t eanc 0 VOL. 24, NO. 45
20c, $6 Per Year
We Car.(We Share nears 'magic week' It's hard not to be aware that the Catholic church in the Fall River diocese is up to. something. Colorful posters in eyery parish announce "We Are Comi~g to Visit You the Week of November 23." Bumper stickers on car after car declare "We Care/We Share - The Catholic Family of the Fall River. Diocese." It will be on radio and television. It's occupying hundreds of people who'll be home visi tors, planners of Advent pro-' grams, pastry' bakers, hostesses and clerical workers. It's practically the fulltime 'preoccupation of Father Timothy J. Goldrick, diocesan coordinator for the massive home missionary program which will "go public" that magic week of
FOR MONICA DICKENS phone calls are more than social chitchat. Often her offer of friendship makes a life-or-death difference to a caller. (Torchia Photo)
The good Samaritans· By Pat McGowan "Desperat~? Call the Samaritans - 548-8900." The signs are on either. side of the Bourne and Sagamore bridges across the Cape Cod Canal. Telephone booths are conveniently near each sign, at least one placed in its strategic location by special arrange~ent with the telephone company. Many use the phones, for the bridges, like the Braga Bridge in Fall River, seem magnets to the despairing. "But why did he call? Why hasn't she jumped?" queries the compassionate woman who is often on the other end of the Samaritan line. "Even saying 'My life is hopeless, I want to kill myself' in a
curious way relieves the stress," said Monica Dickens. "You've involved someone else, so you have at least a tiny hold on life." Her work is to strengthen that hold. :for the great-granddaughter of Charles Dickens, involvement with the Samaritans began when she was doing research for one of her 32 books. Twelve years later, the international suicide prevention organization has become' her major interest, all but eLbowing aside her ,flourishing literary career. "I'd reached a point where I had written a lot and felt I could do something else," she explained. "One nice thing abeut being 65, you've got beyond guilt and don't feel you must be
writing all the time," she added. Miss Dickens has' inherited the social conscience of her famous ancestor. She said she encountered the Samaritans in London when she was ref!earching "The E!1d of the Line," a novel dealing with suici4e. Founded in England in 1953, the organization befriends the lonely and despairing, offering 24-hour telephone outreach, often followed up by personal visits from volunteers to those in distress. The service continues as long as it is needed, although the average duration of contact is about a month, said Miss Dickens. "Many people call only Turn to Page Six
Nov. 23, when its goal is to reach every home in the 1,194 square mile diocese with its message of caring and sharing. "'We Care/We Share' is part of the continuing process of proclaiming the Gospel to all people," explained Father Goldrick. "We will be visiting homes in a spirit of friendship and neighborly concern, gathering census information on Catholics and inviting all to a series of A:dvent programs to be conducted in each parish of the diocese." . Father Goldrick said that cen- . sus information on Catholics will help parishes and the diocese sellVe their needs better. He stressed that all such information is confidential. It will be Turn to Page Eleven
Bishops' ,meeting· has heavy agenda WASHINGTON (NC) - The cognize the tensions and misU.S. bishops will be asked to understandings which arise on consider the role of the ·Iaity, this question but we wish to problems of capital punishment, face these as part of a sincere Catholic higher education, Marx- attempt to become true comism and communism when they munities of faith." hold their annual general meet- . The bishops' discussion of the ing in Washington next Monday death penalty follows similar dethrough Thursday. bate ,il1 1974 when the'American In addition to proposed major hierarchy declared opposition to statements' on those items, the capital punishment. In the last meeting agenda includes another six years' executions have been vote on eliminating "sexist" lan- resumed in several states. The bishops' statement, preguage)n the liturgy, election of a new president and vice presi- the bishops' Committee dent for the bishops and a vote on Social Development and on new norms for seminaries World Peace, .supports with theological and sociological rain the United States. In the working document "The tionales the call to end capital American Catholic Laity: 1980," punishment. Noting the inflationary, govthe bishops' Committee on the and demographic Laity states' "We see the need ernmental for an increased role for women pressures confronting higher edin the ministries of the church ucation, the Committee of Bisto the extent possible." We reTurn to Page Six
THE ANCHOR'-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1980
From the 路Synod
To Familie,s" VATICAN CITY (NC) - Here tures which! foster. dnjustice, is the official English version of oppression and. dependence. "A Message to Christian"Fam- Conditions in many places are :Hies dn the Modern World," such as to prevent many young issued by the 1980 world Synod men and, women from exercis,ing of Bishops at the close of the their right ,to marry and lead synod Oct. 25. It is presented by decent ,lives. In the more de. The Anchor as a service to veloped countries, on the other readers. hand, one finds another kind of I. -Introduction deprivation: a spiritual empti1. We have come ,to the end ness in the midst of abundance, of the synod. For the past month a misery of mind and spirit we bishops from. ali over the which makes .jt difficult for . world have met here 'in Rome in people ,to understand God's wm union with the holy father and for human life and causes them under his leadership. Before re- -to be anxious about the present turning to our own countries, and fearful of the future. Many we wish to address- these few find i,t difficult to enter .into and words to you. -Itt is not our an- live up to the permanent ,comtention ,to give answers to all mitment of marr.iage. Their the complex questions raised' in hands are full, b~t their woundour day about marriage'and the ed'hearts are waiting for a Good bind up their family. We only want to share Samaritan who with you ,the love, con1\idence, wounds, . pouring on them the and hope which we feel. As your wine and oil of health and gladbishops and pastors, who are ness. also your brothers in the faith, 5. Often certain gOvernments we have been united with you and some international these weeks; nor have we forgotten that we too grew up ,tions do voiolence to famili~s. The an families with all their joys integrity of the home is violated. ,Family rights .jn regard to reand sorrows. To you and to our own families weare deeply lig,ious liberty, responsIble parenthood and education are not grateful. ' respected. 'Families regard themU. The Situation of Families selves as wards and victims Today rather than as human beings re2: In our discussions of family sponsible for their own affairs. ' life today we have found joys ,Families are compelled - and and consolations, sorrows and this we oppose vehemently - to difficulties. We must look first use such .jmmoral means for the for the good things and seek to solution of social, economic and :;btiild on them and make them demographic problems as conperfect, confident always that traception or, even worse, steriGod is present everywhere in lization, abortion and euthahis creatures and that we can nasia. The synod therefore discern his will in the signs of strongly urges a charter of famour times. We are encouraged ily .. rights to safeguard these by the many good and positive rights everywhere. things that we see. We rejoice 6. Underly-ing many of the that so 'many families, even in problems confronting families the face of great pressure to do and indeed the .world at is otherwise, gladly路 fulfm the Godgiven mission entrusted ,to them. the fact that many people seem Their goodness and fidelity in to reject their fundamental voresponding to God's grace and cation to participate in God's shaping their lives by his teach- life and love; They are obsessed with the desire ,to possess, the ing gave us a great'hope. The number of families who will for power, the quest for consciously want to Hve the life pleasure. Instead of looking upof the Gospel, giving witness to on their fellow human beings as the fruits of the Spirit, continues brothers and sisters, members of the human famHy, they reto grow ,in all our lands. gard them' as obstacles and ad3. DUl'ing ,this past month we versaries. Where people lose have learned much. about the their sense of God, the heavenly many and varied cultural condi- Father, they also lose th.eir sense tions ,in which Christian families of. the human family. How can live. The church must accept and human beings see one another foster this rich diversity, while as brothers and sisters if they at ,the same time encouraging have lost their consciousness of Chr.istian families to g,ive effec- having a common Father? The tive witness to God's plan within fatherhood of God is the only their own cultures. But all cul- basis' for the unity of the human tural . elements must be evalu- family. ated in light of the Gospel, to m. God's Plan for Marriage ensure that ,they are consistent and the Family with the. divine plan for mar7. God's eternal plan (cf. Eph. 'riage and the family. This' duty I, 3ft) ,is that all men and wo- of acceptance and evaluation men should participate and - is part of the same task of share in the divine life and bediscernment. ing (ct. 1 In. I, 3; 2 Pt. I, 4). 4. A more serious problem The Father summons people to than that of culture ,is the con- realize this plan in unJon with dition of those families who live their fellow human ?eings, thus in need of a world of such great forming the people pf God (cf. wealth. In many parts of the "Lumen Gentium" ...,.. Dogmatic globe, as well as within indi- Constitution on the Church-9). voidual countries, poverty is in8. In a special,way tIll! family creasing as a result of social, .js called .to carrY -out tills divine economic and political strucTurn to Page Eight
VOLUNTEERS IN the marriage preparation programs of the diocesan Office of Family Ministry meet for a workshop. From left, William Martin, Corpus Christi par-, ish, Sandwich; Mrs. Betty Ponte, St. Dominic, Swansea; Alfred Cormier, St. Joseph, Taunton; Mrs. Arlene Aubin, St. Mary, Mansfield.
. pARTICIPANTS in last year's Alive in Youth ministry program sponsored by the diocesan Department of Education, will he!I;Fwesent this yearis session, to be held Nov. 16 at St. Anne's School, Fall River.
New pastor, co-chaplain
Thurs., Nov. 6, 1980
Phase I ends at .hospital '.
Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has announced the appointment of Father John F. Moore as pastor of St. Mary's parish, New An all day celebration will Bedford. mark today's opening of South Father Moore will remain edi,3 Medical-Surgical Unit at St. tor of The Anchor and director Anne's Hospital, Fall River. . of the diocesan Permanent DiaThe. occasion signals compleconate program. tion of the first phase of the Bishop Cronin also announced hospital's five-part' construction appointment of Father Hugh J. program. Munro as co-chaplain of MadonThe new unit is located in tl),e na Manor, Taunton. former maternity area of the Both appointments will be efhospital. Medical and surgical fective Wednesday, Nov. 12. . patients now housed in the Father Moore, a New Bedford original hospital building Connative, is the son of Mrs. Rose structed in 1906, will be transMary Moore and the late PatAT NuRSES' MEETING, from left, Father Edmund Fitzgerald,. Fall River Diocesan ferred to the new facility, perrick J. Moore. Council of Catholic Nurses moderator; Marylee Meehan, council president; Bishop Daniel mitting demolition of. the old Father Moore graduated from A. Cronin; Dr. Josephine Flaherty, Canadian Nurse General; Msgr.Robert Stanton, quarters. Holy Family. grammar and high Today's festivities began early schools in New Bedford and pa~t diocesan council moderator. (Poisson Photo) this morning :with a coffee hour stUdied': for the" p~iesthood at at South 3 for hospital personCardinal O'Connell and St. nel. At mid-morning members of John's semininaries' in Brighton. Friends of St. Anne, the hospiHe was' ordained Jan. 30, 1960 What does God' expect of residents. "The nurses often telling a patient the truth about tal auxiliary, toured the facility by retired Bishop James L. ConCatholic nurses? That was the know more - but the doctors his or her condition, Dr. Shan- and at noon Bishop Daniel A. nolly. theme of the 21st conference of give the orders;~' he summed up. non declared that "one's primary Cronin was scheduled to bless His pastoral assignments in"Uncritical obedience to au- obligation is to the truth. A pa- . the ward and wall crucifixes for New England Diocesan Councils cluded associate pastorates at Holy Name Church, Fall River; of Catholic Nurses, which drew thority can be disastrous in tient is entitled to) the truth each room. A luncheon followed for the St. Joseph, Taunton; SS. Peter nearly 500 health care profess- nursing," Dr. 'Shannon caution- about himself. One should not assume he wouldn't want the that obedience ed, explaining ionals to a three-day meeting in Dominicans of the Presentation, and Paul, Fall River; and St. should be "critical and' thought- truth or couldn't understand it." who administer the hospital, Hyannis last month. William, Fall River. Speakers addressed various as- ful" and' that "moral integrity Dr. Shannon admitted, how- other administrators and guests. From the time of his appoint- pects of nursing ethics. They is more important than efficiency ever, that a major problem in Tonight community leaders and ment as Anchor editor in Jan- were Dr. Thomas A. Shannon of.' or obedience." ' making ethical decisions in the friends of the hOspital will atuary, 1977 until the present he Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Nurses, said the speaker, field of nursing is the ambiguity tend a wine and cheese recep~ has resided at St. Mary's Cathe- pr. Josephine Flaherty, Nurse tion' from 7 to 9. . dral, ,Fall River, assisting at the General of Canada; ,and Maria should make sure that patients of actual situations. "Many prob. lems are painful and sometimes understand their situation as at Our Lady of Cathedral and Leandro, RN, of Providence fully as possible and be willing there are no clear answers," he Victory parish, Centerville. Veterans Administration Medi- to take the time to explain pro- said. . At various times the new pas- cal Center. cedures and answer other ques"Opening yourself fu such tor has served as treasurer of the Dr. Shannon, discussing "Nur'; tions a patient may have, con- struggles, however, will make Priests' Senate, as a Scouting sing Ethics: Duties and Dilem- sulting with doctors or others you feel that you have served chaplain, Catholic Charities area mas," noted the important part in authority where necessarY. your profession and yourself coordinator and moderator for religious background plays in the On the thorny question of well," he concluded. the Taunton District Council of many decisions a nurse must Catholic Women and the Fall make. River Catholic Woman's Club. While indicating his approval Father Munro, a native of Bos- of new roles played by women MUSIC AT ton, graduated for Boston Eng- the speaker said that in a nurTHE CATHEDRAL lish High School and studied for sing situation "stereotype conthe priesthood at St. Louis de flicts can cause problems," and Montfort Seminary, Litchfield, that failure on the part of _.-V . Conn. He was ordained in 1957 other health professionals to re路ST. THERESA PARISH CENTER HALL - Rte. 1 - So. Attleboro in Hartford' and then attended spect a 'nurse's input into a par'THURS., NOV. 13th - FRI., NOV. 14th SUN. 10:00 A.M. the Catholic University of Amer- ticular situation because he or , 2:00 TO 9:00P.M. ica prior to spending 10 years she is perceived as of lesser LINEN CHEST - GROCERY RAFFLE - GRAMDMA'S AnJC - CHILDREN'S TABLE Feqst Of in the home missions. worth can hurt patient care. ALSO A 'VISIT FROM ST. NICK Dr.' Shannon cited as an exCOME CHRISTMAS SHOP EARLY A priest of the Fall River dioSt. John Lateran SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE cese since 1969, he has served ample of tension the relationas associate pastor at various ships often existing in teaching parishes, most recently at $t. hospitals between experienced nurses and young interns and Mary's, Seekonk.
