The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass. Thursday, N,ov. 1, 1973 $4.00 per year Vol. 17, No. 44 © 1973 The Anchor PRICE 10¢
Bishops' Agenda Includes Commul,ion, Synod, Pri.son WASHINGTON (NC) - The Vatican's decree on first Communion and first Confession, and the liturgical innovation of Communion in the hand are on the agenda for discussion at the next general meeting of U. S. Catholic 'bishops. Some 250 members of the National Confer~nce of Catholic Bishops and the U. S, Catholic Conference are expected to attend the NCCB-USCC annual meeting here Nov. 12-16. , The bishops will also consider proposed policy statements on the 1974 Population Year and on prison reform. Another matter expected to occupy t.he bishops' attention will be the international Synod of Bishops to be held at the Vatican in October, 1974. Discussion of first Communion and first confession has been requested by the'USCe Education Committee. A recent Vatican de-
cree has directed a return to the traditional practice whereby children receive the sacrament of Penance before taking first Communion. In recent years many U. S. dioceses had reversed the order of children's first reception of the two sacraments. A much discussed liturgical innovation - the reception of Communion in the hand-will reappear on the bishops' agenda. In their November 1970 meeting, the majority of the bishops favored asking the Vatican for authorization to introduce the practice. But they lacked the required two-thirds vote to pass the proposal. For centuries, the usual method of administering Holy Communion has been for the priest to place the consecrated host on the communicant's tongue. Since the Second Vatican Council, howTurn to Page Three
Church Must Provide For T:otal Thrust Rev. Olin J. Murdick, Secretary for Education, U.S. Catholic Conference, explored highlights of the American ,Bishops' Pastoral "To Teach as Jesus Did" for t1:-3 priests of the Fall River diocese during a Fall Clergy Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. The role of the Church in teaching and methods of new religious education were touched upon by the educator. The Church's education role is not one of simply erecting parish schools and repeating a fixed unchanging dose of doctrine. It is ,more a life situation touching upon doctrine, life and revelancy. The Church's educational mission is an integrated attempt at presenting teaching (didache), community'{koininia) and (diaconia). These are the goals not of education but of the Christian life. Father Bernard Lonergan, S.J. explained the Christ Message as "cognitive inasmuch-as it tells
Fr. O'Neill President Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Ed,D., Director of Education for the Diocese of Fall River, has been elected President of the National 'Catholic Education Association's Department of Chief Administrators of Catholic Education. The election 'took place at the CACE's annual meeting in Bos-
Name Honorary Chairmen Of Bishop's Charity Ball The honorary chairman of the 19th annual Bishop's Charity Ball were named today by Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the ball. This social and, charitable event of the diocese of Fall River benefit~'exceptional and underprivileged children of every race, color and creed in the southeastern area of Massachusetts, Four schools for the exceptional are under the supervision of the Most Rev. Daniel A.
Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, in whose honor the ball is dedicated. This year's ball will also commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Fall River diocese in 1904. Mr. Robert M. McGuirk of St. Joseph's parish, North Dighton, will serve as honorary co-chairman, representing the Society of St. Vincent de .paul of the diocese, one of the co-sponsors of Turn to Page Two
what ,is to be believed, constitutive inasmuch as: it crystallizes the hidden inner gift of love into overt Chr,istian 1'ellowship, and effective inasmuch as it directs Christian service to human society to being about the kingdom of God." The teaching sispect does enjoy a certain priority over the community and service aspect of Cr.,ristian life but it must not neglect the other two needed and complementary 'Cxperiences. The formation brought about by the teaching must enable the .individual to function as a member of the Christian community and responsibly contribute to society. The unified education role is similar to the three objectives of Christian education: impart knowledge (cognitive learning), form attitudes (will) 'and encourage behavioral patterns (virtue). Cognitive learning naturally has a psychological and pedagogical priority over attitudinal change in turn over behavioral change. But all are necessary. Knowledge without the intention of the furtJterchanges ,is unworthy of the Christian community. So actual teaching must also be complemented by a lively Christian community and true service to one another. Among the problems in Christian education today, Father Murdick pointed to the insistent care for total education (not only children in paroc::lial school), unitaryandl\lultill,le funding, the poor's place in the parish school, need for planning. Multiple Funding Fr. Murdick described multiple funding as distinguishing (in the case of schools) between two natural interest ,groups: the parents (or students) who are the direct beneficiaries of the schools and the total parish which as an indirect beneficiary of the Cath'olic school recognizes its moral,
religious and witness value ill the community. Since parents, at considerable personal sacrifice, are coming more and more to accept the tuition method of funding Catholic schools and since these schools confer a significant indirect benefit on the total Catholic community, that community, it sems, has a certain obligation in justice to recognize parental effort and the corresponding social benefit with a reasonable degree of financial support. The obligation of the total Christian community (diocese or parish) to help Catholic schools to fulfill their function is especially grave with respect to the poor who for the lack of money or for other reasons may not be able to participate in the Catholic school. It is the obligation, therefore, of the Christian community, as a whole, diocesan and/or parochial, to make such a participation financially and socially possible. Give Poor Access Some ways in which the parish or diocese can give the poor aecess to a Catholic school are: graduated or adjusted tuition based on ability to pay; tuition grants based on financial need; institutional subsidies which enable the school to serve the poor on a tuition free or tuition reduced bases. Multiple funding helps the parish to understand more clearly and to carry out more effectively the support role which it plays in regards to the total Catholic educational effort (schools, CCD, adult education, handicapped, etc.). If the parents' share of the cost of the school is no\ readily Turn to Page Two
Bishops IDiscuss Religiou!;' Role
REV. PATRICK J. O'NEILL ton during which Catholic educators from all over the nation met to discuss various aspects of the administrator's role in the total educational apostolate of the Church and its schools, Father O'Neill, a native of Fall River, was, ordained to the priesthood in 1957. He served at St. Thomas More Church in Somerset for seven years. He received' a Master's degree in guidance from Boston College in 1957 and a Doctorate in school administration from Boston College in 1966. He has been superintendent of diocesan schools and, in the recent reorganization of the diocesan educatinoal structure, became Director of Education. Father O'Neill has served on m~ny committees for the NaTurn to Page Two
The Bishops of New England. and the Major Superiors of Men and Women 01' New England are meting at Mont Marie, Holyoke, to discuss their roles in the mission of the Church in the six-state area. Led by Msgr. John Egan, editor of "Link," a newsletter for those involved in pastoral and community ministry, participants will discuss ·the possible need for shared responsibility between bishops and superiors. Members of the committee planning the one-day program are Most Rev. Daniel Cronin, Most Rev. John Marshall, Most Rev. Louis Gelineau, representing the Bishops; Sister Grace Donovan, S.U.S.C., Sister Patricia Agnes Manning, S.N.D., Sister Mary Caritas Geary, S.P., representing women religious; and Rev. Armand Proulx, M.S., Rev. Fintan Sheerin, SS.CC., Rev. William Hogan, C.S.C." representing men religious. Sister Mary Dooley ilnd the Sisters of St. Joseph are hosting the meetin~.
NEW SUPERIOR: Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, C.S.C. is new superior and director of Holy Cross Fathers retreat and mission band, North Dartmouth. A graduate of StonehiII College and Gregorian University, he has been vocations director for his community and for 15 years a member of its preaching band. He succeeds Rev. Robert E. McDonnell, C.S.C., now assistant provincial for the Holy Cross. Fathers.
L." I
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.irotal Education Thrust
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973 I
OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has confirmed t)-:~ proposal presented by Very Reverend Edmund Szymkiewicz, O.F.M., Conv., Minister Provincial of the Conventual· Franciscans of the Saint Anthony of Padua Prov.ince: Reverend Sebastian Slesinski, O!F.M., Conv., from assistan~, Holy Rosary. Parish, Taunton, to Pastor, Holy Rosary ParIsh, Taunton, Effective October 31; 1973. . Bishop Cronin announces: The resignation· from Pastorate of Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford, of Rev. Henry R. Canuel. Appointment of Father Canuel to the Chaplaincy of Marian Manor, Taunton, with residence at Immaculate Conception Paris!:-, Taunton, and part-time parochial duties at the Taunton parish. Effective Oct. 24, 1973. The· appointment of Rev. Ernest E. Blais, from administrator pro-tern, to Administrator, Sacred Heart Parish New Bedford. Effective October 31, 1973.' ' ASSIGNMENTS Bishop Cronin has assigned: Rev. Timothy J. Goldrick as Chaplain of the Catholic Committee for Campfire Girls and Girl Scouts in the upper Cape , , Area; Rev. Stanley J. Kolasa, SS.CC., for the lower Cape Area; Rev. Kenneth R. Delano, for the Fall River Area; Rev. George F., ,Almeida, for the New Bedford Area, .......
"Limbo of Lost' .Author to Speak The November meeting of the New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club will be held on Thursday. November 8, at The Whaling Museum on Johnny Cake Hill. The Club will be obserVing its Annual Men's Night and Guest Speaker will be Mr. Johh Wallace Spencer, noted author and lecturer. His book "Limbo of the Lost" is a stranger than fiction' novei depicting the actual disappearance of thousands of .people, ships and planes in a much traveled area of the Atlantic Ocean, while other craft traverSe this same route unscathed. No realisti.c answer has been found for this phenomepon. The program will commence at 8 P.M. .'
Charity Ball Continued from Page One this charitable event. Mr. McGuirk is president of the Particular Count:il of St. Vincent de Paul in the Taunton area. Mrs.' RichA First Friday Mass and five Mass of the Sacred Heart. Inhour prayer vigil will be h~ld cluded in the evening will be ard Paulson of Immaculate ConFriday night, Nov. 2 in Our Lady exposition of the Blessed Sacra- ·ception parish in Taunton was of Assumption Church, South ment, Holy Hour and· Benedic- named co-chairman representing Sixth Street, New Bedford". tion. The Vigil will end with a ' the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, the other sponsor of the The services will be the elev- midnight Mass in honor of the -ball, Sr.~ is in her first term· as a series of vigils in area Immaculate Heart. president of the Dioc~san Council parishes, held for peace and honRefreshments will be served oring the' Sacred Hearts of Jesus during the evening, and all are of Catholic Women. and Mary. Members of the Ball Committee, invited to attend all or part of The program 'will begin with the services. the St. Vincent de Paul Confer. confessions preceding an 8 P.M.. ences and the affiliates Of the Council of Catbolic Women, are urged to send names of persons Necrology or groups for listing in the ChariContinued from Page One NOV. II tional Catholic Educational As- ty Ball Booklet. Listings ate unRev. 1:'. Gomez da Silva Neves, sociation and for the Massachu- der six categories with each category entitling the donor to tick1910, Pastor, St. 'John the Bap- sets Department of Education. ets for the ball. Persons or organtist, New Bedford. He is chairman of the Indepen,dent School Commission on the izations wishing. to aid excepNOV. 12 tional and underprivileged chilRev., Jilmes H. Looby, 1924, New .England Association of dren in this way may do ISO by Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton. Schools and Colleges, the regioncontacting Bishop's Charity Ball Rev. Bernard Boylan, 1925, al accrediting agency. Father Headquarters, 410 Highland Ave., ori both the O'Neill has taught Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River. college' and graduate levels at Fall River, telephone 676-8943. NOV. 13 Rev. Louis J. Deady, 1924, Notre Dame University in Indiana, and at Salve Regina College, Founder, St. Louis, Fail River. Catholic Teachers College in NOV. 14 Rev. Francis J. Duffy, 1940, Providence, and the College of Founder, St.' Mary, South Dart- the Sacred Hearts in Fall River. He has lectured at Harvard Uni· mouth. versity -as .well. NOV. 15 Father O'Neill has conducted Rev. Daniel E. Doran, 1943, Do.lne· Heal 'Ames INCOIPOIATED ' Pastor, Immaculate Conception, workshops and given seminars on education throughout the North Easton. FUNERAL Rev. Thomas F. LaRoche, 1939, country. SERVICE Attending the Boston meeting Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taunwith Father O'Neill were Sister ton. Marion Geddes, RSM, Associate THE ANCHOR HY ANINIS 775-0684 Director of Education for CathSecond Class Postage Paid at Fall River 5,outh Yarmouth 398-2201 M,ass. PUbli~hed every Thursday at 410 olic Schools, and Rev. Michel G. Highland Ave~ue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 Harwich Port 432-0593 Methot, Associate Director of by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price Ify mail postpaid Education for Adult Education. $4,00 per year. •
Catholic c9mmunity. Continued from Page One Furthermore, by recognizing distinguished from the parish's share, the parish cannot teli through multiple funding, the when its obligation to support .various interest groups and their the school must be adjusted to educational' expectations and the needs of other educational needs, the concept of educational accountability becomes more programs. Multiple funding provides the meaningful and precise. Many parents view with disChristian community with a better mechanism for determining trust the new methods proposed whether or to what extent a in teaching religion. The methods school program can or should be , must be explained them. But the maintained. The preference for distrust is even deeper, "the difCatholic school is more clearly ficulty also touches 'at times on discernable' when those who more basic issues involving the make that choice are allowed to orthodoxy and authenticity of do so. directly and manifestly what is taught." . The mefhod chosen is not necthrough tuition rather than indirectly through the offertory essarily a rejection 'of orthodoxy but whatever method chosen collection. ' must insure orthodoxy. Priorities "In a very real' sense," exThe parish (or diocese) on the plained the educator, there is opother hand, is in a better posi- position, and will always be, betion to plan and. to determine its tween our efforts to communiown priorities, all things being cate what we believe and oUf efequal, when its financial obliga- fort to make t!:-3t belief relevant tion to the school is limited to' a for the former activity is guided subsidy the amount of which, is by relatively fixed formulas, determined in relation to priority credal 'expressions which in the budgeting. nature of things tend to he staPlanning the educational mis- ble, at least in a given catechetision, including the school com- cal situation; while the latter acponent, presupposes a sensitivity tivity, attempting to make what to the demand for the Catholic we believe vital and relevant to school which is best indicated the individual, is based on alI when parents express the preferTurn to Page Three ence directly by means of tuition. Multiple funding ehcourages and enables Catholic parents, Vincentians to Meet whom we acknowledge as the FalI River Particular Council primary educators, to assume of the Society of St. Vincent de the educational responsibility Paul will meet Wednesday, Nov. which is basicaIly and primarily 7 at St. Elizabeth's Church theirs, while safeguarding the reg- Tucker Street. Following 7 P.M: ulatory function of ecclesiastical Mass, a business session will be authority. held in the parish hall. The unit's The fact that a Catholic school annual corporate Communion .woul~ b,e, depe,ndent in .some will take place at 8 A.M. Mass measure on parish "or 'dioce'san Sunday, Dec. 9 at St. Stanislaus subsidy, ,prov:ides such. authority Church, Rockland Street. A with sufficient sanction to guide breakfast will follow, for which effectively an educational· insti- reservations should be made by tution which seeks to serve the " Friday, Nov. 30.
.Vigil of Prayer in New Bedford
Fr. O'Neill
D. D. ! Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll
\1ichaeI C. Austin
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SUBURBAN LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road, Swansea,
Bishop Assigns Seven F~riests New Dut~ies
Bishops' Agenda Continued from Page One ever, about 15 conferences of bishops around the world have sought and received authorization from the Vatican to allow reception of Communion in the hand. .
Most Rev. Daniel A. 'Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has announl;ed . changes involving clergy assignments in the Diocese and approved the change proposed by a Religious superior. The Most Reverend Bishop ha3 confirmed the proposal made by Very Rev.' Edmund Szymkiewicz, O.F.M. Conv., Minister Provincial of the Franciscans of the St. Anthony of Padua Province and has named Rev. Sebastian Slesinski, O.F.M. Conv., as pastor of Holy "Rosary Parish in Taunton.
Under the proposal to be considered next month, it would be up to the local bishops in the United States to decide whether or not to introduce the practice in their diocese. In addition, the individual communicant would be free to receive Communion in the tradi· tional manner or in' the hand, according to his preference. The proposal originates wit.h the NCCB Liturgy Committee.
The pastoral appointment was effective yesterday, October 31. Bishop Cronin also accepted the resignation of Rev. Henry R. Canuel as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford, and named the pro·tern administrator of the parish, Rev. Ernest E. Blais, as Administrator o~ the parish. Father Canuel will serve as Chaplain of Marian Manor in Taunton. He will reside at 1m· maculate Conception Parish, Taunton, and qo part-time parish work there. Chaplains to the Catholic . Committee for the Campfire Girls and Girl Scouts were also appointed by the Bishop: Rev. Timothy J. Goldrick for the upper Cape Area; Rev. Stanley J. Kolasa, SS.CC., for the lower Cape Area; Rev. Kenneth J. Del· ano for the Fall River Area, and Rev. George F. Almeida for the New BedfoJl'~ Area.
