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The ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Thursday,



Vol. 8, No. 44 •

Oct~ .

© 1964 The Anchor

29, 1964 PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year

Liturgy Commission Scores Lavish Decoration Expense





MONTREAL (NC)-A Catholic liturgical group has declared that the spirit of poverty should characterize the eonstrnction and decoration of churches so that "a poor person should not be embarassed" at worshiping in them. The Liturgical Commis­ those responsible for the con­ .ion of the Montreal arch­ struction of churches should clioceRe, in a series of direc­ undertake their work with the tives approved by Paul Emile parishioners asa whole. This eardinal Leger, says "the sacred always involves a certain mag­ ftificence, but when we consider the misery which afflicts so litany human beings * * * all lavish expense in decoration is • scandal." Other pO,ints made by the doc­ ttment include a cautionary note en the "commercial aspect" of ..gil lights; a warning against putting too many statues in ehurches; and a reminder that file construction of a church is • concern of the "Christian com­ IDUnity" it is meant to serve. "From the point of view of the pastoral life," says the document prepared by a commission of .ne priests, "it is desirable that

common undertaking 'will con­ tribute to the, building up of the Christian community which the church will gather together." The church, the directives de-' clare, is not thep,rivate affair of the pastor or the architect but rattier should serve "the com­ munity, the parish and the lit­ urgy." Regarding decoration, the doc­ ument notes that the modern Christian lives in "a world o'verrun by the visual" and thus has "less need than he once did of pictures in his church." , It recommends that the inspir­ ation for interior decoration come from biblical themes and that such pictures as are used "~xcel in their artistic quality."

BISHOP CONNOLLY MEETS BISHOP 0]<' AZORES AT COUNCIL: Meeting in Sf,. Peter'c Basilica, Vatican City, the Ordinary of the Fall River Diocese discusses a Session schema with Most Rev. Manuel Alfonso de Carvalho, Bishop of Angra, Azores, PortugaL

Holy Father. to Recess ,


Council on Nov. 21 Concelebration Session III; Vatican H will be signed into the book of past history on Saturday, November 21. The closing will be accomplished in a dOl,lble ceremony honoring Our Lady on the feast of the Presentation of Mary. In the morning, His Holiness, Pope Paul" VI will concelebrate a solemn Mass in St. Peter's basilica. The co-celebrants will . be 24 CouncIl Fathers who have

major Marian sanctuaries in

their own dioceses.

In the afternoon, the formal closing of the Third Session will

Physicians Set Annual Mass For Oct. 31 'Members of St. Luke's Physicians' Guild of Fall River will hold their ninth annual white Mass for phy­

REMEMBER CLOTHING DRIVE: Early bird contri­ butors to annual Bishops' Thanksgiving Clothing Drive 3lt Immaculate Conception parish, North EMton, remind fel­ low members of Diocese to check closets, storerooms fo-r uable clothing, bed linens, blankets, shoes, bring them to designated collection points next week. From left, Mrs. Rose Nadeau, David Bagge, Neil Bagge and Francis L. Wild, accepting contributiona.

sicians, dentists, nurses, drug­ gists and others engaged in the health' field at 8:30 on Saturday morning, Oct. 31, in St. Anne's Hospital Chapel. The intention of the Mass to be offered will be the fulfill­ ment of the Catholic aims and ideals as they apply to those in the field of health and medicine. Officers of the Fall River Guild are: Dr. Francis J. D'Errico, president; Dr. Ray­ mond A. Dionne, vice-president; Dr. Thomas F. Higgins, secre­ tary-treasurer.

Dispensation The Most Reverend Bishop has granted a dispensation from the laws of fast and ab­ stinence on Saturday, Oct. 31, the day before' the Feast of ,All Saints. ,I;...

Iiok. -­

be held in the basilica of St. Mary Major in downtown Rome. Meantime, some 300 bishops have signified that they intend to speak on the controversial Schema 13-"The Church in the Modern World" and council commissions are hurrying to re­ work some of the already dis­ cussed topics so that they might be proclaimed by the Pope at the closing of the session. .After numerous discussions concerning the schema in gen-

Council Honors Good Pope John A speci'al Mass was cele­ brated yesterday at the Vatican Council in honor of Pope John XXIII who "pro­ claimed and began this Vatican Council and guided its first steps." . The Mass - the first to be celebrated in the council hall by simple priests - was a con­ celebration of 12 parish priests. One of the twelve celebrants was an American, the Rev. Thomas B. Falls of Philadelphia. In the announcement of the Mass, Archbishop Felici, the Secretary-General, urged the council Fathers to pray not only for Pope John but also through him for God's continued blessing on the council's work. With rumors of a proposed canonization of Good Pope John, this is at least the second time that Pope John's power of intercession with God has been asserted in the Council. The first time was in a magni­ ficent eulogy preached by Leo Cardinal Suenens in which he publicly appealed to Pope John to intercede for the council. The special Mass offered by simple priests-"the right arm of bishops"-was a symbol of the bishops' gratitude and es­ teem toward their most faith­ ful collaborators, said Arch­ bishop Felici.

World Problems eral, the Fathers finally voted W close discussion and begin to minutely examine the schema again chapter by chapter. The schema takes up the con'" troversial subjects of nuclear warfare, family life, poverty. hunger, etc. . In general the criticisms were all mild asking for clearer lan­ guage, clear stands, courageolW undertakings. One exception was the address of Archbishop John C. Heenan. of Westminster. In a violent at­ tack couched in some of the strongest language the Fathers have heard, to date, the prelate denounce the schema as a "dangerous'" • * set of platitudes * • * unworthy of a council." The English Primate asked for a new commission to draw up a completely new schema. He harshly criticized some of the council experts and labelled them totally inadequate to treat problems of the world. .' The Archbishop called for the Turn to Page Ten

Haste on Schema 13 Is Dangerous Says Cardinal ", ROME (DW) - His Emi- . nence Giacomo Cardinal Ler­ caro, 73, ArchbiRhop of Bo­ logna in Italy and one of the four Moderators of the Vatican Council, has called for lengthy discussion and careful revision of the difficult 13th schema titled, "The Church in the World Today". He stressed the importance and necessity of detailed discus­ sion on the Council floor in evolving Council decrees and constitutions, and said this was all the more true for the new schema introduced this mornins. 'rum to Page Twev' •



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fen River-Thurs. Oct. 2', 1'~4 ._ \r

Ave"r~ Freedom Movement Terrifies Many Americans I

.• Council on TV'

VATICAN CITY (NC) -'- n. bishops of the wor1~ here fal the' ecumenical coUncil caa never be certain that Pope Paul VI is not looking at them. Thanks to TV equipment re­ cently installed at strategie points in St. Peter's basilica, the Pope Can ''spot'' by remote cono­ trol nearly every move thC7 make. The installation was made in connection with the introduc­ tion of a "new look" in the in­ terior decoratiQns of the apart­ ments where the Pope rE:ceives important visitors. There was a radio setup there before whic~ enabled him to listen in oii ccuncil debates whenever be wanted. Now there is TV also. .

Rev. Andrew M. Greeley Msgr. George G. Higgins is again in Rome to assist in the 'Work of the third session of Va.tican Couneil II. Father Andrew M. Greeley, who writes Tlut Yardstick during his absence. is assistant pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Chnreb, Chicago; senior director at tile National Opinion Research Center, Uni­ versity of Chicago, and president-elect of tbe American Catholic Sociological Society.

Whether there is a white backlash that will affect notably the outcome of the election or not remains to be seen; but there is no doubt that the movement, the civil rights law, the various demonstrations against segregation, the Summer riots, have all ualist varIety, and was, there­ thoroughly terrified many fore, the enemy. He was not to white Americans - indeed be listened to; he was to be terrified them to the point a-f driven out of the neighborhood

irrationality. An example of this irrationality occurred recently on the South­ west side of Chicago. Philip Hauser, the chairman of the Sociology De­ partment of the Ullivemty of Chicago, had served as 'the bead of a CClm­ mittee of 0 ­ fJeI1;s who at­ tempted to pre­ pare a plan for solving the com­ plex racial problems of Chicago's schools. ' The plan is basieally a moder­ ate document which is both po­ litically and socially feasible-­ though quite expensive. It would increase to some extent the amount of racial, mixing in the schools but does not involve any of the very controvemal com p u 1 so r y "cross bussing", schemes being tried in other cities. Not the least of the merits of the plan is that it might, in ,., the long run, make Chicago a better place to live and slow' down the flight out of the city to the suburbs. , 'Refuse to· Listen ;'Hauscr was. inyited to discuss h~ report at a high school which upder a. preVious plan would lilive a token number of ,Negro sfudents. MQre than 500 people (w,any of them, if not most of them Catholics, it is to be feared) booed and jeered him f~ well over an' hour before he c~uld begin ~s talk and walked out without listening to what he . had to say. The tragedy of the whcHe sorry; event was that most of the pick­ ets did not have the slightest idea of what was in: the Hauser report and probably didn't care. Their high school· district and their neighborhood were not threatened by it; indeed, it very well might help to preserve their community. 'But this was irrelevant: Hau­ ser stood for integration, even of the most moderate and grad'-



Nov. l-St. Thomas M 0 r e, S'omerset. . Sacred Heart, Oak BluHs. Nov. s-st. John. the Baptist. . New Bedford. Notre Dame, Fall River. Nov. 15--St. Stanislaus, i' a II River. OUr Lady of the Immac­ ulate Conception, New Bedford. Nov. 22-St. Ann, Raynham. St. John The Evangelist, Attleboro. THI AlIeNOR second Class Postage Palll at Fall River, Man. "Ulllishe<t every Thursday- at 410 Higltlano Ilyenue. Fait RI1ter Mass. bJl tha Catholic Press ilt the Diocese of Fa/! Rlver. SuflscriptiOlI price 111 mall, postpaId $4.00 pa, year.

as quickly as possible. Convenient Scapegoats This incident illustrates the difficulty of dealing with racial prejudice. Did the people on the Southwest side hate Ne­ groes? Some of them did, of course; but mere hatred is not enough of an explanation. They also fear them. They fear the destruction of their own community by the advancing Negro ghetto. even though the ghetto walls are still far away. They fear the c:rime that comes with the ghetto. . They fear the loss of hard earned money that is invested in their small but neatly kept homes. They fear the -potential destruction of their still preca­ rious social status if they should lose their ,money. They fear a hundred and one other things and the Negroes are a conven­ ient scape-goat for their fears. They are, for the most part, but one generation removed from poverty and do not have the security necessary to view the freedom movement in proper perspective. Their hatred may (to some extent) cauSe their fear, but. to IIl.uch greater ex-. tent fear....causes their .' '. , hatred. .

. T~ W~ Founded

It·is not nearly, enough merely to preach· racial justice, to these people, though this surely must' be, done in season and out; their fear is so strong that they often, quite, literally cannot hear what is .being said. And, while mllc~ of their fear is invalid, .unfQrt~ately some of it is "all too, well fO,unded.. It will not be put to rest until. some way is found to calm the fears of the anxious, threatened little people on whom it preys. Unfortunately, no one yet knows h9w this is to be done.


Necrology NOV.l :Rev. William. H. McNamara, 1924, Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield. Rev. Louis N. Blanchet, 1927, Assistant, St. John the Baptist, Fall River. Rt. Rev. John F. Ferraz, 1944­ Pastor, St.Michael, Fall River. Rt. Rev. George- F. Cain, 1953, Pastor, St. Matthew, Fall River. NOV•. :! A Memento for the repose elf the souls of. our priests. Rev. Joseph S. Fortin, 1923, Founder St. John the Baptist, Fall River. Rev. Michael V. McDonough. 1933, Chaplain, St. Mary Home, New Bedford.

571 Second Street FaU River, Mass. OS 9-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON licensed Funeral Director Registel"e,l Embalmer



Mass Ordo

ATTLEBORO AREA: Representing area youth are CYO officers at St. Mary's parish, Mansfield. From left, Alfred. Caroonetti Jr., vice-president; Nancy Leonelli, pres­ ident; Ba:rbara Murphy, secret~T;,Thomas Leonard, treas­ urer; ,

Catholic I~elief Agency Aids Thousand!; in West, Africa NEW YORK (NC) ---. "The feeling is good now," says Law­ son Mooney of his toeIations with leaders of the West African na­ tion of Senegal. And well he might. ' Starting from scratch three years ago, the program director for Catholic Relief Services­ National Catholic Welfare Con­ ference in Senegal organized a program which has distributed food, clothing and medicine to more than 61,000 of the needy. He has also set up five health centers,' where expectant and nursing 'mothers learn about nu­ trition, hygiene and, child' care, and has helped orl~anize a na­ tionwide 'leper control project which ,should virtually eliminate leprosy in Senegal within five years.. 'A nat i v e af Somerville, Mooney is married and has two children. Last April Senegalese President Leopold Senghor pre­ sented . him with the nation'~ Order of Merit for his work in,

cOmbating bunger, poverty and qisease. He waS the first Amer­ ican SO honored. , Interviewed at CRS--NCWC headquarters here, Mooney, 42, noted that one of his major concerns since July has been a relief program for 30,000 refu­ gees from Portuguese Guinea. Eats With Leaders The refugees have compound­ ed what was already a serious food shortage for Senegal. Mooney anticipates that Catho­ lic Relief Services will be feed­ ing 15,000 refugees in ,Senegal. next year. ' : Revie~ng the progress over. the. ,past three years, he com-. m~nted, that "when I arrived in Senegal three years ago I was eyed with susp~cion and doqbt. Novil eat with the MusJ.qn leaders. . -''TIle feelirig is good now. Mis­ sionanes work with confi­ dence. But the main thing is., that the. Church is stronger.

Hong Kong o:rrappist Vocations In,crease





HONG :KONG (NC) - Abbot Eusebius Wagner, a.s.c.o.. of the Monastery of Our Lady of Clairvaux, Vina, Ca!., said the number of. vocatioDlI is increas­ ing at the Hong King monastery located on Lantao Island. He credited the inl7ease to the industrialization of the British colony and the re;alization by, Chinese that the ltDonks, like. themselves, are refugees.



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FllII;>AY-Mass of XXIII SUD-. day after Pentecost. IV Class. Green. Mass proper; No Glo­ ria or Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY - Mass of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday. IV Class. White. Mass Proper;. Gloria; No Creed; Preface 01 Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY-All Saints. I Clas& : White:' Mass Proper; Glori~ 2nd Coil. XXIV Sunday after '.~entecoSt ' (IV' Sunday ~r EP!p~~y); Creed; Preface of .~ty. " 1IIONDAY - Commemoration CII. all the Faithful Departed. 1 Class. Black. Three Masses "may' 'be offered by' eveJ7 ·pnest;'the first Mass is offered aecording to the intention of the celebrant, the second fCil all the faithful departed, and 'the'third according to the in-:. tention of the Pope. The se­ quence is said in the principal Mass only. TUESDAY-Mass of XXIV SUD­ day after Pentecost (IV Sun­ day after Epiphany). IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Glo­ ria or Creed; Common Pref­ ace. WEDNESDAY-St. Charles Bor­ rom~o, Bishop and ConfessOl'. TIl Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd Coil. SS. Vi.talia and Agricola, Martyrs, Ne .~r~ed; Common Preface. T~URSDAY Mass. 9£ XXIV, ,.~unday~er Pentecost (IV ,~\lD.day after Epiphany) . IV q~. G~een. Mass Proper; No Gl,!ria, or Cr~; COl';nmoll . ~aee. One Votive :Mass iJl. honor ,of Jesus Christ, The ,Eternal High PrieSt, pennitted. Gloria; no Creed; CommOIl : ~r.eface.

c. P. HARRINGTON FUNERAL HOME '986 Plymouth Avenue

Fait River. Mass. TeL OS 3-22'72

D•. D~ 'Sullivan & Sons' FUNERAL HOME 469 LOCUST STREET FAll RIVER, Mass. os 2-3381 Wilfred C. James E. DriScoll Sullivan. Jr.

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OS 2-239'1 Rose E. Sullivan :Jeffrey E. SuUivaa


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703 S. Water Street New Bedford j

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Oct. 29, 1964

Nuns of Today Must BeMore Than "Kind Little People"

German Churches Invite Visitors 24 Hours a Day

CINCINNATI (NC)-Nunsof today m'ust be more th.'an "kind little people," the head of one of the nation's largest sisterhoods declared here. "They also must be professionally able," she added. Mother Mary Orner, Mother G::eneral of the Sisters of family problems and race relaOharity of Cincinnati, in an tions. ' . interview said present needs ' Mother Mary Orner foresees a in the Church call for nuns fuller role for Sisters in parishes. who have "a solid foundation in theology, Scripture, and liturgy on which to build necessary professional competence." This is because "Sisters belong in the mainstream of the ehurch's renewal" she said. New A o~tolates p . New aJ?ostolates are openmg up for SIsters, as well as new approac h es t 0 th e tasks they ' g said Mother now are pe rformi n , Mary Orner, who also is secre": tary-treasurer of the Conference of Major Superiors of Women. In the near future she expects to see Sisters more active at Newman Centers on secular university campuses, in discus­ sion groups formed by lay peo­ ple, and in civic and community enterprises. "If Sisters don't move forward and become involved in wider apostolates," she said, "you'D have to search in past history to find them." Developments Among new developments ,of her own community she cited: -Monthly discussion 'meetings

of Sisters from neighboring par­ ishes to talk about and prepare for the Church's program of re­ newal. -Supervised programs of study fo r underprivileged children lacking decent home facilities for study. -Visits by parish school teach­ ers to homes of their pupils. -Motherhouse institutes Oft auch issues as sex education,

P0ge Discusses Trip to India VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has expressed the hope that his forthcoming visit to India to attend the International ,Eucharistic Congress in Bombay will not draw attention away from Christ in the Eucharist, the very center of the congress. "We would prefer that our unusual journey will result in honor for Him alone," the Pope told those attending his weekly general audience. He said his trip to India "should stimulate the souls of those who attend, and of those who follow the Eucharistic Con­ gress from a distance, to concen­ trate all the more on the mys­ tery of the Eucharist and the sacrificial presence of Christ." The Pope opened the audience by pointing out that his listeners "see in us the head of the Cath­ olic Church, the visible head."

