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dJ The ANCHOR Vol. 19, No. ~5-Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 6, 1975

An Anchor

of the Soul, Sure and Firm~St. Paul

... ,

Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.





-JOHN 15:13

The will is free Strong is the soul, and wise, and beautiful; The seeds of godlike power are in,us still;路' Gods are we, bards, saints, heroes if we will!



Russ Fontaine, though seriously wounded, still lives. Read about this amazing man who offered his life for his friend. RUSS FONTAINE


In This


The Vatican Newspaper backs away from the Quinlan Case Page 2

Page 9

Fr. Maurice Jeffrey talks about being a high school chaplain . Page 3

An editorial on Prisons and Rehabilitation ~age


The history of St. Mary's Parish, Nol'ton, is found on

Taunton Priests fight for facilities for the retarded

Page 8

Page 13



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

What's '.

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World L'Osservatore Backs Down VATICAN CITY-Vatican spokesman Federico Alessandrini said Oct. 31 that the Vatican will take no official stand on the morality of disconnecting a respirator from Karen Ann Quinlan. "The Vatican cannot make pronouncements on individual cases of this nature," Alessandrini told NC News when asked for a clarification of the Vatican's position. "It is up to the local ecclesiastical jurisdiction to decide the merits of such a case." The local ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the case of Karen Quinlan is the diocese of Paterson, N.J., which has, supported the decision of the Quinlan parents to disconnect the respirator from their daughter, who has been in a coma for about six months. . Alessandrini added that only the local ecclesiastical jurisdiction possesses enough knowledge of the facts of the case to make a proper moral judgment. Confusion arose over the Vatican's position on the Quinlan case after both Vatican Radio and the Vatican daily newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, presented opinions by persons disagreeing with the Quinlans' decision.

Pope's Anti-Nazi Activity VATICAN CITY-If Hitler had learned that Pope Pius xn was acting as negotiator between anti-Nazi German military officers and the Briti~h government, "the consequences for the Pope and for the Church w 0 u I d have been terrible," U.S. Jesuit Father Rob e r t G r a h am said here. Father Graham, a member of a team of historians editing documents on the Vatican's diplomatic and chari, table activities during World War n, said that Joseph Mueller, lawyer and author of a recently published book on the struggle against Hitler, had been the Pope's contact with disaffected German officers. The Pope, Father Graham said, confided totally in Mueller, "to the point of exposing himse1.f to grave risk in his love of peace." The Jesuit added that Mueller was arrested and faced the gallows twice, but never revealed to the Nazi police his connection with the Pope. '

Priest Murdered in Bolivia COCHABAMBA, Bolivia-An American priest from Dubuque, Iowa, was robbed and murdered as he returned to his rural parish at Morochate from 'blessing a new hospitai he .had helped to build. Police said a 20-year-old youth, Omar, Baeza, confessed to the murder of Father Raymond Herman, pastor of San Rafael parish at Mor~chate some 60 miles from here. Archbishop Armando Gutierrez Granier of Cochabamba said Catholics in the area had lost "an exemolary priest, a human and Christian servant of the people." Father Herman, who was born at Independence, Iowa, Jan. I, 1930, had been in Bolivia since 1962 after five years of service in the Dubuque diocese.

Military Pilgrimage to Rome ROME-About 16,000 members of the military from 20 countries, including the United States, will be in Rome Nov. 19-23 as members of the international military pilgrimage of the Holy Year. The various groups of military pilgrims, accompanied by chaplains and bishops in charge of military ordinariates, will share in an evening of "Fraternity and Friendship," and a jubilee Mass concelebrated by Pope Paul VI and the military ordinaries and chaplains in St. Peter's Basilica. During the "Vigil of Faith," groups of soldiers, sailors and marines, will take turns carrying a 30-foot-high phosphorescent cross on their shoulders across St. Peter's Square, 'lYhere it will be raised on the obelisk in the center.

'National Ban on Women Priests MILWAUKEE - Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB), s aid here his recent s tat e ment rethe affirming Church's ban on women priests was issued because the U.S. bishops did not want to "mislead" by remaining silent. Among the factors leading to the statement were a con¡ ference scheduled for late November near Detroit on the ques, tion of women's ordination and the continuing controversy over women priests in the Episcopal Church, Archbishop Bernardin said at a press

conference. He explained that he did not issue the statement personally but acted at the request of the NCCB administrative committee.

'Priest Can't Wear Collar BROOKLYN-A Brooklyn priest-lawyer lost the latest round in his legal fray to wear his Roman collar while defending a client before a jury. In upholding a lower appellate court's decision prohibiting Father Vincent R. LaRocca, a priest for 26 years, from wearing the collar, Chief Judge Charles E. Breitel of the New York State Court of Appeals contended that the priest's' clerical attire during a jury risked prejudicing the jury and jeopardized "the state's paramount duty to ensure a fair and impartial triaL"

Berrigan Fails to Appear BALTIMORE-Peace activist Philip Ber-rigan, a former Josephite priest, failed to appear in a Hartford, Conn., court Oct. 27 on charges stemming from a demonstration at an aircraft plant in E a s t Hartford, Conn., earlier in The October. court issued a summons for Berrigan to appear after he failed to show up at his arraignment and that of 22 other anti-war demonstrators Oct. 20. BeITigan and the others were arrested for disorderly conduct Oct. 3 for allegedly splattering blood and painting the word "death" on a number of aircraft displayed at the 50th anniversary ceremonies at the Pratt and Whitney aircraft plant in East Hartford, Conn.

Relief for Lebanon NEW YORK-eatholic Relief Services has air shipped $25,000 worth of medicines and medical supplies to Lebanon to assist victims of the bloody civil strife between Christians and Moslems which has claimed thousands of lives in the past six months. The latest emergency shipment to Lebanon by CRS, overseas aid agency of U.S. Catholics, was flown from New York in response to an urgent appeal for help issued by Archbishop Alfredo Bruniera, apostolic nuncio to Lebanon. In July, CRS also shipped 10.tons of blankets, valued at $32,000 and $5,000 worth of medical supplies in September at the archbishop's request.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

Bicentennial Series

How Is Your Neighborhood! There were no neighborhoods 200 years ago. The U.S. was then a rural agrarian society. Now it is an intensely urban and dndustrial society with more than 8~% of the population in the cities. Catholicism In America per· haps more than any other religion, with the exception of Judaism, has been principally identified with' the nation's cities. Most Catholic immigrants were of peasant and artisan stock - an urban people. Historically, we Catholics have been the working people of America, manning its factories ·and mills, digging 'its mines, building its railroads, canals and cities. We dustered in urban enclaves among our own fellow ethnics, be they Irish, Polish, Slovak, Italian, Canadran, Portuguese, German or whatever. We grouped together around our parish. These ethnic, working class centers, became the neighborhoods of our cities. They were the patchwork that quilted the city together. one cloth made up of many pieces of dramatically different contrast. The neighborhood, along with such basic social institutions as the parish and the school, served America well by helping the im· miF,l'ant to acclimate to the New World and to American Hfe, to undergo the wrenching change from a .familiar, subsistence rural life to an alien. rapacious urban life. The neighborhood heloed us make these adjustments' without having to abjure our heritage, cultu~e and religion. Neighborhood boundaries fall short of the bounds of anonymity. People know each other, for better or for worse, and can rely on the social bonds and relationships underlying this knowledge. This famiLiarity and these relationships provide a social infrastructure that enables the neighborhoorl to play a vital role in our society: providing an unofficial system of social control and support. The healthier a neighborhood is, the safer it is, and the less need there is for round-the-clock police protection. the less incide"lce of iuvenile delinquency; there is less need for welfare programs - the people are more willing and better able to care for their own. and fewer go unaccounted for; the stronger is the role of the tiamily in generating and sustaining a value system that is made operational in a com"lex web of personal and institutional relationships with its own rewards and sanctions that effectively controls anti-social behavior and provides for those in want. Politics Although much less so today than in the past, neip,hborhol)ds serve as mediatorc; between their rec:.i<'lents and the larger world outside. This has been especially THE ANCHOIL Second Class PostaIe Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Hllhland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid S5.00 lIer year.

Ministry To Teenagers, is The Work of Diocesan High School Chaplains


true with respect to government 'and political life. The old-time political machines that ran our nation's cities were By PAT McGOWAN built upon the primary, personal Anchor Staff relationships that operate in and What does a school chaplain define neighborhood life. The do? If he's Rev. Ma~rice R. system of political bonding and Jeffrey of Bishop Gerrard High personal accountability to the School, Fall River, he's busy people was the most elementary every minute, from the beginning kind: a one-to-one relationship. of each school day until 4 Qr 5 Ths system of political patron- each afternoon, teaching religion age informally provided for classes, helping plan liturgical people's needs and offered oppor· and para-liturgical observances tunities for redress of grievances. and, most of all, being available Reform movements, when effec- , for counseling in the many probtive, usually resulted in the dis- lems that beset teenagers. mantlement of the political maFather Jeffrey said his routine chine and the patronage system is shared iby his colleagues at shifted ·from one based on indi- other diocesan high schools, Rev. vidual neight'Jorhood relation- John J. Steakem at Bishop Stang ships to one of remote corporate in North Dartmouth; Rev. Brian and institutional relationships J. Harrington at Bishop Feehan, each with its' own vested inter- Attleboro; and Rev. Richard W. est. The more "reformed" the Beaulieu at Coyle-Cassidy, Tauncharacter of American political ton. At Bishop Connolly Hdgh life became, the more it was re- School, Fall River, staffed by moved from the people. Jesuit prIests and Brothers of Christian Instruction, there is Upheaval But since World War II more .no specially assigned chaplain, people live in the suburbs. Mo~ but any priest is available to stubility has become a hallmark of dents for counseling. American life. Each year oneFather Jeffrey said that school fifth of American families move chaplaincies were on a voluntary their household from one place basis until 1971, Wlith eadl school to another. The autonlObile and recruiting its own "friendly mass communication have brok- neighborhood priest" and three en down the old barriers to cos- or four priests often sharing in mopoHtan and even worldwide offering religion courses, days of ° FR. MAURICE JEFFREY consciouc;ness. "Neighborhood" recollection and other spiritual has meant only a place. services. In addition to ,building !intraThe Church became radically Then Bishop Cronin made the What happens on weekends transformed, reflecting in large chaplaincies regular assignments, might be another matter -'but school relationships, Father Jefpart the changing socio-economic pointing out the importance you have to remember that many frey is trying to strengthen stucharacter of her people. The of this pastoral work. "The students exaggemte. One drink dents' ties to their home parChurch ceased being a working Gerrard chaplain sees over 400 might 'be escalated to being 'to· ishes, inviting priests to say class church: it now serves the students daily," said the Bishop. tally bombed.' .. Masses at Gerrard for their own full complement of socio-eco- "Where else in the Church do parishioners, and following the Biggest Problem liturgies with a social hour, nomic classes. The Church you get that contact with youth?" The biggest problem the priest He' also encourages student ceased being an ul"han d\o~lrch; it Father Jeffrey, like his fellow sees dn the school-horne-student :became as much, if not more, a chaplains, has discovered' th,at community is that of communi- participation in community activsuhurhan church. . contact often continues after stu- cation. "We all need to know ities, noting that representatives Much of the Churrh's nhel1Om- dents leave high school. "'1 offi- each other better: parents; stu- of such organizations as YES, enal growth of the 50'e; ano 60's ciated at nine weddings in Sep- dents and teachers. a program for the elderly, and in the suburbs occurred at the tember alone," he reported. Birthright, a service for unwed To that end Bishop Gerrard is mothers, are invited to recruit expense of the old ethnic neighIn some schools, said F'ather having monthly meetings for the borhoods and parishes. Young, Jeffrey, the chaplain sets up get- three groups, be'ginning with volunt~ers at the school. educated people were attracted "What we want at Gel"rard," ting-to-know-you interviews with Mass, "so we can pray'together," to the suburbs; but others were he concluded, "is an active Chriseach entering freshman, but he and continuing with an informal forced out. tian community." does not feel he needs this tech- social session. The new dmmigration of south- niques at Bishop Gerrard. "In the "We .feel if we get to know ern rural blacks resulted in an course of teaching religion I meet IT'S IIACK- DANCING -LIVE MUSIC out-migration' of white ethnics. every student, anyway," he said, pa'rents in this way it makes it Sick of Loud Music - ROUlh Crowds? So great was it that it was esti- "and I make it clear that I'm a little easier ~f we need to disAdu't & Senior Dance Club mated that within ten years more available during my two or three cuss problems with them later Enjoy yourself • old & new friends than 20 major American cities free periods each day and also on," said Father Jeffrey. He Everv Sun. - Wed. 12-5 noted that the size of Bishop will have a majority black popu- before and after school." Spacious floor • Ballroom· Line Dances Gerrard and the other diocesan lation. American cities have also Dat'lce - Lincoln Park Sometimes, said the chaplain, schools, in contrast to l'arge pubexperienced an influx of Span~HJ~~~~I~~ ART PERRY .initial contact may seem very an lic sc'h·ools, makes faculty·student ish-speaking peoples. Both groups Playing Pre", For The People trivial, . "but you never· know and faculty-parent communicaFrl. • 8·1 • Old TImer's Nlte have had to compete for scarce Tues•• Nav. 11 • Vet's Da, - 1-6 when that girl may come back tion an achievable goal. housing 'and jobs.' with an important problem." A complex of ill-advised public Concerns run the gamut from policies and progmms,as well as a growing practice of disinvest- difficulties with boy friends to SACRED HEART SCHOOL ment of the neighborhood by pri- school and family questions. REUNION v,ate institutions and individuals, "Many girls have real problems of has also contributed greatly to with families, usually from other the unstable and decaying cities·. countries, who are over-strict by Former Students and Friends Urban development has often American standards; and then to be held meant simple destruction of there are students from broken N~vember 29, 1975 neighborhoods without thought homes. No one should feel that of reconstruction. W·ith people it's always the youngsters who Reunion Mass - 6 P.M. - Sacred Heart Church gone, new neighborhoods could give their parents a ham time. Followed by Dinner - Meetin,9 - Dance not be formed even when there It's often the other way round." in Father Jeffrey said that in his was some attempt 'at renewal or SACRED HEART SCHOOL rebuilding. Businesses have a,ban- experience, use of hard drugs is lessening among students, but doned the cities. Pine and Linden Sts., Fall River, Mass. O.the examples of the destruc- marijuana is becoming more and Music by "The Roman IV" tive effect of public policy and more accepted. He said that Donation $5.00 programs upon neighborhood in- drinking, reported on the rise in For Tickets Write or Call - Sacred Heart Rectory clude instances where uI1ban eth- many high schools, is only a 163 Winter Street, Fall River, Mass. 02720 - 673-0852 nic neighborhoods have had' to minor concern at Bishop Gerrard, "at least during school hours. Tum to Page Four



