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Rites on Saturday i


An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm -


Fall River, Mass., Thursday, 'Nov. 5, 1970 Vol. 14, No. 45

© 197(1 The Anchor

PRICE 10¢ $4.00 per year

Monsignor Dupuis Pastor Emeritus .-


Rev. Msgr. Dupuis

The Most Reverend Bishop today announced his acceptance of the resignation of Rev. Msgr. Arthur G. Dupuis, as pastor of St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea, and his appointment as pastor emeritus of 'the same parish. Despite a remarkable recovery from a hel\rt attack, Monsignor Dupuis has been plagued with bad health in the past few years. Born in Fall River on January 30, 1907, the son of the late Hormidas' and the late MarieLouise Guevremont Dupuis, he attended Notre Dame School and B. Nt C. Durfee High School in Fall River.. He began his preparations 'for the priesthood in Canada while attending St. Charles Borromeo Continued from Page Two

Instruction on Liturgy Ends Experime.ntation ROME (NC)-The Holy See is trying to put the brakes on wayout liturgies and liturgical experimentation. A new instruction on the liturgy-called the Third Instruction on the Correct Application of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy - was prepared by the Congregation for Divine Worship for that purpose. Contents of the document, dated Sept. 5, were prematurely released in the Italian press Oct. 29. The congregation had intended to release the document Nov. 5. The net result of the instruction will be continued approval

Memorial Mass A concelebrated Mass of Requiem will be offered at St. Mary's' Cathedral on Tuesday morning, Nov. 10, a't 10 o'clock' for all the departed Bishops, Clergy and Religious of the Diocese of Fall River.

of customary guitar Masses and home Masses where the local bishop assents, but an absolute ban on liturgies that approach the bizarre. . . Only approved texts can be used in the' readings at Mass, experimentation with the liturgy is restricted and priests are permitted to wear only the customary vestments in the liturgy. A Vatican official said that the instruction became a necessity because experimentation in too many places was providing a liturgy that was "unrecognizable just plain and sometimes stupid." . At one point, almost as if to say that enough experimentation and adaptation has taken place, th~ instruction said: "Thus there is no need to resort to arbitrary adaptations, which would only weaken the impact of the liturgy." The new directive from the divine worsl:1ip congregation further says, that. Mass should be celebrated in a sacred place, prompting some press reports that this was meant as a ban on Turn to Page Two

Bishop Con,nolly and Bishop G,errard To b,e Co,nc,el,ebra,nts at Mass

• BOSTON (NC) - Dead from cancer after a 14-year struggle With the malignancy, Cardinal , Richard Cushing was praised by }jis successor as "a truly great soul, a man of universal genius." I Shortly after he left the 75year-old cardinal's bedside in the s'imple quarters he long occupied in the Boston chancery resi~ence, a saddened Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros issued a s~atement on Monday afternoon rt,ourning his death. , i Only a month ago,' Cardinal q:ushing' ,had publi,cly thanked God for letting him live lorig ~nough to see his successor installed as Archbishop of Boston. I Archbishop Medeiros was prorhoted by Pope Paul VI from the little rural diocese , of Browns, ville, Texas, to the huge Boston ~rchdiocese on Sept. 7, at the ~ame' time that Cardinal Cushirg's requested retirement was ~ccepted by the Pontiff. The colorful installation was Oct. 7. I The cardinal died about 1:30 p.m. (EST), barely an hour after the chancery had issued a bulle~in saying he was in critical conditio", and rapidly 'failing. The thancery announcement said he ~as near death from complica~ions of "the 10ng~!3tl\nding mao Iignancywith which he has been afflicted, for years." ; A concelebrated Mass will be offered in Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston ,at 11 o'clock on Satur<Jay morning. Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, and Most Rev~ 'Humbeito S. Medeiros, Archbishop of Boston will be co· principal concelebrants. , Other concelebrants will be Turn to Page Four

,Boa rd Suggests Coyle' M'erger With Cassidy



I In the death "t Richard car;:;;~:~i:~, I:::'y_ \j



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! At a meeting of the board of

tlirectors of Msgr. Coyle High School in Taunton it was sug~ested that a merger take place between that boys' school and Bishop Cassidy High School for girls in Taunton. I The recommenClation was imade by the board which is composed of pastors of the Taunton parishes and ope lay- ' :man from each Taunton parish. lit came as a result of the finanicial report and the Coyle princiipal's report indicating that the :boys' school is in dire financial trouble. I The suggestion will have to be I studied now by the Most Reverend Bishop and by the Provincial of the Brothers of Holy I Cross, who staff Coyle, and by I the Provincial of the Sisters of ' 'the Holy Union of the Sacred I Hearts, who staff, Cassidy High. There are at present 453 boys 'in Coyle taught by eight br<>thers and 1,1, lay' teachers. There are 355. girls at Cassidy taught : by 14 religi~us and 5 lay teachers.,


~l ane has lost a sympathetic, kindly friend. Here was Ii


the man, big in body, strong in voice, broad in symwhose naming as Archbishop of Boston in November 1944 exhilarated all hearts, priestly, reliM gious and plebeian throughout New England. He was III so full of promise. His Faith was strong and articulate Ii: to the point that he was a missionary by nature and instinct and grace. T-his was, indeed, a man of God.

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Hardly a facet of life, in and out of the .Church, was there not enhanced by' him. With buoyant, youth- ~.l ~;i ful heart, he found himself at home with everyone, q ~! and improved each relationship by his constant Faith, n :'in God first, and then his fellowmen. Many will 'Ii remember him for strengthening the physical fabric Ii of the Church in Boston. But in the judgment of the


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Love" Christ's pilgrim Church on earth. We may Ii never see his like again. We shall never forget him I! in prayerful pleading with God for the eternal peace ~,; 1;1 and blessedness of a dear and cherished friend. ~i

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Bishop of Fall River





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese .~f Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970

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Diocese-.. of Fa Ii River



Washington Ca'rdinal Explains, Moral Aspe'ct of Abortion





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PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. Arthur G. Dupuis; Pastor of St. Louis de France Church, Swansea, becomes Pastor Emeritus on Thursday, Nov~mber 19, ]970.

~~..I'~"C>~ Bishop of Fall River.

E¥perimentation Continued from Page One home Masses. However, ·the instruction further states that the local bishop may, give permission for Mass elsewhere than approved sacred places. The instruction stated that no other' readings may be, substituted for the Word of God at Mass. It also said that the congrega" tion at Mass "should not add comments or engage in dialogue" during the sermon. The Eucharistic prayer also belongs to the priest alone, according to the instruction, and he alone must say the prayer in its ~ntirety. Anp~\1er guideline in the instru.ctiAA ,repeats the traditional norm; tl~at prohibits women from

Mass Ordo


FRIDAY-Mass (Choice of Celebrant). Weekday. SATUROAY - Mass of Blessed Virgin Mary for Saturday. Optional. White. SUNDAY-Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost. Green. (The Prayers. ,are taken from the Mass of the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany). Mass ,Proper; Glory;, Creed; Pref~ce of Sunday. MONOAY - Dedication of the La.te'rim Basilica. (The' Cath,edral of the Diocese of Rome). Feast. White:"IMass Proper; Glory; no Cree& TUESDAY - Mass (Choice 'of ,Celebrant). Weekday. . WEDNESDAY - St. Martin of tours, Bish'op. Memorial White. Veterans' Day.



Liturgy_ Ends

sewing the priest ~~ the altar. It does note, however, that women are, allowed a variety of chur.ch duties,such as proclamation, of the Scripture readings" except the Gospel, and making announcenu:,nts and giving explanatory comments to aid people's understanding of the rite. The instruction recalls elsewhere that Corn.munion under both species of bread and wine is the more perfect sacramental expression of the people's participation in the Eucharist. Other guidelines in the new instruction are devoted to such matters as the color, taste arid texture of the Eucharistic bread; the proper places for celebrating the' Eucharist; sacred vessels, vestments and furnishings; and the physieal details' of churches, altars, ,and, sanctuaries.

Father Ferris Administrator Rev, Norman J. Ferris has been appointed to act as administrator of St. Anthony of' the Desert Parish, Fall River by' Most Rev. Francis Zayek of the Exarchy of the Maronites in the United States and the appoint~ ment has been confirmed by Bishop Connolly. . . Father Ferris was ordained on May 23, 1953 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River by Bishop" Gonnolly and has served as an assistant in St. Mary's Parish" Taunton, St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay and the Immaculate Conception" Fall River. While stationed in T~unton, Father Ferris acted as spiritual moderator of the Taunton Guild of Catholic' Nurses.

Day of Prayer Nov. 8 - St. Thomas ,More, Somerset. Sacred' Heart, Oak Bluffs. Notre Dame, Fall River. Nov. 15-0ur Lady of the Immaculate Conception, New Bedford. ,:.:, St. John the, Baptist, New Bedford. '" , . St. Louis, Fall 'River. - ';'r' -,

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.',' • THE ANCHOR Second' Class Postage, Paid at Fall River. Mass.', ) Published ev'ery,:,Thursday at· 410 Highland Avenue,. Fall ,River. Mass. ,02722, by the Cahtblic Pless OJ the, Diocese of Fall River. Subscription' price 'ny' mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.

Farm Workers Set Meeti'ng In Texas

Th~ltlking. " Men hav,e the power of thinking that they may avoid sin., -St. John Chrysostom

,Students to Hear Noted Lecturer , Rev. John McCall, S.J., professor of Psychology and Clinical , Child Guidance' at Boston Col.lege, Graduate School, will ad, dress the parents of Dominican Academy students in the Fal1 River' academy's auditorium at 7:30 on Thursday night, Nov. 12. Father McCall, noted for his work with teenagers, was one of the keynote speakers at the August CCD Convention held in Providence and was the keynoter at the Archdiocesan Teachers' Institute in Hartford in,.October. He has also been' a r'egular contributor to the weekly Reli'1."1'1' gion Magazine, "Hi-Time." The priest-psychologist will discuss today's adolescent' and his response to the new approaches in the teaching of ~eli­ gion. '

Will It is the will only that God

desires, but all other powers run after it to be united to God with it. -St. Francis de Sales







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R. Marcel Roy - Go Lam.ine Roy Roger laFrance

N.ecrology' NOV. 6 Rev. Patrick S. McGee, 1933, Founder, St. Mary, Hebronville. NOV. 11 Rev. A. Gomez da Silva Neves, 19'10, Pastor, St. John Baptist, New Bedford. NOV. 12 Rev. James H. Looby, 1924, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton. Rev. Bernard Boylan;' :.1925, Pastl?r, St. Joseph, Fall River.

"Right Tirne

spectable men cooperated in making and enfordng the laws that legalized the killing and spoilation of the American Indians. But it was unjust." Hitler, the, cardinal said, could not have led Germany to the shame of the slaughter of the Jews if decent and respectable men had not cooperated. It was not less unjust. Many today say that Christians did too little to opp<?se that legalized slaughter." Using these arguments, the cardinal urged Catholics to "keep in mind this example so that it shall not be said of us: they ceased to oppose the slaughter of the innocent unborn, they became silent, they cooperated."

Embalmer - Funeral Director


THURSDAY~St. Martin' I, Pope,

Martyr. Optional. Red.

WASHINGTON (NC) - "Even if abortion is legally permitted, it still is a sin," declared Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle in a pastoral letter sent to all Catholic churches in the Washington archdiocese. Although the cardinal has spoken against abortion in the 'past, he ~aid it was necessary to address himself to the "moral 'aspl:!ct" of the abortion because "there is.:,danger that we may become J:,Qnfused about the fundamental moral significance of abortion." Abortion, he said in the letter, "is immoral. It violates the most basic human good-human life itself" and is morally. evil and Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle an injustice to the unborn child. "Moreover," he added, "abortion 'remains a sin. It is a violation of divine law * '" * Catholics '!"ho violate this law by procuring 'a direct abortion or by partkipating in the procurement SAN JUAN (NC) - Boston's of. a direct abortion commit 'newly installed Archbishop Hum- a very grave sin against God and berto Medeiros will come back against the unborn child:') to Texas to serve as keynote , He reminded his, archdiocese speal{er at back-to-back, self- thilt ,"the penalty for this crimhelp institutes here for farm fam- inal ~iolation, is automatic exilies and farm workers in the communication." , The cardinal stated that 'the Rio Grande Valley from Nov. 12 Catholic, Church has J1istorically to IS. The institutes are sponsored been the outstanding and outjointly by the 'Texas Conference 'spoken opponent of abortion." Of Church (TCC) and the Nation- While' Catholics are not alone al Catholic Rural Life Confer- in fighting abortion, he 'said, ence (NCRLC), an' arm ~f the "Catho'ic moral teaching has alUnited States Catholic Confer- ways insisted that abortion is ence. The state's 11 Catholic di- the killing of an innocent person. cceses are members of, the inter- Morally, it is a form of murder. "No 'changes in the laws, no faith TCC, ' pressures of opinion, 'no subtle "We've done this sort of thing arguments' can alter this murgerbefore many times but ne~er ous ,reality," he said, adding: with the famliy farmer and the family worker in session one af- "We 'Catholics are privileged to receive'the clear and firm teachter the other," said Msgr. Eding of the Church which guides ward W. O'Rourke, NCRLC exus in forming our consciences ecutive director. An estimated 100 farmers are * * * Today, we Catholics must expected to attend Nov. Ii and withstand the depotism of those 13 sessions and some 400 farm who shape mass public opinion." Innocent Unborn workers are due for the Nov. Although "honorable and re14 and 15 meetings. Archbishop Medeiros, former spectable men" favor legalizing • bishop of Brownsville, Tex., and abortion, the cardinal noted that 'long involved in problems ~on­ "honorable and respectable men fronting farmers dhd farm work- .cooperated , in making and eners, will speak at both sessions forcing the laws tl;tat I~galized on "Family Farmers and Farm slavery and slave trade. But it Workers Can Help Each Other...· ' was unjust. Honorable and re-

'' '

.We 'should ,'avoid un'seaso'liable intrusions' and' "discover: the' appropriate ;1:t1 rne :i ,for each ,'word and deed. -St. ' Basil

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THE ANCHORThurs.. Nov. 5. t 970

Oversheltering Youth Leads to Rebellion WASHINGTON - (NC)-"From crib to college our youth are enveloped in ~ cocoon of unreality and they cannot help but grow up with distorted views on love, marriage, ethics, religion and everything else' that really matters." This is the belief of' Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, executive vicepresident of the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education. In releasing the committee's report on youth, the rabbi added that "too many parents in rearing their children shield them from not only responsibility, but every~hing distasteful and tragic." The report attributed many of youth's difficulties to "their disillusionment toward the preceding generation which has raised them for an unreal world." It blamed this resentment of being reared on false values for tOday's campus rebellion. The committee, a Jewsh organization which operates schools and· other educational activities throughout the country, said that 'oneof the most serous mistakes that many parents make is the failure to impose proper dscipline. "Today's fathers and mothers seem afraid to lay the law down to their children, and it is the children who end up ruling the household," the report said. "Let them raise their voice or make one sign of displeasure and everyone in the family comes running to do their bidding." No ,wonder, the report pointed out, that children grow up feel· ing that they can do almost anything they want, and are in effect above the law. "When


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they find out otherwise, as they do sooner or later, they have a tremendous readjustment to make." The same unrealistic approach is often applied by parents in regard to money. "Many children grow up today thnking their parents have an inexhaustible supply of money. This is because nothing is denied the child. Without extending himself one bit, the child goes to the best camps, gets an automobile while still in high school, and when he goes to college, often spends more on socializing than on tuition."


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Medical Journal Sees Demis·e Of Ethics

LOS ANGELES (NC)-A Cali· fornia medical journal has predicted that the traditional Western ethic, with its Judeo- Christian cornerstone, is on its way toward replacement by a "biologically oriented world society." California Medicine acknowledged that the "traditional ethic is still clearly dominant, but there is much to suggest that it is being eroded at its core and may eventually even be abandoned. This of course will produce profound changes in West. ern medicine and in Western society." The clearest example of the erosion of the Western ethic is in "changing attitudes toward human abortion," the editorial VATICAN CITY (NC)-In the stated. longest and most strenuous jour"In defiance of the long held ney of his seven-year reign 73Western ethic of intrinsic and year-old Pope Paul VI has schedequal value for every human life uled a nine-day trip that will regardless of its stage, condition take him half way around the or status, abortion is becoming world to visit seven countries in j accepted by society as moral, Asia and the Pacific. CHARITY BALL CO-CHAIRMEN: Heading' the com- right and even necessary. Details of Pope Paul;s latest I "It is worth noting that this trip abroad-his ninth-were re- mittee for the Bishop's ~harity Ball scheduled for Jan. shift in public attitude has afleased by the Vatican Oct. 29. 8 are: Arthur Caetano, left, president of the Particular__ fected the churches, the laws The main stopovers will be the C~mncil of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of the New and public policy rather than the papal visits to Manila, the PhilBedford Area and Mrs. Charles Landry, Seekonk, Diocesan reverse. ippines, Nov. 27-29, and to SydPresident of the Council of Catholic Women. ney, Australia, Nov. 30-Dec. 3. "Since the old ethic has not yet been fully displaced it has Other stops, however, will be been necessary to separate the made in Iran,' the Samoan Isidea of abortion from the idea lands, Indonesia, Hong Kong and of killing, which continues to be Ceylon. socially abhorrent. A refueling stop will be made S. Welfare Reform Group Seeks "The result has been a curious at Teheran, Iran, enroute from Aid from Foreign Nations avoidance of the scientific fact, Rome Nov. 26. After leaving Manila, the Pope will visit Pago DETROIT (NC) - A Detroit couldn't be much worse than re- which everyone really knows, that human 'life begins at conPago in American Samoa and the welfare group, led by Father sponse here. independent state of western Norman Thomas, plans to ask Finding a deaf ear wherever ception and is continuous whethSamoa on Nov. 29. After leaving 11 foreign nations. for $5 million it turned, Father Thomas said er intra-or extra-uterine until Sydney, the Pope will stop over- in aid so it can buy clothing for CWR now will appeal through death." night at Jakarta, Indonesia, Dec. American children on welfare. The editoral suggested that letter to the Netherlands, Aus'Pastoral Session' 3-4. Then, enroute back to Rome "Since our government has tria, France, England, Canada, medicine's role "with respect to the Pope will celebrate several refused to acknowledge its re- Denmark, Sweden, Norway and changing attitudes toward aborPrecedes Meeting LOURDES (NC)-The French Masses in sports stadiums, meet sponsibility toward these chil- Belgium in addition to the tion may well be a protype of bishops held a three-day "pas- with various heads of state, or- dren, we must look elsewhere U.S.S.R and Yugoslavia. what is to occur." toral session" with priests, lay- dain priests, attend sessions of for help," the group called CitiThese countries were selected men, Religious and non-Catho- the Asian bishops' meeting and zens for Welfare Reform, said for the appeal, he said, because lics before starting their annu- also those of the bishops' con- in a letter being delivered to for- they're not so politically and UP-DATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ferences of Australia and Ocean- eign consulates. al meeting here. economically dependent upon the TIMELY RELIGIOUS FORMATION I ia. He will also visit with the Father 'Thomas, chairman of The session was held to help "at United States and might make the bishops more familiar poor, as he has done in previous, the' year-old CWR and pastor of least receive" the request "if ~RlaR with grass-roots pastoral and trips. He will also deliver at I Detroit's Sacred Heart church, . nothing ·more." . missionary experience. At the least 50 speeches and sermons I said CWR decided to seek forBRotheR OR PRI€st CWR claims a racially intesession the bishops heard papers and also give a special confer- eign aid because the legislature grated membership of 300,000 Let us tell you how by lay groups and priests on the ence for newsmen Dec. 2 in failed to provide a welfare clothyou can serve. Write including representatives from 10r free literature at ingaliowance this year. influence of Christianity on the Sydney. no obligation. most of the city's welfare groups. '~Kids can't go to school, they working class, in the rural areas Never in the Church's history CWR seeks reform of the enVocation Director and on intellectuals. has a Pope ever traveled so far: can't go to church. They don't ST. n.AWRENCE fRIARY'.J The pastoral session, on "The from Europe or had contact with i have clothes," he told NC News tire welfare system, said Father 175 Milton St. ~ Milton, Man., ~~.18G Progress of the Faith and the so many Catholics and non-I about the 70,000 school-age chil- Th0'!1as. He added that the governor's welfare reform commit, J P' Growth of the Church in Human Christians as Pope Paul will on i dren he estimates are part of Name I welfare families in Wayne tee's recommendations, to be Realities", brought together all this forthcoming trip. announced after November elecAddress the bishops, 50 lay persons, 30· Pope Paul, who has described I County, Michigan, alone. tions, are not helping children can't "These are people who priests, 12 Sisters, seven himself as an "apostle-on-the-I Brother 0 Priest .'0" ~ge _ _ Brothers and four non-Catholic move," will use the visit to buy clothes on credit," families who began- school a month ago. observers. The observers were preach the gospel of peace inl whose welfare allotment goes for also scheduled to 'attend the Asia and to visit the islands ofl food or rent instead of someThe Frost is on the Pumpkin meeting of the French Bishops' the Pacific as a demonstration thing to wear, he said. Speaking about CWR's chances Conference. of the Church's interest ill' alii and at men everywhere. The visit, ini of getting financial aid from a way, completes the pattern o~ from foreign nations, including Heads Academ'y his world-spanning mission of the Soviet Union and YugOSlavia, NOTRE DAME (NC)-Father journeys tnat have already take~ Father Thomas said any reaction "~~hft 'n §a!lJen" James T. Burtchaell, C.S.C., him to North America, South Named Editor 210 Weir St. COl'. Somerset Ave. (Rte. 138) Tauntoll'l University of Notre Dame pro- America, European capitals, th~ PITTSBURGH (NC) - Thomas vost, is the new president of the Mideast and Africa. I We have enlarged our facilities to make room for O'Neil, 35, has taken over as 3,500-member American AcadEXCITIN.G NEW GIFT IDEAS I editor of the Pittsburgh Cathoemy of Religion in the United Do Come in and Browse in a Friendly Atmosphere Wheat I lic, diocesan newspaper. O'Neil, States. He was elected at the AAR annual meeting in New I am God's wheat; I am ground religious news and feature editor Ask about our LAY-A-WAY PLAN York. The AAR was formed in by the teeth of the wild beasd of the 'pittsburgh Post-Gazette FREE GIFT WRAPPING 1963, successor to the National that I may end as .the pure bread for the last six years, is an Open Tues. - Saturday-l 0 A.M.• 9 P.M. alumnus of Duquesne University Association of Biblical Instruc- of Christ. Sunday 1-5 Monday 10 A.M.·6 P:M. -St. Ignatius of Antioch here. tors.