Pope to Consecra'te Bishops in Bombay VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI will consecrate five bishops from five continents on Thursday, Dec. 3 while attend­ ing the International Eucharistic Congress in India. Coadjutor Archbishop Angelo Fernandes of Delhi told the U. S. bishops' press panel that the Pope "will spend three days at least in Bombay during which he win consecrate five bishops from five continents and on an­ other occasion he will meet the poor." After the panel discussions, Archbishop Fernandes somewhat qualified the period of the Pope's visit, indicating that it may not be a full 72-hour stay in India but may also include travel time from Rome to India and back.

COLOGNE (NC) - The door is open 24 hours a day to the worshiper who wishes to visit his Eucharistic King in this large German metropolis. At the ur.ging of Joseph Card­ inal Frings a half dozen churches have erected the tabernacle off to the side of the altar and leave a side door to the church open day and night for visits to the Blessed Sacrament. The tabernacle is separated from the rest of the church by a heavy iron grille which is locked to prevent theft or vandalism in the church. The practice of having the tabernacle away from the altar stems from an ancient privilege. Liturgists here defend the prac­ tice by pointing out 'that it places increased emphasis on the altar, the center of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, during the celebration of Mass. Typical of these churches is. St. Albans here, built in simple modernistic style since the end of the war. The altar is just a, large stone table where Mass is offered facing the people. One feature of the church is, that a large copy of the Sacred Scriptures is always stationed in front of the pulpit for reading by the faithful.

"They have a bigger job than a class," she s?id, pomtmg out that. s~e adVIses nuns they are misslOned to a parish, not just, a school. She is convinced, too, that deeper holiness is required of today's nun "because she must meet greater needs." "Her life must be expressive . . . of true, ChrIst-lIke graclOus­ 1 d"" h 'd ness, ove, an gIVIng, s e sal . "T b f ll't t b 0 e. ~ ,,1 mus e a co;n­ plete gIvmg of self to others. ju~t ~eaching

Scores Pope's India Visit LISBON (NC) - Portuguese

Foreign Minister Alberto Franco Nogueira has described the scheduled visit of Pope Paul VI to India later this year as a "gratuitous offense" to Portugal. The Pope has announced he will make a brief trip to India to attend the 38th International Eucharistic Congress being held in Bombay Nov. 28 to Dec. 6.

Relations between Portugal and India have been ruptured since India took control of the former Portuguese territory of Goa on the Indian coast in December, 1961. Nogueira told newsmen that the papal visit is "useless and unjust, carried out by the head of the Catholic Church against a Catholic nation." Dignified Silence Asked if the trip could not be eonsidered merely on its spirit­ Ual objectives, Nogueira said he did not wish to comment further, but would -maintain a "hurt and 'dignified silence." He would not comment on whether his gov­ ernment would approve papal visit to Portugal. There has been some specula­ tion that during his Indian visit Pope Paul might stop at Goa to view the remains of St. Francis Xavier which will be on exposi­ tion during the Eucharistic con­ gress. However the Pope said when he announced his plans that the trIp would be limited to a "single stopping place."


Score International Education Meeting MEXICO CITY (NC) - The Mexican National Parents' As­ sociation has complained that the World Education Assembly held here in September has un­ dermined Mexican education by discrediting the rights of par­ ents and the role of religion in schools. In a letter appearing in the daily newspaper Excelsior the association charged that most

of the foreign delegates at the

assembly had no official status and that they were given undue attention by the Mexican minis­ try of education.

~ CAPE YOUTH: Representative of Gape God Catholic .



t, .




Youth Organizations during National Catholic Youth Week are officers of Our Lady of the Cape CYO, Brewster. From left, front, Kathleen Connors, secretary; Constance Swift, treasurer; rear, William Bohlin Jr~ vice-president; Thomas Fox Jr., president. '

California Parish Experiments With New CCD Program ,Type SANTA ROSA (NC)-An ex­ periment has been started here to reach Catholic children at­ tending public secondary schools with a new kind of program. St. Rose parish has dropped the traditional one-hour-per­ week program and is substitut­ ing a concentrated three-day course twice a year and monthly meetings which will combine lectures and recreation. "We ,found the old program was not having the' effEld we wanted - a deepening of the Christian life of' the students," said Father Manuel Costa, as­ sistant pastor in charge of the parish's Confraternity of Chris­ tian Doctrine effort. Attendance dropp~d off, con­ tinually under the .old program, he said. About 150 might regis­ ter, 130 show up for the first class and by the end of the year there were 80 or 90 pupils left, he explained. "We got complaints that it was the 'same old catechism' they'd had in grammar school," he said. "And the one-hour class just doesn't allow sufficient time to do much else."

Irish Centenary BUENOS AIRES (NC)-Lead­ ers of Argentina's Irish Catholic community plan to go to the provincial town of Carmen de Areco Sunday to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the found­ ing of the first Irish chaplaincT there. '

Under the experiment, lftu­ dents will meet Sunday after­ noon, once in the Fall and again in the Spring, with a priest, nun and laymen for a series of talks. After. the talks, they will break up into groups of 12 for discus­ sion. The second day will begin at


T P.M.' It will feature a Bible vigil, with students reading the Scripture, and end at 9:15. On the third day, there will be dis­ cussion followed by Mass.' Par­ ents will be invited and there will be refreshments in the parish hall.

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Combined with the monthly meetings, the actual number of hours each year devoted to CCD instruction, about 30, will re­ main the' same, Father Costa said.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1964

1954 Coyle Men Plan Reunion


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I The pJlrish. Parade

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OUR LADY OF AS~if.M:H'ION, ST. JOSEPH, I)STERVILLE FALL RIVER A whist will be sponsored at The Women's Guild announces a Christmas Bazaar from 10 to 4 8 tonight by the Women's Guild Saturday, Nov. 21 at Osterville in the Brightman Street parish hall. Mrs. Edward M. Cullen, Community Center. All parish­ chairman, will be aided by a ioners will receive a letter re­ questing their cooperation with large committee. A house to house canvass will regard to donations of food, be made this Sunday for gifts to gifts, fancy work and other suit­ be used as penny sale prizes. able bazaar items. Committees are headed by Three hundred adult gifts and Mrs. Margaret Murray, gifts; 100 children's awards are needed. Trading stamps will also - be Miss Karen Murray, white ele­ phant; Mrs. Charles Haskell,. welcome. Cub Scouts will meet at 7:30 foods; Mrs. Betty McDonough tonight in the school hall and and Mrs. Mary LeClair, religious .their parents should also be items. A baby sitting service will be present. Boys not yet Cubs are also invited to attend. operated by teenagers and a Parish CYO officers are Mi­ game table and surprise event chael McNally, president; Karen will feature the children's de­ Fletcher, vice-president; Nancy partment. Felix, secretary; Alan McAn­ Refreshments will be avail­ drew, treasurer. Junior CYO able all day and Mrs. Florence members will sponsor a Hal­ Dacey will be in charge of a jewelry table. Mrs. Jean Crosby loween dance from 7:15 to 10 to­ morrow night, with prizes will be responsible for posters. awarded for best and funniest Guild members are requested to bring children's grabs to the costumes. Senior CYOers will hold a car wash from 10 to 3 unit's meeting Thursday, Nov. 12. Other articles may be left at this Saturday. the Osterville center from 2 to ST. JAMES, 4 and 8 to 10 Friday, Nov. 20. NEW BEDFORD Guild members in each village Msgr. Noon Circle will spon­ will be glad to bring in dona­ sor a penny sale Tuesday, Dec. tions from oiher parishioners. 1 with grand prize to be a color They are Mrs. Leo Mahoney for television. Mashpee; Mrs. Walter Hamblin, Marstons Mills; Miss Hilda Al­ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, meida, Santuit; Mrs. Charles NEW BEDFORD Haskell, Osterville; Mrs, John Mr. and Mrs. Antone L. Heher, Cotuit. Soares are presidents of the Couples Club, aided by Mr. and SANTO CHRISTO, George Silvia, vice-presidents; FALL RIVER Mr. and Mrs. Armand Brie, se­ The Council of Catholic Women retaries; and Mr. and Mrs. Jose will sponsor a turkey whist F. Cabral Jr., treasurers. party Thursday night, Nov. 12. OUR LADY OF GRACE, Mrs. Mary Almeida, chairman, will be aided by Mrs. Ann Faria, WESTPORT Members of the Council of co-chairman. Tickets are avail­ able at the church sacristy or Catholic Women will receive Communion Sunday at the Mass from committee members. of their choice. ST. MICHAEL, Miss Barbara O'Brien, Home FALL RIVER Economics instructor for tlv A music variety show will be County Extension Work, will staged by the Council of Catholic speak on "Food and Facts" at the Women at 8 Saturday and Sun­ Council meeting Tuesday night day nights, Nov. 7 and 8 in the at 8 o'clock. school auditorium, Essex Street. Mrs. William Tavares is general BLESSED SACRAMENT. chairman and the program will FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic WOI....m include singing, dancing and has announced a penny sale for playlets. the November meeting and a ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT. Christmas party on Dec. 6. FALL RIVER ST. ANNE, A chicken pie supper will be FALL RIVER eo-sponsored by the Holy Name Mrs. Herve Cummings, presi­ Society and the Blessed Mother dent of the Council of Catholic Guild Saturday night, Nov. 14. Women, has announced that Monday night's meeting will IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, have a floral demonstration as FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will meet the program's main entertain­ at 8 Monday night, Nov. 2 in the ment. The annual penny sale will be church hall. Mrs. May McBride will be social hour chairman and held Saturday evening, Nov. 14, entertainment will be in charge in the school audi~· of Mrs. Aime Turgeon and Mrs. SACRED HEART. Leo Paiva. Women are requested FALL RIVER to bring their homemade hats. The Women's Guild will meet Prizes will be awarded for fun­ Monday night Nov. 2, at 8 niest and prettiest creations. o'clock in the lower school hall. The unit will receive corpor­ A dramatic group from Durfee ate Communion at 8 o'clock High School will entertain. Mass Sunday morning, Nov. 1. Chairmen are Mrs. John S. Burns and Miss Mary Daley. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will meet at 8 Monday night, Nov. 2 in American Legion Hall, Third NEW YORK (NC)-The-Cath­ Street. A children's dance pro- . olic Charities Guidance Institute gram will feature the entertain­ ment, with Miss Helen Goff in of the New York archdiocese, a community based psychiatric charge of arrangements. clinic for children has received ST. THERESA, a grant of $31,000 from the Na­ NEW BEDFORD tional Institute of Mental Health. New officers of St. Anne So­ Believed to be the first such dality are Mrs. Roger Robitaille, award to be made for the in­ president; Mrs. Donald Dubois, service training of parochial vice-president; Mrs. G era I d school teachers, it will be used to Richard, secretary; Mrs. Leo train elementary grade teachers Jodoin, treasurer.. Next meeting of parochial school children in will be at 7:30 Wednesday night, the early recognition and prompt referral of students Nov. 11, at which time a Christmas party will be planned. showing signs of mental illness.

Catholic Psychiatric Program Gets Grant

The largest class ever to grad­ uate from Coyle High School, Taunton, will hold its 10th anni­ versary reunion Saturday, Nov. 14. Alumni will watch a footban game between Coyle and Durfee High School, Fall River, in the afternoon, then attend a dinner at Lewis Lodge, Taunton. . In charge of arrangements are Edward Coogan and James Brennan.


CYO INSTALLATION: Rev. Edward Duffy installed New Bedford CYO officers at St. James Church Sunday. Left to right are Susan Kuszycki, St. James Parish, vice­ president; Warren Sanford, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, president; Melanie Abraham, Our Lady of Purgatory,. sec­ retary. James Corrado, St. Mary's Parish, is tr.easurer.

The record class includes two Holy Cross Brothers, Brother William Lowney and Brother Francis Leary; three present members of the Coyle lay fac­ ulty, James B. Lanagan, Thomas F. Whalen and Joseph E. Betten­ court; and five Diocesan priests, Rev. John F. Andrews, 55. Peter and Paul parish, Fall River; Rev. Edmund T. Delaney, St. Joseph, Fan River; Rev. Richard P. Demers, St. Michael, Ocean Grove; Rev. Leonard M. Mul­ laney, St. Patrick, Wareham; and Rev. Thomas F. Neilan, St. Ann, Raynham. All were ordained Feb. 2, 1962 by Bishop Connolly.


OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to '0 P.M.



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Churchmen Urge President to Act On Pornography

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1964

NEW YORK (NC)-The problem of pornography dis­ tribution among U.S. child­ ren has reached "the crisis

MADISON (NC)-The inter­ pretation of Christian burial rules may be stricter among American Catholics than the common law of the Church de­ mands, 200 members of the Na­ tional Catholic Cemetery Con­ ference were told here in Wis­ consin. Father John Dede, S.S., dis­ cussing the canon law of Chris­ tian burial and cremation, said that according to reports from Vatican Radio persons choosing cremation might not be refused Christian burial, providing there was no hatred for the Church or denial of Christian teaching is such a choice. Noting that such deprivation is a penalty for an "external and gravely imputable violation of law" and that doubt favors the accused person, 'the speaker

stage," nine leading Catholic, Protestant and Jewish church­ men declared in a message to President Johnson. The church leaders called on the President to form a presi­ dential study commission on the problem and to order an FBI investigation to identify the pro­ ducers of pornography. Signers of the appeal included Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind., epis­ copal chairman of the National Office for Decent Literature; Bishop Aloysius J. Willinger, C.SS.R., of Monterey-Fresno, Calif., and Bishop John King Mussio of Steubenville, Ohio. Also signing the appeal was Henry L. Lambert, president of the New York Board of Trade, which joined with the New York interfaith decency group Opera­ tion Yorkville in making publie the statement. The signers noted in their message to the President that many Americans believe the problem of pornography distri­ bution to U. S. children has reached "a point of national emergency." They said pornography pro­ duction has been estimated as being a $1 billion to $2 billion annual business and said "be­ tween 75 per cent and 00 per rent of it ends up in the hands ef children." Hamstrung by RUUD~ "Police have observed a deli­ Rite interrelation between the stimulus of pornography and narcotics using, juvenile sex crime and violence," they said. Although there are laws on lite books to fight pornography, the appeal continUed, enforce­ ment officials "and reCently even legislatures" have been "hamstrung" by the various eourt rulings. They urged formation of a presidential commission to study the problem and "make recom­ mendations for a swift and per­ manent solution." They also called for an FBI investigation to find and publicize "the sources ef this pornography production."

Priests, Laymen Receive Awards NEW YORK (NC) - Two priests and five laymen have re­ ceived the Holy Name Society's Medallion Circle award, the so­ ciety's national headquarters here announced. Fat her William O'Hare, Louisville, Ky., and Msgr. Charles Elslander, Sarasota, Fla., received silver finish replicas of the Holy Name insignia, mounted on an ebony shield, Father Dennis B. McCarthy, O.P., HNS national director, said.

Richard Asmus and Andrew .Jecker, from Cleveland, Joseph McGaughan of Tampa, Fla.; and Frank McNulty and Arthur Nel­ son, both of St. Pete!"sburg, Fla., received gold finish awards, mounted on walnut shields. The 'Medallion Circle awards recognize outstanding service to the society, Father McCarthy aid.

Brazil-Bound GARRISON (NC) Father .John Broderick, S.A., of Worces­ ter and Brother Roch AuCoin, SA., of Sydney, N. S., have left Graymoor monastery here in New York for mission posts in oJatai, Brazil. Franciscan Friars ef the Atonement are now work­ Ing in three counties of the area linGer Bishop Dominic Co8ci... ~.F.M.. of Jatai.


Sees Possible Change in Church's Attitude on Christian Burial

_._ ~-----, _GZ -~iJjt, ,



"":.c.:.""",,,~.._. ..


.J AT COMMUNION BREAKFAST: Present at the Com­ munion breakfast Sunday in K of C Hall, Mattapoisett, were front left to right, Grand Knight Leonard G.Cejka of Damien' Council No. 4190; Melvin J. Miller, president of St. Anthony Holy Name Society; rear, Walter Kirk.

