
Page 1

• .'Littl., Poor Man of .God'



A Pilqrimaqe to Assi·si

By Msgr. Humberto S. Medeiros. ROME-Bishop Gerrard and I have just returned from a pilgrimage to As­ sisi. I feel that a visit to Italy without seeing the hometown of St. Francis is like a visit ,to Rome without seeing the Pope. I remember that in early Novem­ ber of 1962 Bishop Connolly, Bishop Fitzgerald of Winona, Father Edward Mitchell and I went to the tomb of the "Povel>ello" to pray for the Council. We merely followed the example of Pope John XXIII, who on the previous October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of

Assisi, stopped at the Basilica to im­ plore the intercession and the blessing of the Saint of universal love and peace for the great Ecumenical Council he had convoked and was going to open only a week later, on October 11th. To­ day an inscription on the wall of the Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard and Msgr. Humberto S.· Medeiros, diocesan repre­ sentatives at the fourth session of Vatican Council II, this week are visiting the Holy Land. They are in company with Bishops· and Council Periti. After arriving in Beirut, they are touring the holy· places, and, from Nazareth, will proceed to Tel Aviv for their return to the Eternal City.

lower Piazza, near the gate of the mon­ astery, commemorates this extraordi­ .nary visit of the Vicar of Christ to the tomb of Francis. This year,also on the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Paul VI left the Vatican Council to bring his message of Christian love and peace to the nations of the world represent­ ed in New York ·at the General Assem­ bly of the United Nations. It would seem, then, that Popes John and Paul had Francis in mind Turn to Page Ten /






Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 4, 1965

Vol. 9, No. 44 ©

1965 The Anchor

PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year

DIOCESAN NATiVE GREETS NEW HOLY LAN]) BISHOPS: Brother Daniel Sullivan, O.F.M., left, brother of Rev. Leo .T. Sullivan, Raynham pastor, meets newly conse­ crated Bishop Joseph Beltritti, Auxiljary to Jordan Patriarch Albert Gori of Jerusalem, second fr9m left, and Auxiliary Bishop John Simaan of Amman, Jordan, second from right, at Terra Sancta College, Amman, Jordan. At the. right is Archbishop Asaf.

Tremendous ·Parental Response


Bids for New Fall River School Today

There is no doubt that 11here is a demand for Bishop tonnolly High School which wjll Jesuit-educate Fall Riv­


boys, This was apparent when the dio\lese conducted a finan­ dal campaign two years ago to raise funds for the new second­ My institution.

The proof became even more manifest this week when school authorities, the Jesuits and the Diocesan school office, were flooded with inquiries concern­ ing the opening of Connolly ·High. Parents w~re inquiring as to an entrance examination, the chances of their son gai~ing

Liturgy Explanation

Commissions to Direct

N.ew Concilia~ Decrees



.-. ,jo-, c


admission,. the types of courses to be offered and the over-all

curriculum. . The' new Jesuit post office box was over-crowded with.1et-

Holy Father Expresses T·hanks ,The Holy. Father, Pope Paul VI, hasexpresed his gratitude to Bishop ('-onnolly and· and his flock for the

contribution of the. Diocese "to the Holy See's ·universal chari­ table and missionary apostolate By Rev. John R. FoIster

in a letter from Amleto G. Card­ St. AnthoDY's Church - New Bedford

inal Cicognani, Vatican Secre­ tary of State. The Vatican Council has again recessed temporarily The Pope's letter: "The praiseworthy traditional to allow the various commissions to draw up the final or by which local Ordinaries near final decrees on which the assembled Fathers may usage and their flocks contribute an­ vo~e. But the final approval or promulgation is not the nually to the central administra­ end of the GOuncil's work. tion of the Church\ and to the It is actually the beginning vised. But the Bishops must re- . Holy See's universal charitable and the Post-Conciliar Com~ main nearby so as to be available and missionary apostolate, ,has been generously observed during mission on Implementing the ~or these important votes. the year 1965 by Your Excel­ With .ten schemata already Liturgy Commission gave us approved only six remain in the lency and the Diocese of Fall another example o~ this. River, through the Peter's Pence 'All debate has ceased and final stages of preparation; Re­ cfffering which you have recent­ ligious Freedom, The ·Lay Apos-· should not resume again unless ly deposited at the Apostolic tolate, The Missions, Priestly a revision is not accepted by the Delegation. Fathers or is only conditionally Life and Ministry, Divine Reve­ "When instructing me· to ac­ accepted. This is possible for lation, and The Church in the knowledge this thoughtful do­ Modern World. the schema on the Church in the nation, the Holy Father bade me Council meetings will resume also assure Your Excellency of Modern World which contains some hotly debated subjects, e.g., on Nov. 9, with a public session His appreciative thankfulness, scheduled for Nov. 18 during and of His insistent prayer that nuclear deterrent war, etc. The sessions that have been which the Holy Father is ex­ Our Lord may richly reward held were short-one hour-and pected to promulgate those de­ such devotion tQ His Vicar oa eonsisted in the bishops voting crees ,that are ready bT ibM earth and to the See of Peter. - parts of Ichemaa beina re­ . Turn to Page Sevea Turn to Page Seventeea

ters from interested parents in the Greater Fall. River area. It was necessary for the authori­ ties to make several trips to the post office· to pick up mail w h i c h was overwhelmingly large. and too great for the rented space. Today at 2, nine companies will submit bids for the con-

struction of the new school. It is expected that the work im­ mediately· will commence. Inas­ much as the school will not be completed in time for next Sep­ tember's entering F res h man class, classes wil begin in the newly planned CCD building at St. William's Church in FaD River.

St. Anselm's President Replies

Knowledge ~r Support Of . Pacifists: Denied'

MANCHESTER (NC)-Catholic spokesmen have dis­ claimed any knowledge or support of a visit here by a group of young pacifists. The group's visit to St. Anselm's College was "made without our knowledge," said Father , Placidus Riley, O.S.B., pres­ represent an official organ of ident of the college and the Roman Catholic Church. Coadjutor Abbot Gerald F. McCarthy, O.S.B., 'of St. An­

Piocese to Host Charity Leaders

selm's Abbey, and chancellor of the college. Referring to the arrest of David Miller for burning his Rev. John E. Boyd, pastor. draft card while the group was of St. Patrick's Church Fall in Manchester, the joint state­ River, and Diocesan Director ment of the college officials con­ of the Charities Bureau an­ tinued: "We deplare the unfortunate nounced today that Diocesaq. association of the good name of Directors of the Catholic Chari-.. the college with a person who ties Bureaus of Boston, Spring­ has defied our laws and the field, Worcester, Fall River, and Burlington, Vt., will meet Mon­ embarrassment which this en­ tire incident has caused to our day afternoon at' 2 o'clock in St. community, students, faculty, Patrick's Rectory, Fall River. The meeting will be under the alumni and friends." Meanwhile, a spokesman· for· direction of Rt. Rev. Charles F. Dewey of Boston who q the Catholic diocese of Man­ chester emphasized that the chairman of the standing com­ pacifists from the" Catholic mittee and priests'directors of Worker Movement who visited . Catholic Charities of the United. the St. Anselm's campus did not States.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.. Nov. 4, 1965

Cardinal Cushing Announces Date Of Conference

Proper of the Mass

Twenty-Second Sunday

After Pentecost

BOSTON (NC)-The third annual. national conference of the Oatholic Inter-Ameri­ can Cooperation Program

INTROIT: If you, 0 Lord, mark iniquities~ Lord, 'who ean stand? But with you is forgiveness, 0 'God of, Israel. Out of the depths I, cry to you, 0 Lord; Lord, hear my voice! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the begiillling, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. If' you, 0 Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand? But with you is forgive­ " ness, 0 God of Israel. GRADUAL: Behold how good it is, and how pleasant "Where brethren dwell at one. It is as when the precious ointment upon the head runs down over the beard, the beard of Aaron. Alleluia, alleluia. Those who fear the Lord trust· in the Lord; He is their help and their shield. Alleluia. OFFERTORY: Remember me, 0 Lord, you who rule above all power: and give a well-ordered speech in my mouth, that my words may be pleasing in the sight of the prince. COMMUNION: I can upon you, for you win answer me, 0' God; incline your ear to me; hear my word. Pleas\. Clip and Bring to Church on S"nday

Church Guild Operates Anti-Poverty Pro~ram TC) Aid School Drop-Outs NEWARK (NC) - It's called "Youth Chance." And already 150 youngsters - most of them potential school dropouts ~ are participating in the program, an anti-poverty effort conducted under the auspices of Mt. Carmel Guild here. The guild is a social welfare agency of the Newark archdio­ cese. The program oper~tes under a contract with the federal Of­ fice of Economic Opportunity. It enables youngsters to work 16 hours a week at $1.25 an hour. The money helps many of them remain in school. But the 'program also provides job train­ ing in office work and in reha­ bilitating the handicapped and retarded, as well as psycholog­ ical counseling - and vocational guidance. ' The latter are necessary ad­ juncts of the program because those enrolled are from cultu­ rally underprivileged environ­ ments. Antonio Soto, a Cuban ~­ g~ant lawyer, is local director of "Youth Chance." '. Soto and Father Matthew Pesaniello, a member of the

Necrology NOV. 12 .dev. James H. Looby, 1924, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton. Rev. 'Bernard Boylan, 1925, Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River. NOV. 13 Rev. Louis J. Deady, 1924, Founder, St. Louis, Fall River. NOV. 14 Rev. Francis J. Daffy, 1940, Founder, st. Mary, 80. Dart­ mouth. NOV. 15 Rev. Daniel E. Doran, 1943, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, No. Easton. . - Rev. Thomas F. La Roche, 1939, Assistant, Sacred Heart, 1'aunton.



Nov. '7-0ur Lady of the Immaculate Conception, New Bedford. Notre Dame, Fall River. TIlE ANCHOR second Class Postage PaIG It Fall Rlve~ MBsl. Published every Thurselly It 41u Hllh18nd AvenueL Fill River, Mass.. 02722 by the Clttlollc "ress of ttle Diocese of Fall Ilvtr. Subscrlptl•

....00 par yur.

..,1Ce .., -u. ........

guild staff assisting with the program, agree, that helping youngsters find work is one of the most important aspects of the program. It provides neces­ sary "discipline and contact out­ side the home and school," Father Pesaniello noted, adding: "They're given a title-case social worker aide, or rehabilita­ tion aide-and that means some­ thing~ They can say, "That's what I am.'''

Mass Ordo FRIDAY-Mass of XXI SundaY after Pentecost. IV CIa s s~ Green. No Gloria or Creed; Common Preface. Two Votive Masses in honor of the Sacred H ear t. of J e sus permitted. Gloria; no Creed; Preface of ,Sacred Heart. Tomorrow is the first Saturday of this month. SATURDAY-Mass of the Bles­ sed 'Virgin for Saturday. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY-XXII Sunday After Pentecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY - Mass of previous Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; 2nd ColI. Four Crowned Mar­ tyrs, Common Preface. , OR Four Crowned Martyrs. Red. Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. ' TUESDAY-Dedication of the ArchbasiUca of the Savior. II Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. Theodore, Martyr; Creed; Common Pre­ face. ' WEDNESDAY-St. Andrew Avellino, Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. SS. Tryphon and Companions, Ma r t y r s; no Creed; Common Preface. THURSDAY-St. Martin, Bishop and Con f e s s 0 r. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. Mennas, Martyr; No Creed; Common Preface.

Pope on Broadcast NEW YORK (NC) - Pope , Paul was the last in a series of world figures asking for peace in one-minute programs broad­ cast over television sets at tbe New York World'. Fair•

COUNCIL CLIMAX: Solemn proclamation of five doc­ uments of Vatican Council II was carried out by Pope Paul VI in a public session in St. ,Peter's basilica. Casting his vote on the documents here is- Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani. NC Photo.

Fordham Uncovers Past Jesuit Historians Find Purchase Price 60 Guilders Worth of Wampum NEW YORK (NC)-Manhat-­ tan cost Peter Stuyvestant $24 worth of trinkets, and Fordham University's Rose Hill in the Bronx back in' 1673 fetched 60 guilders'· worth of wampum. Historians at the Jesuit uni­ versity , which is celebrating its 125th anniversary, have un-

earthed these quaint facts about the deed and purchase price. The first recorded reference to Fordham as a place is this one: "- - - situate upon the main continent lying to the eastward of the Harlem River, near unto ye passage commonly called Spiting Devil, upon which ye New Village is erected, known by the name of Fordham." The passage appeared in a

letter from Governor Lovelace

: to Jan Arcer in 1673. Terms of

Mr. Raymond L. McCarthy, the sale called'· for "13 coats of

father of Rev. Raymond W. Mc- ' duffles, one-half anchor of rume, Carthy, ,assistant at St. Patriek's two cans of Brandywine, with Church, Fall River, Director of several other small matters to Family Life Bureau and Fall ye~alue of sixty guilders wam­ River Area Moderator of the pum-" Dtocesan ,CoUncil of Catholic Fordham University was not Women, died yesterday morning always Called Fordham. For the at his home 62 Ash Street, No. first half of its existence, from 1841 until 1907, it as known as Attleboro. St. John's College. In 190'7 the A Solemn High Mass of Re­ quiem will be celebrated on charter of St. John's College was Saturday morning at 11 :30 amended and the institution re­ ceived the academic name of '. in St. Mary's Church, No. Attle­ Fordham University. boro. Interment will take place in St. Mary's Cemetery, No. Attle­ boro. . Mr. McCarthy was married to FUNERAL HOME the late Mrs. Margaret McGowan McCarthy and is survived in 469 LOCUST STREET addition to. Father McCarthy by FALL RIVER, Mass. one son, William J. and a daugh­ ter, Mrs. Hedley (Eileen) Du­ OS 2-3381 pelle, both of No. Attleboro. Wilfred C. James E. Visiting hours at the Diamond Driscoll Sullivan, Jr. Funeral Home, 180 No. Wash­ ington Street, No. Attleboro will start this afternoon, 2-4, this evening 7-9 and. the same hours on Friday.'

Father of Cana Director Dies

will' be held January 19 to ~1 in Chicago. , Announcement of the CICOP meeting was made by Richard Cardinal Cushing, chairman of the U. S. Bishops' Committee for Latin America, National Catholic Welfare Conference. "It gives me great pleasure,­ Cardinal Cushing said, "to an­ nounce the opening of this im­ portant conferencs which so ,apt­ ly reflects the spirit of the re­ cently concluded International Cooperation Year. "CICOP's efforts to develop mutual friendship and under­ standing between the people of this country and those in Latin America nave created a climate of cooperation which will make this conference a truly meaning­ ful dialogue." More than 3,000 are expected to attend the conference, includ­ ing three cardinals and 30 arch­ bishops. , Key Speakers Archbi$hop John P. Cody of . Chicago ,will host this year'. conference. Its theme will be "Religious Values in Latill America." Key speakers will include Father Renato Poblete, S.J" di­ rector, Center of Social Research, Santiago, Chile, and Barbara Ward, internationally k now n British author and'lecturer. The CICOP conference wiJ1 serve 'as the highlight of the sec­ ond nationwide observance Of ,L a tin An1erican Cooperation Week,' Jan. 23-30. During this week, study groups are formed, Latin Amer­ .lean cultural and social events are held and special Masses are celebrated to illustrate the chal­ lenges and opportunities created by the social revolution now taking place in Latin America.

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Pavilion Mater,ial For 'New Church

Thurs., Nov. 4, 1965

War on Poverty Is Opportunity Fo~ Service

'GROTON (NC)-Members of Mary's parish here .who vis-, , ited the New York World's Fair will see a lot that is familiar' when their 'new church is com­ pleted. , :Father James A. Curry, pastor, revealed that the parish has, purchased the Vatican Pavilion's '­ 42-foot, three-demensional ex­ terior cross as well as 28 stained glass windows, pews, and other furnishings and art objects from the pavilion. ,The cross and the other Va­ tican Pavilion equipment will be incorporated into the parisb church, plans for which are now being drawn. Father Curry declined to re­

veal the cost of the furnishings,

but .indicated that they would

make possible "a tremendous

saving~' fOJ: the parish.

In addition to the exterior cross, the windows, and the pews, the objects acquired· from' the Vatican Pavilion include a bronze sculpture and an illumi­ nated transparency of the An­ nunciation and the walnut rere­ dos from the Pavilion chapel. The furnishings will be, ship­ ped here from New York and stored in a warehouse until con­ struction of the church gets un­ der way.


Vincentians Meet In Fall River,


The president of the Nation­ ,al Council of Catholic Men believes that the War on

NAZARETH CHILDREN AT HALLOWEEN PARTY: Bishop Connolly and Ralph Gurreiro of Swan Finishing Co., Swansea, share the joy with the exceptional children ()f Nazareth Fall River at the annual Halloween Party co-spontored by Mr. Gurreiro and Mr. Mo~sour Ferri; of the Ven'us de Milo, the site of festivities.

Fall River Particular Council,

St. Vincent de Paul Society, will

hold its monthly meeting at 8

next Tuesday night in St. Jean

Baptiste School hall, following

Benediction of the Most Blessed

Sacrament at 7:45 in the church.

President Edouard W. Lacroix

has informed members that the

ROME (NC) - A display' of activities of Fall River C;onfer­

new methods and literature used ences in promoting the cause in the international work of the of the beatification of Frederic Confraternity of Christian Doc­ Ozanam was given recognition 'trine was officially opened here in the report at the National under the auspices of the Con­ Committee meeting in Philadel­

gregation of the Council. phia.

With the special direction of "The presidents and members the congregation's prefect, Pietro of the parish conferences are to Cardinal Ciriaci, the display-in- ' be congratulated for their won­

chiding charts and, historic~l derful cooperation in the distri­

sketches, textbooks and bro­ bution of prayer cards. The

chures-was set up in the lobby Ozanam Committee is deeply

of the ecumenical council press grateful for this cooperation,"

office near St. Peter's Square President Lacroix states.

for the benefit of bishops, priests' "Since his elevation' Our Holy and laity ,attending the council Father has identified himself and the world's press who con­ very closely with the Beatifica­

gregate there daily. tion of Frederick Ozanam.

It was opened Oct. 20 follow­ "In view of these develop­ ing an informal reception of ments, we in Fall River should sponsoring bishops from the U.S. place more emphasis on visit­ ing the sick and the unfortu­ 'nate. There must be someone in your parish who is in an institution or ill. Regardless of his situation or problem, a visit COLUMBUS (NC)-Religious from a Vincentian will give groups must help bridge the gap him a lift. As for the visitor, between teaching racial justice rich indulgences are granted for and practicing it, according to his pers.;mal sanctification." the assistant director of the So­ cial Action Department of the National "Catholic Welfare (::on­ fere·nce. "No one questions the fact that the religious voice of the United SEOUL (NC) - F.or the first States speaks with virtual una­ time in the history of the nimity in deploring and reject­ Church in Korea,. a Korean ing racial prejudice and discril'n­ priest is going overseas with ination," Father John F. Cronin, Korean troops. 8.S., noted at the Columbus He is Father Joachim Choi Area Conference of Religion and Changjung of Pyengyang dio­ Race. cese, Catholic chaplain to the "Yet it is equally undeniable 9th division of the Korean army. that such prejudice and discrim­ Korea is sending a division ination do exist, and often of combat troops to' fight the among persons otherwise de­ Viet Cong in Vietnam. This is voted to religious ideals." the first time Korean troops Discrimination, he said, is :'a under their own flag and their pattern of action" and "actions own commanders have gone to which harm the general welfare fight outside Korea. In its long can be prohibited by law." He recorded history Korea has urged that religious ,groups par­ never declared war, on any ticipate in joint campaigns for,' nation. There are about 300 laws against discrimination in Catholics in the combat division housing, employment and school­ leavini for Vietnam. inc. '

CC D Opens Display of New Methods Council Press Office Lobby Is Setting

Says Partic;ipation

Is Equality Need

Priest With Korean

Overseas Troops


and Canada the evening before. ,Throughout the remainder of the council, seminarians and stu­ priests from Rome's North American College, together with Father Ramon Garcia, CCD rep­ resentative from the U. S. in Latin America, will be on hand to explain special features of the exhibit and of the renewal underway in catechetical meth­ ods. CCD literature is available in Spanish, Portugu,ese, and En­ glish. Father Robert Roh of Lincoln, Neb., fourth year theologian at the N'orth American College, is in charge of the display, assisted by Father John G. Sullivan of Providence, R. I., a student at North America's graduate house of studies here. Chart Outlines History The project was undertaken jointly by the U. S. national office of the CCD under the leadership of Bishop Charles P. Greco of Alexandria, La., chair­ man of the U. S. Bishops' com" mittee for the CCD; the Cana­ dian Catholic Conference CCD office under Bishop Wilfrid E. Doyle of Nelson, B.C., and the Latin American Bishops' Coun­ cil. Father Joseph B. Collins, S.S., director of the. National Center of the CCD in Washing­ ton, planned and arranged de­ tails and organized the staff. Featured prominently is a chart outlining the history of the CCD movement from its ori­ gins at Como, Italy, in 1536. It is the work of Count Enrico

Galleazzi, architect of Vatican City. ' Aside from publications rep­ resentative of CCD organization and modern catechetical meth­ ods, Father Collins said, the dis­ play includes graded texts used at the elementary and secondary levels as well as adult education materials for discussion groups on the Bible and liturgy, parent education and the ecumenical movement.

