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Suenens Gives Position

Pope Paul Sug,gests Reunion

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Pau.! VI Issued what might prove to be a charter of reunion bebetween the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches at the canon. ization of the 40 English and Wel~h martyrs who died for their faith during the 16th and 17th centuries. The Pope said that the devotion of the martyrs "toward their nation assures us that no offense to the honor and sovereignty of a great country such as ~ngland will be involved on the day of ~nit~ of faith and of C~ristian hfe IS restored, God wilhng." Turn to Page Six

Tile ~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~e~~~~~~~ CIIOR .


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An Anchor of the Soul, Su)e and Firm _ ST. PAUL I I

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Oct. 29,1970 , V I 14 N 44 i PRICE 10¢ '




© 1970 ~he Anchor I . I

$4.00 per year

D t ., rugC0 'nagIon Y h Fr. Bedard M.S. T h rea t e.,n5 ,out .




•• '


, SuperI·or New Rev. Armand Proulx, MS., provincial superior of the LaSalette Fathers has announced the appointment of Rev. Roland R. Bedard, MS., as new superior of LaSalette in Attleboro. The appointment came after consultation with 27 members of the LaSalette community. As superior, Father Bedard oversees the spiritual work of the priests and brothers who operate the LaSalette Shrine, the Institute of Sprituality, Mark IV Presentations, and the Center for Christian ~iving, all based in Attleboro. Ordained in 1946, the new suo perior has served as Mission Procurator for the congregation's missions in the Philippines and also as .superior and director of the LaSalette Shrine in Enfield. For six years Father Bedard was " master of novices and superior of the LaSalette Novitiate in Center Harbor, N. H. In July 1964, he was elected provincial superior of the Eastern United States and Canadian Provinces.



question for the

:: work in parishes in the ordinary sense but in "sociological par· ishes" dealing with the young, the divorced, the bereaved and so forth and their work is "very precious," he said. Speaking in fluent English, often touched with humor, charming and smiling he fenced skillfully and cautiously for over an hour with a packed audience of reporters asking a variety of questions. He was dressed as an ordinary priest without a red stock and with his episcopal ring Turn to Page Six

Massive Effort To Aid Poor

WASHINGTON (NC)-Auxi!CINCINNAT.I (NC) Every lem of alcoholism among youth He said he hopes that priests f h will normally remain celibate, iary Bishop Michael R. Dempsey one 0 my pans ioners has prob· is being obscured by the reams but added that ordained married of Chicago, national director of lems." That's t~e chief· differ- df publicity about the drJJg ence between thIS "parish"-EI- ~buse." men mighet be helpful in some the U. S. Church's massive Cam· mira, New York's correctional : countries. Theology, does not paign for Human Development, facility-and parishes "on the I In Elmira prison, he said, oppose a married clergy, he said. warned here that the Church outside," Father James P. Collins where the average age of prison- . Questioned further on the sub- can't turn back from its efforts e11rs entering is 22 years, there ,ject in view o.f a dwindling to help the poor. commented here. The priest, president of the ~re about 24 per cent "full blown priesthood, Carqinal Suenens Recapping the progress of the alcoholics." said: campaign-a nationwide effort American Correctional ChapI ' lains' Association, warned that ' 0 ' f ' "We will see. The first ques! ne 0, the most significant -tion will be that of married peo- to educate Cathlics to the needs Fath C II' h d the "growing c,ontagion, of drug "hange's '" , er 0 inS as note pie being ordained." He said the of the poor and raise money to abuse" is shaping up to, be "the ~ince he became prison chaplain Synod of Bishops can be expect- meet some of those needs-since biggest threat to the future of' I'IS "the d'Ism . t eg.a .. t'IOn 0'f famI'1 y ed to tackle this and "we will its Oct. 1 takeoff, the Bi$hop reported: our youth." ' life," including Catholic families. then see what happens." '~We've done very dangerThe cardinal who defended the A veteran of 11 years as a Tradlti0llally the prisoner came prison chaplain, the Ro«hester from broken homes, but now the idea of a permanent diaconate at ous thing, for we've created in priest said he was' espeCially puinber coming from intact Vatican Council II added that the hearts of the poor a hope in the Catholic Church." That hope, worried about the effects of hal- homes is "approaching the num- "deacons may be the answer." ,~er from broken homes," he said. In Belgium at present there he emphasized, must be fulfilled. lucinogens such as LSD. First goal of the open-ended "My practical advice to young I This shows that family life are now nearly 30 married deapeople," he said, "is to separate itself is weakening, he said, and cons, he said, and this is "a big Turn to Page Twelve themselves from a circle of hI e blamed the rising crime rate friends that trots out even /n ,SUburbia and among the m'id· marijuana. Otherwise the peer ale class on "permissiveness pressure will be too much to Icatering to children's whims, and resist." ' ;the abdication by the father of, The priest went on to com- Ihis authority as head of the ment that "the still majoLprob-. ;house." . A concelebrated funeral Mass was offered Sunday evening in St. Anthony of the Desert Church, Fall River, for Chor Bishop Joseph Eid, pastor of the Church since 1929, who died unexpectedly last Friday while on a visit to his native Lebanon. LOS ANGELES (NC) - Long While noting' the depressed Chor Bishop Eid had gone to labeled the "sleeping giant," the economic condition that plagues Leb~mon a few weeks ago folMexican American, minority in many Mexican-Americans, the lowing the death of a brother the United States is not sleeping authors said they are making there and suffered a heart attack anymore, according to a four- progress. The schooling gap be- himself. He was buried in his year study released at the Uni- tween the minority and Anglos, native Mazraat-EI DabI', Lebanon. A priest of the Diocese of versity of California here. for instance, has been reduced The study, published under the over the years. So has the in·. Sidon in Lebanon, Chor 13ishop Eid was ordained in 1924 by title "The Mexican American come gap. Mexican-Americans use the Maronite Bishop Namatallah People: The Nation's Second Largest Minority" by Free Press, term "Anglo" in deferring to Karam. He held Doctorates in New York, shows that minority whites, other than Chicanos, who both Philosophy and Theology emerging as a significant force make up the majority population from the Propaganda University in Rome. in Southwest politics. in the Southwest., ,Father Eid worked in his' Faster economic improvement, It said political ~echniques of homeland until June 23, 1929, Mexican Americans, who call the professors said, would rehe came to St. Anthony when themselves Chicanos, now range quire a massive shift from manthe Desert Church in Fall of from the traditional "quiet fight- ual labor to other jobs. Better ing" to outright militancy, espe- education, they added, is the in- River to care for the Maronite community. From 1938 to 1955 cially among the young. Leaders dispensable key. are increasingly using the modTo hasten the movement of he also served as pastor of Our ern tactics of social protest and Chicanos into the mainstream of Lady of Purgatory Church in at times in precarious coalition American life, the study urged New Bedford. He was given the distinction changing social practices with with Negroes, it said. in 1952 of Chor Bishop by the Three state universities pro- regard to the minority. Maronite Patriarch with the apIn many public high schools, fessors wrote the study, which. said that the once largely rural I for example, Mexican Americans proval of Rome and of the Mexican American population i have been automatically assigned Bishop ·of Fall Riv:er. Principal celebrant of the now is as highly urbanized as to the vocational rather than colChor-Bislhop Eid Turn to Page Six I lege preparatory subjec~s. the rest of the population. 1


Chor..Bishop Joseph Eid Dies While in Native Lebanon

Mexican.Ame~icans Emerge As Signifi'can~ Force


Father Bedard, M.S.

gium, said here he is not, in favor of Catholic priests being allowed to marry but that he approves the idea of married men in certain circumstances becoming priests. Carinal Suenens made it plain at a big London press confer· ence that this is his view but said he had at times been widely misquoted on the subject. "It was said I was in favor of priests getting married but I was speaking about married people becoming priests, which is a very diffe~ent problem," he stressed. . Asked if he thinks the Church might eventually abandon its celibacy rule in order to attract more vocations the cardinal said:

" 2

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-'-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970

Mercy Sisters, M'eet in Md.

Platform Shows Changes., In ,Catholic Education WASHINGTON (NC) - ' The . first platform ever issued by the National Catholilc Educational Association shows how things have changed since Catholic education's early days, an NCEA official said here. 'For one thing, said Father C. Albert Koob, O. ·Praem, NCEA president, a specific platform was not even necessary before. "Decisions on Cathlic education '.were, made by members of. the hierarchy, or religious' superiors," he said., "When orders were given, everything was carriedout as a matter of routine.' 'It 'was a different way of life than we're accustomed to now." But as Catholic, education grew and developed,administra-' tive procedures changed, new problems arose and new issues were raised. State and. 'federal aid, racial equality, lay involve,ment, tI:te so-called "knowledge explosion" were discussed with .increasing frequency. , A position statement from NCEA, representing 5.5 million 'Catholi~ stu~ents, 206,000 edu<;ators·. and over 14,000 educational institutions" seemed, appropriate, Father Koob said, NCEA's platform, two years in the making, notes there is "no justification nor need for any education under Catholic aus,pices that is not recognized by the hallmark of excellence." "There's been a change of thinking among Catholic educators from a position where it was better to have children in aQY_ Catholic school rather than put them in public schools," Father Koob told NC News. "To the modern Catholic, if it isn't quality education, it isn't acceptable." Discussing school finances, the

Necrology NOV. 1 Rev. William H. McNamara, '1924, Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield. 'Rev. Louis N: Blanchet, 1927, Assistant, St.John the Baptist, 'l'"all River. Rt. Rev. John F. Ferraz, 1944, P~stor,. St. Michael,' Fall River. Rt. Rev. George F. Cain, i953, Pastor; St. Matthew, Fall River.

NOV. 2 A Memento for the repose of the souls of our priests not on this list. , Rev. Joseph S. Fortin, 1923, Founder, St. John ,Baptist, , Fall River., " Rev. Michael V. McDonough, 1933, Chaplain, St. Mary Home, New Bedford.

...................... Day of Prayer Nov. 8 - St. Thomas More, Somerset. Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs. Notre Dame, Fall River.' Nov. 15-0ur Lady of the Immaculate Conception, New Bedford. St. John the Baptist, New' Bedford. St. Louis, Fall River. ••••••••••••• + •••

THE ANCHOR Second Class Poslage Paid at Fall River Mass" Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cahtol!c ,Press ,of the Dio~ese of Fa,lI River.' SubSCription price by mall, postpaid $4'00 per year.

Religious from St. Vincent's Home' and the four Nazareth Halls of the Diocese were among Sisters of Mercy from all parts platform said NCEA "affirms of the United States who attendthat governmental assistance to ed a special education meeting nonpublic educational instituheld this month at St. Maurice tions for public services rendDay School, Potomac, Md. ered is necessary, proper and in Purpose of hte meeting was to in the national interest. unify the work of Sisters of Competent Administrators' Mercy involved in special educaUnder professional standa~ds, tion and to draw up recommenthe plaVorm notes positions of dations to be presented to a geneducational leadership should eral chapter of the community be filled "only on the basis of scheduled for next Summer. merit, abil.ity and experience," The special education apostol"We've lived through an era ate of the Sisters of Mercy inthat has seen tremendous change cludes child-care centers, resion this point," Father Koob saJd. ,- dential homes for the severely "Until about 1965, it w.as tacitly retarded, sch'ools and homes for understood that lay people would the emotionally disturbed, day be teachers bilt not administraschools for the trainable, edut.ors," cable, and minimally brain dam,The goal now, he said; is Ito aged, 'teacher-preparation on a choose the most competent 'adcollege level, day schopls for the ministrators-be they lay or Recerebral palsied, upgraded ligious, schools in culturally deprived The platform also'notes coop,areas and 0l:\e nursing home for eration with the, entire educa-' mentally and physically handi'tional community "is not ortly , capped children ranging in age desirable but mandatory for all from three months to six years. of Catholic education," This is Msgr. E. fl. Behrmann, assoa change from the days when ciate secretary of the Special Catholic schools and public Education department of the . schools were considered comNational Catholic Educational petitors. ' Association, was a keynote Due process is cited in the NOBEL AWARD: The 1970 Nobel Peace Prize was speaker at the three-day conplatform as "the only acceptable way to solve grievance problems awarded Oct. 21 to Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug, a native clave, first of its kind for the for both lay and Religious educa- of Cresco, Iowa, for his research into new types of wheat Sisters, of Mercy. Conclusions reached at the tors," Such formal procedures that would help the world's' hunger problem. Borlaug, 56, ,for teaching Religious were uJ;l- is the head of the International Maize and Wheat Improve- meeting will be released at a later date. common in the past. ment Center in Mexico 'City. Borlaug is shown in 1968 'Unique Contribution~ Modern structural approaches recording the wheat .in his br.eeding plot· in Mexico?' NC to Catholic 'education lare also Photo. . descri!>ed in the platform. At 0l1e point, it endorses the educational His Excellency, the Most Rev, center - "a facility for' commJBishop has confirmed the assignnity service, with the school as ments made by Very Rev. Arnucleus, using the talents of all ,Nobel Committee Concurs with Pope mand Proulx, Provincial Supemembers of the community for rior of the LaSalette Fathers. , their mutual benefit," On Importance of Development Assigned to Our Lady of the Until t~e mid-1950s, Father VATICAN CITY (NC)-Nam-, toward a peaceful, balanced de- Cape Parish, Brewster, are: Rev. Koob said, NCEA relied on its annuai convention to decide ing D'r. Norman Borlaug, Ameri- velopment in the Third World Georges Moris, M.S., pastor, and what issues it would face the can 'food raising expert, as this ,~* * we can all be more optimis- Rev. Romeo Levasseur, M.S" asyear's winner of the Nobel Peace tic with regard to a peaceful sistant pastor. following year. Rev. Henry Durand, M.S. and But as the 'educational scene Prize "deligllted", the Holy See's world," , Father Reuv~r said that his Rev. Marius Bordenave, M.S" became more and inore complex, agency for p,eace. Father Mark Reuver, press of- commission is, happy .to see· that have been assigned to work in "many people' thought issuing convention statements didn't get ficer for, the Pontifical 'Commis-, the. 'Nobel committee concurs the La Salette Province but outus anywhere," he said. "They sion for Justice and, Peace, said" with, Pope Pa~1 that peace' has' side the Fall River Diocese. began to ask what, NCEA's posi- that it ~as "truly ~oriderful ~hat ,as' its prelude development. tio.n was on these issues, and we a pioneer in the so:called Green O'ROURKE realized we' dIdn't have 'any , Rev91ution, the effort to produce Bishop, Jurist Urge larger yields of grain, was honposition," Funeral Home The result was the' current ored .by the Nobel Pea<;e Com- Legal Aid to Poor 571 Second Street . NCEA' platform"":"which also re- mittee.",. SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - An ' Fall River~ Mass. ,In fact, Father Reuver said it Episcopalian bish'oppreaching ,affirms Catholic 'education's "unique contribution to the gen- was a pleasure, to see a "non- from the pulpit bishop preaching . 679-6072 . eral field of education and to aggressive revolutionary named Red Mass here called upon the MiCHAEL McMAHON the champion of peace," the welfare of so~iety." congregation of jurists and lawRegistered Embalmer He' st~ted further that the se- yers to improve legal aid to the Li,censed Funeral Director 'Iect,ion of Dr. Borlllllg was a, poor, ,Ma$s Ordo vindication ,for Pope' Paul VI's Episcopal Bishop C, Kilmer FRIDAY....;-Mass,,(Choice of Cel- ' statement in . the epcyclical Myers of the California dioc'ese ebrant). Weekday. Populorum' Progressio, that the SATURDAY - Mass of Blessed "ne'w name of ,peace is develop- spoke at the Mass sponsored by the St; Thomas More Society Virgin Mary for Saturday. Op- _,ment." F .... "ollie at the University of- San Frantional. White. 550 Locust Street ' In her recent book, published cisco, 'SUNDAY-All Saints (TwentyFar, River. Mass. by 'the justice and peace commitfourth' Sunday After Pente- I The bishop said it was' the tee, British economist Barbara , 672-2391 cost). Solemni(y. White: Mass' duty of the legal profession to Ward warned that the pre~ent relieve "the nagging' feeling Proper; Glory; Creed. Rose E. !3ullivan MONDAY - Commemoration of decade would indeed become the that there is no justice because Jeffre,Y E. Sullivan i'angry Seventies" unless the all the Faithful Departed. I am poor." world 'cared for the hungry Black or Violet. TUESDAY-St. Martin de Porres, through such programs being Religious Brother. (Note: The developed now in the Green RevD. D. Wilfred C. Sunday Prayer used on Week-' olution, In announcing the peace award Inc. days is taken from the Fourth Sullivan Driscoll Sunday. after Epiphany). Op-' for Dr. Borlaug in Oslo, Norway Mrs. Aase' Lionaes, chairman of tional. White. Funeral Service FUNERAL HOME WEDNESDAY-St. Charles Bor- the Nob~l Peace Committee, ~dward F. Carney 469 lOCUST STREET romeo, Bishop. Memorial. stated: 549 County Street White. "If the economists and politi-' 'FAll RIVER, MASS. New Bedford 999-6222 THURSDAY - Mass (Choice of c,ians of the world today can, 672-3381 Serving the area since 1921 Celebrant). Weekday. make' a similar contribution ,

Vatican' Delighted

Bishop Confirms Assignments




Michael C. Austin


Fr. Connors, S.J. Requiem Tues.

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 29, 1970

Vincentian Mass In New Bedford A concelebrated Mass for all deceased members ot" the St. Vincent de Paul Society of New Bedford will be offered in St. Anthony Church on Wednesday evening, Nov~ 4 at 7 P.M. Celebrants will be Rev. John F. Hogan, chaplain of the Particular Council, along with Rev. Bertrand Chabot and Rev. Manuel Ferreira. Following the Mass ,there ,wiIJ be dinner' and a short business meeting.

Rev. Henry R. Canuel, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford was principal concelebrant at a Mass of Requiem celebrated in St. Alexis Chapel in the Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Kansas City, Mo. for the repose of the soul of his sister, Sr. Rose de St. Francois former Assistant-Mother Generai of the Little Sisters of the Poor in France. Born' in Fall River, she served in' assignments in New York, Pennsylvania, ·Maryland, Indiana, Minnesota, Illinois, Alabama and Cahfornia. When World War II broke out, Sister transferred her headquartets from' France' to Madrid; Spain and· then to 'Lisbon, Portugal.

Sr. Rose Canuel



Hits Treatment Of Prisoners

Funeral services were held Tuesday at Holy College in Worcester for Rev. J. Bryan Connors, S.J. 72, a native of Fall River and long-time professor of English at the College, who died after a long illness Saturday in Worcester. Born in Fall River, the son of the late Bryan and Mary (Malvey) Connors, Father Connors graduated from Durfee High School and studied at Weston College, Woodstock College in Maryland and Georgetown University. A Jesuit more than 50 years, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1931. Father Connors taught at both Holy Cross and at Loyola University in New Orleans and served during World War II as a U. S. Air For"e Chaplain. For many years faculty advisor to the Holy, Cross Alumni Association, Father Connors is well-remembered for his kindness and willingness to put himself o'!t to assist anyone calling upon him for advice or in need.

Brother Offers Sister's Mass


FIFfY YEARS: Mr. an~ Mrs. Joseph E. Griffin, residents of the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, markedi their golden wedding anniversary Saturday with a Mass of thanksgiving in the Home ~hapel. Longtime members of St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, both were employed !by .the municipal government, Mrs. Griffin as a city hall switchboard operator fOr 36 years and Mr; Griffin in the city assessors' office.