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Th~r~., Nov. 6, 1975 (

Continued from Page Three carry an undue share of the burden caused by the vast social change that has occurred within America in the last 15 years concerning civil rights. Instead of being penalized by neglect, urban ethnic neighbor· hoods should be positively assisted and special services should be established where disadvantaged blacks and whites live together in the cities. Currently much of our system of rewards and punishments to people living within metropolitan areas is the reverse of what it should 'be, as witnessed by the , disparity of property taxes between centr'al city neighborhoods and subuI1ban neighborhoods, and the recent Supreme Court decision against busing into the suburbs. The neighborhood is that piece of ullban landscape where people, space, institutions and their inter-relation occur in scale with "human values, understanding, personal needs and identity. The neighborhood harbors ethnic and city life style and culture. It is a place where people are accountable to "one another. Eth· nicity and cultural pluralism are strongly tied to the neighborhood. The destruction of one implies the destruction of the other. If the neighborhood is allowed to disintegrate, the city is likely to Mother disintegrate.

Prisons and Rehabilitation Commissioner of Corrections Frank Hall has to have one of the toughest jobs in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Public attitudes towards prisoners range from the far right (Lock 'em up and throwaway the key!) to the far left (Don't infringe upon their rights and they'll be OK!). Additionally Hall must form a team of prison officials and guards into believing in him and working with him before any hope of rehabilitation can become a reality. Many people do not even like the word rehabilitation. They believe that prisons are made for punishment; that those who have brok~n the law will by their difficult experience in prison learn never to break the law again. However such a view is not borne out by the facts and displays an ignorance of human nature. It is a position akin to that of those people who cried during the war "Bomb them into submission." Force in these instances does not soften but harden. The first time offender who is brutalized in prison becomes a hardened criminal and a threat to society. Brutalization occurs from the administration in those prisons which reflect a far right mentality and from the other prisoners in those prisons reflective of a far left mentality. Mr. Hall must therefore resist pressures from both these 'groups. We, who declare ourselves Christians, should lend support to those programs which will be.st promote real and effective rehabilitation. From the rate of recidivism we can deduce that confinement alone will not change a person's attitude or personal habits. What can change those attitudes and habits is an effective rehabilitation program. Didn't Our Savior tell us that "I have come not for the healthy but for the sick"? And shouldn't we be doing His work now? .

The Red Sox and Baseball Now that the shouting and the tumult from the World Series has faded somewhat, we can perhaps take an objective view of what is sometimes called our national pastime. The exciting play of the Red Sox throughout the season and especially during the playoffs and series won for' them many new fans and brought back many fans whose interest had begun to wane. It is true that many fans have of late turned their attention to the faster tempo sports of football, basketball, and hockey. Of course there is no reason why a true fan cannot enjoy all of these sports but lately we have been hearing more and more people claim that baseball is boring. The Red Sox this year have clearly demonstrated that the game is far from boring. Perhaps those who make such a criticism of baseball have a problem themselves. It is very easy in this fast, modern, jet age to be caught up in a personal tempo. which does not allow for the more relaxing and quieter pursuits. It is tru~ but unfortunate that too many people can only receive enjoyment from the fast tempo (and unfortunately ofttimes violent) sports. It is sad that too many people cannot enjoy an afternoon at the ballpark, watching athletes, who not restricted by size, demonstrate all round ability, in an atmosphere not dominated by a time clock. But the Sox helped this year to change that a bit and many people renewed their love affair with baseball our number one sport - our national pastime.


JESUS ASKS, "WILL 'YOU HELP ME?" Teresa of Calcutta speaks after a Mass at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The missionary nun told a standing-room-only crowd, "Jesus is today around the world everywhere, evenhere in the- United States, looking up at you and me and asking, 'Will you help me'?" She received a $10,000 check at the shrine from donations.

Only Yesterday in The ANCHOR November 3, 1960 Rev. Joseph S. Larue, pastor of Sacred Heart, North Attleboro celebrated fifty years as a priest. Edward Bielawa of Holy Cross School, Fall River won the Fire Department's essay contest. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith and Mrs. Frederick A. English

November 4, 1965 Ralph Gurreiro of Swan Finishing Co. and Monsour Ferris of Venus de Milo, both in Swansea co-sponsored a Halloween party for the exceptional children from Nazareth School. Pope Paul VI solemnly proclaimed five documents of the Second Vatican Council. A pacifist was arrested at


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER > Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O•., S.T.D.



Rev. Edward 1. Byington

Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . " . . , Leary Press-·Fail Rive:

directed the Cana series at St. Patrick's, Falmouth. Winners in the CYO golf tournament were Gene Mazzone, Sacred Heart, Taunton; Robert Nowak, St. Casimir's, Richard Begnoche, St. Mary's and Charles Reedy, Holy Name, New Bedford.

St. Anselm's College and a spokesman for the Manchester Diocese emphasized that the. pacificists did not represent an official organ of the Roman Catholic Church. Dan Hostetter from Osterville and Rick Collins of Marion were both members of the Boston College football team.

November 5, 1970 Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston died at the age of 75.

Mrs. James Hesford, Charles Weaver and Chester Kawa \vere stalled as officers of Daughters of Isabella in Bedford.

Mrs. Mrs. inthe New

The .board of directors of Msgr. Coyle High School in Taunton suggested that the school be merged with Bishop Cassidy High School. Fr. Norman J. Ferris was appointed administrator of St. Anthony of the Desert Parish, Fall River.

Discussion Questions

I. What, in your opinion, is the "perfect neighborhood"? Describe it. 2. Could the local parish do anything to help develop a stronger sense of the neighborhood? 3. What are the values of neighborhood for you and your family? 4. Many of us have experienced _dramatic changes in our neighborhoods. Old friends move out; new friends move in, buildings Me tom down and shopping malls are bmltand so on. --Over the years what have ·been the most constructive and destructive changes in your neighhorhood? -What have you learned from these changes? -Did the Church play any role in these changes? If yes, what wa,s it? If no, should it have? -What changes do you feel will be coming to your neighborhood in the years to come? Do you look forward to them or fear them? 5. In many neighborhoods people have gotten together and organized themselves in order to "achieve certain ,benefits, such as brighter street lights, better garbage collections, etc. Generally these organized efforts were started because the neighbors felt powerless to achieve anything on their own. -Do you feel powerless an getting needed changes in your neighbrohood? If yes, why? -Do you feel that "grass roots" neighborood organizations are a good way for a neighboorhood to achieve its goals? Why? -Should your parish take an active role in organizing your neighborhood for needed improvements? VVhy?


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975


Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letter if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.



Senator Bayh Not So Bad Dear Editor, Permit me to do some campaigning: For (1) the malnourished kids who surround us here in Central America. For (2) the poor in the U. S., land of the Billl of Rights, in theory, but which dispenses justice more perfectly to those who can afford to pay. Finally, (3) for those, also in the U:S. who have to look to community health programs for their primary medical needs. These three are, are they not, pro-life issues? Senator Bayh voted for all three (No.1: International Development Agency contribution, May 29, 1974. No. 2: Rejection of the crippling Helms amendment, Legal Services for the poor, Jan. 31, 1974. No.3: S66: Health Services Program, April 10, 1975, whereas prominent anti-abortionists Senators Helms and Thurmond either were absent for these three senatorial votes or voted against them. If congressional voting records were examined at greater length, using pro-life criteria established by the "Respect Life Weeks" initiated a few years ago, Bayh would come out with a 90 per cent pro-life record I'm sure. I regret that he did not, in fact, get off the fence when push came to pull to declare himself clearly and unequivocally anti-abortion. But should the Catholic press (E.G. Our Sunday Visitor, Sept. 28, 1975) editorialize that Bayh thereby "may well have killed his chances of being the Democratic candidate" when, despite our most strenuous efforts, a goodly number of our fellow Catholics have turned their backs on the moral authority of the Church regarding its teaching on abortion? I, for one, have, from pulpit to counseling session, preached and counseled the evil of taking human fetal life. Yet I remember so well one couple who met me at the door of church after Mass to say: "It was interesting, Father, but we respectfully disagree with you." (It's not me, people, it's the Church). Or another case where the couple, with what they called "a problem pregnancy" never returned for a second counseling session

Having been a bit familiar when they heard from me the teaching of the Church gently . with Frank J. Sheed thru his put with options clearly sug- wonderful Catholic action during my years living in New York, gested. It's an awesome responsibility his article is being cut out and hundreds of thousands, nay mil- forwarded to several close Cathlions, of our fellow Americans olic friends who also admired are assuming, not a few being him greatly. His new Book The Lord's Catholics; and so many intelliPrayer sounds like an excellent gent good people. As Chairman of the Senate. Christmas gift. So may I offer Subcommittee that heard testi- another suggestion to your very mony on the abortion amend- much improved Catholic paper? ments, Ba.yh must have realized . Inasmuch as one of my greatest that a law will not change this joys when I was Library and basic anti-life attitude, nor even Literature Chairman of the Nasprotect the lives of that many sau Council of Catholic Women fetuses, although even one would in N. Y. days Stimulating Interest in Catholic Books-could you be worth it, to be sure. It's time we spoke once again not list some excellent booksto the Brethren, rather than tor- children's and adult-for Christpedo a Senator who's doing bet- mas gifts this year? Maybe You Could Have A ter than the average to promote a pro-life dimension in Wash- Book List. However, Please God, ington. be sure it recommends sound (Rev.) Bernard Survil Catholic philosophy - not the foggy-brained types whose 'stuff' San Salvador often is promoted thru the secular press! God bless ALL your efforts. Sincerely Kay Nowak Marion Dear Editor: At a recent meeting of a Catholic group two Catholics were saying that Catholics could be cremated with the blessings of the Catholic Church! This I doubted! But not having sufficient knowledge on the subject, I kept quiet. Would you please elaborate on this subject. There , are so many people doing things in making changes in the Church without the sanction of the Pope or the Church, that it burllS mOe up! People who can't subordinate themselves to their superiors, that if they themsel\7es can't make changes, then it's not right! And when they are put into the driver's seat do not know how to handle the reins. This I have seen! Sincerely, Charles A~ Gaudet So. Attleboro Ed. Note: Catholics may be cremated. For further' information talk with your parish priest.

Can Catholics Be Cremated?