Historic Monstrance Wisconsin Parish Uses Religious Treasure At Centennial Observan.ce DEPERE (NC) - The Perrot used there. The church burned monstrance, nearly :roo years in 1828. The monstrance was old, one of Wisconsin's Gldest moved to Detroit, and ..kept ill religious treasures, was used. St. Anne's church there. when St. Francis Xavier Catho­ Father Florimund Bonduel, a lic church here observed its Green Bay priest, recognized the centennial. relic, purchased it for $26, and The monstrance has been kept returned it to Green Bay in 1838. in the Neville Public Museum, . In 1928, the late Bishop Paul P. Green Bay, since 1928. Eighteen Rhode of Green Bay, loaneli it inches high, it is hand-wrought to Neville museum. In 1941, it of silver, and originally was was displayed and used at the .owned by the French governor Eucharistic Congress in St. Paul. of what is now northeastern Wisconsin. Nicholas Perrot, French com­ mandant of the West, gave the monstrance to St. Francis Xavier mission founded by the Jesuits in DePere. It bears this inscrip­ tion in French around its base: "This Soleil was donated by Mr. Commercial • Industf'ial

Nicholas Perrot to the Mission Institutional

of St. Francis Xavier in the Bay of the Puants-1668." Painting and Decorating

A year later, tragedy struck when the mission was burned in Fall River OSborne 2-1911 an uprising of the Fox, Kickapoo 135 Franklin Street and Mascoutin Indian tribes.. The monstrance apparently was buried to save it from sacri­ legious treatment. It was found 115 years later by workmen digging a foundation in Green Bay. ' Recognizes Relic The monstrance was kept in the old Langlade-Grignon home. In 1823, when the first church was built in Green Bay, it was







Buffalo College Has 10-Story Dormitory BUFFALO (NC)-A new, 10­ story, $1,750,000 residence hall was dedicated at D'Youville Col­ lege here and five other new buildings are planned to be com­ pleted by 1973. Sister Francis Xavier, presi­ dent of the 57-year-old college, said a seven-story science build­ ing is next on the program, with the groundbreaking scheduled in February. This will be fol­ lowed by a student center, an athletic building, a chapel, a fine arts center, and a faculty residence for the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart who OQRduct


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took issue with the ruling of one diocese where victims of reckless driving were denied Christian burial. Cares for Dead The Conference keynoter, Msgr. Joseph O'Brien, Bronx, N. Y., told the cemetery ad­ ministrators that the Church, through her ministers, consoles, prays for and cares for the dead. Regarding prayers for the dead, the former cemetery di­ rector said: "there are parishes where no priest ever bothers to visit the funeral home to offer prayers for the deceased. And there are dioceses where priests are known for their neglect in not accompanying the body to the cemetery * * * It is difficult to understand how an ambassa­ dor of Christ can neglect this responsibility."

The Catholic Food Service Seminar THE CHALLENGE OF






New York Coliseum, New York City, New York

November 11-12, 1964 DIRECTED BY

BROTHER HERMAN E. ZACCARELLI, Diredor FOOD RESEARCH CENTER FOR CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS STONattU COLLEGE NORTH EASTON, MASSACHUSmS The expenses of this Forge Company and The National Hotel and Motel Hence, there will be

EXPENSES seminar are to be paid by its sponsors, The Market John Sexton Company, in co-operation with the Exposition. no Registration charge for those attending.


IM5 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Registration: Fill out the proper forms.

9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.


One of Americas foremost authorities, together with the personnel of

Catholic Institutions, will discuss the latest techniques of food preparation and the latest developmens in food preparation equipment, as well as how to improve skill and technique in the art of cooking tomorrow's foods. Special emphasis will be placed upon tile particular problems of the Catholic Institution. 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Coffee Service and Discussion 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Preparinr TOllOlTD.'S Foods TodaHontinueli 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Lunch 1:15 p.m. to 5:00 p. m.


Each participant will visit the exhibitions of food and food equipment manufacturers who deal with Catholic Institutions. Here they will have the unique opportunity to view and discuss the new changes in tomorrow's food and food equipment. SCHEDULE-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1964

8:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Registration 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.-PURCHASING TOMORROW'S FOODS TODAY Discussion of the proper techniques of purchasing foods of the present day and the future, with special reference to the small instituti?n, as ~f1 ~ a detailed examination of the problems of the large Catholic Institutions (Col!ege·School·Seminary.Novitiatel. O~e of. A~erica's. for~most aut~rities, together with personnel from Catholic InstitutIOns, Will ~ISCUSS quality and quantity guides, selection of supplies, and methods of delivery. 10:30 a.m. to ll:OO a.m. Coffee Service and Discussion. ll:OO a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Purchasing of Tomorrow's Foods Todar~onti.uell 12:,15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Lunch 1:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Distribution of special service material. I :30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Each participant w!" visit th.e eXki~iti?ns of food and food equipment manufacturers who deal With Catholic InstltutlO~s. Here they will have the. opportunity to view and discuss the new changes In tomorrow's food and food equipment. FACULTY APPOINTMENTS BROTHER HERMAN E. ZACCARELLI, C.S.C. Brother Herman has traveled extensively in the United States and Call~a, visiting Catholic Institutions, giving Food Servce Workshops and speaktng. MISS MARTHA CUMMINGS A well·known authority in the food service industry. MR. NORMAN STINER Having graduated with J.tonors from tile. Un!versity o~ Iowa, Mr. Stiner has displayed great interest In the food service IOdustry slOce 1924.




..,...... S.tJl Miss Beraice L••,.

Menw, C.S.C. IrettIer licltarll, U.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Oct. 22, 196~1



A Time for Heroism This is Catholic Youth Week. Some think that it is a week given over to the glorifi.. cation of youth-the praise of their activities and the list-· ing of their accomplishments. That is not the purpose and intent of the week. It is a week that spotlights youth so that the'se may declare to and before others, in works rather than in words, their contribution to the Church and to the community. Unfortunately, some adults have made the mistake of speaking to and of young people as if -these were a race apart, separated from the rest of humanity with its responsibilities and duties. It is no surprise that, following upon this, some young people have taken the attitude that they have little or no responsibility to others and, on the contrary, feel that others owe them much just on the basis of their age alone. Catholic Youth Week aims ast showing that young people are aware of their solidarity with all others. True, they have the problems and anxieties that accompany development. But every other age has its concomitant problems too. Catholic Youth Week aims at showing that young people are able to take their role in the apostolate. of the Church, claiming neither special favoritism nor excuse from responsibility. It is perhaps too strong a statement, but the words of Leon Bloy dramatize the role of the young: "Youth is not a time for fun. It is the time for heroism."

Coming Feasts


REV. JAMES A. ClARK Assistant Director

Lotin American Bureau, NCWC

The World of Carmen Carmen Mirand-a's grave is topped by a stone angel blowing a trumpet. It lie. next to a high, bluish-gre.y

<Thnou.qh the Week With the Chu.nch By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic U~iversity

wall which surrounds a ceme­ tery in one of the packed neigh­ bOrhoods 'of Rio de Janeiro, Bra­ zil. The wall circling the gravesites casts its pallor on the .drab h 0 use s along the road­ way. As an en­ gaging movie­ s tar. Carmen Miranda sym­ bolized Holly­ wood's version of Latin America. Her rapid dancing, exotic hats and illogical conversational chatter. g a v e North Americans an image of a fast-paced, high-living La ti • . world.

The Betty Grable era movies TODAY-Mass as on Sunday. gropings in the power of that . like "Flying Down to Rio" hinted A human being is able to live on several levels. The Christian is, by definition, Spirit who works in us to con- . to North Americans about the form . us to the risen Christ. He. 'can merely exist, satisfied in being fed and an "adventist" (if the word is magic and, mysterious world not copyrighted). "It is to heaven These are the beatitudes; and a housed asking little more. This is living-if such it can be that we look expectantly for the study of them may point to South of the Border. coming of our Lord Jesus Christ sanctity in unlikely places. called--on an almost vegetable level. . Carmen's picture of Lattn America is a true one. There is save us (First Reading). Or he can decide to seize the experiences of every day, to Only MONDAY - Commemoration money, high society, style, cul­ God can consummate indulging himself in all that is pleasure-giving, yielding to and bring to completion what of All the Faithful Departed. ture, and a social set in Latin the whim of every appetite· and emotion. For as long as he· He has beglln and what He "Those who listen to (the voice America that can equal that of can get away with this, he can thus live on an animal maintains in existence. We love , of the Son. of God) will live" any other continent on the earth. level. . . the world, indeed. far more than (Gospel). Perhaps they weren't Latin America has everything those who believe it purposeless, all heroes but if they listened it need_ to create a wonderful Or again, he ean be a man of reason, guiding his life .. for we see it as highly purpose­ they will live. world for all of its Citizens. It So we pray today for those . has large cities, fine universities, according to the dictates of his judgement, trying to be· fu!. a well ordered member of society, giving the mind primacy' TOMORROW _. Mass as on Who, one with us in faith, in jet-age airports, plentiful nat­ hope, in baptism, are also one ural resources, highly-skilled Sunday. Our worship, then, is Qver .the body. Thjs is living like a rational man. and educated people, climate­ always a kind of movement of with us in undeveloped, unper­ But more is expected of man than that. time toward eternity, of time fected, unexpanded love and' yes everything to enable its consequently, need our" people to have a high standard Man' is called to be a son of God-living not like a toward its compl,etion. By the who, prayers. They listened, but their of living. vegetable or an animal or even as a reasonable human Eucharist, very fact that the Mass, the response was not all that grace' symbolizes the heav- . But alas any true picture· of being only, but living as a member of the family of God. enly banquet, our final sharing empowered. Latin America will easily show His life must be guided not only by right reason..,..-which in Christ's glory, i.t is a kind of' that most Latins have not shared TUESDAY-Mass as on Sun­ can bring him quite a long way along the road ,to God, but energy factor in time, leading day•. (Today's, Thursday's and in this possible prosperity. The picture would have to include ·by a constant seekjng to live a life of union with Christ. to that consummation. Friday's Mass is that of the 23rd . The Entrance H:rmn promises:" Sunday after Pentecost, except the slums that surround the cem­ The coming Feasts of· All Saint!'! and All Souls under­ "Wherever you are held in bond- . for the prayers and readings etery where Carmen so peace­ line this fact. Catholics at these times should be on age, I will came and set you which are taken from the 4th fully sleeps. The scene would show miilions who live not in a familiar terms with the champions of God in Heaven and free."· In the Eucharist He frees Sunday after Epiphany.) world of magic but of misery­ with the su~fering ~~mbers of the Mystical Body who are us from countless impediments Love is not only happiness and in poverty, hunger, imnioralit3lt in Purgatory. . . to our progress. fulfilment-it is also faithful-­ disease. s.... M:AR~ ON. SA.TURDAY. ness, .fidelity,. "The man who These .Fea&ts remind us of the invisible world around "My roots spr:ead out among the loves his neighbor has 'done all In Carmen's cemetery echoee DS, of the saints and the poor souls, of the world of prayer people that enjoy his favor. • ." that. the law. demands" (First· of a· rhumba. beat can be heard toGC?d's fri~nds.who are with Him. and petition for those (First Reading). Symbol of the ­ Reading). Every moral require­ . each ev~nip'g -from. a fiesta lleld ment of God's covenant is con­ .a few blOCks' away. The negre whose entran~e into" Heaven. has been delayed. for a while. Church, Our Lady makes her taiJied in the response of fia­ people hold an' open air jam-: home among men, in the human boree in the magnificent .climate . These Feasts remind' us of the reality of spiritual world. In God's mercy toward ternal love. Tllis also means that our of­ of Rio and they. practise their things, of the fact that man can be happy only as a her, in the grace. the favorslle, fences against that covenant are . hypnotic dances. This music sym­ one living the life of a son of God and enjoys, we see His promise to to redeemed man, be measured principally by . bolizes the new life cutsing brother to Jesus Christ. The vegetable, the animal, the us all in Jesus Christ-the prom­ the defect of love involved. through the veins of Latift ise of a futttre glory. rational life--all can please to a degree and for a while' America today. WEDNESDAY - St. Charles, SUNDAY ALL SAINTS' but none can satisfy~ This new world of Latin . DAY. The saint:; are those whom Bishop, Confessor. There can be God has made whole, who man­ no keen sense of responsibility . America will cause many of us ifest His will for man, who com­ i:' us unless there is a keen to throwaway our old ideas. It is municate His glory. All of us sense of personal encounter a politically stable Latin Amer­ who have been graced with faith with God. One is responsible to ica where revolutions are no are in some ways "saints," but a person, not to a thing. And as longer current or popular; where there is an awareness of the popular usage reserves the term long as we think of God, or tend to the heroic deacii. to think of Him, in the "things" needs of the poor; new methods Like this whole season, before . category - power, ffist cause, for doing away with slums; a remedy for uneven tax laws and OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER and during Advent, today's feast computer - today's Gospel is land distribution - a world then directs our prayers to bound to be' robbed of its mes­ which is seeking to make avail­ Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Christ's last coming,. our hopes sage and of its immediacy. able to all its people the world to the fulfilment and completion At the altar we meet God as that Carmen knew. .410 Highland Avenue

. ., that He brings. The First Read­ God' is-the three Persons who Fall River, Mass. . OSborne 5-7151

ing is a vision of h,eaven and the save us: The Father, to whom The tempo of progress is beat­ Gospel is a promise thereof. PUBLISHER

we pray and offer. The Son, ing ever faster. Now is the hour Most Rev. )ames L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.

But eternal life has its begin­ through whom we pray and of­ for us to help so that the new nings here and now-it doesn't fer. The Holy Spirit, in whom we world that is being built will not GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER simply pop out 0:[ nowhere at pray and offer. Confronting be a Hollywood version or only Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll the moment of death or parousia. these Persons in their mysterious for a few, but a true wQrld MANAGING EDITOR So the Gospel also calls our .at­ and total unity. we find our­ where all the citizens can share Hugh J. Golden tention to its sE-eel, its first· selves responsible. . in God's blessings.'




concentrating on. career 'possi­ bilities lately, hearing talks on the religious life and the secu­ lar priesthood by Brother Cyp­ rian, vocation director of the Brothers of Christian Instruc­ tion, as well as an address on the Naval Reserve program by Chief Petty Officer Masterson of the Fall River Naval Reserve Train­ ing Center. Junior Great Books Discussion Groups at Bishop Feehan have been meeting with Sister Mary Frederick and Sister Mary Timothy. Books currently under discussion are Arsenic and Old Lace and The Detective Story. Meanwhile freshmen have been dissecting Pygmalion with Sister Marie Walter. Class presidents for the year at Bishop Cassidy,are: Rosemary Gallagher, seniors;' Patricia ·M. King, juniors; Rosemary Mc-' , . Kerina, sophomores; 'Barba'ra McDonald, freshmen.: Debate team officers at Pre­ vost include Salvatore Stazzone, president; Rog~r Lizotte, vice­ president; Richard Dugal, secre­ tary; Richard Charland, treasu­ rer. ' . Stang students are pondering appropriate names for a dance to be sponsored Friday, Nov. 20 by the sophomore student council. A prize will.be awarded for the winning entry. Freshman Officers Freshman A 'officers at Do­ minican Academy are Corinne Tavares, president;, Susan ,Ga­ mache, secretary-treasurer; Mal­ vina Dzialo, student councillor. And senior boys at St. An­ thony's High are making a re­ treat at Our Lady of Fatima retreat house in Manville, R. I. Senior girls will go on their re­ treat early next month. Mt. St. Mary history club will hold elections modelled on the national balloting Tuesday, Nov. 3. Voting precincts will be set

St. Agnes, St.' Margaret Teams .Schedule Annual Gym' Meet At Sacred Hearts 'Academ)