CINCINNATI (NC)-Cincinnati Archbishop Paul F. Leibold called on prison chaplains to "awaken our people" to the need for treating prisoners as human 'beings and of changing prisons to correctional centers rather than "breeding places of crime." Speaking at the bishops' luncheon of the American Catholic Correctional Chaplains' Association here the archbishop told his audience that prisoners have always been entwined in the Christian message. "John the Baptist was martyred in prison. Christ was taken prisoner, held overnight in prison, and in His dying breath opened heaven to a condemned criminal. He told His apostles to expect to be taken prisoner. "The apostles probably spent as much time in prison as they did in the pulpit. We honor St. Peter in Chains; St. Paul proudly calls himself a 'prisoner of the Lord.' " Archbishop Leibold cited "our greatest living Catholic hero," Bishop James E. Walsh, M.M., just released after 12 years of confinement by the Chinese communists, and Pope John XXIII, "who did not consider it ,out of place to spend his first Christmas as .Holy Father in a Roman prison," where he visited convicts. The archbishop also urged prison chaplains to "make every effort to awaken our people" to the need of making special provision for "the new breed of criminal"-LSD victims, revolutionaries, "misdirected idealists, the sorry products of our permissive society"-instead of "throwing them into confinement with a totally different breed of criminaL"

Blind Meet



Folk songs were presented by students at Coyle High School at the last meeting of Taunton . Catholic Guild for the Blind. A Mass was celebrated for members· and guests by Rev. Brian Harrington. The unit's next meet."We policemen are getting fed ing i.s slated for Tuesday, Nov. up with being treated like fish 17. in a barrel," said John J. Harrington, national president of the Fraternal Order of Police, The ANCHOR sponsor of the rally. The organization said 61 policemen had • TYPE SET been killed this year, some 20 • PRINTED BY OFFSET of them in unprovoked attacks.

Crime Do;minant Issue in Elections I


Fears ,Impress Lawmakers


WASHINGTON (NC) - The~e in the presence o( some 150 dishas been a strong last minute tinguished officials and guests. effort to make crime a dominarit, While there, the President took if not the dominant, issue in advantage of the' occasion to anthe Nov. 3 elections. This would announce that the crime rate in seem to confirm some receht Washington had decreased 25.4 observations here that the whr per cent in September, as comin Vietnam has receded some- pared with the same month in what as a focus of voter intere~t, 1969. Allnouncements of this and that crime, inflation and ~­ sort have been made by the suemployment are increasingly Ito perintendent of Metropolitan Pothe fore. I lice and similar officials in reIn talks in some of the statk cent months. President Nixon has called for Then the President 'drove farrespect for law and order, visited ther downtown to the Mun'icipal policemen in hospitals, prai~ed Center to personally thank memlaw enforcement officers ahd bers of the local police force called for support of• their Ief- "for what they had done" to forts to put down Crime. I bring about the improvement. It But it was right here in ~he was the first time a President Nation's Capital, which the Pres- had visited the Municipal Center ident has said more than ortce since it was built in 1942. he would like to make a model Just the day before, 1,200 pofor law and order, that he put licemen from 25 states, alarmed forth his most unusual effor~s. over the increase in attacks on Three days after Congress com- policemen, massed on the steps pleted action of multi-faceted of the U.S. Capitol here to press legislation to crack down on lor- for federal laws against people, "revolutionaries," ganized crime and bombings, Mr. particularly Nixon drove to the Department who attack law enforcement officers. of Justice to sign the legisla~ion , I

In signing the anti-crime bill, President Nixon said "we shall now be able to launch a total war against organized crime." He told Attorney General John M. Mitchell and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover: "Gentlemen, I give you the tools, you do the jOb." Solons Respond The anti-crime bill has a slightly unusual history.• The Senate passed a version last January, 73 to I, but then it was held up in the House Judiciary Committee, because, it was said, some members felt some of its provisions were unconstitutional. However, the House passed it on Oct. 7, by a 341 to 26 vote, and the Senate accepted the House version.





THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 29,,1970,

Diocesa" Fiscal Managers F'orm New Conference

Scores Ousting Of Chaplain

Brotlter ,Herma.n Named to Secular Post lfli.th, Institutional. . Service ,Consultants ,

CHICAGO (NC)-Brother Herman Zaccarelli,C.S.C., North Easton, Mass., lf~s been mimed DENVER (NC)-Qnce money special advisor 'and consultant hits the collection plate, it travels to Institutional Service Consulta variety of routes, some of it ants (ISC), a newly-formed conwinding up in the, hands of di- sulting service to institutions maintaining their own feeding ocesan 'money managers. 'How do they make the best systems. use of it? To discuss possible an- "ISC is operated under the diswers to that question, diocesan rection of the, Institutional Divifiscal managers got together sion of Canteen Corporation, one here recently to discuss better of the nation's largest c'ommer,ways to handle Church monies. cial food service organizations. According to Leo J. Coughlin, They decided at the end of a institutional vice-president for three-day meeting to band together into a national conference. Canteen and ISC director, Brother Herman's appointment is Host of the meeting where the "the, first of .its kind in the national conference was planned, United States and is a practical Archbishop James V. Casey of ' application of the Church's growDenver, told the managers-some ing commitment. to work intiof whom have titles of assistant mately and actively with the chancellor or administrative assecular community." sistant-that they have a "vocaIn his capacity with ISC, tion as well asa profession, not Brother Herman will help to a job but a way of serving God." formulate surveys of specific inAdministering "funds of the stitutional food service programs. people of God, " the archbishop Based on these findings, he will said, "is in your hands and we're make recommendations for imglad it is there." provement of services related His listeners were knee-deep to layout and decor, establishin 'discussions involving data ment of central purchasing agen- processing, standardized ac- bes, and selection of managecounts investments plans and ment and operations personnel new sources of money. required to implement revamped programs. New Sources One of' Foremost Theiro newly organized conferIn 1968, Brother Herman ence temporarily will get its founded the Food Research leadership from a five-member Center at North Eas~on, which advisory committe composed of serves· more than' 70,000 Churchthose who called the· Denver related facilities in the United meeting and planned it. States. Closely associated "with They are: Richard A. Belknap, the commercial 'food "industry a certified public accountant and throughout his career, he'served business manager of the Denver on the Market Research Comarchdiocese, who will be execu- mittee of the International Foodtive secret~ry; Father Joseph P. service Manufacturers' AssociaHerron, administrative secretary, tion from 1965 to 1967 and as Camden, N.J., diocese; Father president of the Institutional Francis 'J. Tambellini, assistant Food Editorial Council from chancellor, Greensburg, Pa., dio- 1968 to 1969. He presently serves on the cese; Don C. Cozzetti, administrative assistant, Tucson, Ariz., Publishers' Advisory Committee diocese, and William H. Hinkes, for the International Foodser~ice business manager, Paterson, N.J., Manufacturers' Association and is food service editorial director diocese. of Catholic Institutional Manage- ~ Business managers, a relatively new position in many dioceses, ment and Canadian Catholic were advised as to new sources Institutions. Brother Herman is also co" of income from foundation chairman of the packaging subgrants, government funds and large private contributions which committee of the National Assovirtually are untouched ways to . ciation of College and University acquire money outside the par- Food Services. Mr. Coughlin referred to ish. Brother Herman as "one of the Nation's foremost authorities on' Dedicates Chapels institutional feeding" and adae~: "His unparallell;!d expertise in At National Shr~ne all phases of modern food ser-' WASHINGTON (NC) - Some vices organization is of particu3,000 persons of Croatian decent witnessed the consecration and dedication" of the chapels of Our Canon Law Society Lady of Bistrica and of Our Lady of Peace at the National Shrine Elects New OfficeD'S NEW ORLEANS (NC)-A 41of the Immaculate Conception year-old New Yorker and gradu-, here: ate of Holy Cross College and, Archbishop Franjo Kuharic of Harvard law school is the new' Zagreb, Yugoslavia, officiated at president of the Canon Law Sothe ceremonies. ciety of America. The chapel of Our Lady of He is Father Robert' T. KenBistrica was dedicated in honor nedy, a member/ of the bar ot' of St. Nicholas Travekic, first' the st-ate of New York. Father Croatian saint who was 'canon- Kennedy was formerly vice-pres'ized last June 31. The national ident of the society. shrine of Croatia, now a part of Elected as vice-president was Yugoslavia, is dedicated to Our Father Raymond E. Goedert of Lady of Bistrica, 25 miles from Chicago. The new secretary-treaZagreb. surer is Father Laurence A. Mul, . The ,Croatian Catholic Union lins, of Atchinson, Kan. Father ' with, :headquarters in Gary, ind., Thomas J. Green of Boston, was led .the campaign to construct tb,e elected recording secretary of the chapels at the shrine here. society.

Bro. Herman E. Zaccarelli lar significance to institutions seeking solutions to their food service problems." In Depressed Areas According to Coughlin, ISC is geared specifically to help institutions: (1) Reorganize administrative and service staffs for greater efficiency. (2) Plan and prepare balanced, nutritious meals economically. (3) Initiate central food purchasing systems within a community to curb unnecessary spending and-duplication of effort. '

Announce lectures On Quality of !Life WASHINGTON (NC)-Catholic University's school of theology will sponsor a Spring series of lectures and seminars on "the ethical quality of life" aimed at applying the insights of Christian. morality to contemporary life. Discussion topics will include ecology, abortion, euthanasia, organ transplants and an analysis of what is normatively human. Speakers include Catholic author Daniel Callahan, Protestant theologians Paul Ramsey, James M. Gustafson and Joseph Fletcher and Father Warren Reich, S.T., a member of the university's theology faculty.

Ask Natioll1al Health Plan for Children SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Members of the executive board of the American Academy of Pe'diatric~ endorsed a study here calling for a national health insurance. program embracing all of the nation's children. Dr. Carl C. Fisher of Philadelphia, who headed the two-year study, announced the board's action. Under present insurance' programs, he said, "child .health care is too far too expensive for millions of families." The II,500-member academy -representing two-thirds of the nation's pediatricians-held its annual convention here. Members also recommended "total or partial payment 'of health insurance by the government" .lor anyone who could, not pay regular insurance premiums.

NEW YORK (NC) - Ousting of prison chaplain Father Lau(4) Establish food service pro- rence 'H. Gibney by the state's grams 'for students in inner city correction commissioner during schools and in' depressed rural recent riots at the Manhattan areas where the need 'is greatest. House of Detention drew edito(5) Introduce, where feasible, rial wrath from the New York any new development in food archdiocesan newspaper, The Catholic News. service. systems. The News called for Father Critical Situation, Gibney's return to the post he'd Coughlin added: "Our religious and other non-profit institutions held for 10 years at the detentoday are challenged as never tion house known as the Tombs. before with the problem of pro- It also called on Mayor John viding a nutritionally and eco- Lindsay and Correction Comnomically sound food' service missoner George McGrath to program in the face of spiraling fulfill prisoners' basic demands food costs, ever-increasing ,ad- for improved "services and sugministrative ,demands, and con- gested that the two officials tinuing changes in eating pat- meet with prison chaplains "and take advantage of their experterns. "In many church institutions, tise and insight." The News, Catholic voice to 10 the sit.uation is critical and can hope to be resolved only through counties in Southeastern New the closest cooperation between York, said that the prison eruptthe religious arid business ing at five- state penal ins~itu­ tions the weekend of Oct. 2 "was worlds." "In ISC and through Brother completely avoidable." Herman we have both the organ. It pointed out that "no realisization and the man to unite tic attempt had been made to these worlds." improve conditions at the Tombs after last August's demonstratons, even though Father Gibn"ey Newark· Establishes had called for decisive action to avert further disturbances. CondHation Board Father Gibney, president of NEWARK· (NC)-A 20-member conciliation board has been es- the New York City Prison Chaptablished in the Newark archdio- lains Assodation, was told by cese as the first step in estab- McGrath that his presence and lishing due process procedures activities had served to incite the riot. for laity and religious alike. In reality, said the editorial, The board is composed of 11 priests, four Sisters, a' Brother "his presence has probably kept and four laymen. Members many detainees from blowing were appointed by Archbishop up before now, and kept blood Thomas A. Boland after nomi- from being spilled; his activities nees had been suggested by the consisted largely of helping the archdiocesan. priests' senate and prisoners as much as possible, and telling the deaf ear of the the pastoral council. , press just what conditions in the Under conciliation, efforts will be made to have parties to a dis- Tombs were like." pute settle their differences voluntarily with the board's assis- Bishop ~stablishes tance. Where conciliation fails, the dispute is to go to binding ,Mediation Board arbitration. HARRISBURGH (NC)-HarrisA five:me'Pber archdiocesan burg's Bishop George L. Leech arbitration board is to pe organ- h.as ordered establishment of a di-_ ized shortly; as well as a 20- ocesan board of review and medmember board for the New Jer- iation following months of study sey province. The latter board by an ad hoc committee and balwill hear appeals and also dis- loting by priests of the diocese. putes c!ossing diocesan lines. As recommended by the committee, initial membership on the board consists of four persons Jesuit University appointed by Bishop Leech and - Ins,talls President three priests elected by the dioOMAHA (NC)-Qfficials of the cese's clergy. Lay and Religious Jesuits' Creighton University board members will be anhere inaugurated ,the school's nounced at a later date. 21st president in ceremonies in Omaha's civic auditorium music hall. Father Joseph J. Labaj, S.J., a veteran Jesuit educational' ado' ministrator and former principal Est. 1897 of Creighton Prep here, was the Bui~ders Supplies principal speaker at a reception 2343 Purchase Street and inaugural banquet held in his honor after ceremonies inNew Bedford stalling him as head of the uni996·5661 versity. <

Sturtevant & Hook

Plan Science Fair Region 'III .of the Massachusetts State Science Fair will hold its first planning committee meeting at 7:45 Tuesday night, Nov. 17 at Dominican Academy, Fall River. A proposal to amend the bylaws of the group to permit more than 40 members on the board of directors will be. considered. Mailing address for the committee is now 827 Globe Street, Fall River.

DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners 365 NORTH FRONT STRE~T NEW BEDFORD 992-5534

THE ANCHOR-Diocese o? fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970

Personal Life of Frost Revealed in Biography


The second volume of Lawrel1ce Thompson's massive I biography, Robert Frost (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 383 I Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. $15), .is dubbed I "The Years of Triumph, 1915-1938." That era was certainly! one of outward triumph for Frost, for in them he won Union Sq. West, New York, N.Y. ever expanding recognition 10003. $6.95) will have more I readers, and will bring the au- I . as a poet and considerable thor more money, than any of I rewards. But in his personal life, he ,)Vas far from triumphant.





Frost had passed his 40th year when, in 1915, he brought his family back from England. It was in England that he first achieved some notice for his poetry, and he set about getting like attention in his native U.S.A. It came. But by no means did it come altogether spontaneously. Frost worked assiduously, often trickily, to bring it about. He did not wait for his poetry to attract acclaim on its own merits. Rather, he cultivated people who were in a position to publicize and promote it. This practice he continued throughout the years covered by the present portion of his life story. The spectacle is not a pretty one. The public image of Frost is that of a rugged, ruggedly honest, uncaringly independent countryman, of homely strengths and excellences. But, in fact, as his biographer demonstrates, he was a crafty and sometimes unscrupulous self-promoter. He could brook no rivals. Genuine Poet For Frost, friendship meant favor: i.e., friends were always to serve his advantage. In family life, he showed himself equally selfish. The story of his relationship with wife and children is dark and distasteful. "It was 9bvious to him that there must always be a conflict between a man's devotion to his art and his devotion to wife and children." Granted. But it is not of its nature an insoluble conflict, and the solution need not be at the' family's expense. Frost was a genuine poet, and an important one, although not of the first rank. His verse, as sampled in these pages, has enduring value. It might be better if we rested content with what he wrote, and did not seek to acquaint ourselves as extensively with him as Mr. Thompson enables us to do. Paul Horgan's Whitewater (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 19

Due Process CHEYENNE (NC)-Establishment of a five-member due prcesss council to serve as a conciliation and arbitration board was announced here in Wyoming by chancery officials of the Cheyenne diocese. The council will resolve disagreements that may arise between priests or between priests and the laity.

his previous works. But it is not ! the best of his novels. I 'Whitewater' i· Set in the late 1940s, its 10- I cale is the Texas town of Belve- ! dere. This is plains country, and I Mr. Horgan pictures it vividly, in , one' ·or another season, under, dust storm or by moonlight. The description is so loving and so I lyrical that one is almost ren- I dered insensible to the deficien- 1 cies of the narrative. I Three high school students are I the main figures. One is Billy I Breedlove, a senior, handsome,l energetic, a leader. The second I is Phillipson Durh~m, his clasS-I mate, more sensitive, intellec-, tual, and introspective. The third is lovely Marilee Uno; derwood, a year younger than the boys, deeply' in love with ' Billy, but caring for Phillipson,! too. The three are virtually in-! separable. j Well Written I Many other characters ente" the action. There are Billy's parl ents and Phillipson's, as well as Marilee's widowed mother. There are robust Tom Bob Gateley, th~ town banker; his sapless wife Leora; and the dubious womarl with heart of gold to whom hJ turns for comfort, Thyra Dool .I little. There is Victoria Cochran, livf ing alone in a house filled with fine pictures, books, and memr ories. There is Monica Mallory, i the potty town librarian. Mr. Horgan long ago established a notable reputation fo~ writing which has subtlety,· pungency, and sheen. That reputation is not in the least conipromised by the present worK. His keen discernment of feeling$, his ability to convey them, ar,e also impressively in evidenc,e here. Particularly true is his nostalgic evocation of youthfol moods. ~

HELPING HANDS: These Friends of St. Anne's in Fall River will help in sale to assist the Novitiate of the Sisters who staff the Hospital. Left to right, Anne V. Fleming, 00rilda Ainsworth, Delia Cote and Mrs. William T. Donnelly. Sale will take place in hospital lobby Nov. 6, 7 and 8.

Episcopalians Start Youth Ministry Supplements Regular Work of Agenci·es

HOUSTON (NC)-The Episcopal Church launched a new ministry among young persons while endorsing more traditional ministries at its 63rd triennial conven· tion here. The new youth program, aimed at bridging the generation gap, will put a possible $1.5 million over the next three years behind such youth concerns as peace, the draft, American values, environment, racial justice and youths' role in institutional deciI sions affecting them. Youths "may express themReligious Education: selves in ways perhaps foreign Needs Volunteers I to us," said Bishop John M. NASHVILLE (NC)-Archbish- Burgess of Boston. "But they op Thomas J. McDonough 9f have acted responsibly within Louisville, 'Ky., characterized as .the concepts of the Church and "indispensable" the parish vol- maintain an excellent Christian witness." unteer teachers in religious ed. I Extent of the youtp program, ucation work. I He said the volunteers are "~n approved by the Church's two essential element within the legislative arms, the House of teaching mission of the Church" Bishops and the House of Depuand deserve the fullest support ties, is contingent upon action from parishioners and pari$h. on a proposed budget and upon expected matching grants from priests. j The archbishop said efforts ,of an Episcopal women's fund. the volunteers in adult education The new venture supplements • I are being opposed by some regular work of the Church's "who make every effort to itn- youth agencies and p~lrallels pede" the works accomplish'ed another special program to fiby the Second Vatican Coun6i1. nance self-determined projects In tl}e keynote address at the blacks. Louisville Provincial Congr¢ss While establishing the youth of Religious Education at Van- ministry, Episcopalians also inderbilt University here, the ar~h­ dicated more enthusiastic supbishop called for assistance Iby port for the traditional ministries professional teachers in paro- than for the controversial Genchial schools for the part-titrJe eral Convention Special Program I volunteers. He urged pastors and which has supported the minorparish councils to consider Jm- ity self-help programs. ploying a full time director for A survey questionnaire asked religious education. 100 of the 109 Episcopal Church

dioceses participating in the convention here which programs would receive most support in the delegates' dioceses. The GCSP program and similar urban and social action programs received priority among only 25 per cent. This meant that three out of four delegates responding for their dioceses thought the more traditional ministries, such as work with youth, domestic and foreign missions, Christian witness and education programs, should receive greater parishioner support. In other action, the Episcopal House of Bishops approved a strong statement condemning repression both ·in North and South Vietnam and called on the United States to withdraw support from the South Vietnamese

Jesuit College Part' Of University LONDON (NC) - Heythrop College, for half a century the major Jesuit house of studies in Britain, began its academic year as a fully constituted college of London University. It is the first· time since the Reformation that a Catholic institution has been accepted as a university college. For years there have been Catholic halls of residence in British universities, but Heythrop is the first constituent college in the fullest sense. It has moved from its old home in Oxfordshire and now occupies buildings in London's west end.

government. The resolution, which asked for removal of all American forces from South Vietnam by Dec. 1971, must win approval from the House of Deputies to become an official statement of the 3.3 million member church. Departing from a 400-year-old tradition, the bishops also voted to try out a new practice allowing unconfirmed young children to partake of the Lord's Supper in Holy Communion. The shift would put Episcopal custom more in line with that of Roman Catholics.