We Should Know Church History Dear Editor: A priest wrote to another priest that he had been attending a' series of ecumenical discussions and he said some who desired Church reform were denying the following: the Fall; Original Sin; Angels and Devils; Purgatory; Indulgences; and Private Confession. Some doubted the Real Presence; they called the Mass the Lord's Supper and regarded it merely as a holy meal. They wanted images and crucifixes banished from churches. That letter was written more than 400 years ago by a Jesuit to Saint Ignatius Loyola. It was in 1540, during the pontificate of Pope Paul III. (Above was taken from the book The Quiet Companion by Mary Purcell.) We could easily have believed that it was a description of what is happening today. Something for us to remember when we get disturbed about

various things happening in. our Church is a quote from Cardinal Newman, a convert to Catholicism. "It is the peculiarity of the warfare between the Church and the world, that the world seems ever gaining on the Church-yet the Church is 'really ever gaining on the world. Its enemies are ever tripping over it as van· quished, and its members ever despairing: yet it abides. It abides, and it sees the ruin of its oppressors and enemies. '0 how suddenly do they consume, perish, and come to a fearful- end!' Kingdoms rise and fallnations expand and contractdynasties begin and end ... They have their d-r, but the Church is Eternal; yet in their day they seem of much account." So, if we knew our Church history we would never despair for our Church. When God founded our Church He said to Peter "Upon this rock I shall build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Genevieve E. Foley New Bedford




:> z oUJ -I-

Likes Lebanon and Sheed Dear Editor: Your editorials about Lebanon were splendid. Indeed we need to be reminded to pray for those fine Christians suffering so much. Our former pastor invited a Lebanese priest from Fall River to come to our little parishgive a sermon (which was splendid) and bring some of his children from their choir with him. We had refreshments afterwards to honor them all at our parish center-and I'll never forgeteither the beautiful singing in Aramaic (Christ's language) and the Perfect behavior of those young children-no parents present-no discipline needed. The Mass (as I remember it) particularly honored Our Blessed Mother in their rite-which also pleased us all here in Marion.

The answer lies with today's 20th century apostles-the missionaries. They give their lives in service to Christ and man ... carrying His word and goodness. As friend and teacher they help others to search their minds, their hearts, their souls to find Him, Who has already found us. Missionaries are today's answer to the question - "Atheism or Catholicism?" Help them spread the word.


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• HELP US HELP THEM ... to fill their needs of body and spirit. May the Society for the Propagation of the Faith be your principal charity for sharing in the greatest and holiest work of the Church.

• ••••

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. .. to share my plate with them, I am enclosing •• my gift of $ that they might know that we are brothers in Christ. ANCH-1I-6-75. Name Address .

'City_ _ _ _Statc

-,-_ I



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Send your gift to: Most Rev. 'Edward T. O'Meara The Rev; Msgr. Raymond T. Considine Nation8:1 Director OR: Diocesan Director' Dept. C, 366 Fifth Avenue 368 North Main Street New Fa.II R'Iver, Massac husetts 02720 ' York, New York 10001


THE ANCHOR-Dioc'ese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

M'emorial Mass Hol'iday Events Set by KofC

God Answ,ers All Pray,ers, But Som,etimles With 'No'

Future events for Fall River Council 86 of the Knights of Columbus include the annual council Memorial Mass for deceased members at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 24 in the Council Home, 1492 Columbus Drive. Past Grand Knights will be honored at a dinner dance at the home Saturday, Nov. 22. The meal will be served at 7 p.m., 'followed by presentations from 8 to 9 p.m. and dancing until 11 ·,p.m., with music by the New Wave. An adult Christmas party will take place Saturday, Dec. 6 and plans are being finalized for a New Year's Eve party, including a . smorgasbord and dancing. Both events will be held at the home.

By Mary Carson Twelve years -ago, when Joey was a baby, he was headed for an institution ... "retarded, severe hearing and vision impairment, multiple handicaps." But instead, Joey was given foster care by a couple who took him· because noing care of my little boy? Are body wanted him. sparrows more important? Now he's loved by every "I try to tell myself that God person who has ever known is merciful; but what mercy has

him. A few months ago he got very sick. For a month he's been hospitalized. He's in oxygen ...


but it hurts his eyes. His eyes have to be bandaged. He can't wear his hearing aid in the oxygen tent. . He's losing weight. He vomits most of his meals. What little food he keeps down causes diarrhea. He now weighs only 60 pounds. Tomorrow he will be tested for leukemia. I was just talking to his foster mother. She is near despair ... yet is driving herself to keep her spirits up in front of him. When she visited him yesterday he mentioned that she seemed so tired. "You go home and rest, Mommy. I'll be okay." Chimes Ring He has no resistance to infection, so is not allowed to leave his hospital room. His mother took chimes, and hung them by his door with a drawing of a little boy in tears, and a sign: "When I can't talk to people, I am sad. Ring my chimes, and I'll be glad." No one passes that door without ringing the chimes, and talking with Joey from the hall. If he hears a baby in another room crying when his mother is visiting, he says, "Mommy, go see if the baby's mother is there. If she isn't, maybe if you hold the baby it'll feel better." No one is the same person after meeting Joey. And his mother is not the same as she was when I first. met her. She's tired, beaten, discouraged. "If God takes care of every sparrow, why isn't He tak-

Pope Paul Grateful To War ,Veterans WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic War Veterans (CWV) recently received a letter from Archbishop Giovanni Benelli, substitute papal secretary of ttate, expressing appreciation for CWV's spiritual bouquet. Each year, the CWV offers Communions, rosaries, Masses, visits to the 'Blessed Sacrament, works of charity and prayers for the Pope. The spiritual bouquet is relayed to the Vatican through the apostolic delegation in the United States.

He shown this little boy ... this little one who has accepted great suffering all his life and returned nothing but goodness, patience, and love"? COMMITTEE MEMBERS of the Bishop's Charity Ball And what can I tell her. Platito be held on Friday, Jan. 9 at the Lincoln Park Ballroom tudes stick like glue in my -admire a colonial style costume. The Ball will have as mouth. How can she lift her spirits its theme and motif the bi-centennial celebration of the !lerself? Her spirit is clawing to founding of our country. Those desiring to come to the hold on to the side of a cliff; Ball may be dressed in colonial style dress. Pictured left she begs God for help: and He Sf. Ant·hony Alumni seems to respond by stepping to right are: Mrs. Eva Laliberte, St. Louis de France, SwanThe scholarship fund of the sea; Mrs. Raymond A. Boulanger, St. Louis de France, on her fingertips. Alumni Association of St. AnHis own Son once prayed in Swansea; Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, St. Thomas More, Somthe Garden, with the anguish of erset; Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, St. Louis de France, Swan- thony High School, New Bedford, a man pushed to the breaking sea; Mrs. Bertrand A. PatenaUde, St. Louis de France, will benefit from a dance to take place from 8 p.m. to midnight point, begging God to layoff ... Swansea. Saturday, Nov. 29 at Hawthorne "remove this chalice." Country Club, North Dartmouth.. Talk to Jesus Music will be by the Knighters . And God's answer was "no." and a continental breakfast will Jesus threw total dependence on be served. Tickets are available God, loved Him more completely 'from Mrs. Gert Galipeau, telthan we ever could ... and even ephone 995-5981. that wasn't enough to get a "yes" from God. The 21st annual Bishop's tions for listing in the Charity' So maybe the only thing to Charity Ball to be held Friday, Ball Booklet. The listings are do is to talk to Jesus. January 9, at the Lincoln Park under six categories with each NICKERSONCan we all beg Jesus to help Ballroom will feature music by category entitling the donor to BOURNE her? the famous Vincent Lopez or- tickets for the Ball. Persons or She doesn't need the shallow chestra without its leader Vin- groups wishing to aid the ex~rn FUNERAL consolation that at sometime, in cent Lopez. Lopez died recently ceptional and t underprivileged HOMES some distant future, she will at the age of 80. His orchestra children may do so by contact40 MacArthur Boulevard understand the reason for God's will continue to perform and its ing Bishop's Charity Ball HeadBourne, Massachusetts 02532 piling burden on top of burden. manager, Merrill Kaye, an- quarters, 410 Highland Ave., Fall Surely after the Resurrection nounced that the orchestra will River, Mass. 02722, tel. 676-8943. (Rt. G·A, Sandwich, Mass. Jesus had different thoughts memorialize its leader of over about the Agony. fifty years in its appearance at But she's not at the Resurrec- the Ball. Many times, Lopez ap- e;'IIIllIllIlIlIll~IIIII""""'''''''''''''JII'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''U'''III''U''III''''IIIU''''11I1111111111UIIIIIIl!!: .= tion ... she's in the Garden with peared in person to lead the Jesus. His Father gave Him no orchestra at the Bishop's Charity Telief. Can we ask God to give Ball. He was very popular in this her any? area and the demand for his But maybe Jesus will help! Dispensing Optician orchestra by Charity' Ball paMaybe we can get Jesus to give trons was always great. The her a bit of whatever it was popularity of his music and the - Complete Optical Service that kept Him going that night. demand for it is such that it is Let's try. Let's pray together: not unusual for engagements to 450 High Street Fall River "Jesus, that night in the Gar- be made ten or' more years in den, You knew what it's like to advance. The orchestra will play have Your Father say 'no.' Can again at the Ball on January 12, Call 678-0412 You talk to Him about Joey? 1979. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. ffiIllIllIlIlIlIlIllIllIIlIllIllIlIlUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII"ulIIlII""um"ulII"""III,,,,,,,m""""""""lIIdll1II11111111111111f.i Can You get a 'yes' fr~m Him Gomes, diocesan director of the now? . Ball, noted that popular demand "Please ... try." requesfed its appearance again. Proceeds from this social event provide the expansion of the work among the exceptional and underprivileged children of The Catholic Woman's Club every race, color and creed of will hold their November meet- the southeastern area of MassaThere's a lot to like about Fernandes Super Markets • . . ing on Nov. 11 at 8:00 p.m. at chusetts. Two Nazareth Hall the Holy Name School Hall on Schools in Fall Rive,r, one in HyServiced Fish and Deli, Serviced In· store .Bake Shops, Read Street. The entertainment annis and one in Attleboro imL:uncheone"es, Convenient Customer Rest Rooms. Try us .•. will be provided by Roland Rob- part special traiing to many chilbins, a historian, who will pre- dren and it reflects the progYou'll like us, too! sent the program "Yankee Coun- ress that has been made in the mental, physical and emotional try". The Community Service de- development of the exceptional partment will meet on Thursday, child. Days of enjoyment, health Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sacred and recreation are provided the Hearts Convent on Prospect exceptional and underprivileged Place to make pads for the Rose at the four summer camps provided by the Diocese. Hawthorne Home. Bishop Cronin is the honored The annual Memorial Mass for 32 Stores in Southeastern Massachusetts deceased members of the club guest at the Ball. Members of will be held on Saturday, Nov. the Ball Committee, St. Vincent OPEN .DAILY 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. 8 at 9:00 a.m. at the Sacred de' Paul Societies and affiliates of the Council of Catholic WomHeart Church. Coffee will be MONDAY thru SATURDAY served in the school hall follow- en are requested to send the names of persons and organizaing the Mass.

Vinc,ent Lopez is De,ad But the Ba,nd Plays On.

~ .:RL

= =

Catholic Women Me,et Tuesday

Antone S. Feno, Jr.

Food is our product ..• Service is our pride!


Yul,e BUYiers to Find Variety Donates $25,000 For New College But It'll B,e Expensive

By Marilyn Roderick Christmas Club checks are here, the stores are sending out their Christmas brochures and if we are smart shoppers, now is the time to do not only our browsing but our buying. Those Christmas checks are not going to go as far this year because everything, but everything has skyrocketed. :tee shirt with her name and a deOne New York store starts lightful drawing of a -large, gooey ice cream sundae, personally off its catalogue with a yours mav well be the name of

$5,000 teak statue, just to give you an idea of the type of 'gift to buy' for that person who has everything. Of course, this could


be reverse psychology because after that sort of a price everything looks cheaper by comparison. The only problem associated with early shopping is that if you want to give that item that is a must for Christmas '75, it's a bit early to predict what it's going to be. TV is the great trend setter and since its Christmas ads are not yet bombarding us, we'll just have to use our own crystal ball. Personalized Gifts One probably wild guess is that there will 'be a lot of personally initialed items sold this Xmas. From monogrammed handbags to personalized bathrobes, ,from an umbrella with her own initial decorating it, to a

the gift game. The only problem with this type of gift is that you must order early. More extravagant spenders can always give a gift that sports the initial of a famous designer such as Hermes of Paris. These status symbol items sell for a lot more than something with your initials. It

oN] Costs More


is always a lovely gift for Santa to place under your tree or for you to put under someone else's. 'but be prepared to pay more than last year. Gowns are in the $11 and up range and robe'! begin in the low twenties. Reallv elegant designs run into the thirties and forties, especially if they are imported. Scarfs. the longer the better, and handbags. the perennial favorites, 'and tbis year's stoles and shawls will topinany of our lists. In the gimmick area or that gift for the house, I would nredict from early indications that a crepe griddle complete with utility ring and instruction booklet will beat even books for the gift to give the Julia Childs or J'ames Beards on your list. .While it looks like an expensive Chr.istmasahead, it also looks like one offering a good assortment of gutable goodies.