Birthrigl,t Starts In Fall ~~iver Birthright, a pro-life, antiabortion organization, will hold meetings ,in Fall River and New Bedford next month. The Fall River meeting, which will seek to establish the si~rvice in the city, will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7 at Holy Name School, Pearce Street. The New Bedford unit will sponsor a workshop at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 1 at St. Anthony's Church, Mattapoisett. Discussing abortion and alleged ex· periments on living fetuses in the Boston area will be Dr. Joseph R. Stanton, chairman of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Both programs are open to the public. Supportive Help Explaining the aims of Birth· right, Mr. and Mrs: Russ Partridge and Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas Donahue, in charge of arrangements for the Fall River meeting, say that ,it is an international, non·sectarian, volunteer organi· zation offering "supportive help for the girl or woman with an unwanted pregnancy." Services indude a telephone "crisis line," medical, legal and jobfinding assistance, shelter, social welfare referrals if needed and, most importantly, "friendship and concern." "We feel there is a definite need in the greater Fall River area for the services of Birth· right," declare the organizers. They will explain the program in detail at the Nov. 7 meeting.
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 1, 1973
Synod Discussions
DEPARTURE CEREMONY: Rev. Donald J. Bowen, former assistant at St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro, with His Eminence Humberto Cardinal Medeiros at the recent departure ceremony held at the Cardinal's r"sidence in Boston. Father Bowen is the secO' d priest from the Diocese to volunteer as a member of the St. James Society for work in So. America. Rev. James E. Murphy, presently involved in the the Spanish speaking apostolate' in the. Diocese, worked for five years in Bolivia.
Church Must Provide Total Educgtion Thrust Continued from Page Two' the variables of the learning sit· uation." Parents,. religious educators, including authors and publishers of textbooks, pastors, bishops, must seek together, in a spirit of mutual respect and shared commitment to the values of orthodoxy and relevanc~, to solve the problems and ease the. tensions which now exist. Schools of Thought In the U.S. religious education is divided mainly and in varying degrees into two seemingly op-' posed schools of thought:. one which may be characterized as the academic approach (which stresses the deductive method) and the other stressing the experiental approach (emphasizing the inductive approach). The General Catecheticai Di· rectory states that the catechetical process should involve the in· ductive and deductive methods. One is not to exclude the other. The advantages of the inductive (experiental) method must in no way lead to a forgetting of the need for and the.usefulness of formu)as. Need Formulas "Formulas permit the thoughts of the mind to be expressed accurately, are appropriate for a correct exposition of the faith, and when committed to memory, help toward a firm posses~ sion of the truth. Finally, they make it possible for a uniform way of speaking to be used among the faithful.
Learning Disabilities Parents, teachers and school nurses are asked to attend a seminar to be sponsored from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 3 at Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth, by the Massachusetts Association for Children \yith Learning Disabil·. ities. State and federal officials, educators and ~edical personnel will discuss rights and needs of learning disabled children.
"It must not be forgotten that dogmatic formulas are a true profession of Catholic doctrine, and are accordingly to be accepted as such by the faithful in the sense in which the Church has understood and does understand them.... The traditional formu··: las for professing faith and pray· ed such as the Apostles' Creed; the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the like, are to be taught with special care." . "Here it is not a question of either/or but both. However, it will be a matter of personal emphasis and rededication. For each person has his own style of teaching. I think that each of us tends to favor the deductive method to the extent we are less sure of our ability to risk the inductive," commented Fr. Murdick. Parent Fears Parents, who are 'recognized as having priihary responsibility for Christian formation of their children, while recognizing the importance of having their chilo dren experience the meaning of the Faith commitment, are alarmed at the apparent absence or de-amphasis of Gredal presentations of truth.
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They are demanding, therefore, almost as a condition of the catechetical effort, a manifestation of the primacy of Faith on the part of catechist and student. "In this connection," said Fr. Murdnck, "and in this gathering of clergy and professional educators, I would like to suggest a learning theory which, it seems to me, deserves our serio ous attention. I refer to the 'cognitive moral development theory' of Lawrence Kohlberg of Harvard University. "Kohlberg, whose published thoughts are comparatively limited, is, I am told, one of the most influential minds in graduate schools of education to· day. His theory of three levels and six stages of moral judgement is the basis of many studies being conducted in both secular and Catholic institutions." Turn to Page Seven
The bishops will spend a morn· ing during their meeting discussing jn regional groups the 1974 International Synod of Bishops. The discussions will be incorpor· ated into a position paper which will be sent to the Vatican as the American hierarchy's response to- the synod theme, "The Evangelization of the Modern World." The bishops will also elect four. delegates and two alternates as their representatives at the synod. The bishops also will be called on during their meeting to elect new chairmen for seven NCCB committees - those on Arbitra· tion, the Church in Latin Amer· ica, Doctrine, Liaison with the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Liaison with Conference of Major Superiors of Women, the Permanent Diaconate, and Priestly Life and Ministry. The latter is a new permanent committee of the' NCCB, which sue· ceeds an ad hoc committee on priestly life and ministry. In addition, a new chairman will be elected for the USCC Communication Committee. The proposed policy stat~ment on ,the 1974 United Nations Population Year is being developed by the NCCB Committee on Population and Pro·Life Activ· ities. The document on prison reo form is being prepared by the USCC Committee on Social Development and World Peace.
"Save Witl} Safety" at
................................. . ANDERSON & OLSEN "
.312 Hillman Street
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973
Praisl,es Teamsters-United Farm Workers Treaty Good' news is always welcome, but doubly so when one receives it unexpectedly - or, in any event, sooner than expected-3,OOO miles from home. This is by way of saying that I was jubilant when I received· a transatlantic telephone call in Rome on is no way that they can September 27 reporting that there prevent their workers from orthe Teamsters and the ganizing and there is nothing United, Farm Workers had that they. can do to destroy the agreed to settle their long-standing differences and were ready to sign an official peace treaty upon examination of the Ian· guage by their lawyers.
. Sparring for Time Sooner or later their workers will be organiz'ed by the UFW whether the growers like it or not. In their own self-interest, they would be well advised to face up to this fact further delay. If they refuse to do so, they will live to regret their imprudence and will have to pay a heavy price for their intr:-ansigence. My own guess is that within a year at the outside the growers, . will, in fact, have settled with the UFW. In other words; I simply don't believe that they are being serious when they say that are going to dig in and carryon their futile struggle against Chavez' organization. I strongly suspect that when they talk like that, they are simply sparring for time as they look around for a graceful way of saving face. In summary, I would be willing to give disproportionate odds that the growers will soon decide to throw in the towel. As noted. ·above, they really have no alternative now that the Teamsters are out of the act - or, better still, now that the Teamsters, though still 'in the act, have taken on a new role and haVe switched to the side of the UFW. ( © 1973 NC Features)
Although I had predicted for some time that this would even· tually happen, I must confess that whenn·ews of the settlement reached me, I was very pleasantly surprised. The following day, when the details of the agree·· ment were reported in the International Herald Tribune (via the Los Angeles Times), I was even more pleasantly surprised to learn that if it works as the parties· believe it will, within six months we can expect to see joint picket lines of Teamsters and UFW members. That p~ts the icing'on the cake. It means'that the Teamsters are not only prepared to cede exclusive jurisdiction over field workers to the UFW, but that they also intend to support. and assist the UFW in its jurisdictional efforts. Congratulates Fitzsimmons ' As one who has severely critVATICAN CITY (NC) - The . icized the Teamsters for their past performance in connection Vatican has 'confirmed that. with ~the farm worker dispute. "some persons" have sought and I now want to be among the obtained refuge in the apostolic first to congratulate them nunciature in Santiago; Chile, their previous policy and come following the recent government manlike decision to reverse takeover there. by a military very sincerely on their states- junta. to .the aid of .the UFW. A . A Roman newspaper had respecial word of 'congratulations ported that the apostolic nuncio is due ·to Teamster President to Chile, Archbishop Sotero Sanz Frank Fitzsimmons,. who from all . Villalba, told reporters in Santiaccounts, played a crucial, not ago that he had granted asylum to say indispensable, role in this to "very many persons." Asked if this re1)ort was true, regard. The fact that the Teamsters Vatican press spo~esman Federiand the UFW, with the assis- co Alesandrini replied: "'I am told that some persons tance of AFL-CIO President George Meany and some of his are in the nunciature." Approximately 1,500 persons top associates, have finaJIy negotiated a peace treaty and have have found refuge in various dipagreed to work together in the lomatic missions in Santiago, acfuture doesn't mean, of course, cording to press reports. Reports have said also that that the farm labor dispute has hundreds of persons were killed been settled. Unfortunately the majority of and thousands imprisoned folthe growers, as of this writing, lowing the military coup that have given no indication that overthrew the government cif the they will accept the UFW with- late Marxist President Salvador out a struggle. To the contrary, . Allende: Coup leaders said Allenthey have let it be known that de had committed s'uicide. they intend to carryon their Pope Paul VI, speaking. to Jight against Chavez' union until crowd.s at Castelgandoifo Sept. the, bitter end. 16, referred to the coup as the That doesn't speak very well "tragic political drama of Chile." for their intelligence and would L'Osservatore Romano, the even seem to suggest that they Vatican daily, expressed its may. be their own worst enemies. "deep pain for the tragic turn Now that the Teamsters and the of events" in Chile and for the UFW have made their peace, the sad end of President Allende and growers ought to realize that all the victims."
Refuge Obtained . In Nunciature
VISITOR: Rev. Er~est E. Blais, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford, welcom'es Mother General Madeleine Roy, S.RC., as Sister Annette Ouellet, S.R.c., right, looks on The Sisters of Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, staff rectories at S1. Anthony of Padua and Sacred Heart Parishes in New Bedford and St. Louis de France Parish in Swansea, together wi':h many rectories and priest residences in New England and south-eastern Canada.
'¥oulnded Knee 'Probllems Still Unsolved RAPID CITY (NC)-The unemp::oymer..t and poverty that has created the Indian-U. S. government eonfrontation at Wourided Knee, S. D., may set the stage for further uprisings unless something is done soon.
"What the Indians really there is no doubt about that. And need," the bishop said, "i$ some· even though the U. S. Bureau of one of the· staLJre of Martin Indian Affairs is supposed to Luther King .to lead them, but . take care of them, it can, like they still feel people don't listen any other beaureaucracy, get unless they resort I to drastic more involved in rules and regumethods." . lations· than with the people."
Bishop Harold Dimmerling of Rapid City, S. D. expressed that view in ari interview here with The Long. Island Catholic, the diocesan' newspaper of RockVille Centre, N. Y.
The bishop c'alled some of the Indian demands unrealistic. "AI-, though there have been subse· .quent treaties," he said, "the militants still want all the South Dakota land west of the Missouri River, as specified in the Treaty of 1868."
The South Dakota bishop explaine{; that unemployment is still at 60 per cent among the Oglala Sioux on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
But he explained that what most Indians are ba"sically looking for is Indian rights. "They Besides, he said, the Indians· .have been discriminated against, are more divided now than ever as a: result of the two-month siege of Wounded Knee by the .American Indian - Movement (AIM!) :ast spring. "Some members of a family are pro-AIM while others in !the .same· family are violently antiAIM," the bishop said, and he warned that such a division may become a threat to .Christianity 'on the reserv~ttions.. "The Bellecourt brothers, Carter Camp, Russell Means and other AIM leaders have said that their worst enemy has been Christianity," the Bishop added. "Many Indians now feel that they have been used by the white man ar:d that their religion was taken away in the bargain." Of the 51 parishes in the Rapid City diocese; 24 are on Indian Reservations, and 15,000 of the diocese's 35,000· Catholics are Indians,
Bishcp Dimmerling viewed the milituney of AIM with mixed feelings.
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CINCINNATI (NC)-Religious periodicals playa significant role in reconciling a polarized society, in stirring the national conscience and in preserving and representing such values as juslice, charity, peace and service. These were major themes sounded ,by speakers at the Midwest regional convention of the Catholic Press AS!iociation of the United States and Canada, held here. Archbishop Joseph L. ~ernadin of Cincinnati, spoke of "the polarization so evident around us," particularly in the Church. "At the root of the difficulty," he said, "is a f;~i1ure to understand t he importance and even necessity of a h::!althy diversity or pluralism in any organization or societal union and, in particular, how this diversity can exist without detriment to the unity which is so e.:;sential to the CIi\ITch." Different Approaches "It is totally unrealistic to assume that everyone is tin same," Archbishop Bernardin continued, "that the same ,question will always elicit identical response on the part of everyone: that the same problem will be resolved hy the same solution every time. "This is why different. approaches must be used at times lacarne to grips with th-~ prob· lems we face; this is why we must be willing on occasion to experiment with new ideas to see how valid they are. Not to do I his is to shirk our responsibiliI ies to make the Church relevant I () the people of our day who arc cl~·allcngcd by so many new prob1o'ms and opportunities." A.E.P. Wall, director 'and editor-in-chief of the NC News ServicC', Washington, D.C., discussed how the religious press can be "a more effective conscience for America." 'Good Life' Uut if the religious press' is going to be an effective conscience, it "must be an effective press," said Wall. "Before it can. convince, it must be convincing. Before it can appeal, it must be appealing." He said the religious press "must ,be outstanding in format, . in writing, in production and in distribution. The publications must be credible in the communities they serve, whether the . communities are defined by geography or shared interest:" s> Wall called for efforts by religious journali'sts to avoid' covering the Church "as if it were City Hall and nothing more" and to "demonstrate that the 'good life' ·is more than a can of beer, as a television commercial might suggest."
Third World Week
LONDON (NC) A Third World Week to be held in Britain Nov. 25-Dec. 2 will urge greater assistance for underdeveloped nations. Throughout the week a national campaign will encourage freer access for goods from developing countries of the so-called Third World, reform of the agricultural policy of the European Common Market and an increase in government aid to developing countries.
Catholic Press Has Unique Role To Fulfilll
Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973
Shroud of Turin On Italian TV
.ELEVEN DIOCESES AT NECOPS CONFERENCE: Discussing the agenda between sessions are: Rev: Joseph P. Heaney, rector of· SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Rev. James F. Lyons of Taunton, Rev. George M. Coleman of Centerville; Rev. Thomas C. Lopes of East F~lmouth; Rev. Joseph L. Powers of Attleboro Falls, Rev. James J. Dennis of Danbury, Conn., and Rev. Peter N. Graziano of Somerset, president of the Fall River Senate. of Priests.
Pries.lts' Senates Meet in Warwick Sacramental Goals for Local Implementation "The sacraments of the Catholic Church should be seen in isolation :from each other, from the secular life of people or from the faith, community which makes up the Church but rather as the means by which Christ penetrates to the roots of man's existential needs and sanctifies the whole of life both' for the person and for the people of God." This statement represents the summary conclusion of a two-day conference of the New England Conference of Priests' Senates (NECOPS) held Monday and Tuesday at the Seminary of Our Lady of Providence in Warwick. Present from the eleven Roman Catholic dioceses in New England were fiv~ delegates from each diocesan priests' senate and as guests, the bishops of New England. • Present from tb::! Fall River Diocese were: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Ordinary; five delegate§ and two observers. The delegates were Rev. George W. Coleman, Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Rev. Peter N. Graziano, president of the Fall River Senate; Rev. Thomas . Lopes, Treasurer, and Rev. James F. Lyons. The observers were Rev. Cornelius J . O'Neill and Rev. James Nickel, SS.Cc. According to Father John F. Morrissey of Worcester, NECOPS chairman, . the. objective of the Conference this year was to pro· vide input to the various diocesan senates on needs and potential goals for the New England dioceses in the area of sacramental administration. In a departure from the usual lecture· and parliamentary models of former conferences, this year's meeting utilized group discussion procedures designed to combine expert and theological input with pastoral experience of the priests and bishops.
parochial sacramental Catechesis.;' Father Morrissey said that this was of principal concern be· cause "baptism is the place where the integration of a renewed sacrament" and the life of the faithful. should begin." Confirmation The principal discussion regarding the sacrament of confirmation was at what age it should be given. Some liturgists are in favor of going ,back to the practice of the ancient Church and having confirmation at the time of baptism. It was the feeling of the priests at NECOPS,.-however, that confirmation should be associated with 'tbe entrance of
TURIN (NC)-The shroud of Turin, which many claim to be the sheet that covered Christ in the. tomb, will be seen on Italian television for the first time on Nov. 23, according to Cardinal Michele Pellegrino of Turin. Pope Paul VI approved .the plan, the cardinal said, and permission was gained from Turin authorities and the House of Savoy, the former ruling house of Italy, which has had possession of the shroud since 1453. The shroud bears the imprint of a man who was crucified, crowned with thorns, had his side pierced and had been badly beaten. Many believe that man was Christ. Others, however, doubt that the Turin shroud is genuine because it first appeared only in the 14th century and there had been no earlier mention of its existence. Carqinat' Pellegrino said italian television has been asked to show the shroud not only to satisfy the curiosity but also the "genuine piety" of millions of people around the world.