St. Margaret's and ·St. Agnes' teams ~t Sacred Hearts, Fall River" have begun preparations for the academy's an,. nual gym meet. Jacqueline Jette, St. Agnes' head cheer­ leader, and Jean Ellis, her opposite number on St. Margaret's are working busily on new ' cheers and songs. weekly program and the chief project of the, club. Both teams are also com-Seventeeners at SHA Fall peting in a Decency in ;Read­ River will hold their Fall dance ing subscription campaign. Friday night, Nov. 27. Under At Bishop Feehan in Attleboro chairman Susan Reid committee the band is appearing in spank­ heads include Peggy Pires, dec­ " ing new, ~niforms. Fir,:;t appear­ orations; Mary Lou Holly, deco­ ance was at the Feelian':':Ourfee rum; Barbara Furze, refresh­ ;' game last Saturday.' ,:, " " ments; Patricia Desmond, tickets., .' Decency in Reading, is. in 'the Hillbillies wi~l be in style at , : news at, Jesus-Mary" Al;ad,emy Jesus-Mary Academy Saturday' , , in ,Fall -River, as well,as at SaA. night as sodalists sponsor a ",,J'esus-Mary students are ma~ing Halloween party. Stut;lents will ,maga;r,ine subscriptions avail­ come dressed as hillbillies with, able, as well as something to ' upperclassmen, coming with un­ : .. nibble on while readi~g: na~ely derclassmen. Square dancing candy bars. With proceeds from will be the order of the night the candy sale new lockers will and prizes for costumes will be be purchased. tickets for free refreshments at To Sing Weekly an "ice cream parlor" specially Sodalists at Bishop Cassidy in set up for the occasion. Ta,unton are going to sing for National Honor Society stu­ Benediction every Friday night dents at Bishop Cassidy are at Marian Manor, Taunton home are planning an assembly to for the aged. Students partici­ highlight National Catholic Edu­ pate in this project on a rotating cation Week Nov. 9 through 14. basis, with Joan Raposa and Also at Cassidy, senior social Mary Beth Tonry in 'charge of study classes will hold a mock arrangements. election, with Joanne Gregg and ,And Sister Margaret Eugene Lillian Brennan heading Repub­ of Cassidy, together with Sister lican support, while Mary Silva Mary Timothy and Sister Mary and Ann Reilly represent Dem­ LaSalette of Bishop Feehan" at­ ocrats. Christine Bisio and Nan­ tended a regional meeting of the cy Fornal are Democratic and Catholic Business Education As-. Republican campaign managers, sociation last Saturday at Notre respectively. Dame Academy in Tyngsboro. Several Diocesan schools will At Prevost High in Fall River ,send representatives to the sixth Eugenio Pacelli chapter of the Tufts-University Forensic Work­ National Honor Society has shop this Saturday. Its purpose Damed its officers for the year; is to offer coaches and debaters Gerard Goulet, president; Nor­ a head start on this year's de­ mand Dube, vice-president; bate topic: Weapon Control. Leon St. Laurent, secretary; SHA Fall River will send Leslie , Ronald Banville, treasurer. . Bishop, Susan Nunes and Mary Bishop Stang in North Dart- Jane Campbell, together with mouth is proud of i,ts math team, coach Miss Mary Gallagher to which placed first in the Notre' the program. Cassidy debaters Dame Math. Meet of the scho~l., w;ill also be represented, as well year. Traveling to St. qregory s. as the Prevost High .School de­ , . High in Dorchester. to compete", bate squad. , :w.:;re ~ohn Keavy and Alan Itos-" Basketball Captains . zkiewlcz, top scorers, a.nd. Paul" Girls' Basketball players at ;R9Y., • ~ymonn~ De~;J;'Ollle1'll, and.",. Feehan have for co-captains MartIn Gauthier. TJ1,ese, :nve J t PI t d Eli b th C r- . were chosen by an elimination ane an e an za: e o , " test given earlier at Stang, ' coran. Officers of the Stang club are Se~ior .art .st.udents at Mt,' St. ' , John KeaVy, president; Raymond " ,~ary s wI~1 VISIt the Bo~t~n Mu­ " Desrosiers~' vice-president; Paul seum of. FIne artS tomorrow, ac- : ,. ' Roy, secretary. ' . ' ',compamed by Mr. Tho.masTravHoilor' 'Society 'officers have'" ars, ~~. teac~e~,. and SIster Ma~ also beert named at H6ly Family' .: 'C~nslll1, prInCIpal.' Each. gIrl .. High, New' Bedford, including . WIll b~ assi~ed an· .artlst to: Kevin Healy, president; David study I~. de~all and WIll reI,>ort Camillo; vice-president; Noreen on her IndIngs. ,. Lowney, secretary; Christine ' ~so at the Mo~nt, ~andY ~ar Saulnier treasurer. 'drIve reports are In, WIth Jamce G;ee Club Officers ,Waskiel ' the highest-sco~ing Thirty happy freshmen have ' salesma~'L follo,wed by . Dlane . been selected for i1E~e club mem­ Boulay, ynne Chrupcala ,and ';'. . "bership at Dominic~n .t\cade~y, . ,~ancy Sny~er., . ,.~all.Riv.e,r, by Sister,Mary, ~ius, ",' Stu~ents a~ ~~~ Anthon~s WIll ". moderator. They'll be qirec;ted see a fIlmstrip, Your NewsPllper ,', by gle.e club presit;lent;Lu<;ille T~am," ",hich will explain ~he ' , Boillard;, vice-president Valerie., purpose of. newspapers,_ .,glve· Stinton; secretary-treasurer ,Bar-. , bac.kground Info~ation on ]our­ bara· ,French; senior libJ,'arians n?I.lsm and outlIne th~ opportu­ Cynthia Strickland and Denise mtles of a newspaper career. Ledoux. Dominican Academy sodality Seniors at St. Anthony High in officers ar~: Luci.lle ~oilard, New Bedford are proudly wear­ prefect; J~lIa MelVIn.' vlce-pre­ ing their class rings which were fect; LOUise Lannevllle, secre­ blessed and distributed by Rev. tary; Claire Dufour, treasurer. Gerard Boisvert, chaplain. The Sodalists will concentrate on the eeremony was combined with study of the liturgical renewal installation of senior class ()ffi­ this year. eers and a' blessing of officers of Installs Officers other classes. Bishop Gerrard has installed Members of Mother McAuley student council officers and chapter Of the National HoO(>r homeroom representatives in an Society at Mt. St. Mary Acad­ impressive ceremony at Holy emy Fall River will "visit" the Family High, reports Gloria Earl~ E. Hussey' Hospital lIal-, Harrington, Anchor scribe. at the loween night, attired in costume.. " .New Bedford school. They. won't ask for treats, but New officers of Bishop Stang will instead distribute them to glee club are Thomas Souza, pt'esident; Marleen Alvares, . ,patients. The Broadcasting Club at Fee­ vice-president;·, Jan e t Dubois, .han is preparing for its ,first·. secretary; Timothy N el ~.O n, breadcast &f school news over treasurer•. atation WAltA. This, will be a Msgl'. Prevost bo7S' have ,been


THE ANCHOR Thurs., Oct. 29, 1964

up throughout the school under sponsorship of club members directed by Sister Mary, Consilii. Voting will ilot be compulsory, and will take place during free periods. ' Twenty-seven Holy Family debaters were in attendance at a U. of Mass. symposium held recently. Watch that school when it comes tournall).ent time! DA girls went with Mrs. June Roberts, American His tor y teacher, on a field trip. to the State House and Museum of Fine Arts in Boston ,yesterday. The trip supplemented their study of C910nial ,America. ", Also at DA Latin students are enjoying a visual aid program, 'featuring tapes and film st'rips. And'the Latinists are tutn:ing to Greek once a week as Sister Helen ,introduces them to, the elements of that classical tongue. "It's a challefige, but fun,!' they -agree. Sister Mary of Perpetual Help and a staff of seniors at St. An­ thony's High are woring hard on the memory book. Individual and group pictures will highlight its pages. Also at St. A's, honor society studen~ are David St: Laurent, president; . Beverly Desautels, vice-president, Cynthia Dan­ sereau, secretary; , Made~eine Cormier, treasurer. The chapter will offer Ii tutoring program to freshmen next month and has plans for aid to the school li­ brary in December. At Mt. St. Mary's, students are proud of Linda Teves, Ann Sul­ livan, Lynne Chrupcala and Veronica Pla~ak, who merited a Latin Trophy from the Asso­ ciiltion for the Promotion of Latin by earning m,edals 'for their proficiency in the language.

Enjoy Warm Restful Sleep With This Beautiful

PRETTY PRESIDENTS:­ This attractive quartet not only . adds to the decor. at' . Dominican" AG'ademy, '. fall . River, its members head four , , important school organiza-, tions. From top down, J ean- ;. nine Baraby, athletic asso-.. ciation ,president; Suzanne Gonsalves, head cheerleader; Valarie Stinton, orchestra president; Lucille Boilard, sodality prefect and campus Anchor reporter.

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fHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1'964

Mount Librarian Pions Book Talk

Column on Votive LightHazard Enkindles Light, Warmth

Sister Mary :Mercy, R.S.M., will be the first speaker in th~ E:mual lecture series sponsored by the literature department oil Fan River Catholic Woman's Club. She will be heard at 3 Sunday afternoon, Nov. 8 at the unit's clubhouse, 742 Rock Street. Her topic will be "Books= A Kind of Magic."

By Mary Tinley Daly Light, and some warmth, have been enkindled by _ recent' column on fire hazards of candles in church. Came repercussions to that column, all worthy of a hearing. A few samples :Mr. G., G. of Chic-ago calls us to task for an error in semantics. "A vigil light, a'S we understand, is to re­ votive candles (those in the racks) are not sacramentals. main lit as long. as the Holy They are stearic candles, made Eucharist is present therein of material other than mostly

(the church). A votive light may be one ignited by the faithful for various reasons. Votive lights could indicate from ashes whence we came, to dust we shall return. The y may also carry the message, 'as the light illu­ minates so also may my prayer guide you along th e path of righteousness, etc., etc.' " Vigil vs. Votive The gentleman is right and we ' Were wrong, using interchange­ ably the terms "vigil" and "votive," referring to lights. As Mr. G. says, the vigil light Is that red one in the sanctuary to indicate to all the faithful that the Blessed Sacrament is present. Wherever and when­ ever the vigil light burns, all the faithful reverently and grate­ fully respect this as truly the House of God; the Real Presence is there to be adored. Quite differerit, the "votive" lights-those row-on-row which we may light out of a sense of prayerfulness, but which-as the former column disclosed-can be a source of danger, even of dis­ aster, as has too often proven the ease. Mr. G.G. in his gentle answer to that column also stated: "About the 'first row' problem (first row lit while others are dark), a ferris wheel arrange­ ment could reduce the necessity of the 'boarding house reach'." Never in our experience have we seen in a church a "ferris wheel arrangement" but it sounds like' a good idea-wheel-· ing the front line of lighted candles up so that people, espe­ ci.ally children, could then Eght the safe bottom row within their reach. VVe have seen children stretch over, try to light the second or third row and retreat with, a cry of pain at the burn received. Another letier: "Why do you and other writers always have to tear down the nice things about our religion? Personally, I always like to light a candle, have done it for years. I say a prayer or two and then have the feeling that the candle will continue to send my message." We, too, like to light candles, Miss M.R.L., finding something symbolic about them, though they can't really do our praying for us. Not for 'Altar Again: "When I was in school, we learned that candles are sacra­ mentals. Are these only the candles used on the altar?" night. According to "The Ex­ ternals of the Catholic Church," by Father John F. Sullivan.

Catholic Nurses Fall River Catholic Nurses' Guild will receive corporate Communion at 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, Nov. 15 at Im­ maculate Conception Church. A breakfast will follow at White's restaurant according to an­ nouncement made by Mrs. Kath­ leen Sherry, chaIrman.

beeswax, as opposed to the sac­ ramental candles, used on the altar and in conjunction with all ' the sacraments except Penance. Father Sullivan in his book notes that such votive candles signify that the lighting is done in fulfillment of a vow (Latin, votum), in most cases to give honor and manifest devotion to the saint before whose image the candle is lighted. He says, also, that in 1932, the Cardinal Vicar of Rome forbade such candles in the churches of the city, suggesting instead the offering of real bees­ wax candles for their proper use on the altar. And from a man who "sells church candles"; "That· column really made me think. I do wish COMMUNION BREAKFAST: Somerset and Swansea that churches would not. stock Knights of Columbus, Daughters of Isabella join in annual those wax tapers with which to Communion breakfast. From left, Paul St. Laurent, grand light votive lights. Those tapers knight, Bishop Cassidy Council 3669; Mrs. Daniel C. Al­ are perilous. A child, or someone not quite alert, can ignite ·one of meida, regerit, St. Patrick's Circle; Edward Ward, of Fall those things and it could, and River Serra Club Speakers Bureau, guest speaker. often does, cause disaster. They , should not be allowed. A box of wooden safety matches, which has to be closed before a match can be struck, is far safer. "In our own church, a while E~ucator, Teenager Warn Parents Early ago, some religious zealot lit a DlJting leads to Drinking candle and, in an erratic spell of fervor, decided to place it as BOSTON (NC)--A Jesuit ed­ the misuse of alcohol." close as possible to the statue of ucator and high school teenager Citing a survey, Father McCan the Blessed Mother, heating to shared the same rostrum here told the women that in most the kindling point the altar and warned parents of the dan­ cases of high school pregnancy cloths. Only a visit by an equal­ gers youngsters faee in growing drinking was involved. ly zealous sexton' saved our up too fast. Adult eyes opened wide when church 'from burning. Father John McCall, S.J. Wes­ Michael Barry, teenage spokes­ "The following Sunday our ton (Mass.) College psycholo­ man for the Catholic Youth Or­ pastor told all of us, in no un­ gist told the biennial convention ganization in the Boston arch­ certain terms, that such pseudo­ of Boston Archdioeesan Coun~ diocese, related that <irinking religiosity was arson and pos- of, Catholic "{omen that a teen­ often starts among high school sibly munier." ' ager is on his w,.y to trouble freshmen boys. He said it is com­ when he "starts drinkbg to re­ mon for junior and senior high lieve 'psychic pa:n',," Heads B!o~ogy C~ub school girls to drink. :::ating at an ea:;·Jy age cata­ "Society is pushing young Miss Gertrude Ste. Marie, Fall pults young5~ers :nt0 a ;:elation­ ~~ople into maturity too ::ast," River, heads a newly formed s:1.~·IJ they aj~C nc-:: 11: [.~..;..:~_ ~ en~u.gh the boy said. "Parcn~s ere 1:.:"rc:id biology club ct Salve Regina Co:lege, Newport. Miss Cecile , to :1anc~].c, ~;'nthel" r.":~Cz.l1 said. to tell their children t1:ey can't Levesque, also of Fall River, is '!'l1CY o1ten :~Inc". thc·i: a little al­ do certain things." ca}101 helps :nilatei::::;L' ego, :'le secreta~'y for the unit.



Co:~e Open Me®'Iu~g Cape and Islands District of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold an open meet­ ing at 2 Sunday, Nov. 1 at Our Lady 'of Victory church ha!1,' Centerville. Members of the par­ ish Women's Guild will be host­ esses, and guest speaker will be Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Dioc­ esan director of youth.

Plenary ,Meeting Fall River' Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses will hold its Fall Plenary meeting at 7 to­ night at St. Mary's Church, He­ bronville. Mass will be cele­ brated followed by the meeting and a buffet.

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Face Dangers

Sister Mary Mercy has taught at St. Mary's Cathedral School and is currently at Mt. St. MarY, Academy, where she is librarian, dramatic coach and teacher of English and history. She holds a master's degree in library sci­ ence from Marywood College, Scranton, Pa. Undergraduate work was done at Salve Reg~na College, and she has done ad­ vanced work in guidance. The religious is a member 6If the Catholic Library Association, Massachusetts Drama Guild and the American Personnel and Guidance Association. The literature committee ilJ headed by Mrs. Michael J. Me. Mahon. Subsequent speakers in the lecture series will be Mrs. Owen T. McGowan in January and Mrs. Mary Reed Newland' in April. Tickets are available from committee members or at the door on the days of the lectures.

New Bedford 'Foresters New officers of St. Eulalia Court; New Bedford Foresters, are Mrs. Virginia Xavier, chief ranger; Mrs. Patricia Langis, vice-chief ranger; Mrs. Agnes Barber, treasurer; Mrs. Helen Barry, and Mrs. Mae Manning,

secretaries. Members will re­

ceive corporate Communion at a

B:15 Mass Friday night, Nov. 6 at St. Mary's Church, South Dartmouth. Supper in the church hall will follow.


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Thurs., Oct. 29, 1964

New Bedfordites To Hear Souza

By John J. Kane, Ph.D. "My wife''S mother and brother have been living with us for the last 10 years, paying a contribqtion of about $17.50 weekly which my wife considers hotel ~tes, .but which I consider makes them star boarders. My wife drIVes her mother to the physician, him and my guess is he is a little is solicitous about her broth­ bit past the mothering age. er's r e 8 t, waits on her As a matter of fact, I would mother hand and foot, and feel more concern about him expects our children to do the than about your mother-in-law same. My mother-in-law con­ because it would seem that he Itantly inteferes ought to be able to stand on his and I have his own feet, obtain a place to live, and perhaps think seriously warned my wife of maintining his mother in an that she is breaking her apartment. In other words, is marriage vows there no possibility that he and by permitting his mother could set up their own household? this." In gam­ Common Failing bling language it appears that Here I fear we do have a clue ,.ou have a "full to your wife's attitudes. My house" of in-law guess is that she is a person who problems. Some . genuinely likes to take care of people have to others, to smother them with cope with mothers-in-law, others love and affection and probably with fathers-in-law or sisters­ acts the same way toward you in-law, but you've got the com­ and your children as she does bination of a mother-in-law and toward her mother and brother. a brother-in-law. . , If this is the case, then I Not only that, you have been strongly urge you to discuss the living with it for 10 years and matter firmly with her and no doubt it has now had a, cu­ strongly urge her to persuade mulative effect. , her brother to set up an apart;­ Your problem seems to be a , ment for his mother and him­ three sided one: first, there are self. econcmic implications; second, This tendency to butt into you feel your own place in the your business is by no means home is threatened because of 'an uncommon failing among your wife's preference for her 'in-laws who live with their mother and brother; and third, children. No doubt it is based on you resent their butting into the best intentions in the world, your own family business. and there is equally no doubt Other Considerations that it has about the worst pos­ sible impact. Important deci­ If $17.50 a week represents hotel rates in the large city from sions are to be made by you and which you are writing, please your wife. For your mother-in-law and advise me of the name of such hotels immediately. I am certain particularly for your brother-in­ every Teader of this colu~ will law, to attempt to take the chil­ be equally interested as well as dren out of your hands is liter­ equally amazed. I doubt if such ally absurd and simply should not be tolerated. You and your rates existed at any time in the wife bear the responsibility for 20th century, even during the depression. So, here, you do have rearing your children. Make this clear to your in-laws. Do it as a point. But it may not be fair to judge charitably as possible, but make the matter on the basis of money it clear it is a matter of simple alone. Does your mother-in-law justice. There is one aspect of your contribute to the maintenance Of the household by performing letter, Tom, which bothers me various kinds of work? Does she and I think you will have to perhaps cook, baby sit, wash evaluate it as honestly as pos­ sible. You certainly have pro­ dishes, etc.? Does your brother­ in-l::.w make any kind Of eco­ vided some evidence that your no:m.ic contributions other than wife is over solicitous regarding rr:on2Y? Even if the answer tl> aU . her mother and brother. Whether of these questions is no, there is or not this means she is prefer­ ring them to you is another still the matter of charity. question. You also maintain that If neither of your in-laws is able to pay more, and cannot she expects the children to wait provide a home for themselves, hand and foot on their grand­ mother. then in charity you have an ob­ ligation to help them. This obli­ Surely, you do not object to a gation need not fall upon you reasonable amount of courtesy alone and it would be wise to and service by your children toward their grandmother. And consult with other relatives re­ so I suspect there is a certain garding whatever economic con­ tributions they are able and amount of jealousy and perhaps unwarranted fear on your part. willing to make. This part of your letter leaves PeUy Annoyance me with the impression that you I think you betray a trace of are feeling 'rather. insecure in petty annoyance when you cOpl­ plain that your wife drives your your entire domestic situation. I tiUnk you bad better look rnother-in':'law to the physician. into this as thoroughly as pos­ On the basis of your letter, my sible. If you baven't discussed guess is that your mother-in­ law is in at least her late middle it with your wife, do so. I also age. Other transportation may advise you to talk it over with , not be available, may be very , one of the parish priests or a difficult, or she may be unable qualified counselor. These peo­ to use it. One can readily under­ ,pie, after hearing your story, can give you some kind of an stand your wife's concern for her mother's health and her honest evaluation of the situa­ willingness to help. ' tion. They may be even more emphatic than I am about urg­ I rather doubt, although I do not know, that the time and ing you to have your in-laws move. At any rate, they can money involved in such trans­ 'open ·your eyes to the actual portation would prove impor­ facts of the case. tant. You might well be im­ pressed by the fact that your Open Meeting wife takes such good care of your mother-in-law. She may do An open meeting of Fall River the same for you some time. District One of the Diocesan I don't know how far your Council of Catholic Women will wife carries this solicitousnes be held at 2:30 Sunday after­ about her brother's rest. It does noon, Nov. 22 at st. William'. seem that she is tryin, to mother Church. FaR River.