$250 ,000 Gift

·•....... B......• .


• ~~

: J •: LUMBER '

• :


TRENTON (NC) - When the Trenton diocese opened a cam.: paign for funds to build the new 8acred Heart Seminary, fund raisers gathered at the first meeting were told an anonymous donation of $250,000 already had been made to the drive. '


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Poverty presents Catholic busi­ nessmen with a unique oppor­ tunity for service. ' "It's a practical way for busi­ nessmen to put the Christian principles they profess into prac­ tice," said John F. Donnelly of Holland, Mich. ' Donnelly, a glass and mirror manufacturer, was one of a number of business leaders from all over the United States who met here at the invitation of the National Conference for Equpl Business Opportunity. NCEBO is a division of the

Small Business Administration

engaged in the war on poverty.

, 'Sunday Catholics' "1 particularly want to chal­ lenge my fellow Catholics to take the initiative in this laud­ able endeavor," Donnelly stated in an interview. "We hear about 'Sunday Catholics.' Here is one down-to-earth way to demon­ strate that the Faith is to be practiced on weekdays, too." Donnelly said that an import­ ant item on the agenda of the NCEBO meeting was drawing up a plan to recruit business to serve' on local anti-poverty groups. These local groups will in ~urn encourage the formation of small businesses by people hl 'depressed or neglected groups, he explained. A "showcase" local, group, known as the Small Business Development Center, is success­ fully operating in Washington under the chairmanship of Wal­ ter McArdle, a printer and for­ mer president of the Washil'lg­ ton Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Men.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov.

4, 1965

Pope Encourages Religious. Art

Suggests Supernaturalizing Nafural American Virtues

VATICAN CITY (NC ­ Pope Paul VI has warned a group of Italian craftsmen, many of whom produce re­

By Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. One problem in writing a column like this is that there are times when you have to get a bit critical. A still greater problem is that your readers (maybe even both of them) tend to forget all the nice things you've had to say'abopt them and remember only the criticisms. The fact is that and drove him to a station, and he insisted on paying me for there are times when criti­ this routine act of kindness cism must be offered, and which had been no inconveni­

would-be communicator of ence at all. I finally won out any sort is doing his job weU with "You may have to pick me when he shuts up farther up the road." his eyes to these When you see this almost uni­ FR. T. A. LAWTON, C.S.C. things and versal· courtesy of truck drivers writes only the (on the hi g h way certainly, th i n g s people though understandably less 'ob­ ·want to read. vious in the cities where they It would be need all their skill to get in nice to be able and out without wasting all to forget all day), and compare 'it with the Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, about America's discourtesy you encounter with C.S.C., Provincial Superior of most shameful lesser travelers, the explanation the Holy Cross Fathers, an­ public di~grace, seems fairly simple. The trucker nounced today the appointment the cruelty and appreciates the, courtesy profer­ of the Rev. Thomas E. Lawton, pride of the ra­ red him when needed, since this . C.S.C. as the Director of the cially prejudiced. It would ~ is his' livelihood. Holy Cross Fathers Retreat nice to be able to keep qUiet But, besides, the person who is House on the campus of Stone­ about the American tendency to cast all other' peoples and really big (whether in soul or hill College. Father Lawton, native of countries in our own mold, and body) doesn't have to go around our penchant for judging them, proving it. And' many of the Brockton, was ordained in 1952. He was stationed for five years not by their own background discourtesies one sees in drivers and culture, but only by how could well proceed from their as a teacher and later assistant closely they correspond to ours. eagerness to show themselves principal of Father Baker High School in Buffalo, N. Y. In 1957, It would be a lot more pl.easant bigger than they really are. The truckdriver needs no such proof. Fr. Lawton received a six year if we could forget the lmage, appointment as principal of Follow Christ deserved or not, of "the ugly And the same thing is true of Notre Dame Boys' High School Ainerican" abroad. us Americans. If we only knew in Bridgeport, Conn. For the Other Side past two years he. has been Re­ A couple of weeks ago in this it, we. are big in many ways, treat Master at the Holy Cross --in size and in greatness of our column there were some pretty Fathers Retreat House and co­ harsh remarks about Americ~n Constitution and essential way ordinator for· the Holy Cross manners in themselves and m . of life. It is only when we de­ Fathers in the construction of relation 'to the sometimes better part from these principles that two diocesan high schools - one we become little and mean. manners of those of other coun­ in Bridgeport and' one in . Above all, what we must do Glo,ucester, Mass. tries. But, wh~le admitting our drawbacks, we shouldn't forget is take our great natural virtues Retreats and days of recollec­ the other 'side of the picture as Americans and canonize them tion will be preached. by Fr. either. There are a few American -turn our native generosity in­ Lawton, Rev. Lawrence P. Sul­ to charity, and our natural seek­ virtues -too. . livan and assistance in conduct­ It is true that we have much ing for perfection into a super­ to be ashamed of in the race natural seeking for the same. ing the retreat work from the question. But, at the same time, And then when we've taken staff of 30 Holy Cross Fathers on the faculty of Stonehill Col­ we have much cause for en- that giant step, it should be fair­ lege and Holy' Cross Fathers couragement. . ly simple for a real American Seminary. We can complain all day to understand what Christ meant Father Lawton is. the son of about the holes in our foreign by telling us that he regards the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick policy, and for~igners can,. in what we do to others as done H. Lawton 118 Summer Street, turn, gripe even as they recelve to Himself. Brockton, Mass. ·Rev. Richard our money and help, but the fact Maybe the people living under N. Lawton, a brother, also a is that Uncle Sam, even at the Holy Cross Father is presently risk of being called "Uncle Sap", the petty dictator or the al­ has always been willing to help. mighty state can find it hard at . stationed in Ghana, West Africa., And if this help has often been times to follow Christ, but it . The new Stonehill Retreat in the name of expediency, .still ought to be relatively· simple Master is a 1943 graduate of for us big' Americans-so long Msgr. James Coyle High School it is expediency for something in Taunton. .we believe in deeply, freedom as we merely act up to our stat­ ure and do not simply go around and truth. shooting off our mouth about it. Young People - But maybe the most numerous

examples of American g~neros­ For War Victims

ity and self-forgetfulness can

NHATRANG (NC)-A collec­ , be found among young people. tion for the benefit of persons It is young who get practical COMPANY in the cause of civil just~ce. It impoverished by the Vietnam is they who collect huge.amounts war was held in all Catholic churches of the Nhatrang dio­ of food for the poor at Christ­ Complete Line

mas time, and they who do their cese. There are 146 parishes in Materials

Building the diocese which embraces four best to give the orphans of the provinces - Khanh hoa, Ninh world help and companionship. . Since we Americans spend so thuan, Binh thuan and Binh tuy. 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN A similar collection was held in much time in .cars, it's natural the archdiocese of Saigon on the . WYman 3-2611 that we encounter some of the first Sunday of October. poorest manners on the high­ way. But here too,we have to look at the other side of the picture. While one does ehcoun­ ter discourtesy on the street and road, he als8 runs into great courtesy at times as well. Universal Courtesy Anyone who drives very much knows that he is likely to en­ counter the greatest show of courtesy from a truck driver. Recently, as I drove through parts of Texas, truck after truck of BRISTOL COUNTY

ahead of me .would see me coming and move over to the THE AREA'S MOST ACCOMMODATING BANK

shoulder so that I could easily pass. NORTH ATTLEBORO ". MANSFIELD


. At one time I picked up a driver who bad run out of fuel 110

Coyle Graduate Retreat Master






ligious objects, against the tend­ ency to produce only profitable merchandise that has little to do with religious feeliQg. Receiving about 200 members of the Christian Association of Italian Craftsmen, the Pope told them their work often passes from mere craftsmanship into works of art if good principles are foUowed. But he warned: "That which leads the crafts­ man astray and' distinguishes him from the artist', is the need to be assimilated into the mar­ ketplace: which reaUy pays no attention to art nor to faith but' tends to produce the religious 'article.' " He then said that the market is now crowded with "articles

. very little influenced by true religious sentiment." Worthy Pope Paul expressed the hope that each craftsman present would become an artist of the people. "While accepting the es­ thetic influences of one's own • day, he (the craftsman) human­ izes, simplifies, ennobles them and makes them understood in a -comprehensible language - that is something which so many art­ ists of today, forgetting one of the fundamental canons of art, are losing sight of-and in a religiously orthodox language." The Pope then spoke of reli­ gious objects and ornaments wliich are produced within con­ vents, and he recommended "simple and beautiful things which the conciliar Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy demands for religious worship elevated to its new and most worthy forms."




The most important event of the year for the 200


Catholics of the tiny village of Ugummu, north Ethiopia, Is the visit of their Bishop. When the old catechist announces the coming of Arch· bishop Asrate Mariam Yemllleru, the village sti~S with excitement. The annual visit, when the chll· dren receive their First Holy Communion and Cor:firmation, Is a time for feasting and rejoicIng. Some of the villagers go to repair the road .:-the Bishop'S land Rover is the only auto that ever goes to' Ugummu. Others set to repairing the chapel, re-thatching its roof. This crude church, without walls, is where ". missionary comes 25 miles by mule each week to celebrate Mass. It also shetter's the evening catechism classes that prepare the children so well to re­ ceive the sacraments ••• This year, as the cate· chist was putti'ng the final test to the First Com· munion class, a cry went up: ''The chapel Is on flrel" From the fields, from the road gang, all rushed to the chapel but could do nothing; in a few minutes It was a heap of ashes. The people of Ugummu sadly received their Bishop without a chapel ••• Butthey pledged to rebuild It again, with their own handsl Won't you please help these determined souls?A new chapel built of brick and-roofed with tin, to resist fire, will cost only $2,350-an unheard of sum In Ugummu. An additional'$950 would provide a simple center, allowing the continuation of catechism classes. Why not share your blessings with the people of Ugummur Your gift ($100, $75, $50, $25, $20, $15, $10, $5) ls' needed and will be mostwelcome.

For all His blessings during the past year, tha nk

God, Thanksgiving Day. Think of hungry fam­

GIVE ilies overseas when you prepare your turkey.

THEE Why not, In thanksgiving, feed a Palestine Ref·

I'HANKS ugee Family for a month? It costs only $10. As 8 token of our thanks, we'll send you an OlJve Wood RosaJ)lvom the Holy &.:and.

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FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST W£LFAltE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue-New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkoR 6·5840

Agency Officials To Study Relief For Vietnam

Andrea Trzcinski~ Ju~ior at Bishop Cassidy, To Exhibit at Smithsonian Institute

WASHINGTON (NC). An eight-man team of offi­ cials from U. S. voluntary aid agencies has left for

Regarded as their peer by archaeologists .throughout New England is 16 year old Andrea Trzcinski, a junior at Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton. Not only are some of. her finds being readied for exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute, but she has scientists from as far away as California agog with excitement over the potential of digging sites she has dis­ covered. Andrea's interest in the earth and its contents began about three years ago;

Vietnam to study ways of in­ ereasing J;elief to Vietnamese refugees. The group, sent by the U.S. Agency for International Devel­ opment Aid at the direction of President Johnson, inc Iud e s Msgr. John F. McCarthy, assist­ ant executive director of Catho­ lic Relief Services - National Catholic Wei far e "Conference, which operates the largest vol­ untary aid program in Vietnam. Before leaving, the group met with Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and heard a reminder of the "urgency of the plight of the Vietnamese refugees." ­ "The President and I are con­ fident," Humphrey said, "that the great American overseas re­ lief agencies can make their tra­ ditional contribution to ease the misery a~d suffering of the peace - seeking but war - torn men, women and children of Vietnam." More Help Needed Humphrey said the U. S. needs voluntary agencies "because they can do the job on a people­ to pe6ple basis, which the gov­ ernment cannot do." The eight officials, in addition to meeting with U. S. and Viet­ namese officials in Saigon, will visit a number of the approxi­ mately 200 refugee camps which house well over a half million refugees. Msgr. McCarthy, representing eRS-NCWC, testified before a Sen ate subcommittee recently that more U. S. help is needed if the private aid agencies are to keep up with the soaring in­ creases in the numbers of refu­ gees. M

Court Strikes Down

Belief in God Test

ANNAPOLIS (NC) - . The Maryland Court of Appeals has ruled that the state may not re­ Quire jurors to swear that they believe in God even in cases in­ volving defendants who them­ llelves believe in God. The Maryland belief test for jurors has been held unconstitu­ tional in a case involving a Buddhist. . The State Court of Appeals said that under rulings by the U. S. Supreme Court any "in­ quiry of prospective jurors, oral or written, as to whether they believe in a supreme being, is vnconsti tutional." The Supreme Court in 1961 dec 1 are d unconstitutional a Maryland requirement that a candidate for the office of notary public declare belief in the exis­ tence of God.

Name Bishop Perry'

CYO Preacher '

CHICAGO (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop - designate . Harold R. Perry, S.V.D., of New Orleans, first Negro to be named a U. S. bishop in modem times, will preach at the Mass closing the annual convention of the Na­ tional Catholic Youth Organiza­ tion here Sunday, Nov. 14. Twenty-four diocesan youth directors will eoncelebrate the Mass with Archbishop Patrick S. Cody of Chicago, episcopal moderator of the Youth Depart­ ment-National Catholic Welfare eonference. . Father Clarence Rivers of Cin­ cinnati will direct some 8,000 Catholic young people In the .nging, which win be based OIl bis own jazz-inspired "An Amer­ ican }[asi Proir~~

sparked when she prepared a science fair exhibit on ''historic archaeology," featuring artifacts she had excavated near her Berkley home. Her exhibits then and in succeeding years merited top awards on the regional level imd in Masachusetts Institute of Technology fairs. Lo, the Poor Indian' A high point in Andrea's bud­ ding career .came last month when, with her family, she un­ covered an Indian s k e let 0 n thought some 450 years old, at Menemsha on Martha's Vine­ yard. The skeleton, that of a young woman, was in perfect condition, something which hap­ pens only about "once in 10,000 times," according to Andrea. The importance of her find was obrroborated by Bernard H. Stockley of Nantucket, research director of the Shakemo Chapter

'of the. Massachusetts Archaeo­ logical . Society, who flew to Martha's Vineyard to complete the excavation. The skeleton will be displayed at Gay Head Muse­ um on the Vineyard. Closer to home, Andrea has'· been working for some time on a private "dig," the probable site of ·the Shove and Osborn Pottery Works, which was in operation ·in the 1740's. She has uncovered many "setting tiles", wedges and trivets used in pot­

tery-making, as well as shards

'of ,bowls and other items manu­ fact.ured.

Should she find the actual site of the Shove and Osborn

kiln, the Smithsonian Institute·

has asked to be notified. "No

old kiln site has ever been dis­

covered in New England," ex­ plained Andrea, "and the muse­ um would like to take measure­ ments and probably film the excavation process." Family Tradition ,. Interest in archaeology is a family tradition, says Mrs. Al­ exander Trzcinski, And rea's mother, recalling that a greatuncle was interested in marine excavations. As for herself: "I'm a Yankee, and Yankees always follow the plow in the Spring looking for arrowheads;" Andrea's interests are shared by her 12 year old brother, AIexander, who specializes in fossils and minerals. Both enjoy digging hikes, and it was on one of these that Andrea found a fragment of an antique serpentine drawer-pun. She had a jeweler attach a pin to it, and it's' now an attractive piece of costume jewelry. The family has a 12-room house in Berkley. "We couldn't move, we have so much 'junk: ~ comments Mr. Trzcinski. Andrea's hob b y is admittedly bulky. She proudly displays scores of .pottery fragments, many arrowheads, and such other Indian artifacts as stone axheads and grooved rock net­


Many Interests

A member of the Massachu­

setts Archaeological Soc i e t y, Andrea has friends "in the bus­ iness" all over the state, despite her youth. They have encour­ aged· and helped her to a great extent,. and aided in shaping her determination to make archae­ ology her career. She will prob­ ably attend Bryn Mawr College, she said, majoring in classical anthropt)logy. Then either mu­ lleWD we It 01' archaeo-VJiY in the .



Thurs., Nov. 4, 1965,


Home Economists Must Assist Humanity ST. LOUIS (NC) - Home economists have a vital role to play in aiding the disad~ vantaged, a nun home econ- , omist said. Writing in the official bulletin of the National Catholic Council on Home Economics, the group's new president, Sister Cecile Therese, said there has never been "more need for the contri­ bution home economists can make to a suffering, frustrated, anxiety-laden humanity." Sister Cecile, assistant profes­ sor of home economics at Font­ bonne College here, criticized. those who "ultimately fail to. become involved at the deep personal level." She asked of home economics teachers "that kind of inner conviction which urges-even commands-a deci­ sion to choose a course of actio1i that will help ameliorate the many facets of need." Those not directly involved with the disadvantaged, she said, "must attempt to pentrate the surface of affluence, sophistica­

tion, selfishness, aloofness, fear or loneliness, because need is there also." . "We must be professionally competent; open and responsive to innovation and change, capa'­ ble of evaluating and synthesiz­ ing trends objectively, critically and realistically," she said.

.Cardinal Addresses Masons in Boston

. Y0U:NG ARCn;AEOI..OGIST: Andrea Trzcinski, jun­ IOr at BIShop CaSSIdy High School in Taunton, displays p?ttery fragments she excavated in Dighton Rock area, SIte of 18th century pot~ery works. She is wearing another discovery, ~mtque serpentine drawer-pull fragment fash­ ioned into costume jewelry pin. field beckon. "I'd like to dig in the East," she said. Andrea is far from one-sided, however. "She's into every ac­ tivity at Cassidy," comments her mother. They include singing, playing French horn in the or­ chesfra, bas k e t ball and, of course, the school science club. Interestingly, the Trzcinskis are not Catholics, although An­ drea has attended Cat hoI i e schools since sixth grade, first Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall River, and now Bishop Cassidy. "Catholics should get down on their knees every night and thank God for their schools," declares Andrea's mother em­ phatically. She speaks with grat- itude of the solicitude Sisters have for their students. "They care," she said. "They really take an interest." She notes, for

instance, that the Sister Andrea hag in sixth grade "is almost like a second mother to her," and speaks glowingly of the prac­ tice in public speaking Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C., Cassidy principal, has given Andrea in preparation for science fair ap­ pearances. Andrea herself, though quiet and reserved, is obviously in command of her specialty, speak­

ing with authority of matters such as carbon 14 dating and

proper excavation ,techniques.

She digs about once a week in the school year, weather permit­ ting, "but school work comes first." However, Summer offers time and good weather and she is looking forward to discoveries in what is practically her own backyard, the Dighton' Rock area.

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BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car­

dinal.Cushing of Boston made an

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ard the Open Hearted-A Cru- . sader for Brotherly Love."

The Boston prelate was guest

of honor at a dinner of the pre­

dominantly Jewish brotherhood

lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. It was the first appearance by a Catholic cardinal in the 232­ year h·istory of the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River":"Thurs., Nov. 4. 1965

Holy Souls Month

Revitcdization The decrees promulgated last week by toe Vatican Council are not the jarringly new concepts introduced into Catholicism that some papers and writers would have one believe they are. The decrees do make explicit what the Church has been teaching and they do make specific some general prjnciples. , Thus, the Church has always taught love of neighbor and love for truth, and the decree relating to non-Catholics and non-Christians simply spells out the fact that Oatholics have never claimed that only they have the truth and that other religious persuasions are lacking truth. The de­ cree calls on Catholics to love and to reverence and to accept truth wherever it is. And it calls on Catholics to love all men and to reject anything like bigotry or anti­ Semitism. This is not a new idea, but it Is a specific appli­ cation. And it does make sure that authelltic Church teach­ ing makes itself felt in writing and teaching and everyday Catholic thought. The decree on the bishops spells out the principle of collegiality which is hardly a new idea although it has not been emphasized in the past few centuries as it is . now and was in earlier centuries of the Church. The relation of- the bishops of the world to the . Roman Curia-the Pope's chancery .staff for administer­ . ing Church world-wide affairs - is not a matter of doc­ trine but of administrative policy. And the whole que~tion of the Curia has been seized upon and overplayed by many because it provided them with a "bad guy" to discuss and attack. The decree on religious orders and seminary training is one that every Council must consider-the proper train­ ing of today's priests to' do God's work in today's world, arid the way in which members of religious communities must reconcile - not compromise - their work and aims and the world's needs. The Council decrees have as their purpose.doing what the Council from the beginnning was convened to do­ bring about a revitalization, a reawakening, a renewal, a re-emphasis in Catholicism and upon 'Catholics, .... and through them on the world.


VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paul VI at a weekJ:y general audience urged thou­ sands in St. Peter's basilica



fit! Declaration on Jews Ho ds I.'.;




Great Promise for Future By Msgr. Georg~ G. Higgins (Director, Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.)' Vatican II's 19-paragraph 'declaration on the relation of: the Church to non-Christian religions is by far the shortest of all the docum'ents to be voted on by the council Fathers. You' ean read it in five or 10 minutes at the most. And, yet, in the long run, it may' well prove to be one of the ­ with all its bitter memories of and persecuti~. of Jews most important documents hatred by Christians, it can, by the of the entire council. The grace of God, help to usher in a

to remain close to their faith but . said he knew that "many sons of our time' are experiencing a weakening in the security aC their faith." The Pope said that an exam­ ination of the reasons for this shakiness, in faith would :be lengthy but added that it is "useful if we bear in mind that everyone nowadays has some notion within himself, or regard­ ing others, of this diminished sense of the faith, the whole, simple and strong faith of a faithful son of the Catholic Church. "We shall not dwell now on this examination but will restrict ourself to assuring -you, in the name of that Divine Master whom we have the good fortune of representing, that faith in Him and in that which the Church He founded teaches UIl deserves now no less than in the ·past an always full and frank adhesion." Truth Is Firm The Pope said that Christ's truth "is firm and secure. It is an exact mirror 'even though it may be enigmatic for Us, of objective and salutary facts. Time does not alter or distort this truth but rather verifies it and deepens it. History does not corrode it nor does it consume or change its significance and its value, but rather develops it and applies it wisely to changing circum­ stances. "Science does not render Jt vain but almost seeks it and begs for it. And the Church, certainly the ChurCh, does not forget it but safeguards it, meditates on it, defends it, professes it and re­ joices in it."

very fact that it ran into so many new era of "mutual knowledge obstacles and nerve-wracking . and respect which," in the words of the declaration, "is the fruit, delays during above all, of biblical and theo­ the four sus­ logical studies as well as of fra­ Automobile men" are congratulating themselves on a pense - ridden ternal dialogues." banner sales y.ear and are looking forward to an. equally years that it was If our Jewish neighbors 'and on the agenda good year ahead. Success has led to problems, of course, of the council is friends will bear in mind that and most cities are faced with the challenge of car- one more proof this is the long-range purpose of crowded streets and an ever-rising accident toll. that it was bad­ the declaration, perhaps they Italian Parliament will find it easier to live with The State of New York has decided to do something ly needed. This the fact that, from their point of, Rejects Red Move about the accidents that cause eighty-five per cent of the :Ut~:t:~~l:~~ view, it is not a perfect docu-. ROME (NC).......The Italian Pap­ highway deaths: head-on collisions into unmoving barriers ond part of the ment. liament has rejected a commu­ or oncoming cars at thirty-five to forty miles an hour. dec I a r a ­ Of course it isn't a perfect doe- _ nis~ move to enlist Italy in a ' ' ument. The fact remains, how-. campaign to bring Communist A contract has been awarded to an aviation company t ion, w h i c h to d,esign a prototype automobile capable of preventing' the . deals specifically with the rela­ ever, that, in spite of its imper-, China into the United Nations. tion of the church to the Jewish fections--which are just' as dis- ­ . The :Communists had, pounced ',majority of highway deaths and s~rious injuries. The religion. It was this part of the appointing to this writer and to on Pope Paul's speech to the New York'. State Motor Vehicle ~mmissioner called. this, declaration,more than the intro­ many of the council Fathers as United Nations General Assern-' task "as ti~ely arid at l~ast as 'necessary' as Gemini 7 ,or ductory. s~ction .?"; the ot~er. they are to our· Jewish fJ;iEmds--, bly on Oct, 4 'as implicitly askin, flying to the moon:' Aerospace sCien¢e will .be' put on 'ita 'non-Chnstian 'rel.lglOns, which it iS,on the whole, 'il very good· that Red China be admitted .. . ,". " .... ' '1"'" 'ts made the declaratIon as a whole declaration and.· one .Which, 'to the world' organization. T-he7 mettle to meet themanychl:lllen~esthlSPI:ob e~ ~re~ '. the No.1 cause celebre of the' repeat; holds out great promise·' hammered away at this polnt ill . It is not only a matter of dr~w:mg up plans for,perform.,. council. for the future., posters, tlieir daily pJ,"ess, and ill .. Overwhelmin« Approval ance tests and safety'levels but a question of· crash testing, 'JIumbly and ,I'enitelitly' - ­ debate on the motion theYint~ , .and final design and then the overwhelming'task of, selling From the very beginning there . 'J;'hjs ,promise :will o~ly be ~}.,., duced. in parlhim€ m t.· The reply of Premier AIde .. b'l' f' . . t' ·th't th" . '.' was never any doubt as to how filled, however, if Catholics, too,­ the automo I e manu act1,lrers on mSlS mg . a , , elr own the overwhelming majority of­ bear in mind that the solemn. Moro-which won majority sup­ designers be guided by the results. ' . the _Fathers would vote on the' promulgation of the documents port-was that· communist China The process may be' ~ long and, a hard one. It, is declaration, but 80 persistent on Oct. 28 was not the end of the had' shown itself unwilling to be hoped that it will not 'be':ibandoned or releg'atedto an, was the behind-the-scenes OPP?­ story, but only the :beginning. It, abide by the standards set doWll evercise in theoretical design but that its' completion will 'sition to it on the part of certam will be up to us to take'the lead, - by the United Nations for admis­ . . .'.... U' '1' political iorces in the Near East humbly and' penitently, in los-' . sion. ' have a real Impact on the automobIle l~dustry. puntI· n~w, and, from the theological point' tering "mutual knowledge. and, safety has been a forgotten factor In auto presentation, of view, from a handful of theo­ respect" and in looking for op­ Praises Program pushed aside by such considerations as appearance and logians and council Fathers, that portunities to engage in fraternal performance and maintenance. It is about time that a one could never be absolutely dialogue with our Jewish fellow­ , WASHINGTON (NC) - The volunteer program for hospital­ buying public and a selling industry agree and insist that ~tertain'lduntil the Vmeeryuepndfotrhaat citizens. Needless to add, this longed-for ized veterans conducted by the . . I wou ever co it is nO negligible factor when the alternative IS not merely definitive vote. . dialogue' presupposes that we National Catholic Community In, any event, now that the Catholics, in the spirit of the Service is. "a tribute and expres­ inconvenience but injury and death. Fathers h a v e overwhelmingly declaration, will' first of all purge sion of gratitude" to. those who from our hearts any slightest have suffered for their countI')X, approved the declaration, Cath­ olics and Jews alike will want trace of anti-Semitism-which, the chairman of the NCCS exec­ to see it in the long perspective in any and all of its forms, is a utive committee said here. blasphemous contradiction of of the future. In other words, they will want both the letter and the spirit of The Church Universal has a the Gospel-and will forcefully to bear in mind that when Pope Paul solemnly promulgated the reject, "as foreign to the mind right to expect this of us, for, declar,ation on Oct. 28-a blessed of Christ, any discrimination in the Providence of God, ap­ OFFI<;:IAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER landmark in the all-too-tragic against men or harassment of proximately half of all the Jewe them because of their race, color, _of the world live in America. Published weekly by The Catholic Pre,ss of tl,'e Diocese of Fall River history of Catholic-Jewish rela­ Working hand in hand 'with tions--he was, in effect, writing condition in life, or religion." 410 Highland Avenue . them as brothers, we have a glo­ Livin« Document finis; not to a book, but only to Fall River, Mass. 02722, ',675-7151 What a proud boast it will be' rious' opportunity to transfol'Jll the preface of a long series of PUBLISHER volumes which will not be com..; for the Church in the United the council's declaration OB Most Rev. Jam~s L.<::onnolly, D.D.,PhD.. States if our own bishops, priests; Catholic-Jewish relations'from a pleted until the end of time. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL. MA~ !AGER Era of Respect and faithful step out in front lifeless piece of paper in'to a Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shelloo. M.A. " Rev. John P. DrIscoll . This is merely another way of and step out in front and set an' living document which,. in God'. . . MANAGING EDITOR' ' , Baying that;· while the declara-' 'example 'for the rest Of'the good time, can literally change

Design For Safety


Pope Paul Urges Audience Remain Close to Faith









New Conciliar Decrees -" Continued from Page One time. Rumors still persist that the Vatican Council II will end oil or by Dec. 8. BEGINNING ONLY' , Though the various decrees establish and form important policy, they are not the final di­ rectives that will instill, action. Post-conciliar commissions, sec­ retaries and offices will be formed in Rome that will digest much of the theoretical found in the decrees and issue more prac­ tical but general directives. It will be the national or re­ gional commissions, subordinate tlJ the Episcopal Conferences just recently given juridical standing by the promulgated "Pastoral Duty of Bishops" decree. These eommissions will apply the gen­ eral rules to national and re­ gional problems and situations. Diocesan commissions will then break down the directives into applicable norms on the local level. '\'his will not be done over­ Ilfght. The liturgy schema was approved in council in December 1963. The Holy Father then formed a post-conciliar commis­ sion to implement this decree with Cardiilal Lercaro as its pi'esident and prelates' from throughout the 'world as mem­ ·bers. In the United States, the Bish­ ops formed a similar commission and named Rev. Frederick. Mc­ ,Manus to head the Secretariat that would issue directives for' the U. S. A liturgy .commissiolLo was also formed in the ,Diocese of Fall River with Rev. John H. Hackett, Vice Chancellor,. ~ its secretary. FURTHER EXPLANATIONS The. worldwide commission, In its periodical bulletin, Issued further explanations concerning the implementation of the litur­ gical adaptations promulgated by the Vatican CounciL Temperanee Though the Church dlrectlves lire elastic enough to permit local adaptation, it was stressed that no individual Is at liberty' "'tio change the sacred rltesof the Church according to his own ·whim." But neither·1s the oppo­ site true: "It Is also necessar,- to renew the appeal to all to put Into effect the whole of the new DOrms * * *" the bulletin pointed out. No delay except .what i.' -strictly necessary" Is to be tol­ erated. Holy CommunIon .,. . .The practice. of..c¥stributinlt Communion .apart fron:t. the . Mass,altho~, .p~sible in some cases, is not in line With the opinion of the ecumenicai coun­ cil. "Communit>n is, and must appear as the 'culmination of the participation in, the Mass." How­ ever, "if there is some necessity fQr before-Mass distribution, the priest should wear an alb. and stole, rather than the Mass vest­ ments." The bulletin also pointed out that it is "fitting that in each Mass hosts be consecrated for the Communion of the faithful even though their number is small, so that they participate' more perfectly in the Mass." Concelebration This new form of eucharistic eelebration has a "special value"• It is not meant to be only a prae­

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 4, 1965

tical way to overcome problems such as those stemming from the multiplication of individual mas­ ses. It has "true doctrinal value as a manifestation of the unity of the sacrifice and of the priest­ hood, of the unity of the People of God in the sacred rite * • *" . . Special permission from the Bishop is not required for priests to concelebrate the 'eve­ ning Mass of Holy Thursday un­ less the bishop has ruled other­ wise. Mass Facing People The Cardinal President point­ ed out that Mass faciIig the peo­ ple is the most helpful manner of concelebration from the pas­ toral point of view. Yet' it is "not absolutely indispensable for effective pastoral action," since the Liturgy of the Word is already facing the people and is therefore more comprehen­ sible. ."'It is surely to be hoped that the Liturgy of the Eucharist would also be celebrated facing the people," he added, "and that the congregation could directly follow the whole rite and there­ by participate· in a more con­ scious manner." . 'However, there should be nothing hasty and unthinking in such an adaptation, possibly at the expense of artistic value. The liturgy cominission has· al­ ready drafted some guidelines and will publis~ instructions on them as soon as they. are completed. .. ReDes It was suggested that altal'S be consecrated simply With Holy Chrism and not be required to contain relics of saints. The num­ ber of genuine relics is scarce. "Relics whose origin is unknown and whose authenticity is not proven by sound historical sources should no longer be dis­ tributed," was described as offi-, cial poliey. There have been abuses even in' ancient times, ac­ eording to a Congregation Offi­ eial and a "commerce In rellcs" arose. Unscrupulous people tOok­ advantage of the devout.


African Prelate Explains Silence In Council ROME (NC)-A Congo­ lese prelate has given his answer to the question of why the ecumenical council

FOOD FOR REFUGEES: Lawson B. Mooney of Somer­ ville, Catholic Relief Services N.C.W.C. program director in Vietnam, distributes U.S. surplus foods to a Vietnamese refugee in the Quinhon area. NO PhotO.

Father, Son Concelebrate Byzant,ine Rite Priest's Family Also Includes Nun, Seminarians

Fathers from African .mission terrltories have been so silent in discussions of the proposed state­ . ment on the Church in'the mod­ em world; Bishop Joseph· Busimba of Goma in the Congo said that his time is so taken up in direct dis­ cussions with his troubled Chris­ tians that he has had no oppor­ tunity to prepare statements for the council floor. Furthermore. he said, he and most other Mri­ can bishops do not have the ser­ vices of scholars and specialists who might help them in this' regard. Difficulties "Let us take the' Belgian epis­ copate, which is said to be very influential in the discussions and in the preparation of texts,"he commented. "But they have at their servic~ all the professors 01. the theological faculty at Louvain University-and this t. fortunate. , "But we bishops of the Congo, where can we find time to pre­ pare interventions * * *1 From morning to evening we are vis­ ited by oUr Christians--:-in the Congo everyone has access to his bishop. Besides we have to cope with the difficulties of rebellion, of tribal warfare, of polical in­ trigues;and so forth. While the orators here have spoken of sci­ entific war, nuclear war, defen­ sive war, and the like, we have not had the time to ~t ready an intervention on tribal warfare and rebellion, yet these are kill­ ing tens of thousands of Congo­

NEW YORK (NC)-A father 1923 while studying for the and' son-Father Stephen Loya priesthood in his native Czeclio­ of Duquesne, Pa., and Father slovakia. His father was also • John Loya of Youngstown, Ohio priest. --concelebrated Mass· in the Father Stephen and his wife Vatican Pavilion at the' New Margaret came to the United York World's Fair. States in 1924. Over the years lese.­ Joining them in concelebrating . they have built up a home­ the Mass was a third priest- grown "congregation".of 15 chll­ member of the family, Father chen, including two seminarians. John Loyoa of Yonkers, N. Y.. • nun and Father John. who is Father Stephen's brother SaYlt the 29-year-old priest of and the younger Father John'.. being a Catholic priest's son: _ Uncle. . "'It's one of the rarest blessings Deacon at the Mass was an- In the world.­ . . 0 other of' Father Stephen's .s,ons. Carl Yastzremsld,outfielder' Daniel, a Pittsburgh seminarian WYmaa for the Boston Red'Sox, will be who .will be ordained next year. . . ~,,3-6592 presented with the first annual All are members of the Byzan-' .Sportsman of the Year award tineRi~;'Byzantine Rite semi-·· . PRINCETON (NC) - A flood CHARlES f. VARGAS by'the Fan lU\rer .Area CYO at' narialU In Europe ·may marry . of objectionable . materialism 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE its awards banquet, to be held at' . before they are· ordained ;dea-newsstan~ is inCTeasing public NEW BEDFORD" MASS. '7 Sunday· night at White'. res-' cons, as Father Stephen did in demand for stricter laws, actaurant. " cOr~ to a Gallup Poll survey. Tbeballplayer wrlt' also be Fiftjr-eight per eent of the ,principlilspeaker at ,the event,' . persom interviewed feel present' at which the Samuel Priestly' laws in their states, governing Memorial Award will be given' the kind of book that can be 'sold, · i 11 FRESNO (NC) - The C~ntral t o a you th outstand mg n a s h ,oul,d b.e made more s~n'ct. Only . t··t p h ases 0 f CYO ac IVl y, . an d California Register has asked. four per cent expressed the Vl'ew . h an d i ndividual that farm labor strife, he.re be that present laws are too strict. many pans 'sports trophies will be conferred. settled by establishmep.t of a minimum wage with a clause - tying increases to market prices. SERVING The newspaper of the Monter-' ey-Fresno diocese made no men­ FINE ITALIAN FOOD Uniq~e ,tion of a specific labor problem 'in its front page editorial, but SAN ANTONIO (NC)=-Cath­ I olic cemetery directors have a grape pickers have been striking unique 'role to play in .helping in the Delano area· of the San I'RESTAURANT and' LOUNGE I on Lake Sabbatia the Church become the "servant Joaquin Valley for more than a of God and men," the National, month. 1094 Bay Street • Catholic Cemetery CoIiference Accusations of violence and TAUNTON VA 4-8754 meeting here was told. mtimidation have .been made "That is the task the ecumen": during the strike. There have ical council has assigned us,­ been charges of the use of strike­ Father Galliano J. Cavallaro of breakers arid coUnter-charges of Providence told 200 clergy and communism. lay cemetery directors from the U. S. and Canada at the meeting It. '-"Between' Fall River' and New Bedfodl here in Texas.. . WASHINGTON (NC)-Secre­ One of the Finest Facilities in' Southern· New E~gland tary of Labor W•.Willard Wirtz If cemeterY cijrectors are to KEENE (NC). ~ Some' 300 said here h~ is .invelltigating fulfill the funt:ti~n of "sei-ving, Catholics. a n ,d. Epise:Opalians Availgble 'for: charges of ~iscrimjnatio~.~gain~ , .and witnessing,'.' Father·, Caval­ j~inea in evening ,PraY,er ser- .

Jews and Catholics on executive, laro llajd, th/ily,m\lSt give CQnsid':' Vice here in what was believed

BANQUETS • TESTIMONIALS levels of business. . , eration to recent developmentS to be the' first . gathering of

FA~~ION SHOWS SPECIAL PARTIES The 1964 Civil rights~ct, barS, . in.. cemeterY: man;igli!m~~t, to its kind in New.'HampShl.re.

job discriminatipn ,o.n religious petter education. 9f, the, pu~lic . The service at St. James, Episco­ FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CONTACT:, . . as wen as r~cial ground!! by, a1?outcem~teri~ ~ improved pal ~urch!iaw' Epi~copalialU WYman ,9-6984 or MErcury 6·2744 eompanies, which have lovern­ cemetery appearance and to praying with members' of St. . ,.' ment contracts. . . 'I. -. , ...f • modernization of procedures. Bernard'. Catholic: c:hurcla. ~


Wirtz Investigates Charges of 'Bias


Carl Y.ast"-rem·ski­ ' C 0 T Add re.ss·Y·

YOUROllHEATI ....' .t:tII

Poll Shows Readers Want Tighter Laws


Suggests. ' Forn.ula To End Strike


Cemetery Directors Have Jtole


. ,pick tI~IMI7"






Joint Service


and ,.'





.'. THE. ANCHOR'-l)iocese,of'Fan'RlYer-'l:hwl.; . . . . Nov. . . ;4, l't65,

JesUit 'Witl Sing'

At Salve Regina



Send Painting Duds to Bishops

And You Won't Have ,to Paint

Paul Quinlan, S.J., Jesul1l

aeminarian of Weston, Mass., and

a nationally known folk singez,

will give a concert for students

of Sal~e Regina College at ,

tonight in the Great Hall of

Ochre Court.

Mr. Quinlan's application 01

folk music style to liturgical

music, especially to the Psalms,

has won him wide ·acclaim. He

has appeared in the last year

at dozens of colleges and at both

Catholic and Protestant semioo


Albnm Released The American Record Socl~

has recently released an albUDl

of his songs under the title,

"Glory Bound-Psalms Set ~

Folk Music;' -

Between 4:30 and 5:30 thm

afternoon, Mr. Quinlan will he

available in the College's book­

store in the basement of Mile7

Hall, Narragansett and Ochre

Point Avenues, to autograpll

record albums for students and

members of the general publie.

Refreshments will be served.

By Mary Tinley Daly f4.For the Bishops" read the sign on a box of clothing In Ginny's room. "What bishop wants Ginny's red blazer?' Or a plaid pleated skirt?" asked the Head of the House. "Looks as though going to the convent gave Ginny an ec­ elesiastical complex or 'some­ " thing." "Bishops' Relief," gray and at. le?st 10 y~ars old, we rem in d e d him. "You causin~ hesl~atlOn. We d never · wear It outsIde the house, but kn.ow, Novemb e~ , CI.othmg for housecleaning? Surrepti­

dnve. By the ~ay, It s tIme for tiously, we returned it to the back you to do likewIse with your old of our side of the closet. duds. There are "Bishops' Box" this year from things in your our house was, we felt, a not­ closet • ••" "I too-bad contribution, willingly know," he took ,.given, with only those two "se­ up the old re­ curity duds" withheld. f r a i n falsetto By-product: closets uncIutter­ voice, "'Things ed, first step toward Fall house­ "ou h a v en' t cleaning. Second step, paint job worn for years, for the kitchen. . will never wear "Yes, ma'am, I'll. start early again, suits that Friday morning," the painter as­ will never but­ sured us. "Get the kitchen ready, ton over your buy the paint and I'll be there." SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR: The annual Snowflake Ba­ big fat middle.''' We have gone We did, and he wasn't. through this routine before, al­ You know what this meana: zaar for the benefit of Marian Manor, Taunton, will be held Polish People Seek

most a perennial at our house. piling everything from the from 1 to 9 Friday and Saturday, Nov. 12 and 13, at the This year we resolved we kitchen into the dining room: Nun's Beatification

would, by fair means or foul, dishes, pots and pans, canned Manor. Under chairmanship of Miss Margaret Parker, a BERLIN (NC)-Polish eatlt­

wide variety of attractions will be featured, highlighted olics wrench away more of those old goods, breakfast alcove furni­ are seeking the beatifica­

clothes and send them where ture, spice rack, clock, the works. by a Parisian boutique for gift selection. Other booths will tion of a saintly nun, born 100

they should have gone last year, Call' from the p'ainter: "I just include Christmas candles and holders, topiary trees, Della years ago, who devoted her life

to overseas Relief. ean't make it. Maybe I can do Robbia wreaths, handmade knits, food and green thumb o to helping wayward girls.