See Us First See Us Last But See Us


CHEVROLET 1001 Kings Hwy.

NEW BEDfORD Open Evenings


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--ThlJrs., Oct. 29, 1970 I'#MI()t:~APNY p~,q"'Oo.~4P"Y

Out of Hand


IS. ktJr HAIIM'VL ••• IS NtJr NA/l..,.rV/. • •• /$

NOr •••

In the midst of all the current political activity, one reaction from most people keeps coming through again and again: what a great deal of money is being spent on advertising and especially in the field of television. This gives rise to several fears. Is .limitless wealth the price for election? And again, is it possible for a less .than worthy candidate to be maneuvered into office-· by the skillful build-up at the hands of professional advertising men. -Is a candidate, in other words, a package" to be sold to the public as one would sell soap - at the expense of absolute truth and with a poetic license of exaggeration bordering on the absurd. Perhaps the answer lies in the English system where the ~ime period for campaigning is limited. And ,perhaps, too, there should be a limit on the amount of advertising, at least in the area of the very powerful and sometimes deceptive medium of television. But the spending of many thousands of dollars ~nd even millions of dollars on the campaign of a single person- indicates that the campaign trail is getting out of hand .completely.

Actual Spirit":al Performance The distinguished Dom Hubert van Zellar of Downside Abbey in England has placed a finget on a very sensitive and mo~t important area of. Christian life and Ienewal in a letter to The Tablet, an English weekly newspaper. He writes that while there is much interest in the Church of the future, renewal, the flowering ·of fraternal love, social responsibility, respect for the individual conscience, liturgical change, there is yet ·something lacking. "Unless from all this there emerges the worship of God from the heart,· collectively and personally, the energy expended may well be purely natural." He writes that "zeal for new expressions of service is not itself service, and certainly not a substitute for the supernatural response of the soul." He urges that attention be paid to the actual spiritual performance. "Any fool can decide whether or not he likes the vernacular Mass, whether or not he agrees with a liberal interpretation of Scripture, whether he would like to see a married clergy, whether he thinks the defection' from _the prie~thood and the religious life will have a purifying or a weakening effect in the long' run,' but it takes a soul of generosity to get on with the work of deep, personal, day-to-day prayer." How true this is. Pope John in calling Vatican Council II said that its purpose was' to make the Church's holiness more evident and to bring about a greater measure of holiness in its children. This primary fact must not be lost in the midst of _controversy and 'experimentation and speculation. Prayer, the growth of the interior life, union with .God, the practice of penance-all this is, renewal. And withou,t this there may be a change of externals but no renewal at all.

,the mooQlnej Rev. John F. Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River

Educational Renewal

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TIHE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVERPublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rivel 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722


PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGERASST. GENERAL. MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll ~lelrY

Prell-Fall River

Continued from Page One Nothing will I be required in such Ii- unity, the Pope added, "that would diminish the prestige due the Anglican Church or that would diminish the good patrimony of piety and customs proper for the Anglican Church, when this Roman Catholic Church, this humble 'servant of the servants of God', can em- . brace her ever-beloved sister in the unique and authentic communion of Christ's family," In March, Auxiliary Bishop Christopher Butler of Westminster, England, suggested that in a united Catholic-Anglican Church under the primacy of the Pope, the Pope would become patriarch of the Western, or Latin, rite and the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury patriarch of the English rite. ' The canonization of the 40 English and Welsh .martyrs was attended by at least 10,000 English and Welsh pilgrims. Among the 40 newly declared martyr-saints were three Carthusian monks, one Bridgettine monk, one Augustinian, 14 diocesan priests, nine. Jesuits, two Franciscans, three Benedictines, four laymen and three laywomen. Ecumenism and conciliation were keynotes at the canonization ceremony. In marked contrast with the canonization 35 years before of the English martyrs St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, this ceremony was attended not only by the British government's minister to the -Holy See but by a representative of Anglican Archbishop Michael Ramsay of Canterbury. At the ceremony, Pope Paul spoke of "the humility, the gratitude. and the hope" with which he welcomed the Archbjshop of Canterbury's representative and other Anglicans.

The proposed plan to regionalize the parochial schools of the city of Fall River should come as no great surprise to any sincerely interested observer of the educational scene. For the past few years the cries· of parochial· school SiJenens' Views Continued from Page One officials have fallen on deaf tucked away in his pocket. River, just never got together. ears both within. the catholic Cardinal Suenens showed little to press for aid to parochial community itself as well as schools especially in the local sympathy with the pleas of some those elected officials who community. Dutch Catholics who speak of

should truly be interested· in the ~otal education of all the children within a community. These two factors havegreatlly contributed to the closing of many school doors. Seemingly ti}e area catholic community had adopted "it couldn't happen here" attitude. This rather apathetic attitude had been fostered by a comfortable catholicism which just refused ·to act to prevent the displacement of so many students attending parochial schools. To offset rising costs and declining religious staff, the catholic community, almost 75 per cent of the voting population in Fall

Even the attempts to seek sincere consideration from' public school officials both elected and appointed, have been and still are ignored by devious and deceptive tactics. For example, in the quick-sand of official red' tape and hypocritical verbiage. Ensuing public discussions turned into the rather safe but spurious debate upholding the sanctity of the first amendment to the constitution, The. taxpayer and voter, who freely desired to exercise his right under the same constitution to educate his child in a parochial school wa~ ignored and reduced to the status of a second class citizen.

Discrimination in· its Most,

®rhe· ANCHOR


. This example but ·serves to indicate that there are many, serving as elected officials, who in no way what-so-ever want to help the democratic quality of Amer:ican education because of their own personal bias. It· is rather ironic that it is these same people .who are the first to demand their constitutional freedoms because of religious prejudice. This is' discrimination in its most insidious form. flowever distressing the memories of the past, this new proposal of regionalization deserves the sincere consideration of the



total catholic community of the diocese. Remembering that the Fall River effort is only a prototype, we should awake from our doldrums of. apathy and really really start to work to save what remna·nts of ademctatic education we have left in this country, this state and this locale. Sacrifices and demands will have to be met with boldness and courage. Let us not fall for the voices which will disorganize and divide this effort of regionalization. Rather let us be united and determined in obtaining our constitutional rights and educational freedoms.

"responsible disobedience" unless some move is made toward allowing some priests who have married to celebrate Mass. , He said there should be a central meeting place, possibly in Rome, for free discussion of current ~rguments in the Church. The laws should be obeyed, but there should be more freedom, more public discussion. Breaking the rules to obtain change is not. the normal way of doing things, he said.



. Continued from Page One funeral Mass in Fall River on Sunday was Most Rev. Francis M. Zayek of Detroit, Maronite Exarch of the United States, . In attendance at the funeral Mass were prelates and priests of the Maronite and Latin Rites, non-Catholic clergy, civic officials and parishioners. In his eulogy of the deceased prelate, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River and Vicar General cif the Diocese, praised Chor· Bishop Eid as a zealous and good priest. Chor Bishop Eid was a- tireless .worker who found time amid his many pastoral duties to do much writing on the Maronite Rite, on Blessed Sharbel,a Maronite monk whose vice-postulator he was, and on Lebanon,

WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. Justice Department will soon file a "friend of the court" brief in the U. S. Supreme Court supporting the constitutionality of a Pennsylvania law providing state aid for nonpublic schools, NC News learned here. A Justice Deparment spokesman said the brief will be filed by the end of October in a Pennsylvania case-Lemon vs. Kurtzman-now on appeal before the Supreme Court. . A federal district court ruled m November, 1969 that the state's two-year-old "purchase of services" law was unconstitutiona!. B.ut foes of the no~public school aId program appealed the case to the Supreme Court, dec1aring that the law violates church-state separation principies. .. Alton J. Lemon IS one of three youngsters who are plaintiffs. Davi~ H. Kurtzm~n, the ~efendant, IS Pennsylvama supermtendent of schools. Under the program, the state of Pennsylvania reimburses nonpublic schools for texts, teacher salaries and instructional materials used in teaching so-called "secular". subjects includ~ng mathematics, modern foreIgn languages, physical sciences and physical education. T~e Justic~ Departm~nt's plan to ftle a brtef was VIewed by some observe~s here a.s . anot~er step by the NIxon. adml~l~tr~tton to demonstrat~ ItS wllhngness to sup~ort aId programs for nonpubhc schools. False Notion President Nixon last Spring named a special panel, headed by Catholic University president Clarence Walton, to probe ways to assist nonpublic schools. Another brief supporting Pennsylvania's position was filed earlier by five nonprofit educational associations at the initiation of the National Catholic Educational (NCEA) Association here. NCEA was joined by the National Association of Episcopal Schools, the National Union of Christian Schools, the National Conference of Yeshiva Principals and the Lutheran Education Association. The five groups represent a total of six million students, 17,000 schools and nearly 220,000 educators.


THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 29, 1970

Justic'e Department to F'ile' Brief Supporting Nonpublic School Aid Calling non public schools an "indispensable supplement" to the public sector, the NCEA initialed brief claimed those al>pealing the federal court ruling "would have the Supreme Court accept the false notion that such schools are merely a type of Sunday School, primarily teaching religion." Challenge Law One reason the five educational groups gave for submitting the brief was to defe~d themselves and their students "against this erroneous constit~tional caricature." I Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, i group challenging the aid prpgram, has fired off a letter to President Nixon, protesting the proposed Justice Departmeht brief. Other groups challenging t~e law include the Pennsylvania Education Association the Penhsylvania branch of the NAACf' the Pennsylvania Council ?f Churches, the Pennsylvania Je,:,ish Community Relations Conference and the Pennsylvania branch of the American Ci~i1 Liberties Union. I A three-judge federal court upheld the law last year, with the 2-1 majority ruling "We cannot hold that the statute advances religion either in purpose or primary effect." : About $4.8 million was provided l!lst year to Pennsylvania nonpublic schools, with the revenues, according to the law, .coming from horse racing. \ Sources here said the Supreme Court is expected to review the case sometime in November. I

Sea Apostleship E~ects



Bsshop Asks Attack On Pornographers

CAMDEN (NC) - B ish 0IP George H. Guilfoyle of Camden I called on 1,000 delegates to the 32nd annual convention of diobesan Parent-Teachers' Associktion members to take strortg steps against pornographers, dbscribing the pornography situ~­ tion as "alarming and even hor.! rifying." He pointed out that obscene materials formerly available to "those in the know" under the counter or in back rooms are now displayed on newsstands and advertised on theater. biiIboards. Bishop Guilfoyle also took issue with the President's CommisXavier University sion on Obscenity and Pornography. The commission, after Establishes Senate CINCINNATI (NC) - Jesuit- years of study, urged broadehrun Xavier University here has ing of laws dealing with the proestablished a 40-member univer- duction and dissemination of I sity senate to investigate prob- erotic material. If this were done, the bishop lems and offer advice on school I charged, the last "legal support policies and issues. Members of the senate will of decency and morality would include 14 faculty representa- be wiped from the statutes arid tives, 10 representatives of' the the peddlers of pornography I administration, nine students, would have won the day." three members of the alumni, two members of the Jesuit com- Recruit Marshals munity and two service personFor Pope's Visit nel representatives. SYDNEY (NC)-A force of ~,­ The senate will .meet three times a year and will' have an 000 volunteer marshals is being eillht-member executive commit- recruited here to help guide •a~d I tee to conduct its business be- control the huge crowds expected during Pope Paul's visit No~. tween meetings. I A xavier spokesman said the 30-Dec. 3. Catholic lay organizations new senate is expected also "to be a source of creative and in- have been asked to invite their novative ideas for the school's members to volunteer as marshals. administration."





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CROATIAN DEDICATION: Archbishop Franjo Kuharic, Zagreb, Yugoslavia (center) officiated at ceremonies which consecrated and dedicated Chapels to Our Lady of Bistrica (rear) and also Our Lady of Peace at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The Croatnan Catholic Union led the campaign to construct the chapels at the shrine. NC Photo.

- Sees Improvement But Prelate Says Church Problems Still Exist in Yugoslavia I WASHINGTON (NC) - The conditions of the life of the Church in Yugoslavia are better than they used to be, but problems in Church-state relations still exist, a leading Catholic churchman from that country said here. Archbishop Fr:anjo Kuharic of Zagreb, president of the Yugoslav Catholic bishops' conference, spoke about his homeland in an interview here. The materialistic ideplogy current in Yugoslavia can create problems for the Church, the archbishop said. "The situation is in evolution,. it's changing," he said. "The Church is $eparate from the state," he continued. "According to the existing laws, we of the Church can give religious instruction only in churches or rooms iti parish buildings. We are not happy with this situation because the education given in state schools is based on materialism. The scientific," for state educators, "signifies materialistic. "Children of religious parents are educated in atheistic views," Archbishop Kuharic said, noting that such a situation causes problems, not only for Catholics in Yugoslavia, but also

for the country's Orthodox, Protestants, Jews and Moslems. Commenting on the status of religious education beyond the elementary and secondary levels, the archbishop said: ,We have catechetists for university students but their number is limited. In. Croatia (the Yugoslavian re. public of which Zagreb is the capital), we have a center for the publication of Croatian and foreign Catholic books and periodicals for intellectuals. "In Zagreb, we have an institute for the theological formation of lay people. There are also independent Catholic theology faculties for the education of the clergy in Croatia and Slovenia (another of Yugoslavia's six con-. stituent republics)" "Many young Croatians go outside the country to work," the archbishop said. "We are now sending priests with them, as many priests as we can. They minister to the Croatian workers in· Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland and elsewhere. Archbishop Kuharic was iIi. Washington for the consecration and dedication of the chapels of Our Lady of Bistrica and of Our Lady of Peace at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception' here.


MOl3ILE (NC) - Father John Dosch, C.PP.S., port chaplain of Oakland, Calif., was elected president at the conclusion of thEl 25th annual National Catholic Apostleship of the Sea Conference here. Retired Archbishop Thomas J. Toolen of Mobile and Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of Catholic Relief Services, New York, were honored with plaques for their work in welding together the national organization dedicated to the spiritual welfare of men who go down to the sea in ships. James J. Norris, president, International Catholic Migration Commission. Geneva, Switerland, and assistant· to Bishop Swanstrom in CRS work, accepted the plaque for Bishop Swanstrom, who served as first chairman of the conference when it was organized 25 years ago. Norris also was a featured speaker at the convention. Other officers elected included Father James Keating, port chaplain of Chicago, vice president, and Marge Kennedy, New Orleans, recording secretary. Father Thomas A. McDonough, C.SS.R., of New Orleans, who has been engaged in the apostleship work since before the organization of the national conference. 25 years ago, was reelected. secretary. Norris recalled the history of the worldwide apostleship moveme:1t, which began 80 years ago. The apostleship was organized formally 50 years ago in Glasgow, Scotland, and two years later was formally approved by the Holy See.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970 .



.·Be II Presentees T aun110n ,Al'iea"


'Miinor Lar,e,eny Som,etimes ,. Esse,nt,ial for Hungry Mom

Parishes of. the Taunton Area selected to have presentees at this year's event are: Sacred Heart, S1. Jacques; S1. Joseph; St. Peter, Dighton;. S1. 'J9seph, North Dighton.


As Catholic mothers we are offered the ideals of t~e Blessed Mother to imitate, setting good example for our children. Among all her other virtues which we sh.ould follow, we are supposed to be upri~ht, truthflJ11 and honest. If this is true, why does ' motherhood turn a normally dren never notice mud up to elbows but one trace of chocostraight-forward woman:into late on my apron pocket seems such a sneak? I don't mean to set off alarms in their hunger to imply real larceny; I find it's control mechanism. just a case of simple practicality. ' I 'am most dramatically acw..mdtt-:tillKKiWi§@mnw"" cused, "You're eating. cookies!" Before I get ,off' the phone, the rest of the box of cookies is gone. By Because of my busy schedule, if company is expected in the evening, a' certain amount Of MARY food must be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerCARSON ator. Frequently it involves little tidbits that are not part of the regular family fare. Frequently, too, it happens to be the chilThere are eight children; there dren's favorite, food. is one piece of candy left in If I permit one' taste, before the box. The solution: I call to I turn around, the ravenous litUe the children to see who's at the . vultures have the platter emptied., front door, and while they are Strict rules are imposed. "Don't" all bolting to be first to welcome tO,uch it! If anything is left, you , the imaginary caller, I will have can have it tomorrow." However, t am hungry. I w0!1the candy out of the box and into my mouth. By the time they del' about the seasoning of th~ return to tell me no one was prepared' . goodie, and decide ,I at the door, I wili have mastered had better taste it to' see how ~ the art of chewing candy without the flavor is developing. That any obvious movement of faciaL logic is accepted only once by the children. ' muscles. Now, this does not mean that Tidy Refrigerator I' am trying to deceive my chilI then' move to the "tidy up dren. I just do not have a knife. the refrigerator method." By sharp enough to cut one litUe carefully hiding behind the .recaramel that many ways. frigerator door;. I cap. sneak anBathroom Is Refuge other taste. It i get 'caught, by Often it is a case of nutritional employing the "don't move a requir'ements. One hour before muscle" system, I can swallow supper, I am starving. I can eat the goodie while supposedly re'one cookie, and still eat my sup- arranging the excess accumulaper. If I get caught, the children tion of leftovers into a more orwill eat all' the' cookies and not derly pattern. , eat their supper. The children may really beSo the "slip it into your pocket lieve that I am doing the j()b and' and disappear technique;' is fol- ' disappear quickly, before· they lowed. I know that I haven't are asked to help. This leaves me ~nough, time to finish the cookie free to check' the seasoning on without any telltale trace of the 'goodies a few more times, crumbs, so the only solution is, just to be sure it is right. to retreat to some sanctuary beMy very favorite food is lobi hind a locked door. I have gain- ster. But, broiled lobster for the ed most of my between-meal whole family is not one' of out nourishment locked in the bath- regular meals. ·We did, in fact; room. have it for one special celebra. This can sometimes backfire tion, and the children share my if the available cookie happens enthusiasm for its gastronomic to have a meltable chocolate delights. coating. I drop the goodie into By an unusual set of circummy pocket; the phone rings. The stances, 'I had ava:ilable for my chocolate starts to melt and is lunch one day-a lobster. It soon soaking through. My chil~ posed quite a problem. Two of the children had forgotten Formation Conference·'. lunches in the morning;, they would be home at noon. One Becomes Autonomous was taking exams; he would be WASHINGTON (NC) -:- The home at 12:30, to stay. Sister Formation Conference, The only solution was to have formerly a subcommittee of the my lunch at 11:15_ This allowed Conference of Major Superiors ample time to enjoy my sneak of Women, has become an au- treat, and dispose of the shells, tonomous organization. before, I got caught. The conference's leadership The change from peanut butter board voted unanimously at a sandwiches was delightful. I, ' Chicago meeting tha~ the or- savored every morsel, and was: ganization should be self- just licking up the last crumb directing with autonomy .over when the door opened. The test its own by-laws and respon- finished an hour earlier than ex-' sibility for its own policy deci- pected. I was caught! I felt like 'sions. a thief in my own kitchen. Sister Formation Conference's I wonder if the Blessed Mothrelationship to the Major Supe-er ever sent' Jesus out to the' rior Conference will now be of carpentry shop to ~;ee when St. coqperation and collaboration, Joseph wanted his supper, while. rather than its former dependent she popped the last fig into her,' rol~. . mouth?


