such as writers and reportBook fair attendants wrote she automatically analyzes the ers, usually write quite legibly, their names on a sheet of typing handwriting of every letter she and distinctive people almost inpaper. Those who used the top receives. "No more than a doc- variably have distinctive hand. of the paper, said Mrs. Bancroft, tor looks at someone and thinks. writing as part of their general were most likely conventional 'Bet he's got a gall bladder prob- "uniqueness." types "who write' on the top of lem,' " she said. Mrs. Bancroft is sometimes the paper because they were Actually, she noted, analysts called upon to help businesses taught to do that in school." Middle of the paper people are care very little about the content detect who among a group of "now types, interested in prac- of what is written. "I usually employes may have dishonest tical things," while those who look at the form of the letters leanings. She' thinks training in this sort of analysis would be chose the bottom of the paper much more than what they say," she. noted. Spacing, whether a particularly useful to credit and would tend to be materialists.. Independent types, she noted, person crowds his paper or personnel managers. At her Freetown home or in might turn the paper sideways to leaves ample margins, whether write, while the' conventional, writing is straight or crooked, !ill other locations she offers courses again, would use it vertically, as are important clues to a graphol- in various aspects of handwriting analysis, and she will also in school days. If you folded ogist. "If your writing takes a lot of analyze samples of writing sent your paper or turned it over, that indicated you were, the se- room, you probably encroach on to her, with her services ranging your husband's side of the from a quick "for fun" reading cretive type. Participants wrote a few clothes closet," elucidated Mrs. to an in-depth comparative study words on the paper in· addition Bancroft. "In general, you'll take of an entire family group. to their signatures and this too up a lot of space in your life." Those Circles revealed much about them, as . More Independent Discussing youngsters, she Mrs. Bancroft demonstrated in Asked about Palmer method instant analyses of several sam-' handwriting, almost universally noted that today's 12 year olds pIes from the audience. taught in Catholic schools, Mrs. are like "kids of 16 five years She is a follower of the Bancroft noted tQat Catholic lay- ago, and their handwriting re"gestalt" school of graphology, women tend to hang onto flects this." She said that dotwhich holds that the sheet of Palmer in later life. "As a group, ting i's with a circle, an almost paper on which a person writes they tend to follow the rules- universal teen-age trait, can be is in a sense his world. "Your and also to have migraine head- a "sign of dramatic ability and artist'ic flair-also a manifestawriting. is you putting yourself aches," she said. tion of shyness." into your woi'ld," said Mrs. BanBy contrast, she said, Sisters, croft. Handwriting that mingles even though they teach Palmer Not Fortune Teller metpod and have a perfect class- printing and writing is an indiShe decried those who regard room hand, often have a "pri- .cation of versatility, she said, handwriting analysis as a fortune vate" penmanship that expresses while someone who clings to telling device. "It's a diagnostic much more independence and printing alone may have special tool," she said, "and can be very originality. And non-Catholics, ability in mathematics or science. useful to people such as teachers she noted, are "more indepenWhat about someone who and businessmen." dent writers" than Catholics, al- can't read his own writing? That, 'reachers, ,she said, can learn though Catholic men, brought up said Mrs. Bancroft, may mean to spot traits such as immaturity in a culture that doesn't expect that he's a McLuhan type, more or proneness to such characteris- beautiful handwriting from the concerned with the medium than tics to dishonesty or drug abuse male, usually shuck Palmer the message. Or he may be dein handwriting, while a business- method early in life. liberately trying to forget what man who might ~articularly need he's written. Like a reminder to Doctors' Writing discretion in his secretary would visit the dentist, or that it's time Inevitably, she was asked why to pay taxes. be well advised to check her handwriting for evidence as to . doctors have such illegible handwhether she possesses this qual- writing. "People who are more concerned with ideas than with ity. . "If I were employing someone, communicating those ideas tend I'd certainly want to check his to write illegibly," she said. "I ONE STOP or her handwriting," said Mrs. know a doctor who is a brilliant SHOPPING CENTER' Bancroft. She noted that, as with diagnostician, but tends to say • Television • Grocery' doctors, it's hard for grapholo- nothing but 'Yes' and 'No' to his • Appliances • Furniture gists to be objective about the patients. His writing reflects writing of those close to them. this." 104 Allen St., New BedfolJ'd "I'd get an outside opinion in On the other hand, she said, 997-9354 such a case," sher'~ll:ic;l\,/, ..,' . J?'~o~~~, i~.?:;tp~ 1,fo~~mmi~~~iqn.s
'Thu~s., Oct. 28, '1971
Catholic' Weekly lFacingCrisis FRANKFURT (NC)-Publik, a Catholic weekly established here three years ago with the financial support of the German bishops, is facing a financial crisis. Despite an investment of some $7 million, the paper, which was meant to set a new course in German Catholic journalism, has failed to attract a large readership. Its circulatiQ.n is about 95,000 and there are only 9,000 regular subscribers - less than the minimum considered necessary for survival. , Moreover, editor Alois Schardt a Munich television director on leave of absence from that job, and his staff have adopted policies that are arousing growing opposition, particularly from the bishops . of the traditionalIy Catholic Rhine-Ruhr region. Most German Catholics still seem to prefer the more sedate style and makeup of the diocesan press, whose publishers feel that the money diverted by the bishops to Publik might more profitably be given to their papers so they can compete with mass-circulation general press. Catholic publications like the Rheinischke Merkur of Cologne and the Deutsche Tagespost of Wuerzburg are struggling to survive, although they are more representative of Catholic opinion than Publik, which appeals mainly to the intelligentsia. Several bishops have pleaded for press policies more in keeping with predominant Catholic trends.
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THE ANCHOR:""Diocese of Fall River....::.Tkurs;'Oct.28; 1971
Film Rating Code Major problem
Cha,rity, 'B,~II'~ Pto~e$ P,lace To' Vi,ew' Gla,m1or', Fashi,ons Quite ,often at this, time '9f year you find yourself attending so many social functions, that one affair runs into another and none really stands out in your mind. I honestly can't say that/about a ball I attended the other evening
for our area Boys' Clt!b. The
girls who worked so hard sleeves and r~man;tic look of the on the dance did so because dress made it as lovely as it was , 'practical. they know that such an or~ White Lace
ganization ,provides recreation for many needy boys and they really give it their all, but this time they outdid themselves. The
Elegant white lace was worn by 'one of the loveliest and most vivacious women in Ui'e area, ~rs. Joseph McGrady of Holy Name parish in Fall River. Rita's dress was re~lly a two-piece pant outfit with a long lace beaded By tunic- top and a pleated, sheer bottom that floated above her: s~ndals. Cuffed full sleeves and , MARILYN a high stand up collar added to her look of, high, styling. RODERICK St. "Joseph's:p~rish of Fall River was well' represented fashion-wise by' -blonde, 'slender music' was great (no.. fla!?ping Mrs. George Darmody who wore lights or weird sounds, just good a long dark brown; chiffon dress dance music), the decorations set off _'with white' embroidery worthy of' a "Park Avenue deco- , 'on ,sleeves and' bodice. Herslenrator, and the gowns~ as lovely as ' der VJaistiine w'asaccented with any that would grace' Ii party 'of a white sash that tied, 'in a bow in the back " :" , the BP's (beautiful people): Another member of St. Joseph's The decorating chairman· Mrs. parish,Mrs. ·Jack Mercer, looked' Henry Pankowski, a striking: as attr~ctive as' usual with -her, brunette, wore a fashionable' reddish hair set off by a gown black background, gypsyish print " :that had a soft swinging skirt of hot pant dress that featured a red, gold and black brocade , mandarin neckline, frog neckline a-twinkle with jewels and a longclosing and a deep slash up the sleeved soft ch~llis' bodice front of the full skirt. The entopped by ,a cowled neckline. semble was trimmed with a red Betty wore black accessories. 'border 'print, A member of St. Puckered black nylon topped Demetrios, Greek Orthodox , the' gown of Mrs.' Edward MaChurch, Mrs. Pankowski acceschado of St. John of God Church s6rized this eye-catching outfit with black faille strapped san- in $omerset, setting off Rose's' dark hair. Geometric designs in, dals and black accessories. shades of orchid and plum Another committee member, floated over the full, full skirt of Mrs. Henry Noga of Notre' Dame this unusual print. parish in Fall River, looked r!=!gal, All in all, 'it was a fashion , ,in an Oriental syUed sheath of decorated evening that went to - electric blue. Simple':but sleek" prove, that the jet set has no Paulin'e's gown was, split llP both monopply on :style. , sides, giving just a glimp~e 'of 'gold sandals matching the gold Greek design trimming the neck- Eastern:Rite Bishops line and slit of the' gown. ' Mrs,.James McCarthy, general Plan Conference , chairman, wore an original gown' , ROME (NC).,....The second In-, created by her dressmaker in territual Conference of Eastern , soft sh~des of blues and greens. Catholic Churches will be held, Louise, a member of Immaculate in Rome after the Synod of BishConception parish in' Fall River,' ops, expected to end by Novemhad chosen a polyester fabric, as ·ber. ' Eastern-rite bishops partipat-' practical, as it waS, lovely, .but the full skirt" softly . tapered ing in' the synod will attend the 'conference. . The first conference was called Opposition to Prayer Oct. 20, 1969, by Ukrainian-rite Amendment Mounts Cardinal Joseph Slijyi of Lvov, in the Soviet Union, who now WASHINGTON (NC)-A bi- resides in Rome. At that meetpartisan group of U.S. Repre-' sentatives has formed a commit-, tee to fight a propose~ constitu- diocese of Winnipeg, Manitoba, tional amendment to allow pray- was elected conference secreer in public schools. tary. ' In letters to all fellow House North American Eastern-rite, members, the committee' urged bishops expected to attend the that the 'proposed amendment the conference are Archbishop be defeated because it "would - Hermaniuk, Archbishop Ambroalter the first Amendment to the • zij Senyshyn of the UkrainianBill of Rights for the first time rite archdiocese of Philadelphia in our history." and Archbishop Stephen- J. Religious groups opposing the Kocisko of the Ruthenian-rite amendment include the United archdiocese of Munhall Pa. Methodist Board of Christian So" ' cial Concerns and the American ' . Lutheran. Cb~rch, Lutheran Yard Sale . Church-MISSOUrI Synod and LuSt. Catherine's Fund Raising theran Ch.ur~h in A~eri~a. .Co~mittee, Fall River, is sponThe natIOn s CatholIc bishops sormg a yard sale from 10 to 5'
, INSTALL NEW REGENT: Mrs. Doris Kawa, new regerit of the Daughters of Isabella, Hyacinth Circle, New Bedford is joined by Mrs. Kathryn Hesford, outgoing regent, following installation ceremonies held on Sunday..
HOLLYWOOD (NC) - The president of the Motion Picture Association of America does not think the public should be, con.sulted about film ratings Qecause it's too difficult to get people to agree on anything.' Jack Valenti, the association leader, told newsmen here that the only problem with the embattled code is that it is under heavy fire. As a guide to movie-goers, the system rates films according to general patronage (G), general patronage with parental supervision (GP), mature audiences (M), minors accompanied by parent or guardian (R), and minors restricted (X). "The code is a major 'problemin the industry because all the trade papers write about-and nobody ever praises-the rating, system," Valenti said. "As a're· sult,the code is under heavy fire. My judgment is that we're working' it 'out." Four months ago, the National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures and the National Council of Churches' Broadcasting and Film Commission withdrew their support, from the MPAA rating system, because, they said, it is unreiiable and "worse than useless."