Pope To Visit Eight Countries


For American "Children u.



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'rHE ANCHORThurs,,' Nov. 5, 1970

Cardinal Cushing


Continued from Page One Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, and members of the hierarchy of the Boston Province that includes the Dioceses of Springfield, Worcester, l3urlington, Manchester, and Portland. Interment Interment will take place in a crpyt in the Portiuncula Chapel on the grounds of St. Coletta's School for Exceptional Children in Hanover. Years ago the Cardinal made it known he was to be buried there on a knoll overlooking Route 53 and adjacent to the picturesque chapel. A chancery spokesman made note of the' fact that Cardinal Cushing had. tried to qarry on his normal routines, ever since he was afflicted in 1956, with no desire "for any notoriety about the nature of his illness." Archbishop Medeiros "As we mourn his passing," said Archbishop Medeiros, "we rejoice in his record of tremendous accomplishment for the Church and for the welfare of his fellow men. "He was truly a great SQul, a man of universal genius, a priest of selfless dedication,. a bishop of towering stature. I ask all of you who loved him during his life to pray now for the eternal repose of hlsnobli;! and Christlike soul." At his installation as Archbishop of Boston on November 8, 1944, Richard Cardinal Cushing put forward his program calling for the combined and de'voted efforts of the clergy, religious and laity to help him give 'reality to his motto: "That they may know Thee, 0 Lord." In the years since that day the brilliant and vigorous leadership of the Archbishop has made possible a steady advance along every religious, educational, social and cultural path leading to this lofty goal. The new Archbishop came to his work with a keen appreciation . of the spiritual needs not only of his flock but of the entire world, for nowhere was there a Catholic mission in which his name was unknown nor was there anywhere a priest or bishop with a better knowledge of the state of the world. His whole career had been beamed on making him of supreme service to the universal church. South Boston Native Richard James Cushing was born in South Boston on August 24, 1895, second oldest of the five children of Patrick and Mary (Dahill) Cushing, both of whom had come to America from Ireland, and both of whom live on in the memories of\ their neighbors as notable figures in the parish and community life of South Boston. A graduate of Boston College· High School, he entered Boston College in 1913, and at the end of his sophomore year he left college to begin the six-y~ar training for the priesthood at St. John's Seminary in Brighton. He was ordained on May 26, 1921 in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross by the late William Cardinal O'Connell. Following ordinati<;m he served for a short time as curate at St. Patrick's

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CONSECRATION' PREACHER: Principals at the consecration of Bishop Gerrard as Auxiliary Bishop of Fail River on March 19, 1959 met in the Cathedral Rectory for 'a formal picture. Bishop Gerrard, left, the late Cardinal Cushing, who preached the sermon, center and Bishop Connolly who consecrated the new Auxiliary, right.

Jacqueline Kennedy married . Arsitotle Onassis. It was stunning news for many American Catholics when the assassinated President's widow became the bride of a divorced millionaire in an Orthodox ceremony on a secluded Greek island. Cardinal Cushing called it nonsense When the Vatican commented that the Kennedy-Onassis wedding put her in "an irregular position" with the Church and, while not resulting in excommunication, amounted to a renunciation of her faith. Charity "Only God knows who is a sinner and who' is not," the cardinal stated angrily after' the Vatican weekly L'Osservatore della Domenica said that a woman in Mrs. Kennedy's situation was "a public sinner" in terms of canon law. His defense of Mrs. Kennedy's actions brouglit criticism down on Cardinal Cushing's head, and in indignation he threatened to resign. The threat and the furor both faded away. John F. Kennedy One of Cardinal Cushing's most treasured gifts, valued by him more than awards and decorations from a dozen foreign countries and governments, was John F. Kennedy's wartime military dogtag which was given to him by Jacqueline. He said he preferred it to a pectoral cross, that emblem of episcopal office worn from a chain around a bishop's neck. "I have crosses enough without carrying one adorned with jewels," he once remarked, with his usual unfussiness about the prestige and finery of what he called his "glad rags," his red robes. The announcement that Pope Paul had accepted Cardinal Cushing's resignation said it was "in view of poor health"-and his health was one of his' silent crosses. Intense Suffering Cardinal Cushing had suffered for some time from asthma, emphysema, ulcers,. and migraine headaches. Insomnia bothered him. He slept with an oxygen tank nearby. Never a complainer about his personal troubles, however, the cardinal included among his favorite light verse a piece called "I'm Fine" which endS up: "It's better to say 'I am fine' with~ grin/Than to let people know of the shape that we're in." Yet ,the cardinal's energy and drive were almost limitless. He scheduled half a dozen talks a week, darted in and out of hospitals and charitable homes in the Boston area, sat in on meetings, launched' new programs, gave sermons in Protestant pulpits and Jewish temples, trav-' eled around the state, journeyed, across the United States, often flew abroad.

Church in Roxbury and at- St. His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, made himself the brunt of many Benedict's Church, East Somer- . named him the third archbishop a humorous incident. His sense and sixth ordinary to govern the of the humor of human nature ville. See of Boston since its founda- was close to being impish at Propagation of the Faith times. In 1922, when Father Cushing tion in 1808. One day during the Vatican I Cardinal' ~ushing had been had then been in parish worl< Council he traveled up the hills head of the Boston archdiocese for less than a year, he was to a convent in the papal summade assi,stant to the archdioce- and its '1.8 million Catholics mer-residence town of Castelsince 1944, and a cardinal since san director of the Society for gandolfo to visit Italian nuns 1958. He retired this September the Propagation of the Faith, there. Sisters still wore tightMsgr. Joseph F.. McGlinchy, suc- because of' continued poor fitting he,!dgear then, but he ceeding him in this office in health. Doctors removed a cangave each nun the equivalent of cerous kidney in 1956 and took 1928. $5 and told thel11: "Now sisters, For more than 20 years Father out part of his intestines in 1965. don't turn this money over to All his life, Cardinal Cushing - then Monsignor and finally mother superior. I want each of was an individualist in his perBishop - Cushing labored· diliyou to spend it on a permanent sonal style and a devoted discigently and tirelessly for the Sowave." ple in carrying on the work of ciety. Sunday after Sunday his Friendly Mission magnificent power of oratory the Church. Gruff and raspy in manner, his Many a missionary priest and brought home to congregations assembled for Mass the tremen- rough-hewn features and boom- nun over the years gasped when, dous import of missionary work, . ing voice were only a cover for a traveling by plane and finding the difficulties under which mis- remarkable interior personality Cardinal Cushing as a seat comsionaries labor, and the 'spiritual that was humble, generous, full panion, the cardinal would whip consolations' that crown their of humor, unafraid of either the out his checkbook and scribble con(roversi~1 or the new. off a large amount to help their life of sacrifice. labors. People responded generously, Contrasts for they had complete confidence At one time it was .estimated Other contrasts marked Carin the wisdom oJ his analysis of dinal Cushing: that Cardinal Cushing as situations and in the practicality He spent only two or three phenomenal· a fund-raiser and of his methods of meeting them. weeks each fall at the annual builder as he was an innovator Pacific Mission sessions of the Second 'Vatican and home-base missionary-took During World War II, the then Council from 1962 to 1965, yet . in $20,000 a day and gave out Bishop Cushing increased his ef- he emerged from the conciliar another $20,000. On and off during his final 10 forts on behalf of the missions experience as one of the quickyears, Cardinal Cushing had of the Pacific, sponsoring, est participants. to grasp the full . among other drives, the Solomon dimensions of Catholicism's glob- talked about - and petitioned Islands Mission Fund, which al renewal launched by the coun- Rome for-resignation as Boston's archbishop. after the end of the war, helped cil. At least three times during restore those missions in the He avoided pretense and pomp. North and South Solomon Yet he was a close friend of the the Vatican' Council, he asked Islands which had been ravaged Kemledy family and others of Pope John 'and Pope. Paul to let ' by the conflict. high. worldly position and him give up his huge, busy archMany a G. I. owed his .cordial wealth. At· the same time he diocese in order to .work as a reception on these islands, and was ready to sit down to a missionary in Latin America, occasionally his safety or his Thanksgiving dinner in a charity even though his health would life, to the natives' warm re- 1)all with the lonely and desti- never have. stood ..the. rigors. sponse to the assurance by the tute. Only onc;:e in the public record G. I. that he came "from Father' Pope John did. he offer to resign because of Cushing's place in America." Pope. John XXIII once ,paid public controversy. That was in In 1939, the Holy Father rec- him an exceptional tribute; tell- October 1968, after close friend ognized Father Cushing's efforts ing an .audience that Cardinal by. making him a Monsignor. Cushing was a modern Charles Two months later, in June, he Borromeo-comparing him with was named Titular Bishop of. the 16th-century saint and Milan Mela and Auxiliary Bishop of cardinal who was noted for pasBoston, .to succeed the Most toral zeal and whose advocacy Reverend Francis J. Spellman, of. reform had Church-wide im-" D.D., who had been named Arch- pact at the time of the Council ROUTE 6-between Fall Ri~er and New Bedford bishop of New York. On June of Trent. 29, William Cardinal O'Connell Son of an Irish immigrant One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities .consecrated the new bishop and blacksmith and thus of similar appointed him pastor of the simple origins as the peasant Sacred Heart Church in Newton farm family of the late Pope, Now Available lor Center. Cardinal Cushing said of John Third Archbishop XXIII: "He was the only man When Cardinal O'Connell died who ever 4nderstood me, and in April 1944, Bishop Cushing I <jon't understand myself." FOR DETAII:S CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 ~ was appointed diocesan adminisTales of Cardinal Cushing' are tratQr. The following September legion and near legendary. He' u.JtJ.f,JI L.. till




Furneaux's Book Outlines Complexity of the Ama'zon '

THE ANCHOR-Diocese o? !Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5,1970

Ever since its discovery in 1499, the Amazon River has i"l (•.•. •1 dazzled the imagination of men. IUt a prodigious phenomenon. With a thousand tributaries, it is 208 miles wide at its mouth, its volume exceeds that of the eight great' ~ rivers of Asia put together, and one of the islands in its ley was discovered in the eighmouth is the same size as teenth century, but it was not Switzerland. Robin Fur- until 1888 (with ~he invention

SALINAS (NC)-eesar Chavez' United Farm Workers Organizing Committee and the Teamsters, two unions feuding over rights to organize farm workers in this area, edged closer to a settlement. Reaffirming terms of a pact originally worked out last A~­ gust, UFWOC agreed to organize field hanas, while the Teamsters said they, would contin~e unionizing cannery and packing shed workets..

neaux writes about the river The Amazon (Putnam, 200 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016. $6.95), which treats some of the principal episodes in its history, , beginning with a Spanish sailing





captain's chancing upon it just seven years after Columbus first touched the New World. It was not until half a century later that any European traversed the whole river. This feat was performed by Francisco Orellana, who was leading part of an expedition in search of the fabled treasure of El Dorado. His point of departure was Quto, on the west coast of South America. ," '1· '; The ,!l~ventures


and sufferings of ,the party which he doggedly led through the wilderness, to the river, and down it to the east coast of the continent, make harrowing reading. Recurring Indian attacks, accidents on the teeming waters, illness, hunger, assaults by insects - these depleted the company; but did not stop Orellana. The terrible jour. ney took a year and a half. In the next hundred years, there were many expeditions to the Amazon. Considerable exploration was done, and colonies were set up by the English, the Fr~nch, the Dutch, as well as by" the Spanish and the Portu· gue~e who divided the continent between them. But it was only the two latter: lhpt remained in the Amazon C.ountry. Jesuit Setllements Their treatment of the native Indians was generally bad, sometimes horrible. The author contrasts this with what the Jesuits did for the Indians, in Paraguay and Brazil'.: :They se't ,up their famous Reductions, in which the Indians, converted, lived in fixed communities, attended school, learned crafts and trades, and were protected against the avaricious and cruel white men who would enslave them. By 1750, the Jesuit settlements in the whole Amazon area contained some 250,000 Indians, but the days of these foundations were numbered. Spaniards and Portuguese who opposed so-ch benevole'nce tow~rd". the Indians, secured tJ:1e Jesuits' expulsion. " '"


of the rubber tire for carriages and bicycles) that a tremendous demand for the Amazon rubber, unique in quality and ql,lantity, I began to swell much more with the coming of the automobile, Indians Exploited While the boom lasted, it brought vast wealth to some people, but indescribable misery to the Amazon Indians. For they »f~re atrociously e·xploited. I Pressed into work as tappers of . the trees, they were paid almost nothing, and that little had to go for the barest necessities, Which were sold to them at fantastically inflated prices. They, .were beaten, mutilated, put to death for failure to produce the ql,lOtas their masters demanded. And the Indians? In Brazil alone, there were probably about a million of them at the time of the conquest. Today, the number I is 75,000, and some experts say i that the entire race is in danger I of extinction. Viscount Furneaux has sketch· I ed his gigantic subject deftly. i All he gives, as he realizes, is I but a skipping outline of the stunning complexity of the Ama- i zon. P.etrakis' Stelmark I Another sort of complexity I concerns Harry Mark Petrakis in I his family memoir, Stelmark j (McKay, 750 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. $4.95). Mr.1 Petrakis, well known for his fic'l tion, is the son of a Greek Ortho' l dox priest. He was born in this country, a few years after hisl father and mother and their old·1 er children left Crete to settle ini Missouri. . I Settle is hardly the word, for the father moved from paris~ to parish, in more than one state! before beginning a long stay in Chicago. It was in that city that Mr. Petrakis grew up, in an eth~ nic neighborhood which clung to the traditions and ways of the old country. I He is frank about some of the seamier aspects of adolescencel and unsparing in his account of his gambling mania and his careering from job to job as hb sought to become a writer. H~ initial success in the medium ! brings the book to a close.


Wh~t followed for the Indial;ls is bEfst illustrate,l ,by. the hi!itQry of the boom .lmd, '''f1~st il) rubber which 'came. in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, The rubber tree of the Amazon val-


Near Settlement In Labor Dispute


ThE! announcement was made in Washington, D.C., by George Meany, national president~1?f the AFL-CIO, who c}isclosec! the jurisdictional peace' formula had .)

Mass Dn Spanish Begins Saturday In Attl,eboro BeginniJ:lg this Saturday evening, Nov. 7, at 6:30, Rev. James A. Clark, chaplain at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, will offer Mass in Spanish in St. Joseph's Church, Attleboro, fpr the benefit of the Spanish-speaking in the area. Father Clark is well qualified for this apostolate since he served for five years as .Assistant Director of the Latin American Bureau of the United States Catholic Conference. Ordained in 1955, Father Clark served in St. Mary's Parish in New Bedford· until 1963 when he went to Washington' to the USCC. After ,his five years in that post he served a year as Special Assistant to the Apostolic Delegate to Canada before returning to the Diocese. Father Clark holds a Master's Degree in Church History and has written a book on Latin America.

Prelate Explains Subtle Racism ' PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The executive director of the Cardinal's Commission on Human Relations tol~ members Of the Philadelphia chapter of the Religious Public Relations Council here that religious communicators must overcome "the institutional subordination of a people." "There's a 'difference between the indirect overt racism and' 1 subordination' of p~op/~," Msgr. Philip J. Dowling noted.


"It's our duty as religious communicators to speak of the difference and explain it to the people. There's a reality going on in the country that must be spoken of and we must find the words to express it."

Honest, Appealing What will probably remain with the reader is the portray~1 of the' Petrakis parents and df Naka, an old woman who 'was ~ kind of unpaid family servant. The reality, he explained, is It was evident that, in his Cgro",ing years, the author had great- that a great deal of racism exer admiration for his mother ists .without the direct intent of than . for his father. But hIs any individual or group. "But father's merit and even nobility 'the result, is racism," Msgr. were appreciated by him later Dowliing said, "and it must be on":'" perhaps too late, ,he sug- exposed... · .The problem is finqing the gests. . ":" ' This memoir is honest an'd ap- correct words, according to pealing. In detail, it differs from Msgr. Dowling:,u ' : the experience .of others who "Words can blQck the meaning li\(ed . i~ 'othe~ ,e.thni( f!.nclosurbs ofl.',~hai you say because of the iii American .~ownsarid cities. rea~t~on .that· the words cal.J$~I" But there "is:' ~ basic samen'ess he said.', "Very often,·a· reader which 'Mher no longer tiyphe/l- has an adverse reaction to a ated Americans will wistfully particular word and dismisses everything after it." recognize. l.•

been worked out after he met with Frank Fitzsimmons, Teamsters' union acting president. Meany's announcement contained no information as to how immediate the terms would become operative. They are the same as already agreed upon by UFWOC and the Western Teamsters Conference Aug. 12 with the aid of the U.S. Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on farm labor. Furthermore, both unions are still faced with the same major problem-the refusal of more than 200 California vegetable growers to rescind contracts previously signed with the Teamst~rs.


A Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? FUTURE Now you can have- a 'priest of your own'-and PRIEST share forever in all the good he does. . . . NEEDS Throughout the Near East each year, grateful YOUR bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained HELP by peopl~ like you.... Their own families are too poor to support them in training,' b'ut good Catholics in America 'adopted' these sem'inarians, encouraged them all the way to ordination.... In some inspiring cases, this suppoRl was given at personal sacrifice.... How can you begin? Write to us now. We'll se~dl' you the name of a young seminarian who needs you, and he will write to you. Make the pay·, fTlents for his training to suit your convenience ($15.00 a month, or $180 a year, or the total $1,080 all at once). Join your sacrifices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he 'will always remember who made it possible.


Look at the nearest $IObill. What is it actually worth? Only what it will buy. Today, it will hardly buy enough to feed afamily for twQ days. In the Holy Land, it will feed' a poor refugee family for' an' :e'ntire month. The Holy Father asks your help Jor the refugees, more than half of them children. Your money mUltiplies-as you give it away.

...•• MASS November is'the month of the Holy Souls. Why FOR not send us your Mass reQues~s. right now? Sim• YOU ply list the intentions, and then you can rest .. 'AND assured the Masses will be offered by priests in YOURS India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receive no o~her income.... Remind us to send you information about Gregorian Masses, too: You can arrange now to have Gregorian Masses of· fered for yourself, or for another, after death.

-- ----



Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ Monsignor Nolan: FOR Please return coupon with your offering THE CATHOLIC













,MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc, 330 Madison Avenue· New York. N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840


Msgr., Dupuis

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970


Cardinal Cushing Much is being written and said in praise of Cardinal Cushing and fittingly so. He was"a Churchman of overwhelming stature who loved God and men in a simple and . direct way. He wrote his own life's story in th~, corporal and spiritual works of mercy which were the constant guides ot' his thinking and speaking and acting. ' He accepted with good humor the fact that he was always good "copy" and as long as this furthered the cause of the Church and made people 'aware of her concern for all men' then nothing else much mattered. He took God and the needs of people quite seriously - but not himself. Despite ~he honors and eminence' that cam~ to him his' heart was that of a simple priest who merely trie<:l wherever he was and in whatever he did to please God and help , God'!H:hildren. ", ,A',' ~onderful and worthy effort to bring with him to ,God. ·HI


, I

Worthwhile ,Eflort$, The Church reminds us that traditionally November ,is the month when particular emphasis should be placed on the condition of the souls in purgatory, on our special efforts to aid them by our prayers and sacrifices and good works. This is not merely a devotion or a recommendation. It is really a duty incumbent upon us as members of o ' the Church on earth which has ties with the Church in heaven and the' Church suffering in purgatory. The sign of Christianity is love of God and of neighbor. ' And the helplessness of those in purgatory should, urge us ' WASHINGTON (NC) - More a.m. on Monday, November 16. than 200 Roman Catholic bish- ,with an address by John Cardi' to greater efforts to assist them by our charity. , Very often w~ engage in much activity on behalf of ops will attend the semiannual nal Dearden of Detroit, Presimeetings of the National Confer- dent of NCCB and USCC. This people and causes here on earth. Sometimes we are ence of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) session will be open to the press. effective, sometimes the people or causes are of varying and the United States Catholic Later in the w~ek the bishops degft~{}S of worth, 'sometimes the efforts come to a happy Conference (USCC) Nove~ber, will consider a recommendation fruition ,and sometimes they fall flat. ' by an a'd hoc committee chaired 16-20 in Washington." Among' the issues, on ,the by Archbishop Francis J.~urey . iBut it is a certainty that prayers and g()o~works ~nd sacrifices offered for the souls of those'in puragtorycan' do' agenda for the two meetings are: of San Antonio, T~?C .• ,to oper;t at A proposal' to ask the Holy .' h~ast 'portions of future USCC nothing but help them. ' See to authorize introduetiori in meetings to the news me'dia. 'If And so it'is one area"where efforts are effective and -'the United States,'on lin -optional approved, the proposal' will not results guaranteed.' "', ' basis, of the practice of receiv- be implemented until the April, ing Holy Communion in the 1971, USCC meeting in Detr:oit. And it is a work of mercy.

u.s., Bishops To Meet I'n Ca,p,ital Nov. 16

Continued from Page One College in Sherbrooke and the Seminary of Philosophy in Montreal. After attending St. Mary's Seminary ,in Baltimore, Md., he was ordained to the Priesthood in St. Mary's Cathedral on June 10, 1933. by Bishop James E. Cassidy who was at the time the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese. His first assignments brought him to St. Joseph's Parish. Attleboro, and Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, where he served as Assistant. In 1947 he was appointed to a dual post - Chaplain of St. Joseph's Orphanage (now Mount St. Joseph School) and Director of Notre Dame Cemeter.y, both in 'Fall River. Widely requested for spiritual conferences by religious houses of nuns, he remained' at St. Joseph's for twe.lve years and as director of the - cemetery for nearly twenty years. A member of the Diocesan Commission on Sacred Music, Monsignor Dupuis was appointed pastor of St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea, on May 20, 1959 and a Domestic Prelate on July: 20. 1967. During his'long stay at Notre Dame Parish, Monsignor Dupuis was well known for his work with youth. He founded the Boy Scout movement and the sports program for parish youth which would later blossom' lirlto the


. OJ.

Under his administration, 'the orphanage, cemetery and' se Louis de France Parish' properties were greatly improWd. A major rebuilding program at St. Joseph's Orphanage,was bro'u:gbt , . . . . - . . , -'1" to a successful completion' by ' '. I him. : ' , Notre Dame Cemetery was doubled in size and the most modern in equipment was introhand. The "Communion in the hand~' duced. A new office building A proposal to authorize Cath- proposal ,is' being ,pr~sented by was erected and there too not olic'membership in the Faith and the' NCCB' Liturgy Committee, / only ,the newest of equipment Confronta~!.on' Order Commission of the, Na- whose chairman is Bishop James made the work more efficient Council of Churche9. W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio. but even the methods of cemeThere is mounting evidence on thec,ollege scene that tjonal Proposed guidelines for .the The proposal concerns the man- tery business and record keeping both students' and faculty are growing' WE!ary of' bomb implementation in this country ner in which Roman' Catholics threats and mass meetings that do little but annoy, at the of .the n'ew rules on mixed mar- receive 'the consecrated Host at were brought up to date. The same carefti'i admInistraleast, and intensify polarization at worst., Confrontation riages, issued, earlier this year by Mass: tion and foresight have also ' A t present the Host is placed mu;stn1ean a, confrontation of people in an atmosphere of "the Vatican;' blessed St. Louis de France Proposed new guidelines for on the' communicant's tongue by reason and respect. There must be both,the assumption 'of promoting, and practicing ecu- the priest. The "Communion in Parish with great improvementsparish church, rectory, goodwill on the part of all concerned' and the evidences' menism in U. S. seminaries. the Hand" proposal-if approved to grounds and school. of it.. And a dynamite explosion or bricks through windows 'A proposal to open at least by' the bishops and then by the or ousting f~o~f classrooms are hardly' signs of good will. parts of the seminannual USCC Holy See - would make it opThere are 'many and serious issues on and off the' meetings to direct coverage by tional for the communicant Organizes Draft either to receive Communion in campus. There are many persons willing to give time and the' news' ,media. A repor~ on the'<i:ampaign for this way or by placing the Host Education, Service effort in considering these. This confrontation will contain Human Development, the major in his mouth himself. The latter , DUBUQUE' (NC) - Dubuque's much that is wise, much that is foolish, much that is new domestic anti-poverty effort practice has already been intro- senate of priests voted 25-1 here irrelevant, much that is extraneous. But it ,is in such a undertaken· by American Cath-, duced on an optional basis, in to organize a draft education several other countries, indud- and information 'program detorum that issues are debated. And it is in such a olics. signed to help young men Recommendations for new na- in Canada. confrontation that people learn to deal with people. tional and diocesan efforts on The recommendation for Cath- "faced with the toughest moral behalf of. the Spanish-speaking olic membership in the Faith decisions of their lives." Initial step in setting up the and "Order Commission of the population in this country. During the five-day meeting National Council of Churches service was the release of a Jetthe bishops will also elect new originates with the NCCB Com- ter explaining the, position of chairmen for a 'number of usce mittee on Ecumenical and Inter- the priests and of Catholic draftand, NCCB committees and will religi.Qus Affairs, who~e chair- age youth. Sent to loc'al draft boards. the pass,on the 1971 budgets; of the man is Bishop, Charles H. Helmtwo conferences. sing of I{ansas City-St. Joseph. letter was accompanied, by a statement on the Catholic conThe National Conference of Mo. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Catholic Bishops 'is a qtnonical The' question of Catholic mem- scientious objector published by Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River entity whose members are the bership in the National '·Council the U. S. ,Catholic Conference's Catholic bishops of the 'U~ S. of Churches has been under re- division of world justice and ." '" 410 Highland Avenue The United States Catholic Con- view by the bishops" for some peace. ference is the, national-level ac- time. ;', The ecumenical affairs Father Vincent J. Hatt, chairFall Ri.vl)r, 'Mass. 02722 "I: 675,-7.1 S1 tionagency of.. , the Catno'nc committee's recommendation is man of the Dubuque 'senate's Church' ,in' this country, spon- for nine Catholic members on social' action committee artd auPUBLISHER , SOl'l'!'cl by, the',hishops. Both have the 50-member Faith and Order thor of the letter,' empqasized . Most, Rev. Jame~:l. Co,nnolly,'ri~P;~'P,hD. headqiilirter~ here;,J~i: Commission. In The Holy See au- that "this, will be a prog~am of GENERAt;'MAN'AGER: ASST. GENE~Al MANAGER' The:riie'e~ings will be"held hi 'thor~zed Catholic membership' on draft education and infonpation. Rev. 'Msgr. DanieLf!;,Shalloo, M,A. Re';::.JohnP. Driscoll 'the Washipgton Hilton Hotel. Faith and Orde'r of the ' World It is not a program of draft They will get underway ~t 9:30 Council of Churches 'in 1968. dodging or draft resistance." ~leary Press-Fall River

@rheANCHOR "

t ' I.



. : '




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of"Fall River-Thurs., Nov. S, 1970

DA Y'earbook Staff Sets 'Co-Tash ' Hootenanny on Holiday Eve Staff members of Dominilog, yearbook of Dominican Academy, Fall River, will sponsor a hootenanny from 8 to 11 Tuesday night, Nov. 10 in the school auditorium on Park Street. Dubbed "Co-Tash" for "Come Together and Share," the event will feature entertainment by Sue Costa, Jooanne Piteria, Loie Leeman, Jim Ford and Rick Tabit. Planning committee includes Charlotte Gauthier Paula Faria Betty Almeida and Jenny Pap: pas. Tickets are' available through DA students and proceeds will benefit the 1971 Dominilog. And the school library at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will benefit from its recent book fair, at which Rev. Joseph Lennon, O.P. of Providence College was featured speaker. Sponsoring the program was the SHA Parents' Association, with George Bolger and Sister Eugenia Margaret in charge of planning. . .. . ~he Semor HumamtJes Class v~slted the Boston Museum of Fme Ar.ts on Tuesday,. October 27. While there, they Viewed an I 'b't t b th N Y k y e ~w or ex 11 I s:n Metropolitan Museum m -honor of the centennial celeb~ation of the Bost~n Museum of Fme Arts. On Fnday, October 30, members of SHA's StJ,ldent Council attended the Southeastern Massachusetts Distric.t Association of Stuqent CounCils Convention at East Bridgewater High School. Senator Edward M. Kennedy spoke on the problems of today's youth. A question and, answer period followed which touched on the topics of draft laws and lowering the voting age. The members of SHA's Student Council who attended were Vicki Rezendes, President of the Student Council, Harriet Wolfe, Secretary of the S.M.D.A.S.C., Dale Sullivan, Barbara Conlon, Mary Ellen Tansey, Pam Silva, and Phyllis Stanton. Katherine Stanton, SHA senior and president of the Prospect Players, received a letter of commendation for her performance in the National Merit Scholarship Exam. Daughter of Mrs. Margaret Stanton. of 876 Robeson St., Katherine is also a member of the National Honor SQciety. Coyle Parents Mothers and fathers of Coyle

Bishops' Committee Reviews Progress CHICAGO (NC)-Members of the Natiori'al Conference of Catholic Bishops' ad hoc study committee on priestly life and ministry met with committee consultants here to review progress on a comprehensive study of the nation's Catholic priests. The study, launched by the bishops in 1967, includes investigations in history, sociology, psychology, theology, ecumenism, spirtuality and pastoral ministry. A historical survey of the priesthood in the U. S. is nearing completion and its findings are expected to be published soon. This survey has been carried out by a team of scholars under historian Msgr. John Tracy Ellis of the University of San Francisco.




students' are also bUSY, with Fathers' Club members at the Taunton boys' school planning their ninth annual Fall dance Saturday night, Nov. 28 in the school hall. Chairm'an for the ' event is Matthew J. Skwarto. ' Club president is Alex Rich, I Norton. And Coyle mothers recently enjoyed a fashion show, co- I chaired by Mrs. Alice Quinn and Mrs. Marilyn Powers, with Catherine Finnegan as .commentator. ' Back at SHA the glee club is practicing (already!) for its Christmas concert, which will feature selections from "AmahI and the Night Visitors." Six glee I c1ubbers tried out this week for ~ member~hip. in the Southeast~rn I Mas.s: Dlst.nct Chorus. ~ttendl~g! auditIOns m ·th~· Fall River Mld- I dIe School were Pat Bednarz, i Kelly Carey, Denise de Villers, M~ry Frances Logan, Judi Me-; delr?s and Nancy Sh~a. ' Sister Mary Maunce, RSM, I head of the Math D~partment at I Mount, has been given a fed- i eral grant to make further' studies' in the subject. Teaching I math classes in her absence is I Mr. Philip Beaureaguard, a grad-I uate of Notre Dame U· 't I mversl y. In conjunction with the state election the senior government' class staged its own balloting.! The election was preceded by' electioneering, with each groupl taking' one of the candidates I running for governor, senatori and Cong~ess, and presentingi each of the platforms on which Republican and Democratic as-II pirants sought the support of the voters. I The platforms were presented at assemblies before the entire student body. I


'1 • . I..... Provlncla .~ames Two Assistants


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PLAN HOOTENANNY: Getting set for "Co-Tash," a hootenanny to take place Tuesday night, Nov. 10 at Dominican Academy, Fall River, are, seated from left, Betty Almeida, Charlotte Gauthier; s~an~i!1g, Jenny Pappas, Paula Faria.

Blames 'Court, Mafia for Smut Spread New York Commission Deplores Decision


Rev. Armand Proulx, M.S.', newly-elected Provincial Superior of LaSallette's Province of th~ Immaculate Heart of Mary , to~, day announced the election of two assistants on' the Provinciril staff. i Father Proulx, who maintains his offices at LaSalette, AttlJboro, noted the election of Re~. Giles Genest, M.S.,' as First Prdvincial Assistant, and Rev. Rog~r . Plante, M.S., as Second Provir\. cial Assistant. I Father Genest is the founder and director of LaSalette's Ce~­ ter for Christian Living in Attl~­ boro. A native of Manchest~r, N.H., he has served as chairman of the Province's Advisory Board for the last 3 years. The 35-yea'rold priest will specifically serve the new ~rovincial Admistration in the personnel area. I Father Plante, also 35, hhs served as Headmaster of the LaSalette Prep Schoool Seminary in Enfield, N.H. for the past· four years. A native of Somerswolith, N.H., Father Plante will be phmarily concerned with the education and' training policies lof the Province. 'i LaSalette's Province of the o Immaculate Heart of Mary includes houses in Attlebo~o, Southbridge and Worccstbr, Mass.; Enfield and Center Har"or, N,H., as well as parishes: in E. Brewster, Mass.; Montreal ~nd Hull, Quebec; Campbelton, N,ew Brunswick; Windsor, Onta~io; and Golden Meadow, Louisiaha Q

NEW YORK (NC)-Blame for the increasing spread of indecency and pornography in this country was laid on the doorstep of the U.S. Supreme Court by a four-member New York state commission. Announcing the commission's wind up of investig~ting "smut" in the state, Paul J. Curran,

Bombard Vatican With Postcards NEW YORK (NC~Ukrainian­ rite C(\tholics across the nation have bombarded the Vatican with 25,000 postcards in an effort to win Vatican appointment of Cardinal Josip Slipyi as patriarch of Ukrainian - rite Catholics around the world. The cards were addressed to papal secretary of state Cardinal Jean Villot and to Cardinal Maximillian de Furstenberg, prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern-rite Churches. Statements on the cards emphasized that the Ukrainians sought no special favors as Catholics and that all Ukrainians supported a petition of the Oct. 1969 Rome meeting of Ukrainianrite bishops. The petition urged establishment of a Ukrainianrite patriarchate and Cardinal Slipyi's appointment to the post. Jurisdiction over Ukrainianrite Catholics, as well as over other Catholics of the Eastern rites, remains with Cardinal de Furstenberg's congregation.

chairman, said evidence presented at hearings made it "qllite clear" that two reputed Mafia families control the publication and distribution of obscene books and magazines in the state and elsewhere. Curran added evidence also indicated the underworld is defrauding the government of thousands of dollars in tax revenues by failure to report profits from "production and distribution of low grade sex books and magazines, stag films, peepshow machines and as operators of many pornographic book stores." Judge Goodman A. Sarachan, commission member, sternly criticized the U.S. Supreme Court for allowing obscene materials "to flood the country."

"No one can tell me that America is a finer country today than before the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5 to 4 decision allowed this trash to flood the nation," Judge Sarachan said. "I hope that the present court with its two new members will reverse those decisions," he added.


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. . . . .. . .~~.......~~......~~......~l'+4......~. . .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970


Mom Must S:ig,n H,omlework And: Sig,n, a1nd Sign ... I always believed I should never ~ign my name to anything without read~ng !t first. Now this belief causes me to be part of a "parent-teacher conflict." , All tests must pe signed. Notes home from school must be signed, to acknowledge ' If the signing of all the papers that the child has delivered it to his parent, and the could be isolated from the rest arent in fact, has read it. of my household chores, it might P be a little simpler. The only way, Homework done in workbooks must 'be signed. Written homework on'loose-leaf paper must be signed, sheet by sheet. .