CHICAGO (NC) - The Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) Institute has made a grant of $25,000 to the Manresa Educational Corp. (MEC), which was set up last year to found an "openly Catholic college," Jesuit Father Raymond V. Schader, MEC president, announced here. . In making the award, John F. Fink, executive v.ice preS'ident of OSV, said tbe OSV board of directors was "very much in sympathy with the aims of the Manresa Educational Corporation.'" . The OSV Institute was set up eadier this year 'by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., the largest Catholic publishing and printing organization .in the United States, to formulate and conduct ,religious, educational and charitable activities. MEC isa Chicago~based notfor-profit organization of bishops, priests, Sisters and Catholic ladty, ,which is described by its officials as "principaHy concerned with the revitalization of structured Catholic higher education." A primary project of the corporation is the establishment of a four-year undergraduate co• educational Catholic college to be named Cardinal Newman College. The site of the Cardinal Newman College will be announced later, said Father Schoder, a ·professor of classics at Loyola Uni· versity of Chicago. Several loca,tions are under consideration, he added, but no decision on the location of the college has been made at this time. At the time the foundation of the corporation was announced last year, Father Schoder said its principal objective was to encOUTage the revival of "authentic Catholic higher education as characterized by unqualified commitment to the doctrinal and moral teaching of the Catholic Church as defined by dts magisterium (offticial teaching)."

Irish Bishops Urge Amnesty MAYNOOTH (NC)-The Irish Catholic bishops have called oJl the Republic of Ireland to grant amnesty to certain categories of prisoners in connection with the canonization of Blessed Oliver Plunkett. In a statement issued after a meeting here, the bishops emphasized: "Prisoners who are nearing the end of their sentences or who have genuine compassionate grounds for release might be given special consideration."

The bishops noted that Blessed Oliver Plunkett, the first Irishman to be canonized in 700 years, "spent the last 19 months of his life in prison." The new saint was archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland when he was executed in England in 1681. The bishops pointed out that Pope Paul, in announcing the 1975 Holy Year, expressed the hope that governments of all nations would make a gesture of clemency and consider releasing some prisoners.

., .


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RECEIVE PINS: Mission education begins early at St. Joseph's School, New Bedford, as pre-primary tots receive membership pins from eighth graders at special prayer service and reception ceremony for Holy Childhood Association. Re-commitment of entire student body to ideal of aiding missions followed reflections on true meaning of "mission" offered by seventh grade pupils.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

St. Mary's Norton Enjoys Anniversary ,

The first Catholic Church in Norton was built in 1865 by Father Shahan, who was at that time pastor of St. Mary's in Taunton. Previous to that time Catholics in Norton walked to St. Mary's in Taunton to attend Mass and later on Masses were celebrated at the Old Mill in Barrowsville, the George Arnold Mill and at the Conaty Home. Mr. Patrick Cosgrove donated the land and a modest structure was erected at the corner of Barrows Street and Taunton Avenue. However modest, it was most appreciated and for sixty years served an ever growing congregation. For thirty-nine years Masses were celebrated by priests from the neighboring communities of Attleboro and Taunton, and in July 1904 Reverend Martin J. Fox, who was then pastor of St. Paul's Church in the Oakland section of Ta~ton, was appointed to administer St. Mary's. He served until his death beloved by all who knew him. He was succeeded by the late Monsignor George Cain who served until 1925, when St. Mary's ceased to be a mission church and became one of the growing parishes of the Fall River Diocese. In the early twenties it beqame apparent that the congregation had out-grown the facilities of the church, on Taunton Avenue and the late Monsignor Cain purchased land at ,the Corner of South Worcester and ,Power Streets in the Barrowsville Section of Norton. A short time later he acquired the residence across from the new church location, which was later to become the Rectory. Then began a long series of events staged by the parishioners to help swell the building fund and in 1924 the corner stone of the new church was laid. In February 1925 the first Mass was celebrated in the new edifice. It was a joyful occasion for the faithful parishioners, who had for many years labored toward their ultimate goal, the lovely church, Romanesque in Architecture, with its altars, stained glass windows and' bell given in memory of dear departed members of their families, who had long been parishioners, but who did not live to see their dreams realized.

Rev. Brian J. Harrington, Curate

Mrs. Emile Fredette, "builder" of the cake, replica of St. Mary's Church, Norton. Monsignor Cain, with the help of a curate, continued to administer the affairs of the parish, but in October of 1925 the late Reverend John McNalpara was appointed as pastor of the now new St. Mary's Parish in Norton. Father McNamara remained in Norton ,almost thirteen years and worked long and ceaselessly, with the help of his many loyal parishioners, to payoff the debt incurred by the erection of the new church. It was not an easy task during the depression years, but Father McNamara was undaunted and even did without himself to help lower the debt. It was a sad Sunday in January of 1938 when Father McNamara announced to his parishioners that he was leaving Norton, having been transferred to the Immaculate Conception Church in Fall River as Pastor. Even though his parishioners were grieved at losing him, they were happy, in the knowledge that after his long and devoted administration in Norton, he was to go to a much larger parish with two assistants. Strange as it may seem, one of those assistants, the Reverend Christopher Broderick was later to become administrator of St. Mary's in Norton. Father McNamara expressed the desire that no testimonial be held for him, but he was presented with a purse 'and a fishing rod and reel to pursue the one pleasure he allowed himself in Norton, that of fishing. Reverend James Downey, Pastor of St. Mary's Church in South Dartmouth, succeeded Father McNamara as Administrator. Father DowJley remained

in Norton until July 1951. During his administration the debt on the church was paid off and the interior was newly deer orated. The parish had grown to such -an extent that in 1946 the late Bisl}op Cassidy appointed the Reverend James F. McCarthy to assist Father Downey. In 1949 Father McCarthy was transferred to St. John's Church in Attleboro and was succeeded by the Reverend William Farland, who remained until after Father Downey was appointed as Pastor of the Holy Ghost Church in Attleboro. Following "Father Downey's transfer to Attleboro the Reverend Christopher Broderick was' appointed as Administrator of St. Mary's. Since there was a shortage of priests in the Diocese the La Salette Fathers at the La Salette Seminary in Attleboro assisted Father Broderick. He remained in Norton until June 1954 when he was sent to South Yarmouth to become Administrator of the newly formed St. Pius 10th Parish. Father Broderick was followed by Reverend James Conlon, who was administrator until his sudden death in February 1957. Just previous to Father Conlon's illness the Reverend James Kenney had been appointed by Bishop Connolly to assist Father Conlon. By this time additional Masses had been added and the

Draw and Seek "If men wish to draw near to God, they must seek Him in the hearts of men."-Abu Said Ibn Abi Khayr (died 1049 A;.D.) quoted in M. Smith's "Readings from the Mystics of Islam).

services of the La Salette Fathers were still needed. During Father Conlon~ stay in Norton he was instrumental in forming the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Norton Catholic Women's Club.路 In April of 1957 Bishop Connolly appointed the Reverend William D. 'Thomson as administrator. Father Kenney was transferred to the Holy Family Church in East Taunton and a short time .later the Reverend Colum MacSweeney was appointed as assistant. It had now become quite apparent that a Parish Center was sorely needed. Father Thomson had re-'activated the Holy Name Society and the Catechism and Christian Doctrine Classes had long outgrown church facilities for instruction. Through the courtesy of the Norton School Committee and the Norton School Department the Elementary' School's facilities were made available for class-room instruction under the direction of Brothers from the La Salette Seminary in Attleboro and the cooperation of Catholic teachers in the Norton School System. By 1960 Fr. Thomson was able_ to purchase a large tract of land at the junction of West Main and Power Streets. In March of 1961 ground was broken and the center was dediCated on Decem10, 1961. The center has been a focal point in the life of the parish as is home to many various activities. Rev. Donald Bowen, a for,mer popular curate of the parish who is now serving in Bolivia, ran the "dugout" a dropin center for Norton youth. Fr. Thomson was replaced by Rev. Thomas F. Daley who was well loved by the parishioners and served for many years before his transfer to New Bedford in 1971. He was replaced by Rev., Donald Couza who in turn was replaced by the pres-

Rev. James P. Dalzell, Pastor ent pastor, Rev. James Dalzell in 1973. Last Sunday at noon the parishioners of St. Mary's gathered in the center for a concelebrated Mass which was presided over by Bishop Cronin. After the Mass the entire assembly enjoyed a brunch, the highlight of which was a cake replica of the ,;hurch, created by Mrs. Emile Fredette. In their customary enthusiasm the parishioners of St. Mary's admired Mrs. Fredette's 'creation and then devoured it completely.

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of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

Greater love no man hath By Rev. Edward J. Byington

Anchor Staff

/1·\ .d~

'J~'. :. .• ·<~t:~:~i






-l(j Participants: Bishop's Night in Taunton were (left to right) Mrs. Aristides A. Andrade, Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot, Mrs. Normand Jette, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Mrs. Albert G. Moitoza.

Five Hundred Catholic Women at 'Bishop's Night A Bicentennial Observance in tonjunction with Bishop's Night was attended by approximately 500 women from Taunton and t\ttleboro Districts of the National Council of Catholic Women at St. Mary's Church, Taunton at 7:00 p.m. Thursday evening, October 30, 1975. A concelebrated Mass with congregational participation was offered. Bishop Cronin was the chief celebrant. Concelebrants of the Mass were Rev. James Lyons, Moderator of the Taunton District, Msgr. Gerard Chabot, Diocesan Moderator and also

Free Calendar A 1976 Braille CathOlic calendar is available free to the visually handicapped from the Xavier Society for the Blind, 154 E. 23 St., New York, N. Y. 10010. Showing major Church feasts, the calendar is a companion to the Sunday Mass propers in Braille, also available from the Xavier Society.

Moderator of the Attleboro District, and the priests of the parishes of Taunton and Attleboro Districts. In his, homily, Bishop Cronin stated that Victory at Yorktown was celebrated by a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Mary's church in Philadelphia. It was attended by Congress and the Executive Committee. Two hundred years later we are celebrating a Mass of Thansksgiving for the past two hundred years. Later in the evening 450 members met at the new Taunton High School for dinner. Invocation was offered by Msgr. Maurice Souza and the closing prayers were offered by Rev. Steven R. Furtado. Mrs. Aristides A. Andrade, President of the Taunton Area served as the Toastmistress. Entertainment was provided by Mr. Kiah O'Brien and His Show Group comprised of members of Somerset High School w~o were enthusiastically applauded for their presentations.

TV Programs Worth Watching Monday, November 10 - 9:00-11:00 p.m. (NBC) ERIC. Based on a true story of a boy terminally ill with cancer who lives liis last years to the fullest despite his worsening condition. With Patricia Neal, John Savage, and Claude Akins. Thursday, November 13 - 9:00-11:00 p.m. (PBS) CLASSIC THEATRE. Denholm Elliott stars as the dreamer forced to realize the ugly truth about himself and his family in The Wild Duck, the great comedydrama by the Norwegian playwright Hendrik Ibsen. "Sunday, November 16 - 5:30-6:20 p.m. (NBC) MAGNIFICAT - MARY'S SONG OF LIBERATION, 'an NBC television special, is a film biography of the Blessed Mother told through the music, art, and literature that have been the expression of both popular devotion and great artists over the centuries.


WESTPORT - What is the stuff of which heroes are made? Why is it that in a critical moment when most people would be concerned solely with self preservation, a few will risk their lives for their fellow human beings? These are the questions raised by the amazing story of Russell W. Fontaine, of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Westport, a true hero in our midst. On the night of March 6, 1975 at Norfolk Prison a twenty-eight year old guard named Billy Murphy was 'taken hostage by a drug crazed, armed inmate. By the time other guards could reach Murphy and his captor the inmate had shot the popular father of two. As Murphy lay bleeding unconsciously on the floor, the other guards pleaded with the inmate to allow them to remove their wounded comrade from the room but the inmate refused. It was at this time that Russ Fontaine offered himself as a hostage in place of the stricken Murphy. The inmate agreed and then forced Fontaine to strip. Fontaine did so but then the inmate raised his gun, Fontaine turned, and his captor fired three rounds into Fontaine's side. The other guards then fired on the inmate and he was captured but the three slugs remain in Russ Fontaine to this day. Billy Murphy is alive today thanks to the selflessness Of Russ Fontaine. Both men are marred for life and it is highly doubtful that either will ever return to Norfolk. Meanwhile their assailant was transferred to Walpole Prison, mainly for his own protection as both Murphy and Fontaine were highly popular with both guards and inmates. According to one report the berserk gunmano is now suing the Commo~wealth of Massachusetts for deprivation of his rights. Last Sunday evening over five hundred guests gathered at White's Restaurant in Westport to honor their friend and coworker Russ Fontaine. The evening was arranged by the Knights of Columbus of which Russ is a member of the Bishop Cassidy Fourth Degree Assembly, and St. Isadore the Farmer Council in Westport. Representatives from the Knights, the Board of Selectmen of Westport, the Franco-American Civic League, and his fellow guards at Norfolk presented awards and gifts to Russ. It was obvious from the manner in which the speakers described the Westport guard that he is held in high esteem and affection by all his friends and acquaintances. In attendance were even some of his high school friends from over thirty years ago. Ma'ny of these were from out of state and had driven great distances to be with their old buddy. One of Russ' brother Knights summed up the feelings of all of them as he said "We are proud to have lived in your time. We are hon· ored to have called you our friend."