COUNCIL; Some of the National COUll. d I

cil of Catholic Women's 50th anniversary.conventIOn e egates are shown voting to joi~ the. National C?uncil' of Catholic Men in establishing a NatIonal <;ouncil of the Catholic Laity. NCCL was approved by a vote of 518 to ,380. NC Photo.

Aee,ept Propos'alNational Council of Catholic Women Favors Coalition With Menls 'Organization

Committees for the Ball are at work on all phases of arrange'ments, it was noted by Msgr. Gomes. Sponsors of the Ball for the benefit of the underprivileged and exceptional children are the affiliates of the Council of Catholic Women imd conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The proceeds from this Winter social event help to sustain the four schools for the exceptional c!}ildren and four Summer camps for the underprivileged and exceptional children. Names for the ball booklet may be submitted until Dec. t under six categories-Memorials, Very' Special Friends, Guarantors, Benefactors, Sponsors and , Patrons. Persons wishing to have their names listed may contact any member of the sponsoring groups. Program reports have been given by Mrs..Stanley Janick, decorations; Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, hospitality; Mrs. James A. O'Brien, presentees; and Miss Margaret M. Lahey, scenario, color and theme.

Women to Hear

Father Violette " Districts three and four of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, including Taunton and Attleboro areas, will hQld,. thE!ir anndal ,. corporate Communion' supper tonight at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro" following a concelebrated Mass at 6:30 in the auditorium. '

MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-A plan. "NCCL will gve us a coordinated consolidate the' National approach to the work of the_ Council~ of.~atholic Men and laity. It will open, we hope, Women, making'them parents of doors to those. who have n?t a new council of the laity, got been interested III such an affdthe go-ahead here at NCC\V's ati,on with either men'~, or wom50th jubilee convention here. en s groups, sep~rately. . . ' . She said a laity counCil would A task force of eight NCCW ,provide "a broader dimension Rev. Chanel Violette, S.M.; and NCCM me~b7~s began for involvement' and service Boston provincial director of the studying the P?sslbdlty of.a than we have known," Third Order of Mary, will speak National CounCil of. Catholic M t' H' W k NCCM's out- • on "The Joy and Inspiration of . b Th ' ar III . or, Laity last Fe ruary. e group s going executive director told the Blessed Mother." final report was accepted by a NC News in Washington he was :vote of 513 to 380 aftE!." lengthy "delighted" the Women's Coun" debate on, the co~ventlOn floor. cil had approved the task force NCCM approval IS also necesrt sary before the laity c;ouncil be- repo. comes a 'reality. Excavating The task force plan calls for ,01 Easton Circle Holds Contractors a coalition of the two councils Hayride l Sale l Supper '. and makes provision for broad 9 CROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN Easton Circle, Daughters of representation of all segments of the laity and other lay organ- Isabella, held its annuaf sup992-4862 per and sale. Saturday, Oct. 24 at izations. Both the women's and men's Immaculate Conception hall. The counCils' would retain their iden- sale and hayrides started at tity and structure up to the 1 o'clock and the ham and bean. national,level. There, the coun: . supper will be served from 5 to cils would each have 11 repre- 7. New officers for Easton Circle' sentatives on an NCCL board. A single staff, headed by an ex- are Mary Norman, regent;' Joan ecutive director,' would be :re- Donaghue, vice-regent; Gerry CITIES SERVICE Giordano and Mary Connolly, sponsible. to the board. DISTRIBUTORS secretaries; Esther Mahoney, , Strongest· opposition to the treasurer. All officers will be inGasoline proposed coalition came Tuesday from a Pittsburgh delegate. "The stalled and a past regents' reFuel and Range men will take over the organi- ception will be held following a special Mass at 2 Sunday afterzation and th!,! women will end up back. in the kitchen making noon, Nov. 8 at the hall. cqokies/~ she said. ' . • OIL BURNERS Other comments against the Charity Dance For Pron:'pt Delivery coalition ·ranged from' "We & Day & Night Service New Be,dford Catholic Womdon't need another superstruc- an's Club will hold its second ture/' to "The two federations annual Harvest Charity Dance G. E. BOILER BURNE~ UNITS should 'concern their efforts from 9 to 1 Saturday night, Nov. toward ,formation of a national 7 at Allendale Country Club, Rural Bottled Gas Service pastoral council." North Dartmouth. Dress will be 61 COHANNET ST Margaret Mealey, NCCW ex- informal and tickets are availTAUNTON ecutive director, called accept- ble from members of the ushers' Attleboro - No. Attleboro 'ance of the task force proposal committee, headed" by Mrs. "a significant action," Joseph W. Lech, Jr:and Mrs. Taunton ·.'NationallY," Miss'Mealey said, Robert Benjamin. to

...................... GRACIA BROS.

W.H. RILEY & SON, Inc.



Says Pa,ntsuits Appalrentl~ He~e to Stay a, llolng Timb


Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970

Hold ;Open House At Sacred He,arts

I wonder just how long it is going to take before oJr eyes get accustomed to the longer lengths? "Never," I hear my readers reply loud and long. However I still do wonder. Right at this moment my 11 year old is waltzing arountl the house wearing one of my I skirts as a midi and enjoy- because the elongated top ca,n ing it immensely' only a hide a multitude of sinful eatmonth or so ago joe and I ing that would be .revealed by

. . . were chldmg hher for wearmg her · . s k IrtS too sort. It Just goes to show women are changeable . creatures and adapt very easily to chan e g . ~..:..,......,,·_;:<t$;H;~



Why, it wasn't that long ago that I wrote a column stating that pantsuits would become popular but that they couldn't be worn everywhere. Again this columnist must eat crow, and admit that pantsuits are being worn and looking appropriate just about everywhere. Banks are allowing their employees to wear this fashion, most .offices are joining in 'and even hospitals told their nursing staffs ,that they have the green light to join the pantsuit brigade. Suitable for Teachers Schools have alwa-¥s been an area that has' upheld strict dress codes but they too are beginning to realize that what is being worn doesn't have as much bear-. ing on what is being taught as they had believed. Also I'm sure that here too authorities realize that pant outfits are a lot easier to work in than mini skirts, especially in the lower grades where teachers spend so much time bending over, to help the little ones. What many opponents of pantsuits for the professional woman don't realize is that a pantsuit is not in the same category as slacks. It doesn't have the casual air of slacks and a sweater or slacks 'and a blouse. In fact, in many instances a well tailored pant suit has just as. much a look of the classic as does a smartly tailored suit and for the right figures it has more of the look of the seventies. Figure-wise, it's a great boon

Canisius College Has Protestant Chaplain BUFFALO (NC)-A Lutheran pastor was appointed here as the first Protestant chaplain in the history of Catholic-founded Canisius College. Father James M. Demske, S.J., college president, said the Rev. Carl G. Olin Jr., was hired because "there is an increasing . number of non-Catholic students at the college (> ¢ ¢ so the campus ministry should reflect this reality." Rev. Mr. Olin, former pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in suburban Eggertsville, is a graduate of the State University of Buffalo and the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.


Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, is observing National Education Week from Oct. 26 through Oct. 31 with open house activities open to parents, friends and the general public. Recent activities at the academy included the annual retreat, with its theme based on Creation and a popular song title, "The Long and Winding Road." Underclassmen's retreat was held at the school, while seniors held their two-day exercise at La Sulette Center of Christian Living, Attleboro.

even a blouse and skirt. I for one feeI th a t pan tSUI ' ts h ' ave ai pace .m th e cI assroom as weII as th: e 0 ff'Ice I'f th ey are worn WI'th ttl!e tft d th t : same a IU ~ a one wears any ' apparel to work. More than Clothes I One thing that the younger generation has at least exposed Baby Day us to is the thought that a person is more tl)an the clothes he~s Rev. Kevin Tripp was keynote wearing. They have seen through speaker at induction of student the sham of our belief that as council officers, including Vicki long as a person looked presentRezendes, captain of the school; able, of course his character Pat Brophy and Darlene Wilson, had to follow along. Many ve~y captain and squad leader for St. unchristian people got by on apAgnes' team; Karen Sullivan and pearance alone, for more years , Kathy Kay, captain and squad than I would like to mention, leader for St. Margaret's team; but now (because we've had to and representatives ftom each take a second glance at s'ome class. President of organizations of our outmoded notions) let's and team prefects were also inhope we are adult enough to stalled. judge a person on something Baby Day was held, continuing deeper than appearance. a 69-year-old tradition, with Clothes should be fun, comLois Faria as judge of a "kangafortable, flattering, and joyful roo court." looking.. They should lift yo~r spirits and the spirits of those who view you. The pantsuit apSurvey Defines Ideal pears to be the classic of the MISSION HELPER: Peggy Rodriquez is back in Los seventies, the new streamlined Angeles after three years of mission work in Bolivia where Clergyma n of Tomorrow shirtwaist, the modern skirt and NEW YORK (NC)-The ideal she st.arted a public health service in a tiny village. NC clergyman of tomorrow should , sWeater. . . . , The greater Boston area has Photo. . first of all be well grounded in accepted pantsuits for its teachtheology, be an interestig and ers (and pupils), the more cosmorelevant preacher and then have politan areas of the country ata lively concern for young peocepted the style last year. Let~s' ple, according to a nationwide hope the teachers of this section survey by the Episcopal Church Los Angeles Lay Mission Helper Home of 'southern Massachusetts get a Foundation. chance to look fashionable an~ . After Six Years on Missions He need not be an effective comfortable at the same time. fund raiser or an efficient ad. for local families,leetured and LOS ANGELES (NC)-Acha(At least before styles change minstrator, or have prior expecachi is a bieak village in Bolivia, trudged the high trails to small again!) , rience in business or a profes14,000 feet up in the Andes settlements to meet the tribal sion. There is a 50-50 chance where people .work hard 'and headmen and arrange further that "he" could be a woman. Little Room at Tc:>p it's cold all the tim.e. Peggy Rode health care. There was time for. The foundation, a national lay riquez just came back from three fun, too. "Last year I was a For Black IExecutives years there-and she loved every blond," she says. Now she's not. organization giving grants and NASHVILLE (NC)-Only three minute of it. Although Miss Rodriquez loans to tlie church, disclosed black men share the exclusive Miss Rodriquez is a nurs~ and helped thousands of Africans she that other requirements-in lesatmosphere of the board rooms a Los Angeles Lay Mission Help- has benefited herself, too. sening importance-for the ideal and executive suites at the n~­ er. She has now spent a total of clergyman included skill in family "When you're out. there you tion's 50 biggest corporation~, six years on the missions. The know all this doesn't just come counseling, being a good listener according to a survey taken by first three years were spent with from you," Miss Rodriquez said. and activity' in community afthe Race Relations Information a Lay Mission compariion in' . "It's got to be God's grace. fairs. Down their list came inCenter here, and a New York Africa, among the Sabi people. When you become the kind of volvement in ecumenical activiagency called the Community "That was really a wild human being God wants you to ties, with fund raising last. News Service. place," she recalls. "We were be, then you really know what Many of the nearly 1,000 reThe three are among a tot~1 the first ones in. There were you're all about." spondents, the foundation reof 3,182 senior officers and diNow she is home and working ported, said that the next generrectors who occupy top position1s 40 hippos just up the stream from our window, all kinds of at Kaiser Hospital in Beliflower, ation of clergymen will be so at top corporations, accordin~ bugs and snakes. Then elephants Calif. But she is not finished deeply involved in his religious to Fortune magazine. I would come. Jeepers, it was ter- helping people out. In her spare responsibilities that he should Cor p 0 rat ion representa· time, she hopes to do volunteer not have to concern himself with rible. \ tives were asked by surveyets "We'd pack our medicin1 in work among the restless Mex- administration and fund raising whether any of their senior e~­ boxes and set up under a ~ree. ican-Americans in east Los duties which should be handled ecutives and board membets People stood for hours watc~ing Angeles. by vestries or committees. listed in the 1970 edition df us behind bushes. We were\ the Poor's Register of CorporationJ, 111I111I1111I11I111I11I1111I111I111111I11I11I11I11I111111I11I11I11I11I11I111I11I11I11I11I111I111111111111I11I11I111I11I11I1111I11I11I11I11I1 the first source "of , mediCine I Directors and Executives, at1e' there. After a while people began black. Answers showed ther~ to trust us and come." Gradu- == == were no blacks among the 2,522 ally, a one-room. clinic was built. executives named and only threb INC. After Africa, Miss Rodriquez among the 600 directors. I spent two years working at St. ~ ~ Francis Hospital in Los Angeles. New York Trip But, she remembers, "I'd think I A three-day trip for two to of people who didn't have sheets, New York will be the door pr.izk who had dirt floors." She went back to the missions, this time at a mini-bazaar to be sponsoretl • I from 5 to 10 Saturday mght, for three years in Bolivia. High in the mountains with Nov. 14 by Holy Name Women"s == Guild at the parish hall, Studley the Bolivian Indians, Miss Rod- == riquez was the only nurse in Street, New Bedford. A ham an~ 363 SECOND ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. bean supper will be served frotp Achacachi. She did vaccination programs, started a health class 5 to 7. 111I11I1111I11I1II11111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11IIIIl11l1mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111I11I1

Saw Church Grow





I ~







I ~


Stresses Vaiue -Of Due Process


Thurs., Oct.. ·2'9; 1970' "


Urges Physicians Stre$s Dangers Of Drug Abuse,

SAN FRANCISCO -(NC)-Due process represents a major step in Church renewal, not only because it solves disputes, but more importantly, it creates an atmosphere in which Church administrators can function without disputes.

VATICAN CITY (NC)~Pope . Paul VI told a, group of Italian doctors it is their duty to "speak out loudly" against the dangers That's the evaluation Father of drug abuse.. Robert T. ,Kennedy of New York, For the' past few months the a leading architect of due pro· '})ope has devoted special attencess, gave at a symposium here. tion to the growing problem of . The priest, newly elected presdrugs, a problem. of such concern ident of the Canon Law Society to him that he has established a of America arid an assistant center in the Vatican state secrechaplain' at the U.S. Military tariat to keep track of day-byAcademy at West Point, N.Y., day developments in, the field. said: ~ His latest speech on the, subject was' made to a group of "Due process will serve best Italian physicians who had met when it is used-we're more in Rome to discuss the drug likely to' settle Church disputes . just knowing It'S available if 'problem which has surfaced needed." only recently in Italy. The Pope said doctors must Father Kennedy was one of teach everyone who is concerned several speakers who discussed A. ]RONALD SEQUEIRA about the health of inan," and the Canon Law Society's year-old particularly the health of the report calling for establishment younger generations * * * what of arbitration and conciliation these mysterious drugs are that procedures in U.S. dioceses-a are now spreading like a dangersystem guaranteeing Catholics, ous disease, encouraged by a from cardinal to custodian, resecret and commercial traffic.", spect for their human rights in Pledges Cooperation President Joseph Leo Driscoll By dramatizing the reality of participation as the Roman Cath- . cases of ecclesiastical conflict. Doctors, he said, "must deof Southeastern Massachusetts faith, this art can assist man olic Representative for Liturgy Father Kennedy, 40, chaired nounce the gravity of a danger at the W9rld Student Christian ,which threatens to spread all University announced today that . ' in the worship of God and in the Federation Congress in Finland' the society's ad hoc committee SMU will hold a reception for understan,ding of his fellow man. on due process, which published the more as the allure becomes Dr. A. Ronald Sequeira, the first After: completing his under: in 1968, and participation in the the report in, October, 1969. greater and as the cotnmercial International Congress on "Wor'interests which favor it become James,L. Connolly Lecturer of the graduate studies at, the Univer- ship, in' a Secular Age" at the'in- Since its 'approval by the U.S. at 3:00 sity of Bombay, pro Sequeira left, year on Sunday, Nov, I, 'bishops a month later, 63 of the wider and vaster."', vitation of the Faith and Order nation's 160 archdioceses and diThe Pope said that men today P.M. in the South Lounge of the India to pursue his education in Group I Buildings, North Dart- the West. Studying under Pro- Commission of the World Coun- oceses have started building such':' listen more' attentively to docmOl!-th Campus. ,fessor Karl Rahner, S.J., he .re- cil, of G.hurches, Geneva, in 1969. structures the capon lawyer helptors ilian to others and that docDr. Sequeira, a native of India, ceived a Doctorate in Philosophy ed design. tors, therefore, must "speak out a Classical dancer and liturgica] of Religio'n, Fundamental Theol'lo~diy while we still have time 'Ass..e~~s; ,~orship ... to ward off the spreading,: and studies, expert, :will perform, th~,' ogy and ')ridology, sUp1ma~fiim' Ap'prove ~.ConCe,.n.;1 ' ; " the social degeneration of the Good News of Dance, stressing laude, from the 'University of Dem'ands Giving that liturgical, art form, the sa,Munich. While studying in' EuRIVER FOREST (NC) - The For' Ethn,ic' Groups" ., ': drug phenomenon." cred dance, which deals with th!'l rope, Dr:· Sequeira' lectured and The Pope pledged the Church's relation between Religion 'and . danced extensively. Among his newly appointed chaplain at LOS ANGELES' (NCr-Recentcooperation in facing the drug' Art. 'Having its roots in the clas- notable accpmplishments are the Rosary College, staffed by the ly rekindled concern for ethnic' 'Dominican Sisters here 'in Illiproblem. ' sical Indian Dance, this rhythmic ,the organization of an Interna- nois, has some advice for young- minorities as evidenced in -the Priests, parents, teachers, art provides a visual manifesta- tionalEcuinenical Service of the sters who claim they are "turned Labor Day Statement of the;'" everyone "in positions of respon- Hon of religious ideas. It is Dr. Word at the· Pax Romana World off" by the Mass and otherre- United States Catholic. Confer-' sibility," he said, ,"should be, Sequeira's contention that, by Congress in ,Germany 'in 1967; ligious services. ence was' praised here "as a sensitive to, the tremendous and utilizing Hte cultiC dance of India, major step inthe right direction" insidious ,phenomenon of' the, one may enhance the proclamaSaid Dominican Father Ben· by the Lithuanian Roman ,Cathspreading of drugs and' should tion of the, Christian message. . jamin J. Russell: "What' I hear olic Priests' AlIii:mce. be exhorted to see, to it that .frequ~ntly from 'young people is , At, their tWO-day meeting reo ' this phenomenon should be 'The Mass is meaningless. I don't cently at the monastery of the properly watched and limited. ' Holy See 'Officials . WASHINGTON (NC) - The get a'1ything out of it.' Lithuanian Province of the FranThe Church abhors drug abuse, 56th annu'al ,meeting of the Na· h C h "They need to give' something ciscan Fathers' of the Order -of tional Conference of Catholic of themselves," he continued. Friars Minor here, the 60-yearthe Pope said, because of the M eet W It· I zec S ROME (NC) :.-. Officials of Charit'ies and the Society of St. "The whole idea of worship is 'old alliance representing some effects it has on 'the mental balance of, the person and on his Czechoslovakia's communist re-, ' Vincent' 'de Paul will convene giving. If they come to church 600 priests of Lithuariian origin gime arid the Holy See met here' simultaneously here Oct, 30- for entertainment, they are not in this country, commended the self control. for "an exchange of information through Nov. 5 with the, fifth going 'to "find it. If they join in conference's statement' as preand of viewpoints on the present biennial meeting of the Associa- the singing for fun, they are go- sented by its .Department, of, Church ' Canonizes state of relations between ~h~ tion of Ladies of. Charity.. ing to find a lot of other things Social Development. Church and the state in Czecho. St. V·mcent d"e ... P au1 SoClety 40 Engll·sh Martyrs that are more fun." It also noted "the need to reslovakia," the Czechoslovak em- sessions are set to begin Oct: 30 VATICAN CITY (NC)-The 40 bassyhas announced. . Evangelization is a 'two-way think drastically the status of Martyrs of England and Wales at Washington's Shoreham Hotel 'national parishes,' The Holy See did not immediwhere Ladl'es of Charl'ty meetl'ngs street, he said. Priests must work so-called canonized in St. Peter's Basilica . ately comment and had earlier will start the next day followed to reach- the young through prop- many of whose members have Sunday, Oct. 25 were: refused to comment on an an,er liturgies, conversations and moved away from the location John Almond, Edmund Arrow- nouncement by the Prague gov- 'by the NCCC conference Nov.. !. discussions, 'he said. But the of their parish church, but feel smith, Ambrose Barlow, John ernment. that negotiations b~. That day, the NCCC conference young must contribute something a vital need for religious life in' Boste, Alexander Briant, Ed-, tween it and the Holy See had on Religious will sponsor its, active, too, he added. their own ethnic setting." mund Campion, Margaret Clith- . opened in Rome: third, annual symposium on womerow, Philip Evans, Thomas Gar~ A government spokesman had en. Led by Doroth'y Bird Daly, net. Edmund Gennings; . stated that the Czechoslovak del. . dean qf the 'School of Social Richard Gwyn,'John Houghton, egation was directed by A. Tichy, Work at Catholic University, Philip Howard, John Jones, John counselor of the embassy in panelists will discuss ".The LeadKemble, Luke' Kirby, Robert 'Rome.. ership Role of the Religious in Lawrence, David Lewis, Ann These negotiations, apparently the Seventies." Line, John Lloyd;, opened at the instance of the The entire scope of the NCCC ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford _ Cuthbert Mayne, Henry Morse, Prague regime, came at a mo· conference concerns the theme, Nicholas Owen, John Paine, ment when that regime was "Projections and Priorities in Polydore Plasden, John Piessing- bringing .seVere pressures to bear the Seventies." In addition to i One of Souther~ New England's Finest Facilities ~ ton, Richard Reynolds, John Rig- upon Catholics under its rule, study institutes on civic, social 'i by, John Roberts; especially in Slovakia. The ni- and religious developments and i Now Available for Alba~ Roe, Ralph Serwin: Robgime has severely limited th!l changes in' society, participants i ert Southwell, John Southworth, functioning of priests, .and has will hear addresses by John i BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. John' Stone, John Wall, Henry begun the restoration-under an- Gardner and Wilbur Cohen, both i Walpole, Margaret Ward, Augus- other name--of its Peace Priests' forJller secretaries of the DepartFOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 tine Webster, Swithun Wells and organization, a clergy group tied ment of Health, Education and Eustace White. to the government. . Welfare.

