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Diocese Expands Service To Spanish Speaking The Diocese of Fall River has increased its pastoral concern for the Spanish Speaking by designating an Attleboro parish as the center for Hispanic activity for the Attleboro Deanery. Rev. Kevin J. Harrington, associate pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro, has been named Coordinator of the Vol. 20, No. 45, Nov. 4, 1976 Spanish Apostolate for the AttlePrice 15c $5.00 per year boro Deanery and Technical Assistant to Rev. Ernest N. Bessette, pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Attleboro. Father Harrington will also serve as assistant director to The present and past staffs Rev. James E. Murphy, Director of The Anchor participated in a of the Spanish Apostolate in tIie funeral Mass at Holy Name Taunton-Attleboro Area. The newly formed Spanish Church, Fall River, on Sat., Apostolate, designed to serve the Oct. 30, for Isabel (Kaylor) Spanish speaking Catholics· of Golden, widow of Atty. Hugh· the Attleboro Area, will operate Golden, editor of the diocesan within St. Joseph's Parish, Attlenewspaper from its founding boro. until his death in 1970. To meet the pastoral needs The principal celebrant of the of the Spanish speaking CathoMass was Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, pastor of Holy Name Parish and the founding General Manager of The Anchor. Joining Msgr. Shalloo for the funeral Mass as concelebrants were: Very Rev. John P. Driscoll, pastor of St. Lawrence Th.e Feast of All Souls took Parish, New Bedford, and for 18 years the Assistant General on a special meaning for fishManager of The Anchor; Rev. ermen of the Diocese and ProvJohn R. FoIster, pastor of Sac- incetown as Most Rev. Daniel red Heart Parish, Fall River, A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall and present Acting Editor; Rev. River, Tuesday conducted a speJohn F. Moore, associate pastor cial memorial service for the of St. William's Parish, Fall River, and bi-monthly columnist; Rev. Barry W. Wall, associate pastor of St. Mary's Cathedral. In attendance were the memWASHINGTON, D.C. (NC)bers of the present editorial and Archbishop Raymond Hunthaubusiness staffs of The Anchor. A longtime member of Holy sen has called the first use of Name Parish, Mrs. Golden was nuclear weapons by the United a past president of its Women's States a "totally indefensible Guild, and was also active in policy" in a personal letter to hospital volunteer work and with the 170 priests of the Seattle the diocesan apostolate to the archdiocese. The bishop also endorsed the deaf. She is survived by two daugh- efforts of. three persons who ters, Mrs. Peter J. Bartek and completed a 30-day water-only Miss Elizabeth Golden, and a fast against that policy Nov. 2. granddaughter. Her son-in-law, The three, Josephite Sister Mary Peter J. Bartek, is The Anchor's Alban of Toronto, Canada, Jim sports columnist. Turn to Page Three



The Anc.hor Pays Special Tribute

100 YEARS: Cardinal Medeiros is homilist at Mass marking centenary of Santo Christo Church, Fall River.

Memorable Anniversaries Santo Christo Fall River 100 Years

Bishop Connolly High School '10 Years

Cardinal Humberto Medeiros· and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, joined by 30 priests of the Fall River diocese, were principal celebrants of a Mass of thanksgiving marking the 100th anniversary of Santo Christo parish, Fall River. Held last Sunday at the Columbia Street church, the Mass was followed by an anniversary banquet. Cardinal Medeiros spoke in Portuguese at the Mass and Bishop Cronin was keynote speaker at the banquet. Both Turn to Page Thirteen

Retired Bishop James L. Connolly was guest of ·honor at a concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiving marking the 10th anniversary of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, and celebrated in the school auditorium before a· congregation including the student body, faculty, staff and many parents. Principal celebrant was Rev. John Foley, S.J., rector of the Connolly Jesuit community, and the homily was given by Rev. Richard J. Wolf, S.J., principal. Turn to Page Five

Iics, Father Harrington will serve St. Joseph Parish by offering the 11:45 a.m. Sunday Mass in the Spanish language starting Sunday, Nov. 14. This summer, Father Harrington, in preparation for his new responsibilities, studied Spanish· and served in a predominantly Hispanic parish in New York City. "The purpose of the Spanish Apostolate is to meet the pastoral needs of the Hispanics in a parish context., with the hope that one day the Hispanics will contribute to the renewal of a fully integrated parish community," commented the new coordinator. The Spanish Apostolate is a pastoral concern of the Diocesan Department of Social Services and Special Apostolates - Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Director. Rev. James E. Murphy is the Director of the Spanish Speak- .. Turn to Page Three

Bishop Conducts Memorial Service

'First Strike' Indefensible

crew of the ill-fated Patricia Marie. Bishop Cronin was the 'principal celebrant of a Mass for Boat Captain William King and his six crew members who are still missing and presumed drowned. It was the faith of the Fisherman Peter that was spoken of and expressed at the Massfaith in Jesus Christ, our resurrection. Bishop Cronin spoke of . the faith of the Fisherman Peter in the pleasant circumstances of Caesarea Philippi when he proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah. The faith of the sisters of Lazarus, just as true and real, was expressed when the occasion was less pleasant and the circumstances less happy, the Bishop explained. Such circumstances were those which brought him to Provincetown. "We are gathered here this Turn to Page Five


To Answer 'Call to Action Very Caref_lIl1y WASHINGTON (NC -- The president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) said that the NCCB will take a "very careful approach" in evaluating the recommendations approved by the 'Call of Action' conference in Detroit. Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, NCCB president,

said two factors affected the meeting and its outcome. "First, in retrospect it seems that too much was attempted," he said. "Anyone of the eight large topics considered would have provided more than enough work for the limited time available. All of them together overwhelmed the conference. The

result was haste and a determination to formulate recommendations on complex matters without adequate reflection, discussion, and consideration of different points of view. "Second, special interest groups advocating particular causes seemed to play a disproportionate role. These groups

had a right to be present and make their views known. However, their actual role went beyond this and, in my judgment and that of others, dominated the conference as a whole. The result was a process and a number of recommendations which were not representative of the Church in this country and

which paid too little attention to other legitimate interests and concerns." The more than 1,300 delegates to the conference, held Oct. 21-23, adopted a host of recommendations for consideration in a five year Catholic social action plan. Among other Turn to Page Eleven

..----In This Issue'-~~---------------------------------_ Bible Study Day In Fall River

Taunton Book Fair Set for Sunday

'Grandmas' Anticipate Seeing Friends

Detroit Meeting Conclusions

Do Young People Pray?

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

Pages 8, 9, 10

Page 14


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976







National Aid B'ishop' Lamont WASHINGTON - Ten U.S. Catholic bishops have contributed a total of $5,000 towards legal expenses of Bishop Donal Lamont of Umtali, Rhodesia, sentenced to 10 years in prison for failing to report the presence of terrorists and for inviting others to do the same.

Healthy Serra


ARLINGTON, VA. - Serra International is undergoing a "healthy and encouraging growth, especially in Latin America," in its work of promoting religious vocations," according to a top official in a speech delivered here. Addressing a regional meeting of 25 Serra clubs in Washington, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, John A. Donahue, executive director, reported that 42 clubs have been formed in Brazil in recent years, with another 84 being formed.

World Confe.rence UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - The United Nations' General Assembly has voted to hold a world conference on racial discrimination and has been asked to move against another form of discrimination, that directed against the handicapped . By a 99 to 2 vote with 20 abstentions, the world body endorsed a plan for a conference to be convened in Ghana in 1978 as part of the U.N.'s Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. Canada and Israel cast the two negative votes.

For Divorced Catholics SOUTH BEND, IND. ---:. Unveiling of a fivepoint plan aimed at reconciling the Catholic Church with its divorced and remarried members highlighted the fifth national meeting of the North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics at Notre Dame University here.

Ask Boycott UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - The United Nations' General Assembly has unanimously voted to reject the independence granted to the Transkei by South Africa and asked its members to boycott the new state. The assembly voted 134 to 0, with the United States abstaining, to ignore the Transkei's new status, granted on Oct. 26 by the Pretoria regime as the first of nine "Bantustans," or black homelands, to be freed by the white government.

'Call to Action' WASHINGTON - Archbishop Peter L. Gerety of Newark and Orbis Books editor-in-chief Philip Scharper will review the Call to Action conference on ABC-TV's Directions at 12:30 p.m. (EST) Nov. 7. Correspondent John Scali will be host for the program, which analyzes the numerous and sometimes controversial recommendations of the Call to' Action delegates.

World. No Churches WLOCLAWEK, POLAND - Bishop Jan Zareba of Wloclawek has said that no request of his to construct new churches or to repair 'old ones has been approved by Poland's Communist government during the past year.. "With great

sorrow," said the bishop "we must say that our' diocese, which numbers over 1 million faithful, has not received a single permission this year to build a church or a chapel."

Sterilization Protest NEW DELHI - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi has admitted that some people were killed when police 'fired on villagers protesting against compulsory sterilization in a predominantly Moslem region of Uttar Pradesh state. But she denied charges by Moslem leaders and opposition members of the lower house of parliament that at least 50 persons and perhaps as many as 150 were killed.

Resignation Rejected ROME - Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski - ended a 13-day visit here after acceding to Pope Paul VI's request that he stl;ly on as head Of the Polish Church beyond retirement age. Cardinal Wyszynski, who turned 75 last August, made no comment after his two private meetings with Pope Paul, but aides said the Pope had asked the cardinal to remain as archbishop of Warsaw, president of the Polish Bishops' Conference and primate of the problemridden, yet strong Polish Church.

Generous Americans ROME' - American contributions to the society for the Propagation of the Faith account for nearly half of its support and have increased 'nearly $9 million since 1970, according to Bishop Edward O'Meara, U.S. director o~ the worldwide mission organization. In 1974, U.S. Catholics contributed more than $23 million of the $50 million collected by the society worldwide. . In 1975, U.S. contributions increased by more than $900,000, but a worldwide figure is not yet available.

Necrology Rev. Pastor, Rev. Pastor,

NOV. 12 James H. Looby, 1924, Sacred Heart, Taunton Bernard Boylan, 1925, St. Joseph, Fall River

NOV. 13 Rev. Louis J. Deady, 1924, Founder, St. Louis, Fall River NOV. 14 Rev. Francis J. Duffy, 1940, Founder, St. Mary, South Dartmouth NOV. 15 Rev. Daniel E. Doran, 1943, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton Rev. .Thomas F. LaRoche, 1939, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taunton ""'II1I1"IIII"'IIIII..nnll",,,,,,•.''''''''',U''''U,,II,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,II''''''',"'''......,,,,.. ,If TH~ ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland A¡Ienue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscr:plion 'price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.

PRO-LIFE MASS: At Mass for Life climaxing diocesan observance of Respect Life month, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin delivers homily. Seated in sanctuary, from left, Rev. Mr. John J. Oliveira, deacon at Espirito Santo Church, Fall

River; Rev. Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services; Rev. Thomas L. Rita, diocesan pro-life coordinator; Rev. John J. Oliveira, vice-chancellor. A television Mass last Sunday also had a pro-life theme.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976


OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT Rev. Kevin J. Harrington, associate pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro, as Coordinator of the Spanish Apostolate in the Attleboro Deanery. Appointment was effective Monday, Nov. I, 1976.

+CXr~ fl, ~ / Bishop of Fall River

Priests Meet Tomorrow To Restructure Senate During its regular October meeting, the Senate of Priests of the Dioces~ of ·Fall River. the priests indicated that they would restructure their advisory body to the Bishop. On Friday, the Senate will meet at the Oatholic Memorial Home, Fall Riv~r, at 11 a.m. to begin to implement this resolve. A sense of the Senate vote indicated the following changes: 1. A change in the name from Senate to (Bishop's) Advisory Council of Priests; 2. A change i11 the number from 27 to 12 members': eight members to be elected on a Deanery basis (2 each from' the Fall River, Cape Cod and New Bedford Deaneries, 1 each from the Attleboro and Taunton Deaneries; 4 members appointed by the Bishop. 3. Each member will serve a two-year term with one-half the Council being elected-appointed each· year. The Council will elect its own officers according to its own procedure. An elected member will serve his full term even if transfered to another Deanery.