What does God
of nurses?
We.. S halre.
Diocese of Fall River
These appointments are effective on Wednesday, November 12, 1980.
Bishop Cronin has accepted the resignation of Reverend Francis B. Connors from the Pastorate of Saint Mary's Parish, ,New Bedford, for reasons of health. Bishop Cronin has appointed Reverend John F. Moore as Pastor. of Saint Mary's Parish, New Bedford. Father Moore will remain 'Editor of The Anchor and Director of the Permanent DiacoJ?ate Program. Bishop Cronin has appointed Reverend Hugh J. Munro as Co-Chaplain of Marian Manor in Taunton.
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398 COUNTY ST. 997-7337
783 SLADE ST. P.O. Box M - So. Sta.
32路34 SANFORD ST. P.O. "OX 971
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~ REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Dlrictor . ~ .~llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.'WlW.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.llIIP.w.llIIP.llIIP2~ ,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1980
themoori~ The Ultimate Tragedy
the living word
In this Year of the Family, when so many are saying so much about family life, it is indeed sad to' note the superficiality and shallow nature of some of the discussions of this most important area. There are many theoretical discussions about contraception 'aDd birth control but few· '~are giving much consideration to the frightful problems of many of the living. . In other words, should not supporters of the Year of the Family expand their field of concern? Should nQt we . who care about life, for example, extend our compassion to those who try to end their own lives? To be quite frank, little has been done to include the subject of suicide in discussions of family life. This is more than tragic, especially when one considers the enormous number of student suicides. It is conservatively estimated by various sources that the rate of college suicides alone has tripled in' the last 10 years. But if all the facts were honestly admitted, it would most likely be found that student suicides have increased six or seven times in this time period. Such suicides are often covered up by parents and sometimes even by the educational institutions of the victims. And victims they are indeed. --.. Those with particular expertise and knowledge of this . particular type of death contend that people involved in suicide attempts are victimized by society, stress and sex. Major causes of suicides on today's campuses are sexual relationships and corresponding peer pressure. Fear of nonacceptance at this level of human activity together. with corresponding personal insecurity increase the possibility of suicide in this permissive society. Abuse of drugs and alcohol has also become a deadly problem for many students. ~ And peer pressure problems are aggravated in many 'ways by the undue and extreme academic pressure's that many parents inflict on their children. We hear much about respect for life and many are working to uphold the. right to life, yet few have listened to the cry of the distressed who feel that their lives are meaningless and unnecessary. In the midst of our attempts to call attention to the beauty and joy of living, it is imperative that we also open our ears to the cries of those who think that no one really ca~ about them; open our hearts to share more than a token sympathy or compassion; open our eyes to the real world of those who see only darkness and despair. We should try to realize that most potential suicides reach out to those closest to them. This means that most often the first wafIliitgs are sent to family and friends. But often these signs and cries are igrtored or dismissed. One must never ignore the cry of a son or daughter, brother or sister, ~lassmate or roommate who is finding it difficult to face the realities of life and living. . Encouragement 'should be given to 'groups and organizations that are indeed listening, such as the Samaritans, the subject of our front page -feature story this week. Clergy should not be too quick to pass off a person's fears and distress as just another routine problem. Above all, families must strive to be the source of.understanding and the beacon of hope to their own members. No one can tell when such outreach may come our way. When and if it does, may we pray that we will be sources' of new hope to those whose self-torment deprives them of self-confidence.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue 675-7151 Fall River, Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore ~
leary Press-Fall River
'The places that' have been desolate for ages shall be built in thee; ... thou shalt' be called the repairer of the fences/Is. 58:12
Heroes for today By Father Kevin J. Harrington Poetry has a powerfUl way' of impressing upon us a valuable lesson with a minimum 9f words. Father Joseph Gallagher, a . poet friend of mine, once wrote a poem entitled Heroes: Some whimsical day I'd like to build a monument to all those sacrificial flakes .of snow that take ,the turbulent trouble to get themselves gorgeously born in prints that never were nor will again, and then sift casually down only to die at once on fields and roads that are not ready quite. to have them stay. The plaque would say: Ardently dedicated to all 'those first and fated flakes ·that did not, could not last, but laid their bodies disappearingly down, . gave up ,their wisp of a ghost, persuading thereby the hesitant ground to grant ·to the flakes of later a warmer, cooler welcome, conquering thus for their crystalline kin a friendlier locals for lingering in. The lives of Saints Francis of Assisi and Therese of Lisieux come foremost to my rilind. My heroes are not perfect but have learned from their imperfections to be compassionate. Many heroes can be found outside the domain of canonized saints and within our own collective memories. Examples of heroic witness are readily available.
We all share the experience of suffering because of our uniqueness. We also contribute to :the suffering of others by insisting upon uniformity of thoughts, appearances and actions~
T~levision has made us more aware of what society has' determined to be normal and has had an immense effect upon our youth. By the age of 15 most youngsters have watched over 18,000 hours of television. Some day historians may view this. as the greatest masochistic phenomenon that has afflicted mankind. There are still men and women who can provide examples of creativity amidst a very consumer orien·ted society. There is no greater _creative challenge ,than to live the values of the gospel in our time. Mankind has. always been afflicted with a fundamental in'security preventing people from accepting the good which ·they find in themselves and others. The media seems to manipulate -these insecurities to their own advantage. They can reflect the malaise that seems so prevalent today but ;they cannot provide solutions. The heroes who have gained the adulation of ,the media are rarely ·men and women who have found meaning in living their faith. -We need flesh and blood examples of men and women who are answering their call to holiness as adult Catholics in the post - Vatican II church. As adults, in whatever' way we have chosen to follow Christ, we must never underestimate the 'power of personal influence. Our youth are searching for overtly contented models of married
couples, single people, priests and religious brothers and sisters. Our past is filled with canonized saints that have provided models for each generation. Today we must find such models ·and strive ,to become such our·selves if we are 'to provide the good example that in the past -inspired so many to follow Christ more closely. .
Marian year MEXICO CITY (NC)-Mexican Catholics are launching a Marian Year as preparation for the 450th anniversary in December 1981 of the apparitions of OUf Lady of Guadalu~e to Juan Diego, an Indian laborer.
(necrology] November 14
Rev. Francis J. Duffy, 1940, Founder, St. Mary, South Dartmouth Rev. William A. Galvin, 1977, Retired Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton November 15 Rev. 'Daniel E. Doran, 1943, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton. Rev. Thomas F. LaRoche; 1939, Assistant, Sacred Heatt, Taunton
(USPS-S4S0020) Second Class PostaIe Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Tl\ursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 · by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addre. ;hanges to The Anchor, P,O. BOl 7, fill River. MA 02722 .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1980
Military families housing every few years, find new s c h 0 0 I s, pediatricians, friends, 'and parishes. When the military member is sent off for weeks or months of temporary que part of our church, one that duty, they rearrange ,their lives I have come to understand and and responsibilities. appreciate more in the past few A second streng,th lies ,in the years as I have been invited to area of responsibility. Military study and address such families couples tend to move into an in various parts of the world. area, look at what oit offers their . Last year I was ~rivileged to families and take responsibility spend three days in Berchtes- for initiating services that don't gaden, W. Germany, working exist. One young woman told with over 500 American women me this often puts <;ivilian (Military Council of Catholic parishes on the defensive. "They Women) whose families were think we',re taking over when stationed at armed forces bases we come in and offer to get in Europe. In preparation for involved in. the women's group, my talks, I interviewed a great COD, or whatever. They don't number of military parents and understand that because we'll read as many studies on the only be there two years, ,we military family as I could. can't waste time waiting for Although :I was well received, things to happen. We're very I came back with more than I action-oriented and many civgave. This is true whenever I ilian parishes aren't." Other couples, agree with her work wIth military fammes, here or abroad They have great and share stories of how unwelstrengths and needs. I intend to come they feel in civiHan pawrite a longer article for. a rishes because they are miI.itary Catholic magi7}ine developing and will be moving on. I perceive as the major need these st~engths and needs, but space here Hmits me to me~tion among military families - and ing some of the major ones and a crying one -the need to supindicating ways in which we in port one another in family adthe civilian church can learn and versities like marital problems, teen alienation, alcoholism, drug help. , The major strength in the mil- usage, and other pressures on itary family is the ability to family life. Support systems cope. Decisions and changes don't exist because of the strucwhich would throw many of us ture of the military career. Adinto paralysis don't faze these ' mitting a family problem. jeoparfamilies. They calmly seek new dizes promotion.
In my years of writing this column, this is the first time I've written about the mili_tary family. Yet it is a uni-
In civHian society, the behavior of a teen Of the tranquHity of the marriage have. little to do with the' parents' promotion at work. In the military, they are basic. If a lonely young wife with a personal or family problem, living in dense housing in a foreign country, confides a family problem in her best friend, her husband's career can and probably will suffer. So problems are buried rather than addressed, often to surface. in a more drastic form later on. These needs Me often severe. Military parishes need to devise support systems that do not threaten the )ivelihood of the military meIJlber. Here is where a civilian parish might be of, great assistance because it can open its .support ministries to military famiHes without threatening ,their position. My hope is that adjacent military and civilian parishes begin to share their strengths and needs. We have much to leai'n from one another and one's strengths seem to be the other's weaknesses. By working together, we will both be strengthened.
Mixed In the. nearly three decades I have been writing, I' often have interviewed people in interfaith marri-
realized how attached to her religious hedtage she was until she heard someone say that her children would be raised differently. She' also. understood in a deeper way that the young man felt just as strongly about his religious heritage.
BOSCO ages. Rarely did people report any problems ctmcerning religion until I mentioned children. Apparently, the decision to Religious concepts and beHefs Her insights bear reflection. have children or the binh- of are deep and strong. People may children often' stirs and brings not be aware of this, nor that She sees evidence that "reHgious to the surface buried conflicts many values and beliefs they beliefs are like your first lanabout fa'ith. For at this point the absorbed as children within a guage.", She writes, "Again and following question poses a prob- religious heritage and culture again, .I watched parents look lem to ,be solved in the present, are passed on to their own chil- back in surprise at the extent not in the future: "Whose faith dren, consciously and uncon- ,to which the religious ideas they will be passed on to children?" had been taught as ch.ildren sciously. It is not a simple question. It were still with them emotionA Jewish woman married to ally, play>ing an active, if undisreaches to the root of the soul for it concerns a judgment ,a Methodist, Evelyn kaye re- cerned, role in their lives." about one's culture and heritage, centlyinterV'iewed hundreds of , ,This was true even if the pathe ground of a person's very interfaith couples in order to rents no longer believed in the some informa,tion on this religious ,ideas. This caused Ms. e~istence. To pass life on to a child almost requires the passing topic into the open. Assessing Kaye to state, "The ideas we on of one's total heritage, includ- the diversity of religious experi- absorb and the emotional ties we ence in the country today, she form in the earliest years affect ing relig,ion. A few years ago, my daugh- asked: How are people deaHng our development for the rest of ter Mary had a Jewish boyfriend. with the highly emotional prob- our lives and reHgious influences One evening the young man in- lem of raising children in an .in- are part of the picture. vIted her to dinner with his pa- terfaith marriage? "We must acknowledge them rents. During conversation, reHer boo k, "Crosscurrents: as a permanent part of our exligion came up. He said quite Children, Families and Religion," periences and identity ... If we casually to his parents that ,if he was published a few months ago chose to reject the 'religion in and Mary were to wed, any chil- by Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. The which we were raised, we, must dren would have to attend He- book reflects her understanding find our own answers for the brew school. that rel,igion is a complex pat- difficult question$ that Hfe preMy daughter had never before tern of faith, values, morals, sents." Nearly half of the young coutalked' about marriage or chil- rituals and observances. She dren with him. Mary kept quiet tried not ,to make comparisons ples marrying today will conuntil ,they left the house. Then "or judgments on a right or front this problem. And, as Ms. she expressed her anger about wrong way to deal with ,the reo Kaye writes, many of them will lig,ious education of children in face iot at the time when a child his presumption. Later, she said she never had these families.' is born.
