t eanc 0 VOL. 28, NO. 43
$8 Per Year
On election eve
Candid,ates give views
WASHINGTON (NC) - On the eve of the presidential election, both President Ron ald Reagan and candidate Walter Mondale' have responded to written questions sub mitted by National Catholic News Service. Reagan promise~, ,if reelected, to seek passage of anti-abortion and tuition tax credit legislation and to protect Central America f rom "military solutiollls" imposed by Com munist-backed governments. While .declaring that he "respects" the Catholic Church's teaching on tine unborn, Mondale backs the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. He also pledged that if elected he will deemphasize the role of nUclear weapons in U.S. defense policies. Reagan also pledged "at least equivalence" in mili rtary strength with the Soviet Union. He said ,the United States provides nuclear strength for Western Europe because Am erica's NATO aHies have been reluctant to match growing So viet-bloc conventional force power with increased conven tional force clout of their own. He declared that "the United States is committed to encourag~ ing internal ;reforms and nego tiated solutions to political prob lems in EI Salvador" but that "we wi'll not stand by and let miHtary solutions· be imposed on rthe free people of Central America by· their adversaries." Questioned about NATO nu clear first~use policies, criticized by the U.S. bishops as moraHy unacceptable, Reagan said that the United States and NATO "do not start wars and we use OUT forces - especially our nuclear forces - only to deter aggres sion." . Discussing other defense mat ters, he said that the U.S. pro ~ssentia.J
1.-.,. _
_ Gaudette Photo
Refugees are home
cise in practical Christianity. By Pat McGowan The Cambodian family was When Chea Sophea, aged eight months arrived in this country greeted 'in Fall River by Sambath eight days ago she possessed Rim and Oum Ath, already in nothing but the diaper she wore. the city. Now you could say she's one The new alTivals are Sam of the richest little girls in the bath's mother, stepfather and Fan River diocese. half-brothers and sisters. Several She has a newly-met big of the children were born after ibrother, a whole parish-fwll of Sambath was torn from' his par ents in ,the confusion attendant friends and a bright, bright fu upon the Communist takeover of ture. Cambodia in 1979. She, her mother, father and five brothers and sisters are a They went to one re~ugee Cambodian refugee family that camp, he to another and it was has found haven in Fall River not until he arrived in the United under sponsorship of rthe Ed and 'States several years ago that he Mary Arruda family of SS. Peter could begin efforts to locate and Paul parish. them. At last, rbhJ:'ough the of Last Friday, weary f,rom a fices of the World Relief Organ hopscotch flight from a ;Philip ization, he traced them to the pine refugee holding center to Philippines, where workers for New ;Bedford, wlth stops in many church groups were mak California, Chicago, Boston and ing desperate efforts to relocate Provincetown en route, the fam them and hundreds of other ily was settling at least ~mpor families in permanent homes be arily in a North Main Street fore refugee sites were closed apartment in FaH River. down. With them were the Arrudas Enter SS·. Peter and Paul par and their two daughters, April, ish, whose pastor, Msgr. Pat 10, an SS. ,Peter and Paul School rick J. O'Nei'll, was familiar with pupil, and Elise, 15', a Bishop earlier resettlement programs Stang student. undertaken by Catholic Social Both . schools had wHlingly Servic~s and several Fall River granted the girls days off for the Episcopal churches. beginning of their family exer Tum to Pa~e Eight
gram "is peace through strength, and it requires' rthat we must achieve 'at ileast essential equi valence between the military forces of the U.S. and the Soviet Union." On other ,topics, Reagan: - Said that the 1985 Defense Department budget ,is $65 billion less than the budget for the De .partment of Health and Human Services and that "over the next five years" government will spend on defense." - Promised that by the end of 1989 his administration will be providing "rent vouohers" rto low-income families to help them obtain housing anywhere in ,the nation. - Said his' administration has "slowed the rate of tax in creases on lower - and middle income Americans" whose taxes "have not decreased much only because our ,tax cuts were off set by the C~rter-Mondale So cial Security rtax increases and their high rates of inflation that forced taxpayers into higher tax brackets."
- Said that poverty is in creasing at a slower pace under his administration and that a small "rise in poverty really re presents a stalHng of a trend to increased poverty that began dur. ing the previous administration." - Stated that "ours is the first administra~ion in 20 years to reduce both the inflation and unemployment rates during a single ,term," and that a federal job-training program for disad vantaged .youths, welfare recipi ents and displaced workers .is "one of my administration's crowning achievements." Mondale's Views In his response to NC ques tions, Mondale criticized the Rea gan administration for "moral bankruptcy" in lbudget cuts and said he wtll restrain federal spending while protecting the poor and disadvantaged. He rejected tuition tax credits but said he favors other federal assistance to education which can benefit private ,sohools. Mondale renounced the conTurn to page thirteen
Heav'y agenda at fall meeting
Busy bishops By Jerry Filteau WASHINGTON (NC) - When the Catholic bishops of the United States gather' for their regular fall meeting Nov. 12-15, most popular attention will fo cus on their pastoral letter on the economy. But they face more Jmmediate decisions on a non sexist version of the Psalms, a new eucharistic prayer, and new guidelines for permanent deacons and for continuing for mation of priests. Their 20-item action agenda alone dnvolves nearly 400 pages of documentation sent to each bishop in October. Written
backgrounders for information and discussion are expected to run to several hundred addi tional pages. Discussion of a still-secret first draft of a nationa,1 pastoral letter on Catholic social teach ing and the U.S. economy is the most controversial general issue facing <the four-day assembly. Many observers have predicted that the proposed pastoral could provoke more pubHc debate thari the bishops' 1983 pastoral on war and peace issues. Initially the first draft of the economy document was to be re leased this s~mmer, but concern over its possible misuse in elec
tion-year campaigning ,led the bishops to postpone ,the release until just before the meeting, after the elections are over. The economic pastoral is not an "action" item on the Novem ber agenda, however. It is only up for discussion, with an eye toward further revisions over the next year and a fina'i debate and vote by the bishops in Nov ember 1985. Several items on which the bishops wiJl be asked to vote 'involve church law questions, ranging from the age of receiv ingconfirmation to rules for Turn to Page Nine
1J h'.
THE ANCHOR"7Diocese of Fall River,....Fri., 'Nov. 2, 1984
bishops condemn IRA fund raisi~g
Clergy-lay roles, probed HOLYOKE, Mass. (NC) - At also acknowledged that this
a symposium held at Mont Marie idea often causes conflict in a
Conference Center here, more church where decision-making
than 150 priests, religious and power sHII rests with an ordained
lay people from throughout New hieruchy. ,
:England called for more inte David O'Brien, history pro
grate? c1ergy~lay educational fessor at Holy Cross CoBege,
programs and for greater accept said many obstacles block estab
ance of the lay role in the lishment of a church in which
ohurch. ' clerics and lay people work to
But the group, which inCluded ward the same goal among them
several bishops, left an Oc~. 15 the fact that :the abilities of com
to 17 symposium on The FutUil'e petent lay persons are often un
of Ministry without agreeing on recognized at the parish level.
future roles for ,the clergy and , Other ,presentors were Domini
laity and how authority might can Sister M. Shawn Copeland,
be divided between them. associate professor at St. Nor
Representing the Fall River bert College in DePere, Wis.;
diocese at the gathering were Barbara Anne Radke, instructor
Ms. Mary Elizabeth laRoche, at LaSalle and Emmanuel Col
New Bedford; Mrs. Judy Sullivan, leges dn Boston; and FatI:ter
South Yarmouth; Rev: John A. Hugh' Crean, copastor of Sacred
Perry, Our Lady of Victory par- ' Heart parish, Springfield.
ish, CenterviUe; Sister Ruth Cur Several speakers complained
ry and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fo that priests Jearn one view of
ley, Family Life Center, North cooperative Ilay-clericalministry
Falmouth. . in the seminary whiJe lay peo
Also Deacon and Mrs. John ple learn another lin their train
Schondek, Taunton; Michael J.' ing programs.
"The issue is to break down
Donty, Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton; Mrs. Mary-Lou bur-iers," Sister Copeland said. Mancini, Catholic Social Services, , "We should be offering oppor tunities for ordained perstms to Fall River; Rev. Marcel H. Bou share their formation education chard; and Sister Doreen Done gan, SUSC, Catholic Education with those who wiN be in volved in ministry with them. Center, Fall River. ' Representatives from New Sister Doreen spoke on area England's 11 dioceses also men characteristics at a diocesan re port session, noting that Fall ,tioned concerns about compen River is 64 percent Catholic, the sation and j()b descriptions for second most heavily Catholic Jay employees, in.tegrating social diocese an New England, with justice issues into different min the figure boosted by the large istries and improving communica Portuguese population, most of tion among people in different whom are chUil'ch members. She diocesan services. also moderated one of severaI panels discussing major sympos ium papers. .' At the close of the gathering Judy SuUivan of South Yar mouth presented recommendaThe late Boleslaw F.. Ginalski, tions for ministry developed by a longtime Hnotype operator at the diOCesan delegates.' , , the Leary Press, where The AnFour scholars opened the chor js primed, wiH be memorial meeting with papers on the his- ized jn the ch!llpel of Our Lady tory and possible futUil'e course of Czestochowa and St. Paw, the of lay-clerical cooperation. They First Hermit, at St. Stanislaus agreed that the church is moving Church, Fall River, where the toward a more community-' tabernacle wIll be dedicated in oriented ministry which includes his memory at a month!s mind alI baptized Catholics. But they, Mass at 7 p.m. Nov. 16.
Ginalski memorial
MR. AND MRS. ANTONIO TOSTI of St. Joseph's par ish, Taunton, are congratula~ed on their 50 years of mar riage by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as their son, Father Ron ald A. Tosti, director of the D'iocesan Office of Family Min istry (left), looks on proudly. At right, Father James F. Lyons, pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Wareham. The occa sion was the annual diocesan celebration of the anniversaries of couples wed 25, 50 or more yea,rs. Held at St. Mary's Cathedral, it was attended by some 100 couples from all parts of the diocese. Each received a commemorative scroll designed by Sister Gertrude GaUdette, OP, with their names handlettered by 17-year-old calligrapher Erin Foley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Foley of the Office of Family Ministry. (Gaudette Photo)
In vitro method opposed by church
ROME (NC) - In vitro fertiliza oratory dish, then placed in the tion is opPosed by the church uterus. The method issued for because, like artificial birth con women unable to conceive be trol, it separates the unitive and cause of blocked falIopian t'ubes. .procreative aspects of the con Msgr. Caffarra spoke on the jugal act, states Msgr. Carlo Caffarra, head of the John Paui , matter at a seminar sponsored by the pontifical institute. The II Pontifical Institute for Matri moral probfem with in vitro mony and the Family. fertiIization, he' said, "is that , In the technique an egg is procreation can no 'longer be taken frC?m the ovary, in a lab said to be ' - and in fact is not " , - dependent upon 'the sexual ~TdfIAT dfIAT dfIATdfIA,:TdfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dlffihT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIA• dfIAT dfIAT dfIAT dfIA~ act between two married peo ~ ~ pie. Only this act is worthy to
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REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director :-4 r:: ' ' - ' , ' ~ ~'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI. .'WI. ..'WI. ..'WI• 'WI. ..'WI. ..W'. ..'WI. ..'WI. ..~lW...'WI& IlIIP~IlIIP...1lIIP...1lIIP...1lIIP...1lIIP.1lIIP...1lIIP...1lIIP...'WI• ~ ~
Sr. Mary Edmund
A Mass of Christian Burial was offered Tuesday for the re pose of the soul of Sister Mary Edmund Standish, RSM, 88, who died Oct. 26 at Our Lady of Mercy Convent at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. The rite took place in the convent chapel. A Fall River native, the former give or,igin to new human life." Mabel Standish was the daugh ter of the 'late Edmund and Al phonse Standish. She entered concern from the fact ,that many the Sisters of 'Mercy an 1916 in fertilized eggs may be destl'9yed ' Fall River and dUil'ing her active in the process of getting one me served at Mt. St. Mary Con suitable for implantation in the vent and St. V.incent's Home in uterus. that city as well as in New !Bed ,He stressed that "because ford. She was assigned. to the Attleboro convent in 1966. something is scientificalIy possi ble it is, not necessarily mora1Iy She is survived by a sister, licit. There exists the absolute Miss Anne 'Standish of Fall and unconditional value of each River, and Iby several nieces and human person which forbl'ds nephews; using 'the person" for experimen tation, even in view of increas ing scientific knowledge.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL 'SERVICES. ~~ th:r:;,.,Ca:=~~;:a~~.:~
DUBLIN, Ireland (NC) Four U.S. bishops who visited Ireland last week condemned fund raising by Irish-Americans for the Irish Republican Army and said they would dnvestigate the practice. Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, National Con ference of Catholic iBis~ops president said at a Dublin con ference that the bishops had been told a "substantial percen tage of money sent ,to Ireland" from the United States to aid Catholics actuaUy went for wea pons for the outlawed guerrilIas. He calIed the practice "repre hensible" and said that "as a person and a bishop I would have to urge against the collec tion of funds if it were known they were going to be used to fur-ther violence." The 'group was invited by Irish bishops and plans to report to their felIow :U.S. bishops on the social, political and economic situations jn Northern 'IreJand, where the mostly Catholic IRA is waging a guerrilla war to oust the British from the Protestant majority province. Bishop Malone said that in ex amining distribution of funds collected in the U.S. for keland, "we would be making a judg ment, according to our convic tions, that A'merican funds should not be collected with our approval and sent here for the purpose of fomenting violence." The other bishops in the fact finding group were Archbishop John J. O'Connor of New York, Bishop Mark J. Hurley of Santa Rosa, Calif., and Bishop J. Fran cis Stafford of Memphis, Tenn. Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, NCCB general secretary" also took part in the trip.