"couples plan for their wedding, but not for their marriage." Penance The concern of the delegates in the area of the sacrament of penance was that it was not being used to full advantage today and that on the diocesan level, model programs and guidelines should be developed in order that an effective instruction program might be provided on the. parish level -"In order that all the people of God may experience an inte· rior reconciliation with Christ, their fellowman and themselves. Sacramental Policy The overall thrusts of the Convocation were that the priests'
Receives Medal For Refugee Work NEW YORK (NC) - Edmund E. Cummings, associate director of Migration and Refugee Services of the U. S. Catholic Conference, was awarded the St, Stephen Silver Medal for the help he has provided refugees in finding new homes in this country. . . The Hungarian Catholic League of America' presented the medal to Cummings in recognition for his work which began during World War II and is continuing.·
TEL. 775-0081
See Us First
BISHOP AT CONFERENCE: Bishop Cronin, center, reviews the cenference's goals with Rev. John C. Tormey, left, a member of the of staff of the House of Affirmation in Whitinsville, Mass., and Rev. Nicholas J. Iacovacci, president of the Senate of Priests of the Providence Diocese.
the·· young person into mature senates address themselves to the religious responsibility, namely task of developing a consensus at the high school level. The goal regarding sacramental policy, not statement in this area called for by diocesan regulations, but by the development of pastoral pro- provision of model pastoral programs and guidelines for the grams and guidelines, by continadministration of the sacrament uing education of the clergy; and by deepening the awareness that of confirmation. sacraments must be situated in Marriage Sacramental Goals The goal for the sacrament of the ongoing life of the faithful The goal statements, receiving marriage was to provide several and of the community. "Without top priority from the Conference programs: programs of family' more unified and effective leadwere, in the· areas of baptism, fife for all ages of the laity es- ership and without the support confirmation, marriage and pen- . pecially ages 17-25; and for those of the Church community, the ance. The goal in the area of about to be married; programs sacraments will remain isolated baptism was, "To involve the to sensitize the couples to prior- actions which do not fully meet parents, whose ·children are to ities in the planning of their mar- the need of modern believers for . . God," said Father Morrissey. bc baptized, in some form of riages. One delegate pointed out,
See Us Last But See Us
CHEVROLET 1001 Kings Hwy.
I ;
Open 'Evenings ",
Sister Jean, O.P. 61 Years a Nun
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 197:l
Respect 'Life - the Aging It has been well said that a civilization is judged by the way it cares for its older people. We hear a great deal these days about '''quality of life.'" , It is a phrase that can be inade to mean many things. It can mean that there is great concern that every person live in dignity, with basic needs more than answered, with the time and freedom and encouragement to pursue legitimate goals and happiness. It can mean that the state and society safeguard people so that they may live to enjoy "the good life." But the phrase can mean other things as well. It can mean that life is for "the beautiful people," for those blessed with splendid health and good intelligence and fortunate enough to be born into a society or into a famILy ~here the good life is theirs with a minimum of difficulty. This kind of "quality of life" usually has little time and less patience for the weak, the retarded-and, unhappily, for the aging. We are in an age when more people-thanks to science -are living longer. But this also gives. rise to the question -are these citizens liVing in dignity and with due reverence for their lives. Life is sacred. This is the touchstone that must be maintained in every discussion of life at eyery stage of its development. .The life of the older person is precious; Older folks must be assured the income that will enable them to live in moderate comfort. Their health needs-more pressing than' ever and more frightening-must be met. They must be housed not begrudgingly but in places where their dignity is guaranteed and their particular ,needs assured. There must be provision for their dietary needs, for their recreational outlets, for the social. involvement that enables them to contribute to the community as well as to receive from it. Older persons have much to offer society. They are living examples of encouragement and hope, because they have borne the burden of the day and the heat and have triumphed over a mutitude of obstacles and difficulties.. Their very existence gives confidence to younger generations that man can prevail. Older persons have much ~isdom, eveI) that which comes from the mistakes of the past. This is the living heritage that can be passed on to anot~er generation. Older persons cal) do much in the way of emphasizing to a very busy world the values' that are lasting ,- the primacy of basic virtues like honesty and integrity and the plac~ of the family and friends in the living of life. They can show that a rich life is not necessarily one filled with money or power or prestige but one that is steeped in goodness and service to God and man.
Sister Jean Massias, O.P., (Delia Caron), 86, a member of the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of Saint Catherine of Siena for 61 years, died on Oct. 15. She was' the daughter of the late· Paul and Marie Anne (Plante) Caron. She taught at Dominican Acad· emy and .St. Anne's School in Fall River and St. Francis Xavier School in Acushnet. She was mistress of novices and had been superior in Mooers Forks, New York, and in Acushnet, Mass. Surviving are fOUf si~ters:. Mrs. Rose Cote and Mrs. Henri Bellefeuille: both of Fall River; Mrs. 'Fredoline Perrault of Hampton, Va., and Mrs. Isidore Leveillee of Assonet. She also leaves a brother, Roland Caron of Portsmouth, R.I., and several nieces and nephews. She was buried from St. Anne's Church, Fall River, with the Mass of the Resurrection celebrated by Reverend Gabriel Biain, O.P., prior, whoo also gave the homily. In' the sanctuary were Monsignor Alfred J. Gen-. . dreau, Rev. Adrian Bernier, and several Dominican Fathers and Brothers.
The reply
There were delegations in attendance from. the Dominican Sisters, the Sisters from St. Anne's Hospital, and from other religious orders in Fall R'iver.
Bearers were Jacques Leveillee, Ronald, Alfred, and Joseph Guillemette, and Robert and Norman Caron, all nephews. Interment was in -Notre Dame Ceme· tery, Fall River.
St. William's Church
House Cleaning1'ime Here we go again, running around the \yorld trying to solve the problems of nations while our own home remains in a historic state of confusion. How in the world can we remove the cinder from our neighbor's eye when we refuse to take the beam out of our own eye? This sends shivers up the spine of good old Uncle Sam. seems to be the unique situa" How can la~ and order be a tion that faces the American concept of respec:t and accounta-
Black Bishop Named VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI' has named native-born Bishop Eduardo Andre Muaca of Malanje in Portuguese Angola, the first black bishop to be appointed the head of a Portuguese diocese in Africa in modern times. The 49-year-.old bishop had previously been an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Luanda in Angola, since his consecration in 1970.
public in their search to form a 'hility when it becomes a tool in mo:re perfect union. It is impossi- the revolving door of one man's hie to set aside concern for the house? Quite truly we can say A powerful new weapon against poverty and starvation events that involve our neighbors that never before in thois land right to consider our democratic and malnutrition has been discovered by agricultural scien- 'but certainly we can not use this have we faced such a crisis' on institutions as a world example 11sts at Purdue University. The Purdue scientists, supported concern as a ruse to refuse to the highest. level of national gov- and no' right to consider ourby the Agency for International Development, have discov- sil1<:erely and honestly heal the ernment and never before have selves as a free and independent ered two strains of sorghum that are nutritionally far supe- most crippling wound that has a people of this land been served republic with malice toward none ,inflicted our constitutional body. so poorly as a collective elector. and justice for all. rior ·to the varieties of that cereal that feeds more than 300 The Watergate tapes as such are ate as during these days of this If the Executive branch of govmillion of the mo'st impoverished people in the world. but a mere reflection of the im- present administration. To be erpment refuses to accept this reHere is an example of what is being done to dramati-' . mediate problems that should be sure, there are events, circum- sponsibility of reform, then the of prime concern to each and E!v- stances that might yet he uncovcally reverse poverty in the world. This new discovery opens ery American citizen. The cir- ered and unearthed that possibly Legislative and Judical houses of should act to serve up the possibility that life will change for the be,tter for those c~mstances of this past weelt as could shed some light of motiva- government the national interest. The public most in need of an improv~d living standard. reflected in the President's news tion on the actions' and antics ,in turn must also do their part. Now it remains for the-discovery to be implemented so conference, better titled new con- . that have been parades before It is up to each 'and every voter that its effects will be felt-soon. frontatiori, failed once more to the American public. However to become involved in this procoffer solutions that would irume· ,in no way can there 'be offered ess or revival and rebirth. Interdial ely be a sigri of relief to thois a justification for the avoidance est should be developed in the shaHered republic. of law as reflected in' the entire voting record and attitudes of Within one month's time, two Watergate issue; the circum- State Senators and local Conof the most important offices in stances surrounding the removal grssmen and then let the elecour national life have been vacat- of the Vice-President from the torate inform them of their feeled. The office of Vice-President political scene and the tragically ingsand attitudes 'and not fearhas never been placed in such forced resignation of our most ing to demand of their elected , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER devastation in our entire national recent Attorney General. officials accountability and anPublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River history. To realize that this of· Own HOUSE~ in Order swerability·. The effects of the . 410 Highland Avenue fice is but a heart beat ,away We must begin to put our own events that have led us to -this Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 from the 'office of Presicent house in order. It should he done present crisis of political confiPUBLlSI:lER should only make us realize the. swiftly, courageously and judi- . dence must not in themselves Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., 5.1.0. gravity ()f the present crisis. The ,cally. If we fail to respond to this lead to our political destruction. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER circ::Imstances of the fourth re- basic need then we have no right The American voter shoould inllev. John P. Driscoll linquishment of the position of to be the leaders of the free sist that government once more Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. . . . . . Leary Press-Fall River 'th(~ Attorney General in one year world nl\tions o-f families, no begin to govern.
Dramatic Discovery
Hockey Becomes Diocesan CYO Activity . The Catholic Youth Organization of the Diocese of Fall River will add hockey to basketball and haseball as an official competitive sport this winter. With the cooperation of the area rink directors, four teams will begin play sometime in December. Tentative plans call for teams representing Fall River, Taunton, New Bedford and SomersetSwansea. John Carey, a long-time pioneer in Fall River hockey Circles and a teacher at Morton Junior ·High School, Fall River wil be the director of this new league. Youths in FilII River, Somerset, Swansea a.nd Assonet who wish to play must register. for future tryout sessions at CYO Hall, Anawan St., Fall River on Monday or Tuesday evening,>, Nav. 5 and 6 between the hours of seven and Taunton Area youths must register at the CYO Hall, High St., Taunton on Wednesday or Thursday evenings' between seven and nine. New Bedford Area registration will take place' between seven and nine on Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the Kennedy Center, New Bedford. Only young men born on or after Jan. J, 1953 will be eligible. Proof of age must be brought at the time of registration.
Association Issues Annual Report WASHINGTON (NC) - The annual report of the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) indicates that during the past year the "management and governance of Catholic education became much more the responsihility of the people of God." Boards of education, the report said, were established in many new areas while" the National Association of Boards of Education, a commission of NCEA, provided the leadership necessary for boards to discover the most effective structure and the best schedule of responsibilities." The past year, the report said, also saw the NCEA attempt to provide public support for pri· vate education, despite adverse ruling by the U. S. Supreme Court. . This effort was spurred on, according to the report, by greater cooperation with the Council' for Private Education, the U.S. Catholic Conference, and qtizens Relief for Education hy Income Tax.
Area IResearch Dr. J. Laurence Phalan, former "research analyst and . faculty member at Stonehill -College, North Easton, has been named director of that institution's newly organiz.ed office of community research. In that capacity he will study socio-economic conditions of Southeastern Massachusets and make survey results available to community' leaders. His background includes service as an economist and sociologist on state and federal government levels and teaching assignments at Middlebury College, Boston .< University, and Boston College, in addition to Stonehill.
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 1, 1973
Connolly High School Play Nov. 10-11 Gone from the Bishop Connolly High School Auditorium are the quaint Victorian cadences of "Charley's Aunt." The halls of Connolly now resound with the gutteral imperatives of S.S. Guards and the vulgar Americanese of U. S. sergeants imprisoned in "Stalag 17" somewhere in Germany in 1944 during World War II. This "turbulent and gusty"comedy-melodrama by Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski enjoyed enormous popularity in the late forties and early fifties on the stage and later on the screen.
New Mausoleum Open to Public Sunday Notre Dame Cemetery 'will monthly memorial Masses will open' its second mausoleum be offered for their repose. chapel together with a new SpenThe concept of mausoleum cer Street entrance that will give chapels has provided many addirect access to the mausoleum vantages. Father Madore pointed chapels. out that mourners are sheltered Both the mausoleum and gate from the' elements in all sea· will be opened next Sunday for sons; the loss of. a loved one is the public to visit from 8 in the ,. not accentuated by the bleakness of an open grave; committal morning to 5 in the afternoon'. Rev-. Lucien A. Madore, direc-, prayers are easily heard and partor of the cemetery, stated that ticipated in. "the acceptance of the mausoThe use of interment chapels leum idea and committal rites in is also a great financial saving interment chapels has surpassed for the cemetery and eventually all expectations. The additional the consumer. With 700 burials interment chapel will make pos- a year and less work to be done sible the holding of all final on the sites of actual burial, the committal rites in the chapels cemetery can reduce its expenses rather than at the grave site; this by $15,000. for rich and poor alike." Workmen need no longer inTo date some 1,600 individuals terrupt their work because of a have chosen mausoleum crypts burial in the area in the cemin an inspiring settin~ where etery; t~ey need no longer set
up specialized equipment because of snow, heavy rain or other winds. • A still newer chapel (the third) is scheduled to begin in the Spring which will make available 542 additional crypts. Exterior lighting discourages vandalism and makes possible in· terment or entombment at night, stated Father Madore. "As experienced in a number of dioceses, evening Funeral Masses and Committal Rites replacing the usual final wake on the eve of the funeral, will result in a m\lch larger attendance at both the Mass and the final cemetery rites."
.Scout Leaders
Among leaders recognized for "distinguished service to boyhood" by the Moby Dick Boy Scout leaders at its annual recognition dinner were Arthur A. Gauthier, Fall River; Leo E.J. tion research ought to be undertaken in our own schools and Landry, Scoutmaster of Troop catchetical centers. I see no rea- 16, St. Ann's Church, New Bedson why any school administra- ford; Leo Telesmanick, Sea tor or teacher cannot apply the Scout leader and for 12 years Kohlberg theory, which in the troop chairman and advancement opinion of many, has great poten- committee member for Scouts tial for restoring some order -in of .St. James Church, New Bed~ the 'chaos of situation ethics, ford; Robert LeCompte, Somervalue orientation and conscious- • set; and Mrs. Elsie Silva, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, New ness lIn' "This is where the professional Bedford, longtime Cub Scout Den action is, making doctrine mean- Mother and first woman to serve ingful, refusing to compromise on the Council Commissioner the true teaching of Christ as staff of the Boy Scouts. given to us by His Church, yet remaining open and committed to the task of making this teaching vital experience in the lives of all whom we serve educationally."
Education Thrust
Continued from Page Three Kohlberg is a psychologist in 'the cognitive development school' of Plaget. He describes morality in terms of judgement, of reasons for conduct, rather than conduct. . Kohlberg Theory It is Kohlberg's theory that each person goes through, or is capable of going through, six stages of development ranging from a primitive deference to superior power or prestige or a trouble-avoiding set, to behavior which is motivated by principle and conscience. The pedagogical approaches to these several stag'es include "moral indoctrination" (learning the catechism) "moral exploration (examining contemporary issues in the light of principles learned), "moral involvement" (such activities as community service programs, subject of course to evaluation in the .light of the reasons for such conduct, "value clarification" (which attempts to extend the range of student concerns with the dimension of their own experience, this experience being reinforced with a hierarchial value system, i.e., principled morality), and "cognitive development" (con· centrating on the skills of moral reasoning that l.ead to autonomous, principled, judgement making). Suggestion Made "I would suggest," the educator noted, "that this kind of ac·
"Stalag 17" shows a group of American prisoners lodged in a German prison camp trying to escape, trying to embarrass and to irritate their captors. The plot revolves around the escape of an American flyer who will face serious punishment for sabotaging a train, and his fellow prisoners who hide him. They at last learn which prisoner has been all the while a stooge for the Ger· mans. In the leading roles are Paul Biello, William Amberg, Nicolas Semine, John Hetzler, Paul Levesque, Gerald Kuhn: Marc Mendonca, Russell Abisla, Chris White, and Robert Perry. Others in the cast inc.Iude Brian Ribeiro, James Lapointe, Robert Bernier, Daniel Lachance, Robert Soares, Edward Lambert, Paul Sicard, Michael Martel, Mark Travers, Edgar St. Pierre, and Maurice Levesque. The staging of "Stalag 17" is under the direction of Robert Flynn. Assisting him are John Higgins, Robert Abisla, Michael Faris, and a sizeable crew of technicians and stage hands. The entire production' is under the direction of Rev. William J. Cullen, S.J. "Stalag 17" will be staged at the Bishop Connolly High School Auditorium on Saturday and Sunday evenings, November 10 and 11, 1973. Tickets at $1.50 may be purchased from members of the cast and crew, from the school office, and at the door. Curtain time is 8 o'clock.
John's Shoe Store 43 FOURTH STREET Fall River 678-5811
UNITS STILL AVAILABLE For Further Information Call
"""",---------------------,-----------_. -Notre Dame Cemetery and Chapel Mausoleum
PARK MOTORS OLDSMOBILE 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven
: : :
With no obligation on my part please send me : further information regarding Notre Dame Cemetery : and Chapel Mausoleum. :
-__ :~. :
Name Address Parish Tel. No. ..
TH'E ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
Nov. 1, 1973
Read,ers Speak Relga,rding First Confession, Communiio·n Recently I wrote about my experience with t4e First Communion . . . First Confession experimentation, and I ' received 67 letters on the subject. Of these, 26 were positively in favor of Confession first. Two of them came from parents who said they had children involved in the ex- newspaper articles, onc in favor of Confession first, the other for periment. One felt it caused Communion first. her child's lax attitude reOne letter came from a priest garding Confession. 'She also has a teen-ager (who made Confession first) who is lax.