Ecumenical Supplement To 'Mark Anniversary
-Barb'ara,' Ward
ORLANDO (NC) - An' ecumenically planned, edited and marketed supplement will mark the beginning of the Florida VATICAN CITY (NC) ~ The been cut and -'new obstacles Catholic's 33rd year of publishing on Oct. 29. first womliln to', address, the placed in the way of exports, The effoit, a 3i-page tabloid Church's Synod of Bishops, Brit- from developing lands." insert in the diocesan newspaper, Miss Ward, 'who is known t6 'ish economist, Barbara' Ward; is being co-sponsored, by the urged the 'synod to rally citizens be suffering from a very serious newspaper and the Florida Counof rich nations to help .the illness, cited two other reasons cil of Churches. why prospects for basic interworld's poor nations. "This venture has already pronational justice are wors~ning. The synod should "call on all, duced wonderful results-and it She said that social, cultural isn't even on :the press yet," Catholic citizens in developed lands to join with their fellow, and economic development of said Harry Libersat, managing Christians and, with all men of poorer nations is more difficult editor of the Florida Catholic. faith to demand a permanent" to achieve today than a century "The Episcopal diocese of South Florida, for example praised this commitment by governments to ago. The first element she cited in special edition as breakthrough." the large transfers of resources and lasting openings for trade, this new problem is population Libersat said that the supplement will increase the diocesan ,without which development will growth. With the population growing newspaper's paid circulation for not 'succeed," said Miss Ward, as fast as it had been, the special edition by nearly twice who is often known under her: married name of Lady Jackson. she pointed out, the labor force 20,000. (Barbara Ward's weekly column: ' grows' twice as fast.. This, coupThe Progress of Peoples,.is syn- .led with agricultural mechanizadicated by NC News Service and tion, means a giant exodus to the cities in search of employ~s published in The Anchor.) ment in industry. Earlier in her speech Oct. 20 ' But in, the poorer countries, before the synod, Miss Ward had· industry, tends to require more rapped the .worId's rich nations 'and more ,capital (which the for seeking to solve their curpoorer nations 'lack) and less rency' crisis without considering , and less labor (which the poorthe floorer nations. ' er nations have in surplus). Thus "Over' the last three months foreign domination and local unSouth • Sea Streets we have seen the financial' lead- employment grow apace, and the 'ers of the' developed worid dis- poorer nations are prey to povHyannis Tel. 49·81 cuss the future of the whole re- erty and foreign dominations. , gime of international trade with barely a mention of the twothirds 'of humanity in developing ~, lariqs, who depend on it for any hope, of further advance.
First Woman to Address, Synod Urges Rich ~ations He'lp Poor,.
"In -America, aid has actually :...;:I
~. I~OrrIS ~
H. Tripp ~
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INDUS~~~'MERCIAl ~ ~~~
ALL RIY,~~! ~J~~~•• "~ ..,,,~=~===~==~==~~=====~~=~=~~
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River..,..Thurs. Oct. ,28, 1971
Hie Jests at Sc,ars Who N,ever Felt a WOlu,nd
Shirley Jackson is going to have an abortion. Shirley wants to have her baby very much. It would be hers . . . all hers . . . Shirley never had much she could says was hers. But Shirley is going to have an abortion, because there's no room in her home for anoth- derstand Shirley's kind of poverty. They say they, too, were er baby. Shirley Jackson is poor. Have you heard their black. She doesn't have a story? It goes like this:
husband, but then she never had a father either, so not having a husband doesn't really bother her ... Shirley is only 32 but looks .20 years older. She has six other
"Well, we were poor when I was a kid. We had to struggle. My father worked 16 hours a day. My mother took in washing. The kids in the family all did odd jobs. I used to lug groceries when I was eight years old, and if I got a nickel, I thought I was rich. We all worked together, and saved until we made a better life for ourselves." That story is often, righteously repeated. The difference is that there was a father setting the example. The mother worked with him. There was a bond of unity and love in the family. Who Will Save?
children. And they all live in a three room tenement apartment in a large city ghetto. The plumbing is faulty, the refrigerator is about to give up. There is rarely any hot water, and very little heat in the Winter. Twice a month Shirley gets a welfare check to support her family. But she is not a very good manager and the money doesn't bring the nutritional value that it should. Besides, the prices are very high at the corner grocery ... and Shirley' can't get to any other place to shop. Sickness, malnutrition, emotional disturbance and despair share Shirley's three room tenement. Why, Why, Why? Why did she let herself get into such a situation? Why did she have all those children? Why didn't she do more with her life? Why didn't she? Why didn't she? Why didn't she? Why is she the way she is? She was raised in poverty, as were her parents, grandparents, and their parents before. They never knew any success, any comfort, any self-confidence or feeling of accomplishment~ . There are ,many who don't un-
R I" " xperts on e Iglon, Communism to Meet
LONDON (NC)-A meeting of experts on religion in Communist countries is being organized by the Center for the Study of Religion and Communism. The exact date of the meeting was not set..The center, founded by John Lawrence, an Anglican, studies and analyzes. a wide range of internationai newspapers, tiooks and other publications to appraise how the various communist regimes are be~ having toward organized religion. The center's director is Anglican Father Michael Bourdeaux. Among its patrons are Anglican Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, Roman Catholic Cardinal Franz Koenig of Vienna, Britain's chief rabbi, Louis Jakobovits; and President Willia~ Tol~ert of Liberia. :
Having nothing all her life, Shirley's one deep desire was to have something. And when she "came of age" the one thing she could have, one thing to call her own, was a chlid. She had never known "family," "home," "security." And if' she had never known them, how could she learn them? So she had a. child when she and another ... was only 15 and another 'and ·.another. These were the only riches she she could amass. But she didn't have the knowledge or· experience to handle her riches, and she followed in the footsteps of the exampie of the generations that had been her forebears. But now there is no room for the baby Shirley is carrying. There are people who actively oppose legalized abortion,. but they won't be able to save Shirley's baby. Shirley doesn't have $150 to pay for a legal abortion. Her baby will die in the kitchen of a woman on the block who knows how to do such things. It will" cost Shirley only $25 ... and maybe her life. Who will save Shirley'sbi:lby?
ADULT EDUCATION IN ATTLEBORO AREA: Among the ten assistant pastors in Attleboro Area conducting Wednesday nigh t courses in six parishes on a rotating basis is Rev. ~orman Boulet, assistant at St. Joseph's, Attleboro who is discussing the "Bible: What is it Really Saying?" with a ~roup at St. Mary's. Norton.
,A:'B.O.UT, ClE,AN' ,AIR
Anti-War Advocates Charge Manipulation
PIITSBURGH (NC) - "We've been manipulated throughout the whole process," said Father Neil McLaughlin, one of eight antiwar· activists accused of conspiring to kidnap presidential aide Henry Kissinger and to blow up underground heating systems in . Washington. He spoke at a news conference· here after {J. S. District Judge R. Dixon Herman in Harrisburg, Pa. set Jan. 10 as the tentative date for the beginning of the trial of the eight, who include Josephite Father Philip Berrigan. "We did not do what they accused us of," Father McLaughlin said. "We do not deny our opposition (to the war), but. we did not do these things." Also at the news conference were three other defendants in the case: Sister Elizabeth McAlister, 'an instructor at Marymount College, Tarrytown, N.Y.; Father Joseph Wenderoth, a Baltimore priest; and·John T. Glick. ;.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaIFRJver--Thurs; 'dcf.28; 1'971 ,
·,;,·:";I:nt'ro~duc:eReyised·· L'itu'rgical
Rite", of>'Funerals
... REV. KEV!N F. TRIPp·
(sudden, following a prolonged defined, ritual is a display before deacon to, (lffer his reflection. Oil vice 'is not compulsory. Other apillness, an accident, etc.); the airmen, in sacramental symbol, the occasion' 'through ·a brief propriate prayers, including :the circumstances of the deceased the resonance, similiarity' and. homily. This wake service also Rosary may also be recited on Divine Worship Commission (his place in ,society'- parent, common power that· invests the helps to prepare the community the occasion of the wake. Here civic leader, church leader; his work of Jesus and the. work of for the Eucharistic celeBration is one opportunity to involve Introductio'n age. etc.); the survivors (are the disCiple. Ritual' is powerful which will follow ordinarily.. It members of the community, esM,<,>.dern technology, especially there:any? etc,); the locale of the and' effective. It expresses what should be noted that a Bible 'ser- pecially the family. medical science,' has given man funeral stations' etc.. There are lies within us, but also shapes new insight,~new E1-xperiencei, and .: ~lso the .. peopie involved. It us iI) return. The ritual symbols . ·indeed .new expectations' about '. should be noted that members of, 'us'ed 'at Christian funerals are all life. These' r'esults of sophlsti· .the Christian community surviv~ reflective of baptism, or that occated scientific development ing the. deceased person are casion when we took on new often have' l!nforttinate conse-' those 'primarily concerned here. life. These symbols .include the quences"wh~n m~m is faced with The liturgical expression of the :Word of God, ,the Eucharist, the the real~ty;of-:death; Many men funeral will be an attempt .to ex· Paschal Candle, the pall, and the' ,ca~n~t' cope with the reality of press' what the Christian com- color used for liturgical garments. - - death today .because 'it somehow munity believes about the de· During. the deliberations of the 'seems to Qe a failure of life; in ceased. Factors to' be considered some 'way technology has failed· about· the, community include: Second Vatican Council, the de: and this man died' as a result. grief (loss), "hope; fear, belief, cision was ma~e to revise .the For many people, ,~herefore, the their relationship to the deceased rite for funerals so that it would reality of d,eath is' a puzzling and new responsibility to be un. evidence '. more', clearly tIie pasand ch~llenging' scientific prob· dertakeil by them as a result of chal 'character of Christian death .(Constitution qn the Liturgy, ·:'lem. " the death of.thedeceased. No. 81). In 1965, therefore this Approaching the reality of.' , When t~e Cliristian commuwork was undertaken. After four death as a "problem·to-be solved'~ • -nity , .at. the time of the years of work, including experiis at once a constantly and frus- -death of one of its' members, the mentation and evaluation, Pope trating and totillly,' inadequate" primary charact~ristic .evident VI promulgated the new Paul way 'for the Cht:istian person.'·, should be their support. Commu~ rite in August, 1969. The work Jesus, Christ, . in his passion, nitysupport of a person is a of translation, adaptation and death and resurrection, has given basic' human n,eed' as. 