My children's more, lenient teachers do not demand that

By .]'


both sides of the paper be signed, but will accept the signatures on the front as recognition of both pages of work. Lessons in student-owned textbooks must be signed, stating that the parent has gone over the work With the child, and the child knows and understands all the material. In some cases, the written assignment instructions themselves must also be signed. It's Impossible When you multiply the num· 'I:lEii- signing .something without reading it, you reach a conclusion. It's impossible. ' , 'JI feel 'signing my name to their homework should indicate I have. read it over, checked its accuracy, and' had the child make corrections. Since I no longer remember which is the longest river in Ceylon, do not know the melting temperature of magnesium, nor understand "new math," the accuracy can be checked only if I review all the textbook instructions myself. So, I devised my own system. If I had .checked the work thoroughly, I signed my name. If 1 had scanned it, I signed my first initial and· last name. If I was simply acknowledging that the child brought the work to me, but: I hadn't even looked at it, J. initialed it. . The system seemed very practical. It relieved my conscience and gave the child something to take to school. It lasted for two days. One of the girls came home with a message. "Sister says you can't initial it. You have to sign your whole name." Hearing this, her father told her, to explain to Sister that when he first· married me, I could only sign an "x." He had worked very hard teaching me to make my initials and we were both very proud. of the accomplishment. ' The next morning our daughter decided that· Daddy didn't really want her to deliver that message, and asked please wouldn't I just sign her 1 homework· so'" she wouldn't be in {trouble. .' So; my system went the way of most of my systems-down the drain. -,<..."" . . .

however, for the children to be sure that the papers get signed,

Rosary Honore:d

By Cape Women Everyone wants peace, but many forget the· very direct method of praying for it. Members of St. Pius X Women's Guild of South Yarmouth did not forget, and they climaxed their observa!lce of October as the month of the rosary with an ecumenical "Rosary for Peace" program, to whjch representatives of area churches were invited. After an evening Mass in St. Pius X Church, supper and the rosary program followed in the parish hall, with Rev. John A. Cantwell, pastor of St. Michael's Church, Lowell, and an authority on the rosary devotion, as guest speaker. Floral Rosary Tables in the hall were arranged to form a huge floral rosary, linked by gold ribbon. Candle-centered clusters of flowers on each table represented the rosary beads and Father Cantwell led in prayer responses as Mrs. John Houst, guild president, lit each candle as the rosary progressed. As part 'of the rosary month observance, parish CCD youngsters competed for prizes. Fourth graders won a class award for an acorn rosary, with third graders as runners up for mobiles of Our Lady and the rosary. Individual awards went to Noreen Baher for a button rosary, Brian Baher for a horse chestnut rosary and Jeanne Caruso for a drawing of Our Lady of Fatima. Greeting guests at the program were Mrs. Francis Sheehy and Mrs. Philip Dempsey, spiritual development co-chairmen for the guild.

is to bring them to me immediately after finishing their homework. If they save them .until it is convenient, we forget. However, "as soon as they ,are finished" is seldom compatible with my availability. "Mommy, will you sign my homework. Only eight places tonight." NEW BEDFORD D OF I: Officers of the Daughters of I'm changing the baby who, if Isabella, Hyacinth. Circle, New Bedford installed at recent I release my grip, will scamper ceremonies were: Mrs. James Hesford, regent, seated; off minus her diaper. "Mommy, sign my homework; standing, Mrs. Charles Weaver, financial secretary and three tests besides,the workbook, past regent, left and Mrs. Chester Kawa, vice-regent, right. loose-leaf and assignment pad." I'm up to my elbows making a meatloaf for supper. "Mommy, sign my homework, because I forget." Over Half of Coban Tourists In Spain I'm skillning liver. Since it is Never Return for the non-initial-accepting sister, I'm tempted to sign my MADRID (NC) ~ More than Cummings. said that most of name in blood--:-in full,' of course. The favorite game is remem- half of the 2,300 "tourists" who' those who stay in Spain are bering something extra which arrive here each month from those who are Spanish by birth needs to be signed as they dive Havana never to return to Cuba. or have family ties there. out the door in the morning. One out of seven settle here He noted that Cuban refugees Often it is something unusual or in other parts of Europe, ac" in Spain are given free' food and which was honestly forgotten; cording to the Spanish Catholic medical care, but that most can sometimes the pressure "of time Commission on Migration, but not find jobs because unemployassures that I will nQt be abl,e the rest eventually go to the ment is high in Spain and the to read it. Whatever the reason, United States. law prohibits the hiring of a forthey dare not go to school withIn April, 1970, a change in eigner unless no Spaniard can out the ne~~ssary signatures. immigration laws barred entry be found for the job. Father Angel Maria Gonzalez So, I sign them, without read- 'into the U. S. of persons who do ing thein, against my better not have specific job offers or a of the Spanish Catholic Commisjudgment but to keep the teach- spouse, parent, or, minor child sion on Migration said that Spain, INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. however, receives "without disers placated, and the children in the U. S. 96 WILLIAM STREET Ou t 0 f t rou bl e. Because of the stiffer immi- crimination" an who arrive. He One nl'ght I }Iad a dream . I gration requirements, more than said that Cuban refu.gees are NEW BEDFORD, MASS. was standing with St. Peter at -12,000 Cubans are currently treated well here and that there 998-5153 997-9167 the gates of heaven when one of waiting here for permits to enter is no misery and no case of exPERSONAL SERVICE trfeme necessity that he knows the nuns who taught my children ' tpe U; S. approached with a paper ~hich 0 . would admit her. All it neededConcerned over this backlog, Clothing, Education Edmund Cummirgs, assistant diHe added that Cuban refugees was * * * my signature! rector of the Mfgration and Ref- are' als~ given clothing .and an ugee Service of the United States allowance to use toward rent. Nuns Free to Choose. Catholic Conference, recently The Cubans, he said, are also ofjo~rneyed to Spain to see if he fered free education, and that ·Life Style, Work could "do anything to speed up technically no school, public or BOSTON (NC) - Members"'of the process." '. private, can turn them away, the Sisters of St. Joseph, major Food, Medical Care although some have because they community of teaching nuns in 'Upon his return to New were already overcrowded. the Boston archdiocese,' have He added that he foresees no been given a choice of determin- York, Cummings said that he is .fhopeful something can be end .to the stream of Cuban refuing life style and work. worked out." . gees entering Spain. Some. nuns already are resid"If they opened Cuba's doors, He said that most Cuban ref.ing in apartments and work in., other areas than teaching, such ugees want to come to the U: S. everybody would leave," he said. as combatting drug addiction, the because they already have relacampus and foreign missions tives and friends' here. Most of ministries and in rehabilitation the 400,000 'pers.ons who have of prisoners. left Cuba since. Premier Fidel Sister M. Catalina, superior Castro took over more. than 10 6% -Term Deposit Certificates, two-three years general of the 97-year-old com· years ago are now in the U. S., munity with 1',600 members, ap- he added. 5:Y. %-Term Deposit Certificates, one year proved the order for the new ar5Y2%-90-Day Notice rangement. She stressed the need 514 %-Regular Savings Bazaar, Supper for "honest pluralism and diver*Daily interest on all savings plans sity within the community" and St. Catherine Fund' Raising said the reforms "are only the COll)mittee of Dominican Acad. Dividends payable monthly. beginning" of· the new demo- emy; Fall River, will sponsor a cratic fotms of government and bazaar tomorrow and Saturday street dress for the members.. at the school hall, 37 Park Sister Catalina reaffirmed the Street. Hours will be 2 to 10 toCAPE COD'S LARGEST • ASSETS OVER $117 MILLION Sisters' commitment to cduca- morrow and 10' to 10 Saturday, 307 Main Street, South Yarmouth, Mass. 02664 ~tion, calling for a study of the . with a meat pie supper served 84 parochial schools 'and colleges from 5 to 7 Saturday night. ProYarmouth Shopping P;aza Hyannis staffed by members of the com- ceeds· will benefit a fund' for exDennis Port Ostervi;le' munity. The community conducts terior renovation of the DominRegis College fn nearby Weston. ican convent:


famous or











H,ere's Why Fra,nce, Fashio·n Are Synonymous Words

Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970

Pion Merger

While I usually keep my newspaper work separate from my columns, I couldn't resist letting them overlap a bit when I interviewed Martine Vannier;. an exchange! teacher from Paris who has spent the last seven weeks at the home of the Edward Wards of Our Lady of Fa- women of Paris tend to buy tima parish in Swansea. Not . pure m~terials rather than syn- I "So far, synthetics' only does this tall, elegant thetics. haven't caught on." . girl wear fashion beautifully but her whole philosophy on a woman's wardrobe is quite European and well worth listening to. "I feel that the midi is quite feminine. Just befOre I left Eur-


t:::::: ..




ope I bought' twp midi outfits and over there that's all the stores are selling," said the striking brownette. The evening I spoke to her she was clad in a well-tailored, well-cut red wool 'dress and a handsome brown midi coat. She has a certain chic that seems a natural part of. a Frenchwoman and because of this on her the midi looked marvelous. Five Years "I bought this coat in Paris," said Martine, "and I'm very happy with it. Certainly. I /nope to wear it at least for five years because its style is timeless. If the hemlines creep up again, then I will just shorten it." When this columnist commented that few American women plan to get as many years as that out of any item of apparel, she retorted, "A Frenchwoman would rather buy a few good things' and enjoy them for a number of years than have a great many faddish outfits. Wellmade clothes that are tailored to perfection never go out of style." Having a grandmother who sewed for Nina Ricci (a top Parisian house) has made both Martine and her mother aware of the need for perfection in wearing apparel and she finds herself still seeking good workmanship even though it's becoming harder and harder to find. Martine also finds that the

Justice Black Defends Neighborhood Schools WASHINGTON (Nq-Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black scolded a black civil rights lawyer and charged him with "trying to rearrange the whole country" to wipe out segregated schools. Black, an 84-year-old Alabamian and a veteran battler for civil rights, rejected lawyer James M. Nabrit Ill's contention that neighborhood schools were largely an educational fiction. His voice crackling in the solemn hearing chamber, Black said' "I think there is something to the concept of. neighborhood schools Q Q " and it disturbs me to hear we should try to change the whole lives of people around the country."

Of Councils

Brand Names

She told of having had the' opportunity to visit a showing of the House of Dior. "While these shows are very exciting, I most of the clothes couldn't be ' worn by the average woman, even in Paris. In fact, many of ! the really way out outfits are I bought only by rich Americans." ! Brand names are just as iJ:l1portant to the French woman as I they are to American women, who want quality. Martine tries to buy all her blouses from the houses that she has found cater I to both her sense of style and I her love of quality. However she' has. found something quite strange has happened since she has been in the States.~ Her blouses are shrinking considerably even though she has been , washing them in cold water· (it must be our atmospht!re!).. Looking at this very stylish, striking young woman, one' immediately knows. why French women and Fashion have been synonymous.


ATTLEBORO AND TAUNTON WOMEN MEET: Principals at the Annual Communion ~upper of the DCCW, Districts 3 and 4, held Thursday night at Feehan High Attleboro, were: Mrs. Robert Biziak and Miss Angela F. Medeiros, vice-president and president of Attleboro Area group respectively; Miss Adrienne Lemieux and Mrs. Albert Moitoza, president and vice-president of the Attleboro area women respectively.

to Life Nonsectarian Organization Says Abortion Deliberate Killing of living Child.

VANCOUVER (NC) - Opponents of broadened abortion laws here have launched a new organization dedicated to supporting the right of every unborn child to enter the world. Voice of the Unborn, a nonNew Service Program sectarian, nonprofit group, plans to inform as many Canadians as For Superintendents possible that every unborn child NOTRE DAME (NC) -'-: Notre has a God-given right to life. Dame University's office for edu"Abortion,'" said VOTU provincational research has launched ), cial chairman Douglall McDonald, a new service program for Cath- "is nothing more than the delibolic education superintendents,' erate killing of a living child. making available models for an- How valid is the Bill of Rights, alyzing school enrollment and passed to uphold the value of finances. human life and the dignity of Both models are programmed I man, if wide-open abortion is for computer use and can be legally introduced in Canada?" be made available almost immeThe committee has received diately after data is received in financial and volunteer support the research oftice, according to from several sources. VOTU has its director, Dr. Frank J. Fahey. applied for recognition under The services, available at min- Canada's Societies Act which imal cost, "will especially' bene- permits donors to make tax-free fit the superintendent who lacks contributions. The committee, McDonald a large staff in the dioces~!1 office for education and who , said, plans to to distribute . pamcannot afford the high costs 0 f a I,phlets which support its princicomprehensive education study," ; pies. Fahey said. It is also beginning a 'Dial-forLife' telephone service which Cardinal Backs Human I. will act as a crisis clinic for women who feel their Development Campaign . those pregnancy will impose burdens WASHINGTON (NC) - Cardinal Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington called here for all Catho- I Louisiana Court Bars lics to give "wholehearted supPrivate School Money port" to the Campaign for Hu-· man Development· launched by I NEW ORLEANS (NC) - LouiI siana's Supreme Court voted the nation's bishops.' here to overturn a new state While the cardinal alluded to law authorizing the state governthe "two-pronged" thrust of the ment to pay part of the salary campaign, an effort to educate of private school teachers. Catholics to the causes of pov- I An appeal of the case is alerty and to. raise money to elim- ready pending, while the U. S. inate poverty, he placed special i Supreme Court will hear a simemphasis on the campaign's edu- I ilar case regarding a Pennsyl· cational aspect. I vania law sometime during the "Of crucial importance," he current session. said, "is the educational aspect, .' Almost $2 million in state which seeks to awaken all of us I funds has gone out already to to the extent of poverty in I 3,765 teachers in 325 parochial America and to arouse us to a . and private schools. It is not spirit of Christ:like concern for ,clear whether recipients of the the children, the ill, the elderly, : state money will have to return the out-of-work, who are caught it in the wake of the court's decision. in its bonds."

on them beyond their capacity' to support. Gynecologists, psychiatrists and clergymen of all faiths will be available for counselling through this service. "Abortion on demand won't eliminate the 'unwanted child'which is merely a catchy slogan," according 'to VOTU pamphlets. "A Harvard medical school study found that onethird of all pregnancies are unwanted in the early months. By the time of delivery only one per cent were unwanted. • "The main argument against abortion is that men cannot make a human life dependent on whether or not that life is unwanted by one particular person at one particular stage."

Forms Consultation Service for Women PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Pennsylvanians for Human Life, an interfaith citizens' group combatting abortion, announced here it was forming a consultation service for women with problem pregnancies. Mrs. Susan Bartolini, a member of the group's executive committee, said in a radio interview that the service, called "Birthright," would counsel women on available medical services, jobs and places to live. . "It is one thing for a mother to plan her family," Mrs. Bartolini said, "but no one has a right to destroy innocent human life."

MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - Probably the main issue that the new National Council of Catholic Women president will have to concern herself with will be a task force report by the NCCW calling for a merger with the National Council of Catholic Men. Mrs. Thomas J. Burke, of Carbondale, Penn., on the closing day of the NCCW's 50th jubilee convention, was named to a three-year term as the organization's president. She succeeds Mrs. Norman Folda of Omaha, Neb. . Mrs. Burke is former president of the Scranton Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, and also served on the task force recommending the NCCM and NCCW coalition. The tasl{ force report calling for a National Council of Catholic Laity, was adopted by the convention delegates. The report: caBs for a coalition of the two councils with provi· sion for broad representation of all segments of the laity and other lay groups in the country. A task force of eight NCCW arid NCCM members began studying the possibility of national laity council last February. The group's final report was accepted by a vote of 513 to 380 . after lengthy debate on the con· vention floor. NCCM approval is also necessary before the laity council become::; a reality. The' Catholic men are expected to consider the proposal at their mid-November eeneral assembly.

Gives Priests Time For Further Study MILWAUKEE (NC) - A released time-type program for priests to participate in continuing education projects has been adopted in the Milwaukee archdiocese. Archbishop William E. Cousins approved the plan, recommended by the archdiocesan priests' senate. It provides that priests be allowed to spend two weeks each year, in addition to vacation and retreat time, attending special training sessions.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970

Campaign. for Human Development Nov. 22 Mrs. Blanche Guest, S of her due to high blood pressure. Her 10 children, and' 4 grandchildren \ husband .ran" out and life has live on Park Avenue in New, gone steadily downhill. Now two of her daughters have illeYork City. 'It's not ,the fashionable part gitimate children. There' are of Park Avenue familiar to fears that the older boys are "into drugs," movie-goers and sight-eers, but In' a special message to Cona corner 'SO blocks uptown from 42nd Street, directly across the gress in 1964, President Johnson street from the elevated railroad noted that one-fifth of all Amertracks where the commuter spe- , icans had'incomes "too small to cials from' Westchester and Con- meet their basic needs," He re" ,necticut suburban - towns roar solved to inaugurate a program" past all day lorig, shaking the "not only to relieve the sympfloorboards of the family's cold- toms of poverty but to cure it'and above all to prevent it." water flat: , The train stops at 125th Street, , Today' the ranks of the poor three blocks north, and' if it is have shrunk, by Government definition, from 36,400,00 in a long train, the Guest children, 1963, to 24,300,000 in 1969. Yet peering through the cracked .window in the front room of their . no one can visit" the Guests and believe that poverty is vanishing. , rotting tenement, can see the bright white faces of the subThe fact that poverty is not urban passengers. vanishing is pointed up by the "We see them," says IS-year- number of private-sector instiold Linda. "Sometimes we even tutions and organizations which wave to them: But they 'don't are initiating new programs, see us." many of them beginning where America, like the passengers the government· and individual on that train, does not see its foundations leave off. Religious poor. organizations are in the vanIt knows they're there, for it guard of this movement. Many is more than six years 'since the denominations have established nation 'officially declared=-in the programs ai",ed at developing bloated rhetoric of that day-an community action" to attack the "unconditional war on poverty." poverty problem, One of the most significant new programs Homes Tell the Story is the Campaign for Human DeBut America still does not see its poor. They're ,tucked away velopment sponsored by the United States Catholic Conferfrom public view. On the street, ence. the poor look like anyone else, Help Themselves in inexpensive, standardized The Campaign for Human Declothing right off the rack. To catch the significance of velopment is a national educatheir deprivation, you have to gc;> tion, information,' and developinto their homes, and that means ment prog~am aimed at changventuring off the, beaten track- ing the attitudes and opinions 'down the dirt road you usually of an increased hardened midpass, into the city's high-crime dle-class in order to convince the district, bey~nd" the boundaries large segment of the American public of their individual and of the maps in the tourist guides. You know the Guests are poor collective responsibility to help even before you meet them. The the poor to help themselves." In walk up to their fourth-floor flat addition, the Campaign seeks to tells you that. Plaster hangs develop funding for self-help from the ceiling of the dingy programs at both the local and stairway; floorboards littered national levels. The need for such programs with garbage creek under your 'step. The 'broken windows on is 'illustrated by the simple fact the landings look out on what that poverty is not being relieved. For example, in the case of once was a courtward but is now a makeshift dump. Flies are Mrs. Guest, her sole source of income is a monthly welfare everywhere. Inside the apartment is a' nar- check for $594-roughly -$1.50 row, unlit corridor. At one end a day for each child's food, clois a kitchen, where Mrs. Guest, thing, school supplies, transpor, a weary 40-year-old Negro wel- tation, and "amusement," You can live fairly well on fare mother, prepares meals for her brood. They eat in shifts be- that $i48 a ,week-if you are an . cause there are only four chairs unmarried secreetary, white lmd unburdened by children. But at the table. It's a large flat, with four when you are black and the head .bedrooms-which is why Mrs. of a fatherless family you lack Guest moved here - but only even the 'mobility to change a enough beds and couch'es for bad situation. eight, so some of the children Prevention and Cure? have to sleep, on the floor. A Is poverty being "cured?" So rollaway bedframe, a gift from a cold does it get in winter that friend, is rolled up in a corner the family has to vacate the unused for want of a mattress. ' apartment and move in with a You'll find no television set friend. Even at that apartment, here, ,no telephone, hardly a they have to run three space child's toy. . heaters and ,the stove 24 hours Peeling paint, falling plaster, a day to keep warm. loose floorboards and bare~bulb Is poverty being "prevented?" lighting give the flat .an atmoTake a look at 14-month-oldArsphere of gloom. Because the building is flanked by other ten- mand, the ,.youngest grandchild, ements, . even the noonday suit taking a midday nap in a dark corner of the :flat. It's not" so casts only deep shadows here. much that his growth seem~ Forced to Retire stunted. What really shocks, Mrs. Guest came to New York what sickens you is that his 15 years ago as a practical nurse. face and hands are covered with She quit work a few years ago flies.

the blind and ,severely handicapped, and the mother with small . children, you come out' - with something like '100,000 or 150,000 males on welfare who are old enough to work. For reasons of illiteracy, diseilse, or other infirmities, only 50,000 or so of them are considered trainable or employable. Poverty Increasing T!Jese facts don't 'guitesquare with the common' stereotype of the loafer on relief. They do, however, provide a clue as to why - even though there are' fewer poor now than there were a decade ago--poverty is a growing problem.