EXPANDED APOSTOLATE: Rev. Kevin J. Harrington, left, has been named coordinator of the Spanish Apostolate for the Attleboro Deanery. Hispanic activities will have St. Joseph's Church, Attleboro, right picture, as their center.

4. Elections would be held in two stages: a nomination by .Deanery priests of twice the number to be elected, followed by an election of the designated number of representative priests. C.ontinued from Page One the Spanish Apostolate for the of Edmund A. and Isabelle A process has also been worked ing Apostolate for the Taunton- New Bedford Area. (Gomes) Harrington, was born out to designate those priests Attleboro Areas. Rev. Charles Father Harrington in Wareham on Dec. 14, 1950. who, following the first election, Soto, O.F.M., is the Director of Rev. Kevin J. Harrington, son Following studies at Holy Family elementary and high school will serve for two or one year(s). I in' New Bedford, he attended 5. The Council will meet every Providence College where he obtwo months with the Bishop, with Continued from Page One could not be reached for com- tained a B.S. in Physics, and St. extraordinary meetings called by m e n t . M a r y ' s Seminary in Baltimore, the Bishop or request~d by the Douglass of Vanc?uver, Canada. The Seattle prelate said h~ where he was awarded a S.T.M. Cou.ncil ~s .events may indicate.. ' and - Robert'Schneld~r of. Ber~e- .' .agreed' with the fasters' assess- in Moral Theology. . 6. This new structure is an . leY'h.Gal. w~dre h.erl~ 10 da?d appeal ment that the first use of nuOrdained a priest in Fall Riv. . t a I program w'hich' -..to t. epr~sl entia' can I at~s- to;· ·cle°at' weapons is "the inost:oari~·--· 'er:·Qn.May~·1O.'.r975, he was as·expeflmen f"k bT . will' be evaluated in two years. renounce Irst Stfl e capa I Itles. gerous military policy in history, signed as associate pastor of 7. The thought is that this which cannot be justified before St: John' tbe .Evangelist Parish Archbishop Huntheausen, in the h f'I" in Attleboro Council would discuss in a more urging dialogue on the issue, uman ami y. . open and productive atmosphere said the letter was "in no sense 'OR CHRISTMAS and be a more effective consul- official. I write these lines for tative body to the Bishop. .your (the priests) own reflecDuring the October discus- tion and prayer." The .letter was sions, it was suggested that tbe released here by Douglass, who Bishop and priests meet more said he knew Archbishop Huntirequently on a Deanery basis hausen personally and had rethere are more than thirty to give Bishop and priests an ceived his authorization to make TODAY miilion Americans with Irish blood in opportunity to discuss a wide the letter public. The archbiShop their veins. Proud, too. of every drop variety of issues in an informal of it! They particularly take pleasure in keeping alive and popularizing the witty forum.

Spanish Speaking Apostolate

IF,eIrst St rleke I n d e f enSIebl e

Perfect Gift for an Irish Friend or Yourself

Attend Cours'e For Advocates Six priests of the diocese are presently enrolled in a 10-week advocates' course at the Pastoral Institute in Brighton, designed to update their knowledge of marriage court procedures. In three one-hour sessions, held weekly, the priests are considering the meaning and history of grounds for annulment of marriages, the nature of moral certitude, and recent developments at the Roman Rota, the Vatican marriage court to which difficult cases from all parts of the world are referred. They' are also studying the legal formalities involved in the operation of a marriage court. Lecturers include Rev. Dennis Burns, officialis of the Boston marriage court, who will speak Tuesday, Nov. 16 at a 7:30 p.m. public program at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. Others are Rev. Richard Cunningham, vice-officialis of the Boston court and Rev. David P. Bailey, Boston defender of the bond.

Priests of the Bostol). archdiocese and the Springfield diocese are also enrolled in the course, open to all dioceses of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. Attending from Fall River are Rev. Raymond P. Monty, Rev. Horace J. Travassos, Rev. Joseph M. Ferreira, Rev. Timothy J. Goldrick, Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald and Rev. Ronald. A. Tosti.


Doane' Beal 'Ames INCO.'O.AlID


SERVICE Robert L. Studley. Ireas. Howard C. Doane Sr. Gordon L. Homer Howard C. Doane Jr. Robert L. Studley HYANNIS 775-0614 South Yarmouth 398·2201 Harwich Port 432-0593

27 park Street, Att:eboro, Mass. 278 Union Street, New Bedford, Mass.


sayings and writings of those of their blood, especially of those intensely Irish Irishmen such as Swift. Sheridan, Shaw, Gogarty, Wilde, Dunne, Breslin, O'Rourke, McNulty, MacDonagh, Wibberley, O'Con· nor, Ervine, O'Faolain, Doyle, Callaghan and Sullivan, all of whom with others are included in this generous volumeTHE HOME BOOK OF IRISH HUMOR. Here Ihey have caught the ready wit, Ihe quick retorl, Ihe hundred ingratiating faults, the thousand redeeming weaknesses, the sometimes bitter and usually ironic obser. vations of the Irish which have given the raCe its reputation for humor and good fellowship. The contents of THE HOME BOOK OF IRISH HUMOR are divided into twelve sec· tions: Pubs, Publicans and Patrons; Irish Bulls and Pure Poteen; Born Politicos; The Great Georgians; The LaJided Gen· try; Tales from the Irish Countryside; The Renaissance; For the Bend in the Road; North of the Border and Down Under; Irish Ballads, Songs and Sagas; Irish Proverbs; and Wakes and Wags. Throughout, the editor, Johb McCarthy, formerly Executive Editor of Catholic


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976


Should to Mus' Pre-marital education is a must. An adequate preparation for a life-long adventure together is needed not only by the emotionally involved teenager but by all who would live a faithful married life. For such a demanding contract, normal prudence would seem to demand serious preparation. The fact that Marriage is also a Sacrament - a mystery with all its expected and unexpected demands and opportunities - just makes pre-marital education even more necessary. One can scarcely be expected to heroically witness as Christian to a truth that is not fully understood, But. marital love has been so saturated with soapopera gimmicks and simple emotionalism that too often the photographer, the caterer and the florist are equal competitors with the physician, the clergy and the seasoned married couple that seek to counsel the engaged on life after the honeymoon. The Canadian Province of Alberta has sought through legislation to rectify the situation by imposing mandatory pre-marital counselling. However, as politics often do, it goes rather far. The proposals would make all marriages civil ceremonies before state appointed marriage commissioners and would strip all religious ceremonies of legal recognition. True, in the face of the alarming divorce rate and disregard for indissolubility and family life, something must be done. Desecration surely is not the answer; it will only give impetus to an already devastating situation. Marriage is more than a simple cont~act which will be the toy of politicians. The lists of civil divorces are already long enough without permitting commissioners answerable to legislators to wreck even the initial hope of a life-l~ng union. While legitimately defending their role in marriage, however, religious leaders should recognize even more keenly the need for pre-marital education. There must be good, carefully tailored, attractive pre-marital instructions that> will stress. the sacredness of marriage, the realism of interpersonal relationships, the demands of true love and . family living, real aids to help' the married to face real problems. Will history have to repeat the lesson that the State can always do it for you - more complicatedly, more ex-. pensively, more amorally? Religion is being "respected" not by freedom from confrontation but by a simple denial of existence. While the state muscled into the marriage field in one part of the hemisphere, the state edged into the education field in New Jersey. In an official advisory from the state attorney general, private education institutions were warned that they could not offer or withdraw new study programs without permission from the department of education. . It seems there was established a "certificate of need" rule that private institutions fall under the same criteria as public institutions Since these later must have permission, so must the former. . Cost competition with state institutions has already practically ruined private institutions; now all competition has been done away with? What will happen with religious subjects and programs? What about social programs not in line with the particular political feeling in vogue? The state does have real responsibilities, especially in the face of social dangers, but that does not mean that other legitimate institutions - the Church, especially - must relegate all responsibility to the state.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. J~hn R. Foister, S.T.l.

Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~leary

Preu-Fall Riv.r

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.<,' ...; .



A law ... posted on a sign . . . may appear to restrict freedom ... "Positively No Skating." A second sign suggests the value . . . the law is meant to protect ... life itself ... "So Far This Year 10 People Have Drowned In This Area." Both signs stir reflection . . . on the meaning of laws ... Is an action good ... because it is commanded? ... bad because it is forbidden? ... ·Or is an actio~ to be commanded or forbidden ... because it is already good or bad? ... What gives a law authority? ... the law itself and the lawgiver? ... or the existing right or value ... the law calls attention to and protects ? One's answer can have serious consequences for daily living ... The first answer seems easier to live out . . . Learn the law and obey it . . . The second answer seems filled with painful decisions ... Sometimes a law may endanger rather than protect a basic right' or' value ... Perhaps obedience to the spirit of the law ... leads to breaking the letter of the law. . Both attitudes toward law have risks . . . legalism in the first . . . diminished respect for authority in the second. What is my attitude to laws? How do I deal with law . . . in my own life?

Project Catholic School Trends WASHINGTON (NC)-A study to be published soon by the U. S. Cathoilic Conference (USCG) here projects that the Catholic school age population will continue to decrease slowly until the early 1980s nd then begin to increase slightly up to 1990. The study projects also that enrollment in Catholic elementary schools and elementary level parish religious education programs will follow the same pattern, but that enrollment in Catholic secondary schools and secondary level parish religious education programs will continue to decrease from now until 1990.

Why and how is air safety frustrated? The answer is quite simple. The buck. As we have heard so often in recent times from the hawkers of big business, economic survival is the issue. The entire McDonaldDouglas situation reads like a James Bond novel. Cover-up suppression and deception have become the trademarks of corporations trying to sell their products. Human life seemingly means nothing when it comes to passing off a defective plane to - keep the stockholders happy. The conclusion of Federal agencies, who are supposed to protect the public, is at the best· completely amoral. It is interesting to note that in the case of the Federal Aviation Agency, the General Accounting Office recently found that about 100 of its top employes have financial interests in airlines or aviation companies that could conflict with their official duties. One can surely reach his own conclusions as to why the Federal Aviation Agency has reacted so deceptively in the McDonaldDouglas case.

Strip Facade For anyone who would truly like to delve into this travesty of justice, two new books are not only tremendous reading but also strip the facade from the entire DC-I0 case. The books are "The Last Nine Minutes" by Moira Johnston and "Destination Disaster" by Paul Eddy, Elaine Potter and Bru.ce Page. It is interesting to note REV. JOHN F. MOORE St. William's Church that these authors hold fast to the concept that big corporations presume that the need for economic survival sometimes with it the need to lie, On March 3, 1974 a Turkish Airlines DC-lO crashed carries cheat and kill. One cannot but nine minutes after taking off from the Paris airport. About hope that the publication of one minute before the crash, at an altitude of 13,000 feet, these books might not only octhe plane's rear cargo door ripped apart. When this hap- casion reform in public aviation agencies founded to safe-guard pened, the floor of the plane the air traveler, but might also it. All let the door be used. As was crushed leaving the a result, 80 women were w~d­ help some big business execucraft headed for total dis- owed and 29 men lost their tives who perform in such sleazy aster. It hit the ground at wives. Fifty-two children lost and questionable fashion, to face 490 miles an hour and the 346 both parents and another 207 the realities of conscience and passengers and crew were killed children lost one parent. The human spirit. into an estimated 18,000 pieces. question still being asked is From all of this we should Somewhere in this carmage why? learn that there is little differwere 15 entire families. Even now, the Federal Avia- ence between the thug who murThe real horror of the entire tion Agency has delayed fbr ders a cabbie and a negligent crash was that it should never another year the deadline for corporation that condemns hunhave taken place. McDonald- modifying jumbo-jets to enable dreds to their deaths except a Douglas, builder of the DC-IO, them to survive the kind of ex-. pinstripe suit. Seemingly, in the knew that the door was defec- plosion that led to the Paris McDonald-Douglas case, murder tive. General Dynamics Convair, crash. The matter is "under by corporation is a fashionable the subcontractor who built the study." The airlines contend way of doing business. Only the door, knew it. The Federal Avia- they would lose $14 millioI;l if poor man or woman who. is now tion Agency, which approved the planes were taken out of buying his or her airl1ne ticket the DC-I0 for marketing, knew service for the necessary work. doesn't know this.