• The other letter came from 11 parent who found it convenient to get her child to instructions for Confession ... and would prefer they instruct both Sacra-' ments at the same time, and be finished with it. Of the other letters in fav<;>r' of Confession first, three were from priests who con'sider the confessional a valuabl~ opportunity to teach children the love of God, and to develop early habits of going to Confession. They also feel that if Communion is first, the follOW-Up for Confession may be lost. The general trend of the other 21 letters favoring Confession first was that Rome has spoken ... obey! See Advantages On the other side of the question, 37 letters were in favor of Communion first. Of these, 27 came from parents who had chiildren involved in the experiments. They said that they had observed greater understanding of both Sacraments on the part rif their children, and more involvement for the, whole family in the new approach. The other ten came from CCD teachers, and priests who saw its advantages in practice. And 'sev-' eral cited young children's joy in receiving Communion and wished they had had that oppor. tunity themselves. There were four other letters; two were clippings of related
Most Equipment Sold To Catholic Schools TRENTON (NC)-An apparent end has arrived for a continuing controversy surrounding the disposal of almost $1 million worth of school equipment-owned by the state but supplied to private schools unde'r a public aid to private education law-from the private schools after a court decided the arrangement violated the constitutional requirement of separation of church and state. However, the state decided that moving all the equipment to public' schools would cost more than the equipment was , worth. As a result, the auction was held to dispose of such items as tape recorders, and visual aid machines.
who said that early confession needn't be' a traumatic experience for a child ... if the confessor is understanding. And if the confessor isn't understanding, postponing Confession isn't the solution. 'Clear Trend The fourth letter came from u parent who did not object to Communion first, but mentioned that her oWn child opted for Confession first. One trend is clear. Of the letters from parents who said they had children. involved, Communion first was favored 27 to 2. . I promised that I would forCANDLELIGHT BALL BENEFITS HOS:PITAL: Gathered for the annual Candle. ward every letter to Cardinal light Ball sponsored by the Friends of St. Anne'~ Hospital, Fall 'River are Dr. and Mrs. Wright in Rome, and I have done Roger 1. Lemaire, Dr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Halloran and Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Giroux. so. I have also made copies of them and forwarded them to the Mrs. LeMaire served as co-chairman of the affair while Mrs. Giroux was in charge of secretary of the U. S. Bishops. reservations. Several bishops have requested that the sllbject be put on the agenda of the Conference meeting in November. BROOKLYN (NC) - Bishop sides the boroughs of Brooklyn Ricans .are poor, and have not The bishop in the diocese Frands J. Mugavero of Brooklyn and .Queens, which are in the r~gistered to vote. Many young where I live has issued guidelines has told four candidates for Brooklyn diocese, Manhattan, the people are not voting because of which state that the decree mayor of New York that his peo- Bronx and Richmond (Staten . lack of confidence in the estabmeans that children should be inple are complaining that the city Island). The latter three are in lishment." structed in Penance before Holy A major goal of Bishop Muthe New York Archdiocese. suffers from"Manhattanopia." Eucharist but that no child gavero, he said, is to encourage Bishop Mugavero's comments, the candiThe bishop asked should be obliged to to make his Catholics to participate actively First Confession before, First contained in a letter sent to eilch dates what they plan to do for in political processes. part of a dioccandidate, was the people "on this side of the Communion. I was pleased about esan campaign to encourage East River" on major problems "This is not a criticism of the this· because the news stories Catholic participation in the such as the aging, housing, trans- candidates," Father Sullivan which first announced the decree portation, health care and neigh- said, "though it may be a critquoted a Vatican official as say- politica~ process. The bishop reminded the can- borhood tensions. icism of the past." Bishop Mugaving: "The order of the SacraBishop Mugavero also invited ero is not interested in "forming ments has been restored to Con- didates that ~here is more to New York City than the borough the candidates to visit him and a Catholic party or Catholic fession and then Communion." of Manhattan. to participate in pre-election ).obby," he said. . Parents' Decision New York City includes be- forums for parish representatives My own position is that par" before the election. Three candients should be required to make dates met with the bishop before the decision for the child..A few, Pril~sts Promise the letter was released Oct. 16: months instruction at age seven Democrat Abraham Beame, Rewill not make a lifetime impres- Concern for Poor sion on a child. It is the parent ST. CLOUD (NC)-Concern for publican John Marchi, Liberal who is the principal teacher be- the poor and disenfrabchised- Albert Blumenthal. Conservative cause the parent will raise the American Indians, farm workers, Mario Biaggi was' expected to child to adulthood. In my parish the aged and poverty-stricken, also meet the bishop before the the parents attend lectures' on factory workers, and political Nov. 6. election. 'both Sacraments before the prisoners-dominated the reso- In announcing the letter, child is 'permitted to begin in- lutions at a three-state meeting of Father Joseph M. Sullivan, distruction. By making it neces- priests ~'lere. Bishop Feehan High rector of Catholic Charities, sary for the parent to become inMeeting for the sixth annual noted that more than 1.5 million School Cafeteria volved in the decision, the par- Conference of Priests' Councils Catholics live in Brooklyn and ent is required, to re-think his of the S1. Paul·Minneapolis Prov- Queens. Every Wednesday Eve own position ·im these important ince, priest-delegates from the More than half do not speak matters, and can only become a 10 dioceses in Minnesota and English as a first language," DOORS OPEN 6:00 P.M. better teacher because of it. North and Sou!h Dakota also re- Father Sullivan said. "They have My favorite letter was one solved to work towards a better come from countries where they Early·Bird Games 7:15 P.M. from a pri~st who wrote: "Admit- sharing of priest personnel be- may be distrustful of governRegular Games 7:30 P.M. tedly there are two points of tween cioceses, to ask member ment. Many blacks and Puerto view, and each has some good councils to conduct educational theological foundation. But the ,programs on amnesty among ,Holy Spirit moves and works priests, and to "urge the governthru parents, too, as well as thru ment of the United States to theologians and canonists in avoid the involvement of the Congratulations higl;l places. The whole Church American armed forces" in the can benefit by broadening the Mideast conflict. To base for, pastoral decision of this kind." Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard Backs Boycott On thlit basis, I recommend that every U. S. parent who had TOHONTO (NC)-The Toronto On the Occasion 01 Their a child involved in the experi- Senate of Priests has unanimousmentation write to his bishop ly passed a resolution endorsing Golden Jubilee in the Priesthood sharing the spiritual and prac- the cause of the United Farm tical aspects of the experience. Workers of America (UFWA) Your bishop will appreciate hav- and calling upon Catholics to suping your comments before the port the current boycott of nonsubject is discussed by'the U. S. UFWA-picked California table Bishops in November. grapes and head lettuce.
Bishop Wriites 'Candidates About' Manhattanop+a'
Fla II 'River CothoHc WO'ma n'sCI ub
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973
Keep Clot,hes Long Enou'gh,
T,hey'li Be Bac·k· in Style I do love t.o read lists of it.ems that are headed what's in and what's out, even though I generally find that what I just bought has suddenly been declared out and the outfit I just gave t.o the church rummage sale is suddenly in. There is a belief, and it's one I strongly support, that It's a great way to get attention in this hatless age. if you wait long enough The one shoulder dress (does everything will return to anyone remember Ava Gardner fashion. For me this idea was reinforced by a lovery plaid skirt with a wide band of quilting at'
the hemline that acquired when t was in seventh grade. Now, without a word of a lie, I wore that skirt intermittently until I was married. Somewhere along I he line, in process of moving and raising a family, my skirt was given away but I regret this happl'ning hecause while I would never fit in it now, I'm sure my eldest daughter would find it a flln outfit, and right in style.
in hers in "One Touch of Venus"?). The ultra suede zip front dress. The Big, Big, Big coat. What's out is almost as interesting as what's in, but we'll save that for another column and end with the advice we take ourourselves-wear what you feel comfortable in, what you can afford and what looks good on you.
Sunda'y Parley Set For DCCW
The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its second quarterly meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 4 at Catholic Women's Club, 399 County St., New Bedford, with members of New Bedford District Council serving as hostesses. The women will J:.3ar a report of the 26th convention of the National Council of Catholic Women, held last month in New Read and Weep OrleaQs and attended by Mrs. .Ju~t so you'll have a chance Richard M. Paulson, Taunton, dito weep over all those great ocesan president, and Mrs. Miclothes that went the way of chael J. McMahon, Fall River, rummage sales, St. Vincent de vice-president. Theme of the naPaul stores and Goodwill centers, tional convention was "For the t t.hought I'd list a few of the Life of tbz World-People Carilems that the experts say are IN. ing." . In ... National Officers The long sweater that's almost Named national officers of the n coat (years back I had a loveorganization were Mrs. G. Sam ly hl'ige cable stitch one that ZiIly, Detroit, president; Mrs. would be just great now). Jack Hall, Savannah, first viceThe knit accessories-scarf, 'president; Mrs. Jan V. T. Wilkgloves and a head-covering hat. ing, Cheyenne, Wyo., second Skirts slimmed down, straightvice-president; Mrs. Anthony HiIer and covering the knee (score lemeier, New VIm, Minn., secreone more-I just had two of my tary; Mrs. Emily Young Cunningfavorite skirts shortened). ham, Chicago, treasurer. Oatmeal tones, earth tones, and any shade that smacks of ecology. . The 40's look (why didn't my mother save her clothes?). The body dress (here go those ALBANY (NC) - Saying that diets again). the Catholic Church is "no longThe Chanel suit (again the er a priest-controlled Church," classic look that was never, Bishop Edwin B. Broderick of ever out). Albany, N. Y., told a meeting of. Catholics here that they must Hat's Back work for broader collegiality in The hat (one of the most strik- their parishes through the estabing women I saw at a recent lishment of parish councils. fashion gathering was wearing "This is not my church; it's a wide-brimmed beige sombrero. not your pastor's; it is your church," Bishop Broderick told the Catholics gathered for a seNebraska R.~gister ries of parish visitations by the Changes Format bishop. GRAND ISLAND (NC)-The "Some pastors, frankly, are Nebraska Register, 43-year-old -threatened by a parish council," newspaper of the Gnind Island, he said. But he added that the Neb., diocese, will change its time has come for parishioners name and format, it was an- to share the burden of 'running nounced here. a parish with the pastor. Bishop Brodetick said that in Father Bernard Berger, editor of the Catholic weekly, said the the current program in the Alnew West Nebraska Register bany diocese, pastors rarely rewill have a tabloid format to re- main in a parish for more than place the current eight-column five years. So, said the bishop, paper. the days when a priest can refer The new paper will be sent to to 'a parish as "his" parish are every Catholic household in the gone, for the parishioners have diocese, Father Berger said, and greater longevity there than he among its new features will be does. "It is your parish forever but a column every other week by Grand Island Bishop John J. Sul- it may not be his," Bishop Brod: livan. erick said.
Bishop Favors Porish Councils
·NEW PRIEST: Rev. Arthur J. Colgan, C.S.C., joyfully introduces Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Colgan, Sr., of Stoughton, following his ordination to the priesthood at Holy Cross Church, Easton.
Urges PlQst-M'orri,aQ'e Courses for Coholic Couples TORONTO (NC)-Making postmarriage courses a way of life for Catholic couples is one of the new directions adopted by the Christian Family Movement (CFM) in Canada Malcolm and Fran Peake, newly elected national president couple of the Canadian CFM said they feel the people today need ongoing marriage counseling in learning how to recognize crisis situations and discovering how to handle them.
bands and wives to gather all facts about any problem situation, make a judgement gether and then act on their cision.
"Every husband and wife have problems but many dOT\'t know how to keep them from becoming serious," Malcolm Peake said. "CFM is designed to recharge the family's batteries.
Paulists to Double Spanish Programs
"Couples are demanding more from their marriages than their grandparents did. But there are few models for good marriages and society no longer pressures or encourages people to .stay together. While we now have more time to spend with each other there are no definite roles for for husbands and wives." To help couples find their roles and relate creatively in marriage, the CFM has launched a i'gut_ level" continuing educational program aimed at enabling hus-
Cardinal Endorses Epilepsy Society BOSTON (NC)-Endorsing the efforts of the Epilepsy Society of Masachusetts, Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of-Boston termed the society's efforts :'modern manifestations of the compassionate concern of the Good Samaritan for his neighbor." In a statement suporting the work of the society, the cardinal noted that Jesus had cured epilepsy at a time when many people thought epileptics were possesssed by ,the devil. "In our own sophisticated era, we face disorders like epilepsy· with a good deal more scientific knowledge," he said, "but not always a like degree of public awareness and empathy."
the or tode-
Fran Peake said most Catholic couples have never been challenged or taught to become adult decision-makers. "If they don't have a clear set of rules for behavior they're lost," she saic;l. "Learning to make decisions
PACIFIC PALISADES (NC)~ The production ·of Spanish-language radio programs will be doubled by Paulist Communications to help alleviate the shortage of top quality Spanish programming.
arms couples to overcome any problem they may have in their married life. That doesn't mean that these decision are necessarily easy but once you make a stand on an i~sue, you can live with it," she said. If a couple is having a problem with family planning, she explained, the two first study all pertinent material on the subject, including Pope Paul's encyclical Humanae Vitae, the Canadian bishops statements" methods, medical evidence and Scripture.
SHAWOMET GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674-4881
Paulist Father John Mulhall, director of Paulist Comunica3% room Apartment $155.00 per tions, said that the Spanish month speaking have not had the va- , 4Yz room Apartment $165.00 per month riety or quality in radio proIncludes heat, .hot water, stove, regramming that has been availfrigerator and maintenance ,service. able to those who speak English.
........... .
Dinner 7 P.M. Sharp
Venus de Milo - 8·3901 Frank S. Feitelberg - 6-8246 Sr. Eugenia Margaret - 9-1044 And all Schools Staffed by the Holy Union Sisters
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. " 1973"
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MASS: Principals present at the Mass offered by Bishop Cronin in St. Mary's, Cathedral on Sunday mor~ing were Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher, retired Pastor of St. James Pa~ish, New Bedford, who joined the Knights of Columbus whine a student at Holy Cross College in 1912; Norman Bowlin of Seekonk Council, distrct
Pope Sees Holy, Year Stimulus For J ustl·ce
Interlnational Ai dsSick Poor
LIVERPOOL (NC)-From his office in the metropolitan cathedral buildings on Liverpool's VATICAN GlTY (NC)-Pope Brownlow Hill, Father Francis, Paul VI said he thinks the 'com· O'Leary, directs an international' ing Holy Year will be an "occa- medical operation that serves sion for new studies and new over half a million people in undertakings" in the field of so- various corners of the world. cial justice. Known as Jospice Internation"Clearly the Holy Year is ai, it was founded several years meant to be a highly religious ago to care for the incurably sick event," he told a general audi-and destitute. Today it runs cnce Oct. 3: "During that' period eight hospitals in India, Pakistan religion, steeped in intense spir- and South America and, before itual awareness and deeply pious Christmas, will open its first in observations, will take command Britain. in our souls. The first to be founded was St. In such a singular and stimu- Joseph's Hospice at Rawalpindi, Jating circumstance we must feel Pakistan. That was followed by ourselves to be Christians, per- the Hospital de- San Jose at San vaded by the faith and attentive Bernado del Viento in Colombia, to the urgings of the Spirit. where patients turn up in the "And for that very reason the hundreds. faith must exercise over us a Three years ago came the first fresh and powerful stimulus for Peruvian foundation, the hospital the cause of justice in the world., at Negritos, which has developed "This effect is none other than a training unit for nurses. the realization of the inevitable Father O'Leary., who recently and magnificent 'link between returned from a· visit to the isothe love of God, 'the first and lated Peruvian valley of Apuriall-embracing command offered mac on the eastern slopes of the to the human being, and the Andes, in an interview described love of neighbor. The second pre· a road accident that happened', cept flows from the first neces- only a "few weeks before Jospice • It. ... arrived. san'1 y accompames "The people had traveled for Born of Love four hours on rough roads to ar"This is not merely a theoret- rive at a hospital in the village of San Francisco, where there ical truth. It is a fruitful truth was no doctor, no medicine and of our conception of society ... no blankets. Only one person "It sets apart our way of being, survived out of 25." of thinking and working from From San Francisco Father those doctrinal, political and so- O'Leary traveled down the cial systems which derive the treacherous Apurimac River to' principles of law and of social Pichari by canoe to size up the ,duty, that is, of justice, from situation in readiness for the hatred, from seilf-interest, from foundation of yet another hosmere philanthropic sympathy, pita!. from the prevailing winds of pubStressing the need for these lic opinion." • specialized medical missions, Pope Paul has already opened Father O'Leary asked: preparations for the Holy Year "We in Europe jive wil!h the in local churches around the stresses and strains of our highly world. It reaches its climax in industrialized society, but· how Rome at the end of 1975. would we feel in a home made /
deputy; Michael Faherty, state dep~ty; Bishop Cronin, who celebrated the Mass and was homilist; Joseph Orena, state secretary; John Donovan, state advocate. Right Photo: Representatives from the six assell,lblies and 22 councils of the Diocese together with state officers leave the Cathedral following the Mass.