Our nuclear dilemma The public and critical response to the space-ct:aze movies like "Star Wars" and the first of its sequels, "The Empire Strikes Back,'" has
now that our human problems can no longer be solved through macho confrontations at the OK been notably curious in at least Corral of international events~ one aspect--nobody has found We have no way of realizing them to be depressing in pop the enormity of what would psychology terms, but in that happen to the world if it were vast .and overriding sense which reduced to the waste, and havoc reveals to us some hint of what and aftereffects of nuclear warour both cosmic and human des- fare. ,The demoralization would ,tiny is imagined to be. One re- be 'universal, to say nothing of alizes that such movies are the dislocation of the national nothing more than electronic economies everywhere, and a comic strips and ,that extrapola- general depravity and malaise tion of known data is the main would no doubt take hold in i!igredient in almost all science such a way that the human fiction, but astral warfare ages psyche must hesitate to foretell hence is not my idea of a re- its effects. The means· have to assuring future. The quesNon is, be found to take the first steps I think, are we projecting ou.. toward the voluntary nuclear present nuclear arms dilemma disarmament of the two superinto the distant future in order powers - or; as Thomas Merto get rid .of the problem litself ton used to call them ~ Gog - or at least, perhaps, to put it (Russia) and Magog (the United .in the hands of a technology far States) before the multiplication of arms all but guarantees anmore advanced than ours. nihilation by accident, madness, If the future requires in us a or intent. \ "Star Wars" mentality, what Speaking of Thomas Merton, hope is there that humanity can it is well known that he wrote redeem itself even in the secular extensively on what was probsense? Do people reaHze what movies like "Star Wars" are ably the most obsessive quesactually saying to us? These tion of his life - that is, what movies are say,ing, look, ,it is in must we do to establish true peace in the world? In I:ecogni-t~ nature of man to wage war, tion of this fact, the sociologist and, to do so~ in any circumstances or under any conditions, Gordon C. Zahn of the Univerand therefore war is clearly in- sity of Massachusetts has just evitable. Holding this view, it introduced a revised edition of Merton's peace writings now would have been logical, years ago, to have bombed the Soviet titled The Nonviolent AlternaUnion out of existence. In fact, tive (Farrar, Straus & Giroux). if we could launch a first strike Thomas Merton was often exnow, .though with some assur-' traordinarily prophetic and poigance that we would survive re- nantly human in the same sentaliation with less damage than tence, and Professor Zahn that suffered by the Soviets, quotes him, revealingly, to that then our President and the effect: "We are nearing the end Chiefs of staff should sit down of our work. The night is falling at once to decide precisely when upon us, and we find ourselves to push the button. Sheer in- withbut the serenity and 'fulfillment that were the lot of our sanity. The sword of Damocles hangs fathers. I do not think that this over us now. I can hardly sug- is necessarily a sign that anygest to you how thoughts ex- thing is lacking, but rather is pressed in the preceding para- to be taken as a great incentive graph, excluding of course its to trust more fully in the mercy final admonishment; but I'd like of God, and to advance further also to add that our conscience into His mystery. Our faith can is not truly served by any at· no longer serve merely as a tempt to divide the "Star Wars" happiness pill. It has to be the fantasy into the good guys ver· Cross and the Resu'rrection of sus the bad guys. It is the Christ. And this it will be, for frightening present, not a pro- all of us' who so desire." jection room fantasy, that ltas If not at the end of our work, prompted me to write this col- we are certainlY,at an impasse umn in the first place. I mean where no workable solutibn tothe recent failures' in our nu- the problem see!Jls possible or, clear missile alert system, sev- worse, probable. We don't know eral of them in succession, what to do or how to get out which put· into operation the of the dilemma of national pride, initial phase of our launching mistrust, and mutual fear. We a nuclear attack against the lack even the perception to reSoviet Union. Can you imagine alize that pride, mistrust, and this? It is almost too terrible to fear are moral problems and imagine, certainly more terrible ought to suggest something than anything contrived' by the more to us than what we have adolEiscent imaginations of·space achieved, dubiously enough, war producers. through strictly political soluIf nothing else is clear, it tio~s, rampant humanism, and ought to be piercingly clear by unconscionable technology. .
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 6, 1980
It's time to check closets
Continued from page cine hops and Catholic. College and University Presidents sees the need for Catholic institutions to define their religious identity. It also calls for efforts to. help minority groups receive educations that respect their cultures. Marxism and communism received the bishops' scrutiny during the May 1978 bishops' meeting through an intervention by Archbishop 'Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans. The ad hoc com~ittee subsequently established prepared the 1980 working document which contrasts Catholic and Marxist thought and is analytical rather than ,political. The revised eucharistic prayers and translations of additional Mass texts the bishops will be asked to approve were prepared by the International' Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL). The eucharistic prayer alterations are to drop language said to ignore women.
CHILDREN SUCH as these Kenyans are among recipients of blankets and clothes collected yearly in diocesan churches during the Thanksgiving Clothing' Collection.
The good Samaritans
The latest proposed revision in .the Program of 'Priestly Formation, the third, relates ,to norms for diocesan and religious orders' seminaries in the United . States.
Continued from Page One sider suicide. ministers and nuns, and some once," she said, "but some a're Despite their name, deriving of the best are seminarians, who in touch for years." from the Gospel story of the man Samaritan phones as part A resident of Falmouth for 30 good Samaritan, the Samaritans of their pastoral training, reliWith the terms of Archbishop years, she said she returned to are non-sectarian and non-pro- gious arguments are not offered John R Quinn, NeoB-usec Cape Cod after her initial -con- fessional, offering friendship as reasons against suicide. "Basically, you listen to the president, and Archbishop John tact with the Samaritans, but rather than counseling and. lisR. Roach vice-president, ending, kept in touch with the organiza- tening to callers ratner than pain and anguish," said Miss ,the hierarchy will choose new, tionAn 1974 she aided in found- rushing forward with "judg- Dickens. "Usually people conleaders. Candidates for president ing its Boston office and in 1977 ments, quick solutions or un- vince themselves." She said a memorable experiare Archbishop ,Joseph L. Bern- decided it was time for the Cape wanted, advice." Volunteers take 8, five-week ence for her was being called by ardin of Cincinnati, president in . to have its ,own group. Two 1974-77; Archbishop William D. years ago the, Samaritans training course and ,are on duty the Coast Guard on a windy, Borders of Baltimore; Cardinal spread to Providence and now at their Falmouth headquarters rainy, cold night to go beneath Terence Cooke of New York; there is the possibility of a New 24 hours a day, most working the Bourne Bridge in a small Archbishop Thomas A. Donnel- Bedford branch, as well as nib- about five hours a week. There boat and attempt via, electric bles from other parts of the na- is also' a walk-in center open bullhorn to dissuade a would-be lan of Atlanta. from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. d~ily. jumper perched high above 'her. . tion. Archbishop Edward A. McEverywhere there is need, deIn Boston, said Miss Dickens, , "There I was, bawling to all Carthy of Miami; Bishop Joseph clared Miss Dickens. "Potential ,the Samaritans receive some Massachusetts the kind of en"A. McNicholas of Springrield, volunteers are everywhere," she 300 calls a day, while on the couragement usually given quietIll.; Bishop James W. Malone of said, "and they're all the same Cape the aV,erage is 25 to 30. lyon the phone," she said wryYoungstown, . Ohio; Archbishop kind of people--quiet, friendly Calls increase during the sum~ ly. However, she reported, her John L. May of St. Louis, Mo.; and easy to talk to. Once a mer; "when people who come to efforts were successful ana the Archbishop Roach, and Arch- group is started, they will come the Cape looking for the dream person involved is now doing bishop John F.' Whealon ' of forward." fail to find it" and at the holi- well. Hartford, Conn. Most callers are in their 30s, day season. Samaritan volunteers almost Oddly, sa'id Miss Dickens, it unanimously report that ,their The president and vice-presi- she said, followed by the 20s dent are chosen .by simple ma- age group, then teens, then, the isn't hard to get volunteers even work has helped them in their elderly. Samaritans "are always at Thanksgiving and Christmas. ,ordinary lives, said Miss Dickjority votes. there for anyone with' any kind "I 路think they rather like hav- ens. "People start coming to of problem who needs someone ing something really important them with problems because What It Is to talk to in confidence," she , to do, so they can get away they've learned how to listen." "Love is active concern for said, but the primary purpose is from all the confusion," she I\. special program started by ' the life and the growth of that to offer help to those who have chuckled. the Cape Samaritans at BarnAlthough some volunteers are stable County Jail involves 'priswhich we love." - Erich Fromm become desperate enough to cononers watching newcomers for signs of suicidal tendenCies. "Then they can move in and help," said Miss Dickens, noting " that the program brings SamariCARMINE A. CARUCCI, D.D.S. tans and the prisoner volunteers together as colleagues, thus enORTHODONTIST hancing the latter's sense of , dignity. University Trained Specialist The Samaritans are virtually a fulltime occupatipn for Miss 23 TRESCOTT STREET Dic~ens and her two co-direc-' TAUNTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02780 tors, Mirjam Chader and Joan Fuller, both of Falmouth. They 82-3-2555 are more than' willing to help new groups organize and can be AFFORDABLE FEES - EXCELLENT TERMS - PRIVATE PRACTICE reached at the Samaritan numNQ CHARGE FOR INmAL CONSULTATION oR. SECOND OPINJON ber. They are also available for MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND INSURANCE PLAN CASES ACCEPTED workshops and lectures. What writing Monica Dickens does nowadays, she ~'gets up early to do." In private life she I
Father Thomas L. Rita, direc'tor of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, is in charge of arrangements for the annual Thanksgiving Clothing Collection held in all diocesan parishes. Sponsored nationally by Catholic Relief Services, the drive provides blankets and clothes for the, poor of the world. This year it will take place from Nov. 23 through Nov. 30, with parishioners bringing donations to their church' or other designated locations during that time. Since the drive's beginning 30 years ago, 460 million pounds of new and used goods have been distributed in Third World' countries during disasters, emergencies and as part of Clothing-forWork community development programs. Father Rita said that the greatest need i~ for lightweight clothing and blankets, since most of the 75 countries aided byeRS are in tropic areas. "We're also grateful for donations of bolt goods for sewing classes and financial contributions to assist with shipping costs," he said. eRS is the overseas aid and development agency of Ameri. can Catholics. "Need, not creed, is our criterion for giving aid," noted 'Bishop Edwin B.' Broderick, CRS executi:ve director.
Ball-to aid Nazareths Proceeds from the 26th annual 'Bishop's Charity Ball, to be held Friday, Jan. 9 at Lincoln Park rBallroom, North Dartmouth, will benefit the three Nazareth Hall schools for exceptional children, two in Fall River and one in Hyannis. Students ages 14 to 19 receive job training at Fall River's prevocational Nazareth Hall component, while 'classes in Fall" River and Hyannis for children ages 6 to 14 include academics, sewing, cooking, woodworking, home arts and ~uilding. and grounds maintenance., Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Ball director, has announced that two televised Masses will 'be offered for the intentions of Ball sl,lpporters and beneficiaries. They will be seen Sunday, Nov. 30, and Sunday, Dec. 14,
is the wife of retired Navy Commander Roy Stratton, also an author, who has published detective novels, autobiographical works and documentaries, as well as being an ever-willing source of assistance for the Samaritans. In 1979 Miss Dickens published her own autobiography, "An Open Book." The Strattons are the parents of two children, one of whom, married, is also a Cape. Cod resident. Summjng up 'the "second string" she entered ijpon in her 60s, Monica Dickens says simply, "If people call and let us into their lives at a time of great crisis, it'sa'privil~ge to be allowed to help.';
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., Nov.~, 1980
Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The edltor,"- reserves the rllllt to condense or edit, If dsemed necessary. All letters must be slllled Ind Include I home or business Iddress.