RUSS FONTAINE Asked if he would repeat his act of heroism, Russ said "I don't know but then I see 'him standing here . . ." He pointed toward Billy Murphy and his voice trailed off but the inference was clear. The act has cost Russ Fontaine dearly but another man has life itself. Why did Russ offer himself so another man could live? To answer this question we must look at his background. Born in Fall River - he grew up in Notre Dame Parish, in the Lafayette Park section. He attended Notre Dame Elementary School and Msgr. Prevost High. In 1943 at the age of 17 he left Prevost to enlist in the U. S. Navy. After the war he returned home at the advanced age of 21 llnd moved back with his family. ,His story then follows the same pattern of many other World War JI veterans. He got married (to the former Lucille Canuel), moved .first to the Maplewood section, then out to Westport. Like many other Fall River men he worked in the mill and then 12 years ago began his employment at Norfolk. Right from the start Russ was known as a good guard. He was conscientious and thorough in his duties and treated the inmates with fairness. As a result he became popular with both the inmates and his fellow guards. A good example of Russ' devotion to duty was described by Frank Hall, the Massachusetts Commissioner of Corrections. Hall told the guests at Sunday night'lj gathering that on his first visit to Norfolk, Russ, was working the metal detector, the electronic device used to prevent any weapons being transported into the prison. Another man would have perhaps

passed the Commissioner right through but not Russ. He made the top boss remove every thing from his pens to his belt ,buckle before Hall successfully passed the detector. . It is perhaps difficult for most of us to accurately assess Russ' act. One man who is in better position to do so is Tom Copley, a veteran prison guard who now serves as deputy superintendent at Norfolk. Tom, himself, was once taken hostage back in the 50's and knows the terror involved. He was also with Russ the night of the incident and directed the guards who eventually shot the inmate. "I couldn't have done it." Tom admits. "It was the greatest act of bravery I have ever seen." Russ Fontaine's two sisters and his brother however were not surprised at his action. They agreed that it was consistent with the manner in which he has always lived. Reared in a deeply religious Catholic home and en· vironment.. he was imbued with Christ's teaching about love and service of neighbor. This teaching is so much a part of the life of Russ Fontaine that it naturally manifested itself on the night of March 6, 1975. All of us who share in Russ Fontaine's faith and ideals, who have been brought up in the same environment and tradition, cannot help but feel a bit prouder today. One of our own has shown his fellow beings the basic goodness inherent in all of us and the message is clear. When we act according to the teaching of Our Saviour, we are indeed worthy of being called sons and daughters of God our Father.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., 'Nov. 6,1975

Declaration on Jews Must Enter Hearts of People

FACES in the


October 28 marked the 10th anniversary of the Vatican Council's Declaration on Catholic-Jewish Relations. Jhis declaration is by far the shortest of all the documents voted on by the Council Fathers. Yet, in the long run, it may well prove That would have been to be one of the most import- anything. an unconscionable insult to the ant documents of the entire Jewish community. Moreover, as council. The very fact· that Father Gregory Baum points out


According to all the newspapers accounts of the recent "liberation theology" freak show in Detroit, the assembly was sick even by the kooky standards of radical and militant theology. All sorts of self-anointed representatives of various minority Like all authoritarians, the libgroups spewed forth hatred eration types cannot stand disfor one another, for the "es- sent. Most of America's better tablishment," for white theologians stayed away from

males (the new inkblot group), for the theologians who weren't there, and for virtually everyone else in the world - all of this,

it ran into so many obstacles and nerve-wracking delays d4ring the four suspense-ridden years that it was on the agenda

in his excellent commentary on the declaration, the council "had no intention of telling the Jewish people who they are. There' , would have been something aggressive, or at least condescending, about a Christian Church intending to tell the Jews 8y whether or in what sense they were God's chosen people ... If MSGR. Jewish readers understood the text as addressed to them, it is GEORGE G. not surprising that some of them were disturbed and slightly inHIGGINS sulted." My own experience in meeting of the council is one more proof in recent years with a representative cross-section of Jewish that it was badly needed. leaders leads me to believe that From the beginning there was some of them do think that the never any doubt as to how the declaration was addressed to the majority of the Fathers would Jews. vote on the declaration, but so I find this rather disturbing, persistent was the behind-thefor if Jews mistakenly think that scenes opposition to it on the part of certain political forces in the declaration was addressed to the Near East and, from the the- them and was meant-insultingological point of view, from a ly and condescendingly-to "abminority of theologians and solve" them from responsibility council Fathers, that one could for the crucifixion, they will unnever be absolutely certain, until derstandably be very reluctant the very end, that it would ever to enter into dialogue with Christians. And, by the same come up for a definitive vote. token, if Christians fail to underIn any event, as we observe stand that the declaration was its 10 anniv~rsary, Catholics and meant to be a sincere examinaJews alike will want to see it in tion of the Christian conscience the long perspective of the fu- -which has so much to answer ture. In other words, they will for in this area-they will be want to bear in mind that when ill-prepared for the kind Of diPope Paul solemnly promul- alogue which is so strongly recgated the declaration, he was, in ommended in the document. effect, writing finis, not to a Fortunately, however, popular book, but only to the preface of misconceptions about the nature the first of a long series of voland purpose of the council's decumes 'which will not be comlaration are gradually being pleted for many years. cleared up. Although the wordIf our Jewish neighbors and ing of the declaration leaves friends will bear in mind that something to be desired, many this is the long-range purpose of Jews would agree with Father the declaration, perhaps they. Baum when he says that it "may - will find it easier to live with well turn out to be a turning the fact that, from their point of point in the history of Jewishview, it is not a perfect doc- Christian relations." ument Of course it isn't perfect. In the years which have But it is, on the whole, a good declaration and one which, holds elapsed since the document was out great promise for the future. promulgated, there have been numerous Christian-Jewish conThe promise will only be ful- ferences and seminars in the filled, however, if Catholics, too, United States. It now appears bear in mind that the solemn certain that the interreligious promulgation of the document approach to both common probwas not the end of the story, lems and theological questions but only the beginning. It is up will continue to accelerate at the to us to take the lead in foster- grassroots as well as at national ing "mutual knowledge and re- and international levels. spect" and in looking for opporMeanwhile American Cathtunities to engage in fraternal at all levels will want to olics dialogue with our Jewish fellowbear in mind that the declaration citizens. is only the first step. As Father In saying that, I mean to Baum states in his commentary, stress that the declaration was "it now presents a challenge to addressed to Catholics. It intend- the Church. What counts in the ed to clarify Catholic teaching in future is how soon the teaching areas where, in the past, an anti- of the council enters our instiJewish tone had deformed the tutions and the hearts of our pure presentation of the Gospel. people, and how resourceful and Misleading newspaper head- enterprising we shall be in lines to the contrary notwith- giving visible expression to the' standing, the declaration did not spiritual bond that unites the "absolve" the Jewish people of Church and the Jews."

Lib Theologians, Perform In Detroit Freak Show




FATHER RAYMOND GREELEY HERMAN, a missionary from Dubuque, Iowa, has been robbed and murdered in mind you, in the name of ChrisBolivia. See story Page 2 tianity. The deadly serious and self-

RASHEY B. MOTEN of Kansas City, Mo., is new president of the National Conference of Catholic Charities.

CECI CONNOLLY is one of the players featured in a 15 minute film, "The Hungers of the Human Family," produced by the 41st International Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia. The movie will be distributed to every diocese in the country.

important people who go to sucn meetings are incapable of intentional comedy. They don't realize how hilarious it is to try to link the violent class-conflict revolution of Marxism (in their case, what a real Marxist would call vulgar Marxism) with Christianity. They don't understand how funny it is for a bunch of college teachers who are innocent of any political experience or any economic understanding to pontificate about the solution of all of humankind's social and economic problems. Tiny Minority They don't grasp the humor of preaching revolution in a country where they are at the most a tiny minority-the 'only revolution they could possibly accomplish would be one in which five per cent of the country (at the most) overthrew the power of the other 95 per cent and reduced that 95 per cent to political subjection. Nor do they see that it is conducive to great belly laughs when a group of college professors with all the security and leisure which such pampered people enjoy elects itself as spokespersons for all the women, blacks, Chicanos, American Indians, and other "minorities" throughout the Western hemisphere. Nor do they understand at all why observers like me collapse with laughter when they claim to be spokespersons for the "poor." They gotta be kidding, but alas, they are not. Sick Outbursts I always ask such people where their certificate of election is. Who made them boss? Who authorized them to speak for 'anyone but themselves? Where did they get the right to claim validation for their own second-rate thoughts and sick emotional outbursts from the experiences of large population groups most of whose members, thank heavens, never even heard of these self-constituted saviors. But when you're a member of the avant garde of the "people," it doesn't really matter whether the people know of your existence.

their horror show. So the absentees had to be denounced for being politically and socially unconcerned. You're only committed, you see, if you think like us. Some character named Thomas Quigley from the national office of the Catholic bishops even denounced the absentee scholars as being defective in their commitments; if you're not here with us, you're no good. One wonders if the national hierarchy of Catholic bishops officially agrees with Quigley!s attempt to set up a new orthodoxy, the measure of which is commitment to Mar.xist "correctness"? But then the archdiocese of Detro~t celebrated the Holy Year of Reconciliation and the Bicentennial by letting these kooks put on their horror show. Happy birthday, Uncle Sam. Coleman Paper The whole idea of "lib" theology is that theology must grow out of experience (a valid enough point), though experience usually means the experience of college professors and not ordinary people. Since everyone knows there isn't anything worth a damn in the experience of Americans (Catholic or Protestant), what else can you do but turn to the experience of the Latin American college professors - who, incidentally, have never liberated anybody from anything, save for the money from the funding agencies which pick up the tab for their airplane fights. In the midst of all this frenzy, a Jesuit named John Coleman gave a paper about the "eJl.periences" of Catholics in the U~ited States as represented by the nineteenth century philosopher, Orestes Bronson; the labor priest, John Ryan; and the great theorist of religious liberty, John Courtney Murray-all of whom, incidentally, were far more than just college professors, but were deeply involved in the social and political lives of their country. No one paid any attention; and only one account of the meeting even mentioned him. A characteristically patronizing article in the "Commonweal" dismissed Coleman's brilliant paper as "unsatisfying." How could anything about the United States be satisfying? • Merry Christmas, too, Uncle Sam; Jesus loves you, but drop dead anyhow. © 1975, Universal Press Sy'd'c't

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,THE ANCHOR-Dioe·ese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975



KNOW YOUR FAITH An Awareness of Church Hislory History scholars and instructors in the United States are worried. The teaching of that subject throughout our public schools is, according to a recent study, "in crisis."