With a no-time-like-the-pres­ . it next Friday. Maybe." . Mother Mar i a Karlowska,

A snack bar will be open. Preparing for the' event are, from ent impulse, we began hauling Dinner at our house that Fri­ founder .of the Sister Shepherd­

from the back of 'the closet in day evening was not the gayest left, Mrs. Leodore Salois, Mrs. Henry Boulds, Miss Jane esses of Divine Providence, was

our room' suits, coats, hats, shoes, gala, eaten at one corner of' the Haram and Mrs. Willian J~ Heaney. trained as a dressmaker in Poz­ piling them high .on bed and table in an unbelievably clut­ . nan until 1894 when she devoted c h a i r s . t e r e d dining room. all her time to others. Fifteen We began with the fair means. . "Remember .those· painting years latet; after overcoming ob­ -Just ·think of men overseas- pants?" we asked. "And I saved jections fro~ her family and · COld, hungry, ill-clad, wpo would .oUlan old gray skirt. If you'll from Prussian authorities,' she find these clothes a godsend." do the waJIs and ceiling, I'll de Sister Mercy Stresses Professional

forriled a religious congregatioa .,. It worked. Into the cardboard the woodwork.". _ .. .and a home for girls outside·tlle Educo.tion for Sister.

earton, the Head of ~ HoUse .Fait accompli-finally. After city• .- ·pitchedan overcoat, .kept "for. wielding brush and roller, the In. the ~ears' before and altel' . dren'. home.. iecond-best," leveral-pairs' of ~ead. of the. House fee\s .. 811 WASHINGTON: (NC)- The World War I, Mother Karlowska '. ,She !Sformer chairman'of the ehoes, tWo pain of slacks, three tl)oug~ he hlld .pitched a 'World BeW president of the National ~gan ieveral other homes, ho... ~ort shirts, even a beloved Sf!ries game, I as though I never .Conference of Cat)lolieChariti~ Omaha .c:hapter of the' Nationai Pltalll and schools. She died ia "tainy'day" hat. want to see a window, door base­ -first nun in the NCC's55-year Association.of· Social Workers March, 1935. Bishop Kazimtem ''There!'' be beamed trium­ board; bucket of paint again. history to hold. the post-firmly i!nd past' presideI).t of the Ne­ Kowalski' of Chelnuio has begua phantly.''These will help yoUI' If there's a moral in this tale, believes.in professional educa';' . braska Association of Chiid Care .the investigatiOn thatm8¥ leacl Associations: '. . men overseas." it could .possibly be taken .Uon for .Sillters. ~ her be.atification. . ' . . Mother, Mary' CharleS' Then began 1he sneaky-pete two ways: "You do a much better job ,If tactics. "This double-breasted 1. Save the painting duds be­ you're trained for it. Spheres of elected' president of the Catholic

blue sUit? And the brown one? cause you'll probably need them; influence Widen as Sisters are Charities conference at its recent

meeting· in Philadelphia. Priests,'

We held them both up. "Into the Ol' • . equipped to join professional orbo?:-?". . .. 2. GiVe away the painting ganizations," Mother Mar y laymen . and lay women have I can wear them both, he duds along with the others and Charles Keane commented in an held the office up to now. . In her new post, she says, she bebgan, "just as soon as • • ... . fate will intervene 10 you' WOIl't interview. "Soon as you 'lose the:few have to use them. In the' past tWo decades will be mindful of the wishes of pounds' you promised last year? Mother Mary Charles' "spheres the Holy Father, of the mind of And this pair of disreputable of influence" and of·service have the Church, and of the work­ NEW BEDFORD trousers with the frayed cuffs?" Pope Gives Rosaries

extended far and wide. Since ings of Vatican II. "Not my painting pants!" She hopes to stress cooperation Threats of snatching away a To Priest's Parents

1963 she has been head of the INDUSTRIAL OilS with· other welfare .agencies, so '-' baby's security blanket could LOS ANGELES (NC) _ Pope Omaha province of the Sisters as to "best meet the needs of the HEATING OILS

have caused no greater conster­ Paul VI has given 'James Franci. of Mercy of the Union, directing needful." 'on. the work of nuns in a nine-state natl Cardinal McIntyre of Los An­ th t i l d 1'1 h 't Is TIMKEN

'se resulted in plac­ 1 area a nc u es OSPI a ,­ Comproml 'ts ge es two rosaries in a case bear­ 5'1 schools, f our h omes f or the ing the blue and brown sw d d tw h'ld ing his crest for the parents of i t't OIL' BURNERS

into the bis'hops' carton, return­ age an d 0t cd Ib -care b ns I uFather J.ohn B. Thom, a secre­ ti " ing the "painting pants" to their tary to the cardinal fatally ons con uc e y mem ers .... PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Sales & Service accustomed place in the back of wounded by a woman visitor to her community. for Oomestic the closet where they have been the Los Angeles chancery, .July .A 1944 graduate of the Catho­ and Industrial gathering dust, not paint, for 23. lie University of America's


· . .. . Sales and Service , longer than we care to' remem­ school of sOcial' work, for 19 .' ber. . The Cardinal W8ll presented years she was superintendent of OII Burners •.


the rosaries duling a visit With St. James Children's Home in

WY5·1631 Now Her Tarn:'·· tile Pontiff, it was reported here. , Omaha, ·Neb.. While' there ··she 2283 ACUSHNET. AVENUE WY 3.1751, Somewhat guiltily, we went . '. . anticipated :the e 11 in e Ii I CI! 1­ .NEW BE.DFORD ,_through our. own clothes, stifling POII'g"r"lmage ·.H",o·.nors· . movement by heading a profes· 'temptation to hoard dresses and . atonal stuny Qf a Lutherandtil­ auits wearable- when. we, too,' .AusChwitz. Vidimi i' ". . '," .:would .':108e a few:. po\Ulds.~ . '. .... . . Forces Return There was .ne akiri,warm,-.n4 BmiN(Ncj..:... Two .8eOM'. ..' . . ::. '. . .. -. , . ' , ' yoUng· German- Catholics :left. .: LEOPOu>~~(N~)~Triboo

..,,/. ;',,: . '.' .~.. here for'Poland to pay hOmage al stri1~ that·b. resultedltdhe

:Wt'Ho~f·TIlAH~ ~& .JtARK.... · Mother ,0f.·Four, _Goel to:the four Jn1llionpeI'ilons mur- d~athpf .~o·Jaii~~er8i~~•. ..." . -' . f the· " . . ..~: .. or, . N" ,. ". ., ·h·.. ·"1" 'dered at nazi Germany's major missi9n,s~hools hllllf()rcecl~il!l~~

,.'0 u,rsing:·Sc, ~Q' : . . . . . liiInihilati~n::c~nl:i)"atAuschwitZ,· .op'·Jos~P~,~u~~ba.~~~;l.'.tc?

..,SCRANTON (Ne) "'-'-A .Wid- the firllt SUch piJgritnage·sinCe,retum~theConco. ~rom ~ .. oWed motlieroffour yoWl, the Polish,goVernmentntted the :yatican Co.tmeU.. . · children enrollea in Mercy Hos- . bar It imposed ,last D.ecember.· Pl'ian~I.'I, School. of. NlIcrsing WI The fitstGe'rman Catholic . The most f~leridly, ~~",ocratlc'BANK offering youth group went to the site Mrs. Mary O'Malley Pohow'; .of th.e .AuSchwitz death camp­ - Complete OIl.Stop .Banking IIky, who has worked as a pari- situated about 30 miles west of MAKES YOUR Club Accounts " Auto Loan. time cashier in a loeat theater Cracow -last December. But CAR RUNBEnER Checking Accounts BUlllness Loans since her husband was killed . after that the Polish regime de­ iii a boating accident three years clined to issue visas for Ausch;' Savings Accounts Real Estate Loans At New Car Dealen ago, said she decided to realize a witz on grounds of "technical and Service Stations At Somenet Shopping Area-Brightman St. Bridge long-time ambition after Presi­ difficulties." These unspeCified Everywhere dent Johnson signed a recent aid "difficulties" are now said to ,Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to education bill. . have been overcome.

Nun .Heads Charities










,"SLADE/S:;FERRY-:,~TRUST'COMPINY;'·, " ' ' ' , "SOMEJlSn, ·I4ASS.: " , " .,",





Now Is'Time>to Select ,tulips;

Start Making Christmas Gifts

.. . - THE.· ANCHOKThurs., Nov. 4, 1965

Memorial Mass In New Bedford

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick Early this Summer I received a catalog from one of the big bulb distributors and immediately sat down to make a list of bulbs which I. intended to plant in my garden this Fall. As ~ always the case, I ended with a phenomenal list which I knew would be im­ possible. I finally placed my cannot be bought or duplicated order about a month ago or an item that the receiver would nof purchase for himself.' after much cutting. And Last Yule· one of my friends

once again I am ending up with the traditional Darwin tulips , gifted both her Sisters with ele­ gant long hostess skirts. Made _ with which most of us are fa­ at a fractiC?n of retail cost, these miliar and which bloom in mid­ May. This is probably a mistake! glamorous outfits were easily created from a tubular piece of There are many tulip varie­ ties available, which extend the wool that had only to be gather­ blooming season by at least a ed at the waistline with elastic month. Many take the form of and hemmed to be completed. The hand knitter has just as the traditional tulip, but many are what I consider grotesque wide a variety of patterns and hybrids which bear the name ideas to choose from as the seamstress and pothing is quite ~ - tulips but which haVe no so appreciated and admired as resemblance to the flower we think of as tulip. For those a handknitted sweater. The distaff side of the family, who would like to experiment, here are a few varieties which the handyman or "do it your­ selfer" can also contribute.to might prove interesting: this "give of yourself" gift giv­ Single early tulips-these are much like the Darwin tulips but ing. His contribution can range smaller in size of flower and in from professional pine chest to a more easily constructed but height. They bloom about mid­ April and are less costly than handsome plant hanger. In this catergory, however, I cannot ~ther tulips. Triumph tulipS--:-These bloom speak from experience, as Joe's skill with a hammer and nail III late April or early May. are far overshadowed by his Darwin hybrid,.tulips-this is ability with rake and hoe; and a fairly new grouP. which flow­ ers ,in early April and which is since every shelf he ever put earne crashing down with first becoming increasingly popular. Late double tulips - These article placed on it, our friends bloom Ia:te in May for me and -will have to be satisfied with are ])eony-flowered. My father another type of gift. (A woman who enjoys cooking .. erazyabout these in reds and whites, but I would rather have wiHfind her favorite depart­ tuliPS that look like my idea of ment store no farther away than her .kitchen stove, as .nothing tulips and Dot peonies. This Is a short liSt of- tUlip is more appreclatedand_ enjoy.ed eIasses. M8DJ' more could ,be. -than a hatch of. those- brownies added, to It but it is suffielen~ you make so wen CYr jar of that to POip.t out that other ~es jam that you made from the last do exist In addition to the now of the strawberries. A gift of food can be dressed eommon Darwin tulip. '-

I am writing this to enCourage up by, its container. Apothec8O" prdenen ' to _experiment. with jan and pretty casseroles make 'your gift look lovely, yet are talips in their gardens but- I usable after the eontents are must admit that I do not prac­ -naught but' pleasant memory. tice what I preach. This is most­ The tiny wafers made from the Iy'due to an old-fashioned con­ following recipe would make a -eervatism which makes me want tasty. present for anyone from only those flowers which fit my Auntie Mamie to the milkman. pIc~re of the flower. A tulip They will keep for quite a Is the tulip on a Dutch poster few days If stored in a tightly and anything which varies from cover d nist· e ca er or Jar. They that does not get on my order. should not be filled, however, In The Kitchen. until the day they are to be One of the majoor delights of given or served. the coming holiday season is Swedish Cream Walers «1ft choosing and giving. If you 1 eup soft butter have never before attempted It, % eup light cream • third pleasure awaits those 2 eups sifted flour who make their own gifts. Noth­ ~ eup soft butter, Ingpleases the receiver more ~, eup sifted confect1onen than the })ersonal warmth of a sugar handmade gift, because part of 1 egg yolk the giver seems to be incorpo­ 1 teaspoon vanilla rated into his or her handiwork. l. Cream together 1 cup butter, When my sister-in-law was in eollege, her I I mit e d budget eream and flour. Shape into baD and chill in refri~rator at least forced her to make most of her an hour. ' Christmas presents; With a com­ 2. Roll out % of -the dough at bination of ability and- creative­ fte,Ss, these gifts were always a time, keeping- the remainder eriglnal and eharming. Now that refrigerated. Dough should be" me's in a more affluent category rolled 1/8 of an iDch thick on a her -gifts come from some of tlotmed surface. 3. Cut out wafers, using a 1 % better New York .stores, but lor all their smartness and cost , inehcutter. I used' an 1!gg eup I Duss the fun and cleverness of . and my aunt, who gave' me this -. recipe, said -that she found a shot her own creations. glaSs was a good size. If you have any sewing abili­ 4. Transfer _cut rounds 'to a .., YQur gifts c~uld .utilize tht. piece_ of waxed paper that has ~ent. A handmade, vest for'Dad, a very grownup peignoir _for been evenly coated with'granu­ lated sugar. Coat both sides of ~ur six year old, or a Soft wafers with the sugar. euddly puppy dog for- the young­ 5. Place wafers on ungreased est member of your clan could aU emerge from YOUr-finger tips: . _~o~~~heet.Prick with a fork P~rhaps Aunt Mary is redeco­ 6. Bake- in 375" oven for 7 rating her den-remember her with a toss pillOW-handsomely to 9 minutes. The wafers will embroidered in.a crewel.pattern become puffy and crispy._, or hand smocked on washable 7. When wafers cool, put two eorduroy. together with following filling. . One of the advantages in this 8. For filling, blend the ~ personal way of giving is that - eup butter, confectionera sugar, JJQU are creating something that egg. yolk, and vanilla.


The annual Mass for deceased members will be offered Satur­ day morning at 8 o'clock in St. Lawrence's Church, New Bed­ ford. The Catholic Woman's Club of New Bedford will hold its monthly meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the clubhouse on - County Street. Members are reminded that this meeting is open and that husbands and guests are free to attend this ."Old Fashioned Open House" and participate in an evening of warm friendships, excellent food and magnificent entertainment. -The hospitality and program eommittees will act as hoste~ ,for the evening. .

, NORTH EASTON CCD COURSES: Sr. Joan Louise, O.L.V.M., and Rev. John J. Steakem, assistant at Immacu­ late Conception, No. Easton, study the outline of the 16, week course for adults as the first session opened Tuesday night at' the Parish Center. ­

Ban Religious Teaching In Public Schools

BREMEN (NC)-The supreme court of the state of Bremen: here. in West Germany in - a sweeping decision has ruled against both religious instruc­ tion in the state public schools and against any total subsidy for building denominational schools. II ' Co ege Official Tells Pastors Small Things The ruling came in answer to a suit brought by Bremen Prot­ Create Impression on People estants and supported by Cath­ ST. PAUL' (NC) - A parish • 'my -religious' center,' 'a great olic authorities seeking to force housekeeper may most frequent- place of education,' 'Sacraments,' withdrawal of a Bible stuttles textbook issued by the state last ly present a parish's image to the or 'acceptable, accessible';­ public,. priests of the St. Paul Pastors should consider what yellr. The Christian communities archdiocese were told at a work- contributes to good public shop at the St. Paul seminary. image, he said; whether parish charged that the textbook Wall not only nonsectarian but proDonald J. Leyden, assistant to turnover can be prevenU!d; atti­ the president of St. Thomas Col-tudes of parishioners, non-Cath­ , pounded a -phantom religion­ . Jege,spoke on parish public re- olic neighbors and others toward Ilnd therefore violated the provi­ sion of tbe state constitution lations. the parish; whether parish facil­ Leyden suggested _that pastol'll ,ities and priestS are accessible, which requires that -the publie "have a word in mind as a .goal" and what most needs immediate sehooJs provide '"bIblical in­ stmction on a general Christiaa in striving for a public image. improvement. basis." Protestants and Catholics People might think of a parIncludes Neighbors alike sought a return to the ish as rundown, a place for poor education or insufficient service.' An image can be ereated b,. biblical textbook In . use until he said, and a pastor might strive small things, he said, adding that last year, which was predomo­ nantly ·Protestant in -tenor. •' even years lometimes of free services -"f or an i mage of ,the parish.. assistance c: annand 0 t


Parish Image


Hold Episcopal S~rvice In Cat h 0 ,.IC Ch urc h LmERAL (NC)-An Eplg'copalian Communion service was conducted in a Catholic church here in Kansas by an Episcopalian bishop. Episcopal Bishop Edward C. Turner of Kansas conducted the service in S1. Anthony's Catholic church during the 81st annual convocation of the Episcopal Missionary District of Western Kansas. The convocation was held in the Catholic church at the request of {he Episcopalians because the local Episcopal church is too small. Bishop Turner and Catholic Bishop Marion Forst of Dodge City both gave approvaL

Sucordium Bazaar Sucordium Club of Sacred Hearts 'Academy, Fall River, win hold its annual bazaar from 1 to 9 tomorrow and Saturday at the academy auditorium Oft Prospect Street. Mrs. Maurice Dube, chairman, will be aided by a large committee and bOotha will include' foods, white 'eIe- ­ phant, balloons,. gifts" green ' 'th\.!Dl,b, country store, dolls_ and, " va~ous games.



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erase a poor public image some people. acquire over a small matter. However, images ean be changed, Leyden said, as banks have replaced, the loss of faith_ in them during the Depression with a reputation for safe+-. •.7 A parish includes parishioners, assistants, housekeepers and janitors, ushers, commentators,

school children, neighbors,' he

said, and someone might obtain their image of the parish from whether they were courteously

seated by the housekeeper or

whether the organist showed up

on time for a service.



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Good Question At JeSUS-Mary Academy, Fan River, they"re telling, this one: A religious was pacing the floor as she awaited a slow response from an American history stu­ dent. Came a clear whisper "Mother looks like an expectant father." Retorted Mother, "Who taught you biology?"


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M ANCHOR-Diocese of fan River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1965 "

YOUTH AWARDS: Marking the opening of National Catholic Youth Week,Marian Medals and Ad Altare Dei Crosses were awarded Diocesan boys and girls in ceremonies at St. John the ~vangelist Church, Attle­ boro. Left, Boy Scouts compare badges. From left, Michael Cote, Sacred Heart parish, Fall River; Ronald Bousquet, St. Michael's, Ocean Grove; Frederick DeLutis, St. Mary's, Mansfield; Paul Denault, Sacred Heart, New Bedford. Center, Girl Scouts take part in procession into church.

Sister of Mercy To Antarctic For Science PITTSBURGH (NO)-In mid-November a Sister of Mercy will become the first woman Religious to partici­


pate in a scientific' research eruise in the Antarctic. Sister Mary Maurice, professor ()f biology at Mount Mercy Col­ lege, Pittsburgh, was chosen to assist Helen McCammon of tqe geology department of the Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh in studying Antarctic marine invertebrates for the National Science Founda­ tion. At present little is known of the physiological processes of such invertebrates. By studying these processes under controlled eonditions, Dr. McCammon and Sister Maurice hope to throw light on the environmental fac­ tors which caused changes in the animals' structure through mil­ lions of years in the past. The two women, with 30 or more scientists, will live aboard • U. S. naval research ship, the Eltanin, specially equipped as their working laboratory for the eight-week cruise. "I'm delighted with the enthu­ siasm shown by my community, fellow faculty members and stu­ dents at the news of my being ehosen for the expedition," Sis­ ter Maurice stated. "No one has said, 'For heaven's sakes, why?' Everyone says, 'Great.' It's won­ '"'erful - a. marvelous oppor·....ty." '

Spirit of St. Louis Award for Hoffman ST. LOUIS (NC)-Paul G. Hoffman, managing director of the United Nations Special Fund, has been chosen recipient of the 'lecond ,annual "Spirit of St. Louis" award established by St. ;Louis University. , The award was established by ~e university as part ()f the city's bicentennial celebration to rec':' .gnize,"pioneering .achievemenll .efsignificant benefit to man­ kind."

Right, rear, Janice Gray and Christine Ponte, New Bedford Junior Daughters of Isabella; front, Jeanne Fuller, St. Margaret's parish, Buz­ zards Bay; Marie Philbrick, St. Theresa's, Sagamore, all recipients of 'Marian Awards. Fifty-four Ad Altare Dei Crosses' were awarded, and '160 Marian Medals. The latter went to seven Campfire Girls and four Daughters of Isabella. The remainder of the recipients were Girl Scouts.