Both Important "!tis important that people know what you stand for; it, is equalHy i,mportant that they know what you won"t stand for .. - Don Ohlson .
The Nov. 9 isSue of The AneIror win include a Vocations seetion and our usual features, includiDg Steering Points, will not appear. All win resume in our issue of Nov. 16.
r 3
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., NC?v. 2, 1984
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Polish priest found dead
AT DEDICATnON of St. Joseph's parish center, from left, Father William F. O'Connell, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Msgr. John J. Oliveira, Sandra and Michael Sousa. (Rosa Photo)
'A home for our parish 'family' After three years of hold ing meetings and other func tions inlborrowed facilities, members of '8t. Joseph's par ish, North Dighton, have their own home again. Last Sunday they dedicated a $683,000 parish center, re placing a 70-year-old building totally destroyed by fire ~n August of 1981. The new center includes six class rooms, an office, a small meeting room, a kitchen and a large function halJ. All were on display Sunday following a ribbon-outting ceremony at which Bishop Daniel A.. Cro nin did the honors~ Earlier the bishop was prin cipal celebrant at a Mass be fore a capacity congregation.
the pope read his stat~ment. At a~out the ti~e ~e spoke, a plane Solidarity Father Jerzy Popiel- WIth a Sohda,J'lty banner flew uszko was found in a frozen over St. Peter s Square. reservoir in northern Poland, Father Popieluszko, 37, was Pope John 'Paul II said the mur- kidnapped Oct. 19 whj.]e driving der had "shocked public opinion along a road near the northern and public consciences in Poland Polish city of Torun. His driver escaped. and the world." Speaking in 'Polish at the end Polish authorities have arrest of his Oct. 31 general audience, ed three ilnterior Ministry offi the pope said: "With Christian . cials in the case. One, 33-year dignity and with feelings of peace old Capt. Grzegorz iPi<?t1'owski, we render the final salute to at first confessed to killing the Jerzy Popieluszko. The great priest, but later retracted his moral eloquence of this death confession, 'Polish authorities will not in any way be dimmed." said. Several hundred Polish ph-. Father Popieluszko was grims at the audience, many . known for his "Masses for the wearing black armbands and Homeland," ~hich he !began in Solidarity pins, sang "God Save 1981 to keep the spirit of the out ·Poland" and held up their lawed trade union, Solidarity fingers in V for victory signs. alive. Pope John Paul compared It's Better Father Popieluszko ,to Christ who "gave his heart and finaLly "Better to be silent and be his own life for his brethren." thought a fool than to speak out There was prolonged applause and remove all doubt." - Abra in the Paul VI audience hall af.ter ham Lincoln By NC News service
A day after the body of pro-
A program for the dedica if:ion headlined "A home for our parish family" included words of gratitude from Father William F. O'Connell, pastor of St. Joseph's. Father O~Connell wrote: "It has been a long and difficult three years since that August night when fire ravaged our parish center. Many sacri fices have been made through out the parish and endless hours devoted to reaching this day. But the task was made easier because, with God's help, we came together as a parish to work toward a goal we believed in. On this special day I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone.~ho has made a contribution, no mat· ter how large or small, to
making our dream a reality." The front doors of the new center were given in mem ory of the late William BIeau by his family and a crucifix given by Sandra and Michael Sousa memorializes their daughter Christine.
St. Patrick's Parish Bazaar
Others participating in the dedication ceremonies were Father Roland Boule, who gave the invocation; Brendan Lynch, master of ceremonies; Leo and Lillian Plouffe, Ibuilding committee cochair men; Elaine 'Lee, reHgious education board chairman; first grader Heather Jusse aume and ninth grader Jeff rey Cleary. '
November 3 &4 - 12 Noon· 9 P.M.
Ned Donnelly was chairman of pledge campaign captains.
Varied fare at conventIon Monday will be a day off for students ~n diocesan schools, but not for their teachers, who will be at Bishop Connolly High School, !Fall River, for the ~ nual Catholic .Education Conven tion. Armed with programs sporting an autumnal cover design by Sister Gertrude ,Gaudette, OP, who will also present an' arts workshop for elementary teach ers, the conventioneers will choose from 19 primary school and 8 secondary school work shops. AdditionaUy, secondary teach ers wi'll be offered a general ses sion on "Curriculum as Care taker of Harmony," presented by Father Henry C. Frascadore, assistant secondary school super intendent for the Hartford arch diocese. The day will begin at 8:15 a.m. when exhibits open and wUl close with a 1:15 p.m. Euohlll'is tic liturgy at which ,Bishop Dan iel A. Cronin will be principa'l concelebrant. Music for the liturgy will be by faculty members and stu dents of Sf. Mary's School, Taun ton, directed by Beatrice A. Viera. BishOp Connolly students will act' as aides and ushers throughout the day.
Workshops Elementary workshops wiU ad dress . problems of children of separated and divorced parents; dealing with slow ~earners; church moral teaching in rela tion to school situations; sci ence, mathematics, arts and crafts and physical education ,techniques; use of newspapers
as "living textbooks;" counsel
dng youth'Also storytelling; map skills; communication techniques; stress; remedial reading; and dea'ling with student concerns as to sexuali.ty. Secondary workshops will have as topics teenage morality; child abuse and neglect; helping students from broken families; the adolescent in the family system; thea.tre techniques in classroom settings; legal issues involving teachers; and model .ing justice and peace in curri culum and classroom manage· ment.
.Fast in Brazil BRASILIA, Brazil(NC) - Bra zil's bishops and priests recently 'led a day-long fast to focus attention on what they called "the scanda·l of hunger" affect ing 86 mj:).lion Brazilians out of a popu·lation of 131 million.
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. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., .,
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Nov: 2, 1984
themoorin~ A Reminder of Lost Zeal
Recently many diocesan rectories were visited by fol lowers of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. They were pleading his cause in connection with his present legal predicament. In the course of their visits they politely but determinedly dis tributed pertinent videotapes and literature. This effort on the part of devoted young people reflects the zeal and dedication so often the hallmark of innovative religious ·movements. When one sees the determination and· resolve of such witnesses, one is bound to compare them to those of our own evangelical efforts. . Some would look with contempt on such enthu~iasm. But the Moonies, the Hare Krishnas, the adherents of the Church of Scientology and the like, their teachings ~side, offer us. refreshing idealism. They. face rejection with dis arming honesty; they fend off taunts and turn the other cheek with- amazing joy. . Many of these zealous followers give up a ~reat de~l. They leave family and friends, they get by on five or SIX hours of 'sleep a night. They devote many hours a day to study and meditation. They deny themselves sexual activ ity. They live on the edge of personal poverty. The'description in many ways fits a Trappist monk as well as it does a Moonie. Christians might well think twice before they judge these young people by a double standard set on the one hand for cults and on the other for acceptable churches. True, cults employ' aggravating proselytizing' tactics, play on the emotions and raise funds in an offensive man ner. Some are inoeed mere excuses for unacceptable moral behavior. However, many are sincere in their evangelical 'Whoever welcomes this litt~e child on my account welcomes me, and who efforts.' , ever welcomes me welcomes him who sent 'me.' Luke 9:48 Our church is evangelical. It is apostolic. It is heir to the stirring ideals of Jesus. .. . '. " If all this is true, why don't we see young Catholics knocking on doors to share the good news? Why don't we see more and more young people entering the religious life? Why are we afraid of being laughed at in the marketplace? By Father Kevin J. Harrington forts to make our roads safer for ish laws on the basis of the fre The answer is rather simple. We have become main):. quency with which they artf stream Americans. In our attempts to be accepted, recog~ DiscipHne has become. a dirty all. And groups lobbying for so violated: laws frequenNy dis
cial justice need to be heeded word to many people. Some have nized and relevant, we have lost a great deal of our relig if we are going to make laws obeyed are labeled impossible to
been on the receiving end of dis ious enthusiasm and zeal. We have embraced a gospel of that truly benefit the common . enforce. But there has never ex
social relevance which too often has played down the cipline wielded wrongly and good. Tragically, it is lack of isted a time during which cer
have a permanent aversion" to the tain laws were not violated by
Word we-e;hould be proclaiming. word. Others associate the word self-discipline that makes fur The church in this land has educated millions. She has with a law and order mentality ther legislation a necessary evil. a good number of people. Most Western laws are based If society yields to it'he temp prepared her sons and' daughters to make it in America; based on fear. upon divine Jaw. reinforced by tation of only enforcing laws that But regardles~ of our own ex but although many have received, few have remembered. perience, q'iscipline is a v,irtue. the Judeo-Christian religious are frequently obeyed, it will In Catholic circles today, what counts is worldly suc open a :Pandora's box which a'll The Romans had the correct heritage and by natural ·law re cess. Get a good eaucation and you'll make it as a doctor, our ancestors had. the common idea when they identified a vir" . inforced by centuries of philo lawyer or banker. Monks, preachers, priests and prophets tue as a strength. Lack of dis sophical tradition. sense to leave closed. just don't rate in the minds of those who feel that their cipline necessarily leads to weak But there will always be arro Correctly formed, consciences church must· be \comfortable and respectable according to ness in ,t>he home, school or so gant people who wiJl shed the should reflect the four mutuai]1y values of ,their ancestors in their dependent cardinal virtues. The ciety. the stan9ards of Wall Street or Fortune Magazine. to build what they con ,rush however,' most Instinctively, Latin word for cardinal means We should remember that only a few years ago, his he a brave new world; ceive to at the thought of people bristle hinge and so much of our free torically speaking, the Catholic Church was considered a a rule enforced by a penalty. thus laws will always be nec dom hinges upon how we prac mere cult. An example is the 55-mile speed essary because people are weak tice these virtues: prudence, Since that time we have shed the implications of that . limit. Pi survey revealed that the and often lacking in the four temperance, cour;age and jus term. In the process we have also lost much o(the energy majority of people using cruise cardinal virtues. tice. No one is worthy of ex Those lobbying for legaliza ercising authority without poss control devices deliberately set and drive that flow from true commitment to religious be their speed 5 to 7 miles per hour tion of every vice based upon essing a measure of each of lief and practice. . " . what they perceive as the need these. Should today's so-called cults remind us of our former over the J'imit. There is some of aH consenting adults for un thing in the human spirit that 'But the cardinal virtues can selves? restrained-- freedom 'are naive only be reinforced when the wants to test the limits of au One wonders. thority. The example may seem and dangerous. majority of people hold them in
The car,dinal virtues
fall River Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. Msgr. John J: Regan
Rev. John F. Moore ~
leary Press-Fail River
trivial, but' it applies to many similar situations. . Parents, teachers and legisla tors are not naive when they estlllblish rules but are aware that penalties and rew~rds are at times necessary to amplify the promptings of conscience. Much consciousness - rasing must occur before laws become enforceable by consensus. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers should be applauded for their ef
There is no magical age at which we become SQ free that we can afford to ignore the accumu lated wisdom of countless gener ations out of which has come laws for the common good. Original sin cannot be exorcised from the human species and man's propensity to sin needs to be checked by a combination of self-discipline and law, a dis cipline imposed from without. There is a temptation to abol
great esteem. Our knowledge of our heritage is so deficient that many people cannot name them, never mind define them. Yet our laws were written by people who esteemed these virtues and it is the moral capital that they represent that has so far kept us from decay. If we were bumble enough to recognize our limits we would be wise enough to recognize their worth.