Seek Referendum On Sex Education




ONLY RECIU:ATION: Peeking through a broken window at the passing elevated trains is the only recreation thousands of children have in East Harlem. These conditions describe 'one situation in a crumbling tenement in New York City's East Harlem. There are, by official estimate, 1,000,000 people in similar circumstances in New York City . aloI)~. With slight variations, this description also depicts conditions in' a migrant camp off Route 441 ,north of Miami, on the desert-dry Papagos Indian Reservation in Arizona, in a rough-hewn Appalachian cabin in Paradise, Ky., or a rooming house on Chicago's northside. It is part of the American character to believe that things 'are getting better, that poverty, like everything else, will take care of itself in time. " In fact, for-millions of people like the Guests, poverty is not taking care o~ itself. It is getting worse. Eliminating Myths To understand this, it is necessary to 'take a closer look at

Veterans SPOI'IISOll' Ope~atiotr1 Holiday WASHINGTON (NC) - Officials of the Military Order of the Purple Heart here have asked churches, religious groups and private citizens to join in an effort to send Christmas cards and gifts to patients in military hospitals arid to servicemen in Vietnam. Designated Operation Holiday, the campaign is aimed at cheer.ing up wounded soldiers and others who won't get hbme for the holidays. The Military Order of the Purple Heart is a service organization devoted to the welfare of military personnel who have been wounded in combat. It takes its name from the nation's oldest decoration, the Purple Heart, first awarded to a wounded soldier, brGeorge Washington.

who i~ poor and why. First, let's dispense with some 'myths. Myth Number One: Most of the poor are black, and most of the black are poor. Fact: 70 per cent of the poor are white; almost 70 per cent of blacks"are nonpoor. Myth Number Two: Most of the poor are on welfare.' Fact: For every four' poor persons receiving public assistance, six are not. . Myth Number Three: Most of the poor don't want to work: Fact: Most of the poor can't work. Half of them are children under IS. Twenty per cent are 65 or over. Another twenty per cent almost 5,OOO,00o-are heads of family, but three-quarters of them are already working, half of them full-time. The problem for most poor family , heads isn't that they don't work. It is that even by working they're not earning enough to make ends meet. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare has periodically examined the common claim that the welfare 'rolls are clogged with people who should be working. So have objective outside bodies like the President's Commission on Income Maintenance. What such studies usually find is that when you take away all the children, the people over 65,

ST. ~ PAUL (NC)-Laymen for Parish Rights, a group opposed to proposed sex education programs in the St. PaUl-Minneapolis archdiocesan schools, has called for an 'archdiocesanwide referendum to determine Catholic opinion. Joseph Rheinberger, chairman, said his group has offered to bear the cost of a 12-county poll of Catholics. He also said the LPR is considering a mass media advertising and publicity campaign if the archdiocesan board of education seeks to "sidetrack" the groups stand against sex education. ' The LPR position has been endorsed by Alphonse J. Matt Jr., associate editor of the Wanderer, conservative Catholic newspap~r, who .claimed the majority of sex education programs have "the common thread pushing sex and downgrading doctrine." The archdiocesan education board has taken the LPR position under advisement, instructing its family life committee to study the proposals and, make recommendations concerning them.

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Many in Danger of Becoming Am'erica's Permanent Poor The reason is that, as people capable of taking jobs find them, America's poverty becomes more and more a problem of those segments of society least able to help themselves-children, husbandless mothers, old people and unrelated individuals. There are, for example, as many poor children growing up in fatherless homes today as there were a decade ago. In many cities there are more. These people are in danger of becoming America's Permanent Poor, a kind of institutionalized underclass beyond the. reach of economic growth or social opportunity. Child-rearing keeps the mothers from taking jobs. Malnutrition and ne· glect keeps the children from realizing their potential. Mrs. Guest does not know these things. But she does know that life is getting worse for her family. "Years ago," she says," it seemed like lots of folks were poor. It wasn't so bad then." And now? "Sometimes," she shakes her head sadly, "seems like ain't nobody even knows we're here." We have codified it, quantified it, analyzed it, romanticized it and agonized over it. But when you reduce it-poverty-to its real meaning, it means nothing but misery. Poverty means not enough of the right things to eat, a leaky plumbingroof, backed-up when you have plumbing at all -thin clothes, bad teeth, colds that linger for two months in- . stead of a week. And it means shame, like the shame felt by a mother !n Marrowbone Creek, W. Va., who wrote the Children's Foundation to tell about her child's experience at school: "They have made' the children that coudn't pay for their lunch set and watch the other kids eat (I (I 0:0 Last year, when they had to let ttte children eat, what they ate wasn't fit for a dog and not enough. I was in the kitchen one day and the meat they was cooking had big long hairs on it." Or the 81-year-old widow in Utica, N.Y.: her husband had operated a respectable resort hotel in the mountains before his death 25 years ago; she lived in a genteel, if old, aparment. But when she died a month ago the county paid for her funeral -she had been on relief several years, but couldn't bear to tell anyone, not even the family that could have helped her. Which should tell us something about the poor: poverty is almost always accompanied by pride. There is a county in

'Period of Futility' CHERRY HILL (NC) - The president of the National Federation of Priests' Councils said here that "priests are being turned off in this country and are going through a period of futility." Father Frank Bonnike of Chicago told the annual New Jersey provincial meeting of priests' councils that priests are experiencing frustrations because decision-making within the Church has not been a two-way' street.

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 5, 1970


Report Religious Studies Growing

southern Virginia in which near'! Iy two thirds of the homes lacki indoor plumbing, in which therel are almost no jobs. I Probably 4,000 people there' are eligible for welfare. You, have to say probably, because: they won't tell you-only abouti 100 are on the public assistance: rolls. I It's a much-abused phrase:' "The poor you will alway.s havel with you." But it's true in at least one sense--everywhere I you turn, there are poor people. As proof, one can turn to these I government statistics, compiled by the Office of Economic 0P.portunity and the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Two-thirds of the poor live. in families headed by a person I who has a full-time, year-round, job. I Ten per cent, or nearly 13 mil-: lion persons living in the na-: tion's metropolitan areas are I

NEW YORK (NC)-Students of religion on the nation's campuses are increasing twice as fast as overall college enrollment, according to survey results announced here by Dr. Claude Welch,. chairman of the department of religious thought at the University of Pennsylvania. In the course of Welch's remarks, contained in his presidential address to the American Academy of Religion, he said that the higher the caliber of .a college or university, the more likely it is to have a religion department. Welch's figures on the growth of religious studies came from a 15-month survey he conducted on graduate study in religion. Key to continued success in the academic investigation into religion, Welch concluded, rested in: Religious scholars' study' of more than one religious tradition. More than one academic method should be used to study religion. Various disciplines should provide a base for advanced religious studies. This, he said, was "one of the most pressing tasks for the next decade" if religious studies were to continue to grow.






Two-thirds of those people i are white, not black. I The poor are in the cities, as we know, and they are' also in the suburbs-7.3 per cent of all I people living in suburbs are poor. ' Nearly two-thirds of all the I poor are white. . Two-fifths of the poor are I children. : One-fifth of the 'poor' are over I 65. NEEDS HELP: Decent housing with water, sewers The young and the old-poverty affli~ts most the people who and electricity is desperately needed by thousands of hard- Oppose Destruction can do the least about it. And it working Indians in the U.S.Camapaign for Human DeOf Human Life still haunts three million people velopment can support Indian organizations to develop MILWAUKEE (NC) - The Nawho can and are doing some- I tional Federation of Catholic thing about it-the people who . their local communities. NC Photo. Physicians Guilds reaffirmed its work like everyone else, but still I strong opposition to destruction can't make ends meet. of human life by abortion, infanWhat does it take to ~ake I ticide and euthanasia through ends meet these days? resolutions released here recentThe answer depends on who's Sister-Volunteers Bring Happiness ly. asked. But by any standard, it To Philadelphia Ghetto The legislation, approved· by takes more than a lot of people delegates at the federation's anearn. PHILADELPHIA (NC) ~ What The sisters committee, directed The Office of Economic Op- does it take to turn a crowded by Sister Regina of Jesus, is a nual meeting in mid-October, portunity has set its official i ghetto street into a clean play- branch of the cardinal's commis- also opposed the use of public funds to promote population "poverty level" at $3,553 per ground where boxed-in children sion. control. year for a family of four. That, can run and play under careful . Sister Reginf,l said she was it .feels is the minimum income supervision? There are about 6,000 federasearching for a way that the needed to keep the roof repaired, In Philadelphia, it took 400 nuns could help the ghetto chil- tion members in 90 guilds feet shod, clothes mended and nuns, 'some willing mothers and dren when she heard city recrea- throughout the country, with nathree meals on the table each a few neighborhood teen-age tion officials were looking for tional headquarters in Milwauday. kee. boys, helping the city's recrea- supervisors. But another government agen- tion program. "We started three years ago. cy's figures say it isn't so. The ELECTRICAL The Sisters gave up their The recreation department had Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Contradors Summer vacations and contribgrant and was just lost a of the U. S. Department of Labor uted time' to teaching boys and wondering how it could continue says it takes nearly $6,000 to maintain a family of four in the girls arts and crafts and super· its Summer programs when we vising their play. volunteered," she said. nation's urban areas. . ~~ Reviewing the recently comDay Camps If the BLS is right-and the experience of most urban dwell- pleted program, Richard S. West· "We went to Cardinal Krol ers confirms that it is-the un- gate, city recreation deputy com- and asked his support and he fortunate worker who earns the missioner, said the Sister-volun- gave us $10,000. The PhiladelU. S. minimum wage of $1.60 an teers saved Philadelphia from phia Gas Works gave. us $17,000.. hour falls some $2,500 short of I $1 million to $1.5 million. The money went for supplies and 944 County St. ~ making ends meet. For that , "Actually, we wouldn't have such items as the Sisters' lunchNew Bedfo~d matter, he falls short of even the I been able to have had our 'Sum- es and bus fares." mer in the Streets' program had OEO poverty level. So we know who the poor are l it not been for the Cardinals' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111 -mainly white, mainly too old Commission on Human Relations or too young "to work (or work- and its Sisters' Committee," he ing but underpaid) - and the said. Like Pied Pipers question before us is this: what NATIONAL BANK can be done? 'Westgate was referring to .the of BRISTOL COUNT" Do the poor always have to be commission, established by Phil· with us? Even the least optimis- adelphia Cardinal John J. Krol, 90-DAY NOTICE tic people seem to think that it which has worked extensively in TIME is reasonable to assume that poverty areas in the archdiocese. OPEN there need be no poor people"As I told Cardinal Krol when ACCOUNT at least in the United States. I I wrote him a letter of thanks," • • Interest Compounded But we have yet to eliminate the city official said, "the Sisters Quarterly poverty. Why? I were like Pied Pipers, going from (Next week: What' has been , door to door in the ghetto neighOHices in: done - and can be done - to i borhoods and coaxing the chilNORTH ATTLEBORO MANSFIELD A nLEBORO FALLS "break the hellish circle of pov- dren and their mothers outside erty," as Pope Paul VI has urged. I for a day of fun." 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIulllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111i1ll1l1ll1l111111111111111111111111111111

Find Way "to Help











THE ANCHOR-Diocese of

F~II River-Thurs.,' Nov. 5, 1'970

Advisory Board Aids Publisher

How Long C~n R'ich'~':IEs'cape Retribut,ion 'by Poor

CAMDEN (NC) - Camden's Bishop George H. Guilfoyle has established a 12-memb~r advisory panel to "assist the publisher and the editor" of the Camden diocese's weekly "in fulfilling the purposes of a diocesan newspaper," Members of the board, all appointed by the bishop in consultation with editors of the Catholic Star Herald, include six priests, one nun and five lay people. The paper's executive editor, Msgr. Salvatore J. Adamo, and its managing editor; Donald J. Jennings, serve as ex-officio members of the new panel. Guidelines governing the advisory board's operation authorize it to examine and advise on every aspect of the Star Herald's functions: management, finances, circulation, advertisement and editorial content. "The advisory board," the guidelines continue, "shall also express its views on the strength and weaknesses of the newspaper and any views it has on the difference between what the editorial staff thinks it is presenting and how the read'ers accept it." Commenting on establishment of the board, Msgr. Adamo told NC News that it has been set up "purely as an advisory panel," He emphasized, that the paper's management was not obliged to accept panel advice, although it was ·obliged to give a rational explanation for rejecting sug gestions. '

In Victoria~ times, no great novel was complete without a solemn, moving, and often lengthy, death scene. In the sublime presence of Death, parents were reconciled with children, enemies turned from hatred to respect, young 'lovers parted in anToday, in our "village world" guished resignation; life, was of instant communication and affirmed beyond the' grave, multiplying links of: transport and the profound piety un- and exchange, we tend to 'ac-

derlying all the brash materialism of 'the age welled up to reconcile, console, and ennoble the !lctors in the final tragedy.' . Sometimes, in spite of all religious certa'inty, the consolation


failed., Queen Victoria remained a stricken widow for 40 years after the death of her adored consort, Albert. But normally the Victorians learned to live gracefully and patiently with death. They had'to. It lay in wait in all the big neW industrial cities where the death of infants was commonplace and the premature cutting-off of men and women in the prime of life a' likely event in every family. Word of' Terror " Sanitation was primitive, The great epidemics were still out of control. Cholera swept London in the 1850's and again in' the 1860's. The Prince Consort died of the endemic disease' of bad ' drains and infected watertyphoid, a word of terror in Victorian households. The heroine of Dickens' novel Bleak House caught smallpox as a result. of a charitable visit to unemployed brick makers. On all sides, 'in the dank alleys and filthy tenements, the diseases seemed to lurk and multiply waiting to sweep up Picadilly to the 'expensive London squares of Hyde Park and Belgravia. No one w~s safe, not even the husband of the reigning Queen. But since no one was,safe, the pressure to do something about it grew irresistibly. One must say, with a saddened cynicism, that if only the poor had' died, action might have been much slower and less decisive. As it was, vigorous, middle class urban improvement societies gathered in numbers and strength, insisting on municipal and sanitary reform. Great reformers like Chadwick, fighting for pure water and effective sewage, could work with a ground swell of respectable alarm arid support. The sanitation legislation introduced in Britain in the second half of the 19th century at last brought epidemics under control. Here at least there could be no acceptance of Disraeli~s "two nations-the nation of the rich and the nation of the poor." There was only one urban na c tion when. it came to the epidemics which spread from slums to mansions and infected the rich and the poor with even im, partiality:

cept 'the rich-poor division as part of the natural order. We, the 20 per cent of the world's peoples, who live largely in the white, North Atlantic area, have been told so often that we command 80 per cent of the world's resources that we are about as ,worried about, the division, as was the Victorian Duchess when she first read, Disraelj"s dictum. But can we be certain that the deepening miseries of, at least half of the world's peoples will continue to have so little impact upon. us? Is it certain that their diseases, made more lethal for them by th~ hideous squalor of the world's' slums and shantytowns, will always' conveniently stay home? Cholera Spreads It is true that the best defense agains~ many of the great: epidemics is the cleanliness and public sanitation which our personal and collective' wealth makes possible. Yet EI Tor cholera is spreading westwards. It has moved from Indonesia to Palestine. It has appeared' in Southern Russia and West Afriea. Meanwhile, our worldwide 'air journeys increase by 15 per cen't a year. Some 2nO million people travelled by air last year, nearly a quarter of them', on internationaI flights. Clearly, screening, every passenger - quite apart from frisking them for bombs -coukl..become a major obstruction in the free flow of world movement. We cannot· be sure that our front-line defenses of wealth and cleanliness-which are, probably sufficient today-will be enough to secure our immunity if the disease and epidemic I level of half of humanity, continues to rise. In the next two decades two billion, more people will b~ born into the planet, threequarters of them in the povertystricken and disease-ridden sectors of our world "village." It is certainly conceivable that in diseases, as in physics, there is a question of "critical mass." When enough people are infected in the poorer Ia.nds, the defenses needed among the rich may begin to resemble not reasonble precautions but conditions of siege. Then; like the anguished Victorian parents in London's wealthy suburbs, we may wonder whether, in our own sheer self-defense, something ~ore should be done about the world's ill health, whether heroic action may be needed not to stop the spread of disease !:iut to root out its tragic cause in hunger, m!sery, overcrowding, and squalor. Of course, we should do this now out of Christian duty and human compassion. But history unhappily suggests how often our faltering moral' energies require a supercharge of self interest. The Victorians needed it. So do we.



. Award 'for Former Bishop of 'Niger:ia,

GOD ALWAYS FIRST: When Bishop Medeiros arrived in Boston for ceremonies of installation as the new Archbishop and met the late Cardinal Cushing, his first request was for the beloved prelate's blessing.