Women's Council Admits Sisters

Council Spirit ,of Love ,and PeQce Implore Intercession of St. Francis Continued from Page One 'when thinking of the Council of love and peace. Pope John prayed that the spirit of Francis might animate the Council he fathered. Paul spoke for the Council of John when he told the assembled delegates that he had nothing to ask from them but wanted only to express a desire, to beg their permission to serve them in what lies within, his competence, with unselfish­ ness, humility, and love. At the same time in ,Assisi, ,Cardinal Fernando Cento was preaching in the Basilica, to cel­ ebrate the feast of the "Little Poor Man of God". He said in . part, '''This very day the Vicar ,of Christ is addressing the United Nations in the name of Christ 'who is the Prince of Peace, sovereign and only Lord of heaven and earth. "From up there, we are certain, you, 0 St. Francis,' are praying now for the Pope, you who made of the words Peace and wellbeing your own motto, you who brought. peace to individ, uals and cities." Assisi Breathes Virtues In Assisi we sense everywhere the presence of St. Francis. His tomb is one of the most impres­ sive sights I have ever seen. A man who has had perhap' more influence on people for the last seven hundred years than any other single person since apos­ tolic times, who now has in the three Orders he founded nearly 50,000 men, 200,000 women, and over 3,000,000 laymen, was bur­ ied at his own request, in the dump of Assisi, and his remains are still there buried in the heart of the naked rock. ' The magnificent Basilica built . over it by his followers, does not detract from the humility and simplicity of the tomb. Francis still speaks of poverty, detachment and love from the unadorned ,and dark stone of his grave. '" , ' '" . ~itur~1 ~s Lesson. The spirit of :francis, whiCh 'Pope John-prayed·,might ,be ,the· llpirit of ,the Cou.neil.surely. mus~

have moved Pope Paulto be­ come the apostolic pilgrim of peace for this age. The better to' catch this spirit, we should try to see it through the eyes of the Church, and I believe the place where we clin sense it most is in the Liturgy. For instance, the prayer which was said until recently on the Feast of the Stigmata of st. Francis reads like this, "0 Lord Jesus Christ, who, when the world was growing cold, in order to inflame our hearts in your love, didst renew in the flesh of most Blessed Francis the wounds of your sacred Pas­ sion, grant that through his merits and prayers we may al­ 'ways carry the cross and may produce worthy fruits of pen­ ance." The Epistle for the same Feast . is from St. Paul, but is applied by the Church to Francis, "Far be it from me to glory in any­ thing save the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world is crucified to me arid I am crucified to the 'world." For St. Paul "the new creatnre in Christ" was all that counted. "And may peace be upon all who follow this rule, and mercy upon the Israel of God." (Gal. 6. 14-18) The Gospel for this feast is taken from St. Matthew. In it Christ says, "If any man wishes to follow me, let him deny him­ self, and'take up his cross and follow me. For the man who w ish e s t o save his life shall lose, but the man who loses his life for my sake, shall find it." Spirit of the Cross ' The Postcommunion of this Mass reads like this, "0 God, who in many ways hast shown in Blessed Francis, your Con­ fessor, the wonderful mysteries of the Cross, grant us, always 'to follow the example of his devotion and to strengthen our­ selves with a continuous medi­ tation upon this same Cross." It is easy, to see that, for the Church the spirit of, St.· Francis is ',essentially, ,tpe .spirit ,of the Cross which Pope Paul so im-

MADISON (NC)-The Madi­ son Council of Catholic Women pressively asked for the Coun­ has invited Sisters to become cil of renewal and reunion at the members of the group. opening ceremonies of this Mother Mary Gerard, prior~ess fourth and last Session, on Sep-' of the Sisters of St. Benedict and tember 14th. chairman of the new department This same spirit is revealed of the women's group, welcomed also in the Gospel of the Feast the invitation to join, which was of St. Francis, October 4th, approved by Bishop William P. though in different terms. In it , O'Connor of Madison. the Lord says, "Come to me all "I am overwhelmed' with the who labor and are.burdened and worldwide view and interest of I will refresh you. Take up my . the women," she said. "We Sis­ yoke upon you and, learn from ters ,have these interests too. It me, because I am meek and is invigorating to see women humble of heart; and you shall rearing families, and also 'voh~n­ fill(~ peace for your ·souls. For teering in apostolic activities." my yoke is sweet and my burden "Our association will help us is light." (Mat. 11. 25-30) all to understand more fully the I think we are right in detect­ , vocations of lay persons, Sisters ing in all this the source of Paul and priests united as the People of God," ~he added. VI's message of peace and broth­ erly love to the United Nations. He said, "Peace, you know, is not established only by means of politics and the balance of power and interests. It is estab­ lished through the spirit, the ideas, and the works of peace. You are working towards this Turn to Page Seventeen




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THE ANCHOR-Dtocese of Fan River-Thurs., I'\tOY~ ~..




YOUTH WEEK: Oatholic Youth Organization activities throughout the Diocese mark' this asCa,tholic Youth Week. Events, were key­ noted by a television Mass for representatives from all parts of the Diocese celebrated by Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Diocesan CYO Director. In attendance, left, at altar, Paul Mudlowski, St. Joseph's parish, Fall River; David Bisbee, St. Francis' Xavier parish, Hyannis, Diocesan CYO Athletie Director. Center, from left,' James Gibney, St. Mary's Cathe-


Parish Societies Fail to Meet Present Needs' DAYTON (NC)-A Oath­ olic pastor charged here that· the traditional concept of the Holy Name Society does not fit the vision of the modern parish. , "Many things about the Holy Name Society are 25 years out of date," Msgr. Martin T. Gilli­ gan, pastor of St. Charles parish, Kettering, Ohio, said in a lecture at the University of Dayton. A dynamic parish community must "involve as many people in as many things as possible," Msgr. Gilligan said. This must be done by organizing and using the skills and professions of the people, he added. "As far as I'm concerned, the Holy Name Society is dead," Msgr. Gilligan said. Sanctify The priest said that his own parish, which was created three years ago, was attempting to develop relationships with pub­ lic schools and with persons of other faiths. "We have imbued our parish­ ioners with the idea that they must sanctify the secular en­ vironment, and nof merely be messenger boys for the priests," Msgr. Gilligan said.. Another Ohio pastor, Father Roland Winel of St. Mary's par­ ish, Lancaster, said that "existing lay organizations must change or cease to exist."

Society Encourages Interfaith Retreats

dral, Fall River, Diocesan President; Donna Larue, St. Patrick's paris~ Fall River;: Michael McNally, St. Joseph; Fall River, Diocesan Public Relations Director. Right, standing, Constance Marcotte, Holy Name, New Bedford; Joseph Muraco, St. Lawrence, New Bedford; seated, Don­ na Place, St. Joseph parish, New Bedford, vice-president, New' Bedford area CYO; Warren Sanford, Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, New Bedford, president, New Bedford area CYO.

U'rges Interfaith ,Action to Curb Poverty Americans Need Efficiency on Worldwide Scale ST. LOUIS (NC)-Economist Barbara Ward called here for the same "d~ive, vigor and efficien­ cy" ,that is helping curb poverty on ,the domestic scene to be ap­ plied on a worldwide scale. "Poverty coexisting with rich­ ness is an insult to the order or­ dained by God, Miss Ward (Lady Robert Jackson) told the Sixth' World Order study conference of the National Council of Churches here. The internationally known British Catholic laywoman stood in the pulpit of Christ Church Episcopal cathedral as she pre­ sented the second in a series of lectures in honor of the late United Nations Secretary Gen­ eral Dag Hammarskjold, held in conjunction with the conference. Christian, Jewish and human­ istic principles demand unity in seeking to abolish world poverty, not by charity but by justice, Miss Ward said. Programs based on income tax, welfare, and a fair sharing

Ecumenical Mission Center Gets Grant NEW YORK (NC)-The Ford Foundation has awarded a $600,000 grant to the year-old Urban Training Center for Christian Mission in Chicago. The interreligious center, which is supported by 16 denom­ inations, including the Catholic Church, gives clergy, semi­ narians and laity exposure to some of the major problem areas of American society. Its trainees combine a full curriculum of seminars and workshops, using the city of Chicago as a laboratory, and participate actively in such things as anti-poverty programs and mass community organiza­ tion.

WASHINGTON (NC) A group of Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox clergy and laity have formed a society to en­ courage the practice of inter­ faith retreats. Called the Gustave Weigel So­ eiety, it is named for the Jesuit priest who was one of the major Publish Mass Catholic leaders in the ecumen­ ical movement' until his death BOMBAY (Nt) A new last year. translation of the Mass into In 1962, Father Weigel eon­ Maratbi, a language spoken bY ducted the first Washington-are~ 33,000,000 Indians, has been pub:­ retreat for non-Catholic, clergy­ lished with the' approval of the ' men at Loyola-on-Patomac re­ Holy See 'and the Sees ,of 'Bom­ bay, NaJpur, Pdona and 'Amra-' 'treat house iIa souther. :Mar7­ 1fatl. ' land.


Give More to Cha rity

I NEW YORK (NC) _ Ameri';' of the results of production have "Universal education, better cans gave $10.6 billion to chari­ been successful in fighting pov­ health and housing, industrial, table causes last year, approxi­ erty within countries, she 'training-all these, largely fi­ mately 2.5 per cent of their pointed out. nanced out of income tax, have after-taxes income, according to In the face of the possibility given us a new literate, techni­ a report released by the Ameri­ of worldwide destruction,' she , cally competent people and con­ can Association of Fund-Raising said, these same innovations verted whole societies to what Counsel, Inc. must be applied to "have-not" one can only' call middle class About $5.2 billion, 49 per cent nations. standards. ,of the total, went to religioUfl Need Specific Policies At the 'same time by welfare groups, the association said. Miss Ward said: "We have in payments, by higher wages, by In the past 15 years Ameri­ fact turned the vast majority of pension funds, by profit sharing, supposedly hopeless proletarians we have given the majority of cans have increased the amount into fine upstanding workers the people a much larger share of disposable income contributed to 'chllI'ity from 2 per cent to and consumers. We have done of the wealth they help to pro­ 2.5 per cent. this not by chance but by a num­ duce." ber of specific policies.

Most Students Plan Post-Graduate Work ST. LOUIS (NC)-St. Louis University said here a survey of its freshman class shows that two-thirds plan to do college work beyond the bachelor's de­ gree. Richard N. Keefe~ dean of ad­ missions at the Jesuit Fathers' institution, said the finding com­ pares to a national average of one-third. More than three­ fourths of the class ranked in the top third of their h~gh school graduating class, he said.


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THE ANCHOR'-Dioc:ese'ofFa"River~Ti,urs .. N6v. 4, 1965

Archbishop' Hakim's Book Fills in Gospel Background

You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sh.eeR, D.D. Nothing prompts a Cathollo to snipe III Oswald-fashioD at the Church as does a bad conscience. It Is Dot a love of the Crucified that prompts him to sell the Lord but an unrequited sense of guilt. Believe me. after four years at the Council, I have come to the conclusion that never before III the history of the Church have there been so many "dry martyrs" III her Councils as there are today. The ''wet martyrs" shed their blood aDd died quickly. The "dry martyrs" rotted III prisons and concentratioD camps, keeping their blood dry but dying a living death. One bishop used to put a raisin In a glass with a few drops of water. allowed it to ferment and then used this to celebrate Mass. And he did all this while undergoing torture In a Siberian prison. The Berans, the Sepers, the Slipyis, the Quinlaos, the Camara­ hundreds and hundreds of them-they are the crucifixes at the Council to whom we look as to a 20th Century Christ.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Anyone who has visited the Holy Land, and 'especially Galilee, knows that the Gospel comes alive in a special way as one moves through the scenes of our Lord's earthly life. The sights and' sounds remain in the mind for years and lend depth and color to what­ ever Gospel passage one may October 9, a 120-page paperback read thereafter. But rela­ book, with 32 pages of photo­ graphs, covering the event, was tively few of us have the op­ in the hands of reviewers. It is

portunity to travel to the holy

places. A good substitute for

such an ex­

perience is of­

fered in Arch­

bishop George

Hakim's Read­

ing the Good

News in Galllee

(Helicon. $3.50) ,

Archbishop Hakim is a Greek Catholic Patriarch and his see is Gali­ lee. With all that area, and indeed with all Holy Land, he is very familiar. His book is simple and not at all lengthy. It is made up of talks he has given at one time or an­ f)ther . One wishes that the arch­ bishop would undertake a more IYstematic' and detailed treat­ ment, for he is knowledeable and skillful in filling in the 'Gos­ pel background and showing the full meaning of incidents largely lost on those unacquainted 'with: the customs of ancient Palestine. Dining with Pharisees Those customs have changed .urprisingly little at least down to the present. In our own times, 'however, there is probably more ehange than in the centuries in­ tervening between the first cen­ turY and the twentieth. In a world not only modem­ Ized but increasingly homogen­ ized,' much that is distinctive and delightful is being per­ manently lost. But a book like Archbishop Hakim's preserves and illumines the precious past. To take one example 'from many, Archbishop Hakim can explain for us, from what he has himself observed in the vill­ ages of the Holy Land, why, in the Gospel, our Lord is shown dining in the houses of Phari­ lees. The Pharisees were His en­ emies, bent on His death. Why, then, would they give Him hos­ pitality, and why would He ac­ cept it? Fascinating Details The answer is discernible in present practice. When nightfall ,eames, the traveler stops at the nearest village, and is always brought to the house of the headman, who, '~regardless of his personal attitude toward the Yisitor, will invite him to cline _d spend the night." But the unwelcome guest, al­ though received, may be ,shown lCant courtesy. This accounts not only for our Lord's being at. a Pharisee's table (as in Magdala), but also for His being deD1ed oertain polite attentions (such 3ll the washing of the ',feet and the kiss of greeting). Again, Archbishop Hakim has • myrial of small but fascinating details to offer indicative of the probable ages of Mary and Jo­ eeph when they 'were married, the, source of our Lord's allusions to the practices of farmers and shepherds, His formal schooling (none at all), the quantity of fish taken in the miraculous draught, the procedure at the wedding feast in Cana, and so

on. A remarkable publishing feat has been 'brought off by Baniam Books. On Monday, October 4, the Holy Father made his his­ _torie visit to the UN and New York City, and on Saturday.


called The Pope's Journey to the United States and sells for 75 cents. The text' is in two ~incipal parts. The first touches on every We have a Paul at the top-a Paul like the one of Tarsus who aspect of the visit. The articles "bears the burden of all the churches on his shoulders." We have in this section were written by missionaries, saints, poverty-embracing members of the staff of the New bishops-bishops who have left good dio­ York Times. The second part cese in Italy to go to the swamps in Brazil. comprises words of the Holy CHALLE1'lGE: New edi­ There are more shepherds here than ad­ Father: the address which he tor of a monthly publication ministrators. Maybe it would be a good gave during that momentous thing if we had a "Diocese Exchange" day and excerpts from his serving the EngIish-~peaking in which we bartered dioceses for a few speeches and writings on other population of Montreal is years, sending the affluent bishops to the occasions and considerable va­ Thomas S. Simonet, a native needy dioceses and bringing the bishops riety of subjects. of MinneapoI~s and a gradu­ living in poverty to our comfortable dio­ The Times coverage of the ceses. One bishop in the Council who ate of Georgetown Univer­ great event is extensive and ex­ has pleaded to me for help lived In a sity, Washington, D.C. and tent pert. It abounds in human in­ with roaming nomads. To win them terest and odd particulars. It the Columbia sthool of jour­ to the faith, he fenced off a yard for the has sweep, precision, and drama. 'nalism. NC Photo. children whom he taught. The first day, Disputed Doctor lions killed two children. The other day I found, a missionary John Sherlock's new novel, bishop without a watch. I offered him niine. He refused saying The Instant Saint (Morrow. that a wrist watch always got caught in his mule's saddle. We $4.95) is about a young Ameri­ get ours caught in Buicks and Cadillacs. can doctor who runs a camp and hospital for ChlDese and Tibetan Because dut,. calls me to the COUDCn. forget Dot the eaase CmCAGO (NC) - Astronaut refugees Qn the border between for which I plead. I do Dot beg for one reIlgfoD8 socIeb' of which James A. McDivitt and' space China and India. there are 1,294 In the Church. I bei' for the Holy Father who ,When we meet Dr. Stephen scientist Maxime A. Faget will helps aB, of those that- serve the MissloDS. You ~t eveD eoD­ Quinn he is back in the United receive the -1965 Sword of Loy­ aider an annuit,. 'or livIDA' your mODey at death 'm a wf1l to the States .for a short time. He is ola award~f Loyola University.' Hob' Father. Remember too. that the Hob' Father's Socleb' for desperately ill, with one kid-' Father James F. Maguire, S.J.. the Propacation of the Faith makes no Investments f)f toar alm8 ney severely diseased. In an ef­ president. called the pair "sym­ and that !tis dven to the pOOr of the world within the ,.ear. fort to save his life, a kidney , bolic of the great accomplish­ II ,.ou have faith, ,.ou will love this kind of charity. Godlove yout transplant is to take place. What ments of America in space ex­ makes the operation sensational . ploration." The awards will be is the fact that it is to be shown made here Tuesday, Nov. 23. GOD LOVE YOU to KG.S.' for $10 "If' I had lODe to New throughout the United States OIl York to see the Pope it would have cost me' at least this much. McDivitt was command pilot television. We watched everythinl on T.V. and are sending. the Holy Quinn has already caught the of the 98-hour' Gemini 4 flight Father our train fare." .. , to A.D. lor $100 "We want to share ID1' imagination of a great many last June, on which his co-pilot, parents' estate with the poor." Americans. His voluntary exile, Ed White, took his famed "space and his mission of mercy, in a walk." primitive and 'perilous part of c..t out this eolumn, pill yoursaerilice to It and mall !t to Faget is an engineer for the the world have been well pub­ Most Rev. Fulton J Sheen. National Direetor of The Soclet,. for National Aeronautics and Space licized. . the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. Y. Administration. He supervises 10001. or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Raymond T. 'COD­ many of the design, develop­ Suspect Motives sldine, 368 North Main Street. Fall River, Massachusetts.' Some critics say that he is ment, and testing phases of primarily a glory boy, a seeker America's manned spaceflight' program. The award, first made of notoriety, a so-called publi­ city saint-:-that is, an artifically to J. Edgar Hoover, director created celebrity. His motives of the Federal Bureau of Investi­ gation, is inspired by the sword are suspect. carried in battle by the 16th Other critics direct their at­ tention to the kind of medicine century Spanish soldier-church­ INC. man, Ignatius of Loyola, founder he practices. Quinn gives his critics short of the Jesuits. shrift. His response is both cryptic and acerb. The one thing Edmundite Fathers

he defends Is his medicine. It is, he says, incomparably better Appoint Laymen

than what its wretchedly poor WINOOSKI (NC) --- Two lay­ and b a c k war d beneficiaries men from the staff of St. Mich­ would have withoutm.m. Quinn survives the kidney ael's College here in Vermont operation, but there- is doubt as have been named to commissiona to its full success' and his own dealing with Intemal and ex­ future. He cannot take time to ternal affairs of the Society ol ~~ convalesce properly because he St. Edmund, which operates the college. has a round of fund-raising en­ Robert Giroux will serve OD gagements to fulfill before re­ the religious community's Com­ turning to India. mission of Studies and Apostol­ \ ,The fund-raising is being di­ ate. John D. Donoghue wu rected by George Romby, ac­ named to its commission dealin, ~owledged to be the chief . • IN"''':'RPORATED 1937 • ,American 'expert in the field. with youth aetiviti8!J. Romby ill, a genius in manipula­ Giroux is director of St.'Mich­ . tiJig pu,blic sentiment. He is an al'. Summer session. Donoghue utterly ruthless who sees teaches . journalism arid serVes in QUinn ,and Quinn's work an as the collegf!spublicity director. opportunity to immortalize him­ self. . The book' comes to • climax, ,• JAMES H. COLLINS" c.E., Pres. • and a solution of the problem. with QUinn'stetum to the .• Registered Civil and Structural Engineer • United States, his achieving the • Member National Society Professional Engineers • ultimate artifically '-stimulated , • QOUTE 6, HUnLESON AVE. attention and acclaim, and his : FRANCIS L COLLINS, JR., Treaa. : death. ' Near Fairhaven' Drive-In

• THOMAS K.COLUNS, This !! a labored book, inter­ Italian Dinners Our $pecialty

esting solely because of the ac­ : ACADEMY BUILDING FALL RIVER, MASS. : Service On Patio,

tual career on which it is obvi­ ously based.

Me Divitt, Fogel

Wi" Awe-,ds












• ':• '


. PlllA-PArio

• 5

'. .•

. ·...............•................... ' .­ 5






.. mE' ANCHOR"""

Stlidents LaborDs IB·M 'Reports


Loom on Horison, But There's Still Time for Many Activities

Nov. 4, 1961


with seniors the runners-up. Seniors at Fall River's SHA attended a performance of La Boheme as part of their course work in music appreciation, while art appreciation student. made their annual pilgrimage to Boston. Class officers have also beeD installed at the Fall River school, with Rev. John H. Hackett," chaplain, presiding, aided ~ Christine Baldaia, captain of the school, and team captains Patri­ cia McGuigan and Louise Cor­ reira. Cassidy High Cassidy's Newspaper, Paw Prints, won the journalism award designated as Superior Achievement at the New En­ gland Scholastic Press Associa­ tion. Barbara Mello is editor-in­ chief and Christine Barros • business manager. ' Attending the Emmanuel Col­ lege journalism workshop Nov. 1 were the follOWing Cassidyites, members of the Paw Prints staff: Donna Riva,' Catherine Gazda, Christine Victoria, Anne Silva, Jo-Ann Eugenio, Jane DaCosta, Lorna Prunier, Catherine Cham­ pagne, and Nancy Kelley.