Nuns Ask Austria Help Soviet Jews
of four pohs and a strip of reed ma.tting with nothing to clean or tidy, wor~lied about the day's supply of water and concerned only with the huge task of sorting; and buhling rubbish, so that the numbe~ of babies bitten by rats is kep1t to a minimum?" The Per~vian government, he
said, is highly appreciative of WASHINGTON (NC) - The the work being done in the coun- president of the Leadership Contry by Jospice International. ference of Women Religious Government tJrUcks help in the (LCWR) has asked Austrian transport of supplies to the new Chancellor Bruno Kreisky "not medical missions and the minis· to capitulate" to Arab terrorism. try of health has also provided Sister Francis Borgia Rothan ambulance. Itlebber made her appeal in a In April an official government telegram sent to Kreisky after reception welcomed Father he had agreed to terrorist deI O'Leary for his visit to Peru. mands that he close transit facili10 I Until now Britain has been ties to Soviet Jews who stop in il U I the support country for all these Austria on their way to Israel. l II activities, but there are chroni10. ell 0 The telegram praised Austria CATAL90 (NC) - Over 200 ,cally sick here a~so who need for helping Soviet Jews in the students waJked nearly 30 miles' specialized nursing and medical past and asked that nation to to the SAcred Heart MiSsion care. It is to care for those per- continue to "support basic huhere to ce(ebrate Gonzaga Uni- sons that Jospice bought Thorn· man rights" despite "the vi'olent pressures" of the terrorists. versity's fifth annual Cataldo ton Manor, near Liverpool. Pilgrimage.j Theme of the pilgrimage was "Christian IFreedom." The students set out from Spokane, Wash., site of Gonzaga university,land walked 30 miles to the mission. ' ROUTE j)·-between· Fall River and New Bedford Hikers ~ere divided into groups of ~ive, including a disOne of Southern New England's Finest Facilities cussion leader. Individuals sought to search ~i.thin themselves for the meaning of Christian freeNow 'Avoi/oh/,e for dom. I . The first (lay's trek of 15 miles was brokenl into periods of dis. . cusmon, sI1fnce and pr~yer. FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 Sacred Heart Mission was built 140 yekrs ago in the wilderneS8 by tfIe Jesuits and the
S der.ts H·ke T d h M·Isslor. ·
Coeur d'Alene Indians. It is reported to b~ the oldest standing structure in the state. Some sturents were forced to drop out of the hike J>ecause of, severe blist rs or muscle strain. By t.he end 6f the journey, some students w~re being physically supported by others. When the Ihikers arrived at the mission, they were met by Bishop Sylvester Treinen of Boise, Idaho, and Iby Bishop Bernard Topel of Spokane, Wash. . Later, a !concelebrated .Mass was held in the Sacred Heart Mi8Sioll. I
'27 Park Street, Att:eboro, Mass. . 278 Union Street, New Bedford, Mass.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973
Bishop Cronin, center, is assisted by Dr. Edward A. Penn, chief of pediatrics at St. Anne's; John Scott Fitzgerald, son of the chef steward at the hospital; Sr. Jean Marie, hospital administrator and Sr. Marie Ascension, vice-provincial of the religious order staffing the hospital break grou,nd for the new ~;600,OOO out patient facility for children of the area. Right:
Farm Workers' Approve First Constitution
Also assisting in the ground breaking ceremony were: Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, P.A.,hospital trustee; Rev. Dr. Robert Lawrence, who in his invocation commented, "When a community recognizes the needs of fellow man, that community is operating at its very best"; Alford Dyson and Emile J. Cote, trustees.
Discover Value of Public Relation$ WASHINGTON (NC) - Sem-· inaries have changed so much in recent years that there is little understanding of their purposes and programs, and many parish priests are suspicious of the "new seminary."
FRESNO (NC) - The United Farm Workers Union (UFWU) adopted "a non-violent" policy in approving its first constitution at a convention here. AlII-page bi-lingual constituThese are some of the findings tion and by laws (Spanish and of a study on "The Seminary and English) was adopted during a Public Relations" recently conthree-day meet attended by 2,000 ducted by the Center for Applied persons, 352 of whom were of- Research in the Apostolate ficial delegates to the convention. (CARA), a Washington~based The non-violence section said Church. research agency. that "every member is sworn to "The seminary program has reject the use of violence for any changed so radically in the past purpose whatsoever." It also emphasized that the few years that there is generally goals of organizing union rec- a lack of understanding of the ognition, picketing and boycott- seminary's purpose and proing must be accomplished "only .grams," one college rector reby and through totally non-vio- plied to a ·questionnaire sent by CARA. lent means." Cesar Chavez, leader of the "We find that our first thrust UFWU organizing committee must be to the priests of the disince its inception in 1966, was ocese who seem to. have deep elected unoppm;ed as first presi- suspicion of the new seminary," dent of the union for a four-year he added. "A positive image of term. the priesthood and the seminary This first constitutional con- must be developed." vention of the farm workers unAccording to Benedictine .ion heard reaffil'D"'ALlOn of supFather Ardian Fuerst, editor of port from chure:l leaders, promiCARA's Seminary Forum, the nent politician!; and top labor study found it "encouraging" leaders. that a number of seminaries "are Bishops Interested seriously endeavoring to establish a well organized public relaOne of the first to address the tions program. "But the probdelegates was Auxiliary Bishop lems of time, well trained perJoseph F. Donnelly of Hartford, sonnel, and an adequate budget," Conn., chairman of the U. S. Father Fuerst said, "will not be bishops' ad hoc committee on fully resolved until those in farm labor. He told the cheering authority, and to some extent farm workers that he brought also the faculty and students, "the good wishes and prayers of develop a genuine appreciation the National Conference of Cath- of the importance of public relaolic Bishops," and that at the tions." recent meeting of the bishops While the public relations they "showed an enthusiastic inbudget for the vast majority of terest in your cause."
the seminaries is below $5,000 per year, the CARA report showed, two seminaries have budgets between $10,000 and $20,000, and two others have budgets between $50,000 and $100,000. Experienced lay professionals make up some 15 per cent of those in charge of seminary public relations, according to the report. It is to the parish priest that the seminary looks for under-
Catho.lie School Strike Ends BROOKLYN (NC)-Lay high school teachers of the Brooklyn diocese ended a four-week strike by voting on Oct. 14 to accept a diocesan offer of a $300 salary scale increase which they had rejected at the beginning of the strike. By a vote of 170-6, the Lay Faculty Association (LFA) ended the strike that had begun on Sept. 17 and lasted for 19 school days. The diocese had. also agreed to make a one-time only grant of $250 to each striking teacher in order to minimize the loss of salary the teachers incurred during the strike. The $250 is to be paid in June for making up classes missed during the strike. The strike affected seven schools and about 12,000 students. None of the schools closed completely during the strike but some released students early. Of the 505 lay teachers in the schools, 353 originally supported the strike, but the number of those out on strike decreased as the strike continued.
standing and support more than to any other single group, according to the CARA report. The probable reason for this, the report added, is that the parish priest is often considered to be the origin and source of many vocations. "Realizing this," Father Fuerst said, "the seminaries universally have made particular efforts to establish once again a feeling of trust and confidence in the seminary on the part of its priest alumni."
Greets Amabssador VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI hailed the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Australia as "a new and impol1tant channel of communications" for peaceful understanding. The Pope, receiving the credentials of Australia's first ambassador to the Vatican, Lloyd Thomson, praised Australia's recent policy of increasing the number of its embassies throughout the world.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 197~
But What Did Goodwill iDo With Hamster? They found a hamster in a cage in the local Goodwill box the other day and there's been quite an uproar over it. , I just caQ't share the tut-tuts of others toward someone who would rid herself of an unwant.ed varmint in this way. I said to myself, "Now, there's a , mother who'll go far." I have nius. She didn't lose a friend; she just shared the joy of a pet boundless admiration for her with the less fortunate. Wh0 and I expect a few other can fault her? Those who are mothers secretly share it.
"But, Mom," asked one of mine, "how do you know it was a mother?"
Foolish child. It takes one to know. one. Who but a mother would. assess the situation and solve the problem so ingeniously? She is the one who accepts the pet with grave reservations in the first place. She is the one who hears fervent pledges, promises and vows that the children will feed, love and clean up after the varmint. Likewise, she ,is the one who feeds, loves and cleans after the first week. Mothers are. not supposed to dislike pets. We learn from the pet cult that a pet teaches children all kinds of responsibility and values. Well, that may be. - Touch of Genius It teaches children that Mom can't stand by and watch a pet starve even if she doesn't like it. It teach~s them that they don't have to keep their word and that when Mom finally has 'enough, she will find ,a good home for the displaced orphan. It teaches children, in short, that' when the novelty wears off, Mom goes on.
So what does the average· mother, do whelJ she starts getting petitis? She begins calling her' friends to see if they'll take the hamster; gerbil, kitty, or canary off her hands. It's a matter of risking her friends to save her sanity. But this mother, the Goodwill mother, showed a touch of ge·
horrified at the idea that the poor little hamster might have gone airless for the, two days before he was picked up aren't familiar with the life-style of hamsters who enjoy disapp~aring and lurking in the bottom of the clothes hamper, giving the laundress a leg on her coronary, Those who worried that the little creature might have starved don't know that a hamster's fa· vorite dish is newspaper to rip into thousands of tiny pieces, followed by socks to gnaw 'through. Goodwill depositories 'are long on grocery sacks containing castoff clothing so it's a veritable feast for a rodent, which is the family of the hamster, after all,... Her solution was surely more humane than that of the man who put kitties in Trick or Treat sacks a couple of years ago and it's a lot better than turning the cage·bor.n creatures loose on a strange farm t6 defend themselves against unfamiliar predators and weather. Other Tricks?
1 . •.~iA~:" I~~~>
A CHURCH THEY CALL HOME: Mrs. Rita Callahan and her children Susan and KevAs for me, I wish the woman would identify herself. I'll bet in, sit on the steps of their home in Coxsackie, N.Y., a remodelled 150-year-old village she's developed quite a few other church. Mf.s. Callahan moved from the fran tic pace of life in Brooklyn, Heights to the techniques she could share with quiE:~t of the Catskills. NC Photo. us. I wonder how" she handles thebefore-school stomach aches I ' that disappear around 10 A.M. Or' the But·Mother-EverybodyDoes-It routine. Or the lost I ' library book trauma. Or the COXSACKIE (NC)-"F@r Sale: tivist and yet he was still work- been difficult. "I wish there were Casper-the-Ghost syndrome: no- '150-year-old !villagechurch." , ing in the Church., The next day some informal organization. for body ate the cookies. Rita -Cal1jhan looked at that I made my confession. I should single parents. I- tried Parents ad in the New York Times, write Father Berrigan and Dor- Without Partners when I was If we can have Nobel; Pulitzer and Heisman awards, can we "rented a car and drove from her othy Day to thank them, but I first separated, but that was afford not to honor maternal home in Brooklyn to this tiny never did. I just renewed my matchmaking-oriented. As Cathsubscription. ' olics, we need an organization showmanship? Let's face it, a town in the [Catskills. Mrs. Callahan said she misses Mrs. Callahan bought the more oriented toward compan,woman who puts a hamster in her close friends from New York. church, which had ~erved a ionship, toward working out the Goodwill box is ~ever going to make Mother of the Year. Seventh Day Adventist congre· Because she is divorced..she feels problems." Mrs. Callahan said here w'ith her uncomfortable participating in she thinks so mariy divorced But surely she has contributed gation, and moved I . a daughter last many of Coxsackie's and St. Catholics remarry simply besomething of value for the rest two sons and Mary's social occasions and so cause they can't cope with being II of us out here in kitchenland. ~ear. Then came months of remod- she shuns them. She is involved' alone. Here's a thank-you, nameless "I am constantly reevaluating mother, from a peer who isn't eling and b~ last Christmas the in her parish council and she, going to worry about pet dispo- church was' I a home, complete taught religious education last things," she said. "When you've with a nine-'foot Christmas tree year, but she has 'little occasion lived in the city. so long you apsal in the future. preciate clear days, blue skys standir..g in the place where the for companionship with adults. Need Organization altar once stood. and air so clear that it hurts. "There is a stigma to being Last winter I went walking one For Mrs. I Callahan life had come, full circle. For several div?rced and twice the stigma if ' night by myself-imagine-and years in Br40klyn she had not you are Catholic," said Mrs'-Cal- the only sound was the wind even gone to church; now she lahan. "The Church gives very and the"crunch of the snow. I music that are the "inheritance was living 'iA a church and par- little or no support to us." Mrs. was, so overcome by emotion of the Latin Church," while at ticipllting in !liturgy and educa- Callahan said she decided to be- that it was worth the months of the same time developing new tion programs, at St., Mary's come involved anyway, but it has hardship." forms of sacred music fitted to " Ch,urch here.1 the modern liturgical reforms.. Returns to Church Development of new forms . 'The New York Times gets that use the local languages credit :ror helping her find her rather than the older Latin Gre- 'new home. The Catholic Worker gorian Chant should be fostered newspapers gets the credit for her so that they do not lack beauty return to thel Catholic Church. and expressive force, he said. Mrs. CallaHan credits the Cath"It is up to you to make every olic Werker hewspaper with her DOMESTIC: &. HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS effort to insure' that worship is reconversion.1 "I read an article .Sales ·-Service • I nsfallafion accompanied by dignity and by one of the Berrigans-I hope beauty and that it affords all the it was Dan-tm why he was willMAIN OF:FICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER Christian peo~le the opportunity ing to remairt a practicing Cathto . participate in the prayer of olic. It seembd written for me. the Church with profit," he said. This mlln wa$ sQ ~uch of 'an !lC'•...... .
Churcll Becomes -a Home'
Pope Advocat'es Gregorian Chont For Certain Pcirts of Mass VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has advocated preserving the Latin Gregorian Chant at least of the Gloria, Credo and Sanctus during MasS.
Speaking to' more than 300 members of the International - Association of Sacred Music,an organization of European church choirs, the, 'Pope stressed the need and importance of sacred music. as the companion of Church liturgies. Sacred music· today is "not without difficulties and crises," the Pope told his visitors. The Pope stressed the need to preserve the older forms of
I)hone- 675-7484
~ . ,.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973
The Parish Parade ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET "Whatever Happened to Confession?" will be the topic of a series of lectures to be sponsored by the Adult Education Committee of the parish. ST. JAMES, Beginning the series will be NEW BEDFORD a slide film presentation and talk Mrs. Gerald P. Lewis, general by Rev. Michel Methot, adult edchairman has announced that a ucation coordinator for the diogigantic auction will be held in cese, to be held at 8 P.M. Monthe lower church hall at 7 day, Nov. 5 at, Fisher House, o'clock on Thursday night, Nov. South Street. 8. Doors will open at 6 o'clock. A panel discussion on confesMrs. Richard C. Fontaine will sion at 8 P.M. Monday, Nov. 12 be in charge of refreshments. will be ntoderated by Rev. JoAntiques, glassware, furniture, seph Maguire, and the series will toys a'nd games in good condition conclude Friday, Dec. 14 with -plus brie-a-brae will be avail- a penance service. Non-parishioable. Louis Cardoza will be auc- ners are invited to attend all programs. tioneer. Donations tor the affair may OUR LADY OF FATIMA, be brought to the church base- NEW BEDFORD ment between 3 and 5 on Sunday The Women's Guild Meeting afternoon. â&#x20AC;˘will take place on Tuesday, Nov. Volunteers for pick-up are: 6at 8 P.M. in the Parish Hall. South End, Richard Fontaine at Following the business meeting 6-5049; Center, Gerald P. Lewis a demonstration on flower arat 3-6965; West End, Joseph Kol- ranging will be shown by beck at 3-3123. Patricia Regina. The auction is open to the Final plans for the bazaar and public. spaghetti supper which will be held on Nov. 17 and 18 will be SS. PETER AND PAUL, discussed. FALL RIVER SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Rev. David A. O'Brien, retired The Sacred Heart Women's pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Guild will hold 'a fashion show Parish, will, be the principal at Venus de Milo Restaurant on 1'peaker at the testimonial ban- Nov. 12 at 6:30. Co-chairmen quet for the Diocesan CYO are: Mrs. Charles Gagnon, Mrs. baseball championship team Robert Tyrrell and Mrs. Arthur scheduled for 1::J0 on Sunday Donovan. Fashions from Turafternoon, Nov. 11 at White's quoise Zebra will be modeled. Restaurant. ~' Coach Walt Korzenowski re- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, ports that 14 players registered FALL RIVER Members of the Women's for the parish CYO senior basGuild will attend a Mass for deketball team which has practice sessions on Wednesday nights at . ceased members at 5 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 3. The next guild 6 o'clock in St. Luke's gym. meeting is set for 8 P.M. Monday, Nov. 5 in the parish center. ST. ROCH, A ceramics demonstration will FALL RIVER take place. ' A pot-luck slipper will be ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, served at 6:30 on Monday eve- NEW BEDFORD ning, Nov. 5 prior to the regular The Ladies' League will sponmeeting of the Council of Cath- sor a turkey raffle Monday, Nov. olic Women. 19 with Mrs. Emily Minideri in Mrs. Alban Guertin, chairman charge of arrangements. Mrs. has announced that some tickets Anita Belliveau is .chairman for will be available at the door. the annual Christmas party. The Men's League will hold a Communion breakfast in the ST. MARY CATHEDRAL, church hall following 8 A.M. FALL RIVER Mass Sunday, Nov. 11. Carlin St. Mary Women's Guild will Lynch, Dartmouth High School have Dr. Philip T. Silvia, Jr. as athletic coach, will speak. their guest speaker on Monday, ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 5th, 8 P.M. in the School ATTLEBORO Hall. Mrs. Michael Arruda and The CCD religious books liher Committee will be in charge brary will be open for borrowing of the festivities. following all Masses this weekend. All parishioners are invited ST. GEORGE, to become library members at WESTPORT a cost of 50 cents a year. New officers of the BEE PeoMrs. Carolyn Forand, chairple .are Nancy Ann O'Brien, man, has announced that a turParadis,Kimberly Olson Adele key whist party will be held at 8 on Saturday night, Nov. 3 in and Loretta Charron for the senior division; and Sue Laferthe school hall on Rte. 177. riere, Lorraine Steele, Marcia The Women's Guild will pre- . Roy and Bettie Bromley for the sent, "Its a Family Affair" ,fash- junior division. ion show on Monday night, Nov. Donations of canned goods and 12 at White's Restaurant. A groceries are needed for a Social hour will be held from Thanksgiving whist Saturday, from 6:30 to 7:30 and a luncheon Nov. 17. Items may be placed in will be served immediately after receptacles at the church doors. the fashion show. 'Green stamps are requested by Models will include Miss New the School of Religion for purBedford, men and women from chase of audiovisual aids. parish organizations and boys Knights of the Altar and and girls of St. George's school. fathers will leave the schoolyard Mrs. Louise Buckley is general at 7 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 3 to chairman and she will be assisted attend a North Attleboro-Rochesby Mrs. Mary Place and Mrs. ted football game. Lucy Mello, ticket chairmen. Turn to Page Fourteen
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations .r. ISked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.