Tells Husband to Discuss

In-law Problem With Wife

Joseph M. Souza, chairman of the board of trustees of South­ eastern Massachusetts Techno­ logical Institute, will speak Monday night, Nov. 2 at New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club headquarters, 399 County Street. IDs topic will be the institute and its progress. The lecture will be the first in a series sponsored by the club's education department, headed by Mrs. Raymond A. . Robichaud and Mrs. Robert H. Gardner. A coffee hour will con­ clude the session.

Public - School Pupils Ride Catholic Bus NORTHVALE (NC)-A Cath­ olic school here in New Jerse,. is providing school bus transpor­ tation for public school stu­ dents. The situation came about last year when' the public school system lost its transportation due to the illness of the person who had contracted to provide service. St. Anthony's parish, which had purchased three second­ hand buses for its own needs, offered transportation to public school students at a minimal $25 a semester, with .the third and fifth children in any :family rid­ ing free. The arrangement, tried on an experimental basis last year, still is running smooth17.

TAUNTON AREA: Taunton area CYO officers are, seated, Rosemary Gallagher, vice-president, Sacred Heart parish; rear, from left, James Hill, treasurer, St. Mary's; James Murphy, president, Sacred Heart; Kathleen Me­ Darthy, secretary, St. Paul's.

Women Oppose Law's Repeal California Council Resolves to Defeat Ban

On Fair Housing as Moral Issue

SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A s pee i a I resolution declaring "vigorous opposition" to the at­ tempt to ban fair housing in California has been adopted by the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. Meeting in Belmont, the women said the move was "an attack on the basic teachings of our Christian-Judaic philos­ ophy." On the Nov. 3 ballot, voters will be presented a proposal to repeal the state's present fair housing legislation and prohibit the state from adopting similar legislation in the future. It is known as Proposition 14 on the ballot. Catholic groups and individ­ uals here have been active in the effort to defeat the proposal to amend the state constitution. Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken of San Francisco has led the effort.









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A Jesuit theologian, Father Joseph J. Farraher, S.1., wrote in the Oct. 8 issue of the Moni~ tor, newspaper of the archdio­ eese, that he believes Catholic moral teaching requires a neg­ ative vote on Proposition 14.





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OTHJ: ANCHOR- , Thurs., Oct;, 29, 1964,


MODESTO (NC)-Amer­ ica has the ability and hence the obligation to help end hunger in the world, Msgr. Edward W. O'Rourke, executive director of the National Catho­ lic Rural Life Conference, said here in California. Msgr. O'Rourke spoke at the annual "World Hunger Dhmer" s~onsored by the Stanislaus C9unty Food for Peace Commit­ te~.

;The committee conducts a ..'ton a Month Club" campaign toj encourage individuals and or­ g~nizations to contribute $7 mbnthly to cover the cost of dis­ tributing one ton of food tc:> the n~edy by a U. S. non-govern",: mental relief agency. In the past three years, the Stanislaus' County group has financed dis-' tribution of 2,000 tons of food. Humanitarian Effort Msgr. O'Rourke, a member of the American Food for Peace Cquncil, said failure of citizens to) write their congressmen in support of the Food for Peace prlogram had led to weakening od Public Law 480, the legisla­ tion under which the program is carried on, during the last ses­ sion of Congress. "In spite of this," he told 500 pe!ople at the dinner, "our Food for Peace program is one of the fiqest humanitarian efforts in which any nation has ever en­ gaged."

Clergy To Have Social Security BALTIMORE (NC) Under amendments to the social security law, signed by, President Johnson on Oct. 13, clergymen will have until' April 15, 1965, to elect to be covered by social security, if

HOME ENTHRONEMEN~r: Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, pastor of St. Jean Baptiste parish, Fall River, conducts ceremony of enthronement of Sacred Heart in home at residence of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roy. Small children in front are, from left, Rita, 5; Michael, 6; Marc, 3. Girls

Schema in General l·erms Is 'Not ',Platitudes but Plan:, Lengthy 'Det.ates to f·orge Strong: Meaningful Document

they have not already done so. The previous deadline for clergymen to choose social se­ Continued from Page One curity coverage was April 15, special, commission ,to' con~ain 1962. After that date, social se­ curity coverage was open only married couples, doctors, econ­ to those just starting to perform omists and, scientists, as well as , priests with long pastoral: expe­ ministerial services. :. rience. "Then after three or four To obtain social security pro­ 1ection, a clergyman ,must;" .. " years let the fourtb and final Obtain a - social security ac-, session' of "thf:\' 'cou(ieii be"c'o'n:.:. eO,unt mim1}er car<J, ;from, the i I vened to discuss all these 'social nearest social security' office- , problems;" Schema Defense if he does not already have one. . Fill out and file Form 2031 Several of the Fathers dis­ with the District Director of In- ' agreed with the Archbishop's ternal Revenue ;for the district Points and some quickly came in which he lives. to the' defense of the experts. Report his earnings from the Bishop John Wright of Pittsburg and a member of the commission ministry-and pay the social se­ which' drew up ,the schema re­ cl1rity taxes on them to the Dis­ plied to the English primate.·The trict Director of Internal Rev­ Bishop answered the' arguments ' e~e for the taxable Y;ears 1962, proposed and disagree<J'with the' 1968, and 1964. manner in, which, Jp~y were ! Once a clergyman elects cov­ erage, he may not withdraw presented. from the social security program. I Anything that 'is stated'in gen':' eral principles can be termed a platitude. Thus the introduction to the United Nations Charter, the "revolutionary propositions"


British Catholics Returned to House ,



LONDON (NC) - Thirty-one known Catholics are among the 630 candidates returned to the House of Commons in the recent British general election. This is three more than were members of the last Parliament and the biggest number since the ":rish members disappeared w,hen Ireland obtained its inde­ Jl~n~ence. before World 'War II. I Indicaling the, general trend i~ voting," the successful Cath­ tllic members of the Lab6r party, ~hich now takes over t~e gov­ ernment, total 17 against 14 members of the defeated Conser­ vative porty of former Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home.

behind them are Anne Marie, 10; Jeanne, 8. Clockwise from Msgr. Hamel, Jean Paul, 12; Russell, Jr., 16; Suzanne, 13; Mr. Roy; Albert Desnoyers, an uncle; Mrs. Rosalie Vail­ lancourt, grandmother; Diane, 15; Mrs. Roy, holding Math­ ieu, 3 months. '

Open Boys' Home In South Florida

of the American Declaration of Lrldependence, and the Sermon on the Mount, could E!rroneously be called platitudes." The Bishop felt the need 'to say "a word in tribute to the sehola-fly •hUlpi~i~y, the adQllr-., ab~e patie~ce, the, toving ,f;lith ana forebear~nce~i~h which,the overwhelming 'majority of 'tiie periti (council experts) work," The results of the s<:hema' pro- . ))osals are not simple "theologie niceties'" but the product of sin­ Cl~re consultations with lay ex,-' p1erts and an attempt to reflect the Church's teachin@;. ~ , t9· i~e 'metbod;s : 'u~~d' i~ ,; advOcated by the J3r~ii~h pre~te" , the American Bisbp,p t'l1ough~ that, the interventiop y.o:as go"'"" eJ'I)edmore by feelingll than conte,nt. (The, Archbisqop has, Ulken part in controversies in . which some of the experts also participated.) Bisho}> Wright sc'ored the "abundant transla­ ti,on" of the speech provided to newsmen and an apparent will­ ingness to bypass the whole schema by having it tabled for

MIAMI (NC) Boystown, South I'lorida, a home for de­ pendent boys, opened here under direction of the Don Orione Fathers. The institution, established under direction of Miami's Bish­ op Coleman F. Carroll, prOvi,des group-type, living :aecommoda- : tions for dependent teenage boys . who are without p~rents or from' broken homes. Referral of the,· boys' is supervised by Catholic ' Welfare Bureau regional, offices in Miami, Fort Laudel'dale, ,West: Palm Be~ch, and,Fort Myers.

the moment. "I would be reluc­ tant to believe that he (Arch­ bishop Heenan) wanted to by­ pass the schema entirely, but that woUld be th~ effect," com­ mented the Bishop. :', .~»gtby ,n~1,la~, '; I ','" ];ly, a 'vote. of. ,1579 to, 296, tb.e, I Council Fathers accepted, the schema as a basis for further point by point discussion. The schema' is not a fixed document that must be approved or disap­ proved bytbe Fathers and that. is final. ' Bishop Wright pointed out in an interview that:, ,"What we h~ve'hei'e':in tbiSi~xt is at' ,be$t .'


,St. Francis' " Residence'


FOR' YOUNG WOMEN, 196 Whipple St., Fall River CondUCted' by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary


and most *' • • the basis of a doe. ument which we hope will be long and warmly discussed. It would' be a disappointment for ' us of the' mixed commission it! it were o~ly' discuSsed ,briefly. @Tlie docu~ent is' offered ,for • lon'g, detailed' and' fierce' discus~ : sion that will hammer out '." final draft of great importance and significance,"



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Rt. 6-Betwleen Fall River and New Bedford One of the Finest Facili~ in' Southern New England






THE A~R-I)focese Of Faft Rfver-Thurs.


oCt. 29,

In Celebration'


Of Masses WASHINGTON (Ne) -­ A "modest, healthy" degree of variation in the way some parts of the Mass can" be said will be a central note of liturgical reforms to go into ef­ fect in the next five months. Leaders of the national Litur­ gical Conference said here vari­ ations will be found region to region, diocese to diocese and even parish to parish. They said such variations are "built into" the latest major docufment in the fast-moving rtCform of the Church's public worship, an "instruction" pre­ pared by the Vatican Liturgy Commission and made public in Rome Oct. 16. Minimum of Reform The variations will' depend much on such natural factors as " the "physical characteristics of churches, the tastes and capa­ bilities of particular congrega­ tions, the solemnity of particular feasts and the needs of individ­ ual regions, the liturgists said. The new instruction guaran­ tees a certain "minimum" of re­ form and uniformity every­ where. "The thing that will dis­ tinguish one parish from an­ other," it was said by one litur­ gist, "is the spirit with Which' each implements the reforms-­ the enthusiasm, generosity and fulness with which each acts."

K of C Re-elects National Officers NEW YORK (NC) The" board of directors of the Knights of Columbus at their quarterly me~ting here reelected the na­ tional officers of the Catholic men's fraternal society for one­ year terms. Reelected w ere: Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt of APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gal­ Thomas O'Day, 8.J., n-ational director. Rear, Rev. Patrick Malden, Mass.; Deputy Supreme lagher of 8t. James Church in New Bedford, represented J. Hunt, Providence; Rev. John P. Fontaine, Worcester; Rev. Knight Dr. John H. Griffen of the Diocese of F'all River at the annual meeting of the New Francis 8. O'Neill, Hartford; Rev. H. Francis Cox, Portland; Hughesville, Md.; Sup rem e England diocesan directors of the Apostleship of Prayer in Rev. Joseph M. Donahue, Manchester and Rev. Thomas Treasurer Francis J. Heazel of Boston. Front, left to right, are Msgr. Gallagher, Rev. Diehl, 8.J. director of the U. S. Eucharistic Crusade who AsheVille, N. C.; Supreme Advo­ cate Harold J. Lamboley' of Matthew Hale, 8.J., New England regional director; Rev•. spoke the meeting. Monroe, Wis. ~so Supreme Chaplain Bil!ihop, ' Ch~rles P. Greco 9f Alex~mdria, L~l; Supreme Physici~n ~r. Ger- , al~"J. Lunz of HalDllton, O"~.;,, Supreme Warden Edward' J. of Stayton, Ore.;' ~'nd k- ': sistant Su p.i: erne !?ecrf,lar,y;" Charles J. Ducey of Hap\den•. MADISON (NC)':-B'i'shOp Wil­ the most intimate companion' of' Conn. . ,', , .. " , liam·,P.:'O'Connor of this Wisconi. of the National CathOlic CeI'ne- so~e,tim'~ 'killlpg" the victims Of. ' a spiritual and immortal soul-"­ tery Conference: 'IReili;>ect is the thEiir, A'la~n~~ •. : "

sili' 'Diocese 'sajd here' he sees "a awareness" and acknowledge:'" "Not even the sacred precincts, the concept of the-body as a" great social danger" in the lack ment of a greatness superior to of our cemeteries are exempt temple of divine grace and a Portuguese Bishops of respect and reverenCe in the our own." from the fanaticism of these un- dwelling place of the Holy Spirit been lost sight of and the U.S. today. He, said there is widespread disciplined people, as you know -has -Speak on Family animal part of man, has sup- . ,"Respect is important and 'in-' disrespect for authority, law and only too well," he said. planted his human nature in LISBON (NC) - The, bishops dispensable 'in a civilized soci­ order by "juvenile and adult deHe Said children and youth importance' and prestige," he· of Portugal have, issued a pas­ ety," he told the annual meetinc. linquents." lhould be educated "to respect said. toral letter stressing that the Delinquents their own bodies and the bodies flpnily mum be consi~ered tile ' , " "These delinquents, especially of others;" Otherwise" he said,.': :~ri~~U8 ~ ,s~ciety and of, ~a- Ch'icago <Man Wins: ., woh'en theY gather in gdngs', "we·'shall·find ourselves back in' apt·, to ' a'et 'like emotionally un~": the' jungle where, the law of Where A, ;The bishops deplored what Holy Name Award stable and uncivilized' human tooth and· claw prevails," they described as the increasing ~lief that ,the \ end of .b:tuntln :NEW YORK (NC)-Edward ' behigs who take' i>leasIJrC' 'ancif:'oDcept ~ost GOOD NAME life is pleasure. They, declared Effan, president of the Holy: satiSfaction in' actS· of' seriseless' ,

me vandalism, even wounding and" "The concept ,~f ,the body as

SpripturalteachiIig upholdS'ihat " S?ciety; of St. Bride:s ~ar- : the primary end of 'marriage is ~ IS1?-, ChIcago, ~as b~en named , Means A t~e procreation of children." for the Medallion Cll'cle -award .The pastoral letter prai~ed of the national Holy Name $0­ GREAT DEAL the new Portuguese code of civil ciety. law which states that the govThe award was establis,hed in ernment has a duty to defend 1963 to give recognition to public morality. It added that in priests and laymen who have the age of increased prosperity served the society with distinc­ the state should guarantee prop- tion, Father Dennis McCarthy, er housing and the means for O.P., HNS national director, said married couples to fulfill their here. I moral obligations. quickly available to people who are buying or building


BishopCri~icizes :Lack'· o'f '~especf ~nd Reverence Warns'., of Jungle ,Life ,'With 'La'w of Tooth :and Claw


,....-------.... '.







we have

Raises Tuition :PHILADELPHIA (NC)'- The ~cond tUition' increase in tWo' Yfars was announced !or La S~lle College students pere, be­

gmning in September, 1965. Tui­

tion for arts and business stu. d~nts will be raised fr0p' $925 to $1,020 and for science ,tu­ dents, from $97~ to $1,100.

LARIVIERE'S Pho'rmacy . ,. Prescriptiq_ called for and Delivered HEADQUARTERS FOR DIETETIC 'SUPPliES 600 CoHage St. ' wy 4·7439 New Bedford

a home and want a mortgage loan suitable to their -requirem~nts. " , W~y not stop in and let us gIve you, the important details. It will cost' you nothing to inquire or file an application. :


565.. MILL 'STREET ,.

: '.'



Purchase Street, Between' William & Union Streets

NEW BEDFORD Open Evenings


THE ANCHOR-Diocese ot Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1964

Archbishop Henry, S.S.C., Returning To Korea After Being Near Death ST. PAUL (NC) -The same eld-college-try spirit which led Archbishop Harold W. Henry, 8.S.C., into the Catholic Faith as a boy now is directing his steps back to his ar..chdiocese of Kwang Ju in Korea. . The archbIshop has been reeuperating here after treatment for two nearly ~ata1 h~art attacks a~ st. Mary s HOSPItal. He said he ~ now rea~y to get ~ack 'on the Job and Will leave m a few days for Korea. fm not going back there to be only an administrator," the archbishop said. "If I can't get around and be close to the peopie, I won't stay. The role o~ a missioner bishop is to be wIth his people." Archbishop Henry was born in Northfield, Minn. As a boy he was imbued with a love for foot-

ball. The top team in his area was at a Catholic school and the youngster made up his mind that was the team he'd play for, al­ though he was reared in the Lutheran faith. He made the school and the team. He devel­ oped another love--the Catholic Faith -'and became a convert when he was 13. A decade later he was ordained a priest of the Society of st. Columban and his career as a missionary was, launched shortly after ordina­ tion. . His career as a Far East mis­ sioner was interrupted in World War II when he was made a war prisoner. After repatriation he served as an Army chaplain in Europe. At war's end he went back to Korea, working feverishly among the people in the post':war "harvest of souls'" there.