Special DOte to aD Anchor School Correspondents: Pleue have your copy reach us by Saturday. U it arrives later, It fre­ quently has to be held over for a week, and often cannot be used at all. Special note to all school paper editors: Ilow about sending us a copy of your publication as it appears? We· cur­ rently receive Cassidy PawPrints, Prevost Maple Leaf, and .Je­ IlUs-Mary .rem. Ilow about Stangscript, Feehan Flash, and Sha­ cady News, to mention but a few. Why Dot let the other 11 schools In the Diocese know how well you're doing.

On' to other matters. Seniors at Coyle High in Taunton have heard representatives of several colleges explain out­ standing characteristics of their institutions. And juniors have received their class rings.-At Fall River's Dominican Academy Acqaintance Week Awards for the friendliest been held at Prevost and Mt. St. Mary Academy as part of a freshmen went to Denise .campaign being sponsored by the Raymond and Diane Lamon- Fall River Medical Society.

tagne. Donna Catabia and Helen At Bishop Feehan, students are Bileua rate as friendliest seniors. looking forward to a practice Math's the thing at North session which will be put on Dartmouth's Bishop Stang High, Friday, Nov. 19 in the school where the math team won the gym for the· benefit of the Fee­ l'loire Dame Math League meet han Boosters' Fund..The project at st. Gregory's in Dorchester Is sponsored by the athletic de­ with a handy 10-polnt lead, also partment and the student coun­ acquiring a trophy for the high- cil. Also at Feehan a dance is est cumulative score for the scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 20 aeason. Heading Stang's repre- by the juniors and seniors. Each IIentatives were Raymond Des- student may invite a guest from Itlsiers and John DeCiccio. outside the school.

And both Stang and Fall Coyle jayvees have won a foot­ CAPE COD'S

River's Sacred Hearts Academy ball game against Attleboro


ean boast APSL Latin trophies, jayvees, eight to nothing. And won as a result of excellent per- officers and members of the stu­ PAYS

formance in Latin tests taken dent council were sworn in by last year. Atty. Francis O'Boy, a Coyle A student eouncil-sponsored alumnus.

ATHLETIC LEADERS: Leaders in athletics at Bis-" talent show is scheduled for New Approach

hop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, are, from left, Thursday, Nov. 18 at Jesus-Mary Thought-pro",oki,ng questiON! Interest C~pounded and. Academy. The audience will are being featured in religion' seated, Albert Catelli, baseball and basketball; P.aul Mathe­ ehoose the winner, --/who will re-. elas~s at SHA, Fall River. payable quarterfy on our son, football 'and basketball; standing, Joseph Bartek; foot­ eeive priz~ from various school Sample queries: "What .is a per­ Investment Savings Account ball and track; Bob Gastall, football; Michael Healy, traCk. OI'ganizations. . son?" "How does one .communl­ . and· crosBCountry.· To Nurse . ea~?" StudentCl are also ·eurAlready acceptances are in the' rentlyviewing a movie series malls'. Annette Santerre of Mt. designed to promote better ,un"; . Every Mountain!' ail their ~e Gloria Moniz, secretaries; MarSt. Mary Academy, Fa~l Riyer, derstanding of the mentally, m. for·the··'66 memory book. . llyn' Murphy and Terry Choui­ • SOImI YARMDUlI '

. hal been notified of acceptance Connie ,Gagne III head cheermM report: cards are iii .the nard; treasurers", Marilyn Lizak . . • DENNIS POItT

at Mass. General Hospital.. leader at JMA, while Diane· works for DiOcesan schools, with and Sue Croteau, stUdent· co.: • HYANNIS eillora. .: And many Diocesan represen-· Dupont andConnie'DiJfault·have· . four copies ot each· student's re­ ..YARMDUTH.~~ tatives were· at the Student been chosen 88.subs. New cheer- . port being sent to sehoo1s:one Juniors at Prevost 'have wOil . • DSTERVILLE CoUncil Convention at Sandwich ing ·uniformll are being ·manu- for the homeroom teacher, one an lnter-claB.s Volleyball· contelt, High School. Spotlighted was· ·faetured and will:be of blue and for the parents and two for the Patrick CarneY, Stang ,student white corduroy.· The girls will'be office files. They'll.make 'their eouncil president a~d president cheering ·on i their. basketball first appearance of the year thia of the state Student Councll Asteam, headed by Yvette. St. month. IIOciation. He spoke on "the chal- . Pierre and Rita Laflamme, and . ' ., lenge of the Ilew generation.­ eoached by Mother Stephen. Junior A and B officerS .. Accompanying him were CynSodality reception is schedulecl Dominican Academy are, respee­ thia Ferguson and Dennis May­ for Sunday, Nov. 21 at ·Bishop tively, Vivian Fiola and Diane T aunt on, w h'l . h in· 11 F rOm Mt . St., Mary, repre­ a. I e Ratte, presidents; Janine Ga­ C assi d y HIg sentatlves were Monica Polak, the newly-organized school unit mache .and Bev Stinton, viee­ Carol Laroche, Elsie· Pelton, of the CCD Is geared to training presidents; Kathy Donovan and Jean Bernier, Joyce Oliveira and students to aid their own parish Donna Ferreira. Other schools units in, ways most needed. • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES at the meeting included Feehan, Board members of the FaD TAVARES Cassidy and Holy Family. 'rh~ 'River Citizens' Scholarship Fed­ • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS UPHDLSTERING SHDP

program included a tour of eration from Mt. St. Mary's are 1343 PLEASANT ST. FAll RIVER Custom Made Upholstered Fumlture

Sandwich and a hootenanny. L;rnne Chrupcala, our Anchor Reupholstering • Quality Workmanship

A dress code has been distrib- reporter and Marlene Shea. OSborne 3-7780 uted to students at Feehan High At Holy Family, Debate Club Large Selection Fine Fabrics

in Attlebor~, and also at Feehan, members swelled their coffen Work Guaranteed • Free Estimates

students have been asked to lead with a paper drive this week. "REMOLDELING OUR SPECIALTY"

hymn-singing at a. Mass for Dominican Academy student. 992·2891 Peace to be celebrated at La visited Bridgewater State Col­ 1802 Acushnet Ave., Mew Bedforcf Salette Shrine Thursday, Nov. 11. lege, touring dormitories, meet­ The Feehan band will accom- ine; department heads and gen­ pany the hymns. On the same erally getting the feel of camPWl day junior and senior girls win life. , FALL RIVER attend, a day of recollection at Moura Death Mother. of Mercy Novitiate, And Dominican students' He Cumberland, ~.I., all will,girls mourning the . death·'of ,Mrs. from Holy Family. High: . Denise Corey, for 1~ 'Years Ii. ChanD ,Course French and matiieinatiesteacher A two week charm course Ie ~ the Fan :R~ver ~hoo~.. Bo~ .' Pidures.Framed-: ... In progress at Dorilinieail Acad- in FranCe, she.. e~~ toJ'a)J _. ,. Need!e, Point' .,. . emy,' wtth period· a daY·be- ' River iii :1946, .,: .. ,_ ... .... , ing. devc.>ted,.to .,"Charm, .Good. ,.,Some 25 Bishop J'eeh8l1 ~ . A".. Palntirna • $up'pll~ Grooming and You;~ ,M!sivMili'y .deiltsare"enroll¢cllll·. 8peetai , -.Brushes ~. Oil, .

Ann CUrtin Is offering the ex- nading .eourse .8i'1d also .t" b, , ',., ., 'Religious -,'rlntl

tremely,poputar series. . . . ,A.~leboro school ~. "ann~~' At H:6Jy' Filrn,tly High in New.' Booster CBJDPiUgnlsU~d~rway • . lo'i 'Pra~kUn 'si"·'~";~r . . ~".-" ' . .. . Bedfora.'GI~ Club officers are White' shir1ll,.WiQ. :shortly be Peter .Azar, president; Susari·· de rigger at ~vost. 111gb, .• ' Trahan, vice-president; .,Donna students are,~ing a4vi.~, to ..._ - - - - -__--~~

Place, secretary. Also at the use up, wear o~t. the ·striped and

New Bedford school; a cake sale' eolored shirtll they're eurrently·

III .being planned by.' Btudent llPorting._ Also, blaclt leather Monday tllrougll lI!IrIdIr, • o'clock P.M. IN$URANCE AGENCY, INC. council .officers. patche~ .are av:8l1ablefor'. "those . 'Frlday ~d latur•., 8:30.~ Sunda, 7:3D

A glee club is being activated who are· wearing out. the elbow. MatIIlee - Wed., Sat, Sunday IIId veterans Da, - 2 o'clock

96 WILLIAM· STREET at Prevost High la Fall River, fIl their blazers too qulckly~" NEW BEDFORD, MASS. nckets on sale in New Bedford .at the Merri-Cord Shop

with rehearsals tentatively set Jesus-Mary and Prevost ~ for SWlday nights. Brother dents have plans in the makirig WY 8-5153 WY 7-9167 . SPECIAL AnENTION TO SCHOOL, CYO, CHURCH GROUPS

Celeste is ill charge of the new for a jointly sponsored musical; erganization. and, still in the musical mood, PERSONAl SERVICE

Anti-smokin. 1ectwe.t laa.,.. .Jl\4A Ib'- ba~chosea "Climla



Bass River Savings, Bqnk










,r~ ~








..,11: ANl:.l1Olf-Dlocese of fall Rlver-Thun.. Nov. 4,


The .Pari§h .Parade

Christian Family Movement Vital Force in Latin Lands Edited by John J. Considine, ~.M. From "The Church in the New Latin America" One of the outstanding institutions of the Catholic Church in the United States is the Christian Family. Move­ ment. So likewise in Latin America the Christian Fam~ly Movement represents a very popular development. It is eurrently organized in 18 the children and so much -at . L a tin American coun t rles home that" the servants naturally and is particularly strong in took him for a relative or a Argentina, Brazil and Mexi­ friend of the family.



Blessed Mother Guild· an­ nounces a whist for 7:30 Tuesday night, Nov. 16 at Father Sharbel Center. In charge of arrange­ ments are Mrs. Tillie Baptista and Mrs. Florence Howaycek.



The annual penny sale, t benefit the church school build ing fund, will be held Wedne~ day, Dec. 1 in the church ha: under sponsorship of the Worn en's Guild.

. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER - The Women's Guild will spon­ sor a whist atS Saturday night, Nov. 6 in the parish school on Slade Street.

ST. MATHIEU; FALL RIVER The annual Christmas part of the Council of Catholic Wom en is set for Monday, Dec. 1 at White's restaurant, unde chairmanship of Mrs. Fernan, Archambault.



The annual Christmas sale is scheduled from 2 to 9 Wednes­ day and. Thursday afternoons and evenings, Nov. 17 and IS. Mrs. Joan Keane, chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Pauline Tan­ nock.

eo. The national directors in All hope gone of booty of any OUR LADY OF VICTORY, Mexico are Senor and Senora sort, our thief finally decided CENTERVILLE EN T E R S RELIGION: J 0 s e Alvarez to escape as qui~tly as possible A food sale.,will be held fror I _ a z a whose from this home that gave him Miss Marie J. Frechette, a 10 to noon Saturday, Nov. 6 ii ~arm and hu­ such a reception. But when he a member of Our Lady of the Community Building unde mor have won tried to leave, the children the Assumption parish, Os­ sponsorship of the Women' the m man Y wouldn~t let him go, elimbing Guild. In charge are Mrs. Ed te~ille, and a June graduate friends. Wit h all over him.One tot picked up a ward Welch and Mrs. Williall the assistance toy pistol and shot him.. "Boom! of Barnstable High School, ST. JAMES,

A. Smith. Also planned by th Boom! You can't go now,'~ the has entered the Missionary NEW BEDFORD

of confreres in guild is its annual Christma Mexico the y child cried. "Fall down because I Servants of the Most Blessed Msgr. Noon Circle plans a bazaar, to be held Saturda, have prepared just shot you." Throwing all pre­ Trinity at their Philadelphia giant penny sale in the church Dec. 4 in the church hall. comparative so­ tense to the winds the theif ran hall Tuesday, Nov. 30 and Wed­ house. The daughter of Mr. nesday, cial data on· from the house. ... Dec. 1. In charge are ST. MARGARET, family life in When we returned home, the and Mrs. Willie R. Frechette, Mrs~ 'Benedict J. Harrison and BUZZARDS BAY SS.Margaret-Mary Guild :ur both Latin' she was active in the Mis­ Mrs. Joseph O'Brien. America and the United States. ehildren all talking at once told nounces a Communion suppe~ t( Thus they make it possible for us of the frieindly visit of our sionary Cenacle Apostolate ST. PATRICK, be served Sunday, .Nov. 7 at ~ . f godson! We soon realized that and the Catholic Youth Or­ lonial Coach Inn, Marion. ~h' SOMERSET us to establish a 'confrontation 0 we were involved in the terrible ganization' before entering second annual Christmas baz The parish win sponsor a tur­ living conditions in these two ease of the frustrated thief. 'Worlds which, despite their

key whist at S Wednesday night, is slated for Thursday, Nov. 1 religious life. proxi~ty, are economically

"How could this lone man go Nov. 10 at Fisher House, South. and is in charge of Miss Ro~, .. '"'Stree.t. mary Sweeney. widely apart. This confronta­ an through our house?" we tion constitutes the scope of thiJI asked the cook. ST. GEORGE, ST. JOHN'S GUILD, .ehapte;r. "Well ma'am" we thought he WESTPORT POCASSET 'Open Falllllywas some friend of the children Members will hold their annu Dr. Albert G. Hamel will ad­ Senora Alvarez Icaza tells this who had dropped in for a visit. dress the Women's Guild on the al' Christmas bazaar from 9 ,to : revealing story: ' After all, there. are so' many dif­ WASHINGTON (NC)-Catho­ Saturday, Dec. 4 'in Pocasse subject of Southeastern Massa­ . Just a few months ago, a thief ' ferent people who come he.re lic familiesEar~ being sought d L t·as chusetts Technological Institute­ Community Clubhouse. Booth and the children ean them all hosts for uropean an a In entered our home. He managed uncle." American high school students Monday night, Nov. 22. Dr. will include plants, knitweaJ gifts, aprons, candy, food, Christ the outside door quite easily. coming to this country for one Hamel is a trustee of the insti­ since it had been left open by The Well-Treated Thief year of exposure to American tute. mas items and parcel post pack the children in the excitement 'Senora Alvarez Icaza then life. The parish unit of the CCD ages. A snack bar and children' of saying goodbye to my husband proceeded to draw the mor!l1 of The students will come. in will meet Sunday, Nov. 7 in the wishing well will also be fea, and myself as we left for a her story for participants in the August, 1966, under the auspices church hall. tured. Members are cooperating witl morning meeting of the Chris­ Catholic Inter-American' Coop­ of the International High School ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Pocasset Baptist Church Fellow tian Family Movement. eration Program conference held Student Program which is sup- CENTRAL VILLAGE ship on behalf of patients a After entering the house, in Chicago: ported J'ol'ntl'" b... the National " " The first in a series of whists which has the good fortune of How explain this attitude of Catholic Welfare Conference organized by the Ladies' Guild Barnstable County HospitaL being visited eonstantlyby our our ehildren, of the eook, of and the DepartmeJ)t of State. win be held at S Saturday night, HOLY NAME lay friends and priest friend. everyone else in the house? The In the past. 14 years, the pro- Nov. 13 in the parish hall. Tur­ FALL RIVER ,from all over the world, the· answer is very simple. For the ",.~. ....- has brought over 1,500 k eyaward s' w ill be f eat ured,ae­ Men volunteers are 'requestec thief suddenly ran into several last four years, we haw been teeJiagers to this country. Top- cording to announcement made for the parish bazaar to be hel« of our children who were playinvolved in the Christian Family flight students . with . a good by Mrs. Clarence Kirby and from noon to 8 Saturday, No~ Ing in the hallway. The children Movement throughout Mexico. knowledge of English,. partiel- 1Ilrs. Lynwood Potter, chairmen. 20. looked up at him and SIniled One feature of the "movement &I pants have been selected for brightly as ,though It were the the development of the so-ea1Ied. their potential for leadership In IMMACULATE 'CONCEPTION, ST. JOSEPH, m.ost natural thing in the world' "open 'family;" By this we mean their tiomelands.:· . NORTH EASTON

PALL RIVER to find him there. They began the opening ot our ho~ to· our Detailed information'ls aVait-A musicale by Pius X serni­

The parish school will beneft ta climb all over him and to . friends and to many more whom able from the International ffigh " narianS' of Holy CrosS' Seminary from a ehicken patty supper t4 'ply him engagingly with ques-"'we make our friends and·the School Student 'Program; Na- Will be featured· at a meetinU be served frQm 5:30 to· 7:30 Sat, 'tions. ' introduction' of our familY drc~ tiona! Catholic Welfare Confer--' of the Women's Guild 'at 8 urday ni'ght, Nov. 13. Ticket ~Who are you? Where did you' to ail awareness of all thenun-, ence' 1312 Massachusetts Ave-Thursday' nIght, Nov. '11 ~:the ar~ available from pupi1& It ii ,eome fx:om? Wh,y have.you come' blings of the comniuriitY outside nue,' ,N.W.. 'Washington; ·D.C. parish hall. Specl81 guests wiD: . announced that games and en, to our thouse?, How ,come you' our home that',' mak,e'up ~ the. . 20005. ·be members of women's groups . tertainfuerit will precede anc .entered without calling us?". Ev­ social order of our day..' ". Students will come from Aus- .'. of other' Easton ehurches' and follow the meal. . ldently" alter .,a:f!x:st., prief .mo­ We are no~ begIniililg,to reap· tria, France, ,Germany, Italy, Daughters of Isabella. {' The Worrien's Guild will spon ment Ofterr.or our thief, through' some of the good harVest C#:this. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil-"Chile; \" sor a'rummage sale from 6 to I the loving' warmth of our chil­ philosophy of the "open ·f8mfly." Costa Rica, 'Guatemala, Panama HOLY REDEEMER, this evening and uom 9 to 2 to CHATHAM dren, won back his confidence. We know that everywhere in·· and Peru., ....... T~e Holy 'Name Society wiD morrow in the parish hall. After· ·the -initial disconcerting Latin AmeriCa there is a'similar meet tonight and a Father and HOLY NAME, surprise he slipped into. the hap­ movement in this direction. Son Comuiunion breakfast is . NEW BEDFORD 2 , 000 C U b ans See. k py spirit of the.. ch,ildren and Itisjustalittleoverfiveyean 'A"d' f R t~ . slated'to follow S'o'clock Mass A Communion breakfast is an, glibly manufactured..a tal~ to fit since the Christian Family.. I . or e a Ives , Sunday morning. Nov. 14. The nounced by the Women's Guile the occasion. .".' Movement began to .march in . LOS ,ANGELES (NC)-More meal will be served .in the to follow 9 o'clock Mass Sundal "Your"papa is my godfather," Mexico. In this five years It has tha'n 2,000 Cubans here visited church hall and it is nQted that morning, Nov. 21. It will be hele he explained, "and I.} have come enlisted almost' 10,000 families. the Catholic Cuban Resettlement non-Catholic fathers, and sons In the parish hall and is il to get a typewriter that he told We are beginning everywhere in Office for aid in bringing rela­ whose fathers are deceased are charge of Mrs. William Reill;y me to fix.'! Latin America to experience a tives out of Cuba. also urged to attend. A Christmas bazaar, also spon­ ''You are out of your mind," change, to witness many tiny . Hope and anxiety'swept the Holy Name offiCers for the sored by the unit' will be hele exc1aimea the children. "All our evidences of a Christian renewal Cuban community' here after coming year are William COtter, from 1 to 7 Saturday, Nov. 1~ typewriters are in the office. of family life, a rebirth of vig­ Fidel Castro's announcement president; Harold Sullivan, vice­ and will be chairmanned by Mrs Didn't anyone tell you? But orous Christian living. Our that anyone wishing to. leave president; Joseph Orlando, ti'eas­ Albert Frates. come with us if you'd like; we' Christian Family Movement al­ Cuba was free to do so.. urer; E. Joseph Giser, secretary. More Parish Parade, Page 15 can show you other machinery ready reaches into the various Following announcement that that you can fix." levels of Latin American society. the U.S. Department of Health, Mr. Thief Leaders of the Christian Fam­ Education and Welfare would And thus they went from room ily Movement hold that the most provi~e formst~rough volunteer. 'to room, pushing Mr. Thief pro f·o u n d transformation is agenCIes on which Cubans could . ~.~......., '''''''~ through the whole house. They achieved when the family de-" list relatives they sought to DADSON OIl BURNERS ~~ CO~ showed him everything, all the termines to transform itself in bring out of Cuba, long lines of appliances, their tops, their beds, truly Christian fashion and Cubans passed through the Cath­ 2.....u; "'nor the paintings and religious stat­ through the family influences o~c Charities Center and Db­ ues that we love so much, just. the various' elements of society tained the forms. Famous Reading HARD COAl. :..~~ I ~ f~4 everything. They were en­ 'for an eventual transformation NEW ENGLAND COIC! ' , ' ~ ~ ~ Elect Priest. chanted with·their visitor. They of all social life. ' , ~..."" " ..."....,;: CEDAR RAPIDS (NC)""';'The ... We need' fO'oo. housing, eloth­ did not notice at an how anx­ lous, nervous and ,uneasy he was.. ing, education, economic aid, .pastor, of· St. Patrick's -Catholi,e , At one point in the house, the many' things, but we shall not Church, Father J. ;Robert Mc­ party . ran· into some servants profit.from any.of these thinga Donald' 'has beeil'elected first ' who were busy ~" -'ut their unless our family life ill strong. president· of, a new Iowa ,inter. .. , reL WY 6-1271 640 Pleasant StNet . household tasks. . 'stranger This is the basic tenet of our faith organization to be knoWll as the Comerence of the aerO• . - - l such a . ..-lend of Christian F,amil1' MovemeAL

Seek Families For Students


SHELL "Premium"Heating Oils on







Press Circulation Rises To Near 30 Million

.1 TTl:

Nuns in lay Garb Now Studyincw In Boston

NEW YORK (NC)-A 4 per cent rise in circulation has been registered in the past year by Catholic publica­

tions in the United States, Canada and the West Indies,

according to figures released by the Catholic Press Asso­ ciation here. Total cjrculation is now 29,482,2S'2, ac- member during each of the past cording to the 1965-~6 Cath- two years and a 4.8 per cent in­ olic Press Directory, which' crease in circulation since 1963. .