Helping women
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 2, 1984
The National Coalition of she asked, "that only men can MSGR. American Nuns has issued a discuss women's bodies? I'm white. I can't tell a black what -GEORGE G. statement opposing "any !his experience of black is. I'm legislation" to restrict a Anglo. I can't tell a· Hispanic
woman's choice about abortion. In other words, ·it favors abor tion on demand. Abortion is also addressed by the 10 black Catholic bishops of the United States in their just released pastoral Jetter on evan gelization. Their position differs radically from NCAN's. The bishops lamented effort~ to provide low-cost abortions to black mothers, which they see as another form of subjugation. In deed, they observe, "three are those who would even character ize it as a form of genocide." A leading Iblack Protestant church also recently came out against abortion on demand. One might think that these statements from the black com munity would give NCAN seri-' ous pause. Yet NCAN main tains, in effect, that its own position on abortion is the only one that adequately reflects au thentic Catholic teaching. NCAN - whioh represents ap proximately 2 percent of Ameri can nuns - says the American bishops "believe that they alone have the right and wisdom to make decisions about ,the moral ity" of a woman's right to decide the outcome of her pregnancy. School Sister of Notre Dame Margaret Traxler, a former NCAN chairperson, elaborated on thiS' in a recent interview. "How can someone suggest,"
what his experience is. How can a man tell a woman what to do about her body?" Catholic women have many legitimate complaints about the way they are treated in church and society, and I applaud them for demanding that their rights be respected. But it's unfortun ate that a group of women reli gious would appeal to 'smplistic feminist rhetoric to jusify abor tion on demand. Can church opposition to abor tion be dismissed simply as an expression of episcopal male chauvinism? Following Sister Traxler's ar gument to its logical conclusion, NCAN members preseumably would have to drop many apos tolic works in which 'they are now so effectively engaged. How·.is it possible for them, as female celibates, to be marrage counselors? Since they are not alcoholics or drug addicts, how can they minister so effec ,tively to men and women who are addicted? As women, how can they minister, again very effectively, to male prison in mates? Sister Traxler admitted bish ops have a right to ,teach, even on abortion. "But there's a dif ference," she said, "between what they say and. what the church's teaching is." The bishops, she said, "can
'speak, yes. They can call com mands to the troops, but they'il'e not looking at the troops to make sure they're following ,them." That's a curious argument from an activist who has often prodded the bishops to take the 'lead on controversial issues. Why demand that the bishops step out ahead of their reluc tant troops on disarmament, in terradal justice, Central Amer ica, but not abortion? If NCAN's members are sin cere about helping women and I think they are - they could do no better than take up the black bishops' challenge. It is our duty, the bi&hops said, "to show practical concern and honest compassion for the many mothers-to-be who are too often encouraged to seek an abortion by the conventional wisdom of our society today." NCAN members, to their credit, have already done much to meet this challenge. Much more remains to be done - by aI-I of us, male and female alike. That's why it hurts' to see NCAN militantly espousing and reinforcing the "conventional wiooom" on abortion. Ethics and morality aside, that's ofue worst possible way to promote the feminist cause. 0
Is peace female? Some time ago I wrote a column asking readers to re spond to the question: Is peace a gender issue? Response was ~Iarge and mix ed. The only conclusion I could draw was that there's a general feeling that we expec,t and teach boys to be more defense-oriented and war-loving than girls. I was pleased that many fami lies used the column to discuss the ,issue of peace and war. A family from Auburn, WA, wrote: "We disoussed your column at dinner 'last night after I read it aloud. Our consensus is that, yes, women would have ,a mel lowing influence on politics. We felt that generally women are more inclined to compromise and seek a peaceful solution to disagreements. We feel men are nr.tura'lly more aggressive. My husband added ,that this would bring hope for world ,peace only if women had more influence worldwide. Feminine influence in only one or a few countries would be of little help." P.W. of Overland Park, Kan sas, writes," . . . our expecta tions of our males are stm influ enced by the 'macho man.' To emotions, to cry freely, to be nurturing, to be sensitive and caring, all these are considered feminine qualities which our cul ture does not find 'manly.' For I
a man to develop a spirituality,
for him to Ibe the spiritual head
of the family, ,is still not a com fortable role for our men.
"When we truly believe and understand that we all possess male and female qualities: when we find the 'gentle man' quali signed. . Women almost in ties of a man his strongest at tributes and when we see our . variably said, "Yes, I am con men as having deep spiritual cerned,' and would sign; men qualities which they can give to would hedge nervously and then their families - when this man say, 'No thanks.''' can be role model and hero to P.S. from Taylors, SC, says, our boys, perhaps war and an "I have been saying for years that goes with it won't be as ,that as a mother of 4 sons and 3 appealing to our men and boys," daughters I am sick to death of C.H. of Daly City, CA, writes, wars fought in the name of "It does not follow, however, peace-keeping . . . Our 22-year that by default women are more old who just g,radllated from col peaceful. Because women gener ,lege has just left for the Peace ally are not in positions of leader ,Corps. As we took him to the ship, ,their peace making ability airport, I saw another family or absence of it is seen in other with a son in military uniform. ways. Passivity does not equate As hard as our separation &eam peace. Some examples of wom ed to be, theirs appeared worse en's absence of peace are anor to me." exia nervosa, compulsive over Many readers echoed J. and eating, crippling guilt, Iow self G.F. kom San Francisco, who esteem, political indifference, al said, "Whether we have a patri coholism, depression. These are archy or matriarchy changes characterized by an inward 1}ittle, for we will still go around turning of aggression, rather in mad vicious circles until we than directing it outward," wake up and submit ourselves to From T.M. in Richland, lA, "Last year when I was collecting signatures on the nuclear freeze petition, I collected ten women's signatures for every man who
a higher power that restores us to sanity and a new way of living. The war is found in ea~h individual and here -is where God gives his peace,"
Getting • back In
not hard
Q. I am a very ecumenically minded Presbyterian, married to a non-practicing Roman· Cath olic. It is the first and only marriage for both of us. In the interest of my husband's faith, I wish to know what can be done for him to be reinstated in the Catholic Church. I believe the only thing that stands in the way is a vasec tomy he had done years ago, when we were 25. He had the vasectomy because he felt pres sured by my highly emotional state at that time, with three children in 31 months. While the children were obviously be ing brought up in the church, one priest asked my husband about his faith. When he heard the story; he seemed to say that oothing could be done. Where God is concerned, I know it's never too late. Please give us your advice on the matter. (Cali fornia)
mystical flavor which character ized most of its founders. The church numbers possibly 15,000 members in nearly 45 countries. Since this church officaHy re jects some of our essential be liefs, ,it would be impossible to be a member. of the Liberal Catholic Church and at the same time a member of our Roman Catholic Church. Q. My 6-year-old son asks me if there is a St. Daniel. Could you please give some informa tion about Daniel the prophet? Would he be the patron saint fOI' my son? (Pennsylvania) A. Anyone to whom the church applies the title "saint" is simply one who has lived such a holy life that he or she is considered to be in heaven and therefore worthy of honor by the church on earth.. Some are honored as saints A. There ,is absolutely nothing, ,through popular acclaim or tra standing in the way of your hus band's reconciliation with the dition (the early martyrs, for church and his returning to the 'example) al~d others through reception of the sacraments of the formal process of canoniza penance and the Eucharist. The tion. Since Christianity's earliest only requirement wowd be his honest sorrow over whatever days, many holy people of the Old Testament such as David sin was committed, which (judg and severa'! of the prophets have dng from your letter and com been honored as saints by ments) he surely seems to have. Please go to one of the priests Christian people. Daniel is among in yourarea,a stranger if you'd them. All we know of him is what rather, and have your husband ask the priest's 'advice. He has we find in the Old Testament already been away to..o long. Book of Daniel. Because of events recorded there, Daniel Q. My son and his wife are attending services at the Liberal is honored by Jews and Chris Catholic Church. HQ's talking ,tians alike as a model of faith seriously about becoming a fulness to God's law. The church incidenta'lly has priest in this churc'" recognized the holiness of some Can you tell us how the Ro other Daniels. Perhaps the most man Catholic Church views this notable is St. Daniel of Be sect? Would a C~holic be ex lievers, a f'ranciscan missionary communicated for Joining it? who was beheaded by Moslems (Illinois) in Morocco in the. 13th century. A. The Liberal Catholic Church Children and confession, and is among those churches techni confession without serious sin cally called schismatic, which ~ disclllssed in .a brochure, one way or another broke off available wee of charge by send' from the Roman Catholic Church ing a stlllmped, self-addressed but which still apparently have envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy vahicilY orda.ined bishops ,and Trinity Parlsh, 704 N. Main St., pri'ests. . Bloomington, m. 61701. It began in Eng-land in 1916 Questions for this column and derives its episcopal orders should be' sent to Father Dietzen from the Old Catholic Church at the same address. of Holland, whose bishops are responsible for epis.copal orders in a number of such "Catholic churches." The group claims to combine "the best elements of Catholic November 6 ism with the best of Protestant Patrick S. McGee, Rev. ism," Members tbelieve in the Founder, 1933, St. Mary, Hebron seven sacraments but reject "all ville kinds of man-made dogmatic _____ encumbrances such as creeds, rigid beliefs" and so on. THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S.()20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published It is in fact quite liberal in weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven that it allows its members al ue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the cath· most complete freedom in their olic Press of the Olocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00 beliefs about dootrine and Ht per year. Postmasters send address Chlln(leS to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, I'M urgy. It also retains much of the 02722.
Pope sets norms for basic ,gro,ups
THE ANCHOR Friday, Nov. 2, 1984
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AT NCCW ASSEMBLY, from left, Msgr.'Anthony M. Gomes, Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., Mrs. David Sellmayer, MrS. Aubrey Armstrong.
At NCCW assembly
. Women's role in church discussed
NEW LOCATION 295 Rhode Island Ave•• Fall River
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SALT LAKE CI1Y (NC) Leadership was critical- lin this Women must affirm a greater period. With Jesus Jt' became role in' the churoh, a female possible to change women's theologian told. the, Nationa'! roles. (They) ;responded to Jesus Council of Catholic Women's by listening and proclaiming the nationa:l assembly In Salt Lake ,Resurrection." City Oct. 15·18. ' . In an Jnterview, with the In 'Representing the Fall River. termountain Catholic, newspaper diocese at the snow-besieged of the Salt Lake City diocese, meeting were Msgr. Anthony NCCW president Mary. Ann M. Gomes, moderator of the Di Schnab of San Francisco out ocesan Council of Catholic Wom lined a program designed "to en, . Mrs. James I A. O'Brien J;r., help our parishes to organize a past DCCW president, who at dynamic' structures responsive tended as NCCW Boston Pro to women's needs." vince director; ,Mrs. David Sell Among the programs she cited mayer, DOCW president; and a packet provided by the was .Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, DOCW NCCW to an8.IYze :the U.S. 'bish f:irst vice-president. op's pastoral on war and peace "There. is a negative assess in order "to form practical ment of women's place and in ways" for refiection. ,fluence" today, said Helen Doo Mrs. Schwab called for anti han, assistant p;rofessor of Scrip ture at Go~aga University an pornography programs and ihe Spokane, Wash., who gave the ,integration of Hispanic and other cultures into the women's keynote address. movement. ''Christianity developed in a' Workshop Programs paternalistic society; a woman's place was clearly defined," she said. "Yet the church has char acterized b'y diversity and crisis.
At assembly workshops fam ily values, peace issues, porno graphy, 'legislative activity and
Hispanic outreach were discuss ed as 1983 convention resolu tions were implemented. Catholic family values in the context of Pope John 'Paul II's apostolic exhortation, "FamUi aris Consortio," were the topic of . the Faqtily Commission workshop, addressed by Jonn Hamlon of the Human Life Cen ter of St. John's University, Col legevi:J!e, Minn. Sister Patricia Mulpeters, RBMS, discussed peace issues for Intern,ational1 Affairs Commis sion workshop members. It is planned that diocesan councils will form parish reflection groups to study the INCCW peace' packet cited by Ms. Schwab. Legislative Information Com mission workshop members heard an address on the legisla tive p;rocess and the Supreme Court by Professor Victor C. Rosenblum of Northwestern University School of Law in im plementation of a resolution to 'raise media standards and com bat pornography.
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VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has set firm guide 'lines for socially active basic Christian communities if they are to Ibe- effective. Such communities are small groups organized around Bible readings and social action based on applying biblical concepts to. the political, social and economic conditions of :1'heir area. They began in Latin America in the 1960s. There are about 150,000 such groups in Latin America, mostly in rural' areas. In two October speeches the pope' said basic Christian com munities cannot be alternatives to parishes, but must be strongly tied to the institutional church; otherwise they represent "a seriQus danger" '~o church unity. These groups are, valuable if they maintain "real and sincere communion with the hierarchy," the pontiff told visiting Ecuador an bishops Oct. 23. The church must IDJard against communities "which form 'a 'church 'of the poor people' op posed ,to the institutional church" and which often see the Iinstitu tional church "as averse to the cause of the liberation of the op pressed masses,", the pope said. "The bishops' . conference' should hold in its hands the reins of the basic Christian communi ties," Pope John Paul said. , ,He strongly endorsed church social action work in Latin Am erica, where most basic Chris tian communities exist, many as part of parish structure. The groups are also popular in U.S. Hispanic areas. On Oct. 20 the pope praised Ithe "positive values" of basic Christian communities but warn ed that they "cannot place them selves on the same level as par ish communities, as possible alternatives." He was addressing members of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy which was meeting to discuss problems of .urban par ishes. He said parishes should be open to the possibilities of church service by basic Christian com munities but that the parish· "is the first school of faith, prayer and Christian customs. It lis the first place of church charity, the first tool of pastoral and socia,l action and the best terrain for the tilowering of religious and priestly vocations."