"assumption that it is not a practical subject." A feeling prevails in Oklahoma" for example, that "students have no tiriie to study the past." Substitution of courses in economics, career education, etc. have led to a weakening of history teaching and, in view of this report, fosters "presentism" which takes current events out By of their historical perspective. Failure to learn from the past FR. JOSEPH M. is not solely a contemporary or CHAMPLIN secular phenomenon. The kings and nations of Old Testament days too frequently forgot God's Their anxiety flows from a de- previous loving care of his peotailed survey conducted and pub- ple and ignored the sad mistakes lished by the Organization of of earlier ages. Much pain and American Historians, a 12,000- many disasters could have been member society composed main- avoided had they done so. ly of U. S. teachers and scholars In somewhat similar fashion, working in this field. ignorance of Church history or The research paper, as noted neglect of its use in catechesis in an August 12, 1975 front page has, over ffioe decade since VatNew York 'Times story,' reports: ican II, caused irritations and "Confidence and interest in misunderstandings which might history are not nearly as wide- otherwise have been diminishe1 spread and strong among stu- or eliminated. dents, educational administrators. This is hardly the fault of ofand politicians as they were only ficial texts from Rome. All of a few years ago." the revised rituals have, in "Doubts about its usefulness their introductions, carefully docfor the individual and for society umented the gradual developnow exert a large influence on ment of new worship forms, attitudes and decisions." even if in typically abbreviated Turn to Page Twelve There exists a widespread

One Ageless Queslion By Mary E. Maher One of mankind's longest struggles has been that between the city and the country styles of living. Thoreau was not an innovator of this theme. It reaches back to Cain and Abel, and farther, to touch the ageless question: Does city "gathering" bring people into a setting which corrupts their integrity? Does rural life not offer a cleaner but less cultured type of existence? Yet how can man but advance save by joining with others in larger units of civilization, cities? In times of meeting crises, people have either gone to cities for support or have left them for areas of less human congestion. Fortunately, Scripture does not offer any answer to the question. For surely both styles of living, urban and rural, are acceptable to man's spirit. The kingdom of God is called "a city" and yet shepherds and natural country imagery abound in Scripture; seed and soil and birds of the air. The time of the Northern and Southern Kingdom witnessed this dialectic: should God's Kingdom be established in city terms? Did God not want a nomadic people instead of a 'people who had settle1 into urban life? Had Abel, symbolic of simplier life, not been killed by Cain, who represented a more urban (if one

could use the word in reference to that time) life? The questions were around then, as now. Some believed that God wished His people to be in pilgrimage, that the Ark of the Covenant was to accompany a wandering people. Others saw that He wished a more permanent style of worship: temples, buildings. If we examine the witness our own hearts give to us, we see again in them this theme that characterized the time for the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. We know that we are pilgrims in this world; we feel it in moments of great joy which we cannot sustain for long periods of time. We feel our nature as "wanderers" when we lose loved ones or familiar ways of living, when mobility takes us far from our root territory. We long, too, for what the novelist John Updike called "a little... earth to' call our own." We desire to have the security of settling into patterns and friendships which will not be as Hopkins put in his poem, "as lanterns passing in the night." We long for bread. Like characters in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales," we don't mind pilgrimage if loved ones and familiar places constantly appear with us. There is little likelihood that the human heart will have to make an either-or choice on this theme. The history of literature Turn to Page Twelve

Divided Kingship Solomon's son and successor, Rehoboam, could have preserved the unity of his realm if he had had even a grain of political sense. It would not have been easy, but it was within his power. Instead, his adolescent arro-. gance infuriated. the northern tribes, and drove a wedge between them and Judah which was never to be withdrawn. The North formed its own kingdom under Jeroboam; it was known as the kingdom of Israel, or simply Ephraim, after its most prominent tribe. The southern Kingdom, still centered in Jerusalem, was called the kingdom of Judah. As kingdoms go, the United Kingdom of Israel had been tiny -about the size of Vermontbut in its unity it had found strength. Now, split in two very unequal sections, it was vulnerable from without and torn by civil strife within. The northern kingdom was made up of. 10 tribes and consequently far outstripped Judah in extent and population. But its very position was a constant danger. The Israelites' most formidable enemies usually came from the north, and so the new kingdom lay right in the path of savage and ambitious foreign armies, armies which would make the Philistines of old look like wooden soldiers. Internally, Israel lacked cohesion. Starting from scratch as it was, it had no stable dynasty, no religious center, and, for a long time, no capital city worthy of the name. The southern kingdom, on the other hand, enjoyed the advantage of a smoothly organized administration. Its compact pop-

RUINS OF ANCIENT SAMARIA include the remains of a Roman basilica and the tribunal of Omri's palace. "A new era dawned in the history of Israel and Judah with the reign of Omri (885-874) in the North ... Omri built the fine capital city of Samaria, beautifully situated in a hill overlooking vast stretches of valley." ulation lived under a glorious dynasty, the house of David, and was grouped about a capital which was at one and the same time strong and holy: Jerusalem. As for external dangers, the kingdom of Israel acted as a buffer state between it and potential enemies to the north and east. Egypt posed somewhat of a threat to the south, but not. a really serious one, since this once mighty power had been on the decline for the past three centuries. Pharao Shishak did plunder the temple and royal palace during the reign of Reho-

About 931



Kis 12, 1-15, " 2 Chr 10, 1-13, 22)



A MAP SHOWS THE DIVISION OF THE ISRAELIES into two kingdoms. "The North formed its own kingdom under Jeroboam ... the southern kingdom, still centered in Jerusalem, was called the kingdom of Judah."

boam; but this turned out to be an isolated foray. The only grave peril came from their own blood brothers, the Israeiites of the northern kingdom. This peril materialized more than once, and the history of 'the Divided Kingdom was a dismalone for the first 50 years of its existence. It was a period of instability and uneasiness for the North. Three out of the five kings who came to the throne during this time were victims of assassinations engineered by power-greedy rivals. Confident of its military superiority, the North often attacked the South, but without ever winning a decisive victory. These were dark and shameful days for God's People, these day's from 930 to 880. A new era dawned in the history of Israel and Judah with the reign of Omri (885-874) in the North; his predecessor had had a startlingly brief reign of just seven days. Omri built the fine capital city of Samaria, beautiTurn 11'0 Plage Twelve

IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road Fall River 678-5677


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

Note to Her -Mom M,akes H'eadline'S

Divided Kingship .

. ,.

Continued' from Page Eleven fully situated in a hill overlooking vast stretches of valley. A former army general, he realized the futility of the constant attacks on Judah. For one thing, he could see Damascus looming more and more menacingly on the horizon and foresaw the day when Israel and Judah would have to put up a united front or be swept off the map. To strengthen his position still f~rther, .he concluded a treat~ wlt,h the kll1g of Tyre and m~rned ~IS son Ahab to th~ Tyraman prll1cess Jezebel.. ThiS m~y have bee.n astute foreign pohcy, but ~t turned out to be a domestIc catastrophe. For Jezebel was an idolatrous pagan and mar:ag~d to act the part very convll1cll1gly later on. " . The frUit of thiS unholy umon, A:thali~h by ~ame, was then given m marnage. to Jehoram, king of Judah. ThiS move drew still tighter the bonds betw:e~ north and s~uth and the CivIl war was a thmg of the past. The resultant peace brought increased prosperity. The economic situation was sound and the living was easy, at least for the privileged and moneyed classes. But the latter lived luxuriously and scandalously, and not the least scandalous aspect of their behavior was the way they flouted elementary social justice and ground the poor under heel ... In a word, God's own people

Church History Continued from Page Eleven Vatican style. Popularizing those historical references and fleshing them out with further details, however, requires extra effort, but work which can bear much fruit. Parishioners, to illustrate, who rebel against the practice of lay ministers for Communion and Communion received standing or in the hand or under both kinds may feel the same way after viewing the fourth filmstrip of Alpha's "Understanding the Liturgy" series. But they will' realize these procedures were standard in early Christian days and enjoy sound, solid theological bases. So too, an explanation which describes the varied historical background involved with the anointing of the sick will accelerate and facilitate both the acceptance of this "new-old" approach and the removal of a "last rites" attitude. Finally, as we enter a phase implementing the new Rite of Penance, Catholics may find the changes suggested easier to assimilate if they have seen "Sinner Sam." History, through this Franciscan Communications Center filmstrip will reveal to them that "devotional confessions" date back in general only to the Celtic monks of the fifth to seventh centuries and the confessional screen, but to the time of St. Charles Borromeo in the 1500's. The late President John F. Kennedy aroused in U. S. citizens a greater interest in the study of secular history. Perhaps we need someone similar to give U. S. Catholics an increased awareness of Church history.

were becoming as worldly and vicious as the pagans whose civilization they were trying so earnestly to ape. Commercial and social relations with foreigners were becoming commonplace, and along with the latters' merchandise and women came the false god which should have been an abomination to the worshipers of the one true God. The situation continued, with complicated variations, until the days of bloody anarchy which preceded the invasion of the Assyrians and the annihilation of the kingdom of Israel in 722. In the southern kingdom of Judah the picture was pretty much the same; a different cast of characters, but just about the same plot. In spite of the efforts of good kings like Hezekiah and Josiah and the preaching of great prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah, the people went on to destruction and exile. The Babylonians sacked Jerusalem in 587 and the south, too, was lost at least for several decades -b~t that is another story.

50·Year Vets Aid in Observing St. Anne Week This is St. Anne School Week in Fall River, proclaimed by Mayor Wilfred C. Driscoll, as part of the observance of the school's 50th anniversary. Also commemorating the event was a golden jubilee Mass followed by a dinner dance, held last Saturday. At the Mass, Sister Gilles Marie Theroux and Miss Bertha Gervais, teachers who have served St. Anne's School for all its 50 years, were among bearers of the offertory gifts. Also in the procession were Michelle Lambert and Gordon Palmer, present students, and Mrs. Alice Talbot Gauthier and Mrs. Aida Audet Ronan, members of St. Anne's first graduating class, and Sister Frances Theresa Bisson, O.P. and Sister Marguerite Marie Bourgeois, present and former principals. Bishop James J. Gerrard was principal concelebrant, with priests of St. Anne's parish and many former parishioners and pupils, now also priests. Singing for the Mass was by the school choir, directed by Normand Gingras, and readers represented the present student body and the classes of 1926, 1943, 1952 and 1954. Homilist was Rev. Eugene Boutin, Episcopal Vicar for Religious Formation of the Manchester, N. H. (liocese. Guests for the Mass and the following dinner, at which Bernard G. Theroux was master of ceremonies, included representatives of the Sisters of Mercy, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Dominican Sisters of ,St. Catherine of Siena and the Brothers of the Christian Schools, all of whom have taught at St. Anne's School during the past half century. Also present were representatives of the diocesan department of education.

A Girl Scout of Junior Troop 145 in St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, made headlines in the "Cranberry Scoop," newsletter of the Plymouth Bay Girl Scouts, with "A Note to My Mother," written as a Hospitality badge requirement. "Dear Mom," she wrote, "Thank you for many things, at least a million or 2. God probably made you special deliv'ry. Thank you for: making beds, cleaning, cooking, caring, sharing, working, Showing good example. What else can I add Oh Yea! Loving!

Divorced Catholics Ministry Expanded A VILLAGE ACROSS THE KIDRON VALLEY from the Old City of Jerusalem has become part of the city. Built over caves, it is near the road from Jerusalem to Bethany and Jericho (far right).

One- Ag'el'ess Question Continued from Page Eleven is a long parade of the implications of this theme in human life. We long for simplicity and yet need complexity for our imaginative hopes to grow. It is very comforting that we need not make the choice, that Wisdom literature, which arises partially in the matrix of time of the two Kingdoms, stresses that wisdom comes with facing the full implications that this life

Mary Called Teacher, Helper in Prayer VATICAN CITY (NC)-Mary sh<1Uld be our teacher and helper, in prayer, Pope Paul told a throng of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for his customary talk before the Angelus on World Rosary Day. "Mary must be our supreme teacher and sublime companion in our, poor, stammering prayers," he said. The Pope praised the Rosary as both popular and traditional, spiritual roots," He said that the renewed use of the Rosary was a hopeful sign, and pointed out that it filled the growing need, for prayer.

Cornwell Memorial Chapel, Dignified Funeral Service

which is ours is strong and fragile both for settling down and for the journey. Like all Biblical themes, this one reaffirms the inner meaning we find in our own hearts. When we touch the healing that faith offers, we know that we must keep moving like Moses with the staff in his hand. We know, too, that there is permanence in moving from the old, the sheltered, the tried and the true into the new, the open, the unknown and the uncertain. We find a kind of peace in the process of our lives as we learn that God mainly asks us to be geographers of our own hearts. Clever sociological debate is not the point of, this thing we call "life." And then as if He knew our hearts too well, God reassures us: "WHEREVER YOU GO, I WILL GO."