BOSTON (NC) - Three Catholic nuns wear lay garb five days a week while talt­ ing courses at'the Tufts UN­ 'Versity Medical Center.

Tw~Sister Jean Clare, the former Elain~ Eason of Buffalo, N. Y., and Sister Stephan Julie Marie, the former Katherine Lawlor of Beverly, Mass. - are preparing to be dentists. They are members of the Medical Mis­ sionaries of Mary and 'will prob­ ably serve in Africa.

The third - Sister Marie Ce­ leste, the former Mary Flanagan of St. Paul, Minn., and Belmont, Mass.-will become a medical doctor. She anticipates that she will specialize in health care for members of her community, the Sisters of St. Joseph.

School authorities suggested that Sisters wear lay dress be­ cause it would help them in dealing with clinic patients. But, one of the n'uns noted, their classmates still remember who they are. ''For exainple," she commented, "they don't ask us to school dances."

b t u . S. Papers

provides informatIOn a 0 u North American Catholic newspapers and magazines. The new directory reports that the total number of Catholic newspap'ers in North America has risen to 153, an increase of 9 in the last two years. Total newspaper cIrculation, which jumped 4.7 per cent in 1964, dropped slightly (one half of one per cent) this ye:u. Within this classification, Canadian newspapers, which had lost circulation in 1963-64, showed a 5 per cent gain, 'according to this year's totals. U. S. diocesan papers gained one

U. S. national Catholic papers,

as a group, dropped in total cir­ culation. Catholic magazines in North America now number 409, five more than two years ago and one more than last year. Circu­ lation of magazines, which dropped the' past two years, showed a 6 per cent increase

this year. U. S. magazines accepting, ad­ vertising continued to gain in number (up eight since 1963) and circulation (40 per cent rise in the last two years); Canadian magazines not accepting adver­ tising showed circulation gains.




Thurs.; Nov. 4, 1965

:' Three events are planned by Polish Food Sale will be held the Catholic Woman's Club, in­ Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

cluding a harvest whist, a Com­ from 9:00 to 6:00. The sale will

munion breakfast and a potluck be-held in St. Stanislaus School' supper. The whist, slated for 8 and will be for the St. Stanislaus Saturday night, Nov. 6, will be , ROCKFORD (NC)-The Ro~k­ School Building Fund. Mrs. PATRON SAINTS: A. different kind of Halloween' ford diocese here in Illinois has held in the church hall and will Sophie Pinkowski is Chairman have as chairmen Miss Rita fo'; the food sale. ' party was held at Sacred Hearts Academy Kindergarten disclosed plans for a modern Martin and Mrs. Joseph Pineau. in Fall River, where tots dressed as their patron saints. cathedral featuring a "eucharisBreakfast at Eileen Darling's OUR LADY OF ANGELS, tic r~m" containing, the maill From left, Valerie Pereira, St. Therese; Peter Boardman, altar and seating for 1,200 perrestaurant will follow corporate ,FALL RIVER St. Peter; Timothy McGuire, St. Timothy; and Melissa \ s..ons, all of whom will be within Communion at 8 o'clock Mass Cars will leave the Church Sunday morning, Nov. 7. Reser­ Roderick, the Sacred Heart. 90 feet of the altar. parking lot at 6 o'clock on Sat­ vations should be made by to­ The Blessed Sacrament wiD urday evening for the annual morrow with Mrs. Harold Hod­ be reserved in a separate chapeL mystery ride of the parish. The tabernacle will be on a kinson. The Knights of the Altar win A potluck supper at 6:30 will sponsor a cake sale Sunday free standing pillar under a precede the unit's monthly meet­ 'morning following the Masses. tower with a large window ing Wednesday night,n Nov. ~7, overhead. It will be visible Holy Name members will re­ The Sisters of the Holy Union Jack Paar Show as "The Boy from inside and outside the also in the church hall. Mrs. ceive Holy Communion in a will sponsor an entertainment From New Hampshire." cathedral. ' Leon Wojtowicz is chaii-man. body at the 8 o'clock Mass Sun­ in the Sacred Hearts Academy The Brannigan Twins of New­ he cathedral wiil be built on day morning and attend a Com-' ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, Gymnatorium, Fall River, on port who were under contract a raised platform, include en­ munion breakfast immediately FALL RIVER Sunday, Nov. 14 at 8 P.M. to for the Warwick Music Theatre closed walkways so visitors will after Mass in the Parish hall. Women's Guild members win benefit their Building Fund. in "The King and I" will demonnot disturb worshippers and will attend the annual Mass for de­ The program entitled, "Sil- strate their talent in costume rise in a slope from front to ceased members at 8 Saturday houettes in Sound," will feature dancing. Fifteen-year-old Betty back to a height of nearly 14 morning, Nov. 6. The annual Dorothy Rankin, television and. Ann Picard, protogee of Nancy stori~. The .roof 'will be fluted. corporate Communion will be motion picture star who will Hallis, will offer a varied pro­ held at 9 o'~lock Mass Sunday bring her puppet characters to. gra~ of songs from popular DUBUQUE (NC)-The tradi­ morni,ng, Nov. 7, followed by life amidst a galaxy of color and musical shows. ' tionally Protestant eelebratiOll breakfast at White's restaurant ' ,MiSs Pica'rd, 'a mezzo-sOpr~no, of ,Reformation Sunqay was musical accompaniment. with Mrs. Edward Levesque in , made her professional debut two' marked here in .Iowa by a Cath­ e~arge. of arrangemenil. ~e Franco Family Singers, of years ago at the Altru~~ inter-' olic-Protestant' ecumenical, __ Fall foR YOUNG WOMEN River who have, appeared' " , llembly at the, Dubuque seni'or .. en many programs in the New, nation~l in Bo'Ston. Sl:le apPE;at:e~f

ST. KILIAN. 196 Whipple St., Fall River' High School. ' England area· as well on tele- recently in "Carousel" spOnsored' ,

NEW BEDFORD Conduded by Francisca" ;,ision will 'render a selection by the Little" Theatre' Group of'

A whist party ill !let for 7:3«1 The assembly was scheduled Fall ;River. ' ' . Misiionciries ef Mary Wednesday night, Nov. 10 in the for Oct. 31 to ooincide with the fill choral music. Charlie Dorman, , ',"ficketS for the prOgram," a.Fe ROOM5- MEALS llchool on Earle Street. Mrs. Wil­ day on wh,ichProtestanis eOm­ master of ceremonies has per'

OYERNIGHT HOSPITALITY liam J. Richard, Women's Guild memorate 'the 'work of Martia formed in night clubs .and re-'. OIl salt! at all' Holy Union Inqui.. OS 3-2892 80rts in the U.S. and Canada. 'vents.' ", , .

Luther. ' ' president, and Mrs. Charles Gon­ zales are in charge of the event. He was featured recently on the· The prog~am featu~ed ad­ A Christmas bazaar is slated ' dresses by Catholics and Protes:­ for 6 to 9 Friday night, Nov. 26 tants, S'cripture reading and se­ and 10 to 6 Saturday, Nov. 27, lections by a chorus of 23t5 also in the school. Handknit items, Della Robbia wreaths and clergy, Sisters and lay persontl cakes and cookies will be among from several faiths. MILWAUKEE (NC)-A Mar­ featured attractions. quette University student who has had two friends killed in ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN WASHINGTON (NC) -u.S. action collected nearly 2,000 sig­ natures on a telegram supporting Association of the Sacred Ambassador to the United Na­ Hearts members are reminded to tions Arthur J. Goldberg will America's stand in Vietnam. John S. C. Leavitt, 21, said he check hours of adoration for speak at the annual peace award planned to send the telegram to the First Friday to assure a full luncheon of the Catholic Asso­ quota at all hours. Members will eiation for International Peace Gen. William C. Westmoreland, UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN receive corporate Communion Thursday, Dec. ~ U. S. commander in Saigon. at 8:15 Mass Sunday morning, Nov. 7 and will hold their reg­ ular meeting at 7:30 Sunday FIVE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU night, Nov. 14 in the church haD. Principal speaker will be 'Father Regis, SS.CC., former pastor, who will show slides of a trip 110 INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC Spain. All women parishionen are invited to attend. The association'. anD u.l Christmas party iB planned, f . OF TAUNTON Sunday, Dec. 5 at Gaud,ette'. Pavilion, Acushnei. :Mrs. Emelia Molton, W. Matn St.-laynhaM, Rte. "'4-Taunton, Main St.

Dulude and Mrs. Eva Bisaillon, ~rt" ~, Spring St...:..North Easton, Main St.

ehairmen~ request' that reserVa­ New BedforCJ WY 7-9162 312 HUlman Street tions ,be made, witA . . . . federal 'DeposIt Insurance CorpOration

Rockford See Plans Modern Cathedral'

Sisters of Holy Union to SPOnSOr Variety Entertainment Nov. 14


Joint Reformation Dav Observance

St. Francis Residence'



Students' .Su pport Stand in Vietnam

Peace Session


98c lb.


Maclean's Sea Foods







,. Me"''-




THE ANCHOP-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4,1965 c

Advises Mother - in - Law Adopt. Hands-off Policy By John J. Kane, Ph.D. "Six years ago' despite my protests my daughter mar­ ried a man who is asthmatic,. anti-religious and miserly. When the first child was born he complained bitterly about medical and hospital costs. With the second he flew into a violent tantrum over the same thing. He. collects un­ to desist. But since he is likely ,_ be employment insurance frau­ hypersensitive this will prove dently and puts the money so no easy task. Nevertheless, with


he actually receives from his employer in a box. We have he I p e d sup­ port his wife and children but have never been paid back," There is one serious pro b ­ lem I find in you r let t e r, .lane, You admit you were op­ posed to the marriage of your daughter to this man. Un­ der these circumstances you have developed a certain frame Gf mind, i.e., a negative attitude toward him. For this reason you are quite likely to view unfavorably al­ most anything. he does. I do not mean to imply that what you have written is distorted or in­ accurate. I am going to go on the basis of your letter and presume it is quite factual. I hope I am correct. . Insecure People Let me try to analyze the three major objections that you have raised against your daugh­ ter's husband with particular re­ ference to his behavior at the time she gave birth to a child. Asthma may be a psychoso­ matic illness. By that, I simply mean, it is psychological in ori­ gin although it does have phy-_ sical manifestations. In child­ hood it is common among males but in adult life the ratio be­ tween the sexes is about equal. Psychologists believe that such individuals are apt to have personalities which are hyper­ sensitive, that they are insecure people fearful of losing the love and protection of parents or others. They also suffer anxie­ ties brought about by the con­ flicts associated with breaking away from persons upon whom they feel dependent or by the problems they meet in obtaining needed love and support. Sick Man In other words your son-in­ law is a sick man. If he can be persuaded to do so, he might ask his physician whether or not he believes his illness is of psy­ chological origin, and if so, what recommendations he would make for the treatment. Nowhere in your letter, which Is much longer than what I could reproduce, do you give any real indication of your claim that he is anti-religious. If you are basing' this upon his fraudulent collection of un­ employment insurance, it would be more correct to say that he is acting in a dishonest manner. Unfortunately, in this particu­ lar area of life, many people who are otherwise quite honest, do not seem to feel it is wrong to cheat the government. The number of income tax evasions .that occur annually in the United States is ample proof ei. this. Violent Temper This conduct cannot be con­ doned and he leaves :tIimself OPen to prosecution. If thiS oc­ eurs, the situation will prove even worse than it is at the moment, so again, someone should bring it to his attention 8114 attempt to 'persuade him

the aid of one of the parish priests, a close friend or some­ one who can get through to him, the matter oug~ to be dis­ cussed. His violent temper is just an­ other indication of his grave psychological insecurity. People who are ill rarely behave in an entirely normal way. This ap­ plies to all of us when we are sick. Since this man to me appears to be quite ill, I think the matter of his temper tan­ trums is something associated with. his other. problems. Medical Care Cost He is apparently a miser given to the hoarding of money. You see, for him money is a matter of providing a sense of security and support that apparently he is not receiving or if he is re­ ceiving it, does not understand it. . There are few people who' do not complain about the cost of medical and hospital care. The reason is that no one wishes to be ill and usually he resents at least to some "degree, the cost of paying for rec07ery. But his .highly explosive behavior on the occasion of the birth of his second child outruns the usual reaction to the payment of medical·and hospital bills. As a mother-in-law you- are in a difficult position to take any positive action.' Since in the past you opposed the marriage and apparently are still highly critical of him, I suspect he is equally critical of you. The best you can do is to attempt to work through a qual­ ified third party with the sup­ port of your daughter. She must realize how serious' his psycho­ logical problems are. She must also be made to realize tat there is hope of effecting a change. But in this case it is only going to occur throu,gh professional help. Consult Priest On the positive side I would make the following suggestions. Let your daughter talk to one of the parish priests, or to Catholic Social Service or to the family physician. As his wife she has both the obligation and the op­ portunity of doing this. I feel , certain that if he is referred to qualified practitioners, help will be forthcoming. So far as you are concerned, however, you had better prac­ tice a hands off policy. Any direct intervention on your part, will arouse antagonisms from him and c,?uld possibly prevent his ever seeking the kind of pro­ fessional assistance that he now so desperately needs. You can hope, pray, and try to persuade your daughter to persuade nim to take these steps. Beyond that your r~le as a mother-in-law who has not got­ ten along with her son-in-law, makes any more open approach not only impossible but thor­ oughly impractical.

Heads Institute WASHINGTON (NC) - Sam­ uel Dash, former district at­ torney of Philadelphia, has been named director of Georgetown University's new Institute of Criminal L!\w and Procedl.U'e.

: Boneless =


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1 QT

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•• ••

THE ANCHORThurs.: Nov. 4, 1965

Bis.hop Regan of Fairha'yen

~ttending Vatican- Council

Episcopo'lion' Hits Churches' Role In U'. S. Cities

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Bishop Joseph W. Regan of rairhaven is one of 13 Maryknoll bishops attending the lourth and final session of the Second Vatican Council )f particular interest to the Marykno])ers and Bishop legan, who is stationed in began for him in 1929 in China, :he Philippines, has been the following his ordination. He remained there until 1951 'Schema on the Church's ~i8sionary Activity" which· when the Communists forced all under study by the Council. This mission schema, in addi­ Ion to providing a basic theol­ Igy of missions, explores the dif­ erent stages of tpissionary ac­ lvity; calls for a new interna­ lonal body to coordinate mis­ ion work and urges an intensive larticipation in mission work. Began in China Bishop Regan is a veteran of 6 years of mission wllrk which B

NEW YORK (NC) - The 'National Federation of SG­ dalists heard a prominent Episcopal lay theologian ac- ~

missioners out of the country. He then went to the Philippines where, in 1962, he was conse­ crated Bishop of the'Tagum Prel­ ature on the island of Mindanao. Bishop Regan is the son of Mrs. Mary Regan of '120 Chestnut Street, Fairhaven. He graduated from Fairhaven High School and Boston College, and ~ttended St., Bernard's Seminary in Rochester, N. Y., before entering Maryknoll in 1927.

Make Pilgrimage to Assisi 'Continued from Page Ten ~eat goal. But you are· only at he beginning of your pains." Will the world ever change he mentality which breeds war? t is bard to tell. But it is nec­ ssary to begin now the history. f peace, a history 'which will e ttuly and fully human, "the t'dl' promised by God to men of iOOd will." N eeessity of Faith According to Paul VI the edi­ Ice of modem civilization must Ie built on spiritual principles I'hich alone can support it, en­ ighten it, and give it life. "And ttese indispensable principles of uperior wisdom cannot rest­ his is our conviction, you [now - except upon faith in


cuse churches of indiHerence to the plight of the nation's cities. William Stringfellow, lawyer and author of several books on current- religious problems, com­ mented:, "In viewing the current state of the Church's mission to the city, little can be. said which does, not make our churches look ridiculous. "We find virtua1ly a full-time preoccupation with ecclesiastical housekeeping and massive in­ difference to the anzieties of city life. The mission to the city is nominal, a mere gesture com­ pared to the immense resources churches have at their disposal, and compared to the mission with which the church is charged. "The city of modem society," he charged, "is much more a reversion to feudalism than an emancipation." "What has happened to the city?" he asked. "Poverty, unemployment and slums are still very much pres­ ent. Credit is easy to obtain at high premiums for goods of inferior quality. New housing is beyond the reach of the poor •.. :More and more space is be­ ing alloted for luxury housing. The chasm between rich and ,poor grows wider and wider. For all this, there is currently what is euphemistically called' a 'war on poverty:' Where or when will it begin?" he said. Stringfellow held· that "the witness of the church is peri­ pheral, pietistic, corny and pro­ fane." "There must be restored te the Church," he said, "as a so­ ciety in the world, a visible unity through which all men may behold the true city-:'-the society in w~ich all men are citizens. Then the churches too can again discern and rely on God's presence in the world and even in the city. Then we will hear again that it is God who builds the city of salvation...·

reaching us. across the centuries from the groves of "Portiun­ cula", because "Love is not loved", so strong was the im­ pression made upon him by AT COUNCIL: Maryknoll Bishop Joseph W. Regan, prayerful meditation upon the right, of Fairhaven, who is stationed in the Philippines, Passion and Cross of the Savior. ' chats with Maryknoll Superior General Bishop John W. The memories of Assisi are Comber of Lawrence, ~iass., in front of St. Peter's Basilica. graces from the Lord. They are a call to simplicity, to humility, to poverty, to love, and to peace, especially to the work of peace. They are also a foretaste of heaven. .' It was John XXIII who said in Assisi, on October 4th, 1962, "Here with St. Francis, here we are really at the gates Qf HARRISBURG (N C) A groups to hamper ecumenism heaven." Methodist minister told 100 would be successful. "You can't . The message of the Council of Catholic men here in Pennsyl­ hamper the will of the Holy Renewal is essentially the mes­ vania that "in any dialogue be­ Spirit forever," he said. ;00." sage of St. Francis, it is the mes­ Alluding to the Holy Name This may be the unknown God sage of the Lord, "Take up my tween Catholics and Potestants, lreached by St. Paul to the yoke and learn from me, because frankness is going to have to be pledge, the minister said after reading it aloud: "There isn't a ltheneans who were seeking I am meek and humble of heart; the keystone." The Rev. Dr. R. P. Marshall, thing in that pledge that most lim and yet had him so close to and you shall find peace for your hemselves, just like so many souls. For my yoke is sweet and pastor of Summerdale Methodist people who call themselves Church, spoke to the Holy Name Christianl? couldn't agree with." nen of our time. "For us, in any my burden is light." 8se, and for all those who ac­ All the rest, it seems to me, is Society of the Holy Name of ept the ineffable revelation to help prepare men of our time Jesus church. ' He said the governing rules I'hich Christ has made of Him, to hear and to accept this for dialogue should run about

o us, it is the living God, the message. like this: "Both sides should be ~ather of all men." willing, and in fact, eager to TORONTO (NC)-The Basil­ In Assisi we breathe the air ask the other partners any ques­ ian Fathers have divided their If peace. We see on so many tion. Each participant should be community into five geograph­ loors the greeting Pax et Bonum, willing to accept the other part­ ical regions, including two in eace and wellbeing, or goodwill. ner's answer to a question, and the United States. The experi­ rhere are flowers everywhere, ment will continue until the langing from walls and win­ The Diocesan Catholic Young all should agree not to argue." Dr. Marshall said he did not Basilians' 1967 "general meeting. lows, smiling brightly at you Adult Organization will hold a Fat her William Gibbons, rom garden enclosures, all look­ special meeting for all active believe the efforts of splinter C.S.B., principal of Catholic Cen­ ng up to "Master Brother Sun, members of New Bedford, Fall tral High School, Detroit, is the I'ho illuminates the day for us, River and Attleboro deaneries regional representative for the Me~ting Ind Thee Most' High he mani­ at 2 Sunday afternoon, Nov. 7 eastern United States and Father ests," to quote St. Francis' at C.Y.O. center, Franklin Street, CHICAGO (NC) - The Acad­ James Francis Wilson, C.S.B., emy of Religion and Mental :anticle of the Creatures. Fall River. Adoption of a Dioc-" WINOOSKI PARK (NC) Houston, Tex., is western U. S. Health will hold its seventh an­ Preaehinl: to the Birds esan constitution will be dis­ "Religion in the Com!l!unist Bloc representative. The birds sing as they fly from cussed. nual meeting here next April Countries" will be the theme of There are about 175 members lranch to branch and bring to The Diocesan Council was es­ 25-27. The Academy has its a conference at St. 'Michael's of the Toronto-based order in nind the sermon which Francis ,'. tablished in June and since then headqul.lrtersin· New York. College here in Vermont next the United States. The other lreached to them when men re- has increased its membership regions are France and eastern used to listen to his Gospel by 75 per cent. Its constitution Monday and Tuesday. Speakers will include Robert and western Canada. nessage of love, poverty, simwas prepared by a board consist­ B. Daniels, chairman of the his­

,licity, and suffering for Jesus' ing of Albert Pinsonnault, presi­ tory department at..,the Univer­

IlIke and to atone for the sins of, dent, and Claire Roy, vice-presi­ nen. dent, both of the Attleboro area; sity of Vermont; Harold J. Ber­

We still see thornless rose- Louise Levesque, secretary, Fall man, professor in the Harvard

University law school; Ferenc lUshes, descendents, we are told, River area; Dennis Medeiros, Just Across The Nagy, former Prime Minister of

If those thorny ones on which treasurer, New Bedford area; Coggeshall St. Bridge

Hungary; Zygmunt Broniarek,

It. Francis threw himself to Alan Dube, program coordinator, Fairhaven, Mass. Washington correspondent for

Ivercome a vehement temptation Fall River area. o abandon his life of penance Leading discussion on the con- -Tribuna Ludu, official organ of Finest Variety of Ind love and return to the stitution will be Rev. WaIter. the Polish United Workers (Communist) party; and the Rev. SEAFObD I'orld. We still seem to hear his Sullivan, Diocesan Director, and Kennefu Scott Latourette, emer­ Served Anywhere - Also amentation and loud weeping, also attending will be Rev. itus Sterling professor of mis­ Paul F. McCarrick, newly' ap­ STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN pointed moderator of the Fall sions and oriental' history at

Yale University.