Is It Murder?







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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976

Memoria I Service Continued from Page One afternoon on the Feast of All Souls," the Bishop explained, "in memory of seven gallant hardworking fishermen who lost their lives at sea only a few days ago in the tragedy of the Patricia Marie. "I come here to this little town of Provincetown to share your sorrow, to weep with you as the Lord himself wept with his friends at the tomb in the little town of Bethany. "I grieve for the widows and children of these fishermen, as well as for their families and friends. I grieve for Provincetown, which suffers this loss of so many of its finest men. You all join me in this sorrow. ,,All of you join me in this expression of sympathy to the families of the deceased." We then remember -with faith the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to Martha," the ,Bishop preached. "'I am the resurrection and the life: whoever believes in me, though he should c,lie, will come to life.' "Comforting words are these from the lips of the Lord Himself. They do require faith and we want to have that faith and offer it to the Lord lest He have the occasion to rebuke us as He did the fisherman during the storm I'm the Sea of Gallilee. 'Lord. save us,' they said, 'we are perishing!' But He said to them, 'Why are you fearful, o you of little faith.' Returning to the Scripture for the Feast of All Souls, the Bishop concluded, "The strength of our faith in Jesus, then, makes us pray the words of the Book of Wisdom: "'The souls of the just are in the hand of God and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead, and their passing away was thought an affliction and -their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace.' "May the noble souls of departed fishermen rest in that peace now and forever. Amen."

Charismatics to Sponsor Fall River Bible Day

CELEBRATE DECADE: Reminiscing on occasion of Mass of Thanksgiving marking 10th birthday of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, are Rev. Richard J. Wolf, SJ, principal, left, and retired Bishop James L. Connolly, guest of honor.

Connolly High Anniversary Continued from Page On~ The reading was by Brother Leo St. Pierre, representing the Brothers of Christian Instruction, who have been a part of the Connolly faculty for several years. Among gifts carried in the offertory procession were a yearbook and an honorary Connolly diploma, afterwards presented to Bishop Connolly. Remember Example Speaking of the sense of

Pope Calls Maritain Unforgettable VENICE (NC)-Pope Paul VI, in a telegram sent through the Vatican Secretary of State, has called the" late philosopher Jacques Maritain an "unforgettable master." . His message. was _ sent to Olivier Lacombe, president of the Jacques Maritain Institute, which is holding an international congress here. The Pope's telegram said, "It is certain that the teaching of this unforgettable master can still offer today ways and means for a fruitful dialogue to those -who are seriously engaged in philosophical research and basic question about modern problems."

pride and fulfillment felt by all involved in the "10 years of existence of the Connolly community," Father Wolf declared, "one man's involvement with our school stretches back further than that of any other person on the face of the earth." He expressed the pleasure felt by all present that Bishop Connolly "is here with us to share our joy and gratitude." The principal recalled a hospital visit made to him some years ago by Bishop Connolly and noted how moved he was that the busy prelate found time for such thoughtfulness. "I will always remember it," he said, urging the Connolly students to "remember this good man's example - be kind to one ano.ther always, especially in: the little everyday ways.:'

Faur-e R~quiem At Cathedral The Faure Requiem will be sung at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11 by the Cathedral Choristers and members of the New England Conservatory Chorus. The program will be directed by David Carrier, Cathedral music director, assisted by organist James Christie, director of music at Wellesley Hills Congregational Church, Wellesley. Soloists will be Anne Marie Lingard, soprano, and Kenneth Vandal, baritone. The program, part of the 75th anniversary celebration of the consecration of the Cathedral, will honor all deceased members of the parish.

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy C. Lorraine Roy ROller laFrance Claudette Roy Morrissey

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NAMED CO-CHAIRMEN of the 22nd Bishop's Charity Ball to be held Friday, Jan. 14 at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, are Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River, president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, and Antone Pacheco, Our Lady of Health parish, Fall River, president of Fall River Particular Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The two organization~ are ball co-sponsors.



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The Catholic Charismatic Prayer Groups of the Diocese of Fall River will sponsor a Bible Workshop at Bishop Connolly High School Auditorium, Fall River, op Saturday, Nov. 13. The all-day event will begin at 8:15 a.m. and will conclude at 5:30 P.M. Participants are asked to bring lunch. Beverages will be" available. Sessions will be led by Rev. Stephen C. Doyle, O.F.M., professor of Sacred Scripture and Homiletics at Pope John XXIII Seminary for Delayed Vocations, Weston. Born in Philadephia in 1934, Father Doyle was ordained in 1962 and obtained a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture in Rome in 1967. He has given bible lectures and workshops throughout the U. S. and Canada as well as in South America, Japan and Ireland.

First Fridians Rev. David Belliveau, SJ, assistant pastor at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, and a former faculty member of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, will speak tomorrow night at the monthly meeting of the First Friday Club, to be held in Sacred Heart School, Pine and Linden Streets, following 6 o'clock Mass at Sacred Heart Church. ,Father Belliveau, a ·member of t]le board of,.directars of Stepping Stone and a volunteer with Alcoholics -AnQn- " ymous and related organizations, will discuss alcoholism.


He is the author of "Covenant Renewal In Religious Life: Biblical Reflections," published in 1975 by Herald Press, Chicago, and is responsible for a bible television series for the Archdiocese of Boston.

Set First Meefing In 1189 Years GENEVA, Switzerland (NC)The preparatory conference for the first Panorthodox Council since 787 AD will be held Nov. 21-30 at Chambesy near Geneva, the Ecumenical Press Service (EPS) reported here. One of the subjects that may be discussed is the date of Easter, . which has been determined by a different method by Eastern and Western Christianity for centuries. Other possible subjects, which have been considered since 1961 by the ecumenical patriarch in consultation with the Orthodox Churches, may be lay participation in the liturgy, revision of fasting rules, marriage obstacles, ecumenical relations with other Christian Churches, and the diaspora of Orthodox Christians dispersed around the world.

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Mass:ed Bulbi Pla.ntings Give Dram,atic Effect

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976

Tragic Anniversary Gives Insigrht, G'ratitude

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

We have been preparing the garden for winter and have not yet gotten around to planting bulbs. So the next week will be spent in getting spring-blooming bulbs into the ground while it is still workable. One year, in fact, we planted bulbs on ThanksThis recipe was given-to me giving Day and this may be by Mrs. Lorraine Ponte of Fall the case this year. Although River, who wrote me a treasure bulbs bloom every year, they chest of such recipes. As I try

I'm writing this column on the 10th anniversary of the most difficult day in my life, the day my daughter Ginny, then six years old, was hit by a truck. She suffered multiple injuries, the most severe being fractures of both sides of her skull which resulted in extensive brain have on her mind. It's a lot for me to pray about. damage. The doctors who Sometimes she gets very blue, treated her that day did not and sees only the negative difexpect Ginny to live. She did. She's 16 now, growing into a fine young lady, although the accident left her with two after-


effects: she does not have full use of her right foot and wears a brace to help her walk, and she has some learning problems, the most pronounced being great difficulty reading. So today is a day of deep reflection for me. . Even with her brace on, Ginny walks awkwardly with an obvious limp. She's self-conscious about it. And after 10 ye-ars of .therapy, the foot is still deteriorating: .Doctors have .suggested they may have to fuse the bones to prevent further regression. I'm praying that some new development in orthopedic medicine will come along before the ~ones are fused, making that operation unnecessary. Ginny knows about this possibility and thinks about it a lot. Mostly she's concerned about being more like her "normal" classmates. Walking more smoothly would help that, and she wonders if her walk will be better or worse if the bones are fused. It's a lot for a 16-year-old to

ferences between herself and the other kids her age . . . the limp and the reading problems especially. But" recently Gin did something, on her own, to help remedy her reading difficulty. She somehow learned that the library has books for the blind on records and cassettes. She signed herelf up for the program, explaining to the librarian that she could see but had difficulty reading. Her Own Book One of the first books she ordered was one I wrote about her accident and recovery, "Ginny - A True Story." Ginny had never been able to read that book. She listened to the entire book - four and a half hours of tape. For the first time she learned all about her accident and the admiration people have for the courage she displayed during her long recovery. I really believe it has helped Ginny's image of herself. She now sees some of the differences bet~een hers'EM and other kids as being positive . . . things she can be proud o f . ' . As I was writing this, Ginny came to me and asked if she could walk to the library. She admitted it was to meet a boy she likes. Because the route to the library is the same as the .route she was walking that day 10 years ~go, I felt a chill of fear. Ginny smiled brightly and said, "Don't worry Mom, I know what day this is. I have no intention of celebrating it by doing it all over again. I'll be careful." So I let her go.

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CHAIRPERSON: Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, president of District One of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, is chairperson of a "Bridal Fashions of Yesteryear"fashion show and dinner to be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8 at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. Gowns from 1850 to the present will be shown, with members of 32 affiliated groups from Somerset, Fall River, -Swan- . sea and Westport participating in the show. Proceeds will aid in sending two district delegates to the 1977 convention of the National Council of Catholic Women, to be held in Houston. Tickets are available from affiliated guilds or from fashion show committee membe~s.

Slate 5·-Hr. Vigil ~omorrow


St. Francis Xavier Church, Acushnet, will be the scene of a five-hour First Friday vigil of reparation to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow, beginning with a votive Mass of the Sacred Heart and including a Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at midnight. The rosary will be recited and a holy hour will be conducted and there will be a coffee break at 10 p.m. All are invited to participate in all or any part of the program.

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director

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do diminish in size so it is a good idea to add a few annually. We usually try to get at least five dozen tulips, two dozen daffodils, an equal number of hyacinths and a number of the smaller bulbs into the garden each year. In tulips we tend to stay with the cottage varieties, which bloom early and the Darwins, which are mid-season. We limit our daffodils to the King Alfred or a similar variety and then choose hyacinths, crocus etc., by color. Mass Plantings If you are planting bulbs for the first time, try to bunch them for greater effect in the garden. Six tulips planted together as a minimum are more effective and colorful than one alone. It is also more dramatic to plant like colors together. The tendency to mix colors weakens the total effect and is tess productive than single color planting. Hyacinths may be planted singly for effect, but even these look better in masses. The only concern when planting bulbs is that they need good drainage. Accordingly, do not put them where water tends to stand over the winter and into the spring. A handful of bonemeal strewn over the ground before planting was once recommended for bulbs, but recently this practice has been questioned. I still use bonemeal, however, and will do so until shown otherwise. This is a slow-acting fertilizer wllich suposedly will feed the bulbs when it needs it most, in late Winter when it is breaking dormancy. In the Kitchen I just returned from a long search for a last-minute pumpkin and the warmth of the house is a welcome ch/lnge from the cold autumn rain outside. It's just this type of day that makes me long to stay in the kitchen and cook. Very often circumstances prevent this, but I do find that this sort of weather makes time spent in the kitchen very welcome. If I had .to declare what I love to do, or really what I would like to do providing there was a 48 hour day, I would have to put reading first and cooking very high on the list, just a fraction under it. What I do not enjoy about the latter is shortorder meals and the fact that when I do decide at the last minute to make something, I do' not have all the ingredients. I love planning and then cooking with time, ingredients on hand and a kitchen all to myself. Recently I have been able to do a little of my favorite type of cooking and the following recipe is one I tried and every one in the family enjoyed. It is perfe~t for a busy homemaker and as tasty as can be.

them, I will pass them on to you. Rice Continental 1 chopped onion Y2 cup Portuguese olive oil, or salad oil 1 clove of garlic 1 can drained mixed chopped vegetables 'A head of chopped cabbage or a bunch of turnip greens 1 box rib roast rice mix 1) In a heavy skillet heat the oil, add the garlic and simmer. about 5 minutes. 2) Add the vegetables and greens, mix well (if dryish add more oil. Add the dry rice. 3) Meanwhile in a small bowl mix 1 Y2 cups water and flavor pak from rice. When dissolved add to all the other ingredients and simmer covered until cooked, stirring occasionally. This cooking takes from -i5 to 20 minutes.