• Did it agaIn
complet~ His
mae following message was written to her fellow Sisters of Mercy:, by Sister SheDa 1Ianington, RSM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick HarriDaton of Fairw haVen aud a '"missionary Ia. Honduras for the past three aDd a half years. She is the sister of Rev. Brian HarriDaton, associate pastor of St. Mary's parish, New Bedford, and of two other, Sis-' . . of Mercy:, SistersPatrida and JCathleen. Another brother, ,KftiD, is a .Dember of the Fall . . . . ftre~ "I want- to go to die missions." '"To be a missionary is a -.special calling." SUch phrases are often expressed, and I suppose there is some truth to them. The word 'mission' ois often limited to service in a third world nation.' Yet, not always: I would like to call all of us to . a reflection on miSsion ;in our lives, both as individuals and as members of a community. "Mission" means "being sent." The very meaDing of the word gives us its notion of being an action verb, e.g., .sent, ordered, mandated, called to. It is for' each one to discover to which mission the' Lord is sending her. At Baptism we received a mis:sion to share in Cbrist's mission as Priest, Prophet, and Prince. Years later we confirmed this commitment in religious life. To all this, we will all, I believe, respond "Amen." Yet, since our Lord is a personnal God, He speaks to us as individ- _ uals in a most personal way. Ministries and missions will be varie4. :I have been called to be' here. in Honduras. In, a brief time I' have grown to appreciate my can to be a missionary. il love the Church of Honduras and its movements toward reaching out to thousands of people, so many still not touched by the word of the Lord. I love the Honduran Church's commitment' to the poor~ to thepe~t, to the village peQple. I love, its. dedication
1n time, energy, and talent to building the base of Christian community. I love the' Honduran people's res po n s e to the Church's program of formation aDd leadership training. 1 love the identity and unity of the Church here with the daily life of the people. Just as deeply, I struggle with the Latin American Church in its struggle to reach out to so many people, with onlY 'a handful of workers. ~ Pain the Church that suffers persecution in many ways when it speaks in JesuS' name. I pain with the Church that sees need all around it and within 'it, yet does not have the resources to alleviate those needs. Yet, in the midst of all this, I do not dishearten; for then there would be one less effective leader for ,this Church, one less person living out her call, creatively, to mission.
}lJever 'in my 33 years of Christian life nor my 15 years of religious life have I ever been so conscious of being missioned, of being 'sent. Never, has the time been more appropriate for everyone to un· derstandwhat mission the Lord has given her. I know He is calling many to third world missions, because .He sees the needs, He sees this people, and He seesthe small numbers of workers. Wherever we are
.the serv-
ice to others, may we discover and continue to know that we are there because He, the Lo.rd, has sent us to complete His mission here on earth;
Sin of racism 't-
SAN DIEGO (NC) - Bishop Leo T. Maher of San Diego has warned Catholics that members of the Ku Klux Klan and those. who support them "are accompUces in the sin of racism." He said in a pastoral letter that in the -san Diego area ''blatant, crude expressions of racism" are raised by the Klan.
Dear Editor: You did it again as usual! You have a great way of getting your editorials into space: If not missi~n-minded, I would have to be, after your words. I don't want you to think that I am not with you, but il never did take the time to thank you for your kindness in accepting my letter to you and for getting part of it into The Anchor. I cut it out and sent it to my rela'tives in Glasgow, Scotland, and in Ireland and they have had a good time passing it around,since they have never met me. Keep up your good work and day after day I.get so proud of having come from the great diocese of Fall -River. Sister Theodosia Gildea Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Nazareth, Ky.
You treat your husband's or your wife's family as your own, your children's friends as your own. When they marry, their wives and husbands as your own. Then the family grows and gets larger. . It's easy, when you have the love of Jesus in your heart. ... Love is to forgive, seventy times seven. Love is to tum the other cheek. Our Father forgives us our sins, beCause .he loves us, as we forgive those who sin against us because we love. Love encompasses a total persol} to become a total family of God, because God is love. Mrs. F.L. Bouchard North Dartmouth
to conduct the EnthrQnement ceremony at my own home and he did. On the feast day of St. Margaret Mary, we are again reminded of her efforts to encourage more love for the Sacred Heart - to which Father Larkin had dedicated bis life as well. 'Inasmuch as this is also my own favorite devotion, it seemed a good time to remind us all again of the promises of The Sacred 'Heart which this Saint told us about - encouraging us to 'make the First, Fridays, professing our love of our Blessed Lord. .
Father Larkin
Dear Editor: Although we realize that we have to lose splendid priests who have dedicated their lives working closely with Christ, reading of the peaceful death of Father Francis Larkin, SS.CC., who had just finished giving a retreat in Rome, saddened my heart. ~ His boOk "Enthronement of the Sacred Heart" with his autoDear Editor: Love is the only way to make graph on it ~lessings! Fr. Larkin, SS.CC." reminds me that a family. When you truly love, the love it was through his visit to St. of Jesus, you love all, as your Patrick's, Wareham, years ago immediate family. ·that I asked Msgr. Chippendale
The Family
Kathryn Nowak Marion
Since the actual place of residence of STERLING W. SCHLUMSis unknown. We cite STERLING, W. SCHLUMS to appear personally before the Sacred Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River Oft November 10, 1980 at 10:30 a.m. at 344 Highland Avenue, 'all River, Massachusetts, to give testimony to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in t~e McCRAVESCHWMS case? Ordinaries of the place or other pastors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, Sterling W. SChlums, must see to it that he is properly advised in regard to tbis edictal citation. Henry T. Munroe Officialis Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this, the 28th day of October, 1980.
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TODAY there are mOf'e than thirty ~., million Americans with Irish blood in their veins. Proud, too, of every drop of .., it! They. particularly take pleasure in keeping alive and popularizing the witty sayings and writings of those of their blood, especially of those intensely Irish Irishmen such as Swift, Sheridan, Shaw, Gogarty, Wilde, Dunne, Breslin, O'Rourke, McNUlty, MacDonagh, Wib· berley, O'Connor, Ervine, O'Paolain, Doyle, Callaghan and Sullivan, all of whom with others are included in this generous volume - THE HOME BOOK OF IIuSH HUMOR. Here they have caught the ready wit, the quick retort, the hundred ingratiating faults, the thousand redeeming weaknesses, the sometimes bitter and usually ironic observations of the Irish which have given the "race its reputation for humor and good fellowship. . The contents of THE HOME BOOK OF IIusH HUMOR are divided into twelve sections: Pubs; Publicans and Patrons; Irish Bulls and PUre Poteen; Born Politicos; The Great Georgians; The Landed Gentry; Tales from the Irish Coun- tryside; The Renaissance; Por the Bend Catholic Digest, has contributed a lively in the Road; North of the Border and series of quips and jests about the Irish, Down Under; Irish Ballads, Songs and humble and great. ., lim HOME BOOK OF IRISH HUMOR, Sagas; Irish Proverbs; and Wakes and Wags. published by Dodd, Mead & Company, Throughout, the editor, John Mcis the perfect gift for an Irish friend or yourself. ' Carthy, formerly Executive Editor of
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of foil River--Thurs., Nov. 6, 198,0
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Continued from Page Two plan. It is, as .it were, the first
cell of the church, helping its
accept the difficult but 10~g demands which Jesus Christ
makes of us. If because of, hu-
members to become agents' of .man weakness one does not live the history
salvation and liv-
ing signs of God's loving plan for the world. God created US 'in his own image (cf. Gn. I, 26), and he gave us the mission to increase and multiply, ·to fill the eart;p and subdue ~t (cf. Gn. I, 28). To carry out this plan man and woman are joined in an intimate union of love for the service of life. God calls spouses to participate in bis creative power by handing on the gift of life. ,ln the fullness of time, the Son of man born of woman (Gal. 4, 4) enrJched marriage with his saving grace, elevating it to ,the level of a sacrament and causing it to share in the covenant of his redemptive love sealed with bis- blood. Christ's love and gift to the church and those of the church to Christ become the model of the mutual love and self-giVing of man and woman (cf. Eph. 5, 22-32). The sacramental grace of matrJmony is a source of joy and ..strength to the spouses. As ministers of this sacrament, they truly act in the person of Christ bimself and bring about· ,their mutual santification. Spouses must be. conscious of thjs grace and of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Each day, dear brothers and sisters, yOlt -must hear Christ saying to you: "If only you recognized God's gift" (cf. In. 4, 10). This divine plan shows us why the church believes and teaches that the covenant of love and self-giv·ing between two people, joined in sacramental marriage m\lst be both permanent and indissoluble. It is a covenant of love and life. The transmission of life' is inseparable from the conjugal union: The conjugal act itself, as the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" (Of Human Life) tells, us, must be fUlly human, . total, exclusive and open to new life ("Humanae .• Vitae," 9 and ll).
. p;
A message to Christian families in the ,modern' world
10. God's plan for marriage and die family can only be fully understood, accepted and lived by Persons who have experienced coDversion of heart, that radical turning of the self to G:9d by which one puts off the "old" self and puts on the "new." All are called to conversion and sanctity. We mustaJi come to the knowledge and love of the· Lord and experience him in our lives, l'ejolcing in his love and mercy, his patience, compassion and forgiveness, and loving one another as he loves us. Husbands and wives, parents and children, ,are instruments and ministers of Christ's fidelity and love in their mutual relationships. It is this which makes Christian marriage and family life authentic signs of God's love for us and of Christ's love for the church. 11. But the pain of the cross, as weil as the joy of the resurrection, is part of the life of Dne who seeks as a pilgrim to follow Christ. Only those who are fully open to the paschal mystery can
up to these demands, there is no
reason for discouragement. "Let them not be discouraged, but rather have recourse with humble perseverance to .the mercy of God" ("Humanae V'itae," 25). IV. The Family's Response to God's Plan 12. Just as we are doing, you also are seeking to learn what your duties are in today's world. In looking at the world, we see facing you certain important tasks .of ~ucation. Y-ou have the tasks of forming free persons wJth a keen moral sense and a discerning comK:ience: together with a perception of their duty to work for 'the betterment of the' human' condition and the sanctification pi the world. An· other task for the family 'is to form persons in love and also to practice love in all its relationships, so that it does not live closed in on itself but remains open to the community, moved by a sense of justice and con· cern for others as well as "y a consciousness of its responsibility toward the whole of society.. 'It is your duty to form persons in the faith - that is, in knowledge and love of God and eagerness to do his wm in all things. It is also your task to hand on sound human and Christian values and to form persons in such
a way ,that othey can integrate new values into: their lives. The more Christian the family be--. comes, 'the more human it be-comes.