River area C.Y.A.O.; Rev. Ed­ The conference speakers will ward Duffy of the New Bedford Continued from Page One also engage in a panel discussion area; and Rev. Roger LeDuc of and a question period. "The Apostolic Blessing which . IFor the unusual in food and dessert visit our . the Attleboro area. Ie paternally bestows from His Plans will also be made "-or Glulf Parlor on Gulf Road, South Dartmouth. leart upon Your Excellency, and election of new officers. Ipon the priests, religious and ,eople of 'your Diocese, is in­ Open seven days a week. ended as a pledge of that DISPENSING OPTICIAN leavenly recompense~ and as a BELMONT (NC)-The John Prescriptions

for Eyeglasses

urther manifestation of His sin- Birch Society denies that it is Filled

re benevolence and gratitude. "an organized threat" to reli­ Office Hours "With sentiments of high con­ gions" as charged by a Belmont 9:00·5:00 except Wed. deration and cordial esteem, I Unitarian minister. The society Fri. Eve. main said it has a $100 reward for 7:00·8:30 Room 1 Devotedly yours in Christ, anyone who' can prove other­ 7 lie. Main St.. Fall 11_ 67100412 A. G. Card. Cicognani wise.

Key to Dialogue

Methodist Minister Stresses Frankness

In Interfaith Relations

Basilians Establish

Two U.S. Provinces

CYAO Deaneries To Meet Sunday

Religion in Red Bloc Conference Theme


famous for



Pope Grateful


Deny Threat

Antone S. F eno, Jr.


'GULF HILL DAIRYSouth Dartmouth



Thurs., Nov. 4, 1965

Program Leader Den ies Problem With· Church . WEST PATERSON (NC) -Sargent Shriver, head of the federal anti-poverty pro-. gram, said· here that no ser­



ious church-state problems have materialized as a result of the war on poverty. Shriver, director of ·the Peace Corps as well as the Office of Economic Opportunity·, spoke at a $100-a-plate dinner sponsored by the Bishop's Committee of the Laity. The committee was formed by· Bishop James J. Navaglr of Paterson shortly be­ fore his death earlier this month in Rome. ·The dinner raised more than $105,000 for educational pro­ grams. ·Shriver, discussing the war on poverty, noted that when it was first under debate fear was ex­ pressed that it would put the . federal government in the po­ sition of assisting~organizedreli:" gion and that this wOl,lld lead tc» sectarian bickering..

Cardinal Wyszynski To Visit Detroit DETROIT (NC)-Detroit will be host to Stefan Cardinal Wys­ zynski, Primate of Poland, in September, 1966. As part·of the Polish commu­ nity's celebration of the 1000th year of Christianity, the cardi­ nal will celebrate a Pontifical Mass in Detroit's C;:obo Hall" and will preach. Some 6,000 are ex­ pected to honor the prelate at a banquet later. The cardinal is expected in Detroit Sept. 2 and will stay at SS. Cyril and Methodius Semi­ nary in nearby Orchard Lake, Mich.

School Service WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP (NC)-A bill to provide ex­ panded school bus service to parochial school students in New Jersey will be' Introduced in the State Assembly this month.

Unfinished Business· Remains On Church-State ~elations

Texas Laymen Seek $100,000 for Center

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Much Kauper was· critical l)f the "unfinished business" remains speed with. which Congress in the matter of interpreting the earlier this year enacted legis­ Constitution's pro vis ion s on lation giving federal aid to ele­ church-state relations, a Univer­ mentaryand secondary schools; sity of Michigan law professor including limited benefits for pupils in church-related schools. said here. a . "Legislators were still asking Using public funds to aid pa­ rochial schools is one of the is­ questions· as to constitutionality sues that has yet to be settled, when they fOtq1d the bill had said Paul G. KaiIper. He spoke been passed/' he said. "Only at the Pennsylvania Conference about two days of discussion on Church and State sponsored were given to one of our most by the Univerisity of Pennsyl­ important current questions." vania law school. . While the state may not di­ Named. Monsignor rectly aid religious objectives, Kauper said, the constitutional­ PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Fa­ ity of aid for church programs ther Thomas J. Leonard, assist­ that· serve a secular purpose ant director of the Youth De­ remains an open question. partment of the National Cath­ How the Supreme Court set­ olic Wei far e Conference in tles it will depend on whether Washington, has been made a it chooses to follow a doctrine of papal chamberIain with the neutrality toward religion or one title of very Reverend Monsig­ of strict church-state separation, cnor, Archbishop John J. Krol he said. of Philadelphia announced.

BROWNSVILLE (NC)-Cath~ olic laymen in the lower Rio Grande valley have. launched. _ drive for $100,000 to· build _ Newman Apostolate Center on the campus of TexaS Southwest College. .

The proposed air-conditioned one-story building will have a ~eneral assembly hall seating 300 persons, classrooms for· col­ lege accredited Bible courses, a chaplain's office, offices and meeting rooms for the Newman Apostolate and· recreational areas.

Heads Council MIDDLEBURY (NC)-Father Gerald Dupont, S.S.E., president of St. MichaeCs College . in Winooski. .Park, was elected president of the Vermont Higher Educational Councils' at the council's annual meeting at Middlebury College.

- Protestant Leader But this is not the case, he said. He noted- that only recently his office okayed a $7.5 million project·of the diocese of Natchez­ Jackson, Miss., on the strong recommendation . of Protestant leaders there. . He also. pointed out that he· now has a nun on his staff, Sister Francetta, former president of Webster College in Missouri. He said she "was recommended to our office by Sen. Stuart Sym­ ington of Missouri (and she) is one of the most popular and successful people we have on our staff." Shriver said that at one time it was predicted that the war on poverty "would be just a po­ litical gimmick." The right of veto for the governor of each state was written in on such "grounds. But, he noted, "we have had only four programs out of '1,000 vetoed."

Los Angeles Youth Start Religious Life LOS ANGELES (NC)-A total of 566 students from schools of the Los Angeles archdiocese made a first step this Summer toward the religious or priestly life, according to Father Law­ rence J. Gibson director of vocations. A survey completed by his office showed that 117. boys from high schools entered semi­ naries or novitiates, and 196 girls entered convents since last June. During· this same period, 230 boys who were graduated from the eighth grade entered semi­ naries and 23 eighth grade girls entered aspirantures.


Electronics VATICAN CITY (NC)-Elec­ tronic computers perform a yeo­ man job for the council. Nearly 400 ballots have been taken by the Fathers up to now. Some­ times as many as 10 votes by some 2,200 bishops· must be counted in.a single meeting. The Fathers sign their ballots with a magnetic pencil, crossing out either the "placet" (yes), the "non placet" (no) or the "placet juxta modum" (yes with reser­ vations). The priest ushers pick up the ballot cards and deliver them to the computer room for processing. In no time the results are known. It could not be done without these amazing machines.

c LB

FRESH - Tender, Young Pork for Roasting




_-' NEW


Prices -.ffective in Fall Rive, and Somerset

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Th\lrs., Nov. 4, 1965



Two Cape Codders Excel With Boston· College Eagles

. By PhD Perreira Two Boston College grid­

ders, who hail from the sea­ breezey side of the diocese, are the subjects of this week's column. They are Dan Hostetter, defensive senior cor­ ner . back from Osterville, and Rick Collins, junior guard from Marion. Hostetter, loo-pounds and five-foot ten-Inches, is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. Raymond E. Hostetter Sr., of Main Street, Osterville, proprietors of a pop­ ular Cape Cod restaurant, and Is the brother of Ray Hostetter, now head football coach at Barnstable High School. He is soon expected to again take his place alongside Ron Gentile of Mansfield, as they man the comer backer posts for the Eagles. He has been on the injured list for the past several weeks after sustaining a hair­ line fracture to a shoulder blade in the game against Penn State, 1n which he_ intercepted two passes and was in on tackle after tackle. Several Offers . Dan, whose' brother Ray was his backfield coach during his playing' days at Barnstable High, was the leading scorer in the Tri-County Conference in his senior year with 112 points amassed from his left half back position. This was not only good enough for All County Honors, but also merited Dan a place on the All State Class D team and a mention for High School All American. No one can be that good with­ out stirring up a hornet's nest of activity in college recruiting offices and this 21-year-older was no exception. The Universities of Michigan, Syracuse, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine, a senti­ mental favorite since it is his brother's Alma Mater, were all bidding for his services until Dan decided to accept the four­ year-ride offer~d by the Jesuits. Now in the Businesl Admin-






!stration program with a major Rick Collins, son of Mr. an4 now ttl no longer kicking but Mrs. Edward W. Collins of 64 playing guard instead and his in marketing, Dan has been re­ ceiving valuable business expe­ Home Street, Marion, used to be former coach is now on the rience while working for the known as The Kid with the Ed- coaching staff of B.C.'II arch last seven Summers in his - ucated Toe during his playing rival, Holy Cross. Summer CrewmaJ) father's restaurant. Football will days -;u; a kicking-end under not be relegated to the past when Coach Carlin Lynch at Bishop The-195-pounder, whose father Dan's career comes to a close in Stang High School. is a New Bedford insurance a few weeks. He is taking edu.Junior' Guard man, keeps his six-foot frame in cation cop--~d plans Now, there have been major shape for the football season by gridiron changes in the lives of working Summers as a crewman to becom 'h oil. both. Rick, now a junior at B.c., aboard a sailboat out of Marion the Cape.

Harbor. This healthy life must work for Rick because it helped get him his current four-year scholarship and also All Coun­ ty, and All Scholastic r-:10rs from a Boston newspaper durins his last year at Stang. Now enrolled in the College of Business Administration at B.C., he had offers from a half dozen colleges to pursue hM studies at their expense.

Old Roch-ester Gridders Head for Tri-County Circuit Crown By Fred Bartek Old Rochester High seems well on its way to the Tri­ County Conference cham­ pionship as two Attleboro clubs battle it out for the Bristol County League crown. Coach F ran k Almeid a's Bulldogs chalked up their six t h straight conference vic­ tory with a 14-0 win over Ware­ ham last week while Coach :J i m Cassidy's Bombardiers ac­ counted for their f 0 u r t h county loop tri­ umph. Bishop Feehan High reg­ istered its fourth season victory as it eked out a 16-14 win over Mansfield. Undefeated and untied Old Rochester is all alone in the Tri-County Conference top spot with a 6-0 record. Attleboro and Feehan technically are in a first place tie only because the Bris­ tol County League bases its championship upon • won-and-_ lost percentage. Tie games do not count in arriving at the percentage figure. Bulldogs Keep Rollin' Attleboro i. undefeated ill four league starts while Feehaa has managed three victories ill lour league contestll. Old BochesW wW.' • IeeldDtl

its seventh straight victory come the tougher weekend opponent to Canton, 26-20 last Saturday that Val Mascarto's boys, who next Saturday when it meets of the two northern city first while Coach Charley Connell's were Class D champions last Barnstable at the latter's field. place clubs. Taunton High gar­ North Dartmouth team tasted year, are now out of the Hocko­

Indications are that the Bulldogs nered its first league victory-last its third defeat of the season. mock crown race.

will keep rolling along against weekend when it tripped the North Attleboro, which has

New Bedford High Saturday its opponent with a 2-4 record. Whaling City Artisans, 13-'1. crept into third place in the \ will travel to Somerville to en­

Coach George Hemond's boys county standing by virtue of its

Two so-so Bristol County gage its State Class B rival. The teams will have opportunities to ,",ould like nothing better than to 35-13 win over Durfee of Fall Crimson forces chalked up their

really upset the league standing River, will play host this week­ knock-off the leaders this week­ fourth victory last, Saturday by

end. The sixth place Taunton -when it confronts- the Attleboro end to King Philip High of downing Brockton, 32-7. The grid outfit this Saturday. Wrentham. Coach Art Post's Crimson overall is 4-1-1. Len High club travels to Attleboro North team is still in the run­ while fifth-positioned New Bed­ Vocational, meanwhile, had ning for the league title because . Ramos spearheaded the attack ford Vocational will host Bishop put two victories back to' back against the Shoe City outfit with it was able to fashion a· well­ Feehan. two touchdowns. until it was nosed out -by Taun­ organized offense against the Apponequet of Lakeville win Two Hardt Runs ton last weekend. Coach Harry Fall- River Hilltoppers last Sat.. Attleboro cemented its first Kummer's lads will be seeking urday. It was this phase of its host Nantucket in another inde­ place hold by defeating Bishop to get back into the win column play which has hampered its pendent game this coming weekend. Fairhaven, which took Stang High, 14-0, last Saturday. this Saturday when they encoun­ work thus far. the number of Plymouth-Carver The fumbled-punt-play proved ter the northern diocesan high last Saturday, has an open date Durfee (3-3) will be idle Sat­ best for the Cassidymen. Dave school eleven. The Artisans al­ Hardt scampered 55-yards for ready have compiled as good a urday . The Hilltoppers do not _this weekend. Second place J;.awrence High the first Attleboro touchdown record as any over the last care at this point whether they after a poor pass from center several years and would like ever see another 'Boro club. of Falmouth, fresh from its 43-8 bounced on the ground in front nothing better ~han to improve Their three losses have been to trouncing of Case of Swansea, will be seeking its sixth victory of him before he retrieved the it at the expense of a first place Greater Attleboro teams. Dur­ fee's sole remaining league -tilt on Saturday when it vies with pigskin and took off for the club. is with Coyle and then it will Dennis-Yarmouth in a non­ Stang goalline. Later Hardt Winless Coyle High of Taun­ take on Class B New Bedford league tussle. reeled off an even longer jaunt ~~~:~ Dighton - Re­ on another poor pass when he ton faces Stang at Hopewell High in the annual Thanksgiving jf Park in Taun­ Day classic. both will travel was getting ready to punt. ton on Satur­ Mansfield, stinging from its to Wareham Feehan meanwhile was better­ day afternoon. Feehan loss, returns to Hocko.. while Somerset ing its season's record by edging Coach Jim Lan­ mock League competition Satur­ will be at Dart­ neighboring Mansfield in a non­ agan's aggrega­ day when its tackles Stoughton mouth and league encounter. Louie Gazzola _~ tion hopes to di­ on its home field. The second \ Bourne play. realized the .unusual distinction ~l vide the county place Hornets are chasing leaguei'~ Case in -Swan­ of participating in a victory ! league cellar by leading Franklin in the Hocko­ sea. ,Dighton­ march when the defensive line winning 0 ve r mock loop. Rehoboth w 01l backer twice intercepted )(ans­ Crimson at Somerville seventh pia c e , over D a,rt­ field passes in the waning mo­ Stang which Oliver Ames of North Easton, mouth, 14-0 ments to help the Coach Chet l has achieved . the other. team within the dioc., \. . last weekend 811 Hanewich combine in its victory I,~ only one league esan boundary, went down to r Somerset w o. IIUlrch. CASSIDY victory t hi. defeat at the hands of the league RANEWlCH 12-0 overPorta­

It appean tbat Attleboro faea lttlebo,. J:QQutb.

7ear. Coyle 10-* leaden, 40-12. It would I'ppear. hellal

I f

',,­ '20



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rlver-Thurs.. Nov. 4.1965

'-. Rodman Job Corps Holds New Hopes for School Drop-outs--

Recalling the shepherd of the Gospels, who left 99 sheep to seek one who was lost, Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, D i 0 c e san Superintendent 'of Schools, has urged public accept­ arlce of the young men enrolled at Rodman Job Corps Training Center in New Bedford. Com­ menting on complaifits by some New Bedford residents that Job Corp enrolees represent a pote11­ tial source of trouble, and that center discipline is not suffi­ ciently strict, Father .O'Neill 'said in a letter to the New Bedford S tandard-Times: "Despite sincere efforts to solve the dropout problem, educators admit that they cannot be reached by the ordinary school program. Indeed, New Bedford is not without its share of such youngsters. The Job Corps rep­ resents a new hope for them, ~nd could well be. a real break":

through in a long bewildering problem. "Our neighboring communities on Cape Cod have welcomed the Job Corps at Camp Wellfleet, and its value is already apparent to those who. study it. We can only hope that a progressive city like New Bedford would show the same foresight. No doubt there will always be a small number who cause serious disciplinary problems, as in fact, there is in most schools or institutions of any kind. How­ ever, even for them, as well as the other 90 percent, we join 'in your well-stated plea for charity and tolerance... when so much is at stake." Should Aid Research Amplifying his remarks in the letter to the Standard-Times, Father O'Neill noted that the Job Corps approach is "educa-' tionally a very exciting and im­ pressive thing. It is reaching

youngsters ordinary schools can­ not." He said that adolescents who have dropped out of 'school "probably have troubles that started in second grade." They need a certain amount of aca­ demic permissiveness, he said, and their frequent inability to concentrate must be recognized and allowed for. The Diocesan educator said he thought the Rodman center should supply valuable material to researchers seeking how best to handle the drop-out problem. This viewpoint is supported ,by Science Research Associates, the educational organization in charge of the center. Officials there say that Rodman "is an experimental attempt to increase the employability of young men whose capabilities in the com­ petitive job market are severely limited." They view the project "as a

JOB CORPS ACTIVITIES: Well-rounded program is offered mem­ bers of Rodman Job Corps, New Bedford. Upper left, pingpong; right, late afternoon exercises'. Girls are tutor-counselors taking advantage of regular fitness program. Lowef. left, James Taylor. New Bedford,

living laboratory in which in­ struction, measurement and gui­ dance can be blended in such a way that new materials, tech­ niques and processes of educa­ tion can be developed to meet specific needs of these young­ sters and then generalized for use in the more conventional academic environment."

Home Cooking Among New Bedford commu­ nity facilities which. have been opened to Job Corps members is the Kennedy Center, which has offered gymnasium facilities to the 'center until its own building is ready. Something more' is needed, however. It was summed up by another letter writer to the Standard-Times' as "Mom's apple pie." The suggestion has been made by several Rodman center officials, as well' as by interested New Bedford residents that an

effort be made to welcome Job Corps members into area homes for occasional meals. Specifically, it was noted that many boys are too far from their homes 'to return for Thanks­ giving, and that invitations for Thanksgiving dinner would be

more than welcome.

"Some boys are from as far

away as Montana," said a tutor­

counselor at the center, "and

there's no hope of their getting

home for the holiday. How

they'd appreciate a home-cooked


Some boys are shy, he con­

tinued, and if at all possible, it would be thoughful for pro­ spective hosts to invite them in two's. "Then they're not so bash­ ful." Invitations can be addressed to Jerome M. Ziegler, center di­ rector, at Rodman Job Corps, New Bedford.

tutor-counselor, coaches three corps members in business machine class. Lower right, boys work in dupIic~ting laboratory. ,Among corps publi­ cations is a twice~monthly newsletter, "Rodman Job Corps News." Corps project is viewed as "living laboratory."

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