ANTI-ABORTION RALLY: Some 30,000 persons fill the square in front of the Old Courthouse in St. Louis in a rally sponsored by the Missouri Citizens for Life, a nonsectarian anti-abortion group. The courthouse was the site of the Dred Scott decision which said a blackslave was not a person. Rally participants compared it with the Supreme Court decision which said a fetus was not a person a,od could be aborted. NC Photo
Thousands: Attend Pre-Life Rally ST. LOUIS (NC)-Some 30,000 people affirmed the right to life of unborn children and applauded pledges to enshrine that right in the U. S. Constitution at a state-wide rally here Sunday, Oct. 21. The size of the crowd was three times that set as a minimum goal by the Missouri Citizens for Life, a nonsectarian anti-abortion group which sponsored the rally. After marching from Soldier's Memorial, the participants filled Kiener Park to overflowing to listen to a U. S. Senator, the Missouri attorney general, and the vice-chairman of the National Right to Life committee voice their support for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing legal rights to the human fetus. The speakers told the crowd that last January's rulings by the U. S. Supreme Court legalizing abortion throughout the country had made such an amendment a necessity; that the process .of enacting an amendment to reverse the ruling would be hard and long; and that the people could ultimately work their will. Speaking from the steps of the historic Old Courthouse, U.. S. Senator and one time Democratic vice-presidential nominee Thomas F. Eagleton said: Moral Dilemma "I join you here at the steps of the St. Louis Old Courthouse, one of America's most famous citadels of law, to share your moral dilemma over a legal decision which ignores the most
fundamental rights of mankindthe right to life." Eagleton said that in seeking to claim the right to life and liberty in the mid-1800s the famous black slave Dred Scott both won and lost pleas in cases at the Old Court House before his legal rights were ultimately rejected by the Supreme Court in 1857. In the wake of that decision, Eagleton recalled, "a cruel bloody war was fought dividing state against state, brother against brother, friend against friend. "It is fitting, then, that today we assemble here in the interest of life," he continued. "We seek to undo by lawfUl means an improvident decision of the Supreme Court which does not give proper recognition of and protection to the intrinsic dignity of human life." Eagleton cited the "relegation
of the poor, the handicapped and the elderly to the junkyard of society," "indiscriminate killing in Southeast Asia in pursuit of a miSbegotten policy" and demand for the restoration of capital punishment. Eagleton said the "most disturbing aspect" of the recent abortion opinion was that Judge Harry A. Blackman, observing that strict anti-abortion laws did not appear in the Western world until the 19th century, concluded, "that the weight of history was on the side of allowing abortion. Eagleton said he would draw the "exact opposite conclusion" seeing the introduction of antiabortion laws -in the 19th Century as "a clear indication that as Western civilization progressed, respect for the dignity of life in all forms increased."
' 14
Says Gift of Awareness Is Important Attribute By Joe and Marilyn Roderick Fads come and go and most of us tend to get caught in some facet of them during their short-lived existence. Large cities normally give' us some indicatio~ of tren~s, especially' in areas around college campuses. Right now m the Back Bay in Boston, things in the world is the gift of which contained a number awa.reness-aware~ess of ot~e,~ of schools, shops specializing people and of things around us. in indoor plants are spring- This was just a portion of the
. ...,..
The : Parish Parade
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973.
textbook message, but I ;f~1t it ing up at an alarming rate. Names such as Greenhouse T, was very pertinent to the hectic The Green Thumb, etc" are to be , way of life that not only I, but seen on Newbury and Marlbor- many other women of my age ough Streets, along with the spe- and circumstances have' fallen cialty organic food stores which into. I do try to be aware and [ made such a hit last year. There are even several stores which .try to get my awareness a~d enfeature chess sets and instruction joyment from the. little things in along with th~ more staid shops life. The way the reservation for which this area is famous:' . looks in the early morning mist The green thing is, of course, when I'm driving to work, the part of the back-to-nature trend sky as you drive over the Braga which in a big city becomes back bridge at sunset, a 'smile from to the window box or window one of the first graders i work garden. A visit to one of these with when they realize that they shops makes me feel ancient know. a word and can actually since most of the customers are read or the look on Jason's barely out of their teens. They face when he's explaining that exude an excitement over terra- his class is going to participat(' niums and hanging pots which in a Mass in class. In this world that is moving I would never have though 'possible, and their enthusiasm is too fast for contemplation and for those who are rushing along infectious. with it, awareness is so impor. Who Knows? tant. Like Pollyanna I do try to What starts' in the big city find a little beauty in each day c:omes to the little towns and (I won't claim I always succeed) cities after a reasonable amount and I find that it adds a great of time, not in the form of a pro· deal to my life. This recipe has passe'd the very liferation of' shops since the small towns cannot support critical test of. my family who them, but in the widening dis- proclaim it the best lemon plays in existing stores and, in meringue pie they have ever .this case, florist's gift shops. So eaten. we can expect more and more Lemon Meringue Pie Supreme, . greenery. to be present in our stores. Baked 9" pie shell . One wonders how these fads 2 Tablespoons cornstarch get started and why they be1 Yz cups sugar 1,4 teaspoon salt come so engrossing to so many 1 Yz cups hot water' people. The answer to that question would make us all 3 eggs yolks beaten (if small,· wealthy, since we could anticuse four) ipate and take' advantage of 2 Tablespoons butter or marwhatever was going to be the garine thing next year. 1 teasp'oon grated lemon peel 3 egg whftes' . This particular fad is at least a healthy one. There is nothing 1,4 teaspoon cream of tartar distasteful about young people 6 T.ablespoons sugar, growing house plants in a desire 1) Mix coritstarc~, 1 Yz cups to have some connection with nature and it is rather a relief sugar and salt in a heavy sauceto get away from the psychedelic pan (I use toe bottom of a pres· fads which were in vogue for sure cooker, which is' a nice hea~y pan) such a long period of time. 2) Gradually 'stir in the hot In the Kitchen One nice thing about being water and cook over dire.ct heat. overly busy is that, like a tooth- stirring until thick and clear,. ache, it feels so good when it about 10 minutes. stops. The days revolve one into 3) Remove from heat and Stil' another and there are days when V:! cup of the hot mixture into I don't even know the date. This the yolks; stir this back into hot does make life a bit difficult be- mixture and cook over low' heat, cause then you forget things like stirring constantly, 2 to 3 mindentist appointments (thank God utes. Remove from heat; stir in I have one of the nicest dentists shortening add lemon peel and hl town), the fact that no one juice and stir until smooth. has a clean shirt or blouse for 4). Pour into cooled pie shell. tomorrow, or even that you were supposed to pick up the children 5) Beat the egg whites' with at school )this suddenly dawns the cream of tartar until frothy; on you when you reach home gradualIy beat in 6 Tablespoons and it's so quiet). sugar, a little at a time. Beat Jason just handed me' his reliuntil meringue stands in firm, gion book and asked me to read glossy peaks. Spread meringe on a part or" it that was addressed filling making sure it 'touches to parents. It was so appropriinner edge of crust aU around ate that I felt it was worth repeating. 6) .Bake in a 350 o~en for 15 Gift of Awareness minutes until lightly browned. "One of the most important' Cool.
ST. LOUIS; - FALL RIVER The Women's Guild announces its annual Christmas supper and bazaar, to be held beginning .at 6 P.M. Thursday, Nov. 8 in the church hall on Eagle Street. Tickets are available from Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel, chairman, or Mrs. William Whalen, co-chairman. HOLY NAME FALL RIVER A Mass for deceased 'members of the Women's Guild will be celebrated at 5:15 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 7. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER The' School Board will sponsor a Las Vegas Night open to the public from 7 P.M. to midnight Saturday, Nov. 3 in the school halI on Slade Street. Proceeds will benefit the school. Chairmen are Roger Rioux and NOPlllan Desjardins. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The Mt. Carmel P-TA will hold a ham and bean supper from 5 to 7 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 3 in the school basement on Rivet and Crapo Street. . ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET The Women's Guild will sponsor a mystery ride and dance from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Saturday ._ ..l night, Nov. 24. Those attending STILL SPRIGHTLY AT 106: Mrs. Catherine Ward, will meet in the church parking a residc:!nt of the Mary Manning Walsh Home in :New lot at 8 P.M. York dty, looks back cheerily on, "surviving" the hoopla ST. JOHN OF GOD, which Jccompanied her lOOth birthday . . . six years SOMERSET A night of recollection sponago. Bo'rn in Ireland, Mrs. Ward came to the United sored by the Women's Guild States ih 1883. NC' Photo.' under the direction of Rev. Andre l Patenaude, M.S. will take place at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, Wednesday, Nov. 7. Busses will leave from the church at 6 P.M. . Ward 'Cheeriest and IChattiest"- Members and friends desiring to attend should make reservations ~ At Carmelite Sisters Home by Monday, Nov. 5 by calling NEW ~ORK (NC)~"When I May 5, 1867, in Ireland on a farm 674-0246. had my 1100th birthday party, outside the town of SligQ---'adja- ST. MARY, they mad~ me awfulI~ nervous," cent to that where the poet Wil- NORTON Six persons have been named laughs Mrs. Catherme Ward, liam Butler y,eats spent much reminiscid g at the Mary Man- time wth his grandparents-she to promote the Christmas Bazaar ning Wal~b Home here. "Be- was one of nine children whose raffle for the Benefit of the Chris<:ause. C~rdinal Cooke ~ who mother died at 38 but whose tian Doctrine program at St. w,asn't y~t a cardinal, then:- father lived to, be "very, very Mary's Church. The bazaar will I <:ame to the party along with ald." In 188:1, when she was 16, be held Nov. 4 at St. Mary's Parfour or five monsignors, and they she was put alone aboard ship ish Center from 8:30 A.M. to 4 m.ade me ~ive the speech of wel- for the long voyage to the United P.M. come, uplon .the stage. ;But l States, at the urging of a wealthy, The group was named at a survived;. and they said I did widowed' grandaunt who had meeting at the home qf Mrs. Ann . all. right!"j .. begged her companionship for Defosses and includes Maureen , She did: indeed survive., That her only child, a daughter. Two KelIy, Nancy. Kinney, Terry was six years ago. Today, at 106 years later, at her estate in Mor- Laverty, Marilyn Murphy, Judy years, Mis. Ward is a petite, risville, Pa., the elderly relative Lincoln and Joanne Montesanti. The raffle features a 14 inch · white-hairbd, animated Person- died. Catherine's' home thereafter portable television with AM-FM ality alivel to the world around her, and' in regular corresiPond- was in New Haven, Conn., where radio as grand prize and several ence with I a host of friends and· she lived with a' childless sister dinners at local restaurants as relatives. Easily the cheerist and of her mother, and her husband; second prize. Other:: prizes inchattiest ~mong more than 300 met and married a young marine .elude a helicopter ride and vari· r,esidents II of the community engineer and surveyor, John F. ous articles of merchandise. Mrs~ Desfosses is chairman of maintained here by the Carmelite' Ware!; and bore a son and two · Sisters fO~ the aged and infirm, daughters. One of the latter, Mrs. the Bazaar, which last year she l1ppea~s to be no more than W. Neil Conroy, is still alive Ii neeted $1,400 for. the religious in her early seventies, and with 77 and still visits her mother education program. heir lively ~onversation lind com- thrice weekly, from her apart- ST. ANN, ments she generates smiles wher- ment.on Riverside Drive. RAYNHAM ever she v~ntures in the instituMrs. ,Ward, whose education , The Ladies Guild will sponsor I tion. in a one-room schoolhouse in a turkey whist party at 8 o'clock For the I last year or so her Sligo had equipped her for teach- on Friday night, Nov. 2 in the rounds have been more circum- ing-students were both boys church hall. s<:ribed th~n previously, as she and girls, Catholic and Protes- ST. JOSEPH, now depe~ds on a light-weight tant, she reports-never worked TAUNTON walker to get about, in lieu of her outside the home except for a The Women's Guild meeting, customary i open-air promenades. short-lived job in the J.B. Sar- re-scheduled for Tuesday, .Nov. Her hearing has also diminished, gent manufacturing plant in New 13, will feature an arts and although h~rdly noticeably in her Haven. (She was fired when her crafts workshop that 'will proflow of re'miniscence about her. employers discovered that at the vide articles for a December sale. intensely active past as a Cath- wheedling of tabor organizers,she Mrs. Anne Keilly and Mrs. Arolie wife and mother. had been advocating the forma- lene Maguire will 'serve as host. BornCa\herine Teresa Br«;:e on tion of a union.) esses·
C'heery at 106
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs" Nov. 1, 1973
Sees Spiritual Dimension In Development Efforts So many differences-of politics, of policies, of social' apPI:oach-can arise durfng the ecumenical effort to pursue world justice, that Christians must not see action as a "cure-all" for their religious disunity. The only way round the road~blocks is a patient and loving readiness to ex- Livingstone, to end not only slavery but the very concept of amine every problem in the slavery as a permissible condilight of the Christian gospel. tion. And this was done in spite
This, in turn, means a whole- of the fact that to their everlasthearted emphasis on the reli- ing shame, the "Christian" nagious dimension, above' all on . tions were, with the Arabs, the praying together and asking for largest slaver-runners and holders. But for Buddhists and Hindus and Moslems the question must be asked whether a u.nited ecuBy menical Christian effort to support international justice, to BARBARA accelerate development, to increase living standards and skills all round the world may not raise WARD some troubling memories of past domination. They may ask whether busy white people are now coming back, once again to the light and wisdom promised improve "the lesser breeds" and to those who really seek .for it. teach them the best way to con"Ask and you shall receive." No duct their lives. group of people needs this enThere was, after all, a reformlightenment more than Chris- ing streak in the best colonial tians as they carryon their ec- efforts. Dedicated men and umenical search for justice in the women did go out to end tribal world. war, illiteracy, ill health and unBut the reason for proceeding certain harvests. If Christians together in constant prayer and now band together to do such attention to the Holy Spirit has things, may they not become another aspect. The Bishops at "new men in the old way"? Is the Synod understood the "ecu- Colonialism coming back in somenical" dimension of world cial and economic forms just. justice in the widest possible when its political claims have sense. They speak of it as the been abandoned? basis for joint action with peo-. It is at this point that the relipie of other world religions- gious aspect of any ecumenical Buddhists, Moslems, Je~s-and effort comes to have critical imwith people of no faith in God portance. If Westerners are sim-communists, humanists. ply talking about crop yields, Not Easy machinery, literacy rates and Once again, it is perhaps an health clinics, they are still talkeasy temptation to say: "Good, ing about subjects where they now we can all get together on have all the advantages in the basis of feElding the hungry knowledge, skill, research and, and forget our differences in the above all, money. There is a sort common work." The statement of unconscious colonialism in is partially true. A genuine, sac- this vast, undoub~ed material rificial love of humanity is the superiority. starting point. But it is not Not the Way an easy task and it demands But Western man is beginning immense tact and patience. Above all, it d'emands the wis- to realize the disadvantages of dom that can only come from his materialist, technological civilization. All through Western prayer. In the first place, we are only society, people, especially young just emerging from the colonial people,are talking about the world. The point has to be re- moral squalor, yet popular appeated. The white, post-Christian peal of a society wholly devoted peoples controlled virtually the to consumption with the superentire planet, by settlement and market as its cathedral and the colonization, as recently as 1950. natural airs and waters polluted Again and again, during the and disgraced by the effluents four centuries of increasing and wastage of frantic consumerWestern domination, Christian- ism. Serious men and women ity appeared as the religion of know this is not the way to build the incomers and conquerors. We the Just City, the planetary soneed not doubt the very great ciety where love and peace can benefit it brought in both spir- reign. So, if the spiritual dimension itual and' secular form.' One thinks of it providing the of development is at the forecultural basi~; ---for society front of the ecumenical effort, throughout the Americas, its the perspective is not that of successful exenormous influence on such triumphantly Indian sages as Rabindranath colonialists bringing gifts but of Tagore or Mahatma Gandhi, its the troubled People of God tryprofound contribution to the ing to find ou~ where they went whole of African education and wrong. Here, surely, is the makings its succe:;sful effort, through such men as Wilberforce or not of a路 new dependence but a joint world-wide路 search, ecumenical in the widest sense, to dis~edection cover how the incredible gifts' of For perfection does not consist power and science of the techin macerating or killing the body, nological aid can be better used but in killing our perverse self- to give all the sons of men the will. chance for a dignified and human -St. Catherine of Siena existence.