'well as a approval now. being completed, a new dimension to' life; He has fundamental Christian characterBishop Cronin has instructed given all men the possibility of . tic. This support takes many that the rite be used everywhere eternal life. Christian man joins forms: personal presence (at in the Fall River Diocese by with the scientific man; therefore, . times even non-verbal), assuming' November 1, 197i. in 10ngi':1K for more, life (In. certain tasks,'. being present or 10:10). Christian mankno-ws available' for ritual expressions, Preparation however, that fullness of life . telling the immediate survivors WAKE SERVICE: Members of the laity become incomes not in the human mode of of one's concern, etc. This charIn order that the funeral liturvolved with the priest in the reaqings. . , .. ..... ' existence but in the full life of acteristic support needs to be ex- gy be the clearest expression not the Spirit (Rom. 8); For Christian . perienced. not only at the imme. only of the situation of the deFuneral, Mass man, therefor:e, death is a'mys-- diilte time of the death and .' ceased, but also of the belief of , ~he' deceased and the community St. Cyprian wrote that' the . of survivors (In. 6:51-58) and a tery, not a problem. We 'know' funeral, but for some time after- the Christian community surviv. that scientific man, through his ward, while the family or sur- ing, it is appropriate that· a Eucharist is the home of the unity among the survivors theminv.estigation and experimenta~ yivors have to work o!Jt their significant amount of time be Christian. To· it· he comes for selves left now to hope !Qr the tion will come to learn more and anxieties and grief..One very im- spent i!l the planning .of the 'live out his, Christian salvation that' their belov¢d' is more 'about' the' nature of life.' portant way in which the Chris- funeral. Those involved' in' this 'life, and, ftom it he goes to experiencing (Rom.· 8). It ill at the We also know just as' well, .how- ,tian shows his concern and sup- planning session would include spread the. Good News of Christ. Mass also, that the Christian ever, that there wili always be port for grieving persons is t9 be appropriate members of the fam- It is most fitting, therefore, that proclaims the death of the Lord unanswered questions about life . present and participate in the ily, the parish' priest (the priest the Mass should be the central until' he comes; he celebrates and death; this is why death for funeral liturgy. who will celebrate' the funeral act of the Christian Funeral Rite. . fully the paschal mystery of the At Mass a .real unity is brOUght Lord. ' the Christian-is ultimately a Antpropologists, ,teU' us tpat. would be preferable) and the mystery. Our faith teaches us,' ritual is a very important part of ' funeral director. There .are very about;: a unity among Chril?t, ·.,Tum to Page Eleven·.·, o~ 'the Word of God, 'that if we man's,life pattern. It 'helps man many options concerning many die believing in the' Lord, ;w~ :to:maintain an equilibrium in his elements of the liturgy, It is imshall have this fullness ,iife delicate and often pressure-filled portant that'~hefamily select the , , '(In. 11). ',' ' ' l i f e . At ,the time of death, espe- options ayail~ble, a.nd, ,for the " ,', ';T<p~occa~io'n' of,- Q:1e ;deai,h cif, >ei~ny wh: n ' th! qU~,st,~~p~_.i;t, ._ ~?,o~ .0~der.9f: the .litur~,,. all iIl:~, . , .. ·C'hr:'. - ~' " . , . . :',ralses because", of' the' circum"'-' 'volvedcJ.>,e ~aware, ,of the,~<;b9l?en '-" many fac- . stances are partI~ularly " . l't; ;. ''':, .. 'a·, ,_'" IstIan-: . ,Involves . . . ,~, Incom. pa rt s .we11" 10 a'd.vance o.'f th e,I " , tors. TheI:e I~ the SituatIOn Itself: .. prehensible, ritual can give in- urgy ,Itself. ,OptIOns available .10-, the circumstanCes of Ui~ death sight into the situation. Basically' clude color of, vestments, ~.r~~d··, : , ings, prayers, involvement', of, ' 'family or others:as'readers:'bear~, ' .ersof· gifts, etc" use of symbols, ~ etc. This pllirining'session shOuld, -therefore, be thorough and_ done :in advance of the liturgy -so that . the ritual can have. its meaning· ful and' powerful effect. on the community, .Litur~ical Consultant to Diocesiln
Wake Service
PREPARATION: Rev. Thomas L. Rita, as'sistant at St. M~ry'~. ~ari~~,. M~nsfield, ~xemplifies the preparatory meeting with the f~mily to, plan the funeraJ~'.-
One of the most appropriate ways in wh!ch the Christian community demonstrates its support and concern for the de-, .. ceased is ,to, pray for him. A primary source of prayer for the '. Christ~an. is the Scripture. There" 'fore,', it is: very appropriate for thecorimiuriity -to: gather. some- . tim,e prior ,to' ,the· Eucharistic celebration, and' pray for"the deceased. The suggested form for this, prayer se~ice, according to . the new rite, is a 'Liturgy of the - Word. The-Word of God, read in the' presence:· of the, community, and refleCted on by those pres· ent, is a source 'ofpowerful consolation at tlie time of death: There should be some kind of FUNERAL MASS: Celebrant of the Mass stresses community response to the , Word-either recited or sung. It symbols of' new baptismal life at the .entrance . to the .. ·· '. ",',', . is also'appropHaie'for'apriest ot'\' Church...·:.:.:.', .- .. '('.' '-""'1,;:;,1.,1,
• THE ANCHQR-Diocese of Fall River-T·hurS. Oct. 28, 1'971
November 1st
Implementation· .Date for Di:ocese Other signs. of the Lord's presence and concern for the community are also used: the Word of God; the Eucharist; the· exchange of peace, a visible sign of the community's mutual concern on this occasion; and incense, a traditional symbol of
the presence of God. Appropriate ceeds as usual. At the end of the persons should also be involved Mass, special prayers are said, as ministers at the Eucharist: com'mending the deceased to the acolytes, readers, J)earers of the merciful care of the Lord. Fol- ' body, bearers of gifts, etc. Fol- , lowing this final commendation lowing the greeting and blessing and farewell (formerly called of the body and the placement "absolution"), the procession of the pall, the Eucharist pro- goes to the cemetery.
Cemetery Service Speaks of Hope for the Bereaved' It is at the grave that the community. often confronts the stark reality of the loss of the person. This part of the funeral should, therefore, by its prayers and readings speak' to. the needs of the people gathered at the grave. It is appropriate to hear the Word of God again, It is also ap-
propriate for the community to gather into general intercessions some of its prayers and hopes concerning this situation. The priest, in turn, prays that the deceased might enjoy the fulness of life, and that those who survive may prepare for the day on which their lives will be radically
transformed by the experience of death. Having heard the Word and been strengthened by.. the prayer of the community, the community departs-to continue their attempts to be good messengers of the Gospel, and to try to understand better the message of God contained in the death of their beloved.
WHITE PALL ON CASKET: Presentation of gifts before the pall-covered casket. Continued from Page Ten The Funeral Mass should bring out as clearly a~, possible the paschal and hopeful character of the occasion of Christian death. Its signs and symbols are very important here: the color of the garments, the readings, the music; in general, the attitude created at the Mass often is the most lasting for the community. At the Funeral Mass many sym-
boIs of new baptismal life are used: holy water, recalling the baptism itself; the paschal' candle, recalling the baptismal prayer 'that,' as a result of a light-filled life the newly bap.tized may meet Christ with all the saints; the white pall, bringing to mind the baptismal garment, an outward sign of Christian dignity; and the prayer that this dignity would be brought unstained to everlasting life.
GATHERING AFTER FUNERAL: Support and concern community for the family at their loss of loved one. Gathering After F~eral It is very important that the copcern of the commqnity not stop at the cemetery. While the ritual burial is now over, the concern and support of the community must be carried over into every day life. It is certainly'appropriate, therefore, that the community gather after the funeral· ritual 'for some kind of collation. While the occasion of death for the Christian will always be difficult and hard to understand, the concern and support 'of the community of believers will be an essential factor not only in assisting the immediate survi\:ors . to work through the situation, .but also to express to all men the faith of this particular community in the Word of God, in' his message of life everlasting. In order that this expression of faith be a clear sign to all men, certain important component factors must be always taken into consideration. If the funeral CEMETERY SERVICE: The prayers recited by the liturgy is poorly planned or not priest at the grave elicit intercessions of hope for the planned at all,. then the ,circumstances of the ~i'tu~t~on :and bereavedfatpl~Y. I.
the people involved will not be experience not only the loss of -a beloved person, but also the reflected. . The new funeral rite is purpose- continuing presence of God who ly flexible in order to be able .to by his love calls his beloved to respond to the needs of each life 'with him (Mt. 25). Hopefully, particular occasion of death. One therefore, the new rite for of the basic characteristics of . funerals will help the community ritual' is that it must be congruto express .this faith in the ent, or appropriate for the community and the situation. In the resurrection more clearly. past we have not taken into account sufficiently these "human Credits: dimensions" of the liturgy. However, through experience, and Church: St. Mary's, Mansthe assistance of the behavioral field. sciences, we have learned that these dimensions are extremely . Pastor: Rev. John T. Higimportant if the particular litur- gins. gy. ls goirig to be a real expression of the faith of the particUlar L. Priest: The Thomas Rita, Assistant Pastor. community. .The death of each member of Funeral directors: William the' Christian community is a A. Jackson & Sons Funeral real opportunity. It is obviously Home, Mansfield; The Rober,t an opportunity for the person Kane Funeral Home, Easton. ) who experiences death, since at Participants: Mrs. Orlando that time our Father in heaven Souza, Mrs. Betty Souza, Bart comes and personally invites the Jackson, Mrs. Anne Chambers, Christian to share the fulness Francis X. Faria, Robert Kane, of life in God. It is also an op- Laurence Thomas Jackson" po:rtunity for:t~e~ com'munity to Jackson.
• 1.2
Cardina'i Krol PI~ns CQmmittee To Determine- Schools' Future
TH~ ANCHqR-,~ioc~se of Fall River-Thu,rs. Oct., 28,.197,1-
Halloween Shouldn't 'Turn ',Into Christmas, S.ub'·$;'ti·tu·te· .
PHILADELPHIA '(NC) - CarThey said invitations were bedinal John Krol of Philadelphia ing sent to prospective commithas appointed an insurance,com- tee members, whose names pany execu'tive to lead a new ad- would be made public upon their , visory committee of community acceptance. Cardinal Krol and Gurash, leaders in determining the future of Philadelphia archdiocesan board chairman of Insurance Company of North America, em· schools. In joint statement the cardi- phasized that the committee will nal and his new appointee, John not deal with fund-raising and ' T. Gurash, cited ,the plight of that it will not get involved in Catholic schools as "unique in any way with governmental' aid; its dimensions and ps;>tentially legislative action or parish aid. disastrous in its impact on the The function of the committee community as a whole." was described as three-fold: The problem is not just a CathTo obtain objective, factual olic one "but a dilemma' of our data on the role that the parototal society, and all Americans chial schools have filled as part ....:...of every faith or none--have a of the total educational system, stake in its solution," they said. in the economic and social devel-. The cardinal explained that for opment of the metropolitan area. this reason the committee led by To make the data available to Gurash, a Catholic. will "include civic leaders, influential persons persons of many other faiths" in the labor movement, business and will represen~, all segm~nts executives, foundations, and of the community. , other organizations. "Those who will be asked to To take the lead in opening participate will include blacks a dialogue wherein Catholic and and whites, women and men, non-Catholic alike can contribute labor leaders and business exec- ideas toward the solution of a utives, and persons who 'have . problem that the entire commudistinguished themselves' by their 'nity shares. leadership in civic activities and The committee is 'expected 'to other areas of life," the cardinal complete its work and report. to' . and Gurash said in their state- Cardinal Krol by the 'end of the ment. year. according to the statement.