SMU To ,Present Classical IlanceTr' of India .{4,s ,First Connolly '[..lecturer off Year

Charity Groups . Plan, Meeting



"J ... _

Church Leaders Call for United Christian Effort WORCESTER (NC) - Leaders of Christian churches in New England have issued a joint pastoral letter calling for a united effort against racism, war and social discord. Written at the New England Consultation of Church Leaders, which brought together 35 Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox bishops and other churchmen of the' six New England states, the pastoral expressed "the conviction that-even in a troubled world - peace, justice and brotherhood can be realized by all men." The text of the pastoral was released here by Catholic Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester, chairman of the consultation. He said the pastoral letter is "one of concern and a call to renewal" adding that "it points to the person of Christ as the source of power for social change, parish renewal and personal commitment." Common Goals Bishop Flanagan said the letter had been drafted because participants in the consultation "sensed a need' to communicate with their people and their associates in the clergy." Its publication, he said, "points toward greater ecumenical cooperation in New England."

THE ANCHORThurs., Oct. 29, 1970


Raps Democrats' Abortion Stand MANCHESTER (NC) - Manchester's Bishop Ernest J. Primeau announced here that he was "extremely saddened" by a platform adopted by New Hamp, I t; '. shire's Democratic state conven~J tioncalling for the repeal of all laws pertaining to abortion. Commenting that the statement urging abortion law repeal is "ambiguous," the bishop added that there was no doubt in his mind ,"that it clearly calls for the repeal of our present laws on this important and crucial matter. "I realize ful1 well," the bishop continued, "that the will of a convention does not necessarily reflect the' opinion of the individual members of that convention * * * "It must be reiterated that 'abortion-on-demand'-the repeal of the existing laws is tantamount to this - is not only against Catholic doctrine and morality, but is contrary to the commonweal " * (, "I herewith state unequivocally that I shall bring all the resources of m'y public responsibil,ity to fight against the passage of the legislation contemplated by the aforementioned conven-' --------~_··.:..~·~..:f·~·1-. . . ~c '~~-""""'':.~'~'' tion." , Although Bishop Primeau did ADDED ATTRACTION: Mr. Theodore Whitcombe is shown with one of his German not mention which party adopted Shepherds who added to hi~ sale for village church in Hungary. the abortion repeal plank, a spokesman for New Hampshire's Democratic state committee told NC News that the Democrats had incdluded the plank in their state platform. 1







Germani Shepherds Added Attractions L4t 'Garag~ ;Sql~' .(If Comm.unist, Refugee

Issued collectively by the participants in the consultation, the pastoral called upon "all, Christians to: "WQrk together as_ one, committed community of His By Patricia McGowan love." In responding to that call, it said, "we will realize the The lion arid the lamb may items for the sale from her peace that passes all understand- not lie down together, but the neighbors and has helped me in ing and will catch a vision of the duck and the German shepherds many ways," divine will for our world." are getting along very well at' Area-Wide Petition the Swansea home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitcombe, said her husThe Church leaders declared 368 band, did not escape from HunMrs. Theodore Whitcombe, that the consultation itself "is a dramatic witness to the fact that Oak Street. The two well-trained gary with him and their son, our Christian churches ~re de- dogs and their feathered com- then eight years old. "She was termined to work together for panion are added attractions for: was caught and imprisoned for customers at a "garage sale" five years." Her release came common goals." currently being held by Whit- only when her son,' by then a combe. On shelves constructed disc jockey at radio station The leaders cited the fact "that never before have we been so by the one-time refugee from ~ WALE, and her husband initiated' at one in calling our people to Communist Hungary are dis-, a petition to Hungarian governthe recog'nition of their com- played china, glassware, samples! ment authorities. Over 7000 mon fellowship in the. Gospel." of Hungarian embroidery andl Southeastern Massachusetts resbric-a-brac of all types. idents signed the petition. Growing Fear By their sale Whitcombei Whitcombe arrived in the U.S., hopes to raise $800 for repair of he said, with but $6 to his While acknowledging that "we a village church in Hungary. His name. Today he is employed are part of a society tragically project has been going on for . full time and lives in the combeset by rampant sin and dis- several weekends and will con- fortable Swansea house. He is order," the' church leaders said tinue until he's reached his goal. not himself a Catholic, but be-' "we cannot escape the grim real- "I have almost $400 now" he came aware of the need of the ity of these things, nor shut our said last Sunday. ' ' ; Hungarian church through his eyes and our hearts as they When there are no customersl sister, who was married there. challenge every precept of the the garage d,oors are left invit- ,The items he is ~elling are Gospel which we humbly de- ingly open, even if Whitcombe iSI dra~n larg~ly from hiS own colclare." "It is unnecessary to de- in his house. "I trust people", lectlOn, which he has gathered scribe," the church leaders said, he said. 'I since coming to this country. "I "the ways in which so many men , I He is very grateful for his ownl seem willing to destroy themselves, and one another, through escape from Communism andll Catholic University warfare, pollution, violence and has chosen the sale as a means Official Resigns drug abuse, Family life stands on of aiding countrymen still unde~ WASHINGTON (NC)-Cathothe brink of disaster as genera- Red domination. Neighbors have lic U.niversity's vice-president for cit1 helped him greatly, he said, tion scorns generation. ing especially Mrs. Ruth Costa, a university relations stepped down' "Christian moral standards are ,member of St. Dominic's parish! after seven months on the job questioned, by many even dis- Swansea, who lives across th~ , to return to the Albany, N. Y., carded. Poverty and insecurity street. "She has offered parking diocese to become a pastor. Father John P. Whalen, who sap the strength of our social space for customers and ha~ fabric. Bitter hatreds tear racial been very helpful to my wife; served as acting rector of the and ethnic groups apart, so that, who is recovering from an oper~ university in 1967 after a' faculty-student strike had shut in a land priding itself on his- ation on' her foot," toric liberty, justice and freedom, He also named Mrs. Catherin~ down the school, heads Corpus there are growing fear, unrest Heald, another parishioner of St. Instrumentorum, a theological Dominic's. "She has collected publishing house. and crime." 'I'


. Study Merger started with a small bottle I found in . a junkyard," he said. Some articles are from Hungary, including a pair of beautifully embroidered cushion covers. One original design in red and black cross-stitch took 140 hours to work by hand, said Whitcombe. His pets are his hobby; he said. "L"ove and five minutes it day of training" are the ingredients that produced his dogs' repertoire of tricks. The ducl;c, he said, was found frozen in pond ice four, years ago. "The vet fixed her broken wing. Now she's a member of the family," She comes running with the dogs at meal call and frolics' with them unafraid. Oak Street, notes Whitcombe, is actually Route 118, and' may be reached via Route 6, turning north at the First Christian Congregational Church in Swansea.

NEW YORK (NC) - A task force has been appointed to work out details for a merger of the Catholic Press Association and the Associated Church Press. The likelihood of such a merger has been hinted since the conventiQn of the CPA last May in Chicago, The task force report is scheduled for I;onsideration at the CPA convention next May 11 to 14 in Houston, Tex., and the ACP convention next April in Philadelphia.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970

Ridding Ph:anet of Pollutio.,

Wi II Be Costly, Proc:es's "

It is quite, irrational to try not to think about the bio-

logical unity' of our small planet. If the chains of nutrients can carry North Dakota farmer's pesticides into the bones of Antarctic fish, we can guess how vulnerable humans are to contaminations of the' air and soil and water they pollution from the addition of million more cars? ' all must share. Yet there are 30Itto is40 possible that Western strong, if irrational, reasons living standards consume so

-t.... (

for preferring to avoid the impli- much and pollute so much that cations of sharing the same they cannot physically and bioplanet. One is the cost of clean- logically, be extended to all the' ,ing it up when, for, a. century, ,other continents: the consumer has been used to Unknown Answers dumping the cost of waste and We do not know the answer poison back into Nature's lap to these questions because we and leaving her a supposedly costless job of cleaning up in have never before had to ask them. It may be that by inventindustrial man's filthy wake. ing the effluent-free' car, power, Uncomfortable Context ing it with electricity, checking But' perhaps an, even stronger thermal and radioactive pollureason holds back the' already tion from a massive rise in nuindustrialized peoples. The idea clear power plants all round the of I a shared planet 'in which the world, humanity as a whole uses made of air, soil and water could become motorized. vitally affect the chance of huIt, milY be that by a vast'inmanity surviving is a new and crease in renewable raw mateup to a point uncomfortable con- rials-above all, wood~nd' by text for the rich nations. ' an all-out effort to check the des-' perate pollution from paper 'and pulping mills, we could make. up for the depletion of many minerals. It may be ,that by recyBy cling with scrupulous care the use of the minerals' we haveBARBARA wasting no scrap, permitting 'no valuable substance to evaporate WARD or wash away-we could maintain an adequate resource base for the industrialization of seven billion extra 'people. I!m'~~ But even if the answers to all They have already produced these' questions were a:ffirmative, dangerous degrees 01 environ- we would still have some uncomYOU THINK YOU HAVE TROUBLES?: Pity Sister Patricia, left and Sister mental damage. They are only fortable problems to resolve. For ' a quarter of the human race. instance, this new, careful hus" Christina, right who, between them, have five sets of twins in their first grade classes in They consume three-quarters of banding of our resources will 'be St. Brendan's School in Riv~rside, R. 1. Left to right, bottom to top, Joseph and Christhe world's wealth. If all human- much more expensive" than the ity had comparable living stand- first fling' of careless, wasteful topher P!lri, Paul and Kevin Feeney, Joseph arid John Miech, Christine and Timothy . .Fournier, Timothy and Thomas Poland. NC Photo. ards-say the $1500 to $2000 industrialization. annual income per head of WestWestern man,' exploding out ern Europe-could Earth provide of Europe into North and South the food, the minerals, the for- America, Australia, Southern' est products needed for such a Africa and Siberia, has' mined vast increase in consumption? ~the land, the lodes and the reefs efforts aimed at educating gram- ahead, according to Robert Continued from Page 'One And could the biosphere support with little tholight of waste and campaign is to raise mote money mar school, high school and col- , Buesse, campaign publicity di, the consequent pollution which, contamination and has become in a single collection Nov. 22 lege students as well as adults. rector and head of the, USCC's on present standards of careless- accustomed to a consumer's life than has ever been collected in a It also includes a short motion communications department. ness, would be the result? piled high wit.h material goods. national, Catholic effort. Accord- picture and a series of radio The answer for the products But he has not included their ing to Bishop Dempsey, the and TV spot announcements, all ELECTRICAL of farms and forest is probably ultimate cost to our vulnerable largest sum, previously collected prepared by the Franciscan ComContractors at one time was' $7 million for munications Center for national "yes." Scientists reckon that the biological environment. distribution. world could nourish, at reasonoverseas relief. New Type Aid able standards, about 10 billion But more important, the bishBishop Dempsey's, press conBut the poor nations, who op emphasized, is the' education people - the number who are . ference here followed a presenlikely to be here by the year have, little accu:mulate capital effort. tation of the development cambut massively increasing supplies 2015, provided a massive effort of labor" will only afford with paign' program to staff members Education Effort of expansion begins very soon. great difficulty the new, more "If we settle for the money," of the U. S. Catholic Conference. But the answer to minerals costly types of pollution-free, he said, "we'll never, change Conference offices and personthat can be depleted and to polwaste-free agriculture and, in- Catholic attitudes, never get peo- nel have been closely involved lution which is still rising is dustry. Suppose they simply go pIe to take the poor seriously." with development of' the' cammuch more uncertain. Enough 944 County St. for the old cheap, wastefulaild Behind the campaign is a, paign lind are expecte(l to take copper and zinc when, for over New Bedford dangerous methods? The rate ,of highly professionalized intean even larger role in the months a century, the richer nations have been using up the cheaper contamination of the biosphere grated program of public relaand more accessible sources of would increase in ways' danger~ 'tions and public education. The program includes special supply? Oil supplies for 10 billion ous to all of us. But, could we , people as heavily motorized as in the ric;h lands ask them to the 200 million in America? Air stay underdeveloped so that we Vincentians Convene Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport can keep both our high standWednesday Night ards and our breathable air? Where The The monthly meeting of the Suspend Abortions There could be an alternative Entire. ,Family Fall River Particular Council, St. ROMFORD (NC)-The Harold -a massive input of the capital Wood hospital here in England of the rich peoples to a careful, Vincent de Paul Society, will be Can Dine has suspended abortions for the well - planned, uncontaminating' held on' Wednesday evening, Economically, time being because of the large' type of industrial, scientific and Nov. 4 with St. Anne's Confernumber of nurses on the staff re- technological development for 'ence as hosting conference. FOR fusing to take part in such opera- the presently poor nations. This Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 tions. The suspension will con- would be "foreign aid" indeed in ,St. Anne's Church and the RESERVATIONS tinue while authorities try to de- and aid at the same time to our- meeting will follow in the school. ' PHONE termine the actual number of the selves as well. But who today Tickets for the Bishop's Char675-7185 20 nurses on the staff who will would care to lay even a modest ity Ball may be obtained a,t the bet on such a' development? " not participate. meeting from John Kane.



Developme~t 'Campaign

WH ITE'S Family



Urges Vatican III Stress Core of Christian Message

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970



It is certainly not original to suggest that a Vatican, Council III is seriously needed. While it is most unlikely! that such a council will be convened in the present papacy,! and equally unlikely that many of the present hierarchy; would let the theologians within a hundred miles of of things that the Council did Rome for Vatican III, there not accomplish: 1. It did not face the socioisn't much doubt that an- logical and 'psychological impli·

other ecumenical council is going to be called before 1980. By the time it is called, one presumes that it will be obvious even to the most reactionary that the purpose of such a council cannot be to "put the lid back on"; rather, it will be to continue the work that was begun, however inadequately, by Vatican II.

cations of the Constitution on the Liturgy. It ought to be clear to anyone with social science expertise that the goals of litur· gical renewal simply could not be achieved in the large urban I parishes which are characteristic of so much of the Western' Church. 2. It did not, and in the nature of things probably could not, spell out in detail the organizational implications of the princi- . pIes of collegiality and coresponsibility in the national I By hierarchies, It is difficult to see, for example, how any of these principles can mean, much .in' practice unless the principle of M i{L participation in the selection of GREELEY 'i!!!)? NEW PRESIDENT: Mrs. Thomas J. Burke, Carbondale, Pa., left, installed as presChurch leadership is expanded Ident of the National Council of Catholic Women at its 50th anniversary convention in far more. than present Church leadership is willing. Minneapolis receives a gavel from Mrs. Norman Folda, Omaha, Neb., outgoing presiI Essence of Message dent. Mrs. Burke, NCCW national director for the Province of Philadelphia which covers To speak of the successes and 3. A good deal more socio- the state of Pennsylvania,was elected to a two-year term as president. NC Photo. failures of the Second Vatican logical, political science, psychCouncil is not to be critical of logical, economic, and historical the work of the men who gath- sophistication is required in the ered in Rome in the first half Church's approach to the mod- I of the 1960's. What is astonish- ern world than the enthusiastic ing about the Second Vatican acceptance of the secularization Council is not that it did not ac- theory, which seems to characWASHINGTON (NC) - The years," the survey concludes. the U. S., 638 fewer, and 28,086 complish everything, b4t that terize a good deal of European given the circumstances under theological work. By the time: missions in Latin American "This again is a hope which may seminarians, a decrease of which it had to work it accom- of Vatican III it is to be hoped countries likely will feel the not come to fruition due to the 10,930, than in. 1968. plished as much as it did. But that Church fathers recognize pinch resulting from decreases decrease in vocations." The survey noted that the St. The number of Sisters in the Louis archdiocese and the Camwe are now sufficiently removed . the ,difference between journal- in the priesthood and religious U. S. had the biggest numerical den, N. J. and Jefferson City, life in the United States. from it to be able to evaluate ism .and social science. This ,conclusion is underscored decline, from 176,341 to 160,931, Mo. dioceses lead in sending di4. Perhaps the most critical what it accomplished and what . challenge for Vatican III will be in a 142-page directory, U. S. a loss of 15,410. ocesan priests to Latin America it did not accomplish. There are 11,623 Brothers in -16, 13 and 12 respectively, and First of all, what did it accom- to restate the essence of the Personnel Serving the Church in Maryknoll sent the most male Catholic message in language Latin. America, published here plish? religious personnei-275 priests 1. It did bring an end to the that the common people of by the United States Catholic Pope Says Truth Latin America and. 24 Brothers. counterreformation, both by its Christendom can understand. Conference's Preserves Justice The greatest number of nuns statements on ecumenism and The constitution on the Church division. The United States may not be by the presence and influence of was a modest beginning in this VATICAN CITY (NC)-Talent in Latin America were sent by able to continue supplying "any is not enough for lawyers. They' the Maryknoll Sisters-264 in the Protestant observers. it rep- direction. Indeed, perhaps the most se· substantial number of personnel must also seek the truth in nine countries. resented a definite turning away The greatest number of nuns rious problem created by the for work in Latin America," the order to preserve justice, Pope from the past. Council is that it has unleashed directory reports. It was noted Paul VI told the 7th Internation- in Latin America were' sent by Dramatic Reform the Maryknoll' Sisters - 264 in 2. Its Constitution on the' a considerable number of second that U. S. Catholics working in al Congress of Young Lawyers. Church dramatically modified and third rate "religious educa- . Latin America dropped from The Pope told 600 lawyers at nine countries. The Milwaukee archdioces«;l the static and juridic view of the tors" whose principal concern 4,589 in 1968 to 4,211 this Year. a special audience that their "Sixty-three per cent of the profession "penetrates the most sent the most laymen-nine. Church which had been incar- seems to be to shock the faithful Peru has the greatest number nated in the textbooks and the and to tell them what they don't men's communities and 52 per intimate and diverse aspects" of of U. S. Church personnel, 678. catechisms of the last several "have to believe." These self- cent of the communities of human life. styled prophets are much less women expect to remain in "That is why the legal profescenturies. Puerto Rico, a U. S. common3. Its Constitution on the clear about what it is that Chris- . Latin America for the next five sion since antiquity never has wealth, follows with 671. Next tians do believe. ceased to supply men who are are Brazil, 643 and Bolivia, 342. Sacred Liturgy took worship out Of Primary Importance especially qualified fo~ the highof the deep freeze that it had 5. One can make a persuasive particularly concerned with those est public offices," the Pope been in for at least half a milcase, I think, that the greatest very practical and pastoral disci- said. lennium. single failure of the post-. plines that we call catechetics But talent, the Pope added, "is 4. The concepts of collegiality Conciliar Church has been its I and homiletics. not a sufficient quality for a ONE STOP of the national hierarchies pro- reluctance to assume responsiAnd one hopes that the SHOPPING CENTER vided the foundation for a dra- bility for the re·education of the father!? of Vatican' III are not profession that continually calls matic reform of ecclesiastical faithful. Vast numbers of sin- satisfied with the simple pana- for the firm and honest protec• Television _ Grocery structure, even though this re- cere, committed Christians were cea approach' to catechetics and tion of justice and truth." It is • Appliances _ Fruniture form has not yet been a com- raised to think that both the homiletics that has been charac- essential for lawyers to respect the truth which is "the funda104 Allen sn.,. lNew Bedford plete success, especially since ecclesiastical structures and doc- teristic of the very undistinthe papacy is clearly unwilling trinal formulations were immu- guished literature that has mental requisite for the preser997-9354 to trust the rest of the bishops table. They have now learned marked these disciplines since vation of justice," the Pope said. of the world on the critical that structures and formulations the end of Vatican II. problems of sexuality. What I am arguing then is are very mutable 'indeed; but 5. However inadequate the so- they do not know, and nobody that the principal items on the ciology or the economics of the has bothered to tell them at agenda of Vatican III must be Pastoral Constitution on the least in any great detail, what is evangelical rather than organiChurch in the Modern World, the core of the Christian mes- zational. There may still need the document still represented . sage. to be considerable reform in the at an authentic attempt on the part In fact, one suspects that, Roman Curia and in the mode of of the Church to change its pos- some of the amateur theologians , selecting ecclesiastical leaderture vis a vis the modern world are even prepared to argue. that ship but this is of secondary im1 from one ~ of fear and hostility there is no core: Despite the portance to the issue of how the to one of sympathy and open- claim that Vatican II was a pas- Christian message is proclaimed. ness. toral council, was not, in fact, For this issue Vatican III is 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. pastoral in this most important needed, and needed as soon as Liturgical Renewal possible. it was not sense of the word: But there were also a number 'I