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Jenkins Funeral Home, Inc. 584 Main Street West Falmouth, Mass. Directors Harold W. Jenkins, Jr. Clement E. Walsh




NEWARK (NC)-The Newark archdiocese is expanding its ministry to divorced Catholics, opening a new office under the auspices of the Family Life Apostolate. Named to head the office is Conventual Franciscan Father Edgar Holden, formerly with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) in Washington. For the past year he has been on sabbatical leave, while studying at the Boston Theolog, ical Institute.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

A Trio of Witnesses Taunton Priests Join In

"He was like some saintly showman, a Gothic Barnum ... He had no time for anything but his cause of unity ... He knew how to reach masses of people and communicate the spark of his vision. Sometimes his heart overcame his head and ,he got into trou- fare Association, the Union That. hie." This is a characteriza-' Nothing Be Lost, the Rock of tion of Father Paul Wattson Peter Foundation. founder of Graymoor, give~ Also fr.om ~is initiative ca~e

by Father Charles Angell, S.A., . and Father Charles LaFontame; S.A., in their concise, readable biograph of him Prophet of y,


Reunion (Seabury Press, 815 Second Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. 224 pages. Illustrated. $6.95). Father Paul worked all his life long for the reunion of the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church. Born in 1863, he was the son of an Episcopal priest and was baptized in the Episcopal Church. In 1882 he ~=ttered General Theological Seminary in New York, and was ordained an Episcopal priest in 1886. He was rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Kingston, N. Y. for ten years. There he began publication of a paper which featured articles entitled "The Doctrine of the Real Presence," "Extreme Unction," "The Forgiveness of Sins," and "The Sac-' rifice of the Mass." He believed both in the validity of Anglican Orders and the primacy of the Pope. In 1900 he went to Garrison, N. Y., to live in a shick which he hoped would be the kernel of a Franciscan community within the Episcopal Church. This was the beginning of Graymoor. He founded a magazine, The Lamp, which was destined to endure for many decades. He also founded the Church Unity Octave "later named the Chair of Unity Octave to emphasize its papal orientation." He resisted becoming a Roman Catholic, because he thought that individual conversion hurt the possibility of the corporate reunion which he tirelessly promoted. But he came to see that for him there was no other course except to enter the Roman Catholic Church. He was received in 1909. He spent less than a year at Dunwoodie, the New York archdiocesan semitlary, and was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1910. He returned to Graymoor and founded a seminary, which fared poorly at first as .did others of his projects. But in time there was remarkable growth. The Graymoor community increased, eve"t'lally numbering in the hundreds. 1t did pioneering work in the cause of ecumenism. Father Paul had a hand in the establishment of many enterprises of great benefit to the Church: for exampIe, the Catholic Near East Wei.,. ;j"

the Ave Maria Hour on radio, the Graymoor Press, and St. Ch' h' I h' h h . rIstop er s nn w IC as given food and shelter to !housands of homeless and destitute. He had his troubles, often of his own making. He could be willful and imprudent, sometimes more visionary than practical, and incurring the displeasure of Church authorities. After his death, in 1940" there were decdes of expansion for his Graymoor community and various works which he originated. But both have inevitably been affected by turmoil in the Church during the past decade. Graymoor, however, still presses 'lihead in the service of ecumenism. Family Discovery In Yesterday, Today and Forever (New Leaf Press, Harrison, Arkansas. 174 pages. $5.95), Maria von Trapp seeks to share with the reader her family's "great discovery: the bringing of the Holy Scriptures to life for us." Her book, apparently a revised version of an earier one of hers, falls into two parts. The first is devoted to the Gospel accounts of the birth, infancy, and early years of Jesus; the second, to some aspects of his public ministry. The von Trapp family and their friends studied passages in the Gospel together, read books which dealt with life in the Holy Land at the time of Our Lord, consulted maps, and drew on their own experience. They thus came to understand more fully what the Gospels present apd, very' importantly, to see Gospel truths as both iIluminated by and directly applicable in their own lives and unusual experiences. One reservation about this book is the fact that, while listing works for consultation, it makes no reference to solid and useful publications of recent years. Spiritual Retreat Just made available in paperback is He Leadeth Me by Father Walter J. Ciszek, S.J., with ¥ather Daniel Flaherty, S.J. (Imilge Books, 501 Franklin Ave., Garden City, N. J. 11530. 232 pages. $1.75). Reading it is as good as making a retreat. Father Ciszek, an American, was in eastern Poland when, in September 1939, the Soviet army overran that area. He was taken prisoner, and for 23 years he was in Soviet prisons and slave labor camps. He survived the excruciating ordeal, and got back to the United States in 1963. His book recounts all that he suffered while in the hands of the Soviets, but does so with a difference. For imprisonment was for Father Ciszek a kind of ctrange liberation. That is, he related his sufferings of body and spirit to those of Jesus in his Passion, and he saw far more deeply than before into his own _!,f.'



0-• •


Fight For The Retarded

SUBWAY IS HIS PAR· ISH: Jesuit Father Francis J. Cosgrove, associate pastor of St. Ignatius Church in New York City is the chaplain for the Transit Authority and a qualified motorman.

TAUNTON-In response to a proposed ordinance which would have curtailed the use of half .way houses for the retarded, the priests of Taunton have strongly urged the municipal council to reject any measures which are reflective of a spirit of fear and mistrust. In a two page letter signed by over twenty Taunton priests the municipal council was reminded that Taunton "has long been known for its work with the mentally ill and retarded:' The priests stated that they were deeply troubled by the lack of understanding for the mentally retarded within the community. The Taunton priests joined

with the Taunton Commission of Human Relations and a mother of a retarded child in opposition to the ordinance. The ordinance had been sponsored by politicians who were playing upon the fears and prejudices of the citizens in regards to having re-' tarded people for neighbors. At a municipal council meeting on Monday evening the letter was read to the council. The council did not pass the ordinance but sent it into committee for further study. Also the council formed a new committee comprised of three of its own members and other interested citizens to investigate the background to the matter.

Meetings Show New Concept Of Ministry WASHINGTON (NC) - The meetings of national organizations of Catholic physicians and chaplains here reflected the development in recent years of an approach to health care as a ministry to' the total person with both physical and spiritual needs. The National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds and the National Association of Catholic Chaplains, most of whose members are hospital or health facility chaplains, both met at the Sheraton-Park Hotel and while only one day was devoted to joint sessions, meetings of both organizations were open to members of either and there was ample opportunity of exchange of views'. Although sessions of the physicians' meetings focused more often on medico-moral topics and sessions of the chaplains' meeting on aspects of te spiritual care of the sick, both meetings addressed both spiritual and medico-moral subjects. Divine Institution Bishop Maurice Dingman of Des Moines, Iowa, chairman of the health affairs committee of the U. S. Catholic Conference, Hnked ethical decision-making in the medical field with spirituality when he stressed to the physicians the need to seek the mind of the Holy Spirit in rna\{ing such decisions. "We are not General Motors," Bishop Dingman told them. "We area divine institution. We must always make our decisions in terms of the guidance of the Holy Spirit:' flllllltlllllllilltilUllllllllllltllllllllllllmlll1litlUIJ11llUlUWlllllllllmtrrllltr11UUllllmIIIlnI

priesthood, the meaning of the Mass, the value of the great virtues. What he writes of these, and more, is inspiring in a Wholly distinctive way.




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THE A!'lCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

Bishop Stresses Prison Reform

Life In Music IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE By mE DAMEANS Fourteen hours of the day, we throw at least one away Walk the streets half a year trying to find a new career. Now if you ~et a flu attack, for 30 days you're on your back Through the night Pve seen you dance Baby give me half a chance It only takes a minute, girl, to fall in love, to fall in love It only takes a minute, girl, to fall in love, let's fall in love.

Now in the unemployment lines, you can spend your life reading signs, Waiting for your interview, they can shoot the whole day for you Now winter's going to turn to spring and you haven't accomplished a thing So baby leave a little time cause you never know what's on my mind. By D. Lambert and B. Potter ABC-Dunhill Music One of a Kind Music Co. BMI The pop charts always have songs about how easy love is. Tavares gives us a variation on the "love at first sight" theme when they sing "It only takes a Minute." The song is different from' others with similar themes in that it doesn't come across greedy like those which claim that love is whatever is good for me. The singer seems to be searching for something meaningful in life. All he seems to find is hassle from other people because he can't get a job, and from other for,ces around him: "if you get a flu attack, for 30 days you're on your back." The person who has encountered adversity naturally.Jooks for something to make him happy. He can't help feeling that life was meant to be more than pain and sufferjng, tha,t he was destined for happiness, in some form. T~e danger which such a person f.aces Js the temptation to mistake the first pleasant thing that comes along for love and to t'unafter ~'t and hold on to it for dear Ufe. The girl who has been hassled hy her parents thinks marriage is the way out because the guy is cool. The person' burned trying to love and not being loved in return cherishes the attention of the first person who shows care and concern.

To want to be rid of a bad situation is only natural, but to think that love happens quickly and easily is a deception. To claim it only takes a minute to fall in love speaks more' about falling than loving. No one denies that sometimes you don't know why people are attracted to each other. Something which you mlght not be able to explain clicks between you and someone else and it's 'a good fuelling. It could even be tJhe beginning of froiendship but it's not love yet. Love needs time to take root, it cannot be rushed to bloom on demand. People in love (or better - in the love process) need time to get to know each other, to -accept the weak points as well as the strong points of the beloved. To deny l1:fhatthe Jovedone has any fal.1'Hs or weak pCiints is a sure gjgn that the relationship hasn't reached the love ~evel yet. I guess what frightens me the most about the statement "it only takes a minute to fall in love," is that it implies that you can ifilrll out of ,love just '85 f8.'St, or faster. When there's no depth of commitment or concern for the other, it's easy to break a relationship whether you call it friendship, 'love or maniage. God save us all from people who would treat us like that and call it love. Then again, jt shouldn't take much more than -a minute to -realize what's going on when a person does try that type of thing with us.

Mr. Neil Loew of the Feehan faculty explains the importance of supporting the yearbook at a Feehan assembly. (Photo by Thomas Blythe)

Report from Feehan: Look Forward And the Yearbook By CAROL MOORE Feehan Correspondent Although school has-only been in session a little over two months, the Juniors and especially Seniors, are already looking beyond Feehan, to what they will 'be doing in the not-sodistant future. In October the guidance department held a meeting for the senior parents. The meeting dealt with informing the parents on just what is required of seniors in preparation for college. The guidance departments of North Attleboro High School, Attleboro High School, Norton High School and Bishop Feehan High School, have been planning a College and Career Information Night. The Night was held on Wednesday, October 15th, at North Attleboro High. Sixty 'schools and colleges were represented at this Night. Students were able to meet with different school and college representatives to discuss Educational Plans and Financial Aid Information.

Support Boycott SEATTLE (NC) - California table grapes and head lettuce will no longer be served at 12 West Coast health care centers run by the Sisters of Providence. The nuns took that action to show their support for the United Farm Workers of America-inspired boycott of Caliornia agricultural products.

Since the second week of school, there have been baffling signs hanging around the school, claiming that, "It's coming, it's coming!" The student body finally found out just "What was coming." The Yearbook staff, had planned an assembly to promote the selling of the school Yearbook, Flashback. There were skits, slide shows and talks, all centered around the ~mportance ,of supporting your ,Yearbook.

COUGHLIN Funeral Home Inc.

OAKLAND (NC) - VOIicing !>trong concern over prison problems lin ihis diocese, Bishop F'loyd L. Begin of Oakland has estab'Iished III new offiice dealing wiih criminal justice. A six-page letter conltaining over 50 speoifiic recommendations for CatJhol<ic aotlion on correctlions and jusllice accompanied tile announcement. The bishop attacked t~e genera" apathy sUITOUllding ttle subject a's well as penal abuses. "As foUowecs of ClWist," ihe said, "we 'should be acl1ively concerned aboUit orimina:!s, pl1isons and the wthole system of oriminal jus'l1ice. The vindiollive I8Jt:tlitude of 'lock them up land ijjhrow away the key' iis not ooD'sdstent Wlith ihuman dlgndty." Some of itJhe problems, accorddng 00 Bishop Begin, are "over-crowded faOildtJies, insufflicient -alltemaillive progmms, lindlisorimifInate .pre-trial detenllion, ,lack of oarefuHy QnterlJ18'ted planndng of 181'1 l1:fhese e1ements, and :iso:aJtion of the community at la,rge from i-he ooncern I8nd efforts of ithe cl'iiminal justice S)'lSltem." The director of ,the crimina:! jUSll1ice offiice w:iU be Frnncdsoan Father Fronk M. Buismato, furmer ~ead of the Center for Peace and JUSlHce dn San FJ'ancisoo. His dUl1ies W1iU Iinc1Jude giving s-piriltuaI support Ito -the pr:isoners and their f,amiHes, development of a Itranspootation progmm fur ilie fami,Jijes of pnisoners, and, working wdrth pastors and parItsh councHs on educaHon and rrehabmlJa.'~lion programs. He WJiU also ,be concerned Wi~th the structure of l1:fhe criminal justice-s~s­ tern Iitself -and propose a'Iternatlives.


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(Copyright (c) 1975 by NC News Service) 27 ttark Street, Att:eboro, Mass. 278 Union Street, New Bedford, Ma~s.