Four Empty Hands



Apache Rifles Battle Hymn Brass Bottle Circus World Day Mars Invaided Dream Maker Drum Beat Earth Dies Screaming Emil and the Detectives Fall of Roman Empire Fate Is the Hunter Finest Hours First Men in the Moon Four Days in November Godzilla vs. The Thing

Hamlet Incredible Mr. Limpet It's Mad Mad Mad World Lillies of Field Longest Day Modern Times Mouse on Moon Murder Ahoy Murder Most Foul Never Put it in Writing One Man's Way Only One in New York Papa's Delicate Condition Patsy. The Pepe

Ride the WiI~ Surf Romeo & Juliet Sampson & Slave Queen Sergeants 3. Summer Holiday Tattooed Police Horse Unearthly Strange~ Voyage to End U",v~rse When the C.lock Stnkes Who's Mindmg Store W!ld .& Wonderful WmdJammer Yank in Viet Nam, A You Have to Run Fast Young Swingers, The

Unobiectionable for Adults, Adolesce'hts Hamlet Horror of It All I'd Rather Be Rich King of Sun lawrence of Arabia Man From Galveston Mary, Mary' Miracle Worker Muscle Beach Party Night Walker Point of Order Ring of Treason Roustabout Sanjuro Satan Bug Sing and Swing

Act I Advance to Rear Aphrodita Behold A Pale Horse Black Zoo Blood on the Arrow Captain Newman, MD Chalk Garden Children of Damned . Charade Citizen Kane Come Fly With Me Distant Trumpet Donovan's Reef Fail Safe Evil Eye

Secret Invasion Shock Treatment 633 Squadron South Pacific Surf Party Taggart Tw~nty Plus Two TWice Told Tales Unsinkable Molly Brown Voice of Hurricane

Walk Tightrope

Walls of Helf

Weekend With lulu

Wheeler Dealers

-World of Henry Orient

Young Doctors, The

Morally Unobiectionable for Adu~ts America. America Ape Woman Bedtime Story Bikini Beach Blind Corner Buddha Bye Bye Birdie Cardinal Cartouche :.. Code 7 Victim 5 Darby's' Rangers Flight from Ashiya Fun in Acapulco Goldfinger


Hud Te~m of Tr!al Hypnotic Eye Thm Red Lme loneliness of long Third Secret Distance Runner Three Penny Opera los Tarantos Thunder of Drums luck of Ginger Coffey To Bed or Not to Bed Mafioso Town Without Pity Mail Order Bride Two Are Guilty Man's Favorite sport West Side Story No. My Darling Dauj!hter Hard Day's Night Outrage Where love Has Gone Pillow Talk Woman of Straw Pink Panther Young lovers Rio Conchos Zulu

For Adults (With Reservations) This classification Is given to certain films, which, while not morally offensive In themselves require caution and som e analysis and explanation as a protectioa to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions. Best Man Martin luther This Sporting' life

Black like Me Organizer Tom Jones

Divorce: Italian Style Nothing But the Best Under Yum Yum Tree

Cool World Pressure Point Victim

Dr. Strangelove Servant Visit, The

8* Sky Above & Mud Below Walk on Wild Side

Girl With the Green Eyes Strangers in the City Young & Willing

Lilith Suddenly last Summer

Morally Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Americanization of Emily Black Sabbatt> Comedy of Terrors Conjugal Bed Curse of living Corpse Female Jungle 4 for Texas Frightened City GI Blues Honeymoon Hotel Horror of Party Beach House Is Not A Home Jessica Joy House Kissm' Cousins

Kitten With A Whip Lmy in Cage love, the Italian Way Man in Middle Masque of the Red Death Nutty, Naughty Chateau Night Must Fall Psyche 59 Racing Fever Sex and the Single Girl Shock Corridor Small World of Sammy Lee Soldier in the Rain Some Came Running Splendor in Grass

fmptv Canvas



Sunday in New York

The Devi; and the

10 Commandments

Three Fables of love

Tiara Tahiti <Br J

Time Travelers

Under Age

Vice and Virtue

Viva Las Vegas

What A Way To Go

Where Boys Are

Yesterday. Today and


Condemned Let's Talk About Wom8ll

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. This week's column is addressed from Rome to our brother priests and to you, good laity, living in comparative comfort all over the United States. You have been generous with both your time and money; your churches, rectories and schools stand as silent testimony to this. Many of you feel that you have given over and above "where it is most, needed"--elosest to bome.

AID: This little girl would gladly exchange her rags for .any ,of your ~'hand ~ me ­ downs." Bring them to your :Parish Center on Sunday.

iKorean Laymen IEnter Church Morally Unobiectionable for Everyone

God Love You

SEOUL (NC) - ']~wenty-two Korean laymen, many of them leading figures in public life, were received into the Catholic Church in ceremon;ies at the church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Among the converts were six for mer government ministers, two provincial governors, an a:rmy general, a retired admiral, three university professors and a former chairman of n Buddhist ;ulsociation. The men were ba,ptized by Father John Pak, 48, whose church adjoins the National As­ sembly building The parish started with about 200 persons in an army tent in 191)4., and is nc,w made up of nearly 4,500 persons. The five Sunday Masses at the new brick chur,~h are al­ ways crowded.

Rhode Island School

Enrollment Drc.ps

Consider for a moment what and where "home" Is for

over half the bishops present at the Council. Just take one

particular bishop whose diocese Is rather typical of most mis­

sion areas. The average extent of each

parish is 400 square miles, and the ,average

number of parishioners in each parish is

18,500 souls. Fourteen rural parishes of

this size and five city parisbes bave no

motorized transportation - only, donkeys.

Dliteracy runs from 60 to 80 "pec' cent of

the people. One-haif of all 'tlie babies die

at birth. In fifteen of the parishes the

total income of each priest is $15 a month.

Last week we spoke about the poverty of the bishops present. Perhaps some are impressed by the learning manifested here at the Council. What impresses me most is the poverty of the bishops! Poverty you can see in the jewel-less prelates, some who have even sold their pectoral crosses. Poverty you can hear daily in the voices that plead for Mass stipends to give their priests the means for sub­ sistence. And when these Mass stipends are gone we see the symbol of the world's greatest pain-four empty hands: the two begging hands stretched out to me, and the two empty hands I extend to them! We address this God Love Yon especially to our brother priests who want to help Our Blessed Lord Whose pOverty is being relived in these, His ambassadors. Share ,your comfort, your abundance. It is not really so much that they need help, as we do. They need only a roof over their heads and a jeep but we need to win intercessors for our souls. We' see Christ in the Eucharist with the eyes of faith, but there is also the un­ known Christ in the poor, Whom we can see only with the eyes of charity. Send us stipends, sacrifices-anything! And you, good laity, remember The Society for the Propagation of the Faith by a daily sacrifice. We wish we could place a dif­ ferent Catholic each day in my seat at the Council and let him be visited by one of these bishops and hear his pleas. How kind and generous you would be to each bishop. Take my word for it, that what now seems to you to be superabundant generosity would then be seen in a truer light of justice. I offer my Mass every Sunday for you who are kind to the Holy Father's Society for the Propagation of the Faith while I am here in Rome. GOD LOVE YOU to H.W. for $25 ''When I read your MIS­ SION magazine my heart went out to the poor and afflicted. I received this as a retirement gift but would rather those who are unable to retire have it." to J.H. for $12 ''I promised that I would send $4 a month in honor of st. Joseph and St. Jude. I am on Social Security disability but I want to share what I have. The Holy Father will know best how it should be used." to B.R.S. for $200 ''I have been saving this money to invest and after thinking it over, I decided that there could be no finer investment than in The Society for the Propagation of the Faith."

PROVIDENCE (NC,}-Enroll­ ment in Catholic schools in Rhode Island has decreased by 649 pupils from last year's total, MS,gr. Arthur T. GE:oghagen, Providence diocesan superin­ tendent, reports. 'I'he total enrolled this year is 48,648, he said. The decrease is mainly in high schools which Bishop Sheen's latest book, THE POWER OF LOVE, is nOw had 475 fewer students. Only one city or town in the state reported available in paperback. Based on His Excellency's nationally syn­ dicated column and including material never published before, an increase in high school num­ THE POWER OF LOVE shows how love belongs in every major berll, and that wall one pupil. . Msgr. Geoghegan said it was area of our lives. He shows how love can give us direction despite diff:,cult to pinpoint a reason for the complexities and distractions of our time. It will be an im­ the decrease. But he Saili". several , portant contribution to your daily life and the life and the lives of all to whom you give it. THE POWER OF LOVE is available high. ~chools last year admitted morle students than usual and for $.60 by writing the Order Department of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York soml~ cut student enrollment a bit this year to get smaller 10001. classes. Cut out this coupon, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to tile Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York B,ANGALORE (NC)-'rhe fi­

nanoe minister of India's MySore 1,' N. Y., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. state, D. B. Jatti, praised the CONSIDINE, 368 North MaiD. Street, Filll River, Mass. accomplishments of St. Martha's

Hospital here and said it de­

serves the support of the gov­

ernment and the people. The

78-year-old Catholic~run insti­

tution is a part of St. John's

INC. Medkal College.

Lauds Hospital



'~ ,~



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WHEN YOU OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT FOR $25'· OR MORE, OR ADD $25 (~r m~re) 1fOJ A ~~~~~f]\l1r ~(Q;C~~LJj~1r One~yo:.1 s2e the beauty Cfth3 c:.<aftsmansmp... and fe21 t~:.Oi ext1;a heavy weight of this quality fiatware••• you'll want ro OW;.1 a complete service. A::ld that will be easy! Sach tima yoa add $10 or more to your Fall River National savingS account"you maY'purchase aqditionalS-piece place set­ ting for only $2.50. And remember ••• as your table service grows, your savings grow, 'too ••• with help from Fall Riva&' National Bank interest, paid every three months.







Prelates Order Non-Bias Policy •In Building

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1964·

LANSING (NC)-A rac­ ial non-discrimination clause will be part of all future construction contracts en­ tered into by any Catholic church or school in Michigan, the Michigan Catholic Confer­ ence has decided. Francis J. Coomes, conference executive director, said the pol­ icy would apply to general or prime contractors working on any construction project for a Catholic church or school as well as all sub-contractors. The nearly 700 pastors of Catholic churches in Michigan have been notified to include the non-discrimination clause in all construction contracts after Jan. 1, 1965, Coomes said. Equal Opportunity , "The Catholic Church in Mich­ igan" has had an equal oppor­ tunity employment policy of its


own for many years and the against any. employee or appU­ bishops feel· this should be ex­ cant for employment because of tended to contractors who per­ race, color, religion, national form work for Catholic organ­ origin or ancestry. It also pro­ izations," said the director of the vides that discrimination by an organization for the Catholic . employer under contract to any bishops of Michigan. Catholic organization will be The clause provides that the considered breach of the con­ contractor may not discriminate tract.

Catholics, Orthodox Study Dialogue NEW YORK (NC)-Dialogue "on equal terms" between Cath­ olics and Orthodox Christians will be a major topic of discus­ sion at the third Pan-Orthodox meeting' scheduled to start Sun­ day, Nov. 1 on- the ·Greek Island of Rhodes.· This was stated by the' Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of· North and South America in a telease outlining' plans fot the upcoming

meeting summoned by Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople, who met with Pope Paul VI in the Holy Land last January. Representativesfrqm all East­ ern Orthodox churches' will at­ tend the Rhodes conference.

Previous Pan-Orthodox meet­

.ings; also convened by Patriarch

Athenagoras, were held 1n Sep­ tember, 1961, and September,



BEEF Is Your


AT ANNUAL MASS: Members of the Diocesan Catho­

'Iie Pharmacists Guild of St. James attended the annual Mass

for living and deceased. members Sunday at St. James

. Church, New Bedford~ Officers are, left to right, Anthony M. Rugiero, Fall River, secre~ary; Albert F. Dussault, .Fall

River, treasurer; Titrlothy P. Keating, New Bedford, sec­

retary. President is Norman H. Caron.

Chadhood Songs, Bible Passages An~i~ote for Brainwashing CINCINNATI (NC) - Songs and persecute you, delivering

you up to the synagogues and

and poems memorized in child­ prisons, dragging you before

hood coupled with 'passages from king's and governors for my

the Bible were the antidote em­ ployed by a Jesuit priest against name's sake!"

communist efforts to brainwash Zeal Cost Freedom

him. Another passage often recalled,

Father Walter M. Ciszek, S.J., he said, was Christ's counsel' to

58, held a prisoner within Sovjet His disciples: "Resolve therefore

Russia for 23 years, in a lecture in your hearts not to meditate at· Xavier University here re­ ,beforehand, how you are' to

called the all-night .interroga­ · make your defense. For I myself

tion sessions when his commu­ will give you utterance and wis-

nist captors sought to have him · dom, which all your adversaries admit he. was a "papal spy" in will not be able to resist: or

Russia and hoped he 'eve'ritually gainsay."

would write and broadcast dia­

The zeal of the Shenandoah, tribes against Pope Pius XII. Pa., native to nii'nister: to his

Alone his cell,' often one. in parishioners .cost him his free­

which it was impossible to do dom, brought on torture and

anything but stand, Father Cis­ forced labor and, for a time,. ,

zek said he busied his mind re­ caused him to be written off as calling songs and poems learned "dead." His headline-heralded

in childhood, Which he would. return from the ,"dead" to this

sing and recite aloud to exorcise country was effected a year ago 1" accusations and insinuations im­ in an exchange for a Soviet spy. planted by his tormentors.


,Pral·SeS.....W'. arren 'A S t .V·'leTt' . n t·I-,mu·


95 Sirloin Steak c Porterhouse Steak 99 LB1.19 'Cube Steak Top Round Stea!t LB1.19 -Face Rump Steak us 1.19. Lsl.1·9 Minute Steak c LB.89 Ground Round Face Rump .Ro~ Top Round· Roast LB·7·9 Bottori1~Round Roast 79 I Eye·· Round. Roast L81·.19c I Back.· Rump .Roast: 99 c Swiss'Steak Roast 99 c 95 Top Sirloin Roast I.IAST Chicken LIGS LB











While a~aiting the.interroga~ .. tion sessions which lasted all _ night, Father Cis~ek said he

wouid recall pa~sa'ges fr.:om. the ~

Bible. He related one of "his fav..

orites was the recorded words CINCINNATI (NC)- U~ S.

LB of Christ-"They will arrest you Chief Justice Earl Warren drew

praise from Citizens for Decent

Literature for his stand on the

enforcement of anti-obscenity L! · laws.

In an .official statement issued

from its national headquarters

LB VATICAN CITY (NC) - An here, COL's executive committee

ever-growing number of priests endorsed Chief Justice Warren's

I ill illIJl~;~;.I:iIM:iilllllIIl!lIIll11lllillllilill lEiillll:ili!!IIIII~i!~ili!rI~iUnilllillillilll.III.:illllilll!ml I IIIIII;!!!IEI. .;8 now can be seen on the streets opinion that determination of

of Rome wearing what they call ,the "fact of obscenity" is "the


pre.-ogative of the individual in these parts "the clergyman," . I

which means. coats and pants states." ,

after the American and English .This leaves the legal deter­ 1 fashion. The cassocks still pre­ minatien of obscenity to the ~!WBl!f.$lOOElli~ili; ••ii!i i i iiiillir_lail!ml!lli!illlli.~llll!ilil!iil:MII~ 1111 mlllll!!iili!!IlII!l!IIi!illl!iIIl!II1i!! 1IIIIIIi.iI!lIIi" I'

dominate, but;sloWly Italian dio­ local community, the statement ceses are expected to follow the pointed out.

precedent established by the "Warren's admonition that the Trent diocese and discard them. court has seen Ill-prepared

"I like you better wearing the prosecution cases allowing por­

'clergyman,''' said a streetcar nographers to· go free," the st~te­

COnductor to a visiting Ameri­ ment continued, "coincides with,

can priest. SaY,tOe (R8,. 63c) Large 8,01 Silt COL's position that proper, well'"

There can be' no doubt· that prepared law enforcement ~: ," "'1_ _ ,. till.... lit., Clot. 11 .. ofIcillt at ALL Afl .... IIwttu It tIIlo .....'" . . ,lclollr. T _ ......u . . fNIIIMleII .., I.. ft",," _ PI." it-. 6fiir• the Italian neople generally pI;osecution protecting civil lilt­ erties- are vital.'" aaree with him. -;------..;.;,;;,;,.;,;,;;;,;,;.,~ ..;..;.--~-----------------­

Cassocks Decline On Rome Streets

Jane Parker SQUASH or

Pumpkin Pie ..53c




a-Iftch lib

Editor Asserts Schools Neglect Negro History'

ANCHOR15 Plan Reception, Testimonial at St. Joseph's THE Thurs., Oct. 29, 1964 Parish, Fairhaven, for Brother Joseph Prelate Pra ises

CINCINNATI (NC) Negro history is badly. ne­ glected in the schools, an authority on the subject said