OBSERVE SUCCOTH: Children of Holy Union Primary School, Fall River, observe Old Testament harvest feast of Succoth, still celebrated by Jews, by constructing small house of boughs, reminder of hardships experienced by Israelites wandering in desert. From left, front, Sarah Muldowney, Jennifer Luongo, Jeanne Yamamoto; rear, Diane Sokoll, Cathy Griffin, Martha Palumbo, Lizzie O'Toole.
Pope Paul Endorses Stewardship VATICAN CITY (NC)-Stewardship, the act of returning to God one's time, talent and financial resources as an act of worship, was endorsed by Pope Paul VI at his general audience in the Vatican. Speaking in English to 100 delegates to the International Stewardship Seminar meeting in Rome Oct. 1-5, the Pope blessed those who "show the value of offering to God, as an act of worship, part of the gifts received from His bounty." The Pope expressed his gratitude to delegates for their interest in helping the Church of mission lands "to attain self-
Slaves There are no galley slaves in the royal vessel of divine love. Every man works his oar voluntarily. -Camus
'to "promote a follow-up educational program in Christian stewardship on regional and local levels in countries both developing and developed."
sufficiency" through stewardship. The seminar, presided over by Msgr. Luigi Ligutti of the United States, director of Agrimissio, a Vatican-centered aid agency for missioners, attracted 25 delegates from the United States. Objectives of the seminar are to educate mission churches toward self-development and to show churches in developed. nations the value of involving the laity in apostolic activities. Seminar delegates were asked
,rN~;;i~'H'.'T~ipp~ . , ~, SHEET METAL ,~ , J. TESER, Prop. , ~
IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road
,, 253 Cedar St., New Bedford', 993-3222 ,, ,,
Fall River 678-5677
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaIl"River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973
======~r'~~!·'=~=~====~, A Christian Death Is. Not An Ending , Flavius Josephus -- Ascetic, Historian Traitor I
Occasionally there appeltrs in history a Icharacter whose ~rue life adventures and accomphsh· ments see!'" far closer to fiction than to fab~.
City, Josephus took notes on e:ents and strategy an.d inter· viewed many on both sides. He also assisted in the negotiations that took place between the besiegers and the Jews. At the fall of the city he was able to save a few friends and relatives. After. the war he returned to Rome with Titus and was compensated for the loss of his Jerusalem property with Roman estates. It seems that Josephus acted as he did i.n the sincere belief that Rome would inevitably
conquer, It was the same feeling that motivated him to write "The Jewish War," which attempted to prove to other subject nations the futility, of revolt against the Empire. The Romans recognized the value of the work as propa· ganda and saw to it that it was published and translated, al· though Josephus himself wrote the book in both Aramaic and Greek. 'The Jewish Antiquities' His other great work was "The Turn to Page Seventeen
In one our rich sources of. information about the lands of the Bible, I such a man is de· scribzd. He was Flavius Josephus, ascetic, general, historian, a?ologist, Itraitor and opportulUSt.
Facing Death and Sharing Sorrow Our neighbor across the street has two great loves-his family and his work. He often and unexpectedly leaVes the first because of the second. I frequently hear
Born a Jew in Palestine of both pries~ly ahd royal Hasmonean -._.-..-............... Iin1eage, h~ was educated in the tl't~i:if*rmj~l;@j.=:r~;$~mii Law and ~uring his late teens studied an~ experienced the doctrines of the Sadducees; Pharo By isees and Essenes. He even Spent, some time I ~n the wilderness as FR. JOSEPH M.; an ascetic hermit. With. this varied background, CHAMPLIN young Jos~phus was sel)t to the Im:;>erial qty of Rome on a, mission to obtain the release of Jewish pri~oners. His personality the door of his station wagon and wit whCch were destined to slam shut in early morning or insure hi~ a niche in. history late at night as he goes about the, were firs~ Idemon~trated in th~ task of. burying Fulton's dead court of Nero where he charmed and assisting our bereaved. the Empre~s Poppea. These Same Through comdentious effort qualities ~ere t.o make him the . over several decades, this man protege of; three later RQman has built a business inherited emperors, 'respasian, Titus and from his father into a busy pracDomitian. . tice. In the process· he has, nat· Jewish Revolt urally, acquired insights about Josephus returned from Rome death and dying, principles which on the eve of the Jewish revolt I have discussed with him on of 66 A.D. Although a Pharisee, many trips to and from the local his party was at best lukewarm cemetery. ,toward thel revolt. Josephus was He, our other parishioner funevertheless sent to take com- neral director, and I agree parma:~d in GJlilee.- It is difficult to ticularly on this point: a period know exattly what happened of calling hours at the family at this ti~e because Josephus house or funeral home between himself tells conflicting stories the time of death and burial ful· Wake Service in "The J~wish War" and his' fills deep human and Christian autobiography. needs. Visitors should not be can· The revised rit,e of funerals en· I:: seems I that in spite of his cerned. A sermon or speech is lack of enthusiasm for the cause dorses these "wakes" for the not required; mere presence of J,evolution, when the Romans deceased. Article 3 of its. Intro· I .' brings great comfort. So does a began subjugating Galilee, he duction states: "The bodies of kiss, an embrace, a soft word opposed them strongly but futile- the faithful, which were temples ("Sor~y"), an offer of help, a of the Spirit, should be shown ly. I brief prayer said kneeling be· The Romal!l forces were ul!lder honor and respect, but any kind fore the body. the commahd of Vespasian, and of pomp or display should be The family should not fear it wa!; aftet Josephus' surrender avoided. Between the time of either. That great influx of perto the Roritan commander that death and burial there sl)ould be he PTOPhe~ied that Vesparian sufficient opportunities for the sons who come, who care, marwould become emperor. people to pray for the dead and velously lifts up sorrowing In the ye1ar ,69 A.D., when his ,profess their own faith in eternal hearts' and proves an enormous source of support in hours of . prophecy ~as fulfilled he was life." darkness. One always remembers released and on the new emper· Help to Survivors those who came' and easily ex· or's departhre for Rome, Jose· When visiting hours and care ' cuses others who failed to show. phus took I Vespasian's. family of the departed's body are hanAt· this time we also pray for name, Flavius, as his own. dled wit~ Christian simplicity the dead and profess 0llr faith in l . 'The Jewish War' and a proper spirit, they fulfill eternal life. Individual, private Josephus !iOined the entourage two functions. prayer during those qours pre· of Vespasian's son and succesFirst of all, such practices help . sents no problem; public prayer sor, Titus, ~nd acted as 'the Ro- survivors face in· honest fashion can prove difficlult. I usually man comrhander's interpreter the fact of their beloved's death. find the rosary here long and during the ~iege of Jet:,usalem in I know from personal experi- awkward; but brief excerpts 70 A.D. Needless to say, Jose- ence and through 17 years of from the ritual, satisfactory; and phus' actiohs were considered priestly ministry that coping a prayer service at the end of tra-itoi'ous by the Jews. with death is never a simple, calling hours with just the famDuring tHe siege of the Holy easy matter. Ev'en though OUr ily and late comers, best. ~
FASCINATION: "Death fasCinates and mystifies man. This is true whether we consider the reaction of the little child seeing a dead bird for the first time, the wond~r and awe of the primitive before death, or today's man in face of the same reality." From ,article by Dr. Thomas Francouer. A dead bird lies on a city sidewalk, guarded by a companion. (NC Photo) Death fascinates and mystifies man. This is true whether we consider the reaction of the little child seeing a dead bird for the first t,ime, the wonder and'
41. '; iti awe of the primitive before death, or today's man in face of the same reality. We may come to learn of the inevitability· of
death, yet great questions remain, as does uneasiness and fear. , Man has always sensed a life hereafter. he has buried useful things with the dead for their journey or passage to "happy hunting groupds." He has heard his God describe and call him to the Kingdom of peace and love. But there are those workings of the mind that may still bring discomfort. As old age approaches, the advent of death becomes more real and hope may tend to take on lesser enthusiasm, We find ourselves taking inventory of our lives, wondering what will be· come of our loved ones and Turn to Page Eighteen
Death and Religious Education "Dear Daddy, Leslie and Douglas, pray every night that you'll be healed. They don't understand why someone else they love has to suffer.
uation and victory over suffering. Maybe that's your greatest gift to us." Suzanne, a young mother of twins, wrote these words to her cancer-wracked father a' week before his death at the age of 63. A year earlier Suzanne had lost her 33-year-old husband,' By Ken, the victim of a braiQ- tumor. In a letter written to her friends FR. CARL J. \ four'months after Ken's death, she described her husband's last PFEIFER, S.J. 'days: "The facts sound terrible: Ken could not walk or talk, he 'ate' through a tube in his stomach, None of us do, but we keep trust- he was blind, his righ~ .side par· ing that there is a greater pur- alyzed. The fact, was that' he pose. But we all thlmk God for was radiant in his faith and suo the peace you display. I wonder' premely confident in his Lord if you know it shows. We talk and he made the rest of us hapabout that and two little people py. Leslie and Douglas and I can see some good in every sitTurn to Page Nineteen
faith in the Resurrection may be strong, we stiil must endure the pain of separation and loss. That prospect causes individuals to react clumsily and in various, unpredictable ways: by open crying, hysterical screaming, si· lent withdrawing, unconscious escaping to avoid reality. It was my funeral directorneighbor who suggested that viewing of casket and body can bring the truth home, especially for those who only r.eluctantly come to grips with what has hap· pened. Moreover, while excessive con· cern for the body's appearance and casket's expensiveness does not seem appropriate, sensitive handling of the physical remains is a praise-worthy procedure. It speaks silently' about our belief in the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit and destined for a share in the Resurrection. Secondly, and above all, ·call· ing hours give relatives and friends an opportunity to share the bereaveds' sorrow, to offer support and to pray for the de· ceased. ' Most of us dread the thought of those moments. Will we break down? What is there to say? Can we handle our grief?
tHE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 1, 1973·
Co.llection of Lavin Stories Offers Five-Cours:e Feast The latest. of Mary Lavin's story collections is A Memory, and Oither Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 2 Park St., Boston, Mass. 02107. $5.95). It contains only five pieces, but these provide a five-course feast. The title story, "A Memory," is the longest Hardly less impressive is and the best. One would "Asigh," which deals with a not be mistaken in labeling domineering father, the son over it a masterpiece of its kind. whom he tyrannizes, and the It is deceptively leisurely and discursive, but rises to a shatter· ing conclusion. Its focal character, .James, is
a stultifying, self·satisfied bach· e10r of middle age, who has a small house somewhere in the Irish countryside. There, in smug seclusion, he is writing Ii brilliant (to him) book. For an occasional breather, he goes up to DU8lin, where he once taught llt University College. In Dublin he visits Myra, a spinster of about his age. She, too, is a former teacher, now tloing translations. James and Myra pride themselves on being intellectuals, free of sentimen· tality, and above the silliness which seems to be the main pre' occupation of other people. .lames, handsomely, compliments Myra on thin~ing almost as preci~ely as a man does. Life of the Mind They sometimes talk about (and laugh about) the time long ago when James was briefly obsessed with one of his students, a slip of a girl named Emmy. But he had soon recovered his senses, abruptly dismissed Emmy, and now could be merry about the absurdity of it all. No distraction thereafter from the noble life of the mind, certainly none by the brightly twittering Myra. But then one of his expeditions to Dublin goes wrong. All that. he does prior to heading for Myra's flat misfires somehow. And at the flat Myra is suddenly dif· ferent, hysterical really, shock· a woman. She is shouting at him, she is weeping wildly. And the ultimate offense is her telling him something unintelligible: "You have denatured me!" After this outrage, he leaves, of course. He takes a bus out of Dublin, pigheadedly insists on getting off at the wrong stop, and has a nightmarish time of it as he he~ds for the safely sol· itary cell of home in the dark, across a strange, sinister stretch of land. He never does get back to his snug retreat. But does he have a flash of self·knowledge at the last? Father's 'Asigh' This is' a powerful study of an absolutely self-centered person, a dried up monster, who is first ridiculous and then terribly piti· able. It is fiendishly well executed, simmering purposively away until it comes to lln inevitable, roaring boil.
daughte'r who is the apple of his eye. The father will, naturally, arrange his children's lives. The son, older than his sister, must dumbly slave away on the farm, with marriage impossible while his father lives. But for the daughter there are great plans. They are thwarted, and his, blun· reringly, by the overmanaging father himself. The daughter in turn, attempts a bit of managing in her brother's interest. Frustra· tion there, ·too. Here again, Miss Lavin's skill in exposing character and showing the interplay of characters is extraordinary. One marvels at the apparent simplicity of the writing, unaffected, unadorned, hut hitting home with stunning impact. The one story which is less than fully satisfactory is "VilIa Violetta." Evidences of the ·au· thor's special excellences abound in it, but the ending is like a far too sugary dessert after an otherwise fine meal. Greene's Lot Much greater popular success has been the lot of Graham Greene, whose new novel is The Honorary Consul (Simon and Schuster, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10020. $7.95). The scene is a wretched town in northern Argentina. Three Englishmen live there. One, Dr. Eduardo" Plarr, is part Parag)Jayan and an exile from that country, but he has a British passport. Another is aging Charley Fortnum, a planter who is honorary British consul in this backwater. The third is a waspish futility named Humphries, a teacher of English. A small group of Paraguayan revolutionaries crosses the border and attempts to kidnap the American ambassador to Argentina while he is visiting the town. They will hold him in a secret number of political place. until prisoners, possibly including Plarr's father, is released by.Par· aguay. But they make a mistake and seize poor Fortnum instead.
Doomed Doctor Fortnum is injured while being captured, and Dr. Plarr is sum· "moned to attend him. He responds because the leader of the guerrillas is a. former schoolmate who became a priest, then joined those in revolt against the Par· aguayan dictator, and married. The police close in on the guerrillas' hideout, threatening to shoot unless Fortnum is released unharmed and all the' guerrillas surrender. Plarr, trying to prevent a fatal confrontation is senselessly killed. This doomed doctor is one of Greene's typical characters. He is melancholy, weary, sex-ridden, incapable of love, jealous of Fortnum because that Dumbler can love. To whom, to what is Plarr loyal? Not to his friend Fortnum,
17 .
Vouchers BringSchool Reform NEW YORK (NC)-A leading economist has proposed vouchers as "the way to achieve real reo ,form in schooling" and has sug- . gested that they may be a constitutional way of aiding pal'ents who send their children to non· public schools. Explaining "The Voucher Idea" in an article in The New York Times magazine, Dr. Milton Friedman, professor of economics at the University of Chicago, said: "The City of New York now spends about $1,500 per year for every child enrolled at public elementary and secondary schools. Parents who send their child to a private school therefore save the city about $1,500. But they get no benefit from doing so. The key reform would be for the city to give such parents a voucher for $1,500 to pay for schooling for their child (and for no other purpose). This would not relieve them of JOSEPHUS!: "Occasionally there appears in history a the burden of taxes; it would character whose true life adventures and accomplishments simply give parents a choice of seem far closer to fiction than to fact. One of our rich sources the form in which they take the of information .about the lands of the Bible was such a man. schooling that the city has obliHe was Flaviu.s Josephus, ascetic, general, historian, apolo- gated itself to 'provide." Friedman's basic contention is gist, traitor and opportunist." (NC Photo) that competition among schools is necessary for genuine educa· tional reform. If there is compe· tition, he maintained, parents his conduct was good, and (he) will send their children to the Continued from' Page Sixteen Jewish Antiquities," an apol· was known to be virtuous. And schools that do the best job of ogetic history of the .Jews from many people from among the . educating . But under' present creation to the start of the Jew- Jews and other nations became circumstances, there is no comish revolt. The historical value his disciples. Pilate condemned petition, because public schools of his works are disputed by him to be crucified and to die. have an economic advantage, many who question the objectiv· And those who had become his providing their educational ser· ity of the author and his sources disciples did not· abandon his vices free of charge. but they have nonetheless been discipleship.. They reported that In his discussion of problems an abundant source of informa- he had appeared to them three facing the voucher plan, Friedman tion for historians imd scholars. days after his crucifixion and considered first the church-state Last year a 10th century Ar- that he was alive; accordingly, issue. Recalling last June's Suabic translation of Josephus' he was perhaps the messiah con- preme Court decisions striking '''Antiquities'' was discovered cerning whom the prophets have down New York and Pennsylthat provides us with what schol- recounted wonders." vania laws that provided for reThis recent discovery has once imbursing parents for part of ars believe is an unadulterated· version of what the Jewish histo- again cast the spotlight upon the the tuition paid to nonpublic elrian said about Christ. Other writings of Josephus, which have. ementary and secondary schools, copies in existence had obviously been pUblished in several mod- the economist said "the tuition· been altered by Christian editors ern translations. The details and reimbursement plans appear' to date of Flavius Josephus' death be at least kissing cousins of the to reflect later teachings. The /oldest translation reads: are not" known but the .Romans voucher plan that I have outlined. "At this time there was a wise erected a statue in his' honor man who was called Jesus. And that still survives in Copenhagen.