Akin to slavery LAST SUNDAY members of the Dioces:ln Council of Catholic Women spoke in nearly. 111 diocesan churches on the work of their organization. They also gathered Sunday after noon for a prayer service and reCeption honoring Our Lady of Good Counsel, DCCW pa troness. A surprise highlight of the ~vent wa;; a tribute to DCCW past presidents, living :lnd ,deceased. Those present received a scroll and past president's pin, also sent to those unable to attend. Shown with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, from left, front, past presidents Mrs. James Quirk, Mrs. Gilbert Noonan, Miss Adrienne Lemieux; rear, Mrs. James O' Brien Jr., Mrs. Michael ¥cMahon, Mrs. Emmett Almond, Mrs. Aristides Andrade, Miss Ethel 'Crowley. Unable to attend: Mrs. John Mullaney, Mrs. Richard Paulson, Miss Mar garet Lahey. (Gaudette Photo)
NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. (NC) - Legalized abortion is today's parallel to slavery, "the grimmest of ou~ national mem ories," Archbishop Bernard F. Law of Boston, said as he re ceived an honorary dootor of laws degree at Merrimack Col. lege in North Andover. He urged Amercans opposed' to abortion to follow /the example of Abraham Lincoln on sIIavery :by working for reversal of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the matter.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 2, 1984
letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address and telephone number for tho purpose of verification If deemed
Better Together Falmouth -rTI
Daily life Dear Editor: Often U is difficult to find meaning dn our daily lives, es pecially when excitement and punctuation moments are few and far Ibetween. Wives and moms plod through each day doing routine things hardly having time to refleot upon what a tremendous contr,ibution they make to society or to grasp how very fortunate they are to have been called by God to do such tasks. Having done a variety of domestic and professional jobs, I .am convinced that the best job I ever had is that of wife and mojjher. On duty hours. be gin before sunrise and continue through iate evening with an "on call" sign always up. There are no formal rules or posted job description. My tasks require bending and stooping to scrub and scour my meager mansion. Responsibilities change daily, sometimes increas ing, rarely decreasing, ·but never dull, constantly offering chances to learn and 'illlUgh. The knowledge and wisdom gained through "on-the-job train dng" cannot be measured. Pay ment is commensurate with ef fort extended and may consist of a morning flower kissed /by the sun, the laughter of children, the aroma of roasting turkey, the sparkle of shiny floors, the gleam of loving eyes, the feel of kitten fur, a friend's knock at the door, the gentle brush of a cool autumn breeze and best of aU, a chance to be needed. Jean Quigley Rehoboth
'Peacemakers' videotape A videotape of "Blessed I\re the Peacemakers,~' a musical in terpretation of the -U.S. bishops' peace pastoral, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at St. Thomas More parish center, Somerset. The original production, plan ned and directed by Glenn Giut tari, director of music at St. Mary's Cathedral, was a high Jight of the New England region al convention of the National Association 'of Pastoral Musi cians, held in Providence last June. Its power moved many to tears and there have been nu merous requests that it be re staged. Participants included over 100 singers, the Boston Liturgical Dance Ensemble, readers, can tors and mime artists, perform ing in the Cathedral of 5S. Peter and Paul dn Providence. Tomorrow's showing will be open to th~ pubHc at no charge and will be followed by a pot luck dessert party, to which those attending are asked to contribute pastry.
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Ball• ehairmen named
Honorary chairmen for the 30th annual Bishop's Charity Ball w.ere named today by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the midwinter social event. Horace Costa of Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, area president of the Society of St. Vincent de -Paul, and Mrs. David Sellmayer of St. Mary's parish, Mansfield, president of the Diocesan .Coun cil of Catholic Women, wil'l rep resent their organizations as 1985 ohairmen. The" Vincentians and the DCCW are the traditional Ball
cosponsors. The event, to be held Friday, Jan. 11, at Lincoln Park ball room, North Dartmouth, bene fits the Nazareth schools for except-iona,l children and four summer camps for exceptional and underprivileged youngsters. A souvenir booklet published in connection with the BaH is accepting listings in seven cate gOl1ies, each entitling donors to Ball ,tickets. Further information is available f.rom Ball head quarters, 410 Highland Ave., Fall River 02722, telephone 676 8943 or 676-3200.
'CRS rushes Ethiopia aid From News Services Mother Teresa, on tour in the United States, has added her plea to those of thousands call ing for intensified aid ,to starving millions in Ethiopia. The Nobel Prize winner ask~d President Reagan to aid relief efforts and the chief exeoutive telephoned her to say that he would press for action on the part of the U.S. Agency for In ternational Development, which has thus far committed itself to sending $45 million during fis eal 1985 dn food aid to the Afri can nation. Meantime, Cathoilc Relief Ser vices, the overseas assistance arm of U.S. Catholics, ds sfepping up efforts to combat unprece dented levels of starvation in Ethiopia. "I've never seen anything this bad," Kenneth Hackett, CRS senior director for Africa, said in a press release. ",We've gone beyond documenting the cases of malnutrition to counting the dead. In two small towns I visit ed, there were 106 deaths in one day alone."
List-topping • Issues (Undated) (NC) Africa's bishops have put care for the poor, the exploited and victims of discrimination, dnduding wo men, at the top of their list of pastoral priorities. They also said small Christian communities will be relied on heavily to put the Gospel into action in Africa. The bishops' program was out 'lined at a meeting of the Sym posium of Episcopal Confer ences of Africa lind 'Madagllscar.
rDrought and famine which have afflicted 24 sub-Saharan African countries have been par ticularly devastating in Ethiopia, where CRS estimates more than 6 million face starvation. CRS aid programs for Ethiopia are especially in need of cash donations at this point, said Hackett. "The situation is going to get worse before it gets better," he said. "Although we hope to move an incred'ible amount of food, we're only scratching the sur face. We need .more money to ,transport food' from the ports to :the people." 'Ms. Griffin said she hoped the Reagan administration's Oct. 25 decision to provide $45 minion in food aid to Ethiopia would in spire other groups to require aid. Individuals 10ay send donations to Catholic Relief Services, 1011 First Ave., New York, NY. 10022.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 2, 1984
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SAMBATH RIM, (left) and the family he last saw in Cambodia in 1979. Standing at right are the Arruda family, their sponsors: Elise, 15, her father Ed, her sister April, 10, and her mother Mary. (Gaudette Photo) <.
Refugees are home Continued from page· one He ran a notice in his parish IbuHetin about the need and was gratified by the response. As well as the Arrudas, he said, five other families have volun teered to· sponsor Cambodian families. Last Friday the Arrudas began, tapping . community resources available to .their charges. They will g~t health checkups and . will soon start studying English in earnest, with the school-age children attending .the Frank Silvia School in 'Fall River which specializes in bilingual educa tion. , Another aid will be the big color TV installed in their apart ment as a gift from the Arrudas. Other fourniture, as well as cloth ing and kitchen equipment came from SS. Peter and Pa'ul parish ioners. More is needed, said Msgr. O'Neill, not only for the newly arrived family but for others ex pected in the ncar fouture. He said that donations may be ieft at SS. Peter a':ld Paul church or rectory at any time. . With Sambath to greet his family was his close friend Oum Ath, an 18-year-old Durfee sen ior who has been in. ·FaJl River for the 'past few months. The young men met in t,he Thailand refugee camp from whioh they were sent first to the Philippines, then to ,the U.S. Unlike Sambath, Oum has no family. At age 9 he' saw his parents and two brothers killed, while he was conscripted as a farm laborer. Eventually aible .to flee to Thailand, he and Sam bath regard themselves as brothers, thu.s Sambath's fam ily is now Oum's. The Arruda family are lowkey about their p'art 30' the resettle ment and, reuniting of .the Cam bodians. "We read about it in the par Ish bulletin," explained Mary Arruda "and we thought we had to do something." Her husband, downplaying his efforts, wanted to exprl:!ss grati-
tude-to the Fred V. Fow.ler Com pany of Boston, where he is an electronics engineer :in charge of servicing precision mea:suring instruments. "They let me take the day off to be hea:e," he ex plained. Mary, a homemaker health aide, ,will take some time from her parttime job to make sure the new arrivals get settled in. the community, where they join some 20 other Camboaian fam ilies who have arrived over the past five years. Meanwhile Chea Sarun, 45, . father of the family, and Ong Banyen, 40, the mother, ,look back over a saga ;that began five
years ago when they and the four chi-Idren they then had, ranging in age from 8 months to 3 years old, walked for three days from Camibodia before reaching safety in Thailand. Now they have found safety and their great desire is for edu cation for their children. April and Elise, taking ed'uca tion for granted, are chiefly ex cited about acquiring so many new brothers and sisters, said their mother. "They've adopted them," she laughed. Now ,the hope is 'that many more families like the' Arrudas will open their hearts to the 'thousands still 'awaiting homes.
Papal letters may aid canonization
ROME (NC) - Two letters Eleven days ,later, the book written by ;Bishop Karol Wojtyla said, Bishop Wojtyla wrote again several years before he became to the Capucrin to say that the ' Pope John Paul' II attest to the woman had been "instantaneous unexplained healing of a Polish ly cured." friend through the intervention The Vatican press office had of Padre Pio, an Italian Capuchin ' no C<lmment on the account of - priest, who was ,believed to have the Wojtyla 'letters. The book is healing .powers, a newly pub published in Italy by Mondadori. lished book says. a well-known publishing house. During a 1983 genera'i aud'i The book, "Padre Pio, ,Man of Hope," by Italian author Renzo e.nce, Pope John PaUl said that Allegri, says the 1962 letters in the 1940s Padre Pio had may form part of the evidence heard his confession. He said used in the beatification of the that in later years he had visited priest, who died in 1968 'at age the shrine to ,the priest in San Giovanni Rotondo, a tiny south 81. According tb the book, Bishop ern Italian town where Padre Wojtyla first wrote to Padre Pio Pio spent his priesthood and where he died. Then in 1974, as after a longtime friend and uni a cardinal, he said he celebrated versity professor, Wanda ,Poltw ska, was diagnosed as having a Mass and prayed at the tomb of probably fatal tumor. Tre letter the priest. In 1982 the pope approved asked for Padre Pio's prayers for the woman, who was facing opening of the beatification process, a step toward sainthood, an operation, ,the book said. for the Capuchin. "She is a woman of 40 years, PadrePio bore the stigmata the mother of four girls, who or marks of Christ's crucifixion speent five years in a concen on his hands, feet and side. The tration camp in Germany during marks first appeared when he the -war. Now she is in danger was 31 years old. The Holy See of ,losing her life from cancer," has never officially ruled wheth the book quotes the pope's letter er the marks were received, as saying. through supernatural interven Padre Pio's response, th~ book tion. sa,id, was, "one cannot say no Padre Pio's cause for canoni to this." zation was introduced in 1973.
Jesuit general
discusses Society
PORTLAND, Ore. (NC) - The following Interview with the Su perior General of the Society of Jesus, Father ,Peter-Hans Kol venbach, was conducted An Port land, Ore., on OCt. 19. The ques tioner was Jesuit Father Brad Reynolds, a freelance writer and photographer of the Oregon. pro
I'm real.Jy not used to giving an swers itp all the questions that a man can !have. I don't under stand why' the general of ,the society should have to speak on all the problems of the world. He's just not equipped for that. That's also the reason why many times I personally have no thoughts on some problems in the church or problems in the world. Despite his disclaimer, Father Kolvenbach continued with a wideranging interview including comments on liberation theOlogy, the relation between religion and politics and the cause of tensions between rich and poor countries. He said that Jesuits in Latin America have reacted "very posi tively" to the Vatican's docu ment on liberation theology, noting that they were encouraged that the document stated the problem of the preferential love of the poor, that it stressed the need for a "true albthentic theo ,logy of integral ~iberation forman" and backed them in their work with the poor against charges they are Marxists. Father Kolvenbach noted the distinction between working with a political system and get ting directly involved in party politics.