It's early October as write this', and, I expect the kids to start bringing ho'me the'Hililoween goodies any day. now. It usually starts about ·this time,ithe great Secular holiday, the holiday' Safe, the 'holiday}ree from any taint of Church, State and/or ' ,': ' meaning. In fact, Halloween which has 'beeri building up and is so safe that it couldn;t be they' are rellevedwheri the night oJ iooting cofnes 'to 'a close. more perfect for .the groMost disturbiI,lg,is the meaningtesque observances surrounding lessn~ss of' it.; all. Never once, in , it in 'our schools today.~ I don't all':this frenzy', of orange and mind the kids having a bit of re-' black does'·anyone' begin to: teach . lief from their lessons, believe the ,children',tile history a!1d evo- , lution of Halloween. I wonder"if the reason is that once we really . I SEMI - FINALIST: Miss understand the meaning, we can Patricia Downey, daughter hardly find it a polid~y worth of Dr~ and Mrs. William S. By celebrating, for 3~ ~ays. . '," .,'\. Down~y,Jr., of Mattapoisett, . If we nee~ .such a holiday 10 . a ,member of the class of DOLORES the Fall and If the h<;>ly ~mes are. ' '. . ..,100 threa,tening to our culture, 1972 at BIS,hOP Stan~. HIgh CURRAN , then let's go to. a Fall festival '. School, has been notifIed of kind'of thing similar to October~ .her standing as a semi-finalfest in Germany or t!'legreat· ist in the National Merit harvest' ',festivllis . of ~isto~.,. Scholarship· Program: Miss These can be, observed 10 theIr '.. . " . '. . me, but when they begi.n singing ,'own ways and ~ith meaning. Downey IS no~ a freshman Pumpkin', Carols ("Deck 'the " . ' ··.·Try· Thanksgiving at M.l.T. haVlrtg graduated patch with orange and black,· Fa . "Or', we can', take 'Thanksgiving, from the No. Dartmouth rela la la la" and "Dashing thru' a holi,day ~hich, is free of anygional'high school at the the streets, in . costumes bright one church's' origin and build a' completion of her thIrd year. and gay,") and decorating Hal- ,Seas,on,around that. As it is now, . loween trees and having Hallow- Thanksgiving is lost in • the een parties just because Christ- squee~e betW!:ieriHa1l6weeri and , mas is religioiJs, then it's time to . Christmas. '. ". . . ' ' . consid~r the festivity in perspecAfter thin~ing ab04t:.this for tive. ' a few years,' I was IMased to VATICAN, CITY (NC) - A As I see it, Halloween is taking hear from a reader who felt' the the place of Christmas in\ our same way. "Imagine my confu- spokesman for the U. S. bishops schools simply because Christ-, sion," she wrote, '''at seeing a told the 1971 Synod of Bishops mas is religious, therefore scary. large' display of pumpkins in that the 'Catholic Church in the Granted, Halloween was also re- front of a line of decorated ." United States has a duty to Iigious way-back-when, but Christmas trees in a 'nursery , "seek democratically a reordereveryone seems pretty relieved store which was selling Spring ing of our national priorit!es." to forget the meaning of it all. bulbs." She went on to suggest Such an atte!Dpt to have the 'The same holds true' of the that we buy a live potted Christ- u· d S t t f' ·t thO mas tree and keep it all year mte ta es pu Irs 10gs second great holiday in our long, changing thE! decorations' first should be carried out "in a schools" Valentines Day. By a' from valentines to Easter eggs to. manner that is positive and, ef, stretch of imagination, we some- firecrackers to pumpkins and so fective in promoting world jushow trace valentines, parties, on. I understand her sarcasm. tice," .Cardinal John Dearden of I think Halloween is fun _ a Detroit declared Oct. 20 during decorations and such back'to a man who was once very kind to, day or two of it. I like to see the synodal debate on world justice. others but it takes some stretch- kids create their own getups and The '.cardinal is president of the anticipate the evening of Trick ' .National Conference of· Catholic ing to call it religious.. : or Treat. I like to see the other Bishops. Degrades Real Day He" said discouragement dogs kids conie to our home. for I deplore the present practice goodies. I wouldn't like to see us citizens of every faith and' no of substituting secular holidays kill Halloween. faith at their helplessness before simply 'becau'se we're afraid, to But I like less the idea of using the world's wars and' 'injustices. observe the meaningful ones. If Halloween for Christmas: I 'hope He applied this directly to Vietwe can't ob.serve Christmas in we can keep both and keep both nam. ' , , the classroom, fine. It' has be- in perspective. I have Ii feeling "This has, surely been the case come too much a Season arid too a lot of teachers would agree with many in the United States little an obserVance anyway. in their frustration over their Here is one area in which the with me. nation;s involvement in and Church and home can supply , painfully slow. disengagement what the school can forget. Draft Counseling~, from the war in Southeast -Asia," But to use the traditional sym- . Centers Opened ' Cardinal Dearden asserted. bois of a meaningful' holiday BROOKLYN (NC) Draft to celebrate one with little signif- counseling centers have been icance degrades th'e real holiday. opened one night a week by the Carols and trees', belong, to Newman Apostolate in the .. Christmas, not to Halloween. If Brooklyn diocese with the en" we must have Halloweeri observ- dorsement of Bishop Francis J. Est. '1897 ances" then let's develop some Mugavero. original ones. Let's not steal Staffing' the centers' will be B~ilde,s Supplies. , Chr.:istmas for Halloween. nine Brooklyn diocesan priests 2343 Purchase Street " For those who don't have chil- and a Xaverian Brothl;lr; who New Bedford dren exposed to the month-long will be available to answer ques996-5661 celebration, let me explain. tions from draft-age men about About the first week in';October, the Selective Service'law.' The inforamtion they will of-' the kids start toting home pictures of ghosts, pumpkins, etc. fer, according to Bishop MugaThe second week, they begin vero, emphasizes options availlearning Pumpkin Carols and able to young men under the decorating their rooms. The third law. Participation in military Over 35 Years week, they are well into cos-· service "has become a serious of Satisfied Service tumes, parties, trees and cards. moral problem" to many young Reg. Master Pl.umber 7023 By the fourth week, even they' Gatholics, he said' ili a letter to JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. ,are getting a little tired· of it. priests announcing the service., 806 NO. MAIN STR~ET' Their weary parents are sick of "We must be. prepared to assist ..Fall ·River·· .....·_.. 615.1497 'the exlttt'emeilt~··ana..-teiision-···l1ieiri:"· - ......~, .... ~,._._.,- .•---'~ .... -
Prelate Stresses World Justice .
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Pick ·Candidates For Conference Top Positions WASHINGTON (NC) - Ten bishops have been nominated for next month's election of a successor to Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit as head of the nation's two Catholic conferences, on a list made available to NC News by sources outside Wash. ington. The 10 candidates for the 1971-1974 presidency of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United States Catholic Conference are: Cardinals John Carberry of St. Louis, Terence Cooke of New York, and John Krol of Philadelphia; Archbishops Leo'C. Byrne, coadjutor in St. Paul-Minneapolis, Thomas Donnellan of Atlanta, Philip Hannan of New Orleans, Timothy . Manning of Los Angeles, and Humberto Medeiros of Boston; and Bishops Joseph L. Bernardin, NCCB-USCC general secretary in Washington, and James Malone of Youngsto~n, Ohio.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fc:ill R!ver-Th~rs. Oct. 28, 1971
Questions -Need Possibility of Constitution for Church in Atlanta. Father La Due is chairman of a CLSA study committee that issued a critique of the Vatican's proposed draft. . The Lex was drawn up by the Vatican 'commission charged with revising the present Code of Canon Law, which has been in effect since 1918. The 'Lex is intended as the basis for other
MILWAUKEE (NC)-The Canon Law Society of America has added its voice to a growing number of critics of the proposed "Lex Fundamentalis" or basic law of the Church. The society does not believe the Church needs such a written constitution, according to Father .William J. La Due,who attended the society's annual convention
Church' laws which are to be restructured. Father La Due said the CLSA has three main objections to the Lex: The fact that there is a great deal of dispute over whether a written constitution for the Church is possible or even theologically sound; .. The Lex in its present form
presents a very narrow understanding of the Church; The Lex, as written, actually is regressive. Explaining the society's posi-. tion, Father La Due pointed out that never before has there been an attempt to write a constitution for the Church, even in the Middle Ages when canonical sciences were flourishing.
••• B~c.t
Three-Year Term The accuracy of the list was confirmed by Bishop Bernardin when he was asked about it. The list named the candidates in alphabetical order, rather than' by Church rank, and was mailed to the 295 American bishops in mid-October.
The bishops will elect a new president for a three-year term at their semiannual meeting here Nov. 15-19. Cardinal Dearden has held the post since ,the NCCB-USCC were established in 1966.
Cardinal Dearden cannot succeed himself as president. He served five years because the bishops felt the first president needed a longer term to insure the orderly growth of the two American Church organizations. Under Cardinal Dearden's leadership, the American Church has moved cautiously forward on renewal matters. The cardinal has been described by persons close to him as moderately liberal and politically adroit. They say one of his chief strengths lies in his ability to work with bishops of different' persuasions.
Archbishop of Washington
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Leading Candidates The choice of the new president is considered significant by sources who think that giving the job to a more traditional prelate would shape the course of renewal in that direction for the next few years. Cardinal Krol, the current vice-president and an influential member of the NCCB-USCC, has' been mentioned frequently as a possible successor to Cardinal Dearden. The Phil~delphia archbishop has strong support among traditional-minded prelates.
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Example of Obedience
ExU~d· P·re'late Showed Loyalty to Church . '. NEW YORK (NC) -. Cardinal Jpzsef Mindszenty' demonstrated noble examples of obedjence and submission when he left Hungary and went to Rome at .Pope Paul's request, says columni!,t Father Daniel Lyons.
The two most 'famous or infamous words in Catholic education as' far as I' am concerned .are "Si~ter$ays ..." Now we all know that children, especially young children, "His deepest wish was to rerespect their teachers beyond all reason, but t~is is espemain in Hungary with his people cially true for Sister. Some,how Sister is not like Mrs." {or a Christmas that would de- , . .' . but when the Holy Father. light the younger members of the , made his wishes clear, the: priSo,.and-So or Mr. X who family (especially Phronsie) by mate obeyed and went into exile are 'also teachers. Sister is making tree decorations and forever," said the Jesuit when Sister and all that title connotes. So when that first grader comes home and says that Sister says' we need toothpick~ for class tomorrow, you had better make up your mind that you inust get those toothpicks under pairi of death. And when Sister says that· children should brush their teeth three times a day,· you had better believe that (after years of reminding and begging for the same end) your first grader will rush his tt;eth three times a day. Not an. Ogre .
. Actually, I find it a' great pleasure that someone can get something. out of the children,. because I can't.. The difficulty is 'that as the children grow older the" come to realize that Sister is Sister and not the fount of all knOWledge, and she certainly is not an ogre, so Sister~s authority begins to be, less pronounced' and we lose that little edge that we once had. Certainly though it is a pleas'ure to see children- have some respect for something or' someone. If there has been a change in children, it has been mainly in the area of re!!pect for the authority of age. This has become a thing of the past. We are bringing up our children to be thinkers, whjch is a good thing, and' we do not expect them to swallow everything: they are told merely because people are older than they are. The difficulty with this approach is that we cannot always depend . upon children to be tactful or to show courteous respect to elders and they .sometimes become querulous or ·outright disrespectful. So for as long as it lasts I will sit back and revel in those magical words which are capable of moving mountains, or at least Jason and the girls: ~'Sister says. "
presents because they just didn't have any money. And I can still feel the love and warmth that, as a child, I received from'that story as the homemade decora-· tions unfolded and the joy of giving rather than receiving became the most important thing. Handmade item~ at Christmas time, while taldng a great deal of . work and effort, do speak from the heart of the giver for in every hand-crafted item there is always a goodly .portion of the creator. Not only do you give, but you give of. yourself, your time, your thought~ and your energies. Belts Her Thing I· very often in this column mention. my sister-in-law Betty, who is really a whiz at being creative (presently· she is involved in opening a crafts shop on Long Island) and whose Christmas gifts always show a great deal of thought and orginality. Last Christmas she gave Meryl a very "jazzy" linen vest embroidered with real "cool" yarn flowers, and a matching belt. Belts were her thing last year and she made one 'for me also, that was of gold mesh with tiny hand-s,ewn blue beads. These gifts were not only lovely and original but they were also filled with the thoughts of the creator. Presently the magazines are filled with hints,. patterns and send-away kits to get you started on your Christmas projects early and really ,make this an old-fashioned Christmas. This is a marvelous ·fudge to give for a gift. My mother-inlaw makes it everv Chrjstmas and we all look forward to it.