Taunton District Plans Book Fair Taunton District of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a book fair from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7 at St. Anthony school hall, Taunton. Sister Eugenia Margaret, holder of a degree in library science and a faculty member of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, will speak on the importance of family reading; and Mrs. Gordon M. Owen of the Old Colony Historical Society will do a commentary and show slides on "America, the Beautiful." Also appearing will be Mrs. Regina Calvey, art supervisor for the Middleboro Schools, who will give an illustrated talk. Books will be on display from publishers and from the Taunton public library and booths will feature material on travel, Christian Doctrine, textbooks, family, music and crafts, history, biography, Catholic literature, horticulture, classics, sports, current best sellers and first aid. A used books table will also be set up. The public is invited to the fair, for which there will be no admission charge. A coffee hour will follow the speaking program, with members of St. Anthony and St. Ann's guilds as hostesses. The district will hold an international night in December at St. Paul's Church, - Taunton with Mrs. Virginia Williams as chairperson.

Annual Mass The annual Mass for deceased members of the Patronnesses of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 7 in the chapel of the home at 359 Summer St.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976







Question (orner •



By Father John Dietzen

Q. I am still one who likes to make the nine First Fridays, but I don't know anything about where and when these promises were made. What did Christ promise about this devotion? (Illinois) A. The practice of the nine First Fridays resulted from certain revelations apparently made by Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque about 300 years ago. St. Margaret Mary was a French Visitation nun who had remarkable devotion 'to the Heart of Jesus as a symbol of God's love for us. At her urging, after these revelations, the great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was established in the Church, including 'the feast of the Sacred Heart which we celebrate in June. According to St. Margaret Mary, Jesus made 12 "promises" to those who honor His Sared Heart. The last of these was this: I promjse you, in the exceeding mercy of My Heart, that Its all-powerful love will grant to all those who go to Communion on nine First Fridays of the month the final grace of repentance; they shall not die in its disfavor nor without receiving the Sacraments, My Divine Heart becoming their assured refuge at that last moment." One must remember that, at the time of these revelations, Holy Communion was rarely received by most Catholics, especially in France, where the severe Jansenist heresy was strongest. Neglect was such that once a year was often considered enough, even for the "most worthy." As a private revelation of course, these promises in no way constitute an obligatory part of Catholic belief or practice. However, devotion to the Heart of Jesus, as the sign of Our Lord's love, is now an important and special part of Catholic tradition. In approving and promoting it, the Church indicates that it contains nothing contrary to our faith, and that it may be devoutly believed and practiced.

Q. During the stations of the cross we say, ''We adore Thee, o Christ, and we bless Thee." I can't understand what talent or ability I have to bless Christ. Isn't it wrong to say we. bless Christ or God? (Fall River, Massachusetts) A. In a way it is wrong. The

Latin word "benedicere" usually means to bless in the commonly understood sense to communicate life or some other good to another. It also, however, may mean to thank someone, or to acknowledge another's power and goodness. The phrase "Blessed be God," for example, which we find often in the psalms and in the New Testament, is a prayer of praise and



recognition of the goodness of God, and of the benefits He has bestowed on us. The phrase carries the same meaning in our prayers. Q. Under what conditions could a man receive the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion if, after sincere consideration of his conscience, he determined that a vasectomy was not wrong for his circumstances and, in fact, had such surgery performed? (Ohio) A. Putting the question precisely as you did, the answer would have to be that nothing prevents such a person from re- . ceiving the sacraments. One does not commit· a mortal sin unless in doing the action he believes and reflects sufficiently on the fact that here and now he is doing something agait:lst God's law. Your statement implies that the individual in question is doing just the opposite; as he sees it, he is saying sincerely to God: This is what I believe you want me to do. Such a person is obviously not guilty of sin, and therefore has no reason to mention the fact in confession, or to keep from Holy Communion. The joker in the whole question, of course, is in the words "sincere consideration of his conscience." If you recall a recent question about conscience in this column, you know that an honest conscience necessarily includes many factors, not the least of which is the moral guidance given by our Christian faith, and by the Church. In this case it also includes at least one most esssential "consultation" - with one's spouse. Even apart from any Christian morality, consideration of such decisions in isolation from-or against the prudent wishes of - one's wife would b,e in itself a grave offense against justice and charity, whatever else it may be. "Sincere consideration of one's conscience" with prayer, faith and trust, is, of course, within the ability of each of us. It seems to me, however, that some are tempted to make it more spontaneous and simple than it in fact is, especially in matters of large, long-range importance. I would suggest that 'you have not fulfilled that responsibility until you have discussed the subject with a competent priest in whom you have confidence. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen in care of The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. -



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THEY'RE WAITING: Hoping to meet former pupils at benefit dinner for Mt. St. Rita Health Center to be held Wednesday, Nov. 17.at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea, are retired Sisters of Mercy, all of whom have served in the Fall River diocese. From left, Sister Margaret Mary, Sister Mary Dolorita, Sister Mary Sebastian, Sister Mary Austin, Sister VIary Dorothea.

In a beatiful woodland setting in Cumberland, R. I. is a building known as Mt. St. Rita Health Centre. Each season brings its own beauty to the centre's surroundings, but tile real beauty lies in the hearts of its 65 Sisterresidents who have served their dioceses well and faithfully and for whom the time has come when they can no longer work with the speed and agility they once possessed. Their chief work now is prayer; prayer for their former students, relatives, the homeless and unwanted, the ill and all who need their intercessory help. Many of them worked in the Fall River diocese for many years and have left memories in our hearts that will never die. Many a humorous story they tell of the old days, if you go to visit them. At Bethlehem Home They include Sister Margaret Mary, who served at St. Lawrence, and Holy Name schools, New Bedford, St. Louis, Fall River and St. Mary, North Attleboro; and Sister Dolorita, a veteran of St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, and St. Mary's, New Bedford. . Years of devoted care of babies at the former Bethlehem Home, Taunton, were given by Sister Mary Sebastiad, who also

spent time at Our Lady of Mercy and St. Lawrence Convents in New Bedford and at Mt. St. Mary and St. Patrick, Fall River and at Holy Name, New Bedford. And Sister M. Dorothea was at St. Mary's, St. Louis and St. Vincent's Home, Fall River and at Holy Name, New Bedford. More recently, Sister Mary Annette who taught for many years at St. Vincent's Home, retired to the Health Centre. Her exemplary, prayerful spirit and compassion for deprived children was reflected in a classroom incident. Daren, a 10-yearold with impaired language development, startled his teacher by using the word "remarkable." She questioned him to see if he understood its meaning and realized he did when he said, "Sister Annette is a remarkable woman!" If the Sisters could address their old pupils personally, it would be a quiet appeal for suppori of the dinner to be held for their benefit at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17 at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. Since' the center is financed independently by the community and the dinner is its only fund-raising activity, the Sisters know their old friends will not let them down. Do go, and you will enjoy seeing your "old teachers" who might surprise you with their memories of you.



If there is one thing such old teachers want to hear, it's news of the adopted "grandchildren" they've acquired over the years. So be sure to bring, your snapshots!

Tickets are $25 and may be purchased from the following: -Fall River Area - Sister Marie Lourdette, telephone 6798511 , -Attleboro Area Mary Sheila, 722-7970





-New Bedford Area-Sister Mary Nora, 992-3694 ' -Cape Area Mary, 775-1107

Sister Zita

-Taunton Area-Sister Frances Lynch, 823-7336.


,, ~



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976

Social Justice Recommendations I

More than 1300 representatives of the American Catholic community called for an overwhelming range of programs for social justice at 1/A Call to Action," the "-ational Catholic bicentennial conference held in Detroit Oct. 21-23. Summaries of conference positions in eight major areas follow: its proposals, ,the conference the situation of the rural commuhere called for forums on themes nities' in the original draft. "It's obvious" said a priestof economic justice and committees to engage in continuing delegate from Missouri "that The U. S. Catholic Church consultation to be conducted by sh{)uld engage in concrete action dioceses, Religious orders, Cathto ensure equal opportunity olic educational institutions, and rights to all people, according parishes, to one of the leading proposals Aliens in the United States in the topic, work. without documentation were a Every bishop would be called major concern of delegates in upon to establish a diocesan the sectional meeting. The group plan for equal opportunity that emerged with a resolution urgwould work on several levels- ing support of amnesty for imincluding influencing legislation migrants "whose departure from -to bring about justice in em- 'the United States would impose ployment to minorities, women, 'upon them or their families any the handicapped, the aged and hardship." The group called H.R. young people." 14535, the immigration "quota In' addition the USCC would realization" bill signed earlier implement "immediately" an the same week by President equal opportunity program for Gerald Ford, "insensitive and all di{)cesan agencies, and a sur- discriminatory" to Hispanics. A Ethnic Identity recommendation' that the constitutionality of the law be challenged was amended to state none of the people on the writthat its "intent and thrust" be ing committee are farmers." Rural delegates said they were challenged. Specially mentioned as objects being pushed into a section where they didn't belong, and of Church support in their ef,their concerns were not of interforts at fair employment pracest to the rest of the group. tices were the non-union textile Eventually the delegates sent workers in the South and veta 'list of four recommendations erans of the Vietnam war. The proposal also said that to the plenary session, where ratification of the Equal Rights they were approved with only Amendment to the Constitution minor word changes or addiwould be a "major step toward tions. The recommendations centered achievin&, economic justice for around four topics: the parish men and women." '. In listing the groups for whom and the neighborhood, the it sought equal employment op- Church and neighborhood action, portunities, the work section the Church and community dealso condemned discrimination velopment, 'and the Church and because of "sexual orientation," the rural community. ,Delegates working on the a recommendation that sur"parish and community" recomvived a challenge at the working session where it was held that mendation emphasized the funan individual's homosexual ori- damental importance of the parSochd Justice entation ought not be an ob- ish in the implementation of any stacle to his or her right to liberty and justice program. They urged continuing education vey would be made on all levels work. of the U. S. Church to determine The proposals from the Call to of parish leadership, establishthe numbers of minority people Action's Work section were ap- ment of local neighborhood and in the total work force. proved by the general assembly community groups where these Among the conference's rec- with only a few minor changes. do not already exist, support of such groups where they do exommendations designed to make ist, and the development of parthe Church's influence felt in ish "outreach" coalitions. the wider'society on the issue of Representatives dealing with equal employment was one callthe Church and neighborhood ing f{)r the use of investment Call to Action delegates who power to influence social justice attended the section on Neigh- action fought a bitter battle over measures in Third World coun- borhood ripped up the, original a phrase which would have required parishes to supply neightries. working paper and completely borhood groups financial supA l1ational Commission on rewrote the four rec{)mmendaport, and required dioceses to Economic Justice will be estab- tions they began with. contribute matching funds. lished "within a year," if the In the first sectional meeting, In the end, the recommendarecommendations of the confer- Msgr. Geno Baroni, of the Naence are accepted by the U. S. tional Center for Urban Ethnic tion came closer to the original bishops. Comprised of represen- Affairs in Washington, D. C., bit- working papers, stating parishes tatives {)f dioceses and national terly complained about the "lack and dioceses should support, both Catholic organizations, it would of urgency" about the doc- financially and morally, such evaluate economic problems with ument's description {)f the plight groups. The clause on "matching" diocesan funds' was deieted. "due attention" to the effect of of the cities. racism. An attempt to call on the "The cities are almost all It would support repeal of black, brown and busted," said USCC to take a stand on issues "right to work laws" as they the priest. ''I'm afraid that this of gun control, redlining and disnow exist in 20 states. document is just not in touch investment was dropped when Education of preachers and with what is happening in the it met with a tie vote in committee. catechists in Catholic social doc- cities." trine is another Call t{) Action Delegates working on 'Church Lobbyists from the National recommendation to the bishops. Catholic Rural Life Conference and community development kept the original document's Al1'!ong tools for implementing voiced similar concerns about



stress on education' as primary 10 the goal of development, but they enumerated four rights that they felt should be protected for people they described as "powerless": -The right to be self determining; -The right to gain Church support in efforts to organize; -The right to the use of Church property and resources; -The right to full accountability for the use of Church funds and resources. Another resolution voiced strong support for the work of the U. S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development. A recommendation on rural issues urged that "bishops reevaluate their policies, disbursement of funds, and personnel placement in rural communities." Another resolution suggested that a commission be established, made up of Call to Action participants, that would address the problems of rural poverty rural health and housing, land use, theology of stewardship, estate, property and income tax reform, rural financing problems, corp<,?rate farming; and the use of food products as a national and international political tool.

production, possession, proliferation and threatened use of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of indiscrimin'ate effect, even in a policy of deterrance." The only close voting during the three-hour voting session eXceeding the return to general assembly arose over 'the call for a halt to all arms sales. The sectional group asked the bishops to ask for a compete halt of arms sales. There was strong opposition to this intent because the bishops would have to take a position against selling weapons to Israel. Two attempts to amend the language to make exception in the form of "controlled sales" failed. Opposition to the total ban on arms sales and to the strong anti-military position of the disarmament statements resurfaced strongly with a number of proposed amendments in the general assembly, but all proposed :lmendments were voted down and the group of recommendations are finally approved by what appeared to be about a 10-to'l vote.