Q. In news stories published after your elecllion as general, you were described as an individ FATHER KOLVENBACH ual who sustains a critical sense , "It is really impossible, if you of people and situations while, at the same time, being capable denounce injustice, to stay aloof of making hard deoisions when from politics. Because even a necessary. You were picture(l as decision not to denounce injus ,tice will be politica,I," he said. a man of human contacts rather During the interview he said than of formal dealings - as quiet and reserved; as preferring he did not meet with Jesuit to walk rather than ride in Father Fernando Cardenal, Nic cabs. There were also reports aragua's education m;inister, that you lead a somewhat asceti when he visited Latin America cal lifestyle - rising early in in October. Father Cardenal is one of four priests who have Ilhe morning, sleeping on a mat been ordered by their superiors on the floor. Since becoming and the Vatican to. resign gov General of the Jesuits, have you ernment posts. noticed any changes in your lifestyle that you have had to The priests have not resigned make? and Father Kolvenbach said "I can only say that the Holy See A. My life is not ascetical, but has ,taken a position that is ac is just the Hfestyle of a man cording to the law of the ohurch: who has Jived with the popula that there is an incompatability tion in Beirut for many years between being a cabinet minister without security. My room was and being a priest." bombed out twice, and every day you are exposed to .the possi bility of going to the better life. LiV'ing like that for seven years changes your lifestyle. What I feel as genera,1 is more stress. Continued from page one avai.Iable for use ,in U.S. Cath Even if there are no bOmJbs in church support and clerical dress, olic churches. Rome - at aeast like the kind from norms for recording bap- A rev.ised, "inclusive 'lang you find in Lebanon - still, the tisms of adopted chi,ldren to uage" (gender neutral) Grail news coming out of the society, guidelines for radio and tele- Psalter, for liturgical 'lUse in and the news of the church vision presentation of Catholic the United States. :rt' approved all these concerns are really teaching. by the U.S. bishops and the Vatistressful. Maybe there are two A major policy shift for the can, this version of the Psalms other things to say on this point. American Board of Catholic Mis- '- would eventually replace the First of all, it seems that sions, which receives 40 percent original Gra!l Psalter approved everything the general does be of the annual Mission Sunday in 1963 for 'liturgical use. The comes significant. I don't know collection ,in ,the United States, 'revision alters many masculine why; I guess it's part' of the myth references, for instance substitu is up 'for consideration. The bish ology surrounding the general. ops are also being asked to ap ting "family of Israel" for "sons The second point is rbhat I prove preparation of a statement of Israel" and "those who fol certainly have less freedom for on the missions, with an eye to low" for "the man who follows." what I normally like to do. As ward 1986 publication. , - New guide'lines for the the rector of the Pontifical Ori The bishops will be asked to formation and ministry of per ental Institute, I could walk in approve a 1985 budget of $25.5 manent deacons in the United the streets of Rome every day. million for the Nationa,l Confer States. If, approved, they would Now it's not so easy. There are ence of Catholk Bishops and update those, of 1971, whe~ t~e all kinds of limitations because the U.S. Catholic Conference, up ~ermanent dlaconate was m Its of security. Those are the main from $24.2 million this year. mfancy. external changes in my me. - New guidelines for the con They will be asked to raise yearly Q. Since your election just diocesan assessments for NCCB tinuing formation of priests. over a year ago, you appear to usce support from the 1984 and Updating 1972 guidelines, the have maintained a low profi1e. 1985 level of 12.3 cents per proposed new ones incorporate There has been speculation that CathoHc ,to 13.3 cents per Cath results of tremendous expan this is at least partially in defer olic in 1986. Also due for con sion since ,that time in virtually enc~ to the Vatican. Could you every area of ongoing priestly sideration are some minor tech give your own reasons? nical changes in NCOB-USCC formation. A. I don't think I have. But I by-laws. - A decision to establish the don't think the newspapers Jike Here is a brief overview of period between eighth and 11 th the General to remain in' his some of the main action items grades as the normal confirma place. And his place is not the which' ~ill come before the tion age for U.S. Latin-rite Cath· place of the Holy Father. He's November meeting: olics, unless a ,loca'1 'bishop de not a counterpart of the Holy - A new brief and poetic cides otherwise. Current prac See. eucharistic prayer, developed by ice varies widely· and there are Q. He's not a black pope? the International Committee on theological disputes over the A. He's not a black pope. The English in the Liturgy, for gen best age for 'reception of the newspapers have taken on this eral use at' Mass an addition to sacrament. idea of the white pope and the the four euchal'istic prayers The new Code of Canon Law black pope and now it spontan~ now available. If adopted by a is prompting decisions on the . eously comes 'up. But .it doesn't two-thirds vote of the U.S. bish age of confirmation and on other correspond to reality. ops and approved by the Holy legal matters; because it states I would.also like to say tl;1at, See, it would mark the first time that i':l these cases local norms that a eucharistic prayer origin are 'to be established by national because my field is general ling uistics, which is very pragmatic, ally composed in English became bishops' conferences.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ri.ver-FrL, Nov. 2, 1984
The teenage vegetarian
By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
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Dear Dr. Kenny: My 13-year old daughter has made up h:et' mind to become a vegetarian. When she eats with us (which is becoming more rare) she turns up her ~ose at the meat dish. More often, she fixes herself a peanut butter' and jelly sandwich and walks around eating it in a holier than thou way. I don't want to make a· battleground of eating, but I am worried she may not' be properly nourished. What can I do? - lowS. Go along with her. If you are supportive, my guess is ·that her enthusiasm will last four to six weeks and then she will be back at table with the rest of the family. Thirteen is an age of spunk and independence. Sometimes the independence Js a legitimate protest against what is wrong . dnour society. At other times, the protest takes ,the form of childish rebelIion and disobedi ence. The fawly meal is no place to do ba:ttle. Do not make .what you consider proper eat . ing behavior a matter of 'obedi-
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daughter who has the courage to row against the tide. She may need that spirit later on when peer pressure argues for drugs and sex. She mas set herself against the common practice of eating meat. She may have done so naively and without much knowledge, but nevertheless her plan .is neither wicked nor dangerous. Work with her to help her eat well while avoiding meat. Not only will you be encouraging good nutrition, but, more subtly, by allowing her dndependent judgment you will be preparing her for adulthood. Reader questions on family living and child care to be an swered in print are invited. Ad dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College; Rensselaer, Inel. 47978. Some of the best of Dr. James and Mary Kenny is available in popular book form. Send $8 to -Dept. 1..I2, St. Anthony Messen~ ger 'Press, 1815 Republic St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45210, and ask for "Happy Parenting." Contains more than 100 selectIons. Pay ment must accompany order.
How to treat adult ;offspring
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ence. Give your daughter credit for a good idea. Many Americans eat too much meat, causing problems with surplus fats and high cholesterol. ,Be glad your daughter is a vegetarian and not a junk-food junkie like many of her agemates. Learn more ·about vegetarian ism together with your daughter. Let her stubborn will lead the way as you both become more fully informed. You might con sult a registered dietitian to . gether. 'Proteins come in many fOods. Your daughter may need to com 'lete her protein requirements ,with more beans, cheese and similar foods. Peanut butter is a highly.nutritious food: Let your daughter help the rest of you. ·PeI1haps she can plan and prepare one or two tasty meat~ less meals for the entire family each week. Put ~r. in charge of veggie snacks: celery, cucum bers, carrot sticks and such. Ask her to prepare the salad . each night. Most of all, be glad you have a strong-willed .independent
a book about children "nesting" ,ing their own place, while 29 year -old Maureen is on her ,fifth with their parents into adult WASHINGTON (NC) - Par move-back. hood. ents who demand church attend Hugh O'Kane, partner in a St. Monica O'Kane, author of a ance by their l:ldult children Hv new book, "Living With AdU'Lt Paul ,investment firm and· active ing at home may defeat their . Children," said in an interview in the St. Paul-Minneapolis arch own purpose, according to a that some young people go to diOCese, said his views of parent mother o{ eight who has written church, pick up .the bulletin for ing changed as his wife worked "proof" they attended, then on ,the book. Once an authoritar spend ,the hour over coffee. When ian father, he said he became they return home they display .more compassionate after hear- , the bulletin and comment on a ing what other parents are go FUNERAL HOME made-up homi,ly theme. ing through and after reflecting Mrs. O'Kane suggested easing on his relationship with his chi'ld 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. young adults into church life. ren - adults and Minors. "The main thing is Ito Jook at She cited a priest who suggested Rose E. Sullivan
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their, grownup son to attend ed Mrs. O'Kane. "We became Mass just. once a month. The really: good friends with our 672-2391 young man found a g,uitar Mass adult children." She said it is important for he enjoyed and decided on his nesters to pay room and board own to attend more regularly. BROOKLAWN
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The Ibook, published by Diction ter about themselves for paying their own way, even if they object Books, offers advice and anec dotes for them and their parents initially. For example, she said, .on . money, communication, Tracy who had been a rebellious household chores, church attend teenager, returned to her old pat ance and fostering ,independence. terns when she moved b!lck home; but when she began pay An active Catholic, Mrs. 0' Kane said her book is based on ing room and board she im for every occasion . .', Scripture and ds moral dn tone proved her self-image and her when dealing with nesters whose relationship with her father, who Baptisms lifestyles differ from their par had been resentful of her atti First Communions ents' In such matters as drugs, tude. Birth~ays alcohol, smoking, laziness or Taking another example from Confirmations
sex. her own exper-iences, Mrs. 0' Weddings
Mrs. O'Kane and her husband, Kane said that when [Maureen Anniversaries
Hugh, Hve dn 51. 'Paul, Minn. was 26 she returned home after Ordinations
They have eight chi,ldren, aged her baby, born out of" wedlock, OPEN DAILY . 14 to 29. The adult children was given up for adoption. While 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. have come 'and gone, and at pres still loving and supporting her ent the 14, 16 and 29-year-olds daughter, Mrs. O'Kane said, La Salette Shrine are at home. "we made it clear to the rest Park Street - Route 118 One son and his wife spent six of the kids" that extramarital Attleboro, MassaChusetts YG,ars in the home while seek sex was not right. .By Marianne Comfort
ulrT o
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 2, 1984
Crossing bridges
By Denise M. GlIl11non Cape Cod members of the FaJl River diocesan chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians are undeterred by dis tance, lonely roads or bad weather from attending meet ings and workshops. They "eave their 'lovely part of the world, cross the Bourne or Sagamore bridge and come enthusiastically to share and learn. In refilecting on the growth of our chapter of the Pastoral Mu sicians since Hs birth in 1980, I can't help but compare our development to the situation of our Cape Cod members. 'Bridge-crossing can occasion nervousness and sweaty palms. But to reach a destination, one must often find a courage that may be dormant. En route, we· may discover that our pilgrimage offers sights never before glimpsed. A bridge-eye view of scenery gives us new perspec tive. When our journey Js over and our feet are once again on terra firma, our outlook has gained a different dimension. We are enriched !because we chose to cross a bridge. In responding to specific Il"e quests of musicians, clergy and parishes, the concerns that have caused us to bridge-walk have found us appreciative of one another's gifts and strengths. For example, a growing con cern was the need for good cantor training. Thus Joanne Mercier, cantor at St. Mary's Cathedral, was asked by the chapter director Glenn Giuttari to direct a cantors' workshop. The result was a five-evening session presented in September jn Brewster and ,in October in Seekonk. Aspects of the cantor discusse~ included ministry spirituality, teamwork and vocal techniques. Working with Ms. Mercier were Giuttari and Father Joseph Costa. By accepting the challenge to leave their accustomed roles and "crossing the bridge" to share with !US In a new dimension, they made us aware of wealth we were not aware we had. Their diverse gifts and personalities made for a blockbuster forum. Other results have come from bridge-crossing. One of our board members also serves on the diocesan 'Divine Worship Commission which several years ago cosponsored with 'Us a pre sentation by Father· Eugene Walsh and on Oct. 21 cospon sored a program on .the Advent Cycles offered in Mattapoisett by Father Virgil C. Funk, NAPM founder. The commission wiH also, at our suggestion, take responsibil ,ity for a day of prayer and in struction for all ministries, scheduled for Nov. 18 at B:ishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. Cross those !bridges! AN of us have had days when we've asked: '~Must .I go over ,the bridge?" To discover what is waiting for us at the other end, yes. We who have committed our selves to a church ministry are responsible for Il"eaching out to others with joy and eagerness. It always involves crossing a
bridge of some kind. Some be gan the journey with us but be came discouraged and stopped. We are stild trying to persuade ~thers to join us. Those who have crossed, however, have discovered that the real heights along the way not only come fuoom looking at the. panorama from the bridge, but finding what is in the heart, once we've passed ,to the other side. Denise Morency Gannon is director of music at St. Mary's Church, South Dartmouth, and_ cochairperson of programmng for the dIocesan Pastoral Musi cians chapter.
Hunger justifies stealing food, .say bishops ROME ~.q - Hunger is so extreme in Brazil that starving people can take food that belongs to others without this being considered stealing, accor!iing to a pamphlet issued by the Brazil jan Catholic bishops. 'I1he 45-page pamphlet, citing U.N. and Brazilian government statistics, says that 86 miNion Brazilians eat Jess than the. 2,240 calories a day which is the mini mum diet presribed by the U.N. Food and Agrioulture Organiza tion. Brazi'l's total population :is 122 million. It also notes the effect of Bra zil's rampant ,inflation on work ing families, criticizes poor gov ernment economic policieS and accuses .the privileged class of manipulating the economy to their benefit. The pamphlet said that 100,000 Brazilian children are expected to die from hunger next year and to allow this means a ",tacit acceptance of genocide through omission." The !bishops' pamphlet was is sued as a study guide for the bishops' 1985 Brotherhood Cam paign which has as its theme "Bread for Those Who Are Hun gry." The pamphlet cites St. Thom as Aquinas, who said .that in ex treme cases "it Js 'lawful for a man to succor his own need by means of anothers property, by taking it either openly or secret Jy." The pamphlet said that "peo ple who legitimately possess 'material goods should not think of them as their own, but should consider them as part of the common good which should benefit others." The pamphlet blamed much of Brazil's problem on ,the poli cies of the military government. It asked the government to promote agrarian reform meas ~res and to cut arms spending and 'Use illhe money to heJp over come hunger. In combating hunger, the pam phlet opposed giving priorJty to birth control programs, caUing this the "false position of those who, instead of worrying about muJ,tiplying ,the bread at the table, are worried about ~essen ing the number of people who eat,"
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 2, .1984
How safe must your property be?