M.i\MIE'S MILLION DOLLAR ruDGE 2 cups(l2 ounce package) semisweet chocolate pieces. 3 packages (4 ounces each) sweet co.okin~ chocolate 1 jar (8 ounces) marshmallow In the Kitchen cream 2 cups broken walnuts If the creativity bug has bitten 4lh cups sugar you, then Christmas '71 is the Pinch. ,of salt year to show your talents, not· 2 Tablespoons butter or only on the home \front but on margarine . the gift front as well. Nostalgia 1 talf can ~vaporated milk has crept into our souls to help 1) Combine semisweet chocoease the horrors and pace of everyday living and nowhere is late pieces, sweet cooking chocoit more evident than: in the' big late, marshmallow; cream, and . swing to 'crafts and the "do- walnuts in. a. large bowl. 2) Combine sugar, salt, butter your-own thing" binge. Though.'I read it many, many or margarine, and evaporated years 'ago I still remember with milk in a large heavy saucepan; . deep fondness· the chapters in heat to boiling, stirring constantThe Five Little' Peppers where' ly; boil 6 minutes, stirring ofteil. 3) Pour at once over the chocPolly and Ben began preparing olate mixture in the bowl; stir vigorously with a wooden .spoon , Reading until the chocolate is melted and Books are true levelers. They mixture is creaJ;l1Y. . .give to all, who will faithfully .' 4) Pour into a' buttered shaluse them, the society, the spir- low pan, 13 x 9 x 2. itual presence, of the best and' 5) Let stand a few :houPs to greatest of our race. set; cut into squares; store in a " r' "'~William'tfIeryCliirinmg" , ·t'ightIY" cove;e«(iriei~rbox::J" •.
asked his views on the cardinal's transfer. He is editor-atc\arge of both Twin Circle, a conservative Catholic weekly, and. the· National Catholic. Register. Father Lyons said Twin Circle and the National Catholic Register would try to invite the cardi-
Bishop Protests Police Search COROCORO (NC) - Bishop Jesus Lopez de Lama of Corocoro has protested a search Of his residence by police who 'claimed they were' looking for hidden weapons and political fugitives. . Meanwhile in Bolivia's capital city of La Paz, the rightest regime of Col. Hugo Banzer is threatening the existence of the .Catholic daily, Presencia. Bishop Lopez was away on a tour of rural parishes <;It the time of the police search. . .In a letter to Bolivian Interior Minister Andres Selich, Bishop Lopez said if there ',Vere any charges or suspicions, police should have notified him person'ally before ordering the search. He added that if agents of a government tnat "has 'declared it respects religion" can make. such a raid "on the residence of a bishop, whose pastorial functions should carry some moral weight agairist simple accusations," then people can ask "to what extremes repression can go .in the case of simple citizens?" Bishop Lopez was head of the Bolivian _Bishops' Conference's social action secretariat, which was phased out earlier this ye~r after its reform policies caused a controversy within the. C~urch.
AT DOORWAY OF NEW HOME: Cardinal Mindzenty is shown with Pope Paul VI in a photo taken in the doorway of the old town in the Vatican Gardens where the Cardinal is currently staying. NC Photo. . After 15 years of self-exile, nal to come to America. "Saints of his calibre are in Cardinal Mindszenty, a foe of the extremely short supply," he com- Hungarian ~ommunist governmented. ~'His presence among us ment, reluctantly left t,he Amercould doa great deal to rejuve- ican' embassy in Budapest and nate the Church in the United went to Rome.. on Sept. 28. States." "The greatest lesson Mind.The priest-editot said that "at szenty has to teach is loyalty to a time when the authority of the the Church imd resistance to its Church is under attack, Cardinal . enemies," said Father Lyons. Mindszenty has performed one "He saw communism as just anof the noblest examples of obe- other form of Hitler's national dience and submission in our socialism. He protested the one lifetime." as fiercely as the other."
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Doctor Urges Changes in Quality Of Care for M'entally Retarded WASHINGTON (NC)-If the quality of care for the mentally retarded is to go up, the number of professionals paid to do the caring must go down. Changes in the manpower system, not more power, is the key· to better care, said Dr. E. Fuller Torrey. He is special assistant· to the director of the National Institute of Mental Health. Torrey, whose views are not necessarily those of the NIMH, told a mental retardation symposium here that immediate abolition of the present manpower systems in institutions for the mentally retarded "would be the most important first step which could be taken toward achieving a system in which people care." It is easy for officials to call for more money to improve the care system, but "more money without massive changes in the personnel system will accomplish very little," he said. . Quoting writer MiguelCervantes, he noted that money "may only cover a dung hill with a piece of tapestry when a procession goes by." To get better care for the retarded, described by Torrey· as society's "non-princesses," all job categories, all titles and all pay scales should be aboJjshed at the institutions that purport to do the caring, he suggested. Irrelevant Training "The manpower system is archaic and counterproductivethe selection of people is illogical, their training irrelevant, the rewards of their work are antithetical to caring, and they bankrupt the system," he added. Torrey's indiCtment was aimed in partic1;llar at professionals
-THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 28, 1971
who he said offer no guarantee that their services measure up to their advanced degrees, high pay and high status. Institutions, "our name for one kind of throw-away container for throw-away people," Torrey said, have about 73,000 fulltime personnel caring for approximately 200,000 of the nation's estimated six million mentally retarded. That breaks down to about one staff person for .every two· institutionalized retardates. Although administrators may call for more personnel and more professionals to do the job, Tor. they believes that "in the case of professionals we may even need fewer of them." REV. ALFRED R. MESSIER Ability to Care He contended that many jobs that need doing could be handled by the institutionalized themselves - "and, of course, they' would be paid." Rev. Alfred R. Messier, son of Some jobs would require speRaoul and Annette Lavoie Mescial training and others demand sier of 33 Hezekiah St., Somercertain personality characterisset and members of St. Louis de tiCs-like empathy, warmth and . France Parish, Swansea has been respect for others-Torrey said. But, whatever the job, employes named rector of the La Salette should be selected for their abil~ Seminary in Ipswich and is the ity to perform the task. They youngtlst priest to hold such a should be paid, he insisted, for post. A graduate of St. Mathieu's what they actually do, "not on School, Fall River, the new recthe basis of their degrees." He said the usual hiring prac- tor studied at La Salette semitice is to "select people for these naries at Enfield, N.H.; Cheshire, jobs 'because of their demon- Conn.; Altamount, N.Y., and Ipsstrated ability to intellectually wich. Father Messier also purachieve in educational institu- sued studies at the Clinical Pastions, where as we should be toral Institute, Minn. and St. . selecting people because of their Louis University. In 1970, he opened the Misdemonstrated ability to care. The two do not necessarily 'co- sion Hill Community Center, Roxbury and was employed by incide." the Boston Youth Activities Commission. Father Messier was ordained on last May 29 by the Most Rev. Thomas J. Riley, Auxiliary NEW YORK (NC) - "Jesus callous and bloodthirsty. There Bishop of the Archdiocese of - Christ Superstar" is a rock opera is no warrant in the New Testa- Boston. that Christian scholar Dr. Gerald ment either for the attribution of Strober fears may cast yet primary guilt or for the carica- Urge Withdrawal another stone at' Christian- tured characterization." Jewish relations. Almost perversely, Strober From Indochina LOUISVII,.LE (NC)-The 1,5The widely performed and said, "Judas, the betrayer of widely acclaimed play by An- .Jesus, is acted by a black man, million-member fundamentalist drew Lloyd Webber and Tim who is made the victim of Jewish Chri.stian Church (Disciples of RiCe just opened on Broadway. perfidy ... as if to suggest that Christ) has urged that the United It was promptly denounced by now it is the blacks and the States end "all direct and indiStrober as a potentially harmful Jews who are the Christ-killers." rect military involvement in Incarrier of anti-Jewish prejudice. While noting that "Superstar" dochina within six months." At' its governing assembly "In some cases the emotional avoids some of the more serious coloring is deepened to make pitfalls of earlier passion plays, here, the Church said it hoped Jewish individuals and their acts Strober said that, taken as a . a pull-out would speed the reappear more sinister than the whole, it "remains factually er- lease of prisoners, a cease-fire' gospel record warrants," he said. roneous, potentially harmful, and to "stop the killing and destrucStrober, a Presbyterian educa- possibly a backward step on the tion," and a start on rebuilding tor and consultant on religious road toward improved. Jewish- the war-torn area. education matters for the Amer- Christian relations." ican Jewish Committee and its 'Vehicles of Bias' . interreligious affairs department, BEFORE YOU Rabbi Marc H. Tenenbaum, added: BUY -TRY AJC national director for inter"In other cases, historical facts - religiolis affairs, said he hoped are enlarged, modified or glossed Strober's study "will help sensiover so at to create black vs. tize the reader to the issues and white contrasts where the record thereby contribute to the adindiCates only gray tones. These vancement of Christian-Jewish .OLDSMOBILE changes may have been made in- understanding in the context of Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault . nocently for dramaturgic rea- the popular arts." 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven sons, but their potential for In time past, he said, represenharm remains." tations of the passion of Jesus 'Factually Erroneous "have often, unwittingly or For instance, Strober reported otherwise, become vehicles of in a study for the AJC, the antiSemitic bias." In some plays, modern-day passion play "unam-. such as the famous 'OberammerDRY CLEANING biguously lays the primary re- gau Passion Play performed AND FUR STORAGE sponsibility for Jesus' suffering every 10 years in Germany, the 34-44 Cohannet St., Taunton and' crucifixion to the Jewish death of Jesus has been ascribed Whittenton Branch Store priesthood. The priests are por- to Jesus' Jewish contemporaries 334 Bay Street, across from trayed as hideously inhuman and or to the Jewish people as a Fire Station Tel. 822-6161 satanically ~vil: contemptuous, whole. <:; ..
Youngest Head Of Seminary
Scholar Says 'Sup'erstar' Potential Carrier of -Anti-Jewish Bias
Man With A Unique Hobby We would like to share with you the personal insights of a man who has travelled extensively in mission countries and who has the unique "hobby," as' he calls it, of making friends among young people of every race, creed, and nationality, and keeping in touch witlll them all,· although there are thousands. . We are referring to our friend, Archbishop Sergio Pignedoli, the President of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. . The Archbishop arrived from Rome in September to meet and speak with the Society's Diocesan Directors meeting in New York. After ·telling us about his fascinating hobby, the Archbishop went on to relate what he believes we as adult Christians, and especially as American Catholics, have to give to' our young people, as well as the whole world . . . "The youth of today_ presents a vivid example of a world in quest of God. What do they seem to be looking for today? Precisely what they have always looked for-great ideals, generous dreams, a brighter and better future. The young people of today, moreover, show signs of having a conscience which is more than ordinarily alert and sensitive in relation to social problems. Present day youth well realizes and experiences the insufficiency of mere possessions, and they are actively searching for something more satisfying to their human sense of values. Our youth know what it is 'to have everything!' They know there must be 'somethilllg more,' so the search goes on." "The experience of the youth today confirms this fact: that the world expects something very 'different' from us; it expects from us something it hasn't got. But if we insist on giving to the world things which it has got already without us, tl).E\n we tend to irrelevant-if not ridiculous. What the world asks of us is that we should be unto it 'signs of a higher Reality.' "Here is the argument: Ought we not first attempt to resolve problems such as social injustice, hunger, ignorance, oppression? Ought we not labor to give man a human existence before we concern ourselves with making him a Christian? And we answer at once that this distinction is to .a large extent an artificial distinction." "Missionar!.cs of every age have always managed to accomplish both things. And so I feel that our Missions. do not have to make any apology if they have made every effort (and they always have) to find solutions for the social problems they came up against. And when we stop to c~nsider the poverty of the resources which are at their disposal; when we realize how puny they are in comparison with those enjoyed by the big international agencies; we find that the achievements of our Missions in the field of social service are really very considerable; worthy, in fact, to stand comparison with those of Governments or international agencies • • ." "God. is to be found only in friendship and in love. He wishes to talk with His friends face to face. We wish our young friends the great joy of finding His friendship. If a young man chooses to enter into this friendship, he also settles for friendship with all .his brethren; he decides to get out of the straightjacket of his own selfishness and to bring the encouragement of hope to men somehow or other. And with the hope, he brings the friendship' of Him Who is our Hope, our Joy, our Certitude!" -. Please send a generous sacrifice for our missionaries today because you are their only means of support, but even more, because you are their friends! (please· enclose your gift with the coupon below.)