Vocations Decrease' to Affect Missions Fewer U.S. Priests, Religious in Latin America




"Save Wittll Safety'"








'14 '

~HE AN~HOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1.970





'Sunday, Night Cultur'e Hour , Hit With Children, Pf;lrents ,By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

Most parents realize that their' children's vocabularies ,and knowledge at their present state of growth far exceeds their own capacities at' a similar age. Television is probably the reason for the broad vocabulary and the general awareness of facts and issues to Breakfast is still one of' the which we were never exmost hectic meals of the day. posed. This knowledge exBecause my 'most avid moyie-goplosion has had a great many ing days took place during the


effects on the very' young and we as adults have not fully recognized what changes will ensue in 'future generations. Most such changes will be postive but there are. one or two negative features which we must take into account. One problem is that in getting so much exposure children may be overlooking quality in being inundated with quantity. For this reason we have started a "culture hour" at home for the purpose of exposing the children to good writing and poetry. We picked up the idea from Jean Kerr who wrote a piece for one of the popular magazines abo~t her experience with teaching her children poetry. Very simply our hour works this way: each child is expected to memorize a poem of his or her choice and the two ,girls are, expected to read an assigned book which we discuss on Sunday evening. We have been doing this'now for about 10 weeks and the results have been quite surprising. , Patterns of Taste First of all, the kids seem to really enjoy it. I would have thought that having to learn a poem 'Ii week would be a chore, but thus far each child including Jason, has learned his or her poem with a minimum of prodding. Among others the children ~ave learned poems by Frost, Housman, T.S. Eliot" Poe, the . Brownings and Emily Dickinson. Already patterns of taste are starting 'to emerge, Melissa enjoying the D)odern poets, Meryl the more classic types, but this , is to be expected. Our readings vary according to ,time allotment but thus far we have read Twain, E.B. White, O. Henry, Poe, Dylan Thomas, and quite a few of the children's authors. It is only recently that the children have really begun to discuss the books aside from story line" but in the past few weeks they have begun to discuss such things as style, language etc. Thus far our hour has been an unqualified success. Aside from the literary value of our hour though something else has emerged which has even more value and that is that we have something in 'common to discuss. Both Marilyn and I read the selections so that we have something to offer and this means that four members of the family have something in common. Jason of course has to be excluded from this since he has the very great deficiency of being unable to read. In these days of the generation gap it isn't a' bad idea to have something of substance to discuss as a family and to allow differences to emerge, in taste rather than in "" personal matters. In aiDe Kitchen

forties and fifties there still remains in my mind a certain belief that this should be a leisurely meal that takes place on a tree-shaded patio or a glass~en足 closed porch. Flowers should de~orate the table and of course the family should be dressed in their prettiest robes and slippers. Well, at lea'st that's how it looked in the days when Miss Russell and Miss Colbert were presiding at that table. ' Needless to. say, 'life in the raw is very un)ike life upon I the silver screen so most of our PEACEMAKER: Mother Aline of the Sisters of Sion of Jerusalem, right, a Frenchbreakfasts take place' in quite born nun who has been working toward a Jewish-Arab peace, spoke at a news conference different circumstances than those portrayed in the drawing at the American Jewish Committee (AJC) headquarters in New York. She is shown here room comedies of the forties. with Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, National Director of the American Jewish Committee's Because of this I'm. always' on Department of Interreligious Affairs. NC Photo. the lookout for easy (jiffy is the word) recipes that at least make breakfast palatable. For this reason I was more than delighted when I came upon a very tiny cookbook called Bountiful. Breakfasts by Stephen DeBaun pub"The circle' of poverty can be themselves in guiding their own' SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The lished by Simon and Schuster. broken only if attitudes are aI- destiny," circle of poverty can be broken, Mr. DeBaun is a novice breakfast cook who st~nibled into the ,a bishop predicted here, if the , tered, only if priorities are First annual COllection for the ownership of India House, an inn public can be educated to see changed," he added. "This can Human Development Cllmpaign on Nantucket Island. One of his that the poor can help them- only be accomplished if we train will be taken up in all the first decisions was that he would selves in determining their own our ears to hear and our eyes to' country's Catholic churches see the wisdom of the poor try something a bit unique and destiny. Sunday, Nov. 22. Campaign ofserve a very special breakfast ficials hope to raise at least $50 Making that observation was menu. ,million from the drive. P'resident, Wants .R. Auxiliary Bishop Michael Fresh, home-baked unusual Dempsey of Chicago, director of San Francisco was one of six are some of the adjectives that ' FBI Investigat,ions the U. S. bishops' Campaign for stops for Bishop Dempsey and could be used to describe India WASHINGTON (NC) PresiHuman Development, an effort House's breakfast menu but the dent Nixon further asserted his the campaign staff. Ot/ler cities biggest adjective of all would he said was designed to provide concern over campus violence on the tour include' Denver, self-help funds to the poor. be "successful." and unrest by asking Congress Houston, Atlanta, New York and' All his successful breakfast Bishop Dempsey and his com- for legislation empowering the Chicago. recipes have been compiled into paign staff came here to meet FBI to investigate bombings on this delightful little book which with the scope of the nationwide college campuses. sells for $1.~5. How would you fund raising drive. Benedictine Oblates According to Nixon's proposal, like to start you!" day with Oblates of St. Benedict conas the' FBI would investigate At the news conference, the Bourbon French .Toast, or per.lucted a chapter meeting at soon as an overt act of bombing haps sherried grapefruit? Pos- bishop, pastor of an all black Portsmouth Abbey. R.I., beginsibly if you're a more sober type parish in a Chicago ghetto, said or arson' is committeed on any ning at 4 Saturday afternoon, campus receiving federal aid. you would prefer a' shrimp the' campaign has two major Oct. 24 with a Mass, followed at The measure was, directed to 6 by a communion dinner. omelet or a dish of cinnamon purposes: educational and fund the House JudiCiary Committee apples to help you break your raising. for consideration as an amendfast. Whichever recipe you' de"The majority of persons in ment to an omnibus crime bill sire, you'll find it in Mr. Deour society, in my judgment, are already passed by the Senate. Baun's charming collection. not ill-disposed to the poor so & I' would like to add that after much as they are misinformed or If approved, it, would apply almost nationwide since nearly all reading this book and trying uninformed about the poor," he colleges and universities receive some of the recipes, my next de- said. Over 35 Years federal aid in some form. sire is to persuade my husband of Satisfied S~rvice to take me,' to Nantucket: to At present, the FBI enters Reg. Master Plumber 7023 sample Mr. DeBaun's breakfasts campus bombing cases only if JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. first hand. a federal crime is involved or 806 NO. MAIN STREET teaspoon baking soda when invited to do so by local This is one of the quickest Fall River 675-7497 authorities. banana breads I have ever made. 1 teaspoon salt The other day (right after baki,ng 1) In a medium sized bowl a cranberry bread) I made this because I had three benanas that sift together the' flour, baking would have gone bad if left one soda and salt. second longer. From start to the 2) Mix together in' another instant of putting it in the oven bowl the bananas, that have been I don't think it took longer than mashed, sugar, an'd egg. 10 minutes and it was very tasty 3) Mix in alternately the meltand moist. ed butter and the flour mixture Contractors Since 1913 Banana Bread until all ingredients, are blended 3, ripe, or over-ripe bananas well. 1 egg' .' ' 699 Bellville ~venue 1 cup sugar 4) Pour into a buttered loaf New Bedford IIh cups flour pan and. bake in a 325 oven for ~ cup melted butter one hour.

Predicts Break in Poverty Cycle

Bishop Dempsey Sees Poor Aiding Th'emselves

Montie Plumbing Heating Co.




• Holy Family High S~hool Students Plan Halloween Dance Tomorrow Activities at Diocesan high schools included an acquaintance week dance sponsored by Dominilog Yearbook staff members at Dominican Academy, Fall River. This week is an annual tradition at the academy, and freshmen meeting the most seniors are presented with awards. This year a free yearbook was a featured prize. Members of the DA folk club are preparing a film based on James Taylor songs, while the school's sodality began its year with a concelebrated and fully participatory Mass. Glee club officers at Dominican are Suzanne Giroux, president; Cheryl Romanowicz, vicepresident; Jane Rivard, secretary; Monique Desmarais, treasurer. New Athletic Association officers include Annie Melancon, president; Suzanne Giroux, vicepresident; Betty Anne LaCroix, secretary; Elizabeth Gillespie, treasurer. Seniors are anticipating a closed retreat at LaSalette Center for Christian - Living Nov. 4 through 6. The theme will be "Vibrations." The 1970-71 staff for the Dominilog, the school's year ,",ook is as follows: Elizabeth Almeida, editor; Gail Leite, co-editor; Paula Faria, copy editor with assistants Charlotte Gauthier and Genevieve Pappas. Katherine Carpenter, business manager; Frances Lauzier, assistant business manager; Elizabeth Lavoie, ph.otography editor; Barbara O'Connor, assistant photography editor. The Clarion, the school's newspaper will be in charge of Virginia Deaudoin and Paula Faria, co-editors. The sodality officers for the year will be: Genevieve Pappas, prefect; Suzanne Giroux, viceprefect and Elizabeth Lavoie, secretary-treasurer. Sacred Hearts Seniors at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, have already completed their retreat, also at LaSalette, while underclassmen .participated in a school retreat, directed by junior class members and highlighting a dance recital by Dr. Ronald Sequeira, classical Indian dancer. SHA's Prospect Players attend· ed the New England Theatre Conference at Northeastern University earlier this month, joining in day-long activities which included scenes from contemporary musicals. The first in a series of student council workshops -was held at SHA this month, with many schools represented. Discussions dealt with drugs, student unrest, communications and parliamen-

Pope Paul Names New Ordinaries. WASHINGTON (NC) - Bishop Joseph M. MueIler of Sioux City, Iowa, 75, has resigned for rea· sons of age and health, and has been succeeded by his auxiliary, Bishop Frank H. Greteman, 62. Msgr. Walter F. Sullivan, chancellor, has been named auxiliary bishop of Richmond, Va. The resignation and appointments were announced here by -Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate in ahe United States.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29,1970


Mission High School Given to Indians


STEPHAN (NC) - Immaculate Conception High School here in South Dakota, part of the Immaculate Conception mission run by the Benedictines of Blue Cloud Abbey for 75 years, has been renamed Stephan High and handed over to the Indians it serves. The move is part of an effort by the Benedictines to increase Indian control over service agencies working in Indian areas. Two tribes, the Crow Creek and Lower Brule, will administer the school. Funding for day-today operations and faculty salNAMED: Cardinal Angelo aries will be provided by the Rossi of Sao Paulo, Brazil has U.S. government's Bureau of Inbeen named prefect of the' dian Affairs.

tary procedure" and various i filmstrips were shown. , This is National Education Week and open house is being I held daily at SHA with parents! and members of the general, public invited to visit classes and observe teaching procedures. A "college bowl" program will ! highlight an assembly slated for today. Holy Family Student Council officers at: Holy Family High School, New i Bedford are Ted McIntyre, Glenn i HaIl, Nanci Scotti and Mary I Goldrick. They announce that among activities planned for the year are 10 asse-mblies with speakers, a rock dance and special Christmas week programs. Officers of HF clubs are: Spanish: Nanci Scotti, president; Ann Costa, vice-president; Pat Cabral, secretary; Maureen Berry, treasurer. French: David Beaulieu, president; Mary Glenn, vice-president; Joanne Donovan, trea~urer. Tennis: Mary Lou LeBoeuf, president; Ray Perry, vice-president; Sue Cormier, secretary; Beth Lacala, treasurer. The club holds practice sessions every Saturday morning at 9:30 at I Buttonwood Park. A senior dance titled "The Witching Hour" will be held at ' Kennedy Center tomorrow night. ! New student council officers at Bishop Cassidy High School, : Taunton, are Carol Thomas, president; Elinor Griffin, vice-' president; Rosemary Kelly, sec- i retary-treasurer; Sue McMau- I ghran, senior class president,' Beverly Baron, 'Jean Bisio, Deb- ' bie Silva, senior homeroom rep. i resentatives. Also Shirley Mendes, junior president; Sandra Ducharme, Renna Lee Paiva, Diane Weatherspoon, junior representatives; Sharon Koss, sophomore president; Patricia Benjamin, Christy Cooke, Patricia McGowan, Kathleen Reilly, sophomore representatives. Cathy Lucy, freshman president; Lynne Reilly, Cynthia Costa, Suzanne Cooke, freshman representatives. I,

Ten Benedictine Sisters -from Mother of God Priory, Watertown, S.D., who formerly staffed the school have been rehired to teach at Stephan High. Benedictine monks continue to maintain Immaculate Conception mission facilities.

Day of Pr.ayer GLASGOW (NC) - The Scottish bishops have set Dec. 28, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, as a day of prayer in sorrow for the unborn victims of abortion operations. The bishops of England and Wales made a similar announcement in April.. Legalized abortion was introduced into Britain two years ago.

Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples by the Vatican. He succeeds Cardinal Gregory .Agagianian who. resigned. NC Photo.

Mark Coronation Of Our Lady

MEXICO CITY (NC)-Thousands of pilgrims journeyed to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe to attend a Mass concelebrated by the nation's bishops to hear a recorded message from Pope Paul VI on the Mission Sunday has come and gone. For many it may have 75th anniversary of the papal been just an appeal day for money. And it was-money is descoronation of Our Lady of Gua- perately vital for the mis!';ions. dalupe. Missionaries iCannot be trained and sent to Africa, Asia, Our Lady appeared to the Indian Juan Diego in 1531. or Latin America on good wiJI alone. Hungry people cannot be comforted on sweet talk; food and clothes iCOst money. People "The Mother of God wants all Mexicans to hear that her with diseases need medicIne, clinics, hospitals, and trained medical people. Illiteracy can only be reduced when schools, supplies, crown is not so much material, but a spiritual crown formed and teachers are provided. People finding Christ need priests; from a profound love of Christ places to worship, and local seminaries and convents. Relief from poor sanitation, poor environments, and inhuman conditions all and * * * a sincere love for all men," the Pope told the pilgrims require money. in a message that was also It's true! Missionary activity necessarily is involved in ecobroadcast over national radio nomics. Even more true-for many missionaries, their only source and television. "The I devotion to the Holy of income is the generous support from their fellow-Christians. Virgin of Guadalupe, so pro- Christ-in and through the Church, the missionaries, and the people foundly rooted in each Mexican they serve-depends on us. soul and so intimately united But Mission Sunday was more than just giving money, with more than four centuries otherwise it only scratched the surface' of our personal sense of your historic nation, must be of Christian living. Think for a minute . . . We have been bapfor alI a constant and personal tized, confirmed, and partakers together at Christ's table . . . cally for true Christian renewal," we profess the communion of saints, and membership in God's the Pontiff added. . People-the catholic-apostolic Church. We all share in Christ's At least 12 Popes have exmission, not as outside benefactors or isolated humanitarians. pressed their devotion to Our A frightful meqitation-the spirit of Christ is alive in us Lady of Guadalupe, and in'1945, Directs Resources Pope Pius XII gave her the title only to the degree we have His missionary sense. For Social Impact I Queen of Mexico and Empress of It is a sense of belonging to others: those we live with and NEW YORK (NC)-The two- ' the Americas. those we don't. It is a sense of serving others: the immediate million member United Church family and the world family. It is a sense that responds out of Christ pledged in a report reo Sisters Ask Change of love for others and doesn't count the cost. And it is the leased here to invest "a sub- Of C . N stantial portion" of its unrestrict- I ommunlty ame sense of our togetherness with each other - in God.

Now That It's Over


ed funds "where it will do the ' SPRING LAKE (N'C) - The i Sisters of St. Joseph of Newark most social good." The Church urged its instru- have elected a new mother general, changed her title to presimentalities and state and region- dent and asked the Vatican for al conferences to "seriously consider the investment of a sub- permission to change the name stantial portion, not less than 10 of the community: per cent of its unrestricted Sister Louise Dempsey, a nafunds in high-risk and low-re- tive of Philadelphia and former regional superior of the commuturn-but-maximum social-impact investments." nity's- Philippine. mission, is the new president. She explained This advice was given in a that the title "mother general" 98-page report, "Guidelines for was dropped because of its milInvestment Policy," approved by itary connotation and that the the Church's executive council term "superior" was avoided and announced by the Rev. Dr. because of its "un-collegial" Robert V. Moss, Church presi- nature. dent. These changes were voted Nationally, the United Church upon at a general chapter-the instrumentalities have $10.4 mil- third in three years - held in lion in unrestricted funds; the Nottingham, England. There it regional and state conferences, was also <\ecided to ask the $3.2 million. Total Church invest- Vatican for permission to return ments are $220 million, ~ut are to the community's former name: largely restricted. Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace.

Over 800 mission territories receive dnred aid from the Society; many are totally dependent on this support. They need what only you can give. Mission Sunday 1970 has come and gone, but our love, our concern, our giving must go on all year. For in liturgy and in 1lf~ we celebrate the mystery of our faithChrist lives among us . . . HELP US TELL THE WORLD! Will you send a sacrifice, to me, today for the missions?