Humankind Despite numerous attempts at amendment, the general assembly approved with virtually no changes the 30 recommendations forwarded to it by the section on Humankind. These fell under three 'headings: Education for global justice, defense of human rights, and disarmament and peace. The delegates asked the U. S. bishops to establish a network of peace anc~ justice comissions throughout the dioceses of the country, and a general national center in New York that would serve as a liaison with the United Nations. The New York office, the group said, should be an arm {)f the bishops' existing national organization, the justice and peace office of the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC). The USCC office should serve as a coordinating body and informational clearinghouse for the diocesan justice and peace agencies, the delegates said. They also asked the bishops to support fUlly the UN's universal Declaration on Human Rights and to follow through by assuming an advocacy position regarding U. S. government or corporate involvement with nations that abuse the human rights of their citizens. On the question of peace and disarmament the delegates asked the U. S. Catholic community to "condemn and be among those who lead in resisting the

Rural Needs The other major area of disagreement in the Humankind sectional meetings arose when a missionary priest raised questions about the performance of the U. S. bishops' multi-milliondollar overseas aid agency. Catholic Relief Services (CRS). The delegates asked that the bishops responsible for CRS evaluate the policies, programs, activities and structures of t~e CRS services with an eye toward making it even more effective for development of people. This, the new resolution said, should include the promotion of human rights and methods of assuring that the humanitarian assistance to the needy transcends U. S. government priorities and national security policies. On the topic of education for

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976


Made at leall to ActionlParley justice, the delegates also asked that the bishops: -Establish official liaison on justice issues with the National Council of Churches-a move 'broadene.d in general assembly at the suggestion of Bishop Bernard Law of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Mo" to include also liaison with other national Christian and Jewish agencies; -Develop justice education at Catholic educational institutions; -Train persons in justice education who are from all different social, racial and economic strata of America. -Take leadership role as bishops in becoming more educated themselves on issues of peace and justice; -Make available a process for citizens from the undeveloped nations to "raise the critical consciousness of the people of the United States regarding their situation..." -Make every use of the media, particularly the Catholic press, to accompish these goals. On human rights the delegates asked that the bishops: -Advocate to the U. S. government a foreign policy that is "in keeping with the defense of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights"; -Examine the moral dimensions of the policies of our government and multinational corporations; -Encourage Catholic institutions to review their spending and investments against moral and ethical guidelin'es.

Family Life

nationwide consultations, with three recommendations directed to support for family values, family and society, and the Church and divorced Catholics. The first set of recommendations affirmed com~itted, lifelong marriage as a part of God's plan," and "children as an expression of the creative fruitfulness of human life and love." The statement called for a recognition of the special needs of married couples. It asked for a catechesis on religious education on marriage, sexuality and family, "based on contemporary and sound theology and the lived experience of the married," and including involvement of the Church in "educational programs for effective parenthood." The heart of the Family secThe family values recommention passed by the Call to Ac- dation also called for develoption conference was a firm ment of a comprehensive familystatement in support of the val- ' oriented pastoral plan, with parues of marriage and the family. ticular attention to ethnic and Section delegates affirmed the cultural diversity, the need for "permanence and indissolubility family-centered worship both in of marriage," and at the same the home and the parish, and time extended a call for better recognition .of the impact of preparation for marriage and other policies and decisions on for "reconciliation of separated, family life. The impact of the media, particularly television, on family life, was a major concern in the second recomm'endation, family and society. The recommendation called for cooperation of family life commissions, diocesan communications offices, and national Catholic communications organizations in evaluating the impact of media on family life. It urged families and these structures to promote "the路 human and aesthetic quality of network and local programming and policies in order to counteract dehumanizing values of consumerism and materialism" and to work for "further limitation of programming depicting excessive violence and irresponsible sex." All programs dealing with divorced, and divorced/remarried' family life should work toward Catholics within the community making families aware of the of faith." needs of others and develop maThe Family section retained terials dealing with the social the format of the original work- justice dimension of family life, ing paper developed out of the the delegates said.


The final section in the Family document, dealing with the Church and divorced Catholics, called for extension of pastoral care to separated, divorced and divorced / remarried Catholics through effective programs of ministry, education and group support. It asked local Catholic communities to put an immediate end to practices discriminating against divorced Catholics and their children in parish and diocesan activities, and the development- of educational programs aimed at "eliminating the attitudes underlying such practices." The statement also asked Church leaders to address publicly the requests of the divorced who have remarried to receive, under certain conditions, the sacraments of the Church. The , resolution retained, despite some strong opposition, an assertion t.hat many, divorced-remarried Catholics are "not necessarily excluded from the Eucharist" but they do not realize this. The statement on divorce called, further, for bishops to develop more consistent, equitable and effective procedures for dealing with annulments throughout diocese of the United States, and asked for a study, in dialogue with marrJed as well as the separated and divorced, of the causes of marital breakdown in order to effectively sh~pe policies for strengthening family life. Bishops of the United States were also asked to take the action required tQ repeal the penalty of automatic excommunication decreed by the Third Council of Baltimore for Catholics who "dare to remarry after divorce."

and alienation from the Church." The Personhood section, and subsequently the full assembly, passed recommendations in four general areas: Christian community, personal development, sexuality and a Catholic hill of rights." The delegates urged that the bishops give "priority to the development of community especially at the parish level" on the grounds that "community is essential to Christian life." Also in the area of community the delegates approved recommendations that: -"Church movements which unite persons in small communities" be supported; -Catholic communities foster an environment promoting each individual's recognition of his positive Christian vocation as married, single, ordained, or Religious; -Christian communities "call forth the gifts of the individual for the service ,of all" and Church policies and structures be oriented toward supporting and fostering the exercise of such gifts; -The office of preaching be opened to women and youth,

Personhood The section on Personhood included some of the more路 controversial elements of the Ca}l ~o Action program, among them is'sues of the U. S. bishops' pastoral leadership on birth control, the opening of the office of preaching to women, the Church's stance toward pastoral care and civil rights of homosexuals. While the issue of Catholics and birth control was raised by some 8,000 of the 800,000 re: sponses in the national grassroots consultation, the personhood section also showed the other side of the unique Catholic ,bicentennial process in the person of Franciscan Father Depaul Genska from New Jersey. The priest, who is engaged in a special ministry of trying to serve the pastoral needs of prostitutes in New York City, was alone in testifying to the need for such a ministry during the consultation process. But at the assembly here he succeeded in getting a recommendation passed for support and development throughout the U. S. Church of special ministries to sexual minorities, such as prostitutes, who are "subjected to societal discrimination

Youth Ministry and also to unordained men and married couples; and ,-The wide range of possible Chrihtian communities be supported by the Church in terms of such concerns as fulfillment of their liturgical and spiritual needs and allocation of personnel and finances. In the area of personal development the delegates endorsed the U. S. bishops' 1975 Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities and urged Catholic support for alter'natives to abortion and for a constitutional amendment to "protect life from conception to natural death." The delegates also: -Urged that Catholics collaborate with others in promoting respect for all life; -Called for full equality under the law and full economic justice for all U. S. men and women, and urged that Catholic social action agencies pro-

mote the achievement of wom路 en's rights; -Endorsed and supported the Equal ~ights Amendment to the LJ. S. Constitution; - Declared that mlnistry ,to youth is a' particularly strong need in the Church, "most urgently" for young people aged 18 to 35, and urged a wide range of action to integrate youth into the mainstream of Church life; -Called for broader programs of outreach and advocacy for the aging, and endorsed "the responsibility of adult children to care for their aged parents." -Recommended outreach, advocacy, better pastoral care, and ~ducational and support programs for the handicapped, including the establishment of a national NCCB/USCC office for the handicapped; -Called for 'a full range of Catholic social services for "all persons experiencing need"; -Asked Catholic offices and agencies to pay particular attention to "what is commonly perceived to be institutionalized racism and oppression in our society" and "take steps to change the conditions which dehumanize." Urged Church advocacy for the rights of the imprisoned with specific steps to change the current penal system, including "the cessation of capital punishment." The delegates noted that "sexuality is an essential element of personhood," and in that area they urged: -Full dialogue of bishops, priests, Religious and laity with one another on sexuality and various states of life, as well as dialogue "with other persons who are expressing their sexuality in a variety of lifestyles"; -That the U. S. bishops acknowledge the "conflict and an-' guish" many Catholics face regarding contraception, and that as pastoral leaders the bishops "affirm more clearly the right and responsibility of married people to form their own consciences in the light of Church teaching and theological and scientific thinking; -That positive "education to mature sexuality" become a focus of church concern in terms of counseling and preparation of parents "as the primary educators"; and training of those involved in a ministry of education in sexuality; -That the Church "actively seek to serve the pastoral needs of those persons with homosexual orientation" and join in a fight to end discriminatory attitudes and structures and to guarantee 'the basic constitutional rights of homosexuals; and that the "Church affirm and support the pastoral work of Dignity, an organization for homosexual Catholics. -That the Church "provide pastoral care to all sexual minorities" and support and recognize existing ministries of this type; and -That the Church "offer victims of rape and their families pastoral care" and provide trainTurn to Page Ten





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov.-4, 1976

Social Justice Recommendations the selection of bishops·and pastors; recognition of the right of laicized priests to function in nonsacramental ministries: optional celibacy; and women's ordimhion.

Continued from Page Nine ing for pastoral work in this area. Under personhood the Call to Action assembly also called for the development of a bill of rights for Catholics in the United States under the leadership of the bishops, in consultation with theologians, Church lawyers, and other scholars. The proposed bill of rights, the assembly said, should affirm the Church's commitment to defend human, rights and dignity in every area of society, and it should clearly state the fundamental rights of Catholics within the Church.

A third recommendation heading, dealing with education, stated that parochial school children, adults, and Catholic children in public schools are all essential targets of Catholic educational priorities.

Church More Church participation for women, laity and laicized priests, as 'well as recognition of the importance of education at all levels of the Church highlighted the 28 resolutions proposed to the general assembly under the "Church" section of the· Call to Action conference. Under the heading of Women in the Church, the assembly urged a greater role for women in the Church at all levels-including eventual ordination of women. The assembly called for the eliminatlon of sexist language in Church documents" catechisms, and hymnals, setting January, 1978, as a target date. It asked that seminary education be made available to women.

Ethnicity, Race

Minority Bishops

Although the U. S. bishops recently rejected a suggestion to set up a national office for wom~ en, the assembly asked for such an office "to· promote the full participation of women" in Church life.

Concern for American Catholics as citizens and taxpayers and for the responsibility of the parents to exercise their rights in choosing their child's education, led to adoption of a strongly worded statement supporting distribution of taxes for the education of students in nonpublic schools. "This should be brought about even if it requires a constitutional amendment," the assembly said.

Another recommendation heading, Justice in the Church, supported proposals such as: Church accountability in regard to finances; the right of collective .bargaining for due process; local Church partiClipation in

Catholics were also urged to "take an active leadership role in achieving racial integration in public schools," and to "be concerned with the moral aspects of public education." The three . recommendations


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The "response of the Catholic community in the United States with certain notable exceptions -is in fact a mockery" ·of the "teaching of the Catholic Church on racial and ethnic equality," said the Call to Action delegates in their introduction to resolutions for justice to racial and ethnic minorities. "Our society is not a 'melting pot' but is composed of a rieh diversity of ethnic, racial and culture groups," they said. The delegates cited the right of those groups "to maintain and develop their traditional culture . . . distinctive language, customs and family patterns," and urged the Church to support and encourage the expression of "racial, ethnic and cultural distinctiveness." They recommended that the Church provide "the opportunity to form or maintain parishes or missions which will give emphasis to" those groups.