Urges Campaign To. End Killings ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)Bishop Walter P. Kellenbe,rg iso, sued a call nere for Catholics .throughout the state to spearhead a campaign for repeal of New York's "tragically permissive abortion law." In a pastoral letter read in all churches of the Rockville Centre diocese, the bishop' said since July 1 when the law went into effect .more than 18,000 preg.nancies have been terminated in the state. He estimated that at the current rate more than 500,000 unborn children would' be killed during the next seven years. Bisho'p Kellenberg designated the feast of All Saints, Nov. I, "as a special day of prayer calling upon Almighty God to enlighten world and local leaders to their responsibility to find an end to the killing that is demoralizi,ng us as human beings,'~ He recommended prayers to

include an end of wars, as well as permissive abortions, and un· der scored that in seven years 700,000 persons have been killed in the V,ietnam war. The bishop invited men and women of all religious beliefs to join Catholics in the campaign to end killings by permissive abortions and wars. '

CHICAGO (NC) - Bishop JosephB. Whelan, C.S.Sp., former bishop ofOwerri, Nigeria, was given the annual Good Samaritan Award of the National Catholic Development' Conference at the organization's third annual meeting here. . In presenting the award, Father Edward J. Gorry, C.S.P., presi· dent of the NCDC, said it was meant to honor those of all religious organizations who aided in relieving starvation during. the Nigerian civil war. He cited par· ticularly the H.oly Ghos~ Fathers, the religious order of which Bis~op Whelan is a member.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970

Questions Daly's Criteria Of Acceptable Catholicism There was a time, and not so long ago, when many of us took the position that said in effect, "If it's Catholic it has to be good.", A novel, a political leader, a journal of opinion, a college or university need only be described as Catholic to win our symYes, indeed, it is a very dogpathy <lnd support. But in matic statement. It is also, I' the days since the end of the take it, the essence of Christian· Vatican Council there has ity, at least as that religion has been a tendency in the Church to shift in the opposite direction. Not only have we become quite "open" to the wisdom to be found in non-Catholic traditions (which we ought to have been all along), but some of us have


even begun to argue that if it is Catholic, it has to be irrelevanJ. Indeed, it is fashionable in some circles to criticize anything that shows the slightest taint of being Catholic. Thus, in a recent review in the National Catholic Reporter of Gregory Baum's book, Man Becoming, the theologian Mary Daly comments, "$ >It >It it appears that Gregory Baum's openess is hampered by his zeal for Christianity in general and for Catholicism in particular." God forbid that a Catholic theologian should in any respect demonstrate any zeal for Christianity in general or for Catholicism in particular. Professor Daly admits that Baum is open. She quotes him as saying, "There is no radical difference between Christians and non-Christians," an!! yet goes on to lament the fact that he is not able to be consisten~ in this position. Difficult to Hnterpret I have read this statement in Father Baum's book and also have heard him express it at a gathering of theologians. I'm not absolutely certain, however, what he means by it. If he means that Christians have no monopoly on truth he is, of course, correct. If he also means that Christians and non-Christians are both members of the human race, he is certainly correct. If he means, however that the Christian world view, the Christian interpretive scheme is no different from that 'of modern secular humanists or ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Mesopotamians, then I must say that all the evidence from the sociology and the history of religion runs to the contrary. I don't think that Gregory Baum means to say that but I find it very difficult to interpret Mary Daly in any other way: "Moreover, to say that 'the divine word" 0:0 >It was revealed in an unconditional and definitive way in the person, in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus <;:hrist' is a very dogmatic statement which does not reflect the experience of all who were brought up in the Christian tradition. Many college students, for example, would have great difficulty with it."



been believed for two millennia. Professor Daly can't have it both ways. Either Christians are committed to such a "dogmatic" position, and their faith is different from the faith of others, or I they are not and Christianity is, ' indeed, not different from anything else. I'm afraid that Pro- ! fessor Daly picks the second position. And I don't really give a hoot about whether college students I would have difficulty with it or not; at least their difficulty with I it is not going to be the criteria ! of my faith and I am astonished I tht a professional theologian like Professor Daly would turn the I opinions of college youth into a I locus theologus. But she does it 1 a second time in the review: Youth Criteria f or I "Th ere IS . a preoccupatIOn, . example, with trying to make sense out of b(blical passages for I modern man. A common reaction among the young would certain· I ly be: 'So what? If it makes I sense, fine; but if it doesn't say r anything to us, don't try to twist it for the sake of saving it.' " I Professor Daly is obviously I committed to the modern faith' that youth are the criteria to I which all else must yield. I have I a~rea?y questioned this romanti- r ClzatlOn of youthful emotions. ' Suffice it to say for the present,l I do not think that Professor I Da.ly or any other academics arei dolOg youth much of a service' by pandering to their inexperi-I enced emotions. . ' . I But Gregory Baum and, in-, deed, all of the rest of us who l are willing to make commit-: ments of faith, had best beware for Professor Daly is convinced that we are on the road to men J tal illness: See a Psychiatrist I "Equally exclusivist is the statement that 'because He wa~ without sin, because the- Word was in Christ and constituted his history, Jesus surrendered Himself to the Father as n6 other man did or could.' How does Gregory Baum know that this is the case? Would he an L swer that this is his faith? If S6, isn't his conception of faith equivalent to that 'will to b~­ lieve' which Tillich justifiabl~ classified as a distortion of fait~ and as a cause of psychic illness? So, if one is committed to r~­ ligious position, to faith, to zeal for Christianity and for Catholicism, one had best s~e a psychiatrist as quickly as po~­ sible-or at least find some sort of floating therapy group with which one can share one's prQblems. I Gregory Baum scarcely needs any defense from me (nor do~s Karl Rahner who Professor Daly similarly dispatched in a recent review in the Critic). But tho~e who are familiar with Gregory Daum's writing, and particularly with Man Becoming, may well be moved to remark, "If Fathkr Baum 'is "too Catholic' then






FIRST PUBLIC APPEJ\RANCE: Archbishop Medeiros and the late Cardinal Cushing appear together for the first time on Oct. 6, the eve of Archbishop Medeiros' installation as the Cardinal's successor as shepherd of the second largest diocese in the United States. o

U.N. Plans Global Attack on Drug Abuse United States Prime Mover in Effort UNITED NATIONS (NC)-The pledge at the special session dia, fran,' Pakistan, Sweden, concern over drug abuse is be- late in September, of the UN Turkey and the U.S. coming worldwide and United Commission on Narcotics, in It includes limitation of the Nations ~embers are planning GEmeva. He voiced the hope that supply of drugs' to legitimate for a global attack on the prob- the amount would grow to $5 (medical) requirements by endmillion through support by govlem. ing their illegal production, proUN members believe that probe ernments, foundations and other cessing and manufacture; imlems that have defied solution private sources. proved administration of existSpecial Campaigns by nations acting individually ing bodies concerned with elimcan be more firmly and effectiveA draft resolution spelling out ination of illicit drug traffic; ly opposed at the international procedures for implementation prevention of drug abuse, level. with help from the fund was co- through educational and special In addition to UN members sponsored by Brazil, Ghana, In- campaigns; and provision of faPope Paul VI has also devoted cilities for treatment and rehabil~pecial attention to the growReturn New Jersey itation of drug dependent per· 109 problems of drugs, a prob- ~ sons. lem that has concerned him so ,- Bill to Committee Some participants protested much that he has established a TRENTON (NC)-A bill make cent~r in the papal secretariat of ing abortions easier to obtain in that, despite their obligations as state to keep track of day-by-day New Jersey has been returned parties to the Bingle Convention developments in the field. the state Assembly's judiciary. on Narcotics Drugs of 1961, certain countries producing the raw In one of his latest statements committee. materials "shut one eye" and alon the problem, Pope Paul urged It went back to committee doctors to denounce the gravity after twice failing to clear' the low portions of their output to ~f ~he dange~ of drug abuse, majority (Republican) caucus, an be transported across their borwhIch threatens to spread all "unofficial" session which actu- ders. They advocated stricter the mbre as the allure becomes ally decides which major pieces measures against the offenders. greater and as the commercial of legislation will be cleared for interests which favor it become a floor vote. wider and vaster." Observers here are divided on Crucial Points the significance of the move to UN members, plan an inte- remand it back to committee. grated system of law enforce- Some believe an attempt might Over 35 Years ment and control directed par- be made in commttee to amend of Satisfied Service ticularly against the three cru- the legislation to make it more Reg. Master Plumber 7023 cial points of supply, demand acceptable, Others think it may JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. be allowed to languish in commitand illicit traffic in narcotics. 806 NO. MAIN STREET The United States, as a prime tee until the legislative term Fall River 675-7497 mover in the plan, has proposed ends in December of 1971. establishment of a UN Fund for Drug Control, to be administered by U.N. Secretary General U Thant, and has' offered to provide $2 million for that 'purpose. John E. Ingersoll, head of the INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC U.S. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, announced the

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co.



who does fall within Professor Daly's . acceptable criterIa of acceptable Catholicism?" One suspects it would not be a very large group.


312 Hillman Street


New Bedford





Says. Unsu1ng Orga,niz,~

Dads Should

FD,R Movem,ent

By Marilyn and Joseph Roderick One of the thiNgs that rankles me and many other fathers is the constant reference to mothers whenever children are mentioned. It is as if fathers are around merely to fill in gaps where mothers aren't available. Teachers discuss mothers . For more years than I care to whenever they discuss homemention I've looked forward to work. "Be sure your mother the Better Homes and Gardens helps you with this," or Book of Christmas Ideas which




','Have ,your mother sign this paper," This stress on motherhood was all well and good 30 years ago; 'but times have changed. Fathers are now con'sidered part of the family. A child's education is as much a father's concern as it is a· mother's: Priests, especially, haven't gotten the message, They become dewy-eyed whenever their homi1ies turn to 'the virtues, of motherhO'Od, but they speak of fathers only in terms of discipline and· authority. The Mother's, Day sermon is given with enthusiasm and nostalgia. On Father's Day we can expect a brief acknowledgement and, if more, a sermon on the importance of discipline in our society. Wants F.D.R. ' Rather than Woman's Lib I am suggesting a movement based on fathers' desire for recognition, F.D,R. (a New Deal for Men). Granted we didn't suffer the pangs of childbirth, but we do have something to do with the little creatures that resulted, I for one will henceforth request equal time whenever the subject of parenthood arises and will 'no longer sit back and listen to the platitudes 'surrounding mother,hood. When the subject arises I will scowl, curse and raise such a ruckus that no one will dare demean men around me, especially those of us who are fathers and find ourselves in-volved and concerned in and with our children. In the Kitchen Days ,are getting sh'orter and nights longer. Soon the" weather will be' forcing us to spend more and more time at home and this will allow us to go back to those Winter hobbies that take second place to so many <1ther activities ' during the warm weather. While it's hard to believe that we should be preparing forChristmas already (wasn't it only yesterday that we were enjoying the beach?) if you plan on making things for the holiday season you're going to have to start now.

Appoints Orthodox Ecumenical Officer

-- ..

Archbishop Finds Life Exciting

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs:, Nov. 5, 1970

NEW YORK (NC)-Greek Or; thodox Archbishop lakovos of North and South ,America announced appointment here of Father Robert. G. Stephanopoulos as director of the archdiocese's" department of interchurch relations. Father Stephanopoulos, pastor of the Church of Our Savior in Rye, N.Y., and recording secretary of the National Council of Churches, is a member of the Council of Churches' general board and participates in ecumenical dialogue with the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Reformed churches.

is on, the stands at this moment. When I taught art I relied on it for a good proportion o( my classroom Christmas projects and now I find it invaluable for ideas for the home. 'Many of its suggestions -take 'a bit· of time and effort but. the' end results are well worth it. A. couple of years ago I made a papier mache Mother and Child that this annual featured' and. I fell so much in love with it that I refused to put it away after the holiday season is over. Needlepoint is fast be.coming the "in" thing, and with so many exciting pattern's on the market it could well be the perfect Christmas gift, that is, if you start early. Year for Creativity There was a time when a homemade gift meant that the donor couldn't afford anything else. but now Ii homemade gift means' that the giver has not only thought but talent as well. Just think a moment-where could you possibly buy a handknitted sweater in exactly the colors that you love, or a needlepoint pillow that is perfect \v'itli yotil' living room decor. Or if you were fortunate enough to find a place that sells such items, 'you would also find that you couldn't possibly afford the prices that had to be asked, No, this is the year \ to be creative and that is just what you are doing when you put your time "and talents to work to make' gifts for others. If creative, cookery' is your line, then here's an elegant combination of cognac, cream and creme de cacao t.hat tops a crisp graham cracker crust to. become a Brandy Alexander Pie. Brandy Alexander Pie 1 envelope unflavored gelatin Vz cup cold water % cup sugar VB teaspoon salt 3 eggs separated Y4 cup cognac Y4 cup creme de cacao 2 cups heavy cream, whipped 1 nine inch graham cracker crust. 1) Sprinkle the gelatin over the cold water in a saucepan. Add one third cup of sugar, the salt and the egg yolks. Stir to blend. ' 2) Heat over low heat while stirring until the gelatin dissolves and the mixture thickens. DO NOT boil. 3) Remove from the heat and stir in the ~ognac and creme de cacao. Chill in refrigerator until mixture starts to mound slightly. 4) Beat the whites until stiff and gradually beat in the remaining sugar and fold into the thickened mixtUl:e, Fold in one cup of the whipped cream. Turn into crust and chill'several hours or over night. Garnish with remaining cream and- chocolate curls.

ST. LOUIS (NC)-Since Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen resigned a year ago as head of the Rochester diocese, he has traveled thousands of miles and addressed hundreds of groups throughout the country, Recently he was here displaying the same agile figure and speaking in the same resonant voice that in the 1950s became familiar to millions of watchers of' "Life Is Worth Living." Now 75 years old, the archbishop still finds life that way and lives it at a pace'that would exhaust many of his juniors. He told NC News in an interview . that he places p"iorities on his time but fi,lIs it all: He explained: "Since 1" have resigned from Rochester i have developed primacies of service: "First, retretlts for priests be. cause I believe that the sanctificatinn of the clergy is' the most needed thing in the Church today, What the shepherds are, that the people will be. "Secondly, lectures in secular universities, and I accept as many of those as I can, \ "Thirdly, talks and lectures to any kind of secular group ~ * .:. I talk to labor groups, peace groups, those that are, not always specifically Catholic. Positive "These would be my priorities and I am kept so busy that our office turns down about 10 in~ vitations a day. I select from those that I think will do the most for Our Lord and the church." ,To thos~. w,ho lll , h~ ,sele,cts.,he 'ROMAN CHURCH' WINDOW.:, The Mary Virginia o'f many things, but, he talks Martin Memorial window by Profe~sor Albert Birkle of says, all his messages !;hare Salzburg; Austria, a stained glass window depicting. the , something in common: they are Roman Catholic Church, was dedicated at the National positive. ' Cathedral (Episcopal) in Washington. The new window He said he finds university is one of six planned for the English gothic cathedral students most receptive to his representing the major st~eams of Christendom. NC Photo. talks, and in 15 to 20 campus appearances this year met no incidents of interruption or disruption. Describing one campus appearance, he said he spoke to some 8,000 students and mal1Y Plan, to Open Experimental School' came up to the speaker's stand 'to meet him after the talk. He For Indian Dropouts said the university president told As a result, the Indians decided him it was the first time he had 'BAR HARBOR (NC)-A 26year-old Penobscot Indian, con- to open the center with 20 stu- seen that happen in 20 years on cerned about Indian dropouts dents and plan to have an en- the job. from school, soon will start an rollment of 124 when the regular experimental learning center here school year opens next Fall. It Understanding with the help' of federal funds. is being started by TRIBE, Inc., for Teaching and Research in BiUnderstanding is the sure ~nd Michael Crawford, who lived cultural Education. clear knowledge of some invis. on the Penobscot Indian Reservaible thing. -St. Bernard Crawford said that funds for tion at Oid Town, _Me., before adoption by a white family who the center would come from the sent ,him to a Catholic high National Endowment "for the ,Huschool, said that the idea for manities and the U.S. Departthe school came from tribal ment of Health, Education and ONE STOP leaders disturbed about the In- Welfare. A total of $100,000 has CENTER SHOPPING been granted at this time. dian d,ropout rate. • Television • Grocery According to Crawford, the Crawford, a graduate of the • Appliances 0 Fruniture. new center's director, of all In- University of Maine, was deputy dians who begin school' in Amer- to the commissioner of Indian 104 Allen St., New Bedford ican and Canadian school sys- affairs for Maine before becom997-9354 tems, up to 90 per cent fail to ing center director. graduate from the 12th grade. Indian leaders, a spokesman said, believe that existing school six CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU systems "either fail to'meet the needs of Indians or actively persecute the Indian student.'"

Leaders Act·



Preacll1er Do you know how I test the value of a preacher? If the \ listeners go' away striking their breasts, saying: Today, I 'will do better; not by saying: What a wonderful sermon: -Jean Camus

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The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.

chairmen of parish orare asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, ~all River

OUR LADY OF FATIMA, SWANSEA' , Reservations for the Turkey Supper to be held Saturday eve+ ning, Nov. 14, from 5:30 to '7 will close this weekend. Reser; vations may be made by calling Mrs. Thomas Murray, 8-2528l The Christmas Bazaar will takJ place all that day in the Church Hall and will feature cakes~ candy, knitted and hand-made goods, jewelry, knick-knacks. I



The Women's Guild announces its annual Christmas bazaar from 6 to 9 Friday night, Nov. 13 and 1 to 9 Saturday, Nov. 14 in the' school hall, located on Route 177. A snack bar will be 'featured on Friday, with Mrs. HOLY NAME, Mary, Perry as chairman. A NEW BEDFORD I chicken barbecue supper will be \..A mini-bazaar and ham and served from 6 to 7:30 Saturday be~n supper are planned from 5 night, with Linda Bono in to 10 Saturday night, Nov. 14 charge. Supper tickets are avail- in the parish hall on StudleY able from all guild members. Street by members of the Wom+ Special awards on Saturday en's Guild. Mrs. Elmer Paul, will include a food basket and a chairman, has named workers to basket of cheer. . handle tables featuring handl General chairmen of the two- made articles,' pastries, whitJ day event are Mrs. Joseph R. elephants, Christmas items; Forest and Mrs. Lawrence May- candy, children's goods and nard. Mrs. Paul Bussiere is trea- raffle. The grand prize will be Ii. surer. three-day trip for two to NeW Booths will include Christmas York. I decorations, featuring Yule cenSupper reservations will close terpieces and tree ornaments; a Wednesday, Nov. 11. The meal bake shop; a "mod booth"; bi- will be served from 5 to 7. I cycles; toys and dolls; while ele; phant; green thumb; handmade NOTRE DAME, . FALL RIVER i items; candy and a 50c booth. The sixth annual minstrel Games, grab bags and candy apples will be available for chil- show of the Women's Council dren and two bicycles will be will be presented on Saturday and Sunday nights, Nov. 7 and $ raffled. at 8 o~c1ock in Bishop Connolly ST. STANISLAUS, I High School, Elsbree St. FALL RIVER Co-chairmen for the show are Miss Helene Dumont, Mrs. ROt A Polish food sale will be held meo Parent and Mrs. Richard from 10 to 5 today and tomor" Remy. row in the school hall. Mrs. Mrs. Robert Chouinard, ticket Sophie Pinkowski is chairman. chairman, has announced that Also in the hall will be a harvest supper, to be sponsored tickets will be available at thb d(>9r on the two ,nights of thb from 5 to 8 Saturday night by show. I faculty and students of the parochial school. The public is invited and tickets will be avail, i able at the door. Youth of the parish will meet at 2 Sunday afternoon in the hall to hear an address by Joe Andrews, former Durfee High School athlete. The Men's Club will host father-son sports program, at' 6:30 Sunday night in the hall. .



ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD ' A Christmas bazaar is planned from 10 to 4 Saturday, Nov. 7 in the church basement by the Women's Guild. Homemade items and foods will be featured. In charge of arrangements are Nora Richards and Hilda Babiarz. ST: JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A gala turkey whist will be held at 8 on Saturday night, Nov. 21. Tickets and raffle chances will be delivered to the homes of all parishioners. Senior Citizens will install a slate of officers following a buf路 fet supper to be served tonight at 7. The regular meetings of the organization are held every Friday afternoon at 1:30. ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD A "Holiday Bazaar" is scheduled from 10 to 9 for Saturday, Nov. 14 in the school 'hall on Illinois St. Santa Claus will visit with the children from 11 to noon, and again from 7 to 8 in the evening. A special area will be set aside with personal shoppers available in order that assistance will .be given to the children to select gifts for their parents. Tickets may be obtained from Dorothy Heap or Mabel Rezendes for the ham and bean supper that will be served from 5 to 7 in, conjunction with the day's bazaar. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, NEW BEDFORD The eighth annual Harvest Fair featuring 28 booths will be held on two weekends. On Friday, Nov. 13 and 20, the hours will be from 6 to' 11 in the evening.' On Saturday, Nov. 14 and 21, the hours will be from 1路 in the afternoon to 11 in the evening.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970

SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD The Home and School Association will serve a ham and bean supper from 5:30 to 7:30 on Saturday night in the parish hall. ST. MARY, NORTON The Catholic Woman's, Club announces a turkW whist to be held at 8 Monday hight, Nov. 16 in the parish center. OUR LADY OF FATIMA, NEW BEDFORD A whist sponsored by Ste. Anne Sodality will be held in the parish hall at 7:30 Thursday night, Nov. 12. A door prize will be awarded and refreshments served. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, WEST BREWSTER The scheduled dessert bridge has been moved up from Nov. 4 to Nov. 12. Reservations may be made by contacting Mrs. David M. Campbell at 432-3491. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, N~W BEDFORD Deceased members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society will be remembered at 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, Nov. 8 as present members receive corporate communion. A supper and' auction will be held at 6 Saturday night, Nov. 14 in the church hall. The parish will sponsor a dance from 8 to midnight Wednesday night, Nov. 25 at Roseland Ballroom, Taunton. Music will be by the Happy Louie orchestra. The Mickiewicz Society is ,holding a. ham and bean supper Saturday night, Nov. 7.