By Am. board and falls through; or the guest wnose foot finds out about your towel rack; or the neighborhood child who sits on MURPHY
your pon::h railing and topples over along with .the railing? How safe must you keep your property to avoid legal liability for accidental injuries to others, guests or trespassers?" Historically, a' homeowner's & Any. liability to persons injured on . his ,land was based on the ~egal RICHARD category of the person injured.. There were' ithree legaJ cate-' MURPHY gories of visitors: business in vitees, licensees 'and trespassers. The degree of care a homeowner had to take to protect a person on his land (and avoid liability for accidental ,injuries) varied Most of, us have little re according to vis~tor category. pairs to make around the The greatest degree of care house we've been meaning had to be exercised toward, to get to for a while. business invitees. These are the people who come onto your Nothing major - the porch rai<! jng you've told the kids not to property at your express or swing on because it might keel implied anvitation to transact over; the towel rack you can't business or' otherwise ,benefit tug on or it falls out of the you. , The typical business .invitee waH; .the cracked board on the back stairs that your whole is a customer of a store; res family remembers to skip over. taurant, or other business. How ever, such invitees also come to No real problem, since you re homes; for instance, the mail member to work around them. .But 'what about the meter man or ~ustomers at a garage reader who steps on the cracked sale. The law required that
homeowners take "reasonable" care to protect invitees on their oland from injury. As you might expect, "reasonable" can be a slippery word, its meaning vary ing with circumstances. What may be reasonable precautions for a large farm in Swansea might not be reasonable for a home in a densely populated area like New Dedford. A licensee is someone who enters your land with your con sent, but for reasons other than to benefit you. Typica'l examples are social guests, 'door to door salesmen, and children taking a shortcut through your yard with your permission. There has not been a duty to take precautions to make your land safe for'licen-, sees. However. there' has been a duty to warn the Hcensee of any .known dangers - a "beware of the second step" sign, a verbal warning to the guest about that towel rack. And of course the home owner could not injure the licensee through any willful or reckless conduct. The "trespasser" is famiHar to ail of us: the person who comes on your property without your premission. A trespasser can be anyone from a neighbor hood child cutting through your
garden to a burglar leaving your house with your TV set. The only duty the homeowner has owed to a trespasser is to re-. frajn from any wanton, willful, or reckless conduct that will in jure him or her. The homeowner isvirtual'ly ammune from liability to trespassers, as conduct must be of crimInal or almost pro portions to be wanton, willful or reckless. You may remember the Arkansas man who set a spring gun to catch a thief. Even though trespassing, the .thief collected Ii five figure stim for his spring g1un injury, since the property owner's action in set t.ing the gun was wanton and wiUful. If you're having some difficulty figuring out to whom you'd be responsible for what and when under these rules, rest assured that many a lawyer has had the same trouble for centuries. < Today, however, things are a little clearer. The Massachusetts courts recently revised the tra ditional rules, and eliminated the need to figure out what kind of a visitor i~ on your property be fore you know what duty of care you owe him. The new rule in Massachusetts is that a home owner owes a duty of "reason-
able care" to aU lawful visitors. That includes business invitees and licensees. It doesn't include trespassers - they aren't law fiul visitors. Trespassers, therefore, remain in a separate category. The duty towards adult trespassers re mains the same: you are 0n'ly required to refrain from wan tonly, willfully, or recklessly in juring them. The homeowner's du,ty toward child trespassers, however, has been changed. You now may be found liable for any injury to a child trespasser caused by your failure to use "reasonable care in keeping your property safe. This means that child tres passers are now protected to the same extent as lawful visitors. It's now a little easier to pre dict when you'll be liable to whom if you det those little re pairs go and someone gets hurt. But you're also going to be liable more often. The wise est course is to make sure your property is safe for everyone, all ,the time - especially your own family! The Murphys are attorneys at the South Shore Plaza in Braintree.
Trial ordered' fQr 8 .in papal assassination attempt ROME (NC) ~ An Italian In vestigating judge has indicted three Bulgarians and five Turks, including would-be papal assass in 'Mehmet Ali Agca, on oharges of conspiring to assassinate Pope John Paul II.
The indictment of the three Bulgarians, who at the time of the 1981 murder attempt worked for their govet:nment, lends sup port to the theory that the plot was ca.rried out by the Bulgar ian secret service on the orders of the Soviet secret police, the KGB.
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Conspiracy theories' began surfacing after Agca was cap tured in 8t. Peter's Square, shortly after shooting the pope there. Those theories were fed by a 51-page opinion by the court panel which convicted Ag ca in July 1981. The opinion said . that Agca did not act alone, but added that "the evidence ac quired does not permit one at this time to unveil the identity of the promoters of the con spiracy." The murder attempt was "the fruit of a complex machination orchestrated by hidden minds interested in cheating new de stabHizing conditions according to the canons of a strategy which kn~ws no boundaries," the opin ion said. " A's Ita1il:m investigators un· earthed evidence" aided by a confession from' Agca, that Bul garian government officials might have been 'linked to the plot, the "Bulgarian' connection". theory
gained strength. The ,theory is Ibased on the general belief in Western intel ligence circles that the Bulgar ian secret service -is often used by :the Soviet tUnion to carry out international acts of terror ism, and that the Soviets wanted the Polish-born pope eliminated because his support for- Solidar ity, the independent Polish trade union, was stirring unrest in eastern Europe. On Oct. 26, Judge Hario Mar tella,chief investigator who pre pared the indictments, released only the charges and the Jist of the accused. The fuIl document is more than 1,000 pages long. The indictment did not lis't any motives, political or other wise, for the murder attempt against the pope. No trial 'date was given.
The indictments were issued against these Bulgarians: - Sergei Ivanov Antonov, 36, head of the Rome office of the Bulgarian state airline' at the time of the assassination at ,tempt, who has been under ar rest in Italy since Nov. 25, 1982. ......., Jelio Kolev VassiJev, 42, an attache at the Bulgarian em bassy in Rome at the time of the
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assassination attempt. - Todor Stoyanov Ayvazov, 40, a cashier at the 'Bulgarian embassy in Rome in 1981. Vassilev and Ayvazov left Italy in 1982 before warrants were issued for their arrest. Mar teIJa's indictment 'lists the two as "in hiding." The Turks indicted are: . .:.... Agca, 26, serving a me sentence for attempting to mur der the pope on May. 13, 1981, in St. Peter's Square during a papal general audience. - Omer Bagci, 38, accused of giving -Agca an automatic pistol used in the assassination at tempt, under arrest in Itaily since May 1982. - Musar Celebi, 32, currently under arrest in Italy. IBekir Celenk, 49, listed as Jiving in Sofia, Bulgaria, but cur rently "in hiding." - Oral Celik, 25, who wit nesses testified had also fired a shot at the pope in St. Peter's Square during the assassination attempt. He is listed as "in hid ing." Bagci is charged with "criminal conspiracy" in the assassination plot of giving Agca the "weapon which he used to carry out the attempt against the supreme pontiff." Antonov, Vassitlev, Ayvazov, . Celebi, Celenk and Celik are charged with providing assist ance and financial support to Ag ca. Agca ,is charged with con spiring with Bagci to kiU the pope. Among supporters of the "Bul garian connection" theory are
Zbigniew ,Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, both former national security advisers to DoS'. presi dents. There is mounting evidence that the KGB "was implicated in the most monumental assassina tion attempt carried out in this century that against the pope," said Brzezinski, former adviser to President Jimmy Carter, in an ,interview publish ed in La Stampa, the daily news paper of Turin, Italy. "There is no doubt ,that the investigation made by Italian au thorities has established the com plicity of Bulgaria in the attack against the pope," he was quoted as saying. "Those who know the reality of eastern Eu rope automatically deduce that the Soviet Union was in com mand of the operation." Previously, Kissinger had said in an interview with Cable News Network that former CIA Direc tor Richard Helms had told him the assassination attempt "had all the earmarks . . . of a KGB operation." Kissinger said he agreed be
cause "if you try to square the known facts, it reaUy ~eads al most to no other conclusion." Kissinger was national security adviser and secretary of" state under President Nixon.
Have To Share ",I don't have a right to more than I need if others don't have enough. If I don't need i,t and others do, I have to share it." Daniel Rush Finn
~~J Jilil
THE ANCHOR Friday, Nov. 2, 1984
The Muppets Take Manhattan (Rec.!
The Never-ending Story
References Required
A-l Approved for Children and Adults
• 0IIE1t Mon • Sal: •• 5:30 • OIIEN 7DAYS
Phar Lap (Rec,)
during. .
.tJD ...IIIIIIIII!!'!!!!!!!!!!! ~~
A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescer.ts Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Amadeus The Bostonians Cloak and Dagger Country
The Family Game, The Jigsaw Man The Karate Kid Last Starfighter The Philadelphia Experiment
Places in the Heart The Prodigal The Razor's Edge A Soldier's Story (Rec,) Star Trek 3: Search for Spock
A-3 Approved for Adults Only Flashpoint All of Me , Garbo Talks Body Rock The Brother from Ghostbusters Another Planet Gremlins Cannonball Run II Indiana Jones & Temple Careful, He Might Hear You of Doom ' C. H. U. D. Irreconcilable Differences Dreamscape A Joke of Destiny , Electric Dreams The Little Drummer Girl
The ,Natural The Pope of Greenwich Village Red Dawn Rhinestone Romancing the Stone Splash Windy City
A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a pro tection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Cal
oBachelor Party Best Defense ' Cheech & Chong's The Corsican Brothers Conan the Destroyer Crimes of Passion The Evil that Men Do Finders Keepers The First Turn·On
Morally Offensive
Friday the 13th: Final Chapter Impulse Once upon a Time in America Oxford Blues Purple Rain Revenge of the Nerds
Savage Streets Sheena Sixteen Candles Teachers Thief of Hearts Tightrope Until September The Woman in Red
(Rec.) after a title indicates that the film Is recommended by the U.S. Catholic Conference reviewer for the category of viewers under which It is listed. These listings are presented monthly; please clip and save for reference. Further Information on recent films 'is avail able from The Anchor office, 675-7151.
Area Religious Broadcasting The following televisiOll and radio programs originate in the diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings norm ally do not vary from week to week. They will be presented In The Anchor the first Friday of each month and will reflect any changes that may be made. Please clip and retain for reference. Each Sunday, 10:30 a.m. WLNE, Channel 6, Diocesan Television Mass.
program on the power of God to touch lives, produced by the Pastora-l Theological Insti tute of Hamden, Conn.
Portuguese Masses from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel "The Glory of God," with Church, New Bedford: 12:15 Father John Bertoluoci, 7:30 p.m. each Sunday on radio a.m. each Sunday, Channel 27.
station WJFD-FM, 7 p.rn:. each
"MarySon," a family pup
Sunday on television Channel pet show with mora,l and 20. spiritual perspective 6 p.m. Mass Monday to Friday each Thursday, Fall River and every week, 11:30 a.m'. to New Bedford cable channel noon, WXNE, Channel 25. 13. "Confluenee," 8 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderaied by Truman Taylor and having as pennanent participants Father
Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Epis copal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. "Brea)(through," 6:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 10, a
"Spirit and the Bride," a talk show with William Lar
kin, 6 p.m. Monday, cable
channel 35.
On Radio Charismatic programs with Father John Randall are a~red from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Mon
day through Friday on station
WRIB, 1220 AM; Mass is
broadcast at 1 p.m. each Sun·
Continued from Page One cept ,of nuclear superiority over the Soviet Union. "It is futile and dangerous to seek clear nu· clear superiority" because "this can only' fuel the arms race," the 'Democratic candidate said. "We should instead negotiate a mutual and verifiable freeze on the arms race J'!ow, and then move on to mutual, verifiable and equitable reductions," he added. Mondale a-lso promised that "conventional forces will have priority in my defense bud get, which will grow at a rate of 3-4 percent a year," which is ,less than the cunrent rate. He said that "nothing else re veals more about the utter moral bankruptcy of the Reagan admin istration than their assault on the social suppor.t system. Their cynical approach has been to balance the budget on the backs of our nation's poor and elderly." in -the process cutting "more than $9 billion" ~n aid to "poor fami ,lies and children." Mondale proposed to "strength. en the hand" of Salvadoran President Jose Napoleon Duarte in £1 Salvador '''by channeling American aid through him and conditioning it on social justice." He also proposed working with the Contadora nations which have proposed 'steps toward peace in Central America, and seeking "agreements that would secure mutual nonintervention, withdrawal of all outside forces, including the Soviets and Cu Ibans in Nicaragua, and the ulti· mate demilitarization of Central America." - .Mondale cited "the danger ous budget deficit - $175.3 bi! Hon this year alone" - as the "most important domestic issue." He suggested changes in defense spending, "tough health care cost-containment," better man agement of agriculture programs, a cap on tax cuts for high-in come taxpayers, a 10 percent suroharge on incomes over $100,000 and other steps. - To reduce unemployment Mondale set a goal of "a job for every American who wants or needs one." He recommended creation' of "sustainable, Jong term economic growth;" voca tional training and retraining for displaced workers; revitalization of basic industries; putting peo ple to work repa-iring deteriora ting bridges, city s'ections and roads; investment tax credits for worker training and educa tion, and other measures.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River",,""Fri., ,Nov. 2, 1984
By Charlie Martin
Lying in my bed' I hear the clOck tick and think of you Caught up in clrcIes, confusion is nothing new . ·Flashback, warm I1lights almost left behind Suitcase of memorieS tinle after time sometimes you'll picture me I'm walking too far ahead You're calling' to me I can't hear what you've said Then you say "go slow," l fall behind_ The second hand unwinds If you're lost, you can look And you will find me, time after time If you fall, I will catch you I'll be waiting, time after time After my picture fades And darkness has turned to gray Watching through windows you're wondering If rmOK
Secrets stolen from deep inside The drum beats out of time You say "go slow," I fall behind The second hand unwinds
when it comes to feelings, needs or direction in life, even when they are in ~ove. One person is calling out but the other "can't hear what you've said." Sometimes this occurs when one individual has goals, dreams or needs which differ from the other person's. For example, a couple may face separation ibe cause one individual! leaves for school. Perhaps summer was a time of_ real growth and closeness, but now the fact of distance must be faced. However, individual needs are important in terms of what the schooling represents!lo· and offers for each person's future. The ,song demonstrates how commitment can bridge this dis tance: "'If you're lost, you can 'look and' 'you will fInd ,me . ',' If you fall, I will catch you, time after time." In other words, though dis tance can't be changed, the singer is saying ,love wHI re main and wHl be there when the other person needs. support.