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 28, 1~71
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to the world by Vatican ~I is sel-. John XXIII-peace between peopIes and social justice. The healdom quoted,' but.. is~· r~m~rk~bie. It illustrates a, broader concept ing ministry is thus extended to of healing in.' e~pressing. the~ ,.1;I~~.ling:\ those wounds which Council's con:erns...On Qct.. 20"~:f~ft~~"f~~n ,s,eparated from each 1962, only mne (jays after the' other. '. . council's opening;"in a document Continual Reformation . addressed to aU'·men, the council The council's pastoral constifathers detlare, "We urgently' tution on th~ church in the modturn our thoughts to all the anxi- . , .' eties by whi<;h modern man is afflicted. Hence, let our concern swiftly focus first of all on those By who are especially lowly, poor, and weak. Life Christ, w-e would .' FR. GEORGE K. have pity on the multitude MALONE weighed down by hunger, m,isery, and lack of knowledge:' . They then proceed to mention two specific issues of' "speCial urgency" cited earlier by Pope ern world (Gaudium et Spes) treats these two issues at great length. The whole of its 3rd chapter discusses socio~ecoriomic life and lends the weight of coun· ~ilteac)1ing to papal social. enprovoked a war in Pilris~es and . cyclicals. The 5th: chapter discaused division 'within the com- cussses the fostering of peace munity. and the promotion of a commuHowever, .I have the impres- nity of nations. It represents a sion from around our nation that major change in Catholic teachdespite the bitter' cries' of some ing .on both war and conscie'1and the awkward uncomfortable- tious objection. But a third dimension of the ness of others, this rite is gradually catching on and meeting healing ministry is manifested in with ever stronger' approval. the Council's decree on ecuHere are two incidents which il- menism. After admitting that, histrate . positive<'reactions to the · discord- among .Christians sep-, arated from one another is a gesture of peace: Maurice Lavanoux is the scandal and a stumbling· block, elderly, venerable editor of a the decress admits, "Therefore, ~ery distinguished quarterly, if the influence of events or of· "Liturgical Arts." His parish the times has led to deficienchurch seats 900 and its balcony cies in .conduct, in church disciserves' as a popular place on pline, or even in the formulation Sundays for young couples with of doctrine (which must be caresmall children. Mr. Lavanoux ·fully distinguished from tne' d~ worships· there regularly: and posit itself of faith), these ~hould found' himself for' some .weeks be .rectified appropriately ~tthe behind the same faniily-a young proper moment." (Unitatis Remother and father with tiny baby dintegratio, 6) This statement is and a pretty, impish six year old noteworthy in that it p~blicly confesses possible, deficiences in daughter;: Turn to Page Eighteep Turn to Page Seventeen
Sign of Peace.
"Your new. crap leaves me cold!!" This rather unladylike comment from "just a digusted teenCHURCH IN HEALING ROLE: Treating, and healing ager" concluded one note 1 rethe horrors of frightening diseases are part of the Church's ceived in response to several arrole in the modern world as is evidenced by the mission ticles published a year ago on the sign of peace. The young worker applying medication to a leper in Karachi, East woman from New England began Pakistan. NC Photo. her letter in this fashion: "No, the kiss of peace. won't .One part of .my 'own r:eligious causes enmeshed in. politics, eco- ' succeed. I'm 17 years'· old' and.. I, education that I remember well nomics, human' weakness, new hate it. In "fact I won't go to a. is collecting money to buy Chi- material enticements, and a cul- church where .they do it." nese babies. I also remember giv- ture engulfed in rapid change. She. does not stand alone in ing money already. in grade her unhappiness with this gesHelp .at Home school for the missipns. From, ture, A man from Minnesota time to time a missionary would spoke perhaps. even more strong,It is not enough; in the opinspeak to our ·class of his work ion of many parents and teach- ly in a letter to the editor of the ers, to invite people to contribute . St. Cloud Visitor. "We've about had· it with Fr. to faraway needs or projects that involve the contributor'only min'-', Joseph Champlin and others who 8y imally. Such' .projects' ha~e . a are pushing the handshake bit value as in the past, but there is FR.' (:ARLJ. an urgency, a need foropersonal involvement felt today by ChrisP.FEIFER, S.J. ,tians. The poor and suffering in By American cities cry out . for , hands .and hearts as well as FR. JOSEIPH· M.i '/money sent froni' afa'r.· ReIigiQus : in the' jungles. a work partly re- education tends to ,require more CHAMPLIN iigious, partly medical,' partly immediate, .personal involvemEmt .social. I learned, too, 'the' works in today's problems. of mercy, spiritual and corporal, Another difference of ·orientaand heard of Jesus' healing mir- tion i~ that an element of con- down our throats. So far he's acles and the dedicated work of troversy is almost inevitable to- . had four lengthy articles on that great Christians of the past like day. The study of the life of matter. I submit that Fr. ChamDamien with the lepers of Molo- Damien at Molokai is no longer plin's point ran out of gas after kai. felt. But the study of contem- the first installment ... It's. time We learned that the Church porary leaders is bound to be to turn the liturgists off and the down through the centuries has controversial. There are legiti- people on." played an important role in heal- mate differences and varying Closer to home, I have heard ing the sufferings of ,men and evaluations regarding the work .some individuals threaten to women in every part of the of leaders of our own time. leil-ve the, church or move to world. A great part of' religious However, this is part of the another' congregation if we education has been the initiating complex reality in which suffer- should introduce the rite of of ybung, ana old, to an aware- ing people are caught. We do peace. ness of the call to the Christian ourselves no service to consider Gradual Acceptance community to come to the aid of only saints who are dead, and All this started. because of a the poor, needy, suffering and shield ourselves from honestly few words in, the revised Roman dying. ' . ' . '. examining the ·lives and teach- Missal's General Introduction. Religious educators continue ings of men of our time who try Article 56' reads: "Before they to help youngsters, adolescents. to heal minds, hearts, bodies and share in the same bread, the peoand adults realize the Church's institutions. ple express their love for one healing mjssion. The approach another ..." . Unfortunately, as ·Works of Mercy may be somewhat different, and the above remarks indicate, in- to some the differences may apThe problems that are creative stead of . symbolizing and. pear so disconcerting-that the" ,of huma~ misery are so vast and' strengthening the bond of. unity traditional messagl;! is rpisse9. intertwined that besides personal .between Catholics gathered for In today's world the kinds .of involve~ent there is also the worship on Sunday mornings, hUl))an suffe~ing are. varied,. their Turn to Page Seventeen the sign of peace has frequently' ..-I
The Church· as Healer
The Second Vatican Council •discusses a,t gre~t length the. Church's threefold ministry of teaching, ruling, and sanctifying. But it also adds a new dimension to another Church ·ministry·that' of healing. .'. . For centuries this ministry of healing was seen as one to be .. exercised especially on' two levels-the spiritual, in the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, and Anointing of 'the Sick, and the' material, in operating and maintining such agencies as hospitals and orphanages. Works of healing were.' indeed practiced well an,d often heroically, but more often than not were on an indi.:vidual or local basis. - The first document addressed
'Preaching .and Healing . "Believers will be given these signs of power: they will drive out demons in my name, they will speak in strange tongues, if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place their hands on the sick, and they will get well Mark 16, 17f.). The Acts of the Apostles is full of stoJ;ies of healings worked by the early preachers. Peter healed a lame man at the temple gate (Acts 3, Iff.).' "As a result of what the apostles were doing, the sick people were carried out in the streets and' placed on beds and mats so that, when Peter walked by, at least his shadow might pass over some of them. Crowds of people came in from the towns around .Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those who had evil spirits in them; and they were all healed'" (Acts 5; 15ff.). When Philip preached in the city of Samaria, "evil spirits came out with a loud cry from
many people; many paralyzed and lame 'people were also healed" (Acts 8, 7). Paul healed a man who had been lame from birth (Acts 14,
8ff.). "Even handkerchiefs and aprons he had' used were taken to the sick, and their diseases were driven away and the evil spirit would go out of them" (Acts 19, 12). A snake sunk its fangs into Paul's hand, but he was not harmed (Acts 28, 1-6). A man "was in bed 'sick with fever and dysentery. Paul went into his room, prayed, placed his Turn to Page Eighteen '"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. Oct. 28, 1971
'In' the Village' Bailey's , Picture of Sto.nington
Sign of. Peace
Continued from Page Sixteen "It is just wonderful to tum On one of these occasions, an and extend a hand of friendship It is likely that not everyone in Stonington, Connec. outgoing celebrant at the rite for' to someone you have known and ticut, will be pleased with Anthony Bailey's book In the peace vigorously shook hands disliked or even to a total Village (Knopf, 501 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. with the lector, the two altar stranger who may at times sore· $5.95). In it, he is writing about Stonington and its people boys thEm bounced down to the Iy need a hand of friendship. On first pews and greeted parishion- the spur of the moment I have as he has kn9wn them in "The· Fourth of July ers there. A wave of the hand kissed a lonely young girl standthe decade of his residence ticipates. parade is secular, patriotic Amersuggested that the gesture be ing beside me at Mass and her in the village. He is an En- ican, with fire companies, auxilpassed along, but, alas, his spir- soft "thank you" was enough to glishman by birth, Oxford- iary policemen, and perky highited approach carried only for a make me realize that many of educated. school bands. The parade on the few feet and the exchange swift- us can make life better for many The town of Stonington is first Sunday in September, the Iy died. young college students, as well fairly extensive and has 14,000 day before Labor Day, is reliChild's Reaction as grown ups, by showing we inhabitants; the village at its gious, patriotic Portuguese ... A The little girl upstairs had ob- care." marcher declares: "See, here we Adult's Reaction served an this and evidently felt are, walking together." impressed . with the priest's Young men, beware of that In Summer, the village is brotherly love enthusiasm. Since loving lady. She ended her letter: ORDINARY: Most Rev. swollen and changed by invading By 'she was standing on the seat of vacationers, who annoy the per- Joseph T. Daley, 55 years of the pew in front of Mr. Lav- "I am over 60 and happy I can manent resident. "Fall returns us . age, former coadjutor bishop anoux, they were at' the same help in a small way make a betRT. REV. to ourselves, the essential villag- of Harrisburgh, Pa., has suc- head level. Suddenly she whirled, ter life for someone. I can't wait to kiss or shake hands with a MSGR. ers ... We can resume old comceeded Most Rev. George L. t.hrew her arms about his neck, young college boy and watch his panionships get back to more diland Smacked him with a sponJOHN S. igent work, and take up veteran Leech, 81, whose resignation taneous, resounding kiss .of reaction!" has been accepted by Pope peace. It delighted the older man KENNEDY animosities." . In All Seasons Paul VI. NC Photo. and warmed his heart. Sees Chull'ch-State But the really constrictive seaA lady "over 60" from near eaSK,,$.,*lIWliR*'ffi1 son is Winter, with its bitter Albany, N. Y., wrote to the editor Friction in Brazil core, on the other hand, is com- cold, its drastic reduction of outRIO DE JANERIO (NC)-The of her diocesan paper with these pact and has a population of door activities, and its deprival secretary of the Brazilian BishContinued from Page Sixteen comments about the sign of about 1,800: Located on the of the pleasure of knowing what ops Conference said he fears reshore in eastern Connecticut, it neighbors are quarreling about. need for power and influence. peace: newed Church-State friction was "Another example is the handHere again the example of past "faces a gap left by Fishers Mr. Bailey shows us the vill,age saints may· lack motivation for shake at Mass. I was seated be- signaled by the Brazilian miliIsland and the eastern tip of in all seasons, in all aspects, and tary's reaction to a bishop's Long Island, through which the on all levels. He makes us envy today's pastorally minded Chris- hind a government official who speech to cadets here. I felt was overbearing and cared Atlantic rolls in from the south- those who live in such a commu- tian. It is not enough to heal inBishop Ivo Lorscheiter said at not for others. I avoided him try dividuals; it is necessary to east." nity, so unlike the noisy, dirty, Stonington dates back to the impersonal city. But, as is inevi- to heal institutions that cause all times. But this Sunday morn- it was too early to gauge the ing he was seated between his full implication of the firing of seventeenth century. A British table, there are defects, too, and hurt. children. He patted them on the' Gen. Rodrigo Jordao Ramos as fleet bombarded it during the these he does not gloss over. There is inevitably controversy head, turned and extended his commandant of the Superior War of 1812. Ships were once Undoubtedly there are those because of legitimate differences built there, and. sealing and who will say of his picture, "It is and the dangers of political and hand to me. I gladly shook it War College. The general was whaling expeditions regularly incomplete. He left this out. He economic power. Again it is not and smiled at him. My feelings dismissed after a guest speaker went out from it. Seafarers from got that all wrong." But the art- fair. to ourselves and those we toward this man have changed. at the academy, Archbishop Stonington, in. the days of sail, ist does not pretend to either ex- educate to abstract from the. I liked his act of friendship at Avelar Brandao Villela of Sao were familiar with such remote, haustiveness or perfect objectiv- harsh realities of today's call to Mass and began to have a liking Salvador, criticized government exotic places as Canton and Ma- ity. And Mr.' Bailey is a.n artis.t- heal the sick, feed the hungry, for him. This act made a better security measures. Christian out of him. It gave him cao. . , .. The dismissal, plus the fact painting the likeness, as