,,--'-----------'---'----------~---'~-----------; .. , : : , : : : : :

SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society : for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this conumn : and send your offering to Reverend Monsignor Edward T. , O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New : York, N;Y. 10001 or directly to your local D!ocesan Director. , The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. C o n s i d i n e : 368 North Main Street : Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 :



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ADDRESS CITY..................................................................... STATE.............................. ZIP............ 10·31-70

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The Parish Parade

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970

Suggests Americans Take Sensitivity Exposure Test There are some lines "from 'T. s. Eliot· which came back to me the other day: "And the wind shall say: 'Here 'were decent godless' people.

Their only monument the asphalt road And a thousand lost golf balls." The tragedy of revolutionary times like ours, with all others involved, a certain politithe anticipation of some- cal skill and careful' strategies, problem solvers run the risk of thing new in man's' history treating symptoms, not causes,

as well as the danger of destruction that is the darker side of crisis, is that most of us don't understand what is happening.



With mounting anger many Americans are being distracted from asphalt roads and the pursuit of golf balls by events they don't understand. Very few are making any attempt to define what is happening. "As a result," writes Kenneth Keniston, "the symptoms of the crisis have constantly been confused with its causes, while the best efforts of both young and old have been wasted in. episodic attacks on . these symptoms." No one really wants to be bothered and that's how things get so bad. In a neighborhood, at General Motors, or in Vietnam, events happen, 'decisions are made, lives of children and grandparents are affected, and yet the people involved remain passive onlookers. . And better information ·about these events has proved insufficient to commit us to an actual share in the process of understanding, problem solving, deci,son making. A. man or 'woman must be. emotionally moved before he comes involved. Everyone is busy with persorial and family affairs. But 'when a person is suddenly drawn into human problems and begins . to experience' what those who are affect~d feel, only then 'is he moved to want to do something about the situation. Complex Society This personal feeling and desire for involvement in a community problem is only the beginning. Without careful study, consultation and planning with

Ban Paisley SYDNEY (NC) - The Australian government 'banned the Rev. Ian Paisley, Northern Ireland's controversial Protestant clergyman, from coming here during the visit of Pope Paul VI later this year. The Australian government, through Immigration Minister Phillip Lynch, notified the Australian high commissioner in London, Sir Alex Downer, that the government ban on Paisley was imposed under the authority given the Commonwealth by the country's Immigration Act.

or making matters' worse with well-intentioned meddling. In the prototype Rochester, N. Y., riot of 1964, the liberal churchgoers wanted to evacuate children from the ghetto and set up aid stations to dispense various emergency goods and .services. This well-intentioned flurry of action seemed based on the "Battle of Britain" model of World War II. Such a response would have received glowing news .coverage, changed nothing and probably would have added to the longsmouidering resentment of the Black community which brought on the eruption in the first place. It is' beyond a truism that QUI'S is a complex society. If a citizen is to participate effectively in his community, he needs wide exposure to what is going on and sensitivity to gain understanding of what he is feeling and seeing. Test Yourself A good place to start is to give yourself a brief test in sensitivity exposure. How about questions like. these: Have you often attended civic meetings, church services, events sponsored and attended by people who are different from you? Have you read any book written by a militant Black writer, e.g., Soul on Ice, The Autobiography of Malcolm X? Have you ever read an underground newspaper or a college newspaper? Have you spent time listening to a radio station that features hard rock, soul or programs .lor groups such as Mexican Americans or Puerto Ricans? Have, you ever attended juvenile court hearings or followed a trial involvin!~ a member of a minority group? , Do you frequently attend city council or school board meetings and hearings? Shock to System These questions come from a Sensitivity Exposure test prepared for a marvelpus packet on planned community change which can be obtained from the American Association' of University Women (ACTION IS OUR BAG, 2401 Virginia Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20037. $'), If you score low on "yes" ~ answers, then you have a lot of work to do to break out of your warm cocoon. But, think how confused life becomes when people vote, discuss crises of the day, decide school bond issues, make dec.isions in industry and Church that affect large numbers of people with relative ignorance about that community and its variety. This kind of education may be a shock to the system. It may even be that beginning 'of a whole new outlook on life that the Christian tradition' qalls "conversion."

ST. MARY'S, SOUTH DARTMOUTH Graphology expert Jean Bancroft will speak at the meeting 02722. of the Women's Guild slated for 8 Wednesday night, Nov. 4 at ST. PATRICK, the parish center. Members are FALL RIVER The school board will sponsor urged to bring guests. The program will feature anala ham and bean supper, followed by an auction, Saturday night, yses of the writing of guild memNov. 28 in the school hall. bers; and Mrs. Bancroft will explain general characteristics of James Schedler is chairman. ha"ndwriting. She will also disOUR LADY OF ANGELS, cuss her present project, prepFALL RIVER aration of a brochure of drug Children of Mary Sodality will proneness and abuse as reflected sponsor a penny sale and raffle , in handwriting. at 7 tonight. Members are asked to bring The Holy Name Society an- to the meeting gifts and stamp nounces a Communion breakfast books for use at a parish Sunday morning, Nov. 8 and a penny sale slated for 7:30 Wedturkey whist Saturday night, nesday night, Nov. 18, also at Nov. 21. the center. ST. JOSEPH, OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, ATILEBORO BREWSTER Senior Citizens will install ofThe Women's Guild will sponficers at a buffet supper at 7 sor a dessert bridge at 1 WedThursday night, Nov. 5. Resernesday afternoon, Nov. 4 in vations must be made by Sunthe parish hall. There wiiI be a day, Nov. 1. The public is invited prize for every table. . to attend. The unit's regular meetings are held at 1:30 every ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, Friday afternoon. ATILEBORO A Spanish Mass will be celeThe parish Fall social and brated by Rev. James Clark at dance will take place Saturday 6:30 Saturday night, beginning night, Nov. 21 at Bishop Feehan Nov. 7. High School, with proceeds beneBasketball practice for junior fiting the parish CCD. A catered high school boys will begin Tues- buffet will be served. A large day evening, Nov. 3, from 6:30 committee is in charge of arto 8 at' Attleboro Recreation rangements. Center. Senior boys will meet from 8 to 9:30 Tuesday nights at SACRED HEART, Pine Street Recreation Center. FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold are Volunteer chaperones needed for a Frid~y night Drop- an open meeting in the school In Center for juniors. They may hall at 8 Monday evening, ·Nov. contact Charles Buebendorf at 2. The Four Hand Round SqJ.lare Dance Club of Swansea will 222-8068. CYO officers will be installed highlight the entertainment, with at 5 Saturday night, Oct. 31 at Tom Daley as caller. Co-chairmen of this meeting are a special Mass. All CYOers Mrs. Raymond O'Hearn and Mrs. should attend. A cake sale will be held Sat- Harold O'Hearn. urday and Sunday, following all MT. CARMEL, Masses with proceeds benefiting NEW BEDFORD a fund for purchase of a new The PTA will sponsor a mysfilm .projector. tery ride and dance on Saturday, An "Evening of Experiences in Nov. 18 with music being proReligion"· will take place at 8 vided by the Music Makers. tonight in the church hall under Richard Barboza will serve as direction of Rita Foley of the chairman. Boston 'Archdiocese. Bring $1 The next meeting of the PTA and a beach towel! is scheduled for Sunday night, Nov.8. ST. MARY, NO. FAIRHAVEN HOLY NAME, The Sacred Hearts Association FALL RIVER will sponsor its second annual If· enough memJ)ers are interJolly Holly Bazaar in the church ested, the CYO will hold a hall on Saturday, Nov. 7, from 2 hayride Saturday night, Nov. 14. to 10 and again on Sunday, Nov. The annual parish bazaar is 8 from 9 to 9. scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 21. Mrs. M. Robert Hart and Mrs. ,i Frank Morris are serving as cochairmen while the refreshment No~ris committee is "headed by' Mrs. Stephen Gonet. " SHEET METAL Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.



Revelation Topmc Of Fr. Coleman Rev. George' W. Coleman will speak on "Revelation: Word, Witness and Encounter" in the second session of an enrichment program to be sponsored by the Diocesan Confraternity of Christian Doctrine under direction of Tosti at 8' ThursRev. Ronald day night, Nov. 5 at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Father Coleman wiJI. discuss God's message in human context, as rooted in scripture. The program' will be repeated" at 10 Friday morning, Nov. 6 at CCD headquraters, 446 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Studied at Gregorian Father Coleman will share insights he gained during his studies under Rev. Rene Latourelle, S.J. at the Gregorian University, Rome. The Fall River priest holds a degree in sacred theology from the Gregorian and has also done graduate work in religion at Brown University. A curate at St. Louis Church, Fall River, Father Coleman is a member of the Priests' Senate, serving as ,chairman of the Priestly Renewal Committee. He is also area CCD director for Fall River. All religious educators are invited to attend· this program designed to deepen awareness of contemporary theology. Further information is available from the CCD office in Fall River, tele-' phone number 676-3036.


Conference Plans 'Cemetery Sunday' DES PLAINES (NC)-The National Catholic Cemetery Conference has designated Nov. 1 for the annual observance of "Cemetery Sunday" throughout the country. Father: Francis H. Niehaus of Cincinnati, conference president, said the observance is designed to emphasize among Catholics the blessing of a Christian way of lif~, plus the corporal work of mercy burial of the dead in a proper Christian manner. "Ii is fitting that this annual memorial coincides with. the tra.ditional observance' of the feast of All Saints and All Souls," said Auxiliary Bishop Joseph F. Donnelly of Hartford, Conn., conference episcopal moderator. The conference is composed of more than 1,700 Catholic cemetery administrators. It is affili'ated with the United States Cath-, olic Conference and maintains' headquarters here in Illinois.

chairmen of parish orare asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, Fall River

H. Tripp

Accepts Ecumenical Council Invitation BURLINGTON (NC) - The Burlington diocese has accepted an invitation from the Vermont Ecumenical Council to join the organization as an affiliate member. Announcement of the decision was made by Burlington Bishop Robert F. Joyce. The Catholic diocese will be proposed for membership at the 'Ecumenical Council's Nov. 21 annual meeting, and if accepted, it would become the organization's second affiliate member. The other is the Lutheran Church in America.

J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222 #.'###"'#'##~"""'#'4"~<

CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Street


THE ANCHOR-Diocese nf Fall River-Thurs., Ott. 29, 1970

KNOW YOUR FAITH Grace Is Love If someone asks for a simple explanation of ecumenism, we might respond with two words: sharing and unity. These notions summarize efforts to share common beliefs and practices with a hope this will lead to the eventual union, or reunion, of Churches. Early in the ecumenical movement imaginative pioneers speculated about a logical consequence to these discussionsconstruction of a single church or building for diverse faith communities. The Interfaith Center at Wilde Lake Village Green in the new, planned city of Columbia, Maryland located midway between Washington ,and Baltimore has now turned this abstract concept into a concrete reality.



Under the roof of a $1.1 million structure, dedicated just last month, are separate worship areas for Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Unitarians with shared office' space for the clergy and administrative personnel of six participating major denominations. Title to the building is held by the Columbia Religious Facilities Corporation. . Tenants lease their spaces (Catholics-53.4 per cent; Protestants--44.3 per cent; Jews2.3 per cent) and make regular payments wpich provide for interest, debt service, maintenance and repairs. Weekly rental for the Catholic community amounts to $1,160 and according to the present schedule financing of the edifice will be completed in about 20 years. Experiment in Economy In these days Church leaders understandably hesitate to construct, huge brick and mortar monuments while countless flesh and blood poor go hungry or live in hovels. This awareness of world poverty' and the need to remedy these conditions partly exp1ains the Interfaith Center at Columbia. It is an experiment in economy, an attempt to determine if various congregations can save many dollars by share ing a single roof. No one knows yet. This innovative religious building, however, also grew out of a desire for unity among believers. The center's motto taken from Psalm 133 (132) expresses this wish. "How pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity." A joint parking lot (258 cars) aneJ foyer means on Sunday mornings, for example,' Christians and Unitarians will drive together, walk together, visit to-

gether on their way to chu~ch, then worship according to their own traditions and in a space reserved for their own use. The modernistic baptismal font, complete with flowing water and a walk-in arrangement suitable for adult immersion, seems to satisfy basic requirements of both Catholic and Protestant dtuals for that sacrament. It also underscores the belief central to many of the Interfaith I Community in one Lord, one baptism, one Savior of us all. The specifically Catholic space is termed, descriptively, a "muticelebration" area and, according to architect William L. Gaudreau, conveys the idea that it has been designed for a multitude' of functions or celebrations; liturgical, social, educational, and theatrical. To assure the visual and audible success of activities which take place in this Catholic section, the artists finally agreed on a modified arena style with center-stage effect and sloping floors. Use of Portables The angular shaped altar and For three years I worked with pulpit, done in plexiglas and delinquent boys in a state correcchrome, are portable in detail. tional institution. It was a chalAll the furniture is of such a lenging and rewarding experimovable nature "so that the ence. I well remember som'e of areas used for worship can be- the boys. When they were adcome a center stage for drama . mitted after sentencing by the recitals, lectures, and other court-most often for car theft forms of education and recreation or robbery-they had a facade during the rest of the week. The of hardness. They were going space is easily divisible by a slid- to prove that they didn't care, ing wall for two separate areas that no one could touch them, of approximately 30 people , because they were tough. each. "One side Ipay be used for liturgical functions, while at the same time another religious service or educational function can By be conducted on the other side." A small chapel of adoration off F'R. CARL J. the main lobby near the PFEIF~R, S.J. "multi-celebration" space provides room for reservation of the Blessed Sacrament, confessions, and weekday Masses. Articles 279-280 of the Roman Missal's General Instruction Actually they were almost unspeak about art and architec- touchable not because of toughture. "Church decor should be of ness, but because they grew up noble simplicity * * * The layout in a world in which they had of the church and its surround- never experienced trust or genings should be contemporary.' It uine care from any adult. They should meet the needs for the believed deep down that they celebration of sacred services were worthless, that nobody and also the usual needs in could possibly care how they places where people gather to- looked or how they felt. This gether." , was expressed in their lack of Those who have worked for care for looks,' clothing, or many years in bringing the Co- cleanliness. lumbia dream to fruition feel What was striking was the their obvious contemporary In-' terfaith Center IS of noble sim- gradual change that came over plicity and DOES fulfill the wor- some of these lonely boys. Afte'r , ship needs of a congregation. Ap- a few months it was not unusual parently Lawrence Cardinal She- to see sign~ of better grooming han, archbishop of Baltimore or a more confident manner of holds similar convictions. He walking. Even an unforced wrote to the community at Wilde smile, an honest laugh, might warm the otherwise carefully Lake Village Green: "The opening of the new Inter- maintained "cool:' faith Center at Columbia proSome showed signs of motivavides a unique opportunity for tion in learning' a trade or how long-time growth in ecumenism to read. Relaxed, comfortable and brotherly spirit * * * The conversation slowly repl;;tced the mutual ownership of land and stereotyped language, of the "hood." Turn to Page Eighteen

In each case where this kind of humanizing growth was noticed the cause was readily discernible. The boy had cautiously opened his defensive shell a little as he allowed himself to experience a relationship of trust with one of the members of the staff. Relationship of Trust To be trusted, to feel that someone actually did care, released healing, vital powers that had been locked up within the youth for years. One of the boys said to me after an hour of just sitting quietly together with hardly a word of conversation, "Why the hell did you spend an hour with a bum like me?" The question needed no complicated answer. It was because I thought he was worth it; that I cared enough about him to spend an hour of time just being with him. It made a difference. Whoever has had art experiience of being loved and respected understands this freeing, fulfilling, sense of personal worth. Love poems and iove songs of every age have expressed the surprise, exhitaration and healing in, knowing that someone cares enough' to give himself in love. The effects of being loved are noticeable in youthful lovers and in the tested, faithful love of jubilarians. To be loved does something to a person that stimulates change for a richer, more fully human, wholeness of life. Nothing can help us better understand the meaning of God's grace than reflection on the experience of being loved. The Scriptures ~ are filled with passages that do just that, compare God's favor to the surprising and gratuitious personal attachment we call love. "If God set his heart on you and chose you * * * it was, for love of you" ,(Dt 7:7). "Before the world was


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made, He chose us, chose us in Christ ':' * ':' to 'live through love in His presence" (Ep 1:4). Gift of Self This is the first and deepest meaning of grace: the favor of God for someone that is so deep and so surprising that He actually gives Himself in love to that person. St. Paul is so overcome by the experience that he writes almost with disbelief, "He loved me, and gave himself up for me" (Gal 2:20). This self-giving of God to those he loves involves sharing of life, an intimate union of love that the Scriptures compare frequently to the complete union of man and wife in marriage. U~fortunately this meaning of grace-called in theological tradition "uncreated grace" or the "divine indwelling" - was not stressed in religious education during the past several centuries. Recent developments in the theology of Grace return to the biblical and traditional focus on Grace as God's free giving of Himself in a bond of love. Again, development of doctrine is grounded in a return to the most traditional sources. St. Augustine in the fifth century expressed bautifully the traditional路insight into God's Grace: "We are loveable, 0 God, because you have loved us." Grace is first and foremost God's gracious love for each of us, undeserved, unmerited, completely free. Secondarily it is the change in us that occurs because of this love. Parable of Ezekiel A remarkable passage in Ezekiel (Chapter 16) portrays dramatically what Augustine summed up concisely. God is described as noticing a baby girl, Israel.. lying newly born in the desert sands, abandoned and unloved. He is moved with affecTurn to Page Eighteen

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Cardinal Cooke Lauds Ca'mpaign

THE ANCHOR-,Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970

God Is Love


Continued from Page Seventeen tion and cares for her. He loves her, and in so doing gives her a beauty that captivates everyone. He unites her to Himself in a bond of marriage or covenant. "Live and grow," He says, and she grows more and more beautiful because of His love. The beautiful parable of Ezekiel articulates the experience we reflected on ofIove rendering a person more ·beautiful, more fully alive and loveable. In the language we _are familiar with "sanctifying graces," "created grace," is the change in -us created and sustained by God's love. Sanctifying grace is a theological -term that describes the marvellous change that takes place in us if we allow-God's love to touch our hearts. "By the grace of God I am what I am" (I Cor 15:10). Theologians of past ages spoke of this as healing and elevating grace. Grace, then, is not a thing, a q~antity of something that can be mysteriously increased by receiving the Sacraments or saying certain prayers. Grace is fundamentally a telationship of- love, God's lo~e which enables us to love Him in return and- to grow in a richer, fu.lIer human life of love. Relationships can be deepened by dialogue, by sensitive service, by. being present to one another. Relationships can also be neglected, or ruptured. The graced relationship between man and God can be allowed to grow;· it can also be allowed to stagnate. From God's side the love is unfailing: "I have loved you with an everlasting love, so I am con· stant in my 'affection for you" (Jer 31 :3).. Our relationship with God depends for its growth on our opening ourselves to His love. "Look, I am standing at the door knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share his meal, side by side with him (Rev. 3:20). Need for Openness Understood in this way the doctrine of grace can be recognized not just as a. mysterious, truth abo~t something we get by receiving the sacraments or lose by breaking the commandments. Grace is seen as God's love reaching out to us in all the Iifegiving moments of human experience. His gracious presence can touch us through 'the kiss of a loved one as well as through the Sacramental signs. Our openness to that love is not exercised solely in rec~iving the Sacraments, .but in every effort to be open to life and people. Openness to life, to people, allows God to enter into our whole being and slowly form us in His image. Sometimes the change is readily noticeable, as in the case of delinquents who experience genuine respect and trust, as in the experience of being-loved by husband or wife. These more dramatic changes help ~s, in the light of faith, recognize what is always . and everywhere the deeper dimension of our lives. "We are ioveable, 0 God, beca~ise you love us." Discussion Question 1. What is grace? ~. Why is it true that grace is fundamentally a relationship of love?