13. In fulf~lUD8 these tasks the family will be, as .;it were, a . "domestic church," a com~ mumty of' faith living in hope and love, serving God and the _entire human family. Shared prayer and the liturgy are sources of grace for families. In fulfilling" <l.ts tasks the family must DOurish' itself on God's word and participate in the life of the sacraments, especially' reconoUiation an(l the Eucharist. Traditional and contemporary devotions, particularly those as· sociated with ,the -lliessed Virgin, are rich sources of growth in' piety and grace. 14. Evangelization and catechests begin in the faqiily. Formation in faith, chastitY aDd the other Christian virtues, as well as education ~n human sexuality, must start in the home. Yet the outlook of the Christian family should not be narrow and confined only to the parish; it should embrace the whole human family. WJthin the larger community it has a duty to give w.itness to Christian values. It should foster social justice and relief of the poor and oppressed. Family organizations should be encouraged ,to protect their rights by opposing unjust social structures and pubtic and pri-
vate polices whtch harm the , fa mil y. SUch organizations should' also exercise a healthy , influence on the communications
ment in this regard. - 17. Family ministry is of very special !interest to the church. By this we mean efforts made by
media and build up social solicl- the whole people of God through , adty. Special praise is due those I 0 c a I comm\lDitioli, cBpecilllly family organizations whose pur- through the help of pastors and pose is to help other married . lay people devoted to pastoral COUples and families appreciate work for families. They work God's plan and live by it. This with individuals, couples and ministry should be families to help them live out encouraged as plU't of compre- ,their conjugal vocation as fUlly b~ive family miDistry. as possible. This ministry in15. Out of a sense of ftdeUty cludes preparation for marriage; to the Gospel, the family should help' given to married couples at be prepared to welcome new life, all stages of married life; catecto share its goods and resources hetical and liturgical programs with the poor, to be open and directeq to the family; help giv~ hospitable to others. Today the en to childless 'couples, singlefamily is sometimes obliged to parent families, the widowed, choose a way of life ibM goes the separated and divorced, and, contrary to modem culture - in in particular, to families and such matters as sexuality, indi- couples laboring under burdens vidual autonomy and material like poverty, emotional and psywealth. In the face of sin and chological tensions, physical and failure, it gives witness to an mental handicaps, alcohol and authentically Christian spirit, drug abuse, and the problems sensitive in its life and in the associated with ~gration and lives of others there to the val- other circumstances which strain ues of penance and forgiveness, family stability. rec:onciliation and hope. 'It gives 18. The priest has a special e¥idence of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and the Beatitudes. place iD family ministry. It is. his It practices a simple style of life duty to bring the nourishment and purlJues a truly' evangelical and consolation of the word of God, tlle sacraments, and other apostolate toward others. spirJtual aids to the family, enV. The Church and the 'Family couraging it and in a human and 16. During t!le synod we have patient" way, strengthening it in grown in awareness of the charity so ·that families which church's duty to encourage and are truly 'OutstandIng can be support cbuples and families. fonned (cf. "Gaudium et Spes" We have deepened our commit- - Pastoral Constitution on the
Church in the Modem World 52). One precious fruit of this ministry, along with others, ought to be the. flourishing of priestly and religious vocations. 19. In speaking of God's plan, the church has many things to say to men and women about the essential equality and complementarUy of the sexes, as about the different charisma and duties of, spouses within' marriage. Husband and wife are certainly dHferent, but they are also equal. The difference should be respected but never used to justify the dominatioJ;l of one by the other. oIn collaboration with sooiety,the church must-effec.tively affirm and defend ·the dig. nity and rights of women. VI. Conclusion 20. As we reach the end of our message, we wish to' you, brothers and sisters, that we are fUlly aware of the frailty of our common human condition. In no way do we ignore the very difficult and trying situation of the many Christian couples who, although they sincerely want to observe the moral norms taught by the church, find themselves unequal to the task because of weakness ,in the face of dificuities. All of us need to g.-ow in appreciation of the importance of Christ's teachings and his' grace and to live by them. Accompanied and assisted by the whole church, 'those couples continue along the difficult way toward a more complete fidelity to the- commands of the Lord. ."The journey· of married couples, like the whole journey of human life, ml;ets with delays and qifficult and burdensome times. But It must be clearly stated 'that anxiety or fear sliould never b~ foUnd in the souls of people of good will. ·For is not the Gospel also good news for family life? For all tlie demands it makes. is it not a profoundly ~liberating inesage? The awareness that one has not achieved bls full ·interior liberty and is still at the mercy of his tendencies and finds himself unable to obey the moral law in an area so basic causes'deep distress. But ·this ds the moment in which the Christian, rather than giV'ing way to sterile and destructive panic, humbly opens up his soul before God as a sinner before the saving love of Christ" (pope Paul W, AdclreSs to the Teams of Our Lady, May 4, 1970). 21. Everything we have said about marriage' and the family . can be summed up iD tw.o words: love and life. As we come to the end of this synod, we pray that you; our brothers and sisters, may grow in the love and life of God. In tum we humbly and' gratefully beg your prayers .that we may do the same. We make St. Paul's words to the Colossians our final words to you: "Over all these virtues put on love, which' binds the rest ,together and makes them perfect. Christ's peace must reign in your hearts, since as members of the one body you have been called to that peace. Dedicate yourselves to thankfulness.'~ (Col. 3, 1-4.15).
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:lhurs., Nov. 6. 19~O
Children and :TV
~,:~'zuzn:;~:;;:;~*~By Dr. James and Mary Kenny , '~-~' LUNCH'. DINNER Dear Dr. Kenny: I try to police .-....- \. COCKTAILS , my children's TV watching. So
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By Joseph R.odedek
The continuing saga of the Roderick experiment with a
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$19. In addition, I have had the chimney cleaned once for $25 and the saw has been sharpened once for $4. The total cost for equipment over a two-yeaf perdod has been $668. Last year my total oil bill from September to May was $255: As !I write. it is Oct. 26. I
wood in the stove. There are of <lourse .drawbacks to heating with wood. The man • • who delivered my wood recently • '~ I at . what I thought was a very ~ : . reasonable price said that sales ~ ,~ . ' have slowed appreciably from • : :l - , - . II last year because many people • • who were burning wood for heat . ' iI have given it up. CONY::~~lJ'°:~T:: The reason is simple: heating • • with wood is a great deal of P.T.L•• , work. For me it means cutting ,the four-foot logs into thr~e • MASS. TO,LL FREE TELEPHONE 1-800 642-7548 • lengths, then splitting and stack~ • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~ ing them. This is hard work, •
A ft
wood stove - year m. For those of you who are considering heating with wood, there are a few things to keep in mind. First. heating woith wood is definitely economical. Recently Sylvia Porter's column claimed that one cord of wood provides as much heat as 200 gallons of oil. The cost of, wood in fourfoot sections is now running around $60 per cord, so ,it does not take too much calculation to come to the conclusion that one can beat with wood for about 30% of the cost of heating with oil. . This is certainly bome out by my experience. In my case the stove cost $525, an electric saw was $95 and a spHtting maul
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and' sisters" than trying to beat theJll at sClmething. There are several thinl;s concerned parents might do. • First, -liJDit TV time. I think ,two hours of TV viewing per day are plenty. To avoid v,jewing simply to ]rill .time, family, members might select certain programs from a TV guide each week, then forget the rest. Second, parents may wish to fo11bid certain programs that they find ortensive ;to taste or morals. Third. 'WatCh television with your children. Point out the problems· and rthe things that upset you. You may wish to commen1t, for example, that game sho'\Vs are 90 percent advertising. Fourth. model and teach good behavior away from the TV set, for example, by practioing ra-' tioOO bu}'ing and consumption yOUrself. Happy viewing! QuestiOllS on family Uvblg aDd ehi1d care are Invited. Address to die KelII1ys c/o The AndIor, P.O. Box 7, Fall RIver, Mass. 02722.
Cheap, but lots of work
Greed is insidious in our cuture. Mvertising repetitivey urges us to "BUY, buy, buy,!" Overconsumption becomes an accepted far I've forbidden TV programs part of our daily life. Emphasis with violence, glorified sex and on self and' the accumulation of famUy-sftuatfoncomedies that material goods that please the make a ·farce of family ute. self can beCome the primary About the only ~ left that concern of our lives. my kids like besides sports are All that is worst about materthe game shows like ''The Price ialism is present dn the TV game Is Right" and' "Let's Make A shows. Things are glorified. The Deal." What do. you think? clear message is that material (Ohio) whillt make a person A. Good for you! 1 am glad goods· someone is concerned about the happy. Game shows feature mostly quantity and the content of. TV luxury items. They attempt to watching by our children. I think the game shows are' create new desires <in the viewthe most dangerous of all TV ers and to tum these desires into programs for our children. They needs. Suddenly we need things glorify the twIn evils of our we never even thought of before. times: materiaUsm and personal Finidly, game shows promote competition. person-agaInst-person competiWith other types of programs, ,tion. One contestant's gain is the 'problems you mention are another's loss. Unfortunately; overt. It is easier for a parent much of our society operates on to counteract or to forbid whim that basIS. We have enough victhe issue ~s obvious. Violence, tory .and defeat in our society ,inappropriate sex and muing that we do not need to comfun of the family can all be pound it in our entertainment. ,identified and either commented I can do wJthout unnecessary upon or turned off. competition. I can find other Materiatism is not so easy. ways to be with my ''brothers
= =
tough on aging muscles. Then the logs have to be lugged into the house and this too ,is laborious. It ,is a lot simpler to tum on the thermostat. Secondly. the wOod stove is messy. Carrying wOod into the h~ is· sloppy. no matter how neat one tries to be. and some dust comes out of the stove every time it is opened. Meticulous housewives have fits over woodstove dust. Basically, whether one is witHng to put up with a wOod stove dependS- on how much work one is willing to do. For me it is a form of exercise which 1 enjoy. In addition, we have found that the heat from a woodstove is warmer and better than that from radiators. This sounds silly, .but it is
absolutely the case. I believe it has something to do with the air flows created around a heat source, but there are no cold spots in the. house11OW that we heat primarily with wood. I say primarily because when the temperatUre drops below 20 degrees we find that the woodstove needs help from the central heating system. In a smaBer home with a stove centrally located this might not be the ease. To sum up, then there are definitely conslderab1e savings in buming with wood. although the savilljS come as a I'e$Ult of one's labor. In my case I am probably saving close to $750 a year and since my ~" tavestments for the stove and saw are ibehind me, I see no great costs ahead.
Youth ministry' pr
youtll ters.. Adults who work wi youth, and young leaders emselves ate weicome to .cipate. Faculty for the day will be adults and youth from various areas of the Diocese. Most were involved in conducting last year's program. They are Daniel Le Bran, ~2..-U!L~J11e ~,sponsored George Powers, and Sr. Peggy by the· Education OffIce, 'plan- Fromm. Taunton; Edward Parr. ned with members of the Youth New Bedford; Bobbie PlU'adise Ministry advisory group, and to and Mary Fuller, Cape Cod; Adbe hosted by members of St. visors of Teen Religious ExperiAnne's parish., Fall River. ence, St. Mark's, Attleboro Falls. ' The program is a repeat of Young people who wilt discuss the ffiSt phase of a three-session youth needs as a panel win come . youth ministry training Course from each of th~se areas. flfSt held in each area of the·dioPre-registration wiUl the CathoUc Education center, 423 Highcese last fall. Modified to fit into an after- land A'venue,' Fall R.Iver. 02720 noon, .single-session format, it is . (678-2828) is advisabl~J>ut regisbeing repeated' for those unable trations vrill also ~ accepted to attend last year and for new Nov. 16. "Alive in Youth Mipistfy: Accepting the Challenge to Minister," a training prognu:n for leaders in youm ministry, will be held from 1 to 5 p.m.. Sunday. Nov. 16 at St. Anne's School. Fall River. , . Fat}jer Marcel H.,' Bouchard, dioces~ assistant"director of religioUs. educatioJl' has an-
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., Nov: 6, 1980
uestion corner itself, as for example the war in Vietnam.) Q. You have answered two Through the history of Chrisquestions on cremation before tianity, Catholic teaching has In your column, but I still get acknowledged the possibility that arguments from fellow Catho- individuals or groups might find lics, including a couple of universal or selective conscienpriests, that cremation Is not al- tious 'objection to war a demand lowed by the church even yet. of their -conscience .as ChristCould you be more specific ians. This is the explicit posiabout when the church allows tion of the universal church and cremation, and bow it happened of the U.S. bishops today. to put such emphasis on ordin-' The International Synod of ary burial in the first place. Bishops meeting in Rome in 1971 (Calif.) A. It seems generally agreed· declared: "It is absolutely necesthat the Christian Church adop- sary that international conflicts ted the practice of inhumantion should not be settled by war, (burial in a grave as we have but that other methods better traditionally known it) from the betiitting human nature should ancient Romans, who adopted ·be found. Let'a strategy of nonthe custom in order to have violence be fostered also and more elaborate and demonstra- let conscientious' objection be recognized and regulated by law tive funerals. in each nation." Whenever feasible, this form Later that same year, the U.S. of burial became common for nearly all Christians, even in bishops issued a declaration on those parts of the world such as the same subject. "In the light the Far East where significantly of the Gospel and from an andifferent funeral customs pre- alysis of the church's teaching on conscience," ,they -said, "it is vailed. The first general legislation clear that a Cathol'ic can be a banning the burning of bodies conscientious objector to war in as a· funeral rite came from the general or to a particular war Vatican's Holy Office in May 'because of 'religIous training and 1886. Early in this century the belief,''' A few excellent places to find Code of Canon Law continued the ban because cremation was the church's present posi,tion still considered a flagrant re- concerning war and related jection of the Christian belief in questions would be Pope John XXIU's encyclical, "Peace on immortality and resurrection. the major statements of Earth," An instruction from the pope on May 8, 1963, changed this Vatican IT on war, especially in regulation. While it indicated the the "Constitution on the Church church's continued preference in the Modern World," {no. 80); for inhumation as more tradi- the address of Pope Paul VI to tionally respectful of the human the United Nations in 1965; and body, ott presumed that people the pastoral letter, "Human Life who request cremation are doing in Our Day," of ,the U.S. Cathoso in good faith, not out of some lic bishops dn 1968. Any priest would, .J hope, be irreligious motive. Thus, Christian burial and funeral rites able to help you find at least here were no longer to be denied two or three of these documents. to such persons. Questions for. this Column The Roite of Funerals, the offi- should be sent to Father Dietcial ceremonial for burial of zen c/o The AnChor, P.O. Box 7, Catholics, restates this same Fall River, Mass. 02720. position concerning cremation: The Eucharist and all other funerals may be celebrated for the deceased person either with the body present in church before Continued from page one cremation or as a memorial rite returned to parish visitors in a after cremation. sealed envelope and Will be seen As the ceremonial notes, how- only by parish priests. ever, the church is still concernAdvent programs, he said, will ed that every care be taken to be of interest to active and inavoid unnecessary scandal or active Catholics, Christians of confusion whenever cremation other denominations, non-Chrisis chosen. tians and those with no church Q. In connection with the new affiliation. Area churches will U.S. draft registration this past coordinate their programs in summer, our study club has en- order to address the widest posJoyed some lively dlseussions sible range of individual needs. on CODSclentious objection. Can The coordinator noted that it you tell us what the church's is appropriate to conduct "We attitude Is on this now? Mainly Care/We Share" during the we want to know If Catholics Year of the Family, when "the who areeonselentious objectors larger parish family can reach have any support or approval out to the families within it," from Catholic teacblng. Is there He added that Advent is also a anything we could read to bri!Jg fitting time for efforts· to extend u!J up-to-date on the subJect? the kingdom of God. (Florida) He declared that the caml1aign <: A. Conscientious objection of will be successful "if even a the nature you are discussing few people who previously maybe universal (against all thought otherwise· come to rewars) or selective (against a par-' alize that the Catholic church ticular kind of war, such as nu- family truly cares' for them perclear conflict or a particular war sonally."