he sees and support the weak. the chance to show his trueiden- that the War College published It is, or was, what is commonit, of this gull-haunted village of Many a Christian educator, tity to others and, of course, it a lengthy explanation of it, ly called a Yankee town. Yet now wooden houses close to the sea. many an author of religion pro- made me happy to be at Mass Bishop Lorscheiter added, "are almost half the population is of West's New Novel grams has suffered because of sharing my .friendship with symptoms that frictions bePortuguese origin. There have Morris L. West's new novel, his courage in challenging fellOW others." been Portuguese in the village tween Church and State have Summer of the Red Wolf (Mor- Christians to seriously come to since 1840. Sealing and whaling started anew." ships out of Stonington stopped . row, 105 Madison Ave., New grips with human misery and its Senator Criticized at the Azores and the Cape Ver~ York, N. Y. 10016. $6.95), is also causes in today's world. No 'Britain's Vietnam' des for crews, and many of these about a small community on the doubt there have been and are For Statement WASHINGTON (NC)-Northcrewmen eventually settled in sea: the Isle of Harris and Lewjs excesses of zeal, or unbalanced LONDON (NC) - The British ern Ireland is becoming Great in the Outer Hebrides, off the enthusiasm. But the effort needs government did not make any the village. Britain's Vietnam, Senator Edcoast of Scotland. to be made, corrected and balto Sen. Edward official reply Sense of Community To it there comes a novelist, anced through honest criticism Kennedy's charge that Northern ward M. Kennedy said here, inSuch bits of history are scatwith some Irish blood in him, and collaboration. Ireland is becoming Britain's troducing a Senate resolution tered through Mr. Bailey's imwho has lived most of his years Vietnam, but the rest of the pop- urging immediate withdrawal of presssions of Stonington as it is John's Answer "in the bright lands of the Pacific all British troops from Northulation was not so reticent. today. In part, they account for and cities of the Mediterranean ern Ireland and the establishColumnist Ferdinand Mount, The Church of Christ today its present distinctive flavor. littoral." has no other answer to give peo- writing in the Daily Mail, asked ment of a united Ireland. It was once a busy fishing cenThe narrator has grown sick ple who ask proof of its identity angrily: "How much longer can ter, but. the commercial fishing of the contemporary world, with than that given by Jesus to he (Kennedy) keep up this role has declined. There is a factory all its confusion, pressure, and John's followers: "Go back and of self-appointed advice .bureau in the village. There are many :. The ANCHOR menace, and has seized upon an tell John what you have seen and to the world?" stores and services, but these invitation from an old friend, Al- heard: the blind see again, the A spokesman from the British are fewer since shopping centers • TYPE SET astair Morrisort, to visit him at lame wal~ lepers are cleansed, Foreign Office here said:"There out on the highways have develhis home in a place still primitive and the deaf hear, .the dead are is simply no need to comment. • PRI.rED BY OFFSEl oped. The rapid and radical in many respects. raised to life, the Good News is After all, Mr. Kennedy is not a change of the late twentieth cen• MAILED Mr. West, as was long since proclaimed to the poor, and member of our government." tury has not left Stonington un- . evident, is good at spinning a' happy is the man who does not - BY THE The U.S. embassy here has touched. yarn. As an adventure story, his lose faith in me" (Lk 7: 22-23). echoed and clarified this point: But Mr. Bailey finds it as yet present work has some merit. "This in no way reflects Ameriunspoiled. The reality and the Catholics today, young and But he has written it in overcan policy. We have never adsense of community still prevail. FAll RIVER blown prose, and overloaded it old , have a right to learn of the vocated any kind of intervention People live close together and with' quasi-mystic signifi<;an·ce'. rich heritage of Christian comin this respect," know one another. "Cont'act," he The extravagant style ~ecomes passion that effectively healed says, "is what the village is all sticky and cloying. One has to individuals and institutions. They abou·t." battle it in order 'to get on with have every right also to be exAnnual Parades the narrative. Its pretentiousness posed to more contemporary efand "syncope," forts to continue the healing The people experience inter- ("synapse" dependence. They render person- would you believe?) contrasts ministry of Christ. Christians with its cliches have the right and responsibility al help to one another. They joltingly work together, in such ordinary ("packed like sardines into a not just to learn passively of the at things as clearing drainpipes and lumbering Viscount," "wild and efforts of others, but become' acmoving discarded refrigerators to wonderful dreams." "With you I tively involved in bringing healing to a suffering world. We too the dump. Their exchange of as- don't have to .pretend"). Mr. West works hard to create stand under the judgment of sistance is the accepted countedon thing. They even pass clothes a portentous atmosphere, and Jesus: "In so far as you neglected for awhile succeeds. But then the to do this to one of the least of from family to family. 115 WILliAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. There are two annual parades reader discovers that there is lit- these, you neglected to do it to in which the whole village par- t!e here but words, words, words. me" (Mt. 25: 45).
Learning to Heal
"Save Witll Safety"
'THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~lI River-Thurs. Oct. 28, 1971
As Heale~ ;~.;;
Continued from Page Sixteen conduct, discipline, and doctrine. , Not only then afe those wounds to be healed which keep. peoples apart but also those separating the churches. - The changes in this attitude are among the most important contributions of Vatican II, which reminds us, "Every renewal of the church essentially consists in an increase of fidelity to her own calling ... Christ summons the Church, as she goes her pilgrim way, to that continual reformation of which she always has need, insofar as she is an _institution of men here on earth." (U.R., 6)
'Says "Litu'rg'ical Renewal, Hasn't' Even Started Yet .
,Dan Herr'ssprlghtly newsletter, 'Overview, is one of my favorite journals, but periodically I find myself surprised 'by one of its mysterious "staff reports~' which contends that the liturgical revival has "failed."; What' surprises me 'is not the report itself nor even the wide- tation of psalms,', which again spread attitlide among Cath- doesn't make ,inuch sense, unless, olicliberals"which it reflects. one knows a iotmcire about tne
Psalms that: most Ameriean Catholics can be' expected to know; ensembles of' guitar players singing, elaborate and difficult music that 'no more involves the congregation than did the ;\ . .polyphonic music of the choirs in the past; the infernal absence By of silence and dignity in, the course of the liturgy; priests :who REV. introduce their own kinky, kookie variations in -the Mass; ANDREW M,:: the phony affection so frequently GREELEY displayed at the "handshake of peace." (I believe this is a partic_ular peeve of Mr. Herr. and in a 'way I don't blame him.) The renewal to be pertinent to ask' _"handshake of peace" pretends that the congregation is a closeat the present 'time. knit community, which in most For nothing -can succeed, or instances it surely is not. fail until it" has started, and liturgical reneWal has not yet It T'akes Time begun. It is a strange sort of' temporal ethnocentrism 'which But I do not see how we could which thinks a judgment can be made about liturgical forms that have instarit change in the liturgy which would not produce are only a few years old. ,many mistakes, false starts, and These forms replaced a liturgy unsuccessful experiments. The that :was essentially unchanged very fact that _the lturgy was for 1500 years. All that has frozen solid for 1500 years made really happened in the last five us very unprepared to---ente,r a years is that the ,old liturgical new era of org~nic growth.' deep freeze has been thawed out. And that's the :way good lit,We have not yet begun to create new liturgcal forms, and what urgy - comes, through organic Overview (and others) describe growth in which liturgical forms as having failed are in fact only are in constant dialogue with the ephemeral, stoppage" traditional religious needs and aspirations measures, which in the very of the people. But such growth nature' of 'things cannot be ex- through dialogue takes time, and pected to have either, durability, time is the one thing we haven't had much of yet. or religious impact. lam astonished that. 'anyone would expect the question of the succ~ss or failure of liturgical
Urge Synod Act Against Injustice
SIGNS OlF THE TIMES: Although this sign, seen on a roadside shrine in Argentine is not in English, the spirit of the message, "Welcome to the land of the Virgin of Carmen'-', is picturesque. NC Photo. ..
Preaching and Hea'ling Continued from Page Sixteen hands on him and healed him" (Acts 28, Hl).
heal them faster than prayer and the gift of faith. . 'The Church's mission to heal is as strongly.stated in the gospel Preacher as Healer as the inisslon to teach and These many stories show the -preach. They go together. Whatpoint of view of the Christians ever happened when the fjrst who told them and wrote them. Christians cast out those demons The preacher of the gospel is a or r~ised those paralytics must healer. The greatest missionaries continue to happen. "These and preachers of the gospel are signs will follow those who believe ..." They have followed. To~ Early to Judge the greatest healers. Shock Therapy The same idea appears in more . , Not only do healing, stories . Th,e', question of the succe'ss or institutionalized forms in James: continue to cluster around the Present liturgical forms of the failure of liturgiCal reriewal in "Is there anyone of you who is figures of great saints, but these the second half of the twentieth official variety wer!;! put together sick? He'should call the church stories have a solid basis in facts century probabiy wiJI be judged for the most part by scholars e1<lers who will pray for him and of experierice. The message of effectively. only 150 years from and academicians who may have pour oil on him in the name of the gospel is a call to sanity, now: Indeed,the same thing had a fine sense of both the the Lord: This prayer, made in wholeness, health for the world. must be said about all' the reli- theory and the history of liturgy faith, will save the sick man: the Its message of concern for our gious changes initiated by the but who in most instances lacked Lord will restore him to health, fellow men isa constant stimuVatican Council. Professor James sensitivity to the religious needs and the sins he has committed lus to the deeds -of sharing and Hitchcock has recently suggested of the ordinary people. will be forgiven'" (James 5, 14ff.). . caring, of generosity and love that the whole post-Vatican rewhich ,alone, can heal. The unofficial forms of the litThus the community of believnewal, has been a failure. Mr. urgy come in great part from Whenever Christ's followers Robert Hoyt, the former editor certain clerics who,. innocent of ers was aware that they were to today look. out ,over the whole of the National Catholic Report- both liturgical theory and good continue'the work Christ 'had world, hoping to, "make disciples ,er, argued' in one of his 'last edi- artistic taste, have attempted to done. From' the very first days of all people everywhere" (Mattorials that the renewal had been impose change on their congi-e- of his' actjve life,-- Jesus had en- thew 28, 19), they cannot help a success. I must dissent from gations mostly for the shock gaged in preaching, teaching, but see millions of human beings -both.positions. Renewal has been value of the given change - as casting out. demons, and healing hungry, thirsty; without homes, 'neither a, success nor, a failure though religious' and human the sick (Cr. Mark 1, 14t:; 21-28 without clothes, sick, in prison. 29-3i; 32-34.) because it ,hasn't even begun. Then they cannot help but hear growth comes from: shock therWhen 'he first sent out his dis- the Lord's first command to those , I am not all that sure that apy.' ciples, "they went out and who first said they believe in those who casually write off A parallel argument can be preached that people should turn him: "Go ~and preach ... heal liturgical changes of the last five made with the renewal of Cath- 'away from their. sins. They drove the sick, raise the dead, 'make' years ~o reflect the general olic schools, religious communi-' out many demons and poured oil Catholic .- pOPlllation. The little ties, seminary training, priestly on many sick people and healed the lepers clean, drive out bits of 'statistical data I have ministry, and parish life. The them" .(Mark 6, 12f.). It was ob- demons . . . give without路 I)eing seen would indicate that Amer- claim that these renewals have vious to them that preaching paid" (Matthew 25, 40). ' _ican,Catholics, by and large like failed is absurd. They haven't the gospel and healing went tothe liturgical ~hanges. even started, and thQse reform-' gether. ers who thought they could re~BROS. Message of Concern . Absence of Dignity place the forces of a miJIeni~m Of :course there are a 'lot of with new forms that would inIf the world was under the -Excavating'things 'people' 'don't like: inept stantaneously -achieve both dur- power of evil spirits who caused readings 'of passages from the ability an~ effectiveness merely men ,to hurt one another and be Contractors Old Testament and St., Paul, demonstrate how little they miserable, nothing could drive 9 CROSS ~T., FAIRHAVEN which don't make much sense to know of human history, the these out better than the truth the ordinary person even when human personality, and human- of -the gospel. If men were sick 992-4862 read intelligently; the weird recl-,' society. of body and soul, nothing could
VATICAN CITY (NC)-In a , hard-hitting document from Pope Paul's own justi.ce and peace commission, the 1971 Synod of Bishops was asked to help gear up the Church for action against injustices that exist both within the Church and in the rest of the world. As the synod began its probing into the problems of world justice, the. Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace asked the bishops to: Deplore the mon,etary action of "the few rich nations which adversely affects the welfare and development of two billion people." Urge greater respect for those who refuse to bear arms in "certain wars or in. certain acts of war." Solve the injustices witl)in the Church,especially where "certain Church, institutions", compromise with "social, economic and political structures that generate injustice." The 19-page document: produced by the pontifical commission at its general assembly in the Vatican in late September, was addressed to "the fathers of the synod" to make -them more aware of the "mission of the Church in building a new world of justice and peace."