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Stang Guidance Group Is


THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 6, 1975

Concerned With People



Stang faculty, Mr. Albert Catelli is one' of the three part time Stang Correspondent counsellors. He is currently preTo help students become pro- paring for his· masters in counIN igressively self-directed is the aim seling and sees the guidance deof the guidance department at partment as a means to reach Bishop Stang High School, ac- out to the students, especially cording to Sr. Margaret Welch, the underclassmen. Mr. Catelli the new director of this impor- feels that the availability of octant part of the school commu- cupational information is one nity. means by which the guidance The start of the present year department responds to the stuhas brought about a significant dents' needs. Read change in the workings of the Mr. James McNamee, gradabout guidance department. There are now four counsellors, three of uate of St. Louis University with whom are part time, while Sr. a M.A. in Guidance and CounThe Doherty Margaret, as director, is avail- seling, is also a part time counBrothers of selor. He is, in his second year able all day. Taunton at Stang and feels that the stuSister has come to Stang with dents, although possessing much very definite ideas concerning the role of the guidance depart- potential, sometimes need somement in the life of the student, one available for maybe just a A disabled and has implemented these talk. It is his personal aim, as veteran from ideas very well. Individual and well as that of the department New Bedford group counseling, according to to fulfill this need and to "prowho wants to Sr. Margaret, is the most impor- vide an atmosphere in which students who may be having be a priest tant aspect of guidance, al'.1 therefore will be stressed this personal-family problems may year. Information service is an- feel comfortable to confide." Mr. Michael Downing, a newother facet Sister and her staff A young man stress. This includes the publi~ comer to the Stang Faculty, is from South America a graduate of Roosevelt Univercation of a weekly Guidance Buland the problems letin, the establishment of Career sity with a M.A. in AdministraPrograms and admissions con- tion and Supervision. He finds he faces in ferences, and the holding of par- that the guidance department is our diocese ents' meetings. Also regarded by involved in many more aspects Sister as a function of this de- of high school education than he partment is the administration of had realized. Mr. Downing feels tests such as the SAT, PSAT, it is important to become aware Entrance Exams, Reading Tests,' of the students' train of thought D. D. Wilfred C. and the Kuder Occupational Sur- and part of his philosophy is vey. Record Keeping, which in- that "people make me happy." Sullivan Driscoll cludes college transcripts and reIt is these dedicated people of port cards, and curriculum revi- the guidance department that sion and review are the final contribute strongly to the atmo206 WINTER STREET roles of the department. sphere and function of Stang FALL RIVER, MASS. When asked her impressions High. They certainly carry out about her job as guidance di- our theme for the year: People 672-3381 rector, Sister Margaret, who has Are Our Strength. a M.Ed. in Guidance from Salem State, remarked that it is "sometimes frustrating, often rewardO'ROURKE ing, and always challenging." Funeral Home Funeral Bome A Florida State U. Graduate J 550 Locust Street 571 Second Street and four year veteran of the FaD River, Mass. Fall River, Mass. 672-2391 679-6072 Rose E. Sullivan MICHAEL J. McMAHON William J. Sullivan Registered Embalmer Margaret M. Sullivan Licensed Funeral Director WASHINGTON (NC) - Jesuit Father G. Gordon Henderson, a .; ; ; consulting psychologist, has been named coordinator of the Church personnel program of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC In his new post, Father Henderwn will make CARA's consUilting seJ;IVices' available to persons responsible for the training of candidates for the pr.iesthood in dioceses and Religious orders. Father Henderson was former 312 Hillman Street 997-9162 New Bedford •••••••••••••••••• ' •• 0 ••••••••• 0'0 vice-president for student affairs at the Catholic University of America in Washin~on, D. C., and has ser:ved as a staff psychologist at a number of seminaries throughout the country. CARA also announced the appointment of Conventual Franciscan Father Francis A: Lonsway a,s editor of the CARA Seminary Forum. Father Lonsway, an educaJtionaI psychologist, is tionalBank director of the Orientation Min1stry Program at the Washington Theological Coalition in Silver Spring, Md. By Leo A. Racine



A beautiful sight . . . a warm human experience

. close to the heart of what life is all about . . . but a profound symbol as well ... of an even deeper relationship . . . that between God and each of us.

The Bible speaks of God as a mother . . . as well as a father. . . The prophet Hosea has God say affectionately of us, his people . . . "It was I who took them in my arms ... I drew them with human cords . . . with bond of love . . . I cared for them like one who raises an infant to his cheeks" (Hosea 11:3-5).

God loves us as this mother loves her son . . . actually even more than any mother... The prophet Isaiah portrays God saying . . . "Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? . . . Even if she forgets, I will never forget you" (Isaiah 49:15). .


One has to be like a child really to believe that. . . Maybe that is why Jesus once took a child · . . placed him before his followers . . . and told them that unless they became like that little child · . . they could not enter God's kingdom . . nor even begin to wonder at the profound reality . . . that so great a God ... lov~d them with a mother's tenderness ... and fidelity.


Jesuit Named To CARA Post

For Jesus ... and the prophets before him. '.. the symbol of the true believer . . . is a little child · . . like this small boy . . . smiling confidently at his mother . . . knowing that she loves him . . . trusting that she cares . . . at peace in her presence.


It may seem a paradox. . . It is certainly a mystery . . . God, the all-powerful, loves like a mother... A mature believer ... trusts like a child.




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A mother . . . and her child . . . together in a q,uiet moment . . . smiling . . . enjoying being tegether . . . taken up with each other . . . united in affection and trust.





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THE ANCHOR-Diooese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1975

The Parish Parade Publicity chaIrmen of Darlsh orlanlzatlon. .re liked to submit news Items for thl. eolun'n to lhe Anchor, P. O. Box 7. Fall River. 02722. Name of clly or town should be ~cluded, IS well as- full dales of all actlvilies. Please lend newl of future rather lhan past evenll.


The annual meat pie supper and Christmas bazaar of the Women's Guild will take place Wednesday, Nov. 12 in the church auditorium, with supper served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and the bazaar following. Tickets are available from Mrs. Wilfred St. Michel, chairman, and Mrs. William Whalen, cochairman, and a limited number will be sold at the door. OUR LADY OF HEALTH, FALL RIVER


The parish will hold its third annual luau in the church hall on Somerset Street Saturday night, Nov. 8 with a Hawaiianstyle meal from 6:30 to 7:30 and dancing to the music of the Silver-tones following from 8 to midnight. Proceeds will benefit the church. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN

Mrs. Antone Deterra is chairman of an old-fashioned Christmas bazaar to be held in the church hall from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22 and from 8:30 a.m. to noon Sunday, Nov. 23. Promising "something for everyone," the bazaar will feature "yum-yum," candy and bread shops, a "Mouse House" cheese table, Christmas items, religious articles, "Grandma's attic," a craft boutique, a potting shed, books and a "pick-a-number" gift table. Refreshments will be available and Santa Claus will be on hand for children. A raffle will have as major prizes a quilt handmade by members of the Ladies' Association, a bride doll and a dinner for two. SANTO CHRISTO, 'FALL RIVER

The Jardinieres will provide music for a dance to be sponsored from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Nov. 8 in the church hall by the Council of Catholic Women. Mrs. Lorraine Lima is chairman of the event, which is open to the public. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT

Las Vegas Nights will be sponsored by the Women's Guild from 8 to midnight tomorrow and Saturday at the school hall on Route 177. Admission will include refreshments. Co-chairpersons will be Mr. and Mrs. David Buckley. The Couples Club will hold a dance from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Nav. 15, also in the hall. The public is invited. Some tickets will be available at the door or may be obtained in advance from cochairpersons Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Sunderland and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thibault. Refreshments will be available and music will be by the Silhouettes. The next event scheduled by the .club is a New Year's Eve dinner dance, for which a limited number of tickets are available through members.





Children of Mary will sponsor The Parish Council will sponA junior drop-in center is open a cake sale the weekend of Nov. sor its annual turkey whist at each Friday night from 7 to 9 15 and 16. .8 p.m. SaturQ.ay, Nov. 8 in the for students in 6th through 10th· A pre-Advent social is planned church hall on St. Mary Street. grade. the Council of Catholic Women for Saturday, Nov. 29 at the Knights of the Altar officers parish hall, with supper served will hold a pre-holiday sale from will attend 9 a.m. Mass Saturday, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and a penny 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. Nov. 8 and a luncheon meeting sale following until 11 p.m., with 15 in the hall. Handmade and will follow. All members of the prizes including toys, appliances, knitted articles, plants, Christ- organization will meet from 7 handmade articles, food and mas crafts and a white elephant to 9 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9 in the liquor. Door prizes will also be table will be featured. school. Fathers of members are ST. MARGARET, welcome to attend. The Knights awarded. will sponsor a turkey whist at . The Holy Name Society an- BUZZARDS BAY The parish Communications 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22. nounces a Thanksgiving whist The Women's Guild will meet party at the hall at 8 p.m. Thurs- Committee announces that Mrs. day, Nov. 20; and Council of Dorothy Gagnon, a member of for Mass at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Catholic Women activities in- the National Multiple Sclerosis Nov. 11 and the following meetclude a Christmas party Monday, Society, will sponsor social and ing will bel' highlighted by a disDec. 1 and a penny sale Tues- group therapy meetings twice a cussion on the care of house month at her -home for fellow plants and terrariums. All women day, Jan. 18. A penny sale is scheduled for multiple sclerosis patients. She of the parish are invited. 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14 in the wishes to contact such persons hall by members of the Holy in the Upper Cape area and she -may be reached at 58 Center Rosary Sodality. Ave., Buzzards Bay, telephone HOLY CROSS, 759-5941. . SOUTH EASTON A religious education workThe eighth annual Holly Fair of the parish will take place shop will take place in the parish from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, center at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Newly elected officers of the Nov. 8 at the church hall. Booths Nov. 12. Mis Helen Murphy will Sisters' Senate of the Fall River will feature knitted and cro- speak on "Creative Teaching in Diocese for the 1975-1977 term cheted items, needlework, baked Religious Education" and a dem- are Sister Cecile Fortin, presgoods, plants holiday decora- onstration by Matthew Fitzpat- ident; Sister Marlene Dlubac, tions, toys, white elephant arti- rick of the use of religious text- vice-president; and Sister Evecles and children's novelties. books will follow, with emphasis lyn K. Dailey, secretary-treaRaffles will be held throughout on the junior high school level. . surer. the day and a snack bar will be All interested persons are invited Sister Cecile, a Daughter of open. Children may be photo-. Jo attend. Charity of the Sacred Heart, is graphed with Santa Claus from ST. PIUS, religious education coordinator SOUTH YARMOUTH 1 p.m. on. for St. Mary parish, Seekonk. The Guild will hold its annual Sister Marlene, a Felician SisSSe PETER AND PAUL, "Holly Tea" Wednesday, Nov. 12 ter, is a faculty member at St. FALL RIVER Mrs. William F. O'Neil and from 1 to 4 p.m. in the parish Stanislaus School, Fall River; Mrs. Fred R. Dolan are co-chair- hall. All parishioners are invited Sister Evelyn, a Sister of Mercy, is religious education coordinator persons of a whist party to be to attend. for St. Mary parish, New Bedheld at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, ACUSHNET ford. 9 in the Father Coady Center. The Women's Guild will have The next Senate meeting is ST. ANNE, their regular meeting Wednes- set for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. FALL RIVER Until further notice all week- .day, Nov. 12 at 7:30 in the 18 at Mt. St. Joseph Convent, day Masses will be celebrated in school hall. Following the meet- Fall River. ing there will be a Pine Cone the lower church. Sister Lucille Gauvin and her decor and a door prize will be - junior high school group will lead given away. Anyone wishing to singing at the 6:30 p.m. Sunday join may come!

Sisters' S'enate Names Heads For 1975-1977

folk Mass. Rev. Pierre Lachance, O.P. will be moderator at the second of three bicentennial discussion meetings to be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9 in the scho·ol. ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER

Women's Guild members are asked to bring a prize and canned goods to the meeting set for Wednesday night, Nov. 12, in preparation for a turkey whist at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16 in the parish center. Also planned is a trip to the Chateau de Ville dinner theatre Tuesday, Nov. 18. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Paul Batchelder. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET

The Women's Guild will sponsor a turkey whist at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13 in the church hall. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK I

The Women's Guild will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12 in the church center on Route 44. Plans for a Christmas Country Fair will be finalized and initial arrangements for the guild Christmas party will be made. Refreshments will be served following the business session.

Necrology NOV. 14

Rev. Francis J. Duffy, 1940, Founder, St. Mary's, South Dartmouth

Fire safety will be the topic of retired District Fire Chief Michael Kuszay, who will speak at the Men's Club meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9 in the parish hall. Plans will be discussed for a Christmas party Saturday, Dec. 6 and for other forthcoming club projects. A brief business meeting will precede a tea welcoming new members of the Women's Guild to take place from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9 in the school hall. Mrs. Annette Golembewski, president, will be hostess for the tea, aided by guild officers. Pourers will be Miss Eleanor Roberts, past president, and Mrs. Barbara Simcock. The 11 a.m. Mass. Sunday will be offered for all guild members.. living or deaceased. .

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