Pope, Ky Discuss Vietnam Peace VATICAN CITY (NC) - The details of what Pope Paul VI and South Vietnam's Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky discussed in a private audience were not revealed, but a Vatican press aide said that "it is obvious they talked about the war in Vietnam and about the possibilities for peace." Neither the Vatican nor officials of the South Vietnamese embassy would comment on the visit, which was reported as a surprise and which had not been announced until after it had taken place. Vice President Ky, the highest Vietnamese government official ever to visit the Pope, left Rome immediately after the audience, his embassy said. The Vietnam vice president was en route from Cambodia to Paris for sessions of the peace talks later this month. His stopover in Rome was only a matter of hours. He is due to go to Washington Nov. 6. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER A rummage sale being sponsored today, tomorrow and Saturday in the parish hall by the Council of Catholic Women will benefit the parish. A malasada supper and dance will be held in the hall from 6 to 11 Saturday night, Nov. 14. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 and dancing will, follow. The Holy 'Name Society announces a Communion breakfast for Sunday morning, Nov. 8.




ST. MARY'S CA1I'HEDRAL, FALL RIVER路 The' Mothers' Club will sponsor a spaghetti supper from 5:30 to 7 Monday night, Nov. 16 at the Franklin Street CYO. Homemade stick bread and pastries will be on the menu. The public is invited and tickets will be available at the door. HOLY CROSS, ' SOUTH EASTON The 'third annual Holly Fair will be held in the parish hall from 10 to 7 Saturday, Nov. 14. The public is invited, according to the announcement made by Mrs. Donald Bergeron and Mrs. Albert Fleury, co-chairmen. ST. STEPHEN, ATTLEBORO M~s. Lucien LeBlanc, program, chairman of the Council of' Women, has invited all women of the parish to the organization's meeting scheduled for 7:30 on Monday night in the church hall. Rev. Roland Bedard, MS, will be tfle guest speaker and discuss the film, "No Time for Romance", that will be shown as part of the evening's program.

attelntion thanl(~ul people

! I'

1 I I I

In gratitude for Jy many blessings, I wish to share this month of Thanksgiving with the world's poor a1nd the missionaries-serving them. EnclosJd is my special sacrifice









for the mission,.





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The Right Reverend Ed,;ard T.O'Meara National Director 366 Fifth A venue New York. New York /000/

The Right Reverend Raymond T. Considine

OR Diocesan Director

368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusells 02720



Priest Suggests Nation· Observe 'Shut-in Day'

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970.

Says Bishops' Campaign Vehicle for Social Action'

READING (NC)-Father Felix A. Losito has raised his sights.

I am resting comfortably after two weeks of hard His aim now is for a countrywide observance of "Shut-In campaigning with Bishop Mic~ael Demps~y's "Road Show" . Day." for the Thanksgiving Campaign for ,Human o.evelopme~t. If his efforts on the national Our nationwide travels to six regional groupmgs of dlO-' scene ,are anything like his work ceses was an orientation for ' here, the pastor of Holy Rosary lems to helping them develop parish is bound to succeed. diocesan campaign directors. attitudes and behavior to bring For two months he worked It also turned out to be an about effective ehange. long hours here to make citizens education .for those of us This action-education was the of this area conscious of confrom the Church's Eastern estab- method of the "observe-ludgecern for all shut-ins-the sick, lishment. act" strategy of YCS, YCW and elderly, imprisoned and invalided. My impression from the trip the Catholic Family Movement His efforts were capped when is that there is reason for hope of a simpler era. Perhaps the poMayor Victor YarnelI proclaimed but not optimism. Th~ good but tential of the fledgling, adult e~u­ a city-wide "Shut-In Day." cation movement within the Now Father Losito plans to Church should be exerted in the ,'" . sen'd a committee to Harrisburg, direction of preparing people to the Pennsylvania state capital, work for planned commun,ity in an effort to push for a statechmlge. . 'By ,., . wide observance-also a com.My new-found friends of the mittee to Washington, D. C., to REV. American Association of Univeradvocate a national "Shut-In sity Women have a helpful book~.·DAVID Day." let entitled "A Guide to Planned "Shut-In Day," Father Losita Community Change." According FINKS explained, "is a day set aside for to the AAUW, planned commuthe purpose of caring for and nity change happens through renewed concern for the sick, the three-fold process 'of experithe incapacitiated and the incarence, involvement and action. passive people in the· U. S. AlI demand the' hard work of CLOSING MASS AT CONFERENCE: Bishop Wel~on. cerated. National Day , Church and society are awaken- participatjon by the people in- of Springfield was the principal concelebra~t at the c~o~mg "The community seems to go ing, albeit often in anger, to· the volved. Mass of the conferencce of major superIors of rehglO~s for the idea," he continued. short circuits and inhumanities Communit3' Support Experience consists in a syste- women of New England in the chapel of Mont Ma~le, ' "After all, it's not political and that have infiltrated our system matic group effort to discover motherhouse of the Sisters of S1. Joseph, Holyoke. Flankmg I'm not' asking for any moneyof technology without a heart. what the actual situation is, or- , Bishop Weldon are Bishop Flanagan of 'Wor~est~r and just person-to-person contact." Educational Goal His dream is to have a nationSo~e of us talked in after- ganize these facts and work Bishop Joyce of Burlington. Master of ceremomes IS Rev. al "Shut-In Day," similar to hours' sessions with young and them over in careful analysis Daniel A. Doyle, secretary to Bishop 'o/eldon. Mother's Day or Father's Day. parayoung of varied hues who and reflection. How often do "Although it is true that every are on the verge of saying and well-intentioned people jump in day should be a day dedicated doing fool!sh and destructive without first-hand experience of to the sick, old and imprisoned, thin~ ·;·that will damage our what they want to change. 'Shut-In Day' wouid helpt to' embasit·· 'institutions. Some others Involvement means reaching phasize the importance of this we 'met are equalIy dangerous. out to the people involved in concern,": he said;.' ,", " They are' still intent on seeing the problems, to test their asWASHINGTON (NC) - Mixed action. 'Any decisions commg He made no attempt to evaluthe surrounding world through sumptions and conclusions and ancient spectacles that invest the gain community support for the marriage and anti-poverty fund out of the me.eting wi1l be pass~d ate statis'ticalIy success of the raising will be amorig the mat- on to the Umted .States Cath?hc observation here, but said nummost poignant human" suffering action state. ters discussed by the American Conference for lmpleme?tatl?n. bers of people stopped him to Action or change shouid rewith a rosy glow that defies alI ' Catholic bishops during their The USCC is the bIshops actIon tell how they had participated. sult when the issue has been change. ' The educational goal of the studied and the interested indi- semi-annual meeting here Nov. arm between meetings, but does 'Horrible Loneliness' not form policy on its own. Bishops' Campaign for Human viduals and' groups organized 16-20. "Just from what people told A progress report on the CamSome of the proposals have me,/I'd say it's been an overDevelopment is to involve the around that issue. Each victory; grumbling masses in between .to no matter how small, gives en- paign for Human Development, already been put into effect in whelming success," he said. exert their God-given and con- couragement that "something the bishops' domestic antipov- other countries. "Communion in . "Many people said they didn't stitutionality guaranteed power can be done" - and that is erty drive, will be given by the the hand," for example, is in know who was happier - the campaign's chairman, Bishop optional use in Canada. for plann~d social change. Bish- power. people they visited or them'New chairmen of the NCCB selves.", The Bishops' Campaign for Francis J. Mugavero of 'Brook" ops see this action program as a . " ' and the USCC wiil be elected at moral and spiritual response to Human' Development is a strat- Iyn. Father Losito's concern for T!'Je fund-raising aspect of ~he the meeting, and budgets for the shut-ins was aroused when egy and a vehicle for s'ocial the ;m;tlaise of our day. change. What you do with it campaign will end Nov. 22 WIth both, organizations will be re- his assistant, Father J. Richard , ,.. Use of Power , KelIy, returned from visiting a The· issue still to be resolved at a loc'al level will decide its a collection in Catholic churches viewed and approved. ' all over the country, although The bishops' council meets Holy Rosary parishioner in an is the prejudice of religious peo· effectiveness. ,educati~n of Catholics on what twice a year. The next meeting area convalescent home. pie exerting power. It is true '11 be in April 1971 in Detroit. causes poverty and how to get "The parishioner's roommate, that power carr be demonic, but Candidates Rated WI , rid of it will continue. a weiman· with 10 children, told so can love or worship. When The more than 200 bishops atFather KelIy she had not seen millions of people possess re- On Abortioln Views, Homes For Poor tending the conference will also one of her children in over a sources and talents in superWASHINGTON (NC) - Mary- go to work on', pra€ticahmeth6ds TRICHUR (NC)-The new abundance, yet cannot get them- land Catholics residing in the of implementing .,the ecumenical bishop of th,e. Trichur diocese year and a half," Father l,osito selves together ,to change condi- Washington, D. C., archdiocese directives of Vatican II in sem- plans to build 15,000 houses for said. "Right then I decided we tions that cause an endless cycle have been asked by Cardinal inaries, through· friendship and India's poor in the next .10 years. had to do something abo.ut this horrible loneliness that exists of poverty,.exploitl!.tion,. disease, . ~atrick a'Boyle to consider the dialogue with other faiths. His vicar general, Msgr. Zacha- . among some people." malnutrition; 'crime, addiction- findings of a group rating state Other prime topics on the rias Vazhapilly, announced that then the problem is powerless- legislative candidates according, agenda include opening· part. of Bishop Joseph Kundukulam, conness. A passiv,e patience in the to their views on abortion. Wisdom the bishops' meeting, but not secr~ted two months ago, was face of such evils is immoral. In a letter sent to parishes in this one, to the press; new na- consulting with experts in order Wisdom is the foundation and Power may be defined as the the five Marylal'ld, counties with- tional programs for Spanish- to formulate a plan to "make the justice the work, without which capacity to act and to change, in the archdiocese, Cardinal speaking Catholics; possible number of houseless and land- the foundation cannot stand. events. Planned community O'Boyle noted that the ratings. membership in the Faith ,and less !is small as possible." -St. Ambrose change demands the constructive, compiled. by the Maryland Hu- Ord'er, Commission of th~ Nacreative use of power by in- man Life Committee would be tion~i Council of Churches, and ~1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!l2 dividuals acting in concert with "helpful to the parishioners the possibility of introduCing the their felIow citizens. when they go' to the polIs on practice of "Communion in the REGULAR '... Waiting for the natural course Nov. 3." hand" into the Mass for th.e na- = ,'" a· = of events to solve our problems The committee, headed by Dr. tio~'s Catholics. ' ' 90 DAY NOTICE ACCOUNTS is' naively destr\lctive. Oniy by William F. Colliton of'R&ckville, The National Council6f Cathconstructive action can we bring Md. evaluated candidates..:.2from olic Bishops \\;'il), deliberate .01'1 = 1 YEAR SAVINGS ,CERTIFICATE 31. = 'about, the kind of .world we'de- . governor to l~gislator-to deter.? those and othel',dssues, and try = , sire. for ourselves .and future gen- mine if they were for or. agai,nst ,to issue guidelines for futute (5,000.00 Min,) 74 erations.. . permissive ,. ab,o,rtion ': I~~i!ll~~ion. - 2 YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE , Action.Education Th'eypr'epared:'~,'letter' and char.t ~ , .AND ~PAN ~ ($10,000.00 Min.! .. 0 ~ Troth Th)e'Church~ ·h~S:. :an .accepted detailing the" "~andidates' ,pOSI: ' ASSOCI~T10N:',~: ~ YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE 71L~% ~ Truth is the equation of educational tradition., The 'tinie tions,and .'rel:ommended 'the has' come' td' move beyond in- voters support those candidates thought and thing.. § OF ATTlEBORO§ ($100,000.001 72 0 § -St. Thomas Aquinas f,llllll 1111111111111111111111111111I11111111mlllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III III1111111111 1I1111~ forming people about our prob- opposed to abortion..on-demand.

.Poverty,' Mixed Marriage Bishops'· Meeting Topic:s.

i 'fiRST" I, ; fEDERAL- ';









5~ %; % 5


6% -


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970

KNOW YOUR FAITH Conscience and the Young Conscience formation in Catholic schools and CCD classes appears to many to be overly permissive. There seems to be too much concern about conscience and freedom, whereas law anq authority are said -to be underplayed. The Ten Commandments' and the Precepts of the Church do not seem to occupy the same place, ,of importance as in the past. ' Concerned parents and teachers, often express fear that ,to-

By fRo CARL J.

Q•. . . ..


, !, I i I



day's young Christians are being educated more to a secular humanism than to traditional Christian moral principles and ideals. One parent recently expressed to me his conviction that the young have to be told clearly what is right and wrong, sOn;,lething ~he finds underemphasized,in his son's religious education. Similar opinions have been vOiced at every gathering of parents and, religious educators I have been at in the past year. Religious educators are as concerned ,as are the concerned parents about the moral formation of children and 'adolescents. They are suggesting approaches that on the surface may seem to be reducing conscience to "doing one's thing." Closer to Gospel However, a closer look at these "new" approaches reveals a close following of the approach of. the Gospel, the directives of Vatican II, and, sound conclusions of the modern social sciences. An e\l~n closer study will show that in reality they are much more demanding and challenging than the familiar catcchesis according to the Commandments of God and Precepts of the Church. Like the approach most of us adult Catholics grew up with, the new' strategies toward guiding the religious and ethical response of the young center on love of God and neighbor. No Christian ethic can do otherwise, as anyone at all familiar with the New Testament readily admits. Jesl.l~ was clear on this: ~"You shall love the Lo~d your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind,' This is the greatest and first commandment. The second is like it: 'You shall love 'Your neighbo~ as yourself;' On these two commandments the wh'ole law is based" (Mt 22:3740).' St. p,aul 'is no less emphatic: "I,.~~~ neve'r. ~ <;loe~ a,ny wrong' to th!'l neighbl?~', h~e*~,e loye, is the fulfillment 'of t~e law" (Rom 13:10). His summary of Christian

J ~;. :

moral life is: "Do everything with love" (I Cor 16:34). For St. I John, the whole, moral message of Jesus comes down to love I (In 13:34), a love which St. James translates into the prac-j tical social realities of. feeding, the hungry !lnd clothing the poorl (Jm 1-2). Sense of Responsibility On this all Christians are nec-I essarily agreed: conscience for-i mation must focus on enabling l 'the young to grow in their abil-: 'ilty to genuinely love God and; neighbor. But how encourage and guide this growth? Cate-I 'chisms of the past normally in-' dicated that we know we love: God if we keep the ten'com-! mandments. If this is true, then the empha-, sis in conscience formation will have to be on. learning thesd commandments and how to apply them to one's life. Motiva~ tion is supplied chiefly by desire , for reward and fear of punish ment. While many adult Catho. Iics are familiar with this aPl proach, they are, aware that it has little foundation in either the New Testament or the Church'~ present teaching as expressed in I Vatican Council II. More traditional, and more effective in practical terms, is ari approach that focuses on cn l couraging a growing sense of ret sponsibility. Newer religion texts help the young (and the adult) recognize that love is proved not simply by keeping the ten com mandments and the commandsl . I of those in authority. St. Paul already pointed out what all of us know from ext perience; overemphasis on law often leads to a kind of legalis~ that inhibits real concern for others. I Jesus Himself took issue with law-abiding religious leader~ whose concern fbr law cooled I their concern for people. Genuine Human Values I The best traditions of the Old Testament pointed . out that moral goodness is not guaran,teed by keeping laws as much as by responding to humah needs and genuine human value~. The Rich Young Man in the Gospel kept the commandments from his youth but did not ,r~­ spond to the call to give h~s wealth to the poor, and "he went away sad," (Mk 10:17-22). I Religious education today encourages respect for law, whether it be God's or man's. But tH,e young are guided to this respect by being challenged to explote the real needs and values of our time. Merely knowing the 7th commandment does not insure that a young Christian will n~t steal. There is hope that he will not steal if he comes to appr~­ ciate responsibly the I 'p'~rsonkl and social value there is"in r~­ sped for pr9perty, his own arid others. . "" i Responsibility cannot " I)e forced~ buti(~an be"goidE¥ Situations can', be:\ structured so . that the young are enabled to' reflect Turn to Page Eighteen ;





The' New Funeral Rite

Do you thin\.< we generally go to excess: in making funeral arrangements for a departed beloved? Are we almost forced to put on a shO\y, select a casket beyond our means, follow an artificial protocol? Or do you feel lengthy calling hours, a solemn religious service, and the body's careful jnterment express respect for the deceased, faith in the Resurrection, and love of the bereaved? The revised funeral rite, issued in Latin on August 15, 1969 and probably ready for introduction in English translation sometime after the first of the year, doesn't really provide certain answers to these provocative questions. Article 2 of the Introduction merely states that "family traditions, local customs, groups established to take care of funerals, anything that is good may be used freely, but anything alien to the Gospel should be changed'" >I< *" , Authorities in, Rome have, with wisdom, stepped lightly in this area, leaving the judgment about specific practices to bishops and other individuals in each country. The restored ritual in-' sists only that a funeral service celebrate Christ's paschal mystery and the dead person's share in Jesus' victory over death. Theme of ·Joy Catholics in many sectors of the United States will find the new rite very similar to an ex- . perimental liturgy for Christian burial which has been employed in a majority of dioceses over the past several years. Themes of joy, hope and triumph prevail in such a service with a variety of texts, actions and signs communicating to family and friends those sentiments. ' '~The funeral ritual (like baptismal and marriage books released earlier) possesses an element of flexibility made possible through its extensive collection of biblical readings (42), psalms (17), and prayers. Preliminary directives 'suggest that a priest use those texts which best fit the wishes' of the deceased's family and as much as possible "involve them lh' pla'n'niriir the funerill celebration and the choice of the options made available in this rite" (article 25). "'White vestments, symbolic not necessarily of the departed's innocence, but of his hoped-for rising to a glorious life, may be worn instead of black or purple. . *The large paschal candle, carried in procession and placed near the casket, links together an entire network of related notions-baptism, the Re!;urrection, Easter and; of course, entrance into eternal bliss. 'Final Commendation O:<"The rite' after Mass, once called absolution, now has been changed to a service of, final commendation. This is "not,to 1;>,~; un~erstood ~s a purification of.; th~' dead....,.,.;.vhic'1 is e(fe;Ci1ed rather-, by the eucharistic sacrifice--;-but as the last farewell with which the Christian com-

munity honors one of its members before the body is buried" (article 10). '~"The sprinkling. with holy water, which recalls the person's entrance into eternal life through. baptism, and the incensation, which honors the body of the deceased as temple of the Holy Spirit, may also be considered signs of farewell (article 10). *A period of prayer between th-e time of death and burial ought to be arranged so people can pray for the dead and profess their own faith in eternal life. The introductory norms, while not mentioning or certainly prohibiting' th~ customary rosary at "wakes," do show partiality for scriptural prayer services. Biblical readings in such circ~mstances "proclaim the paschal mystery, support the hope of reunion in the Kingdom of God, teach respect for the dead, and encourage the witness of

Publishes Pa,rish ActionGuidebook WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. Catholic Conference Task Force on Urban Problems has published a Parish Action Training guidebook designed' :t'o assist parishes initiate social action programs. The guidebook provides basic information and resource material on the Christian social action process: It explores a possible agenda for Church action programs in the 70s, describes an actual parish's attempts to alleviate the sufferings and meet the concerns' of diverse groups in the country today, and provides theological clarification of the Church's role in contemporary society. Also produced by the Task Force as part of the action training program are a related filmstrip, pinpointing the lack of constructive effort for change by groups which could be influential, and an accompanying record narrated by former television newscaster Chet Huntley. 1;he program was gescribed as s~itable for use as a 'catalyst for multi-session training s~ries, in panel or in group discussions, as part of a worship service, or in the' 'classroom. The package is available from the U. S. Catholic Conference, Task Force on Urbari"Problems, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W:, Washington, D. C. 20005.