They're hanging out the flags at St. Joseph's parish, Fairhaven, for a big surprise reception and .testimonial, a secret known only to a few thousand people, plus, now, readers of The Anchor. But this open secret can be kept because the recipient of all this attention is, right now, en route from Peru to his Fairhaven home. He will arrive to­ morrow to s,tart a four Sacred Hearts Novitiate in Fair­ month speaking tour of the haven. Arrangements for this United States and Canada in hospitality have been .made by· Rev. John Brennan, SS,CC., behalf of his religious con­

here. George W. Crawford, editor of the Catholic Interracial Coun­ cil Newsletter, told an audience at Xavier University that most Americans know too little of gregation. Hopefully, the secret will be kept until 7 Sunday the American Negro. night, when the reception begins. "A review of history text­ Who is he? Rev. Brother Jo­ 'books in U. S. schools, including seph, of the Missionaries of the Cincinnati public and parochial Holy Apostles, son of Mrs. Eva schools, reveals an almost total Barabe and the late A. A. Bar­ absence of the Negro story in abe of 15 Holiday Drive in our history," Crawford said. Fairhaven. '~The same situation .is true also with respect to the Indian," For two years he has been as­ he added, charging that "this signed to Seminario de los omission has been deliberate, Santos Apostoles in Chosica, as all scholars know.". Peru, as administrator and pre­ vious to that he was procurator Develop Complex and administrator at seminaries "The white student thus stud­ in Montreal and Cromwell, ies only about white Americans, and the Negro alsO studies only Conn. His community is dedicated to about white Americans. It is the fostering of belated voca­ not surprising then that one tions and Brother Joseph is the develops a superiority complex while the other develops one first American religious Brother who joined it. Also associated of inferiority," he said. with the community are priests Crawford pointed out that and Sisters, all dedicated' to the "the Negro was a part of the ongoing American development, . apostolate of delayed vocations, BROTHER JOSEPH although the men trained at not as a bystander but as an Holy Apostles seminaries are active' participant, beginning with the I Jamestown settlement not obligated to become. mem- . the Holy Apostles, will ~ pres­ bel'S of the community, but are ent, coming from Rome for the in 1619." free to join any other community purpose. He urged his audience to Also to be present are superi­ or the Diocesan priesthood. "read extensively and broaden ors from Washington, t D. C., your knowledge of America," From New Bedford Montreal and Cromwell,; Conn. and to make more widely known Brother Joseph was born in seminaries of the commUl)ity, in the role of the Negro in Ameri­ St. Anthony's parish, New Bed­ addition to seminarians: from can history. ford, and attended its parochial each house. The seminarians school. Before entering religion will provide entertainment at he was prominent for many the reception. years in New Bedford and Mi­ Pastors and other clergy from ami, Fla. as a real estate broker the Diocese will also attend. and property 'manager in asso­ Visiting clergy will be housed at SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A ciation with his father. He was number of "live issues," some instrumental in founding the with ecumenical overtones, were Legion of Mary in New Bedford debated in executive 'session at before he, entered religion 12 the annual Canon Law Society of years ago. . America convention here, the, All Brother Joseph's friends in CLEVELAND (NC) - More retiring president disclosed. the area are invited to attend than 50 Negro children-most of Msgr. Paul Harrington of Bos­ the Sunday night reception, at them non-Catholic-have trans­ ton, outgoing president, in an which Rev. Eusebe M. Menard, ferred to Catholic parochial interview said debates centered O.F.M., superior general and schools irian integration dispute around such questions as: must. founder of the Missionaries of here. Catholics continue to be married The' children are from Hazel­ in the presence of a priest or dell school district and last year face the penalty of invalidity; in were transported by bus to mixed marriages should the schools in white neighborhoods. Church continue to require This Fall a new public: school MIAMI (NC)-It's a long way signed promises for the upbring­ was opened and the pupils were ing of children from the non~ from here to Colfax, Wash. But assigned to the neighborhood Roy McDonald twice left his Catholic party, and to what ex­ schools, an event their parents home town, population 3,000, tent may Catholics participate regarded as de-facto segregation the first time to bring 60 Cuban in the predominantly' Negr41 in non-Catholic religious cere­ children to Colfax, and later ar­ monies. area. In-depth discussions on both ranged .~or. the . settlement ~ . Mrs.' John Dortch; an ·official sid~s of these and other questions' whole families of refugees In of the Hazeldell Parents AssO­ America. we~e held at the convention, ciation, said most of the children McDonald received. a citation followed by voting which could for his work' with refugees 'from were transferred to parochial , influence future Church legisla­ - schools because· their parenis Errol Balla'ofonie, representing tion, the monsignor said. could not accept "re-segrega­ the Cuban Refugee Center of the . Results of the ballotS and rec­ tion." The new school was the U. S. Department of Health, Ed­ ommendations made by the del­ sCene of 'vio1E;nce in the :Sp'ring ucation and Welfare here and egates will not be made public, after a white minister-a 'civil Hugh McLoone,' who directs Msgr. Harrington said, but will rights .demonstrator"':"'wall acci­ Catholic Relief ServiceS'-Na­ be forwarded to the Administra­ dentally killed when h'e laid ti.veBoard, National Catholic . tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ in the rear of a bull:'dozer. which ence work at the center. Welfare Conference, Washing­ backed over him. ton, D. C., for' consideration of' the U, S. Hierarchy and also to the Papal Commission for the NO JOB TOO BIG Revision of Canon Law at Vatican City. NONE TOO SMALL SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-The president of Seton Hall Univer­ sity .said here private institu­ .. 'tions of higher education could PRINTERS be priced out of competition OMAHA (NC)-"May you see your children to the fourth gen­ with public institutions in the Main Office and Plant.

eration" was a marriage bless­ future. ing fulfilled for Mrs. Catherine Auxiliary Bishop John J. 95 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass.

Petru~ Dougherty of Newark, head of Tel. 458-6333

The 102-year-old parishioner the university operated by the of St. Wenceslaus parish here 'Newark archdiocese, made the Auxiliary Plants· point in proposing that New in Nebraska was visited by her BO,STON . daughter, 78, her granddaughter, Jersey's state scholarship pro­ CAMDEN, N•. J. 45, her great-granddaughter, 25, gram be expanded. and her great-great-grand­ The Bishop suggested that the OCEANPORT, N. J. daughter, 6, at a family reunion. program, which now awards . MiAMI Mrs. Petru; a'native of Czech­ $400 to the top 5% of the state's ':. PAWTUCKET, R. r; oslovakia, was active .in parish ).Iigh. school graduates, should .... work ·until she feli' ami' brolu~ ",be '-increased' to" $700 and "4;:)(,:, ·PHILADEi'LPHIA .. tended to· more students. her leg at the age of 95.

Canon Lawyers

Debate Issues

Dispute PutS. Extra Pupils in Schools

Receives Citation For Refugee Work

BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car­ dinal Cushing .said here all friends of liberty and peace ~ill rejoice in the selection of Dr. Martin Luther King to receive the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. "Americans especially will be proud that this patient and per­ newly appointed administrator suasive crusader for human dig­ at St. Joseph's. nity has received international A long trip to attend will be recognition for his years' of made by Rev. Charles Anderson, labor, suffering and sacrifice," pastor of St. Joseph's Church, the Archbishop of Boston said Winter Haven, Fla., notes Miss in a statement. Lauretta Barabe, Brother Jo­ Saying the occasion should seph's sister, who has been busy prompt rededication to pursuit for months making arrange­ of the ideas of Dr. King, the ments for the gala program. . Cardinal added: "May the GOd of Justice lmd Many Speakers . Love watch !Jver him, guide Speakers who will pay tribute him according to the divine will to the well-known Religious in­ and bring his work to a success­ clude Hon. August C. Taveira, superior court judge; Luke ful conclusion," the Cardinal said. Smith, U. S. Commissioner;' and Dr. King, leader of the South-<" Hon. H. Ernest Dionne, clerk of Third District Court of New ern Christian ,Leadership Con­ ference and co-pastor with· his Bedford. father of the Ebeneezer Baptist Louis Rogissart of Fairhaven' Church, Atlanta, was in St. will be master of ceremonies Joseph's Infirmary in the Geor­ and proceeds of fundraising ac­ gia capital when news of his tivities for Brother Joseph will selection reached him. be presented at this time. Mrs.. From his bed at the Catholic . 'Alfred J. Roy heads the refresh­ hospital where he had gone for . ment committee for the evening. a checkup, the leader of non­ In addition to Miss Barabe, violent action against racial dis­ members of Brother Joseph's crimination said the $54,600 family with whom he will be award will go entirely "to tpe staying while in the United civil rights movement and to States include his mother and further the work i~ the phi.os­ two brothers, Lt. Col. Emile L.· ophy of non-violence." Barabe (ret.) and Thomas Barabe.

One of Brother Joseph's first

speaking engagements in the

Diocese will be at Damien Coun­

cil, Knights of Columbus, Wed­

nesday, Nov. 18.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 29,


Commends_father Gannon's Biography, 'Rebel Bishop' By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Father Michael V. Gannon's biography of Augustin Verot, entitled Rebel Bishop (Bruce. $4.95), is important for three reasons. First, it acquaints us with the personality and accomplishments of a signal, if little known, figure in American Church history. absolute moral evil (although Secondly, it casts new light he was subsequently to change on c e r t a inconsequential his views as to that), but he chapters of that history. strongly opposed abuse of the Thirdly, it shows what the trained specialist can do in the way of discov­ ery concerning a person and an era supposedly lost because of insufficiency of extant records. The third point deserves some notice straight­ away. Monsi­ gnor John Tracy ;. Ellis, who writes a foreword for the biography, remarks, "Unfor.. tunately, much documentary ev­ idence has, indeed, disappeared, but the' rewarding results of Father Gannon's research are apparent throughout this work and offer proof that if the his­ torian is patient, persistent, and thorough, he can at times turn up a body of data that others might have thought impossible." Adept, Zealous PastM This, we believe, would be -.erified in many another in­ stance, and Father Gannon's feat should encourage the prepara­ tion of specialists to work on 4iiocesan histories, in which the American Church is woefully and not inculpably deficient. Who was Augustin Verot? He was the first Vicar Apostolic of Florida (1858-1861), third Bish­ op of Savannah (1861-1870), and fif'st Bishop of St. Augustine Ecl870-1876). Verot was born in France in 1605, had as seminary classmates Dupanloup and Lacordaire, was erdained in 1828, and came to the United States in 1830 to teach in St. Mary's College, Baltimore, conducted by the Society of St. Sulpice, to which he belonged. His field was science. After more than 20 years at St. Mary's he undertook pastoral work in Maryland, at which he proved himself exceptionally adept and zealous. It was his succe!ls in such 'Work which prompted his ap­ pointment to the Florida vicar­ iate, comprising three parishes and boasting a clerical body of precisely three. He was not a whit discouraged by such a pauQ city of means, this man a mere five feet tall and "with homely features." Remarkable Achievements He threw himself vigorously Into the task of building up the Church, and what he achieved in pis 18 years as a bishop is truly remarkable, as catalogued by his biographer. But he did much more than found parishes and institutions, promote an increase in the num­ bers of laity, religious, and clergy, and see to the spiritual welfare of those entrusted to his charge. He spoke out on the questions of the day, something which the American bishops, from the time of John Carroll down to Verot's own day, had not done. Father Gannon asserts, "Bishop Verot seems to have been the first prelate to enter national politics on an issue not directly affecting Catholicism as such." The issue was that of slavery. In January, 1861, he preached a lengthy sermon (the text of which was later widely circu­ lated) called "Slavery and Abol­ itionism." He did not see a1ave17 _ _

slaves and advocated far-reach­ ing amelioration of the slavery system. As a bishop, he did pio­ neering work on the Negro's behalf. Visits Andersonville He was also very much a pub­ lic figure throughout the Civil War. His undertakings and pro­ nouncements are most interest­ ing, as reviewed by his biogra­ pher. The notorious prisoner-of­ war camp at Andersonville, late­ ly celebrated in fiction and drama, was visited by him, and he and priests assigned by him ministered heroically to the Union soldiers confined in that hellhole. After the war, he addressed himself briskly to the work of reconstruction. The Church had suffered heavily during the con­ flict, and in many places had title to nothing but ruins. Verot energetically set about replacing lost facilities. From 1865 to 1870, he was es­ pecially concerned about help­ ing the freed Negro. He opposed separate-church facilities, want­ ing white and black to share the same place of worship. In Sa­ vannah he opened the first school for Negroes under exclu­ sively southern white auspices. First Schools He was a great man for schools, and was responsible for the first Catholic public schools. These came into being when he persuaded the Savannah author­ ities, in 1867, to incorporate the Catholic schools into the public school system. The plan had never been tried elsewhere, and, although it later was inaugu­ rated in other places, the Savan­ nah arrangement had the dis­ tinction of lasting the longest, being brought to an end cmIy in 1916. Such small fame as Bishop Verot has hitherto enjoyed is traceable to references to him in Butler's book on the first Vati­ can Council. There he isrepre­ sented as the enfant terrible of the council, and one is given the impression that he was a sort of buffoon, speaking prolix irrel­ evancies, making senseless jokes, and refusing to obey the council rules. Father Gannon shows that the truth was far different. Bishop Verot did s pea k lengthily at the council .(as who did not?). But he was most seri­ ous, despite his occasional wit­ ticisms, and he was well ahead of his time. Arguments Vindicated He urged the pastoral and ec­ umenical approach, in a spirit which seems like a first gleam of the dawning of the day of John XXIII. Where he was critical, it was because he found proposals or reasoning to be im­ practical or inopportune. His at­ titude and arguments have cer­ tainly been vindicated in our own time.He was 65 years old when,. after the council, he took up the burdens of the new and ex­ tremely poor Diocese of St. Au­ gustine. There he founded a weekly paper said to be the smallest in the world, and a sem­ inary than which there cOuld have been few smaller. He went up and down the state, practi­ cally to the day of his death ift 187-6, under conditiens which would cause a yo\UlC mMl Wdllf' foe shudder



. .;.;'

NO -SHOES: When the photographer was about to take Juanita's picture, she asked not to show her bare feet. Have you shoes for this little girl?


c 79 TOP or BOnO.



Cut from Western Steer Beef

Use Finance Plan For Expansion NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Arch­ bishop John P. Cody has re­ ported that $20,135,967 was ex­ pended to advance physical facilities of the archdiocese dur­ ing the first 18 months a central :financing pmn was in effect. Under the plan, parishes with npare funds deposit them inacen­ tral account and draw interest on their deposit. Parishes that need money for construction can bor­ row from the cooperative fund cit a low rate of interest. It has enabled the archdiocese tD institute new parishes, high schools and other projects years ahead of when they could be started if individual parisb ef­ forts were the sole resource, Archbishop Cody, Apostolic Ad­ nlinistrator of New Orleans, said. The Archbishop said it is an­ ticipated that an additional $20 million will be spent in the arch­ diocese from June 30 this year through December, 1965.

School Boards Split Oln Bus Proposal cCINCINNATI (NC)-Hamilton County school boards have reg­ istered a split reaction to a collnty board resolution favor­ inlt public bus transportation for all students. ~rhe Northwest School District board, asked to adopt a similar resolution, killed the suggestion by a 3-2 vote. But earlier the Oak: Hills District board unani­ mously endorsed the county board's action. Northwest and Oak Hills are two of the seven school districts within the jurisdiction of the Hamilton County board of edu­ cation. The county board's re­ cent resolution called on the Ohio Board of Education to in­ clucie in its 1965 program legis­ lation authorizing transport of pupils by boards of education to private and parochial schools under the same terms that apply to public school pupils.

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Catholic University Has Top Enrollment

Tomalo Juice

WASHINGTON (NC>' - With 6,034, students registered the Catholic University of' America has attained the highest enroll­ ment: in its 75-year history. Catherine R. Rich, registrar and director of admissions, said the 4mrollment is • seven per eent increase Gver last year's total of 5,625. The university haa more than. doubled. the eRroII­ ment of 10 7ean ace.

RED - Rich ff'apical Flavor

Hawaiian Punch 31~0&$I·oo


NATIONAL- STORES I.-t:ow w-Semoe Prioes. AI_.1WI v~ 3 (W.It_. . ltight .. L W ~

• Race Issues Seeks Church Aid In WASHINGTON (NC) - The head of the new federal agency charged with a peacemaking role in racial disputes is count­ ing heavily on the active sup­ port of religious bodies. , LeRoy Collins, director of the Community Relations Service, said support of his agency's purpose is being sought from a host of private groups and indi­ viduals - "and none is more needed t han the religious bodies." Collins is convinced that ef­ forts to adopt the civil rights act, under which his office was es­ tablished would have failed without the support of religious groups. "I hope now these groups will not rest on their well-earned laurels," he said. "I hope they will undertake an even mightier

WASHINGTON (NC) ­ The will of Christ and the needs of the world today call Christians "out of the clois­ ter" and into a life of service 'to the world, a Catholic editor said here. Such a development is in line with the concept of the Church as a "servant" to the people of God, declared Msgr. Francis J. Lally, editor of the Pilot, Boston archdiocese newspaper. Msgr. Lally spoke on "The Christian concept of Personal Service" at an educators' session during the 15th annual meeting of the U. S. mission-sending sociaties. The Boston editor said the Gospel story of the Good Shep­ herd serving his flock in a spirit of "mercy and compas­ sion" provides the model of Christian service. Comes in Baptism He said the Catholic Church today is not seeking "power and influence," but rather is searching for ways by which "the weak can be made strong and the suffering comforted." Msgr. Lally said the Christian's initial "call to service" comes in baptism in which he becomes a part of the "servant-Church." All other sacraments in the spiritual life, he declared, can be related to the concept of service to God and the world.

Prelate Opens Channel 38 BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car­ dinal Cushing chalked up several "firsts" in Boston archdiocesan history when he inaugurated video classroom television. The Archbishop of Boston of­ fered the first Mass in English Monday in the archdiocese at the studio chapel of WIHS-TV, Channel 38, the archdiocese's station. He offered the Mass facing the people. Some 140,000 students in arch­ diocesan schools "assisted" at the Mass and heard Cardinal Cushing's sennon over television sets in their classrooms. Msgr. Walter L. Flaherty, director of the archdiocese's station, said 80 per cent of the schools are now equipped for television educa­ tion and the 100 per cent mark will be reached shortly. Following the inaugural pro­ gram WIHS-TV will be in ses­ sion officially offering varied educational fare to the class­ rooms on each school day from 9 A.M. until 3 P.M.

Says Parish School

Enrollment Drops

TOLEDO (NC) - The Toledo diocesan school superintendent said here that instead of an anti­ cipated 2,000-pupil increase in enrollment, Cat ho 1 i c schools dropped 247 students below last year's figure. Msgr. Norbert M. Shumaker, superintendent, said the pre­ dicted rise was based on bap­ tismal records recorded six years ago. He said the decrease appar­ ently shows that a good number of schools have reached the sat­ uration point and also may sig­ nify the reluctance' of some parents to send their children to parish schools where the teacher load is high, although he has no actual infonnation to support these views.