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AT BALL: At annual Candlelight Ball sponsored by Friends of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, are from left Mr. and Mrs. John E. McAulay, Dr..Monello E. Ruggiero, his daughter Miss Noel A. Ruggiero, Mrs. and Mr. John J. Blake. Ball proceeds aid work of hospital.

Contelmpor~ry' Chur~h Music Composer

Surprised at Success of His Songs PORTLAND (NC)-The man and finally I heard myself say who has written some of the 'Baptize me'." most popular and widely known Five weeks later he was bapsongs heard at guitar and folk tized and confirmed. Masses likes a "quiet Mass" himFound God self. . "I found God right in my own Sebastian Temple, whose recorded albums of c~mtemporary heart, he said. "I had sought religious music are played' God for 33 years and suddenly throughout the world, said the I knew that in 33 years, God had success of his' songs surprised. never left me for one moment. him. He had first written them From that time on, it was for a Confraternity of Christian Christmas every day." He was asked to teach a Con-' Doctrine class in Los Angeles."I like a quiet Mass. I wrote . fraternity of Christian Doctrine those songs for the kids,", he class and agreed to try. "It was awful," said Temple. said. Temple, in Oregon to give a lect,ure, told in an interview how he became a Catholic eight years ~ ago, at 33, after being a Yogi for more than 10 years,- and how he came to be one of the foreVATICAN CITY (NC)-Msgr. most writers of religious songs. Dominic ConwaY,secretary genHe claims it was accidental. eral of the Pontifical Works for Born in South Africa, Temple the Propagation of the Faith in went to Italy at 19 to write Rome, has been named Auxiliary _ . , Bishop of Elphin, Ireland. novels. Msgr. Conway, born in Ar"When my money ran out' 16 months later, I went to England dagh, Ireland, lan. I, 1918,' was for seven years and then to In- ordained in 1941. dia, to study Yoga," he said. He was a missionary in NiLater he was invited to Wash- ,geria for five 'years, a professor , ington, D. C., to teach Advait' at All Hallows college in Dublin Yoga. From Washington, he for on~ year and' a profes'sor at went to>San Francisco and then diocesan seminary of Summerhill to Los Angeles. college in _Sligo. ' Met Priest In 1950, he was named spir- . "I looked for God and never itual director of the Irish College found Him as a Yogi," he sa:id. in Rome and then. named rector "When I left -the Yoga monas- in 1965. tery, I asked God to please give me some way I can learn. 'That Ask Catholics very day, I ran',into a friend who invited me to eat, and there _.i Aid Flood Victims met a Catholic priest." WASHINGTON (NC)-A call The priest, a' Jesuit, "saw' has, gone out' to Catholics of through me," Temple said. the country to provide financial "I thought I'd talk with him, .assistance for thousands of vicbecause what did I have to lose? tims of floods in Puerto Rico, I thought I'd show this Catholic which began Oct. 3. how much I knew-which probThe request came in a letter ably was why I hadn't found from Msgr. Leo J. Coady, chairGod. I thought I knew so much. man, National. Catholic Disaster "An incredible thing happened. Relief Committee, to bishops and I heard myself talk myself into directors of Catholic Charities into Catholicism. I heard my- organizations throughout the self overcome my own objections country.'

MSllr. Conway Namels dB· hOp.


NEW YORK (NC)-Generous response by American Catholics to their Church's appeal for -millions of dollars to fight poverty can help "radiate the love of Christ, not only throughout our nation but throughout the entire' world," Cardinal Terence Cooke declared here. At a regional meeting to discuss the 1970 Campaign' for Human Development, Cardinal Cooke said the campaign "gives each of us an opportunity to direct our energies and our will to bring to fruition and Christian vision of a world where, all men can live as members of one human family, each one dependent on, and helping, the other. "This is human development in its truest sense," added the New York cardinal. The campaign was started Oct. 1 by Auxiliary Bishop Michael Dempsey of Chicago, who said it was a commitment by Ameri-' can Catholics to raise a minimum of $50 million to fight the root causes of poverty. The fund drive, under auspices of the United States Catholic Conference, will climax Nov. 22 with a first annual nationwide collection to be taken up in all the country's Catholic churches.

Announce Funeral Music Competition

"I just couldn't get through to any of those children." He went BURLINGTON (NC) - The home one night and prayed for New England Liturgical Comhelp. mittee has concluded there is a "I worked then with tape re- dearth of suitable music for corders and I wrote and recorded Catholic funerals and decided. to 10 songs on the life of Jesus. do something about the situation. The response was great. Soon the The committee established the kids brought -their own guitars Maurice. Lavanoux ·Prize of a to class and learned the songs." gold medal and a $250 cash Then Temple found that the award for the best. original youngsters disliked going .to funeral-liturgy composition. ThIJ Mass. . award is nomed for the editor ·of "So I wrote songs for Mass Liturgical Arts magazine, a piofor the kids," he said. neer in promoting liturgical arts. They were the first of comThe award will be made annupositions which later became ally for accomplishments in the familiar throughout the country. various liturgical fields. But this An album of the songs on the year, the committee decided to life of Jesus will be issued soon. confine the competition to funeral-liturgy music composi, Specialties' Temple foresees a time when tion. certain parishes will specialize in certain Masses-folk Masses, country . Masses, "Masses for . every person's taste." _ Continue~ from Page Seventeen "God comes to each one in a facilities 'and .the sharing of different -manner. One can find space, administrative personnel God in the 'joyful noise' but also and costs, and the development ...... . in silence," he said. . of co-ordinated programming, "I don't go to Mass for what will t.estify to the good stewardit can give me, but for what I ship of the resources God has can give it of myself. I get in given these congregations to adrelation to what I give." minister '" * * We ask God's Temple also foresees other in- blessing upon this endeavor, so struments succeeding the guitar full of promise. in music at Mass-"perhaps the Discussion Questions flute, drums or saxophones," 1. What do you mean by ecu"As long as it's reverential, as menism? long as it's a dedicated speaking 2. What are some specific to God and the Church," he said. ways the ecumenical moveAttractive ment could be furthered in this Temple said he' gives the area similar to the interfaith Church "another five years to center at Columbia? be the most vital and wonderful thing in the world. It has to be- . ~1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111J11111J11J11J11I11J11I~ so many people are leaving. We must make it so attractive they § Building Contractor § c~n't stay away if they try." Masonry His album "The Universe Is Singing," which includes' 12 songs- "in the spirit of Teilhard, de Chardin," has been issued by the Gregorian Institute. - Among his most popular religious songs are "Make me a 7 JEANETTE STREET Channel of Your Peace," sung 994.7321~· recently at the consecration of ~FAIRHAVEN a bishop, and "Happy the Man." ~1I11111J11111111111J111111111111111111111111111111J11J11I1I1I1I1~

Worship C'enter

I ;







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 29, 1970


"eter J. Auger of ,Hyannis .


Starting 'Safety for Amherst Eleven


Two-Sport Participant in Pre-Med Course Prior to suffering brain damage in -action near Chu Lai that required six months of hospitalization, Sergeant Auger received the bronze star wth 'V' device for bravery. Prior to the service, Greg attended and graduated from Wentworth Institute. The Augers are communicants of St. Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis. . A pre-med major, Pete hopes to enter the field of medicine upon his graduation in 1973.


Seventh Place Durfee' High Threatens County Leaders The Fall of 1970 will long be remembered by Bristpl County League football fans at a time when upsets were commonplace and each Saturday brought new surprises. Preseason favorites New Bedford, Attleboro and Msgr. Coyle High of Taunton are on Saturday last. The tie was still in the thick of a neck- the third successive stalemate in arid-neck race that is expect- league play for the Fall Riverites ed to continue through to the who own a 2-0-3 season record. end of .the season. Taunton has If the Montlemen are successsurprised and is definitely a con- ful in their bid to upend Vocatender. And Durfee High' of Fall ' tional on Saturday they will skyRiver may move into first ,place rocket into undisputed first place Saturday if it can defeat New on the basis of won-loss percenBedford Vocational. tage. But, they will have to Ironically, the Hilltoppers are struggle to hold on to that lofty presently in seventh place in the position as they face the iron of eight team league standing. the league in their final three However, they are still in posi- games. tion to wrestle the top spot away Taunton, Attleboro and New . from co-leaders Attleboro and Bedford provide the opposition New Bedford. for Durfee in the final three conCoach Don Montle's eleven tests. All games are scheduled battled Coyle to a scoreless tie for Alumni Field in Fall River.

Barnstable at Dartmouth for Key Game Two other County games are ers' most impressive perforscheduled for Saturday with At- mance came last week when the tleboro at Dartmouth to play offense 'came alive as the conBishop Stang and Coyle in Attle- tenders coasted to a 41-20 vicboro for its contest with Bishop , tory over, Fairhaven. Feehan. New Bedford. will host The Indians, on the other hand, Leominster in a non-league game entered' last Saturday's game while Taunton will enjoy' a with .a 4-0 record having deSaturday off. feated Somerset, Bishop Stang The stage is set in the Cape- of Dartmouth, Dennis-Yarmouth way Conference title chase for and Wareham in convincing this week's meeting' between fashion. But, stubborn See}tonk Dartmouth and Barnstable. Both refused to faulter before the clubs have passed the early sea- highly thought of Indians and son tests and are ready for their stormed to a 38-14 upset win. face-to-face confrontation. However, past performances With both teams sporting ,perfect league records going into can be forgotten as a possible the contest there seems to be lit- league title rests in the balance tle to choose between them. Un- for the winner of this all imporbeaten Barnstable has taken the tant corttest. Neither school 'has measure of Bourne, Wareham, , ever won the title and a victory Dennis-Yarmouth and Fairhaven is imperative if either is to gain in its four outings and presently 'the crown now owned by Lawleads the league. The Red Raid- rence High of Falmouth.

With only 10 seniors on his roster, Amherst Coach Jim Ostendarp knew he, faced a major I_,rebuilding task this season. DuI plicating last year's fine 6-2-0 record would not be easy. And, I true to prediction, the going has : been rough. " . I Through the first four games, I 'the Lord Jeffs are 1-3-0 and with only four contests remaining, topping the .500 level is Ostendarp's goal. But with teams like Wesleyan, Tufts, Trinity and'Williams waiting in the. wings, the task will be a difficult one. Fifteen lettermen, have carried the burden and overall inexeprience has taken its toll . . . especially on defense where e.nemy offenses have 'racked up a combined 115 points. The Amherst offense, on the other hand, has been impressive scoring 71 points for a 17.3 per game average. Pete Auger has been one of ' the most impressive individuals. Only a sophomore, the former Barnstable High three-sport star, has handled most of the starting safety assignments for the purple and white and seems to improve with each passing period. A former quarterback in high school, Auger made the adjustment to defe~se with relative ease. His excellent speed and I sure hands made him a "natural" I for the deep secondary position. While at Barnstable, he was an All-Cape and -All-Capeway Conference selection during his senior year and was the captain of the squad. According to those I who followed both circuits, Pete was "one of the. better signal callers to ever wear the Barnstable uniform." ' In addition to football, Auger : was a third baseman on the base, ball tea in which he also captained during his senior year and was a standout winger on the Red Raider hockey team. Football and baseball (second base: man) are Pete's college sports.

Falcons Set Sights On Narry Leaders While the aspirants, battle, Falmouth will sit by waiting for the chance to prove its supremacy. The Clippers, also unbeaten in league play, are scheduled to meet Dartmouth next Saturday and Barnstable on Thanksgiving morning. Without doubt the league championship will not be settled until after the Thanksgiving Day rivalries as Confer, ence fans are in for another nail biting climax. Fairhaven will be at Bourne and Dennis-Yarmouth is at Wareham rounding out the Conference docket for Saturday. Defending champion Somerset of the Narranganset league moved a step closer to a repeat

Continue Aid HOUSTON (NC)-The Episcopal House of Bishops with near unlj.nimity has approved a reso~ lutlon giving a' three-year extension to a program geared to building political and economic powe. among minority groups.


title last Saturday' when it downed Old Rochester Regional of Mattapoisett, 32-0. The Blue Raid~rs will be at Stoughton for a non-league affair Saturday. Seekonk coming off its big win over Dartmouth will host Old Rochester and Case High of Swansea will play at DightonRehoboth in league contests. Coach Tony Day's Dighton Falcons have the best chance of dethroning Somerset as the Raiders have already beaten Seekonk and Old Rochester and barring an upset should have little difficulty with Case on Thanksgiving. The Falcons have their work cut out for them, however, as they must meet Somerset two weeks from Saturday and Seekonk on the holiday. In Mayflower League action slated for Saturday. Martha's Vineyard will be at Provincetown and Southeastern Vocational will be on Nantucket Island to meet the Whalers. Last week P-town upset Nantucket 16-8 to keep alive its hope for a title.

Zimbalist Qeplores , Permissive Society' I

Cites Challenges In Convert Work

PETER J. AUGER Auger is the .son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Auger, 45 Murphy Road in Hyannis and is. one of three brothers. Marc is a Lieutenant in the Naval Reserves and is attached to the. 2nd Division Fleet Ma'rines, Camp Lejeune, N.C., where he is assigned to the dental corps. He is a graduate of Holy Cross .and the University of Maryland Dental School. Pete's brother Greg is a disabled veteran of Viet Nam.

Duquesne Discloses Tuition Increase PITTSBURGH (NC) - Tuition will be increased $200 at Duquesne University here for the 1971-72 academic year, Father Henry J. McAnulty, C.S.Sp. president, disclosed in a letter to students, parents and faculty. Tuition for the current year is $1,800 at the university conducted by the Holy Ghost Fathers. "The' university projects that the increase will bring a total of $1,037,955 in additional, income toward educational, and general expenses," Father McAnulty said. The minimum increase in expen~es projected for 1971-72 is $1,290,000:....- $252,045 more than the raise in tuition will yield, he added.

WASHINGTON '(NC) - Efrem' Zimbalist Jr., star of television's • The F.B.I., got a standing ova- 'In God We Trust' tion from real F.B.I. men here Stays on Coins after he attacked the permissiveSAN FRANCISCO (NC)-"In ness of American society 'at. a God We Trust" can stay on U. S. Communion breakfast. 'coins and currency,' a federal More than 750 G-men and appellate court has ruled. members of their families rose to Upholding a 1968 U.S. distheir feet to applaud the actor _trict court refusal to test the senafter Mass at Wa'shington's St. tence's constitutionality, the' i Matthew's Cathedral and break- U. S. Court of Appeals for the I fast at the Madison Hotel. Ninth District, ruled that the Zimbalist's speech blasted "ex- United States is legally warcessive permissiveness," "freak- ranted to inscribe the sentence edout advocates of campus an- on coins and currency. archy,:' and "drug-oriented cultStefan R. Aronow of Woodists who desecrate our flag" and land, Calif., brought the suit, "defile our institutions." contending that the inscription He also charged that the na- violates the Constitution's First tion 'has been committed to re- Amendment, which says that warding renegades who won't "Congress shall make no law work and added that society has respecting an establishment of grown "more timid in reacting religion or prohibiting the free to the extortionate demands of exercise thereof'" 0:0 (." Appellate judges called. the self-serving pressure groups and challenge insignificant. .divisive demagogues."

NEW YORK (NC) - A priest who co-founded a Catholic organization devoted to convert work 25 years ago, emphasized the today's challenges which face those engaged in such an apostolate. . Father Edwin A Juraschek of San Antonio. Tex., with Father John E. Odou, S.J., 'and Mrs.' ,Margaret Lynch Gibson, founded the Co'nvert Makers of America 25 years ago. It maintains headquarters in Pontiac, Mich., has members in ali 50 states and has spread to more than 30 other countries. It now is being called Convert Making Our Apostolate. In the keynote address at the 25th anniversary convention of the CMOA here, Father Juraschek, the CMOA international director, denied that the Church has failed in the apostolate. "If vast numbers no longer come to 'church to hear the Christian message, it is to a great extent because they have been convinced for a long time and find little point in being persuaded over and over again on the same points," Father Juraschek said. "Thus, the problem which we face today as clergy and laymen in the convert apostolate is nof so much making the Church relevant to the issues of the day. The issues of the day are the issues precisely' because the churches have succeeded and have been relevant all along," he added.

, New Chamberlain VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has named his secretary of state, French Cardinal Jean VilIot, to the vacant office of Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Church. Between the death of one Pope and the election of another, .the chamberlain is responsible for the goods and temporal rights' of the Holy See and is assisted by the heads of the three orders of cardinals: card;nal bishops, cardinal priests and cardinal deacons.


SHELL HEATING OILS South • Sea Streets Hyan~is Tel. 49·81


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of

~all,~iver~Thurs., Oct.

29, 1970

PRIESTS' TOURNEY WINNERS: The second annual priests" golf tournament was held recently at Pocasset Club on Cape Cod. Bishop Con- nolly presented trophies to winners in' various categories. Upper 'left, members of the winning team trophy, Rev. Armando A. Annunziato, Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino, Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, Bishop Connolly, and Rev.


John V. Magnani. Upper right, Bishop Connolly giving low gross trophy to Rev. David A. O'Brien. Lower left, Bishop Connolly presenting Rev. Raymond W. Graham, S.M.M. with trophy, for low gross, a tie with Father O'Brien. Lower right, Rev. John J. Steakem receives low net trophy from the' Bishop.

",Priest Says Pulpit' Best: Means for Reaching, Spanish·Speaking I,

SAN FERNANDO (NC) Without hesitation Father Louis Valbuena claims the church and the pulpit are the best means for reaching Spanish-speaking, people. "Better than television," he emphasizes. "Better than radio or newspapers or any other' media." He made his point one autumn evening here when the Santa Ana winds were dying, but the' , warmth remained. Outside old Santa Rosa church a line of more than 200 persons chatted, waited patiently. They inched to the front do.or, regis· ter~d, then got in line again to enter the church through the side door.

The people have rapport with This was the night for the parish eye clink sponsored by , their pastor. the parish and the Catholic', Wel- ' Pulpit Announcements fare Bureau. Here in one night 610 of them , Inside ,was 'another cO\lPI~ came.for the free eye clinic, beseated in rows of chairs waiting to be routed through for exams: tween 6 and 10 P.M. Many more On hand were four opt~m­ will come back when the clinic etrists, one hard-working OPh- , is repeated; there wasn't enough thalmologist, one' pharmacist, ,14 time this one night., "One of the chairmen was nurses from Holy Cross ho~pi­ tal, and a s'core of young people urging me to have a car with from the Santa Rosa youth club, loudspeakers go through the' the neighborhood urging people acting as interpreters. Father Valbuena moved easily to come," Father Valbuena re,among the crowd. Everybody counted. "I said 'Wait." Look at this spoke to hilJl·- whether it's "Buenas, noches, Padre" I or crowd. This is just from a pul-, "Hi'ya Father.'~ Some older men ' pit announcement last Sunday," and women bowed and kissed he added."It was this way for our shot his hand, an aid Mexi~ancus· clinic. We had:. over 500 persons tom of respect. ,

turn out-and 120 of them had them directly, reaches them never had an immunization through the pulpit." of any kind: Imagine that, 120 Public school educators here who had never Had a shot. There voiuntarily testified to the truth is a county clinic here, but the , of this. When the Calfiornia legpeople simply had not gone. islature amended the education There is a breakdown some· code to permit bilingual instruc· where," he said. tion in public schools, the Los Angeles City school district an· Reaches People nounced through public media "We' have had four cancer the beginning of a bilingual clinics, Nearly 1,000 women in school in San Fernando Valley. the parish have had PAP tests," No results were obtained: the pastor said. "We expect a When the project was anbig turnoiut at our tax dinic nounced from the pulpit at Santa when we shall help homeowners Rosa Church, 1,000 adult enover 65 to get the tax rebate to. rolled and persevered in' classes which they are entitled. at Alemany High School and "All of these things," father other 'valley locales. Since then Valbuena emphasized, "have classes have been started in east been effective because the Los Angeles and in Qrange church reaches people, rea<:hes County-with Church impetus.

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