Funeral Home
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ARCHBISHOP Jolin - L. May of St.Louis is one of 10 bishops who have accepted' nomination for president or vice-president of the Nation. al Conference of Catholic Bishops. Elections will be held at the bishops' me~ting to be' held in Washington 'nex,t Monday through Thursday. (NC Photo)"
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BOSTON(NC) - Calling Elliot Norton, drama cn-tic of the Boston Herald-American, "an exemplary Chris.tian gentleman," Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston gave him ·the second annual O'Reilly-Conway Medal for "distinctive· contribu.ti<ma to journalism." Inaugurated last year to mark the' 150th anniversary of the founding of. the Pilot, Boston archdiocesan newspaper, the medal, named after former Pilot editors, is awarded to a journalist' who displays "courage, creativity, felicity of style and adherence to the traditional JudeoChristian norms of thought and behavior." A native of Boston, Norton, 77, has been a newspaperman since graduating in 1926 from Harvard University and a drama critic since 1934. Since 1958, he has had a drama review program on a ,Boston television station. He has .'taught dramatic literature and theater criticism for more than 25 years at universities and colleges in the Boston area.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1980
To love one another By Father John J. Castelot
The Last Supper discourse of Jesus in the Gospel of John begins: "Before the feast of the Passover, Jesus realized that the hour had come for him to pass from this world to the Father. He had loved his own in this world, and would show his love for ·them to the end." (13:1)
know your faIth
Throughout the next five chapters the insistent call goes out for mutual love and service as the hallmark of the Christian. "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. Such . as my love has been for you, so must your love be for each serve on a "committee for the other. This Js how all will know sick" on a regular basis. you for my disciples: by your What about pastoral visits? It love for one another:' (13:34-35; is not enough to sit with elderly 15:12-13, 17) people who are ill. They need Jesus expects Christians to to feel. that it is a privilege to be with them because they are have more than the simple unity important. In ord~r to achieve which results from mutual cothis goal, pastoral visits need to operation in pursuit of a combe more than monthly home mon task. Much more profoun4communion services. Frequent Iy, Jesus says, "I have given them ·the gtory you gave me that contact is necessary, h,elping they may be one, as we are one people gain a sense of their - I living in ·them, you living in personal value and dignity. me - that their unity may be
How can a parish community help? By Cornelius van der
Older people frequently feel left out, unable to participate , fully 'in community life. Often they live alone. If married, their spouses are old too. When they become ill, they may be unable to take care of themselves or of each other. Nursing homes are not available everywhere and often are expensive. They also create such a change in lifestyle that adjustment can be formidable. In addition, old people bet:ome lonely wben they are ill and find it awful to be housebound. Yet loneliness is not their worst problem. When the aged get sick they feel they are a burden for all who care for them. Sometimes they fail to see any value in their lives and may say so in front of their children. Then children and grandchildren do not find much ,pleasure in coming to visit or help. Relationships can become strained between the elderly person and his or her family. Lone-
hospital chaplain, to see old people curled up in a hospital bed, rarely visited by relatives. It seems to· ,me ,that if a person is to be happy, a deep sense of personal value and dignity is needed. But this can only be developed through relationships with other people. Members of a parish community can play a special role in developlng such relationships. They can help aged people know that their personal value does' not diminish as the years pass. It takes time and patience to help others believe that 'God calls them to respond according to their own abilities. For example, older people predominate at daily Mass in many parishes. Since this Mass is celebrated at a bad time for most working people, the e'lderly can represent them. It is quite difficult, however, for a parish to find specific ways to help the aged when they are ill. I find few people willing to
Growing' old gracefully BY Dan Morris
lines~ may turn into bitterness. It is a sad, experience for me, a
Mary Margaret ,Delaney spent the last years of her life enjoying frequent special times with her children - picnics, holiday meals, special Masses, "just visiting." ' It is interesting that she rarely moved outside her room for ·those occasions. She spent the last 12 of her 76 years as a resident of a convalescent center. Despite the faot that society tends to heap guilt and anguish on children who "put" their parents in facilities for long-term care, Mrs. Delaney's children seem to have avoided that trap. "We knew' we didn't have the, expel'tise to take care of her physical needs," explains Sister Rosemary Delaney, who with her brother and sister began the search for a care faciHty in October 1968, after her mother had a fall. The resulting injuries, combined with other medical problems, left Mrs. Delaney con- ' fined to a wheelchair and in need of regular, professional health care. "We really didn't feel a sense of guilt," Sister Rosemary says, '''because we' knew we cared . very much 'for' our mother, and we knew we weren't just putting
Yet. sharing the same vital dynamism, animated by the same divine life-principle, Christians become one with God and with each other in a way that defies human expressio~. The 'practical implications of this ',truth are breathtaking and we should strive constantly to realize this ideal within the church, the parish, the family. Yet good Christian families often encounter vexing problems in this department. For instance, some people feel they should keep an aging invalid relative within the warm circle of family unity and love"that all may be one:' On the' other hand, there are some situations in which this is practically impossible and might even destroy the' unity' for which people yearn. Some solution must be found Turn to Page Thirteen
A treasure to cherish
II By Michael Creedon
The most needy members of society often. can be found among people 75 or more. According to the 'Federal Council on Aging, ,there are at least 3 million people who can be called the "frail elderly." These people are repositories. of family history and community lore. They are a resource to be cherdshed and treasured and heard. Peopl~ 75 or more also constitute the fastest-growing segment of U.S. society today. In fact, at least 1.9 million people ,in the United States are now 85 .or older. These facts are important for community and parish plan-
her in there and forgetting about her.", Her sister Maureen is also a Holy Name nun, and their brother . -is a Preoious Blood priest, Father William Delaney. Two negative aspects of their experience with convalescent care stick with .them, however. "First, while we had no experience with rest homes prior , to' Mom's going there," Sister Rosemary observes, "we found the care she received for the most part very satisfactory. However, we were there reguTurn to Page Thirteen
complete:' (17:22-23) This is almost too much for the human mind ,to grasp, that people, through their union with Christ, are caught up into ,the very life of God.
ning because studies indicate that, after age 75, health problems begin to catch up with many people. While only fJve percent, some 1 million persons, are' ,in institutions, large numbers are confined to bed at home and have limited ability to live indep~deDotiy. The majority are women. Advancing physical disaBility affects the elderly in several ways. Many withdraw from social life' and community participation in reaction to a first fall or an initial episode of dizziness. They 'are frightened at the thought that the same thing could happen again ,in a store or on --the street. They give up dndependence rather than risk public embarrassment.
By Janaan Manternach John the Baptizer sat in a damp, dark prison,' chained to the stone wall. He was, Jesus' cousin. Herod, the ruler of Galilee, had put John in prison. Herod feared John, a popular leader and a man close to God. Herod was also angry with John, who had told him bluntly, "It is not right for you to live with your brother's wife, Herodias." Turn to Page Thirteen
Second, those over 75 are likely to experience losses of vision and hearing. For the average 80-year-old, a highway sign is a blur from a distance of several hundred yards - the usual distance needed for maneuvering on an expressway. Twelve percent of the elderly experience hearing loss. English, with its high frequency of consonant sounds is par,ticularly diUicult for those whose hearing is impaired. Third, the elderly are likely ,to suffer personal losses spouses and siblings die or become disabled, adult children move away and peers are less available. A 105-year~0Id man told an ,intervdewer that when Turn to _Page Thirteen
The decision to place an elderly person in a long-term nursing facility should be gently and carefully arrived at.
A Verdade. E A Vida Dirlgida pelo Rev.' Edmond Rego
A Liturgia Dos Defuntos
o homem nao conhece, nem pode conhecer, neste,mundo, a felicidade total. Todos os dias ele se levanta com novos sonhos e novos projectos que, ao contacto com a realidade, se desfazem como espuma. No entanto, apesar de mil decep~oes, ve-se obrigado a contar com esperan~a para viver. Um hQmem sem esperan~a nao consegue manter-se de pee As esperan~as dos homens sao tao numerosas como os sonhos da sua imagina~ao. Mas ha, para alguns, uma esperan~a maior. A esperan~a crista e tao forte e esta de tal manei+a impressa no cora~ao daqueles que a possuem, que e capaz de desterrar todos os receios e todos os medos, ate mesmo 0 medo da propria morte. Cristo legou-nos urn pro' jecto esperan~ador, que e 0 fundamento da nossa alegria e da nossa amizade e a nossa razao de ser do nospoesfor~o neste mundo. Para vivermos nele, foi necessario fazer uma op~ao em rela~ao a Cristo. ' o marxismo inventou tambem urn projecto para os homens, mas esse projecto so dura para a vida presente e nao abrange 0 homem nas suas aspira~oes mais Intimas e profundas. ' . A esperan~a crista, pelo contrario deixa uma saIda airosa para 0 h9mem, a vida continua depois da morte. ~ esta certeza que faz avan~ar os homenS, e ela 0 elemento mais importante da caminhada, 0 sinal do progresso e da alegria de viver. Quando na vida acaba a esperan~a, come~a a morte. Ha no mundo muitas pessoas que perderam toda a esperan~~ e por isso se refugiam na droga, em formas de erotismo, etc; vao morrendo aos poucos. Acabara tudo com a morte? A nossa esperan~a e bern outra. 1 esmo sem nos reportarmos a Sagrada Escritura podemos afirmar que com a morte nem tUdo acaba. Aquele que morre fica bern presente na memoria doshomens, sobretudo,quando a sua honestidade, lealdade, bondpde e santidade foram notorias. Para os antigos, morrer significava desaparecer no Sheol, no hadesh, no inferno; morrer era 0 fim de tudo. Mas Cristo preocupou-Se com'os mortos,desceu a sua morada pertenceu ao nUmero dos mortos, desceu aos infernos, venceu a propria morte e ressuscitou. Libertou assim os homens da escravidao da morte e apontou-Ihes, urn novo caminho: 0 da Ressurrei~ao.' Ficou, assim, definitivamente ultrapassada a mentalidade daqueles que reduziam a morte ao esquecimento no hadesh ou sheol. Mesmo no Antigo Testamento', Deus aparece como 0 dador da vida. Mas e sobretudo no Novo que Ele, em Cristo, Se manifesta como Senhor da vida. Eu sou a vida, diz 0 S~nhor. Quem partilhar desta~vida, nao conhecera a morte. A vida em Cristo ultrpassa 0 tempo, a materia e todas as circumstancias da vida terre~a. Ela e sobrenatur~l. A liturgia, ao celebrar esta vida, manifesta tambem a uniao de toda a Igreja que comunga da vida de \J.>eus e a faz presente no momento da ceaebra~ao.