Flavius Josephus
CHAS. F. whose wife he seduces. Not to his religion, for he considers himself no longer a Christian. Await Showdown He and the former priest h~ve a long discussion about God as they wait for the showdown with the police. The priest says· that now, for him, God is part good, part evil, and in process of change. God, he holds, is evolv· ing toward complete good, away from evil, in the measure that the human race does so. Dr. Plarr doesn't seem drawn to this way of thinking. This novel does-not have the acute, unbroken tension which Mr. Greene created and sustained when at the top of his form. Nor do the characters, their puzzlements .and dilemmas, hold one's close attention. Plarr's problems seem contrived, not the workings of fate. It is never made clear why it is that he is incapable of love. And his sexual dalliance, so ex~ravagantly set out, is as
tedious to the reader as it is to him. Contemporary Th~me The theme of the radical priest turned revolutionary against Church and political regime is certainly a genuine contemporary one. But little is done here to explore or explain it. Its exemplar talks a lot and says nothing that is enlightening. The feel of Latin America in the late 20th century is, how· ever, more than suggested, especially the desperate plight of the destitute masses. Some of the lesser figures stand . out clearly: Perez, the suave, deadly chief of police; Saavedra, the prolific, unread novelist whose work has no connection with the world around himl Plarr's indolent mother, who stuffs herself with pastries and pithless pieties. There are also some of those knife strokes of observation about human nature and human folly which are a Greene specialty.
24 HOUR OIL BURNER SERVICE BUDGET PLANS The Vargas Oil Co. protects your family's heating comfort all year round.
, THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall J;;:iver-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1913
CYO Members' To Make History At Convention
Says Cogley Lost Conta~t With Catholic Community There are a number of possible responses to the news that the veteran liberal Catholi,c journalist, John Cogley, has left the Church to become an Episcopalian. In private some of his former colleagues in Catholic journalism laughed-' the exit wasn't funny but t h e ' destination seemed to be. tors. And of course be played a , One editor observed (though ?ecisiv:e role in' Ameri~an polit. ' . Ical hfe 'by translatmg John h~ rejected this response for Courtney Murray's church-state himself) that many youpg people would say, "John who?" Pre~u.mably the radical right will reJOice and, ~ope that many other
liberals will follow Cogley so t~at they can have the Church to themselves. Cogley's 'friends are saying that his decision was a personal one, that it should concern no one but himself, and that it was a difficult decision, made after much agony and in sincere good . conscience. This is certainly the tone of Cogley's own brief and not pa~ticularly informative, statement, which was surely the most gentle and self-effacing ieavetaking in the whole history of religious conversion. Up to a point' there can 'be lit· tie disagreement with such a position. No man's good faith should be questioned. In the final analysis every human decision must be made in the light of the dem'ands of conscience. A man's motives are no' one's business but his own.
theories into John Kennedy's famous Houston speech. I must confess that my reac. tion to his apostasy (and that is what it must be called in the objective order) ,is like what I experience when I hear that nuns who led successful reform move· ments within their communities leave the religious life. They help to create new, more fluid, more confusing communities and then desert their own creations. John Cogley had a lot to do with creating post-conciliar Cathol·, kism, with all its confusion, its richness, its uncertainty, its ten· sions, its opportunities, and -its disappointments. He has now left it for the serenity and order of the very civilized and very cultivated Anglican church. That may be fine for him hut it is sort of rough on the rest of us. Birth Control Encyclical
MAN ON THE GO: Dr. John C. Willke (left) rushes to Bishop Dubourg High School in St. Louis with its administrator to give one in a series of speechtes on the abortion issue. Dr. Willki.e spends half his time travelling' like a politic~l campaigner as he lectures extensively against abortion. The. remainder of his time is spent practicing medicine I :in Cincinnati. NC Photo. 1
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) has announced it will launch a program to harness the energies of youth to bring the message of Christ to the world. The youthful delegates to the 12th National Federation convention in Indianapolis (Nov. 15-18) will be asked to make a personal decision to become actively involved in what the CYO calls an innovative educational .process. The new educational process calls for selected delegate memo bers to present 16 resolutions to the main committee for adoption on the final day of the con· vention. It would mark the first time in CYO history that the convention would adopt resolutions dr!1wn up, by the young delegates. The resolutions will be drawn up after the selected delegates hear speakers present factual data on Church liturgy, prayer, minority problems, economics and other fields of interest. The selected delegates, who then will meet in workshops after hearing the speakers, will draw up 28 resolutions. Then in a series of sessions the number of resolutions will be reduced to the 16 which will be considered for final adoption.
New Insights' We have little in the way of an expla~ation for the change. The proeess was developed to His st~tement mentions the birth provide delegates with new incontrol encyclical . But the en" Feelings of guilt and accom- sights into a number of problems cyclical is a half decade old. It Continue4 from Page Sixteen has been ignored by the clergy agonizing: over our unrealized panying fear mingle with our facing the Church today, the and the laity and not enforced dreams. Sometimes we feel images of the loving Father? CYO said. The process, the CYO said by the hierarchY.H is not very guilty, s'ometimes frustrated Have we obeyed? liave. we high on the l;Igenda of most Cath- over the ~eeming pointlessness ::' brought growth?' The 'enduring win also give the' nearly 3,000 olics. It may have been an unfor· of it all. Then' we turn to our and continual task of building young people attending the contunate document, but it hardly Christian ~ision of joy, and with the Kingdom risks being robbed vention an opportunity to speak negates the splendors and the some confusion, feel shame at <if its energy by a self-judgment their minds for' themselves and treasures of the Catholic tradi-' these neg~tive and saddening harsher than the Lord's. Concen- for the youth they represent. One of the speakers scheduled tion. I trust I will be excused if feelicgs. I tration on his goodness and upon to address the convention is TVI say that it doesn't seem to be LittleI Things Count our, sincere efforts to build love night club entertainer Danny a very good reason for leaving community will enable us to face, .W(l hear!. Chri~t's "Even <; cup the Church, not for those who of water gIven m my name ... " with fascination ' the prospect Thomas. The keynote address will be understand what the Catholk and his simple if serious counsels of a new morality of continued, Objective Relationship given by Bishop William D. Bortradition is all about and what is positive building in the transition But if it is true that the subjec- really going on in the Church of love. THen some of the norms we know as death. ders of Orlando, Fla. Bishop Borby w~1ich ~e judge 'ourselves far tive goodness of a rel,igious de- today. ders is the chairman of the This series on the personal life too strict, loften focused on the cision is not a matter for legitiI used to argue-only half in less releva~t. Against his humble ·of man has led to a consideration United States Catholic Confermate discussion, it does not fol- jest-with John that his big misence's Committee on Education. low that there is nothing 'else to take was to leave Chicago for demands of love, the little things of man's triumphal entry into be said. For there is an objective New York. What I meant was of our life begin to stand out the eternal love :community. Sucorder of human relationship, an that New York was an evil place and we cart face our life's inven- cess or failure has been seen in PRINTING order that has a value and in- but that when he moved into the tory with greater pride and opti- relation to man's self-image ~nd mism. ! the goals he sets for himself in SINCE 1898 tegrity of its own. No one who world of high-level intellect and We begip to understand that, terms of the life he learns to knows Johri Cogley can have writing he had left behind the MAILING much doubt about his subjective Catholic grass-roots. I felt the just as Chiist's life was remark- , value and the hearts he learns SINCE 1941 good faith. But an objective re- same way when I read his recent abll~ throJgh constant simple to bring life to by his love. • caring, so lmay ours be valued WEB OFFSET lation'ship has been sundered Retireme~t from pressured emhistory of the American' Church. SINCE 1967 • . and it is intellectual <and morai It was fine until he approached in the m~ny Ittle things that ployment enables us, in the light , flabbiness to pretend that this ,the most recent years where he, have meant a lot. He calls us to of our maturing insights, to move be the sal,t of the earth, but doesn't matter. demonstrated no "feer' for what against the reality of constant with a greater and deeper vigor in this enterprise in partnership I, for one, feel abandoned. John was happening. ,Indeed the Ber· effort. Hop~ finds its strength in with Christ. The'n death quietly Cogley was a sane and civil voice rigan phenomenon seemed to be in the American Church. His the only thing he found worth a humble, ~ealistic acceptance of guides us' into the peaceful 679-5262 a life well lived: phase of, a continuing creativity. writings meant a good deal to mentioning. I thought then that We are Very much aware of , me when I was a seminarian and John had drifted a long way from infIuen<ieof persons upon us, ' a young priest. We bad our dis- the Catholic mainstream. It may the even in their absence. We realize agreements later on when I be- be that he had drifted a long way , wa grow older, that after came disenchanted with the ri- from the Catholic mainstream. It as gidities of the Commonweal lib- may be that he drifted a lot fur- death the plYstery of our per.. eral line. (A disenchantment that ther than he himself realized. He influence and care will. began when the Commonweal may have found that since he had still be preSent and felt. Inspiracrowd began to jump on me for lost contact with the Catholic tion embrades, within God's plan, finding in my research that ,the community and tradition, they the fire of the Spirit of Love' and Catholic anti-intellectualism so meant nothing to him any more. the food w~ are to one another in life aftetI death. dear to their hearts had come to It is a shame. He may have • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES Philosophy of Therese , an end that parochial schools left a form of the Church that dW wmkJ ' , doesn't exist any more. The Therese df Lisieux spoke sim\I COMMUNION BREAKFASTS But" I continued to respect and American Catholicism ,that he , ple fact wh~n she said she would I admire him as he played the has in fact left hehind may be spend her. heaven doing good 1343 PLEASANT STREET FALL RIVER difficult role of being a bridge one that he doesn't know. ,Serene upon earth.1 She knew death in ' hetween atholicism and the sec- it is not, but alive and kicking no way called a halt to caring in 673·7780 ular worid-even when he called it surely is. th(l heart ~hat had learned to care. me the last of the old /Irish pas© 1973, Inter/Syndicate
,j.~ Ch~istian Death Is Not 'An Ending
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 1, 1973
Dartmouth Hosts Attleboro In Division I Title Contest There will be no tomorrow for either Attleboro or host Dartmouth come Saturday when the two Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division I powers collide to determine the. circuit's football supremacy. Both clubs enter the contest with unblemished records. Attleboro, at 6-0, good part of the season with has virtually rolled over all Attleboro winning by wide margins' and Dartmouth pulling out Division I opponents with close encounters. "
relative ease. Dartmouth, on the other hand, has amassed five league" wins and one non-loop victory with some close calls. However, with the title at stake comparative scores must be taken lightly. Last Saturday Coach Jim Cassidy's Attleboro contingent defeated Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy- High of Taunton 32-15 while Dartmouth struggled to a 14-10 win over Falmouth.' Such has been the ease throughout a
Saturday's game has all the makings of the classic struggle <bet'feen the high scoring, team 'and the tough defensive club. Attleboro has proven it can score with striking regularity. Quarter· back Mike Bassis is a gifted signalcaller who has kept the opposition on guard all season. He will utilize the running skills of Brian Pardey ,and Steve Johnson then hit Mike Kuaga with a long scoring pass.
, Lynch-Cassidy Meetings Date to 1950's
MODEL T STEERING COMMITTEE: What began as an invitation to ride in an anti.que Model T Ford tUrned into a ~hance to tak: the wheel f~r B~sho~ George T. Sp~ltz of St. Cloud, Minn., when he attended a centenmal cross dedicatIOn m Augusta, ~mn. Owner Ray Ramacher was taking the bishop for a ride in his old car but fOllnd hImself answering so many questions that he finally asked "Bishop, do you wa~t to drive?" The bishop quickly formed his own steering committee and drove to the pansh school where he had dinner. NC Photo. •
Death and Religious Education
Continued from Page Sixteen miss Ken very much. Sometimes I wonder when the hurt will stop but rm so grateful for the peace and comfort of the Lord. And we do manage to keep busy." Suzanne's sister-in-law shared these two letters with me. She also shared a song her own husband, Ben-Suzanne's brother-wrote foOl' his mother and father as the father neared death. "But now that, we've learned what life has meant for us ... And cared enough to love enough ' to share enough between us You and I know that we'll always be one. All of our days we'll love together. "You and I have a lot to remember ... We shall love till the snows of December ... Take my hand now ... stay close ... next to me ... As we share our days ·from now on ... from now on." Value ~f Faith These hand·written, personal documents of one Chr,istian famMartha's Vineyard Leads Mayflower Loop ily's grappling with the death of two loved ones within a year In last week's contests involv- of the campaign Saturday last speak volumes. They reflect the ing Division I clubs Barnstable when it upended previously un- human pain and loss experienced beat Feehan 27·0 and Taunton beaten Wareham 14-13. The by young and old as death twice . defeated Somerset 14-0. Spartans came up with the big shocks the pattern of family life. scoring play late in the contest For the second consecutive to take a slim lead and then held They reveal, too, the value of faith in facing so painful and weekend Division II anti Division on stopping the Vikings at the III teams will engage in inter· one yard line on the final play puzzling an experience. As the Second Vatican Council observes, divisional play. of the game.. "It is in the face of death that Bourne, which has already Martha's Vineyard took over the riddle of human existence won the Division II crown, will sole possession of first place in becomes most acute" (The be idle this week as will Ware- the eight team Mayflower League Church Today, 18). ham who presently leads in Divi- last Saturday by downing West These intimate documents of sion III. Case High of Swansea, Bridgewater 38-12. The Islanders one family's encounter with who is tied with Wareham, will hold a one game advantage in death show how real the Counplay at Seekonk. the lost column over Nantucket, cil's teaching can be that In other games slated for Sat- Apponequet and West Bridge- "through Christ and in Christ, urday Dighton-Rehoboth will en- water in the tight race. the riddles of sorrow and death tertain Diman Regional VocaThe Islanders will be at Prov- grow meaningful." (22) Suzanne tional of Fall River, Norton is at incetown this weekend to tangl~ experienced her dying father's Dennis-Yarmouth, Fairhaven is with the upset minded Fishermen. peace as a gift to the whole famat Mattapoisett to play Old Nantucket is at Lakeville to play ily, a peace arising from his Rochester, and Bishop Stang Apponequet, Blue Hills of Canton Christian faith. Ken, her dying High of Dartmouth will meet meets West Bridgewater and husband, "was radiant in his New Bedford Vocational in the Manchester is in Easton to battle faith and supremely confident Whaling City. Southeastern Regional to com- in his Lord and he made the rest of us happy." The whole Stang sprung the major upset plete the scnedule: While the Bombardiers have sistently. Clyde Andrews carries shown an adeptness scoring, the most of the burden but receives proficiency of the defensive unit strong support from Dennis has been neglected only in the Aguiar and Gary Robideau. press. In no contest to date has Dartmouth does not throw often, Attleboro given up more than which may account for less scor· two touchdowns and that oc- ing, but when the air game is curred only once. implemented it frequently reCarlin Lynch coached teams suits in a T.D. have the reputation of being An interesting sidelight to very strong defensively and this Saturday's game 'is the J;Jleeting year's Dartmouth eleven is between coaches Cassidy and typical. The most points scored Lynch in another title contest. against the Indians this season The two veteran mentors have is ten. been matching wits since CasOffensively the Indians have sidy coached at Case High in scored 30 or more points in Swansea and Lynch piloted Somonly one game thus far which erset in the old Narragansett could indicate a lack of scoring' League .back in the late 1950's. punch. However, such is not the Falmouth, the third place case. team in Division I with a 2·2~1 Dartmouth is an extremely record will entertain Coyle Satwell disciplined ball club that urday, Bishop Feehan High of relies primarily on the running Attleboro will travel to Taunton game. Its offensive backs run as . to meet the Tigers, and Somerset 'hard as any in the area and is at Barnstable to round out ground out tough yardage con· the docket.
family was "so grateful fool' the peace and comfort of the Lord." 'Changed not Ended' Ben's touching song 'suggests the Christian's traditional belief that life does not end with death. Even though separated by death, Christians believe they can remain united "as we share our days from now on ... from now on." What the Council states dispassionately, the members of this
Christian Voters Group Proposed LONDON (NC) - Leaders of seven Catholic law organizations in Britain pledged support for a nationwide movement of Christian voters to keep Members of Parliament informed of Christian attitudes on proposed legislation. The movement was started in a small way some years ago by the Knights of St. Columba, a British group similar to the Knights of Columbus, and already operates in about 10 per cent of parliamentary constituencies. The decision to give it support by the seven lay organizations at a joint meeting in London will, lay leaders hope, give it the nec· essary boost to expend thrqughout the country and to take in a wide range of other religious groups.
family express with warmth and love mingled with deep personal pain. Their words are worth reflecting on, praying about, for they rise up out of experience. They are the words of a Christian famUy whose fait!t in Christ enables them to find mutual peace, support and hope in life's most painful moments. Little Leslie and Douglas can be thankful that they experienced these two deaths within such an honest and supportive family experience. Their mother's words to their dying grandfather whose peace in the face of death was so catching, suggest a model for a catechesis on death: "We talk about that and two little people can see some good in every situation and victory over suffering. Maybe that's youI' greatest gift to us."
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