Christian living" (article 11). "'Burial of the body in a grave or tomb, "as the Lord himself willed to be buried," enjoys the Church's preference, but cremation is permitted as long as the reasons for selecting this process are not "contrary to Christian principles" (article 15). Prayers at Cemetery ':'The cemetery prayers more actively involve mourners who stand by the grave for' those final moments before the body is lowered into its resting place. They include a prayer of the ,



faithful in which the community present prays for the departed and for the survivors, "Lord, you wept at the death of Lazarus, your ,friend: comfort us in our sorrow. We ask this in faith:" Rx."Lord hear" our prayer." "You raised the dead to life: give your brother (sister) eternal life. We ask this in faith 0:< <.< <'<" ':'Songs and psalms which express grief but strengthen hope should, whenever possible, form part of the rite. "the Strife is o'er, the battle \Von" or "To Jesus Christ our Sovereign King" already are funeral hymns familiar to many which convey the correct concepts of triumph and resurrection. The theological foundation for these ritual practices can be summed up in words from artticle 1 of the funeral rite: "Those who in baptism have become one with the dead and risen Christ will pass from 'death to life, to be purified in soul and welcomed into the fellowship of the saints in heaven. They look forward in blessed hope to his second coming and the bodily resurrection of the dead," These prayers and burial services "which bring spiritl!..~1 help to some may bring to others a consoling hope," Discussion Questions L How does the new funeral rite differ from Jhe rite formerly used? ' 2. ,What' visible signs of joy and hope are found in the new funeral rite?

St. Louis de France· Pa.rishioner Anti.cipated Schedule Y~...~h Work Meeting Know Your Faith Current Concern fo~ Ecumenis,":~ Ecology WASHINGTON (NC)-Youth 18



Nov. 5, 1970

Continued from Page Seventeen on human needs and values. Re· ligious texts therefore encourage the young to come to grips with real issues like poverty, revolution, drugs.


Supposedly he's. retired, but Arthur Berard of St. Louis de France parish, Swansea, has to be one of the most unretired 76-year-olds you could meet. Used' iit Parables Since his wife's death two years This is the approach Jesus ago he's lived alone in his small used so naturally in His parables house' at 81 Winslow Avenue, and in confrontations with peo- Somerset, where he cultivateS a ple. The story of the Good Sa- garden plot in the Summer and maritan is a classic example of writes hours daily in the Winchallenging people to reflect on' ter: He walks miles. enjoys bunting, human need (Lk 10:29-37). An appropriate challenge. to, does all his own cooking and reflect on what is really imp,or- Musework and just finished tant and of value is found in the . painting a tenement for a friend parable of the man so busy who 'couldn't find a workman to building bigger barns that he has do the job. His wr.iting career began in no time to think of what is of more radical and ultimate impor- 1'922, when he wrote a song en)titled "Fall River." With profits tance in' life (Lk .11:16-21). Each parable is a challenge to ':from its sale he bought himself reflect on what is' of genuine a course in scenario writing and value ,and on the needs of others. over the years has,' with its Jesus nowhere urges, permissive- 'guidance, written scores, of. arness to'law and authority, but ticl~s, stories and pieces of chil~is emphasis is on responding 'to dren's fiction. His most" recent, people and reality, to growth in sale was an extensive article on organic farming, purchased by a sense of responsibility. Vatican Council II urges this "Mother Earth News" same approach to conscience forHe was indignant at a newsmation. Even children have "the paper story which appeared some right to appraise moral values years ago on the song which with a right conscience, to' em· started his Iiterarv avocation. brace them with a personal ad- "They wrote as i:f the compos~r herence, together with a deeper were long dead" he snorted. Inknowledge and love of God." In deed he's not! this way, the Council observes, Early Ecumenism they will be enabled to "gradEcumenism began a long time ually acquire a mature sense of ago for Berard. For years he's responsibility in ,striving, endbeen contributing to youth mag" lessly to form their own lives properly and in pursuing true azines published by various Protfreedom" (Declaration on Chris- estant denominations "My stories show .that Christ died for us, tian Education, 1). they all end' with a moral, and all Council's Directives strive to build' character." The Council's directives not During his working life Berard only apply Jesus' own example was employed at various Fall but they are based on the tradi- River mills "In those days" he tional fact that God's command· recalled, "smoke :from about 45 ing voice is not heard only or mills was polluting the Fall River even chiefly in laws. His voice air although no one seemed con· can be recognized as well in the cerned about it. But I didn't like confused voices of experience, in it, and I resolved to get out of the signs of our times, in the the, city.", values most highly prized in the He moved his wife and two the contemporary world (Con- sons to a country area 9f Swanstitution on, the Church in the sea where with their help he Modern World, 4). completely remodeled an old These are some of the reasons house. He has also done exten· for the different "look" in con- sive work on his present house, science formation. For the suc- which boasts an artesian well. cessful application of these prin· "No polluted water' for me," he ciples the most needed factor is said. an honest, Christian adult who himself is struggling to grow in a love that is responsive to hu- Commission Urges man need and human value. A sense of responsibility is en- Conh-ol of Smut TRENTON (NC)-A commiscouraged by the example of mature, responsible, concerned sion studying effects of smut recommended that New Jersey Christ!an adults. ,place some control on' sale of Discussion.' Questions , . !:lard-core pornography to adults. The New Jersey Commission 1. Why is proper conscience formation important for chilo to Study Obscenity and Depravity in Public Media advocated the dren? control after a statewide survey 2. Why must conscience formation focus on one's ability to it ordered was completed. The genuinely love God and neigh- commission acknowledged it could find no evidence that ex" bor? posure or' adults to pornograp'hy' leads to anti-social acts. Returns to Rome' ,One of the' chief findings of 'FATIMA (NC)-Msgr. Antonio the survey was that a majority Antunes Borges, rector of the of persons in leadership posi· Fatima shrine here for 11 years, tions said they are convinced ob, ~i11 return 'to' Rome to resume scenity is, harmful to some de· his former post of rector of the gre(l and favor its control by ' ' P()r,tuguese coll'ege of St. An- law. thony. He will' also be ecclesiThecpr.nmission ,y-ias unani~ astical' adviser to the Portliguese mOus in I:'ecommending laws to embassy to the Vatican. The new protect children ,from pornogra· ,rector "of the Fatiina shrine has phy, b4t,split 5-4 on the question , of controlling adult access to it., not yet been announced. -


activity directors from dioceses all. over the country will famil· iarize themselves with modern management techniques at an upcoming Catholic youth work conference.

By Patricia McGowan




Sponsored: by the U. S. Catholic Conference Youth Activities Division here, the 13th national conference on Catholic youth work is slated for Nov. ?O to Dec. 3 in Williamsburg, Va. Also included on the conference agenda are seminars on the philosophies and methods of youth work. The Rev. E. Rod Barr, a Protestant minister who heads the New York-based Urban Young Adult Action, Inc., will give a seminar called "A Now Generation and a Yester• year Ministry?" Father Nicholas Spagnolo, director of Film Study Programs in Waltham, Mass., wiil give a media presentation on how young people are affected by the world of instant communications. Format of the conference was' designed by the Church Execu· tive Development Board, part of the National Council of Churches, in cooperation' with USCC's youth division. CEDB designs programs to meet the needs of church executives and church· related agencies in the areas of management and planning. 'ti'

Aide,d by the yield of his garden and several fruit trees, Berard has cut down his grocery shopping to a once every six weeks chore. "I even make my own bread," he said. He is a native of St. Jean B'aptiste parish Fall River. He attended its school and met his wife at a church-sponsored car·

nival, so he has good reason to remember it with fondness. He has adorned his house with several pieces of intricately jigsawed cabinet work, .inchiding a delicate clock case. He is equally involved Qutside the house.' A recent - agricultural accomplishment was the growing of a string bean four feet long and about as thick as a man's arm.

Has Plan to Merge Protestant Groups

"There 'was' a picture of it in the paper and I got a lot of calls from people asking how I'd grown it," he recalled.

HOUSTON (NC)-The 3.5 million member Episcopal Church" meeting here in triennial general convention, agreed to transmit tO,its 90 dioceses for study a plan that would merge nine major Protestant de,nominations into one church with a member· ship of 25 million. The pllin for union was developed over an. eight-year period by the Consultation on Church Union. While the convention made it clear that the Church would continue'to discuss merg· er, it was neither approving nor disapproving the plan nor was it entering into unity negotiations. The proposed merged church, tentatively called the Church of Christ Uniting, would include if approved by all, the African Methodist Episcopal, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion, the Christian Church (Disciples' of ChriSt), the Christian Methodist Episcopal, the Episcopal, the Presbyterian Church in the U. S., the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist and the United Presbyterian Church.

Reason Reason rules us far'more imperious)y than a master, for if you disobey him you suffer, while if you' 'disobe~' it you are a fool. -Pascal

He presented this reporter with a bag of qrganically grown potatoes. When cooked they were a real testimonial to nature's method of farming. In fact, Berard's life for years has fore· shadowed the present concern for ecology He doesn't drive a' car to pollute the atmosphere, his water is pure, his food un· touched by commerical fertilizers and ins~cticides. Obviosuly, as he strides toward his eighties, he's doing quite a few things right.

Dr. Louis R: MobleY"f9rmer director of management training and public affairs for Interna· tional Business Machines, and' Dr. Patrick Mulvill, IBM's cur· rent director of management training, will direct the youth work conference. Msgr. Thomas J. ,Leonard heads the USCC youth activities division.








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DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL-combine a life of prayer and action. Bringers of ttie Gospe! Message to souls everywhere by means of personal contact;, Pauline Missionaries labor in 30 Nations. Members witness to Christ in a unique missionpropagation of the printed Word of llod. The Sisters write. illustrate. print and bind their own publications and diffuse them among people of all creeds, races and cultures. Young girls. 14-23 Interested in this vital Mission may write to: REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR 50 51. Paul's Ave.. Boston. Mass. 02130

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Tl1urs., Nov. 5, 1970



Duet Achieved High School Athletic Niches

By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach




















Schoolboy Gridiron Campaign Enters HCrucial Game" Stage The old cliche "crucial game" best describes the situation confronting many area schoolboy footbaU"teams as they prepare for Saturday's contests. With only three. games left on the schedules neither the Narragansett League i nor Capeway Conference races are settled. In the Bris- Wareham of the Capeway Con-' I t oI C'oun.ty League f'.lye cIubs fereJ'ice. Th e Ioop Ieaders WI'11' co II'd: I e ~re wagmg a dogfl.ght that on Nov. 14, with the winner tak-

Dighton will be at Norton to play the winless Lancers while Somerset, a 32-12 victor over Stoughton last week, will host

Cunningham of New Bedford, BoucharciJ of New Bedford

U of Mass Sophomores Nuclei for 1971


IS expected to last until the curtain falls Thanksgiving morning. Only Nantucket ~f the, Mayflower League has chnched a league title as the campaign enters its final stage. Dighton • Rehoboth Regional moved into a first place tie with defending champion Somerset on Saturday last when the Falcons' defeated Case High of Swansea 25-6. Both clubs are slated for non-league games this weekend.

By Luke Sims This hasn't been a particularly good season for the University of Massachusetts. The defending Yankee Conference champions had managed only two victories and a tie in their first seven games and with only one league game remaining

ing a giant stride toward the I title. No Narry contests are sched-: uled for this week as Case is at I Fairhaven Seekonk entertains' Westwood and Old Rochester of Mattapoisett travels to the tip I of the Cape for its meeting with I Provincetown.. The Orange' and Black from I P-town. rolled over Martha's, Vineyard 30-10 on Saturday lastl hoping to stay alive in the Mayflower League title race. But'l Nantucket's 13-6 come from behind victory over Southeastern Regional' clinched the crown fori ; the Whalers.


Three Team Capeway C·onference Race

I The champions conclude their the holiday game in position to season Saturday with a second retain its crown. I The biggest hurdle for the: meeting this season against Martha!s Vineyard. Clippers, on paper, appears to be, However, the Capeway Con- Dartmouth. The Indians will be ference race is anything but fighting for their lives Saturday! over. Barnstable and Lawrence knowing another loss will elimi High of Falmouth are both unde- inate them from the title race.' feated,in the loop and headed The game will be played in Fal J I for a Thanksgiving Day show- mouth. In the only other league con~ down. That is, unless one of the other Conference teams inter- test listed for Saturday Dennis" Yarmouth is at Bourne. Last feres. week the Canalmen upended The Red Raiders from BarnFairhaven 30-16. And, Wareham stable extended their unbeaten . downed the ,Regionals 14-0. streak to five games last SaturDurfee High of Fall River wili day when they edged Dartmouth place its unbeaten record on the 7-6. The loop leaders will be line Saturday against vastly im+ idle this weekend. They play .proved Taunton in one k~y Brisl Taunton in a non-league contest tol County League outing. The next Saturday. Hilltoppers enter the fray with In the meantime, defending a 1-0-3 (won-loss-tie) record and champion Falmouth must get by ,must win to keep pace with Dartmouth this Saturday and league leaders Attleboro and Fairhaven next in order to 'enter New Bedford. I I

Do or Die For County Loop Hopefuls Taunton, which got off to a slow start has come on fast, is the talk of the County. With two losses in the league the Tiger cannot afford another setA, back if their bid to catch the leaders is to be realized. Durfee had no trouble with New Bedford Vocational a week ago as it rolled to a 42-0 win. However, it has its work cut out in th'e remaining games against Taunton, Attleboro and New Bedford~ What will happen in these three meetings is anyone's guess. But,' there is no question that some of the most significant action in the' County will take place on tJ:1e Durfee, High gri,diron from Saturday through Thanksgiving. Attleboro" moved into' first place in the senior circuit last week but not before receiving a stiff challenge from Bishop


Stang of Dartmouth. The Paro; chials battled the Jewelers down to the wire almost engineering .another major County upset beI fore falling 7-0, , This week the big Blue will host Msgr. Coyle of Taunton. If tradition prevails, this conte$t should prove interesting. A year ago when it appeared as though Coyle was headed for the leagub title, the Jewelers, upset the Warriors and eventually earned a share of the title themselves. I Coyle was stunned last week by Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro 35-0 and' will have to r~­ bound if it is to turn the tide on i favored Attleporo. New Bedfo~d a half game b¢hind Attleboro in the,loop standings will return to County actiob after a week's absence. The Crimson and White who lost toa strong Leominster club 13-6 laSt

DENNIS CUNNINGHAM on their schedule, were hopelessly out of the pennant picture. So, for head coach Vic Fusia and staff, it's wait until next year. And already, 1971 looks promising. Two of the reasons are halfback Ray Bouchard and tackle Dennis Cunningham. Both lire sophomores and have been gaining valuable game experience durillg the Redmen's trying year. Bouchard, who hails (rom New

So. Africa Priests Forming Council CAPE TOWN (NC)-The South African Bishops' Conference has begun preparations for the establishment of a national priests' council. In a letter to 'all South African priests, Cardinal Owen McCann of Cape Town, chairman of the , bishops' conference, said that the , decision to establish hte council of priests was made at the bishops' meeting in September. In his letter, the cardinal asked the prie'sts to cooperate in forming the council, particularly with regard to submitting proposals for a constitution and topics to be discussed at the first meeting of a planned provisional council in December. Saturday will' face Stang this weekend. If the Spartans perform as well this time around as last, New Bedford ,will have to De af its .!Jest to win. Feehah, coming off. its impressive win, will entertain New Bedford Vocational in the only other league contest.

Bedford, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Bouchard, 416 Park Avenue, and comes to the Amherst campus via New Bedford High School and Fryeburg Academy. As a member of the New Bedford's athletic society, Bouchard participated in football, baseball and track, excelling in all three. On the gridiron, he was one of' the area's finest fullbacks and displayed his defensive talents as a member of the linebacking corps. He play·ed several positions on the baseball team and was a dash man for the track squad. Gridiron Club Scholarship He received the New Bedford High School annual Gridiron Club- Scholarship Award in 1967 and received several honors for his football prowess including the "player of the week" trophy for his contribution in the Crimson's victory over a tough Brockton team. At Fryeburg, in Maine, Ray was named to both the Seacoast Football Conference all-star team and honorable mention unit of the All-New England Prep Schools in 1968. That same year he received the school's annual Sportsmanship Award. Ray is one of three ]Bouchard youngsters and the oldest of two boys. His younger brother Paul is a two-sport star at New Bedfor Vocational High. Sister Mary is a student' at Southeastern Massachusetts University. The Bouchards are communicants of St. Mary's Parish. Ray is majoring in hotel management but his post college plans are incomplete at the moment. Coyle Alumnus Cunningham is the son of Mrs. Grace Cunningham, 64 Tremont Street, Taunton and is a

graduate of Coyle High School. While at' Coyle, he was an outstanding two-way tackle and was named to several post-season "All" teams. As a member of the UMass squad Dennis plays strictly offense. The 6-2, 215 pounder is one of five Cunningham offspring and


the fourth one t.o make a name for himself in sports., Kevin, Jim and Ed all received AllBristol County honors during their high school days. Following his graduation from Coyle, Dennis attended Milford Academy for a year and led the school's football team to an 8-1 season. Open Therapeutic He's' the smallest lineman on Center for Addicts the UMass forward line but GARRISON (NC)-Graymoor's makes up for lack of size with Atonement Friars gathered here speed and desire. for a brief ceremony marking' Dennis is a physical education inauguration of New Hope major and would like to enter Manor, a live-in "therapeutic the teacher-c~aching profession community" for female drug upon graduation. addicts. The Cunninghams are com· Father Daniel Egan, S.A., "the municants of St. Joseph's Parish. junkie priest" whose work with' drug addicts formed the basis for a Hollywood film, is director of the manor., The friar's superior general, Father Michael Daniel, S.A., said the center, expected to house . Complete Line about 20 women, marked the Building Materials community's "response to a call of faith that we follow in our 118 ALDEN! RD. FAORHAVEN deeds the command of our 993·2611 Lord."



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 5, 1970 . .. "





United' Nations ·Is Best 'Hope fOil'" World Peace,' Cardinal Cooke Asserts NEW YORK (NC) -::::- The United Nations is "still our best hope for achieving world peace," Cardinal Terence Cooke declared here. Speaking at 'a special Mass in Holy Family Church, offered to commemorate the, 25th anniversary of the world body, 'the archbishop of New York said: . '~I believe that a. strong and openly cooperative United Na-·.

tions is not only in mit country's national interest, but it'. would help to guarantee peace and justice for all peoples of the world." Cardinal Cooke in his brief homily at the Mass which was attended by UN. personnel, noted that today, nations are much more aware of their interdependence. Stressing that the notion of the brotherhood, of man onto ·the father:hood' of God is

now in sharper focus, he stated: . Asks Rededication "War, hunger and pollutionand on the positive side, space exploration and the use of ocean resources are only. a few of the challenges that can be met when nations seek to understand each other and to cooperate for the well being of mankind." The prelate thanked all' the J!lenand .women who have

worked with the UN to make the "dream of world peace and justice come true." He called on the American

Providence If the providence of God does not preside over human affairs, there is no point in busying' oneself about religion. -St. Augustine


The Furniture Wonaerland of the East

people, as well as the citizens of other nations, to "rededicate themselves to finding solutions to those problems which still threaten world peace, impede the full achievements of human rights, and threaten the happiness of nmkiand." Holy Family Church, often referred to as the "UN Church," ·is located about three blocks from the UN building.

Open Daily 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Including Saturdays


* ~-




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