For Laymen LONDON (NC)-A three-year COurse on theology for laymen has opened here in Westminster Cathedral. About 400 people at­ tended the first lecture given by Father Martin D'Arcy, S.J,


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1964

Needs of World Call Christians To Service

FALL RIVER AREA: Area CYO officers for Fall River are, from left, Marc Mancini, treasurer, St. Anne's parish; Judith Gagnon, secretary, St. Jean Baptiste; Irene Gagnon, vice-president, St. Anne's; James Gibney, presi­ dent, St. Mary's Cathedral.

Asserts U. S. Vocations Depend On Expanded Ca'tholic Schools SOUTH BEND (NC) - The future of vocations to the priest­ hood and religious life in this country depends upon the vital­ ity and expansion of the Catho­ lic school system, U. S. Under­ secretary of Labor John F. Hen­ ning asserted here in Indiana. Henning told the annual Teachers Institute of the Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese that those who would eliminate Cath­ olic schools also would eliminate the priest and contribute to "the destruction of American Cathol­ icism." The Government official, father of seven children (one of whom recently enrolled at a Buffalo, N. Y., seminary to study for the Franciscan priesthood) supported his assertions with a table of statistics of ordinations

Cemetery Sunday DES PLAINES (NC) - The National Catholic Cemetery Conference headquarters here in Illinois has announced that Na­ tional Cemetery Sunday will be observed on Nov. 1, feast of All Saints. The announcement stated that material for use as a ser­ mon in conjunction with the ob­ servance is available from NCCC headquarters, 710 North River Road, Des Plaines, Ill.

in the San Francisco archdiocese, which showed that for the 1954­ 1964 decade 93 per cent of the priests had attended Catholic schools prior to going to semi­ naries. Parallel Duty , It is the "parallel duty" of Catholics to work for the great­ er "vitality and expansion" of the U. S. public school system, said Henning, who is a product of Catholic education from grade school to graduation from St. Mary's (Calif.) College. He added: "Our free society re­ quires the success of both pub­ lic and private education ef­ forts." In the table of statistics on ordinations'in the San Francisco archdiocese from 1954 to 1964, Henning said a total of 386 dioc­ esan, Jesuit and Dominican priests were ordained. He said 344 of these priests had attended . Catholic schools, 26 had public school education and informa­ tion was lacking on 16. "It is apparent," Henning said, "that without the Catholic schools the San Francisco arch­ diocese today would be a 'mis­ sionary country' in terms of the priesthood."


program to help bring abouf compliance and we. stand read~ to work with them." VCJ>luntary Compliance It is the task of the former governor of Florida to direct a conciliation service that will try to untangle disputes assigned to it by federal courts. It will also offer help to communities where problems about discrimination exist, although they may not have reached either the courts or the streets. Collins, who left a prestigious and highly paid post as president of the National Association of Broadcasters to answer Presi­ dent Johnson's call to direct the new office, also will marshall federal efforts to create a cli­ mate of, voluntary compliance with the civil rights act and its principles.


THE HOUSEWIFE IN INDIA COOKS OUTDOORS, over an 1)en fire, on a sheet of iron which rests on clay supports. She serves one meal (gruel and a slice or two of bread), usualiy at noon, Her one-room "house" is made of mud or bamboo- She has no elec­ tricity, running water, or indoor plumbing , • . Our girls in India are tomorrow's mothers. Tomor­ row's India rests in women's handS , •• That's why FATHER EPHREM, a Carmelite, asks help to build • school in POONJAR. "Our girls ,. . . must learn to read and write, how "hI nol, Pidber's MWIMI Aid to keep clean, how to care for lor sbe Oriensal Cburcb children, if they are to be good mothers," he says. "Christian motherS can change the face of India." .•• Sisters are ready to'teach these girls, if FATHER EPHREM can provide the classrooms. The classrooms (six are needed) will cost only $585 each. The chapel for the Sisters (they'll live In the school) will cost only $1,150. Altogether, FATHER EPHREM needs $4,660 ••• Will you make some sacrifice to help? You may. if you wish, give the chapel ($1,150) or a classroom ($585) all by yourself (dedicate it to your favorite saint) in memory of a loved one. Just write to us .•• Please send something ($1. $3. $5, $10). Help give tomor­ row's mothers a decent life.


EULPIT ffiNT-1f Christ were preaching today, His sermons would be up-to-date. He might say: "I was hungry, and you fed a family of refugees." •.. There are thousands of hungry PALESTINE REFUGEE families In the Holy Land., The Holy Father asks us to feed as many as we can .' .. Like to help? We can FEED A FAMILY for only $10 a month. MISSIONARIES ARE FOREIGN AGENTS?-Premler Khrush­ chev urges underdeveloped countries to expel priests and Sis­ They are "agents of imperialism," he says ••. The Church 1$ interested In souls, not polities. Khrushchev wants priests and Sisters expelled because the work they do uproots Commu­ Dism .•• It costs only $1 a day to support a missionary priest or Sister. Why not "adopt" one for a day ($1), a week ($'7), • month ($30), a year ($365)? '


MEDICINES FOR LEPERS-Lepers In Africa will receive tons of medicines, thanks to druggists in Canada . . . Like to help lepers In INDIA? Clip $1 to this column, send It t«1 us, and ask to join our DAMIEN LEPER CLUB. The monthly dues are only $1. WONDER WHERE TO HELP?-The needs are 80 many, it'. hard sometimes to decide just where your help is needed most. Why not let the Holy Father decide? Mark your gift "String­ less," and send it to us. It will take care of some emergency'

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1964






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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Oct. 29, 1964

Attleboro and Stang Meet

For League Lead Saturday


Coach lapchick

Plans to Reti~e

By Fred Bartek Undefeated and untied Stang Spartans and Attleboro High SQuare-off at Darlmouth Memorial Satadium on Sat­ urday in the area's top school-boy football contest which will, in an probability, determine the championship of the Bristol County League. Taunton, after early The two clubs, currently Vocational. season success, suffered its sec­ hooked-up in a first place ond straight set back, losing to dead-lock, have won all their Oliver Ames of North Easton.

league games. A big crowd is ex­ pected to attend. The North Dartmouth Spartans swept ··:·~,t;;:: to their fifth :~i;

JAMAICA (NC) - Joe Lap­ chick, who ranks in the fore­ front of all-time great college basketball coaches, wlll retire as mentor of St. John's University team at the end of the 1964-65 season. He will be succeeded by Lou Carnesecca, his present assistant coach. The university on Long Island, conducted by the Vincen­ tian Fathers, explained that Lapchick will reach the compul­ sory retirement age of 65 next April. Lapchick has been associated with basketball since its infancy. as player and coach. He played semi-professional ball in his na­ tive Yonkers while in his teens and began his professional ca­ reer with the Holyoke Reds in 1918 in the tough New England league. A few years later Lapchick ... joined the legendary Original Celtics and remained until 1929. After service with a few other pro teams he came to St. John's as coach in ,1936. He left in 1947 and coached the pro New York Knickerbockers, but returned to St. John's in 1956. During 'his 19 years with the Redmen his, teams compiled a record of' 314 win against 121 losses. His St. John's teams won the COy~ted National Invitation Tournament in 1943, 1944 arid 1959.

Vocational could give Taunton a few anxious moments with their backfield combination of Soares and Gonsalves. Yet, over­ all Taunton should lL"egain its winning form with their supe­ rior line and excellent running back, Mike Del Solio. New Bedford High last week suffered its third successive de­ feat at the hands of an unde­ feated foe. Revere, trailing the other hand is {."':\.:: ' .......•... '~

,"'. Crimsonites 13-0 fought back to win a dramatic 22-13 victory. over Coyle High . ; , ' ; : : New 'Bedford will be trying to of Taunton. even its record at three and The Stang onslaught resulted three when it visits a tough from touchdowns by Roger Brockton team Saturday. Lacoste, Paul Espinola, John Undefeated, untied Bourne Doherty, Ray Roberts and two High continues to dominate by Joe Bartek. Coach, Carlin play among the smaller schools. Lynch gave' all his charges a RECEIVE AWARDS: Among recipients of Boy Scout chance to play' after they had With their high scoring halfback Manny Brittohalf, out of action in • Ad A,ltare Dei awards Sunday at St: Lawrence Church, chalked up a 28-0 lead midway the second quarterback in the first period.' Don Dunlap went to the air to New Bedford, were, left to right, Roger Chartier, Troop 5, Coyle at Falrhavendown Dennis-Yarmouth 26-0. Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford; Paul Cusson, Troop 1, Attleboro has its wor~: cut off Bourne will be back in league St. Lawrence Parish, New Bedford; Robert Gaboury, Troop 0 Bl . d S t P . h Fall R' for. itself if it hopes to stop the play when it travels to Barn­ stable to -meet the Red Raiders 2, esse acramen ans, Iv~r. . smooth operating Lynch offen­ Saturday. It should be Bourne's sive. The Bombardiers scored a two-point second quarter safety sixth consecutive win. Wareham in Battle but were unable to dent the ~odern The Dartmouth Indians will WaiTiors' goalline until the last' VATJCAN CITY (NC)-Pope, stanza when AI Zito scored on also be looking to continue their ST. LOUIS (NC)-Social wel­ business partner, competitor or Paul VI, receiving participants a roll-out from the 11-yard line. unbeaten ways when they visit ally." in a study meeting of the Euro­ the Falcons of Dighton-Rehoboth. fare is a basic tenet of Christ­ Coach Jim Burns' Coyle com­ ianity and the Church has organ­ pean Confederation of Agricul­ In today's society, Father Rei­ Last week Dartmouth con­ bine travels to Fairhaven Satur­ quered Old Rochester 27-14, led ized welfare programs since its nert said, more children need ture, lent his support to modem day. Both lost in their last out­ adoptive and foster parents; efforts to perfect agriculture, ings. The Taunton club, although by the passing of Mark Devitt earliest days, some 1,500 dele­ which he described as the "base housing is inadequate and de­ beaten, looked impressive. The and the running of Walt Faria. gates to the 50th annual meet­ Blue Devils dropped their ·fifth Old Rochester put a scare into ing of the National Conference linquency and emotional illness of the life of peoples." are increasing. straight without any bright spots. the Indians when it scored twice of Catholic Charities were re­ minded here. "And for all groups, our cities The Blues had good reason to with only three minutes remain­ Speaking at an evening Mass are old, based on old plans; they be, blue as they were defeated ing. It was quarterback Don OFfiCIAL need to be planned for the new by previously winless North Dorr that took .charge and per· -which formally opened the con­ WORLD'S FAIR sonally raJ). the ball 55 yards on . ventioQ, Father Paul C. Reinert, society," he said. Attleboro 26-0. With only six re­ As the need for qualified and three plays. Dartmouth will have S.J., pJ:esident of St. Louis Uni­ serves left on the bench it ap­ TRAVEL CENTFD • pears as though Fairhaven will a' battle' on. j~ hands with versity', said: "The recipient of skillful workers in the welfare field increases, Father Reinert handled' Somerset welfare is Christ Himself." have a problem not oniy wit)l 'Dighton TAUNT()~ said, Catholic Charities must al- . Coyle Saturday, but With their' very' easily with a 19-8 win. It Father ,Reinert said there are so remember its duty to "the W8$ Captain Austin Donahue other opponents for the remain­ . .indications of institutionalized whole individual" and "the total ~d Q.B. Jim Martin' that guided der of the season. One. Church Green charitY' ih the writings of St. environment." the' Falcons" and who might Augustine, Taunton Tel. 8~~-7518 Durfee Should Coast St. Ambrose and give Dartmouth trouble this The Red Rocketeers of North week. However, the pick is Pope Gregory the Great. By the Attleboro, after achieving their Dartmouth. 13th century, - he said, the first win, will host the. invading Church's welfare program was '1'heBulldogs of Old Rochester Durfee Hilltoppers who gained will have another tough one as a separate ·office. Paint and Wallpaper a thrilling 14-8 win over Fee­ Today's Catholic Charities they host Wareham Saturday. Dupont Paint han last week. A Durfee punt, Wareham is still fighting Bourne movement, he. said, is dealing Est. 1897

touched by a Feehanite, was re­ cor. Middle St. for the Tri-County leadership with problems of the industrial covered in the end zone by Bill and should be able to handle Old revolution, growing world com­ Builders Supplies

• 422 Ar']sh Ave' Carey to give Durfee the win­ Rochester. The Clippers of Fal­ 2343 Purchase Street

merce 'and a changing social Q,~a,t ~'~w Bedford ning margin. The Hilltoppers mouth await the arrival of structure. New Bedford

PARKING had quite the problem with the Plymouth after clipping the Role of Women Rear of Store passing game of Feehan as the wings of the Case Cardinals l!lst WY 6-5661

Shamrocks threatened f 0 u r "The role of the modern fam­ Saturday 9-0. Two Sophomores, times within the three yard line Paul Ingram and Greg Anderson ily is so ill-defined that we can but were unable to get that sec­ combined on a 60 yard pass for say with little certainty just ond needed touchdoWn. Falmouth. Case, on the other what functions still belong to it," Art h u r Murray's 70-yard hand, will be playing a non­ Father Reinert said. "Equally ill­ scamper gave Durfee a 14-0 half league game with Mansfield at defined is the role of women ••• time lead, but the Shamrocks the Swansea field. wife and mother, professional or came back to score a 53-yard at pass from Robbie Poirier to Jim Ferrara in the third quarter. Yet, the inspired second half play of Feehan fell short when Fall River Particular Council Durfee gained possession of the of the Society of St. Vincent de ball in the closing minutes and Paul will meet at 7:45 Wednes­ Arthur Janson, Reg. Pharrn.

ran out the clock. Durfee should day night, Nov. 4 at St. Anne's DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM

115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. have an easier go of it this week Church, Fall River, for Bene­ SUPPLIES

with North and will return to diction. A meeting will follow at 204 ASHLEY BOULEVARD

Fall River with a 4 and 2 mark. 8 in the school. Following the New Bedford

Feehan will leave county action meeting the second session of to play a non-league encounter an Ozanam School of Charity WY 3-8405

at Somerset. This one could be will feature a talk by James rough on the Blue Raiders. McGrath of the Massachusetts Bourne Out Front Department of Public Welfare, The remaining county game who will discuss eligibility re­ finds Taunton at New Bedford quirements of public assistance SHEET METAL programs. J. TESER, Prop. Requested by Edouard W. RESIDENTIAL LONDON (NC) -A 60-year­ Lacroix, council president, are INDUSTRIAL old retired headmaster of a annual repprts from partici­ COMMERCIAL school in Sunderland, Richard B. pating councils, They should be O'Hara, has left here to study sent to the Catholic Welfare 253 Cedar St., New Bedford for the priesthood .at Rome's Bureau, P.O. Box 1148, Fall UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN WY 3-3222 Beda College. River, by Sunday, Nov. 1.



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JKE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa" River-Thurs. Oct. 29, 1964


PARISH OPEN HOUSE: Parishioners view redecorated school at open house held at St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro. Left, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce sign guest register; center, Sister Mary Cecile, R.S.M. welcomes Mrs. Edward Messier, co-chairman of day's activities; Mrs.

John Murray, Women's Guild president; and Mrs. Norman Letourneau, chairman, to newly painted classroom.· Right, Rev. Edward B. Booth, pastor, chats with Mrs. Thomas Hoey, Mrs. Clive Dayton, who poured at tea.

Cardinal Lercaro on Schema 13

Continued from Page One Discussion of the 13th schema must be "more profound, must tolerate no delay, and yet must move along without excessive haste", he said. In spite of the arduous, diligent and fruitful work of· the Mixed Commission which prepared the schema, "many observations and contra­ dictions by very many Fathers can be foreseen". According to Cardinal Ler­ caro, the present schema can • upply only a basis or general outline of discussion, "suffi­ cient for stimulating our useful observations". Past experience with the schemas on the Church and on Divine Revelation, he said, "has taught us that a text in spite of much detailed work by the Commission can make substantial progress only if it is discussed in the Council Hall". Gener~l Discussion Cardinal Lercaro said that Jogeneral discussion is necessary so that experiences and judg­ ments of many Fathers from all parts of the earth and from all nations and cultures can be put together". One outcome of such discussion, he said, would be a counterbalance "for the rather European and Occidental out­ look" which the schema now has. "However it seems difficult", he said, "and well nigh impos­ sible, for a new revision of the schema and for its final appro­ bation to take place during this session". Cardinal Lercaro said· this was so because "the large number of expected proposals will be very dissimilar in form and content and will therefore require ample changes in each part of the text and in the text as a whole".

School Confusion BATON ROUGE (NC)--Con­ fusion abounded as classes be­ gan here in Louisiana for the first three grndes of the new St. Pius X School. Among the 301 uniformed children, of similar age and size, who appeared on the first day, were seven sets ef twin'

It will further be extremely difficult, he said, for the Com­ . mission to properly judge all the diverse and dissonant proposals, "and I· dare say one can doubt whether there will be sufficient time for the job, if the Fourth Session is to take place next year". He warned the Council Fathers against nourishing the "rather naive hopes" spread by the press, which have made the general public come to expect prodigies of doctrine from the 13th schema. But it is not this schema which will be the Council's greatest contribution to this generation, he said. Careful of Expectations The greatest contribution will be "the acquiring by the Church of ·new knowledge of herself (which has already happened in the Constitution on the Church) and also the effective imple­ mentation of a spirited reform on all levels (which, however, until now our Council has only begun, with-perhaps-timidity). "This spirit and this seriousness must mark every schema yet to be treated, because "only then will the Church be a light for the nations". On leaving the microphone Cardinal Lercaro received a burst of applause.


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