Whether it is physical or emo Recorded by: Cyndi Lauper, written by: C. Lauper,' J. Shear, tional separation, even the clos est relationships face such chal (c) 1983 CBS Inc. 'lenges. Knowing that distance CYNDI LAUPER rewrote chart "Time After Time" contrasts can be accepted and worked history with her debut album sharply in style and tempo with through keeps a relationship "She's ,so Unusual." Her first Ms. Lauper's first· hit, "Girls alive and growing. two releases off this album both Just Want to Have Fun." It's a Your comments are welcome. rose into the top three rating romantic ballad that talks about Please address Charlie Martin, spots. No recording artist has ,love reaHstically. S. Rotherwood' A~., As, it obserVes, two individuals 1218 previously been so success~ul so quickly. are seldom at the same ~evel Evansville, Ind. 47714.
What's on your mind? Q. What should a person do if he is addlcted to cIlrugs but he doesn't want his parents to know and yet he wants to be helped? (Ohio) A. Today I did some research 'in the telephone directory, of the city in which you live - Day ton, Ohio. ,I also made some phone calls. Listed in the Yellow Pages under "Drug Abuse and Addic tion - Information and Treat ment" are a number of possi bilities. At Nova House (222-6682), for example, a' counselor said the first session with a teen is free and is for' general discus sion of the drug problem. At later sessions the fee, is based on income. If the teen wishes to continue to get help, he is given a re lease for to take to, his or her parents for their, signature. At Samaritan Hall (276-5909), the counselor felt it was very important to bring the parents in to discuss the problem. This can be stormy at first but is usuaUy very .!helpful in the long run. The fee is $56 per session but
In ,our Bishop Connolly "Thinking about Drinking," freshmen a seminar for and new students at th~ Fall River school, was presented last week by the Connolly Alcohol and Drug Awareness Team as the first in a series of three pr0 grams. The session, a followup to a highly successful Awareness Day held last year, included a film, a lecture on stages of alcohol and drug abuse, talks by seniors and infonnation on where stu dents with problems, 'could ob tain assistance. With faculty member George Angelo as moderator, the pr0 gram was coordinated by Jeff Ryan. Team members inclu~ Jameson Chace, Paul Pacheco, Peter O'Connell, Rob Rafferty, Colleen Smith and Carmen Phan euf.
'" '" '"
Some 800 students and faculty participated in the annual 20 kilometer Cougar Day Walka thon, for some a Runathon and for obhers a Bikeathon. Among finishers was Connolly principal Father 'James O'Brien, who' earl ier had been dubious of his aQH ity to stay the course.
'" '"
A small faculty party was held this week in honor of Sister Mary Lou Sim~, SUSC, Si.,!lter Rose Murphy, SUSc, Sister Norma Comeau, CSc, Sister Lucille Gauvin, OP, John Dacey, Carol Medeiros and Carole COrdeiro, of unemployment. After three all recently commissioned as sessions, he overcame his de-. special Eucharistic ministers for pression and went on job hunt the Connolly community. ing. By On Nov. 4 Connolly will hold It can be something like that with you~ At the Eastway Com an open house for interested 8th TOM munity Mental Health Center graders and their families. Tours (222-2223), you can find a friend' wi'll be conducted at2 and 3 LENNON who' is an expert dl'ug counselor. p.m. In the first session he will give you advice and support in deal C~y this might be covered by. health ing with your addiction. ' -Eating to help the hungry insurance. He also will give you help in sounds contradlctory, but that's I also looked under "Mental dealing with your parents. If Health Services'~ and a glance you and he think a lengthy what happened in Taunton as at this Yellow 'Page will give program of help is wise, he will students enjoyed Make-it-your Y9u an idea of the many prob-, need your parents' consent if self sundaes with profits going 'lems people face and deal with. you are a minor., Services are to Oxfam America, 81 leading non't let that phrase "mental free or based on ability to pay. hunger relief organization. health" scare you. It doesn't You may feel nervous about '" '" '" The C-C Athletic Association mean you're crazy. Countless calling any of these numbers. people are a Uttle distressed Keep 'in mind that the voice at will meet at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7. mentally at some point in their the other end will be friep.dly. Iive~. St~ng He or she will have some good One of my neighbors, for ,ex ideas about your problem.. 20 Stangites have been chosen ample, became abnorrnaBy dis And if none of these ideas for a student leadership program couraged after several months seem to be a solution, why not training them to support school consult a favorite teacher or phUosophy and policies. This coach or priest or school coun summer they participated in a selor? one-day seminar at SMU spon A final .question: Are 'you sored by the -International Stu certain it would be the end of dent Leadership InStitute. 'the world if you told' your par The budding leaders are Mi ents you want help? chael Carreiro, Judy Duarte, Mar I have discussed the help jory Gomez, Kathy King, Rachelle 'available -in one citY at some Lemieux, ErnAlSt Rapoza, Marcel length to give other readers an Sirois, Chris Conforti, Jennifer idea of what they will surely Connell, Scott Dias, Ray -Leung, find in their own area. Remem Kater! Osborne, Peter Sleight, ber, many, many people are Anne Marie TreaduPt Doug Bar ll;ble and eager to help you, no resi, Patrick Driscoll, Tommy matter where you live. .Longo, Sean McCarthy, Maureen Questions my be sent to Tom Salmon, Kristin Tallman. Ms. Lennon, 1312 Mass. Ave. N.W., Joanne Fortier is moderator. Washington, D.C., 20005.
'" '" '" '"
'" '" '" '"
Some 927 students are at the North Dartmouth school this year. The breakdown: 237 fresh men, 253 sophomores, 227 jun iors and 210 seniors.
'" '" '" '"
Cheers for the Edward and Mary Arruda family of Fall River, among whose members is Stang,sophomore Lisa. They're sponsoring a Cambodlan famlly, just arrived in the. United States. The full story is elsewhere in this Anchor issue.
Bishop Feehan The marching band, color guard and majorettes at the At leboro school scored third in the recent Scholastic Band Associa tion contest held in Woonsocket Aditionally, the marching band came hom~ with a bronze medal and the color guard and major ettes earned the "Best Band Front" award. The group also merited a bronze medal at a preceding contest in Wakefield.
'" '" '" '"
And the math team placed second in the season's first meet, held at Dighton-Rehoboth Re gional High, with Eric Haskins ranking above a1'1 ,other sopho mores competing.
Homecoming Week events held last week included sports events; teacher and student ap preciatiQn days; a coUege bowl program at which senioJ'8 de feated faculty; and a Saturday parade, football game, horne coming queen coronation cere mony, memorial Mass and clos ing dance.
'" '" '" '"
The Feehan yearbook, Flash· back 1984, has merited 992 points out of 1,000 in Columbia Scholastic 'Press competition and has received its highest award to date, the Silver Crown, merited by only one percent of yearbooks in the first class cate gory.
The annual open house for prosPective students and their parents will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday and will include a brief general assembly followed by tours of the school. The entrance exam is set for 8 a.m. Dee. 1 at the school.
. '" '" '"
Among new courses offered at F~ehan this year has been Achieving Social Justice: A Chris tian Perspective, which has been elected by 144 students. The course includes study of world problems such as over population, poverty, hunger, dis crimination, war and human ~n terrelationships. Students will approach these subjects via re search, role playing, media pre sentations and 'hearing lectures as well as by use of a textbook. Special attention will be given to ,the U.S. bishops' peace pas toral, to relevant Scripture ex cerpts and to the evolution of Catholic social teaching.
By Bill Morrissette
portsWQtch Hail the Champions! Although the scholastic fall sports season is not finished some champions have already been crowned. ,The Bishop Connolly High harriers, undefeated all season, have won the Division Three Southeastern Mass. Conference cross country crowns in both the boys' and girls' divisions and the Durfee High Topperettes' won the Division One champion sh~p. The Connolly sweep is be Jieved the' first such aohievement by any area school.
The Durfee girls' swim team posted its sixth championship season in the ,last seven years. The Topperettes displaced See konk which had dethroned Dur fee in 1983. Somerset is the Division Two conference champion, in VOlley ball and Case is the Division Two titlist in field hockey: After sharing the Division One vol-ley ball ohampionship with Case the past two seasons Durfee this, season owns ,the title outright.
Feehan, Stang Continue To Roll The Shamrocks of 'BishopFee han High School ran their un defeated record in conference Division Two footbal,l with a re sounding 35-14 victory over Wareham last weekend. Feehan is now 5-1-1 overall for the season while Wareham is 0-2 in division play and 2-5 overall. Feehan has two games remain ing in division action hosting Dennis-Ya,rmouth tomorrow and visiting -Bourne on Nov. 10. Dennis-Yarmouth is 0-3 Bourne I-I in conference play. Stang also stretched its un beaten streak in conference play to three 'games with a 35-26 rout of Seekonk in a Division Three contest. The victory boosted the 'Spartans' overall record to 6-1-0 overall. Stang had shared first place in the division with Case, which
dropped an 18-8 de'cision to .Digh ton-Rehoboth, which is now tied with Case for second place with 2-1-0 records. Stang is host to morrow to Case in what has to be considered a crucial game for both. The Warriors of Coyle~Cassidy
nipped the Old Rochester Bull dogs, 14-12, for their first vic tory in the conference's Division Three. Coyle..cassidy, now 1-3 in division and 2-5 overall meets Taunton High tonight in a non-league encounter and is at Bishop Stang on Nov. 10. Among games tomorrow are Attleboro at Durfee, Barnstable at Somerset, Fairhaven at Bourne, 'Dartmouth at Falmouth, New Bedford at Catholic Memor lJ'ial, Wareham at Greater New Bedford "oke-Teoh.
Hockomock Notes , Some championships have also been decided in the Hockomock League. iNorth Attleboro is the titlist in girls cross country while Stoughton is the w,inner in boys cross country. Oliver Ames is the golf cham pion, Canton and Stoughton share the field hockey crown. FootbaH and soccer champion ships still had to be determined
eyo The ,Bristol County CYO Hockey League twin biB Sunday night in the Driscoll Rink, FaB River, has Fall River North vs. FaH River South at nine o'clock:, iNew Bedford vs. Somerset at 10. In last Sunday's games Fall
at press' time. Hockomock football .games have Frnnklin at Foxboro to night, Mansfield at Nor,th Attle boro, ~ing Philip at Stoughton and Canton at Sharon. Foxboro is the pace-setter in both soccer and footbaH. In a non-league game tonight Oliver Ames is host to Dighton-Rehoboth.
Hockey River North tied Somerset 3-3 and New Bedford tied Mansfield 7-7.
The Fall River CYO Basketball League will hold its pre-season jamboree from 4 to 10 p.m. Nov. 9, in its Anawan Street hall.
New Catholic radio program STEUBEN"ILLE, Ohio (NC) format or a daily 15-minute for - The St. Francis Association 'mat. for Catholic Evangelism has Father Bertolucci, host of the launched a nationally syndicated three-year-01d Catholic television radio program hosted by Father series, "The Glory of God," has John 'Po Bertolucci. preaohed throughout the world. He ,is a University of Steuben "Let Me Sow Love" is avail ville faculty member. , able to d'ioceses affiliated with ; the Catholic Telecommunications Network ndio service. It is pro GOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS duced at the University of Steu benvHle in a weekly half-hour
...................... ,
tv, movie news
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·l3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PC-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adUlts; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation)j o-morally offensive.