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offered by the original working mentality" of Indian religious paper, based on the national symbols. constitution, remained basicallly It urged the American. bishops intact but with greater clarifi- to establish secretariats for cation and more detailed resolu- Blacks and American Indians, tions, added through the discus- and to expand their Secretariat sions in the sectional meetings. for the Spanish-speaking and . In the recommendation on establish a National Hispanic "Justice in the Church" an early Research Center. proposal urging recognition of It urged Church, agencies at the "right of unionization and job all levels to initiate "affirmasecurity" for Church employes tive action programs" to help was modified slightly to declare bring about a just representatheir "right to collective bargain- tion" of racial, ethnic and cultural groups "in the formulation ing." The setting up of a national and implementation of Churc!) review board for due process policy." The paper stated that there .was also passed at the section level by a vote ot 81 to 71, de- "is an immediate need for the spite opposition by Archbishop appointment of more ethnic, John Roach of St. Paul and Car- black and Hispanic bishops to dinal John Krol of Philadelphia, the office of Ordinary," and one who called the language "con- resolution called for the ordinafusing." The general assembly tion of an Indian bishop as soon as possible. approved it. The paper urges representaThe notion of a greater role by racial, ethnic and cultion for laity in Church policytural groups especially on all making and administration was ' also easily passed, including the Church agencies that deal with local church's participation in those groups. During the smaller sectional selection of bishops and pastors, . meetings and working groups it was obvious that the Hispanic delegates had done their homework on the papers and on the


School Aid mechanics of the conference. The highly organized efforts and the insistence of Hispanic delegates that their probiems receive particular emphasis in the

Ethnicity and Race resolutions seemed to irritate some of the black and white ethnic delegates.

Nationhood A call for continuing the Detroit Call to Action experience by holding another consultation "within five years" headed the· list of recommendations stemming from the section on Nationhood. Like the section on Humankind, the section on Nationhood also got into strong debate over the issue of disarmament. Faced with a suggestion that the very production of arms can be immoral if it seriously detracts from a nation's ability to meet primary human and social needs, a priest-chaplain, Lt. Col. Jack Spangler, attempted to amend the disarmament statement, to include the qualifying language, "without determining the fundamental need for personal and national" security needs. His proposal was defeated in the sectional meeting and again in the general assembly, which agreed that the United States should have as a goal for public policy "a national commitment to a policy of peace and to programs of disarmament that. will release resources now committed to preparation for war to meet the basic social needs of peoples." Under the topic of Nationhood the conference also called for educational programs of justice and committees for political responsibility. The committees, it said, should be set up at the parish, diocesan, state and national levels to set priorities for public policy and to point out the moral dimensions involved. The Nationhood section also urged a national commitment to the protection of life from the moment of conception, but rejected a statement that would call for implementation of the U. S. bishops' program on prolife with its human life amendment policy. (Such a statement was, however, incorporated in the section on personhood and passed by the assembly.)

The 16-page set of resolutions on Ethnicity and Race was approved by the general assembly with few changes. One major. change during the plenary session was the addition of a proposal that the U. S. bishops issue a pastoral letter condemning the "sin of racism" in the United States. That addition was approved on a motion by Bishop Eugene Marino, auxiliary of Washington, D. C., who is one of the four black bishops in the country. I The paper passed by the assembly stressed the need for Catholic liturgy to include materials and elements from the "many cultural strains composing the Catholic population in the United States," and urged the acceptance of the "sacra-

Another Conference Within Five Years

Ileall to 'Action ll Parley Historicl Successful

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976

'Call to Action'

The "Call to Action" conference held in Detroit, Oct. 21-23, as the climax of U.S. Catholic observance of the nation's' Bicentennial, was an historic event in more ways than one. Jerry Filteau of NC News, may have exaggerated a bit, but not by much, when he Irreversible Impetus wrote in his round-up piece From this viewpoint, I thought that "in its scope and style the conference-one of the best it was widely believed to be organized Catholic meetings I unique, not only in the history of U. S. Catholicism but in the history of any Christian church in the world."

have ever attended-was a great success. It gave a major, irreversible impetus to the postVatican II movement towards shared responsibility. In this respect, it was one of the most important meetings of its kind sponsored by any local church By since the end of the Council. I believe historians will credit it MSGR. with having made a substantial impact on the life of the Church GEORGE G. far beyond the boundaries of our HIGGINS country. This is not to say, however, that the "Call to Action" conThe culmination of a two-year ference was necessarily a. comseries of regional, diocesan and plete success from every viewparish hearings, the conference point. As Cardinal Dearden dedramatically symbolized what scribed the meeting in his openCardinal Dearden, chairman of address, it was meant to be an the National Council of Cath- open-ended listening, learning exolic Bishops sponsoring commit- perience. To expect it to opertee, described in his opening ad- ate without a hitch the first time dress as a "new way of doing around would be unrealistic. the work of the Church in Realistically speaking, then, I America." would say, as one very enthusi"We may fail," the Cardinal astic participant in the Detroit added, "but let us try and let conference, that the process people in the nation say of us which it so· successfully inauguthat they cared enou~h to try.". rated needs to be examined obThe question arises, then: Did jectively, for future reference, in the conference succeed or fail in the form of a series of questions. its overall objective? The anIn the first place, we need to swer depends in large measure ask whether or not the agenda on how one defines success in was too comprehensive to be this context. I have felt from the covered adequately in the limbeginning that the conference ited time allotted. I happen to would have to be judged, not so think it' was, but that's only one much in terms of its specific man's opinion. resolutions and recommendaSecondly, I think it would be tions-though these, of course, are extremely important - but helpful to ask a series of quesrather as part of an ongoing pro- tions about the specific role of cess whereby·the various sectors special interest groups in a delibof the Catholic community in erative assembly of the type the U. S. are brought into closer that was held in Detroit, Did collaboration and cooperation any of them overplay its hand? with the hierarchy and with one How can such groups best recanother on all matters affecting oncile their own legitimate goals and aspirations with the overall the iife of the Church. purpose of the general assembly? it would be helpful Vincentians to Honor to Thirdly, know whether or not the Detroit assembly was genuinely Msgr. John E. Boyd representative of the total U. S. Members of the Greater Fall River Council of the Society of Catholic community. Was the St. Vincent de Paul will attend manner of choosing delegates 7 p.m. Mass Tuesday, Nov. 9 at sufficiently uniform and refined SS. Peter and Paul Church at to provide a good cross section Snell and Dover Streets, Fall of Catholic opinion in this coun· try? Did representatives of va· River. A meeting ·will follow. The annual corporate com- rious national organizations, as munion of the council will be opposed to diocesan delegations, held at 8 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 12 exercise a disproportionate inat the Catholic Memorial Home, fluence at the conference, as Fall River, with Mass offered some have alleged? The answers to these and a for the wellbeing of Msgr. John E. Boyd, former council chap- number of related 'questions will lain. Breakfast and a meeting help us perfect the process started so successfully in Detroit. will follow.

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Continued from Page One things, the delegates called for ordination of women, married priests, nuclear disarmament and equal rights for women and minorities throughout the Church and Society. Characterizing some of the recommendations as "good" and others as "problematical at best," Archbishop Bernardin said the bishops will follow a number of criteria in putting the recommend~tions "in a correct perspective." "Among the criteria which will govern the evaluation process," he said, "are the teaching JUBILARIAN: A Mass at of the Church, its laws and dis10:45 a.m. Sunday at St. cipline; the resources available to the NCCB, the U.S. Catholic Elizabeth's Church, will Conference and other Church mark the golden jubilee of agencies and institutions; the ordination of Rev. Joao Med- feasibility and wisdom of vareiros, retired former pastor ious recommendations pertainof the Fall River parish. A ing to social and political issues the opinions of others with exluncheon will follow the pertise in the many different Mass, which will be concele- fields involved and sensitivity brated with Father Medeiros to other legitimate points of by Rev. Jorge de J. Sousa, view." Commenting later on his present pastor, and by other statement in response to many area priests. Born in Povo- questions, the archbishop reacao, St. Michael Azores, jected outright a suggestion that Feb. 18, 1902, Father Med~ his critique could be taken as an eiros studied at the Semin- invitation to Catholics to disary of Angra, Terceira, miss whatever did not conform their idea of the Church. He where he was ordained. He to suggested that his statement served for 12 years in Azores was, rather, a necessary part of parishes. until his arrival in responsible reflection on the the Fall River diocese. where conference. Asked to spell out what he was assistant at ImmaculateConception, New Bed~ groups or recommendations or of approach he had in ford' and St. Elizabeth and- tones mind in the· critical portions of Espirito Santo,: Fall River, his statement, Archbishop Beruntil his appointment in 1955 nardin. declined elaborating on as pastor of S1.' Elizabeth's. specifics, but he expanded on the rationale behind his reIn 1962 Father Medeiros marks. began sponsoring construcFollowing are some of the tion of a high school in questions NC News submited to his native village. It was Archbishop Bernardin by phone dedicated in 1969, at which and his responses: Q. It seems that your charge time a bust of its donor by that the Call to Action conferan outstanding native sculp- ence was dominated by special . tor was unveiled. interest groups, without any specification, could lead to a The jubilarian now resides dismissal by any Catholic of

at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River.


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any resolutions that he or she does not agree with. In effect, it allows anyone to dismiss any portion or all of the conference's conclusions. I am wondering what it was about the conference that caused you to lodge publicly such a serious reservation, particularly after you had made a pre-conference pledge to stand at some distance because of your position, and after you had told NC that you had decided not to state your views. , A. Your conclusion - that anyone is at liberty to dismiss any or all of the conference's recommendations on the basis of my comment - does not follow from what I said. The role played by special interest groups does, however, provide an important part of the context for evaluating the recommendations. Evaluation is different from either rejection or acceptance. And I do not think that responsible evaluation of this or any other meeting is possible without referring to the factual context in which it took place. As to my pre-conference pledge, I observed it. I did not attempt to influence the conference by voting on any recom· mendation. Nor did I make any comment on the conference until three days after it was over and I had had an opportunity for reflection. In response to questions which had been put to me, I pointed to some difficulties with the conference, but I did not repudiate it. I felt obliged to comment in order tore-emphasize the process by: which final decisions about the conference's recommendations will be made. I feel this is nee· essary in order that the bishops' conference not be accused of raising either false expectations or false anxieties. If; by the way, we are really interested in mutual dialogue, I don't think anyone should be too upset if I also express my views. Summaries of recommendations made at the Detroit conference appear on pages 8, 9 and 10 of this issue of The Anchor.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976

KNOW YOUR FAITH A Clear Bright Light

"Thy Kingdom Come!" By FArnER JOHN J. CASTELOT It was the firm faith-conviction of the biblical preachers and writers that God is active in human history. Indeed, for them He is the Lord of history, directing the affairs of nations, usually through human agents Thus, his commission to Jeremiah is expressed, "A prophet to the nations I appointed you ... This day I set you over nations and kingdoms, to root up and to tear down, to destroy and to demolish, to build up and to plant." This conviction that God was with the Jewish people rested not on a speculative process of reasoning, but on the experience of the people, especially in their marvelous protection by God, the model and pledge of all such saving interventions in the future. Their national existence, however, was stormy, and their hopes were tied in tightly with the royal line of David, especially after God's assurance,

through Nahan, that the Davidic dynasty would last forever (2 Sm. 7, 12 ft.). The king, consequently, was regarded as a sacred person, Yahweh's visible representative among His people, for it was He who was their true King. The earthly king was His anointed one (in Hebrew: mashiah). And yet, it was not the future king who was the direct object of their hope; it was the kingdom which he would be instrumental in bringing to pass. Reign of God It is not surprising that when Jesus came to - proclaim the Good News, He did so in terms of the nearness of God's reign or rule: the coming kingdom was a dominant theme of His preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God" (Lk. 8, 1). Actually, there is a growing preference for 'reign' or 'rule' rather than 'kingdom' as the translation of the Greek word basileia. 'Kingdom' suggests something static, strucTurn to Page Thirteen