Contemplation Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself. -Plato
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 28, 1971
,,,,;'" "--.--.~I Local Schoolboy Sdpcer Clubs St~~e Honors, Vie for Loop,~nd .' .
.-i \
I :1 '1
Football isup.questiQnably': ,king, ~~':\he Fall schoolboy sports agen~a: However" ,m~riy ,as(:~~pl~shed young athletes in the diocese are representing:Jheir schools not on the gridiron" but on the soccer field., Their hope, like ,,' " . their football counterparts, is to bring a league' cham-' striking distance 'of 'the' loop pionship to their school, and, leader, but many need help to above that, to gain a berth ~vertake the 'defending cham-
in the Massachusetts Schoolboy pions. State Soccer Tournament. Entering play this week Coach Defending titleist New Bedford Russ Booth's Artisans trail New bolds the upper hand in the Bedford by five' points, however Southeastern Massachusetts ' they have played one less game. Schoolboy Soccer League enter- (Points are awarded on a 2-1 ing play this week. Coach John basis, two for a win and one for Pacheco's club has rolled through a tie, as in hockey~) the first 11 games of their 18 Diman dropped its only decigame loop schedule with an un- sion to New Bedford early in the blemished record. The Whalers campaign. Howe*r, goalie Manare favored, to retain the circuit ny Carvalho was missing from title and again gain a position in the Diman net during that conthe state tourney. test. Since then Carvalho has Two Fall River teams are in allowed, only one goal against . contention for second .place him, that coining in the Durfee honors. Durfee and Diman Re-game, ,while registering six shut- , gional Technical both are within outs.
Stang Ready for 2nd'
Coach Tom Karam's Durfee tied for seventh position and Hilltoppers will put their 7-1~3 Holy Family High of New Bedrecord on the' line tomorrow. ford is in last place with two They presently.trail second place points. Diman by two points in the bat" On the football circuit, Bristol tle for second place. Only the County League pacesetter Attlefirst two finishers 'in league play boro will return to league play qualify for .the state competition. Saturday when it travels to New Bedford v.ocational' is Dartmouth to meet Bishop Stang given a slight chance of over- High. The previously unbeaten taking Diman and Durfee and Bombardiers were shocked last thereby gaining a tourney berth. Saturday by non-league SotnerHowever, the Artisans will have erset 42-29. The win, while a to come up with a superb second blow to Attleboro pride has to half if they are to fulfill their be considered one of the greatest dream. athletic victories ever recorded To round out the nine team by a Somerset team.• league standing entering play this week: Attleboro is in fifth Stang, not to be outdone by place with 11 points, Westport is .Somerset, llpset Taunton on sixth with seven points, Bishop "'. Saturday'last for its first'victory Stang High of Dartmouth and of the Fall. The 19-18 win may Bishop Connolly High of Fall give Stang the impetus needed River both with five points are contenci with AttlebOrO.
Spotlight on Four Cap~ Conference Games .
Elsewhere in the BCL, Msgr. . play Bourne defeated Mohawk Coyle-Bishop Cassidy, a 7-6 vic- Regional 30-13. ' tor over Durfee last weekend, .' Somerset will meet Stoughton will host Bishop Feehan High of of the Hockomock League SatAttleboro in Taunton. Feehan urday in another tough game for came from behind last Saturday 'Coach Ray MacDonald's Blue to defeat ,Dartmouth of the Raiders. Case High of Swansea, Capeway Conference 22-14. a 22-6 loser to Milford last week Durfee will play at New Bed- will host neighboring Dightonford Saturday against Vocation- Rehoboth Saturday. Dighton tied al. The Artisan's lost to cross- Mansfield 14-14 in its last outtown rival New Bedford Satur- ing. day last 36-0. Mansfield willI entertain Oliver In Capeway Conference action Ames of North Easton Saturday. slated for Saturday Dartmouth Coach Val Muscato's Eastonites will be at Barnstable, Bourne is defeated a strong Canton club at Fairhaven, Dennis-Yarmouth Saturday last 14-6. North Attleplays at Wareham and Falmouth boro, the 21st consecutive victim hosts non-league foe Cathedral of Franklin, will' meet Canton in North on Saturday. High of Springfield. Last week's contests involving Conference teams saw Barnstable being up-ended by a fired up Fairhaven eleven 28-23, and Falmouth, beating DennisYjiJ9l9~~~ l> ~kO.
III \ POQ-.Jeague
Education Education is that which remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school. ,. . , . , . ' .....Albert -Einstein
FIRST PRAYER IN CONGRESS: This 'is an artist's 'view of the first prayer offered byRev. M. R. Duche of Pennsylvania'in a 'meeting of the U.S. Congress held in September of 1774 in, Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia. Nt Photo.. ; ., . "
Fre~dom Endangered! Jewish Congress Oppos,s Prayer' Amendment·
IGuarantees of
NEW YORK (NC) - A pro- ing as he chooses; But as inter- er as a 'sacred communication." posed constitutional amendment preted by the '.Supreme Court U.S. representatives seeking to to permit prayers in public it does restrict~and should re- change the First. Amendment schools threatens the "integrity strict-government dictation of were criticized in a Washington of the Bill of Rights," according or participation in prayer." Post editorial Sept. 30·"fbr tryto the American Jewish Coning. to gilveaway':"for ~he sake. 'Show. of Devonon' gress. of a shallow show ot:religious ,"All guarantees of freedom The proposed amendment devotion, the great constitutional WOUld, be endangered by any states: "Nothing contained in bulwark 'against governmental move to tamper with the Bill this Constitution shall abridge control of religion, that has kept of Rights,", the Jewish group the right of persons lawfully as- America for nearly two':centuries warned in a resolution adopted sembled, in any public building 'the world's foremost· ba~tion of by its policy-making national which is supported in whole or religious liberty.'~·" governing council.. in p'art through expenditure of The proposed amendment is public: funds,'. to participate. in expected ,to come to the House . nondenominational prayer." floor for a vote in early NovemThe AJC resolution challenged See Us Fi/f'st ber. It recently was released the substance of the proposal, from the House Judiciary Com- asserting that "no prayer can be mittee by a discharge petition. made nondenominational withSee Us Last '~This amendment is entirely out robbing it of all meaning ... unnecessary 'for the preserva- The effect of the amendment But. See Us tion of reiigious freedom," the would be to trivialize religion AJC resolution s.tated. It noted and destroy the function of praythat many religious organizations had publicly opposed the bill, including representatives of Marymount College Baptist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Closure 'Inevitable' Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker BOCA RATON (NC)-Maryand Unitarian - Universalist mount College, founded here in· groups, along with Jewish Con- Florida in 1963 by the Religious servative, Orthodox and Reform of the Sacred Heart of Mary, congregations. will close in 1972 because of a The nation's Catholic bishops drop in enrollment and a "critihave not adopted a statement of cal financial situation," accord1001 Kings policy on the current amend- ing to college president Father ment. Gerard Fagan. The AJC resolution said that The Jesuit priest called the B~I)FORD "the Constitution does not pre- <::losure "inevitable" in an ecorivent any individual from pray- . omy of spiraling costs and deOpen Evenings creasing income. At its peak in 1968, Marymount had an enroll.Supports Protest ment of 475 students.
Against Apartheid
WINDHOEK (NC)-Bishop Rudolf Koppman, O.M.I., who heads the Catholic vicariate of WindHoek, said he supports a protest made by t:wo black African Lutheran Church leaders against South Africa's apartheid policy of strict racial segregation in South-West Africa. . The African leaders, Bishop Leonard Auala and the Rev. Paulus Gowaseb of Southwest AfriCa, made their protests against apartheid at a meeting with South African Prime Minister Baltazar J. Vorster. Despite the objections of the Southwest African leaders, Vorster said he intended to continue the government's apartheid policy.
BASS RIVER SAVINGS BANK 307 Main St., South Y~rmouth, Ma. 02664 *At Bass River, 2-3 yr. term deposit certificates yield 6.18% per year when. compounded daily from day-ofdeposit. $1,000 minimum deposit.
rHE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 28, '1971
"CardinaJ!sActlori:' Perfect" Example. Of ·Obedience
Cardinal Dearden Expects Practical I·mpa.ct~ From Synod WASHINGTON··-(NC) - The service to the Christian com·' " impact of the Synod ·of Bishops. munity. . "will be felt more. immediately '''To what extent is it possible' in the practical area," Cardinal 'and appropriate for the priest John Dearden of Detroit said in to determine his work, his life· his third weekly "Letter from the . style and other aspects of his Synod," an exlusive copyrighted role for himself, and to what exseries written for NC News Servo tent are these things determined ice. for him by the fact of his having Referring to 'a position paper made a fundamental commitdelivered at the, synod by Cardi- ment to a life of service?" the nal Vicente Enrique y Tarancon American prelate asked. of Toledo, Cardinal Dearden said "There is no simple answer." the Spanish cardinal had pointed . Celibacy Issue' to the difficulty of resolving the . He went on to note that Car· tension between a desire 'for dinal Tarancon had suggested personal self·determination and some ways to reduce the tension the reqiurements' of priestly between personal liberty and
community needs: "pastoral plan~ . ning whose procedures respect both individual and community needs; the renovation of Church 'structures' so as to' remove those which might 'stifle personal initiative;' improved rela-
Taunton Blind Taunton Guild for the Blind will' meet Tuesday, Nov. 16 at Marian Manor. At the last meeting members heard a discussion of the work' of the March of Dimes by Donald MacDonal, a senior at Bishop Feehan High School.
tionships between bishops and priests." "~elibacY is an" issue"in the synod, Cardinal Dearden said, but he emphasized that it is not "the" issue. He recalled that the U. S bishops' study made public earlier this year indicated that, while most American priests are in favor of optional celibacy, most would not marry if they had the option to do so. "However one interprets this," Cardinal Dearden said, "it seems at least to point to the conclusion that the discipiine of celibacy is not in itself 'the heart of the matter."
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