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list ings, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied to The Anchor. New Films "Amadeus" (Orion): A preten tious and boring fHm version of a pretensious and boring play about Mozrat and his mediocre rival, Salieri. Some vulgar dia logue but nothing especially strong. A2, PG "Body Rock" (New World): A late entry in the race to cash in on the break-dancing fad. Though :the visuals are restrained, drugs and illicit sex figure in the ac tion. A3, PG-13 Differences~' "Irreconcilable (Warners): A oJittie grrl tries to free herself of her divorced parents. The picture has some bright moments, but doesn't seem able 10 choose between light comedy and fairly serious drama. Some very ibrief nudity in a comic context. A3, PG "Places in the Heart" (Tri-Star) A young widow (Sally I Field) copes after her husband's death in Depression-era rural Texas. Despite some shortcomings, an impressive accomplisment and a moving and quite entertaining film. A2, PG "The Adventures of BUckaroo Banzai" (Fox) A sci-fi spoof more amusirig to hear about than ,to see, though the always dependable John Lithgow scores as a mad scientist. Some comic ally intended violence, but the film is mostly innocuous. A2, PG "Country" (Buena Vista) A very good film about an Iowa family trying to keep its farm despite dnterest due on massive government loans extended, in more prosperous times. A Jittle predictable with a heroine per haps too courageous and noble, but admirable ,nevertheless._ Some humorous byplay oc casioned by a nosy young sister discovering contraceptives dn her big brother's room makes this questionable fare for younger viewers. A2, :PG "The First Tum-Onl' (Troma) A sle~zy Httle exploitation film about campers trapped in. a cave who recount their first seJeual experiences. Nudity and graphic sexuality. 0, 'R "Garbo Talks" (MGM-VA) A sentimental comedy about a
loving son trying to fulfill his dying mother's wish -to meet Greta Garbo. Entertaining but hard to take unless you share the film's mood of New York style liberal humanism and sub scribe to the Garbo mystique. Because of the movie's'insistence that death is the end of every thing and its - callous depiction of the coliapse of a marriage, it is rated A3, PG-13. "Savage Streets" (Motion Pic ture Marketing) Crude and vio lent exploitation movie about teenage gangs and vengeance starring Linda Blair. 0, R "Teachers" (MGM-UA) Nick Nolte is an effective and ideal istic teacher in a zoo-like high ,school. This crude, disjointed effort comes across as just an other teenage exploitation movie. Because of rough Jang uage, nudity and a favorable view of abortion, it is rated 0, R
"Crimes of lPassion~' (New World): A sordid and squalid melodrama about a prostitute, a sexually frustrated married man and a crazed minister. Be cause of graphic sex and vio lence, it is rated 0, R. "Impulse" (Fox): oA ridiculous and vicious horror movie about a young couple returning to her hometown to find that every body has gone beserk. "iolence and graphic sex. 0, R "The Little Drummer Girl" (Warners): Lackluster screen adaptation of the John Le Carre novel about an actress recruited by Israeli agents to trap a ter rorist. Because of nudity, rough language and considerlllble vio lence, it is rated A3, R. . "The Razor's Edge" (Colum bia): A shallow screen verson of the W. Somerset Maugham novel with Bill Murray playing Larry, a young man seeking the meaning of me after some terri ble experiences as a World War I ambulance driver. His quest takes him from Paris to India to Tibet and back to Paris, but re ligious sensibility ,is lacking. Some rough language. A2, PG-13 "Thief of Hearts" (Paramount): A slick little melodrama about a burglar who falJs in love with a woman whose ,intimate diar des were' part of loot he took from her house. Some serious possibilities of the 'story lose out to a blaring score, nudity and, graphic sex. 0, R Film on TV
Sunday, Nov. 4, 9~11:30 p.m. EST (ABC) - "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas" (1982) ,Burt Reynolds and Do1'ly. Parton star in a lackluster screen ver sion of the Broadway muscaI. Because of the fi,lm's reaLism, the tone is more offensive than it might have been on the stage. The original film contained nu dity and numerous !bedroom scenes. 0, R Religious TV Sunday, Nov. 4, (CBS) "For Our Times" - How the religious community helps families cope with teenage suicide.
THE ANCHOR Friday, Nov. 2, 1984
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 2, 1984
BLUE ARMY Vigil: 7:30 p.m. to midnight . today," St. Francis. Xavier Church, Acushnet. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET . First Saturday: Mass and ro sary 8 a.m. Nov. 3. . "Invitation," a Catholic learn ing guide for adults, is avail able at all weekend Masses.
IteeringpOintl ST. MARY, SEEKONK Holy hour for Eucharistic ministers: following the special . memorial Mass for the faithful departed at 7 ,tonight. CORPUS OHRISTI, SANDWICH . Youth group: rap session 7 to 8:30 ,p.m. Nov. 12, preceded at 6:30 p.m. by officers' meeting. Charismatic ,prayer meeting: 8 p.m. each Friday, Father Clinton Hall. All welcome.
CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, NB Annual~uest night 7:30. p.m. Nov. 14, Wamsutta Club: hand writing analyst Agnes Guay will present a program. .
ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS Guitarist and singer needed for the monthly family Mass in Eastham. Information: Dr. Larry Hartung, 255-1236. .
ST. PATUCK, FALMOUTH Junior choir rehearsal: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday. Students in grades 1 through 12 invited to join.
ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS Life in the Spirit seminar: 7 p.m. each Tuesday. All wel come. ALHAMBRA ORDER Meeting 8:30 tonight,O.L. Mercy.Center, Worcester, chair ed by regional director Roger Ouellette of Fall River. ST. THOMAs MORE, SOMERSET An 11 a.m. Mass Thanksgiv ing Day will be followed by a noon dinner to which all are welcome. Orders are being .taken by Father Gerard Hebert for 1984 first communion pictures.
ST. ANTHONY, TAUNTON Holy Rosary Sodality: meet ing 7:30 p.m. Nov.. 7; guest speaker Nancy Debruyn.
DCCW New Bedford District Council of Catholic Women: community affairs discussion, 7:30 p.m. Nov, 7, O.L. Assumption Church, New Bedford. All welcome.
HOLY NAME, Fit Youth group general meeUng: 7 p.m: Nov. 4, school hall. NEWMAN ASSOCIATION, SMU A continuing lecture series at Southeastern Massachusetts University, NOrth Dartmouth, is held from noon. to 1 p.m. on academic Mondays in the BOCird of Governors' Room. November topics: 5th, The Coptic Rite, pre sented by M. Racine; 19th; Your Faith and Your Profession,' R. Ward; 26th, The Bishops on Nu clear War, J. Fitzgerald. There will be no p'ecember lectures.
McMAHON 'ASSEMBLY, K of C New' officers for the New Bedford assembly are Manuel STONEHILL COLLEGE, A. Sylvia, faith!ful navigator; N. EASTON Ernest Mereiros, faithful cap Certificates of accomplish tain; Primo Tarini, faithful pi ment in gerontology are avail lot; Joseph P. Lima, faithful able in the evening division. Information: 238-1081, ext. 377. admiral; Alfred Martins, faith ful scribe. The assembly will O.L. ANGELS, FR change its name to the Hum Parish council meeting:' 7 ,berto Cardinal Medeiros Assem p.m. Nov. 5, church hall. bly, contingent on certification CCD students are asked to . from' the K· of C supreme o~ bring nonperishlJ}ble foods to 9 fice. A membiership ,drive is a.m. Mass Nov. 11 for use in planned for both the third 'and Thanksgiving baskets. . fourth degrees.
ST. JUDE/QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS, SANTUIT/MASHPEE Thanksgiving Mass at All Saints: 7 p.m. Nov. 21. Food donations requested. FAMILY LIFE CENTER DCCW retreat begins tonight; New Bedford deanery meeting 11 a.m. Nov. 5; Lamaze class Nov. ~. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Feast of Our Lady of Good News: talk on devotion by Fa ther Alfred A. Fredette, MS, 11 a.m. Nov. 3, followed by 12:10 p.m. Mass.
BL. SACRAMENT, Fa' Dedication of carillon: at 11:30 a.m. Mass Nov. 4, followed by reception in church 'hall. Women's Guild: meeting Nov.. 14 beginning with 7 p.m. Mass for deceased members. Parishioners are ·requested to donate bed linens and towels to the newly opened Fall River shelter for the' homeless. Such items may be brought ,to the • rectory. NOTRE DAME, FR Hospital beds and wheel chairs are available at no charge at the St. Vincent de Paul store -on Pleasant Street. CYO meetings: 7 p.m. alternate Tuesdays at Notre Dame School; additional adult leaders needed. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Child care will be offered during 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass beginning Nov. 4. Adult education program: 7:45 p.m. each Monday, rectory. Blood bank: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 4, church hall. Donors and aides needed.
ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA A few places remain for a re treat at Weston Prioi-y Dec. 14 . ,through 16. ST. MARY, .N. ATTLEBORO Parishioners are asked to no Healing service: 2 p.m. Nov. tify the rectory of shut-ins 11, conducted by Father Wil wishing to receive communion at home. . liam T. Babbitt.
CATHEDRAL, lFR Women's Guild: banquet Nov. 18, Coachmen restaurant, Tiv erton. HOLY TRINITY, W. HARWICH Ladies' Association: meeting following 2 p.m. Benediction to day. Freda' Shipley will pre sent a travelogue. New mem bers welcome.
D of I, ATTLEBORO Alcazaba' Circle: memorial Mass 6:30' ,p.m. Nov. 10, St. Jo seph's Church, Attleboro. , . FAMILY MINISTRY Leadership couples meeting: 7 p.m. Nov. 4, Family Life Cen ter, North Dartmouth. ST. ANTHONY, FALMOUTH Among Family Life Commis sion parish plans are a Thanks giving Mass, an Advent pro gram and a visitation program for the sick and elderly:
ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Thanksgiving weekend youth retreat: Nov. 23 to 25, parish youth center; especially intend ST. JOHN NEUMANN, ed for those interested in peer . E. FREETOWN ministry.. From This Day Forw.ard, an Acknowledgement is made of enrichment day for married the contribution of Mrs. Lillian couples, will be held tomorrow. Roberts, beginning 'her 14th The parish - also has an out year as a CCD first grade teach reach program involving neigh er. "She makes each student borhood meetings to discuss pos feel sPecial, not only to her, sible parish activities. 'but to Jesus as well," says ,the parish bulletin. ST. LOUIS, FR The parish Franciscan frater nity has endorsed a city council resolution calling for prayer and fasting for unity and bro- therhood on Nov: 6, Election Day.
ST. RITA, MARION Wanted: parishioners willing to pray daily for CCD students. Information available frOm Ma rian LeBlanc, 748-2297. Appreciation supper for par ish fair -workers: 7 p.m. tomor row, rectory. . First Saturday devotions: fol lowing 8:30 a.m. Mass tomor row.
Sf. Mary Women's Guild o F NEW NOVEMBE'R 3 NOVEMBER 4 -
B E'D FOR D 10:00 A.M:--
7:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M. -
4:00 P.M.
70 EXH'IBITORS· Do. Your. Holiday Shopping Early At Our Christmas Fair
MASS. CITIZENS FOR LIFE Prolife lesson plans 'are avail able at no charge to CCD teach ers, grade through adult levels. Information: MCFL Charitable Trust, 313 Washington St., New ton 02158. O.L. MT. CARMEL, NB Prayer meetings: New Crea tion, 7 p.m. each Monday; Port uguese language, 7 p.m. each Thursday. HEALING BREAKFA'ST, FR Breakfast healing service: 8 to 11 a.m. Nov. 18, McGovern's restaurant, Fall River, with Fa ther John Oliveira as speaker and Maria Rocha conducting service. ST. JAMES, NB Ladies' Guild communion supper: following 6 p.m. Mass Nov. 14; Rev. Raul Lagoa, speaker. . Nonperishable foods will be collected at weekend Masses for use in Thanksgiving baskets. Profile -committee meeting: 8 p.m. Nov. 4, rectory. New members welcome. . ST. STANISLAUS, FR Confirmation candidates will be enrolled at 10:30 a.m. Mass Nov. 4. School' officers are Deni,ta Trembly, president; Lisa Parent, vice-president; Kristina Macha do, ~ecretary; J'85on Richalrd, treasurer. SACRED HEART, NB Ladies of Ste. Anne: meeting 8 p.m. Nov. 8,parish hall. All welcome; crafts will be made. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Preparations are complete for celebration of the 75th anniver sary of the parish. 4 p.m. Mass Nov. 4 with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be followed by a banquet and dance at Venus de Milo restaurant,. Swansea. A souvenir book will be issued and jubilee bumper stickers are avaIlable.
ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT Women's Guild: hour of fam ily prayer: 4:30 to 5:30 Nov. 4; guild meeting 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7. Christian Growth Group: in process of formation, will meet once weekly at 6:30 ,p.m. for 8 . or 10 weeks. If interested, leave name at rectory. Photographs of those who have died will be displayed in the sanctuary during November so that parishioners can remem Qer, pray and grieve as a fam ily for the departed.
SS. PETER & PAUL, FR Parishioners have welcomed' an 8-member Cambodian family (story on page '8 of this issue of The Anchor). Ninth grade confirmation can didates will be enrolled in the program at 11 a.m; Mass Nov. 4. lO-th graders will receive Bi bles, marking their entry into the program's second year.
O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Mass for Anointing of Sick: 10:30 a.m. Nov. 3, followed by luncheon in parish center. Renewal of marriage vows and following' champagne brunch: noon Nov. 4. Women's Guild meeting: noon Nov. 5, parish center. Vincentians' meeting: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5.
ST: ANTHONY OF DESERT, FR Adoration of the Blessed Sac rament: noon to 6 p.m. Nov. 11.
DOMINICAN LAITY, FR Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9, Dominican Convent, 37 Park St. Voting for new councillors.
ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Healing service: conducted by Maria Rocha following 2 p.m. . Mass Nov. 4.
ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Due to small attendance, the 5 p.m. Sunday Mass has been discontinued.
ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH Lector and eucharistic minis ter schedules through the end of the year are available in the sacristy. Brass altar candlesticks have been donated to ,the parish in memory of Mary Meehan.
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679·6072
ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Day of prayer: each Wednes day, with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day, ending at 6:30 p.m. with rosary and evening liturgy. MEMORIAL 'HOME, FR Beethoven and Prokofiev con cert by pianist Judith Conrad; 2 p.m. Nov. 6, followed by Elec tion Day party. The concert will be repeated at 8 p.m. Nov. 10 ,at Bristol Community College Arts Center.