Daily Dialogue With God By

MSGR. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN The Mass before Vatican II contained readings from sacred Scripture, but the selections varied little or not at all from day to day and from year to year. That lack of variety prompted the Council Fathers to publish this directive in the "Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy":

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"The treasures of the Bible are to be opened up more lavishly so that a richer fare may be provided for the faithful at the table of God's Word. In this way a more representative part of the sacred Scriptures will be read to the people in the course of a prescribed number of years" (Article 5). The scholars who executed this recommendation did a masterful piece of work. Proof rests in the fact that many nonRoman Catholic Christian churches have adopted in substance the revised lectionary of biblical texts for their own congregation,s. The daily Mass over a threeyear period will thus have excerpts from almost all Old and New Testament books. In addition, major texts and Gospel passages are repeated more frequently, usually on an annual basis. Such a richer inclusion of biblical texts within official worship has this as its purpose: "Hence in order to achieve the restoration, progress, and adaptation of the sacred liturgy it is, essential to promote that Turn to Page Thirteen •••••••••••••••••••••••




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By ANGELA M. SCHREIBER Little Kathy held her goldenhaired doll close. It was a special moment. Kathy had a new doll that was her very own. A doll that she could take to bed with her at night, a doll she could hold in her arms whenever she wanted to. She said over and over again, "I'll never let you go." And wherever Kathy went that day, her beautiful doll was with her. Today, we associate all our children with many toys. But there are 'still little ones who are "have nots." Kathy lives in a home for handicapped children. She is crippled and her parents are dead. I met Kathy a couple of weeks ago when I visited a home for crippled children. As I watched her happiness, a story about an elderly couple that I had read in the Washington Post several weeks ago flashed through my mind. "Who sent Kathy the dom" I asked the nurse. She said she did not know but that it had undoubtedly been donated. The story I remember was about a man and his wife-both in their 80s - who spend their time collecting discarded dolls, repairing them .and outfitting them with new clothes. Perhaps Kathy's doll had come from them, I thought.' When I got home, I looked through clippings that I save but unfortunately could not find that one. But their story is strong in my memory. They are not affluent. The only income they have is their social security-very little money to spread around during a time of inflation. Their home is badly in need of repair and paint. Happy People Yet they wake up each morning looking forward to a new day. Happier people couldn't be found. He enjoys making old dolls look new and she puts the finishing touches on them with new clothes made from sewing scraps. Word travelled through their neighborhood that they're in the market for discarded dolls and sewing materials. They take the rejuvenated dolls to the Crippled Children's Society, to homes for the retarded, to hospitals. While this couple has little in the way of this world's goods, they don't feel deprived. Quite to the contrary, in their twilight years they are giving to the less fortunate. Hearing, reading or meeting people like this always reinforces my faith in some way. One could easily feel depression from reading and listening to all the bad news that fill our media. Thinking about this couple causes the bad news to recede into the background for a while. And once again, I can see a reflection of good-the kind

.. .. -": ..

ANGELA SCHREIBER writes that helping those who need help leads to joy and fulfillment. A teenager begins the process early in a one-to-one program for the retarded. (NC Photo) of good Christ taught-mirrored in His creatures. . People who give of themselves, people who really care about others, are people who have learned what happiness actually


is. Their personal histories, if we could watch their life cycles unfold, would show at the beginning a small clear light, and as that life grows longer, the Turn to Page Thirteen

Learning God s Goodness

By FArnER JOHN A. GEIGER (This week Father Geiger joins the NC Know Your Faith writer roster. He is managing editor of the Catholic Times, newspaper of the Columbus, Ohio diocese.) I returned from vacation recently filled with the char.m and beauty of the Ohio River valley. My itinerary included stays in Cincinnati, 'Gallipolis and Marietta where a nephew, a brother and an aunt live. I believe I selected the right order of association with my family's generations. Wisdom really does come with age if you play it right and let yourself grow with experience. But growth simply doesn't occur unless you approach each day as an opportunity to learn. I'm not sure whether I learned while I relaxed or relaxed while I learned, but I certainly did both of them together on this trip. And I came home with a new sense of heritage and my share in it. That in itself is a reassuring lesson. Aunt Carol helped me digest the lesson and savored every word of my narrative about my own generation and the next. Then we went together to visit the graves of my great grandparents, Lyman and Amanda Phillips, in Marietta's gracious old Oak Grove Cemetery. With the information I obtained from my aunt, from old gravestones and from records



kept by Aunt Bernice, whom the two of us visited in Charleston, W. Va., I have a lot of material for a family history. The real story of a family or a people never emerges only from a list of names and dates, however. It resides in the memory of those still living and includes many small happenings, along with major events. Tale of Cats As an example of a small'matter, my Aunt Carol was amused by my account of feline multiplication in my brother's house. While I was there, I slept in the same room with 13-monthold Jeremy, a mother cat named Mittens and her five kittens. A black cat named Max, which slept elsewhere in the house or perhaps roamed the neighborhood at night, came from a litter which Mittens bore earlier this year. Talk about cats can't be serious, of course. But who ever claimed that everything in life is serious? There are plenty of things in life that may make you want to crawl into bed and nurse your ulcer. So talk about cats may be helpful at times, especially when a mother and her older offspring have the habit of drinking water from the goldfish bowl in the kitchen. Of course, my aunt was as horrified by talk about the speed of my brother's boat as she was amused by the sale about the cats. Both of them told someTurn to Page Thirteen

Daily Dialogue With God Continued from Page Twelve sweet and living love for sacred Scripture to which the venerable traditions of Eastern and Western rites have given testimony" (Article 24). Those scriptural texts, assembled in one book, provide not only a richer fare of reading for public worship, but also a readily available collection of inspired passages for personal prayer. Cardinal Suenens, in his recent publication, "A New Pentecost?" encourages believers to use the lectionary as a resource for daily meditation. He sees the Holy Spirit's guidance behind the gathering of those many excerpts prayerful reflection on them will produce abundant spiritual fruit. Prepare Readings A helpful procedure is to keep a relatively inexpensive daily and Sunday missal near your reading chair or bed. Before retiring, peruse tomorrow's as-

God's Goodness Continued from Page Twelve thing about a personality in current family history. We don't learn the story of either a person's quest or his roots unless we're willing to learn about his small interests and even his idiosyncrasies. That's why the story of God's people contains the memory of many small events. The events fit together only when people with faith see how their destiny emerges from all the experiences in life. We learn about the goodness God has shared with us in everything we do. But the vision of goodness really comes into sharp focus when there is a loving exchange between people.

'rHE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 4, 1976

signed passages and pick out a sentence or two which seem to evoke some kind of response within you. The next day find a few moments and a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed, take out the missal or lectionary and stir up your awareness that this is God's Word, that Jesus will be speaking to you, that the Holy Spirit wishes to touch your heart through these passages. Then read the biblical excerpts over again, slowly and reflectively. Next, go back and read them once more, but this time pause at any passage which moves your inner self. Pause, taste, reflect, pray. If a certain section strikes you, simply turn it over and over in your mind. Those lines selected in advance the evening before usually will hold the greatest attractiveness during this prayer and will linger on afterwards during the working day. Many who' have written on prayer and the inner life urge concerned Christians to jot down these favorite passages in a personal journal for future use. Persons who practice that daily scriptural dialogue with God will discover how it enhances both their private prayer and the day's Eucharist. Mass readings take on a deeper meaning when prepared the night before and prayed over beforehand.

Bright Light Continued from Page Twelve small light grows bigger and brighter until finally, at life's end, it reaches its fullness. This must be the time when God's reign is at hand - the time when the rule of God in our hearts is complete. The elderly couple I read about gives us an idea of a a close-to-full cycle. Something that is rather difficult to comprehend in the midst of our tumultuous world, busy workdays, and just the business of day-to-day living and the problems that come our way. As our life cycle expands, we hope that, like, them, the light that glows within us grows larger and more pure. One day, if we have truly worked to help the goodness within us grow, we will finally understand the relkn of God and be one with it.

Santo Christo Continued from Page One praised the parish and its members for their growth, dedication and loyalty over the years. Santo Christo had its begini1ings in March, 1876 as a mission of St. John the Baptist Church in New Bedford. By 1889 the Portuguese population of Fall River had grown to the extent that an independent parish was needed. A former Baptist chapel building was purchased at that time and by 1891 the present parish was founded. The original chapel remained in use until the present structure was erected. The exterior was completed over a period from 1924 to 1927 but the interior was not 'finished until 1948, after interruptions by the depression of the 19305 and the material shortages of World War II.

JEREMIAH'S COMMISSION from God is quoted by Father John Castelot: "A prophet to the nations I appointed you . . . This day I set you over nations and kingdoms. To root up and to tear down, to destroy and to demolish, to build up and to plant." A thoughtful Jeremiah is depicted by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. (NC Photo)

PROMOTED: Major Thomas J. Carroll, marine science instructor at Holy Cross college, Worcester, has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the US Marines. A native of Fall River, where he lives with his wife and six children, he holds master's degrees in personnel and public administration. He served as a logistics officer on the island of Okinawa before joining the Holy Cross facuity.

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Continued from Page, Twelve tured, regal, bureaucratic. But Jesus preached a reign or rule of God in the hearts of men that was active, dynamic, personal. As he told Pilate: "My kingdom does not belong to this world ... As it is, my kingdom is not here ... It is you who say I am a king." As the first century wore on, there was a tendency in some circles to interpret God's reign in terms of the Church. This comes through in the Gospel of Matthew, on!'! of whose central themes is the K~ngdom, and the only Gospel in which the word

"church" appears (just twice as against over i'l 00 references to the reign in the Synoptic Gospels). But this was a late development; Matthew was written between 80 and 100 A.D. And even here, there is no question of identifying the reign with the Church. They are related, yes, but not identical. And so we pray every day, as Jesus himself taught us to pray: "Thy kingdom come!"

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Rev. Antonio Tavares, the present pastor of Santo Christo, is the fifth the parish has had. His predecessors were Rev. Candido Avila Martins, Rev. Manuel A. Silvia, Msgr. Francisco C. Bettencourt and Re\'. Arthur C. doc; Reis. Present associate pastors are Rev. Gilbert Simoes and Rev. Julio Martins, a visitng priest from the Azores. Assigned as deacon to the parish is Rev. Mr. Raymond Cambra. Arthur Silvia Jr. was chairman of Sunday's banquet and a parish history for a souvenir booklet was prepared by Father Martins.

'Thy Kingdom Come! '

D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll




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of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4, 1976

basic youth page Connolly High Rising, getting breakfast, going to work, falling in' love, marrying, giving birth, dying ... this is the stuff out of which Thornton Wilder created one of the most popular and enduring plays in the repertory of American drama, "Our Town." At 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 6 and 7, the Connolly Players of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, will present this great American classic and Pulitzer Prize winner in the school auditorium. Among cast members will be Marie Levesque, Richard Bedard, Adrien Boulay, James Martin, Jacqueline Dias. Pauline Dumais and Chris Rodrigues. The director is Rev. William J. Cullen, S.J., just returned to Connolly after a year of study in England and remembered for many musica.ts and dramatJc productions in past years.

Life In Music By The Dameans DON'T THINK -

Sleepy ole sun, Sleepy ole day, Sleepy ole tree, Gonna make me some shade. Sleep ole time, on my side of town I'm feelin' fine, I'll explain to you now Don't think, feel! Ain't no big deal, just make it real and don't think, feel! It don't take plans to clap your hands when it feels nice Just don't think twice Some worry all day 'bout who they can hurt. Some worry all night 'bout money and lust. Worry they do and worry they die and after they're gone Just the bankers cry Life is a card, you take what you get. You do what you can to feel no regret. You do what you can, forget about words. Just go with the feeling; it usually works. Written, sung and copyright by Neil Diamond, ASCAP, 1976 Neil Diamond has created a bouncy, playful tune that stirs up excited feeling almost instantly. As he does with most of his music, he plays with sounds and feelings more than words. This helps you get in touch with another important dimension of who you are; it can help you discover your playful, imaginative self i '




Over a thousand students, faculty members and parents representing Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, the Taunton Catholic Middle School and the city's Catholic primary schools attended a concelebrated liturgy at St. Mary's Church in obser~ vance ,01, &spe~t ,Life ,month. Msgr.~:Maurice' Souza was principal celebrant, assisted by Taunton Deanery priests, and Rev. Jay T. Maddock of the Diocesan Pro-Life Committee was homilist. At the offertory students from each school presented symbolic gifts, including banners, plants, a candle and roses.