For children
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 6, 19'80
Herod's eyes and laughed. She Continued from page twelve' n¥$' Herodias was even angrier had trick(ld him into killing John at John. She wanted him killed the Baptizer. Montie Plumbing The party broke up immediatebut could find no way to make Heating Co. ly. Everyone was eager to get it happen'., , Over 35 Years out of the place where this terriThen one day she had her of Satisfied Service chance.' Herod was giving a , ble deed had taken place. Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Later John's disciples carried, great party, with rich food and JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. his body away and buried it. pl(nty of wine. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Its high point was a dance by Fall River 675·7496 Herodias' beautiful daughter. Herod was so carried away by the girl that he called -her over Continued from page twelve to him. "Ask anything you want larly and frequently and stayed and I will give it to you," Heon the backs of personnel. I'm rod told her. Then, before all the not sure I'd want somebody leaders of Galilee, Herod swore, "Even if' you ask for half of there who had no family to keep watch." Galilee, I will give it to you." Second, she added: "Mom was The girl could hardly believe lucky. she' had a son who is a her ears. She could not decide priest. Support of patients' sacwhat to ask for. So she ran out 679-5262 ramental lives always seems to of the room to her mother and be lacking.' I think that's true asked, "Mother, what shall I remore often than not." quest?" LEARY PRESS However, she noted, "Old-time Herodias smiled wickedly. This was her chance to get even with parishio~ers of the area were John the Baptizer. "My daugh- really supportive and dropped ter, ask for John the Baptizer's in from time to time. Visitation ,is a ministry that' parishes ~ head," she said. should,encourage." ,' The girl ran back to Herod. What' advice would you give WALL."b.:wALL Everyone was eager to hear what who must find a con' A COLLECTION OF HELPFUL FLOOR, she would ask. "I want you to families valescent-facility fOf a parent HINTS BY 'AL' GARANT give me the head of John the or relative? GAR ANT Baptizer on a platter," she said "Visit prospective places," SisFLOOR COVERING to Herod. There was a gasp ter Rosemary recommends. "Go 30 CRAWFORD ST. from the crowd. unannounced. Visit more than (Runs parallel 'to South Main behind Ray's Flowers) Herod looked coldly at the girl. He knew her mother was once and walk through at d i f - F A L L RIVER ferent times of day. See if pa". CARPETING • CONGOLEUM behind this, but everyone was • CERAMIC TILE • ARMSTRONG Nents are involved in, a,ctivities 674-5410 staring at him, waiting to see or at least sitting up. How does , • what he would do. Deep in his the staff -deal with patients? heart Herod respected John as Show up at mealtime and get a good and brave man. But he for had sworn an oath t9 give the' a feel for what kind of place the every occasion . .. "facility is. Talk to somebody girl whatever she wanted: He Baptisms sent an executioner to the prison who has had experience with ! rest homes, and try to get' firstBirthdays to carry out his order. hand 'information on places that Weddings To the horror of everyone, the interest you." Anniversaries executioner soon came back ~he also suggests checking Ordinations ' carrying John's head on a platConti rmations ter. It was presented to the policies: the latitude patients dancer. She was terrified and are given in furnishing and deFirst Communions corating their rooms with familquickly gave it to her mother. OPEN DAILY Herodias looked directly into iar objects; the availability of 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. phone seivice, ,the services con'sidered "extra coSts"; the procedures for storing patients' ,money and possessions. Continued from page'twelve "When we visited Mom, esShrine, he was 75 he lost his last friend. pecially during holidays, we Some elderly people need to would bring the whole dinnerPark Street - Route 118 be reminded to seek' competent salad, plates, silverware, tableAttleboro. Massachusetts medical care. For instance, while cloths, dessert, the whole ,thing," almost all older people will go she recalls. "That meant a lot to an oculist or ophthalmologist to her." when visual problems occur, many will buy inadequate hearing aids from door-to-door salesmen. Continued from page twelve Most elderly fear institution"Serving the Community alization. Yet there is more than in such situations which will a 33 per~ent chance ,this will respect the integrity of the .inSince 1873" happen at some point. Often, for valid, bls or her need for truly example, following hospitaliza- loving care. The whole parish Cities Service Petroleum tion for a serious illness or a community, the family of God, Products hip fracture, the doctor will re- can share in seeking a solution. Gasoline & Diesel Fuels It is amazing what can be accommend long-term care in an Fuel Oils complished by a truly active .institution. that flows from a deep relove Families can prepare for this Liquified Petroleum Gas by gentle, careful discussion of alization that all are God's chilStewart-Warner Winkler alternaltives available. The el- dren in a unique way. Heating &' Cooling derly person should be included Installations in all such dialogue. Family . members also should be familiar with nursing homes _and longWASHINGTON (NC) - The 24-Hour Burner Service term care facilities ,in the area. Supreme Court has refused to With careful consideration, hear an appeal of a lower court 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON the elderly can live out their ruling upholding a law permitAttleboro - No. Attl~boro days surrounded by the love and· ting use of federal funds to pay honor of their family and com- for remedial teaching in nonTaunton munity. I public schools. • ,." « ~
, Growing old
-fHITT L.a~ette
Appeal unheard
w. H.
Holy Family
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 6, 1980
New faculty members at New Bedford's Holy 'Family High are Miss Jane Kirby, teaching theology and psychology, coaching jayvee cheerleaders and moderating the freshman and sophomore folk groups; William Lacy, teaching Theology, music and performing arts and moderating the 'glee club and the HF Triple Trio; and Patrick Mercier, teaching chemistry and physical science. Parents of students attended two recent parents' nights at which co-curricular activities were explained and entertainment was offered by the glee and drama clubs. At ,the annual senior-faculty basket·ball game the faculty prevailed for the first time in years, with a score of 78-77. Outstanding faculty members were Mickey Gonsalves, Doug Beery' and Gary Brown, while student standouts included Brian Grace, James King and Colleen Taylor.
Bishop Stang The 1980-81 school year started off on the' "right foot" when some 600 runners participated in the annual Stang jogathon. Top prizewinner was Carol Arruda who earned a sailboat and $175 as high salesperson for the event. Other prizes included 20 record albums and cameras. The jogathon was part of a national project in which for .the second year Stang was named national champion. Also at the North Dartmouth school the annual homecoming program will be held Saturday, beginning at 9 a.m. with a Mass and breakfast and continuing with. pre-football game festiviNes, a game against DightonRehoboth High and a post-game coCktail party for alumni, parents and friend,s. The day will be climaxed with a dance, highlighted by presentation of the Homecoming Queen and her court. Maureen Sylvia and John Racine will be fea.tured in a Stang Drama Club prodiiction of "Our Town" at 8 p.m. Thursday through Sun day, Nov. 13 through,16. . In faculty news, Paul Gillis, chairman of the Social Studies department, has earned a law degree from the New England School of Law, while Sister Carol Jussaume, RSM, was awarded a master's degree in English last month at Boston . College.
Bishop Feehan Recent events at Bishop Feehan High' in Attleboro included a Halloween production of "Dracula" by the Theater Arts Club and a meeting of the Parents' Auxiliary., The latter's aim is to involve parents in academic, spiritual and social areas of school activities. Guidance department membets were hosts for .the annual regional College Night sponsored by the high schools of Greater Attleboro. Over 75 colleges sent representatives to the event, held in the Feehan cafeteria.
CONNOLLY WALKATHON participants check with faculty 'member at the end of
their 12-mile trek.
Connolly walkathon draws 600 Over 600 students and faculty members at Bishop Connolly High'School, Fall River, participated in a 12-mile walkathon on Cougar Spirit Day last Friday. .
dents. It was organized by Stu-' dent Government, which will follow up with a semi-formal Ring Dance at the end of this month.
The day began with a liturgy and concluded with a program of field events, including volleyball, soccer and basketball. Prizes 'were awarded this week to outstanding participants. A Rocktoberfesl dance held last' week in the school gym drew . attendance . of 500 stu-
Connolly mathematicians emerged victorious from the first meeting of the Greater Boston Math. League, held. at Braintree High. Keith Paquette was overall high scorer with a total of 15 . points. Earlier Connolly had outscored 19 schools at the South-
By Charlie Martin
KADE LYONS, 10, and ..i~
Shane Hankins, 12, are among youngsters featured on "The Body Human: The Facts for Boys," airing tonight on CBS.
Deep in the night you ~now that you'll find the day In the day you know that you'll find the way. An old friend told me that you just ran out of chances One too many dances .. Down the narrow street of time. Remember how we faced the world like two tramps shining Please don't let the magic ever end Don't forget what we learned living on the wind. No night so long that you can't find the day No day so wrong that you can't findyour way Call on me like you used to do I stUi can show you who you are. That day the long and dusty road had us both crying We used up oUr last joke Just to try and smile again And 'only now I find rknow what we were learning Though it's dark and you have traveled far Ev'ry long night gives you one bright shining star. No night so long that you can't find the day No day so wrong that you can't find your way Call on me like you used to do . I still can show you who you are. Sung by Dionpe Warwick,
by Richard Kerr and
Jennings, ©1980 by Irving Music Inc.
eastern Conference Math Meet, with Steve Brown, Brian Lebeau Stan Pensack and Ed Ramsden turning in perfect scores of 18. Vocations Awareness Week this week saw priests, brothers and sisters visiting Connolly religion classes to share their feelings about religious life. In the planning is the annual Thanksgiving .drive, directed by Brother Louis St. Pierre, FIC, with the goal of providing holiday baskets to some 50 ne~dy ,area families.
HAVE YOU EVER. felt lost, uncer.tain where to turn? I suspect that any of us could answer ."yes" to such a question. Life rarely proceeds with certainty or without setbacks. But Dionne Warwick's latest hit provides an answer. We should turn .to friends. In a powerful way, the song tells how important friendship can be. All of us have moments when we lose sight of our own value. We wonder if any contribution of value can come from us. True friends mirror back to us the gifts they find in us. Their power. to affirm us brings· healing and new life. For when we are able to focus again on our value and dignity, we are also empowered to help others. Sometimes society creates standards we find impossible to meet. We've failed'. a course, we're left out of a group, we're losing a job. ,Friends help us discover that our real dignity flows from who we are and not from what· we accomplish. We should not forget that Jesus can be a true friend. Jesus has known everY moment of brokenness'that we could know. He lived with loneliness, uncertainty about the future, even with the rejection of close friends. He understands our dark times because he lived with such times himself.
Juniors received class rings at a trllditional ceremony' including a Mass, a ring blessing cere· mony and a buffet meal hosted by the senior class.
CoyIe-Cassidy Sister Patricia Deasy, SUSC, assistant director of Catholic Charities for the New York archdiocese, spoke on leadership at recent student council installation ceremonies at the Taunton Catholic high school. She reminded the student leaders of the importance of acting on conviction and modeling themselves on good mentors. The council will sponsor a film and discussion on teenage alcoholism at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13. Students and parents are welcome and refreshments will be- served. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to use a Taunton High School computerized career information system and may ·set up appointments through the C-C guidance office. A friend has donated funds to construct a fence along the front sidewalk of the school. Now shrubs and possibly woodchips are sought to l;mdscape the fence area.
~ ..
~ '. LOt " YO,AJA tfQCe
SISTER PA1;'RICIA addressing C-C ·students. (Tabak Photo)
By Bill Morrissette
porlswatch .Sp~rtanettes The 'Bishop Stang High School Division One Southeastern Mass. field hockey team, coached by Terry Dougall, has clinched the Conference championship. The -undefeated Spartanettes
Win Crown' 7-0-3 (won, lost, tied) in conference play and 10-0-3 overall will now participate in the. state championship competition which opens Safurday~
Coyle-Cassidy In· First Win The Warriors of Coyle~Cas- ,the pace in that division. Bourne sidy High School posted their "and Old Rochester, each with first football victory of the sea- five wins and one loss, meet son last Saturday as they de- next Saturday in Bourne. Somfeated 'another diocesan high erset, the pace-setter in Division school, Stang, 3~-0, in a Division B with a 4-0-tr record pinned a C - sometimes known' a's Di- 27-8 setback on Stoughton in a vision Three - game at Hope- non-league game. With a 31-7 victory over the well Park in Taunton. "Boo ,Boo" Perry, who had not Durfee High Hilltoppers, the scored' touchdown in his tw~ Taunton High Tigers clinched year varsity career at' Coyle- --- the Division A crown. The Cassidy, put on a spectacular Tigers are 5-0 in division play, show accounting for all five 7-0 overall. / Warrior ,touchdowns. He scored It was announced last week on runs of 23, 2, 3, 50 and 1 thwt the Division A championyard. Chris Leary kicked the ship be determined by the outconversion point on four of the come of games against teams touchdowris. in that diviSion plus the showing !Also in Division C play last of ,teams in Division A against Saturday, the Case High Car- assigned opponents from Divisdinals defeated Bishop Feehan ion A, the so-called "Super DiHigh's Shamrocks, 25-13, Ware- vision." ham topped Dighton-Rehoboth, Against A opponents Taunton 20-7, and Old Rochester rolled is 3-0. Including the B teams it over Bourne, 39-16. is 5-0 wtth only one more game Wareham, undefeated and un- - against Fairhaven - - that tied in five outings, is setting counts for the Division crown.