One of, the things that makes you attractive as a person is how you are able to let go and enjoy life. If you are comfortable with your lighthearted feelings, you will respond to them spontaneously "It don't take plans to clap your hands." Then the beauty of yourself and your life shows. Jesus even reminded us that "the Father reveals to merest children." A child is anyone who plays. There is a difference, though, in being childish. A childish person always operates' on the .immediate feeling regardless of the consequences. The result is ultimately feeling miserable. The responsible person may sometimes choose to go against an immediate feeling in hopes of achieving some long range satisfaction. This is the Christian's dying to live. What Neil Diamond is attempting to do is help us achieve the balance. He does not want us to forget the feelings and playfulness that makes us delightful, so that when we're gone, more than "just the bankers cry."

Feehan High Following a recent College and Career night, members of the guidance departments of Attleboro area high schools cosponsored a program for seniors and their parents on financial aid for higher education. Held in the Feehan auditorium, the session presented speakers from area colleges and representatives invited by the Attleboro Scholarship Fund Committee. Feehan Drama Club members with their moderator, Sister Marialyn Riley, RSM, attended an "oral interpretation production" at Emerson College, Boston; and Math Club members, directed by Sister Alice Fontaine, SSC, were participants in a Southeastern Massachusetts Math Conference Meet at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School. All students were involved in Homecoming Week, recently sponsored by the student council, and a Halloween Bake Sale held by the Future Business Leaders raised funds for a schoolwide Spell-In, scheduled for December. Planned for today at the Attleboro school is a Navy band concert.


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RELIGIOUS CAMPOREE: Over 100 Attleboro-Taunton area Scouts hold religious camporee at Camp Norse, Carver. Top, District Scout Executive Abdul Samma explains. Islamic faith; center, Father James King of St. Elias Church, Woonsocket, conducts Melchite liturgy; bottom, from left, Ricky Mauer and Robert Santos are invested as chaplain's aides by Rev. Normand Boulet, assisted by Ernest Anelunde and Brendan Murphy.


by Cecilia Belanger A question asked me by many parents is "Do you find young people doing a lot of praying?" My answer is, "Yes, I do." But their form of praying is unlike their parents'. They believe that religion is liberal and spiritual enough not to be bound to a particular place or hour. They believe that people choose for themselves the time and the place. Many find the morning is a

good time to pray. Minds are not so much shaken by wOl'ldly cares and duties as in other parts of the day. Sleep has helped allay the violence of feelings and one worships without divided attention. "We pray without knowing we're praying," a divinity student said to me recently. He said be felt he was praying when he looked upon creation. "A few hours ago everything Turn to Page Fifteen


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 4,1976

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.


The Women's Guild will sponsor its only fundraising event, a public whist party, at 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12 in the parish hall. Tickets will be available at the door. The unit's regular monthly meeting will be held at 8:15 p.m. Monday, Nov. 15 in the hall. Members are asked to bring a donation of canned goods for Thanksgiving baskets. HOLY CROSS, FALL RIVER

The Polish Roman Catholic Union will sponsor a public' Bicentennial dance at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20 at the parish hall on Manchester Street. Music will be by the Polonia Orchestra of Pawtucket. HOLY CROSS, EASTON


The annual parish Holly Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13, with booths including needlework, holilday decorations, baked goods, toys, knitted items, white elephant, plants, children's items, silhouettes and jewelry. A "tasting table" and snack bar will be in operation and money' and canned goods raffles will take place. Santa Claus will be on hand from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ST. STAMSLAUS, FALL RIVER


A Christmas bazaar will be held from 1 to 9 p.m. in the parish hall Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 4 through' 6, with Dot Gorman as chairman. A snack bar will be open each day and special features will include handmade items, homemade pastries and candy, games and a holiday booth. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH

The Women's Guild will welcome guests at its meeting set for Tuesday, Nov. 9, at which program on flower design will be presented by Ql.!incy Adams.


Holy Rosary Sodalists will meet Sunday Nov. 14 and the ST. JOSEPH, Men's Club will meet at 7 p.m. TAUNTON Sunday, Nov. 7 in the school All parish women are invited hall. to attend a Christmas party to Also on Sunday and in the be held Tuesday, Dec. 7 at Chahall, the Women's Guild will teau de Ville, Randolph, under hold its annual membership tea auspices of the Women's Guild. at 2 p.m. New members are welThe unit will sponsor a come and may make reserva- Christmas sale Saturday, Nov. tions with Mrs. Annette Golem- 13 with the theme of "Mrs. bewski, telephone 678-8116. . Santa and Her Friends." Colonial 'Navy members will attend 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, HOLY NAME, Nov. 21, wearing uniform and FALL RIVER The annual parish bazaar will joining in singing. Refreshments take place Saturday, Nov. 20 in will follow ·the Mass. Eleven intercessors are pray- the school halL ing daily for the parish and more would be welcomed. A meeting for this prayer group Miracle Bookshelf will be announced shortly. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD

Following a monthly First Friday custom, a half hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow 7 p.m. Mass tomorrow. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY

The SS. Margaret and Mary Guild will sponsor a luncheon and fashion show at 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8 in the parish center on Main Street, Buzzards Bay.

focus on youth •••


The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a presentation of "Hey, Mr. God" by the Rays of Sunshine at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20 in Westport High School auditorium. Tickets are available from all members and at the rectory. The Rays are 70 girls, ages 13 to 18, representing 11 Rhode Island schools. Directed by Joseph Dibiase, they were organized 10 years ago as a choir in St. Mary's Church, Cranston. Since then they have traveled across the nation and to nine foreign countries, appearing in settings ranging from tiny parish halls to sports arenas to the Vatican, where Pope Paul VI was among 20,000 attending a special presentation of the group~ Proceeds from the Westport program will benefit a fund for a ne~ parish center.



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Edith Kirby is chairperson of a whist to' be sponsored at 8 tonight in the church hall on Main Road, Central Village, by the Ladies' Guild. The public is invited. Refreshments vyill be served and door prizes awarded. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER.

The Buddies wiill play for a harvest supper and dance to be sponsored at 6:30 Saturday night, Noy. 6 in the Jesus-Mary auditorium by the Council of Catholic Women. Tickets are available from all council officers and members of the ticket committee. A raffle will be held ~ in conjunction with the dance. SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD

A Christmas bazaar will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6 in the parish center. Homemade pastries, handmade and white elephant articles will be featured and there will be games, refreshments and a speCi.al visit from Santa' Claus. Mini-raffles will be conducted hourly: with a main raffle at the end of the day at which the grand prize will be a $200 credit towards a· bus tour of the winner's choice. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER

The annual Mass for deceased members of the Women's Guild will be celebrated at 5 p.m. Sun· day, Nov. 7. Tickets for the guild Christmas party, to be held Wednesday, Dec. 1 at White's restaurant, are now available. Turn to Page Sixteen

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Continued from Page Fourteen people can constantly fault was dark and gloomy - night young people for dropping out had fallen. Then there's that of church, I don't know. Where pause in nature and one wakes the virtue and spirit of Jesus up to a flood of light." Beauti- Christ do not exist there is no fully said. church. Yes, I have found that most We must always remember young people pray in many ways: through art, poetry, writ- that Christ did not establish his ings, friendships, theatre, dance, church in a formal way. The primitive church, has indeed. concern for a pal in trouble. "I like to pray at night," a some refreshing qualities about lovely young lady said to me. it which I find most appealing. "At night the earth fades from How simple and how natural sight, and on a good night, we everything was! This is what see nothing but starry heavens. youth longs for in a complex, It's all so vast and magnificent, . often brutal world. We love to so serene. I feel the stars are a complicate things-it makes us . light, guiding my thoughts to \ look more learned, more scholarly when often the most learned God." "I don't like to go to sleep is the most unscholarly-appearing,' the humblest, whose head with guilt on my concsience," is not always in the air. said another. "If I've harmed anyone, or' ddne an injustice I think hypocrisy that gets to anyone, or can help under the skin of youth more someone, I feel that I must do than anything those congregasomething." tions who use the house of God An elderly lady said re- for propriety's sake, or from a cently, "If my bed should prove vague notion that they will be to be my grave, I want to retire saved no matter how they treat with no' guilt on my conscience, others; those people who do not my nightly prayers from a pen- go to church because they thirst itent heart ascending to my for the Divine Spirit, for if they Lord." did they would not nudge one Don't Follow Kettles another after Mass upon seeing At the outset, let me make it young people with a style not_ clear that I do not speak for all their own. youth. Much of my time is spent The real _house of God is inwith those disenchanted youth side us. who seem to be pushed aside because they do not follow all the other copper kettles down the stream. I want to know why they are on the fringes, what has happened to make them that way. Since God heeds not what we say but what we do, and whether or not it is done from a good heart or merely for show, how I

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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 4, 1976

Parish Parade Continued from Page Fifteen ST. THERESA, SOUTH ATILEBORO The Christian Mothers Confraternity will meet Monday, Nov. 8, beginnnjng with Mass at 7:30 p.m. and continuing with a business meeting and' fashion show. The unit's annual Christmas bazaar will take place from 2 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 10 and Thursday, Nov. 11. Features will include a door raffle, "pot of 'gold," country store, boutique table, "grandma's attic," arts,crafts, aprons, plants and a grocery raffle. An "open kitchen" will serve home-made food.

ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET The Women's Guild will hold a turkey whist and raffle in the parish hall of St. Thomas More Church at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6, with proceeds benefiting St. Patrick's parish. Donations of prizes and cakes are requested. They maybe left at the rectory or picked up by contacting Pauline Tavares, chairman, telephone 673-5645. .

games for all ages, homemade pastries and candies, handmade knitted goods and a snack bar serving snacks or complete home-cooked meals. A penny sale will take place nightly and a $500 grand prize drawing will be held Sunday. The winner need not be present. ST. JOSEPH, ATILEBORO Cub Scouts will meet tomorrow afternoon in the school.

ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild announces a Christmas Country Fair from 6 to 10 p.m., Friday, Nov. 12 and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13. Booths will offer refreshments, stitchery, Christmas items, children's articles, ceramics, "five and dime" selections, plants, toys, candy and baked goods. "Fringe benefits" include ample parking and no stairs to climb, say organizers.

ST. ANTHONY, NEW BEDFORD The annual bazaar will take place Friday, Nov. 12 through Sunday, Nov. 14, with hours from 6 to 11 p.m. Friday, 1 to 1.1 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Admission will be free and features will include booths and

BEE People will hold installation and investiture ceremonies in the parish hall at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6. Rev. Mr. William Baker, deacon at St. John's Church, Attleboro, will speak. Cub Pack committee members will meet at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7 at the home of Gerald Durocher, Cubmaster.

ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Couples Club will sponsor a dance in the school hall at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20. The public is invited and refreshment~ will be available. Music will be by the Randy Hill orchestra and the motif for the evening .will be Country Sounds.


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In charge of arrangements are Mr. and Mrs. Armand Duquette and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nadeau. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD Present members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society will receive corporate communion at a Mass for deceased members at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 7. The unit will hold a cake sale Saturday, Nov. 20 at the Dartmouth

Mall. The Rosary Society announces a card party for 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 14 at the church hall, 235 N. Front St. Refreshments will be served. Senior citizens of the parish are planning a spaghetti supper and penny sale at 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20, also at the hall. S8. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Women's Club will hold a rummage sale in the parish center from 6 to 9 p.m. today and from 9 to 11 a.m. tomorrow in the parish center at 240 Dover St. Mrs. Inez Pacheco and Mrs. Mary Walmsley are cochairladies. The Home and School Organization will sponsor a penny sale from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7 at the Father Coady Center. Children are welcome. Mrs. Jerry Quinn is chairperson. The unit will hold its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9 at the center. A business session will be followed by a jewelry fashion show featuring reasonably priced Christmas gift suggestions. Further information is available from Mrs. Terry Nowicki.

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