Canton First Hockomock Soccer Champion Canton High School has become the Hockomock Soccer League's first champion. In a. first-place tie with Franklin, each with only one loss in nine starts, Canton clinched the title with a win over King Philip as Franklin was held to a tie by No. Attleboro on the season's final card on Oct. 28. Canton also gained undisputed possession of first place in the Hockomock Football League with a 22-21 squeaker over No. Attleboro last Saturday. It was the first loss of the season for No. Attleboro, now 5-1-0 and
trailing Canton, undefeated and untied in five~utings. ,Defending champion New Bedford blanked Rochester, 5-0, in the Driscoll' Rink, Fall River, last Sunday night and climbed into a first-place tie with Fall River South in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League. In another league encounter .third place Somerset defeated as-yet winless East ,Bay, 4-1. Next Sunday night's games in the Driscoll Rink have Rochester vs. Fall River South at 9 o'clock, Somerset vs. New Bedford at 10. East Bay has the bye.
New Record at Holy Family !Alex Carvalho, a center for" ward on the soccer team at Holy Family, New Bedford, has set new offensive records for his school, scoring 14 'goals and three assists with' one game yet to !be played. He set a single game record of four goals and one assist in a
7-3 victory over New Bedford Regional Vocational Tech. His goal-a-game scoring has led HF to a second place final in the Southeastern Mass. Conference Small School East Division and to one of its finest soccer seasons ever.
NCAN elections RACINE, Wis. (NC) - The National Coalition of American Nuns has elected Dominican Sister Donna Quinn president arid Loretto Sister Ann Patrick Ware vice president. Sister Quinn, a native of Chicago, is a staff member of the Chicago-based 8th Day Center for Justice and coordinator
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 6, 1980
of women of the Church Coalition, a national coalition of 20 women's groups. Sister Ware has just completed 12 years with the National Council of Churches' Faith and Order Division. NCAN numbers several thousand U.S. nuns dedicated to human rights and social justice issues. .
tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate clas~lfication (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!: C-condemned.
'New Films ''The First Deadly Sin" (Filmways) is the story of a police detective (well played by Frank Sinatra) seeking a mad killer in New York City. During the quest the detective's wife (Faye Dunaway) is dying in a hospital. There is unnecessary violence but the characterizations are marvelously realized, supporting the film's theme that decency, friendship ,and faith are viable values. Because of its violence and moral problems posed by the hero's willingness to take the law into his own hands, this film is classified R, A3. "The Stunt Man" (Fox): A young man fleeing from the law (Steve Railsback) comes under the spell of an unscrupulous director ~Peter O'Toole) in this attempt to turn the process of moviemaking into a' metaphor for life. Despite a fine performance by O'Toole and good photography, the movie drags when its flimsy sustaining idea gives out and it becomes repetitious. Because of its graphic nudity and sexuality, especially in view of its inconsequential theme, it has been classified R, B"Fade to' Black" (American Qinema): A frustrated young man (Dennis Christopher) es, capes reality in a dream world nourished by fantasies from the movies. Sordid atmosphere and violence warrant Rand B ratings for this film. "'Loving Couples" (Fox): This comedy about mate swapping, featuring James Coburn, Shirley MacLaine, Susan Sarandon and Stephen Collins, is only intermittently funny. Its implication that swapping can benefit' marriages earned it PG and B ratings. "Motel Hell" (United Artists): Making smoked meat out of humans whose vocal cords have been cut while being fattened before butchering is the subject of this grisly horror film. iBecause of graphic violence and nudity, it has been classified R, C.
mob life. Parts II and HI air Friday, Nov. 14, and Saturday, Nov. 15, at 9-11 p.m. A3 Thursday, Nov. 13, 8:30-11 p.m. (CBS) - "Rocky" (1976)The immensely popular hit about a nobody who gets a shot at the heavyweight crown is solid entertainment, but the graphic violence of the fight scenes make it matUre' ,'viewing fare. A3 Sunday, Nov. 9, 8-10 p.m. (CBS) - "All the President's Men" (1976) - The story of ,the Watergate investigation by two Was h i n g ton Post reporters (played by Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford). The adult rating was based upon the realistic coarse language of the film. A3 On 1V ·Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday, repeated at 6:30 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, includes Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services, as one' of a permanent, discUssion panel of clergymen. This week's topic is "One World: Ecumenism and the UN." "For Our Times," Sun., Nov. 9, 10:30 a.m. (CBS) is a study of how young people formulate their v-iews on draft registration. . Featured are Greater Boston and Emory University students 3S well as Atlanta high schoolers. "Stoned," Wed., Nov., 12, 4:30-5:30 p.m. (ABC) is the story of a lonely youth pressured by classmates into trying marijuana. An After-School Special. "PM Magazine", Wed., Nov. 12, Group W stations, shows Pope John ·Paul II meeting pilgrims at a general audience. On Thursday, Nov. 13 a segment of the same program will deal with a Swiss Guard captain and his Chicago-born wife whose daughter was the first baby baptized by John 'Paul as pope. "Send Forth Spirit", Mondays, 9:30 a.m., Channel 27. A series of programs on various aspects of the charismatic renewal. Monday, Nov. 10's program will deal with healing and the following weeks ,will offer a visit to the campus of a charismatic institution, the College of Steubenville and a series, of testimoI)ies from charismatics.
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Gabriel goes . to Cronlci.te
INDIANAPOLIS (NC) -CBS News anchorman 'WaIter Cronkite has been named recipient of the 1980 Gabriel" Personal Achievement Award from UNDAUSA, the national association of Catholic broadcasters and allied communicators. Films on 1V CronkJite was oited for offerThursday, Nov. 13, 9-11 p.m. ing .inspiration and challenge to )(NBC)-"The Godfather" (1972) the broadcasting community. - Fra'ncis iFord Coppola's movie Two TV stations, KING Teleand sequel tell the story of a mob's rise, near fall and resur- vision of Seattle and WNAC Tel'gence in the murderous world evision of Boton, will receive of New York racketeering. Even Gabriels for overall high quality, somewhat sanitized, the film is creative programming. Other local broadcasting Gafor non-squeamish adults. Mur-' deI'S are plentiful and gruesome briels will go to WCVB-TV, Bosand' little .is spared in detailing ton, and WEEI·FM, Boston.
(Rt. 95 South· Airport Ellt)
IDEAL LAUMDRY 373 New Bosto" Road Fall River 678·5677
THe ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 6, 1980
'leerIng pOlnll ST. JOSEPH,
The Parish Council will meet at 8 tonight.
in churches of the diocese will
Prayers will be recited by Men's Club, members prior' to 5:15' p.m. Mass today for success of the We Care/We Share program.
A five-hour vigil held 'monthly .take place from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow at Immaculate Conception Church, Bay Street, Taunton. The service will begin and end with Mass and will in,clude a holy hour and recited rosary. There will be a 10 p.m. coffee break. All are welcome.
, FAIRHAVEN NEW BEDFORD A blood bank will be held in Mass will be $aid at 7 p.m. LA SALETTE SHRINE, Monday for' deceased Women's the church hall from 8:30 a.m. to SACRED HEARTS, AITLEBORO Guild members. A guild busi- 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16. FAIRHAVEN Rev. Richard Lavoie, assistant The folk group rehearses at 7 ness meeting and lecture on Exposition of ,the Blessed Sac- 'director of La Salette Novitiate, tourism by Barry Darwell will 'p.m. each Thursday in the rectory basement. New members rament will take place all day Pawtucket, RI., will conduct the follow in the parish center. from age 12 up are welcome. tomorrow, beginning at 9 a.m. last 1980 healing service at 7 , OUR LADY OF GRACE, Male voices and guitarists or -and concluding at 8:45 p.m. p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12, at La WES'f.PORT players of other suitable in- with Benediction. The devotion Salette Shrine. Services wili reThe pubJ.i<; is invited to the' struments are especially needed. is sponsored by the Committee sume in January. second in a series of adult edu- Those interested may call' Deb- of 'the .Adorers of the Blessed ST. ANNE, Sacrament. cation lectures, to be held at bie Osuch, 994-3405. FALL RlVEiR 7 p.m. ·Sunday -in the parish ST. LOUIS FRATERNItY, The iBlessed Sacrament will center, 569 Sanford Road. Rev. ST. MARY, ' SECULAR FRANCISCANS be exposed following 11:30 a.m. Joseph Lennon, OP, will speak NEW BEDFORD Members of St. Louis Fratern- Mass tomorrow and an hour of on Crises in Education and How Parish ,students attendirrg Bis- ity will attend Mass and a fol- adoration will be held from 2 to to D~al with Them. hop Stang High School will meet lowing meeting at 6:30 p.m. 3 p.m. DOMINICAN LAITY, tomorrow at the school with Wednesday, Nov. 12 at St. Louis In connection with We Carel FALLL RIVER Rev. John 'F. Moore, pastor. Church, ,Fall River. All are wel- We Share, parish children will ,Parents of kindergaiteners come. participate in a Christmas Tertiaries will meet at 1:30 pageant at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. p.m. Monday, Nov. 10 at St. will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday .in the school with Father Moore. BLUE ARMY, 21. Anne's rectory, Fall River, a The school board will meet at FALL RIVER D1OCE§E Parents of first communicants change from the usual meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12. The tBlue Army of Our Lady will meet at 7:30 tonight in the on the third, Monday of the The Couples' Club will meet ' of Fatima will meet at 2:30 p.m. school cafeteria. month. Mass will precede a ses- at 8 p.m. Sunday in the rectory Sunday at Our Lady of Fatima ST. STANISLAUS, sion in the rectory assembly basement. New members are Church, 4254 Acushnet Ave., FALL RIVER welcome. New Bedford. room. . A Christian Living session for children in public 'schools and their parents will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 16. Those children will rehearse for the upcoming parish pageant at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. The pageant, "Light Shining , in Darkness," will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 30 in Durfee High School auditorium. It will mark the 75th anniversary of the parish school and the mortFor The ,Benefit Of The Exceptional And Underprivileged gage-burning on the· grottoChildren Of Every Race, Color And 'Creed grounds project.
Twenty-Sixth Annual
Bishop's Charity Ball DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER
Third Order melooers will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14 at Rose Hawthorne, Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay St., Fall River.
Norris H. Tripp .
253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222
SEVEN CATEGORIES IN MEMORIAM· 4 TIckets· Admit 8· $200.00 or more , VERY SPECIAL FRIEND - 4 Tickets - Admit 8 $150.00 or more &UARANTOR - 3 Tickets - Admit 6 $100.00
BENEFACTOR· 2 Tickets· Admit 4 - $100.00 (box holder) BOOSTER • 2 Tickets - Admit 4 - $75.00 SPONSOR - 1 Ticket· Admit 2 • $50.00 PATRON -1 Ticket· Admit 2 - $25.00
GENERAL ADMISSION - 1 TICKET $10.00 - ADMIT 2 AVAILABLE AT ANY RECTORY IN THE DIOCESE , DEADLINE FOR NAMES IN SOUVENIR BOOKLET IS DECEMBER 30, 1980 Contact any member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of Catholic Women, Bishop's Ball Committee or call or mail name for one of these categories to:
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We Care/We Share captains will meet at 7:30 tonight in the· rectory and a home visitors' meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17. Deceased members of the Women's Guild will be remembered at 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. ST. PIUS X,
soum YARMOum The Women's Guild will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11 in the church hall. Dr. Irving Bauer will speak on "Adjustin? to Later Years." ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD Volunteers are needed for the home visitation phase of We Care/We Share, and are asked to contact ,the rectory. Altar boys will meet at 3:30 p.m. today. Robes should be brought.. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET
Parents of confirmation candidates will meet at 6 p.m. Sunday in the parish center. Miss Elizabeth Camara will be the parish presentee for the Bishop's Ball. The church will open from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. each Monday to provide parishioners with the opportunity to offer special prayers for We Care/We Share and for intentions of community members. The Circle of Love intercessory group will meet in the ceo center following 7 p.m. Mass Thursday, Nov. 13. ST. MARY, SEEKONK
CCD office hours h~ve been scheduled for 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. A parish renewal week previously announced has' been rescheduled to begin Saturday, Dec. 6. Vincentians will meet following 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. SS. PETER AND PAUL,
FALL RIVER The prayer, committee will lead recitation of the rosary at 3:45 p.m. each Saturday for success of We Care/We Share. A retreat for confirmation candidates will be held this week-' end. Edward Tyrrell is chairman of a nominating committee to present candidates to fill four parish council vacancies. Elections . will take place the weekend of Dec. 20. FIRST FRIDAY.CLUB, FALL RIVER
Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan chancellor, will speak at tomorrow's supper meeting, to will foIlow 6 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET· An organizational meeting
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for We CarelWe Share wiIl be held Wednesday at the parish center. All' wishing to volunteer for this program are asked to attend. CCD teachers are still needed for fourth and fifth grades. Volunteers may contact Mrs. Du-Berger, 563-5536.,